Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-13 Thread Steve Cooney

-Original Message-
From: Tony Blomfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

developer tool its second to none in my opinion. Crystal Reports and big
sister Crystal Info/Crystal Info SDK can do virtually anything. The next
version will probably have VBA scripting chucked in as well. Stick with it.

>The most likely cause is a missing DLL, I think. Would you agree?
You sound like an expert on Crystal, so as a novice permit me to ask one

>>Firstly, in my limited expereience with Crystal, I found it a very dull
>>product with little to reccomend it.

This is best as a client server tool. Record set processing is best done
on/in the server. *Parameterized stored procedures are the only sane way to
work with CR.* Thus you need to do backend development in T-SQL, PL/SQL etc
as well. Your issue about the 'dumb SQL approach' afflicts a lot of software
products that use client originating SQL. It's not necessarily only a
Crystal Reports issue. CR7 does now sort, group and do other operations on
the server when you issue SQL from the client. Earlier versions, could, if
you let them, fill your hard disk with temporary data, and tie up you
network as it replicated the server tables on your local machine!!

If you need simple report writing and QR can do the task (hey I use it too,
where it suits) you don't need CR. In fact you would make extra work for
yourself. Crystal Reports also makes a lousy end user tool in my opinion.
You would have more joy with MS Access.

Crystal Reports fits into different needs and different niches. There is no
one triumphant report writer for all times and all places.

Crystal Reports is not primarily a Delphi tool. It has elements in version 7
that make sense only in a Visual Studio environment or the specifically VB
design time ActiveX report designer control. It is also tuned for SQL Server
BackOffice and Microsoft OLAP on the server side. But it has Web report
rendering controls, Java Beans suppport, MapInfo integration, C++ classes
etc. A pure Delphi only development team would probably find better tools,
with source, like RB PRO.

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-11 Thread Tony Blomfield

developer tool its second to none in my opinion. Crystal Reports and big
sister Crystal Info/Crystal Info SDK can do virtually anything. The next
version will probably have VBA scripting chucked in as well. Stick with it.

>The most likely cause is a missing DLL, I think. Would you agree?
You sound like an expert on Crystal, so as a novice permit me to ask one

Firstly, in my limited expereience with Crystal, I found it a very dull
product with little to reccomend it.

One of the main reasons I say this is because it appeared to have absolutely
no way to customise the SQL, and insisted on building really innieficient
SQL which basically just dragged all collumns back to the client, then
applied local filters. I did not persevere, as it was quicker and easier to
write reports inside a delphi App using Quick Reports, and the reports ran
orders of magnitude faster, and none of the deployment  issues you speak of.
In addition, IMO quick reports is very much simpler to use. Now we have
Report Builder Pro, and that is a superb product. It is hard to imagine how
Crystal could compete with RB Pro.

However, I do point out that with Crystal, I was very much a newbie.

Could you tell me, if this dumb SQL approach (bring everything back and
filter locally) is still used by Crystal. If not, I may take another look at



New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-11 Thread Steve Cooney

-Original Message-
From: Belding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

>Thanks Steve for your comments. I'm using the 16bit Dlls from CR ver
> CR help replied within an hour to a request made at their WWW
>site with several things to try. Particularly doing a comparison of DLLs
>loaded on a PC when the reports run OK and on an NTWS4 box where the
>repoarts all fail. The tool to use for this is their DSX.EXE (16bit).

Okay I wouldn't myself knowingly install or sell 16 bit software on NT :).
**It would help to identify the database file format or server you are
trying to report on**. From there we can list the minimum DLL's and known
good versions. Crystal has an annoying tendency to load all dlls at the same
base address which requires endless "rebasing". Some of the user defined
dlls are a bit brittle and they can be loaded even when not called. So you
need a minimalist \crystal directory.

Also if say you are using oracle native (via SQLNet/Oracle Call Interface)
Crystal will dump some of this stuff off its own CD in \system32 when there
are perfectly good if not later versions in orant\bin. Guess which stuff
gets loaded first? So dll pollution can be a problem. It is even worse if
you have 16 bit Visual Basic installled coz then you will get the cut down
version of Crystal sprayed in different places, some of which works with CR5
and some of which doesn't. Nice.

If you are using BDE as middleware to your data, as you appear to be, then
Crystal Reports usually 1.ships with an out of date BDE, at least 32 bit
anyways. 2. It may blindly create a new BDE directory under its own crw32
directory and try and make this current. Sometimes it will append the path
to this new BDE directory at the end of the path stored in the registry,
creating havoc when the BDE goes looking for dlls. Try installing CR5 prior
to any subsequent BDE installs.Try the NT registry? May not be important for
16 bit BDE.

Unlike Rohit, I have found them pretty good although that might be due to
the nice pen set air freighted by marketing after a particularly pleading
email. The web portal is pretty crude but I have found that they will reply
within 5 days usually and you need to give detailed technical posts to
ensure it goes to software engineers first off. Gee, they have even been
willing to share code from future releases (Excel export dll). As a
developer tool its second to none in my opinion. Crystal Reports and big
sister Crystal Info/Crystal Info SDK can do virtually anything. The next
version will probably have VBA scripting chucked in as well. Stick with it.

>The most likely cause is a missing DLL, I think. Would you agree?
>At worst I could strip all the reports out into a D4 program, even if that
>meant installing two BDEs on a server.

Yep missing, duplicated or inaccessible. I mean it works for millions of
others, so its just a snag


New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-10 Thread Dennis Chuah


> I may wrap all the reports into a D4 program using CRW32 ver I
> hope this task will be as simple as I think.

It is not that difficult - just drop the VCL component on the form, set a
few properties and you will be alright.  Our EXE was only had 5 lines of
code for the reporting part!.  Do use the report distribution expert as that
will put the right files into the right places.


New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-10 Thread Rohit Gupta

Russel, have you tried installing crystal on the WS using the WS 
setup "disk" that they put together ?  One of the subdirectories 
under CRW is just that.  Many of our problems disappeared when we 
started using the setup in there.  I dont use 16bit anymore, the 
32bit directory is called WKCSETUP.

On 11 Mar 99 at 14:51, Belding wrote:

> I'm still looking for a solution to my NT4 WS problem.


CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New Zealand
PH(649) 489-2280 
FX(649) 489-2290

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-10 Thread Belding

At 10:08 11/03/99 +1300, you wrote:
>And for Russel, I would strongly recommend you use the 32-bit crystal report
>engine.  We still have 16-bit exes, and these call a 32-bit exe to do the
>reporting.  There is much you can do with the 32-bit print engine.
>Furthermore, you can use the report distribution expert to setup the print
>engines on your client's machine.
>I also suggest that you use the version 6 runtime as the version 5 runtime
>has a few bugs.  Version 5 reports are compatible with version 6 runtime.
>Haven't used version 7, so I cannot comment on that.  Version 6 also has a
>COM interface that allows you to easily write user defined functions in
>Delphi, VB, etc.
>The only thing I would like to see in the VCL that is available in the VB
>control is the ability to create adhoc reports from a datasource.  This will
>round up a great product.
 Hi Dennis

Thanks for your comments. I have run RPTCHK16 and DSX diagnostic programs
from Seagate/CR and I am confident I have all the DLL's loaded in the right
places as far as RPTCHK16 is concerned but none of my reports get past
error message "unable to load database". 

How to interpret the DSX comparison results is a bit of a puzzle to me,
because I don't have an NT4 box on which the reports run. So I may have to
install CRW an a client's NT4 box.

I may wrap all the reports into a D4 program using CRW32 ver I
hope this task will be as simple as I think.

Russell Belding
Belding Computing Devices

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-10 Thread Belding

At 09:13 11/03/99, you wrote:
>I use Crystal with Delphi.  I have had absolutely no help from their 
>support email address.  I finally complained to the president after 
>two weeks of continual email.  That produced the help that I needed.  
>It turns out that if you mis-fill their forms, they are just junked.  

Hello Rohit

I've been using Crystal for several years and my problem with NT4 is the
first one I haven't solved in a day. Seagate-Crystal Reports is great
otherwise as far as I am concerned.

I'm still looking for a solution to my NT4 WS problem.


Russell Belding
Belding Computing Devices

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-10 Thread Rohit Gupta

On 11 Mar 99 at 10:08, Dennis Chuah wrote:

> Rohit, did you remember to register the product?  

Yes  :-)

> Complaining to magazines will not make Crystal Report a better 
> product.  Let Seagate know of your gripes and let them think how 
> they can improve the product / their support. 

Thats a joke is it ?  Let me explain, for two weeks I barraged the 
support email address with variations of form fill-in to ensure one 
was good.  I also barraged their other known email addresses.  I also 
tried all their known fax numbers (after spending hours on line 
looking at US yellow pages) before I found one fax number that 
worked.  And the only reason I got a reply was that it was addressed 
to the President with a statement saying that I wrote for various 
Delphi Mags and was going to take it up with them.

Then I get a non-techo person emailing me to tell me what the
passwords were, which is all I needed.  She also promised that they
were going to look into their email system.  In my reply to her, I
asked her to indicate receipt of my email.. Two weeks later - nada. 
So I email her again and asked her if she had received my reply and
what they had done about their email system.  The reply "you must
have entered the form incorrectly, they get junked.  No one else has
a problem with it."  Yes sure, how would they know.

The bottom line is that some companies actively want to improve their 
support - not Crystal aka Seagate.  If you have had better luck, then 
you have been lucky.  Because this was not an isolated incident.  The 
same sort of thing happened in Oct last year and in Aug before that.

In fact, the only time I have had good support was when their support 
fax number used to work.



CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New Zealand
PH(649) 489-2280 
FX(649) 489-2290

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-10 Thread Dennis Chuah

Rohit, did you remember to register the product?  Complaining to magazines
will not make Crystal Report a better product.  Let Seagate know of your
gripes and let them think how they can improve the product / their support.

We've had very good results with Crystal - we have never had to rely on
Crystal support to get going.  Most of our problems stem from the crap ODBC
driver we use to access our database.  Unfortunately there is no other way
to get at the data, save writing the Crystal database drivers ourselves.

And for Russel, I would strongly recommend you use the 32-bit crystal report
engine.  We still have 16-bit exes, and these call a 32-bit exe to do the
reporting.  There is much you can do with the 32-bit print engine.
Furthermore, you can use the report distribution expert to setup the print
engines on your client's machine.

I also suggest that you use the version 6 runtime as the version 5 runtime
has a few bugs.  Version 5 reports are compatible with version 6 runtime.
Haven't used version 7, so I cannot comment on that.  Version 6 also has a
COM interface that allows you to easily write user defined functions in
Delphi, VB, etc.

The only thing I would like to see in the VCL that is available in the VB
control is the ability to create adhoc reports from a datasource.  This will
round up a great product.

Dennis Chuah, BE (Hons) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Manager, Product Development
Contec Data Systems Ltd. []
tel: +64-3-3580060 ext-775 fax: +64-3-3588045

> I use Crystal with Delphi.  I have had absolutely no help from their
> support email address.  I finally complained to the president after
> two weeks of continual email.  That produced the help that I needed.
> It turns out that if you mis-fill their forms, they are just junked.
> And the beggars insist that no one else has any problems with the
> email support.  There are various other issues such as
> misinformation in articles in various mags and I wouldnt recommend
> Crystal to anyone.
> I have already written to the editors in question asking them to stop
> doing their readers a dis-service by stopping any future articles on
> crystal.
> Your problem does sound like missing or mismatched DLLs.  They are a
> mess with different version number working with each other etc... and
> they almost never complain about the mismatch of version numbers,
> instead you get starnge non-sensical messages.
> On 11 Mar 99 at 7:40, Belding wrote:
> > Thanks Steve for your comments. I'm using the 16bit Dlls from CR ver
> > CR help replied within an hour to a request made at their WWW
> > site with several things to try. Particularly doing a comparison of DLLs
> > loaded on a PC when the reports run OK and on an NTWS4 box where the
> > repoarts all fail. The tool to use for this is their DSX.EXE (16bit).
> >
> > The most likely cause is a missing DLL, I think. Would you agree?
> >
> > At worst I could strip all the reports out into a D4 program,
> even if that
> > meant installing two BDEs on a server.
> >
> > RB
> >
> > At 23:15 10/03/99 +1300, you wrote:
> > >
> > >-Original Message-
> > >From: Belding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >To: Multiple recipients of list delphi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 5:26 PM
> > >Subject: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4
> > >
> > >
> > >>Hello team
> > >>
> > >>Anyone using Delphi with Crystal Reports on NT4?
> > >>
> > >
> > >32 bit Works well. If you have 16 bit tools Seagate Software
> will not help
> > >you if you are a Delphi developer either. You will likely have
> little joy
> > >with versions prior to 5.x.108 and anything other than 32 bit
> Delphi. The
> > >Seagate developed VCL wrapper around crpe32.dll for v5, 6 or 7 is more
> > >powerful than the COM/VB equivalents.
> > >
> > >>With NT 4 (sp?) the reports won't run and I get an error "cannot open
> > >>database" from the Crystal DLL.
> > >
> > >You will have to specify the database type, database version,
> > >Crystal Reports type, version, platform and the method you are using to
> > >interface with the Crystal Reports Print Engine DLL i.e OCX, CRPExx.dll
> > >imports, VCL (D2,3,4, CB1,3 with source) or the Automation
> Server, as well
> > >as the version of the BDE, ODBC, ADO, or native connection you
> are trying to
> > >hook up to Crystal Reports.
> > >
> > >Sounds like a configuration issue."Unable To Open Database
> File&qu

Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-10 Thread pjones

I must say that my experience has been completely the opposite.  I have
found that the level of suppport for Crstal has been the best of any
product I have ever used.  I would frequently send requests and get
responses within an hour or two, the answer was allways correct and
usefull, and we never had a service contract.

The product is sometimes frustrating but it's the best standalone reporting
tool that I have used and I've used a few.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rohit Gupta) on 11/03/99 21:13:47

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Multiple recipients of list delphi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:(bcc: Peter Jones/Logistics&Information
Subject:  Re: [DUG]:  Delphi and Crystal on NT4


I use Crystal with Delphi.  I have had absolutely no help from their
support email address.  I finally complained to the president after
two weeks of continual email.  That produced the help that I needed.
It turns out that if you mis-fill their forms, they are just junked.
And the beggars insist that no one else has any problems with the
email support.  There are various other issues such as
misinformation in articles in various mags and I wouldnt recommend
Crystal to anyone.

I have already written to the editors in question asking them to stop
doing their readers a dis-service by stopping any future articles on

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-10 Thread Rohit Gupta


I use Crystal with Delphi.  I have had absolutely no help from their 
support email address.  I finally complained to the president after 
two weeks of continual email.  That produced the help that I needed.  
It turns out that if you mis-fill their forms, they are just junked.  
And the beggars insist that no one else has any problems with the 
email support.  There are various other issues such as 
misinformation in articles in various mags and I wouldnt recommend 
Crystal to anyone.

I have already written to the editors in question asking them to stop 
doing their readers a dis-service by stopping any future articles on 

Your problem does sound like missing or mismatched DLLs.  They are a 
mess with different version number working with each other etc... and 
they almost never complain about the mismatch of version numbers, 
instead you get starnge non-sensical messages.

On 11 Mar 99 at 7:40, Belding wrote:

> Thanks Steve for your comments. I'm using the 16bit Dlls from CR ver
> CR help replied within an hour to a request made at their WWW
> site with several things to try. Particularly doing a comparison of DLLs
> loaded on a PC when the reports run OK and on an NTWS4 box where the
> repoarts all fail. The tool to use for this is their DSX.EXE (16bit).
> The most likely cause is a missing DLL, I think. Would you agree?
> At worst I could strip all the reports out into a D4 program, even if that
> meant installing two BDEs on a server.
> RB
> At 23:15 10/03/99 +1300, you wrote:
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Belding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: Multiple recipients of list delphi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 5:26 PM
> >Subject: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4
> >
> >
> >>Hello team
> >>
> >>Anyone using Delphi with Crystal Reports on NT4?
> >>
> >
> >32 bit Works well. If you have 16 bit tools Seagate Software  will not help
> >you if you are a Delphi developer either. You will likely have little joy
> >with versions prior to 5.x.108 and anything other than 32 bit Delphi. The
> >Seagate developed VCL wrapper around crpe32.dll for v5, 6 or 7 is more
> >powerful than the COM/VB equivalents.
> >
> >>With NT 4 (sp?) the reports won't run and I get an error "cannot open
> >>database" from the Crystal DLL.
> >
> >You will have to specify the database type, database version,
> >Crystal Reports type, version, platform and the method you are using to
> >interface with the Crystal Reports Print Engine DLL i.e OCX, CRPExx.dll
> >imports, VCL (D2,3,4, CB1,3 with source) or the Automation Server, as well
> >as the version of the BDE, ODBC, ADO, or native connection you are trying to
> >hook up to Crystal Reports.
> >
> >Sounds like a configuration issue."Unable To Open Database File" is an OCX
> >error which implies a Database verify may be required or the pathname is too
> >long esp wih Access, or maybe some UNC pathing problems. If you are using an
> >ActiveX bridge to Crystal Reports then there are a host of OS and Microsft
> >DLL redistributables to factor in.
> >
> >>
> >>Any insight would be hugely welcome.
> >>
> >
> >
> > and  /pub/seagate_crystal_reports is
> >full of software samples, fixes, extensions etc. Http access gives you some
> >of this:  You
> >may find benefit by consulting the newsgroups hosted at or
> >the alternative Crystal Report VCL at or end user info @
> >
> >
> >
> >p.exe
> >is a handy test tool written in Delphi with source.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Steve Cooney
> >Pacific Windows
> >
> >---
> >New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  Website:
> >
> >
> >
> Russell Belding
> Belding Computing Devices
> ---
> New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Website:

CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New Zealand
PH(649) 489-2280 
FX(649) 489-2290

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-10 Thread pjones

While we are on the subject, is the latest version of Crystal able to use
the BDE (32 bit) or must I have ODBC drivers installed - we use Interbase.

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-10 Thread Belding

Thanks Steve for your comments. I'm using the 16bit Dlls from CR ver CR help replied within an hour to a request made at their WWW
site with several things to try. Particularly doing a comparison of DLLs
loaded on a PC when the reports run OK and on an NTWS4 box where the
repoarts all fail. The tool to use for this is their DSX.EXE (16bit).

The most likely cause is a missing DLL, I think. Would you agree?

At worst I could strip all the reports out into a D4 program, even if that
meant installing two BDEs on a server.


At 23:15 10/03/99 +1300, you wrote:
>-Original Message-
>From: Belding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Multiple recipients of list delphi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 5:26 PM
>Subject: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4
>>Hello team
>>Anyone using Delphi with Crystal Reports on NT4?
>32 bit Works well. If you have 16 bit tools Seagate Software  will not help
>you if you are a Delphi developer either. You will likely have little joy
>with versions prior to 5.x.108 and anything other than 32 bit Delphi. The
>Seagate developed VCL wrapper around crpe32.dll for v5, 6 or 7 is more
>powerful than the COM/VB equivalents.
>>With NT 4 (sp?) the reports won't run and I get an error "cannot open
>>database" from the Crystal DLL.
>You will have to specify the database type, database version,
>Crystal Reports type, version, platform and the method you are using to
>interface with the Crystal Reports Print Engine DLL i.e OCX, CRPExx.dll
>imports, VCL (D2,3,4, CB1,3 with source) or the Automation Server, as well
>as the version of the BDE, ODBC, ADO, or native connection you are trying to
>hook up to Crystal Reports.
>Sounds like a configuration issue."Unable To Open Database File" is an OCX
>error which implies a Database verify may be required or the pathname is too
>long esp wih Access, or maybe some UNC pathing problems. If you are using an
>ActiveX bridge to Crystal Reports then there are a host of OS and Microsft
>DLL redistributables to factor in.
>>Any insight would be hugely welcome.
> and  /pub/seagate_crystal_reports is
>full of software samples, fixes, extensions etc. Http access gives you some
>of this:  You
>may find benefit by consulting the newsgroups hosted at or
>the alternative Crystal Report VCL at or end user info @
>is a handy test tool written in Delphi with source.
>Steve Cooney
>Pacific Windows
>New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Website:
Russell Belding
Belding Computing Devices

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-10 Thread Steve Cooney

-Original Message-
From: Belding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 5:26 PM
Subject: [DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

>Hello team
>Anyone using Delphi with Crystal Reports on NT4?

32 bit Works well. If you have 16 bit tools Seagate Software  will not help
you if you are a Delphi developer either. You will likely have little joy
with versions prior to 5.x.108 and anything other than 32 bit Delphi. The
Seagate developed VCL wrapper around crpe32.dll for v5, 6 or 7 is more
powerful than the COM/VB equivalents.

>With NT 4 (sp?) the reports won't run and I get an error "cannot open
>database" from the Crystal DLL.

You will have to specify the database type, database version,
Crystal Reports type, version, platform and the method you are using to
interface with the Crystal Reports Print Engine DLL i.e OCX, CRPExx.dll
imports, VCL (D2,3,4, CB1,3 with source) or the Automation Server, as well
as the version of the BDE, ODBC, ADO, or native connection you are trying to
hook up to Crystal Reports.

Sounds like a configuration issue."Unable To Open Database File" is an OCX
error which implies a Database verify may be required or the pathname is too
long esp wih Access, or maybe some UNC pathing problems. If you are using an
ActiveX bridge to Crystal Reports then there are a host of OS and Microsft
DLL redistributables to factor in.

>Any insight would be hugely welcome.
> and  /pub/seagate_crystal_reports is
full of software samples, fixes, extensions etc. Http access gives you some
of this:  You
may find benefit by consulting the newsgroups hosted at or
the alternative Crystal Report VCL at or end user info @
is a handy test tool written in Delphi with source.

Steve Cooney
Pacific Windows

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[DUG]: Delphi and Crystal on NT4

1999-03-09 Thread Belding

Hello team

Anyone using Delphi with Crystal Reports on NT4?

I'm using Crystal reports with a D1 app on Win95, 98, NTWS5(beta 2), Novell
(ver ?) without problems. The data tables are Paradox BDE 2.52.

With NT 4 (sp?) the reports won't run and I get an error "cannot open
database" from the Crystal DLL. 

Any insight would be hugely welcome.


Russell Belding
Russell Belding
Belding Computing Devices

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]