Re: [COOT] Is there anything I can do to make X11 stable enough to use on 10.5.2

2008-03-23 Thread Phil Evans


I've been using 10.5.2 plus the X11 2.1.4 update from the Xquartz  
site,   I haven't had problems with freezing lately, I _think_ not  
since this update. The main problem is that Exposé doesn't work properly

not much help ...


(looking at a white Easter outside the bedroom window)

On 23 Mar 2008, at 01:01, William Scott wrote:

Hi Folks:

I know I've asked before, but it is so frustrating to lose an hour  
of work, trying to convince myself that I won't get reamed this  
time. But I keep going back, like to some sort of abusive  
codependent relationship, to put it into California terms.

I'm using a molecular graphics model building crystallography  
program called coot, but this happens with enough other X11  
applications that I don't think it is the fault of coot.  Prior to  
OS X 10.5, I never ever had a problem with X11.

If I try to resize a window while the program is loading, it is a  
guarantee that the Xserver will freeze.  However, if I try to be  
real careful, I can start to get work done, but then when some  
window or pop-up menu appears, a half hour or an hour into a session  
of work, I'll get a random freeze.

I'm running 10.5.2 on intel (but this happens on all my 10.5.2  
computers, ppc and intel) and the latest X11 from the update page,  
and when I sample the frozen processes I get this as output:

Sample of X11.txt


My kids want to know why I swear at the computer so much. I'm almost  
ready to reformat the disk and install ubuntu linux.


Bill Scott

[COOT] phosphothreonine

2008-08-28 Thread Phil Evans
1) If I phosphorylate a THR, it comes up with the wrong chirality at  
CB. Looking at the dictionary file generated libcheck_TPO.cif,

for some reason it specified it a both chirality which is wrong

 TPO  chir_02  CB CA CG2OG1   both

Editing this to match THR.cif

 TPO  chir_02  CB CA OG1CG2   positiv

gives the correct chirality (after rebuild or regularisation)

2) Since there are no rotamers for TPO, I tried using the chi angles  
editing,but picking the CA-CB bond rotates the main chain instead of  
the side chain


Re: [COOT] Coot 0.5 released

2008-09-24 Thread Phil Evans

  o FEATURE: Active site hilighting.  Cheep and cheerful solid
modelling of ligand and neighbouring residues [Herb Klei].

cheep, cheep...

Re: [COOT] Atoms

2008-10-03 Thread Phil Evans
It would seem sensible to do this if the element column is not present  
(which of course it should be ...)


On 3 Oct 2008, at 10:33, Paul Emsley wrote:

It turns out that Eugine Krissinel is way ahead of me - in mmdb he  
provides a flag to fix up the missing elements.

This is non-optionally done now in 0.5.1-pre-1 and following versions.


Charlie Bond wrote:
How straightforward would it be to modify coot to automatically  
'run pdbset' on loaded pdb files to overcome this issue?


Lynn F. Ten Eyck wrote:

On 2 Oct 2008, at 09:11, Kay Diederichs wrote:

Phil Evans schrieb:
In the new coot, lots of my PDB files have all atoms coloured  
white. Is this a consequence of the new PDB format conventions


Yes I think so - I found that PDB files that behave like that  
lack the atom type in the last column (which might be req'd by  
the new PDB format convention - no idea why).

The 4-character atom name did not allow well enough for unique  
identification of the element type, especially with H atoms.   
Overloading the atom name with element type causes a lot of  
problems.  Separating the atom type to another column allows for  
both atom type and ionization state -- i.e. correct identification  
of the scattering factor needed.

Example: Atom type Fe -- is it ferrous, ferric, or ferryl?  You  
need to know for both refinement and modeling.

Lynn Ten Eyck

running through pdbset fixes this easily.


--Kay Diederichs
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel +49 7531 88 4049  
Fax 3183
Fachbereich Biologie, Universitaet Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457  


Re: [COOT] defining NCS-related chains

2008-12-08 Thread Phil Evans
On the subject of NCS chains, Paul, I note that you are still using  
SSM superposition in determining NCS operators (unless it's been  
changed _very_ recently), rather than the LSQ algorithm which would  
preserve the sequence register. SSM gets the wrong answer in some  
cases, eg in some coiled-coil proteins such as BAR domains, where an  
out-of-register SSM superposition can give a lower score than the in- 
register one, and of course the correct NCS must be in register.

You did say quite a long time ago that you going to change this  :-)

Best wishes

Re: [COOT] Zinc-density

2009-05-14 Thread Phil Evans
As a matter of interest, why do you have to do this? Why doesn't coot  
know the Zn is there, it's in the PDB file? Isn't this a bug? : -)


On 13 May 2009, at 23:45, Paul Emsley wrote:

Moritz Metlitzky wrote:

Hi everybody, i just installed coot and played around a bit with my
structure and the Fit Protein command. Now to my question, i have a  
atom in my structure coordinated by 3 cysteines. it refines pretty  
well, but
when i do Fit Protein Coot always links the 3 cys directly in the  
density, so it seems it doesn't know that a zinc is there. it is  

as zinc and everything but it doesn't assign density to it.

The trick in such a case is to change the map to which you are  

You should mask out the Zincs in the map.  (It should be possible do  
select by element but how to do that escapes me for the moment (it  
is an mmdb atom selection string)).  So probably fastest to do it by  
residue number: //B/23-25 or so.

Then used the masked map as the refinement map of course.


Re: [COOT] Coot fails to read numeric chain IDs

2009-06-03 Thread Phil Evans
why does Coot ignore these atoms renumbered back to 1 beyond 1?  
Shouldn't it just ignore the irrelevant atom number?


On 3 Jun 2009, at 09:19, Kevin Cowtan wrote:


Hybrid-36 (initial idea from Ralph Grosse Kunstleve, I think) works  
around this problem by allowing higher numbered atoms to be numbered  
in base 36 starting from A. CCP4 v6.1.1 and recent versions of  
Coot support this, as does phenix.refine.

However, last time I checked, it wasn't available in refmac. I think  
refmac ignores atom numbers on read, and writes out its own atom  
numbers sequentially, looping at 10. As a result, you cannot  
read a refmac output PDB file with more 10 atoms into Coot or  
any other CCP4 application without somehow renumbering the atoms  

Garib: Have I got that right? Is that still the case in recent  


Edward Miller wrote:

Hey Paul,
I believe I have figured out the problem - but not the solution.
On closer inspection, it wasn't just  the numerically labelled  
chain IDs that weren't read, a few of the alphabetical chains were  
also not read.
What happens is REFMAC restarts atom numbering once 10 atoms  
are reached when outputting the refined coordinates.
COOT was reading in the first 9 atoms, numbered 1-9 by  
REFMAC, then the second 9 atoms, again numbered 1-9 by  
REFMAC. At this point, however, REFMAC for some reason made the  
next atom 10 and then restarted numbering at 1. This atom,  
numbered 10, was not read by COOT and nor where any subsequent  
The input coordinates that I used for REFMAC, which again consisted  
of 60 chains, was created by combining sets of 10mers, thus the  
atom numbering restarted after each 10 chains. REFMAC had no  
problem refining these coordinates and COOT had no problem reading  
these coordinates.
To further confirm that COOT is failing once it reads atom 10,  
I wrote a little perl script to properly renumber the atoms in the  
REFMAC refined coordinates. In this file, there are correctly  
246960 atoms.
Within my perl script, I formatted the output such that the atom  
numbers eat into the spaces after ATOM  like so:

ATOM 246960  O   LEU 7 736  64.294  96.393-111.576  1.00 34.97
I see now that the last atom COOT reads in is atom number 9.
Perhaps, I fear, this is a problem with the PDB format - that the  
column width for atom numbers can not accommodate more than 9  

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Paul Emsley wrote:

   Edward Miller wrote:
   Hey Folks,
   I'm working on refining a full capsid containing 60 chains.
   Using the chain ID column, I've numbered my chains A-Z, a-z,  
   0-7. I was successfully able to refine my capsid in refmac  

   this chain ID naming scheme.
   However, coot fails to read in any of the chains labeled 0-7.
   I don't know why this is failing - I will try to make a synthetic
   PDB file with 60 chains to see if I can reproduce this.
   Relatively recently Eugene has extended mmdb to  work with the
   hybrid_36 format.  So for now you could go that route.

Re: [COOT] sequencing gui

2009-06-04 Thread Phil Evans

OK thanks.

I tried a different example, which did give me a (wrong) assignment -  
is there any way of picking an alternative?

What partly confused me before and again was that this command assigns  
the sequence but doesn't build the side chains - you have to use the  
Fill Partial Residues command, I suppose

Also if I go back to the GUI for the same molecule, it displays 2  

Thanks again


then cootaneer

iv: 0 seq.size: 1
debug pythoning  and  

in assign_sequence_from_string
storing sequence:  
 for chain id: A
(assign-sequence-from-string2 A  

Sequence: ?KIEFT?
Confidence: 0.912518

On 4 Jun 2009, at 13:37, Bernhard Lohkamp wrote:

I guess you didnt give it a chain id. When sequencing the closest
fragment this information is required (maybe it shouldnt, or at  
least it
should give the appropriate warning - I will look into it at some  


I'm trying to understand the Extensions- Dock sequence dialogue.
does it work?

I've tried

Place helix here
Select Dock Sequence
choose Helix molecule
Load sequence from a file
click Sequence closest fragment

then I get

assign-sequence-from-file2 /Users/pre/Documents/Talks/
iv: 0 seq.size: 1
debug pythoning  and


apply the sequence info here

then cootaneer

ERROR:: the input contains an invalid chain and/or sequence
BL ERROR:: something went wrong assigning the sequence

What should I have done?  (Coot 0.6-pre 1 1941, OSX)

Best wishes

Re: [COOT] sequencing gui

2009-06-04 Thread Phil Evans



On 4 Jun 2009, at 15:05, Kevin Cowtan wrote:

It's very unlikely to be right on anything much shorter than 12  
residues. The confidence scores are a bit gung-ho.

Phil Evans wrote:

OK thanks.
I tried a different example, which did give me a (wrong) assignment  
- is there any way of picking an alternative?
What partly confused me before and again was that this command  
assigns the sequence but doesn't build the side chains - you have  
to use the Fill Partial Residues command, I suppose
Also if I go back to the GUI for the same molecule, it displays 2  

Thanks again
then cootaneer
iv: 0 seq.size: 1
debug pythoning  and  
 in assign_sequence_from_string
storing sequence:  
 for chain id: A
(assign-sequence-from-string2 A  
) Sequence: ?KIEFT?

Confidence: 0.912518
On 4 Jun 2009, at 13:37, Bernhard Lohkamp wrote:

I guess you didnt give it a chain id. When sequencing the closest
fragment this information is required (maybe it shouldnt, or at  
least it
should give the appropriate warning - I will look into it at some  


I'm trying to understand the Extensions- Dock sequence dialogue.
does it work?

I've tried

Place helix here
Select Dock Sequence
choose Helix molecule
Load sequence from a file
click Sequence closest fragment

then I get

assign-sequence-from-file2 /Users/pre/Documents/Talks/
iv: 0 seq.size: 1
debug pythoning  and


apply the sequence info here

then cootaneer

ERROR:: the input contains an invalid chain and/or sequence
BL ERROR:: something went wrong assigning the sequence

What should I have done?  (Coot 0.6-pre 1 1941, OSX)

Best wishes


2009-07-30 Thread Phil Evans
Is there a way for Copy NCS residue range to copy to a subset of NCS- 
related chains (eg from B to only, not to A  D)?


Re: [COOT] Coot and Zalman Stereo

2009-09-08 Thread Phil Evans
Be careful how you look at it. As far as I can from trying it here,  
the stereo effect is very critically dependent on the vertical  
position of your eyes relative to the screen normal (or screen tilt if  
you like). Try tilting the screen


On 8 Sep 2009, at 17:55, Paul Shaffer wrote:

Hi All,
I recently acquired a Zalman 3D 22inch monitor with much anticipation.
However, building the latest pre-release of Coot and invoking zalman  
mode, it did not work.  There are two images being displayed, but  
they are
both displayed on all 1050 lines rather than alterating even and odd  
lines to
give the left and right eye images.  What I believe to be the  
relevant facts
are these, the OS is RHEL3 with the latest nVidia linux drivers and  
coot version
2283 built using the auto-building script for a gtk1 build with  
python both
enabled or disabled.  The log files from compiling coot and the  
dependancies looks ok without any obivous errors.  Any suggestions?   
Is this a

product of an outdated OS?

Thanks in advance,

Re: [COOT] Stand-Alone Coot - 0.6.2 pre-release svn rev. 3072 OS X 10.6 64-bit, phenix-compliant

2010-08-03 Thread Phil Evans
Hi Bill

I just installed this but it seems to have put everything in /Library/bin, 
/Library/etc and /Library/lib rather than in /Library/Coot

Is this just me?

Good luck in the struggle


On 3 Aug 2010, at 02:06, William G. Scott wrote:

 Sorry I haven't done this until now.  Been distracted by the struggle for 

Re: [COOT] Stand-Alone Coot - OS X : correction

2010-08-04 Thread Phil Evans
pretty ...

On 4 Aug 2010, at 13:22, Paul Emsley wrote:

 On 04/08/10 02:40, William Scott wrote:
 Dear Coot OS X people:
 Yesterday I put a package on the server that wrongly installed into /Library 
 instead of /Library/Coot
 If you installed it, you can either install the replacement or manually move 
 bin, share, etc and lib into /Library/Coot (which you probably need to 
 And just to encourage you to try out Bill's handywork, there is something new 
 (eye candy?) under Display Manager - [Maps] Properties

[COOT] Colour by chain

2010-11-01 Thread Phil Evans
If I colour by chain (my preferred option), metal ions disappear

also is there any way of refining a zone around a metal ion without the 
sidechains vanishing into the metal density? I know the refine-by-sphere (R) 
option works better, but then I have no control over what I'm refining


Re: [COOT] Colour by chain

2010-11-18 Thread Phil Evans
On 16 Nov 2010, at 13:22, Paul Emsley wrote:

 Dear Phil,
 Sorry for the delay, I am only just back from somewhat extensive travels.
 On 01/11/10 12:26, Phil Evans wrote:
 If I colour by chain (my preferred option), metal ions disappear
 Thanks for the notification of this bug.  It is fixed now, rev 3245.


 also is there any way of refining a zone around a metal ion without the 
 sidechains vanishing into the metal density? I know the refine-by-sphere 
 (R) option works better, but then I have no control over what I'm refining
 Sphere refine is simply a thin layer around the refine-residues function 
 which takes a list of residue specs - that gives you enough control, I hope.  
 (You can also trivially change the radius in sphere refine.)

How do you change the radius?

I had a long chat to Bernhard about this. My feeling is that in order to avoid 
user consternation ((c) George Sheldrick), RS refinement in Coot should 
_never_ move something into space already occupied by another part of the same 
molecule (zero occupancy excepted). I realise there are implementation 
difficulties, but I do think this is a major problem.


Re: [COOT] Colour by chain

2010-11-19 Thread Phil Evans
That doesn't work in my OSX coot (maybe an oldish version 3072), no button 

The simpler command doe:s 
coot_toolbar_button(Sphere Refine, sphere_refine(5.0), reset-view.svg)


On 19 Nov 2010, at 08:26, Bernhard Lohkamp wrote:

 also is there any way of refining a zone around a metal ion without the 
 sidechains vanishing into the metal density? I know the refine-by-sphere 
 (R) option works better, but then I have no control over what I'm 
 Sphere refine is simply a thin layer around the refine-residues function 
 which takes a list of residue specs - that gives you enough control, I 
 hope.  (You can also trivially change the radius in sphere refine.)
 How do you change the radius?
 The pythonic function sphere_refine takes an optional argument which is the 
 radius (default is 3.5A). If you have the sphere refine function as a 
 toolbutton (which I believe you have now) you can change the function in your 
 toolbuttons file ($HOME/.coot-preferences/ to say e.g. 
 for radius 5A:
 coot_toolbar_button(Sphere Refine, sphere_refine(5.0), 
 icon_name=reset-view.svg, tooltip=RSR around active residue)
 Does this help?
 Dr. Bernhard Lohkamp
 Assistant Professor
 Div. Molecular Structural Biology
 Dept. of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)
 Karolinska Institutet
 S-17177 Stockholm
 phone: (+46) 08-52487651
 fax:   (+46) 08-327626

[COOT] Libraries for RNA

2010-11-25 Thread Phil Evans
This is a coot/refmac problem, but mainly coot I think, and I didn't want to 

I'm deeply confused about atom  residue naming for nucleic acids. 

There are several groups here working with RNA, and I recently broke coot for 
them, by installing the latest experimental refmac, and more particularly 
it's new dictionaries, into directory $CLIBD_MON. These dictionaries use what I 
believe are the most recent naming conventions, ie RNA residue type are A, G, 
U, C (not Ar etc), and DNA residues are DA, DG, DT, DC. Also ribose atoms are 
named with ' rather than with *.

Thus AFAICS there are two name sets here

1. Old names: residue names Ar, Gr, Ur, Cr for RNA and * in the ribose atom 
2. New names: residue names A, G, U, C for RNA and ' in the ribose atom names.

The coot script (in COOT/bin/coot) by default picks up dictionaries from 
$CLIBD_MON (with new names now), unless I uncomment the line

(and the corresponding EXPORT command)

in which case it uses Coot dictionaries (in COOT/share/coot/lib/data/monomers), 
which use old names

There are then the following cases:

1) if I leave Coot pointed at the (new) refmac dictionaries, then 
regularisation fails, both with files with old names (since they don't match 
the dictionaries) and with a file which I've edited to the new name convention 
(since Coot automatically and inconveniently converts a new-name file to old 

2) if I point Coot to its own dictionaries, then files with both old  new name 
conventions work, but new names are converted to old names, so output files 
will be like that

Refmac with the new dictionaries seems to be able to read RNA files with either 
new or old naming, and preserve the naming scheme.

So my question is: how do I set up a system which will work with Coot, Refmac, 
and preferably Molprobity and Phenix too? What are we _supposed_ to do?



1)  Are the atom naming conventions described anywhere in an intelligible 
fashion? I found it hard to find things on the RSCB web site, particularly for 
hydrogen atom names

2) the new dictionaries from the Refmac site seem to have the old (v2?) 
hydrogen names for amino-acids, at least as far as I can tell from the hydrogen 
names given by Molprobity which I believe are in the new v3 convention (see 
PS point 1)

Re: [COOT] Sigma levels of ncs averaged maps

2010-12-22 Thread Phil Evans
Why do you want to quote sigma level anyway? It's more or less meaningless 
for the reasons you give. Stick to e/A^3


On 22 Dec 2010, at 22:02, Dale Tronrud wrote:

   I have a crystal structure at 3A resolution with six copies in the
 asu.  When I average the map over the ncs I find that the original
 2Fo-Fc style map has a sigma of 1.5 at 0.3 e/A^3.  When I adjust the
 contour level of the averaged map to match, by eye, the level of the
 unaveraged map I find them equivalent at a sigma of 2.6 at 0.28 e/A^3.
 These results imply that the sigma level of the original map was
 0.2 e/A^3 and the averaged map was 0.11 e/A^3.
   The sigma of a 2Fo-Fc style map is not an estimate of uncertainty,
 of course, because nearly everything in the map is signal.  It is
 just a measure of the variability of the signal, i.e. the rms.  With
 averaging the signal should be preserved and the noise reduced, but
 the noise of a 2Fo-Fc map is small compared to the signal.  How is
 it that the rms of my averaged map drops to half of the unaveraged
 value and yet the electron density looks about the same when contoured
 at the same e/A^3 (0.3 vrs 0.28)?
   I guess the real question is, how does Coot calculate the sigma
 of an averaged map?  You can't calculate the rms over the asymmetric
 unit because the asymmetric unit is many millions of unit cells in
 size (and hugely variable depending on small changes in the ncs
   The problem at hand is that I want to quote the sigma level I
 insisted upon when creating water molecules and think it will sound
 weird if I say I used a value of 12, which I did.  The numbers just
 don't seem right to me so I'd like a little reassurance.
 Dale Tronrud

Re: [COOT] Python problem

2011-05-04 Thread Phil Evans
Is that dangerous?

If I move it I then get

ImportError: Bad magic number in 

after moving that I then get

ImportError: Bad magic number in 

and so on I guess


On 4 May 2011, at 12:28, Paul Emsley wrote:

 On 04/05/11 12:21, Phil Evans wrote:
 I've just acquired a new MacBookPro and cloned everything from my old one 
 across to it, running the same 10.6.7 system
 When I try to run coot I get a Python error, see below, both on the version 
 copied across from where it worked, and also from the latest build from Bill 
 any ideas?
 ... snip
 sbase monomer dir: /usr/local/CCP4versions/ccp4-6.2.0/share/sbase
 Reading coordinate file: /Library/Coot/share/coot/standard-residues.pdb
  PDB file /Library/Coot/share/coot/standard-residues.pdb has been read.
 Spacegroup: P 1
 Cell: 40.631 109.18 93.243 90 90 90
 initalize graphics molecules...done.
 ImportError: Bad magic number in 

Re: [COOT] Python problem

2011-05-04 Thread Phil Evans
OK that worked thanks

I'm not sure whether these files got copied over from my old machine - I didn't 
do the copy myslef


On 4 May 2011, at 13:16, Paul Emsley wrote:

 On 04/05/11 13:11, Phil Evans wrote:
 Is that dangerous?
 Not really, python makes the pyc files again (I understand).
 If I move it I then get
 ImportError: Bad magic number in 
 after moving that I then get
 ImportError: Bad magic number in 
 and so on I guess
 So I understand after a bit more googling.
 I should have recommended some sort of find:
 $ find /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6 
 -name *.pyc -delete

Re: [COOT] Python problem

2011-05-04 Thread Phil Evans
I did delete the *.pyc files in the system directories, and they have now 

I've also edited the coot wrapper to remove the system directories as suggested 
by Bill.

All seems to work now

thanks to everybody

On 4 May 2011, at 15:29, Ben Eisenbraun wrote:

 On Wed, May 04, 2011 at 01:16:29PM +0100, Paul Emsley wrote:
 On 04/05/11 13:11, Phil Evans wrote:
 Is that dangerous?
 Not really, python makes the pyc files again (I understand).
 Yes, but you're deleting compiled python objects from _system_ directories,
 and since normal users can't write to those directories, they will be
 recompiled and then thrown away every time python is run and those modules
 are imported.
 If I move it I then get
 ImportError: Bad magic number in 
 after moving that I then get
 ImportError: Bad magic number in 
 and so on I guess
 The problem is probably the PYTHONPATH setting in the coot wrapper script.
 If you're using a recent Fink/Bill Scott build of Coot, then it is using
 Python 2.7, and putting the 2.5 and 2.6 directories in the PYTHONPATH
 causes the interpreter to barf on start up.
 There was a discussion about this on the CCP4bb a couple months ago:
 | Ben Eisenbraun
 | SBGrid Consortium  |   |
 | Harvard Medical School |  |

Re: [COOT] Coot for OSX 10.6

2011-11-01 Thread Phil Evans
Thanks for that, Bill, you're a star!

Two things:

1) what is supposed to happen in real-space refinement to residues with 
multiple conformations? They seem to be ignored when I do it

2) I get a crash on trying to add an OXT atom to a C-terminus

/usr/local/bin/coot: line 7:  3158 Segmentation fault  
/Library/Coot/bin/coot-real $@


On 31 Oct 2011, at 20:03, William Scott wrote:

 Hi Phil:
 I apologize for not having put it on line.  It is now here:
 On Oct 31, 2011, at 6:36 AM, Phil Evans wrote:
 Where is the latest 10.6version?
 On 31 Oct 2011, at 13:35, William G. Scott wrote:
 Hi Phil:
 I haven't been able to compile coot since 11 September, due to a change in 
 the code.
 I've got a 10.6.8 version of that too, but nothing newer I am afraid.
 On Oct 31, 2011, at 5:11 AM, Phil Evans wrote:
 As I understand it, Bill Scott now only builds Coot for OSX 10.7: is that 
 right? At least his recent stand-alone builds don't seem to work with 10.6
 Is there an up-to-date(ish) Coot build for 10.6? I hesitate to build it 
 myself and I dislike Fink
 William G. Scott
 Contact info:

Re: [COOT] DB-loop

2012-01-30 Thread Phil Evans
? eg if Number = 4, then there might be 2 picked residues on either end of 
the loop to assume are more-or-less correct (even if not fixed)?

On 30 Jan 2012, at 16:03, Judit Debreczeni wrote:

 On 30 January 2012 14:47, Phil Evans wrote:
 Can someone explain Extensions-Modelling-DB Loop or point to documentation 
 (I've tried Google)? What are Number of residues for basis?
 Assume we have a missing loop that we would like to get built. The
 conformation of the newly built loop candidates will depend on the
 residues we have already modeled on both sides of the gap. My
 understanding is that residues picked for basis (i.e. residues already
 modeled) will be included in the search and used as starting points
 for the new loop (and not just treated as correct).

[COOT] OSX OXT crash

2012-04-27 Thread Phil Evans
On OSX coot still crashes on adding OXT atoms to C-terminus. This is Bill 
Scott's build of 0.7-pre-1 4125 for OSX10.6

This seems to have been a longstanding proble, which I've never seen on Linux


/usr/local/bin/coot: line 7: 10159 Segmentation fault  
/Library/Coot/bin/coot-real $@

Re: [COOT] Problem with Coot Density Fit Analysis with PHENIX map coefficients

2013-01-17 Thread Phil Evans
(hesitating to restart an old flame war)

There has been a long-standing argument about scaling of electron density maps, 
with many people deprecating sigma-scaling, for two reasons

1) in 2Fo-Fc type maps, sigma = RMS density is a function among other things 
of the solvent content (smaller with high solvent content)
2) in difference maps Fo-Fc type, as the model improves, sigma gets smaller 
(ideally = 0). Sigma contouring is useful to pick out the largest features 

Scaling even approximately to e/A^3 (i.e. scaling Fobs to Fcalc) is consistent 
across solvent content and model quality, though still affected by resolution 
and other things, and generally should be preferred in my opinion. Sharpening 
map coefficients may also affect the scale


On 17 Jan 2013, at 15:48, Nat Echols wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 3:16 AM, Pedro M. Matias wrote:
 To clarify my previous e-mail, in both cases the maps are being calculated
 from weighted coefficients from an MTZ file output by the program.
 I tried calculating a weighted 2Fo-Fc map in CCP4i using the PHENIX MTZ file
 and the end-result (red bars) was the same.
 If I had to guess, I'd say that the output from Refmac is on an
 approximately absolute scale, i.e. the volume-scaled density values
 resemble the actual electron densities expected for the model.  (I say
 approximately because the absence of F(0,0,0) and various FFT
 artifacts pretty much guarantee that the values are not actually
 accurate, just on the same order of magnitude.)  This is presumably
 done by scaling F(obs) to F(calc).  Maps from Phenix are definitely
 *not* on an absolute scale, however, and I guess the same must be true
 for BUSTER.  Since everyone is used to looking at sigma-scaled maps
 this has not been a problem in the past; I don't think older versions
 of Coot had this problem either.
 You are not the first person to complain about this, for what it's worth.

Re: [COOT] Coot 0.8.1

2014-12-15 Thread Phil Evans
I'm pretty sure the Aimless fails reported in the nightly builds are OK - I've 
changed some things so that you get different numbers


On 15 Dec 2014, at 18:11, Marcin Wojdyr wrote:

 CCP4 nightly builds also include coot 0.8.1 now.
 It's a bigger bundle, containing also free-only-for-academics programs.
 Linux version should work on all Linux distros from the times of RHEL4 to 
 For OSX (10.6+) we have official build (Intel Compiler):
 and one built with Apple LLVM 6.0, at the same location as Linux.
 (We don't have own Windows build, we'll take it from Bernhard.)
 On 15 December 2014 at 17:32, Paul Emsley wrote:
 We are pleased to announce Coot Release 0.8.1.
 (Basically a bug-fix release.)
 Redhat, CentOS, OpenSuse and Ubuntu binaries will appear here shortly:
 WinCoot here hopefully:
  o CHANGE: Generic Dislay Objects dialog improved.
  o CHANGE: Water validation dialogs are now transient
  o CHANGE: Ctrl-R for Rock View
  o CHANGE: Least Squares Fit dialog now remembers its values
  o BUG-FIX: stippling for line and text geometry and environment
distances updated
  o BUG-FIX: Jiggle fit moves atoms with zero occupancies.
  o BUG-FIX: Problem with CA-Zone - Mainchain fixed.
  o BUG-FIX: The amount that the other atoms ove with moving the
picked atom has been reduced (but is configurable)
  o BUG-FIX: Sort chains and residues has been fixed.
  o BUG-FIX: Add Template Keybindings for Python now works

[COOT] NCS ligand

2015-02-17 Thread Phil Evans

I've got 4 molecules in the asu (chains A,B,C,D), and have just built a peptide 
ligand as chain S on to chain D. Is there an easy way to copy it to the right 
position on the other chains, or do I have to put it into chain D?


[COOT] Copy NCS residue range

2015-02-23 Thread Phil Evans
In Extensions-NCS-Copy NCS Residue Range the first window asks for the Master 
chain, but this seems not to work. As far as I can see, you have to set the 
Master Chain in the Draw-NCS Ghost Control window

This looks like a bug, I think


Re: [COOT] XQuartz 2.8.0_beta1 is not compatible with COOT

2021-02-02 Thread Phil Evans
Oh the joys of dynamic libraries

Sent from my iPad

> On 2 Feb 2021, at 02:22, William Scott  wrote:
> Hi Phil:
> I think the problem is that the new installer introduces a new launchd file 
> that changes the $DISPLAY
> I gzipped  /Library/LaunchAgents/org.xquartz.startx.plist
> logged out/in
> now it behaves.
> The new version has an obsolete library file
>version: coot-bin requires version 4.0.0 or later, but libGL.1.dylib 
> provides version 1.0.0
> Bill
>> On Feb 1, 2021, at 5:36 PM, William Scott  wrote:
>> Hi Phil:
>> I just replicated the problem (and doubled my blood pressure).  After 
>> restoring, I was finally able to get coot to launch after activating (the 
>> original) XQuartz manually, and then launching it from an xterm.  It isn’t a 
>> path issue, but some Apple control-freak permission issue, eg:
>> I still haven’t figured out how to get it to work in my normal terminal 
>> application.
>> This is some kind of metaphor for what my life has devolved into.  I’ll post 
>> again if I can figure out a solution.
>> Peace and joy,
>> Bill
>>>> On Feb 1, 2021, at 2:07 PM, Phil Evans  wrote:
>>> I’ve just tried several times to install Xquartz 2.7.11 (MacOS Catalina), 
>>> but it crashes as soon as it starts
>>> Any ideas? I _think_ that was the version I was using before, though maybe 
>>> I should back to an even earlier version
>>> I did logout, reboot, reinstall etc
>>> Phil
>>>> On 1 Feb 2021, at 21:44, Huw Jenkins 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> On 1 Feb 2021, at 21:37, Paul Emsley  wrote:
>>>>> I take it to mean the XQuartz 2.8.0 doesn't distribute the library 
>>>>> against which Coot (0.9.x) is linked by CCP4 and CCPEM.
>>>> As far as I can tell this is a bug in XQuartz 2.8.0_beta1 that has now 
>>>> been fixed:
>>>> as XQuartz 2.7.11 has:
>>>> /usr/X11/lib/libGL.1.dylib:
>>>>/opt/X11/lib/libGL.1.dylib (compatibility version 4.0.0, current 
>>>> version 4.0.0)
>>>> Huw
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Re: [COOT] XQuartz 2.8.0_beta1 is not compatible with COOT

2021-02-01 Thread Phil Evans
Is this a Coot problem or an Xquartz problem? 
Just hit this: other things work fine with this Xquartz

> On 1 Feb 2021, at 19:43, Jason Key  wrote:
> Hi COOT users,
> A message for Mac users of COOT -
> On Friday, XQuartz began prompting users with an update to XQuartz 
> 2.8.0_beta1.
> This update is not compatible with the COOT provided for macOS by CCP4 or 
> You will see an error along these lines:
> '''
> dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/X11/lib/libGL.1.dylib
>  Referenced from: /programs/i386-mac/ccp4/7.1/ccp4-7.1/libexec/coot-bin
>  Reason: Incompatible library version: coot-bin requires version
> 1.2.0 or later, but libGL.1.dylib provides version 1.0.0
> '''
> Skip the 2.8.0_beta1 update. If you have already updated your XQuartz,
> you can downgrade to XQuartz 2.7.11 and COOT should work again. Be
> sure to log out and log back in after XQuartz updates.
> Cheers,
> Jason
> --
> Jason Key, PhD
> SBGrid Consortium, Harvard Medical School
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