Re: [gilug] [premsa] Nova jornada de programari lliure, aquest dissabte

2015-11-20 Thread Joan Cervan
Per cert, sabeu a on es dinarà? Jo probablement només podré venir a
dinar (si no agafo el tren i em decideixo amb la moto/cotxe) i a la
volta de la tarda...

Pd.: si un parell dels que us quedeu per la tarda em poguéssiu passar
els telfs. mòbils, us ho agrairia, i em donaria la tranquil·litat de no
quedar-me penjat :-)

Fins ara,


El Thu, 19 Nov 2015 16:51:11 +0100
Mònica Ramírez Arceda  va escriure:

> Robert Marsellés  writes:
> > Hola,
> >
> > On 17/11/15 22:55, Eloi wrote:
> >> El 16/11/15 a les 22:00, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:
> >>>
> >>> Aquest dissabte 21 de novembre fem una trobada conjunta
> >>> la /Comunitat d'usuaris de Debian de parla catalana/
> >>>  i el /Girona
> >>> Linux Users Group/ (GiLUG ).
> >>>
> >>> Aquesta múltiple trobada ens permet veure'ns en viu, explicar
> >>> batalletes, resoldre dubtes, etc. Adjuntem un petit cartellet per
> >>> donar-li una mica de cara a la trobada i algunes activitans que
> >>> farem. És benvinguda tota persona amb interès pel programari
> >>> lliure.
> >>>
> >>> Aquí està la ubicació del local per aquest dissabte:
> >>>
> >>>
> >> 
> >> Com arribar a Girona:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Circular amb cotxe per Girona és complicat, i trobar aparcament
> >> encara ho és més.
> >> 
> >> Si veniu del sud o de l'oest via C-25 la millor opció és l'AP-7/A-2
> >> sortint per Girona Sud, a la primera rotonda després del peatge
> >> seguir cap a l'esquerra direcció Salt, tirar recte fins al final i
> >> després cap a la dreta pel carrer Major, que a Girona és Santa
> >> Eugènia.
> >> 
> >
> > Gràcies per la info. Jo sóc dels que ha de venir amb vehicle. Per
> > cert, vinc sol des de les Terres de Ponent. Si algú li fes gràcia
> > anar a la trobada i està a la vora de la A-2 (fins a Cervera) +
> > C-25 però li fa peresa conduir o no té cap altra opció, que m'ho
> > digui i el recullo.
> Jo també aniré amb cotxe des de l'Alt Congost, també puc compartir
> cotxe si algú és de la zona (tot i que jo tornaré després de
> dinar). M'encantaria anar amb transport públic, però la combinació és
> inviable :(
> No sé si es va comentar en algun altre correu, però tot i que sigui
> difícil, on ens recomaneu aparcar?
> Salut!

Joan Cervan Andreu
+34 635 40 31 04 - Desenvolupament web

Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 01:35:34PM +0100, wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 12:37:06PM +, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> [...]
> > Please stop preaching.
> (Darn. Seems I was too subtle last time)
> Now you're preaching. Preachers preach... and they're important too

Ummm, no. If you're religious, maybe, but if you're an athesist then 
they're ...
(stopping myself before I say something I'll regret.)

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

apt-get: why massive upgrade despite pinning everything to stable?

2015-11-20 Thread Kynn Jones
OK, I start with my 100% `stable` (`jessie`) system up-to-date.  IOW,
after `apt-get update`, `apt-get upgrade` reports that there are no
candidates for upgrading:

% sudo apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Now, I add to my `/etc/apt/sources.list` file the last two lines shown below:

deb jessie
main   contrib   non-free
deb-src jessie
main   contrib

deb jessie-updates
main   contrib
deb-src jessie-updates
main   contrib

deb  jessie/updates
main   contrib   non-free
deb-src  jessie/updates
main   contrib   non-free

deb stretch
main   contrib   non-free
deb-src stretch
main   contrib

Also, I set the contents of my `/etc/apt/preferences` file to this
(the file was empty before):

Package: *
  Pin: release a=stable

(BTW, both my `/etc/apt/sources.list.d` and `/etc/apt/preferences.d`
directories are empty.)

Then, I re-run `apt-get update`.

Given the contents of my `/etc/apt/preferences` file, which specifies
that everything should be pinned at `stable`, I expected that the two
new lines in my `/etc/apt/sources.list` would be essentially
irrelevant.  In particular, I expected that `apt-get upgrade` would
still report that there was nothing to upgrade.

To my surprise, this is far from the case: the `apt-get upgrade`
dialog reports: "962 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 590
not upgraded."

How come there are any upgrades at all (let alone hundreds of them)
when `/etc/apt/preferences` requires that everything sould be pinned
at `stable`?

Thanks in advance!


P.S. FWIW, ultimately, what I want to perform a very controlled,
tightly-targeted upgrade of my R-related packages (i.e. `r-base` and
friends) to `stretch`/`testing`.  IOW, I want to keep the non-`jessie`
packages installed in my system to the absolute minimum that is
compatible with upgrading R to `stretch`/`testing`.

I thought that setting my `/etc/apt/preferences` file as shown below,
coupled with the `/etc/apt/sources.list` file shown earlier, would do
the trick:

Package: *
  Pin: release a=stable

Package: r-*
  Pin: release a=testing

But my complete failure to predict the results of the experiment
described in the main part of this post tells me that I probably have
the whole thing wrong.

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Eric Degenetais
Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié toi-même
vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les droits d'accès
mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je schématise, là, mais c'est
le genre de problème à rechercher à mon avis).

Éric Dégenètais

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Eric Degenetais
@Bernard Schoenacker : standard en effet, mais il y a peut-être une
bizarrerie sur cette machine en particulier...

@Nicolas Pechon: histoire de clore cette piste, quelle est la sortie de

ls -lha /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
ls -lha /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/tcti1200.tfm

chez toi?
Éric Dégenètais

Le 20 novembre 2015 15:13, Bernard Schoenacker
 a écrit :
> Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 14:58:58 +0100,
> Eric Degenetais  a écrit :
>> Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
>> Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
>> Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié toi-même
>> vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les droits d'accès
>> mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je schématise, là, mais c'est
>> le genre de problème à rechercher à mon avis).
>> __
>> Éric Dégenètais
>> Henix
> bonjour,
> la police fait partie de : texlive-fonts-recommended
> apt-file search tcti1200
> texlive-fonts-recommended: 
> /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
> texlive-fonts-recommended: 
> /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/tcti1200.tfm
> slt
> bernard

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 14:14:45 +0100,
"Sylvain L. Sauvage"  a écrit :

> Le vendredi 20 novembre 2015, 05:05:57 
> a écrit :
> >[…]  
> > >> "[1{/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/}  
>   Suis un peu rouillé côté LaTeX mais c’est dans ce fichier 
> qu’il y a des infos sur les fontes pour pdftex. Vérifie qu’il 
> contient tcti1200.
>   Si ça fonctionne pour un utilisateur « normal » mais pas pour 
> apache, alors oui, il faudrait savoir ce qui différencie 
> l’utilisateur « apache ». Je ne vois rien dans l’environnement 
> qui puisse toucher LaTeX…
>   Tu as bien utilisé les paquets Debian pour TeX ?
>   Essaie aussi une liste dédiée (La)TeX…


j'ai utilisé locate et voici le résultat :

 locate tcti1200


How to interpret transitions list?

2015-11-20 Thread Jonas
Is there anywhere a kind of Howto or overview, how to interpret (as 
non-Debian-developper) a Debian transition overview page?
For example

konsole, kate and a lot of others are marked red / "bad"

Does that mean they will be unusable if I do 
aptitude full-upgrade

it's a Debian testing box that wasn't updated for the last two or three months, 
so aptitude reports ~1650 packages to update, libstdc++6 is still on 5.1.1 and 
gcc-5 not yet installed.

aptitude -s full-upgrade
doesn't show any problem with kate, konsole, etc...

Why there seems to be a problem with regard to the transistion-status overview 
page, but not with aptitude?

Is there a way to find out in advance which packages might make trouble after 
such a big update?

Debian @ T-DOSE

2015-11-20 Thread Geert Stappers


Volgend weekend is

Debian heeft er een stand. 

Kom langs, kom aan.:-)

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 14:58:58 +0100,
Eric Degenetais  a écrit :

> Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
> Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
> Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié toi-même
> vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les droits d'accès
> mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je schématise, là, mais c'est
> le genre de problème à rechercher à mon avis).
> __
> Éric Dégenètais
> Henix


la police fait partie de : texlive-fonts-recommended

apt-file search tcti1200


Re: Fwd: [gilug] [premsa] Nova jornada de programari lliure, aquest dissabte

2015-11-20 Thread Narcis Garcia
Entenc que l'Eloi parla de la ruta que adjunto.
Es pot obrir amb la majoria d'aplicacions de mapes, incloent OSMAnd per
Android i algun lloc web.

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at archives.

El 20/11/15 a les 09:02, Eloi ha escrit:
> El 19/11/15 a les 09:16, Robert Marsellés ha escrit:
>> Hola,
>> On 17/11/15 22:55, Eloi wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> Com arribar a Girona:
>>> Circular amb cotxe per Girona és complicat, i trobar aparcament encara
>>> ho és més.
>>> Si veniu del sud o de l'oest via C-25 la millor opció és l'AP-7/A-2
>>> sortint per Girona Sud, a la primera rotonda després del peatge seguir
>>> cap a l'esquerra direcció Salt, tirar recte fins al final i després cap
>>> a la dreta pel carrer Major, que a Girona és Santa Eugènia.
>> Gràcies per la info. Jo sóc dels que ha de venir amb vehicle. Per cert,
>> vinc sol des de les Terres de Ponent. Si algú li fes gràcia anar a la
>> trobada i està a la vora de la A-2 (fins a Cervera) + C-25 però li fa
>> peresa conduir o no té cap altra opció, que m'ho digui i el recullo.
> Només per acabar de puntualitzar, des de la C-25 seguiu endavant cap a
> l'A-2 (no us heu de desviar), i no sortiu per anar a agafar l'AP-7 ni a
> l'última sortida de la C-25 ni a la primera un cop incorporats a l'A-2,
> perquè des d'aquella incorporació a l'autopista, situada a la rotonda
> que també mena a l'aeroport, sí que es paga.
> Un cop a l'A-2, seguiu endavant sense sortir per les indicacions de N-II
> (Girona per Fornells, entrant per l'Avellaneda; o Figueres per la
> variant de Sant Daniel) i al cap d'una estona us trobareu un peatge.
> Entrant per aquí i sortint per Girona Sud sí que és gratuïta.
> Tota aquella zona ha canviat molt en els últims dos anys i és una mica
> enredada, especialment si es coneixia d'abans o s'usa un mapa
> desactualitzat. En aquest sentit OSM sí que està al dia.
>>> A la tarda podríem fer una volta pel barri vell si no se'ns fa molt
>>> tard, paga la pena passejar-hi. El problema és que està bastant lluny
>>> del punt de trobada.
>> Per mi encantat, mai he estat a Girona. Sempre és millor visitar els
>> llocs amb gent del terreny.
>> Salut i peles,
>> robert
> Malauradament m'ha sorgit un compromís per la tarda i no us podré
> acompanyar per visitar la ciutat. De fet, en funció de l'hora és
> possible que ni em pugui quedar al dinar.
>; xmlns:gpsies="; creator="GPSies - GPSies Track" version="1.1" xmlns:xsi="; xsi:schemaLocation=";>
GPSies Track;>
  GPSies Track on

GPSies Track on


Re: Root account blocked

2015-11-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 20 November 2015 08:47:25 Chris Bannister wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 07:01:41PM +0530, Himanshu Shekhar wrote:
> > This reminds of an outcome that makes your system vulnerable to data
> > theft. Following the above steps, anyone having physical access to the
> > device by
> What above steps? The context is lost! :(

Yes, I just gave up on it and accepted that I didn't understand. :-(


Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 20 November 2015 06:43:49 moxalt wrote:
> >  Especially on this forum
> > on occasions where people are only using the Debian repositories.
> I don't understand this.

This is the Debian users mailing list.  It is in my opinion very inappropriate 
to chastise people on the Debian mailing list for using Debian.

> > It is admirable that you are prepared to make sacrifices for your
> > principles. Telling others that they "should" make sacrifices for your
> > principles is arrogant.  Persuade them by all means.  But if you are so
> > dead set against all use of non-free or not-quite-fully-free software,
> > use one of these:
> I was a Trisquel user for a long time. I still recommend Trisquel to those
> new to the world of free software. Personally I prefer Debian. As long as
> non-free and contrib are not enabled, Debian is just as free as any of
> those distributions. However, as
> points out,
> distributions which merely present a choice between freedom and subjugation
> are not good enough for people who are not committed free software users
> and who are not prepared to defend their freedom when the choice is
> offered.
> This is why the distributions listed at
> should be recommended to the
> general public.

Please stop preaching.  Most of us will I am sure have read the original and 
made the decision to use Debian.  You talk of freedom, but wish to restrict 
ours to make our own decisions.

You are entitled to your views, but we are entitled to ours.  If you feel that 
the Debian developers made the wrong decision in deciding to include the 
contrib and non-free repositories in the distribution, take it up with the 
developers.  Meanwhile, you do your thing, along with those who agree with 
you, and we'll do ours. 

Which software one chooses to use is rarely a matter of morals.  Windows users 
may be misguided, and in my opinion are, but they are not moral reprobates.

I think guns are immoral.  Many people in the USA think they are a 
Constitutional Right and a Great Good.  That is a matter of morals.  Whether 
one uses flashplayer or not, is not a matter of morals.


Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Steve Fouchet

Si j'ai bien suivi, lorsque tu lances la commande dans un shell, tu le
fais depuis ton compte utilisateur.
As tu essayé de lancer ta commande depuis un shell en tant "www-data" ?
Ca te permettra déjà d'identifier si le problème viens des permissions
du compte utilisateur, ou de ta conf apache/php


Le 20/11/2015 10:17, Fabrice Regnier a écrit :
> 'lut,
>> Ne trouvant toujours pas de solution, je me permet un petit UP. Si
>> quelqu'un a une piste a me proposer...
> Comme le message d'erreur te dit qu'il n'a pas trouvé la font qui va
> bien, est-ce possible de lui coller en paramètre le chemin+fichier de la
> font ?
> f.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: var is full...

2015-11-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 09:45:48AM +0100, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> Using strace, the difference seems to be that apt-get clean removes
> /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin. However you don't need to run apt-get
> update : this file seems to be rebuilt by any apt command.
> apt-get clean
> apt-cache show anypatternyoulike
> apt-cache show pa

Ahh! Thanks, for that.

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 20 novembre 2015, 05:05:57 a écrit :
> >> "[1{/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/}

  Suis un peu rouillé côté LaTeX mais c’est dans ce fichier 
qu’il y a des infos sur les fontes pour pdftex. Vérifie qu’il 
contient tcti1200.

  Si ça fonctionne pour un utilisateur « normal » mais pas pour 
apache, alors oui, il faudrait savoir ce qui différencie 
l’utilisateur « apache ». Je ne vois rien dans l’environnement 
qui puisse toucher LaTeX…
  Tu as bien utilisé les paquets Debian pour TeX ?

  Essaie aussi une liste dédiée (La)TeX…

 Sylvain Sauvage

Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 12:37:06PM +, Lisi Reisz wrote:


> Please stop preaching.

(Darn. Seems I was too subtle last time)

Now you're preaching. Preachers preach... and they're important too
(preaching is not really my thing, but OTOH we woldn't be here were
it not for one very vociferous preacher, RMS).

>  Most of us will I am sure have read the original and 
> made the decision to use Debian.  You talk of freedom, but wish to restrict 
> ours to make our own decisions.

As I undeerstood moxalt, (sh)e's just pointing out. (S)he has no actual power
to force anyone, just to make bad conscience ;-)

> Which software one chooses to use is rarely a matter of morals.  Windows 
> users 
> may be misguided, and in my opinion are, but they are not moral reprobates.

*is* == *you think it is*

> I think guns are immoral.  Many people in the USA think they are a 
> Constitutional Right and a Great Good.  That is a matter of morals.  Whether 
> one uses flashplayer or not, is not a matter of morals.

Or yes. For RMS it is (for me too, but there's bigger fish to fry IMHO.
The trade agreements Europe forced upon Africa is one -- from my point
of view).

There's a place for everyone. As long as we don't insult each other...

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread nicolas . pechon

Le 2015-11-20 14:14, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

Le vendredi 20 novembre 2015, 05:05:57 a écrit :

>> "[1{/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/}

  Suis un peu rouillé côté LaTeX mais c’est dans ce fichier
qu’il y a des infos sur les fontes pour pdftex. Vérifie qu’il
contient tcti1200.

Merci de votre réponse,

Effectivement, il n'apparaît pas dans ce fichier. Je vais creuser par 

  Si ça fonctionne pour un utilisateur « normal » mais pas pour
apache, alors oui, il faudrait savoir ce qui différencie
l’utilisateur « apache ». Je ne vois rien dans l’environnement
qui puisse toucher LaTeX…
  Tu as bien utilisé les paquets Debian pour TeX ?

  Essaie aussi une liste dédiée (La)TeX…

J'ai effectivement fait la même demande sur une liste pur laTeX.

Mais, mon problème semble être dans l'interaction php laTeX. Pas facile 
pour savoir ou demander.


Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread nicolas . pechon

Le 2015-11-20 14:58, Eric Degenetais a écrit :

Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié toi-même
vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les droits d'accès
mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je schématise, là, mais c'est
le genre de problème à rechercher à mon avis).

Ce sont les paquets de base de la testing.

Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 02:56:53AM +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 01:35:34PM +0100, wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 12:37:06PM +, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > > Please stop preaching.
> > 
> > (Darn. Seems I was too subtle last time)
> > 
> > Now you're preaching. Preachers preach... and they're important too
> Ummm, no. If you're religious, maybe, but if you're an athesist then 
> they're ...
> (stopping myself before I say something I'll regret.)

Uh, oh -- this is definitely straying too far from the list. Last one
from me: you're always religious. The ones believe in this or that God
(capitalized or not), the others in Invisible Hands and Shrugging
Atlases, then there is Raison [1], Beauty & Truth or Goldbach's Conjecture.

Pick a subset ;-)


- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 16:11:27 +0100, a écrit :

> Le 2015-11-20 14:58, Eric Degenetais a écrit :
> > Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
> > Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
> > Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié toi-même
> > vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les droits d'accès
> > mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je schématise, là, mais
> > c'est le genre de problème à rechercher à mon avis).  
> Ce sont les paquets de base de la testing.


serait il possible de comparer :

rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2009-11+squeeze1 | oldoldstable| all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2012.20120611-5  | oldstable   | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable  | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable-kfreebsd | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151016-1  | testing | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151116-1  | unstable| all

apt-cache policy
texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended:
  Installé : 2015.20151016-1
  Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
 Table de version :
 *** 2015.20151016-1 100
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 2014.20141024-2 500
500 jessie/main i386 Packages


Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread nicolas . pechon

Le 2015-11-20 16:45, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 16:11:27 +0100, a écrit :

Le 2015-11-20 14:58, Eric Degenetais a écrit :
> Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
> Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
> Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié toi-même
> vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les droits d'accès
> mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je schématise, là, mais
> c'est le genre de problème à rechercher à mon avis).

Ce sont les paquets de base de la testing.


serait il possible de comparer :

rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2009-11+squeeze1 | oldoldstable| all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2012.20120611-5  | oldstable   | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable  | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable-kfreebsd | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151016-1  | testing | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151116-1  | unstable| all

Je n'ai pas cette fonction.
un apt-cache search rmadisson

Ne donne rien. (?)

apt-cache policy
texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended:
  Installé : 2015.20151016-1
  Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
 Table de version :
 *** 2015.20151016-1 100
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 2014.20141024-2 500
500 jessie/main i386 Packages

# apt-cache policy texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended
  Installé : 2015.20151016-1
  Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
 Table de version :
 *** 2015.20151016-1 0
900 stretch/main amd64 Packages
900 stretch/main amd64 
151 unstable/main amd64 
151 unstable/main amd64 

100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  Installé : 2015.20151016-1
  Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
 Table de version :
 *** 2015.20151016-1 0
900 stretch/main amd64 Packages
900 stretch/main amd64 
151 unstable/main amd64 
151 unstable/main amd64 

100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:09:08 +0100, a écrit :

> Le 2015-11-20 16:45, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
> > Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 16:11:27 +0100,
> > a écrit :
> >   
> >> Le 2015-11-20 14:58, Eric Degenetais a écrit :  
> >> > Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
> >> > Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
> >> > Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié
> >> > toi-même vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les
> >> > droits d'accès mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je
> >> > schématise, là, mais c'est le genre de problème à rechercher à
> >> > mon avis).  
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Ce sont les paquets de base de la testing.
> >>   
> > 
> > bonjour,
> > 
> > serait il possible de comparer :
> > 
> > rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended
> > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2009-11+squeeze1 | oldoldstable| all
> > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2012.20120611-5  | oldstable   | all
> > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable  | all
> > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable-kfreebsd | all
> > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151016-1  | testing | all
> > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151116-1  | unstable|all
> Je n'ai pas cette fonction.
> un apt-cache search rmadisson
> Ne donne rien. (?)
> > apt-cache policy
> > texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended:
> >   Installé : 2015.20151016-1
> >   Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
> >  Table de version :
> >  *** 2015.20151016-1 100
> > 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> >  2014.20141024-2 500
> > 500 jessie/main i386
> > Packages 
> # apt-cache policy texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended
> texlive-fonts-recommended:
>Installé : 2015.20151016-1
>Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
>   Table de version :
>   *** 2015.20151016-1 0
>  900 stretch/main amd64
> Packages 900 stretch/main
> amd64 Packages
>  151 unstable/main amd64 
> Packages
>  151 unstable/main
> amd64 Packages
>  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> texlive-fonts-recommended:
>Installé : 2015.20151016-1
>Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
>   Table de version :
>   *** 2015.20151016-1 0
>  900 stretch/main amd64
> Packages 900 stretch/main
> amd64 Packages
>  151 unstable/main amd64 
> Packages
>  151 unstable/main
> amd64 Packages
>  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status


il te suffit de chercher un peut à côté :

apt-file search rmadison
devscripts: /usr/bin/rmadison
devscripts: /usr/share/man/de/man1/rmadison.1.gz
devscripts: /usr/share/man/fr/man1/rmadison.1.gz
devscripts: /usr/share/man/man1/rmadison.1.gz

donc maintenant que tu connais le nom du paquet : devscripts

il suffit de faire : sudo apt-get install devscripts

la page de man :


Re: Where to change default chmod of /dev/pts/* ???

2015-11-20 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2015-11-20 15:56 +0100, Decstasy wrote:

> Hello,
> since there is systemd some things have changed... Anyway I hope
> someone here can help me :)
> I want to change the default chmod of /dev/pts/* from 620 to 660.

Are you sure you want to this?  Reasonable values are 620 and 600,
depending on whether you want to allow users to write(1) messages to
each other's terminal's.  What's the point of giving read access to the
tty group?

> In
> the past it can be changed by /etc/defaults/devpts
> But it does not work at all. I could not find any entry in /etc/fstab
> or a mount unit from systemd.

Mounting of /dev/pts and various other API filesystems is hardcoded in
systemd, look into src/core/mount-setup.c if you're curious.

> Where the  can I change the default chmod?

In the file that provides the API for mounting filesystems, i.e.
/etc/fstab - see systemd-remount-fs.service(8).  There is no entry for
/dev/pts by default, so you create your own, like this:

devpts  /dev/pts  devpts  defaults,gid=5,mode=660  0  0


Re: apt-get: why massive upgrade despite pinning everything to stable?

2015-11-20 Thread Darac Marjal

On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 10:07:49AM -0500, Kynn Jones wrote:

OK, I start with my 100% `stable` (`jessie`) system up-to-date. IOW, 
after `apt-get update`, `apt-get upgrade` reports that there are no 
candidates for upgrading:

   % sudo apt-get upgrade Reading package lists... Done Building 
   dependency tree Reading state information... Done Calculating 
   upgrade... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 
   not upgraded.

Now, I add to my `/etc/apt/sources.list` file the last two lines shown 

   deb jessie main contrib non-free 
deb-src jessie main contrib

   deb jessie-updates main contrib 
deb-src jessie-updates main contrib

   deb jessie/updates main contrib 
non-free deb-src jessie/updates main 
contrib non-free

   deb stretch main contrib non-free 
deb-src stretch main contrib

Also, I set the contents of my `/etc/apt/preferences` file to this (the 
file was empty before):

   Package: * Pin: release a=stable

(BTW, both my `/etc/apt/sources.list.d` and `/etc/apt/preferences.d` 
directories are empty.)

Not a direct answer to your question, but try adding 

APT::Default-Release "stable";

to a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d (for example 

Then, I re-run `apt-get update`.

Given the contents of my `/etc/apt/preferences` file, which specifies 
that everything should be pinned at `stable`, I expected that the 
two new lines in my `/etc/apt/sources.list` would be essentially 
irrelevant. In particular, I expected that `apt-get upgrade` would 
still report that there was nothing to upgrade.

To my surprise, this is far from the case: the `apt-get upgrade` dialog 
reports: "962 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 590 not 

How come there are any upgrades at all (let alone hundreds of them) 
when `/etc/apt/preferences` requires that everything sould be pinned at 

Thanks in advance!


P.S. FWIW, ultimately, what I want to perform a very controlled, 
tightly-targeted upgrade of my R-related packages (i.e. `r-base` and 
friends) to `stretch`/`testing`. IOW, I want to keep the non-`jessie` 
packages installed in my system to the absolute minimum that is 
compatible with upgrading R to `stretch`/`testing`.

I thought that setting my `/etc/apt/preferences` file as shown below, 
coupled with the `/etc/apt/sources.list` file shown earlier, would do 
the trick:

   Package: * Pin: release a=stable

   Package: r-* Pin: release a=testing

But my complete failure to predict the results of the experiment 
described in the main part of this post tells me that I probably have 
the whole thing wrong.

-- For more information, please reread.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Experiencia con la navegación privada en Firefox

2015-11-20 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:29:14 +0100, Ala de Dragón escribió:

> El 19/11/15, Camaleón  escribió:

>> Desde que actualicé a Firefox 42.0, había notado que al cerrar el
>> navegador me decía que no se había cerrado correctamente y que si
>> quería enviar el informe de fallos (lo típico cuando Firefox se queda
>> enganchado), el problema es que cada vez me aparecía ese mensaje con
>> más frecuencia, varias veces al día lo cual es un poco molesto.


> Soy  un fiel amante del modo incognito de Firefox. Aunque aun me gusta
> mas Midori, tiene el modo incognito y unos botoncitos para desactivar
> imágenes y scripts.
> Total la mayor parte del tiempo estoy leyendo manuales a veces cargo
> alguna imagen porque contiene esquemas o info relevante.
> Un saludito :)

Siempre oigo cosas buenas de Midori pero me parece que tiene algunas 
carencias como para usarlo a diario en mis equipos principales, por 
ejemplo, no tiene integrado bloqueador de pop-ups ni administrador de 
contraseñas (?), supongo que habrá que añadir algún plugin para obtener 
esas funcionalidades pero no me gusta sobrecargar los navegadores. 

Eso sí, tiene toda la pinta de ser el navegador que instalaría en equipos 
discretos :-)



Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:44:22 +0100,
Bernard Schoenacker  a écrit :

> Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:09:08 +0100,
> a écrit :
> > Le 2015-11-20 16:45, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :  
> > > Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 16:11:27 +0100,
> > > a écrit :
> > > 
> > >> Le 2015-11-20 14:58, Eric Degenetais a écrit :
> > >> > Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
> > >> > Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
> > >> > Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié
> > >> > toi-même vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les
> > >> > droits d'accès mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je
> > >> > schématise, là, mais c'est le genre de problème à rechercher à
> > >> > mon avis).
> > >> 
> > >> 
> > >> Ce sont les paquets de base de la testing.
> > >> 
> > > 
> > > bonjour,
> > > 
> > > serait il possible de comparer :
> > > 
> > > rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended
> > > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2009-11+squeeze1 | oldoldstable|
> > > all texlive-fonts-recommended | 2012.20120611-5  |
> > > oldstable   | all texlive-fonts-recommended |
> > > 2014.20141024-2  | stable  | all
> > > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable-kfreebsd |
> > > all texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151016-1  |
> > > testing | all texlive-fonts-recommended |
> > > 2015.20151116-1  | unstable|all  
> > Je n'ai pas cette fonction.
> > un apt-cache search rmadisson
> > 
> > Ne donne rien. (?)
> > 
> >   
> > > apt-cache policy
> > > texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended:
> > >   Installé : 2015.20151016-1
> > >   Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
> > >  Table de version :
> > >  *** 2015.20151016-1 100
> > > 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> > >  2014.20141024-2 500
> > > 500 jessie/main i386
> > > Packages   
> > # apt-cache policy texlive-fonts-recommended
> > texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended:
> >Installé : 2015.20151016-1
> >Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
> >   Table de version :
> >   *** 2015.20151016-1 0
> >  900 stretch/main amd64
> > Packages 900 stretch/main
> > amd64 Packages
> >  151 unstable/main amd64 
> > Packages
> >  151 unstable/main
> > amd64 Packages
> >  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> > texlive-fonts-recommended:
> >Installé : 2015.20151016-1
> >Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
> >   Table de version :
> >   *** 2015.20151016-1 0
> >  900 stretch/main amd64
> > Packages 900 stretch/main
> > amd64 Packages
> >  151 unstable/main amd64 
> > Packages
> >  151 unstable/main
> > amd64 Packages
> >  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> > 
> >   
> bonjour,
> il te suffit de chercher un peut à côté :
> apt-file search rmadison
> devscripts: /usr/bin/rmadison
> devscripts: /usr/share/man/de/man1/rmadison.1.gz
> devscripts: /usr/share/man/fr/man1/rmadison.1.gz
> devscripts: /usr/share/man/man1/rmadison.1.gz
> donc maintenant que tu connais le nom du paquet : devscripts
> il suffit de faire : sudo apt-get install devscripts
> la page de man :
> slt
> bernard


j'ai oublié d'indiquer la version disponible :

rmadison devscripts -a amd64

devscripts | 2.10.69+squeeze4 | oldoldstable  | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.12.4~bpo60+1   | squeeze-backports | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.12.6+deb7u2| oldstable | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.14.11~bpo70+1  | wheezy-backports  | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.15.3   | stable| amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.15.9~bpo8+1| jessie-backports  | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.15.9   | testing   | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.15.9   | unstable  | amd64 i386


Where to change default chmod of /dev/pts/* ???

2015-11-20 Thread Decstasy


since there is systemd some things have changed... Anyway I hope someone 
here can help me :)

I want to change the default chmod of /dev/pts/* from 620 to 660. In the 
past it can be changed by /etc/defaults/devpts
But it does not work at all. I could not find any entry in /etc/fstab or 
a mount unit from systemd.

I have also checked /etc/init.d/udev and /etc/init.d/

root@minecraft ~ # cat /etc/issue; uname -a
Debian GNU/Linux 8 \n \l

Linux minecraft 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u6 
(2015-11-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux

root@minecraft ~ # find /etc/systemd -name '*mount'
root@minecraft ~ # find /etc/systemd -name '*.device'
root@minecraft ~ # find /var/lib/systemd -name '*mount'
root@minecraft ~ # find /var/lib/systemd -name '*.device'
root@minecraft ~ # grep -ri pts /var/lib/systemd
1 root@minecraft ~ # grep -ri pts /etc/systemd   
1 root@minecraft ~ # grep -ri pts /etc/udev  
1 root@minecraft ~ # mount | grep pts
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts 

root@minecraft ~ # cat /etc/default/devpts
# GID of the `tty' group

# Set to 600 to have `mesg n' be the default

Where the  can I change the default chmod?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 04:02:41PM +0100, wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 02:56:53AM +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 01:35:34PM +0100, wrote:
> > > On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 12:37:06PM +, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > 
> > > [...]
> > > 
> > > > Please stop preaching.
> > > 
> > > (Darn. Seems I was too subtle last time)
> > > 
> > > Now you're preaching. Preachers preach... and they're important too
> > 
> > Ummm, no. If you're religious, maybe, but if you're an athesist then 
> > they're ...
> > (stopping myself before I say something I'll regret.)
> Uh, oh -- this is definitely straying too far from the list. Last one
> from me: you're always religious.

LOL, being an atheist means that you *aren't* religious. But I'm not here
to give you an English lesson. This is my last post on this issue.

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

Re: apt-get: why massive upgrade despite pinning everything to stable?

2015-11-20 Thread Martin Read

On 20/11/15 15:07, Kynn Jones wrote:

Also, I set the contents of my `/etc/apt/preferences` file to this
(the file was empty before):

 Package: *
   Pin: release a=stable

Looking at the Debian wiki's page on APT preferences[1] and comparing to 
your file, I notice that you haven't specified a Pin-Priority for this pin.

P.S. FWIW, ultimately, what I want to perform a very controlled,
tightly-targeted upgrade of my R-related packages (i.e. `r-base` and
friends) to `stretch`/`testing`.  IOW, I want to keep the non-`jessie`
packages installed in my system to the absolute minimum that is
compatible with upgrading R to `stretch`/`testing`.

Just so you know, this is a discouraged[2] (and completely unsupported) 


Re: [OT] Experiencia con la navegación privada en Firefox

2015-11-20 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 19 Nov 2015 17:10:49 -0500, escribió:

> El 19/11/15 a las 11:51, Camaleón escibió:
>> Desde que actualicé a Firefox 42.0,
> ¿leve síntoma de versionitis?

No hombre, es por seguridad. Hoy día tener el navegador sin actualizar es 
una operación alto riesgo.

>> 1/ Suelo abrir y cerrar el navegador al día alguna que otra vez, es
>> decir, no soy de las que inicia sesión en el escritorio y lo deja
>> abierto continuamente.
>> 2/ Tenía configurada la opción de eliminar el historial, caché,
>> cookies, etc... Cuando se cerrara el navegador.
>> Esta combinación hacía que se produjeran esos mensajes molestos y lo
>> comprobé al desactivar la opción de eliminar el historial: mano de
>> santo. Pero no me gusta tener basura acumulada y no me terminaba de
>> convencer esa opción.
>> Buscando alguna alternativa
> ¿y qué paso con Tor? ¿muy lento?


No me interesa tanto la privacidad sino que el navegador sea funcional, 
vamos, que no se quede colgado cada poco porque es una herramienta que 
uso a diario. 

Tor lo he probado en Windows (en un paquete combo que instala su propio 
navegador) y es una patata con todos mis respetos a los que trabajan en 
el proyecto. A ver, para cosas/casos puntuales, perfecto, para navegación 
diaria como que no :-)



Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread nicolas . pechon

Le 2015-11-20 15:40, Eric Degenetais a écrit :

@Nicolas Pechon: histoire de clore cette piste, quelle est la sortie de

ls -lha 

# ls -lha 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 127 janv. 10  2006 

ls -lha 

# ls -lha 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2,0K janv.  9  2006 

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 15:40:14 +0100,
Eric Degenetais  a écrit :

> @Bernard Schoenacker : standard en effet, mais il y a peut-être une
> bizarrerie sur cette machine en particulier...
> @Nicolas Pechon: histoire de clore cette piste, quelle est la sortie
> de
> ls
> -lha /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
> ls
> -lha /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/tcti1200.tfm
> chez toi?
> __
> Éric Dégenètais
> Henix
> Le 20 novembre 2015 15:13, Bernard Schoenacker
>  a écrit :
> > Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 14:58:58 +0100,
> > Eric Degenetais  a écrit :
> >  
> >> Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
> >> Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
> >> Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié toi-même
> >> vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les droits d'accès
> >> mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je schématise, là, mais
> >> c'est le genre de problème à rechercher à mon avis).
> >>
> >> __
> >> Éric Dégenètais
> >> Henix
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  
> >
> > bonjour,
> >
> > la police fait partie de : texlive-fonts-recommended
> >
> > apt-file search tcti1200
> > texlive-fonts-recommended: 
> > /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
> > texlive-fonts-recommended: 
> > /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/tcti1200.tfm
> >
> > slt
> > bernard
> >  


normalement chez nicolas la réponse devrait être :

ls -lha /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 127 janv. 10 2006 

ls -lha /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/tcti1200.tfm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2,0K janv. 9 2006 

( à comparer )


Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread nicolas . pechon

Le 2015-11-20 14:08, Steve Fouchet a écrit :


Si j'ai bien suivi, lorsque tu lances la commande dans un shell, tu le
fais depuis ton compte utilisateur.
As tu essayé de lancer ta commande depuis un shell en tant "www-data" ?
Ca te permettra déjà d'identifier si le problème viens des permissions
du compte utilisateur, ou de ta conf apache/php



J'en profite pour tous vous remercier de vous pencher sur mon problème

Une compilation via un shell www-data est corect


2015-11-20 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:25:47 +, luis.garcia escribió:

(ese formato...)

> Tengo montado un servidor postfix y algunos correos cuando llegan a su
> destino no abren, el destino tiene como cliente de correo a microsoft
> outlook, sin embargo en otros clientes funciona bien solo pasa a los que
> tienen outlook .Tienen alguna idea de porque esa situación 

No creo que el servidor de correo (Postfix) tenga algo que ver con este 

Postfix no es el responsable de cómo se renderizan los mensajes en los 
clientes de correo ya que sólo es el transportista (como el calvo sexy de 
la peli "Transporter" :-P), eso depende de la aplicación que uses por lo 
que tendrás que ver por qué Outlook no logra visualizar bien el correo.

Prueba a enviar varios mensajes con distinto formato, por ejemplo, uno 
con texto plano y otro con formato html, para ver si Outlook puede abrir 
alguno de ellos.

Eso sí, decirte que uso Postfix con Outlook (Express, 2000 y 2007) desde 
hace 13 años y nunca -jamás- he tenido ese problema.



Re: apt-* and aptitude

2015-11-20 Thread Brian
On Fri 20 Nov 2015 at 19:29:09 +0200, Teemu Likonen wrote:

> Pavel Volkov [2015-11-20 20:03:03+03] wrote:
> > What's the current officially recommended way to operate packages:
> > apt- utilities or aptitude? I heard aptitude development was stalled
> > and it offered no real advantages (not counting interactive mode).
> There's no "the" way for normal use. Release notes recommend apt-get for
> upgrades to next version of Debian (aka. dist-upgrade). But everyone is
> free to choose whatever they like.
> Some discussion in the Debian reference manual:

That about sums it up. There is no "should" about which package manager
a user is better employing. There are opinions though:

There is a "should", however, about expectations of the stretch
installer installing aptitude. One should not expect that to happen.

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 18:55:58 +0100, a écrit :

> Le 2015-11-20 18:04, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
> > Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:44:22 +0100,
> > Bernard Schoenacker  a écrit :
> >   
> >> Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:09:08 +0100,
> >> a écrit :
> >>   
> >> > Le 2015-11-20 16:45, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :  
> >> > > Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 16:11:27 +0100,
> >> > > a écrit :
> >> > >  
> >> > >> Le 2015-11-20 14:58, Eric Degenetais a écrit :  
> >> > >> > Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
> >> > >> > Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
> >> > >> > Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié
> >> > >> > toi-même vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les
> >> > >> > droits d'accès mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je
> >> > >> > schématise, là, mais c'est le genre de problème à
> >> > >> > rechercher à mon avis).  
> >> > >>
> >> > >>
> >> > >> Ce sont les paquets de base de la testing.
> >> > >>  
> >> > >
> >> > > bonjour,
> >> > >
> >> > > serait il possible de comparer :
> >> > >
> >> > > rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended
> >> > > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2009-11+squeeze1 | oldoldstable
> >> > > | all texlive-fonts-recommended | 2012.20120611-5  |
> >> > > oldstable   | all texlive-fonts-recommended |
> >> > > 2014.20141024-2  | stable  | all
> >> > > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable-kfreebsd
> >> > > | all texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151016-1  |
> >> > > testing | all texlive-fonts-recommended |
> >> > > 2015.20151116-1  | unstable|all  
> >>   
> >> > Je n'ai pas cette fonction.
> >> > un apt-cache search rmadisson
> >> >
> >> > Ne donne rien. (?)
> >> >
> >> >  
> >> > > apt-cache policy
> >> > > texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended:
> >> > >   Installé : 2015.20151016-1
> >> > >   Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
> >> > >  Table de version :
> >> > >  *** 2015.20151016-1 100
> >> > > 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> >> > >  2014.20141024-2 500
> >> > > 500 jessie/main i386
> >> > > Packages  
> >> > # apt-cache policy texlive-fonts-recommended
> >> > texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended:
> >> >Installé : 2015.20151016-1
> >> >Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
> >> >   Table de version :
> >> >   *** 2015.20151016-1 0
> >> >  900 stretch/main amd64
> >> > Packages 900 stretch/main
> >> > amd64 Packages
> >> >  151 unstable/main amd64
> >> > Packages
> >> >  151
> >> > unstable/main amd64 Packages
> >> >  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> >> > texlive-fonts-recommended:
> >> >Installé : 2015.20151016-1
> >> >Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
> >> >   Table de version :
> >> >   *** 2015.20151016-1 0
> >> >  900 stretch/main amd64
> >> > Packages 900 stretch/main
> >> > amd64 Packages
> >> >  151 unstable/main amd64
> >> > Packages
> >> >  151
> >> > unstable/main amd64 Packages
> >> >  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> >> >
> >> >  
> >> 
> >> bonjour,
> >> 
> >> il te suffit de chercher un peut à côté :
> >> 
> >> apt-file search rmadison
> >> devscripts: /usr/bin/rmadison
> >> devscripts: /usr/share/man/de/man1/rmadison.1.gz
> >> devscripts: /usr/share/man/fr/man1/rmadison.1.gz
> >> devscripts: /usr/share/man/man1/rmadison.1.gz
> >> 
> >> 
> >> donc maintenant que tu connais le nom du paquet : devscripts
> >> 
> >> il suffit de faire : sudo apt-get install devscripts
> >> 
> >> la page de man :
> >> 
> >> 
> >> slt
> >> bernard
> >>   
> > 
> > bonjour,
> > 
> > j'ai oublié d'indiquer la version disponible :
> > 
> > rmadison devscripts -a amd64
> > 
> > devscripts | 2.10.69+squeeze4 | oldoldstable  | amd64 i386
> > devscripts | 2.12.4~bpo60+1   | squeeze-backports | amd64 i386
> > devscripts | 2.12.6+deb7u2| oldstable | amd64 i386
> > devscripts | 2.14.11~bpo70+1  | wheezy-backports  | amd64 i386
> > devscripts | 2.15.3   | stable| amd64 i386
> > devscripts | 2.15.9~bpo8+1| jessie-backports  | amd64 i386
> > devscripts | 2.15.9   | testing   | amd64 i386
> > devscripts | 2.15.9   | unstable  | amd64 i386
> >   
> # rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended
> texlive-fonts-recommended | 2009-11+squeeze1 | oldoldstable| all
> texlive-fonts-recommended | 2012.20120611-5  | oldstable   | all
> texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable  | all
> texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable-kfreebsd | all
> texlive-fonts-recommended | 

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
> Une compilation via un shell www-data est corect

  Puisque ça fonctionne en utilisateur www-data en shell, ce 
n’est pas un problème avec cet utilisateur mais bien une 
différence dans l’environnement d’exécution de PHP (soit de PHP 
lui-même, soit de blocages qu’Apache fait sur le processus PHP).

  Il doit y avoir d’autres outils pour vérifier tout ça mais, 
perso, je tenterais de voir une différence entre les deux cas 
(shell / PHP) en passant par strace.

> # rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended

  Au passage, j’aimerais qu’on m’explique à quoi ça sert de 
vérifier les versions disponibles *sur les dépôts* , surtout 
après qu’on a déjà vérifié les paquets *installés* …

 Sylvain Sauvage

OT: ¿Equivalente de Silverlight para Debian?

2015-11-20 Thread Eduardo Rios

Hola de nuevo.

¿Alguien sabe si existe algún equivalente del plugin de Silverlight para 
Debian (Iceweasel)?

Es que me da mucha rabia tener que entrar en Windows sólo para poder 
acceder a YOMVI de Movistar...

Buscando en los repos por 'silverlight' me dice:

-libjs-mediaelement : HTML5  or  player with Flash and 
Silverlight shims (pero no incluye los plugins entiendo)

- libhal1-flash: Compatibility library to allow playback of flash DRM 

- nant: build tool similar to Ant

¿sabéis si alguno de estos sirve? Gracias.


Registered user #369215

apt-* and aptitude

2015-11-20 Thread Pavel Volkov
What's the current officially recommended way to operate packages: apt- 
utilities or aptitude?
I heard aptitude development was stalled and it offered no real advantages 
(not counting interactive mode).


2015-11-20 Thread luis . garcia
Tengo montado un servidor postfix y algunos correos cuando llegan a su destino 
no abren, el destino tiene como cliente de correo a microsoft outlook, sin 
embargo en otros clientes funciona bien solo pasa a los que tienen outlook 
.Tienen alguna idea de porque esa situación

Re: apt-* and aptitude

2015-11-20 Thread Teemu Likonen
Pavel Volkov [2015-11-20 20:03:03+03] wrote:

> What's the current officially recommended way to operate packages:
> apt- utilities or aptitude? I heard aptitude development was stalled
> and it offered no real advantages (not counting interactive mode).

There's no "the" way for normal use. Release notes recommend apt-get for
upgrades to next version of Debian (aka. dist-upgrade). But everyone is
free to choose whatever they like.

Some discussion in the Debian reference manual:

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt-* and aptitude

2015-11-20 Thread Joe
On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 20:03:03 +0300
Pavel Volkov  wrote:

> What's the current officially recommended way to operate packages:
> apt- utilities or aptitude?
> I heard aptitude development was stalled and it offered no real
> advantages (not counting interactive mode).

Aptitude has more intelligent dependency processing, and is less likely
to want to remove packages unnecessarily, but because of that, it is
very slow when large numbers of packages need upgrading.

My preference is to use aptitude for day-to-day upgrading, and apt-get
for large-scale jobs e.g. a sid installation which hasn't been upgraded
for a month.

I also use Synaptic when there's a long-term problem with sid
dependencies, and I want to upgrade individual packages, and I
occasionally resort to dpkg when something needs dynamiting...


Re: OT: ¿Equivalente de Silverlight para Debian?

2015-11-20 Thread Roberto Moreno P.
Moonlight y esta apoyado por mono si mi memoria no ne falla
El nov 20, 2015 3:47 PM, "Eduardo Rios"  escribió:

> Hola de nuevo.
> ¿Alguien sabe si existe algún equivalente del plugin de Silverlight para
> Debian (Iceweasel)?
> Es que me da mucha rabia tener que entrar en Windows sólo para poder
> acceder a YOMVI de Movistar...
> Buscando en los repos por 'silverlight' me dice:
> -libjs-mediaelement : HTML5  or  player with Flash and
> Silverlight shims (pero no incluye los plugins entiendo)
> - libhal1-flash: Compatibility library to allow playback of flash DRM
> content
> - nant: build tool similar to Ant
> ¿sabéis si alguno de estos sirve? Gracias.
> --
> Registered user #369215

Re: Trobada 2015. Girona 21 Novembre

2015-11-20 Thread tictacbum
Jo vindré des de Vilafranca, si el constipat no empitjora..
agafaré cotxe per si algú vol apuntar-se, tot i que de la zona crec que no
ve ningú :)

fins demà!

El dia 17 de novembre de 2015, 15:55, Mònica Ramírez 
ha escrit:

> Hola,
> > Ara resulta que l'hora preferida són les 14h, però la franja més votada
> > és des de les 11:00 fins les 14:59h. A més a més, aquesta franja és la
> > única que no té cap creueta en contra (a partir de les 15h ja sí).
> >
> > El missatge que percebo és que a tots els votants els va bé quedar-se a
> > dinar o arribar fins l'hora de dinar.
> > Proposo convocar JA per les 11:00h, acabar amb qui vulgui dinar plegats,
> > i també durant la sobretaula n'hi ha que marxaran i n'hi ha que es
> quedaran.
> Després del missatge de l'Alba, crec que les 11h és la millor hora per
> quedar.
> > Estic proposant donar JA el tema per tancat, i repartir el cartell que
> > es va enviar, però rectificant les hores per 11,12,13 i 15:
> >
> >
> Sí que han sortit xerrades al final!
> Sigui com sigui, espero que sigui la primera de moltes trobades
> de DebianCat.
> He actualitzat el wiki, si us plau reviseu i modifiqueu el que cregeueu
> convenient:
> Salut!

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread nicolas . pechon

Le 2015-11-20 18:04, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:44:22 +0100,
Bernard Schoenacker  a écrit :

Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:09:08 +0100, a écrit :

> Le 2015-11-20 16:45, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
> > Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 16:11:27 +0100,
> > a écrit :
> >
> >> Le 2015-11-20 14:58, Eric Degenetais a écrit :
> >> > Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
> >> > Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
> >> > Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié
> >> > toi-même vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les
> >> > droits d'accès mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je
> >> > schématise, là, mais c'est le genre de problème à rechercher à
> >> > mon avis).
> >>
> >>
> >> Ce sont les paquets de base de la testing.
> >>
> >
> > bonjour,
> >
> > serait il possible de comparer :
> >
> > rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended
> > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2009-11+squeeze1 | oldoldstable|
> > all texlive-fonts-recommended | 2012.20120611-5  |
> > oldstable   | all texlive-fonts-recommended |
> > 2014.20141024-2  | stable  | all
> > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable-kfreebsd |
> > all texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151016-1  |
> > testing | all texlive-fonts-recommended |
> > 2015.20151116-1  | unstable|all

> Je n'ai pas cette fonction.
> un apt-cache search rmadisson
> Ne donne rien. (?)
> > apt-cache policy
> > texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended:
> >   Installé : 2015.20151016-1
> >   Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
> >  Table de version :
> >  *** 2015.20151016-1 100
> > 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> >  2014.20141024-2 500
> > 500 jessie/main i386
> > Packages
> # apt-cache policy texlive-fonts-recommended
> texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended:
>Installé : 2015.20151016-1
>Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
>   Table de version :
>   *** 2015.20151016-1 0
>  900 stretch/main amd64
> Packages 900 stretch/main
> amd64 Packages
>  151 unstable/main amd64
> Packages
>  151 unstable/main
> amd64 Packages
>  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> texlive-fonts-recommended:
>Installé : 2015.20151016-1
>Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
>   Table de version :
>   *** 2015.20151016-1 0
>  900 stretch/main amd64
> Packages 900 stretch/main
> amd64 Packages
>  151 unstable/main amd64
> Packages
>  151 unstable/main
> amd64 Packages
>  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status


il te suffit de chercher un peut à côté :

apt-file search rmadison
devscripts: /usr/bin/rmadison
devscripts: /usr/share/man/de/man1/rmadison.1.gz
devscripts: /usr/share/man/fr/man1/rmadison.1.gz
devscripts: /usr/share/man/man1/rmadison.1.gz

donc maintenant que tu connais le nom du paquet : devscripts

il suffit de faire : sudo apt-get install devscripts

la page de man :



j'ai oublié d'indiquer la version disponible :

rmadison devscripts -a amd64

devscripts | 2.10.69+squeeze4 | oldoldstable  | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.12.4~bpo60+1   | squeeze-backports | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.12.6+deb7u2| oldstable | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.14.11~bpo70+1  | wheezy-backports  | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.15.3   | stable| amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.15.9~bpo8+1| jessie-backports  | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.15.9   | testing   | amd64 i386
devscripts | 2.15.9   | unstable  | amd64 i386

# rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2009-11+squeeze1 | oldoldstable| all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2012.20120611-5  | oldstable   | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable  | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable-kfreebsd | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151016-1  | testing | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151116-1  | unstable| all

Re: OT: ¿Equivalente de Silverlight para Debian?

2015-11-20 Thread Luis E. Arevalo R.
 El 20 de noviembre de 2015, 15:48, Roberto Moreno P. 

> Moonlight y esta apoyado por mono si mi memoria no ne falla

Moonlight es un proyecto abandonado. Si bien nunca lo he utilizado,
entiendo que Pipelight es la alternativa:

Afortunadamente no tengo que lidiar con sitios bajo esa gran (?)
tecnología. Si funciona, ¡avisen!


Luis Eduardo Arevalo ReyesUser #354770
Fono +56 9 54012831

Remember Z-modem??

2015-11-20 Thread Ric Moore

Charles Forsburg has passed away.

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: Debian rescue CD oddities

2015-11-20 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Ross Boylan a écrit :
> After booting the Debian 8.2 netinst iso I noticed a couple of oddities.
> First, I selected advanced and rescue, but this seemed to end up walking me
> through the installer.

Indeed, the first steps are identical to an installation.

> I was expecting to be dropped into a shell.  At the
> screen that asked for system name I switched virtual terminals.

Too bad : the rescue screen was the next step.

> Second, vgimportclone is on the system, but when I try to run it the
> message is "vgimportclone: not found".  It is the only vg* command in /sbin
> that is not a symlink to lvm but a shell script.

It appears that vgimportclone is defined as a bash script (1st line
contains #!/bin/bash) but bash is not included in the Debian installer.
I don't know if this script really requires bash or could be run with
the installer's shell, ash. In the latter case, just modify the script
header or create a symlink /bin/bash pointing to sh or ash.

>  Any recommendations for a rescue image that
> has at least lvm, parted, and ext4 utilities?

The Debian installer have them all.

Re: Debian rescue CD oddities

2015-11-20 Thread Brian
On Fri 20 Nov 2015 at 11:18:41 -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:

> After booting the Debian 8.2 netinst iso I noticed a couple of oddities.
> First, I selected advanced and rescue, but this seemed to end up walking me
> through the installer.  I was expecting to be dropped into a shell.  At the
> screen that asked for system name I switched virtual terminals.

Ye of little faith; the top left-hand of the screen says "Rescue mode".

Your expectations do not accord with what Rescue mode does to prepare
the environment for accessing the installer's commands, Which should
change - your expectations or the installer?

It's a pity you didn't progress from the step asking for the hostname.

Re: No sound - seeking ideas

2015-11-20 Thread David Parfitt
(Sorry if this is a re-post ... I've just (I think) re-registered.)

On Thu, 19 Nov 2015 22:10:02 +0100, Darac Marjal wrote:

Thanks Darac .. I'm sorry I missed the first part of your response - 
answered here:


>> daud@debian:~$ lspci -nnk |grep udio 00:1f.3 Audio device [0403]:
>> Corporation Sunrise Point-H HD Audio [8086:a170] (rev 31)
> To check if this card is supported by your kernel, see if:
> # modinfo snd_hda_intel | grep -i '8086.*a170'
> returns anything.

daud@debian:~$ sudo modinfo snd_hda_intel | grep -i '8086.*a170'
alias:  pci:v8086dA170sv*sd*bc*sc*i*

This means nothing to me, I'm afraid. Supported or not?  I'd be pleased 
for any feedback.

If it is not supported, is there any mileage in upgrading to kernel 4.2 
from jessie-backports?  Is this likely to break ore than I want it to?
may start a new thread on that ... )

The unfiltered output (in case it's any help) is:

root@debian:/home/daud# modinfo snd_hda_intel
filename:   /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-
description:Intel HDA driver
alias:  pci:v1022d*sv*sd*bc04sc03i00*
alias:  pci:v1002d*sv*sd*bc04sc03i00*
alias:  pci:v15ADd1977sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v17F3d3010sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1102d0009sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1102d0012sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1102d0010sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v6549d2200sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v6549d1200sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v10DEd*sv*sd*bc04sc03i00*
alias:  pci:v10B9d5461sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1039d7502sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1106d9140sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1106d9170sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1106d3288sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAAB0sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAAA8sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAAA0sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d9902sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA98sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA90sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA88sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA80sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA68sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA60sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA58sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA50sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA48sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA40sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA38sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA30sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA28sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA18sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA10sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA08sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA00sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d970Fsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d960Fsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d7919sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d793Bsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1022d780Dsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d4383sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d437Bsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d*sv*sd*bc04sc03i00*
alias:  pci:v8086d3A6Esv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d3A3Esv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d293Fsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d293Esv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d284Bsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d269Asv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d27D8sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d2668sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d2284sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d0F04sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d080Asv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d811Bsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d3B56sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d160Csv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d0D0Csv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d0C0Csv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d0A0Csv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d9D70sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086dA170sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d9CA0sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d9C21sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d9C20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d8D21sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d8D20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d8CA0sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d8C20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d1E20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d1D20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*

Re: OT: ¿Equivalente de Silverlight para Debian?

2015-11-20 Thread Eduardo Rios

El 20/11/15 a las 19:55, Luis E. Arevalo R. escribió:

  El 20 de noviembre de 2015, 15:48, Roberto Moreno P.
> escribió:

Moonlight y esta apoyado por mono si mi memoria no ne falla

Moonlight es un proyecto abandonado. Si bien nunca lo he utilizado,
entiendo que Pipelight es la alternativa:

Afortunadamente no tengo que lidiar con sitios bajo esa gran (?)
tecnología. Si funciona, ¡avisen!

Muchas gracias, pero no me convence instalar paquetes de fuentes 
externas y dudosas. Veo que paquetes de Debian "oficiales" no hay. 
Tendré que resistir la tentación de usar Yomvi de Movistar (o usar 
Windows mientras no salga nada oficial en Debian :)


Registered user #369215

Re: Debian rescue CD oddities

2015-11-20 Thread Ross Boylan
So the operations are simply setting up an environment for doing the
rescue, not overwriting the existing system?  I'm happy to change my
expectation if that's the case.Maybe by the end of it there is a more
complete system, e.g., with bash.

In the meantime I've downloaded the first CD of the Debian live CD's.

On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Brian  wrote:

> On Fri 20 Nov 2015 at 11:18:41 -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
> > After booting the Debian 8.2 netinst iso I noticed a couple of oddities.
> >
> > First, I selected advanced and rescue, but this seemed to end up walking
> me
> > through the installer.  I was expecting to be dropped into a shell.  At
> the
> > screen that asked for system name I switched virtual terminals.
> Ye of little faith; the top left-hand of the screen says "Rescue mode".
> Your expectations do not accord with what Rescue mode does to prepare
> the environment for accessing the installer's commands, Which should
> change - your expectations or the installer?
> It's a pity you didn't progress from the step asking for the hostname.

Re: Debian rescue CD oddities

2015-11-20 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Ross Boylan a écrit :
> So the operations are simply setting up an environment for doing the
> rescue, not overwriting the existing system?

Even in installer mode, nothing is written on the disks until you
validate the changes in partman, the partitioning tool.

Re: No sound - seeking ideas

2015-11-20 Thread David Parfitt
On Thu, 19 Nov 2015 22:10:02 +0100, Darac Marjal wrote:

Thanks Darac .. I'm sorry I missed the first part of your response - 
answered here:


>> daud@debian:~$ lspci -nnk |grep udio 00:1f.3 Audio device [0403]: Intel
>> Corporation Sunrise Point-H HD Audio [8086:a170] (rev 31)
> To check if this card is supported by your kernel, see if:
> # modinfo snd_hda_intel | grep -i '8086.*a170'
> returns anything.

daud@debian:~$ sudo modinfo snd_hda_intel | grep -i '8086.*a170'
alias:  pci:v8086dA170sv*sd*bc*sc*i*

This means nothing to me, I'm afraid. Supported or not?  I'd be pleased 
for any feedback.

If it is not supported, is there any mileage in upgrading to kernel 4.2 
from jessie-backports?  Is this likely to break ore than I want it to? I 
may start a new thread on that ... )

The unfiltered output (in case it's any help) is:

root@debian:/home/daud# modinfo snd_hda_intel
filename:   /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-
description:Intel HDA driver
alias:  pci:v1022d*sv*sd*bc04sc03i00*
alias:  pci:v1002d*sv*sd*bc04sc03i00*
alias:  pci:v15ADd1977sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v17F3d3010sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1102d0009sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1102d0012sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1102d0010sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v6549d2200sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v6549d1200sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v10DEd*sv*sd*bc04sc03i00*
alias:  pci:v10B9d5461sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1039d7502sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1106d9140sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1106d9170sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1106d3288sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAAB0sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAAA8sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAAA0sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d9902sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA98sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA90sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA88sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA80sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA68sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA60sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA58sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA50sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA48sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA40sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA38sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA30sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA28sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA18sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA10sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA08sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002dAA00sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d970Fsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d960Fsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d7919sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d793Bsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1022d780Dsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d4383sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v1002d437Bsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d*sv*sd*bc04sc03i00*
alias:  pci:v8086d3A6Esv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d3A3Esv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d293Fsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d293Esv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d284Bsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d269Asv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d27D8sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d2668sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d2284sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d0F04sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d080Asv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d811Bsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d3B56sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d160Csv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d0D0Csv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d0C0Csv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d0A0Csv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d9D70sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086dA170sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d9CA0sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d9C21sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d9C20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d8D21sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d8D20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d8CA0sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d8C20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d1E20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d1D20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
alias:  pci:v8086d1C20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread nicolas . pechon

Le 2015-11-20 19:38, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 18:55:58 +0100, a écrit :

Le 2015-11-20 18:04, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
> Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:44:22 +0100,
> Bernard Schoenacker  a écrit :
>> Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:09:08 +0100,
>> a écrit :
>> > Le 2015-11-20 16:45, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
>> > > Le Fri, 20 Nov 2015 16:11:27 +0100,
>> > > a écrit :
>> > >
>> > >> Le 2015-11-20 14:58, Eric Degenetais a écrit :
>> > >> > Petite question: cette font c'est un standard, ou un ajout?
>> > >> > Si c'est un ajout, comment a-t'elle été déployée?
>> > >> > Dans un cas extrême on peut imaginer que si tu l'as copié
>> > >> > toi-même vers le répertoire de déploiement, ton compte a les
>> > >> > droits d'accès mais pas le compte applicatif www-data (je
>> > >> > schématise, là, mais c'est le genre de problème à
>> > >> > rechercher à mon avis).
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> Ce sont les paquets de base de la testing.
>> > >>
>> > >
>> > > bonjour,
>> > >
>> > > serait il possible de comparer :
>> > >
>> > > rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended
>> > > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2009-11+squeeze1 | oldoldstable
>> > > | all texlive-fonts-recommended | 2012.20120611-5  |
>> > > oldstable   | all texlive-fonts-recommended |
>> > > 2014.20141024-2  | stable  | all
>> > > texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable-kfreebsd
>> > > | all texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151016-1  |
>> > > testing | all texlive-fonts-recommended |
>> > > 2015.20151116-1  | unstable|all
>> > Je n'ai pas cette fonction.
>> > un apt-cache search rmadisson
>> >
>> > Ne donne rien. (?)
>> >
>> >
>> > > apt-cache policy
>> > > texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended:
>> > >   Installé : 2015.20151016-1
>> > >   Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
>> > >  Table de version :
>> > >  *** 2015.20151016-1 100
>> > > 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
>> > >  2014.20141024-2 500
>> > > 500 jessie/main i386
>> > > Packages
>> > # apt-cache policy texlive-fonts-recommended
>> > texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended:
>> >Installé : 2015.20151016-1
>> >Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
>> >   Table de version :
>> >   *** 2015.20151016-1 0
>> >  900 stretch/main amd64
>> > Packages 900 stretch/main
>> > amd64 Packages
>> >  151 unstable/main amd64
>> > Packages
>> >  151
>> > unstable/main amd64 Packages
>> >  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
>> > texlive-fonts-recommended:
>> >Installé : 2015.20151016-1
>> >Candidat : 2015.20151016-1
>> >   Table de version :
>> >   *** 2015.20151016-1 0
>> >  900 stretch/main amd64
>> > Packages 900 stretch/main
>> > amd64 Packages
>> >  151 unstable/main amd64
>> > Packages
>> >  151
>> > unstable/main amd64 Packages
>> >  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
>> >
>> >
>> bonjour,
>> il te suffit de chercher un peut à côté :
>> apt-file search rmadison
>> devscripts: /usr/bin/rmadison
>> devscripts: /usr/share/man/de/man1/rmadison.1.gz
>> devscripts: /usr/share/man/fr/man1/rmadison.1.gz
>> devscripts: /usr/share/man/man1/rmadison.1.gz
>> donc maintenant que tu connais le nom du paquet : devscripts
>> il suffit de faire : sudo apt-get install devscripts
>> la page de man :
>> slt
>> bernard
> bonjour,
> j'ai oublié d'indiquer la version disponible :
> rmadison devscripts -a amd64
> devscripts | 2.10.69+squeeze4 | oldoldstable  | amd64 i386
> devscripts | 2.12.4~bpo60+1   | squeeze-backports | amd64 i386
> devscripts | 2.12.6+deb7u2| oldstable | amd64 i386
> devscripts | 2.14.11~bpo70+1  | wheezy-backports  | amd64 i386
> devscripts | 2.15.3   | stable| amd64 i386
> devscripts | 2.15.9~bpo8+1| jessie-backports  | amd64 i386
> devscripts | 2.15.9   | testing   | amd64 i386
> devscripts | 2.15.9   | unstable  | amd64 i386

# rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2009-11+squeeze1 | oldoldstable| all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2012.20120611-5  | oldstable   | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable  | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2014.20141024-2  | stable-kfreebsd | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151016-1  | testing | all
texlive-fonts-recommended | 2015.20151116-1  | unstable| all


apt-cache policy texlive-fonts-recommended
  Installé : 2015.20151016-1
  Candidat : 

Re: Debian rescue CD oddities

2015-11-20 Thread Chris Edwards

On 21/11/15 08:18, Ross Boylan wrote:

After booting the Debian 8.2 netinst iso I noticed a couple of oddities.

First, I selected advanced and rescue, but this seemed to end up walking
me through the installer.  I was expecting to be dropped into a shell.
At the screen that asked for system name I switched virtual terminals.

In my experience, "rescue" is a bit of a misnomer, as the toolset is 
just too rudimentary.

For practical rescue activities, I've found the "live" image is far more 
heroic. It has more utilities out of the box, and can install packages 
into the live environment for any extras you might need. I often use it 
for resizing Windows partitions I want to keep when installing Debian 
(you can install from within the live environment too).

Hope this helps,

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread nicolas . pechon

Le 2015-11-20 19:47, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

Une compilation via un shell www-data est corect

  Puisque ça fonctionne en utilisateur www-data en shell, ce
n’est pas un problème avec cet utilisateur mais bien une
différence dans l’environnement d’exécution de PHP (soit de PHP
lui-même, soit de blocages qu’Apache fait sur le processus PHP).

  Il doit y avoir d’autres outils pour vérifier tout ça mais,
perso, je tenterais de voir une différence entre les deux cas
(shell / PHP) en passant par strace.

Heu la, je connaît pas.
Comment puis-je procéder?

# rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended

  Au passage, j’aimerais qu’on m’explique à quoi ça sert de
vérifier les versions disponibles *sur les dépôts* , surtout
après qu’on a déjà vérifié les paquets *installés* …

Je pense que l'idée et de faire des test pour trouver quelque chose. A 

Re: Remember Z-modem??

2015-11-20 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 20 November 2015 14:04:48 Ric Moore wrote:

> Charles Forsburg has passed away.

Oh fudge.  Damn.  His rzsz software that I last built at version 3.3.6, 
but made some serious speedups in, for the os9/nitros9 operating system, 
has been part of my stable of code for nearly 25 years now.

Chuck wrote good code 98% of the time. Well organized, methodical, it was 
actually easy to improve it, gaining around 200 cps of overall speed 
with my hacks, on a 1.78 Mhz motorola 6809 cpu.  Taking advantage of the 
Hitachi 63c09 in place of the motorola chip, the speedup was closer to 
325 cps.

He will be missed.  I hope his ride here was a pleasant one.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: Fwd: [gilug] [premsa] Nova jornada de programari lliure, aquest dissabte

2015-11-20 Thread Eloi
El 20/11/15 a les 11:51, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:
> Entenc que l'Eloi parla de la ruta que adjunto.
> Es pot obrir amb la majoria d'aplicacions de mapes, incloent OSMAnd per
> Android i algun lloc web.

Deixant de banda la petita excursió pel lateral de l'A-2 (no té cap
sentit sortir a la rotonda de la carretera de Riudellots i
reincorporar-se més endavant, a menys que es vulgui veure de més a prop
l'edifici abandonat de la Cacaolat), les meves indicacions de text eren
sortint per Girona Sud i seguint per Salt per anar al punt de la reunió,
mentre que el teu itinerari del sud segueix fins a la sortida de Girona
Oest, resseguint des d'allí el camí descrit per a la gent que vingués
del nord fins a l'àrea d'aparcament que has suggerit.

Ho vull deixar clar per no confondre, però efectivament per anar a
aparcar en aquella zona és millor seguir fins a la sortida de Sant
Gregori... la "sort" de no tenir cotxe és que no m'haig de preocupar mai
de trobar lloc on aparcar :-)

Pel que fa a l'oferta de cotxe des de Barcelona, tot i que jo també
estic a la ciutat comtal pujaré sí o sí amb tren, que si no em caduquen
els viatges de l'abonament. Arribo a l'estació a les 10:23 i d'allà
aniré xino-xano fins al local, on compto ser-hi vora tres quarts d'onze.

Debian rescue CD oddities

2015-11-20 Thread Ross Boylan
After booting the Debian 8.2 netinst iso I noticed a couple of oddities.

First, I selected advanced and rescue, but this seemed to end up walking me
through the installer.  I was expecting to be dropped into a shell.  At the
screen that asked for system name I switched virtual terminals.

Second, vgimportclone is on the system, but when I try to run it the
message is "vgimportclone: not found".  It is the only vg* command in /sbin
that is not a symlink to lvm but a shell script.

Are these behaviors expected?  Any recommendations for a rescue image that
has at least lvm, parted, and ext4 utilities?

If these are bugs, what package should I report them against?

Ross Boylan

Re: apt-get: why massive upgrade despite pinning everything to stable?

2015-11-20 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 04:20:29PM +, Martin Read wrote:


> Just so you know, this is a discouraged[2] (and completely
> unsupported) configuration.

> [2]

This is generally good advice. That said, I'm running a FrankenDebian
right now and it has served me well for the better part of a year. But
inconsistencies do accumulate and you pay a price in trying to keep
the system together.

At some time, the urge to upgrade to an homogeneous system grows :-)

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Debian rescue CD oddities

2015-11-20 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 08:52:45PM +0100, Pascal Hambourg wrote:


> It appears that vgimportclone is defined as a bash script (1st line
> contains #!/bin/bash) but bash is not included in the Debian installer.
> I don't know if this script really requires bash or could be run with
> the installer's shell, ash. In the latter case, just modify the script
> header or create a symlink /bin/bash pointing to sh or ash.

or -- the minimal-invasive variant, try invoking the shell explicitly,
as in ash /sbin/vgimportclone

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: OT: ¿Equivalente de Silverlight para Debian?

2015-11-20 Thread Pablo JIMÉNEZ
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 08:06:37PM +0100, Eduardo Rios wrote:
> El 20/11/15 a las 19:55, Luis E. Arevalo R. escribió:
> >  El 20 de noviembre de 2015, 15:48, Roberto Moreno P.
> >> escribió:
> >
> >Moonlight y esta apoyado por mono si mi memoria no ne falla
> >
> >
> >Moonlight es un proyecto abandonado. Si bien nunca lo he utilizado,
> >entiendo que Pipelight es la alternativa:
> >
> >
> >
> >Afortunadamente no tengo que lidiar con sitios bajo esa gran (?)
> >tecnología. Si funciona, ¡avisen!
> >
> Muchas gracias, pero no me convence instalar paquetes de fuentes externas y
> dudosas. Veo que paquetes de Debian "oficiales" no hay. Tendré que resistir
> la tentación de usar Yomvi de Movistar (o usar Windows mientras no salga
> nada oficial en Debian :)

Microsoft mató a Silverlight en 2012. Actualmente, publica únicamente 
parches y correcciones, pero no desarrolla la tecnología, que será 
abandonada completamente en 2021. Basta ver que el dichoso navegador 
Microsoft Edge no soporta Silverlight.

Así que no creo que veas algo oficial en Debian en el futuro.


Pablo Jiménez

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Steve Fouchet
+1 pour la solution de Sylvain
Je connais pour ainsi dire rien en Latex et ne suis pas un grand fan de
PHP donc ce n'est qu'une piste et non une solution.
strace -o shell.log -u www-data pdflatex [...]
idem avec apache

Avant de chercher en profondeur dans la sortie des strace
En quick & dirty, je ferai quelque recherche sur le chargement du
fichier de map, et la police utilisée.
quelque chose comme :
grep -A 20 -B 20 [/path/|font_name] shell.log

Bon courage

Le 20/11/2015 20:24, a écrit :
> Le 2015-11-20 19:47, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
>>> […]
>>> Une compilation via un shell www-data est corect
>>   Puisque ça fonctionne en utilisateur www-data en shell, ce
>> n’est pas un problème avec cet utilisateur mais bien une
>> différence dans l’environnement d’exécution de PHP (soit de PHP
>> lui-même, soit de blocages qu’Apache fait sur le processus PHP).
>>   Il doit y avoir d’autres outils pour vérifier tout ça mais,
>> perso, je tenterais de voir une différence entre les deux cas
>> (shell / PHP) en passant par strace.
> Heu la, je connaît pas.
> Comment puis-je procéder?
>>> […]
>>> # rmadison texlive-fonts-recommended
>>> […]
>>   Au passage, j’aimerais qu’on m’explique à quoi ça sert de
>> vérifier les versions disponibles *sur les dépôts* , surtout
>> après qu’on a déjà vérifié les paquets *installés* …
> Je pense que l'idée et de faire des test pour trouver quelque chose. A
> défaut

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian rescue CD oddities

2015-11-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 20 November 2015 20:10:38 Ross Boylan wrote:
> In the meantime I've downloaded the first CD of the Debian live CD's.



Re: Debian rescue CD oddities

2015-11-20 Thread Brian
On Fri 20 Nov 2015 at 12:10:38 -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:

> So the operations are simply setting up an environment for doing the
> rescue, not overwriting the existing system?  I'm happy to change my
> expectation if that's the case.Maybe by the end of it there is a more
> complete system, e.g., with bash.

Language, keyboard, network and hardware discovery take place; the same
things which happen when actually installing. Tools to work in the
installer environment (if you choose to) are also loaded into memory.
The shell is /bin/sh whether you are in /dev/sd* or not. There is no TAB
completion, which makes things a bit tedious.

Everyone should (as "It's not a bad idea to ) trial rescue mode in
the event is becomes necessary to use it in earnest. :)

> In the meantime I've downloaded the first CD of the Debian live CD's.

I've never really explored a graphical approach to rescue. Maybe it's
time to.

nouveau vs nvidia in combinatie met GTX 950M

2015-11-20 Thread Frank Voncken
Beste allen,

Ik heb een nieuwe laptop aangeschaft. Omdat het zo nieuw is, heb ik
getracht Debian Stretch te installeren, omdat die beter overweg kan met
de Skylake processor dan Jessie. Het installeren ging op zich goed (met
netinstall waarbij windows 10 volledig overgeschreven wordt (met secure
boot disabled), geen dualboot dus), maar ik krijg Stretch niet
opgestart. Er kwamen drie verschillende redenen langs. Twee daarvan
waren het ontbreken van firmware voor realtek en iwlwifi. Ik heb ze via
rescue mode kunnen installeren. 

Nu doemt het derde probleem op, iets met _SB_.PCIO.PEGO.PEGP. Volgens
Duckduckgo heeft dat te maken met driver voor videokaart. Ik heb Geforce
GTX 950M in de laptop. Dat komt in de lijst van nouveau voor, zie . Nouveau zou dus in
principe moeten kunnen werken in combinatie met GTX 950M.
Ook omdat volgens Debian met het uitkomen van Jessie meestal niet meer
noodzakelijk is om proprietary driver te installeren (zie , bovendien wordt daar een
riskante methode weergegeven mocht een proprietary driver echt
noodzakelijk zijn, die van versie 352.55) wil ik eerst nagaan of het
probleem op een andere manier opgelost kan worden zonder dat daar
proprietary driver voor nodig is. 

Mocht de enige oplossing zijn het installeren van proprietary nvidia
driver, hoe krijg ik het van de site van nvidia geïnstalleerd met behulp
van commando in rescue mode?

Ik ben benieuwd naar jullie suggesties!

Hartelijke groeten,
Frank Voncken

RE: [PMX:SUSPECT] debian-user-digest Digest V2015 #1360

2015-11-20 Thread Griebel Oliver

Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 9:20 AM
Subject: [PMX:SUSPECT] debian-user-digest Digest V2015 #1360


Oliver Griebel
Research & Development

Wipotec GmbH
Adam-Hoffmann-Str. 26
67657 Kaiserslautern

T +49.631.34146-0
F +49.631.34146-8640


Legal information:
Wipotec Wiege- und Positioniersysteme GmbH
HRB 2317 Kaiserslautern, Management: T. D?ppre, U. Wagner

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Re: var is full...

2015-11-20 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Chris Bannister a écrit :
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 06:41:50AM +0100, Jochen Spieker wrote:
>> Brian:
>>> To remove every package and the package lists in apt/archives:
>>>   apt-get clean.
>> The package lists are unaffected by the clean operation. You do not need
>> to run an update afterwards.
> Then explain the difference between:
> 1) apt-get clean
> apt-cache show pa
> and
> 2) apt-get clean
> apt-get update
> apt-cache show pa

Using strace, the difference seems to be that apt-get clean removes
/var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin. However you don't need to run apt-get
update : this file seems to be rebuilt by any apt command.

apt-get clean
apt-cache show anypatternyoulike
apt-cache show pa

Re: Root account blocked

2015-11-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 07:01:41PM +0530, Himanshu Shekhar wrote:
> This reminds of an outcome that makes your system vulnerable to data theft.
> Following the above steps, anyone having physical access to the device by

What above steps? The context is lost! :(

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

Re: No sound - seeking ideas

2015-11-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 03:33:13PM +, David Parfitt wrote:
> I've often noticed recommendations to uninstall pulseaudio but never seen 
> a case where it has been reported to work :)  apt-get purge pulseaudio 
> wants to take gnome & lots of other stuff with it :((

JFTR, it worked for me, but I don't run GNOME. 

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

Re: No sound - seeking ideas

2015-11-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 11:56:32PM +, David Parfitt wrote:
> [This mail was also posted to linux.debian.user.]

Ummm, aren't they all eventually?

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

Re: Root account blocked

2015-11-20 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Himanshu Shekhar a écrit :
> This reminds of an outcome that makes your system vulnerable to data theft.
> Following the above steps, anyone having physical access to the device by
> any means (which is more likely in case of mobile devices), could gain root
> access and do whatever one wants to do with the system as well as the data.

Anyone with physical access can do whatever they want. You can set up
restrictions in the BIOS or set restrictions in the boot loader, but
they still can take the disk out and read or modify it with another machine.

To protect against this you can use encryption or set up a password on
the disk (ATA security functions). Note that encryption alone does not
protect against tampering, as the boot part cannot be encrypted.

Re: exec et php

2015-11-20 Thread Fabrice Regnier

> Ne trouvant toujours pas de solution, je me permet un petit UP. Si
> quelqu'un a une piste a me proposer...
Comme le message d'erreur te dit qu'il n'a pas trouvé la font qui va
bien, est-ce possible de lui coller en paramètre le chemin+fichier de la
font ?


Re: LVM info - OTHER than HOWTO's

2015-11-20 Thread Joel Rees
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Chris Bannister
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 09:46:34AM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
>> LVM is much more flexible and less prone to do things to your data
>> than, say, the tools that re-size your partitions the hard way.

Thinking in terms of partitions as the things you mount in /etc/fstab.

The confusion about what exatly a partition is does not resolve itself
easily. You think you have it figured out, but then you try to tell
someone about it and they often have different understanding of the
underlying terms.

Everyone who talks about it seems to use the terms differently.

>> You do
>> still have to exercise common sense, however.
>> I've lost a re-sized partition permanently using a commercial tool
>> whose name I refuse to remember.
>> I lost a bunch of LVM  partitions once through pure carelessness and
>> used the LVM maintenance tools to recover them. Took a couple of hours
>> to read the manuals, recover, and be on my way. Kept using that
>> partition map for several years with no problems.
> Please don't confuse physical volumes and partitions, the OP seems
> confused enough already. :)

Indeed, I was not being clear. :(


And that might be the sort of overview the OP was looking for, even
though it looks more liike instructions for use.


> --
> "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
> who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the
> oppressing." --- Malcolm X

I wonder if I have time to write something up that might help resolve
this confusion today.

Joel Rees

Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well:

Re: Debian rescue CD oddities

2015-11-20 Thread Bob Holtzman
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 12:10:38PM -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
> So the operations are simply setting up an environment for doing the
> rescue, not overwriting the existing system?  I'm happy to change my
> expectation if that's the case.Maybe by the end of it there is a more
> complete system, e.g., with bash.
> In the meantime I've downloaded the first CD of the Debian live CD's.
> Ross

Wanna bet?


Bob Holtzman
A fair fight is the result of poor planning.

Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread Ron
On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:43:49 +0300
moxalt  wrote:

> Should (there it is again!) I simply deliver my opinions
> in terms of imperatives- do this and do that? 

You could, without trying to impose your opinions on others, just tell tell 
them what you do, and let them decide whether to follow your example or not.
But telling them what they "should" do, unless it relates to behaviour that 
affexts you directly(*) is the first step on the road to intolerance, 
persecution, the Talibans and the Inquisition, etc.


* Of course there is the difference between "You should avoid punching me in 
the nose" and "You should use only FLOSS".
  The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
  -- Oscar Wilde

   -- --

Re: LVM info - OTHER than HOWTO's

2015-11-20 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Joel Rees a écrit :
> I think I have heard of people booting straight out of LVM partitions,
> but that takes more gum tape than I like to use. I do believe grub is
> able to look into LVM partitions somewhat these days,

Indeed. And Linux software RAID.

> so you may want
> to play with having grub on a ("BIOS/DOS" map) primary partition
> booting to a boot/root partition in an LVM managed logical volume.

Using a logical volume as the root filesystem does not require the
bootloader to be able to read LVM. It just requires an initrd or
initramfs, because the kernel itself cannot read LVM on its own. Only
having /boot on LVM requires the bootloader to be able to read LVM.

The same goes with software RAID.

Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 07:01:49PM -0500, Ric Moore wrote:


> It's arrogant as soon as you use the word "should".

You should not should (there, now we have a mess ;-P

I get your both's point. Uh, whatever.

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: var is full...

2015-11-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 06:41:50AM +0100, Jochen Spieker wrote:
> Brian:
> > 
> > To remove every package and the package lists in apt/archives:
> > 
> >   apt-get clean.
> The package lists are unaffected by the clean operation. You do not need
> to run an update afterwards.

Then explain the difference between:

1) apt-get clean
apt-cache show pa


2) apt-get clean
apt-get update
apt-cache show pa

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

Re: Fwd: [gilug] [premsa] Nova jornada de programari lliure, aquest dissabte

2015-11-20 Thread Adrià
On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 10:55:49PM +0100, Eloi wrote:
> Circular amb cotxe per Girona és complicat, i trobar aparcament encara
> ho és més.

Malgrat això, (encara no és segur) potser vinc en cotxe. En aquest cas
sortiria des de Can Fanga i disposaria de places per fins a 4
agosarats (contacteu per privat).

> A la tarda podríem fer una volta pel barri vell si no se'ns fa molt
> tard, paga la pena passejar-hi. El problema és que està bastant lluny
> del punt de trobada.

La predicció del temps que he anat seguint [0] apunta a altes
probabilitats de pluja durant el dia.

En tot cas, jo no marxaria de Girona sense passar per una gelateria
que m'han recomanat que crec que està al casc antic. 


Adrià García-Alzórriz
Any program which runs right is obsolete.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread Ron
On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:53:09 +0300
moxalt  wrote:

> Very well. I shall reformulate my earlier posts. Here is the first instance of
> my vicious and triggering usage of the word 'should':
> For those websites which still require Flash, IMHO it would be better if you
> found some way of downloading the video (preferably in an open format).
> Here is the second:
> IMHO it would be better if the OP did neither.
> Happy now? Feeling less threatened?

No, because you are still trying to impose your own values on others.

What next ? Telling us your own religion is better than ours ?
  The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
  -- Oscar Wilde

   -- --

Re: [OT] Experiencia con la navegación privada en Firefox

2015-11-20 Thread Ala de Dragón
El 19/11/15, Camaleón  escribió:
> Hola,
> Desde que actualicé a Firefox 42.0, había notado que al cerrar el
> navegador me decía que no se había cerrado correctamente y que si quería
> enviar el informe de fallos (lo típico cuando Firefox se queda
> enganchado), el problema es que cada vez me aparecía ese mensaje con más
> frecuencia, varias veces al día lo cual es un poco molesto.
> Ya tenía una vaga idea de dónde podía estar el origen problema porque no
> era la primera vez que me pasaba algo parecido aunque antes el error más
> común era al abrir el navegador y no al cerrarlo, que se quedaba
> enganchada una instancia anterior y te avisaba de que había que cerrarla
> antes de inicia una nueva.
> Estos errores se producían por dos motivos, principalmente:
> 1/ Suelo abrir y cerrar el navegador al día alguna que otra vez, es
> decir, no soy de las que inicia sesión en el escritorio y lo deja abierto
> continuamente.
> 2/ Tenía configurada la opción de eliminar el historial, caché, cookies,
> etc... cuando se cerrara el navegador.
> Esta combinación hacía que se produjeran esos mensajes molestos y lo
> comprobé al desactivar la opción de eliminar el historial: mano de santo.
> Pero no me gusta tener basura acumulada y no me terminaba de convencer
> esa opción.
> Buscando alguna alternativa me encontré con la opción del modo privado,
> que nunca había activado pero al leer lo que hacía (simplemente no guarda
> nada, ningún dato en la caché) pensé que merecía la pena probarlo para no
> estar teniendo que eliminar los datos a mano cada "x" tiempo pero sabía
> que navegando en este modo podía tener problemas con algunas páginas web
> y las que principalmente me importaban eran las web de los bancos (inicio
> de sesión), paypal, ebay, tiendas online (pasarela de pagos, carrito de
> la compra), Gmail (aunque accedo poco vía web), periódicos... en fin,
> páginas "serias" porque redes sociales y eso no tengo pero la sorpresa ha
> sido que desde ya varios días que navego "privadamente" no he tenido
> problemas graves, aunque sí es verdad que alguna página (p. ej., la de El
> Mundo) me ha dado guerra (imágenes o vídeos que no cargan) pero poco más
> y lo que he ganado, además de mantener la caché del navegador limpita,
> que al fin y al cabo era lo que quería, es que veo menos publicidad (y no
> tengo ninguna extensión instalada como ad-block o similares) así que me
> ha sorprendido gratamente esta opción :-)
> Saludos,
> --
> Camaleón

Soy  un fiel amante del modo incognito de Firefox. Aunque aun me gusta
mas Midori, tiene el modo incognito y unos botoncitos para desactivar
imágenes y scripts.
Total la mayor parte del tiempo estoy leyendo manuales a veces
cargo alguna imagen porque contiene esquemas o info relevante.

Un saludito
"El cielo es para los dragones
 lo que el agua es  para las ninfas"

Re: (Solucionado) Re: KMS y resolución en las consolas (tty)

2015-11-20 Thread Ala de Dragón
El 16/11/15, Camaleón  escribió:
> El Sun, 15 Nov 2015 14:57:52 +, Camaleón escribió:
 He probado a poner en "/etc/default/grub.conf" lo siguiente:


 Pero no hay forma, tras regenerar el archivo de configuración (update-
 grub) y reiniciar el sistema el texto sigue igual.
> (...)
>> Pues al final he puesto un bug porque o no doy con la tecla (no debería
>> ser tan complicado definir la resolución de las consolas en el año
>> 2015) o es que algo falla:
>> inteldrmfb: unable to set console resolution
> Pongo la solución que me han indicado en el bug (menos mal que hay gente
> del kernel por ahí respondiendo :-P) para que quede en el archivo de la
> lista.
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet video=1680x1050@60"
> GRUB_GFXMODE=1680x1050,1280x1024,1024x768,800x600,640x480
> El parámetro del kernel "video=1680x1050@60" es el que obra la magia. Los
> valores "GRUB_GFX*" me parece que se usan cuando se quiere mostrar algún
> pantallazo bonito en GRUB mientras se carga el sistema (bootsplash) pero
> yo eso no lo uso aunque los he mantenido habilitados por si acaso.
> ¿Qué fallaba? Pues la documentación es cuanto menos, contradictoria.
> En todos los documentos se puede leer que si se le pasan al kernel los
> parámetros "video=" o "vga=" se desactiva el KMS (falso, o al menos no
> sucede así con el driver intel). También dicen los documentos que las
> resoluciones disponibles en la consola dependerán de la salida de
> "vbeinfo" y eso también es falso ya que a mí no me muestra la resolución
> nativa del monitor y en cambio al pasarle el parámetro "video" se define
> sin problemas. Es posible que todo esto dependa del driver libre que se
> esté usando (nouveau/intel) pero desde luego convendría ser un poco más
> cauteloso con la documentación y si hay excepciones, indicarlas.
> Saludos,
> --
> Camaleón
Me ha sido super útil.

"El cielo es para los dragones
 lo que el agua es  para las ninfas"

Re: Fwd: [gilug] [premsa] Nova jornada de programari lliure, aquest dissabte

2015-11-20 Thread Eloi
El 19/11/15 a les 09:16, Robert Marsellés ha escrit:
> Hola,
> On 17/11/15 22:55, Eloi wrote:
>> [...]
>> Com arribar a Girona:
>> Circular amb cotxe per Girona és complicat, i trobar aparcament encara
>> ho és més.
>> Si veniu del sud o de l'oest via C-25 la millor opció és l'AP-7/A-2
>> sortint per Girona Sud, a la primera rotonda després del peatge seguir
>> cap a l'esquerra direcció Salt, tirar recte fins al final i després cap
>> a la dreta pel carrer Major, que a Girona és Santa Eugènia.
> Gràcies per la info. Jo sóc dels que ha de venir amb vehicle. Per cert,
> vinc sol des de les Terres de Ponent. Si algú li fes gràcia anar a la
> trobada i està a la vora de la A-2 (fins a Cervera) + C-25 però li fa
> peresa conduir o no té cap altra opció, que m'ho digui i el recullo.

Només per acabar de puntualitzar, des de la C-25 seguiu endavant cap a
l'A-2 (no us heu de desviar), i no sortiu per anar a agafar l'AP-7 ni a
l'última sortida de la C-25 ni a la primera un cop incorporats a l'A-2,
perquè des d'aquella incorporació a l'autopista, situada a la rotonda
que també mena a l'aeroport, sí que es paga.

Un cop a l'A-2, seguiu endavant sense sortir per les indicacions de N-II
(Girona per Fornells, entrant per l'Avellaneda; o Figueres per la
variant de Sant Daniel) i al cap d'una estona us trobareu un peatge.
Entrant per aquí i sortint per Girona Sud sí que és gratuïta.

Tota aquella zona ha canviat molt en els últims dos anys i és una mica
enredada, especialment si es coneixia d'abans o s'usa un mapa
desactualitzat. En aquest sentit OSM sí que està al dia.

>> A la tarda podríem fer una volta pel barri vell si no se'ns fa molt
>> tard, paga la pena passejar-hi. El problema és que està bastant lluny
>> del punt de trobada.
> Per mi encantat, mai he estat a Girona. Sempre és millor visitar els
> llocs amb gent del terreny.
> Salut i peles,
> robert

Malauradament m'ha sorgit un compromís per la tarda i no us podré
acompanyar per visitar la ciutat. De fet, en funció de l'hora és
possible que ni em pugui quedar al dinar.

Re: var is full...

2015-11-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 02:33:50PM +, Brad Rogers wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Nov 2015 09:08:35 -0500
> Whit Hansell  wrote:
> Hello Whit,
> >is very small and won't really give me much room.  Can anyone with 
> >knowledge give me the subdirectories in var/cache that I can empty to 
> >get a reasonable amount of free space?  Running Jessie on an amd64 box.
> Look at /var/cache/apt - that may well have lots of Debian packages in
> it.  IIRC, default settings is to keep them forever, once d/l'd from the
> repos.  Personally, I change this to delete after successful
> installation.  However, flushing that directory may gain a huge amount
> of space.

... which can be done with (as root):

apt-get clean

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

Re: The word 'should'. (was: Adobe Flash)

2015-11-20 Thread moxalt
On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 05:28:25 -0300, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI

> On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:53:09 +0300
> moxalt  wrote:
> > Very well. I shall reformulate my earlier posts. Here is the first instance
> > of my vicious and triggering usage of the word 'should':  
> > For those websites which still require Flash, IMHO it would be better if you
> > found some way of downloading the video (preferably in an open format).  
> > Here is the second:  
> > IMHO it would be better if the OP did neither.  
> > Happy now? Feeling less threatened?  
> No, because you are still trying to impose your own values on others.

Wow. So it doesn't actually have anything to do with my language (thank you for
admitting that) but rather a view you disagree with. A moment ago you said it
would be OK if I just replaced all instances of 'should' with 'IMHO it would be
better if'. I did so, and you are still not satisfied. This has nothing to do
with me being less stubborn and softening my tone- it's just a view you
personally reject.

Reminder: *every opinion expressed* is an assertion of one's values of others
(regardless of whether they agree or not, or whether you feel triggered by my
language). Telling someone not to punch people is an assertion of the principle
that one should not punch people, just as telling people to use free software
is an assertion of the principle that software should be free.

If you disagree with my opinion, feel free to do so. We can have a nice
civilised debate about it (though there isn't really any such thing on the
internet- we can try anyway). If you are not prepared to openly disagree with
me, at least don't just use the cop-out tactic of attacking my word choice.

Even when I complied with this, you made it clear that it doesn't matter what
words I use anyway, because by having opinions and expressing them I am doing
something akin to the Inquisition.,much%20logic,lol,much%20logic,wow

> What next ? Telling us your own religion is better than ours ?

If I was religious, and this was a discussion concerning religion, I would be
proselytising 24/7. I don't do things half-way.

Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread moxalt
On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 05:19:46 -0300, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI

> On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:43:49 +0300
> moxalt  wrote:
> > Should (there it is again!) I simply deliver my opinions
> > in terms of imperatives- do this and do that?   
> You could, without trying to impose your opinions on others, just tell tell
> them what you do, and let them decide whether to follow your example or not. 
> But telling them what they "should" do, unless it relates to behaviour that
> affexts you directly(*) is the first step on the road to intolerance,
> persecution, the Talibans and the Inquisition, etc.
> Cheers,
> Ron.
> * Of course there is the difference between "You should avoid punching me in
> the nose" and "You should use only FLOSS".

Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread Glenn English

On Nov 20, 2015, at 9:48 PM, moxalt  wrote:

>> "Should"

Chill a bit, folks. There's no question that vi is better than emacs :-)..

Glenn English

Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread moxalt
On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 22:28:39 -0600, John Hasler  wrote:

> moxalt writes:
> > Not really. Both are actions I would engage in, and would like others
> > to do the same. I never thought the word 'should' was such a big
> > issue.  
> Right.  "Should" is just an opinion.  If you don't like it ignore it.
> Or express your own contrary opinion.


Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread moxalt
On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 05:19:46 -0300, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI

> On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:43:49 +0300
> moxalt  wrote:
> > Should (there it is again!) I simply deliver my opinions
> > in terms of imperatives- do this and do that?   
> You could, without trying to impose your opinions on others, just tell tell
> them what you do, and let them decide whether to follow your example or not. 
> But telling them what they "should" do, unless it relates to behaviour that
> affexts you directly(*) is the first step on the road to intolerance,
> persecution, the Talibans and the Inquisition, etc.

Wow. The seemingly innocent word 'should' is in fact the first step to the
Inquisition. What an opinion. What a place! Who knew the Debian-users list was
a den populated by people who overreact to 'should', as if it's the Great
Satan or something.

I understand that everyone's rallying against the outsider here, but really
guys? 'Should'?

> * Of course there is the difference between "You should avoid punching me in
> the nose" and "You should use only FLOSS".

Not really. Both are actions I would engage in, and would like others to do the
same. I never thought the word 'should' was such a big issue.

Re: Adobe Flash

2015-11-20 Thread John Hasler
moxalt writes:
> Not really. Both are actions I would engage in, and would like others
> to do the same. I never thought the word 'should' was such a big
> issue.

Right.  "Should" is just an opinion.  If you don't like it ignore it.
Or express your own contrary opinion.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

self-encrypting drives (SED)

2015-11-20 Thread David Christensen

On 11/20/2015 01:04 AM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

Anyone with physical access can do whatever they want. You can set up
restrictions in the BIOS or set restrictions in the boot loader, but
they still can take the disk out and read or modify it with another

To protect against this you can use encryption or set up a password
on the disk (ATA security functions). Note that encryption alone does
not protect against tampering, as the boot part cannot be encrypted.

As I understand it, self-encrypting drives (SED) encrypt everything
(including the boot partition).  To use this feature, you need a 
computer with BIOS/ UEFI that supports it -- e.g. the BIOS will prompt 
you for the password during POST; if you don't enter the correct 
password, the drive remains locked and its contents are inaccessible; 
doing a secure erase will wipe the contents and then unlock the drive:

I recently bought a Samsung EVO 850 that I'd like to benchmark in
various configurations -- raw/ ext4/ btrfs, with/ without SED, with/
without LUKS, with/ without AES-NI, etc..  I've used "bonnie++" and
"dbench" in the past.  What other HDD/ SDD benchmarking tools should I 
