Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-18 Thread FredFredrickson

Wow! I can't believe this thread is still going! Logitech ... keep
supporting us and we'll keep supporting you!

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-17 Thread stevecross

Although I only own one I have progressed through from original
squeezebox, Boom, Duet and now touch. Well they just work and for me
music is not something I play constantly, however the squeezebox is
always there when I need it. Just like a loved  one.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-15 Thread jh901

I discovered Squeezebox back in 2008 after a few years of disinterest in
music.  One thing lead to another and then anotherand so on. 
Without SB I would have never discovered recorded music as a serious
hobby (gear, vintage CDs, etc).  I do wish that SlimDevices was around
today.  It would be interesting to see how the products would have
evolved.  Computer oriented front ends are now accepted in the hi-end
community and the future for even 16/44 has never been better.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-14 Thread raven22

I can't live without my SB's either, nor my family, we all depend on
them playing the music we like. Without hassle from cd's getting lost or

I really would like to see a new Boom.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-14 Thread Ikabob

raven22 wrote: 
  I really would like to see a new Boom.

Yes, I LOVE the Squeezes also!

We definitely need an updated BOOM! Without any new LOGITECH Squeeze
devices makes me very skeptical about how Logitech views the future of
all the Squeezebox products. I would think that some innovative new
product should be announced before the Chistmas season. 

I wrote a bug report (see signature below and sign on if you'd like) on
just this issue.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-09 Thread Nonreality

MrSinatra wrote: 
 sorry to hear that news, in all respects.
 maybe some kind soul will offer you a SB# at a discount?

Things are tough right now but who knows.  Maybe sometime I'll be able
to afford a touch if they still offer them.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-08 Thread socistep

chrisinparis wrote: 
 Great thread, I agree completely.  Will raed the rest later :)
 Like an earlier poster, I spend little enough time on my setup now
 (plugins, tags, backups), but it's still working.  Problems I encounter
 are due to my network (I think).  My SB3 was a birthday present a number
 of years back; I picked up a Radio (great sound!) after moving a couple
 of years ago.  Still want to improve my setup (separate libraries -
 actually a number of Erlend's plugins - musicip, better tags and cover
 art), hopefully my visit today will spur me on to do something.
 If Logitech did decide to stop SqueezeBoxen, I would definitely try to
 bag some stock for the future.  Haha, just remember a conversation a few
 weeks ago with someone whi is doing his best to use DLNA for all audio
 and video - I do not want to have to do that :(
 (Radio and SB3 are regularly synched to play the same music).

Its the same for me, occasional tagging when my vortexbox doesnt get it
100% right but generally server is rock steady and ripping automated

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-07 Thread chrisinparis

Great thread, I agree completely.  Will raed the rest later :)

Like an earlier poster, I spend little enough time on my setup now
(plugins, tags, backups), but it's still working.  Problems I encounter
are due to my network (I think).  My SB3 was a birthday present a number
of years back; I picked up a Radio (great sound!) after moving a couple
of years ago.  Still want to improve my setup (separate libraries -
actually a number of Erlend's plugins - musicip, better tags and cover
art), hopefully my visit today will spur me on to do something.

If Logitech did decide to stop SqueezeBoxen, I would definitely try to
bag some stock for the future.  Haha, just remember a conversation a few
weeks ago with someone whi is doing his best to use DLNA for all audio
and video - I do not want to have to do that :(

(Radio and SB3 are regularly synched to play the same music).

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-07 Thread Fahzz

If anybody is at home, the music is on. It's a simple as that.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-07 Thread Nonreality

It died a month ago and can't afford a replacement.  Been using my Ipod
classic as a make do.  Even though it only lasted 4 years or so I think
it was on of the best things I've ever owned.  I was depressed for days.
Hopefully I can figure a way to replace it.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-07 Thread MrSinatra

Nonreality wrote: 
 It died a month ago and can't afford a replacement.(medical problems) 
 Been using my Ipod classic as a make do.  Even though it only lasted 4
 years or so I think it was on of the best things I've ever owned.  I was
 depressed for days.  Hopefully I can figure a way to replace it.

sorry to hear that news, in all respects.

maybe some kind soul will offer you a SB# at a discount?

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-29 Thread jimzak

garym wrote: 
 is the free version ok or do you recommend the paid version with a few
 more options?

Free version is fine.  I bought a copy to support the author.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-27 Thread jimzak

GeeJay wrote: 
 I don't spend nearly as much time tweaking my system as I used to. I
 kinda miss it, but it's a sign that the system CAN be reliable, despite
 what an outsider may think by reading this forum. Thanks to the 3rd
 party plugins, particularly Erland's suite, I can listen to my music
 exactly how I want to. 

I just spent 3 complete days backing up my music collection which is now
a bit over 5 terrabytes.

If anyone else is in this situation running Windows, get teracopy.  It's
a tiny app that made copying large drives effortless for once.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-27 Thread garym

jimzak wrote: 
 I just spent 3 complete days backing up my music collection which is now
 a bit over 5 terrabytes.
 If anyone else is in this situation running Windows, get teracopy.  It's
 a tiny app that made copying large drives effortless for once.

is the free version ok or do you recommend the paid version with a few
more options?

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-23 Thread Clnanderson

Yeah, geez. Ever since my local radio NPR station decided to drop the
Metropolitan Opera Broadcasts back in maybe 2004 or 2005 and I found a
SB3 as the best available solution to stream the broadcast, I've been
responsible for my SB3 and two booms (would have bought another at least
if I had realized in times that Log. was dumping them a few years back.
. .sigh), and then within the extended family it's probably another 5
SB3's and 4 booms. Would probably pick up a radio or a touch, but the
silence from Log. and the gradual death of the product line is preparing
me to switch to Sonos if need be when I move to a new house (rather than
add a few more booms and touchs as I probably would if the line would
continue) and my family continually ask me about whether they can get
another boom. 

Just don't get it.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-23 Thread aubuti

GeeJay wrote: 
 I don't spend nearly as much time tweaking my system as I used to. I
 kinda miss it, but it's a sign that the system CAN be reliable, despite
 what an outsider may think by reading this forum. Thanks to the 3rd
 party plugins, particularly Erland's suite, I can listen to my music
 exactly how I want to. Even if Sonos found a way to replicate the
 experience, why would I want to spend more money to do the same thing? 
 Fortunately, I found a system that is both very flexible AND economical.
 I hope Logitech continues to support this product. It truly reawakened
 my love of music, and I am proof that digital music can be profitable to
 the industry...I wouldn't have spent nearly as much on music if
 Squeezebox hadn't come along.

My sentiments exactly. You hit every feature that matters: ease of use
(honest), expandable, flexible, economical, and I've bought much, much
more music in the six years since I bought my first SB than I did in the
20 years before.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-21 Thread socistep

I'm not as active on the forums as previously, mainly due to a young
family but I still love my Squeezebox set-up too.

Listening to it is a daily part of life, I listen to a lot of music
still and we often listen to music with our son, its always a big way
for me to unwind and put my headphones on hooked up to amp/SB Touch.

My set-up is pretty low maintenance now, I run a vortexbox server, main
elements that are important to me are dynamic playlists based on
ratings, spotify for new music and being able to auto rip/tag the cd's
when I buy them - I have automated some things on the server so that
'top rated' amp; 'recent' tracks are converted to mp3 and then auto
sent to my phone/tablet for music on the go (when not using spotify),
I'm pretty pleased that I can buy a new CD or rate some tracks and it is
on my mobile devices automatically without any manual intervention.

In terms of tagging then I will once or twice a month clean up the
'recent' and 'top rated' music so tags are spot on, generally I am going
through my collection and rating but that is slow, very rarely get the
chance to do that.

As an aside I have also recently got into movie streaming, I bought a
roku streamer and hooked it up to 'plex' which is installed on my
vortexbox, thats also been used to rip DVDs - same principles as to SB
in that space saving in not needed DVDs out and a seperate player as
well as the ease of access direct onto TV and tablets.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-21 Thread cathcam

I'll show my public love too.

I bought a Boom and sync'd it with a server running on a media center
Windows based laptop. Saw the potential for it, bought a readynas RAID
array and switched the server to there; put the SqueezePlay client on
the media center. So I have Squeezeplay in my mainroom downstairs, I
have a loft style striaght through house, no rooms downstairs just a big
open space. The mediacenter laptop is connected to a Bose Lifestle Home
Theatre System.

Next up I bought a Touch to attach to the BOSE Wave Radio in my Bedroom,
and a Radio for the guest bedroom and to become the portable with a
rechargeable battery. I use the boom in the garage where I do a lot of
my cycling sessions and weight training. I then bought a Netgear N6400
router and set-up 3-seperate wifi channels, including one dedicated to
music streaming... 

This is now my major entertainment system, I rarely watch just TV/cable.

My wants.
It would have been great to have a quality home theatre system, similar
to the Bose that would have hosted the Logitech Music Server with
extendable storage options, ie that could front-end a RAID array. This
would have significantly simplified the cabling setup.

I'd like a Touch that is waterproof and has a built in amp for
outdoor/deck use, that could be used with passive outdoor speakers.
Passive only because it reduces the complexity of set-up and cabling.

Like many others, I'd like to think there was a new boom coming which is
a radio with two spears for stereo, but also has SD card slot for local
playback. I'm not bothered by the lack of an FM radio. It would be good
if this new radio/boom had a take-away menu that you could save items
for takeaway much the same as a favorite...

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-21 Thread eganders

We love our Squeezeboxes too.  I think I've bought at least at least a
dozen of them for the house, my office and as gifts for family.  Plus
all the friends I've turned on to it, and who continue to thank me every
time they see me.  Like everyone else posting, one of the best pieces of
technology ever. And to think it was kind of a fluke that I even found
them (at a CC going out of business sale, and wondered what it could
do).  We use them every day and even all night with gentle spa / mood
music on very quietly - keeps the noise of our surroundings down and the
dogs quiet.

Whenever it comes up I still pitch the Squeezebox line to everyone, and
why not. Whether it's the superb audio quaility, the ability to play
your own collection of recordings, that you can subscribe to so many
great audio services, or that you can listen from as far as the internet
reaches, the Squeezebox ecosystem is simply amazing.  And that it runs
on Linux, that you can sync any number of squeezeboxes, together with
wired and wireless Ethernet in every unit, and even those great 3rd
party apps.  It's really the best there is.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-21 Thread GeeJay

I don't spend nearly as much time tweaking my system as I used to. I
kinda miss it, but it's a sign that the system CAN be reliable, despite
what an outsider may think by reading this forum. Thanks to the 3rd
party plugins, particularly Erland's suite, I can listen to my music
exactly how I want to. Even if Sonos found a way to replicate the
experience, why would I want to spend more money to do the same thing? 
Fortunately, I found a system that is both very flexible AND economical.

I hope Logitech continues to support this product. It truly reawakened
my love of music, and I am proof that digital music can be profitable to
the industry...I wouldn't have spent nearly as much on music if
Squeezebox hadn't come along.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-20 Thread Squeezemenicely

Well, I am an avid CD collector - still buying a lot of them and have
about 3000 of them, plus 1000 albums on my server. So my CDplayer is
still doing it's work. But, less and less.
To be honest it is just so great to be able to go through your stuff
using iPeng.

But what would happen to those rows and rows of CDboxes, I mostly have
classical and opera and they come with nice boxes and libretto's.
They are sort of my appartements decoration - I like fiddling about with
them. So now I have begun ripping all my symphonic stuff, guess what
strangely I now listen to mostly symphonic music ;-)
The SB started just for Jazz and anything modern - that I only had as
digital files - but now it is taking over more and more.

Theoretically I could rip all my music - would take for ever - and have
a lot of space. Then instead of books I could only have my kindle.
Guess my appartment would be pretty empty. I am not ready for that yet
(maybe never).
But it could still be that I rip more and more... Then the files and the
discs could still coexist, whilst my cdplayer gathers dust.
I also have books on my kindle that I have standing in my shelf -
reading on the kindle is also easier.

The only bad thing about files is the tagging, I guess I could retag
files every day till I die and they still would not be perfect ;-)

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-20 Thread Fahzz

jimzak wrote: 
 Same here.  CDs were getting pretty tedious toward the middle of the
 last decade.

The dreaded shrinking fonts phenomenon?

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-20 Thread ghostrider

Squeezemenicely wrote: 
 Guess my appartment would be pretty empty. I am not ready for that yet
 (maybe never).
Get an aquarium.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-20 Thread garym

ghostrider wrote: 
 Get an aquarium.

or a wife. Mine's never been happier since my thousands of CDs are
out-of-sight in back room filing cabinets (no cases, just the  CDs and
front/back matter in jewel sleeves)

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-20 Thread Squeezemenicely

garym wrote: 
 Mine's never been happier since my thousands of CDs are out-of-sight in
 back room filing cabinets 

Oh no, I could not do that - definitely not ready to put my CDs away.
Still hunting first release box sets via Amazon and Ebay, because the
rereleases do not have the boxes and booklets. So giving up on physical
media is not gonna happen soon. Guess I am also a collector, not just a
But obviously I have had wonderful nagging comments from my better half
at home... Slowly but surely all my music will be digitized, ripping all
those discs will take a while, having all my music available in every
room and also on the road is a very exciting thought.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-20 Thread garym

Squeezemenicely wrote: 
 Oh no, I could not do that - definitely not ready to put my CDs away.
 Still hunting first release box sets via Amazon and Ebay, because the
 rereleases do not have the boxes and booklets. So giving up on physical
 media is not gonna happen soon. Guess I am also a collector, not just a
 But obviously I have had wonderful nagging comments from my better half
 at home... Slowly but surely all my music will be digitized, ripping all
 those discs will take a while, having all my music available in every
 room and also on the road is a very exciting thought.

oh, believe me, I'm a collector too. Thus the about 10,000 CDs (and
my wife saying don't you already have several versions of that song? and
what is this 70 disk Complete Grateful Dead 1972 Europe Tourhow much
more do you need).  Of course I always read the booklets, etc., but
now I find myself spending more time reading the wiki on an artist and
album that often provides more info than the liner notes/booklet. And I
can do this right from my ipad running iPengHD or SqueezePad with a
click or two while playing the album

If I was starting over, I might actually scan the entire booklet to have
that digitally as well...maybe in retirement (although I'm hoping that
someone out there creates a nice database of downloadable album booklets
like they've done for cover art). Then again, I can still open the
filing cabinets, pull out the CD (from the alphabetically organized
disks) and read the booklets if so desired.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-20 Thread Squeezemenicely

garym wrote: 
 :  p.s. It is also very nice that I have my complete collection playable
 at home, at the weekend place, and at the office, not to mention the
 ability to load up tons of it to take with me on trips via

Yes, that is definitely a great advantage! Guess I will have a dual
system for now, with my discs staying in the shelves and copies on the
server. Should we move one day, I might put my discs in a storage space
tucked away - but I am not ready for that yet.
Guess I am a bit oldfashioned.
Already streaming via internet using iPeng and the bluetouth miniboom
when I am in a hotel and that is really cool.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-20 Thread mps

I got a squeezebox without doing much research and feel incredibly lucky
that it turned out to be exactly the right choice. For me, the
third-party software allows me to create a completely customized
listening experience. I've even programmed in my 3-year project of
listening to all my music in alphabetical order (including writing SQL
for playlists). For my family, whose listening habits are less
rigorous than mine, they've never had any problems using the
Squeezebox to browse/play/stream whatever they want out of the box. I
don't know what we'd do without squeezeboxes.


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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-19 Thread jimzak

Same here.  CDs were getting pretty tedious toward the middle of the
last decade.  Despite my huge collection, I wasn't listening to much

Fast forward to 2009, when I decided it was time to take the music
server plunge for so many reasons: multiple room coverage, easy access,

While it has not been without it's temporary pitfalls, the experience
with SB has been wonderful: I have listened to almost 30,000 files a
year since then and enjoyed the process of building the system with the
help of this online community.

I can't wait for whatever the future of SB is, even if it's just using
the players I have now.

PS SB Booms are going for $450-600 USD on eBay.


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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-18 Thread Squeezemenicely

Ok, just added a SB Radio to my collection. I really hope that Logitech
will continue the SB line.
It is such a great product. 

I definitely listen to more music than before - and my CD player is
definitely getting jealous, since the SBs are getting so much more

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-18 Thread maggior

Squeezemenicely wrote: 
 I definitely listen to more music than before - and my CD player is
 getting jealous, since the SBs are getting so much more attention.

My CD players are suffering from complete neglect.  They could get up
and walk out and I wouldn't even notice.  Don't think they'd be too
happy about that :-).

Seriously, I haven't listened to a CD since I have my squeezeboxes.  My
CD players are still in my systems only because it would be extra work
to disconnect them and take them out.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-18 Thread Mushroom_3

Like all the posters above, my life has been transformed by the
Squeezebox system since 2006 and my first SB3 (now used by my son). I
bought another (now in the loft as a spare), then a Boom (in use) and a
Duet (now used by my brother and not missed!). I also have 3 Touch's and
2 Radio's in constant use. I must point out that I would not have so
many if it wasn't for Triode's BBC and  iPlayer plugins - I hope
Logitech appreciate his efforts as much as some of us do.

Apart from my computer's DVD drive, I don't have a CD player anymore.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-08 Thread Shredder

I love these products. I own 3 SB3s and a Transporter. I will soon be
buying a Touch and will certainly be excited by any new products.
Please do not drop these products (I can't imagine you would, but many
on the forums are nervous).


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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-08 Thread your momo

I can also add my voice here, SB just changed my life six years ago. I
had a hard start with the server, as a complete newbee in network, but
the music love was stronger. In the mean time I listened all of them an
appreciate the quality of each. Today lineup is thin as never, but I
look positively toward a bright futur...

your momo

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-07 Thread GeeJay

I share the love. The Squeezebox line has allowed me to rediscover my
passion for music I lost somewhere in early adulthood. I have spent
more money on music in the last 5 years than I did in the previous 20,
counter to what is happening to the industry in general. I hope
Logitech stays committed to the line, because I fear any alternative
will just be a dumbed-down one-trick pony compared to what I've
experienced with Squeezebox.


2-SB3s, 1-Duet, 1-Touch...and an iPeng convert.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-05 Thread JonWill

Just felt I should add my love... Used from the moment we wake up to the
moment we go to sleep - loved by the children (and used by the 5 year
old up) - they have totally transformed my relationship with music.

After becoming a grown up I lost the space for music in my life which
I have only just rediscovered... and am now spending more time and money
on it!


Main system: SB Touch, Arcam A85, Mission 733i speakers 
SB Classic into old JVC microsystem (next thing on list to upgrade!)
SB Boom, Logitech Z4 subwoofer
SB Radio
LMS 7.7.1 running on WHS 2011 on a HP Prolaint Microserver
Squeeze Commander on Samsung Galaxy S2

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-05 Thread kc5f

And yet another...  I think the poster who mentioned being addicted to
them had it spot on.  I use mine all the time, too, and am constantly
showing them off to other folks who never knew things like this
existed.  I've reached my limit of units for the house, but if a
replacement for the Boom ever comes out I don't think it will take long
to find an excuse to need another!


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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-05 Thread RonM

Count me in, too.

I had long pined for a way to play digitized music through my stereo
system, other than by burning CDs.  I stumbled upon the Duet somewhere,
and the rest all followed.

Original Duet replaced by a Transporter sourced on eBay, with that Duet
in storage pending future need.  Second Duet services music needs on the
home theater system. Two Booms in active use in various places, usually
outside on the verandah and my home office.  A third is in storage
against future needs, bought from the UK with a European plug (I'm in
Canada), when another Boom dies, I will use its plug).

I bought a spare Controller when Logitech Canada sold them cheap
(against future needs again), but often find myself using the app for
the BlackBerry playbook to control the system.

I love this system, and can't imagine my musical life without it. Or
something similar. 

Am writing this on vacation in Belize, sitting on my deck watching the
Caribbean and the light rain, listening to music on my Boom, run
through a direct wifi connection to my netbook (what win7 calls an ad
hoc connection), which contains my entire music collection converted
to high end mp3s from lossless.  



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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-04 Thread Benefactor

My wife and I are addicted to our squeezeboxes.

They've completely changed the way we enjoy music.

Squeezeboxes are easily the best money spent on home entertainment
ever, and that is coming from a technology-geek who has purchased
countless electronic toys and gizmos (also a lot of high-end audio
gear) over the years.

Nothing else to add...I just wanted to be part of this thread in some


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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-04 Thread bluegaspode

The Squeezebox obviously caught me as well.

I originally had to choose between Logitech Squeezebox and Philips
Streamium. And I did the right choice. 

I started with a Duet and soon discovered that the Duet Controller runs
a Linux and was programmable. Hey - so I started to hack it and the
Headphone Switcher + Weather Forecast Applets soon saw the light.

I the meantime the Radio was announced  and it took it's place in the
bedroom while a Boom sneaked into my home office.

Obviously the iPad came along my way and wanting to improve my
Squeezebox experience my first (and still last iPad) App saw the light.
Wow more than a year has passed since and I don't know anymore how Radio
#2 and #3 made it into kitchen and bathroom :)

As I'm moving now into a new flat there will be one new spare room ...
guess what will be one of the first new items to be bought only for
this room!


Did you know: *'SqueezePlayer' (* will stream all
your music to your Android device. Take your music everywhere!
Remote Control + Streaming to your iPad? *'Squeezebox + iPad =
SqueezePad ' (*
Want to see a Weather Forecast on your Radio/Touch/Controller ? = why
not try my 'Weather Forecast Applet'
Want to use the Headphones with your Controller ? = why not try my
'Headphone Switcher Applet'

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-04 Thread pablolie

i do very much hope Logitech keeps evolving the concept - think slim,
think audio quality as a huge priority. 

there are shortcomings with the user interface, which puts basic and
rigid data first; and interaction with and dynamic management of music
not quite so. 

but i can't see another product i could use to replace my SB, and i
think it'd be tragically silly of Logitech to abandon or reinvent the
concept against some other flawed premise (such as the revue, which i
bought and gave away).


Server: MiniITX build w/Intel DH61DL  i3-2100T - Ubuntu 11.04 - SBS
Sources: SB3 (3), SB Boom (3), Touch (1), Duet (1), Radio (1),
Accuphase DP65v CD (used as DAC for SB3 mostly)
Amplifiers: Accuphase E306v - Creek OBH21/22
Loudspeakers: Ceeroy 3-way tower (tuned) - Audioengine 5/S8 - Acoustic
Energy Aego M
Headphones: Grado SR-1

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-03 Thread Eliot Rosewater


Go to the blog post
that Wigster posted and put your OP in a comment to the blog post. 
Can't hurt to have the Logitech marketing people read what you posted.

Eliot Rosewater

Players: Squeezebox 3, Duet, Touch
Hi-Fi  : BW CM-8, Cambridge Audio Azur 540A, Cambridge Audio DacMagic

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-03 Thread dennis55

great to hear that we're all still enjoying the music via our varied

look at my sig and it tells the rid of a lot of my Linn gear
including a fine Ikemi cd spinner for the Transporter which was/is an
inspired creation by Slim Devices team.

we musn't forget all the folks who continue to improve our enjoyment of
the system like Triode and Erlandthe BBCIPLAYER is my most used
app for catching up on BBCR4,BBCR3 and BBC4XTRA.




Slim Devices/Logitech Transporter
Bonnec Audiosysteme Timpano Preamplifier
Linn Products Akurate C4200 Amplifier (4x 200w)
Totem Acoustics Forest (Biwired/Amped)
SqueezeBox Radio 
Duet Controller
SqueezeBoxserver on SheevaPlug
SqueezeCommander on Samsung Galaxy S2

Linn LP12/Cirkus/Ekos2/Dynavector DV17D2/Linn Linto/Linn Lingo1

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[slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread FredFredrickson

Since logitech has been pretty quiet as of late regarding whether or not
new squeezeboxes will happen, I wanted to help make sure any scouts
looking here-

I am a squeezebox fanatic. I have a Touch, controller, two receivers,
and a radio. I am in love with them. If one dies I will need another. I
will continue buying these devices until the day that I die. I use the
radio for grilling outdoors. I use the duet to impress dates and make
parties happen. 

EVERY SINGLE GET TOGETHER AT MY HOUSE starts with somebody looking for
the latest stuff on rhapsody to get the party started. 

I shower with the music from a receiver in my bathroom.

I cook with music from the reciever in my kitchen

I sleep with the touch playing by my bed.

There is no single group of products that I use more than my
squeezeboxen. They are part of my identity. Keep the love flowing.


Get your news and stock updates right here: 'Squeezebox Updates'

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread maggior

I am of the same sentiment.  My family loves them too.  If something
isn't right (server not working, rhapsody not working, etc.), I'll get
a call at work from my wife asking how to fix it.  

Ours are in constant use.  In the evening while my wife watches TV, I
sit in my man chair and listen to music on an SB3.  2 of my kids have
their bedtime playlist that they listen to every night on their Booms
as they go to sleep.  I listen to my SB3 on my bedside table going to
sleep.  On the weekends, the Touch in the family room sees a lot of
use.  Anytime something is going on in the kitchen, the Duet is on.

We'be become so dependent on this setup that if Squeezeboxes went away,
I would HAVE to find an alternate solution.  In our house, no
squeezeboxes would be like not having TV - unacceptable!


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch, iPeng on iPod
Touch, SqueezeCommander on Xoom.  SuSE 11.0 Server running
SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.5, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 37,509 songs, 2,934 albums, 515 artists.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread jp73

For me the same

Got a transporter on my main stereo in the living room, got a
Squeezebox boom in the kitchen that plays most of the day.
For my 3 daughters I bought a set as well, I think it is future proof
they will love them when they get a bit older. (they are only 3,5 and
7) The 7 year old can now read so she plays her own stuff.

I just both 2 of the last booms I could find on a sale to make sure
everyone will have the same system. The oldest one has a classic
connected to a set Harman Kardon soundsticks II. Thats a pretty nice
set for a bedroom.

I work away from home so in my shared apartment I got a classic
connected to the stereo and I can listen to my local radio station
(work and home is 1000 km apart), also I can stream all the music on my
server via the internet to my Squeezebox classic abroad.

Now I'm looking to get another set for the kitchen in my apartment and
I'm negotiating with a quy who has a brand-new Squeezebox Classic in a
sealed box (he wants too much for it).

Last week I saw that all the Controllers are being dumped, bought one
and really liked it, as did my 7 year old. Since she doesn't have a
smartphone I guessed a controller would be really nice for the kids so
I bought another 4. Three for the kids so they will have one each and
one to take away to the apartment. Now I only have to see to get it to
work via the internet with my server.

So a very happy user :-)


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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread Soulkeeper

The moment I saw a SB3 at a friend's place, in 2009, I knew that this
was it. This was the solution that I dreamt about in the 1990s, but
eventually pushed to the back of my mind because I thought nobody else
was interested, and that it wouldn't become a reality in my lifetime. 

I was astounded by the elegance of the UI, how well engineered the
whole thing was, and that it wasn't a cheapo low-end plastic gizmo from
Hong Kong, and that it wasn't an unreasonably expensive steel brick
weighing 20 pounds. Small, elegant, and there it sat between two
Magnepans, sounding great. I was sold.

I had a hard time figuring out what model to buy, what suited my needs.
The marketing information was confusing as heck. It was almost like
Logitech wanted to dazzle potential customers until they gave up. But
my mind was made up. I ended up with a Duet, pretty much at random. I
figured that as long as it didn't have speakers, it would probably suit
my needs. Which was about right. The Controller, despite all its awkward
neither-fish-nor-fowl-ness, melted my heart with its undocumented geek
port and IR transmitter. I played around with using it as a second
player instead of a remote, but never found a comfortable use for it.

Then I found a second hand Boom for $180. So I sold sold my Tivoli
model 3 bedside radio for $180, and put the boom in its place. The
sound quality was superior, and now I could wake up to my own music
instead of irritating garbage pop on the radio. Plus, I suddenly had a
wealth of radio stations to choose from, some of them actually not that
bad. And I could leave the Controller in the cradle, to serve its
intended purpose for pausing and changing volume, and to be available
when my SO or guests wanted to browse my music collection.

Two Radios and a Touch later, and the house is full of music. I sort of
want one more Touch for my headphone setup at the office, but my USB
soundcard is more practical when I'm sitting by the computer anyway, so
I can't allow myself that expense. Since there's no room for more
squeezeboxes in my life atm, I'm content with evangelizing to my
friends. I'm certain that I'm starting to drive some of them crazy by
now. ;)


'Bug 17797: Updating'

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread garym

Agree. Our many SB's (see sig) are part of our daily life and in use
much more than our TVs.


*Location 1:* VB Appliance 6TB (1.10)  LMS 7.7.1  Transporter, Touch,
Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Location 2:* VB Appliance 3TB (2.0)  LMS 7.7.1  Touch  Benchmark
DAC I, Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64)  LMS 7.7.1  SqueezePlay
Retired: SB3, Duet Receiver
Controllers: iPhone (iPeng), iPad (iPengHD  SqueezePad), CONTROLLER,
or SqueezePlay 7.7 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Additional Tagging - mp3tag

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread Ikabob

FredFredrickson;693617 Wrote: 
 Since logitech has been pretty quiet as of late regarding whether or not
 new squeezeboxes will happen, I wanted to help make sure any scouts
 looking here-
 I am a squeezebox fanatic. I have a Touch, controller, two receivers,
 and a radio. I am in love with them. If one dies I will need another. I
 will continue buying these devices until the day that I die. I use the
 radio for grilling outdoors. I use the duet to impress dates and make
 parties happen. 
 EVERY SINGLE GET TOGETHER AT MY HOUSE starts with somebody looking for
 the latest stuff on rhapsody to get the party started. 
 I shower with the music from a receiver in my bathroom.
 I cook with music from the reciever in my kitchen
 I sleep with the touch playing by my bed.
 There is no single group of products that I use more than my
 squeezeboxen. They are part of my identity. Keep the love flowing.
 I talk about squeezeboxes to everybody I know. I've helped a few people
 I know make the purchases. I will continue to do so.

I feel EXACTLY the same as the above posters. I am CRAZY-IN-LOVE with
the Squeezeboxen also! I am obsessed with them. I have had moments and
feelings just like Fred (above) and I have posted similar comments in
many of my previous threads. I am so glad to see that I am not the only
one who feels this way and also, my wife will be relieved knowing that
there are others out there just like me! Thank you so much!



Check out BUG:  Bug 17805  A VOID:Need an SB BOOM
Squeezebox Touch w/SBS; SAE Amplifier;Marantz Pre-amp;ESS Heil
Speakers(main listening speakers plus various additional speakers). 
Multiple players: SqueezeBooms,SqueezeRadios; SB3;
Services:Slacker;; MOG;;
Ipeng remote controller.

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread MrSinatra

i like my SBs, but i don't love them.  still too much clunkyness, too
many unresolved but basic bugs.

still, the #1 reason i got a SB, high audio quality, still exists, and
so i am grateful for that.

sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.7.2b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 55k+ mp3/flac
::VOTE FOR 'BUG 15604'

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread ajkidle

FredFredrickson;693617 Wrote: 
 I use the radio for grilling outdoors.

My radio never gets hot enough to use for grilling, but when used as
music players, I agree with your post whole-heartedly.  

I own more Squeezeboxes than I can justify given the size and layout of
my house -- and yet I still keep an eye out for good deals on yet
another SB.  And don't get me started on the prospect of a Boom 2.


squeezeboxen: 2x sbr, sb3, 2x boom, 2x radio, ipeng
controlled by: iphone 4 running ipeng
server: msi nettop 100 running vortexbox 2.0, lms 7.7
network: att u-verse, apple time capsule a1409, 5 netgear powerline
av200 adapters
music sources: local flacs, rhapsody, pandora

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread jazzcat

I started out with a Touch, then added a Radio, and then yet another
I love these gadgets and use them everyday. (Helped me ditch XM/Sirius
which has gone straight to the sewer since the merger.)
And btw...all my SB products have been bug free and totally stable. 
Sincere thanks to SB folks at Logitech.


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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread JeffHart

I'll admit to being a fanboy as well.  I've always had music going 95%
of the time I'm awake and not on the phone or watching a movie; the
Squeezeboxen have made it much easier.  I can either sync up a number
of rooms if I'm moving about or use Other Players to have my setlist
follow me around.

Used Spotify and the kitchen Boom to check out Fanfarlo this morning
(there was an article in the paper) then listened to the Avant Garde
Jazz / Free Jazz Pandora channel, then back to Spotify to see if they
had Mike Stern - he's playing in the area this weekend and wanted to
see if my wife would be interested in going.

Currently listening in my office with a receiver hooked up to an
ancient NEC AVR-710 hooked up to some  book shelf speakers to my
collection on random - it's a bit eclectic.  

Gave my brother a Touch for the holidays and a Spotify subscription for
his birthday since he enjoys the system when he visits.


You know, I'm all for progress. It's change I object to.
Mark Twain

5 Receivers, 1 Boom, 1 Radio, 1 Controller, 1 iPhone w/iPeng 
Squeezebox Apps

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread ChristianST



* Squeezebox Duet * Squeezebox Boom * Squeezebox Radio * Ready NAS NV+ *
Softsqueeze *

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread gruntwolla

+ 1 on all the above. I often get the house to myself during the day,so
although I have no excuse for not doing my share of the housework, the
chores are a lot less mundane when I synchronise a couple of
Squeezeboxes and play some loud jazz/rock. 

Combine that with the ability to play almost anything on demand,to
be able to experiment with new music,to be able to sit in my favourite
chair and within seconds be playing anything from my own collection,to
witness my 9 year old son berating his Mum for watching too much TV,
and not listening to enough music, and finally how good parties are
with Squeezeboxen.

Love is perhaps too strong an emotion, but Squeezeboxes are for me the
best and most used gadget I have ever bought.


Debian sheeva plug running sbs 7.5.4
SB3 + my hifi
Duet + AE5's
2 Booms
1 Radio
Squeezecommander on htc desire
ipeng on wifes iphone

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread Grumpy Bob

Agree with OP. I started with an SB3 after reading a review in Linux
Format.  Since then my listening has been almost exclusively digital. 
I have even digitised the majority of my LP collection.  Now I have (as
well as the SB3) two Radios and listen via software emulators on two
computers and via Squeezepad and iPeng on the iPad. Squeezepad is
particularly fun for guests to browse the music collection.
I now run LMS 7.7.1 on a QNAP NAS. I've never had issues with SBS in
its various versions, other than alarms on the SBR defaulting to disco.
All is excellent on LMS 7.7.1.
Will soon buy a Touch, I think.

Grumpy Bob

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-03-02 Thread trotsky10


Nice to see some appreciation rather than just problems on a forum.

Have  had the original SB3 since 2006 and still love it.  The
squeezebox radio is in the bedroom but gets carried to the kitchen and
garden when needed for dinners or bbq.

I couldn't live without them!


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