Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-19 Thread Brian Butterworth

Sorry for the delay in replying but I've had a toothache!


You can divide the kind of material that is currently shown on television
into five broad types:

- "True live", which a content that is actually live, or is non-archive
material introduced by live presentation.  This would be the news and
weather on most channels, live events such as sport and music and so on.
The value of the content is related to common experience or to the "breaking
news" .

- "As live" is content that is produced, recorded and edited as if it were
broadcast live, but has actually been produced beforehand.   Such programmes
are usually produced in quantity and to a "format" which

- "Commissioned" programmes covers the large part of factual and drama

- "Import" programmes are bought from TV networks abroad.

- "Archive" programmes are programmes of the above types that have been show

Putting on my futurologist hat:


"True live" will remain in the on broadcast TV.  For the BBC this means
streaming of BBC News 24 and BBC World.

On the "live" sports side, this will remain the only existing pull for
subscription TV, as is already the only service that Sky operates that has
not lost almost all the viewers.  Online "live sport" will either be
provided by IPTV with spot-adverts, live streams (BBC Sport).

Some formats such as talent shows will probably also be constructed for the
"live buzz".


Much of this kind of entertainment material is produced for broadcast
television and will probably continue to be pumped out over satellite, cable
and terrestrial services.   But as the "shared live experience" is fake,
then these programmes will be eventually be pumped into on-demand services,
vodcasts and so on.Current examples are "Have I Got News For You" and
"Watchdog".  Most of these formats have daily or weekly episodes which have
little resale value.


This area covers the majority of content.  In the past, these programmes
are scheduled, but without the linear form of traditional TV, such material
will be consumed "on demand".  If the BBC has any sense, all such material
should be made available to any organization that will encode and
distribute it as long as they make no edits and take no credit.

The BBC, as a "premium originated content" broadcaster produces
material that has a range of resale values.  IMHO the BBC should stick all
educational content online with immediate effect, unless there is a good
reason for not doing so.  Obviously most people would
also like entertainment and comedy formats to be included, but these have
much higher potential resale value and will probably have to wait until

It is my opinion  that the BBC should collect usage information from
distributed video and have a fixed annual fund to compensate those
who write, contribute and perform for the programmes.


Once the world moves broadcasting in to cyberspace, Imports on TV channels
will disappear.  What is the point in waiting six months to watch a new
Simpson's on Sky One (or years onto C4) if you can download it from the
US minutes after broadcast.

This is not much of a problem for the BBC as it has very little imported
programming these days, but it may see the eventual death of BBC
non-domestic channels (other than BBC World).

The foreign sales of formats will no doubt continue, and there will be a
market for subtitled and dubbed non-English content.


The value of programmes from the archive will fall because the costs of
storage and distribution fall towards zero.  Eventually it would be
desirable to have every single programme the BBC has ever broadcast to be in
an archive.  To me the value of transmitting our culture abroad outweighs the
cost of lost archive sales.

On 14/06/07, Mr I Forrester <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

I've been thinking about products and services like this for a while,
and want to ponder this question to the backstage community...

We've been talking about how DRM doesn't work, etc in other posts. Well
lets just say for this thread that DRM doesn't work and it just turns
consumers into against the content holder.

...What happens next?

Here's some thoughts from me,

Content producers adopt watermarking technologies?
P2P streaming and Multicasting becomes the next big advance for content
People start paying for real time or 0day access?
Google and Yahoo start indexing torrent sites and offering services like
Joost and Democracy adoption increases
The portable video player and digital set top (appletv, xbmc, etc)
markets blows up
Torrent site uses slowly drops, as content producers use other online
Windows Home server (now you see how my last post relates) and similar
products sales increase 10 fold over the next 3 year
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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-16 Thread Michael Sparks
On Saturday 16 June 2007 15:04, Andy wrote:
> > Platform neutrality means it should not favour any one specific system.
> That's not what platform neutral means. It means it shouldn't favour
> any specific system or systems.


I wrote:
me > it should not favour any one specific system.
you> it shouldn't favour any specific system or systems.

Care to explain how these two statements are actually different?

I know you use a contraction and you didn't and you said any and I said one, 
but the intent/meaning is the same. 

I'm giving up talking to you at this point.

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-16 Thread David Woodhouse
On Sat, 2007-06-16 at 10:19 +0100, mike chamberlain wrote:
> 1. Rights holders insist on time limited DRM solution.
> 2. Only Microsoft supports a time limited DRM.
> 3. Therefore, in order to conform to point 1, BBC have to use
> Microsoft based DRM.

I would phrase it slightly differently.

1. Rights holders ask for a time-limited DRM solution.
2. Microsoft offer a time-limited DRM solution.
3. The BBC accepts that this is a placebo; DRM doesn't really work.
4. The BBC offers this 'solution' to the rights-holders, knowing that
   it will actually be broken like all the other DRM solutions and
   it only _really_ serves to inconvenience the consumers.

When a clueless person walks into a shop and is sold a 'solution', there
is a legal obligation on the part of the shop assistant not to mis-sell,
on the basis that the shop assistant is presumed to be an expert in the

I'm sure the same _law_ doesn't apply here, but the moral principle
should. I am very disappointed by the BBC's actions. They have a duty to
the the public, and they _also_ have a duty to help the people who have
come to them with such strange ideas, rather than disingenuously
_pretending_ to meet their requirements. The BBC are failing on both

The world didn't fall on our heads when the MPAA failed to ban the VCR
in 1984. And it won't fall on our heads when we wake up and drop DRM

By reducing the usability of the content, you effectively prohibit
almost _all_ innovation and development around the platform. It's not
that the DRM won't be cracked -- of course it will. But you make people
live in fear of generating programs and tools for dealing with that
content, just like we live in fear of shipping programs which can allow
you to view your legally-purchased DVDs.

I don't see how anybody can think that's a good thing. Especially anyone
subscribed to this particular mailing list.


"I say to you that the VCR is to the American film producer and the
American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone."
 -- Jack Valenti, MPAA.

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-16 Thread Andy

On 16/06/07, Michael Sparks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Platform neutrality means it should not favour any one specific system.

That's not what platform neutral means. It means it shouldn't favour
any specific system or systems.

If there was a war between 4 nations, (called A, B, C, D) would you
consider fighting with nations A and B as being neutral?

There are several ways to achieve this. You've discounted several however
claiming they're not platform neutral, so I'll leave my response there.

I discounted things that did not meet defined objectives based on
recognised definitions of the words "platform" (in the computing
context) and "neutral".
I really don't see how you can claim "choosing a few platforms" is neutral.

If you would like to point out how selecting a few platforms and not
selecting other platforms is neutral be my guest.

unless you are suggesting that iPlayer should run on a ZX81

I'm thinking lack of colour and sound support could be a problem.

However if a spec was provided it wouldn't be the BBC saying "no we
won't allow it on the ZX81", they will be allowing it on any platform.
If no one can actually get it to work on the platform then that is a
problem with the platform.

Unless the BBC provides specifications it can not be implemented on
all platform's and would not be neutral as it is only selecting a
subset of platforms.

Which of the methods I discounted did you think would provide platform
neutrality? I thought I provided reasons for them.

Implementing it on all platforms - in practical too many platforms,
BBC may not even know all the platforms.

Using a Virtual Machine - the VM would be the platform, it would not
be neutral as it only runs on specific platforms, namely the VM

Which part of which one of those do you disagree with?
Or do you disagree with my definition of "platform neutral"?


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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-16 Thread Michael Sparks
On Saturday 16 June 2007 12:43, Andy wrote:
> To be "neutral" on platform the BBC's iPlayer will need to run on
> every platform that has existed, that does exist, or will exist in the
> future

Picking out this one point, this is bogus, unless you are suggesting that
iPlayer should run on a ZX81 (In which case I give up talking to you right
here). Platform neutrality means it should not favour any one specific system.

There are several ways to achieve this. You've discounted several however
claiming they're not platform neutral, so I'll leave my response there.

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-16 Thread Andy

On 16/06/07, mike chamberlain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I believe the actual facts are...

1. Rights holders insist on time limited DRM solution.
2. Only Microsoft supports a time limited DRM.
3. Therefore, in order to conform to point 1, BBC have to use
Microsoft based DRM.

I accept axiom 1.

Axiom 2 is incorrect and can be proved to be so.

2a: If Microsoft's is the only scheme who support time limited DRM
there can not exist a scheme such that:
- scheme is not Microsoft's
- scheme supports time limited DRM

2b: OpenIPMP ( is not
Microsoft's scheme.

2c: OpenIPMP ( supports time
limited DRM

2b and 2c contradict the hypothesis in 2a, thus axiom 2 can not be correct.

Axiom 3 is incorrect.
It's reasoning relied on Axiom 2 which was proved to be incorrect (see above).

Ian wrote:

Name another DRM system which is technically capable of the same things,
and exists today.



PS sorry about the double post but the DRM software I was taking quite
a while to download.

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-16 Thread Andy

On 15/06/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You really are a fucking twat, aren't you?


Resorting to personal insults because you can't win an argument?

What is so wrong with suggesting you publish said agreements?
If they are published and I missed it, then I am sorry but you could
be a tad more helpful and point to them instead of sending abusive

Or are the agreements/contracts protected by an NDA, or trade secret etc.?

The list of OSes/Chips was never meant to be complete, it is just a
list of platforms.
To be "neutral" on platform the BBC's iPlayer will need to run on
every platform that has existed, that does exist, or will exist in the
future. It's not "neutral" if you select 3 software platforms and
implement it on them because you have other platforms which don't have

Websters dictionary define neutral as meaning:

1. Not engaged on either side; not taking part with or
 assisting either of two or more contending parties;
 neuter; indifferent.

Wikipedia defines platform (in the computing context) to mean:

In computing, a platform describes some sort of framework, either in
hardware or software, which allows software to run. Typical platforms include
a computer's architecture, operating system, or programming languages
and their runtime libraries.

Wordnet defines platform to mean:

3: the combination of a particular computer and a particular
operating system

(the other definitions weren't relevant due to context).

Even by implementing iPlayer on Windows, Mac and Linux you are
"assisting" those parties and not assisting contending parties such as
BSD, or any other OS that exists or could exist.

So given those definitions of "neutral" and "platform" how can
implementing it on a subset of platforms ever be platform neutral. And
even if it is implemented on all platforms it may not be neutral as it
assists existing platforms over ones that have not been created yet.

If you have any suggestions about how to achieve platform neutrality I
would actually be genuinely interested in hearing them (provide you
can manage to do that without resorting to personal insults).

Right now I can only think of an Open Source reference implementation,
or a publicly defined specification. If anyone else knows of a way to
achieve platform neutrality speak up!

Your new law, do you want it to be "Lockwood's Law" or "Richard's
Law"? I think "Lockwoods law" sound better, but you invented the law
so you get naming privileges.

I concede now the BBC has no choice at this time but to use a DRM
scheme, I just disagree with _which_ scheme, and it _appears_ the BBC
Trust agrees with me.

Prove axiom 2. You are also failing to take into account the
possibility of using a custom or adapted DRM implementation, it
shouldn't cost too much compared with the 4.5 million that the BBC
have spent so far.

Ian Worte:

Name another DRM system which is technically capable of the same things,
and exists today.

The BBC iPlayer didn't exist when the BBC started the project, why
does the DRM need to have existed at that time as well?

I will continue looking for such a DRM scheme. Or I could try and
stall this for long enough to give me time to create my own DRM scheme
and point to that (but that may be cheating?)

I am downloading a cross platform DRM system as we speak, the source
is rather large though. I think it's bringing all the crypto libraries
and media libraries with it.
More news on that if it does do time restrictions. can't be sure though.


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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-16 Thread mike chamberlain

On 6/15/07, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 15/06/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You've obviously not read the numerous posts explaining in some detail
> why it *isn't* currently feasible

Must have missed that one. Can you show in detail the point at which
it says you MUST use MICROSOFT DRM? I would really like to know so I
can email my MEP about this matter. In case they want to add the "BBC"
as an accessory to whatever they are prosecuting Microsoft for today.

Or is it not in fact true that the rights holders would be happy with any DRM?

I believe the actual facts are...

1. Rights holders insist on time limited DRM solution.
2. Only Microsoft supports a time limited DRM.
3. Therefore, in order to conform to point 1, BBC have to use
Microsoft based DRM.


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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-16 Thread David Woodhouse
On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 21:52 +0100, Andy Leighton wrote:
> Steady on - why not Z80, OK a bit limited but the Z8 was 32bit and
> about the same time as some of those above?  Basically some of the
> listed processors above are dead for general-purpose computing in the
> home and they are used by a dwindling core of hobbyists (and usually 
> not as their main machine). 

Not main machine, true. Maybe as the media centre... some nice low-power
cores in there which can be run fanless, for example :)


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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Andy Leighton
On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 05:49:10PM +0100, Andy wrote:
> don't know about and aren't complete yet. Running on x86, intel/AMD 64
> bit, PowerPC, Motorola 68k, Sparcs, Alpha, Arm, MIPS, PA-RISC, s/390,
> and CPU architectures that are unknown to the BBC or incomplete.

Steady on - why not Z80, OK a bit limited but the Z8 was 32bit and
about the same time as some of those above?  Basically some of the
listed processors above are dead for general-purpose computing in the
home and they are used by a dwindling core of hobbyists (and usually 
not as their main machine).

> So when is the BBC going to comply with "platform neutral"? Or does it
> intend never to comply? What method of complying is it using (seems it
> should have started by now)? Is it going to be a specification like an
> RFC or is it going to be an open implementation which will serve as a
> specification for interaction?
> I don't see any other way to achieve "platform neutral", any one else
> got any idea how else platform neutral is going to be achieved?
> For the benefit of those who do not understand why I am stressing the
> term "platform neutral" so hard, it is because the BBC Trust
> explicitly specified the BBC must provide a platform neutral solution.

It depends what you mean by platform neutral?  Platform neutral means to
me software that is independent of any particular feature or any software 
particular to one platform.  Of course any widely used end-user platform
must be supported.  But at the moment that seems to be restricted to three 
operating systems on four processor families.

Andy Leighton => [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The Lord is my shepherd, but we still lost the sheep dog trials" 
   - Robert Rankin, _They Came And Ate Us_
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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Richard Lockwood

> I still don't see how having DRM'd content free (of charge) over the
> internet from the BBC is worse than having no content from the BBC
> over the internet.

Because it's not free of charge -- it's our license fee that's going
to pay for the useless DRM technology, even if we don't use it. I
don't like paying more money to make something less useful.

So you don't want the content under any circumstances unless those
circumstances are *precisely* the ones you want.  I see.

Your license fee hasn't actually gone up because of this, has it?  You
haven't got an extra bill, saying "Cost of you paying for our DRM
system: 17p" have you?  You've been (I hope) paying your license fee
for years, funding all kinds of activities that the BBC gets up to (I
personally object to having to pay for Strictly Come Dancing, but we
don't have the option to pick and choose the bits of the BBC our
license fee goes to).

During this discussion I've been growing increasingly more convinced
that those arguing against the BBC putting their content out with DRM
actually have no interest whatsoever in the actual content of that
content (if you see what I mean), rather, they're simply using it as
an excuse to start dropping the name "Richard Stallman*", regrinding
their axes on "freedom", and bashing Microsoft.


* I propose an amendment to Godwin's Law - anyone mentioning Richard
Stallman automatically gets laughed out of the room and loses the
argument on the basis that they're more than likely to be simply
parroting currently fashionable views that they once read in "Wired".

** Please note that this is meant to be a humourous aside, and not the
point of this post.  Ranty replies to this bit of the post will be
laughed at.
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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Ian Betteridge

Andy wrote:

Must have missed that one. Can you show in detail the point at which
it says you MUST use MICROSOFT DRM? I would really like to know so I
can email my MEP about this matter. In case they want to add the "BBC"
as an accessory to whatever they are prosecuting Microsoft for today.

Name another DRM system which is technically capable of the same things, 
and exists today.

Once it can be shown it really is the license holders fault, and we
can see it's their fault we can focus on them a bit. But simple
yelling "rights holders" and backing it up with nothing ain't going to

If you could be bothered to do any research, you could find out what 
residuals Equity and the Writers Guild of Great Britain accept as a 

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Dave Cross

Stephen Deasey wrote:

The BBC has many thousands of hours of programming which it holds
sufficient rights to enable it to published on the Internet, DRM-free.
If DRM is so distasteful, then why isn't this being done? Surely the
BBC should be taking steps to move towards a DRM-free world, if that's
what it believes in, which is what has been reported here.

Isn't that what the BBC Archive Trial is all about.

Ok, so it's currently closed, but it will return at some point.

But that's a completely different proposition to the iPlayer.

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Andy

On 15/06/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You've obviously not read the numerous posts explaining in some detail
why it *isn't* currently feasible

Must have missed that one. Can you show in detail the point at which
it says you MUST use MICROSOFT DRM? I would really like to know so I
can email my MEP about this matter. In case they want to add the "BBC"
as an accessory to whatever they are prosecuting Microsoft for today.

Or is it not in fact true that the rights holders would be happy with any DRM?

If you care to not believe that, and instead to
believe that the BBC and its employees on this list are actively lying
to you then fine

They have done it before! if you lie to me in official communications
(and the BBC has) then I am less likely to trust you.

Oh and I know they have lied to me because in one message I was told
they couldn't do something because "an agreement existed", when I made
an FOI request I was told no such agreement existed.

If that's not lying how else do you explain that paradox?

My favourite one is them telling me something that was free (and that
the BBC had used for free) would cost too much.
And particularly common is the BBC's ridiculous claim that something
would cause them to have to increase the license fee. The BBC doesn't
have that power does it?

Face it certain members of the BBC will lie to hide data they are
ashamed of. It's just a pity they give the honest and hard working
members of the team a bad name.

there's nothing anyone can say that will change
your mind

Publish these contracts or agreements.
It's all well and good saying "it's the license holders, honest it is"
and then not presenting any evidence they are requiring anything.

Once it can be shown it really is the license holders fault, and we
can see it's their fault we can focus on them a bit. But simple
yelling "rights holders" and backing it up with nothing ain't going to


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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Richard Lockwood

You've obviously not read the numerous posts explaining in some detail
why it *isn't* currently feasible and that yes, it *is* doing the best
it can at the moment.  If you care to not believe that, and instead to
believe that the BBC and its employees on this list are actively lying
to you then fine - there's nothing anyone can say that will change
your mind.


On 6/15/07, Stephen Deasey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/15/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I still don't see how having DRM'd content free (of charge) over the internet
> from the BBC is worse than having no content from the BBC over the internet.

It's not worse, but it's not much better.

The BBC charter is not to do a little bit better than it did before,
but to give the best value it possibly can. It's not doing the best it
can, and this isn't good enough.

> Obviously DRM free content is even better, but it's not feasible right
> now.

It is feasible right now, for some content, if not all.

The sentiment here seems to be that no one likes DRM, no one wants
DRM, and no one believes it works, but a) the "rights holders" need to
be lied to and b) they hold all the cards.  I don't think this is the
case, but even so, what's being done to fix this?

Some DRM-free content available is better than no DRM-free content.
The more DRM-free content which is widely available, the more pressure
it puts on those who would use DRM, not to.

The BBC has many thousands of hours of programming which it holds
sufficient rights to enable it to published on the Internet, DRM-free.
If DRM is so distasteful, then why isn't this being done? Surely the
BBC should be taking steps to move towards a DRM-free world, if that's
what it believes in, which is what has been reported here.

It needn't cost any money, and we could start really simple: all local
news casts, all weather reports, all House of Commons footage -- dump
it to the Internet Archive and  Google and anyone else who will take

Just get it out there.

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Adam Sampson
"Richard Lockwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I still don't see how having DRM'd content free (of charge) over the
> internet from the BBC is worse than having no content from the BBC
> over the internet.

Because it's not free of charge -- it's our license fee that's going
to pay for the useless DRM technology, even if we don't use it. I
don't like paying more money to make something less useful.

Adam Sampson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Stephen Deasey

On 6/15/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I still don't see how having DRM'd content free (of charge) over the internet
from the BBC is worse than having no content from the BBC over the internet.

It's not worse, but it's not much better.

The BBC charter is not to do a little bit better than it did before,
but to give the best value it possibly can. It's not doing the best it
can, and this isn't good enough.

Obviously DRM free content is even better, but it's not feasible right

It is feasible right now, for some content, if not all.

The sentiment here seems to be that no one likes DRM, no one wants
DRM, and no one believes it works, but a) the "rights holders" need to
be lied to and b) they hold all the cards.  I don't think this is the
case, but even so, what's being done to fix this?

Some DRM-free content available is better than no DRM-free content.
The more DRM-free content which is widely available, the more pressure
it puts on those who would use DRM, not to.

The BBC has many thousands of hours of programming which it holds
sufficient rights to enable it to published on the Internet, DRM-free.
If DRM is so distasteful, then why isn't this being done? Surely the
BBC should be taking steps to move towards a DRM-free world, if that's
what it believes in, which is what has been reported here.

It needn't cost any money, and we could start really simple: all local
news casts, all weather reports, all House of Commons footage -- dump
it to the Internet Archive and  Google and anyone else who will take

Just get it out there.
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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Andy

On 15/06/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And Ad Hominem nonsense about "muppets" presumably.  I still don't see
how having DRM'd content free (of charge) over the internet from the
BBC is worse than having no content from the BBC over the internet.

Because the DRM the BBC uses is NOT free.
It costs hundreds of pounds to buy the software.
Add to that the software it self is badly written and poses a security nightmare
and the fact is unverifiable
and produced by someone who has been successfully prosecuted of
offences may times.
Then you're starting to get somewhere.

Also add to the fact the BBC is trying (and succeeding) in interfering
in a market that is well known for anti-competitive practices.

In fact the platform the BBC chose has already been the subject of
legal action from the European Union.

If the BBC wants to use DRM it should create a platform neutral DRM
scheme like the BBC trust has said.

And yet the BBC has shown no evidence what so ever that it has any
intention of creating a platform neutral iPlayer.

Especially considering that the BBC would have little other option
other than to release a specification for iPlayer so that other
clients can be produced or to Open Source iPlayers code (and
everything it requires) so that it can be ported to other platforms.

Simple producing a Windows, Mac and Linux version is NOT platform neutral.
platform neutral would work irrespective of platform. So that's *BSD,
Linux, Mac, Solaris, Windows, any other OS including ones the BBC
don't know about and aren't complete yet. Running on x86, intel/AMD 64
bit, PowerPC, Motorola 68k, Sparcs, Alpha, Arm, MIPS, PA-RISC, s/390,
and CPU architectures that are unknown to the BBC or incomplete.
That's a lot of different versions for the BBC to create isn't it, and
even then it's not truly neutral as it won't work on new or
undisclosed platforms.

Could use Java, Python or another abstraction layer apart from the
fact that technically Java or Python would be considered the platform
so it would not be platform neutral either.

So when is the BBC going to comply with "platform neutral"? Or does it
intend never to comply? What method of complying is it using (seems it
should have started by now)? Is it going to be a specification like an
RFC or is it going to be an open implementation which will serve as a
specification for interaction?

I don't see any other way to achieve "platform neutral", any one else
got any idea how else platform neutral is going to be achieved?

For the benefit of those who do not understand why I am stressing the
term "platform neutral" so hard, it is because the BBC Trust
explicitly specified the BBC must provide a platform neutral solution.
Quoting from the BBC trust's website:

The service will be provided on a platform-neutral basis within a reasonable
timeframe of launch


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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Ian Betteridge

On 15/06/07, David Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Only a few years ago, the BBC renegotiated its contract with BSkyB to

_remove_ DRM from its satellite broadcasts. That's why I can receive BBC
content on my DVB-S card without having to muck about with a Dragon CAM
and a Solus card. Well done, BBC. At least _then_ you had a clue.

It's pretty insulting to suggest that the BBC now somehow doesn't have a
clue, don't you think? Certainly if I were a BBC employee, it would make me
disinclined to take the case you're making seriously if your opening gambit
is "you're clueless"...

The situations aren't analogous. The satellite issue was, for a start,
partly due to money: the BBC simply decided not to pay to be on Sky's
encryption platform. But it the argument was simple: it was just making the
same services available on satellite that everyone already gets via DTV and
analogue broadcast.

iPlayer, though, is a service over and above what exists. That makes it
completely different territory in terms of rights and residuals, which, in
turn, makes it about 500 times as complicated.

I think the whole discussion about alternative business models and even

philosophical discussions about the nature of copyright are irrelevant
and counterproductive.

Alternative business models are completely relevant.

You don't need to be a revolutionary to observe

that DRM is worthless and causes far more pain to consumers than the
supposed benefits it actually achieves.

DRM doesn't work to stop piracy. But as we've seen over and over again, it's
not about stopping piracy: it's about reassuring rights holders. Persuade
*them* that it doesn't stop piracy - but that, actually, piracy isn't really
an issue on an individual basis - and you'd get somewhere.

And if you get distracted into

'revolutionary' talk like that, then you just give ammunition to the
muppets who respond to anti-DRM arguments with Ad Hominem nonsense about
"students and ne'er-do-wells".

Well, the "clueless" jibe means you don't really have a lot of leg to stand
on re: ad hominem attacks :)

Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Richard Lockwood

I think the whole discussion about alternative business models and even
philosophical discussions about the nature of copyright are irrelevant
and counterproductive. You don't need to be a revolutionary to observe
that DRM is worthless and causes far more pain to consumers than the
supposed benefits it actually achieves. And if you get distracted into
'revolutionary' talk like that, then you just give ammunition to the
muppets who respond to anti-DRM arguments with Ad Hominem nonsense about
"students and ne'er-do-wells".

And Ad Hominem nonsense about "muppets" presumably.  I still don't see
how having DRM'd content free (of charge) over the internet from the
BBC is worse than having no content from the BBC over the internet.
Obviously DRM free content is even better, but it's not feasible right

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread David Woodhouse
On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 10:19 +0100, Mr I Forrester wrote:
> I've been thinking about products and services like this for a while, 
> and want to ponder this question to the backstage community...
> We've been talking about how DRM doesn't work, etc in other posts. Well 
> lets just say for this thread that DRM doesn't work and it just turns 
> consumers into against the content holder.
> ...What happens next? 

Nothing. We get a clue, stop making life hard for honest consumers, and
after a while we realise that the sky _didn't_ actually fall on our

Only a few years ago, the BBC renegotiated its contract with BSkyB to
_remove_ DRM from its satellite broadcasts. That's why I can receive BBC
content on my DVB-S card without having to muck about with a Dragon CAM
and a Solus card. Well done, BBC. At least _then_ you had a clue.

I think the whole discussion about alternative business models and even
philosophical discussions about the nature of copyright are irrelevant
and counterproductive. You don't need to be a revolutionary to observe
that DRM is worthless and causes far more pain to consumers than the
supposed benefits it actually achieves. And if you get distracted into
'revolutionary' talk like that, then you just give ammunition to the
muppets who respond to anti-DRM arguments with Ad Hominem nonsense about
"students and ne'er-do-wells".


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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread David Woodhouse
On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 10:15 +0100, Richard Lockwood wrote:
> > I think - as do many others, it seems - that people pirate because they want
> > interoperability, convenience of consumption on their own terms, and the
> > quality is often better to boot.
> Yes, yes, and yes.  Don't forget though, that a lot of people pirate
> because they want the convenience of not having to pay for something
> they want.

That's a different kind of 'convenience'. A kind which DRM doesn't
actually manage to prevent, if people are determined enough -- which
history shows us they are.


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RE: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread zen16083
That's just a personal preference amongst some people - it isn't wrong.
According to Michael Swan from Oxford University Press, Practical English

British English: different from / different to

American English: different from / different than

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Richard Lockwood
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

On 6/15/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 15/06/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Your name and logo's would still be covered by "Trademark" and similar
> > > protections. Misrepresenting the source of a good is surely illegal
> > > isn't it?
> >
> > Oh - so visual intellectual property is fine, but recorded isn't?
> Trademark law is totally different to copyright law and totally
> different again to patent law. Please don't confuse them under the
> bogus umbrella term 'intellectual property' - its phrased
> intentionally to misdirect and confuse the way we consider these
> issues.

But in Davetopia, logos can be copied electronically, and hence freely
shared (as they have no intrinsic value), and then printed on


PS I know this isn't a grammar list, but it's a personal bugbear of
mine...  It's "different from", not "different to".
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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Richard Lockwood

On 6/15/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 15/06/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Your name and logo's would still be covered by "Trademark" and similar
> > protections. Misrepresenting the source of a good is surely illegal
> > isn't it?
> Oh - so visual intellectual property is fine, but recorded isn't?

Trademark law is totally different to copyright law and totally
different again to patent law. Please don't confuse them under the
bogus umbrella term 'intellectual property' - its phrased
intentionally to misdirect and confuse the way we consider these

But in Davetopia, logos can be copied electronically, and hence freely
shared (as they have no intrinsic value), and then printed on


PS I know this isn't a grammar list, but it's a personal bugbear of
mine...  It's "different from", not "different to".
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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Dave Crossland

On 15/06/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Your name and logo's would still be covered by "Trademark" and similar
> protections. Misrepresenting the source of a good is surely illegal
> isn't it?

Oh - so visual intellectual property is fine, but recorded isn't?

Trademark law is totally different to copyright law and totally
different again to patent law. Please don't confuse them under the
bogus umbrella term 'intellectual property' - its phrased
intentionally to misdirect and confuse the way we consider these

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Richard Lockwood

On 6/15/07, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 15/06/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK.  So if I can't perform live (due to terrible stage fright (see
> XTC), disability or any other reason), what do I do?

And if I develop RSI or another disability that prevents me doing my job?

There is a reason we have a benefit for disability!
We also have a little something called insurance that can cover you
should you develop a disability.

No.  You're deliberately misunderstanding me.  Not "What if I am
suddenly unable to perform live?", but "what if I've never been able
to - but am still perfectly able to perform recorded music?"

>  And if you think
> that physical merchandise (by which I assume you mean t-shirts etc)
> can't be copied, you've obviously never been to any live gigs.
> Bootleg merchandise traders are legion - and in your happy "free"
> world, the band wouldn't own their own logos, album cover designs etc,
> so that bootlegging would be legal.

Your name and logo's would still be covered by "Trademark" and similar
protections. Misrepresenting the source of a good is surely illegal
isn't it?

Oh - so visual intellectual property is fine, but recorded isn't?

> Any other brilliant thoughts?

Why don't you offer something constructive for once?

I'm not pretending that I have a solution - I'm simply pointing out
that while DRM isn't a perfect solution, the wholesale removal of
rights and restrictions on recorded product isn't a viable and moral

Anyway the presence of other business models is insignificant, I don't
need an alternative business model to determine whether the current
one is morally right or not. But that is another discussion.

So you don't need to offer anything constructive, but I do?  I see.

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Andy

On 15/06/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK.  So if I can't perform live (due to terrible stage fright (see
XTC), disability or any other reason), what do I do?

And if I develop RSI or another disability that prevents me doing my job?

There is a reason we have a benefit for disability!
We also have a little something called insurance that can cover you
should you develop a disability.

 And if you think
that physical merchandise (by which I assume you mean t-shirts etc)
can't be copied, you've obviously never been to any live gigs.
Bootleg merchandise traders are legion - and in your happy "free"
world, the band wouldn't own their own logos, album cover designs etc,
so that bootlegging would be legal.

Your name and logo's would still be covered by "Trademark" and similar
protections. Misrepresenting the source of a good is surely illegal
isn't it?

Any other brilliant thoughts?

Why don't you offer something constructive for once?

We could always use the donation model. Not sure how well that works
though. Charities seem to get quite a bit.
Could also use "advertising", but I really dislike advertising as
advertisers are responsible for attempts to destroy the functionality
of the Internet.
(e.g. legitimate pop ups don't work anymore as people block pop ups to
weed out the uninvited adverts. They are also responsible for the
increasing problems with email due to spam.) Having said that I do
prefer target adverts, if you advertise something I actually wanted
anyway I may buy it from you.

Anyway the presence of other business models is insignificant, I don't
need an alternative business model to determine whether the current
one is morally right or not. But that is another discussion.

And the reason why people pay for things that they can get free may include:

Lack of knowledge (if you don't know something exists you're not going
to get it)
They view the free product as inferior in some way (regardless of whether it is)

Oh and the reason people pay when they can download illegally may not
be "they are good people" it may have something to do with the "being
sent to jail thing", or the lack of skill. as illegal content is
driven underground.


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RE: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Andrew Bowden
> > Musical revenues are not something I know huge amounts, but 
> > this seems 
> > to me to be a model which drives the musicians very very hard.  To 
> > earn money to live they have to perform - and they'll need 
> > to do it a LOT.
> > But to prepare their next album, they'll need to stop performing 
> > because they'll need to write their album.
> > And is there not a finite amount of gigs people will attend?  The 
> > number of people who go to a gig a week isn't that high.
> > Where does this model leave people like Kate Bush - internationally 
> > regarded and loved, but who hates doing live performances, 
> so doesn't.
> But aren't you just looking at the top end of musicians?  
> Even for recording musicians quite a number of them aren't 
> making much (or indeed
> any) money on their recordings.  Artists could also sell 
> recordings themselves presumably signed although this will 
> probably not add much to the value long-term.  We could 
> completely go over to a gift culture - there would still be 
> plenty of people who would like to reward artists.

I did have top end musicians in mind, but I'm also keeping in mind a
certain band of musicians who now sell their music themselves - retain
the distribution and costs and so on.  Sometimes people who have grown
disgruntled with, or who have been dropped by their record label.
Artists for whom the album sales and live music income (which lets face
it, often isn't much either!) combined help pay their way.

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Andy Leighton
On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 09:38:16AM +0100, Andrew Bowden wrote:
> > Music:
> > Charge for Live performances/concerts
> > Charge for physical merchandise
> Musical revenues are not something I know huge amounts, but this seems
> to me to be a model which drives the musicians very very hard.  To earn
> money to live they have to perform - and they'll need to do it a LOT.
> But to prepare their next album, they'll need to stop performing because
> they'll need to write their album.
> And is there not a finite amount of gigs people will attend?  The number
> of people who go to a gig a week isn't that high. 
> Where does this model leave people like Kate Bush - internationally
> regarded and loved, but who hates doing live performances, so doesn't.

But aren't you just looking at the top end of musicians?  Even for 
recording musicians quite a number of them aren't making much (or indeed
any) money on their recordings.  Artists could also sell recordings
themselves presumably signed although this will probably not add much to 
the value long-term.  We could completely go over to a gift culture - 
there would still be plenty of people who would like to reward artists.

Andy Leighton => [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The Lord is my shepherd, but we still lost the sheep dog trials" 
   - Robert Rankin, _They Came And Ate Us_
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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Richard Lockwood

I think - as do many others, it seems - that people pirate because they want
interoperability, convenience of consumption on their own terms, and the
quality is often better to boot.

Yes, yes, and yes.  Don't forget though, that a lot of people pirate
because they want the convenience of not having to pay for something
they want.


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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Ian Betteridge

On 15/06/07, Christopher Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've downloaded music from allofmp3 in the past because it's just so
convenient. Why can't the industries understand that people, above all
value convenience? I wanted to get another copy of an album I had a long
time ago but since mislaid (though I know it's around somewhere, probably
scratched to buggery). Jumped onto AOMP3, got a FLAC copy of it. Perfect.
Other stuff I've downloaded in MP3 format, in a quality level I've decided
upon to balance the cost versus quality.

Yes, if only they actually paid the artists, allofmp3 would be perfect ;)
Seriously though, if there's one lesson the music industry ought to take
from allofmp3, it's that people will pay when the price is right and the
convenience is high.

I've said it before, I'll say it again - the labels need to embrace the

customer. Treat them as potential investors, not criminals, offer them a
friendly, versatile solution which offers their choice of music via an
intuitive interface in their choice of formats - no DRM, of course - and
make it fairly priced. Digital music is still not fairly priced.

I agree with you almost entirely, although I'm not sure about the "fairly
priced" bit - in the sense that I simply don't have enough data to say one
way or another. It's easy to see how the "fair price" for a U2 single might
be pretty low (it's been sold a bazillion times before, after all) but what
about a more obscure band? What's the record company's fair returns, given
their development costs? I just don't have the answer to that.

RE: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Andrew Bowden
> Software:
> Charge for support
> Charge for bespoke software
> Charge for custom modifications.

Now this is a model we know works because there's a multiple of
companies in the OpenSource world.  So it's a no brainer.
> Music:
> Charge for Live performances/concerts
> Charge for physical merchandise

Musical revenues are not something I know huge amounts, but this seems
to me to be a model which drives the musicians very very hard.  To earn
money to live they have to perform - and they'll need to do it a LOT.
But to prepare their next album, they'll need to stop performing because
they'll need to write their album.

And is there not a finite amount of gigs people will attend?  The number
of people who go to a gig a week isn't that high. 

Where does this model leave people like Kate Bush - internationally
regarded and loved, but who hates doing live performances, so doesn't.  

As for merchandise, I like music, but I can count on my fingers the
number of band related merchandise I own.  It's a Shirehorses t-shirt.

As an aside, Ash recently announced they'd no longer be releasing
Albums.  Instead they're going for downloadable singles - which of
course people will pay for.  Tracks they think will be released quicker
and more often.

> Film:
> Charge the cinemas (but give the DVDs etc away) Or do like 
> some of the community film projects (like the one mentioned 
> on this list )
> Job done.

How does this fund films which don't do very well in the cinemas but
have done far better off the back of DVD sales?  Clerks is an
interesting example.  It grossed millions in the US, yet had minimal
cinematic release.  Yet it's a highly regarded film and I suspect
there's more than one person on this list who has a copy somewhere.

DVD revenues now regularly eclipse box office reciepts.  So your model
could destroy huge chunks of the film industry.That might be a good
thing, but it's very hard to see how Lord of the Rings would ever have
been made under your model.  The potential box office revenues alone
wouldn't have cut the mustard.

To look forward is not easy.  To find workable solutions isn't.

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-15 Thread Richard Lockwood

Depending on the kind of media there are other ways of making money
other than charging for things that are copyable.

Charge for Live performances/concerts
Charge for physical merchandise

OK.  So if I can't perform live (due to terrible stage fright (see
XTC), disability or any other reason), what do I do?  And if you think
that physical merchandise (by which I assume you mean t-shirts etc)
can't be copied, you've obviously never been to any live gigs.
Bootleg merchandise traders are legion - and in your happy "free"
world, the band wouldn't own their own logos, album cover designs etc,
so that bootlegging would be legal.

Any other brilliant thoughts?


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RE: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-14 Thread Christopher Woods
bly more likely to think positively about doing so
because he knows that if he does buy a copy in digital format, he'll be able
to do exactly what he would otherwise if he bought a physical copy. And,
buying another digital copy? Higher profit ratio, because of the obvious
savings of not having to press album, print artwork, send out CD... 

Why can't the labels see - and most importantly, acknowledge - that the only
way forward which will work is NO DRM?

> -Original Message-
> From: Davy Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 14 June 2007 22:43
> To:
> Subject: Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?
> > People are basically honest, and agree with the idea that artists 
> > should get paid.
> LOL. Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha.
> >I think there's actually a more pertinent question, which is 
> this: Why 
> >are people currently paying for things that they could get for free?
> Even more pertinently, why are people "stealing", suffering 
> DRM, being electronic freedom fighters with Oggs etc when 
> there is a wealth of freely available content already available.
> I don't spend a lot of time hunting for podcasts but I have 
> gigs of great audio and video to consume. Yeah a few BBC but 
> mostly not. I worry that the big media groups will finally 
> get online but will just be clunky, expensive and irrelevent. 
> I don't need more content so any big program libraries are 
> just not appealing. Here's to cool ideas like Backstage !!
> As an aside, I wonder why the BBC can't be producing more 
> original podcast content. For example, Grammar Girl - great 
> show, dynamic and educational. Hardly has a Holywood budget. 
> Why are the BBC shows so sanitized and sterile e.g. Digital 
> Planet??!? They are hardly stretching the medium either and 
> sound like recycled radio.
> To answer my own question, I think people mostly pirate stuff 
> partly to feel like 'winning' or beating the system. Good old 
> greed which you won't ever get rid of with any technology :-)
> Yours cynically,
> Davy
> --
> Davy Mitchell
> Blog -
> Twitter - Skype - daftspaniel 
> -
> Sent via the discussion group.  To 
> unsubscribe, please visit 
>   Unofficial list archive: 

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-14 Thread Davy Mitchell

People are basically honest, and agree
with the idea that artists should get paid.

LOL. Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha.

I think there's actually a more pertinent question, which is this: Why
are people currently paying for things that they could get for free?

Even more pertinently, why are people "stealing", suffering DRM, being
electronic freedom fighters with Oggs etc when there is a wealth of
freely available content already available.

I don't spend a lot of time hunting for podcasts but I have gigs of
great audio and video to consume. Yeah a few BBC but mostly not. I
worry that the big media groups will finally get online but will just
be clunky, expensive and irrelevent. I don't need more content so any
big program libraries are just not appealing. Here's to cool ideas
like Backstage !!

As an aside, I wonder why the BBC can't be producing more original
podcast content. For example, Grammar Girl - great show, dynamic and
educational. Hardly has a Holywood budget. Why are the BBC shows so
sanitized and sterile e.g. Digital Planet??!? They are hardly
stretching the medium either and sound like recycled radio.

To answer my own question, I think people mostly pirate stuff partly
to feel like 'winning' or beating the system. Good old greed which you
won't ever get rid of with any technology :-)

Yours cynically,

Davy Mitchell
Blog -
Twitter -
Skype - daftspaniel
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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-14 Thread Ian Betteridge

Andy wrote:

On 14/06/07, Mr I Forrester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

...What happens next?

Hopefully we will actually see some innovation!

I think there's actually a more pertinent question, which is this: Why 
are people currently paying for things that they could get for free?

For example, why would anyone buy an un-DRM'd song from iTunes when, 
with about five minutes searching, they could download a pirate copy 
(possibly even better quality, if they go for FLAC)? Why do sites like 
Bleep, which sell un-DRM'd material, make money when all they are 
selling is bits that are available for nothing elsewhere?

The answer, to me, is simple: people think that paying those who make 
things they take pleasure out of is perfectly fair, as long as it's easy 
to do and not overly expensive. People are basically honest, and agree 
with the idea that artists should get paid.

So how about, instead of telling people that their industry is old 
fashioned and dying and they're all going to have to work in McDonalds, 
we give them some positive stories about how "no DRM" doesn't mean 
rampant piracy - in fact, it means people are more likely to actually 
pay for your work? Too often, all I see from the anti-DRM camp is 
basically snarky, dumb stuff which alienates content creators - the very 
people who need to be won over. Can we see some positivity, please?

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-14 Thread Andy

On 14/06/07, Mr I Forrester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

...What happens next?

Hopefully we will actually see some innovation!

Depending on the kind of media there are other ways of making money
other than charging for things that are copyable.

Charge for support
Charge for bespoke software
Charge for custom modifications.

(actually software is doing the best in terms of giving content away).

Charge for Live performances/concerts
Charge for physical merchandise

Charge the cinemas (but give the DVDs etc away)
Or do like some of the community film projects
(like the one mentioned on this list )

Job done.


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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-14 Thread Ian Betteridge

On 14/06/07, Stephen Deasey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Creating an artificial scarcity of bits and charging for them is just
a round about way of charging for a genuinely scarce resource: the
time and effort of creators. Because the scarce bits model no longer
works, creators will have to charge differently:

  - More directly, e.g. I will play may guitar and sing if you pay at the
  - Less directly, e.g. I will tell people to buy your perfume if you pay

What's interesting is that there are multiple models for how this works, and
I suspect there's no "on size fits all" approach. For example, one of the
common examples of how a non-DRM system could work to pay for creativity in
music is "give away the recordings, make money on the tours". But you can
also turn that around: for example, Apple is "sponsoring" free gigs, while
selling recordings of the gigs (hopefully DRM free, although I suspect that
will be down to which record companies are involved). The idea is that
you're paying for the convenience of being able to download them from a
trusted source, fast, and with the quality you want. You pay for

Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-14 Thread Richard P Edwards

Hi Ian,

What happens next? .. well most that you listed below is already  
happening somewhere.

In my opinion, this is what happens next..

Your whole office, and anybody interested in the positive future of  
the BBC, goes to the DG, or whomever now, and demands a budget to put  
as many pieces of content on the web as possible, under the banner of  
the BBC. You ask him/them to forget that he ever heard of GeoIP and  
DRM, and state that the web is now to be used to freely and openly  
fulfil the message on the BBC's coat of arms. Send out a press  
release to rights holders, and go ahead. If anyone wants to stop the  
process then they have a week to remove their content from the  
contractual status of the BBC.

That the world needs the BBC is undeniable, and the web is now  
another place to distribute the content. Once you discover the true  
market place, you can then adjust your approach accordingly.
As for rights holders, pull the other one. there is not one new  
unique creator on the planet who does not understand the benefit they  
could receive in this via the BBC. if they have a problem, then  
they can re-license their works to someone else, like ITV or Second  
Hand TV, as they do now. Just ask them. The majority of old rights  
holders, on the other hand, will always confuse the issue because  
they are in business, they do not normally simply create,  they are  
also precious about the future, and their finances. even though,  
as you must be aware, the production costs are written off on first  
broadcast, and the license applies for only three years, in most  
cases. Not a very good deal for the financiers, especially if that is  
the public.

If you wish, you could charge the customer outside of the UK, and  
would perhaps  make more money than the complete income of the BBC  
already, even take a pound off the license fee and charge everyone  
worldwide £1 per month, or £10 per year, to watch via the net. Why  
shouldn't you compete with Realplayer or WMP, as they are US  
companies? Pass a royalty of that on to the creator, but don't get  
misled by the rights holder comments.
Either way, if you trust your customer, and it works both ways, then  
they will always support you with their custom. The BBC can lead this  
cultural change, and must if it wishes to continue doing what it does  
best, worldwide.
Stir up the nest as this present direction is useless to everyone. If  
you all begin now, then you will retain the upper hand I believe  
if you wait much longer then the actual creators will bypass your  
system of distribution, and the BBC will lose some more of its  
credibility as it loses its honest customers, resulting in economic   
Check Mate. :-)


On 14 Jun 2007, at 10:19, Mr I Forrester wrote:

I've been thinking about products and services like this for a  
while, and want to ponder this question to the backstage community...

We've been talking about how DRM doesn't work, etc in other posts.  
Well lets just say for this thread that DRM doesn't work and it  
just turns consumers into against the content holder.

...What happens next?

Here's some thoughts from me,

Content producers adopt watermarking technologies?
P2P streaming and Multicasting becomes the next big advance for  
content producers

People start paying for real time or 0day access?
Google and Yahoo start indexing torrent sites and offering services  

Joost and Democracy adoption increases
The portable video player and digital set top (appletv, xbmc, etc)  
markets blows up
Torrent site uses slowly drops, as content producers use other  
online services
Windows Home server (now you see how my last post relates) and  
similar products sales increase 10 fold over the next 3 year

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Re: [backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-14 Thread Stephen Deasey

On 6/14/07, Mr I Forrester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been thinking about products and services like this for a while,
and want to ponder this question to the backstage community...

We've been talking about how DRM doesn't work, etc in other posts. Well
lets just say for this thread that DRM doesn't work and it just turns
consumers into against the content holder.

...What happens next?

Creating an artificial scarcity of bits and charging for them is just
a round about way of charging for a genuinely scarce resource: the
time and effort of creators. Because the scarce bits model no longer
works, creators will have to charge differently:

 - More directly, e.g. I will play may guitar and sing if you pay at the door
 - Less directly, e.g. I will tell people to buy your perfume if you pay me

I don't think the BBC has these problems. It knows exactly where it's
next 3,000 million pounds is coming from, and by extension, the guy
who sticks the sink plungers on the front of Daleks knows he will be
compensated for his work.
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[backstage] DRM does not work... what next?

2007-06-14 Thread Mr I Forrester
I've been thinking about products and services like this for a while, 
and want to ponder this question to the backstage community...

We've been talking about how DRM doesn't work, etc in other posts. Well 
lets just say for this thread that DRM doesn't work and it just turns 
consumers into against the content holder.

...What happens next?

Here's some thoughts from me,

Content producers adopt watermarking technologies?
P2P streaming and Multicasting becomes the next big advance for content 

People start paying for real time or 0day access?
Google and Yahoo start indexing torrent sites and offering services like

Joost and Democracy adoption increases
The portable video player and digital set top (appletv, xbmc, etc) 
markets blows up
Torrent site uses slowly drops, as content producers use other online 
Windows Home server (now you see how my last post relates) and similar 
products sales increase 10 fold over the next 3 year

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