[CTRL] Urban Warrior Advanced Warfighting Experiment

1999-11-14 Thread Michael Pugliese



• news March 10, 
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One nation under 
  guardThe Marine Corps is making plans to 
  take over U.S. cities during popular insurrections. They're practicing in 
  Oakland next week. 
  By Gar Smith
  MIDDLE EAST. Forget Kosovo. The United States Marine Corps is 
  convinced that its next major invasion may take place on the west coast of 
  the United States. 
  That's right: the marines are preparing to put down an insurrection in 
  a major American city -- say, San Francisco, or Seattle, or Los Angeles. 
  They'll be practicing in Oakland March 15-18. 
  The marines say the exercise, dubbed Urban 
  Warrior Advanced Warfighting Experiment, is designed to teach the 
  armed forces how to distribute humanitarian aid to a big city after a 
  disaster. But a Bay Guardian review of hundreds of pages of military 
  documents, obtained through public records requests, from the Marine 
  Corps' Web site, and from the Alameda County Public Library, reveals a 
  very different mission. 

  Also in this 
Sending in 
the troops East Bay city leaders rush to approve Urban 
Warrior over protests from neighbors and environmentalists 
the peace This isn't the first time the military has 
practiced war games in U.S. cities 
Stop the Urban 
Warrior invasion The 
  Marine Corps' plans for the invasion reveal that Urban Warrior is designed 
  to give marines practice in seizing control of urban areas -- including 
  taking over food and water supplies, utilities, and communications 
  systems. And statements and articles by military leaders suggest that the 
  armed forces are preparing themselves to contain popular uprisings -- 
  including uprisings in U.S. cities. 
  The use of military troops to quell civilian unrest is not 
  unprecedented. But Urban Warrior represents a dramatic escalation in the 
  potential use of the military on American soil -- and nobody in the local 
  or national news media seems to have noticed. 
  Though San Francisco is no longer slated to serve as the marines' 
  laboratory, the Oakland political establishment, led by Mayor Jerry Brown, 
  is rolling out the red carpet for the troops. Four days of mock fighting, 
  including the firing of 24,000 blank rounds, have been scheduled to take 
  place at Oakland's abandoned Oak Knoll Naval Hospital. The guns will open 
  fire at 7:30 in the morning and continue for seven hours at a stretch. 
  Over the course of five days Urban Warrior vehicles are expected to 
  consume 18,063 gallons of fuel and generate 1.21 tons of air pollution. 
  The nitrous oxides produced would be 3.4 times greater than the Bay Area 
  Air Quality Management District's "significant threshold." (Those figures 
  don't include air pollution from fuel-inefficient military aircraft, since 
  the Marine Corps' environmental assessment ruled that its exhaust gases 
  would not fall into the urban "mixing zone.") During Urban Warrior's grand 
  finale at Oak Knoll March 18, marines will discharge 60 smoke bombs and 
  8,000 rounds of blanks in a single hour. 
  Three-block war
  When the U.S. Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) first proposed 
  staging Urban Warrior inside San Francisco's Presidio National Park last 
  year, it described a three-day exercise involving 200 to 300 marines. By 
  January the exercise included five ships, 6,000 sailors and marines, 
  fighter jets, helicopters, and four days of simulated combat. National 
  Park Service officials decided the event had grown too large and pulled 
  the plug. 
  In an effort to save the Presidio invasion, Gen. Charles C. Krulak (who 
  founded the Urban Warfighting Laboratory in 1995) wrote an op-ed in the 
  San Francisco Examiner appealing to San Franciscans to rally 'round the 
  flag and allow the attack to proceed. Krulak offered a rather implausible 
  pretext for exploding thousands of rounds of blanks inside a U.S. city. 
  "Marines will be transported to the Presidio, where they will provide 
  humanitarian assistance to 'victims' of an assumed natural disaster," 
  Krulak wrote. " 'Rebel' elements opposed to the operation will then 
  arrive. The situation will deteriorate into conflict." Krulak didn't 
  explain why "rebels" would be opposed to humanitarian assistance in the 
  wake of a natural disaster. 
  "Humanitarian relief" effort involves marines handing out "food, water, 
  and diapers" to paid actors performing from a prepared script, Urba

[CTRL] Biblebelievers Newsletter #095

1999-11-14 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

Bible Believers' Newsletter #095

"We focus on the PRESENT Truth -- what Jesus is doing NOW . . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

We greet you in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and
appreciate your fellowship. An especial welcome to new subscribers.

This newsletter serves those of like precious faith and whosoever will
receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River
of Life. Everything presented should be confirmed personally in your own

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony

Rome Reconquers Lutherans

Augsburg, Germany: On October 31, Lutherans and Catholics signed a Joint
Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification: how one gains salvation, or
right relationship with God, stating essential agreement over this issue
that prompted Luther's uprising in 1517.

Lutherans said justification comes by grace through faith alone while
Catholics say good works also are required. The new statement does NOT claim
to have resolved all points related to the two understandings of
justification, but declares that the remaining differences should not divide
the churches.

I want you to note the absence of the Holy Spirit who "guides into ALL
Truth" (John 16:13), so that in every age, Christians have all spoken the
same thing without division, being perfectly joined together in the same
mind and in the same judgment (I Corinthians 1:10) in accord with Jesus'
prayer (John 17:20-26). It is ONLY by recognizing YOUR day and ITS Message
that one could be a Christian in any age. THIS revelation alone imparts the
baptism with the Holy Spirit which is the new birth.

The joint Declaration states in part, "Together we confess: By grace
alone, in faith in Christ's saving work and not because of any merit on our
part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our
hearts while equipping and calling us to good works."

They are equating Justification by grace through faith with the new
birth or baptism with the Holy Ghost. I John 5:1-13 which compares the
natural birth with the Spiritual, points out how one may be justified but
not sanctified; sanctified but not justified or justified and sanctified but
still not born-again and ultimately lost.

Judas Iscariot was not Serpent's seed. He was written in the Book of
Life which is the genealogy of Adam (Luke 10:20). Judas was justified by
grace through faith and baptized (John 4:1-2). He was also sanctified by the
Word of God (John 17:17); but he failed die to his own ideas and go all the
way to Pentecost, and was subsequently lost.

Peter types earth's baptism with the believer's justification and water
baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of past sins
(II Peter 3:20-21). Justification was not earth's new birth or there would
have been no more death and decay which is the result of sin. Typing the
Spiritual birth with the natural, I John 3:2-9, 5:18 show there can be no
sin following the new birth. Like your water baptism, the Flood only washed
away or remitted earth's past sins. It has nothing to do with the future for
although "eight souls were saved by water", three of the eight were
subsequently lost. Ham was in the ark, so after the flood the earth was
repopulated by sinners.

Justification is the essential foundational experience of the Holy
Spirit. But as we have documented, it is not the new birth. When Paul
encountered some Baptists at Ephesus who were justified by faith, he asked,
"Have you received the Holy Ghost SINCE you were justified" (Acts 19:1-2).
And in Ephesians 1:13 he says that AFTER they were justified by grace
through faith they "were sealed with the Holy Spirit". In Acts 2:38 Peter
also places the Promise of the Holy Spirit AFTER justification by grace
through faith.

Justification, sanctification and the baptism with the Holy Ghost are
three steps in faith constituting the new birth. When a woman gives birth,
the water breaks first, typing justification and water baptism of the
Spiritual birth. Next is the blood, typing sanctification, and finally the
shock of cold air or a slap from the doctor causes the mortal spirit and
soul to enter, typing the revelation of the PRESENT Truth which gives the
new birth. All three steps are required for the birth.

The historic document is the result of more than 30 years of talking and
reading the Bible together in several countries. If but one of them had the
Holy Spirit they would have known the mind of Christ in under thirty
minutes: heaven and earth would pass away before that revelation could fail.
Modern-day These latter day Balaams want to force God to change His mind on
His Word (Titus 3:10-11).

The two churches have insisted on going forward despite significant
opposition encountered by The Lut


1999-11-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Glad to help:)

The only draw back is that there are no news groups, and no
Telnet, YET (they say "soon").

Best to you.


On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Terry Cox wrote:

> Thanks, Mike, I am downloading as we speak.   I appreciate the thoughtfulness.
> Keep the faith everyone.
>   - Original Message -
>   Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 11:26 PM
>   -Caveat Lector-
>   WOW!  I saw this new ISP (new as of a few days ago!) mentioned on
>   a small segment of FOX Network's local 6:00 news broadcast here
>   in AZ tonight.
>   I just tested it out and am using as I type!
>   You can use your own computer based E-mail program or their web
>   based program (5 MB of storage).
>   At this time, they have no web page services (there are all kinds
>   of companies now, e.g., www.netcenter.com, etc., that offer free
>   web pages, however), and shortly they WILL offer web pages for
>   their clients at a small monthly fee.
>   The only catch is that when you go on-line, THEIR HOME PAGE OPENS
>   COMPUTERS, etc.), HOWEVER, simply close it out or start surfing
>   POINT ON!!
>   I highly recommend signing onto their ISP service whether you
>   keep your current ISP, or NOT (i.e., use this when your ISP is
>   down, if for no other reason!).
>   Mike
>   P.S.  Here's a bit of the copy from their sign up URL:
>   Source:
>   http://www.worldspy.com/freeisp/isp.html
>   State-of-the-art service provided by MicroPortal.com, a
>   nationwide Internet Service provider with hundreds of
>   high-quality, high-speed 56K access numbers across the country.
>   24-Hour Toll-Free Customer Service Support
>   No monthly membership fees, no setup fees, no maintenance fees,
>   no annual dues. Save up to $20 per month ($240 per year)!
>   Monthly specials and other great offers!
>   Sign up now!
>   To see if you're just a local call away from FREE Internet
>   access, check our listing of Local Access Numbers now.
>   Terms of Offer: Your use of WorldSpy.net is completely free. No
>   purchase necessary. No strings. No membership fees. Period.
>   We respect your privacy. We will never sell your personal
>   information to any third parties without your permission.
>   --end--
>   All I can say is that I AM IMPRESSED, LIKE A BIG DAWG!
>   =
>Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
> *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
>  Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.
>   =
>   ==
>   CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
>   screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
>   and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
>   frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
>   spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>   gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
>   be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>   nazi's need not apply.
>   Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>   Archives Available at:
>   http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
>   To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>   To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>   Om

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [CTRL] Biblebelievers Newsletter #095

1999-11-14 Thread pennie hammons

 -Caveat Lector-

The Greek word "thanatos" means literal death..."'And I, if I am lifted up
out of the earth, all men will draw to myself'; but this He said signifying
by what kind of DEATH(thanato) He was about to die." John 12:32-33
Under the Fourth Seal we see the rule of "Death" personified. As
>portrayed in the teaching series, World Depopulation and Slavery, this word
>death (Gk. thanatos) is not simply the physical death of the body but the
>spiritual death of the soul through sin (or unbelief in the revealed Word
>God) that continues in a misery of ignorance and wretchedness. It is
>-- eternal separation -- as opposed to God's Own Life.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)

1999-11-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

> >
> >
> > On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Nurev Ind Research wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Sorry Mike,
> > >
> > > This guy IS nuts.
> He is a fake and a liar. This is not about intellectual discourse.
> This is about yet another religious charlatan.

Then we should put an end to the likes of Benny Hinn, Bob Larson,
et al...THOSE seem MUCH more harmful/deceitful than JAH...BY FAR!

Hey, don't get me wrong...I hate greedy, lying, preditory
bastards as much as the next guy, I ASSURE YOU.

> > I mean, it seems to me that your over zealous offensive towards
> > this guy is kinda revealing as to your own problems,
> > insecurities, fears (conscious or sub..), etc.
> That's fair. Between he and I, who would you say has more
> serious problems?


> > At least that's the way it seems to me, i.e., you're just a tad
> > TOO zealous/defensivedoncha think?  I mean, doesn't that
> > strike you [or any one else] as odd?  Same with Pennie...i.e.,
> > just chill out...don't let it get to you so much??
> Sorry. Just can't do that. If he puts it on this list, it's
> in my face.

Again, aim at the more lecherous, preposterous, TV
personalities...hell, I'll help!

> > AND, I never said I believed all that stuff...cuz I DON'T!
> > > I'm not saying that he's whacko lightly. He is mentally deranged and you
> > > are not helping him any by supporting his delusions.
> >
> > Where did you say you got your M.D. or PhD in Human Med or
> > psych...where'd ya do your residency again...I must have missed
> > that info??
> You don't need to be a certified mechanic to know there's a problem
> when your car's engine is missing. This guy's engine is missing.

No, but to actually certify another human being (your opinion is
one thing) as insane, well, imo, that takes a touch of
ussumptiveness, and gall EVEN FOR A PRO!

> > And, there's a big difference between deranged and
> > delusional...at least to me (i.e., without looking anything up).
> > To me, one lends to being dangerous to self and/or others, the
> > other does not necessary imply such, no?
> No. Not really.
> > Again, man, imo, your seeming obsession with this guy is kinda
> > text book affective disorder, if you really want to get down to
> > it.
> Fair enough.
> > > What do you think will happen to this guy when January rolls around and
> > > everything he predicted doesn't happen?
> >
> > In my opinion?
> >
> But you don't know that.

No, but that's why I prefaced it with "In my opinion?"

Hell, if dogs in NY state get one free bite, I would think Humans
deserve no less, i.e., "innocent" AT LEAST till they do something
harmful or illegal, no?

> > Nothing, except that I bet he (and any one that at least listened
> > to him and gave his message at least the time of day) will be
> > more prepaired for any nasty contigencies than you:)
> Are you talking about Y2k or apocalypse?

Well, your right there, i.e., I was not referring to The
Apoalypse.  But what can it hurt to advocate "preparedness?"

In fact, I kinda go the "Norio Hayakawa" line of reasoning, i.e.,
that it's FAR FAR too late to stop "The Evilarchy," so at this
late date, our only option MAY REALLY BE getting things right
with what ever ones rendition of thier maker might be...AND, I
personally say to those that ask "DO IT FAST:)"

> > Besides, I have a feeling that ALL OF US...we'll ALL be kinda
> > preoccupied with food lines, energy failures, transportation
> > problems, martial law, etc., for a few months (several weeks AT
> > LEAST!).
> That is a possibility. Millennial delusions are not.

Well, EVERYTHING _IS_ possible, i.e., from a statistical or
impirical standpoint (to say nothing of from a quantum mechanical
perspective)...especially IF YOU LOOK AT A WIDE ENOUGH WINDOW.

Hey, just cuz the sun has come up every morning for the last
umpteen hundred million years here on Earth, that in NO WAY
guarantees it will tomorrow, my friend.

> > > Do you think it will help his
> > > condition? I doubt it.
> >
> > What condition?
> >
> > > He is a sick puppy.
> >
> > Hey, WHO AIN'T?
> Lot's of people aint.

We ALL walk that fence, dude.  Many a better person than you or I
have fallen off to the insane side with little or no apparent
outside warning...and MANY WILL in the times to come.  THAT'S A

The idea is to increase that number. Not invent a
> ridiculous immaginary universe for the young and borderline psyches to
> slide into.

I think it's in our nature to get "century /millennial fevor,"
let alone being somewhat odd, imo, if anyone in our day and age
DOES NOT see that we are playing with things today that have not
been messed with to our knowledge before, and that MANY (i.e.,
UNIVERSAL PICTURE.  And this says NOTHING as to those
astronomical events that we now know are SO COMMON in the
universe (i


1999-11-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Koleshak--- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, November 12, 1999 1:19 PM

Scores Killed, Hundreds Injured as Para-Military Extremists Riot in Boston Area

April 20, 1775

BOSTON. National guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned
assault weapons were ambushed on April 19th by elements of a para-military extremist
faction.  Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more
than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw.

Speaking after the clash Massachusetts Governor Thomas Gage declared that the
extremist faction, which was made up of local citizens, has links to the radical
right-wing tax protest movement.  Gage blamed the extremists for recent incidents
of vandalism directed against internal revenue offices.

The governor, who described the group's organizers as "criminals," issued an executive
order authorizing the summary arrest of any individual who has interfered with the
government's efforts to secure law and order.

The military raid on the extremist arsenal followed wide-spread refusal by the local
citizenry to turn over recently outlawed assault weapons. Gage issued a ban on
military-style assault weapons and ammunition earlier in the week. This decision
followed a meeting in early this month between government and military leaders at
which the governor authorized the forcible confiscation of illegal arms. One
government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, pointed out that "none of
these people would have been killed had the extremists obeyed the law and turned
over their weapons voluntarily."

Government troops initially succeeded in confiscating a large supply of outlawed
weapons and ammunition. However, troops attempting to seize arms and ammunition in
Lexington met with resistance from heavily-armed extremists who had been tipped off
regarding the government's plans.

During a tense standoff in Lexington's town park, National Guard Colonel Francis Smith,
commander of the government operation, ordered the armed group to surrender and
return to their homes.  The impasse was broken by a single shot, which was reportedly
fired by one of the right-wing extremists. Eight civilians were killed in the ensuing

Ironically, the local citizenry blamed government forces rather than the extremists for
the civilian deaths. Before order could be restored, armed citizens from surrounding
areas had descended upon the guard units. Colonel Smith, finding his forces overmatched
by the armed mob, ordered a retreat.

Governor Gage has called upon citizens to support the state/national joint task force 
its effort to restore law and order. The governor has also demanded the surrender of
those responsible for planning and leading the attack against the government troops.
Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and John Hancock, who have been identified as
"ringleaders" of  the extremist faction, remain at large.

Could it happen again? This flyer was passed out at the Boston Freedom rally at
Bunker Hill Sunday morning.

Special thanks to Tinman for his stirring speech in the rain from the stage on
Bunker Hill that electrified the crowd, and later for his speech on the steps at
the State House in Boston. Our own Freeper, Tinman got the loudest applause
of the day for his remarks  on protecting our Constitutional rights, especially the
Second Amendment.

A Visitor From The Past

By Thelen Paulk

I had a dream the other night, I didn't understand.
A figure walking through the mist, with a flintlock in his hand.
His clothes were torn and dirty, as he stood there by my bed.
He took off his three-cornered hat, and speaking low, he said:

"We fought a revolution, to secure our liberty.
We wrote the Constitution, as a shield from tyranny.
For future generations, this legacy we gave.
In this, the land of the free and home of the brave.

"The freedom we secured for you, we hoped you'd always keep.
But tyrants labored endlessly while your parents were asleep.
Your freedom gone, your courage lost, you're no more than a slave.
In this, the land of the free and home of the brave.

"You buy permits to travel, and permits to own a gun,
permits to start a business, or to build a place for one.
On land that you believe you own, you pay a yearly rent.
Although you have no voice in choosing, how the money's spent.

"Your children must attend a school that doesn't educate.
Your Christian values can't be taught, according to the state.
You read about the current news, in a regulated press.
You pay a tax you do not owe, to please the I.R.S.

"Your money

[CTRL] Modern Fascism : Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview

1999-11-14 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 Modern Fascism : Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview
 (Concordia Scholarship Today)
 by Gene Edward Veith
 Paperback - 187 pages (February 1993)
 Concordia Pub House; ISBN: 0570046033


 This new book in the Concordia Scholarship Today Series examines
 how fascist views permeate modern philosophy, art, movies, and
 eugenics -- decades after the defeat of the Axis powers in World
 War II. Dealing with a variety of fascist thought -- from the
 intellectuals to the skinheads -- Veith shows how the fascist's
 focus on self and human will is in direct opposition to the
 Christian's faith in a righteous God. (Concordia Publishing House)

 Customer Comments:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] from Fairhope, Alabama , March 20, 1999

 The New Pagans - Veith exposes the real fascism today.

 Prof. Gene Edward Veith, a Lutheran professor of English at
 Concordia Univ. in Wisconsin, if anything else, has taken a word
 which has come to be used as a contentless, empty and generalized
 "catch-all" insult, and has attempted to remind a historically
 ignorant generation of what "fascism" was really all about in the
 1930's and 1940's and from whom, whence, and what sources this
 terrible political and philosophical system was derived, the form
 it took then, and the form it takes today.

 First of all, Veith has a smiling Ezra Pound on the cover giving
 the fascist salute in 1958. This picture is not meant to cleverly
 provoke, but to show, as is detailed in the chapter, "The Beautiful
 Ideas Which Kill", that in his allegiance to fascism, Pound and
 some of his artistic and intellectual allies, Imagist poet T.E.
 Hulme, George Bernard Shaw, and the pre-war Wyndham Lewis, found
 the political vehicle of fascism (to them at least) a very logical
 outgrowth of their theories and views of art and life. The
 celebration of "the primitive", the concrete over the abstract,
 and overall contempt for the "bourgeois, moderate, classical..."
 (quoting from Thomas Mann), in favor of the Nietzchean and
 Dionysean unrestraint represent not any kind of a current
 "conformity" to classical and historical traditions but at the
 time, the very "avant-garde" throwing off of all such shackle.

 There are many such illustrations of the sort, which Veith uses not
 for purpose of mere "high-brow" name-dropping or ad hominem
 indictment, but for the deeper meaning of the book itself: Fascism
 has always been on the cutting edge, and the people who first loved
 and propagandized it were not bourgeois businessmen in suits, but
 the writers, artists, poets, and philosophers. It is important to
 realize that one reason that the Jewish people were singled out for
 castigation was that they represented a transcendent intellectual
 order, anti-paganism and moralism. Although it has become a matter
 of cliche, Frederich Nietzche really did popularize many of these
 ideas in works such as "The Will to Power", where Judaism and
 Christianity were systems of weakness and artificial supports for
 weaknesses in their hindrance of man's primordial will and drive to
 power and action.

 "Modern Fascism" covers eugenics, abortion, political ideology, and
 religion in addition to the artistic and philosophical aspects of
 fascism, marking his obvious subject: the National Socialist state
 of Hitler's Germany. Veith offers disparate examples of how history
 has been revised and ignored to the absurd point that "fascism" is
 now considered somehow "conservative", and the opposite of the
 Left. Actually, the extreme Right and the extreme Left are two
 competing sides of the same fascistic coin (i.e. National Socialism
 (Nazism) and International Socialism (Marxism). Veith also debunks
 (as have numerous others) the pernacious myth that Nazism was
 somehow Christian. The truth is that Hitler perverted and used
 "God-words" for his own end, and eventually dropped them altogether
 once complete power was gained. The German Protestant Church had
 become so weakened by liberalism and humanistic thought, that it
 was powerless to resist. True Christians such as Dietrich
 Bonhoeffer were executed.

 Finally, one of the most interesting and frightening sections is
 the end where Veith links much of modern 1990's culture in America
 with the very same fascism it falsely purports to hate. The very
 modern return to paganism and Gnostic/New Age type religions (in a
 friendly face) and the celebration of the violent, arrogant, and
 unrestrained raw sexuality in film, television, literature, and
 music is indeed very close to the old fascism in truth no matter
 how many "anti-Fascist messages" are attempted. The popular culture
 and modern media which was used by the Nazis (Leni Reifenstahl's
 use of cinema, the mass rally, etc.) to pound home their message
 also sounds current. Veith also reminds us that the Nazis were
 supreme environmentalists, criticizing th

[CTRL] Court says no to FreeRepublic.com

1999-11-14 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 Court says no to FreeRepublic.com
 Rejects 'fair use' argument
 for copying articles

 By Jon E. Dougherty
 Thursday, November 11, 1999
 © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

 A federal judge has ruled against the operator of a popular
 online conservative discussion forum, rejecting the owner's
 claim that reposting entire news stories constituted a
 "fair use" of copyrighted material.

 Judge Margaret Morrow of the U.S. District Court in Los
 Angeles rejected FreeRepublic.com's request to dismiss the
 case, and said owner Jim Robinson was not protected under
 "fair use" provisions of existing copyright law when he
 copied and posted entire newspaper articles on his site.
 The court sided with both plaintiffs -- the Los Angeles
 Times and the Washington Post -- by writing in her 28-page
 ruling on Monday that Robinson was "not entitled to assert
 a fair use defense to the claims of copyright infringement
 alleged in the complaint."

 Both newspapers claimed that Robinson -- who posted or
 allowed the posting of articles for the purpose of
 soliciting comments from site members -- was damaging their
 websites, and that by posting entire articles both
 newspapers were losing online advertising revenue. They
 also said consumers were less likely to pay their standard
 $1.50 fee to access archived stories if the FreeRepublic
 was reproducing them for free.

 Robinson told WorldNetDaily he believes Morrow's decision
 is wrong and pledged to fight the ruling.

 "She ignored any testimony or evidence we put forward and
 sided with the barest of assertions made by the
 plaintiffs," Robinson said, adding that the only factor out
 of four he presented that the court agreed with was his use
 of non-fiction material. "It's harder to get a 'fair use'
 ruling on fictional materials."

 Robinson also said the judge ignored the fact that his
 website "only uses a small portion" of each newspaper every
 day, and said that by law users of copyrighted material are
 permitted to do that. "We use individual articles; however,
 they copyright the entire paper," he said.

 One source, who requested anonymity, said his
 interpretation of copyright law "limited users to either a
 certain number of words or no more than a certain portion
 of a news story" when reprinting copyrighted information,
 rather than the entire article.

 Another aspect of the decision that Robinson disagreed with
 was the court's characterization of FreeRepublic as a
 commercial website. He told WorldNetDaily that Judge Morrow
 said because he received donations through his site, "that
 makes me a commercial enterprise, but that's completely

 In disputing Morrow's claim, Robinson said he has recently
 filed for non-profit status but that the paperwork has not
 yet been approved. "We have never operated the FreeRepublic
 as a commercial venture -- not at any time," he said. "She
 just ignored that. She said in the courtroom that the only
 reason for our existence was to raise donations."

 Binyamin L. Jolkovsky, editor of another Internet news and
 commentary site, the Jewish World Review, sees merit in
 both sides of the case, but said he was more concerned
 about the loss of impact FreeRepublic could have as a
 "valuable and informative site" if Robinson loses his case.

 "For small sites like ours, it's somewhat damaging when
 somebody copies entire articles and reposts them
 elsewhere," he said, "especially when you're a site that is
 paying for content."

 On the other hand, he said, "they have been very kind to
 me. We've had a lot of their readers come to JWR."

 "I don't want to see FreeRepublic weakened because I think
 it's an absolutely amazing site," he said. "As something is
 breaking live, on television for example, site members (at
 the FreeRepublic) will immediately post a synopsis of the
 event, and that's just incredibly useful."  Jolkovsky said
 the plaintiffs couldn't completely stop Robinson or his
 members from posting allowable amounts of copyrighted

 He also believes that if the newspapers decide to seek
 monetary damages from Robinson, who is reportedly in bad
 health, "I think it would be the epitome of corporate
 America picking the wrong battle."

 Robinson said he views the court's decision as "the same
 liberal encroachment that is going on throughout." He sees
 his defeat as "just a step" to limit future use of
 copyrighted materials on the Internet. He said neither
 plaintiff has said it will pursue monetary remuneration
 from FreeRepublic, "but they may just be saving that for
 the end."

 A trial has been set for June of next year, but in the
 meantime, Robinson and his attorney, Brian L. Buckley, plan
 to file motions to dismiss the case or motions for

 "The judge got it wrong," said Buckley, adding that unless
 Monday's ruling is reversed, "it will have a tremendous
 chilling effect and w

[CTRL] (1) Chronology of the Dulles-Nixon-Bush "Octopus"

1999-11-14 Thread Das GOAT


  The World According to Daniel Sheehan

 The following text is a transcript of a speech given in late
1986 by Daniel Sheehan, chief counsel for the Christic Institute,
a public interest law and policy center in Washington D.C.
 Sheehan gained an impressive measure of notoriety in the
late 1980s with his lawsuit against "The Secret Team," the group
of former and current military men and intelligence agents who,
Sheehan alleged, are responsible for a continuing pattern of
corruption and violence that dates back at least to the JFK
assasination, and further, to World War II -- and in the '80s
manifested itself in the Iran-Contra Affair.
 Sheehan's exploits and world view are chronicled in chapter
42 of "60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time."  For that matter, a
number of the conspiracies --verifiable and not-as-much-so-- that
he discusses in the following speech (the major assassinations,
the CIA's importation of Nazis, the Federal Emergency Management
Agency's plan to suspend the constitution etc.) are also covered
in greater detail in the book.
 This speech, typical of the talks Sheehan delivered as he
traversed the country seeking funds for the always-ailing,
nonprofit Christic Institute, gives a thorough overview of his
"Secret Team" lawsuit and the facts and charges behind it.

 [==Sometimes Paraphrased; full text included as attachment==)

 "An FBI agent had warned a [Methodist] minister to have
nothing to do with the Catholic Church, explaining that the FBI
was in possession of information that the Catholic Church, under
the guise of a sanctuary movement for Central American refugees,
was smuggling Communist terrorists into the United States.
 "He went on to say that, in the event that our President was
forced to undertake direct military action in Central America,
those Communist terrorists smuggled into the US were going to be
organizing themselves to launch strikes against American military
bases, communication centers, and water resource systems.
 "Later, [the Jesuits] and I were contacted by yet a second
minister from another Protestant church who had been approached
by a different FBI agent telling him exactly the same thing.

 "[The Christic Institute] had reason to investigate, in
order to find out just where these stories were originating.  If
the Justice Department really believed those stories, we were
confronting an unjustifiable degree of militancy ...
 "I established contact with some investigative reporters and
some former federal agents, who are now private investigators,
whom I had encountered earlier [in my career].  I new they had
very good sources, so I asked them to investigate for us, as a
favor to us, if they would.  They did.

 "I learned that President Reagan, on April 6, 1984, had
signed a highly classified National Security Decision Directive,
initiating a highly secret readiness exercise in the United
States.  But this was a domestic readiness exercise undertaken to
determine what types of steps had to be taken by various federal
agencies here in the event that the President were to authorize
use of US troops in Central America.
 "The domestic readiness exercise was code-named 'REX 84.'
The military action in Central America --with which this exercise
was associated-- was to be code-named 'Operation Night Train.'
 "As we began to investigate, we discovered that the domestic
readiness exercise was going to be undertaken and supervised by
the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  That came as a
surprise to us, since FEMA was supposedly only concerned with
hurricane and flood relief and civil defense.
 "The [planners of the exercise] were the same geniuses who
brought you the post-nuclear war scenario, detailing how they
could move the entire population of Los Angeles out to one small
town in the Tehachapee mountains in only a couple days ...
 "Further investigation revealed that the Reagan
administration had brought a man by the name of Louis Guiffreda
to Washington DC to run the FEMA exercise.
 "Guiffreda had begun as the chief of the California-based
Crime Training Institute, which specialized in anti-terrorist
training for police departments.  "El Commandante," as Guiffreda
liked to be called, was later made general of the California
National Guard under Edwin Meese, Governor Reagan's assistant
attorney general, so that he could take charge of a special
secret program code-named "Operation Cable Splicer."
 "Under 'Operation Cable Splicer,' then-Governor Reagan,
Meese, his assistant attorney general, and Guiffreda, general of
the National Guard, were preparing to declare martial law in
California if Black nationalists joined forces with the white
anti-Vietnam War community."

 [[**There may be an important overlap here with President
Richard Nixon's 'Huston Plan,' of SIMILAR nature, originating in
the same late-Sixties period of FBI

[CTRL] (3) Tidbits -- Sheehan's Q & A

1999-11-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

  Daniel Sheehan answers questions from the audience:

QUESTION: There are two questions that occur to me right away.
Some of this information must have come out in the Watergate
investigation. Why wasn't it pursued at that time? Obviously,
there must have been that information. The other one: You talk
about a shadowy world. When did this shadowy world begin? When
did the separation between the military and civilian clearly
collapse, causing so many of our problems?

SHEEHAN: The first question: A number of these issues must have
surfaced at least during the the Watergate investigation.  And
why were they not pursued?
 Well, let me give you one very special example of an issue
that arose during the Watergate investigation. You will all
remember that extraordinary conversation of March 21 [1973],
where President Nixon was discussing the Watergate investigation
with John Dean. And Nixon said to John Dean, "John, I want you to
go to the CIA and have them tell the FBI to get out of this
investigation." And John Dean said to him: "Well, Mr. President,
what am I going to tell them?" And he said, "Tell them all the
'Bay of Pigs' stuff will come out."
John Dean didn't know what that meant and he later asked what
that meant. They asked this question of a number of people during
the Watergate hearings. One of the men they asked was Mr.
Halderman. And they said, "Mr. Haldeman, what was it that
President Nixon was talking about when he said 'All the 'Bay of
Pigs' stuff would come out'?" And Mr. Halderman said, "Oh, they
were talking about the assassination of President John Kennedy."
  At which point, everyone looked at each other in the room and
said, "What the hell was that?" And they went on to a new
subject. It's a very strange issue one that has haunted us ever
since 1963.
 What we face in this case is the possibility of striking up
that music, of getting back to some of those issues, of delving
into those people. I'll just say this in closing on that topic.
Richard Spraig was appointed to be the general counsel for the
Select Committee on Assassination Investigation for the House of
Representatives, and he was investigating the assassination of
President John Kennedy. He was doing some investigation that led
him to issue a subpoena to John Roselli.
 John Roselli, you will remember, is one of the two men who
met with Robert Maheu in January or so of 1961 or 1960 to set up
this assassination team. In the very week that he was subpoened,
John Roselli was found wrapped in chain and sunk in a barrel in
Biscayne Bay. Because of the fear that they had, Mr. Spraig sent
three FBI agants to protect Sam Giancana, who had been the other
man in the meeting, before he issued a subpoena to him.
 Mr. Spraig did issues a subpoena to him. With three FBI
agents in the house on Thursday morning before the Monday that
Sam Giancana was to testify before the Select Committee on
Assassination, one of the FBI agents left to go get a pack of
Camels, one went to the bathroom, one was out getting some fruit
for the cereal, and someone entered the house and killed Sam
Giancana in his breakfast and left without a trace. And Richard
Spraig was immediately fired as general counsel for the Select
Committee on Assassinations. G. Robert Blakey was appointed. He
said, "That's enough, no more investigations," and filed a final
report which you can read, which says: "There appears to be some
circumstantial evidence that President Kennedy may have been
assassinated by a conspiracy group. And the main suspects are
certain elements of organized crime and Cubans."
 What he didn't say, which is the truth, is that the
suspected elements of organized crime were Santos Trafficante,
and that the Cubans were the Cubans who were inside the shooter
team for Operation 40!

 The second question was: When did all this shadowy world
begin -- this peculiar blending between the civilians and the
military?  I would say that it actually began in 1947 with the
passage of the National Security Act, the establishment of the
Central Intelligence Agency, the establishment of this entire
covert world.  In the first meeting of the National Secutiry
Agency, they passed a resolution, I think, called the 54/12
Resolution.  It authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to
gather intelligence data, to correlate intelligence data, and to
preform other functions from time to time as were designated by
the National Security Agency.  That is the resolution pursuant to
which the CIA has taken unto itself the belief that it has the
authority to carry out covert operations, such as these
 The major fear now, amidst the Central Intelligence Agency
officials, is that all covert action capacity will be taken away
from the Central Intelligence Agency and assigned to a Special
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations. That is
the way of a shakedown in Washington. All that that will do is
get rid of this strang

[CTRL] (4) Kenn Thomas on "The Octopus" and Bill Clinton

1999-11-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

  OCTOPUS Backdrop To the Lewinsky Matter

  from http://www.umsl.edu/~skthoma/

After reading "Matt Drudge Meets The Octopus" in the 'Things Are
Gonna Slide' section of the STEAMSHOVEL web page, a reader wrote:

 "There's more on Barbara Ledeen.  She's executive director
of the Independent Women's Forum, yet another conservative
foundation, this one focused on hijacking feminism for right-wing
purposes.  The friend-of-the-court brief which Ken Starr prepared
for the original Paula Jones legal team was undertaken at the
behest of the Independent Women's Forum.  In the last couple of
years, Ledeen has spoken out several times in support of Jones
and her "cause." It's been reported that Starr's amicus curiae
brief was prepared on behalf of the Scaife-funded Landmark Legal
Foundation and Mark Levin, president of Landmark, has denounced
such claims.  Turns out that he's technically correct; the job
was handled by another part of the vast right-wing network,
Ledeen's IWF.  This is reported in the Feb. 27 issue of the
LaRouchie Executive Intelligence Review.  They connect Ledeen and
her husband to what they call the Bush "secret government"
network, a claim which, given Iran-Contra, seems plausible
enough. They also connect the Ledeens --again correctly-- to the
Jewish-American neoconservative movement, the group that, next to
Pat Robertson's evangelicals, is the biggest American supporter
of the right wing in Israel. The LaRouchies, of course, see both
groups collaborating in the operation to Get Clinton."

 Michael Ledeen goes after Clinton a little more in the April
6 issue of National Review, calling the president a product of
small town politics that "always have a bit of the mafia about
them, particularly in the south, whether it be southern Italy,
southern Germany or the Southern United States."  Ledeen explains
at length various mafia-style practices of the current
administration, including making Al Gore "the bag-man in the
Buddhist temple caper" because all mafioso "must be guilty of
serious crimes, so that betrayal will doom them all to extended
prison terms."
 "For outsiders who pose a danger, more explicit threats are
required," Ledeen continues with his spin on Monica Lewinsky,
"Anyone acting against the family must be destroyed (as the White
house brags it is doing  with Kenneth Starr), but at the same
time the Godfather invariably offers such people a corrupt way
out: cooperation is rewarded." He concludes noting the Clinton
marriage of the Arkansas and Chicago mobs, longstanding Clinton
financial ties to Asian families, and the implication that
outright war would be better than Clinton corruption.

In light of all this, STEAMSHOVEL reviews here what Danny
Casolaro had to say about Michael Ledeen and political
corruption. The following is taken from "The Octopus: Secret
Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro":

 "One of the ways in which Jimmy Carter may have 'bruised the
Octopus,' as Casolaro says, was through the imposition of a 1979
embargo on the shipment of arms to Iran.  Certainly that bruise
healed quickly. Octopus familiar Ted Shackley appears, after his
alleged retirement from the CIA in 1979, in 1984 negotiations
for the shipment of arms to Iran by the Reagan administration.
Shackley passed information from Iranians General Manucher
Hashemi and Manucher Ghorbanifar, who had held influential
positions in the SAVAK secret police under the Shah, and now were
close to the Ayatollah Khomeini, to Oliver North and alleged
P2 member Michael Ledeen in the White House.  The Iranians
suggested that arms shipments to "moderates" such as themselves
in Iran could do much to prevent the Ayatollah from taking sides
with the Soviets, and could speed the release of the American
hostages. The billions of dollars of arms shipments began, using
Israel, Taiwan, and South Korea as middlemen, as early as 1981,
with some of the profits from the Iranian shipments being
diverted to help the contra cause in Nicaragua."

 "The National Endowment for Democracy has been alleged to be
a private intelligence network with the purpose of establishing a
fascist, corporatist world state, a theme which also seems to
inform the movements of Casolaro's Octopus.  The model of this
state can be observed in Michael Ledeen's book, 'Universal
Fascism,' in which he extolls a fascist state based upon the
ideals of Gabriele d'Annunzio, Mussolini's predecessor.  Ledeen
was connected to P 2, which was in turn connected to the NSC.
Reporting directly to North (as well as being a consultant in the
Pentagon and State Department) was Michael Ledeen.
 "Ledeen was responsible for obtaining Israeli Mossad spy
Jonathan Pollard his job in the Department of the Navy, for
establishing a line of Israeli influence into the NSC, and is
known in Italy to have been a member of the P2 (Propaganda Due)
Masonic lodge. P2, with a membership believed to include Henry
Kissinger and Alexander Hai

[CTRL] (5) Cockburn on the "Secret Team" / "Octopus"

1999-11-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-


Richard V. SECORD, Plaintiff,
Leslie COCKBURN, et al., Defendants.

Civ. A. No. 88-0727-GHR.

United States District Court,
District of Columbia.
Aug. 27, 1990.

REVERCOMB, District Judge.

 The plaintiff, retired Major General RICHARD V. SECORD,
filed the instant libel action against the defendants Leslie
Cockburn, Andrew Cockburn, Morgan Entrekin, Atlantic Monthly
Press, and Little, Brown and Company, Inc., arising out of the
writing, publication and distribution of a book entitled "Out of
Control: The Story of the Reagan Administration's Secret War in
Nicaragua, the Illegal Pipeline, and the Contra Drug Connection"
(1987) (hereafter "Out of Control"). This matter is before the
Court pursuant to the defendants' motion for summary judgment.

I. Subject of the Suit

"Out of Control" is a book about the purported activities of a
group of Americans that supported the movement of the Contras to
overthrow the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The plaintiff
contends that "Out of Control" identifies him as a member of a
"secret team" which had engaged in illegal drug trafficking,
torture, murder and attempted assassination as part of its
conspiracy to overthrow the Sandinista government.  The plaintiff
broadly alleges that "the entire text of 'Out of Control' defames

As I testified at my deposition (Leslie Cockburn Dep. at 221-25)
it had also been widely reported prior to the publication of
"Out of Control" that the programs that Mr. Secord oversaw
involved massive bribery.

For example, "the Iran-Contra Connection," a book published in
1987 prior to publication of my book and relied upon by me,
reported that:

"In Iran, Hakim made a handsome living selling military
equipment from such firms as Olin Corp., Hewlett-Packard and his
own Stanford Technology Corp. Hakim's STC had a $5.5 million
contract to supply the notorious, CIA-promoted IBEX project,
which Secord oversaw. Secord reportedly helped Hakim win another,
$7.5 million contract with Iran's air force for a sophisticated
telephone monitoring system to allow the Shah to keep track of
his top commanders' communications. The Shah's secret police,
SAVAK, operated the equipment.
"Hakim's business methods were as controversial as his products:
"He arranged the latter communications deal through the air force
commander, Gen. Mohammed Khatemi, who Hakim bribed on at least
one other deal and who also received hefty payoffs for approving
the IBEX contract."

(Exh. 33.)

"In the most notorious case, the CIA and Rockwell International
pushed on Iran a gigantic electronic spying and communication
system called IBEX ...

"The IBEX project smelled for other reasons beyond its doubtful
contribution to Iran's defensive needs. Rockwell paid huge bribes
to Iran's air force commander (and the Shah's brother-in-law),
Gen. Mohammed Khatami, to win approval for the $500 million
project. Other military contractors, including Bell Helicopter,
Northrop and Grunman, hired agents who bribed Iranian officials
with handsome commissions, often amounting to millions of

(Exh. 35) (footnotes omitted) (Iran-Contra Connection at 153).

"Secord headed the Air Force Military Advisory Group, which in
effect represented the U.S. arms merchants before the Shah ...
That job would have given Secord a direct role (with the CIA) in
the shady deal of IBEX ..."

(Exh. 35) (Iran-Contra Connection at 156) (footnotes omitted).

I also read and relied upon: Los Angeles Times, February 14,
1987 ("One source who knew him said Secord helped Hakim get Air
Force contracts, including one from the Iranian government for 15
million to install phone taps at the main Iranian Air Force
base.  In turn, Hakim provided intelligence to his contacts
among U.S. intelligence officers in Iran.")

(Exh. 40); P. Maas, Manhunt at 59 (Edwin "Wilson had tried to
sell the Iranians [a surveillance system], using the good offices
of General Secord in Teheran, but despite Secord's best efforts,
SAVAK wasn't in the market ...")

(Exh. 41); S. Rosenfeld, San Francisco Examiner, December 9, 1986
(linking both Hakim and Secord to the IBEX project and describing
Hakim as a "bag man for U.S. concerns seeking approval from
Iranian officials on military sales")

(Exh. 42).  Leslie Cockburn Affidavit at p 37 (footnote omitted).

Furthermore, paragraph 34 specifically details the basis of the
author's assertion that General Secord did head the Air Force
Military Assistance Advisory Group in Iran in the late 70's:

As one published source stated: "According to his Pentagon
biography Secord 'acted as chief advisor to the commander in
chief of the Iranian air force and managed all U.S. Air Force
programs to Iran as well as some Army and Navy assistance
programs.' "
J. Marshall, P. Scott and J. Hunter, "Iran-Contra Connection" at
156 (Exh. 35).

The MAAG, whose Air Force contingent was headed by Secord,
according to the a

[CTRL] (2) Chronology of the Dulles-Nixon-Bush "Octopus"

1999-11-14 Thread Das GOAT

  The World According to Daniel Sheehan


 "... Nixon was responsible for establishing, inside the
National Security Council, a secret committee to mount a
contra-like war against Cuba.  It was going to secretly recruit
ultra-right-wing supporters of dictator Batista and train them at
a military base in Southern Florida and at another in Guatemala.
These people were to become a guerrilla force for undertaking
attacks into Cuba, riding on Swiss boats.  They would blow up
bridges, burn crops, poison materials to be exported from Cuba --
all to destroy its Communist economic infrastructure.
 "This joint NSC-CIA secret team, code-named 'Operation 40,'
began in late 1959.
 "But not even satisfied with that, then-vice president
Richard Nixon made contact with Santos Trafficante.
 "Trafficante had been the lieutenant for Meyer Lansky,
running the Havana operations for the New York mob.  In Florida
he had learned about secret 'Operation 40,' since a large portion
of the people the CIA was recruiting for it were Mafiosi who had
worked for Batista and Trafficante in Havana.  Learning of the
plan, he wanted to 'help.'  Having lost a multi-million dollar
criminal enterprise when he was driven out of Havana, he wanted
to re-establish it.
 "Trafficante reached out to two men.  One was John Roselli,
and the other was Sam Giancana, don of the Chicago mafia.  Santos
Trafficante arranged for these two to meet with a representative
of Nixon.  As his representative, Nixon chose Robert Maheu, [CIA-
friendly] head of the Howard Hughes empire.  Because the secrecy
of their relationship had already been long established, Maheu
was selected to mediate secret communications with the Mafia.
 "In early 1960, at the Fountainbleau Hotel, a meeting took
place at which Richard Nixon, through his representatives, agreed
to establish a sub-group inside Operation 40 -- a professional
assassination unit.  This unit was given the responsibility for
carrying out the political assassination of Fidel Castro, his
brother Raul Castro, Che Guevara, and five other men in the
leadership of the Cuban government.  That Mafia-sponsored 'death
squad,' known only to Nixon and a limited number of other people,
was trained at a secret base in Mexico.

 "This group included a number of very interesting people.

 "One was a man by the name of Felix Gomez.  You may know him
as Felix Rodriguez.  He was also known as  Max Gomez -- the man
who was named by [Eugene] Hasenfus as the person directing the
Ilopango airlifts into Nicaragua.
 "Another member of the secret assassination team in 1960 was
Ramon Medina, whose real name is Jose Posada Carriles -- the
second man running the Ilopango airlift into Nicaragua.
 "Another was Rafael 'Chi Chi' Quintero -- who supervised
construction of the secret air strip in Costa Rica that you've
heard so much about of late.  With Tom Clines, he was one of the
men who delivered the $2 million bribe to rescue Mr. Buckley from
the terrorists in Beirut.  The money was donated by Ross Perot.

 "Other people from Nixon's secret team of assassins circa
1960 of whom you may have heard are Frank Sturgis (caught in the
Watergate Hotel in 1971, after Nixon became President), Eugenio
Martinez (caught with him in the Watergate Hotel in 1971), and
[Virgilio] Gonzalez (also caught in the Watergate Hotel in 1971).

 "Three others, Rafael and Raul Villaverde and Ricardo
Chavez, were also on that "shooter team."

 "One of the directors of Nixon's squad of assassins was a
CIA man by the name of E. Howard Hunt.

 "Nixon's secret assassination squad within 'Operation 40'
had extraordinary freedom of action thanks to authorization by
the National Security Council, headed by the vice president of
the United States.  After President Kennedy came to office in
1961, indications are that he was told about 'Operation 40' --
meaning the contra operation against Cuba-- but NOT about Nixon's
team of assassins.  Kennedy's industrious younger brother Bobby
decided to transform 'Operation 40' into a full-scale invasion --
the disastrous Bay of Pigs operation in April 1961.
 "All members of 'Operation 40' participating in the Bay of
Pigs were killed or captured.
 "By June of 1961, Bobby Kennedy had dropped back and
reconstituted 'Operation 40,' renaming it 'Operation Mongoose.'
'Mongoose' was put under the command of a 34-year-old CIA
official -- Theodore Shackley.  Shackley's director of training
was Tom Clines.  Together with Ed Lansdale, Shackley and Clines
ran covert operations against Cuba from 1961 to 1965.

 "Then a very strange series of events began to unfold.
 "In 1965, the entire unit, including its 'death squad,' was
transferred to Laos in Southeast Asia.  Under Gordon Jergenson,
Theodore Shackley became chief of station.  Shackley brought with
him Tom Clines.
 "Accopanying them were Rafael 'Chi C

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Mythic Language

1999-11-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-11-14 01:03:28 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Goat, is there a URL for the Thoth newsletter, or is it strictly on
>paper? Thanks for all the postings on language and myth; it has been
>one of the most fascinating threads on CTRL.

The following is what was posted on the first issues of Thoth:



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ordered at the I-net address below:


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (2) Chronology of the Dulles-Nixon-Bush "

1999-11-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

> "One of the commanders of the Army's Special Forces Unit in
>the SOG was Dewey Owens, older brother of Rob Owens.
> "The function of this group was to oversee the political
>assassinations of some 100,000 NONCOMBATANT CIVILIANS in Laos,
>Cambodia, and Thailand --mayors, bookkeepers, clerks, school
>teachers-- to destroy the economic-political infrastructure of
>each country, for fear its best and brightest minds might survive
>to become assets to Communist regimes in the future.
> "As soon as Theodore Shackley became the CIA's chief of
>station in Laos, Santos Trafficante flew to Southeast Asia to
>meet with Shackley's buddy Vang Pao in a hotel in Saigon.
> "By the end of 1968, Trafficante had become the number one
>importer of 'China white' heroin into the United States.  The
>'China-white' heroin trade grew, and commensurate profit accrued
>to Shackley's buddy Vang Pao.  Consequently, the size of
>Shackley's 'death squads' in Southeast Asia began to grow.
> "In 1969, Shackley was transferred, becoming the CIA's chief
>of station in Vietnam, where he established the now-infamous
>'Phoenix Program,' which carried out the political assassination
>of some 60,000 noncombatant civilians in that country.

"Bo" Gritz mentions the role of "Special Forces" in the CIA cover-up of

Before they had a chance to testify before a new Congresional inquiry into
Waco, the
three (?) Special Forces officers who were supposedly involved suddenly ...

Now, think about Columbine and its several circumstantial links to the
military ...

Some people may worry about the continued existence of MK-ULTRA, "mind
I worry if there is a domestic "Phoenix Program" operating today, with two
purposes --
(1) promotion of a climate of fear, leading the American public to call for
more Draconian measures against "potentially antisocial" behavior, which in
practice means a more totalitarian government, and (2) the disarming of the
citizenry, due to greater public acceptance of gun control, which of course
would mean that only government thugs --particularly our militarized,
increasingly centralized police force-- will remain armed,
moving America that much closer to a fascist state maintained by brute force

As we see from the "Operation Orwell" postings, whenever the United States
commits itself to totalitarian methods abroad, totalitarian methods are used
AT HOME to obtain "consent" for the government's agenda -- for example, an
increased surveillance of the citizenry, used to blackmail those who question
or resist government totalitarianism.
Or outright assassination -- "KGB style," meaning deaths appear "accidental"
or from "natural" causes.  When you see that happening at the top, beware of
"trickle-down" ...

WHY the systematic murder, individually or in groups, of noncombatant
" ... to destroy the economic-political infrastructure of [a] country, for
fear its best and brightest might SURVIVE to become assets to [an OPPOSING
system] in the future."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Mythic Language

1999-11-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/14/1999 1:03:28 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Goat, is there a URL for the Thoth newsletter, or is it strictly on
 paper? Thanks for all the postings on language and myth; it has been
 one of the most fascinating threads on CTRL.

 Tenorlove >>

Hear, hear!  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] What Has the New World Order Done for Us Already?

1999-11-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

I believe the correct wording is "DONE TO  US."  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Court says no to FreeRepublic.com

1999-11-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/14/1999 6:01:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<<  The court sided with both plaintiffs -- the Los Angeles
  Times and the Washington Post -- by writing in her 28-page
  ruling on Monday that Robinson was "not entitled to assert
  a fair use defense to the claims of copyright infringement
  alleged in the complaint."

  Both newspapers claimed that Robinson -- who posted or
  allowed the posting of articles for the purpose of
  soliciting comments from site members -- was damaging their
  websites, and that by posting entire articles both
  newspapers were losing online advertising revenue. They
  also said consumers were less likely to pay their standard
  $1.50 fee to access archived stories if the FreeRepublic
  was reproducing them for free. >>

I had no idea the LA Times and the Washington Post were so hard up for money.
 Is free discussion of the material one reads in those papers allowed, or is
one required to send in a few cents per comment?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)

1999-11-14 Thread JAH Publications

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Ward,

Thank you very much for your loving and kind letter and good wishes. It is
very kind of you to take the trouble to write to me and express your
concerns for me.

Please do not worry about me because I am in no danger. What I have told you
is the Truth and not pride. When one speaks the truth with certainty it is
often mis-interpreted as pride, when in fact it is only the truth.

You sound like a very nice person and I hope that you will study the
information on my site and eventually come to realise that it is not from me
but from the source of all truth. I only wrote it down.

If I called it God's website rather than my website that would also be
mis-interpreted as pride, etc., so I just call it my website. People can
make up their own minds once they have studied the information. For those
who haven't visited it yet its URL address is:-


I have not read Eagle1's letter yet, so I cannot comment on it. But thanks
again for your love.

Peace be upon you,


- Original Message -
From: Ward Christman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 2:45 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member

> -Caveat Lector-
> Jah, I do not see that Pennie has claimed, as you do, to be an expert on
God.  Frankly I am concerned for you Jah, both psychologically and
spiritually.  It is obvious from your postings that you believe that you are
Elijah, thus the shortened form Jah.  However, your actions here online give
away the fact that you couldn't be.
> Elijah was a prophet who told people God's will, and did take action for
God, but do you truly believe that Elijah would behave as you have?  While
being sure in his statements and actions on behalf of God's will, Elijah did
not try to "correct" people who are following the will of God as stated in
the bible by referring them to his own compositions.  He also did not argue
with others about their standpoint on issues and give in to asserting petty,
playground attacks ("Pennie and Joshua sittin' in a tree").  He stated the
will of God and acted as he was led by God to be an example for others.  He
did not give way to the weakness of the pride that is evident in everything
that you write.
> Not only have we all heard that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, I
see it demonstrated on a daily basis.  You would be suprised how many people
there are out there who are lucky enough to be given some insight into the
meaning of certain parts of the Bible.  Unfortunately many of them allow
this to go to their head and assume that they have a greater understanding,
or perhaps even worse, a more meaningful relationship with God than anyone
else has.
> These people often become so confused that they think that every thought
they have must be from God, and often stop listening to God altogether
without ever even realizing that they have.  Some even become so confused as
to start believing that they are a returned prophet or even Jesus himself,
and will often think that they are charged with the responsibility to
perform a certain task which will bring about the time of judgement and
prepare the way for The Kingdom Of God.  This is God's responsibility.
> I do not think from Pennie's comment about UFOs that she was in any way
trying to say that God would have to ask her permission as to how to get
around the universe (although it does concern me how easily you come to that
conclusion as though you already think along those lines).  I think that she
simply wanted to point out to you that God is capable of anything, and
anyone who believes that God just rides around in an alien spaceship is
illustrating how small God is in their understanding.  Usually this is an
attempt to bring God down to a size that allows that person to feel as
though they are equal to or could even be greater than God since, after all,
anybody could ride around the universe in an alien spaceship.
> As for your plans regarding the Arc of the Covenant, I think that Eagle 1
did a fair job explaining why most people (including myself) will not
believe that you have been sent on an archeological mission from God to
recover it.  However, I do wish you the best in your mission and hope that
you have not chosen a goal that is unattainable, and therefore since it
cannot be started, cannot fail.  Perhaps a member of the giant flock that
your website has attracted would be able to help.  There must be several
hundred of your students in that area who could assist you in achieving your
> My only hope is that on the day that you do achieve this goal and are able
to do your digging, if you do not find the Arc please take a moment and
think.  Before you begin to justify the failure and start looking for a
different place to dig take a moment and reflect upon the thought patterns
that brought you to that point.  Think very carefully about if that wa

Re: [CTRL] fw: [TheEagle-L] Re: Illuminati/EgyptAir 990

1999-11-14 Thread JAH Publications

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Nicky,

Thank you for your kind words to me and about my website. I am glad you like
it and will continue to visit it. Please tell all your contacts about it, so
that they might also have the opportunity of enjoying it. Thank you again.

Peace be upon you,


- Original Message -
From: Nicky Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: JAH Publications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] fw: [TheEagle-L] Re: Illuminati/EgyptAir 990

> Hi there,
> Thanks I have been at your site before.Well we are from the Kings of
> Ireland. Interesting site you have. Will have another good look at it
> I get British Israel stuff and think they are so right about a lot.
> Bye for now,
>  Nicky
> -Original Message-
> From: JAH Publications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thursday, 4 November 1999 11:06
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] fw: [TheEagle-L] Re: Illuminati/EgyptAir 990
> >Dear Nicola,
> >
> >I noticed the corporate symbol.
> >
> >Please visit my site at
> >http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/ausnz.htm
> >
> >Peace be upon you,
> >
> >JAH.
> >
> >
> >
> >> Subject: [TheEagle-L] Re: Illuminati/EgyptAir 990
> >> Mime-Version: 1.0
> >> Content-Type: text/plain
> >> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >>
> >> In case no one else noticed:
> >>
> >> EgyptAir has as it's corporate symbol, the Falcon of
> >> HORUS (occult symbol for "Illumined/Christed Man",
> >> i.e. AntiChrist): fl. 990 is of course rife with
> >> Masonic symbolism,
> >
> >
> >__
> >Do You Yahoo!?
> >Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com
> >

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] 5 May 2000 - Nostradamus

1999-11-14 Thread JAH Publications

Dear Earthman,
Thank you for posting this article about 
Nostradamus and 5/5/2000. The writer Laszlo asks if anyone can date quatrain 
10,67 from its description.
If you visit http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/nostb.htm  

you will find answers.
Then please pass them on.
Peace be upon you,

[CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)

1999-11-14 Thread JAH Publications

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Mike,

Thanks again, for your sanity.

Joshua doesn't seem to be able to read properly either, in his great zeal
and irrational hatred of the truth. If he calms down and reads what I wrote,
properly, he will see that I made no prediction about January. I only
offered the solution.

- Original Message -
From: Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 4:12 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)

> -Caveat Lector-
> >
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Nurev Ind Research wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Sorry Mike,
> > >
> > > This guy IS nuts.
> >
> > How do you know that?
> >
> > Besides, who's he harming?  YOU?
> >
> > Just leave him alone, dude...no biggie...not really
> He's not harming me at all.
> >  If you believe him, that's fine with me. It's your
> > > choice. But when he puts this stuff out in PUBLIC he opens his beliefs
> > > to scrutiny.
> >
> > Hey, scrutiny, common decency, intelectual discourse...hey, all
> > that is one thing, but what you're doing is not only rude, but
> > for SOME REASON you seem to be taking it all TOO personally??
> He is a fake and a liar. This is not about intellectual discourse.
> This is about yet another religious charlatan.
> > I mean, it seems to me that your over zealous offensive towards
> > this guy is kinda revealing as to your own problems,
> > insecurities, fears (conscious or sub..), etc.
> That's fair. Between he and I, who would you say has more serious
> > At least that's the way it seems to me, i.e., you're just a tad
> > TOO zealous/defensivedoncha think?  I mean, doesn't that
> > strike you [or any one else] as odd?  Same with Pennie...i.e.,
> > just chill out...don't let it get to you so much??
> Sorry. Just can't do that. If he puts it on this list, it's in my face.
> > AND, I never said I believed all that stuff...cuz I DON'T!
> > > I'm not saying that he's whacko lightly. He is mentally deranged and
> > > are not helping him any by supporting his delusions.
> >
> > Where did you say you got your M.D. or PhD in Human Med or
> > psych...where'd ya do your residency again...I must have missed
> > that info??
> You don't need to be a certified mechanic to know there's a problem
> when your car's engine is missing. This guy's engine is missing.
> > And, there's a big difference between deranged and
> > delusional...at least to me (i.e., without looking anything up).
> > To me, one lends to being dangerous to self and/or others, the
> > other does not necessary imply such, no?
> No. Not really.
> > Again, man, imo, your seeming obsession with this guy is kinda
> > text book affective disorder, if you really want to get down to
> > it.
> Fair enough.
> > > What do you think will happen to this guy when January rolls around
> > > everything he predicted doesn't happen?
> >
> > In my opinion?
> >
> But you don't know that.
> > Nothing, except that I bet he (and any one that at least listened
> > to him and gave his message at least the time of day) will be
> > more prepaired for any nasty contigencies than you:)
> Are you talking about Y2k or apocalypse?
> > Besides, I have a feeling that ALL OF US...we'll ALL be kinda
> > preoccupied with food lines, energy failures, transportation
> > problems, martial law, etc., for a few months (several weeks AT
> > LEAST!).
> That is a possibility. Millennial delusions are not.
> > > Do you think it will help his
> > > condition? I doubt it.
> >
> > What condition?
> >
> > > He is a sick puppy.
> >
> > Hey, WHO AIN'T?
> Lot's of people aint. The idea is to increase that number. Not invent a
> ridiculous immaginary universe for the young and borderline psyches to
> slide into.
> > I'm crazy, you're crazy, he's crazy...SO WHAT?
> I'm not crazy. I work hard at not being crazy. ...SO WHAT? Do you think
> crazy people enjoy being crazy? It's one of the worst afflictions that can
> happen to a person. Why would you make light of it?
> > I personally think there are more important things to worry about
> > in these final days before the new millenniun, namely basic
> > COMMON SENSE precautionary preparation for AT LEAST SEVERAL
> > potential contingencies/possible Y2K glitches.
> Me too.
> > Hey, if you really want to pick on "crazy" people, go after any
> > of the THOUSANDS/MILLIONS at large that HAVE violently harmed
> > others!
> I do that too.
> > Become a bounty hunter or a super hero...be Bat Man, or
> > how'bout "Net Man?"
> Cool. Do a get a costume with a cape?
> > Or try a career in Criminal Justice.  Get a degree in a related
> > field and maybe apply for a job with the FBI, DIA, or
> > CIA...LOLor maybe the psychiatric field:)
> Definitely not interested in those fields. They are the problem along
> with psychotic religious " Prophets."
> > Just do me a favor 

Re: [CTRL] Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)

1999-11-14 Thread JAH Publications

 -Caveat Lector-

> Dear Mike,
> Thanks again, for your sanity.
> Joshua doesn't seem to be able to read properly either, in his great zeal
> and irrational hatred of the truth. If he calms down and reads what I
> properly, he will see that I made no prediction about January. I only
> offered the solution.

Peace be upon you,

> - Original Message -
> From: Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 4:12 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] OT?: Angel Scroll names Jesus as sect member (fwd)
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > >
> > >  -Caveat Lector-
> > >
> > > On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Nurev Ind Research wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Sorry Mike,
> > > >
> > > > This guy IS nuts.
> > >
> > > How do you know that?
> > >
> > > Besides, who's he harming?  YOU?
> > >
> > > Just leave him alone, dude...no biggie...not really
> >
> > He's not harming me at all.
> >
> > >  If you believe him, that's fine with me. It's your
> > > > choice. But when he puts this stuff out in PUBLIC he opens his
> > > > to scrutiny.
> > >
> > > Hey, scrutiny, common decency, intelectual discourse...hey, all
> > > that is one thing, but what you're doing is not only rude, but
> > > for SOME REASON you seem to be taking it all TOO personally??
> >
> > He is a fake and a liar. This is not about intellectual discourse.
> > This is about yet another religious charlatan.
> >
> > > I mean, it seems to me that your over zealous offensive towards
> > > this guy is kinda revealing as to your own problems,
> > > insecurities, fears (conscious or sub..), etc.
> >
> > That's fair. Between he and I, who would you say has more serious
> problems?
> >
> > > At least that's the way it seems to me, i.e., you're just a tad
> > > TOO zealous/defensivedoncha think?  I mean, doesn't that
> > > strike you [or any one else] as odd?  Same with Pennie...i.e.,
> > > just chill out...don't let it get to you so much??
> >
> > Sorry. Just can't do that. If he puts it on this list, it's in my face.
> >
> > > AND, I never said I believed all that stuff...cuz I DON'T!
> >
> > > > I'm not saying that he's whacko lightly. He is mentally deranged and
> you
> > > > are not helping him any by supporting his delusions.
> > >
> > > Where did you say you got your M.D. or PhD in Human Med or
> > > psych...where'd ya do your residency again...I must have missed
> > > that info??
> >
> > You don't need to be a certified mechanic to know there's a problem
> > when your car's engine is missing. This guy's engine is missing.
> >
> > > And, there's a big difference between deranged and
> > > delusional...at least to me (i.e., without looking anything up).
> > > To me, one lends to being dangerous to self and/or others, the
> > > other does not necessary imply such, no?
> >
> > No. Not really.
> >
> > > Again, man, imo, your seeming obsession with this guy is kinda
> > > text book affective disorder, if you really want to get down to
> > > it.
> >
> > Fair enough.
> >
> > > > What do you think will happen to this guy when January rolls around
> and
> > > > everything he predicted doesn't happen?
> > >
> > > In my opinion?
> > >
> > > NOTHING.
> >
> > But you don't know that.
> >
> > > Nothing, except that I bet he (and any one that at least listened
> > > to him and gave his message at least the time of day) will be
> > > more prepaired for any nasty contigencies than you:)
> >
> > Are you talking about Y2k or apocalypse?
> >
> > > Besides, I have a feeling that ALL OF US...we'll ALL be kinda
> > > preoccupied with food lines, energy failures, transportation
> > > problems, martial law, etc., for a few months (several weeks AT
> > > LEAST!).
> >
> > That is a possibility. Millennial delusions are not.
> >
> > > > Do you think it will help his
> > > > condition? I doubt it.
> > >
> > > What condition?
> > >
> > > > He is a sick puppy.
> > >
> > > Hey, WHO AIN'T?
> >
> > Lot's of people aint. The idea is to increase that number. Not invent a
> > ridiculous immaginary universe for the young and borderline psyches to
> > slide into.
> >
> > > I'm crazy, you're crazy, he's crazy...SO WHAT?
> >
> > I'm not crazy. I work hard at not being crazy. ...SO WHAT? Do you think
> > crazy people enjoy being crazy? It's one of the worst afflictions that
> > happen to a person. Why would you make light of it?
> >
> > > I personally think there are more important things to worry about
> > > in these final days before the new millenniun, namely basic
> > > COMMON SENSE precautionary preparation for AT LEAST SEVERAL
> > > potential contingencies/possible Y2K glitches.
> >
> > Me too.
> >
> > > Hey, if you really want to pick on "crazy" people, go after any
> > > of the THOUSANDS/MILLIONS at large that HAVE violently harmed
> > > others!
> >
> > I do that too.
> >
> > > Become a bounty hunter or a super hero...be Bat Man, or
> > > how'bout "Net Man?"
> >
> > Cool. Do a get a costume with a cape?

Re: [CTRL] Court says no to FreeRepublic.com

1999-11-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 11/14/1999 6:01:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> <<  The court sided with both plaintiffs -- the Los Angeles
>   Times and the Washington Post -- by writing in her 28-page
>   ruling on Monday that Robinson was "not entitled to assert
>   a fair use defense to the claims of copyright infringement
>   alleged in the complaint."
>   Both newspapers claimed that Robinson -- who posted or
>   allowed the posting of articles for the purpose of
>   soliciting comments from site members -- was damaging their
>   websites, and that by posting entire articles both
>   newspapers were losing online advertising revenue. They
>   also said consumers were less likely to pay their standard
>   $1.50 fee to access archived stories if the FreeRepublic
>   was reproducing them for free. >>
> I had no idea the LA Times and the Washington Post were so hard up for money.
>  Is free discussion of the material one reads in those papers allowed, or is
> one required to send in a few cents per comment?  Prudy

Ah Capitalism. Even thought is a commodity.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [theseries] [Fwd: URGENT MESSAGE !!]]

1999-11-14 Thread Bard

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>X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Nov 11 22:20:07 1999
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>Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 22:40:16 -0700
>To: (Recipient list suppressed)
>From: spiker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> From the desk of Larry Becraft
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Becraft)
>November 11, 1999
>Everyone if you want to witness history, then tune into C-Span-2 on Saturday
>Nov. 13th at 10am EST.
>There is a live broadcast from the National Press conference Club in DC and
>it will absolutely drop your jaw!
>There will be lawyers, judges, former criminal investigators from the IRS,
>former Internal Revenue officers, educators, professors etc. They will be
>unveiling absolute conclusive PROOF that there is no law requiring ANY
>American to file a 1040 federal income tax statement! It is handled from a
>position of extensive research and certified government documents to back
>all claims made.
>A current Presidential candidate has offered a 7-figure bribe to stop this
>info from reaching your ears! This program will be electric and will
>definitely be one for the family collection. Tune in and then make up your
>own minds. Pass this on to all you know.
>If you can't get CSPAN on your TV, you can watch the program on your
>computer at the following link.
>Call everyone you know today.  Tape this if you own a VCR.  Be America's
>Paul Revere!
>"The world is a dangerous place to live;
>not because of the people who are evil,
>but because of the people who don't do
>anything about it."
>- Albert Einstein


1999-11-14 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

Hello nice folks!

Someone know anything know a book edited & printed in Italia
which talk about the corruption of the Catholic Church? If yes,
where find something about it? If no resources on web, where buy?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] greeks chant ``Clinton, Fascist, Murderer''

1999-11-14 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Thousands of Greeks Protest U.S.

  ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- Thousands of jubilant demonstrators chanting
``Clinton, Fascist,
  Murderer'' marched through Athens on Saturday after similar anti-U.S.
protests led President
  Clinton to delay a visit here.

   Gathering on the day originally slated for Clinton's arrival, an
estimated 10,000-strong crowd
  marched from the city center to the American embassy in a rally staged
by leftist and pacifist
  groups and supported by the Greek Communist Party.

   The march, under a heavy police presence, ended peacefully.

   Clinton had originally planned a three-day visit to Greece. But after
protests broke out in the
  country a week ago, spurred by lingering resentment at the NATO
bombing of Yugoslavia
  earlier this year, the White House postponed the visit a week and
shortened it to just over a

   The news was welcomed as a victory by protest groups, but brought
embarrassment on
  Premier Costas Simitis' Socialist government, which has further
tightened security and urged
  Greeks to recognize the importance of Clinton's visit.

   Anti-American feeling was revived in NATO-member Greece during the
78-day bombing
  against Yugoslavia in the Kosovo crisis, when daily street rallies
were held in Athens.

   Many Greeks sympathized with fellow-Orthodox Serbs during the
conflict and remain angry at Washington for its widely perceived support
of a Greek dictatorship which imposed military rule
  from 1967-74.

   Despite that ill-feeling, Simitis is hoping to secure continued U.S.
support for Greek efforts to
  boost investments in the Balkans and further improve strained ties
with neighboring Turkey.

   More demonstrations are planned next Friday, when Clinton is due to
arrive in Athens.

AP-NY-11-13-99 1643EST


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] CONGRESS ACTION: November 14, 1999

1999-11-14 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

CONGRESS ACTION: November 14, 1999

DEMOCRATS ATTACK THE POOR: The left-wing attack on children continues. This
week the republican controlled Senate voted to boost the minimum wage, and to
help more people afford health care coverage (which Bill Clinton has been
demanding for years). But Clinton, with callous disregard for children and
the poor, promised to veto the measure. In a mostly party line vote,
mean-spirited Senate democrats opposed the minimum wage increase and the
health insurance tax deduction, which the republicans passed as a means of
helping the working poor. "This amendment will provide genuine relief for the
5 million working Americans, including 1.3 million children in self-employed
families, who have no health insurance," said Sen. Christopher S. Bond,
Republican from Missouri. But Bill Clinton, bowing to left-wing special
interests, vowed "I cannot let this bill become law in its current form."

 At the same time that Clinton launched his mean-spirited attack on
children and the working poor, he was opining about his place in history.
Referring to his impeachment, Clinton attacked republicans, claiming "I made
a personal mistake, and they spent $50 million trying to ferret it out and
root it out, because they had nothing else to do, because all the other
charges were totally false -- bogus, made up, and people were persecuted
because they wouldn't commit perjury against me." He went on to boast ".I was
right to stand and fight for my country and my Constitution and its
principles.". Which if true would be a first, standing up to fight for his -
wrong: our - Constitution and its principles. However, as even the reliably
pro-Clinton Washington Post pointed out, it is time for a reality check. It
was a federal judge who described Clinton's testimony under oath as "false,
misleading and evasive answers that were designed to obstruct the judicial
process." The Post correctly concluded, ".the White House's effort to protect
Mr. Clinton will surely not be remembered for any nobility or higher purpose.
The president dragged the country through months of trauma to fight
allegations that were, at least in the main, true. His operatives smeared
political and legal opponents. To this day, he has never acknowledged the
harm he did. As to his behavior, there was nothing 'right' about it."

COMPETENCE FOR OFFICE: News Flash!! Presidential candidate George W. Bush
doesn't know the name of the current Prime Minister of Lower Slobovia!
Obviously unfit to be president! Now take that seasoned politician Al Gore.
He does know the name of the current Prime Minister of Lower Slobovia. Even
better, he knows the name of the current Prime Minister and other big shots
of Russia. In fact, they are his good buddies. In fact, Al Gore is such good
buddies with Russian big shots that he sat on his hands and raised not a
murmur while Russians shoveled billions of American foreign aid dollars into
their Swiss bank accounts. So who says it's not an advantage for a man who
would be president to have an intimate familiarity with foreign leaders? An
advantage to whom is the big question. And then presidential candidate Bush
has raised gazillions of dollars in campaign contributions, which has the
so-called good government types all atwitter. Taking money in dribs and drabs
from ordinary American citizens -- how dare he! He should have followed the
example of fundraising master Al Gore, who had the decency and common sense
to accept ten thousand dollar checks from Buddhist nuns who had taken vows of
poverty. Now there's a man who knows how to extract water from a stone! What
a guy! Or perhaps there is a better example to follow, from the man whose
threat to become a candidate proves that we have definitely entered the
campaign "silly season": Warren Beatty. That man of the people, who no doubt
gained his vast insight into the psyche of the average American voter from
his years in Hollywood, advocates "public financing" of political campaigns.
"Public financing", of course, means forcing the American taxpayer to
subsidize the political egos of people such as Beatty. For decades, taxpayers
have had the opportunity to do just that, by checking off that little box at
the top of the income tax return to divert $3 from their tax payment into the
FEC fund to subsidize political campaigns. In its best year (1978), only 29%
of taxpayers checked the box to contribute. In 1996, a mere 13% of taxpayers
did so, and the numbers show a consistent decline. Which means that nearly
nine out of every ten taxpayers do not want to be forced to pay to massage
the egos of dilettantes like Beatty. So the public has clearly and
unambiguously rejected Beatty's scheme for public financing. Does he care? Is
he willing to accede to the will of the people and forget his silly idea? Of
course not. Like all leftists, he knows better, he

[CTRL] Peron and 'Cocaine Politics'

1999-11-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Ifmagazine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Peron and 'Cocaine Politics'
Date: Friday, November 12, 1999 10:58 AM

As the U.S. government heads deeper into a "drug war" in Colombia, the major
media is buying into the argument that the conflict pits a democratic
government against "narco-guerrillas." Yet the reality of South America and its
drug trade is far more complex.

This article examines how Juan Peron's restoration to power in Argentina in the
1970s brought with it a merger of international neo-fascism and the
then-fledgling cocaine trade. The story is also one about political power,
mythology, sexual perversion and the occult.

The story by Robert Reed can be found at www.consortiumnews.com

Consortiumnews.com is edited by Robert Parry, who broke many of the stories now
known as the Iran-contra affair for The Associated Press and Newsweek.

We urge those who wish to support our investigative reporting to subscribe to
our print publication, iF Magazine, for $25 a year (six issues). Subscriptions
can be arranged with Visa/Mastercard by calling 1-800-738-1812 or 703-920-1802.
Or by check to The Media Consortium, Suite 102-231, 2200 Wilson Blvd.,
Arlington, VA 22201. (Add $15 for non-U.S. orders.)

We're also offering a package deal of a one-year iF subscription and a copy of
Robert Parry's new book, Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & 'Project
Truth' (a $19.95 value) for a total of $35.

Contributions to support this investigative journalism are also accepted.Forwarded for 
info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://msen.com/~lloyd/
  For Ordering Info & Free Catalog:
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://a-albionic.com/formaddress.html
  For Discussion List:
   text in body:  subscribe prj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Explore Our Archive:  
Every Diet Has Failed!  What Can I do?
Click Below to "Ask Dr. Kathleen"!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: "UFO's and the Royal Battalion that just vanished"

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

"UFO's and the Royal Battalion that just vanished"
   by Trevor Grove
They were all workers at Sandringham. When the war came they mysteriously
disappeared in battle without a trace. Abduction by UFOs was one bizarre


The men of E Company had known each other since boyhood. They had scrumped
apples together, played village cricket, chased girls, helped gather in the
harvest summer after summer. And now, as members of the 5th Territorial
Battalion the Royal Norfolk Regiment, they were to go to war together.

It was the same all over Britain that hot August of 1914. It was a popular
war. Lord Kitcheners target of 100,000 volunteers was soon overtaken, as
groups of friends, teammates and work colleagues scrambled to enlist.

But what the amateur soldiers of E Company had in common was something
rather uncommon -something that was to make their unexplained fate a year
later amid the chaotic slaughter of Gallipoli a matter of intense concern
and speculation for the next three-quarters of a century: they all belonged
to the staff of the royal estate at Sandringham.

The company had been formed in 1908 at the personal instigation of their
employer, King Edward VII. He asked Frank Beck, the land agent who loyally
managed the estate and was already a captain in a volunteer battalion of
the Norfolks, to undertake the task. This he did enthusiastically, raising
more than 100 'Saturday night' soldiers.

As was the pattern in the territorial battalions of the day, military rank
in B Company was dictated by social caste. Members of the local gentry like
Frank Beck and his two nephews, formed the officer class.

The estate's foremen, butlers, head gamekeepers and head gardeners were the
NCOs, While farm labourers, grooms and household servants made up the rank
and file. Their mothers, wives and sweethearts were Queen Alexandra's
chambermaids or they prepared jellies in the Sandringham kitchens.

The whole of this small, close-knit rural community was involved. The men
of the Sandringham Company were ordinary country folk.

 BEFORE joining up, the only - guns m t of them had ever heard fired were
the 12 - bores of the royal shooting parties, knocking brace after brace of
pheasant out of the wide Norfolk skies.

They were scarcely the Household Cavalry. But as a result of their royal
connections and in view of what was to happen to them, they would certainly
come to be seen as a very special sort of Household infantry.

What happened to the Sandringhams during the disastrous Dardanelle's
campaign is that in the middle of their very first battle, on the afternoon
of August 12, 1915, nearly all of them disappeared, almost literally, in a
puff of smoke. One minute the men were there, led by the 5th Battalion's
commanding officer, Sir Horace Proctor-Beauchamp, charging bravely against
the Turkish enemy. The next they were not.

Their bodies were not found. There were no survivors. They did not turn up
as prisoners of war. They simply vanished.

General Sir Ian Hamilton, the British Commander-in-Chief in Gallipoli, was
as puzzled as everyone else. In a dispatch to Kitchener he reported that in
the course of the fight 'there happened a very mysterious thing'. During
the attack, he explained, the Norfolks had drawn somewhat ahead of the rest
of the British line.

'The righting grew hotter, and the ground became more wooded and broken.'
But Colonel Beauchamp with 16 officers and 250 men, 'still kept pushing on,
driving the enemy before him.'

'Among these ardent souls was part of a fine company enlisted from the
King's Sandringham estates. Nothing more was ever seen or heard of any of
them. They charged into the forest and were lost to sight and sound. Not
one of them ever came back.'

Their families had nothing to go on but rumours and inconclusive official
telegrams stating that their loved ones had been 'reported missing'.

George V, who had succeeded to the throne in 1910, became increasingly
concerned and personally cabled Sir Ian Hamilton, who could give his
sovereign no further information other than that the Sandringhams had
comported themselves with 'ardour and dash'.

Queen Alexandra made inquiries via the American ambassador in
Constantinople to discover whether any of the missing men might be in
Turkish prisoner-of-war camps.

Grieving families contacted the Red Cross and placed messages in the
papers, hoping for news of their sons and husbands from returning comrades.
But all to no avail.

So grew the legend of the Vanished Battalion. It is one, which lingers to
this day - even in the more outlandish regions of the internet (Woaaa)
where the battalion's disappearance is attributed to divine intervention
and abduction by UFOs.

And tomorrow, a moving and only marginally fictionalised BBC drama, All The
King's Men, starring David Jason as Frank Beck, will bring the story to the
small screen. So what really happened?



1999-11-14 Thread Bard

  **The Attachment is a text document, "On Freedom".**

  Commonwealth Summit Focuses on Trade

  By PAT REBER Associated Press Writer

   GEORGE, South Africa -- British Prime Minister Tony Blair was
slamming tennis balls on the
  courts half an hour after more than 40 heads of state arrived Saturday
in this South African
  resort for the second part of a Commonwealth summit that has focused
on trade and

   Flying in two planes from Durban, where the gathering began Friday,
the leaders from England
  and her former colonies came to the town of George to continue
discussions in a relaxed

   They will be staying in the $280-a-night Fancourt golf resort, where
pink rose bushes and lily
  ponds dot mountain foothills.

   A fog lifted by the time the planes carrying Blair, South African
President Thabo Mbeki and
  Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and other leaders landed in

   The concentration of so many world leaders in just two aircraft made
some people nervous.
  Vusi Mavimbela, Mbeki's top security official, could not be reached
for comment.

   The heads of state are trying to reach consensus on an approach to
upcoming World Trade
  Organization talks, and to promote democratic reforms by widening the
scope of the
  Commonwealth's watchdog committee.

   Some leaders -- like Kenya's Daniel Arap Moi and Zimbabwe's Robert
Mugabe -- lead virtual
  one-party states that suppress dissent.

   Blair and other leaders have proposed that the watchdog committee,
the Commonwealth
  Ministerial Action Group, crack down on member nations which constrain
opposition parties
  and the media. That expanded role was approved by heads of state

   Still, there are differences about what should be on the agenda of
the WTO meeting, which
  begins in Seattle on Nov. 30, Commonwealth summit spokesman Kaye
Whiteman said.

   Queen Elizabeth II, who as head of the Commonwealth opened the
summit, spent Saturday
  morning holding private audiences at her Durban hotel, while her
husband, the Duke of
  Edinburgh, went to visit an Anglo-Boer War battle site.

   The exact number of leaders present in George was not clear, and the
leaders of Zambia and
  Seychelles were in Durban but did not attend the retreat.

   The Commonwealth has 54 members. Pakistan is suspended for last
month's military coup, and
  several other countries sent lower level delegates.

   AP-NY-11-13-99 1709EST



Wakeup!  The rapist is determined to lock in our Nation to a path of
enslavement, by the elite thugs, before he leaves office.
BEWARE:  Bradley is far more left than algore or the rapist.
Brothers and Sisters, I implore you to vote in 2000 for
constitutionalist conservatives, i.e. people like Ron Paul and
The establishment thugs only give lip service to get out the vote;
their continued power depends on people NOT voting.  Get it??


"The world is a dangerous place to live;
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don't do
anything about it."
-- Albert Einstein


Freedom is the ability to act without the initiation of force (or its threat) being 
used against you.  You have a right to freedom because your life is your property, 
yours to live as you see fit (as long as you do not violate the right to life and 
liberty of another).

If you are free, you have the unfettered ability to pursue your own happiness, to make 
those choices needed for the sustenance of your own life.  In a semi-free society, 
such as we have today, your options are forcibly limited by statist politicians on the 
implicit claim that your life is not your own.  But take special note of this 
important fact: your ability, in a free society, to make unfettered choices is the 
consequence of being unfettered, i.e., of being unconstrained by the initiation of 
force.   "Having choices" is not the definition of freedom, it is simply one of the 
consequences of being free.

Now, consider your definition of freedom.  Is your definition corrupted, even if 
slightly, by the definition of freedom which has been put forth by statist 

Statists define freedom as "having a choice," the kind of choices only available to an 
armed thug or a statist politician.  Consider the role this definition of "freedom" 
has played, and continues to play, in the rise of America’s welfare state—more 
accurately characterized as America’s parasite state, one in which some forcibly feed 
off of the earnings of others.  Having successfully substituted the statist definition 
of "freedom" in the minds of most, statists argue, to quote from Fatal Blindness, 
"that children of poor parents do not have the ‘freedom’ to attend the college of 
their choice or the ‘freedom’ to receive the very best medical care because of a lack 
of f

Re: [CTRL] you're a star

1999-11-14 Thread Eagle 1

 -Caveat Lector-

You're probably right. (Or they are collecting internet IP's to use in their
more than likely  "bogus" program).  Again,  it only goes to show that you
can find nearly ANYTHING on the internet...  LOL

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: Mark McHugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] you're a star

> -Caveat Lector-
> This one isn't as fun as the other "Internet online camera":
> http://sites.netscape.net/zumaltsp/camera1.html
> I figure these "you're a star" guys are looking from email addresses to
sell to
> spammers.
> --
> Mark McHugh

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:



1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://jinx.umsl.edu/~skthoma/">Steamshovel!
"It does not take an extensive study of the masters of any age, the pharoahs,
the kings, the popes, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, to verify their
existence or to determine their modus operandi. "

Updated Frequently!

Last update: November 5, 1999

Kenn Thomas prowls around the bookstores in San Francisco Sunday through
Tuesday and holes up in a secret northern California location for a week
thereafter. Send a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to try to arrange a meeting if
you're in the area with information to share.

Now Out!
Volumes One and Two

The most notorious conspiracy-minded zine on the newsstand and on the web, Ste
amshovel Press, presents what the conspiracy doesn’t want the readers to
have: Information. This volume collects essays, articles, interviews,
photographs, and raw data that haved passed through cyberspace about the
conspiratorial undercurrents of recent times and in history. Originally
appearing on the Steamshovel website, this material now has been removed as
the Steamshovel pushes forward. Never before in print and never again on the
net, Cyberculture Counterconspiracy: A Steamshovel Web Reader contains
insights on secret happenings that will shake paradigms and shatter illusions
with links to help involve the readers themselves in the counterconspiracy.
"This is not the real-life X-files. X-files is a fake of Steamshovel!"
Cyberculture Counterconspiracy: A Steamshovel Press reader. New Yorker calls
it "…on the cutting edge and a strange place that is" Two volumes! (Click on
cover to order.)


in Steamshovel #17!
Tired of reptilian tales and refried racism, yet still hungry for an
alternative? Try Steamshovel Press! Steamshovel  is a newstand magazine that
examines conspiracy topics in the tradition of such great conspiracy
researchers as Mae Brussell, Jim Garrison, Ace Hayes, Danny Casolaro and Jim
Keith. It explores strange dimensions of current events and parapolitics with
dependable and complete documentation. This web site acquaints new readers
with Steamshovel and offers a glimpse of the back issues and affiliated
books. It includes new articles and reviews not available in the newstand
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Henderson in Hotel Kalifornia

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.umsl.edu/~skthoma/lword.htm">Steamshovel
Press: The Latest Word
The Latest Word

Henderson in Hotel Kalifornia

Wayne Henderson has written for Steamshovel Press practically since its
inception. His analysis of the California prison system as seen from the
perspective of an innocent man on the inside,"Hotel Kalifornia," originally
appeared in Steamshovel Press #4 and has been widely anthologized. Here for
the first time he discusses in-depth the circumstances of his own
incarceration. Henderson's tribute to his good friend Jim Keith will appear
in the next issue of Steamshovel.



You've been traveling cross-country, just a leisurely 'working vacation' by
car: you stop in San Francisco, and agree to split rent, temporarily, with
what seems like a nice young couple.

Unfortunately, it turns out that the 'nice young couple' have criminal
records, are selling 'crank' (methamphetamine) out of the apartment, and
worse yet, owe a major chunk of change to local biker gangs. In the meantime,
your car has been towed for a parking violation, you're strapped for cash to
get it out of hock, and death-threats from the biker stepuglies are flying as
thick as divorce lawyers in Tijuana.

You finally acquire transportation - the nice young couple agree to trade
their broken-down panel truck to you in lieu of repaying you for covering
half of the rent, let alone the pizza delivery bills - so you gladly leave
Frisco behind and head back East, to civilization. Sometime in the next few
days after you leave, your roomies end up very dead.

There are numerous witnesses to the death-threats; one of them is a known
police informant (who lived with the 'nice young couple' before you did, and
got out when the death-threats began). The money disputes between your
ex-roomies and the biker stepuglies is common knowledge, and one of the
killers was gracious (and stupid) enough to leave his fingerprint, in engine
grease, on one of the bodies. While you could reasonably expect to be called
as a material witness (you're one of several witnesses to an altercation in
which one of your roomies got the crap beat out of him by a creditor, and
another in which the same creditor smacked the same roomie over the head with
a wooden cane), and you're obviously broken up about your roomies' deaths
(you spent Xmas partying with them, and now they're in the morgue), you're
expecting that the strongest impacts of this incident on your own life will
be 1) to keep you from ever even considering getting involved in retail crank
sales, and 2) to make you very happy that you got the hell out of Frisco when
you did.

Except for a possible appearance as a witness, your involvement in all this
is over, right? 'Fraid not...not by a long shot.

My name is Wayne Henderson, and I'm a writer - you might've read some of my
work in any number of 'zines, DHARMA COMBAT, STEAMSHOVEL PRESS, Donna Kossy's
KOOKS among them - in addition to that, I'm also currently a 'guest' of the
Hotel Kalifornia, and have been incarcerated here for sixteen years now. Why?
Read on, and you tell ME...

I've lived the situation I've just described...my girlfriend and I were the
ones who got the hell out of Frisco - on 12 January 1982 - and the 'nice
young couple', Ray and Angie, were alive and well (if somewhat stressed by
their biker creditors) when we left. Angie talked to the landlord on the
phone, on the afternoon of 13 January - more than 24 hours after we'd left
California; and our neighbors in the front apartment - Ron and Carol - had
seen Ray and Angie in and around the place as late as the weekend, 16-17
January...Ron and Carol had also witnessed one of the death-threats from the
biker stepuglies, made against everyone in the house.

The Frisco police themselves proved our whereabouts...we were in Reno, Nevada
at 1:30PM, on 12 January 1982, 24 hours before one of our alleged victims
spoke to the landlord on the phone; we didn't return to California until the
cops dragged us there, months later.

And why were we arrested? Again, you tell me...all the witnesses told the
cops about the death-threats, the drug debts, and how we'd been included in
those threats - just because we shared an apartment and partied with Ray and
Angie. It's beyond obvious that we weren't even in California when the
murders occurred, and wouldn't have any reason to kill people who, for
whatever faults they might've had, certainly knew how to party. But it gets
weirder, much weirder...

After repeated visits from the cops, witnesses either changed their stories
(disagreeing wildly with their recorded initial statements, even to the point
of stating impossibilities) or suffered odd and inexplicable memory loss...

The murder bullet, a .22 slug showing no rifling (and therefore likely fired
by Ray's own .22 pistol, which has never been found) is altered - and the
alteration is documented - 

[CTRL] Anti WTO mobilization alert.

1999-11-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-


Left or Right, here is some help. STOP THE NEW WORLD ORDER. LET THE ELITES


AFL-CIO WTO Mobilization Alert  - Please circulate widely

TO:  Union Members and Community Allies
RE:   Nov 30 Peoples'  Rally & March - Schedule, March Route, Getting
FR:  Ron Judd, King County Labor Council, AFL-CIO
   WTO Action Team [EMAIL PROTECTED]   206-448-4888

for the

In November, U.S. negotiators will meet in Seattle with trade ministers and
heads of state from across the globe to make decisions which will govern
world trade and investment for decades to come. The AFL-CIO and allied
organizations in the religious, environmental, human rights, consumer, fair
trade and student communities have organized what promises to be the
biggest rally and march ever held on international trade issues in the U.S.
The event will be held on November 30th, the opening day of the World Trade
Organization's Ministerial meetings in Seattle.
We will call on trade representatives and heads of state to stop the
headlong rush toward trade liberalization until rules are established which
protect workers and their communities, the  environment, public health, and


For more information:
Call 206-448-4888


Gates Open at 8 a.m.
at the Seattle Center's Memorial Stadium

Rally begins at 10 a.m.

March begins at 12:30 p.m.

The agenda for the Rally has not yet been announced, but we do know this:
The Rally begins at 10 a.m. and will feature international speakers from
religious, environmental, fair trade, consumer, human rights and student
There will be music by Sweet Honey and the Rock.

Several groups are assembling outside Memorial Stadium then marching in
For example, the Sierra Club is taking the lead in assembling environmentali
sts at Denny Playfield and then marching to the Stadium at 9:30 am (for more
info contact  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   206-378-0114 ext 306).


The march into downtown will start from Seattle Center's Memorial Stadium at
12:30 p.m. taking 5th Ave. North to 4th Ave., east to Pine St.  north to 9th
St. (one block from the Washington State Convention & Trade Center); west
one block to Olive Way; south to 5th Ave.; and then west on 5th back to the
Seattle Center.

We will have 900 marshals to make sure the march goes smoothly and
peacefully. We are encouraging everyone to bring their children.



The AFL-CIO has 25 Fulltime Mobilization Coordinators covering Southern
BC, the Northwest, and National areas.  We now have close to 100 buses that
have been pledged by Central Labor Councils, International & Local Unions
for union members and retirees and community allies. We expect to bring on
more buses in the final mobilization push, but seats are filling fast.

Contact the AFL-CIO Mobilization Coordinator in your area about bus
Find the Coordinator for your area by calling 206-448-4888 or  go to
http://www.wslc.org/wto/map.htm for a complete list.


Carpool if you can. Meet your friends at Park & Ride Lots and head on down
to Seattle Center. For a list of Park and Ride Lots go to:

As you approach the Seattle Center, transportation marshals will direct you
to available parking areas near the stadium. The AFL-CIO has secured all
available parking lots and garages in the Seattle Center Area.

Routes to Seattle Center's Memorial Stadium:

>From Northbound & Southbound I-5:
(Follow signs to "Seattle Center" & "Key Arena")

-- Take the Mercer Street exit (Exit #167) (Going N/B the exit is from the
left lane of I-5)
-- At the bottom of exit, turn right onto Fairview Ave. N (buses coming off
of N/B I-5 will need to move over one lane to the right in order to make
this turn)
-- At next signal turn left onto Valley Street (Three lanes actually go to
the left, the bused should be in the two left lanes--stay out of the right
-- Continue straight through next signal onto Broad Street (buses should
move over into the right lane once they cross Westlake Ave. N.)
-- Turn right onto Harrison Street (First right after underpass)
-- Turn right onto 5th Ave N.
-- Turn right onto Mercer Street

Heading Southbound on 99 (Aurora):

-- Take the Broad Street exit
-- At the stop sign turn right onto Harrison Street
-- Turn right onto 5th Ave. N.
-- Turn right onto Mercer Stree

[CTRL] [1] Wackehut Follies

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.umsl.edu/~skthoma/lword10.htm">Steamshovel
Press: The Latest Word

The Latest Word

Wackehut Follies

The following four legal cases give some insight into the operations of
Wackenhut, the private security service for Area 51 that became a large part
of Danny Casolaro's research. For more information on Wackenhut and Casolaro,
see The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro by Kenn
Thomas and the late Jim Keith.

Wackenhut and the Suspended Hallucinogen Provision

Independent Guard Association of Nevada v. United States, 57 F.3d 766 (9th
Cir. 06/12/1995)
[2] No. 93-15769
[3] 1995.C09.42154 ; 57 F.3d 766
[4] filed: June 12, 1995.
[6] Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Nevada.
D.C. No. CV-92-00204-LDG. Lloyd D. George, District Judge, Presiding.
[7] George A. Pappy, Pappy & Davis, Los Angeles, California, for the
[8] L. Dow Davis and Monte N. Stewart, United States Department of Energy,
Washington, D.C., for the defendant-appellee.
[9] Before: Mary M. Schroeder and Pamela Ann Rymer, Circuit Judges, and
William L. Dwyer,*fn1 District Judge. Opinion by Judge Schroeder.
[10] Author: Schroeder
[11] SCHROEDER, Circuit Judge:
[12] The Independent Guard Association of Nevada, Local No. 1 ("IGAN"),
appeals the district court's grant of summary judgment to the Secretary of
Energy in IGAN's suit to enjoin the application of the Department of Energy's
("DOE" or "agency") Nuclear Explosive Safety Order 5610.11 (Oct. 10, 1990)
("Order"). IGAN objected to the DOE's promulgation of the Order, which is an
extensive personnel regulation, without the prior notice and comment required
by the Administrative Procedure Act's ("APA") rulemaking procedures, 5 U.S.C.
§ 553. The district court held that the "military function" exception, 5
U.S.C. § 553(a)(1), to the APA applied. We reverse because our law requires
APA exceptions to be construed narrowly, and the record fails to disclose
that these guards perform any function directly related to the manufacture or
development of military weapons by the DOE.
[14] IGAN is a union representing the armed civilian guards employed by
Wackenhut Services, Inc. The DOE contracted with Wackenhut to guard its
facilities at the Nevada Test Site near Mercury, Nevada, and its support
facilities in Las Vegas, Nevada. At these sites, the DOE researches, produces
and tests nuclear explosive devices for use by the military. Wackenhut, not
the DOE, hires and supervises the guards.
[15] On October 10, 1990, the DOE issued the Order pursuant to its statutory
authority to maintain security and safety standards for its defense programs.
See, e.g., 42 U.S.C. §§ 2165, 2201. The Order applies to all activities and
operations involving nuclear explosives and nuclear weapons conducted under
the Department's nuclear program. The DOE did not comply in full with the
APA's normal rulemaking procedures, which would have entailed prior notice
and comment of the entire Order. See 42 U.S.C. § 7191.
[16] The Order provides management policy guidance for the selection and
certification of personnel; sets forth nuclear explosive safety standards and
rules; and provides for nuclear explosive safety studies and surveys. In the
portion relevant here, the Order establishes a Personnel Assurance Program
("PAP") applicable to all DOE and contractor employees assigned nuclear
explosive duties. The PAP provides detailed certification requirements for
the DOE and its contractor personnel who are certified to guard nuclear
explosive devices in Nevada. For example, PAP disqualifies persons from such
duties who fail to comply with any of its provisions, which include
submission to laboratory testing, random drug testing, and a certification
review procedure. PAP also provides for permanent disqualification from duty
for any employee who has ever used hallucinogens, regardless of quantity
consumed or remoteness in time.
[17] The Order superseded an earlier safety program promulgated in 1980 that
had delegated more responsibility for contractor employee qualification
review to the contractor itself. See "Program to Prevent Accidental or
Unauthorized Nuclear Explosive Detonations," DOE Order 5610.3 (Dec. 18,
1980).*fn1 Shortly after the Order went into effect, it resulted in the
disqualification of four employees because of prior use of an "hallucinogen."
DOE subsequently "suspended" the hallucinogen provision, and all four
employees were certified for nuclear explosive safety duties.
[18] On March 10, 1992, IGAN filed a complai

[CTRL] [2] Wackehut Follies

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.umsl.edu/~skthoma/lword10.htm">Steamshovel
Press: The Latest Word
Wackenhut Prison Property Grab

County of San Diego v. Rancho Vista Del Mar Inc., 16 Cal. App. 4th 1046, 20
Cal. Rptr. 2d 675 (Cal.App.Dist.4 06/23/1993)
[2] No. D014096
[3] 1993.CA.44177 ; 20 Cal. Rptr. 2d 675; 16 Cal. App. 4th 1046
[4] Decided: June 23, 1993.
[6] Superior Court of San Diego County, No. 590455, Jeffrey T. Miller, Judge.
[7] Lloyd M. Harmon, Jr., County Counsel, Diane Bardsley, Chief Deputy County
Counsel, Lewis P. Zollinger, Deputy County Counsel, Matteoni, Saxe & Nanda,
Norman E. Matteoni, Peggy M. O'Laughlin, Endeman, Lincoln, Turek & Heater,
Ronald L. Endeman, Donald R. Lincoln and David Semelsberger for Plaintiff and
[8] Daniel E. Lungren, Attorney General, Marvin Goldsmith, Assistant Attorney
General, Robert H. Francis and Marsha S. Miller, Deputy Attorneys General,
B.C. Barmann, County Counsel (Kern) and Mark L. Nations as Amici Curiae on
behalf of Plaintiff and Appellant.
[9] Thorsnes, Bartolotta, McGuire & Padilla, Michael T. Thorsnes, Vincent J.
Bartolotta, Jr., Haskins, Nugent & Newnham, Michael H. Fish, Crosby, Heafey,
Roach & May, Gideon Kanner, Hufstedler, Kaus & Ettinger and Otto M. Kaus for
Defendants and Appellants.
[10] Opinion by Kremer, P. J., with Benke and Froehlich, JJ., concurring.
[11] Kremer [16 CalApp4th Page 1049]
[12] The primary issue presented by this case is whether a property owner
whose land is condemned for a jail may value his property [16 CalApp4th Page
[13] based on a highest and best use as a private detention facility. We
conclude the answer is no and therefore reverse.
[14] FACTS
[15] The property here is a parcel of about 525 acres of primarily vacant,
undeveloped property in the Otay Mesa area of San Diego County. About 200
acres had a grade change of less than 25 percent and were considered
"usable"; the remaining land had a grade change of over 25 percent. The proper
ty was zoned as a holding zone for future residential development requiring
minimum lot sizes of two to twenty acres depending on the percentage of slope
on the particular lot. Access to the property was on a graded dirt road. The
property lacked a sewer connection.
[16] Roque De La Fuente bought the property at a bankruptcy sale as part of a
larger parcel of about 3,900 acres bought in 1982 for $13 million.*fn1 He
believed he was purchasing the property for 20 to 30 percent of its true
value. At the time he bought the property, the State of California was
interested in locating a state prison in the Otay Mesa area. De La Fuente
offered to sell the property to the state. The state preferred a site
separated from the subject property by a canyon. In 1983, De La Fuente
exchanged some of his property for state-owned property located near the
Mexican border. Some cash was also involved in the transaction. De La Fuente
eventually constructed an industrial business park on the property obtained
from the state near the Mexican border. In 1985, a border crossing opened in
Otay Mesa.
[17] In April 1985, De La Fuente entered into an agreement with Wackenhut
Services, Incorporated (Wackenhut) to submit a proposal to the Immigration
and Naturalization Service (INS) for a 200-bed facility to temporarily house
illegal immigrants on 20 acres of De La Fuente's property. This property was
different from the land condemned in this case. De La Fuente agreed to
construct the facility on his property and Wackenhut agreed to manage the
facility. The parties agreed to grant each other first right of refusal for
five years to participate in any further detention projects located in San
Diego or California in which the other was involved. INS rejected the De La
Fuente/Wackenhut proposal because the property did not have sewer facilities
and De La Fuente did not anticipate a sewer connection until after the state
prison connected to the sewer, which was about a year away. [16 CalApp4th
Page 1051]
[18] In late 1986, De La Fuente and Wackenhut proposed the same 200-bed
detention facility to temporarily house parole violators (a "Return to
Custody" or RTC facility) to the California Department of Corrections to be
built on De La Fuente's land not involved in this case. After the state
approved the initial proposal in early 1987, De La Fuente and Wackenhut
submitted a formal proposal. In April 1987, the state wrote Wackenhut that
"recent political developments in the area have dictated that we wait until
this fall to resume our activities."
[19] During 1987, the County of San Diego (county), state and Wackenhut
entered negotiations for a 200-bed RTC facility to be operated on 4 acres of
property which the county proposed to take from De La Fuente. Th

[CTRL] [3] Wackehut Follies

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

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Press: The Latest Word
Puerto Rico, 1964

11/24/64 Montague Fred RAYNE, v. The WACKENHUT CORPORATION,
[Editor's note: footnotes (if any) trail the opinion]
[2] Montague Fred RAYNE, Appellant,
[3] The WACKENHUT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, and
[4] George R. Wackenhut, Appellees.
[5] No. 64-146.
[6] November 24, 1964
[7] Rehearing Denied December 16, 1964.
[11] Montague Fred Rayne, who is the appellant here, was an employee of the
defendant, The Wackenhut Corporation. The defendant, George R. Wackenhut, is
the founder and president of the defendant corporation. Rayne, who had
previously been the resident manager of The Wackenhut Corporation in the
territory of Puerto Rico, entered into a contract with the corporation by
which he agreed to become a vice president of the corporation for a period of
three years.
[12] Rayne's compensation was set in the agreement with the provision that,
for the period ending December 31, 1961, he was to receive 50% of the net
profits of the Puerto Rican Corporation, and for the periods commencing
January 1, 1962, he was to receive a certain salary but not less than the
compensation received for the period ending December 31, 1961.
[13] Eighteen months prior to the expiration of the contract of employment,
Rayne was discharged. The contract provided that he could be discharged only
under certain circumstances, one of which was "just cause." Shortly after his
discharge Rayne instituted the suit, with which we are concerned, in equity.
In so doing, he elected not to proceed at common law for the balance of his
salary claimed but added this claim to his suit in equity in which he alleged
that he was entitled to an accounting to determine whether or not the
compensation he had received, and to which he claimed to be entitled, was
actually as much as 50% of the net profits from the business in Puerto Rico
in 1961. His complaint not only alleged that the plaintiff was discharged
prior to the expiration of his contract but that he was wrongfully
discharged. The defendants answered denying that the plaintiff was wrongfully
[14] The chancellor took testimony and received evidence of the plaintiff and
at the conclusion thereof, granted a motion of the defendants in the nature
of a motion for directed verdict and entered a final decree and final
judgment in which he found as follows:
[15] 1. The plaintiff has failed to prove by competent evidence the material
allegations of his complaint.
[16] 2. Under the contract between the Plaintiff and the Defendant The
Wackenhut Corporation, the Plaintiff is entitled to salary to and including
July 25, 1963, which the court finds to be in the sum of $2,300.00.
[17] 3. The Defendant The Wackenhut Corporation has proved by competent
evidence the material allegations of Count I of its counterclaim (seeking an
order requiring Plaintiff to return to Defendant all documents or copies
thereof, or other properties belonging to the Defendant which the Plaintiff
has in his possession or control).
[18] 4. The Defendant The Wackenhut Corporation has failed to prove by
competent evidence the material allegations of Count II of its counterclaim
(seeking the return of the sum of $4,885.88), the court finding that the
payment of said sum to the Plaintiff was not a loan but was in the nature of
an advance against future profits which cannot be recovered by the Wackenhut
[19] 5. The Defendant The Wackenhut Corporation orally moved for an order
authorizing it to hold in abeyance proof on Counts III (seeking the return of
$13,000.00 paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiff), Count IV (seeking any
sums due the Defendant if an accounting was ordered), Count V (seeking an
order enjoining Plaintiff from making false and derogatory [20] statements
about the Defendant corporation and otherwise interfering with its peaceful
operations in Puerto Rico, and awarding compensatory damages), Count VI
(seeking an order enjoining the Plaintiff from making false, defamatory,
libelous and slanderous statements about the Defendant and awarding
compensatory damages), of its counterclaim, or in the alternative to enter an
order authorizing a voluntary dismissal as to said Counts without prejudice.
The Defendant George R. Wackenhut similarly moved as to its counterclaim
(seeking an order enjoining the Plaintiff from uttering false, defamatory,
slanderous and libelous statements about the said Defendant). The court finds
that these motions should be denied and that Counts III, IV, V and VI of the
corporate Defendant's counterclaim and the counterclaim of George R Wackenhut
should b

[CTRL] Sacred Drift

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

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Press: The Latest Word
The Latest Word

Sacred Drift

by Len Bracken

Len Bracken's new book from Adventures Unlimited, The Arch Conspirator, takes
a deeper look at conspiracy in history than few other books ever have. It
includes essays and commentaries new insights on global politics and their
conspiratorial underpinnings. Bracken follows a maze through interwoven tales
from the Russian Conspiracy, through his interview with Costa Rican novelist
Joaquin Gutierrez, and follows his Psychogeographic Map into the Third
Millenium. The Arch Conspirator also contains Bracken's General Theory of
Civil War; A False Report Exposing the Dirty Truth About South African
Intelligence Services; the Neo-Catiline Conspiracy for the Cancellation of
Debt; Anti-Labor Day, 1997, with selected Aphorisms Against Work; Solar
Economics; and much more. It makes a remarkable addition to the library of
the thinking conspiracy theorist.

Bracken authored Guy Debord - Revolutionary(Feral House), documenting the
biography of the great Situationist thinker DeBord, who helped expose the
conspiracy culture as the society of the Spectacle. Bracken also served as
the translator of another great Situationist, Gianfranco Sanguinetti, with
the first English translation of a Situ classic, The Real Report on the Last
Chance to Save Capitalism in Italy (Flatland). Bracken is also well-known as
the editor of Extraphile, an underground newsletter of the Extranational
movement, and has contributed to Anarchy, Steamshovel Press and many other
magazines and alternative periodicals. The following essay is a press release
of the Baltimore-Washington Psychogeography Association (POB 5585 Arlington,
VA 22205; tel. 703-715-6816) . It does not appear in The Arch Conspirator,
but reflects some of the book's examination of the dark corridor of

Members of the Baltimore-Washington Psychogeography Association made a
pre-Mother's Day (1999) expedition to the Basilica glorifying the Christian
Mother of God.

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception stands near
the backbone of Washington, DC (WDC), the great divide called North Capitol
Street that separates city's northwest and northeast quadrants like a pair of
human lungs or the hemispheres of a brain.(l) The drifters approach from
Harewood Road, NE, and quickly spot an omen: a dead squirrel on the sidewalk
with what T-S knows are indications of rat poison on its carcass. The drift
continues, and suddenly a mockingbird lands on the driveway hedge and mocks
the blare of a car alarm. A second omen, but of what, they don't know. They
consider the meaning of this omen for a moment, and suddenly a woman
approaches from the direction of the Shrine.

"Excuse me miss," L-A begins, in Spanish, "If may I speak with you for a

"Of course," she says with a sense of inner serenity and strength.

"Can you tell me the difference between the Assumption and the Ascension?"

"Yes, well, the Assumption is when the angels absorbed the dead body of Mary
into heaven to be crowned Mother of God by the Father. We celebrate this on
August fifteenth every year with a Feast of the Assumption."

She looks at L-A.

"You know what the Ascension is, don't you?"

L-A shakes his head.

"The Ascension is when Christ rose into heaven and we celebrate it forty days
after Easter."
"You've been so helpful. I didn't know that, and none of my friends knew it
either. Where are you from?"


L-A imagines her prayers for peace. "Thank you very much."

"What was that all about?" T-S asks.

"Never mind."

T-S grumbles something about "the presumption of the Assumption," but L-A
doesn't want anyone to know that he has the slightest interest in religion,
which is why he asked the woman in Spanish and won't translate the answer for
T-S. You see, these drifters approach the largest Catholic church in the
Western Hemisphere from rival perspectives.

T-S, a fifty-year-old musician, subscribes to spiritist psychogeography--the
wine of life trickles out a bag-obscured bottle in Malcom X park while he
talks to Dante's statue as if he, T-S, were Virgil taking the exiled poet on
a drift through the world of gods, myths, and spirits; as if, in an ideal
sense, the series of cascading pools lined by a narrow granite rim were the
River Styx.

L-A finds reality in materialist psychogeography; the omens of human ecology
disclose themselves in Georgetown shop windows, in the juxtaposition, for
example, of a watch boutique featuring futuristic designs and the gargantuan,
backwards-spinning clock in F.A.0. Swartz. In an instant of Protagorean
perception (2), festive scenes of rag-tag Rabelasian jubilees clash with the
sleek, digital conception of time embodied in space-age watches. The wine of
life no longer flows the way it did in Medieval Spain during the five months
everyone took 

[CTRL] Bin Laden, CIA, and Saudi Arabia.

1999-11-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

The US heading to a final showdown?
K.N. Pandita

November 12 rocket attack on American embassy and the UN buildings in
Islamabad was, obviously, in retaliation to the 14 November deadline set
forth by the Security Council for the Taliban to hand over Osama bin Laden
accused by the US for bombing of her two embassies in Africa. By
simultaneously attacking the UN building, the planners of the attack wanted
to convey the message that the Security Council is a handmaid of the US and
this position of the world organization is not acceptable to the Islamists.
Aren't they speaking the truth and nothing but the truth?

Taliban have refused to hand over the Saudi-born CIA - sponsored terrorist
whose contribution in the anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan was essentially that
of innovating the tactics of digging underground tunnels with exits in the
rear of forward military posts of the combined Soviet and nationalist forces.
Osma, then, was the apple of CIA's eye.

Osama turned against the Americans and the Saudi monarchy because once close
to the top intelligence organizations in Saudi Arabia and the US, he realized
that the monarchy had virtually abandoned the kingdom to the Americans and
that the so-called sovereignty of the Muslim world was far from reality.

The fighting qualities of the Afghan mujahideen and their determination of
taking on the super-power infused in him the spirit of independence and
self-confidence that could help the Muslims to rise as a decisive factor in
global politics.

With huge wealth coming to him from his family business concerns and his
knowledge of enormous drug-money generated in the Afghan mujahideen region,
he could think of challenging the Americans to leave alone the Saudi kingdom
and the Muslim world.

In his vision and dream, he found strong support in official and non-official
circles in Pakistan. Even Pakistani soil was at his disposal to draw plans
and programmes in the fulfilment of his dreams. Pakistani Sunni Wahhabi
organizations were ready to go frull distance to render their outright
support to his plans. Thus at least for him and for those committed to his
agenda of Islamic power, there does not exist any physical boundary dividing
Saudi Arabia from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Kashmir is the latest addition.

But Pakistan played her cards very carefully in Osama's game. Pakistani
government and religious organizations maintained extraordinarily good
relations with the Saudi monarchy. Osama was not allowed to do anything that
would break the strong fraternal relations between the Saudi kingdom and
Pakistan. This is because Saudi monarchy had many stakes in the stability and
perpetuation of Pakistan. She was a strong link between her and China. It was
on Pakistan's behest that China had agreed to give Saudis M-11 missiles,
which can be fitted with nuclear warheads.

Osama virtually found himself presiding over a vast empire of Islamic
mujahids, from Sudan to Kashmir to Burma and the Philippines. With the Soviet
Union having met with collapse and fragmentation, Osama thinks he can easily
take on the Americans, the only remaining super power in the world. To him,
the humbling of the Americans means writing off the Saudi monarchy against
which he, however, did fire a few warning shots in the shape of Riyadh blasts.

Taliban Amiru'l-Momineen, Mulla Omar has categorically rejected the demand of
the Americans to extradite Osama. Maulana Fazlu'r-Rahman, the chief of
Jamiatu'l-Ulema-e Islami -- the umbrella organization for Lashkar-e-Taiyyaba
--  exhorted his commandos to seek and kill Americans if the US attacks
Afghanistan or bin Laden's camps. Other Pakistani religious organizations
have also committed their support to his call. Pakistan's military ruler,
Geneal Musharraf, has been in close contact with the Taliban and Osama ever
since their rise. He did not prevent the holding of a massive convention by
the Lashkar-e-Taiyyaba organization in Muridke near Lahore from 3 - 5
November 1999 where resolutions were passed calling the activists to give a
fight to the Americans, the Indians and the Israelis. He responded to the
wishes of the pro-Laden brigades, whom he had shifted from Jalalabad to
Kargil heights but had to be withdrawn under Nawaz Sharif's decision, by
ousting Sharif government.

Now armed with the tacit support of the Islamist military wing from Sudan to
Kashmir to the Philippines, Osama feels confident of practically embarking on
his grand design of establishing, through force of arms, the Islamic
Caliphate with pristine Muslim political, economic and social system. Years
ago, the Dawa wal Ershad Muslim religious organization based in Pakistan had
drawn a comprehensive blue print for the Islamic Caliphate, its constitution,
directive principles and economic structure.

But apart from the support structure described above, the real and most
formidable support to Osama comes from the US itself. He knows that the US
may be seeking him as her enemy n

[CTRL] April 19, 1998: Alex Jones, talk show host[a must]

1999-11-14 Thread Bard

APRIL 19, 1998: Alex Jones, "The Real Spin"


"For we battle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places."
  Eph. 6:12
Title: April 19, 1998: Alex Jones, talk show host

APRIL 19, 1998: Alex Jones, "The Real Spin"

NOTE: An Alex
Jones fan has posted this speech in AUDIO

I have one more speaker that I'd like to introduce.
And, uh, he didn't even know he was going to talk here today. But it's
the, uh, talk show host that, put together the busload of people that came
up from Austin, Texas. He's on radio station KJFK- in Austin. Does a program
called "The Real Spin." His name is Alex Jones. Alex? [applause
"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"]

it's hard to speak after, Ramsey Clark, attorney general during the Carter
administration. Did you hear what he was just telling you? There is a massive
consolidation, of local police departments under federal control, the multi-jurisdictional
task force, and the JTF-6- which is based at Fort Bliss, Texas. They wear
black ski masks! They train in military tactics! And they are the big gun,
and the long arm of the IRS, and the criminal system that is running this
nation. Make no mistake, the murders of these people, and these children,
was about one thing, and one thing only. It was about terrorism against
the American people! It was about testing and pushing the limits, to see
if the government could surround a group, if they could kill those people
and burn it to the ground. "Waco: Rules of Engagement," shows the automatic
weapons fire, as men and women try to exit the back of the building. That's
where most of the bodies were found, right in the edge. Hit squads,
military black ops, the same ones that destroyed Oklahoma City, just like
Hitler burnt the Reichstag, in 1933! [applause] I mean, where is
our country when ex-attorney generals of the United States of America,
are here telling you that Reno, and the rest of 'em, and the Republicans
and the Democrats are all the same people! ["All right!" "Right!" applause]
It just makes my heart swell with pride that we do have people like Ramsey
Clark and others in th-, in this whole crowd out here, that is standing
in defiance of tyranny! ["That's right!" "Amen!" "Amen!" applause]
But I'll take a line from that, movie, um, "Braveheart." ["Yes!"] "What
would you give, dying in your bed all these years from now, to have just
once, stood up, in defiance of tyranny? To put on the
armor and to ride out on the field against the enemy?" And violence is
not the way to go. They are the ones that use violence. They are the ones-
that are dangerous. ["Amen!"] Understand that; we've got to use information
like "Waco: Rules of Engagement." I mean, that documentary is so
powerful, because it doesn't exaggerate, it doesn't lie. For three
hours it lays out the information for you to see, and where is the mainstream
media, editing this information out? You have federal agents killing
men, women, and children. They came that day and opened fire first, helicopters
came in and assaulted, and now we find out, it, that it's going to come
out in the next documentary, and think about this: that they sent in death
squads with breathing apparatus to kill those people inside because
they could not have any witnesses of what really happened on the first
day of the 51-day standoff. So we're dealing with murder, we're
dealing with terrorism against the American people, and this is nothing
new in the history of the world. Authoritarian regimes always seek to control,
the modes of finance, the printing of money, transportation, food production-
you name it, it's all coming under federal control, under the guise of
environmentalism, which is nothing but a cult now. It's very, very
serious- somebody has got to stand up, more people have got to stand up.
FEMA- under Senate Resolution 21, is building hundreds, of
concentration camps on military bases, set up for families, areas
for men, areas for women, areas for women with children, and areas for
men who have families on the other side of the camp, and by the way they
have triple the guard towers, and I have played this many times on my television
show. It's just out of control; I have congressmen on tape, Henry
B. Gonzales and others admitting this. Look at the world! And then
I'm going to get off here because there's others that have a lot more to
say than me. Hitler killed 40 million. The communists in Russia killed
about a hundred million. The communist Chinese, we're not sure; a hundred,
200 million. And it's still going on, and we're buying slave goods from
these people, they're moving into Long Beach naval base. ["Right!"] They're
moving into the high desert of California at Victorville and Atalanto,
and building 20 mini-malls to bring in slave goods directly. This
is a de-industrialization of our plan, and i


1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.umsl.edu/~skthoma/lword7.htm">Steamshovel
Press: The Latest Word
The Latest Word

A key find in the film inventory below: U-2 Salvage Operation, Key West Naval
Station 23 November 1963 - SECRET Film Number USAF 35853


Lee Harvey Oswald, U2 spy: served at U2-stationed Atsugi; involved with
Soviet shootdown of Gary Powers' U2; worked at U2 film processing lab before
moving on to Book Depository in Dallas.


by Michael Ravnitzky,

Recently I received a large partial inventory list of thousands of Defense
Department motion picture films and videotapes. I have selected a tiny
sampling of these films that seem interesting for some reason or other, or
have remained classified for years despite evidence of some public interest
in their contents. This is just a personal selection; please keep that in
mind. There are thousands and thousands other films out there waiting to be
The source of these film titles and catalogue numbers are the film transfer
lists and proposed transfer inventories held by the National Archives and
Forthcoming lists of films in various subject areas will contain the
addresses at the bottom rather than at the top.
Most of these films are either restricted in distribution or are still marked
as classified, either confidential or secret, as noted. However, most of
these films have not been reviewed for declassification or public release in
many years, or even decades. You can request a copy of any of these films by
writing to the following two addresses and requesting a copy of the film
under the Freedom of Information Act. All of these films will be available
and under the authority of one or both of the following two addresses.
The first address is the Department of Defense [DoD] FOIA Office. Note: in
your request letter to DoD, you may wish to mention that these films are or
were under the responsibility of the Defense Visual Information Center, DVIC,
but that FOIA requests to DVIC are processed by the DoD FOIA Office.
WARNING: The DoD FOIA Office does not like to process requests for
audio-visual materials such as motion picture films, because they are much
more troublesome than requests for paper records. Nor do they have a very
good track record in regard to processing such requests. Just keep careful
track of your requests, and send in an inquiry if an excessive amount of time
has gone by. You may need to send an appeal letter if too much time goes by.
The second address is the National Archives office that has accessioned some
of these films--it is not entirely clear which films were accessioned and
which remain at DoD. One or both of these offices have all of these films.
Freedom of Information Act Director telephone: (703) 697-1160 Directorate for
Freedom of Information 1155 Defense Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301
William G. Lewis, Archivist Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch National
Archives at College Park 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, MD 20740-6001

Part 2 - Biological and Chemical Warfare Films

Half a Loaf: Evaluation of an Anti-Crop Weapon - SECRET chemical and
biological warfare against food crops Film Number PIN 1000500 DF, Film 0949
Mustard Spray Tests with Multiple Planes - CONFIDENTIAL - Old - Film Number
FB 163
Biological Warfare Film Number OD-CD TVSP7
Tactical Employment of Chemical Troops in Attack Film Number TF 3-10
Identification of U.S. Chemical Ammunitions Film Number TF-3-2658
ABCR [Atomic Biological Chemical Radiological] Warfare Decontamination, Eglin
Field, Florida, 9 March - 11 May 1953 Film Number USAF 21572 - CLASSIFIED
Riot Control Munitions - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number PIN 20769 DF, Film FR 759
The U.S. Crime of Bacteriological Warfare - The Evidence a 1950s Chinese
Documentary??? Film Number USAF 38216 - CONFIDENTIAL
Chemical/Biological Weapons Development, Equipment and Components USAF, early
1960s Film Number Illegible - SECRET
Medical Defense Against Biological Warfare, Part 1 Navy, Film Number
Medical Defense Against Biological Warfare, Part 2-B Film Number PIN 1011349
Medical Defense Against Biological Warfare, Part 3-B Film Number PIN 1011349
Biological and Chemical Air Launched Weapons Film Number WEPS 1-65 -
Medical Aspects of NBC: Latest Developments of Chemical and Biological
Warfare [HAPMB 528] - SECRET Film Number MED 28-65-A
Biological and Chemical Warfare - SECRET Film Number MN 09170-A

Part 3: Vietnam Related Films

Riot at Thu Duc Prison - Prisoners, Gia Dinh Province, Vietnam, 18 Oct. 1970
Film Number LC 56236 - CONFIDENTIAL
Rebuilding Khe Sanh Firebase Khe Sanh Firebase Khe Sanh, South Vietnam, 29
Feb. 1971 Film Numbers LC 56252 and LC 56253 - CONFIDENTIAL
NVA Invasion, 1972 Kontum, South Vietnam,

[CTRL] Seven People in Los Angeles

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.umsl.edu/~skthoma/lword6.htm">Steamshovel
Press: The Latest Word
The Latest Word

Seven People in Los Angeles

by X. Sharks DeSpot

On the night of August 9, 1969, four car thieves murdered a school teacher in
Los Angeles. Armed with a .22 caliber pistol, they killed her, her boy
friend, a barber, a man who had come to sell a clock radio, and the woman who
rented the house. The next night they killed a seamstress and her gambler

Murder is a crime. I supposed it is always an atrocity to the survivors, but
to the wider world, most murders are not significant, any more than most car
thefts. As you can tell from the descriptions above, there is no real reason
to suppose the seven victims were that important.

Their names were Abigail "Gibby" Folger, the school teacher, Wojtek
Frykowski, her boy friend, Jay Sebring, the barber, Steven Parent, who came
to sell a clock-radio, and Sharon Tate, the lady who rented the house.
Rosemary La Bianca was the seamstress, and her gambler husband was Leno La

The four car thieves were (alphabetically) Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkle,
Leslie Van Houten and Charles Watson.

Now considering that several murders committed in New York in 1976 and 1977
in New York were called the .44 Caliber Murders, these could easily have been
called the .22 Caliber Murders. Or, perhaps the Charles Watson murders,
because he was the one who used the gun in the murders. Or perhaps the first
victim, Steven Parent, could have provided the name for the Steven Parent

But they were not.

The biggest pretence about these murders of seven people is that it was
somehow self-evident, that the crime was so horrible by itself that it
deserved endless publicity, followed by the CBS Television mini-series Helter
Skelter. That this is was an act of evil is unquestionable. So were all the
other murders committed in 1969.

The difference is the value attached to the murder by the mass media, and by
the society at large. Abigail Folger was a school teacher. She was also a
"Coffee Heiress" who inherited money from the Folgers' Coffee fortune.
Charles Watson was a car thief. He also was a cultist who took part in a mass
killing intended to trigger an Apocalypse. The murders were committed with a
.22 caliber revolver. They were also committed with knives and blunt objects,
and the murders, which could have been done cleanly with a shot to the back
of the neck each, were done in as gory a manner as possible.

By shifting the emphasis on the details, the press coverage of the murders
played out different dramas. In August of 1969, press coverage focused in on
Tate's husband, Roman Polanski as the director of the horror movie Rosemary's
Baby. By mid-December 1969, the press coverage was focused on the killers,
and Polanski was forgotten. In August 1969 Tate was portrayed as some kind of
decadent sex goddess in much of the sensationalistic coverage. But by early
December Newsweek portrayed Tate as beautiful pregnant mother, something the
editors and reporters had known she was all along. Leno La Bianca, Rosemary
La Bianca and Steven Parent were never more than stick figures in press
coverage. Rosemary La Bianca was actually richer than Abigail Folger was, but
she was never anymore than the wife of Leno La Bianca in the press coverage.

The August 1969 press coverage of Sebring, Folger and Frykowski emphasized
Sebrings' sex life and Folgers and Frykowski's use of illegal drugs. All of
this was forgotten by mid-December of 1969.
In fact, when President Richard Nixon made his public remarks in August of
1970, "Manson is Guilty," he did not mention the seven people killed at all.
By this time the idea Nixon was playing on was the idea of Charles Manson as
an embodiment of the threat of anarchy and chaos. When Atkins, Krenwinkle,
Manson and Van Houten were convicted, the New York Times editorial ignored
the seven people and emphasized fear of anarchy.

Since 1974, after the social and political turmoil of the early 1970's faded,
the killings of seven people have been viewed through the lens provided by
prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi's book and TV miniseries Helter Skelter. I felt I
should write this article about Abigail Folger, Wojtek Frykowski, Leno La
Bianca, Rosemary La Bianca, Steven Parent, and Sharon Tate, because they were
killed in a horrible crime. A crime that by itself should be the news story,
not the "news stories" written by reporters based on the crime.

Previous Latest Word Column
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and out

[CTRL] [Fwd: Media: It's a Small World of Big Conglomerates (McCHESNEY)]

1999-11-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Media: It's a Small World of Big Conglomerates (McCHESNEY)
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 23:21:45 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Eisenscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: PACH
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

November 29, 1999
The New Global Media
It's a Small World of Big Conglomerates
Three charts accompany this article:

"Global Media Moguls"
"Who Owns the Movies"
"Who Owns the Music"

The nineties have been a typical fin de sicle decade in at least one
important respect: The realm of media is on the brink of a profound
transformation. Whereas previously media systems were primarily
national, in the past few years a global commercial-media market has
emerged. "What you are seeing," says Christopher Dixon, media analyst
for the investment firm PaineWebber, "is the creation of a global
oligopoly. It happened to the oil and automotive industries earlier
this century; now it is happening to the entertainment industry."

Together, the deregulation of media ownership, the privatization of
television in lucrative European and Asian markets, and new
communications technologies have made it possible for media giants to
establish powerful distribution and production networks within and
among nations. In short order, the global media market has come to be
dominated by the same eight transnational corporations, or TNCs, that
rule US media: General Electric, AT&T/Liberty Media, Disney, Time
Warner, Sony, News Corporation, Viacom and Seagram, plus Bertelsmann,
the Germany-based conglomerate. At the same time, a number of new firms
and different political and social factors enter the picture as one
turns to the global system, and the struggle for domination continues
among the nine giants and their closest competitors. But as in the
United States, at a global level this is a highly concentrated
industry; the largest media corporation in the world in terms of annual
revenues, Time Warner (1998 revenues: $27 billion), is some fifty times
larger in terms of annual sales than the world's fiftieth-largest media

A few global corporations are horizontally integrated; that is, they
control a significant slice of specific media sectors, like book
publishing, which has undergone extensive consolidation in the late
nineties. "We have never seen this kind of concentration before," says
an attorney who specializes in publishing deals. But even more striking
has been the rapid vertical integration of the global media market,
with the same firms gaining ownership of content and the means to
distribute it. What distinguishes the dominant firms is their ability
to exploit the "synergy" among the companies they own. Nearly all the
major Hollywood studios are owned by one of these conglomerates, which
in turn control the cable channels and TV networks that air the movies.
Only two of the nine are not major content producers: AT&T and GE. But
GE owns NBC, AT&T has major media content holdings through Liberty
Media, and both firms are in a position to acquire assets as they
become necessary.

The major media companies have moved aggressively to become global
players. Even Time Warner and Disney, which still get most of their
revenues in the United States, project non-US sales to yield a majority
of their revenues within a decade. The point is to capitalize on the
potential for growth abroad--and not get outflanked by
competitors--since the US market is well developed and only permits
incremental expansion. As Viacom CEO Sumner Redstone has put it,
"Companies are focusing on those markets promising the best return,
which means overseas." Frank Biondi, former chairman of Seagram's
Universal Studios, asserts that "99 percent of the success of these
companies long-term is going to be successful execution offshore."

Prior to the eighties and nineties, national media systems were
typified by domestically owned radio, television and newspaper

Newspaper publishing remains a largely national phenomenon, but the
face of television has changed almost beyond recognition. Neoliberal
free-market policies have opened up ownership of stations as well as
cable and digital satellite TV systems to private and transnational
interests, producing scores of new channels operated by the media TNCs
that dominate cable ownership in the United States. The channels in
turn generate new revenue streams for the TNCs: The major Hollywood
studios, for example, expect to generate $11 billion from global TV
rights to their film libraries in 2002, up from $7 billion in 1998.

While media conglomerates press for policies to facilitate their
domination of markets throughout the world, strong traditions of
protection for domestic media and cultural industries persist. Nations
ranging from Norway, Denmark and Spain to Mexico, South Africa and
South Korea keep their small domestic film production industries alive
with government subsidies. In the summer of 1998 culture mi

[CTRL] WTO - Dismantling democracy and sovereignty.

1999-11-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Editorial & Opinion

Posted at 02:44 a.m. PST; Friday, November 12, 1999
Guest columnist
WTO is dismantling democracy
by Sally Soriano
Special to The Times

THE World Trade Organization (WTO) ministers are meeting in Seattle at
the end of November to decide how to further extend their
organization's power. In the media, the WTO's five-year record is
usually portrayed as benign. The record, in fact, is alarming, showing
that the U.S. Congress and other national governments have turned over
many of the decisions that affect people's daily lives to unelected
trade bureaucrats.

The WTO's panels of "judges," who have presided over 100 cases to date,
have always decided in favor of profit over national protective law.

Some examples:

The U.S. government, representing the U.S. beef industry (70 percent
owned by Cargill), challenged a European Union (EU) ban on the sale of
hormone-treated beef. The ban applies to European beef farmers and
foreign beef producers alike. The European Parliament cited scientific
studies showing the possibility of these hormones causing increased
cancer rates.

In 1998, a WTO panel ruled against the EU law, saying there was no
scientific evidence that hormone-treated beef was detrimental to

The U.S. has now placed retaliatory tariffs on imported European goods
due to the EU's refusal to overturn their law.

This WTO ruling directly challenges a pillar of contemporary
public-health policy, the precautionary principle. Under this
principle, potentially dangerous substances must be proven safe before
they are put on the market. The principle, widely recognized in
international and environmental law, is based on the fact that science
does not always provide the information necessary for authorities to
avert environmental or public health threats in a timely manner. Many
areas of U.S. law, such as our system for approving new
pharmaceuticals, are based on the precautionary principle. The WTO
stood the precautionary principle on its head and shifted the burden of
proof from the manufacturer of the product to the government seeking to
regulate the product, in essence making guinea pigs out of the

By rejecting a popular consumer safeguard, the WTO sent a powerful
message about its priorities. The WTO is now on record as placing the
ultimate authority of overruling national food-safety laws in the hands
of international bankers and trade economists.

On behalf of its oil industry, Venezuela challenged a U.S. Clean Air
Act regulation that required gas refiners to reduce the level of
pollutants in gasoline they intend to sell in the United States. This
regulation defines the starting point from which refineries will lower
the amount of pollutants in their gasoline by using data collected by
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from U.S. oil refineries in

Venezuela claimed this rule was biased against foreign refiners, and
took this case to the WTO. The result was a WTO panel ruling against
the U.S. law.

In 1997, the EPA changed the Clean Air rules allowing foreign refiners
to use their own starting point for measuring reductions of pollutants,
thus allowing them to sell dirtier gasoline in the United States, which
deteriorates air quality. These Clean Air rules have withstood all the
challenges by domestic refineries. With this ruling, the WTO has given
foreign refineries the right to operate under looser standards than we
require of domestic refineries.

For 20 years, the European Union has had an agreement to buy bananas
from their former Caribbean colonies to redress its past history of
exploitation. Recently, a WTO panel decided that the European Union
should not be allowed to pay higher prices for Caribbean bananas
because Central American bananas (produced by Chiquita, Dole and Del
Monte) could be sold in Europe at a cheaper price. The WTO's decision
will result in massive unemployment of over 200,000 workers in a region
already suffering 40 percent unemployment and wipe out a small
independent farm economy. The Caribbean nations only control 3 percent
of the worldwide banana production, the remaining 97 percent being
under the direct corporate control of Chiquita, Dole and Del Monte.

Why would the U.S. take this case to the WTO when it does not even
produce any bananas? Chiquita CEO Carl Linder has poured over $500,000
into both the Republican and Democratic parties. Greased by campaign
money, the Clinton administration chose to make Linder and Chiquita
synonymous with the national interest. This illustrates the flaws in
the WTO-governed global trading system and in U.S. campaign-finance

WTO authority stems from the dispute resolution panel process and its
powerful enforcement tools. The dispute resolution panels meet in
secret. They rely on documents never made public and on anonymous
"experts" to make decisions and issue reports that cannot be accessed
by the public until the hearing is over and a binding jud

[CTRL] Italian Industrialists from Liberalism to Fascism The Political Development of the Industrial Bourgeoisie

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.bibliofind.com/cgi-bin/texis.exe/s/search/search.html?dealeri
BMIT1=SEARCH">Search Results
0521434068: Adler, Franklin Hugh ; Italian Industrialists from Liberalism to
Fascism The Political Development of the Industrial Bourgeoisie, 1906-34
HIS01 In tracing the development of industrial associations in Italy from
1906 to 1934, this study challenges traditional interpretations of the rise
of fascism. Unlike other studies on industrialists and fascism which begin
with the post-World War One crisis, Professor Adler reconstitutes the prior
relations between industrialists and Italian liberalism, and then situates
industrialists within the liberal crisis and the transition to fascism.
Adler's study is theoretically informed by current interests in assessing
interpretations of fascism, relating corporatism to crises in liberalism, and
applying hermeneutics to historical analysis. Contents: Introduction;
Post-Risorgimento Liberalism; The Giolittian System; Industrialization and
the Rise of the Industrial Bourgeosie; 1. Associational Development during
the Giolitti Era; The Industrial League of Turin; Toward a Productivist
Liberal-Technocratic Ideology; Industrial Relations and the State; Political
Activity; 2. The First World War: A Precorporatist Experience; Italy's
Intervention: An Authoritarian Precedent; The Industrial Mobilization;
War-Inspired Productivism; Productivist Programs and the Industrialists;
Precorporatism and Lessons Learned from the War; 3. The Post-War Crisis and
the Rise of Fascism; The Economic Crisis; The Social Crisis; The Political
Crisis; The Rise of Fascism; Industrialists and the Rise of Fascism; Initial
Post-War Orientations; The Occupation of the Factories; The Red Wave Ends;
Industrialists and the Political Crisis; Industrialists and Fascists; 4.
Liberal-Fascism; Industrialists and Liberal-Fascism; Confindustria and the
Fascist Syndicates; The Matteotti Crisis and the Collapse of Liberal-Fascism;
5. Industrialists and Non-Integral Corporatism; From Liberal-Fascism to
Non-Integral Corporatism; Non-Integral Corporatism; 1925: The Year of
Transition; Working from Within; Confindustria and the Great Depression;
Conclusion Hardback 11-24-95 74.95 C 478 IP PUBLISHER:Cambridge University
Press   Offered for sale by Cambridge University Press
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "..the Golden China Corporation.." ChiCom sucks taxpayers

1999-11-14 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-


  Squandered loans to China?
by Charles Smith

  Newly declassified documents, forced from the
  U.S. Commerce Department by a federal
  lawsuit, shows that $200 million in World Bank
  loans for a "Technology Development Project"
  actually went to weapons research labs and
  businesses wholly owned by the Chinese army.
  The documents reveal that World Bank loans
  were used to modernize the Chinese army
  defense industry.

  "The objective of the project is to support the
  (Chinese) Government's continuing reforms in
  technology policy and institutions so as to
  promote the development of clear,
  productivity-enhancing technologies in China's
  industries," states a 1995 report written by the
  Industry and Energy Operations Division of
  the World Bank.

  According to the World Bank report, "the
  (Chinese) Government will pass on US$194.3
  million of the loan proceeds through SPC (State
  Planning Commission) to eligible
  sub-borrowers in the form of sub-loans, with
  the Golden China Corporation acting on its
  behalf as a financial agent."

  "The first component is designed to assist in
  transforming part of the research and
  development (R&D) establishment into
  market-responsive technology development
  corporations," states the World Bank report.
  "This component would hive off the most
  dynamic technology development and
  service-oriented elements of existing research
  institutions to create -- through a competitive
  selection process -- new, market-oriented
  entities, called Engineering Research Centers

  "The second component comprises
  complementary investments in improving
  technology public services, including: (i) the
  modernization of the National Institute of
  Metrology and (ii) a technical assistance
  program for a Productivity Center as well as
  for several training activities."

  However, according to the Defense
  Department, "Golden China Corporation" and
  many of the so-called "Engineering Research
  Centers (ERCs)" supported by the World Bank
  loans were actually owned and operated by the
  Chinese army unit COSTIND (Chinese
  Commission for Science, Technology, and
  Industry for National Defense). For example,
  the World Bank provided:

   $5 million to the Northwest Institute for
   Nonferrous Metal Research for "rare earth
   materials" used in "chemical, aviation,"
   and "nuclear power stations." The
   Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal
   Research is part of the China National
   Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), producer
   of all nuclear weapons for the Chinese

   Over $5 million to the Harbin Research
   Institute for "welded steel products" used
   in "aviation" and "ship building." Harbin
   was identified by the Department of
   Defense as a Chinese army front used to
   purchase Allied Signal turbo-fan engines
   for the People's Liberation Army Air
   Force (PLAAF) in 1996.

   Over $4 million to the Marine Design &
   Research Institute of China for "ship
   design software and services." The
   Marine Design & Research Institute is
   part of the China National Ship Building
   Corp. and the primary design facility for
   all Chinese warships, including nuclear
   powered submarines.

   Over $4 million to the Nanjing Radio
   Factory for "audio/visual" products used
   in "T.V.s, satellite equip., radios, CD
   players, etc." The Nanjing Radio Factory
   is owned and operated by the Chinese

[CTRL] USMC forcing recruits to sign deadly force affadavits - cannot verify

1999-11-14 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

USMC forcing recruits to sign deadly force affadavits

Government Announcement Keywords: Y2K GUN CONTROL EXECUTIVE ORDERS POSSE
Source: Personal face to face conversation
Published: 11/13/99
Posted on 11/13/1999 20:20:48 PST by GunsUp!

At my bi-monthly IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Assoc) competition,
today, I had some time to catch up on events with our club president, a
woman...gunsite grad and an employee of the US Gov't. She was fuming that her
stepson, as a recent grad from Paris Island Boot Camp, was forced to sign an
affadavit which explicitly stated that he would, if ordered, engage in house
to house searches and use deadly force if necessary, INSIDE U.S. BORDERS! He
signed but told his parents he didn't mean it.

The good news...and somewhat strange at the same time, is that when he
reached his duty station, all the new arrivals were addressed by the
commanding general of the post and they were told that no matter what, they
were MARINES and they would hold true to the marine TRADITION of protecting
the US CONSTITUTION and the safety of all AMERICANS. Now, what does all of
this mean? I dunno. But MSNBC announced within the last three days that the
President is scheduled to interrupt the "fall of the ball" at precisely
2400hrs on 31 DEC 1999. What is he gonna say? Welcome to the New Millennium?
Or...Welcome to the New World Order...Like it or not?

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] you say u don't vote? 'Rex 84'-WAKE UP!!!

1999-11-14 Thread Bard



Make sure you pay a Visit to
"Alex Jones Presents" InfoWars

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.
   -- Euripides

Civilian Internment Camps a Reality

The Planned U.S. and Canadian Concentration Camp Program

Here are some photo's and information with regards to the concentration camp program established in the US under the Rex 84 program. Rex 84 was established on the reasoning that if a mass exodus of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centres by F.E.M.A. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons. These prisons are located all across the USA. Therefore it is unreasonable to assume that the mass exodus of illegal aliens was the true intention.
Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. F.E.M.A. is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.

A U.S map which details the locations of detention centers, MJTF Police Bases and U.N. Combat Groups. The Picture of this map came from, "70th Week Magazine" P.O. Box 771, Gladwater, Tx. 75647. This is a 1994 photo.

This is a blow up of the legend of the map below.

   a.  A dark star symbol=Russian Troops
   b.  A dark circle dot=U.N. Troops
   c.  A circle with a "c" in it=CONCENTRATION CAMPS (Primary)
   d.  A square dark symbol=Secret Underground Facilities
   e.  A dark triangular shaped symbol=Actions (Search and
   f.  The @ symbol=CONCENTRATION CAMPS (Secondary)

DETENTION FACILITIES: Are stars, with a white center.

MJTF POLICE BASES:  are white stars in a round black circle.

U.N. COMBAT GROUPS:  are marked on the map with airplane's.

This is another U.S. map, that contains the markings, for the different camps.

This shows the North Eastern section of the U.S., and shows a closer look, where U.N. troops are located in North Western Montana, and a few other states as well.

This is a view of the South Eastern U.S. on a map. The map is named, Region 4, 15 August 1994, "Phase III Operation". The legend shows a black star symbol, where Russian troops/Armor are. U.N. symbol, for United Nations (foreign battle groups). The map also has markings for "Ports of Entrys" into the U.S., by sea.

This is a photo copy view, of the Wilcox Correctional Institution. It also has exact details on location, and other information about the camp.

Another view of Wilcox Correctional Institution.

Here is a photo blowup, of the directions of where Wilcox is, as well as other important information of the institution.

There are over 100 primary and secondary concentration camps across the US. Each houses about 20,000 prisoners. Currently the largest of these facilities is the just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a gigantic mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million people. The majority of these facilities have no prisoners but are currently staffed by military personal. The camps all have have railroad facilities, as well as roads, coming and going out of them, to get there. Also quite a few are closed down military bases and are adjacent to airport facilities.

More Concentration Camp Photographs

United States Army Document Detailing Civilian Detention Centres


[CTRL] What Has the New World Order Done for Us Already?

1999-11-14 Thread JAH Publications

 -Caveat Lector-

Ketan Michael Vakil wrote:-

> In fact, all the Islamic countries represent a threat to the
> New World  Order.   Recognizing the  danger of financial slavery,
> the prophet Muhammad prohibited the charging of interest on debt.
> This prohibition  is written  into the  Koran.  The Elders of the
> New World  Order have  decreed that  Israel, with the help of the
> United States,  must divide  and destroy  the  nations  of  Islam
> before they have enough time to recover from the Crusades.

It may interest people to know that God wrote exactly the same thing about
usury in The Bible Old Testament via anothe Prophet - Moses. The Bible that
all Jews and Christians are supposed to follow.

Deuteronomy - the Fifth Book of Moses:-
23:19 Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of
 money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon
23:20 Unto a stranger (foreigner - a non-Israelite) thou mayest lend
 upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury:
 that the "I AM" thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine
 hand to in the land where thou goest to possess it.

Reconfirmed by Jesus:-

Gospel of Matthew:-
5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy The Law, or the
 Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one
 jot or one tittle shall in no way pass from The Law, till all
 be fulfilled.

Christ's Revelation to John:-
15:3 And they sing the "Song of Moses" (Old Covenant - Deut. 31)
 the servant of God, AND the "Song of the Lamb" (New Covenant),
 saying, Great and marvellous [are] Thy works, Lord God Almighty;
 just and true [are] Thy Ways, Thou King of the holy people.

What went wrong? How do we put it right? We must recover The Ark and return
to keeping ONLY God's Laws, as God Himself has said.

Perhaps you might also like to look at and understand the con-trick called
democracy by accessing:-


There is no other way to stop the Illuminati, than by recovering The Ark.

Peace be upon you,


- Original Message -
From: Ketan Michael Vakil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] What Has the New World Order Done for Us Already?

> -Caveat Lector-
> You asked whatthe illuminati were..new world order.. one in the same
> perhaps...  info below
> -
> -Ketan Michael Vakil
> Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
> http://kmvplace.simplenet.com/new
> Ph : 518.276.7573  |  Fx :  413.228.6214
> IM : KetanMV  |  KetanMVPowerbook  |  ICQ : 5047694
> - "The future is no place to place your better days"
> -" Evil Pokemon Slave Trade must come to an end!"
> > Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 21:46:52 -0800
> > Subject: [CTRL] What Has the New World Order Done for Us Already?
> >
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > What Has the New World Order Done for Us Already?
> > by Gregory Alexander
> >
> > Copyright March 1991
> >
> >
> > As America  approaches the  next millennium,  we confront  a
> > grave  threat   to  our  constitutionally  guaranteed  rights  to
> > freedom, health,  and the  pursuit of  happiness.   A  New  World
> > Order, managed  covertly by  the  Rothschild/Rockefeller  banking
> > system, now  seeks to  bring the  U.S. economy  to its knees more
> > thoroughly than it did in 1929.  The previous generation of world
> > controllers crashed  the stock  market by design.  First, through
> > the use  of front  companies, their agents synchronized the sales
> > of large  blocks of  stock, back and forth, at successively lower
> > prices.   This precipitated  a panic.   Investors large and small
> > scrambled to  sell short  and cut their loses.  Then, the bankers
> > called in  the debts.   These  debts were  created  by  extending
> > credit to stock brokerages who, in turn, extended margin to their
> > retail customers.  After the panic had started, selling proceeded
> > until the prices of all shares hit bottom.

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please b

[CTRL] Modern Fascism : Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview

1999-11-14 Thread JAH Publications

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Bill,

Please study:-


and then the rest of the site and please tell your contacts to do the same.

Peace be upon you,


- Original Message -
From: Bill Kingsbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 7:47 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Modern Fascism : Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview

> -Caveat Lector-
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN%3D0570046033/XyzpublishingltdA
> /002-7286772-7408205
>  Modern Fascism : Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview
>  (Concordia Scholarship Today)
>  by Gene Edward Veith
>  Paperback - 187 pages (February 1993)
>  Concordia Pub House; ISBN: 0570046033
>  Synopsis:
>  This new book in the Concordia Scholarship Today Series examines
>  how fascist views permeate modern philosophy, art, movies, and
>  eugenics -- decades after the defeat of the Axis powers in World
>  War II. Dealing with a variety of fascist thought -- from the
>  intellectuals to the skinheads -- Veith shows how the fascist's
>  focus on self and human will is in direct opposition to the
>  Christian's faith in a righteous God. (Concordia Publishing House)
>  Customer Comments:
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] from Fairhope, Alabama , March 20, 1999
>  The New Pagans - Veith exposes the real fascism today.
>  Prof. Gene Edward Veith, a Lutheran professor of English at
>  Concordia Univ. in Wisconsin, if anything else, has taken a word
>  which has come to be used as a contentless, empty and generalized
>  "catch-all" insult, and has attempted to remind a historically
>  ignorant generation of what "fascism" was really all about in the
>  1930's and 1940's and from whom, whence, and what sources this
>  terrible political and philosophical system was derived, the form
>  it took then, and the form it takes today.
>  First of all, Veith has a smiling Ezra Pound on the cover giving
>  the fascist salute in 1958. This picture is not meant to cleverly
>  provoke, but to show, as is detailed in the chapter, "The Beautiful
>  Ideas Which Kill", that in his allegiance to fascism, Pound and
>  some of his artistic and intellectual allies, Imagist poet T.E.
>  Hulme, George Bernard Shaw, and the pre-war Wyndham Lewis, found
>  the political vehicle of fascism (to them at least) a very logical
>  outgrowth of their theories and views of art and life. The
>  celebration of "the primitive", the concrete over the abstract,
>  and overall contempt for the "bourgeois, moderate, classical..."
>  (quoting from Thomas Mann), in favor of the Nietzchean and
>  Dionysean unrestraint represent not any kind of a current
>  "conformity" to classical and historical traditions but at the
>  time, the very "avant-garde" throwing off of all such shackle.
>  There are many such illustrations of the sort, which Veith uses not
>  for purpose of mere "high-brow" name-dropping or ad hominem
>  indictment, but for the deeper meaning of the book itself: Fascism
>  has always been on the cutting edge, and the people who first loved
>  and propagandized it were not bourgeois businessmen in suits, but
>  the writers, artists, poets, and philosophers. It is important to
>  realize that one reason that the Jewish people were singled out for
>  castigation was that they represented a transcendent intellectual
>  order, anti-paganism and moralism. Although it has become a matter
>  of cliche, Frederich Nietzche really did popularize many of these
>  ideas in works such as "The Will to Power", where Judaism and
>  Christianity were systems of weakness and artificial supports for
>  weaknesses in their hindrance of man's primordial will and drive to
>  power and action.
>  "Modern Fascism" covers eugenics, abortion, political ideology, and
>  religion in addition to the artistic and philosophical aspects of
>  fascism, marking his obvious subject: the National Socialist state
>  of Hitler's Germany. Veith offers disparate examples of how history
>  has been revised and ignored to the absurd point that "fascism" is
>  now considered somehow "conservative", and the opposite of the
>  Left. Actually, the extreme Right and the extreme Left are two
>  competing sides of the same fascistic coin (i.e. National Socialism
>  (Nazism) and International Socialism (Marxism). Veith also debunks
>  (as have numerous others) the pernacious myth that Nazism was
>  somehow Christian. The truth is that Hitler perverted and used
>  "God-words" for his own end, and eventually dropped them altogether
>  once complete power was gained. The German Protestant Church had
>  become so weakened by liberalism and humanistic thought, that it
>  was powerless to resist. True Christians such as Dietrich
>  Bonhoeffer were executed.
>  Finally, one of the most interesting and frightening sections is
>  the end where Veith links much of modern 1990's culture in America
>  with the very same fascism it falsely purports to hate. T


1999-11-14 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-


>From Rayelan Rushbacher

> Gunther once told me a story about the peasants near the Black Sea who
> had destroyed a group of blood drinkers with only pitchforks and wooden
> spears. He described the ritual that blood drinkers put their victims
> through. It was a sword dance where the victim was progessively sliced,
> not to kill the victim or cause them to bleed, but to raise the level of
> terror to a certain point where the soul was at its most powerful and
> then could be extracted. These people used a device. It was so heavy that
> it took four of them to plunge it into the heart of the victim. I was not
> clear on whether the blood of the victim also went into the four people
> who held the device, or if is was only the energy of the person.
> In this ritual, all four people shared the life or soul energy of the
> victim. This enabled them to live forever, as long as they had their
> device and victims
>  But Gunther said that his ancestors led the group of peasants to destroy
> these people. He said they took the device and rowed out into the middle
> of the black sea and threw it in there. He also says the device is the
> reason the sea is called the Black Sea. He says that there are still many
> Satanist groups near Odessa.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Below is another email to me about the story of the Sacrifice and how it
is done and undoubtedly will be used through the SOLAR CROSS EVENT this


The story is an incredible one. I have a lot of details other than the
cross. Maybe one day, when I have the time, I will write it.

It involves true love, sexual torture, a torture sword dance, and a
beautiful nude woman spread eagle on the floor. The swordsman was a
dancer also. His movements were like a ballerinas.

The sacrifices were usually beautiful young women. they used young women
because the fear level is the highest in young women.

Once she was tied down she was usually raped by the ones who weren't
privileged enough to be part of the cross ritual... only four people
could carry the cross.

After the dancer had sliced her to pieces... the four men or women with
the cross began their own kind of dance and chant... they circled the
body chanting some ritual chant, and at the right time, they thrust the
downward pointing spike into her heart.

I do not remember Gunther telling me that blood spurted up through the
cross device... but it certainly seems possible that it did. What he said
is that the life force of the young woman would be sucked up into the
black cross and radiated out the four arms of the cross.

The handles at the ends of the cross were not at 90 degree angles. the
energy wouldn't flow properly around a 90 degree angle. There was a
slight curve. One of these days I will find the drawing Gunther made of
the device. I am sure I saved it... unless it is with all my things that
were left in Austria.

I am thinking about trying to write this up as a short story. I know that
the time frame was shortly after his relatives migrated from the Iraq
area to Hungary... they sojourned for a while by the black Sea... the
migration took several hundred years.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Origins of the Illuminati

1999-11-14 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

The Origins of the Illuminati

Not much has been said about the origins of the Illuminati. Some researchers
trace the origins back to the Bavarian Illuminati in the 1700's, but this
secret organization goes way back.

The Illuminati can be traced back at least 4000 years, but the first Order
wasn't fully established until the Babylonian era, around 1000 B.C. So around
4000 years ago the original Brotherhood was infiltratedHowever, the plans were
made already during the Sumerian era, in Mesopotamia, which is the land
between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates (Iraq), under the reign of King
Ur-Nammu. This was during the Third Dynasty of Ur, around 2112-2004 B.C.

The reign of king Ur was to establish which Brotherhood would come into
rulership, and the wars took place, which resulted in the erection of Babylon
the Great.

Then, during the Babylonian era, three Brotherhoods were established, still
fighting. They were:

The White Order (The White Brotherhood). This branch was operating from

The Green Brotherhood (The Green Dragon), operated, and is still operating, in
Asia, which should not be confused with the Green Glove of Russia, which is
the Russian Brotherhood. The origins before they were established in coded
color Brotherhoods, the Brotherhood was called the Cult of the Snake, which
later in Greece took its form as the Cult of Aesclapios.

The Yellow Brotherhood, which had its seat in old Egypt.

The Green Brotherhood and the Yellow eventually merged into one, to what today
is called The Green Dragon. In the Babylonian era, the bloodline of the Green
Dragon was split in four directions and was thus thinned. The bloodline of the
White Order on the other hand, has been kept in a straight line from father to
son from the time of King Ur-Nammu, without being broken at all.

Most interesting of the three is therefore the White Brotherhood, which seems
to be totally unknown to researchers. It's a very secretive order, not
mentioned at all today. They were the ones who delianated the path of which
civilizations and societies were to take in the creation of their One World
Dominated Realm, which hence created and produced the Greek alphabet, politics
(the way it is used up to this very day), theosophy, philosophy (including the
"great" philosophers Plato, Socrates etc), government, military, education,
religion, segregated hierarchies and the Arian dream, used by Hitler and the
Elite. In other words, they are the source to the civilization we have today
in the Western World.

It's interesting how this fact has been hidden, as we look at it, most of the
Western World today operates on the same principles used by the old Greeks.

Ever since the beginning, it has been very important that the bloodline is
kept clean to keep the occult power, meaning that each generation must bring
to birth at least one son - preferably more than one, as we shall see.

To be able to enter the White Brotherhood you had to have a master's degree on
all various subjects that were related to secret teachings, and many of the
subjects were beyond the reach of the rest of society. ONLY men from the right
bloodline were allowed to enter. This means in practice, that to be accepted,
you had to be educated for 40 years(!). The same principle is in practice
today. Therefore it was important to give birth to as many sons as possible -
if one failed their degree, another one might pass.

This also explains why the Western civilization operates the way it does today
and one more bit of the puzzle is laid. The White Brotherhood laid the grounds
for the New World Order, passed it on to the secret societies, and the "Work
of the Ages" have continued ever since ...

Sources: Deep research into various Greek archieves

Published: Aug 14 1999

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Humor: Bill Clinton and How He Got That Way

1999-11-14 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Bill Clinton and How He Got That Way

All Rights Reserved © NewsMax.com
Norman Liebmann
November 11, 1999

In order to understand more poignantly Bill Clinton's character, it is
useful to recall the ancestors whose blood flows in his veins. Here is a
list of some of Bill Clinton's antecedents, and the quotations by which
they are best remembered and defined. Conclusions are irresistible:

NATHAN HALE CLINTON: "My only regret is that I have but one pair of pants
to drop for my country."

JOHN PAUL JONES CLINTON: "I have not yet begun to fight and I plan to keep
it that way."

SAM HOUSTON CLINTON: "It may be the Alamo to you, but it looks like just
another Taco Bell to me."

PAUL REVERE CLINTON:"I hear the British are coming. Are my lips on

GENERAL WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN CLINTON: "War is hell, but let's face it,
nobody gives a shit about the Serbians."

JACK FROST CLINTON: "Excuse me, Miss, I thought that was your nose I was
nipping at."

PATRICK HENRY CLINTON: "Give me liberty, or give me penicillin."

GENERAL JOHN J. PERSHING CLINTON: "Tell Lafayette if I'm not there, go
ahead without me."

ABRAHAM LINCOLN CLINTON: "The world will little note nor long remember what
we say here, but you can bet some broad will tell a friend and next thing
you know, it will be all over Gettysburg."

CAPTAIN EDWARD SMITH CLINTON: (as his ship, the Titanic, went down) "Bimbos
and lobbyists first!"

PINOCCHIO CLINTON: "I'm going to say this one more time. I did not have sex
with that woman, Mrs. Gepetto."

SHERIFF OF NOTTINGHAM CLINTON: "The only things that are sure are death and
taxes, but if I get my way about only one, you can bet it will be taxes.

EDUCATOR JOHN HARVARD CLINTON: "How should I know? Go look it up."

GENERAL DWIGHT DAVID EISENHOWER CLINTON: (to his troops before the invasion
of Normandy): "I had hoped to go with you."

ADMIRAL CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS CLINTON: Swim over to the Pinta and find out
if anyone aboard has a Dramamine."

SIR FRANCIS DRAKE CLINTON: "When the Spanish Armada arrives, sneak the crew
over the border and register them as Democrats."

O.J. CLINTON: "I never saw such a fuss over a sore throat."

FREDERICK DOUGLASS CLINTON: "Will somebody please tell me what the "n" word
that people keep referring to is."

NEIL ARMSTRONG CLINTON: "One small step for man, one giant rip-off for the
Clinton/Gore Campaign."

ADOLPH HITLER CLINTON: "The fact that nobody in Arkansas wears shoes does
not necessarily mean they're not Aryans."

SIR EDMUND HILLARY CLINTON: "Whose idea was this? I'm freezing my ass off!"

ADMIRAL DAVID FARRAGUT CLINTON: "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! Let
me know how it works out. I'll be in the Officers Club."  "GAY"

ADMIRAL PERRY CLINTON: "We have met the enemy and they are fun."

F. LEE CLINTON: "Don't ask. Don't tell. Don't testify."

GEORGIE WASHINGTON CLINTON: (At age nine) "I cannot tell a lie. I did not
have sex with that cherry tree."

FLETCHER CHRISTIAN CLINTON: "Who's for shuffleboard?"

WILLIAM PRESCOTT CLINTON: (to the White House Press Corps) "Don't quote
until you see the whites of my lies."

ADMIRAL RICHARD BYRD CLINTON: "Anybody here know how to get it on with a

FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT CLINTON: "We have nothing to ooze but ooze

ST. PAUL CLINTON: "The wages of sin is herpes."

CARRY NATION CLINTON: "I drank booze once, but I didn't swallow."

ELI WHITNEY CLINTON: Why didn't someone tell me that white stuff is cotton.
I've been trying to shove it up my nose."

VIRGIN MARY CLINTON: I'm thinking of putting him up for adoption."

WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON: "The coward dies a million deaths ... unless he
gets an educational deferment."  Norman Liebmann is a former Television
writer (Johnny Carson, Dean Martin; wrote and produced Chico and the Man,
and created the characters for The Munsters (who are all named after his
relatives) and a brilliant and insightful columnist/humorist. Please visit
his website Firehat, a treasure trove of Clinton and Media bashing.
Reprint Information

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] Flu Drug Bug?

1999-11-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-



Do Not Use!
Zanamivir (RELENZA) for the Flu--Cost Without Benefit
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Glaxo Wellcome's zanamivir
(RELENZA) for the treatment of type A and type B influenza in late July 1999.
Earlier in the year the FDA's Antiviral Drug Advisory Committee of 17 outside
experts reviewed zanamivir and voted 13 to 4 not to recommend it for approval
because of insufficient evidence that it is, in fact, effective for treating
flu. One committee member remarked during the meeting "... there isn't
sufficient efficacy to warrant [my] recommending this drug for my family or
Zanamivir will be on pharmacy shelves by the time you read this--just in time
for the flu season. It must be administered within the first 48 hours after the
onset of flu symptoms and is administered as a dry powder through an oral
inhalation device. The dose is two inhalations twice daily for five days. The
cost for the five-day course of treatment at a Washington DC chain pharmacy is
Little information is available about the effectiveness of zanamivir, other
than what Glaxo Wellcome has chosen to make available. Of course, this is
almost always the good news. Drug companies control nearly all the information
about a new drug, from results of the first injection into a laboratory animal
to the contacting and promotion to doctors and pharmacists--and now through
direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs.


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it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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[CTRL] Center of Attention newsletter #118

1999-11-14 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 14 Nov 1999 08:06:25 -0500 (EST)
From:   Jason Dunlap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of Jon Locke)
Subject:[illusions] Center of Attention newsletter #118
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-=> Illusions Mailing List

This is an excerpt from the latest issue of Center of Attention newsletter,
one of the most
up-to-date news and comment of its kind.

Email Subscriptions were $26 for 13 issues, emailed every MONTH!
NOW, a special offer of, 1 year, 13 issues for only $15!

We hope you enjoy this thought provoking issue #118

Center of Attention newsletter
Twice, Monthly newsletter about UFOs Angels, and the NWO.
The Ascension of Earth.

Phone/fax:  408 448-8046

4231 Mountcastle Way, San Jose, CA.  95136
Directors:  Jason Dunlap, Barbara Bane, Wayne Nicholas

Center of Attention newsletter #118
Nov. 1999

UFO Intelligence Apparatus
Part III
by Jason Dunlap

In the past two issues, I showed how a vast, technologically advanced,
network of government sponsored agencies and personnel, have evolved into a
giant UFO Intelligence apparatus.  I believe the term "apparatus" is more
appropriate than agency, or Cabal.  It's more like a thing, a loosely,
flung-together contraption, controlled by the many arms of the
"octopus-like" arms of the power-elite.  The Apparatus operates for the
benefit of an elite agenda to dominate and control the world population.
The first thing to truly understand is that there really is a relatively
small group of people that use their vast wealth and resources to fulfill
an agenda of world conquest, which they and their ancestors have been
committed to for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

At this time in history, the elite are in possession of awesome, advanced
alien technology that gives them an unbelievable advantage over the
resources available to anyone who might oppose their agenda.  The price
these fools have paid to be given absolute control is to be subservient to
the advanced beings that gave them the technology.  They'll be kings, but
will have to run things the way the "evil empire" wants them to.  They
don't really believe that will be a problem, however.  They look at it as
an inevitable initiation into a great Galactic Brotherhood.  They consider
being Planetary Kings an honored place in the vast working of galactic
society.  Their true destiny, amounts to nothing more than prison camp
turn-coats.  The beings they are dealing with, intend to use the humanity
of Earth as a mere resource of food, labor and amusement.

The UFO Intelligence Apparatus includes certain departments in every
secret government agency.  Most of the people involved, unwittingly
cooperate with the hidden agendas of the power elite.  This includes the
military of every country, the national security agencies of every country,
and the United Nations.  To this end, every conceivable means to control
the activities, and behavior of every person has been developed.  They have
secret weapons capable of awesome destruction.  They developed mind control
technology to sway the emotions, and thoughts of any targeted person or
general area.  On the political side, agendas for population control,
depopulation, genetic and ethic selection are being fulfilled using
technology developed from alien provided information.  Recent reports, from
reliable sources within the darkest corners of government, confirm beyond
any doubt that human cloning has been taking place for some time, that the
goal of producing a "perfect soldier" is a reality.  People have seen these
beings, they are humans, only they still don't act exactly as their
creators would like, but they are working on it.

MK-Ultra is only one of many hundreds of mind control projects.  Like all
of them, the hope is to come as close as possible to instantly turn any
person into a mindless automaton, at will, to kill and/or control anyone,
anywhere, by merely thinking about it.  Those in power believe Heaven on
Earth can be a reality when they succeed at this!  That's how crazy they are.

HAARP is another scientific endeavor with evil overtones.  HAARP is a huge
antenna array, located in Alaska.  It is capable of transmitting incredible
amounts of energy into the atmosphere.  A book by the name, "Angels don't
Play this HAARP" goes into great, scientific detail about the HAARP project
and many of its malevolent objectives.  The bottom line is that HAARP is
most likely capable of controlling weather, causing earthquakes, and
beaming mind control signals into everyone's brain!

The most insidious of all the plots against the good of humanity is
Operation Blue Beam, and the other associated support projects.  In a
nutshell, the pur

[CTRL] [3] America’s Sixty Families

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
 America’s Sixty Families
Ferdinand Lundberg
The Vanguard Press©1937 & 1938
The Citadel Press
New York, NY
578 pages  Out-of-print

The Administration of Herbert Hoover was, in all fundamental aspects, a
regime of scandal, like its two predecessors. Hoover's strategy was to do
nothing, hoping that the country would remain on an even keel. The economic
debacle which overtook the nation under his rule cannot, it is true, be laid
to him alone. He did nothing to the situation; rather did the situation catch
up with the policy of drift and expediency which had marked all the
administrations since 1896. The culmination was poetically logical: Hoover
reaped what McKinley and Hanna, Roosevelt and Perkins, Wilson and Dodge,
Coolidge and Mellon had sown.

The most serious obstacle to the nomination of Hoover was Andrew W. Mellon
who, when Coolidge renounced another term, craftily reached out for the
presidency. Mellon was outmaneuvered at the Kansas City Republican convention
by the Philadelphia machine of William S. Vare, under control of E. T.
Stotesbury and Morgan, Drexel and Company. Hoover had long been a Morgan
puppet, and the Republican convention contest was strictly one between Morgan
finance capital and Mellon finance capital. Thomas Cochran, partner of J. P.
Morgan and Company, was on the ground at Kansas City as Hoover's invisible
field marshal.

Long before he became wartime Food Administrator the ambitious Hoover had
moved in the Morgan orbit. For more than twenty years he had promoted British
mining enterprises in Africa, Australia, and Asia, working in association
with British banks that were attuned with Morgan, Grenfell and Company of
London; Hoover, according to contracts on the record, drew $95,000 a year
salary for his promotional work and $5,000 a year for his engineering advice.
In 1909 Hoover reached the turning point in his career when he met in London
William Boyce Thompson, then a partner of Hayden, Stone and Company, New York
investment bankers. Thompson, a stock-market crony of Thomas W. Lamont of J.
P. Morgan and Company, was also primarily interested in mining promotions. He
brought Hoover into a number of Hayden, Stone and Company enterprises.

There has been some mystery made of the way in which Hoover came to the fore
as Food Administrator in the Wilson Administration; but there is really no
mystery. It was the influential Thompson who introduced Hoover, long absent
in foreign lands, to the leading figures of American finance and politics.
The Wilson Administration, as we have seen, was in the grip of the "copper
crowd," and with the members of this group Thompson was on intimate terms.

Hoover, unknown to the world at large, became Food Administrator after having
served as head of the Belgian relief group. In 1920 it was Thompson, when the
presidential bee was buzzing seductively around Hoover's head, who turned him
into the Republican Party and helped him make valuable political connections
in New York, Colorado, and California. Thompson, through his work for the
Guggenheims, enjoyed a wide acquaintanceship among politicians, newspaper
publishers, and businessmen in the western states; as chairman of the
Republican Ways and Means Committee he brought Hoover into close touch with
such figures as Charles Hayden, Albert H. Wiggin, Harry F. Sinclair, E. L.
Doheny, and Thomas W. Lamont. In 1928 Hayden, Thompson's old partner, was
placed in charge of Hoover's campaign finances.

The contest between Republicans and Democrats in 1928 was embittered by the
attempts of a young ambitious group gathered around the Du Ponts and Anaconda
Copper, to capture the presidency with Alfred E. Smith, Tammany Governor of
New York. This group, largely Catholic in composition, introduced a new note
in American politics, for it marked the beginning of the functioning of the
Roman Catholic Church on a national scale through the political apparatus of
financial capital. In the United States the Catholic Church had hitherto
concerned itself only with local politics in the large cities.

No fundamental policies were at issue between the two parties, Indeed, the
Democratic Party under the leadership of Smith came to resemble more nearly
than ever before the Republican Party. It threw overboard, for example, its
historic tariff policy. The ostensible issue was Prohibition, with Hoover
supporting the drys and thereby gaining the support of the Methodist
Anti-Saloon League of America. But not until 1932, under the leadership of
the wilful Du Ponts, was Prohibition to become a full-fledged economic issue
in national politics.

Smith talked about Teapot Dome and other Republican scandals, but was careful
neither to indict the Mellon tax infamies nor the speculative boom nourished
by Washington. Yet he attracted the support of certain liberals who were
undismayed by his uncouth East Side accent or his Tammany connections.
Smith's ostensible liberalism, however, merely r

[CTRL] [A] America’s Sixty Families - The Public-Utilities Background of Wilson's Backers

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
 America’s Sixty Families
Ferdinand Lundberg
The Vanguard Press©1937 & 1938
The Citadel Press
New York, NY
578 pages  Out-of-print

The Public-Utilities Background of Wilson's Backers

AN EXCEEDINGLY rich field in the most densely populated area of the country
was controlled by this group of utilities lords before 1912. Included in this
field were the Consolidated Gas Company of New York (Rockefeller),. the
constituent parts of what are now the Brooklyn Edison Company (Brady), the
New York Edison Company (Brady), the Third Avenue Railway Company
(RockefellerRyan), the New York Railways Company (Ryan), the Brooklyn Rapid
Transit Company (Brady), the Interborough Rapid Transit Company
(Belmont-Morgan), the developing Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Company
(Brady-Rockefeller), and the Queens Electric Light and Power Company
(Morgan-Baker). There were also scores of outlying, unconsolidated gas,
electric, and traction companies controlled by the same group and later

The same bloc controlled, either as individuals or collectively, the local
public utilities in practically every other large city of the United States
where there was not municipal ownership. And it was this bloc that surreptitio
usly fought public ownership through newspapers and political tools during
the early years of the century. Individuals like Hearst, striving to gain a
personal foothold in the same field, supported the public-ownership element
and mobilized liberal and radical sentiment for it in order to bring the
dominant interests to private terms.

The Metropolitan Securities Company, through which Ryan, Brady, and the
Rockefellers manipulated traction companies, functioned in collaboration with
Tammany Hall. As it was brought out by a grand jury in December, 1907, Ryan,
P. A. B. Widener, William L. Elkins, of Philadelphia, and William C. Whitney
bought from Anthony N. Brady for $250,000 the unused franchise of the Wall
and Cortland Street Ferries Railroad Company. This franchise was then sold to
the Metropolitan Securities Company for $965,607.19, yielding Ryan and his
associates a profit of $692,292.82 and Metropolitan Securities a loss equal
to the purchase price. Another operation by Ryan and his associates was the
purchase for $1,600,000 of the franchises of the People's Traction Company, a
paper enterprise, and the New York, Westchester and Connecticut Traction
Company. Shortly before this transaction the franchise of the latter company
had been, sold in bankruptcy proceedings for $15,000.

In 1907 the Public Service Commission learned that $16,oo in cash had
disappeared from the treasury of the Third Avenue Railway Company, controlled
by the Metropolitan Securities Company, and that the books had been
destroyed. Through tactics such as these, resorted to in connection with
scores of franchises, the investing public lost more than $90,000,00 in the
Metropolitan Street Railway Company.

Ryan and his cronies escaped prosecution for their misdeeds through the
collaboration of the authorities. The foreman of the grand jury which heard
the charges was, according to later revelations, a direc-tor in Ryan's
Equitable Life Assurance Society. And according to the opinion rendered by
Judge Otto Rosalsky in General Sessions on January 27, 19o8, District
Attorney William Travers Jerome had so examined Ryan before the Grand Jury as
to invalidate the state's case. Ryan's attorney was Paul D. Cravath.

Jerome admitted before an investigating commission that he had improperly
asked leading questions of Ryan and Brady. Yet removal proceedings instituted
against Jerome were dismissed by Governor Charles Evans Hughes, Cravath's law

The escape of Jerome, as well as of Ryan and his friends, was all the
stranger in view of the fact that William N. Amory, former official of the
Third Avenue Railway Company, charged that while he was a state's witness a
former law partner of Jerome offered him $200,000 to drop the accusations
against Brady and Ryan. It was also brought out that Samuel Untermyer,
counsel to Hyde in the insurance scandal, was a contributor to Jerome's
political campaign fund.

The Metropolitan Street Railway Company had extensive political connections.
State Senator Patrick H. McCarren of Brooklyn, realestate operator and
race-track entrepreneur, acted in Albany for Brady and Whitney, and was known
to function as well for H. H. Rogers, J., P. Morgan, August Belmont, and
William K. Vanderbilt. In 1910 it was brought out in an official inquiry that
ten members of the New York State Legislature were on the confidential pay
roll of Metropolitan Securities.

In New York City today virtually all the gas and electric companies have been
combined into the Consolidated Edison Corporation' (Morgan-Rockefeller). The
traction companies, losing propositions because of the indoctrination of the
public mind with the politically useful slogan of the five-cent fare, are n

[CTRL] [B] America’s Sixty Families - War Profits

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
 America’s Sixty Families
Ferdinand Lundberg
The Vanguard Press©1937 & 1938
The Citadel Press
New York, NY
578 pages  Out-of-print

War Profits

WHAT the war and Woodrow Wilson did for Wall Street is shown briefly by a few
random figures.

At the end of 1913 the assets of the Du Pont company were $74,817,826; at the
end of 1918 they were $308,846,297. Gross revenues in 1914 were $25,I79,948.
In 1915 they were $131,142,015, in 1916 they were $318,845,685, in 1917 they
were $269,842,465, and in 1918 they were $329,121,608. Du Pont war dividends
equaled 458 per cent on the par value of the original stock.

The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey until 1918 carefully concealed its
profit, but in that year it reported net income of $45,125,569, or as much as
all the constituent Standard Oil Companies annually earned before the
dissolution decree of 1911. Net profits of the Standard Oil Company of New
York were $7,735,919 in 1914; in 1915 they jumped to $36,638,495, in 1917 to
$30,000,673, and in 1918 to $28,642,388. Net profits of the Standard Oil
Company of California in 1914 were $10,058,388; in 1916 they had risen to
$17,6o5,304, in 1917 to $18,649,63o, and in 1919 to $31,o62,768. In 194 the
Standard Oil Company of Indiana had net profits of $6,590,924; in 191:6 the
profit was $30,043,614 in 1917 it was $43,808,930, and in 1918 it was
$43,263,877. The other Standard Oil units experienced similar gains; each of
the largest splinters of the old Standard Oil Trust were turning in greater
earnings than the parent company before 1911. Profits of the thirty-two
constituent units of the old Standard Oil Company in 1918 were about

But the cream of this jest appeared after the war, when the biggest Standard
Oil profits were still to come; for the automobile was now coming into
general use and Standard Oil was in a strategic position to take advantage of
the new vehicle. Before the war the Rockefeller profits came mainly from
sales of kerosene; during the war they came from the sale of crude petroleum;
after the war the biggest profits of all were to come from the sale of
gasoline drawn from regions that had been, of course, once a part of the
public domain.

The industrial enterprises of J. P. Morgan and Company followed the upward
wartime course of its many banks. Profits of United States Steel, which in
1914 were $23,496,768, in 1916 stood at $271,531,730, in 1917 at
$224,219,565, and in 1918 at $137,532,377. Assets in 1914 were
$1,765,257,492; in 1918 they were $2,571,617,175There had been a deficit for
the common stock in 1914, but in 1915 the common stock earned 9.96 per cent,
in 1916 it earned 48-46 per cent, in 1917 it earned 39-15 per cent, and in
1918 it earned 22.09 per cent. From 1915 to 1919 inclusive the United States
Steel Corporation paid dividends Of $355,000,560.

The activities of J. P. Morgan and Company-and its profits-were not confined
to United States Steel, however. The American Telephone and Telegraph Company
completed the job of acquiring almost all the telephone companies of the
nation; during the war it was saved serious embarrassment when the government
gave permission to raise telephone rates. The International Telephone and Tele
graph Company, the Radio Corporation of America, and the American and Foreign
Power Company were launched, and preparations were made for further coups in
the roaring twenties. The wartime gains of J. P. Morgan and Company and its
associated families were, indeed, so vast as to defy proper description.

The copper industry, its executives buying copper for the government, were
not behind the procession. Anaconda Copper, successor to Amalgamated -Copper
(its three leading directors still were Nicholas F. Brady, son of Anthony,
William Rockefeller, and Henry H. Rogers) saw its assets rise from
$141,400,798 in 1914 to $254,194,633 in 1919. In 1914 its net income amounted
to $9,198,420, or 7.86 per cent on the common stock. In 1915 net income was
$16,695,807 or 14.27 per cent; in 1916 it was $40,828,476, or 43.61 per cent;
in 1917 it was $25,203,751, or 21.74 per cent, 'and in 1918 it was
$20,802,870 or 18 per cent.

The assets of the Phelps Dodge Corporation, successor to Phelps, Dodge and
Company, in 1914 stood at $59,236,053 and in 1918 at .$241,432,427,
representing an increase rivaling that of the Du Pont Company. In 1914 net
income was $6,664,839, or 14.8 per cent on the common stock. In the next four
years, respectively, the company earned 21.6, 48-8, 37.6, and 22.8 per cent
on the common stock.

Assets of the Morgan-Guggenheim Utah Copper Company were $39,557108 in 1914
and $89,354,917 in 1918. Profits were $8,678,491 in 1914, $17,913,481 in
1915, $39,738,675 in 1916, $32,000,000 in 1917, and $24,750,000 in 1918. The
1917 earnings were 200 per cent and the 1918 earnings 150 per cent on the
capital stock.

According to a Congressional report, Expenditures in the Ordnance Department (

[CTRL] [Ea] America’s Sixty Families - Who Controls Industry?

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
 America’s Sixty Families
Ferdinand Lundberg
The Vanguard Press©1937 & 1938
The Citadel Press
New York, NY
578 pages  Out-of-print

Who Controls Industry? With a Note on the Case of Richard Whitney

"I have read Mr. Lundberg's book and the more important criticisms of it, and
I have found nothing in the criticisms which seem to me to discredit his
general conclusions or the character of the evidence he brings forth to
support them. This is the all-important fact to be kept in mind.
"Mr. Lundberg is no inexperienced charlatan. When he was writing on financial
subjects for a conservative paper his reliability was sufficient to make him
acceptable to the most aristocratic journal in this class.

"The procedure of avoiding the major argument by distracting attention to
details is a method so old that even Aristotle found it necessary to expose
"I believe that we may fairly say- that Mr. Lundberg's book is essentially
sound in all important respects."
--DR. HARRY ELMER BARNES Former Professor of History at Smith College, in THE

In America's 60 Families the author tried to present facts bearing on certain
questions of the utmost importance to all of us. The liberties, the
livelihoods, and the very lives of the American people are dependent on the
answers to such questions as:

Who controls industry?

Who decides on wage policies, which directly or indirectly affect all who
work for a living; -on prices,. which affect us all as consumers; and on
management and dividends, which affect all who own stocks, savings accounts,
or life insurance?

Who controls the press and other creators of public opinion?

Does a small group of people really control these vital activities?

Who are these people?

The book was naturally greeted with diverse receptions. The author has
studied carefully all the reviews he has been able to find, not so much as a
measure of public reaction but more as a means of supplementing and revising
what he wrote. In the case of a book like America's 60 Families the function
of the critic is, or should be, as creative as the function of the author.
The real critic must perform a public service in revealing facts, for or
against the author's thesis, which the author missed, and in correcting any
errors of fact or interpretation.

In the reviews, therefore, the author has sought answers to the questions:

What mistakes were made in the book?

What essential facts are not to be found in the. book?

The public, those who have read America's 60 Families and those who may in
the future read it, is entitled to answers to these questions—to complete
answers. In the months since publication, everybody who is familiar with any
field covered in the book or who has any information relating to any fact in
it, has had an opportunity to perform a public service by revealing new facts
or criticizing any statement made by the author. The following sums up what
has been brought forward by the reviewers.

Because the author had made no attempt to conform to the vested prejudices of
any critical group, it was to be expected that the criticism would range from
the "it's all lies" of the reactionaries, to "it's all old stuff" of the
liberals. It was to be expected that some of the publications referred to in
the book would discreetly refrain from reviewing it at all. It was to be
expected that some would attempt to demolish the entire factual structure of
the volume.

There have been a few critics, in some cases veiled in anonymity, who have
not scrupled to impugn every single fact, set forth in the book. Their
quarrel has not been with the author of America's 60 Families so much as with
contemporary statistics, memoirs, and documents. This type of critic has
built his case by first pointing out a misplaced comma, an error in the
printing of a figure, or a wrong initial. Then, in an attempt to create doubt
about the accuracy of the book as a whole on the basis of the specific minor
blemish cited, these critics have proceeded to bolster their case with fancy
and plain prevarication about alleged additional inaccuracies and blemishes
that do not, indeed, exist at all. In some instances the book has been
misquoted; but with commendable unanimity all such critics have discovered
the same wrong initial.

This supplement will not, however, concern itself with these critics, whom I
have answered at length in their own journals whenever the space to reply has
been made available.* It will confine itself to those critics who offer what
seem to be new facts or challenges to statements in the book; and to those
who attack the author's thesis as unproved, unfounded, or invalid. This discus
sion, therefore, is concerned with those questions raised by the reviewers
which might have been raised in the minds of the unprofessional reader. These
questions all revolve around the reader's question, Is it really true?[* Edito
r and Publisher, January 29 and 

[CTRL] [Eb] America’s Sixty Families - Who Controls Industry?

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
 America’s Sixty Families
Ferdinand Lundberg
The Vanguard Press©1937 & 1938
The Citadel Press
New York, NY
578 pages  Out-of-print

Editor and Publisher, which represents American newspaper publishers, in two
reviews of America's 60 Families (January 22 and February 5, 1938),
concentrated upon the chapters dealing with American journalism. But, it is
instructive to see, it, too, was mainly preoccupied, like the aforementioned
critics, with the idea of concentrated ownership and control. In the face of
the bare facts given in the book, Editor and Publisher denied that the press
is controlled by the individual members of the plutocracy.

Very diligently Editor and Publisher went to the trouble of tabulating the
newspaper properties owned by the wealthy families as given in America's 60
Families. It reported that "42 are found to have no press connections
whatever." In doing so it conveniently assumed that there had been an
exhaustive cataloguing of all the press connections of the faction of great
wealth, whereas there had been only a suggestive outlining of a great many of
these connections. The Editor and Publisher "breakdown" showed that America's
60 Families accounted for the press connections of approximately 30 per cent
of the wealthy families.

Triumphantly, Editor and Publisher listed the wealthy families to which Americ
a's 60 Families attributed no explicit press connections. Editor and
Publisher, however, carefully avoided saying that these families had no press
connections whatever; it said only that America's 60 Families did not connect
them with any publishing property. Now, selectivity is necessary in writing
any book conceived as less voluminous in scope than an encyclopedia, and the
author of America's 60 Families obviously could not list every press
connection of the plutocrats. But let us see what comfort there is for Editor
and Publisher in the judicious omissions by the author of America's 60

Editor and Publisher pointed out that no press connection is given for the
Flagler (Standard Oil) family. The author has evidence, however, which shows
that at one time virtually every important newspaper in Florida was under the
late Henry M. Flagler's thumb, owned, subsidized, or controlled. Today the
Louisville Courier-Journal and the Louisville Times are owned by the family
of Robert Worth Bingham, who married Flagler's widow and principal heir; this
ownership and connection is set forth in America's 60 Families, although Edito
r and Publisher ignored it.

Editor and Publisher also pointed out that no press connection is given for
the Pratt (Standard Oil) family. The author, however, has documentary
evidence showing that the Pratts had an interest in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle a
s of 1937-

The family of James J. Hill is also cited as one for which no journalistic
connection is given. In 1896 James J. Hill bought the St. Paul Globe and at
different times owned various newspapers throughout the Northwest, where his
railroad operated. The. Huntington family was also pointed out by Editor and
Publisher as one having no press connection, yet the late Collis P.
Huntington owned many newspapers, including the old New York Advertiser as
well as Pacific Coast publications.

The Gould family has no press connection established in America's 60
Families, Editor and Publisher said. Yet Jay Gould, through his dominance of
the Western Union Telegraph Company, for many years exerted an extraordinary
influence over newspapers and news-distributing agencies, as was testified by
Charles Francis Adams, according to the memoirs of Clarence W. Barron. Adams,
president of the Union Pacific Railway, told Barron how Gould would undermine
the position of a rival by planting rumors in the press of the nation
reflecting upon the rival's credit.

Editor and Publisher, in short, disliked the thesis that the Amer-ican
press is ruled, owned, and dominated by the plutocracy, and to combat the
argument, tried to take advantage of the fact that America's 60 Families is
not a catalogue of plutocratic press con-nections. The argument, however,
stands, supported by the exten-sive evidence cited in the book and by equally
extensive evidence retained by the author for the further confirmation of his
thesis. Editor and Publisher claimed, erroneously, that William Randolph
Hearst and Frank E. Gannett had been left out of the plutocratic circle of
press control in America's 60 Families. The book, how- ever, places Hearst
among a secondary group of ninety large pro-prietor families that share in
control of the press, and it shows that Gannett has been financed by the
International Paper Company (Mills, Reid, et al.).

Now, although it can be easily shown that a decisive majority of the families
of wealth in America have or have had some significant connection with the
journalistic enterprises of America, this was not, indeed, the argument at
all in America'

Re: [CTRL] "The Last Circle" Inaccessible

1999-11-14 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you, K!

 It is in the archives and also on the web page the archived posts refer
 http://www.lycaeum.org/books/books/last_circle/1.htm">The Last
Circle - Introduction & Chapter 1


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Our Only Congressman Ron Paul

1999-11-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
 Subject: Our Only Congressman Ron Paul

Congressman Ron Paul
House of Representatives
203 Cannon
Washington D.C. 20515

Dear Friend:

The other day, I made a huge "gaffe" on national TV: I told the truth
about the crimes of the U.S. government. As you can imagine, the
ceiling fell in, and a couple of walls too.

Congressmen are supposed to support the government, I was told.
Oh, it's okay to criticize around the edges, but there are certain
subjects a member of the House of Representatives is not
supposed to bring up. But I touched the real "third-rail" of American
politics, and the sparks sure flew.

I was interviewed on C-SPAN's morning "Washington Journal," and
I used the opportunity, as I do all such media appearances, to
point out how many of our liberties have been stolen by the federal
government. We must take them back.

The Constitution, after all, has a VERY limited role for Washington,
D.C. If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no
federal meddling in our schools; no Federal Reserve; no U.S.
membership in the UN; no gun control; and no foreign aid.

We would have no welfare for big corporations, or the "poor"; no
American troops in 100 foreign countries; no NAFTA, GATT, or
"fast-track"; no arrogant federal judges usurping states rights; no
attacks on private property; and no income tax. We could get rid of
most of the cabinet departments, most of the agencies, and most
of the budget. The government would be small, frugal, and limited.

That system is called liberty. It's what the Founding Fathers gave
us. Under liberty, we built the greatest, freest, most prosperous,
most decent country on earth. It's no coincidence that the
monstrous growth of the federal government has been
accompanied by a sickening decline in living standards and moral

The feds want us to be hamsters on a treadmill -- working hard, all
day long, to pay high taxes, but otherwise entirely docile and
controlled. The huge, expensive, and out-of-control leviathan that
we call the federal government wants to run every single aspect of
our lives.

Well, I'm sorry, but that's not America. It's not what the Founders
gave us. It's not the country you believe in. It's not the country I
believe in.

So, on that TV interview, I emphasized not only the attacks on our
property, but also the decline of our civil liberties, at the hands of
the federal police. There are not supposed to be ANY federal
police, according to the Constitution.

Then I really went over the line. I talked about the Waco
massacre.Bill Clinton and Janet Reno claim those 81 church
members, including 19 children, burned down their own church and
killed themselves, and good riddance. So they put the few survivors
on trial, and threw them in prison for 40 years.

We're not supposed to remember that the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, and Firearms -- talk about an unconstitutional agency --
rather than arrest David Koresh on his regular morning jog, called in
the TV stations for a big publicity bonanza, and sent a swat team
in black masks and black uniforms to break down his front door,
guns blazing. They also sent in a helicopter gunship, to shoot at
the roof of a church full of innocents.

The Branch Davidians resisted, and after a heartless siege of
almost two months, and after cuttin off food, water, and electricity,
and playing horrible rock and roll through huge speakers 24 hours a
day, the feds sent in the tanks to crush the walls of the church,
and inject poisonous CS gas. Now, CS gas is banned under the
Paris Convention on Chemical Warfare. The U.S. could not use it in
a war. But it could and did use it against American civilians.

After the tanks did their work on the church, the place burst into
flame, and all 81 people -- men, women, children, and babies--were
incinerated in a screaming horror. Did some feds set the fire? Did
the flammable CS gas ignite, since without electricity, the
parishioners were using lanterns? Did a tank knock over a lantern,
striking one of the bales of hay being used against the thin walls as
a "defense" against bullets? Or did the Davidians, as Clinton and
Reno claim, kill themselves?

A new documentary -- Waco: The Rules of Engagement -- may
show, through FLIR infrared photography, FBI snipers killing the
Davidians by shooting through the back of the church, where no
media cameras were allowed. This film won a prize at the famed
Sundance Film Festival. It was made by people who took the
government's side, until they investigated.

Whatever the t

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Barry Seal and Carlos Marcellos and Jim Garrison and JFK

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan


My brother John was one of Barry Seal's best friends in hi school. We
lived two blocks from each other. They were in the Civil Air Patrol (CAP)
together. One morning, in 1959 or '60, John and Barry flew a Piper Cub to
Lacombe (a small private airport on the north shore of L. Pontchartrain, in
the New Orleans metro area). David Ferrie (one of Garrison's key witnesses)
-- an Eastern Airlines pilot and CIA deep-cover operative -- was there
training his own CAP unit (the New Orleans unit) on the tarmac. My brother
also says there was, what appeared to be 3 or 4 platoons of "Cuban-looking"
soldiers assembled nearby. Barry later told John that they were anti-Castro
guerillas who were training there to go after the Cuban dictator. Seal met
with Ferrie for about 15 minutes, then returned to the plane. On the flight
back to Baton Rouge, Seal essentially invited my brother to work for Ferrie,
making about $400 a week to fly "light cargo" to Central America. At the
time, our dad made about $800 a month, and we weren't poor. John later
learned that Ferrie was CIA, and that Seal had flown as a contract pilot for
the Agency. He never accepted Seal's offer because he wanted to be naval
aviator, and was studying hard to earn an appointment to the U.S. Naval
Ferrie was a homosexual, and used the Civil Air Patrol to lure teenagers
to his French Quarter apartment for gay orgies. During that same timeframe,
one of Ferrie's more notorious CAP members was a boy named "Lee." On November
22, 1963, when my brother was a junior at Annapolis, he remembered Lee,
because Lee was being accused of assassinating the president. Lee's full name
was Lee Harvey Oswald.
You can read more about this in my new book, "Sold Out: The Clinton
Legacy." But Daniel Hopsicker is writing a book exclusively about Seal, Mena,
and the CIA's dirty involvement in drug trafficking. Daniel's book will go
into a lot more detail than mine. What I mainly deal with is my brother's
memories of his days with Seal, and what I've learned about Clinton's
connections with the Mena operation. I would also highly recommend renting
Oliver Stone's "JFK" on video. A lot of what's in the film is extremely
Hope you found this interesting.


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[CTRL] Santa Claus not christian

1999-11-14 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Tribunal dismisses parent's Santa discrimination claim

from The Excite Australia Channels
November 12th 1999
2: 52 PM AEST November 12

A Jewish man who refused to let his children associate with Santa Claus
at school has lost his discrimination case against the New South Wales
Education Department.

A Sydney tribunal has found that Santa Claus is not a symbol of

Identified only as Mr A, the Jewish man objected to Santa's presence at
the Sydney primary school.

In his racial discrimination complaint against the department, Mr A said
Santa is a Christian figure and he did not want his children singing
Christmas carols or receiving lollies from Santa.

However, the Dean of Saint Mary's Cathedral, the Reverend Anthony Doherty,
told the Administrative Decisions Tribunal Santa Claus is a delightful
story but has nothing to do with Christianity.

In dismissing the complaint that the school discriminated against the
children because of its Christmas activities, the tribunal ruled that
it cannot be said that a detriment has been suffered simply because
diverse groups should find ways of coexisting with each other.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1

1999-11-14 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991114a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* Happy birthday Wayne, Bruce, Jean, Jeanne, Larry... aw, hell with Larry!
* No state capitals were invaded by mercenaries to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Politics In Hollywood: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/arts/nutz1.png
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Number Of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids Grows To 200. Officials at the
  Minor Planet Center announced the addition of a 200th asteroid to a list
  of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs). These rocks in space can pass
  within 5 million miles of Earth and are brighter than magnitude 22, a
  measurement that suggests the asteroids are more than about 600 feet
  across. http://www.sightings.com/ufo5/stroids.htm

#  Class 'M' Solar Mass Ejection Likely To Strike Earth November 15:

: Will terrestrial devastation via Solar [Coronal] Mass Ejection [CME] be my
birthday gift? Would you rather be destroyed by CME, asteroid strike, global
warming, plague, divine will, nukes, locusts/ants, chupacabras, HAARP, sex?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

$ PROFITS CONFAB. Prophets Conference ~ Santa Fe - Rearrange the planetary
  field of consciousness & shake the foundations of consensus Reality by
  igniting the powerful divine spark within us all. We're on a very long
  journey leading to our becoming the New People, standing ready for the New
  Reality. Our quest for transformation calls for healing the split between
  science & spirituality, between the physical & the metaphysical, between
  body & mind, between time & eternity, and between ourselves & our Earth.
  We are the mystics, the scientists, the artists, the cybernauts, the
  explorers, the dreamers, the magicians, the visionaries, the shaman, the
  mapmakers, the lovers, and the healers, stepping out from the fringe, and
  coming together to redefine the possible. Together, we unlock the great
  life force and evolve into novelty and breakthrough, allowing our visions
  to come true. Wooga wooga: http://greatmystery.org/santafeconference.html

: Do you ignite your divine spark to light farts? Does the New Reality cost
more than the Old? Does the split between time & eternity drain your laptop
batteries? Why have multiple mystics/lovers/healers but just one shaman? If
you unlock a great life force will the cats escape? D'ya charge for visions?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# S. Carolina Capital Attacked by UN, Marines. Columbia, South Carolina is
  currently being subjected to a Urban Warfare assault by masses of U.S.
  Marines and U.N. troops. Although the assault was originally scheduled
  to last a week, it was then extended to a month; the occupation is now
  indefinate: http://www.thestate.com/headlines/a1docs/aaron_marines13.htm

: What cities/towns/villages would you most like to invade? Have you invaded
any lately? Were they worth the bother? Would you rather go to Las Vegas???

@ Psychotropic Accountability:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Holy Shroud Speaks of Millennium, Apocalypse. DALLAS (PRNewswire) Put
  aside for a moment the question of whether the Shroud of Turin is really
  the Holy Shroud, the cloth in which Jesus was buried. Ask instead what
  difference it would make, one way or the other. Or if you really give a
  rat's ass about it: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/991109/holiday_pa_1.html

: Do you care about the Turin Shroud? Have you enriched authors who blather
about it? Do you engage in heated argument over it? Do you yourself foment
such debate, profit from the arguments, exploit the fraud, blather? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ SciBorg - Vision: http://www.scicentral.com/Y-scborg.html#vision

# Surgeons Hail Blindness Cure: [BBC News]
# Seeing is Believing: (synthetic vision systems) [Technology Review]
# Now You See It: [New Scientist]
# Implantable Visual Prosthesis May Deliver Sight to the Blind: [IIT]
# Vision of the Future: [BBC]
# False Eye "Grown" in Man's Cheek: [Connected2]

: What's y'r favorite visual prosthesis? Do you need more eyes? Are eyes too
limited? Should wideband EMF sensors plug directly into your visual centers?
Do you have such implants already? D'ya pity those who merely 'see'? Should/
do swarms of tiny flying sensors fl

[CTRL] Illuminati Grades

1999-11-14 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-


In the beginning there was Logos and Logos was with God (John 1:1).

This light, which comes out from the Father-region is called LOGOS, THE WORD or
from other different names like CHABD, SHABDA, NAM and NAAM. The old Egyptians
called it PTRA. Logos is a sound and light-stream which comes down from the
Father and passes through each and everyone, where sound is the essence and
light the substance.

Regarding to the esoteric schools there is nothing which is not light and all
light is consciousness and a thought. The purest light is pure spirit without
matter and it is space in itself. In the beginning there was nothing, and there
wasn't even a nothingness. This is Beingness, the true Father and which is
darkness, the invisible light, while light as matter is the true darkness which
forgot the true nature of light and is mobile light.

Light in itself is a thought and no-matter which comes about as matter only
when it is given attention, otherwise as energy. In this Father region no life
exists, just consciousness. Life envelops through movement and is consciousness
in movement. It's told that within this ocean of light and sound, everything
emerges. In its highest condition there is no light, just a sound of a one-hand
applause. When it meets resonance (attention) light emerges, which is matter
and which forms the form-giving creation.

The fulfilled Father/Mother is a homogenic ocean of pure spirit. It is perfect,
superior in itself to itself in an ecstatic condition of love and blessing.

Before birth and creation itself alone was consciousness. It was just it that
saw and just it to be seen. Its prime nature was love and there was nothing
else. All consciousness was directed inwards toward itself, and love was its
nature and essence, always active and required no object for to express itself,
it is nothing but a big reservoir of love. This unlimited reservoir of love as
in itself only existed, as with nobody exchanged its love. Everything has
emerged from this and therefore there is love in everything and wherein there
is no love, it can't be perceived (Phelps Notes by Myron H. Phelps 1947).

Out from Anami emerged a Word and Agam, Alakh and Sat Lok were created. The
Word was the essence and the word Sar emerged from Sat Lok and created 16
Nirguns, also called the father's sixteen sons, and Bhanwarguphá, Mahá Sunna
and Sunna. After a very long time the word from Sunna created Trikuti (the
kasual level).

It is on top of this region that the Buddhism Nirvana lies, or where the
Jew-created God's domains are positioned, or the Brhamma from Hinduism emerges.
It's the region where the mind and the mind-related creation emerges. The
regions from this level and thereunder is said to be ruled by the fallen angel
called Satan, the ego of truth or the I of God, the universal personality. Who
was the fifth of the sixteen sons and called Kal-Niranjan, which means time
beyond creation, or the outflow. The Devil Diablo which means the divider, him
who divided the unit into many. Him who got the mission to create God's own
creation and who then created his own creation under God's creation, as he
didn't like God's creation, as he wanted a creation to his own image. He is
Jehovah,with whom the Jews say they have made a treaty and who regarding to
them wished for Abraham to sacrifice his firstborn to him and who's existence
Buddha didn't know of, or the Hinduism, but in the Veda books were called Neti
Neti, not this and not that.

It is to him the soul is in debt; "an eye for an eye - a tooth for a tooth",
"the law of kharma", "what you seed you shall harvest" within his creation,
who's tribute he demands shall be paid by you or somebody else for you, before
the soul can be separated from the mind. The key to how the soul is separated
from the mind is not told within Buddhism or Hinduism.

In the higher spheres of Satanism the father shall sacrifice his first born son
in a fire ceremony, or the child shall sacrifice his father by killing him with
a double-bladed knife.

John Dee was an astrologer in the Court of Elisabeth I. He was also her
unofficial secret agent and signed his reports with 007. Dee was an adept and a
widely famous seer and said he was in contact with an angel with a wand. What
is reproduced below are a few pieces from the "19 keys" which was printed 1659
by John Dee.These are written in enochian, which is a language which is said to
be even older than Sanskrit. The sound from this language is like a mix of
Arabian, Latin and Hebrew. These 19 keys are the verses the Satanists sing in
their rituals in enochian and is then said to turn on vibrations in the ether
for to bring down the forces they address.

- Look! says Satan, I am a circle on which hands stand 12 Realms. In the
beginning I made you into marshals and placed you in the Board of the 12 seats,
giving to each one of you power over time, you true noble, and that you from
your highest, and from the 

[CTRL] IlluminatiNews: An overall briefing

1999-11-14 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-


[Updated 9 March 1999]

The Illuminati and the Black Nobility
Secret societies
The Satanists
The New Anti-Christ
The Bilderbergers
The Trilateral Commission
The Council on Foreign Relations
The Committee of 300

GLOBAL ELITE (Black Nobility,
  Illuminati, Committee 300)
 BONES, etc.
   The Round Table/
   Royal Institute of Int. Affairs
   Bilderberg Group
Nation States
  European Union and
Trading Blocs
United Nations

Look again at the table above. Have you seen it before? I'm sure most people
haven't. It was first exposed in a book by David Icke called "And the truth
shall set you free". This is the real power structure on planet Earth. It's
also the "chain of commands" which is valid today and has been for quite some
time now.

This whole thing might be unreal to many people, but I ask you to consider it.
Most of us can agree on that something is very wrong with this planet. Civil
wars, diseases, famine, ethnic cleansing, religious wars, different violations
of human rights... the list is long and it just goes on. Are all those bad
conditions totally separated from each other, or do they have a common source?

All I ask from you is to think for yourself. Throw away everything "you've been
told", things "you've learnt in school", what you've "heard on the radio", what
you've "seen on Television", what "politicians have told you" etceteras - just
for a moment. Let's start thinking for ourselves for just awhile. It's not too
often we do have that opportunity. We are constantly fed with propaganda, bad
news, opinions, lies and there are tons of untold secrets. Much of the lies
come through the media, which is owned by a few people at the top of the table
above. All and everything is to align with those people's intentions and goals.

These web pages have a certain purpose. First of all I will try to brief you on
the current scene, especially the political one, in the world of today. When
this is done, I will try to explain what is really happening, not the false
data you get when you follow the news on Television or in the papers. I will
try to comment important things we're fed with and explain or debate them. All
this based on the facts I'm going to give you soon. Also, these web pages will
be currently updated as new data come along. But to understand it all, you have
to be briefed on the scene of this planet, the version you were never meant to
get - the truth certain people don't want you to know...


Illuminati means "the enlightened ones" or "bearer of light", which refers to
Lucifer or Satan. Those top players, called the Illuminati or Moriah, on the
International playground belong to the thirteen of the wealthiest families in
the world, and they are the men who really rule the world from behind the
scene. They are the "Black Nobility", the Decision Makers, who make up the
rules for presidents and governments to follow and they are always withdrawn
from public eyes, as their action can't stand scrutiny. Their bloodlines go
back thousands of years and they are very careful to keep these bloodlines
going from generation to generation without breaking it.

Their power lies in the occult and in economy - money creates power. They own
all the International banks, the oil-businesses, the most powerful businesses
of industry and trade, they infiltrate politics and they own most governments
- or at least control them. An example of this is the American election for
presidency. It's no secret that the candidate, who gets the most sponsorship
in form of money, wins the election, as this gives the power to un-create the
opposed candidate.

And who sponsors the "right" candidate? The Illuminati does. Sometimes they
sponsor both sides to have a game going. They decide who will be the next
president, and they see to that their man wins. Most president campaigns are
financed with drug money, which is understandable if you know that the
Illuminati run the drug 

Re: [CTRL] Santa Claus not christian

1999-11-14 Thread Maggie

 -Caveat Lector-

The other night, very late, I saw this very fascinating documentary on soda
pop. It focused mainly on Coke and Pepsi. It talked about how Coca Cola
created the Santa Claus we see today - the fat, happy man in red and white.
Before he had been dressed in green and a was dour looking character. Coke
changed him to go with their colors and to associate themselves with
Christmas. Anyway, I thought it was interesting.
- Original Message -
From: Taylor, John (JH) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 12:42 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Santa Claus not christian

: -Caveat Lector-
: Tribunal dismisses parent's Santa discrimination claim
: from The Excite Australia Channels
: www.excite.com.au
: November 12th 1999
: 2: 52 PM AEST November 12
: A Jewish man who refused to let his children associate with Santa Claus
: at school has lost his discrimination case against the New South Wales
: Education Department.
: A Sydney tribunal has found that Santa Claus is not a symbol of
: Christianity.
: Identified only as Mr A, the Jewish man objected to Santa's presence at
: the Sydney primary school.
: In his racial discrimination complaint against the department, Mr A said
: Santa is a Christian figure and he did not want his children singing
: Christmas carols or receiving lollies from Santa.
: However, the Dean of Saint Mary's Cathedral, the Reverend Anthony Doherty,
: told the Administrative Decisions Tribunal Santa Claus is a delightful
: story but has nothing to do with Christianity.
: In dismissing the complaint that the school discriminated against the
: children because of its Christmas activities, the tribunal ruled that
: it cannot be said that a detriment has been suffered simply because
: diverse groups should find ways of coexisting with each other.
: ==
: CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
: screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
: and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
: frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
: spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
: gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
: be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
: nazi's need not apply.
: Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
: Archives Available at:
: http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
: To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
: To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
: Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Santa Claus not christian

1999-11-14 Thread Terry Cox

Christmas was illegal in this country when it 
was founded.
When the Catholic immigration occurred there was 
pressure to celebrate it.  I think it was l858 that Massachusetts said it 
was not illegal to celebrate Christmas.
Certainly one can't find Christmas in the Bible, no 
matter what/when its origins.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 4:24 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Santa Claus not 
  -Caveat Lector-The other night, very late, I saw this 
  very fascinating documentary on sodapop. It focused mainly on Coke and 
  Pepsi. It talked about how Coca Colacreated the Santa Claus we see today - 
  the fat, happy man in red and white.Before he had been dressed in green 
  and a was dour looking character. Cokechanged him to go with their colors 
  and to associate themselves withChristmas. Anyway, I thought it was 
  interesting.- Original Message -From: Taylor, John (JH) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
  Sunday, November 14, 1999 12:42 PMSubject: [CTRL] Santa Claus not 
  christian: -Caveat Lector-:: Tribunal dismisses parent's 
  Santa discrimination claim:: from The Excite Australia Channels: 
  www.excite.com.au: November 12th 
  1999: 2: 52 PM AEST November 12:: A Jewish man who refused to let 
  his children associate with Santa Claus: at school has lost his 
  discrimination case against the New South Wales: Education 
  Department.:: A Sydney tribunal has found that Santa Claus is not a 
  symbol of: Christianity.:: Identified only as Mr A, the Jewish man 
  objected to Santa's presence at: the Sydney primary school.:: In 
  his racial discrimination complaint against the department, Mr A said: 
  Santa is a Christian figure and he did not want his children singing: 
  Christmas carols or receiving lollies from Santa.:: However, the Dean 
  of Saint Mary's Cathedral, the Reverend Anthony Doherty,: told the 
  Administrative Decisions Tribunal Santa Claus is a delightful: story but 
  has nothing to do with Christianity.:: In dismissing the complaint 
  that the school discriminated against the: children because of its 
  Christmas activities, the tribunal ruled that: it cannot be said that a 
  detriment has been suffered simply because: diverse groups should find 
  ways of coexisting with each other.:: DECLARATION & 
  DISCLAIMER: ==: CTRL is a discussion and informational 
  exchange list. Proselyztingpropagandic: screeds are not allowed. 
  Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordidmatters: and 
  'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections 
  andoutright: frauds is used politically  by different groups with 
  major and minoreffects: spread throughout the spectrum of time and 
  thought. That being said, CTRL: gives no endorsement to the validity of 
  posts, and always suggests toreaders;: be wary of what you read. CTRL 
  gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and: nazi's need not 
  apply.:: Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.: 
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  propagandicscreeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These 
  are sordid mattersand 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, 
  misdirections and outrightfrauds is used politically  by different 
  groups with major and minor effectsspread throughout the spectrum of time 
  and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of 
  posts, and always suggests to readers;be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 
  no credeence to Holocaust denial andnazi's need not apply.Let us 
  please be civil and as always, Caveat 
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[CTRL] Please Sign petition to end Chinese beachhead in Panama.

1999-11-14 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Please Sign petition to end Chinese beachhead in Panama.

God Bless
 http://www.eagleforum.org/panama/petition/index.html">Sign Eagle
Forum's petition to STOP the Panama Giveaway!


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Henderson in Hotel Kalifornia

1999-11-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-11-14 11:36:35 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Sixteen years; Ray and Angie have been dead for sixteen years, I've been
>locked up, the actual killers have walked free - for sixteen years. While one
>of the prosecutors - William Fazio - proved to be too dirty even for his
>buddies, and was forced out of the DA's office during an unsuccessful bid to
>become DA himself, another prosecutor - James McBride - is now a municipal
>court judge; interesting occupation for a man who forged a subpeona duces
>tecum form, then crossed several state boundaries in order to illegally
>access my medical records (a Federal crime). The cops, Prentice Sanders and
>Napolean Hendrix (yes, Napolean really is his name) are still cops; both of
>them perjured themselves, continue to make arrests - Sanders has even been
>promoted to Deputy Chief of Police.

Don't worry, time heals all wounds ... Or the memory of suckers is very
short-term ...
Fazio, described above as "too dirty even for his buddies, and ... forced out
of the DA's office," is now facing a tie-breaker with incumbent Terence
Hallinan after this year's vote for who should hold office as District
Attorney --chief lawmaker-- of San Francisco ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Chinese Intelligence Sponsored Clinton in 1985

1999-11-14 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Chinese Intelligence Sponsored Clinton in 1985


The FBI debriefing notes of suspected Chinese Spy John Huang confirm that the
ties between Chinese intelligence run deeper and go further back than the
1996 presidential election that has been the focus of campaign fundraising

John Huang reveals that in 1985, China Resources Corp., a front for Chinese
intelligence, financed a Lippo-organized trip to Asia by then-governor Bill

Four years later, in 1989, John Huang together with Chinese agent Maria Hsia
and James Riady of Lippo, formed the Pacific Leadership Council, and invited
none other than then-Senator Al Gore to the Hsi Lai temple headquarters in
Taiwan in 1989. On behalf of the Chinese government, Maria Hsia promised Al
Gore that she would persuade all her colleagues "in the future to play a
leader role in your presidential race."

It may be a mere coincidence, then, that the two in 1992 formed the
Clinton-Gore ticket that won in both the primaries and in the general
election with what we now know be heavy financial support from Communist
China. Support was funneled, in part, through Lippo group where China
Resources Corp. by then had bought an interest.

When Al Gore entered the Hsi Lai temple of Los Angeles seven years later to
facilitate the laundry of donations in a "fund-raiser," he must have known it
came from the Chinese government.

It was not until 1996, when Judicial Watch deposed John Huang for its
"Commercegate" lawsuit that the public learned about the role of Chinese
money in the Clinton campaign and in the Democrat Party. The seeds for that
role may have been sown already back in the 1980s when the Chinese CIA
spotted two up-and-coming American politicians and decided to invest in their


Published in the Nov. 15, 1999 issue of The Washington Weekly. Copyright ©
1999 The Washington Weekly (http://www.federal.com). Reposting permitted with
this message intact.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [CIA-DRUGS] Barry Seal and Carlos Marcellos and Jim Garrison and JFK

1999-11-14 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Barry Seal and Carlos Marcellos and Jim Garrison
and JFK

>My brother John was one of Barry Seal's best friends in hi school. We
>lived two blocks from each other. They were in the Civil Air Patrol (CAP)
>together. One morning, in 1959 or '60, John and Barry flew a Piper Cub to
>Lacombe (a small private airport on the north shore of L. Pontchartrain, in
>the New Orleans metro area). David Ferrie (one of Garrison's key witnesses)
>-- an Eastern Airlines pilot and CIA deep-cover operative -- was there
>training his own CAP unit (the New Orleans unit) on the tarmac. My brother
>also says there was, what appeared to be 3 or 4 platoons of "Cuban-looking"
>soldiers assembled nearby. Barry later told John that they were anti-Castro
>guerillas who were training there to go after the Cuban dictator. Seal met
>with Ferrie for about 15 minutes, then returned to the plane. On the flight
>back to Baton Rouge, Seal essentially invited my brother to work for
>making about $400 a week to fly "light cargo" to Central America. At the
>time, our dad made about $800 a month, and we weren't poor. John later
>learned that Ferrie was CIA, and that Seal had flown as a contract pilot
>the Agency. He never accepted Seal's offer because he wanted to be naval
>aviator, and was studying hard to earn an appointment to the U.S. Naval
>Ferrie was a homosexual, and used the Civil Air Patrol to lure
>to his French Quarter apartment for gay orgies. During that same timeframe,
>one of Ferrie's more notorious CAP members was a boy named "Lee." On
>22, 1963, when my brother was a junior at Annapolis, he remembered Lee,
>because Lee was being accused of assassinating the president. Lee's full
>was Lee Harvey Oswald.
>You can read more about this in my new book, "Sold Out: The Clinton
>Legacy." But Daniel Hopsicker is writing a book exclusively about Seal,
>and the CIA's dirty involvement in drug trafficking. Daniel's book will go
>into a lot more detail than mine. What I mainly deal with is my brother's
>memories of his days with Seal, and what I've learned about Clinton's
>connections with the Mena operation. I would also highly recommend renting
>Oliver Stone's "JFK" on video. A lot of what's in the film is extremely
>Hope you found this interesting.
>--- ONElist Sponsor 
>Tired of filling out forms and remembering passwords? Gator fills in
>forms and passwords with just one click! Comes with $50 in free coupons!
>  http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/gator4 ">Click Here

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] AIDS/Polio Vaccine Link Disputed

1999-11-14 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Wistar Responds to Claims on AIDS Origin

By David Morgan

PHILADELPHIA, Nov 10 (Reuters) - An eminent US medical research center will
release lab specimens from a 1950s polio vaccine project in Africa in hopes
of dispelling claims that its scientists inadvertently caused the AIDS
epidemic, officials said on Monday.

For more than a decade, the Wistar Institute and two of its leading
scientists have been dogged by speculation that the AIDS virus was
transmitted from chimpanzees to humans through an oral polio vaccine given to
more than 1 million people, mostly children, in central Africa.

Officials at the private, nonprofit institute said it would allow two
independent labs to test material from the 1957-1960 vaccine trials in hopes
that this will end the controversy by showing no evidence of simian
immunodeficiency virus (SIV), which affects chimpanzees.

Scientists believe the AIDS epidemic, which has stricken 33 million people
worldwide, began after SIV was transmitted from chimpanzees to human beings
in western central Africa. Officials at the US Centers for Disease Control
say it probably occurred during the slaughter of chimpanzees as early as the

Recently, however, the polio vaccine theory has been thrown back into the
spotlight by a new book by British journalist Edward Hooper, whose research
suggests that vaccine batches may been made from chimpanzee kidneys and
tainted with SIV.

Two Wistar scientists who led the polio research, former institute director
Dr. Hilary Koprowski and his former deputy Dr. Stanley Plotkin, reject this

"The idea is a house of cards built on circumstantial evidence, and whatever
doesn't fit has been ignored. It's also, frankly, an attack on people's
reputations, and I feel it has to be dealt with," said Dr. Plotkin, 67, who
developed the modern rubella vaccine before leaving Wistar for France's
Pasteur Merrieux Connaught.

Two laboratories, which will be selected by Dr. Plotkin, will conduct the
tests and will have the specimens by the end of this year.

"We just feel we can put that issue to rest if it's tested. Then...we've done
exactly what people feel would be necessary at least to relieve the tension
over this issue," Wistar Chief Administrator Clayton Buck said.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: [CIA-DRUGS] (1) Chronology of the Dulles-Nixon-Bush "Octopus"

1999-11-14 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] (1) Chronology of the Dulles-Nixon-Bush "Octopus"

>"He said, "I'll tell you WHO they are.  After you're done
>investigating, you'll know WHAT they are."
> "'Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines, Richard Secord, Albert
>Hakim, Rafael "Chi Chi" Quintero, and Eric Von Marbod.'"
> "So we went off to find out who these people were.
> "An extraordinary series of events began to unfold which
>resulted in the ruling of a federal court in Miami.  The court
>said, 'What you have here is an ongoing criminal enterprise
>dating from [at least] 1960.'
> "What we discovered is that the person who had been
>directing the operations [of the 'Secret Government'] was a man
>by the name of Theodore Shackley.
>I can not express how warm this makes my heart.  For a quick look at other
>of these --- the most agregious mass murders on earth ---  see
>Brian Downing Quig
>Linda Minor wrote:
>> Selected excerpts from attached posting
>> Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999 5:23 AM
>> Subject: [CTRL] (1) Chronology of the Dulles-Nixon-Bush "Octopus"
>> "As we began to investigate, we discovered that the domestic
>> readiness exercise was going to be undertaken and supervised by
>> the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  That came as a
>> surprise to us, since FEMA was supposedly only concerned with
>> hurricane and flood relief and civil defense.
>> "The [planners of the exercise] were the same geniuses who
>> brought you the post-nuclear war scenario, detailing how they
>> could move the entire population of Los Angeles out to one small
>> town in the Tehachapee mountains in only a couple days ...
>>  "Further investigation revealed that the Reagan
>> administration had brought a man by the name of Louis Guiffreda
>> to Washington DC to run the FEMA exercise.
>>  "Guiffreda had begun as the chief of the California-based
>> Crime Training Institute, which specialized in anti-terrorist
>> training for police departments.
>> "Noting the fact that [Guiffreda] was now heading up a
>> similar 'preparedness exercise' on the federal level, I pursued
>> the investigation.
>>  "From a source inside FEMA itself, we learned of a plan
>> whereby FEMA would first deputize members of the Department of
>> Defense and then state National Guard groups.  The latter would
>> then organize civilian groups called 'State Defense Forces.'
>> "We learned that these 'State Defense Forces' had recently
>> been created by the passage of obscure statutes in three Deep
>> South states, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas.
>> "In those states, the only people who had heard of the plan
>> for 'State Defense Forces' were [government-trained "Special
>> Forces" mercenaries] and [far-right-wing, racist, 'death squad'-
>> type 'militias' such as those overseen by Maj-Gen. SINGLAUB] at
>> 'survivalist' training camps during their weekend 'war games'
>> ['fortuitously' coinciding with the government exercise].
>>  "THOSE were the kind of men from whom members of the future
>> 'State Defense Forces' were to be be chosen ...
>>  "Vast quantities of US military equipment were delivered by
>> the National Guard to these pretend 'State Defense Forces' -- but
>> interestingly, after millions of dollars of armaments had been
>> distributed during readiness exercise [REX 84 Bravo], HALF of it
>> disappeared, covered up only by a trick of bookkeeping ..."
>> "When we began to investigate who was participating in such
>> enterprises on a federal level, we were visited by a former
>> military intelligence agent who said, "Don't you realize who the
>> people are that you're dealing with?"
>>  "We didn't know whether to pretend to be very knowledgeable
>> --and therefore stupid, in being so reckless-- or to say like we
>> always do, 'No, we don't know any more than the American people
>> do about what the facts are.'
>>  "He said, "I'll tell you WHO they are.  After you're done
>> investigating, you'll know WHAT they are."
>>  "'Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines, Richard Secord, Albert
>> Hakim, Rafael "Chi Chi" Quintero, and Eric Von Marbod.'"
>>  "So we went off to find out who these people were.
>>  "An extraordinary series of events began to unfold which
>> resulted in the ruling of a federal court in Miami.  The court
>> said, 'What you have here is an ongoing criminal enterprise
>> dating from [at least] 1960.'
>>  "What we discovered is that the person who had been
>> directing the operations [of the 'Secret Government'] was a man
>> by the name of Theodore Shackley.
>>  Ty

[CTRL] Women had breasts removed in error

1999-11-14 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Women had breasts removed in error
By Celia Hall, Medical Editor

 Royal College of Pathologists

 UK Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

 Cancer Research Campaign

 Department of Health

  TWO women had breasts removed unnecessarily because a pathologist wrongly
indicated that they had cancer.
The hospital trust involved has now ordered an internal investigation of
breast biopsies from women attending Kent & Canterbury and Margate hospitals
between 1990 and 1997. These were carried out by one histopathologist who has
not been named and is no longer working in the area. A "few hundred" breast
biopsies are to be reviewed, a spokesman said.

One of the women who underwent the needless mastectomy has been informed by
the hospital. The second woman is believed to be living abroad. Both women
were wrongly diagnosed in 1990.

The errors came to light in an investigation by the Royal College of
Pathologists, which was requested because of earlier problems with cervical
screening results at Kent & Canterbury Hospital before 1995. Then, eight
women died and 30 needed surgery for cancer.

The histopatholoy audit was recommended by the external inquiry team called
on to investigate the cervical cytology service in 1997. The latest
investigation did not include any cervical smear tests. The pathologists'
report is based on 2,621 samples of tissue sent for laboratory testing for a
range of different diseases, including cancers. The analysis found serious
errors in diagnosis in seven that would "definitely" have an effect on the
patient's condition.

In another 35 cases it was found that the discrepancies would "potentially"
affect the patient's treatment. One of the women who had the unnecessary
mastectomy was in the first category, the other was in the second category.
The remaining 40 patients have been identified and are being contacted by the

However, the report says: "The error rate was within the expected range and
thus there is no indication to carry out a further external retrospective

David Astley, chief executive of the East Kent NHS Trust, said: "So far it is
clear that two patients had unnecessary mastectomies. We have seen one of
them and told her and her family what has happened. I've written her a
personal letter of apology on behalf of the hospital and the NHS. The other
lady is abroad and we are trying to get in touch with her."

Mr Astley said women who had breast biopsies examined by the unnamed
histopathologist will have their results re-checked. "We expect this audit to
involve a few hundred women and to take months rather than years to complete.
We are now confident we have got multiple checking procedures in place and an
open culture in which mistakes can be recognised".

Prof Roderick MacSween, President of the Royal College of Pathologists, said:
"The report indicates that the errors fell within the acceptable range.
However there were seven serious mistakes and 35 with a lesser degree of
seriousness. We would regard that as acceptable on a professional basis but
clearly it isn't acceptable to a woman who has been misdiagnosed. The errors
are the result of unavoidable human mistakes."

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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1999-11-14 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Rumor Mill News Forum

Posted By: RAVEN 002
Date: Sunday, 14 November 1999, at 2:24 a.m.


In the following article describing the crash of Payne's Learjet, is this

"Investigators are looking into the possibility that the jet lost cabin
pressure soon after takeoff, causing everyone on board to die or lose
consciousness from lack of oxygen."

The Sources who speculated that Payne's Lear was a test run also stated that
the depressurizaation was remotely triggered. If this is true, then apply
the concept of remote triggering to Egyptian Flight 990.

If you were the Captain of 990, you had just settled back for a long trip
across the Atlantic. The autopilot was on and everything was going fine.
Then suddenly the cabin depressurized. Your first instinct would be to grab
the stick and take the plane down to an altitude were you could breathe.

You put the plane into a sharp dive. Then trying to keep it from crashing
into the sea, you pull up the stick. But the plane does not respond, or you
are too far gone to know what you are doing. THE PLANE CRASHES!

People need to compare the two crashes. The voice recorder from Stewart's
plane had nothing on it because a voice recorder only records for a half
hour, then it records over the same tape. The voice recording from Flight
990 should have the voices of the pilot and the copilot. If these tapes are
released to the public, we will know what the pilot was trying to do in his
last minutes before death.

It is pure speculation on my part, but I believe that Flight 990 was not
supposed to crash so close to shore. It was meant to fly, as did Stewart's
plane, until it ran out of gas, or crashed for other reasons. In other
words, the depressurization was meant to kill everyone on board IMMEDIATELY.
Then the plane was supposed to fly for hours before it crashed into the
ocean, thereby covering up all evidence of murder.

According to other things I have heard through the Rumor Mill, the people
who are behind this crash will be exposed. This time the truth will be told!
?PIERRE, S.D. (AP) - The cockpit voice recorder from Payne Stewart's
shattered Learjet has yielded various noises but no voices from the final
moments of the doomed flight - just as investigators expected. However,
those noises could help establish the cause of the accident that killed the
golfer and five others Oct. 25, National Transportation Safety Board
spokesman Paul Schlamm said Thursday. ``There are various sounds and noises
we're working on. We are hopeful that will lead to some useful information
that will help in the investigation,'' he said. The plane crashed into a
South Dakota pasture four hours after it left Orlando, Fla., on a flight to
Texas. It flew 1,400 miles across the country, apparently on autopilot,
before it ran out of fuel. Investigators are looking into the possibility
that the jet lost cabin pressure soon after takeoff, causing everyone on
board to die or lose consciousness from lack of oxygen. Because the black
box is a 30-minute loop that records over itself, investigators had expected
to hear no voices.

Messages in This Thread

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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[CTRL] UN Squanders Taxpayer Money While Crying "Starvation"

1999-11-14 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

UN Squanders Taxpayer Money While Crying "Starvation"

Kofi Annan: "We're on a Starvation Diet"
From: Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett

Dear Colleague Letter

November 2, 1999

As usual I can depend on our friends at the U.N.Wire to keep us informed on
the goings-on at the United Nations. The following article is a prime example
of how the United Nations squanders preciouis United States taxpayer money.

UN FACILITIES: Regional Conference Centers Empty 85% of the Time

Two UN conference centers built and operated by UN commissions in Bangkok and
Addis Ababa at a cost of more than $100 million sit empty up to 85% of the
time, according to a new internal audit.

The UN General Assembly approved the centers, which cost a total of nearly
$117 million in 1984. They were completed in 1993 and 1996 respectively and
"can handle some of the UN's largest conferences," but they "have become
white elephants" because UN delegtes prefer to meet either in "holiday
resorts" or at "the big UN conference centers of New York, Geneva or Vienna."

The Addis Ababa center, built for the Economic Commission for Africa, is the
"new and more costly of the two." According to the UN Office of Internal
Oversight Services, Addis Ababa's 'relative isolation' is one fact thet makes
it hare to attract conferences. There have alos been "serious delays" in
negotiations with the Ethiopian government to get phones and satellit links

Dlelegates hve avoided the Bangkok center, which was built for the UN
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, because few local
hotels offer dicounted rates. In addition, nongovernmental organization, UN
member states and governmental agencies frequently offer alternative

Callint the current usage rates "a questional use of scare resources," the
auditors conclude that "it could be embarrassing" for the UN if usage
continues to decline or if the facilities are not propoerly maintained.

One possible solution would be to rent the space3 to outside groups to fill
the idle time. However, UN rules require that such use be consistent with the
principles and purposes of the UN and of a non-commercial nature" (Steven
Edwards, Toronto, National Post, 29 Oct.)

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purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Europe Needs Its Own Pat Buchanans"

1999-11-14 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

"Europe Needs Its Own Pat Buchanans"

Will NATO Survive?
>From "BYRONICA" Monthly Newsletter of The Lord Byron Foundation for Balkan

Vol II, No. 10, October 1999

We have long maintained that one of the motives for the interventionist
strategy of the United States in the Balkans was to create an autonomous zone
of American military presence and political influence on the European
mainland that would be independent of the ups-and-downs of Washington's
present and future relations with its West European partners. By imposing its
own post-Yugoslav architecture the Clinton administration is hoping to ensure
that its Balkan bridgehead will outlive an eventual demise of NATO as we know

While an anti-traditionalist, "globalist" brand of neoimperialism provides
the ideological basis for the obsessively anti-Serbian bias of U.S. policy,
the desire to establish an effectively irreversible Pax Americana in
south-east Europe is the "rational" underpinning of the strategy (which also
has its "Turkish," "Russian" and "Middle Eastern" components).

This is an unsubtle divide et impera, based on creating an unstable outcome
that will demand its creator as the guarantor of the status quo. By creating
a string of small, highly dependent and inherently weak statelets and
quasi-states - Dayton-Bosnia, "Kosova" and FYROM today, with an "independent"
Montenegro, and "autonomous" Sanjak and a "cantonized" Vojvodina soon to
follow - the U.S. is ensuring that Tuzla, Pristina, Skopje... will remain its
"assets" even if it has to close its bases in Kaiserslautern, Frankfurt-Main
or Pirmasens.

An unintended consequence of this approach, which culminated in the bombing
campaign against Serbia last spring, is to make the demise of NATO more
likely. Self-congratulatory rhetoric heard at the Alliance summit in Toronto
this month notwithstanding, the writing is on the wall. On October 11 that
unofficial organ of the U.S. establishemtn, The New York Times, reported that
"a plan to create a defense arm for the 15-nation European Union is stirring
fears among American civilian and military officials" ("Americans Alarmed
Over European Union's Defense Plan," by Craig R. Whitney).

While couching their comments in the language of economic efficiency and
prudent management, U.S. officials privately admit that the key issue
concerns command and control structures that may eventually rob NATO of any
meaning. The process has been under way for some years, initiated by
Franco-German military cooperation, but European Union leaders decided in
Cologne in June to take concrete steps by the end of next year to build up a
capacity for "autonomous action, backed up by credible military forces" in
future regional crises, even if the United States, decided to stay out.

A senior NATO diplomat said that "the Cologne decisions did create some
concern in Washington." In addition, high-ranking American military officers
have expressed concern about a French plan for a European general staff and a
council of 15 European Union ambassadors. At the end of July President
Jacques Chirac sent to all other European Union countries - including four
non-NATO members - an "action plan" proposed both civilian and military
standing committees for a new European defense system. The plan also called
for "a European military staff progressively organized to assume the triple
functions of oversight, analysis and planning."

According to The New York Times, "American ears pricked up at this news.
'We're somewhat skeptical when we hear about a need for a separate European
command structure,' a senior NATO official said." This was reflected in a
concerted lobbying effort by U.S. officials to undermine the French
initiative, with Britain predictably siding with the Administration.

The core French argument that it is unacceptable for Europeans to be spending
60 percent as much as Americans spend on defense, but getting in return only
a small fraction of the defense capability the Americans get for their money.
The reply coming from Washington and London is that the Europeans ought to
carry out a "defense capabilities initiative" within NATO to reshape the
alliance's fighting forces, and not indulge in developing defense structures
parallel with the Alliance. "I don't think the debate will be resolved
anywhere else but within NATO," the new EU commissioner for external affairs,
Christopher Patten of Great Britain, declared at the European Commission in
Brussels recently.

The U.S. initiative is hardly more popular with the Europeans than the French
"action plan." It would demand significant increases in the military spending
by NATO's European members - in Germany's case up to $22 billion more during
the next 10 years - without any major change in the political and military
chains of command. The political price may prove even higher, especially in
Germany, where the Lef

[CTRL] Howard Zinn On The FBI

1999-11-14 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Federal Bureau of Intimidation
by Howard Zinn
   I thought it would be good to talk about the FBI because they talk about
us. They don't like to be talked about. They don't even like the fact that
you're listening to them being talked about. They are very sensitive people.
If you look into the history of the FBI and Martin Luther King-which now has
become notorious in that totally notorious history of the FBI- the FBI
attempted to neutralize, perhaps kill him, perhaps get him to commit suicide,
certainly to destroy him as a leader of black people in the United States.
And if you follow the progression of that treatment of King, it starts, not
even with the Montgomery Bus Boycott; it starts when King begins to criticize
the FBI. You see, then suddenly Hoover's ears, all four of them, perk up. And
he says, okay, we have to start working on King.

   I was interested in this especially because I was reading the Church
Committee report. In 1975, the Senate Select Committee investigated the CIA
and the FBI and issued voluminous reports and pointed out at what point the
FBI became interested in King. In 1961-62 after the Montgomery Bus Boycott,
after the sit-ins, after the Freedom Rides of '61, there was an outbreak of
mass demonstrations in a very little, very Southern, almost slave town of
southern Georgia called Albany. There had been nothing like this in that
town. A quiet, apparently passive town, everybody happy, of course. And then
suddenly the black people rose up and a good part of the black population of
Albany ended up in jail. There were not enough jails for all who demonstrated.

   A report was made for the Southern Regional Council of Atlanta on the
events in Albany. The report, which was very critical of the FBI, came out in
the New York Times. And King was asked what he thought of the role of the
FBI. He said he agreed with the report that the FBI was not doing its job,
that the FBI was racist, etcetera, etcetera.

   At that point, the FBI also inquired who the author of that report was,
and asked that an investigation begin on the author. Since I had written it,
I was interested in the FBI's interest in the author. In fact, I sent away
for whatever information the FBI had on me, through the Freedom of
Information Act. I became curious, I guess. I wanted to test myself because
if I found that the FBI did not have any dossier on me, it would have been
tremendously embarrassing and I wouldn't have been able to face my friends.
But, fortunately, there were several hundred pages of absolutely
inconsequential material. Very consequential for the FBI, I suppose, but
inconsequential for any intelligent person.

   I'm talking about the FBI and U.S. democracy because here we have this
peculiar situation that we live in a democratic country-everybody knows that,
everybody says it, it's repeated, it's dinned into our ears a thousand times,
you grow up, you pledge allegiance, you salute the flag, you hail democracy,
you look at the totalitarian states, you read the history of tyrannies, and
here is the beacon light of democracy. And, of course, there's some truth to
that. There are things you can do in the United States that you can't do many
other places without being put in jail.

   But the United States is a very complex system. It's very hard to describe
because, yes, there are elements of democracy; there are things that you're
grateful for, that you're not in front of the death squads in El Salvador. On
the other hand, it's not quite a democracy. And one of the things that makes
it not quite a democracy is the existence of outfits like the FBI and the
CIA. Democracy is based on openness, and the existence of a secret policy,
secret lists of dissident citizens, violates the spirit of democracy. There
are a lot of other things that make the U.S. less than a democracy. For
instance, what happens in police stations, and in the encounters between
police and citizens on the street. Or what happens in the military, which is
a kind of fascist enclave inside this democracy. Or what happens in
courtrooms which are supposedly little repositories of democracy, yet the
courtroom is presided over by an emperor who decides everything that happens
in a courtroom -what evidence is given, what evidence is withheld, what
instructions are given to the jury, what sentences are ultimately meted out
to the guilty and so on.

   So it's a peculiar kind of democracy. Yes, you vote. You have a choice.
Clinton, Bush and Perot! It's fantastic. Time and Newsweek. CBS and NBC. It's
called a pluralist society. But in so many of the little places of everyday
life in which life is lived out, somehow democracy doesn't exist. And one of
the creeping hands of totalitarianism running through the democracy is the
Federal Bureau of Investigation.

   I think it was seeing the film Mississippi Burning that led me to want to
talk about the FBI. I had sort of reached a point where I said, "Who wants to
hear anymore about

[CTRL] C-Span on IRS

1999-11-14 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

>From another list

this was true - I was there yesterday!  However, Senator Orrin Hatch tried
to bribe one of the speakers (Bill Benson) not to speak (yes, there was a
witness!).  Also, C-SPAN must have been threatened because they didn't show
up.  It was taped and you can read all about it at

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Lloyds new logo

1999-11-14 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

This was from the Dicke list..


In the week leading up to the eclipse/rituals, I recieved a bank
statement from Lloyds (The sign of the black horse)  There clearly
visible in the watermark, I could see that the logo had been altered,
the girth had been removed from around the horses belly.  This logo was
changed to time exactly with the eclipse, of this I am sure.

The following day, I walked into the bank and asked the cashier Why had
the girth been removed from around the horses belly?  The cashier
looked at me rather stunned, and remarked that she hadn't noticed it.
Then spent some time showing me how all the new designs on their
brochures, all were set out in a square. The cashiers were also wearing
new outfits covered in squares.

I then had to visit another place, a building society, which is now a
bank. Similar set up, all of the cashiers were wearing new uniforms
covered in pyramids!  I awaited my turn, then stepped forward into
those little glass booths, and became instantly aware that someone had
drawn a medicine wheel onto the scribble pads in both booths to my left
and right. It was quite a relief to see this, and suddenly I didn't
feel so alone.

What does the new Lloyds Bank Logo mean?
I interprate the white horse to mean freedom, the black horse to mean
the opposite of freedom But..What does the removal of the girth
mean ?

The impact from noticing this, felt very similar to been hit over the
head with a 2 X 4  The same day, two crop circles appeared close to my
home, one reminded me of the eclipse.

Any suggestions please?
Take care

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Your letter/message

1999-11-14 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

I am asking for your pet "survival issue messages" such as anti-war,
anti-nuclear, environment, indigenous struggles, medical cannabis
relegalization, human rights, drug war/policy reform, prison/justice related
legal reforms, etc., (see some issues catagories at
http://www.globalpeacenow.org/issue.html ) to be discussed and addressed in
your letter of support for Global Peace Walk 2000 that will be
posted at http://www.globalpeacenow.org , emailed to national media and
activist lists, and carried by Global Peace Walk 2000 in its compilation of
survival issue messages, for the cause of "Global Peace Now!" as a universal
human resolve, from San Francisco for delivery to Washington DC and to the
United Nations (Jan14-Oct24,2000).  GPW2000 supporters are not necessarily
supporters of each and every issue that the walk is carrying, just the ones
most important to them, all issues uniting to manifest "Global Peace Now!".

We have recently received letters from (inter)national leaders involved in
some of these issues such as author/speaker Jack Herer
http://www.globalpeacenow.org/jackherer.html , White House Anti-nuclear
Peace Park Vigilers for HR2545 gobal Nuclear Disarmament and Economic
Conversion Acti of 1999 (http://www.prop1.org), Big Mountain Dineh
Traditionalist resident/activist Tom Bedonie
http://www.globalpeacenow.org/bigmountain.html , Electrifying Times Editor
Remy Chevalier http://www.endsecrecy.com and Michael Ruppert, Editor of
"From The Wilderness" newsletter ( http://www.copvcia.com ) whose letter is
reproduced below and will also be soon posted to www.globalpeacenow.org .
Ruppert along with Dr. Brian O'Leary ( http://www.maui.net/~oleary ) and
Chris Conrad (http://www.chrisconrad.com ) were among the fine speakers at
the GPW2000 Global Crisis Solutions Conference at UC Berkeley March1st
offering their messages for GPW2000 to carry

We have previously gathered a large number of such letters and proclamations
of support since the 1995 Global Peace Walk from New York to San Francisco
including numerous political figures, e.g. recently, San Francisco,
Berkeley, and Oakland CA mayors, Mayor of Rome NY presentation of Global
Peace Zone proclamation on stage at Woodstock'99, etc. (selected texts are
at  http://www.angelfire.com/on/GEAR2000/listproc.html , others at
http://www.globalpeacenow.org/support2000.html )   A long list of previous
support letters/proclamations, newspaper articles, etc., for the Global
Peace Walk project 1995-1999 are at

If you yourself, or someone you know that you can forward this post to, can
compose a letter summarizing/detailing important aspects of these or any
other survival issue messages for Global Peace Walk to help promote, please
email as soon as possible so these can be sent out to activist and media
lists right away to mobilize and inspire others to compose and submit theirs
as well as to afford additional advance publicity for this important Global
Peace Walk 2000 project.

It will be very helpful to my promotion of this project such
letters/messages of support for GPW2000 can be emailed to me as soon as
possible.  It would be great if under your name (a P.S. at letter's end) you
can give some info about yourself, affiliations, website if you have one,
etc.   In addition to emailing letters/messages to me, we would also
appreciate signed hardcopies, to reprint in GPW2000 letters compilation,
mailed to Global Peace Walk project, PO Box 170245, San Francisco, CA
94117-0245, if you can/will.

If you have a website please also post your letter there and a link to

Thanks very much,

David Crockett Williams  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Global Emergency Alert Response

Global Peace Walk 2000

From: David Crockett Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: .GeneralAgencyServices <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to end (Drug)War, Mike Ruppert GPW2000 support letter
Date: Friday, November 12, 1999 3:03 PM

[Most Excellent Message Mike, thanks!!]--dcw

Michael C. Ruppert
>From The Wilderness

November 11, 1999

Message In Support of Global Peace Walk 2000

To David Crockett Williams and all of the dedicated  organizers of Global
Peace Walk 2000...

Mankind's entry into a new era is a forgone conclusion. It is in progress
all around us. What remains unclear is how the exact nature of this new era
will be realized as we get there. In one case there is evidence of an
increasingly repressive political and economic hegemony, driven by
out-of-control pressures and the need to dominate world markets.  There is
still other evidence that imminent breakdowns and shortcomings of technology
may usher in an era of retrogression, conflict and  fear. At the same moment
other evidence points to the unbridled, creative

[CTRL] &TOTSE - Antifa Info-Bulletin International Fascist Networks

1999-11-14 Thread Michael Pugliese

 &TOTSE - Antifa Info-Bulletin International Fascist Networks.url

[CTRL] Discordian "game"

1999-11-14 Thread Dave

Dave Hartleyhttp://www.Asheville-Computer.comhttp://www.ioa.com/~davehart
The Frame of illumination
Warning this area contains ideas that might not agree with your 
point of view, please leave if you are offended or threatened by the 
This is Guerrilla Ontology.

[CTRL] Earthquake/ Seismic Weapons Technology

1999-11-14 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Can't prove it, but I'm sure that tactical earthquake is reasonably well
Triangulation of recent Western U.S. quakes indicates involvement of several
locations including the area known as "Electronic Combat Range" at secret
China Lake naval weapons center: http://www.nawcwpns.navy.mil/~ecr/
*note: ACCESS WARNING Use of this or any other DoD interest computer system
constitutes a consent to monitoring at all times. (uh-oh  ;)

Originations are in Tesla technology, which has been scientifically and
officially "supressed".
Documented evidence of small local earthquake inadvertantly produced by
Nicolai Tesla exists.
Probable that the Tunguska event was due to Tesla's experiments.

A similar event more recently was the Banjawarn Event in Western Australia

Russian research:
Anchorwoman: "A Moscow newspaper reports that Russian scientists tried to
harness earthquakes as a means of mass destruction, and the research
continued under the new Russian government long after the Soviet Union
Correspondent Mike Hornbrook: "The Moscow News called it 'Earthquakes Made
To Order.' In a detailed article, the newspaper says research of the
so-called tectonic weapons began under the Communists in the 1970s. By late
1987, the Soviet government ordered a major effort to develop such a weapon.


Review information on "Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine"
[ http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/157282008X/stillpointhealin/102-254
2317-2892854 ]
Book Description
In 1935, Nikola Tesla revealed that an earthquake in the region of his New
York laboratory in 1898 was the result of a machine he had been
experimenting with. This book presents his technology based on sonic
vibrations. Now for the first time the secrets of the Tesla Oscillator are
available to both the layman and advanced researcher.
>From the Back Cover
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine with Tesla's Original Patents plus New
Blueprints to Build your own Working Model Now for the first time, the
secrets of this machine are available to you...

This new manual presents a new technology. It is based on sonic vibrations
which can be produced by a comparatively simple apparatus -- The Tesla
Oscillator. In the oscillators or transmitters described in this book, a
resonance effect can be observed. Resonance appears to be an ever-expanding,
magnifying effect with these transmitters. Very little input energy is
required to set the device in motion and build that motion to tremendous
levels of usable energy. The principle employed is called "Amplitude
Modulated Additive Synthesis" by music industry engineers.

We have included a full chapter on vibration physics to explain what

Excerpt from the New York World - Telegram, July 11, 1935 -- Nikola Tesla
revealed that an earthquake which drew police and ambulances to the region
of his laboratory at 48 E. Houston St., New York, in 1898, was the result of
a little machine he was experimenting with at the time which "you could put
in your overcoat pocket."

The bewildered newspapermen pounced upon this as at least one thing they
could understand and "the father of modern electricity" told what had
happened as follows:

"I was experimenting with vibrations. I had one of my machines going and I
wanted to see if I could get it in tune with the vibration of the building.
I put it up notch after notch. There was a peculiar cracking sound.

"I asked my assistants where did the sound come from. They did not know. I
put the machine up a few more notches. There was a louder cracking sound. I
knew I was approaching the vibration of the steel building. I pushed the
machine a little higher. "Suddenly all the heavy machinery in the place was
flying around. I grabbed a hammer and broke the machine. The building would
have been about our ears in another few minutes. Outside in the street there
was pandemonium.

"The police and ambulances arrived. I told my assistants to say nothing. We
told the police it must have been an earthquake. That's all they ever knew
about it."

Some shrewd reporter asked Dr. Tesla at this point what he would need to
destroy the Empire State Building and the doctor replied: "Vibration will do
anything. It would only be necessary to step up the vibrations of the
machine to fit the natural vibration of the building and the building would
come crashing down. That's why soldiers break step crossing a bridge."

His early experiments in vibration, he explained, led to his invention of
his "earth vibrating" machine.

About the Author
DALE POND Dale Pond is truly a renaissance man with a diversified background
in chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, computers, mathematics,

[CTRL] "illuminated" timeline

1999-11-14 Thread Dave

Early history
Modern history
Dave Hartleyhttp://www.Asheville-Computer.comhttp://www.ioa.com/~davehart
This is not your average Illuminated 
Timeline,this is The timeline of OBIE.
Extensively annotated with footnotes & 
hyperlink references.
Before Common Era - Common Era begins - American Revolutionary War - American Civil War - World War 1 - World War 2 - J.F.K - Man on the Moon - the Future?
American Civil 
1861 -- Confederate states secede; elect 
Jefferson Davis president; Benjamin appointed Confederate Attorney General, 
later Secretary of War. American Civil War begins. Emancipation of serfs in 
Russia. Jacolliot writes about the Nine Unknown in Calcutta. Gatling gun 
1862 -- Benjamin appointed Confederate 
Secretary of State.
1863 -- Rockfeller builds his first 
1865 -- Assassination of Lincoln; Andrew 
Johnson becomes president; "Booth" killed; coded message found among his 
effects; the code key later found in possession of Benjamin, alleged Rothschild 
agent. Civil War ends. Thirteenth amendment abolishes 
1866 -- Ku Klux Klan founded as a social club 
in Pulaski, Tennessee. Benjamin flees to England. Death of Phineas Quimby, 
magnetic healer, founder of Free Thought movement, teacher of Mary Baker 
1867 -- Ku Klux Klan reorganized along 
political and racial lines near Nashville, Tennessee, Robert 
Macoy's   The masonic manual, a pocket companion for the initiated. David 
Macdill's Secret Societies.
1868 -- Assassination of Thomas D'Arcy McGee, 
first Canadian political assassination.
1869 -- St. Germain allegedly completes 85 
years in the Himalayas after his "death." Mendeleev composes first periodic 
table of the elements in Russia. U.S. transcontinental railroad 
completed, The 
symbolism of freemasonry: by Albert Gallatin Mackey.
1870 -- Standard Oil Company 
1875 -- "Whiskey Ring" conspiracy of 
distillery owners revealed. Madam Blavatsky founds Theosophy Society. Mary Baker 
Eddy's Science and Health published.
1875 to 1947 -- Life of Aleister Crowley, the 
Great Beast, Golden Dawn leader and occult figure. FRINGE MASONRY IN 
1876 -- Disraeli again warns about dangers of 
secret societies. Battle of the Little Big Horn. Bell patents telephone. Otto 
builds four-cycle gasoline engine.
1877 -- First of seven wills in which Cecil 
Rhodes leaves his money to establish a secret society to expand British rule 
throughout the world.
1878 to 1945 -- Life of Edgar Cayce, 
visionary, trance-channeler who spoke of reincarnation, Egyptian mysteries, and 
1880 -- Nicoli Tesla invents the A/C 
current system.
1881 -- Garfield assassinated. Czar Alexander 
II assassinated by secret society. Disraeli publishes Lothair, a novel about 
secret societies and European politics.
1884 -- Fabian Society founded in London by 
Sidney and Beatrice Webb and others.
1885 -- First practical horseless carriage 
built by Daimler.
1886 -- Tesla tests a death ray in 
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA and all electrical apparatus of a Colorado fuel 
company were rendered useless. 
1887 -- Golden Dawn founded in London by 
Mathers and others. Mitchelson-Morley experiement disproving ether 
1888 -- Unsolved murders of London 
prostitutes by "Jack the Ripper," suspected of being one of those implicated in 
the Cleveland Street Affair involving high-society Victorians and their 
patronage of a brothel staffed by messenger boys.
1889 -- Second Communist International 
1890 -- Biologist Yersin visits India, 
purportedly to recieve plague and cholera serum from the Nine Unknown. Wounded 
Knee massacre.
1891 -- Rhodes gains control of 90% of 
world's diamond supply. The Round Tables, a secret society allegedly funded by 
Rhodes and the Rothschilds to gain financial and political power, founded in the 
U.S., Canada, Australia, India, South Africa and New Zealand. Rockefeller grant 
founds University of Chicago. Nikola Tesla invents Tesla coil, becomes U.S. 
1892 -- Rockefeller trust transferred to 
holding company: Standard Oil of New Jersey.
1893 -- Assassination of Chicago Mayor 
1894 -- Assassination of President Carnot of 
1896 -- Maconi's patent No.  for radio. 
First "flap year" for UFOs: wave of sightings of unidentified airships in 
1897 -- Assassination of Premier Canovas of 
Spain. Zionism founded in Basil, Switzerland by Theodore 
1898 -- Assassination of Empress Elizabeth of 
Austria. Pavlov begins study of conditioned reflex in dogs.
1899 -- Tesla discovers terrestrial 
stationary waves which can produce electricity; reports receiving signals from 
another planet. Alleged meeting in England at which the Morgans, Rothschilds and 
Warburgs become affiliated.
1900 -- Assassination of King Umberto I of 
Italy and Kentucky Governor-elect William Goebel. Tesla suggests alien beings 

[CTRL] [11] The Arizona Project

1999-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Arizona Project
Michael Wendland©1977
ISBN 0-8362-0728-9
Sheed Andrews and McMeel, Inc.
6700 Squibb Rd.
Misson Kansas 66202
276 pps. - first edition - out-of-print
New revised edition - available amazon.com
Paperback, 304pp.
ISBN: 0945165021
Blue Sky Press, Incorporated
June 1988
Arizona Justice

The State of Arizona continued having trouble with the prosecution of John
Harvey Adamson. Originally scheduled for the first week of December, the
trial was again delayed when the court agreed with Adamson's defense counsel
that pretrial publicity in and around Phoenix had made it impossible to
conduct a fair trial there. It was moved to Tucson, to the court of Superior
Judge Ben C. Birdsall. Jury selection would not begin until after the first
of the year.

Meanwhile, a new controversy briefly cropped up, this one involving Arizona
Governor Raul Castro, who had removed the case from the Maricopa County
Prosecutor's office in October and assigned it to the state attorney general.

Adamson's lawyers, in a motion filed with the change of venue request, noted
that Castro's name had appeared in connection with Kemper Marley, the wealthy
rancher whose close friend and business associate, Max Dunlap, had passed
money to help finance Adamson's defense.

"One of Max Dunlap's closest friends is Kemper Marley, a person who,
according to police reports, may also be suspected of not only aiding and
abetting, but being a principal involved with the homicide," declared
Adamson's attorneys. "Kemper Marley is reported to be a close friend of
Governor Castro's and is reported to have contributed in the neighborhood of $
19,000 to the election campaign of the governor." The defense motion went on
to claim that because of Marley's relationship to Castro, the government "may
have an obvious conflict of interest" in prosecuting anyone involved in the
killing of newspaperman Don Bolles.

The development brought some news coverage and a denial of any impropriety
from the governor's office. Defense attorneys, who lost in an effort to have
Castro testify as to why he took control of the case from local authorities,
said they intended to pursue it during the actual trial.

IRE itself was the subject of several media accounts. In the December 16
edition of the Tucson Daily Citizen, editorial page editor Asa Bushnell told
his readers about a dinner party he attended over the weekend with ten of the
IRE reporters. It was hosted by the Arizona Association of Industries, which
had raised more than $20,000 to help finance the team's probe. Bushnell was
clearly impressed by what he saw. His column called the reporters
"crackerjack probers" and was full of glowing adjectives about the team's
work. "I liked what I saw and heard during the course of a stimulating
evening," Bushnell wrote. "I ended up very confident that the net results
will prove beneficial to Arizona. It made me glad I'm in the same business
with those dedicated people."

It was a nice party. For the reporters, it was the first time their
seven-day-a-week work routine had been interrupted by social contact with
outsiders. Bushnell's laudatory column was like a belated western welcome to
the reporters.

The column came on the heels of similar public friendliness voiced by Republic
 city editor Bob Early, who told The Quill, a journalism magazine printed by
Sigma Delta Chi, that the reporters on the IRE team were some of the best in
the world. "When people of that caliber can concentrate on specific topics
for long periods of time, the chances of them [sic] accomplishing their goals
are excellent. Since the results of their work will be made available to the A
rizona Republic, the effect of the IRE team is to give our newspaper more
manpower in an area in which we really need it."

Early went on, praising the project's motives: "This is a unique effort in
journalism. It points out a solidarity in the newspaper business. It lets the
criminals of this world know that they cannot attack a reporter without
massive, effective countermeasures from the press nationally. And that
message to the criminal element of our society, I believe, will have an
effect in putting an end to such attacks in the future." These comments
temporarily eased the concern of some of the reporters that the Republic was
not dealing with them in good faith.

On December 17, the New York Times also mentioned the IRE team. In a fairly
detailed piece on the delays in the Adamson trial, the Times quoted "sources
familiar with their findings" as saying that the team had documented a wide
variety of illegal activities. "It's amazing what they have uncovered," the Ti
mes's source said. "They are going to shake up this state like it's never
been shaken before."

One paragraph in the story made some team members nervous. It noted that "the
reporters are said to have implicated the brother of one of Arizona's
best-known political leaders, as well as a powerful Phoenix busin

[CTRL] The American Beauty Syndrome

1999-11-14 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Today I saw the movie American Beauty. I found it to be in sync with todays
culture. They are a family alive, but not living to their fullest potential.
Where the mother is fucking a business associate while the father dreams of
fucking his daughters best friend. All the while
the daughter's boyfriend's father, a Marine Colonel, beats his own son in
hopes of instilling in him a sense of discipline and respect through fear.
And yet I wonder if we are on the way to the stand point shown in the movie
or are we there already? If so, is it the goal of the NWO to makeus slaves
by ensuring we don't live our lives to their/its fullest potential? If it
is, why hasn't this been discussed before? And how can we fight such a
program that makes us all willing slaves?
"He who cannot draw on three thousand years is living from hand to
--Goethe   ICQ: 9815080   Operator Taliesin_2 of #SacredNemeton on IRC

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: "UFO's and the Royal Battalion that just vanished"

1999-11-14 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

I've heard this story before.  Typically the skeptical response from
"authorities" is that it is folklore ad has no basis in reality.  I, on the
other hand, will leave it for you to decide.

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Mythic Language

1999-11-14 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-


a Unifying Theory of Linguistics - ie. language from ONE COMMON ROOT
was proposed by a Dane called Stevenson who wrote a treatise on Phoenetics
in the
Using his system of phoenetics - the 'this word sounds like this word in
this other language' idea - his system could be used to translate ancient
scripts AND modern languages.
This work - which was scoffed by the experts of the day and is still
ignored, unheard of and buried, lies in the UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH LIBRARY
in Scotland.

please forward to those interested on the Thoth list.
I would also suggest that we email the edinburgh university library to
obtain copies of this very important thesis.

The source of this information is a researcher for film, tv and the
discovery channel and is also responsible for Rosslyn relics and the
finding of the King Charles royal treasure in the river forth by Edinburgh.

Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Conversation With A Draco.

1999-11-14 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-


brand new idea  completely untried as yet !

In Occult terms it is perfectly feasible for any said medium, channeller or
charlatan to claim direct access to the Higher Self of Klinton, Gore or
Bush or
even Tony Blair . etc

The 'justification' would be that the higher selves of misguided people
just cannot establish full one2one communication with their sleeping and
distracted materialistic 'twin' - who is unable to recieve and process the
higher lightful information because they have fallen so low into darkness.

All we need is some new age jargon and a will to sell .

William jefferson Clintons higher self would like to apologise for his
inability to steer his worldly self towards a lightful and useful service
of the american people .. the forces of darkness surround him ... and
it is so very hard to facilitate the desires of the higher realms for america.
However, he has chosen ME, Ambassador Xorg to be his only Voice - for I
have access to the 5th and 6th dimension where the higher self of William
sits troubled in his shining robes.
I keep trying to educate my worldly self says Bill - I keep telling him
that in the world of light ... I'm the executive who's giving the orders
 but all he remembers when he wakes up is to make new executive orders.
I asked the higher self of William - who also remembers being a non-human
from Antares if he would like the american people to hear his thoughts ...
those incredible and wonderfully enlightened things that he cannot get his
worldly body W J Clinton to say .. and he said yes ... go thee to my
and tell them the truth 

The CD of Klintons Higher self is on sale at   .. etc etc etc

Andrew Hennessey

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [adventuresunlimited] Sollogs 13

1999-11-14 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

here, my stylus dipped in the ancient cauldron of xule
do I - Xorg, hereby prophesise the following  to occur before 01/01/01

1. I will visit the toilet in the next week
2. I will breathe air
3. I will eat of food
4. I will drink of liquids
5. verily shall I payeth mine phone bill
6. I shall gaze upon the demented vortex of microsoft
7. and an absence of sunshine shall befall us
8. I shall tread the firmament
9. and yea shall I turn mine television off
10. and lo, I will hear of Unconstitutional things
11. my neighbour shall be conned out of money
12. verily I shall replace my toilet paper
13. and unto us will cometh more prophesies

So sayeth Ambassador Xorg divine embassy to humanity from the planet Xule,
and lo, his wisdom doth supercede ye minions of Sollog.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cuba Libre

1999-11-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From the NewAustralian

Clinton and Castro's drug-running business: is there a connection?
Special report from Washington
No. 142,   15-21 November 1999

Despite Fidel Castro's well-documented drug-running activities Clinton
personally intervened to keep Cuba off the list of major drug transit
countries, even though the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) protested his move.
This intervention by Clinton will have the convenient effect of significantly
reducing scrutiny of Havana's 'counter-narcotics' activities, which the DEA has
privately stated to be a sham.

Clinton claimed his intervention was justified because drug trafficking in
Cuban air and sea space had fallen significantly against last year's level.
Missing from this explanation is the fact that drug flights over Cuba leapt by
50 per cent in 1998. This alone justified putting Cuba on the list of major
drug transit countries. But the White House refused. Why?

Equally curious is Clinton's attitude to a 7.2 metric ton shipment of cocaine,
with a street value of about $US1.5 billion, which was seized in Colombia in
December 1998 by Colombian police. Shipping records show the Cuba as the
destination. Drug agents reported that the drugs were ultimately destined for
the US. Moreover, the DEA is convinced that Castro has formed an alliance with
Central American drug lords. However, Clinton made the remarkable statement,
despite intelligence reports to the contrary, that the drugs were really
heading for Spain.

Even more curious is that Clinton's bizarre claim, which no one supports, flies
in the face of the findings of a recent investigation by House staffers that
clearly indicated Cuban officials were directly involved in the $US1.5 billion
drug shipment. There is also the testimony of the defector Juan Antonio
Rodriguez, who was a Cuban official, that Castro had organised drug trafficking
in the US and that he had competitors murdered. Rodriguez only confirmed what
the FBI and the CIA have known for years.

Castro's drug trafficking first came to public attention in 1982 the head of
the Cuban Navy and a number of Castro's officials were indicted by a Miami
grand jury for running drugs.

Clinton's benign view of Castro running cocaine into the US has set the rumor
mill spinning again. Is Castro blackmailing him? Is it a payoff for campaign
funds? Whatever the reason, the stink just gets worse.

Editor's note: Australia's Leftist media, as expected, has suppressed reports
of Castro's drug-running activities.

Visit The Media Wall of Shame
and discover just how bad Australian journalism really is. Return to The New


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it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Who they are.

1999-11-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

> JAH Publications wrote:
> Dear Joshua2,
> I know you don't like my website at:-
> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/
> as you have stated so very clearly; publicly and aggressively, but if you
> really think you are Joshua the Second and you want to bring down the
> Wallstreet of Jericho, I suggest politely, if you want to know who "they" are,
> that you access:-
> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/300.htm

I did look at your web site, and my opinion still stands. It's a crock
of superstitious mumbo jumbo and paranoid crap. For example:

"Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300", by Dr. John
 Coleman, is reproduced here with the permission of the publisher: American West



  Dr. John

Dr. John is the problem Jah dude. Not the solution. His book is about as
authentic as the Protocols.

> and enjoy yourself reading the list of names, that you are looking for.

I know who " they " are. Probably better than anyone on this list. Some of
" them " are listed by Coleman. It's his paranoid racist interpretation of
SOME of the raw material that has made his book worthless.

> Then
> go get them, like Michael told you to do.

Yes Sir! Right away Sir!

> Peace be upon you,
> JAH.


PS: Wrong Joshua. ;}

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-11-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: FreedomFight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Globalist Agendas Debate and Discussion 
List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Roundtable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Snetnews 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; theseries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; ChristianPatriot 
Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999 11:24 AM

  **The Attachment is a text document, "On Freedom".**

  Commonwealth Summit Focuses on Trade

  By PAT REBER Associated Press Writer

   GEORGE, South Africa -- British Prime Minister Tony Blair was
slamming tennis balls on the
  courts half an hour after more than 40 heads of state arrived Saturday
in this South African
  resort for the second part of a Commonwealth summit that has focused
on trade and

   Flying in two planes from Durban, where the gathering began Friday,
the leaders from England
  and her former colonies came to the town of George to continue
discussions in a relaxed

   They will be staying in the $280-a-night Fancourt golf resort, where
pink rose bushes and lily
  ponds dot mountain foothills.

   A fog lifted by the time the planes carrying Blair, South African
President Thabo Mbeki and
  Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and other leaders landed in

   The concentration of so many world leaders in just two aircraft made
some people nervous.
  Vusi Mavimbela, Mbeki's top security official, could not be reached
for comment.

   The heads of state are trying to reach consensus on an approach to
upcoming World Trade
  Organization talks, and to promote democratic reforms by widening the
scope of the
  Commonwealth's watchdog committee.

   Some leaders -- like Kenya's Daniel Arap Moi and Zimbabwe's Robert
Mugabe -- lead virtual
  one-party states that suppress dissent.

   Blair and other leaders have proposed that the watchdog committee,
the Commonwealth
  Ministerial Action Group, crack down on member nations which constrain
opposition parties
  and the media. That expanded role was approved by heads of state

   Still, there are differences about what should be on the agenda of
the WTO meeting, which
  begins in Seattle on Nov. 30, Commonwealth summit spokesman Kaye
Whiteman said.

   Queen Elizabeth II, who as head of the Commonwealth opened the
summit, spent Saturday
  morning holding private audiences at her Durban hotel, while her
husband, the Duke of
  Edinburgh, went to visit an Anglo-Boer War battle site.

   The exact number of leaders present in George was not clear, and the
leaders of Zambia and
  Seychelles were in Durban but did not attend the retreat.

   The Commonwealth has 54 members. Pakistan is suspended for last
month's military coup, and
  several other countries sent lower level delegates.

   AP-NY-11-13-99 1709EST



Wakeup!  The rapist is determined to lock in our Nation to a path of
enslavement, by the elite thugs, before he leaves office.
BEWARE:  Bradley is far more left than algore or the rapist.
Brothers and Sisters, I implore you to vote in 2000 for
constitutionalist conservatives, i.e. people like Ron Paul and
The establishment thugs only give lip service to get out the vote;
their continued power depends on people NOT voting.  Get it??


"The world is a dangerous place to live;
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don't do
anything about it."
-- Albert EinsteinForwarded for info and discussion from the New 
Paradigms Discussion List,
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Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
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[CTRL] Believing in Conspiracy Theory

1999-11-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Believing in conspiracy theory
By Tarek Heggy

One issue that has captured my interest for some years now is the prevalence in
Arab societies in general, including Egypt, of conspiracy theory. As far as
many millions of Egyptians and Arabs are concerned, the following propositions
have become virtual articles of faith:

The blueprint for our recent history and present reality was drawn up by the
great powers, and what we are now living through is the product of their
machinations; the powers responsible for this grand design were Britain and
France in the past and the United States, aided and abetted by its protégé,
Israel, in the recent past and the present; these plans were prepared in great
detail by the great powers, leaving those at the receiving end little room to
manoeuvre; accordingly, we bear very little responsibility for what happened in
the past, what is happening in the present and indeed, according to some, for
what will happen in the future.

A paradox worth studying is that this view is shared to varying degrees by very
disparate groups. Islamists in general (the Muslim Brothers, Al-Gama'a Al-
Islamiya, Al-Jihad and even the most moderate of the Islamist trends) believe
profoundly in the propositions that make up conspiracy theory. Socialists of
every stripe, from Marxists to Nasserists, also subscribe to conspiracy theory,
albeit less rigidly than the Islamists; for, while they believe in the theory
and the propositions on which it is based, their belief is not shrouded in what
a spirit of militancy, nor grounded in anti-Christian sentiment. Of course,
this difference is due to the theocratic ethos of the Islamist groups and the
more scientific, progressive and modern spirit of socialist ideas, even if the
failure of those ideas to achieve their aims proves that they are inherently
flawed. The third and final group is made up of ordinary citizens. Most are
inclined to believe in conspiracy theory and to accept the validity of the
propositions on which it rests without question.

Still, the three groups frame their respective views of conspiracy theory in
very different terms. The Islamists consider that the history of the region is
that of a conflict between Islam and the Judaeo-Christian world. As far as they
are concerned, the Crusades never ended; now, they are simply being waged off
the battlefield. The socialist group views matters from the perspective of the
struggle between the forces of imperialism and the oppressed and exploited
peoples of the world. As for the multitude of ordinary citizens, they reflect
the climate created by the media. In societies not characterised by a high
level of education and culture, the media can be used to brainwash the public.

In fact, the sources on which the three groups base their belief in the
conspiracy theory have no basis in fact, history or logic. The history of the
peoples of our region would have been the same, including their subjugation by
Western colonialism, had the region been part of the Christian world. The West
did not colonise us because we were Muslims, but for quite different reasons.
We were backward and hence susceptible to foreign domination. The whole
colonial enterprise was motivated in the first instance by economic
considerations, and, to a lesser degree, by cultural, or "civilisational",

Those who maintain that our Muslim heritage was the reason we were colonised
conveniently forget the reign of the Ottoman sultanate, when the Arab peoples
were subjected to the worst kinds of abuse by their Muslim colonial masters.
Throughout the 18th century, our ancestors were in a deplorable state of
backwardness. We had been locked in mediaeval backwardness for over six
centuries before the Zionist movement emerged as a political force capable of
affecting events in any way.

Though in many ways wrong, the socialist reading of our history is right to
approach the issue from an economic perspective. The economic factor was the
driving force behind the West's imperialist ambitions in the region. But this
was within a framework quite different from that of conspiracy theory.
As for the ordinary citizens enamoured of conspiracy theory, their logic is in
a way understandable. Even the most outlandish statement, repeated often
enough, can come to be accepted as true, especially in a society where half the
population is illiterate and the other half displays only a very modest
standard of education and culture.

The real issue is that most of those who subscribe to conspiracy theory know
very little about the nature and mechanisms of the capitalist economy. The
essence of capitalism is competition, a notion which means many things, some
wholesome, others unhealthy. Given that all the ideological alternatives to the
market economy have failed lamentably, however, we must not let our nostalgia
or our emotional reaction to certain aspects of capitalis

Re: [CTRL] CONGRESS ACTION: November 14, 1999

1999-11-14 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

Windows is the WORST system TODAY. OS/2 is preemptive multitask, Linux too.

On Sun, 14 Nov 1999 10:52:03 EST, Bill Richer wrote:

>MICROSOFT MONOPOLY: Our Department of "Justice" has won the first major round
>in its anti-trust lawsuit against the Microsoft Corporation. According to the
>judicial wisdom handed down last week, having a common operating system for
>personal computers is not a significant benefit to consumers. Better,
>according to the judicial wisdom, to have a multiplicity of (probably
>incompatible) systems. Remember Beta vs. VHS videotapes? Eminent judicial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Media Shenanigans/Bias in Ukraine's Presidential Elections

1999-11-14 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-


While tomorrow's newspapers will announce the re-election of Ukrainian
president Kuchma over his
Communist opponent, Symonenko, it's interesting to note the media's [aka
state-sponsored TV] role. Consider the following excerpts from the wires
[see references to "bias"]:

...Symonenko complained earlier about official media being biased and
stoking fears of a ``red menace.''

In recent days, state television has fed viewers a steady diet of films
painting a grim picture of the
Soviet era.

An international observer also voiced concern about the media. Dick
Thornburgh, head of the International Republican Institute delegation of
observers, said Ukraine had still to make progress in guaranteeing a
free and accessible press

``There is a continuing concern among all observers about the way media
have been utilised on behalf of the incumbent president,'' the former
U.S. attorney-general told Reuters..

Vera Nikolayevna, 70, said she had been swayed by massive election
propaganda in favor of the president. ``Who is Symonenko? I hardly heard
or read anything about him,'' she said

  --Yuri Kulikov, "Ukraine's Kuchma Wins Election Hands Down" Sun.,
Nov. 14 8:00 PM ET,


After all, what's really the difference between [media] "propaganda" and
blatant [media] "bias"?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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