Re: xemacs y del

1999-09-15 Thread RESET

A .emacs:

(setq delete-key-deletes-forward t)

(que por cierto, está en la FAQ, Q3.5.9 ayayayayayay :-)

En cuanto al asunto de las versiones: la razón es que hay mucha gente
que lleva usando XEmacs desde el Paleolítico Medio o poco menos (sí,
se ha confirmado que en Atapuerca han descubierto un ejemplar de la
GPL en sílex burgalés :-).  Esa gente, si son usuarios avanzados,
suele tener una buena cantidad de código propio que no puede
reutilizarse directamente en las versiones nuevas, y prefieren seguir
con el cacharraje antiguo.

Un saludo.



Re: Se sabe algo de la Potato? - ya vale ;)

1999-09-15 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, sep 14, 1999 at 04:55:41 +, Gustavo CR wrote:
 Sin animo de ofender tampoco, para los pocos mensajes que quedan sobre Debian 
 en la
 lista también los prohibimos, pues nada.

¡Un momen Gustavo!, te doy toda la razón y te pido que no te vayas con el
thread a otra parte pues me parece que es aquí el mejor sitio para hablar de
ese tema:

... creo que está claro el centro temático de esta lista: por y para los
usuarios Debian de habla hispana.

 No pretendo crear ruido pero ¿alguién sabe si la lista tiene algún 
 mantenedor?, es
 que siento ser borde, pero esta era la lista específica de Debian y cada dia 
 inclina más a ser un duplicado de l-linux, ¿debo desuscribirme de una de las 

Somos _usuarios_ _Debian_ y tenemos dudas de _uso_ de esta distribución
_Linux_... que cada uno piense cuales son los límites y actue
consecuentemente y con *repeto hacia el grupo*. 

 con sólo un poquito de acritud

No pasa nada, de vez en cuando me tengo que morder la lengua en bien del
buen clima ;-)

Saludos y buen rollo a todos.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Se sabe algo de la Potato? - ya vale ;)

1999-09-15 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- Gustavo CR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 01:06:39PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sin ánimo de ofender a nadie, vuestra discusión ya no es sobre Linux,
  podríais llevarla al privado, buen royo ante todo. :)
 Sin animo de ofender tampoco, para los pocos mensajes que quedan sobre Debian
 en la
 lista también los prohibimos, pues nada.
 No pretendo crear ruido pero ¿alguién sabe si la lista tiene algún
 mantenedor?, es
 que siento ser borde, pero esta era la lista específica de Debian y cada dia
 inclina más a ser un duplicado de l-linux, ¿debo desuscribirme de una de las
 con sólo un poquito de acritud

--- Completamente deacuerdo con Gustavo ... es aqui el lugar idoneo para
hablar de el tema. Aunque la lista tenga, obviamente, muchos temas en comun con
listas de caracter general de Linux, tocamos mas la distribucion Debian 
ideoneo para la gente como yo que ha plagado su curro de Debian por todas
partes. Si Linux me Interesa, tanto me interesa las cuestiones de Debian!
. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Off-topic Re: Se sabe algo de la Potato? - ya vale ;)

1999-09-15 Thread dfm

A todos los aludidos, quizás la respuesta que yo di sobre YA VALE llegó
algo tarde, con ese comentario me refería a dos personas, las cuales saben
bien quienes son, que habían cambiado el tema de la potato por una
discusión personal.

Susceptibles abstenganse de responder a este mensaje, jejejjee ;P



PD: Lloricas ;P con fecha 14/09/99 20:06:56

Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: (cci: Daniel Ferradal
Asunto: Re: Se sabe algo de la Potato? - ya vale ;)

Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Gustavo CR wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 01:06:39PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sin ?nimo de ofender a nadie, vuestra discusi?n ya no es sobre Linux,
  podr?ais llevarla al privado, buen royo ante todo. :)

Pues crei estar hablando 100% de Debian y de un tema que nos importa
bastante a muchos, aunque eso si no lo vemos todos igual.

En todo caso lo que no fu? quizas muy adecuado fu? el tono y pido perd?n.

Mi intenci?n no era ofender a nadie. Parece que no es facil ponerse
de acuerdo porque hablamos de pr?cticas muy distintas.

Para mi no tiene nada que ver el tema de que uno se pueda bajar lo
?timo de unstable sin problemas.

Todos los que han dicho que no han tenido problemas con la versi?n
unstable tengo que decirles que se llama unstable por alguna raz?n
y tambi?n por alguna raz?n hacen falta versiones estables. O no.

No se trata de lo que se es capaz de hacer con la versi?n unstable
aunque reconozco que me intriga la comparaci?n con RedHat. No
conozco las posibilidades de actualizaci?n en RedHat.

Decir que yo actualic? varias cosas y nunca tuve problemas no me
parece serio. Si estoy equivocado acerca de lo que significa
en Debian versi?n unstable no me importa que alguien lo explique
pero para m? unstable es una coleccion de paquetes relativamente
bien probados de forma aislada, pero no suficientemente probados
interactuando con el resto de la distribuci?n, y eso para mi
justifica el calificativo de unstable. Por ello la versi?n nueva
de un paquete no es para mi lo mismo que una actualizacion para
un paquete. La actualizaci?n de un paquete significar?a una
mayor garant?a para su correcta integraci?n en la distribuci?n
sin tener que esperar a la versi?n estable.

Los que han tenido suerte actualizando un paquete desde unstable
fenomenal, pero no siempre todo el mundo tiene tanta suerte
con todos los paquetes, mmm creo .

 Sin animo de ofender tampoco, para los pocos mensajes que quedan sobre
Debian en la  lista tambi?n los prohibimos, pues nada.


 No pretendo crear ruido pero .


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|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |
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Leafnode-1.9.4 y libc6 (= 2.1)

1999-09-15 Thread Barbwired

Estoy usando Slink y necesito actualizarme a la última versión de leafnode, por
un problema muy molesto que tiene (cuando una línea de un post comienza por un
punto la omite directamente).

Como la versión de Potato me pide libc6 (= 2.1) y ya me cargué mi sistema una
vez por actualizarla con faldas y a lo loco, estoy intentando solucionarlo de 
forma creativa.

Primero me bajé los fuentes, el .dsc y el .diff e intenté compilarlo como 
cualquier otro paquete de fuentes, aplicando manualmente el diff. El make 
install me debió dejar los ejecutables en un sitio raro porque la versión 
anterior de leafnode seguía ejecutándose y no conseguí nada a pesar de haber 
hecho un make update (que reformatea ciertos archivos para su uso con la nueva 
versión de leafnode). Así que hice un make uninstall que se cargó todos los 
directorios y archivos de /var/spool/news. Hombre, ¡qué bien! ¡Hala! Bueno, 
pues de perdidos al río :) Ya no tengo datos que perder, me voy a poner a 
trastear, pensé yo, siempre tan positiva. 

Entonces me digo: Ahora te haces tu propio paquete .deb y quedas como una 
princesa :) ¡Qué ilusión, mi primer paquete!
Sigo los consejos de Javier Fernández-Sanguino en el Linux Actual 4:

/usr/src-root# dpkg-source -x leafnode_1.9.4-8.dsc
dpkg-source: extracting leafnode in leafnode-1.9.4

/usr/src-root# cd leafnode-1.9.4/
/usr/src/leafnode-1.9.4-root# dpkg-buildpackage
[... muchos mensajes, todo parece ir bien... pero:]
Building Philip Hazel's Perl regular expressions library...
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/leafnode-1.9.4/pcre'
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `w'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/leafnode-1.9.4/pcre'
make[1]: *** [pcre/libpcre.a] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/leafnode-1.9.4'
make: *** [build-stamp] Error 2
Claro, Potato + Perl, tenía que estallar por algún lado...
En debian/README.source pone:
Leafnode uses PCRE.  I will always try to build with the latest
installed version.  There is a version of PCRE included in the
source, so if you don't have a development package installed the 
build should still work, but Leafnode will not be statically linked
against the system PCRE.  PCRE must be version 2 (or possibly later),
not version 1.  
The package uses debhelper.  Note that while it conforms to FHS 
with old versions, it should also handle newer, more correct versions 
properly too.

Y no entiendo bien de qué va esto. Cuando yo compilé el paquete desde el tgz 
original no me mentó a Perl para nada. O sea, que por aquí tampoco llego a 
ningún lado...

Como tengo por ahí el paquete .deb compilado para Potato, se me ha ocurrido que
lo puedo extraer, sustituir los ejecutables por los que yo compile para Slink y
volverlo a empaquetar. ¿Se puede hacer? Es una chapuza, pero no soy capaz de 
encontrar un Leafnode-1.9.4 compilado para Slink... ¿alguien lo ha visto?

Y cuando vosotros tenéis que hacer estas cosillas, ¿metéis tanto la pata o es
inherente a los filólogos? En serio, cuál es la manera de parchear la 
distribución sin liar la que yo he liado?

Fdo: Amaia, compuesta y sin news, pero con ganas de trastear de lo lindo :)
   Mind-affecting chemicals are tools like any other. At the right time, in the 
   right place, they can be very useful. For the effect of psychedelics on the 
   development community, well, there's Enlightenment, isn't there?
Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
Web personal
 Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.11) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Make xconfig

1999-09-15 Thread Barbwired
RESET decía:
 Barbwired:: Intento hacer un make xconfig, que nunca me ha dado
 Barbwired:: problemas, y me dice:
 Barbwired:: make: wish: Command not found
 Barbwired:: make: *** [xconfig] Error 127
 La manera más fácil es:
 [- p0 -] % dpkg -S wish 
 picon-news: /usr/lib/picon/news/soc/culture/jewish/unknown
 tk4.2: /usr/bin/wish4.2
 picon-news: /usr/lib/picon/news/soc/culture/jewish/unknown/face.xbm
 uudeview: /usr/bin/uuwish
 tclx76: /usr/bin/wishx7.6
 picon-news: /usr/lib/picon/news/soc/culture/jewish/unknown/face.xpm
 tk8.0: /usr/man/man1/wish8.0.1.gz
 picon-news: /usr/lib/picon/news/soc/culture/jewish
 tk4.2: /usr/man/man1/wish4.2.1.gz
 afterstep: /usr/share/afterstep/feels/feel.Windowish
 itcl3.0: /usr/man/man1/itkwish3.0.1.gz
 itcl3.0: /usr/bin/itkwish3.0
 picon-news: /usr/lib/picon/news/soc/culture/jewish/unknown/face.gif
 tk8.0: /usr/bin/wish8.0
 [- p0 -] % which wish  
 [- p0 -] % ls -l /etc/alternatives/wish 
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Aug 8 12:33 /etc/alternatives/wish -

Perdonad que retome el thread tan tarde, pero sigo sin arreglar esto.

~-barbwired dpkg -S wish
tk8.0: /usr/man/man1/wish8.0.1.gz
tk8.0: /usr/bin/wish8.0
~-barbwired which wish
~-barbwired ls -l /etc/alternatives/wish
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 dic /etc/alternatives/wish - /usr/bin/wishstep4.2

Esta claro que me faltan cosas y sigo sin saber dónde ni cuales. 
¿Una ayudita?

   Mind-affecting chemicals are tools like any other. At the right time, in the 
   right place, they can be very useful. For the effect of psychedelics on the 
   development community, well, there's Enlightenment, isn't there?
Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
Web personal
 Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.11) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Procmail y mi torpeza

1999-09-15 Thread Barbwired

Santiago Vila decía:
 A ver, en cuestión de listas de correo yo llamo mensajes originales a
 aquellos que provienen de la lista, y las copias personales que a veces me
 envían con Cc: (que normalmente agradezco) las acabo borrando al final,
 porque sé que ya están en la lista (aunque las de la lista tarden más en
 Hay gustos para todo, pero si diera la casualidad de que es esto
 lo que quieres hacer, te recomendaría que no usaras la expresión ^TO
 sino alguno de los campos que tienen los mensajes que provienen de la
 lista y que no tienen los mensajes que no provienen de la lista.

Realmente no era esto lo que quería hacer, pero tu consejo me ha venido de 
perlillas. Realmete útil, pues los personales se quedan en /var/spool/mail/*
y los de la lista van a su carpeta. 

 Bueno, no sé si te valdrá de algo todo esto, la verdad es que eso
 del formail -D no lo he probado casi nunca.

Tengo una carpeta con cada mensaje duplicado unas 10 o 13 veces (53MB). Lo que
quiero es que sólo quede una copia de cada uno en la nueva carpeta.
¿Alguna sugerencia?

   Mind-affecting chemicals are tools like any other. At the right time, in the 
   right place, they can be very useful. For the effect of psychedelics on the 
   development community, well, there's Enlightenment, isn't there?
Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
Web personal
 Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.11) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Ni idea de cómo empezar

1999-09-15 Thread Barbwired
Barbwired decía:

Lo primero, ten cuidado al responder a los mensajes de la lista, porque me temo
 que éste sólo me ha llegado a mí :)

Mil perdones, no tuve en cuenta que la copia de cortesía llega antes que el 
mensaje a la lista. De nuevo perdón.

   Mind-affecting chemicals are tools like any other. At the right time, in the 
   right place, they can be very useful. For the effect of psychedelics on the 
   development community, well, there's Enlightenment, isn't there?
Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
Web personal
 Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.11) on a Dell Laptop 

RE: Make xconfig

1999-09-15 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Barbwired [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   miércoles 15 de septiembre de 1999 2:32
 Asunto:   Re: Make xconfig
[Problemas con tcl/tk]
 Perdonad que retome el thread tan tarde, pero sigo sin arreglar esto.
 ~-barbwired dpkg -S wish
 tk8.0: /usr/man/man1/wish8.0.1.gz
 tk8.0: /usr/bin/wish8.0
 ~-barbwired which wish
 ~-barbwired ls -l /etc/alternatives/wish
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 dic /etc/alternatives/wish -
 Esta claro que me faltan cosas y sigo sin saber dónde ni cuales. 
 ¿Una ayudita?
1) ¿Tienes /etc/altenatives en el path?
2) No tengo a mano mi linuxcete, pero creo que el ejecutable del
wish es /usr/bin/wish8.0 y no /usr/bin/wishstep4.2 :-?, igual tienes una
versión rara :-?

Solución, aunque sólo sea para probar, haz un 
ln -s /usr/bin/wish8.0 /usr/bin/wish
Y mira a ver si funciona

 Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.11) on a Dell Laptop
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Necesito el source de GDB

1999-09-15 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz

Para compilar un programa (el RHIDE, en concreto), necesito el código
fuente del GNU DEBUGGER 4.16 o GDB (supongo que una versión mejor también

Lo he buscado por los paquetes de la slink y no encuentro nada. ¿Ha
cambiado de nombre? Porque con la Debian 1.3 me compilaba todo sin
problemas, y ahora estoy teniendo que hacer muchos cambios porque falta
esto, falta aquello, etc.

En concreto, uno de los cambios que he tenido que hacer es ir modificando
todos los makefiles uno a uno y cambiar el compilador de gcc a egcc porque
por alguna razón no encontraba las bibliotecas de c++, a pesar de tenerlas
instaladas, o me decía que no aceptaba ciertos parámetros :-?

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

WinError 032: Multitasking attempted: system confused.

Escribir libros con software libre

1999-09-15 Thread lfuertes
Hola a todos,

Necesito escribir documentación técnica, parecido a como se hace con
linuxdoc en sgml, pero también necesito incluir imágenes (en concreto,
pantallas de ejecución), tablas i todos los elementos que se suelen incluir
en los manuales que nos encontramos por ahí. Realmente el formato que quiero
es de un libro, ya que es para escribir un proyecto y manuales grandes.

Me contaron que podría utilizar DocBook DTD, por tanto empece a buscar y
encontre las nuevas sgmltools 2.0.2, proyecto que por cierto está paradito
:-(( (quiero utilizar software libre, por supuesto ;-)  ), las cuales
procedí a bajar y parece que funcionan, aunque no he podido obtener nada
todavía imprimible, ni se muy bien como utilizar correctamente. La verdad es
que voy bastante perdido, ya que no he podido comprobar, y todos los
ejemplos que hay no me lo demuestran, que se pueden incluir imágenes
utilizando este DTD. Además insisto que todavía no he podido hacer nada
imprimible, ni tampoco si, después de que se pudiera hacer algo con Docbook
con imágenes, si la transformación a html sería sencilla.

Si que he conseguido más o menos ejemplos (Gnome-es, kde, freebsd están
surtidos), pero insisto que no he visto ejemplos con imágenes. Igual es que
me estoy equivocando de herramienta y debería de utilizar Latex, Tex, LyX
(esto si que me rula XDD ) , no se...

Espero que alguien me oriente, aunque a una mala siempre puedo utilizar LyX,
que por otra parte va bien, aunque alguien me dijo que el código SGML que
genera no parace demasiado bueno (manias?). Supongo que para documentos
grandes (más de 200 páginas) LyX rula bien, no?, a ver si me pongo y
luego..., pero insisto que me gustaria hacerlo en DocBook, o por lo menos
conocer que narices se puede llegar a hacer, ya que los proyectos más
punteros de ahora, parece que utilizan este DTD.

Saludos y gracias a todos de antemanao!!!

  Luis M. Fuertes de la Cruz ICQ: 47565819 (Si quieres hablar ahora ;-)  )
  PGP ID: 0x58773A19
  Fingerprint: 88C5 6A27 9C0F 0053  A364 E157 578E 81AF

Re: Se sabe algo de la Potato?

1999-09-15 Thread J. Carlos Muro

RESET escribió:

 : En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 J. Carlos Muro [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 [...ver mensajes anteriores...]

 Esta es una de las eternas discusiones de Debian.  En mi opinión,
 aunque es cierto que otras distribuciones RedHat en particular, tienen
 el aliciente de versiones más rápidas y actualizadas, no compensa
 trabajar así.  Si sigues los grupos de linux te habrás dado cuenta de
 que en cuanto una revista saca la última RH todo se llena de quejas y
 preguntas de gente que no puede configurar, a la que no le funciona
 una cosa o la otra o la de más allá.  En teoría queda bien lo de
 decir: `necesito el último paquete, me instalo RH'.  en la práctica,
 te puede pasar que instales RH y no sólo no funcione ese paquete, sino
 que muchos otros fallen también (por ejemplo, con el cambio a libc6).

¡Cierto! Esta respuesta ya me convence más ;-) Opino igual, y ahora lo veo más 
claro. ¡Vivan
la seriedad y el orden sobre la prisa y el caos!

 Date cuenta de lo que le estamos pidiendo a Linux y sus programadores:
 no solamente buenos programas, sino actualizaciones prácticamente
 semanales que incluyan nuevas características y demás.  Potato cambia
 _cada día_.  El resto del mundo (alias Windows) ni siquiera sueña con
 semejante posibilidad.  No creo que haya modo de que un programador
 pueda mantener su trabajo con las versiones nuevas y al mismo tiempo
 una algo antigua no-estable-ni-inestable (corrigiendo los bugs de que
 se le informe pero sin introducir características nuevas que puedan
 tener nuevos errores) y al mismo tiempo con la estable.  Por otro
 lado, ten en cuenta que un informe de bugs en una versión antigua es
 totalmente inútil.

Bueno, todo esto también es cierto, o al menos así me lo parece ;-) Dile a M$ 
que has
encontrado un fallo en tal sitio, y que si por favor lo pueden arreglar; verás. 
En cambio yo
he mandado bug reports a programadores de Linux y me han contestado incluso 
dándome las
gracias, diciéndome que ya estaba solucionado el bug, y que podía recoger la 
nueva versión sin
el bug en 'tal' dirección.
Eso ... vale mucho :)

 En cuanto a lo que comentas de las revistas, ahí la culpa no es de
 Debian, sino de las revistas y distribuidores (o del público, que no
 compra lo suficiente ;-)  Si te pasas por la página de distribuidores
 del sitio web, verás que hay bastantes que venden CDs de la

También es cierto.

 Un saludo.

A tí y la lista. Y de paso pedir disculpas si he levantado cierto revuelo. 
Bueno, pienso que
esta lista está para debatir este tipo de asuntos. Al fin y al cabo, si Debian 
es libre, pues
libres somos de opinar, digo yo. Así que opiniones han sido dadas, y no la 
toméis unos con
otros por estas cosas, ¿vale? ;-)
En cualquier caso, apuesto por Debian más que nunca, porque actualmente ES una 
moderna, y estoy seguro de que en cuanto se publique Potato, será la mejor 
distribución de
Linux con creces.

Hasta pronto:
Juan Carlos Muro

RE: Make xconfig

1999-09-15 Thread Manuel Trujillo
   2) No tengo a mano mi linuxcete, pero creo que el ejecutable del
 wish es /usr/bin/wish8.0 y no /usr/bin/wishstep4.2 :-?, igual tienes una
 versión rara :-?

Este wish es uno con el look-feel del NextStep, la incongruencia que veo
(seguro que a lo mejor me equivoco, no tengo mi linux delante), es que uno
es de la 8.0 y el otro de la 4.2...

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Make xconfig

1999-09-15 Thread Barbwired
Tejada Lacaci, Antonio decía:
   1) ¿Tienes /etc/altenatives en el path?

No lo tenía, lo he puesto y nada.

   2) No tengo a mano mi linuxcete, pero creo que el ejecutable del
 wish es /usr/bin/wish8.0 y no /usr/bin/wishstep4.2 :-?, igual tienes una
 versión rara :-?

Jeje, ya está. /usr/bin/wishstep4.2 no existía, he arreglado el link y todo va 
como la seda. ¿Qué haría el link ése ahí? Ahora apunta a /usr/bin/wish8.0 
Muchas gracias por la paciencia :-)

   When you're root, the kernel will not protect you from yourself.
Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
Web personal
 Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.11) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Leafnode-1.9.4 y libc6 (= 2.1)

1999-09-15 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Barbwired wrote:
 Estoy usando Slink y necesito actualizarme a la última versión de leafnode, 
 un problema muy molesto que tiene (cuando una línea de un post comienza por un
 punto la omite directamente).

Jeee... pues yo no sé como se hace eso que pides. Sin embargo, yo
también requería los servicios del Leafnode en slink, y lo encontré sacado
de la potato y compilado para slink en ya puesto en paquetitos .deb.

Una gozada. Ojo, yo tuve que instalar todos, excepto los opcionales que
ponía ahí, y ahora me funciona. También tengo slink/libc6, así que supongo
que podría funcionarte.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

Now I'm free. I can do whatever I want - Me, LiNUX user.

DWN 33 y 34

1999-09-15 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez

   Han aparecido hace un poco en el sitio de Debian las noticias
   semanales de Debian en español correspondientes al [1]29 de agosto y
   al [2]7 de septiembre. Incluyo ambos en ASCCI más abajo.
   Algunas cosas interesantes...
 * Se mantiene por ahora la fecha para la congelación de potato
   (Debian 2.2), el primero de noviembre.
 * Problemas con bind (servidor de DNS). Al incluirle código de
   seguridad, deja de ser libre. Se están discutiendo opciones (hacer
   un corte libre de bind, usar DENTS, etc)
 * Se está iniciando la transición a GPG 1.0 para todo lo relacioando
   con cifrado en el proyecto Debian.
 * Anuncios varios de seguridad (actualización de varios paquetes)
 * Alguna gente está preocupada por el desarrollo del proyecto. Se
   está hablando de esto mucho últimamente.

   Como siempre, podéis comentarlas en [3]




 Debian Weekly News - 7 de septiembre de 1999
   Bienvenidos al ejemplar número 33 de las Noticias Semanales sobre
   Debian (traducción al español de Debian Weekly News), un boletín para
   la comunidad de desarrolladores Debian.
   El comité técnico ha [8]hablado: /usr/doc/package se proporcionará
   como un enlace simbólico en los paquetes que cumplan con el FHS.. Esto
   ha provocado una avalancha de paquetes puestos al día, que cumplem el
   FHS. Para detalles sobre la implementación, véase [9]este mensaje
   (debhelper gestionará la mayor parte de esto de forma automática).
   La última versión de bind contiene código de cifrado que no es libre
   sgún la DFSG. Por lo tanto el servidor de DNS, un componente principal
   de Debian, o de cualquier sistema Unix, se ha convertido en no libre
   (una situación muy mala). Parece que, bien quitando este código, o
   bien manteniendo el viejo, hacer versiones libres de bind sería
   [10]muy difícil. Una alternativa que se está considerando es usar el
   nuevo servidor de DNS dents. Quizás el mayor problema con dents es que
   no es BIND, y no se confía tanto en él como en el servidor clásico
   de DNS.
   Observatorio de la congelación: La congelación está a sólo 7 semanas,
   si nos atenemos a la planificación. Chris Lawrence ha puesto una
   [11]bonita lista de cosas que tendríamos que tener hechas para la
   liberación, y cuánto de cerca estamos de conseguirlas.
   Una vez que GPG 1.0 ha sido liberado, mucha gente se va a pasar
   probablemente a GPG muy pronto. Afortunadamente, parece que ha sido
   [12]posible durante ya algún tiempo firmar paquetes con GPG y subirlos
   a Debian, aunque poca gente lo ha hecho hasta ahora.
   ¿Qué hacen los desarrolladores de Debian cuando no están trabajando en
   Debian? Muchos de ellos escriben software para Linux en general, o son
   los mantenedores corriente arriba de software ya existente. Martin
   Schulze ha tenido la [13]idea de que sería una buena cosa tener una
   lista de ese trabajo, y rápidamente han sido encontrados [14]123 de
   estos paquetes, incluyendo software tan importante como,
   stracce, sysklogd, sysvinit, watchdog, y wvdial.
   Recientemente ha habido algo de confusión sobre el propósito de Originalmente, [15]estaba orientada a ser una
   forma de que el equipo de seguridad sacase rápidamente paquetes
   actualizados sin esperar por los espejos. ¡Pero ahora la gente quiere
   hacer espejos de ella!. También hay algún desacuerdo sobre durante
   cuánto tiempo deberían mantenerse los paquetes en
   después de que se han incluido adecuadamente en la distribución.
   Como es habitual, están disponibles [16]las noticias de Debian-JP de
   esta semana.
   Gracias a Randolph Chung y Katsura S. Yoshio por [17]contribuir.
   Para recibir este boletín semanalmente en tu buzón, [18]suscríbete a
   la lista de correo debian-news.
   Puedes conseguir [19]ejemplares anteriores de este boletín.
   Debian Weekly News es editada por [20]Joey Hess.
   Esta página también está disponible en los siguientes idiomas:
   [21]Inglés  [22]Sueco
   [23]Como modificar el idioma por defecto de los documentos
   Ultima modificación: Mar, Sep 14 16:42:58 UTC 1999
   Copyright © 1997-1999 [24]SPI; Ver [25]los términos de la licencia



Re: Escribir libros con software libre

1999-09-15 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
 Hola a todos,
 Necesito escribir documentación técnica, parecido a como se hace con
 linuxdoc en sgml, pero también necesito incluir imágenes (en concreto,
 pantallas de ejecución), tablas i todos los elementos que se suelen incluir
 en los manuales que nos encontramos por ahí. Realmente el formato que quiero
 es de un libro, ya que es para escribir un proyecto y manuales grandes.
Si lo que quieres es escribir un libro creo que lo mejor
sera que uses latex (sin lyx). Permite organizar muy bien la
estructura de libro y no hay ningun problema en incluir
imagenes (en formato eps).

Hasta mas bits,

P.D. No crees que te has pasado un poco con el crossposting?
Hacer esta pregunta en 6 listas diferentes es un poco
exagerado. Hubiera bastado con una lista sobre linux en
general o en news:///es.comp.os.linux.misc

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

RE: Escribir libros con software libre

1999-09-15 Thread lfuertes

 P.D. No crees que te has pasado un poco con el crossposting?
 Hacer esta pregunta en 6 listas diferentes es un poco
 exagerado. Hubiera bastado con una lista sobre linux en
 general o en news:///es.comp.os.linux.misc

 Me he pasado y desde aquí pido disculpas


  Luis M. Fuertes de la Cruz
  PGP ID: 0x58773A19
  Fingerprint: 88C5 6A27 9C0F 0053  A364 E157 578E 81AF

Re: Make xconfig

1999-09-15 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Barbwired wrote:
 Tejada Lacaci, Antonio decía:
1) ¿Tienes /etc/altenatives en el path?
 No lo tenía, lo he puesto y nada.
2) No tengo a mano mi linuxcete, pero creo que el ejecutable del
  wish es /usr/bin/wish8.0 y no /usr/bin/wishstep4.2 :-?, igual tienes una
  versión rara :-?
 Jeje, ya está. /usr/bin/wishstep4.2 no existía, he arreglado el link y todo va
 como la seda. ¿Qué haría el link ése ahí? Ahora apunta a /usr/bin/wish8.0
 Muchas gracias por la paciencia :-)

Todo esto tiene que ver con el sistema de 'alternatives' de Debian,
se que existe pero todavía no termino de entenderlo. Estuve
leyendo la man page de update-alternatives y es bastante
esclarecedora. Entre otras cosas:

- No hay que poner /etc/alternatives en el path. La idea es que
/usr/bin/wish sea un link simbólico a /etc/alternatives/wish que
a su vez es otro link simbólico a la alternativa que elija el
administrador. De esta manera las acciones del administrador
quedan limitadas a modificar un directorio que cuelga de /etc.

- En /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives está la información de las
alternativas para cada comando generico.

- Con update-alternatives se pueden crear grupos de alternativas,
crear o eliminar alternativas para grupos existentes o pasar
un grupo de alternativas a modo automático, con lo cual
se seleccionará automáticamente la alternativa de mayor

Ahora lo que me falta entender:
- Como se pasa a modo manual ?
- Cuál sería la forma correcta de que el administrador
manifieste su preferencia por una alternativa:
   a) Dejando las alternativas en modo automático y 
 modificando su prioridad.
   b) Pasándola a modo manual y tocando el symlink de 
 /etc/alternatives ?

A mí se me ocurriría ir y editar los archivos de
/var/lib/dpkg/alternatives pero parece un poco peligroso.

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Re: Porque veo Mc en B/N en la Xterm?

1999-09-15 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:
 El Mon, Aug 23, 1999 at 01:10:44PM +0200, Cosme Perea Cuevas contaba:
 cuando lanza el `mc' en una Xterm aparece en banco y negro, no
 con el típico fondo azul y letras amarillas. ¿Por qué?
 La `xterm' en Debian se llama `xterm-debian' y el MC parece que no se
 entera que es una terminal en color.
 Lo bueno es que se lo puedes decir... O con la variable:
   export COLORTERMINAL=xterm-debian
 O si no lo pones en la configuración del MC:
color_terminals=xterm-debian, xterm, xterm-xfree86, rxvt, linux

Traté de poner en práctica lo anterior y no tuve éxito, así que
fui a la man-page del mc (último recurso cuando nada funciona :).

- En realidad la variable a setear es COLORTERM en lugar de 

$ export COLORTERMINAL=xterm-debian

- El otro método también anda, pero hay que aclarar que esa línea
debe estar en la sección Colors del mc.ini, y que (al menos con
mi mc Versión 4.5.1-1.1) el mc.ini está en /etc/mc/mc.ini:

color_terminals=xterm-debian, xterm, xterm-xfree86, rxvt, linux

Con este método tengo otro problema: anda cuando no tengo
creado el ~/.mc/ini
Cuando el archivo existe toma precedencia sobre el del sistema...
Y cuando no existe se crea automáticamente ! ... sin incluir las
líneas referidas a las color_terminals. Recomendación: agregar 
ese par de líneas, pero en el archivo: ~/.mc/ini

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Re: Leafnode-1.9.4 y libc6 (= 2.1)

1999-09-15 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 15 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 02:20:14 +0200, Barbwired contaba:

Como la versión de Potato me pide libc6 (= 2.1) y ya me cargué mi sistema una
vez por actualizarla con faldas y a lo loco, estoy intentando solucionarlo de 
forma creativa.

Y cuando vosotros tenéis que hacer estas cosillas, ¿metéis tanto la pata o es
inherente a los filólogos?

 Más bien lo segundo ;^). Yo  tengo aquí una Slink con glibc 2.1
 de potato (quizá ya haya una versión más nueva), y todo sigue bien.
 E, ahora que  lo pienso, ldconfig me da  errorcillos... 15 libs
 que no aparecen... pero todo funciona...

Fdo: Amaia, compuesta y sin news, pero con ganas de trastear de lo lindo :)

 ¿Quieres trastear? jeje,  creo que tengo por  aquí el juguetito
 perfecto: ROCK-Linux. Es una distribución (que nadie me mate!!) sin
 gestor de paquetes ni nada. La he  bajado y tostado en un CD. Quien
 quiera se la mando jeje.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12
PGP Public key at

[iso8859-1] Encuentro Linuxero en Arroutada Party VII - A[iso8859-1] coruña (fwd)

1999-09-15 Thread siae0080

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:20:49 +0200 (MEST)
From: Juan Ignacio Llona [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [iso8859-1] Encuentro Linuxero en Arroutada Party VII - A[iso8859-1] 
coruña (fwd)

Hola a todos!

Para quien pueda interesar...

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 18:23:52 + (GMT)
From: Simon Neira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [iso8859-1] Encuentro Linuxero en Arroutada Party VII - A[iso8859-1] 


Los días 9, 10 y 11 de Octubre se va a celebrar en A Coruña
la Arroutada Party.
En esta party, buscamos la calidad en vez de la cantidad, así
primero nos estamos poniendo en contacto con la gente que nos
interesa que vaya, para evitar que la party se llene de gente que
sólo va a jugar o a pasarse warez (como pasa en las últimas
grandes partys de España).

A ella asistirá lo mejor de la demoescena Española y del mundo 
del MSX.
Pretendemos que sea también un punto de encuentro de la gente del
entorno del mundo del Linux. Así, GPUL (Grupo de usuarios y
programadores de Linux de A Coruña / A Coruña Linux User Group)
va ha organizar varios concursos relacionados con Linux como:

-Scripting en Bash.
-Demos bajo Linux.

Pretendemos que venga la mayor cantidad posible de gente de LUGs
de España e incluso lo intentamos con algún que otro LUG de
Portugal con que GPUL tiene relaciones.
Además es posible que venga un viejo conocido de GPUL desde
Holanda (Rik Van Riel) quien lleva el tema de parte de la gestión
de memoria del kernel.

Pues eso, a ver si podéis forwardear este email a las listas de
correo de vuestros respectivos LUGs, por si hay alguien que se
anime a venir.

Para la gente que venga del País Vasco, pueden ponerse en contacto
con el grupo Genesis, quienes han organizado un autobús para traer
a la gente de aquella zona.

La entrada está tirada de precio. a diferencia de las burradas de
otras partys, esta sale por sólo 1000 pelillas por los 3 días de
duración (incluida chocolatada).
Recomendamos que reservéis, para aseguraros una plaza en la zona
dedicada a los Linuxeros. (Decir que queréis ir a la zona Linux
en el mail que hagáis de reserva)


  o   ___   ___  ___    __  ___   ___  ___  o
 / _ | / _ \/ _ \/ __ \/ / / /_  __/ _ | / _ \/ _ |
/ __ |/ , _/ , _/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / __ |/ // / __ |
   /_/.|_/_/|_/_/|_|\/\/ /_/ /_/ |_//_/.|_|
Mc_Tr_   _
del - 9 - al - 11 -  ._  _..__|_/ \ / \
de Octubre de  .-1999-.  |_)(_||  |_\/ ( 9 | 9 ) 
   o   en  | A Coruña |  |  /   \_/ \_/   o


 La Party de las diferentes escenas informáticas


  DOC Oficial v7.8b

   * - 9, 10 y 11 de Octubre  - *
* - Fórum  Metropolitano - 
Asociación da Mocidade Informática Galega de A Coruña

   Ayuntamiento de A Coruña.
  Grupo de programadores y usuarios de Linux.

1. Lugar de la party (Dónde y Cuándo)

   La séptima edición de la Arroutada party tendrá  lugar  en  el  Fórum
Metropolitano de A Coruña, bajo el Parque Europa, cerca de El Corte Inglés y
el centro comercial Cuatro Caminos. Comenzará a las 10 horas de la mañana
del día 9 de octubre (sábado) para terminar el día 11 de octubre a las 17:30
de la tarde (lunes festivo/puente). El recinto permanecerá abierto las 24
horas del día, pero sólo para la gente que lleve la identificación aportada
por la 

Caracter `

1999-09-15 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín
¿Cómo puedo conseguir que salga el caracter ` en los ficheros editados
con joe?

Muchas gracias.

dudas con rsync

1999-09-15 Thread Antonio Castro
Estoy bajandome imagenes de CDs de Debian y estoy usando rsync por
aquello de que Debian lo recomienda. Confieso que no lo conocía
y me parece una maravilla aunque la verdad para bajar Cds creo
que puede usarse muchas cosas y lo único importante es poder continuar
bajando un fichero que se quedó a la mitad. La habilidad de rsync para
bajar solo las diferencias no me parece importante en este caso. Además
observo que rsync no escribe el fichero hasta el final y por ello no 
comprendo muy bien porque se recomienda usar rsync en lugar de ftp, 
wget, o mirror por ejemplo. Debe haber cosas que se me escapan.

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))


1999-09-15 Thread Joaquín García
Hola a todos:
Estoy recién incorporado a la lista. Creo ser un principiante veterano
(empecé con la Debian 1.3.1) y, aunque no muy experto, me defiendo.
Hace poco he instalado la slink 2.1 Citius que regalaba la revista Linux
actual, sin apenas problemas salvo los ya comentados en la lista sobre
KDE y alguna de sus aplicaciones, ¡bien!
He compilado el kernel 2.2.4 para soporte de la tarjeta de sonido etc.
Desde entonces me aparece en los mensajes de arranque, después del fsck
Mounting local file system...
not mounted anything

SIOCADDRT: invalid argument
SIOCADDRT: invalid argument.

Local time...

Mi PC tiene AMD K6-2 a 350, 64M, tarjetas: vídeo, sonido, red y modem
¿Podríais decirme qué es eso de SIOCADDRT: invalid argument? ¿He añadido
algo mal al kernel?
No he notado fallos en los programas.
Muchas gracias de antemano.
Saludos para todos.


1999-09-15 Thread Joaquín García
Hola a todos:
Estoy recién incorporado a la lista. Creo ser un principiante veterano
(empecé con la Debian 1.3.1) y, aunque no muy experto, me defiendo.
Hace poco he instalado la slink 2.1 Citius que regalaba la revista Linux

actual, sin apenas problemas salvo los ya comentados en la lista sobre
KDE y alguna de sus aplicaciones, ¡bien!
He compilado el kernel 2.2.4 para soporte de la tarjeta de sonido etc.
Desde entonces me aparece en los mensajes de arranque, después del fsck
Mounting local file system...
not mounted anything

SIOCADDRT: invalid argument
SIOCADDRT: invalid argument.

Local time...

Mi PC tiene AMD K6-2 a 350, 64M, tarjetas: vídeo, sonido, red y modem
¿Podríais decirme qué es eso de SIOCADDRT: invalid argument? ¿He añadido

algo mal al kernel?
No he notado fallos en los programas.
Muchas gracias de antemano.
Saludos para todos.


1999-09-15 Thread Luis M. Garcia
On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 10:38:07PM +0200, Joaquín García wrote:
 Hola a todos:


 He compilado el kernel 2.2.4 para soporte de la tarjeta de sonido etc.
 Desde entonces me aparece en los mensajes de arranque, después del fsck
 Mounting local file system...
 not mounted anything
 SIOCADDRT: invalid argument
 SIOCADDRT: invalid argument.
 Local time...


El archivo /etc/init.d/network tiene la culpa. Comenta la(s) línea(s)
que lleven el comando route add -net  Por lo que tengo entendido,
la serie de kernels 2.2.x añaden automáticamente la ruta.

Por otro lado, yo me tiré mucho tiempo antes de corregirlo y no parece
que cause ningún problema.



1999-09-15 Thread Jon Noble

On mié, 15 sep 1999 22:23:02 Joaquín García wrote:
 Hola a todos:
 Estoy recién incorporado a la lista. Creo ser un principiante veterano
 (empecé con la Debian 1.3.1) y, aunque no muy experto, me defiendo.
 Hace poco he instalado la slink 2.1 Citius que regalaba la revista Linux
 actual, sin apenas problemas salvo los ya comentados en la lista sobre
 KDE y alguna de sus aplicaciones, ¡bien!
 He compilado el kernel 2.2.4 para soporte de la tarjeta de sonido etc.
 Desde entonces me aparece en los mensajes de arranque, después del fsck
 Mounting local file system...
 not mounted anything
 SIOCADDRT: invalid argument
 SIOCADDRT: invalid argument.
 Local time...
 Mi PC tiene AMD K6-2 a 350, 64M, tarjetas: vídeo, sonido, red y modem
 ¿Podríais decirme qué es eso de SIOCADDRT: invalid argument? ¿He añadido
 algo mal al kernel?

Para evitar ese mensaje tienes que eliminar en el fichero /etc/init.d/network 
la línea route add -net, que sólo es válida para kernels anteriores 
a los 2.2.x.

Un saludo,



1999-09-15 Thread Joaquín García
Jon Noble wrote:


 On mié, 15 sep 1999 22:23:02 Joaquín García wrote:
  Hola a todos:
  Estoy recién incorporado a la lista. Creo ser un principiante veterano
  (empecé con la Debian 1.3.1) y, aunque no muy experto, me defiendo.
  Hace poco he instalado la slink 2.1 Citius que regalaba la revista Linux
  actual, sin apenas problemas salvo los ya comentados en la lista sobre
  KDE y alguna de sus aplicaciones, ¡bien!
  He compilado el kernel 2.2.4 para soporte de la tarjeta de sonido etc.
  Desde entonces me aparece en los mensajes de arranque, después del fsck
  Mounting local file system...
  not mounted anything
  SIOCADDRT: invalid argument
  SIOCADDRT: invalid argument.
  Local time...
  Mi PC tiene AMD K6-2 a 350, 64M, tarjetas: vídeo, sonido, red y modem
  ¿Podríais decirme qué es eso de SIOCADDRT: invalid argument? ¿He añadido
  algo mal al kernel?

 Para evitar ese mensaje tienes que eliminar en el fichero /etc/init.d/network 
 la línea route add -net, que sólo es válida para kernels 
 anteriores a los 2.2.x.

 Un saludo,


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Muchas gracias por tu rápida respuesta.
Un cordial saludo.


1999-09-15 Thread Miquel
El mié, sep 15, 1999 at 10:23:02 +0200 Joaquín García va dir:

 Hola a todos:
 Estoy recién incorporado a la lista. 

hola y bienvenido

 He compilado el kernel 2.2.4 para soporte de la tarjeta de sonido etc.
 Desde entonces me aparece en los mensajes de arranque, después del fsck
 Mounting local file system...
 not mounted anything
 SIOCADDRT: invalid argument
 SIOCADDRT: invalid argument.
 Local time...

 ¿Podríais decirme qué es eso de SIOCADDRT: invalid argument? ¿He añadido
 algo mal al kernel?

puede que sea que en el arranque se invoque al comando route, que con
los kernels 2.2.* ya no hace falta. Mira en /etc/init.d/network y si
hay una línea 

route add -net


un saludo,


   __   __ __  __ __  __ __  __
  / /  / //  |/ // / / / \ \/ /cooperación contra mando
 / /_ / // /|  // /_/ /   \  /
/___//_//_/ |_/ \//  \ (Powered by Debian GNU/LiNuX potato)
 /_/\_\  Public-GnuPG-keyID 0xA2B68952


Description: PGP signature

Re: Porque veo Mc en B/N en la Xterm?

1999-09-15 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Enzo A. Dari wrote:

 Con este método tengo otro problema: anda cuando no tengo
 creado el ~/.mc/ini
 Cuando el archivo existe toma precedencia sobre el del sistema...
 Y cuando no existe se crea automáticamente ! ... sin incluir las
 líneas referidas a las color_terminals. Recomendación: agregar 
 ese par de líneas, pero en el archivo: ~/.mc/ini

Muchas gracias. Yo también había probado este método de lanzar mc sobre
xterm y me estaba volviendo loco buscando dónde estaba el fallo, porque
evidentemente no funcionaba.


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

Re: Escribir libros con software libre

1999-09-15 Thread Juantomas Garcia
veo que te lo has currado un monton. No soy especialista en 
sgml pero creo que deberías tener en cuenta algunas cosas:

- El libro gtk+ y gnome aplication develoment (creo que es 
asi esta en docbook. La version en html esta online
en Ya te puedo confirmar
que tiene imagenes y figuras. 

- Me parece que ahora Ismael Olea no lee esta lista, 
pero estoy casi seguro que es una de las personas que 
mas SGML sabe, apunta su direccion [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ismael Olea es el responsable de Lucas, y aunque casi todos
los documentos estan en linuxdoc, no creo que exista ninguna 
otra persona con más 'pasión' por el SGML en España.

Espero que este correo te ayude.

Juantomas Garcia

At 10:57 AM 9/15/99 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hola a todos,

Necesito escribir documentación técnica, parecido a como se hace con
linuxdoc en sgml, pero también necesito incluir imágenes (en concreto,
pantallas de ejecución), tablas i todos los elementos que se suelen incluir
en los manuales que nos encontramos por ahí. Realmente el formato que quiero
es de un libro, ya que es para escribir un proyecto y manuales grandes.

Me contaron que podría utilizar DocBook DTD, por tanto empece a buscar y
encontre las nuevas sgmltools 2.0.2, proyecto que por cierto está paradito
:-(( (quiero utilizar software libre, por supuesto ;-)  ), las cuales
procedí a bajar y parece que funcionan, aunque no he podido obtener nada
todavía imprimible, ni se muy bien como utilizar correctamente. La verdad es
que voy bastante perdido, ya que no he podido comprobar, y todos los
ejemplos que hay no me lo demuestran, que se pueden incluir imágenes
utilizando este DTD. Además insisto que todavía no he podido hacer nada
imprimible, ni tampoco si, después de que se pudiera hacer algo con Docbook
con imágenes, si la transformación a html sería sencilla.

Si que he conseguido más o menos ejemplos (Gnome-es, kde, freebsd están
surtidos), pero insisto que no he visto ejemplos con imágenes. Igual es que
me estoy equivocando de herramienta y debería de utilizar Latex, Tex, LyX
(esto si que me rula XDD ) , no se...

Espero que alguien me oriente, aunque a una mala siempre puedo utilizar LyX,
que por otra parte va bien, aunque alguien me dijo que el código SGML que
genera no parace demasiado bueno (manias?). Supongo que para documentos
grandes (más de 200 páginas) LyX rula bien, no?, a ver si me pongo y
luego..., pero insisto que me gustaria hacerlo en DocBook, o por lo menos
conocer que narices se puede llegar a hacer, ya que los proyectos más
punteros de ahora, parece que utilizan este DTD.

Saludos y gracias a todos de antemanao!!!

  Luis M. Fuertes de la Cruz ICQ: 47565819 (Si quieres hablar ahora ;-)  )
  PGP ID: 0x58773A19
  Fingerprint: 88C5 6A27 9C0F 0053  A364 E157 578E 81AF


dpkg-dev / dpkg broke?

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
I get this error on my potato i386:

dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/dpkg_1.4.1.8_i386.deb
 trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man1/dpkg-buildpackage.1.gz', which is
also in package dpkg-dev
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)

There are still four packages left that it isn't upgrading, due to this
error. I assume the maintainer will fix this thing soon enough, but is there
any way to get to the other packages until then? :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

top missing too

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
Ok, top was in the unstable yesterday. Today it is not? I miss top. I liked
top. It might not have been the best, nor the prettiest, but I liked it.

Does anyone know more about it? 


Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

ftpd disabled after potato upgrade

1999-09-15 Thread Kristopher Johnson
I recently upgraded from slink to potato.  At some point, my
inetd.conf file got #off# prepended to the ftp line,
disabling it.  A comment at the top of inetd.conf says Lines
starting with ... #off# should not be changed unless you know
what you are doing!

As I have apparently have no idea what I'm doing, I figured I'd
ask here before uncommenting-out the line.  What's the deal?

- Kris

Re: dpkg-dev / dpkg broke?

1999-09-15 Thread David Z. Maze
Seth R Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
SRA I get this error on my potato i386:
SRA dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/dpkg_1.4.1.8_i386.deb
SRA (--unpack):
SRA  trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man1/dpkg-buildpackage.1.gz', which is
SRA also in package dpkg-dev

Among the packages APT didn't install is the new dpkg-dev; if you run
'apt-get install dpkg-dev' and then proceed with the upgrade it works

dpkg should probably Conflicts: with dpkg-dev (=

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: emacs or xemacs ?

1999-09-15 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Jakob 'sparky' Kaivo wrote:
 On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Juli-Manel Merino Vidal wrote:
  Hi all,
  where can I found a document describing the differences between emacs
  and xemacs ?
 Check the XEmacs web page:
 You might also look at the Emacs web pages:

I honestly don't mean to start a holy war here, but I'd like to
know:  Is there anyone who prefers Emacs to XEmacs, and why?

- Kris

Re: /var/log

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 09:46:28PM +0200, Juli-Manel Merino Vidal wrote:
 Hi all,
 is it a good idea to clean completly /var/log at every boot (or each
 week, etc) ? I'm a single user in my computer.

nah, hold onto them. You can gzip them (the logrotate package does this
automagically... :) if the size bothers you...

Of course, there is nothing that says they *have* to be there -- but no one
I know deletes them that often. :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

RE: top missing too

1999-09-15 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 14-Sep-99 Seth R Arnold wrote:
 Ok, top was in the unstable yesterday. Today it is not? I miss top. I liked
 top. It might not have been the best, nor the prettiest, but I liked it.
 Does anyone know more about it? 

It is in procps -- has been for some time.

Re: ps, free. etc...

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
My potato has them -- try apt-get update; apt-get install procps

On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 04:02:45PM -0500, Robert Rati wrote:
 I seem to have lost ps, free, uptime, etc when I upgraded to potato.  Did
 these commands get moved out to aa separarte package or something?  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   1999-00 |
 Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
 ICQ# 2325055|   LI  N NN  U U   X
 |   LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
 Shackles cannot keep me bound  |  A REAL Man's OS!
  forever.  I'm outta here. |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: logging within shell scripts

1999-09-15 Thread Gregory T. Norris
That appears to be EXACTLY what I'm looking for... Thanx much!

On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 10:41:10AM +0200, Quant-X UNIX and Linux Support wrote:
 Not sure if I understood your question.  Anyway, if you want to redirect
 a particular file in a shell you don't have to know where it's been
 directed to at a certain point.  For example, you can do something like
 exec 1log 2log.err
 do something
 (everything going to stdin is been redired to file log
 and stderr to log.err)
 exec 1log.a 2log.a.err
 I hope this helps.

amd and security

1999-09-15 Thread Obi
Hi all,

some of the debian machines here have been broke into. The sysadm told me
that amd is the culprit (I think amq). Have you heard anything about it?
How can we secure them? Is the amd version into slink secure? 


DnD file starter

1999-09-15 Thread Micha Feigin
I am looking for a program that will function something like a mac program
I've seen:
It has a folder with programs in it, at the bottom of the screen. When you
pull a file over it, it opens up and you can drop it into one of the
programs there for them to start with it.
Does any program like this exist for linux?
Also is here a file manager that works sort of like the mac's? (deferent
windows, also exists under windows).

Re: DnD file starter

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 01:54:45AM +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:
 I am looking for a program that will function something like a mac program
 I've seen:
 It has a folder with programs in it, at the bottom of the screen. When you
 pull a file over it, it opens up and you can drop it into one of the
 programs there for them to start with it.
 Does any program like this exist for linux?
 Also is here a file manager that works sort of like the mac's? (deferent
 windows, also exists under windows).

Micha, windowmaker's dock supports that.

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: eth0 to tr0... files/other stuff to change?

1999-09-15 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Tue, 14 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 : Installing a 2.2.9 kernel in place of 2.0.36 kills my network card and
 : connections, since the card is a token ring (Olicom).  This card is ID'd as
 : eth0 under the old kernel, but the 2.2.x kernels use tr0.  So the problem
 : doesn't surprise me.  But I'd obviously like to get it working again.
 : I'm guessing that I need to change all references to eth0 over to tr0 in
 : /etc.  Is this correct, or are there other things which need to be done as
 : well?  I figured that
 :grep -r eth0 /etc/* FilesToChange
 : would give me the target files.  

/etc/init.d/network should do it unless you've got a laptop.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: top missing too

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
Then why is it not on my system today, but yesterday it was? :) Since then,
the only thing that I can account for it, is running apt-get update; apt-get
upgrade (I run this pretty much every day, sometimes even twice... :)

$ locate top | egrep top$ | grep -v desktop
[I have trimmed some out]

$ ls -l /usr/bin/top
ls: /usr/bin/top: No such file or directory

This happened on my TWO machines -- one running IP masq, and hiding the
other one. I lock my console, even when I leave for just a minute, and I
pick some decent passwords. Both my computers hidden behind a firewall, so
the outside world can't get in. That means if someone were to delete it,
they would have to exploit a hole in one of: protfpd, ssh, ssh2, xntpd,
distributed-net, telnet, or samba. I keep up on the patches -- at least once
a day, sometimes twice a day. 

Based on root's ~/.bash_history, the only command that could possibly have
removed it (my rm's are very well-aimed.. :) is: dpkg --purge kbd kbd-data

I doubt it. :)

All in all, I think procps dropped it in the last day, and I want others to
confirm or deny it. :) If you apt-get update; apt-get upgrade today, will
you have `top`? :)

On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 04:35:23PM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 14-Sep-99 Seth R Arnold wrote:
  Ok, top was in the unstable yesterday. Today it is not? I miss top. I liked
  top. It might not have been the best, nor the prettiest, but I liked it.
  Does anyone know more about it? 
 It is in procps -- has been for some time.

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: top missing too

1999-09-15 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
geisha [~] $ dpkg -S top|grep bin
xpdf: /usr/bin/pdftops
procps: /usr/bin/top

and yes, that command actually runs.  I maintain a absolutely current potato
box so I can compile packages.

Re: eth0 to tr0... files/other stuff to change?

1999-09-15 Thread kvaughan
On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 07:05:25PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Tue, 14 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  : Installing a 2.2.9 kernel in place of 2.0.36 kills my network card and
  : connections, since the card is a token ring (Olicom).  This card is ID'd as
  : eth0 under the old kernel, but the 2.2.x kernels use tr0.  So the problem

 /etc/init.d/network should do it unless you've got a laptop.

Running the grep expression I gave, along with an added -l option, gave


for results.  Can I expect network to suffice (will it alter the settings
for the others?)?  


Re: top missing too

1999-09-15 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
Ok, seems the new version of procps (which my mirror did not have) does indeed
lack top.  This fix is on its way to the maintainer.

Sorry for the confusion.

Re: glimpseindex

1999-09-15 Thread Keith Harbaugh
On Mon, 1999-09-13 18:03:35 +0100, Martin Oldfield wrote:
 I thought I'd give glimpse a whirl to index a bunch of email archives, 
 but I get a segmentation fault:
 % glimpseindex -o -B archive
 This is glimpseindex version 4.1, 1997.
 Indexing /home/mjo/adamsarch/archive ...
 Size of files being indexed = 172104723 B, Total #of files = 26801
 Segmentation fault
 The BTS seems to have similar problems already e.g. bug 20037 but no
 obvious solution. I'm running version 4.1-2 which seems to be the most 
 Has anyone else been down this path before, and did they find a
 solution ?
 Martin Oldfield,

I had success with just `glimpseindex -o'.
1) The working directory was ~/Mail.
2) Under that, there were a large number (~30) of subdirectories,
   each in maildir format (i.e., each had a new, cur and tmp directory,
   with the email being held one message to a file under cur).
3) The result was to place eight .glimpse... files in ~,
   but then glimpse worked just as documented to search them.
4) Also running version 4.1-2 on a slink system (but with linux 2.2.12).

Good luck,

Re: eth0 to tr0... files/other stuff to change?

1999-09-15 Thread Gregory T. Norris

Just in case you aren't aware of it, don't expect dhclient to work with
TR on a 2.2.x kernel...

Re: top missing too

1999-09-15 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 geisha [~] $ dpkg -S top|grep bin
 xpdf: /usr/bin/pdftops
 procps: /usr/bin/top
 and yes, that command actually runs.  I maintain a absolutely current potato
 box so I can compile packages.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I did an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade just now, and I
lost my /usr/bin/top.

- Kris

Re: ready yet?

1999-09-15 Thread Phil Brutsche
On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 I still cannot get apt-get updates for
 Was the distribution directory for KDE changed?  Will I need to modify
You might want to try using - doesn't work
anymore (doesn't resolve to an IP#).  I got the debs from there two days

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstien

Re: emacs or xemacs ?

1999-09-15 Thread W. Paul Mills

I do. Why? Mostly don't know. Just familiar with it. At one time
it was impossible to get both to work properly on the same system.
I did not want to give up emacs for XEmacs. There were several
things that did not work in XEmacs, when I first installed and I
did not have the patience to find out why. If I had more time,
maybe! Some of the keystrokes are different, etc, etc...

The reason such questions frequently cause holy wars is that
a text editor tends to become the extension of the user. Once you
learn vi, you do not want to change. Once you learn emacs, you
don't want to change.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kristopher Johnson) writes:

 I honestly don't mean to start a holy war here, but I'd like to
 know:  Is there anyone who prefers Emacs to XEmacs, and why?

*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: latex: how to output the ¢ (cent) symbol - solved

1999-09-15 Thread Michael Laing
Michael Laing wrote:
 I have a potato system with all the usual latex stuff on it.
 I am working with a lot of latin1 (ISO-8859-1) text and need to output
 the ¢ (cent) symbol, which is latin1 character number 162 (0xa2). How
 can I do that? Almost all other characters work fine with the latin1
 input encoding.
 Here's a little example document.
 Yo Günther, a nickle is \$0.05 or 5¢.

Well I solved it by grep'ing around in the latex directories which
ultimately led me to the TS1 encoding (symbolic companion to T1) which
properly defined the cent symbol. Here's the new text:

\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}% Input text is encoded in latin 1, so '¢'
is 1 byte: '0xa2'
\usepackage[TS1,T1]{fontenc}% NEW: T1 is the default font encoding, TS1
is allowed
\newcommand{\tsone}{\fontencoding{TS1}\selectfont}%NEW: define a cmd
that sets the TS1 encoding
Yo Günther, a nickle is \$0.05 or 5{\tsone ¢}.%MODIFIED: use new cmd to
switch encoding for the ¢

latin1 effectively translates '¢' to '\textcent' and TS1 translates it
back again for output.

The .dvi, .ps, and .pdf files look perfect.

This same technique will work for most if not all of the 'funny'
characters in latin1 that are otherwise unsupported or which require
unsightly flipping into math mode, so I am hopeful that I will have a
complete mapping for ISO-8859-1.

If anyone has a simpler method I would like to know of it, as I am not
much of a latex guru!


mc error message

1999-09-15 Thread Christian Dysthe

after the latest upgrade of mc in potato I have noticed an error
message every time i start it:

oddbird:/home/cdysthe# mc.real
params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file /etc/smb.conf:
No such file or directory
Can't load /etc/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it
load_client_codepage: filename /usr/lib/codepages/codepage.850 does not exist.

What does this mean? Does it matter? If yes, how do I fix it?

While I am at it: How do you cut/copy/paste from/to to the mc editor?



Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Clones are people two

Re: amd and security

1999-09-15 Thread Marcin Kurc
Dont know about amd, but are you sure it wasn't something else? like ftpd for 
example, there was quite some public available ftpd exploids.

On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 04:48:29PM -0700, Obi wrote: 
 Hi all,
 some of the debian machines here have been broke into. The sysadm told me
 that amd is the culprit (I think amq). Have you heard anything about it?
 How can we secure them? Is the amd version into slink secure? 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

dselect updating when Debian config changes

1999-09-15 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
G'day, all.

How can I prevent dselect from downloading packages that are already 
installed, merely because the Debian version has changed?

Really, it is intolerable that that happens.  It can cost a lot of money 
in download fees.

I have attepted to defeat it by general freezes, but that makes it a lot 
of work to select something when I want to upgrade.  It is made worse by 
the terrible practice of splitting up the author's source into multiple 
Debian packages.

Several weeks ago I decided that my Debian system had become totally 
unmaintainable.  That was after I had modified a lot of selections so I 
could install something, and dselect for some reason told me that if I 
went ahead it would uninstall 90% of my system.  I guess, instead of 
looking at thousands of listed packages I was doing group selections.

I have reached total lockup.

Please reply to the list, because I'm not going to ask again if no 
replies show up.  Apologies if you've recently discussed it - I've 
resubscribed to the list only to ask this question.

Michael Talbot-Wilson

Re: mutt questions

1999-09-15 Thread Shao Zhang
Guilherme Soares Zahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there,
 I decided to try using mutt as my console-mail-reader because of
 pure lazyness (I was used to Pine, but I'd have to grab and compile it,
 so... ;-), and I'm quite disappointed with the lack of
 'easy-configurability' of it (compared to Pine)... So, I'd like to ask a
 few questions...
 1) How do I define a default 'reply-to' address?

my_hdr Reply-to: $realname \[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 2) How do I define a default 'save to' folder?

save-hook '~A' your-default-folder

 Apart from that, the use of the cursor keys is quite confusing, also...
 I don think it's a good policy to have the 'down' key to move you to the
 next message... sometimes we only want to go down a single line... What
 about using 'n' for 'next message' and 'p' for 'previous message' (and
 the cursor keys for their intuitive funcions)

bind pager nnext-entry
bind pager pprevious-entry
bind index nnext-new
bind index ppreviouse-undeleted
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: /var/log

1999-09-15 Thread ragOO
Seth R Arnold posted:
 nah, hold onto them. You can gzip them (the logrotate package does this

The logrotate package does this automagically if only U have
uncommented the 'compress' in /etc/logrotate.conf

ragOO, VU2RGU. PGP Key 1024/1A747CB1 
Fingerprint: 61 CD 0F 96 7A 94 4F F6 F0 42 1B 6D C0 A4 24 CF 
Keeping the Air-Waves FREE.Amateur Radio
Keeping the W W W FREE..Debian GNU/Linux

Re: /var/log

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 07:46:17AM +0530, ragOO wrote:
 Seth R Arnold posted:
  nah, hold onto them. You can gzip them (the logrotate package does this
 The logrotate package does this automagically if only U have
 uncommented the 'compress' in /etc/logrotate.conf

while the documentation says that (heh, I never looked in there.. :) all my
logfiles are gzipped (well, the .1 and later ones... .0 is left
uncompressed..) despite not being uncommented. 

Does that mean I have two similar programs installed doing the same silly
thing? :)

But, the point is, logrotate will do the thing for you! :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

kde's high color icons?

1999-09-15 Thread NatePuri
Do the KDE1.2 high color icons come with the regular install of kde
or are there separate packages for this?  Where are they?  Thanks.
NatePuri (natedawg) 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: #ompages

Description: PGP signature

Re: dselect updating when Debian config changes

1999-09-15 Thread Brad

On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:

 How can I prevent dselect from downloading packages that are already 
 installed, merely because the Debian version has changed?

Put them on hold.

 Really, it is intolerable that that happens.  It can cost a lot of money 
 in download fees.

The Debian version isn't changed just to spite you or increase your
downloading fees. As you may know, a Debianized package has more than just
the original author's programs. Also are installation and removal scripts,
config files, menu entries, /etc/init.d scripts, cron scripts, and so on.
If there's a bug in these, wouldn't you rather have Debian release a fixed
version than make you keep the buggy one?

Also, sometimes the Debian maintainers make a mistake, or realize a better
way of doing something. For example, just recently the zless script was
accidentally left out of the package. A few months ago the su binary was
installed non-suid, so it couldn't su. Now, the top binary is missing from
the procps package. In these cases, a new Debian version is required to
fix these mistakes and make things functional again.

 I have attepted to defeat it by general freezes, but that makes it a lot 
 of work to select something when I want to upgrade.  It is made worse by 
 the terrible practice of splitting up the author's source into multiple 
 Debian packages.

Terrible practice? I would think you'd like it, since it means less to
download if you don't want everything the author includes.

 Several weeks ago I decided that my Debian system had become totally 
 unmaintainable.  That was after I had modified a lot of selections so I 
 could install something, and dselect for some reason told me that if I 
 went ahead it would uninstall 90% of my system.  I guess, instead of 
 looking at thousands of listed packages I was doing group selections.

Possibly you told it not to upgrade those critical packages, and then
upgraded something those packages depend on. Since you said not to upgrade
them, they might be marked for removal instead.

This could especially happen with perl or libc6, since nearly every
package depends directly or indirectly on them.

 Please reply to the list, because I'm not going to ask again if no 
 replies show up.  Apologies if you've recently discussed it - I've 
 resubscribed to the list only to ask this question.

As a final note, you may want to stick with slink instead of following
potato (as i assume you're doing). Since potato is in development, you'll
see many packages being upgraded as they're debugged. In slink, the stable
release, things are only upgraded to fix major security holes and the
like. You could even order the CD then, and save yourself almost any
downloading fees.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv



1999-09-15 Thread Taupter

Ton Hamerslag wrote:
 Dear debian-user. I have a IBM 386sx 55 machine with 4 MB RAM and
 a harddisk of 80 MB. I want to make a linux server of that machine.
 The only thing this machine also has is a floppy drive, no cd-rom.
 Which software must I download and what needs to be done to install
 Linux on this machine.(For example do I need Bootup floppy's). O don't
 know how to start. Please help me. Greetings, Ton Hamerslag.

To serve what? FTP? html? Gopher? What kind of service you want


RE: dselect updating when Debian config changes

1999-09-15 Thread Bryan Scaringe
If you wish to get a new package that is released WITHOUT updating
all existing packages that have new versions, just use apt-get to install
tha package directly.

apt-get update  #update the package DB
apt-get install package

Note, this WILL download and install updates to dependancies,
if they are needed.

A feature I would like to see (and one that I am not convinced doesn't
exist) is to be able to tell dpkg/apt/dselect to change current package
selections to match the current state of the system.


On 15-Sep-99 Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:
 G'day, all.
 How can I prevent dselect from downloading packages that are already 
 installed, merely because the Debian version has changed?
 Really, it is intolerable that that happens.  It can cost a lot of money 
 in download fees.
 I have attepted to defeat it by general freezes, but that makes it a lot 
 of work to select something when I want to upgrade.  It is made worse by 
 the terrible practice of splitting up the author's source into multiple 
 Debian packages.
 Several weeks ago I decided that my Debian system had become totally 
 unmaintainable.  That was after I had modified a lot of selections so I 
 could install something, and dselect for some reason told me that if I 
 went ahead it would uninstall 90% of my system.  I guess, instead of 
 looking at thousands of listed packages I was doing group selections.
 I have reached total lockup.
 Please reply to the list, because I'm not going to ask again if no 
 replies show up.  Apologies if you've recently discussed it - I've 
 resubscribed to the list only to ask this question.
 Michael Talbot-Wilson
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: ready yet?

1999-09-15 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 14 Sep, Phil Brutsche wrote about Re: ready yet?
 On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 I still cannot get apt-get updates for
 Was the distribution directory for KDE changed?  Will I need to modify
 You might want to try using - doesn't work
 anymore (doesn't resolve to an IP#).  I got the debs from there two days
 ago. works for me.

% nslookup is a cache only on a dial-up so
Server:  localhost #it gets refreshed everytime I dial in.

% apt-get update
Hit slink/kde Packages 
Ign slink/kde Release

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: portmapper

1999-09-15 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 01:40:57PM -0700, Jim McCloskey wrote:

 The security consultant here would like me not to run the RPC
 portmapper. I suppose this is a known security issue, and I'm not
 actually using the services that depend on it.

 It seems to be started in /etc/initd/netbase, but looking at that
 script, it's not obvious to me what the base way to disable it would

Comment out the line which starts the portmap program.  In potato
portmap has been moved into a seperate init script, so you could just
remove it from the relevant runlevels.

It would probably also be good karma to disable or deinstall anything 
else which uses portmap - rpcinfo -p host should give you a clue 
as to what that involves.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: To the Debian Project, IMHO

1999-09-15 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 09:56:24AM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote:

 Info keybindings are virtually identical to Emacs, and thus don't feel
 at all stupid to this Emacs user.  In fact, I would be VERY annoyed if

But consider what it used to be like - the curses info browser was very
confusing because the motion keys weren't bound quite in the same way as
those in Emacs (or anything else for that matter).

 the info maintainers heeded Havoc's advice and redid the keybindings
 in the image of, say, vi.

I'd be surprised if any effort to improve ease of use chose to
standardise on vi (unless nethack has a sudden burst of popularity,

 Keith Dselect?  Nice in many ways; yes, it's the non-standard
 Keith keystrokes and lack of visual feedback (has my search finished
 Keith yet?) that are probably the worst things.  Other than that *I*
 Keith can't think of a much nicer way to address package installation
 Keith in ncurses.

 That's right.  And I have to disagree that the general flow of control
 in dselect doesn't make sense and this has _zero_ to do with the
 power of the tools.  Change the flow of control and I bet you'll lose
 some flexibility somewhere.

Better prompting and visual feedback would probably go a long way to
making the flow of control seem better - one common source of problem
is your idea of what's going on diverging from that of dselect.  It 
would also be nice to be able to defer conflict resolution sometimes, 
not to mention the *!?# recommends handling and the forced display of
the help screen.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Uninstalling gnome

1999-09-15 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 09:18:25AM -0500, David Kanter wrote:

[Please keep your lines under 80 characters - put line breaks within
 What's the best way to uninstall gnome and its associated packages? I think 
 all I downloaded was task-gnome-desktop, but I'm not sure. Should I let 
 dselect remove this package? And will it remove all the dependencies?

Removing that package won't deinstall anything else.  You can look at
which packages it depends upon to see what else to deinstall (you'll
probably also have to look at those packages to find all the libs).

Alternatively, a BFI approach is to try to remove a core GNOME library
like libgnome and/or things like orbit and see what else dselect wants 
to remove.

 Or, should I just change my .xsession to read exec wmaker instead of exec 
 gnome-session and save myself the trouble? Will this throw my .xsession into 
 a tizzy?

That won't cause any problems (assuming you have WindowMaker installed
:-) ) but it will leave the GNOME stuff lying around on disk.  You'll
need to do this anyway if you remove GNOME.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: To the Debian Project, IMHO

1999-09-15 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 10:53:52AM -0400,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:

 1) Allow quick install from floppies
 It'd be really nice to have a system for having a single package 
 installed on a floppy, or set of floppies in a way where a user
 can stick the disk in, and dselect would read and install whatever

What advantages would this have over dpkg -i other than checking
dependancies before installation?

 2) Simple install
 When trying to install debian, I am simply overwhelmed by the number
 of packages I have to deal with, and I consider myself to have above
 average knowledge of UNIX programs! When first installing Debian, 
 a simple walkthrough of Q/A would solve most of these problems. 

This sounds like what the profiles/task lists are trying to do.

 3) Insist on better package descriptions
 When digging through packages, I'd frequently come across a package
 I don't recognize. I can't even tell if it would be something I'd
 want, because there's no description!

You can do this yourself already by report a bug against the packages 
or mailing the maintainers.  For whatever reason the description 
probably makes perfect sense to them and unless someone says something
they won't realise that people are having trouble with it.

Generally, if an individual package doesn't do something you'd expect
or could be improved the best thing to do is talk to the maintainer -
most will welcome useful suggestions, and it's much more likely to
achieve something than pointing out general trends.  

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: dselect updating when Debian config changes

1999-09-15 Thread Gareth
On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:
 G'day, all.
 How can I prevent dselect from downloading packages that are already 
 installed, merely because the Debian version has changed?

The way I use is apt-get instead of dselect that way only the packages you
want get upgraded and/or installed and it keeps everything functional.

just these 2 lines solved a lot of hassle...
apt-get install packagename
apt-get remove packagename


Re: amd and security

1999-09-15 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 04:48:29PM -0700, Obi wrote:

 some of the debian machines here have been broke into. The sysadm told me
 that amd is the culprit (I think amq). Have you heard anything about it?
 How can we secure them? Is the amd version into slink secure? 

See (there should probably
be a security announcement and upload for stable too but I don't seem to
see it).  There's also been some discussion on bugtraq IIRC.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: To the Debian Project, IMHO

1999-09-15 Thread Stefan Nobis
I think most people miss some important points:

- A text or graphic mode UI is some times the most effective user
  interface, some times a command line driven interface is more

- Even the best of the experts is very happy if a good tool is easy to 
  use, so it costs less time to do a job.

- Ease of use is not only for lusers or beginners! I'm a system
  administrator and programmer and i like programs which are easy to
  use, cause i like to have my job done instead of learning how to use
  a tool.

- What advantage has a command line tool with 3000 options, extremly
  flexible, but no one is ever able to remember all these options? The 
  user interface and the ease of use is one of the most important
  parts of every program - only this way a tool can really help in
  doing a job more effective and less time consuming.

Take samba as an example? If all you do every day is working with
smb.conf then you know one day nealy all the options. But if not? If
you have to tweak smb.conf only once in a while? Then every time you
have to work through the manpages - but hey, there is swat. That
little small tool really helps you to just do your job.

Until the next mail...,

Re: latex: how to output the ¢ (cent) symbol

1999-09-15 Thread Stefan Nobis
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Michael Laing

ML \documentclass[10pt,letterpaper]{letter}
ML \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}

Try using


ML \usepackage{times}

You are using times, which is postscript, which uses T1 encoding. So
there should be no harm in activating T1 for the hole document.

Until the next mail...,

Re: dselect updating when Debian config changes

1999-09-15 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Gareth wrote:
 On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:
  G'day, all.
  How can I prevent dselect from downloading packages that are already
  installed, merely because the Debian version has changed?
 The way I use is apt-get instead of dselect that way only the packages you
 want get upgraded and/or installed and it keeps everything functional.
 just these 2 lines solved a lot of hassle...
 apt-get install packagename
 apt-get remove packagename

Is there some easy way to maintain a half-unstable machine
using apt-get?

For a while, I had slink with a 2.2 kernel and a few packages
from potato (the ones required for the 2.2 kernel, plus the
newest versions of g++, glibc, python, and all dependent
packages).  I manually downloaded the debs from unstable that I
wanted and installed them using dpkg -i.

Now, I've totally upgraded to potato, so this is kinda moot, but
I still wonder:  is there some sort of magic I could have done
with apt-get, sources.list, shell scripts, etc. to automatically
keep updating the desired unstable packages while still leaving
the slink parts intact?  (Putting things on hold didn't seem to

- Kris

Re: To the Debian Project, IMHO

1999-09-15 Thread mmiller
On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 10:19:37AM -0500, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

 It would also be sad to leave behind the Unix heritage of simple
 utilities that can pipe to each other to do useful things.

This is more than a heritage, this is a cornerstone of a useful
computing environment.  I thought VMS was annoying because I had
to explicitly read and write temp files to 'pipe' programs
together.  Then I found out how good I had it when I was condemned
to Windows NT.

No doubt that a feature-rich GUI has its place.  But don't forget
the (hopefully) many of us that are irritated when we experience:

$ type sed
sed is /bin/sed

instead of

$ type sed
Programs don't create data.  People create data.
Every program is a filter.
  -- Mark Gancarz,  'The Unix Philosophy'

Re: what are the standard programming tools available in Debian?

1999-09-15 Thread rich
Thanks Seth! It seems lately that many questions go unanswered, much
less answered in such a thorough manner... I'm sure that your advice
will help me...
  Howdy everyone,
  I was wondering: what are the tools available in Debian that one would
  consider part of the standard toolbox of a programmer?
 Well, it all depends on the programmer, I suppose. :) You need a good text
 editor. For me, that is vim. (As another debian-user reader pointed out,
 You can take my Vim when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. Same goes
 for me, but it might be more difficult. :) For others, that might be elvis
 or emacs or whatever else. In any case, you need a good one, one that you
 know well.
 You should have the compiler for whatever language you want to play in. For
 java, you need the jdk. (I think I have all four jdk* packages installed on
 my system..) For C, you need gcc. 
 One thing that I dabbled with over the summer is makefiles -- wonderfully
 amazing things. With the right Makefile you can type :make in vim and it
 will rebuild your source, and jump to the first line with errors, and let
 you step through all the lines with errors. I am sure emacs offers the same
 If you want to do much C programming, and you have X window installed, then
 check out ddd -- a GUI frontend to gdb (very much nicer to a newbie such as
 myself) as well as some other debuggers (rumored to also include the java
 debugger, though I haven't tested that.)
 If you want to do Perl programming, well, your Debian system should have
 come with that preinstalled. If you don't know perl, then buy one of two
 books: Learning Perl, by Randal L Swartz (I hope I got that right) or
 Programming Perl, by Tom Christianson and Larry Wall. Which one you buy
 depends on your programming experience. At some point you *will* want
 Programming Perl, so you might as well buy that one, and if it goes over
 your head (like it did mine my first trip through it) grab Learning Perl,
 and then try again. :)
 as for other bits of the toolbox, you need to use manpages, (perldoc has
 perl info, the C ones are harder to find; I don't think there is one manpage
 that lists all the other C-based manpages..) grep, find, and maybe other
 bits too.


1999-09-15 Thread Craig B
I really like the way X works on my Hamm system.  The only complaint I
have is with the font quality.  Sometimes they look fine for example as
I type this message, and other times they look really crappy.  The
biggest problem I have is with Netscape Navigator.  Sometimes the fonts
are too small and sometimes they are just distorted.  I have tried all
the font settings I can find.  I have seen other posts complaining about
this and I understand there are some ways to improve the font quality.  

I wonder if I could get some suggestions from this group as to the best
way to handle this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Debian terminfo's (was Re: xterm/rxvt screen clearing / restoration)

1999-09-15 Thread Benjamin Low

T.E.Dickey wrote:
 it's an faq (the alternate screen behavior)
... I wrote:
 I'm running Debian 2.1, and have an annoying problem with xterm 
 and rxvt where often the screen fails to be restored properly 
 after running vi/vim/elvis/less/anything else which ordinarily
 restores the terminal screen after exiting.

As per the xterm FAQ, I've tried the XTerm*titeInhibit X resource. This
seems to work around the issue well for xterm. However, rxvt does not
support this feature.

Setting the resource

  XTerm.termName: xterm1 (xterm1 is from the ncurses-term pkg)

seems to work around the problem for both xterm and rxvt. However, you
lose the debian term 'features' (at least Home and End keys, what
else?). ncurses-term has about a bazillion variations on xterm and rxvt,
I've not tried them all.

Given the above, I am led to believe this must be a result of dud Debian
terminfo descriptions? I've just mailed the ncurses-base maintainer,
hopefully he may be able to shed some light...

The xterm FAQ discussion re. termcap/terminfo modifications is unclear
to me (I know next to nothing about terminfo databases), and it seems
the 'untic' program is not present in Debian 2.1. tic is in ncurses-bin,
but I can find no reference to untic. Can tic 'untic' given appropriate


Ben Low

Re: mutt questions

1999-09-15 Thread Mark Wagnon
On Tue 09/14/99 12:48PM, Guilherme Soares Zahn wrote:
 I don think it's a good policy to have the 'down' key to move you to the
 next message... sometimes we only want to go down a single line... What
 about using 'n' for 'next message' and 'p' for 'previous message' (and
 the cursor keys for their intuitive funcions)

That _is_ annoying, but easily fixed. I have the following in my

  bind pager pageup previous-page
  bind pager pagedown next-page
  set pager_stop
  bind pager up previous-line
  bind pager down next-line

I got this info from some links I accessed  from the mutt home page.

 (   __   _
Mark Wagnon   ) Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  (  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

SWAT: How to do it right

1999-09-15 Thread Craig B
I was reading one of the replies to another thread about ease of use
v.s. power and flexibility.  The author made an example out of SWAT. 
Since I run Samba and have never activited it, I figured I would fire it
up and check it out. 

He was absolutely right...its beautiful.  I'm really impressed. An
excellant example of power, flexibility, and ease of use.  See you can
have your cake and eat it too :)

Re: what are the standard programming tools available in Debian?

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 10:39:23PM -0500, rich wrote:
 Thanks Seth! It seems lately that many questions go unanswered, much
 less answered in such a thorough manner... I'm sure that your advice
 will help me...

Well, many are above my head, so I let them lie rather than give patently
wrong info. (Which doesn't prevent me from giving the direction to look in
if I think I have a clue :)

Although, there are so many questions and answers posted here each day (70
between the time I checked before bed, and when I woke up!) that I often
feel I will be duplicating or triplicating answers when I am so far behind
in the list. (There are actually about 100 messages in here I have yet to
read, and I doubt I will get to them ever..) So, sometimes when I know the
answer, I don't answer right away, but continue reading forward, hoping to
find an answer -- or hoping to remember at the end that someone wanted an

And the thing is, the problem is because people *are* so helpful.

hehe. :)

lovely bunch this debian crowd. :)

   Howdy everyone,
   I was wondering: what are the tools available in Debian that one would
   consider part of the standard toolbox of a programmer?
  Well, it all depends on the programmer, I suppose. :) You need a good text
  editor. For me, that is vim. (As another debian-user reader pointed out,
  You can take my Vim when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. Same goes
  for me, but it might be more difficult. :) For others, that might be elvis
  or emacs or whatever else. In any case, you need a good one, one that you
  know well.
  You should have the compiler for whatever language you want to play in. For
  java, you need the jdk. (I think I have all four jdk* packages installed on
  my system..) For C, you need gcc. 
  One thing that I dabbled with over the summer is makefiles -- wonderfully
  amazing things. With the right Makefile you can type :make in vim and it
  will rebuild your source, and jump to the first line with errors, and let
  you step through all the lines with errors. I am sure emacs offers the same
  If you want to do much C programming, and you have X window installed, then
  check out ddd -- a GUI frontend to gdb (very much nicer to a newbie such as
  myself) as well as some other debuggers (rumored to also include the java
  debugger, though I haven't tested that.)
  If you want to do Perl programming, well, your Debian system should have
  come with that preinstalled. If you don't know perl, then buy one of two
  books: Learning Perl, by Randal L Swartz (I hope I got that right) or
  Programming Perl, by Tom Christianson and Larry Wall. Which one you buy
  depends on your programming experience. At some point you *will* want
  Programming Perl, so you might as well buy that one, and if it goes over
  your head (like it did mine my first trip through it) grab Learning Perl,
  and then try again. :)
  as for other bits of the toolbox, you need to use manpages, (perldoc has
  perl info, the C ones are harder to find; I don't think there is one manpage
  that lists all the other C-based manpages..) grep, find, and maybe other
  bits too.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: Fonts

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
I am not sure how to change that on Hamm, but see if you can't get xfstt
working under hamm -- and find some nice truetype fonts to use with it. My
netscape experience because MUCH better when that worked. (And I never got
it to work under other distributions... this debian thing is nice. :)

Of course, if you don't want to try that, look for the 'freefont' package, I
think it has some nice fonts you can use under X -- hamm may not have those
fonts by default, and they should integrate nicely with your existing setup.

On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 10:10:09PM -0700, Craig B wrote:
 I really like the way X works on my Hamm system.  The only complaint I
 have is with the font quality.  Sometimes they look fine for example as
 I type this message, and other times they look really crappy.  The
 biggest problem I have is with Netscape Navigator.  Sometimes the fonts
 are too small and sometimes they are just distorted.  I have tried all
 the font settings I can find.  I have seen other posts complaining about
 this and I understand there are some ways to improve the font quality.  
 I wonder if I could get some suggestions from this group as to the best
 way to handle this issue.
 Thanks in advance.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: need some help

1999-09-15 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 11:52:59PM -0400, Bill Goudie wrote:
 Rob --
 Tonight when I tried to load a web page with java on it I think it
 locked up my computer.  Or at least I could not switch to another
 virtual desktop nor could I get back to the console.  My mp3s were 
 still playing and I could still move the mouse, though. So, after
 about ten minutes it dawned on my that I could use ssh to kill the 
 xserver and Netscape. So, I did that  but now I have a garble version 
 of my background pasted to my screen. And I don't get any response
 from the any keyboard input.  I thought maybe that If I started a new
 X from ssh it would refresh  things but that didn't work either.  
 Other than this everything appears normail.  Right now I am across the
 hall and used ssh to connect to my computer to send you this message.
 So, that leads me to belive this must be an error with my video of
 some sort.  I'm not sure and I'm merely guessing.  And I'm hoping you
 have some suggestions to make.  Uh...I'm not sure if Im leaving
 anything out.
 Bill Goudie  Debian GNU/Linux
 ICQ# 4493568

Something like this happened to me in the spring: I ran an svga
program that trashed one of my VTs and I was without any text consoles
for a week or so.  There were two programs, savetextmode and
restoretextmode, that would have helped me if I'd known about them
before I messed things up, but I didn't and I think I wound up

But it sounds like you don't have a hosed vga screen, you just need to
make X go away.  If you haven't already, kill -9 everything related to
X that you can find over your ssh connection.  Also kill everything
that looks like it might be associated with Java.  If that doesn't
help, you might try changing init levels (using telinit, I think?) and
seeing if that kills it.  I would first change to multi-user levels
2,3,4 or 5 before trying single-user, which would be more likely to
work but would by definition I think destroy your remote session.

I'll put this on the debian list, too, and some smart person there
will warn you away from my bad advice.  If you lose your uptime over
this, you should definitely disable java and javascript in your


Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out of it alive.

Re: Fonts

1999-09-15 Thread Vaughn J Lujan
xfstt is definitely the way to go.  It makes truetype fonts available to
all X apps, (at least it did on my system) including netscape.

Craig B wrote:
 I really like the way X works on my Hamm system.  The only complaint I
 have is with the font quality.  Sometimes they look fine for example as
 I type this message, and other times they look really crappy.  The
 biggest problem I have is with Netscape Navigator.  Sometimes the fonts
 are too small and sometimes they are just distorted.  I have tried all
 the font settings I can find.  I have seen other posts complaining about
 this and I understand there are some ways to improve the font quality.
 I wonder if I could get some suggestions from this group as to the best
 way to handle this issue.
 Thanks in advance.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: need some help

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 01:59:46AM -0400, Rob Mahurin wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 11:52:59PM -0400, Bill Goudie wrote:
  Rob --
  Tonight when I tried to load a web page with java on it I think it
  locked up my computer.  Or at least I could not switch to another
  virtual desktop nor could I get back to the console.  My mp3s were 
  still playing and I could still move the mouse, though. So, after
  about ten minutes it dawned on my that I could use ssh to kill the 
  xserver and Netscape. So, I did that  but now I have a garble version 
  of my background pasted to my screen. And I don't get any response
  from the any keyboard input.  I thought maybe that If I started a new
  X from ssh it would refresh  things but that didn't work either.  
  Other than this everything appears normail.  Right now I am across the
  hall and used ssh to connect to my computer to send you this message.
  So, that leads me to belive this must be an error with my video of
  some sort.  I'm not sure and I'm merely guessing.  And I'm hoping you
  have some suggestions to make.  Uh...I'm not sure if Im leaving
  anything out.
  Bill GoudieDebian GNU/Linux
  ICQ# 4493568
 Something like this happened to me in the spring: I ran an svga
 program that trashed one of my VTs and I was without any text consoles
 for a week or so.  There were two programs, savetextmode and
 restoretextmode, that would have helped me if I'd known about them
 before I messed things up, but I didn't and I think I wound up
 But it sounds like you don't have a hosed vga screen, you just need to
 make X go away.  If you haven't already, kill -9 everything related to
 X that you can find over your ssh connection.  Also kill everything
 that looks like it might be associated with Java.  If that doesn't
 help, you might try changing init levels (using telinit, I think?) and
 seeing if that kills it.  I would first change to multi-user levels
 2,3,4 or 5 before trying single-user, which would be more likely to
 work but would by definition I think destroy your remote session.
 I'll put this on the debian list, too, and some smart person there
 will warn you away from my bad advice.  If you lose your uptime over
 this, you should definitely disable java and javascript in your

The one time that happened to me, switching runlevels didn't fix it... :(
One command that might be able to help you out, if you have them:
set80. From the /usr/doc/svgatextmode/set80.doc:
 set80: a 80x25 mode setter
Set80 is a short resque program that attempts to reset your screen to a
80x25 mode, without the need for a TextConfig file.
It is very useful when you are setting up SVGATextMode, and something goes
wrong. If you can get set80 to run, there's a fair chance that you will get
your display back.

If it will help you, who knows. If you can even run it from ssh, who knows.
But, there it is all the same.

If you kernel 2.1.x (x180 or so?) or 2.2.x or 2.3.x then maybe your
magic-sysrq key can save you. alt-sysrq-k, if I remember... if you have it,
the Documentation dir under your kernel sources should give more detailed
information. Do read the docs there first. (Sorry, i am still on 2.0.36,
can't read them from here. :)

And, just a quick comment -- telinit is symlinked to init. :)

amidala:/mnt/matrix# ls -l `which telinit`
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root4 Sep  4 11:32 /sbin/telinit - init

just running init 3 is enough to change run levels. But, messing with run
levels *could* put you in a state without control over the machine. Do stick
to the runlevels you know work on your machine, 2, 3 are likely. I wouldn't
suggest init 1. Reboot instead (shutdown -r now) of changing to single-user
mode. :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: emacs or xemacs ?

1999-09-15 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 07:32:22PM -0400, Kristopher Johnson wrote:
 I honestly don't mean to start a holy war here, but I'd like to
 know:  Is there anyone who prefers Emacs to XEmacs, and why?

I use emacs when I'm in a text terminal (like right now) because I
haven't figured out how to use Xemacs' menus from the text terminal
and some of the functions of Xemacs (e.g., syntax highlighting) seem
inaccessible without mouse access to the proper menus.  In addition,
the cut and paste works differently in Xemacs (in a text terminal)
than in any other text-based program, and it always messes with me.  I
am sure that these things are configureable, but I haven't found them
and I don't feel like learning Lisp and reading the source.

This preference means that I use emacs -nw to write email from mutt,
even in X.

Sometimes I load X just to use Xemacs.  And I'm hoping now that
someone will answer me with do this to fix those problems, HAND.  So
apparently I prefer Xemacs.


Santa Claus is watching!

Whay can't GDB or DDD find my source code?

1999-09-15 Thread rich
I am compiling a C program like so

gcc -o -g foo foo.c


gcc -o -ggdb foo foo.c

When I run gdb, I get (no debugging symbols found)

When I run ddd, I get GDB cannot find the source code of your program

I'm running everything from the same directory, and have tried gdb
./foo, etc.

Am I just confused as to what these programs should be doing? At least
they should be able to find the source code, right? Unless there are no
errors, maybe?



Re: Whay can't GDB or DDD find my source code?

1999-09-15 Thread Matthew Dalton
Do you even have an executable file called 'foo' there? The -o option
should be immediately followed by the name (which, by your examples is
either -g or -ggdb). Try compiling with:

$ gcc -g -o foo foo.c


rich wrote:
 I am compiling a C program like so
 gcc -o -g foo foo.c
 gcc -o -ggdb foo foo.c
 When I run gdb, I get (no debugging symbols found)
 When I run ddd, I get GDB cannot find the source code of your program
 I'm running everything from the same directory, and have tried gdb
 ./foo, etc.
 Am I just confused as to what these programs should be doing? At least
 they should be able to find the source code, right? Unless there are no
 errors, maybe?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Fonts

1999-09-15 Thread Benjamin Low

Craig B wrote:
 I type this message, and other times they look really crappy.  The
 biggest problem I have is with Netscape Navigator.  Sometimes the fonts
 are too small and sometimes they are just distorted.  I have tried all

I believe the problem arises due to the good old HTML H tags, and FONT
SIZE tag - these tell the browser to scale the font up/down by a certain
amount. The problem is these scalings often end up scaling a bitmap X
font - leaving you with a poor result.

A simple workaround, other than running a true-type font server as
suggested by others, is to tell Netscape not to scale the fonts so much.
Put this in your .Xdefaults/.Xresources:

Netscape*documentFonts.sizeIncrement:   5

The value '5' may need to be toyed with for best results.


Minor inittab/serial console question...

1999-09-15 Thread Rob Browning

I've set up one of my headless machines to use ttyS0 as a serial
console, and I've also set it up to run getty on that port after it
finishes booting.

Using minicom from another machine, I can monitor the other machine's
serial port and see that everything works fine.  After it boots, I can
log in, etc, and I can even interact with LILO using it's serial=
option, but now I'd like to set it up so that the non-headess machine
automatically puts its ttyS0 (the one connected to the headless
machine's serial console) on one of its virtual terminals.  Is there
an easy way to do that?

I've hunted around the HOWTOs and linux/Documentation/* and I can't
find anything relevant.  Any help or RTFMs would be appreciated.


Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930

Re: script command question

1999-09-15 Thread Rob Browning
Mark Wagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Cool. Thanks. I needed an example of how to get the script to
 receive the text to be filtered. This'll help a lot. Thanks again.

You might also be interested in the filterm program from the konwert
package.  I came across that today and from a brief inspection, I
recall that it may do what you want.

Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930

Re: what are the standard programming tools available in Debian?

1999-09-15 Thread venu

  as for other bits of the toolbox, you need to use manpages, (perldoc has
  perl info, the C ones are harder to find; I don't think there is one
  that lists all the other C-based manpages..) grep, find, and maybe other
  bits too.

For C/C++  man pages beautifully organised ... tried gnu info ?
good documentation on GCC , GLIB , GDB etc and hyperlinked !!
btw: info pages for cp, ls , ln are also verrry informative !! my students
(and myself) learn from them...


Re: KDE 1.1.2

1999-09-15 Thread Peter Weiss
 On Tue, 14 Sep 1999 14:37:25 +0300 (EEST), Heikki Ylipiessa [EMAIL 

Heikki Yes .. there is 1.1.2 for slink allso ..
Heikki dep slink kde
Heikki go and grap it


how do I get this stuff when apt-get does not have a direct internet

  Thanks for hinte -- Peter

Peter Weiss, Baldestraße 14, 80469 München, Tel. 089/ 20232434
---The foolish ones taught more to me than the wise ones ever could---

cannot connect to win98 using samba

1999-09-15 Thread Shao Zhang
I have installed the latest samba from potato.
when I do something like this:

smbclient -L

I got the following:

session request to failed
session request to *SMBSERVER failed

where is the ip address of the win98 machine. I 
can ping this machine successfully...

Thanks in advance.



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

a sendmail puzzle

1999-09-15 Thread Adam Shand


we've recently decided that it would be a good idea to build a new shell box
and isolate it a bit more then our current one is (keep the hackers a little
farther away from where anything important happens).

this box will also handle uucp mail because our uucp customers need to log
in to a server to fire up uucico, and i don't want them to have access to
anything but the shell box.

i also don't want this box to do any local delivery (except of course for
uucp).  if shell users want access to their mail they can do it via pop with
pine/mutt/fetchmail to a server which has /var/mail mounted from our netapp.
the reason that i don't just mount /var/mail on the netapp is security. if a
server is going to be compromised it is 99% likely to be this one, and i
don't want an errant cracker to have access to everyone's mail.

basically all mail should be forwarded to a smarthost except uucp mail.

the problem is that mail sent on the command line to a user without a domain
appended is considered local without being parsed by mailertable (which is
what i'm using to define a smarthost).

i can't think of any good way to do this.  i thought about using a global
procmail rule (/etc/procmailrc) to catch all mail being delivered without an
@ in it and to forward it to the same user at our smarthost.  this reeks of
'kluge' though, and i would really prefer a nicer solution.

so basically what i want is a null client configuration, but that doesn't
work with any other mailers defined.

does anyone have any ideas?

thanks, adam.

[no subject]

1999-09-15 Thread tf
hey list, 

I got carried away and got gnome.  put the url in my /apt/sources
list, and got the 


packages.  But the included wm's (enlightenment, windowmaker, and
ice) all have corrupted displays.  trying to start gnome-session
resulted in error messages.  What's up?

oh, one more:  do I have to specify *.cgi as a file type that
netscape will load?  I can't get to my message board...

Thanks ya'll.


Re: Debian terminfo's (was Re: xterm/rxvt screen clearing / restoration)

1999-09-15 Thread Sam Vilain
Benjamin Low [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 but I can find no reference to untic. Can tic 'untic' given appropriate

infocmp is the command you're after.

printcap has gone!

1999-09-15 Thread Alberto Maurizi

Who zapped my /etc/printcap?

I make a daily update of my shiny potato and one day ...
... ZAP!!, /etc/printcap disappeared!
Any idea?


Re: what are the standard programming tools available in Debian?

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 12:52:24PM +0530, venu wrote:
   as for other bits of the toolbox, you need to use manpages, (perldoc
   has perl info, the C ones are harder to find; I don't think there is
   that lists all the other C-based manpages..) grep, find, and maybe
   other bits too.
 For C/C++  man pages beautifully organised ... tried gnu info ?  good
 documentation on GCC , GLIB , GDB etc and hyperlinked !!  btw: info
 pages for cp, ls , ln are also verrry informative !! my students (and
 myself) learn from them...

Venu, you speak the truth, the info pages are full of information, but
honestly (and no offense to RMS) -- info isn't the easiest program in the
world to master. I *do* wish info had vi-bindings. Maybe it is just me, but
the vi bindings seem very intuitive after only a few years. :) Anything else
just seems silly. Since I never use it (feels wierd, like speaking russian)
I never think of it. 

So, to the original poster -- do check the info docs. (info is enough to
get there. :)

(NO! Not flame-bait! Just my not-so-humble opinion... :)

I would be more inclined to use info if I could use it similar to vi.
(Hmmm... senior-project -- write an info-to-vim converter? Nah, they would
never go for that... but it sure would be NICE! :)

Seth Arnold |
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