[CTRL] people with wayyy to much brains on their hands

2001-03-05 Thread p


Building a Better Whatever by Michael 
  Stroud 2:00 a.m. Mar. 5, 2001 PST 


  STOCKHOLM, Sweden –- In a nondescript office building in Stockholm, 
  some of Sweden's best and brightest spend their time on projects like a 
  game in which you move a ball with brain waves, and robots that mix drinks 
  to match your moods. 
  To researchers at the semi-private Interactive 
  Institute, these aren't frivolous pursuits. They're part of a unique 
  partnership between scientists, artists, computer programmers and others 
  aimed at creating new paradigms for incorporating technology into daily 
  with wayyy to much brains on their hands --wired 
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Re: [CTRL] The Far Right Targets The Left

2001-03-05 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

What ridiculous palaver!!
Why is it the FAR right, but only the "left?"
Is there NO ONE in existence who would qualify as "FAR left?"

Where did you ever get these ideas?  Where in the world did you
pick up these whacky allegations??
No difference?  The right STATIST?  The left RELIGIOUS?
What social myth?  What does this mean?  Meaningless words...
Now for the best - Left AND Right lead to police states and mass
Why would you "guess" that the right "probably" admits these
notions to themselves --  how would you know??
And, the left doesn't admit them because they deceive themselves?


You need to do some homework,  (or less work at disruption)
and recognize  the vast difference
between a Republic governed by a Constitution and a set of laws,
and a huge government bureaucracy run by a mob or dictator,
whose "laws" change at their whim to accomplish a current desire.

I've heard the ridiculous arguments by the uninformed wherein they
opine that the "far right" in its extreme results in a nazi-like reign
terror.  In fact, the direct opposite is true. The right wants MINIMAL

government, not total government.

The left LOVES government, feels that EVERY problem can be solved
if only there were just ONE MORE government agency and program.
They constantly vote for LARGER government and higher taxes to
support it.

The communists, the socialists, the fascists, the nazi's are all
of the ultimate in government size and control  --  total control -
a totalitarian state.  Law is abrogated, government is all powerful,
the civil law, imposes martial law.  Individual "civil" rights
This is the ultimate result of leftists achieving their goals.

The right, the conservative, feels that government should be minimal,
keep out of the affairs of the people.  They do not want a
bureaucratic mob
in Washington DC interfering with and directing every facet of their

Self reliance, not government "handouts", the Constitution,
civil law is the desire of the "right."

The government can only "hand out" that which it first confiscates
the citizens, and in the process tacks on just a small fee as overhead
the cost of doing the transaction.  Someone has to pay for all those
government employees.

Has it occurred to absolutely NO ONE that with all the "liberal",
government programs and "entitlements" that THIS COUNTRY HAS

Is there NO cause and effect ?  How much longer are we going to keep
implementing liberal, left-wing, government-intrusion experiments in
an effort to "make things better?"  THINGS ARE GETTING WORSE!

Where did the Social Security "Fund" GO??  It's all SPENT.
The president now tells me that, after all my years of paying in,
there will either be greatly reduced benefits, or greatly increased
"contributions" (taxes) on the part of those still working.

Medicare is close to being unable to fulfill comittments.

You can not pray or silently read the Bible in school, or at sports
Public meetings cannot ask for God's help and guidance.  Too
controversial -
it might offend someone.
You CAN wear clothing in school which proclaims  "gay pride."
You CANNOT wear clothing in school which proclaims "straight pride."
Now,  WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?  I guess it might OFFEND someone.
EVERY  TV sitcom now has gay main characters.  Now,
WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?  Where is this coming from?

Anyone remember how many high school shootings there were in
the '50's and '60's ?  Drive-by shootings?  Local gang murders?
The worst thing a kid ever snuck to school was a BEER.

Nobody I knew ever locked their doors in those days - the question
when the subject was broached was "Why would I want to lock
my doors?  Who would come in?"

Anybody remember huge quantities of hard drugs?  A really far out
person might have the "hard stuff" - marijuana.  No police agency
ever found 50 lbs, 100 lbs, 2 TONS of cocaine on any bust.
People didn't set up "meth labs." There was no such thing as
a "carjacking", a police chase was virtually unknown, and police
didn't have to be brutal  --  a foot patrolman with a nightstick just
had to say "move along" and it was done.

My points are:

1. Yes folks, there is in fact a HUGE difference between left and

2.  The liberal experiment has failed DISMALLY - we are LIVING with
the proof.  It is time to repudiate it immediately, and return to
values and procedures which brought this country to the forefront
of the world in its first 175 years.

3.  We are headed to hell in a handbasket at a high rate of speed, and

simply continuing on with more of the same of implementing
"liberal" ideas will simply increase the speed.

May God help our sinking America.




   >DRY ROT -- The Far Right Targets The Left
  >By Will Offley

[CTRL] WND: POTUS: 'Take Jack's word'

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

World Net Daily-March 3, 2001

Prez: 'Take Jack's word'

Despite arms-trading report, Clinton used Rich lawyer as final

By Paul Sperry

On inauguration eve, as it became clear that former President
Bill Clinton was leaning toward pardoning fugitive financier Marc
Rich -- an issue his staff had thought to be "dead" -- former
White House Counsel Beth Nolan rushed a search of Rich through a
Justice Department crime database.

The department's National Crime Information Center reported back
some disturbing news, which only confirmed Nolan's fears that
granting Rich clemency was a bad idea.

It turned out that Rich, who fled the U.S. in 1983 rather than
face racketeering, tax-fraud and other criminal charges, was also
under suspicion of illegal arms-trading.

NCIC also clearly listed him as a "fugitive."

Nolan, testifying before Congress Thursday night, said she gave
the information to Clinton as further evidence he should deny
Rich a pardon.

But Clinton ignored the NCIC report and insisted Rich lawyer Jack
Quinn -- who also served as Clinton's former White House counsel
-- knew better.

"Take Jack's word," Nolan said Clinton told her and other lawyers
in a White House meeting.

Quinn had argued in his pardon petition to the White House -- a
copy of which Justice's pardon attorney Roger Adams didn't see
until the last minute -- that his client was not technically a
fugitive and not a security threat.

Despite Justice's concerns about Rich's allegedly illegal
arms-dealing, Clinton did not seek advice or additional
information on Rich from U.S. intelligence agencies.

Every lawyer at the heated meeting the night of Jan. 19 --
including Clinton's closest adviser Bruce Lindsey -- had
reservations about the Rich pardon, except for perhaps one --
ex-White House lawyer Cheryl Mills. For reasons still not clear,
she was invited to join in the pardon debate, even though she no
longer worked for the government.

In their testimony, Nolan and Lindsey said they weren't sure if
Mills took a position on the Rich pardon, although e-mails reveal
she was included in discussions on the matter as early as Jan. 5.

Mills at the time was a director of the William J. Clinton
Presidential Foundation, the financial arm of his Little Rock,
Ark., library -- to which Rich's ex-wife Denise Rich had donated

Here are other unreported highlights from the House Government
Reform Committee hearing, which continued late into the evening

* Nolan says she also opposed Clinton's pardons of his former CIA
Director John Deutch, accused of mishandling U.S. secrets; his
former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros, convicted of lying to the FBI;
and his former Whitewater business partner Susan McDougal,
convicted of fraud and contempt of court.

* Lindsey testified that he had "no recollection" of talking to
Clinton about his brother-in-law Hugh Rodham's lobbying efforts on
behalf of convicted coke kingpin Carlos Vignali. Lindsey, a White
House lawyer and Clinton's closest aide, talked to Rodham at least
twice about commuting Vignali's sentence.

Clinton has denied knowing about Rodham's role, specifically the
$434,280 in fees he collected -- although the tabloid that broke
the original story is reporting in its latest edition that Rodham,
who lived in the White House residence in the last days of
Clinton's term, gave a reprieve application directly to Clinton.

* The ex-president did know, however, that his other brother-in-law
-- Tony Rodham -- was lobbying for the pardons of two bank-fraud
felons, Lindsey said. Lindsey said he was unaware at the time that
Rodham had a business relationship with the couple. Clinton
pardoned them last March over Justice's veto.

* In a Dec. 26, 2000, e-mail from another Rich lawyer, New Yorker Bob
Fink, to Quinn, Fink discussed their options for pressing Rich's
pardon if White House lawyers tried to shoot it down. Those options
included enlisting then-Senator-elect Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"The only one that seems to have real potential for making a
difference is the HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] option and even that
has peril if not handled correctly," Fink wrote.

He spoke of making the "necessary representation to HRC" and
wondered "about the support this will get in NY."

Hillary Clinton has emphatically denied any involvement or even any
knowledge of the Rich pardon request at the time.

* Lindsey, who headed up Clinton's scandal damage control efforts in
the White House, is now a paid consultant to the Clinton library.
Among his duties: Handling the ongoing e-mail reconstruction
project involving hundreds of thousands of unarchived White House
messages. He'll also OK requests for documents from the Clinton

* Nolan and former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta are now
college professors teaching future lawyers the law and ethics.

* Former Eagles singer Don Henley requested a commutation for a
California gambler convicted of related crimes. Henley contacted

[CTRL] NM: Secret Service Records on Rich and Dozoretz called 'Very Murky'

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monday Mar. 5, 2001; 7:27 p.m. EST

Secret Service Records on Rich and Dozoretz called 'Very Murky'

Secret Service records on White House visits by Denise Rich and
Beth Dozoretz are so murky, the House Government Reform and
Oversight Committee still isn't sure how many times the two women
actually visited ex-President Clinton or his aides, committee
spokesman Mark Corallo told NewsMax.com late Monday.

"There is some questions over the accuracy of the Secret Service
WAVES records. As a matter of fact, there's some very large
questions over the accuracy of those records," Corallo said.

In January, the New York Post reported that Mrs. Rich visited the
Clintons 100 times.

But last week, ABC News and the Associated Press reported that
WAVES logs placed Rich at the White House "at least 13 times" in
the last two years -- nowhere near the higher number.

Dozoretz reportedly visited as many as 76 times, according to ABC

But Corallo suggested those numbers were educated guesses at

"According to the Secret Service, when large numbers of people
are coming in for an event, for instance -- there's a list,"
Corallo said. "They enter the entire list in, which would explain
a time in. They are then apparently supposed to scrub that
against an accurate list at the end of the day, which,
unfortunately, they sometimes did not do."

On Jan. 19, President Clinton's last night in office, WAVES logs
show both women entered the White House in the late afternoon.
But the committee has been unable to find any record of when they

Both Rich and Dozoretz have denied through intermediaries
visiting the White House at all that night.

On other occasions, WAVES records show Rich and/or Dozoretz
leaving the White House, but no record of their arrival.

"There could be more visits (than previously reported), there
could be less visits," Corallo said.

"These things just aren't that accurate, which is somewhat
startling," he added. "The WAVES records are very murky. That's
why we didn't release them."

Despite the confusion, it may not be necessary to determine the
precise number of White House visits by the two women for the
committee to complete its investigation.

"We have a pretty good idea when they were there," Corallo said.

Three weeks ago House probers requested Secret Service WAVES logs
and E-pass records for Denise Rich. E-passes are scannable cards
issued to regular White House visitors. Those records are kept
separately from WAVES records.

Committee probers have found no record that either Rich or
Dozoretz had an E-pass, Corallo said.

Both Rich and Dozoretz have refused to testify, invoking their
Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Separately, committee lawyers have finally gotten their hands on
the list of secret donors to Clinton's Presidential Library
foundation. Clinton attorney David Kendall hand delivered the
document on Monday and staff lawyers for both the majority and
minority reviewed it.

Committee Chairman Dan Burton (R-IN) intends to keep the
identities of the donors confidential unless evidence emerges of
any illegality.

Neither Burton nor ranking committee Democrat Henry Waxman were
present for the review, Corallo said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Student's threat unheaded by classmates --washington post

2001-03-05 Thread p

Student's threat unheaded by 
--washington post
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[CTRL] Letter from the Springmeiers to David Icke

2001-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://hermes.spaceports.com/~eddy4god/Fritz.htm">Fritz

Letter from the Springmeiers to David Icke

Dear David Icke,

My newlywed wife, Patty, and I recently had the privilege to once again join
the ranks of those who are suffering to fight an evil system. At 9:15, on
March 1, 2001, SWAT team storm troopers, ATF & FBI agents did a military
style assault on our peaceful & beautiful rural home nestled in the
spectacular beauty of the woods below Mt. Hood, OR. We had two .22 rifles, a
shotgun, a pistol, and two functional but obvious hunting rifles (one being a
3 round SKS made for hunting, the other being a bolt action Mauser). The guns
were all legal.

The news made it sound like we had an arsenal to arm an army. The TV networks
showed film from their files, which depict seized arsenals while
simultaneously talking about us in the news. This clearly and flagrantly
misrepresented what was seized. This silly lies convinced some viewers we
were indeed terrorists. Some people have told us they were sharp enough to
catch the subscript saying it was a 'file film'. Some were also sharp enough
to realize if we were the dangerous terrorists that the news media portrayed
us as, then why were we released on our own recognizance a few hours after
going to jail? My wife and I were arrested after being handcuffed for six
hours. We have not been formally charged with anything, but we had $1400
stolen in the raid, and all 4 of our computers were seized (which I use to
write exposés of the system, & Patty uses for web site design).

Many other items were seized including articles and books about Judaism
(obviously in an effort to prove we are neo-Nazis). The news media has tried
to portray us as terrorists and neo-Nazis. Their stories were exceptionally
biased, unfactual, and said nothing positive about who we are, or what we
have done over the years.

My wife and I have enjoyed the positive comments by local people who were not
fooled by the establishment media’s propaganda. They claim we were growing
pot. We were not. They found evidence (a bud of marijuana) in one room that
my wife and I know they planted. Even though we may hate the evil of this
system, we need to continue to have compassion and pity on those who are not
able to rise above compliant servitude to an evil system. They try to make us
out to be terrorists, but who tried to terrorize my wife and I with a
military style assault by firing stun grenades and destroying our front door
to serve a search warrant?

They want to portray us as stupid bigots, meanwhile they automatically
profile us as neo-Nazis and anti-Semites because we fight the tyranny of the
New World Order. Several days before the assault, a Fed agent posing as a
reporter barged onto our property in an obnoxious way with a bouncer type
friend he claimed was his bodyguard. He said that we’d been fingered as
militia leaders by someone the Feds arrested last year. He said I could give
my side of things on this 'informant’s' accusations by going on a radio show.
That radio show happens to be very politically correct and pro-New World
Order while pretending to be investigative reporting.

I answered, 'I have nothing to explain.'

He also kept asking questions like, 'When did you buy this house?' and 'How
much equity is in your house?' Strange questions for a reporter. Several days
later, the motivation behind these questions became clear, when the Feds
began interrogating my wife and I. The most important thing for these Feds
during their interrogation of us was if there was equity in our house, so
that they could legally loot (which is called 'forfeiture') our property.
They don’t want to pay the international bankers the value of a house they
seize; they like one with equity. These vultures were salivating as they
asked these questions. I could almost see dollar signs in their eyes. And
this is what they were really desiring: to storm into someone’s house and
loot their assets, which they get to keep.

They took $1400 out of my wallet. Their case against us that we grew
marijuana seems cut and dried; they 'found' some, and found equipment
consistent with growing marijuana including plant food. It is clear they plan
to isolate us, smear our reputations, seize our assets, and add us to their
business of creating inmates for the prison industry. We look forward to
hearing from those who have enjoyed my research and supported my work to
expose Big Brother’s agendas, corruption, and tyranny.

We look forward to receiving your prayers and financial support. If you want
to see a good movie showing how the system can take down a person watch
'Enemy of the State'. They take a grain of truth and distort it. For
instance, John Quinn of Newshawk website is already rebroadcasting the
system’s baloney news stories about us. He quotes the news, which says we are
'white supremacists'. You would think honest peop

[CTRL] It Can't Be Worse Than "OZ"

2001-03-05 Thread p

"Just what Bill Clinton needs: more media exposure for 
Monica S. Lewinsky. Ms. Lewinsky has agreed to fully participate in an HBO 
documentary about heraffair with Mr. Clinton, and its effect on the nation. 
It promises to be the first time she tells her story in great detail to an 
American television audience since she made her appearance on ABC with Barbara 
Walters. At that time, she was legally constricted in what she could say. That 
is not so now."- New York Times, 3/5/01
Uh...a couple of questions here...What "greater detail" do we actually want 
or need? What, there is no Mike Tyson fight available that night so we have to 
resort to this? Heck even the XFL sounds more appealing than this! Who plays 
Bill Clinton? Wouldn't be surprised to see Bill do it himself. FEARLESS 
PREDICTION: The show never airs because Monica mysteriously shows up dead from 
something like overeating or cigar smoke inhalation or diet pill overdose or 
something... Chances are this announcement has just assrured her as the next on 
the infamous Clinton whack list ( see: the clinton body count  )  
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[CTRL] Children Owning Guns

2001-03-05 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Children have a Constitutional right to own guns? That is simply stupid and
needs to be changed.

And parents of children who use guns to killed people should be HELD

Sorry but I am mad at hell about the NRA advocates who believe that guns
ownership should be an absolute right for all citizens, even children,
mentally unstable individuals, etc.

This is insanity.




CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Surprise! Surprise! Napster's Filter Fails

2001-03-05 Thread p

Oh ya. I'm sure this was purely a technological 
NAPSTER'S NEW FILTER DOESN'T STOP THE MUSIC--pc world newshttp://rd.mailshell.com/adk9h85r6/www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,43546,00.asp
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[CTRL] Indoor Air Pollution From Water Fluoridation

2001-03-05 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Indoor Air Pollution From
Water Fluoridation
  By George Glasser

   After more than fifty years and more than forty thousand
   studies, researchers have never addressed the subject
   of indoor fluoride pollution by residual fluorides resulting
   from drinking water fluoridation.


   Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can
   damage their health but may not know that indoor air
   pollution can also have significant effects. EPA studies of
   human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor air
   levels of many pollutants may be 2-5 times, and
   occasionally, more than 100 times higher than outdoor
   levels. These levels of indoor air pollutants are of
   particular concern because it is estimated that most
   people spend as much as 90% of their time indoors.

   When fluoridated water evaporates, small amounts of
   fluoride salts are formed - a milligram here and a
   microgram there. How much of the fluoride salts are
   retained in clothing, bedding, curtains, on floors after
   mopping and following the numerous other household
   activities where water is utilized? Some scientists may
   say that residuals are so negligible that the
   contamination is not worth considering. However, the
   potential for build-up of the submicroscopic salts is
   present and real.

   The more people that live in a household, the greater the
   potential for airborne fluoride pollution to build up. In a
   household with infants and young children, the
   accumulation of residual fluoride salts could be
   exponential from washing clothes alone.

   A home purchased in an area that has been fluoridated
   for twenty years could be an exposure chamber filled
   with highly toxic and bioavailable fluoride salts. These
   salts accumulate over the long-term and the build-up in
   the home over a period of five, ten, fifteen or twenty
   years could be considerable.

   As far as exposure to fluoride salts from inhalation are
   concerned, the potential for developing adverse health
   effects is far greater at much lower exposure levels.
   Once lung cells are killed, they can never be replaced.
   One microgram of inhaled fluoride salts has the capability
   of killing millions of lung cells. Inhaled fluoride salts 
   the potential of doubling physiological damage from other
   exposures. This is in addition to potential damage from
   any toxic partner it might be carrying when it enters the
   lungs. Inhalation is the most effective means of
   potentiating or synergizing the toxic effects of fluoride

   Inhaled fluoride salts impact dramatically on the lungs
   and passageways leading to the lungs. Fluoride salts
   react very differently and more violently with moist
   tissues than do the diluted salts added to drinking water.
   The damage from direct application of salts is much more
   traumatic to delicate tissues; cells are destroyed and the
   components move on into the body, inflicting further
   damage (potentiated effects).

   The potential for submicroscopic fluoride salts to reach
   near-industrial levels in the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen
   and laundry room after five to ten years of drinking water
   fluoridation should not be overlooked. Many homes in
   communities fluoridated from the 1950s m

[CTRL] The Truth About North Korea's Missile Program

2001-03-05 Thread William Shannon

The Truth About North Korea's Missile Program
05 March 2001


Despite occasional signals to the contrary, North Korea continues to try to 
develop long-range missiles. But the regime of Kim Jong Il finds the path to 
a significant breakthrough blocked – not by U.S. efforts, but notably by the 
Chinese and Russian governments. The North Korean missile program is in fact 
primitive and unlikely to pose a threat to the United States anytime soon. 
Washington has apparently overstated the North's capabilities in the quest 
for a national missile defense. 

In recent months, North Korea has signaled it would curtail ballistic missile 
development after sending ripples of fear throughout East Asia with its 1998 
missile test. Caught by surprise, Washington seized on that test to redouble 
efforts to build a national missile defense. 
Late last year, Pyongyang told Russian President Vladimir Putin it might halt 
development altogether in return for commercial space-launch capabilities. In 
December, the regime pledged not to test fire another long-range weapon, like 
the three-stage Taepo Dong-1 that flew over Japan in 1998. In February, 
Pyongyang issued a veiled threat, saying stalled talks might force it to 
abandon its pledge.   
Reliable intelligence indicates the regime is, in fact, struggling to develop 
its missile program. North Korea continues to assist other nations – most 
notably Iran, Pakistan and Syria – by sharing propulsion and staging 
technology that can add range to these nations’ missiles; in exchange, 
Pyongyang receives hard currency and access to certain technology. In North 
Korea itself, the focus has shifted away from live tests to laboratory and 
theoretical work aimed at increasing accuracy.  
But the North finds itself stalled in making any significant breakthroughs. 
The program is chiefly hampered, not by U.S. pressure, but by the 
unwillingness of the Chinese and Russian governments to significantly advance 
Pyongyang’s knowledge. Both Beijing and Moscow are withholding valuable 
technology. Contrary to Central Intelligence Agency projections, the North is 
not gaining significant Chinese or Russian technology. 
Even if the regime chose to launch a long-range missile today, it would have 
great difficulty in doing so because the entire inventory of long-range 
missiles in North Korea appears to be composed of as few as one or two 
weapons. The true state of the program appears starkly primitive and 
incapable of a significant breakthrough as long as China and Russia refuse to 
provide significant assistance. Another test launch is unlikely. And while 
the North won’t abandon the program, the American fear of a surprise strike 
– with little or no warning – is unfounded at the present time. 

Up Close: The North’s Missile Program
North Korea’s armed forces – under the guise of a civilian agency – continue
research and development efforts, as opposed to active testing. 
The missile program is politically important. The regime continues the 
program instead of shelving it, because the program has helped extract 
concessions from the United States and others, while increasing the North’s 
military capabilities and gaining it hard currency. 
The pursuit of these political goals, however, mitigates the chances of a new 
missile test anytime soon. Such a launch would threaten engagement with South 
Korea’s government, which is pursuing its “sunshine” policy. And a launch 
would risk sorely needed foreign investment and aid. South Korean companies, 
despite a downturn, pledged to invest in North Korea in everything from 
tourism to heavy manufacturing. 
Given the value of the program in its current state of hibernation, the 
North’s research efforts increasingly focus on improving the accuracy of 
long-range missiles. The lack of accuracy is the Achilles’ heel of the 
North’s program, which has overcome other obstacles such as devising 
primitive multi-stage vehicles and increasing range. Laboratory research is 
largely theoretical, involving physics calculations and mathematical 
estimates that are apparently sub-critical efforts.  

Much of Washington’s case for a national missile defense in recent years has 
rested on North Korea. The 1998 test flight forced the Clinton administration 
to become more aggressive on national missile defense; the findings of the 
Rumsfeld Commission six weeks earlier had warned the CIA could not predict a 
sudden technological breakthrough. And late last year, advocates of a 
land-based national missile defense discounted the U.S. Navy’s ability to 
shoot down missiles rising out of the North’s mountainous geography..   

But even the intended aim point of the 1998 test remains a mystery to foreign 
intelligence agencies, underscoring problems with hitting a target precisely. 
The test launch captured the world’s attention, with the missile flying over 
Japan. But the fl

[CTRL] Navy Submarine Was in Hurry to Surface, Court Told

2001-03-05 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Monday March 5 10:06 PM ET

Navy Submarine Was in Hurry to Surface, Court Told

By Dan Whitcomb

HONOLULU (Reuters) - The crew of the USS Greeneville (news - web
sites) was rushing through an emergency surfacing maneuver when it
struck the Japanese fishing vessel Ehime Maru because lunch for a group
of VIPs on board had taken too long, the first witness told a U.S. Navy court
of inquiry on Monday.

Charles Griffiths Jr., the Navy admiral in charge of the initial investigation
after the crash, said it appeared that the captain of the Greeneville, Scott
Waddle, was behind schedule and hurried through a sonar search so he
would not get his VIP guests home late that day.

Griffiths said main purpose of the trip that day was a civilian tour. He added
that a key piece of equipment on the sub was broken and that one of the
ship's sonars was being operated by a trainee.

He said that in normal circumstances the sub's crew should have seen the
Japanese fishing vessel. ``That ship should have been seen given enough
time by the periscope operator. Time is a great ally in these events,'' he

He said that one crew member -- a fire control technician -- saw evidence
of a ship nearby but failed to notify his superiors.

``What I can't understand is that he did have indications that there was
contact ... it seems to me the operator figured out that this guy (the
Japanese ship) was getting pretty close and did not make that report 
There is no reason he should not have spoken up, no matter how busy he
was,'' he said.

Nine people aboard the Ehime Maru, a Japanese vessel used to teach
high school students about the fishing industry, were killed in the Feb. 9
accident. The incident has strained relations between Japan and the
United States. A Japanese admiral is hearing the case along with three
U.S. admirals but cannot take part in the decision.

Griffiths said the mission was predominantly designed to provide a tour for
VIPs and that they were running about 45 minutes behind schedule. He
said the reason for the delay was that the civilian guests had to eat lunch in
two shifts because the mess room only held 10 people at a time.

``The Greeneville's mission predominantly was to embark distinguished
visitors and operate for a time in local waters,'' Griffiths said.

Running Behind Schedule

He said it appeared to him that the crew of the Greeneville did not take
enough time to do their sonar searches because they were running behind
schedule because they wanted to get the VIPs back in time.

``I have a statement from the officer of the deck that indicates the captain
wanted to be at periscope depth in five minutes'' -- about half the time he
said was needed to perform a sufficient sonar search.

Griffiths said it normally takes at least two legs or 10 minutes of searches
to do an adequate job. ``That would imply he wanted to get to periscope
depth in a hurry and I can surmise that's because they were late.''

He also said that during the morning of the mission, a key piece of
equipment called a sonar repeater was found to be broken. He said that
when he was a submarine commander, ``I felt somewhat naked without it, it
was a big deal.''

Griffiths also said that one of the ship's sonars was being operated by a
trainee who should have been supervised by a senior sonar operator. But
that senior sonar operator was busy acting as a tour guide instead.

``Somebody qualified should have been overseeing that operator,'' Griffiths

Shortly after the hearing started, attorney Charles Gittins, the lawyer for the
Greeneville's commander Scott Waddle, objected to the presence of
Admiral Isamu Ozawa of Japan as a non-voting member of the court.

Gittins said attorneys were unable to challenge Ozawa as they can the
other three voting members. The other three judges can be questioned,
challenged and potentially removed. The Japanese representative, even
though he can't vote, cannot be removed.

Inquiry Could Lead To Courts Martial

Gittins said Navy rules did not appear to allow the Japanese admiral to
deliberate with the other three judges. He also objected because the
Japanese admiral is not part of the U.S. Navy and has never taken an oath
under the U.S. Constitution.

The Court of Inquiry could also lead to courts martial for three or more
officers of the Greeneville who will be asked to explain how they failed to
notice the 190-foot (58-meter) fishing boat before surfacing off Diamond
Head near Honolulu.

The Greeneville was practicing emergency maneuvers on the afternoon of
Feb. 9 when it shot out of the water and plowed into the Ehime Maru,
sinking the trawler -- which was packed with Japanese high school
students. Nine people from the vessel died and 26 were rescued.

The tragedy sparked a furor in Japan that intensified after Navy officials
disclosed that 16 civilians were on board the Greeneville at the time of the
collision. Two were operating the submarine's controls.

Some analysts think the Co

Re: [CTRL] The Far Right Targets The Left

2001-03-05 Thread flw

    >DRY ROT -- The Far Right Targets The 
Left    >By Will Offley    
>    >Canadian Dimension, January/February 
2001    >Volume 35, Number 1
What superficial drivel!!
There is no real difference between the "Far Right" 
and the "Left."
Both are Statist, racialist, political mindsets that are based 
on irrational religiosity and social myth. Both ultimately lead to Police 
States and 
Mass Murder. Perhaps one difference is that the "Far 
Right" probably
admits it to themselves - the "Left" are more adept 
at self deception.flw

[CTRL] 'Straight Pride' Shirt Banned

2001-03-05 Thread BB

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Subject: {slick-d} 'Straight Pride' Shirt Banned (web sites included)


February 27, 2001

'Straight Pride' Shirt Banned
By Stuart Shepard, correspondent

A Minnesota high school officially sanctions "gay pride," but
recently banned a solitary expression of "straight pride."

Elliott Chambers is 16, a Christian, and the owner of a sweatshirt
that reads "Straight Pride" on the front with a logo of a boy and
girl holding hands on the back. He tried to wear it at his school
recently, which mandates "gay pride" stickers and posters be
placed on walls and doors designating so-called "safe zones" for
homosexual students.

"They have all this gay-pride stuff, and I thought it would be cool if
we had a straight pride shirt for a change," Chambers said. "It
was just to get people thinking."

It only succeeded in getting some of his classmates thinking of
going to the principal's office, which is where Elliott ended up.

"(The principal) said that I couldn't wear it," Chambers said. "I
guess his cover was that it would incite violence."

Lana Chambers, Elliott's mom, was livid when she found out
about the principal's action.

"I said, 'You're telling me that he cannot wear this shirt because
it's offensive to them (homosexuals)? Well, those signs are
offensive to him! And to me! And I'm a taxpayer!' " Lana
Chambers said.

Attorney Frank Manion, with the American Center for Law and
Justice (ACLJ), said the principal's argument that banning the
shirt is a matter of school safety is a "smokescreen."

"It's obviously discriminatory and something that the school
should not be allowed to get away with," Manion said. "We've got
to beware of the aims and the goals of, really, the radical
homosexual-rights movement. "

Elliott had a new shirt made to wear after his sweatshirt was
banned. It simply reads, "Help, I'm being repressed."

Straight Pride web site:

Straight Pride is a statement from the Silent Majority that is
gaining momentum.

According to Randy Thomasson, who is now the Executive Director
of Campaign for California Families: "The debate over Homosexual
rights or "gay rights" is raging in California. From the notion
of gay "marriage" to domestic partners to adoption of children
by homosexual couples to powerful civil rights status on the
basis of "sexual orientation," the gay rights movement is
pushing legislation at the state and local levels to get what
it wants. Unfortunately, the loudness of gay rights has put
many citizens who embrace family values on the defensive."

Our mission is to help these citizens of the Silent Majority
put their message out to the world of "political correctness"
that we are "Straight" and proud of it! We plan on
accomplishing this by offering our products to the
marketplace and providing articles and links to other sites
that share our philosophy.

-> To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

T O P I C A  -- Learn More. Surf Less.
Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Topics You Choose.

Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-03-05 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>> Some pagans did that. Most didn’t. The pagans best known to us for
>> practice were the Carthagenians.

>Not in my neighborhood. The best known, were the Moloch worshipers.

 Same guys. They were ethnic Phoenicians, a colony.

>Evidently the same didn't apply to the charms of crucifixion which the
Romans got to like very well.

All cultures have a blind spot when it comes to their own customs. Even
we Americans suffer from the demonstrably false belief that we are the
good guys.

>Bad as all this smiting and rending asunder was, it was nothing
compared to the common cruelties of  the period.

Actually, it was pretty normal for the era. The Israelites were neither
better nor worse than the Peoples around them.

>They had no choice. They didn't have an army.

Jews could have raised an army. They chose not to. 

Then, in 1943, some of them changed their minds. They raised what is
arguably one of the best armies in history.

>Samson was a Nazirite too. 

Robert Graves says the Samson story is a metaphor, one of a broad class
of similar solar myths. I’m not personally qualified to pass definitive
judgment one way or the other, but I like your version better.

>> Apparently. That’s certainly what Nag Hammadi points to.


It means that the New Testament version of the historical Jesus’ life
has been dramatically garbled. (Surprise!)

 >I don't know. I would guess that anything found that relates to that
  would be sensational and well covered.

If it disproves the basic tenets of a major world religion, people WILL
try to cover it up. Look at the Nag Hammadi documents themselves. It’s
been half a century and still we don’t know all they contained. 

ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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 Archives of

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[CTRL] Europol persecutes anarchists and radicals

2001-03-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

From: agitation-propaganda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001

Europol persecutes anarchists and radicals

by Endika Zulueta

Heads of police from all the European Community's member states, together
with 87 heads of police from other countries and representatives from the
European Commission met between the 29th January and the 2nd February 2001
in the Madrid police complex in Canillas to hold the 1st European Conference
on Terrorism, organised by the Ministry of the interior of Spain and Europol.

The Spanish interior Minister, Jaime Mayor Oreha opened the conference and
it was presided by Jurgen Storbeck, the German police commissar, who has led
Europol since its beginning.

As is normal in the majority of Europol's activities, the Conference took
place in a semi-clandestine climate, and with scarcely any noise made in
the media, despite
that directives were agreed on there about the whole of Europe's police
activities for the
year's ahead.

In the opening of the conference, Mayor Orejo considered Europol as "the
main institution in the struggle against terrorism", describing it as "the
suitable forum where the
member states of the European Union should work to design a new model of
common security for
Immediately afterwards, he urged the police representatives to
"...encourage their respective
countries to start the Order of European Search and Capture" (The Euro-Order).
The aim of this is to make the alleged criminal immediately available to the
authorities of the country where they have allegedly committed the most
serious crime. This would do away with the current extradition procedures.

Mayor Oreja declared that "terrorism is not only a group of commandos who
act, but is  a project that tries to root itself in society, and to combat
it, it is also necessary
to struggle against the social, economic, political and also communication
structures which support
and nourish it."
That is to say, a political project which is based on radically dissenting
political activity,
even if not violent in any way, can qualify as terrorism.


At the end of the Madrid conference, all the responsibles
from European police forces signed the so-called MADRID DOCUMENT.

It is the Europol guide to the "anti-terrorism struggle" for the coming
years and in it, amongst other things, the following proposals are agreed on:

--To support the initiative in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece "as a new
experiment with a joint investigation team in relation to "anarchist

In the course of the Conference, Juan Cotino, director general of the
police, had already announce that Spain, Italy and Greece had reached an
agreement to create an
"investigation group with the aim of combatting the terrorism of radical
groups which act in the three
countries", this being the first time that groups called "radicals" or
"anarchists" officially enter
into the field of activity of Europol, and it is not chance that this
happened immediately after the
antiglobalisation struggles which took place in Prague and (parallel to the
Conference in Madrid)
in Davos.

--The "creation of a data base what would include the details (registros -
unsure of translation) of the most wanted terrorists in the European Union,
to support a  proactive search for them  (and not just in
relation to intelligence work)".

Beforehand, it had already been announced that this data base would go
"beyond the merely necessary information". It was not more specific than
this, but could mean that the right to privacy (which is fundamental in the
Spanish Constitution) could become meaningless.

Turning to the far east, Europol proposes nothing less than studying and
searching for a way to
finance a "plan of rewards and economic incentives for those who contribute
information about
terrorists" which would need to be approved by the Executive Committee of
the europolice. From
this moment on, we citizens of the European Union will be able to look
around at each other calculating how much money we could receive (or they
could demand) for our respective heads.

As for the unification of European judicial systems, the Madrid Document of
Europol proposes putting in progress of the mutual recognition countries of
anti-terrorism legislation between Europol's members. It also proposes the
quick and effective implementation of interrogation (rogatorias-unsure of
translation) commissions; the simplification of extradition processes, as
well as starting a feasibility study for the
creation of the Euro-Order.


The Spanish government, in its eagerness to eliminate procedural
guarantees relating to detained persons, is leading a particular battle
inside the framework of the European Union for the suppression of the
guaranteed procedures in the extradition process related to "terrorism". The
European Union is rapidly becoming a police state.

On the 28th November last year, it secured an agreement to this effec


2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

   Thu, 22 Feb 2001 22:19:29 -0600 (CST)
   Lorenzo Ervin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

by Lorenzo Komboa Ervin


Recently I wrote the first installment of my newspaper
column, wherein I criticized Black capitalism [and the
capitalist system generally], and the
 attempt of some
individuals and groups to put forth small scale
capitalism as a way forward for the liberation of
Black people. I heard from many of you out there, some
praising me for the articles, saying it was something
that they wished that those in the Black leadership
would write and say such things about folks trying to
either make a business of the Black liberation
struggle, or offering a false image of economic
development under this system as a way forward for the
freedom of our people.

But, there were also critics, many of whom did not
even appear to understand what I was talking about,
who accused me of "trying to stop them from "making a
living", "or trying to stop Black people from
"expressing their creativity"[?], discouraging them
from starting small businesses, or from achieving
"financial independence", "economic freedom" and so
on. According to one guy I am even trying to stop "us"
from doing what the "White man is doing to be a
success." They praised Tony Brown, Matah, and the
other Black-faced economic programs, and defended them
from my earlier attack, implying that I was a bad guy,
traitor, or "just not with it". I am just not sure
that "it" is a good thing.

 I want those critics to be clear that I am not
opposed to some individual entering the sales field,
starting a small business, credit union, or other
effort to make a living for themselves and their
families. I am opposed to our people being scammed in
the process by those who present this as the *only
way* we can get free. To me, this kind of argument
chains us even more to the political plantation, and
lays us open to exploitation by a new class of masters
selling fairy tales of economic riches. I'll just say
here that we are not fighting to replace the white
exploiters with a new class of Black exploiters; we
need to get rid of all of them, whether wearing a
Dashiki or Brooks Brothers suit.

First of all, who ever said that "what the White man
is doing" is such a great thing? I disagree that we
should emulate  white capitalist businessmen, call it
a "Black thing" and then put that forward as "a path
of freedom." What the capitalist is doing [or has
done] is forcibly exploiting our labor , imprisoning
our youth, destroying the land and natural resources
of this land and the rest of the world, and other
crimes all in the name of "progress" and "profit."
Remember, Brother Malcolm X said: "...you show me a
capitalist, I"ll show you a racist..."

 In condemning my position against capitalism and
defending U.S. imperialism, one Brother even asked
about "ghettoes and poverty" in Cuba. Well, my
question is why is it that in the richest country in
the world, that there is much more poverty,
inequality,  and economic underdevelopment of the
Black community than anywhere else? I am concerned
with why these things exist in the United States
[where I currently reside], than I am about a small
country in the Carribean, underdeveloped because of
years of economic and political domination by the USA.

Then the Matahh folks tried to pressure me with a
variety of e-mails (and I can even remember
telemarketing phone calls some months ago when I lived
in Atlanta and Tennessee) to sell me on their
Multi-level Marketing plan to distribute products from
Black businesses by sales agents in the community. For
the life of me, I cannot see, [except for the "in your
face" Black nationalist veneer and guilt-tripping
rhetoric], how this differs from AMWAY or any other
MLM plan promising "financial independence." How are
we are supposed to be economically "liberated" under
this system without a struggle for Black liberation?
It is possible to profit from these plans, but as
individuals, and certainly not as a whole people.

I can make the same argument about Tony Brown's "Buy
Freedom" program, Farrakhan's "Clean and Fresh " MLM
scheme of a few years ago, and others not named here.
I don't oppose them for the individuals who are
engaged in them trying to make a living, but when
their leaders come forward and say to millions of our
people that we should all do this and that if we do
not, then we are "bogus", or "not serious about our
freedom" or some such nonsense, then I draw the line.

I do not believe that there is any separate path to
freedom due to Black trade among ourselves, nor do I
think there is any real "financial independence" under
the capitali

[CTRL] Dulles Papers Reveal CIA Consulting Network

2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


A reminder. George Bush Sr. was head of CIA from Yale.  -- Joshua2

Forerunner, April 29, 1980

 Panel met secretly in Princeton

  Dulles Papers Reveal CIA Consulting Network

by John Cavanagh

A government which corrupts its colleges and universities by
making political fronts of them . . . has betrayed academic
freedom and compromised all who teach. When colleges and
universities are made conduits of deceit and when faculty
members are paid to lie, there is an end to the common good
of higher education.

 -- Professor Van Alstyne, former president of the
 American Association of University Professors
 (Academe, June 1976, p. 54)

 Throughout the 1960s, and possibly longer, at least five Princeton professors
 worked secretly as high-level consultants for the CIA, according to
 undisclosed documents contained in the personal papers of former CIA director
 W. Dulles '14.

 Cyril Black, Klaus Knorr, Joseph Strayer, James Billington, and the late T.
 Young served as members of the "Princeton Consultants," a secret panel of
 academics who met in Princeton, together with Dulles, four times a year to
 with intelligence assessments for the CIA's Office of National Estimates.

 Professor Black, who had told the Daily Princetonian in 1976 that he had
never been
 in the CIA's "employ," confirmed to the Forerunner last week that he had
 served as a paid consultant for the spy agency. "Nobody ever asked me if I
was a
 consultant," Black explained.

 Billington acknowledged to the Daily Princetonian in 1968 that he consulted
for the
 CIA's Office of National Estimates, according to him, "two or three times a
 Strayer had also been publicly identified as a CIA consultant. The CIA
activities of the
 other two professors, however, have until now remained a secret, as has the
 existence of the Princeton Consultants group.

 Black confirmed that then-Princeton President Robert Goheen was aware of the
 group's existence. But he said that it was "not a university matter at all."

 The Dulles papers and letters, which are housed in Princeton's Seeley G. Mudd
 Library, afford a rare glimpse into the CIA's interactions with Princeton and
 universities from the early 1950s until Dulles's death in 1969. Dulles
maintained close
 ties with his alma mater, including seats on Princeton's Board of Trustees
and on the
 Woodrow Wilson School Advisory Council.

 Access to the Papers is contingent upon approval by an Allen W. Dulles
 In addition, researchers are required to sign a contract stating that any
 using the Papers will be submitted in advance to the Committee for approval.
After a
 one-month delay, permission was obtained for this article.

 Before this month's careful research in the Dulles Papers, little was
documented of
 relations between the CIA and the Princeton faculty. Other than history
 Joseph Strayer, whom one writer termed "the agency's most devoted consultant"
 (James Ridgeway, The Cloned Corporation, 1968, p. 138), only two professors
 been identified who served in organizations that received CIA funding:
 professor Paul Sigmund with the Independent Research Service, and Near
 Studies professor Morroe Berger with the Congress for Cultural Freedom.

 Previous disclosures about Princeton and the CIA were limited to close ties
in three
 other areas: recruitment (including extensive CIA collaboration with former
Dean of
 Students, William D'O. Lippincott '41 and former Director of Career Services
 Brown '39); CIA research carried out on the Princeton campus (including the
 MK-ULTRA mind control program); and close institutional ties (several
 alumni have served as CIA Director, Deputy Director, or Director of

 Princeton Consultants: The Structure

 Perhaps the most extraordinary of the Papers' contents are letters and memos
 expose Strayer as a small tip of a consultant iceberg. Filed under "Princeton
 Consultants" and cross-referenced under "Central Intelligence Agency: Panel
 Consultants (Princeton Consultants)," letters from 1961 to 1969 sketch the
 of one of the central programs of professors covertly consulting for the CIA.

 The only year during which the entire membership of the Consultants is known
 1961, when all of them signed a note of "respect and affection" to Dulles
 accompanied a gift.

[CTRL] How it's done: Agency-Academic Relations

2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

[ The CIA asked University of California administrator Earl Clinton Bolton, who
was spending
some time at CIA headquarters, to suggest ideas on how to improve relations
between the
Agency and academia. ]

Academia 01, p.1

5 August 1968
SUBJECT: Agency-Academic Relations

This is an attempt to make some observations and suggestions about
Agency-academic relations. In doing so I am grateful for the stimulus
furnished by your outline. Although I believe I have addressed myself to most
of the questions you have raised I have done so in free form rather than by a
point by point consideration. I have also used "head notes" for purposes of
organization and in an attempt to highlight the crucial questions in the

Justifying an Agency-Academic Relationship: Let me stress at the outset
that I believe Agency-academic relations are for the most part very good.
Though I have no quantitative data to support such a conclusion my guess is
that 99% of the members of the academy would be willing to assist the
Agency if properly and skillfully approached, and that only a small fraction of
that other 1% would be angered by an invitation to assist or would attempt to
embarrass the Agency in any way.

However, on occasion when a university or an individual has acknowledged
any contact with the Agency there has been some outcry by a few vocal
members of the academic community.

In a later part of this paper I suggest "an affirmative program" designed to
improve the Agency's reputation in academic circles and thus decrease the
risks (costs) of association with the Agency. However, until either the passage
of time or an image bolstering plan changes the cliches of the moment an
educational institution or individual electing to assist the Agency may be on
the defensive.

In my view the best way to defend association with the Agency when such a
defense is necessary is:

 1. By relating work for the Agency to one of the traditional functions of a
 university; and

Academia 01, p.2

 2. By basing the defense or rejoinder on long established academic

The Functions of a University: There is almost universal agreement that
universities do (and properly should) engage in the following basic functions:

 1. The preservation and transmission of knowledge to their constituency
 (i.e. the so-called teaching function); and

 2. The testing of that which is currently accepted as "truth" and the
 discovery of new truth (i.e. the research function); and

 3. The performance for society's benefit of those functions which can best
 (or exclusively) be performed by a university (i.e. the public service

Authorities will differ as to whether a sub-function e.g. the training of a
leadership elite to be innovative and responsive should be included under "1"
or "3" above, but there is little disagreement that what higher education is all
about is encompassed within these general goals.

The Agency should phrase its requests to academia in such a way that the
service being sought relates as clearly and directly as possible to one of these
traditional functions and when necessary the university and individual scholar
should explain involvement with the Agency as a contribution to one of these
proper academic goals. It should also be stressed that when an apologia is
necessary it can best be made: (1) by some distant academic who is not
under attack, (2) in a "respectable" publication of general circulation (e.g.
Harpers, Saturday Review, Vital Speeches, etc.), and (3) with full use of the
jargon of the academy (as illustrated below).

Traditional Mores of the Academic: Every profession develops a certain
ethical or philosophical penumbra which is more or less sacred and which
protects from attack the most vulnerable or least understood rites of that
profession. This body of doctrine usually develops by "common law" and is
subsequently codified. (Incidentally the codified dogma never precisely
articulates the full scope of the protective doctrines; hence there is sufficient
vagueness in the total traditions of the profession to provide a skillful
polemicist with formidable ammunition for defense.)

Academia 01, p.3

Two doctrines fiercely protected by the academy are "academic freedom" and
"privilege and tenure." The former is the absolute right of the scholar to
investigate any subject within his competence, in any lawful way, at any time.
The latter doctrine holds that a fully initiated member of the profession has
certain irrevocable privileges, including but not limited to, the right to
continue his association with the university until retirement without fear of
termination except for a very few egregious offenses.

When attacked for aiding the Agency the academic (or institution) should base
a rejoinder on these sacred doctrines. For example, a professor's right to
undertake classified research is unassailable if he stands on the gro

[CTRL] The Church Committee on the CIA in Academia. 4/26/76

2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Excerpts from The Final Report of the Select
To Study Governmental Operations
With Respect To Intelligence Activities ("Church
Book I, "Foreign and Military
Intelligence," U.S. Senate, April 26, 1976

 The Church Committee on the CIA in Academia


 Committee's note: The material italicized in this report has been
substantially abridged at the request
 of the executive agencies.

 The Central Intelligence Agency has long-developed clandestine relationships
with the
 American academic community, which range from academics making introductions
 intelligence purposes to intelligence collection while abroad, to academic
research and
 writing where CIA sponsorship is hidden.

 The Central Intelligence Agency is now using several hundred American
 ("academics" includes administrators, faculty members and graduate students
 engaged in teaching), who in addition to providing leads and, on occasion,
 introductions for intelligence purposes, occasionally write books and other
 to be used for propaganda purposes abroad. Beyond these, an additional few
 are used in an unwitting manner for minor activities.

 These academics are located in over 100 American colleges, universities, and
 related institutes. At the majority of institutions, no one other than the
 concerned is aware of the CIA link. At the others, at least one university
official is
 aware of the operational use made of academics on his campus. In addition,
 are several American academics abroad who serve operational purposes,
 the collection of intelligence.

 Although the numbers are not as great today as in 1966, there are no
 to prevent an increase in the operational use of academics. The size of these
 operations is determined by the CIA.

 With the exception of those teachers, scholars and students who receive
 scholarships or grants from the Board of Foreign Scholarships, the CIA is not
 prohibited from the operational use of all other categories of grantee
support under
 the Fullbright-Hays Act (artists, athletes, leaders, specialists, etc.). Nor
is there any
 prohibition on the operational use of individuals participating in any other
 program funded by the United States Government.

 The Committee is disturbed both by the present practices of operationally
 American academics and by the awareness that the restraints on expanding this
 practice are primarily those of sensitivity to the risks of disclosure and
not an
 appreciation of dangers to the integrity of individuals and institutions.

 The Committee believes that it is the responsibility of private institutions
 particularly the American academic community to set the professional and
 standards of its members.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Elites ubber alles: Building an Elite for Indonesia 1968-1970

2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

>From Steve Weissman, ed., with members of the Pacific Studies Center and the North
Congress on Latin America, The Trojan Horse: A Radical Look at Foreign Aid (Palo
Alto CA:
Ramparts Press, 1975 revised edition), pp. 93-116.

  Ford Country: Building an Elite for Indonesia

 by David Ransom


 Author's note: Much of the material appearing in this article was gathered in
numerous personal
 interviews conducted between May 1968 and June 1970. The interviews were with
a broad range of past
 and present members of the State Department and the Ford Foundation, faculty
members at Harvard,
 Berkeley, Cornell, Syracuse, and the University of Kentucky, and Indonesians
both supporting and
 opposing the Suharto government. Where possible, their names appear in the
text. Other information in
 the article is derived from a wide reading of the available literature on the
history and politics of
 Indonesia. Consequently, only those items are footnoted which directly quote
or paraphrase a printed

 In the early sixties, Indonesia was a dirty word in the world of capitalist
 Expropriations, confiscations and rampant nationalism led economists and
 businessmen alike to fear that the fabled riches in the Indies -- oil, rubber
and tin --
 were all but lost to the fiery Sukarno and the twenty million followers of
 Peking-oriented Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

 Then, in October 1965, Indonesia's generals stepped in, turned their
 against an unsuccessful colonels' coup into an anti-communist pogrom, and
 the country's vast natural resources to exploitation by American
corporations. By
 1967, Richard Nixon was describing Indonesia as "the greatest prize in the
 Southeast Asian area."1 If Vietnam has been the major postwar defeat for an
 expanding American empire, this turnabout in nearby Indonesia is its greatest

 Needless to say, the Indonesian generals deserve a large share of credit for
 American success. But standing at their side and overseeing the great
give-away was
 an extraordinary team of Indonesian economists, all of them educated in the
 States as part of a twenty year strategy by the world's most powerful private
 agency, the billion-dollar Ford Foundation.

 But the strategy for Indonesia began long before the Ford Foundation turned
 attention to the international scene.

 Following Japan's defeat in World War II, revolutionary movements swept Asia,
 India to Korea, from China to the Philippines. Many posed a threat to
 well-planned Pax Pacifica. But Indonesian nationalists, despite tough
resistance to
 the postwar invasion by Holland in its attempt to resume rule over the
Indies, never
 carried their fight into a full-blown people's war. Instead, leaders close to
the West
 won their independence in Washington offices and New York living rooms. By
 the Americans had persuaded the Dutch to take action before the Indonesian
 revolution went too far, and then to learn to live with nationalism and like
 American diplomats helped draft an agreement that gave Indonesians their
 independence, preserved the Dutch economic presence, and swung wide the Open
 Door to the new cultural and economic influence of the United States.

 Among those who handled the diplomatic maneuvers in the U.S. were two young
 Indonesian aristocrats -- Soedjatmoko (many Indonesians have only one name)
 Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, an economist with a Ph.D. from Holland. Both were
 members of the upper-class, nominally socialist PSI, one of the smaller and
 Western-oriented of Indonesia's myriad political parties.

 Distressed by the specter of Sukarno and the strong left wing of the
 independence forces, the American Establishment found the bland nationalism
 offered by Soedjatmoko and Sumitro a most comfortable alternative. The
 Plan strategy for Europe depended on "the availability of the resources of
 Soedjatmoko told a New York audience, and he offered them an Indonesia open
 "fruitful cooperation with the West."2 At the Ford Foundation-funded School
 Advanced International Studies in Washington in early 1949, Sumitro explained
 his kind of socialism included "free access" to Indonesian resources and
 incentives" for foreign corporate investment.3

 When independence came later that year, Sumitro returned to Djakarta to
 minister of trade and industry (and later minister of finance and dean of the
 of economics at the University of Djakarta). He defended an economic
"stability" that
 favored Dutch investments and, carefully eschewing

[CTRL] [HardGreenHerald] # 4

2001-03-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[HardGreenHerald] # 4

"Unless someone like you cares a whole lot, nothing is going to get better.
It's not."
--Dr. Seuss, 'The Lorax'

--A RadTimes production--

--The Great Yellow Hype
--ALF Claim Fire Attack On Meat Trucks
--Eco-terrorism group claims Tulare attack
--Foot And Mouth Reaches 'Epidemic' Proportions
--Rising oceans threaten to destroy ecosystems
--Is organic farming answer to Europe's food crisis?


The Great Yellow Hype

The New York Times Magazine
March 4, 2001

Unless I'm missing something, the aim of the biotechnology
industry's audacious new advertising campaign is to impale
people like me -- well-off first worlders dubious about
genetically engineered food -- on the horns of a moral dilemma.
Have you seen these ads? Over a speedy montage of verdant
rice paddies, smiling Asian kids and kindly third-world doctors,
a caring voice describes something called golden rice and its
promise to "help prevent blindness and infection in millions of
children" suffering from vitamin-A deficiency. This new rice has
been engineered, using a daffodil gene, to produce beta-
carotene, a nutrient the body can convert into vitamin A.
Watching the pitch, you can almost feel the moral ground shifting
under your feet. For the unspoken challenge here is that if we
don't get over our queasiness about eating genetically modified
food, kids in the third world will go blind.

It appears that biotechnology, which heretofore had little more
to offer the world than plants that could shake off a shower of
herbicide, has finally found a "killer app" that can silence its
critics and win over journalists. It's working, too: Time magazine
put golden rice on its cover, declaring, "This rice could save a
million kids a year." Even Greenpeace has acknowledged that
"golden rice is a moral challenge to our position."

Yet the more one learns about biotechnology's Great Yellow
Hope, the more uncertain seems its promise -- and the industry's
command of the moral high ground. Indeed, it remains to be
seen whether golden rice will ever offer as much to malnourished
children as it does to beleaguered biotech companies. Its real
achievement may be to win an argument rather than solve a
public-health problem. Which means we may be witnessing the
advent of the world's first purely rhetorical technology.

If that sounds harsh, consider this: an 11-year-old would have to
eat 15 pounds of cooked golden rice a day -- quite a bowlful --
to satisfy his minimum daily requirement of vitamin A. Even if
that were possible (or if scientists boosted beta-carotene levels),
it probably wouldn't do a malnourished child much good, since
the body can only convert beta-carotene into vitamin A when fat
and protein are present in the diet. Fat and protein in the diet
are, of course, precisely what a malnourished child lacks.
Further, there's no guarantee people will eat yellowish rice.
Brown rice, after all, is already rich in nutrients, yet most Asians
prefer white rice, which is not. Rice has long had a complicated
set of meanings in Asian culture. Confucius, for example,
extolled the pure whiteness of rice as the ideal backdrop for
green vegetables. That works fine so long as you've still got the
vegetables. But once rice became a monoculture cash crop, it
crowded the green vegetables out of people's fields and out of
their diet.

Proponents of golden rice acknowledge that persuading people
to eat it may require an educational campaign. This begs a rather
obvious question. Why not simply a campaign to persuade them
to eat brown rice? Or how about teaching people how to grow
green vegetables on the margins of their rice fields, and maybe
even give them the seeds to do so? Or what about handing out
vitamin-A supplements to children so severely malnourished their
bodies can't metabolize beta-carotene?

As it happens, these ridiculously obvious, unglamorous, low-tech
schemes are being tried today, and according to the aid groups
behind them, all they need to work are political will and money.


More than $100 million dollars has been spent developing
golden rice, and another $50 million has been budgeted for
advertisements touting the technology's future benefits. A
spokesman for Syngenta, the company that plans to give golden
rice seeds to poor farmers, has said that every month of delay
will mean another 50,000 blind children. Yet how many cases of
blindness could be averted right now if the industry were to
divert its river of advertising dollars to a few of these programs?

Which brings us to some uncomfortable questions about the
industry's motives. In January, Gordon Conway, the president of
the Rockefeller Foundation - which financed t

Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> >Even so, I doubt that boonie towns were integrated.
> If the OT has any truth to it, the suppression of paganism within
> Israelite controlled territory went on for something like 800 years. To
> me this says pagans were spread around pretty widely.

Of course they were spread widely. There was only ONE group who were not
Pagans. Wanna guess?

> >That's my point. She either did or didn't exist, or if she did exist,
> she could have been anybody.
> Not just anybody, but there are a number of possibilities. What exactly
> she was, we’ll never know. Those guys who say that they do know are
> lying.

You got that right.

> >Poor Pagans. I guess the I guess the Jews gave them a hard time about
> burring their children and other human sacrifices.
> Some pagans did that. Most didn’t. The pagans best known to us for the
> practice were the Carthagenians.

Not in my neighborhood. The best known, were the Moloch worshipers.

> They were annihilated as a people by
> other pagans, the Romans.
> Romans thought the custom was disgusting,
> probably because it was something their chief rivals did.

Evidently the same didn't apply to the charms of crucifixion which
the Romans got to like very well.

> Jews of that era tended to treat their rivals harshly, falling upon
> them, smiting them, rendering them asunder and what not. They certainly
> couldn’t claim any moral high ground.

Oh yes they could. You are thinking in modern terms. Bad as all this smiting
and rending asunder was, it was nothing compared to the common cruelties of
the period.

> They weren’t very nice to each
> other, either. They stoned adulterers,

Don't knock being a stoned adulterer until you've tried it.

> for example, also juvenile
> delinquents. On the other hand,  for almost two thousand years, Jews
> were arguably the most peace loving People on earth.

They had no choice. They didn't have an army.

> Most of them still
> are.  But that came later.
> >If you mean Hellenism. Yes. If you mean something else, then not
> likely.
> Hellenism for sure, what else we don’t know. Persian religious thought,
> and presumably some practice, was quite popular among a large numbers of
> Jews of the time. A case can be made that portions of modern Judaism is
> are Persian grafts.

Could be.

>  >This is a good observation, but consider this. James, Jesus' brother
> was
>   a NAZIR. A Nazir is the ONLY instance in Jewish culture where it is
> permitted
>   to put aside the commandment to be fruitful and multiply. In other
> words,
>   if one dedicates his life to the service of god, he may be a monk.
> Good point. I hadn’t thought of that. Tell us more about the Nazir.
> >James was a Nazir
> Source on that?

Acts ( 21:18-23 ). The final showdown between Paul and James. James tells
Paul about penitents in the temple who have taken an oath upon themselves
(Consecrated=Nazir). The Nazirite oath as described in the book of numbers
and further elucidated in the Talmud.

Samson was a Nazirite too. He derived his strength from his personal holyness.
Not from his long hair. Nazirs did not cut their hair or play hide the salami.
When Delilah cut Samson's hair, it was symbolic that Samson renegged on his
oath and was no longer a 'separated one'. A consecrated one. A holy roller.
He lost his god given special power. You know the rest.

> > He apparently got some part of John the Baptist's movement.
> Apparently. That’s certainly what Nag Hammadi points to.


> >This of course ALL speculation. But it's speculation within the correct
> framework.
> It’s still speculation, though. To get really beyond speculation we’ll
> need for more data to come in. Hopefully some archeologist will luck out
> and find some documentation. It’s possible. Given enough time, it’s even
> likely.  Seeing it reach the mass media when it happens, is a little
> less likely. But we can hope.

I don't know. I would guess that anything found that relates to that period
would be sensational and well covered.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of


[CTRL] The Far Right Targets The Left

2001-03-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

DRY ROT -- The Far Right Targets The Left

By Will Offley

Canadian Dimension, January/February 2001
Volume 35, Number 1

Like most huge events in history, the fall of the Berlin Wall shook our
world.  In doing so it also changed the ground rules of politics.

Whether you call it paradigm shift or merely the temporary triumph of
neo-liberalism, the dust from the Wall's collapse has clouded our vision
for nearly a decade.  Without exception, currents of the left around the
world have found themselves disoriented and scrambling to create a new
vision and a new political framework within which to organize and to
fight.  This has not only been true for the traditional Communist Parties,
but for the non-Stalinist and anti-Stalinist left as well.

The left has not yet been able to reconstitute a coherent vision of the
new world we want to see issue from the ashes of the old, nor have we
articulated the strategy or programme or organizations necessary to make
that happen.  As a result, radical left politics have remained largely
confined to "anti" politics for a decade or more: anticorporate,
anti-globalization, anticapitalist.  We have remained locked down behind
the relatively easy bulwark of what we're against, rather than venturing
out into the exposed and more dangerous terrain of defining what we're
for.  In addition, in some sectors there have been marked tendencies to
view the capitalist system through the lens of conspiracism and
irrationality, where plots and conspiracies replace class interests and
mass politics as the motor forces of human society.

This weakening of its culture, institutions and politics have rendered
some sectors of the broad left vulnerable to the conscious and organized
predation being carried out in Canada by a specific current of the far
right. In the U.S. this dates back as far as the Gulf War, where
neo-fascist currents like the Larouche organization and Spotlight sought
to attach themselves to the movement against the war.

Is the Canadian left immune from this sort of targeting?  No.

Is the situation any different now, a decade later?  Yes and no.

Yes, because Seattle has led to Washington, and from there to Philadelphia
and L.A. and Windsor and Prague.  Quebec will be next, and it won't be the
end.  The rise of the struggle in the streets against globalization marks
the end of ten years of demoralization and confusion.

There is a new dynamism and a new optimism, and if the path ahead is only
partially visible, at least we're collectively underway again.

However, one has only to look at Seattle to see that the growth of far
right currents within and alongside the left and progressive movements has
increased visibly over the decade.  There are also indicators that point
to a change - during the Gulf War, the far right was active on the
fringes, but by Seattle it seemed to be active at the very centre of
things.  While the young militants faced down the cops and the gas in
downtown Seattle, on a leadership level elements of that movement were
being increasingly compromised politically by a de facto convergence
between Ralph Nader and the most important far-right leader in the United
States, the semi-fascist Pat Buchanan.  Five months later during the April
16th mobilizations in Washington, Buchanan shared a stage with Teamster
leader Jimmy Hoffa Jr. as an invited guest of the AFL-CIO.

Antiglobalist politics are not the exclusive preserve of the left.
Though it springs from different roots, Buchanan's opposition to
globalization and free trade is as genuine as ours.  He just takes it in a
direction diametrically opposed to everything else we stand for:
protectionism, racism, exclusion.  Not only that, there have been plenty
of examples this century to show the far right can be anti-corporate too.

Throughout the 1920's Hitler's Nazi Party contained a minority current led
by Gregor and Otto Strasser that was inalterably opposed to the German
trusts... as well as the Jews, the Communists, Social Democrats, gays and
lesbians, unions, etc.

Nor is the far right confined solely to the hardcore neo-Nazism of the
Heritage Front or the Northern Hammerskins.  It's relatively easy to ward
off the interventions of groups that put swastikas on their literature.
It's considerably more difficult when the politics of the groups in
question are cloaked in progressive rhetoric and hidden behind coded
language. Between Wolfgang Droege and Stockwell Day there is a whole swamp
of currents and organizations - conspiracist, anti-Semitic, some with
hidden fascist agendas, some totalitarian, some merely far right.

Some of these are targeting the left.  There is reason to be concerned.

Although they're based at different ends of the country, they seem to be
made for each other.

The Radical is a monthly tabloid published in Quesnel, B.C. since June
1998 by Arthur Topham, a self-described anarchist who regards himself as
"a natural, s

[CTRL] FAVISH: Foster hearing (fwd)

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 17:27:39 -0800
From: Ray Heizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Favish: Foster hearing

Allan Favish reported in as follows by phone a few minutes ago:

His motion for compelling testimony regarding the Foster death
from Miquel Rodriguez and Lucia Rambusch was denied. The judge
gave no reason for his decision.

With regard to the OIC's attempt to get the judge to change his
mind about the release of 5 of the 10 Foster photos, the judge
denied their motion and his original ruling still stands, i.e. 5
photos to be released and 5 photos to remain secret.

The next step is for Favish to file an appeal to the 9th Circuit
Court with regard to the 5 photos being withheld, and also to
appeal the ruling on Rodriguez and Rambusch.

Favish expects the OIC et al will appeal their loss as well.

The 9th Circuit Court is the court which ordered the OIC to
produce the 10 photographs to the judge last year.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hanssen's Access Brings Systems Probe

2001-03-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Hanssen's Access Brings Systems Probe
NewsMax.com Wires
Monday, March 5, 2001
WASHINGTON – Experts are combing government computer systems to try to ensure
that Robert Hanssen, the FBI agent accused of spying for Moscow, did not
sabotage them or create software vulnerabilities that could allow Russian
intelligence agencies to steal information while he is in jail, the
Washington Post reported Monday.
One senior official said no conclusions have been reached about Hanssen's
computer activities at the State Department, where he had been assigned since
1995 to an office that monitors foreign diplomats.

"The jury is still out as to what he was able to do," the official said.
"Because of the possibilities, we've got to take a look."

At the FBI, systems administrators already have "scrubbed" the bureau's
classified computer system, which is not attached to the Internet, the
newspaper said. They found no evidence that Hanssen planted malicious
software codes either to damage the network or expand his access to secrets,
the officials said.

U.S. counterintelligence officials say Hanssen's use of computers greatly
exceeds that encountered in any other major U.S. espionage case, presenting
new levels of complexity – and potential damage – as officials attempt to
retrace his moves in cyberspace.

"There are a large number of ways that you can infiltrate a system," said
Fred Cohen, a computer security expert at Sandia National Laboratory. He
added, "If you are an insider, the number increases dramatically."

The Post said it is clear from the FBI's affidavit that Hanssen was a regular
user of the FBI's internal network, the Automated Case Support System, which
contains classified records of investigations.

"The fact that a spy for Russia had access to that is very troubling," said
Dion Stempfley, a former Defense Department computer expert.

Sunday, the New York Times reported that Hanssen told Russia the United
States built a secret tunnel under its embassy in Washington.

Hanssen may have exposed the tunnel even before the embassy buildings were
completed and fully occupied in the early 1990s, the report said. The tunnel
was built in the 1970s and 1980s along with the hilltop embassy, a period of
time when the United States was bitterly accusing the Soviets of attempting
to plant spy devices at its new Moscow embassy.

Hanssen was arrested Feb. 18 after months of surveillance confirmed what
Russian documents turned over to the FBI had shown, that he had been spying
for the Russians on and off since October 1985, the FBI said.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 'Hate Crimes': A One-Way Street?

2001-03-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

'Hate Crimes': A One-Way Street?
Wes Vernon
Tuesday, March 6, 2001
A pattern has emerged in the mainstream media in dealing with "hate crimes”:
i.e. violent criminal acts motivated by bigotry. The unspoken, unwritten
ethic appears to be: If a white commits a violent crime and the victim is a
minority, that is by definition a "hate crime” and worthy of front-page
headlines, complete with lead stories on the national TV news shows.
On the other hand, if a minority commits a violent crime and the victim is
white, that does not make it beyond the local media.

That is the inescapable conclusion of a NewsMax.com survey of events over a
period of months.

The Wichita Rampage

The most egregious recent example concerns a crime rampage in Wichita, Kan.

Two young black brothers, Reginald and Jonathan Carr, have been charged with
a quadruple homicide.

The Shreveport Times, one of the few out-of-state media outlets to give this
story any publicity at all, described the chronology of the crime in which
the two men abducted five white young adults and shot them execution-style,
according to the allegations in police reports.

According to police:

It began on a night in mid-December when they kicked in the door of a home
shared by three young professionals. Two women were there for an engagement
party. While one held the five people at gunpoint, the other loaded up a van
with two TVs, a computer, dishes, bedding, luggage, credit cards, and wallets.

They also found a diamond ring.

"That was for you,” Jason Befort told one of the young women. "I was going to
ask you to marry me.”

The Carr brothers then forced the young people to take them to automatic
teller machines and withdraw money.

So that’s a sheer case of robbery, right? Where’s the "hate crime”?

There’s more. Apparently not at all satisfied with the heist, the Carrs then
drove their victims to a soccer field and took turns raping the women, while
the three men were forced to watch. Then the men were forced to commit
homosexual acts on each other. Then each was forced to have sex with the
women while the Carr brothers drank beer and laughed.

Still nude, all five were ordered to kneel in front of the car’s headlights
in the snow. Each was shot in the back of the head execution-style before the
brothers drove off and left them for dead.

Four of them did indeed die. But the fifth, Jason Befort’s fiancée, feigned
death, then got up, bleeding from head to toe, and walked a mile in subzero
weather to the nearest house, where an elderly couple called 911.

It was later learned that this was the last stop on a crime rampage wherein
the two black men had robbed a convenience store, kidnapped a man the next
day and pistol-whipped him after forcing him to withdraw money from an ATM
before letting him go, and violently robbed a 55-year old cellist with the
Wichita Symphony Orchestra and shot her in the spine. She died about three
weeks later.

The district attorney in Wichita has concluded none of these crimes was
motivated by racial hatred.

That has drawn a howl of protest from many in the community. Aside from the
fact that the victims were of a different racial group than the perpetrators,
they note the following:

1 — The extreme sadism and violence went way beyond what was necessary to
successfully complete a robbery.

2 - As far as anyone knows, there was no warrant issued to search the
residences of the accused to determine if they may have been motivated by
racial hate literature.

3 - There is no record of questioning close friends, family, neighbors or
associates to determine if the two brothers had at any time expressed
anti-white bigotry.
NewMax.com asked the local newspaper, the Wichita Eagle, to send us the
original story of the violence involving the Carr brothers, which was done.
However, when we later asked for any information as to possible controversy
on the "ethnic” or "cultural” angles to the crime, the newspaper did not

The question is relevant in light of the coast-to-coast, wall-to-wall,
night-after-night coverage of the outrageous murders of Matthew Shepherd, a
gay man in Wyoming, and James Byrd Jr., a black man in Texas. In both of
these cases, law enforcement authorities went the extra mile to establish
that a "hate crime” had been committed. Why, critics wonder, has there been
no publicly acknowledged similar investigation in the Wichita case?

Ignored by the Media

Other examples of a news blackout of reverse "hate crimes" include:

In Arkansas, two homosexuals were charged with sodomizing and killing 13-year
old Jesse Dirkhising. The boy died from suffocation after being bound, gagged
with underwear in his mouth, blindfolded, taped to the bed, and sodomized by
one gay man, while another gay man watched.
This happened shortly after the Matthew Shepherd killing. The latter was big
national news. For mo

[CTRL] Army alert as virus hits Dartmoor

2001-03-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!



Army alert as virus hits Dartmoor


TROOPS were on standby last night to help to round up thousands of farm
animals on Dartmoor after the first confirmed foot-and-mouth case in the area
broke out at one of the Prince of Wales’s Duchy of Cornwall farms.

Farmers in the South West are worried about the latest development and
believed the mass slaughter of thousands of cattle, sheep and even ponies
could be inevitable. There was particular alarm because the Government
admitted that so far there was no link with any previous cases and the virus
could have been carried by the wind. A senior National Farmers’ Union source
described "a mood of near hysteria and panic" in the region.

The Ministry of Agriculture was awaiting details about the Dartmoor farm
before triggering emergency contingency plans as the epidemic rose to 69
confirmed cases in mainland Britain and Northern Ireland and seven in

Richard Cawthorne, the Government’s deputy chief veterinary officer, said he
believed animals on Dunna Bridge Farm, near Two Bridges on Dartmoor, had not
been grazing on common land and posed no threat to the 46,000 breeding flock
on the moor. Although so far there was no link with a previous case he
believed they could still find one by checking the movement of animals,
people and vehicles.

Regional vets were assessing the situation with John Hodge, the NFU
representative for Dartmoor. The Times has learnt that farmers are refusing
to collect their livestock from the moor and any collection of animals would
be done by troops based at Okehampton. Vets would check every animal before
the cattle were shot by military marksmen.

A spokesman for the NFU in the South West said the latest development was
"farming’s worst nightmare" given Devon’s place as the biggest livestock
centre in the country. It is known that a number of sheep from the Dartmoor
farm have jumped fences on at least one neighbouring farm in the past days
and there was a bleak mood in the farming community about the threat.

Baroness Hayman, junior Agriculture Minister, emphasised that there was no
intention of prevaricating any decision about Dartmoor but they needed to
know the full facts.

The Prince of Wales was being kept informed of the situation at the farm of
his tenant, Roger Winsor. A St James’s Palace spokesman said: "He is very
concerned about the plight of the farmer." Five farms next to the Duchy farm
are to be investigated as a matter of urgency by Ministry of Agriculture vets
today. They are believed to have had contact with Mr Winsor’s farm.

John Hodge, chairman of the Commoners Council of Dartmoor, said: "We are
hoping that so far the virus has been kept off the moor but another five
farms need investigating. If there is a problem, we will divide the moor into
quarters and troops from Okehampton will round up the livestock."

The disease is otherwise being contained in the way the ministry has forecast
and there was some comfort that the new cases were in already-infected areas.
Compared with 1967, the scale of the present outbreak is smaller and the
spread slower, suggesting that efforts to restrict the epidemic may be

The new cases yesterday were broken down as three in Devon, one in Cornwall,
three on Tyne and Wear and three in Scotland. A total of 53,700 animals have
been slaughtered or condemned and another 9,965 will be destroyed as
dangerous contacts.

Lady Hayman said the Government was pleased that there were so far no
confirmed cases on the Continent. The Government has not even been informed
of a new suspect case in Denmark.

The first animals slaughtered for food under the new licensed controls were
in Scotland last night. A pig abattoir at Malton in the North East was also
reported ready to receive pigs to boost supplies of bacon and ham. A total of
89 licences have been granted to abattoirs to start slaughtering livestock
and another 150 have applied for the licence.

There were serious concerns that farmers were being offered lower prices for
their livestock by abattoirs than before the outbreak, even though consumer
prices are likely to go up by 20 per cent. West Devon Beef was offered £1.60
a kilo by meat firms in Somerset and the Midlands. The price before the
outbreak was £1.75. Lady Hayman promised that ministers would be keeping a
close eye on prices.

Richard Haddock, a Devon farmer and partner in West Devon Beef, said: "We are
refusing to sell for less than £1.75 per kilo. It is more evidence that
farmers’ arms are being pushed behind their backs. If prices are jumping 25
per cent at Smithfield Market and 20 per cent on imports, who is profiteering

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use

[CTRL] Dementia linked to an excess of idleness

2001-03-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


Dementia linked to an excess of idleness


PEOPLE who take part in few recreational activities during youth and middle
age appear more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than their more
energetic peers.
A comparison of almost 200 elderly Alzheimer’s patients with healthy friends
and neighbours in America revealed that those with the neurologicial
condition had tended to participate much less frequently in leisure pursuits,
ranging from basketball to theatre, between the ages of 20 and 60.

The discovery, by scientists at the University Hospitals of Cleveland in
Ohio, indicates for the first time that an inactive lifestyle may contribute
to an increased risk of dementia in old age. The results could also signify,
however, that an apparently idle lifestyle may be a reflection of the early
effects of Alzheimer’s disease before the symptoms can properly be diagnosed.

In the study, details of which are published today in the journal Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences, a research team led by Robert Friedman
analysed 193 patients with symptoms of Alzheimer’s, along with a control
group of 358 healthy people of the same age. To ensure a comparable social
and educational background, the control group was chosen from among friends
and neighbours of the patients.

Each participant from both groups — or a close relative — answered a
questionnaire about the way in which they used leisure time between the ages
of 20 and 60, which covered 26 common pursuits, including football, swimming,
gardening, theatre, watching television and roller-skating.The results showed
that people who went on to develop Alzheimer’s had, on average, taken part in
fewer types of recreational activity, for less time, and at a lesser

While the control group had participated in 16 of the 26 activities at least
once, the Alzheimer’s patients had tried only 13. The healthy group also
devoted more hours per month to leisure pursuits, and were more likely to
favour “intellectual” or “physical” activity, such as theatre and sport,
over “passive” pastimes such as watching television.

The difference between the groups was greatest when it came to enjoying
intellectual pursuits between the ages of 40 and 60. This could indicate that
neurological changes are at work, the scientists said.

The scientists said the results could stem either from the idea that
intellectual or physical activity protected against the onset of Alzheimer’s,
or the prospect that inactive people could be suffering from early,
undiagnosed symptoms of the disease.

“We conclude that the diversity of activities and intensity of intellectual
activities were reduced in patients with Alzheimer’s disease compared with
the control group,” Dr Friedman said. “These findings may be because
inactivity is a risk factor for the disease, or because inactivity is a
reflection of very early subclinical effects of the disease, or both.”

If inactivity does raise the risk of contracting Alzheimer’s, it could
explain why the disease is more common in Western societies than in the
developing world.

Dr Friedman said: “A protective relationship between high activity levels and
Alzheimer’s disease may explain partially the low prevalence of the disease
in rural India or urban Nigeria. Activity levels in developing countries are
certainly very high.”

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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[CTRL] White House Officials Quietly Pressuring the GOP Investigators

2001-03-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
Why are Republicans always protecting Clinton?

Sunday March 4, 11:13 am Eastern Time
Press Release
SOURCE: Newsweek
White House Officials Quietly Pressuring the GOP Investigators to End Clinton
Pardon Probe as Quickly as Possible; Aide: 'This is a Dead End'

NEW YORK, March 4 /PRNewswire/ -- White House administration officials are
quietly pressuring GOP Congressional investigators to end the probe of former
President Bill Clinton's pardons as quickly as possible, Newsweek reports in
the current issue. ``Everybody's not real happy with us over there,'' says
one Republican staffer. ``I've been getting calls from the White House
saying, 'Hey, what are you guys doing?' ''

(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20010303/NEWSWEEK)
After three days of hearings that seemed to raise more questions than answers
-- last week Democratic fund raiser Beth Dozoretz pleaded the fifth amendment
when called to testify -- even some of the staunchest anti-Clinton
Republicans are beginning to think they may be wasting their time. ``This is
a dead end,'' an aide close to Rep. Dan Burton, the Indiana Republican
leading the pardons investigation, tells Newsweek.

Sources close to Denise Rich, who crusaded for a year to get a pardon for her
ex-husband billionaire fugitive Marc Rich, say she is now talking to federal
prosecutors in New York, and may soon reach a deal that would grant her
immunity to tell her full story, report Investigative Correspondents Mark
Hosenball and Michael Isikoff in the March 12 issue of Newsweek (on
newsstands Monday, March 5). According to these sources, Denise Rich says she
agreed to help her ex-husband so that he could return to the U.S. to visit
the grave of their daughter Gabrielle, who died of cancer in 1996.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Cheney hospitalized overnight

2001-03-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Cheney hospitalized overnight

 Doctors find one of
vice president’s heart arteries blocked again
Vice President Dick Cheney underwent a procedure Monday to reopen a partially
blocked heart artery. NBC's David Gregory reports.

WASHINGTON, March 5 —  Vice President Dick Cheney, who has had four heart
attacks, underwent a surgical procedure Monday to reopen a partially blocked
artery after going to a hospital with chest pains. Doctors at George
Washington University Hospital examined Cheney’s heart arteries and found
that one they had reopened in late November had partially closed again.

 BUT CHENEY’S CARDIOLOGIST, Dr. Jonathan Reiner, told reporters there
was no sign Cheney had suffered a fifth heart attack.
   “As of now, there is no evidence of that,” Reiner said. Cheney was in
stable condition and expected to remain in the hospital overnight.
   Reiner said while Cheney suffers from chronic coronary artery disease,
he believes there is a “very high likelihood” that Cheney can finish out his
term as vice president in vigorous fashion.
   Cheney, 60, suffered his most recent heart attack in late November but
quickly resumed a full schedule after an operation to open the blocked
artery, known as angioplasty. Reiner said there was a 40 percent risk of the
artery becoming blocked again.
   During the procedure last November, one of Cheney’s heart arteries was
90 percent blocked, so doctors implanted a wire scaffolding-like device
called a stent to push away the blockage and prop open the artery walls.
   Reiner said that following such stent procedures, there always is a
chance of renarrowing — and this is apparently what happened to Cheney. He
called it “a very discrete spot of renarrowing.”

March 5, 2001 — Doctors say Dick Cheney’s severe history of heart disease
indicates he is a great risk for further problems. NBC’s Robert Bazell

   Reiner said he did not believe Cheney had suffered any additional
heart damage.
   Cheney checked himself into the hospital after feeling chest pain
briefly on two occasions on Monday after earlier episodes on Saturday and
Sunday, Reiner said.
   He said the episodes were “much milder and very brief” when compared
with the chest pains that Cheney suffered in November. “The symptoms were
subtle” this time, Reiner said.
   Asked whether Cheney had failed to take precautions after his November
heart attack, Reiner said no, that the vice president had been “exceedingly
diligent” in following both dietary and exercise recommendations, including
essentially eliminating red meat from his diet.
   “He has very nicely adhered to what we wanted him to do,” Reiner

 Doctors inserted a flexible tube into the narrowed artery carrying a
collapsed balloon. Once the balloon was in place, it was inflated, reopening
the artery.
   President Bush called the vice president to wish him well, said White
House spokesman Ari Fleischer. “During their five-minute phone call, the vice
president told the president that he was feeling fine and looked forward to
returning to work,” Fleischer said.
   Earlier, Bush confirmed that Cheney was in the hospital, calling it
“precautionary measure” when asked about it by reporters.
   Aides said Cheney, who was working at the White House on Monday, told
Bush in the morning that he was experiencing discomfort in his chest and
planned to be examined by a doctor.
  Re-clogged arteries

 Re-clogging of heart arteries is not uncommon. Consider these facts:
 • Every year, over 500,000 Americans undergo balloon angioplasty to open up
clogged heart arteries.

 • Of these, about 40 percent to 50 percent experience re-clogging of

 • To reduce the risk of re-clogging, doctors often use a tiny piece of metal
called a stent to prop open an artery.

 • Adding a stent to angioplasty reduces the risk of artery re-clogging to
about 20 percent.

 • If re-clogging still occurs with a stent, doctors may try threading
radiation-emitting devices inside the artery.

AHA, GW Hospital

   One aide to Cheney said he headed to the hospital about 3:30 p.m. The
aide said he appeared normal, even cheerful, all day.
   In a statement before he underwent the procedure, Cheney aide Mary
Matalin said Cheney checked himself into the hospital “for a repeat cardiac
catheterization after experiencing two brief, mild episodes of chest
discomfort. This is a non-emergency precautionary procedure. An EKG obtained
at the White House this afternoon was unchanged from one obtained last

   Matalin said the EKG last week was part of normal follow-up care after
the heart attack Cheney suffered late last year. She said Cheney reported the

[CTRL] Insight: Bill's Holdovers Grab DoD Agency

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"Dave Tarbell bears personal responsibility for giving the
Chinese military everything they need to fight the next war,"
Stephen D. Bryen, a DOD official under Reagan/Bush, tells
Insight. "He has been highly successful — in giving away our
military technology."

March 12, 2001

Bill’s Holdovers Grab DOD Agency

By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Clinton Democrats tried to shut down the Pentagon’s
export-control agency, but as Bush comes in they have turned it
into a Disney World of fat salaries for their own.

Clinton holdovers rapidly are expanding a Pentagon agency they
twice tried to eliminate and are rewarding their friends with a
taxpayer-paid trip to Walt Disney World. On the agenda: cozying
up to U.S. exporters seeking Department of Defense (DOD) favors,
and photo-ops with Mickey and his pals.

The Pentagon’s Defense Technology Security Administration (DTSA)
was created by President Reagan to thwart Soviet attempts to
acquire Western military technology. DTSA was widely criticized
by U.S. industry groups for impeding the sale of American
high-tech products to governments hostile to the United States.
President Clinton did his best to get rid of DTSA, and twice it
was brought back from the dead by congressional supporters led by
Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa. Now called the Technology Security
Directorate (TSD), it has been rolled into a larger Pentagon
entity known as the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).

So why did technology-security chief Dave Tarbell, a Clinton
appointee, go on a hiring spree just as a new administration was
coming to town? And why is he sending more than a dozen new
export-licensing officers on a government-paid junket to Walt
Disney World to cozy up to representatives of the very export
industries DTRA regulates?

Insight spoke with a number of the 35 new DTRA hires, most of
whom were Clinton appointees from Commerce, State or DOD weapons
labs. All acknowledged that they were being sent down to Orlando
to learn about export licensing — from industry representatives,
not DTRA professionals.

Organized by SIA, the Society for International Affairs
(www.siaed.org), the Feb. 15-16 Orlando meeting was billed as a
basics conference. This time, according to DTRA spokesman David
Rigby, DTRA would send its trainees to learn from industry and to
become acquainted with members of the exporting community with
whom they would deal daily. Conveniently, most of the DTRA people
would arrive a day early and stay a day late, according to hotel
records obtained by Insight.

SIA members include satellite makers and operators such as
Orbital Sciences and INTELSAT, as well as the nation’s largest
defense contractors, including Lockheed Martin Corp., TRW Inc.
and ITT Defense. "SIA is a private association of all the big
exporters who license into DTRA," a senior DTRA official told
Insight. "They want to make sure that the new people get the
industry gospel, so they’re taking them down to get

The U.S. taxpayers will foot the bill for hotel and per-diem
costs, conference-registration fees and round-trip travel (at
government rates, which mandate high-cost, refundable tickets) in
addition to salaries. Most of the engineers attending the
conference have reached the highest General Service rank, GS-15,
and are paid $84,648 to $110,028 annually.

This is not the first instance of alleged waste, fraud and abuse
at DTRA. Insight has obtained a copy of a whistle-blower
memorandum, dated April 24, 2000, sent to the Pentagon Inspector
General’s (IG) office by a senior DTRA engineer. The memorandum
alleges that the agency’s political bosses "have systematically
been misleading the public, Congress and internal oversight
authorities by deliberately overstaffing … as the volume and
seriousness of export licenses have declined over these past
seven years."

The complaint, which the IG never pursued, alleges that DTRA
added personnel as justification to isolate this organization
physically from the interagency community. Plans twice were
approved by the Pentagon to move DTRA from prime office space
just across the street from the Pentagon to more spacious digs at
Washington Dulles International Airport, far from the day-to-day
policy tug-of-war. The move was significant because DTRA
officials continue to share hard-copy files on sensitive export
licenses with other agencies and must physically transport them
from agency to agency in downtown Washington. Moving out to
Dulles also isolated DTRA licensing officers from the Joint
Chiefs of Staff and their intelligence wings, which all maintain
Pentagon offices, effectively taking them out of the policy loop.

One DTRA licensing engineer contacted by Insight acknowledges the
agency’s rationale: "Sure, it’s unusual for DTRA to hire so many
new people at any one time. But we need these new people to
expedite export-licensing cases that are getting bogged down. We
need to get these cases out the door so commerce can take place."
What kind o

[CTRL] Spectator: McAuliffe outing Clinton?

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[This stuff just keeps getting more awful by the day.]

Establishing Residency

While the National Enquirer and other media focus on rumors of an
affair between then-President Bill Clinton and Denise Rich, the
Secret Service hasn't hesitated to fan rumors of other potential
paramours for Clinton.

At the request of Rep. Dan Burton, the Secret Service provided
White House logs on such visitors as former DNC finance chair
Beth Dozoretz, who on most of her visits met with Clinton in the
White House residence, not the Oval Office.

Secret Service agents who regularly leaked information to Burton
during his committee's investigations during the Clinton
presidency were quick to point out many of those dates. "They
underlined dates where Mrs. Clinton wasn't in the White House,
but the president was meeting with people like Dozoretz in the
residence during nonworking hours," says a committee staffer.

But in the case of people like Dozoretz and Rich, there is a far
more reasonable explanation than the rumor-mongering that is
going on, say former Clinton aides who were aware of the Dozoretz

"The president was deeply suspicious of even some of his allies,
like Dozoretz, and he didn't want to do any fundraising business
in the West Wing. The counsel's office said it would probably be
okay to meet in his private study, but Clinton didn't want these
people called before Burton's committee or a Senate committee and
saying, 'We planned fundraising in the Oval Office,'" says the
staffer. "Clinton did almost all of his DNC meetings in the

The explanation is more than plausible, but one person isn't
helping clarify Clinton's complicated relationships with the
women of the DNC: According to a DNC fundraiser, friends of
current DNC chief Terry McAuliffe were sources for the National
Enquirer's exposé on Clinton's "relationship" with Denise Rich.

"McAuliffe is coming to realize that he's not going to be a
success with the party if Bill Clinton is always around looking
over his shoulder," says the DNC fundraiser.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] JP: Rich associate had close ties to Baraks

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, March 5 2001 11:58 10 Adar 5761

Rich associate had close ties to Baraks

By Buzzy Gordon

JERUSALEM (March 5) - Beth Dozoretz, who repeatedly invoked the
Fifth Amendment when called to testify last week before a
congressional committee investigating the pardon of financier
Marc Rich by former president Bill Clinton, apparently had close
ties with Ehud and Nava Barak.

Dozoretz, who has many links to Israel, served on the board of
the Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva. Nava Barak has been the
head of the Israeli Friends of the Rabin Medical Center for five

Television footage screened on Channel 1's Saturday night news
magazine showed a former Clinton aide testifying that, in his
last phone conversation with Clinton before the president left
office, Barak took time out from discussions on the Middle East
to press Clinton to pardon Rich. Barak has denied making unusual
efforts on Rich's behalf.

The same footage showed Dozoretz telling the committee that she
would not answer any questions, based on her constitutional right
not to incriminate herself.

A list of Dozoretz's links to Israel is included in her
biography, which appeared in the announcement last year of her
appointment to the board of directors of US Technologies Inc.,
which recently acquired the foundering Jerusalem-based seed-stage
venture-capital firm Yazam.

US Technologies has a number of prominent directors besides
Dozoretz, including former US senator George Mitchell, currently
heading the commission of inquiry into the origins of the "Aksa
intifada," and former CIA chief William Webster.

At the time of her appointment to US Technologies' board last
summer, Dozoretz, 49, who lives in Washington with her husband
and two children, was also serving on the board of the US
Holocaust Memorial Museum, as well as on the executive committee
of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the
wealthiest and most powerful pro-Israel lobbying group in the US.

In an interview in The New York Times on February 17, Dozoretz
was quoted as saying she was "close to" Ehud Barak, and that
before Barak was prime minister a mutual friend sent Barak and
his brother to her home. "We talked for two hours," she told the
paper, "and I was mesmerized. He was a lot like Clinton."

Dozoretz, the former finance chair of the Democratic National
Committee after the Clinton impeachment, is said to have
solicited $450,000 in donations to the Clinton presidential
library from Denise Rich, Marc Rich's ex-wife. The last $100,000
of the sum was pledged in 2000, at the height of the lobbying
campaign on behalf of a pardon for Rich. Denise Rich has also
declined to answer questions before the congressional committee.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] LAT: Prosecutor Quits Over Boss' Role in Pardon

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Monday, March 5, 2001 |  Print this story

Prosecutor Quits Over Boss' Role in Pardon

Scandal: An assistant U.S. attorney in Moscow protests his Los
Angeles supervisor's actions to secure a drug trafficker's
presidential commutation.

Times Staff Writer

 MOSCOW--A Los Angeles-based prosecutor engaged in fighting
organized crime that originates in the former Soviet Union said
Sunday that he was resigning to protest the role that his boss,
U.S. Atty. Alejandro N. Mayorkas, played in winning the prison
release of a convicted cocaine trafficker.

 Assistant U.S. Atty. Duncan DeVille said that Mayorkas'
action--making a phone call to aides of former President Bill
Clinton on behalf of cocaine trafficker Carlos Vignali--made it
impossible for him to keep working in the narcotics unit of the
U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles.

 In a resignation letter to Mayorkas, he said: "I frequently
place in danger both my life and, more importantly the lives of
law enforcement agents, in the pursuit of drug dealers.
Accordingly I cannot support your recent actions in assisting in
the pardon" of Vignali.

 Mayorkas revealed last month that he had phoned the White
House counsel's office about Vignali's case at the urging of
Vignali's father, Horacio Vignali, a wealthy donor to political
candidates. "I think in hindsight I should not have made that
call to the White House," Mayorkas said.

 Clinton's brother-in-law Hugh Rodham took a $200,000 fee
from Horacio Vignali for pushing for the release but returned it
at Clinton's insistence after the controversy broke out.

 The younger Vignali, of Los Angeles, was convicted of
conspiracy to move more than 800 pounds of cocaine within the
United States. He was sentenced in 1994 to 15 years in prison but
was released after the former president's decision to commute his
sentence Jan. 20, the last day of the Clinton administration.

 The decision was one of 176 acts of clemency that Clinton
granted on his last day in office and was widely criticized by
law enforcement officials, including members of the U.S.
attorney's office in Minnesota, which had won the original

 DeVille, a 37-year-old career prosecutor, said in an
interview in Moscow that he felt compelled to resign in part
because of his dealings with prosecutors in Russia and Armenia,
where questions about corruption and the rule of law are highly

 DeVille was in the Armenian capital, Yerevan, launching a
Justice Department program in which federal prosecutors in Los
Angeles work with their Armenian counterparts to fight corruption
when news of the Vignali pardon reached him.

 "I'd been a proponent of the rule of law and preaching the
gospel of the rule of law in Eastern Europe for the past few
years," he said. "Now suddenly I started getting asked by
prosecutors about this pardon. . . . I kept being called a

 DeVille, a specialist in criminal groups from Russia and
Armenia that operate in Southern California, said his faxed
resignation to Mayorkas will take effect in 60 days. He was in
Moscow to take depositions from a Russian witness in a federal
extortion case.

 Before joining the U.S. attorney's office two years ago,
DeVille said, he had been in Russia in connection with an
American Bar Assn. project on judicial reform in Eastern Europe.
Before that, he was an assistant attorney general for the state
of Colorado and an assistant district attorney in Denver.

 Other Southern California public figures besides Mayorkas
who wrote or called the White House on the Vignali matter in the
waning days of the Clinton presidency were Los Angeles County
Sheriff Lee Baca, Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Los Angeles), Cardinal
Roger M. Mahony, Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina,
former Rep. Esteban Torres, state Sen. Richard Polanco and former
state Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa.

 Since the revelations, Mahony and Villaraigosa have said
they erred in getting involved in the case. Baca has admitted
making calls regarding Vignali, but denied that he supported a

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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[CTRL] AP: Clinton Refuses Senate Pardons Talk

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Monday March 5 11:32 AM ET

Clinton Refuses Senate Pardons Talk

WASHINGTON (AP) - Former President Clinton is unlikely to accept
an offer that he be questioned privately by senators about
pardons he issued during his final hours in office, a spokeswoman

Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said Sunday he thought Clinton ``may
be inclined'' to accept his offer as a way of ``getting to the
basic facts.''

But it's unlikely, Clinton spokeswoman Julia Payne said Monday.
``This is not an offer he's considering at this time,'' she said.

Senate leaders are treading gingerly over the prospect of trying
to compel Clinton's testimony about his 176 last-minute pardons
and commutations. Specter said they have suggested that he and a
Democratic senator do the questioning in private.

He detailed the proposal in a letter to Clinton last week.

Specter also said he had an ``informal conversation'' with
Clinton's chief of staff, Karen Tramontano, and was told the
former president ``is thinking about it.'' Payne said Tramontano
had wanted more information about the offer.

``I think as the facts build up, the president is evaluating it
and may be inclined to come in,'' Specter said on ABC's ``This

Committees in both the House and Senate are investigating whether
the pardons, including one granted to fugitive financier Marc
Rich, were linked to political contributions.

Specter said he suggested ``very professional questioning by me
with another Democrat, if the president chooses, in an office,
his office if he would like, getting to the basic facts.''

Were Clinton to reject the proposal, Specter said he did not know
what would happen. ``Technically there could be a subpoena. I
don't think that will happen,'' he said, citing the
``sensitivity'' of forcing a president to testify.

On Monday, the House Government Reform Committee was expected to
get more details about large donations to the William J. Clinton
Presidential Foundation, which is raising money for a library to
be built in Little Rock, Ark. The committee already has received
a list of the top donors, but was awaiting specific information,
including dates of contributions.

Rich's ex-wife, songwriter Denise Rich, contributed $450,000 to
the foundation and her friend, Beth Dozoretz, a former finance
chairman for the Democratic National Committee, has pledged to
raise $1 million for the library project.

Dozoretz refused to testify before the House committee last week
about her involvement in Rich's pardon, invoking her
constitutional right against self-incrimination. Denise Rich also
has refused to testify.

Noting the almost daily revelations about lobbying by political
donors on behalf of pardon applicants, Specter said, ``It
naturally raises a question. It doesn't come to a legal
conclusion, it won't stand up in court, but I think it is
something that ought to be answered, and, again, only the
president can give the answer.''

Specter also said that Congress may consider reporting
requirements for private foundations like the one handling
Clinton's library fund raising, and may look at more lobbying
registration requirements for people who seek things from the

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Inside George W.’s Secret Crypt

2001-03-05 Thread William Shannon

Inside George W.’s Secret Crypt 
by Ron Rosenbaum 

Where is the all-girl break-in team now that we need them? Where are the 
intrepid young women who had the nerve and daring to pull off one of the 
great investigative coups of our era: to sneak into the triple-locked "tomb" 
of Skull and Bones, the secret citadel, the sanctum sanctorum, the heart of 
the heart of the Eastern Establishment, the place of weird, clandestine, 
occult bonding rituals that has shaped the character of American ruling-class 
figures from the 27th President, William Howard Taft, to the 41st, George 
Herbert Walker Bush and perhaps the next one too: George W., Skull and Bones 
1968. The place where generations of Bushes, Tafts and Buckleys and the like 
lay down in coffins and spewed the secrets of their sex lives. The place 
where many of America’s top spies and spy masters were initiated into their 
clandestine destinies. The place where all conspiracy theories converge. The 
place where the people who shaped America’s character had their character 
But the superspooks of Skull and Bones had nothing on the all-girl break-in 
team, which managed to outwit their security, slip into the tomb and take 
pictures of each and every sacred ritual room. Including that dread enclosure 
I call the "Room With the License Plates of Many States."
I know because I once held in my hands the fruits of the all-girl break-in 
Skull and Bones raid. Yes, there came a time when I gazed at some glossy 
black-and-white prints that revealed the innermost sanctums of perhaps the 
most secrecy-shrouded interior in America, the interior of the Skull and 
Bones Tomb on the Yale campus in New Haven.
It is a space that is likely to have even more attention focused on it in the 
coming months because an initiate once again is poised to become President. 
And because of the imminent release of a film called The Skulls transparently 
based on Skull and Bones. But it was only recently that I began thinking 
about the all-girl break-in team, which was, I believe, inspired by something 
I’d written–the first and I think still the only outside investigation of 
Skull and Bones, its secrets, its legacy, its powerful subterranean influence 
on American history. 
In fact, it is my belief that the all-girl break-in team might be doing W. a 
favor by demystifying this black hole in his biography: the occult rituals he 
engaged in twice a week in the bowels of the Skull and Bones tomb in the 
crucial 21st year of his life.
In fact, if I might engage in a speculative digression about W., who was my 
college classmate, though barely known to me–I have a feeling there is a part 
of him that might secretly have approved of the all-girl break-in team’s act 
of clandestine mischief. An irreverent spirit, something I thought I glimpsed 
in a chance encounter with him and Hunter Thompson a quarter-century ago at a 
Super Bowl in Houston. 
I can’t recall who was hanging out with whom, but it was January 1974, it was 
in the atrium of the Hyatt Regency, the Super Bowl headquarters hotel (I was 
there to write about the spectacle which featured Dolphins versus Vikes that 
year) and I think it was a mutual friend, a fun-loving preppy guy I knew from 
college who also somehow knew Hunter and W. who brought us all together in a 
room in the Hyatt. I don’t remember exactly what went on, but I do remember 
coming away with a favorable impression of W.
I remember thinking he was one of the preppy types I’d always kind of liked, 
the hang-loose, good-ole-boy types, many of whom took the interregnum on 
careerism, which the war and the draft mandated as a cue to break out of the 
mold a bit, wander off the reservation, poke into the sides of life their 
trust funds otherwise might have sheltered them from. I sensed what W. liked 
about Hunter Thompson was that Hunter too was another button-down good old 
frat boy (once) who went weird but in a good-old-boy way.
This, in other words, was W. II, the kind of a guy who just might have seen 
through all the suits and trappings of moral seriousness Skull and Bones 
attempted to imbue its initiates with, one who might have seen it as a bit 
silly and pompous and who might have preferred, like some of his fellow 
preppy prince Hals, to spend time with Falstaffian misleaders of youth such 
as Mr. Thompson.
If you think of W. I as the guy who was tapped for Skull and Bones at Yale, 
W. II was a kind of counter-W. I. We know W. II was soon to be replaced, 
because he’s told us he stopped doing any Bad Things in 1974. Except liquor: 
It was then he turned into the hard-drinking W. III. To be succeeded in 1986 
when he gave up spirits as well by the solemn and preachy W. IV we have today.
My feeling is: Bring back W. II! I have a feeling W. II saw through the whole 
Skull and Bones charade, the pomposity of its ritual posturing, the 
preposterousness of its occult mumbo jumbo.
By all accounts, 

Re: [CTRL] Spectator: Pushy Dame Roughs up Senator Thurmond

2001-03-05 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Pushy Dame

Sen. Hillary Clinton is losing fans by the day on Capitol Hill
due to her performance at last Tuesday's Bush address to

According to congressional reporters, Senator Clinton pushed
fragile Republican Strom Thurmond out of the way in order to get
to the NBC New York affiliate's camera crew. "Thurmond stumbled
and nearly fell down, but Sen. Ted Kennedy grabbed hold of him,"
says one of the reporter witnesses.

Clinton has also further angered her own leadership. Her staff
presented Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle with a request that
he approve two additional positions for her office at salaries of
$85,000 or more. "She wants to hire a permanent staff pollster
and media adviser," says a source in the minority leader's
office. "She explained that they would be available to all of her
Democratic colleagues, but they would work out of her offices."

The so-called "office expenses" indicate how naive Clinton is
about real-world politics. It would be next to impossible to hire
a pollster at a salary of $85,000, let alone cover the costs of
polling out of a Senate office. "She's thinking like a first
lady, and not a freshman senator," says the Daschle aide. "But no
one has the nerve to tell her where to get off."

Best wishes

There are 4 kinds of Homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable, and praiseworthy. 
-Ambrose Bierce

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CIA using data mining to keep smart

2001-03-05 Thread William Shannon

CIA using data mining to keep smart

 By Tabassum Zakaria
March 3, 2001 7:39 AM PT

 LANGLEY, Va.--The CIA, faced with a daily avalanche of information, is using
new ``data mining'' technology to find useful nuggets within thousands of
documents and broadcasts in different languages.

The spy agency must sift through a barrage of information from both
classified and unclassified sources in varied formats such as hard text,
digital text, imagery, and audio in more than 35 languages. The Office of
Advanced Information Technology (AIT), part of the CIA's Directorate of
Science and Technology, is focused on finding solutions to the ``volume
challenge.'' ``We're not growing at a fast rate, but the amount of
information that comes into this place is growing by leaps and bounds,''
Larry Fairchild, AIT director, said in an interview this week in a basement
demonstration room at Central Intelligence Agency headquarters.

``How do we give folks technologies so that they are able to handle the big
increase in information they're going to have to deal with on a day-to-day
basis?'' he said. One computer tool called ``Oasis'' can convert audio
signals from television and radio broadcasts into text. It can distinguish
accented English for greater accuracy in the transcription, whether the
speaker is male or female, and whether one male or female voice is different
from another of the same gender. At the left of the screen of a transcribed
broadcast are labels ``Male 1,'' ``Female 1,'' ``Male 2,'' next to sentences.
If one voice is labeled with a name, the computer from then on will put that
name on anything else with that same voice. So for example if a broadcast by
Saudi-exile Osama bin Laden, whom the CIA considers a major threat to
Americans, was transcribed and labeled, every time his voice was detected the
computer would automatically label it.

Machine translator
If the machine translation appears off, the user can with a mouse click hear
the actual broadcast. For example, the demonstration showed a transcription
that read ``latest danger from hell'' but the audio said ``latest danger from
el nino.'' The computer cuts down on the time it would take a person to
transcribe a half-hour broadcast to 10 minutes from up to 90 minutes, a CIA
employee conducting the demonstration said. The CIA is planning to have Oasis
developed for different languages such as Arabic and Chinese. It also finds
similar meanings of words being searched, for example a broadcast might not
mention ``terrorism'' but might say ''car bombing,'' which the computer would
tag as ``terrorism'' so that anyone searching for that category would find
it. Currently the CIA's Foreign Broadcast Information Service is using it in
one Asian city and intends to have it in other regions such as the Middle
East this year. Another computer tool, ``FLUENT,'' enables a user to conduct
computer searches of documents that are in a language the user does not
understand.The user can put English words into the search field, such as
''nuclear weapons,'' and documents in languages such as Russian, Chinese and
Arabic pop up. The system will then translate the document and if it is seen
as useful, the analyst can send it to a human translator for more precision.
Languages that FLUENT can translate into English include Chinese, Korean,
Portuguese, Russian, Serbo-Croatian and Ukrainian. ``Data mining'' tools are
used to extract key pieces of information from a variety of intelligence
traffic such as on the flow of illegal drugs and also to keep track of
illicit financial transactions.

Analyzed documents on Iraq
Tools were developed to help CIA analysts on Iraq, who were asked to analyze
the agency's holdings on Iraqi war crime violations, about 1.2 million
documents going back to 1979. The Text Data Mining tool extracted and indexed
all words in the data so for example if an analyst was asked whether Iraq
ever used anthrax as a weapon, the analyst could open the tool and find
anthrax in the automatically generated index. That tool also counts the
frequency of word use and can handle various spellings of the same Iraqi
names or locations. There is also ``gifting technology'' which gives the
flavor of the key information of a document in a short paragraph, Fairchild
said.With the latest spy furor in the nation's capital, would any of the
tools help catch a spy? ``Yes, some of the things we're doing can,''
Fairchild said without details. ``We're looking at better technologies to put
in that area,'' he added. Another intelligence official, on condition of
anonymity, said: ``If they have this kind of technology to plumb the depths
of open sources, you can imagine what kind of technologies they have to track
down spies.''

Re: [CTRL] If Cheney dies, he's our new VP

2001-03-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

While the Constitution stipulates that if BOTH the Prez and Veep are somehow 
incapacitated that the Speaker of
the House then is the next in line, I believe that if just the Veep is incapacitated 
that the President can
appoint someone to become the new Vice President.  That's what Nixon did when Agnew 


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Spectator: Pushy Dame Roughs up Senator Thurmond

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[When she won her Senate seat I thought she would eventually fit
in, but now it seems unlikely, at best.  --MS]

Pushy Dame

Sen. Hillary Clinton is losing fans by the day on Capitol Hill
due to her performance at last Tuesday's Bush address to

According to congressional reporters, Senator Clinton pushed
fragile Republican Strom Thurmond out of the way in order to get
to the NBC New York affiliate's camera crew. "Thurmond stumbled
and nearly fell down, but Sen. Ted Kennedy grabbed hold of him,"
says one of the reporter witnesses.

Clinton has also further angered her own leadership. Her staff
presented Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle with a request that
he approve two additional positions for her office at salaries of
$85,000 or more. "She wants to hire a permanent staff pollster
and media adviser," says a source in the minority leader's
office. "She explained that they would be available to all of her
Democratic colleagues, but they would work out of her offices."

The so-called "office expenses" indicate how naive Clinton is
about real-world politics. It would be next to impossible to hire
a pollster at a salary of $85,000, let alone cover the costs of
polling out of a Senate office. "She's thinking like a first
lady, and not a freshman senator," says the Daschle aide. "But no
one has the nerve to tell her where to get off."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Did Bush camp encourage military personnel to vote after Election Day?

2001-03-05 Thread William Shannon

Did Bush camp encourage military personnel to vote after Election Day?

In an excerpt from his new book, Jake Tapper uncovers the down and dirty
partisan scuffle to win the Florida recount battle -- and the presidency.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Jake Tapper
March 5, 2001 | In the heat of last fall's historic post-election
presidential campaign, when advocates for Al Gore and George W. Bush were
navigating the swampy world of Florida election law, some of the ugliest
wrangling -- and some of the most legally debatable maneuvering on both sides
-- centered on the counting of overseas absentee ballots.
According to a knowledgeable Republican operative, the Bush camp even
discussed a strategy that, if implemented, would have broken the law:
organizing a post-election get-out-the-vote drive among overseas military
personnel who had registered to vote but had not cast ballots by Election
Bush officials did not return calls seeking comment on the report. But
according to the knowledgeable GOP source, on Saturday, Nov. 11, Bush's
political team held a 60- to 90-minute conference call for campaign
operatives scattered throughout Florida. In the course of the discussion,
they discussed having political operatives near overseas military bases
encourage soldiers who had registered to vote -- but never did -- to fill out
their ballots and send them in, more than four days after the voting
Was this plan, a blatant act of voter fraud, ever carried out? There's no
concrete proof that it was, as of today -- and if it was, whoever was
involved isn't talking. (Neither South Carolina-based strategist Warren
Tompkins, who ran Bush's absentee ballot monitoring operation, nor Bush
political director Ken Mehlman returned calls for comment.) What's not in
doubt is the crucial role the overseas military ballots -- and the vicious,
behind-the-scenes battle over whether to count them -- played in the outcome
of the Florida vote and, ultimately, the election.
Before the election, 23,246 overseas ballots were mailed out from the state
of Florida, and more than half of them -- 14,415 -- had come in by Election
Day. As of Nov. 13, Monday, Florida's 67 counties had received 446 military
overseas ballots since Nov. 8.
By Nov. 16, Thursday afternoon, that number had swelled to 2,575.
By the next day, it was 3,733.
There was certainly plenty of wrangling and duplicity on both sides when it
came to the issue of overseas absentee ballots. At a time when the Gore
team's mantra was "Count every vote," for instance, its attorneys were trying
to disqualify any ballot cast by overseas military personnel that was even
remotely questionable. And the Bush team -- worried about whether it would be
hurt by the overseas absentee ballots, thanks to the high numbers of voters
in Israel who might be energized by Joe Lieberman's presence on the ticket --
at first focused on trying to scope out and prevent possible voter fraud by
the absentees. Gore-Lieberman garnered 80 percent of the Jewish vote Nov. 7,
and estimates held that about 4,000 Florida Jews might be expected to cast
absentee ballots from the land of milk and honey.
It was clear to strategists on both sides, within days after Nov. 7, that
they needed to supplement their focus on hand recounts with a side strategy
on the overseas absentee ballots, which were due Friday, Nov. 17. The Bush
team turned to Warren Tompkins -- who had helmed Bush's nasty South Carolina
primary campaign against Arizona Sen. John McCain -- to coordinate its
strategy. Days after the election, he put together a spreadsheet on the
overseas absentee ballots, what had come in already, what had been counted,
how many had been requested, how many were still expected in and so on. The
overseas absentee ballots were likely to go their way, Tompkins told his
colleagues, but he anticipated that the Democrats wouldn't make it easy for
them to be accepted, and would challenge as many as possible.
"You're kidding me," spokeswoman Mindy Tucker said. "They can't protest."
"We think they're going to," Tompkins responded.
Tucker wanted to let the press know about this at once, but she was
overruled. Let's wait, she was told.
It was on Nov. 11 that the Bush political team organized a conference call to
discuss its absentee ballot strategy. In those first crazy days of the
post-election battle, anywhere from a dozen to 60 or so people could have
been on the call.
Many matters were attended to. The group talked about finding volunteers to
be observers in counties doing recounts. They talked about drumming up
protesters. They talked about assigning operatives to different clerks'
offices to wait for the overseas absentee ballots, and to report anything
Democrats did to challenge them. And, according to a knowledgeable Republican
source, in the course of this conversation the Bush team discussed having
political operatives abroad encourage certain soldiers who had registered to
vote -- but

[CTRL] Scientists are warned of the dark side of genomic research.

2001-03-05 Thread William Shannon


Scientists are warned of the dark side
of genomic research.

A former official in the Clinton administration says the South African 
military attempted to develop biological weapons that targeted victims based 
on their genetic makeup.
Jonathan Moreno, a biomedical ethicist at the University of Virginia (UV) in 
Charlottesville, revealed the project in a presentation at the annual meeting 
of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), which met 
the week of Feb. 19, 2001 in San Francisco. AAAS is the umbrella organization 
for the nation’s leading scientific organizations.
“Under the old apartheid government, the South African Defense Force 
conducted research for the possible development of biological agents that 
could be used against the black population,” Moreno tells POPULAR MECHANICS. 
“They were particularly interested in seeking ways to sterilize women of 
Rumors of the existence of weapons that could distinguish among individuals 
based on their DNA have circulated since the late 1970s, and had been 
repeatedly denied by the South African government. Moreno’s remarks have 
reopened the issue because of his reputation for uncovering secret government 
experiments. Prior to becoming director of the UV Center for Biomedical 
Ethics, he served on the senior staff for two Clinton administration advisory 
commissions that investigated the use of unwitting human subjects in 
radiation experiments financed by the U.S. government.
“It was during my commission work on human radiation experiments that I 
became aware of the potential threat from ethically targeted biological 
weapons,” he says. Unlike conventional biological weapons that kill by 
disabling the nervous system, Moreno believes that the genetic weapons would 
work subtly, and for this reason could strike undetected. “Genetically, 
target agents could affect the birthrates of a population, infant mortality 
rates, disease proclivity or even crop production,” he explains. “It might 
take decades to realize an attack has even occurred. By that point, a 
population of people might be seriously diminished.”
Moreno says that although the United States has signed a treaty prohibiting 
biological weapons research, it extended only to offensive weapons. He says 
that experiments that advance genetic weapons could be easily disguised as 
attempts to create defensive measures against bioweapons, or as basic medical 
Moreno suggests the imposition of criminal sentences as the best way to 
prevent scientists from working on gene-targeting weapons.

[CTRL] Swiss say no to joining the EU

2001-03-05 Thread William Shannon


Swiss say no to joining the EU  


SWITZERLAND overwhelmingly rejected early membership of the European Union by 
a margin of nearly four to one in a national referendum yesterday. Nobody had 
expected the 4.6 million eligible voters to back the “Yes to Europe” 
initiative that would have forced the Government to open immediate 
negotiations with Brussels, but nor had anyone predicted it would be defeated 
so heavily. An estimated 77 per cent, and all 26 cantons, voted no. The 
turnout was 55 per cent. The Government opposed the initiative, arguing that 
it favoured EU membership but only when the time was right. Those campaigning 
against joining the EU argued that membership would mean higher taxes and 
interest rates, heavy financial contributions and a loss of sovereignty. One 
poster showed a Swiss chicken plucked, gagged and shackled by EU handcuffs. 
Switzerland’s economy is booming and the country has recently negotiated free 
trade agreements with the EU. Christoph Blocher, leader of the Eurosceptic 
Swiss People’s Party, was jubilant. He said that the Government should drop 
EU membership plans for good. Ruedi Baumann, president of the Green Party, 
which was part of the coalition of left-wing and youth groups that collected 
the 100,000 signatures required to force the referendum, said: “It’s an 
absolutely brutal defeat.” The groups had argued that Switzerland should help 
to shape EU decisions that affect it anyway and should join before it has to 
negotiate entry with an enlarged EU of perhaps up to 25 members. A European 
Commission spokesman said: “The Swiss did not say no to Europe. They chose to 
answer the question later and this is obviously a choice that the European 
Commission respects.”

[CTRL] Mexico chooses Embraer for surveillance programme

2001-03-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Mexico chooses Embraer for surveillance programme

5 March 2001

Embraer has been awarded a contract by the Mexican Government to provide
one EMB 145 AEW&C Surveillance Aircraft and two EMB 145 MP Maritime Patrol
Aircraft. These airplanes will be integrated to a new surveillance
programme that will be implemented in Mexico.
Both aircraft versions are based on the successful ERJ 145 Regional Jet
platforms modified to incorporate advanced mission systems such as
surveillance radars and electro-optical sensors, as well as communications
and other surveillance equipment.
The EMB 145 AEW&C will be fitted with the Ericsson Erieye radar and command
and control system, while the EMB 145 MP aircraft will incorporate a
maritime radar plus other sensors. Embraer will also supply a ground
station to support the aircraft operations.
The Mexican Government order comes in addition to Embraer Special Missions
aircraft contracted
by the governments of Brazil and Greece.
"The Mexican Government Programme ... is a key milestone for Embraer's
Defense products and is a
remarkable demonstration of the company's permanent commitment to meeting
requirements with quality, mission efficiency and affordable costs
solutions," said Maur¡cio Botelho,
President and CEO of Embraer
Embraer's special missions aircraft have been ordered by the Greek Ministry
of Defense and the Brazilian Government's SIVAM Programme (Amazon
Surveillance System).

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [radtimes] # 173

2001-03-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 173

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Send $$ to RadTimes!!  -->  (See ** at end.)

--Unarmed and unsafe
--The School Of The American Empire
--Poverty Among America's Poorest Citizens Worsens
--Marines Develop a New Weapon
--U.S. Air Force Readies Cyberwar Efforts
--Making sure the laws are being followed
--Globalization foes, police clash after World Economic Forum in Cancun
--Mexican cops clash with protesters


Unarmed and unsafe

by Paul Craig Roberts
February 28, 2001

The last vestige of civilized Britain has fallen away, the unarmed British
"Bobbie." For 170 years, British police functioned without guns. Since
their founding by Sir Robert Peel in 1829, Bobbies walked their beats armed
only with their nightsticks. Until the last few years of these 17 decades,
the British public was armed. Now it is the other way around. The police
have guns, and the law-abiding public doesn't. What happened?  Britain has
the most severe "gun control" laws in the world. Not even members of the
British Olympic Shooting Team are allowed pistols. The British are reduced
to registered single- and double-barreled shotguns, and the maximum
permitted shell load is birdshot.
According to the arguments of gun-control advocates, Britain should be safe
and crime free. But, alas, violent crime and robberies have skyrocketed.
Gunfights between rival immigrant gangs caused the revolution in British
policing. In Robin Hood's Nottinghamshire, constables now patrol in pairs
armed with semi-automatic pistols.  They are backed up by armed-response
vehicles (ARVs) stocked with submachine guns.
If gun control makes society safe, why was it necessary to overthrow
British police tradition, arm police with semiautomatic weapons and provide
machinegun backup?  As a test case in gun control, Britain proves it to be
a total failure. The result is exactly the one predicted by the National
Rifle Association: "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."
In Britain, a man's home may be his castle where the king of England cannot
enter without a warrant, but robbers and rapists enter at will. It is
easier and less risky for a criminal to have his way with a victim in the
privacy of the victim's home than in public. Gun control has made home
invasion safe for criminals.
In the United States, experts have proven time and again that widespread
gun ownership is a deterrent to crime and prevents between 1 million and 3
million criminal acts each year. Gun ownership saves numerous lives and
foils large numbers of rapes and robberies. Yet, gun controllers persist in
their attempts to disarm the public.
A person can't help but wonder whether gun-control advocates are uninformed
fools or have a secret agenda. Once gun control enters politics, the lying
makes even Bill and Hillary Clinton blush. As the 20th century came to a
close, Canadian Justice Minister Allan Rock fended off criticisms of a
gun-registration bill his government was pushing by giving assurances that
"there is no reason to confiscate legally owned firearms."
Within 10 months of the minister's assurances, 553,000 legally registered
handguns were confiscated. Now, rifles and shotguns must be licensed and
registered. Having learned that the only purpose of registration is to tell
the government where the guns are, compliance has collapsed. Large numbers
of law-abiding Canadians prefer to risk five years in prison than to
register their guns.
Gun-control laws dramatically reduce public safety and turn law-abiding
citizens into law-breakers. Licensing and registration increase crime by
devoting police resources to paperwork. Gun registration databases cannot
prevent crimes or aid in their solving, because criminals do not register
their guns.
The people most dangerous to the public are not on the FBI's "Most Wanted
List." Far more dangerous to our safety than criminals are gun-control
extremists like Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., Sen.  Hillary Clinton,
D-N.Y., and Sarah Brady of Handgun Control.
These are the people who will leave us defenseless as they abrogate the
Constitution and destroy respect for law, while promising an end to "gun
The American Rifleman reports that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms (BATF) -- the guys who brought us Waco, are using intimidation and
threats to compile an illegal registry of gun owners.  BATF thumbs its nose
at federal court decisions and continues to harass legitimate gun dealers
and purchasers as if they were criminals.
We need to ask ourselves why liberals have made gun confiscati

[CTRL] Check out Cheney Taken to Hospital

2001-03-05 Thread Carl Amedio


Click here: Cheney Taken to Hospital 

[CTRL] A Look at the Indian Health Service Policy of Sterilization, 1972-1976

2001-03-05 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

A Look at the Indian Health Service Policy of Sterilization, 1972-1976

by Charles R. England


The purpose of this article is to examine the reasons for and results of the
investigations prompted by physicians, tribal leaders, and senators
concerning allegations that the Indian Health Service (IHS) was
indiscriminately sterilizing Indian women across the nation. This topic
brings up several questions of morality, ethics, and the law. These
questions cannot help but be colored by the culture and values that we are
taught. So it is from this perspective that we look at the sterilization policies
and philosophies that were at work within the IHS-PHS, Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) from 1972 to 1976. It was during
this period that the greatest number of Indian women were put under the
knife for a plethora of medical, social, and monetary reasons.

This article consists of six categories which will: explore the federal
relationship with American Indian tribes; describe personal accounts from
women who were sterilized and their attitudes toward family planning;
explicate state and federal policies regarding informed consent and
sterilization; examine the contractual relationship between IHS and private
practices; consider the U.S. General Accounting Office investigation of IHS
sterilization procedures; and examine the meaning behind the statistics of
population growth. Finally, it will analyze the historical relevance of this topic
to the model of internal colonialism under which the U.S. government

The federal trust relationship with American Indian tribes is based on
numerous treaty rights and agreements that include medical services and
physicians made available to Indians. However, there are very few
statements that mention medical services specifically; instead, there is an
implicit understanding of the trust responsibility that includes the health of
American Indians. As stated in the American Indian Policy Review
Commission's report on Indian health: ...the federal responsibility to provide
health services to Indians has its roots in the unique moral, historical, and
treaty obligations of the federal government, no court has ever ruled on the
precise nature of that legal basis nor defined the specific legal rights for
Indians created by those obligations (in American Indian Journal, 1977: 22-
23). The implied meaning of health care responsibilities is somewhat
vague, but the treaties and agreements were always meant to favor

In 1955, IHS was transferred from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the Public
Health Service (PHS). This move was made with the expectation that the
PHS could improve health care for Indians living on reservations. Even after
the transfer had taken place, the health needs of Indians were still not
adequately met. This was due to the ambiguous nature of the federal
government's responsibility to provide health care. In turn, the IHS had no
concrete goals or objectives and operated day to day with only a faint clue
as to how it should render services.

To date, an Indian client will be given services that may well vary each time
that patient walks into an IHS facility: ...the specific services available to
him will vary from day-to-day and year-to-year, depending on unpublished
discretionary decisions made by Indian Health Service officials and
commitments and conditions contained in often voluminous appropriation
hearings (American Indian Journal, 1977: 23). This quote suggests that the
IHS system is ripe for mismanagement of policies, funding, and staff
supervision. It will also come as no surprise to find that IHS has been the
subject of a number of investigations.

One of the people who initiated the government investigation into IHS
sterilization policy was Dr. Connie Uri, a Choctaw Indian physician working
at the Claremore, Oklahoma IHS facilities. Dr. Uri had noticed in the
hospital records that a large amount of sterilization surgeries had been
performed. She then conducted her own interviews with the women
involved and found that many had received the operation a day or two after
childbirth. In the month of July 1974 alone there were 48 sterilizations
performed and several hundred had already been conducted in the last two
years (Akwesasne Notes, 1974: 22).

The hospital records show that both tubal ligation and hysterectomies were
used in sterilization. Dr. Uri commented: "In normal medical practice,
hysterectomies are rare in women of child bearing age unless there is
cancer or other medical problems" (Akwesasne Notes, 1974: 22). Besides
the questionable surgery techniques being allowed to take place, there was
also the charge of harassment in obtaining consent forms.

In an incident of harassment at the Claremore facility, one woman was told
by social workers and other hospital personnel that she was a bad mother
and they would have to take away her children. They would then 

Re: [CTRL] Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a plant

2001-03-05 Thread Amelia

BB, And probably not JUST the Republicans fault but 
a member of the BUSH family!  After all, they are behind EVERYTHING!  
And they are interchangeable.  Don't you dare confuse Billie Clinton with 
that derelict brother Roger but Bush Sr. and Jr. are virtually one and the 
same.  And I know the business associates of my grandparents and great 
grandparents certainly control my thinking today!  It will just take a 
little more checking around by the Demonrats to unearth the Bush connection, 
even if it is 27 steps removed.  The old Kevin Bacon game in 
- Original Message - 
From: BB 
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a 
Hot Dog !!!  Somehow I just KNEW that 
eventually the entire monicagate 
festival would be the Republicans' fault !!! 
radman wrote: 
-Caveat Lector- 
  Online Journal - http://www.onlinejournal.com 
  03-02-01: Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a plant, and other bizarre 

Re: [CTRL] WARNING: US military developing " non-lethal weapons.

2001-03-05 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/5/01 6:39:12 AM Mountain Standard Time,

<< I'm afraid that YOU are the one who has been mis-educated by the '
 There are several good sources from that era as well as more recent ones
 which make it quite clear that Roosevelt forced the Japanese to attack us
 so that he could get us into a war.>>

During the time this was happening the general consensus of the US public was
that Japan attacked the United States.  They did not have the information
that FDR goaded Japan to instigate a war.  FDR also did not order the use of
atomic weapons against Japan ... He was dead, Truman ordered the bombing.
Nankato may have hit the nail on the head when he mentioned the revenge
factor, which may have been the real reason the bombs were dropped.

By saying the bombing was "propaganda" do you mean it was done to have other
nations fear us because we had a weapon that was more devastating than any
other nation had at the time?  This I could believe.

 > << Answer: To use domestically against civilians.>>
 > All the more reason to be armed, to protect against such tyranny and
 > governmental abuse,
 J2 wrote:
 "You are INSANE if you think you can stand up to the US Gov if it decides to
 take your guns, or anything else it wants to do to you. INSANE!"

No, not insane, I just want to protect what few rights I have left.  You
pro-confiscation people are highly misled.  What if every Jew in Germany had
been armed.  Maybe the Nazi's would have been able to round them up
eventually or kill them all while they were resisting, but the Nazi's would
have paid a price.  How about if the Russians were armed when all
anti-Communists were rounded up and sent to the Gulag to die, would 20
million have died?  And how about Red China when they rounded up their
anti-Communists and murdered 20 million or so ... had they met with 20
million armed people ready to resist things would have been much different.
Just because it hasn't happened here doesn't mean that it couldn't and some
would say it has happened before and may be happening now, especially if you
look at minorities - Indians, African-Americans, Japanese-Americans.

<< > but if you have your way we will be disarmed and
 > helpless.  You should learn that fabian socialism/communism/fascism's goals
 > includes disarming of citizens so they will be helpless against the
 > State.  Government is not your friend.  Government is raw force that needs
 > be controlled, not set free to run amuck.

 I agree 1000%. But dead gun nuts will just create another health hazard as
 lay rotting in the streets.>>

I'm not a gun nut, but I can see the writing on the wall.  I grew up in a
home that had no guns at all and I myself didn't own a gun till I was 48
years old.  I don't take it out and play with it, it is a tool, a very
dangerous tool.  Funny how the little piss-ant pro-confiscation nuts will
never define what constitutes a gun nut. When this government tries to round
me up because I'm an anticomminist/socialist/fascist I won't go like a lamb
to the slaughter.  Maybe I can only take out 2-3 of them, but if every gun
owner does the same as I do, then there won't be any left to carry out the
orders of the government elites and there will still be many gun owners left.
 Can't you see that removing guns from the public is a very high priority of
the elites.  Why else do you think they spread so much disinformation and
outright lies about guns.  Why do they insist that guns kill people and not
the people using the gun?  The gun is a tool and the person using the gun to
kill an innocent person is the criminal.  The government is so full of shit
when they talk about the right to own a gun for hunting purposes, the second
amendment was written to protect us from the tyranny of government. If you
think that all the antigun propaganda isn't full of lies and distortions you
should read the facts and not from Handgun Control Incorporated or the NRA
(themselves an anti-second amendment group).  The facts have been posted many
times on this list with data from the justice department, FBI etc. - even the
government can't hide the facts - they depend on people being too ignorant to
think for themselves and look up the data. A good rule of thumb is that if
the government wants it, you should be against it.  The propaganda is raised
every time there is a school shooting, so expect it to rise to new levels
since this newest school shooting spree in Santana high school in Santee
California.  Funny that there were very few school shootings before there
became this need to disarm (mid 1960's) law-abiding gun owners ... ever think
about that?  California has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, but
all those laws didn't prevent this kid from shooting up the high school.
Could an armed teacher have stopped this kid?  Maybe another couple of dozen
laws would have prevented this tragedy ... not hardly.



Re: [CTRL] SCHOOL SHOOTING 9:22 pst (fwd) one more thing......

2001-03-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

One thing I noticed when CCN showed the principal of the school the
reporters kept asking about "diversity" and the "percentage of Hispanics
attending the school". It seems to be, in the minds of the mass media
anyway, that any shooting of this nature is automatically considered a
hate crime till proven otherwise and that the misuse of guns is
exclusively the result of angry white males having unfettered access to

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Is it Time for Bush to Apologize for America's Arming of the Talib...

2001-03-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/05/2001 3:33:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<<   ``All officials, including the ministry of vice and virtue, have been
given the go-ahead to destroy the statues,'' the Taliban's Information
Minister Qadratullah Jamal said Thursday. ``The destruction work will be done
by any means available to them.''
   ``All the statues all over the country will be destroyed,'' he said.

 The statues mentioned in the article are statues of Buddha. One of them is
175 feet tall and one is 120 feet tall and they date back to the 3rd and 5th
century AD. UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsuura said of the planned

 ``In Afghanistan, they are destroying statues that the entire world
considers to be masterpieces,'' UNESCO Director-General Koichiro Matsuura
said. ``This iconoclastic determination shocks me.''  >>

The Taliban should not be considered Moslems, not even fundamentalist
Moslems.  Mohammad would be ashamed of them.   It is forbidden for Moslems to
create or worship idols.  They have not been given the task of destroying
historical objects of other religions.  The Taliban apparently have such a
weak faith that the very presence of idols in their territory creates an
enticement.   It is for that reason that their leader has had to order the
destruction of the statues of Buddha.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] SCHOOL SHOOTING 9:22 pst (fwd) one more thing......

2001-03-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

And while we're at it, let's see Dateline do a show on "doctor deaths"!

still waiting..

--- "Stopforth, Jamie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some Startling Statistics...
> Number of physicians in the U.S.
> 700,000
> Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year
> 120,000
> Accidental deaths per physician
> 0.171
> Number of gun owners in the U.S.
> 80,000,000
> Number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups)
> 1,500
> Accidental deaths per gun owner
> 0.188
> Therefore, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than
> gun
> owners.
> Taken from the Benton County NewsTribune on the 17th of November,
> 1999
> So, should we ban physicians?
> Jamie
> -Original Message-
> From: Tenorlove [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 2:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] SCHOOL SHOOTING 9:22 pst (fwd) one more
> thing..
> -Caveat Lector-
> Plotting Santee, CA on the map at
> http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1350.cfm and ignoring the X drawn on
> the map, one gets, skirting the perimeter of shooting sites, an
> upside
> down, rather irregular, pentagram.
> Tenorlove
> waiting with normal, un-bated breath for that show on auto deaths
> __
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> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
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> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths,
> mis-
> directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different
> groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
> and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] If Cheney dies, he's our new VP

2001-03-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-


Biography of House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert

  After having taught government and history for 16 years at
Yorkville High School in northern Illinois, J. Dennis Hastert is now
doing both as a member of the 106th Congress. Elected to the United
States House of Representatives in 1986, Hastert, who turned 57 on
January 2, 1999, represents Illinois' 14th Congressional District -- a
suburban landscape of high tech firms, small and large industrial
complexes and expansive farm land west of Chicago.

"In short, I believe all of us - regardless of party - can respect one
another, even as we fiercely disagree on particular issues."   On
January 6, 1999, Hastert had the high honor of being elected Speaker of
the House. In his acceptance speech, Hastert emphasized his commitment
to bipartisanship saying, "Solutions to problems cannot be found in a
pool of bitterness. They can be found in an environment in which we
trust one another's word; where we generate heat and passion, but where
we recognize that each member is equally important to our overall
mission of improving the life of the American people.
  In short, I believe all of us - regardless of party - can respect
one another, even as we fiercely disagree on particular issues." He
also expressed his desire to accomplish the people's business on time
by issuing a challenge to both Republicans and Democrats to either
finish the budget process as scheduled or stay in session until they
  Prior to his election as Speaker, Hastert served as Chief Deputy
Majority Whip, a leadership position he held since the 104th Congress.
In that capacity, Hastert was responsible for advancing common sense
ideas on the House floor by working with members in laying out an
achievable policy strategy, lining up support, and counting Members'
votes to ensure passage. His reputation is one of reaching across the
aisle to develop bipartisan legislation.

  He also served as Chairman of the House Government Reform and
Oversight Committee's National Security, International Affairs and
Criminal Justice Subcommittee. Hastert's subcommittee had broad
oversight responsibilities for the Departments of State, Defense and
Justice; it also oversaw the nation's War on Drugs effort. He also
served as a member of the House Commerce Committee, whose jurisdiction
includes energy policy, interstate and foreign commerce, broadcast and
telecommunications policy, food, health and drug issues.

  Hastert had been the House Republican point person on health care
reform since 1992. In that capacity, he served as the only House
Republican on Hillary Clinton's Health Care Task Force in 1993, and
then chaired the Speaker's Steering Committee on Health and the
Resource Group on Health. He helped author the health care reform bill
signed into law by President Clinton in 1996 in order to expand health
care coverage to the uninsured. In the 105th Congress, Hastert again
was tapped by the House Leadership to chair the House Working Group on
Health Care Quality. Under Hastert's leadership, the Working Group
authored the Patient Protection Act, which passed the House on July 24,
1998. The legislation protected patients and guaranteed choices so
Americans would continue having access to affordable, high-quality
health care.

  During his years in Congress, Hastert championed legislation to
reform the budget process, balance the federal budget and cut
government waste. He also led a nationwide fight to repeal the unfair
Social Security Earnings Test levied on senior citizens. He worked on
and passed legislation to reduce big government regulations in areas
such as telecommunications and trucking in order to increase
competition and consumer choice.

  Hastert is cited as a leader in cleaning up the environment, most
notably in trying to preserve groundwater standards. He successfully
worked for the removal and proper disposal of 21 million cubic feet of
low level thorium waste currently sitting in West Chicago, Illinois and
to block a proposed garbage dump that would threaten the Fox Valley's
groundwater supply.

  Hastert enjoys a strong editorial support from the newspapers in
his district and has received the "Outstanding Legislator" award by
numerous groups. He is particularly proud to have been named repeatedly
a Friend of Agriculture, Guardian of Senior Rights, and to have won in
each of his years in Congress the Golden Bulldog Award for fighting
against waste in government.

  In addition, Hastert's leadership has caught the attention of
national media outlets. In the November 21, 1998 edition of
Congressional Quarterly, the magazine cites Hastert as one of the "12
Who Made a Difference" in the 105th Congress. From health care reform
to the War on Drugs to other important initiatives, CQ wrote: "When
House Republicans needed something done, they often turned to Dennis
Hastert of Illinois…he was a

[CTRL] Two Killed, 13 Wounded In School Shooting

2001-03-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Two Killed, 13 Wounded In School Shooting
Near San Diego
Monday, March 5, 2001

A gunman opened fire at a high school near San Diego Monday morning, killing
two students and injuring 13 other people.


A 15-year-old male student has been taken into custody, according to the San
Diego County sheriff's department.

While authorities would not confirm the identity of the suspect, student
eyewitnesses at Santana High School in Santee, Calif., told Fox News the
gunman was a male freshman student.

Authorities confirmed that one student died on the scene. A second fatality,
a 15-year-old male student, died at Grossmont Hospital, hospital spokeswoman
Eileen Cornish said.

Seven victims taken to Sharp Hospital were in stable condition and had not
sustained life-threatening injuries, KGTV reported. Several of the victims
may be adult staff members.

A sheriff's deputy who was reported wounded was injured during an unrelated
incident, officials said.

San Diego County District Attorney Paul Fingst said Monday that the juvenile
suspect would most likely be tried in adult court, unless further
investigation uncovered mitigating circumstances. The suspect could face
charges of murder, assault, assault with a deadly weapon and use of a gun,
Fingst said.

Fingst said a task force comprised of personnel from the district attorney's
office, the sheriff's department, the local police and federal investigators
were in the process of interviewing "literally hundreds and hundreds" of

Another student, Josh Stevens, was reportedly taken into custody for
questioning. Stevens is not a suspect, but was reportedly told of the
shooting by the suspect. Stevens told reporters Monday that the suspect asked
him if he wanted to participate in the shooting, but then said he was only

The fatal shootings took place in the boys' restroom and on the quadrangle of
Santana High School at about 9:30 Pacific Time. Witnesses said the gunman
began shooting in the bathroom and then turned his fire onto the quadrangle.

Santana student John Schardt, 17, told KFMB that he heard shots ring out at
about 9:20 a.m. while he was in a nearby classroom, and that he took video
footage of the shooter. The police confiscated Schardt's tape.

"I looked at the kid, and he was smiling and shooting his weapon," said
Schardt. "Everyone was running away ... I saw one student go down. He was
lying in the middle of the quad."

The gunman, upon emptying his long-barreled pistol, went into the bathroom to
reload and came back out firing, according to Schardt.

Schardt did not know the gunman's name, but had seen him in school

Andrew Kaforey, a 17-year-old Santana senior, said he ran into the bathroom
with a security guard after hearing what sounded like a firecracker or a


Monday: An unidentified youth is carried on a stretcher in the wake of the
Santana High School shootings.

"He pointed the gun right at me but he didn't shoot," Kaforey said. As he and
the guard ran out, the gunman shot the guard in the back, Kaforey said.

Kaforey's 14-year-old brother, Jacob, said a boy they believe was the gunman
had talked earlier about how he owned a gun, although other students hadn't
seen the weapon. The boy also had talked about stealing a car and going to
Mexico, Jacob said.

Gunman Warned of Shooting

Students who knew the accused shooter said the teenager had bragged Sunday
night that he was planning the shooting. When they pressed him, however, he
said he was only joking.

Chris Reynolds, an adult who knows the alleged shooter, said the boy had been
talking last week about shooting people, but assured his friends and Reynolds
that he wasn't serious.

"Everybody can't believe that he actually did it," Reynolds told KGTV. "He
said he was just joking."

"I do regret that I didn't do something because I should've stepped up even
if it wasn't true and stuff to take that precaution," Reynolds said. "If
someone did die over there and stuff that's going to be haunting me for a
long time, that's going to be with me for a long time. It just hurts because
I could've maybe done something about it."

Reynolds described the shooter as the type of boy who was picked on at
school, but also that he had "a lot of friends" and a "good attitude." He
added said one of the boy's friends even checked the shooter's knapsack
Monday morning to make sure it did not contain a weapon.

Chaos and Tragedy

Student Rachelle Ackerman told reporters that about three minutes before the
bell was scheduled to ring, she heard the gunfire. "I ran into the office. I
started yelling, 'Gun! Call 911! Someone's been shot.'"

"It sounded like fireworks, or a popgun ... then you just heard people yell
'run' and I started running," said Pam Hanson, 16, a junior.

Student Alicia Zimmer saw a boy lying face down on the floor, a girl with
blood on her ar

[CTRL] Cheney hospitalized

2001-03-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-


Cheney in hospital
VP experiences chest discomfort
Vice president taken to George Washington University hospital. More
details soon.

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[CTRL] SNET: Several Reported Injured in High School Shooting (fwd)

2001-03-05 Thread William Bacon

Another intelligence agency mind control hit in order to stampede us into
further gun control

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 10:35:58 -0800
Subject: SNET: Several Reported Injured in High School Shooting

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


Local news provided by:
Metro Networks

Several Reported Injured in High School Shooting
San Diego County Sheriff's deputies are on the scene of a school
shooting at Santana High
School near Santee, California. It is believed that at least three
people have been shot and there
are reports that as many as six people may have
been shot. It is not clear whether the injured are students or teachers.
There are reports at least
one person has been arrested.

Article received on Monday, March 05 2001 at 13:15 EST

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Several Reported Injured in High School Shooting

San Diego County Sheriff's deputies are on the scene of a school shooting at Santana High School near Santee, California. It is believed that at least three people have been shot and there are reports that as many as six people may have

been shot. It is not clear whether the injured are students or teachers. There are reports at least one person has been arrested.
Article received on Monday, March 05 2001 at 13:15 EST

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Re: [CTRL] SCHOOL SHOOTING 9:22 pst (fwd) one more thing......

2001-03-05 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: RE: [CTRL] SCHOOL SHOOTING 9:22 pst (fwd) one more thing..

Some Startling Statistics...
Number of physicians in the U.S.

Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year

Accidental deaths per physician

Number of gun owners in the U.S.

Number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups)

Accidental deaths per gun owner

Therefore, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun

Taken from the Benton County NewsTribune on the 17th of November, 1999

So, should we ban physicians?


-Original Message-
From: Tenorlove [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] SCHOOL SHOOTING 9:22 pst (fwd) one more thing..

-Caveat Lector-

Plotting Santee, CA on the map at
http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1350.cfm and ignoring the X drawn on
the map, one gets, skirting the perimeter of shooting sites, an upside
down, rather irregular, pentagram.

waiting with normal, un-bated breath for that show on auto deaths

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] SCHOOL SHOOTING 9:22 pst (fwd) one more thing......

2001-03-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Plotting Santee, CA on the map at
http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1350.cfm and ignoring the X drawn on
the map, one gets, skirting the perimeter of shooting sites, an upside
down, rather irregular, pentagram.

waiting with normal, un-bated breath for that show on auto deaths

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] SCHOOL SHOOTING 9:22 pst (fwd)

2001-03-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I refer you back to this link, which went around following the
Columbine shootings.


Coincidence? Dateline NBC did a show last night on "gun deaths."
After about 30 seconds of it, I told my husband to change the channel,
that I didn't want to watch this propaganda in favor of disarming
law-abiding citizens.

I'd like to see them do a show on "automobile deaths" and make the same

not holding her breath for THAT one..

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Is it Time for Bush to Apologize for America's Arming of the Taliban and KLA?

2001-03-05 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU
Is it Time for Bush to Apologize for America's Arming of the Taliban and 
Why the Sudden Concern Over the Destruction of Religious Statues?
By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Banner of Liberty (bannerofliberty.com) 
March 2, 2001 

``All officials, including the ministry of vice and virtue, have 
  been given the go-ahead to destroy the statues,'' the Taliban's Information 
  Minister Qadratullah Jamal said Thursday. ``The destruction work will be done 
  by any means available to them.'' 
  ``All the statues all over the country will be destroyed,'' he 
The statues mentioned in the article are statues of Buddha. One of them is 
175 feet tall and one is 120 feet tall and they date back to the 3rd and 5th 
century AD. UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsuura said of the planned 
``In Afghanistan, they are destroying statues that the entire world considers 
to be masterpieces,'' UNESCO Director-General Koichiro Matsuura said. ``This 
iconoclastic determination shocks me.'' 
Considering what we have seen in Kosovo from the Kosovo Liberation Army 
fundamentalist Muslims, who also were armed and supported by the United States, 
the European Union, NAT O and the United Nations along this line, why would 
Matsuura be shocked when the Taliban follows the KLA's lead? 
The Western press has largely ignored the desecration and destruction of 
Serbian Christian Churches in Kosovo by the KLA. So, the front page reports in 
the Washington Post and New York Times of the Taliban's desecration and 
destruction of Buddhist religious statues is a most welcome surprise. 
The KLA and the Taliban have a lot in common. Both are armed fundamentalist 
Muslim fanatics determined to destroy the people and the symbols of other 
religions and both were initially armed and trained by the United States. Both 
groups were called "freedom fighters" by the West and the weapons they are using 
to kill, main religious people and destroy religious artifacts are mostly those 
they have gotten from the United States.. 
When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to give aid to the Communist 
government, the United States provided Stinger missiles to the "freedom 
fighters" and taught them how to shoot down Soviet aircraft. By 1999 left over 
Stinger missiles were being deployed to hijack an Indian Airbus as the Taliban 
demanded release of some of its terrorists. 
The Taliban's supreme leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, dismissed the West's 
concerns by saying: 

"We do not understand why everybody is so worried. All we are 
  breaking are stones." A mullah is honored in the Muslim faith as one who is 
  learned in the shari'a, the sacred law of Muslims. 
  At least the Muslims in Afghanistan are being honest about what they are 
  doing by openly admitting why they are killing, maiming and destroying all 
  that stands in their way of a purely Muslim state. In Kosovo over 100 
  Christian churches and monasteries, some dating back to the 13th and 14th 
  century, have been destroyed by the KLA terrorists we helped arm. 
  However, in both situations, the Western media has shown literally no 
  concern for the suffering of the people involved, much less the threat to 
  religious treasures. In Afghanistan, a once stable nation of 15 million people 
  has been literally destroyed with little mention in the West that six million 
  of its population were driven out as refugees. 
  Cosma Shalizi in his review of "The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan 
  Response, 1979-1982" (University of California Press, 1995), by M. Hassan 
  Kakar, (http://www.santafe.edu/~shalizi/reviews/kakar-soviet-invasion/) notes: 

  "The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in December 1979. It was 
the last hot war it would fight, and one whose failure played a leading role 
in its loss of the Cold War and disintegration. Afghanistan is infamous 
today for being in the grip of the most benighted, fanatical and misogynist 
government in the world. It was not always that way, but has become so 
through the superpowers' acts of omission and commission --- mostly 
commission. ... 
"Here we come to the sowing of the dragon's teeth. US aid to the 
mujahideen went through the CIA. The CIA passed it on to its counterpart in 
Pakistan, the ISI (which doubles as the Pakistani secret police). The ISI 
passed it on to the political parties of exiles in Peshawr, from whom, in 
turn, it finally made its way, often much-reduced, to commanders inside 
Afghanistan. The ISI, as a matter of deliberate policy, favored the most 
extreme Islamist organizations it could lay hands on, plus ethnic 
separatists --- not because it thought these groups could form a stable 
government in Afghanistan, but precisely because it hoped they could not. 
(Recall that the frontier with Afghanistan, including Peshawr, had been 
disputed since before Pakistan f

[CTRL] SCHOOL SHOOTING 9:22 pst (fwd)

2001-03-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 12:41:40 -0700
From: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: APFN Yahoogroups <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SCHOOL SHOOTING 9:22 pst


SANTEE, Calif., March 5 —   A gunman opened fire
Monday at a high school in suburban San Diego,
killing one person and injuring 14, most of them
students, fire officials and sheriff’s deputies said.
Police said they had one person, apparently a
student, in custody.




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2001-03-05 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-




Vietnam & The POW/MIAs


Part IVd

can be read at:
The Joshua Report
Michael & The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Enquirer now reporting Clinton, Denise had White House affair

2001-03-05 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/5/01 9:44:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< They didn't accuse him of being gay; they said he was a Lesbian.  If true,
need an investigation into his sex change.  It might have been done at
taxpayer expense.  He might have used Air Force I to travel to and from where
ever it was done.  There is great opportunity here for really good
investigators.  Prudy >>

Yes, we must hold hearings and investigate this This. It doesn't matter if it
is true or not, it is the seriousness of the allegation that rules.

BTW, does anybody think that Willi will look good in a dress?

Bill H

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] OS: Democrats' silence is the true shock about pardon scandal

2001-03-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/04/2001 6:05:30 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< I've never understood the Republican obsession with Bill Clinton.

 From the minute Clinton was elected president in 1992 until this
 very day, the Grand Old Party remains fixated on ruining a man
 who, if left to his own devices, shows an uncanny ability to ruin
 himself. Like Captain Ahab relentlessly pursuing the great white
 whale, the Republicans' desire to destroy Clinton became a blind
 obsession that led to the destruction of several of the party's
 own leaders. >>

Interesting posting.  A great example of damning with "feint" praise.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Drunk Like W

2001-03-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/04/2001 9:57:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Baa, Baa, Baa >>


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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Enquirer now reporting Clinton, Denise had White House affair

2001-03-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/03/2001 8:47:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< When the truth comes out about the affair between Clinton and Janet Reno
I'll be (mildly) surprised. There were some posts the other day accusing
Clinton of (of all things) Lesbianism. I think Clinton would seriously be on
the shortlist of Americans who defiantely aren't ga >>

They didn't accuse him of being gay; they said he was a Lesbian.  If true, we
need an investigation into his sex change.  It might have been done at
taxpayer expense.  He might have used Air Force I to travel to and from where
ever it was done.  There is great opportunity here for really good
investigators.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] AP: Lewinsky to do film on Clinton affair

2001-03-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/05/2001 10:28:28 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<<   THAT BOOK “captured that time for me,” she said. “The
 last couple of years have been such a time of intense growth and
 perspective for me. I want to do something that really reflects
 the way I feel now.” >>

What a hoot!  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Henry Wade of Roe vs. Wade; Ruby Prosecutor, dead at 86

2001-03-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

> http://www.latimes.com/obituary/20010302/t18629.html
> Friday, March 2, 2001
> Henry Wade; Named in Roe vs. Wade, Tried Jack Ruby
> By ELAINE WOO, Times Staff Writer
> Henry M. Wade, the legendary Texas prosecutor whose 36-year tenure as
> Dallas County district attorney placed him in the national spotlight
> during two historic moments--he was the Wade in the landmark abortion
> ruling Roe vs. Wade and he prosecuted Jack Ruby--has died.
> Wade died in Dallas on Thursday of complications from Parkinson's
> disease, according to a spokesman for his law firm, Geary, Porter &
> Donovan. He was 86.
> He was a law-and-order icon in Texas who never lost a case he
> prosecuted. He sought the death penalty 30 times and got it 29 times.
> His office reported conviction rates greater than 90%. Beleaguered
> defense attorneys banded together in a 7 Percent Club, an
> acknowledgment of their unimpressive record against the formidable
> Wade.
> By his retirement in 1986, he had served longer than any other
> district attorney in a major U.S. city. He had plenty of critics, who
> said he was overzealous in his pursuit of convictions.
> The son of a judge, Wade was a native of Rockwall, Texas, who earned
> his law degree from the University of Texas School of Law in 1938. He
> worked four years as an FBI agent, then served in the U.S. Navy during
> World War II. He joined the Dallas County prosecutor's office in 1947
> and in 1950 was elected district attorney.
> Declared Oswald Kennedy's Killer
> As chief prosecutor when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in
> Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, Wade declared Lee Harvey Oswald the killer
> within 10 hours of the shooting. He was criticized for being too hasty
> in naming Oswald as the gunman, but years later maintained his belief
> that Oswald acted alone. "I wouldn't have had any trouble convicting
> him," he said.
> Two days after the assassination, Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner,
> gunned down Oswald at point-blank range in the basement of the Dallas
> police headquarters while news cameras captured the slaying live. Wade
> led his prosecution.
> The jury returned a guilty verdict in one hour and 50 minutes and
> sentenced Ruby to death. But the conviction was overturned in 1966 by
> the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which said it was wrong to have
> held the trial in Dallas because of the intensity of feelings there
> over the assassination.
> Ruby died of cancer in 1967 while awaiting a second trial. "No
> question he had some loose cells in his brain," Wade told the New York
> Times many years later. However, he added, "I'm not inclined to feel
> sorry for any defendants in a trial."
> In 1970, Wade became the first named defendant in a lawsuit by a woman
> who had been denied an abortion. The Roe in the famous case was Norma
> McCorvey, a single, pregnant carnival worker in Dallas County whose
> lawsuit challenged the constitutionality of Texas' 100-year-old ban on
> abortions except in cases where a woman's life was in jeopardy.
> In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court cited the Constitution's implied right
> to privacy in deciding that women had a right to decide about abortion
> in the first trimester.
> Legal protocol called for Wade as top prosecutor to be named first in
> the suit, but he did not try the case himself. McCorvey finally met
> Wade in 1995, but told the Associated Press that she bore no
> resentment toward him.
> "I never considered him as an enemy," McCorvey said. "He was just
> doing his job."
> Wade was a folksy, cigar-chomping figure with an East Texas drawl whom
> Melvin Belli, Ruby's defense lawyer, once belittled as "a country
> bumpkin." He was fearless around those he considered his enemies,
> however, once labeling a judge on the state's highest criminal court
> "a mental case" after the judge reversed some convictions won by
> Wade's office.
> After retiring from the district attorney's office, Wade handled
> criminal cases for a prominent Dallas law firm, where he maintained a
> strict policy of heading home by 4 every afternoon to watch reruns of
> his favorite TV shows: "Gunsmoke" and "Bonanza."
> Case Became Subject of Film
> One of Wade's most controversial cases involved Randall Dale Adams,
> who was found guilty and sentenced to death in 1977 for the murder of
> a Dallas police officer. Adams' case became the subject of "The Thin
> Blue Line," a 1988 documentary that won acclaim as a powerful
> indictment of the Texas justice system. Adams' accuser basically
> confessed to the crime in the film, which was instrumental in winning
> Adams' freedom in 1989.
> --

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[CTRL] "Kent State" Gov. James Rhodes, dead at 91

2001-03-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

> http://www.latimes.com/obituary/20010304/tCB00V5136.html
> Sunday, March 4, 2001
> Ex-Ohio Gov. James Rhodes, 91, Dies
> COLUMBUS, Ohio--Former Gov. James A. Rhodes, whose decision to quell
> an anti-war protest by sending National Guard troops to Kent State
> University in 1970 led to four student deaths, died Sunday. He was 91.
> Rhodes, the state's only four-term governor, died at 2:45 p.m. at Ohio
> State University Medical Center from complications from an infection
> and heart failure, said David Crawford, a hospital spokesman.
> The son of a coal miner, Rhodes rose from poverty to become Columbus
> mayor when he was 33. The election marked the beginning of a political
> career that spanned nearly 50 years.
> Rhodes was credited with bringing many industries to Ohio. During his
> administrations, the state built highways, expanded the university
> system and put an airport in almost every county.
> A college dropout, he also was credited with making Ohio a leader in
> vocational education.
> But the Kent State shootings cast an indelible shadow on his career.
> On May 2, 1970, he decided to send the National Guard to Kent State,
> which, like campuses across the nation, was in turmoil over the
> incursion into Cambodia during the Vietnam War. Protesters had
> vandalized businesses in downtown Kent and the campus ROTC building
> was burned.
> On May 4, four students died and nine were wounded when troops opened
> fire. The reason behind the shootings was never fully learned.
> Lawsuits against Rhodes and other officials ended in January 1979,
> when the victims' families agreed to settlements totaling $675,000.
> Those close to him said he was saddened by the tragedy but blamed the
> turbulence of the war era and believed his action was necessary.
> Already that year there had been three riots on Ohio campuses.
> "The Kent State call came from the merchants and county commissioners
> because of the conditions that were existing the night before," Rhodes
> said years later. "You see, it was a consensus."
> In 1999, Rhodes still believed the protesters were misguided: "It was
> people who thought something was wrong with America."
> When he ran in the GOP Senate primary on May 5, 1970 -the day after
> the Kent State shootings -he lost to Robert Taft Jr., the father of
> current Gov. Bob Taft -by 6,000 votes out of about 900,000 cast.
> He made a comeback in 1974, narrowly defeating Democratic Gov. John
> Gilligan. He served two more terms, then tried another comeback in
> 1986, but lost.
> In later years, Rhodes was an Ohio presidential campaign adviser to
> Ronald Reagan and the elder George Bush, who said he helped them carry
> the state.
> Rhodes' wife, Helen, died in 1987. He is survived by two daughters.
> --

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[CTRL] Perennial presidental candidate Harold Stassen, dead at 93

2001-03-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

> http://www.latimes.com/obituary/20010304/tCB00V5187.html
> Sunday, March 4, 2001
> Ex-Minnesota Gov. Stassen Dies at 93
> BLOOMINGTON, Minn. -Perennial presidential candidate Harold E.
> Stassen, whose name became a synonym for political futility despite a
> distinguished career as a governor, diplomat and university president,
> died Sunday. He was 93.
> Stassen died of natural causes early Sunday at Friendship Village, a
> retirement community in this Minneapolis suburb where he had been
> living for the last few years, said his granddaughter, Rachel
> Stassen-Berger.
> Stassen, a liberal Republican, sought his party's nomination for the
> White House 10 times, the first in 1948 and the last in 1992.
> His later campaigns were regarded as little more than political
> curiosities, although he pushed a serious platform including global
> disarmament, national health care and full employment through public
> works projects.
> Though he had not won an election in half a century, Stassen bristled
> at being labeled a political Don Quixote.
> "I feel it's really been a winning life," he said in December 1991 as
> he filed for the 1992 New Hampshire primary. "Every one of the nine
> times there has been some solid result."
> Born April 13, 1907, on a farm near St. Paul, Stassen started his
> political career as a county prosecutor. His glory days began in 1938
> when, at age 31, he was elected to the first of three two-year terms
> as governor.
> The 1942 election was Stassen's last successful campaign.
> He resigned the governorship in April 1943, four months after
> beginning his third term, and joined the Navy, where he served in the
> Pacific as assistant chief of staff to Adm. William Halsey.
> Stassen made his first presidential bid in 1948, traveling across the
> country to seek the support of GOP convention delegates. He ran on a
> liberal platform of federal funds for housing, limited regulation of
> labor, international cooperation, and adjustment of federal taxes and
> spending to prevent boom-or-bust swings in the economy.
> But he lost the nomination to Thomas E. Dewey, who in turn was
> defeated by President Harry Truman.
> After a four-year stint as president of the University of
> Pennsylvania, Stassen again jumped into the Republican presidential
> race in 1952, facing Dwight Eisenhower and conservative Ohio Sen.
> Robert Taft. Stassen swung the convention to Eisenhower by releasing
> the Minnesota delegation to him at the end of the first ballot.
> Stassen also ran for president in 1964, 1968, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988
> and 1992. In 1992, he won one delegate in the Minnesota primary. He
> later released the delegate to vote for whomever he wished, and
> Stassen did not get any votes at the convention.
> Stassen said he regarded his campaigns as a form of expression.
> "You have to run, to be willing to put yourself on the line before you
> can be really effective," he said in a 1978 interview. "You can talk
> or write about something and it has some meaning, but to be effective
> you have to lay it on the line. It's my life."
> Said Gov. Jesse Ventura, paying tribute to Stassen on Sunday: "As
> Minnesotans, we can be proud of a statesman who never gave up his
> fight for a better state, a better country and a peaceful world."
> Stassen's wife of 70 years and childhood sweetheart, Esther, died last
> October. They had a son and a daughter, seven grandchildren and four
> great-grandchildren.
> --

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Re: [CTRL] Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a plant

2001-03-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/04/2001 3:43:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Hot Dog !!!  Somehow I just KNEW that eventually the entire monicagate

 festival would be the Republicans' fault !!! >>

Agree with you completely.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Yeltsin may have proof Monica was a plant

2001-03-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/04/2001 3:08:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< March 3, 2001-In another week of madness-GW Bush playing president before
 a joint session of Congress, Joe Lieberman drooling to meld church and
 state, and the Secret Service springing Jenna Bush's (boy?)friend from
 jail-The (London) Sunday Times reported that Boris Yeltsin claims to have
 received a report in 1996, before the world heard the name Monica
 Lewinsky, that might have thwarted Bill Clinton's impeachment.

 "Among papers on his desk in the Kremlin lay a coded report from Russian
 intelligence warning that the Republicans intended to exploit Clinton's
 notorious "penchant" for young women by planting a female "provocateur" in
 his entourage. The aim was clear, it said-to ruin Clinton's reputation and
 force him out of office," the Times reported. >>

Why doubt it?  It makes a lot of sense.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Colin Powell is Programmed Manchurian Candidate?

2001-03-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Now we see him - big stuffed shirt, talks like parrot - attempted to
outstage Bush when he accepted his new position - and now he is making
polcies on his own?

Always thought the President made the policies - evidently like a
Kissinger, Colin Powell tries to step into shoes of the masters?   Ever
see that movie The Servant?

This was coming for Powell is well trained and windbag...maybe Bush
should send him out like a Uriah to make peace in Holy Land - visit
Afganistan maybe  or Palestine?   See how other half lives?

Now we will see who is Commander in Chief.I stil wonder how that guy
got on Joint Chief of Staff?


For the story behind the story...
Sunday, March 4, 2001
Rumsfeld Last to Know About Powell Europe Policy

Already the rift between Secretary of State Colin Powell and Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is beginning to become apparent.

Last month, when Colin Powell announced that the U.S. would support
plans for an integrated European military, he did so without consulting
with Rumsfeld.

Rumsfeld was said to be fuming about the major policy move by Powell and
Condoleezza Rice, the president's National Security Adviser.
National Security insiders tell NewsMax.com that the diagreement over a
European army suggests a growing division in the Bush administration
between Powell and Rice on one hand, and Vice President Dick Cheney and
Rumsfeld on the other.

Rumsfeld has argued that any movement toward an independent European
military force could undermine NATO and should be opposed.

The French, who are not part of NATO, have been the most significant
advocates of the European force.

In early February, Rumsfeld attended a Munich conference with other NATO
national defense ministers.

At the conference he cleverly stated the Europeans were free to create
their own military, but that they should expect no support or logistical
help from NATO.

The "decoupling" of Europe from the United States has been a long-held
policy of Russia and socialists across Europe. The creation of the
military force has been viewed as key to achieving that goal.

Powell's comments in support of the European military force without
reservation were considered too enthusiastic even for the Bush White
House, sources say.

When President Bush met with British Prime Minister Tony Blair last
month, he was asked about the administration's view of such a force.

Bush couched his response by saying such a force would be a positive
development as long as it helped to strengthen NATO.
Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
Bush Administration
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Printer Friendly Version

Inside Cover Stories
 Rumsfeld Last to Know About Powell Europe Policy
 Byrd Apologizes for 'N' Word; Trashes Clinton
 Kathleen Willey: They Called Other Monicas 'Formers'
 Pardongate Perjury?
 Republicans Offer 'Regrets' to Al Sharpton
 The Jenna Bush Frat Party Photo Conspiracy
 Clinton Rediscovering Joys of Sax in Chappaqua
 Koch: I Hope They Prosecute Clinton
 McCall vs Cuomo a Conundrum for Hillary
 Denise E-mail Suggests Pardongate Quid Pro Quo
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2001-03-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So they call it Christmas Blues    Have always wondered about lack
of sunshine in these new buildings - for instance in this one State
Officer Town the windows which are many are in hallways, or in offices
of administrative directors, etc - and the the continuity in government,
the Civil Service sit in center in these horrible alcoves which  I would
find impossible to use, with  those awful lights that add 10 years to
you?   And then the air is recycled.this one floor many people were
dying from cancer, etc., and the day I visited this floor - they were
tearing cable out of the floors and or ceilings?

Is this what turned Michael Jackson pasty white?  Like warmed over
death?   Is this secret to cattle butchered out west maybae after
something more than just - well tadpoles were once put into a tank of
pineal glands taken from cows, etc., and they turned colorless - almost
clear..this is effect of melatonin, etc.

If kids were to get back into bright sunny classrooms - would they need
to take the neurotransmitter pills they would now force of them?

I wonder during a lobotomy, is the pineal glad which looks like pine
acorn - is this removed too - this is where the Indian Psychics
sometimes go through ritual to activate what is called this Third
Eyewith some people this eye opens naturally?   Like Octupus - maybe
like eye in back of head opening doors of perception but drugs enhances
this mystery of mysteries?

So John Glenn on his last space trip was to be experiment with melatonin
- suddenly before he went, it was dumped - anything I hate are these
fluoroescent lights - in fact, I am somewhat allergic to them.

So the shorter the days get, the more depressed one gets?   Maybe we
need light bults like sunshine again to brighten the spirits?

All those cattle being butchered - wonder if someone has not already got
the contracts for this myserious pineal gland - which can remove
pigmentatioan of skin?

So under subject if you pull this up more information of pineal gland -
now if Gore was on some of this stuff which I think he and Clinton both
indulged in some of these "doors of perception being opened"well the
Oracle would say yes you will win electionso like phoney prophets
always leave door open and motor running..some call this
propaganda..others call it  oracle -  soothsaying?   But drugs do
play tricks - and a dream come true - a nightmare?


Subjects > Authors > Titles > Reference > Columbia Encyclopedia
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition.  2001. pineal gland
 (pn´el) (KEY) , small organ (about the size of a pea) situated
in the brain. Long considered vestigial in humans, the structure, which
is also called the pineal body or the epiphysis, is present in most
vertebrates. It is sensitive to different levels of light and is
essential to the functioning of an animal's biological clock. In many
animals, including humans, the pineal gland synthesizes a hormone called
melatonin in periods of darkness. Melatonin synthesis is halted when
light hits the retina of the eye, sending impulses to the gland via the
optic nerve. Besides influencing daily, or circadian, rhythms such those
of as sleep and temperature, the pineal gland and melatonin appear to
direct annual rhythms and seasonal changes in animals. The pineal gland
and melatonin are now being studied for their roles in sleep,
reproduction, aging, and seasonal affective disorder. In humans the
pineal gland begins to produce melatonin at age 3 months; production
falls steadily from puberty on.

 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2001 Columbia
University Press.
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· © 2000 Bartleby.com

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[CTRL] Clinton Slowly Sinks in Sunset

2001-03-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Saturday, Mar. 3, 2001 11:25 a.m. EST
Koch: I Hope They Prosecute Clinton

Former New York City mayor and lifelong Democrat Ed Koch said Saturday
he hopes ex-President Clinton will be prosecuted if investigators turn
up evidence showing he committed crimes in Pardongate.

"How low the mighty have fallen. And he brought it on all on his own,"
Koch told Bloomberg News Radio's Wes Smith.

"What he did with the commutations and the pardons is so shocking. And
if they find a money trail, and it wouldn't shock me if they did, I hope
they can get him criminally."

Mr. Clinton along with his wife, Sen. Hillary Clinton, are currently the
subjects of a Pardongate criminal probe by U.S. Attorney for New York's
Southern District Mary Jo White.
Koch defended Clinton throughout impeachment and was one of the earliest
advocates of congressional censure as an alternative punishment.

But he has also been among the most critical of the Clintons since the
pardons-for-cash scandal erupted. Two weeks ago the former mayor said
that he hoped investigators would "leave no stone unturned" as they
probe the ex-president's pardon of fugitive billionaire Marc Rich.

The feisty Democrat, who's making a rapid recovery from a recent heart
attack, also had some surprisingly kind words for President George Bush
after his State of the Union address on Tuesday.

"It was a home run; he was magnificent," Koch told Bloomberg News. "And
what was interesting was that the Republicans and Democrats stood and
applauded him. He had an enormous number of applause lines."

While he thinks Reagan and Clinton were better speakers, Koch said,
"There is a genuineness to [Bush] that is very, very affecting in a very
positive way."

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
Clinton Scandals
Sen. Hillary Clinton
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Get NewsMax.com's new book "Bitter Legacy" FREE

Printer Friendly Version

Inside Cover Stories
 Rumsfeld Last to Know About Powell Europe Policy
 Byrd Apologizes for 'N' Word; Trashes Clinton
 Kathleen Willey: They Called Other Monicas 'Formers'
 Pardongate Perjury?
 Republicans Offer 'Regrets' to Al Sharpton
 The Jenna Bush Frat Party Photo Conspiracy
 Clinton Rediscovering Joys of Sax in Chappaqua
 Koch: I Hope They Prosecute Clinton
 McCall vs Cuomo a Conundrum for Hillary
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[CTRL] =?x-unknown?q?MSNBC=3A_Scoops=3A_An_anti-Clinton_Web_site_=5B?==?x-unknown?q?soon=5D=3B_Lewinsky=92s_diva_act?=

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Scoops: Jeannette Walls

Spinning an anti-Clinton Web site; Plus: Lewinsky’s diva act

  March 5 — More woes for the Clinton Library. The former
president’s legacy has been taking a beating lately with foes
raising questions about how his library was funded. Now, the
Scoop has learned that a decidedly anti-Clinton businessman has
secured the rights to the Web domain
 and plans to post info
about the embattled ex-president’s various scandals.

 ‘The site will be going up shortly. I’ve had [the domain] for
fifteen months. The timing is impeccable.’ — MICHAEL O’HARA -
founder of a new anti-Clinton Web site

“LET’S JUST SAY it will be an alternative to what you’ll find in
the actual Clinton Library,” chuckles Michael O’Hara, who
describes himself as a “financial consultant” and who works out
of Palm Desert, Calif.

   O’Hara insists that he is an “Independent, not a
Republican” and does not work on behalf of any Republican-backed
organization. He does say, however, that “I or one of the
corporations I work for” will fund the anti-Clinton Web site,
though he declines to name the client.

   “The site will be going up shortly,” O’Hara says. Of the
latest series of scandals, he is downright gleeful: “I’ve had
[the domain] for fifteen months. The timing is impeccable.”

Lewinsky’s diva act

   Another person who doesn’t seem able to escape the infamy
of the Clinton era is Monica Lewinsky — and some cynics are
claiming that, despite protests to the contrary, she wants
another 15 minutes of fame.

  The woman at the center of the presidential sex scandal
arrived at the launch party for a magazine “looking and acting
every inch a diva,” says one appalled source.

   Lewinsky arrived at Cipriani’s for the launch party of
Gotham magazine with four burly guys who looked like security
guards, according to eyewitnesses. “She had a flower behind an
ear a la Billie Holliday and was wearing a spangled pink bustier
and that showed off her ample bosoms,” says one source. “In a sea
of media types wearing all black, she stood out like a sore
thumb. This is from a woman who says she wants her privacy.”

   When Lewinsky tried to leave the party, however, things
got messy. “The paparazzi went insane,” says the insider. “They
broke through a barricade and surrounded her car. She couldn’t
get away. All this time has passed since the scandal, and it’s
still not easy being Monica Lewinsky.”

Jeannette Walls Delivers the Scoop appears Monday through Thursday in
MSNBC Living.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] AP: Lewinsky to do film on Clinton affair

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Lewinsky to do film on Clinton affair

Neither HBO nor Lewinsky would discuss what she’ll be paid


NEW YORK, March 5 — Monica Lewinsky has agreed to take part in an
HBO documentary about her affair with Bill Clinton and its impact
on the nation. The former White House intern told The New York
Times that the passage of time has provided her with new
perspective that would go beyond what she revealed in her
biography “Monica’s Story.”

  THAT BOOK “captured that time for me,” she said. “The
last couple of years have been such a time of intense growth and
perspective for me. I want to do something that really reflects
the way I feel now.”

   Sheila Nevins, head of HBO’s documentary unit, said she
believed there were still issues worth exploring, particularly
“why this very minor event became one of such enormous

 The documentary, which will be produced by the team that
made the HBO documentary “Juror No. 5: 58 Days of Duty on the
O.J. Simpson Civil Trial,” is expected to air next January.

   Neither HBO nor Lewinsky would discuss how much she would
be paid for her participation, the newspaper reported.

© 2001 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Clinton Now Wants To "Make Peace" In Kashmir!

2001-03-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MER Editorial:


They came to Washington -- the two-for-one power couple -- with the campaign
promise to bring health care to all Americans; they left (but Hillary is
already back on Capitol Hill) with the dangerous corporate for profit HMO's
in power and more uninsured than ever despite the economic juggernaunt.

They came to Washington promising campaign finance reform -- they left
with things worse than ever including a stain and smell from the Oval Office

And when it comes to real "peace" and world affairs, things aren't much
brighter, no matter how many times Bill Clinton utters the words "peace
process".  Behind the rhetorical smokescreen advanced arms are pouring
into the Middle East, space is about to be militarized with the Russians
and Chinese threatening to respond to America's "star wars", and ABC weapons
(Atomic, Biological, and Chemical) are proliferating propelled at last
in significant part by American hypocrisy and militarism.

And now we learn that Bill Clinton has another trip to India planned.
Supposedly he's going because of his humanitarian concern for the January
26th earthquake victims.  But as always with Clinton there are hidden agendas
and hidden money interests.  After all this is the Bill Clinton who sold
himself and the White House to the Israeli/Jewish lobby as no President
ever before -- something MER has been detailing from the start years ago
now, not just recently, and not just with the Marc Rich fiasco.

The real purpose of the upcoming Clinton visit to India it seems is to
sound out a possible mediation role for the former President in the Kashmir

According to The Sunday Times of India a few weeks ago, with his long-standing
desire to play an ongoing role in the "Peace Processes" in Northern Ireland
and the Middle East both rebuffed, it seems Bill Clinton has chosen Kashmir
to keep him in the headlines and in demand.

"I guess his only window is India where his natural charm appears to have
floored many Indians" during his March 2000 visit, an official from the
Democratic Party was quoted saying.

Well...Clinton brought the Israelis and their dually-loyal friends right
into the National Security Council, the State Department, and the Oval
Office as no other President before him.  And fronting for the Israelis
as he did, and as the key Arab regimes especially Arafat allowed him to
do, he managed to bring the whole region to the brink of war before he
left the Oval Office.

As for Northern Ireland, with the help of Clinton and George Mitchell (now
reassigned to Middle East duties himself) the Brits have managed to patch
together another convoluted and in the end chicanerous "peace process"
in this explosive area as well.
They've renamed a few things and tinkered here and there, but the British
remain in occupation of Northern Ireland as has become more evident of
late.  Like in the Middle East they've managed to create some illusions
of hope without actually ending British rule or tackling the underlying
reasons the conflict continues.  Plus of course let's not forget that it
was the British who created both the Palestine and Kashmir conflicts in
years past.

But now...looking ahead...Oh my God!  Bill Clinton is going to now get
himself involved in a Kashmir "peace process"!

Get out the hard hats, the flak jackets, and the check books.  Clinton
may not quite be a bull in the China shop.  But he sure has turned out
to be quite a hungry rat (or stinky skunk, take your pick) -- and some
of us told you that a long time ago.

MiD-EasT RealitieS  -  http://www.MiddleEast.Org
Phone:  202 362-5266
Fax:  815 366-0800

[CTRL] Fwd: 666 IMPLEMENTED: Ex. Article done by a person on this mailing list

2001-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan

The Future -
 Chips with Everything?
   [Unable to display image]
   By Nick Sandberg

So, if there really was a coherent body organising all of this, what would
their motivation be? And, where might all this be leading? The primary
motivation behind all elite activities is the desire for control. It's the
base desire to control everything . To take a vast, dynamic planet-full of
people; different races, different beliefs, different lives; and render them
into a single homogenised unit, under your central control. This is what
truly motivates the elite.

To bring about this highly negative state of affairs, the elite must be
active on two fronts simultaneously - the world outside and the world inside,
the planet and the mind.

In the 'world outside', the objective the elite are working toward is
globalisation, the creation of three vast interlocked markets centred on
America, Europe and Asia, followed by their full integration into a single
trading block. A global marketplace peopled with consumer-workers and
serviced at the lower end via third world debt.

In the 'world inside', the plan is to get all humanity microchipped. For
despite a multiplicity of control tactics currently being imposed on us;
things like mortgages, credit cards, street surveillance systems and
pharmaceutical antidepressants; people still have a basic level of personal
freedom. Though it's getting harder to do so, we can still walk out of
consumerism and embark on a new life. But if we're chipped, this won't
happen. For scientists' knowledge of neuroscience is now such that, by having
a microchip the size of a grain of rice implanted inside our body, we can be
regulated at an emotional level. By gaining control over our body's
receptor-ligand network, our emotional state can be manipulated by electrical
signals, either as a part of a chip's program or via remote signalling. Thus
creating a perfect consumer workforce. Work, buy, procreate, sleep - a life
stripped down to materialism and survival, without any unpleasant emotions to
get in the way.

So, the question for the elite is, how do they get people to get the chips
fitted? And make sure that they aren't removed? For, even though our planet
has advanced considerably along the road to becoming a world consumerist
superstate, most people are still highly resistant to the idea of having a
chip put under their skin. There is therefore a progressive strategy that
will be gradually implemented to lead us, step by step, into permitting this
nightmare future to come about.

It will unfold in three stages. First - the removal of cash. Second -the
placing of all personal and financial data on individual 'smartcards'.
Thirdly, the gradual elimination of smartcards to be replaced by personal

The only way of getting people to accept being chipped is for them to believe
it is necessary. Bank details, credit ratings, employment status and similar
information can all easily be programmed into a chip and updated via remote
signal or by passing it across a reader. Therefore, its first necessary to
render all money electronic, and to get people to carry around their personal
details on some form of 'smart card' - a credit-card sized device bearing all
the details that they need for daily transactions. Once this is achieved, any
number of problems can be
manufactured within the smartcard system such that people will need to get
the chip actually put inside their body if they are to be able to conduct
transactions safely.

Removing cash from our society. For the past twenty years we have been slowly
led towards giving up cash in favour of electronic money. And in the last ten
the heat has been turned up. The increased promotion of credit cards, phone
banking, mail order and internet shopping have all, in part, helped to bring
about a society where the need for cash transactions is greatly reduced. Yet
most people still like carrying cash. More will have to be done if cash is to
be eliminated completely.

One strategy may be the introduction of new, multinational currencies not
available as cash. The Euro, the currency for the European Union, may be such
a thing.

Another likely strategy will be the gradual implementation of 'smart
citizenship' schemes in various European cities. 'Smart citizenship' is one
of a variety of euphemisms now emerging for 'cashless society' and once one
city has been signed up, the so-called benefits will be extensively aired via
the media to encourage others to follow suit. (In April 2000 it was announced
that the UK city of Southampton will host a 'smart citizenship' scheme
commencing 2002.)

Yet another possibility, connected with 'smart citizenship', is that cash
will be removed from our society on the pretext of eliminating the illicit
drug trade. Many cities now have around 1% of their population injecting
heroin daily. (In some UK cities it is approaching 

[CTRL] FAVISH: San Diego's Medical Examiner and Vincent Foster (fwd)

2001-03-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 23:41:55 -0800
From: Allan Favish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: San Diego's Medical Examiner and Vincent Foster

San Diego's Medical Examiner, Dr. Brian Blackbourne was hired by
Ken Starr to do a report on Vincent Foster's death.  A copy of
Blackbourne's report was just released under the FOIA a few weeks
ago because of a lawsuit by Reed Irvine's Accuracy in Media, with
John Clarke representing AIM in court.

I just got my copy of the report a few days ago.  It is only
about 5 pages long.  In the report he states that he discussed
the x-rays of Foster with the autopsy doctor.  But officially,
there were no x-rays to discuss.

Go to:


Read post #1 and then read post #13 and #14.


Allan J. Favish

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Gov't/Mil Units Deploy HAARP, Other Sys's To Counteract April POLE SHIFT - MORE]

2001-03-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well more from the News Hawk - so since I was 7 or 8 I remember being
told there would be a pole shift and in Ohio we could live in a balmy
Florida type climate with Ireland Forever greenthis change or
position of the axis is nothing new - and if there is a shift as
scientists have said will over for over a 100 years of which I am aware
- such shift would probably be gradual - maybe this is the spin off?

Now we had this new stuff going up into the skies and our area was
saturated with contrails and X marks the spot - we have the heavens so
ful of space junk - like asteroids which are bound to crash someday -
real stars are fixed, I hope.

News Hawk - No Wonder - but he has turned into a Chicken Little.
Weather control has been around now prior to 60 period but was
classified in 1965.why bother with all this classification and
scorpio stuff?   Clinton gives away our secrets.

As for the FBI giving away secrets - to whom does the Director of the
FBI answer - a Russian Soviet Spy in the FBI for 16 years; and, for some
reason am I surprised?   With Freeh and Albright and Kissinger, all of
whom have broken bread with KGB- the latter being former Soviet Agent
Code Nam Bor - and then we have the Mossad tapping the lines of the
President through his prostitute?

Shh - they say these very messages I am now typing are being
MONITORED..what is the idea to having an idea or thought?   To keep
it to yourself - the FBI would do well to dump this Freeh and put a real
American in this job.used to be no bastards would be permitted in
the Temple until the 5th generation - we now have some first generation
bastards running the bomb shows (like Albright in the Balkans).

I think Night Hawk should be called Chicken Hawk for they have all come
home to roost; no mention of the enemy within - the REAL enemy

LIGHT.and they are working on a peace process in the Holy Land -
time expired on the old one - this peace process has been going on for
over 2,000 yearsbut do not hurt the oil and wine and corn (such a
thing as corn oil too)...

Idea is to laugh, drink and be merry - for tomorrow we all die anyway -
is just a matter of when.

Nostradamus bombed out again - for he said in 1666 world would end - and
to surving being called a liar and a phoney prophet and what nots,
possibly being murdered by those who gave all they had a way - he said
then 1999 the world will send.Well that magic number - 6 and an
upside 9 - it is now 2001 and I am not angry this weirdo was wrong.

Now if I were to play a role from the bible, I think I would want to
play the bright and Morning Star - the one taught not to sing out of the
wrong and same song book - the missing chord - but this Night Hawk or
Chicken Hawk sings same old tune but too often overlooks who is playing
whom and what, in the bible - the key to all secrets be they for evil or
for good.

Goodnight Hawk and watch those contrailsits open season on Chicken
Hawks coming home to roost.

And Hawk - for years we have heard about Florida and California going to
fall off face of the earth - and near me according to Edgar Cayce
settled the ancient Atlanteans.seemed more like Old Welsh to
me..Plato knew about the two streams of water, one hot and one cold
which served as an underground sea jet for the little lemmings and seals
and big turtles who all had secrets..

So the Chicken Hawk is an Old News Hawk hawking - pardon chickening the
news.for evrything old, is new again to Chcken Hawk.

Forward a message

From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba)  To:    Cc: 
Forwarded message:

Delivered-To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:    Mon, Mar 5, 2001,
8:21pm (EST+18) From:    Misty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:   
AltWritersFiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Armageddon or New
Age? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject:    Gov't/Mil
Units Deploy HAARP, Other Sys's To Counteract April POLE SHIFT - MORE]
Intel Update
Gov't/Mil Units Deploy HAARP, Other Sys's To Counteract April POLE
SHIFT; Attempt to "play God"//
-- Massively Powered-up HAARP goes haywire; rips open
ALSO: -- Sun's Life Decreased by 50% After Hit by Fed's Projectiles
A respected and credible source has relayed the following urgent
information to Top View.
Federal government-intelligence-military agencies and factions -- each
acting pretty much on their own and without any accountability to higher
authorities or much cooperation among themselves -- are deploying any
and all systems and high-level technologies available to them, in an
all-out, panicked free-for-all; in attempts to somehow or other PREVENT
what they believe is a near-CERTAIN global POLAR SHIFT, likely to occur
in mid-April of this year.
HAARP transmissions are being cranked up to previously unknown and
untested levels, along with a number of other technologies and systems;
in an effort to manipulate the earth

Re: [CTRL] WARNING: US military developing " non-lethal weapons.

2001-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Bob Stokes wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 3/3/01 9:39:01 AM Mountain Standard Time,
> << Since it is safe and rational to assume that the ONLY military which
>  used nuclear weapons to wipe out  two entire cities for the purpose
>  of propaganda does not really give a damn about human life, why are
>  they pouring so much money into non-lethal weapons.>>
> You have a very warped view of history, but maybe that's the way our Statist
> government wants people to view WWII.  Maybe they want to turn everyone into
> pacifists so we won't fight back when they try to enslave us totally.  You
> seem to forget that the Japanese wiped out Pearl Harbor and murdered
> thousands of people both military and civilian.  You seem to forget that we
> dropped leaflets on Hiroshima and Nagasaki telling the population to run for
> the hills because we were going to decimate their town if the Emperor didn't
> surrender.  You also seem to forget the military is under civilian control;
> the President ordered the bombings.  Just where do you get this hypothesis
> that the bombings of these two cities were propaganda?  It was to prevent an
> invasion of Honshu which would have resulted in millions of deaths on both
> sides.
I'm afraid that YOU are the one who has been mis-educated by the ' gubment'.
There are several good sources from that era as well as more recent ones
which make it quite clear that Roosevelt forced the Japanese to attack us
so that he could get us into a war.

> << Answer: To use domestically against civilians.>>
> All the more reason to be armed, to protect against such tyranny and
> governmental abuse,

You are INSANE if you think you can stand up to the US Gov if it decides to
take your guns, or anything else it wants to do to you. INSANE!

> but if you have your way we will be disarmed and
> helpless.  You should learn that fabian socialism/communism/fascism's goals
> includes disarming of citizens so they will be helpless against the "Mother"
> State.  Government is not your friend.  Government is raw force that needs to
> be controlled, not set free to run amuck.

I agree 1000%. But dead gun nuts will just create another health hazard as they
lay rotting in the streets.

> << Answer: To sell the technology to other countries for the same purpose. >>
> If we stop these weapons from being used successfully here, maybe other
> countries wouldn't want to buy these weapons to use against their own
> citizens.

This is a very important point. We, as American citizens can do much to
prevent the misery our economic and political systems are foisting upon the
rest of the world.


> The second amendment is the most important part of the
> Constitution for the only defense against and armed force is a bigger armed
> force and the armed citizens of this country outnumber the military in
> overwhelming numbers at this time.

Ridiculous. But Darwin has a way of dealing with people afflicted with
ideological brain damage.

> Regards,
> Bob Stokes

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] hannibal audience gets live suprise --sf gate

2001-03-05 Thread p

control? Maybe. But maybe a mind eater. This would have been well worth the 
$8-$10 ticket price.
hannibal audience gets live 
suprise --sf gate 

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