Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-20 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Monsanto's Wheat

Roger Pye responded to

 Would you be willing to elaborate on the Celtic Prince reference please..

 I think poetry and story will also guide us through some of this 


Patricius, born about 385-90 at Bannaventa Berniae (thought to be 
between the Rivers Clyde and Severn, but closer to the former than the 
latter, eg Dumbarton), the Romano-British son of Calpornius (a decurion, 
municipal official, and a deacon in the local church). When Patrick was 
almost 16, he and his sister were abducted by the Irish chieftain Niall 
Naoi Ghiallach and his men. The girl went to Connacht, Patrick to County 
Antrim, not far from Ballymena, where he worked as a shepherd and 
swineherd. In his early twenties, he walked to Wexford, 200 miles 
south, and sailed to Gaul.(snip)

I see that I got to demonstrate the fundamentals of reality.
Everything in a quantum world is based on: Stimuli - Belief - Response.
With the subtext that all data is cooked to support the belief we choose to believe. 

I chose to remember a story told around a Beltane fire in such a way that it supported the belief I had regarding Eric's expression of his beliefs and responses to the stimuli of SS and Allan.

Hafiz writes: 

I can
See angels
Sitting on your ears,

Polishing trumpets,
Replacing lute strings,
Stretching new skins on the drums
And gathering wood for the evening's fire.

They all danced last night
But you did not
Hear them.

If you ask Hafiz for advice
On how to befriend their sweet voices
And how to have the nourishing 
Company of the finer 

I would reply, 

I could not say anything
You could not
Tell me.

What was the use of this story?

I just felt like Talking.


In Love  Light

Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-19 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Monsanto's Wheat

In a message dated 3/17/03 9:58:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Glad you gentlemen got a giggle! Sooner than not you gents will be 
passing the torch along to people in my age group (early 30's) and we 
will have to deal with this GARBAGE more than you. 

We are not that old dude, we are getting a chuckle cause it beats crying all 
the time.
Now get out there and get to work... sstorch

Steve you are getting sweet in your old-age.

I was getting a kick out of an early 30er, having barely integrated a Saturn return, thinking of receiving the torch.
Being it was sent on St Patrick's day is all the more interesting in that the historical figure was a Celtic Prince abducted by the Christians re-educated and egofided to return to the Emerald Isle and squelch the snake energies and set the stage for an extractive economy owned by London.

Kissing the old sod!


FW: [Fwd: Superpower of Peace]

2003-03-19 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: [Fwd: Superpower of Peace]

Just a quote stolen from an victim orientated e-mail.


Subject: Superpower of Peace


The people want peace; indeed, I believe they want peace so badly that the governments will just have to step aside and let them have it. 
- Dwight Eisenhower

Did someone say fruitloops?

2003-03-07 Thread Moen Creek

Power on!?!


Re:Re [Humore]Theory of Everything these daze

2003-02-21 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re:Re [Humore]Theory of Everything these daze

A major research institution has recently announced the discovery of
heaviest chemical element yet known to science. The new element has
tentatively named Governmentium.

Governmentium has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons,
224 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.

These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which
surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons.
governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be
detected as
it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute
of governmentium causes one reaction to take over 4 days to complete
when it
would normally take less than a second.

Governmentium has a normal half-life of 3 years; it does not decay, but
instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant
neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, governmentium's
will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause
morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes.

This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists to
that governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity
concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as Critical

FW: [ Senator Byrd's Speech 12 Feb 03]

2003-02-20 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: [ Senator Byrd's Speech 12 Feb 03]


 Original Message  Subject: Fw: Senator Byrd's Speech 12 Feb 03 Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 17:05:34 -0500 : 

I didn't see this anywhere: a friend, a former student, who is married to a German guy, and lives in Germany, sent this on to me. Did I miss it because I was lax, or wasn't it spoken of in the media? 
- Original Message - 
From: Bernadette Scheerer mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:42 PMSubject: Senator Byrd's Speech 12 Feb 03
Subject: Senator Byrd's Speech 12 Feb 03 Lest you think those of us in Germany aren't paying attention and/or are merely attending to frivolous things, lest anyone think it's only those pesky old Europeans who are raising questions about the current course being charted by This Administration, I want to bring to your attention Senator Robert Byrd's recent speech on the floor of the Senate in Washington. It's some relief to hear the sentiments I feel here in the distance being expressed in a significant place by a significant figure. I think, after the developments of last week in the UN and the peace marches around the world on the weekend, it's becoming clear that while it may have been possible to fiddle things in Florida it's less easy to fiddle things in the whole wide world! I find it wonderful to know there are some politicians in Washington with the insight to give this type of speech. Read and reflect 

 Reckless Administration May Reap Disastrous
 by US Senator Robert Byrd
 Senate Floor Speech - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 
 To contemplate war is to think about the most horrible of human experiences. On this February day, as
 this nation stands at the brink of battle, every American on some level must be contemplating the horrors
 of war. 

 Yet, this Chamber is, for the most part, silent -- ominously, dreadfully silent. There is no debate, no
 discussion, no attempt to lay out for the nation the pros and cons of this particular war. There is nothing. 

 We stand passively mute in the United States Senate, paralyzed by our own uncertainty, seemingly
 stunned by the sheer turmoil of events. Only on the editorial pages of our newspapers is there much
 substantive discussion of the prudence or imprudence of engaging in this particular war. 

 And this is no small conflagration we contemplate. This is no simple attempt to defang a villain. No. This
 coming battle, if it materializes, represents a turning point in U.S. foreign policy and possibly a turning
 point in the recent history of the world. 

 This nation is about to embark upon the first test of a revolutionary doctrine applied in an extraordinary
 way at an unfortunate time. The doctrine of preemption -- the idea that the United States or any other
 nation can legitimately attack a nation that is not imminently threatening but may be threatening in the
 future -- is a radical new twist on the traditional idea of self defense. It appears to be in contravention of
 international law and the UN Charter. And it is being tested at a time of world-wide terrorism, making
 many countries around the globe wonder if they will soon be on our -- or some other nation's -- hit list.
 High level Administration figures recently refused to take nuclear weapons off of the table when
 discussing a possible attack against Iraq. What could be more destabilizing and unwise than this type of
 uncertainty, particularly in a world where globalism has tied the vital economic and security interests of
 many nations so closely together? There are huge cracks emerging in our time-honored alliances, and
 U.S. intentions are suddenly subject to damaging worldwide speculation. Anti-Americanism based on
 mistrust, misinformation, suspicion, and alarming rhetoric from U.S. leaders is fracturing the once solid
 alliance against global terrorism which existed after September 11. 

 Here at home, people are warned of imminent terrorist attacks with little guidance as to when or where
 such attacks might occur. Family members are being called to active military duty, with no idea of the
 duration of their stay or what horrors they may face. Communities are being left with less than adequate
 police and fire protection. Other essential services are also short-staffed. The mood of the nation is grim.
 The economy is stumbling. Fuel prices are rising and may soon spike higher. 

 This Administration, now in power for a little over two years, must be judged on its record. I believe that
 that record is dismal. 

 In that scant two years, this Administration has squandered a large projected surplus of some $5.6 trillion
 over the next decade and taken us to projected deficits as far as the eye can see. This Administration's
 domestic policy has put many of our states in dire financial condition, under funding scores of essential
 programs for our people. This Administration has fostered 

OT:FW: [helpinghands] Study upon study by- CMHC-very valuableresearch

2003-02-08 Thread Moen Creek
Title: OT:FW: [helpinghands] Study upon study by- CMHC-very valuable research


 Hello folks,
I just learned of this website with dozens of studies related to moisture,
air quality, energy efficiency, and on and on. Its worth a visit! Strawbale
studies included.

Community email addresses:
 Post message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 List owner: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Shortcut URL to this page: 

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to 

Re: Cow Shares

2003-02-05 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Cow Shares

 we get our raw milk from a cow share from
Zeinggers (sp?) in East Troy WI 
There are reputed to be the oldest Biodynamic Farm in the US.
Their folks were personally at the RS Ag lecture or so the story goes.

WE pay a $20 cow purchase a year and $3 per gallon.
It is an hour away so we have a carpool of 10 families who rotate the run on Sundays.

They only allow large mouthed gallon pickel jars ` they charge $3 to buy one).
Most of them have white plastic lids.
The have to have your name writen on each and you are personaly responsible for the sanatation. They are filled from a bulk tank on the spot.
Most of their porductgoes to Organic Valley.

Back to the jar - having done tissue culture work and lots of brewing I would recomend only jars that you can not get your hand into. Unless you set up a heated NaOH wash station - bleach will not do the job.


From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 06:50:28 -0500
Subject: Cow Shares

Friends -

Is anyone doing cow shares?

Does anyone know of anyone doing cow shares?

I'm finally in a position to offer cow shares and REAL milk this 
season but I don't have a good sense on how to procede with this 
program. (And many of the ones I see on the web seem just too 

I'm interested in what others on this list may be doing or may be observing.


-Allan Balliett


2003-02-04 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Impeachment



The anti-war movement has now inaugurated a campaign to
impeach George W. Bush and other senior U.S. government
officials for their criminal conduct. The planned war
against Iraq and the destruction of constitutionally
protected rights at home are the grounds for impeachment.

The articles of impeachment, drafted by former Attorney
General Ramsey Clark, are the basis for a grassroots
effort to remove Bush from office as we organize to stop
the war. Please visit the site and cast your vote to Impeach
Bush. Let your family members, friends and co-workers
learn about the movement to impeach George Bush for high
crimes and misdemeanors.

While we build mass street actions against the war it is
important to utilize every avenue open to the people to
hold the government accountable for its criminal conduct.
The U.S. Constitution provides for a mechanism to hold
administration officials culpable for criminal abuse of
authority and usurpation of power.

The votes submitted in this campaign will be delivered to
the House Judiciary Committee and the leadership from both
parties on the committee. Representatives of will also carry out a campaign in the
mass media publicizing the efforts of thousands of people
in the United States to impeach George W. Bush and the
architects of his unconstitutional policies.

See below for more information, or go directly to to see articles of
impeachment setting forth high crimes and misdemeanors by
President Bush and other civil officers of his
administration, and to cast your vote!


George W. Bush Must Answer to the People

[adapted from Ramsey Clark's address to the half a million
demonstrators at the January 18th National March on
Washington to Stop the War on Iraq organized by
International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War  End

The U.S. Constitution provides the means for preventing
George W. Bush from engaging in a war of aggression
against Iraq, and from advancing a first strike
potentially nuclear preemptive war. It's called

High Crimes and Misdemeanors

Impeachment is the direct constitutional means for
removing a President, Vice President or other civil
officers of the United States who has acted or threatened
acts that are serious offenses against the Constitution,
its system of government, or the rule of law, or that are
conventional crimes of such a serious nature that they
would injure the Presidency if there was no removal.

A Constitutional Imperative

Impeachment appears six times in the U.S. Constitution.
The Founders weren't concerned with anything more than
with impeachment because they had lived under King George
III and had in 1776 accused the king of all the things
that George W. Bush wants to do: Usurpation of the power
of the people; Being above the law; Criminal abuse of

Power Remains in the Hands of the People

Impeachment is the means by which We The People of the
United States and our elected representatives in Congress
can prevent further crimes by the President and the human
catastrophe they threaten and force accountability for
crimes committed.

Save the Constitution, the U.N., and Countless Human Lives

Congressional proceedings for impeachment can bring about
open, fearless consideration of the most dangerous acts
and threats ever committed by an American President. If
courageously pursued, they can save our Constitution, the
United Nations, the rule of law, the lives of countless
people and leave open the possibility of peace on earth.

The Time for Action is Now

Each of us must take a stand on impeachment now, or bear
the burden of having failed to speak in this hour of
maximum peril.


To view articles of impeachment setting forth high crimes
and misdemeanors by President Bush and other civil
officers of his administration, go to


Your Help is Needed! needs your help. This campaign relies on
the generous contributions of time and money made by
individuals across the country. This is a broad and
popular movement of people pursuing justice and peace.

If you believe in these goals and have the ability to
contribute to support the impeachment effort, we ask that
you do so.

Online donations to the ImpeachBushNow! Campaign will be
possible soon. Or donations may be mailed to:
VoteToImpeach, 1901 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 607,
Washington, D.C. 20006. Please include your e-mail address
on your check so we can stay in touch with you. Donations
to the ImpeachBushNow! campaign are not tax deductible.


Email circulated by:
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Act Now to Stop War  End Racism


Re: to Jane Sherry

2003-01-28 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: to Jane Sherry

In my option all of this just the finger points to the Moon and that's BDNow Folks
In Love * Light

OH ya Kristo writes the midwestern's view of this: 
Tuesday 1/28/03

The Sagittarian MOON Conjuncts PLUTO (in his Coniunctio to VENUS, and their
Opposition to SATURN) at 6:35 AM CST -6GMT. Are there any lessons for the day???
That's a good question because the word lesson requires a bit of attention in the
current zeitgeist. In most instances it tends to imply some sort of payoff attached to an
experience which may or may not be felt as uncomfortable, unpleasant or even boring. It
also seems to imply the presence of a teacher, and of course...a student. Today...we
meet them all. 

LUNA Conjuncts VENUS at 12:13 PM, Opposes SATURN at 12:43 PM, and VENUS
exactly Opposes SATURN at 6:13 PM. Life is no classroom, although we spend plenty of
time in them. Life isn't a teacher, although plenty of time is spent sitting in front of them.
Life is neither subject nor object, although we take some stuff personally and some stuff

LUNA Sextiles unaspected URANUS at 9:26 PM, and goes Void of Course for 4 hours
and 4 minutes. All students of life graduate today...and then take a short vacation.
School's out...and it's never going to resume. There's no payoff...there's only the Tao.


Jane Parker wrote
Is it possible we are acting out of the macrocosmic paradigm right now on this micorsosmic scale? 
Please we are brothers and sisters here, and I would urge and invite us to request of one another and ask of one another not point fingers or blame or sound condescending our communications with each and the other. 

Re: DE products distinguished

2003-01-21 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: DE products distinguished

Thanks Frank,
 for having the clarity of which is how.
To further clarify calcined or sintered products are intended as filtering material and is indeed deleterious and to be avoided.

I have seen it in feed stores and got blank who cares from managers.
My chickens think 20% usp DE with the remainder Redmond clay as the best for winter dust bathing! I get it from our food co-op suppliers. 1/8 cup in a white bucket full of rice lidded  shaken  rolled well is cupboard moth proofed and rinses off quickly.


From: Frank Teuton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 14:48:50 -0500
Subject: DE products distinguished

Missing in the DE discussion is the issue of grade or quality of material.
Calcined DE, which has been heated, is typically worthless as an insectide
(or other pest control) and is much more hazardous to inhale, as the
calcining process rounds off the sharp points and changes most of the silica
from amorphous to crystalline, which is the carcinogenic form of silica.


 The only health precautions that need to be taken are that if large areas
are being treated with a power duster, the applicator should wear a mask to
prevent inhalation. Because DE is made of silica, people sometimes
mistakenly think that DE causes silicosis. As indicated above, however,
pesticide quality DE is usually over 97 per cent amorphous silica, which
does not cause silicosis, which is associated only with crystalline silica.
Indeed, inhalation of road dust and grain dust IS likely to be more harmful
than DE.

So be sure, if you do use DE, that you have the right stuff.

And, don't inhale excess dust if you can help it. Of any kind.

Frank Teuton

Previous post deleted to insure personal security, happiness, prosperity,
and free breathing...;-) - News - Couple Works To Save Farmyard Animals

2003-01-09 Thread Moen Creek
Well you forced me to google
my actual persona and there is the news piece from the summer.

I use the handle Markess here to try  remined me to be soft unscorpion like
and a bit artistic.
I've long signed my art  poem this way.


Re: tree topic

2003-01-07 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: tree topic

Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:27:41 -0600
Subject: tree topic

 I always feel enormous hope. 

Hey Sweet Heart
 I'm so glad your back writing Often
In Love 

Re: 3-Kings Merla

2003-01-03 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: 3-Kings  Merla

Blessed New Moon Gil,
You wrote

Hi! Markess,

Have you worked out the position of the part radii on a Rae Card for the
Three Kings, yet?

I have not as the Rae Cards are not my primary mode of pattern identification i.e. I use primarily numeric rate and command words. My usual mode of balancing and clearing is a bit unusual in that I broadcast via the SE-5 strings of rates  words.
I came to this mode via Lute's teaching and reading Tansley. 
He writes (and pictures) of needing to follow a symptom through the 'delta up the river to the head waters'. 

I find doing as big of a 'run' at a time to clear the whole path so as to minimize regeneration or the shifting the focus of reductionary piece mealing approach.
This of course a a slapdash expression of my work.

My reference to the broadcaster was not of the 3 Kings prep but to BD 500 thru Horn Clay. 
But you picked up on the flow in that the Overlighting Deva of the Moen Creek watershed has expressed interest in my broadcasting the 3-Kings prep thru the pipe to the atmosphere from 2:30 PM to 4:20 PM (we are at the 43rd parallel) on the 6th. 
Her request maybe honored though I will still use a juniper bow to do Othala's Boundary of ~5.4 acres. 
To broadcast from the pipe I will use the prep itself or potentized. 
I have found that in working with the Elementals  Devas that answer and proper approach today may not hold tomorrow. Flux is part of their work. So I will take a vial of each and dowse at the moment I insert it in the well.

Is you Field Broadcaster one of Hugh's ?
 Yes Hugh is a personal friend and Lorain a mentor/co-researcher.

In Love  Light

Re: more buggy questions

2003-01-01 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: more buggy questions

Hate to be rude folks but these ain't lady Bugs but a Japanese/ Oriental beetle that the USDA brought over a number of years ago to eat a Pine Bore that had migrated to the US with-out it. We here in WI have had huge numbers in late Sept for years. They are not hatching but looking for wintering ground ie in your barn, house etc.
In remodeling a cabin this summer I wondered as to their wind blocking and insulating properties as they had filled ever crack  crevasse under the siding but had not survived the desiccation of the winter.
We have had several commitments to mental wards around here of housewives unable to keep up with vacuuming every one of them out of their homes as they (the bugs), waken and become active inside abodes at every warm spell till hightailing it back to work in the spring.

We had fewer this year so they must be migrating to warmer climes as they figure out this confusing country.

The pesticide man that had the audacity to show up with an offer to eliminate them one orange colored fall day was very hasty in backing out the drive when I told him I dealt with pest with my 20guage and it was just here in the closet.

I guess my neck scarf must have slipped wide that week.

Blessed 03

From: The Korrows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 00:02:30 -0600
Subject: Re: more buggy questions

 But why now? there isn't anything for them to eat, and it's too cold
 for them to be very active, yet year after year, they always do it.

The ladybugs have been coming out around here also. Insects are very much
connected to the temp, though to understand this relationship we have to
expand our concept a bit. It's not just the temp from a maximum temp point
of view but also from the duration of sustained average temp plus an
internal mechanism that has been bound to their preys temp tolerance and
cycles for a millennium.
If it's happening inside your house it could be a false signal their getting
since the temps in the walls are obviously higher than the ones in say a
barn or a trees bark.Consequentially there are allot of dead ladybugs in the
house from about now till spring. They don't have any food. If it's
happening outside, all one has to do is look close enough  you'll find that
there is something there to sustain them. Insects are incredibly 2
dimensional, food and sex is virtually what they live for. (sounds a little
too much like much humanity for my comfort).

In Love and Light,
(Mr.) Chris

Re: Jet Stream

2002-12-29 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Jet Stream

Sorry to be so obtuse, but who is SS?


Our beloved Steve Storch.


Re: Jet Stream

2002-12-28 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Jet Stream

Hi Mark
 Maybe the boys in Alaska have been playing with their new toy??
Lloyd Charles

Hey Lloyd,

Could be huh.

Treaties are broken  all bets are off but SS's.
Fasten seat belts.


Jet Stream

2002-12-27 Thread Moen Creek
does anyone else follow the jet steam on a visual level or know atmospheric
I, in the 3 or 4 years watching it daily have never seen these crazy spikes
going on.


FW: Goddess Holda

2002-12-20 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: Goddess Holda

From our local Wiccan enclave

From: Selena Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 20:20:34 -0600
Subject: Goddess Holda

My article on the Goddess Holda is on-line tonight and tomorrow (Friday,
December 20) at

Feel free to pass the word on to others you think may be interested.

Happy Full Moon  Good Yule!

Do you Hear what I hear?

2002-12-20 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Do you Hear what I hear?

Written in the snow in the small lake that is formed by the damning of Moen Creek is

In preparing for the Solstices ceremony here, we have been collect and or rewritten Xmas songs to be with the Spirit.
here is my love Linda's rewording of


Said the night wind to the little lamb
 Do you see what I see?
Way up high in the sky, little lamb
 Do you see what I see?
A star, a star, dancing in the night
 With a tail as big as a kite.
 With a tail as big as a kite.

Said the lamb to the shepherd boy
 Do you hear what I hear?
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy
 Do you hear what I hear?
A song, a song, high above the trees
 With a voice as big as the sea
 With a voice as big as the sea!

Said the shepherd boy to the mighty Oak
 Do you know what I know?
In your meadow grove, mighty Oak
 Do you know what I know?
 The sun, the sun has left us in the cold
 We shall bring it back with its gold
 We shall bring it back with its gold !

Said the Oak to the people everywhere
 Listen to what I say,
Pray for peace, people everywhere
 Listen to what I say
The Sun, the Sun, sleeping Solstice Night
 Will return with goodness and Light
 Will return with goodness and Light !

Blessing on the Full Moon  all

Re: bd500

2002-12-19 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: bd500

Good work Thank You!



Today my wife and I packed about sixty cow horns with manure that was mixed 
with a small amount of clay. They were arranged beautifully in the pit. A 
blessing was said:
In the name of Christ Jesus we do this work to heal the earth and strengthen 
our connection to Mother Earth and eachother, give us strength in the times 
coming forth so that we may continue in these efforts, amen. The pit was 
then covered with earth and the sky darkens, awaiting the light of the full 

Re: PLEASE, don't think that that is all you can do

2002-12-17 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: PLEASE, don't think that that is all you can do

Absolutely Woody!!!

TO SAVE OUR OWN SEEDS, in the backyard garden, at the CSA, on the righteous
homestead. If hundreds of thousands of gardeners and farmers keep their own
foundation seedstocks, cherish and share them,

We also need to reclaim eating more then 5 families of plants.
Further more we must Keep our domesticated land race farm animal at our side!

Yours in the work and
In Love  Light

Re: Perfect Orchard

2002-12-15 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Perfect Orchard

Lloyd, Gil  etal.,
One of the parts Per had written was:

In our case we also need to drain the field from stagnated water,

Now over the years I  others have brought bladder infections and diarrhea etc. back from health threateningness. 
By dowsing the correct potency of the burning urine or stool soup and potentizing it as a remedy. (There is of course still the need to set the system to balance etc. but it stops the gross expression of the dis-ease  literally can keep one in the body!)

So where I am going is obvious: potentize the stagnate water and broadcast it to the field as part of the remedial work. ?. 

But her I am trying to resolve a situation and need to ask:
Per what else do you know of the soils history?

In Love  Light

OFF:FW: Sing a little song today!

2002-12-13 Thread Moen Creek
Title: OFF:FW: Sing a little song today!

Subject: Fwd: Fw: Sing a little song today!

 Sing this song to the tune of: If You're Happy And You Know It Clap Your

 If we cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
 If the markets hurt your Mama, bomb Iraq.
 If the terrorists are Saudi
 And the bank takes back your Audi
 And the TV shows are bawdy,
 Bomb Iraq.

 If the corporate scandals growin', bomb Iraq.
 And your ties to them are showin', bomb Iraq.
 If the smoking gun ain't smokin'
 We don't care, and we're not jokin'.
 That Saddam will soon be croakin',
 Bomb Iraq.

 Even if we have no allies, bomb Iraq.
 From the sand dunes to the valleys, bomb Iraq.
 Say to hell with the inspections;
 Let's look tough for the elections,
 Close your mind and take directions,
 Bomb Iraq.

 While the globe is slowly warming, bomb Iraq.
 Yay! the clouds of war are storming, bomb Iraq.
 If the ozone hole is growing,
 Some things we prefer not knowing.
(Though our ignorance is showing),
 Bomb Iraq.

 So here's one for dear old daddy, bomb Iraq,
From his favorite little laddy, bomb Iraq.
 Saying no would look like treason.
 It's the Hussein hunting season.
 Even if we have no reason,
 Bomb Iraq.

Re: WENDELL BERRY: The Agrarian Standard

2002-12-09 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: WENDELL BERRY: The Agrarian Standard

Thank you  Barry,

The crisis is a kind of therapy, however. It is a teaching method that you 
have set up for yourselves because you need it. And you need it now, before 
your race embarks upon journeys to other physical realities. You must learn 
your lessons now in your own backyard before you travel to other worlds. So 
you have brought this upon yourself for that purpose and you will learn.
--Jane Roberts - Seth Speaks. SESSION 550, SEPTEMBER 28, 1970


What you think upon grows. Whatever you allow to occupy your mind you 
magnify in your life. Whether the subject of your thought be good or bad, 
the law works and the condition grows. Any subject that you keep out of 
your mind tends to diminish in your life, because what you do not use 
atrophies. The more you think of grievances, the more such trials you will 
continue to receive; the more you think of the good fortune you have had, 
the more good fortune will come to you.
--Emmet Fox

Kristo intuits Sunday 12/8/02

The Aquarian MOON Conjuncts NEPTUNE (in his Trine to the Dragon's Head) at 4:00 AM
CST -6GMT. There's no need to name the direction. The only details that count are the
ones directly in your line of sight...don't worry about getting oriented to the rest of the least for now.

MERCURY (in his / her Opposition to SATURN) enters Capricorn at 2:21 PM. Continue
concentrating on what's happening in your own neck of the woods. The global details are of
no practical use to us in the present moment. If we can get things squared away on the
local level, much more can be achieved later on in terms of the bigger picture.

LUNA Sextiles SOL (in his Coniunctio to PLUTO, and Trine to JUPITER) at 6:38 PM,
Sextiles PLUTO at 7:52 PM, and Opposes JUPITER at 9:06 PM. A not so subtle, global
process is unfolding...but we have no business in trying to affect the outcome. We're only
meant to concentrate on our personally immediate issues. The larger pieces of the process
are made up of these innumerable local details. We each have a part to play...but we're
really meant to forget the big picture. It's much, much bigger than any of us could possibly
carry (or care for) alone. To think otherwise would be a very nutty inflation. 

Re: Getting Worried

2002-12-07 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Getting Worried

Excuse my asking but what are the gifts this change in your foot (ie the break) brought/bring you?
What is the nature of the dis-ease you are exhibiting in these e-mails?
The cosmos provides ya know.

kristo writes for you today:
Saturday 12/7/02

LUNA enters Aquarius at 11:54 AM CST -6GMT to end the long Void of Course, but there's
nothing that's diminished in intensity except perhaps, the sense of feeling impoverished by
circumstance. Whatever is weighing us down continues to intensify its influence...but the
extra weight is meant to force us into droping any senseless burdens. Our responsibilities
may be defined by others...but we have the right to choose whether or not to accept the
commission. It's really a straightforward negotiation...and at times like this, freedom is not a
luxury, but a necessity we can't afford to sell off.

LUNA Squares Scorpio MARS (in his Coniunctio to VENUS) at 7:24 PM, and Squares
VENUS at 10:13 PM. Sure there's a whole lotta stuff we want to accomplish...but the price
we pay for certain accomplishments is not always reasonable. The sensible thing is to allow
ourselves to respond to circumstance and choose the most bang for our buck. This isn't a
time to hoard resources...but there's no need to waste them on stuff we really don't need.
It's a good time to check under the hood of our most immediate desires. 

---In Love  Light

From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2002 06:49:21 -0500
Subject: Getting Worried

Will - It will be 3 weeks mon since I broke my foot and 3 weeks Wed 
since I put a cast on it. I'd VERY MUCH like to not have a cast at 
ACRES, in fact, I can't imagine getting from my room to the hall on 
fucking crutches. On the other hand, my Dr ain't going to go for 
taking the cast off and I don't seem to be able to find a CAM BOOT 
that fits me. (It goes on)

I'm thinking of soaking the cast off myself on Monday but I'm 
wondering if that's practical (will the plaster 'get hot' when it 
gets wet?) I'm also afraid that with the cast off I still won't be 
able to walk because of disuse and, suddenly, I can't get from the 
parking lot to the plane.

These are the things I worry about.

What do you think? (The foot, btw, feels great, except it has pains 
in places tht I imagine are caused by walking in the friggin cast.


Re: Getting Worried

2002-12-07 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Getting Worried

Allan you wrote:
What I can't help but be concerned about is that I posted a 
phenomenal essay by Wendell Berry to this list last night but have 
heard not a comment on it..

Jane posted: Sarah Ruth van Gelder interviews Vandana Shiva

Sarah: Let me wrap up with a personal question. Every time I¹ve heard you speak or met you, you¹ve had so much energy, not only intellectual energy, but personal or spiritual energy. I¹m just wondering, what keeps you so alive?

Vandana: Well, it¹s always a mystery, because you don¹t know why you get depleted or recharged. But, this much I know. I do not allow myself to be overcome by hopelessness, no matter how tough the situation. I believe that if you just do your little bit without thinking of the bigness of what you stand against, if you turn to the enlargement of your own capacities, just that in itself creates new potential.

And I¹ve learned from the Bhagavad Gita and other teachings of our culture to detach myself from the results of what I do, because those are not in my hands. The context is not in your control, but your commitment is yours to make, and you can make the deepest commitment with a total detachment about where it will take you. You want it to lead to a better world, and you shape your actions and take full responsibility for them, but then you have detachment. And that combination of deep passion and deep detachment allows me always to take on the next challenge because I don¹t cripple myself, I don¹t tie myself in knots. I function like a free being. I think getting that freedom is a social duty because I think we owe it to each other not to burden each other with prescription and demands. I think what we owe each other is a celebration of life and to replace fear and hopelessness with fearlessness and joy.

In Love  Light
(and thats the truth {] *{() )

Re: What is Magic?

2002-11-26 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: What is Magic?

Although this is the major argument why grassfed is not truly 
sustainable, aren't a lot of nutrients also coming from the 
atmosphere so that it is possible recycle manure while harvesting 
meat and still be break-even on the nutrient scale(s)?


As so Often Allan you nail it.

I think your concept has merit. Do it  let us know.
I say this with the understanding that you are spraying BD preps or using a Field Broadcaster, which we do. 
We have after 3+ years of FB balancing easily break down of both sheep  bovine excrement on the field, all times of the year to some extent. 

Now back to Allan's point -I have some consideration that a portion of pasture re-planted via grazing cattle and sheep and then Over Seeding (with an Over Seeder) the earlier conventaly (sp?) planted oats or rye to sorghum  mangles ( to be grazed through most of the winter) as nurse crops for a combination of chicory, clovers and assorted grasses? Wouldn't move us towards some measure of sustainability. 
As they say stay tuned.

With Love  Light

Re: OT:FW: Watching democracy die (and be reborn?)

2002-11-24 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: OT:FW: Watching democracy die (and be reborn?)

In the current form of democracy, they take the power and we, the 
people, take the blame for everything. Votes never count for much as 
long as the ruling powers pick your choices.


Well written it was worth the effort to forward


OT:FW: Watching democracy die (and be reborn?)

2002-11-23 Thread Moen Creek
Title: OT:FW: Watching democracy die (and be reborn?)

How times have changed. It is fascinating to see a Russian newspaper
critiquing the rise of tyranny in the United States! Remember the
Evil Empire? Ah, to see ourselves as others see us, perhaps with
greater clarity.

The article below (and notes from some people on this list) question
how much of a democracy the U.S. actually is. The answer to that is
and always has been related to our capacity and willingness to govern

How much willingness do we have to increase our capacity for
self-governance -- or to watch that capacity wash away in the storm?

-- Tom

PS: The reference to Global Eye in the title below is a reference
to the logo of Poindexter's new office in the Pentagon, viewable at

_ _ _ _ _

Friday, Nov. 22, 2002. Page XXIV
Global Eye - Rough Beast
By Chris Floyd

We've said it before, and we'll keep on saying it: A country whose
leader has the power to imprison any citizen, on his order alone, and
hold them indefinitely, in military custody, without access to the
courts, without a lawyer, without any charges, their fate determined
solely by the leader's arbitrary whim - that country is a tyranny,
not a democracy, not a republic, not a union of free citizens.

Now, it may be that it is still a tyranny in utero, a rough beast
slouching toward Bethlehem - or in this case, Washington - to be
born, and not yet the full-blown monster, fangs bared and back plated
with bristling armored scales. But the tyranny has been conceived,
it's taken root in the womb, gained definite form and is clawing,
tearing its way toward the light.

President George W. Bush openly claims that he now holds this power
of arbitrary arrest and imprisonment. His minions defend it with
earnest arguments. They have already begun acting on its dictatorial
tenets. If this claim is not rejected by the other two branches of
government - an unlikely event, with both branches now held by Bush
partisans - then the fundamental liberty of every American citizen
will have been stripped away finally and completely. Henceforth,
liberty is not the inalienable right of the citizen, but a privilege
granted - or not - by an autocratic government.

What we are witnessing is the mutation of a democratic republic into
a military autocracy: Bush bases his claim of arbitrary power on the
president's constitutional role as commander-in-chief of the U.S.
armed forces. Although there is nothing in the constitution that
warrants the extension of military command to cover arbitrary rule
over the entire citizenry, and certainly nothing that countenances
the abrogation of basic rights and liberties on the unchallengeable
say-so of an all-powerful leader, the commander-in-chief argument
nevertheless serves a useful purpose for the autocrat, creating the
illusion of a limited and temporary suspension of liberties - a
drastic but necessary wartime measure.

But Bush and his officials have already warned us that this wartime
emergency might never end. A direct quote from the
commander-in-chief: There's no telling how many wars it will take to
secure freedom in the homeland. The other branches concur in this
militarization of American society. Citing a political landscape
changed by war, the new head of the Senate Armed Services
Committee, Republican John Warner, says he wants to break down the
barriers - the constitutional barriers - that restrict the
military's involvement in civilian life. The chief justice, William
Rehnquist, whose Supreme Court stands as the last defense against the
dictatorship of the executive branch, has already signaled his public
approval of military rule, quoting the old Roman maxim: In time of
war, the laws are silent.

So if the wars never cease raging, the laws will no longer speak. Or
rather, they will speak only to ratify the will of the authoritarian
regime. Just this week, a special appeals court - a secret panel
operating outside the ordinary judicial system - upheld the right of
the state to invade the privacy of any citizen through expanded
wiretap and surveillance powers, Reuters reports. These invasions no
longer need meet the already-lax standards previously required for
domestic surveillance, but can now proceed virtually at the whim of
the federal forces, even without any direct connection to suspected
terrorist or espionage activity.

The special court is a three-judge board made up of appointees from
the Reagan-Bush administration, chosen for this secret duty by that
obedient Roman, William Rehnquist. It overturned a lower-court ruling
that curbed surveillance powers after documenting 75 cases of their
abuse by federal agents in both the Clinton and Bush II
administrations. However, Attorney General John Ashcroft - whose
agents will carry out most of the secret investigations - said this
week that the government will not overstep its 

Re: chickens

2002-11-22 Thread Moen Creek
I also concur that chickens are the greatest.
How the old blues song go.
c is how you begin
h is for what you've heard
i the next letter in
c is for the bird
k is the filling in
e is near the
and that's the way you spell chicken

Yes the reds are great birds. Friendly moderate intelligence.
Good tasting roasters. Old Sven was hawked-alized this year.
He was six. A number of years back he flew out of the chicken yard crossed
the road and came to the kitchen door to get me, in the dark mind you,
because a coon had managed to get through the electric fence. He was a great
bird but a poor lover - he'd stand on the hen looking to see who was next.
We lost big Bertha this year also. She was the big hen Linda could pick-up
for kids to pet.
Goldy the Buff Orpington is getting better at it. They are also very

I will plug having many heritage breeds, yes one needs to do ones part in
keeping a good breed going locally. But that only takes one roaster and 5 -
6 of those hens.
The variety are fun and great for the public to comprehend the vastness of
agri Culture.

For good press some polish babes are a must.
Our Silver Crested Polish, Sarafiena has her picture in a national art book
Back Roads of Wisconsin and prime bit of film on the local tube and just
recently center page in a Wisconsin ag mag Agraview - (we had a very nice
pic of ourselves in the full page spread and a small paragraph on BD.) She
is one of the smartest animals I have ever meet. When she was 4 weeks old
she learned  eventualy taught a group of fellow chicks that if they
listened for the snap of the electric mesh fence the had 59.5 sec to run

Stay a way from the Iowa Blues unless you like though cockerrooses.
When we butchered the roasters I joke their gonads would be bigger then
their hearts - They Where!

We had a pair of Speckled English Sussexxs gals who thought they'd go wild.
The first one came home with 6 inches of snow. The second waited for the
blizzard and had to swim to the road cut.

We feed mainly whole grain. 2/3 wheat. It's at good price and generaly in
better condition then barley which tends to have greater fungal infections.
The barley I soak for a day and drain a bit and pour it in a plastic sled.
The gals tend it till it is just to their liking and eat it up. I do this
outside in warm weather, in the coop in winter. The wheat they eat readily

I feed meat and fat scraps weekly - more in the winter. Pumpkins all winter,
with some nettles and confrey with hay. When they are laying heavy some
Highland hamburger - I make $3 a dozen on the eggs.
Yes more fresh greens from the co-op waste bin in the winter make huge

In Love  Light

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-13 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

I do not understand the concern about compost tea. A survey released this week
in Oz has found that something like 40% of women and 65% of men do not wash
their hands after using the toilet. I consider that any risk from 
foliar sprays
of compost tea pales into insignificance..


I think we are concerned about people who do not wash their hands 
after wiping a grain-fed cows butt, Gil. I'm not that afraid of the 
germs I already have. (Hey, I could go on, but I won't! ;-)


 some times I have had a confusion as to which end you was using.
Now I know the source of the the confusion.

By the by your belief is miss guided. Your own germs recycling through you will be destructive and could account for chem sensitivities.

Thank you Gil, your right on!


Re: Michael Pollan on Joel Salatin and Animal Rights

2002-11-12 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Michael Pollan on Joel Salatin and Animal Rights

More than any other institution, the American industrial
animal farm offers a nightmarish glimpse of what capitalism
can look like in the absence of moral or regulatory
constraint. Here in these places life itself is redefined

Lest we forget, visit an American Grade School, High School or Major University.

And a Soybean field is more then likely far worse then a feed lot to an organism with 10 times the genes of a animal.

Reductionism on the March!

#*$%^ %:~


Re: Bowling for BioDynamics

2002-11-11 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Bowling for BioDynamics

 So I don't want to see Think LOKI or anything else.

hey folks one can not call on this fella as if the gods  goddess are imaginary.
They  the energies of their conceptualization  works have obvious effects.

You Rattle their chains they rattle ours  we have chaos on the list.

Or as Essie put it once 'every once in a while, some guy drags a fire hydrant out and someone has to piss on it'. ( If is miss paraphrased you please forgive me Essie!)


FW: News Flash: more on Lutefisk

2002-11-10 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: News Flash: more on Lutefisk

Subject: News Flash

Here's the latest news out of Washington ...

The Bush administration announced today it will seek congressional approval and United Nations backing for a pre-emptive attack on Norway.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told reporters the CIA has learned that Norway has been stockpiling a weapon of mass destruction, a mysterious substance called lutefisk.

As we understand it, Norway has been preparing this material in barrels filled with lye and storing it in stockpiles throughout the country both in urban and rural settings, said Condoleeza Wild Rice, national security adviser.

Secretary of State Colin Powell said President Bush will address the United Nations next week, laying down conditions that must be met by the Scandinavian country to avoid a pre-emptive attack, possibly before the Christmas holidays.

This is simply an extension of the Bush Doctrine, in which it is the policy of the U.S. to identify threats around the globe and get them before they get us, Powell said.

Lutefisk is a substance virtually unheard of in Washington and on the Eastern Seaboard, but is said to be common in certain parts of the Midwest. The FBI branch office in Minneapolis has been alerted to watch for signs of lutefisk production in that region.

In Oslo, Norwegian Foreign Minister Trigve Trondheim was defiant upon hearing of the threatened attack by the United States unless Norway agrees to allow U.N. inspectors free reign throughout the country.

There is certainly no need to allow inspectors into King Harald's palace or country estates, Trondheim asserted. Why would we hide lutefisk there? he asked, shifting his eyes.

Experts on the substance disagree on its volatility but most admit it can have widespread deleterious effects on entire populations exposed to it. The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta acknowledged it is playing catch-up ball where lutefisk is concerned, but CDA director Dr. Ralph Macabre warned that any substance stored in lye should be regarded as extremely dangerous.

In a brief statement yesterday in the White House Rose Garden, President George W. Bush asserted that the United States will never stand idly by when substances of potential mass destruction are being produced anywhere.

These evildoers are bent on infecting the entire U.S. population with this dangerous substance, the president said. Unless United Nations inspectors are allowed to determine the extent of lutefisk production in Norway, it is my duty as commander-in-chief of the armed forces to send our brave servicemen and women to Norway to root out sources of lutefisk and destroy them.

Bush said any attack must take place before the Christmas holiday season when the threat is greatest.

U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, when asked about the peril, said, Where's Norway?

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota noted he is from a part of the country where lutefisk infestations have broken out in the past, often in December. We've got to act fast, Daschle told reporters, or millions of Americans could suffer.

Meanwhile, the government was preparing to upgrade its fruitcake warning to code orange


2002-11-05 Thread Moen Creek
Title: OT:Levity


 After digging to a depth of 100yards last year, Russian scientists found
 traces of copper wiring dating back 1000 years, and came to the conclusion
 that their ancestors already had a telephone network one thousand years

 Not to be outdone, American scientists soon dug 200yards, and headlines in
 the US newspapers read: US scientists have found traces of 2000 year old
 optical fibres, and have concluded that their ancestors already had
 high-tech digital telephones 1000 years before the Russians.

 One week later, the Irish press reported that After digging as deep as
 500yards, Irish scientists have found absolutely nothing. They have
 concluded that 5000 years ago, their ancestors were already using mobile




2002-11-05 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: CDT

Yes Stacey EST = CDT
We here in the American Midwest are now -6ZT do to now being on CST as of the very day you wrote OCT 27th.

In the summer we switch to Daylight savings time DT and when the kids start being run over by the school bus in the dark revert to standard ST time.

Joys of the 40 latitudes.


From: Stacey Elin Rossi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 03:56:43 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: CDT

I thought that -5GMT is EST, since the east coast of
the US is 5 hours behind the UK...


FW: [helpinghands] wind symposium

2002-11-05 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: [helpinghands] wind symposium

Wind Energy Symposium - Small-scale Systems: 100 kW and Smaller

This symposium will familiarize farmers, rural homeowners and small 
business owners with wind energy assessment and installation topics. 
The goal is to provide basic information to help a property owner make 
an informed decision about wind energy at their site.

The program will run from 8:30 am to 4 pm. Topics will include: wind 
energy basics, assessing the wind potential on a property, picking the 
best site on a property, types of equipment available, economics, land 
use issues, interconnection, permitting, insurance, financing, 
maintenance and more. Time will be provided to discuss particular 
issues over lunch and breaks.

The symposium will be held November 14, 2002 at Lakeshore Technical 
College in Cleveland, Wisconsin. Manitowoc County is one of the 
counties for which the Wisconsin Division of Energy is developing a 
detailed wind map. Samples of this wind map will be available at the 

For more information or to register, contact Focus on Energy at 
888-598-4376. The event is organized by the Focus on Energy program 
and is free to Wisconsin residents. Lunch is provided for symposium 
attendees. The cost for registrants from outside of Wisconsin is $50.

A brochure is available on the focus on energy website at:

go to the calendar of events under about us

Christine Hulet, P.E.

In Part : Northern European Cod Collapse Predicted

2002-10-31 Thread Moen Creek
Title: In Part : Northern European Cod Collapse Predicted

Good By Deer,
Good Bey Lutifisk,

Codfish drying in Lofotens, Norway
(Photo courtesy NAArc)
Cod are also caught as a by-catch in mixed fisheries, such as haddock,
whiting, flatfish, shrimp and prawn fisheries.

The situation is so serious that ICES is recommending these fisheries as
well as the cod fishery itself should be closed unless they can demonstrate
that they are not causing a cod by-catch

But if the DNR have their way in Jan, I will be on the transport to the gulag if not picked off the tractor in a freak accident. 47-52.4 (clear negative thought forms) We don't need the HO Chunk or FOX  SAUK nations to tell us of the loss of culture any longer, not that Norwegines or Rhinelanders ever did.
Dat der class has worked at it since st. paul, what's new?

I know I sound dark even for Sambain,
But you know  I know you know it's all truely amazing.
Trust is all there is !
No goals
Just Trust!

In Love  Light
Your compatriot


2002-10-31 Thread Moen Creek
Asked today: Why is all around us so frenetic?

Day der hey!


2002-10-27 Thread Moen Creek
Saturday 10/26/02 Via

The Gemini MOON Conjuncts unaspected SATURN at 4:01 AM CDT -5GMT, and goes
Void of Course for
2 hours and 9 minutes. Everything is tremendously quiet. This latest
experience of the collective Shadow
is something to take stock of. I don't know about anyone else, but my own
dreams have been insisting
on the presence and acceptance of a very personal Shadow during these latest
collective tragedies.
Shadow never disappears...we can only do our best to accept the darkest
aspects of our personal
Psyche as essential to the process of attaining full awareness of Being.


My level of paranoia is nearly palpable with the loss of Well*stone.
The shock is measurable though.
I guess in comparison to the DC area folks at least in this case there is a
feeling of culpability not just the unknown.

There is a rhythm and a field however hard to divine.

In Love  Light

Re: Heads up: USDA Organic Rules to Impact BD Practices

2002-10-24 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Heads up: USDA Organic Rules to Impact BD Practices

Without putting to fine a point on it. Personally, I would prefer
something that came out of the back end of a cow, mixed with my food than
any thing from Monsanto.


Don't worry about that being sharp
Its as blunt as a telephone pole!

 Right ON!


FW: Navajo-Churro on Board the Slow Food Ark USA Navajo SheepProject Flock to the Reservation 8

2002-10-23 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: Navajo-Churro on Board the Slow Food Ark USA  Navajo Sheep Project Flock to the Reservation 8

From: Michele Brane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 10:12:54 -0400
Subject: Navajo-Churro on Board the Slow Food Ark USA  Navajo Sheep Project Flock to the Reservation 8

Contact: Don Bixby
 American Livestock Breeds Conservancy

 Barbara Bowman
 Slow Food Sonoma County

 Deborah Madison
 Slow Food Santa Fe

First Red Abalone and Delaware Bay Oysters, then Four Historic American
Turkey Breeds ­
Now Navajo Churro Sheep Board the Ark

October 24, 2002 New York, New York Slow Food U.S.A. announces the
selection of the Navajo-Churro sheep for Ark U.S.A., Slow Food¹s program to
protect food threatened with extinction. The Navajo-Churro sheep breed is
North America¹s earliest domesticated farm animal. Spanish explorers and
colonists first brought them into New Mexico¹s Rio Grande Valley in the 16th
Century. Once numbering two million, the breed was dissipated by a
federally- imposed interbreeding program and a government-mandated livestock
reduction program. By the 1970s, only 450 Navajo-Churro sheep were left in
the United States. Characteristics of Navajo-Churro sheep:

- The meat is lean with distinctive, sweet lamb flavor

- The breed is of regional importance to the Hispanic and Native American
cultures of southwestern United States

- Navajo-Churro sheep provide excellent meat, abundant milk and highly
desirable fleece

- The breed is extremely hardy and lives lightly on the land, requiring less
water and grass than other sheep.

Now aboard Ark U.S.A. the Navajo-Churro join other foods identified by Slow
Food as endangered: Narragansett, Jersey Buff, Bourbon Red and Standard
Bronze turkey breeds, Tuscarora or Iroquois white corn, the Blenheim apricot
and others. Slow Food¹s Ark project identifies and promotes high quality
foods that reflect the history and culture of a region. Food selected for
the Ark differs significantly from food produced by modern, standardized
industry and agriculture.

Fact Sheet - Navajo-Churro Sheep

Ark U.S.A.
selection: June, 2002
Species: Ovis aries
Breed: Navajo-Churro -
 hardy, adaptable, disease resistant,
 long legged, narrow body, fine bones

Taste: Sweet, lean, delicate lamb
Fleece: Double coat prized for natural colors
History: Descended from the Churra, an ancient
 Iberian breed. Introduced to North
 America by the Spanish in the 1500s

Producers: 2000 sheep now registered with the
 150 members of the Navajo-Churro
 Sheep Association

Potential for
production: High. Currently considered endangered
 by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy

American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, P. O. Box 477, Pittsboro, NC 27312,
919/542-5704, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Navajo-Churro Sheep Association, P. O. Box 94, Ojo Caliente NM 87549,


Navajo Sheep Project
a nonprofit organization

Contact: Mark Petersen, President, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 435-649-6619

Navajo-Churro Sheep Come Home to the Navajo Nation

October 18-20, 2002, Chinle High School Agriculture Department

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Navajo Sheep Project, over 300
Navajo-Churro ewes, rams, and lambs are being distributed to Navajo weavers
and shepherds on October 18, 19 and 20 at the Chinle High School Agriculture
Department facility. This occasion marks the return of this special breed
to its place of origin, where it was given to the Navajo by the Holy People.
For many years, NSP has been bringing flocks of Navajo-Churro back to the
Navajo Nation. This weekend marks the first large-scale return and the
fulfillment of a commitment made by NSP founder Dr. Lyle McNeal 25 years

Navajo-Churro sheep are the foundational stock of traditional Diné
agropastoralist lifeways and the source of wool upon which their
internationally famous weaving arts are based. The breed is better suited
to survive during drought conditions often experienced in the Southwest
because they more efficiently utilize diverse forage and can go without
water for up to five days. Navajo-Churro wool is highly-prized in specialty
markets, bringing from $1.60 up to $8.00 per pound at a time when most wool
from the Navajo Nation is being sold for only ten to 15 cents per pound.
The wool also comes in natural colors, including apricot, grey, black,
brown, and beige, which are avidly sought by weavers and other fiber

Over six months ago, NSP began sending application forms to weaving families
and experienced sheep producers. Individuals with the proper grazing
permits and sheep management facilities were given the option to either
trade their cross-bred sheep for pure-bred Navajo-Churros, to trade a
weaving, or to purchase a flock at a substantially reduced price. The
largest flock size is 20 ewes and several rams, with many 

FW: [helpinghands] Strawbale homes-data

2002-10-22 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: [helpinghands] Strawbale homes-data

If this helps,


Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 17:49:27 -0500 



Subject: Straw Bale Registry Update 

Message-Id: a05111b03b9d8e04f6571@[] 

A quick update on the International Straw Bale Registry 


We now list a total of 846 straw bale homes in 18 countries 

worldwide, including 38 US states and 6 Canadian provinces. 

Many of you have also supplied mortgage and insurance contacts for 

the companies you have used. (please update your listing if you 


We also know that there are a *lot* more out there. Please list 

yours if you haven't already, and encourage your straw bale dwelling 

friends to do the same. 

Web stats show over 1500 visits to the Registry during both August 

and September, with an average of 240 visitors also checking out the 

Mortgage and Insurance pages. 


Bill Christensen 


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Re: grasses

2002-10-15 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: grasses

Martha's present e-mail is Rosemeyer, Martha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
being Evergreen pleaded for her to come there. We miss her.


Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 06:17:03 +1000
Subject: Re: grasses

I've just glanced over a book called Agroecosystem Sustainability
Developing Practical Srategies, by Stephen R Gliessman, there is one study
by a Martha E. Rosemeyer from Wisconsin, 'Improving Agroecosystem
Sustainability Using Organic (Plant-Based) Mulch'. The eddress offered
If unable to obtain info, I may be able to help you once my semester ends,
only a few weeks to go.


on 15/10/02 8:43 AM, Roger Pye at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is this a study that one can read some where ??
 Why mulch/straw ratter than wood chips ??
 Companion planting with grapes any info??
 I have a poor photocopy of it somewhere and I'm looking for it.
 Grass-type mulches hold more moisture and retain it longer than wood
 chips. Chips may also leach nutrients or compounds harmful to vines (eg
 from radiata (monterey) pine, some australian native hardwoods). Grasses
 break down and incorporate easily and more naturally into soils.
 Some cover crops: annuals - lupins, vetch, barley; perennial - lucerne,
 clover, rye.
 I suggest also you have a look at
 Sorry I don't know much about grape growing yet

Re: Tillers

2002-10-11 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Tillers

From: Allan Balliett 

Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 

Subject: Re: Tillers


This a tear in your eye, right.
there is in mine.

St Jude is becoming the patron saint of farming.

In Love  Light

Re: Tillers

2002-10-10 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Tillers

From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Tillers

 Someone said GOLDINI, but I'm not familiar with 
those machines. What else?

I'm very interested in hearing of the experiences of others with any 
of these machines.

I have 2 BCS's love the older 9 horse with the Acme engine. Huge torque, nice engine sound, if any sound in the landscape from engines is . If you can find one have it shipped to you - all it's componates are great. The most important is it's balance. Tills beautifully even handles rock in a somewhat graceful manner. 

Then I have a larger 12 Twin-V Briggs Not a good engine, runs very hot hard to keep clean, poor balance so you have to hold it up  use a tiller wheel to move any distance. it runs a chipper very well as it dose the brush hog. I mainly rent it out. I don't know about the present product.


Re: Tillers

2002-10-10 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Tillers

hmm, I rented a troybilt sickle mower a few years back. (not twenty 
then, either) and happily mowed an acre of johnson grass mixed with 
datura and amaranth. Like butter.

well as ron wrote but that sickle bar will
shake and rattle you to death! Keep a wrench handy;

What are you recommending as a tiller width? I could live with 3ft 
wide beds but I don't know that I could horse around a 3ft wide 
tiller. And if I did, at what horsepower? (9hp?)

Mine is 32 and the 9hp worked well and the 12hp no better but my soils are great to pretty good.( we have spader in a barter for planting this year and spoiled does not fill out the praise the Linda has expressed at the beds  ease etal.)

This does bring us to where my mind went this evening.
Would you be better off  more in keeping with threefolding by contracting for chisel or even subsoil tilling of 3' beds. Then get a quality mower to keep the paths  landscape set for work and as Hugh L. saz - feeding worms-.

We here in the Us set such a huge value on purchasing equipment to do it ourselves.
What do we loose? Who did we fail to bring into our sphere ... . 
I find more  more, the contacts born of need as well as synchronicity pay a hundred fold over outlay. 

Just a meditation I had.


Re: Nutrient blockers

2002-10-10 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Nutrient blockers

you've praised others for their writing,
with a little tweaking you will be quoted on this:

This takes time and my opinion is that in an intensive growing
situation - vegetables - fruit trees - cut flowers - any high return crop -
the money spent on lime, rock phosphate, rock dust, trace elements should be
quickly recovered in increased production and higher quality.
Once a soil is up and running we can use energetics to sustain it but its
too much to expect of Biodynamics, Radionics, Homeopathics, or any other
subtle energy system - if we think that these methods can bring back sick
soils without some physical application of whats lacking. My opinion anyway!
Lloyd Charles

Shakespeare on George W. Bush...

2002-10-04 Thread Moen Creek
Title:  Shakespeare on George W. Bush...

Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the
 citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a
 double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the
 mind...And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the
 blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no
 need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry,
 infused with fear and blinded with patriotism, will offer up all of
 their rights unto the leader, and gladly so. How do I know? For this is
 what I have done. And I am Caesar.

 -William Shakespeare


2002-10-01 Thread Moen Creek

Mark Purdey has at least one capable foe trying to close him down via
The virus containing e-mails that started with his arrival of all tact's 
aspect continue to flow in to my computer.
These folks are very capable  send from anyone's address including
MadCowPurdey and your own. So they most likely will not flow out of this
list. So justa  heads up as Mark comes to Allan's conference.


Re: Mark Purdey on WVPR

2002-09-27 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Mark Purdey on WVPR

How could this be? Noone has tried to read 
more about mark purdey through the conference webpage? It's hard to 
know WHAT to think about this sort of information.

But it does confirm my fears.


Dear Compatriot,
Where is your rescue remedy.
One day you are maligning Jane for spoon feeding the list  the next you want us to be dependent on yours.

Happiness is an option and the web is just that not an alley.

I'm going to send my astro body and other devias who are attending with a walking canes to the Oct conference! Just to keep you hopping.

Frankly after spending 5 days with Mark P. I can say: He, Hugh  Glen with levitate your place place so far gone even you will beg for mercy, beware what you've asked for! 

If there were not other huge pre set situations, I'd jet my physic there on my own power!

In Love  Light

FW: Meeting with Mark Purdey: 2 pm Sunday

2002-09-17 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: Meeting with Mark Purdey: 2 pm Sunday

A Call for holding a vision in Love  Light
Subject: Re: Meeting with Mark Purdey: 2 pm Sunday

Thanks Greg,
I'll be putting together a little meeting announcement for the get together next Sunday at 2pm. I will forward it to you for distribution. Feel free to send it to anyone you feel would benefit from attending.
It will be at Othala Valley Inn 3192 County Hwy JG-N Mt Horeb, WI 53572-1212 (608) 437-4141 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mark Kessenich and Linda Derrickson will be our hosts.
If you want to send me contact info on Lloyd, Rob, etc. I can make sure they are covered as well.
 - Original Message - 
Subject: Meeting with Mark Purdey

Ross, Lloyd B, Keith and his wife Ingrid Keith are looking forward to meeting Mr. Purdey. Sunday at 2pm would be great. Rob Wegner will also be there and we are going to try and get Scott Craven there with Rob Wegner. Wish I could be there, would love to meet Mark Purdey, his work is quite compelling. This may be an ideal place to channel some funding from some of our followers, his work is based on science not politics. To give you some background on Lloyd B. Keith, he was a professor in the Dept. of Wildlife Ecology at the UW-Madison for many years. Most of his work was research based. He is still known as the worlds authority on mammalian population dynamics. He was the chairman of the Dept. for several years as well. His wife Ingrid worked as a professor in the UW Vet School. She also has done research work and knows Jud Aiken. Rob Wegner is the founder and past owner of Deer and Deer Hunting Magazine. He still contributes to the magazine as an outdoor writer. He has several books in print, each of which is about deer and deer hunting. One which I highly recommend is his most recent: Legendary Deer Camps. His next is Legendary Deer Slayers. Rob is really the worlds historian on deer and deer hunting. He has a library located within his home office which contains 2000 books related to deer, deer hunting, and hunting in general. He also has almost every research paper generated on deer and deer hunting. His collection is impressive. The intellectual makeup of those attending this meeting is far greater than the WDNR group which created this mess. In fact, CWD could not have showed up in a better place. It's amazing how many scholars are present in this area. The WDNR had no idea! Had this plan be implemented up north there would have been little resistance and we probably would not have been involved. Keep up the good work. Is Tony going to be at the meeting?

FW: ALBC Press Release - National Swine Census Released 10

2002-09-16 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: ALBC Press Release - National Swine Census Released 10

Contact: Donald E. Bixby, Technical Program Director [EMAIL PROTECTED]

American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
PO Box 477
Pittsboro, NC 27312

For Immediate Release: National Swine Census Released

Important genetic diversity remains in the U.S. swine populations that
warrants both research and conservation. Conservation begins with learning
as much as possible about the resource to be conserved. The American
Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC) conducted the first comprehensive
livestock breeds census in 1985 as a tool for understanding the scope of
needed genetic conservation. While there is continuous monitoring of breed
populations, a comprehensive survey is repeated about every five years. The
results of the most recent ALBC comprehensive swine census are now

The rapid consolidation of the swine industry is perhaps the greatest threat
to genetic diversity. Industrial strains are usually not characterized as
breeds, but are selected for specific production characteristics in a
controlled environment. Population data are not readily available on these
strains since they are closely held by the corporations that have developed

While there is likely no immediate financial incentive to reverse the race
to genetic uniformity in the industry, there are two compelling reasons for
the conservation of current genetics. First, is the immediate need for the
research and development of alternatives to intensive management systems.
Extensive systems such as, deep litter, hoop houses, and pasturing can
produce high-value specialty products. An even more compelling reason for
the conservation of diversity is to maintain genetic options for the future,
since we do not know the challenges yet to be faced in providing food
security for the nation and the world.

American Spots, Berkshire, Chester, Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace, Poland
China, and Yorkshire are all in genetically healthy numbers for
conservation, however, there is a long-term decline in the number of
registrations of the purebred swine; over 52% since the first ALBC Census in
1985, 44% since 1990, and 28% since 1995. This is no doubt due to several
factors that have developed from the rapid consolidation of the swine
industry. First, there are fewer farmers involved in raising seed stock as
more pork is being produced, processed, and marketed by the huge, integrated
corporations. Further, these companies have developed their own highly
selected production lines rather than employing purebred seed stock
developed and maintained by generations of farmers. What is interesting is
that while Iowa and North Carolina are the two top pork producing states,
purebred seed stock is overwhelmingly produced in Indiana and Illinois.
Other Midwestern states produce significant purebred seed stock, North
Carolina produces virtually none.

The Berkshire breed showed a great increase in registration numbers,
increasing from about 15,000 in 1998 to nearly 40,000 in 2000/2001. This
increase in numbers was fueled by Japanese import demands for the
well-marbled meat produced by this breed, but has expanded as American chefs
and others became increasingly concerned about quality, flavor, and texture
of pork products. Yet to be discovered, is the same characteristic in
several of the less well known breeds, especially the so-called British
pasture or orchard pigs such as the Large Black, the Gloucestershire Old
Spots, and the Saddleback breeds. Heritage American breeds such as Red
Wattle, Guinea Hog, and Mulefoot swine are also alleged to demonstrate this

While, the Chester White and Poland China were essentially unchanged
from 1999 to 2000/ 2001, their numbers have decreased by more than 25% over
the past five years. At the same time, Hampshire and Yorkshire registrations
showed dramatic declines in number, more than 30% during the past five
years. Duroc and Landrace breeds show less drastic declines.

In addition to the pure breeds that have dominated the swine industry in the
recent past, there remain less well known breeds that retain genetic
characteristics or genomes that are, or may be, useful for alternative
production systems or markets. Despite their limited number of
registrations, the Hereford, Tamworth, and Large Black all showed increases
in reproductive activity. These are the breeds that have been advocated by
the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy and others supporting sustainable
agriculture for use in outdoor, low-input, and organic pork production.
There is increasing research to support the anecdotal information that these
traditional breeds of swine retain the hardiness and foraging ability that
can make them successful on pasture and in other low-input systems. Other
less well-known breeds may be suited for pasture production, but require
documentation. These include Red Wattle, Mulefoot, Gloucestershire Old Spots
and Saddleback breeds. 

Mark Purdey in the Zone

2002-09-12 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Mark Purdey in the Zone

FYI  please pass it on

In Love  Light

PRESS RELEASE , September 12, 2002

From: Linda Derrickson  Mark Kessenich 437-414

MARK PURDEY of Somerset, UK is coming to Mount Horeb and Madison Wisconsin.
Available for interviews September 21, 22  23.
He will have a booth at the FOOD FOR THOUGHT FESTIVAL,
8am-1pm, just off the Capitol Square during Farmers Market on Saturday, Sept. 21.

Purdey, an Organic Jersey Dairy Farmer (High Barn Farm, Somerset, England), is a GLOBAL RESEARCHER  LECTURER on MAD COW, CWD, Scrapie, etc.--a self described ECO-DETECTIVE

See Purdey¹s web site:
 His Articles: ³The Wasting Lands--The CWD Epidemic in Deer² and ³Educating Rida² are of particular interest to the CWD situation in Wisconsin

 He can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
through Mark and Linda during his stay in Wisconsin.

 Mark Purdey, High Barn Farm, Elworthy, Taunton, Somerset, UK. TA43PX.

brief bio:

Mark Purdey has traveled the world to investigate and sample the isolated 
regions where clusters of spongiform disease ( CWD, BSE, scrapie, etc ) have 
erupted at high incidence rates. As a result of his common analytical 
findings across the cluster regions, he is convinced that a combination of 
environmental factors - low copper, high manganese and high intensities of 
low frequency infrasound - underpin the cause of these mysterious diseases. 
Whilst genetic susceptibility factors undoubtedly play a role by 
determining which individuals will succumb to this type of poisoning , Mark 
argues that hyperinfectious agents cannot play any role in the cause of this 
disease at all; therefore rendering the current wholesale slaughter programme 
of CWD affected deer herds in Wisconsin as a totally farcical waste of 
resources and animal life. Come to the Food For Thought Festival and challenge the man,
or just discuss your local concerns over CWD.

Purdey is coming to the ³hot zone² to collect bio-samples for researching the CWD situation.

Contact to schedule Interview: Linda Derrickson/Mark Kessenich 437-4141
or by email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Protection Clearing of Negativity: was a 9-11 reminder...

2002-09-11 Thread Moen Creek

The following Technique
is from and I have found item very useful.

In Love  Light


ISBN No.: 0 646 28969 1 ~
Copyright 1988 Chironic Enterprises Pty. Ltd.
A C.N. 007 354 X23 120-122 Merri Street.
Warrnambool, 3280 Victoria7 AUSTRALIA.
4th Printing 1996. 



In your mind picture your whole body immersed in a glowing bubble or shower
of radiant white light. See it streaming from a pure source way above your
head, or from deep within you. Spend a little time with this and make sure
you have a good picture; even try to feel the light wash all through and
around you from toe to head. The effect of this exercise is to set up the
initial connection with your subconscious Intelligence.

White light is the purest thought that any person may hold and it has a most
soothing effect on disturbed emotions. By calming and polarizing some of the
less distorted body energies the white light visualization allows your
subconscious energies a much freer flow so you and your patient will have
maximum healing benefit.

An added bonus of the white light is that in surrounding your body it acts
as a buffer to some of the outer energy vibrations which can cause etheric
damage, hence the title of this step, PROTECTION.
We would encourage you to practice this step thoroughly as many times as you
can, whether on your own or with friends or patients. Work with the light
until you have a very strong concept and mental picture for it is only
through white light that true healing may occur. Consider that the
fundamental basis of all physical creation is a matrix of light and you will
begin to see the importance of keeping your body bathed in harmonious white

The theory of relativity opened up mankind's perception of the Universe in
terms of light energy but, unfortunately, our scientists have begun to
meddle with the symmetry of Earth's created matrix and have distorted the
very etheric energy in which we live. By the proper use of conscious thought
energy and the calming effect of white light we as healers can take the
responsibility of restoring natural harmonies in ourselves and the people
around us thus aiding the World as a whole.


The outer energies referred to in the previous step can fall into the
categories of microwaves, nuclear radiation's, emissions from high voltage
power lines, x-rays, etc. The protection step serves as a very effective
shield against harmful effects of these pollutants. There is, however, a
different class of energy rarely discussed, yet, very influential on the
overall health of every person, NEGATIVE ENERGY. We speak here not of
positive and negative energy as exists in the various systems of the body
but instead of a type of energy which is negative to the health of any one

To clarify this concept it helps to remember the basic Universal law,
ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT! (ie: For anything to be done it must first be
thought of;- either consciously or subconsciously.) Now, consider throughout
the whole of human history how many people have thought! Also ponder the
number of people who have been in similar situations and in a blaze of
emotion have thought the same thought such as, I'll kill myself!, and
other such depressing notions. It is these dreary and fanatical ideas which
have been repeated countlessly, thus giving them a huge amount of energy
which can be so detrimental to human health.

Uncontrolled thoughts and emotions have spilled away from individuals over
the ages and have pooled together in black clouds of energy all around the

By another Universal law, LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE!, amounts of this energy
attach themselves regularly to all those people who at any given time allow
themselves to entertain a similar dreary thought, (ie: You and me and ninety
nine percent of the rest of the World).

Once some of that black, emotional thought energy intersperses amongst an
individual's body field then, of course, subconscious life energies are
greatly inhibited and that person may experience any number of unexplained
emotions and mysterious pains and illnesses.

That is the problem we experience but the solution as described by this step

As a healer of others you must be sure that first your own energies are
cleared of black interference. To completely cleanse yourself after
protecting simply use another visualization. Focus on the source of your
white light protection. Picture it as a huge burning sun of pure white
light. See a wave of light sweep upwards from your feet right up over your
head carrying any bits of blackness into the burning sun . Practice this
well making sure to see the blackness engulfed by the light completely, and

Re: a 9-11 reminder...

2002-09-10 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: a 9-11 reminder...

exactly RIGHT-ON!
In Love  Light

For the Michael Age

We must eradicate from the soul
All fear and terror of what comes towards Man
Out of the future
And we must acquire serenity
In all feelings and sensations about the future
We must look forward
With absolute equanimity to everything that may come
And we must think only that whatever comes
Is given to us by a world directive full of wisdom
It is part of what we must learn in this age,
Namely to live out of pure trust
Without any security in existence.
Trust in that ever present help of the spiritual world.
Truly, nothing else will do
If our courage is not to fail us.
And we must seek this awakening within Ourselves
Every morning and every evening.

Rudolph Steiner, from a lecture given in 1910 

Thanks Brother!

Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

2002-09-08 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

The Madison weekly paper Isthmus does carry his weekly column. But it's long been said that Madison 30square miles surrounded by reality.


From: mroboz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002 09:40:46 -0700
Subject: Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

Also, as far as North America is concerned, Chomsky's book, published in
Britain, does not exist. No publisher in the US was willing to publish it.
It is highly critical of US gov't policies.

Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

2002-09-08 Thread Moen Creek

Ya Know folks, we need to be careful. By buying into our shared belief
systems we can blind ourselves and fail to be awake enough so WE miss real
light when it does shine in the populous.

Here at the bureaucratic declared ground zero for chronic wasting. Folks
of every walk of life are educating themselves and forming new  original
thoughts  beliefs without direction from big daddy.
On top of it the media are responding with great grace and caring for the

On the international scene is the megalithic media just
responding to our expectations of them.
Change our beliefs that they conspire  are bafoons and they may surprise us
with new expressions  real information!

Be the change we believe in and allow others to be where they can be, given
their belief systems  they will surprise us with change!

In Love  Light

Re: sudden oak death syndrome spreading

2002-09-07 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: sudden oak death syndrome spreading

SStorch you ask:
Markess, can you elaborate on your experience in this communication with the 

 How can we communicate and co-create with these beings, 
even though I would be the one of a very few wiling to acknowledge their 

Here is synopsis of my experience. The first Devas I met were in the Snow Mountains in WY, at a friends/teachers cabin. He had said to his wife some weeks before that he wondered if my use Radionics would help open Com Lines with the entities he felt there. Well they were listening. One of them has a huge range that he works over N America. So he had some first hand experience of Radionics uses in Ag and some sense that it could balance  remove distortion in beings. 

Well four of them greeted me at the front door upon arrival. This was new stuff to me! They asked if I could do healing on them. I said I'd do some work on them. I took separate Polaroid witness of them at the screen door. These worked well. Over several days they became trusting enough to give me their names or clear designations. I'd started with #1 etc. They all had specific ailments most cleared easily. But interesting the most important balancing was a Brain Balancing program from Little Farm's newsletter. This run as an automated program for several day make huge differences.

One of these Devas is willing to make introductions for you. He will contact you soon. I get that you have screen type door on one of your farm buildings, Listen there. 

I do suggest strong protection making contacts with-out introductions. But it's doable ask  Is there a Deva willing to communicate with me. Generally it's ill advised to allow informal communications with-out names and clear greetings. 

I have a client in the edge of the woods where the elementals 
could come to get bd remedies
Yes, but I find just writing their name works well. I have also found that Wood  Metal are both separate rather then just 'earth'. Space is also an elemental. Here they have wanted dump trucks full of 500 which several of us have been energetically supplying every full moon or so. I don't know what all they are doing with but they are eager! 

 or can I broadcst them through thee woods???
l broadcast to a small fractal of this water shed it has a better organism energy then ownership boundaries. I know this is heresy but the Devas were/are emphatic that they are taking control!

Your broadcasting trees must be ready to open communications and perform more focused work.
Whaddaya think???
l think spray  do all the clear visualization you can. Connect with the divine in all ways, smile  do good work which you do. Happy conversing!

In Love  Light

Re: sudden oak death syndrome spreading

2002-09-06 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: sudden oak death syndrome spreading

We have some Oak browning under our stewardship.
I will try the dust. But I get that it is an enlarging aspect of global warming (the Red oak  Douglas fir have a narrow temp range) exaggerated by Devic over souls who are inexperienced at running trees. Many of the experienced group left for Jupiter a year ago  other attrition has been over the raise of materialism. 

In Love  Light

From: Peter Michael Bacchus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The answer to this one is quite simple. Apply biodynamic remedies with
volcanic rock dust and or compost tea. This sounds almost like the beginings
of trees dieing of in Europes forests, which later became known as acid
rain. The organism might be different but we need to look behind the
organism and ask why it is there in pest propotions and what is missing that
would normally keep it under control. Sending samples of soil and possibly
leaf to the S.F.W. lab. would help with this information.

OT:FW: Are you Nuts?

2002-09-03 Thread Moen Creek
Title: OT:FW: Are you Nuts?

From: Pete Kessenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 14:09:33 -0500

Subject: Are you Nuts?


How low can we go? 

Invade Iraq? 6:28 PM 9/02/02 
George Hesselberg Wisconsin State Journal 

I have read a lot of flabbergasting articles about Sept. 11 and its aftermath in the past 11 months, but one paragraph in the paper last week brought the bar to its lowest. 
A poll by Knight Ridder indicated that most Americans are gung-ho for the global war on terrorism and a solid 67 percent favor taking it to Iraq. 
 Nope. Close, but that's not the paragraph. 
 It was this one: The poll results reflect some confusion about the war on terrorism, a conflict with shifting boundaries and elusive enemies. Nearly one-third of Americans view the entire Muslim world as the enemy, even though several Muslim countries support the U.S. war effort. 
 The question this presents is: What? 
 Well, what do you expect in a country where it sometimes appears government is using a Marx Brothers movie script as a template. 
 Where it sometimes appears Homeland Security should be renamed Homeland Paranoia. 
 Where the economic policy resembles in sincerity and record-keeping a Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker telethon. 
 Where the media seem to spend more money printing fast-fading flags and producing flag-waving promotions than on researching and reporting the actual degradation of rights, even the dissolution of rights, among citizens. 
 Doesn't it seem as if the government is wasting billions and billions of dollars on unnecessary or unworkable security - an exercise that reminds me of a raccoon attracted to anything that sparkles? Doesn't it seem as if we are botching chance after chance to prove to the world that the United States, in the face of a potential threat, can still assure equal justice under the law? 
 Isn't it odd that government leadership is so rabidly intent on invading Iraq that it appears more attention is being paid to overthrowing a nation's psyche (our own) by zealous public relations than accumulating any solid evidence such an invasion is necessary? 
 tShouldn't we be a little worried when airport security has turned into an exercise in how best to amass eyebrow scissors and nail files, and detain and humiliate non-white travelers? 
 We wait and wait for someone in charge to ask: Invade Iraq? Are you nuts? 
 We wait and wait for the media to stop showing deference and start showing some defiance. 
 You want to send soldiers to Iraq? Didn't we do that already? Is it a measure of cynicism if we think that this is an attempt to take everyone's attention away from endemic regulator-ignored corporate criminality? 
 Or to keep people from noticing that a human-rights-stomping religious fanatic may be running the Justice Department? 
 Would it be a stretch to use adjectives such as mind-numbingly inept, politically bankrupt, or intellectually vacuous in describing American foreign policy, a policy seemingly cribbed from a collection of Little Golden Books? 
 More damning, perhaps, is the thought that it's nearly a year later and the administration is still looking not for justice, but for blood revenge, a lust fueled by intentionally vague or false information and a desire to rewrite the Constitution, in secret. 
 Who knew, a year ago, that a policy of building generations of hate, so cultivated by the terrorists as necessary to perpetuate blind acceptance of an evil goal, would gain a foothold in the threshold of democracy, too? 

Reach George Hesselberg at 252-6140, or at the Wisconsin State Journal, P.O. Box 8058, Madison, WI 53708 or at [EMAIL PROTECTED] dent

Re: The Perils of BSE

2002-09-02 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: The Perils of BSE

Hugs  ALL!!! Merla!,

From: Merla Barberie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Re: The Perils of BSE
 It was hard for me to come up
with a response to the fair theme, Star Spangled Memories Uniting Bonner
County because it's obvious that we aren't united and that people with a
certain point of view want to force the other's into quiet submission. Do you
remember this poem, I'm paraphrasing...He drew a circle that shut me out,
terrorist, rabble-rouser and lout. But love and I had the wit to win, I drew a
circle that let him in. When we put the Milky Way with the You are here.
sign under the fair theme on the front of the booth, we were redefining
everything. That is what Fred Kirschenmann did in his speech about community.
What we are doing on our road is trying to do something positive about our
whole watershed, while the logging trucks carry their precious cargo out down
our road to a mill. Men in this rural community don't have any work. They
will extract timber and minerals as long as the law allows this.

We're who we thought we were waiting for and beyond our dreams is just a step away.

In Love  Light

Re: The Perils of BSE

2002-09-01 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: The Perils of BSE

From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: The Perils of BSE

Well said ALLAN!!

As far as I'm concerned, Mark Purdey has established that Mad Cow and 
related diseases are the result of 'chemical' exposures to 
populations of mammals that are already experiencing a certain of 

ACRES USA, no piker in the realm of wholistic animal health, has 
awarded Mark its lifetime achievement award for his work and out of 
appreciation for the personal sacrifice he has suffered to continue 
unraveling this mystery.

esp: What do we do? Listen to the media with both ears and people within our own movement with one ear?

A it is so interesting how the phase doctors say
still has any cache with the public and yet.

On the CWD front here in WI the Media continues to garner praise from my ego (sic) in that three major interviews this past week. Nation CBS fed is to come this week as are the folks from NHK the Japanese Public TV.

More to other points you raised Allan
And I do agree that any biodynamic business plan that relies on fresh 
horns from mid-western slaughter houses is doomed to failure not too 
far down the road.

The USDA (US department of Ag) is locking horns with our state Legislature over not accrediting private labs to do CWD testing for fear that a bovine sample will get slipped in and tested! Why did McDO change their burger scorcing to Brazil and AU?


Re: Rain

2002-08-30 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Rain

From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 15:29:49 +1000
Subject: Re: Rain

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: Rain

 Stand them back up, lightly step them in - they'll be fine!
 Take some rescue remedy!

 Have done. Will do.

 Give the corn some rescue remedy too ! (not kidding)

I have even had cars  vans start with rescue remedy!

But I am a firm believer that one needs to take it oneself also.


Re: Field Broadcaster

2002-08-29 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Field Broadcaster

You must be back in the loop!

Now to the situation in question.
IMO and experience a field broadcaster's pattern takes considerable time to establish itself.

I perceive a kite or a series of Kites to be a more substantial approach.
Possibly design one that spins, using a wind turbine (?) to drive it, from the center of site. The vortex should give it some oomph! 

Roger is also bringing important information that is seeming being overlooked.
(the one that made me ill) 

What is this, his dis-ease at the site. Sound like the dis-ease is being shared by the plantings.

In Love and Light

From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 14:34:04 +0930
Subject: Re: Field Broadcaster

Hi! Lloyd/ Roger,

I have the Base 44 Rates for five different rabbit deterring broadcasts.

I can make phials of pillules of any or all...

They are: To make  unattractive to rabbits.
 To prevent rabbits breading in...
 To prevent rabbits over wintering in 
 To prevent rabbits crossing the boundary of .
 To keep  free of rabbits.

To make them I need the details of the piece of land, as that is part of making
them and I understand they are not transferable, but only work for the stated


Re: Rain

2002-08-29 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Rain

From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Rain

and some wonderful incan corn from smuggled seed 
that toppled.

Stand them back up, lightly step them in - they'll be fine!
Take some rescue remedy!


Re: water, war, present times, the future

2002-08-26 Thread Moen Creek

Thank You  Steve!

In Love  Light

FW: [helpinghands] Cool links and books

2002-08-17 Thread Moen Creek


Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-17 Thread Moen Creek


OFF:FW: World Attitude towards the US

2002-08-14 Thread Moen Creek
Title: OFF:FW: World Attitude towards the US

This report supports my impression.
Global warmth for U.S. after 9/11 turns to frost Military plans repulse even European allies 
By Ellen Hale

OXFORD, England -- On a packed train out of London recently to this historic college town, a young American woman struck up a conversation with her seatmate, a nattily dressed older British man. They chatted amiably about Oxford until she worked up the courage to ask what was weighing on her mind: 

''Why,'' she blurted out, ''does everybody hate us?'' 

The man paused -- but didn't disagree -- before proceeding to enumerate the reasons, from U.S. foreign policies to the seeping influence of American popular culture. 

In the shock wave that followed the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, many Americans found themselves asking why so many people in Muslim countries hate the United States. But the anti-American sentiment has turned into a contagion that is spreading across the globe and infecting even the United States' most important allies. 

In virulent prose, newspapers criticize the United States. Politicians ferociously attack its foreign policies, especially the Bush administration's plans to attack Iraq. And regular citizens launch into tirades with American friends and visitors. 

Here in Britain, the United States' staunchest friend, snide remarks and downright animosity greet many Americans these days. It's not just religious radicals and terrorists who resent the United States anymore. 

''Now, it's everyone,'' says Allyson Stewart-Allen, a consultant from California who has lived in London 15 years and heads International Marketing Partners, which advises European companies on how to do business with Americans. The sea change in attitude toward the United States, she says, has ''profoundly'' altered her advice to clients: 

She now must counsel them to resist ''taking digs'' at her countrymen. 

What happened, many Americans are wondering, to that wave of sympathy and stockpile of global goodwill they encountered after Sept. 11? 

''It was squandered,'' says Meghnad Desai, director of the Institute for Global Governance at the London School of Economics and Political Science and a member of the House of Lords. 

''America dissipated the goodwill out of its arrogance and incompetence. A lot of people who would never ever have considered themselves anti-American are now very distressed with the United States,'' he says. 

Desai and others blame what seems to be a wave of new U.S. policies that they regard as selfish and unilateral, stretching back to President Bush's refusal last year to support the international treaty on global warming. 

Many are enraged by Bush's support for steel tariffs and farm subsidies, his refusal to involve the United States in the new international criminal court and what is widely regarded abroad as one-sided support for Israel and its prime minister, Ariel Sharon. 

The rash of corporate malfeasance and blanket arrest of terrorism suspects after Sept. 11 further fuels critics, who say the United States preaches democracy, human rights and free enterprise -- but doesn't practice them. 

Growing gap with Europe 

In a recent article in Policy Review magazine, Robert Kagan, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, says the divide between the United States and Europe is getting wider than ever as the continents go their different ways -- one operating on a foreign policy based on unilateralism and coercion, the other on diplomacy and persuasion. 

Europeans, he says, have ''come to view the United States simply as a rogue colossus, in many respects a bigger threat to (their) pacific ideals than Iraq or Iran.'' 

The differences, he says, are deep and likely to endure. 

''Why do people attack Americans?'' asks Tiny Waslandek, a social worker in Amsterdam, Netherlands. ''Because they have a big, big mouth and they mind everybody's business.'' 

Bush's plan to topple Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is stoking anti-American hostility to bonfire levels. In Germany earlier this month, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder launched his re-election campaign by denouncing what he derisively called Bush's proposed military ''adventures'' in Iraq. In England, the new head of the Anglican Church and other leading bishops circulated a petition proclaiming that any attack would be illegal and immoral. 

Linked to Iraq and Israel 

''My sense is that much of the rampant anti-Americanism we see now is very much linked to a war with Iraq and the Israel-Palestine issue,'' says Mary Kaldor, a London-based scholar on international relations. 

In the popular Straw Poll BBC radio show July 26, Kaldor debated with Washington Post reporter T. R. Reid whether ''American power is the power of the good.'' She argued that the U.S. role as the sole superpower was a danger to the rest of the world. 


Re: Help on buying a Refractometer

2002-07-29 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Help on buying a Refractometer

Call Gempler's for their catalogue. The Super can ogle all the rubber gloves, tyvac, respirators, measuring cups, boots  all. Then the refractometer will not seem so foreign. The product coach at Gempler's may be of help to give you the type of language that will cut through his poor hazy consciousness. They may even have a pamphlet to recommend.
The call is free and they're friendly folks.
They also have Plant stress detection glasses developed by NASA which may give you the information you want/need with a lot less work. 
Squeezing enough juice from roadside weeds to get readings will be difficult if not a lost cause. 
The glasses are $50 and he can see the changes too!

best of Luck
In Love  Light

Hi all,

I am trying to get the Weed Supervisor to O.K. the purchase of a
refractometer on the Rapid Lightning cost/share grant. He never heard
of one and wants me to find someone in our county who has before he will
O.K. it. I have called Bob Wilson, the Extension Agent, but he hasn't
returned my call. Called again. Surely he or someone can help, but
failing that I will just have to try and convince the Weed Supervisor of
the value of being able to test plants for their vigor 30 minutes after
various applications.

Re: Peppermint Essential Oil

2002-07-29 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Peppermint Essential Oil

One thing that I have noticed is the improved vitality of be hives when
sited within the working area of a field broadcaster broadcasting Biodynamic
remedies, particularly horn silica. Have others on the list noted beehive
wellbeing in connection with the broadcasting of Biodynamic remedies.

Last year the fellow who runs the hives here reported that this yard produced half again as much honey. He used to bring his poorest hives here and I'd balance them up and they would do as well as his best. But with 2 mild winters and the rapidity of the divisions of the colonies from here he had no poor hives.

So our usual Christmas allotment was unusual at several cases!

I haven't written of the huge number of frogs here in comparison to before the broadcaster or in comparison to neighbors. There is no comparison esp. the big tree frogs. They are still active even with some draught here.

In Love  Light

Re: Help on buying a Refractometer

2002-07-29 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Help on buying a Refractometer

True a must have even for garden plants aside from fruit.

Squeezing enough juice from roadside weeds to get readings will be 
difficult if not a lost cause.

But a pair of those modified vise-grips from Pike Labs will keep it 
from being impossible! -Allan

Re: Farm Vol Conversions

2002-07-28 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Farm Vol Conversions

What do you call a Norwegian lying under a wheelbarrow?

A mechanic!

dat der Radionic Farmer
Town of Vermont WI

From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 19:24:30 +1000
Subject: Re: Farm Vol Conversions

- Original Message -
From: John Ehrlich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2002 8:10 AM
Subject: Re: Farm Vol Conversions

 Fill your wheelbarrow which contains 4-6 cu.ft or approx 1 cu yard ?

 Think about this a bit ! you are gonna put a ton of rock dust or three
quarters of a ton of grain in a WHEEL BARROW!!! 1 cubic yard  =27
cubic feet

FW: Pole Frame Workshop

2002-07-23 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: Pole Frame Workshop

-- Forwarded Message
From: Roald Gundersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 12:17:08 -0500
To: Mark D. Harrell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Pole Frame Workshop

What is the Strongest Timber which can be milled from any given log?
Answer: less than one-third the strength of the log according to tests at
the US Forrest Products Lab (FPL) in Madison, WI! Pole framing is more
than 300% stronger, and hence lighter, easier to build and more sustainable
than timber frame, let alone stick frame construction. When we process
wood, as with food, we take away its strength, and waste energy, labor, and
materials while tripling even quadrupling its cost. This is only a small
part of what you will learn at an up-coming Kickapoo Sustainable Woods
Cooperative [EMAIL PROTECTED] on pole utilization workshop to be
held Saturday, August 17th near La Crosse, WI. The cost is $10 for
members and $15 for non-members. Please contact Paul Bader
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (608) 625-2515 to make yours soon. Space is limited.

In the morning Mark Knaebe [EMAIL PROTECTED] of the Forest Products
Laboratory (FPL) in Madison WI ( will present a
slide show about some of the recent work at FPL in engineered pole frame
structures and connections being developed there. 

Our host, Architect Roald Gundersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] will then give a tour
of his house, studio, greenhouse, barn, and stream house, all of which are
through-bolted pole-frame stuctures, three of which utilize straw as
insulation. All of the structures use forest thinings of less valuable
trees, leaving improved stands as another benefit of pole framming. 

After your brown bag lunch, interested parties can participate in errecting
a curved pole-frame addition onto Mark Harrell's home half-an-hour away
near De Soto, WI. Mark lives in the second pole frame, straw bale
insulated home. This addition uses curved poles and walls further
strengthing the materials. Gundersen uses wind-damaged curved trees to
brace his buildings, branching trees columns and crocks for supports and is
working with an orchardist to grow trees into structural shapes for
curvalinear pole frame buildings. 
Participants who take time to look at the links on the FPL web site will be
that much further ahead:
Small-Diameter Round Timber Demonstration Structure (PDF 39 KB)

Forest Products Laboratory Research Program on Small-Diameter Material
1.5 MB)

Exploring the Uses for Small-Diameter Trees (PDF 436KB)


Dowel-Nut Connection in Douglas-fir Peeler Cores (PDF 189 KB) (more technical)

Space-Frame Connection for Small-Diameter Round Timber (PDF 1.1 MB)

Research Challenges for Structural Use of Small-Diameter Round Timbers
(PDF 265 KB) (more technical)

Small-Diameter Log Evaluation for Value-Added Structural Applications
200 KB)
Wolfe, Ronald; Moseley, Cassandra 2000. Forest Prod. J. 50(10): 48-58. (more technical)

Potential for Expanding Small-Diameter Timber Market--Assessing Use of
Posts in Highway Applications (PDF 541 KB)

Durability of One-Part Polyurethane Bonds to Wood Improved by HMR
Agent (PDF 312 KB)
Vick, Charles B.; Okkonen, E. Arnold 2000. Forest Prod. J. 50(10): (more technical)

See you August 17th!

Roald Gundersen
Sustainable Living Environments
507 Main Street
LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA
Phone: (608) 452-3894
Fax: (608) 784-1408
 Web Site:

-- End of Forwarded Message

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Off:The FBI Is Held Accountable

2002-07-17 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Off:The FBI Is Held Accountable

 From The Mountain Astrologer
 Posted on July 16, 2002 

 A Saturn­Pluto Story:

 The FBI Is Held Accountable

 by Mary Plumb

 Environmentalist and union activist Judi Bariwas born on November 7, 1949 (1) in Baltimore,
 Maryland. (I will use sunrise charts for all dates herein.) She died of breast cancer on March 2,

 Bari was the co-plaintiff in a civil rights case filed against the FBI and brought to trial on April
 8, 2002. A verdict was reached in June 2002: On June 11, a federal jury returned a stunning
 verdict in favor of Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney in their landmark civil rights lawsuit against
 four FBI agents and three Oakland police officers. The jury clearly found that six of the seven
 FBI and OPD defendants framed Judi and Darryl in an effort to crush Earth First! and chill
 participation in Redwood Summer. That was evident in the fact that 80% of the $4.4 million
 total damage award was for violation of their First Amendment rights to speak out and
 organize politically in defense of the forests. (2)


FW: Franklin Carter Article FYI there is another part of thisjust printed

2002-07-15 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: Franklin Carter Article FYI there is another part of this just printed

Subject: Fw: Franklin Carter Article FYI there is another part of this just printed

 Chronic Wasting Disease: Infectious, Transmissible or Contagious? There is
 big difference!

 by Franklin Carter, President, Santa Fe Research, Fort Collins, Colorado

 The truth about how little is known has been covered up by theories
 presented to the public as facts, and in fact, so little is known for
 after all this time is precisely because the popular theories have been
 for truth by the politicians and rule-makers within the European Union.
 --Dr. David Brown, Cambridge University, England, in an interview in
 2000 about BSE (madcow disease).

 This perfectly describes where we are today with Chronic Wasting Disease
 (CWD) in deer and elk in the United States, and most especially, Colorado.
 Why this has happened is beyond me. Is it fear, greed, ignorance, rivalry
 among professionals, laziness on the part of the media? How can science be
 overlooked in such a scientific problem?

 I believe a great part of the public fear has been brought about by the
 complete ignoring and mis-understanding of the simple difference in the
 definition of the words infection, transmissible, and contagious. They are
 not synonyms. I repeat, they do not mean the same thing. They describe
 separate processes.

 Stedman's Medical Dictionary states: Infection: Endoparasitism,
 multiplication of microorganisms in the body proper. Transmissible:
 of being transmitted (carried across) from one person to another, as a
 t.disease, an infectious or contagious disease. Contagious: Commumicable:
 relating to contagion, transmissible by contact. These difference, while
 looking almost the same to you and me, when applied to biological science,
 are tremendous. Let's look at the scientific research on these differences
 it relates to CWD. I think by now almost everyone knows CWD is caused by
 prions. Prions are pieces of protein. They are made by the body as a
 process. They are not infectious microorganisms.

 The prions causing CWD are abnormal, and because they are abnormal, they
 cannot be broken down by the body as are normal prions. Normal prions
 in the body for less than one hour. These abnormal prions are not broken
 at all and accumulate in the brain, causing the madcow symptoms.

 Yes, CWD is transmissible from one deer to another or one elk to another.
 the present time the only scientifically proven way to transmit CWD is by
 injecting infected brain material from one animal to another or by feeding
 infected brain matter. There are no scientific studies published that
 absolutely show transmission by contact of one deer to another, much less
 from deer to elk, cattle, horses or people. The same is true for elk. It
 not happened in over thirty years of research. We know that CWD has been
 studied at least forty years here in Colorado by people at Colorado State
 University Veterinary School. The reason for so little success is
 because it was so hard to transmit. They tried for years to transmit the
 disease by putting a CWD deer or elk in a pen of healthy animals. If it
 contagious, they would have had a pen full of CWD animals. It did not
 Research finally showed you must feed or inject infected material. If it
 infectious or contagious, it would have been very easy to transmit from
 deer to another. These are sound, scientifically provable facts. Yes, we
 to eliminate the CWD animals, but the killing of perfectly healthy deer
 elk has to stop!!! It is the program of stupidity. Anyone of average
 intelligence should have been able to look at the published scientific
 and realized there was no need to go on a slaughter rampage. If this is
 best thinking our money can buy, it is time to try some new people.

 Let's stop scaring each other. Let's stop scaring the ranchers that they
 lose all their cattle if there is a deer or elk with CWD on their land.
 have been there for at least thirty or forty years, and the number of CWD
 animals still remains at about three to five percent of the wild deer or
 population. If CWD was infectious or contagious, we would have had
 numbers of CWD animals. We have had no known cases of BSE in Colorado or
 other state with deer and elk populations. All of this fear should not
 happened and must be stopped.

 There is a proven scientific fact called the species barrier. This barrier
 nature's way of preventing everything from dying from one disease. This
 barrier (I will call it a law) is why you do not get sick when your pet
 sick. This is why people raising chickens do not get Avian Influenza,
 Newcastle disease, or any one of several other contagious diseases. This
 why cattle people do not normally come down with cattle diseases. Diseases
 are normally 

Re: Should Australia go native?

2002-07-01 Thread Moen Creek

King Corn supplanted the Corn Goddess (Demeter) in North America and
everything revolves around him for he can not propagate himself
successfully. A gardener, a farmer, a corporation must do for him. All that
goes on here in North America is keeping King Corn alive and reproducing.
Indigenous Pandora's penis.

The other goofy part of the majigers proposal was the assuming wild animals
could be farm animals.
So many people removed from farm life fail to comprehend the enormous
difference between  Domestic Farm animals and any animal in a pen.

Ranting again

Re: Nettle tea for insect repellant

2002-06-24 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Nettle tea for insect repellant

From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:00:39 +1000
Subject: Re: Nettle tea for insect repellant
We are all part of the one and your work is there in the same time frame as mine. 

In the choice of remedies I'd start with Walnut as the link breaker. It also has great abilities for protection from ones own as well as others negativities. Actually as for broadcasting Steve Storch's trees ought to excel at this work. (hint hint). May just have to set a paper broadcaster up on this tact myself though. possibly a tree who has expressed some interest in a realm of politics.


Dear Allan,
From where we are in Australia it is easy to follow the fear throughout
America which must tbe having a major effect on the Astral.
If someone over there really wanted to test their radionic ability they
could always get a satellite photograph of the East coast of the USA and
broadcast the Bach flower remedies Aspen and Mimulus to try and counteract
the fear campaign being waged by vested interests in your country.
I dont know what the US government reaction would be to this, or what they
would do to the person who broadcast that energy for terrorising the
government that they may lose the edge in the fear campaign.
Having said this myheart goes out to you all in Americaduring the times of
troubles that you are going through. I saw tonight on the TV news the
terrible fires that are sweeping through the Western states, may the gods
protect all those that are in the path of these fires.

Sincere regards
James Hedley

Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
Radionic Insect and Parasite control
Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: Nettle tea for insect repellant

 Yes, i'm using the preps, Cheryl.

 I don't want to seem rude, but, Yes, the atmosphere is out of balance.

 This past winter our region did not have even one stretch of cold
 that was long enough to kill adult insects, the way winter has
 traditionally done here. (Adult insects go dormant in extreme cold.
 the cold does not kill them, what kills them is their own metabolism.
 If they cannot feed for x-number of hours, they perish. This winter,
 the 'bell' always rang for their dormancies before they could die of
 starvation.) In the spring, emerging hay crops were destroyed by
 populations of mature insects that normally would not be present for
 MONTHS later.

 Given the large number of adult insects, I guess the number of
 insects total is going to be greater.

 I'm located about 1 hour outside of the White House. So, Yes, I'd say
 the astral is screwed up, also!!



 Allan, have you been using 501 and 508 ?
 Sounds like the atmosphere/astral is out of balance?
 Cheryl Kemp
 Education and Workshop Coordinator
 Phone /Fax : 02 6657 5322
 Home: 02 6657 5306

Re: Nettle tea for insect repellant

2002-06-24 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Nettle tea for insect repellant

Part II
One of the most interesting parts of this post, though James, is that you are picking up in part flea beetles use psychological tactics on the plants they consume. They tell the plants very convincingly a sob story of how if you don't feed my family we will all parish. I have tried my darndest to talk them  pray them out of buying that crap. I never thought of the obviousness of your approach. Got a psyco-plex or emostional-plex: send in the flower remedies. Treat the plants not the symptoms.

In Love  Light

From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:00:39 +1000
Subject: Re: Nettle tea for insect repellant

Dear Allan,
From where we are in Australia it is easy to follow the fear throughout
America which must tbe having a major effect on the Astral.
If someone over there really wanted to test their radionic ability they
could always get a satellite photograph of the East coast of the USA and
broadcast the Bach flower remedies Aspen and Mimulus to try and counteract
the fear campaign being waged by vested interests in your country.
I dont know what the US government reaction would be to this, or what they
would do to the person who broadcast that energy for terrorising the
government that they may lose the edge in the fear campaign.
Having said this myheart goes out to you all in Americaduring the times of
troubles that you are going through. I saw tonight on the TV news the
terrible fires that are sweeping through the Western states, may the gods
protect all those that are in the path of these fires.

Sincere regards
James Hedley

Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
Radionic Insect and Parasite control
Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: Nettle tea for insect repellant

 Yes, i'm using the preps, Cheryl.

 I don't want to seem rude, but, Yes, the atmosphere is out of balance.

 This past winter our region did not have even one stretch of cold
 that was long enough to kill adult insects, the way winter has
 traditionally done here. (Adult insects go dormant in extreme cold.
 the cold does not kill them, what kills them is their own metabolism.
 If they cannot feed for x-number of hours, they perish. This winter,
 the 'bell' always rang for their dormancies before they could die of
 starvation.) In the spring, emerging hay crops were destroyed by
 populations of mature insects that normally would not be present for
 MONTHS later.

 Given the large number of adult insects, I guess the number of
 insects total is going to be greater.

 I'm located about 1 hour outside of the White House. So, Yes, I'd say
 the astral is screwed up, also!!



 Allan, have you been using 501 and 508 ?
 Sounds like the atmosphere/astral is out of balance?
 Cheryl Kemp
 Education and Workshop Coordinator
 Phone /Fax : 02 6657 5322
 Home: 02 6657 5306

Send in the prayers

2002-06-24 Thread Moen Creek

tomorrow in Racine WI, which is on Lake Michigan between Milwaukee 
Chicago, is a meeting of our Department of Natural Resources governing
board. Which has the power to put a stop to the insanity of the attempted
slaughter of our Deer.

The discussion starts at 1 PM CST -5UT.
I speak #33 in the public presentation ~4pm.
Please send all the help you  yours can muster.

Thank You all.
In Love  Light

Re: Nettle tea for insect repellant

2002-06-22 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Nettle tea for insect repellant

Allan, I've had some good success with Tansy.
The top 2-3 in of young growth blended in blender or food processor and diluted out 3 or 4 X as a drench.

Good luck their nasty

From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 06:01:57 -0400
Subject: Nettle tea for insect repellant

I was speaking to Hugh Courtney earlier this week and he mentioned 
that a 'fresh tea' of stinging nettle was an excellent spray to use 
for control of flea beetles.

He said the tea should be made similar to the equisetum recipe for 
fresh equisetum tea, but that the tea itself should be made as one 
would make a tea for drinking (ie hot water poured onto leaves which 
are left to steep as opposed to, I assume, simmering the leaves for 
20 minutes) The resulting tea should then be expanded 9:1 with plain 

Anyonsing this tea? Making this tea? Have had success with this tea?

My current problem - - one for the whole county - - is massive 
attacks of cucumber beetles. Any suggestions, aside from peppering?



Re: Poison Ivy (Prevoiusly RE RoundUp)

2002-06-15 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Poison Ivy (Prevoiusly RE RoundUp)

If anyone
is interested, I can explain where to get and how to prepare the solution.

Please do thanks

Re: Rate Books, Heironymous, Malcolm Rae

2002-06-13 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Rate Books, Heironymous,  Malcolm Rae


I personally recommend that you consider get the starter kit from LFR.
The videos are excellent. This book is huge  capable. Combined with the Garden Ratebook and the New News letter Ratebook the wold of creation starts to be delveable. I will try  follow this thought in replay to Gil. But the chickens are calling at the moment.


P.S. Katherine is helpful  personable on the phone give her a call.
 LIttle Parm Research 993 w. 1800 N., Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 (801) 785-7416

Here are some of the aspects of Radionic from LFR.
Books and Periodicals Published by Little Farm Research

SE-5 Plus Research Workbook This 150 page SE-5 Plus Research Workbook was developed by Little Farm as an additional instruction for the operation of the SE-5 Plus instrument. It has been updated specifically for the SE-5 Plus. This manual is also the Basic course workbook. $25.00

SE-5 Experlmental Ratebook This 340 page Ratebook contains US and English format rates for use with the SE-5 or 2 dial instruments. This book is put together in an alphabetical format for easy access. It also contains rates that are listed numedcally to increase understanding of the meaning of rates. $55.00

LFR Mlni Ratebook This 124 page Ratebook was developed prior to the completion of the SE-5 Experimental Ratebook and is a great companion to the larger book. The Mini Ratebook contains commonly needed rates and affords you the convenience of a quick reference. This is a great book for the beginning researcher. $16.00

LFR First Aid Ratebook

This 82 page ratebook was developed to 
contain rates associated with common first aid
situations. This ratebook was designed as a 
quick reference book, especially during times
of need. $10

LFR Emotional/Mental Ratebook
This 40 page ratebook was developed for the researcher who is working with emotional and mental subtle field disorders. Some topics included are Bach Flower rates, Gem and Color rates, as well as rates associated with the nervous system. $8.00

LFR Gardening Ratebook
This 96 page agricultural ratebook contains rates and technics for the backyard gardener as well as the commercial farmer. Rates covered range from environment, plants, soil, and garden pests. $16.00

Animal Sourcebook T his ratebook was designed for the animal lover. The researcher will find many animal rates as well as notes and techniques, and charts for scanning. This source book contains specific information on many different animals. $35.00

The Radionic Homestead Journal This journal is a daily account of life and the radionic applications as they occurred to Lutie Larsen. It also contains occasional entries by Kay Asay. This year long diary, from 1986-87, is an excellent way to introduce an interested individual to radionics and show how it can relate to daily life. $10.00

The Radionic Homestead Report The Report is a bi-monthly newsletter published by LFR, which keeps t he researcher up-to-date on current findings in the field of radionics. This newsletter also acts as a researcher's forum for various aspects of radionic research. Cost is per year.
$25.00 USA $30.00 foreign

Report Complations, Vol. 1,2,3,4 and 5 The Radionic Homestead Report Compliation Vol. 1 includes back issues of The Report for the years 1988 - 1992. The Report Compilation Vol. 2 for the years 1993 and 1994, Vol. 3 for 1995 and 1996 and Vol. 4 for 1997 and 1998. The most recent back issues of are contained in Vol. 5, which includes the years of 1999 and 2000. Researchers have found this to be a great reference tool to review past research in the field of radionics. Each compilationis availablefor $40.00

Newsletter Ratebook This ratebook is a companion volume to all five compilations of the REPORT. It contains the rates that were published inthe newsletters from 1988 to 2000. The rates listed also refer to the newsletter from which they came. The alphabetical format is similar to the Experimental Ratebook. This book can also be used as an addendum to that rate manual. S40.00

Other Books

Radionics  Radiesthesia by Jane Hartman

This book was recently updated by Dr. Jane Hartman from her own
research and experiences in the fields of radionics and radiesthesia.
This book is recommended by Little Farm as a basic book for anyone
who is interested in exploring the field of Radionics. $17.00

Regalning Wholeness
by Don Parls
This is a book on the techniques one researcher has learned and
developed for the SE-5. Many pictures and charts enable the reader to
understand what the author is trying to say. This book tells the story of one peron's experiences with learning radionics and its applications. $14.95

.:5 y BioEnergy Rate Manual This ratebook has different rates than are found in the Experimental Ratebook. It is divided by systems for easier access. $150.00

 Informatlve Videos and Audios

Integrated Agrlcultural Workshop Course

This video course is a condensed form of the 

An apology

2002-06-10 Thread Moen Creek
Title: An apology

Steve, I was out of control last night in my reply to you.

as use usual ASSUMTIONs make an ASS out of U and ME.

I should have been more understanding.

I do have the Pluto wailing on others down.
And more then a little defensive with gun shots echoing through the countryside we local folks/deer) are under siege .


Re: Deer disease and BD Preps

2002-06-10 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Deer disease and BD Preps

Lloyd ,
The Deer are in truth taking control of their own destiny.
But prion construction from necessary glyco-proteins has cause in several distortions of nutrition, stress and aging. It occur in all organisms from yeast on up.
The vBSE and vCJD found in England was a multi reaction problem not just prions.

It appears to me that prion accumulation occurs in other systems and with other glyco-proteins of the body not just the nervous system and are complications in MD  MS, Parkinson's, Altsehimers and some role in Chronic Fatigue. 

But to call them a transmissible infections is like calling a broken rib an infection.

OR a wasting disease similar to the Johnes that has been around in sheep and cattle for ages? 
I haven't studied Johnes but the Acres US articles make it to be mainly nutritional problem.
Also do you have two dial rates for the BD preps ?

You pack in every thing %`)

BD500 16.75-5.25
501 14-30
502 41.75-92.5
 503 15.5-28.75
504 21.25-22.25
505 23-35.5
506 56.25-78.25
508 10.5-19.5
BD Compost starter
 15-6.75 and/or 29.25-72
horse tail essence 23.5-4.5
horse tail tea 38-24.25

These are all from Lutie and Katherine Larson at little Farm Research - Their Ag book is a great value

I have a clay prep but it's not a double gain 
and I don't have the physical prep here to dowes it.
Please share it if you do.

 All the best with the campaign - its a safe bet these fools won't shoot half the deer they think they are going to! 
No and it's the most likely numerous people, this landscape is highly populated.
In Love  Light

OFF:FW: Fast track may tip contenders' hands

2002-06-07 Thread Moen Creek
Title: OFF:FW: Fast track may tip contenders' hands
John Nichols: Fast track may tip contenders' hands 

By John Nichols

May 28, 2002 

It is no secret that grass-roots Democrats around the country oppose the free-trade regimen advocated by the Bush administration and the corporate lobbyists who have shaped the debate on trade issues inside the Beltway. 

The Democratic Party's core constituencies well understand that the North American Free Trade Agreement, the normalization of trade relations with China and other corporate free-trade initiatives have led to the shuttering of American factories, depressed prices for family farmers and the use of trade policy to assault laws protecting the environment in the United States and abroad. 

Even the most conservative estimates suggest that NAFTA has cost at least 360,000 Americans their jobs - and that is merely the easiest measure of the impact of free-trade agreements that allow multinational corporations, as opposed to citizens and their elected officials, to write the rules for protection of workers, farmers and the environment. 

Recognizing the flaws in a corporate-dictated free-trade system, groups with a history of good relations with the Democratic Party have been among the loudest foes of the Bush administration's attempts to gain fast track authority to negotiate a sweeping Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement, which critics refer to as NAFTA on steroids. 

The AFL-CIO and its affiliate unions have actively opposed fast track, as have the Sierra Club and other major environmental groups, and the National Farmers Union and organizations that represent family farmers as opposed to corporate agribusiness interests. So too have human rights and religious groups concerned about poverty and social justice in the United States and internationally. 

In the House of Representatives, where fast track passed by a 215-214 margin in December, 194 Democrats opposed the legislation while just 23 backed it. 

In the Senate, however, where Democrats are in charge, a marginally modified version of the fast track legislation won passage Thursday by a 66-30 margin. While 25 Democrats opposed fast track, 24 Democrats and one Independent who caucuses with the Democrats - Vermont's Jim Jeffords - backed the legislation. (The last Democrat, Hawaii's Daniel Inouye, missed the vote.) 

So who were the free-trade Democrats in the Senate? 

Many were Southern conservatives such as Georgia's Zell Miller, but many others were Democrats who portray themselves as friends of labor, family farmers, environmental groups and other Democratic constituencies that lobbied against fast track. 

Indeed, several of the leading free-trade Democrats are potential contenders for the party's 2004 presidential nomination. 

Among the Democrats voting for fast track was Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota. Joining Daschle in voting for the measure was Connecticut's Joseph Lieberman, who in recent weeks has stepped up efforts to position himself as a 2004 contender, North Carolina's John Edwards and Delaware's Joe Biden. Even Massachusetts' John Kerry, who sought to add a good amendment to the legislation, ultimately voted with the vast majority of Senate Republicans in backing fast track. 

Among senators whose names have been floated as potential 2004 Democratic presidential contenders, only Connecticut's Chris Dodd and Wisconsin's Russ Feingold voted against fast track. They were joined by another senator whose name is often mentioned but who regularly takes herself out of contention - Hillary Clinton. 

Fast track was amended sufficiently in the Senate to mean that it will go to a House-Senate conference committee, where a compromise version of the legislation is expected to be crafted and then sent back for votes in both chambers. Fast track could yet get beat in the House, where opposition could actually grow in an election year. 

Most of the Democratic senators who harbor presidential ambitions are hoping that the House will clean up the fast track mess. Then they will be able to continue to collect contributions from corporate interests that want unregulated free trade, while publicly presenting themselves as contenders who are in touch with the party's base. 

The base would do well to remember how the voting went when the Senate could have derailed fast track, however. It is a good gauge of how reliable a Democratic president might be to the issues that workers, farmers, environmentalists and supporters of international human rights take a lot more seriously than do many Democratic senators.

FW: Soil Fertility and Biodiversity in Organic Farming

2002-06-07 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: Soil Fertility and Biodiversity in Organic Farming 

From: Science, May 31 2002: 1694-1697
Soil Fertility and Biodiversity in Organic Farming 
Paul Mäder,1* Andreas Fliebach,,1 David Dubois,2 Lucie Gunst,2 Padruot Fried,2 Urs Niggli1 

An understanding of agroecosystems is key to determining effective farming systems. Here we report results from a 21-year study of agronomic and ecological performance of biodynamic, bioorganic, and conventional farming systems in Central Europe. We found crop yields to be 20% lower in the organic systems, although input of fertilizer and energy was reduced by 34 to 53% and pesticide input by 97%. Enhanced soil fertility and higher biodiversity found in organic plots may render these systems less dependent on external inputs. 

1 Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Ackerstrasse, CH-5070 Frick, Switzerland. 
2 Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture, Reckenholzstrasse 191, CH-8046 Zürich, Switzerland. 
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Intensive agriculture has increased crop yields but also posed severe environmental problems (1 ). Sustainable agriculture would ideally produce good crop yields with minimal impact on ecological factors such as soil fertility (2 , 3 ). A fertile soil provides essential nutrients for crop plant growth, supports a diverse and active biotic community, exhibits a typical soil structure, and allows for an undisturbed decomposition. 
Organic farming systems are one alternative to conventional agriculture. In some European countries up to 8% of the agricultural area is managed organically according to European Union Regulation (EEC) No. 2092/91 (4 ). But how sustainable is this production method really? The limited number of long-term trials show some benefits for the environment (5 , 6 ). Here, we present results from the 21-year DOK system comparison trial (bio-Dynamic, bio-Organic, and Konventionell), which is based on a ley rotation. The field experiment was set up in 1978 on a loess soil at Therwil, Switzerland [(7 ) and supporting online material). Two organic farming systems (biodynamic, BIODYN; bioorganic, BIOORG) and two conventional systems (using mineral fertilizer plus farmyard manure: CONFYM; using mineral fertilizer exclusively: CONMIN) are emulated in a replicated field plot experiment (table S1 and fig. S1). Both conventional systems were modified to integrated farming in 1985. Crop rotation, varieties, and tillage were identical in all systems (table S2). 

We found nutrient input (N, P, K) in the organic systems to be 34 to 51% lower than in the conventional systems, whereas mean crop yield was only 20% lower over a period of 21 years (Fig. 1 , Table 1 ), indicating an efficient production. In the organic systems, the energy to produce a crop dry matter unit was 20 to 56% lower than in conventional and correspondingly 36 to 53% lower per unit of land area (tables S4 and S5). 

 Fig. 1. Yield of winter wheat, potatoes, and grass-clover in the farming systems of the DOK trial. Values are means of six years for winter wheat and grass-clover and three years for potatoes per crop rotation period. Bars represent least significant differences (P  0.05). [View Larger Version of this Image (20K GIF file)] 

Table 1. Input of nutrients, pesticides, and fossil energy to the DOK trial systems. Nutrient input is the average of 1978-1998 for BIODYN, BIOORG, and CONFYM and 1985-1998 for CONMIN. Soluble nitrogen is the sum of NH4-N and NO3-N. The input of active ingredients of pesticides was calculated for 1985-1991. Energy for production of machinery and infrastructure, in fuel, and for the production of mineral fertilizer and pesticides has been calculated for 1985-1991. 

Farming system Total nitrogen (kg N ha1 year1) Soluble nitrogen (kg N ha1 year1) Phosphorus (kg P ha1 year1) Potassium (kg K ha1 year1) Pesticides (kg active ingredients ha1 year1) Energy (GJ ha1 year1) 

BIODYN 99 34 24 158 0 12.8 BIOORG 93 31 28 131 0.21 13.3 CONFYM 149 96 43 268 6 20.9 CONMIN 125 125 42 253 6 24.1 

Potato yields in the organic systems were 58 to 66% of those in the conventional plots (Fig. 1 ), mainly due to low potassium supply and the incidence of Phytophtora infestans. Winter wheat yields in the third crop rotation 

OFF:FW: Fast track may tip contenders' hands

2002-06-07 Thread Moen Creek
Title: OFF:FW: Fast track may tip contenders' hands
John Nichols: Fast track may tip contenders' hands 

By John Nichols

May 28, 2002 

It is no secret that grass-roots Democrats around the country oppose the free-trade regimen advocated by the Bush administration and the corporate lobbyists who have shaped the debate on trade issues inside the Beltway. 

The Democratic Party's core constituencies well understand that the North American Free Trade Agreement, the normalization of trade relations with China and other corporate free-trade initiatives have led to the shuttering of American factories, depressed prices for family farmers and the use of trade policy to assault laws protecting the environment in the United States and abroad. 

Even the most conservative estimates suggest that NAFTA has cost at least 360,000 Americans their jobs - and that is merely the easiest measure of the impact of free-trade agreements that allow multinational corporations, as opposed to citizens and their elected officials, to write the rules for protection of workers, farmers and the environment. 

Recognizing the flaws in a corporate-dictated free-trade system, groups with a history of good relations with the Democratic Party have been among the loudest foes of the Bush administration's attempts to gain fast track authority to negotiate a sweeping Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement, which critics refer to as NAFTA on steroids. 

The AFL-CIO and its affiliate unions have actively opposed fast track, as have the Sierra Club and other major environmental groups, and the National Farmers Union and organizations that represent family farmers as opposed to corporate agribusiness interests. So too have human rights and religious groups concerned about poverty and social justice in the United States and internationally. 

In the House of Representatives, where fast track passed by a 215-214 margin in December, 194 Democrats opposed the legislation while just 23 backed it. 

In the Senate, however, where Democrats are in charge, a marginally modified version of the fast track legislation won passage Thursday by a 66-30 margin. While 25 Democrats opposed fast track, 24 Democrats and one Independent who caucuses with the Democrats - Vermont's Jim Jeffords - backed the legislation. (The last Democrat, Hawaii's Daniel Inouye, missed the vote.) 

So who were the free-trade Democrats in the Senate? 

Many were Southern conservatives such as Georgia's Zell Miller, but many others were Democrats who portray themselves as friends of labor, family farmers, environmental groups and other Democratic constituencies that lobbied against fast track. 

Indeed, several of the leading free-trade Democrats are potential contenders for the party's 2004 presidential nomination. 

Among the Democrats voting for fast track was Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota. Joining Daschle in voting for the measure was Connecticut's Joseph Lieberman, who in recent weeks has stepped up efforts to position himself as a 2004 contender, North Carolina's John Edwards and Delaware's Joe Biden. Even Massachusetts' John Kerry, who sought to add a good amendment to the legislation, ultimately voted with the vast majority of Senate Republicans in backing fast track. 

Among senators whose names have been floated as potential 2004 Democratic presidential contenders, only Connecticut's Chris Dodd and Wisconsin's Russ Feingold voted against fast track. They were joined by another senator whose name is often mentioned but who regularly takes herself out of contention - Hillary Clinton. 

Fast track was amended sufficiently in the Senate to mean that it will go to a House-Senate conference committee, where a compromise version of the legislation is expected to be crafted and then sent back for votes in both chambers. Fast track could yet get beat in the House, where opposition could actually grow in an election year. 

Most of the Democratic senators who harbor presidential ambitions are hoping that the House will clean up the fast track mess. Then they will be able to continue to collect contributions from corporate interests that want unregulated free trade, while publicly presenting themselves as contenders who are in touch with the party's base. 

The base would do well to remember how the voting went when the Senate could have derailed fast track, however. It is a good gauge of how reliable a Democratic president might be to the issues that workers, farmers, environmentalists and supporters of international human rights take a lot more seriously than do many Democratic senators.

Deer [was Re: But What Did the Cow Have for Lunch?]

2002-06-06 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Deer [was Re: But What Did the Cow Have for Lunch?] 

Jane wrote:
I prefer eating wild venison over other game, but am wondering how much
longer I will think it safe to eat this, with your recent reports, Markess.

Yes venison is great eating, I had cut way back in my consumption in that at least here it is as far from organic you can get. They can feed in fields min. after the spray truck leaves.
I had not been eating the liver for several seasons for it tested poorly Radionicly, i.e. low vitality.

How is the hunter/gatherer struggle to wipe out the deer herd going?

Please join with us in holding Love  Light for a transformation of the DNR Tomorrow (Fri 7th) evening at 8 PM CST (-5 UT).
The slaughter officially starts 1/2hr before sunrise Sat 8th.4:47. This looks to be auspiciously good timing as Mercury does not station direct till 10:12 our time This to my meager understand puts them literally jumping the gun assumedly a very fatal error for the outing. The lost of human life in this season from firearms in the fields  woods seems more then likely. 

The landowner permits were issued last week, 500 of them. I know of some 50 which will be sat on as a protest. These are not 500 properties as multiples were given to each applicant.

The DNR intend to authorize the blood shed only one week per month for the four months of summer. The helicopter flights are frequent who know what all they imagine they can do. I use to smirk at talk of the black helicopters no more.

The CAIDS-WI web site is very active feel free to join on line from anywhere!
Down load the petition get it filled  mail it to me we will include it in the law suite in a few weeks. 

There is a CAIDS meeting/rally being held next WEN the 12th at 7:30 in the evening.
We are doing a direct mailing to 2,500 land owners in the Zone. Our hall will hold 300 + barroom  volleyball court, a traffic jam would be great!. Media from Chicago  Twin Cities, Milwaukee, La Cross  Green Bay and of course Madison.

Send aid for this also.

I have every confidence we will be successful.
The WILD is standing up  taking it's own destiny back!

Thanks for getting me to sit still and write you all.

In Love  Light

- Original Message -
From: Moen Creek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 10:11 PM
Subject: But What Did the Cow Have for Lunch?

But What Did the Cow Have for Lunch?

2002-06-03 Thread Moen Creek
Title: But What Did the Cow Have for Lunch? 

But What Did the Cow Have for Lunch? 

 By John O'Neil

 Maybe the problem in the modern diet isn't the amount of meat we eat,
 but the diet of the animals whose meat we're eating, according to two
 studies based on research comparing current diets with those of
 Paleolithic man. 

 Wild animals not only have less total fat than livestock fed on grain, but
 more of their fat is of a kind (omega-3) thought to be good for cardiac
 health, and less of a kind (omega-6) that promotes heart disease, said
 the studies, published in the March issue of The European Journal of
 Clinical Nutrition. Many of the same benefits were found in grass-fed
 livestock, also known as free range.

 The lead author of the studies, Dr. Loren Cordain of Colorado State
 University, was part of a group of researchers who drew attention in 1985
 by their suggestion that Americans could benefit from imitating the diets
 of modern-day hunter-gatherer tribes. Then, they described that diet as
 low in protein.

 But in an interview, Dr. Cordain said that the group later discovered that
 the dietary data had been compiled incorrectly and that about two-thirds
 of hunter-gatherers' calories came from animals.

 To try to reconcile this finding with the low rates of heart disease in such
 societies, they compared the fat found in game animals to grass-fed and
 grain-fed livestock. What they found, said Dr. Cordain, is that we need to
 get back to the character of wild meat.

 You can still eat meat and be healthful, said Dr. Cordain, if what you eat
 fed itself the old-fashioned way.

 New York Times February 19, 2002

FW: [helpinghands] Genuine progress or business as usual?

2002-05-28 Thread Moen Creek
Title: FW: [helpinghands] Genuine progress or business as usual?

From another one of those WI farmers who has to stick his nose out.


Economic development is the engine that keeps our country running. It means jobs and income, building and manufacturing, sales and service, all of which provide tax base for assessment (sometimes). 


But how do we measure economic development? Our government’s leading economic indicator is the Gross Domestic Product (the GDP). It measures the transfer of funds or money from person to person. Corporations have been granted the status of legal person, so they are included in this evaluation. The GDP is an outdated method of assessing the health of our economy. Yet this is the major economic indicator our country uses in setting policy for economic growth and is hopelessly inadequate. 


The GDP only measures transference of money, it in no way attempts to discern whether the transaction actually contributes positively to community or society. It is a flawed and limited way to evaluate economic growth. It originated out of World War Two economic desperation and is hopelessly inadequate. 


Let me give you an example of the shortcomings of the GDP as a tool for setting economic policy. According to the GDP, if after tonight’s meeting, I stop at the bar and consume a half dozen beers, that is a positive contribution to the Gross Domestic Product. Later when I run over a family of eight, killing half of them and maiming the other half, that is a positive contribution. The funeral services…positive contribution. Hospital cost, rehabilitation and long term health aids…positive contribution. Time in court, lawyer fees, jail time and truck repair…all positive contributions. 


In today’s climate of corporate accounting (like Arthur Anderson and Enron Voodoo Accounting), we need a genuine progress indicator to measure our economic development picture. A genuine progress indicator would evaluate economic progress by a means other than gross growth, and also reflects the impact on the community and environment. As newly elected chairman of the Jefferson County Economic Development Committee, I intend to do just that. 

For more information on the Genuine Progress Indicator and other ideas and concepts related to sustainable development, contact Redefining Progress at: 

1904 Franklin Street, Sixth Floor, Oakland, CA 94612. ph. (510) 444-3041 


Greg David 

Jefferson County Supervisor 

Re: Cows

2002-05-23 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Cows

Hi, I'm Mark's wife and partner in our animal husbandry. I'd like to answer some of your questions. About sheep milk...its a big industry in France--makes excellent cheese and drinking milk. Yes, the teats are big enough to hand milk, if you get the right breedyou want a breed that is known for milk. Our Jacobs are not known for their milk, They have very little teats.however, I have milked them to get colostrum and/or milk out for a newborn lamb when nursing was a problem. Wisconsin has a Dairy Sheep Breeders Association. Should be easy to find on the web and you could inquire about the right breed, IF you decide to go that direction. To get milk for yourself and the baby(s)it is recommended that you separate the mom and baby at night. You then milk her in the morning when she is full, then put the baby with her for the rest of the day. This system can work work for any milk animal.we read that this is standard practice for some sustainable organic dairies in Australia.

I would still recommend that you get two of the same kind of animal, rather than a mix of one of each. Dogs and cats enjoy being onlies, but bovines are herd animals--they need more of their own kind to be happy. A minimum of two is recommended. If coyotes are a problem, then the larger animal (cow) is probably a better choice, though her calf will be vunerable--would help to have a cow with horns. 

How are going to breed your animals? What will you do with the offspring when they grow up? These answers may figure in your choice.

Heritage chickens refers to many old breeds that are in danger of becoming extinct. An excellent source on all kinds of heritage breeds of barnyard animals is the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. We have a Noah's Ark of old chicken breeds--about 10 different kinds (Dominique, Buff Orpington, Black Jersey Giant, White Jersey Giant, Silver Crested Polish, Speckled English Sussex, New Hampshire Red, Sicilian Buttercup, Auracana, Iowa Blue, Buckeye). If you stick to the heritage chickens, they are all good grazersand scratchersmostly chickens like to scratch alot.

Good luck ! Linda

I also want to include chickens and ducks in the pasture. Is Heritage the breed? 
I like the idea of a cow and sheep because of the diversity on the farm. And because there are coyotes in this area and I think sheep by themselves will get killed. The cows in this area don't seem to be bothered by the coyotes so I'm thinking a sheep with a cow would be protected.
I particularly interested in sheep, ducks and chickens that are strong grazers. If anyone has suggestions...
- Original Message - 
From: Moen Creek mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: Cows

given the further Q's and thoughts on my  wife Linda's part.
We suggest you go with milking sheep, polled ones at that. Rams with Horns are harder on trees  ALL! then anything. They are not named RAMs for nothing. We have Jacobs with lots of horns and love them even more then our Highlands but we have some of the sweetest Ewes  rams on the planet!
While we are at it our heritage chickens are truly amazing and you should consider them in a pasture mix.

In Love And Light

Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 09:37:30 -0700
Subject: Re: Cows

Thanks for the info Markess,

I would be interested in hearing more about milking them. Do you know if they will produce enough milk for a calf and a family?

I don't know if we have enough land for two cows so we might go with a cow, sheep combo. Anyone have experience with a sheep and a cow bonding?

The other breeds we are interested in are Jerseys and Guernsey's. I would love to hear from anyone 
with those breeds. 


Re: Cows

2002-05-22 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Cows

excuse me for horning in here.
We have a Highland Fold. They. Sir Robert Hoye in command, five gals, a 2 year old Bull, two yearlings MF and three calves at the moment. 

They work ~45 acres. We do not rotation graze them, for a good portion of their job is landscaping hills sized full of wild apples and pulling  creating paddocks would be alota work. They still do a ok job minimizing weeds, parsnip, Buckthorn, multiflora rose, etc. but would do better a paddock at a time. 

Energetically I enjoy their seasonal and daily routines of coming and going, RS indicates they are healthier to having access to herbs, dirt  water to match their own needs. But if their job was beef production rotational pasturing would produce better. We do not milk but I know Highland cows who are and it's very high in butterfat. If I had a barn I would consider it. They are very tamable with grain  sweets as Allan will point out.

Your fruit trees would be in some danger but less with cows - de bulls sit on trees for their lady friends to graze on the tops esp on hot days. If you provided good big scratching posts of various sizes one wrapped with barb wire! yes they love it, the rubbing on the trees would be minimal. They love to groom  spend a good deal grooming each other. They are amazing loving animals with real karma  huge personalities.

In Love  Light

Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 20:31:56 -0700
Subject: Re: Cows

I have an opportunity to get a small highlander cow with her a calf for a
good price. Part of the pasture I was going to use has some small fruit
trees and I am afraid they will eat them. Should I be concerned? Also the
cow is not very tame, would she become easy to handle with time? How small
is your pasture and do you provide all your own feed or do import some?
They would probably be my first choice if we don't go with a dairy breed and
can work the fruit tree thing out.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: Cows

 I have a breeding pair of Scottish Highlander cattle. They are docile and
 very sturdy . I only have a small pasture so I bring them leftover field
 crops and cut h ay fresh for them in the season...sstorch

Re: Cows

2002-05-22 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Cows

given the further Q's and thoughts on my  wife Linda's part.
We suggest you go with milking sheep, polled ones at that. Rams with Horns are harder on trees  ALL! then anything. They are not named RAMs for nothing. We have Jacobs with lots of horns and love them even more then our Highlands but we have some of the sweetest Ewes  rams on the planet!
While we are at it our heritage chickens are truly amazing and you should consider them in a pasture mix.

In Love And Light

Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 09:37:30 -0700
Subject: Re: Cows

Thanks for the info Markess,
I would be interested in hearing more about milking them. Do you know if they will produce enough milk for a calf and a family?
I don't know if we have enough land for two cows so we might go with a cow, sheep combo. Anyone have experience with a sheep and a cow bonding?
The other breeds we are interested in are Jerseys and Guernsey's. I would love to hear from anyone 
with those breeds. 

OFF: CAIDS Press Release

2002-05-09 Thread Moen Creek
Title: OFF: CAIDS Press Release

Haven't landed in the calboose yet,
But hectic and phone bound.

In Love  Light


From: Citizens Against Irrational Deer Slaughter (CAIDS)

Contacts: Attorney David Mandell (608) 256-7765, 256-7723)
 Linda Derrickson or Mark Kessenich (Landowners, Farmers, B  B Owners,
 Linda is also Town of Vermont Treasurer, Mark is a Hunter) (608) 437-4141
 Mark Sherven (Landowner, Farmer, Hunter, Town of Vermont Plan Commissioner)
 (608) 437-3732
 John Barnes, Local Veterinarian (608) 845-6026

An organization known as CAIDS has been formed to respond to the DNR's proposed deer extermination within a targeted circle in parts of western Dane County and eastern Iowa County. CAIDS stands for Citizens Against Irrational Deer Slaughter.

According to CAIDS attorney, David Mandell, the group will be working on several fronts to provide people in Wisconsin with alternatives to the DNR plan of herd extermination in the target zone near Mount Horeb. CAIDS members want to slow the process to allow time for research into the disease to determine a mode of transmission. Mandell says the DNR admits they are not aware of the mode or method of transmission of CWD, if any. 

The DNR acknowledges they have not considered any other alternative to extermination. CAIDS feels there has not been enough public input taken into account for such a drastic DNR management measure.

Anyone sharing our concern and/or wanting to join our network can contact one of the above with your name and address. Additionally, if you would like to participate in meetings, conferences or other forms of direct advocacy, your email or telephone number will be needed.

Donations to support CAIDS legal work and other expenses are most welcome. An injunction or lawsuit may be necessary. Alliance for Animals can receive your tax deductible donations--please write CAIDS Donation on the check and send to: Alliance for Animals, 122 State Street, #406, Madison, WI 53703. We also suggest that you look at their web site:

CAIDS is concerned about the economic impact of the purposed slaughter on our community. Some of our questions/ concerns are:
--How will a summer hunt/slaughter? affect businesses that depend on visitors that come here for our bike trails, parks, scenic beauty, Little Norway, Tyrol Basin weddings, local restaurants, gift shops, lodging, etc.
--Why should this sacrifice be asked with no data to support that it will be effective, plus some data to suggest that it won't work.

CAIDS is concerned about the feasibility  safety of slaughtering 15,000 animals during the summer months in this rugged, heavily foliated terrain. Some of our questions/concerns are:
--Will all the bodies be tested? Is this even possible within the 24 hrs required to do testing?
--Can the hunters realistically haul the carcasses out through the heavy brush?
--Where will they take the carcasses? Landfill? Cremation? Where? 
--If they don't haul them out, what are the impacts of leaving them on our land? What will eat the bodies?
--What will the large coyote and wild dog population eat when the deer are gone? Is there a risk for children? livestock? pets? Will they move closer to homes  villages seeing food for themselves and their young?
--What are the risks of shooting accidents? Human? Livestock?
--How long did the slaughter of 512 animals take this past winter during the test hunt?
--How long will it take to slaughter 15,000 animals with heavy foliation in the summer? 
--How many of the deer will simply run out of the targeted zone to other areas?

CAIDS is concerned about the environmental impacts of the purposed DNR plan of mass slaughtering deer in the target area. Some of our questions/ concerns are:
--What are the environmental impacts of wiping out a species in a specific locality?
--What new imbalances in our ecosystem will be created? 
--How will domesticated animals react to low-flying helicopters and prolonged rifle fire. Will cows abort, for example? Will they break through fences? We don¹t even know all the questions to ask. 

CAIDS is concerned about the ethical, moral, spiritual and human health issues regarding the DNR plan of mass slaughtering deer in the target area. Some of our questions/ concerns are:
--How does the massive slaughter of a species that has provided a bond of community and culture affect the mental and emotional health of our citizens?
--How does a prolonged out-of-season hunt affect our ability to recreate and enjoy our land?
--Is slaughter of does with fawns a conscionable deed? 
--Are we loosing sight of our humanity when so little is known about the outcome?

There are many reasons that hunting of deer has been a fall/winter activity in Wisconsin. Primary of these is safety. Deer should be hunted when leaves are off the trees and deer can be clearly seen. The possibility of shooting accidents in the summer due 

CWD / sliting the veil

2002-05-03 Thread Moen Creek

Dear list I would have to hunt  peck for a month to give you the total
flavor of all that is swirling around us  this subject.
The reality is we, here on BDNow, as a group have started to glimpse in
other post etc the breath of the  new world order's  coup which spans many

Chronic Wasting Dis-ease at it's most fundamental levels  is the deer here
in the Blue Mounds area are taking charge of their destiny. In other areas
(Colorado) life is hard (trying to live on pine needles). Mark Purdey is
correct - background mammalian biochemical pathway literally crystallizes
under a-salt from heavy metals and the cellular recycling systems work
themselves in to a toxic frenzy trying to clear/digest the crystals, The
recycling systems  exploded eating/leaving the holes / sponge form in neural
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources plan of action probably does
have seven veils. The most hidden  most fundamental, I conjecture to be the
new world order's resource grab.
Here in the US State  Federal Resource  Conservation Agents have total
powers everywhere. They may come on your property, enter your home, search
everywhere without warrant or judicial review.
With a riled armed public militia, i.e. hunters without a game, they are
greater then formidable!

Note: the action the DNR said they will do, is reduces the deer population
to zero, in a bulls eye on a map. This is not a hope from there point of
It ain't going to be just vapor trails falling out of the sky.

In Love  Light

Re: Brits: What do you think of Greg Palast?

2002-05-03 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Brits: What do you think of Greg Palast?

They use the stuff as an additive to aeronautic fuel to surpress the flash point, here in what was the US. There are no 1st, 2nd or thirds any more - just muti-nationals and we the extras.

From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 07:40:33 +0930
Subject: Re: Brits: What do you think of Greg Palast?

We must be one of those Third World Countries, they sell stuff here that is
banded in the US.



Stephen Barrow wrote:


 Have you heard the term Lords of Poverty - headed up by organisations such
 as the IMF, World Bank, and other public organisations. I have worked for
 more than one of these and can vouch for their disgusting approaches - was
 only too keen to leave when I realised what they do. The Monsanto's of this
 world are another organisation, as are the agro-chemical companies (dumping
 chemicals in developing countries which are banned in developed countries,
 without appropriate instructions, protective clothing etc, etc). The
 atrocities are horrendous.

 Stephen Barrow

Re: [biotech_activists] Intl Campaign Touts High-Yield (biotech)Farming

2002-05-01 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: [biotech_activists] Intl Campaign Touts High-Yield (biotech) Farming

I thought I'd had a scary day


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