Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is the iPhone hard to use? (was We don't make consumer products, hence no need for a UCD development process.)

2009-08-28 Thread David Drucker
I think perhaps that the iPhone borrows from a number of computer- 
centric and '1st generation iPod'-centric design patterns, and those  
patterns can give you a leg up on learning it. The concept of a drill- 
down (and down the hierarchy existing somewhere to the right) is an  
iPod pattern. The idea that the google map acts the way it does  
( scroll around by moving your hand the way a drag was on the mouse  
was, as well as the fact that push-pins show mini-windows) is from the  
computing pattern. The notion of a list where you click on a line to  
select an item, or that you can see how far down a scroll on a  
document is via the scroll-bar on the right side (although on the  
iPhone OS, you only see that bar while scrolling and the 'thumb' is  
more of an indicator than something to drag with) is from all desktop  
OSs back to the first ones at Xerox PARC).

Some of the patterns seem to fall flat, though. I really dislike the  
way the iPhone's Safari browser (and other apps) let you interact with  
a dropdown (or as Mac-centric literature used to call it, a pop-up)  
menu. It seems way too big and clumsy, and I keep wondering if there  
might have been a slightly more elegant way to handle it (maybe there  
isn't; I haven't given it a ton of thought).

Up till now, you didn't expect these sorts of patterns to show up on a  
handheld device. However, does this make it easier to learn? Perhaps  
not, especially if you don't carry those expectations and learnings  
forward. However, it does mean that you can try to do more complicated  
things. I'm continually amazed at how complex some of the interactions  
we expect an iPhone to be doing. Taking a picture and posting it to a  
web site, and maybe twittering to others to have a look at it with the  
URL of the picture...Copying some text from a web page and pasting it  
to a note...Mapping a destination and saving that pushpin location for  
retrieval later...These are all pretty complicated multi-step tasks,  
no matter what thing you are trying to do accomplish them with.

That said, there's something to be said for certain things (like  
calling 911) should be dead easy. The lack of tactile feedback for  
phone calls (among other things) has always been a problem, and in  
this use case, it shows how a new user could benefit from some kind of  
mechanism for handling this situation. There might be an opportunity  
for a 3rd party, but here I think it's more a matter of Apple perhaps  
reexamining that issue, and either making a special 'Panic Button'  
feature using the physical buttons (and an 'Are You Sure' mechanism  
that keeps you from hitting this function too easily by accident).  
Maybe a way of holding two buttons and saying 'Help' into the phone  
might do it, now that the newer phones have voice-dialing capabilities.

(Btw, Joan, glad to hear that you are OK,  but that sounded pretty  

David Drucker

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[IxDA Discuss] User Experience Design for Working Web Sites and Applications

2009-08-28 Thread Ali Naqvi
Working as a Technical Writer, I VERY often see myself being put in
the final stage of the development process by management.

I came across the following article that i want to share with other
technical writers out there:

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[IxDA Discuss] Whats with IPHONE exploding here and there??

2009-08-28 Thread Ali Naqvi
I don't have an IPHONE. I do want one but lately articles are written
about IPHONES exploding in people's hands.

The Danish article belows states that there are 10 cases in France.
I also read about cases in the US, Japan and the UK.

Are these phones made of different material than NOKIA, SonyEricsson

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[IxDA Discuss] IA Summit 2010 Call for Proposals

2009-08-28 Thread Richard Hill

   The Information Architecture Summit 2010 will be April 7-11 in

   You can get all the information about the event at now so you can get a head start on your

   The Call for Proposals is open. We have three tracks this year.

   Business Strategy  Management
 We're looking for case studies, tools, and techniques that
   help UX managers and practitioners work better with their teams
   and their organizations. Tell us your war stories, lessons
   learned, tips and tricks. You don't have to take the stage
   alone - we're looking for discussion leaders for working
   sessions and panels too!

   Making  Refining Experience
 Our work is about participating in making and iterating
   experiences. These experiences can happen online  offline. They
   can manifest in a product, an interaction, a ballroom. We
   facilitate, document, ideate, and advocate for the user. This
   track is about all of the juicy details of this participation.

   Researching and Evaluating
 This track is intended to present ideas about research before,
   during, after and surrounding the design process. We must
   measure what we make to understand it's success. Share the
   things you have learned about how to learn from your customers.

   Read about the proposal submissions:

   Submit a proposal a proposal now: 

The deadline is October 12th at 8 a.m. PST.


   Jennifer Bohmbach

Richard B. Hill
Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
Fax: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Whats with IPHONE exploding here and there??

2009-08-28 Thread Catriona Lohan-Conway
Catríona Lohan-Conway
User Experience Architect
917 405 5127

PPlease consider our environment before printing.

On Aug 28, 2009, at 1:29 AM, Ali Naqvi wrote:

I don't have an IPHONE. I do want one but lately articles are written
about IPHONES exploding in people's hands.

The Danish article belows states that there are 10 cases in France.
I also read about cases in the US, Japan and the UK.

Are these phones made of different material than NOKIA, SonyEricsson

Reply to this thread at

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is the iPhone hard to use?

2009-08-28 Thread Billy Cox
Young children are accustomed to experimenting with their world via 
touch (and putting things in their mouth of course) so the iPhone fits 
into their normal mode of discovery. Adults by contrast have learned 
other means of discovery that might fail them when they have only a 
single button and a screen.

Brandon E. B. Ward wrote:
I've hesitated chiming in on this, because it's anecdotal, but Jeff's 
friend is not the only one to have experienced children and the iPhone.

My 3 year old had unlocked (swipe to unlock) and was watching YouTube 
videos and playing games on my iPhone the day I got it. She figured 
out all the gestures on her own. Now, 2 years later, my now 2 year old 
uses it like a pro, partly after watching me, partly after watching my 

They know how to:
Change settings
Surf the web
Send SMS and Email
Play various games
Call someone
Take Pictures (their favorite)

Basically, anything that doesn't require reading/writing - they figure 
it out, and they figure it out quickly. Give a 3 year old any other 
phone and tell me how fast they're confidently, and repeatedly 
accomplishing their stated goals with those interfaces and software.

Could they have figured out 911 in ANY situation? No. But, I'm going 
out on an anecdotal limb here, if a 3 year old can figure it out w/out 
anyone showing them anything, and a 2 year old can get it by watching 
someone a few times I'm gonna surmise that the device is pretty darn 
easy to use. Just look at the number of kids' and small kids' apps in 
the App Store - mom/dad's device has turned into a portable family 
media station.

Now - there are probably a myriad of factors involved. I'm guessing 
that since my kids have grown up in a world with computers, cell 
phones, remote controls, plasm a TVs, DVD players etc., whereas I had 
my first VHS at age 8, my first computer my freshman year of college 
etc., I think my kids are gonna be ahead of the curve compared to me 
when it comes to adopting and adapting new technologies. (My 5 year 
old has her own iBook and knows its basics as well now so...)

I still come to the same conclusion - I did before, and beautifully 
quoted by Nasir:

There is nothing wrong with having to explain the principles of 
It is wrong only when that same explanation has to be given ... over 
and over again. -- Don Norman

However, in the case of my iPhone - the only thing I ever had to 
explain to my kids in terms of usability is which button was the 
'done' or 'back' button as they couldn't yet read. I'm a firm believer 
that the iPhone platform is one of the easiest software/hardware 
combinations ever invented. I'm also an admitted Apple fanboy -  so 
choose to believe if I'm biased or not.

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[IxDA Discuss] Contract requirements that ensure usability issues are addressed

2009-08-28 Thread Karen Dee Davis
I am hoping one of you has some legal speak you'd be willing to share
on contract requirements for usability standards. We have a vendor
whose product has serious experience issues and want to make sure
they get addressed throughout the product lifecycle.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] We don't make consumer products, hence no need for a User Centered Design development process.

2009-08-28 Thread Adrian Howard

On 27 Aug 2009, at 11:08, dave malouf wrote:

I think @jmspool nailed it. the issue isn't whether or not UCD is
needed. the issue is whether or not the product has room for
improvement and that those improvements speak to the core
stakeholders involved.


Those problems have also got to be the most important problem that the  
company is facing too.

For example, I did a bunch of competitive analysis style usability  
tests for $company a few years back. While it highlighted some fairly  
severe problems - the competitor sites were *so* much worse it was  
silly (e.g. only 5 in 25 could successfully register on one of the  

$company chose to allocate the resources they were going to spend  
improving the user experience for end-users on adding features for  
another user group. That was absolutely the best decision for them to  
make (even if it did mean I'd researched myself out of a nice little  
contract :-)

As others have said I think you need to try and get somewhere where  
you can help management make informed decisions about how UCD will  
affect them. Only then will you get the chance to actually convince  
them to do some.


--  -  -

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is the iPhone hard to use? (was We don't make consumer products, hence no need for a UCD development process.)

2009-08-28 Thread Adrian Howard

On 27 Aug 2009, at 16:30, dave malouf wrote:

1 of the things that gets me about this conversation is that it is
spoken about in terms of absolutes. the iphone is not easy to


I keep wanting to add compare to... on the end.


--  -  -

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Contract requirements that ensure usability issues are addressed

2009-08-28 Thread Adrian Howard

On 28 Aug 2009, at 07:21, Karen Dee Davis wrote:

I am hoping one of you has some legal speak you'd be willing to share
on contract requirements for usability standards. We have a vendor
whose product has serious experience issues and want to make sure
they get addressed throughout the product lifecycle.

To be honest - I don't think I'd try that technique. Never seen  
attempts to specify usability standards via contract to be effective  
in any way. I've love to hear any counter examples :-)

Instead can you start to look at (or even contractually require :-)  
how you work with your vendor? Getting involved with their requirement  
and development process so you can help make sure that the client  
meets your actual requirements rather than some arbitrary feature list?


--  -  -

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Global navigation: persistent or not across all pages?

2009-08-28 Thread jennifer wolfgang
I replied via email to Sascha's question, but I'll share here:

The top search box (in header) is for site-wide

The one immediately below the header is for searching the community

This is by far not ideal, I'm aware. Not my design / recommendation.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Global navigation: persistent or not across all pages?

2009-08-28 Thread jennifer wolfgang
Paul - Thanks for all the links. The Dell site is more along the lines
of what I am going towards. I've started saying, Micro-header to
help relate the concept to my manager and teammates.

A coworker helped me articulate my reasons for not wanting the full
header on the blogs I'm building right now: blogs are where people
tend to go to get first-hand information, not to be advertised to. I
think, in our case, this is important. For example, we don't want to
come across as the experts in our industry only to say, While
you're here, have we got the right product for you!! It seems a
bit self-serving, which I think goes against what the blog-mentality

I realize, that explanation still lacks the articulation I wish to
achieve here, but I think I got the point across: focus on the
community aspect, not the corporate one.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Global navigation: persistent or not across all pages?

2009-08-28 Thread Oleh Kovalchuke
You are right: profit interests tend to destroy communal spirit -- a lesson
demonstrated time and again in Project Runway and other reality shows, as
well as by behavioral economists (read 'Predictably Irrational' by Dan
Ariely or see author's talk at TED).

Oleh Kovalchuke
Interaction Design is design of time

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 4:04 AM, jennifer wolfgang chicgee...@gmail.comwrote:

 Paul - Thanks for all the links. The Dell site is more along the lines
 of what I am going towards. I've started saying, Micro-header to
 help relate the concept to my manager and teammates.

 A coworker helped me articulate my reasons for not wanting the full
 header on the blogs I'm building right now: blogs are where people
 tend to go to get first-hand information, not to be advertised to. I
 think, in our case, this is important. For example, we don't want to
 come across as the experts in our industry only to say, While
 you're here, have we got the right product for you!! It seems a
 bit self-serving, which I think goes against what the blog-mentality

 I realize, that explanation still lacks the articulation I wish to
 achieve here, but I think I got the point across: focus on the
 community aspect, not the corporate one.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Contract requirements that ensure usability issues are addressed

2009-08-28 Thread Nick Gould
Karen, as with any contract question, the two key issues are 1) can
you accurately describe the obligation? and 2) can you get the other
party to agree to it? 

In your case, it will be very difficult, in the absence of concrete
metrics (such as SLA-type performance standards, or customer
satisfaction ratings) to describe a standard of usability that
the product must meet.

Of course, contracts are full of vague best efforts or highest
industry standard provisions that compel one party to behave in a
certain way, without necessarily describing the details of this
behavior. In the end, if the other party feels that this standard has
not been met and a lawsuit is the result, it will end up being a judge
or jury that decides the matter (not a good outcome in your case - as
judges and juries know very little about usability).

An alternative - which is often pursued by the party with superior
bargaining strength (i.e. you, the buyer, in this case), is to simply
reserve a right to terminate the contract or otherwise adjust the
terms if you, in your sole discretion, deem that the product has not
met an appropriate standard of usability. This is a tough measure,
but if you are really concerned, and the other party is really
desperate, you might get it through. 

Otherwise, I would agree with Adrian, that imposing a vague standard
that can only ever really be enforced in court is not a good idea.

Hope this is helpful - caveat: I'm a recovered attorney.

Nick Gould

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[IxDA Discuss] Indicators for cells with multiple values in a datagrid

2009-08-28 Thread Oleh Kovalchuke
Hello, IxDers,

I need to indicate that specific cell in a read-only datagrid contains not
one, but multiple values. Putting the cell in focus would reveal the values
in it.

The project team have suggested displaying Multiple... link in the cell.
Clicking the link would open a popup showing the values. There are several
problems with this approach, which I am not going to dwell upon at the

I think a better way to do this would be to display the first value in the
list as a link with an indicator of total entries, if there are more than
A column of values would look like this then:

Lorem ipsum
Dolor sit amet
Consectetur [+5]
Adipiscing elit [+1]
Cras lectus
Neque [+3]

Each row in this example represents a cell in a large datagrid.
Clicking the cell with multiple values would open a dropdown list displaying
all entries (6, 2 or 4 in the example above).

Are there better ways to indicate that the cell has multiple values in it
and to view the values?
This is for frequently used application, not a website.

Oleh Kovalchuke
Interaction Design is design of time

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Indicators for cells with multiple values in a datagrid

2009-08-28 Thread Jennifer R Vignone
Do you mean something like this:

Column One  Column Two
Lorem Ipsum 1,240
Dolor sit amet  2,005
Consectetur 1,234 [5v]
Adipiscing elit 2,111 [1v]
Cras lectus   -32
Neque  -1,221 [3v]

Values are underlined to show that they are links as well as how many items are 
available. My only concern about the [+ #] is users confusing those numbers 
with the data itself. So what I am showing is the number of additional values 
with an arrow icon. You could show something like this:

Column One  Column Two
Lorem Ipsum 1,240
Dolor sit amet  2,005
Consectetur 1,234 v
Adipiscing elit 2,111 v
Cras lectus   -32
Neque  -1,221 v

with the number underlined and an arrow icon...more than one way to approach 
that idea I guess. But it depends on how the rest of the data is being treated, 
if at all.

Now when you say there could be multiple values associated with that field, are 
they underlying values that add to the main number in the cell, or just more 
of...? I am just curious about the association of the number to each other 
within that one cell.

What you could do with the above as you described and I redrew is the 

User clicks a multiple value cell and gets:

Column One  Column Two
Lorem Ipsum 1,240
Dolor sit amet  2,005
Consectetur 1,234 [5v]
  Consectetur1  1,233
  Consectetur2  1,423
  Consectetur3  3,221
  Consectetur4   -935
  Consectetur5   -321
Adipiscing elit 2,111 [1v]
Cras lectus   -32
Neque  -1,221 [3v]

Have the row expand to show the additional values, or expand the grid by adding 
rows to accommodate the additional values. I would also use a tone to indicate 
the grouping of the expanded values.

Doing something like this would also give you the opportunity to add a notion 
of Expand All/Collapse All to display all hidden values in one click if 
that was of value.

You also have the potential of a pop-up (or floating temporary panel), but in 
applications, especially data grids, too many pop-ups can be confusing and 
annoying, and if that's not the metaphor in use throughout the application, it 
may not be a fit.

I hope this helps at least generate more thoughts.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Oleh 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 1:19 PM
To: IxDA
Subject: [IxDA Discuss] Indicators for cells with multiple values in a datagrid

Hello, IxDers,

I need to indicate that specific cell in a read-only datagrid contains not
one, but multiple values. Putting the cell in focus would reveal the values
in it.

The project team have suggested displaying Multiple... link in the cell.
Clicking the link would open a popup showing the values. There are several
problems with this approach, which I am not going to dwell upon at the

I think a better way to do this would be to display the first value in the
list as a link with an indicator of total entries, if there are more than
A column of values would look like this then:

Lorem ipsum
Dolor sit amet
Consectetur [+5]
Adipiscing elit [+1]
Cras lectus
Neque [+3]

Each row in this example represents a cell in a large datagrid.
Clicking the cell with multiple values would open a dropdown list displaying
all entries (6, 2 or 4 in the example above).

Are there better ways to indicate that the cell has multiple values in it
and to view the values?
This is for frequently used application, not a website.

Oleh Kovalchuke
Interaction Design is design of time

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Indicators for cells with multiple values in a datagrid

2009-08-28 Thread Brendon
If the number of data elements in the list is limited to 5  /- 2 then
you might be able to show them all inline - with line breaks in the
cell. It's easier to be able to see all the values at once. 

Another option could be a tool-tip rollover that showed the rest of
the values. One thing to keep in mind is that if you contain multiple
values in a cell then you wont' be able to easily sort the column. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Indicators for cells with multiple values in a datagrid

2009-08-28 Thread Bryan Minihan
You have the right idea, and I like Jennifer's idea of the down

You might also consider these:

Lorem ipsum 
Dolor sit amet 
Consectetur [5 more] 
Adipiscing elit [1 more] 
Cras lectus 
Neque [3 more]
Might help if you have numeric multiple values, to avoid 1,234 [
5] seeming to represent 1,239.

Or perhaps just use [ ] with alt or title text indicating the number
of additional items.

Whether the number represents how many more items, or the sum total,
depends on whether you show the original item when you display the
extra items. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Indicators for cells with multiple values in a datagrid

2009-08-28 Thread Bryan Minihan
Plus symbols didn't come thru on IxDA, but I meant to say:
Or perhaps just use [ ] (plus symbol) with alt or title text
indicating the number of additional items. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Website UI competitive analysis

2009-08-28 Thread James Page
Hi Toby,

I prefer Webnographer for website UI
competitive analysis, but than I am also Founder of
who have built Webnographer (a remote usability testing tool).

Of course, I would expect you to promote your own product too :)

I am not sure if you mentioned on this list, that CrunchBase you as the CEO of Loop11, or
are there more than one Toby Biddle working in the same building that
and Loop11 share?

All the best
James Page

2009/8/17 Toby Biddle

 Hi Will,

 We've been asked to do similar things for clients over the years.
 Most recently we used Loop11 ( to run some online,
 unmoderated user tests across our clients' website and then three
 competitor websites.

 This approach might not provide all of the inforamtion you've been
 asked to collect, but it'll give you a good idea of how
 easy/difficult the same tasks are across multiple websites.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Indicators for cells with multiple values in a datagrid

2009-08-28 Thread Oleh Kovalchuke
Hm, Gmail uses something like that in the Inbox view, however the indicator
does not open a dropdown, it opens a message instead:

Oleh, Jennifer (5)[IxDA Discuss] Indicators for cells with multiple
values in a datagrid


On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Oleh Kovalchuke tangospr...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thanks, Jennifer, for food for thought.

 We indicate this kind of links in data cells by changing text color (no
 underlining). The entire value in the cell would be treated as a link
 (including number of entries).

 Both nested datagrids and Expand All action could be good options
 potentially. Unfortunately they are not technically feasible around here.
 Also there could be quite a few randomly located cells within the grid in
 different rows and columns -- expanding/collapsing grid might feel somewhat

 Removing + sign and displaying total number of entries might be a good
 Like so:

 Column One Column Two
 Lorem Ipsum [2]1,240
 Dolor sit amet 2,005
 Consectetur [3]1,234 [6]
 Adipiscing elit2,111 [2]
 Cras lectus32
 Neque [5]  1,221 [4]


 Oleh Kovalchuke
 Interaction Design is design of time

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Indicators for cells with multiple values in a datagrid

2009-08-28 Thread Oleh Kovalchuke
I have considered displaying [+] only, but this is not as informative as
showing the number of entries next to at least one of them spelled out.

Spelling out More is a bit too long for the datagrid.

Hovers are not very efficient, too transient, and prevent copying data (if

Expanding/collapsing all values within all cells might be a valid option for
this grid. As well as displaying a tiny arrow next to the number.


Oleh Kovalchuke
Interaction Design is design of time

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[IxDA Discuss] Where are all the UX freelancers/consultants in NYC?

2009-08-28 Thread Whitney Hess
I'm on a desperate search for independent user experience
professionals in NYC. There just seem to be so few.

Please fill out this survey if you’re a self-employed UXer in the NYC
area and pass on to any of your friends who fit the bill.

Thanks so much!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] We don\'t make consumer products, hence no need for a User Centered Design development process.

2009-08-28 Thread Todd Zaki Warfel
Not to downplay the seriousness of the situation, but in looking at  
your description of the scenario, it seems like the recollection of  
every other phone compared to the iPhone is a bit misrepresented.  
It's kind of like my wife saying how amazing NYC is and only recalling  
the best parts of it and ignoring the smell of urine in the streets  
and stench of trash in the mornings.

For instance, you highlighted that the iPhone needs to be woken up  
after you've performed the initial action and it falls asleep, but  
neglect to mention that every other phone you've had also needs to be  
woken up after a particular time has expired. Even your flip phone  
will fall asleep at some point and needed to be woken up.

The locking issue has nothing to do with the iPhone, but rather a  
setting that you've enabled on the iPhone, which is something you  
could have enabled on any previous phone you've owned as well.

Just seems a bit overplayed in that respect.

Now, the criticisms of the other interactions, having to push the Home  
button to get out of the last app you were in is a good criticism.

It's pretty easy to argue either way on the 911 app—the fact the  
iPhone can have one is an advantage, while the perception/possibility  
that it needs one is a disadvantage.


Todd Zaki Warfel
Principal Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
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Voice:  (215) 825-7423
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is the iPhone hard to use? (was We don't make consumer products, hence no need for a UCD development process.)

2009-08-28 Thread Todd Zaki Warfel

On Aug 27, 2009, at 4:05 PM, Joan Vermette wrote:

I think the iPhone is hard to learn, and therefore will remain for  
me hard to use until I get up to speed with it.

After one week?


Todd Zaki Warfel
Principal Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:  (215) 825-7423
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] We don\'t make consumer products, hence no need for a User Centered Design development process.

2009-08-28 Thread Jared Spool

On Aug 27, 2009, at 10:12 PM, Jarod Tang wrote:

I'm afraid this will leads designers' work into a trap, if the  
designer really assumes the tech driven is right.

What is that trap?

But as a tactic, designer could avoid such fruitless discussion  
( like, No, xxx should be user needs/motivation driven instead of  
tech driven )  , with a user centered driven mind-set in the core,  
and push the product development going. As the result, more than  
less, user centered driven methods will push tech's improvement as  
many designers found, which will convince tech/engineering side co- 

I think *this* is a trap that is pretty bad. Whatever you considered  
user-centered driven methods are likely to be expensive. That  
expense isn't always justified for the results it will glean.

Understanding when that expense will return value and when it won't is  
part of the process of good design management.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] We don\'t make consumer products, hence no need for a User Centered Design development process.

2009-08-28 Thread J. Ambrose Little
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Jordan, Courtney cjor...@bbandt.comwrote:

 But it still holds true that to the user, Joan, it wasn't immediately
 learnable given a high-stress, potentially dangerous situation.


All this seems so odd to me, maybe cuz I can't relate directly..  If I were
safety conscious (and I'm really just not--I guess cuz I'm a big fat hairy
optimistic dude), one of the criteria I might have would be a phone that I
could dial 911 on ASAP.  Any phone I considered, I would look at that.  If I
bought an iPhone, I would find out how to do that *before* I got into the

I mean, I know that I am buying a phone that is not like the other phones
I've had, so I can't expect it to be like those phones, especially when the
main reason I'm buying it is precisely because it *isn't* like the other
phones.  I know up front that I have some learnin to do, but I'm making that
trade-off for all the other benefits I perceive.

Now within the context of the iPhone on its own merits, if you do have it
locked and look at the keypad to unlock, you can see the emergency call
button as Andrei pointed out.  I thought that was pretty clever, even though
I don't think about these things myself.

If you don't have the lock setup, it's not hard to set up a favorite as 911
and then set your home button double-click to go to phone favorites (the
default?), so you're talking about double-clicking a tactile button and then
one tap to call.  Still pretty easy, IMO.

But yeah, you do have to invest in making sure you're safe.  Kind of like
you might make sure you have your pepper spray on you before you head out.


P.S. I do think the iPhone has areas for improvement, but it's still the
best thing since sliced bread as far as I'm concerned.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] We don't make consumer products, hence no need for a User Centered Design development process.

2009-08-28 Thread J. Ambrose Little
On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Jared Spool wrote:

 Personally, I think that trying to force our notion of a good experience
 onto companies as some sort of ethical obligation is an arrogant position.
 Who is to say we have the right to tell other people how they should design
 their products for their customers?


We are the puppet masters, no? (

Seriously, though, people should advocate what they think is best; it's a
key means of human improvement.  The other people can decide to tune us
out or not.. or take more drastic measures.  But certainly we have the right
to advocate for our way of seeing things (as you do all the time).  Whether
it is prudent to do so is an entirely different matter.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Website UI competitive analysis

2009-08-28 Thread paul bryan
If usability is the differentiating factor between the competitors,
then a heuristic assessment would be useful. However, in many cases
usability issues are table stakes that should be optimized apart from
what the competition is doing. For a competitive analysis I suggest
starting with the manner in which each competitor has chosen to solve
the most valuable and complex needs of your customers. 

I don%u2019t know what industry you%u2019re in, so take the kitchen
sink as an example. If you look at 4 competitors in this space you
might look at Kohler, Franke, Moen, and Blanco. The links to their
sinks are below.


If you were to conduct a heuristic evaluation of these competitors,
it would be very time-consuming; the results might not tell the story
of what really differentiates these sites; and the site owner may
still not know what needs to be done to reach parity or superiority
in key areas. It would be more helpful to focus on more strategic
design elements, such as:
- Approach to product selection
- Category-specific filters
- Use of rich media
- Personalization
- Supporting content
- Design tools
- Interactive demo in a home context
- Use of social media to promote awareness
- Consistency with offline brand collateral

To support your ratings of these strategic design elements, you could
provide screen captures (e.g. using software like SnagIt) showing how
customers would go from initial entry to goal attainment in the
different sites. You should use a rating system, like the one in the
IBM paper you referenced. But I%u2019ve found that stakeholders pay
more attention to the recommendations than the assessment itself, so
I always take the time to develop a perspective as to which areas
should be tackled first, comparing level of effort and expense to
anticipated business value. 

Paul Bryan
Director, User Research and Design Strategy
Usography Corporation (
Linked In:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] We don\'t make consumer products, hence no need for a User Centered Design development process.

2009-08-28 Thread j. eric townsend

Jordan, Courtney wrote:

People need to make an emergency call in as
little time as possible - as you said, it can make the difference
between living to tell this story and not.

And that emergency call could just as easily be a senior who fell down 
the stairs in their home or a cyclist who crashed off the side of steep 
hill and mangled themselves pretty severely on the way down.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] We don\'t make consumer products, hence no need for a User Centered Design development process.

2009-08-28 Thread j. eric townsend

Joan Vermette wrote:
With my old phone in that instance, I 
would have quickly dialed 911 and kept my thumb poised over the call 
button.  The motion involved in that would have been:

Flipping open phone.
Feeling for raised keys on a keypad very like every other phone I've had 
since 1978.

Glancing down for the call button.
Placing my thumb on it.
Holding phone in my hand.

Exactly.  We (USAians) haven't improved the mobile phone experience, 
we've turned computer-tethered PDAs into substandard mobile phones.

I recently spent two weeks in Japan and spent a fair amount of time 
playing with their kick-ass phones and watching people use them around 
the country.  Softbank has to give away iPhones, that's how much better 
Japanese ketai are than what we have in the states.  Don't believe me? 
When's the last time you paid for your subway or lunch or vending 
machine with your iPhone?  When's the last time you watched broadcast 
HDTV on your iPhone, or used your iPhone *instead of* owning a personal 
computer or laptop?

Pretty much every phone I checked out had raised buttons, including the 
ones with 16:9 HD capable screens.  I miss being able to blind-dial on 
my G1, while I saw plenty of Japanese people doing it while walking or 
riding the subway with cheaper phones.

IMHO, replacing physical buttons with a touch-screen UI falls into the 
just because we can, doesn't mean we should bucket.

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Designer, Fabricator, Hacker
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] We don\'t make consumer products, hence no need for a User Centered Design development process.

2009-08-28 Thread Jarod Tang
On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 6:23 AM, Jared Spool wrote:

 On Aug 27, 2009, at 10:12 PM, Jarod Tang wrote:

  I'm afraid this will leads designers' work into a trap, if the designer
 really assumes the tech driven is right.

 What is that trap?

Designer should fight for the empathy with end user, isn't it?  Or other
way? If designer  try to base his design on this empathy, what the method
should be called besides UCD or similar names ?

  But as a tactic, designer could avoid such fruitless discussion ( like,
 No, xxx should be user needs/motivation driven instead of tech driven )  ,
 with a user centered driven mind-set in the core, and push the product
 development going. As the result, more than less, user centered driven
 methods will push tech's improvement as many designers found, which will
 convince tech/engineering side co-workers.

 I think *this* is a trap that is pretty bad. Whatever you considered
 user-centered driven methods are likely to be expensive. That expense
 isn't always justified for the results it will glean.

In project design practice, UCD (or human needs driven ) could be in
lightweight or other way as different designer (e.g., Alan Cooper also
present lightweight persona building process in About Face, and designers
really do like that), so the expense is not necessarily higher than other
way.  But I fully agree this, as any other design process or trick, doesn't
mean definitely good result,which should be justified by real using process.

 Understanding when that expense will return value and when it won't is part
 of the process of good design management.

As above, there seems no conflict. But that's just from limited observation
and experience.

-- Jarod

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is the iPhone hard to use?

2009-08-28 Thread Brandon E. B. Ward
RE: Jet Townsend: IMHO, replacing physical buttons with a touch-screen  
UI falls into the just because we can, doesn't mean we should bucket.

As an iPhone owner since the first day they came out (and I still own  
 use the 1st gen), after seeing the Nokia Maemo - with the screen as  
big as the iPhone screen _AND_ a nice QUERTY keyboard, I think that  
might be the better route - in that it still allows you to have the  
whole touch screen experience when you want, and a tactile keyboard  
when you want as well.

Brandon E. B. Ward
UI • UX • Ix Design
Flex • Flash Development

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,  
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance  
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,  
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new  
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight  
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

- Robert A. Heinlein

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