Acrobat and Flash (was: Release Date for ...)

2006-05-18 Thread Shlomo Perets

You wrote:

>I tried to take a look at this example, but I got an error message saying:
>"Requested file not found. The link you followed may be outdated or 
>inaccurate." ;-(

Did you click the [SWF] link at the bottom right corner in
It points to the following file: and I have just double-checked 
that it is accessible, both from within the PDF as well as directly.
(as I mentioned, some of the other web links may not be accessible)

You may try and add a Flash file available locally to a PDF using Acrobat 
Professional 6 or 7 (link or embed).

Shlomo Perets

Training, consulting & add-ons: FrameMaker, Structured FM and Acrobat

figure titles in webworks

2006-05-18 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
Hi Lilah,

On 5/18/06, Lilah Johnson  wrote:
> Hi Bodvar-
> Actually, this is the code generated by WebWorks, and it is supposed to be 
> simple

I was afraid sol

> I did not personally write the HTML.  I am sure I could tweak the HTML as you 
> suggested (and thanks so much for the careful analysis!), but I wanted to 
> change the WebWorks configuration so that it does not do this every time I 
> generate help. I want to be able to use WebWorks without having to change all 
> the HTML code if possible. Does anyone have a suggestion for why WebWorks is 
> structuring my HTML in this way? I am guessing the problem arises because the 
> figure is autonumbered, and WebWorks seems to be using different settings for 
> the figure title and the figure number (as you explained below). I would 
> assume that WebWorks would be smart enough to apply the same settings to the 
> figure title and figure number? Is it possible that WW is picking up some 
> setting from Frame?
> Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
> Thanks!

Well, as I said before, I am not into WW yet, but there must be
someone on the list that can help. :-)

BTW, thanks to Sean for his reply here to me. From his reply I am
fairly optimistic that redundancy in coding can be made using a proper
set of rules.

And now as the Eurovision Song Contest semifinals are starting in less
than three hours:
Go go, Silvia Night!


Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread

Excellent post Dan. Your post was exactly what I wanted (but was too lazy)
to post as soon as I saw the original post about numbering.

Far too often I see "technical" writers complaining about layout, format,
or organisation because they simply "don't like it" or "it doesn't look
right". And then justifying their whole scale design changes on their
limited exposure to one limited field of techwriting and techwriters.

Anyone who will redesign a document or glibly dismiss existing standards
or traditions simply for what "looks better" without researching the issue
and reasons for the style or getting solid evidence the current usage
either hinders production or user understanding without providing benefits
to at least a subset of users doesn't really deserve the title of
"technical" IMO.

While technical documents need not forgo good design, they should not
forgo function for the sake of design.

Reluctantly submitting to the style guide and complaining it's only
"because the engineers want it that way" is little better. As technical
writers, we owe it to our audiences to understand their needs and
requirements as well as the technical information we are trying to convey.

Sometimes too, it requires the humility to understand that the
system/layout you don't like may have no logical or relevant reason behind
it, but not liking it is just as baseless a decision. In the event of
conflicting arbitrary decisions, continuing with the current standard for
consistency is usually the way to go. So, if you want to make a change,
you need not prove the previous method wrong, but prove the new method

Daniel Emory wrote on 05/17/2006 10:36:11 PM:
> Even relatively simple on-line help docs should have
> some sort of numbering scheme. Typically, users who
> can't figure out something from the on-line help will
> resort to a customer help line or in-house expert. If
> the user can give the help specialist the number of
> the particular on-line help content where the user is
> stuck, ambiguity is eliminated, a successful
> resolution of the problem is more likely, and the time
> to arrive at the correct solution is likely to be
> minimized.

Too true. If the numbers wouldn't describe structure, even a random number
(the internal help topic number?) that could be made visible would make
referencing, commenting, and updating the system much simpler.

Or, in my experience, the user may be able to stop travelling a circular
path of references a little sooner if the organisational structure of the
help file was more apparent. Perhaps the numbering may even avoid
confusion between two similar yet subtly different topics.

Eric L. Dunn
Senior Technical Writer


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(See attached file: C.htm)
-- next part ------
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...
Name: C.htm

Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread
I'm not familiar with versions of FM help prior to vers. 7, which I am 
using. That, I can agree wholeheartedly, sucks.

As a self-taught FM user, it takes hours, literally hours to figure out 
some new operation or feature in Framemaker. Operations/features, I might 
add, that were pretty much intuitive in Pagemaker or Quark. If you're 
going to have a user-hostile interface, at least have some decent 
documentation. Most of the hours I spend trying to figure things out are 
spent searching forums on the Web.

However, doing decent documentation costs money. Adobe obviously has saved 
a lot of money here. I feel as if, if I'm ever going to reach any level of 
proficiency with this program, it's going to mean going to a training 
class. Now, that's great for independent trainers, not so great for me, 
since I'll have to pay for something that IMHO shouldn't be needed. You 
should perhaps need training to be a "power user" ... not to just figure 
out how to perform common operations.

Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.

Daniel Emory  
Sent by: at
05/18/2006 02:16 PM

Framers List 

RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

--- Anne Robotti  wrote:
> Is this a private email from Linda that you posted
> to the list? How
> completely rude.
My mistake, and I apologize to Linda. The Framer's
list, unlike some others, identifies the sender's
name, not the list's name as the sender. My default
email setup only identifies the sender in the From
line, thus, when I hit reply, only the sender's name
appears in the To line.  Since the thread originated
on the Framers list, I presumptively added the list
name on the cc line in my reply. I usually check first
to see if that is proper, but this time I failed to do
so. I'll be more careful in the future. My bad.

Nevertheless, this issue about numbering of titled
headings, tables and graphics seems to come up
frequently. It's a valid issue, and it deserves more
discussion on the list. 

And by the way, I do not apologize for describing most
on-line help as shovelware. If that is offensive to
some, so be it. The FrameMaker on-line help in
versions 4 and earlier was far superior to the
shovelware that replaced it in later versions. That,
coupled with the much less complete printed manual,
makes life more difficult for newbies. Many of the
FrameMaker issues which come up over and over again on
this list should be answered by declaring RTFM.
Unfortuantely, that recommendation no longer applies
in many cases. The same goes for the Acrobat manual.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing


You are currently subscribed to Framers as Laura_J_Kirk at

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this message.  If you received this in error, please notify the
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Corporate Headquarters Mailing Address:  BD (Becton, Dickinson and
Company) 1 Becton Drive Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 U.S.A.

"Intuitive software" WAS: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Peter Gold
Hi, Laura:

At 3:08 PM -0400 5/18/06, Laura_J_Kirk at wrote:
>I'm not familiar with versions of FM help prior to vers. 7, which I am
>using. That, I can agree wholeheartedly, sucks.
>As a self-taught FM user, it takes hours, literally hours to figure out
>some new operation or feature in Framemaker. Operations/features, I might
>add, that were pretty much intuitive in Pagemaker or Quark. If you're
>going to have a user-hostile interface, at least have some decent
>documentation. Most of the hours I spend trying to figure things out are
>spent searching forums on the Web.

I've been an independent FrameMaker trainer and user since FrameMaker 2.x.

If you mean by "intuitive," "everything I used to know falls into 
place in new environments," then there's no surprise that you're 
disappointed in finding that your PageMaker and QuarkXPress skills 
and experience don't fit right into FrameMaker.

I've found that usually "intuitive" means "familiar." Yes, 
FrameMaker's interface is different from other tools. However, if you 
cruise the InDesign forums, and probably Apple's Pages forums, and 
perhaps MS's Publisher's, and Ventura Publisher's, you'd probably 
find the same new-user frustrations voiced by those who are having 
"culture clash" when they first encounter the new tools.

FrameMaker's features and operations are highly consistent, so what 
you do learn in one area usually helps you pick up speed as you enter 
new areas.

If you total the number of hours you've spent independently searching 
for solutions and multiply them by your average hourly pay, you'll 
have something concrete to help you compare to the cost of training 
you might have taken.

>However, doing decent documentation costs money. Adobe obviously has saved
>a lot of money here. I feel as if, if I'm ever going to reach any level of
>proficiency with this program, it's going to mean going to a training
>class. Now, that's great for independent trainers, not so great for me,
>since I'll have to pay for something that IMHO shouldn't be needed. You
>should perhaps need training to be a "power user" ... not to just figure
>out how to perform common operations.

One of the key misunderstandings about FrameMaker and other 
publishing tools in its class (yes there are a few), is that they 
combine the skill sets that used to be performed by as many as six or 
seven separate professionals into the one job description of 
"technical author." If you list all the tasks that you've faced as a 
technical author so far, and those that you expect to face, you'll 
probably see that nearly everything on the long list is within 
FrameMaker's capabilities. In my view, the job is what's hard and not 
necessarily intuitive; FrameMaker is just the tool that you use to do 
the job.

In addition to Adobe's FrameMaker documentation, the Classroom In A 
Book is a useful learning tool (though there are some errors that can 
"throw" you off), and FrameMaker 7: The Complete Reference, are among 
supplementary learning resources you can use on your own. You'll find 
a bunch in a Google search or two.

>Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.

This is how I usually feel about criticisms of something for being 
"non-intuitive," when it's really "not familiar."


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices
Adobe Certified Expert
FrameMaker - Acrobat - InDesign

printing framemaker documents

2006-05-18 Thread Paul Manago
Automatically rotating pages is set in Acrobat Distiller. 
Settings>Job Options, General tab.
You specify rotation individually or collectively by file.


RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread eric . dunn

Excellent post Dan. Your post was exactly what I wanted (but was too lazy)
to post as soon as I saw the original post about numbering.

Far too often I see "technical" writers complaining about layout, format,
or organisation because they simply "don't like it" or "it doesn't look
right". And then justifying their whole scale design changes on their
limited exposure to one limited field of techwriting and techwriters.

Anyone who will redesign a document or glibly dismiss existing standards
or traditions simply for what "looks better" without researching the issue
and reasons for the style or getting solid evidence the current usage
either hinders production or user understanding without providing benefits
to at least a subset of users doesn't really deserve the title of
"technical" IMO.

While technical documents need not forgo good design, they should not
forgo function for the sake of design.

Reluctantly submitting to the style guide and complaining it's only
"because the engineers want it that way" is little better. As technical
writers, we owe it to our audiences to understand their needs and
requirements as well as the technical information we are trying to convey.

Sometimes too, it requires the humility to understand that the
system/layout you don't like may have no logical or relevant reason behind
it, but not liking it is just as baseless a decision. In the event of
conflicting arbitrary decisions, continuing with the current standard for
consistency is usually the way to go. So, if you want to make a change,
you need not prove the previous method wrong, but prove the new method

Daniel Emory wrote on 05/17/2006 10:36:11 PM:
> Even relatively simple on-line help docs should have
> some sort of numbering scheme. Typically, users who
> can't figure out something from the on-line help will
> resort to a customer help line or in-house expert. If
> the user can give the help specialist the number of
> the particular on-line help content where the user is
> stuck, ambiguity is eliminated, a successful
> resolution of the problem is more likely, and the time
> to arrive at the correct solution is likely to be
> minimized.

Too true. If the numbers wouldn't describe structure, even a random number
(the internal help topic number?) that could be made visible would make
referencing, commenting, and updating the system much simpler.

Or, in my experience, the user may be able to stop travelling a circular
path of references a little sooner if the organisational structure of the
help file was more apparent. Perhaps the numbering may even avoid
confusion between two similar yet subtly different topics.

Eric L. Dunn
Senior Technical Writer


This e-mail communication (and any attachment/s) may contain confidential
or privileged information and is intended only for the individual(s) or
entity named above and to others who have been specifically authorized to
receive it. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read,
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sécurité de nos systems d'information et qu'elle furètera les courriels

(See attached file: C.htm)
Excellent post Dan. Your post was exactly
what I wanted (but was too lazy) to post as soon as I saw the original
post about numbering.

Far too often I see "technical"
writers complaining about layout, format, or organisation because they
simply "don't like it" or "it doesn't look right".
And then justifying their whole scale design changes on their limited exposure
to one limited field of techwriting and techwriters.

Anyone who will redesign a document
or glibly dismiss existing standards or traditions simply for what "looks
better" without researching the issue and reasons for the style or
getting solid evidence the current usage either hinders production or user
understanding without

"Intuitive software" WAS: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Peter Gold

Hi, Laura:

At 3:08 PM -0400 5/18/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm not familiar with versions of FM help prior to vers. 7, which I am
using. That, I can agree wholeheartedly, sucks.

As a self-taught FM user, it takes hours, literally hours to figure out
some new operation or feature in Framemaker. Operations/features, I might
add, that were pretty much intuitive in Pagemaker or Quark. If you're
going to have a user-hostile interface, at least have some decent
documentation. Most of the hours I spend trying to figure things out are
spent searching forums on the Web.

I've been an independent FrameMaker trainer and user since FrameMaker 2.x.

If you mean by "intuitive," "everything I used to know falls into 
place in new environments," then there's no surprise that you're 
disappointed in finding that your PageMaker and QuarkXPress skills 
and experience don't fit right into FrameMaker.

I've found that usually "intuitive" means "familiar." Yes, 
FrameMaker's interface is different from other tools. However, if you 
cruise the InDesign forums, and probably Apple's Pages forums, and 
perhaps MS's Publisher's, and Ventura Publisher's, you'd probably 
find the same new-user frustrations voiced by those who are having 
"culture clash" when they first encounter the new tools.

FrameMaker's features and operations are highly consistent, so what 
you do learn in one area usually helps you pick up speed as you enter 
new areas.

If you total the number of hours you've spent independently searching 
for solutions and multiply them by your average hourly pay, you'll 
have something concrete to help you compare to the cost of training 
you might have taken.

However, doing decent documentation costs money. Adobe obviously has saved
a lot of money here. I feel as if, if I'm ever going to reach any level of
proficiency with this program, it's going to mean going to a training
class. Now, that's great for independent trainers, not so great for me,
since I'll have to pay for something that IMHO shouldn't be needed. You
should perhaps need training to be a "power user" ... not to just figure
out how to perform common operations.

One of the key misunderstandings about FrameMaker and other 
publishing tools in its class (yes there are a few), is that they 
combine the skill sets that used to be performed by as many as six or 
seven separate professionals into the one job description of 
"technical author." If you list all the tasks that you've faced as a 
technical author so far, and those that you expect to face, you'll 
probably see that nearly everything on the long list is within 
FrameMaker's capabilities. In my view, the job is what's hard and not 
necessarily intuitive; FrameMaker is just the tool that you use to do 
the job.

In addition to Adobe's FrameMaker documentation, the Classroom In A 
Book is a useful learning tool (though there are some errors that can 
"throw" you off), and FrameMaker 7: The Complete Reference, are among 
supplementary learning resources you can use on your own. You'll find 
a bunch in a Google search or two.

Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.

This is how I usually feel about criticisms of something for being 
"non-intuitive," when it's really "not familiar."


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices
Adobe Certified Expert
FrameMaker - Acrobat - InDesign

You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Send list messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe send a blank email to 

or visit

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

FM 7.2 and WebWorks

2006-05-18 Thread Bill Swallow
You'll need to install the version of WWP SE that came with FM 7.2. An
older version of WWP does not work with a newer version of FM,
generally. (Hard to predict the next version for compatability...)
There's an upgrade path for templates in WWP Pro/WWeP Pro but I do not
have first-hand knowledge of whether there is one for WWP SE.

On 5/18/06, Steve Gillespie  wrote:
> Greetings:
> I just upgraded to Frame 7.2 on Win2000, and discovered that my 'old"
> WWP-SE7 projects will not work ...
> Do I have to install the new WWP-SE8? - and will it 'recognize' my old WWP7
> projects, or do I have to import them or something?

Bill Swallow
HATT List Owner
WWP-Users List Owner
Senior Member STC, TechValley Chapter

Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Anne Robotti
Is this a private email from Linda that you posted to the list? How
completely rude.

*That* is surely a netiquette violation, I've never been on an email
list or newsgroup where it was tolerated.


> -Original Message-
> From: 
> at lists.frameusers.
> com 
> [ at lists.fra] On Behalf Of Daniel Emory
> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:31 AM
> To: lindag at
> Cc: Framers List
> Subject: RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals
> --- "Linda G. Gallagher" 
> wrote:
> > I don't think it was necessary to single out my response 
> and call what 
> > I said laughable.

The information contained in or attached to this e-mail contains confidential 
or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that 
any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this e-mail is 
PROHIBITED. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender 
and delete the e-mail immediately. Thank you.

QUESTION: Word xrefs into FM

2006-05-18 Thread Art Campbell
A few details on the process you're using to convert would be helpful


On 5/18/06, Grant Hogarth  wrote:
> I've got to convert a MS Word (2003) doc to FM, however, the xrefs (&
> also index markers) do not seem to be coming across.  The morning coffee
> is not working today, as I'm trying to remember if this is unavoidable,
> or if there is a way to have them sucessfully transfer.
> Grant

Art Campbell art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
   and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
 No disclaimers apply.
 DoD 358

RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Laura_J_Kirk
I'm not familiar with versions of FM help prior to vers. 7, which I am 
using. That, I can agree wholeheartedly, sucks.

As a self-taught FM user, it takes hours, literally hours to figure out 
some new operation or feature in Framemaker. Operations/features, I might 
add, that were pretty much intuitive in Pagemaker or Quark. If you're 
going to have a user-hostile interface, at least have some decent 
documentation. Most of the hours I spend trying to figure things out are 
spent searching forums on the Web.

However, doing decent documentation costs money. Adobe obviously has saved 
a lot of money here. I feel as if, if I'm ever going to reach any level of 
proficiency with this program, it's going to mean going to a training 
class. Now, that's great for independent trainers, not so great for me, 
since I'll have to pay for something that IMHO shouldn't be needed. You 
should perhaps need training to be a "power user" ... not to just figure 
out how to perform common operations.

Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.

Daniel Emory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
05/18/2006 02:16 PM

Framers List 

RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

--- Anne Robotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this a private email from Linda that you posted
> to the list? How
> completely rude.
My mistake, and I apologize to Linda. The Framer's
list, unlike some others, identifies the sender's
name, not the list's name as the sender. My default
email setup only identifies the sender in the From
line, thus, when I hit reply, only the sender's name
appears in the To line.  Since the thread originated
on the Framers list, I presumptively added the list
name on the cc line in my reply. I usually check first
to see if that is proper, but this time I failed to do
so. I'll be more careful in the future. My bad.

Nevertheless, this issue about numbering of titled
headings, tables and graphics seems to come up
frequently. It's a valid issue, and it deserves more
discussion on the list. 

And by the way, I do not apologize for describing most
on-line help as shovelware. If that is offensive to
some, so be it. The FrameMaker on-line help in
versions 4 and earlier was far superior to the
shovelware that replaced it in later versions. That,
coupled with the much less complete printed manual,
makes life more difficult for newbies. Many of the
FrameMaker issues which come up over and over again on
this list should be answered by declaring RTFM.
Unfortuantely, that recommendation no longer applies
in many cases. The same goes for the Acrobat manual.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Send list messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe send a blank email to 
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Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

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designated recipient, you may not review, use, copy or distribute
this message.  If you received this in error, please notify the
sender by reply e-mail and delete this message.  Thank You
Corporate Headquarters Mailing Address:  BD (Becton, Dickinson and
Company) 1 Becton Drive Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 U.S.A.


You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Send list messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

printing framemaker documents

2006-05-18 Thread Paul Manago
Automatically rotating pages is set in Acrobat Distiller. 
Settings>Job Options, General tab.
You specify rotation individually or collectively by file.



You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Anne Robotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this a private email from Linda that you posted
> to the list? How
> completely rude.
My mistake, and I apologize to Linda. The Framer's
list, unlike some others, identifies the sender's
name, not the list's name as the sender. My default
email setup only identifies the sender in the From
line, thus, when I hit reply, only the sender's name
appears in the To line.  Since the thread originated
on the Framers list, I presumptively added the list
name on the cc line in my reply. I usually check first
to see if that is proper, but this time I failed to do
so. I'll be more careful in the future. My bad.

Nevertheless, this issue about numbering of titled
headings, tables and graphics seems to come up
frequently. It's a valid issue, and it deserves more
discussion on the list. 

And by the way, I do not apologize for describing most
on-line help as shovelware. If that is offensive to
some, so be it. The FrameMaker on-line help in
versions 4 and earlier was far superior to the
shovelware that replaced it in later versions. That,
coupled with the much less complete printed manual,
makes life more difficult for newbies. Many of the
FrameMaker issues which come up over and over again on
this list should be answered by declaring RTFM.
Unfortuantely, that recommendation no longer applies
in many cases. The same goes for the Acrobat manual.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Send list messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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FM 7.2 and WebWorks

2006-05-18 Thread Steve Gillespie

I just upgraded to Frame 7.2 on Win2000, and discovered that my 'old"
WWP-SE7 projects will not work ...

Do I have to install the new WWP-SE8? - and will it 'recognize' my old WWP7
projects, or do I have to import them or something?

Apprec any help.


Steve Gillespie, PMP
FedEx Express, HR Measurement & Support
3670 Hacks Cross Rd., Bldg. G, 2nd Floor
Memphis, TN 38125

The information in this message is  proprietary and confidential and is
intended only for the recipient(s) listed above. If you are not the intended
recipient, or the employee, or agent responsible to deliver it to the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution, copying, or use of the information in this message is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the
sender immediately by email and delete the original message.

Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Daniel Emory
--- Anne Robotti  wrote:
> Is this a private email from Linda that you posted
> to the list? How
> completely rude.
My mistake, and I apologize to Linda. The Framer's
list, unlike some others, identifies the sender's
name, not the list's name as the sender. My default
email setup only identifies the sender in the From
line, thus, when I hit reply, only the sender's name
appears in the To line.  Since the thread originated
on the Framers list, I presumptively added the list
name on the cc line in my reply. I usually check first
to see if that is proper, but this time I failed to do
so. I'll be more careful in the future. My bad.

Nevertheless, this issue about numbering of titled
headings, tables and graphics seems to come up
frequently. It's a valid issue, and it deserves more
discussion on the list. 

And by the way, I do not apologize for describing most
on-line help as shovelware. If that is offensive to
some, so be it. The FrameMaker on-line help in
versions 4 and earlier was far superior to the
shovelware that replaced it in later versions. That,
coupled with the much less complete printed manual,
makes life more difficult for newbies. Many of the
FrameMaker issues which come up over and over again on
this list should be answered by declaring RTFM.
Unfortuantely, that recommendation no longer applies
in many cases. The same goes for the Acrobat manual.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

Cannot save some screenshots as .png or .tiff on a network drive

2006-05-18 Thread Nandini Garud
Thanks Fred. I have learned that sometimes the path of least resistance is
the best solution. Don't ask why, do what works!


-Original Message-
From: Fred Ridder []
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:59 AM
To: nandini at
Subject: RE: Cannot save some screenshots as .png or .tiff on a network

Use your local drive when making screen shots, since that method seems
to work OK.

Copy the screen shot files from your local drive to the network drive using

Insert the graphics into your FrameMaker docs using the copies that you
place on the network drive.

>From: "Nandini Garud" 
>CC: websupport at
>Subject: Cannot save some screenshots as .png or .tiff on a network drive
>Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 17:16:32 -0700
>Using FrameMaker 7.2 on Windows 2000 on the network drive (F), importing
>screenshots saved using SnagIt 8.01. Want avoid gray boxes.
>1. When I saved screenshots to the F (network drive) drive, some
>saved as 1K files (too small a size compared to others), when tried to open
>them, received format not recognized message.
>2. When imported a .png image captured using SnagIt, by reference, in Frame
>7.2, the FrameMaker book with 12 open files crashed, recover files
>for every file. Newly typed information not saved.
>3. When saved .tif files of screenshots with SnagIt on the network drive,
>some .TIF files appeared normal, while some with 1K, non-displayable
>These small files don't have anything to import. Message displayed: Frame
>cannot recognize this file format, choose format to convert the file.
>4. Copied Graphics folder and Book folder from F drive and put them on the
>same level In C, the book still looks to the F folder for images.
>to C, but doesn't budge.
>1. When saved .TIF files to the local C folder, images appear normal, with
>healthy 1 to 2 Meg file size.
>2. Saved the images in the C folder to the Graphics folder on F, copied
>there by reference.
>Thanks. Any suggestions very welcome.

RE: Cannot save some screenshots as .png or .tiff on a network drive

2006-05-18 Thread Nandini Garud
Thanks Fred. I have learned that sometimes the path of least resistance is
the best solution. Don't ask why, do what works!


-Original Message-
From: Fred Ridder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:59 AM
Subject: RE: Cannot save some screenshots as .png or .tiff on a network

Use your local drive when making screen shots, since that method seems
to work OK.

Copy the screen shot files from your local drive to the network drive using

Insert the graphics into your FrameMaker docs using the copies that you
place on the network drive.

>From: "Nandini Garud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Cannot save some screenshots as .png or .tiff on a network drive
>Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 17:16:32 -0700
>Using FrameMaker 7.2 on Windows 2000 on the network drive (F), importing
>screenshots saved using SnagIt 8.01. Want avoid gray boxes.
>1. When I saved screenshots to the F (network drive) drive, some
>saved as 1K files (too small a size compared to others), when tried to open
>them, received format not recognized message.
>2. When imported a .png image captured using SnagIt, by reference, in Frame
>7.2, the FrameMaker book with 12 open files crashed, recover files
>for every file. Newly typed information not saved.
>3. When saved .tif files of screenshots with SnagIt on the network drive,
>some .TIF files appeared normal, while some with 1K, non-displayable
>These small files don't have anything to import. Message displayed: Frame
>cannot recognize this file format, choose format to convert the file.
>4. Copied Graphics folder and Book folder from F drive and put them on the
>same level In C, the book still looks to the F folder for images.
>to C, but doesn't budge.
>1. When saved .TIF files to the local C folder, images appear normal, with
>healthy 1 to 2 Meg file size.
>2. Saved the images in the C folder to the Graphics folder on F, copied
>there by reference.
>Thanks. Any suggestions very welcome.


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Auto-creating tables

2006-05-18 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 15:33 -0500 17/5/06, Doug wrote:

>Is there a way to automatically create a table when you apply a
>specific paragraph format?

Afaik only in structured Frame, through the use of an 'Automatically insert 
child' directive in the EDD.

Career advice--which application to focus on: FM or Word?

2006-05-18 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 16:15 -0400 17/5/06, Ron Miller wrote:

>If I experiment with style changes, Word creates a new style like Body + blue 
>font + 6 pt line spacing. It handles numbered lists very poorly and it is 
>quirky and seems to lack any coherent use model. Frame on the other, while not 
>perfect (what software is) and certainly less intuitive at least does what you 
>want it to do and doesn't try to do so many things you wish it wouldn't.

I think the key difference can be summed up by saying that Word takes a 
lifetime to master to the degree at which it can be used to produce results 
comparable to those that can be produced quite easily with Frame. It can be 
done, but is it worth it?

problem with PDF batch processing (cudspan batch + watched folder)

2006-05-18 Thread Jakob Fix

thanks for your answer.  See comments further down.

Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:
> I wrote:
> >What could the problem be, and how can I solve this?
> There seems to be an intermittent problem in Frame itself.
> When we added the ability to make PDF to our runfm.exe tool,
> we ran into this.  We wound up having to set the property
> explicitly from the FDK immediately before printing to the
> PDF printer.  After that, the trouble went away.

Good to know I'm not the only one :-)  In the meantime I did the
following which seems to work in order to work around the problem: I
printed each of the files in question manually to postscript.  After
this, the trouble went away.

> You can use runfm to do this job, and you don't even need
> to buy Mif2Go to do it.  You do need to download and
> install our demo version (at least the plugin parts):

The runfm batch tool does look really interesting for what I need to
do.  In particular it would allow me to integrate it into our
ant-based work flow.  I'll have a look into it for the next project
I'll be working on.


Auto-creating tables

2006-05-18 Thread Lebbink, Belinda (RBI-NL)

You are thinking in the right direction.
Put a graphic frame on the reference page (name it), in there a text
frame and create in the text frame a table. 
Call the graphic frame via the frame below paragraph function on the
advanced tab of the paragraph designer as you saying below.




You wrote:
Is there a way to automatically create a table when you apply a
specific paragraph format?  One of my paragraph formats is a heading
that introduces a table.  I'd like the table to display automatically
when I finish creating the table's heading.  I was hoping to place the
table on a reference page and call it via the Frame Below Paragraph
function on the Advanced tab of the Paragraph Designer, but it won't
let me put a table on the reference page.

What's the Best Practice for this purpose?



ADMIN Netiquette

2006-05-18 Thread Lisa M. Bronson
OK, folks, settle down. There are currently no specific posting rules
on Framers, but the rules of netiquette always apply to any list or
forum. See and for information.

I have seen multiple instances in at least three threads in the past
two days that are starting to push the boundaries, and I expect this
behavior to stop.

Direct any comments about this message to me offlist, not to the list.

Lisa B.
Framers Administrator

figure titles in webworks

2006-05-18 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I am not [yet] into WebWorks and I don't know whether the code example
you give is an automatic conversion by the application or whether this
is something you decide  (in your rules). But I have a BIG general
question here (to the list):

Why use Microsoft arbitrary code instead of the generic HTML
standards? Is your code only made for Internet Exploiter version X?
The general rule today is to avoid proprietary code, because it will
get you some day. There is nothing as unreliable as a Microsoft
application, because they do all sorts of arbitrary changes between
versions that will only learn about the hard way.

Instead use as much as possible pure HTML or XHTML (to the standard of
the World Wide Web Consortium and CSS.

For example, the  tag can easily be handled by CSS using e.g.
, and so will the setting of the behaviour of
elements, like "sometext -- much like in
FrameMaker's own EDD.

Also there is absolutely no need for the  tag. It is redundant.
Set the fonts within the CSS. The  tag is really a stone-age tag
that seems to endlessly fill the codes of bad webpages made with --
you guessed it -- M$ FrontPage.

Your sample shows a table consisting of one row consisting of three
cells. The  sets the vertical alignment (which, again, would be
better handled in the CSS).
The first cell is empty but has the width set to 48 pixels (once more:
better handled in the CSS unless this is a loner).
The second cell has a different width and then a  which includes
the proprietary  which again holds a locator anchor (which is
repeated in the last cell, giving the browser a hard time deciding
which one to choose).
There is nothing to tell me what font attributes are inherited in the
second cell. I am guessing some other than "2", which would explain
the forcing of the font in the 3rd cell down a bit (since the cells'
vertical alignment is set to "top").
Also you see the specific setting of the font name in the 3rd cell.
Either get rid of that within the font tag or delete the font tag
(both sides) or have the same settings for the 2nd cell. And try to
have this set in the CSS rather than arbitrarily set with the 

Always check your HTML code to 3-4 different browsers (IE, FireFox,
Opera, etc.) and have them also checked on other O/Ss unless it is
ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY intended for use with M$ IE.

And finally: Someone tell me that this is not WebWork's fault, default
behaviour or something unavoidable, please.


On 5/17/06, Lilah Johnson  wrote:
> Hi-
> I have a webworks related question. When I generate help from Frame files, 
> WebWorks seems to create two separate anchors for figure number and figure 
> text. But it appears to be using different fonts, the results of which are 
> that it looks like the figure number is a half line above the figure text. Is 
> there a way to fix this using the Style Designer?
> Here is the source code from the page:
>   Figure 1?1   
> Sample End User IronPort Spam Quarantine
> Thanks!
> ___
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Re: FM 7.2 and WebWorks

2006-05-18 Thread Bill Swallow

You'll need to install the version of WWP SE that came with FM 7.2. An
older version of WWP does not work with a newer version of FM,
generally. (Hard to predict the next version for compatability...)
There's an upgrade path for templates in WWP Pro/WWeP Pro but I do not
have first-hand knowledge of whether there is one for WWP SE.

On 5/18/06, Steve Gillespie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I just upgraded to Frame 7.2 on Win2000, and discovered that my 'old"
WWP-SE7 projects will not work ...

Do I have to install the new WWP-SE8? - and will it 'recognize' my old WWP7
projects, or do I have to import them or something?

Bill Swallow
HATT List Owner
WWP-Users List Owner
Senior Member STC, TechValley Chapter

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FM 7.2 and WebWorks

2006-05-18 Thread Steve Gillespie
I just upgraded to Frame 7.2 on Win2000, and discovered that my 'old"
WWP-SE7 projects will not work ...
Do I have to install the new WWP-SE8? - and will it 'recognize' my old WWP7
projects, or do I have to import them or something?
Apprec any help.

Steve Gillespie, PMP
FedEx Express, HR Measurement & Support
3670 Hacks Cross Rd., Bldg. G, 2nd Floor
Memphis, TN 38125

The information in this message is  proprietary and confidential and is
intended only for the recipient(s) listed above. If you are not the intended
recipient, or the employee, or agent responsible to deliver it to the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution, copying, or use of the information in this message is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the
sender immediately by email and delete the original message.


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RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Anne Robotti
Is this a private email from Linda that you posted to the list? How
completely rude.

*That* is surely a netiquette violation, I've never been on an email
list or newsgroup where it was tolerated.


> -Original Message-
> From: 
> com 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Daniel Emory
> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:31 AM
> Cc: Framers List
> Subject: RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals
> --- "Linda G. Gallagher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I don't think it was necessary to single out my response 
> and call what 
> > I said laughable.

The information contained in or attached to this e-mail contains confidential 
or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that 
any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this e-mail is 
PROHIBITED. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender 
and delete the e-mail immediately. Thank you.

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Re: figure titles in webworks

2006-05-18 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

Hi Lilah,

On 5/18/06, Lilah Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Bodvar-
Actually, this is the code generated by WebWorks, and it is supposed to be 

I was afraid sol

I did not personally write the HTML.  I am sure I could tweak the HTML as you 
suggested (and thanks so much for the careful analysis!), but I wanted to 
change the WebWorks configuration so that it does not do this every time I 
generate help. I want to be able to use WebWorks without having to change all 
the HTML code if possible. Does anyone have a suggestion for why WebWorks is 
structuring my HTML in this way? I am guessing the problem arises because the 
figure is autonumbered, and WebWorks seems to be using different settings for 
the figure title and the figure number (as you explained below). I would assume 
that WebWorks would be smart enough to apply the same settings to the figure 
title and figure number? Is it possible that WW is picking up some setting from 
Any help would be MUCH appreciated!

Well, as I said before, I am not into WW yet, but there must be
someone on the list that can help. :-)

BTW, thanks to Sean for his reply here to me. From his reply I am
fairly optimistic that redundancy in coding can be made using a proper
set of rules.

And now as the Eurovision Song Contest semifinals are starting in less
than three hours:
Go go, Silvia Night!


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Re: QUESTION: Word xrefs into FM

2006-05-18 Thread Art Campbell

A few details on the process you're using to convert would be helpful


On 5/18/06, Grant Hogarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've got to convert a MS Word (2003) doc to FM, however, the xrefs (&
also index markers) do not seem to be coming across.  The morning coffee
is not working today, as I'm trying to remember if this is unavoidable,
or if there is a way to have them sucessfully transfer.


 "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
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Career advice--which application to focus on: FM or Word?

2006-05-18 Thread Ron Miller
Word has its place, but if you want to have a structured/disciplined 
approach to document creation, Frame wins hands down. There really is no 
comparison. I tried using WWP for Word, but I was so frustrated trying 
to set up the Word document for WWP that I gave up and went back to 
Frame. And I might add, I've been doing this for 18 years, and have been 
using Word since version 2.0, and there are still so many things I just 
don't get about it.


Steve Rickaby wrote:
> At 16:15 -0400 17/5/06, Ron Miller wrote:
>> If I experiment with style changes, Word creates a new style like Body + 
>> blue font + 6 pt line spacing. It handles numbered lists very poorly and it 
>> is quirky and seems to lack any coherent use model. Frame on the other, 
>> while not perfect (what software is) and certainly less intuitive at least 
>> does what you want it to do and doesn't try to do so many things you wish it 
>> wouldn't.
> I think the key difference can be summed up by saying that Word takes a 
> lifetime to master to the degree at which it can be used to produce results 
> comparable to those that can be produced quite easily with Frame. It can be 
> done, but is it worth it?

Automate Outline Object

2006-05-18 Thread Donald M Rinderknecht
In this project I am opening an XML file using an application with XSLT 
and r/w rules.

Is it possible to specify a border around a graphic object in the EDD, 
or would this be a read/write rule?
Or is it just not possible?

I've been snooping around the Structured Dev Guide but haven't found 
anything yet.


Don Rinderknecht -- KD5MVV
Meteorologist Instructor/Developer ~ Warning Decision Training Branch
Donald.M.Rinderknecht at ~

Donald M Rinderknecht wrote:

> All,
> Is there a way to automate putting an outline on a graphic object. 
> (Other than using FrameScript which I don't have.)
> I can do this manually by selecting the object then the Tools Palette 
> but I've got about 1200 graphic objects to modify.
> If not, I'll look at modifying the actual graphic to put a border on 
> them.
> Thanks,
> Don.

QUESTION: Word xrefs into FM

2006-05-18 Thread Grant Hogarth
I've got to convert a MS Word (2003) doc to FM, however, the xrefs (&
also index markers) do not seem to be coming across.  The morning coffee
is not working today, as I'm trying to remember if this is unavoidable,
or if there is a way to have them sucessfully transfer.

Grant Hogarth 
Equis International - A Reuters Company
ghogarth at / Grant.Hogarth at 
Direct: (+1) 801.270.3180   Main Fax: 801.265.3999
URL:  TZ: Mountain (GMT -7)

Acrobat and Flash (was: Release Date for ...)

2006-05-18 Thread Yves Barbion
Hello Schlomo,

I tried to take a look at this example, but I got an error message saying:

"Requested file not found. The link you followed may be outdated or
inaccurate." ;-(

Best regards


On 5/17/06, Shlomo Perets  wrote:
> David Creamer wrote:
> >Acrobat 8 is supposed to be out by the end of the year. I would imagine
> it
> >will support importing/imbedding of Flash files.
> Integration may be improved, but Flash can be linked (web/local) or
> embedded in Acrobat, starting with Acrobat Professional 6.
> See a sample PDF at
> (96K) with a link to a tutorial (web-based SWF) at the bottom-right corner
> of page 1.
> [Some of the other web-based files linked in this sample PDF are currently
> not accessible.]
> Shlomo Perets
> MicroType,
> Training, consulting & add-ons: FrameMaker, Structured FM and Acrobat
> ___
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> Send list messages to framers at
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> Send administrative questions to lisa at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Yves Barbion
Technical Writer
Adobe-Certified FrameMaker Instructor

U&I Learning nv (formerly ATeK nv)
Molenaarsstraat 111
B-9000 Gent
Tel.: +32 9 265 74 72
Fax: +32 9 265 74 84

RE: Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Linda G. Gallagher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I don't think it was necessary to single out my
> response and call what I
> said laughable. 

Your unqualified statement that the only people left
who use such numbering schemes are engineers
communicating with other engineers is what made it
laughable, because your statement itself was insulting
to the many technical disciplines where such numbering
schemes are considered essential. Clearly, many types
of technical documentation other than
engineer-to-engineer documents are enhanced by using a
rational numbering scheme, and I cited many examples
in my initial reply.

One could infer that your conclusion derives from the
fact that your millieu is restricted to on-line
help--the realm where shovelware reigns supreme. In
general, that regime only works when the product being
supported is some relatively simple piece of software,
and on-line help is only useful to beginners, who
would probably be better off if they could print a
complete manual that actually looks like a technical
manual when it is printed.

The general assumption of on-line help developers
seems to be that links are a substitute for a rational
numbering scheme. You may be surprised to learn that
there are vast realms in which selected technical
manual content must be printed out in order to
successfully carry out tasks, and thus links no longer
work. in those cases, a rational numbering scheme in
the printed portion replaces links as the method for
finding (and printing) referenced content.

That's an unnecessary insult.
Your statement itself insulted those who produce
technical content that is far superior to the typical
on-line help shovelware.
> As for this particular issue, I know of few writers
> and companies who advocate using numbered sections
as you suggest.
How many companies or writers do you know who work
outside the realm of on-line help shovelware?


Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

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Numbering Systems for Technical Service Manuals

2006-05-18 Thread Daniel Emory
--- "Linda G. Gallagher" 
> I don't think it was necessary to single out my
> response and call what I
> said laughable. 

Your unqualified statement that the only people left
who use such numbering schemes are engineers
communicating with other engineers is what made it
laughable, because your statement itself was insulting
to the many technical disciplines where such numbering
schemes are considered essential. Clearly, many types
of technical documentation other than
engineer-to-engineer documents are enhanced by using a
rational numbering scheme, and I cited many examples
in my initial reply.

One could infer that your conclusion derives from the
fact that your millieu is restricted to on-line
help--the realm where shovelware reigns supreme. In
general, that regime only works when the product being
supported is some relatively simple piece of software,
and on-line help is only useful to beginners, who
would probably be better off if they could print a
complete manual that actually looks like a technical
manual when it is printed.

The general assumption of on-line help developers
seems to be that links are a substitute for a rational
numbering scheme. You may be surprised to learn that
there are vast realms in which selected technical
manual content must be printed out in order to
successfully carry out tasks, and thus links no longer
work. in those cases, a rational numbering scheme in
the printed portion replaces links as the method for
finding (and printing) referenced content.

That's an unnecessary insult.
Your statement itself insulted those who produce
technical content that is far superior to the typical
on-line help shovelware.
> As for this particular issue, I know of few writers
> and companies who advocate using numbered sections
as you suggest.
How many companies or writers do you know who work
outside the realm of on-line help shovelware?

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing

ADMIN Netiquette

2006-05-18 Thread Lisa M. Bronson

OK, folks, settle down. There are currently no specific posting rules
on Framers, but the rules of netiquette always apply to any list or
forum. See and for information.

I have seen multiple instances in at least three threads in the past
two days that are starting to push the boundaries, and I expect this
behavior to stop.

Direct any comments about this message to me offlist, not to the list.

Lisa B.
Framers Administrator

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QUESTION: Word xrefs into FM

2006-05-18 Thread Grant Hogarth
I've got to convert a MS Word (2003) doc to FM, however, the xrefs (&
also index markers) do not seem to be coming across.  The morning coffee
is not working today, as I'm trying to remember if this is unavoidable,
or if there is a way to have them sucessfully transfer.

Grant Hogarth 
Equis International - A Reuters Company
Direct: (+1) 801.270.3180   Main Fax: 801.265.3999
URL:  TZ: Mountain (GMT -7)

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figure titles in webworks

2006-05-18 Thread Lilah Johnson
Hi Bodvar-
Actually, this is the code generated by WebWorks, and it is supposed to be 
simple HTML. I did not personally write the HTML.  I am sure I could tweak the 
HTML as you suggested (and thanks so much for the careful analysis!), but I 
wanted to change the WebWorks configuration so that it does not do this every 
time I generate help. I want to be able to use WebWorks without having to 
change all the HTML code if possible. Does anyone have a suggestion for why 
WebWorks is structuring my HTML in this way? I am guessing the problem arises 
because the figure is autonumbered, and WebWorks seems to be using different 
settings for the figure title and the figure number (as you explained below). I 
would assume that WebWorks would be smart enough to apply the same settings to 
the figure title and figure number? Is it possible that WW is picking up some 
setting from Frame? 
Any help would be MUCH appreciated!

-Original Message-
From: Bodvar Bjorgvinsson [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 2:54 AM
To: Lilah Johnson
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: figure titles in webworks

I am not [yet] into WebWorks and I don't know whether the code example
you give is an automatic conversion by the application or whether this
is something you decide  (in your rules). But I have a BIG general
question here (to the list):

Why use Microsoft arbitrary code instead of the generic HTML
standards? Is your code only made for Internet Exploiter version X?
The general rule today is to avoid proprietary code, because it will
get you some day. There is nothing as unreliable as a Microsoft
application, because they do all sorts of arbitrary changes between
versions that will only learn about the hard way.

Instead use as much as possible pure HTML or XHTML (to the standard of
the World Wide Web Consortium and CSS.

For example, the  tag can easily be handled by CSS using e.g.
, and so will the setting of the behaviour of
elements, like "sometext -- much like in
FrameMaker's own EDD.

Also there is absolutely no need for the  tag. It is redundant.
Set the fonts within the CSS. The  tag is really a stone-age tag
that seems to endlessly fill the codes of bad webpages made with --
you guessed it -- M$ FrontPage.

Your sample shows a table consisting of one row consisting of three
cells. The  sets the vertical alignment (which, again, would be
better handled in the CSS).
The first cell is empty but has the width set to 48 pixels (once more:
better handled in the CSS unless this is a loner).
The second cell has a different width and then a  which includes
the proprietary  which again holds a locator anchor (which is
repeated in the last cell, giving the browser a hard time deciding
which one to choose).
There is nothing to tell me what font attributes are inherited in the
second cell. I am guessing some other than "2", which would explain
the forcing of the font in the 3rd cell down a bit (since the cells'
vertical alignment is set to "top").
Also you see the specific setting of the font name in the 3rd cell.
Either get rid of that within the font tag or delete the font tag
(both sides) or have the same settings for the 2nd cell. And try to
have this set in the CSS rather than arbitrarily set with the 

Always check your HTML code to 3-4 different browsers (IE, FireFox,
Opera, etc.) and have them also checked on other O/Ss unless it is
ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY intended for use with M$ IE.

And finally: Someone tell me that this is not WebWork's fault, default
behaviour or something unavoidable, please.


On 5/17/06, Lilah Johnson  wrote:
> Hi-
> I have a webworks related question. When I generate help from Frame files, 
> WebWorks seems to create two separate anchors for figure number and figure 
> text. But it appears to be using different fonts, the results of which are 
> that it looks like the figure number is a half line above the figure text. Is 
> there a way to fix this using the Style Designer?
> Here is the source code from the page:
>   Figure 1?1   
> Sample End User IronPort Spam Quarantine
> Thanks!
> ___
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RE: figure titles in webworks

2006-05-18 Thread Lilah Johnson
Hi Bodvar-
Actually, this is the code generated by WebWorks, and it is supposed to be 
simple HTML. I did not personally write the HTML.  I am sure I could tweak the 
HTML as you suggested (and thanks so much for the careful analysis!), but I 
wanted to change the WebWorks configuration so that it does not do this every 
time I generate help. I want to be able to use WebWorks without having to 
change all the HTML code if possible. Does anyone have a suggestion for why 
WebWorks is structuring my HTML in this way? I am guessing the problem arises 
because the figure is autonumbered, and WebWorks seems to be using different 
settings for the figure title and the figure number (as you explained below). I 
would assume that WebWorks would be smart enough to apply the same settings to 
the figure title and figure number? Is it possible that WW is picking up some 
setting from Frame? 
Any help would be MUCH appreciated!

-Original Message-
From: Bodvar Bjorgvinsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 2:54 AM
To: Lilah Johnson
Subject: Re: figure titles in webworks

I am not [yet] into WebWorks and I don't know whether the code example
you give is an automatic conversion by the application or whether this
is something you decide  (in your rules). But I have a BIG general
question here (to the list):

Why use Microsoft arbitrary code instead of the generic HTML
standards? Is your code only made for Internet Exploiter version X?
The general rule today is to avoid proprietary code, because it will
get you some day. There is nothing as unreliable as a Microsoft
application, because they do all sorts of arbitrary changes between
versions that will only learn about the hard way.

Instead use as much as possible pure HTML or XHTML (to the standard of
the World Wide Web Consortium and CSS.

For example, the  tag can easily be handled by CSS using e.g.
, and so will the setting of the behaviour of
elements, like "sometext -- much like in
FrameMaker's own EDD.

Also there is absolutely no need for the  tag. It is redundant.
Set the fonts within the CSS. The  tag is really a stone-age tag
that seems to endlessly fill the codes of bad webpages made with --
you guessed it -- M$ FrontPage.

Your sample shows a table consisting of one row consisting of three
cells. The  sets the vertical alignment (which, again, would be
better handled in the CSS).
The first cell is empty but has the width set to 48 pixels (once more:
better handled in the CSS unless this is a loner).
The second cell has a different width and then a  which includes
the proprietary  which again holds a locator anchor (which is
repeated in the last cell, giving the browser a hard time deciding
which one to choose).
There is nothing to tell me what font attributes are inherited in the
second cell. I am guessing some other than "2", which would explain
the forcing of the font in the 3rd cell down a bit (since the cells'
vertical alignment is set to "top").
Also you see the specific setting of the font name in the 3rd cell.
Either get rid of that within the font tag or delete the font tag
(both sides) or have the same settings for the 2nd cell. And try to
have this set in the CSS rather than arbitrarily set with the 

Always check your HTML code to 3-4 different browsers (IE, FireFox,
Opera, etc.) and have them also checked on other O/Ss unless it is
ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY intended for use with M$ IE.

And finally: Someone tell me that this is not WebWork's fault, default
behaviour or something unavoidable, please.


On 5/17/06, Lilah Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi-
> I have a webworks related question. When I generate help from Frame files, 
> WebWorks seems to create two separate anchors for figure number and figure 
> text. But it appears to be using different fonts, the results of which are 
> that it looks like the figure number is a half line above the figure text. Is 
> there a way to fix this using the Style Designer?
> Here is the source code from the page:
>   Figure 1‑1   
> Sample End User IronPort Spam Quarantine
> Thanks!
> ___
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Re: Automate Outline Object

2006-05-18 Thread Lynne A. Price

At 07:04 AM 5/18/2006, Donald M Rinderknecht wrote:
Is it possible to specify a border around a graphic object in the EDD, or 
would this be a read/write rule?

Or is it just not possible?

  Neither a EDD nor r/w rules can set this property. A simple FDK client 
could do so as part of the process of opening the XML document, or 
FrameScript could after the document is opened.


Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in structured FrameMaker consulting, application development, 
and training

voice/fax: (510) 583-1505  cell phone: (510) 421-2284 


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Automate Outline Object

2006-05-18 Thread Lynne A. Price
At 07:04 AM 5/18/2006, Donald M Rinderknecht wrote:
>Is it possible to specify a border around a graphic object in the EDD, or 
>would this be a read/write rule?
>Or is it just not possible?

   Neither a EDD nor r/w rules can set this property. A simple FDK client 
could do so as part of the process of opening the XML document, or 
FrameScript could after the document is opened.

Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in structured FrameMaker consulting, application development, 
and training
lprice at txstruct.com
voice/fax: (510) 583-1505  cell phone: (510) 421-2284 

Re: Automate Outline Object

2006-05-18 Thread Donald M Rinderknecht
In this project I am opening an XML file using an application with XSLT 
and r/w rules.

Is it possible to specify a border around a graphic object in the EDD, 
or would this be a read/write rule?

Or is it just not possible?

I've been snooping around the Structured Dev Guide but haven't found 
anything yet.


Don Rinderknecht -- KD5MVV
Meteorologist Instructor/Developer ~ Warning Decision Training Branch

Donald M Rinderknecht wrote:


Is there a way to automate putting an outline on a graphic object. 
(Other than using FrameScript which I don't have.)
I can do this manually by selecting the object then the Tools Palette 
but I've got about 1200 graphic objects to modify.

If not, I'll look at modifying the actual graphic to put a border on 



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Re: Acrobat and Flash (was: Release Date for ...)

2006-05-18 Thread Shlomo Perets


You wrote:

I tried to take a look at this example, but I got an error message saying:

"Requested file not found. The link you followed may be outdated or 
inaccurate." ;-(

Did you click the [SWF] link at the bottom right corner in
It points to the following file: and I have just double-checked 
that it is accessible, both from within the PDF as well as directly.

(as I mentioned, some of the other web links may not be accessible)

You may try and add a Flash file available locally to a PDF using Acrobat 
Professional 6 or 7 (link or embed).

Shlomo Perets

Training, consulting & add-ons: FrameMaker, Structured FM and Acrobat


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Re: Acrobat and Flash (was: Release Date for ...)

2006-05-18 Thread David Creamer
>> Acrobat 8 is supposed to be out by the end of the year. I would imagine it
>> will support importing/imbedding of Flash files.
> Integration may be improved, but Flash can be linked (web/local) or
> embedded in Acrobat, starting with Acrobat Professional 6.
> See a sample PDF at
> (96K) with a link to a tutorial (web-based SWF) at the bottom-right corner
> of page 1.

Yes, I was referring to better integration and fixing the bugs between
Acrobat 7 and Flash 8. Very annoying.

David Creamer
I.D.E.A.S. - Results-Oriented Training
Adobe Certified (since 1995) for ALL Print and Web
Publishing-related software
Authorized Quark Provider (since 1988)
Markzware, Enfocus, FileMaker Certified
Apple Certified Consultant (since 1990)


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Acrobat and Flash (was: Release Date for ...)

2006-05-18 Thread David Creamer
>> Acrobat 8 is supposed to be out by the end of the year. I would imagine it
>> will support importing/imbedding of Flash files.
> Integration may be improved, but Flash can be linked (web/local) or
> embedded in Acrobat, starting with Acrobat Professional 6.
> See a sample PDF at
> (96K) with a link to a tutorial (web-based SWF) at the bottom-right corner
> of page 1.

Yes, I was referring to better integration and fixing the bugs between
Acrobat 7 and Flash 8. Very annoying.

David Creamer
I.D.E.A.S. - Results-Oriented Training
Adobe Certified (since 1995) for ALL Print and Web
Publishing-related software
Authorized Quark Provider (since 1988)
Markzware, Enfocus, FileMaker Certified
Apple Certified Consultant (since 1990)

Re: figure titles in webworks

2006-05-18 Thread Sean
Hi Bodvar,
Am not sure what you are asking vis-a-vis WebWorks.
1) Writing HTML in a text editor using the W3C standards is by far the cleanest 
way to go. WebWorks, and for that matter, few, if any, others will be as clean. 
Certainly, WWP's use of CSS is less efficient than yours might be by hand 
coding, and remember WWP is not a Website design tool. However, WebWorks, and 
the rest, are about efficiency in authoring.
2) WebWorks has several output types you can choose, including Microsoft-only 
CHMs and a cross-platform and cross-browser online help format, called WebWorks 
Help. This format services a finite list of Browsers, but it is certainly not 
restricted to I.E.

- Original Message 
From: Bodvar Bjorgvinsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Lilah Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 5:53:58 AM
Subject: Re: figure titles in webworks

I am not [yet] into WebWorks and I don't know whether the code example
you give is an automatic conversion by the application or whether this
is something you decide  (in your rules). But I have a BIG general
question here (to the list):

And finally: Someone tell me that this is not WebWork's fault, default
behaviour or something unavoidable, please.


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figure titles in webworks

2006-05-18 Thread Sean
Hi Bodvar,

Am not sure what you are asking vis-a-vis WebWorks.

1) Writing HTML in a text editor using the W3C standards is by far the cleanest 
way to go. WebWorks, and for that matter, few, if any, others will be as clean. 
Certainly, WWP's use of CSS is less efficient than yours might be by hand 
coding, and remember WWP is not a Website design tool. However, WebWorks, and 
the rest, are about efficiency in authoring.

2) WebWorks has several output types you can choose, including Microsoft-only 
CHMs and a cross-platform and cross-browser online help format, called WebWorks 
Help. This format services a finite list of Browsers, but it is certainly not 
restricted to I.E.



- Original Message 
From: Bodvar Bjorgvinsson 
To: Lilah Johnson 
Cc: framers at
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 5:53:58 AM
Subject: Re: figure titles in webworks

I am not [yet] into WebWorks and I don't know whether the code example
you give is an automatic conversion by the application or whether this
is something you decide  (in your rules). But I have a BIG general
question here (to the list):

And finally: Someone tell me that this is not WebWork's fault, default
behaviour or something unavoidable, please.


Re: Career advice--which application to focus on: FM or Word?

2006-05-18 Thread Ron Miller
Word has its place, but if you want to have a structured/disciplined 
approach to document creation, Frame wins hands down. There really is no 
comparison. I tried using WWP for Word, but I was so frustrated trying 
to set up the Word document for WWP that I gave up and went back to 
Frame. And I might add, I've been doing this for 18 years, and have been 
using Word since version 2.0, and there are still so many things I just 
don't get about it.


Steve Rickaby wrote:

At 16:15 -0400 17/5/06, Ron Miller wrote:

If I experiment with style changes, Word creates a new style like Body + blue 
font + 6 pt line spacing. It handles numbered lists very poorly and it is 
quirky and seems to lack any coherent use model. Frame on the other, while not 
perfect (what software is) and certainly less intuitive at least does what you 
want it to do and doesn't try to do so many things you wish it wouldn't.

I think the key difference can be summed up by saying that Word takes a 
lifetime to master to the degree at which it can be used to produce results 
comparable to those that can be produced quite easily with Frame. It can be 
done, but is it worth it?


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Auto-creating tables

2006-05-18 Thread Lebbink, Belinda \(RBI-NL\)
You are thinking in the right direction.
Put a graphic frame on the reference page (name it), in there a text
frame and create in the text frame a table. 
Call the graphic frame via the frame below paragraph function on the
advanced tab of the paragraph designer as you saying below.
You wrote:
Is there a way to automatically create a table when you apply a
specific paragraph format?  One of my paragraph formats is a heading
that introduces a table.  I'd like the table to display automatically
when I finish creating the table's heading.  I was hoping to place the
table on a reference page and call it via the Frame Below Paragraph
function on the Advanced tab of the Paragraph Designer, but it won't
let me put a table on the reference page.

What's the Best Practice for this purpose?



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Re: figure titles in webworks

2006-05-18 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

I am not [yet] into WebWorks and I don't know whether the code example
you give is an automatic conversion by the application or whether this
is something you decide  (in your rules). But I have a BIG general
question here (to the list):

Why use Microsoft arbitrary code instead of the generic HTML
standards? Is your code only made for Internet Exploiter version X?
The general rule today is to avoid proprietary code, because it will
get you some day. There is nothing as unreliable as a Microsoft
application, because they do all sorts of arbitrary changes between
versions that will only learn about the hard way.

Instead use as much as possible pure HTML or XHTML (to the standard of
the World Wide Web Consortium and CSS.

For example, the  tag can easily be handled by CSS using e.g.
, and so will the setting of the behaviour of
elements, like "sometext -- much like in
FrameMaker's own EDD.

Also there is absolutely no need for the  tag. It is redundant.
Set the fonts within the CSS. The  tag is really a stone-age tag
that seems to endlessly fill the codes of bad webpages made with --
you guessed it -- M$ FrontPage.

Your sample shows a table consisting of one row consisting of three
cells. The  sets the vertical alignment (which, again, would be
better handled in the CSS).
The first cell is empty but has the width set to 48 pixels (once more:
better handled in the CSS unless this is a loner).
The second cell has a different width and then a  which includes
the proprietary  which again holds a locator anchor (which is
repeated in the last cell, giving the browser a hard time deciding
which one to choose).
There is nothing to tell me what font attributes are inherited in the
second cell. I am guessing some other than "2", which would explain
the forcing of the font in the 3rd cell down a bit (since the cells'
vertical alignment is set to "top").
Also you see the specific setting of the font name in the 3rd cell.
Either get rid of that within the font tag or delete the font tag
(both sides) or have the same settings for the 2nd cell. And try to
have this set in the CSS rather than arbitrarily set with the 

Always check your HTML code to 3-4 different browsers (IE, FireFox,
Opera, etc.) and have them also checked on other O/Ss unless it is
ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY intended for use with M$ IE.

And finally: Someone tell me that this is not WebWork's fault, default
behaviour or something unavoidable, please.


On 5/17/06, Lilah Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a webworks related question. When I generate help from Frame files, 
WebWorks seems to create two separate anchors for figure number and figure 
text. But it appears to be using different fonts, the results of which are that 
it looks like the figure number is a half line above the figure text. Is there 
a way to fix this using the Style Designer?

Here is the source code from the page:




  Figure 1‑1   


Sample End User IronPort Spam Quarantine




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Re: Career advice--which application to focus on: FM or Word?

2006-05-18 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 16:15 -0400 17/5/06, Ron Miller wrote:

>If I experiment with style changes, Word creates a new style like Body + blue 
>font + 6 pt line spacing. It handles numbered lists very poorly and it is 
>quirky and seems to lack any coherent use model. Frame on the other, while not 
>perfect (what software is) and certainly less intuitive at least does what you 
>want it to do and doesn't try to do so many things you wish it wouldn't.

I think the key difference can be summed up by saying that Word takes a 
lifetime to master to the degree at which it can be used to produce results 
comparable to those that can be produced quite easily with Frame. It can be 
done, but is it worth it?

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Re: Auto-creating tables

2006-05-18 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 15:33 -0500 17/5/06, Doug wrote:

>Is there a way to automatically create a table when you apply a
>specific paragraph format?

Afaik only in structured Frame, through the use of an 'Automatically insert 
child' directive in the EDD.

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Using XSLT in FM7.2 (was: XSLT and DocType declaration)

2006-05-18 Thread Shlomo Perets
Under there are links 
to a few FM7.2 Structure-specific technical papers, including a new "Using 
XSLT in FM7.2" paper.

Shlomo Perets

Training, consulting & add-ons: FrameMaker, Structured FM and Acrobat

Re: problem with PDF batch processing (cudspan batch + watched folder)

2006-05-18 Thread Jakob Fix


thanks for your answer.  See comments further down.

Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:

I wrote:


>What could the problem be, and how can I solve this?

There seems to be an intermittent problem in Frame itself.
When we added the ability to make PDF to our runfm.exe tool,
we ran into this.  We wound up having to set the property
explicitly from the FDK immediately before printing to the
PDF printer.  After that, the trouble went away.

Good to know I'm not the only one :-)  In the meantime I did the
following which seems to work in order to work around the problem: I
printed each of the files in question manually to postscript.  After
this, the trouble went away.

You can use runfm to do this job, and you don't even need
to buy Mif2Go to do it.  You do need to download and
install our demo version (at least the plugin parts):

The runfm batch tool does look really interesting for what I need to
do.  In particular it would allow me to integrate it into our
ant-based work flow.  I'll have a look into it for the next project
I'll be working on.


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