[tw5] Re: (re-)Presenting: LeftBar - a menu type sidebar, on the left

2024-06-23 Thread Mat
@TwN00b, you caught me at a good time. Summer vacations just started and 
I'm fiddling with these types of things, so I'll take a look at this within 
the next few days. HOWEVER, I will not reply here but over in the main 
tiddly talk group 
where I recommend everyone to hang out for discussing all things tiddly, 
instead of this old google group. (I saw this post because it is CC'd 
automatically to the Talk group, but the reverse does not happen). So look 
out there within the next few days.

On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 6:37:56 PM UTC+2 JS2 wrote:

> Just found this - Looks like I *might* be able to use it - :-) 
> * Is it possible to remove the background and foreground colors?
> * I have a custom dark-theme and LeftBar does not play-nice with 
> dark-colors
> Thanks,
> TwN00b
> ---
> On Monday, March 9, 2020 at 9:22:48 AM UTC-7 Mat wrote:
>> Damon Pritchett wrote:
>>> I love this plugin! So far it works very well with all of my custom 
>>> TOCs, etc. I also love the way it can appear and hide from the left side. I 
>>> was thinking that this same behavior would be extremely handy for the 
>>> sidebar as well.
>> Happy to hear you find LeftBar useful! I just did some (very) quick 
>> attempts to see what I could do with the regular sidebar but realized it is 
>> too intricate to get anything going quickly. I'm sure it can be done. 
>> However, I believe @Ton Gernert has some layout that lets you pop out both 
>> of the sidebars one at a time, kind of. You might want to look into that. 
>> I'm afraid I can't remember what it's called. It's pretty old by now, 
>> certainly older than 5 years. Seek up Ton and ask him.
>> <:-)

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[tw5] Re: start command from tiddlywiki

2022-10-31 Thread Mat
As if by magic, the man to ask just appeared out of the shadows:


On Monday, October 31, 2022 at 8:10:35 PM UTC+1 ge...@verweggistan.eu wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm using node.js version of tiddlywiki in a docker container 
> from  nicolaw/tiddlywiki.
> I have the variable TW_DOCKERVOLUME defined to where on the local 
> filesystem my tiddlers reside. I would like to put my tiddlers on an 
> encrypted volume which gets decrypted and mounted  on TW_DOCKERVOLUME once 
> a correct password is given. 
> I was thinking on writing some python code using http.server to decrypt 
> and mount the encrypted volume and then redirecting to the wiki but I was 
> wondering if maybe someone already made something similar/simpler. Maybe 
> you don't need the python and you could do it straight in node.js... I have 
> no clue... 
> Does anyone know if there exists something in this direction?
> Or could someone point me to documentation on node.js code that could do 
> it?
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Geert

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Re: [tw5] Presenting: list-table-draggable - drag'n drop rows of data

2022-10-06 Thread Mat
Hi Brian and good to hear you like it.

First off, let me recommend that you join the main group for TW 
at https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/  - I saw this post there because all posts 
here on gg get reposted there, but not vice versa. It is the new official 
main forum for TW.

With that said; You're right in your observation. I believe it should be 
solvable but it is a bit complex so I'll need to return to think about how 
to solve it, earliest in the weekend (but I can't make any promise). Here's 
the difficulty: 

As you know, the displayed rows in the table are based on the output from 
your custom filter, which is stored in the `list-filter` field. Each title 
creates a table row but because you can reorder the table rows, the order 
is arbitrary and thus has to be statically stored, which is done in the 
`list` field. 

But it is of course important that if a new tiddler qualifies in the 
filter, it should also show up in the resulting table. So the table rows 
are generated from BOTH the static list and the list-filter. This means 
that when you uncheck "done" in your tiddler then it no longer qualifies in 
the list-filter... but the title is still in the static list field! Again, 
this field has to be static to keep track of your arbitrary sort order.

What I should probably do is to add an action when an item is drag'n 
dropped to weed out all titles in the list field that don't qualify in the 
list-filter. There's just a nagging feeling that I've pondered over this 
and decided against it, but I'm not sure and I can't remember why I'd do 
that. (I.e why would I want items that don't qualify in the filter?)

Incidentally, as I've now quickly reviewed the code (and realized it is 
pretty complex) I note that I've also put in a qualified that each filter 
output has to be an *existing* tiddler. I wonder if this is a wise 
requirement. But it does mean that if you *delete* your done actions, they 
will disappear from the table. Not sure you'd want that but just sayin'.

Anyway, I'll have to get back to this, hopefully this weekend but no 

And do consider switching over to - or at least joining - the 
https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/ forum.


On Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 3:54:36 PM UTC+2 bria...@gmail.com wrote:

> This Draggable Table deal is SWEET!  I started incorporating it into all 
> sorts of places in my Tiddlywiki.
> One issue though, it doesn't seem to "update" correctly.  I'm using it for 
> a task list, and when I check a task off as "done" (tagged with "Done") the 
> table row should no longer appear in the table because it does not match 
> the filter any longer. That only works so long as I have never "dragged" 
> the line item. 
> Once I drag the table row to a new spot in the table, the filter that 
> populates the table doesn't seem to apply any more, and my table row (that 
> should disappear) remains in the table.
> Maybe I'm missing something?
> Hope you keep working on this fantastic plugin, and thank you for making 
> it!
> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 5:10:34 PM UTC-4 Mat wrote:
>> Updated  <https://list-table-draggable.tiddlyhost.com/>v.0.0.7
>> Drag'n drop reordering should now work properly.
>> Thanks @History Buff.
>> <:-)
>> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 10:41:21 PM UTC+2 Mat wrote:
>>> @note2 - yeah, perhaps an official plugin. Or maybe something like the 
>>> list-links macro could be replaced with a more generic solution to present 
>>> items with a template.
>>> @Mohammad - yes, as you understood, updating one list also updates the 
>>> other lists that use the same list field. I kind of think there is some 
>>> value in seeing this to think that very thought. 
>>> @History Buff - Darn, I agree; *something is not working with the DnD*! 
>>> I have to look into this. Thanks for reporting.
>>> <:-)
>>> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 9:47:34 PM UTC+2 History Buff wrote:
>>>> I like this. However, in the examples, I tried to arrange one through 
>>>> four top to bottom and could never get there. I may have not been doing 
>>>> something right, but the behavior didn't seem consistent from one drop to 
>>>> the next.
>>>> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 7:46:20 AM UTC-7 Mohammad wrote:
>>>>> Mat,
>>>>>  Nice idea! Clever solution!
>>>>> One minor comment: (ignore)
>>>>> In the demo page of plugin I tried reorder rows in examp

[tw5] Re: Farm of single-file TiddlyWiki instances ?

2022-02-26 Thread Mat
@cj.v - thank you for sharing your stuff.
@Jed - thank you for your added information. It is totally relevant in the 
context and I was thinking the same thing.
@cj.v - focus back to you. This is, of course, a discussion forum. Another 
option is to publish stuff in a wiki. But I hope you write more about the 
OP here so you and others can contribute on the matter because it is a 
topic I'm very interested in.


On Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 5:21:44 PM UTC+1 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:

> Cool, but I'm getting a soupçon of desire to shut down the sharing of the 
> stuff I'm doing.  I get the feeling I've broken some kind of weird taboo, 
> and there is a desire to use my OP as an opportunity to promote/advertise 
> somebody else's work (and now somebody else's talents) when I didn't 
> address any of that in the OP.  If you're not interested at all in what I"m 
> doing, why chime in?
> It is all a little bit strange to me.
> I'm just sharing something I find fun and interesting, the results of my 
> own learning and research.  What's with all of the noise?
> On Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 11:44:36 AM UTC-4 TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>>  cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> I didn't know about it, and even if I did, I probably wouldn't look at 
>>> it until I've gone as far as I can go with my own exploring.  (I prefer 
>>> learn by doing than studying somebody else's work.)
>> *Kudos on that. *(Though I want to comment that Jed is one of the great 
>> TW thinker/programmers. He has not been so live recently, but basically the 
>> man has created great work in TW. He spearheaded the TW approach to 
>> "Federation". In Bob he provides a superb way to maintain wiki.)
>> Side comment
>> TT

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[tw5] Re: Tiddlywiki + Google Spreasheets. I want to show you my newer finished work

2022-02-21 Thread Mat
Siniy-Kit wrote:

> 1) very very very old JSONP (*I use it now*)
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/tq?key=16jpYS8egNJuLA8HyS-Um6wuwC9A5eFl-IKykIzZB92Y&sheet=goods
> here we have js function  with JSON 
> argument. google.visualization.Query.setResponse({..})

So... the output in that link is a js function and some more stuff that 
wraps the JSON. So, do you *scrub off* the wrapping stuff to accss the 
clean JSON content or do you *use* the js function in your own code? ...and 
is the scrubbing or use of the js function what you have in your tidder 
under "Начало нового кода" ?

> 2) new variant with doGET() in google script

This looks very interesting. If I interpret these docs 
it seems very direct to both get and post content from and to a sheet 
(which is one big limitation in the current TiddlyGoo solutions; there is 
no solution to push data to a sheet from TW). 
But, @Siniy-kit, you currently don't use doGet or doPost at all, right? You 
solve *both* push and pull with JSONP, right?

Thank you for your replies.


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[tw5] Re: Tiddlywiki + Google Spreasheets. I want to show you my newer finished work

2022-02-20 Thread Mat
Mark S. wrote:

> Yeah, that's what we're using. I think. Possibly Google hasn't shut it 
> down in all regions, or possibly there is something else wrong with your 
> (Mat's) particular use-case that has nothing to do with the status of JSONP.

Hmm... @Siniy-kit what do I misunderstand:

1) Your solution is fetching data from a google sheet. 
2) You can only fetch this because the sheet data is presented in json 
format thanks to a google feature that requires a special URL
3) This special URL *used to* have the format:
4) ...but google modified this in august last year so the special URL is 
different AND the presented data there is json but it is wrapped in some 
other stuff. Here is the *new* URL format:
https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/' + spreadsheet_id + 
'/values/' + tab_name + '?alt=json&key=' + api_key; 

OR are you using a completely different method to pull the data into your 
wiki? One of the urls you just posted seems to be a script, so maybe there 
is a local copy of some magic script in each sheet you share, or maybe 
there's a way to apply a script to a arbitrary sheets to mangle them... 
perhaps via a special url (like what you posted... but where is that script 
stored then?)

@Mark... any ideas? Am I and @Siniy-kit talking past one another? I'm the 
fool here because I'm dealing with pieces in a puzzle that I don't 
understand. Is my question wrong?

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[tw5] Re: Tiddlywiki + Google Spreasheets. I want to show you my newer finished work

2022-02-20 Thread Mat
Siniy-Kit wrote:

> Mat, as you know, I dont use any google api in my old and New script. I 
> open google spreadsheet direcrly like external javascript file with 
> callback.  This format name is JSONP 

Aha... @Mark is better suited to comment on this but I would guess then 
that we used your code and scaled it down to the minimum and built from 
there so it was no longer JSONP but instead JSON. I can't remember. We'll 
see if Mark has any thoughts.

> I read you want to make "Google spreadsheet backend"  NOW in spreadsheets 
> scripts we can use GET and POST
> so we can save tiddlywiki paswords in hidden spreadsheet and chek it in 

Does this, at least theoretically, mean that it would be possible to both 
fetch data from the spreadsheet and "push" data into it?

> I hope, you Will finnish your idea with googlespreadsheet plugin for 
> tiddlywiki. 

Yeah... that'd be super cool. If it could be made to work well. And IF it 
were possible to both fetch and push data between a TW and a goodle sheet 
then that might even mean it would be a multi-user TW. From any TW. Where 
you share specific tiddlers. TW could be used for communication, as a 
plugin store, collaboration, anything.


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[tw5] Re: Tiddlywiki + Google Spreasheets. I want to show you my newer finished work

2022-02-20 Thread Mat
Ah, great! And this was updated a few months ago to work with Google v4 
API, right? Did it take a lot of changing to do the update?
Again thank you.


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[tw5] Re: Tiddlywiki + Google Spreasheets. I want to show you my newer finished work

2022-02-20 Thread Mat
By the way, it would of course be better if we have this conversation over 
at https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/ I note you're also a member there.
On Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 9:44:20 AM UTC+1 Mat wrote:

> @Siniy-Kit - I've said it before: Wow! The idea that TW can be the engine 
> for a real commercial store is just amazing! Well done!
> How does your system convert the google sheet into tiddlers? Where can we 
> find the code to see how this is done?
> As you may know, your solution was the fundamental starting point for 
> Marks and my SheetsIN plugin. Here's the github 
> <https://github.com/Marxsal/TiddlyGoo>, the demo 
> <https://marxsal.github.io/TiddlyGoo/> with a "special thanks" to you 
> which is also in the plugin, and here's the gg announcement 
> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/iqS_xINysUA/m/hx8asXfYAgAJ>. The 
> SheetsIN plugin is part of the bigger TiddlyGoo project 
> <https://tiddlygoo.tiddlyhost.com/> intended to provide solutions for 
> generally connecting TW to the internet, by using google sheets as a 
> "middle step" and a backend. 
> ...*but* Google changed their API a few months back so SheetsIN no longer 
> works. So I'm wondering how you solved this? Looking at your demo site 
> <https://heeg.ru/shop2_3.html?id=16jpYS8egNJuLA8HyS-Um6wuwC9A5eFl-IKykIzZB92Y#index>,
> it is very difficult to know what is going on and what tiddlers or plugins 
> that connect to your sheet and extract and process the content - ? Is there 
> a way to see the actual code that does this?
> Thank you!
> <:-)
> On Monday, January 3, 2022 at 12:14:06 PM UTC+1 Ste wrote:
>> Looking realy good!
>> On Sunday, 2 January 2022 at 10:31:53 UTC Siniy-Kit wrote:
>>> Hi! I make small on-line stores on Tiddlywiki. I was not able to finish 
>>> my last work, so i make a little demo from it 
>>> https://heeg.ru/shop2_3.html?id=16jpYS8egNJuLA8HyS-Um6wuwC9A5eFl-IKykIzZB92Y
>>> I think that this demo will be useful for people, who want convert their 
>>> boring spreadsheets to nice interactive Tiddlywiki page or  very fast 
>>> static cut site   https://heeg.ru/carimages/static/ 
>>> with checkboxes and images from google drive or any hosting.

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[tw5] Re: Tiddlywiki + Google Spreasheets. I want to show you my newer finished work

2022-02-20 Thread Mat
@Siniy-Kit - I've said it before: Wow! The idea that TW can be the engine 
for a real commercial store is just amazing! Well done!

How does your system convert the google sheet into tiddlers? Where can we 
find the code to see how this is done?

As you may know, your solution was the fundamental starting point for Marks 
and my SheetsIN plugin. Here's the github 
, the demo 
 with a "special thanks" to you which 
is also in the plugin, and here's the gg announcement 
. The 
SheetsIN plugin is part of the bigger TiddlyGoo project 
 intended to provide solutions for 
generally connecting TW to the internet, by using google sheets as a 
"middle step" and a backend. 

...*but* Google changed their API a few months back so SheetsIN no longer 
works. So I'm wondering how you solved this? Looking at your demo site 
it is very difficult to know what is going on and what tiddlers or plugins 
that connect to your sheet and extract and process the content - ? Is there 
a way to see the actual code that does this?

Thank you!


On Monday, January 3, 2022 at 12:14:06 PM UTC+1 Ste wrote:

> Looking realy good!
> On Sunday, 2 January 2022 at 10:31:53 UTC Siniy-Kit wrote:
>> Hi! I make small on-line stores on Tiddlywiki. I was not able to finish 
>> my last work, so i make a little demo from it 
>> https://heeg.ru/shop2_3.html?id=16jpYS8egNJuLA8HyS-Um6wuwC9A5eFl-IKykIzZB92Y
>> I think that this demo will be useful for people, who want convert their 
>> boring spreadsheets to nice interactive Tiddlywiki page or  very fast 
>> static cut site   https://heeg.ru/carimages/static/ 
>> with checkboxes and images from google drive or any hosting.

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[tw5] Re: gg VS talkW

2022-01-30 Thread Mat
The feature in Talk to include copies from here is a double edged sword; On 
the one hand it might incentivize to go over here if there's an interesting 
discussion that one feels the urge to participate in. But on the other 
hand, one gets the information from here without having to come here, so 
why bother going here...?

I inclining towards the latter, i.e it is getting rarer and rarer that I 
reply to posts here on GG. It's just more fun in Talk... hearts and badges 
and stuff, and easy to edit posts,  and overall more action in Talk. But it 
bothers me that there may be people here in GG who think "this is it" - 
that the community is not very active and that it is not sure one gets a 
quick reply. 

The Talk forum has proven itself superior in many regards and it is IMO 
time to not only remove the "experimental" reference but to officially make 
it the *primary* discussion forum for the community because we risk giving 
the wrong impression of the community and the project otherwise.


On Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 9:27:19 AM UTC+1 Mat wrote:

> Jeremy Ruston wrote:
>> I plan to update tiddlywiki.com to link to talk.tiddlywiki.org shortly, 
>> and I think that will be the point where it stops being an experiment.
> IMO the time is ripe! :-) I think newcomers post here without realizing 
> that this GG is now a "subset" of talk. And they may mistakenly believe the 
> community is less active than it really is.
> Other than then removing the word "experimental" from the GG forum header 
> here, I would also propose to modify that header message to mention that 
> "Any posts made here in Google groups also appear as copies in 
> talk.tiddlywiki.org" or some such.
> <:-) 

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[tw5] Re: Edit-Text Widget

2022-01-17 Thread Mat
I believe this recent PR will remedy this.

Extend the EditTextWidget and fields to allow Date-Pickers and other 
tags #6377 


BTW, did you know that https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/ is much more active 
than this google group - and that the posts to google group also appear 
there (but people can't reply there).


On Monday, January 17, 2022 at 12:26:08 PM UTC+1 Dave Kor wrote:

> I am a little puzzled by the edit-text widget's design. 
> It uses html's  or  tag for data entry, yet the widget 
> does not support some of the basic input tag's attribute? For instance 
> while 's "rows" attribute is supported, there is no way to set 
> the "cols" attribute.
> In a similar vein, the html  tag has support for data entry of 
> numbers using the "type=number" attribute. Yet, we cannot specify the "min" 
> and "max" attributes. 
> I feel adding support for these three attributes should be quite simple 
> and would add significant functionality to the widget. Does anyone agree 
> with me?

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[tw5] Re: Transclusion Terminology

2022-01-16 Thread Mat
I occasionally refer to people who use tiddlywiki as *tiddleurs* (pronounced 
with a French accent, in my mind) I don't expect anyone else to use it but 
I stick to it because I think it is funny (...hm, I'm not normally that 
easily amused). If anyone has to ask what I mean, then no biggie. So, I say 
go with your terminology, whatever makes you happy!


On Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 11:36:55 AM UTC+1 reinhard...@gmail.com 

> @Mat
> Never mind! 
> Just image you always have to say "the employing person" vs "the employed 
> person". Anyway, I wanted to add some information about transclusions into 
> my wiki and looked for some suitable tiddler titles. 
> *TheTranscludingTiddler* and *TheTranscludedTiddler* seemed to 
> cumbersome. So I chose the suggested terms. They work for me, and I thought 
> they might be useful in general.
> Thanks for your remarks!
> -Reinhard
> On Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 11:21:10 AM UTC+1 Reinhard Engel wrote:
>> @TiddlyTweeter
>> You wrote:
>> "Part of the issue* though* is that in TW "transclusion" is potentially 
>> *radical*. Transclusions can be nested infinitely. So, in that context, 
>> the terms "Transcluder" / "Transcludee" would not be so transparent in 
>> actual use"
>> If transclusions are nested, each intermediate tiddler takes on both the 
>> roles *transcludee* and *transcluder*.
>> The relationship is between the transcluder and the transcludee is 
>> strictly binary. The transcluder doesn't and shouldn't care about how the 
>> transcludee produces its content.

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[tw5] Re: Transclusion Terminology

2022-01-16 Thread Mat
Sorry, I just thought it was funny but I guess not. I've personally never 
had a problem to say e.g "the transcluding tiddler" vs "the transcluded 


On Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 10:53:13 AM UTC+1 reinhard...@gmail.com 

> @Mat
> Why LOL?
> Normally, every new term has to be explained when it is introduced. What's 
> wrong with
> *Transclusion* is generally the inclusion of the content of a tiddler 
> into another tiddler by reference. The tiddler that's referencing another 
> tiddler is called the *transcluder*, the tiddler (content) that is being 
> included is called the *transcludee*.
> That would be it.
> Surely, these two new terms are not stranger than the term *tiddler*, 
> that has also to be explained. But once you have grokked it, you understand 
> it everywhere.
> -Reinhard
> On Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 9:14:43 AM UTC+1 Mat wrote:
>> LOL! Sure, but you're running the risk of having to explain the term 
>> which kind of nullifies the point... ;-)
>> <:-)
>> On Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 8:57:24 AM UTC+1 reinhard...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> When talking about transclusions, it's a little cumbersome to talk about 
>>> *the 
>>> tiddler that's doing the transclusion* and *the tiddler that's being 
>>> transcluded*.
>>> So, if it has been done before or elsewhere, may I suggest the two terms
>>> *Transcluder* (the tiddler that's doing the transclusion)
>>> *Transcludee* (the tiddler that's being transcluded)
>>> patterned af *employer* and *employee*?

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[tw5] Re: gg VS talkW

2022-01-16 Thread Mat
Jeremy Ruston wrote:

> I plan to update tiddlywiki.com to link to talk.tiddlywiki.org shortly, 
> and I think that will be the point where it stops being an experiment.

IMO the time is ripe! :-) I think newcomers post here without realizing 
that this GG is now a "subset" of talk. And they may mistakenly believe the 
community is less active than it really is.

Other than then removing the word "experimental" from the GG forum header 
here, I would also propose to modify that header message to mention that 
"Any posts made here in Google groups also appear as copies in 
talk.tiddlywiki.org" or some such.


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[tw5] Re: Transclusion Terminology

2022-01-16 Thread Mat
LOL! Sure, but you're running the risk of having to explain the term which 
kind of nullifies the point... ;-)


On Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 8:57:24 AM UTC+1 reinhard...@gmail.com wrote:

> When talking about transclusions, it's a little cumbersome to talk about *the 
> tiddler that's doing the transclusion* and *the tiddler that's being 
> transcluded*.
> So, if it has been done before or elsewhere, may I suggest the two terms
> *Transcluder* (the tiddler that's doing the transclusion)
> *Transcludee* (the tiddler that's being transcluded)
> patterned af *employer* and *employee*?

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Re: [tw5] Re: How Many Tiddlers Should I Use?

2022-01-16 Thread Mat

> You are right. With those numbers it looks OK. 

Just to be clear: It is not just "OK", it should be absolutely no problem. 
There are wikis with many thousand tiddlers that work very well. What can 
bog the system down is heavy use of embedded(!) images, or other big 
embedded data for that matter, and when the system needs to perform a lot 
of calculations to render things, like if you do a lot of *nested* loops 
that search through all tiddlers etc, and then include this in e.g a 
viewtemplate so it is active all the time. But what you describe sounds 
nothing like this and I'm sure you'll find TW perfect for what you have in 

BTW, may I invite you over to  https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/  where all the 
cool guys hand out ;-) The posts in the google group here is just a *subset* 
of the posts there!



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[tw5] Re: How Many Tiddlers Should I Use?

2022-01-15 Thread Mat
Welcome qazxwecvr 

Can TiddlyWiki handle the volume of tiddlers required for the third option, 
> and would it be substantially more time-consuming? 

My goodness - how many tens of thousands of tiddlers are you planning to 
make? Unless your plan includes having TW *perform* actual math 
calculations, I can't imagine that you would have too many tiddlers based 
on what you describe. They're just text, right? That you will add manually. 
Or will it be full with graphs? As for time consuming; How much time would 
it take to type it into any other software? Are you worried that the UI in 
TW will add substantially to each typing, compared to elsewhere, or exactly 
what are you asking? 


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[tw5] Re: open multiple tiddlers at once ?

2022-01-15 Thread Mat
I made TiddlerSets 
time ago. Maybe it can be of help.


On Saturday, January 15, 2022 at 8:20:25 PM UTC+1 gavin@gmail.com wrote:

> Answering my own question:
> with the Menu Bar plugin, there is a field called `custom-menu-content`:
> with the following link in the field I could access a Permaview or other 
> filter run (Permalink)
> https://mysite.example#:[tag[myTag]]"; rel="noopener 
> noreferrer">Home
> important to have rel="noopener noreferrer"
> I found this to be pretty frustrating and non-intuitive. Putting this here 
> in case it helps anyone else.
> On Saturday, January 15, 2022 at 10:15:35 AM UTC-8 Gavin Gamboa wrote:
>> There has to be a simpler way to open multiple tiddlers (a la permaview) 
>> via a link within TW? Am I missing something? 
>> I want a `target` field to point to a permaview (not a url but a TW link 
>> of multiple tiddlers … a list maybe via filter?) so that I can trigger 
>> multiple permaviews in the Menu Bar. 

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[tw5] Re: Trim [[ or trim ]] not working

2021-12-17 Thread Mat
I didn't try out your code but it looks like a simple syntax error. Try:

... trim:prefix]"/>

On Friday, December 17, 2021 at 4:54:00 PM UTC+1 sheri...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello 
> I am new to TW so I won't be surprised if the answer is obvious in 
> retrospect.
> I have:
> <$vars prefix="[[" suffix=" ]]">
> <$list filter="[[smpConfig]get[animals]trim:prefix[]]"/>
> If I don't have the trim part then the output is: [[Fox ]] [[Beaver ]]...  
> all good but once the trim is added there is no output.
> So what silly error am I making?
> The intent behind this is as part of a larger activity (naturally) that 
> will take the resulting list of animals and find all tiddlers that have a 
> field with that animal name. A tiddler could have none, some or all of the 
> animal names as fields. I believe I can figure out the rest or at least 
> have fun trying but this trim problem has me beat. I have checked the 
> documentation, google searching and here to no avail. Help as they say
> Regards 
> Sher

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[tw5] Re: If your CSS isn't working ...

2021-12-15 Thread Mat
LOL, yeah, as PMario points out, a new feature was just introduced for 
*exactly* that.

Another CSS hair-puller is when I sometimes test styling by using local 
styleblocks. A local styleblock is obviously superior to avoid going back 
and forth between a dedicated stylesheet tiddler. Well, on some occasions 
things mysteriously don't work... and, much hair later, it turns out the 
styling *demands *a dedicated stylesheet to work. It makes no sense to me, 
but OK, c'est la vie. Just like baldness. My avatar indicates how much CSS 
I've fumbled around with.

On Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 6:05:25 PM UTC+1 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:

> I just spent the last hour trying to figure out why some CSS  wasn't 
> working.
> My TiddlyWiki has 3 CSS tiddlers.
> The CSS in "Tiddler B" has nothing wrong with it at all.
> Turns out that the CSS in "Tiddler B" was not getting applied because the 
> last line of CSS in "Tiddler A" was missing a lousy "}".  So all of the 
> styling in Tiddler A was being applied, but the styling in Tiddler B was 
> not happening because of the missing "}" at the end of Tiddler A.
> So heads up.  What may seem like a problem with CSS in one tiddler may 
> actually be an issue with the CSS in some other tiddler.
> Now, how to reattach all of this hair ...

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[tw5] Re: Video: TiddlyWiki as Development Platform for Hyperlinked Solutions

2021-12-11 Thread Mat
Thanks for sharing!


On Friday, December 10, 2021 at 8:38:47 PM UTC+1 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:

> Very off-the-cuff video which I felt like doing for whatever reason.
> Quickly showcasing some of my TiddlyWiki projects, hoping that they 
> demonstrate why I see TiddlyWiki as a development platform for hyperlinked 
> solutions (content and programming.)
> https://youtu.be/ySWeoYRhZNY
> Cheers !

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[tw5] Re: Create a style to show icon next to link title?

2021-12-11 Thread Mat
I don't know if it is relevant but by mere coincidence I was fiddling 
around with images in TW and stumbled across this. Check it out.


The $(...)$ syntax is... let's back up: 
$*$ is used to apply the argument value of a macro parameter. But the $(*)$ 
syntax allows you to use a variable value from outside of the macro, and 
that was not included as an argument in the macro. (I'm probably not using 
the terminology correct.)


On Saturday, December 11, 2021 at 6:31:03 AM UTC+1 evan.s...@gmail.com 

> I'm trying to get a stylesheet working that will automatically insert the 
> SVG icon before the link text. Here's what I have so far:
> \define link-icon-style()
> <$set name="uri" value=<> >
>   <$set name="icon" tiddler=<> field="icon">
> <$set name="iconsrc" tiddler=<> >
>   <$list variable="urititle" 
> filter="""[removeprefix[data:text/plain,]]""">
>   a[href="#<>"] { display: inline-flex; align-items: 
> baseline; gap: .15em; }
>   a[href="#<>"]:before { content: < """$(iconsrc)$""" "image/svg+xml">>; width: 1em; height: 1em; margin-top: 
> 2px; align-self: center; fill: <>; }
> \end
> <$list filter="""[has[icon]]""">
>   <$vars tid={{!!title}}>
> <>
> When I inspect the DOM and look at the 

[tw5] Re: New Release Banner Super-speedy Competition for v5.2.1

2021-12-06 Thread Mat
Really cool! Congrats Springer and Mohammad - well done!


On Monday, December 6, 2021 at 6:23:10 PM UTC+1 Jeremy Ruston wrote:

> Thank you to everyone once again for your help. I'm afraid non-TW stuff 
> has delayed me for a few days, but now we're back on track to make the 
> release this week.
> I was just looking at Springer's collection of the entries at 
> https://tw-logo-contest.tiddlyhost.com. My first thought was that I 
> regret suggesting that I should choose the winner because it's too 
> difficult with so many excellent entries.
> Two entries that particularly caught my eye are Springer's:
> [image: Unknown-..png]
> And Mohammad's:
> [image: Unknown-3.png]
> I was just thinking that it would be nice to have those two designs 
> combined when I came to this thread and saw Springer's mashup which seems 
> to be pretty much what I wanted:
> [image: mashup.png]
> So, I am happy to declare that we have a winner. Congratulations to 
> Springer and Mohammad, and my sincere thanks to everyone who has entered.
> Best wishes
> Jeremy
> On Monday, November 29, 2021 at 5:00:56 PM UTC springer wrote:
>> Mashup, for yuks:
>> [image: mashup.png]
>> On Monday, November 29, 2021 at 11:39:34 AM UTC-5 TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>>> My two cents. I think Mohammad's entry good. It visually conveys 
>>> filtering well.
>>> TT   
>>> On Monday, 29 November 2021 at 11:53:48 UTC+1 jeremy...@gmail.com wrote:
 And thank you for all the entrants so far. The banner competition 
 always attracts great entries, but I particularly appreciate the skill of 
 designing under strict time constraints!

 Best wishes


 >Some of you may like the below banner!

> [image: drawing-optim.png]
 On Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 9:06:36 PM UTC+3:30 jeremy wrote:
>> As usual, I’d like to hold a competition to design the banner image 
>> that is shown on the splash screen and within the opening HelloThere 
>> tiddler.
>> The unusual thing this time around is that we have very limited time. 
>> Due to a serious bug introduced by the latest version of Chrome we are 
>> trying to get v5.2.1 released as soon as possible, perhaps as soon as 
>> this 
>> weekend.
>> With that in mind, we’ll have to run the competition slightly 
>> differently this time:
>>- Entries will be accepted until Friday morning at 8am UK time
>>- To speed things up, my plan is that I should choose the winning 
>>image (I’m open to discussion here!)
>> The artwork should reflect some of the changes in the new version. 
>> I’ve updated the release note for the prerelease but at this point the 
>> documentation for some of the new features is not complete.
>> https://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/
>> The other rules/guidelines for the competition are:
>>- The version number (with the correct punctuation) must be clear 
>>and readable even when the banner is shown at a reduced size
>>- The image must be a PNG or JPEG of exactly 560x315 pixels
>>- The bottom 46 pixels will be obscured by the banner text 
>>“What’s new in 5.2.1” when it is displayed within HelloThere
>>- The image need not include the word “TiddlyWiki”. The banner 
>>image is only used in contexts where it is clear that it is about 
>> TiddlyWiki
>>- Feel free to enter an updated version of artwork that was a 
>>runner-up in a previous competition
>>- Reply to this message with your entry, or any questions
>>- Please give lots of feedback here to encourage the artists
>> Here are the posts about previous artwork competitions:
>> v5.2.0 - 
>> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/eccIEHZoxsI/m/JpxoQdZrAwAJ
>> v5.1.23 - https://groups.google.com/g/
>> tiddlywiki/c/cTgPWl8b_9c/m/VtrMFHBGAwAJ
>> v5.1.22 - 
>> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/rYrja18_SfQ/m/JAklPfjfAwAJ
>> v5.1.21 - 
>> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/l47ZZzWdDb8/m/6s0p_3QeCgAJ
>> The Chrome bug I was referring to is discussed here:
>> https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/6254
>> https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/6261
>> Plans for the v5.2.1 release are being discussed here:
>> https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/6259
>> Best wishes and many thanks,
>> Jeremy

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[tw5] Re: Automatically generating grocery list by clicking on cooking recipes ?

2021-12-05 Thread Mat
Feeding in individual food items into TW is a tedious task. *IF* you intend 
to do this, may I recommend the NewTids macro 


On Sunday, December 5, 2021 at 7:52:47 PM UTC+1 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:

> There are loads of ridiculously adept TiddlyWiki folk who can help you out.
> I'll have to bail, because trying to help out with this kind of thing via 
> any forum is way too chaotic and disorganised for me to contribute towards 
> the development of good stuff.  (Information Systems/Business Analyst and 
> software developer I am, but I have a cognitive disability and quickly 
> become dysfunctional in this kind of environment.)
> I look forward to seeing the end-result, because what you have in mind is 
> an awesome use-case for TiddlyWiki.
> Cheers  and best regards!
> On Sunday, December 5, 2021 at 1:54:42 PM UTC-4 cassandr...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Thank you all for your answer !
>> @CJ : for the practical aspect of the grocery list, I already have a 
>> pretty good idea of the function I want as I'm already be using the book 
>> for quite some time. The serving doesn't need to be adapted.
>> Most ingredients are either in gram or in unity (for exemple, most of the 
>> vegetable is indicated as "two onions". Pasta or rice are indicated in 
>> gram).
>> I am confortable enough with the recipes and cooking in general to adapt 
>> which type (volume) of onion I need even if it's roughly indicated I need 4 
>> onions.
>> The biggest problem for me right now is the programming part as I have no 
>> education in the matter unfortunately haha.
>> @Télumire : thank for the proceding, I did understand the reasoning but 
>> I'm having troubles for implementing it.
>> As said just now, I don't have a good programming knowledge and I think 
>> the most I knew where how to print the famous HelloWorld haha.
>> For now, I did create the  data tiddler for all recipes of week 1.  I did 
>> implement a simple multiple select but with no function in it because I 
>> can't write it.
>> From what I understand in the pure logic form (correct me if I'm wrong) : 
>> I need to write a formula which will take into account which data tiddler 
>> I selected in the multiple select. With selected data tiddlers, I will need 
>> to show the name property with the index value associated (which I need to 
>> get with getindex). In case there are multiples same named property, I need 
>> to use the function SUM.
>> One big obstacle for me is how to use operator in Tiddlywiki. Just 
>> copy-pasting the formula doesn't seem to work because I guess I need to put 
>> something to tell Tiddler that what I'm writing is a formula. Until now, 
>> using the bracet [] for simple list were enough. I think I don't know the 
>> basic of the basic to implement formula in my tiddler. 
>> Do you have a good ressource to learn from ? I saw TW page for developper 
>> but I don't know if it's adapted. Ressources with already written formula 
>> from which I can inspire myself is a big help too ^^ (for example, a 
>> pratical use of the getindex in action and not in the example of the TW. If 
>> not, it's okay !).
>> I am not in hurry, it's more of a fun side project so learning it to do 
>> it myself could be benefical in the long term if I want to use Tiddlywiki 
>> more ^^ !
>> Le dimanche 5 décembre 2021 à 00:00:18 UTC+1, Álvaro a écrit :
>>> As they said, you have to think about how save the ingredients of the 
>>> recipe in the tiddler, you can use the index of a data tiddler for recipe 
>>> or simply the field of a tiddler for recipe. 
>>> Then you would need to use the filters  
>>> and their operators. You will need to retrieve the data for your grocery 
>>> list.
>>> El sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2021 a las 23:37:47 UTC+1, 
>>> cj.v...@gmail.com escribió:
 Example of something to keep in mind: if a recipe calls for 100grams of 
 onion, you'll want to convert that into something useful for grocery 

 Probably good to instead talk about a measure of an onion for 
 groceries.  You won't be buying a 100 g onion, so you'll want to have 1 
 onion, regardless of size and know you'll have left-over onion for your 
 omelette the next day.  Because you need about 1/4 of a small onion, or 
 whatever  of a big onion.

 But if you need an amount of grams o' onion that requires a large 
 onion, then you'll want a way to say a large onion.  Or two small onions.  
 Or whatever.  Knowing you'll be doing a little bit of rough math at the 
 grocery store.

 Your grocery list will get messy if you have 1 small onion and 1 large 
 onion when the onions are in a bag.

 All of that to say, don't be to quick to start building everything in 
 TW until you can visualize (spreadsheet or whatever) get a somewhat 
 reasonable amount of "stuff" for the big picture.


[tw5] Re: Hiding the TiddlyWiki interface: sneaky sneaky simple ...

2021-11-24 Thread Mat
Interesting. I did not know about the dialog html tag but I'd assume it can 
as well be achieved with a div. Anyhow, your idea triggered an idea for a 
"wall", e.g a password wall or paywall type application so here's some 
direct copy-paste-code with size so people can manipulate it more easily:

Copy paste it to tiddlywiki.com because it uses an image from there:


<$edit-text field=foo placeholder="password"/>
<$list filter="[get[foo]match[hey]]">
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-close-tiddler" $param="wall"/>



And here's a stylesheet. No tiddler type defined but it needs the tag, i.e:

tag: $:/tags/Stylesheet
.dialog {
position: fixed; bottom: 0; right:0; z-index:1000; padding:0;
.background {
background-image: url(<>);
width:100%; height:100%;
.foreground {
left:50%; transform: translateX(-50%);

On Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 7:30:18 PM UTC+1 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:

> Oops.  Open the imported tiddler and Poof.  TiddlyWiki interface gone.
> Setup such a tiddler as the default tiddler to open, or default tiddler at 
> startup.  Maybe check for something in the URL to not open this tiddler at 
> startup, or some mechanism (visible or hidden-keyboard-driven) to show/hide 
> this tiddler.
> Possibilities ...
> On Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 2:20:58 PM UTC-4 Charlie Veniot wrote:
>> Into a TiddlyWiki you don't care about or can't edit (I suggest 
>> TiddlyWiki.com), download and drag the attached file.
>> Poof.  TiddlyWiki interface gone.

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[tw5] Re: Left column of links as in Classic?

2021-11-24 Thread Mat
See if https://leftbar.tiddlyspot.com/ works for you. There was some 
complaint about 1-2 months ago about some problem on - if I recall - the 
nodejs version... or maybe it was resolved, can't remember. If you search 
for it you should find it. 


On Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 8:19:32 PM UTC+1 darenscot...@gmail.com 

> [image: tiddly-3col-sm-30.jpg]
> Like this. The main content is in the middle, with more or less the same 
> stuff on the right as in the new tiddly, to search, list tags, list 
> everything, etc.  On the left is what was useful every day, a list of fixed 
> links. I had one for each day of the week, for mornings, evenings, etc for 
> checklists, links for programming language tiddlers, links to various 
> reference tiddlers, for easy access. It was always there, and quick to get 
> to something like a list of Greek letters or the end of day checklist. 
> These links were defined in a Menu tiddler.  The very last link was one to 
> bring up the Menu tiddler itself for editing.  Life was good, then the new 
> tiddly5 came out and this left column feature vanished. Is there a plugin 
> that restores it?
> BTW, for anyone who says to just use the classic tiddly, I did, but then 
> one day it stopped being able to save itself. I couldn't save changes to my 
> info, due to iirc changes in the browsers or security or some such. If it's 
> possible to get classic to work properly, I'd keep using it.
> On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 2:32:30 AM UTC-7 PMario wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> You should at least provide a screenshot, so we know what you are talking 
>> about. 
>> -mario

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[tw5] Re: Please help us test v5.2.1-prerelease so we can expedite its release

2021-11-23 Thread Mat
@Eric - aha! I had definitely missed that. Thank you!

Sorry for cluttering this thread. At least I can report that I do not note 
any *other *bugs beyond my misreport.

On Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 12:23:49 AM UTC+1 Eric Shulman wrote:

> On Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 2:14:09 PM UTC-8 Mat wrote:
>> `<$list filter="""[tag[Moment]tagging[]] 
>> :filter[match]""">`
> In my 5.1.24-prerelease it behaves like I want, i.e it checks if the 
>> current tiddlers name matches a limited set of titles and only then 
>> displays the content. But on 5.2.0 and also 5.2.1-prerelease, it seems 
>> *every* tiddler passes the filter, thus displaying the content.
> The filter operator docs <https://tiddlywiki.com/#filter%20Operator> says 
> this:
> *Note that within the subfilter, the "currentTiddler" variable is set to 
> the title of the tiddler being processed. The value of currentTiddler 
> outside the subfilter is available in the variable "..currentTiddler". *
> This handling for `` vs `<..currentTiddler>` was added in 
> TW5.2.0.  If I understand your intentions, you want to use 
> `<..currentTiddler>` to refer to the containing tiddler.
> Thus:
> `<$list filter="""[tag[Moment]tagging[]] 
> :filter[match<..currentTiddler>]""">`
> -e

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[tw5] Re: Please help us test v5.2.1-prerelease so we can expedite its release

2021-11-23 Thread Mat
FWIW, I'm getting some strange behaviour in a wiki I'm testing it on. BUT 
my original wiki is a 5.1.24-prerelease and when I test it, I get problems 
both on 5.2.0 and the  5.2.1-prerelease. I have the following tiddler:

tags: $:/tags/ViewTemplate
<$list filter="""[tag[Moment]tagging[]] :filter[match]""">
''Syfte'': {{!!syfte}}

In my 5.1.24-prerelease it behaves like I want, i.e it checks if the 
current tiddlers name matches a limited set of titles and only then 
displays the content. But on 5.2.0 and also 5.2.1-prerelease, it seems 
*every* tiddler passes the filter, thus displaying the content. 

I note that the filter operator docs 
 states that this operator was 
introduced in 5.1.23 and then also some further feature in 5.2.0. Maybe I 
snatched a copy just before a bug was introduced? Is this even relevant for 
the OP in this thread? Am I misunderstanding something about my own filter? 
Am I just confused? Who am I anyway? Where are my slippers?

On Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 10:14:19 PM UTC+1 Jeremy Ruston wrote:

> The latest v96 version of Chrome has introduced a change that causes some 
> drag and drop operations in TiddlyWiki to fail. It's so serious that we're 
> planning to bring forward the release of v5.2.1, and thus urgently need 
> your help with testing it.
> https://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease
> Two different fixes for the Chrome 96 issue are required, so there are two 
> tickets:
> * FIXED: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/6254 - bug with 
> dragging titles and links into the default tiddler editor
> * IN PROGRESS: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/6273 - bug 
> with dragging titles and links into CodeMirror
> Please help us with by testing that your wikis and plugins work with the 
> new version. There are quite a few exciting new features that many of you 
> will be excited to test (not all of which are as yet fully documented), but 
> the feedback we really need is whether the new release accidentally breaks 
> any existing wikis or plugins.
> With that in mind, you can upgrade to the prerelease at:
> https://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/upgrade.html
> At this point, I would not recommend running the new version in 
> production: this is just for testing until we get a little more feedback.
> As ever, the first rule of TiddlyWiki applies: make sure you have backed 
> up your data!
> Questions and comments welcome.
> Many thanks,
> Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy Ruston
> jer...@jermolene.com
> https://jermolene.com

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[tw5] Re: The title of the tab is duplicate

2021-11-21 Thread Mat
A tab label is the title of the tiddler... unless the tiddler has a caption 
field with a value! And since multiple tiddler can have identical caption 


On Monday, November 22, 2021 at 5:47:31 AM UTC+1 hajlj...@gmail.com wrote:

> Any ideas?
> [image: 2021-11-22_103455.png]

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[tw5] Re: How to transclude field from tiddler which is in a field of current tiddler

2021-11-16 Thread Mat
This should work, I think:

<$transclude $tiddler={{!!ref}} $field=name />

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 10:53:19 PM UTC+1 Tristan wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I don't know the correct term but I want to transclude a field of the 
> tiddler that is contained in one of the fields of the current tiddler:
> Tiddler1:
> title: tiddler1
> tag: Baz
> ref: tiddler2
> Tiddler2:
> title: tiddler2
> name: FooBar
> Tiddler3:
> title: tiddler3
> <$list filter="[tag[Baz]">
> <$link to={{!!ref}}>
> *I want to show "FooBar" here*
> Thanks,
> Tristan

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[tw5] Re: Combobox idea

2021-11-14 Thread Mat
Thanks Télumire using your exact styling tiddler, but with an added 
type:text/css  this is how it appears <https://combobox.tiddlyhost.com/>, 
i.e om my Win 10 machine using Chrome, Brave and Firefox I see a 
selectwidget but no visible button and you can't type into it. Same thing 
on my android phone, Brave browser. Does my page not appear like that on 
your machine? BTW, on your webpage, the combobox tiddler is folded and on 
my phone I can't access the unfold button.

On Sunday, November 14, 2021 at 3:27:46 AM UTC+1 Télumire wrote:

> Hi @Mat, the apostrophes are intended, they prevent the wikitext parsing 
> to convert the -- into – (the wikitext cant be disabled with a pragma rule 
> or a content type in thatcase because this would prevent the use of 
> widgets).
> Drag & drop this tiddler in your wiki and it should work fine (it does on 
> my end in a fresh tiddlywiki) :)
> Le dimanche 14 novembre 2021 à 00:09:51 UTC+1, Mat a écrit :
>> @Télumire - I now tried to copy your code but it doesn't work properly. 
>> I've tried both from your attached tid file and using the copy-to-clipboard 
>> feature on your webpage but the code seems buggy e.g the -- prefix on css 
>> variables are enclosed in apostrophes. 
>> This is what I get 
>> <https://combobox.tiddlyhost.com/#:Combobox%20%5B%5BA%20styled%20combobox%5D%5D%20%5B%5BA%20quick'n%20dirty%20combobox%5D%5D>,
>> i.e the "Combobox" tiddler is your downloaded attachment tid above, and in 
>> the tiddler "A styled combobox" I've tweaked some stuff so it basically 
>> works but the button arrow is not showing.
>> What am I doing wrong or missing?
>> Thanx
>> <:-)
>> On Friday, November 5, 2021 at 2:00:46 AM UTC+1 Télumire wrote:
>>> Ok I think this time I got it. Here : 
>>> https://Telumire.github.io/TiddlyTweaks/index.html#:%5B%5BCombobox%5D%5D
>>> Le jeudi 4 novembre 2021 à 23:17:51 UTC+1, Télumire a écrit :
>>>> @Eric Shulman my bad, I should have tested it a bit more. Thanks for 
>>>> pointing this out ! @Mat, this is because the select element is OS 
>>>> dependent according to this stack overflow answer : 
>>>> https://stackoverflow.com/a/1895485/11549574
>>>> This one can be used properly inline (with a text after and before) and 
>>>> use a pseudo element as a select button (I left it as a red square but 
>>>> it's 
>>>> easy to customize), but there is still an issue with vertical align.. I'm 
>>>> still sharing it just in case, if I find something better I'll post it  :
>>>> <$vars
>>>> height="20px"
>>>> >
>>>> .combobox{
>>>> position: relative;
>>>> display: inline-block;
>>>> width: 150px;
>>>> height:<<height>>;
>>>> background:red;
>>>> margin-right:20px;
>>>> }
>>>> .combobox .select-btn{
>>>> width:100%;
>>>> cursor:pointer;
>>>> opacity:0;
>>>> pointer-event:all;
>>>> }
>>>> .combobox input{
>>>> top:0;
>>>> position:absolute;
>>>> width:100%;
>>>> }
>>>> .combobox .drodown-btn{
>>>> width:calc(<<height>> + 100%);
>>>> top:0;
>>>> position:absolute;
>>>> cursor:pointer;
>>>> }
>>>> .combobox .drodown-btn:after{
>>>> display:block;
>>>> content:"";
>>>> width:calc(<<height>> + 4px);
>>>> position:absolute;
>>>> inset:0 0 0 auto;
>>>> background:red;
>>>> pointer-events: none;
>>>> }
>>>> BEFORE<$edit-text field=selection placeholder="type or select"/>AFTER
>>>> before
>>>> <$select field=selection class="select-btn" >
>>>> A Tale of Two Cities
>>>> A New Kind of Science
>>>> The Dice Man
>>>> <$edit-text field=selection placeholder="type or select"/>
>>>> after
>>>> Le

[tw5] Re: Combobox idea

2021-11-13 Thread Mat
@Télumire - I now tried to copy your code but it doesn't work properly. 
I've tried both from your attached tid file and using the copy-to-clipboard 
feature on your webpage but the code seems buggy e.g the -- prefix on css 
variables are enclosed in apostrophes. 

This is what I get 
i.e the "Combobox" tiddler is your downloaded attachment tid above, and in 
the tiddler "A styled combobox" I've tweaked some stuff so it basically 
works but the button arrow is not showing.

What am I doing wrong or missing?


On Friday, November 5, 2021 at 2:00:46 AM UTC+1 Télumire wrote:

> Ok I think this time I got it. Here : 
> https://Telumire.github.io/TiddlyTweaks/index.html#:%5B%5BCombobox%5D%5D
> Le jeudi 4 novembre 2021 à 23:17:51 UTC+1, Télumire a écrit :
>> @Eric Shulman my bad, I should have tested it a bit more. Thanks for 
>> pointing this out ! @Mat, this is because the select element is OS 
>> dependent according to this stack overflow answer : 
>> https://stackoverflow.com/a/1895485/11549574
>> This one can be used properly inline (with a text after and before) and 
>> use a pseudo element as a select button (I left it as a red square but it's 
>> easy to customize), but there is still an issue with vertical align.. I'm 
>> still sharing it just in case, if I find something better I'll post it  :
>> <$vars
>> height="20px"
>> >
>> .combobox{
>> position: relative;
>> display: inline-block;
>> width: 150px;
>> height:<<height>>;
>> background:red;
>> margin-right:20px;
>> }
>> .combobox .select-btn{
>> width:100%;
>> cursor:pointer;
>> opacity:0;
>> pointer-event:all;
>> }
>> .combobox input{
>> top:0;
>> position:absolute;
>> width:100%;
>> }
>> .combobox .drodown-btn{
>> width:calc(<<height>> + 100%);
>> top:0;
>> position:absolute;
>> cursor:pointer;
>> }
>> .combobox .drodown-btn:after{
>> display:block;
>> content:"";
>> width:calc(<<height>> + 4px);
>> position:absolute;
>> inset:0 0 0 auto;
>> background:red;
>> pointer-events: none;
>> }
>> BEFORE<$edit-text field=selection placeholder="type or select"/>AFTER
>> before
>> <$select field=selection class="select-btn" >
>> A Tale of Two Cities
>> A New Kind of Science
>> The Dice Man
>> <$edit-text field=selection placeholder="type or select"/>
>> after
>> Le jeudi 4 novembre 2021 à 22:48:23 UTC+1, Mat a écrit :
>>> @Télumire, I appreciate your effort! @Eric, thank you for your shrewd 
>>> analysis!
>>> Does anyone know why it is barely possible to manipulate this dropdown 
>>> though? I do get the following to work, so the options *are* 
>>> targettable:
>>> .select-btn option {background:red}
>>> ...but attempting to e.g position absolute, margin-left, or some such 
>>> fails. It is as if they are immune to most styling.
>>> @anyone - is this because of the SelectWidget implementation, or is it 
>>> the underlying html select / option tags? Surely people will want to style 
>>> these? If it indeed is the underlying html tags, then is it at all possible 
>>> to do something about it in the SelectWidget, hypothetically?
>>> Thanx!
>>> <:-)
>>> On Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 9:42:29 PM UTC+1 Eric Shulman wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 12:31:14 PM UTC-7 Télumire wrote:
>>>>> Here's the code to push the dropdown in the proper place :
>>>> There are layout problems with this solution.  To see the issues,
>>>> try putting "before" and "after" text surrounding the "combobox" span:
>>>>> *BEFORE*
>>>>> <$select field=selection class="select-btn" >
>>>>> A Tale of Two Cities
>>>>> A New Kind of Science
>>>>> The Dice Man

[tw5] gg VS talk

2021-11-11 Thread Mat
Google group forum header:

> Visit our new, *experimental* Discourse discussion: talk.tiddlywiki.org

How long talk.tw gonna be expremental? And whats it take to prove is 
better? And what if is better, we gonna shut this here down then?


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[tw5] Re: Selectors (and Colorplay) - definitions and examples?

2021-11-10 Thread Mat

> 1) Am I right in thinking that all css bits and bobs throughout will be 
> tagged with Stylesheet?

There several ways to apply styles:

First (and second) you have separate stylesheet tiddlers, i.e tagged 
$:/tags/Stylesheet. If it is a *normal stylesheet* it is of the tiddler 
type "text/css". But it can also be a *wikitext stylesheet* where you can 
mix css and wikitext. Such stylesheets don't need a specified tiddler type.
Third you can use a *styleblock* in the tiddler, i.e .like 
And fourth, *inline styles* in the html tag or widget tag, e.g  which you can also use the wikitext variant for, 
i.e @@color:red; Hello@@ or if you want to apply a class then @@.likeso 

2) If not, is there another reliable way to ID wherever there's CSS being 
> applied? (Is it just look at all the css system tiddlers?)

So, given my reply to your first question, as you see it is not super easy 
to locate every place where css is applied BUT the "proper" way to do 
things is to use separate stylesheets so this is the main way things are 
done in the core.

I don't quite understand your questions 3 and 4.


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[tw5] Re: Link to anchors within tiddlers

2021-11-09 Thread Mat


On Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 7:39:23 PM UTC+1 Russ Lipton wrote:

> Does the core or a plugin support linking to an anchor point within a 
> target tiddler?

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Re: [tw5] Re: Class to use an image with background-clip

2021-11-09 Thread Mat
By the way, I found this for making the background image animate 
<https://codepen.io/CameronFitzwilliam/full/pamobO/>. If you want the gold 
to "shine" that might be a solution. My experience with "gold color" is 
that it typically appears too static, missing out on the very goldy 
appearance one wants. Especially so for smaller areas.

To make an image appropriate for infinite spinning, the linked solution has 
used this image 
<https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/769286/clouds.jpg>, i.e a 
mirrored image. Clever.


On Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 9:50:09 AM UTC+1 Mat wrote:

> I didn't look at Charlies solution but I don't get any problem putting the 
> styleblock I proposed in a dedicated stylesheet tiddler, and then applying 
> e.g like so:
> asdf @@.jack
> @@asdf
> ! This Heading
> <:-)
> On Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 3:13:49 AM UTC+1 taale...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Thanks Mat and Charlie!
>> So, it looks like I CAN create the class, but have to call it in a 
>> span/div to apply it. 
>> Which is better than I was expecting, because It was looking like I'd 
>> have to copy/paste the css into every relevant bit.
>> Thanks a ton!!
>> On Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 7:01 PM Charlie Veniot  wrote:
>>> Is this what you are looking for?
>>> Download attached json and drag it into tiddlywiki.com to try/analyze.
>>> On Monday, November 8, 2021 at 9:34:47 PM UTC-4 taale...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Well, that works for me too Mat - as long as I use inline HTML/CSS like 
>>>> you did above. 
>>>> But if I use the TW class caller (I can't think of the word) like this, 
>>>> no bueno, empty tiddler: 
>>>> @@.jack
>>>> !!JACK
>>>> @@
>>>> Which I suppose answers my question. Everything has to be styled in 
>>>> line, classes won't work here.
>>>> On Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 6:09 PM Mat  wrote:
>>>>> This works on tiddlywiki.com
>>>>> .jack {
>>>>>   font-size: 72px;
>>>>>   background: url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" title="Motovun Jack.jpg" 
>>>>> $output="text/plain"/>);
>>>>>   -webkit-background-clip: text;
>>>>>   -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
>>>>> }
>>>>> !GOLD
>>>>> <:-)
>>>>> On Monday, November 8, 2021 at 8:52:06 PM UTC+1 taale...@gmail.com 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm trying to make a class that will allow me to fill text with an 
>>>>>> image. For example, making a drop cap for a manuscript-inspired theme 
>>>>>> that 
>>>>>> looks like it's been gilded, by using an image of gold leaf.
>>>>>> The interwebz tell me that I want to use background-clip, but I'm not 
>>>>>> sure how to set that up in a CSS class. Does anyone have any pointers?
>>>>>> All I have so far, which doesn't work (and I didn't think it would):
>>>>>> .dropcap { font-size: 40px;
>>>>>> margin: 10pc;
>>>>>> border: 5px double black;
>>>>>> float: left; background-image: url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" 
>>>>>> title="paua.jpg" $output="text/plain"/>) background-clip: text; }
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Aidan
>>>>> -- 
>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>>>> Groups "TiddlyWiki" group.
>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>>>> an email to tiddlywiki+...@googlegroups.com.
>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/a176c54b-b9b3-4bfe-ac7f-b0891028dc6cn%40googlegroups.com
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/a176c54b-b9b3-4bfe-ac7f-b0891028dc6cn%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>>>>> .
>>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "TiddlyWiki" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>> an email to tiddlywiki+...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/81370c4d-903e-4c54-9605-135f92e51828n%40googlegroups.com
>>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/81370c4d-903e-4c54-9605-135f92e51828n%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>>> .

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Re: [tw5] Re: Class to use an image with background-clip

2021-11-09 Thread Mat
I didn't look at Charlies solution but I don't get any problem putting the 
styleblock I proposed in a dedicated stylesheet tiddler, and then applying 
e.g like so:

asdf @@.jack

! This Heading


On Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 3:13:49 AM UTC+1 taale...@gmail.com wrote:

> Thanks Mat and Charlie!
> So, it looks like I CAN create the class, but have to call it in a 
> span/div to apply it. 
> Which is better than I was expecting, because It was looking like I'd have 
> to copy/paste the css into every relevant bit.
> Thanks a ton!!
> On Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 7:01 PM Charlie Veniot  wrote:
>> Is this what you are looking for?
>> Download attached json and drag it into tiddlywiki.com to try/analyze.
>> On Monday, November 8, 2021 at 9:34:47 PM UTC-4 taale...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Well, that works for me too Mat - as long as I use inline HTML/CSS like 
>>> you did above. 
>>> But if I use the TW class caller (I can't think of the word) like this, 
>>> no bueno, empty tiddler: 
>>> @@.jack
>>> !!JACK
>>> @@
>>> Which I suppose answers my question. Everything has to be styled in 
>>> line, classes won't work here.
>>> On Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 6:09 PM Mat  wrote:
>>>> This works on tiddlywiki.com
>>>> .jack {
>>>>   font-size: 72px;
>>>>   background: url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" title="Motovun Jack.jpg" 
>>>> $output="text/plain"/>);
>>>>   -webkit-background-clip: text;
>>>>   -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
>>>> }
>>>> !GOLD
>>>> <:-)
>>>> On Monday, November 8, 2021 at 8:52:06 PM UTC+1 taale...@gmail.com 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I'm trying to make a class that will allow me to fill text with an 
>>>>> image. For example, making a drop cap for a manuscript-inspired theme 
>>>>> that 
>>>>> looks like it's been gilded, by using an image of gold leaf.
>>>>> The interwebz tell me that I want to use background-clip, but I'm not 
>>>>> sure how to set that up in a CSS class. Does anyone have any pointers?
>>>>> All I have so far, which doesn't work (and I didn't think it would):
>>>>> .dropcap { font-size: 40px;
>>>>> margin: 10pc;
>>>>> border: 5px double black;
>>>>> float: left; background-image: url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" 
>>>>> title="paua.jpg" $output="text/plain"/>) background-clip: text; }
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Aidan
>>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>>> Groups "TiddlyWiki" group.
>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>>> an email to tiddlywiki+...@googlegroups.com.
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/a176c54b-b9b3-4bfe-ac7f-b0891028dc6cn%40googlegroups.com
>>>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/a176c54b-b9b3-4bfe-ac7f-b0891028dc6cn%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>>>> .
>>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "TiddlyWiki" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to tiddlywiki+...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/81370c4d-903e-4c54-9605-135f92e51828n%40googlegroups.com
>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/81370c4d-903e-4c54-9605-135f92e51828n%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>> .

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[tw5] Re: Class to use an image with background-clip

2021-11-08 Thread Mat
This works on tiddlywiki.com

.jack {
  font-size: 72px;
  background: url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" title="Motovun Jack.jpg" 
  -webkit-background-clip: text;
  -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;



On Monday, November 8, 2021 at 8:52:06 PM UTC+1 taale...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'm trying to make a class that will allow me to fill text with an image. 
> For example, making a drop cap for a manuscript-inspired theme that looks 
> like it's been gilded, by using an image of gold leaf.
> The interwebz tell me that I want to use background-clip, but I'm not sure 
> how to set that up in a CSS class. Does anyone have any pointers?
> All I have so far, which doesn't work (and I didn't think it would):
> .dropcap { font-size: 40px;
> margin: 10pc;
> border: 5px double black;
> float: left; background-image: url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" 
> title="paua.jpg" $output="text/plain"/>) background-clip: text; }
> Thanks,
> Aidan

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[tw5] Re: Combobox idea

2021-11-05 Thread Mat
@Telumire - Man, that turned out quite ambitious. Looks great! Of course, 
we're way past "I found a way to quickly throw together a combobox", but IF 
one has the styles, perhaps as part of ones standard custom stylesheets, 
then it is only a matter applying it with @@.combobox.
For the record, here's the general and simplified call:

<$edit-text field=selection placeholder="type or select"/>
<$select field=selection>
...options list...


@Telumire - I put up a combobox.tiddlyhost.com for the idea. May I include 
your stylesheet there, obviously with credits to you and a ref to this 
thread? The purpose with the page is to make it findable when one needs it. 
(I temporarily just made that page public, it is obviously not ready for 
anyone to see.)

On Friday, November 5, 2021 at 2:00:46 AM UTC+1 Télumire wrote:

> Ok I think this time I got it. Here : 
> https://Telumire.github.io/TiddlyTweaks/index.html#:%5B%5BCombobox%5D%5D
> Le jeudi 4 novembre 2021 à 23:17:51 UTC+1, Télumire a écrit :
>> @Eric Shulman my bad, I should have tested it a bit more. Thanks for 
>> pointing this out ! @Mat, this is because the select element is OS 
>> dependent according to this stack overflow answer : 
>> https://stackoverflow.com/a/1895485/11549574
>> This one can be used properly inline (with a text after and before) and 
>> use a pseudo element as a select button (I left it as a red square but it's 
>> easy to customize), but there is still an issue with vertical align.. I'm 
>> still sharing it just in case, if I find something better I'll post it  :
>> <$vars
>> height="20px"
>> >
>> .combobox{
>> position: relative;
>> display: inline-block;
>> width: 150px;
>> height:<<height>>;
>> background:red;
>> margin-right:20px;
>> }
>> .combobox .select-btn{
>> width:100%;
>> cursor:pointer;
>> opacity:0;
>> pointer-event:all;
>> }
>> .combobox input{
>> top:0;
>> position:absolute;
>> width:100%;
>> }
>> .combobox .drodown-btn{
>> width:calc(<<height>> + 100%);
>> top:0;
>> position:absolute;
>> cursor:pointer;
>> }
>> .combobox .drodown-btn:after{
>> display:block;
>> content:"";
>> width:calc(<<height>> + 4px);
>> position:absolute;
>> inset:0 0 0 auto;
>> background:red;
>> pointer-events: none;
>> }
>> BEFORE<$edit-text field=selection placeholder="type or select"/>AFTER
>> before
>> <$select field=selection class="select-btn" >
>> A Tale of Two Cities
>> A New Kind of Science
>> The Dice Man
>> <$edit-text field=selection placeholder="type or select"/>
>> after
>> Le jeudi 4 novembre 2021 à 22:48:23 UTC+1, Mat a écrit :
>>> @Télumire, I appreciate your effort! @Eric, thank you for your shrewd 
>>> analysis!
>>> Does anyone know why it is barely possible to manipulate this dropdown 
>>> though? I do get the following to work, so the options *are* 
>>> targettable:
>>> .select-btn option {background:red}
>>> ...but attempting to e.g position absolute, margin-left, or some such 
>>> fails. It is as if they are immune to most styling.
>>> @anyone - is this because of the SelectWidget implementation, or is it 
>>> the underlying html select / option tags? Surely people will want to style 
>>> these? If it indeed is the underlying html tags, then is it at all possible 
>>> to do something about it in the SelectWidget, hypothetically?
>>> Thanx!
>>> <:-)
>>> On Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 9:42:29 PM UTC+1 Eric Shulman wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 12:31:14 PM UTC-7 Télumire wrote:
>>>>> Here's the code to push the dropdown in the proper place :
>>>> There are layout problems with this solution.  To see the issues,
>>>> try putting "before" and "after" text surrounding the "combobox" span:
>>>>> *BEFORE*
>>>>> <$select field=selection class="select-btn" >

[tw5] Re: Combobox idea

2021-11-04 Thread Mat
@Télumire, I appreciate your effort! @Eric, thank you for your shrewd 

Does anyone know why it is barely possible to manipulate this dropdown 
though? I do get the following to work, so the options *are* targettable:

.select-btn option {background:red}

...but attempting to e.g position absolute, margin-left, or some such 
fails. It is as if they are immune to most styling.

@anyone - is this because of the SelectWidget implementation, or is it the 
underlying html select / option tags? Surely people will want to style 
these? If it indeed is the underlying html tags, then is it at all possible 
to do something about it in the SelectWidget, hypothetically?



On Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 9:42:29 PM UTC+1 Eric Shulman wrote:

> On Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 12:31:14 PM UTC-7 Télumire wrote:
>> Here's the code to push the dropdown in the proper place :
> There are layout problems with this solution.  To see the issues,
> try putting "before" and "after" text surrounding the "combobox" span:
>> <$select field=selection class="select-btn" >
>> A Tale of Two Cities
>> A New Kind of Science
>> The Dice Man
>> <$edit-text field=selection placeholder="type or select"/>
> and compare this with the result of showing only an $edit-text widget:
> *BEFORE*<$edit-text field=selection placeholder="type or select"/>*AFTER*
> For the simple inline $edit-text widget, the BEFORE/AFTER text appears as 
> you would expect:
> immediately preceding/following the input element and vertically aligned 
> with the middle of the text
> However, note the placement and vertical alignment of the "combobox" 
> elements:
> The edit input/select elements appear vertically aligned *below the 
> baseline *of the surrounding BEFORE/AFTER text,
> and the AFTER text is immediately following the input element, rather than 
> following the select element.
> The CSS you provided also assumes that the width of the select element's 
> downarrow button will always
> a fixed width of "20px", which may not be the case depending upon which 
> browser you are using.
> Also, there is also a slight difference in the height of the select 
> element vs the edit element (testing with Chrome),
> so that the bottom border of the select element, which is behind the edit 
> element, is visible, creating the appearance
> of a double-thick bottom border on the edit element
> -e

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[tw5] Re: Combobox idea

2021-11-04 Thread Mat
Thanks Eric. I also have other ways of achieving the end result, but with 
the direct editing of currentTiddler fields in TW 5.2.0 I thought I had 
come across a very simple solution for a simple combobox.

However, some further experimenting shows that the lost focus was easily 
solved by just removing the placeholder reference to edited field. Not even 
sure what I was thinking (why should it refer to there?). Also unnecessary 
with the selectwidget default stuff.
Thus the remaining two problems are:

1) When the  tag has a value, this is what is shown in the editor.
2) The popup should be pushed to the left but I can't find the css selector 
for it! A less elegant workaround is to simply put the (still styled) 
SelectWidget before the EditTextWidget, so the button is to the left of the 

And here's the simplified code. When used you see the problems.

<$edit-text field=selection placeholder="type or select"/>
<$select field=selection class="select-btn" >
A Tale of Two Cities
A New Kind of Science
The Dice Man

.select-btn {width:19px; margin-left:-4px;}

On Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 3:30:09 PM UTC+1 Eric Shulman wrote:

> On Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 4:38:55 AM UTC-7 Mat wrote:
>> I just came up with a simple idea for how to create comboboxes. Basically 
>> it is an EditTextWidget just before the SelectWidget and the select widget 
>> is styled to only show the arrow and both widgets refer to the same field.
> My `<>` macro initially use a similar approach, but I found 
> that it had too many problems with both interaction and appearance.  I also 
> wanted to support use of inline lists (where the listbox is visible below 
> the input fied), multiple selection (using standard shift-click/ctrl-click 
> interaction), confirmation of input (ok/cancel), progressive filtering 
> (reducing the list choices to only those that contain the current edit 
> field input), and integration with my popup Calendar for selecting and 
> formatting date input (see 
> https://tiddlytools.com/timer.html#TiddlyTools%2FTime%2FCalendar) .
> The result still uses an underlying edit-text and select widget, but they 
> are surrounded by a bunch of custom wikitext code to handle lots of options 
> and use-cases.
> Check it out here: https://tiddlytools.com/edit-list.html
> To see it in action, view 
> https://tiddlytools.com/edit-list.html#TiddlyTools%2FMacros%2Fedit-list%2FExamples
> enjoy,
> -e

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[tw5] Combobox idea

2021-11-04 Thread Mat
I just came up with a simple idea for how to create comboboxes. Basically 
it is an EditTextWidget just before the SelectWidget and the select widget 
is styled to only show the arrow and both widgets refer to the same field.

Three problems:
1) Editing the field loses focus so only one letter at a time. 
2) When the  tag has a value, this is what is shown in the editor.
3) The popup should be pushed to the left but I can't find the css 
selector. (Attempting to right click on it to inspect it doesn't work.)

Any ideas?

Code for you to copy paste, showing two examples including the problems: 

<$edit-text field=selection placeholder={{!!selection}}/>
<$select tiddler='About' field=selection class="select-btn" 
default={{About!!selection}} >

option with values shows the value rather than the label:
<$edit-text field=selection2 placeholder={{About!!selection2}}/>
<$select tiddler='About' field=selection2 class="select-btn" 
default={{About!!selection2}} >
A Tale of Two Cities
A New Kind of Science
The Dice Man

.select-btn {width:19px; margin-left:-4px;}

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[tw5] Re: $action-setfield "spaced name field"=how?

2021-11-01 Thread Mat
Thanks Eric, that makes sense.


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[tw5] Re: Help: Inline dice rolling

2021-10-31 Thread Mat
Baj, I just realized this should even be very simple with TW 5.2.
The following gives a random number between 0-9

{{{ [split[]last[]] }}}

i.e it is the Now macro and uses the last fraction of a second which, for 
all practical purposes, is a random digit. Needs to be remade into 1 out of 
6 for your case which I'm afraid I can't help you with but I'd think there 
is some simple way.

The only issue might be that you may find such a die very sensitive as it 
would update as soon as anything refreshes in the wiki. 


On Monday, November 1, 2021 at 1:04:22 AM UTC+1 Télumire wrote:

> This should help (I think) : 
> https://mklauber.github.io/tw5-plugins/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2FD%26DTools%2FCreatureManager%2FLog
> Le dimanche 31 octobre 2021 à 12:07:32 UTC+1, Mat a écrit :
>> This reminded me of some experimenting I did some time back. I found the 
>> below notes on it (paste it in a tiddler). It it probably NOT a good 
>> solution.
>> <:-)
>> --
>> https://css-tricks.com/are-there-random-numbers-in-css/
>> Click here to roll the dice
>> Click here to roll the dice
>> Click here to roll the dice
>> Click here to roll the dice
>> Click here to roll the dice
>> Click here to roll the dice
>>   You got a: 
>> @keyframes changeOrder {
>>   from { z-index: 6;}
>>   to { z-index: 1; }
>> }
>> label {
>>   animation: changeOrder 3s infinite linear;
>>   background: #ddd;
>>   cursor: pointer;
>>   display: block;
>>   padding: 1rem;
>>   position: absolute;
>> x  top: 1rem;
>>   user-select: none;
>> }
>> label:nth-of-type(1) { animation-delay: 0s; }
>> label:nth-of-type(2) { animation-delay: -0.5s; }
>> label:nth-of-type(3) { animation-delay: -1.0s; }
>> label:nth-of-type(4) { animation-delay: -1.5s; }
>> label:nth-of-type(5) { animation-delay: -2.0s; }
>> label:nth-of-type(6) { animation-delay: -2.5s; }
>> .randomradio {
>>   position: absolute;
>>  xwidth: 100%;
>> outline:1px solid red;
>> }
>> #d1:checked ~ p span::before { content: "1"; }
>> #d2:checked ~ p span::before { content: "2"; }
>> #d3:checked ~ p span::before { content: "3"; }
>> #d4:checked ~ p span::before { content: "4"; }
>> #d5:checked ~ p span::before { content: "5"; }
>> #d6:checked ~ p span::before { content: "6"; }
>> On Friday, October 29, 2021 at 5:46:45 AM UTC+2 baj...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm looking for a little help and feedback on a project. I feel like I'm 
>>> pretty close to getting my current approach to work, but I'm also wondering 
>>> if there is a better way.
>>> *Background:*
>>> I have a TW I made as a reference for running Pathfinder/D&D games. 
>>> Across a wide variety of fields and tiddlers I have text matching the 
>>> `(^|\s)\d+(d(2|4|6|8|10|12|20))?(\+\d+)?($|\s)` regex ie.  1d4+2, 5d6, 6. 
>>> Respectively,  the sum of a 4 sided die result and 2, the sum of the 
>>> results of five, 6 sided dice, and the value 6. 
>>> Ultimately, I would like to make it so that for any such string matching 
>>> the regex in my wiki, clicking on the text returns a new die/dice roll 
>>> matching that string. As an example, given the text "1d4+2". Clicking on 
>>> that text transforms it into something like "1d4+2 (5)". Clicking again 
>>> might give you "1d4+2 (3)". 
>>> *Current Status:*
>>> I have a javascript macro that accepts a string `<>> roll_str:"1d4+2">>` and returns the appropriate random result, such as "2".
>>> I am using the button widget in a macro like this:
>>> `\define roller(input) <$button class="tc-btn-invisible" set=!!DieResult 
>>> setTo=<> >''$input$'' 
>>> ({{!!DieResult}}) \end`
>>> The resulting invocation looks like this: <>
>>> The pros:
>>>- The invocation is short
>>>- Once the invocation is substituted for the initial text, it works, 

[tw5] Re: $action-setfield "spaced name field"=how?

2021-10-31 Thread Mat
Over at tiddly talk 
above question was automatically copied into a read-only thread... or, 
apparently it is read-only only for me(?) because I cannot reply there to 
the answer that Mark S provided which is the following and which indeed 
solves my issue:

> Don’t forget that the action-setfield widget can also use $ attributes.
> <$action-setfield $field="foo bar" $value="baz"/>

Thank you Mark! 

While at it: How did you manage to reply in that "read only" thread? And I 

On Sunday, October 31, 2021 at 8:14:59 PM UTC+1 Mat wrote:

> With the new freely named fields I've hit a problem using the 
> $action-sefield widget. I.e how do I set a field named "foo bar". The 
> following illustrates the problem:
> <$button><$action-setfield foo bar=baz/>SET
> also the following does not work:
> <$button><$action-setfield "foo bar"=baz/>SET
> Thanks!
> <:-)

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[tw5] $action-setfield "spaced name field"=how?

2021-10-31 Thread Mat
With the new freely named fields I've hit a problem using the 
$action-sefield widget. I.e how do I set a field named "foo bar". The 
following illustrates the problem:

<$button><$action-setfield foo bar=baz/>SET

also the following does not work:

<$button><$action-setfield "foo bar"=baz/>SET



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[tw5] Re: Help: Inline dice rolling

2021-10-31 Thread Mat
This reminded me of some experimenting I did some time back. I found the 
below notes on it (paste it in a tiddler). It it probably NOT a good 


Click here to roll the dice
Click here to roll the dice
Click here to roll the dice
Click here to roll the dice
Click here to roll the dice
Click here to roll the dice

  You got a: 

@keyframes changeOrder {
  from { z-index: 6;}
  to { z-index: 1; }

label {
  animation: changeOrder 3s infinite linear;
  background: #ddd;
  cursor: pointer;
  display: block;
  padding: 1rem;
  position: absolute;
x  top: 1rem;
  user-select: none;

label:nth-of-type(1) { animation-delay: 0s; }
label:nth-of-type(2) { animation-delay: -0.5s; }
label:nth-of-type(3) { animation-delay: -1.0s; }
label:nth-of-type(4) { animation-delay: -1.5s; }
label:nth-of-type(5) { animation-delay: -2.0s; }
label:nth-of-type(6) { animation-delay: -2.5s; }

.randomradio {
  position: absolute;
 xwidth: 100%;
outline:1px solid red;

#d1:checked ~ p span::before { content: "1"; }
#d2:checked ~ p span::before { content: "2"; }
#d3:checked ~ p span::before { content: "3"; }
#d4:checked ~ p span::before { content: "4"; }
#d5:checked ~ p span::before { content: "5"; }
#d6:checked ~ p span::before { content: "6"; }

On Friday, October 29, 2021 at 5:46:45 AM UTC+2 baj...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm looking for a little help and feedback on a project. I feel like I'm 
> pretty close to getting my current approach to work, but I'm also wondering 
> if there is a better way.
> *Background:*
> I have a TW I made as a reference for running Pathfinder/D&D games. Across 
> a wide variety of fields and tiddlers I have text matching the 
> `(^|\s)\d+(d(2|4|6|8|10|12|20))?(\+\d+)?($|\s)` regex ie.  1d4+2, 5d6, 6. 
> Respectively,  the sum of a 4 sided die result and 2, the sum of the 
> results of five, 6 sided dice, and the value 6. 
> Ultimately, I would like to make it so that for any such string matching 
> the regex in my wiki, clicking on the text returns a new die/dice roll 
> matching that string. As an example, given the text "1d4+2". Clicking on 
> that text transforms it into something like "1d4+2 (5)". Clicking again 
> might give you "1d4+2 (3)". 
> *Current Status:*
> I have a javascript macro that accepts a string `< roll_str:"1d4+2">>` and returns the appropriate random result, such as "2".
> I am using the button widget in a macro like this:
> `\define roller(input) <$button class="tc-btn-invisible" set=!!DieResult 
> setTo=<> >''$input$'' 
> ({{!!DieResult}}) \end`
> The resulting invocation looks like this: <>
> The pros:
>- The invocation is short
>- Once the invocation is substituted for the initial text, it works, 
> The con:
>- As I've currently implemented, "DieResult" is a field, and therefore 
>global with respect to the tiddler. All of the rollers return the exact 
>same result at the same time (see image).
> *What I'm looking for:*
>- How can I make the rollers independent from each other? 
>- It seems like having the button *set *a variable instead of a field 
>   would solve the issue but I can't figure out how to do that.
>   - I did try to use a set widget inside the button hoping that each 
>   set would only be evaluated on the click of that actual button, but 
>   apparently things don't work that way.
>   - If all else fails I can add a single "Die Result" box at the top 
>   of most of the pages, but that isn't my preferred result.
>   - Is there an established way to do something like the built in 
>camelCase linking globally with strings matching this regex? 
>- The vast majority of my tiddlers are bulk imported in JSON format 
>   from external sources. I could do a find replace on those files before 
>   importing, but that will have it's own issues (potential corruption and 
> not 
>   all the fields are evaluated again before rendering). I use a small 
> number 
>   of 'templates' and transclusion to render the information.
>   - Just in general, was there a smarter way to go about this? 
>Professionally I do CLI scientific coding (C/C++/FORTRAN/Python/R), so 
>while I can do some robust software engineering, but the 
>Wikitext/HTML5/CSS/javascript interplay is pretty foreign. 
> All the best,
> Baj

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[tw5] Re: Wrap tiddler body in HTML

2021-10-27 Thread Mat
On Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 8:24:43 PM UTC+2 Matt Savard wrote:

> Is there any way to wrap each tiddly body in HTML? For example, wrap each 
> tiddler body in a div with a certain class applied.

Yes, you can edit the template tiddler for the body, i.e the shadow tiddler 
Probably you should wrap the transclusion part in there with your div.


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[tw5] Re: Idea: filter links

2021-10-23 Thread Mat
Thanks for your input.

> Maybe a silly question: why wouldn't you want the results of the filter to 
> show right there where you clicked ?

That is definitely an idea. As I noted in my post, I was not sure what 
should actually happen and I think your idea is neat also... but one could 
question why one would want the label/link there to begin with then, 
instead of just the list straight away? (It does remind me of my ol' 
StretchText  concept.)

I can't really generalize it into "a workflow". The idea came up as I was 
typing some wikitext and it felt like it would have been a natural feature 
in that very context... so I just felt it was justified to share to perhaps 
spark interesting ideas.

On a more general note; I do find that links occasionally need to do more 
than just navigate. For example, there are times when a link should open a 
specific *tab* in a tiddler. We are advised to use buttons *disguised* as 
links for such stuff but I can't help bug feel the ubiquitous [[link]] is 
somehow under exploited.


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[tw5] Re: Idea: Filtered transclusion but as only the filter

2021-10-23 Thread Mat
Thanks for your thoughts. Yeah, I don't expect it to be anything doable, I 
just figured it was a neat thought. The reason for the distinct triple 
braces are, I must assume, to make it unique. If single square brackets 
were used, I guess there'd have to be some additional condition on the 
content between the brackets and I'm sure this would make things more 
But still, it *would* be pretty me thinks ;-)

On Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 8:56:17 PM UTC+2 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:

> G'day Mat,
> Without knowing TW's guts, I'm tempted to say that kind of notation would 
> get TW into a bit of notation overload (i.e. a notation meaning different 
> things depending on the scenario/context, and maybe getting a little hard 
> to differentiate between the scenarios/contexts.)
> That might be pushing successful parsing beyond limits.
> But it would take somebody in the nitty-gritty-know to chime in.
> On Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 8:58:19 AM UTC-3 Mat wrote:
>> (Somewhat related to a post I just made about "filter links 
>> <https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/tiddlywiki/c/8EsUjjd-5dQ>")
>> Here's a syntactic idea: It would be neat if filters could be run 
>> directly instead of having to be encapsultated in arcane triple braces 
>> (arcanely called "filtered transclusion")? I.e instead of
>> {{{ [tag[HelloThere]] }}}
>> ...it could just directly be...
>> [tag[HelloThere]]
>> ...and the output from the filter is shown.
>> AFAIK, a plain bracket link [[HelloThere]] is considered a filter, 
>> evidently run to give the link. (But [title[HelloThere]] does not work.)
>> <:-)

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[tw5] Idea: Filtered transclusion but as only the filter

2021-10-23 Thread Mat
(Somewhat related to a post I just made about "filter links 

Here's a syntactic idea: It would be neat if filters could be run directly 
instead of having to be encapsultated in arcane triple braces (arcanely 
called "filtered transclusion")? I.e instead of

{{{ [tag[HelloThere]] }}}

...it could just directly be...


...and the output from the filter is shown.

AFAIK, a plain bracket link [[HelloThere]] is considered a filter, 
evidently run to give the link. (But [title[HelloThere]] does not work.)


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[tw5] Idea: filter links

2021-10-23 Thread Mat
I was typing some wikitext and hit a situation where it felt as if there 
exists a direct solution in TW... but it doesn't. I wanted to create a link 
that, when clicked, opens a filtered list of titles. Phrased in another 
way; it would be *a filter with a label*, that is clickable to access the 
filter output.

This pseudo code should give the idea (even if the syntax doesn't exist):

[[pretty label||my filter]]

Yes, it is ambiguous what I mean with "to open" the list. Maybe some kind 
of temporary tiddler is opened listing the titles? Or maybe the actual 
filtered tiddlers are opened? Maybe a setting to specify which of those two 

Regardless, it should be doable with a macro but as I was typing it just 
felt as if it was obvious that I could type a filter straight away with a 
pretty label.

I don't think filtered transclusion could do it because the template it 
repeated for each output item, i.e

{{{ [tag[HelloThere]] ||mytemplate}}}


...yeah, just sharing some thoughts...


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[tw5] Re: How make TW appear alive?

2021-10-19 Thread Mat

> What does "nicely designed" mean?  I may find something wonderfully 
> designed, while 99% of normal folk find the same thing awful.  

So I'm talking about appealing to the 99%. If we look at, say, the "clothes 
design industry" we should realize how incredibly narrow our tastes are if 
we consider that clothes really could be designed in unlimited number of 
ways. Most of us have similar preferences about most things. (Of course, 
you and I have our own distinguished tastes and free minds... and that very 
belief is another thing we have in common with almost all other people.)

[...], and who cares whether it looks abandoned or not?

Before people become full tiddlywikians, then need to decide if they want 
to try out TW to begin with. At that stage, impressions and feelings matter 
a lot. Things that look abandoned or outdated are generally less appealing 
than things that look up to date and alive. I'm pretty sure people are more 
interested in a software where it says "October 19, 2021" instead of , say, 
"May 7, 2018".

[...] the best thing is to continously/regularly update it. 

Of course, but that means responsibility and effort...

> An alternative/complimentary approach might involve having the wiki acting 
> a bit like a portal, showing some dynamic content from somewhere else so it 
> looks like the TiddlyWiki has a pulse ?

Yes, that is a good idea. Any good examples of how this can be done? 


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[tw5] How make TW appear alive?

2021-10-19 Thread Mat
Just throwing out a problem I've thought about:

It would be good for the TW project to have more demo use cases: Real wikis 

   1. are nicely designed
   2. take advantage the TW features
   3. don't appear abandoned

It is tricky to come across public wikis that fulfil these, BUT I'd think 
that many people here would be willing to share a *copy* of their personal 
wiki, anonymized and with sensitive data cleansed out. 

But the problem that remains is #3, preventing "appearance decay" because 
things age and feel dead. What ways are there to prevent visitors from 
getting this impression? 


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[tw5] Re: Tiddlers are dense and long

2021-10-16 Thread Mat
One main point with a tiddler is that you can *reuse the content in 
different narratives*. But if you don't reuse the content in other 
narratives, then there is no real need for a more fine grained partition of 
the content.

As the others describe: In practice this often means creating a tiddler of 
any arbitrary length. If the need arises to split it, then just do so. It 
is a natural and "need based" process. Often the context steers how long 
tiddlers are. Many of my tiddlers are just the tiddler title, no content 
text. Some are several pages long. Some are several pages because they are 
generated lists, but occasionally it is several pages of raw text. 
Obviously, the use case for your wiki affects this; are you a novel author 
or is the TW used for your shopping lists.

...but you say this is for your Zettelkasten (a system I've never used) so 
wouldn't you face the exact same "problem" regardless of how you manifest 
this? I.e if your purpose is "zettelkasten" then wouldn't that steer how 
long the content of your tiddlers would be?

On Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 6:52:53 PM UTC+2 rikagol...@gmail.com 

> I use my Tiddlywiki as a Zettelkaten (work in process!) and some of my 
> Tiddlers are quite long. I title the Tiddler with a unique piece of 
> information, in my own words, and then I include a description and 
> resources. Some of my Tiddlers get very long...maybe too long. Is there a 
> best practice for Tiddler length and what to include in the Tiddler?

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[tw5] Re: Some coding fun: "check boxes" that add/subtract from same field

2021-10-06 Thread Mat
Thanks for referencing my old  http://toggle-in-field.tiddlyspot.com/

One reason for it to be in beta is because of the (somewhat embarrassing) 
use of faux checkboxes (they're images!)

I obviously agree there is a need for this, so I made an issue request for 
a real solution . If 
you agree with the request, please give it a like or comment in the thread 
there. I was hoping this would be solved with the latest TW release but 
evidently it was not.


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[tw5] Re: LeftBar plugin and node.js server crashes

2021-09-28 Thread Mat
I see it was reported and fixed by fellow @joshuafontany here 
Mucho thanko!

On Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 2:45:22 PM UTC+2 Mat wrote:

> Aha, thank you @joshuafontany and jn.pierr...
> So, do I understand right that this is resolved in the upcoming 5.2?
> Thanks
> <:-)
> On Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 7:50:44 AM UTC+2 jn.pierr...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> The origin of the crash has ben found by @joshuafontany in an other 
>> thread on tiddlytalk, that I paste here for any reader to know it:
>> You have run into a bug in 5.1.23 and earlier that would crash the server 
>> trying to write a tiddler with no text field. This happens rarely, but most 
>> often when an $action-setfield widget sets a NON-text field on a 
>> non-existent tiddler (this creating it without a text field).
>> The button in the plugin sets a temp tiddler’s NON-text fields, and that 
>> is when the crash is happening. I would recommend using the pre-release on 
>> node.
>> Le lundi 27 septembre 2021 à 19:37:45 UTC+2, Jean-Pierre Rivière a écrit :
>>> Hi Matt. Thank you for being there today!
>>> At last, I know there is no hidden javascript to look for. This will 
>>> help me search after the culprit.
>>> Le lundi 27 septembre 2021 à 18:37:37 UTC+2, Mat a écrit :
>>>> Hi jn.pierr I am the author of LeftBar 
>>>> <https://leftbar.tiddlyspot.com/>. You really timed your question 
>>>> because I have barely passed by here for a few months now. Unfortunately I 
>>>> can't really answer your question. I only create wikitext plugins and in 
>>>> vanilla TW and the link I gave is the actual source for the plugin. You 
>>>> obviously use nodejs so I'm afraid I don't have any idea what might cause 
>>>> the error or how to resolve it.
>>>> With that said, it is not a very complicated construction. And it is 
>>>> likely to be considered a hack because I'm not a real coder. You see the 
>>>> plugin "files", really its shadow tiddlers, just like for any plugin - i.e 
>>>> in the TW Ctrlpanel, click the plugin and see its contents tab. To a great 
>>>> extent, the plugin functions by setting CSS values for the TW native page 
>>>> layout values. The actual menu is a tiddler forced to sit up in the left 
>>>> corner.
>>>> <:-)
>>>> On Monday, September 27, 2021 at 3:21:28 PM UTC+2 jn.pierr...@gmail.com 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I’ve encountered a problem with the LeftBar plugin (v2.1.4). It 
>>>>> happens on a brand new empty server edition on node.js (linux arm64, run 
>>>>> through docker) where:
>>>>>- I create a $:/config/FileSystemPaths tiddler whose sole content 
>>>>>is [!is[system]slugify[]] (not interesting but deliberately very 
>>>>> reduced)
>>>>>- I then quit the server and import my plugin with
>>>>> tiddlywiki mywiki --load plugin.json 
>>>>> Now’ I start again the server. This sandwich icon of LeftBar is or the 
>>>>> upper left corner. 
>>>>> Then I click on that sandwich icon for LeftBar and the server crashes. 
>>>>> See below:
>>>>> =
>>>>> syncer-server-filesystem: Dispatching 'save' task: 
>>>>> $:/plugins/TWaddle/LeftBar/temp node:internal/fs/utils:879 throw new 
>>>>> ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( ^ TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "data" 
>>>>> argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, 
>>>>> or DataView. Received undefined at Object.writeFile (node:fs:2106:5) at 
>>>>> Object.exports.saveTiddlerToFile 
>>>>> ($:/core/modules/utils/filesystem.js:414:6) at 
>>>>> $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem/filesystemadaptor.js:85:13 at 
>>>>> FileSystemAdaptor.getTiddlerFileInfo 
>>>>> ($:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem/filesystemadaptor.js:72:2) at 
>>>>> FileSystemAdaptor.saveTiddler 
>>>>> ($:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem/filesystemadaptor.js:81:7) at 
>>>>> SaveTiddlerTask.run ($:/core/modules/syncer.js:597:27) at 
>>>>> Syncer.processTaskQueue ($:/core/modules/syncer.js:50

[tw5] Re: LeftBar plugin and node.js server crashes

2021-09-28 Thread Mat
Aha, thank you @joshuafontany and jn.pierr...
So, do I understand right that this is resolved in the upcoming 5.2?

On Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 7:50:44 AM UTC+2 jn.pierr...@gmail.com 

> The origin of the crash has ben found by @joshuafontany in an other thread 
> on tiddlytalk, that I paste here for any reader to know it:
> You have run into a bug in 5.1.23 and earlier that would crash the server 
> trying to write a tiddler with no text field. This happens rarely, but most 
> often when an $action-setfield widget sets a NON-text field on a 
> non-existent tiddler (this creating it without a text field).
> The button in the plugin sets a temp tiddler’s NON-text fields, and that 
> is when the crash is happening. I would recommend using the pre-release on 
> node.
> Le lundi 27 septembre 2021 à 19:37:45 UTC+2, Jean-Pierre Rivière a écrit :
>> Hi Matt. Thank you for being there today!
>> At last, I know there is no hidden javascript to look for. This will help 
>> me search after the culprit.
>> Le lundi 27 septembre 2021 à 18:37:37 UTC+2, Mat a écrit :
>>> Hi jn.pierr I am the author of LeftBar <https://leftbar.tiddlyspot.com/>. 
>>> You really timed your question because I have barely passed by here for a 
>>> few months now. Unfortunately I can't really answer your question. I only 
>>> create wikitext plugins and in vanilla TW and the link I gave is the actual 
>>> source for the plugin. You obviously use nodejs so I'm afraid I don't have 
>>> any idea what might cause the error or how to resolve it.
>>> With that said, it is not a very complicated construction. And it is 
>>> likely to be considered a hack because I'm not a real coder. You see the 
>>> plugin "files", really its shadow tiddlers, just like for any plugin - i.e 
>>> in the TW Ctrlpanel, click the plugin and see its contents tab. To a great 
>>> extent, the plugin functions by setting CSS values for the TW native page 
>>> layout values. The actual menu is a tiddler forced to sit up in the left 
>>> corner.
>>> <:-)
>>> On Monday, September 27, 2021 at 3:21:28 PM UTC+2 jn.pierr...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I’ve encountered a problem with the LeftBar plugin (v2.1.4). It happens 
>>>> on a brand new empty server edition on node.js (linux arm64, run through 
>>>> docker) where:
>>>>- I create a $:/config/FileSystemPaths tiddler whose sole content 
>>>>is [!is[system]slugify[]] (not interesting but deliberately very 
>>>> reduced)
>>>>- I then quit the server and import my plugin with
>>>> tiddlywiki mywiki --load plugin.json 
>>>> Now’ I start again the server. This sandwich icon of LeftBar is or the 
>>>> upper left corner. 
>>>> Then I click on that sandwich icon for LeftBar and the server crashes. 
>>>> See below:
>>>> =
>>>> syncer-server-filesystem: Dispatching 'save' task: 
>>>> $:/plugins/TWaddle/LeftBar/temp node:internal/fs/utils:879 throw new 
>>>> ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( ^ TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "data" 
>>>> argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, 
>>>> or DataView. Received undefined at Object.writeFile (node:fs:2106:5) at 
>>>> Object.exports.saveTiddlerToFile 
>>>> ($:/core/modules/utils/filesystem.js:414:6) at 
>>>> $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem/filesystemadaptor.js:85:13 at 
>>>> FileSystemAdaptor.getTiddlerFileInfo 
>>>> ($:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem/filesystemadaptor.js:72:2) at 
>>>> FileSystemAdaptor.saveTiddler 
>>>> ($:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem/filesystemadaptor.js:81:7) at 
>>>> SaveTiddlerTask.run ($:/core/modules/syncer.js:597:27) at 
>>>> Syncer.processTaskQueue ($:/core/modules/syncer.js:503:9) at 
>>>> Function. ($:/core/modules/syncer.js:90:9) at 
>>>> $tw.Wiki.exports.dispatchEvent ($:/core/modules/wiki.js:133:13) at 
>>>> $:/core/modules/wiki.js:166:10 { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' }
>>>> =
>>>> I suppose my plugin is not correctly installed. So I was about to do it 
>>>> the proper way with tiddlywiki --build index and after having set 
>>>> the TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable. But there is a 

[tw5] Re: LeftBar plugin and node.js server crashes

2021-09-27 Thread Mat
Hi jn.pierr I am the author of LeftBar . 
You really timed your question because I have barely passed by here for a 
few months now. Unfortunately I can't really answer your question. I only 
create wikitext plugins and in vanilla TW and the link I gave is the actual 
source for the plugin. You obviously use nodejs so I'm afraid I don't have 
any idea what might cause the error or how to resolve it.

With that said, it is not a very complicated construction. And it is likely 
to be considered a hack because I'm not a real coder. You see the plugin 
"files", really its shadow tiddlers, just like for any plugin - i.e in the 
TW Ctrlpanel, click the plugin and see its contents tab. To a great extent, 
the plugin functions by setting CSS values for the TW native page layout 
values. The actual menu is a tiddler forced to sit up in the left corner.


On Monday, September 27, 2021 at 3:21:28 PM UTC+2 jn.pierr...@gmail.com 

> I’ve encountered a problem with the LeftBar plugin (v2.1.4). It happens on 
> a brand new empty server edition on node.js (linux arm64, run through 
> docker) where:
>- I create a $:/config/FileSystemPaths tiddler whose sole content 
>is [!is[system]slugify[]] (not interesting but deliberately very reduced)
>- I then quit the server and import my plugin with
> tiddlywiki mywiki --load plugin.json 
> Now’ I start again the server. This sandwich icon of LeftBar is or the 
> upper left corner. 
> Then I click on that sandwich icon for LeftBar and the server crashes. See 
> below:
> =
> syncer-server-filesystem: Dispatching 'save' task: 
> $:/plugins/TWaddle/LeftBar/temp node:internal/fs/utils:879 throw new 
> argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, or 
> DataView. Received undefined at Object.writeFile (node:fs:2106:5) at 
> Object.exports.saveTiddlerToFile 
> ($:/core/modules/utils/filesystem.js:414:6) at 
> $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem/filesystemadaptor.js:85:13 at 
> FileSystemAdaptor.getTiddlerFileInfo 
> ($:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem/filesystemadaptor.js:72:2) at 
> FileSystemAdaptor.saveTiddler 
> ($:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem/filesystemadaptor.js:81:7) at 
> SaveTiddlerTask.run ($:/core/modules/syncer.js:597:27) at 
> Syncer.processTaskQueue ($:/core/modules/syncer.js:503:9) at 
> Function. ($:/core/modules/syncer.js:90:9) at 
> $tw.Wiki.exports.dispatchEvent ($:/core/modules/wiki.js:133:13) at 
> $:/core/modules/wiki.js:166:10 { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' }
> =
> I suppose my plugin is not correctly installed. So I was about to do it 
> the proper way with tiddlywiki --build index and after having set 
> the TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable. But there is a problem: I 
> don’t know how to get all the individual tiddlers of the plugin. The plugin 
> shows its shadow tiddlers, which I can export. But what for the core of the 
> plugin, actual code? I have not been able to get any source code repository 
> for LeftBar.
> My questions:
>- is my diagnostic of the crash correct (bad installation of the 
>- how could I get all of the files of a plugin given its json file?
> Thank you for your help!

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Re: [tw5] Re: Voting for the v5.2.0 banner artwork

2021-08-04 Thread Mat
Yay! Congrats to Frank for winning the - by far- toughest banner 
competition yet!


On Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 10:55:09 PM UTC+2 Jeremy Ruston wrote:

> I'm delighted to announce that the winner of the v5.2.0 banner artwork 
> competition is Frank B with this design:

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[tw5] Re: Is it possible to apply conditional styling to links?

2021-08-01 Thread Mat
@Eric - Ah, OK. I have never considered the possibility to use html tags 
inside a stylesheet. Interesting.

BTW, would it be inappropriate to use the ... inside a 
listwidget, i.e to generate listblocks not inside a full stylesheet? I have 
used this technique successfully but maybe there are some great costs that 
I'm not aware of (other than the usual objections to use styleblocks 
instead of stylesheets).



On Sunday, August 1, 2021 at 1:20:29 PM UTC+2 Eric Shulman wrote:

> On Sunday, August 1, 2021 at 3:43:24 AM UTC-7 Mat wrote:
>> I think there's a typo in Erics neat solution, i.e it should be 
>> ..., not ...
> Nope.  The code I supplied *goes in a tiddler tagged with 
> $:/tags/Stylesheet*.
> Thus, it *should not have ... tags*, and the 
> ... is merely so that
> when you view the stylesheet tiddler, the CSS rules will be displayed on 
> separate lines
> for better readability.
> -e

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[tw5] Re: Is it possible to apply conditional styling to links?

2021-08-01 Thread Mat
I think there's a typo in Erics neat solution, i.e it should be 
..., not ...


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[tw5] Re: Is it possible to apply conditional styling to links?

2021-07-31 Thread Mat
Maybe http://linkstyle.tiddlyspot.com/


On Sunday, August 1, 2021 at 12:37:39 AM UTC+2 Si wrote:

> Hi Brian, thanks for the reply. I appreciate that I was not clear about 
> this in my post, but I'm actually trying to figure out if it is possible to 
> apply the conditional styling to normal WikiText links, rather than by 
> creating a custom macro.
> On Saturday, 31 July 2021 at 22:42:30 UTC+1 Brian Radspinner wrote:
>> I believe this ooktech demo 
>>  has an option for 
>> what you want. It uses macros which would hide them from link/backlink lists
>> On Saturday, July 31, 2021 at 12:50:43 PM UTC-7 Si wrote:
>>> For example say I wanted every link to a tiddler with the tag "Purple" 
>>> to appear purple.
>>> Just wondering if this is possible without diving into something like 
>>> $:/core/modules/widgets/link.js 
>>> ?

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[tw5] Re: Picture based tiddlers

2021-07-31 Thread Mat
> I'm interested in using TW5 for my daily note taking. I very often takes 
notes with images. Sometimes the image is the only note.

Addressing this specific bit, i.e taking notes by mixing text and, 
presumably, "scribbled images" I would say TW is not ideal. I really wish 
it were, and I'll outline an idea below. Now, there *is* a built-in tool 
for drawing but it is somewhat crude and the tiddler is then of a special 
type, so it has to be a separate image i.e not the same as the one you type 
in. So it is not like scribbling notes with paper+pen. Out of curiosity; 
how would you actually draw the images as you take notes? Do you have 
special hardware? Because a regular laptop or mobile device is of course 
not ideal for the precision that arbitrary drawings usually need.

With that said, here's a hypothetical solution. Some years back, I made an 
experiment with overlaying/drawing on top of images 
 in TW which has similarities to the 

Fellow *tiddleur* Saq recently created Streams. It lets you create multiple 
tiddlers from the current one in a very seamless way, so that the created 
content is transcluded into the current one. So you don't leave the current 
tiddler. I would think Streams can be tweaked so that the use can select 
tiddler type for the note so to intersperse notes and drawings (and other 
content). If one wants overlapping content, as opposed to distinct 
subsequent sections of texts and notes, then I would also think that the 
display of the transclusions could be *styled to overlap* (and top one has 
a transparent background) so that you could, for example, encircle a word 
or draw an arrow from mid sentence to point to a subsequent image (that is 
not overlapping), etc. AFAICT this is doable and least in theory.


On Saturday, July 31, 2021 at 3:45:35 PM UTC+2 Mark S. wrote:

> TW isn't really suited for dealing with photos on a regular basis.
> The problem is that even a single high-res photo will bog down your TW 
> experience, especially saving and loading. Which means you need to 
> externalized your images. Externalizing your images means exporting your 
> images to some place accessible by TW, and then re-importing as URLs. There 
> isn't any smooth, automated way to do all this. I've been looking and 
> experimenting for awhile, but with only mixed results. The ideal solution 
> wouldn't require a user to do more than click on an "archive" button to 
> convert a tiddler to an external image. And I guess there would need to be 
> a reverse button, since AFAIK you can only draw on an embedded image. 
> On Saturday, July 31, 2021 at 5:00:16 AM UTC-7 TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>> VERY interesting post.
>> TW is well suited for it with a bit of tweaking ... 
>> Much of the issue is how you have your OS setup??? I do screen capture 
>> vis OS on Android, Chromebook and PC desktop no problem.
>> And then import.
>> WHERE TW gets interesting to me in the OP is engaging PEN input into the 
>> editor or into image tiddlers after capture.
>> ALL I do is scale the box full screen --- as for pen accuracy, you need a 
>> decent sized canvas.
>> Ask if you want particulars.
>> Best
>> TT 
>> On Saturday, 31 July 2021 at 11:58:05 UTC+2 e.arnol...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> I'm interested in using TW5 for my daily note taking. I very often takes 
>>> notes with images. Sometimes the image is the only note.
>>> Picture taking should be well integrated.
>>> Is TW5 well suited for this task?
>>> Are there plugins for quick picture taking?
>>> How well would performance be with several hundred pictures?
>>> Thank you for your answer in advance.

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[tw5] Re: Highlighting duplicates in lists

2021-07-30 Thread Mat
I would say it is possible with this general idea:

<$list filter="[tag[tests]]">
 .mywrap.{{!!title}}:not(:first-of-type) {background:yellow}

The above will likely *not* work right away but it shows the idea. For 
example, for the title to work as a class name it must follow css naming 
conventions (and you can use some modifying filters in a $vars or $set to 
make it be so). And you might have to split out the content of the 
listwidget into a separate macro.


On Friday, July 30, 2021 at 1:03:33 AM UTC+2 mohamed...@hotmail.com wrote:

> Hi ,
> is it possible to highlight duplicates in a list , or make them stand out 
> in a different format/color , you know similar to excel 
> so in the below example ,i have a list that returns tiddlers matching a 
> certain criteria , and then displays their title field value , and also the 
> value in a custom field i named "field_example"
> tiddler1 and tiddler4 have the same value in the custom field and the 
> value is "X"
> can i highlight tiddler 1 and tiddler 4 maybe in red ?
> [image: duplicates.PNG]

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[tw5] Re: Announcing Editor-Autolist-Markdown

2021-07-15 Thread Mat
Yes! I can only agree with Saq; that is super cool and I hope you or 
someone could make it available for vanilla TW!
Thanks for sharing!


On Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 7:33:01 PM UTC+2 Saq Imtiaz wrote:

> Hi Jason,
> That looks fantastic. The original autolist was a plugin hacked up in 
> about an hour in response to a reddit request. It was never really meant 
> for wider adoption. I worked on support for multiple lines later in 
> response to a request here on the group but I don't think I ever published 
> that.
> I think a good next step if you are up to it, would be to make it 
> configurable to detect whether it is a markdown tiddler or wikitext 
> tiddler, and be able to support both. That I thing would add a lot of value 
> to the community but I do understand that it may not be a priority for you 
> if your primary use case is markdown tiddlers.
> Cheers,
> Saq
> On Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 7:13:15 PM UTC+2 jason...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi all, I have been learning about TW5 and making increasing use of it 
>> over the past ~9 months. It is an incredible tool with a great ecosystem of 
>> support, so as I begin to make some customizations I wanted to share these 
>> back for the community.
>> I have put together a plugin based on Saq's excellent editor-autolist. I 
>> primarily use markdown for my notes so I have adapted it for markdown lists.
>> I have used bullet lists pretty extensively in the MS ecosystem in my 
>> work, so in addition to the list indent and continuation, I added features 
>> to indent/unindent multiple lines, and to move list sections up or down.
>> Please check out the GH repo 
>>  and the hosted 
>> plugin . This 
>> is the initial release so I welcome your feedback and suggestions for 
>> improvement!

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[tw5] Re: Images from cloud drive (Google Drive vs Dropbox)

2021-07-09 Thread Mat
nqc - welcome to TW!

TiddlyGoo is a collection of tools to connect "the web" to your TW. A key 
component is the SheetsIN plugin (developed by fellow Mark S and me) to 
import "Google Sheet rows into tiddlers". So, a preceding step for your use 
case is to "convert" your Drive folder links into rows in Sheets, for which 
there are also tools in the collection:




On Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 11:43:16 PM UTC+2 nqc.t...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm completely new to Tiddlywiki and has been loving it as my personal 
> platform.
> I collect images for my research project and save them on my Google Drive. 
> Is there a way for me to embed images from my drive to Tiddlywiki?
> I tried using: 
> [img[picture name|picture link]]
> and making the G-drive file public but that doesn't work. Importing images 
> as a tiddly to embed locally isn't feasible in the long run due to the 
> amount of images in my collection.
> Thank you.

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[tw5] Re: Filter a list with a variable that contains multiple words

2021-07-08 Thread Mat
yeah, Eric is right. A small addition is that filters should generally be 
enclosed in *triple* quotes because if any of the filtered out items has 
quotes in it, then this can *conflict* with the enclosing filter quotes. 
So, get into the habit of writing filter="""..."""

To see the problem, you can test to create a new tiddler titled  This is a 
"new" tiddler  and tag it with  About

On Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 12:37:00 PM UTC+2 Eric Shulman wrote:

> On Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 2:36:55 AM UTC-7 miket...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I'm trying to figure out how it works, simplified the example, and it 
>> doesn't do anything. Does it not fit in newer versions?
>> <$set name="myVar" filter='[tags[About]]'>
>> <$list filter=''>
> * The *[tags[]]* filter operator doesn't accept a operand value.  You 
> want to use *[tag[About]]* to match tiddlers with the "About" tag.
> * When using a *variable as a parameter value* (in the $list widget),  do 
> not enclose it in quotes, and use doubled angle brackets
> * The $list widget needs some syntax inside it to indicate what to output
> Here's a corrected version of your example code:
> <$set name="myVar" filter="[tag[About]]">
> <$list filter=<>><$link/>
> -e

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[tw5] Re: tiddly wiki view

2021-07-07 Thread Mat
Also note that so called "story views" are found under Ctrlpanel > 
Appearance > Storyview


On Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 7:13:39 PM UTC+2 Eric Shulman wrote:

> On Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 10:05:44 AM UTC-7 mohamed...@hotmail.com 
> wrote:
>> are there any other available views in Tidly wiki  other than the 
>> standard story river , like is it possible to make tiddlys floating to drag 
>> them around? ,similar to windows?
> Give this a try:
> https://github.com/BurningTreeC/tiddlywiki-muuri
> Demo:
> https://burningtreec.github.io/tiddlywiki-muuri/
> -e

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[tw5] Re: colored active radio button

2021-07-07 Thread Mat
Yea, to style only the active button you could use something like 

.tc-radio-selected {background:lightgreen; }

I don´t know how to target only the little circle so if you don´t want the 
label to not have that background then you can recolor it. 

.tc-radio-selected span {background:white;}  < or maybe black in your 

Otherwise, the typical way to style radio buttons is by hiding the whole 
button and create a totally new one. You can find a lot of info on this if 
you google for how to style radio buttons in html/css

On Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 3:04:35 PM UTC+2 S² wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> still same...
> [image: radio_nok.png]
> do I have to tag this tiddler?
> Thanks
> Stefan
> Eric Shulman schrieb am Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2021 um 14:54:51 UTC+2:
>> On Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 4:12:38 AM UTC-7 S² wrote:
>>> I would like to have a green active radio button (by default) - how can 
>>> that be done?
>> Try this bit of CSS magic:
>>  .greenradio { filter:hue-rotate(300deg); } 
>> <$radio field="X" value="foo" class="greenradio">foo
>> <$radio field="X" value="bar" class="greenradio">bar
>>  enjoy,
>> -e

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[tw5] Re: Tag-pill as a button

2021-07-07 Thread Mat
Tones wrote:

> Would your suggestion still leave the tagname also in the label?.

If you don't style it to not show, then yes.


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[tw5] Re: Tag-pill as a button

2021-07-07 Thread Mat
Tones wrote:

> For example I wanted to have a label on a tag-pill, rather then the tag 
> name yet have the same tag drop down. Can you suggest a method? Ideally 
> without modifying the macro?

You could experiment with CSS which, in one sense, is perfect for labels 
and to "not modify the macro". With the coming 5.1.2 we will have 
tags . You can then 
label the tab via a css pseudo element, something like so (this is just 
rough to illustrate the idea)

span[data-tag-title="x"]:after {


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[tw5] Re: How can you display a list at the click of a button?

2021-07-06 Thread Mat
miket... - Somewhat like what Soren says, but not quite:

It doesn't look like you actually want to perform an "action" as it is 
meant in TW but rather just show and hide(?) a regular listing. For this, 
refer to the revealwidget , the 
"accordion" example, like so:

<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show">Show me

<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide">Hide me
* <$list filter="[tag[About]]">*

*<$link/>{{||$:/core/templates/static-tiddler}} *

BTW, this construct is IMO unnecessarily complex and I've called attention 
to this here  with 
a proposal for a simpler "accordionwidget". Do comment there if you agree 
or disagree.


On Sunday, July 4, 2021 at 2:47:10 PM UTC+2 miket...@gmail.com wrote:

> For the button I want to make an Action. I took the example from the help 
> as a basis, but of course it does not work :)
> *\define my-actions()<$list filter="[tag[About]]"><$link/>   
>  {{||$:/core/templates/static-tiddler}}\end<$button 
> actions=<>>Click me!*

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[tw5] Re: Tag-pill as a button

2021-07-06 Thread Mat
Just a guess but maybe this part


has lost its context (i.e the currentTiddler) and seeks for souce_type in 
the tag(-tiddler)? I.e what is currentTiddler in the action? One way to 
test is to add a source_type field in the tag-tiddler to see if it does 
navigate to there.
Again, just a guess.


On Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 6:04:25 PM UTC+2 mehequeda...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'm resurrecting this thread because it happens to me to be in the same 
> situation: I want to make some tag-pill to execute some action.
> The action I want to run is navigation to a tiddler whose name is stored 
> in a field. I know how to make it work with a button:
> \define actions() <$action-navigate $to={{!!source_type}}/>
> <$button actions=<>>Click me!
> But when I try to do the same with a tag-pill it doesn't do anything:
> <$macrocall $name="tag-pill" tag={{!!source_type}} actions=<>/>
> I've attached the JSON version of this to save you copy pasting time if 
> you want to try and see yourselves.
> I suspect actions works differently for tag-pill but there are no working 
> examples in tiddlywiki.com.
> Any clue?
> On Friday, 8 January 2021 at 18:54:44 UTC+1 positiv...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I see the documentation on the tag-pill macro is missing the examples. I 
>> was wondering how the "actions" parameter would be filled out.

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[tw5] Re: What's the issue with IDs again?

2021-07-02 Thread Mat
Much appreciated Mario. What a great reply! (did you even create that 
example? Just for me???)

So does the "ID issue" for "elements" only concern HTML elements then? I 
just posted an idea on gh:


On Saturday, July 3, 2021 at 1:04:37 AM UTC+2 PMario wrote:

> On Friday, July 2, 2021 at 6:56:58 PM UTC+2 Mat wrote:
>> In HTML one can apply an ID attribute to objects. I know this is not 
>> possible in TW... but I don't get why. Can someone explain why this is not 
>> possible or not appropriate, please.
> Hi Mat, 
> It is possible to use IDs with TW. ... BUT it won't be reliable. ... 
> HTML element IDs are per definition unique. But with TW can't guarantee 
> this uniqueness  since we have transclusions. So in the TW story-river it 
> can happen that an ID is visible 2 or more times. 
> The CSS definitions will most likely work. BUT depending on the browser 
> implementation we can not guarantee a consistent behaviour for all 
> elements. 
> Have a look at this jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/fLcdq7ut/17/  
> The HTML code is like this:
>   getElementById example
>   Some ID text here
>   Some classed text here
>   blue
>   red
>   Some ID text here
>   Some classed text here
> The JS code is like this: 
> function changeColor(newColor) {
>   var elem = document.getElementById('para');
>   elem.style.color = newColor;
>   var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('para');
>   for (var i=0; i   elements[i].style.color = newColor;
>   }
> }
> If you click the buttons you see, that the ID elements are not updated 
> both. It's only the first one, since the function 
> document.getElementById() assumes there is only 1 of them. ... By 
> definition it will return the first element it finds in the DOM tree. 
> document.getElementsByClassName() knows there can be many elements with 
> the same class name and it will return an array, so we can use a loop to 
> define the new color. 
> This is only a fast example, to show the differences in a way that should 
> be understandable. .. It would be possible to add a class to the IDs too, 
> to get them with the class name. ... BUT this would only solve this 
> particular usecase. 
> The browser assumes there is only 1 ID active at a time. So we just don't 
> know, what happens internally. We can't reliably guarantee that everything 
> works as expected. 
> hope that helps
> mario

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[tw5] What's the issue with IDs again?

2021-07-02 Thread Mat
In HTML one can apply an ID attribute to objects. I know this is not 
possible in TW... but I don't get why. Can someone explain why this is not 
possible or not appropriate, please.

I have some ideas but need to understand this issue before going further.



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[tw5] Re: Edit While Scrolling Content CSS

2021-06-23 Thread Mat
iamdar... , you may be interested in the SideEditor 


On Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 6:32:47 PM UTC+2 iamdar...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello,
> The below CSS is a slightly modified submission by Soren over on a 
> different thread: https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/AbBmtgL7s74
> When a Tiddler is edited it drops to the bottom of the screen and stays 
> there until it is saved. While locked at the bottom of the screen you can 
> still open and scroll through other Tiddlers. When scrolling the Tiddlers 
> being viewed go behind the one being edited. Also, the edit Tiddler is set 
> to 500px height so if the Tiddler has a lot of content a scrollbar will 
> appear vs it pushing up the screen and covering more of the stream. I 
> wanted to post it here because the above thread was getting very long and I 
> wanted to share the below code in case it was helpful for anyone else.
> div.tc-tiddler-frame { max-width: 60em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 
> auto; } 
> div.tc-tiddler-edit-frame { max-width: 90em; margin-left: auto; 
> margin-right: auto; max-height: 500px; overflow:auto; position: fixed; 
> bottom: 0; z-index:2; } 
> div.tc-tiddler-body { max-width: 50em; margin: auto; }  
> .tc-tiddler-frame .tc-tiddler-preview .tc-edit-texteditor { width: 69%; } 
> div.tc-tiddler-preview-preview { width: 29%; }
> Some things to consider:
> 1) If you Edit more than one tiddler at a time they will overlap each 
> other.
> 2) If you use a plugin like Stroll, specifically its two column view, 
> while the edit tiddler will move to the bottom and allow scrolling, the 
> alignment is based on which column the tiddler was in prior to selecting 
> edit.
> 3) This is new code so any unintended effects it may have on other areas 
> of TiddlyWiki are unknown.
> Thanks!

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[tw5] Re: Unrestricted field names... an implied use case

2021-06-17 Thread Mat
Guys, thanks for input.

PMario, please explain the problem you describe a bit more because I don't 
You exemplify and ask the following:

I ask: Where is the difference from a setting below and your suggestion?
> title: adam
> barbara: mother
> caesar: father
> david: friend

So here's a counter question: Would it not matter for you if we *introduced 
*very limiting naming restrictions for *tags*? Surely you must agree it 
makes a big *practical *difference.

But I don't understand how your example exemplifies the problem you 
describe, i.e:

> It will be hard to create an efficient algorithm with this setup, in 
wikitext. You have 2 variables here.
>  - The field name
>  - The field value
> You need a configuration tiddler somewhere. .. This problem has been the 
same for ages.

What do you mean with "configuration tiddler" here? In my "family" example, 
what would a config tiddler do or be - and why is it problematic? Where 
would there be a problem with an "efficient algorithm"?



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[tw5] Unrestricted field names... an implied use case

2021-06-16 Thread Mat
Just thinking out loud...

As you may know, the coming v5.2.0 will feature unrestricted field names. 
This is very big news! This will push fields to a substantially more 
prominent position because *fields can then be directly mapped to tiddlers*. 
I mean, just look at this:

*"In the current tiddler, get the values of the fields with names that 
match a filtered set of tiddler titles." *

\define getdata() {{$(curr)$!!$(field)$}}
<$vars curr=<>>
<$list filter="...filteredtiddlers..." variable=field>

So, the field values could be a relationship between the current tiddler 
and those other tiddlers. For example:

title: Adam

...or from the other direction, i.e *"In a filtered tiddler list, get the 
values from the field(s) named as current tiddler"*:

<$vars curr=<>>
<$list filter="...filteredtiddlers..." variable=field>
<$transclude field=<>/>

Another use: *"Transclude the content of a filtered set of tiddlers using 
templates. But which specific template is used depends on the relation the 
tiddler has with the current tiddler"*

\define getdata() {{$(tid)$||$(template)$}}
<$vars curr=<>>
<$list filter="..." variable=tid>
<$vars template={{{ [get] }}}>

...so, for example, if the relationship with current is "closest family" 
then apply the template that also shows a photograph.

Here the "getdata" macro only does a template transclusion but if the field 
values contain complex data such as "Queen Elizabeth: sister queen [[pole 
dancer]]" the macro could of course do much more complex stuff treating 
such values as flags or variables etc.

IMO the next bottleneck related this matter, are tools for controlling 
field values. One such discussion is CheckboxWidget - generalize to also 
toggle individual items #5613 


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Re: [tw5] Re: Presenting GG2TW Beta, a method to convert Google Groups Conversations to TW JSON Tids

2021-06-15 Thread Mat
flanc...@gmail.com wrote:

> Ok. I get what you’re saying now. I thought about such an approach, but 
> doing so would exponentially increase the loading speed of the tool. I 
> figure that it’s best to leave each thread as a tiddler. 
> Imagine if the entire GG were converted. Instead of maybe 20,000 
> threads/tiddlers, it could have over 100,000. I imagine this could lead to 
> even further issues in TW itself. 

OK, so the idea with your project is to convert the entire GG archive then? 
Actually, is the purpose to make a searchable archive? The discussion you 
refer to in your initial post is about replacing GG with something, in 
other words a "discussion solution", is this somehow something you have in 
mind? Or is this more a PoC that threads can be scraped and tiddlified? 
(which, of course, also is super cool and a probably a needed component in 
a more encompassing solution :-)


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Re: [tw5] Re: Presenting GG2TW Beta, a method to convert Google Groups Conversations to TW JSON Tids

2021-06-15 Thread Mat
flanc...@gmail.com wrote:

> Mat, I'm a bit confused as to what you mean by "thread title." Do you mean 
> the titles it is automatically giving already, or something else?

Thread just refers to the whole conversation. Thread title in this current 
case is "Presenting GG2TW Beta, a ". So my point was to have each post 
in this thread be a tiddler because often an interesting solution is found 
in a specific post rather than the whole thread. But so each such post 
should maybe be tagged with the thread title.

Of course, thread titles are not unique which is a matter that has to be 
solved. One idea would be to concatenate the initial posts date to the 
title of the thread. Another might be some hash solution. (See other 
discussions about how to make unique titles, UUID etc. It's doable.)


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[tw5] Re: [Proof of concept] Simple Tabs using fieldset

2021-06-15 Thread Mat
I've previously only seen one "headline" when using fieldsets. IMO, when 
using them as tabs there's need for a more visual distinction that default 
so maybe something like;

fieldset > legend > samp > button {
   background:#f0f0f0 !important;
   padding:0 5px !important;

Possibly also

fieldset > legend {
   outline:1px solid silver !important

Note that the above will style *all* fieldsets so maybe you'll want to add 
a special enwrapping class for this concept of yours.


On Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 4:39:24 PM UTC+2 mwik...@gmail.com wrote:

> Actually, it seems that  is the non-deprecated equivalent to . I 
> switched to that.
> /Mike
> On Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 11:27:10 AM UTC-3 Michael Wiktowy wrote:
>> Or you can wrap the legend in  tags to really give that TUI feel. : ]
>> I stuck it up here to share:
>> https://sextant.space/#tabs-fieldset
>> /Mike
>> On Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 12:12:06 AM UTC-3 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Or maybe I'm thinking of something else.  Not sure.  Showing my age more 
>>> ...
>>> On Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 12:09:56 AM UTC-3 Charlie Veniot wrote:
 Not sure what it says about me:  I find this way fun !  Thanks !

 For the giggles, I made a small addition:

 <$list filter="$filter$ -[]"><>>> labeltid:$state$>> 
 <$tiddler tiddler={{$state$}} > <$transclude tiddler={{$state$}} 

 Now I find this feels like fixed-size "screens", and I'm having major 
 flashbacks to dBase IV and Clipper.  Ugh, I'm showing my age ...

 On Friday, June 11, 2021 at 11:53:13 PM UTC-3 mwik...@gmail.com wrote:

> Greetings,
> I saw use of the fieldset html tag in another message thread here the 
> other day and thought that it would be a neat way to implement a simple 
> minimalistic "tabs" option.
> So I hacked it together (see below).
> It is best with no more than a few menu options but it will wrap in a 
> usable fashion with more. One might be able to modify it to only display 
> a 
> fixed number of options or width and put some scrolling in with some list 
> filter or CSS trickery but I am not planning to tackle that soon. Just 
> wanted to throw out a proof of concept.
> It has hints of old-school BBS text menus of yesteryear / 
> terminal-based GUIs. 
> Enjoy.
> /Mike
> \define buttonlabel() <$text text=<>/>
> \define selectedbuttonlabel() ''<$text text=<>/>''
> \define menubutton(labeltid:"")
>   <$button setTitle="$labeltid$" setTo=<>  
> class="tc-btn-invisible">
> <$list filter="[compare:string:eq{$labeltid$}]" 
> emptyMessage=<> 
> variable=avoid_changing_currentTiddler><>
> \end
> \define tabs-fieldset(filter:"" state:"$:/temp/state")
> <$list filter="$filter$ -[]">< labeltid:$state$>> 
> <$tiddler tiddler={{$state$}} > <$transclude tiddler={{$state$}} 
> mode="block"/> 
> \end
> Examples use to cut and paste into tiddlywiki.com to try it out.
> <>
> <>

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[tw5] Re: Presenting GG2TW Beta, a method to convert Google Groups Conversations to TW JSON Tids

2021-06-15 Thread Mat
Very cool!
How do you want feedback on this? If the intention really is a usable "GG 
to TW" then this is a big project and perhaps it'd make sense with 
discussion on gh?

Is there possibility to tiddlify individual posts and e.g tag them with the 
thread title? ..which also means the mechanism would need to invent some 
kind of title for the posts.

And do you have any thoughts on how it would all be stored? I understand if 
the actual storing is not part of your project but maybe you have some 
thoughts about how it had best be done? 


On Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 3:00:02 AM UTC+2 flanc...@gmail.com wrote:

> Fixed the illegible text issue! I added a few replace() and got rid of the 
> method to escape I was using. Just tested the TW import, and works 
> perfectly! Of course, this could all change if there happens to be a 
> character that the program doesn't escape somewhere in the GG. However, I 
> deem this rare, as I don't think there are any chars that I've forgot. Keep 
> me informed of any issues; I intend to make the UI better soon. 
> P.S.: I have encountered a crash in Chrome upon running the program. If 
> anyone else has the issue, it is the program. So far, however, I'm thinking 
> it's just my PC, as Chrome doesn't seem to like my outdated Linux version :)
> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 9:50:36 PM UTC-4 Finn Lancaster wrote:
>> Yes. The 90 into 28 is taking into account responses to the 
>> conversations, which will lower the count. GG just likes to make things 
>> difficult, so it split them all up. Since the loading thing was not planned 
>> for at first, I just connected it to my counter variable that is added to 
>> after every successful request, hence the 90. In the code, there is an if 
>> statement with a comment "code goes here." In the future, this part will 
>> deal with the repeats.
>> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 8:59:51 PM UTC-4 strikke...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Random chars as you also found. But that was not the only thing. 90 of 
>>> 90 conversations ended up in 28 imported tiddlers. 
>>> The good news is that it kind of worked - as I am using a low end 12 
>>> year old laptop with 8 gb ram.
>>> Birthe
>>> On Monday, June 14, 2021 at 2:39:23 AM UTC+2 flanc...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Huh. Mine always glitches-out before TW successfully imports, so I've 
>>>> never seen the actual output in TW. I'd always assumed it would have no 
>>>> issues, since I've run the code through various JSON-checking sites, and 
>>>> it 
>>>> has been labeled valid. Were the words legible with just random chars in 
>>>> between, or was it just a jumble?
>>>> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 7:36:17 PM UTC-4 strikke...@gmail.com 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I did get 90/90 conversations - it really did not take that long.I 
>>>>> exported the json and tried to drag and drop it into my tiddlywiki. It 
>>>>> worked - but totally unreadable.
>>>>> Still it is exciting news. What a good idea you had.
>>>>> Birthe
>>>>> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 10:37:35 PM UTC+2 flanc...@gmail.com 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Strange, it works for me. I added a loading message telling of how 
>>>>>> many conversations were successfully loaded. If it stays at 0/90, then 
>>>>>> it 
>>>>>> is truly an issue. Possibly it was just taking a long time (takes around 
>>>>>> a 
>>>>>> minute generally to fully finish, I find.) Let me know if it helps you! 
>>>>>> *Another idea could be to clear history, cookies, etc. for all time, 
>>>>>> and try again. If this works, it is an issue with the CORS proxy API I 
>>>>>> am 
>>>>>> using. *
>>>>>> To address Mat, yes, it does scrape the GG FIRST page (1-90 
>>>>>> conversations, but some repeats). The output is an array of valid JSON 
>>>>>> data, which is recognized by TW as JSON tiddlers, and TW will then 
>>>>>> import 
>>>>>> them (drag and drop works best).
>>>>>> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 1:42:35 PM UTC-4 TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>>>>>>> Ciao flanc...
>>>>>>> The idea sounds neat! Unfortunately nothing happens for me :-(. I 
>>>>>>> get this but no results appear on click ... :-( ...
>>>>>>> [image: Screenshot 2021-06-13 194045.jpg]
>>>>>>> Best wishes
>>>>>>> TT

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[tw5] Re: Draggable list of links that comes from a filter

2021-06-14 Thread Mat
...Otherwise, check out 



On Monday, June 14, 2021 at 3:30:53 PM UTC+2 Mat wrote:

> For the list field in list-links-draggable I think you can use a filter 
> instead of titles.
> <:-)
> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 10:24:27 PM UTC+2 mehequeda...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I know how to get list of links that you can reorder with drag and drop 
>> for these cases:
>>- Using list-links-draggable for tiddlers stored in a list field
>>- Using list-tagged-draggable for tiddlers tagged and maybe 
>>restricted with a filter
>> But how to get such draggable list of links for an arbitrary filter when 
>> tiddlers doesn't share a tag? Did you ever need something like that?

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[tw5] Re: Draggable list of links that comes from a filter

2021-06-14 Thread Mat
For the list field in list-links-draggable I think you can use a filter 
instead of titles.

On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 10:24:27 PM UTC+2 mehequeda...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello,
> I know how to get list of links that you can reorder with drag and drop 
> for these cases:
>- Using list-links-draggable for tiddlers stored in a list field
>- Using list-tagged-draggable for tiddlers tagged and maybe restricted 
>with a filter
> But how to get such draggable list of links for an arbitrary filter when 
> tiddlers doesn't share a tag? Did you ever need something like that?

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Re: [tw5] Re: Artwork for v5.2.0

2021-06-14 Thread Mat

> Or perhaps a water drop and a fire-breathing giant reptile ("Dragon Drop")

Yeah! Or a dragon 
water/drops! Just above the TiddlyWiki: 5.2.0 field thingy. That would make 
for a really cool and odd art work.
*And it is even a super cool version name: "Dragon Drop"! *(even if, 
admittedly, the drag'n drop we are discussing here is limited. It would be 
an even more suitable name for if tiddlers were freely movable)


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Re: [tw5] Re: Artwork for v5.2.0

2021-06-13 Thread Mat
Springer - brilliant!

On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 10:32:30 PM UTC+2 springer wrote:

> Here's a hasty concept-logo to kick things off, also visible at site: 
> https://tw-logo-contest.tiddlyhost.com/#unleash-your-fields
> [image: unleash_your_fields.jpg]
> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 4:13:44 PM UTC-4 jeremy...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi Mat
>> The artwork needs to show "v5.2.0" (including the "v"!), because there 
>> will  be a "v5.2.1" at some point, potentially quite soon, and it's 
>> important for everybody to be able to unambiguously distinguish the 
>> versions. Stated another way, this is not version '5.2', this is version 
>> '5.2.0'.
>> I'd also say that perhaps designs based on the shapes of the letters 
>> might be a bit generic. I think the opportunity is to try to capture what 
>> is in the release, not just the string of numbers we use to refer to it.
>> Best wishes
>> Jeremy.
>> --
>> Jeremy Ruston
>> jer...@jermolene.com
>> https://jermolene.com
>> On 13 Jun 2021, at 20:02, Mat  wrote:
>> Oooh I just got two cool ideas! Anyone skilled, feel free to create:
>> First depends on if it is OK with "5.2" (see my previous question). Those 
>> two digits have a very similar shape! I think it should be possible to make 
>> some kind of mirror reflection to have one show the other. 
>> Second idea uses that new feature with freely named fields. So the design 
>> idea is to simply make the string "TiddlyWiki 5.2.0" as a field! E.g the 
>> "TiddlyWiki 5" as the field name and the "2.0" as the field value. Should 
>> the garbage can that deletes the field be next to it?... 
>> <:-)
>> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 8:08:15 PM UTC+2 Mat wrote:
>>> Freely naming of fields will be fantastic! It will give fields a much 
>>> more prominent position because they can be used directly as connections to 
>>> actual tiddlers. Great progress!
>>> @Jeremy can the artwork treat the version number as 5.2 (i.e without .0 
>>> at end)? I don't have a particular idea but I imagine it will be easier to 
>>> come up with ideas for fewer digits.
>>> <:-)
>>> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 1:14:17 PM UTC+2 Jeremy Ruston wrote:
>>>> This is to announce our regular competition for the artwork for the 
>>>> next release of TiddlyWiki 5. The next release is planned to be called 
>>>> v5.2.0, which requires a little explanation.
>>>> We've bumped the minor version number because of a single very 
>>>> important change: for the first time in a decade, we're changing the 
>>>> format 
>>>> used to encode tiddlers into the HTML file.
>>>> The new format is based on JSON, making it much easier to develop tools 
>>>> that produce or consume TW5 standalone HTML files. While there is some 
>>>> limited backwards compatibility, the developers of many existing tools 
>>>> will 
>>>> need to make modifications to keep things working with v5.2.0.
>>>> Hence the version number change: it's intended to make every developer 
>>>> ask "Gosh, what could have changed to warrant such a big jump", and helps 
>>>> us to make sure that the news of the change is promulgated as widely and 
>>>> prominently as possible.
>>>> The change also brings one big improvement for all users: field names 
>>>> now have no restrictions on which characters can be used, and are 
>>>> case-sensitive so that "MyField" is a valid fieldname, and refers to a 
>>>> different field than "myfield" (just like tiddler titles). Finally, we can 
>>>> have fields called "⛄️".
>>>> These changes will be merged shortly, but in the meantime can be 
>>>> inspected here:
>>>> https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/5708
>>>> So, with that, back to the artwork competition. The task is to design 
>>>> the banner image that is shown on the splash screen and within the opening 
>>>> HelloThere tiddler. It is traditional for the artwork to reflect some of 
>>>> the changes in the new version.
>>>> The rules for the competition are:

Re: [tw5] Re: Artwork for v5.2.0

2021-06-13 Thread Mat
Fair enuff!

On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 10:13:44 PM UTC+2 Jeremy Ruston wrote:

> Hi Mat
> The artwork needs to show "v5.2.0" (including the "v"!), because there 
> will  be a "v5.2.1" at some point, potentially quite soon, and it's 
> important for everybody to be able to unambiguously distinguish the 
> versions. Stated another way, this is not version '5.2', this is version 
> '5.2.0'.
> I'd also say that perhaps designs based on the shapes of the letters might 
> be a bit generic. I think the opportunity is to try to capture what is in 
> the release, not just the string of numbers we use to refer to it.
> Best wishes
> Jeremy.
> --
> Jeremy Ruston
> jer...@jermolene.com
> https://jermolene.com
> On 13 Jun 2021, at 20:02, Mat  wrote:
> Oooh I just got two cool ideas! Anyone skilled, feel free to create:
> First depends on if it is OK with "5.2" (see my previous question). Those 
> two digits have a very similar shape! I think it should be possible to make 
> some kind of mirror reflection to have one show the other. 
> Second idea uses that new feature with freely named fields. So the design 
> idea is to simply make the string "TiddlyWiki 5.2.0" as a field! E.g the 
> "TiddlyWiki 5" as the field name and the "2.0" as the field value. Should 
> the garbage can that deletes the field be next to it?... 
> <:-)
> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 8:08:15 PM UTC+2 Mat wrote:
>> Freely naming of fields will be fantastic! It will give fields a much 
>> more prominent position because they can be used directly as connections to 
>> actual tiddlers. Great progress!
>> @Jeremy can the artwork treat the version number as 5.2 (i.e without .0 
>> at end)? I don't have a particular idea but I imagine it will be easier to 
>> come up with ideas for fewer digits.
>> <:-)
>> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 1:14:17 PM UTC+2 Jeremy Ruston wrote:
>>> This is to announce our regular competition for the artwork for the next 
>>> release of TiddlyWiki 5. The next release is planned to be called v5.2.0, 
>>> which requires a little explanation.
>>> We've bumped the minor version number because of a single very important 
>>> change: for the first time in a decade, we're changing the format used to 
>>> encode tiddlers into the HTML file.
>>> The new format is based on JSON, making it much easier to develop tools 
>>> that produce or consume TW5 standalone HTML files. While there is some 
>>> limited backwards compatibility, the developers of many existing tools will 
>>> need to make modifications to keep things working with v5.2.0.
>>> Hence the version number change: it's intended to make every developer 
>>> ask "Gosh, what could have changed to warrant such a big jump", and helps 
>>> us to make sure that the news of the change is promulgated as widely and 
>>> prominently as possible.
>>> The change also brings one big improvement for all users: field names 
>>> now have no restrictions on which characters can be used, and are 
>>> case-sensitive so that "MyField" is a valid fieldname, and refers to a 
>>> different field than "myfield" (just like tiddler titles). Finally, we can 
>>> have fields called "⛄️".
>>> These changes will be merged shortly, but in the meantime can be 
>>> inspected here:
>>> https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/5708
>>> So, with that, back to the artwork competition. The task is to design 
>>> the banner image that is shown on the splash screen and within the opening 
>>> HelloThere tiddler. It is traditional for the artwork to reflect some of 
>>> the changes in the new version.
>>> The rules for the competition are:
>>> * The version number (with the correct punctuation) must be clear and 
>>> readable even when the banner is shown at a reduced size
>>> * The image must be a PNG, JPEG or SVG of exactly 560x315 pixels
>>> * The bottom 46 pixels will be obscured by the banner text “What’s new 
>>> in 5.2.0” when it is displayed within HelloThere
>>> * Feel free to enter an updated version of artwork that was a runner-up 
>>> in a previous competition
>>> * Reply to this message with your entry, or any questions
>>> Here are the posts about previous artwo

[tw5] Re: Artwork for v5.2.0

2021-06-13 Thread Mat
Oooh I just got two cool ideas! Anyone skilled, feel free to create:

First depends on if it is OK with "5.2" (see my previous question). Those 
two digits have a very similar shape! I think it should be possible to make 
some kind of mirror reflection to have one show the other. 

Second idea uses that new feature with freely named fields. So the design 
idea is to simply make the string "TiddlyWiki 5.2.0" as a field! E.g the 
"TiddlyWiki 5" as the field name and the "2.0" as the field value. Should 
the garbage can that deletes the field be next to it?... 

On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 8:08:15 PM UTC+2 Mat wrote:

> Freely naming of fields will be fantastic! It will give fields a much more 
> prominent position because they can be used directly as connections to 
> actual tiddlers. Great progress!
> @Jeremy can the artwork treat the version number as 5.2 (i.e without .0 at 
> end)? I don't have a particular idea but I imagine it will be easier to 
> come up with ideas for fewer digits.
> <:-)
> On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 1:14:17 PM UTC+2 Jeremy Ruston wrote:
>> This is to announce our regular competition for the artwork for the next 
>> release of TiddlyWiki 5. The next release is planned to be called v5.2.0, 
>> which requires a little explanation.
>> We've bumped the minor version number because of a single very important 
>> change: for the first time in a decade, we're changing the format used to 
>> encode tiddlers into the HTML file.
>> The new format is based on JSON, making it much easier to develop tools 
>> that produce or consume TW5 standalone HTML files. While there is some 
>> limited backwards compatibility, the developers of many existing tools will 
>> need to make modifications to keep things working with v5.2.0.
>> Hence the version number change: it's intended to make every developer 
>> ask "Gosh, what could have changed to warrant such a big jump", and helps 
>> us to make sure that the news of the change is promulgated as widely and 
>> prominently as possible.
>> The change also brings one big improvement for all users: field names now 
>> have no restrictions on which characters can be used, and are 
>> case-sensitive so that "MyField" is a valid fieldname, and refers to a 
>> different field than "myfield" (just like tiddler titles). Finally, we can 
>> have fields called "⛄️".
>> These changes will be merged shortly, but in the meantime can be 
>> inspected here:
>> https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/5708
>> So, with that, back to the artwork competition. The task is to design the 
>> banner image that is shown on the splash screen and within the opening 
>> HelloThere tiddler. It is traditional for the artwork to reflect some of 
>> the changes in the new version.
>> The rules for the competition are:
>> * The version number (with the correct punctuation) must be clear and 
>> readable even when the banner is shown at a reduced size
>> * The image must be a PNG, JPEG or SVG of exactly 560x315 pixels
>> * The bottom 46 pixels will be obscured by the banner text “What’s new in 
>> 5.2.0” when it is displayed within HelloThere
>> * Feel free to enter an updated version of artwork that was a runner-up 
>> in a previous competition
>> * Reply to this message with your entry, or any questions
>> Here are the posts about previous artwork competitions:
>> v5.1.23 - 
>> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/cTgPWl8b_9c/m/VtrMFHBGAwAJ
>> v5.1.22 - 
>> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/rYrja18_SfQ/m/JAklPfjfAwAJ
>> v5.1.21 - 
>> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/l47ZZzWdDb8/m/6s0p_3QeCgAJ
>> If you’ve got a great idea for the banner image, but don’t have the 
>> skills to produce finished artwork, do feel free to share your ideas in 
>> case somebody else would like to work on the artwork.
>> The competition will be open for a week, at which point if there is more 
>> than one submission I’ll set up a Google Form for voting.
>> Best wishes and many thanks,
>> Jeremy
>> --
>> Jeremy Ruston
>> jer...@jermolene.com
>> https://jermolene.com

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[tw5] Re: Artwork for v5.2.0

2021-06-13 Thread Mat
Freely naming of fields will be fantastic! It will give fields a much more 
prominent position because they can be used directly as connections to 
actual tiddlers. Great progress!

@Jeremy can the artwork treat the version number as 5.2 (i.e without .0 at 
end)? I don't have a particular idea but I imagine it will be easier to 
come up with ideas for fewer digits.


On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 1:14:17 PM UTC+2 Jeremy Ruston wrote:

> This is to announce our regular competition for the artwork for the next 
> release of TiddlyWiki 5. The next release is planned to be called v5.2.0, 
> which requires a little explanation.
> We've bumped the minor version number because of a single very important 
> change: for the first time in a decade, we're changing the format used to 
> encode tiddlers into the HTML file.
> The new format is based on JSON, making it much easier to develop tools 
> that produce or consume TW5 standalone HTML files. While there is some 
> limited backwards compatibility, the developers of many existing tools will 
> need to make modifications to keep things working with v5.2.0.
> Hence the version number change: it's intended to make every developer ask 
> "Gosh, what could have changed to warrant such a big jump", and helps us to 
> make sure that the news of the change is promulgated as widely and 
> prominently as possible.
> The change also brings one big improvement for all users: field names now 
> have no restrictions on which characters can be used, and are 
> case-sensitive so that "MyField" is a valid fieldname, and refers to a 
> different field than "myfield" (just like tiddler titles). Finally, we can 
> have fields called "⛄️".
> These changes will be merged shortly, but in the meantime can be inspected 
> here:
> https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/5708
> So, with that, back to the artwork competition. The task is to design the 
> banner image that is shown on the splash screen and within the opening 
> HelloThere tiddler. It is traditional for the artwork to reflect some of 
> the changes in the new version.
> The rules for the competition are:
> * The version number (with the correct punctuation) must be clear and 
> readable even when the banner is shown at a reduced size
> * The image must be a PNG, JPEG or SVG of exactly 560x315 pixels
> * The bottom 46 pixels will be obscured by the banner text “What’s new in 
> 5.2.0” when it is displayed within HelloThere
> * Feel free to enter an updated version of artwork that was a runner-up in 
> a previous competition
> * Reply to this message with your entry, or any questions
> Here are the posts about previous artwork competitions:
> v5.1.23 - 
> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/cTgPWl8b_9c/m/VtrMFHBGAwAJ
> v5.1.22 - 
> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/rYrja18_SfQ/m/JAklPfjfAwAJ
> v5.1.21 - 
> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/l47ZZzWdDb8/m/6s0p_3QeCgAJ
> If you’ve got a great idea for the banner image, but don’t have the skills 
> to produce finished artwork, do feel free to share your ideas in case 
> somebody else would like to work on the artwork.
> The competition will be open for a week, at which point if there is more 
> than one submission I’ll set up a Google Form for voting.
> Best wishes and many thanks,
> Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy Ruston
> jer...@jermolene.com
> https://jermolene.com

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[tw5] Re: Presenting GG2TW Beta, a method to convert Google Groups Conversations to TW JSON Tids

2021-06-13 Thread Mat
Oh! This sounds really cool but I don't get the demo to show anything. Does 
this scrape the gg pages? Do you have any thoughts on how the tiddlers 
should/could be stored?

On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 4:35:03 AM UTC+2 flanc...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello All,
> Recently, I have been inspired by many complaining about GG, and have thus 
> built a [beta] version of a GG to TW converter. While still full of bugs 
> and in need of much more work and polishing, you can still get a gist of 
> how it will work when fully completed. 
> A demo is available at my website subdomain gg2tw.finnsoftware.net, and 
> the project has a GitHub at https://github.com/flancast90/GG2TW/
> What I will be adding: For those of you that have tested, you can see that 
> the text of the tiddler includes needless strings such as "Forward", 
> "Reply", and more from the text-grabbing from GG: I will fix this soon when 
> I have time. In addition to this, I have just thrown together the UI in 5 
> minutes, so it will be upgraded, too. 
> Furthermore, it will soon be able to handle larger downloads, and a way 
> for you to select which page you would like to get it from.
> *Note for those running it locally bc of download: The API in use to 
> bypass CORS is quite finicky, and will throw an error. To fix this (only 
> needed if downloaded and not run via given subdomain) , just clear all your 
> browser history and cache: The API will reset the CORS access Header.*
> I would appreciate to hear some of your questions, comments, and concerns, 
> and I will answer them ASAP. Feel free to Star, Fork, Download, or Open an 
> Issue at the project's GitHub:  https://github.com/flancast90/GG2TW/

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[tw5] Re: TiddlyWiki strategies for discussing fiction?

2021-06-09 Thread Mat
@Soren - what is it you want out of it? You mention that Lolita gave you a 
lot of ideas, so how are those ideas different from what you get out of 
non-fiction? Do you have a goal with your reading? Maybe to write your own 
book, or to extract human wisdom, or to just remember as much of a good 
book as possible, or to write literary critique, or... etc,etc...


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[tw5] Re: Create tiddler with tags from variable

2021-06-04 Thread Mat
iamdar...@gmail.com wrote:

> 1) Why am I tagging the Tiddler that has the code with /tags/EditTemplate 
> and not core/ui/EditTemplate as the others are listed when I'm reordering 
> the tags?

The $:/tags/EditTemplate is the common tag for all edittemplates. When you 
click that tag you see all tiddlers tagged such. They are typically 
tiddlers titled $:/core/ui/something because they are part of the core TW 
plugin. Your tiddler is not part of the core plugin so you can call it 
whatever you want (also with or without a prefixing $:/ )

> 2) I originally tried pasting Mat's code into the custom edit area of 
> Stroll, which also uses the /tags/EditTemplate tag but the define line 
> wouldn't activate. Given that both tiddlers follow the same instructions is 
> there a reason why one worked and one didn't? The only difference was the 
> existence of two other tags and some instructions already in the body of 
> the tiddler.

All pragmas, i.e all commands with a prefixing \ character, must be grouped 
at top of tiddler. If you study some system tiddlers, you'll understand 
what is meant with this. That could be one reason why your attempt didn't 
work. Another thing is that e.g a \define can be a single row or it is a 
multirow that ends with an \end marker. Again, check out some macros or 
similar and you'll get the idea.

> 3) Is there a specific place on the TiddlyWiki website where the above 
> information is described? When I was attempting to troubleshoot the \define 
> line not working I was having a heck of a time trying to follow what was 
> written so I'm curious if I was looking in the wrong place.

Yes, again, all \ prefixed stuff are called pragmas. You are specifically 
concerned with macros here, i.e the thingies that are created with a 
\define pragma (and that often end with  \end )

As for getting the original name of a tiddler when you're in edit mode, I 
thought there should be some filter op for this (is[draft]) but maybe I'm 
wrong. Anyway, you should be able to do this to get the non-draft title 
when you're in the draft: 

\define t() [[$(nondraft)$]] OhterTAG

<$vars nondraft={{{ [removeprefix[Draft of 
']removesuffix[']] }}} >
<$button><$action-createtiddler $basetitle="MyBase" tags=<>/> x 


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[tw5] Re: Create tiddler with tags from variable

2021-06-03 Thread Mat

> *Mat*, where would you put your code so that it was available while 
> editing a tiddler?

Hm, in edit mode? OK, you could try to put it in a tiddler that you tag 
"$:/tags/EditTemplate" (and click that very tag to reorder where it is 
positionend). You might have to edit the current tiddler or it will 
probably be the Draft ending up as the tag. I'm about to go out so can't 
check exactly which filter operator that is to get the "non Draft" but it's 


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[tw5] Re: Create tiddler with tags from variable

2021-06-03 Thread Mat
Seems to work:

\define t() [[$(currentTiddler)$]] OhterTAG

<$action-createtiddler $basetitle="MyBase" tags=<> />

On Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 5:53:39 PM UTC+2 Ed Heil wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been trying to do something that seems like it should be simple but 
> maybe isn't.
> I'm in a tiddler called "Three Word Title."
> I wish to add a tiddler tagged with its name and one other tag, in 
> response to hitting a button.
> I would think I'd use something like:
> <$action-createtiddler $base="MyBase" tags={{{ [] 
> [[OtherTag]] +[join[ ]] }} />
> But of course that won't work, it will give it the tags "Three" "Word" 
> "Title" and "OtherTag."
> Is there a bulletproof way to turn a list of tiddlers (returned by a 
> filter) into a list with proper [[]] so it's suitable for use in a tags 
> field?
> I could do this by creating the tiddler first, then saving the title, then 
> sending a tm-add-tag message, but at that point I need a FieldManglerWidget 
> and it just seems like this ought to be easier.
> I thought that maybe enlist or enlist-input should do the job but they 
> don't seem to.
> I guess another way of summing up my problem would be that I want this:
> <$vars barBaz="bar baz">
> "<$text text={{{ [[foo]] [] +[what operator do I want here?[]]  
> }}}/>"
> to somehow produce 
> "[[foo]] [[bar baz]]"

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Re: [tw5] [Comment] My Ongoing Irritations with Google Groups

2021-06-02 Thread Mat
flanc...@gmail.com wrote:

> For any of you interested, just let me know, and I can start a shared 
> GitHub repo with a bare-bones implementation of this code I will write, and 
> allow any of you more tech-savvy readers to use it and apply it. 

A proof of concept would definitely be interesting!


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Re: [tw5] [Comment] My Ongoing Irritations with Google Groups

2021-06-02 Thread Mat
Mark S. wrote:

> Someone could use Jeremy's approach and then periodically post the result 
> to tiddlyhost (or wherever).
> Then anyone who wanted to "curate" could do so simply by making a 
> reference to a prior thread or prior project. No barrier to contributing. 
> Eventually everything that is worth mentioning will become searchable.

(my highlighting) 
Hey - that's a really cool idea: One makes a reference *here *in GG, just 
like we do already sometimes, and that would *automatically *add "cred" to 
a tiddler, once it is imported because the reference is a link. And it 
could be a link to another GG post either sitting here in GG or it could be 
a link to to another tiddler in the accumulating wiki! Either way, it'd 
make the targeted post have a higher ref count. 

And it wouldn't even have to be limited to GG posts! If there's some 
importing or scraping from other sites (github, reddit...) those could also 
be included. 

Come on! This is a super cool idea! But could a TW handle that much data?


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[tw5] Re: Presenting: List styles - just some ways to style list output

2021-06-02 Thread Mat
Eric Shulman wrote:

> Don't forget this: http://listtree.tiddlyspot.com/

Yeah, thanks. I actually have a lot more stuff that should be listed in the 
links site.


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[tw5] Re: Presenting: List styles - just some ways to style list output

2021-06-02 Thread Mat
Naw. This summer I'll look into links among other things more. If anyone 
else wants to add it already now, please go ahead.


On Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 3:36:16 PM UTC+2 PMario wrote:

> Hi Mat, 
> Nice. ... Did you link it to: https://links.tiddlywiki.com/ ?
> -m

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  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >