Re: [COOT] DNA refine parts separately

2008-03-20 Thread Paul Emsley

Ricardo Leal wrote:


I wonder if this feature was changed in the recent versions of Coot? 

It has indeed.  Progress, eh?

Is it
possible to refine phosphate, sugar and base separately?

Yes.  It involves a deal of clicking though.

I am using Coot and wincoot 0.33 

I hope you mean 0.3.3 not 0.0.33

and apparently none of them allows this.

That indeed is the case.  Not sufficiently modern.

Try a recent 0.5-pre release and look out for Fixed Atoms.


Thanks in advance for your replies.


From: Paul Emsley 
Date: Tue Nov 21 2006 - 17:58:19 GMT

On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 06:07:48PM +0100, Kristina Lakomek wrote:

I would like to build a ds DNA in Coot. Does anyone know, whether it is
possible to modify / refine the base, the ribose and the phosphate part of
each nucleotide separately?

No, you can't refine the parts separately. I am not convinced that
that is a good idea.

You can of course do mutations and move around the individual atoms
as you can with any other residue type.

You can trivially change from C3'-endo to C2'-endo puckering by pulling
on the appropriate atom during regularization (or refinement).



Re: [COOT] Rotate/Translate Multi-chain complex

2008-04-04 Thread Paul Emsley
 I would like to rotate/translate a multi-subunit complex, each subunit
 having a different chain name. Is there a way (maybe a script) that allows
 this to be done in Coot without attempting to change to a single chain

I presume that the rotation/translation matrix (m in this case)
is given by a LSQ match.  If so, you can use the following.  
If not, you can supply the rotation/translation matrix directly 
to the transform-coords-molecule function.

a rotation/translation matrix is a 
   (list m11 m12 m13
 m12 m12 m23
 m31 m32 m33)
   (list t1 t2 t3))


;; Set these for your case:
;; match residues 10 to 20 in B chain of moving molecule to residues
;; 11 to 21 in chain A of reference molecule.  The final 2 means CA
;; match 0 means all atom)
(define match-params '(11 21 A 10 20 B 2))
(define ref-mol0)
(define moving-mol 2)

(apply add-lsq-match match-params)
(let* ((rc (copy-molecule moving-mol))
   (m (apply-lsq-matches ref-mol rc)))
  (delete-molecule rc)
  (if m 
  (transform-coords-molecule moving-mol m)))

Re: [COOT] Coot installation problems/errors mac 10.4

2008-04-08 Thread Paul Emsley

Mark Collins wrote:

Dear Coot Community,
I'm having a few issues installing/running Coot  0.5-pre osx ppc.  I 
have a G4 Powerbook and G4 mac mini, both running 10.4.
First the powerbook and mini were hanging with the start (coot) image 
and the startup log says:

...(looks normal).
There are 2 data in /sw/share/coot/lib/data/monomers/u/UR.cif
Reading coordinate file: /sw/share/coot/standard-residues.pdb
 PDB file /sw/share/coot/standard-residues.pdb has been read.
Spacegroup: P 1
Cell: 40.631 109.18 93.243 90 90 90

** (coot:439): WARNING **: Error loading pixmap file:
art_render_invoke: no image source given

Having read the earlier posts ABOUT art_render_invoke

Just to recap, art_render_invoke is a irritating warning message about 
image construction.  Many programs that load images trigger it.  It has 
since been removed from the library.

I decide to move my sw/ to sw.old/ and reinstall fink as well as coot 
and all its dependencies.  It now launches but still gives errors in 
the startup log... see attached.  I am able to load a model, but am 
unable to upload any CNS maps (I used model_map_twin.inp) an error to 
do with headers.  I guess the format must be wrong?

Maybe.  For a short while there was a version of clipper that could not 
read the headers of some CNS maps.  That was corrected.
However, if that is the problem - and you do somehow have the older 
libs, you should trim back the header lines in the CNS map to less than 
80 characters.

As for the mini, I did almost everything the same as the powerbook 
except, as an extra step prior to renaming and reinstalling 
everything, I downloaded and installed the stand-alone 0.4.2 (I think) 
pre-compiled binary from Bill Scott's site.  But I still got the same 
hanging on the startup image with the same warning art_render_invoke. 
 I then moved sw/ to sw.old and repeated as above.  What is strange is 
that after reinstalling everything I still get the 0.4.2 startup image 
even though apt-get give me Sorry, coot is already the newest 
version when I try to install now (ie. 0.5-pre)

I feel like this is all a bit confusing, if anything needs 
further clarification please ask.  Thanks in advance, Mark Collins

Blimey, what a lot of hoops you seem to need to jump through...(it 
shouldn't be like that, ideally).

For a reason unknown to me, the first time one starts Coot, typically on 
a mac can take many minutes.  After that it starts up fine.  That used 
to be the case, anyway.

Paul (not yet a MacCoot user).

Re: [COOT] problems running coot on an intel Imac 10.5.2

2008-04-09 Thread Paul Emsley

William Scott wrote:

The Apple X11 guy is now working with coot


to try to fix the bug that causes it to freeze or crash, and there 
will likely be a new release soon.  The problem is beyond my very 
limited abilities, I am afraid.

So start the download and then go to the pub.

Yes, I have that sort of internet connection too...

I've been using your cootautoopener and have trouble with crosseye 
stereo.  using a ppc mac and a thin 20 inch diagonal screen, when i 
expand to a larger viewing area, the stereo images are not the same 
size.  i can sometimes use a work around by quitting and re-starting 
but this often doesn't work.

Hmm... I just noticed this yesterday.  For me, the image on the right 
distorts, squeezed or pulled out (depending on how I resize) but after a 
few frames of rotation (rather than window resizing), it sorts itself 
out to the correct image. (That is on FC4).

The auto-opener is just a wrapper for a shell script that starts coot 
for you, so that is probably a red herring.  Window resizing in the 
context of Apple's X11 is a bit buggy.  

More than likely than not that it is not their bug, in this case.

In my case, once I go into stereo mode, and then leave, I can no 
longer make the window any smaller.

Oh dear.  Even after revision 946? (I think this is related to the bug 
that Ethan Merritt mentioned)

I saw what you describe on linux once, but not OS X.  However, I've 
seen other weird stuff on OS  X that probably is due to the same bug.

I have not seen it on OS X either (not surprising :)

The safest work-around in this case is to start coot without the 
auto-saved script, which will resize your window.  Size the window so 
that it is the desired size vertically and then 1/2 of the desired 
size for stereo horizontally, and then switch into the stereo mode. It 
should then do the right thing.


If you save the state and then re-start in mono, the window will be 
too large, so this is an irritation, but I can't think of a better way 
to deal with it.

Not so, after the Ethan Merritt bug was fixed, is my thinking. ( Or is it?)

Further notes:  I still haven't figured out hardware stereo on 10.5. 
Unfortunately I don't own such a machine, so I can't do a whole lot.

Me neither, for the record. (And I have not yet managed to compile Coot 
on my 10.5 machine, and I think that that is Apple's showstopper).


Re: [COOT] Coot for DNA modeling

2008-04-16 Thread Paul Emsley

Nian Huang wrote:

Dear all,
After putting a ideal double-strand DNA around density, I found it is very
hard to move both chain together. Using rotate/translate zone only results
in single chain movement. Is there a function in coot that can
rotate/translate a whole molecule in an easier way?

Oh dear, this is becoming a FAQ.

There is no good way to rotate a whole molecule (it's on the list, FYI). 

You can of course do a translation using Move Molecule Here.

The work around (if you want rotation too) is to make a copy, move the 
chain of the copy, then LSQ move the original to the moved copied chain 
(ref).  Not very elegant, but it will work.

Hope that helps,


Re: [COOT] Hardware stereo default plane of centering - change?

2008-05-27 Thread Paul Emsley

Mark Mayer wrote:

Hi Cootaners,

Anyone know if its possible to redefine the default Z location for the display in hardware stereo 
mode? The default value seems to be the plane of the stereo window, and although I can move the 
plane deeper into the window with control/right-mouse-drag, when I use space-bar to advance to 
the next atom, the focus jumps back to the default value.

Its just a personal preference: I prefer to have atoms and maps I'm working on a bit inside the 
monitor, instead of having them jumping out of the screen.

Hi Mark,

The position of the rotation centre to the front and back clipping 
planes is set for mono viewing (and is quite good in that mode, IMHO). I 
can believe that you'd like to shove it back a bit in hardware stereo - 
but you can't do that currently.

It should be easy to implement, I think.  I'll schedule it for 0.6.


Re: [COOT] bond thickness

2008-07-02 Thread Paul Emsley

William Scott wrote:

(set-bond-thickness 0 3)


but the menu-driven option for me doesn't anymore.


Yes, bug.

The workaround (that works for me) is to activate the default molecule.  
That gets it unstuck.


Re: [COOT] to regenerate a pdb file from ssm matrix

2008-08-10 Thread Paul Emsley

jenny flower wrote:


I have 4 chains in my pdb, I SSM chain B,C,D to chain A. If I refined 
chain A, can regenerate a pdb with whole 4 chains from refined chain A, 
by applying SSM matrix? I see Xterm window show SSM matrix when I do 
SSM, but somewhere a log file contain this matrix information also?

Dear Qing/Jenny Flower,

When you say I refined chain A, I am presuming that you mean that you 
have done some model building using Coot.  You then want to apply the 
edits that you have made each of the chains in your model (applying the 
NCS transformations as necessary):

You should read the user manual, section 5.27 Applying NCS Edits:

In your case it seems that you want this function:

(copy-from-ncs-master-to-others imol master-chain-id)



Re: [COOT] to regenerate a pdb file from ssm matrix

2008-08-11 Thread Paul Emsley

Dear Qing Chen,

Woops, sorry - the documentation is out of date - I'll fix it shortly. 
The copy chain makes exact copies of the master chain (with the NCS 
transformation applied obviously).

Which means of course, mutations, deletions, insertions will be applied too.

I have added a NCS copy chain function to Extensions as of revision 
1327.  That should help.


Qing Chen wrote:

Hello Paul,

Yes, I did some model building using Coot only of chain A. I checked the 
link, it is saying: 
Note that you can currently only apply NCS edits to residues that exist 
in the other chains. If for example, you had introduced/added residues 
1 to 5 in the A chain and wanted to copies those over to the other 
molecules, then that would not work (88)

Since I did renumbering, adding ,deleting residues to chain A, so seems 
it wouldnot work by apply NCS. Now I would like to run refmac5, so I 
need a complete model, right?
I am a rather beginner, is there any better ways to rebuild in my case(4 
molecules in one assymetry unit).


On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 9:36 PM, Paul Emsley [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

jenny flower wrote:


I have 4 chains in my pdb, I SSM chain B,C,D to chain A. If I
refined chain A, can regenerate a pdb with whole 4 chains from
refined chain A, by applying SSM matrix? I see Xterm window show
SSM matrix when I do SSM, but somewhere a log file contain this
matrix information also?

Dear Qing/Jenny Flower,

When you say I refined chain A, I am presuming that you mean that
you have done some model building using Coot.  You then want to
apply the edits that you have made each of the chains in your model
(applying the NCS transformations as necessary):

You should read the user manual, section 5.27 Applying NCS Edits:

In your case it seems that you want this function:

(copy-from-ncs-master-to-others imol master-chain-id)



Re: [COOT] phenix pdp files and coot - FIXED

2008-08-13 Thread Paul Emsley

nihmmayerm wrote:


The problem was that coot choked on the TER and BREAK lines in the PDB,
once I removed these 0.4.1 reads the phenix PDBs fine.

Hmm... where, I suspect, choked on means parse according to the 
definition.  I have not heard before of a BREAK card and AFAICS, it is 
not part of the 2.3 standard - so I am not surprised that Coot does not 
parse your file in the way you might expect.


Re: [COOT] autostereoscopic displays

2008-09-10 Thread Paul Emsley

Evan Kantrowitz wrote:
I am now using an autostereoscopic display (no 3D glasses required) from DTI 
Technologies.  I have been using this display with PyMol and the stereo is great.  There is 
essentially no eye strain and no flicker at all.  

It does not work correctly with COOT since it requires a slight modification to the side by 
side stereo mode to work correctly.  Essentially the left and right images are rendered 
full size, then compressed horizontally by half before being displayed. Is it possible to 
add this mode to COOT or provide info on how to do it so I can make a special version.  
Here is the exact info from the DTI Technologies website:

Do you get fat molecules (too wide) when you use side by side stereo 
in Coot then?

Use of DTI screens is unsupported until they send me one to play with :)


Re: [COOT] autostereoscopic displays

2008-09-11 Thread Paul Emsley

Evan Kantrowitz wrote:
Yes, when you use the side by side in COOT with the autostereoscopic display the molecules 
are too fat by a factor of 2.

You can try this:

(set-dti-stereo-mode 1)


[COOT] non-clickable molecules?

2008-09-14 Thread Paul Emsley

Dear Cooters,

I have had reports that in certain circumstances, only the top 
molecule is clickable - which I am sure can be annoying.  However, I 
have not been able to reproduce this here.

So, if you are suffering in this way, please tell me which coot binary 
tar file you used (and anything else that might be pertinent) and I will 
have another try at resolving this.

0.5 will be released shortly, that's the plan.



(and for those at the recent BCA summer school, the baton build crash 
has now been fixed - sorry about that).

Re: [COOT] Problem with NCS EDIT

2008-09-16 Thread Paul Emsley

Janesh wrote:

I am having problems executing the NCS EDIT command...
I have 2- fold NCS and want to apply the edits from CHAIN A as my master molecule  to 
the B chain. I am using the command following command which is not working...

copy-residue-range-from-ncs-master-to-others 0 A

either nothing happens or I get error std pipe broken I am using Coot 0.4.1

That would be:

(copy-residue-range-from-ncs-master-to-others 0 A)

This is/will be improved in 0.5 - there is a GUI for it now.


Re: [COOT] Partial Occupancy, Alternative Conformations

2008-09-23 Thread Paul Emsley

I wonder if Chrisitan has a different definition of quick and easily...

To trim[1] atoms that are below a given map level see Section 6.15 of 
the user manual:

[1] delete or set to zero occupancy.


Dirk Kostrewa wrote:

Dear Christian,

both tasks can be easily done with coot. To add an alternative 
conformation, use the Add alt conf button in the Calculate - 
Model/Fit/Refine window, to change the occupancies of a residue, use 
Edit - Residue Info.

Best regards,


Am 23.09.2008 um 11:21 schrieb Christian Rausch:

Dear all,

I am wondering if there's a quick way to set the occupancy for atoms 
with no

(or too low) electron density. Furthermore, is there a way to save two
different alternative conformations for the side chain of a residue?

Thank you,
Christian Rausch

Biologische Chemie
TU München

Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center, A 5.07
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
81377 Munich
Phone: +49-89-2180-76845
Fax: +49-89-2180-76999

[COOT] Coot 0.5 released

2008-09-24 Thread Paul Emsley

The Coot Team are pleased to announce the release of Coot-0.5 Ueno.

(binaries for other platforms will be appearing in due course).


Release 0.5 Ueno

   o FEATURE: Coot now has a Preferences dialog.

   o FEATURE: Coot now is PDB version 3.0 compliant.

   o FEATURE: Additional Representations added [Tadeusz Skarzynski].

   o FEATURE: Fixed Atoms for refinement have been introduced.

   o FEATURE: Monomer restraints can be edited in a GUI and are
 exported to the scripting layer.

   o FEATURE: Coot can now make difference maps.

   o FEATURE: The state file now remembers the refinement map number
 [Herb Klei].

   o FEATURE: Add dialog position preferences to Extensions.

   o FEATURE: The state file now remembers the scroll-wheel (contour
 changing) map [Kevin Madauss].

   o FEATURE: Add a variable reduce-molecule-updates-current, that
 when set by the user causes an update of the probed molecule, not
 the generation of a new one [Bob Nolte].

   o FEATURE: Add Terminal Residue now assigns the correct residue
 type (if a PIR sequence has been given for side-chain docking)
 [Bob Nolte].

   o FEATURE: Pukka Puckers? validation tool for RNA.  Based on
 Davis et al. (2007) Molprobity: all atom contacts and structure
 validation for proteins and nucleic acids, Nucleic Acids
 Research 35, W375-W383.

   o FEATURE: Active site hilighting.  Cheep and cheerful solid
 modelling of ligand and neighbouring residues [Herb Klei].

   o FEATURE: Double-clicking on an atom labels it (CCP4mg

   o FEATURE: Eigen-flip function added.  Use to quickly flip around

   o FEATURE: it is now possible to add a setting so that atoms with
 zero occupancy are not moved when refining:
 set-refinement-move-atoms-with-zero-occupancy [Rajiv Chopra]

   o FEATURE: Refmac can be run from Coot without the user having to
 explicitly set the column labels.

   o FEATURE: NCS Copy Chain is now available as a GUI extension.

   o FEATURE: The ability to turn on chi angles that move hydrogens is
 now available from the Chi Angles dialog.

   o FEATURE: The About dialog contains references.

   o CHANGE: Key bindings mechanism has changed.  Now we are able to
 display key binding in a GUI widget.

   o CHANGE: Molprobity Tools (probe and reduce) will only now work
 with those binaries that are hybrid_36 enabled.

   o CHANGE: Picking has been changed to somewhat favour those atoms
 at the front of the slab.

   o CHANGE: When deleting a residue while displaying validation
 graphs, the graphs get updated immediately [JED]

   o CHANGE: In CA display mode, only CAs can now be picked.

   o CHANGE: Nudge centre axes are now relative to the screen rather
 than in world coordinates.

   o CHANGE: NCS skipping changed.  Hopefully faster now [Steven
 Sheriff].  Also works in the case of hetero dimers with NCS [Phil

   o CHANGE: default bond width changed to 5.

   o CHANGE: Traffic lights verticalized.

   o CHANGE: Symmetry colour info added to state file [Doug Kuntz].

   o CHANGE: the argument order for mutate scripting function
 have been canonicalised.

   o CHANGE: set-symmetry-colour-merge now takes only a fraction

   o CHANGE: Mutate no longer changes the atom order in the pdb file.

   o CHANGE: Next Residue/Previous residue reworked so that it now
 jumps over gaps and goes to the right residue when encountering
 insertion codes.

   o CHANGE: Don't allow translation drag of intermediate atoms during
 rotamer selection.

   o CHANGE: Reference structures now have strand markup in the
 header, so they can now be used as the reference structures for
 Build Strand.

   o CHANGE: Bond parameters changes (bond width and hydrogens state)
 now work immediately, no need to press the Apply button [FvD].

   o CHANGE: Colour by Chain style also now displays zero occupancy
 markers [PRE].

   o CHANGE: Modelling toolbar can now be removed or docked in
 different positions.

   o BUG-FIX: chiral volumes are now correctly handled for multiple
 monomer bespoke ligand dictionaries.

   o BUG-FIX: Hydrogens names are better handled after an undo
 operation - no longer do they fly off when refining [Joel Bard]

   o BUG-FIX: Non-flexible ligands can be added to ligand search when
 the flexible? option is selected.  Previously the ligand search
 was aborted.

   o BUG-FIX: Flexible ligand fitting when the torsion period is 0 and
 for ligands that have bonding defined from a cif file (no atom left

   o BUG-FIX: side-by-side stereo mode improved [Randy Read].

   o BUG-FIX: Now coot does not crash on when displaying NPD atoms
 in anisotropic representation [Mitch Miller].

   o BUG-FIX: 

[COOT] What's in 0.6? [was Re: Will be a 64 bits version of coot 0.5 released?]

2008-09-24 Thread Paul Emsley

Leonardo Castro Palmieri wrote:

Congratulations for the great software!

Thank you - appreciated.

Will be a 64 bits version of coot 0.5 released?

Yes... in due course.  I'll need to acquire a 64 bit machine/OS to build 
the nightlies on.

I intend now to deal with matter arising from 0.5, have a bit of a rest, 
a bit more traveling

and then work on HAPPy for a while.

I need to separate the specs for the next release (2008) and 0.7 (2009), see

If you (anyone) has comments about this, I would be interested to hear them.

Top commitments:

 o P backbone mode for RNA/DNA
 o Edit a SHELXL file before refinement
 o backrub on rotamer search
 o Helix fitting overshoots
 o PISA output display

Like to do:

 o multiple residue ranges for refinement
  (e.g. residues from a sphere)
 o redo sequence view
 o Fix 64-bit coot problem(s)


Re: [COOT] Coot 0.5 Model/Fit/Refine colours

2008-09-25 Thread Paul Emsley
Another remark on colours in 0.5: redhat8 (non-pythonic) binaries on RHEL4 seem to have lost colours -- 

  the model/fit/refine window, scripting window etc are all grey.

Dear Judit,

Oh I see.

It's a gtk1 vs gtk2 problem:

Please replace your xxx/share/coot/cootrc with the one in:

We will fix this up properly in the pre-releases.



Re: [COOT] Edit chi angles lost indicator?

2008-09-29 Thread Paul Emsley

Nobuo OKAZAKI wrote:

Dear Coot 0.5 users

I'm using coot 0.5 (redhat8 binaries) on Vine Linux 4.2 (Japanized linux
based on redhat 8 or 9).  In this version, Edit chi angles lost green
indicator for target bond.

Yes, sorry. This problem means that 0.5.1 will be needed :-/


Re: [COOT] Problem writting Hs

2008-09-29 Thread Paul Emsley

Ricardo Leal wrote:

Dear Coot Mailing list,

I am using wincoot 0.5 pre (downloaded 1-2 months ago) and I am having
problems writing hydrogens (I am refining neutron data) to the output pdb
file. Basically  coot eats the double prime.

Dear Richardo,

You need a fresher Coot.

Re: [COOT] SMILES all trans

2008-10-01 Thread Paul Emsley

Giles Robertson wrote:

Dear folks,

Just wanted to point out that in version 0.5 (and older) the cis trans 
isomerism gets messed up when reading in the smiles code for a small 
molecule.  For example C/C=C/C looks the same as C/C=C\C.   Although 
it is possible to edit the .cif file manually, I just thought, you 
know feed back, that kind of thing.

Dear Giles,

First off, thank you.

I'd like to point out that there is no cleverness at all in Coot about 
SMILES.  The merit for that should be to Alexei Vagin and his LIBCHECK.

I will inform him of your note.



Re: [COOT] Atoms

2008-10-03 Thread Paul Emsley
It turns out that Eugine Krissinel is way ahead of me - in mmdb he 
provides a flag to fix up the missing elements. 

This is non-optionally done now in 0.5.1-pre-1 and following versions.


Charlie Bond wrote:
How straightforward would it be to modify coot to automatically 'run 
pdbset' on loaded pdb files to overcome this issue?


Lynn F. Ten Eyck wrote:

On 2 Oct 2008, at 09:11, Kay Diederichs wrote:

Phil Evans schrieb:
In the new coot, lots of my PDB files have all atoms coloured 
white. Is this a consequence of the new PDB format conventions


Yes I think so - I found that PDB files that behave like that lack 
the atom type in the last column (which might be req'd by the new 
PDB format convention - no idea why).

The 4-character atom name did not allow well enough for unique 
identification of the element type, especially with H atoms.  
Overloading the atom name with element type causes a lot of 
problems.  Separating the atom type to another column allows for both 
atom type and ionization state -- i.e. correct identification of the 
scattering factor needed.

Example: Atom type Fe -- is it ferrous, ferric, or ferryl?  You need 
to know for both refinement and modeling.

Lynn Ten Eyck

running through pdbset fixes this easily.


--Kay Diederichs

email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel +49 7531 88 4049 Fax 3183
Fachbereich Biologie, Universitaet Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457 Konstanz


Re: [COOT] Edit chi angles/refinement does not work for monomers

2008-10-06 Thread Paul Emsley

Les Tari wrote:
I realize that I left out a key detail, and had a typo on my last post. I am running Coot 0.5 
on OSX (intel). The error message I see when I try to refine a monomer I generate with the 
CCP4 monomer library sketcher that there are NO restraints found for the ligand (despite 
the fact that I read in the mon_lib.cif file before reading in the coordinates for the 
monomer(s) in question). 



When one successfully reads a dictionary cif file (typically 
monomer-XXX.cif, if it has come from LIBCHECK via Coot) Coot will tell 
you that it has read n bonds from the dictionary - if it doesn't do that 
then I worry.   Look for dirty cif? message in the console.

Are you sure that the three-letter-codes of the PDB coordintes match 
that in the cif dictionary?

How, more precisely, did you make you dictionary?  I presume this is a 
ligand you designed yourself (and not something in the refmac dictionary?).


Re: [COOT] environmental distances

2008-10-07 Thread Paul Emsley

S. Shanmuga Sundara Raj wrote:

Is there a way to export the environmental distances to a text file? 
These distances are not saved in the saved state (*.scm). Can you save 
the session  with the environment distances?

Not exactly, but you can find the residues that are close (5.5A say) to 
a given residue  (in this case, the residue nearest the centre of the 

(residues-near-residue (car (active-residue))  (map (lambda (n) 
(list-ref (active-residue) n)) (list 1 2 3)) 5.5)

And we can use that to get to atom position and distance between atoms 
(see attached).  (Note this does not filter the main-chain contacts like 
environment distances does.)


(define contact-dist-cut-off 3.2)

(define (bond-length-from-atoms atom-1 atom-2)
  (define (bond-length pos-1 pos-2)
(define (square x)
  (* x x))
(sqrt (apply + (map square (map - pos-1 pos-2)
  (bond-length (list-ref atom-1 2)
	   (list-ref atom-2 2)))

(let* ((aa (active-residue))
   (imol (car aa))
   (active-res-spec (map (lambda (n) (list-ref (active-residue) n)) (list 1 2 3

  (let ((residue-specs (residues-near-residue imol active-res-spec contact-dist-cut-off))
	(active-res-atoms (apply residue-info (cons imol active-res-spec

(for-each (lambda (residue-spec)
		(let ((atom-list (apply residue-info (cons imol residue-spec
		  (for-each (lambda (neighbour-atom)
			  ;; (format #t  active atom: ~s~% neighbour-atom)
			  (for-each (lambda (active-atom)
	  (let ((d (bond-length-from-atoms 
		active-atom neighbour-atom)))
	(if ( d contact-dist-cut-off)
		(format #t  contact: ~sA: ~s ~s to ~s ~s~% 
			(car neighbour-atom)
			(car active-atom)

Re: [COOT] Problem with Coot validation after Phenix twinned refinement

2008-10-10 Thread Paul Emsley

Lieven Buts wrote:

Hello all,

I have just been experimenting with the refinement options for twinned data
in phenix.refine (final 1.3 version), and I ran into a strange problem with
the density fit validation function in Coot 0.4 and 0.5. When I auto-open
the MTZ file with map coefficients produced by phenix.refine, I get a 
normal-looking map, but every single residue in the density fit plot is

squarely in the red. When I open the 2Fo-Fc CNS format file also produced
by phenix.refine, I get a map that looks identical to the first one, and
when I validate the same model against the new map, I get the normal 
density fit pattern, with most residues in the green, and the occasional 
orange one. So it seems that the density fit calculation goes wrong for

MTZ files from twinned refinement. Does anyone know what might be
causing this? I can send the data files if required.

Randy Read told me about this issue the other day.

The density fit graphs work assuming that the map is on the absolute 
scale - I suspect that your maps have a different scale (test by looking 
at the absolute level given the same number of sigma). It would be 
better if Coot used correlation vs a calculated map, but today it does not.

You can adjust the scale using Extensions - Refine - Set Density Fit 
Graph Weight [1]

[1] I may move this soon - Settings would seem a better submenu.


Re: [COOT] Flying hydrogen issue in coot 0.5

2008-10-21 Thread Paul Emsley
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED] Paul Emsley
 Hi Mark, 
 The issue here is that the dictionary does not define those atoms for e.g. ARG
 and GLN. 
 For ARG and GLN, the atoms bound to the CG are  HG1 and  HG2 - not Hx3. 
 Coot doesn't know about bonds to those atoms, so it kicks them off with NBC
 By what means did you acquire those atoms? There may be a new convention about
 hydrogen naming that I don't know about...

After doing a bit of research (talking to Jeff Headd) I find that indeed the
convention has changed.  The new format for the hydrogen names are indeed Hx2
and Hx3.  

grumbleOh dear oh dear, this is going to be a nightmare...  I wonder if the
PDB have any idea what problems they have caused...  I spoke to Ralf recently,
he says (IIUC) that they map input pdb names to the new format on reading the
coordinates and then *re-map* the atom names to make them match the dictionary.
 Urgh!  And I will have to do the same.../grumble


Re: [COOT] SSM problem

2008-10-22 Thread Paul Emsley
Yes it should. :-(


In message [EMAIL PROTECTED] junfeng liu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It worked well  on old versions. For coot 0.5,it works when you restart 
 coot or overlap small fragment on big one sometimes .
  That should be a bug. Is it right Paul?
 Best wishes!
 Engin Ozkan wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  I have a peculiar problem.  Whenever I copy fragment a domain, the copied
  fragment fails in SSM.  I am not talking about a small fragment, but more
  like a 250-residue domain.  If I save the fragment as a molecule, go back
  and Open Coordinates that saved fragment, SSM works just fine for that
  reloaded fragment.
  It seems like a petty problem (and the workaround I found isn't that hard),
  but I was wondering if this was a bug or not (for coot 0.5 revision 1444).

Re: [COOT] symmetry molecules in H32

2008-10-28 Thread Paul Emsley

James Whittle wrote:


I'm trying for the first time to work with a structure in spacegroup 
H32. Coot reads the CRYST card, but when I build a helix, or look at a 
H32 PDB entry, the symmetry mates appear squished. I know there is some 
discussion about handling this spacegroup: do I need to change the CRYST 
line to get the structure to display correctly?

chuckle what timing :-)

OK, so the answer is that Coot does not support such a spacegroup 
symbol.  You need to specify it as R 3 2 :H.


Re: [COOT] symmetry molecules in H32

2008-10-29 Thread Paul Emsley

Eleanor Dodson wrote:

Paul Emsley wrote:

James Whittle wrote:


I'm trying for the first time to work with a structure in spacegroup 
H32. Coot reads the CRYST card, but when I build a helix, or look at 
a H32 PDB entry, the symmetry mates appear squished. I know there is 
some discussion about handling this spacegroup: do I need to change 
the CRYST line to get the structure to display correctly?

chuckle what timing :-)

OK, so the answer is that Coot does not support such a spacegroup 
symbol.  You need to specify it as R 3 2 :H.


Paul - you have to fix this - until such time as PDB depositions return 
such a symbol. At  the moment they have H32

Actually, at the moment they have H 3 2.

For example, I tried 1B41 and that displays symmetry just fine, as Kevin 
suggests.  James, name an accession code that appears to have squished 
symmetry (you are using the latest stable version, I take it).

Fitting a helix is a different story though, I get a pdb file with a 
rhombohedral spacegroup but hexagonal cell (which makes a mess of the 
symmetry related coordinates of course).  Both cell and spacegroup for a 
Fit Helix molecule should be picked up from the map/MTZ file - so I 
don't know what is going on there.


Re: [COOT] Problem with Anisotropic B's from Shelx ...

2008-11-05 Thread Paul Emsley

Dear Richard,

Richard Kingston wrote:
Working with Coot 0.5 revision 1444, I'm seeing strange behavior reading 
and writing files for Shelx

If I simply read in the shelx .res file, then write a .ins file straight 
back out, the anisotropic B coefficients are changed.

An example ...

Read in:

RESI 3006  HOH
O 4 .066672-.410049 .09188011.0 .18111 
.15204 =

  .15826 .01317-.06512-.00049

Written out:

RESI 3006   HOH
O 4  0.066672000  -0.410049000   0.09188 11.0=
 0.21961  0.11403  0.15826  0.01140  -0.071705000  

This is no simple permutation, and doesn't look correct. Am I missing 
something obvious here? 

No, I am :-/

I'm working in Trigonal Space Group P3221.

That's the issue.  I had not checked anisotropic Bs from anything that 
was not at least orthorhombic.  I had not de-orthogonalized the Us.

Thanks, I'll fix this soon and get back to you when it's done.


Re: [COOT] problem in coot installation in ubuntu

2008-11-15 Thread Paul Emsley
FYI, IIUC, Morten Kjeldgaard has become a MOTU and is working on 
crystallographic libs for Ubuntu, e.g.:

When he gets round to Coot I'm keen to help make his life easier.



Mark Brooks wrote:


It may be useful to have a 'contrib' section for the Coot binary 
download web page (or even some unofficial web page), so that we have 
more options of binaries to test. For example, upon upgrading to Ubuntu 
Hardy Heron, Coot stopped working, for reasons beyond my understanding, 
but worked when recompiled. (Which was very easy using the 
build-it-gtk2-simple script BTW). To have a central repository of tested 
binaries could be very handy, to avoid having to do this.

The Coot developers and yourself (Bill) have done an enormous amount to 
furnish us with working, tested programs,  but perhaps one or two more 
updated binaries contributed by users  would be useful, especially for 
newer releases of the myriad Linux flavours.

I think for the Coot developers to start providing .deb, .rpm and Gentoo 
packages for every update is too onerous, especially when .tar.gz files 
work OK. Just my opinion.

Which Ubuntu are you on Bill, and which binary are you using? Are these 
on your debian web site? I guess I may be able to give a Hardy Heron 
binary if need be.

Thanks for your .debs though, I use them all the time.


2008/11/12 William G. Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Since Ubuntu has gotten to be popular (for good reason, IMO), it
might be useful to have an official (or at least semi-official)
debian package whose installation would guarantee all the
dependencies also get installed.  I've tried to do it in a
half-arsed sort of way, but lately have dropped the ball (sorry). 

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 1:03 AM, Kevin Cowtan


Firstly, do you need to build coot at all? There are binary
packages which work just fine on Gutsy. You can install them
wherever you want on your system, and they should just work.

Secondly, if for some reason you do want to build your own (you
want to make changes to the code???), then are you using the
build-it-gtk2-simple script?
Building coot without this script requires days or weeks of
messing around with dependencies. With this script it is usually
pretty easy.


Rimi wrote:

Hi all,
 I am new to coot. Recently I tried to install coot
in my ubuntu
gutsy. But it can not find mmdb library somehow. Below is
the message


William G. Scott

contact info:

Please reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Telephone: 0169157968
Fax: 0169853715
Institut de Biochmie et de Biophysique Moleculaire et Cellulaire
UMR8619 - Bât 430 - Université de Paris-Sud
91405 Orsay CEDEX
Skype: markabrooks

Re: [COOT] DNA mutation

2008-11-17 Thread Paul Emsley

Taufik Al-Sarraj wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am new to Coot, I am trying to do a DNA mutation but unfortunately i 
have not been successful. I am using Mutate Residue Range.

The error message i get is

'INFO:: mutate 2  to a ALA
DISASTER! Not all necessary atoms found in residue  2
 CA is missing
 C is missing
 N is missing
failure to get orientation matrix'

I tried the do mutation with a pdb structure from 1DGC, and i tried to do a mutation on a dna created 
using nucgen in amber. Both attempts gave me the error above.

Hello Taufik Al-Sarraj,

Sadly mutate-residue-range is for a protein sequence only currently.  It 
does say this here actually

but not in the user manual (which I will amend shortly).

Now that I look at it, there is no scripting (i.e. ranges) available for 
nucleic acid mutations.  I will make a note to address this lack.

So for you right now it's either a clickfest (using Simple Mutate) or 
some other program - sorry.



Re: [COOT] PDB files with insertions numbered 100A, 100B etc.

2008-11-18 Thread Paul Emsley

Aengus Mac Sweeney wrote:
Can coot deal with PDB files that have residues numbered 100A, 100B, 100C 
I can't find a way to make rotamers or auto fit rotamers work for these 

Hi Aengus,

My initial answer to this was of course! - now I tested it and and I 
think oh dear. High priority to fix. Thanks for the heads up.  I'll 
write back here when those functions work for residues with ins codes.


Re: [COOT] Get Monomer Function almost freezes system for a while

2008-11-18 Thread Paul Emsley

Sang wrote:

I am running Coot 0.5.0-1 on Mac OS X 10.4.11 (Dual 2.7 GHz Power PC G5, 2
GB DDR SDRAM), which was installed with fink. ccp4 is 6.0.2-7, again
installed with fink.

when I want to get monomer, it freezes quite long time (more than 5 min) to
write cif file using refmac. the monomer I tried was DMS, and PO4, which
shouldn't be difficult.

No, a few seconds.

it was a lot quicker when I used Coot 0.3(less than a
blink by then).
anything I did wrong? or something else?
Thanks for the help.

I can't think of why it should be slower for you - my thinking is that 
there may be some sort of refmac issue.

What happens (when are the delays) when you do

(get-monomer EDO)

in the scheme scripting window?


[COOT] Coot 0.5.2 released

2008-12-15 Thread Paul Emsley

We are pleased to announce the release of Coot-0.5.2.

This is mostly a bug-fix release (of 0.5/0.5.1) but a few new features 
sneaked in too.





   o FEATURE: A Delete Molecule button is now available in the
 Display Manager [TJS].

   o FEATURE: show-rotamer-dialog is now available from the scripting
 layer (hence `quick rotamer' keybinding) [FvD].

   o FEATURE: Manual definition of NCS ghost matrices - GUI added.

   o FEATURE: overlay-my-ligands function introduced - GUI added.

   o FEATURE: A simple interface to electrostatic surfaces has been
 introduced (Extensions - Representations).

   o FEATURE: rotate-chi feature introduced.  For use with a PowerMate.

   o FEATURE: keyboard-based Go To Residue for quicker navigation.

   o CHANGE: NCS ghost work using LSQ to get the matrix, not SSM.

   o CHANGE: Display manager toggle buttons replaced with check

   o CHANGE: make-dynamically-transformed-ncs-maps takes an extra
 argument specifying if new maps should overwrite previous maps of
 the same name.

   o CHANGE: Extensions menu re-worked.

   o CHANGE: Keyboard zooming is now smoothed.

   o BUG-FIX: the chi angle bond highlighting works again.

   o BUG-FIX: The Cancel button in Save Restraints now works.

   o BUG-FIX: Check/Delete waters in Check mode no longer causes a
 crash when the Close button is clicked.

   o BUG-FIX: Atom elements are inferred from the atom name.

   o BUG-FIX: writing of cifs from the Restraints editor has been
 improved [JED].

   o BUG-FIX: chiral restraints specified as BOTH can now be edited.

   o BUG-FIX: Flip peptide now flips the peptide H atom too
 [Joel Bard].

   o BUG-FIX: Ligands can now have their torsions manipulated in
 CA+Ligands mode [Ingo Korndoerfer].

   o BUG-FIX: NCS residue range edits now apply to more than the first

   o BUG-FIX: Coot now can read PART cards with a site occupancy
 factor from a SHELXL .res file [Mirek Gilski].

   o BUG-FIX: Fixed crash on using multiple geometry (Distance and
 Angles) dialogs.

   o BUG-FIX: The Reset View button has been reworked.

   o BUG-FIX: Ball  Stick additional representations has been
 reworked and now move as the molecule gets updated.

   o BUG-FIX: Ramachandran improvement function has been improved.

   o BUG-FIX: Rotamers and simple refinement now work with residues
 with insertion codes.

   o BUG-FIX: The rotamer graph no longer rescales on updating a

Re: [COOT] [ccp4bb] superpose structures .ssm or lsq which is better

2008-12-16 Thread Paul Emsley

junfeng liu wrote:

Dear All,
I am overlaying several structures using coot. There are two ways SSM 
or LSQ can be used  in that package.  But I got clearly different  
result  form  the two methods. In my opinion SSM only works on the 
secondary structures and LSQ can works on the whole atoms ,main chain 
or CA.
So the question is which one is better to overlay structures, LSQ or 

Dear Liu,

Depends on what you are trying to do.  If you are trying to overlay 
proteins that are homologous but have low sequence identity, then 
finding which atoms/residues match with which can be pretty difficult - 
hence you would use SSM.  If, however, your protein chains are similar 
(for example, because they are NCS-related perhaps) then LSQ over a 
particular residue range is probably a better option.


Re: [COOT] Coot 0.5.2 and Molprobity problem

2009-01-07 Thread Paul Emsley

Hi Ben,

Ben Eisenbraun wrote:

I seem to be running into the same problem reported by other people with
Coot showing a blank clashes window.

I'm using the official Coot 0.5.2 python-gtk2 binary on Fedora 10 with
probe 2.12 and reduce 3.13.  Probe/reduce seem to run correctly; I get a
coot-molprobity output directory with files and their exit status is 0, but
the dots are never drawn and the Molprobity Probe Clash Gaps window is
blank with just a single OK button.

I am using 2.12.071128 and that works fine on my Ubuntu machine.

On my FC4 machine that causes an immediate crash.  However, 2.12.070727 
doesn't crash but behaves in the same manner as you describe.

look at probe-dots.out.  If you have (something like)
:1-1:wc:A   6 VAL HG13 :A  92 ILE  HA  :
that fails.

If you have
:1-1:wc: A   6 VAL HG13 : A  92 ILE  HA  :
that works.

Or so I think.  If that is not the issue, then I don't know what it is. 
(The format change is to support hybrid_36 pdb files).

An email in a similar thread from Bernhard Lohkamp on 11/18 suggested that 
if the window was blank, the version of probe was too old, but I don't see

a more recent version.

We encouraged them to make a new version for Windows.  It would be nice 
if I could have a version that worked on FC4 too.

Any clues on what I'm doing wrong would be much appreciated.


See you soon,


Re: [COOT] no way to calculate an E map

2009-01-07 Thread Paul Emsley
In message writes:
 At present the only way to calculate an E map via  the input option to 
 read an MTZ file is to redefine the COLUMN type of E to that of F

  Could this be fixed please?



Re: [COOT] overlapping buttons in molprobity check script

2009-01-08 Thread Paul Emsley

Pete Meyer wrote:

Using molprobity 3.15 with coot 0.5.2 (gtk1 on ubuntu 7.10 amd64), the
dialog box that results from running the molprobity-produced script has
overlapping buttons (so problems in one residue are masked by problems
in another).
Does anyone have any ideas if this is a molprobity (generated script)
issue, coot issue, or gtk1/gtk2 issue?

It is a gtk1 issue, I think.  How about using the gtk2 version?


Re: [COOT] changing default B factor of new atoms?

2009-01-16 Thread Paul Emsley

Pete Meyer wrote:

(set-default-temperature-factor-for-new-atoms 37)

It does appear that this approach doesn't work (at least for adding
terminal residues using 0.5.2).

You are quite right - my apologies, I should have tested before mailing. 
 I have fixed this (and added a test) in pre-release (rev 1778).



Re: [COOT] Stepped version of sphere-refine?

2009-01-26 Thread Paul Emsley

Oliver Clarke wrote:
That works very well, thanks Judit, and thanks to Paul for the initial 
Is there a way to give refine-zone a list of residues rather than a 

No.  There will not be.

refine-residues doesn't seem to adopt the restraints I set in 
refine/regularize control (e.g. ramachandran, secondary structure 
restraints), but refine-zone does, and I'd quite like to use the 
ramachandran restraints, as I find they come in very handy at low 

I need to check then that refine-residues is handling the extra 
restraints settings correctly.

Or alternatively, if there's a way to set ramachandran restraints for 
refine-residues via the scripting interface,

It should just work - I will try to make it so.


Re: [COOT] CIF dictionary contains no restraints

2009-01-30 Thread Paul Emsley

Dear Cindy,

cindy wrote:

I am running Coot 0.1.1 on an SGI. 

Ah, I am getting forgetful about how things worked in 0.1.1
I'm trying to incorporated methylated lysines into my model, but it is not working.  I've 
done the following

File=Get monomer
placed the methylated lysine where I want then
File=Merge molecules
when I try to regularize it, or use real space refine I get a message telling me there are no 
restraints found.  I then import the CIF file generated by coot and it tells me that the CIF 
dictionary contains no restraints. 
I have not seen a dirty  mmCIF file message 

OK, this could well be because there are indeed no proper restraints 
in the cif file.  What does your cif file look like?  Like that for ALA 
(complete)? or ATT (minimal)?  If minimal, you need to run 
libcheck/sketcher (or something) to get a complete restraints description.

With more modern versions, coot will do that for you, so you'd do (for 

(mutate-by-overlap 0 A 56 MLZ)

Section 5.14.3:

We have not kept up to date with providing binaries for sgi, the latest 
one I can see is here:


p.s. Do consider trying Coot on a Mac or PC - it's somewhat nicer there 

Re: [COOT] Coot crash issue

2009-02-02 Thread Paul Emsley

Roger Rowlett wrote:
  I am experiencing a strange Coot crash issue on some of my Linux 
workstations. Coot 0.5.2 or 0.6-pre1 crashes with an identical failure 
mode with the following Coot output (last few lines):

load tips.scm
load americanisms.scm
load group-settings.scm
load tips-gui.scm
/usr/local/bin/coot-0.6-pre1/bin/coot: line 124: 14996 Illegal 
instruction $coot_real $*

coot-exe: /usr/local/bin/coot-0.6-pre1/bin/coot-real
core: #f
No core file found.  No debugging

I can run Coot 0.5.2 or 0.6-pre1 with no issues on my Q9300 quad-core 
machine, but on any of my Pentium 4 workstations I get this crash on 
startup. Coot 0.5.0 runs fine on the Pentium 4's, so it's an issue that 
developed with 0.5.2 and later. I'm a bit mystified.

Hello Roger,

I have not seen this before.   I don't recall changing anything in this 

As a work-around you can comment out tips.scm in 

That might do the trick.

or add to your ~/.coot file

To give details in the crash report please turn on core dumping before 
running coot.


Re: [COOT] Enhancement Request: Ability to add residues into an empty slot in a chain

2009-02-05 Thread Paul Emsley

Schubert, Carsten [PRDUS] wrote:

 Would it be possible to enhance the Change Chain ID.. function to
 allow for insertion of residues into an existing chain if the given
 resid range is not occupied?

if you use the Use Residue Range option you can do this.

 Could the function be modified in such a way that it checks if the
 to be renamed sequence actually fits into its designated slot and
 allows the operation and bails if not? The current exclusion scheme is
 a bit to broad IMHO.

Yes, that would be better than the current situation.  However, as
there is an alternative path (although not the most obvious, I admit)
it is not of the highest priority.



Re: [COOT] OS X: coot-0.6-pre-1-revision-1847-1

2009-02-06 Thread Paul Emsley

Engin Ozkan wrote:

Hi, it's me again.

With the latest version (1848), I haven't been able to use 
rotate/translate or rigid body functions (they were fine in 1847, I 
think). No matter what I set it to, the whole chain gets moved by these 

:-( Yes I do too.  Will fix.

Re: [COOT] pymol does not cartoon-ize my helices : coot helical restraints

2009-02-07 Thread Paul Emsley

hari jayaram wrote:
I have a low-ish resolution (3.5 ) map for a membrane protein. I have 
been using helical restraints heavily in pymol to do the model building 
(versions 0.4.2 to 0.5.1 to 0.6 pre release ) . The structure is very 
homologous to something else and these are really long membrane spanning 
helices. So a large part of the structure  should be helical and thats 
my justification for using the restraints in coot.

I have mostly refined in refmac ( newest 5.3 ) and some in phenix. Both 
of these pick the refining  restraints automagically.

My problem is that my helices look perfect in coot , with the torsions 
and h-bonding looking pretty good .All the traffic lights ( with and 
without torsional and ramchandran and helical restraints) are green. But 
pymol simply refuses to cartoonize my helices as helix.

I know I can force the pymol cartoon algorithm to treat those regions as 
helix but am concerned that something is not correct in the way I built 
my model.

Any clues on forcing my helices to conform to what pymols idea of a 
helix is. The pymol version is also 1.0r2 and does cartoonize everything 
else  as expected.

Are the residues in helical secondary structure? (the DSSP algorithm is 
built in to Coot - perhaps Pymol uses something else to define ss?)

You can look at the sequence view (coloured by secondary structure) or 
view as CA with Secondary Structure to see if Coot (at least) thinks 
your residues are alpha helices.


Re: [COOT] O other NCS chain

2009-02-13 Thread Paul Emsley

Jianghai Zhu wrote:


The new version of coot has o key binds to other NCS chain, which is 
a great shortcut.  It works perfectly between my A and C chains.  
However, it won't work between B and D chains and gives me the following 

((safe_scheme_command) Error in proc: key:  wrong-type-arg  args:  
(string= Wrong type argument in position ~A (expecting ~A): ~S (2 string 
(B D)) ((B D

Hi Jianghai Zhu,

Thanks.  I get a problem here (NCS heterodimer) too.  I'll see if it it 


Re: [COOT] Dashed Lines

2009-02-17 Thread Paul Emsley

First: good.

Second: a technical note: recently I discovered that many (most?) 
consumer graphics cards do not support GL_LINES [1] for line widths 
other than 1 pixel - they simulate them using OpenGL quads 
(quadrilaterals), so it is not completely surprising that somehow the 
simulation was messed up.  In future, I will probably move Coot to using 
quads directly to bypass the simulation - it may speed things up...


[1] which is what Coot uses to represent most things.

Petra Lukacik wrote:

Hello All,
I just wanted to follow up the Dashed Lines thread
I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) and I reinstalled the fglrx  
video card driver (xorg-driver-fglrx). I don't know what exactly did 
the trick but I no longer have the dashed lines problem. Oh and I am 
currently using coot-Linux-i686-ubuntu-8.04.1-gtk1 from binary.

Victory is mine!

Re: [COOT] A problem about peptide link of special residues

2009-02-19 Thread Paul Emsley

Garib Murshudov wrote:
Have you declared your modified LYS as L-peptide. It should be be done 
in the beginning like:

LYS  LYS 'LYSINE  'L-peptide  22   9 .


Many of the modified lysines in the Refmac dictionary are not marked as 
 L-peptides.   Is that something that needs to be fixed in the dictionary?


Re: [COOT] coot0.6-pre-1 on FC10

2009-02-24 Thread Paul Emsley

Kay Diederichs wrote:

David Schwefel schrieb:

Dear Coot community,

I encountered some problems using Coot on fedora core 10. I installed 
binaries, and upon starting, the system crashed just in the moment 
when the
Coot window appeared. I have a ATI radeon X1650 graphics card. When I 
from the standard radeon to the ATI fglrx graphics driver, the system 
not crash anymore, but Coot quits with the following error message:  

My 2 cents:  I'm guessing this is due to compositing or a driver bug.  I 
run Coot on F10 every day and only see suspicious activity when using 
Nvidia driver.


Re: [COOT] Key-binding for changing active map/molecule color

2009-02-25 Thread Paul Emsley

Victor Alves wrote:


I have looked at the reference manual and can't seem to find a way to 
fulfill my desire to change colors of the active map or molecule at 

All the commands I found use imol which means you have to know the 
exact number. If you're launching Refmac from within Coot, its useful 
that Coot changes the map and molecule colors (as it does 
automatically) but sometimes I don't like the chosen colors and would 
like to change them, just by pressing a key.

So, I would like to add a key binding to set the current (active) map 
to a certain color and likewise do the same for the active molecule.

Something like:

(add-key-binding Blue Map b (lambda () (set-map-colour 
*_active-imol_* 51 128 178))

instead of having to use imol.

Hi Victor,

First, to make the new maps from Refmac be the same colours as the 
previous one, add to your ~/.coot file:

(set-keep-map-colour-after-refmac 1)

Secondly, to answer your question:

(add-key-binding Blueify the Latest 2foFc Map b
(lambda ()
  (let loop ((l (reverse (map-molecule-list
 ((null? l) 'no-map)
 ((= (map-is-difference-map (car l)) 0)
  (set-map-colour (car l) 0.1 0.5 0.68)
  (loop (cdr l)))

i.e. we have to find the value of active-imol and we do that by working 
backwards through the list of map molecule numbers and finding the first 
one that is not a difference map.

Note the colour scales go from 0 to 1.


Re: [COOT] Stereo projection with Coot

2009-02-25 Thread Paul Emsley

Schubert, Carsten [PRDUS] wrote:

Yep it does. On linux there may be issues, because the drivers may or may not 
support swap-eyes. The problem is that the images are out of sync with the 
glasses, or to be more precise, the left image is displayed when the right 
shutter on the glasses is open. That was the case with the version we are 
having, not sure if the latest projector is better. This is not a problem if 
the app allows you to swap eyes, like Pymol. I don't think coot has that 
capability (yet?)

I don't really understand - do you mean simply that the object is back 
to front? (ie. the front clipping plane is at the back?)  If so I would try:

(set-hardware-stereo-angle-factor -1.2)

(something negative anyway).


Re: [COOT] python or scheme?

2009-02-25 Thread Paul Emsley

Markus Dehnhardt wrote:

 Dear cooters,

 I am new to coot, but I have already discovered how powerful
 extensions and key bindings can be. My question is quite simple: if
 I want to generate my own extension or keybinding, which scripting
 language is better suited? I am not very familiar with either but
 willing to experiment.

 There were similar questions already on this mailing list but there
 are a couple of things that are not clear to me:

 Some of the documentation is for python some for scheme: the
 scripting interface is python and the reference manual is
 scheme. Are all functions awailable for both? Or does one have any
 advantage over the other?

Sigh... Well, you are not the first person to be confused by this. The
state of the scripting documentation has been reported as problematic
for a while.  I don't know what do to about it that does not involved
a lot of work.

Yes, the User Manual is mostly written with schemey examples.  The
reference manual I have not looked at for years :-/, the scripting
interface page is also automatically generated and provides an
interface from a C-programmers point of view - which is very like that
for Python.  I use often this quite often.  The scripting interface
for functions written in scheme/python should equivalent access to
functions that do the same thing.

The syntax of the function calls can be readily converted between
scheme and python.  There are notes available on how to do this.

The functions that we saw today, for example, could have equally well
have been written in python.

 What is other users preference: python or scheme, and why?

For those who are not influenced by me, python I'd say.  And they
chose python because it is more readily picked up for those with an
imperative or object-oriented mind-set.

Like the dolphins, I'd choose scheme for exactly the same reasons.

 How often do people, other than developers, create extensions?

Hard to say, but my feeling is not often enough.  And that is, I
suppose, is due to the poor state of the scripting/extension

That and the fact that it takes an investment of time to learn the scripting
language, the Coot extensions API and the GUI toolkit.

 And finally to the scheme scripters: how did you learn scheme?

The Little Schemer and Ken Dybvig's The Scheme Programming Language.

To answer your question: python or scheme?


We provide the best 2 languages so that you have the choice.

How to choose?  Read The Little Schemer - if you think it is
delightful and stimulating, use sheme.  If you think it is hateful,
irrelevant and full of irritating silly parentheses, use python.



Re: [COOT] how to optimise the geometry in the coot

2009-02-26 Thread Paul Emsley

Jhon Thomas wrote:

Hello paul

I am completley naive with coot.I am using the coot present with the 
ccp4-6.0.2, which is an older version of coot. I am facing very 
difficulty in optimising the geometry of the model in coot.I follow 
the tutorial for optimisation of the geometry. i go like this.

a) real space refinement of particular zone and then regularization 
the zone.

I doubt that that's what it says in the tutorial.

real space refinement puts the selected model parts in the density and 
regularization again optimizes the model part. but, its very hard to 
maintain the perfect geometry for the model this way..

What is wrong with the geometry?

b) Rotate-translate zone followed by real space refinement and then 

You need RTZ? Urgh.

but, this i am facing very difficulty in regularization..
I always set the coot real matrix weight around 20.

Is this is the correct protocol


or there is another way to control the refinement and regularization 
in coot.

A rule of thumb:  don't use regularization when you have electron density.

Go to a good area of the model.  Triple refine.  Are the traffic lights 
all green?  Good.  If not change the weight until they are.

Now work on the problematic region...



Re: [COOT] Open windows with startup script

2009-02-27 Thread Paul Emsley

Meindert Lamers wrote:

Dear all,

I was wondering if there is a way to open the following windows using a
startup script.
-Cell  symmetry
-Refine regularize control
-Bond parameters.

No, no [1] , no and no.

But they would be useful to add - along with the scripting window.




[1] right-mouse click in the horizontal toolbar with python coot to add 
a Mono/Stereo button (amongst others).

Re: [COOT] N-linked glycosylation

2009-03-02 Thread Paul Emsley

Bottomley, Matthew wrote:

Dear Cooters,

Is WinCoot able to handle glycosylated Asn residues? If I load my 
current PDB file that contains an Asn with an N-linked NAG modification 
the NAG does not appear bonded to the Asn side-chain (whereas in Pymol 
this connection is drawn). The Asn and NAG have different residue 
numbers - is that the source of the problem? Any good work-arounds?

Dear Matthew,

Yes, this is a know issue, there is no work-around (other than the 
gimp/photoshop :).  It is due to be fixed, not that that helps you now.

But note that the bond drawing algorithm is different to the restraint 
generation - so even though the bond is not drawn, can still be used in 
sphere refinement.


Re: [COOT] torsion general

2009-03-02 Thread Paul Emsley
Cathy Lawson wrote:
 I'd be grateful for a short click-by-click description of how to use
 torsion general.  I haven't been able to find documentation for this.  
 Thanks in advance.

Hi Cathy, 

Thanks for pointing out the lack of documentation on this. I'll make a note to
add some.

You need to click on the torsion-general icon, then click 4 atoms that describe
the torsion - the first atom will be the base (non moving) part of the atom
tree, on clicking the 4th atom a dialog will pop up with a Reverse button [1].
 Move this dialog out of the way and then left mouse click and drag in the main
window will rotate the moving/top part of the residue round the clicked atoms
2 and 3.  When you are happy, click Accept.

Window focus may be an issue - depending on your setting, the window manager may
eat one of your clicks as you change focus between the dialog and the main
graphics window (this I find annoying and there are instructions in the FAQ on
how to turn that off for various systems).


[1] which may not work in 0.6-pre (grumble/sigh/sorry).  If it doesn't not work,
the Reverse button should invert the moving and base part of the residue.

Re: [COOT] symmetry controller window

2009-03-03 Thread Paul Emsley

Sebastiano Pasqualato wrote:

Hi Paul, hi all.

I was wondering if there's a way to avoid that a new symmetry 
controller window opens every time I click on the symmetry by 
molecule... button of the Show symmetry? dialog, rather than just 
bringing to the front an already opened one.

There isn't.  There should be.  I'll address that.



Re: [COOT] Coot windows popping up behind main windows on OS X?

2009-03-04 Thread Paul Emsley

Sebastiano Pasqualato wrote:

Hi Todd,
I've also experienced the same problem with the Save coordinates 
dialog window. I agree with you this is pretty frustrating.

Me too!

It is an Apple bug - it came along with 2.3.x, I think.


Re: [COOT] stereochemical violations in real space refinement?

2009-03-05 Thread Paul Emsley
Yes (indeed), the CG of a LEU is not a chiral centre - and thus is not 
refined/optimised.  If the the CDx atoms are misassigned, then that is 
what we call a nomenclature error (I think I got the terminology from 

The last chi angle of  residues types TYR,  PHE, ASP and GLU used to be 
 checked  against for IUPAC convention and thus we used to see a 
nomenclature error for those residues as an outlier in the rotamer graph 
[1]. VALs and LEUs are not checked in this way for the rotamer graph.

However, there is a tool to fix nomenclature errors, and VALs and LEUs 
are checked there. Have a look in the manual about this:

In the terminal, it will tell you all the nomenclature errors that it 
found and fixed - i.e. there is no tool in Coot that will just tell you 
about nomenclature errors without fixing them too.

This tool is not available in the GUI - it should be trivial to add an 
extension. I will make a note to do so.



[1] that was before we moved to the Richardson rotamer probability 
library, that has yet to be rationalised.

Dale Tronrud wrote:

   Yes, real space refinement takes into account stereochemical
restraints, that is what all the traffic lights are about.

   What, exactly, is the PDB complaining about?  If it is the
chirality of atom CG, then you should realize that this is not
a real chiral center.  CG becomes chiral when the two CD atoms
are given numbers.  There are two ways to do it but a convention
has been adopted to make all Leu CG atoms look the same.  If
your residue is being flagged as backwards, simply edit the PDB
file and swap the numbers on the two CD atoms.

   Some programs monitor fake chiral centers but others do not.
The PDB certainly does, at least for amino acids.  Check the
labeling of oxygen atoms in phosphates if you want a scare.

   If this isn't your problem please add details.

Ha!  Have you been talking to Gert Vriend :)

Dale Tronrud

Francis E Reyes wrote:

Actually i just checked my structure with the Validate - Incorrect
Chiral Volumes. It seems to check out OK, but the PDB doesn't like it?

On Mar 5, 2009, at 4:25 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:

Hi all,

Just tried to submit a PDB and it seems that LEU is not correctly
positioned (CG/CD1,CD2). I real space refined this residue, does the
real space refinement take into account stereochemical considerations?


Re: [COOT] Feature Request: Notes

2009-03-11 Thread Paul Emsley

Dear Dirk, David,

 2009/3/11 Dirk Kostrewa
 Dear Paul,

 this is a feature request: I would like to attach notes to the
 structure, like water or sodium, alternative conformation?,
 peptide flipped, that should be displayed in the next session
 like labels as a three-dimensional notebook of what I've already
 done or want to do.

There is place-text to do this.  That has been available since Coot

 This can be very useful, especially to avoid
 perpetual re-fitting/omitting of the same feature again, or simply
 to mark checkpoints. It should be possible to put a note both at
 an atomic position or at the pointer position (to mark unexplained
 density for instance). The notes could be saved with the session
 file or as an external file that could be read into a new session.
 Could you please think about adding this feature?

 David Briggs wrote:

 That is a fantastic idea - so essentially a label associated with a
 feature  a set of co-ordinates.

This is exactly what annotated view labels are.  This has been
available since 0.3.2. Or am I missing your point?  (View descriptions 
are displayed in the views panel - not in 3D).

You can add view descriptions using

(add-view-description view-number text)

Kevin Cowtan wrote:
 Hmmm... Could probably be done with MMDB's UDD records. Then notes
 would be attached to atoms (maybe residues?). THis has the advantage
 that if you move the module to a different asymmetric unit you retain
 the comments.

 It might be nice to save them in the PDB file as remarks, but while I
 think recent MMDB can read remarks, I'm not sure if it can write them?

 Also relevant to future PDB spec.

If text is attached to residues/atoms then that is quite involved -
how do you transfer annotations from one molecule to the next? (as you
would surely want to do after cycling with Refmac). This is not
unsolvable, just needs to be thought about so that it happens is as
slick a way as possible. (Yes, it would be nice if after Refmacing (or 
as you suggest, Phaser, say) annotation remarks were transfered to the 
refined molecule).

If text is attached to a position in space there is no issue of
transferring annotations and you can use place-text.  Attached is a
simple piece of code to do that where I add a gui wrapper to place-text 
so that you can make a 3D annotation, and save and load those annotations.



Re: [COOT] ProDRG cif file for coot-dirty mmcif

2009-03-18 Thread Paul Emsley

Sangeetha Vedula wrote:

I get the dirty mmcif message in the terminal window.

This is the message I get:

 dirty mmCIF file? /Users/.../r-pento.cif
Bad CIFRC_Ok on ReadMMCIFFile
init_refmac_mon_lib /Users/.../r-pento.cif had no bond restraints

For the record,

It turns out that this was a DOS-Unix conversion issue. 

I am reminded to make the error output more verbose than simply dirty 
cif.  I've made a note.



Re: [COOT] display manager window

2009-03-24 Thread Paul Emsley

Frank von Delft wrote:

I dont know which version of Coot you use, but usually you can move the
separator between the maps and molecules up and down (indicated by a few
dots under the map bottom scroll bar). In this way you can make the
space you want.
Well, I second the request:  it could auto-size, and save me a few 
annoying mouse-click-and-drags.


While we're at it:  the text boxes don't resize sensibly when you drag 
the window wider -- I forget what it does (actually, I can't figure it 
out), but it is totally non-intuitive and hides buttons and things.  
(May not be easy to fix, I realise.)

That will go away in the Great Display Manager Redesign.

Also, I think that a button in the display manager by which one 
could  control wether or not the molecule's symmetries are visible 
would be  very nice.

We could think about this, however the 'Display Manager' is kind of
crowded as it is and we may not want to make it worse... (N.B. we are
thinking about some rework of the display manager anyway, maybe there
will be space then...).
Well, maybe it helps to think the other way round:  little is more 
important than having quick and easy control of what's shown, what the 
colours are, how to declutter, etc etc. -- i.e. exactly the display 
manager.  So you can hardly have that thing too cluttered: if it gives 
the control, all is good.


Btw, I thought pymol had a relatively elegant solution (although not 
the final word).  And many commercial programs tend to have a proper 
tree, which I've found is the best way to do it.

I don't know the commercial programs of which you speak (or pymol, come 
to that) but ccp4mg has a tree - sort of - and we were thinking to do 
something like that.


Re: [COOT] svn revision 1950 and rigid body fit zone

2009-04-23 Thread Paul Emsley

hari jayaram wrote:

Hello ,

I just noticed that rigid body fit zone in revision 1950 stops expecting 
user mouse clicks after clicking on the first atom .

Is anyone else seeing this.

Hi Hari,

Do you mean rigid body fit or Rotate/Translate mode?  (Rotate/Translate 
can go into single click mode (it's designed to)).

I can't reproduce the problem of rigid body fit going into single click 


Re: [COOT] svn revision 1950 and rigid body fit zone

2009-04-23 Thread Paul Emsley

hari jayaram wrote:

Hi paul,
Kevin did write to me asking if  I could submit a detailed bug report.

Strangely, I could not reproduce the problem.  I am still running 
revision 1950 ..On that day myself and one other person ( I think it was 
Dr Eleanor Dodson) reported that the rigid body fit zone ..was stopping  
after the first click.

I  have since used rigid body fit zone many times without any problem in 
rev 1950

I had two more unrelated issues.
# Add terminal residue and simultaneous movement
Didnt coot previously also allow you to simultaneously rotate-translate 
a terminal atom concurrently with the addition.

I don't think so.

Now in revision 1947 onwards. Clicking add terminal residue only allows 
you to move the atom around using the mouse . So all end residue 
additions are two steps , first add, then accept and then again rotate 
translate zone to position. Is this intended.

That is a bit tedious. Try these settings:

(set-add-terminal-residue-immediate-addition 1)
(set-add-terminal-residue-do-post-refine 1)


Then |  (bar) add a terminal residue to residue at the centre of the 
screen (it will add it as stars initially (bug yet to be fixed)), but a 
t will fix that.

# Copy_from_ncs_master_to_others : creates all atoms as stars in ncs mates

I don't see that  :-(.


Re: [COOT] deleting coot backup directories

2009-04-24 Thread Paul Emsley

Simon Kolstoe wrote:

Dear Cootbb,

As I am a crystallographer and not a programmer, could anyone suggest a 
bash script that will go through my hard drive deleting all the pesky 
coot-backup directories with their horribly long file names that 
zipping software cannot cope with? Also, in a future version of coot, 
would it be possible to change the names of the coot-backup files to 
something simpler e.g. just date and time (for instance something like 

Not answering your question, but may be of some use:

Coot looks at the COOT_BACKUP_DIR environment variable.  You can set it 
to ~/junk/coot-backup for example and all backups will be made to there. 
 Then you have only one directory to worry about.

There are no plans for short backup file names.  I don't know that gzip 
has any problems with coot backup file names.


Re: [COOT] 'Isolate' Coot's Python2.6 from Ubuntu system

2009-04-26 Thread Paul Emsley

Victor Alves wrote:

Dear all

I installed Coot with Python and GTK2 in Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10.

Ubuntu 8.10 has Python 2.5.

Since 'ccp4-others.setup' file points to Coot's directory when I check
'which python' I get version 2.6 (the one Coot provides).

Is there a way to isolate Coot's python from Ubuntu system but still
maintaining the ability to call Coot from the terminal? So that Ubuntu's
Python version would be the active one for all the system (except for Coot)?

Dear Victor,

Thank you for reporting this problem.

It is not unreasonable for ccp4's setup to add the coot binary directory 
to the path.  However, (as you have noted) Coot adds its built-in python 
to this directory - and we do that deliberately (but I don't see why, 
currently).  You could try to remove python, python-2.6, python-config 
and python-2.6-config from that directory and coot should still work fine.

Please try this out and let us know if there are problems, I will remove 
their addition to the binaries if there are not.

(Of course, Kay's solution also works - and I do something like that 
myself, which is why I have not seen this problem).



Re: [COOT] Coot versions

2009-04-26 Thread Paul Emsley

Kay Diederichs wrote:

Victor Alves schrieb:

One other question. In this link,

Should I not use any builds which are red?

What about the size of the green bar?

from quick inspection I would guess that green bars mean built less 
than 24 hours ago and red bar more than 1 day old.

That's right.  Because the builds happen every night [1] the colours are 
a hint to us that something may have gone wrong in the daily/nightly builds.

I have been thinking about reworking this page, because now that it is 
used by users (not just developers) it is problematic that a big red bar 
sometimes represents a quite recent build (as the comment from Victor 


[1] actually, there are exceptions, which make things non-straightforward.

Re: [COOT] [ccp4bb] Watertidy troubles

2009-04-27 Thread Paul Emsley

Andrii Ishchenko wrote:

You can do this using coot. Just switch on showing symmetry mates(menu
Draw-CellSymmetry). Then save the needed by Save Symmetry Coordinates
Option in menu File. Waters coordinates will be saved as well.

[changing bbs]

And just for the record, the function that David Borhani wanted, i.e. 
move the waters so that they are around my protein has been already 
requested by Garib Murshudov and is slated for 0.7.


Re: [COOT] monomer DB

2009-04-27 Thread Paul Emsley

Justin Lecher wrote:

Hi all,

what is the difference between the monomers db which is provided by coot and 
the one which is provided by
refmac/ccp4? Can one interchange them?

Coot uses the Refmac dictionary. As far as I know, there should be no 
differences.  Yes, they are interchangeable.

Coot will in preference use the CCP4 distribution Refmac library, and 
only if there are no other options, will it fall back to using its own copy.

Yes you can change them.


Re: [COOT] DNA mutation

2009-04-27 Thread Paul Emsley

Pierre Aller wrote:

On Apr 7, 2009, at 2:37 PM, William G. Scott wrote:

Looks like you might be mutating into RNA (hence the non-canonical 
little r). But that is ok.  RNA is inherently more interesting.

On Apr 7, 2009, at 10:48 AM, Pierre Aller wrote:

Hi all,

I am using the last version of coot on mac OS X. I tried to mutate 
some nucleic acids and I encounter some problems.

It works fine for everything except for a mutation toward a Thymine.
I got this error message:
This should never happen - badness in get_standard_residue_instance, 
we selected 0 residues looking for residues of type :Tr: Oops - 
can't find standard residue for type Tr

Hi Pierre,


As of revision 1965, I believe that this issue is fixed (it was a typo 
in the generation of the canonical base name (it checked for RNA twice)).



Re: [COOT] Feature Request(s)

2009-04-29 Thread Paul Emsley

Dear Oliver,

Antony Oliver wrote:

Dear Paul + friends,

Would it be possible to place in the (top right?) corner of the main screen (or elsewhere) 
an indicator telling the user what type of restraints are currently being used for real-
space refinement/fitting?  I frequently forget that I have put alpha helix restraints on 
when building, and wonder why my amino acids are drifting so dramatically out of my 
electron density!

We were talking about this problem just recently (at the CCP4 dev 
meeting, I think).  Yes an iconic indicator would be nice.  What would 
be more clever, we think (or at least I think we think) is for Coot to 
realise that helical (or strand) restraints are active and examine the 
helicalness (strandiness) of the fragment that you are trying to 
refine - and if it passes a threshold of sufficient difference from 
ideality then you get a warning - something along the lines of an Are 
you sure? dialog.

I think it would also be useful if something similar could also be displayed to indicate 
which map you are using for fitting and refinement - I often have 2fo-fc maps, fo-fc 
maps, and ncs-averaged maps loaded - and often have to switch between them when 
building - and frequently forget which one I am currently using.

Yes, OK.  For 0.7.

And, speaking of NCS  I would really appreciate a script that could superimpose a 
selected molecule onto all the ncs-related molecules and write them all out to a PDB.  I 
currently do it manually, by SSM Superpose, change chain ID, and writing out to PDB.  
Which is fine when you only have two or three molecules in the asymmetric unit, but 
when you have more...

The copy-chain function is supposed to do something very like that.  If 
by selected molecule you mean Coot's NCS master chain, then copy-chain 
is what you want (Extensions - NCS - Copy NCS chain...).  If the 
selected molecule is not part of NCS molecule, you will have to do a 
bit of massaging.


Re: [COOT] Feature Request(s)

2009-04-29 Thread Paul Emsley

Antony Oliver wrote:

Paul Emsley wrote:

Dear Oliver,

Antony Oliver wrote:

Dear Paul + friends,

Would it be possible to place in the (top right?) corner of the main 
screen (or elsewhere) an indicator telling the user what type of 
restraints are currently being used for real-
space refinement/fitting?  I frequently forget that I have put alpha 
helix restraints on when building, and wonder why my amino acids are 
drifting so dramatically out of my electron density!
We were talking about this problem just recently (at the CCP4 dev 
meeting, I think).  Yes an iconic indicator would be nice.  What 
would be more clever, we think (or at least I think we think) is for 
Coot to realise that helical (or strand) restraints are active and 
examine the helicalness (strandiness) of the fragment that you 
are trying to refine - and if it passes a threshold of sufficient 
difference from ideality then you get a warning - something along the 
lines of an Are you sure? dialog.

Great- although I have to say Are you sure? dialogs are an evil that 
should be avoided - they drive me mad! (the Undo is sufficient!)

OK, better would be Use Helical Restrains when refining this?  Yes No.


Re: [COOT] coot dependency on $LANG?

2009-04-29 Thread Paul Emsley

Steffen Schmidt wrote:


I experienced a weird error (amino acids are not connected) when 
setting the environmental variable LANG to de_DE.UTF-8 (on a OS X 10.5 
machine). I guess this language setting is screwing up the PDB file 
parsing since german uses ',' as decimal separator…


Re: [COOT] coot dependency on $LANG?

2009-04-29 Thread Paul Emsley

William G. Scott wrote:

Could you (or we) set


in the coot wrapper script?

or unset LANG

I am more than a little surprised that such a thing is not there already.

I'll add it now.


Re: [COOT] problems of version 0.6

2009-05-05 Thread Paul Emsley

Leonid Cherney wrote:

I tried today the new version (-0.6) and see some problems.
1. Simple mutate for nucleotides. The program makes Gr, Cr etc. in DNA 
(should be Gd, Cd etc). And it does not mutate to thymine at all, 
because there is no Tr. Where can I say that it's a DNA?

This has been fixed up recently - or so I believe.  Please let us know 
the revision number.  The output of

$ coot --version
is useful for us.

2. Where is pukka puckers...??

withdrawn due to a coding error.  It should be straightforward to fix, 
but as yet has not been.


Re: [COOT] RSR exploding RNA

2009-05-06 Thread Paul Emsley

CK wrote:
I think perhaps I should clarify what I've been doing.  I've been 
refining my structure using phenix.refine and had reached a fairly 
satisfactory point with suitably low R-factors (21/25) and very 
reasonable RMSDs for bonds and angles.  At this point I ran my structure 
through the molprobity server to take a closer look at geometry and 

OK, so that's the issue, right there.  Molprobity is a modern program - 
using PDB v3 atom names.  Coot uses the Refmac dictionary, i.e. version 
2.3 names.  Coot does not recognise the new atom names e.g. C1' (in Ar) 
or HB3 (in ARG) and so pushes them out with non-bonded contact restraints.

If you want to use the output of molprobity with coot/Refmac dictionary, 
then you will need to downgrade the molprobity output file.

Yes, this needs to be fixed - upgrading and validating the new 
dictionary is a substantial task.

For the record, Coot ignores the occupancy of the atoms when refining. 
Adding hydrogens to a model should do reasonable (if not good) things no 
matter the resolution of the data.

As going through the entire clash list by hand can be very 
tedious I wanted to see if adding hydrogens in the riding positions and 
refining again would help alleviate some of the clashes, which it did.

Yes, it should.


Re: [COOT] more suggestions - sorry

2009-05-07 Thread Paul Emsley

Dear Eleanor,

Eleanor Dodson wrote:
1) The check on GLN and ASN and HIS? for likely hydrogen bonding is very 
useful. Do you think it would be worth extending this to THR?

HIS is not part of the ASN/GLN check.  And indeed the ASN/GLN check 
works by B-factor analysis, not hydrogen bonding.  For hydrogen bond 
checking, I use reduce.  (Once can also use What_check, but the support 
for that is not so good).

I do not think the algorithm in Coot is suitable to extend to THR.

2) The Ramachandran plot includes residues with zero occupancy - it 
would help if they were flagged somehow differently..

I see. Thank you.  This is duly noted (along with your prior request to 
show the Ramachandran plot of only a selection of residues).


Re: [COOT] merge water chains

2009-05-07 Thread Paul Emsley

 From: Christian Roth

 Hi all,

 I am not sure but If I remember correctly Bernhard mentioned on the
 last CCP4
 study weekend in Nottingham that Coot is able to merge the
 different water
 chains, generated through repeated refinement runs, in one. If this
 exist, how can I use it?

 Thanks in advance for your help.

Bernhard Lohkamp wrote:

Since I supposedly mentioned this (and I have made a script)...

there is a python function to do so:


alternatively you have to do it by hand, i.e. using Calculate-Change
Chain ID (use residue range).


P.S. no corresponding scheme function there yet.

As of revision 1980, there is a scheme version.  Both this and the 
python version renumber the waters as they merge them.


Re: [COOT] problems of version 0.6

2009-05-07 Thread Paul Emsley

Maia Cherney wrote:

The general torsion function is not as good as the torsion in old X-fit. 

Are you or have you ever been a member of the von Delft Pressure Group?

In x-fit you click on two atoms of a single bond and you can rotate the 
rest of the molecule around that bond. This bond can be in the middle of 
the main chain etc. It's a very useful function, if you need to rotate a 
polypeptide around a single bond. Are you planning to do a similar thing?

Yes - we intend to have that before version 1.0.


Re: [COOT] subversion build on ubuntu 9.04 fails : [: =: unary operator expected error

2009-05-08 Thread Paul Emsley

hari jayaram wrote:
Hi ..I tried a coot subversion (revision 1994) built-it-simple python on 
the newest ubuntu 9.04

The build crashes just after it builds guile and ( 16-coot.txt in the 
build directory ) reads :

checking for Clipper... yes
Congratulations, you are using Guile
checking for guile... no
configure: error: guile required but not found
./build-it-gtk2-simple: line 2742: [: =: unary operator expected
NO need to update libtool 

make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

This happens only on the new ubuntu (on a 32 bit 9.04 system) .
I was able to build this revision without any problem on Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit

Thanks update_libtool is not set sometimes, so using it as in 1994 is 
wrong.  I've tweaked the script.

But the problem for you lies above that..
 checking for guile... no
 configure: error: guile required but not found

Hmm!  what went wrong there..?

I'll try to build from scratch on Jaunty myself.




2009-05-11 Thread Paul Emsley

Ed Pozharski wrote:

After recent upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04, coot binaries that worked fine
before started reporting the ELFCLASS64 error when loading a
particular library, namely /usr/lib/  

I understand that the real root of this problem is my bizarre obsession
with installing 64-bit Linux and then being too lazy to compile coot
from source and instead trying to use 32-bit coot binaries.  To resolve
the ELFCLASS64 issue, I downloaded guile1.8 32-bit debian package from
ubuntu repositories and placed libraries into /usr/lib32.  That, of
course, didn't help and I had to redirect the symbolic link in /usr/lib
to /usr/lib32.  Now coot runs fine, but this is an ugly fix, not to
mention that it may cost me down the road when some 64-bit application
discovers that I substituted the library.  At the same time, I see that
$COOT_PREFIX/lib contains all the libraries, and so my question is why
coot tries to load libraries from /usr/lib?  Should I uninstall guile
via synaptic (I am not sure why I installed it in the first place)?

Very curious. AFAIU the libguile-srfi-srfi are loaded at runtime 
(probably for some string function).  I would have thought that they 
should load from the installation directory (rather than the system 
one).  How curious.  (And, yes, it is ugly.)

Well, I'll be over your way in a couple of weeks, if we don't get it 
sorted out now, we should try to find some time then.


[COOT] mouse buttons and arrow keys [was Re: problems of version 0.6]

2009-05-13 Thread Paul Emsley

Dear Maia,

Maia Cherney wrote:

  I would like to use only one-button keys, so that I could use only
 one hand when fitting.

Why!? Because the other one is needed to prop up your head, maybe? :-)

I find using my left hand for keyboarding makes things way faster than 
clicking on icons with the right hand on the mouse.

Well, now help me with key-bindings, please. I need one or two buttons 
on the mouse for map dragging.  Pymol and x-fit use the middle button 
for  translation. It confuses me all the time, when I work in coot after 
working in pymol. Do you have any unused two-button combinations on the 
mouse?  If it's not possible to touch the mouse buttons in the 
key-bindings, please help me to program arrow key for translation. Could 
you give me a script for that, I can't write it myself.

There are no two-button combinations (chording) on the mouse.  I have 
avoided them so far - it seems an esoteric interface and there have been 
better ways of providing the necessary functionality.

Middle mouse drag for translate could be enabled as an option, I suppose.

As for the arrow keys for translate, add the following to your ~/.coot 
file.  You might need to tweak zsc. Be slightly careful not to overly 
dwell with you finger on the button if you do not have a fast 
processor/graphics card and have a fast key repeat.


(let* ((zsc 0.02)
(lambda (tvm nudge ori)
  (map (lambda (e) (* nudge (apply + (map * e ori tvm)))
   (f (lambda (axes)
(let ((nudge (* (zoom-factor) zsc))
  (rc (rotation-centre))
  (tvm (transpose-simple-matrix (view-matrix
  (apply set-rotation-centre
 (map + rc (screen-coords-nudge tvm nudge axes)))

  (add-key-binding Translate UpUp(lambda () (f '(0  1 0
  (add-key-binding Translate Down  Down  (lambda () (f '(0 -1 0
  (add-key-binding Translate Left  Left  (lambda () (f '(-1 0 0
  (add-key-binding Translate Right Right (lambda () (f '( 1 0 0)

Re: [COOT] Scheme on WinCoot (Win XP)

2009-05-13 Thread Paul Emsley

Alex Luso wrote:

Hi Bernhard,

  Thanks for the clarification.

commenting on this. Maybe there should be some low level implementation
without the use of fancy (scheme) widgets, so that at least scripts can
be run.. (on my - long - list now).

   Ok, I think that would be a good idea. Given the fact that almost all scripting 
examples on the manual and in various other scripts in this forum are written in 
scheme it would be nice to have access to at least the basic scripts (non-gui) 
without having to resort to re-writing them in Python. 

Almost all fancy scheme scripts have a fancy python counterpart 
(somewhere).  In cases where that is not so, such a counterpart can 
often materialize if desired.

Although the rules for 
how to convert scripts are documented, it's still a hurdle, especially for non-


Yes, that is true for anything other than the most simple/trivial 

  About the underlying problem - the text in scheme widgets - is that a missing 
feature in the Windows scheme libraries or some weird bug?
Can you be somewhat more precise in you description of the text in 
scheme widgets?


Re: [COOT] Zinc-density

2009-05-13 Thread Paul Emsley

Moritz Metlitzky wrote:

Hi everybody, i just installed coot and played around a bit with my
structure and the Fit Protein command. Now to my question, i have a zinc
atom in my structure coordinated by 3 cysteines. it refines pretty well, but
when i do Fit Protein Coot always links the 3 cys directly in the zinc
density, so it seems it doesn't know that a zinc is there. it is displayed
as zinc and everything but it doesn't assign density to it.

The trick in such a case is to change the map to which you are fitting.

You should mask out the Zincs in the map.  (It should be possible do 
select by element but how to do that escapes me for the moment (it is an 
mmdb atom selection string)).  So probably fastest to do it by residue 
number: //B/23-25 or so.

Then used the masked map as the refinement map of course.


Re: [COOT] Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) subversion build works great now

2009-05-18 Thread Paul Emsley

hari jayaram wrote:

Hello Paul and everyone,
Since I had complained about difficulties in building coot from 
subersion on Ubuntu Jaunty , I  thought I should write in to say that I 
tried building the subversion revision 2021 on ubuntu 9.04 from scratch 
and it builds just fine and everything works great

2021 has interactive sharpening - enjoy :)

However the build-it-gtk2-simple python build script seems to always 
build into two directories

the :

Technical answer: IIUC, the build script builds coot and dependences and 
dev files in $AUTOBUILD_BUILD/coot-pre-release-gtk2-python.  At the end 
the build script copies (rsyncs) out a minimal portion the built files. 
 You don't need the include files to run coot (this cuts down the 
binary tar ball size and was suggested by Clemens Vonrhein).  Being in a 
different directory to the one in which it was built simulates being 
installed on another computer - and thus we (also) run the test suite 
from there (which has caught a few problems in the past).

For my 32 bit 9.04 running ubuntu the 
coot-pre-release-gtk2-python/bin/coot binary works just fine .


The coot-Linux-i686-ubuntu-9.04-gtk2-python/bin/coot stops with a 
message (GThread-ERROR **: GThread system may only be initialized 
once.). Is that because it may be a 64 bit build?

No, well, not fundamentally - it seems to me that a bug is being tickled 
but only in the 64 bit version.

I wonder (to myself) if it is because both scheme and python are setting 
up threads...

So I am guessing I have to give some command line switch to the script 
to suppress the i686 build on this ubuntu 32bit 9.04 box.

No... not really... (i686 is the default, isn't it?) you can set the 
arch type in the compiler flags if you want, but that is not a proper 

Regardless I am happily cooting with the latest build on Jaunty jackalope.
Thanks a tonne



Re: [COOT] coot does not read sg info in cns files

2009-05-21 Thread Paul Emsley

Sebastiano Pasqualato wrote:

Hi Paul, hi all.
I have noticed that coot can't deal with spacegroup information of cns 

I have to substitute this:
CRYST1   87.188   49.276  132.627  90.00 108.88  90.00 P 21
with this:
CRYST1   87.188   49.276  132.627  90.00 108.88  90.00 P 1 21 1
to have the symmetry displayed properly.
Could you make coot be able to read the cns format too, 

I'll think about it.

or is there a 
script that handle this?

;; This will force P 1 21 1 down the throat of all model molecules
;; whose space group is unknown.
(map (lambda (n) (if (string=? (show-spacegroup n) No spacegroup)
(set-space-group n P 1 21 1))) (model-molecule-list))


Re: [COOT] symmetry operator generation on COOT

2009-05-21 Thread Paul Emsley

Hi Jennifer,

Doebbler wrote:

  I am running Coot 0.5.2 on an intel Mac 10.5.6. I am trying to 
visualize the symmetry related molecules for a small inorganic molecule 
in spacegroup P 21/C.  If I load the file into swiss PDB viewer or 
Mercury, the symmetry operators show that I have 4 molecules in my unit 
cell and a pretty orderly looking packing scheme. Coot, however, does 
not seem to like the P 21/C spacegroup. I changed the CRYST1 line to read

CRYST1   25.0006.082   11.308  90.00 100.04  90.00 P 1 21/c 1

Indeed.  That is what I would have done.  The space group symbol in the 
PDB file should match the xHM symbol in syminfo.lib

If I go to Draw-cell and symmetry- master switch: show symmetry 
related atoms- yes

I get a very cramped unit cell with many more than just 4 molecules 

Well that is a surprise.  You should definitely only see 4.  Cramped 
as in crowded I presume you mean.  I imagine that Coot at least got the 
cell correct.

(I presume (because of your scripting competence) that it wasn't 
something trivial like inadvertently displaying the symmetry for other 
molecules also)

I tried to ask coot what it thinks my spacegroup and symmetry 
operators were to reconcile this result with those of mercury and swiss 

It recognizes the spacegroup as P 1 21/c 1.

coot (show-spacegroup 0)
P 1 21/c 1

As it should be.

If I then ask coot to show-symmetry I get the following

coot (show-symmetry 0)

In current input:
  8: 0* (show-symmetry 0)

unnamed port:8:1: In expression (show-symmetry 0):
unnamed port:8:1: Unbound variable: show-symmetry
ABORT: (unbound-variable)

:-( There is no command to output the symmetry operators.  I'll make a 
note to add one.

I'm stumped - I don't know what is going on.  If you have a shelx .ins 
file for this molecule, I'd be curious to know if it was displayed 


Re: [COOT] symmetry operator generation on COOT

2009-05-22 Thread Paul Emsley

For the record/archive I'd like to conclude this thread.

It recognizes the spacegroup as P 1 21/c 1.

Is seems that Coot indeed does display symmetry correctly for this 
spacegroup, but not in the way that other programs (e.g. Mercury or 
Swiss PDB Viewer) do.

coot (show-spacegroup 0)
P 1 21/c 1

If I then ask coot to show-symmetry I get the following

coot (show-symmetry 0)

In current input:
  8: 0* (show-symmetry 0)

unnamed port:8:1: In expression (show-symmetry 0):
unnamed port:8:1: Unbound variable: show-symmetry
ABORT: (unbound-variable)

You followed the instructions in the manual.  I am sorry to say that 
there is a error there, it should have (and now does) read:

(get-symmetry imol)



Re: [COOT] Problem with coot

2009-05-25 Thread Paul Emsley

Oliv Eidam wrote:


I have the same problem like Robert. 
And although I updated to coot-0.6-pre-1-1941-intel-10.4-10.5.tgz like Bill

suggested, the problem (displaying no or wrong bonds) persists.

Has this problem been resolved by now? I am using OSX 10.4.11.


source /sw/bin/

was not the answer?

Check the settings of LANG, LANGUAGE LC_NUMERIC is what I suggest.


[COOT] Coot with phenix.refine and buster output

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Emsley

Dear Bleeding-edge binary [1] Coot users,

I would appreciate feedback on the representation of LINKs using the 
output of Buster and Phenix.refine.

(The last time I saw this in action (I don't have such files myself) 
(and prior to the most recent fixes) it crashed.)



[1] rev 2037 or later

Re: [COOT] Coot fails to read numeric chain IDs

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Emsley

Edward Miller wrote:

Hey Folks,

I'm working on refining a full capsid containing 60 chains.

Using the chain ID column, I've numbered my chains A-Z, a-z, and 0-7. 
I was successfully able to refine my capsid in refmac using this chain 
ID naming scheme.

However, coot fails to read in any of the chains labeled 0-7.

I don't know why this is failing - I will try to make a synthetic PDB 
file with 60 chains to see if I can reproduce this.

Relatively recently Eugene has extended mmdb to  work with the hybrid_36 
format.  So for now you could go that route.


Re: [COOT] Coot fails to read numeric chain IDs

2009-06-04 Thread Paul Emsley

Kevin Cowtan wrote:
Coot reads files with duplicate atom numbers 
just fine (at least 0.6pre-latest does).

However Coot will ignore any lines beginning
because those are not valid atom records. So that is the reason these 
are being ignored. 

Yes, we should say that this is handled by the mmdb library from Eugene 

The original poster could have expedited the analysis somewhat by 
quoting the console log which should have reproduced the problematic 
lines and line numbers.


(p.s. back now, less out of touch)

[COOT] Friday afternoon distraction...

2009-06-12 Thread Paul Emsley


(I never get to see that dialog, of course :)

(Somehow they've got the mac version of this - apparently they don't fink 
update-all often enough...)


Re: [COOT] crash upon sequence display

2009-06-16 Thread Paul Emsley

Valerie Biou wrote:

I run Coot version 0.6-pre-1 on a Macbook Pro. I used the fink 
It crashes when I ask it to display a sequence 

 ** (coot-real:764): WARNING **: Widget not found: sequence_view_dialog
/sw/bin/coot: line 5:   764 Bus error   /sw/bin/coot-real $@

I must admit that, at least last time this happened, the sequence 
window for this structure was already open somewhere when I asked for 
it a second time. But there are so many windows.. This seems to be 

Dear Valerie,

Yikes, that was a nasty one.

Thanks for this feedback (and providing the problematic file). It turns 
out that I was using an unsigned int for dealing with residue numbers in 
the sequence view (silly me).  Your pdb had negative residue numbers

(There was also problems dealing with both the new-style and old-style 
sequence views).

Fixed in revision 2062.



Re: [COOT] Novel maps...

2009-06-17 Thread Paul Emsley

Simon Kolstoe wrote:

Dear cootbb,

When building into density I use a map generated from the FWT amplitudes 
column and PHWT phases columns which I think is my 2Fo-Fc, and a second 
map generated from DELFWT and PHDELWT which I think is my Fo-Fc. 

Me too (more or less).

keeps me happy and in known territory. However today someone in the lab 
asked what it means to generate a map using FWT and PHDELWT. 

Not much.

Does anyone 
know what type of map this would be in the Fo Fc terminology?

A mistake.

Actually, the PHWT and PHDELWT are related.  AFAIU, somewhere in Refmac 
there is something like this:

if DELFWT  0:
   PHDELWT = 180 + PHWT

Re: [COOT] to separate levels of positive and negative density

2009-06-19 Thread Paul Emsley

Maia Cherney wrote:
If I use a *map_coeffs.mtz file from the phenix.refine, how can I turn 
off the negative density?

??? Confusing question. By unclicking the is difference map? button 
(you can't do this in auto-read mode, of course).


Re: [COOT] Novel maps...

2009-06-23 Thread Paul Emsley

Maia Cherney wrote:

Hi all, Is it possible to change residue or atom occupancies in coot?



Re: [COOT] font issue specific to ppc

2009-06-29 Thread Paul Emsley

William Scott wrote:

Hi Paul:

On ppc but not intel, I get this for some of the window displays (eg 
density fit analysis):

Yes,  we (in Oxford) have seen this before on ppc too.

We didn't resolve it.  I was thinking that it was somehow picking up the 
wrong fixed font. I tried adding a font path with a new font aliases 
and an xset +fp dir, but that didn't work.  I don't recall the current 
state.  Will investigate when back at work.


Re: [COOT] Mac version of coot

2009-06-29 Thread Paul Emsley

William Scott wrote:

  I guess I'd better brew something newer up...

All the 0.6 are pre-releases ...

Yes, indeed (I finger fumbled and posted before I added the sentence to 
that effect).


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