[CTRL] Fw: Energy police

2001-02-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 7:51 PM
Subject: Energy police

> If there is anything to be learned from the history of
> governments, it is that they all started out, little by
little, creating
> situations to justify their involvement in alledged
"solutions." This is
> followed by the creation of more and more layers of
police-state laws,
> rules, licenses, permits and regulations with the eventual
goal being to
> take away ALL of the liberties of the people and enslave
them.  And, it
> should be noted, ALL governments have supposedly "good"
reasons for the
> new
> laws, permits and other tools of tyranny.
> One can point to the "creation" of the massive crime waves
and the
> growth
> of the mobs early in the last century to the government's
> booze.  Prohibition not only made super millionaires out
of the likes of
> Joe Kennedy and many others; it was used as an excuse for
a whole slew
> of
> new laws, supposedly enacted on the behalf of the people,
but in
> reality,
> on behalf of the growth of the socialist state and big
> One of the most dangerous laws was the landmark
infringement of the
> Second
> Amendment with the passing of the first antigun bill,
requiring that
> owners
> / purchasers of automatic weapons must purchase a permit
from, (read
> register with) the government.  That law was supposed to
force Al
> Capone,
> Baby-Face Nelson, Bonnie and Clyde, and a whole slew of
other mob thugs
> of
> the time to race to their nearest Treasury Department
Office to buy a
> permit for their "Tommy" guns so they could be arrested.
> Hello, out there!  Does anyone know of a single incident
in history
> where
> the crook has gone to the government to register a
> Though the law was worthless with respect to reducing
crime or the use
> of
> automatic weapons by crooks, it did serve the purpose of
> government
> more control and power over the people and, of course,
forcing a major
> crack in the Second Amendment.
> OK...  nuff said on that subject.
> Last night, Governor Gray (RED) Davis of California was
featured on the
> evening news, announcing his executive orders to combat
our State of
> California-created energy crisis.  Was it to restore the
status quo by
> forcing the purchasers of the power plants in California
to sell them
> back
> to the power generating companies; which were forced by
the State of
> California to sell them in the first place?  Not hardly.
> What Red Davis has announced is a new bureaucracy to
determine what
> lights
> you and I "need" versus what lights we do not "need." This
applies in
> spades to businesses and industry.
> Under the new, Socialist, "Davis" plan, the governor is
setting up
> "Energy
> Police" operations.  According to the governor, guidelines
will be drawn
> up
> over the next week or so and sent out to all police
agencies in the
> state;
> whereby the police will be empowered to determine if you
or I are
> burning
> lights that we do not need and issue tickets (only a puny
$1,000 fine
> for
> each ticket) to the evil users of light.
> The more I've been reading up on this fiasco, the more it
stinks to high
> heaven.  Pardon my paranoia, if I dare to suggest that
this whole energy
> crisis situation appears now to have been a carefully
crafted plan to
> destroy the privately owned utilities in such a way that
the State and
> Federal Governments could get into the act, seize power
> natural
> gas transmission facilities, etc., and further increase
the government's
> stranglehold on us as another step towards the NWO / One
> Government
> Socialist Police State.
> A year ago, if anyone in California were asked if they
thought a
> police-state energy saving policy would eventually be put
in place in
> California, the answer would have been a resounding "NO
> WAKE UP, AMERICA.as CA goes, so will go the nation.
> As a former Electrical Superintendent and Plant Engineer
in industry, I
> can
> tell you that the State of California's energy policy,
with respect to
> lighting, is a total disaster; designed and run by idiots.
> As the ranch resident lamp lighter, I'm going to write up
a special
> report
> on good energy policy versus the State of California's
> nonsense.  I'll also write up some valuable information
for consumers so
> that they can easily determine their own cost of lighting
and ways to
> save
> both energy and money.
> Remember that CA has been the "proving grounds" for many
decades for the
> Communist Party USA and the socialist fellow travelers.
The first major
> riot in a university occurred at U.  of CA Berkeley.  The
first major
> riot
> in a city was the Communist Party planned and orchestrated
Watts Riot of
> 1965.
> California is the blueprint prototype for the
socialist-police state one
> world government that is fast becoming a reality.
> For years, we have heard a small but very 

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

2001-02-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

What a lovely fairy tale you have concocted concerning
slavery in the northern states!  Reread my sentence, too. I
said they EITHER gave them letters of freedom OR just dumped
them. meaning sold them in the South in an especially timely
manner, only when it was evident they were going to be freed
anyway.  Ditto those letters of freedom--only after it was
imminent anyway.  Hardly the magnanimous gesture you attempt
to fabricate. If my sentence makes no sense to you, it is
your reading deficiency as it is perfectly clear what I have
stated.  You often use the "no sense" tactic when you do not
like what you are reading.  There were not that many states
admitted in the Missouri Compromise and they were Midwestern
with low populations at the time. I have personally seen a
slave auction house in Illinois. New England where you live
is where the most slaves were.  Talk about your revisionist
history!  Southern slaves were often given letters of
freedom also and many did not leave their original homes
even after receiving their letters.  It had become
economically unfeasible in the South to maintain large slave
populations on individual farms and would have been
eliminated anyway but Lincoln wanted the credit, so it
became a pretext..And "freeing" them with no means to
provide for themselves was not the best way this could have
been handled.  The factories of New England wanted the adult
slaves to replace the children they were using as slaves in
their factories without the expense of having the cradle to
grave responsibility of slaves. Here was their chance to
have former slaves without having any investment in them.
They paid them a sub-slave wage and hoped to lure them there
with false promises to work in their factories instead of
the children they employed at the time.
I always wonder why so many Blacks stay in the evil South.
One would think they would escape by any means.  The latest
census confirms that since 1970 they have been returning in
large numbers now that there are jobs in the area. Of course
NAFTA has eliminated lots of those. But I cannot help but
wonder why they stayed right after TWBTS in such large
numbers. They could have all left the region and come to
live in the Northeast but most did not and stayed.  The
treatment and conditions varied greatly from situation to
situation in the South also and there was no standard just
as there was no standard for the way people were treated
within families. And yes, that is exactly what I am saying,
that whites shared what food they had with blacks for whom
they were responsible.  That is well documented and you are
the first person I have ever heard claim otherwise. But you
fabricate a nice story. And it is a way to project the
national guilt onto one section instead of all guilty
parties facing up to their own participation in a system
that was morally wrong.  How convenient!

- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

> -Caveat Lector-
> From: "Amelia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Well, the Southern states were not the only states where
> > institution of slavery was practiced. I believe all
> > had it prior to TWBTS, some a few years back from that
> > time/event.
> No, that is wrong.  Free states admitted under the Missori
Compromise never allowed slavery within their
> borders...
> And those northern states that had at one time had slavery
had outlawed it long before the war.  Also, in
> northern states slavery had been utilized in a much
different manner than in the south...in the north, a slave
> could redeem him or herself, either by buying their
freedom (if they were lucky enough to be able to save
> enough), or by serving as a slave for a set period of
time; I believe this varied from state to state, but was
> usually from 7 to 12 years.  At the end of their term of
service, the slave was ruled to have redeemed his or
> her worth and was then set free.
> In many northern states, slave owners were also required
to pay their slaves wages, albeit much lower wages
> than required of a free man or woman...
> > They cleverly sold theirs into the South just
> > prior to the outbreak of the war. Some gave them letters
> > freedom but many just "dumped" them right before the
> > outbreak of conflict.
> This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  If these
imaginary northern slaveowners gave their slaves letters
> of freedom, that can hardly be considered 'dumping' them.
And if these imaginary slaves had letters of
> freedom, how could they be sold into slavery in the south?
> > Also, remember the Emmmancipation
> > Proclamation was not signed until 1864, after a state of
> > general starvation existed in the South.  Then the
> > were freed with no way to feed themselves, etc. other
> > trying to take from people who were already

[CTRL] As the president eats, so eats Washington

2001-02-05 Thread Agent Starling

As the president eats, so eats Washington 

By DANTE CHINNI, Christian Science Monitor 
WASHINGTON (February 6, 2001 12:01 a.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) - If the 
nation's cattle knew enough to lift their heads from the clover and sniff the 
political winds, they'd be trembling by now. They are, you see, back in culinary 
vogue here in Washington -- meaning the power-brokering that goes on in 
restaurants across town is increasingly likely to occur over a plate of rib-eye. 

So far, the shift is a subtle one. But then again, George W. Bush -- whose 
affinity for his home state of Texas seems to extend to that state's cuisine - 
has been in the White House only a few weeks. But history shows that where the 
city's food culture is concerned, a change in the Oval Office is the biggest 
change of all. 
While Bush has kept a low profile mealwise, those watching the new 
foodscape can count on one rule: The party in power sets the table. 
"Republicans tend to eat more beef, and Democrats tend to eat more 
free-range chicken," says Sally Quinn, doyenne of the Washington party scene. 
Now that the GOP controls all three branches of government, the implications for 
all those cattle are, well, you know. 
In this town, that's no small thing. For most Washingtonians, food is much 
more than simple nourishment.
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[CTRL] Extreme Science

2001-02-05 Thread Agent Starling


  Extreme Science
  What if Researchers Duked Out Their Ideas on 
  TV?CommentaryBy Nicholas 
  Feb 5 — Here’s an idea for 
  a let-it-all-hang-out network TV show that would make the new XFL seem 
  downright boring and tired. Let’s simply call it “XS,” for “Extreme 
  1: Mad Cow Disease   Week 
  2: AIDS   Week 
  3: Alzheimer's Disease  



  Mainstream scientists and doctors who cling to cherished 
  beliefs about how things work would be “screened” and “reviewed” by those 
  on the outer edge holding new and challenging views. This would be 
  a no-mercy “debate,” featuring any sort of name-calling and perhaps even 
  kicking and screaming. 
  XS would reveal how science is rife with the type of back-stabbing and 
  conflicts of interest that rule the manner in which so-called “knowledge” 
  is spread. 
  Unlike in the daily world of science where the “Established View” 
  dominates and works tirelessly with duped media to censor the competition, 
  those on the outer edge of science would now have the full opportunity to 
  present their views and stir things up, without fear of immediate 
  retaliation, such as losing access to research funds and having their 
  academic employment terminated. 
  Of course, those holding mainstream scientific views would also be 
  encouraged to feel guilt-free in publicly trashing the ideas of their 
  Each team would have an on-air support/research staff of near-naked 
  “assistants.” Armed guards would be on hand to prevent extra extreme 
  XS would focus on a single topic each week. Here are three “debates” 
  that would head my list: 
  As fears about mad cow disease spread across continents, including 
  North America, scientists on the “outer edge” would love to take a strong 
  public poke at current theory about what causes the disease. 
  The conventional wisdom is that the culprit is a rogue protein called a 
  “prion.” It has been found in brain tissue in people affected by the human 
  form of the disease. So? 
  Have the prion researchers jumped the gun? Being there in tissue 
  doesn’t necessarily mean it does anything. Some “outer edge” scientists 
  think the scientific world is becoming infused with prion nonsense. Some 
  believe that a microorganism, possibly bacteria, may trigger the disease 
  process. Others believe that certain toxic chemicals used in farming may 
  contribute to a prion attack. 
  Week 2: AIDS 
  Government scientists who have ferociously championed the prescription 
  of highly toxic AIDS cocktails to HIV-positive people with relatively 
  intact immune systems and no sign of symptoms would be “reviewed” by 
  scientists who have referred to this practice as lacking scientific basis, 
  downright stupid and, in some cases, murderous. 
  The “debate” peg would be the recent flip-flop on AIDS treatments by 
  the government scientists who now claim that mostly only those whose 
  immune systems have been damaged should receive these drugs. The “outer 
  edge” scientists and doctors would hammer home questions to the government 
  scientists about the near half-decade of unnecessary suffering experienced 
  by many thousands of people due to the widespread hype surrounding the 
  need to prescribe these toxic drugs to anyone who solely turned up 
  I see this particular “debate” as possibly requiring an extra unit of 
  armed guards to prevent extreme hostilities, given the long history of 
  tensions surrounding this issue. 
  WEEK 3: 
  Is Alzheimer’s disease really triggered by insoluble lumps of amyloid 
  protein that accumulate on nerve cells in the brain? And does this 
  accumulation lead to the build-up of thread-like protein, referred to as 
  “tangles?” Well, that’s the hallowed mainstream view that has dominated 
  research and funding for years. 
  This “debate” would feature those well-funded mainstream scientists who 
  won’t budge an iota on this issue. The “outer-edge” scientists and doctors 
  who have serious questions about this theory would “review” the 
  conventional science and also point to recent research, including a study 
  with chimps, gorillas and orangutans - that shows no signs of tangles in 
  the presence of amyloid deposits in the brain. Furthermore, a study with 
  100 patients who died of dementia showed very few had brain plaques. 
  Perhaps Alzheimer’s causation needs some re-thinking. I’m sure the 
  “debate” would make t

[CTRL] Many young gays may ignore safe-sex message

2001-02-05 Thread Agent Starling

Many young gays may ignore safe-sex message 
   One in three black homosexual males in major cities has 
HIV, federal study finds By Charlene LainoMSNBC 
    CHICAGO, Feb. 5 —  Nearly one in three young 
gay black men in major U.S. cities is infected with HIV, according to a 
troubling new government study that suggests homosexuals may be becoming 
increasingly dismissive of messages to practice safe sex. 
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[CTRL] Iowa eatery urged to free 'Wally Gator'

2001-02-05 Thread Agent Starling

Iowa eatery urged to free 
  'Wally Gator' 

The Associated Press 
BURLINGTON, Iowa (February 6, 2001 12:13 a.m. 
EST http://www.nandotimes.com) - For years, Gator's 
Restaurant and Lounge has had a reptilian mascot on display in a large glass 
tank by the cash register. 
But Amy Rhodes has complained to the restaurant that it is cruel to keep 
Wally Gator penned up. 
Rhodes, of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, wrote to the 
restaurant Friday saying Wally should be sent to a sanctuary where he can live 
among his own kind. 
Rhodes' organization said restaurant patrons had complained about Wally's 
"Nobody has said anything to me in 12 1/2 years," said restaurant owner Wally 
Day, for whom the toothy 2-foot reptile is named. 
Rhodes' letter said alligators can live to be 50 years old and are 
"incredibly intelligent and sensitive animals." 
Day said Wally isn't even an alligator. He's a dwarf caiman, a member of the 
crocodile family, and he was purchased from a pet store. 
"If I'm in trouble with one caiman, then the pet store must really be in deep 
trouble," Day said. 
Professionals come in regularly to bathe Wally and check his condition. They 
also clean his new 6-foot tank, Day said. "He's got his own heat rock and 
everything. He seems happy - really happy." 
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[CTRL] Three students arrested in plot to attack Kansas school

2001-02-05 Thread Agent Starling

Three students arrested in plot to attack Kansas 

February 5, 2001Web posted at: 9:32 p.m. EST 
(0232 GMT)
HOYT, Kansas (CNN) -- Three students have been arrested in 
connection with a plan to carry out a Columbine-style attack on Royal Valley 
High School, the Jackson County Sheriff's Office said Monday. 
Richard Bradley, Jr., 18, and two juveniles, ages 16 and 17, 
were charged with conspiracy to commit murder and conspiring to criminally use 
explosives, the statement said. They were students at the school. 
Officials searched two of the suspects' houses and seized a 
hand-drawn floor plan of the school indicating "strategic locations throughout 
the school," firearms, ammunition, a book and computer disks containing 
instructions on how to make and set off explosives, a statement from the 
sheriff's office said. Also seized was white supremacy paraphernalia, it said. 

A sheriff's spokeswoman said the plot was uncovered last week, 
when a student overheard two of the youths talking about their plan. She took 
that information to the principal, who told the school's security officer, a 
deputy with the sheriff's office. 
The teen-agers had not set a date to carry out their plan, but 
had discussed having it coincide with a major school event, such as the prom, 
the spokeswoman said. 
In the 1999 Columbine High School massacre in Littleton, 
Colorado, two teen-age gunmen killed 13 students and faculty members before 
killing themselves. 
"They wasn't like outcasts or anything," she told a local 
television reporter. "Everybody at this school is friends with everybody. You 
wouldn't think that somebody like that would be prone to do that. They were all 
everybody's friend." 
But the threat carried the potential for harm, said school 
superintendent Marceta Reilly. "It's always the balance between 'Is this just a 
hoax or a prank or is this this something serious?' But in this case it turned 
out to be serious." 
Reilly credited a crisis plan put into place after the 1999 
attack at Columbine High School in Colorado that left 15 people dead, including 
the two teenage gunmen. 
The plan included setting up the school help line that received 
the anonymous tip and hiring the school resource officer, she said, adding that 
the arrests show the system worked. "I think our schools are very safe; I think 
they're safer than they ever have been, because we do take things seriously," 
she said. "We do have programs and procedures in place that help us make the 
school a safe place for our kids." 
But Diane Traicoff, the parent of a student at the school, said 
her daughter was not convinced. "At this point, she's so very upset, she doesn't 
want to return to school; she'd rather do home schooling." 
Classes for the school's 275 students will be held Tuesday as 
scheduled, Holloman said. Most of the planning for the attack occurred off 
school property, he said. 
"We're just a quiet community," said Holloman, who has served as 
principal for eight years. "We've got a good school and good kids." 
Last week, police in San Jose, California, arrested a 
19-year-old student, Al DeGuzman, who allegedly planned a killing spree at his 
college campus. 
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[CTRL] [radtimes] # 147

2001-02-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 147

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes--> (See ** at end.)

--Big Brother goes global
--Panel urges better security at Defense agencies
--Nice doesn't cut it in the face of the rabid Right
--Manifest of Anti-capitalist Youth
--Waging War on Dissent (NLG Report)
--Hackers become more militant
--ELF Making Good on Threat
--Cloning Reality: Brave New World here we come


Big Brother goes global

By John W. Whitehead

The Internet, like no other technology in history, is truly a global medium..
In a way that was only dreamed of 10 years ago, communication is now
possible from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world. But criminals
have latched onto this global presence, too, creating viruses that wreak
havoc on hard drives from Moscow to Malaysia to Minnesota.

With the birth of the global criminal, it was inevitable that there would be
a global response. That time has come. A group known as the Council of
Europe has drafted an international treaty on cybercrime, which could go
into effect as early as this summer. The Council, made up of 41 nations, has
worked on the treaty since 1997, although recent global viruses lent urgency
to its proceedings.

The problem is that in its eagerness to lay a snare for the global
cyber-criminal, the treaty has trapped basic civil liberties in its net.
Reflecting what some observers have called "a law enforcement wish list,"
the document threatens to short-circuit fundamental civil rights.

First, any international agreement purporting to deal with criminal activity
on a global scale is fraught with problems from the beginning. What might be
a crime online in some countries may be protected First Amendment speech in
the United States. What might be a crime serious enough to warrant online
surveillance by law enforcement would likely differ from country to country,
depending on the severity with which cultures view certain behavior.

This latter concern was one of the animating forces behind the protests of
the Global Internet Liberty Campaign, an international coalition of
cyber-liberties and human rights groups from countries as diverse as Russia,
the United Kingdom and the United States. The GILC points out that, under
the treaty, interception of online communications by law enforcement is only
to be used for "serious offences to be determined by domestic law." However,
many countries define serious crimes very broadly when police seek to
wiretap a suspect.

Of course, the unique global nature of the Internet means that even if the
United States chooses not to use surveillance (although efforts like
Carnivore, the FBI's online surveillance program, suggest this won't be the
case), other countries could interfere with the expression of American
citizens online, violating both their First Amendment rights to free speech
and their Fourth Amendment rights prohibiting unreasonable searches.

The treaty would also force Internet users to turn over decryption keys to
government officials. Long a point of heated debate between the Internet
community and law enforcement, decryption keys could give the government
personal information it cannot access through lawful means. In some cases,
it could even violate an Internet user's right not to self-incriminate, a
fundamental due process liberty recognized throughout American history.

In essence, the treaty on cybercrime, drafted behind closed doors and
stuffed with goodies for eager law enforcement officers, threatens to
respond to global crime online with a global assault on civil liberties.

It is a maxim of modern life that the less connected police are to the
community which they serve, the more likely they are to violate the civil
liberties of the citizens. In most cases, the policeman who lives next door
is unlikely to search your home without a warrant, to violate your free
speech rights or to interfere with your basic freedoms. Why? Because he
knows you as a human being, not a faceless member of the mob he's been sent
to control.

In America, we know that sending federal law enforcement to do a job often
results in serious violations of our basic liberties. Whether it's the legal
immigrant boy shot by federal officers while herding sheep or the victims of
an overzealous Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the further we
remove law enforcement from the community, the more we court serious damage
to the Bill of Rights.

It almost goes without saying, then, that a global response to crime online
will inevitably result in an assault on 

[CTRL] Beetle Overboard!--SF Gate

2001-02-05 Thread Agent Starling

Beetle Overboard! VW hung off GG Bridge in 
Jonathan Curiel, Chronicle Staff 
Writer    Monday, February 5, 2001 
 A group of Canadian engineering students is taking responsibility 
for dangling a Volkswagen Bug off the Golden Gate Bridge this morning -- causing 
a huge commuter tie-up, halting ship traffic under the span and infuriating 
authorities, who say they will prosecute. 
FOR PIC: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/sfgate/object.cgi?object=/chronicle/pictures/2001/02/05/bridge-car.jpg&paper=chronicle&file=MN60371.DTL&directory=/chronicle/archive/2001/02/05&type=news
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[CTRL] Group Provides Names Of Anti-Ashcroft Organizations To IRS

2001-02-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Landmark Launches 501-C Project

2/2/2001 - Landmark today launched its 501-C Project to ensure that liberal
nonprofit organizations who lobby against presidential appointments comply
with U.S. tax and lobbying laws. Landmark also provided to the IRS the
names of organizations involved in lobbying against the nomination of John
Ashcroft for attorney general.

Contact: Eric Christensen

February 2, 2001

Legal Group Provides Names Of Several Anti-Ashcroft Organizations To IRS

Herndon, VA) … Landmark Legal Foundation today forwarded to the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) the names of numerous 501-C tax-exempt organizations
that were involved in lobbying against the confirmation of John Ashcroft
for attorney general.

Lobbying by 501-C organizations that is intended to influence presidential
appointments is political activity under the Internal Revenue Code and must
be reported to the IRS. These groups may also be required to pay income
taxes on these expenditures. In addition, 501©(4) organizations that
receive federal awards, grants or loans are prohibited from lobbying

Landmark President Mark R. Levin stated, "Published reports reveal that
scores of liberal, 501© tax-exempt groups spent the last month, and
hundreds of thousands of dollars, in a well coordinated and highly
organized lobbying campaign against the Ashcroft nomination. They have also
announced that they will lobby against future nominees who they consider
too conservative. The IRS must look at these activities very carefully to
ensure that these organizations are not skirting the law or failing to pay
their taxes."

Landmark has learned that:

  * On January 9, 2001, dozens of liberal 501-C organizations met at the
offices of the American Association of University Women where they hatched
a comprehensive lobbying campaign against the Ashcroft nomination. In
attendance were several Democratic congressional staffers, including
individuals from Senator Barbara Boxer's office.

  * On January 13, 2001, Senator John Kerry attended a meeting organized by
Massachusetts NARAL in which approximately forty (40) organizations lobbied
Kerry against the Ashcroft nomination.

Landmark has an ongoing lawsuit against the IRS over the agency's audit
practices of non-profit organizations. Today, Landmark is launching its
501-C Project to monitor the lobbying activities of liberal, non-profit
groups to ensure that they comply with federal law.

Landmark is a public interest law firm founded in 1976 with offices in
Kansas City, MO and Herndon, VA.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-02-05 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-



Al-Ahram Weekly On-line
1 - 7 February 2001
Issue No.519
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Current issue | Previous issue | Site map
A cancerous web of deception
By Ashraf El-Bayoumi*

Efforts over recent years by human rights activists to expose the disastrous health
consequences of using depleted uranium (DU) weapons were for the most part
unsuccessful. Weapons containing DU made their debut in combat during the 1991 Gulf
war, when more than 300 tons were used -- substantially more than the 12 tons
subsequently dropped on Kosovo and Bosnia. Large areas of southern Iraq, and parts
of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, have as a consequence been contaminated.

Thousands of Iraqi civilians and soldiers were exposed to DU. An unprecedented
number of deadly cancers and unusual deformities has since been documented amongst
them. Babies born to these victims are more likely to be severely deformed than is
statistically normal. Thousands of Kuwaiti and Saudi Arabian civilians were also
likely to have been exposed to DU dust, as were thousands of US, UK and Arab
soldiers who participated in the war. Egyptians were undoubtedly exposed as well.

DU weapons were used in Bosnia in 1994 and then Yugoslavia in 1999. Reports of
widespread outbreaks of cancer related to radioactive DU among Iraqi civilians and
soldiers were met with repeated denials. Ailments among thousands of US and UK
soldiers who participated in the Gulf war, known as Gulf War Syndrome, received a
persistent "lack of evidence" argument, as did initial reports of "the Balkan
Syndrome" among NATO soldiers and civilians.

However, when 15 European peace keepers who served in the Balkans suddenly died from 
leukaemia, the catastrophic effects of DU weapons became front-page news. Several 
European leaders expressed their alarm and called for
the identification and clean-up of areas targeted by DU weapons and for medical 
screening of those who were exposed to it.

So the wall of silence and denials has slowly begun to crumble. Previously concealed 
official reports that clearly warned in advance of potential health hazards are now 
being openly written about in the media. One example
 is a confidential paper issued by the UK Atomic Energy Commission that warned of 
radioactive contamination as a result of the use of DU. Another is a letter issued by 
the US Army Surgeon General's Office requiring more d
etails about DU, "because the effects on soldiers from exposure to DU dust include a 
possible increased risk of cancer (lung and bone) and kidney damage."

Shells tipped with DU are highly effective in piercing armour due to uranium's high 
density (1.7 times that of lead) and inflammable properties that make it ignite 
instantly and, therefore, roast alive anyone inside the a
rmoured vehicle it penetrates. DU is the byproduct of the enrichment process to 
produce weapons-grade nuclear material and nuclear fuel.

As a result of 50 years of nuclear weapon and nuclear fuel production in the US, there 
are now in excess of one million tons of DU in existence. Storing large amounts of 
radioactive and poisonous material presents a probl
em for the US government, which, therefore, provides it free to arms manufacturers -- 
who reap huge profits as a result.

Despite its name, the percentage of fissionable (and more radioactive) uranium 
isotopes in DU is roughly fifty per cent of that present in natural uranium. The name 
"depleted" is deceiving, since DU remains radioactive. M
oreover, as a heavy metal, DU is highly toxic. Upon impact, it burns and produces tiny 
aerosolised particles of oxidised uranium that become airborne and can spread for 40 
kilometres or more. This radioactive toxic dust e
nters humans by inhalation and by the ingestion of contaminated animals, water and 

There is, for obvious reasons, tremendous resistance at the Pentagon to the release of 
any information that may eventually lead to a ban on those effective "wonder" weapons. 
The Pentagon wants to protect DU weapons for fu
ture wars. A main concern is the possibility that compensation amounting to billions 
of dollars would be paid to hundreds of thousands of victims, along with billions more 
to finance clean-up operations. Admission that th
ere is a link between DU weapons and cancer would also have damaging political 
fallout, since several scholars have already determined that DU weapons are illegal 
according to international law.

All these considerations help explain the official denial campaign aided by a general 
blackout by the Western media on the subject. One can compare this to the years of 
effort undertaken by many activists to expose the us
e of the highly toxic Agent Orange in Vietnam.

Last week it was reported that traces of Uranium-236 have been found in spent DU 
shells retrieved from the battlefields of Kosovo. This has resulted in alarm and 
anxiety in Europe, sin

[CTRL] McAuliffe promises hearings on Florida vote

2001-02-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

McAuliffe promises hearings on Florida vote

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Pushing an electoral reform agenda in his first full
day on the job, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe said
Sunday he would hold hearings into charges of voter intimidation and
suppression during last November's presidential election in Florida.
"I have been meeting with the civil rights groups, and they have
depositions from thousands of people that they have spoken to that had a
problem with the voting, with the ballots, had intimidation issues where
people were required to come up with three or four forms of
identification," the former Democratic fund-raiser told CNN's "Late Edition
with Wolf Blitzer."
A similar probe is already under way. On January 11, the U.S. Civil Rights
Commission heard complaints from black voters in Florida who said they were
wrongly turned away from the polls in November's presidential election.
Since the November 7 vote, many black voters in Florida have complained
that they were turned away from the polls, alleging that they were
intimidated by police roadblocks or found their names wrongly stricken from
voting rolls.  Florida voting officials have denied that any such incidents
took place. The commission is scheduled to issue a final report on their
probe this summer.
Election practices have come under close scrutiny because of the slim
margin of the Bush victory.
Bush won Florida's valuable 25 electoral votes and as a result the national
Electoral College, by
a margin of just 537 votes, according to certified results announced by
Florida Secretary of State
Katherine Harris. That result was upheld by a 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court
decision, which halted any
Florida vote recounts.
   Recount predictions
On Sunday, McAuliffe predicted an ongoing unofficial recount of Florida
ballots by news organizations would show President Bush as the loser had he
not been helped by the nation's high court.
"The Supreme Court stopped the counting of votes, and if they'd let the
count go on, (Democratic candidate) Al Gore would have got the necessary
votes," McAuliffe told NBC's "Meet the Press."
Although Gore lost the Electoral College, he won the national popular vote
by just
539,947 votes.
But McAuliffe, a major fund-raiser for former President Clinton,
acknowledged, "George Bush was elected. He's the president today. So we
have to deal with that."
   GOP responds
McAuliffe's Republican counterpart showed little sympathy. "The votes were
cast legally," shot back Virginia Gov. James Gilmore, who heads the
Republican National Committee.
"They have been counted properly," Gilmore added. "And we don't need to go
back to all that old thing. You know what? This election was held on its
proper day and counted properly and, you know, frankly, to go back now and
try to undermine the legitimacy of this election is very troubling."
McAuliffe promised to stop talking about the election, but only after
Congress enacts, and Bush signs, a bill on electoral reform.
"People ought to be entitled to vote and the vote ought to be counted," he
told CNN. "So let's just make sure we have electoral reform."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New surveillance technology

2001-02-05 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WT: China adding missiles aimed toward Taiwan

2001-02-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

February 5, 2001

China adding missiles aimed toward Taiwan

By Bill Gertz

China is continuing a destabilizing buildup of short-range
missiles opposite Taiwan and now has up to 300 missiles deployed,
according to a senior military official.

The senior official, who spoke to The Washington Times on the
condition of anonymity, also said Russia is supplying China with
advanced ballistic-missile technology and strategic nuclear
warhead know-how.

"The candy store appears to be open," the official said.  "The
Russians will sell anything to the Chinese that the Chinese want
to buy, and that's what bothers me."

On China's massing of short-range missiles, the official said
Chinese military leaders have refused to draw down the force,
despite U.S. protests that the missiles are increasing
instability and the danger of conflict across the Taiwan Strait.
"They keep on building," the official said.

He noted: "If the Chinese keep on doing what they're doing, we're
going to make theater missile systems available to the Taiwanese.

Taiwan currently has deployed the most-advanced U.S. missile
defense available, a version of the Patriot system known as GEM
PAC-2.  The systems are deployed around Taipei, the Taiwanese

Other more advanced regional missile defenses will be fielded
with U.S. forces in the next several years.

Asked about growing Russian-Chinese military cooperation, the
official said missile and nuclear warhead transfers are

Intelligence reports indicate the Russians have begun "helping
Chinese ballistic missile programs and nuclear programs, which
are of course targeted on Russia," the official said.

"It's one thing if they want to help [the Chinese] screw the
United States, which is in their common interest right now, but
this just seems to be mindless," the official said.  "I think
it's stupidity on the Russians' part; it is going to hurt them in
the long term."

He said Russia's state-owned arms-export company,
Rosvooruzheniye, is becoming China's major supplier. China also
is seeking to purchase an advanced airborne warning and control
(AWAC) jet from Russia, after Israel canceled a similar deal at
U.S.  insistence in July.

On the missile buildup, the official said the growing numbers are
only one aspect of the problem.  The Chinese also are deploying
highly accurate "precision" weapons in addition to older,
inertially guided missiles.

"They are in the 200 to 300 category," the senior official said.
"And just as important as the number, is the accuracy. Right now
they are mostly inertial [guidance], which give them [circular
error probabilities] in the Scud range.  But they are working on
more precision guidance, which will make a big difference."

Between 600 and 1,000 short-range missiles could be in place in
the next several years.

The official said the United States has informed China it is
considering sales to Taiwan of advanced Aegis-equipped warships.
If the $1 billion warships are sold, they will be equipped with
"fleet air defenses" capable of countering China's current
arsenal of Sunburn anti-ship missiles and other anti-ship
weapons, but they will not be outfitted with the Navy's two
regional missile defense systems, which have not yet been

The Aegis-ships "would give the Taiwanese the ability to survive
with their surface ships," he said.

U.S.  arms sales to Taiwan and the building of a national missile
defense systems are two issues expected to cloud U.S.-China ties,
the official said.

However, China is not likely to increase the size of its
strategic nuclear missile buildup in response to a U.S.  missile
shield, he said. "I see no indication that anything we do really
affects the Chinese building program."

The missile buildup has been tracked by Pentagon intelligence
agencies for the past several years.  In 1998, China had fewer
than 50 short-range missiles deployed near Taiwan, and in 1999
the number had increased to 150.

The senior official identified the missiles as CSS-6s and CSS-7s
—missiles also known by the designations M-9 and M-11,
respectively. China unveiled an advanced CSS-7 Mod 2 in late

The missiles have enough range to hit targets in Taiwan with
little or no warning.  The lack of warning time increases the
risk of conflict, U.S.  military officials said.

Last year, the State Department privately protested Beijing's
missile buildup, U.S.  officials said.  Publicly, the department
has described the buildup as worrying and said it could lead to
future sales of U.S. anti-missile defenses to Taiwan.

According to the senior military official, China's military
remains backward by American standards but is building up its
forces — both strategic and conventional —through purchases of
high-technology arms, mostly from Russia.

China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) views the United States as
its main threat and is highlighting the perceived danger to win
more funds for military programs.


Re: [CTRL] School Vouchers

2001-02-05 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>Is there a particular reason you removed the CONTEXT?

What are you talking about? What context?

   You do comprehend Statism?
   Yup. What of it?
  Your PREVIOUS comments when compared with the above remarks would
indicate otherwise.

How so? Be specific. What exactly do you mean by “statism”? Define your

  Perhaps you can refresh our memories since the literacy rate
  pre-socialist schools exceeds the post socialist schools.

(1.) Life is short. I don’t plan to waste any of it duplicating my
effort for your benefit, simply because you are too lazy to scroll back.

(2.) What do you mean “socialist” schools? What “socialist” schools?
Define your terms. Be specific.

(3.) “Exceeds”? By how much? According to whom? Cite your sources.

   How will an education through 'cooperation' be WORSE than an
   education by force?
I didn't. I said that if corporations seize control of public
it will be worse.
  I am well aware of your statement.

Then why did you intentionally distort it? Are you a congenital liar, or
merely an inept debater?

>How will corporations be able to  FORCE students to attend

(1.) I didn’t say that they will. Stop putting words in my mouth. It’s
rude. It’s dishonest.

(2.) What are you trying to say here, that privatizing education, or
even instituting a voucher system, will simultaneously eliminate truancy
laws? Do you want to eliminate truancy laws? If so, why?

>or taxpayers to pay as our Government  does now?

Where do you think that voucher money is going to come from?

>How is it possible for corporations to 'seize' control without  FORCE?

Through politics. The armed might of the state is the cat’s paw of the

>What is one's 'fair share'?

As much as you can possibly spare. It shouldn’t impact your ability to
survive. But, the more you can spare, the more you should contribute.

>>Are you saying that you do not consent to contributing your share of
   expense of public education? A simple yes or no will suffice.
  I have no choice in the matter currently ... it is taken by force.
  HERE is where the Statism from above comes into play.

That wasn’t a yes or a no. That was a very lame attempt at evasion.
Answer the question I asked, not a question I didn’t ask. Do you or do
you not consent to contributing your share of the  expense of public
education? Yes or no?

> It is the height of arrogance for you to lecture others as to their
"moral duty".

It is the height of arrogance for you to presume that you don’t need to
be lectured. You are a moral cripple. You extol selfishness, and you do
it in public, where even innocent children can read you. Have you no

>Above you suggest one contribute 'their fair share' to your education
goals. Any meaning OTHER than a parent paying for their responsibilities
-- ie  their child or those children they have chosen such a role --
involves theft of someone's funds ... the enslavement of individuals in
order to provide.

You have it backwards. We’re all in this together, all of humanity. We
are totally dependent on, and responsible for, one another. To withhold
one’s share of the effort that is needed to keep civilization happening,
and yet to reap it’s benefits, is theft.

To propose denying any child the very best education possible is
unspeakably despicable. People who do so should be ostracized, shunned
by all humanity until they reform.

However, in your case I would like to make an exception. With your
permission, I would like to continue to use you as a foil. You’re a
great foil. Nothing I could ever say could discredit your sick and evil
philosophy as well as the obvious deficiencies of a mind that embraces
them. What better illustration than your own inarticulate debate style?

>God just told me that you are full of shit.

Then yours is a false god. Only  my god is real.  Ask anyone but a pagan
about god and they’ll tell you the exact same thing.

>This is simply ANOTHER religious tenet that you would force on  others.

I’m not forcing anything on anybody. I attempting to use persuasion to
convince you, and our audience, of the error of your ways. If I was
using force, you’d know it. I’m perfectly capable of using force, and do
so whenever the occasion warrants. I’m not using it on you, in part
because you’re not worth the effort. It would be too time consuming even
to find you, because you hide like a coward behind the internet. I
seriously doubt that you have ever out spouted this crap F2F to parents
at a PTA meeting. Maybe you should. You’d learn a thing or two.

>It is Fascistic to attempt to impose your concept of "moral duty" on
others by  threat of force through government intimidation.

I don’t. Neither do I propose it be done. In fact, this is precisely why
I object to vouchers. Vouchers would mean that the government would take
my money from me by force and u

[CTRL] WT: Pardoned Rich still in legal jeopardy

2001-02-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

February 5, 2001

Pardoned Rich still in legal jeopardy

By Jerry Seper

Billionaire financier Marc Rich, a fugitive from justice for 17
years until his Inauguration Day presidential pardon by Bill
Clinton, is under investigation by Swiss authorities in
connection with suspected money-laundering violations.

While House and Senate committees in the United States prepare to
hold hearings this week on the controversial Rich pardon, Swiss
officials confirmed yesterday that their investigators also have
focused on the former fugitive.

Swiss authorities said they want to know if Mr.  Rich's trading
firm, known as Marc Rich & Co., failed to control and verify the
origin of large cash transactions in accordance with Swiss
money-laundering laws. The firm, located in Zug, Switzerland, is
required under legislation passed last year to adhere to strict
banklike reporting guidelines when handling large sums of money.

The Swiss probe, first reported by the Associated Press in
Geneva, resulted in threats yesterday from Mr.  Rich to move his
multimillion-dollar operation out of Switzerland.  The threats
were dismissed by Swiss officials, who said Mr.  Rich was "free
to relocate to wherever he pleases.  .  .  .  We're not impressed
at all when we hear threats."

Mr.  Rich, who fled to Switzerland after his 1983 indictment in
the United States in what federal prosecutors described as the
biggest tax-fraud case in U.S.  history, has argued through his
attorneys that his commodities trading firm should be exempt from
newly instituted Swiss regulations because the company operates
differently than banks.

The argument has been rejected by Swiss authorities who
steadfastly refused to extradite Mr.  Rich to the United States
because Switzerland does not recognize tax evasion as a crime.

Since the Jan.  20 pardon, several newspapers in Switzerland have
questioned the propriety of that country's continued support of
the former fugitive.  Mr.  Rich is listed by a Swiss financial
monthly magazine as having a personal wealth of about $1.2

Mr.  Clinton has taken "full responsibility" for the pardon and
has denied that it was politically motivated.  He told reporters
last week in New York the pardon was decided "on the merits" and
that he had handled it "in what I thought was the most
appropriate way."

The Rich pardon was among 140 Mr.  Clinton signed less than two
hours before leaving office.

Questions have been raised over possible connections between the
pardon and Mr.  Rich's ex-wife, songwriter Denise Rich, who
donated $1.3 million to the Democratic Party, including Mr.
Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.  Mrs.  Rich
personally lobbied the president for the pardon and donated more
than $7,000 worth of furniture for the Clintons' New York home.

House and Senate investigators are trying to determine how Mr.
Clinton reached the decision to grant the pardon. They want to
know if Mr.  Clinton's last-minute pardon was based on improper
motives; if law enforcement authorities were consulted; and if
any regulations governing the lobbying of the president were

Mark Corallo, spokesman for the House Government Reform
Committee, which will begin hearings into the Rich pardon on
Thursday, yesterday stopped short of saying whether the Swiss
money-laundering inquiry would be incorporated into the
congressional probe.  However, he stressed that Mr.  Rich's
finances were of concern to the committee.

"The committee intends to look into all of Mr.  Rich's financial
transactions as they may relate to his criminal conduct," Mr.
Corallo said.

Republican Sen.  Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who will chair
the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, has threatened to call
Mr.  Clinton to testify, along with Mrs.  Rich and her
ex-husband's attorney, Jack Quinn, the former Clinton White House
counsel who also lobbied the president for the pardon.  The
Senate's hearings begin on Wednesday.

Mark Levine, former chief of staff to Attorney General Edwin
Meese III, said Congress has a "legitimate legislative oversight
function" to investigate Mr.  Rich's finances.

"For those who say we need to get the Clinton administration
behind us, I would remind them that the biggest tax cheat in this
country's history was granted a pardon by one of the most corrupt
presidents in history," he said.  "We are either a nation of laws
or we're not."

Mr.  Rich fled the country after his indictment on charges of
racketeering, tax evasion and violating federal energy
regulations for trading oil with Iran while Americans were being
held hostage in that country.  He was accused of diverting $70
million in illegal profits to Swiss banks from the resale of
crude oil.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[CTRL] White House laments DNC chief's remarks

2001-02-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


White House laments DNC chief's remarks

WASHINGTON (AP) _ A White House spokesman fired back at the new
head of the Democratic Party for questioning the legitimacy of
President Bush's election, saying such remarks hurt efforts to build
unity in Washington. Terry McAuliffe was picked Saturday as chairman
of the Democratic National Committee. In his acceptance speech, he
said of the election: "If Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush, Jim Baker and
the U.S. Supreme Court hadn't tampered with the results, Al Gore
would be president, George Bush would be back in Austin, and John
Ashcroft would be home reading Southern Partisan magazine."

  White House press secretary Ari Fleischer on Monday called the
remarks "disappointing." "I think that continuing to question the
legitimacy of an election _ I'm not certain that even the Democrats
in the Congress would share that point of view _ is not a wise way to
begin tenure," Fleischer  said. McAuliffe's comments reflected
an "old Washington" mindset, he said.

  Bush, in contrast, is trying to bring a new climate marked "by
principled  disagreements and by civility," he said. DNC spokeswoman
Jenny Backus said  McAuliffe said nothing inappropriate, and she
reiterated the party's view that Bush stole the election. "President
Bush may be disappointed by Terry's  speech, but he's not nearly as
disappointed as the tens of thousands of Floridians whose votes
weren't counted in the last election," she said.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] USNWR: Another dubious pardon. Why did Clinton forgive a felon under fresh investigation?

2001-02-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

U.S. News and World Report

Another dubious pardon

Why did Clinton forgive a felon under fresh investigation?

By Douglas Pasternak

On his second-to-last day in office, Bill Clinton signed a master
warrant wiping out the felony convictions of 140 people. One of
them was for a 57-year-old Florida businessman named Glenn
Braswell, who was convicted in 1983 of mail fraud, perjury, and
tax evasion in connection with selling herbal supplements
purporting to promote hair growth, remove cellulite, and increase
bust size. As with Clinton's controversial last-minute pardon of
fugitive financier Marc Rich, the U.S. Justice Department was not

If the pardon process had taken the customary route, officials at
Justice would have quickly pointed out that Braswell, who did
seven months in jail for his 1983 conviction, is once again under
investigation by the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal
Trade Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, and several state
attorneys general. Sources say he is also the target of a federal
grand jury in Los Angeles investigating what a former Justice
Department official called "massive money laundering" and tax

"It is hard for me to imagine that whoever was responsible for
his pardon knew what he does now," says Stephen Barrett, an
independent health fraud investigator who runs the respected
www.quackwatch.com. "Did they know the facts? Did they even

Well connected.

Bill Clinton is not answering that question, and neither Braswell
nor his attorneys have returned numerous telephone calls. Others
can only speculate about why Braswell was among the nearly 30
people granted executive forgiveness outside the normal process.
Like others seeking pardons, Braswell was represented by some
very well-connected legal talent, in this case Kendall Coffey,
the former U.S. attorney who represented Al Gore in his Florida
recount efforts. Another Washington lawyer, Gerald Feffer of the
high-powered firm of Williams & Connolly, is representing
Braswell in the tax-evasion and money-laundering investigation.
Feffer said that Williams & Connolly played no role in helping
Braswell obtain a pardon. The firm would have a conflict of
interest, he said, because partner David Kendall is Clinton's
personal lawyer.

According to the Justice Department, a pardon is granted "on the
basis of the petitioner's demonstrated good conduct for a
substantial period of time after conviction and service of
sentence." Applicants are also expected to have made some
contributions to the public good. Braswell appears to have made
some efforts toward the latter requirement, just three months
before he was pardoned, by establishing the A. Glenn Braswell
Foundation "to educate the public on the latest scientific
advances in the field of longevity." California accountant Kevin
Romano is listed as the foundation's agent, but when U.S. News
asked him about the organization, he said, "I have no idea what
it is." Likewise, an attorney with the law firm at the address of
the foundation declined to answer questions about it.

Whether Braswell has changed his ways, according to a number of
his former associates, remains an open question. Last year,
Braswell settled a lawsuit filed by several sports celebrities,
including car-racing champion Richard Petty and baseball great
Stan Musial, who alleged that he had unlawfully used their names
to endorse products to maintain prostate health. In August,
Albany, N.Y., arthritis specialist Joel Kremer sued two of
Braswell's companies, G.B. Data Systems and Gero Vita
International, alleging that they used his name in an
advertisement without permission and made it appear that he
endorsed the company's antiarthritis supplement.

Unlike others pardoned, Braswell was not a Clinton supporter;
instead he gave $25,000 to the George W. Bush campaign and
$150,000 to the Florida GOP. Shortly thereafter, he managed to
persuade Florida Gov. Jeb Bush to write an article on healthcare
reform for his Journal of Longevity. The article was then altered
so that it appeared to endorse Braswell's supplements. Bush
returned the contributions. "I don't think it's the money that
makes [Braswell] do it," says one former employee. "It was the
game. He liked to try to outsmart or outwit anyone he could."

Because the Justice Department was never given a pardon
application, it is not clear why Braswell wanted the pardon.
Braswell's longtime business consultant, John Andrews, said
Braswell's record was hindering the sale of his companies­a
transaction even more pressing since Braswell recently agreed to
pay out $42 million in a divorce settlement. Said Andrews: "He
felt the blemish on his record really hurt."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destro

[CTRL] NYT: The 14 day Honeymoon?

2001-02-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

February 4, 2001


Mr. Bush's Smooth Start

Many Washington Democrats acknowledge with grudging admiration
that the word "honeymoon" does not really capture the atmosphere
of the first two weeks of the Bush presidency. Despite the
understandably bitter reaction to John Ashcroft and to President
Bush's anti-abortion stance on foreign aid, Democrats in
Washington admit to being impressed by the new president's charm
offensive, nicknames and all, and by the tactical dexterity of
the White House's presentation of its agenda of issues. Mr.
Bush's use of soothing words and symbolic acts has not been
matched since Ronald Reagan's first days. In addition, the new
president has surpassed both Mr. Reagan, his own father and Bill
Clinton in making Congressional diplomacy an opening priority.

But it is important that the admiration of Mr. Bush's
salesmanship not blind us to the sharply ideological policies he
is offering in a kind of personality bubble-wrap. Despite his
charm, Mr. Bush has laid out legislative approaches or made
appointments that represent a direct threat to abortion rights,
to more than three decades of environmental progress and to the
basic fairness of the tax system. In an echo of the Reagan era,
Mr. Bush's combination of big tax cuts and missile defense plans
could wreck a hard-won fiscal stability.

There are other Reagan echoes in these first days. Like the Great
Communicator, Mr. Bush is benefiting from diminished
expectations. Democrats who had envisioned him stumbling into
town are now admiring him for staying "on message," even if they
dislike the message. Mr. Bush has also seemed smarter and
verbally sharper than they expected. If not quite the policy
maven that Mr. Clinton was, Mr. Bush has come across as a
credible defender of his goals and programs.

But we will know more about this new president when the time
comes for switching from style to substance. One advantage of Mr.
Bush's tireless talk of bipartisanship is that his own words can
serve as a benchmark for evaluating his actions in the future. As
Senator Max Baucus, a Montana Democrat, said after the closed
meeting with Mr. Bush, "It will all be talk until we get the
specifics." In a promising sign on education, Mr. Bush said that
he would be willing to negotiate over vouchers. He also said he
would be mindful of the constitutional problems in financing
social programs through "faith based" organizations.

Notwithstanding signs of flexibility, Democrats have to take
seriously Mr. Bush's tough's opening positions and the influence
of hard-line Republicans. The Democrats will have to persuade the
newcomer in town to compromise on taxes and budget issues if he
really wants comity on Capitol Hill. The tax package will be a
crucial guide to Mr. Bush's philosophical commitment to rewarding
the most affluent Americans.

Democrats, while remaining open to cooperation, must not let Mr.
Bush's charm offensive create an aura of legislative
inevitability around his excessive tax cut. New estimates by the
Congressional Budget Office put the 10-year surplus at $5.6
trillion, but that means only $2.7 trillion is really available
if you assume, as most in Congress do, that the Medicare and
Social Security surpluses are off- limits. As Democrats pointed
out last week, the true cost of Mr. Bush's proposed tax cut plan
is $2.3 trillion, and that does not count the inevitable add- ons
for the corporate sector that are almost certain to be included
in a final bill.

No matter how agreeably he behaves, Mr. Bush simply cannot
increase defense spending and education aid ó and also privatize
Social Security ó without throwing the budget back toward the
huge deficits created by the Reagan tax cuts. In the palmy
atmosphere he has created in Washington, it is probably hard for
him to realize that the tax cut and budget issues could determine
the success of his presidency. As Representative Richard
Gephardt, the House Democratic leader, pointed out to Mr. Bush in
their meeting last week, both the president's father and Mr.
Clinton had to raise taxes to close that deficit, and they paid
for it dearly.

The biggest mistake Mr. Bush could make is for him to talk
bipartisanship and then try to pick off conservative Democrats to
push through a tax cut that gives 43 percent of the benefits to
the wealthiest 1 percent of taxpayers. Mr. Bush has already done
quite a lot for the right wing of the Republican Party with his
environmental moves and the Ashcroft appointment, a political
mistake that we are betting Mr. Bush privately regrets.

Even so, it would be only human for him to believe the magical
good luck of his first two weeks will last forever. Everything
has broken his way. Mr. Clinton's pardoning mania made Mr. Bush's
arrival seem doubly refreshing. Alan Greenspan, the chairman of
the Federal Reserve, created a friendly climate for cutting
taxes. The California energy crisi

[CTRL] Love Bug author says bug created in cyber gang war

2001-02-05 Thread Agent Starling

Love Bug author says bug created in cyber gang war
By: John Leyden
Posted: 05/02/2001 at 17:24 GMT
The suspected author of the Love Bug computer virus has 
re-emerged as a security pundit. Onel de Guzman, who faced charges 
relating to spreading the Love Bug in the Philippines before they were dropped 
for insufficient evidence, has taken time out to talk to a reporter at the 
Chicago Tribune "over a cup of coffee at the Old Manila Cafe" about the 
nature of virus writing. The Love Bug spread like wildfire last May 
causing an estimated $10 billion damage, largely in lost productivity, as it 
brought down email servers worldwide. De Guzman - the prime suspect in 
the case - was detained under a law relating to gaining passwords to defraud 
banks and credit cards, largely because of lack of a specific Philippines law 
covering computer crime. He was later released without charge. During 
the interview de Guzman, who has been lying low since his release, admitted he 
did write, or as he put it "cook", the Love Bug virus, but he still continues to 
deny releasing the virus. Much of the rest of the Tribune piece 
documents a mixture of braggadocio and posturing from de Guzman, or "The 
Terminator", as he tells the Tribune he's nicknamed. He suggests the Love 
Bug was released during a war between local cyber gangs that went wrong, 
something security experts insist is "cobblers", and possibly an attempt by de 
Guzman to duck any blame for the spread of the virus, if the authorities, in the 
Philippines or elsewhere, file further charges. He also states that you 
don't need to be a genius to write a virus, about the only thing we're in 
complete agreement with de Guzman about. However the piece contains a 
star-quote from Nataniel Cuasay, a graduate student at AMA Computer College, 
where de Guzman himself studied. Cuasay or the "Wizard" told the 
Chicago Tribune: "Hackers create viruses to knock out the opposition. 
It's a war game. It's fun. It's better than sex." No lads, it's not - 
and you really, really need to get out more. ®  Need a Daily Pep Talk? Subscribe at  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dpt 
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[CTRL] The REAL Truth About

2001-02-05 Thread outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-

The REAL Truth About
Vietnam & The POW/MIAs
Part IVa

Also a New Court Ruling on AGENT ORANGE

The Joshua Report

Michael & The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Newspaper studies confirm Democrat Gore won Florida vote

2001-02-05 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

Interestingly, these newspapers were counting OVERvotes, when even the Florida
Supreme Court never gave an order to count overvotes. Their order concerned

> > World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org
> > WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : US Politics
> >
> > Newspaper studies confirm Democrat Gore won Florida vote
> >
> > By Patrick Martin
> > 5 February 2001
> >
> > Two newly published studies of the ballots cast in the US
> > presidential
> > election confirm that Democrat Al Gore
> > was the choice of more Florida voters than Republican George W.
> > Bush, who was
> > installed as president after
> > an unprecedented and anti-democratic intervention by the US Supreme
> > Court.
> >
> > One study was conducted by the Washington Post, the other by Tribune
> > Co.,
> > which owns the Chicago Tribune,
> > the Orlando Sentinel, and the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel. The Post
> > endorsed
> > Gore editorially in the
> > November election, while the Tribune endorsed Bush.
> >
> > The Post reviewed computerized records of 2.7 million votes in eight
> > of
> > Florida's largest counties to examine
> > the pattern of the so-called overvotes, those ballots on which
> > computer
> > scanners or other vote-counting
> > machines detected votes for more than one presidential candidate and
> > discarded the ballots as invalid. The
> > newspaper did not recount individual ballots, but relied on reports
> > from
> > county officials based on machine
> > tabulation of the invalid ballots.
> >
> > The analysis found that of the more than 60,000 ballots in the eight
> > counties
> > showing overvotes?the bulk of the
> > statewide total?Gore's name was marked on 46,000, while Bush was
> > marked on
> > only 17,000. This includes
> > several thousand ballots in which both Gore and Bush were marked.
> >
> > The 3-1 Democratic to Republican ratio among the overvotes was
> > confirmed in
> > the analysis of other votes cast
> > by those voters further down the ballot. Three quarters of those who
> > improperly cast a presidential overvote
> > marked their ballots correctly for US senator. Of these, 70 percent
> > voted for
> > Democrat Bill Nelson, only 24
> > percent for Republican Bill McCollum, while 6 percent voted for
> > third-party
> > candidates.
> >
> > The nearly 30,000-vote margin for Gore among the overvotes dwarfs
> > the 537
> > votes which was Bush's official
> > margin of victory in Florida. On the basis of that minuscule and
> > highly
> > dubious number, the
> > Republican-controlled state government, headed by his brother,
> > Governor Jeb
> > Bush, awarded him the state's
> > 25 electoral votes and a four-vote margin in the Electoral College
> > nationally.
> >
> > The eight counties examined by the Post included Miami-Dade, Palm
> > Beach,
> > Broward (Fort Lauderdale),
> > Pinellas (St. Petersburg), Hillsborough (Tampa), Marion (Ocala),
> > Highlands
> > and Pasco. Four of these counties
> > went for Gore and four for Bush. The pattern of more overvotes for
> > Gore
> > prevailed in all the counties, however,
> > regardless of who won the county overall.
> >
> > The notorious ?butterfly ballot? in Palm Beach County accounted for
> > 8,000 of
> > the Gore overvotes, most of them
> > double votes for Gore and far-right Reform Party candidate Patrick
> > Buchanan,
> > who was listed across from Gore
> > on the ballot, with his punch-hole close to the names of Gore and
> > Lieberman.
> > Gore-Buchanan voters in Palm
> > Beach County voted 10-1 Democratic in the US Senate race.
> >
> > In the other seven counties, the largest group of overvotes were for
> > Gore and
> > the candidate who followed
> > immediately after him on the ballot, Libertarian Harry Browne. Such
> > a
> > combination is incomprehensible as a
> > protest vote, especially one supposedly chosen by 6,800 voters. It
> > more
> > likely reflects confusion among voters
> > who thought they had to cast votes for president and vice-president.
> >
> > Confirming the notion that the overvotes were largely intended for
> > Gore is
> > the fact that most of the third-party
> > candidates on the ballot for president received more votes paired
> > with Gore
> > as overvotes than they did in their
> > own right. In the eight counties, Socialist Workers Party candidate
> > James
> > Harris received a total of 300 votes,
> > but his name was punched 12,600 times on ballots with Gore, Bush or
> > another
> > presidential candidate?42
> > inadvertent votes for each intentional vote.
> >
> > The Republican head of the Florida Division of Elections, Clay
> > Roberts,
> > dismissed the Post analysis with an
> > argument of stupefying cynicism, claiming that overvotes were
> > intentional
> > political choices. ?People who are
> > engaged in politics can't understand why people would overvote,? he
> > said.
> > ?But there are valid reasons for
> > undervotes and overvotes. For some voters, that undervote or
> > overvote is
> > the

Re: [CTRL] Newspaper studies confirm Democrat Gore won Florida vote

2001-02-05 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Well we AL know that we can believe EVERYTHING these
particular newspapers say. Sure we can-just like we can believe Willy and
Strangely absent is any info about all the illegals and convicts who
the many people who voted more than once, the 'assisted' votes, etc etc.
Notice, too, that the conclusions are based on 'analysis'-not
counting-i.e, someone's
interpretation. That's certainly reliable.

Not worth my time to read it all thru.

The only thing worthwhile in the Wash COMPOST  is the cartoons and the
The rest is pure, predictable crap. That's why CNN and the rest of this
ilk is going
down the tubes. Can't fool us any more.
Blab on, blab on.
I walk part the Wash Post boxes every day and see the left over papers,
the Wash Times box is empty!

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001 15:26:35 EST DIG alfred webre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -Caveat Lector-
> World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org
> WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : US Politics
> Newspaper studies confirm Democrat Gore won Florida vote
> By Patrick Martin
> 5 February 2001
> Two newly published studies of the ballots cast in the US
> presidential
> election confirm that Democrat Al Gore
> was the choice of more Florida voters than Republican George W.
> Bush, who was
> installed as president after
> an unprecedented and anti-democratic intervention by the US Supreme
> Court.
> One study was conducted by the Washington Post, the other by Tribune
> Co.,
> which owns the Chicago Tribune,
> the Orlando Sentinel, and the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel. The Post
> endorsed
> Gore editorially in the
> November election, while the Tribune endorsed Bush.
> The Post reviewed computerized records of 2.7 million votes in eight
> of
> Florida's largest counties to examine
> the pattern of the so-called overvotes, those ballots on which
> computer
> scanners or other vote-counting
> machines detected votes for more than one presidential candidate and
> discarded the ballots as invalid. The
> newspaper did not recount individual ballots, but relied on reports
> from
> county officials based on machine
> tabulation of the invalid ballots.
> The analysis found that of the more than 60,000 ballots in the eight
> counties
> showing overvotes—the bulk of the
> statewide total—Gore's name was marked on 46,000, while Bush was
> marked on
> only 17,000. This includes
> several thousand ballots in which both Gore and Bush were marked.
> The 3-1 Democratic to Republican ratio among the overvotes was
> confirmed in
> the analysis of other votes cast
> by those voters further down the ballot. Three quarters of those who
> improperly cast a presidential overvote
> marked their ballots correctly for US senator. Of these, 70 percent
> voted for
> Democrat Bill Nelson, only 24
> percent for Republican Bill McCollum, while 6 percent voted for
> third-party
> candidates.
> The nearly 30,000-vote margin for Gore among the overvotes dwarfs
> the 537
> votes which was Bush's official
> margin of victory in Florida. On the basis of that minuscule and
> highly
> dubious number, the
> Republican-controlled state government, headed by his brother,
> Governor Jeb
> Bush, awarded him the state's
> 25 electoral votes and a four-vote margin in the Electoral College
> nationally.
> The eight counties examined by the Post included Miami-Dade, Palm
> Beach,
> Broward (Fort Lauderdale),
> Pinellas (St. Petersburg), Hillsborough (Tampa), Marion (Ocala),
> Highlands
> and Pasco. Four of these counties
> went for Gore and four for Bush. The pattern of more overvotes for
> Gore
> prevailed in all the counties, however,
> regardless of who won the county overall.
> The notorious “butterfly ballot” in Palm Beach County accounted for
> 8,000 of
> the Gore overvotes, most of them
> double votes for Gore and far-right Reform Party candidate Patrick
> Buchanan,
> who was listed across from Gore
> on the ballot, with his punch-hole close to the names of Gore and
> Lieberman.
> Gore-Buchanan voters in Palm
> Beach County voted 10-1 Democratic in the US Senate race.
> In the other seven counties, the largest group of overvotes were for
> Gore and
> the candidate who followed
> immediately after him on the ballot, Libertarian Harry Browne. Such
> a
> combination is incomprehensible as a
> protest vote, especially one supposedly chosen by 6,800 voters. It
> more
> likely reflects confusion among voters
> who thought they had to cast votes for president and vice-president.
> Confirming the notion that the overvotes were largely intended for
> Gore is
> the fact that most of the third-party
> candidates on the ballot for president received more votes paired
> with Gore
> as overvotes than they did in their
> own right. In the eight counties, Socialist Workers Party candidate
> James
> Harris received a total of 300 votes,
> but his name was punched 12,600 times on ballots with Gore, Bush or
> another
> preside

Re: [CTRL] George W. - you don't have to be Jewish.

2001-02-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

Methinks this is an urban legend which resurrects itself occasionally...

I heard the same tale, but with Marilyn Monroe as the one inquiring about other parts 
of the matzo...  ;-)


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: U.S. May Try to Curb Diamond Trade That Fuels African Wars

2001-02-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Me I prefer the emerald or the rubyit is said youo have to have a
> diamond when you get married?   Who says so?

DeBeers...they are the ones responsible for making the diamond the only stone now 
considered 'proper' for an
engagement or wedding ring...

It used to be that a man gave his intended a 'promise ring', which was usually her 
birthstone, or a stone that
she favored...and was rarely a diamond...and wedding rings were just plain gold bands, 
rarely with any stones
set into them.

> I prefer a ruby, or a saphire or emerald.BOYCOTT DIAMONDS

You may already know this, Aleisha...but an emerald is worth more than a diamond of 
the same weight, clarity,
cut, etc.

I'm with you on this, Aleisha (altho I'd rather have a nice, large, natural 
alexandrite of deep color...and
I'm also fond of good amber and pearls)...I only like diamonds as accents, to show off 
other stones...


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Polar Ice Sheet Shows Shrinkage]

2001-02-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Nurev Ind Research" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I don't believe that this guy is a doctor.

Oh, I don't know...he has the same cocksure, holier-than-thou-since-I'm-next-to-God 
attitude one unfortunately
finds in the majority of allopathic AMAers...   ;-)


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

2001-02-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Amelia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Well, the Southern states were not the only states where the
> institution of slavery was practiced. I believe all states
> had it prior to TWBTS, some a few years back from that
> time/event.

No, that is wrong.  Free states admitted under the Missori Compromise never allowed 
slavery within their

And those northern states that had at one time had slavery had outlawed it long before 
the war.  Also, in
northern states slavery had been utilized in a much different manner than in the 
south...in the north, a slave
could redeem him or herself, either by buying their freedom (if they were lucky enough 
to be able to save
enough), or by serving as a slave for a set period of time; I believe this varied from 
state to state, but was
usually from 7 to 12 years.  At the end of their term of service, the slave was ruled 
to have redeemed his or
her worth and was then set free.

In many northern states, slave owners were also required to pay their slaves wages, 
albeit much lower wages
than required of a free man or woman...

> They cleverly sold theirs into the South just
> prior to the outbreak of the war. Some gave them letters of
> freedom but many just "dumped" them right before the
> outbreak of conflict.

This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  If these imaginary northern slaveowners 
gave their slaves letters
of freedom, that can hardly be considered 'dumping' them.  And if these imaginary 
slaves had letters of
freedom, how could they be sold into slavery in the south?

> Also, remember the Emmmancipation
> Proclamation was not signed until 1864, after a state of
> general starvation existed in the South.  Then the slaves
> were freed with no way to feed themselves, etc. other than
> trying to take from people who were already starving.

So you wish us to believe that prior to the Emancipation Proclamation, all those 
starving white massas gladly
gave up what little food they had to their black slaves?

I hardly think so!

And the freed black slaves had as much, or little, opportunity to feed themselves in 
the same manner their
ex-masters did...

> This
> was careful timing to ensure  maximum harm being done to all
> parties.  Slavery is certainly a crime against humanity but
> all parties here were guilty of practicing it.  So have many
> "civilizations" such as Egyptian, et al.

So do the Kuwaitis today...doesn't make it right...


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Gifts Were Not Meant for Clintons

2001-02-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Anybody know how all that stuff Nancy Reagan took was routed?  If she had to
> pay a million in back taxes, there must have been a bale of it, and I'm
> really curious.

If I'm not mistaken, the majority of Reagan's haul (and believe me, I'm on your side 
when it comes to the
Reagans) consisted of the designer outfits donated to her by designers who, unless 
they thought the outfit was
going to end up in The First Ladies Collection at the Smithsonian (there IS such a 
collection there, BTW),
probably intended for Nancy to keep the 'donation'...

That is quite different from someone donating something to the White House itself, 
thinking that it will
become a permanent part of the White House collection...only to find that their gift 
to the nation was usurped
by the departing First Couple as a personal gift...

I could understand someone in that situation being understandably peeved...

> Still I wouldn't give anything to anyone at the White House
> or to the White House either.

I think it's considered an honor to have an item accepted to be part of the White 
House collection...it's
considered a gift to the country as a whole, not to any one person who happens to be 
president at the time...

> What did they do with the old kitchen
> table and chairs by the way?  That interests me.  Are the things given to
> Good Will or are they burned as religious objects?  Prudy

I couldn't say for sure, but years ago I read an article (in The Smithsonian magazine, 
as it turns out)
regarding a major auction house in the DC area, that specialized in auctioning off old 
stuff from federal
property, and the occasional gift to a congresscritter or First Couple that under law 
could not be accepted as
a person gift...

The majority of auctions were your old empty file cabinets, etc.  But according to the 
article, usually there
were at least a handful of choice items which could possibly be gotten for a 
song...retired china sets, old
furniture, etc.  I believe that according to the article, the proceeds went to the 


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: FNN: Is the CIA Involved in Drug Smuggling?]

2001-02-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: FNN: Is the CIA Involved in Drug Smuggling?
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 16:58:58 -0600 (CST)
From: Colombian Labor Monitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

[NOTE: Both Fox News and Bill O'Reilly are standard-bearers of the
right-wing in the U.S. The following story seems to aim at
absolving the CIA and the U.S. government from institutional
responsibility for the role they play in the narcotics trade and
the conflict in Colombia. Nevertheless it is a sobering discussion
of the more sinister operations that the U.S. is involved in. -DG

BUCCHI: Well, and that's the thing, and what
differentiates this story, really, from what Maxine
Waters is saying is that I believe that what
happened with Maxine Waters, or that story from
"The San Jose Mercury News," was really a fractioned
-out part of the CIA, and I don't think necessarily
was sanctioned by our government.

Monday, 29 January 2001


Is the CIA Involved in Drug Smuggling?

GUESTS: Ken Bucchi
HOST: Bill O'Reilly

O'REILLY: In the "Unresolved Problem" segment tonight, a couple of years
ago radical California Congresswoman Maxine Waters accused the Central
Intelligence Agency of being involved with drug smuggling, especially
crack cocaine. Now, many Americans just shrugged that off because Ms.
Waters can be extreme in her positions. But now, a former CIA operative is
making similar charges.

With us is former CIA operative, as I just said, Kenneth Bucchi, author of
"Operation Pseudo Miranda: A Veteran of the CIA Drug Wars Tells All."
Tells all about what? What did you do? What did you see?

predates long before what Maxine Waters was purporting, there was
basically a decentralized organization in Colombia. Anybody with a pint of
chutzpah and a Cessna could fly in half a ton of cocaine and there was
really no way of stopping them.

What they tried to do, and they did very successfully, was centralize it,
give a small cache of drug lords the means by which, which is is
intelligence and weapons, to basically destroy the numerically larger
number of smaller dealers.

O'REILLY: All right, so in the country of Columbia...


O'REILLY: You had all kinds of free lance cocaine smugglers.

BUCCHI: Yes. Hundreds.

O'REILLY: The CIA said this is out of control.


O'REILLY: We want to wipe the little guys out and in order to do that
we're going to cooperate with the big guys?

BUCCHI: Exactly.

O'REILLY: All right, so the big guys wiped them out themselves...

BUCCHI: Right.

O'REILLY: ... killed them or whatever it had to do.

BUCCHI: And so now you've basically increased their drug traffic to the --
let's say, 10-fold. And you set up corridors now by which they can fly
those drugs into the country.

O'REILLY: All right, now, let me stop you again. So the CIA was actually


O'REILLY: ... big cartels in...

BUCCHI: And so was the...

O'REILLY: ... Colombia fly drugs into the United States...


O'REILLY: ... in return for them knocking the little guys out.

 half to us.


BUCCHI: So now we stop half the drugs.

O'REILLY: So that the cartel people harvesting the coca plant, turning it
into cocaine, primarily, we're talking about here...

BUCCHI: Right.

O'REILLY: ... gave the CIA 50 percent of it?

BUCCHI: Well, it wasn't give on that level. We -- there was a game, in a
sense, where we will develop the corridors, and if we intercept them, And
once that represented half the drugs for a certain period, we'd let the
other half go free.

O'REILLY: Really? So if you got a certain amount of drugs in any period of
time, you would let the rest fly in?

BUCCHI: We'd not only let it fly in, we'd facilitate it, in that we

O'REILLY: Help it fly it?

BUCCHI: We would help it fly in...

O'REILLY: Who was behind this?

BUCCHI: Well, and that's the thing, and what differentiates this story,
really, from what Maxine Waters is saying is that I believe that what
happened with Maxine Waters, or that story from "The San Jose Mercury
News," was really a fractioned-out part of the CIA, and I don't think
necessarily was sanctioned by our government.

This -- I worked directly for the State Department. I had -- you know,
Bill Casey was three people out of my chain of command, and I was

O'REILLY: William Casey, the director of the CIA at the time...


Re: [CTRL] HUGE Middle East WAR looms in near future!

2001-02-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Wow. What a prediction. This guy is a prophet. Gee. One
day before the election of Ariel Sharon. Genius!

I predicted this SIX YEARS AGO. On CTRL and several other lists.

Bill Richer wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> http://www.williamcooper.com/vnsexclusivesarchives.html
> Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
> HUGE Middle East WAR looms in near future!
> William Cooper Predicts
> Veritas News Service - Exclusive, January 18, 2001 -- The following
> indicators point to a major Middle East war erupting in the very near future.
> When reading this remember that Bush is an oilman like his father.
> 1. Israel has told its Citizens to prepare for a real war and has asked for a
> call-up of all reserves.
> 2. Arab States have entered into a mutual defense pact.
> 3. Palistinian/Israeli/Arab relations are at the lowest point since the 6 Day
> War.
> 4. President Clinton's Middle East interference increased tensions and
> destroyed what peace had existed.
> 5. Price of oil at this time is fluctuating around $29 per barrel and
> predicted to plunge.
> 6. Although the present price of oil is not high enough to be profitable for
> American drillers, and the experts are predicting a price plunge, Texas and
> Oklahoma insiders are drilling like crazy. They are spending money on oil
> drilling equipment and new exploration like the old "Burkburnett field" had
> just been discovered.
> 7. The only place the drillers could have obtained inside information that
> would make such ventures profitable is from the mouth of George W. Bush
> himself, a seasoned oil business professional who is now President.
> 8. The only information that Bush could give them that would make them
> believe that the price of oil is going to go up instead of down is that he
> will engage the United States in a major war in the Middle East.
> 9. Bush has a score to settle on behalf of his father ex-President George H.
> W. Bush the man who engaged us in the Gulf War but failed to take down Saddam
> Hussein... a failure for which he has been severely criticized.
> 10. The economy is in trouble with a recession predicted.
> 11. Every time in the last 30 years the economy has been in trouble there has
> been an oil crisis, or an oil shortage with accompanying inflation. The
> problem was always blamed on the oil crisis that always proved later to have
> been a lie.
> 12. If there is a major war in the Middle East you can expect to see oil to
> soar to a bare minimum of $80 per barrel, possibly much higher.
> 13. The US military is gearing up for a war in the Middle East.
> 14. All US forces in Europe and the Middle East have been placed on alert.
> 15. Patriot Missiles are being readied for deployment to Israel.
> 16. The Federal Reserve has shifted back to Keynesian economics according to
> Greenspans last speech.
> 17. Bush has pledged to rebuild the military and the best way to do it is to
> create a need i.e. WAR.
> 18. I have been informed by several military officers that we will be
> involved in a major war in the Middle East within one year of Bush taking
> office as President of the United States.
> 19. The goal of the war will be to solve the Palistinian/Israel problem with
> finality, completely destroy the Arab capability to make war upon Israel, and
> to capture or kill Saddam Hussein.
> 20. Raw materials and defense industry stocks will replace tech stocks as the
> big money makers on the stock exchange for the next few years.
> *COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
> any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
> without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
> in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
> purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]
> Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] China adding missiles aimed toward Taiwan

2001-02-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China adding missiles aimed toward Taiwan
By Bill Gertz

 China is continuing a destabilizing buildup of short-range missiles
opposite Taiwan and now has up to 300 missiles deployed, according to a
senior military official. Top Stories
• Bush must cut U.S. spending, adviser says
• Clinton's travel left military overextended
• Pardoned Rich still in legal jeopardy
• Rogue football scores with fans
• Gilmore faces fight in Senate

 The senior official, who spoke to The Washington Times on the condition
of anonymity, also said Russia is supplying China with advanced
ballistic-missile technology and strategic nuclear warhead know-how.
 "The candy store appears to be open," the official said. "The Russians
will sell anything to the Chinese that the Chinese want to buy, and that's
what bothers me."
 On China's massing of short-range missiles, the official said Chinese
military leaders have refused to draw down the force, despite U.S. protests
that the missiles are increasing instability and the danger of conflict
across the Taiwan Strait. "They keep on building," the official said.
 He noted: "If the Chinese keep on doing what they're doing, we're going
to make theater missile systems available to the Taiwanese.
 Taiwan currently has deployed the most-advanced U.S. missile defense
available, a version of the Patriot system known as GEM PAC-2. The systems
are deployed around Taipei, the Taiwanese capital.
 Other more advanced regional missile defenses will be fielded with U.S.
forces in the next several years.
 Asked about growing Russian-Chinese military cooperation, the official
said missile and nuclear warhead transfers are troubling.
 Intelligence reports indicate the Russians have begun "helping Chinese
ballistic missile programs and nuclear programs, which are of course targeted
on Russia," the official said.
 "It's one thing if they want to help [the Chinese] screw the United
States, which is in their common interest right now, but this just seems to
be mindless," the official said. "I think it's stupidity on the Russians'
part; it is going to hurt them in the long term."
 He said Russia's state-owned arms-export company, Rosvooruzheniye, is
becoming China's major supplier.
 China also is seeking to purchase an advanced airborne warning and
control (AWAC) jet from Russia, after Israel canceled a similar deal at U.S.
insistence in July.
 On the missile buildup, the official said the growing numbers are only
one aspect of the problem. The Chinese also are deploying highly accurate
"precision" weapons in addition to older, inertially guided missiles.
 "They are in the 200 to 300 category," the senior official said. "And
just as important as the number, is the accuracy. Right now they are mostly
inertial [guidance], which give them [circular error probabilities] in the
Scud range. But they are working on more precision guidance, which will make
a big difference."
 Between 600 and 1,000 short-range missiles could be in place in the next
several years.
 The official said the United States has informed China it is considering
sales to Taiwan of advanced Aegis-equipped warships. If the $1 billion
warships are sold, they will be equipped with "fleet air defenses" capable of
countering China's current arsenal of Sunburn anti-ship missiles and other
anti-ship weapons, but they will not be outfitted with the Navy's two
regional missile defense systems, which have not yet been fielded.
 The Aegis-ships "would give the Taiwanese the ability to survive with
their surface ships," he said.
 U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and the building of a national missile defense
systems are two issues expected to cloud U.S.-China ties, the official said.
 However, China is not likely to increase the size of its strategic
nuclear missile buildup in response to a U.S. missile shield, he said. "I see
no indication that anything we do really affects the Chinese building
 The missile buildup has been tracked by Pentagon intelligence agencies
for the past several years. In 1998, China had fewer than 50 short-range
missiles deployed near Taiwan, and in 1999 the number had increased to 150.
 The senior official identified the missiles as CSS-6s and CSS-7s
—missiles also known by the designations M-9 and M-11, respectively. China
unveiled an advanced CSS-7 Mod 2 in late 1999.
 The missiles have enough range to hit targets in Taiwan with little or
no warning. The lack of warning time increases the risk of conflict, U.S.
military officials said.
 Last year, the State Department privately protested Beijing's missile
buildup, U.S. officials said. Publicly, the department has described the
buildup as worrying and said it could lead to future sales of U.S.
anti-missile defenses to Taiwan.
 According to the senior milita

[CTRL] Even Clinton Apologists are Beginning to Reject the Clintons' "White Trash" Beha

2001-02-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Even Clinton Apologists are Beginning to Reject the Clintons' "White Trash"

Even Clinton Apologists are Beginning to Reject the Clintons' "White Trash"
The "Heart" of the Democrats Concern for Others is Questioned
By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources (www.originalsources.com)

February 5, 2000

It's amazing how fast the American people can change their minds sometimes. I
think if the election were held today, and it was an honest election, the
margin of victory for George W. Bush, instead of it being merely an Electoral
College victory, would probably be a 60-40 victory for him.

Somehow, just by being themselves, the contrast between the style of the
Clintons and the style of the new Bush Administration is so stark that all
the sudden a lot of Americans who believed all politicians were the same, and
all of them were corrupt, are realizing that's not true. Even some ardent
Clinton apologists, like Maureen Dowd of the New York Times are beginning to
see the light. In a column yesterday written from the Clintons new home town,
Chappaqua, New York, entitled "Fork it Over, " Dowd illustrates my point:

"It was much more than a tempest over teapots, a debate about demitasse
spoons and sauce boats.
"The kerfuffle about Hillary Clinton's great White House gift heist had a
serious subtext.

"We found ourselves grappling with the same nettlesome issue we have been
dealing with for the last decade, and we will have to deal with for the
indefinite future.

"What is Hillary owed?

"Reparations must be made, clearly, for what she has suffered in her marriage
and what she has sacrificed by going into public service. But when will it be
enough, for Pete's sake?

"Hillary and Bill will be multimillionaires from their book deals. For two
speeches in Florida this week, Bill will earn about the same amount as the
$190,000 cost of the gifts that the Clintons took from the White House - a
cheesy grab that dearly cost them in prestige.

"So why did the Clintons have to be stoned into admitting that greed is not

"Because Hillary wanted to make a point: The Clinton haters - the vast
right-wing conspiracy and the media mob - will not cow them into giving up
what is rightfully theirs.

"And what is rightfully theirs is anything they choose to take.

Bill could have given Hillary all the silver and china and chandeliers she
craved just by doing what comes naturally - talking - and it would never have
been an issue.

"In the end, she had to succumb and write checks for $86,000 worth of tainted
loot. But now we know the junior senator from New York has terribly flawed
judgment. And her sense of entitlement knows no bounds.

"How do you even suggest that someone give you two coffee tables?

"Hillary: 'Oh, Denise, I just love that coffee table of yours.'

"Denise: 'I'll get you one'.

"Hillary: 'Two.'

"I heard about the Hillary secret 'shower' just before Christmas. The story
was that Rita Pynoos, the wife of a Beverly Hills businessman, Morris Pynoos,
was talking to other wealthy Clinton supporters about contributing $5,000
each so Hillary could have all the things she never had a chance to accrue
during her years in public housing.

"There were lists of Hillary's china and silver patterns, available at
Borsheim's in Omaha and other stores. Time was of the essence because
Hillary, who had been elected to the Senate, could take expensive gifts only
until she was sworn in and the Senate gift ban went into effect."

Dowd even, incredibly, took potshots at Bill Clinton's $750,000 per year
penthouse office, that he expected the taxpayers to pay for indefinitely,
noting that:

"He didn't stop Hillary from pigging out because he couldn't. She gets to
decide how they live in this next chapter of their lives. Their neurotic
dance keeps repeating: He acts up. She sends him to his room. But no sooner
does she take charge than she messes up, and he has to clean up the mess. But
as soon as he fixes the politics, he messes up the personal stuff, and the
cycle starts all over again."
I suspect that some of those folks Maureen Dowd has long labeled "Clinton
Haters" and members of the "vast right wing conspiracy" were just ordinary
folks who saw the light long ago, while Maureen and her fellow travelers were
still mesmerized by the glitter of their political position. The minute they
were no longer powerful figures, residents of the majestic White House, she
was able to see that they were, to use an old Southern expression, "just
white trash" in their behavior.

The much touted "caring" that the Democrat leadership, the Clintons and
people like Ted Kennedy, supposedly had, or have, for the poor, the
neglected, the mistreated and the struggling taxpayer is suddenly looking
like so much blather. New Democrats on the political horizon may find
themselves looked at in a very different light is, as Jean Carnahan has done,

[CTRL] Powell Sees NATO in Balkans for Years - Maybe Powell should resign!

2001-02-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sunday February 4 1:57 PM ET
Powell Sees NATO in Balkans for Years

By Jonathan Wright

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - NATO (news - web sites) troops will probably stay in
the Balkans for years and U.S. troops will not leave Bosnia or Kosovo ``in
the immediate future,'' Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites)
said in an interview broadcast on Sunday.

``There is no exit date for the whole force either in Bosnia and Kosovo.
Those will be long-term commitments,'' he told ABC's ''This Week'' program.

``Although we would like to see all of the troops come out, ours and others,
this is not going to be the case in the immediate future,'' he added.

Asked what he meant by a long-term commitment, he said: ``I think NATO is
going to be there in both places for years. The situation does not seem to
indicate to me, anyway, that in the near future we can simply pull out all of
the NATO troops.''

His comments were another indication that the administration of U.S.
President George W. Bush (news - web sites) has had second thoughts about any
abrupt withdrawal from Bosnia and Kosovo, where U.S. troops are part of
NATO-led peacekeeping forces.

Washington's European allies believe that a U.S. withdrawal from the Balkans
would weaken the Atlantic alliance and mark a shift toward isolationism in
U.S. foreign policy.

Powell, giving his first lengthy television interview since taking office on
Jan. 20, was also conciliatory toward Europe on U.S. plans for a national
missile defense (NMD) opposed by Russia, China and some of Washington's
European allies.

``It is not something that is going to happen without full consultation with
our friends and allies and full consultation with the Russians, and beyond
that, full consultation with other nations that have an interest in this is
Asia -- Japan, Korea and China,'' he said.

Moving Embassy To Jerusalem

If necessary, the United States would negotiate with Russia on possible
modifications to the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty of 1972, which bans
the kind of system Bush wants.

But Powell added: ``We have to hold out the possibility that it may be
necessary to leave that treaty if it is no longer serving our purposes or if
it's not something that we can accommodate our programs within.''

Powell was equally cautious on Bush's campaign pledge to start ``the process
of moving the U.S. ambassador to the city Israel has chosen as its capital''.

Moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would anger Arab public
opinion and damage the ability of the United States to act as a mediator in
Arab-Israeli peace talks.

Powell said: ``At this time of tension ... we will continue to examine when
that process will begin... We are always examining it, but there is no move
yet to move the embassy, although that remains the goal of the United States
and it remains the commitment made by President Bush (news - web sites).''

He said the word ``process'' -- the word Bush used during his election
campaign last year -- could have different meanings. ''Sometimes it means
stall. Sometimes it means move right ahead,'' he said.

On mediation in the Middle East, Powell said the United States would be an
``honest broker'' and that Bush would be ''involved'' after Israelis vote in
premiership elections on Tuesday and the winner forms a government.

Relations With China

``We will always be committed to the security of Israel, but we also will be
anxious to see what we could do in every way possible to achieve the
legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people,'' the secretary of state

In the meantime he urged both sides to avoid violence and provocations.
``What matters to the peace process is that we enter this election period and
come out of it with violence kept down,'' he added.

Powell said the United States had not made decisions on two issues likely to
affect relations with China -- whether to sell Aegis-type destroyers to
Taiwan and whether to support a resolution critical of China at the annual
meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Commission in Geneva this spring.

``We have an obligation to Taiwan to make sure that their level of defense
capability remains constant over time and they are in a position to defend
themselves against any threats that might come their way,'' he said.

He denied he disagreed with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the level of
support the United States should give to the opposition Iraqi National
Congress (INC), which hopes to overthrow Iraqi President Saddam Hussein (news
- web sites) with U.S. support.

Iraqi opposition sources say they believe that Rumsfeld and Vice President
Dick Cheney (news - web sites) favor more support for the INC, while Powell
is lukewarm about the group's prospects.

``We are in the process of discussing what our policy with respect to Iraq
should be, and there is no disagreement at this point that I am aware of

[CTRL] The truth about Militias

2001-02-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The truth about Militias

by William Cooper, and Betty Schier, with quotes from Jon Roland

VERITAS News Service, Exclusive -- Words have meaning. There is a process we
may use to determine the specific meaning of the word Militia both in the
language and under the law. The 1971 edition of The Compact Edition of the
Oxford English Dictionary defines:

Militia - 1. A system of military discipline, organization, and tactics;
manner of conducting warfare; the arts of war. 2. The control and
administration of the military and naval forces of a country. 3. A military
force esp. the body of soldiers in the service of a sovereign or a state; in
later use employed in more restricted sense to denote a "citizen army" as
distinguished from a body of mercenaries or professional soldiers. 4.b. U.S.
"The whole body of men declared by law amendable to military service, without
enlistment, whether armed and drilled or not."

Militia - To call out as Militia

Militiaman - A member of a military force.

Black's Law Dictionary further defines these terms. Bear in mind that words
have meaning. Under the law the words may not mean what you think.

Also, you will note in the following definition that the Militia is not
subordinate to the state or any other body. The body of citizens constitutes
the body of authority to which the Militia answers.

Militia - The body of citizens in a state, enrolled for discipline as a
military force, but not engaged in actual service except in emergencies, as
distinguished from regular troops, or a standing army. State v. Dawson, 272
N.C. 535, 159 S.E.2d 1, 9

Militiamen - Comprehends every temporary citizen-soldier who in time of war
or emergency enters active military service of the country. Critchlow v.
Monson, 102 Utah 378 131 P.2d 794, 798

The first U.S. document in law is, "The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen
United States of America". It sets out the reasons and justifications for our
separation from England and the Revolutionary War that followed. The document
places the decision and the power in the hands of the people, and was clearly
meant to be enforced by the Militia, a citizen1s army. That army, the
Continental Army of the Republic, won our Independence.

The Declaration of Independence (http://www.williamcooper.com/DecInd.htm)
clearly states:

"That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it
is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its
powers in such from, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety
and Happiness... But when a long train of abuses and usurpation's, pursuing
invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government,
and to provide new Guards for their future Security."

It becomes much clearer. Our Founding Fathers frequently discussed the
meaning and purpose of the Militia. I suggest you read the Federalist Papers,
No. 24 through 34. You will find a complete argument for the Militia as a
"citizens army" consisting of "the whole of the people," designed to allay
the public fears of a despotic central government.

The following statements may be found:

"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is
then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of
self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government." ...
Federalist Papers, No. 28, Section 8

"It may safely be received as an axiom in our political system that the state
governments will, in all possible contingencies, afford complete security
against the invasions of public liberty by the national authority."
Federalist Papers, No. 8, Section 8

The Constitution for the united States of America
(http://www.williamcooper.com/contxt.htm) is the Supreme Law of the land. It
recognizes the Militia as an already existing force outside the control of
the federal government but allows for the Congress to call forth the Militia
for three very specific occurrences. The Militia cannot be called up to
perform any other acts outside of the three specifically stated in the
Constitution. The Militia cannot be called upon to do anything
unconstitutional, illegal, or unlawful. Indeed, the commanders must refuse
any unconstitutional, illegal, or unlawful order.

The Constitution for the United States of America states in Article 1,
Section 8:

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union,
suppress Insurrection and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming,
and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be
employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States
respectively, the Appointment of Officers, an

[CTRL] Times Report Shows Why Chinagate Must Be Ashcroft's Top Priority

2001-02-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Monday, Feb. 5, 2001 12:42 p.m. EST

Times Report Shows Why Chinagate Must Be Ashcroft's Top Priority

With the ascension of John Ashcroft to the attorney general's spot,
suddenly long-dormant investigations seem to be heating up again.
After years of stalling, U.S. Attorney for New York's Southern District
Mary Jo White has finally indicted Ron Carey, the former Teamsters
Union president who was booted out two years ago amidst charges of

More intriguing still is Sunday's report in the Washington Post
suggesting that Justice Department officials have developed a new
round of questions for suspected Chinese nuclear spy Wen Ho Lee.
On the same day, the New York Times recapped some of the evidence
against Lee, in an article so dauntingly long that many readers no
doubt skipped it.

But for those who presumed Dr. Lee was more or less framed by the
FBI in the wake of U.S. District Judge James Parker's apology last
year for imprisoning him unjustly, the report was a real eye-opener.
Though the probe never turned up smoking-gun evidence that Lee spied
for Beijing, his behavior over the course of the last two decades raises
questions that Attorney General Ashcroft simply can't ignore.

The curious incidents reported by the Times include:
Lee's attempts to foil the FBI's "Operation Tiger Trap," a 1982 probe
that had targeted a suspected Chinese spy at California's Lawrence
Livermore laboratory.

Out of the blue, Lee turned up on tapes of the suspect's wiretapped
phone calls.  He was offering his compromised colleague help in
learning just who had "squealed" on him.

Lee later denied making the call.  When probers confronted him with
the tapes, he changed his story.

In 1994 Lee turned up, completely uninvited, at a Los Alamos meeting
between top-level U.S. and Chinese nuclear scientists.  Dr. Hu Side,
Beijing's leading nuclear bomb development expert, was among the
select group invited to the exclusive conclave.

"We had very tight controls on access," one laboratory official told the
Times.  "The door was closed.  The session was not advertised."
Still, somehow, Lee found out about the meeting, showed up, and was
warmly received by Dr. Hu.

One of those present told the Times he was shocked that the relatively
obscure Lee, who was actually on the verge of being laid off due to lab
budget cuts at the time, seemed to have a personal relationship with
China's chief nuclear scientist.

A translator on hand during the encounter between Lee and the Beijing
bombmaker remembered key details of the conversation.  "They were
thanking him because the computer software and calculations on
hydrodynamics that [Lee] provided them have helped China a great
deal," he told another lab official interviewed by the Times.

Lee never told his superiors that he had met Dr. Hu six years earlier
while on a trip to Beijing.

Shortly after Lee's Los Alamos reunion with Hu, American intelligence
officials learned that the Chinese had made startling progress in
miniaturizing their nuclear weapons.  "It's like they were driving a Model
T  and went around the corner and suddenly had a Corvette," one
scientist told the Times.

In 1996, the FBI opened a secret investigation into Wen Ho Lee, but
the Clinton Justice Department didn't make it a top priority.

The case was passed from one agent to another like an unwanted
stepchild, while the bureau pursued other investigations deemed more
important by Washington officials.

Due to the lack of focus, investigators never searched the suspected
scientist's computer. They believed they lacked the authority to do so.
But that presumption turned out to be wrong.  Lee had signed a waiver
in 1995 that would have permitted such a search.

Meanwhile, allegations tying the Clinton campaign finance scandal to
China's quest for U.S. military technology erupted.

Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung testified in 1998 that the
daughter of a Chinese military official sought him out and arranged a
meeting with the chief of Chinese military intelligence.

"We like your president.  We want to see him re-elected," Gen Ji
Shengde told Chung over dinner, before pledging $300,000 to help keep
Clinton in the White House.

Other, perhaps even more chilling, aspects of the FBI's Chinagate
probe were overlooked in the Times and Post updates.

As Wen Ho Lee's story slowly unfolded, for instance, the Clinton
Justice Department nearly broke its neck looking the other way on
potential evidence of a connection between the money Beijing agents
funneled to Democrats and the U.S. technology the Chinese suddenly
had access to.

When FBI agents in Little Rock were assigned to surveil Charlie Trie,
they observed the Clinton money man shredding documents like there
was no tommorrow.

The agents begged their superiors in Washington for a search warrant.
Nothing doin

[CTRL] HUGE Middle East WAR looms in near future!

2001-02-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

HUGE Middle East WAR looms in near future!

William Cooper Predicts

Veritas News Service - Exclusive, January 18, 2001 -- The following
indicators point to a major Middle East war erupting in the very near future.
When reading this remember that Bush is an oilman like his father.
1. Israel has told its Citizens to prepare for a real war and has asked for a
call-up of all reserves.
2. Arab States have entered into a mutual defense pact.
3. Palistinian/Israeli/Arab relations are at the lowest point since the 6 Day
4. President Clinton's Middle East interference increased tensions and
destroyed what peace had existed.
5. Price of oil at this time is fluctuating around $29 per barrel and
predicted to plunge.
6. Although the present price of oil is not high enough to be profitable for
American drillers, and the experts are predicting a price plunge, Texas and
Oklahoma insiders are drilling like crazy. They are spending money on oil
drilling equipment and new exploration like the old "Burkburnett field" had
just been discovered.
7. The only place the drillers could have obtained inside information that
would make such ventures profitable is from the mouth of George W. Bush
himself, a seasoned oil business professional who is now President.
8. The only information that Bush could give them that would make them
believe that the price of oil is going to go up instead of down is that he
will engage the United States in a major war in the Middle East.
9. Bush has a score to settle on behalf of his father ex-President George H.
W. Bush the man who engaged us in the Gulf War but failed to take down Saddam
Hussein... a failure for which he has been severely criticized.
10. The economy is in trouble with a recession predicted.
11. Every time in the last 30 years the economy has been in trouble there has
been an oil crisis, or an oil shortage with accompanying inflation. The
problem was always blamed on the oil crisis that always proved later to have
been a lie.
12. If there is a major war in the Middle East you can expect to see oil to
soar to a bare minimum of $80 per barrel, possibly much higher.
13. The US military is gearing up for a war in the Middle East.
14. All US forces in Europe and the Middle East have been placed on alert.
15. Patriot Missiles are being readied for deployment to Israel.
16. The Federal Reserve has shifted back to Keynesian economics according to
Greenspans last speech.
17. Bush has pledged to rebuild the military and the best way to do it is to
create a need i.e. WAR.
18. I have been informed by several military officers that we will be
involved in a major war in the Middle East within one year of Bush taking
office as President of the United States.
19. The goal of the war will be to solve the Palistinian/Israel problem with
finality, completely destroy the Arab capability to make war upon Israel, and
to capture or kill Saddam Hussein.
20. Raw materials and defense industry stocks will replace tech stocks as the
big money makers on the stock exchange for the next few years.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Anti-Chavez Sentiment Builds With Appointment

2001-02-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Anti-Chavez Sentiment Builds With Appointment
05 February 2001


The surprise appointment of Foreign Minister Jose Vicente Rangel as
Venezuela's new defense minister may lead to increased tensions with Colombia
and the United States. Rangel's appointment, however, is also the beginning
of the end of President Hugo Chavez's Bolivarian revolution. High oil prices,
plus more than $21 billion in foreign exchange reserves, will keep Chavez
afloat economically for a while, but public confidence in his government has
dropped significantly in the past year. Meanwhile, conservative elements of
the armed forces are increasingly unhappy with Venezuela's growing
international isolation.

President Hugo Chavez recently reshuffled his Cabinet, appointing Foreign
Minister Jose Vicente Rangel as Venezuela’s first civilian defense minister
in nearly 50 years. Rangel replaced army Gen. Eliecer Hurtado, who was
appointed minister of infrastructure. Chavez said he appointed Rangel to
signal the “union” of the armed forces and civil society in his democratic
Bolivarian revolution. In actuality, relations between Chavez and the armed
forces have reached their lowest point since he was elected president in
December 1998.

During a Feb. 4 military parade to celebrate the ninth anniversary of his
failed coup attempt in 1992, Chavez also said Venezuela never again would
experience a military coup. Chavez, however, may have been putting a positive
spin on a bad situation. Chavez put Rangel in the Defense Ministry shortly
after Venezuelan newspapers reported senior and mid-level military officers
recently held several closed-door meetings in different parts of Venezuela –
without Chavez’s prior knowledge.

Chavez may have appointed Rangel as defense minister to show his government
will not tolerate clandestine meetings within the military – meetings such as
those Chavez conducted during his career in the military. More likely, Chavez
tapped Rangel because he no longer trusts his senior military commanders and
he is hobbled by a shrinking pool of trusted political allies. In effect, his
Cabinet reshuffle was an exercise in circling a handful of wagons.

Venezuela's new Defense Minister
 Jose Vicente Rangel. In addition to putting Rangel in the Defense Ministry,
Chavez brought septuagenarian leftist Luis Miquilena back into his government
as interior and justice minister (MIJ), and moved Luis Alfonso Davila from
MIJ to the Foreign Ministry. Davila, a former military officer, is an
inflexible “chavista” who as interior and justice minister failed to contain
the terrible rise in violent crime that Venezuela has suffered since 1998.
With this reshuffle, Chavez has peopled all of his key political, security
and economic ministries with Marxists who oppose free-market policies and
view the United States as an enemy.

The choice of Rangel, a lifelong anti-American Marxist who admires Fidel
Castro and is despised widely within the Venezuelan armed forces, may be
Chavez’s greatest political mistake since he launched his Bolivarian
revolution in 1998.

Typically, the active-duty military establishment has not responded publicly
to Rangel’s appointment as defense minister. The response from retired senior
officers, however, was strongly negative. Retired army Gen. Fernando Ochoa
Antich, a former defense minister and foreign minister, warned Rangel’s
appointment was “counterproductive for the armed forces and for the

Vice Adm. Ivan Carratu Molina dismissed Rangel as “a genetically
anti-American Marxist” and a longtime enemy of the Venezuelan armed forces
who will widen the breach between Venezuela and the United States and create
security problems with Colombia.

Rangel dismissed these criticisms but acknowledged strengthening security
along Venezuela’s border with Colombia will be his first priority. Rangel
said he will immediately tour all of the military bases and outposts on the
border with Colombia and, within a month, will convene a bilateral
Venezuelan-Colombian military commission to develop a joint response to
border security problems.

Rangel’s relations with Colombian defense and military officials will be
frosty at best. As foreign minister of Venezuela, Rangel sympathized openly
with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National
Liberation Army (ELN), providing guerrilla representatives with
transportation, office space and security details in Venezuela. Additionally,
Rangel often has sparred verbally with the government of President Andres
Pastrana. Moreover, Gen. Fernando Tapias, the commander of Colombia’s armed
forces, has publicly accused the Chavez government of arming FARC and ELN

Rangel said he would maintain close relations with Venezuela’s new foreign
minister because foreign policy has a security and defense component. If

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Unseen but Very Real Protests at Washington (off topic)

2001-02-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
> I have heard this stated on TV news and commentary shows
> several times recently.  I suppose I should have tried to
> recheck it myself and not just take them at their word but
> these were national shows, and I assumed they were at least
> accurate.  Can you, from memory as it is not worth going to
> trouble, cite which party was in control of congress for
> these years?

Sorry, I really couldn't say, going back 50 years...I do know much was made of the 
'Democratic Congress'
during the Reagan years...but it seems most dems just laid down and let whatever the 
Reagan admin want,
get...so while they may have nominally been in control during those years, they rarely 
exercised it...

Not sure what the makeup of the Congress was during the Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford 
admins...but I believe
that every Democratic administration also enjoyed a predominantly Democratic-majority 
during their tenure...

> Maybe that is what they mean by "in charge."

Perhaps...but it is the administration in power which sets policy.

Even if there was a Democratic majority during Nixon's administration (and I'm not 
sure there was), until the
Watergate scandal Nixon enjoyed basically unchallenged power.  Prior to Watergate, the 
only thing I know that
Congress and the public balked at was Nixon's desire to change the uniforms of the 
White House
guards...remember the crazy design he wanted, better suited for a small Balkan country 
perhaps?  Congress
didn't call him on the carpet over continuing the war in Vietnam, neither did they do 
anything substantive in
regards to his incursions into Cambodia...

> Also, I think the "owners" of the stable and the horses do
> at times try to undermine each other and bicker among
> themselves.

The horses and the stables may try to undermine each other, but their owners encourage 
this, so that the
public is given a show of a 'two party system' that in fact does not exist.

The bottom line is, you have the same backers putting money on ALL the horses in the 
race...and they also put
their money into the 'up and comers' back in the stables...


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How Ashcroft Happened

2001-02-05 Thread William Shannon

How Ashcroft Happened

Joshua Green

If all had gone according to George W. Bush's original plan, Marc Racicot
would today be our attorney general. Racicot, who was, until recently,
governor of Montana, would have been a solid choice. Though he's enough of a
GOP loyalist to satisfy the party faithful (he earned his partisan spurs
working on Bush's behalf during the Florida recount), he is moderate enough
to have pleased the suburban voters who turned out for Bush based on his
claim to be a "uniter, not a divider." At one point recently, Racicot had the
highest approval rating--87 percent--of any governor in the country. Liberal
groups still might have opposed Racicot based on his official stance against
abortion, for example, but he would not have been a provocation to them. John
Ashcroft, on the other hand, is a brazen provocation: He's a hard-core
conservative on race, civil rights, abortion, and a host of other issues. As
is by now quite well known, he has a history of blocking African-American
judicial appointments and making controversial comments about the
Confederacy. Racicot may not be as liberal as a northern Republican like
Senator Jim Jeffords of Vermont, but he and Ashcroft hail from opposite wings
of the Republican Party. So why did Ashcroft supplant Racicot? Shouldn't
Bush, as a new president with a shaky claim to legitimacy and a desire to be
perceived as moderate, have gone for the less controversial choice? Lost in
all the brouhaha over Ashcroft's confirmation hearings is the story of how
Ashcroft came to be nominated in the first place. In that story lies a
glimpse of who is influencing the Bush administration and how they go about
it. Three days before Bush announced his nominee for attorney general, a
small group of intellectual Catholic and Protestant conservatives--unhappy
with what they perceived to be Racicot's moderate views on abortion,
homosexuality, and school choice--recruited Princeton University professor
Robert P. George to draft a paper detailing the case against Racicot. George
was ideally suited to the task. A rising conservative star who made a name
for himself defending Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearing, George
is a prominent natural-law theorist who holds Woodrow Wilson's old chair at
Princeton. He is also a staunch Roman Catholic and ardent pro-life activist;
he once penned an amicus brief for Mother Teresa asking the Supreme Court to
reverse Roe v. Wade. Furthermore, he has written extensively on the need for
conservative Catholics and Protestant evangelicals to employ "interfaith
cooperation in pursuit of operational objectives in the culture war." (By
"operational objectives," George means stopping gay rights and banning
abortion.) George's report on Racicot quickly circulated among conservatives
and made its way to Karl Rove, Bush's top political adviser. Rove tried
unsuccessfully to convince the group of Racicot's conservative bona fides,
both in conference calls and in face-to-face talks. Two days after George's
report began to circulate, Racicot withdrew from consideration. "We're still
not clear what exactly happened," a spokeswoman for Racicot confided. Two
related phenomena combined to derail Racicot--and George and his fellow
conservative religious intellectuals would rather those phenomena not come to
light. The first was religious conservatives' tacit agreement to stay out of
the spotlight during Bush's presidential campaign in order not to frighten
off moderate voters, as many believe they had during the 1992 Republican
convention in Houston. The second is the decline over the past decade in the
animosity between evangelicals and Catholics, and the subsequent movement, of
which George is a prominent member, to form what he calls a "pan-orthodox
alliance" between Catholic social conservatives and evangelical Protestants
to exert greater influence over public affairs. This movement has been most
visible in the religious academic journal First Things, where George is on
the editorial advisory board. It was this group of predominantly Catholic
intellectuals (usually understood to include such people as Russell
Hittinger, Michael Novak, George Weigel, and Richard John Neuhaus, the
Lutheran-minister-turned-Catholic-priest who edits First Things) who were
most upset by Racicot's impending nomination. Abortion--the primary issue
uniting Catholics and evangelical conservatives--was the motivating factor.
George's patrons believed that Bush's attorney general needed to be "square"
on abortion. And though Racicot was endorsed by the National Right to Life
Committee and his official statements were well in keeping with the
conservative position on abortion, his informal comments did not meet this
standard. Also, conservatives didn't like his decision to advocate broader
hate-crime laws following the murder of Matthew Shepard in neighboring
Wyoming. The conservative intellectuals associated with this

[CTRL] Bush LIED About Executive Order

2001-02-05 Thread William Shannon

Democrats claim Bush confused about executive order

February 5, 2001
Web posted at: 2:40 AM EST (0740 GMT)

FARMINGTON, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- Several House Democrats who attended a
private retreat at which President George W. Bush spoke Sunday said the
president appeared confused about one of the first executive orders he signed
after taking office. The White House, in turn, called it a simple
disagreement over policy.
According to Democrats in the room, Bush stumbled as he answered the last of
a series of nine questions by House Democrats.
"He was boxed into a corner," said Rep. Allen Boyd, D-Florida. Others said
the president seemed uncomfortable, with one noting, "He turned bright red."
The question came from Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-California, who asked Bush about
an executive order banning U.S. funding for international aid groups that
provide abortions or abortion counseling, even if the U.S. funds are not
directly used for the abortion work. Bush signed the executive order January
Pelosi asked the president if it was a "double standard" to prohibit that
funding because the administration opposes the groups' abortion activities,
but allow funding to faith-based charities which conduct religious activities
using private funds.
Bush's response, Democrats said, implied he thought his executive order had
outlawed only the direct financing of abortions.
Pelosi, according to Democrats in the room, corrected the president. Aides to
Pelosi say she explained existing law and how the president's order changed
But the White House rejected any suggestion the president was confused or
unaware of what is banned under the executive order, describing the encounter
with Pelosi as a "disagreement over this issue."
"The president has made it clear that federal funds should not go to
international organizations that provide abortion services or promote
abortion" abroad, Bush spokesman Scott McClellan told CNN. "There's just a
disagreement over this policy."
McClellan said Bush fielded questions from House Democrats for 35 to 40
minutes, and that there were some questions where he and the lawmakers
"This was one where there is just a disagreement on policy," he added. 


2001-02-05 Thread William Shannon


Siroki Brijeg, Bosnia-Herzegovina - Near the site of a World War II wartime 
massacre of Serb women and children by Croatian Nazis stands a Franciscan 
Monastery. It’s just down the road from Medjugorje or "Miracle City" where 
the Virgin Mary is said to put in nightly appearances for the tens of 
thousands of Roman Catholic pilgrims who flock there each year. The 
Franciscan Monastery at Sirkoi Brijeg and its controversial contents are at 
the center of an international scandal involving the Franciscans, Croatian 
ultra nationalists and the Vatican Bank. A lawsuit, Alperin v. Vatican Bank, 
filed in San Francisco Federal Court in November 1999 by Serb, Jewish, and 
Ukrainian Holocaust survivors against the Vatican Bank and Franciscans seeks 
return of Nazi loot stolen from wartime Yugoslavia. According to a 1998 US 
State Department report, the money known as the Ustasha Treasury, is thought 
to have been concealed in the Vatican and used in part to fund the escape of 
Nazi and Croatian war criminals to South America. The Franciscans acted as 
facilitators and middlemen in moving the contents of the Ustasha Treasury 
from Croatia to Austria, Italy and finally South America. The Franciscans 
have denied their wartime ties to the Ustasha regime in Croatia, which 
slaughtered over 700,000 Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies and set the stage for 
today’s ethnic battles in the Balkans. However, in Siroki Brijeg, 
plaintiffs’ attorneys have obtained tangible proof of the Nazi Franciscan 
connection. Cameramen working for Phillip Kronzer, a staunch foe of 
Medjugorje and its Marian apparitions obtained entry to the Monastery and 
filmed a secret shrine honoring the Ustashe. A plaque dedicated to Franciscan 
monks who were Ustasha members was filmed along with a massive shrine lining 
the walls complete with photographs of Ustasha soldiers some in Nazi 
uniforms. The admonition, "Recognize us, We are yours" can clearly be 
discerned in the video footage. On a later visit to the monastery the shrine 
had been dismantled but the videotape preserved the evidence and has now been 
made available by the Kronzer Foundation. Just as in World War II, Medjugorje 
in the 1990’s was the site of brutal ethnic cleansing by Croat nationalists. 
Alperin plaintiffs have alleged that Medjugorje and its facilities are 
connected with the Ustasha Treasury and the monastery at Siroki Brijeg seems 
to provide hard evidence of the connection. 

[CTRL] Drug War Very Effective — At Bloating Police, Prison 'Industries'

2001-02-05 Thread William Shannon


Drug War Very Effective — At Bloating Police, Prison 'Industries'

 [Saturday, February 3, 2001; 12:01 a.m. EST]

 Back in 1990, federal officials had what seemed like a modest idea for a new 
program: The U.S. Office of Drug Control Policy would identify a few areas — 
all in the worst inner cities or along the Mexican border — where local 
authorities were having trouble keeping the flow of illicit drugs under 
control. Some $25 million — chickenfeed by federal standards — would be 
parceled out to these "High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas" in hopes of 
helping beef up local drug law enforcement.
Guess what happened?
Seeing a new source of funds for local police equipment, staff and 
operations, "Every congressman has raised their hand and said, 'I need relief 
from this problem, too,' " explains UCLA public policy professor Mark A.R. 
If Sioux Falls, S.D. and Dayton, Ohio haven't yet been named "High Intensity 
Drug Trafficking Areas" ... just give them time.
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., recently announced Las Vegas as one of the 
latest cities to win the coveted "HIDTA" designation, which could mean 
$800,000 in new federal moneys in the first year alone, supposedly to 
"coordinate local narcotics investigations."
However, both the volume of drugs moving through this area — and their purity 
— have actually increased in recent years, despite the existence of five 
previously established drug task forces.
What kind of results can officials show for those operations? Just this week, 
Las Vegas police and federal officials both refused to so much as disclose 
the names of the five pre-existing task forces — let alone what they've cost 
or whether they can demonstrate any palpable success.
Insisting on keeping secret any evidence of their effectiveness — or, who 
knows, the complete waste of every dollar allocated to them on bachelor 
parties and sports cars — FBI Special Agent Daren Borst cited unspecified 
"operational concerns."
This does not instill a lot of confidence in the arrival here of a federal 
program which is quickly becoming known around the nation as the "SWAT Team 
Full-Employment Act."
HIDTA funding has expanded from $25 million in 1990 to $140 million in 1997 
to a projected $205 million in 2001.
But Eric Sterling, executive director of the Criminal Justice Policy 
Foundation in Washington, D.C., says that growth has been largely 
attributable to the desire of local congressmen around the nation to elbow a 
place for their constituents at this latest federal feeding trough — not on 
any evidence that HIDTA does any good.
A HIDTA designation for anti-narcotics efforts in a town like Las Vegas 
amounts to little more than "a new set of lights and whistles you put on the 
old vehicle to make it look fancier," Sterling told Las Vegas Review-Journal 
reporter Glenn Puit last week.
With a decade of experience under their belts and 26 HIDT areas now 
designated across the nation, one would think the federal government would by 
have gathered some evidence of the program's usefulness. But Professor 
Kleiman at UCLA says no independent, in-depth study of the effectiveness of 
the HIDTA designation — and the federal funds that flow in its wake — has 
ever been conducted.
A spokeswoman for the Office of Drug Control Policy responds that HIDTA's 
executive board is still "customizing performance measurement tools" for the 
added funds justified by the Trafficking Area designations. That is to say: 
Not only do they not know whether the $1.2 billion spent so far has done any 
good ... they haven't even figured out how to measure whether it's done any 
It's tempting to say the War on Drugs isn't working. In fact, it's working 
very well as a justification for allocating billions of additional tax 
dollars for police equipment and staffing and tracking systems — in what 
would otherwise be a shrinking industry, as the aging of the American 
population has caused the rate of virtually every non-drug crime to actually 
plummet in recent years.
Oh, the "War on Drugs" is working very well if your goal is to track where 
even law-abiding Americans go and who they call on the telephone and what 
they do with their money. It's only "not working" if we naively suppose the 
purpose is to stop people from voluntarily ingesting drugs — which was 
actually given up as a lost cause in this country when they legalized "demon 
rum" in 1933.
At this point, it may even be legitimate to ask whether the folks rolling in 
the clover in the law enforcement and criminal defense and prison industries 
really want to see drug use reduced in this country. Imagine the kind of 
unemployment that would then ravage those "growth" industries if that were 
ever to happen.
Why, the drug warriors might even have to figure out some new "demon" to 
pursue — just the way Harry Anslinger and a small group of other 
soon-to-be-unemployed Prohibition ag

[CTRL] Anti-gun 'Million Mom' Shoots Wrong Man, Not Son's Killer

2001-02-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Those gun-control people only mean gun control for others, not


> ‘Million Mom’ activist convicted in shooting
> Bereaved mother shot wrong man after son killed
> 'Million Mom' activist convicted in shooting
> By Jon Dougherty
> © 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
> A bereaved mother whose son was shot and killed nearly two years ago
> -- and
> who spoke out against gun violence and memorialized shooting victims
> at the
> "Million Mom March" rally in Washington, D.C., last Mother's Day --
> was
> herself convicted of shooting a man she wrongly believed was her
> son's
> killer.
> Barbara Graham, the Washington Post reported Thursday, "was found
> guilty in
> D.C. Superior Court … of trying to avenge her son's death by shooting
> a
> young man" last year that "she blamed for the killing."
> Graham, who lost her own son in 1999 in a shooting death at a Martin
> Luther
> King, Jr. rally, became active in a Washington-area group, "Mothers
> on the
> Move Spiritually," in the months following her son's death. The group
> helped
> sponsor the MMM event, where Graham "spoke out … and helped
> memorialize the
> dead," the paper said.
> The Million Moms March, which becomes nine months old as an
> organization
> Feb. 14, has become one of the nation's leading advocates of
> stringent gun
> control. The group, which promotes gun-control activism among the
> nation's
> mothers, says it is "dedicated to preventing gun death and injury and
> supporting victims and survivors of gun trauma."
> Specifically, the organization promotes nationwide gun registration
> and
> wants to "close gun show loopholes." Also, it supports a "one gun
> purchase a
> month" program, and "strict oversight of the gun industry," among
> other
> measures.
> Officials with the group, which has its main office in San Francisco
> General
> Hospital, did not return phone calls on Friday seeking comments about
> Graham's involvement with the Mother's Day speech or her conviction.
> According to the Post, jurors last week returned guilty verdicts on
> nine
> counts against Graham, 49, for her Jan. 26, 2000, shooting of Kikko
> Smith,
> age 23. The shooting has left Smith paralyzed and confined to a
> wheelchair
> for life.
> Smith has spent most of the past year in a hospital, said the Post
> account.
> Witnesses said Graham, who has three living children and who was
> distraught
> over the loss of her son and frustrated with police efforts to catch
> her
> son's killer, went to Smith's house with her son's .45-cal. handgun
> and
> 30-year-old Erskine Moorer, the boyfriend of one of Graham's
> daughters.
> When they arrived at about 6 p.m., Graham twice asked Smith -- who
> had been
> called outside by friends and was talking to them as they sat in
> their
> car -- his name.
> Prosecutors said Graham and Moorer then pulled out guns and began
> shooting
> at Smith as he ran from them. However, the Post said, Moorer's
> attorney,
> Douglas Wood, told the jury that his client had left the neighborhood
> before
> the shooting.
> "Asked who confronted him with a gun, Smith pointed emphatically to
> Graham,
> who sat still and somber. At another point, he pointed firmly at
> Moorer,
> saying Moorer joined the ambush as he ran from Graham," the paper
> said.
> Prosecutors said during the trial that Graham likely confused Smith
> with
> another young man with a similar-sounding name, and that Smith was
> not the
> one who shot her son in 1999.
> "Prosecutors suggested that the grieving mother probably
> misunderstood
> Smith, thinking he said the name 'Teacco,' a young man she blamed --
> also
> mistakenly, prosecutors say -- for her son's slaying," said the Post.
> One bullet fired by Graham is still lodged in Smith's spine. He told
> jurors
> during testimony that doctors say he will likely never walk again.
> "From a mother to a mother, she knew better," said Smith's mother,
> Mary Ann
> Smith, after jurors reached their decision. "You can't tell the kids
> to stop
> the violence with the mothers running around like this."
> Graham faces 15 years to life in prison for three of the most serious
> charges against her. She will be sentenced March 29, the paper said.
> According to information published by MMM, in 1998 a total of 30,708
> people
> were killed by guns in the U.S. Of those, 17,424 were gun suicides,
> 12,102
> were gun homicides, 886 were unintentional or accidental shootings,
> and 316
> were shooting deaths of undetermined intent, the group said.
> Meanwhile, the Second Amendment Sisters, a pro-gun rights
> organization that
> also caters to women, says more gun laws and restrictions are
> "anti-self
> defense" and actually serve to put more women at risk of violence and
> injury.
> Also, the SAS said federal crime statistics show that twice as many
> children
> die each year from non-gun homicide, and that eight times as many
> children

[CTRL] Newspaper studies confirm Democrat Gore won Florida vote

2001-02-05 Thread William Shannon

Newspaper studies confirm Democrat Gore won Florida vote

By Patrick Martin
5 February 2001

Two newly published studies of the ballots cast in the US presidential 
election confirm that Democrat Al Gore was the choice of more Florida voters 
than Republican George W. Bush, who was installed as president after an 
unprecedented and anti-democratic intervention by the US Supreme Court.
One study was conducted by the Washington Post, the other by Tribune Co., 
which owns the Chicago Tribune, the Orlando Sentinel, and the Fort Lauderdale 
Sun-Sentinel. The Post endorsed Gore editorially in the November election, 
while the Tribune endorsed Bush.
The Post reviewed computerized records of 2.7 million votes in eight of 
Florida's largest counties to examine the pattern of the so-called overvotes, 
those ballots on which computer scanners or other vote-counting machines 
detected votes for more than one presidential candidate and discarded the 
ballots as invalid. The newspaper did not recount individual ballots, but 
relied on reports from county officials based on machine tabulation of the 
invalid ballots.
The analysis found that of the more than 60,000 ballots in the eight counties 
showing overvotes—the bulk of the statewide total—Gore's name was marked on 
46,000, while Bush was marked on only 17,000. This includes several thousand 
ballots in which both Gore and Bush were marked.
The 3-1 Democratic to Republican ratio among the overvotes was confirmed in 
the analysis of other votes cast by those voters further down the ballot. 
Three quarters of those who improperly cast a presidential overvote marked 
their ballots correctly for US senator. Of these, 70 percent voted for 
Democrat Bill Nelson, only 24 percent for Republican Bill McCollum, while 6 
percent voted for third-party candidates.
The nearly 30,000-vote margin for Gore among the overvotes dwarfs the 537 
votes which was Bush's official margin of victory in Florida. On the basis of 
that minuscule and highly dubious number, the Republican-controlled state 
government, headed by his brother, Governor Jeb Bush, awarded him the state's 
25 electoral votes and a four-vote margin in the Electoral College nationally.
The eight counties examined by the Post included Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, 
Broward (Fort Lauderdale), Pinellas (St. Petersburg), Hillsborough (Tampa), 
Marion (Ocala), Highlands and Pasco. Four of these counties went for Gore and 
four for Bush. The pattern of more overvotes for Gore prevailed in all the 
counties, however, regardless of who won the county overall.
The notorious “butterfly ballot” in Palm Beach County accounted for 8,000 of 
the Gore overvotes, most of them double votes for Gore and far-right Reform 
Party candidate Patrick Buchanan, who was listed across from Gore on the 
ballot, with his punch-hole close to the names of Gore and Lieberman. 
Gore-Buchanan voters in Palm Beach County voted 10-1 Democratic in the US 
Senate race.
In the other seven counties, the largest group of overvotes were for Gore and 
the candidate who followed immediately after him on the ballot, Libertarian 
Harry Browne. Such a combination is incomprehensible as a protest vote, 
especially one supposedly chosen by 6,800 voters. It more likely reflects 
confusion among voters who thought they had to cast votes for president and 
Confirming the notion that the overvotes were largely intended for Gore is 
the fact that most of the third-party candidates on the ballot for president 
received more votes paired with Gore as overvotes than they did in their own 
right. In the eight counties, Socialist Workers Party candidate James Harris 
received a total of 300 votes, but his name was punched 12,600 times on 
ballots with Gore, Bush or another presidential candidate—42 inadvertent 
votes for each intentional vote.
The Republican head of the Florida Division of Elections, Clay Roberts, 
dismissed the Post analysis with an argument of stupefying cynicism, claiming 
that overvotes were intentional political choices. “People who are engaged in 
politics can't understand why people would overvote,” he said. “But there 
are valid reasons for undervotes and overvotes. For some voters, that 
undervote or overvote is their decision.”
The Post also found more than 15,000 voters in the eight counties who cast no 
recorded votes for any office or referendum. This suggests widespread 
difficulty with voting equipment, or major errors in the computerized count, 
or both, since it is impossible to believe that so many people turned out at 
the polls, many of them waiting hours in line, only to cast a blank ballot.
The Tribune Co. study examined ballots in 15 smaller counties—not including 
any of the eight in the Post study—that used paper ballots that were marked 
in pencil and then read by optical scanners.
While much public attention has been given to the punch card ballots that 
proved so defective

[CTRL] Fwd: BBC Casts Doubts on Pan Am Convictions

2001-02-05 Thread William Shannon

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 2/05:
In advance of whatever the Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi is going to produce
as "evidence" of innocence today, the BBC has published the following story
quoting the very Scottish law professor who arranged the trial in The Netherlands
casting great doubt about the veracity of the verdict reached:  "Robert Black,
the Scottish law professor who devised the format of the Netherlands-based
trial, was quoted on Sunday as saying he was 'absolutely astounded' that Al
Megrahi had been found guilty.  Mr Black said he believed the prosecution had
"a very, very weak circumstantial case" and he was reluctant to believe that
Scottish judges would "convict anyone, even a Libyan" on such evidence."  Over
the weekend MER published commentary by American journalist William Blum casting
similar skepticism and providing considerable background.


  [BBC News - 5 February] :   Libya came to standstill
  in anticipation of Gaddafi's statement
  Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is due
  to reveal fresh evidence on Monday, which he
  says will clear the Libyan agent convicted last
  week of the Lockerbie bombing.

  Colonel Gaddafi says the evidence will prove
  that Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi is
  innocent of the 1988 bombing in which 270
  people died.

  Libya's defence of Al
  Megrahi - a former
  Libyan intelligence
  agent who received a
  life sentence for the
  bombing of the Pan-Am
  aircraft over Lockerbie
  - received a boost
  after a Scottish legal
  expert said the verdict
  was obtained on "very,
  very weak" evidence.

  A Libyan official said
  the opinion showed
  that the case was a "racist pretext" to prolong
  nine years of sanctions against the country.

  The three Scottish judges who heard the case
  found Al Megrahi's alleged accomplice, Al Amin
  Khalifa Fhimah, not guilty.

  Colonel Gaddafi said last week that the judges
  had three options - to acquit Al Megrahi,
  resign or commit suicide.

  Libyans flocked to public meetings on Monday
  in anticipation of Colonel Gaddafi's statement,
  leaving the country at an almost complete

  The announcement  coincides with Libya
  holding three days of meetings known as
  basic people's congresses.

  Correspondents say  two possible scenarios
  are being discussed in Tripoli:

   Colonel Gaddafi  could produce
   evidence that  Washington put
   pressure on the Scottish judges to
   convict Al Megrahi

   Or he could produce evidence that
   another non-Libyan perpetrator carried
   out the bombing.

  However, there is scepticism outside the
  country that hard evidence will emerge at this
  late stage.


  Robert Black, the Scottish law professor who
  devised the format of the Netherlands-based
  trial, was quoted on Sunday as saying he was
  "absolutely astounded" that Al Megrahi had
  been found guilty.

  Mr Black said he
  believed the
  prosecution had "a
  very, very weak
  circumstantial case"
  and he was reluctant
  to believe that
  Scottish judges would
  "convict anyone, even
  a Libyan" on such

  The view, published in
  British newspapers,
  echoes that of some of
  the families of UK victims of the Lockerbie
  bombing, who are calling for a public inquiry to
  find "the truth of who was responsible and
  what the motive was".


[CTRL] 'E-mail wiretap' method exposed by privacy group

2001-02-05 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

'E-mail wiretap' method exposed by privacy group

By D. IAN HOPPER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (February 5, 2001 5:29 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Many of the most popular e-mail programs
are subject to a form of online spying via embedded scripts that can send
your comments to unintended recipients, a privacy group said Monday.

This newfound method - called an e-mail wiretap - works when someone
receives a note with the hidden scripts and forwards the message to
others. As the e-mail moves from one person to another, their messages
are secretly sent to the original sender.

E-mail wiretaps could be used to note off-color remarks from governmental
officials, by a spamming company to gather e-mail addresses, or by a
boss to find out what you're saying about him.

"You really would never know that this is occurring, unless you could view
the source code and know what it meant," said Stephen Keating, executive
director of the Privacy Foundation.

The foundation, associated with the University of Denver, and its chief
technology officer Richard Smith, found out about the situation from
computer engineer Carl Voth, who discovered it in 1998.

Though Voth posted an explanation of what he calls the "Reaper Exploit"
on his Web site, he kept quiet about it until contacting the Privacy
Foundation recently.

Smith said e-mail wiretaps may become even more common than viruses.

"People like to snoop," he said. "Most people won't send viruses to their
friends, because that's over the line. But they might want to see what
people say behind their backs."

Keating said that while publicizing the method may lead people to use it,
the effort also will educate the public on how to stop it.

"There is an arms race aspect with the Internet and privacy and security. If
there weren't really a fix for it, we might be more hesitant in pointing it out,"
Keating said. "But I don't think there's really anything gained by not
acknowledging that it exists."

If an e-mail recipient disables the Javascript programming language in
Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, or Netscape 6 mail, the added
comments are no longer forwarded to the e-mail originator.

But if a user does remember to disable Javascript, only he is protected. If
he forwards the message, the tap will continue to work if the recipient
doesn't also disable Javascript.

The problem doesn't affect people who use Eudora, America Online's e-
mail program or Web-based e-mail, such as Hotmail or Yahoo! Mail.

Microsoft has also made a downloadable software patch available for
Outlook - intended for another security issue - that takes care of the wiretap
problem as well.

The Privacy Foundation notified both Microsoft and Netscape about the
issue before coming forward. Microsoft spokesman Ryan James said the
newest downloadable update to Outlook Express, version 5.5, is not
affected because JavaScript is off by default.

Netscape spokeswoman Catherine Corre said the company is working on
a patch to stop the wiretaps, which will be available "within the next several
days." In the interim, Corre said Netscape users should disable Javascript
in the Messenger program.

Smith suggested that someone may use the wiretap method to change e-
mails, too. The ability exists, he said, for an e-mail sender to change its
contents each time it's forwarded, causing havoc for each new sender who
finds new words put in his mouth.

Last year, Smith brought attention to the use of "Web bugs," invisible
images embedded in e-mail or Web sites that can be used to track
viewers. While it was thought to be a new discovery, it was later found that
a man had used it to see who viewed his online resume, and many
companies now use them to surreptitiously monitor Web traffic.

"Once you identify it, then it becomes easier to tell who's using it," Keating


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Times Report Shows Why Chinagate Must Be Ashcroft's Top Priority

2001-02-05 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, Feb. 5, 2001 12:42 p.m. EST

Times Report Shows Why Chinagate Must Be Ashcroft's Top Priority

With the ascension of John Ashcroft to the attorney general's spot,
suddenly long-dormant investigations seem to be heating up again.
After years of stalling, U.S. Attorney for New York's Southern District
Mary Jo White has finally indicted Ron Carey, the former Teamsters
Union president who was booted out two years ago amidst charges of

More intriguing still is Sunday's report in the Washington Post
suggesting that Justice Department officials have developed a new
round of questions for suspected Chinese nuclear spy Wen Ho Lee.
On the same day, the New York Times recapped some of the evidence
against Lee, in an article so dauntingly long that many readers no
doubt skipped it.

But for those who presumed Dr. Lee was more or less framed by the
FBI in the wake of U.S. District Judge James Parker's apology last
year for imprisoning him unjustly, the report was a real eye-opener.
Though the probe never turned up smoking-gun evidence that Lee spied
for Beijing, his behavior over the course of the last two decades raises
questions that Attorney General Ashcroft simply can't ignore.

The curious incidents reported by the Times include:
Lee's attempts to foil the FBI's "Operation Tiger Trap," a 1982 probe
that had targeted a suspected Chinese spy at California's Lawrence
Livermore laboratory.

Out of the blue, Lee turned up on tapes of the suspect's wiretapped
phone calls.  He was offering his compromised colleague help in
learning just who had "squealed" on him.

Lee later denied making the call.  When probers confronted him with
the tapes, he changed his story.

In 1994 Lee turned up, completely uninvited, at a Los Alamos meeting
between top-level U.S. and Chinese nuclear scientists.  Dr. Hu Side,
Beijing's leading nuclear bomb development expert, was among the
select group invited to the exclusive conclave.

"We had very tight controls on access," one laboratory official told the
Times.  "The door was closed.  The session was not advertised."
Still, somehow, Lee found out about the meeting, showed up, and was
warmly received by Dr. Hu.

One of those present told the Times he was shocked that the relatively
obscure Lee, who was actually on the verge of being laid off due to lab
budget cuts at the time, seemed to have a personal relationship with
China's chief nuclear scientist.

A translator on hand during the encounter between Lee and the Beijing
bombmaker remembered key details of the conversation.  "They were
thanking him because the computer software and calculations on
hydrodynamics that [Lee] provided them have helped China a great
deal," he told another lab official interviewed by the Times.

Lee never told his superiors that he had met Dr. Hu six years earlier
while on a trip to Beijing.

Shortly after Lee's Los Alamos reunion with Hu, American intelligence
officials learned that the Chinese had made startling progress in
miniaturizing their nuclear weapons.  "It's like they were driving a Model
T  and went around the corner and suddenly had a Corvette," one
scientist told the Times.

In 1996, the FBI opened a secret investigation into Wen Ho Lee, but
the Clinton Justice Department didn't make it a top priority.

The case was passed from one agent to another like an unwanted
stepchild, while the bureau pursued other investigations deemed more
important by Washington officials.

Due to the lack of focus, investigators never searched the suspected
scientist's computer. They believed they lacked the authority to do so.
But that presumption turned out to be wrong.  Lee had signed a waiver
in 1995 that would have permitted such a search.

Meanwhile, allegations tying the Clinton campaign finance scandal to
China's quest for U.S. military technology erupted.

Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung testified in 1998 that the
daughter of a Chinese military official sought him out and arranged a
meeting with the chief of Chinese military intelligence.

"We like your president.  We want to see him re-elected," Gen Ji
Shengde told Chung over dinner, before pledging $300,000 to help keep
Clinton in the White House.

Other, perhaps even more chilling, aspects of the FBI's Chinagate
probe were overlooked in the Times and Post updates.

As Wen Ho Lee's story slowly unfolded, for instance, the Clinton
Justice Department nearly broke its neck looking the other way on
potential evidence of a connection between the money Beijing agents
funneled to Democrats and the U.S. technology the Chinese suddenly
had access to.

When FBI agents in Little Rock were assigned to surveil Charlie Trie,
they observed the Clinton money man shredding documents like there
was no tommorrow.

The agents begged their superiors in Washington for a search warrant.
Nothing doing, came the answer.  Trained investigators were forced to
watch helplessly as Tr

[CTRL] Bush Turns Grey

2001-02-05 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Since taking office, Bush's hair has suddenly turned grey. Usually it takes
several years for a President's hair to turn Grey. Some, like Ronald Regan,
never turn grey.

Did Bush dye his hair grey? Is the stress getting to him sooner than usual
for a President. Or is he beginning to shape-shift into some type of strange
Reptilian being?



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] British Study - Working mothers 'damage childrens education'

2001-02-05 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


ISSUE 2081
Sunday 4 February 2001

Working mothers 'damage childrens education'
By Martin Bentham, Social Affairs Correspondent

Institute for Social and Economic Research - Essex University

British Household Panel Survey - ISER

Working Mother

National Family and Parenting Institute


Parents Online

Parent News

CHILDREN under five whose mothers work go on to achieve exam
results inferior to those whose mothers stay at home, according to the
latest research measuring differences in achievement between siblings
with separate upbringings.

The study, by Essex University, found that for every year that a mother
works before her child starts school, the prospects of gaining at least
one A-level fall by as much as nine per cent. The greatest impact is felt
when the mother works full-time. But the research shows that even part-
time employment during a child's pre-school years is detrimental to its
academic prospects.

The study calls into question the Government's strategy of pressuring
mothers to go back to work and will add weight to those who argue
that they should be given greater encouragement to stay at home with
their children. It states: "There is strong evidence of an adverse effect
of a mother's full-time employment on her children's probability of
achieving one A-level or more.

"The effect ranges between a seven and nine per cent lower probability.
There is also evidence of a negative effect on education of the mother's
part-time employment, but this is smaller in magnitude."

The findings, which are drawn from an analysis of families taking part in
the Government-funded British Household Panel Survey, are significant
because they have been reached by measuring differences in
achievement between siblings whose mothers worked during the
childhood of one but not the other. That means that the only variant in
the children's upbringing is the amount of time which their mother
spent with them.

By contrast, previous research, which has tended to suggest that
children benefit from their mothers working, has compared the
performance of children from different familiies. This has allowed other
factors, such as the mother's social class and educational
background, to distort any assessment of how a child performs in later

John Ermisch, the professor of economics at the Institute of Social and
Economic Research at Essex University and co-author of the study,
said his research suggested that the Government's approach of
pushing women back to work was wrong. He said: "For every extra
year that the mother worked there was a reduction of seven to nine
percentage points in the probability of getting an A-level. That's a big

Professor Ermisch said that the negative impact of working upon
children was less for highly educated mothers, probably because they
could afford high-quality childcare. There was also limited evidence that
raising the family income could help children.

This was the case, however, only where there was a significant long-
term increase in income. For most women, the extra money could not
compensate for their absence. He said: "If you are only pushing
women into jobs at McDonald's then you may not be doing anybody
any good, particularly the kids."


Q: Why are French highways lined with trees?
A: The German army likes to march in the shade.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Support Your Local Faith-based Capitalist!

2001-02-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Support Your Local "Faith-based" Capitalist!

Confessional Press Release: Greed is good. God is good. Greed is God. Viola!

by David Stewart

Dedicated to George W. Bush, MBA, a man who understands the business of
being President.

Feb. 5, 2001 (APJP) -- We humbly confess that we have been bad, very bad,
and hereby renounce our Satanic works of political satire directed against
the Bush campaign over the past eight months.
May our Corporate Masters and God, we can no longer tell them apart, have
mercy on our souls.
We have finally understood that when we believed America was a democracy we
were as pathetic as when we believed it was a republic.
America is neither; it is a Capitalist. Incorporated. Writ hugely for the
jealous world to envy. The only important political principle worth going
to war over is that what's profitable today can be made even more
profitable tomorrow, with a little streamlined workmanship or service, or
thriftier materials, or job exporting, or corporate downsizing.
In Election 2000, the Supreme Court did not rob Al Gore of the Presidency.
The Supreme Court protected Al Gore from himself and his rabble of economic
hillbillies intent on blocking a $1,800,000,000,000,000,000 tax cut and
thus preventing the highly compassionate redistribution of wealth back to
corporations and the rich from whence it came.
After a recent discussion with our own corporate taskmasters, a discussion
during which, in the fashion of George W. Bush, we looked into one other's
hearts, we came to realize that our Beloved Employer needs Hard Ass
Republicans in charge of the World in order to operate profitably and still
have enough to pay us our hourly wage.
Furthermore, when Clinton and the other godless Democrats were in power,
not only did labor unions, those enemies of the people and of peaceful
capitalist society, begin threatening to organize workers over
just-take-the-pain medical benefits but consumers started getting uppity
with anti-trust, anti-tobacco, anti-tread-separation, and other
anti-discomfort lawsuits. Such frivolousness cost business billions of
dollars that could have been used to pay bonuses to upper management.
To demonstrate our absolute support for all things corporate, we now donate
all of our Saturdays to Corporate Faith-based Workfare, a George W. Bush
program designed to clear the rolls of Corporate Welfare, smoke two packs
of unfiltered cigarettes a day, wear a "Joe Camel is Kool for Kids" t-shirt
around town, and refuse to drive on any tires but Firestones, which, we
might add, are a pretty good buy at the moment.
The bottom line? We believe George W. Bush, Vice President Cheney, Attorney
General Ashcroft, that
Commerce Secretary guy, and all those other kick-ass Republicans will soon
put the whiners and complainers in their place and God back in business.
We plea with anyone who obtained a copy of our blasphemous BUSH COUP D'ETAT
jpeg to make certain no children see it and then to obliterate the
electrons from which it is made, disposing of them permanently so that they
do not contaminate anyone else's thinking as they did ours.
Support Your Local Faith-based Capitalist!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] George W. - you don't have to be Jewish.

2001-02-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

George W. said to an aide.   "I gotta see what all this Jewish  stuff is
about." So off they went to a kosher restaurant. The first course was set in
front of them: Matzo ball soup.

George W. was grossed out and hesitant to taste this strange looking brew.
Gently, the aide said, "Just have a taste. If you don't like it, you don't
have to finish it."

George W. dug in, spooning up a small piece of matzo ball with some soup, and
quickly finishing it off the entire bowl and all of the matzo ball.

"That was delicious," George W. said.
"Do they eat any other parts of the Matzo, or just the balls?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Polar Ice Sheet Shows Shrinkage]

2001-02-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> From: "Theodor Parada, MD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > You are such an idiot. You are starting to rival Saba in your stupidity.
> > > Unlike the Arctic, the Antarctic ice is mostly on solid land. Whet it melts
> > > it becomes additional water running down to the sea.
> > >
> > > I REALLY hope you are not a doctor for humans or pets.
> > >
> > > Joshua2
> > LOL!! Then have them prove it mathematically, they won't be able to.
> What's to "prove", mathematically or otherwise?  Common sense would tell you that 
>when LAND-BASED ice melts
> off of bedrock, the runoff would cause a rise in sea level.
> June

I don't believe that this guy is a doctor. I wouldn't want him writing
a script for me. Would you?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] They Love Us: The Anti-Libertarian Press

2001-02-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

What a bunch of uadulterated crap. Talk about puffing up.
The very BEST thing about Libertarians is that they are so
irrelevant. They don't even show up in political poles.

Because Libertarians are essentially anti democratic, they
will never get a majority backing. This is the second best thing
about Liberatrians.

I love Libertarians. They are so obnoxiously cute.

kl wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> They
>  http://www.lewrockwell.com/delemos/delemos11.html
> They Love Us: The Anti-Libertarian Press
> by Michael Gilson De Lemos
> Libertarians see a certain amount of crazy press. That goes with
> the territory if you seem new, are refining your message, and take
> on the dark side of social institutions. The system will alternately
> say your message is crazy, marginal, not new.
> You’ll  be identified with those you oppose. You’ll be blamed for
> every ill. Your triumphs will be blandly ascribed to others. Other’s
> inanities will be ascribed on you.
> You’ll be a social Rorschach Blot test. Well-meaning people will
> latch on to a portion of your message, and on the rest unwittingly
> project provincial ignorance, foolishness, or fear. Things ho-hum for
> others, associated with you, are scandals.
> Aristotle had a technical term for this in his political theory. He
> called it: "That’s life in the big city."
> Still, Libertarians have noticed loony rhetoric and well-meaning
> mangled explanations reaching new levels – with strident attacks
> and smears by establishment and government-licensed media.
> Libertarians are being shot at, big time.
> The reason? While many newer Libertarians are unclear on what
> Libertarians have accomplished, the Establishment is very aware
> that Libertarians were key players in every major positive
> development in the last generation. From the collapse of the Soviet
> Union to the fact that it must now figure out how to control 200 TV
> stations and the internet (instead of 4 well-behaved networks and
> home presses), the Establishment views Libertarians as a
> headache at best – harbingers of an uncontrollable new era at
> worst.
> While a prominent Republican politico stated he felt Libertarians
> were the shock troops of a the second phase of the American
> Revolution, the question in his mind was not whether Libertarians
> would endure.
> It was whether either Libertarians would be a large third force
> in two generations – or the militant second party facing a last ditch
> union of the shattered major ones.
> Like Waiting for Godot, another admitted, uncertain policymakers
> are now "Waiting for the Libertarians." What can they
> make of Libertarian Governor Bush advisor like Dr. Randall
> Holcombe saying Libertarians have won the war of ideas?
> Libertarians must coolly realize growing attacks are a positive
> development, and refocus on their strengths and positive
> contributions. That is what it means to be a profound moral
> discipline – and international social-political movement not just
> against international war, but that silent and demeaning war of
> citizen against citizen built on the obsolete and dying institution of
> coercive, non-rights based government.
> And that is why we’re seeing, now in one week, near-identical
> attacks from Right and Left, with frantic associations of Libertarians
> with every ill created by the government and its pet "necessary"
> monopolies and rah-rah foundations – even as Libertarians are
> dismissed as minor irritants. The day is still to come when unless
> a Libertarian inspector is there, the public will know the alleged
> privatization, deregulation or rights-restoration is a fraud. Thus, in
> the last week, three amazing anti-Libertarian articles.
> We’ll see more.
> >From the populist-Right Liberty Lobby, Libertarians are not only
> blamed for the energy crisis in California, about whose phony
> privatization Libertarians actually sounded the alarm, but magnified
> as conspirators of titanic economic collapse that would make
> James Bond envious.
> >From the Left Village Voice, an attack that says the exact same
> thing, in denouncing Libertarian anarchists (yay!) who will Godzilla-
> like destructively control (huh?) one-third of the U.S land mass via
> the Interior Department. The local-communitarian Left suddenly
> loves distant bureaucracy when Libertarians annoyingly
> sympathize with Indian and local eco-claims to "government" lands
> Both identify Libertarians with coercive government-sweetheart
> crony-capitalists who, often, are actually Democratic Contributors.
> More: In a third article, officials unaware of their superior’s new line
> that Libertarians are now the powerful, sinister destroyers
> controlling the US economy, dismiss Libertarians as
> "inconsequential crackpots" …especially when their politicians
> defect.
> Libertarians have no shadowy agenda, merely one a decadent
> society has trouble grasping. Libertarians’ mes

[CTRL] [Fwd: Final Poll - Monday Night 5 February 2001 Sharon 56% Barak 37%]

2001-02-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Final Poll - Monday Night 5 February 2001 Sharon 56% Barak 37%
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 15:45:08 -0500

Final Poll - Monday Night 5  February 2001Sharon 56% Barak 37%

Aaron LernerDate: 5 February 2001

The following is a Dahaf Poll of a representative sample of adult
Israelis (both Jews and Arabs) on the evening of 5 February broadcast on
Channel 2 Television at 10:10 PM

5 February 2001 Barak 37% Sharon 56% Undecided/No reply 7%
4 February 2001 Barak 38% Sharon 56% Undecided/No reply 6%
1 February 2001 Barak 35% Sharon 56% Undecided/No reply 9%

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-548-0092
pager 03-6750750 subscriber 4811
Website: http://www.imra.org.il

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il

For free regular subscription:
Subscribe at no charge: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For free daily digest subscription:
Subscribe at no charge: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For a copy of all reports distributed for a given day please send a
message to:


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: {slick-d} Fwd: Child Porn, Ecstasy,and Pardons [ADV2-3-01]

2001-02-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"c." wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> - Original Message -
> From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: 04 February 2001 15:57
> Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: {slick-d} Fwd: Child Porn, Ecstasy, and Pardons
> [ADV2-3-01]
> you are not meant to be posting hate literature on this list- it is foul.
> ". Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed"
> doesn't this posting come under that?
> just in first couple of paragraphs the true subtext emerges.
> here,
> >GOD Bless the poor Children.
> here, where the creed is of no context but it is mentioned
> >. The Jewish boss
> >of the news department of the government-owned television network
> here the distinction of race is made. why? it implies that it is worse to be
> killing white kids?
> >. Can you imagine anything more
> >horrible than kidnapping White children
> here,
> >the Jews who run the business
> here, another hate lie
> >. But
> >homosexuals make up the majority of the paying customers
> and it  goes on and on and on.
> saba is a hatemonger and should not be sending this shit to the list- is it
> not against the rules?

Saba is a very special person. She is the poster girl for Mad Cow disease.
She is permitted to write her nonsense and be a shining example to others
with many worm holes in their brains. This gives then hope.

It's a beautiful thing.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton's travel left military overextend

2001-02-05 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-

So ahwho was the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF?

> -Original Message-
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of Prudence L. Kuhn
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 7:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Clinton's travel left military overextend
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 02/05/2001 6:14:43 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> <<
>   Top military officers have expressed concern that an
> excessive number
>  of military cargo planes were required to take former President
> Clinton and
>  his large entourage last year to India, Vietnam and other distant places.
>  Top Stories
>   These officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity,
> said the Air
>  Force Air Mobility Command's ability was perilously stretched to supply
>  airlifts for exercises, as well as troop deployments in the Persian Gulf,
>  South Korea, Bosnia, Kosovo and South Korea. >>
> This is a really strange admission.  For our Air Force to be so "unready"
> demonstrates that  their planning, operations and logistics are way below
> standard.  A simple thing such as presidential travel  should
> serve only as a
> kind of "maneuver" or exercise.  This kind of admission is
> worrisome, and has
> nothing to do with funding.  It has to do with poor management.
> The higher
> ranked individuals in the military have been less than we might wish for a
> long time, but this strange thing is scarey.  This is the Air
> Force that is
> going to protect us on two fronts, and it cannot handle a few
> deployments and
> a presidential travel requirement.  This country is in big
> trouble, and  it
> has nothing to do with Clinton's travel requirements.  It sounds as if the
> brass is spending too much time and money on the golf courses,
> and too little
> time and attention on mission.  Prudy
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance not soap-boxing please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory' with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds is used politically by different
> groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time
> and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: U.S. government revises HIV treatment guidelines

2001-02-05 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 2/5/01 2:59:35 PM Central Standard Time, AOL News writes:

Subj:U.S. government revises HIV treatment guidelines
Date:2/5/01 2:59:35 PM Central Standard Time
From:AOL News

U.S. government revises HIV treatment guidelines

WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) - AIDS experts, admitting that current drugs
cannot ever cure HIV infection and that they can cause severe side-effects,
issued new guidelines on Monday that advise doctors to wait a bit before
treating patients

For the full text of this story, click here.

To edit your profile, go to keyword NewsProfiles.
For all of today's news, go to keyword News.

U.S. government revises HIV treatment guidelines

WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) - AIDS experts, admitting that current drugs cannot ever 
cure HIV infection and that they can cause severe side-effects, issued new guidelines 
on Monday that advise doctors to wait a bit before treating patients

For the full text of this story, click here.

To edit your profile, go to keyword NewsProfiles.
For all of today's news, go to keyword News.

[CTRL] EBay: Air Force 1 China

2001-02-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Airforce 1 Pikard China Clinton Presidential
Item #550438531


 Currently $81.00 (reserve met)  First bid $25.00

Quantity 1  # of bids 3 bid history

Time left 2 days, 7 hours +  Location West Texas

   Country USA

Started Jan-27-01 20:11:06 PST   mail this auction to a friend
Ends Feb-06-01 20:11:06 PST   watch this item

Seller (Rating) abuela4 (110)

 view comments in seller's Feedback Profile | view seller's other auctions |

ask seller a question

High bid [EMAIL PROTECTED] (36)

Payment Visa/MasterCard, Discover, Money Order/Cashiers Checks,
Personal Checks, See item description for payment methods

Escrow Accepted. Buyer will pay for escrow. learn more Shipping
Buyer pays fixed shipping charges, Seller ships internationally
(worldwide), See item description for shipping charges

Item Revised Before First Bid To review revisions made to this
item by the seller, click here.

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You
should contact the seller to resolve any questions before
bidding. Auction currency is U.S. dollars ($) unless otherwise


Up for auction is this Pikard China ashtray. This set of china
was ordered by Hillary Clinton for Airforce 1. This is the real
thing, not from the hanger gift shop. I have another piece, a
bowl, and a "Member US Congress" wine bowl to listed in the near
future. I guarentee authenticity of these pieces.  There is a
gold ring around the outside of the blue that did not show well
in the picture. This is in excellent condition and has never been
used. I ship Priority Mail with a fixed rate of $5.50. This
includes insurance. OVERSEAS will be more. I take major credit
cards through PayPal. Personal checks take 7-10 days to clear.

On Jan-27-01 at 20:13:39 PST, seller added the following

I accept PayPal, the #1 payment service in online auctions!

 I am proud of what I sell and leave feedback upon receipt of
payment. Thank you for looking and please view the other fine
collectibles I have listed this week


  Airforce 1 Pikard China Clinton Presidential

Item #550438531

  Current bid:   $81.00 (reserve met)
  Bid increment:   $1.00
  Your maximum bid:
  (Minimum bid: $82.00)

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] [radtimes] # 146

2001-02-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 146

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes--> (See ** at end.)

--FBI believes remains are missing atheist leader, family members
--Going Backwards: US Support for Latin America's Armed Forces Soaring
--Tao Of Gun
--History Says Eradicating Drug Crops Doomed to Failure
--No Human Cloning -- Exploratory Initiative Bulletin #1
--Davos - State of war
--When Davos Meets Porto Alegre: A Memoir
--Broken Promises


  > FBI believes remains are missing atheist leader, family members
  > By JIM VERTUNO, Associated Press
  > CAMP WOOD, Texas (January 28, 2001
  > http://www.nandotimes.com
  >  - Investigators unearthed a metal
  > artificial hip and three skulls at a ranch Sunday, and strongly
  > believe they have found the grave of atheist leader Madalyn
  > Murray O'Hair and two family members.
  > Roderick Beverly, special agent in charge of the FBI's San
  > Antonio office, stopped short of confirming the identity of the
  > bodies, but he said officials believe the nearly 6-year-old
  > mystery is over.
  > Investigators believe O'Hair, her son Jon Garth Murray and the
  > granddaughter she had adopted, Robin Murray O'Hair, were killed,
  > dismembered and dumped on the private, 5,000-acre ranch in 1995.
  > O'Hair had a hip replacement operation several years before her
  > disappearance.
  > "The bones indicate three sets of human remains," Beverly said.
  > "All appeared to have their legs cut off. The remains and the
  > ground around the bones were charred, indicating a fire at the
  > scene.
  > "The likelihood of three individuals walking around here, one of
  > which has a hip replacement, and the trauma and marks we see on
  > the bones, it's a better than even chance" that the remains
  > belong to the O'Hair family, he said.
  > Beverly said investigators also expect to find partial remains
  > of Danny Fry, who was a suspect in the family's disappearance.
  > His body was found in the Dallas area, but the head and hands
  > had been severed.
  > Beverly said they expected to finish digging by dark Sunday.
  > Beverly said investigators would try to match the serial number
  > on the metal hip to O'Hair's medical records. DNA tests and
  > dental records also will be used to confirm the identities of
  > the victims.
  > David Glassman, a forensic anthropologist at Southwest Texas
  > State University, will take the remains to the university for
  > analysis. Autopsies could take a week to 10 days.
  > As law enforcement officers came and went through the ranch gate
  > Sunday, a man walked down the road pulling an 8-foot wooden
  > cross.
  > "I'm not doing it for her, I'm doing it for her family," said
  > Bob Hanus, 35, a self-described Christian missionary. "I said,
  > 'What better place to go and pray.'"
  > Investigators got their break in the O'Hair disappearance on the
  > eve of the trial of David Roland Waters, who faced kidnapping
  > and extortion charges in the case. Waters made an agreement with
  > investigators Wednesday that was ordered sealed by a federal
  > judge in Austin.
  > A law enforcement source who spoke to The Associated Press on
  > condition of anonymity confirmed that Waters was taken to the
  > ranch Saturday. His two lawyers also were present.
  > A hearing is scheduled Monday to hear objections from The
  > Associated Press on the judge's decision to seal the agreement.
  > Waters' attorneys had made the request.
  > O'Hair, who was 77 and suffered from diabetes and heart disease
  > when she disappeared, enjoyed calling herself the most hated
  > woman in America. She was involved in successful court battles
  > in the 1960s to ban prayer and Bible-reading in public schools.
  > O'Hair, Jon Garth Murray and Robin Murray O'Hair left their
  > Austin home in August 1995 under mysterious circumstances.
  > Breakfast dishes were still on the table and O'Hair's medication
  > was left behind. The family's beloved dogs were left at the
  > house.
  > They were later seen in San Antonio but dropped from sight along
  > with about $500,000 in gold coins from one of O'Hair's atheist
  > organizations.
  > Prosecutors contend the victims were dismembered at a public
  > storage shed in Austin, placed in 55-gallon drums and dumped on
  > the ranch property under Waters' directions. He worked as
  > O'Hair's office manager before being convicted of stealing
  > $54,000. He is serving 60 years in prison on weapons charges.
  > Last August, U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks sentenced Gary Paul
  > Karr

Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Map now on the web

2001-02-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 >Subject: Global Warming Map now on the web
 >Date: Fri,  2 Feb 2001 17:08:19 -0800 (PST)
 >To: undisclosed-recipients:;
 >This Announcement is posted via the EdGateway EE Electronic Newswire.
 >Funded through EETAP, it is presented as a service of WestEd and of the
 >North American Association for Environmental Education.
 >Global Warming:  Early Warning Signs Map is a poster-sized
 >map of the world, which illustrates global climate change. It includes
 >global warming Fingerprints (places with direct manifestations of
 >widespread and long-term trend toward warmer global temperatures) and
 >global warming Harbingers (events that foreshadow the types of impacts
 >likely to beomce more frequent and widespread with continued warming). In
 >addition to viewing the entire global map, you can click on individual
 >continents to explore the current local indicators of global warming. The
 >map was produced by the Union of
 >Concerned Scientists with 6 other environmental groups.
 >The website also includes a link to a Curriculum Guide to use with the
 >global map. The guides consists of four different activities that can be
 >downloaded using Adobe acrobat. The site also contains a link to the
 >findings from the first US National Assessment of the Potential
 >Consequences of Climate Variability and Change.
 >All of these can be accessed at:
 >If you have information of interest to environmental educators that you
 >would like posted, please contact Art Sussman at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thomas R. Hudspeth
 Environmental Program and School of Natural Resources,
 University of Vermont
 153 S. Prospect St., Burlington, VT. 0540l
 (802) 656-4055 FAX:  (802) 656-8015
EcoNews Service - Always online for Ecology, Consciousness & Universe
EcoNews http://www.ecologynews.com/
Prague  http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Vancouver, BC V6M 1V8

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Day to Remember Leonard * Feb. 6 * 25 Years of Unjust Imprisonment

2001-02-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 Post Cassini Flyby News
 Editor - Jonathan Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 P.O. Box 1999 Wendell Depot, MA 01380 USA
 Re: http://www.bartjordan.com

05 February 2001

This Tuesday marks the 25th year of the unjust imprisonment of
Leonard Peltier. Please respond to this injustice by contacting
Congress and asking your Representative to investigate inappropriate
actions by the FBI and the Prosecution in the case of Leonard Peltier.

The telephone number to reach the Congressional Switchboard is

Specifically ask your Representative for help in the
declassification of the 6000 documents pertaining to the Peltier case
still being withheld by the FBI. Supporters believe these documents
contain evidence that will further expose misconduct in the gaining of
Leonard Peltier's conviction. Their disclosure, they say, could lead
to Peltier's acquittal. 12,000 FBI documents were released in the
early 1980's pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. Among
them was a ballistic test reflecting Peltier's innocence and prompting
the Eighth Circuit to conclude: "There is a possibility that the jury
would have acquitted Leonard Peltier had the records and data
improperly withheld from the defense been available to him in order to
better exploit and reinforce the inconsistencies casting strong doubts
upon the government's case."


From: Paul D Burton, 103125,320
Date: Mon, Jan 29, 2001 5:16:12 PM

RE: Letter from Cong. John W. Olver


here is text of letter Olver sent me I've misplaced the
letter but I think the date was 1/24 or 1/25. I think it shows we are
having an impact and Olver knows LP has a lot of supporters in our
region. We should get R. Neal to get on board and check with Boston
LPSG re: other Mass Congressmembers who could present a united front
in the effort re: declassification of documents, hearings, etc. Also
called Kennedy and Kerry several times over the last two months but
got no written response. ..

Dear Paul

Thank you for contacting me with your support for the plight of
Leonard Peltier.

As you are aware, prominent human rights activists and government
officials have called for a retrial and even amnesty for Leonard
Peltier. I fear that due to the chaotic nature of the moment and
radically different perspectives of those involved, we may never know
the truth about what happened the day two FBI agents were killed in
Oglala. What is clear is that the circumstances surrounding Mr.
Peltier's conviction reflect very badly on the FBI, and should not be
tolerated in a free and equitable society.

Though I respect the feelings of law enforcement officials after
losing two of their comrades, I am extremely disturbed by the tactics
they used to secure his conviction. I also believe that the political
lobbying campaign that the FBI has undertaken to ensure that Peltier
stays in jail is entirely inappropriate. Sadly, Mr. Peltier has lost
his appeals and is left to await either a presidential pardon, or a
parole hearing in 2009.

Please know that I am sympathetic to your concerns. I have lobbied the
Justice Department in the past on behalf of Mr. Peltier, and I will
continue to look for any opportunity to address the inequities
highlighted by his case with your views in mind.

Thank you again for your correspondence. Please feel free to contact
my office if vou have any further questions or concerns


John W. Olver
Member of Congress

 End Forwarded Message 


Greetings Friends and Supporters:

January 20, 2001, was a sad day for all of us. I know that this denial
of clemency has affected many of you as much as it has affected both
my family and myself. It is a terrible feeling and disappointment
knowing that this nightmare has not ended and will continue for many
months to come.

When I received the news, I felt my stomach curl and a feeling of
nausea rolled over me. It took a while for me to refocus. For some
reason I had thought I might be having dinner with my family that
night. It was an especially disappointing day for all of us.

What Bill Clinton did to us was cruel. For eight years he ignored my
clemency petition despite the major campaign that was waged. Then,
just months before leaving office he publicly promised to make a
decision on my case, one way or the other. He said he was aware of its
importance. The White House gave my attorneys indications that there
was a good chance for my clemency to be granted. I had to prepare
myself for being released because there was no sign that my petition
would be denied.

The LPDC bought me clothes, my grandson prepared his bedroom for me to
sleep in and other prepa

[CTRL] Newspaper studies confirm Democrat Gore won Florida vote

2001-02-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org
WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : US Politics

Newspaper studies confirm Democrat Gore won Florida vote

By Patrick Martin
5 February 2001

Two newly published studies of the ballots cast in the US presidential
election confirm that Democrat Al Gore
was the choice of more Florida voters than Republican George W. Bush, who was
installed as president after
an unprecedented and anti-democratic intervention by the US Supreme Court.

One study was conducted by the Washington Post, the other by Tribune Co.,
which owns the Chicago Tribune,
the Orlando Sentinel, and the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel. The Post endorsed
Gore editorially in the
November election, while the Tribune endorsed Bush.

The Post reviewed computerized records of 2.7 million votes in eight of
Florida's largest counties to examine
the pattern of the so-called overvotes, those ballots on which computer
scanners or other vote-counting
machines detected votes for more than one presidential candidate and
discarded the ballots as invalid. The
newspaper did not recount individual ballots, but relied on reports from
county officials based on machine
tabulation of the invalid ballots.

The analysis found that of the more than 60,000 ballots in the eight counties
showing overvotes—the bulk of the
statewide total—Gore's name was marked on 46,000, while Bush was marked on
only 17,000. This includes
several thousand ballots in which both Gore and Bush were marked.

The 3-1 Democratic to Republican ratio among the overvotes was confirmed in
the analysis of other votes cast
by those voters further down the ballot. Three quarters of those who
improperly cast a presidential overvote
marked their ballots correctly for US senator. Of these, 70 percent voted for
Democrat Bill Nelson, only 24
percent for Republican Bill McCollum, while 6 percent voted for third-party

The nearly 30,000-vote margin for Gore among the overvotes dwarfs the 537
votes which was Bush's official
margin of victory in Florida. On the basis of that minuscule and highly
dubious number, the
Republican-controlled state government, headed by his brother, Governor Jeb
Bush, awarded him the state's
25 electoral votes and a four-vote margin in the Electoral College nationally.

The eight counties examined by the Post included Miami-Dade, Palm Beach,
Broward (Fort Lauderdale),
Pinellas (St. Petersburg), Hillsborough (Tampa), Marion (Ocala), Highlands
and Pasco. Four of these counties
went for Gore and four for Bush. The pattern of more overvotes for Gore
prevailed in all the counties, however,
regardless of who won the county overall.

The notorious “butterfly ballot” in Palm Beach County accounted for 8,000 of
the Gore overvotes, most of them
double votes for Gore and far-right Reform Party candidate Patrick Buchanan,
who was listed across from Gore
on the ballot, with his punch-hole close to the names of Gore and Lieberman.
Gore-Buchanan voters in Palm
Beach County voted 10-1 Democratic in the US Senate race.

In the other seven counties, the largest group of overvotes were for Gore and
the candidate who followed
immediately after him on the ballot, Libertarian Harry Browne. Such a
combination is incomprehensible as a
protest vote, especially one supposedly chosen by 6,800 voters. It more
likely reflects confusion among voters
who thought they had to cast votes for president and vice-president.

Confirming the notion that the overvotes were largely intended for Gore is
the fact that most of the third-party
candidates on the ballot for president received more votes paired with Gore
as overvotes than they did in their
own right. In the eight counties, Socialist Workers Party candidate James
Harris received a total of 300 votes,
but his name was punched 12,600 times on ballots with Gore, Bush or another
presidential candidate—42
inadvertent votes for each intentional vote.

The Republican head of the Florida Division of Elections, Clay Roberts,
dismissed the Post analysis with an
argument of stupefying cynicism, claiming that overvotes were intentional
political choices. “People who are
engaged in politics can't understand why people would overvote,” he said.
“But there are valid reasons for
undervotes and overvotes. For some voters, that undervote or overvote is
their decision.”

The Post also found more than 15,000 voters in the eight counties who cast no
recorded votes for any office or
referendum. This suggests widespread difficulty with voting equipment, or
major errors in the computerized
count, or both, since it is impossible to believe that so many people turned
out at the polls, many of them waiting
hours in line, only to cast a blank ballot.

The Tribune Co. study examined ballots in 15 smaller counties—not including
any of the eight in the Post
study—that used paper ballots that were marked in pencil and then read by
optical scanners.

While much public attention has been given to the punch card ballots that


2001-02-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

The following item first appeared in the Democracy News list of the
National Edowment for Demcoracy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.


The All-Russian Extraordinary Congress in Defense of Human Rights was
held on January 20-21 in Moscow. It was the largest human rights
event in the history of Russia. The Congress was organized by
representatives of major Russian human rights organizations,
including the Andrei Sakharov Foundation, the Moscow Helsinki Group,
Memorial, the "Za Prava Cheloveka" Foundation, the Glasnost Public
Foundation, and the Glasnost Defense Foundation, in response to their
concern that basic rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Russian
constitution are under increasing threat.

More than 1,000 human rights activists from throughout the Russian
Federation took part, and a number of prominent Russian political
figures addressed the Congress's plenary sessions. Among these were
noted human rights activist, Duma Deputy and former Human Rights
Ombudsman of the Russian Federation, Sergei Kovalyov; current Human
Rights Ombudsman Oleg Mironov; and current Duma Deputy and chairman
of the Yabloko political party, Grigorii Yavlinskii. articipants in
the Congress divided into working groups to prepare resolutions on a
variety human rights topics, including the Russian constitution,
freedom of the press, the rights of entrepreneurs, citizens' right to
information about the government, and the war in Chechnya.

The Congress received financial support from a variety of Russian and
foreign sources, including the Yabloko political party, the National
Endowment for Democracy, the Henry M. Jackson Foundation, and the
Open Society Institute.

The Congress was the subject of widespread coverage in the Russian
media. Material on the congress is available at
http://www.hro.org/ngo/congress. For further information on the
Congress, or to receive copies of related articles from the Russian
press, please contact John Squier, Program Officer for Russia and
Ukraine at the National Endowment for Democracy, at John
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Tel: 202-293-9072.

CivilSoc is a service provided to more than 2,000 subscribers
worldwide by Center for Civil Society International in association
with Friends & Partners. For more information about civic initiatives
in Eurasia, please go to: http://www.friends-partners.org/ccsi/
CivilSoc archives: http://www.friends-partners.org/~ccsi/archives.htm

There are no restrictions on copying messages. We only ask that you
credit Center for Civil Society International, or CCSI, as the source.

CivilSoc mailing list

   - *  ENWL (English) * 
  Ecological  North West Line * St. Petersburg, Russia
   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.enwl.net.ru
EcoNews Service - Always online for Ecology, Consciousness & Universe
EcoNews http://www.ecologynews.com/
Prague  http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Vancouver, BC V6M 1V8

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush: A place where political satirists dare not go

2001-02-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, February 4, 2001

  A place where political satirists dare not go

  By Karen Heller

 In the satirist's world, political correctness equals death.

If politics in the new Bush order appears astonishingly genteel and
bipartisan, this won't deter comics, cartoonists,
pundits and post-prime-time jesters who circle elected officials like
vultures regarding fresh kill.

So it was not surprising when Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of
South Park - either the funniest people
in television or the crassest, depending on your sensibility - announced that
their live-action sitcom That's My
Bush! would take weekly potshots at the First Family. The show, billed as a
road-rage version of the Dick Van
Dyke Show, is scheduled to debut on Comedy Central in the spring.

"Our big thing that we're really excited about is the Bush twins, Jenna and
Barbara," Parker said last month,
"because we're just going to find the two hottest . . . girls and make them
always just about to make out for some

Well, no.

Politicians are one thing. Politicians' children are another.

In short order, executives at Comedy Central, owned by Viacom and AOL Time
Warner, received a barrage of
incensed calls from corporate, Viacom's Washington lobbyist, and watchdog
groups, though not the White House.
And a very short while later, four weeks to be exact, Stone and Parker

"If we felt creatively that we needed them in, we would fight it," Parker
said. "It's just not something worth fighting."

"We aren't comfortable with them being in the show," Comedy Central spokesman
Tony Fox said about the
19-year-old college freshmen. "There's some question about their status as
public figures."

President George W. Bush has already made that clear.

His daughters, who appeared at the inauguration, are not public figures. They
did not campaign. They have not,
and will not, speak publicly, following in the tradition of the sphinxlike
Chelsea Clinton, who appeared everywhere
without uttering a sound.

"I am going to be angry at people mistreating my girls in the public arena.
I'm going to let people know if they do,
too," the President has said.

The majority of the press, though not the tabloids, has agreed to honor his
wishes to be "respectful of these two
girls." Jay Leno, Dave Letterman and Saturday Night Live's Will Ferrell have
been content to focus exclusively on
their father. Laura Bush, unlike her predecessor, has also been exempted from
their barbs.

Presidential progeny stumble into celebrity through the accident of birth
and, for the most part, have been left
alone to lead fairly private public lives, Alice Roosevelt Longworth and John
Kennedy being two notable

Some presidential children, such as the logorrheic Patti Davis/Reagan and
Dolley Madison's alcoholic,
inveterate-gambler son, John Payne Todd, embarrassed their parents on their

Margaret Truman sang at White House recitals, and was reviewed savagely. Her
father made it clear, in language
unprintable here, what he would do to these critics and banned them from the
premises. During the Vietnam War,
Lenny Bruce and Mort Sahl ridiculed the conservative daughters of Presidents
Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M.

Saturday Night Live skewered Amy Carter, as did many cartoonists, after her
father said he had discussed the
threat of nuclear war with her.

"Gentility has little to do with political cartooning. I remember
[cartoonist] Mike Peters making fun of poor little
Amy," says Ohio State University professor Lucy Shelton Caswell, a historian
of political cartoons. "In some ways,
maybe the Amy Carter situation provided some lessons."

For all the viciousness in politics during the last decade, humor was often
kinder. The most dominant comedian of
the Clinton era was the apolitical Jerry Seinfeld, whose favorite subject of
ridicule is himself.

Despite the public airing and tensions of the adult Reagan children, they
were largely left alone.

But early in the Clinton presidency, SNL poked fun at adolescent Chelsea's
appearance, and Rush Limbaugh
was merciless, inviting the wrath of her mother. In June 1998, Sen. John
McCain made a malicious joke at
Chelsea's expense at a Republican fund-raiser.

The satire backfired.

"You ought to assail the wicked and powerful, not the weak and innocent,"
says Randy Cohen, a former writer for
David Letterman and the Ethicist columnist for the New York Times. "Another,
you attack what is volitional, not
something about which the subject had no choice. You can attack Henry
Kissinger for being a blood-soaked war
criminal - something he chose to do - but not for being less than a handsome
man, something about which he had
no say."

Cohen adds: "More to the point, private citizens, even a president's kids,
ought to be allowed to remain private
citizens. Unless they

[CTRL] Brain Fingerprinting: A New Paradigm in Criminal Investigations

2001-02-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Brain Fingerprinting: New Paradigm in Criminal Investigations


Farwell Brain Fingerprinting is a revolutionary new technology for
investigating crimes and exonerating innocent suspects, with a record of
100% accuracy in research on FBI agents, research with US government
agencies, and field applications.

The technology is proprietary and patented. Brain Fingerprinting fulfills an
urgent need for government, law enforcement agencies, corporations, and
individuals. Over a trillion dollars are spent annually on crime fighting

Brain Fingerprinting solves the central problem by determining
scientifically whether a suspect has the details of a crime stored in his
brain. It has received extensive media coverage around the world. The
technology is fully developed and available for application.

Executive Summary:

For information on applying Brain Fingerprinting in
law enforcement, investigations, and corporations:

For investment information or Investor Relations:

Larry Farwell, PhD
President & Chief Scientist
Brain Wave Science
Human Brain Research Laboratory, Inc.
Former Harvard Faculty Member

Brain Wave Science
Human Brain Research Laboratory, Inc.
P.O. Box 176
Fairfield, IA  52556, USA
Tel: (641) 469-5649
Fax: (208) 692-5884
To send email to us click here:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Fwd: GOP News & Views - February 5, 2001

2001-02-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I did notice the unattractive coat worn by Ms. Clinton to
the inauguration--shiny black thing.  I could not tell if it
was plastic or what.  I suppose it could have been some form
of nylon or microfiber but even the overly full cut of it
made her look even more squat and drab.  Then I saw her
again in an off-white (at least I assume it was that and not
just dirty) sort of raincoat looking thing with all sort of
extra flaps and pockets.  Maybe those are for carrying
things out of the White House.  Well, she was very plain
looking years ago and only during recent times has she even
attempted to be presentable.  Maybe she has just slipped
back into her true slovenly ways.  Perhaps she is depressed
over their failure to abscond with public property and the
connections made to the pardons and her campaign funding.
Goodness knows this woman has plenty about which to be

- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 11:33 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: GOP News & Views - February 5, 2001

> Evidently the press very graciously did not note the
weight Mrs. Clinton
> has gained - too many pig outs perhaps with her husband.
She looks
> like a Taco Bell -
> Further while it takes 90 minutes at least to prepare Liz
Tayor for a
> camera take, it must have taken 3 times 90 to make Mrs.
> presentablehre plastic surgery left her eyes open so
wide - well
> that deep stare into one's eyes was almost scarey.
> All that money she paid for plastic surgery and now she is
alleged not
> to care about her appearance?You got to be kidding -
bet she sues
> her plastic surgeon who seemingly has done a bit of a job
on Chelsie too
> for they saythese days her appearance has improved with
the near black
> lipstick.And by the way, Clton doesn't look so hot
without his
> makeup man either and those bags under his eyes (and I do
not mean Hill
> and Chelsie) he must be back to the pottie.

begin 666 GOP News & Views - February 5, 2001.eml
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M/BX@075T;VUA=&5D#0I496QE4WES=&5M2!'3U @3F5Whttp://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects s

[CTRL] My Conclusions - Tenavision Publishing

2001-02-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I really like this site and with my limited time today went
all over it but could not find the name of the author.  Is
it deliberately anonymous or am I just missing it?
- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 1:09 PM
Subject: [CTRL] My Conclusions - Tenavision Publishing

> -Caveat Lector-
> from:
> Click Here: 
> My Conclusions
> -
> An interesting site. Many active links at site.
> Om
> K
> --

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] The Florida Overvote: Tragic Mistake, or Katharine Harris with Tweezers?

2001-02-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The Florida Overvote:
Tragic Mistake, or Katharine Harris with Tweezers?

by Sharman Braff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"You say overvote, I say Katharine Harris with tweezers"
(from a website I could not find again or I'd give credit).

It is a crime that the Republican Party stopped the counting of Florida's
60,000 undervotes. But perhaps the real crime is in the overvote.
There were 110,000 overvotes in Florida, ballots rejected because more than
one choice was marked for president. Overwhelmingly, the spoiled ballots
were Gore votes. It was the overvote, much more than the dangling and
dimpled chads of undervote, that cost America the president we really elected.
Did tens of thousands of voters screw up their ballots by mistake, or was
the second hole punched by someone other than the voter?
1) Now it's official: Gore won by 50,000. But for the overvote, that is.
Just six counties, Duval (22,000), Palm Beach (19,100), Miami-Dade
(18,000), Broward (8,000), Hillsborough (5,000) and Pinellas (4,000),
account for 76,000 of the overvotes. We'll call them the suspicious
counties. [1]
The Washington Post was able to secure computer records from the machine
counts of all the suspicious counties except Duval, together with three
other small counties. This is the first time we've been able to learn, not
just how many overvotes there were and what precincts they came from, but
specifically which candidates are marked on the double-punched ballots.
The Post determined that 46,000 Gore votes were spoiled by double-punches,
compared to 17,000 Bush votes. The article also reported that 5,800
overvotes showed punches for both Gore and Bush. If all the 5,800 Bush/Gore
ballots were altered Gore votes, that's 46,000 spoiled Gore votes to 11,000
of Bush's.  If you split that bunch 50/50, that's 43,000 Gore votes to
14,000 of Bush's. (I assume the 5,800 Bush/Gore ballots were included in
the 46,000 and 17,000 totals. The numbers add up correctly (79,000 total
with Duval)-see Footnote 1.) [2]
The ratio of spoiled ballots ran more than 4:1 to Gore's detriment. If
Duval's 22,000 overvotes went in approximately the same ratio (say,
18,000/4,000), that's 64,000 spoiled Gore votes to 15,000 for Bush.  Almost
50,000 net. Remember the Miami-Herald's statistical analysis of the
rejected ballots, which showed Gore winning by 23,000 votes? Al did much
better than that.
If you wanted to spoil 50,000 of your opponent's votes, you might also
double-punch 15,000 of your own (then another 15,000 of his), to make the
overvote look less suspicious.
And tell me this, is there any other state in the country that saw 5,800
ballots marked for both Gore and Bush?
2) 76,000 is an extraordinarily high number for punchcard overvote
The public now knows that many votes go uncounted in every election. But
most rejected ballots are undervotes. Overvote is relatively rare, and it
is particularly rare with punchcard ballots. All six of the suspicious
counties use punchcard ballots.
One expert put the normal rate for punchcard overvote at 0.1% of total
ballots cast, [3] while another expressed the rate as 2% of total rejected
ballots. [4] By either measure, one would expect only a few thousand such
ballots out of Florida's 6,000,000 total. In the words of the two experts,
Florida's punchcard overvote was "phenomenal," "outrageous."
3) However much the Republican Party tries to downplay the overvote
numbers, no one disputes that the overvote in Duval (22,000) and Palm Beach
(19,100) is remarkable.
As the overvote anomalies came to light during the election contest, the
Bush campaign spun a number of arguments to minimize its significance. A
common ploy was to recite statistics about total rejected ballots, for
example, comparing Palm Beach's 14,000 rejected ballots in 1996 (combined
over and undervote) with its 19,100 overvotes in 2000. My personal favorite
was the GOP chairman who cited the overvote in Duval, a Republican county,
as proof that there was nothing suspicious about the overvote in Democratic
Palm Beach. [5] (Duval is in fact Republican by majority.  But it has a
large black population in urban Jacksonville, which is-surprise-where the
overvote came from.)
No one really disputes that the overvote numbers in Duval and Palm Beach
are extraordinary. This has been the subject of many a news report. And no
one disputes that the rejected ballots came disproportionately from
Democratic precincts. (And as the Washington Post now confirms, were
overwhelmingly Gore votes.) In some black precincts, the spoilage rate ran
as high as 30%. [6]
But the public has been given an explanation for the unfortunate
disenfranchisement of these voters:
Confusing ballot designs, coupled with inexperienced and uneducated
first-time voters. The get-out-the-vote effort (raising Afro-American
participation in Florida's election from 10% in 1996 to 15% in 2000) was
impressive, but tragically undermined by voter error.

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

2001-02-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Well, the Southern states were not the only states where the
institution of slavery was practiced. I believe all states
had it prior to TWBTS, some a few years back from that
time/event.  They cleverly sold theirs into the South just
prior to the outbreak of the war. Some gave them letters of
freedom but many just "dumped" them right before the
outbreak of conflict.  Also, remember the Emmmancipation
Proclamation was not signed until 1864, after a state of
general starvation existed in the South.  Then the slaves
were freed with no way to feed themselves, etc. other than
trying to take from people who were already starving.  This
was careful timing to ensure  maximum harm being done to all
parties.  Slavery is certainly a crime against humanity but
all parties here were guilty of practicing it.  So have many
"civilizations" such as Egyptian, et al.

But I do not care if you and Bill burn the Stars and Bars
because if we were going to protest too much, something
should have been done to stop the KKK from using it so much.
They also use the American flag but nobody protests that
either.  I have seen other strange flags waved around by the
KKK that I do not recognize, either.  Some look rather
"original" and I suspect are of their own design or lack
thereof. It (S&B) was not a design in the original state
flags, either, but incorporated around the time of
desegregation, so removing it should not create a big
problem.  In Montgomery, there is the former capitol of the
Confederacy where it flies and people often mistakenly think
it is the state capitol.  I think it should remain over the
historic capitol of the Confederacy, however.  Someone on
this list mentioned the KKK flag-wavers not being
descendents of original slave owners and that is for sure.
The KKK hates former slave-owning class and blames them for
the presence of Blacks in general  It never occurred to me
that people do not realize this.  They contend "We picked
our own cotton and they could have , too."  They are
by-and-largely two different groups entirely.  Of course
having married a Latin American and failing to keep the race
"pure" qualifies me for special hatred by this particular
group.  Guess they are not into widening of the gene pool
and all of that.  I know I live around some members of the
KKK but they have shown any sign of being concerned about my
presence in any way.  Hopefully, it is me in theory and not
personally to whom they object.  Also, the S&B often appears
on beach towels and swimming trunks, etc as does the British
Union Jack.  This is not especially respectful display and
has made it into more of an icon of trivia.

Re:  WWII and civilian populations.  If it was collateral
damage originally aimed at military targets, I suppose it
could not be helped.  If, however, civilians and human
suffering of same was the object I think it was very wrong.
I can think of one incident, Dresden, where this would
apply.  I am sleep depraved today and the "detail police"
who ignore the big picture and concentrate on details may
get me on this but my memory from reading long ago only says
the civilian population of Dresden tried for three days to
surrender and Allied troops ignored this attempt and bombed
the hell out of them, retribution and rage.  I think that
was wrong, if accurate.  More recently, the Balkans come to
mind where some of our actions were highly questionable like
the "enemy tractor" and train bombings.
- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

> -Caveat Lector-
> From: "Amelia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >These things are considered war crimes by civilized
> Perhaps.  But what about the crimes against humanity the
Confederate States
> of America sought to perpetuate in the 'institution' of
human slavery.
> The Allies burned much of Germany in WWII,
also...including "homes, mostly,
> crops in fields, schools, churches, hospitals and every
mile of railroad
> track existing at the time as well as all civilian food
> Do you consider them guilty of war crimes, too?
> June

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Welcome to Overlawyered.com

2001-02-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Interesting site with lots of good resource links.


begin 666 Welcome to Overlawyered.com.url
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Unseen but Very Real Protests at Washington (off topic)

2001-02-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I have heard this stated on TV news and commentary shows
several times recently.  I suppose I should have tried to
recheck it myself and not just take them at their word but
these were national shows, and I assumed they were at least
accurate.  Can you, from memory as it is not worth going to
trouble, cite which party was in control of congress for
these years?  Maybe that is what they mean by "in charge." I
believe Robert Novak has stated this and a lesser known Fox
News guy, not as an item unto itself but in the course of a
sentence about other things as "blah, blah since the
Democrats have been in power most of the last 50 years,
blah, blah."  To me, that was the part I picked up on and
would like to know about congress if you know and have time.

Also, I think the "owners" of the stable and the horses do
at times try to undermine each other and bicker among
themselves.  It is all too true that this only results in
different ways of enslaving the masses.  I think at times
the powers that be act in concert but at other times,
without revealing themselves or the "system," thwart each
other possibly because of uncontrollable greed for more
money and power for their own individual interests.  Sort of
like the RuMills factions but I would probably align them
slightly differently.  In the end, we lose, they win.
Exposure seems to be our best defense although not very


- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Unseen but Very Real
Protests at Washington (off topic)

> -Caveat Lector-
> From: "Amelia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > One thing I do not understand is why people who
> > seem to grasp the concept of the ruling elite seem to
> > keeping one side (Democrats) in power most of the last
> > years is such a good thing.
> Well now, let's look at the actual figures of the years
the Administrations were either Democrat or
> Republican...
> -   -
> 1951-52:  3 years
> 1953-60:  8 years
> 1961-68:  8 years
> 1969-76:  8 years
> 1977-80:  4 years
> 1981-92: 12 years
> 1993-00: 12 years
> -   --
>  22 years28 years
> So one can see from the above that one can hardly claim
that the Democrats were 'in power most of the last 50
> years)...
> Not that it matters..."Democrat" and "Republican" are only
names for the stables whose racehorses have the
> same owners...
> June
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list.
Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!
These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many
half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds-is used politically by
different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of
time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity
of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL
gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archiv
es of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

Re: [CTRL] Judicial Watch Will Work Closely With Attorney General Ashcroft

2001-02-05 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 2/4/01 8:37:25 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Judicial Watch Will Work Closely With Attorney General Ashcroft

Oh THAT'S a relief...NOT.
Both JW and Ashcroft ought to be more thouroughly investigated...has Klayman
sued any other family members recently?? Or did he stop with his mother...


[CTRL] Fwd: What's Left of Israel's Left

2001-02-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Bet Ehud takes something of value with him - lots of diamonds ..
maybe he can hire out as somebody's hit man again, but those who
remember the assassination of the late Israelie leader - will think
twice before loading up agains this Sharon, whom the Palestinians call
"the fat slob".

And this corner we have the one, the only, Potentate - Arafat - who
survived to maybe write a book?

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\©  http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   Israeli Prof Urges Blank Vote

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington, DC - 2/5/01:
What's left of Israel's left is in a fractured and demoralized state of
affairs.  Not only is Ariel Sharon about to become Israel's Prime Minister,
but in all likelihood he is to be swept into power tomorrow in a landslide
unprecedented in Israel's history.  Worse yet, many on the left are reduced
to having General Barak and Shimon Peres as their champions.  It's a cruel
twist of fate; but it is also one that has been nurtured for decades now by
the failure of Israel's left, coupled with "liberal" American Jewry, to come
together and present a credible and principled alternative.
For some on the left like Uri Avneri, they have been doing what they could
to rally the vote for Barak and for Oslo.  They've failed miserably.  But then
Avneri, while an insightful and even courageous journalist, has been largely
discredited by his fronting for the Arafat regime no matter what, not to mention
by his decades of building a reputation as someone not to be personally trusted.
 Indeed just some 20 months ago Avneri was jumping up and down cheering and
partying upon the election of Ehud Barak and shouting how the era of peace
had finally come.  We've written before about the dark contrast between Avneri's
energetic activism and his lack of personal integrity and credibility.
For others on the left, like Professor Tanya Reinhart, integrity and credibility
are high, but following very limited.  Rather than cheering when Barak was
elected, Reinhart was writing profound articles explaining that Barak had created
a government of retired army generals and top intelligence agents; that Barak's
policies were deceptively treacherous, dangerous, and that war clouds were
already gathering.  MER published many of those articles back in the days when
applauding Barak and proclaiming the new era of peaceful relations between
Israel, the Palestinians, and the Arabs was near universal in the major media.

The likelihood is that the what's left of the left will be rejuvenated
by the coming of Sharon.  There will be articles, demonstrations, protests,
dialogue meetings with Palestinians.  But don't expect any of this to amount
to very much very soon.  The "BullDozer" (that's Sharon's latest nickname for
those who may have forgotten) isn't going to be stopped by what's left of the
left; a left which needs a total ideological as well as political facelift
and makeover, not to mention a new champion.


   Tanya Reinhart*

[Yediot Aharonot - Feb 1, 2001].
Beneath the surface, there is deep anxiety in Israeli society: The
media is full of reports of war preparations: "Home Front Command
to stage 'mother of all exercises' " (JP, Jan 22); "Ministry tells
purchasers to prepare for emergency" (Ha'aretz, Jan 25); "U.S. sends
Patriot missiles s to Israel" (AP, Jan 27). The feared war is of a
new and unfamiliar kind, as the region is loaded with missiles and
nonconventional weapons.  It is enough, for example, that one missile
will manage to penetrate the nuclear plant in Dimona, despite all
the defence patriot missiles to send us all to  Chernoville.

Even if no one seriously intends this, in the tension generated the
last few months, even one single spark can ignite the whole region.
Only a sane and responsible leadership will, perhaps, still be able
to prevent the deterioration into a regional war.

But the leadership standing for elections is the same leadership that
brought us to this situation: Sharon has always proposed to withdraw
from Lebanon, wait for some incident, and then respond with total
war. Barak has left Lebanon, but he insisted on keeping areas of
conflict, like Har Dov, or Ghajar, which continue to be a source of
tension and potential incidents.

Ever since 1967, all Israeli governments were careful to keep the
holy sites (Temple Mount/ Al Aksa) out of the public discourse, and
in collaboration with the Israel

[CTRL] Fwd: GOP News & Views - February 5, 2001

2001-02-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Evidently the press very graciously did not note the weight Mrs. Clinton
has gained - too many pig outs perhaps with her husband.   She looks
like a Taco Bell -

Further while it takes 90 minutes at least to prepare Liz Tayor for a
camera take, it must have taken 3 times 90 to make Mrs. Clinton
presentablehre plastic surgery left her eyes open so wide - well
that deep stare into one's eyes was almost scarey.

All that money she paid for plastic surgery and now she is alleged not
to care about her appearance?You got to be kidding - bet she sues
her plastic surgeon who seemingly has done a bit of a job on Chelsie too
for they saythese days her appearance has improved with the near black
lipstick.And by the way, Clton doesn't look so hot without his
makeup man either and those bags under his eyes (and I do not mean Hill
and Chelsie) he must be back to the pottie.

Catch Us On the Web

Our cyber-address:  http://www.GOPNewsAndViews.com.  Comments, suggestions,
letters-to-the-editor, rants, chants, curses and verses should be sent to:

Treating Adults Like Kids

Went to the Pro-Bowl yesterday at Honolulu Stadium.  Didn't drive; took a
cab.  Great weather, good game, packed stands, very salty popcorn.  Got
thirsty.  Held baby while spouse ventured down to pick up two beers.  Only
brought one back.  Then had to go back down for the other.  Lots of stairs.
Lots of walking.  Lots of nanny-state stupidity.

Seems Hawaii's Democrats determined that a 36-year-old adult mom living in a
supposedly free country can't responsibly purchase two beers at a time.  So
Gia was only allowed to buy one beer.  She then had to walk all the way back
up to our seats, drop off the first beer, walk all the way back down, buy
the second beer and then walk all the way back up again.  Did I mention our
seats were in the top row at the top of the stadium?  To quote the immortal
words of 4th-grader and political philosopher Eric Cartman of "South Park":
"Democrats piss me off."

Good thing Gia's not pregnant again ... or I might have had to make the beer
run MYSELF.  Then I'd have REALLY been mad!

- Chuck Muth, Editor

Hillary's Hair

"The cry of the unkempt echoes across town, wafting into the Senate chambers
where the loss of one of her White House perks has left former first lady
Hillary Rodham Clinton looking a bit less perky these days - at least when
it comes to her hair.  While she exuded a polished look during her Senate
campaign, New York's junior senator has sent tabloids and tongues a-wagging
of late with her sagging commitment to her image. Without the help of a 24-7
stylist, one of the world's most visible women is slogging it alone,
displaying her own very public version of wash and wear that has some
political observers shouting frump.  'There's no fingernail polish on the
nails. There have been Senate sessions without even any lipstick. It's
pushing it to the Janet Reno, Donna Shalala crowd,' opines Internet scribe
Matt Drudge, who weighed in on Mrs. Clinton's style crisis in a recent
column.  'Even Patty Murray is more glamorous than Hillary,' giggles Mr.
Drudge, on the phone from his Miami newsroom."

- Washington Times, 2/2/01

Three Stooges:  Bill, Jesse & Mel

"Columnist Michelle Malkin blasts Clinton for commuting the sentence of
former Rep. Mel Reynolds, who had two years to go in his prison sentence on
a 1997 fraud conviction. Two years earlier an Illinois jury convicted
Reynolds of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child
pornography. Earlier this week the New York Post's Rod Dreher reported that
Jesse Jackson has hired Reynolds 'as a Rainbow/PUSH consultant for--are you
ready for this?--prison reform!' Reynolds's old congressional seat is now
held by Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr."

- OpinionJournal.com, 2/2/01

Gipper's Stock Continues to Rise...

"As the family of Ronald Reagan prepares to mark his 90th birthday Tuesday,
'the former president's stature and his influence in the capital seem to be
growing rather than fading away,' USA Today reports.  'The national missile
defense plan championed by the newly inaugurated President Bush? It's a
version of an idea that Reagan unveiled to considerable skepticism. Partial
privatization of Social Security? Reagan was hammered for hinting at the
notion, now supported by most Americans. Welfare reform and the expanded use
of religious institutions to provide social services? Reagan themes that
were embraced by both presidential candidates last year,' reporter Susan
Page writes.  Presidential biographer Richard Norton Smith told the
reporter: 'There is a growing perception of Reagan as an historically
important president. There are legitimate debates about Reagan the
administrator, but in terms of the large historic challenges he confronted,
I suspect he'll only go up in histor

Re: [CTRL] Clinton's travel left military overextend

2001-02-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Yes Sam - they (Hill and Bill) secured the admiratian of every sodomist
across the country ..why, because they thought there were going to
have the little boy scouts to feed upon.

and someday they will find out that Carville and Larry Flynt have
received stolen property - the old FBI files on all congress and senate

 Clinton - ever see his medical report?
Herpes is the least of his worries.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Fw: [FP] Brain fingerprinting

2001-02-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "ScanThisNews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ScanThisNews Recipients List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 8:46 AM
Subject: [FP] Brain fingerprinting


> 2.5.2001
> -Original Message-
> From: Light Network
> Subject: Brain fingerprinting
> Greetings from Holland
> The following information I received may interest you.
> Perhaps a next tool for the "Thought Police" during coming
> Regards,
> Jan
> http://www.brainwavescience.com/index.html
> Brain Fingerprinting:
> A New Paradigm in Criminal Investigations
> Executive Summary
> Farwell Brain Fingerprinting is a revolutionary new
technology for
> investigating crimes and exonerating innocent suspects,
with a record of
> 100% accuracy in research on FBI agents, research with US
> agencies, and field applications.
> The technology is proprietary and patented. Brain
Fingerprinting fulfills an
> urgent need for government, law enforcement agencies,
corporations, and
> individuals. Over a trillion dollars are spent annually on
crime fighting
> worldwide.
> Brain Fingerprinting solves the central problem by
> scientifically whether a suspect has the details of a
crime stored in his
> brain. It has received extensive media coverage around the
world. The
> technology is fully developed and available for
> Larry Farwell, PhD
> President & Chief Scientist
> Brain Wave Science
> Human Brain Research Laboratory, Inc.
> Former Harvard
> Faculty Member
> Breaking News...
> Dr. Farwell testified in the case of Terry Harrington,
convicted of murder
> and serving a life sentence in Iowa.  Dr. Farwell's Brain
> test on Harrington showed that the record of the evening
of the crime stored
> in Harrington's brain did not match the crime scene, and
did match his
> alibi.
> Click for information on the Harrington Case,
> Press release, downloadable documents and photos
> Iowa
> " It seems to me that if we are interested in making sure
that the innocent
> go free, and that the guilty are punished, any
technological instrument that
> can help us make a determination of guilt or innocence, we
ought to know
> about it."
> Senator Charles Grassley
>  >From interview with
> Mike Wallace about Brain Fingerprinting on CBS 60 Minutes
Click here for
> highlights
> TV News ReportsNewspaper & Magazine Reports Scientific
Research & Reports
> CBS 60 Minutes
> December 10, 2000
> Brain Fingerprinting Catches a Serial Killer
> Scientists are scanning the brain for traces of guilty
> Fairfield Ledger: Farwell's Brain Fingerprinting Traps a
Serial Killer
> Dr. Lawrence Farwell
> tests serial killer
> James B. Grinder
> Dr. Lawrence Farwell
> tests
> Terry Harrington
> Contact Us
> For information on applying Brain Fingerprinting to
> exonerate innocent suspects and falsely convicted people,
click here.
> For information on applying Brain Fingerprinting in
> law enforcement, investigations, and corporations, click
> For investment information or Investor Relations, click
> For information on tax deductible donations,
> click here: http://Truth-Justice.org
> Brain Wave Science
> Human Brain Research Laboratory, Inc.
> P.O. Box 176
> Fairfield, IA  52556, USA
> Tel: (641) 469-5649
> Fax: (208) 692-5884
> To send email to us click here:
> --

> Social security is the bane of individual liberty. - SAM

> Don't believe anything you read on the Net unless:
> 1) you can confirm it with another source, and/or
> 2) it is consistent with what you already know to be true.

> Reply to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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>  "Scan This News" is Sponsored by S.C.A.N.
>Host of the "FIGHT THE FINGERPRINT!" web page:
> www.networkusa.org/fingerprint.shtml


CTRL is a d

[CTRL] Fwd: The Standard.com: A Web Site Is Forever

2001-02-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

So DeBeers went into business the same  year as Jack the Ripper -
1888my old MI6 friend told me years ago that a Borman who was a
Nazi had married into the diamond cartel family - if this was same

So we see now why Diamonds are a girl's best friend - but hey, that
market is a little shakey - see why Africa dies and the same old cartel
at work - if they want to stop wars they stop diamonds from being sold
in Africa and yet in the Holy Land for over 2,000 years they have been
fighting - yet now they have billions of dollars in diamonds to sell -
we got a new "cartel" in the making?

Tunneling in Israel - like Jesse Jackson and his friends said when
opening the new shopping center to be "people are tired of having Christ
shoved down their throats:..

Now is the time to get sick.and wonder who is stealing what, but now
we know why Africa is dying.

Wonder if Jack the Ripper was Rhodes Scholar?

Now I have a huge emerald an saphire ring (2) bought in what was once
Persia and by today'[s standards are worth quite a big..each weigh 5
carats and I never wore them until I found out how much they were
worth...always disliked jewellry.   I see now ancient Persia must be
loaded withds of rubies, diamonds, saphires, etc, etc, etc...Natural
resources belong to the people?
Back:  http://www.thestandard.com/article/display/0,1151,4877,00.htmlJune
11, 1999
A Web Site Is Forever
DeBeers, the South Africa-based diamond cartel, is adding a clever new
service to its Web site that could strengthen its distribution in North

By Jacob Ward

DeBeers, the world's dominant supplier of diamonds, is launching a Web
site this week to help diamond buyers design their own engagement rings.

Founded in 1888 and headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, DeBeers
has aggressively marketed the diamond engagement ring in an effort to
boost diamond sales. It's tempting to say that the company's new Web
site, which shows customers designs by a few manufacturers and directs
them to retailers, is little more than a cute marketing gimmick. But the
company's history suggests it's something more than that.

The DeBeers diamond cartel, controlled by Chairman Nicholas Oppenheimer
and his family, once controlled upwards of 75 percent of the world's
diamond production. In other words, three-quarters of the stones in
display cases and on fingers around the United States were either mined,
processed or distributed by DeBeers.

Of late, however, the cartel has been slipping. DeBeers' market share
has dropped to about 50 percent. Observers attribute the company's
decline to decisions made by the operators of mines in the Congo,
Australia, Brazil, Venezuela, Canada and Russia. Mines in those
countries have terminated, refused or renegotiated their contracts with
DeBeers, opting instead to market diamonds independently.

DeBeers' diamonds arrive in the United States via a labyrinth of
intermediaries, in part to avoid getting snared by Justice Department
antitrust lawyers scrutinizing DeBeers' dominance of the diamond market.

Diamonds are unearthed, processed, polished and then shipped to London,
where brokers buy them from DeBeers, carry them to the U.S. and sell
them to jewelry manufacturers, who then set the diamonds in rings and
sell them to retailers. All that happens without DeBeers ever
technically doing business in the United States.

DeBeers' concern about antitrust law stretches back more than 50 years.
During World War II, the U.S. government voiced antitrust concerns about
the company after rumors surfaced that it was colluding with Axis
powers. While the rumors were deemed false, antitrust heat on
DeBeers intensified, and the company pulled up stakes in the U.S. The
company's only recent antitrust trouble was a Justice Department
indictment against General Electric in 1994 for conspiring with DeBeers
to raise industrial diamond prices. DeBeers and other international
witnesses refused to testify, and the case was thrown out.
[billions of dollars in diamonds in Israel being mined - is there some
conspiracy involved here]

The company's intermediaries, such as the brokers who stand between
DeBeers and American retailers and manufacturers, keep DeBeers at a safe
remove from Justice Department scrutiny. These brokers, called "site
holders," travel 10 times a year to
DeBeers' offices in London to receive their allotment of diamonds, which
they then sell to manufacturers and retail clients around the country.
When a certain diamond cut becomes too popular to maintain its value,
DeBeers reduces the supply of gems of that type, which enables the
company to control prices without money ever changing hands on U.S.

DeBeers keeps its hand in the U.S. diamond market via J. Walter
Thompson, the New York-based ad agency owned by the London-based WPP
Group. Thompson runs a variety of diamond-related services for DeBeers,
including the Diamond Information Center, which was responsible for the
latest We

[CTRL] Fwd: U.S. May Try to Curb Diamond Trade That Fuels African Wars

2001-02-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

So Diamonds feed wars?   Now I know why Israel is selling billions of
dollars in diamonds, allegedly-maybe the mines of King Solomon have
been seeded?

So now the Africans, it looks like these bastards ae going to leave
"nothingn of value" - the Africans are dying from aids, and have no
money..they butchered white farmers and in a local African paper now
complain of a brain drain because whites are moving out.

Diamonds - this cartel married someway into the Borman famly and they
wonder how they got the name of being "nazis"?DeBeers sells 70% of
diamonds - our Pentagon had a billoin dollars worth of diamonds and got
caught 15 yers ago and said "hey, they were a good invesment -" for they
were worth bigger bucks then..

Me I prefer the emerald or the rubyit is said youo have to have a
diamond when you get married?   Who says so?   I prefer a ruby, or a
saphire or emerald.BOYCOTT DIAMONDS

So deBeer now moves into Canada to mine diamonds.or will they seed
the mines there?

So the leave Africa with something of Value - AIDS and Disease - and
note they will be sure the Congo does not sell diamonds for they say
they are getting out of the business.

You see Clinton did not give a damn about the white farmers and their
black employees being slaughtered (by the way Ezekial in the bible you
find word slaughter over and over and over..no othr chapter has such
slaughteringsee the Schemites and wonder why it was deleted and
taken from King James BibleMaccabees.)

So much for that for now America will receive 18 thousand AFRICAN AIDS
victims yearly and more - like those diamonds, American will be seeded
with more aids from the Africans.

When those English Rhodes Scholars left, oh I imagine they left a bible
or two - one in particular for now it is harvest time - cutting down of
the flowers.slaughter of more  innocentsbut DeBeers go to

Watch Out Canada - The Life You Save May Be Your Own...

Someone ought to write a song -"When Its Slaughter Time in the Congo..."

And suddenly Israel is the home of King Solomons mine = is that why they
tunnel like rodents under this beautiful heap of rocks?

Like say, when the English left the pyramids - well remember the Titanic
and never get aboard a ship with any members of the diamond cartel or
these Rhodes Round Table bunch

And buy rubies - Americans can break this diamond cartel...Thailand has
beautiful gems - see the old Sing ah Store on on Bankok Road - good
spot, my relative put BMEWS and Missile site in the area when we were


Wonder when these people leave Canada will they leave something of

But then they are not dealing with Zulu and Ubangi Kingdom -

Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar, CFR and Round  Table of Cecil Rhodes - who
the hell did that bastard think he was..they are now coming in for
the kill on South Africa and use Jesse Jackson's of the world to push it

Let Africa keep their AIDS victims and let the English pick up the Tab
or let Clinton take a few in their new big homesthose diamonds
in the right hands would feed a lot of starving Africans and help with
the medicines - so Pzifer is donating AIDS treatments - why, with all
those natural resources Africa is dying and all they think of is
diamonds causing a war?

Get that bastard Clinton off the public welfare sysem...

August 8, 1999
U.S. May Try to Curb Diamond Trade That Fuels African Wars
Join a Discussion on Africa in Transition

WASHINGTON -- Concerned that diamonds are financing and perpetuating
wars in Africa, the Clinton administration is considering actions aimed
at halting the illicit-diamond trade, administration officials say.
[Note so Canadians will now go to war??? and end up like Angola with the
DeBeers Machine.]

The flow of uncut diamonds from rebel-held mines to market centers
around the world -- valued at hundreds of millions of dollars a year --
is keeping rebel armies in Angola, Congo and Sierra Leone supplied with
tanks and assault rifles and even uniforms and beer, U.S. and European
officials say.

[Saba Note - now here is the bigest crock of all.so now comes
Clinton like Jesse Jackson  to save Africa from themselves-wanting
to stop endless killing like Israelie peace efforts - only diamonds end
up in Israel]

Control of these mines has been an obstacle to peace efforts in African
hot spots, and officials hope that by cutting off the gray-market
diamond trade they can also choke off the flow of arms, stop the endless
killing and hasten peace efforts.

Diamonds are not the only way in which rebels pay for weapons, but
experts in Africa and the trade say cutting it off would have a
substantial impact. [Good thing they do not have a potato or potatoe
crop to worry about as did the Irish once)

The administration is likely to propose a global marketing system, by
which diamond sales must be accompanied by documents declaring the
source of 

Re: [CTRL] Gifts Were Not Meant for Clintons

2001-02-05 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/5/01 5:14:36 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> It was not clear how the Clinton furnishings might have been included on the
>  White House gifts office list when the Park Service had them on its list. A
>  former White House aide who asked not to be named said inclusion of the
>  items may have been a clerical error by someone at the gifts office, but
>  one for which the Clintons should be faulted.

  This is an important point.  So far, the Clinton's have been responsive to
recent criticism:  they are going to pay half for the gifts taken, and half
for the rent of Bill's office.  If they took gifts intended for the WH but
which were wrongly added to the White House gifts office list, then they will
likely correct the error once it is sorted out.  But the damage has already
been done - they are made to appear as greedy grasping trailer trash.  I am
almost forced to like and admire them in spite of the faults of the
administration simply because they are so relentlessly harangued.



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Re: [CTRL] Clinton's travel left military overextend

2001-02-05 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/5/01 6:48:03 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> This is a really strange admission.  For our Air Force to be so "unready"
>  demonstrates that  their planning, operations and logistics are way below
>  standard.  A simple thing such as presidential travel  should serve only
> a
>  kind of "maneuver" or exercise.

  I take this less as fact and more as propaganda.  As mixed as my feelings
are about Clinton, what is clear to me is that the barrage of hate-press will
never stop.  Just like JFK, it's not enough that a president is dead or
otherwise out of power.  They keep pounding and pounding with the slander and
innuendo because these men did the one unforgivable thing:  they secured the
admiration and affection of a large number of people.


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Re: [CTRL] Gifts Were Not Meant for Clintons

2001-02-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/05/2001 6:14:36 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Among the gifts that former president Bill Clinton says he is keeping as
 personal presents he accepted last year are $28,000 worth of furnishings
 that documents and interviews indicate were given to the National Park
 Service in 1993 as part of the permanent White House collection.

 The Park Service serves as a steward for the White House and, according to
 the White House curator's office, is the only unit with the legal authority
 to accept gifts for the White House. A gift meant for the current White
 House occupants, by contrast, is routed through the White House gifts
 office, a separate unit. >>

Anybody know how all that stuff Nancy Reagan took was routed?  If she had to
pay a million in back taxes, there must have been a bale of it, and I'm
really curious.  Still I wouldn't give anything to anyone at the White House
or to the White House either.  They can afford to buy their own stuff, and if
I were Mrs. Clinton I would send every piece of junk on the list back to the
White House or to the original doners.  What did they do with the old kitchen
table and chairs by the way?  That interests me.  Are the things given to
Good Will or are they burned as religious objects?  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Clinton's travel left military overextend

2001-02-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/05/2001 6:14:43 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  Top military officers have expressed concern that an excessive number
 of military cargo planes were required to take former President Clinton and
 his large entourage last year to India, Vietnam and other distant places.
 Top Stories
  These officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the Air
 Force Air Mobility Command's ability was perilously stretched to supply
 airlifts for exercises, as well as troop deployments in the Persian Gulf,
 South Korea, Bosnia, Kosovo and South Korea. >>

This is a really strange admission.  For our Air Force to be so "unready"
demonstrates that  their planning, operations and logistics are way below
standard.  A simple thing such as presidential travel  should serve only as a
kind of "maneuver" or exercise.  This kind of admission is worrisome, and has
nothing to do with funding.  It has to do with poor management.   The higher
ranked individuals in the military have been less than we might wish for a
long time, but this strange thing is scarey.  This is the Air Force that is
going to protect us on two fronts, and it cannot handle a few deployments and
a presidential travel requirement.  This country is in big trouble, and  it
has nothing to do with Clinton's travel requirements.  It sounds as if the
brass is spending too much time and money on the golf courses, and too little
time and attention on mission.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Warning shot on EU army by White House

2001-02-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/04/2001 9:35:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<<   THE Bush administration has given a tough warning that plans for a
 Defence Force could undermine Nato and provoke a dangerous rift between
 America and its allies. >>

Guess the world better do what the Bushies say or there will be hell to pay.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Khomeini fatwa 'led to killing of 30,000 in Iran'

2001-02-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/04/2001 9:24:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<<   CHILDREN as young as 13 were hanged from cranes, six at a time, in a
 barbaric two-month purge of Iran's prisons on the direct orders of Ayatollah
 Khomeini, according to a new book by his former deputy.
 More than 30,000 political prisoners were executed in the 1988 massacre - a
 far larger number than previously suspected. Secret documents smuggled out of
 Iran reveal that, because of the large numbers of necks to be broken,
 prisoners were loaded onto forklift trucks in groups of six and hanged from
 cranes in half-hourly intervals.

 Gruesome details are contained in the memoirs of Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali
 Montazeri, The Memoirs of Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, one of the
 founders of the Islamic regime. He was once considered Khomeini's anointed
 successor, but was deposed for his outspokenness, and is now under house
 arrest in the holy city of Qom. >>

Just goes to show you what happens when a real right-wing religious extremist
gets all the power to make reforms that he wants.   Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Florida 'recounts' make Gore winner

2001-02-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/04/2001 8:37:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Any chance that this power situation is the new
 administration's punishment for California?
 sno0wl >>

I'd bet money on it.  Some stuff that's come through has mentioned that the
companies from which Californiae lectricity providers formerly bought power
cheaply were out of Texas and were all cronies of the Bushies.  The Bush
family is famous for its vindictive ways.  I think that's why the Democrats
in Congress are rolling over and grinning every time the new prez and co.
allow them to vote on a new goodie.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Clinton's travel left military overextended -- The Washington Times

2001-02-05 Thread tnohava

Clinton's travel left military overextended
By Rowan Scarborough

 Top military officers have expressed concern that an excessive number
of military cargo planes were required to take former President Clinton and
his large entourage last year to India, Vietnam and other distant places.
Top Stories
 These officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the Air
Force Air Mobility Command's ability was perilously stretched to supply
airlifts for exercises, as well as troop deployments in the Persian Gulf,
South Korea, Bosnia, Kosovo and South Korea.
 Unofficial internal estimates show that Mr. Clinton's trip to Vietnam
in November cost the military about $60 million. Air Force Air Mobility
Command deployed 26 C-5, 33 C-17 and 4 C-141 cargo jets as well as 10
refueling tanker aircraft and one C-130 propeller jet. Estimated costs for
Mr. Clinton's trip last March to India and Pakistan ranged from $25 million
to $50 million.
 One Marine officer said the number of planes required to support Air
Force One, code name for the Boeing 747 carrying the president, strained a
recent exercise.
 "We are in the midst of exercising one of our regularly scheduled
incremental training exercises with the [South Korean military]," said the
officer. "Unfortunately, the nonavailability of lift in the theater has
severely retarded the deployment of a single reinforced infantry battalion.
. . . It seems most of the available [strategic] lift is tied up with a
president of the U.S. event."
 Another officer told of special operations commanders redrafting
contingency plans for getting troops overseas in the event that at the same
time the president was traveling overseas.
 The Air Force, following established policy, referred presidential
travel questions to the White House. A Bush spokeswoman declined to comment.
 P.J. Crowley, a retired Air Force officer and former Clinton White
House spokesman, defended the need for a large air armada to accompany the
president to distant destinations. He said the Air Force and Secret
Service — not the president — dictate aircraft requirements based on the
travel itinerary, air field availability and threat assessment.
 "The logistics are actually driven by the Secret Service in terms of
what the security requirements are," Mr. Crowley said. "When the president
travels, we're going to bring our own planes, our own helicopters and our
own vehicles. These are requirements so the president can travel safely and
has the ability to communicate with his government any place he goes in the
world. This is not a question of luxury. It's a question of security."
 However, Mr. Crowley said, "I know there have been concerns expressed
in military circles about the cost of travel, but the trips to India and
Africa and Vietnam were both historic in nature and reflective of the need
of the Untied States to engage in a part of the world we need to improve
relations with. And each of those trips will pay huge dividends for the
United States in the long term."
 It's not only presidential trips and peacekeeping that strain airlift
capabilities. The Air Force's aircraft mission-capable rates have declined
10 percent in 10 years. This means no more than 75 percent of the fleet is
able to fly as grounded aircraft await spare parts or maintenance.
 "Both of these components," Gen. Michael Ryan, Air Force chief of
staff, told Congress last year, "have contributed to our current concern and
one of the primary reasons is the average age of our current aircraft fleet.
It's now almost 22 years old."
 One of the oldest is the C-5 Galaxy, a giant fuel-guzzling cargo jet
wide enough to ferry tanks, armored vehicles, trucks and troops to overseas
deployments. Its combined mission-capable rate for 126 active, Guard and
Reserve jets last year was below 60 percent.
 However, new cargo jets have been trickling in. The Air Force has 70
operational C-17s, about half the total purchase of 130 of the jets .
 In a statement to The Washington Times, Air Mobility Command said, "The
primary limitations to our airlift capability are too few C-17s . . .; the
retirement of the C-141, which gives us fewer airframes to operate and
reduces our flexibility; poor C-5 reliability, which has hampered our
largest airlifter; and a need to invest in en route infrastructure. . . . It
is clear that the combination of increased operations tempo and missions
around the world, combined with declines in force structure, have
significantly increased operational challenges for Air Mobility Command."
 A military source told The Times that the average number of aircraft
missions each month increased from 76 in 1992 to 140 in the first eight
months of 2000. During the time that Vice President Al Gore was running for
president, Hillary Rodham Clinton was campaigning for the U.S. Senate and
Mr. Clinton was visit

[CTRL] Gifts Were Not Meant for Clintons

2001-02-05 Thread tnohava

Gifts Were Not Meant for Clintons, Some Donors Say

By George Lardner Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, February 5, 2001 ; Page A03

Among the gifts that former president Bill Clinton says he is keeping as
personal presents he accepted last year are $28,000 worth of furnishings
that documents and interviews indicate were given to the National Park
Service in 1993 as part of the permanent White House collection.

The Park Service serves as a steward for the White House and, according to
the White House curator's office, is the only unit with the legal authority
to accept gifts for the White House. A gift meant for the current White
House occupants, by contrast, is routed through the White House gifts
office, a separate unit.

Two of the furniture makers whose donations Clinton took with him on leaving
the White House last month say they gave them to the White House as part of
a widely publicized, $396,000 redecoration of the executive mansion and not
to Clinton personally.

"When we've been asked to donate, it was always hyphenated with the words, "
'White House,' " New York manufacturer Steve Mittman said of his
family-owned business, which gave two sofas, an easy chair and an ottoman,
worth $19,900 and listed by Clinton as part of the gifts he took with him.
"To us, it was not a donation to a particular person."

A spokesman for the Clintons, Jim Kennedy, rejected the notion that the
gifts in question had been made to the White House rather than to the
Clintons. He said it was his understanding that the furnishings in question
were on the White House gifts office list and that the Clintons were
entitled to rely on that in deciding each year which gifts they were going
to keep.

In the case of the furnishings, Kennedy said, the Clintons postponed a
decision until 2000. He said "all of the items" listed on Bill Clinton's
final financial disclosure report "were considered by the gifts office to be
gifts to the Clintons that they could keep or leave behind."

When the redecoration project was completed in the fall of 1993, the White
House distributed a four-page summary of the work, saying it had been
"financed by private donations of money to the White House Historical
Association, including a donation from surplus funds of the Presidential
Inaugural Committee, as well as donations of goods and services to the
National Park Service."

Attached was a National Park Service list of "contributors to the National
Park Service" and what they had given. In addition to furniture from
Mittman, the document listed "Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ficks, Cincinatti, OH.,
furniture; David Martinous, Little Rock, AR., rug; Mr. Brad Noe, High Point,
NC., furniture; and Stuart Schiller, Hialeh, Tx., furnishings."

Clinton also listed these five in his Jan. 19 disclosure report, saying he
was keeping a kitchen table and four chairs, worth $3,650, from Lee Ficks; a
sofa, worth $2,843, from Noe; lamps, worth $1,170, from Schiller; and a
needlepoint rug, worth $1,000, from Martinous.

All were merchants and manufacturers whose high-end gifts, according to
those contacted, had been solicited by the interior decorator for the 1993
project, Kaki Hockersmith of Little Rock. Hockersmith, who used a Park
Service pass at the time, did not return phone calls.

Like Mittman, Joy Ficks, whose late husband headed the Ficks Reed Co., said
she thought the custom-finished rattan chairs and breakfast table installed
in the private quarters would remain there as government property. She was
puzzled when she learned the Clintons had taken the set with them.

"We gave it to the White House," she said. "I wondered what happened to it."

Noe, who worked at Henredon Furniture Industries at the time, and Schiller,
who heads Cambridge Lamps Inc. of Hialeah, Fla., did not respond to phone
calls. Martinous, who operates an Oriental rug company in Little Rock, said
he wanted the Clintons to keep the handwoven needlepoint he gave.

Two former Internal Revenue Service commissioners, one a Republican and the
other a Democrat, said that Clinton's taking the furnishings under such
circumstances would appear to be an improper "conversion of government
property" that could require the Clintons to pay taxes on them. They said
they were not suggesting criminal wrongdoing by the president.

"It's the intent of the giver that counts," said Sheldon S. Cohen, who
headed the IRS under president Lyndon B. Johnson. "If it was given to him
[Clinton], it's his. But if it was given to the United States, then it is
improper for it to end up in his hands unless he buys it."

Donald C. Alexander, who was IRS commissioner under Richard M. Nixon and
Gerald R. Ford, said: "If someone gave something of value to the White House
as the White House and not to the president, that is a gift to the
government of the United States . . . a charitable contribution." The
Clintons, he said, 

Re: [CTRL] aol e-mail virus

2001-02-05 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 3 Feb 2001 14:13:21 EST, Smart News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted article
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, which said:

> The e-mail comes with an attachment MINE.ZIP Activating this worm requires
> that you first open the e-mail, and then either use AOL's automatic unzip
> feature, or another utility to extract the zip file. MINE.ZIP unzips into two
> files: MINE.EXE and README.TXT. README.TXT is not significant, but can be
> used to identify the presence of the virus, as it contains the message, "Did
> you like it? Write Back ok?=Þ"

Heh... My aunt was hit by that one.  I told them what it was and it took my
dad forever to talk his sister into cleaning her system and changing her

My sister ran a virus once on her computer and started getting phone calls at
all hours of the night.  This virus can be used for more purposes than just
pranks.  This guy logged in to my sister's account and got her address, phone
number and everything, then said he was going to be in the area, and said he
was going to stop by the house since he had her address.  Some people are just
plain sick.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Clinton Team and Blackmail [Free Republic]

2001-02-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Flynt, Carville, Clinton, Stone (Oliver) - now what could these people
possibly have in common?

Well Oliver Stone was ARRESTED on a hash charge...Carville worked up
Ehud Barak's campaign.Flynt was front for drugs through his
pornography - and Clinton was the most obscene president we ever
hadthe movie JFK was the biggest story every told but much of it was
plagiarized from the old Assassination Committee which was designed to
lead people away from the truth.and the truth is the KGB ordred the
execution of JFK - and the Jewish Mafia (Russian Mafia) did the
hit..for many different reasons.

What do all of the above have in common?  DRUGS.DRUGS.and more
DRUGS - the movie JFK was almost laughable because this was the crap the
committee put out over 30 years ago.see Clinton when young standing
in JFK limelight and little John's limelight - putting him out of the
picture - this was the KGB Manchurian Candidate - the attempted look
alike President..the traitor and the liar and the sodomistthese
are lessor charges compared to the murder of the innocents through the
sale of polluted AIDS infested blood around the world by this
man.will someone make a movie of this - well, believe it or not I
got word tonight someone isthis should be the deal of the
century ...anyone for golf?


The Clinton Team and Blackmail
Crime/Corruption News
Source: Insight Magazine
Published: 06/19/2000 Author: By J. Michael Waller

Posted on 05/26/2000 12:58:07 PDT by JeanS
Intelligence and security experts are outraged at the Clinton
administration's probable use of blackmail and susceptibility to it as
the Congress fails to investigate.
Catching people with their pants down was a prime way of compromising
and recruiting them," recalls former KGB general Oleg Kalugin, who was
decorated for, among other things, recruiting Americans to spy for
Moscow. The Russians call it gathering "compromising material," or
kompromat. In the West, it's known as blackmail.
After the 1994 elections, when the Republicans took control of the House
of Representatives, the Clinton administration ran an alleged
dirt-digging operation out of the Office of the White House Chief of
Staff, says Gary Aldrich, a former senior FBI special agent on White
House duty at the time. "They hired upwards of 36 lawyers to staff the
operation to handle 40 different cases," Aldrich tells Insight. "Once it
became known that they had such an operation, then the blackmail itself
took place." It all came in handy when the House impeached President
Clinton. "People like [James] Carville and [George] Stephanopoulos said
in the media that there would be a 'scorched-earth policy' and that
everyone who had skeletons in their closet would be exposed if they
didn't back off the impeachment policy," Aldrich says.
These threats allegedly were carried out during the 1998 impeachment
trial of Clinton, when White House operatives and allies such as
pornographer Larry Flynt not only dug up dirt on their Republican
opponents but openly threatened them with releasing it if they
House leaders who didn't submit found themselves swamped by embarrassing
revelations about their past or present personal lives. Some, such as
House Government Reform Committee Chairman Dan Burton of Indiana and
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde of Illinois, went public
to preempt the revelations. Others, such as House Speaker-elect Bob
Livingston of Louisiana, otherwise an able and honorable man, saw their
political careers destroyed.
They wouldn't be blackmailed, but their fates would be an example to
others. According to Capitol Hill insiders, some Senate Republicans
caved under the implicit threat. "One of the things that always bothered
me was why senators we thought might be willing to do the right thing
[and vote to convict Clinton] backed off," David Schippers, the
Democratic Chicago lawyer who led the impeachment investigation, tells
Insight. "I still have in the back of my mind some thought that Filegate
had something to do with it."
Filegate is, of course, the still-unresolved scandal of the FBI's
illegal transfer to Clinton political operatives in the White House of
the secret, personal background files of at least 900 Republican former
officials. Those files, security experts say, are filled with raw,
unverified information of the most personal and often lurid kind.
Schippers says he believes the White House or its designees used leads
from some of those files to blackmail lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
Congress, despite his urging, has failed to probe the matter.
Blackmail, whether by political hacks or foreign spies, can be crude or
sophisticated. Some consists merely of confronting the targeted victim
with compromising documents, photos or videotapes. But it's usually done
more subtly. Dan Moldea, who was one of pornographer Flynt's lead
investigators, denies blackmail in a rambling self-defense: "No member
of our team ever appro

[CTRL] Croc Tears

2001-02-05 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Note:  We archive similar "assassination posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Croc Tears
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 6:12 AM

Tuesday Jan. 23, 2001, 12:41 a.m. EST

Dubya Consoles Jesse on 'Love Child' Woes

During Florida's post-election crisis, Rev. Jesse Jackson charged that President Bush 
won the White House using "Nazi tactics." Then he threatened to disrupt Bush's 

But the civil rights leader's belligerent behavior didn't stop Bush from telephoning 
Jackson on Friday to tell him, "You're in my prayers."

The Bush consolation call came two days after the National Enquirer blew the lid off 
news of Jackson's 20-month old love child, conceived during an illicit affair with a 
39-year-old Rainbow Coalition staffer.

The embarassing report caused Jackson to drop out of public life for four days.

Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer said Monday that Bush "had noted the stories" about 
Jackson's sex scandal and then decided to make the call.

In December, the Rainbow Coalition founder was reportedly urged to telephone Bush by 
several of his financial backers who worried that his harsh rhetoric might alienate 
the new administration.

The conversation took place but it seemed to have little apparent impact on Jackson's 
attitude towards Bush.

No word yet from conservative black leaders who might have hoped the divisive 
reverend's days as the nation's racial ombudsman would be numbered after Bush took 

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:

Bush Administration

Related Products:
Express your opinion about this to top leaders, Congress and the media -- send an 
Urgent PriorityGram -- it`s as easy and powerful --Click Here now


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In the immortal words of Yeshua the Messiah (most call Him Jesus)
 "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
 I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly."
-- St. John 10:10.

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
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Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] This is religion - Profiteering?

2001-02-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This is an interesting item re Jesse Jackson's investments and friends
doing the work of God.
Now it would seem to me that by the words of the leader of this Church
the Church lost its non profit status.

What about the little church in Indianapolis the Feds are trying to take
away - were they bad or something - did they try to "stuff Christ" down
people's throats - is this why it is being destroyed and why Jackson and
garbage like Al Sharpton were involveld in tax monies - did this center
ever get off ground - this one particular center and can a white church
take advantage of alla these free giveaways - is this separation of
Church and State Jackson style?

Seems to me the little Church in Indianapolis needs a good attorney to
investigate some of this stuff.Jesse Jackson - is he guilty of
blackmail as some seem to believe?

Maybe these little Christian churches should all unite and threaten to
boycott or is the word BLACKMAIL, which is surely still a crime in this

Seems to me these people lost that non profit status a long, long time

I wonder, does the Catholic Church have the right to federal funding
too?   And the true Arabs - ISLAM..The Catholic Church built their
own schools didn't they...because it seems there is something called
separation of Church and State - ever hear of kick backs?

As taxpapers we should demand a complete investigation into these
matters - no wonder Jesse could afford a $350,000 for his prostitute
paramour and $10,000 a month for his little bastard daughter(that is
the legal term, bastard)...wouldn't it be fun now to go into Al
Sharpton's financial interests who too has lived off the kindness of
others?   Like a Hill and Bill Clinton whostole more than just the
silverware from the taxpayers.

So I had a dream these were a bunch of thieves - do we have an interest
in this venture, after all it is our tax money??

And street people only got a pack of cigaettes for voting for the
democrats -


'Dream' shopping center proposed for Newark

By Nikita Stewart

Metropolitan Baptist Church unveiled its "dream" for Newark yesterday as
Mayor Sharpe James and the Rev. Jesse Jackson joined the Rev. David
Jefferson Sr. in announcing plans for a major shopping center on
Springfield Avenue.

The church is teaming up with the city and the nonprofit New Community
Corp. to develop a $16.6 million "Newark Towne Center" to be anchored by
a Kmart department store.

The announcement followed a 21/2-hour tribute to the Rev. Martin Luther
King Jr. Jefferson, pastor of Metropolitan Baptist, called the plan "the
most expansive development by a black institution in the history of

In an earlier interview, Jefferson defined King's dream as not just
social equality but "economic liberation."

"I think we've done the dream an injustice by going to the church and
singing," said Jefferson, who works as an executive at AT&T. "We need to
act on it."

Springfield Avenue, ground zero for the 1967 riots, is being resurrected
by the church's development arm, Resurrection Urban Development Corp.,
Jefferson said.
Resurrection and New Community Corp. will develop a 115,000-square-foot
Kmart, a service station and a family restaurant, James said.

The shopping center will be bounded by Springfield and South Orange
avenues and Jones and Broome streets.

James and Jefferson signed two enlarged contracts, one for Kmart and one
a promise by the church to develop more projects, with a giant pen a
little larger than the length of a lower human arm.

Newark's development corporation will provide about $5.9 million in
federal funds and another $500,000 will come from state environmental
funds, said Al Faiella, Newark's deputy mayor for economic development
and housing.

Faiella said the other $10 million could come from Prudential, which has
signed a letter of intent to put up loans for the development.
Kmart also signed a letter of intent last month, Faiella said.

Kmart would actually build and operate its store while the two
nonprofits would be responsible for other operations, such as security,
he said.

The development has been a long time coming, Faiella said. "The city has
cleared the site over the last 10 or 11 years," he said. "Supermarkets
were poised to start construction, but things fell through."

Construction could begin in six months and would take another year to
complete, Faiella said.

The original developer of the Newark Towne Center was K. Hovnanian
Enterprises Inc., which signed a 1986 contract with the city to build
the shopping center.

The city dropped Hovnanian as the developer last year because the city
felt Hovnanian was taking too long to develop the property. The
president of Hovnanian said his firm should be reimbursed more than $1
million for blueprints, marketing studies and environmental assessments.

Faiella said the city has come up with a "gentleman's agreement" to
settle the dispute.

He would not dis

[CTRL] Ashcroft vs White

2001-02-05 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Here are the details as to why Sen. Ashcroft opposed Ronnie White's nomination to
Federal Bench.  The entire discussion and background appear below.
This is a transcript of a broadcast by Sean Hannity on Thursday, Jan 18, 2001.

White was rejected largely because of his dissent in the case of the state of
Missouri vs a guy by the name of James Johnson, when White voted in '98 to overturn
- he was the only one out of 7 justices - he was the only dissenting voice to
overturn the death penalty convictions of this 4 time murderer who killed in cold
blood 3 law enforcement officers and the wife of one of these sheriffs.

Here - let me give you the facts. Here are the facts. The deputy of the local
sheriff's departmnent went to James Johnson's house to investigate some domestic
dispute, that he and his daughter were involved in, after the Sheriff talked
briefly with members of the family he was going back to his car, Johnson shot this
guy, this Sheriff, twice, including in the back of the head - when Johnson heard
that this Sheriff was moaning, well then he shot him in the forehead, killing him

 Johnson then loaded his car with guns and ammunition, and drove to Sheriff Kenny
Jones's house, where the Jones family, by the way, was celebrating Christmas.  What
did he do?  He fired a semi-automatic rifle through the window, he hit Jones's wife
5 times including the face, the neck and the back of the head - she died in front
of her family on Christmas day.

 Next, Johnson arrived at the home of another Sheriff, by the name of Russell
Bortz, and he shot Bortz multiple times through the window, hitting him in the
chest, and in the face, as Bortz was on the telephone. Bortz survived.

 Then he went to the Sheriff's office. As Cooper County Sheriff Charles Smith was
leaving his office, Johnson then shot him 4 times including in the face and the
head - he killed him.

 And as Miller County Deputy Sandra Wilson arrived later at the Sheriff's office
Johnson shot her through the heart, as she was climbing out of the car - she died
on the pavement.

 So eventually, he's apprehended, convicted of 4 counts of 1st degree murder,
incontrovertible evidence was in the case, sentenced to death, his primary defense
wasn't that he didn't do it - but that he suffered from post traumatic stress
disorder resulting from his service in Vietnam.  He then appealed to the Missouri
Supreme Court, claiming a myriad of constitutional violations, on and on and on,
--  oh, by the way, one particular persuasive point, as the other 6 justices
pointed out, Mr. Johnson confessed to the crimes - never said he didn't do it - he
just said that Vietnam caused the post traumatic stress disorder.

 He made a confession, in which he recalled every single detail - and it was
because Judge White was willing to remand this back to the courts - it calls into
question a confession - incontrovertible evidence and testimony of the people
involved, it calls into question NOT HIS RACE, but his JUDGMENT - and his sense of
whether or not because of his lack of judgment in this case if he deserves a
LIFETIME appointment to the court.

 That's what this case was and is about - we ought to be thanking Senator Ashcroft
for what he did.  He was showing great judgment, and yet the mainstream media has
refuse to focus in on what this case has actually been about. It's just amazing.
It shouldn't surprise us.

 Here's the entire discussion.

I don't know how many of you had an opportunity to watch Ronnie White this morning,
Judge Ronnie White, as he testified before the Senate Judiciary committee.  This is
the judge that the left has been focusing in on, these left-wing groups, since they
announced their opposition to the nomination of ex-Senator John Ashcroft for
Attorney General.  And they claim it was Ashcroft's opposition to Ronnie White, who
is a Missouri supreme court justice, nominated to the federal bench by Bill
Clinton, that his opposition was based on the fact that Ronnie White was an African
American, despite the fact that they ignored the entire record of Senator Ashcroft,
which was that he supported 26 of the 27 African Americans that were appointed to
the federal bench.  26 of 27 he confirmed the judicial nominees that were brought
before him. Of the approximately 1686 Clinton presidential nominees, both
judicial and non-judicial, voted on by the Senate when Senator Ashcroft was there,
he voted to confirm all but 15. That fact not brought out by Senator Ted Kennedy,
nor was it brought out that he himself, while the Governor of the great state of
Missouri signed Missouri's first hate-crime statute.  It wasn't pointed out that by
executive order that he made Missouri one of the first states to recognize Martin
Luther King day, that he led the fight to save Lincoln University, the Missouri
university founded by African American
civil war veterans.  Tho

Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft, Racism and the Democrats

2001-02-05 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Time for you to do some homework.  That old canard of Racism and the JBS
was disproven back in 1963  --  that's 38 years ago.

I'm sure that the Black members of the JBS would be delighted and most interested
to hear of their organization's "racism."

When all else fails, accuse the enemy of racism.  And refer to them as "ilk."


I guess for John Farmer, you're not a racist unless you're a
leader of
the Ku Klux Klan, John Birch Society or their ilk. His moderation in
defense of racism is all too typical of those in the corporate media and
those in leadership of the two corporate parties. Which brings me back
to the 42 Senate Democrats who voted against Ashcroft.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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