[FairfieldLife] Solar shift immanent

2013-08-07 Thread salyavin808
The Sun's Magnetic Field is about to Flip
Something big is about to happen on the sun.  According to measurements
from NASA-supported observatories, the sun's vast magnetic field is
about to flip.

"It looks like we're no more than 3 to 4 months away from a
complete field reversal," says solar physicist Todd Hoeksema of
Stanford University. "This change will have ripple effects
throughout the solar system."
  [An artist's concept of the heliospheric current sheet, which becomes
more wavy when the sun's magnetic field flips.] 

An artist's concept of the heliospheric current sheet, which becomes
more wavy when the sun's magnetic field flips.

The sun's magnetic field changes polarity approximately every 11
years.  It happens at the peak of each solar cycle as the sun's
inner magnetic dynamo re-organizes itself.  The coming reversal will
mark the midpoint of Solar Cycle 24. Half of `Solar Max' will be
behind us, with half yet to come.

Hoeksema is the director of Stanford's Wilcox Solar Observatory, one
of the few observatories in the world that monitor the sun's polar
magnetic fields.  The poles are a herald of change. Just as Earth
scientists watch our planet's polar regions for signs of climate
change, solar physicists do the same thing for the sun. Magnetograms at
Wilcox have been tracking the sun's polar magnetism since 1976, and
they have recorded three grand reversals—with a fourth in the

Solar physicist Phil Scherrer, also at Stanford, describes what happens:
"The sun's polar magnetic fields weaken, go to zero, and then
emerge again with the opposite polarity. This is a regular part of the
solar cycle."

A reversal of the sun's magnetic field is, literally, a big event.
The domain of the sun's magnetic influence (also known as the
"heliosphere") extends billions of kilometers beyond Pluto.
Changes to the field's polarity ripple all the way out to the
Voyager probes, on the doorstep of interstellar space.

When solar physicists talk about solar field reversals, their
conversation often centers on the "current sheet."  The current
sheet is a sprawling surface jutting outward from the sun's equator
where the sun's slowly-rotating magnetic field induces an electrical
current.  The current itself is small, only one ten-billionth of an amp
per square meter (0.01 amps/m2), but there's a lot of it:
the amperage flows through a region 10,000 km thick and billions of
kilometers wide.  Electrically speaking, the entire heliosphere is
organized around this enormous sheet.

During field reversals, the current sheet becomes very wavy. Scherrer
likens the undulations to the seams on a baseball.  As Earth orbits the
sun, we dip in and out of the current sheet. Transitions from one side
to another can stir up stormy space weather around our planet.

Cosmic rays are also affected. These are high-energy particles
accelerated to nearly light speed by supernova explosions and other
violent events in the galaxy.  Cosmic rays are a danger to astronauts
and space probes, and some researchers say they might affect the
cloudiness and climate of Earth. The current sheet acts as a barrier to
cosmic rays, deflecting them as they attempt to penetrate the inner
solar system. A wavy, crinkly sheet acts as a better shield against
these energetic particles from deep space.

As the field reversal approaches, data from Wilcox show that the
sun's two hemispheres are out of synch.

"The sun's north pole has already changed sign, while the south
pole is racing to catch up," says Scherrer. "Soon, however, both
poles will be reversed, and the second half of Solar Max will be

When that happens, Hoeksema and Scherrer will share the news with their
colleagues and the public.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Ravi Chivukula
"Alex, is this too explicit?"

I'm more worried about Uncle Tantrum - he's going to go ballistic since he
gets his lassi at bordels mobiles de campagne

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 8:43 PM, obbajeeba  wrote:

> **
> Now, now, Kali's Pimp does not need to reveal how long he waits for the
> grace of time to lay it on him?
> My nightmare this morning, was about my needing to spend the night at a TM
> potluck for whatever reasons. Some picnic thing. One of the long time
> tater's said I can stay at his house, so I took a room. The whole way back
> to his place he spoke about being single and not getting any in a very long
> time. I listened, and smiled politely. We arrived at the home, and I was
> coerced to a room, which I gladly took. (Do you guys really think I am
> going to put my best shit on FFL Yahoo Board? LMAO. Hell no.) Anyways, this
> is a true nightmare, just this morning... The tater who was balding and
> very slender, almost too slender, but Fairfield's demographic of skinny
> balding grey or gray hair men are far from slim pickings.
> To make a long story short, the guy came into my room, claimed he had no
> sex for a long time and asked if I had and I stupidly told him no, and he
> got really close to me and well, really close and too close and I could
> smell a pitta imbalance odor, but it was too late. He one or two pumped
> chucked me, the universe was set into play..then all of a sudden, his wife
> comes home and looks at me like I am some kind of something or other, gives
> me the evil eye. I just smile an realize. OMG, I just got Kapha creamed by
> married tater and I am sure I was ovulating, now that I thought more. For
> the first time I have sex in a very long time, it was the most non
> enjoyable moment(s) of time, (Except the anticipation of doing it and the
> first and last two humps.)because now I knew there was not even a chance to
> get that second chance to...you know, because he pretty much lied to say he
> was not married, but divorced for a while, except they really were not
> divorced, they were practicing that open marriage thing, without the wife
> knowing. So Lucky for me, this was only a nightmare. I think I had it just
> to share with you, Ravi, Kali Pimp Style man that you are!
> Oh, I put my hand in the lower chakra area and it still smelled like him
> and then I crinkled my nose and woke up.
> Alex, is this too explicit?
> Let me know, I was only practicing for your birthday month. :)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Chivukula" 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Chivukula" chivukula.ravi@
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
> > > > j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff" wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant
> > sharing
> > > > the private feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just
> > a
> > > > sutra of language to get what I want. This Lassi likes it sultry.
> > > > > > > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no
> > discussion
> > > > of the unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your
> > > > fermented dairy beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU
> > > > people think of!
> > > > >
> > > > > This is what happens when there is the prospect of no limit
> > posting.
> > > > Everyone gets giddy, they start to let it all hang out just like
> > MJ's
> > > > brother. It will be anarchy I tell you. Buck will have to close his
> > > > eyes, Share will be forced to watch DM 2 over and over just to stop
> > > > herself from posting at every opportunity now that she doesn't have
> > to
> > > > combine responses to numerous people in one go, Barry is going to
> > > > continue to write 'artform' posts that are closer to the truth than
> > even
> > > > he realizes, Judy will stick to her guns, Ravi will be tracking the
> > > > abominable snowman-like pawprints of Barry that will be mucking up
> > the
> > > > place, Raunchy may celebrate with a bullseye or two or three, AZ
> > might
> > > > show up to sling his usual wad of spit and Obba is going to continue
> > to
> > > > cum and go. It is like the asylum residents have been given the
> > promise
> > > > of the key to their padded cells on Friday. God help us all.
> > > >
> > > > LOL - hilarious dear Ann !!!
> > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > See! Taken out of context. Just because I vividly explain some
> > enlightening experiences, everyone things I typo the come word, and then
> > here comes, DOGGY Does Dallas

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread Ann
I think Buck, it's time to go out and get really, really drunk - you'll thank 
me for it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> The New First Revival Reformed Spiritual Regeneration Movement
> [ NRRSRM ]
> How many years has humankind been driv'n, 
> Far off from happiness and heav'n?
> When wilt Thou, Om Unified Field, restore
> Thy wand'ring church to roam no more?
> Jai Brahmananda Saraswati,
> > > > I'm not ashamed to own The Unified Field
> > > > Or to defend its cause;
> > > > Maintain the honor of Its field,
> > > > The glories of its cause.
> > > >
> > > > > !Jai The Unified Field!
> > > > > I Be just a humble servant,
> > > > > -Buck
> > > > >
> >
> > Thank you so very much Nablusoss, Merudanda and Alex too for your support 
> > here.  I appreciate very much your votes of confidence in my ministry here 
> > on FFL.  I fear that I am so ill understood in this place and time.. in the 
> > New First Revival Reformed Spiritual Regeneration Movement.  I really am 
> > doing my level best for all of us.  My new hope is Reform for FFL that it 
> > may become the spiritual tool that it too could be.  !Jai Brahmananda 
> > Saraswati!
> > -Buck
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> > >
> > > Let us celebrate and whore-ship  Buck as  the Ears of Lord Ganesh  or he
> > > may lose his Dome badge, again
> > > 
> > >   [http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/5412/sustojp1.jpg]
> > > Dear Buck our Ears of Lord Ganesh:
> > > 
> > > At FF and L, at FFL, where You first saw the light,
> > > And the burden of Your  heart rolled away,
> > > It was there by faith You received Your sight,
> > > And now You are happy all the day.
> > > Firm on this throne*, Your promise stands,
> > > And You can well secure
> > > What we've committed to Your hands,
> > > Till the decisive hour.
> > > 
> > > Then will we own our worthless name
> > > Before Your enlightened face;
> > > And in the new cerebellum,
> > > Appoint our soul a place.
> > > 
> > > Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
> > > RH376 RH = Redemption Hymnal
> > > 
> > >  
> > > [http://www.healingartscommunitycenter.com/Ganesh%20Brain_files/image004\
> > > .gif]
> > > *Let us build this throne and  temple for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
> > > a pyramid at FFL (fire in the middle) represented the enlightened mind
> > > of Buck:
> > >   a king chamber (pineal)at FFL for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
> > > and
> > > a queen chamber (pituitary) for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
> > >   at FFL
> > >   representing this very purifying internal process
> > > 
> > > from now on You had to get past  the elephant image of Buck  to enter
> > > the sacred temple of FFL representing our reptilian brain only by
> > > w(h)orshiping Him.
> > > Lets mediate on Buck's real image let us focus inwardly upon the Ganesh
> > > within  know as the god that removes obstacles in our lives.
> > > By praying/focusing on Buck-Ganesh he removes the obstacles out of our
> > > life.
> > > Of course this is a complete internal process, for we (ourselves - our
> > > perceptions/expectations/beliefs) are the obstacles in our own lives.
> > >   Beware Buck-Ganesh is not an external God even though he may manifest
> > > in certain aspects of outer life somewhere at Fairfield,Iowa.
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmA-dWdaI5k&feature=related
> > > 
> > > Who can sound the depths of sorrow
> > > We have scorned the truth You gave us
> > > Who will stand before your anger?
> > > Who can face your piercing eyes?
> > > Growing in You; no more shall be named
> > > Things of which now we're truly ashamed,
> > > Fruit unto holiness will we bear,
> > > Life evermore, the end we shall share.
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > If Alex doesn't like it, why not let Buck do the moderating ?
> > > :-)
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Well, in terms of people still here who posted early on, Dick
> > > Mays has top seniority at post #5, followed closely by Buck at #6.
> > > Buck's been chomping at the bit to whip this place into accord with
> > > Natural Law, so why not put him in charge of the whole thing? To put it
> > > another way, what would Maharishi do? Maharishi would chose Buck.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > With the posting limits gone we'll see a steady rising flood of
> > > anti-TMO- and pro-Buddhist-propaganda from the Turq. He's been mocking
> > > Judy for been responsible for the 50 limit, but the fact is that he was
> > > among the 5 top posters that made the rule a necessity in the first
> > > place.
> > > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" awoelflebater@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing
the private feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a
sutra of language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry.
> > > > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system.
> > > >
> > > > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> > > >
> > >
> > > Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no
discussion of the unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to
your fermented dairy beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU
people think of!
> >
> > This is what happens when there is the prospect of no limit posting.
Everyone gets giddy, they start to let it all hang out just like MJ's
brother. It will be anarchy I tell you. Buck will have to close his
eyes, Share will be forced to watch DM 2 over and over just to stop
herself from posting at every opportunity now that she doesn't have to
combine responses to numerous people in one go, Barry is going to
continue to write 'artform' posts that are closer to the truth than even
he realizes, Judy will stick to her guns, Ravi will be tracking the
abominable snowman-like pawprints of Barry that will be mucking up the
place, Raunchy may celebrate with a bullseye or two or three, AZ might
show up to sling his usual wad of spit and Obba is going to continue to
cum and go. It is like the asylum residents have been given the promise
of the key to their padded cells on Friday. God help us all.
> > >
> >
> And, all because one spiteful, selfish old man asked for a birthday

Happy birthday to all of us from YOU!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread obbajeeba
Now, now, Kali's Pimp does not need to reveal how long he waits for the grace 
of time to lay it on him?
My nightmare this morning, was about my needing to spend the night at a TM 
potluck for whatever reasons. Some picnic thing. One of the long time tater's 
said I can stay at his house, so I took a room. The whole way back to his place 
he spoke about being single and not getting any in a very long time. I 
listened, and smiled politely. We arrived at the home, and I was coerced to a 
room, which I gladly took. (Do you guys really think I am going to put my best 
shit on FFL Yahoo Board? LMAO. Hell no.) Anyways, this is a true nightmare, 
just this morning... The tater who was balding and very slender, almost too 
slender, but Fairfield's demographic of skinny balding grey or gray hair men 
are far from slim pickings. 
To make a long story short, the guy came into my room, claimed he had no sex 
for a long time and asked if I had and I stupidly told him no, and he got 
really close to me and well, really close and too close and I could smell a 
pitta imbalance odor, but it was too late. He one or two pumped chucked me, the 
universe was set into play..then all of a sudden, his wife comes home and looks 
at me like I am some kind of something or other, gives me the evil eye. I just 
smile an realize. OMG, I just got Kapha creamed by married tater and I am sure 
I was ovulating, now that I thought more. For the first time I have sex in a 
very long time, it was the most non enjoyable moment(s) of time, (Except the 
anticipation of doing it and the first and last two humps.)because now I knew 
there was not even a chance to get that second chance to...you know, because he 
pretty much lied to say he was not married, but divorced for a while, except 
they really were not divorced, they were practicing that open marriage thing, 
without the wife knowing.  So Lucky for me, this was only a nightmare. I think 
I had it just to share with you, Ravi, Kali Pimp Style man that you are!
Oh, I put my hand in the lower chakra area and it still smelled like him and 
then I crinkled my nose and woke up.

Alex, is this too explicit?  
Let me know, I was only practicing for your birthday month. :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Chivukula"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Chivukula" chivukula.ravi@
> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
> > > j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant
> sharing
> > > the private feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just
> a
> > > sutra of language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry.
> > > > > > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no
> discussion
> > > of the unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your
> > > fermented dairy beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU
> > > people think of!
> > > >
> > > > This is what happens when there is the prospect of no limit
> posting.
> > > Everyone gets giddy, they start to let it all hang out just like
> MJ's
> > > brother. It will be anarchy I tell you. Buck will have to close his
> > > eyes, Share will be forced to watch DM 2 over and over just to stop
> > > herself from posting at every opportunity now that she doesn't have
> to
> > > combine responses to numerous people in one go, Barry is going to
> > > continue to write 'artform' posts that are closer to the truth than
> even
> > > he realizes, Judy will stick to her guns, Ravi will be tracking the
> > > abominable snowman-like pawprints of Barry that will be mucking up
> the
> > > place, Raunchy may celebrate with a bullseye or two or three, AZ
> might
> > > show up to sling his usual wad of spit and Obba is going to continue
> to
> > > cum and go. It is like the asylum residents have been given the
> promise
> > > of the key to their padded cells on Friday. God help us all.
> > >
> > > LOL - hilarious dear Ann !!!
> > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > See! Taken out of context. Just because I vividly explain some
> enlightening experiences, everyone things I typo the come word, and then
> here comes, DOGGY Does Dallas at the Hot Yoga Studio, "Lassie Cum OM."
> Mr. Rory, really?
> > Just sharing what comes out with a limit, then no limit and all kind
> of privacy shit.. Ravi, WTF did you say on that other thread? (Yes, I am
> combining threads because I am attempting to try and not try to post
> out. Opps, my bad, Ravi. You were talking about salt lassi, like I was.
> Sorry.)
> Look dear Obba - al

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread obbajeeba
Alex, you know Lassie the doggy? Just in case you don't get the below guilty 
ridden apology. Here, let me help http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwLzSpS-JVY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> Ha! Good one, Alex... but of course, I only meant "cum" in the Latin sense, 
> meaning "with" -- hence, Lassi with OM, but as a pun on Lassie come home, of 
> course, of course.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the 
> > > > private feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a 
> > > > sutra of language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry. 
> > > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system. 
> > > 
> > > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> > >
> > 
> > Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no discussion of the 
> > unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your fermented dairy 
> > beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU people think of!
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Ravi Chivukula

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Chivukula" chivukula.ravi@
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
> > j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant
> > the private feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just
> > sutra of language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry.
> > > > > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system.
> > > > >
> > > > > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no
> > of the unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your
> > fermented dairy beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU
> > people think of!
> > >
> > > This is what happens when there is the prospect of no limit
> > Everyone gets giddy, they start to let it all hang out just like
> > brother. It will be anarchy I tell you. Buck will have to close his
> > eyes, Share will be forced to watch DM 2 over and over just to stop
> > herself from posting at every opportunity now that she doesn't have
> > combine responses to numerous people in one go, Barry is going to
> > continue to write 'artform' posts that are closer to the truth than
> > he realizes, Judy will stick to her guns, Ravi will be tracking the
> > abominable snowman-like pawprints of Barry that will be mucking up
> > place, Raunchy may celebrate with a bullseye or two or three, AZ
> > show up to sling his usual wad of spit and Obba is going to continue
> > cum and go. It is like the asylum residents have been given the
> > of the key to their padded cells on Friday. God help us all.
> >
> > LOL - hilarious dear Ann !!!
> >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> See! Taken out of context. Just because I vividly explain some
enlightening experiences, everyone things I typo the come word, and then
here comes, DOGGY Does Dallas at the Hot Yoga Studio, "Lassie Cum OM."
Mr. Rory, really?
> Just sharing what comes out with a limit, then no limit and all kind
of privacy shit.. Ravi, WTF did you say on that other thread? (Yes, I am
combining threads because I am attempting to try and not try to post
out. Opps, my bad, Ravi. You were talking about salt lassi, like I was.

Look dear Obba - all this of talk of sweet, salty and/or sultry Lassi
isn't helping me, haven't had a Lassi for more than 3 years now and so
please show some mercy on loser lovers like me.

> Here comes a long month. Alex, I hope you enjoy your birthday present.
(Be a rebel and just don't tell Rick you lifted the curse a couple of
days early. He won't notice. Be a sport, huh?)
>  Ann has got it right. I am sure she will agree with this:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> Ha! Good one, Alex... but of course, I only meant "cum" in the Latin sense, 
> meaning "with" -- hence, Lassi with OM, but as a pun on Lassie come home, of 
> course, of course. 

But as to lower chakras, I am thinking that Lassi cum OM would just now most 
definitely be being a full-spectrum, fundamentally crowning experience, OM eye 
Goddess yes, yes, yes, coming into the presence of ...

... yes, yes, yes, you are most certainly guessing it, the Golden parachute, 
the thousand-petalled lotus, none other than the Giant Radiantly Luminous 
Jellyfish, wherein every Shiva finds his Shakti and every Shakti finds her 
Shiva, Ardhanarishwar, the true GRLJ-man.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the 
> > > > private feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a 
> > > > sutra of language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry. 
> > > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system. 
> > > 
> > > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> > >
> > 
> > Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no discussion of the 
> > unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your fermented dairy 
> > beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU people think of!
> >

[FairfieldLife] Discourse 16 Ishta

2013-08-07 Thread Buck

While in the Field I remain, I'll speak the truth and bear the cause, 
And when on board this earth I am, 
I'll sing the Unified Field's praise the same.

As your Ishta-Devata calls for you,
Put on your armor bold and true,
Put forth your strength,
Put forth your rod,
Fight for Truth and the Unified Field.

Jai Brahmananda Saraswati,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread RoryGoff
Ha! Good one, Alex... but of course, I only meant "cum" in the Latin sense, 
meaning "with" -- hence, Lassi with OM, but as a pun on Lassie come home, of 
course, of course.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the private 
> > > feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a sutra of 
> > > language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry. 
> > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system. 
> > 
> > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> >
> Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no discussion of the 
> unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your fermented dairy 
> beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU people think of!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread Buck
The New First Revival Reformed Spiritual Regeneration Movement

How many years has humankind been driv'n, 
Far off from happiness and heav'n?
When wilt Thou, Om Unified Field, restore
Thy wand'ring church to roam no more?

Jai Brahmananda Saraswati,

> > > I'm not ashamed to own The Unified Field
> > > Or to defend its cause;
> > > Maintain the honor of Its field,
> > > The glories of its cause.
> > >
> > > > !Jai The Unified Field!
> > > > I Be just a humble servant,
> > > > -Buck
> > > >
> Thank you so very much Nablusoss, Merudanda and Alex too for your support 
> here.  I appreciate very much your votes of confidence in my ministry here on 
> FFL.  I fear that I am so ill understood in this place and time.. in the New 
> First Revival Reformed Spiritual Regeneration Movement.  I really am doing my 
> level best for all of us.  My new hope is Reform for FFL that it may become 
> the spiritual tool that it too could be.  !Jai Brahmananda Saraswati!
> -Buck
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> >
> > Let us celebrate and whore-ship  Buck as  the Ears of Lord Ganesh  or he
> > may lose his Dome badge, again
> > 
> >   [http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/5412/sustojp1.jpg]
> > Dear Buck our Ears of Lord Ganesh:
> > 
> > At FF and L, at FFL, where You first saw the light,
> > And the burden of Your  heart rolled away,
> > It was there by faith You received Your sight,
> > And now You are happy all the day.
> > Firm on this throne*, Your promise stands,
> > And You can well secure
> > What we've committed to Your hands,
> > Till the decisive hour.
> > 
> > Then will we own our worthless name
> > Before Your enlightened face;
> > And in the new cerebellum,
> > Appoint our soul a place.
> > 
> > Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
> > RH376 RH = Redemption Hymnal
> > 
> >  
> > [http://www.healingartscommunitycenter.com/Ganesh%20Brain_files/image004\
> > .gif]
> > *Let us build this throne and  temple for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
> > a pyramid at FFL (fire in the middle) represented the enlightened mind
> > of Buck:
> >   a king chamber (pineal)at FFL for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
> > and
> > a queen chamber (pituitary) for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
> >   at FFL
> >   representing this very purifying internal process
> > 
> > from now on You had to get past  the elephant image of Buck  to enter
> > the sacred temple of FFL representing our reptilian brain only by
> > w(h)orshiping Him.
> > Lets mediate on Buck's real image let us focus inwardly upon the Ganesh
> > within  know as the god that removes obstacles in our lives.
> > By praying/focusing on Buck-Ganesh he removes the obstacles out of our
> > life.
> > Of course this is a complete internal process, for we (ourselves - our
> > perceptions/expectations/beliefs) are the obstacles in our own lives.
> >   Beware Buck-Ganesh is not an external God even though he may manifest
> > in certain aspects of outer life somewhere at Fairfield,Iowa.
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmA-dWdaI5k&feature=related
> > 
> > Who can sound the depths of sorrow
> > We have scorned the truth You gave us
> > Who will stand before your anger?
> > Who can face your piercing eyes?
> > Growing in You; no more shall be named
> > Things of which now we're truly ashamed,
> > Fruit unto holiness will we bear,
> > Life evermore, the end we shall share.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > If Alex doesn't like it, why not let Buck do the moderating ?
> > :-)
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Well, in terms of people still here who posted early on, Dick
> > Mays has top seniority at post #5, followed closely by Buck at #6.
> > Buck's been chomping at the bit to whip this place into accord with
> > Natural Law, so why not put him in charge of the whole thing? To put it
> > another way, what would Maharishi do? Maharishi would chose Buck.
> > > > >
> > > > > With the posting limits gone we'll see a steady rising flood of
> > anti-TMO- and pro-Buddhist-propaganda from the Turq. He's been mocking
> > Judy for been responsible for the 50 limit, but the fact is that he was
> > among the 5 top posters that made the rule a necessity in the first
> > place.
> > > > >
> > > > > Who knows what Maharishi would do, except having a good laugh at
> > what is going on here, but my vote goes to Buck.
> > > > >
> > >
> > > I'm not ashamed to own The Unified Field
> > > Or to defend its cause;
> > > Maintain the honor of Its field,
> > > The glories of its cause.
> > >
> > > > !Jai The Unified Field!
> > > > I Be just a humble servant,
> > > > -Buck

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Chivukula"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
> j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing
> the private feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a
> sutra of language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry.
> > > > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system.
> > > >
> > > > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> > > >
> > >
> > > Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no discussion
> of the unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your
> fermented dairy beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU
> people think of!
> >
> > This is what happens when there is the prospect of no limit posting.
> Everyone gets giddy, they start to let it all hang out just like MJ's
> brother. It will be anarchy I tell you. Buck will have to close his
> eyes, Share will be forced to watch DM 2 over and over just to stop
> herself from posting at every opportunity now that she doesn't have to
> combine responses to numerous people in one go, Barry is going to
> continue to write 'artform' posts that are closer to the truth than even
> he realizes, Judy will stick to her guns, Ravi will be tracking the
> abominable snowman-like pawprints of Barry that will be mucking up the
> place, Raunchy may celebrate with a bullseye or two or three, AZ might
> show up to sling his usual wad of spit and Obba is going to continue to
> cum and go. It is like the asylum residents have been given the promise
> of the key to their padded cells on Friday. God help us all.
> LOL - hilarious dear Ann !!!
> > >
> >
See! Taken out of context. Just because I vividly explain some enlightening 
experiences, everyone things I typo the come word, and then here comes, DOGGY 
Does Dallas at the Hot Yoga Studio, "Lassie Cum OM." Mr. Rory, really?
Just sharing what comes out with a limit, then no limit and all kind of privacy 
shit.. Ravi, WTF did you say on that other thread? (Yes, I am combining threads 
because I am attempting to try and not try to post out. Opps, my bad, Ravi. You 
were talking about salt lassi, like I was. Sorry.) 

Here comes a long month. Alex, I hope you enjoy your birthday present. (Be a 
rebel and just don't tell Rick you lifted the curse a couple of days early. He 
won't notice. Be a sport, huh?)

 Ann has got it right. I am sure she will agree with this: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/07/2013 06:07 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
>>> Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the private 
>>> feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a sutra of 
>>> language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry.
>>> I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system.
>> Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no discussion of the 
> unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your fermented dairy 
> beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU people think of!

You didn't graduate summa cum laude?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feeding Meditators Safely

2013-08-07 Thread Buck

> >
> > 
> > Would you suppose the wild-caught frozen fresh salmon fillets from the 
> > North Pacific are pre-cooked enough already with radiation from Fukishima?  
> > Ready to eat right out of the bag?
> > 
> > A Japanese government official said Wednesday approximately 300 tons of 
> > contaminated water is leaking into the Pacific Ocean each day from the 
> > crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the Reuters news agency 
> > reports.
> > The official also told reporters Tokyo believes the water has been leaking 
> > into the ocean for two years.
> > http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57597331/tons-of-tainted-water-leaking-into-ocean-from-fukushima/
> >  
> > 
> >
> May the Unified Field protect the meditator and keep our groups together in 
> meditation through these times of relative  woe on earth.
> -Buck
> > >
> > > Canned Wild caught fish?  Noticed at the local natural food store here 
> > > that the price of canned fish protein is falling.  Also frozen salmon 
> > > filets caught wild from the ocean fisheries of the North Pacific?  Would 
> > > you eat fish caught from the Pacific given the way the radiation from 
> > > Japan has spread and gone with debris even washing up on the West coast 
> > > of the USA?
> > > 
> > > Late-Breaking Headlines continue:
> > > "A barrier built to contain the water has already been breached, the 
> > > Nuclear Regulatory Authority warned.
> > > This means the amount of contaminated water seeping into the Pacific 
> > > Ocean could accelerate rapidly, it said.
> > > There has been spate of water leaks and power failures at the plant, 
> > > devastated by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami."
> > >
> >

I got suckered initially by the really cheap prices on those tins of sardines 
and such.  What do you think I should do with these tins of ocean caught fish?  
Give them to the Food Pantry Lord's Cupboard?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators

2013-08-07 Thread Buck

> >
> > Yup, People like Feste are the crux of a problemm with the meditating 
> > community for the TM movement here.  The antagonized meditator.  The 
> > antagonized by all the TM controversies.  The problem of how to facilitate 
> > them and convert them back to being friendly to the cause, from negative to 
> > positive meditator.  From non- to practicing again.  And, even willing to 
> > come to a group meditation for the good it will do.  It's a problem.
> > -Buck
> >

Transitioning from Founder to followers. They got a problem and thresholds of 
change yet.  A thing to watch within TM is when they [ Bevan relinquishing ]  
start letting others even younger people get experience at the movement's 
microphones speaking for the movement and even given the authority to influence 
and lead the movement. [ The Boards of Trustees putting other people up to 
speak].I still like this post with the story about wrangling for a capable 
"Ambercrombie" to turn up, to run and teach courses.. 

Waiting for Ambercrombie:

> Yep Turqb critiques:
> Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does.
> Yep, seems characteristic now that the TM.org just goes on without saying or 
> addressing who they are in character as a means to deal with the 
> controversies problem around them that evidently dog them in the marketplace. 
>  Not a "We are this" stance or even "not that".  Just going on.  There was 
> nothing like that as clean moral leadership at the recent TM Guru Purnima 
> services as they just leave it to the large media to hash and define who they 
> are as tainted character.  Notice for instance that "David wants to Fly" is 
> readily available as docu-critique on the internet www.  The Boards of 
> Trustees need to think about stepping up to the lack of transparency and 
> moral characteristics of the leadership going forward or we'll always be 
> tainted by a past.  It's a problem.
> -Buck  
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> > >
> > > Whoah!!! 
> > > 
> > > "What could non-meditators have to say that has worthwhile perspective?" 
> > > 
> > > This does imply Buck, that you feel non-meditators of every stripe have 
> > > nothing to offer to the world. That means you think the vast majority of 
> > > the world has nothing to offer.
> > > 
> > > That kind of elitist mind set is one of the reasons I no longer do TM. 
> > > Feste was a faculty member at MIU in the 1980's so I bet Feste was a 
> > > sidha or governor.
> > > 
> > > Either way, from my point of view, not doing TM is not a tragedy nor is 
> > > it throwing it away. The whole point to TM was supposed to be getting one 
> > > to the state where one no longer needs to meditate. As it says somewhere 
> > > in the Upanishads (I think) "To a man of awakened intellect, the Vedas 
> > > are of as much use as a small pool of water in a place where there are 
> > > pools of water on every side."  
> > > 
> > > Supposin' those of us who no longer meditate feel Pure Awareness all day 
> > > long whether we are waking or sleeping? What's the point of closing the 
> > > eyes to experience what you are experiencing with your eyes open? 
> > > 
> > > There are a lot of reasons to not meditate regularly and none of them are 
> > > tragic. One of the things I enjoy about not doing TM is that I no longer 
> > > experience fatigue in the late afternoon. All the years I did TM, I would 
> > > get tired around 3 or 4 pm, especially if I could not for some reason do 
> > > the afternoon meditation. Now I go till 9 pm without fatigue which is 
> > > when I get sleepy. Then I sleep.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  From: Buck 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 7:53 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators
> > >  
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > So Buck do you consider everyone who ever learned the sidhis to still 
> > > > be a sidha or governor even if they don't do them and don't do TM?
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > 
> > > Dear MJ;
> > > Well, we are identified by the things we do.  Yur a meditator or yur not 
> > > in this case.  Yur a 'practicing' sidha or yur not.  Likewise a Governor. 
> > >  In our case here, Yur a practitioner or yur a quitter.  Of course people 
> > > will split hairs many more ways.  It sounds like Feste is a non-meditator 
> > > quitter as in once learned meditation and just does not do it.  Like if I 
> > > remember right you are a meditator, as in learned to meditate and you 
> > > meditate now.  It is the only reason I bother to read yur posts here.  
> > > What could non-meditators have to say that has worthwhile perspective?  
> > > That someone could learn meditation and throw it away is tragedy beyond 
> > > reason.  I'm a practical g

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Sex Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 8/7/2013 8:07 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
, "RoryGoff"  wrote:

> > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the 
private feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a 
sutra of language to get what I want. This Lassi likes it sultry.

> > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system.
> Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)

Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no discussion of 
the unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your fermented 
dairy beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU people think of!

It doesn't look very good for the unlimited post month. Newbies. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Ravi Chivukula

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing
the private feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a
sutra of language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry.
> > > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system.
> > >
> > > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> > >
> >
> > Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no discussion
of the unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your
fermented dairy beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU
people think of!
> This is what happens when there is the prospect of no limit posting.
Everyone gets giddy, they start to let it all hang out just like MJ's
brother. It will be anarchy I tell you. Buck will have to close his
eyes, Share will be forced to watch DM 2 over and over just to stop
herself from posting at every opportunity now that she doesn't have to
combine responses to numerous people in one go, Barry is going to
continue to write 'artform' posts that are closer to the truth than even
he realizes, Judy will stick to her guns, Ravi will be tracking the
abominable snowman-like pawprints of Barry that will be mucking up the
place, Raunchy may celebrate with a bullseye or two or three, AZ might
show up to sling his usual wad of spit and Obba is going to continue to
cum and go. It is like the asylum residents have been given the promise
of the key to their padded cells on Friday. God help us all.

LOL - hilarious dear Ann !!!

> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the 
> > > > private feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a 
> > > > sutra of language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry. 
> > > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system. 
> > > 
> > > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> > >
> > 
> > Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no discussion of the 
> > unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your fermented dairy 
> > beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU people think of!
> This is what happens when there is the prospect of no limit posting. Everyone 
> gets giddy, they start to let it all hang out just like MJ's brother. It will 
> be anarchy I tell you. Buck will have to close his eyes, Share will be forced 
> to watch DM 2 over and over just to stop herself from posting at every 
> opportunity now that she doesn't have to combine responses to numerous people 
> in one go, Barry is going to continue to write 'artform' posts that are 
> closer to the truth than even he realizes, Judy will stick to her guns, Ravi 
> will be tracking the abominable snowman-like pawprints of Barry that will be 
> mucking up the place, Raunchy may celebrate with a bullseye or two or three, 
> AZ might show up to sling his usual wad of spit and Obba is going to continue 
> to cum and go. It is like the asylum residents have been given the promise of 
> the key to their padded cells on Friday. God help us all.
> >

And, all because one spiteful, selfish old man asked for a birthday present.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 6:48 PM, Ann  wrote:

> **
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the
> private feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a sutra of
> language to get what I want. This Lassi likes it sultry.
> > > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system.
> > >
> > > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> > >
> >
> > Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no discussion of
> the unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your fermented
> dairy beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU people think of!
> This is what happens when there is the prospect of no limit posting.
> Everyone gets giddy, they start to let it all hang out just like MJ's
> brother. It will be anarchy I tell you. Buck will have to close his eyes,
> Share will be forced to watch DM 2 over and over just to stop herself from
> posting at every opportunity now that she doesn't have to combine responses
> to numerous people in one go, Barry is going to continue to write 'artform'
> posts that are closer to the truth than even he realizes, Judy will stick
> to her guns, Ravi will be tracking the abominable snowman-like pawprints of
> Barry that will be mucking up the place, Raunchy may celebrate with a
> bullseye or two or three, AZ might show up to sling his usual wad of spit
> and Obba is going to continue to cum and go. It is like the asylum
> residents have been given the promise of the key to their padded cells on
> Friday. God help us all.

​LOL - hilarious dear Ann !!!

> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the private 
> > > feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a sutra of 
> > > language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry. 
> > > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system. 
> > 
> > Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)
> >
> Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no discussion of the 
> unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your fermented dairy 
> beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU people think of!

This is what happens when there is the prospect of no limit posting. Everyone 
gets giddy, they start to let it all hang out just like MJ's brother. It will 
be anarchy I tell you. Buck will have to close his eyes, Share will be forced 
to watch DM 2 over and over just to stop herself from posting at every 
opportunity now that she doesn't have to combine responses to numerous people 
in one go, Barry is going to continue to write 'artform' posts that are closer 
to the truth than even he realizes, Judy will stick to her guns, Ravi will be 
tracking the abominable snowman-like pawprints of Barry that will be mucking up 
the place, Raunchy may celebrate with a bullseye or two or three, AZ might show 
up to sling his usual wad of spit and Obba is going to continue to cum and go. 
It is like the asylum residents have been given the promise of the key to their 
padded cells on Friday. God help us all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Ravi Chivukula
OMG dear Obba your post makes me lust err crave for some salty, sultry Lassi

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 4:26 PM, obbajeeba  wrote:

> **
> Yeah.
> Ravi is right. (Ravi, I am listening to your very good advice, trying so
> hard not to post out, but I keep feeling I want to share and share and
> share on the coming few weeks!
> Total bliss like coming from a very conservative family with an early
> curfew until I go to college at one of the select...and get shit faced
> drunk and gang banged and kiss a girl for the first time and all that good
> stuff that will fade out after awhile then 50 posts a week will be more
> than enough.)
> I like to share my privates sometimes. Gives me feelings of self worth and
> attributes to my something.
> Just being there. Here.
> Like Chauncy Gardener, plant a seed, grow a little, show a little. ;)
> Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the private
> feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a sutra of
> language to get what I want. This Lassi likes it sultry.
> I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system.
> I think I am up to 41. (Not men, silly. Way beyond that number)
> Can it be done, or will I post out with 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula 
> wrote:
> >
> > WHY?
> >
> > Why shouldn't private subjective states of bliss be not shouted from
> > rooftops?
> >
> > Why are you forced to share it?
> >
> > The hilarious absurdity of Tantra Guru Barry's challenge.
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 2:36 PM, turquoiseb 
> wrote:
> >
> > > **
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Bhakti just can't be kept secret. You have to shout it
> > > > from the roof tops.
> > >
> > > WHY?
> > >
> > > What is it about your private -- and almost certainly
> > > completely subjective -- bliss that makes you feel
> > > as if everyone has to be forced to share it?
> > >
> > > > 
> > > > From: Share Long 
> > >
> > > > To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" 
> > > > Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 4:38 AM
> > > > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> > > >
> > > > I love this hymn, Buck, thanks for posting.
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > From: Buck 
> > >
> > > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 10:11 PM
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> > > >
> > > > When the Unified Field Walked!
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1nNdTyDZEs Good Night,
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brian May excited by these pics!?

2013-08-07 Thread Share Long
cardemaister, I think this friendly advice contained in intriguing quotes on 
the conduct of war and peace and the development of allies is just what FFL 
needs as unlimited posting looms on the horizon. That it's in a format easily 
digestible for young princes is simply the icing on that Sanskrit cake (-:

 From: card 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 5:07 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brian May excited by these pics!?


Well, how about some intriguing etc quotes from the Hitopadesha
(Friendly advice)?

Hitopadesha (Sanskrit:हितोपदेशः Hitopadeśa) is a collection of Sanskrit fables 
in prose and verse written in the 12th century. It is an independent treatment 
of the Panchatantra.[1] It is meant as an exposition on statecraft (including 
the conduct of war and peace and the development of allies) but was produced in 
a format easily digestible for young princes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> They're beautiful cardemaister, thank you for posting. BTW I save a lot of 
> your posts which I find very interesting but hard for me to understand so I 
> usually don't reply. Especially interesting are some of the Sanskrit ones.
>  From: card 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 5:28 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Brian May excited by these pics!?
> Doctor of astrophysics, guitarist of Queen, Brian May
> is said to be interested in these pics by Mr. Metsävainio
> (metsä-vainio - forest-field):
> http://astroanarchy.zenfolio.com/


[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the private 
> > feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a sutra of 
> > language to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry. 
> > I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system. 
> Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)

Hey! We run a clean establishment here! There will be no discussion of the 
unmentionable lower chakra bodily fluids you add to your fermented dairy 
beverage. Honestly, the dirty filthy stuff that YOU people think of!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread RoryGoff

> Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the private 
> feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a sutra of language 
> to get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry. 
> I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system. 

Sweet! Lassi cum OM! :-)

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 08-Aug-13 00:15:10 UTC

2013-08-07 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 08/03/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 08/10/13 00:00:00
598 messages as of (UTC) 08/07/13 23:21:40

50 doctordumbass
50 Michael Jackson 
41 turquoiseb 
40 obbajeeba 
35 Richard J. Williams 
34 Share Long 
33 Buck 
32 Ann 
30 nablusoss1008 
30 Bhairitu 
26 seventhray27 
23 Alex Stanley 
21 feste37 
19 sparaig 
18 RoryGoff 
16 card 
14 Ravi Chivukula 
13 John 
10 salyavin808 
 8 Susan 
 7 emptybill 
 7 Mike Dixon 
 6 srijau
 6 emilymae.reyn 
 4 Rick Archer 
 4 Duveyoung 
 3 raunchydog 
 3 merudanda 
 3 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 2 PaliGap 
 1 wgm4u 
 1 richardatrwilliamsdotus 
 1 punditster 
 1 martyboi 
 1 feste37
 1 Yifu 
 1 Richard 
 1 Emily Reyn 
 1 Dick Mays 
 1 Arhata Osho 
Posters: 40
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] NOW!!! David Lynch on The Alan Colmes Show talking about Meditation Creativity Peace Documentary | Jane Pitt and Ken West on Talk of Iowa

2013-08-07 Thread Dick Mays
Begin forwarded message:

From: Ken Chawkin 
Subject: David Lynch will be on The Alan Colmes Show tonight talking about 
Meditation Creativity Peace Documentary | Jane Pitt and Ken West on Talk of Iowa
Date: August 7, 2013 4:51:14 PM CDT
To: Friends News Group 1 

David Lynch will be on during The Alan Colmes Show today, Wed, Aug 7. The show 
is broadcast from 6pm to 9 pm ET. See below for a description and how to 
listen. Alan has interviewed David in the past and was interested in having him 
on again to talk about Transcendental Meditation. That was months ago. Then 
when he heard about David's new documentary film, Meditation Creativity Peace, 
Alan wanted to talk to him about it. He will be on for about 15 minutes 
starting at 8:06pm ET. You can listen live online here: www.alancolmesradio.com 

Alan speaks with award-winning filmmaker David Lynch about his 16-country tour, 
teaching millions of struggling people how to achieve peace through 
Transcendental Meditation.

You can listen to today's interview on Talk of Iowa with Charity Nebbe 
interviewing Jane Roman Pitt and Ken West on their video Iowa Gold Song. 
Iowa Public Radio: Talk of Iowa: Iowa Gold and Wisconsin Heroes
By Charity Nebbe and Dennis Reese
In 1911 "The Song of Iowa" by S.H.M. Byers became Iowa's official state song.  
The lyrics "You asked what land I love the best, Iowa, tis Iowa, The fairest 
State of all the west, Iowa, O! Iowa, From yonder Mississippi's stream..." were 
set to the tune "O Tannenbaum." Songwriter Jane Roman Pitt thinks Iowa can do 
better.  She has written a song called "Iowa Gold," and now Pitt and 
photographer Ken West have put together a video that showcases Iowa at it's 
best.  The video is part of their campaign to make "Iowa Gold" the state's next 
official song.

Found other places here: 
You can check online in your area. Here's the link: 
The Alan Colmes Show Podcast
Alan Colmes welcomes “any and all opinion, any and all the time” weeknights 
from 6pm – 9pm ET.
Alan Colmes hosts "the most interactive radio show on the planet." Offering a 
bold take on the news of the day, with guests ranging from prominent political 
figures to the biggest names in entertainment and pop culture, Alan welcomes 
"any and all opinion, any and all of the time." Reach the show by calling 
877-FOR-ALAN (877-367-2526).  

Listen online or on your local radio station 

For those in Fairfield, I checked and there's a station in Ottumwa – 1240 AM 
KBIZ – that carries Alan Colmes Weekdays, 9pm-Midnight CT Alan Colmes Show   
www.alan.com This website also lists who's on the show after it's aired, under 
Alan on Radio. You can also listen to shows under First Word Podcast

So if you miss it live you can always listen to the podcast once it's archived 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:

> Yes, it is time for something New on FFL: 
> Enforcing Blasphemy Guidelines against Hate Speech.
> I feel it is time we have a ban particularly on these "Offending the teacher 
> as head of Movement" kinds of postings on FFL.  Such language is 
> [spiritually] hateful and hate speech is already banned on FFL.  It is time 
> to stop being moderate with these negative posts and their posters and 
> moderate these people right off of the FFL membership list.
> -Buck in the Dome  

'For thousands of years people have been trying to force other people to think 
their way. Did they succeed? No. Will they succeed? No. Why? Because brute 
force is not an argument.' --Robert G. Ingersoll (1887)

Now here is a good one Buck:

'There is no God and we are his prophets.' --Cormac McCarthy

'Let the gods avenge themselves.' (Purported to be a Roman law maxim, on 
blasphemy) That means, Buck, do not take it upon yourself to condemn your 
fellow man for these purported slights. If you lived in another land, what you 
think might be so considered, particularly in an Islamic state, or had you 
lived a few centuries ago, even here.

'Religions are for a day. They are the clouds. Humanity is the eternal blue. 
Religions are the waves of the sea. These waves depend upon the force and 
direction of the wind -- that is to say, of passion; but Humanity is the great 
sea. And so our religions change from day to day, and it is a blessed thing 
that they do. Why? Because we grow, and we are getting a little more civilized 
every day, -- and any man that is not willing to let another man express his 
opinion, is not a civilized man, and you know it. Any man that does not give to 
everybody else the rights he claims for himself, is not an honest man.' --also 
Robert Ingersoll

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread obbajeeba

Ravi is right. (Ravi, I am listening to your very good advice, trying so hard 
not to post out, but I keep feeling I want to share and share and share on the 
coming few weeks! 
 Total bliss like coming from a very conservative family with an early curfew 
until I go to college at one of the select...and get shit faced drunk and gang 
banged and kiss a girl for the first time and all that good stuff that will 
fade out after awhile then 50 posts a week will be more than enough.)

I like to share my privates sometimes. Gives me feelings of self worth and 
attributes to my something.
 Just being there. Here. 
Like Chauncy Gardener, plant a seed, grow a little, show a little. ;)
Feeling the privates always makes me release. I meant sharing the private 
feelings with others. Not the way you are thinking, just a sutra of language to 
get what I want.  This Lassi likes it sultry. 
I mean salty lassi helps my digestive system. 
I think I am up to 41. (Not men, silly. Way beyond that number)
 Can it be done, or will I post out with  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> WHY?
> Why shouldn't private subjective states of bliss be not shouted from
> rooftops?
> Why are you forced to share it?
> The hilarious absurdity of Tantra Guru Barry's challenge.
> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 2:36 PM, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> > >
> > > Bhakti just can't be kept secret. You have to shout it
> > > from the roof tops.
> >
> > WHY?
> >
> > What is it about your private -- and almost certainly
> > completely subjective -- bliss that makes you feel
> > as if everyone has to be forced to share it?
> >
> > > 
> > > From: Share Long 
> >
> > > To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" 
> > > Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 4:38 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> > >
> > > I love this hymn, Buck, thanks for posting.
> > >
> > > 
> > > From: Buck 
> >
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 10:11 PM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> > >
> > > When the Unified Field Walked!
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1nNdTyDZEs Good Night,
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's so utterly transparent...

2013-08-07 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> I suppose carde wrote this :-
> > > By the way, 41 Megapixel does not mean you will get 41 megabyte size 
> > > photo files with every shot you take! Thanks to the amazing Pureview 
> > > technology that packs 7 mega into each mega "super" pixel, you get a 5 
> > > megabyte photo plus 1 megabyte email attachment size automatically. You 
> > > can further crop anyway you want on your camera and the result will be 
> > > still far better than any smartphone photography in the world, if not 
> > > most compact digital cameras. (Sad to say, I think this really nailed the 
> > > last one on the coffin of the category called "compact digital cameras." 
> > > Who needs those 
> When you need a camera with a zoom and high quality glass. The phone that 
> also takes pictures you are reffering to is a toy. I'll consider such a phone 
> the day it also brews me a cup of coffee :-)
The samples from this camera on the Internet are rather impressive. A whole lot 
better than an iPhone. A camera of this kind would have limitations, but 
considering what was available just a few years ago, this is stunning.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Mike Dixon
*M* said at the First Symposium on the Science of Creative Intelligence at 
Amherst Ma. "When you find something good, you can't rest until you share it 
with the world." But... nobody has to listen. If they *hear* but aren't 
listening, what's one more noise?


 From: Ravi Chivukula 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

Why shouldn't private subjective states of bliss be not shouted from rooftops? 

Why are you forced to share it?

The hilarious absurdity of Tantra Guru Barry's challenge.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 2:36 PM, turquoiseb  wrote: 
>--- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  
>wrote: > > Bhakti just can't be kept secret. You have to shout it  > from the 
>roof tops. 
WHY?   What is it about your private -- and almost certainly completely 
subjective -- bliss that makes you feel  as if everyone has to be forced to 
share it?  >  >  From: Share Long 

> > To: "mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com"; 
> >   > Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 
> > 4:38 AM > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day! >  > I love this hymn, 
> > Buck, thanks for posting. > 
>  >  From: Buck 
> > To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com  > Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 
> > 10:11 PM > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day! >  > When the Unified 
> > Field Walked!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1nNdTyDZEs  Good Night, >
> >  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> > Bhakti just can't be kept secret. You have to shout it 
> > from the roof tops.
> WHY? 
> What is it about your private -- and almost certainly
> completely subjective -- bliss that makes you feel 
> as if everyone has to be forced to share it?

You certainly haven't fucked off very far yet. 
> > 
> >  From: Share Long 
> > To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 4:38 AM
> > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> >   
> > I love this hymn, Buck, thanks for posting.
> > 
> > 
> >  From: Buck 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 10:11 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> >   
> > When the Unified Field Walked!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1nNdTyDZEs  
> > Good Night,
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Ravi Chivukula

Why shouldn't private subjective states of bliss be not shouted from

Why are you forced to share it?

The hilarious absurdity of Tantra Guru Barry's challenge.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 2:36 PM, turquoiseb  wrote:

> **
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> > Bhakti just can't be kept secret. You have to shout it
> > from the roof tops.
> WHY?
> What is it about your private -- and almost certainly
> completely subjective -- bliss that makes you feel
> as if everyone has to be forced to share it?
> > 
> > From: Share Long 
> > To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" 
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 4:38 AM
> > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> >
> > I love this hymn, Buck, thanks for posting.
> >
> > 
> > From: Buck 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 10:11 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> >
> > When the Unified Field Walked!
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1nNdTyDZEs Good Night,
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Thank you so very much Nablusoss, Merudanda and Alex too for
> > > your support here. I appreciate very much your votes of confidence
> > > in my ministry here on FFL.
> > 
> > Buck, I am in full support of you as King of FFL in the 
> > same capacity that Tony Nader is King of the World.
> Now THAT is a comeback.
> THAT is funny, and what others should aspire to.
> I think Alex may be the reincarnation of Oscar Wilde.
> :-)

I have on several occasions told him that myself! I find their mental 
signatures at times to be strikingly similar, and like no one else I know.

[FairfieldLife] Russia Warns Obama: Global War Over “Bee Apocalypse” Coming Very Soon

2013-08-07 Thread nablusoss1008


[FairfieldLife] Re: Brian May excited by these pics!?

2013-08-07 Thread card

Well, how about some intriguing etc quotes from the Hitopadesha
(Friendly advice)?

Hitopadeśa) is a collection of Sanskrit fables in prose and verse written 
in the 12th century. It is an independent treatment of the Panchatantra.[1] It 
is meant as an exposition on statecraft (including the conduct of war and peace 
and the development of allies) but was produced in a format easily digestible 
for young princes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> They're beautiful cardemaister, thank you for posting. BTW I save a lot of 
> your posts which I find very interesting but hard for me to understand so I 
> usually don't reply. Especially interesting are some of the Sanskrit ones.
>  From: card 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 5:28 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Brian May excited by these pics!?
> Doctor of astrophysics, guitarist of Queen, Brian May
> is said to be interested in these pics by Mr. Metsävainio
> (metsä-vainio - forest-field):
> http://astroanarchy.zenfolio.com/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Mike Dixon
Oh my, Barry's offended.


 From: turquoiseb 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 2:36 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!
--- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  
> Bhakti just can't be kept secret. You have to shout it 
> from the roof tops.


What is it about your private -- and almost certainly
completely subjective -- bliss that makes you feel 
as if everyone has to be forced to share it?

>  From: Share Long 
> To: "mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com"; 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 4:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> I love this hymn, Buck, thanks for posting.
>  From: Buck 
> To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 10:11 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> When the Unified Field Walked!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1nNdTyDZEs  
> Good Night,


[FairfieldLife] Re: Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> Bhakti just can't be kept secret. You have to shout it 
> from the roof tops.


What is it about your private -- and almost certainly
completely subjective -- bliss that makes you feel 
as if everyone has to be forced to share it?

>  From: Share Long 
> To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
> Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 4:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> I love this hymn, Buck, thanks for posting.
>  From: Buck 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 10:11 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
> When the Unified Field Walked!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1nNdTyDZEs  
> Good Night,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL looks different this morning

2013-08-07 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/07/2013 02:17 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>>> On 08/07/2013 12:56 PM, Share Long wrote:
 noozguru, I figure yahoo got wind of the upcoming FFL
 Totally Unlimited Posting and are freaking out (-:
 As for me, well let's just say that it's good that I
 know how to count to ten, in terms of knee jerk responses!
>>> Why would they freak out?  Most all the other groups
>>> don't have any posting limits.
>> Or need them.
>> What does that say about TM, and its adherents?
> If I remember correctly the Turq is amongst the 5 top posters to FFL ever.
> Like the americans says: Go Figure :-)

But I don't have to read everything he writes do I?  Nor he, everything 
I write.  It was almost as if there were people who were reading FFL 
that were OCD about reading every message posted even if it diverged off 
into a topic only a few people might be interested in. I couldn't figure 
out what the hell they were complaining about.

There's a lot of stuff posted here I could care less about.  There are 
TB'ers here who obviously did not get "the goods" from TM but still 
support it.  I think MMY would even roll his eyes and say "if you didn't 
get the goods, try something else."  That's just common sense. There 
seems to be a lot of seekers here but few finders.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Mike Dixon
Bhakti just can't be kept secret. You have to shout it from the roof tops.


 From: Share Long 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 4:38 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
I love this hymn, Buck, thanks for posting.


 From: Buck 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 10:11 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!
When the Unified Field Walked!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1nNdTyDZEs  
Good Night,

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL looks different this morning

2013-08-07 Thread Alex Stanley
Looked the same to me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> I looked and didn't notice much of anything.  I don't use the web 
> interface but email using Thunderbird where I can organize messages any 
> way I want and even have some custom filters.
> The screwball thing with the web site is that that the first page after 
> you select "All Messages" has them in one order, for instance from most 
> recent to older then the next page oldest to next recent and sometimes 
> an overlap and not just a one message one.  It's like a programmers 
> started work on it but never finished.  I'm sure Yahoo Groups are a VERY 
> LOW priority at Yahoo.
> And then with email is the failure of the Yahoo server when you try to 
> post.  Some folks blame it on Thunderbird but it never happens with any 
> other server (unless it is really down). Sometimes it takes 4 tries to 
> post the message.  Must be the spy gerbils behind on reading posts.
> On 08/07/2013 06:59 AM, feste37@... wrote:
> > Looks like Yahoo has reformatted the way messages appear. I hate it. The old
> > Message View seems to have gone and there are other changes, none of which 
> > I like.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL looks different this morning

2013-08-07 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > On 08/07/2013 12:56 PM, Share Long wrote:
> > > 
> > > noozguru, I figure yahoo got wind of the upcoming FFL 
> > > Totally Unlimited Posting and are freaking out (-:
> > > As for me, well let's just say that it's good that I 
> > > know how to count to ten, in terms of knee jerk responses!
> > 
> > Why would they freak out?  Most all the other groups 
> > don't have any posting limits.  
> Or need them. 
> What does that say about TM, and its adherents?

If I remember correctly the Turq is amongst the 5 top posters to FFL ever. 

Like the americans says: Go Figure :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL looks different this morning

2013-08-07 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 08/07/2013 12:56 PM, Share Long wrote:
> > 
> > noozguru, I figure yahoo got wind of the upcoming FFL 
> > Totally Unlimited Posting and are freaking out (-:
> > As for me, well let's just say that it's good that I 
> > know how to count to ten, in terms of knee jerk responses!
> Why would they freak out?  Most all the other groups 
> don't have any posting limits.  

Or need them. 

What does that say about TM, and its adherents?

Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL looks different this morning

2013-08-07 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/07/2013 12:56 PM, Share Long wrote:
> noozguru, I figure yahoo got wind of the upcoming FFL Totally Unlimited 
> Posting and are freaking out (-:
> As for me, well let's just say that it's good that I know how to count to 
> ten, in terms of knee jerk responses!

Why would they freak out?  Most all the other groups don't have any 
posting limits.  They often just have rules about staying on topic to 
what the group is about and a moderator or two who enforce it. FFL is an 
"anything goes" so there really is no topic rule.  It's a place to 
discuss life after or doing TM.

> I'm still miffed at yahoo that paging is now a scrolling process that JUMPS 
> in the middle of the page and one has to pick an item that is easy to find 
> and then backtrack to it in order to see the inbox items that were jumped 
> over! grr

There's a youth paradigm in Sillyconned Valley where they like to turn 
young programmers loose on things apparently believing they'll do 
something innovative.  They apparently think us old timers are too 
stodgy.  However instead of innovation you get lame programming.

> Anyway, I'm looking forward to replying every time you write something funny 
> rather than saving them all for one post. Like when you said that for the 
> geniuses of syntho food their main concern about overpopulation is that 
> they'd never have a cheeseburger again. In another post I liked the analogy 
> of the spies trying to put the Internet genie back into the bottle.

But become OCD about responses will get you ignored by those who know 
how to read a site and complaints from those who don't that they want 
the posting limits back.

> Didn't know that Islam is against usery, very interesting. Didn't know that 
> more education for women means lower birth rates, good news.
I learned that from an Indian friend who was selling her store after her 
daughter graduated from college.  Some Islamic folks wanted to buy it 
but she confided in me that she didn't think it would go through because 
they wouldn't go to a bank to get financing and their own system 
probably wouldn't loan them that kind of money. And they didn't.

>   From: Bhairitu 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 2:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL looks different this morning
> I looked and didn't notice much of anything.  I don't use the web
> interface but email using Thunderbird where I can organize messages any
> way I want and even have some custom filters.
> The screwball thing with the web site is that that the first page after
> you select "All Messages" has them in one order, for instance from most
> recent to older then the next page oldest to next recent and sometimes
> an overlap and not just a one message one.  It's like a programmers
> started work on it but never finished.  I'm sure Yahoo Groups are a VERY
> LOW priority at Yahoo.
> And then with email is the failure of the Yahoo server when you try to
> post.  Some folks blame it on Thunderbird but it never happens with any
> other server (unless it is really down). Sometimes it takes 4 tries to
> post the message.  Must be the spy gerbils behind on reading posts.
> On 08/07/2013 06:59 AM, fest...@yahoo.com wrote:
>> Looks like Yahoo has reformatted the way messages appear. I hate it. The old
>> Message View seems to have gone and there are other changes, none of which I 
>> like.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > Jerry Seinfeld learned TM before me and is only a eyar older than me. 
> > Howard Stern learned TM from his mom, I suspect. David Lynch learned TM a 
> > week before I did and didn't become famous until years after that. 
> > 
> > There are no doubt other long-term TMers that are famous. About 1/2% of all 
> > adults in the USA learned TM at one point or another.
> > 
> > L
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > By famous people, I meant people like David Lynch, 
> > > > Clint Eastwood, Howard Stern, Donvan, Jerry Seinfeld, 
> > > > and so on, all of whom have been meditating in the 
> > > > 4 decade range.
> You forgot to mention George Sharpio and Jay Leno, amongst others :-)


> http://dlf.tv/2013/highlights-of-david-lynch-foundations-night-of-comedy-honoring-george-shapiro/

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's so utterly transparent...

2013-08-07 Thread nablusoss1008

I suppose carde wrote this :-

> > 
> > By the way, 41 Megapixel does not mean you will get 41 megabyte size photo 
> > files with every shot you take! Thanks to the amazing Pureview technology 
> > that packs 7 mega into each mega "super" pixel, you get a 5 megabyte photo 
> > plus 1 megabyte email attachment size automatically. You can further crop 
> > anyway you want on your camera and the result will be still far better than 
> > any smartphone photography in the world, if not most compact digital 
> > cameras. (Sad to say, I think this really nailed the last one on the coffin 
> > of the category called "compact digital cameras." Who needs those 

When you need a camera with a zoom and high quality glass. The phone that also 
takes pictures you are reffering to is a toy. I'll consider such a phone the 
day it also brews me a cup of coffee :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fuddle-Duddling in Paris, the story

2013-08-07 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/07/2013 12:26 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
>  wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
>>> Epiphany.
>>> A veritable realization. I think I've figured out a way
>>> to not only have FUN with the upcoming Unlimited Posting
>>> Month, but to turn it into a personal artform.
>>> Probably not a very good or lasting artform, because after
>>> all it's only me so far who is willing to practice it, but
>>> I *am* suggesting it to other writers, should they become
>>> inspired. The rules are simple: take a description of you
>>> that has been projected onto you by someone here on
>>> Fairfield Life and WRITE IT UP, as if it were true.
>>> Here's my first one, based on numerous descriptions of me
>>> over the years on Fairfield Life. Enjoy.
>> I was thinking on the lines of making one word posts. One
>> a minute eight hours a day for a month (30 days) comes to
>> 14,400 posts if I worked 8 hours each day.
> I was thinking of doing some sequential "Brahma Shave"
> roadsign Zen poems, as has been done here before. :-)
>> Unfortunately I am not connected to the Internet except
>> for brief moments for a while. And I really do not like
>> posting all that much.
>> I do not think I could write a post such as Turq's above
>> as I am not a writer, and I do not have quite as much
>> negative mileage here, though Ravi's comments about me
>> could probably form the basic character.
>> Nice reference to 'Casablanca'. I seem to recall seeing
>> Sam's piano in that movie in another film, one of the
>> Mickey Rooney / Judy Garland films in the early 40s. It
>> was a special piano with fewer keys so it was less wide
>> and would fit better photographically in Rick's Café set.
>> It may not have even had innards, since it was a prop.
> One of my former co-writers here in Paris (since
> wisely moved on to a new contract) is a former cafe/
> bar/cabaret pianist, who made his living for whole
> decades as a Sam-like pianist. Natch, he collected
> stories about this lifestyle.
> One of his best is that Dooley Wilson, the "Sam" in
> question, wasn't a piano player at all. He was a
> singer. He faked all the piano playing in the movie.
> But equally natch, everyone assumed that he really
> was "Sam," and so for years afterwards, showing up
> at remotely-booked gigs, he'd find a stage with a
> piano on it, and him expected to play it. He had to
> always tell the bar owner that he *wasn't* a pianist,
> and that he'd need to hire one for tonight's show.
> I loved this story. The movie myth spilling over
> into real life. It's almost like characters walking
> off of the screen in Woody Allen's "The Purple Rose
> Of Cairo."

I recall a couple of TM teachers who worked nights as club musicians.  
They only knew how to play tunes in two keys C and G, enough to use one  
or the other to match their vocal range.  They seemed terrified at 
someone like me, a music major in college, who didn't have a problem 
playing in ANY key and in fact picked keys for tunes because didn't keys 
have different "color" qualities.  Thing is I had no problem with them 
only knowing two keys and respected their "economy of means."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> Jerry Seinfeld learned TM before me and is only a eyar older than me. Howard 
> Stern learned TM from his mom, I suspect. David Lynch learned TM a week 
> before I did and didn't become famous until years after that. 
> There are no doubt other long-term TMers that are famous. About 1/2% of all 
> adults in the USA learned TM at one point or another.
> L
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > >
> > > By famous people, I meant people like David Lynch, 
> > > Clint Eastwood, Howard Stern, Donvan, Jerry Seinfeld, 
> > > and so on, all of whom have been meditating in the 
> > > 4 decade range.

You forgot to mention George Sharpio and Jay Leno, amongst others :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL looks different this morning

2013-08-07 Thread Share Long
noozguru, I figure yahoo got wind of the upcoming FFL Totally Unlimited Posting 
and are freaking out (-:
As for me, well let's just say that it's good that I know how to count to ten, 
in terms of knee jerk responses!

I'm still miffed at yahoo that paging is now a scrolling process that JUMPS in 
the middle of the page and one has to pick an item that is easy to find and 
then backtrack to it in order to see the inbox items that were jumped over! 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to replying every time you write something funny 
rather than saving them all for one post. Like when you said that for the 
geniuses of syntho food their main concern about overpopulation is that they'd 
never have a cheeseburger again. In another post I liked the analogy of the 
spies trying to put the Internet genie back into the bottle. 

Didn't know that Islam is against usery, very interesting. Didn't know that 
more education for women means lower birth rates, good news.

 From: Bhairitu 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL looks different this morning

I looked and didn't notice much of anything.  I don't use the web 
interface but email using Thunderbird where I can organize messages any 
way I want and even have some custom filters.

The screwball thing with the web site is that that the first page after 
you select "All Messages" has them in one order, for instance from most 
recent to older then the next page oldest to next recent and sometimes 
an overlap and not just a one message one.  It's like a programmers 
started work on it but never finished.  I'm sure Yahoo Groups are a VERY 
LOW priority at Yahoo.

And then with email is the failure of the Yahoo server when you try to 
post.  Some folks blame it on Thunderbird but it never happens with any 
other server (unless it is really down). Sometimes it takes 4 tries to 
post the message.  Must be the spy gerbils behind on reading posts.

On 08/07/2013 06:59 AM, fest...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Looks like Yahoo has reformatted the way messages appear. I hate it. The old
> Message View seems to have gone and there are other changes, none of which I 
> like.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fuddle-Duddling in Paris, the story

2013-08-07 Thread Ravi Chivukula
This is not epiphany Barry, how hilarious and shocking - this is plain
delusional, your conception of what people at FFL project on to you is just
a delusional projection of yours.

No one cares for anyone's moral failing here. What people including me
comment on is your dishonesty, your emotional, psychological stuntedness,
your obsessive-paranoid-delusional beliefs.

You know what Barry - during this unlimited posting week I plan to track
your obsessive-paranoid-delusional level's - Barry's OPD levels.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:27 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

> **
> Epiphany.
> A veritable realization. I think I've figured out a way to not only have
> FUN with the upcoming Unlimited Posting Month, but to turn it into a
> personal artform.
> Probably not a very good or lasting artform, because after all it's only
> me so far who is willing to practice it, but I *am* suggesting it to
> other writers, should they become inspired. The rules are simple: take a
> description of you that has been projected onto you by someone here on
> Fairfield Life and WRITE IT UP, as if it were true.
> Here's my first one, based on numerous descriptions of me over the years
> on Fairfield Life. Enjoy.
> Soaked by the rain but only able to afford the cheapest of bars -- not
> to mention wanting to lay low anyway because Interpol was on his ass for
> being a chronic drunk, on drugs, a tax evader, a sexual predator,
> and...well...just for being who he is -- Uncle Tantra stumbled into
> Rick's Cafe Americain.
> He didn't tip Sam the piano player, but then he didn't shoot him,
> either. So far that's what we here at Rick's call a good night. After
> trying to get Berger to cash his checks from the CIA and the Dalai Lama
> and failing, he settled in at his usual table and ordered the Usual
> Suspects: cheap wine, cheap women, and cheap conversation.
> Underaged but yummy Yvonne the singer walked by, and UT leered at her
> like the low-vibe sexual predator he was, but too afraid to do anything
> about it because of his innate fear of women.
> So he opened his laptop, logged into the the Internet, and got to work.
> That is, after all, what the CIA and the Dalai Lama are paying him for,
> right? Gotta do *some* work to justify all those paychecks.
> First he trashed TMers, saying horrid things about them that had only
> been said hundreds of thousands of times before by more sane -- and
> unpaid -- people. Then he lashed out at God Himself, and tried to spread
> his Atheism Virus amongst the faithful. Then he obsessed on the
> individuals he always obsesses on; we can document this because we have
> every post he's ever made to FFL on file, and we can reference it at a
> moment's notice.
> Finally, not content with the low-vibe anti-spiritual pornography he'd
> spewed already onto the Internet, UT took on the Ultimate Sacred Cow,
> the Brahmanic Goddess Of TM,  Oprah Herself. He said, "Nice
> woman. Too bad she's so fuckin' gullible."
> The horror.
> And on that note, UT rested, and then carried on fucking off...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fuddle-Duddling in Paris, the story

2013-08-07 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > Epiphany.
> > 
> > A veritable realization. I think I've figured out a way 
> > to not only have FUN with the upcoming Unlimited Posting 
> > Month, but to turn it into a personal artform.
> > 
> > Probably not a very good or lasting artform, because after 
> > all it's only me so far who is willing to practice it, but 
> > I *am* suggesting it to other writers, should they become 
> > inspired. The rules are simple: take a description of you 
> > that has been projected onto you by someone here on
> > Fairfield Life and WRITE IT UP, as if it were true.
> > 
> > Here's my first one, based on numerous descriptions of me 
> > over the years on Fairfield Life. Enjoy.
> I was thinking on the lines of making one word posts. One 
> a minute eight hours a day for a month (30 days) comes to 
> 14,400 posts if I worked 8 hours each day. 

I was thinking of doing some sequential "Brahma Shave" 
roadsign Zen poems, as has been done here before. :-)

> Unfortunately I am not connected to the Internet except 
> for brief moments for a while. And I really do not like 
> posting all that much.
> I do not think I could write a post such as Turq's above 
> as I am not a writer, and I do not have quite as much 
> negative mileage here, though Ravi's comments about me 
> could probably form the basic character.
> Nice reference to 'Casablanca'. I seem to recall seeing 
> Sam's piano in that movie in another film, one of the 
> Mickey Rooney / Judy Garland films in the early 40s. It 
> was a special piano with fewer keys so it was less wide 
> and would fit better photographically in Rick's Café set. 
> It may not have even had innards, since it was a prop.

One of my former co-writers here in Paris (since 
wisely moved on to a new contract) is a former cafe/
bar/cabaret pianist, who made his living for whole
decades as a Sam-like pianist. Natch, he collected
stories about this lifestyle. 

One of his best is that Dooley Wilson, the "Sam" in
question, wasn't a piano player at all. He was a 
singer. He faked all the piano playing in the movie.

But equally natch, everyone assumed that he really
was "Sam," and so for years afterwards, showing up
at remotely-booked gigs, he'd find a stage with a 
piano on it, and him expected to play it. He had to
always tell the bar owner that he *wasn't* a pianist,
and that he'd need to hire one for tonight's show.

I loved this story. The movie myth spilling over 
into real life. It's almost like characters walking
off of the screen in Woody Allen's "The Purple Rose
Of Cairo." 

Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL looks different this morning

2013-08-07 Thread Bhairitu
I looked and didn't notice much of anything.  I don't use the web 
interface but email using Thunderbird where I can organize messages any 
way I want and even have some custom filters.

The screwball thing with the web site is that that the first page after 
you select "All Messages" has them in one order, for instance from most 
recent to older then the next page oldest to next recent and sometimes 
an overlap and not just a one message one.  It's like a programmers 
started work on it but never finished.  I'm sure Yahoo Groups are a VERY 
LOW priority at Yahoo.

And then with email is the failure of the Yahoo server when you try to 
post.  Some folks blame it on Thunderbird but it never happens with any 
other server (unless it is really down). Sometimes it takes 4 tries to 
post the message.  Must be the spy gerbils behind on reading posts.

On 08/07/2013 06:59 AM, fest...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Looks like Yahoo has reformatted the way messages appear. I hate it. The old
> Message View seems to have gone and there are other changes, none of which I 
> like.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fuddle-Duddling in Paris

2013-08-07 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> For those of you who seem to relish the idea that 
> you're having some impact on your life know, I 
> thought I'd make your day and admit that I am 
> following your advice tonight, and fucking off. 

See, this is why one should never edit writing
that one had fun writing. I tried, and managed
only a partial edit, before giving up after this
paragraph and leaving the rest as the stream-of-
consciousness rap it was originally. I should
have stuck with 'original' on this paragraph, 
too. The rewrite should read:

"For those of you who seem to relish the idea that 
you're having some impact on *my* life, I thought 
I'd make your day and admit that I am following 
your advice tonight, and fucking off." 

Lesson learned. When fucking off, and having fun
doing so, don't edit. Be content with the first

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fuddle-Duddling in Paris

2013-08-07 Thread Share Long
Uncle Tantra very funny tonight. And I too have wondered why people say 
*fuddle* you, with anger, rage even. Very strange IMHO. Anyway, here's a 
confession. This morning I wrote but did not send a reply to a FFL poster and 
ended it with: go fucking figure and LOL too. There!  I did it! Yay! Wow, 
confession really is good for the soul. Anyway, Happy Non Multiplying Fuddle 
Duddling (-:

PS UT also very brave IMHO with the story part too. The excuse I'm using is 
that he's had a lot more experience with all this than I have )-:

 From: turquoiseb 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 12:30 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fuddle-Duddling in Paris

For those of you who seem to relish the idea that 
you're having some impact on your life know, I 
thought I'd make your day and admit that I am 
following your advice tonight, and fucking off. 

No work, just play. "Fucking off," as I interpret
the term. 

But if you think about it, "Fuck off!" seems to have
different connotations for different people. I see it
as a gracious reminder to blow off work early and go
out and have some fun. Others see it as more of a 
negative epithet, a usage that I've never quite 
understood. I mean, when you tell someone to "Fuck 
off!," aren't you suggested that they go get laid? 
And isn't getting laid *pleasurable*? What's so 
negative about that?

Even curiouser is the way that some...uh...more prudish
or afraid-to-rock-the-boat folks react to "Fuck off!" 
In one newspaper, a reporter asked to report faithfully
on what he had heard a famous person say (the two words
in question), he wrote something like, "The honorable 
 suggested that his debate opponent 'Go forth 
and multiply.'"

That's a good line. I compliment its writer for coming
up with it. It's accurate, while being very funny. 

A less-good line provideth the Subject line of this post.
I'm pretty sure that "Fuddle Duddle" is a phrase the
significance of which is lost on non-Canadians. Many 
years ago, back when I still lived in Toronto, the snit
hit the fan when our Prime Minister at the time, Pierre
Trudeau, turned to a debate opponent in the Parliament
and...uh...suggested that he go forth and multiply, 
but using the real phrase. 

Well, this got picked up by a few tiny news outlets, not
enough to stir up a ruckus, but then one of Trudeau's
PR hacks tried to spin the situation by saying, "No, no.
That's not what he Prime Minister said. He was merely
using one of his favorite expressions, 'Fuddle-Duddle.'"

Can you *conceive* of a less brainful comment than that?
I can't. And lo, as a result of it, the Fuddle-Duddle
hit the fan. Major news media picked it up, it went
viral, and within the week you could buy "Fuddle-
Duddle" T-shirts and lapel buttons on the streets
of Toronto. 

And all because people misunderstand the phrase that 
was supposed to be a euphemism for. It's not negative
at all. It's an invitation to go forth and enjoy 
oneself. So I will. But hopefully without that 
'multiply' thing. :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fuddle-Duddling in Paris, the story

2013-08-07 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Epiphany.
> A veritable realization. I think I've figured out a way to not only have
> FUN with the upcoming Unlimited Posting Month, but to turn it into a
> personal artform.
> Probably not a very good or lasting artform, because after all it's only
> me so far who is willing to practice it, but I *am* suggesting it to
> other writers, should they become inspired. The rules are simple: take a
> description of you that has been projected onto you by someone here on
> Fairfield Life and WRITE IT UP, as if it were true.
> Here's my first one, based on numerous descriptions of me over the years
> on Fairfield Life. Enjoy.
I was thinking on the lines of making one word posts. One a minute eight hours 
a day for a month (30 days) comes to 14,400 posts if I worked 8 hours each day. 
Unfortunately I am not connected to the Internet except for brief moments for a 
while. And I really do not like posting all that much.

I do not think I could write a post such as Turq's above as I am not a writer, 
and I do not have quite as much negative mileage here, though Ravi's comments 
about me could probably form the basic character.

Nice reference to 'Casablanca'. I seem to recall seeing Sam's piano in that 
movie in another film, one of the Mickey Rooney / Judy Garland films in the 
early 40s. It was a special piano with fewer keys so it was less wide and would 
fit better photographically in Rick's Café set. It may not have even had 
innards, since it was a prop.
> Soaked by the rain but only able to afford the cheapest of bars -- not
> to mention wanting to lay low anyway because Interpol was on his ass for
> being a chronic drunk, on drugs, a tax evader, a sexual predator,
> and...well...just for being who he is -- Uncle Tantra stumbled into
> Rick's Cafe Americain.
> He didn't tip Sam the piano player, but then he didn't shoot him,
> either. So far that's what we here at Rick's call a good night. After
> trying to get Berger to cash his checks from the CIA and the Dalai Lama
> and failing, he settled in at his usual table and ordered the Usual
> Suspects: cheap wine, cheap women, and cheap conversation.
> Underaged but yummy Yvonne the singer walked by, and UT leered at her
> like the low-vibe sexual predator he was, but too afraid to do anything
> about it because of his innate fear of women.
> So he opened his laptop, logged into the the Internet, and got to work.
> That is, after all, what the CIA and the Dalai Lama are paying him for,
> right? Gotta do *some* work to justify all those paychecks.
> First he trashed TMers, saying horrid things about them that had only
> been said hundreds of thousands of times before by more sane -- and
> unpaid -- people. Then he lashed out at God Himself, and tried to spread
> his Atheism Virus amongst the faithful. Then he obsessed on the
> individuals he always obsesses on; we can document this because we have
> every post he's ever made to FFL on file, and we can reference it at a
> moment's notice.
> Finally, not content with the low-vibe anti-spiritual pornography he'd
> spewed already onto the Internet, UT took on the Ultimate Sacred Cow,
> the Brahmanic Goddess Of TM,  Oprah Herself. He said, "Nice
> woman. Too bad she's so fuckin' gullible."
> The horror.
> And on that note, UT rested, and then carried on fucking off...

[FairfieldLife] Fuddle-Duddling in Paris, the story

2013-08-07 Thread turquoiseb

A veritable realization. I think I've figured out a way to not only have
FUN with the upcoming Unlimited Posting Month, but to turn it into a
personal artform.

Probably not a very good or lasting artform, because after all it's only
me so far who is willing to practice it, but I *am* suggesting it to
other writers, should they become inspired. The rules are simple: take a
description of you that has been projected onto you by someone here on
Fairfield Life and WRITE IT UP, as if it were true.

Here's my first one, based on numerous descriptions of me over the years
on Fairfield Life. Enjoy.

Soaked by the rain but only able to afford the cheapest of bars -- not
to mention wanting to lay low anyway because Interpol was on his ass for
being a chronic drunk, on drugs, a tax evader, a sexual predator,
and...well...just for being who he is -- Uncle Tantra stumbled into
Rick's Cafe Americain.

He didn't tip Sam the piano player, but then he didn't shoot him,
either. So far that's what we here at Rick's call a good night. After
trying to get Berger to cash his checks from the CIA and the Dalai Lama
and failing, he settled in at his usual table and ordered the Usual
Suspects: cheap wine, cheap women, and cheap conversation.

Underaged but yummy Yvonne the singer walked by, and UT leered at her
like the low-vibe sexual predator he was, but too afraid to do anything
about it because of his innate fear of women.

So he opened his laptop, logged into the the Internet, and got to work.
That is, after all, what the CIA and the Dalai Lama are paying him for,
right? Gotta do *some* work to justify all those paychecks.

First he trashed TMers, saying horrid things about them that had only
been said hundreds of thousands of times before by more sane -- and
unpaid -- people. Then he lashed out at God Himself, and tried to spread
his Atheism Virus amongst the faithful. Then he obsessed on the
individuals he always obsesses on; we can document this because we have
every post he's ever made to FFL on file, and we can reference it at a
moment's notice.

Finally, not content with the low-vibe anti-spiritual pornography he'd
spewed already onto the Internet, UT took on the Ultimate Sacred Cow,
the Brahmanic Goddess Of TM,  Oprah Herself. He said, "Nice
woman. Too bad she's so fuckin' gullible."

The horror.

And on that note, UT rested, and then carried on fucking off...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > Thank you so very much Nablusoss, Merudanda and Alex too for
> > your support here. I appreciate very much your votes of confidence
> > in my ministry here on FFL.
> Buck, I am in full support of you as King of FFL in the 
> same capacity that Tony Nader is King of the World.

Now THAT is a comeback.

THAT is funny, and what others should aspire to.

I think Alex may be the reincarnation of Oscar Wilde.


[FairfieldLife] Fuddle-Duddling in Paris

2013-08-07 Thread turquoiseb
For those of you who seem to relish the idea that 
you're having some impact on your life know, I 
thought I'd make your day and admit that I am 
following your advice tonight, and fucking off. 

No work, just play. "Fucking off," as I interpret
the term. 

But if you think about it, "Fuck off!" seems to have
different connotations for different people. I see it
as a gracious reminder to blow off work early and go
out and have some fun. Others see it as more of a 
negative epithet, a usage that I've never quite 
understood. I mean, when you tell someone to "Fuck 
off!," aren't you suggested that they go get laid? 
And isn't getting laid *pleasurable*? What's so 
negative about that?

Even curiouser is the way that some...uh...more prudish
or afraid-to-rock-the-boat folks react to "Fuck off!" 
In one newspaper, a reporter asked to report faithfully
on what he had heard a famous person say (the two words
in question), he wrote something like, "The honorable 
 suggested that his debate opponent 'Go forth 
and multiply.'"

That's a good line. I compliment its writer for coming
up with it. It's accurate, while being very funny. 

A less-good line provideth the Subject line of this post.
I'm pretty sure that "Fuddle Duddle" is a phrase the
significance of which is lost on non-Canadians. Many 
years ago, back when I still lived in Toronto, the snit
hit the fan when our Prime Minister at the time, Pierre
Trudeau, turned to a debate opponent in the Parliament
and...uh...suggested that he go forth and multiply, 
but using the real phrase. 

Well, this got picked up by a few tiny news outlets, not
enough to stir up a ruckus, but then one of Trudeau's
PR hacks tried to spin the situation by saying, "No, no.
That's not what he Prime Minister said. He was merely
using one of his favorite expressions, 'Fuddle-Duddle.'"

Can you *conceive* of a less brainful comment than that?
I can't. And lo, as a result of it, the Fuddle-Duddle
hit the fan. Major news media picked it up, it went
viral, and within the week you could buy "Fuddle-
Duddle" T-shirts and lapel buttons on the streets
of Toronto. 

And all because people misunderstand the phrase that 
was supposed to be a euphemism for. It's not negative
at all. It's an invitation to go forth and enjoy 
oneself. So I will. But hopefully without that 
'multiply' thing. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TV Sutras

2013-08-07 Thread Share Long
Richard, obviously it's all about sirens singing their siren song (-:

 From: Richard J. Williams 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 8:46 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TV Sutras

Share Long:
> ...looks like a tame version of the original movie which 
> was neither tame nor superficial IMHO:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTzat7vRdCQ
The 'Sirens' in 'O Brother' are referenced from 'The Odyssey',
an epic poem taught in High School literature class. It is one 
of two major ancient Greek  epic poems attributed to the
Greek historian Homer.


The song is from Emmylou Harris's performance of 'Down the 
Mountain' - a song featured in the movie 'O Brother' by the 
Coen brothers. Sorry for the confusion. LoL!


> Sirens: 
> http://youtu.be/_dl2L4v6ecM 
> "You seek a great fortune [and] you will find a fortune –
> though it will not be the fortune you seek. But first,
> first you must travel a long and difficult road – a
> road fraught with peril… and pregnant with
> adventure… I cannot say how long this road shall
> be. But fear not the obstacles in your path, for Fate 
> has vouchsafed your reward." 
> Source:
> 'Analyzing the Coen's O Brother! Where Art 
> Thou? to Homer's The Odyssey'
> http://tinyurl.com/lgre8qo 
> Emmlou Harris - Down from the Mountain:
> http://tinyurl.com/mb2m8qd 
> Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
> http://www.tnmc.org/trailers/obwat.html 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> Thank you so very much Nablusoss, Merudanda and Alex too for your support 
> here.  I appreciate very much your votes of confidence in my ministry here on 
> FFL.  I fear that I am so ill understood in this place and time.. in the New 
> First Revival Reformed Spiritual Regeneration Movement.  I really am doing my 
> level best for all of us.  My new hope is Reform for FFL that it may become 
> the spiritual tool that it too could be.  !Jai Brahmananda Saraswati!
> -Buck

Just bear in mind Buck, that 'reform' often results in repression; becomes an 
inquisition. Absolute being is unbounded, and expression best follows that 
idea, though space has its limitations. I think you are misunderstood because 
you sound like a fundamentalist Christian who has substituted TM lingo for 
Christian lingo, and that does not bode well for spiritual 'advancement'.

Your words already reveal the presence of the substantial cracks in the 'purity 
of the teaching' of the TM movement. The problem all spiritual movements have 
is, because spirituality is based on nothing, it does not have a visible 
product, and words ultimately fail to delineate truth. 

As a movement declines its 'purity of teaching' deteriorates and focus shifts 
to instilling 'the purity of the learning' of an already corrupt 'purity of 
teaching'. In other words, you become the distributor of a set of mental 
formulas that have become detached from its source, and these function for 
those who get infected by them, as a mental prison.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> Thank you so very much Nablusoss, Merudanda and Alex too for
> your support here.  I appreciate very much your votes of confidence
> in my ministry here on FFL.

Buck, I am in full support of you as King of FFL in the same capacity that Tony 
Nader is King of the World.

[FairfieldLife] Humorous AI computer - Needs work....

2013-08-07 Thread salyavin808
The unPC PC: computer writes sexist jokesA computer that writes sexist
jokes has been developed by scientists. [A computer designed to write
witty one-liners has produced a list of sexist jokes] who says computers
don't have a sense of humour?

The machine, which has been created by scientists at the University of
Edinburgh, was designed to generate its own witty one-liners following a
simple set of rules.

The system was programmed to exploit one of the most successful and
popular components of comedy, where a statement is followed up with a
surprising comment.

Some comedians, such as Tommy Cooper
  and Les Dawson, used this style with great

However, like some of its human predecessors, the computerised comedian
has developed a rather politically incorrect approach to humour –
the jokes it produces can be rather sexist.

Others veer more into the surreal rather than the genuinely funny.

The computer software was designed to find unlikely pairings of words
and to make a connection between them.

It most commonly came up with jokes comparing men or women with another
object, like: "I like my women like I like my gas …

While some could have rivalled a human comedian for generating a wry
smile, others worked less well.

One joke that did not work so well was: "I like my men like I like
my court … superior."

Some comedians have made a successful career out of jokes like these.
Chicago based comedian Darren Carter improvises "I like my women like I
like my ..." jokes according to words called out by the audience.

Among his favourites is: "I like my women like I like my ... camera ...
ready to flash.

David Matthews, a computer scientist who helped develop the computerised
comedian at the University of Edinburgh's school of informatics, said
when they tested the jokes on volunteers they found they laughed,
although not as much as man made humour.

He said for computer generated jokes to improve, the software would need
to develop cultural awareness.

He said: "Computers have an advantage over people in that they can
process masses of information, so we fed computers a wealth of material
from which they extracted creative and unusual word combinations to fit
our joke template.

"The holy grail for machine-generated comedy would be to include
cultural references, but these are very hard to capture."

Dr Matthews is due to present the computer at the Association for
Computational Linguistics annual meeting in Bulgaria.

Engage laughter circuits:

Some of the less PC jokes generated by the PC

I like my women like I like my gas ... natural

I like my men like I like my acorns ... buried

I like my boys like I like my sectors … bad

I like my men like I like my monoxide - odourless

I like my men like I like my court … superior

And some that will not upset the PC brigade

I like my coffee like I like my war … cold

I like my relationships like I like my source … open

I like my fish like I like my text … raw

I like my business like I like my fish … small

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread obbajeeba
Ann, even though Turq should go and fuck off, he does have a good point.
The way I translate what the Turq said;
A poster child for a poster child, only makes a poster child poster. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > >
> > > By famous people, I meant people like David Lynch, 
> > > Clint Eastwood, Howard Stern, Donvan, Jerry Seinfeld, 
> > > and so on, all of whom have been meditating in the 
> > > 4 decade range.
> > 
> > Lawson, don't you *ever* get tired of being a 
> > perpetual groupie, and gaining your sense of  
> > self worth by associating yourself in your mind
> > with people you've never met, and with whom the
> > only thing you have in common is that you all
> > once learned a simple, rudimentary technique
> > of meditation?
> > 
> > You demonstrate a classic syndrome among TMers,
> > one that started with *Maharishi's* groupie-love.
> > The man was just *shameless* about sucking up to
> > people who were famous or rich, and then trying
> > to use *their* fame, or their celebrity, or their
> > names to enhance his own, as if some of their
> > creativity and success could "rub off on him"
> > by association. 
> > 
> > The issue is NOT what a few cherry-picked "success
> > stories" (most of whom were famous LONG before 
> > they ever learned TM) have done with their lives.
> > It's what YOU -- and others like you who keep
> > trotting out this "Just look at the famous TMers"
> > meme -- have done with your lives. 
> > 
> > Me, I'm just an ordinary, garden-variety writer
> > who currently gets paid fairly well to shuttle
> > back and forth between the Netherlands and France.
> > I've never claimed to be "enlightened," and have
> > no organization I'm part of or "represent," and
> > no "image" to maintain. So I can just be myself.
> > There is no one I even *could* suck up to in an
> > attempt to bolster my supposed "specialness."
> > 
> > But YOU GUYS seem to fall back on this "Just look 
> > at the famous TMers" meme any time someone asks
> > YOU what you've accomplished with YOUR lives. 
> > 
> > What's up with that? It couldn't possibly be that
> > you *haven't* accomplished very much with your
> > lives, could it? It couldn't be that few people
> > you even have had *contact with* in the TMO have
> > ever done much with their lives, could it?
> > 
> > But it doesn't matter, as long as there are one
> > or two "famous TMers" you can point at whenever
> > the issue comes up. Like Paul McCartney, who only
> > claimed to have stopped smoking dope a year or so
> > ago. Or David Lynch, who hasn't done a film other
> > than music videos, festival trailers, or shorts
> > since 2007. Or Donovan, whose new album "Shadows
> > Of Blue" was self-published and is so obscure you
> > can't even find it on Amazon. Clint, to his credit,
> > is still trying to make movies, but his production
> > seems to be in financial jeopardy, possibly as a 
> > result of his "talk to the chair" Eastwooding 
> > routine. Jerry Seinfeld? Well, to his credit, 
> > the writing for "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee"
> > was nominated for an Emmy, but other than that he
> > doesn't seem to have done much of anything except
> > guest performances and voice-overs since his show
> > went off the air in 1998. 
> > 
> > Seems to me that if you want to continue to gauge
> > your *own* self worth by associating yourself with
> > TMers, you're gonna have to search a bit further 
> > to find any who are "worthy." 
> > 
> > An alternative, of course, might be actually DOING
> > something yourself, instead of living on fantasies
> > based on a dogma that is not and was never true.
> Once in a while Barry, you simply need to just fuck off.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread Buck
Thank you so very much Nablusoss, Merudanda and Alex too for your support here. 
 I appreciate very much your votes of confidence in my ministry here on FFL.  I 
fear that I am so ill understood in this place and time.. in the New First 
Revival Reformed Spiritual Regeneration Movement.  I really am doing my level 
best for all of us.  My new hope is Reform for FFL that it may become the 
spiritual tool that it too could be.  !Jai Brahmananda Saraswati!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> Let us celebrate and whore-ship  Buck as  the Ears of Lord Ganesh  or he
> may lose his Dome badge, again
>   [http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/5412/sustojp1.jpg]
> Dear Buck our Ears of Lord Ganesh:
> At FF and L, at FFL, where You first saw the light,
> And the burden of Your  heart rolled away,
> It was there by faith You received Your sight,
> And now You are happy all the day.
> Firm on this throne*, Your promise stands,
> And You can well secure
> What we've committed to Your hands,
> Till the decisive hour.
> Then will we own our worthless name
> Before Your enlightened face;
> And in the new cerebellum,
> Appoint our soul a place.
> Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
> RH376 RH = Redemption Hymnal
> [http://www.healingartscommunitycenter.com/Ganesh%20Brain_files/image004\
> .gif]
> *Let us build this throne and  temple for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
> a pyramid at FFL (fire in the middle) represented the enlightened mind
> of Buck:
>   a king chamber (pineal)at FFL for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
> and
> a queen chamber (pituitary) for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
>   at FFL
>   representing this very purifying internal process
> from now on You had to get past  the elephant image of Buck  to enter
> the sacred temple of FFL representing our reptilian brain only by
> w(h)orshiping Him.
> Lets mediate on Buck's real image let us focus inwardly upon the Ganesh
> within  know as the god that removes obstacles in our lives.
> By praying/focusing on Buck-Ganesh he removes the obstacles out of our
> life.
> Of course this is a complete internal process, for we (ourselves - our
> perceptions/expectations/beliefs) are the obstacles in our own lives.
>   Beware Buck-Ganesh is not an external God even though he may manifest
> in certain aspects of outer life somewhere at Fairfield,Iowa.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmA-dWdaI5k&feature=related
> Who can sound the depths of sorrow
> We have scorned the truth You gave us
> Who will stand before your anger?
> Who can face your piercing eyes?
> Growing in You; no more shall be named
> Things of which now we're truly ashamed,
> Fruit unto holiness will we bear,
> Life evermore, the end we shall share.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > If Alex doesn't like it, why not let Buck do the moderating ?
> :-)
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Well, in terms of people still here who posted early on, Dick
> Mays has top seniority at post #5, followed closely by Buck at #6.
> Buck's been chomping at the bit to whip this place into accord with
> Natural Law, so why not put him in charge of the whole thing? To put it
> another way, what would Maharishi do? Maharishi would chose Buck.
> > > >
> > > > With the posting limits gone we'll see a steady rising flood of
> anti-TMO- and pro-Buddhist-propaganda from the Turq. He's been mocking
> Judy for been responsible for the 50 limit, but the fact is that he was
> among the 5 top posters that made the rule a necessity in the first
> place.
> > > >
> > > > Who knows what Maharishi would do, except having a good laugh at
> what is going on here, but my vote goes to Buck.
> > > >
> >
> > I'm not ashamed to own The Unified Field
> > Or to defend its cause;
> > Maintain the honor of Its field,
> > The glories of its cause.
> >
> > > !Jai The Unified Field!
> > > I Be just a humble servant,
> > > -Buck
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's so utterly transparent...

2013-08-07 Thread Richard J. Williams

> ...this Amazon review is written by an M$ or "Mokia" 
> employee:
...this Amazon review was posted by a guy that lives 
in Finland or "Nokialand", probably a Nokia$ employee:

> 11 of 12 people found the following review helpful
> 5.0 out of 5 stars When in doubt, just capture the whole thing and forget 
> about it, August 5, 2013
> By Sky Blue (germany) - See all my reviews
> This review is from: Nokia Lumia 1020, Yellow (AT&T) (Wireless Phone)
> The other day I visited a local violin shop and was reading boardfull of ads, 
> standing in front of a wall in the shop, as I was searching for a violin 
> instructor. Suddenly a thought came into my mind - 'Wait, why am I doing 
> this? All I have to do is to take a photo of the entire wall from a few steps 
> back, go home, blow it up on my computer screen, and I can read even the 
> finest fonts on the ads including contacts.' Old habits die hard and I was 
> not utilizing my new Lumia 1020 until this idea hit me! So I did just that, 
> and bingo, there was nothing I could not read at home, even though the photo 
> was taken under dim light of the shop! (By the way this camera has xenon 
> flash as well, but ISO 4000 did the trick without the flash.)
> You cannot possibly know the usefulness or desirability of something until 
> you have one. Someone once said, "The world never needed Beethoven's ninth 
> symphony until he created it. Now the world cannot live without it." You 
> cannot know how convenient it is to have a camera that is far sharper than 
> your own eyes until you have one. No matter where you go, you have the 
> world's best capturing and recording device with you. I can think of infinite 
> uses. I have graduated college ages ago, but if I can go back to the bright 
> college years, I would no longer need to take the notes, at least not from 
> the blackboard -- I can simply capture the entire blackboard image when the 
> professor is done filling it up and should be able to read the faintest chalk 
> writing later in my room.
> By the way, 41 Megapixel does not mean you will get 41 megabyte size photo 
> files with every shot you take! Thanks to the amazing Pureview technology 
> that packs 7 mega into each mega "super" pixel, you get a 5 megabyte photo 
> plus 1 megabyte email attachment size automatically. You can further crop 
> anyway you want on your camera and the result will be still far better than 
> any smartphone photography in the world, if not most compact digital cameras. 
> (Sad to say, I think this really nailed the last one on the coffin of the 
> category called "compact digital cameras." Who needs those now when Lumia 
> 1020 has a better lens, better sensor, far better software technology, and 
> you can even use it as a phone?)
> With Lumia 1020, the background passerby's face will be sharper than the 
> carefully composed shot of your grandma that you took with your Galaxy -- 
> that is unless you intentionally tried "outfocusing" effect which you can 
> also do with this super smartphone. So if you need to capture certain 
> information but unsure of which to take, or if you are not sure of the 
> composition of your shot, just capture the whole thing and then worry about 
> it later -- you can crop, view, do whatever you want and your photo will 
> still retain that sharp resolution.
> -Windows Phone 8 is EXTREMELY stable. I repeat: no crashes whatsoever. 
> Totally different experience from using Android.
> -Double Core Lumia 1020 certainly feels whole a lot faster than the quadcore 
> Galaxy S3 I used. I think quadcore is a marketing ploy, a gimmick.
> -Touch is so much more accurate than all android systems I used including 
> Galaxy S3 and Nexus 7. So much fewer mistyped characters when writing emails 
> or sending messages.
> -Separate and independent camera button (real, physical one) a big plus. No 
> need to go through the app process to take a picture. It's like having a 
> completely dual identity: a phone and a camera. Neither is subordinated to 
> the other. Each stands on its own.
> -Best of all, wifi and 4G LTE data switching is seamless and fast. My Galaxy 
> S3 used to search for the "right" wifi or data all the time and when the wifi 
> signal was weak, it would not work at all so that I would have to "turn off" 
> wifi when there was weak wifi around just to use the data. No such things 
> ever happened. Extremely strong wifi signal reception and superfast 4G LTE 
> with AT&T. Totally happy with this.
> -Having "Live Tiles" is like having widgets in lieu of app icons. They 
> display information in the absence of activating the app such as where you 
> last left off in your Kindle, what appointment you have today, etc. 
> Furthermore, you can change the sizes of them (just like widgets) so that you 
> can vary the sizes according to each app's importance, how much information 
> you want to view without activating the app, etc.
> -Rock solid. I dr

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > By famous people, I meant people like David Lynch, 
> > Clint Eastwood, Howard Stern, Donvan, Jerry Seinfeld, 
> > and so on, all of whom have been meditating in the 
> > 4 decade range.
> Lawson, don't you *ever* get tired of being a 
> perpetual groupie, and gaining your sense of  
> self worth by associating yourself in your mind
> with people you've never met, and with whom the
> only thing you have in common is that you all
> once learned a simple, rudimentary technique
> of meditation?
> You demonstrate a classic syndrome among TMers,
> one that started with *Maharishi's* groupie-love.
> The man was just *shameless* about sucking up to
> people who were famous or rich, and then trying
> to use *their* fame, or their celebrity, or their
> names to enhance his own, as if some of their
> creativity and success could "rub off on him"
> by association. 
> The issue is NOT what a few cherry-picked "success
> stories" (most of whom were famous LONG before 
> they ever learned TM) have done with their lives.
> It's what YOU -- and others like you who keep
> trotting out this "Just look at the famous TMers"
> meme -- have done with your lives. 
> Me, I'm just an ordinary, garden-variety writer
> who currently gets paid fairly well to shuttle
> back and forth between the Netherlands and France.
> I've never claimed to be "enlightened," and have
> no organization I'm part of or "represent," and
> no "image" to maintain. So I can just be myself.
> There is no one I even *could* suck up to in an
> attempt to bolster my supposed "specialness."
> But YOU GUYS seem to fall back on this "Just look 
> at the famous TMers" meme any time someone asks
> YOU what you've accomplished with YOUR lives. 
> What's up with that? It couldn't possibly be that
> you *haven't* accomplished very much with your
> lives, could it? It couldn't be that few people
> you even have had *contact with* in the TMO have
> ever done much with their lives, could it?
> But it doesn't matter, as long as there are one
> or two "famous TMers" you can point at whenever
> the issue comes up. Like Paul McCartney, who only
> claimed to have stopped smoking dope a year or so
> ago. Or David Lynch, who hasn't done a film other
> than music videos, festival trailers, or shorts
> since 2007. Or Donovan, whose new album "Shadows
> Of Blue" was self-published and is so obscure you
> can't even find it on Amazon. Clint, to his credit,
> is still trying to make movies, but his production
> seems to be in financial jeopardy, possibly as a 
> result of his "talk to the chair" Eastwooding 
> routine. Jerry Seinfeld? Well, to his credit, 
> the writing for "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee"
> was nominated for an Emmy, but other than that he
> doesn't seem to have done much of anything except
> guest performances and voice-overs since his show
> went off the air in 1998. 
> Seems to me that if you want to continue to gauge
> your *own* self worth by associating yourself with
> TMers, you're gonna have to search a bit further 
> to find any who are "worthy." 
> An alternative, of course, might be actually DOING
> something yourself, instead of living on fantasies
> based on a dogma that is not and was never true.

Once in a while Barry, you simply need to just fuck off.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Want to know what FFL is like? Watch GLEE

2013-08-07 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Well said, salyavin.
> As for me, this morning I was at home in my apartment in Paris,
> waiting for the torrential rain to let up enough so that I can run to
> the Metro and go to work, and while waiting began to surf the TV
> channels and found a show actually being broadcast in English. I
> had heard of it before, because it's mentioned so often on Huffpost
> and on other social media outlets, but I had never seen it before.
> Now that I have finally seen "Glee," I am convinced that it's pretty
> much the perfect metaphor not only for Fairfield Life, but for the
> fantasy projected lifestyle that many have come to believe is their
> real lifestyle.
> I mean, the basic metaphor is an American high school. That's
> pretty much synonymous with superficiality, self-absorption, and
> lack of contact with reality, right? It's rife with drama queens,
> real queens, cliques, mean girl clubs, poseurs, and idiots who
> believe they're geniuses.
> If you live in the US and haven't seen it, I think you'd find it
> *remarkably* reminiscent of Fairfield Life. And possibly life in
> Fairfield itself.
> Where else, after all, could you find a bunch of people ecstatic
> that the rules have been lifted and now they can spend as much
> time as they want ragging on the people they don't like, the ones
> not "cool enough" to be in their "club?" Only on FFL, and GLEE.

I have never seen "Glee" since I have much better things to do than sit and 
watch television but I am sure Share could give us all characters and names of 
Glee cast members that each one of us most resemble, just like DM! Who do you 
think you might be? 

Were you actually anybody in high school or did you not attend? Did you go to 
HS in the US or somewhere else? I was living in England at the time of high 
school which was very cool (St John's Wood) but had the misfortune to be 
transferred back to the Chicago area for grades 11 and 12. I hated it so much I 
designed my course load to end by 12 noon every day so I could get out of 
there. Then I did so many accelerated courses that I was able to graduate a 
semester early and hightail it back to England. One thing though, my US high 
school was incredibly good scholastically so that made up for it. However, it 
was hardly gleeful. Maybe you should be happy you can now be a part of the high 
school you may have missed as a teenager because you currently have FFL! Maybe 
Share can give you a stereotypical high school/FFL character that you could 
be/that you already are. Share?
> :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" LEnglish5@ wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > [...]
> > > >
> > > > That's the thing that TBs never seem to realize about
> > > > their dreams of an "Age Of Enlightenment" -- how BORING
> > > > it would be.
> > >
> > > Do you really believe that things would be boring if everyone
> meditated?
> >
> > Things would be exactly the same if everyone meditated. Look
> > at this place, look at the TMO. I think the point is that *if*
> > you got your dreamed of AoE you wouldn't have any of the fun,
> > rows and scandals that seem such a motiff around here and in
> > the wider movement.
> >
> > > I mean, I'd expect fewer crimes and such, but look at the famous
> people who have been meditating for 40 years: are they boring?
> >
> > The only one I can think of is Lynch and I would definitely
> > say his career has been sinking to ever more anodyne lows
> > as the years go by. The rest of the long termers, Bevan etc,
> > don't strike me as embodying any values I would have associated
> > with enlightenment before I actually knew what the score was.
> >
> > I suspect you have an idea of what the AoE would be like but keep
> > getting it confused with mundane reality. That's the TMOs bad, it
> > keeps up the myth of a perfect life for all but has yet to deliver
> > even a glimpse for us to get excited over, seems like it's all
> > dogma to me - get the east facing house, eat the right food, pay
> > for the yagyas, get to the dome twice a day and voila! Or not...
> >
> > > Creating a situation where you operate at lower stress-levels
> shouldn't make a lick of difference as to how interesting or
> uninteresting people find you unless it is the self-destructive impulses
> due to stress that people are finding interesting.
> >
> > This is often the way with music and art. And war has always
> > been the biggest motivator of industry, do you think we would
> > have got to the moon without the Rusky threat, no chance. Forget
> > Mars, and Jeebus, in what way would people spending 4 hours a day
> > in the dome make them more likely to build huge rockets. It gives
> > you *less* time to do stuff, the "accomplish more" thing is a joke
> > isn't it?
> >
> > > DO you think that the existence of crime and

[FairfieldLife] Re: Want to know what FFL is like? Watch GLEE

2013-08-07 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Where else, after all, could you find a bunch of people ecstatic
> > that the rules have been lifted and now they can spend as much
> > time as they want ragging on the people they don't like, the ones
> > not "cool enough" to be in their "club?" Only on FFL, and GLEE...
> >
> I have never seen "Glee" since I have 
> much better things to do...
Now this is funny - a guy gets up early in the morning
to take the subway to work, but before he leaves his
apartment, he watches GLEE on TV and writes and posts 
a long post ragging on GLEE and the other FFL posters. 

Some people just feel better when they have someone to
talk to! Go figure.

Where is Dr. Pete when we need him? LoL!  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread obbajeeba
Hi Share!
As for deepest shadow, and the below picture link pictures, I couldn't stop 
belly laughing the whole time!  I contemplated and scrolled each one, they got 
better and better for my voice carried through the dining area, almost choked 
on a cherry pit!
 Non repulsed me, but my deepest shadow of remembering looking at photos was 
when I presented an Enlightenment Magazine to a brother (Here, Michael, another 
brother to another story.)who had mentioned TM many years earlier than my 
learning TM, and what this brother said has never left me. He spun me out of my 
craft of beaming Scotties, (Ann mentioned Scotty, I believe.) when he viewed 
the representatives of scientific research head shots in the magazine, he said 
something like this, "Looks to me like they need more than TM! Probably the 
only place they can get a job or laid."   Haha.  Actually, I didn't laugh at 
the time. I thought his life of smoke an drink were repulsive. He was a good 
looking man, regardless of his habits. Not good looking to me in the way of 
incest, but by my reviewing his own photos and the types of people around he 
attracted, I later saw the light in how he attracted his own life, or at least 
my perception of him. 

I like to see people react out of their usual climate. This tells the most 
about people. How they adjust or slither away? How many haircuts and styles do 
they get in a week?
 Or how many times they re-arrange their furniture in the same? 
Patterns of behavior are fun to silently witness. 
The mouse in the four walls pushing the blocks around, compared to the mouse 
who finally settles down to rest from the same. 
We are all the same, Share. Those below linked photos are us. Just like the 
mice, the brothers, the drink and smoke or non drink and smoke. The TM, the non 

I am in Boston this week. *cough  Let's get your people to get a hold of my 
people and yes, lunch with you sounds swell. :)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Obbajee, I can't say I LOVE these photos but I find them strange & poignant 
> expressions of the human condition. And a perfect Rorschach test. Wanna know 
> your deepest shadow? Find the photo that repulses you the most. Therein lies 
> a big fat clue to one's deepest shadow, you know, that which one most likes 
> to project onto other people ho ho.
> As for MA in Film, yes, have your people call my people and let's do lunch.
>  From: obbajeeba 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 8:50 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit
> Unlimited posting for everyone!  Soon, near you! Near me!
> Tired of the same ole turq boring posts? 
> Take a look in the life of others, who have a similar flair 
> for freedom!  
> http://sobadsogood.com/2012/11/14/38-of-the-weirdest-unexplainable-images-on-the-internet/
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > >
> > > > Is this the type of thing you are talking about, Buck?
> > > 
> > > Yes, it is time for something New on FFL: 
> > > Enforcing Blasphemy Guidelines against Hate Speech.
> > > I feel it is time we have a ban particularly on these "Offending the 
> > > teacher as head of Movement" kinds of postings on FFL.  Such language is 
> > > [spiritually] hateful and hate speech is already banned on FFL.  It is 
> > > time to stop being moderate with these negative posts and their posters 
> > > and moderate these people right off of the FFL membership list.
> > > -Buck in the Dome 
> > 
> > Not gonna happen. But, worry not, for the Bucktopia of your dreams already 
> > exists!
> > 
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Fairfield_Community_Kiosk/
> > 
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldCafe/
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Another True Brother Story

2013-08-07 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> I believe this is 50 posts for me

It is.

> For myself, I am partial to Grimm

That's one of the shows I watch. Others:

Person of Interest
Breaking Bad
Daily Show
Colbert Report

Needless to say, last night's Colbert Report has Daft Punk's new song glued in 
my head:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Another True Brother Story

2013-08-07 Thread doctordumbass
Excellent, again, Michael! Your stories of your Dad, and family are hilarious, 
but also full of love - Your Dad sounds a lot like my Father-In-Law, former 
marine sniper, and driver of big rigs, out West though. Also has a .44 Magnum. 

He tells a story of a couple of Hells Angels, speeding up their bikes in front 
of his truck and then slowing down, repeatedly, until he just got fed up, 
pulled over the truck, they stopped, and he got out of the cab, with a tire 
iron, and said, "Which one's first??". They took off. 

Or the time he and his buddies were running a convoy in the fog and at night, 
lights off - You used to be able to get away with that, before radar - and his 
wife was in the cab. At some point, going about 90, he switches on the 
headlights, and is literally inches from the truck ahead - She lets out a blood 
curdling scream, and he has trouble maintaining control of the rig. 

And those, I assure you, are the tamer stories. My wife is also a chip off the 
old block, leaping bareback onto a wild horse, and sailing around the world, 
(not at the same time...) but that's for another post.

Your stuff rocks! Keep it up!

P.S. Wie für Barry, bis nächste woche warten!
That's fifty for me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> I believe this is 50 posts for me, so yep I have a sister - she is 8 years 
> older than me, 4 years older than brother, so during this time period I was 
> describing she was off at college (Clemson, then graduate work at Emory in 
> Atlanta) she had some stuff at the house but mostly we only saw her on 
> holidays and a little in the summer, tho she seemed to have other places to 
> be in the summer vacation times. 
> Her role in most of these incidents was being appalled at the things me, 
> brother and the Old Man did, like the time Sister and her best friend came 
> home one weekend and as
>  they were walking in the door, the Old Man threw a dumbell into a 6 foot 
> tall mirror and smashed it - it wasn't actually done in violence it was an 
> accident, but they were appalled. 
> Or the time, as a freshman in college sister brought a nice male friend home 
> for a weekend, everything chaste, everyone in separate bedrooms and all that 
> - Saturday afternoon the Old Man comes home in the middle of the day (which 
> he never did) walked in the house as sister and male friend were sitting at 
> the kitchen table looking at her high school year book, walks in with his 
> .357 Magnum handgun in his hand, circles the table while hefting the gun, you 
> know, kind of tossing it slightly in the air and catching it again as he 
> circles the table once and walks out without a word.
> My mother is still living, 85 and still able to drive a 32 foot Winnebago a 
> whole lot better than me or brother. She is living with her now 5th husband, 
> a retired Air Force guy, very
>  nice fellow who
>  unfortunately is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's.
> During the time of the stories I have been sharing Mom was married to hubby 
> #2, and working for the Social Security Administration in one of the local 
> offices. 
> I know it is a breach of FFL etiquette but since I am reviled for breaches I 
> have not committed, I am going to get now reviled for this breach: making 
> comments on several disparate posts all at once. 
> To wit: I am convinced from yesterday and today's posts by Buck that the real 
> Buck has been replaced by someone else. The vituperation he is expressing 
> isn't like Old Buck, Saatvic Buck. Can Share or someone go check on him and 
> make sure he hasn't been taken hostage by an angry crop circle stomping alien?
> Also, I found Barry's post about Glee very funny, as my daughter my daughter 
> LOVES Glee, so does her mom - they watch it religiously. 
> For
>  myself, I am partial to Grimm - it was a real long time since I had 
> watched any network tv, but after my favorite show, Warehouse 13, got 
> canceled, I was looking around and discovered Grimm - tried to get 
> daughter and her mom to watch the pilot episode, but mom screamed so 
> loud when the werewolf burst through the window after Grimm, which 
> caused daughter to jump and scream, well I decided to watch Grimm on my 
> own. 
> See y'all Saturday!
>  From: seventhray27 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 8:38 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another True Brother Story
> Hey Michael,
> I enjoyed that.
> But it sort of begs the question:
> Sister?
> Mother?
> I know in a reply to Share many months ago you relayed, what I felt, was a 
> very nice account of some parts of your childhood. 
> It sounds like once everyone reached the teenage years, things took a turn.  
> Not a bad turn, just a different turn.
> I will relate an experience of mine.
> My oldest son and I always spent a lot of time together, doing all the 
> traditional things - thro

Re: [FairfieldLife] Want to know what FFL is like? Watch GLEE

2013-08-07 Thread Emily Reyn
In real life, Cory Monteith, who played Finn, died of an alcohol and heroin 
overdose in a Vancouver hotel July 13th.  

 From: turquoiseb 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 11:57 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Want to know what FFL is like? Watch GLEE


Well said, salyavin.

As for me, this morning I was at home in my apartment in Paris,
waiting for the torrential rain to let up enough so that I can run to
the Metro and go to work, and while waiting began to surf the TV
channels and found a show actually being broadcast in English. I
had heard of it before, because it's mentioned so often on Huffpost
and on other social media outlets, but I had never seen it before.

Now that I have finally seen "Glee," I am convinced that it's pretty
much the perfect metaphor not only for Fairfield Life, but for the
fantasy projected lifestyle that many have come to believe is their
real lifestyle.

I mean, the basic metaphor is an American high school. That's
pretty much synonymous with superficiality, self-absorption, and
lack of contact with reality, right? It's rife with drama queens,
real queens, cliques, mean girl clubs, poseurs, and idiots who
believe they're geniuses.

If you live in the US and haven't seen it, I think you'd find it
*remarkably* reminiscent of Fairfield Life. And possibly life in
Fairfield itself.

Where else, after all, could you find a bunch of people ecstatic
that the rules have been lifted and now they can spend as much
time as they want ragging on the people they don't like, the ones
not "cool enough" to be in their "club?" Only on FFL, and GLEE.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" LEnglish5@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > [...]
> > >
> > > That's the thing that TBs never seem to realize about
> > > their dreams of an "Age Of Enlightenment" -- how BORING
> > > it would be.
> >
> > Do you really believe that things would be boring if everyone
> Things would be exactly the same if everyone meditated. Look
> at this place, look at the TMO. I think the point is that *if*
> you got your dreamed of AoE you wouldn't have any of the fun,
> rows and scandals that seem such a motiff around here and in
> the wider movement.
> > I mean, I'd expect fewer crimes and such, but look at the famous
people who have been meditating for 40 years: are they boring?
> The only one I can think of is Lynch and I would definitely
> say his career has been sinking to ever more anodyne lows
> as the years go by. The rest of the long termers, Bevan etc,
> don't strike me as embodying any values I would have associated
> with enlightenment before I actually knew what the score was.
> I suspect you have an idea of what the AoE would be like but keep
> getting it confused with mundane reality. That's the TMOs bad, it
> keeps up the myth of a perfect life for all but has yet to deliver
> even a glimpse for us to get excited over, seems like it's all
> dogma to me - get the east facing house, eat the right food, pay
> for the yagyas, get to the dome twice a day and voila! Or not...
> > Creating a situation where you operate at lower stress-levels
shouldn't make a lick of difference as to how interesting or
uninteresting people find you unless it is the self-destructive impulses
due to stress that people are finding interesting.
> This is often the way with music and art. And war has always
> been the biggest motivator of industry, do you think we would
> have got to the moon without the Rusky threat, no chance. Forget
> Mars, and Jeebus, in what way would people spending 4 hours a day
> in the dome make them more likely to build huge rockets. It gives
> you *less* time to do stuff, the "accomplish more" thing is a joke
> isn't it?
> > DO you think that the existence of crime and war in the world make
the world a more interesting place to live? What if we used those same
resources to go to Mars or devise a better educational system, or a
better Internet?
> >
> > Wouldn't the world be at least as interesting in that situation?
> It would be interesting to live in a fantasy world yes. But I don't
> see any great discoveries coming from meditators, unless I missed
> something, I think TM - fundamentally - don't do jack shit, you are
either a great thinker to start with, or you aren't.
> Would Einstein have discovered things quicker if he spent 20x20 in
> a trance? We'll never know but we can be sure that if he got
brainwashed by the reesh he would have made as many wild unprovable and
speculative claims about physics as certain other "scientists"
> I could mention. 50 years of meditation has failed *utterly* in this
regard. Hagelin has *not* finished Einstein's work.
> > L
> >


[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread sparaig
Jerry Seinfeld learned TM before me and is only a eyar older than me. Howard 
Stern learned TM from his mom, I suspect. David Lynch learned TM a week before 
I did and didn't become famous until years after that. 

There are no doubt other long-term TMers that are famous. About 1/2% of all 
adults in the USA learned TM at one point or another.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > By famous people, I meant people like David Lynch, 
> > Clint Eastwood, Howard Stern, Donvan, Jerry Seinfeld, 
> > and so on, all of whom have been meditating in the 
> > 4 decade range.
> Lawson, don't you *ever* get tired of being a 
> perpetual groupie, and gaining your sense of  
> self worth by associating yourself in your mind
> with people you've never met, and with whom the
> only thing you have in common is that you all
> once learned a simple, rudimentary technique
> of meditation?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another True Brother Story

2013-08-07 Thread Michael Jackson
I believe this is 50 posts for me, so yep I have a sister - she is 8 years 
older than me, 4 years older than brother, so during this time period I was 
describing she was off at college (Clemson, then graduate work at Emory in 
Atlanta) she had some stuff at the house but mostly we only saw her on holidays 
and a little in the summer, tho she seemed to have other places to be in the 
summer vacation times. 

Her role in most of these incidents was being appalled at the things me, 
brother and the Old Man did, like the time Sister and her best friend came home 
one weekend and as
 they were walking in the door, the Old Man threw a dumbell into a 6 foot tall 
mirror and smashed it - it wasn't actually done in violence it was an accident, 
but they were appalled. 

Or the time, as a freshman in college sister brought a nice male friend home 
for a weekend, everything chaste, everyone in separate bedrooms and all that - 
Saturday afternoon the Old Man comes home in the middle of the day (which he 
never did) walked in the house as sister and male friend were sitting at the 
kitchen table looking at her high school year book, walks in with his .357 
Magnum handgun in his hand, circles the table while hefting the gun, you know, 
kind of tossing it slightly in the air and catching it again as he circles the 
table once and walks out without a word.

My mother is still living, 85 and still able to drive a 32 foot Winnebago a 
whole lot better than me or brother. She is living with her now 5th husband, a 
retired Air Force guy, very
 nice fellow who
 unfortunately is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's.

During the time of the stories I have been sharing Mom was married to hubby #2, 
and working for the Social Security Administration in one of the local offices. 

I know it is a breach of FFL etiquette but since I am reviled for breaches I 
have not committed, I am going to get now reviled for this breach: making 
comments on several disparate posts all at once. 

To wit: I am convinced from yesterday and today's posts by Buck that the real 
Buck has been replaced by someone else. The vituperation he is expressing isn't 
like Old Buck, Saatvic Buck. Can Share or someone go check on him and make sure 
he hasn't been taken hostage by an angry crop circle stomping alien?

Also, I found Barry's post about Glee very funny, as my daughter my daughter 
LOVES Glee, so does her mom - they watch it religiously. 

 myself, I am partial to Grimm - it was a real long time since I had 
watched any network tv, but after my favorite show, Warehouse 13, got 
canceled, I was looking around and discovered Grimm - tried to get 
daughter and her mom to watch the pilot episode, but mom screamed so 
loud when the werewolf burst through the window after Grimm, which 
caused daughter to jump and scream, well I decided to watch Grimm on my 

See y'all Saturday!

 From: seventhray27 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 8:38 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another True Brother Story

Hey Michael,
I enjoyed that.
But it sort of begs the question:
I know in a reply to Share many months ago you relayed, what I felt, was a very 
nice account of some parts of your childhood. 
It sounds like once everyone reached the teenage years, things took a turn.  
Not a bad turn, just a different turn.
I will relate an experience of mine.
My oldest son and I always spent a lot of time together, doing all the 
traditional things - throwing the ball around the yard.  Playing a round of 
golf on occasion.  Having me shuttle him around places - soccer, baseball.
The day he turned 16 and got his drivers license, he was pretty much off.  
Suddenly he entered a new part of his life without much warning.
I really don't expect him to return much to the fold until he is maybe 26 or 
so.  Now he is starting his third year of college, and he is having to decide 
if he wants to study, or party.  The studying part had its strongest piece his 
first semester.  Since then, he's been drifting more in the other direction.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Another little story about brother. Like most siblings, we
> argued and fought a lot, with me on the losing end most of the time as brother
> is four years older than me. Brother was also sometimes a sneaky sob. 
> Our house had been built by our Uncle Mike and Aunt Helen,
> back in the very early fifties. The kitchen had black and white square tiles
> and an art deco table. The legs were wooden, the body of the table itself was
> some kind of metal that had a porcelain top that was somehow fused onto the
> metal underneath. The porcelain was white and the metal black.
> Brother was not only sneaky, but irritating as well. One of
> his habits was to take a steel tablespoon, hold it by the handle and beat the
> spoon repeatedly on the metal table top. It made a lot of noise and was

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread Share Long
Obbajee, I can't say I LOVE these photos but I find them strange & poignant 
expressions of the human condition. And a perfect Rorschach test. Wanna know 
your deepest shadow? Find the photo that repulses you the most. Therein lies a 
big fat clue to one's deepest shadow, you know, that which one most likes to 
project onto other people ho ho.

As for MA in Film, yes, have your people call my people and let's do lunch.

 From: obbajeeba 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 8:50 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

Unlimited posting for everyone!  Soon, near you! Near me!
Tired of the same ole turq boring posts? 
Take a look in the life of others, who have a similar flair 
for freedom!  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > > Is this the type of thing you are talking about, Buck?
> > 
> > Yes, it is time for something New on FFL: 
> > Enforcing Blasphemy Guidelines against Hate Speech.
> > I feel it is time we have a ban particularly on these "Offending the 
> > teacher as head of Movement" kinds of postings on FFL.  Such language is 
> > [spiritually] hateful and hate speech is already banned on FFL.  It is time 
> > to stop being moderate with these negative posts and their posters and 
> > moderate these people right off of the FFL membership list.
> > -Buck in the Dome 
> Not gonna happen. But, worry not, for the Bucktopia of your dreams already 
> exists!
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Fairfield_Community_Kiosk/
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldCafe/


[FairfieldLife] Re: Want to know what FFL is like? Watch GLEE

2013-08-07 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Well said, salyavin.
> As for me, this morning I was at home in my apartment in Paris,
> waiting for the torrential rain to let up enough so that I can run to
> the Metro and go to work, and while waiting began to surf the TV
> channels and found a show actually being broadcast in English. I
> had heard of it before, because it's mentioned so often on Huffpost
> and on other social media outlets, but I had never seen it before.
> Now that I have finally seen "Glee," I am convinced that it's pretty
> much the perfect metaphor not only for Fairfield Life, but for the
> fantasy projected lifestyle that many have come to believe is their
> real lifestyle.
> I mean, the basic metaphor is an American high school. That's
> pretty much synonymous with superficiality, self-absorption, and
> lack of contact with reality, right? It's rife with drama queens,
> real queens, cliques, mean girl clubs, poseurs, and idiots who
> believe they're geniuses.
> If you live in the US and haven't seen it, I think you'd find it
> *remarkably* reminiscent of Fairfield Life. And possibly life in
> Fairfield itself.
> Where else, after all, could you find a bunch of people ecstatic
> that the rules have been lifted and now they can spend as much
> time as they want ragging on the people they don't like, the ones
> not "cool enough" to be in their "club?" Only on FFL, and GLEE.

I have never seen "Glee" since I have much better things to do than sit and 
watch television but I am sure Share could give us all characters and names of 
Glee cast members that each one of us most resemble, just like DM! Who do you 
think you might be? 

Were you actually anybody in high school or did you not attend? Did you go to 
HS in the US or somewhere else? I was living in England at the time of high 
school which was very cool (St John's Wood) but had the misfortune to be 
transferred back to the Chicago area for grades 11 and 12. I hated it so much I 
designed my course load to end by 12 noon every day so I could get out of 
there. Then I did so many accelerated courses that I was able to graduate a 
semester early and hightail it back to England. One thing though, my US high 
school was incredibly good scholastically so that made up for it. However, it 
was hardly gleeful. Maybe you should be happy you can now be a part of the high 
school you may have missed as a teenager because you currently have FFL! Maybe 
Share can give you a stereotypical high school/FFL character that you could 
be/that you already are. Share?
> :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" LEnglish5@ wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > [...]
> > > >
> > > > That's the thing that TBs never seem to realize about
> > > > their dreams of an "Age Of Enlightenment" -- how BORING
> > > > it would be.
> > >
> > > Do you really believe that things would be boring if everyone
> meditated?
> >
> > Things would be exactly the same if everyone meditated. Look
> > at this place, look at the TMO. I think the point is that *if*
> > you got your dreamed of AoE you wouldn't have any of the fun,
> > rows and scandals that seem such a motiff around here and in
> > the wider movement.
> >
> > > I mean, I'd expect fewer crimes and such, but look at the famous
> people who have been meditating for 40 years: are they boring?
> >
> > The only one I can think of is Lynch and I would definitely
> > say his career has been sinking to ever more anodyne lows
> > as the years go by. The rest of the long termers, Bevan etc,
> > don't strike me as embodying any values I would have associated
> > with enlightenment before I actually knew what the score was.
> >
> > I suspect you have an idea of what the AoE would be like but keep
> > getting it confused with mundane reality. That's the TMOs bad, it
> > keeps up the myth of a perfect life for all but has yet to deliver
> > even a glimpse for us to get excited over, seems like it's all
> > dogma to me - get the east facing house, eat the right food, pay
> > for the yagyas, get to the dome twice a day and voila! Or not...
> >
> > > Creating a situation where you operate at lower stress-levels
> shouldn't make a lick of difference as to how interesting or
> uninteresting people find you unless it is the self-destructive impulses
> due to stress that people are finding interesting.
> >
> > This is often the way with music and art. And war has always
> > been the biggest motivator of industry, do you think we would
> > have got to the moon without the Rusky threat, no chance. Forget
> > Mars, and Jeebus, in what way would people spending 4 hours a day
> > in the dome make them more likely to build huge rockets. It gives
> > you *less* time to do stuff, the "accomplish more" thing is a joke
> > isn't it?
> >
> > > DO you think that the existence of crime and

[FairfieldLife] FFL looks different this morning

2013-08-07 Thread feste37

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread Richard J. Williams

It sounds to me like several people on this discussion list
got a corn cob stuck up their ass this morning. LoL!

So far, you guys have outed most of the gays, lesbians, and
cross-dressers on FFL, as well as the MUM students, faculty,
and administration, and a few of the swingers in FF.

Very impressive!

On 8/7/2013 7:49 AM, merudanda wrote:

Let us celebrate and whore-ship  Buck as  the Ears of Lord Ganesh  or 
he may lose his Dome badge, again

Dear Buck our Ears of Lord Ganesh:

At FF and L, at FFL, where You first saw the light,
And the burden of Your  heart rolled away,
It was there by faith You received Your sight,
And now You are happy all the day.
Firm on this throne*, Your promise stands,
And You can well secure
What we've committed to Your hands,
Till the decisive hour.

Then will we own our worthless name
Before Your enlightened face;
And in the new cerebellum,
Appoint our soul a place.

Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
RH376 RH = Redemption Hymnal

*Let us build this throne and  temple for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
a pyramid at FFL (fire in the middle) represented the enlightened mind 
of Buck:

 a king chamber (pineal)at FFL for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
a queen chamber (pituitary) for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
 at FFL
 representing this very purifying internal process

from now on You had to get past  the elephant image of Buck  to enter 
the sacred temple of FFL representing our reptilian brain only by 
w(h)orshiping Him.
Lets mediate on Buck's real image let us focus inwardly upon the 
Ganesh within  know as the god that removes obstacles in our lives.
By praying/focusing on Buck-Ganesh he removes the obstacles out of our 
Of course this is a complete internal process, for we (ourselves - our 
perceptions/expectations/beliefs) are the obstacles in our own lives.
 Beware Buck-Ganesh is not an external God even though he may manifest 
in certain aspects of outer life somewhere at Fairfield,Iowa.

Who can sound the depths of sorrow
We have scorned the truth You gave us
Who will stand before your anger?
Who can face your piercing eyes?
Growing in You; no more shall be named
Things of which now we're truly ashamed,
Fruit unto holiness will we bear,
Life evermore, the end we shall share.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > >
> > > > >
> > > > > If Alex doesn't like it, why not let Buck do the moderating 
? :-)

> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Well, in terms of people still here who posted early on, Dick 
Mays has top seniority at post #5, followed closely by Buck at #6. 
Buck's been chomping at the bit to whip this place into accord with 
Natural Law, so why not put him in charge of the whole thing? To put 
it another way, what would Maharishi do? Maharishi would chose Buck.

> > >
> > > With the posting limits gone we'll see a steady rising flood of 
anti-TMO- and pro-Buddhist-propaganda from the Turq. He's been mocking 
Judy for been responsible for the 50 limit, but the fact is that he 
was among the 5 top posters that made the rule a necessity in the 
first place.

> > >
> > > Who knows what Maharishi would do, except having a good laugh at 
what is going on here, but my vote goes to Buck.

> > >
> I'm not ashamed to own The Unified Field
> Or to defend its cause;
> Maintain the honor of Its field,
> The glories of its cause.
> > !Jai The Unified Field!
> > I Be just a humble servant,
> > -Buck
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TV Sutras

2013-08-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
Share Long:
> ...looks like a tame version of the original movie which
> was neither tame nor superficial IMHO:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTzat7vRdCQ
The 'Sirens' in 'O Brother' are referenced from 'The Odyssey',
an epic poem taught in High School literature class. It is one
of two major ancient Greek  epic poems attributed to the
Greek historian Homer.


The song is from Emmylou Harris's performance of 'Down the
Mountain' - a song featured in the movie 'O Brother' by the
Coen brothers. Sorry for the confusion. LoL!


> Sirens:
> http://youtu.be/_dl2L4v6ecM 
> "You seek a great fortune [and] you will find a fortune –
> though it will not be the fortune you seek. But first,
> first you must travel a long and difficult road – a
> road fraught with peril… and pregnant with
> adventure… I cannot say how long this road shall
> be. But fear not the obstacles in your path, for Fate
> has vouchsafed your reward."
> Source:
> 'Analyzing the Coen's O Brother! Where Art
> Thou? to Homer's The Odyssey'
> http://tinyurl.com/lgre8qo 
> Emmlou Harris - Down from the Mountain:
> http://tinyurl.com/mb2m8qd 
> Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
> http://www.tnmc.org/trailers/obwat.html

[FairfieldLife] It's so utterly transparent...

2013-08-07 Thread card

...this Amazon review is written by an M$ or "Mokia" employee:

11 of 12 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars When in doubt, just capture the whole thing and forget about 
it, August 5, 2013

By Sky Blue (germany) - See all my reviews

This review is from: Nokia Lumia 1020, Yellow (AT&T) (Wireless Phone)
The other day I visited a local violin shop and was reading boardfull of ads, 
standing in front of a wall in the shop, as I was searching for a violin 
instructor. Suddenly a thought came into my mind - 'Wait, why am I doing this? 
All I have to do is to take a photo of the entire wall from a few steps back, 
go home, blow it up on my computer screen, and I can read even the finest fonts 
on the ads including contacts.' Old habits die hard and I was not utilizing my 
new Lumia 1020 until this idea hit me! So I did just that, and bingo, there was 
nothing I could not read at home, even though the photo was taken under dim 
light of the shop! (By the way this camera has xenon flash as well, but ISO 
4000 did the trick without the flash.)

You cannot possibly know the usefulness or desirability of something until you 
have one. Someone once said, "The world never needed Beethoven's ninth symphony 
until he created it. Now the world cannot live without it." You cannot know how 
convenient it is to have a camera that is far sharper than your own eyes until 
you have one. No matter where you go, you have the world's best capturing and 
recording device with you. I can think of infinite uses. I have graduated 
college ages ago, but if I can go back to the bright college years, I would no 
longer need to take the notes, at least not from the blackboard -- I can simply 
capture the entire blackboard image when the professor is done filling it up 
and should be able to read the faintest chalk writing later in my room.

By the way, 41 Megapixel does not mean you will get 41 megabyte size photo 
files with every shot you take! Thanks to the amazing Pureview technology that 
packs 7 mega into each mega "super" pixel, you get a 5 megabyte photo plus 1 
megabyte email attachment size automatically. You can further crop anyway you 
want on your camera and the result will be still far better than any smartphone 
photography in the world, if not most compact digital cameras. (Sad to say, I 
think this really nailed the last one on the coffin of the category called 
"compact digital cameras." Who needs those now when Lumia 1020 has a better 
lens, better sensor, far better software technology, and you can even use it as 
a phone?)

With Lumia 1020, the background passerby's face will be sharper than the 
carefully composed shot of your grandma that you took with your Galaxy -- that 
is unless you intentionally tried "outfocusing" effect which you can also do 
with this super smartphone. So if you need to capture certain information but 
unsure of which to take, or if you are not sure of the composition of your 
shot, just capture the whole thing and then worry about it later -- you can 
crop, view, do whatever you want and your photo will still retain that sharp 


-Windows Phone 8 is EXTREMELY stable. I repeat: no crashes whatsoever. Totally 
different experience from using Android.
-Double Core Lumia 1020 certainly feels whole a lot faster than the quadcore 
Galaxy S3 I used. I think quadcore is a marketing ploy, a gimmick.
-Touch is so much more accurate than all android systems I used including 
Galaxy S3 and Nexus 7. So much fewer mistyped characters when writing emails or 
sending messages.
-Separate and independent camera button (real, physical one) a big plus. No 
need to go through the app process to take a picture. It's like having a 
completely dual identity: a phone and a camera. Neither is subordinated to the 
other. Each stands on its own.
-Best of all, wifi and 4G LTE data switching is seamless and fast. My Galaxy S3 
used to search for the "right" wifi or data all the time and when the wifi 
signal was weak, it would not work at all so that I would have to "turn off" 
wifi when there was weak wifi around just to use the data. No such things ever 
happened. Extremely strong wifi signal reception and superfast 4G LTE with 
AT&T. Totally happy with this.
-Having "Live Tiles" is like having widgets in lieu of app icons. They display 
information in the absence of activating the app such as where you last left 
off in your Kindle, what appointment you have today, etc. Furthermore, you can 
change the sizes of them (just like widgets) so that you can vary the sizes 
according to each app's importance, how much information you want to view 
without activating the app, etc.
-Rock solid. I dropped mine twice without any protection from about 1.5 meter 
heights. Not a scratch.
-Beautifully organized file system. With Android, the pictures I took were all 
over the folders. This is whole a lot neater.
-Beautifully organized email system. I have my major email in the b

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's abuse of the Espionage Act is modern-day McCarthyism

2013-08-07 Thread emptybill
More echoes down in the prairie dog hole?

Must be wispy ghosts whispering to each other ...

"Yeah I got enlightened in just 7 years" and other
new revelations of the Age of Enlightenment, like
"Yer only gonna get as much enlightenment as yer
gonna get".

Wow ... the new Upanishads.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"  wrote:
> emptybill:
> > Obama's abuse of the Espionage Act is modern-day McCarthyism
> >
> Does it bother anyone else that the Mime is talking? Freaky!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread Richard J. Williams

You could have saved yourself a lot of time by
just posting "I am a nobody, stuck in upstairs
apartment, alone and I have to sit at a cubicle
all day and do word processing in French - and
I can't even read French - so you suck Lawson,
with your fancy home office with a Mac and AC
and  Cable, writing code for money - I hate you
and all those famous people you look up to,
because I have to work all day to pay the rent
instead of posting all day to FFL and watching
TV. Shit, it's raining again!"

On 8/7/2013 4:13 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
, "sparaig"  wrote:

> By famous people, I meant people like David Lynch,
> Clint Eastwood, Howard Stern, Donvan, Jerry Seinfeld,
> and so on, all of whom have been meditating in the
> 4 decade range.

Lawson, don't you *ever* get tired of being a
perpetual groupie, and gaining your sense of
self worth by associating yourself in your mind
with people you've never met, and with whom the
only thing you have in common is that you all
once learned a simple, rudimentary technique
of meditation?

You demonstrate a classic syndrome among TMers,
one that started with *Maharishi's* groupie-love.
The man was just *shameless* about sucking up to
people who were famous or rich, and then trying
to use *their* fame, or their celebrity, or their
names to enhance his own, as if some of their
creativity and success could "rub off on him"
by association.

The issue is NOT what a few cherry-picked "success
stories" (most of whom were famous LONG before
they ever learned TM) have done with their lives.
It's what YOU -- and others like you who keep
trotting out this "Just look at the famous TMers"
meme -- have done with your lives.

Me, I'm just an ordinary, garden-variety writer
who currently gets paid fairly well to shuttle
back and forth between the Netherlands and France.
I've never claimed to be "enlightened," and have
no organization I'm part of or "represent," and
no "image" to maintain. So I can just be myself.
There is no one I even *could* suck up to in an
attempt to bolster my supposed "specialness."

But YOU GUYS seem to fall back on this "Just look
at the famous TMers" meme any time someone asks
YOU what you've accomplished with YOUR lives.

What's up with that? It couldn't possibly be that
you *haven't* accomplished very much with your
lives, could it? It couldn't be that few people
you even have had *contact with* in the TMO have
ever done much with their lives, could it?

But it doesn't matter, as long as there are one
or two "famous TMers" you can point at whenever
the issue comes up. Like Paul McCartney, who only
claimed to have stopped smoking dope a year or so
ago. Or David Lynch, who hasn't done a film other
than music videos, festival trailers, or shorts
since 2007. Or Donovan, whose new album "Shadows
Of Blue" was self-published and is so obscure you
can't even find it on Amazon. Clint, to his credit,
is still trying to make movies, but his production
seems to be in financial jeopardy, possibly as a
result of his "talk to the chair" Eastwooding
routine. Jerry Seinfeld? Well, to his credit,
the writing for "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee"
was nominated for an Emmy, but other than that he
doesn't seem to have done much of anything except
guest performances and voice-overs since his show
went off the air in 1998.

Seems to me that if you want to continue to gauge
your *own* self worth by associating yourself with
TMers, you're gonna have to search a bit further
to find any who are "worthy."

An alternative, of course, might be actually DOING
something yourself, instead of living on fantasies
based on a dogma that is not and was never true.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread merudanda
Seems you had the same vision of Ganesh -therefore humbly humbly ask 
you to vote and join in:
  Let us celebrate and whore-ship  Buck as  the Ears of Lord Ganesh
  or he may lose his Dome badge, again
(rumors said will be reissued this year after a positive survey of his
effort here at FFL only)

and plze  whisper around this message:
Dear Buck our Ears of Lord Ganesh:

At FF and L, at FFL, where You first saw the light,
And the burden of Your  heart rolled away,
It was there by faith You received Your sight,
And now You are happy all the day.
Firm on this throne*, Your promise stands,
And You can well secure
What we've committed to Your hands,
Till the decisive hour.

Then will we own our worthless name
Before Your enlightened face;
And in the new cerebellum,
Appoint our soul a place.

Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
RH376 RH = Redemption Hymnal

*Let us build this throne and  temple for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
a pyramid at FFL (fire in the middle) represented the enlightened mind
of Buck:
  a king chamber (pineal)at FFL for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
a queen chamber (pituitary) for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
  at FFL
  representing this very purifying internal process

from now on You had to get past  the elephant image of Buck  to enter
the sacred temple of FFL representing our reptilian brain only by
w(h)orshiping Him.
Lets mediate on Buck's real image let us focus inwardly upon the Ganesh
within  know as the god that removes obstacles in our lives.
By praying/focusing on Buck-Ganesh he removes the obstacles out of our
Of course this  is a complete internal process, for we (ourselves - our 
perceptions/expectations/beliefs) are the obstacles in our own lives.
  Beware  Buck-Ganesh is not an external God even though he may manifest
in  certain aspects of outer life somewhere at Fairfield,Iowa.

Who can sound the depths of sorrow
We have scorned the truth You gave us
Who will stand before your anger?
Who can face your piercing eyes?
Growing in You; no more shall be named
Things of which now we're truly ashamed,
Fruit unto holiness will we bear,
Life evermore, the end we shall share.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> There once was a man who called himself Maharishi,
> He liked to laugh a lot and collect Reese Pieces,
> ate them from his privacy room, stocked that little frig full.
> Tossing them in the air, he'd catch them with flair,
>  in his mouth, smack the teeth,
> or lost in his beard, or his long hair, for the late night snack, that
was weird.
> Gather round and listen;
> "Peanuts are for elephants," they said he'd say, as he collected the
rounds from the crowd, dismayed, with smiles on their faces.
> But, Ganesh knew what an elephant knows, that the Guru gets strong,
> from peanuts in his room. Peanuts stacked tight in the frig right
away, safe from those who may misuse them as directed. Safe for the
enlightened, safe like the drink of root beer and sassafras but not
Indian ink.
> One day you may be awakened, but not today. Just please give me a dime
a day, for a Pandit to stay?
> Is this the type of thing you are talking about, Buck?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Getting closer to the free unlimited posting days,
> > > >
> > >
> > > Now look it here, before we turn this list out unbridled I think
it really best to look to tighten up our guidelines right now before it
is too late.  -Buck
> > >
> >
> > Look it, about the recurring FFL Blasphemy;
> > I really feel some of the bad talking bad this way about Maharishi
the way they do is a sin.  People should not speak ill of the dead. 
Particularly about such a great warrior and teacher.  At a minimum these
guys should repent their sin and come back to meditation.  A human
lifetime is a terrible thing to waste.  It is nearly unfathomable to
contemplate the bad karmaic effects these guys are creating for
themselves talking bad like this they do about the works of such great
seers like this Maharishi.
> >

[FairfieldLife] It's all about Barry watching GLEE TV

2013-08-07 Thread Richard J. Williams

You could have saved yourself  a lot of trouble by just
posting "I had nothing better to do this morning so
I watched Glee on TV - all suck and I hate you - it's
raining outside now and I have to go to work 9-5 with
idiots at the office so I can pay the rent". LoL!

On 8/7/2013 1:57 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

Well said, salyavin.

As for me, this morning I was at home in my apartment in Paris,
waiting for the torrential rain to let up enough so that I can run to
the Metro and go to work, and while waiting began to surf the TV
channels and found a show actually being broadcast in English. I
had heard of it before, because it's mentioned so often on Huffpost
and on other social media outlets, but I had never seen it before.

Now that I have finally seen "Glee," I am convinced that it's pretty
much the perfect metaphor not only for Fairfield Life, but for the
fantasy projected lifestyle that many have come to believe is their
real lifestyle.

I mean, the basic metaphor is an American high school. That's
pretty much synonymous with superficiality, self-absorption, and
lack of contact with reality, right? It's rife with drama queens,
real queens, cliques, mean girl clubs, poseurs, and idiots who
believe they're geniuses.

If you live in the US and haven't seen it, I think you'd find it
*remarkably* reminiscent of Fairfield Life. And possibly life in
Fairfield itself.

Where else, after all, could you find a bunch of people ecstatic
that the rules have been lifted and now they can spend as much
time as they want ragging on the people they don't like, the ones
not "cool enough" to be in their "club?" Only on FFL, and GLEE.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
, "salyavin808" wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
, "sparaig" LEnglish5@ wrote:

> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
, turquoiseb wrote:

> > [...]
> > >
> > > That's the thing that TBs never seem to realize about
> > > their dreams of an "Age Of Enlightenment" -- how BORING
> > > it would be.
> >
> > Do you really believe that things would be boring if everyone
> Things would be exactly the same if everyone meditated. Look
> at this place, look at the TMO. I think the point is that *if*
> you got your dreamed of AoE you wouldn't have any of the fun,
> rows and scandals that seem such a motiff around here and in
> the wider movement.
> > I mean, I'd expect fewer crimes and such, but look at the famous
people who have been meditating for 40 years: are they boring?
> The only one I can think of is Lynch and I would definitely
> say his career has been sinking to ever more anodyne lows
> as the years go by. The rest of the long termers, Bevan etc,
> don't strike me as embodying any values I would have associated
> with enlightenment before I actually knew what the score was.
> I suspect you have an idea of what the AoE would be like but keep
> getting it confused with mundane reality. That's the TMOs bad, it
> keeps up the myth of a perfect life for all but has yet to deliver
> even a glimpse for us to get excited over, seems like it's all
> dogma to me - get the east facing house, eat the right food, pay
> for the yagyas, get to the dome twice a day and voila! Or not...
> > Creating a situation where you operate at lower stress-levels
shouldn't make a lick of difference as to how interesting or
uninteresting people find you unless it is the self-destructive impulses
due to stress that people are finding interesting.
> This is often the way with music and art. And war has always
> been the biggest motivator of industry, do you think we would
> have got to the moon without the Rusky threat, no chance. Forget
> Mars, and Jeebus, in what way would people spending 4 hours a day
> in the dome make them more likely to build huge rockets. It gives
> you *less* time to do stuff, the "accomplish more" thing is a joke
> isn't it?
> > DO you think that the existence of crime and war in the world make
the world a more interesting place to live? What if we used those same
resources to go to Mars or devise a better educational system, or a
better Internet?
> >
> > Wouldn't the world be at least as interesting in that situation?
> It would be interesting to live in a fantasy world yes. But I don't
> see any great discoveries coming from meditators, unless I missed
> something, I think TM - fundamentally - don't do jack shit, you are
either a great thinker to start with, or you aren't.
> Would Einstein have discovered things quicker if he spent 20x20 in
> a trance? We'll never know but we can be sure that if he got
brainwashed by the reesh he would have made as many wild unprovable and
speculative claims about physics as certain other "scientists"
> I could mention. 50 years of meditation has failed *utterly* in this
regard. Hagelin has *not* finished Einstein's work.
> > L
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread merudanda
Let us celebrate and whore-ship  Buck as  the Ears of Lord Ganesh  or he
may lose his Dome badge, again

Dear Buck our Ears of Lord Ganesh:

At FF and L, at FFL, where You first saw the light,
And the burden of Your  heart rolled away,
It was there by faith You received Your sight,
And now You are happy all the day.
Firm on this throne*, Your promise stands,
And You can well secure
What we've committed to Your hands,
Till the decisive hour.

Then will we own our worthless name
Before Your enlightened face;
And in the new cerebellum,
Appoint our soul a place.

Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
RH376 RH = Redemption Hymnal

*Let us build this throne and  temple for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
a pyramid at FFL (fire in the middle) represented the enlightened mind
of Buck:
  a king chamber (pineal)at FFL for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
a queen chamber (pituitary) for Buck the Ears of Lord Ganesh
  at FFL
  representing this very purifying internal process

from now on You had to get past  the elephant image of Buck  to enter
the sacred temple of FFL representing our reptilian brain only by
w(h)orshiping Him.
Lets mediate on Buck's real image let us focus inwardly upon the Ganesh
within  know as the god that removes obstacles in our lives.
By praying/focusing on Buck-Ganesh he removes the obstacles out of our
Of course this is a complete internal process, for we (ourselves - our
perceptions/expectations/beliefs) are the obstacles in our own lives.
  Beware Buck-Ganesh is not an external God even though he may manifest
in certain aspects of outer life somewhere at Fairfield,Iowa.

Who can sound the depths of sorrow
We have scorned the truth You gave us
Who will stand before your anger?
Who can face your piercing eyes?
Growing in You; no more shall be named
Things of which now we're truly ashamed,
Fruit unto holiness will we bear,
Life evermore, the end we shall share.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > >
> > > > >
> > > > > If Alex doesn't like it, why not let Buck do the moderating ?
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Well, in terms of people still here who posted early on, Dick
Mays has top seniority at post #5, followed closely by Buck at #6.
Buck's been chomping at the bit to whip this place into accord with
Natural Law, so why not put him in charge of the whole thing? To put it
another way, what would Maharishi do? Maharishi would chose Buck.
> > >
> > > With the posting limits gone we'll see a steady rising flood of
anti-TMO- and pro-Buddhist-propaganda from the Turq. He's been mocking
Judy for been responsible for the 50 limit, but the fact is that he was
among the 5 top posters that made the rule a necessity in the first
> > >
> > > Who knows what Maharishi would do, except having a good laugh at
what is going on here, but my vote goes to Buck.
> > >
> I'm not ashamed to own The Unified Field
> Or to defend its cause;
> Maintain the honor of Its field,
> The glories of its cause.
> > !Jai The Unified Field!
> > I Be just a humble servant,
> > -Buck
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Another True Brother Story

2013-08-07 Thread seventhray27

Hey Michael,

I enjoyed that.

But it sort of begs the question:



I know in a reply to Share many months ago you relayed, what I felt, was
a very nice account of some parts of your childhood.

It sounds like once everyone reached the teenage years, things took a
turn.  Not a bad turn, just a different turn.

I will relate an experience of mine.

My oldest son and I always spent a lot of time together, doing all the
traditional things - throwing the ball around the yard.  Playing a round
of golf on occasion.  Having me shuttle him around places - soccer,

The day he turned 16 and got his drivers license, he was pretty much
off.  Suddenly he entered a new part of his life without much warning.

I really don't expect him to return much to the fold until he is maybe
26 or so.  Now he is starting his third year of college, and he is
having to decide if he wants to study, or party.  The studying part had
its strongest piece his first semester.  Since then, he's been drifting
more in the other direction.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Another little story about brother. Like most siblings, we
> argued and fought a lot, with me on the losing end most of the time as
> is four years older than me. Brother was also sometimes a sneaky sob.
> Our house had been built by our Uncle Mike and Aunt Helen,
> back in the very early fifties. The kitchen had black and white square
> and an art deco table. The legs were wooden, the body of the table
itself was
> some kind of metal that had a porcelain top that was somehow fused
onto the
> metal underneath. The porcelain was white and the metal black.
> Brother was not only sneaky, but irritating as well. One of
> his habits was to take a steel tablespoon, hold it by the handle and
beat the
> spoon repeatedly on the metal table top. It made a lot of noise and
> extremely annoying. I came home one day, walked into the house through
> garage, through the back door into the pantry and thus into the
kitchen. The
> Old Man was already in a rage and started raising hell at me.
> I had no idea what he was yelling about. He pointed his
> finger at my side of the table. The table was rectangular in shape and
was set
> flush against one wall. The Old Man sat in the white wooden chair
closest to
> the door into the den, with his back to his liquor cabinet, I sat
> across from him with my back to the pantry door, and brother sat with
his back
> to the kitchen sink to my left and the Old Man's right.
> We always sat in those places and none other in the kitchen.
> The Old Man pointed out that a sizeable piece of the porcelain top of
the table
> on my side had been chipped off. I protested and proclaimed my
innocence. The Old
> Man really raised hell, because we rented the house from Uncle Mike
and Aunt
> Helen and the table was theirs. He cussed me out. Brother just sat and
> when the Old Man doled out the punishment, restriction or something, I
> longer remember.
> A couple days later I was eating a snack at my usual kitchen
> table spot, and I was idly looking at the spoon I had to eat my
cereal. For some
> reason I wanted to see what kind of noise I could make by framming the
spoon on
> the table, and as I did so, a tiny piece of porcelain chipped off the
> I was shocked as understanding dawned in me. BROTHER had
> been sitting at MY place when no one was there, damaged the table and
got me in
> trouble. Brother got home shortly and I confronted him in the kitchen.
> "You son of a bitch!"
> "What's wrong with you?"
> "You bastard, YOU'RE the one who tore up the table
> here, weren't you?"
> Brother grinned and said "Damn right! I was sitting at
> your place and frammed the hell out of the table, and it just chipped
off. I
> didn't mean to, but it just happened."
> "You better tell the Old Man what really
> happened!"
> "Fuck you motherfucker. I ain't tellin' him shit."
> We cussed each other for a while but he wouldn't agree to
> come clean. It did no good for me to tell the Old Man what happened
because he
> didn't believe me and cussed me for lying to him.
> As all this happened when I was still in high school, in the
> days prior to TM and any sort of Eastern knowledge for me. I had no
idea what
> karma was, but karma was taking care of itself without my cooperation.
> got his comeuppance and I am going to tell you how karma did it.
> A rare and much loved event would happen once in a blue moon
> at our house. The Old Man would announce mid-week "I'm gone be gone
> overnight this Saturday."
> "Where you going?" one of us would ask.
> The Old Man would always respond the same way. He would
> incline his head, look down his nose and sort of jut his chin at us at
the same
> time and say very emphatically "None of your gaaawwd damn
> business!"
> No matter how many times we asked, he would never tell us
> his destination, but we kn

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators

2013-08-07 Thread Buck

> Yup, People like Feste are the crux of a problemm with the meditating 
> community for the TM movement here.  The antagonized meditator.  The 
> antagonized by all the TM controversies.  The problem of how to facilitate 
> them and convert them back to being friendly to the cause, from negative to 
> positive meditator.  From non- to practicing again.  And, even willing to 
> come to a group meditation for the good it will do.  It's a problem.
> -Buck

Yep Turqb critiques:
Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does.

Yep, seems characteristic now that the TM.org just goes on without saying or 
addressing who they are in character as a means to deal with the controversies 
problem around them that evidently dog them in the marketplace.  Not a "We are 
this" stance or even "not that".  Just going on.  There was nothing like that 
as clean moral leadership at the recent TM Guru Purnima services as they just 
leave it to the large media to hash and define who they are as tainted 
character.  Notice for instance that "David wants to Fly" is readily available 
as docu-critique on the internet www.  The Boards of Trustees need to think 
about stepping up to the lack of transparency and moral characteristics of the 
leadership going forward or we'll always be tainted by a past.  It's a problem.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> >
> > Whoah!!! 
> > 
> > "What could non-meditators have to say that has worthwhile perspective?" 
> > 
> > This does imply Buck, that you feel non-meditators of every stripe have 
> > nothing to offer to the world. That means you think the vast majority of 
> > the world has nothing to offer.
> > 
> > That kind of elitist mind set is one of the reasons I no longer do TM. 
> > Feste was a faculty member at MIU in the 1980's so I bet Feste was a sidha 
> > or governor.
> > 
> > Either way, from my point of view, not doing TM is not a tragedy nor is it 
> > throwing it away. The whole point to TM was supposed to be getting one to 
> > the state where one no longer needs to meditate. As it says somewhere in 
> > the Upanishads (I think) "To a man of awakened intellect, the Vedas are of 
> > as much use as a small pool of water in a place where there are pools of 
> > water on every side."  
> > 
> > Supposin' those of us who no longer meditate feel Pure Awareness all day 
> > long whether we are waking or sleeping? What's the point of closing the 
> > eyes to experience what you are experiencing with your eyes open? 
> > 
> > There are a lot of reasons to not meditate regularly and none of them are 
> > tragic. One of the things I enjoy about not doing TM is that I no longer 
> > experience fatigue in the late afternoon. All the years I did TM, I would 
> > get tired around 3 or 4 pm, especially if I could not for some reason do 
> > the afternoon meditation. Now I go till 9 pm without fatigue which is when 
> > I get sleepy. Then I sleep.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: Buck 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 7:53 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> > >
> > > So Buck do you consider everyone who ever learned the sidhis to still be 
> > > a sidha or governor even if they don't do them and don't do TM?
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > Dear MJ;
> > Well, we are identified by the things we do.  Yur a meditator or yur not in 
> > this case.  Yur a 'practicing' sidha or yur not.  Likewise a Governor.  In 
> > our case here, Yur a practitioner or yur a quitter.  Of course people will 
> > split hairs many more ways.  It sounds like Feste is a non-meditator 
> > quitter as in once learned meditation and just does not do it.  Like if I 
> > remember right you are a meditator, as in learned to meditate and you 
> > meditate now.  It is the only reason I bother to read yur posts here.  What 
> > could non-meditators have to say that has worthwhile perspective?  That 
> > someone could learn meditation and throw it away is tragedy beyond reason.  
> > I'm a practical guy, no philosopher,I meditate and I use Patanjali all the 
> > time too, a sidha too.
> > I got to git to morning meditation at the Dome right now.
> > Jai Brahmananda Saraswati, 
> > -Buck 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  From: Buck 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:23 PM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Meditators
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they 
> > > > have never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a 
> > > > start, although I have done in the past. 
> > > >
> > > 
> > > Dear Feste, you don't meditate?  Om Jeez.  Yur a non-meditator?  I am 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!

2013-08-07 Thread Share Long
I love this hymn, Buck, thanks for posting.

 From: Buck 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 10:11 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Om Happy Day!

When the Unified Field Walked!


Good Night, 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Brian May excited by these pics!?

2013-08-07 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Doctor of astrophysics, guitarist of Queen, Brian May
> > is said to be interested in these pics by Mr. Metsävainio
> > (metsä-vainio - forest-field):
> >
> > http://astroanarchy.zenfolio.com/
> >
> astro 

You know, our tax dollars paid for all those NASA photos.  Like you know, God 
the Unified Field blessed America.  I don't think that people should just be 
able to use them star photos free just for selfish reasons of commerce like 
self-promoting so-called big-shot rock stars as intellectual artists without 
paying something to the US Treasury.  As one who simply works the dirt for a 
means and appreciates the stars directly overhead it pisses me off an gravels 
my ass that these so-called artists get by using our hard earned dollars the 
way they do like cons.  You know, and its our money that protects them from 
Islamists and such and keeps them free to rip us off the way they do.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TV Sutras

2013-08-07 Thread Share Long
Richard, looks like a tame version of the original movie which was neither tame 
nor superficial IMHO:

From: Richard J. Williams 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 9:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TV Sutras

Share Long:
> Yay LISCO! 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECoNFPfKA0I
And, don't forget re-runs on AMC: 


"You seek a great fortune [and] you will find 
a fortune – though it will not be the fortune 
you seek. But first, first you must travel a 
long and difficult road – a road fraught with 
peril… and pregnant with adventure… I cannot 
say how long this road shall be. But fear not 
the obstacles in your path, for Fate has 
vouchsafed your reward." 


'Analyzing the Coen's O Brother! Where Art 
Thou? to Homer's The Odyssey'

Emmlou Harris - Down from the Mountain:

Oh Brother Where Art Thou?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Brian May excited by these pics!?

2013-08-07 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Doctor of astrophysics, guitarist of Queen, Brian May
> > is said to be interested in these pics by Mr. Metsävainio
> > (metsä-vainio - forest-field):
> >
> > http://astroanarchy.zenfolio.com/
> >
> astro 

Great stuff, it's amazing the sort of picture quality you
can get with modest equipment from your back yard these

I always make a pilgrimage to the Astrophotographer of the 
year at Greenwich, the pics there are within a gnats teat of 
what you used to only get from a 200" mirror on top of a
volcano in Hawaii. Hard to believe sometimes.


A telescope, a digital camera and a lot of patience is all you
need. And a fair bit of knowledge about the heavens but that goes
without saying I'm sure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feeding Meditators Safely

2013-08-07 Thread Buck

> Would you suppose the wild-caught frozen fresh salmon fillets from the North 
> Pacific are pre-cooked enough already with radiation from Fukishima?  Ready 
> to eat right out of the bag?
> A Japanese government official said Wednesday approximately 300 tons of 
> contaminated water is leaking into the Pacific Ocean each day from the 
> crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the Reuters news agency 
> reports.
> The official also told reporters Tokyo believes the water has been leaking 
> into the ocean for two years.
> http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57597331/tons-of-tainted-water-leaking-into-ocean-from-fukushima/

May the Unified Field protect the meditator and keep our groups together in 
meditation through these times of relative  woe on earth.
> >
> > Canned Wild caught fish?  Noticed at the local natural food store here that 
> > the price of canned fish protein is falling.  Also frozen salmon filets 
> > caught wild from the ocean fisheries of the North Pacific?  Would you eat 
> > fish caught from the Pacific given the way the radiation from Japan has 
> > spread and gone with debris even washing up on the West coast of the USA?
> > 
> > Late-Breaking Headlines continue:
> > "A barrier built to contain the water has already been breached, the 
> > Nuclear Regulatory Authority warned.
> > This means the amount of contaminated water seeping into the Pacific Ocean 
> > could accelerate rapidly, it said.
> > There has been spate of water leaks and power failures at the plant, 
> > devastated by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami."
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Brian May excited by these pics!?

2013-08-07 Thread Share Long
They're beautiful cardemaister, thank you for posting. BTW I save a lot of your 
posts which I find very interesting but hard for me to understand so I usually 
don't reply. Especially interesting are some of the Sanskrit ones.

 From: card 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 5:28 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Brian May excited by these pics!?


Doctor of astrophysics, guitarist of Queen, Brian May
is said to be interested in these pics by Mr. Metsävainio
(metsä-vainio - forest-field):



[FairfieldLife] Re: Dr. B.M's gonna visit Hellsink-y any day soon!

2013-08-07 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> Don't ask why but I'm just curious: how tall is Dr. M?

Average, XXXL.  Pants are put on one leg at a time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feeding Meditators Safely

2013-08-07 Thread Buck

Would you suppose the wild-caught frozen fresh salmon fillets from the North 
Pacific are pre-cooked enough already with radiation from Fukishima?  Ready to 
eat right out of the bag?

A Japanese government official said Wednesday approximately 300 tons of 
contaminated water is leaking into the Pacific Ocean each day from the crippled 
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the Reuters news agency reports.
The official also told reporters Tokyo believes the water has been leaking into 
the ocean for two years.

> Canned Wild caught fish?  Noticed at the local natural food store here that 
> the price of canned fish protein is falling.  Also frozen salmon filets 
> caught wild from the ocean fisheries of the North Pacific?  Would you eat 
> fish caught from the Pacific given the way the radiation from Japan has 
> spread and gone with debris even washing up on the West coast of the USA?
> Late-Breaking Headlines continue:
> "A barrier built to contain the water has already been breached, the Nuclear 
> Regulatory Authority warned.
> This means the amount of contaminated water seeping into the Pacific Ocean 
> could accelerate rapidly, it said.
> There has been spate of water leaks and power failures at the plant, 
> devastated by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> By famous people, I meant people like David Lynch, Clint Eastwood, Howard 
> Stern, Donvan, Jerry Seinfeld, and so on, all of whom have been meditating in 
> the 4 decade range.

Oh yeah, Donovan. Mellow Yellow and erm.

For completenesses sake: had to Google Howard Stern, vaguely 
aware of Seinfeld and I think Clint Eastwood is massively 
overrated but not as much as Lynch. 

All of them are legends in their lunchtime AFAIC and I'm fairly
sure all of them could have achieved their dizzy heights without

> L
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > [...]
> > > > 
> > > > That's the thing that TBs never seem to realize about
> > > > their dreams of an "Age Of Enlightenment" -- how BORING
> > > > it would be. 
> > > 
> > > Do you really believe that things would be boring if everyone meditated?
> > 
> > Things would be exactly the same if everyone meditated. Look
> > at this place, look at the TMO. I think the point is that *if*
> > you got your dreamed of AoE you wouldn't have any of the fun,
> > rows and scandals that seem such a motiff around here and in
> > the wider movement.
> >  
> > > I mean, I'd expect fewer crimes and such, but look at the famous people 
> > > who have been meditating for 40 years: are they boring?
> > 
> > The only one I can think of is Lynch and I would definitely
> > say his career has been sinking to ever more anodyne lows
> > as the years go by. The rest of the long termers, Bevan etc,
> > don't strike me as embodying any values I would have associated
> > with enlightenment before I actually knew what the score was.
> > 
> > I suspect you have an idea of what the AoE would be like but keep
> > getting it confused with mundane reality. That's the TMOs bad, it
> > keeps up the myth of a perfect life for all but has yet to deliver
> > even a glimpse for us to get excited over, seems like it's all
> > dogma to me - get the east facing house, eat the right food, pay
> > for the yagyas, get to the dome twice a day and voila! Or not...
> > 
> >  
> > > Creating a situation where you operate at lower stress-levels shouldn't 
> > > make a lick of difference as to how interesting or uninteresting people 
> > > find you unless it is the self-destructive impulses due to stress that 
> > > people are finding interesting. 
> > 
> > This is often the way with music and art. And war has always
> > been the biggest motivator of industry, do you think we would
> > have got to the moon without the Rusky threat, no chance. Forget
> > Mars, and Jeebus, in what way would people spending 4 hours a day
> > in the dome make them more likely to build huge rockets. It gives
> > you *less* time to do stuff, the "accomplish more" thing is a joke
> > isn't it?
> > 
> >  
> > > DO you think that the existence of crime and war in the world make the 
> > > world a more interesting place to live? What if we used those same 
> > > resources to go to Mars or devise a better educational system, or a 
> > > better Internet? 
> > > 
> > > Wouldn't the world be at least as interesting in that situation?
> > 
> > It would be interesting to live in a fantasy world yes. But I don't
> > see any great discoveries coming from meditators, unless I missed
> > something, I think TM - fundamentally - don't do jack shit, you are either 
> > a great thinker to start with, or you aren't. 
> > 
> > Would Einstein have discovered things quicker if he spent 20x20 in
> > a trance? We'll never know but we can be sure that if he got brainwashed by 
> > the reesh he would have made as many wild unprovable and speculative claims 
> > about physics as certain other "scientists" 
> > I could mention. 50 years of meditation has failed *utterly* in this 
> > regard. Hagelin has *not* finished Einstein's work.
> >  
> > > L
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brian May excited by these pics!?

2013-08-07 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> Doctor of astrophysics, guitarist of Queen, Brian May
> is said to be interested in these pics by Mr. Metsävainio
> (metsä-vainio - forest-field):
> http://astroanarchy.zenfolio.com/


[FairfieldLife] Brian May excited by these pics!?

2013-08-07 Thread card

Doctor of astrophysics, guitarist of Queen, Brian May
is said to be interested in these pics by Mr. Metsävainio
(metsä-vainio - forest-field):


[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> By famous people, I meant people like David Lynch, 
> Clint Eastwood, Howard Stern, Donvan, Jerry Seinfeld, 
> and so on, all of whom have been meditating in the 
> 4 decade range.

Lawson, don't you *ever* get tired of being a 
perpetual groupie, and gaining your sense of  
self worth by associating yourself in your mind
with people you've never met, and with whom the
only thing you have in common is that you all
once learned a simple, rudimentary technique
of meditation?

You demonstrate a classic syndrome among TMers,
one that started with *Maharishi's* groupie-love.
The man was just *shameless* about sucking up to
people who were famous or rich, and then trying
to use *their* fame, or their celebrity, or their
names to enhance his own, as if some of their
creativity and success could "rub off on him"
by association. 

The issue is NOT what a few cherry-picked "success
stories" (most of whom were famous LONG before 
they ever learned TM) have done with their lives.
It's what YOU -- and others like you who keep
trotting out this "Just look at the famous TMers"
meme -- have done with your lives. 

Me, I'm just an ordinary, garden-variety writer
who currently gets paid fairly well to shuttle
back and forth between the Netherlands and France.
I've never claimed to be "enlightened," and have
no organization I'm part of or "represent," and
no "image" to maintain. So I can just be myself.
There is no one I even *could* suck up to in an
attempt to bolster my supposed "specialness."

But YOU GUYS seem to fall back on this "Just look 
at the famous TMers" meme any time someone asks
YOU what you've accomplished with YOUR lives. 

What's up with that? It couldn't possibly be that
you *haven't* accomplished very much with your
lives, could it? It couldn't be that few people
you even have had *contact with* in the TMO have
ever done much with their lives, could it?

But it doesn't matter, as long as there are one
or two "famous TMers" you can point at whenever
the issue comes up. Like Paul McCartney, who only
claimed to have stopped smoking dope a year or so
ago. Or David Lynch, who hasn't done a film other
than music videos, festival trailers, or shorts
since 2007. Or Donovan, whose new album "Shadows
Of Blue" was self-published and is so obscure you
can't even find it on Amazon. Clint, to his credit,
is still trying to make movies, but his production
seems to be in financial jeopardy, possibly as a 
result of his "talk to the chair" Eastwooding 
routine. Jerry Seinfeld? Well, to his credit, 
the writing for "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee"
was nominated for an Emmy, but other than that he
doesn't seem to have done much of anything except
guest performances and voice-overs since his show
went off the air in 1998. 

Seems to me that if you want to continue to gauge
your *own* self worth by associating yourself with
TMers, you're gonna have to search a bit further 
to find any who are "worthy." 

An alternative, of course, might be actually DOING
something yourself, instead of living on fantasies
based on a dogma that is not and was never true.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Want to know what FFL is like? Watch GLEE

2013-08-07 Thread card

FWIW, I guess it's a gift to be able to intuitively "see", that
the (quantum) vacuum state, or somesuch, and Pure Consciousness
are the same "stuff"... IOW, "experience" of TC is subjective, well,
experience of QV!? ROFLOL!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> Barry - we don't deserve you, the uber cool, evolved, enlightened, carefree
> Uncle Tantra.
> Consider this your get-out-of-FFL free card, your last chance before the
> madness begins this Friday - whenwe idiots, drama queens, real queens, mean
> girls, poseurs start our frenzied, depraved revelry.
> We will really miss you Barry baby. We love you Uncle Tantra.
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 11:57 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> >
> > Well said, salyavin.
> >
> > As for me, this morning I was at home in my apartment in Paris,
> > waiting for the torrential rain to let up enough so that I can run to
> > the Metro and go to work, and while waiting began to surf the TV
> > channels and found a show actually being broadcast in English. I
> > had heard of it before, because it's mentioned so often on Huffpost
> > and on other social media outlets, but I had never seen it before.
> >
> > Now that I have finally seen "Glee," I am convinced that it's pretty
> > much the perfect metaphor not only for Fairfield Life, but for the
> > fantasy projected lifestyle that many have come to believe is their
> > real lifestyle.
> >
> > I mean, the basic metaphor is an American high school. That's
> > pretty much synonymous with superficiality, self-absorption, and
> > lack of contact with reality, right? It's rife with drama queens,
> > real queens, cliques, mean girl clubs, poseurs, and idiots who
> > believe they're geniuses.
> >
> > If you live in the US and haven't seen it, I think you'd find it
> > *remarkably* reminiscent of Fairfield Life. And possibly life in
> > Fairfield itself.
> >
> > Where else, after all, could you find a bunch of people ecstatic
> > that the rules have been lifted and now they can spend as much
> > time as they want ragging on the people they don't like, the ones
> > not "cool enough" to be in their "club?" Only on FFL, and GLEE.
> >
> > :-)
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" LEnglish5@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb wrote:
> > > > [...]
> > > > >
> > > > > That's the thing that TBs never seem to realize about
> > > > > their dreams of an "Age Of Enlightenment" -- how BORING
> > > > > it would be.
> > > >
> > > > Do you really believe that things would be boring if everyone
> > meditated?
> > >
> > > Things would be exactly the same if everyone meditated. Look
> > > at this place, look at the TMO. I think the point is that *if*
> > > you got your dreamed of AoE you wouldn't have any of the fun,
> > > rows and scandals that seem such a motiff around here and in
> > > the wider movement.
> > >
> > > > I mean, I'd expect fewer crimes and such, but look at the famous
> > people who have been meditating for 40 years: are they boring?
> > >
> > > The only one I can think of is Lynch and I would definitely
> > > say his career has been sinking to ever more anodyne lows
> > > as the years go by. The rest of the long termers, Bevan etc,
> > > don't strike me as embodying any values I would have associated
> > > with enlightenment before I actually knew what the score was.
> > >
> > > I suspect you have an idea of what the AoE would be like but keep
> > > getting it confused with mundane reality. That's the TMOs bad, it
> > > keeps up the myth of a perfect life for all but has yet to deliver
> > > even a glimpse for us to get excited over, seems like it's all
> > > dogma to me - get the east facing house, eat the right food, pay
> > > for the yagyas, get to the dome twice a day and voila! Or not...
> > >
> > > > Creating a situation where you operate at lower stress-levels
> > shouldn't make a lick of difference as to how interesting or
> > uninteresting people find you unless it is the self-destructive impulses
> > due to stress that people are finding interesting.
> > >
> > > This is often the way with music and art. And war has always
> > > been the biggest motivator of industry, do you think we would
> > > have got to the moon without the Rusky threat, no chance. Forget
> > > Mars, and Jeebus, in what way would people spending 4 hours a day
> > > in the dome make them more likely to build huge rockets. It gives
> > > you *less* time to do stuff, the "accomplish more" thing is a joke
> > > isn't it?
> > >
> > > > DO you think that the existence of crime and war in the world make
> > the world a more interesting place to live? What if we used those same
> > resources to go to Mars or devise a better educational system, or a
> > better Internet?
> > > >
> > > > Wouldn't the world be at least as interesting in that situation?
> > >
> > > It would be interesting to live i

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alex's Birthday Present - Posting Limit

2013-08-07 Thread sparaig
By famous people, I meant people like David Lynch, Clint Eastwood, Howard 
Stern, Donvan, Jerry Seinfeld, and so on, all of whom have been meditating in 
the 4 decade range.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > [...]
> > > 
> > > That's the thing that TBs never seem to realize about
> > > their dreams of an "Age Of Enlightenment" -- how BORING
> > > it would be. 
> > 
> > Do you really believe that things would be boring if everyone meditated?
> Things would be exactly the same if everyone meditated. Look
> at this place, look at the TMO. I think the point is that *if*
> you got your dreamed of AoE you wouldn't have any of the fun,
> rows and scandals that seem such a motiff around here and in
> the wider movement.
> > I mean, I'd expect fewer crimes and such, but look at the famous people who 
> > have been meditating for 40 years: are they boring?
> The only one I can think of is Lynch and I would definitely
> say his career has been sinking to ever more anodyne lows
> as the years go by. The rest of the long termers, Bevan etc,
> don't strike me as embodying any values I would have associated
> with enlightenment before I actually knew what the score was.
> I suspect you have an idea of what the AoE would be like but keep
> getting it confused with mundane reality. That's the TMOs bad, it
> keeps up the myth of a perfect life for all but has yet to deliver
> even a glimpse for us to get excited over, seems like it's all
> dogma to me - get the east facing house, eat the right food, pay
> for the yagyas, get to the dome twice a day and voila! Or not...
> > Creating a situation where you operate at lower stress-levels shouldn't 
> > make a lick of difference as to how interesting or uninteresting people 
> > find you unless it is the self-destructive impulses due to stress that 
> > people are finding interesting. 
> This is often the way with music and art. And war has always
> been the biggest motivator of industry, do you think we would
> have got to the moon without the Rusky threat, no chance. Forget
> Mars, and Jeebus, in what way would people spending 4 hours a day
> in the dome make them more likely to build huge rockets. It gives
> you *less* time to do stuff, the "accomplish more" thing is a joke
> isn't it?
> > DO you think that the existence of crime and war in the world make the 
> > world a more interesting place to live? What if we used those same 
> > resources to go to Mars or devise a better educational system, or a better 
> > Internet? 
> > 
> > Wouldn't the world be at least as interesting in that situation?
> It would be interesting to live in a fantasy world yes. But I don't
> see any great discoveries coming from meditators, unless I missed
> something, I think TM - fundamentally - don't do jack shit, you are either a 
> great thinker to start with, or you aren't. 
> Would Einstein have discovered things quicker if he spent 20x20 in
> a trance? We'll never know but we can be sure that if he got brainwashed by 
> the reesh he would have made as many wild unprovable and speculative claims 
> about physics as certain other "scientists" 
> I could mention. 50 years of meditation has failed *utterly* in this regard. 
> Hagelin has *not* finished Einstein's work.
> > L
> >

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