Re: [Vo]:Could undetected nuclear isomers explain any LENR?

2011-11-04 Thread Danny Ross Lunsford
This is sort of what seems most natural to me. Something is happening on either 
side of NI62, and it gets into a cyclic state - once in a while by the magic of 
QM it overshoots and you get copper, or undershoots and you get iron. But most 
of the time it bounces back and forth. Some oscillatory state of the nucleus is 
being excited and it doesn't know which side of the binding-energy-per-nucleon 
to be on.

"I write a little. I erase a lot." - Chopin

--- On Fri, 11/4/11,  wrote:

Subject: [Vo]:Could undetected nuclear isomers explain any LENR?
Date: Friday, November 4, 2011, 7:36 PM

Since nuclear isomers (i.e., metastable atoms with excited nuclei) can
store energies far exceeding chemical energies, could any LENR results be
due to undetected isomers decaying to nuclear ground state?

Some are extremely long-lived, and some may still be undiscovered.
(e.g., "Discovery of a Nuclear Isomer in 65Fe..."

Extremely low contamination would suffice.
I'm not sure, but I believe that detection would be difficult.

Unlikely, but I would welcome opinions.

Lou Pagnucco

Re: [Vo]:wiki entry survived a deletion request

2011-11-04 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 10:36 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Is there a reason this is
> more of a problem with Rossi's reactor?

No, I think AR's problem with using water is the fact that his heat
source is so very small.  With a focused thermal reaction, the
resulting scale will also be so concentrated.

I think the ultimate answer will likely be molten salts.  But, you
can't let the salts solidify within the heat exchanger!


Re: [Vo]:wiki entry survived a deletion request

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
Terry Blanton  wrote:

>> Yes, also called boiler scale:
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> I'm sure you can't read all my posts, nor would you want to; but, I
> commented earlier on the corrosive deposits resulting from the October
> 6th test and how it would eventually cause a failure in the Rossi
> Reactor.

I recall you did say that.

This is a problem with conventional boilers too. Is there a reason this is
more of a problem with Rossi's reactor? Because of the convoluted cell in
the latest reactor.

I can see why using a closed loop of some other fluid is better. That's how
Defkalion does it. I suppose they filter the fluid or replace it

One of the sales points of the Hydrodynamics boilers is that they eliminate
boiler scale. You can use factory waste water as feed water. This reduces
the need for water at the factory, and reduces the water you have to treat
for pollution.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:wiki entry survived a deletion request

2011-11-04 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 10:06 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 9:50 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:
>>> Here is an interesting comment in the Wikipedia discussion from someone who
>>> claims he or she was present at the Oct. 6 test. Does anyone know what
>>> "kettle stone" means? Deposits from evaporated water?
>> Yes, also called boiler scale:

I'm sure you can't read all my posts, nor would you want to; but, I
commented earlier on the corrosive deposits resulting from the October
6th test and how it would eventually cause a failure in the Rossi

Now Rossi is looking into using diathermic oil.  Dennis Cravens sent
me a private email commenting on the dangers of the combustion of
these oils at the operating temperature of the Rossi Reactor.

Beene recommended Therminol.


Re: [Vo]:Rossi Nickel enrichment : is a liquid-phase Calutron possible?

2011-11-04 Thread Berke Durak
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> It seems you are conflating two processes when only one will suffice. And one 
> of them is absurd from the start.
> Why pump the liquid at all? Why use a magnetic field with pumping, when a 
> simpler route exists? Calutrons were a gigantic waste of money in the 
> Manhattan project and were only used for a few years as an expedient.

Because you need to have v > d * q * B/(m1 - m2) where v is the speed,
d the desired separation distance, q the charge, B the magnetic field
and m1 and m2 the respective masses, and if you don't pump, you'll
have to rely on the acceleration provided by the electrical field,
which may
be too low.

> Centrifugal acceleration (even the common lab centrifuge) should give similar 
> or better results, if what you want is enrichment by density gradient in a 
> NiCl solution.
> In fact the chloride is ready-made for this since by varying the water 
> content and temperature (solubility) - the heavier fraction can be solidified 
> by chilling - while the light fraction remains a liquid and is more easily 
> removed at the early stages (to automate the process).
> If you are going for enriching an isotope that is 10% denser, it will take at 
> least seven stages for every doubling (not counting losses). This is the 
> "rule of seventy" (similar to formula used in compound interest). Therefore, 
> to increase a 1% isotope to 16% might require a minimum of 28 stages of 
> progressive enrichment, but when losses are included, it is probably closer 
> to 50 stages. Automation makes a big difference with this many stages.
> For the NiCl solution (hexa-hydrate) the solubility is 254 g/100 mL at 20 °C 
> - and 600 g/100 mL at 100 °C. That difference could help a lot in automating 
> the processing, so that even 50 stages in a continuous centrifuging would not 
> be a insurmountable problem to get 64Ni enriched to a level in the mid-teens 
> at an affordable cost.
> At least this is doable, but - as for final cost - that is another question 
> based on many issues. But if the enrichment percentage can be kept to a low 
> level, it need not be too expensive for the numbers Rossi is throwing around.
> This is because with NiCl - the rejected isotopes are of the same value as 
> the feedstock, and this makes the processing simply a matter of overhead, 
> efficiency and labor. The bulk nickel is no less useful in industry - with 
> the 64Ni removed as with it there. In effect, you only "rent" the feedstock, 
> removing very little.
> That is a huge difference compared to what we look to as the "model" for 
> isotope enrichment. With uranium enrichment - in contrast, the feedstock cost 
> must be 100% absorbed in the cost of the enrichment (since the depleted U has 
> almost no value) so that factor alone grossly inflates the net cost by 
> several orders of magnitude (compared to nickel).
> Enrichment cost alone, for even the heavy metals - is not outrageous so long 
> as there is a large market for the depleted feedstock. That is key.
> There seldom is a market, but since nickel has that as its major feature, 
> then an enriched isotope on a mass production scale, for a NiH energy system, 
> is not out of the question.
> -Original Message-
> From: Berke Durak
> On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Peter Heckert  wrote:
>> The ion diffusion speed in an electrolyte is only some centimeters
>> per minute at best, while the speed in a Calutron is probably some
>> 100 to some 1000 kilometres per second.
>> Therefore the mass inertia of the nucleus at this low speed has no
>> effect.  The electrolyte vessel must be some 1000 km long for this
>> to work.
> Yes, but can't the liquid be accelerated to a sufficient velocity
> using pumps?
> A quick search reveals that the radius of the circular path described
> by a charged particle subject to a transverse magnetic field is R =
> mv/qB where m is the mass, v is the velocity, q is the charge and B is
> the field in tesla.
> Assume we want to separate two isotopes of masses m1 and m2, we'll
> want R1 - R2 > d for some sufficiently large d.  Take d = 1cm, m1 = 58
> amu and m2 = 64 amu, and q = 2 x 1.6e-19 C (for Ni 2+), then we need v
>>= qB/(m1 - m2) = 32e6 m/s/T.  For a 100 nano tesla field, this gives
> 3.2 m/s and R1 = 9.6 m and R2 = 10.6 m.  I suppose 3.2 m/s is a
> reasonable velocity.
> If we pump the solution so that the Ni2+ ions reach a velocity of 3.2
> m/s while keeping the magnetic field around 100 nanotesla, we might be
> able to separate them.
> By properly orienting the setup with respect to the Earth's magnetic
> field, some mu-metal shielding or using some active cancellation
> technique, it might be possible to obtain a 100 nT field.
> The problem might be that you will also have whatever cations are
> present swirling in the opposite direction.  I don't know how that
> would affect the Ni2+ ions.
> Any physicists / electrochemists in the 

Re: [Vo]:wiki entry survived a deletion request

2011-11-04 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 9:50 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:
>> Here is an interesting comment in the Wikipedia discussion from someone who
>> claims he or she was present at the Oct. 6 test. Does anyone know what
>> "kettle stone" means? Deposits from evaporated water?
> Yes, also called boiler scale:


Re: [Vo]:wiki entry survived a deletion request

2011-11-04 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 9:50 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:
> Here is an interesting comment in the Wikipedia discussion from someone who
> claims he or she was present at the Oct. 6 test. Does anyone know what
> "kettle stone" means? Deposits from evaporated water?

Yes, also called boiler scale:


Re: [Vo]:wiki entry survived a deletion request

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
That's hilarious.

What is it with these people? I do not understand why they are so anxious
to keep people from finding out about things they oppose. They hate the
idea that people will discuss the issue, or learn something about it. I
don't like creationism, and I hate these people opposed to
vaccinations, but I am not campaigning to have their point of view erased
from Wikipedia or banned from the mass media.

If they could have, these "skeptics" would have erased the Wikipedia
article on cold fusion long ago. I wish they would.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Mill's and Lu paper define hydrino as fractional Rydberg

2011-11-04 Thread francis


From: francis [] 
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 9:36 PM
To: ''
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Mill's and Lu paper define hydrino as fractional Rydberg



   You are getting to the heart of it quickly. First there is
definitely energy present even at absolute zero gas will not become solid -
and no one will dispute that gas motion is powered by the Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle BUT. we have always been taught that the energy is too
chaotic and on too tiny of a scale for us to organize it. Mechanization is
already at the macro scale and nature will always seek balance through the
path of least resistance which is why stiction forces are so problematic in
nano construction. nature wants the spectrum of virtual particle sizes to be
uniform such that when conductive materials are thrown together in bulk the
pieces self attract trying to close the gap between and return the spectrum
to a uniform value [vacuum energy density]. If a gap does form the energy
density is suppressed and gas atoms migrating through the gap transform from
our perspective to different fractional values- And yes you are correct that
if this proposal by Naudts is correct then it will exactly reverse upon
exiting the gap with no change in energy level. This is where the conditions
in these experiments must cause an asymmetry for there to be a net gain or
loss. Haisch and Moddel suggest a "Lamb Pinch" while I propose that the IRH
and Hydrino are actually normal hydrogen based on Naudts 2005 paper and
therefore CAN take on the molecular form and that it is this choice of
atomic and molecular bonding that provides us the opportunity to arrange an
asymmetrical path. It is my posit that h1 translates to different fractional
values freely while h2 has a covalent bond that opposes this translation.
>From our perspective the orbital appears smaller and perhaps is seen as a
nearby electron while the proton appears much smaller and displaced like the
rubber nose of a badminton birdie stretched ever more distant as the
fractional value becomes smaller. When fractional h2 forms these nearby
electrons form a hinge opposing the motive force of virtual particles on the
paired protons. If I am correct this would form  a "natural"  self assembled
HUP trap in that gas law motion is organized to discount the energy needed
to disassociate the molecule. I think the signal generators and other forms
of agitation described in this research are also necessary to synchronize
the rectification or the force will simply push the molecules back in a
direction that alleviates the discount.





David Roberson
Fri, 04 Nov 2011 13:47:03 -0700

You are correct Fran, I am confused about the hydrino theory.  I think I 

understand that you imply that the hydrino can not exist outside of the 

nanotube structure.  If this is true then it would not be possible to

energy from the beast.  Whatever you borrowed must be returned very soon.

least that is the way I understand thermodynamics.  Does that theory

allow energy to be taken from the vacuum?  If so, I would like to understand

that a lot better.  Also, has anyone been able to extract energy this way

then do it again with the same hydrogen atom?  I have a difficult time 

understanding that principle.






-Original Message-

From: Roarty, Francis X 

To: vortex-l 

Sent: Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:22 pm

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Mill's and Lu paper define hydrino as fractional Rydberg





I think you have an underlying misconception. It isn't

energy that is being exploited, catalytic energy is related to Casimir

which in the case of nanotubes only occurs at openings and defects in the 

nanotube as recently discovered by Peng Chen at Cornell using an AFM. This 

establishes a relationship between catalytic action and change in Casimir

- geometry. It is a difference in vacuum energy density not temperature that

feeds the reaction so you are not exhausting a thermal reservoir. IMHO this

why gas is a necessary part of the equation since relative mot ion of gas to

the Casimir geometry is maintained by HUP. This is the same source of energy

that keeps gas from becoming solid at absolute zero.. hence can be referred

as Zero Point Energy. The similarity between skeletal catalysts and the

geometry of nano powders also supports this relationship.


Within the context of the above relationship there can be no

hydrino without Casimir geometry, as the hydrino or IRH diffuses out of the 

catalyst or nano powder it simply translates back to normal hydrogen. There 

would therefore  be no hydrinos floating freely in the atmosphere and it 

remains an open question if di-hydrinos are even possible much less if their

covalent bond could hold the hydrino in t

Re: [Vo]:wiki entry survived a deletion request

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
Here is an interesting comment in the Wikipedia discussion from someone who
claims he or she was present at the Oct. 6 test. Does anyone know what
"kettle stone" means? Deposits from evaporated water?

Keep, Been present at the oct6 testing of the device, I confirm a 100%
certain that the average outflowing water was about 8-10°C warmer than the
inflowing water on a 600l/h basis, and this for several hours. There were
indeed some errors, but from a technical point of view (and having
quadruple checked the thermometers after the test in the full range of the
measured temperatures: they measured equal and within a precision range of
0,1 °C), all corrections that have to be made are in favor of the device.
One simple item everyone can check on the pictures from NyTeknik (1 and 7):
the thermometer on the inflow side was connected to the release-ring of the
hose, so it did not make contact with a metal part that made contact with
the flow, so basically it was influenced by environmental temperature.
(28-29°C). There is not much variation of the tap water temperature in
Italy, and the water measured 23,8 degrees before the test. The electricity
that went into the device(s) was not measured very precisely, but I also
confirm that other simple physical test proved 100% certain that the input
power did not exceeded 2500 Watts, and in self sustaining mode there was
indeed no significant energy consumption for almost four hours. No other
electric cables were in use. Besides that, multiple disciplines of
scientists were present, and observed their items, and also confirmed a
successful evidence of controllable and stable nuclear reactions that were
happening inside the reactor, by measuring . I cannot talk about that.

The amount of kettle stone that was formed, also on the nuts and bolt that
closed the inner-core of the e-cat, proves that this same device had been
used for longer periods before this test and without being opened in
between.In fact the effort of those that are trying to hide or deny the
device, is near a criminal act against humanity. I believe Wikipedia cannot
support such behavior. With a match and a trunk of a live oak, you can
scientifically prove that wood cannot burn, and by doing so, sending whole
populations to die from cold. In fact, lots of people even have
difficulties igniting their BBQ and therefore they use all sorts of
auxiliary materials to start a fire. E-cat is about auxiliary stuff to
improve the efficiency. You can only deny a phenomenon if you have done all
possible and thinkable effort to prove it exists and never have found even
a glimpse of a positive result. The world is very far past the point of
denial of effects happening in solid state metals. So the guys that did not
try to observe nor explain nor reproduce the phenomenon with enough effort,
even have no reason to speak at all. I recommend them to speak open and
clear about their own business in which they are the real experts. More
information about their work would be valuable too for Wikipedia. Almost
every musician, painter or sportsman has his own place in wikipedia. Even
fictional personages from comics and movies have their pages. And now the
e-cat should be hidden as fast as possible ? --Kv1970

Re: [Vo]:msnbc reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo. Hagelstein is quoted.

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
This one is pretty good too.


I told someone who is looking for funding that venture capitalists will not
touch this field as long as we have mass media publishing articles with
titles like "Cold Fusion Experiment: Major Success or Complex Hoax?" Then
again . . . I suppose if CBS and many others publish reasonable articles,
people might invest. They might invest even if Fox and Scientific American
continue to publish nonsense.

I predict that Scientific American and Nature will be the last to publish a
real article. They will say nothing about Rossi, even if he sells 10 more
reactors to known customers.

- Jed

[Vo]:Could undetected nuclear isomers explain any LENR?

2011-11-04 Thread pagnucco
Since nuclear isomers (i.e., metastable atoms with excited nuclei) can
store energies far exceeding chemical energies, could any LENR results be
due to undetected isomers decaying to nuclear ground state?

Some are extremely long-lived, and some may still be undiscovered.
(e.g., "Discovery of a Nuclear Isomer in 65Fe..."

Extremely low contamination would suffice.
I'm not sure, but I believe that detection would be difficult.

Unlikely, but I would welcome opinions.

Lou Pagnucco

Re: [Vo]:Some thoughts about Rossi's personality

2011-11-04 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> They understood perfectly
> well that a candle cannot burn for many days

True, but a latke can!  Ask my stomach!


Re: [Vo]:Some thoughts about Rossi's personality

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
Peter Heckert  wrote:

I'm sure he would say "go ahead and ignore that if you like; just look at
>> the physical facts."
> If he does it this way, then he cannot know the difference between a
> random effect, a systematic measurement error or a real physical fact. How
> can he know, if he doesnt care about repeatable and predictable precision?

That does not follow at all. You are ignoring the whole history of
technology up to the late 19th century.

For the last 30,000 years, craftsmen and technicians have depended entirely
on observations and physical tests of materials. A Japanese swordsman makes
a superb blade using entirely what he sees and smells, such as the
incandescent color of the workpiece. These craftsmen were as systematic as
any modern scientist or engineer. That is why they were able to do superb
metallurgy and build cathedrals without any knowledge of modern physics or

The people who made Damascus steel and Japanese swords had no knowledge
that oxygen exists and absolutely no grasp of physics but they were able to
do things that modern metallurgists still do not fully understand. Any
metallurgist stands in awe of these ancient people. I have seen videos of
Japanese sword makers at work and I assure you they are as methodical as
anyone can be. They use no numbers at all. They have no modern instruments.
They deal entirely in real physical effects, not measurements in the modern
sense. They have tremendous knowledge, and it is accurate and true, but it
is not in same form as modern scientific knowledge.

Rossi's methods more resemble those of ancient craftsmen more than modern
scientists'. That makes it all the more astounding -- and admirable -- that
he has succeeded.

Your notion that people cannot be scientific without number crunching is
typical of the ahistorical view of modern people. You should learn how
people did things 100 years ago, or 500 years ago. Your ancestors knew far
more than you give them credit for and they were much more methodical and
scientific than people appreciate. Look at the buildings and objects and
works of art they left us, and you see proof of that.

> He will fall victim to parasitic and random errors and instead developing
> energy he will develop a method for systematic false measurements.

You cannot have false measurements when you do not use instruments to
measure things.

Sword makers, cooks, soldiers, farmers, artists, potters working with
glazes, and many others people understood temperatures by various direct
means such as color, the consistency of materials, or melting minerals (the
sort of thing a modern potter uses in a kiln). They did that for thousands
of years before thermometers were invented.

Modern science began in 1600, but people have been using scientific,
logical methods informed by facts about nature for thousands of years.

If you showed Rossi's device to an ancient craftsmen, he would instantly
grasp the significance of it. It would be obvious to him. Ancient people
understood that you cannot keep something hot without fire, and fire
consumes fuel at fixed ratio to the heat. That why they they celebrated
the Hanukkah miracle (the festival of lights). They understood perfectly
well that a candle cannot burn for many days without exhausting the fuel.
In fact, they understood better than many modern physicists.

I am sure the Hanukkah miracle did not actually occur. it must have been
been an exaggeration or a misunderstanding. The point is, people thought it
occurred, and they recognized it would be a miracle. Nowadays, modern
physicists and the people here wave their hands and make up excuses to
explain away Rossi's 4 hours of heat after death. That is like trying to to
explain away oil candles burning for eight days with a 1 day supply of
fuel. It is grotesque that people do not instantly see this must be an

- Jed

[Vo]:wiki entry survived a deletion request

2011-11-04 Thread Alan J Fletcher
Basically came down to: "if it's a scam it's still notable"

( -- analyzing the Rossi/Focardi eCat  -- Hi,

Re: [Vo]:Some thoughts about Rossi's personality

2011-11-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.11.2011 22:42, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

From Rossi's point of view quibbling about minor details such as the 
thermocouple temperature readings is silly. I'm sure he would say "go 
ahead and ignore that if you like; just look at the physical facts."

If he does it this way, then he cannot know the difference between a 
random effect, a systematic measurement error or a real physical fact. 
How can he know, if he doesnt care about repeatable and predictable 
precision? He will fall victim to parasitic and random errors and 
instead developing energy he will develop a method for systematic false 
He will develop pipe dreams, will measure them and will believe these 
are real, because he is fooled by himself.

Just for fun, have a look to this video at 4:00 and later.

You see an absolutely chaotic workbench.  This man doesnt care about detail
 Some seconds later, you see a careful optimized breadboard circuit and 
he starts to explain the most miniscule details in an oscillogram.

This is a guy who cares about details. (It is Jim Williams, a leading 
first hour development engineer from Linear technology, a genius 
developer. He died this year from parkinson and this is already visible 
in this video.)

He has no titles at all, especially no false titles did never study 
engineering, is autodidact.

Re: [Vo]:Some thoughts about Rossi's personality

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
Peter Heckert  wrote:

This explains why the e-cat leaks and fails when really serious customers
> and NASA scientists are present.

In all seriousness, I expect it does. It also explains why he ran the
October 6 demonstration without bothering to put an SD card into the
thermocouple meter. He just does not sweat the details.

It is not as if he was trying to hide the temperature data. He asked Lewan
to please write down the numbers. I gather he dragooned Lewan into doing
it. He assigned the job to him. It does not matter to Rossi that the data
was collected every 10 or 15 min. that way, whereas the meter would have
recorded it automatically several times a minute. Either method is fine
with Rossi.

> I think he will care about details when he counts the money.

He cares for the details when they matter. When they have a technical
impact. He cares a great deal about things that matter, and not at all
about anything else.

The thing is, objectively speaking, collecting the temperature data every
10 or 15 min. really is as good as recording it on the SD card. If your
goal is to prove the reaction is real, either method is fine. The people
here who are obsessed with the temperature readings and the finer points of
where the thermocouples are placed are missing the point. As I have said,
you can throw away all instrument readings, and look at the
physical arrangement of equpment and first principles only, and the test is
100% irrefutable.

If you were tell physicists back in 1880 that this test is inadequate
because the instrument readings are questionable, they would think you are
crazy. Even back when I was in grade school, physics experiments proved
things by the arrangement and action of the objects, such as an egg being
sucked into a milk bottle by a vacuum. Nowadays people would demand some
sort of digital instrument proving there is a vacuum, and they would look
at the damn numbers instead of the egg in the bottle.

>From Rossi's point of view quibbling about minor details such as the
thermocouple temperature readings is silly. I'm sure he would say "go ahead
and ignore that if you like; just look at the physical facts."

If you want to impress modern scientists and engineers with your
professional technique and the care you bring to the experiment, you will
do it carefully and record lots of useless extra digits of precision and
thousands of extraneous data points that prove nothing. It has to be on a
computer, even though an old-fashioned paper & pencil log is just as good.
Rossi is old school -- as am I. The difference is, he doesn't get where the
modern whippersnappers are coming from and why they want all that digital
data, whereas I get it. I know what they are thinking. I cannot explain
this to Rossi. The Lord knows I have tried.

Would not buy a used car from him.

I would not buy a fingernail clipper from him.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:msnbc reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo. Hagelstein is quoted.

2011-11-04 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> Then came CBS:
> viewable in IE9, Chrome no like.

Chrome works on reload.


Re: [Vo]:msnbc reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo. Hagelstein is quoted.

2011-11-04 Thread Terry Blanton
Then came CBS:

viewable in IE9, Chrome no like.


Re: [Vo]:Some thoughts about Rossi's personality

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha  wrote:

Is that really a fake PhD? I thought it was an honorary doctorate for his
> biofuel powerplant.

Ah, that may explain it. Perhaps he has two honorary PhDs, one for the
biofuel, and one from the diploma mill. Perhaps he thought I was talking
about the other one.

I do not know why he lists the California diploma mill degree. There is
probably a reason. My point is that it is probably not a nefarious reason;
it is probably weird.

He reminds me of a person living deep in the countryside in a cabin. You
find some peculiar arrangement of rocks piled around the well, or
some inexplicable 80-year-old farm machine. You ask "what's that for?" or
"why do you do it that way?" With all the goodwill in the world, they
explain and explain. The more you hear the more confused you become.

This is even more the case when they speak English as a second language, or
-- as has happened to me -- they are speaking a back-country 200-year-old
dialect of Japanese and I would have difficulty following the discussion in
standard Japanese. Don't forget that Rossi speaks English as a second
language. That probably explains much of the confusion engendered by his
blog. I can just imagine how it would look if I posted dozens of messages
in Japanese without bothering to edit them or have a native speaker vet

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Some thoughts about Rossi's personality

2011-11-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.11.2011 21:46, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Rossi is also careless and he gets facts wrong. He does not care about 
details. He REALLY does not care about details, to an extent that most 
of us find pathological.
This explains why the e-cat leaks and fails when really serious 
customers and NASA scientists are present.

I think he will care about details when he counts the money.
Would not buy a used car from him.


Re: [Vo]:Some thoughts about Rossi's personality

2011-11-04 Thread Daniel Rocha
Is that really a fake PhD? I thought it was an honorary doctorate for his
biofuel powerplant. For example, the former president of my country, Lula,
got and has been getting these titles even though he just studied until the
4th grade (that is below junior high). He couldn't study since he had to
work early and later he was involved in politics. He compensated that by
being extremely smart.

2011/11/4 Jed Rothwell 

> Peter Heckert  wrote:
>> Rossi is overworked and unable to explain the simplest facts correctly.
> In all seriousness, that is true. It is important aspect of his
> personality.
> I do not think it is because he is overworked. I think he is just not good
> at explaining things. That is no reflection on his intellect. It does not
> detract from his achievements. Many famous inventive people have had great
> difficulty explaining themselves, such as Harrison and Arata.
> Rossi is also careless and he gets facts wrong. He does not care about
> details. He REALLY does not care about details, to an extent that most of
> us find pathological. Take his webpage. He has a board of advisors listed
> including a professor who does not exist and probably never did. I told him
> the guy does not exist then he said something like: "Well the name is
> something like that. I don't recall. What difference does it make?" He said
> the same thing with regard to his fake PhD from the diploma mill. He said:
> "someone gave me that; I don't know anything about it." As if we were
> talking about a vase on the shelf.
> He really, truly, sincerely does not give a fart about public relations or
> the fact that his web site features absurd statements. I suggested he take
> that stuff off his website because it gives a bad impression. He said he
> doesn't care about impressions and he does not want to bother to clean up
> the website. Not worth the trouble. It isn't as if he is lazy. He works 14
> hours a day and only eats one meal a day in order to have more time to work
> and think.
> He lives in his own world, doing things his own way. People think he is
> lying when he's just describing what is in his imagination, which I believe
> is as real to him as the so-called real world. I would not call it "lying"
> because he makes no attempt to deceive anyone. He knows that anyone can
> check the fake PhD. It is what you might call a hypothetical PhD, one
> proposed for the sake of argument. Scientists and programmers often talk
> about hypotheticals and the future as if it were the present, already
> accomplished. Some of them live in a dream world. Ordinary people would say
> they are lying.
> It is said that Steve Jobs had a "reality distortion field." When people
> worked with him or talked with him they began to believe his crazy notions,
> in some cases converting those notions into reality. Rossi also has a
> reality distortion field but it only works on him. The rest of us do not
> see what he sees. He too sometimes converts crazy notions into reality, but
> he does it by inventing things. His inventions are infinitely more
> important than those of Steve Jobs, so we should cut him some slack.
> One of the many ironic things about Rossi is how often people ascribe to
> him personality qualities which are the opposite of the way he is. He is
> said to be a master manipulator of people and a superb confidence man.
> Where does anyone get that idea?!? I have never met someone who inspires
> less confidence! He makes legitimate businessman sweat in fear while they
> look for an excuse to bolt for the door.
> Krivit calls him "strategic, articulate, charming." Good grief! What
> strategy?!? It looks like chaos to me, shifting from a deal with Defkalion
> one month to selling reactors the next. Articulate? He cannot express a
> simple, conventional technical concept without inducing confusion.
> Charming? He is one of the least charming people I have encountered. He is
> sweet at times, but he aggravates everyone I know -- especially his friends.
> The ability to constantly shift your plans and change your mind is vital
> to the kind of intuitive, hands-on experimental work that Rossi does, or to
> an artist or fiction writer, but it makes interacting with other people
> awkward.
> Rossi has many outstanding qualities, and many faults too, but he does not
> have a single one of the qualities ascribed to him by Krivit or Heckert.
> Perhaps Rossi is in some sense a mirror to us. He is so confusing and so
> unexpected, we project our own fears and hopes in him. We end up seeing and
> him whenever we want to see, or whatever we fear.
> Whatever else he is, he is like the fellow in the beer commercial: the
> most interesting man in the world.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Mill's and Lu paper define hydrino as fractional Rydberg

2011-11-04 Thread David Roberson

You are correct Fran, I am confused about the hydrino theory.  I think I 
understand that you imply that the hydrino can not exist outside of the 
nanotube structure.  If this is true then it would not be possible to extract 
energy from the beast.  Whatever you borrowed must be returned very soon.  At 
least that is the way I understand thermodynamics.  Does that theory actually 
allow energy to be taken from the vacuum?  If so, I would like to understand 
that a lot better.  Also, has anyone been able to extract energy this way and 
then do it again with the same hydrogen atom?  I have a difficult time 
understanding that principle.


-Original Message-
From: Roarty, Francis X 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:22 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Mill's and Lu paper define hydrino as fractional Rydberg

I think you have an underlying misconception. It isn’t thermal 
energy that is being exploited, catalytic energy is related to Casimir geometry 
which in the case of nanotubes only occurs at openings and defects in the 
nanotube as recently discovered by Peng Chen at Cornell using an AFM. This 
establishes a relationship between catalytic action and change in Casimir force 
– geometry. It is a difference in vacuum energy density not temperature that 
feeds the reaction so you are not exhausting a thermal reservoir. IMHO this is 
why gas is a necessary part of the equation since relative mot ion of gas to 
the Casimir geometry is maintained by HUP. This is the same source of energy 
that keeps gas from becoming solid at absolute zero.. hence can be referred to 
as Zero Point Energy. The similarity between skeletal catalysts and the Casimir 
geometry of nano powders also supports this relationship.
Within the context of the above relationship there can be no 
hydrino without Casimir geometry, as the hydrino or IRH diffuses out of the 
catalyst or nano powder it simply translates back to normal hydrogen. There 
would therefore  be no hydrinos floating freely in the atmosphere and it 
remains an open question if di-hydrinos are even possible much less if their 
covalent bond could hold the hydrino in this catalyzed state outside of the 
catalyst.  If Jan Naudts is correct about the hydrino / IRH being relativistic 
then one could say the hydrino only exists from a relativistic perspective and 
locally appears just like normal hydrogen. Most would say this kind of time 
dilation or equivalent acceleration is impossible in the confines of a bulk 
material sitting in a lab but we are conditioned to think in terms of a 
Pythagorean relationship with C to solve for gamma and I think suppression side 
steps this issue. Suppression reduces energy density instead of increasing it 
and instead of equivalent acceleration it affords equivalent de-acceleration. 

From: David Roberson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Mill's and Lu paper define hydrino as 
fractional Rydberg


Thank you for the response.  The hydrino cycle that I am describing, aka heat 
pump of some unusual type, would allow energy contained within the thermal&n 
bsp;surroundings to do work.  I can imagine some of that work being used to 
generate radiant energy that could then escape the system.  This escaping 
energy would cause the local system to cool off.  This technique sounds a lot 
like a violation of the laws of thermodynamics.  I guess that a similar process 
occurs when a dust cloud  cools down by radiating heat energy.   Is there any 
way that we can verify that a process exists which will enable the hydrinos to 
absorb the hypothetical energy you discussed and emerge as hydrogen again?



-Original Message-
From: mixent 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Wed, Nov 2, 2011 3:35 pm
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Mill's and Lu paper define hydrino as 
fractional Rydberg

In reply to  David Roberson's message of Wed, 2 Nov 2011 09:12:47 -0400 (EDT):
>That is the question that I would like to have answered.  Would the hydrino be 
able to acquire the needed energy from the thermal energy available of the 
atmosphere?  If not, why have not all of the hydrogen atoms in existence (on 
earth) been catalyzed during the eons of time that has been available?  
Because in order to be catalyzed, they need to exist as individual atoms,
whereas all the Hydrogen on Earth exists bound in chemical compounds.
Furthermore even when present as an atom, it still needs to c
me across a
catalyst atom too.
>My main purpose for asking the question is to determine if some type of heat 
pump could be used where hydrogen is turned into hydrinos releasing heat and 
then released.  Then I was hoping that they would reacquire the energy from the 
thermal environment to be recycled.  This sounds like a breech of the second 
law, but why not give it a try. :-)
I don't think so, though

[Vo]:Some thoughts about Rossi's personality

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
Peter Heckert  wrote:

> Rossi is overworked and unable to explain the simplest facts correctly.

In all seriousness, that is true. It is important aspect of his personality.

I do not think it is because he is overworked. I think he is just not good
at explaining things. That is no reflection on his intellect. It does not
detract from his achievements. Many famous inventive people have had great
difficulty explaining themselves, such as Harrison and Arata.

Rossi is also careless and he gets facts wrong. He does not care about
details. He REALLY does not care about details, to an extent that most of
us find pathological. Take his webpage. He has a board of advisors listed
including a professor who does not exist and probably never did. I told him
the guy does not exist then he said something like: "Well the name is
something like that. I don't recall. What difference does it make?" He said
the same thing with regard to his fake PhD from the diploma mill. He said:
"someone gave me that; I don't know anything about it." As if we were
talking about a vase on the shelf.

He really, truly, sincerely does not give a fart about public relations or
the fact that his web site features absurd statements. I suggested he take
that stuff off his website because it gives a bad impression. He said he
doesn't care about impressions and he does not want to bother to clean up
the website. Not worth the trouble. It isn't as if he is lazy. He works 14
hours a day and only eats one meal a day in order to have more time to work
and think.

He lives in his own world, doing things his own way. People think he is
lying when he's just describing what is in his imagination, which I believe
is as real to him as the so-called real world. I would not call it "lying"
because he makes no attempt to deceive anyone. He knows that anyone can
check the fake PhD. It is what you might call a hypothetical PhD, one
proposed for the sake of argument. Scientists and programmers often talk
about hypotheticals and the future as if it were the present, already
accomplished. Some of them live in a dream world. Ordinary people would say
they are lying.

It is said that Steve Jobs had a "reality distortion field." When people
worked with him or talked with him they began to believe his crazy notions,
in some cases converting those notions into reality. Rossi also has a
reality distortion field but it only works on him. The rest of us do not
see what he sees. He too sometimes converts crazy notions into reality, but
he does it by inventing things. His inventions are infinitely more
important than those of Steve Jobs, so we should cut him some slack.

One of the many ironic things about Rossi is how often people ascribe to
him personality qualities which are the opposite of the way he is. He is
said to be a master manipulator of people and a superb confidence man.
Where does anyone get that idea?!? I have never met someone who inspires
less confidence! He makes legitimate businessman sweat in fear while they
look for an excuse to bolt for the door.

Krivit calls him "strategic, articulate, charming." Good grief! What
strategy?!? It looks like chaos to me, shifting from a deal with Defkalion
one month to selling reactors the next. Articulate? He cannot express a
simple, conventional technical concept without inducing confusion.
Charming? He is one of the least charming people I have encountered. He is
sweet at times, but he aggravates everyone I know -- especially his friends.

The ability to constantly shift your plans and change your mind is vital to
the kind of intuitive, hands-on experimental work that Rossi does, or to an
artist or fiction writer, but it makes interacting with other people

Rossi has many outstanding qualities, and many faults too, but he does not
have a single one of the qualities ascribed to him by Krivit or Heckert.
Perhaps Rossi is in some sense a mirror to us. He is so confusing and so
unexpected, we project our own fears and hopes in him. We end up seeing and
him whenever we want to see, or whatever we fear.

Whatever else he is, he is like the fellow in the beer commercial: the most
interesting man in the world.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Daily Mail reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo.

2011-11-04 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Alan J Fletcher  wrote:

>> Key: Rossi says he has produced a pattern of triple track atoms, pictured,
>> which is at the heart of the cold fusion theory
> That's a new one for me? I don't recall Rossi claiming that.

ROFL!  He hasn't.

Looks like the dailymail has a problem with the English language!

Did you try running it through  :-)


Re: [Vo]:New article / Rossi quotes

2011-11-04 Thread Peter Gluck
I was born in Temeswar many years ago, this town was then
penta-national and tetra-linguistic; I have learned German from childhood.
Later I have forgotten Serbian but have learned
English, Russian French Italian- all very useful when you are
a researcher.
For my best German friend please search for "Kaltwasaser doctrine" if you
have time.

On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 8:39 PM, Peter Heckert wrote:

>  Am 04.11.2011 19:19, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
> On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Peter Heckert wrote:
>>  Am 04.11.2011 06:59, schrieb Peter Gluck:
>> Very well written paper. Bravissimo, Haiko!
>>  If you understand german read my comment:
>  Or, ask Mr. Google! See below. You have a remarkable imagination. If you
> believe half of what you wrote here you are a true believer indeed.
>   Yes indeed. But I firmly believe, Rossi has even more imagination and
> phantasy and creativity . ;-)
> Thanks for the translation. It is a little bit strange, but mostly
> understandable, if you know what the subject is.
> I had some typos in the original german text and google did not translate
> these.
> Peter
>  - Jed
>   Simple explanation (Edited by the author on 04:11:11 18:03)
> *Peter Heckert,  Peter Heckert* (1 post since 16:01:08)
> The previous demos are easily explainable.
> He has a wireless switch for the heater. Whenever
> no one looks at the power meter, he will turn the tide. This was
> not recorded.
> For hardship cases, it has a vacuum pump to the steam hose in
> the wall disappears. There he can suck the water and, if the
> reactor has an outlet to create a little bubble, so that one
> believes that all cooks. He has the visitors never inside the
> shown evaporator which was always sealed tightly.
> He could clean pump via a cable and compressed air.
> A phase change thermal buffer instead of the
> lead shielding can buffer the abrupt temperature changes.
> When he these procedures in some cases combined and more tricks
> has, then
> it can also lead gullible physics professors on the ice.
> He also invites so only one hand-picked people who are easily
> deceived. The critic Eckström he has, although in his
> forum was promised, probably not invited.
> Also, Brian Josephson, he has not invited, although officially he
> has said. In the blog of one of his close associates, Passi,
> is then read, Brian Josephson had not come around because he
> fears his scientific reputation. Ridiculous, if you
> know which ideas and theories he represents. He is a unique
> Beführworter LENR. Perhaps the editors can search times,
> which people were invited.
> he has invited a reporter Peter Svensson, AP News, which
> is not at all concerned with such things on iPhones and vorewiegend
> writing and computer technology. He even gave him a right of priority
> granted. Mr. Svensson has it but probably have preferred not
> to publish report, and now, of course, hawked, the
> truth would be censored.
> Rossi Had there can find nobody else, such as National
> Geographic or Scientific American? His claims Rossi could so easily
> proved, in his skills. Because he does not have to do is accept that his
> skills used to deceive. suspicions aroused, that the E-Cat just then had
> a leak and not to repair was when NASA scientists were present. These
> were then egebnislos move away again. As Rossi has probably a problem for
> such emergency cases built ;-). 1MW demonstration when the course was not
> so easy. Because the customer but was anonymous, it is doubtful that
> there ever was a real customer. Interestingly, however, is that nobody on
> the development of heat was interested in the 4-way ventilated cooler,
> which produced 470 kW has dissipated. That is about 4 cubic meter of air,
> the hot 100 ° is, per second. It could be used to heat a cathedral, and
> this energy was focused on a Grundfäche of about 25 m ^ 2! But none of
> the observers in the videos has a high remarks made ​​heat. Are these
> people for all deaf and blind, drugged and hypnotized , or 150% of
> ignorant people, including the present physicist Levi? Peter

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Valve to condensate bucket was closed

2011-11-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.11.2011 14:56, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
Someone pointed out to me that when Lewan made the video, the valve 
leading to the condensate bucket was closed. It must have been open 
before that, because there was condensate in the bucket. Based on how 
toy steam engines work, I suppose that pipe had a great deal of water 
and condensate in it at first, before the entire machine heated up. I 
suppose they drained the line. When it cleared and only steam came 
out, they closed the valve. That is the usual method.

Rossi, when asked, explained in his forum the valve was  left open 
always according to an agreement with the customer.

He said the video was made after the test was stopped.

So you must be misinformed ;-)

Nonsense of course. If it is left open steam leaks out and the 
condensate cannot been measured.

Your method is reasonable.
Rossi is overworked and unable to explain the simplest facts correctly.

Re: [Vo]:Mill's and Lu paper define hydrino as fractional Rydberg

2011-11-04 Thread Roarty, Francis X
I think you have an underlying misconception. It isn't thermal 
energy that is being exploited, catalytic energy is related to Casimir geometry 
which in the case of nanotubes only occurs at openings and defects in the 
nanotube as recently discovered by Peng Chen at Cornell using an AFM. This 
establishes a relationship between catalytic action and change in Casimir force 
- geometry. It is a difference in vacuum energy density not temperature that 
feeds the reaction so you are not exhausting a thermal reservoir. IMHO this is 
why gas is a necessary part of the equation since relative motion of gas to the 
Casimir geometry is maintained by HUP. This is the same source of energy that 
keeps gas from becoming solid at absolute zero.. hence can be referred to as 
Zero Point Energy. The similarity between skeletal catalysts and the Casimir 
geometry of nano powders also supports this relationship.

Within the context of the above relationship there can be no 
hydrino without Casimir geometry, as the hydrino or IRH diffuses out of the 
catalyst or nano powder it simply translates back to normal hydrogen. There 
would therefore  be no hydrinos floating freely in the atmosphere and it 
remains an open question if di-hydrinos are even possible much less if their 
covalent bond could hold the hydrino in this catalyzed state outside of the 
catalyst.  If Jan Naudts is correct about the hydrino / IRH being relativistic 
then one could say the hydrino only exists from a relativistic perspective and 
locally appears just like normal hydrogen. Most would say this kind of time 
dilation or equivalent acceleration is impossible in the confines of a bulk 
material sitting in a lab but we are conditioned to think in terms of a 
Pythagorean relationship with C to solve for gamma and I think suppression side 
steps this issue. Suppression reduces energy density instead of increasing it 
and instead of equivalent acceleration it affords equivalent de-acceleration.


From: David Roberson []
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Mill's and Lu paper define hydrino as 
fractional Rydberg

Thank you for the response.  The hydrino cycle that I am describing, aka heat 
pump of some unusual type, would allow energy contained within the thermal 
surroundings to do work.  I can imagine some of that work being used to 
generate radiant energy that could then escape the system.  This escaping 
energy would cause the local system to cool off.  This technique sounds a lot 
like a violation of the laws of thermodynamics.  I guess that a similar process 
occurs when a dust cloud  cools down by radiating heat energy.   Is there any 
way that we can verify that a process exists which will enable the hydrinos to 
absorb the hypothetical energy you discussed and emerge as hydrogen again?


-Original Message-
From: mixent 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Wed, Nov 2, 2011 3:35 pm
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Mill's and Lu paper define hydrino as 
fractional Rydberg

In reply to  David Roberson's message of Wed, 2 Nov 2011 09:12:47 -0400 (EDT):




>That is the question that I would like to have answered.  Would the hydrino be

able to acquire the needed energy from the thermal energy available of the

atmosphere?  If not, why have not all of the hydrogen atoms in existence (on

earth) been catalyzed during the eons of time that has been available?

Because in order to be catalyzed, they need to exist as individual atoms,

whereas all the Hydrogen on Earth exists bound in chemical compounds.

Furthermore even when present as an atom, it still needs to come across a

catalyst atom too.

>My main purpose for asking the question is to determine if some type of heat

pump could be used where hydrogen is turned into hydrinos releasing heat and

then released.  Then I was hoping that they would reacquire the energy from the

thermal environment to be recycled.  This sounds like a breech of the second

law, but why not give it a try. :-)



I don't think so, though perhaps solar x-rays in the upper atmosphere might

reconstitute them.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:New article / Rossi quotes

2011-11-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.11.2011 19:19, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Peter Heckert > wrote:

Am 04.11.2011 06:59, schrieb Peter Gluck:

Very well written paper. Bravissimo, Haiko!

If you understand german read my comment:

Or, ask Mr. Google! See below. You have a remarkable imagination. If 
you believe half of what you wrote here you are a true believer indeed.

Yes indeed. But I firmly believe, Rossi has even more imagination and 
phantasy and creativity . ;-)

Thanks for the translation. It is a little bit strange, but mostly 
understandable, if you know what the subject is.
I had some typos in the original german text and google did not 
translate these.


- Jed

  Simple explanation (Edited by the author on 04:11:11 18:03)

/Peter Heckert, Peter Heckert/ (1 post since 16:01:08)

The previous demos are easily explainable.
He has a wireless switch for the heater. Whenever
no one looks at the power meter, he will turn the tide. This was
not recorded.
For hardship cases, it has a vacuum pump to the steam hose in
the wall disappears. There he can suck the water and, if the
reactor has an outlet to create a little bubble, so that one
believes that all cooks. He has the visitors never inside the
shown evaporator which was always sealed tightly.
He could clean pump via a cable and compressed air.
A phase change thermal buffer instead of the
lead shielding can buffer the abrupt temperature changes.
When he these procedures in some cases combined and more tricks
has, then
it can also lead gullible physics professors on the ice.
He also invites so only one hand-picked people who are easily
deceived. The critic Eckström he has, although in his
forum was promised, probably not invited.
Also, Brian Josephson, he has not invited, although officially he
has said. In the blog of one of his close associates, Passi,
is then read, Brian Josephson had not come around because he
fears his scientific reputation. Ridiculous, if you
know which ideas and theories he represents. He is a unique
Beführworter LENR. Perhaps the editors can search times,
which people were invited.
he has invited a reporter Peter Svensson, AP News, which
is not at all concerned with such things on iPhones and vorewiegend
writing and computer technology. He even gave him a right of priority
granted. Mr. Svensson has it but probably have preferred not
to publish report, and now, of course, hawked, the
truth would be censored.
Rossi Had there can find nobody else, such as National
Geographic or Scientific American? His claims Rossi could so easily 
proved, in his skills. Because he does not have to do is accept that 
his skills used to deceive. suspicions aroused, that the E-Cat just 
then had a leak and not to repair was when NASA scientists were 
present. These were then egebnislos move away again. As Rossi has 
probably a problem for such emergency cases built ;-). 1MW 
demonstration when the course was not so easy. Because the customer 
but was anonymous, it is doubtful that there ever was a real customer. 
Interestingly, however, is that nobody on the development of heat was 
interested in the 4-way ventilated cooler, which produced 470 kW has 
dissipated. That is about 4 cubic meter of air, the hot 100 ° is, per 
second. It could be used to heat a cathedral, and this energy was 
focused on a Grundfäche of about 25 m ^ 2! But none of the observers 
in the videos has a high remarks made ​​heat. Are these people for all 
deaf and blind, drugged and hypnotized , or 150% of ignorant people, 
including the present physicist Levi? Peter

Re: [Vo]:New article / Rossi quotes

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Peter Heckert wrote:

>  Am 04.11.2011 06:59, schrieb Peter Gluck:
> Very well written paper. Bravissimo, Haiko!
> If you understand german read my comment:
Or, ask Mr. Google! See below. You have a remarkable imagination. If you
believe half of what you wrote here you are a true believer indeed.

- Jed

Simple explanation (Edited by the author on 04:11:11 18:03)
*Peter Heckert,  Peter Heckert* (1 post since 16:01:08)

The previous demos are easily explainable.
He has a wireless switch for the heater. Whenever
no one looks at the power meter, he will turn the tide. This was
not recorded.
For hardship cases, it has a vacuum pump to the steam hose in
the wall disappears. There he can suck the water and, if the
reactor has an outlet to create a little bubble, so that one
believes that all cooks. He has the visitors never inside the
shown evaporator which was always sealed tightly.
He could clean pump via a cable and compressed air.
A phase change thermal buffer instead of the
lead shielding can buffer the abrupt temperature changes.
When he these procedures in some cases combined and more tricks
has, then
it can also lead gullible physics professors on the ice.
He also invites so only one hand-picked people who are easily
deceived. The critic Eckström he has, although in his
forum was promised, probably not invited.
Also, Brian Josephson, he has not invited, although officially he
has said. In the blog of one of his close associates, Passi,
is then read, Brian Josephson had not come around because he
fears his scientific reputation. Ridiculous, if you
know which ideas and theories he represents. He is a unique
Beführworter LENR. Perhaps the editors can search times,
which people were invited.
he has invited a reporter Peter Svensson, AP News, which
is not at all concerned with such things on iPhones and vorewiegend
writing and computer technology. He even gave him a right of priority
granted. Mr. Svensson has it but probably have preferred not
to publish report, and now, of course, hawked, the
truth would be censored.
Rossi Had there can find nobody else, such as National
Geographic or Scientific American? His claims Rossi could so easily proved,
in his skills. Because he does not have to do is accept that his skills used
to deceive. suspicions aroused, that the E-Cat just then had a leak and not
to repair was when NASA scientists were present. These were then egebnislos
move away again. As Rossi has probably a problem for such emergency cases
built ;-). 1MW demonstration when the course was not so easy. Because the
customer but was anonymous, it is doubtful that there ever was a real
customer. Interestingly, however, is that nobody on the development of heat was
interested in the 4-way ventilated cooler, which produced 470 kW has
dissipated. That is about 4 cubic meter of air, the hot 100 ° is, per
second. It could be used to heat a cathedral, and this energy was focused
on a Grundfäche of about 25 m ^ 2! But none of the observers in the videos
has a high remarks made ​​heat. Are these people for all deaf and blind,
drugged and hypnotized , or 150% of ignorant people, including the present
physicist Levi? Peter

Re: [Vo]:Daily Mail reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo.

2011-11-04 Thread Alan J Fletcher
Robinson also covered this back in April. He's not a  specialized 
science reporter.

Italian scientist claims he has achieved 'cold fusion' - the only 
problem is that most physicists think it is impossible

Re: [Vo]:Daily Mail reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo.

2011-11-04 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 09:57 AM 11/4/2011, Akira Shirakawa wrote:
On 2011-11-03 22:21, OrionWorks
- Steven V Johnson wrote:

Here's an article on the same test, on Daily Mail. Can't get more
mainstream than this!
Has some of the same quotes as the Fox article ... ?
> Key: Rossi says he has produced a pattern of triple track atoms,
pictured, which is at the heart of the cold fusion theory
That's a new one for me? I don't recall Rossi claiming that.  (and
google doesn't give any clear hits before Oct 28).
The links I DID look at quote
Mosier-Boss, not Rossi, as an EXAMPLE of LENR/CF.

Re: [Vo]:Daily Mail reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo.

2011-11-04 Thread Danny Ross Lunsford
Have you ever met a journalist? They are a lower form of life.

"I write a little. I erase a lot." - Chopin

--- On Fri, 11/4/11, Jouni Valkonen  wrote:

From: Jouni Valkonen 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Daily Mail reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo.
Date: Friday, November 4, 2011, 12:19 PM

Daily Mail wrote:
»Several high-profile demonstrations of 'cold fusion' have been proven
to be hoaxes in the past»

I would gladly see any examples of »high-profile» or even low profile
cold fusion demonstrations that ended up been a hoax. It is
unbelievable how little fact based information people require for
writing. Is it that people do not have ability to separate facts from

However we have few high profile hot fusion demonstrations presented
that were hoaxes. Such as ITER, that is known to be a hoax a priori.


Re: [Vo]:Daily Mail reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo.

2011-11-04 Thread Jouni Valkonen
Daily Mail wrote:
»Several high-profile demonstrations of 'cold fusion' have been proven
to be hoaxes in the past»

I would gladly see any examples of »high-profile» or even low profile
cold fusion demonstrations that ended up been a hoax. It is
unbelievable how little fact based information people require for
writing. Is it that people do not have ability to separate facts from

However we have few high profile hot fusion demonstrations presented
that were hoaxes. Such as ITER, that is known to be a hoax a priori.


Re: [Vo]:New article / Rossi quotes

2011-11-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.11.2011 06:59, schrieb Peter Gluck:

Very well written paper. Bravissimo, Haiko!

If you understand german read my comment:



On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 12:02 AM, Haiko Lietz > wrote:

Dear all,

I've published part 10 of my CF column in German online magazine
Telepolis. Of course it's about Rossi again:

People quoted:

- Andrea Rossi
- Jed Rothwell
- Giseppe Levi
- Horace Heffner
- Terry Blanton

Quotes from Andrea Rossi (Oct 9 2011) not used in the article:

> What was the purpose of the October 6 experiment?

> Did you use the secondary water circuit to measure output energy to
> avoid the wet steam criticism?

> Why does output power momentarily rise when input power is cut?
> Do Pout (power out) and the Eout (Energy out) describe the net
> not the total?

> Why was the experiment stopped after 7.5h instead of 12h? Is it
> the reaction became unstable?

> What does the device „producing frequencies“ do?

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Daily Mail reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo.

2011-11-04 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2011-11-03 22:21, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote: reports on Rossi's Oct 28 demo. Hagelstein is
quoted. All in all, seems to be a fairly positive report. No blatant
misinformation or stupid misrepresentations that I could spot.

Here's an article on the same test, on Daily Mail. Can't get more 
mainstream than this!


[Vo]:OT: Celestial Dreaming

2011-11-04 Thread Harry Veeder
Cold star​old_star

The Dream Lord's dream world

DW: Amy's Choice

A cold star was a celestial object that existed in a dream shared by
Rory Williams, Amy Pond, and the Eleventh Doctor, created by psychic
pollen that had become lodged in the inner workings of the TARDIS.

Unlike a normal star, the cold star "burned" cold. Whereas other stars
emitted warming radiation, this apparently endothermic star caused
temperatures to plummet approaching the star itself.

The Doctor claimed he had never encountered a cold star prior to the
psychic pollen episode, and he, Amy, and Rory were sceptical such a
thing could exist. After the resolution of the dream states, ending
the apparent threat of the cold star, it remained unclear to the
Doctor and his companions whether such an object could exist in

Re: [Vo]:Thermophotovoltaic systems - Another way to use heat from an ECat

2011-11-04 Thread Harry Veeder
As someone reminded on me on facebook all bodies radiate and the
radiation spectrum depends on the temperature of body as per the
blackbody model. However, I guess what I really had in mind was some
sort of nanoengineered material ( "metamaterial") which would glow in
the visible sprectrum at cooler temperatures instead of at 5000k. It
would be similar to phosphorescence.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 12:21 AM, Harry Veeder  wrote:
> Thermophotovoltaic systems could provide another way of converting the
> heat from ECat into electricity.
> Or if you just want light then there is no need to make electricity.
> Imagine a flashlight powered by a minature eCat.
> I posted this link on Rossi's blog.
> Harry

RE: [Vo]:Rossi Nickel enrichment : is a liquid-phase Calutron possible?

2011-11-04 Thread Jones Beene
It seems you are conflating two processes when only one will suffice. And one 
of them is absurd from the start.

Why pump the liquid at all? Why use a magnetic field with pumping, when a 
simpler route exists? Calutrons were a gigantic waste of money in the Manhattan 
project and were only used for a few years as an expedient.

Centrifugal acceleration (even the common lab centrifuge) should give similar 
or better results, if what you want is enrichment by density gradient in a NiCl 

In fact the chloride is ready-made for this since by varying the water content 
and temperature (solubility) - the heavier fraction can be solidified by 
chilling - while the light fraction remains a liquid and is more easily removed 
at the early stages (to automate the process). 

If you are going for enriching an isotope that is 10% denser, it will take at 
least seven stages for every doubling (not counting losses). This is the "rule 
of seventy" (similar to formula used in compound interest). Therefore, to 
increase a 1% isotope to 16% might require a minimum of 28 stages of 
progressive enrichment, but when losses are included, it is probably closer to 
50 stages. Automation makes a big difference with this many stages.

For the NiCl solution (hexa-hydrate) the solubility is 254 g/100 mL at 20 °C - 
and 600 g/100 mL at 100 °C. That difference could help a lot in automating the 
processing, so that even 50 stages in a continuous centrifuging would not be a 
insurmountable problem to get 64Ni enriched to a level in the mid-teens at an 
affordable cost. 

At least this is doable, but - as for final cost - that is another question 
based on many issues. But if the enrichment percentage can be kept to a low 
level, it need not be too expensive for the numbers Rossi is throwing around. 

This is because with NiCl - the rejected isotopes are of the same value as the 
feedstock, and this makes the processing simply a matter of overhead, 
efficiency and labor. The bulk nickel is no less useful in industry - with the 
64Ni removed as with it there. In effect, you only "rent" the feedstock, 
removing very little.

That is a huge difference compared to what we look to as the "model" for 
isotope enrichment. With uranium enrichment - in contrast, the feedstock cost 
must be 100% absorbed in the cost of the enrichment (since the depleted U has 
almost no value) so that factor alone grossly inflates the net cost by several 
orders of magnitude (compared to nickel). 

Enrichment cost alone, for even the heavy metals - is not outrageous so long as 
there is a large market for the depleted feedstock. That is key.

There seldom is a market, but since nickel has that as its major feature, then 
an enriched isotope on a mass production scale, for a NiH energy system, is not 
out of the question.

-Original Message-
From: Berke Durak 

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Peter Heckert  wrote:
> The ion diffusion speed in an electrolyte is only some centimeters
> per minute at best, while the speed in a Calutron is probably some
> 100 to some 1000 kilometres per second.
> Therefore the mass inertia of the nucleus at this low speed has no
> effect.  The electrolyte vessel must be some 1000 km long for this
> to work.

Yes, but can't the liquid be accelerated to a sufficient velocity
using pumps?

A quick search reveals that the radius of the circular path described
by a charged particle subject to a transverse magnetic field is R =
mv/qB where m is the mass, v is the velocity, q is the charge and B is
the field in tesla.

Assume we want to separate two isotopes of masses m1 and m2, we'll
want R1 - R2 > d for some sufficiently large d.  Take d = 1cm, m1 = 58
amu and m2 = 64 amu, and q = 2 x 1.6e-19 C (for Ni 2+), then we need v
>= qB/(m1 - m2) = 32e6 m/s/T.  For a 100 nano tesla field, this gives
3.2 m/s and R1 = 9.6 m and R2 = 10.6 m.  I suppose 3.2 m/s is a
reasonable velocity.

If we pump the solution so that the Ni2+ ions reach a velocity of 3.2
m/s while keeping the magnetic field around 100 nanotesla, we might be
able to separate them.

By properly orienting the setup with respect to the Earth's magnetic
field, some mu-metal shielding or using some active cancellation
technique, it might be possible to obtain a 100 nT field.

The problem might be that you will also have whatever cations are
present swirling in the opposite direction.  I don't know how that
would affect the Ni2+ ions.

Any physicists / electrochemists in the room?
Berke Durak

[Vo]:Defkalion Responds to Questions

2011-11-04 Thread Robert Leguillon

Defkalion responds to a reader re: the possibility of DGT's Hyperions replacing 
the Fukishima reactors:

Could the steam temperature be safely raised to 600 degrees C or higher for 
more efficient large scale energy production?

The 414C output (from the external heat exchangers) is the upper limit for safe 
operation of Hyperions at the moment (ie according to the present generation of 
technology of the reactor and the product design). Any future development 
raising this upper limit will require further careful redesign and testing of 
all product's architecture designs, materials in use etc to guarantee the 
highest safety levels required by law and regulations for any energy production 

What would be the minimum temperature required to make such power plants cost 

245-260C, based on the existing steam turbine technologies.

Obviously, for such large power plants natural gas would be the preferred 
start-up heat source, right?

Yes, this is one solution out of several available. We can not say yet if it is 
preferred on no.


Using LENR technologies in large scale as a base source of energy , is 
obviously a huge challenge as far as this will reduce or eliminate the use of 
hazardous or environmental non-friendly row materials such as radioactive, coal 
of hydrocarbons. 

According to our understanding the exploitation of technologies such as 
Hyperions, meets a second challenge of the same importance: the preparation of 
the gradual transition to the next generation of power networks, moving away 
from their present hierarchical topologies -that require plants like Fukushima 
and insufficient distribution networks (in terms of economics, energy loses and 
monstrous sized supporting organizations). Maybe the future energy (heat and 
electricity) networks topologies will look more like the Internet topology (as 
described also by Jerremy Rifkin in "The Hydrogen Economy" ). We envision and hope 
Hyperions to play a certain role in such transition in analogy to the PC role 
in the mean we use in our communication right now. 

Thank you for your question

PS The server hosting this forum or the searching machine you use every day are 
not not based on a main-frame any more. Arrays of hundreds of PC work perfectly 
and efficiently. Maybe we have to skip the "mainframe" stage of evolution this 
time, don't you think?

To view all of Defkalion's responses since site inception:


Re: [Vo]:Re: Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

2011-11-04 Thread Terry Blanton
I think the thing that is missing from this discussion is that,
assuming Domenico Fioravanti is really working for The Customer (who
is seeming like a missing player from the Matrix series, similar to
The Engineer, The Architect, etc), Col. Fioravanti has been present
for a while.  He is documented to have been present in the October 6th
demonstration and has likely been hanging around the eCat plant for a
good while.

Everyone seems to want to believe that what we are witnessing is
Andrea Rossi's attemptimg to convince the world that his reaction is
real and, thusly, he needs to be running experiments with proper
controls and measuring devices.  Well folks, that is NOT AR's goal in
all this fanfare.  His goal is to become rich and, oh, by the way,
save the world and go down in history.

If you wish to see proper science conducted on the Rossi Reactor,
you're gonna have to ante up and go buy yourself an eCat.  That is
likely what someone has just done right before our eyes.  And Andrea
Rossi is grinning from ear to ear because, it appears, someone gave
him some money . . . lots of money.  Now he gets to keep that
beautiful wife and buy that nice Villa in Miami with hot and cold
running maids.  Oh, and did I mention, he might just have saved the

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the nascent world, someone queried DGT about
who invented their reactor core.  Their response was not what I

"All resonable questions raised in this forum will be answered in due
time. This includes your question also .
Thank you"



[Vo]:Re: Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

2011-11-04 Thread Mattia Rizzi

That was a water trap. You can see it trapped water and condensate.

This isn't a water trap. A water trap is a U shaped tube. It physically 
force water to go down.

See it:

What they made is a small hole inside the tube, like a T. Not U-shaped tube. 
This not constrain water to go down, especially when there is a high wind 
made by the steam.

-Messaggio originale- 
From: Jed Rothwell

Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

Mattia Rizzi wrote:

Jed, how can you made such measurements without even a water trap?

That was a water trap. You can see it trapped water and condensate.
Presumably when steam began coming out, they closed it. That's how
people operate steam engines, as I mentioned.

Why you can't realize that? It's a 2 million trade. The "expert" didn't 
add even a simple water trap. It's amazing!

No, it isn't. I suggest you watch someone test a boiler sometime, or run
an old fashioned steam engine. Once the pipes fill with steam and the
temperature goes over 100°C and stays there, the pipes do not later
magically fill with water or condensate again.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Re: Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell

Mattia Rizzi wrote:

Jed, how can you made such measurements without even a water trap?

That was a water trap. You can see it trapped water and condensate. 
Presumably when steam began coming out, they closed it. That's how 
people operate steam engines, as I mentioned.

Why you can't realize that? It's a 2 million trade. The "expert" 
didn't add even a simple water trap. It's amazing!

No, it isn't. I suggest you watch someone test a boiler sometime, or run 
an old fashioned steam engine. Once the pipes fill with steam and the 
temperature goes over 100°C and stays there, the pipes do not later 
magically fill with water or condensate again.

- Jed

[Vo]:Re: Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

2011-11-04 Thread Mattia Rizzi

Jed, how can you made such measurements without even a water trap?
Why you can't realize that? It's a 2 million trade. The "expert" didn't add 
even a simple water trap. It's amazing!

-Messaggio originale- 
From: Jed Rothwell

Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

Mattia Rizzi wrote:

The point 2 is CRITICAL when the measuremnt is done with point 1, because 
without using a demister you made a mesuremnt error that *over-extimate* 
the real energy produced.

Over-estimate by how much? 470 kW? I doubt it. The exact power level
does not matter. An hour after you turn off input power, the pipe coming
out out would be at room temperature. It would be obvious there is no
heat. You do not need high precision to prove the thing is producing
anomalous heat. The colonel's methods are standard HVAC techniques, and
they are fine.

Anyone can always think of a more precise way, to make a measurement.
The question is: Will the extra precision add to the confidence of the
result? Or will it only add meaningless extra digits of precision while
confusing the issue with extra layers of complexity? The suggestions
made here by skeptics will have the latter effect.

- Jed

[Vo]:Valve to condensate bucket was closed

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
Someone pointed out to me that when Lewan made the video, the valve leading
to the condensate bucket was closed. It must have been open before that,
because there was condensate in the bucket. Based on how toy steam engines
work, I suppose that pipe had a great deal of water and condensate in it at
first, before the entire machine heated up. I suppose they drained the
line. When it cleared and only steam came out, they closed the valve. That
is the usual method.

The notion that you could have water at these temperatures and pressures is
ridiculous. It was steam

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

2011-11-04 Thread Jed Rothwell

Mattia Rizzi wrote:

The point 2 is CRITICAL when the measuremnt is done with point 1, 
because without using a demister you made a mesuremnt error that 
*over-extimate* the real energy produced.

Over-estimate by how much? 470 kW? I doubt it. The exact power level 
does not matter. An hour after you turn off input power, the pipe coming 
out out would be at room temperature. It would be obvious there is no 
heat. You do not need high precision to prove the thing is producing 
anomalous heat. The colonel's methods are standard HVAC techniques, and 
they are fine.

Anyone can always think of a more precise way, to make a measurement. 
The question is: Will the extra precision add to the confidence of the 
result? Or will it only add meaningless extra digits of precision while 
confusing the issue with extra layers of complexity? The suggestions 
made here by skeptics will have the latter effect.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Rossi Nickel enrichment : is a liquid-phase Calutron possible?

2011-11-04 Thread Berke Durak
On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Peter Heckert  wrote:
> The ion diffusion speed in an electrolyte is only some centimeters
> per minute at best, while the speed in a Calutron is probably some
> 100 to some 1000 kilometres per second.
> Therefore the mass inertia of the nucleus at this low speed has no
> effect.  The electrolyte vessel must be some 1000 km long for this
> to work.

Yes, but can't the liquid be accelerated to a sufficient velocity
using pumps?

A quick search reveals that the radius of the circular path described
by a charged particle subject to a transverse magnetic field is R =
mv/qB where m is the mass, v is the velocity, q is the charge and B is
the field in tesla.

Assume we want to separate two isotopes of masses m1 and m2, we'll
want R1 - R2 > d for some sufficiently large d.  Take d = 1cm, m1 = 58
amu and m2 = 64 amu, and q = 2 x 1.6e-19 C (for Ni 2+), then we need v
>= qB/(m1 - m2) = 32e6 m/s/T.  For a 100 nano tesla field, this gives
3.2 m/s and R1 = 9.6 m and R2 = 10.6 m.  I suppose 3.2 m/s is a
reasonable velocity.

If we pump the solution so that the Ni2+ ions reach a velocity of 3.2
m/s while keeping the magnetic field around 100 nanotesla, we might be
able to separate them.

By properly orienting the setup with respect to the Earth's magnetic
field, some mu-metal shielding or using some active cancellation
technique, it might be possible to obtain a 100 nT field.

The problem might be that you will also have whatever cations are
present swirling in the opposite direction.  I don't know how that
would affect the Ni2+ ions.

Any physicists / electrochemists in the room?
Berke Durak