Re: [Felvtalk] kitten with FeLV

2009-07-03 Thread Elizabeth Paz



Dear Sandra,


My Kitty (his name) has FELV, we got him when he was 7 months from students. He 
was diagnosed with Felv when he was not quite two, he is now 8 1/2 and the felv 
has been kept at bay with the Prednisone.  I also worried about my other cat 
Simba being exposed to him, because they would played and sleep together and 
this was long before we knew Kitty had the Felv.  It has been 6 1/2 years now 
and Simba has been tested and no sign of Felv. Both have always been indoor 









> Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 21:37:43 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] kitten with FeLV
> Hi there,
> I'm new to this... looking for some advice. I took in a stray, she's
> about 7 months old. She tested positive for FeLV. I didn't know she
> had FeLV. I took her in as she was hanging out on the patio of a
> restaurant, near a busy street. The owners of the restaurant were
> going to take her to the humane society.
> I already have a cat, who is not FeLV positive. The stray is with me
> while I try to re-home her, and my cat is with a friend.
> In an ideal world, I would like to keep the stray (Penny) and have her
> and my cat.
> Is this possible? Should I have Penny re-tested with a DNA test to
> make sure she does have FeLV?
> My cat (Stella) is an indoor cat, 7 years old. and has had all of her
> shots every year except for the last year.
> Is there any way they can live together with Penny being FeLV positive?
> any insight or links to relevant websites/postings would be greatly 
> appreciated!
> thank you.
> s.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] To all who are grieving...

2009-06-02 Thread Elizabeth Paz


Thank You for posting this Emily, it touched my heart.


> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 20:35:43 -0500
> Subject: [Felvtalk] To all who are grieving...
> ...most gentle thoughts. It is the nature of a list like this that 
> there is constant loss to deal with, and the fiftieth one is no easier 
> than the first. But with each story, I am struck by the remarkable 
> people here, who did not choose the easy way out and put a cat to 
> sleep simply because he or she tested positive. There is a lot of 
> grief here, but a lot of love as well. The kitties waiting for us all 
> at the Bridge were blessed to find human families who saw the value in 
> them despite the dread diagnosis.
> -Emily
> Sent from my iPhone
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] Please add Charlotte to the CLS

2009-05-05 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Laurie I'm so sorry about Charlotte, just a note to let you know I care and I'm 
thinking about you. I agree with you I hate this disease also.




> Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 21:51:19 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Please add Charlotte to the CLS
> Charlotte has just passed away.
> I came home from work, went into her room and she was lying on her side, 
> crying and breathing heavily. I ran and let my dogs out, came back to her and 
> held her for what turned out to be about 4 hours. She gradually slowed down, 
> but was responding to my voice for quite a while. Eventually that stopped and 
> I knew she was probably unconscious. She passed at the stroke of midnight, 
> and I know it sounds crazy, but I immediately felt so calm - I can only 
> explain it by saying that as soon as she died I physically felt her suffering 
> end. It was so strange. I am sitting here crying as I write this even though 
> I know it's better and she won't be in pain any more. But she'd been doing so 
> well and eating like a pig. Just this morning she was stuffing her face with 
> chicken. So I thought that maybe I could have her with me for just a while 
> longer, and just maybe she'd be one who survived despite the odds. Guess I 
> was wrong. I hate this disease.
> Thanks everyone for all your help.
> Laura
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] FeLV+ kitty is sick

2009-05-05 Thread Elizabeth Paz

I'm so sorry Laurie, I sent an email to you by mistake;  it was for someone at 
the pet diabetes group.


 Laura God must have put us together.   Regarding your baby Laura our Kitty 
(his real name)  was diagnosed with FELV when he was 2.  Kitty is now turning 8 
years old and has fought many an infection.  He's on prednisone 2.5 mg every 
other day and has been as healthy and vibrant as any other cat and you would 
not be able to tell the difference.  It just so happens that we've been told 
that he could have diabetes so another mountain to climb and another battle to 
win.  Don't give up, never quit and just keep loving her-magic happens look at 
our Kitty.  Please write me any time you want if you have any questions or ever 
need someone to talk to.

Laura what a wonderful thing you did taking in a sweet little girl.  Regardless 
of whatever happens look at the love she's been receiving from you.  God bless.





> Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 03:33:16 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] FeLV+ kitty is sick
> My Positive blind girl is sick, I have had her for just a year now and this 
> is the first time she's been ill.  I had my neighbor take her to my vet 
> yesterday and she had a fever of 104.9, she's also not eating much and VERY 
> lethargic.  I'm very worried.  
> I adopted Laura (she was named after me by my vets staff, long story) because 
> she was living at the vets, was blind and being tormented by another cat.  I 
> had her tested when I brought her home and found out she was pos, she came 
> from a colony that had alot of pos's, so I think she'd been pos since a 
> kitten, just didn't show on her first snap test.  Anyway, at that time we 
> found out the cat that was bullying her was also pos, he recently passed away.
> Laura will be three next month, I've read that many kitties don't live more 
> than 2-3 years after diagnosis.. Vet drew blood yesterday so today we should 
> get those results back...please keep a good thought it's not something dire.
> Laura
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] FeLV+ kitty is sick

2009-05-05 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Hi  Laurie, 

As you know we went to the vet today and did the blood panel and urinalysis and 
then decided to do the ear test.  By this time Kitty was overly stressed and 
subsequently received a 23.3 reading.  It was just a few days ago when he got a 
13.9 reading.  I wish that he did this test first to reduce all his stress.  He 
had his prednisone yesterday and of course we've been giving him the Methyl B12 
which does have sugar in it.  However he is more lively and has more strength 
in his hind quarters-it's not perfect but much better than just a few days ago. 
 We're so disappointed with the ear prick test but have high hopes regarding 
the urinalysis and blood work.
We spoke to the vet briefly regarding Lantus and have found out that our 
pharmacy stocks it which is good.  Today wasn't the right time to go into 
everything until all the tests come back but we made it clear to him that we 
are going to take a proactive role in Kitty's health.At this point in time 
I'm not interested in how this vet feels. We got Kitty through the FELV with a 
very good knowlegeable friend when everyone else was telling us to put him down 
but six years later we still have him. This is definitely going to be hard for 
me.  I have no problem giving needles to other people including myself but I 
have a hard time with my cats.

When I had to give Simba antibiotics for 10 days I was lousy at it and didn't 
have the thrust to get the needle in.  I know that I will think positively and 
for sure we'll be home testing. If this all comes to pass and he has to go on 
insulin I just have to keep repeating to myself that I will be able to do it as 
I have no choice.
Thank you so much Laurie  for all your help. Tomorrow when we hear from the vet 
I will let you know what the outcome is.

> Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 03:33:16 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] FeLV+ kitty is sick
> My Positive blind girl is sick, I have had her for just a year now and this 
> is the first time she's been ill.  I had my neighbor take her to my vet 
> yesterday and she had a fever of 104.9, she's also not eating much and VERY 
> lethargic.  I'm very worried.  
> I adopted Laura (she was named after me by my vets staff, long story) because 
> she was living at the vets, was blind and being tormented by another cat.  I 
> had her tested when I brought her home and found out she was pos, she came 
> from a colony that had alot of pos's, so I think she'd been pos since a 
> kitten, just didn't show on her first snap test.  Anyway, at that time we 
> found out the cat that was bullying her was also pos, he recently passed away.
> Laura will be three next month, I've read that many kitties don't live more 
> than 2-3 years after diagnosis.. Vet drew blood yesterday so today we should 
> get those results back...please keep a good thought it's not something dire.
> Laura
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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[Felvtalk] Survey

2009-02-08 Thread Elizabeth Paz

AT WHAT AGE DID YOUR CAT BECOME FeLV POSITIVE?   Kitty (that's his name) was 2 
years old.
WHAT> TREATMENTS DID YOU DO/ I groom him and show him love, (I was told this 
helps to relax him)changed his diet used oxygen 7 in his water, and 1 5mg of 
prednisone each day for 1 year..we now give him 1/2  (250mg) every other 
day..he is now 8 yrs old. he eats wellness and Fancy Feast.
 > WHAT LIFESTYLE DO YOUR CATS LEAD,  I keep all my cats indoors.
> ? LIVE WITH OTHER CATS OR NOT? Yes, I have a 13 year old Simba
HAS YOUR CAT HAD/ Kitty broke his ankle when he was about 1 and a half years 
old..I still believe in my heart this is when he picked up the Felv from the 
Vet...but hey told me. Never.
> IS YOUR CAT NOW?  Both are still alive ..and Kitty is as healthy as a horse.o
> sorry, but your time in answering would be really> appreciated! thanks so 
> much! hugs and good health to you and> your fur babies, Amanda, Tora and 
> Angel Silver chan. > ___
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Felvtalk mailing list

RE: Kitten with an enlarged heart...

2007-10-27 Thread Elizabeth Paz

> Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 12:40:04 
-0700> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: 
Kitten with an enlarged heart...>> I belong to this feline heart group, my Joey 
is HCM for a few years now.>>>> -->> Belinda> happiness is 
being owned by cats ...>> Be-Mi-Kitties>>> Post 
Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens>>> FeLV 
Candlelight Service>>> [affordable 
hosting & web design]>>> >> BMK Designs 
[non-profit animals websites]>>>

Thank you Belinda for the  site just finished posting on it.

Thank you again.

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RE: Kitten with an enlarged heart...

2007-10-26 Thread Elizabeth Paz

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: Kitten with an enlarged heart...> 
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 20:23:56 -0600>> Here is one link:>>> The other 2 are more 
specialized ~~one for specific breed and the other for> CRF and heart disease. 
You can find them under "feline heart disease" at> yahoo groups.>> I also like 
the yahoo group ~ petvetcafe. There are veterinarians that will> respond to 
questions. You can research previous posts about heart problems> and also ask 
questions. Good to find a vet whose answers you like and put> their name in the 
subject line along with your issue...e.g. Dr. X help> kitten with enlarged 
heart/fluid>> Take care and keep us posted> Laurie>>> - Original 
Message -> From: "Elizabeth Paz" > To: > Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 
7:59 PM> Subject: RE: Kitten with an enlarged heart...>>>> 
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:>> Subject: Re: Kitten with an enlarged heart...>> 
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 19:53:55 -0600>> ps there are a couple heart related> 
yahoo groups. Have you found them?> L> - Original Message -> From:> 
"Elizabeth Paz"> To:> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 7:03 PM> Subject:> Kitten 
with an enlarged heart...>>>>> No Laurie I did not know there was groups for 
the heart for cats..Would you> know of the link?>> I have only delt with the 
Felv for years.>> Thank you for your quick response.> Liz.> 
_> Have fun 
while connecting on Messenger! Click here to learn more.>>>

Thank you Laurie I will.

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RE: Kitten with an enlarged heart...

2007-10-26 Thread Elizabeth Paz

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: Kitten with an enlarged heart...> 
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 19:52:57 -0600>> My best advice is to keep Leia's life 
as stress-free as possible. THAT> should slow down her heart rate.>> This 
may not be what your kitten hasmy elder cat Keisha had fluid around> her 
heart. It was congestive heart failure. Hers manifested in respiratory> 
distress. It can be treated but not cured. Keisha was over 11 when> diagnosed. 
I took her in the day after her purr sounded like it was echoing> inside her 
and I heard a clicking noise when I put my head to her chest. She> was also 
eating less and seemed to be in pain when moving her rear legs. An> xray 
revealed fluid around her lungs. Keisha was also asthmatic and horribly> 
allergic to many things. We also found a lung mass on her xray. It was>, different from your kitten.>> Lucy has a valentine shaped heart. 
We discovered this with a chest xray as> part of an annual check up. She had no 
symptoms. Her diagnosis is HCM and I> forget what the H stands for. The rest 
is: cardiomyopathy. She is almost 10.> She recently started medication to slow 
down her very fast heart rate (220> beats per minute). It is working great (now 
120 beats per minute) and she is> the happiest she's been for a long time. 
Risk: she could go into congestive> heart failure. We have to keep her stress 
level low. We may be able to> discontinue her meds at some point.>> A friend's 
cat 2 year old cat was diagnosed with a heart murmur. She was on> heart 
medicine for awhile and is doing great without it now. The main thing> with her 
is she needs to be monitored if under anesthesia and stress kept to> a 
minimum.>> My sister's cat also has a heart problem and is taking the same med 
Lucy is.> He is doing fine. He's 12 or older.>> You could ask for or find a 
specialist. A cardiologist or an internal> medicine specialist ...if you want 
to get a second opinion. Lucy goes to an> internal med doctor. She prescribed 
her meds in treat form. Lucy eats them> like a treat. Easy.>> I try not to 
worry but to get informed. I think my cats sense my worry.I> also think I 
can invite the very thing I dread if I give it too much> attention. Peace,> 
Laurie>>> - Original Message -> From: "Elizabeth Paz" > To: > Sent: 
Friday, October 26, 2007 7:03 PM> Subject: Kitten with an enlarged heart...>>>> 
Dear friends,>> My cat kitty with Felv is doing fine at the moment. But I was 
wondering if> anyone could give me any information on a kitten with an enlarged 
heart,> also with some fluid around it.>> In the beginning of September my 
daughter rescued three little kittens all> girls, my new little granfurbabies. 
One is now 22 weeks and the other two> are now 16 weeks (these two are 
sisters). My daughter noticed one of the> little sisters (Leia) was making a 
funny sound periodically so she took her> to the vet today and he x-rayed her 
and said she had fluid around her heart> and that the heart was also enlarged. 
The vet said there is no murmur and> as far as he was concerned there does not 
seem to be any blockage.>> He said her heart seems to be working over time this 
is why it is enlarged,> he told my daughter not to worry unless the little 
kitten opens her mouth> and starts to pant then she should bring Leia back.>> 
Would anyone have any kind of info on this. I feel (and I could be wrong)> that 
there may be something else that could be done. The vet said Leia is> to young 
to be giving any kind of Meds . I don't want my daughter's heart> (or mine ) to 
be broken if he is wrong.>> The vet told my daughter not to worry that Leia 
could grow out of this.> Enlarged heart with fluid around it...I do feel 
worried.>> Any info would be appreciated.>> Thank You> Liz.>> 
_> R U Ready 
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Thank you once more Laurie for taking the time to help.  I will forward your 
email to my daughter.  We live in Canada so we will have to scout around for a 
specialist , thank you for all your advice.

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RE: Kitten with an enlarged heart...

2007-10-26 Thread Elizabeth Paz

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: Kitten with an enlarged heart...> 
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 19:53:55 -0600>> ps there are a couple heart related 
yahoo groups. Have you found them?> L> - Original Message -----> From: 
"Elizabeth Paz" > To: > Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 7:03 PM> Subject: Kitten 
with an enlarged heart...>>>

No Laurie I did not know there was groups for the heart for cats..Would you 
know of the link?

I have only delt with the Felv for years.

Thank you for your quick response.
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Kitten with an enlarged heart...

2007-10-26 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Dear friends,

My cat kitty with Felv is doing fine at the moment.  But I was wondering if 
anyone could give me any information on a kitten with an enlarged heart, also 
with some fluid around it.

In the beginning of September my daughter rescued three little kittens all 
girls, my new little granfurbabies.  One is now 22 weeks and the other two are 
now 16 weeks (these two are sisters).  My daughter noticed one of the little 
sisters (Leia) was making a funny sound periodically so she took her to the vet 
today and he x-rayed her and said she had fluid around her heart and that the 
heart was also enlarged.  The vet said there is no murmur and as far as he was 
concerned there does not seem to be any blockage.

He said her heart seems to be working over time this is why it is enlarged, he 
told my daughter not to worry unless the little kitten opens her mouth and 
starts to pant then she should bring Leia back.

Would anyone have any kind of info on this.  I feel (and I could be wrong) that 
there may be something else that could be done.  The vet said Leia is to young 
to be giving any kind of Meds .   I don't want my daughter's heart  (or mine ) 
to be broken if he is wrong.

The vet told my daughter not to worry that Leia could grow out of this.  
Enlarged heart with fluid around it...I do feel worried.

Any info would be appreciated.

Thank You

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re: Prednisone and doing great......

2007-05-15 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Hi "C & J",

One morning I noticed his eyes were cloudy so we immediately rush to the 
vet.  He said it was Uveitis and it could be caused by a underlying problem. 
 He took a full blood panel and of course we got the sad results that he 
had Felv.  As I said before I had never heard about this disease, I know 
when he was a kitten he had his needles for it but the disease itself I knew 
nothing about.  I never understood where it came from as all my cats have 
always been indoor cats. But there it was.

He then started us on the prednisone, all I can say is that it has been a 
life saver for him.  At one point they had asked us to put him down but we 
desided this was not an option, and with lots of love and caring and of 
course lots of prayers he is so happy and healthy so far.

I felt the same as you are feeling about his immune system but I knew there 
was really not too much
of a choice.  I contacted a wonderful vet in the States (we are in Canada) 
Dr. Jean Hofve and had a
phone consultation with her and followed her advice more so than my own vet 
as he had little to say on felv, but she was fantastic and took away my 
fears regarding prednisone and his immune system.

I know it's a worry but I guess you have to see what is best for your kitty. 
Read and go into all the Anemia sites and talk to the forum members I'm sure 
many are going through the same dilemma. The way we all share this wonderful 
felv site and all the info.

Good Luck .


Subject: Re: Prednisone and doing great..
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 19:24:41 -0500

I'm just curious.  What condition was your vet treating with Prednisone? 
Was it just due to being FeLV+, or were there symptoms the vet was 

I've been giving prednisone for anemia, but I am trying to wean my kitty 
off of it.  I've been suppressing his immune system for 2 months now, and I 
don't think that is the best thing for him.


- Original Message - From: "Elizabeth Paz" 

Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 6:41 PM
Subject: Prednisone and doing great..

Hi Teresa,

My cat was  diagnosed with felv when he was 2 yrs old, he is now 7 1/2. It 
was such a shock at the time as I have had so many cats and this was the 
first time I had ever heard of felv.

He was put on 5 mg of Prednisone a day and is still going strong and I do 
mean strong.  The vet began lowering the dose after the first year and 
slowly continued.  We now give him 2.5 every other day and have been doing 
so for about 2 yrs now.   We did try to take him off of it completely, but 
after about 3 months we noticed  he was a bit hangy so we started it back 
up again and if you could see him he is a chunk and so healthy.

It's so hard to know we share this world with people that dump or throw 
little beating hearts away like garbage.  God Bless people like you 

From: Teresa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Prednisone?
Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 10:35:48 -0500

I recently have acquired several felv+ cats, the one who is sick at the 
moment is a pathetic case who was dropped off on the highway "near" a 
farm, a very popular dumping spot I've been monitoring for the past few 
years. Many or most of them end up at home with me if they seem not to be 
faring well at the farm. Anyway, turns out this poor thing is totally 
blind as well as felv+. I mean he sees NOTHING. I've had many cats who 
were "legally blind" but this one doesn't even react to bright light. He 
was dumped, in winter no less, along a highway roaring with 18 wheelers 
night and day. How this critter ever lived this long, he's probably 4-5 
years old, is totally beyond me.

Well I did not mean to get harping that, I'll never get off it. It just 
makes me sick to my stomach. Timmy is the most loving, slobbering, 
kissable, hugable, sweet thing to come along for a long time. But I have 
to guide him to his food dish and this is inside his cage. I mean, how 
has he LIVED? I suspect whoever dropped him didn't realize he was blind. 
Cats can sure fool you. But then again, seems it would be hard for him to 
fool anyone when he has to be shown his food dish. My understanding is 
that this farm only "feeds" cats that are dumped off "dog food and cow 
milk", so the daughter told me a couple years ago. And the night I picked 
him up, Timmy's stomach was making very loud growling noises for several 
hours, and seemed distended. That all went away in a day or so and I 
attributed it to drinking milk

Ok, what I was checking the list for was, some time ago I thought I saw 
some info on prednisone use in felv+ cats but I don't find it now. (Also 
several of the links from the felv s

Prednisone and doing great......

2007-05-14 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Hi Teresa,

My cat was  diagnosed with felv when he was 2 yrs old, he is now 7 1/2.  It 
was such a shock at the time as I have had so many cats and this was the 
first time I had ever heard of felv.

He was put on 5 mg of Prednisone a day and is still going strong and I do 
mean strong.  The vet began lowering the dose after the first year and 
slowly continued.  We now give him 2.5 every other day and have been doing 
so for about 2 yrs now.   We did try to take him off of it completely, but 
after about 3 months we noticed  he was a bit hangy so we started it back up 
again and if you could see him he is a chunk and so healthy.

It's so hard to know we share this world with people that dump or throw 
little beating hearts away like garbage.  God Bless people like you Teresa.

From: Teresa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Prednisone?
Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 10:35:48 -0500

I recently have acquired several felv+ cats, the one who is sick at the 
moment is a pathetic case who was dropped off on the highway "near" a farm, 
a very popular dumping spot I've been monitoring for the past few years. 
Many or most of them end up at home with me if they seem not to be faring 
well at the farm. Anyway, turns out this poor thing is totally blind as 
well as felv+. I mean he sees NOTHING. I've had many cats who were "legally 
blind" but this one doesn't even react to bright light. He was dumped, in 
winter no less, along a highway roaring with 18 wheelers night and day. How 
this critter ever lived this long, he's probably 4-5 years old, is totally 
beyond me.

Well I did not mean to get harping that, I'll never get off it. It just 
makes me sick to my stomach. Timmy is the most loving, slobbering, 
kissable, hugable, sweet thing to come along for a long time. But I have to 
guide him to his food dish and this is inside his cage. I mean, how has he 
LIVED? I suspect whoever dropped him didn't realize he was blind. Cats can 
sure fool you. But then again, seems it would be hard for him to fool 
anyone when he has to be shown his food dish. My understanding is that this 
farm only "feeds" cats that are dumped off "dog food and cow milk", so the 
daughter told me a couple years ago. And the night I picked him up, Timmy's 
stomach was making very loud growling noises for several hours, and seemed 
distended. That all went away in a day or so and I attributed it to 
drinking milk

Ok, what I was checking the list for was, some time ago I thought I saw 
some info on prednisone use in felv+ cats but I don't find it now. (Also 
several of the links from the felv site do not work at the moment, 
including the Cornell info one.) I haven't been giving Timmy pred, or 
anything solely for his felv, but he's gotten this upper respiratory that 
is going through my flock and got real sick with it and is now improving 
with baytril spiked with some dexamethasone just to allow him to breathe 
better etc. But I understood that pred can be beneficial in felv. Actually 
I think I snatched him from the jaws of death this time, my fingers are 
still crossed. Another felv+, Inky, that I picked up at the same time, just 
died last night from this virus, in spite of the most intensive treatments 
we could give him.

I do have a wonderful vet. But of course I still like to double check up to 
put into context, what he might be saying about this subject or others. But 
he has won my confidence over the past 5 years but again, YOU GUYS are the 
real experts.

So can anyone tell me where the pred info is or any thoughts on building 
Timmy up for future battles? I've been sort of subconsciously switching him 
over to people food, first as a means of enticing him to eat but the more 
I've been thinking about this pet food adulteration situation, the more it 
seems to answer my questions for such a long time now, about why kidney 
failure seems to be such a big issue with cats these days. What have we 
been feeding our cats lately? I guess we have no way of really knowing. At 
least people food is usually more recognizable, you can SEE a piece of meat 
or a carrot. With cat food, who knows? And now they say even fish meal is 
contaminated, and that seems to be used in almost all cat foods. He loved 
chicken noodle soup (low salt kind) and went nuts for some chicken ala king 
awhile ago, also a little tuna. Oh yes, he is very very hard to pill! He 
will crouch in the far part of his big cage where I can't reach him and 
hold it against me for a few days if I even try it. I try to stick to 
injectible baytril. So it would seem giving a lot of vitamins and 
supplements would be out.

Thanks for listening.

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Re: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who wantedto see it.

2006-01-17 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Dear Michelle what a wonderful poem to your sweet little Tridge.  It touches 
all of our hearts.


Subject: Re: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who 
wantedto see it.

Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 09:21:58 -0600

Thank you Michelle!  What a wonderful've certainly got a
gift!  I tried to tell myself that I wouldn't cry before reading
it...but by the time I got to the end, my lap was full of kleenex!
Thank you,'ve expressed so well what I feel in my heart!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
Date: Sunday, January 15, 2006 1:12 pm
Subject: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who
wanted to   see it.

> Poem for Little  Tidge
> We found  each other wandering - I gave you shelter from the storm
> The  misfortunes life had dealt you left you frightened and  withdrawn
> Our lives combined, our love grew strong, and you knew  that you
> were saved
> >From past neglect and heartache when love was all you  ever craved
> Now I’m left in turmoil, trying hard to  comprehend
> The reasons why god took away my very special  friend
> I know you had to leave me and that was meant to  be
> And I hope that in the place you are, from pain you will  stay free
> I look around each day for you in hope that you’ll  appear
> It hurts so much to face the truth that you’re no  longer here
> Your unexpected passing left me broken and  destroyed
> When your cruel unfair departure left an overwhelming  void
> Not a day goes by when I don’t pray to keep you safe from  harm
> Then I pray your spirit finds me to help me calm my inner  storm
> My late departed friend, I don’t think I’ll ever  understand
> Why you, still young and innocent, were taken from this  land
> I know that you would not desire me harbour such  dismay
> So forgive my times of weakness but you are in my heart  to stay
> My life must now continue much in the way it did  before
> Though without you here beside me, for a while I will  feel poor
> Despite these dismal feelings I can recall how rich I’ve  been
> Because the day I found you wandering was when my heart  began to beam
> Please know how much I love you, and I’m glad our paths  did cross
> The short time that we shared will never be a  loss
> And friend I ask please wait for me for one day I’ll  return
> To comfort and protect thee - but for now our hearts must  yearn
> Heaven and earth may hinder until my time is  done
> But with togetherness our future, our souls are destined  to be one
> Michelle  Lomax (April 2005)
> It's  amazing how creativity comes out with emotion but writing the
> poem
> whilst  painful was also cathartic. I guess much of the poem
> applies to all of us
> at some point.
> Hope  you enjoy it xx Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel  Bramble


2005-09-02 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Nina thank you for.

Please try to get a hold of your emotions.  I completely understand 
about tearing up at just the thought of losing him, I really do get 
it.  It's easier said than done, but those strong panicky emotions 
don't help anyone.  Put the energy into resolving to fight for him to 
recover!  Do your best to not mourn him before he's gone.  He's still 
here, right beside you, (well, okay at this point he may be hiding 
under the bed!).  Enjoy each moment you have with him still in the 
physical.  Close your eyes, take a deep breath, square your shoulders 
and commit to him and yourself to do everything you can to help him.  
What else can we do?

What a wonderful message, you got me back on the "Sane" path 
againStill having a problem with the feeding and I must admit hubby 
and I get hit with most of the food (Kitty is a head shaker) but we are 
still trying and giving him lots of love, as usual.  But explain to him what 
we are doing and if he could help us.  But he has a look in his eyes that 
says, "In Your Dreams"  but we will keep trying.

The Ophthalmologist told us that he has Active Uveitis, but wants to hold 
back the prednisone from his eyes for now, unless of course that the eyes 
change for the worst.  2 yrs ago he ended up with  5 Corneal Ulcers, she 
said she was sure they were cause by taking prednisone orally and using it 
at the same time in his eyes.   I know there may be no other way, it is such 
a catch 22 with Kitty having the FELV, but as I said Nina she wants to wait 
about a wek to see if the oral meds kick in and also help his eyes. She 
asked me to keep my eye  on him for any changes in the eyes.

My own Vet will be back on the 8th of this month so I will get Kitty back 
there and get a real good check up, then we will be going back to the ophtho 
in 2 weeks, now during this waiting period I must get the food into my wee 
boy.  Spoon, finger, syringe what ever works.

Thank you for all your help Nina, and especially for the shake into reality.

Your friend Lisa.


2005-09-02 Thread Elizabeth Paz
Belinda let me say I second everything Patti said about you. You are a 
wonderful loving friend to all of us and I thank you for being there and 
will always remember your kindness.

I was thinking this about his mouth also Belinda,  I can't recall if this 
substitute Vet did or did not look down his throat.My own Vet will be 
back on the 7th and I have an appointment on the I can't wait.

We lost our sweet Tiger with a Tumor in his throat, he was 15 yrs old,  way 
too young.  It is still hard for me to say his name without feeling the 
loss.   So I will make sure that my Vet really checks him thoroughly when I 
go on the 8th.  Don't want to go back to see the crazy lady that caused him 
such pain, so I will have to wait it out.which is very hard.



2005-08-31 Thread Elizabeth Paz
> Message-<br>&gt;From:> > 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>&gt;[mailto:Felvtalk-> 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > On Behalf Of 
Nina<br>&gt;Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 3:55> > 
PM<br>&gt;To:> ><br>&gt;Subject: Re: Won't 
EatPlease> > Help<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Hi 
Lisa,<br>&gt;I can hear the panic in your voice> > 
and> > how very much you love your<br>&gt;Kitty.  You 
are right, you need to> > get> > him to eat.   It is 
wonderful<br>&gt;that he has been so healthy> > and 
has> > a> > few extra pounds to help 
him<br>&gt;maintain right now.  He is in> > 
dangerof> > HL if he goes without eating<br>&gt;anything 
in a 24 to 48 hour> > period.> > That means if you get 
something<br>&gt;down him, he'll probably be> > 
okay.I> > know the sound of 
&quot;syringe<br>&gt;feeding&quot; can be> > 
intimidating.> > Don't think of it as &quot;force&quot; 
feeding,<br>&gt;think of it> > as> > 
&quot;assisted&quot; feeding.  Like you would a baby.  There 
is> > a<br>&gt;group for help with this, here's 
the> > 
> Feeding/<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Poor> > thing 
must be so panicky with his eyes giving him trouble> > 
like<br>&gt;that.> > Not to mention the vet trip from 
Hell.   All he's going to> > want<br>&gt;to do> 
> is hide.  Please try to calm yourself.  Put on some soft music> 
> and<br>&gt;<br>&gt;keep the room he's in dark.  If 
he wants to> > hide, go> > ahead and let 
him,<br>&gt;(after you get his meds and some food in him> 
> of> > course).  Speak softly<br>&gt;to him and tell 
him how the two of you> > will> > see this through 
together.<br>&gt;Tell him you will do your very> > best 
to> >> > make sure no one scares him, 
or<br>&gt;puts him through any more> > 
traumathan> > absolutely necessary.  (I'd like<br>&gt;to 
punch your substitute> > vet in> > the> > neck 
btw).<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Prayers that Kitty rebounds soon, 
please let> > us> > know how you guys> > 
Paz> > wrote:<br>&gt;<br>&gt; 
&gt;<br>&gt; &gt; Hi everyone,<br>&gt;> 
> &gt;<br>&gt;> > &gt; Has anyone got any 
ideas on how to get some food into my> > 
kitty?<br>&gt;> > &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; He 
has had FELV since 03. He was a very sick> > kitty and> 
> we> > were a<br>&gt; &gt; breath away from 
having to put him to sleep.  We> > wanted> > to try 
and<br>&gt; &gt; give him a chance, even though our Vet 
and> > the> > Ophthalmologist that<br>&gt; 
&gt; was treating kitty's eyes were> > againstit.> > 
 He was on Prednisone 5mg a<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &gt; 
day for about 6> > months, he> > began looking and 
acting healthier. then<br>&gt; &gt; his meds were> > 
changed> > to half a pill each day, and then finally a 
half<br>&gt;<br>&gt;> > &gt; a> 
> pill> > every other day.<br>&gt; 
&gt;<br>&gt; &gt; August of 04 he was> > taken 
off> > of> > all meds, and became a healthy 
chubby<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &gt; cat. ( 16> > 
lbs) He> > has been wonderful till Friday of last week.  
Then<br>&gt; &gt; over> > this> > weekend 
his eyes clouded over (Uveitis returned)  and he 
is<br>&gt;> > &gt;not> > eating a thing.  
I have tried everything, even his favorite> > 
snack,<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &gt; and no 
way.<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; We> > 
went to> > the Vet yesterday (Monday), and guess what, the Dr. 
who> > has<br>&gt;<br>&gt;> > 
&gt; worked with us is on holiday.  What a mess.  The one that we 
saw> > was> > a<br>&gt;<br>&gt; 
&gt; bit of a fruit cake. She tried to draw blood> > 
andhad> > such a problem,<br>&gt; &gt; it took three 
tries with kitty crying,> > can't> > even tell you what 
I was<br>&gt; &gt; going to do to her if hubby had> 
> not> > stepped in. I spoke to her about<br>&gt; 
&gt; the prednisone.   She> > saidshe> > did not 
want to put him back on the<br>&gt; &gt; prednisone at 
this> > timeand> > on and on and on.  I told her our Dr. 
made<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &gt; it> > 
quite> > clear to us,( it was down on his chart also )  that if 
we> > saw<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &gt; that he was 
sliding to get him back on the> > Prednisone.  It was 
like<br>&gt; &gt; talking to the wall.  She> > gave 
me> > an> > anti-biotic for ten days for 
him<br>&gt; &gt; and that was> > 
it.<br>&gt;> > &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; Today 
I called and got one of the other vets who> > pulled> > 
Kitty's chart<br>&gt; &gt; and gave me a prescription for 
the> > prednisone.  I> > will be starting 
it<br>&gt; &gt; later.  Tomorrow we will be taking> 
> himto> > his Ophthalmologist and<br>&gt; &gt; 
hopefully she will be able to get> > his> > eyes back 
under control.  Please<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &gt; 
God.<br>&gt;> > &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; I am 
quite sure at this time he is only seeing> > shadows,> > 
and is so<br>&gt; &gt; frightened from every noise.  I can't 
get> > him to> > eat.> >  I know 
how<br>&gt; &gt; important this is on a chubby cat, and 
how> > quickly> > they can get...<br>&gt; 
&gt; Hepatic Lipidosis and it may be fatal> > withhis> 
> immune system..<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; A 
few moments ago I put a> > little> > food on my finger 
and had to force<br>&gt; &gt; his little mouth open> 
> and I> > put it on the back of his tongue.  He 
did<br>&gt; &gt; swallow it, and> > is> > 
now sleeping.<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; Would 
anyone know of any other> > way> > of doing 
it.<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; Sorry about this 
winded letter,> > it> > has been a long and 
heartbreaking 5<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &gt;> > 
days.<br>&gt;> > &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; 
Thank you for taking the time to read it.<br>&gt;> > 
&gt;<br>&gt; &gt; Lisa.<br>&gt; 
&gt;<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt;> > 
&gt;<br>&gt;> > &gt;<br>&gt;> 
>> >> >> >> >> 


2005-08-30 Thread Elizabeth Paz

I'm hoping it will go well tomorrow also.  If only I could get a little food 
into him.  I can't believe this has all went down when my Vet is away.  He 
will be back in 7 days and at the moment it feels like a life time.  He is 
such a wonderful man, how he can work with an associate who is such a fruit 
cake I will never know.

I feel that he is worst off today because of the mess she created in his 
little neck, with all the poking, boy would I like to take some blood from 
her with a nice blunt needle.

Thank You for your prayers,  at this point he needs them.  I will let you 
know what happens tomorrow night, our appointment is at 6:00pm


I hope Kitty's pred. is kicking in and the visit goes well with the 
optho. tomorrow. I HATE it when my vet's not available.  My vet can always 
draw blood without the cat or myself ever even noticing she's doing it!  
That's why I love her even when she pisses me off about other stuff.  It 
totally pisses me off when a vet or tech screws up a draw on a sick cat 
especially. You and Kitty are in my thoughts and prayers.
tonyamaimaipg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
style="padding-left:5px;margin-left:5px;border-left:#1010ff 2px solid">See 
if you can find some Feliway spray--not the plug in--and spray it 
aroundwhere he is and on yourself. It will help calm him. You also might 
trycatnip (organic or a plant if you can find it). I have used both 
withfrightened, angry, upset cats successfully.- Original 
Message - From: "Nina" To: Sent: Tuesday, August 
30, 2005 5:55 PMSubject: Re: Won't EatPlease Help> Hi 
Lisa,> I can hear the panic in your voice and how very much you love 
your> Kitty. You are right, you need to get him to eat. It is 
wonderful> that he has been so healthy and has a few extra pounds to 
help him> maintain right now. He is in danger of HL if he goes 
without eating> anything in a 24 to 48 hour period. That means if you 
get something> down him, he'll probably
be okay. I know the sound of "syringe> feeding" can be 
intimidating. Don't think of it as "force" feeding,> think 
of it as "assisted" feeding. Like you would a baby. There is 
a> group for help with this, here's the link:>>> Poor 
thing must be so panicky with his eyes giving him trouble like> that. 
Not to mention the vet trip from Hell. All he's going to want> to do 
is hide. Please try to calm yourself. Put on some soft music and> 
keep the room he's in dark. If he wants to hide, go ahead and let 
him,> (after you get his meds and some food in him of course). Speak 
softly> to him and tell him how the two of you will see this through 
together.> Tell him you will do your very best to make sure no one 
scares him, or> puts him through any more trauma than absolutely 
necessary. (I'd like> to punch your substitute vet in the neck
btw).>> Prayers that Kitty rebounds soon, please let us know 
how you guys aredoing,> Nina>>> Elizabeth 
Paz wrote:>> >> > Hi everyone,> 
>> > Has anyone got any ideas on how to get some food into my 
kitty?> >> > He has had FELV since 03. He was a very 
sick kitty and we were a> > breath away from having to put him to 
sleep. We wanted to try and> > give him a chance, even though our 
Vet and the Ophthalmologist that> > was treating kitty's eyes were 
against it. He was on Prednisone 5mg a> > day for about 6 months, 
he began looking and acting healthier. then> > his meds were 
changed to half a pill each day, and then finally a half> > a pill 
every other day.> >> > August of 04 he was taken off of 
all meds, and became a healthy chubby> > cat. ( 16 lbs) He has 
been wonderful till Friday of
last week. Then> > over this weekend his eyes clouded over 
(Uveitis returned) and he is> > not eating a thing. I have tried 
everything, even his favorite snack,> > and no way.> 
>> > We went to the Vet yesterday (Monday), and guess what, the 
Dr. who has> > worked with us is on holiday. What a mess. The one 
that we saw was a> > bit of a fruit cake. She tried to draw blood 
and had such a problem,> > it took three tries with kitty crying, 
can't even tell you what I was> > going to do to her if hubby had 
not stepped in. I spoke to her about> > the prednisone. She said 
she did not want to put him back on the> > prednisone at this time 
and on and on and on. I told her our Dr. made> > it quite clear to 
us,( it was down on his chart also ) that if we saw> > that he was 
sliding to get him back on the Prednisone. It was like> > talking 
to the wall. She
gave me an anti-biotic for ten days for him>


2005-08-30 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Thank you for your kind words, I will keep trying.  It just that he 
struggles so much that I worry about getting him all stressed out.  He does 
put up one heck of a struggle.  His head is so strong and it moves so 

But I will keep trying.  He was so ill  in 03 that we did not think he would 
make it but we worked so hard on getting him so healthy and chubby. but this 
is so different with the food.  I can easily give him his pills, but this 
food stuff, what can I say, this is just tearing my heart up.

Thank You for support.

From:  "Hideyo Yamamoto" 
<>Subject:  RE: Won't 
EatPlease HelpDate:  Tue, 30 Aug 2005 17:20:06 
-0600>Lisa, I can emphasize your pain - my Felv positive, Ginger 
stopped>eating for over a week a several months 
ago.>>She is already a very small girl, and did not want her 
to lose any more>weight - so as Nina mentioned, I assisted her to eat 
with syringe every>day with baby food and liver shake 
->>I will be praying that your kitty will bounce back very 
soon - so stay>calm (I know it's hard, but do your best) and talk to 
him gently and>tell him how much he means to you and how he is going 
to get better very>very soon..>>Love and hugs to you 
and your kitty..>>Hideyo>>-Original 
On Behalf Of Nina>Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 3:55 PM>To:>Subject: Re: Won't EatPlease 
Help>>Hi Lisa,>I can hear the panic in your voice and 
how very much you love your>Kitty.  You are right, you need to get 
him to eat.   It is wonderful>that he has been so healthy and has a 
few extra pounds to help him>maintain right now.  He is in danger of 
HL if he goes without eating>anything in a 24 to 48 hour period.  
That means if you get something>down him, he'll probably be okay.   I 
know the sound of "syringe>feeding" can be intimidating.  
Don't think of it as "force" feeding,>think of it as 
"assisted" feeding.  Like you would a baby.  There is 
a>group for help with this, here's the 
thing must be so panicky with his eyes giving him trouble like>that.  
Not to mention the vet trip from Hell.   All he's going to want>to do 
is hide.  Please try to calm yourself.  Put on some soft music 
and>>keep the room he's in dark.  If he wants to hide, go 
ahead and let him,>(after you get his meds and some food in him of 
course).  Speak softly>to him and tell him how the two of you will 
see this through together.>Tell him you will do your very best to 
make sure no one scares him, or>puts him through any more trauma than 
absolutely necessary.  (I'd like>to punch your substitute vet in the 
neck btw).>>Prayers that Kitty rebounds soon, please let us 
know how you guys 
are>doing,>Nina>>>Elizabeth Paz 
wrote:>> >> > Hi everyone,> >> 
> Has anyone got any ideas on how to get some food into my kitty?> 
>> > He has had FELV since 03. He was a very sick kitty and we 
were a> > breath away from having to put him to sleep.  We wanted 
to try and> > give him a chance, even though our Vet and the 
Ophthalmologist that> > was treating kitty's eyes were against it. 
 He was on Prednisone 5mg a>> > day for about 6 months, he 
began looking and acting healthier. then> > his meds were changed 
to half a pill each day, and then finally a half>> > a pill 
every other day.> >> > August of 04 he was taken off of 
all meds, and became a healthy chubby>> > cat. ( 16 lbs) He 
has been wonderful till Friday of last week.  Then> > over this 
weekend his eyes clouded over (Uveitis returned)  and he is> > not 
eating a thing.  I have tried everything, even his favorite 
snack,>> > and no way.> >> > We went to 
the Vet yesterday (Monday), and guess what, the Dr. who has>> 
> worked with us is on holiday.  What a mess.  The one that we saw was 
a>> > bit of a fruit cake. She tried to draw blood and had 
such a problem,> > it took three tries with kitty crying, can't 
even tell you what I was> > going to do to her if hubby had not 
stepped in. I spoke to her about> > the prednisone.   She said she 
did not want to put him back on the> > prednisone at this time and 
on and on and on.  I told her our Dr. made>> > it quite 
clear to us,( it was down on his chart also )  that if we 
saw>> > that he was sliding to get him back on th

Re: Hi Belinda......

2005-08-30 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Well this was my second time trying, we warmed up the food and I decide to 
use my finger, It was so awful, we spoke our usual baby talk and I also 
warmed up the food a little, you would think we were trying to poison him,  
he reacted so badly.  His stress level must be going through the roof by 
now.  Hubby tried also only this time I held  him, but as soon as he tried 
to open his mouth a little he started to gag.  Oh I wish he could understand 
that we are trying to help him.

This is just breaking my heart.

From:  Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To:  
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject:  Re: Hi 
Belinda..Date:  Tue, 30 Aug 2005 19:44:15 -0700>   
  Syringe feeding can be stressful, Buddie my cat hated it, I >ended 
up getting her a feeding tube and she did great with that.  >The main 
thing with syringe feeding is get relaxed and calm, talk to >your 
kitty and explain you are trying to help get him feeling >better, 
that witout food he will feel worse and worse.  The pick a >place 
that is comfortable and use it all the time, that way kitty >will 
know that is what is going to happen when you pick him up and >go 
there.>>If possible a try the couch and try sitting so that 
kitty is >positioned with his back end backed into the corner of the 
arm, you >on one side kitty in the middle and the couch arm on the 
other side. >  Then pet and calmly talk to him and let him know what 
you are >going to do, and then calmly put the syringe in the side of 
his >mouth and give a small amount of food, wait a half minute or so 
and >give more.  If syringing is really stressful, putting the food 
on >your finger and offering that way is fine, it may take alittle 
>longer but if it works go with that.  Or I know someone that put the 
>food on a spoon and actually spoon fed their 
cat.>>Before Buddie got sick enough for the tube she had quite 
eating one >other time and I would put some food in a bowl and would 
hold the >bowl in front of her, I told her if she didn't eat on her 
own I >would have to syringe feed her, she would take a few bites and 
I >would offer her food every 15 minutes, it took me almost 3 weeks 
to >get her eating normal again.  Later when se got very sick with a 
>sepsis infection I had to get the tube, it saved her life and she 
>really loved getting fed that way, she would run to the couch and 
>wait for me when she heard me getting her tube syringes ready.  She 
>purred through the whole feeding then promply plopped over and took 
>a nap, she wasn't happy when I was weaning her off the 
tube.>>The main thing is stay calm and you may try warming the 
food up, >some kitties can smell it better when it is warmed and will 
eat it >then.  Prayers that things will go much better next time you 
try.>>-->Belinda>Happiness is being owned by 
cats ...>>Be-Mi-Kitties 
...>>>Post Adoptable 
Cats/Kittens>>>FeLV Candle 
 (affordable hosting & web 
Designs (non-profit web 

Hi Belinda......

2005-08-30 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Thank you Belinda, I will keep trying, made such a mess out of it with the 
syring tonight.  Put it in the side of his mouth then accidenally applied to 
much pressure and he choked, it was awful I am giving him so mush stress, 
it's  so heartbreaking.

From:  Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To:  
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject:  Re: Won't EatPlease 
HelpDate:  Tue, 30 Aug 2005 18:11:16 -0700>   keep 
putting it on your finger or syringing it, he may get his >desire to 
eat back once he gets some food into him and starts >feeling better.  
you are right overweight kitties are more >suseptable to getting HL 
and a lot faster than a normal weight cat >might.  Getting food into 
him right away is a priority.  If you have >to syringe feed. give 
small amounts in the side of the mouth, give >him a minute to swallow 
then give more.  You can try offereing food >after he has had a bit, 
it may kick start his desire to 
eat.>>-->Belinda>Happiness is being owned by 
cats ...>>Be-Mi-Kitties 
...>>>Post Adoptable 
Cats/Kittens>>>FeLV Candle 
 (affordable hosting & web 
Designs (non-profit web 

Hi Maimaipg

2005-08-30 Thread Elizabeth Paz
I have Rescue Remedy, I just bought it the other day, would this work?  I 
was thinking of spraying his carry case with it tomorrow, but it has quite a 
floral odour I wondered if it would annoy him.

See if you can find some Feliway spray--not the plug in--and spray it around
where he is and on yourself.  It will help calm him.  You also might try
catnip (organic or a plant if you can find it).  I have used both with
frightened, angry, upset cats successfully.
- Original Message -

Hi Nina...

2005-08-30 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Thank you for getting in touch with me so soon.   You are right I have such 
a feeling of panic mixed with such heartbreak.  Don't seem to be able to 
stop filling up with tears.  I have had many cats in my time and loved 
everyone of them, but this little boy (he is now 5yrs old)  came into my 
life unexpectedly at 7 months old.  None of my cats have been as loving and 
as needy as this one.  I should have changed his name to Velcro.  Where I go 
he is always right beside me, and the love he gives me is so noticeable to 
all who visit.  I have so much love for him, he truly gives me such joy.

"assisted" feeding. Like you would a baby. <<<

Love this way to think of it, will start it tonight.  Thank You for the 

Well Nina, I have just tried to feed him Syring and all.  I got some 
strained baby food (chicken) and filled up the syringe, oh my goodness I 
bungled it up so bad.

I checked out all the pictures in the link you sent me, I went in at the 
side of the mouth, he was struggling so bad, my hubby held him in kind of a 
baby position with his little head inside hubby's elbow, I was trying to 
hold his head, got a few drops in then don't ask me what happened I 
accidentley pushed down on the syring  and it all shot into his mouth.

He choked and my hubby put him down the he ran into the room.   Talk about 
trying to keep stress level down with a FELV baby,  I think I have given him 
more stress today than he has had in the past year.

I'm such an emotioal wreck at the moment.

Tell him you will do your very best to make sure no one scares him, or 
puts him through any more trauma than absolutely necessary<<

MaMa is the one putting him through the trauma and it's hurting so bad.

I will let you know what the Ophthalmologist has to say tomorrow night.

Thank you Nina for being so kind.


Won't Eat....Please Help

2005-08-30 Thread Elizabeth Paz

Hi everyone,

Has anyone got any ideas on how to get some food into my kitty?

He has had FELV since 03. He was a very sick kitty and we were a breath away 
from having to put him to sleep.  We wanted to try and give him a chance, 
even though our Vet and the Ophthalmologist that was treating kitty's eyes 
were against it.  He was on Prednisone 5mg a day for about 6 months, he 
began looking and acting healthier. then his meds were changed to half a 
pill each day, and then finally a half a pill every other day.

August of 04 he was taken off of all meds, and became a healthy chubby cat. 
( 16 lbs) He has been wonderful till Friday of last week.  Then over this 
weekend his eyes clouded over (Uveitis returned)  and he is not eating a 
thing.  I have tried everything, even his favorite snack, and no way.

We went to the Vet yesterday (Monday), and guess what, the Dr. who has 
worked with us is on holiday.  What a mess.  The one that we saw was a bit 
of a fruit cake. She tried to draw blood and had such a problem, it took 
three tries with kitty crying, can't even tell you what I was going to do to 
her if hubby had not stepped in. I spoke to her about the prednisone.   She 
said she did not want to put him back on the prednisone at this time and on 
and on and on.  I told her our Dr. made it quite clear to us,( it was down 
on his chart also )  that if we saw that he was sliding to get him back on 
the Prednisone.  It was like talking to the wall.  She gave me an 
anti-biotic for ten days for him and that was it.

Today I called and got one of the other vets who pulled Kitty's chart and 
gave me a prescription for the prednisone.  I will be starting it later.  
Tomorrow we will be taking him to his Ophthalmologist and hopefully she will 
be able to get his eyes back under control.  Please God.

I am quite sure at this time he is only seeing shadows, and is so frightened 
from every noise.  I can't get him to eat.  I know how important this is on 
a chubby cat, and how quickly they can get... Hepatic Lipidosis and it may 
be fatal with his immune system..

A few moments ago I put a little food on my finger and had to force his 
little mouth open and I put it on the back of his tongue.  He did swallow 
it, and is now sleeping.

Would anyone know of any other way of doing it.

Sorry about this winded letter, it has been a long and heartbreaking 5 days.

Thank you for taking the time to read it.



2005-05-09 Thread Elizabeth Paz
Healing prayers coming your way for Akira Lisa.  I will be praying for her.