Re: [Flashcoders] LoadVars.send vs. LoadVars.sendAndLoad

2006-11-30 Thread GregoryN

How about this hack:
use .send and open new windows into hidden IFRAME?
You can do it using 2nd target parameter of LoadVars.send().

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === Glenn Grant wrote:
 I use .sendAndLoad to load a shopping cart so it will not pop a new browser
 window each time the user adds an item. this works fine locally, but online
 the items are not being added to the cart. if i use .send instead of
 .sendAndLoad everything works fine except for the aforementioned launching
 of browser every time. i read in flash's documentation that .sendAndLoad has
 a different security protocol than .send, so i have tried; in the first line, which
 doesn't seem to be making a difference. any suggestions?

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Re: [Flashcoders] weird htmlText split and join behavior

2006-11-29 Thread GregoryN
Marcelo and luchyx, thanks for replies.

A few words about my case.
This is a kind of digest page where summary blocks are followed by
click to see details links. When user clicks such a link, details
info will be displayed right below the link on this page.
Click again - hide details.
As you know, this is easy to do in html+javascript by = block; (or none to hide)

In flash, it's more tricky:
I have placeholder tags (tag_to_replace id=n) in my text which
will be replaced by details_texts_array[n] when user clicks a link.

So, I can't use a button.
However, rebuilding the textfield (if just redefining all params won't
be enough) IS a solution. Frankly, I wouldn't like to rewrite
well-working (in v7) code, but...

 Flash ignore the unsupported html tags.!
Well, seems it's only v8 and by random (i.e., depending on it's
mood :-). The work-around is easy - just store html text in string
variable and play with it instead of field.htmlText ...
Also, I can't use %_replaceme_% because I need it to be a tag (not
shown in html textfield).

Also, my tags_for_css are not ignored! Thus, maybe it (player v8) just
doesn't like valid XHTML tags (like my_tag /) but feels ok to
my_tag ?

The worst thing here is that I don't know a way to determine at
runtime if the movie was published for v7 or v8...
So, I'll have to make two versions of the class OR probably make

public static var publishedForPlayer:Number = 8; // or 7

to be set manually... ;-) A lot of fun, right?

If there's anyone else who wants to suggest anything on the subject,
I'd appreciate it very much.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === Marcelo Volmaro wrote:
 V8 of the player (i donA?t know 9) seems to have a BIG problem with  
 textfields. Anytime you modify the contents of an html text field from  
 WITHING the text field (ie: you are modifying the textfield using a link  
 on the textfield) the player start doing weird things with the content.
 I have the same problem in an html editor i made, where you can click on  
 the images. The player starts duplicating the image and you will end with  
 two, three or more images stacked. In your case, the player is duplicating  
 the link all over the textfield.
 Try doing the same but using a button... No problem and all works as  
 My solution (because i canA?t use a button to edit the image) was to  
 rebuild the area. Yes... each time you edit an image, i rebuild the entire  
 === l u c h y x wrote:
 First do a Trace of (my_text1.htmlText) and see what happens with the HTML
 Usually you can do this
 my_text1.htmlText = my_text1.htmlText.split( tag2replace ).join( my_replace
 But the string tag to replace string2replace:String =
 brbr*tag_to_replace /*brbr;
 After you put on the htmlText area become in brbr**brbr;
 Flash ignore the unsupported html tags.!
 So I suggest you do something like  var string2replate = %_replaceme_%;
 And then use
 my_text1.htmlText = my_text1.htmlText.split(string2replate).join( my_replace

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[Flashcoders] weird htmlText split and join behavior

2006-11-28 Thread GregoryN
Hello all,

I'm upgrading a project from v7 to v8 player. Main reason is better
text readability.
In this project, split().join() combination is used to hide/show some
text (similar to css tricks in normal html).
It works great in player v7, but, when published for v8, all text
becomes underlined...
Here is a test movie (click replace link):


In my (original) movie, all the text also becomes a link...

// === START OF CODE ===
var lorem_ipsum:String = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing 
elit. Donec vehicula. Nullam orci. Nulla viverra. Curabitur venenatis. Quisque 
nisi. Aliquam in turpis a tellus semper cursus. ; Nulla viverra. Curabitur 
venenatis. Quisque nisi. Aliquam in turpis a tellus semper cursus. ;

var string2replace:String = brbr*tag_to_replace /*brbr;

var links_area:String = ua href=\asfunction:doReplace,var1\replace: case 

// NOTE:
// createTextField()  does NOT return a tf object in player v7

// show system info
this.createTextField(sys_info, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 10, 10, 400, 30);
sys_info.text = Flash Player:   +System.capabilities.version;
sys_info.border = true;
sys_info.borderColor = 0xff;

var is_v8_or_later:Boolean = (Number(System.capabilities.version.substr(4,1)) 
=8) ;
//trace(is_v8player = +is_v8_or_later);
sys_info.text += ,   is_v8_or_later = +is_v8_or_later;

var my_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
my_format.font = Verdana;

this.createTextField(my_text1, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 10, 50, 400, 300);
my_text1.multiline = true;
my_text1.wordWrap = true;
my_text1.antiAliasType = advanced;
my_text1.html= true;
my_text1.border = true;
my_text1.borderColor = 0x00ff00;
my_text1.embedFonts = true;

var startText:String =  lorem_ipsum + string2replace + links_area + lorem_ipsum;
my_text1.htmlText = startText;

// doReplace
function doReplace(p:String):Void{
 trace(doReplace called);
var tag2replace:String = tag_to_replace /;
var my_replace:String = === Lorem ipsum ===;
my_text1.htmlText= startText.split( tag2replace ).join( my_replace );

// === END OF CODE ===

What is it - known bug or I'm missing something?
Any help is appreciated.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Job Opportunity at Gaia Interactive

2006-11-17 Thread GregoryN
I have used these tricks. Yes, they do crash Flare, Sothink and
probably some other light decompilers.
But I'm pretty sure (last versions of) ASV can pass them w/o any
Is there anyone who's ready to compete personally with ASV?

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === Ben Smeets wrote:
 There used to be some hex editor tricks you were used to be able to use.
 It made some of the decryptors crash. Never used it though. Just try to
 code in a way that it never matters if people can read your source code.
 (Although I can imagine there must be some situations where it would be
 very helpfull).
 - On Behalf Of Ian Thomas
 Well, there's tricks you can pull to ensure that the movie only works if
 run from the server it's supposed to be run from. A different sort of
 security, I know.
 On 11/16/06, Weyert de Boer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah, securing code in Flash Movie. Anyone know a good one for that 
 beside of obfuscating it? I don't you think you got a lot of choices,

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Re: [Flashcoders] advice needed: textformatting or css?

2006-10-26 Thread GregoryN

I had similar problem (space below the text) in one project this year. I ended 
up with the
1) Edges of the text field itself are NOT used to show the space.
You just use no borders, bg etc, so no one can say where are textfield
edges :-)
2) To show padding and other space around text additional elements
are used, mainly  mc's. Say, the screen_mc (containing just one
rectangle) is placed below the textfield.

3) When you update the textfield, measure it's size and resize the
screen_mc accordingly.

4) I've used margin/padding settings as attributes in the XML where
the text itself is stored (or transferred).

The designers are quite happy so far :-).

As to textformat vs. css - it's a matter of taste, IMO. I like CSS
and try to use them whenever possible. However, there's no affordable
(e.g., quite easy) way to build a WYSIWYG editor for css-formatted
text... Therefore, all depends on your task.


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === grimmwerks wrote:
 Ok - I've got this kiosk application I'm building - there's a playback
 and there's a builder. The builder has a lot of textformatting going
 on. Up to now I've been allowing the client to put in their text into
 a textfiled, select a pulldown and it automatically inserts the
 correct textformatting.
 However, since I'm saving all this textformatting to an xml file
 embedded in a CDATA file, if there's a problem with the textformat,
 then I'm screwed.
 One of the biggest problems that has been pointed out is that there is
 no way of setting more 'space after a paragraph' that you can do in
 I'm starting to think that I should do it all as CSS, so that if i use
 an external CSS file, and put class around the selected/edited text,
 it's not saved with the xml and I can massage it afterwards.
 But is it also possible to do a 'space after paragraph' setting in css
 for flash text?
 Thanks for any advice; it's at the tail end and this project is way behind.

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RE: [Flashcoders] advice needed: textformatting or css?

2006-10-26 Thread GregoryN
Hello Jason,

You're right.
If you remember, I was trying to make an editor for css-based text.
Now I've ended up with transferring the text+css+html thing back and
forth - into and out from TextFormat.
While it requires several times more code, it seems to work without
dirty tricks (not finished yet :-).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === Merrill, Jason wrote:
 I went through the whole WSIWYG text editor in Flash programming thing
 in Flash 8 recently.  I ended up figuring out that using the TextFormat
 class is the only really viable/sane way to go.  It works pretty well,
 but some things like fighting with the Selection object were a royal
 pain.  But it is do-able, I dun it.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Dynamically Distort Text?

2006-10-24 Thread GregoryN
Hello Marc,

This was discussed here about 2 or 3 month ago, and I've explored
Nike's tool at that time.

As far as I can judge, in Nike uniform builder they're NOT using scriptable
arching at all. Instead, there's a set of pre-made examples with a lot
of frames in each. Then just gotoAndStop is used for

This way, it can be made even flash 6 (or 5) compliant :-).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === Marc Hoffman wrote:
 I need to dynamically distort user input text to fill a limited set 
 of shapes. For example, the user might type in WINNERS and select a 
 shape like the Arc d' Triomphe (flat-topped arch), and the tops of 
 all the letters would be flat but the bottoms would be curved. This 
 is more than just putting text on a curve -- it requires actually 
 distorting the individual letters. Nike has something similar to this 
 (but not exactly) on their custom uniform builder. See and 
 move through the steps until you reach the Select Name Style, after 
 which you'll see the effect I'm after. Somehow they are able to skew 
 the letters, though they're not actually distorting any straight 
 lines into a curve, and all the letters keep the same height.
 Anyone know of something like this? Especially Flash 7-compliant?

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Re: [Flashcoders] Mute Flash Application, mac.

2006-09-24 Thread GregoryN
Hello aaron,

Have you tried:
tell application Your Browser to set volume with output muted
tell application Your Browser to set volume 0

Or am I missing something?

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Decompiling some sketchy flash code

2006-09-21 Thread GregoryN
yes, ASV is great tool. Unbeatable leader in the industry.
Easy way to steal someone's code...

Well, apart from ASV.

Michiel, now as you've got their code, what are you going to do (just
curious)?  Send an email to shame them?  Fill a claim to the court?

From tech side, SWF is just a binary file, easily edited in hex
Thus, I think it's possible to create a server-side filter to search
3rd-party SWFs for given patterns and either replace these patterns
with safe code OR just deny for malicious files.

Have anyone seen/wrote such a tool?


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === Michiel Nolet wrote:
 I'm in the online advertising industry and I've been trying to track down an
 squash a scam that has been hitting the industry.  There is a party out there
 ( that is embedding some very nasty code in their flash ads 
 depending on several factors will popup a new window and try install their 
 using active-x.
 I am more than willing to shell $59.95 for asv, I just want to make sure
 it can extract stuff that other toosl couldn't. ...
  Could you copy paste some sample lines of more informative
 code you're finding?
 === Michael Stuhr wrote:
 function setswfashCookie() {
 my_date.setTime(my_date.getTime() + 43200); = my_date.getTime();

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Re: [Flashcoders] weird htmlText problem...

2006-09-11 Thread GregoryN

Seems this problem is quite the same as I described  recently in my
Textfield optimizes itself in a weird way thread in August. It was
about Flash eating out the space between B or I etc tags...

I've ended up considering it as a bug and created my own
optimization (based on split().join() ) .

Also, in my case a guy named m-e- wrote that this bug appears only
if you publish SWF from Flash MX 2004. He said that if you publish in
Flash 8 and then play in Flash Player v8.0.22 or later, the bug won't
However, I didn't tested all this, as I prefer to create a work-around
in such a case :-).


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === grimmwerks wrote:
 Ok, I've got a class that I've used that all it does is take in a
 string of htmlText, create a textfield and apply it. But something is
 happening that is killing the text for some reason;
 If I send INTO the function this htmlText:
 FACE=QuadraatSans-Regular SIZE=30 COLOR=#00
 A textfield is created and applied, but then it turns into:
 and I can't figure out why.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Stylesheet Formatting of Default Tags

2006-08-30 Thread GregoryN
 === Joseph Balderson wrote:
 You may be right. It could also be a simple limitation of how the HTML 
 parser links up to the CSS parser. Still, it would be good to know why 
 certain tags are redefinable by CSS and some are not, so at least I 
 could figure out if there's a fix by extending some class or other.

As far as I can judge, all these are deep inside Flash Player - no way
to fix, just work-around...

 On another note, I wish the HTML parser was inherited from the XML class 
 so it could be extended. Built into the player as it is means rebuilding 
   the parser from the ground up just to add functionality, and who's got 
 time for that?

Yeah, I wish the same.
Right now I have a task to build CSS-based text editor in Flash, so I
have to work with strings and use tricks to apply them to textfields.

In general, HTML text in flash is quite misterious  thing :-)


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

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Re: [Flashcoders] TextFormat Font Face = 'Wingdings' or 'Webdings'

2006-08-30 Thread GregoryN

It's Wingdings on my machine...  And works well.

Try to embed it into some textfield on the stage and then trace font
Also, you can check for usual mistakes: missed semicolon (;-), not applied
TextFormat etc.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === Merrill, Jason wrote:
 I'm building a text editor in Flash as part of my application and came
 across a bit of a head scratcher for applying the Wingdings and Webdings
 fonts to an HTML Textfield.  The following works fine:
 testFormat = new TextFormat();
 testFormat.font = Arial
 test_txt.html = true;
 test_txt.htmlText = Hello;
 However, I can't figure how to get Wingdings or Webdings to work in the
 8 player. None of the following work when substituting for line 2 of the
 code above:
 testFormat.font = Wing Dings
 testFormat.font = WingDings
 testFormat.font = Wingdings
 testFormat.font = wingdings
 testFormat.font = Webdings
 testFormat.font = WebDings
 testFormat.font = Web dings
 testFormat.font = webdings
 Even applying those fonts directly in the IDE to the textfield doesn't
 work.  Does the HTML rendering/ TextFormat Class in the Flash 8 player
 not support Webdings or Wingdings?  They are standard windows fonts, I
 have them installed as well as my users, and those faces work in normal
 HTML.  What gives - or am I just using the wrong keywords for the face
 value of each font?

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RE: [Flashcoders] Stylesheet Formatting of Default Tags

2006-08-29 Thread GregoryN
Hello Joseph,

I think default tags are closely connected to TextFormat properties.
So, the content of b tag will always have TextFormat.bold = true
and  content of i tag  will always have TextFormat.italic = true
They're just trying to make TextFormat and tags interchangeable where
possible. Remember this terrible TEXTFORMAT tag? ;-)

The same is with some other tags you've mentioned: you can't make li
to appear w/o bullet or a to be not clickable.

Also, I'm curious of the way you're using the body tag in flash text

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === Joseph Balderson wrote:
 I've been trying to find this out, but for the life of me can't find the 
 answer to this question anywhere and could use your help...
 When you use a Stylesheet object for formatting an htmlText-field, you 
 can only redefine the p, body, li, and a tags, whether it be 
 with AS or using an external stylesheet. If you attempt to redefine the 
 b or i tags the formatting will be ignored. (as per
 Anyone know why this is?
 I'm writing a tutorial on dynamic font formatting in Flash, and I'd like 
 to give a little better explanation for not being able to redefine b 
 or i tags in a stylesheet than *just because*.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Word processor in Flash

2006-08-23 Thread GregoryN

I've just tried your test page - it works OK. Firefox 1.5, win2k.
However, after submit it is waiting for forever... :-)

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === Anthony Lee wrote:
 Just out of interest have either you or Jason noticed that there's a 
 problem pasting text into flash on Firefox?
 I posted a thread on this recently and found that 6 out of 22 people 
 with the latest install of FF where experiencing it.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Word processor in Flash

2006-08-22 Thread GregoryN

I've read carefully through your recent  flash WYSIWYG editor
thread. Glad you've found an appropriate solution.

Have you used styles in your text?

I faced a task to build flash WYSIWYG editor for CSS-based html.
But TextFormat technology allows to create only standard flash html
(e.g. with FONT tags).
Is there a way to produce clean HTML/CSS code, without deprecated FONT

Just asking before start digging myself...

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 === Merrill, Jason wrote:
 I recently went through this  - and am still building one now for a
 project.  You can use the TextFormat class - works nicely for the text.
 However, it doesn't handle img tags - so it's very difficult to insert
 an IMG tag and then manually delete it later because in so doing, it
 screws up Flash's internal reference table for the TextFormat tags.
 What I ended up doing  instead was keep text separate for images -
 putting images on their own movieclip and then letting the user position
 that.  I put handles on the text areas and movie clips to move them,
 move them to the front (depth management) and delete, and also resize
 for the text.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Flash 7,8,9 , AS 2 and 3 - clarify the situation

2006-08-19 Thread GregoryN
Thanks a lot to all who responded for enlightening me.

I've already downloaded Flex 2 SDK: now I can see the need for it :-)

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Inspectable type=List?

2006-08-19 Thread GregoryN

 I'd suggest 2 possible ways:

 1) Inspectable( enumeration=your, frame, labels)
 This will produce a drop-down.
 2) Use Inspectable(type=Object ...)
 Can help you in some cases. When user clicks the field, dialog
 appears for name-value pairs.

 3) There's always an option to use custom interface instead of
 built-in Component Inspector. It'll be an SWF movie, so you can put
 anything in it :-).


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

  preston brown wrote:
 While making custom components I have found the component's property panel a 

   I would like to have at least some drop down lists of settings for my 

   Example: Component contains some movieclips, which have some frames with 
   The component's property panel would have a drop down list of my frame 
 labels for
 each component's movieclips.

   Right now I have to manually type in the values, generally frame labels.

   thanks for help

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[Flashcoders] Textfield optimizes itself in a weird way

2006-08-19 Thread GregoryN

I'm trying to do some manipulations with html text.
So, I prepare the string containing html text and assign it to
htmlText property.
All works well, until I come to a case like this:

var myHtmlText:String = show btext/b btext/b to me;
myTxt.htmlText = myHtmlText;
// traces: [textformat, font etc.]show Btexttext/B to me [/textformat, 
font etc.]

Seems the textfield tries to optimize itself, BUT doing so it stripped
the space!

I tried with embedded or system fonts, B/I/U tags - result is the
same. For some reason it doesn't want to display my space...

Have someone faced such an issue?
Similar cases?
Any suggestions and/or workarounds?

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Textfield optimizes itself in a weird way

2006-08-19 Thread GregoryN
 It doesn't happen with Flash 8.

Nope. I have 8.0.24 player and this problem is here.
Haven't tested with FP v.9 (the target player is v.7).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

  m-e- wrote:
 var myHtmlText:String = show btext/b btext/b to me;
 myTxt.htmlText = myHtmlText;
 // traces: [textformat, font etc.]show Btexttext/B to me 
 [/textformat, font etc.]

 It doesn't happen with Flash 8.
 Humm... this problem concerns runtime, so it seems to have been 
 fixed somewhere between versions 7.0.19 (Flash MX 2004) and 
 8.0.22 (Flash 8) of the player. 

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[Flashcoders] Flash 7,8,9 , AS 2 and 3 - clarify the situation

2006-08-17 Thread GregoryN
Hello Flashcoders,

I'm a bit confused with waterfall of all these new terms :-).
Can't find all answers at the Adobe site so far...

As far as I can judge, current Flash version is 8, but
- on product and Version Penetration pages it's 8
- latest Flash Player offered is v.9
- you're discussing AS3 and even Flash 9 IDE here in the list

So, can anyone clarify the current situation with Flash versions?
What about expected in the nearest future (till the end of 2006)?

Please excuse me if this question seems dumb for you.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

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Re: [Flashcoders] external component assets

2006-07-21 Thread GregoryN
Hello Wade,

All component's assets will be downloaded in any case, especially is
you use compiled clips.

But there's one little thing:
in published movie, the libraries of component and host movie are

So, if your component uses Symbol_1 from it's own library, but host
movie has it's own version of Symbol_1, component will use the
This allows us to skin components :-).

For you task, I can suggest that you provide  a list of assets (open
FLA or just list of names - your choice) you'd like users to edit.
Then, in published movie, user's version of asset(s) will be used.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

  Wade Arnold wrote:
 I have a couple components that have background images and other visual
 assets that are not always used. I have created inspectable properties that
 allow the user to turn off the images if they do not want them. However the
 file size of the component is still the same. My assumption is that the
 background images are still downloaded. 
 My question is it possible to have a component when dragged onto the stage
 drop movie clips into the library. This would allow the user to edit those
 movie clips or delete them if they do not want them. My hope is to keep the
 file size of components down and make it as easy as possible for people to
 customize the components when they want to without doubling the size of the

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Re: [Flashcoders] Text arching

2006-06-27 Thread GregoryN
Hello Marc,

Within the IDE or at runtime via AS, you can rotate, scale and
skew(IDE only) Text2Curve object - like any other movieclip.

I'm not quite sure what type of distortion you're looking for... Can
you show me some pictures (maybe offlist)?

At a glance:
1) If you need place letter along some custom curve - well, right now
it's not a feature, but I'm planning it in future versions. Worth
contacting offlist :-).

2) If you want to distort shapes of the letters (e.g., making them to
some perspective) - it's more probably a bitmap task.


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

  -- Marc Hoffman wrote:
  From the online samples, I don't see any demonstration of the 
 claimed ability to distort the text, just to place the letters along 
 different curves. Am I missing something? I hope so, since I've been 
 looking for a way to do text distortions (such as making text fit a 
 flat-topped arch).
 - Marc Hoffman
 At 09:23 PM 6/26/2006, you wrote:
I'd like to recommend Text2Curve component for this:

It has a lot of advantages over TextOnCircle   Weyert mentioned:
- can place text along ellipse or sine, not only circle
- more methods to manipulate this text
- can be used in Flash IDE, even rotated/distorted there.
- some more :-)

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Re: [Flashcoders] Text arching

2006-06-27 Thread GregoryN

The first thing Google brings for envelope
is recent Flashcoders discussion Applying transformations to text?

AND also one named skew function (2001) with a nice functions from Robert
Penner and others.

Robin Debreuil's example:

I haven't tried yet, but maybe you can:
1) Break (dynamic) text into letters
2) Skew each letter and scale, if needed

What do you think?

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

--- aklist_flash wrote:
 From the online samples, I don't see any demonstration of the claimed 
 ability to distort the text, just to place the letters along different 
 curves. Am I missing something? I hope so, since I've been looking for a 
 way to do text distortions (such as making text fit a flat-topped arch).

 - Marc Hoffman

I, too, have been looking for a solution to this problem. Some users have 
suggested using the bitmapData and the displacementMapFilter, but it seems 
like it would be exceedingly complicated to do a very simple effect like an would involve (I think) splitting the text into multiple 
sections and applying different displacements to the sections...way beyond 

This FLA was suggested:

and it seems like it could be tweaked to do a simple squeeze or 
bloat...I haven't got that far with it yet.

Alternatively, it seems like it would be much simpler to pass the text and 
some distortion parameters to an image-rendering app and re-import a PNG of 
the distorted text into the player. I haven't been able to find any app, 
however, that could run in the background on a server to handle the 

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Re: [Flashcoders] Text arching

2006-06-27 Thread GregoryN
 Sorry, but what's LART?

I think that, with skew function(s), the task of simulating an
envelope, e.g., placing text between 2-4 lines is just a question of math.
Well, probably quite advanced :-).
I've already described it in general (see quotation below).

As to envelope in Flash IDE, it works with vector shapes (probably in
the same skew way), not text. You need to Break Apart the text,

So far I don't know about any way to convert dynamic text to shapes
(e.g., break apart) at runtime via AS.

BTW, maybe anyone knows how to break apart text with AS? I'd
appreciate any idea regarding it.


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 --- aklist_flash wrote:
 The first thing Google brings for envelope
 is recent Flashcoders discussion Applying transformations to text?
 Are you LART'ng me? I started that thread, and never got the right answer!

 AND also one named skew function (2001) with a nice functions from 
 Penner and others.

 Robin Debreuil's example:

 I haven't tried yet, but maybe you can:
 1) Break (dynamic) text into letters
 2) Skew each letter and scale, if needed

 What do you think?
 I don't want to speak for Marc, but from my thread, what I'm looking for is 
 an effect similar to what TypeStyler has done for 15 years, and what 
 Photoshop has done going back to v. 6.0, which is an envelope distortion.
 In fact, Flash can do it already in the IDE...convert text to vectors and 
 then apply the envelope controls to all the letters as a group...and it does 
 exactly what I need it to do.
 But, there's no way to apply those controls in AS or programatically, which 
 is how I started the thread...looking for another way to do it!

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Re: [Flashcoders] Text arching

2006-06-26 Thread GregoryN
I'd like to recommend Text2Curve component for this:

It has a lot of advantages over TextOnCircle   Weyert mentioned:
- can place text along ellipse or sine, not only circle
- more methods to manipulate this text
- can be used in Flash IDE, even rotated/distorted there.
- some more :-)

Recently version 1.6 was released with more useful features.

BTW, reminding some recent threads in this list:
- it manages to evenly distribute objects (letters) along the ellipse
- starting point can be moved (along the ellipse) at any distance.

=== New in version 1.6 (see samples 6 and 7):
- Center Text parameter allows text to be centered by the top or bottom point 
of the curve (round or ellipse). 
- Letter Spacing parameter adds some more space between letters (in pixels). 
- Start Point parameter allows you to change the distance along the curve (in 
pixels) from 0 point (marked with cross) to the first letter. Some kind of 
- Some properties added to access via Actionscript
- Updated help system

=== Description:
Text2Curve Flash component allows you to place dynamic text along one of 
pre-defined curves.
Unlike similar tools in programs as Illustrator, CorelDRAW or Freehand, it 
allows doing this dynamically, e.g. as a movie is playing.
Text along the curve (circle, ellipse, wave and so on) is broadly used by 
designers to create artistic effects.

Can be used as a component in Flash MX 2004 or later. 
Resulting movie require Flash Player 7 or later.

The package contains complete Help system with API documentation and samples.

=== Features: 
- Place dynamic text along one of pre-defined curves. Broad range of parameters 
can approximate almost any curve you need. 
- This text remains dynamic and can be changed at runtime. 
- Use your favorite font (just embed it). 
- Interactive Live Preview. Edit Text2Curve component in Flash IDE like any 
other movie clip. No programming needed. 
- Using class constructor, you can create Text2Curve objects from scratch at 
runtime with Actionscript. 
- Scale, rotate and distort text along the curve in Flash IDE or at runtime via 
- Animate text along the curve either with timeline-based motioin tween or 
- Help system with illustrations and API documentation.
You can also dynamically: 
- Change text to be shown;
- Change text or curve's parameters 
and then update the view using redraw() method. 

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

  -- Umesh Patel wrote:
 I have following question.
 I saw nike's unifrm builder, Nike Uniform
 Builder(, they built 
 generator using Flash, the only thing wondering me is, how did they manage to 
 the text, if anybody has any clue then I would be very happy to see little 
 bit of
 action scripting. 
 I want different arching with click of a button or something like that, I am
 attaching a sample of arching that I am looking for!
  If anybody figures it out. thanks,
 Umesh Patel
 - Weyert de Boer wrote:
 I have asked a friend of mine, and he came up with this code and example:

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[Flashcoders] TextField behaves differently in player v7 and v8

2006-06-23 Thread GregoryN
Hello Flashcoders,

I've found substantial differencies in TextField behavior when the
movie is played in Flash Player v7 ( and v8(

Moments I have problems with are:
- IMG tag with external swf (or clip from library) embedded
- .maxscroll property

I'd like to avoid version-specific corrections (using

Have anyone some relevant experience to share?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

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Re: [Flashcoders] flashcoders google search

2006-06-17 Thread GregoryN
Hello Muzak,

The url
doesn't respond for me :-(

Also, I'm sorry for asking, but:
As users have to use their browser anyway, what's the advantage over
using operators like site: in Goggle itself (or google toolbar in
As I can't access your url so far (and can't build an opinion), I'm just 

For example to compare, try search for
filereference in Google.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

- Muzak wrote:

Put together a little Flash app that will search the FlashCoders archive, 

Uses the Google SOAP Search API

You can add your search as a querystring, for example:

If you want to avoid really old entries, you can include the year in your 
string: 2006

hope this will encourage people to use the archives more often ;-)

For those interested:
Uses Flash Remoting (ColdFusion) to act as a proxy, as google doesn't have a 
domain policy file, so calling their wsdl file 
directly from Flash doesn't work.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Text link on hover

2006-06-11 Thread GregoryN
Hello elibol,

Will your function (class?) be For Flash 8 only (as bitmapData was
I think this all can be done flash 7 compatible.

Well, I'm very interested.
If you'll need some help with testing and/or making a component for
non-programmers, don't hesitate to email me.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 --- elibol wrote:
 It accually doesn't use any extra textfields, it stores the htmlText value
 of a textfield and gets the coordinates, it then resets the tf to the
 original value. I am thinking of making this a subroutine; assigning a
 textfield some value dynamically would be done through a special function
 that gathers spacial data before assigning the value.
 Right now the the total operation is written in 300 lines of algorithmic
 code. I am frequently coming up with optimizations, so this number is
 droping... I will make it open source when it's finished because I
 finddevelopers and designers are often upset about not being able to measure
 rendered textfields.
 I figure this can be used for more than just text hover states. This will
 get you a rectangle of text, and it will also get you line metrics so I am
 thinking it will allow for some creative possibilities with typographic
 animation. It could be that a function defines the rectangle of all letters
 in a sequence for use with just words or short sentences. I suggest words
 and short sentences as any large body of text would cost too much in system
 resource with too many rectangles =]
 The dude at tried mimicking the getLineMetrics function from
 Flex using bitmapData and getColorRect to measure the width of lines. It
 fails with custom anti aliasing, maybe even anti aliasing for animation. For
 some reason converting anti aliased text to bitmap data results in a blank
 bitmapData object...
 I wanted to run with his code but I found that it became far too elaborate
 as I was having to put the textfield in movieclips to get it to convert to
 bitmap data. This solution would fail too when image tags are used.
 It's a great theoretical solution but not a good practical solution.
 On 6/10/06, GregoryN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello elibol,

  Were your textfields multiline?
 No, they were just a row of links.

 What you're trying to do is really interesting :-).

 As I can guess, to work with non-monospace fonts, your getWordRect
 function should be quite smart...

 Also, the only way I can imagine so far (in about 15 min) must
 probably use a lot of duplicate textfields to get all these

 What do you think, how often the need for hover event in html text

 Best regards,
 Flash components development.
 Usability services.

  --- elibol wrote:
  Hi Greg,
  Yea, really is funny... Were your textfields multiline?
  I've tried the img tag solution, the problem is that it does not snuggle
  between text, the tag must be either left or right justified so it's
  where it should be.
  So far I've built a function that gets the x/y ( relative to textfield )
  w/h of a string from a textfield.
  getWordRect(textField, searchString)
  This returns a rectangle object that describes the word rectangle. I am
  planning to use this with a mouse hotspot class I've written a while
  This will allow me to pass the rectangle objects and create a hover
  that will broadcast the entity {id,x,y,w,h} to the hover event handler.
  It's pretty fricken elaborate. I think this functionality will be useful
  Flex does not even support these kinds of functions so I will post this
  stuff on my site soon.
  I plan to implement a getLineMetrics style function as the base code
  the getWordRect is driven with will allow me to do this relatively
  I plan to build a sub function of getWordRect that will get all word
  rectangles of a searchString.
  Word to the Adobe developers, I think this is functionality the
  class in Flex should implement.
  I also think htmlText for TextField Objects should have a realtime DOM.
  On 6/9/06, GregoryN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The only solution I can suggest (and I've used it several times) is to
  make each of your links embedded into separate mc.
  But I was making just quite short html texts dynamically at runtime.
  Depending on situation you may have to embed an SWF within IMG tag and
  use some kind of flashvars to set it's behavior .
  Funny, isn't it?

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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Text link on hover

2006-06-10 Thread GregoryN
Hello elibol,

 Were your textfields multiline?
No, they were just a row of links.

What you're trying to do is really interesting :-).

As I can guess, to work with non-monospace fonts, your getWordRect
function should be quite smart...

Also, the only way I can imagine so far (in about 15 min) must
probably use a lot of duplicate textfields to get all these

What do you think, how often the need for hover event in html text

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 --- elibol wrote:
 Hi Greg,
 Yea, really is funny... Were your textfields multiline?
 I've tried the img tag solution, the problem is that it does not snuggle
 between text, the tag must be either left or right justified so it's never
 where it should be.
 So far I've built a function that gets the x/y ( relative to textfield ) and
 w/h of a string from a textfield.
 getWordRect(textField, searchString)
 This returns a rectangle object that describes the word rectangle. I am
 planning to use this with a mouse hotspot class I've written a while ago.
 This will allow me to pass the rectangle objects and create a hover entity
 that will broadcast the entity {id,x,y,w,h} to the hover event handler.
 It's pretty fricken elaborate. I think this functionality will be useful as
 Flex does not even support these kinds of functions so I will post this
 stuff on my site soon.
 I plan to implement a getLineMetrics style function as the base code that
 the getWordRect is driven with will allow me to do this relatively easily.
 I plan to build a sub function of getWordRect that will get all word
 rectangles of a searchString.
 Word to the Adobe developers, I think this is functionality the TextField
 class in Flex should implement.
 I also think htmlText for TextField Objects should have a realtime DOM.
 On 6/9/06, GregoryN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 The only solution I can suggest (and I've used it several times) is to
 make each of your links embedded into separate mc.

 But I was making just quite short html texts dynamically at runtime.

 Depending on situation you may have to embed an SWF within IMG tag and
 use some kind of flashvars to set it's behavior .
 Funny, isn't it?

 Best regards,
 Flash components development.
 Usability services.

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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] How to remove indent for LI with CSS?

2006-06-01 Thread GregoryN

Well, I like this one:
var txt = txt.split('li').join('#249;');

Thanks a lot!

your solution seems good too. (maybe add a comma after 2nd argument :-)

However, for some reason I feel better about client-side (flash)

Again, thanks for both of you.

While not with CSS, seems I've got a solution.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 Enrico Tomaselli wrote:
 why don't use the same server side script language? If you check that user
 will see the page with Flash, you can correct the text accordingly...
 something like this (using PHP):
 $mytxt = str_replace(ulli,br $mytxt);
 $mytxt = str_replace(/lili,br  $mytxt);
 $mytxt = str_replace(/li/ul,br $mytxt);
 * Enrico Tomaselli
 * web designer
 * Skype: MetaArt
  Josh Santangelo wrote:
 Get rid of the li in your AS code.
 var txt = txt.split('li').join('#249;');
 myfield.htmlText = txt;
 On Jun 1, 2006, at 12:35a, GregoryN wrote:
 Hello Josh,

 Thanks for your reply.
 The matter is that I HAVE to use LI as same text is used by
 alternative non-flash versions.

 All text data for this application is stored in DB .
 When someone comes to see it, a script (SWFObject and some
 server-side) checks if this user have proper flash player installed.
 If not (or if this is SE), they will see HTML version.
 And, as the text for this HTML version is taken from the same DB
 records, it is preferably that I use LI for list which is standard/SE
 compliant way to go.

 This is why I am stick to using LI, not just any bullet.

 More suggestions?

 Best regards,
 Flash components development.
 Usability services.

  Josh Santangelo wrote:
 Instead of using li, just use the entity for a bullet character,
 #249; or something.


 On May 31, 2006, at 10:10a, GregoryN wrote:

 Hello all,

 I'm trying to  remove indent for LI elements in html textfield (MX
 2004). Client wants this.

 In normal HTML/CSS we can just write:
li {margin-left: 0;}

 Seems in Flash this indent for LI is hard-built-in, at least I can't
 find a way to get rid of it.

 I'm not considered dirty tricks like move all textfield to the left
 and set 'margin-left: X' for all non-LI elements... so far.

 I'd appreciate any help in this issue.

 Thanks in advance.

 Best regards,

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[Flashcoders] How to remove indent for LI with CSS?

2006-05-31 Thread GregoryN
Hello all,

I'm trying to  remove indent for LI elements in html textfield (MX
2004). Client wants this.

In normal HTML/CSS we can just write:
   li {margin-left: 0;}

Seems in Flash this indent for LI is hard-built-in, at least I can't
find a way to get rid of it.

I'm not considered dirty tricks like move all textfield to the left
and set 'margin-left: X' for all non-LI elements... so far.

I'd appreciate any help in this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] sending HTML image map data to Flash

2006-05-28 Thread GregoryN
Hello Marc,

Well, the decision WHERE to parse is yours entirely.
I think it can also depend on your security goals:
if you parse in JS, all your funtions, vars at swf's _root etc are
available in cache.
If you just pass all innerHTML to flash -
something will be hidden.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 - Marc Hoffman wrote:
 Thanks, Gregory! I'm passing this along to the person who's been 
 working on parsing the image map from within flash. You approach 
 would seem to eliminate the need for parsing by Flash.
 [Peter: what do you think?]

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Re: [Flashcoders] Kerning algortihms

2006-05-27 Thread GregoryN
Hello Alias,

I've been thinking about issues like yours in relation to my
Text2Curve component :-).

A lot depends on what do you mean by kerning:
1) Just some space between letters to make text more rare
2) Normal (aka auto) kerning, like TextFormat.kerning in flash8 (see
3) Manual kerning, which is used by graphic designers for large
headers, billboards etc.

For (1), I'd just add some pixels to each letter's position.
This, and also some more features will be available in v. 1.5 of
Text2Curve (coming soon :-).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 - Alias wrote:
 I've recently been doing some stuff involving complicated text
 manipulation/animation, and I've come to the conclusion that decent
 kerning is basically essential to this.
 Currently, my approach is based on laying the text out and
 interrogating the _x positions of each character (in a seperate
 movieclip) and using that as positioning data.
 However, although this is suitable for simple once-off purposes, it is
 obviously not practical for dynamic text. So, I'm wondering if anyone
 has any experience with kerning tables or some kind of kerning
 algorithm in flash? are there any good resources for this that you can
 point me towards?
 Thanks in advance,

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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] sending HTML image map data to Flash

2006-05-27 Thread GregoryN
Hello Marc,

I can suggest the following:
1) place your image map description inside div tag and set ID to
this div. Say, div id=myMap

2) Create a function in Javascript that reads the
and sets some of hosted swf's var(s) according to content of this

3)  From Flash, call this JS function:


Feel free to ask questions or email me offlist.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 On 25/05/06, Marc Hoffman  wrote:

 Anyone have tips on making Flash read the image map on the host html
 page and parse it into a multi-dimensonal array (as would happen if
 we were importing xml)?

 In a web-based project, we provide non-flash browsers with a jpg and
 image map. We want to grab the image map data directly from the html
 and send it to the swf so that Flash can construct hit areas and URLs
 from that data (it's too cumbersome to copy this data manually into
 the .fla). I'm having trouble parsing the image map data inside
 Flash. For one thing, I have to account for the way I.E. rewrites
 html (different quoting conventions, for example). It would be nice
 if the image map data were sent to Flash in more of an xml format.

 Does this already exist? Any thoughts?



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Re: [Flashcoders] Using MX components for 5 publishing

2006-05-10 Thread GregoryN
Why not?
The only thing: it will be v.1 component, not v.2 (which are

(this is old version of my Dynamic Blend component).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:
 Can you create a component out of a movie clip in MX and publish to
 version 5 and have the component work without problems?
 - Michael M.

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Re: [Flashcoders] obfuscation swf !

2006-05-10 Thread GregoryN

What kind of encryption have you tried?
I use bytecode manipulations (Flare+manually). Some tricks, indeed,
break the component (v.2), but others work OK.

I don't think it depends on what your component does, rather the
encrypting technique itself.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 - Andy Bueler   wrote:
 is there a way to protect flash components?
 Unfortunalty encrypting breaks the components, but is there a tool
 to at least obfuscation them?
 Kind Regards,

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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] XML Parsing

2006-05-05 Thread GregoryN

Look at Flasm (

In this long file, see scriptLimits tag sub-section.

Good luck.


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- Mars Spider wrote:
 The only (well) known solution is about editing SWF bytecode to change
 256 limit of recursion. Broadly used, btw.
 Any link or suggestion about this solution?
 Mars Spider

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Re: [Flashcoders] XML Parsing

2006-05-04 Thread GregoryN
The only (well) known solution is about editing SWF bytecode to change
256 limit of recursion. Broadly used, btw.

I think he means not xml is 1600 levels deep, but rather XML has
1600 nodes and some of them have childNodes  :-)


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- Mars Spider wrote:
 i'm using a recursive function to parse the XML
 and i'm getting an error about 256 limit of recursion parsin a 1600 
 nodes XML with some childNodes...
 The problem is function recursion for sure...
 Splitting XML in two and than 'concat' the resulting parsed Array works 
 fine, but that's not the solution...
 -- David Rorex wrote:
 Are you saying the xml is 1600 levels deep?? that's a bit odd to me.
 Otherwise, it might be your code which is the problem. Try using a for loop
 instead of recursion for example.

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Re: [Flashcoders] good OOP way to re-assign class to clip - SOLVED

2006-04-24 Thread GregoryN
Hello all,

See history of this question in quotations below.

Now there are 3 classes:

//  code ==
class MyContainer extends MovieClip{
  var myType:String = class1 // default
 function MyContainer(){}
 //... some COMMON stuff

 function setMyBehavior(new_type:String){
 case class1:
 case class2:

 function showMyInfo(){} // empty function - placeholder

class MyClass1 extends MovieClip{
 static var _MyClass1:MyClass1 = undefined;
 function MyClass1(){}
 //... some stuff

 static function initialize(mc:MovieClip):Void {
   if (_MyClass1 == undefined) {
   _MyClass1 = new MyClass1;
   mc.showMyInfo = _MyClass1.showMyInfo;
 function showMyInfo(){
   trace(I am +this+,  class is MyClass1);
class MyClass2 extends MovieClip{
  static var _MyClass2:MyClass1 = undefined;
 function MyClass2(){}
 //... some stuff

 static function initialize(mc:MovieClip):Void {
   if (_MyClass2 == undefined) {
   _MyClass2 = new MyClass2;
   mc.showMyInfo = _MyClass2.showMyInfo;
 function showMyInfo(){
   trace(I am +this+,  class is MyClass2);
//  code ends ==

Some comments:
1) A mc symbol in the library is associated with MyContainer.
It is some UI element. Normally, it will be created (attached) in one
form (class1 or class2), but sometimes it needs to be transformed
from one form to another.

2) When there's a need to transform this element, we'll call
setMyBehavior method with type name as a parameter:

This method will re-define all specific methods whith ones of MyClass1
OR MyClass2. In this example, the only specific method is showMyInfo.
Then, the mc behaves as an instance of appropriate class.

3) Thus, I'm able to switch my mc symbol from one class to another -
unlimited times!

Well, that's how I've implemented it.
I'm NOT sure it's a good OOP way (frankly, I think it's not ;-), but
it works.

Thoughts, comments etc are appreciated, as this project is still in


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- Steven Sacks wrote:
 The most obvious and simple solution to me:
 Duplicate the movieclip in your library and assign the duplicate the second
 I wish I can use this way...
 This is an interface element that is opened by user.
 And depending on situation in which it was opened, one of two symbols
 in the library is choosen. Usually that's all.
 But sometimes there's a need to change these two symbols w/o closing
 the mentione interface element.
 This ia how I came to re-assigning class idea :-).
 However, now I tend to try alternative solution from below: combine
 two classes into one and modify methods depending on parameters
 (element type in this case).
 Will inform you if I succeed with this.
 Best regards,
 Flash components development.
 Usability services.

 -- Steven Sacks wrote:
 The most obvious and simple solution to me:
 Duplicate the movieclip in your library and assign the duplicate the second
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of GregoryN
 Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 8:52 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] good OOP way to re-assign class to clip
 Well, let's say I have two classes:
 //  code ==
 class MyClass1 extends MovieClip{
  function MyClass1(){}
  //... some stuff
  function showMyInfo(){
trace(I am +this+,  class is MyClass1);
 class MyClass2 extends MovieClip{
  function MyClass2(){}
  //... some stuff
  function showMyInfo(){
trace(I am +this+,  class is MyClass2);
 //  code ends ==
 I have a mc symbol in the library associated with MyClass1.
 Thus, if I attach it using attachMovie(), and then call showMyInfo
 it'll output ... ,  class is MyClass1, right?
 Now imagine that for some reason at some point I'll need the same clip
 to be associated with MyClass2, while keep all properties etc
 collected while being an instance of MyClass1. BTW, these two classes
 are quite similar, but have several differencies.
 As I wrote before, so far just one way comes to my mind.
 It's about making an instantiate() method in MyClass2 to 
 re-write all
 props/methods of the target clip with ones

Re: [Flashcoders] Create an Empty MC and assign it to a class?

2006-04-19 Thread GregoryN
I'd suggest to use instantiate() method in your class to make any mc
an instance of it.
See EventDispatcher's one for example.

BTW, I'm going to use this approach for my thread (re-assign a class
to mc).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

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Re: [Flashcoders] good OOP way to re-assign class to clip

2006-04-18 Thread GregoryN
 -- Steven Sacks wrote:
 The most obvious and simple solution to me:
 Duplicate the movieclip in your library and assign the duplicate the second

I wish I can use this way...

This is an interface element that is opened by user.
And depending on situation in which it was opened, one of two symbols
in the library is choosen. Usually that's all.

But sometimes there's a need to change these two symbols w/o closing
the mentione interface element.
This ia how I came to re-assigning class idea :-).

However, now I tend to try alternative solution from below: combine
two classes into one and modify methods depending on parameters
(element type in this case).
Will inform you if I succeed with this.


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- Steven Sacks wrote:
 The most obvious and simple solution to me:
 Duplicate the movieclip in your library and assign the duplicate the second
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of GregoryN
 Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 8:52 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] good OOP way to re-assign class to clip
 Well, let's say I have two classes:
 //  code ==
 class MyClass1 extends MovieClip{
  function MyClass1(){}
  //... some stuff
  function showMyInfo(){
trace(I am +this+,  class is MyClass1);
 class MyClass2 extends MovieClip{
  function MyClass2(){}
  //... some stuff
  function showMyInfo(){
trace(I am +this+,  class is MyClass2);
 //  code ends ==
 I have a mc symbol in the library associated with MyClass1.
 Thus, if I attach it using attachMovie(), and then call showMyInfo
 it'll output ... ,  class is MyClass1, right?
 Now imagine that for some reason at some point I'll need the same clip
 to be associated with MyClass2, while keep all properties etc
 collected while being an instance of MyClass1. BTW, these two classes
 are quite similar, but have several differencies.
 As I wrote before, so far just one way comes to my mind.
 It's about making an instantiate() method in MyClass2 to 
 re-write all
 props/methods of the target clip with ones of MyClip2 (similar to
 Another possible solution is to combine two classes into one, and make
 methods working depending on parameters.
 In fact, the problem here is that in 90% cases I'll need the clip to
 carry only methods of one class, and in 10% there will be a need to
 swap classes (or use parameter-depended methods).
 Best regards,
 Flash components development.
 Usability services.
  -- David Rorex wrote:
  In my opinion, there is no good OOP way of changing the 
 class of an
  object (be it movieclip or otherwsie). You might want to see if you
  can handle it in a different way, normally you should never 
 change the
  class of an object.
  Why exactly do you want to change the class?

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Re: [Flashcoders] Howto randomize the elements of an array?

2006-04-18 Thread GregoryN

 Have you looked at

 There are about 10 custom methods of shuffle-like.

 I haven't tested them for performance though :-).


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 From: Martin Baltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Howto randomize the elements of an array?
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii
 I have an array with up to 1 elements. These elements are sorted of
 some kind and I need to reorganize the elements so that their positions
 becomes absolutely random.
 I guess my best approach would be to assign my own sort function to
 the Array.sort() method which did nothing but return -1,0 or 1 randomly,
 but I guess it would be necessary to sort the array many times in
 order to make it truly random and that would take a lot of CPU power
 with that many elements.
 Is there a better way to do this from a performance point of view? 
 Thanks in advance.
 Martin Baltzer

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Re: [Flashcoders] Flash for none-flash users

2006-04-18 Thread GregoryN
Hello Eric,

You're welcome ;-)

In such a situation I'd rather consider building custom interface
(SWF) for your component(s), where you can describe everything in
human language.
Also, how about making XML configuration file?
JSFL can help too...

A lot depends on what these non-flash people are expected to edit...

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 ---?ric Thibault wrote:
 I must produce a fla file that will be modified directly by people 
 unfamiliar with Flash!
 I'm preparing components to be manipulated easily and want to produce, 
 inside the component's property panel a list of all the items inside the 
 library that has a linkaged ID... Is that possible?

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[Flashcoders] good OOP way to re-assign class to clip

2006-04-17 Thread GregoryN
Hello Flashcoders,

I have a clip (myClip_mc) associated with class, which is subclassing MovieClip
(say, MyClass1).
class MyClass1 extends MovieClip ...

To do this, I entered class name as AS 2.0 Class in Export for
Actionscript dialog.
All this works OK (of course).

But under some circumstances I'd like this clip to be associated with
ANOTHER class (say, MyClass2).
class MyClass2 extends MovieClip  ...

How do I acomplish this in good OOP style?
Few ways I can imagine right now are:
1) myClip_mc.prototype.__proto__ = MyClass2.prototype;
2) Create an instantiate() method in MyClass2 to re-write all
props/methods of the target clip with ones of MyClip2 (similar to

Both ways above don't seem good from OOP point of view, though...

Can anyone offer something more elegant?

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

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Re: [Flashcoders] good OOP way to re-assign class to clip

2006-04-17 Thread GregoryN

I think you've misunderstood me.

I already have a movie clip on the stage, which was placed by
attachMovie(), and before it was an instance in the library,
assotiated with  MyClass1 .

Then, after some things happen (e.g. user moved this clip), I wand to
assign ANOTHER class to the mentioned clip, so this very clip to
become an instance of MyClass2.

That's why I need to RE-define the class for this clip.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- Alain Rousseau wrote:

 You should look into this article in the FlashCoders Wiki
 This is if you want to create dynamically a movie clip and then associate a
 class to it.
 If you allready have a moviclip that you want to use, you should look into
 Object.registerClass(³myClipID², MyClass);

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Re: [Flashcoders] good OOP way to re-assign class to clip

2006-04-17 Thread GregoryN
Well, let's say I have two classes:

//  code ==
class MyClass1 extends MovieClip{
 function MyClass1(){}
 //... some stuff
 function showMyInfo(){
   trace(I am +this+,  class is MyClass1);

class MyClass2 extends MovieClip{
 function MyClass2(){}
 //... some stuff
 function showMyInfo(){
   trace(I am +this+,  class is MyClass2);
//  code ends ==

I have a mc symbol in the library associated with MyClass1.
Thus, if I attach it using attachMovie(), and then call showMyInfo
it'll output ... ,  class is MyClass1, right?

Now imagine that for some reason at some point I'll need the same clip
to be associated with MyClass2, while keep all properties etc
collected while being an instance of MyClass1. BTW, these two classes
are quite similar, but have several differencies.

As I wrote before, so far just one way comes to my mind.
It's about making an instantiate() method in MyClass2 to re-write all
props/methods of the target clip with ones of MyClip2 (similar to

Another possible solution is to combine two classes into one, and make
methods working depending on parameters.
In fact, the problem here is that in 90% cases I'll need the clip to
carry only methods of one class, and in 10% there will be a need to
swap classes (or use parameter-depended methods).


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- David Rorex wrote:
 In my opinion, there is no good OOP way of changing the class of an
 object (be it movieclip or otherwsie). You might want to see if you
 can handle it in a different way, normally you should never change the
 class of an object.
 Why exactly do you want to change the class?
 --- Alain Rousseau  wrote:
 I wasn??t sure, that??s why I proposed 2 ways, but I just checked and neither
 will let you redefine the class associated with a movieclip. So I guess it??s
 back to square one.
 So far you have to create an new instance for the class you want to load
 using Object.registerclass and attachMovie. I can??t think of any other way
 right now.
 I know it??s not what you had in mind, but maybe someone else can think of
 something or try something out.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Help with swapdepths

2006-04-12 Thread GregoryN

Maybe you should try:


instead of




Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 - Gaia-Tek wrote:
 I'm having a problem with a seemingly simple task...
 I'm trying to get whichever movieclip on my stage is clicked on, to 
 swapDepths to the top, and be draggable...
 My code is:
 on (press) {
 on (release) {
 Not working...
 Any help would be appreciated...

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RE: [Flashcoders] Active X and Microsoft IE ...

2006-04-09 Thread GregoryN

Last year I worked with a client's employee, who had both
javascript and cookies turned off.
At first, I couldn't understand why he's doing so. My thoughts were
exactly as Steven's .
But some day he's dropped few words and I've got it:  he's porn
surfer! And he was using office computer for it :-).

So, here's the example motivation to turn JS off.

As to the point, I guess we still can use NOSCRIPT tag, can't we?
Yes, it will require activation in IE7, but seems it's the only way.


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

On 4/9/06, Steven Sacks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You also have to consider what users are turning off Javascript.

 First, Javascript is turned on by default.  Second, you have to be somewhat
 savvy to know what Javascript is, much less turn it off, and also know what
 purpose turning it off serves.  Third, you need to have a reason to turn it
 off.  These things combined means that people who turn off Javascript are
 more than likely well aware of the consequences of this action, it's not
 just Flash that's effected.  It's pretty much any plug-in and any DHTML
 site.  Almost every site on the web uses Javascript now in some form or
 another.  I wonder just how many people turn off Javascript and are they
 really worth going after?  They obviously want a very limited and controlled
 web experience.

 It's like trying to advertise on cable television channels to people who
 only have antenna reception.  You're just not going to reach that very small
 audience, so get over it.

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Re: [Flashcoders] assigning a function in the property inspector for a component

2006-04-08 Thread GregoryN

Why not?

Just don't forget that the same timeline as the component will be
_parent for the component's internal methods etc.
Then use eval or any other way.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -Rich Rodecker wrote:
 I have an inspectable field in my component where I want the user to
 be able to enter the name of a function to execute when a certain
 event occurs.  Since I would need to let the user enter a string, how
 can I let the user enter any path and still call the function?  I
 figure its gotta have something to do with Function.apply() or eval(),
 but i cant quite get it.
 for example, i would like them to be able to enter either :
 myFunction (if this function would bee on the same timeline as the
 does that make sense?

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Re: [Flashcoders] TextField._yscale bug?

2006-04-03 Thread GregoryN

I'd suggest to use a wrapper movie clip and apply
 _yscale = -100

 to it instead of textfield itself.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -  Pieter Snoeck  wrote:
 Thanks Michael,
 but that's not what I'm looking for,
 I want a vertical mirror effect - _yscale = -100
 On 4/3/06, Michael Bedar wrote:

 copy_txt.text = something;
 copyMirror_txt.text = copy_txt.text.split().reverse().join()

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Re: [Flashcoders] Question for XML Style Junkies

2006-03-16 Thread GregoryN

Sorry for late response, Jason.

I would use:
 title![CDATA[SomebrHTML Text in brhere]]/title
 body![CDATA[Lorem Ipsum Paragraph Text Here]]/body

As Jim noticed, CDATA is a type of node .

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 --- Merrill, Jason wrote:
 I am assuming the way I am using CDATA tags are throwing it off somehow.
 For example, I have a CDATA tag inside an attribute value under the
 Home/Panel/Panel[0]/Title attribute value and this is where it seems to
 break.  Is this bad form and/or causing Flash to choke?  If not, what
 could be causing this?  If this is bad XML form, how would you
 reorganize it to work in Flash?

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Re: [Flashcoders] Trying to understand Live Preview

2006-03-03 Thread GregoryN
Hello Fred,

I've answered the similar issues a number of times in February.
See in archive of this list:
- Component and Live Preview problems
- Creating Components - What am I over looking?
- Component instantiation- How does dragging affect  the constructor

 1) read the file very carefully. Read Gary
 Grossman's comments in it and try to understand what each string of
 code does.
 2) Read Components Dictionary chapter of Using Components in Flash
 docs. you'll see the differencies of behaviour (in Live Preview) of MM native
 3) look into source files/code of MM components to see how exactly
 differencies of p.2 are implemented.
 4) make sure you have your own onUpdate and setSize methods defined.

Matter is that 2 instances are created for Live Preview, and the 1st
one then becomes invisible.

Comments for your lines.
 I have read posts saying that live preview mode does not support depths (only 
 one depth), which can't be right (more
 prayerful), because most custom components are going to dynamically add 
 MovieClips and graphics.

I haven't seen such posts (at least in this list :-).

 in Live Preview.  Why can't I load graphics or bitmaps from the library?  
 Obviously MovieClip symbols show up.

A movie in LivePreview (on the stage in IDE) is compiled clip. BTW,
are you talking about components (like I do)?
As a compiled clip, it can't use any symbols from the _host_ library.
It uses it's own library.
You may want to clarify what you mean by load graphics or bitmaps
from the library.

Feel free to ask more questions if you'll have them.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

___ Frederick N. Brier wrote:
 I have been mucking with this for several days and would love if someone 
 could point me at an up-to-date explanation of how
 live preview is supposed to be done.
 I have read about the old style of doing it using onUpdate() and an external 
 I have watched trace() statements execute my init(), createChildren(), 
 constructors and property setters.
 I have read posts saying that live preview mode does not support depths (only 
 one depth), which can't be right (more
 prayerful), because most custom components are going to dynamically add 
 MovieClips and graphics.
 I have looked at and read through the comments, but am 
 unsure as to how it fits in the scheme of things.
 Code using attachMovie and loadBitmap to load graphics or bitmaps from the 
 library work in test mode, but return undefined
 in Live Preview.  Why can't I load graphics or bitmaps from the library?  
 Obviously MovieClip symbols show up.
 Other than the simple triangle sample on the Macromedia web site which uses 
 the old onUpdate/external .swf approach, there
 seems to be very little on this topic.  Please, just point me in the right 
 direction!!  Thank you.

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Re: [Flashcoders] dragging multiple movieclips

2006-02-22 Thread GregoryN
Hello Monicque,

  1) As David said, you need diff. depths for your clips. I recommend
  using getNextHighestDepth() .

  2)  While only 1 clip can be dragged at a time with startDrag()
  method, you can simulate dragging by just moving clips by
  onMouseMove event.
  If you have a lot of them, you'd better use a function with their
  parent clip moving children in a loop.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 From: Monicque Sharman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Flashcoders] dragging multiple movieclips
 Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset=iso-8859-1
 Hi, I am a newbie, and I have been fiddling with this problem for days now..
 . If anyone could help, I would really appreciate it. 
 I have a comboBox, and when an item from the comboBox is chosen, I'd like a 
 matching item (movie clip) to show up in an area, and then be able to be 
 dragged to another area. At present, I get the movie clips to show up, then 
 I can drag them, but they disappear as soon as the next item from the combo 
 box is shown. I've changed depths of movieClip, names of movie clip 
 instances (including dynamic names), duplicating the clip, etc. I've 
 searched and searched the web, But nothing seems to work. Here is the code 
 in the frame where the combo box is located: 
 form = new Object(); 
 form.change = function (evt){ 
 nam.onMouseDown=function() { 
 nam.onMouseUp=function() { 
 chooser.addEventListener(change, form); 
 Even if someone could point me to a tutorial where it shows how to drag and 
 drop multiple movieclips that are created when something else occurs (like a
 change on a combo box like I have above)? 
 Thanks heaps, 

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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Seeking a bit of drawing API inspiration..

2006-02-02 Thread GregoryN

If I understand you right, you're drawing a chain_of_circles instead
of just drawing a line?
This approach seems quite strange, but it's your choice anyway :-)

I don't think the math to redraw all circles will heal the
performance - rather opposite.
Instead, I can suggest use one of the following:
1) Try to use rectangles (or diamonds) in place of circles, as the are
supposed to be drawn easily
2) Draw the circle ONCE into a movieclip and then just duplicate this

Hope both can be helpful.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 --- Ian Thomas wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I'm looking for a bit of inspiration to help me out with the drawing API.
 I've got a feature that's sort of like a painting tool -
 - User clicks the mouse
 - on mouse move, a filled circle is drawn on the canvas (using
 - User releases the mouse
 So essentially the user is drawing a trail of circles. (Just as a side note,
 it's actually a mask that's being drawn rather than a clip - probably makes
 no odds).
 I'd much prefer it if the effect stays as overlapping circles rather than as
 'paint strokes'.
 The problem I have is simply a performance issue - when the user has drawn
 lots of circles the app slows down significantly. It's nothing to do with
 extra code on my part - it's just Flash (presumably) redrawing all those
 curves all the time.
 Flash appears to be redrawing each circle, rather than draw the 'union of
 the curves' of all the circles. By which I mean - if you completely paint
 over the whole paint area, Flash could get away with drawing a filled square
 - but clearly it isn't, it's drawing every single curve on top of each
 other. (It doesn't do the merging that it would if we were just drawing
 overlapping circles in the IDE).
 So an obvious optimisation would be to do some maths, merge each new circle
 into an existing list of curves, and throw away the unnecessary curves -
 then clear the canvas and redraw. I'm sure I could work that out eventually
 (with the help of Google!), but I suspect the maths to do this may actually
 be too slow to be of much use.
 So - any ideas/similar experiences/solutions?
 (This is MX04, rather than Flash 8, otherwise I'd be looking at drawing into
 bitmaps to solve the problem.)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Component instantiation- How does dragging affect the constructor

2006-02-02 Thread GregoryN

 Have you explored file as I suggested before?
 Matter is that 2 instances are created for Live Preview, and the 1st
 one then becomes invisible.

 Also, I'm a bit confused, what's private constructor you've

 Usually I create a special case (section) within constructor/init to handle
 all the  Live Preview issues.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- Manuel Saint-Victor wrote:
 Would a component that subclasses movie clip call its constuctor when
 dragged on stage despite the fact that the constructor is private.  I'm
 getting a strange error wherein a supposed singleton class is calling the
 private constructor twice and therefore eliminating the references to it
 that other components had.
 I currently have the component subclassing the MoviClip class but am also
 trying to make it a Singleton.  Will this not work?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Seeking a bit of drawing API inspiration..

2006-02-02 Thread GregoryN

Also, what code do you use to draw circles?

Even in the MM docs, there are 2 methods, using 2 types of bezier
curves: quadratic and cubic.
Quadratic bezier method (of drawing circle) works fast and uses just 4
calls to curveTo(). But the result is squared.
Cubic bezier method uses Math class (sin and tan), draws perfect
circles, but mu-u-uch slower.

Try to find the fastest method.

And, of course, the less circles you draw, the better :-).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

  Ian Thomas wrote:
   I am basically plotting/drawing a circle at each point the mouse moves to
 while clicked. (This isn't a paint package, it's for something else entirely
 - which is why I'm not drawing lines...)
   I had already got as far as trying rectangles - they are indeed a lot
 faster, just not as pretty. :-) They are my fallback position if I can't get
 anything better to work.
   I can't quite see why the MovieClip option would work - but I'm willing to
 have a go. I'll let you know how it works out.
 Many thanks,

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] Seeking a bit of drawing API inspiration..

2006-02-02 Thread GregoryN

Well, here's a quote from MM docs (Flash 7 AS reference,

== start quote ===
The following example draws a circle with a solid blue hairline stroke and a 
solid red fill:
this.createEmptyMovieClip(circle_mc, 1);
with (circle_mc) {
lineStyle(0, 0xFF, 100);
moveTo(500, 500);
curveTo(600, 500, 600, 400);
curveTo(600, 300, 500, 300);
curveTo(400, 300, 400, 400);
curveTo(400, 500, 500, 500);
== end quote ===

Yes, I'm still in Flash 7 (too?) .

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

  Ian Thomas wrote:
 I'm using an 8-arc method - I'd prefer to find 4-arc (i.e. the quadratic
 bezier) but haven't been able to find/work out suitable code. Could you
 point me in the right direction?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Component instantiation- How does dragging affect the constructor

2006-02-02 Thread GregoryN
 Well, try this:
 1) read the file very carefully. Read Gary
 Grossman's comments in it and try to understand what each string of
 code does.
 2) Read Components Dictionary chapter of Using Components in Flash
 docs. you'll see the differencies of behaviour (in Live Preview) of MM native
 3) look into source files/code of MM components to see how exactly
 differencies of p.2 are implemented.
 4) make sure you have your own onUpdate and setSize methods defined.

 As to special case, it's something like this:
 public function init(Void):Void{
  //main content of your init()

  // code below will work in Live Preview only
  // your code here

  //end of special Live Preview code

 Similar, you can add such special section to any of your
 component's method.

 BTW, read my other posts in recent (2) days if you haven't yet - it
 seems I've answered similar issues several times, just not to you.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- Manuel Saint-Victor wrote:
 Bart--This is perfect- I was thinking of something along those lines-
 are there any hidden issues with that that I hadn't thought of?
 GregoryN-I must have missed the comment that you made- I'm
 going to google my gmail and follow up on that -  tell me more about the
 special case-- you're giving me exactly what I need to know-- thanks.

Flashcoders mailing list

RE:[Flashcoders] Component and Live Preview problems

2006-02-01 Thread GregoryN
Explore native MM livePreview code to see in details how it works.
Also, I think you should check items in contents, which is the clip
you really see in LivePreview, rather then xch, which manages
Preperties/Component inspector.

Here's a code I used in similar situation (just to see what you have
on the screen in IDE):

   for (var i in _root.xch) {
 trace(_root.xch[+i+] = +_root.xch[i]);
   for (var i in _root.contents){
 trace(_root.contents[ +i+ ] = +_root.contents[i);


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 Thanks for the reply. I am using UIComponent. The code that is in the live 
 preview fla
 function onUpdate() {
 pushBtn.buttonText_txt.text = xch.btnLabel;
 The strange thing is that in the component's FLA I can drag as many instances 
 from the
 library on the stage and it works fine. Once I convert it to SWC, the 
 problems start. I
 did trace out the the xch properties, but I couldn't seem to find the 
 component's name.
 I did read the other replies to my post and looks like it is somewhat of a 
 flawed design
 and it has to be hacked to get it to work properly.
 Thanks for the assistance.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Creating Components - What am I over looking?

2006-02-01 Thread GregoryN
Just a few points:
1) Do you use your own onUpdate and setSize methods?
2) Have a look at file
3) Read similar thread (yesterday or so)


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 - Charles Parcell wrote:
 OK, I really am at a lose. There is some sort of property and or
 event/function that is getting called that I just am missing.
 I have created a simple component that extends MovieClip (NOT UIObject or
 UIComponent). If I scale the component in Flash (the IDE) there is no
 visible change to the component. Once I publish the component is scaled. I
 can accept that.
 But in my code, I have the visual part of my component size itself (via
 _width and _height) on EnterFrame. This is completely ignored. OR and here
 is where I might be all messed up, the component is being scaled as a whole
 after all the internal parts of the component are drawn. If this is the case
 how can I communicate with these top level component properties s that I can
 draw my component properly? I have tried getting the component _xscale and
 _width with no luck.
 Please school me. I want to pull my hair out and the documentation within
 Flash is not helping me.
 Charles P.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re:[Flashcoders] Author time/live preview of custom component

2006-01-30 Thread GregoryN
  Seems you don't set your own  onUpdate() and setSize() functions.
  Have a look at file (can be found in ...First Run\Include).
  It manages all the Live Preview behaviour.

  Then try to check  onUpdate() and setSize() functions in native MM
  components to see how it works.

  Feel free to ask more (offlist as well).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 - Manuel Saint-Victor wrote:
 When creating a custom component is there a way to allow the user to be able
 to scaling changes in the authoring environment.  I am using a component
 with some visible markings on the stage with Drag-n-drop scaling- although I
 can see the change in border size the movieclip inside stays the same size.

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] Component and Live Preview problems

2006-01-30 Thread GregoryN

 Do you subclass UIComponent or just MovieClip?
 What code do you use for onUpdate?

 Try to trace components names etc while in live preview.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- original message:
 I posted this on FlashNewbie and didn't have much luck getting it resolved. I 
 also found
 a number of posts on referencing this same problem, but I 
 couldn't find
 any solutions, so I thought I would try here. I created a custom button 
 component with
 live preview enabled for the label. The live preview works great with only 
 one button
 component on stage. However, if I put another instance of my btn component on 
 stage, both
 btn components are updated to the most recent component's label. Both buttons 
 different instance names.
 Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] the tool used to make this presentation

2006-01-29 Thread GregoryN

I'd say by hand... Maybe you think it's too boring to be made
manually? ;-)

Making me download over 20mb (!) to see some speaking heads.
Here's another link:
Talking-Head Video Is Boring Online

I'm curious if any of you have patience to listen the whole thing. As
for me, I drop after 5 minutes.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 - Alfonso Florio wrote:
 do you think this presentation is made by hand with flash or they use a 
 particular tool?

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] AMFPHP for commercial projects

2006-01-26 Thread GregoryN
Hello Flashcoders,

When talking with client about using Flash Remoting, I usually
recommend to avoid AMFPHP in favor of ColdFusion or ASP.NET.
But I love working with PHP (and AMFPHP in dev. projects).

What's your opinion and/or practice of using AMFPHP for client's

Here's a source of my doubts:
We do not recommend (at all) using AMFPHP in commercial applications
at this time. Just don't.

  Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AMFPHP for commercial projects

2006-01-26 Thread GregoryN

Thanks a lot to all of you for answering.

I'm quite happy with AMFPHP too, it's good, reliable and nice to use.
The only thing I was not sure is legal issues and/or Adobe plans on
it. However, now I'm almost ready to recommend AMFPHP to clients :-).

Maybe some Adobe guys can say a word in this thread?

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Strange text scaling issue

2006-01-25 Thread GregoryN
Are these TF static or dynamic?
Check if you've embedded fonts.

Probably text fields that behave properly are either static or with
fonts embedded, and ones strange are dynamic w/o embedded fonts.
If so, with emb. fonts they are rendered as vector shapes (espesially
when embedFonts=true).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- Danny Kodicek  wrote:
 I'm getting something odd: When I rescale my Flash movie (imported into 
 Director) the text fields are scaling incorrectly: instead of stretching, 
 they seem to be changing point sizes in a quantized way. The result is that 
 text fields that were previously next to one another are overlapping or 
 This doesn't happen with other Flash movies, so I'm guessing I've 
 accidentally set some kind of scaling property, but I can't find it. Anyone 

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] checking combinations

2006-01-25 Thread GregoryN
Perhaps I'm missing something, but IMO bitwise switch is best approach
here. I'd say, it looks like a classical case for it (like user rights
etc :-).
1) map abcd to binary number:  - all are false,  - all are
true, 1100 - a,b are true while c,d false.
2) convert to digital: -0, -15, 1100-3 and so on
3) checking is done, use some function to process if needed
4) in case you consider abc, cba and bca as different combinations
(which makes sense only if they all are true), I can suggest use a
pattern number/string for positions/order: 1234 means abcd, 2341
means bcda. Combining this with 1-2 points for normal order (abcd)
will cover all combinations.

Hope this can help.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

On 1/25/06, eric dolecki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have 4 variables I need to check the states of routinely... and
 combinations thereof.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Obfuscation

2006-01-16 Thread GregoryN
 - zwetan wrote:
 I still think obfuscation is not the only way...

Also, SWF in a web page isn't the only one to protect...

IMO, protecting something with the aid of server-side of any kind is
quite different subject.  And main question there is about file
storage, headers, cache etc rather than AS or SWF bytecode itself.

Yes, using some server-side solution can beat 90% of amateur
thieves. But, as mentioned above, it's only about web page.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] Obfuscation

2006-01-15 Thread GregoryN
 --- Scott Hyndman wrote:
 1) there's no way to 100% protect your swf :-(
 There's no 100% to protecting anything...nothing to be sad-faced about, it's 
 just the way it is. The
 objective in security is to have any attacker jump through hoops to reach his 
 goal. If these hoops are too
 numerous, or too high off the ground, or on fire...or something...he won't 
 bother. The cost of success
 will outweigh the benefit.

Can't agree more (and thanks for moral support). :-)
Some problem is that we're building/raising these hoops manually, but
ASV is jumping through them with computer-aid...

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Obfuscation

2006-01-14 Thread GregoryN
I've done a lot or search/research on this subject and here some

1) there's no way to 100% protect your swf :-(

 --- bryan.rice wrote:
Try Flasm.

2) Yes.
The only quite reliable way is to add bytecode that can't be generated
in Flash IDE. It doesn't have to be logical impossibilities,
sometimes optimization with Flasm is enough to obfuscate the
decompiler. Besides, such optimization results in great improvemets in
performance and your knowledge too. Carefully read Flasm instructions
to start.
Unfortunately, I don't have access to all of most interesting
decompilers in which I'd like to test my defense efforts (first is
ASV, of course).
All I used to do in my experiments is adding some bytecode, testing
and then trying to decompile with Flare (free tool).

3) As to obfuscators themselves, I believe it's just a matter of time
to remove this from code with search/replace, if someone have a strong
desire to read your code.
Besides, if obfuscated and decompiled code is still working, it's not 
necessary to
make it readable in most cases.

4) Don't want to hurt anyone, but I'd not recommend using trial etc.
versions of obfuscation/encoding  programs .
urami_ is right:
 All the obfuscation is dangerous and can stop your files from working.
As for me, I prefer use my own hands to have full control over my code.

It would be great to collaborate in this direction (dream :-).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 --- will g wrote:

 But what i'd like to know is how to add these logical
impossibilities manually.  Is there a site that talks about how to do
this, or explains the structure and how it can be...  edited.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Track key up event for simultaneously pressed keys

2006-01-12 Thread GregoryN

The only way I can suggest at the moment is onEnterFrame/interval
function checking which keys are still pressed.
When key is pressed (onKeyDown), you can write it's name/code into
array and check just this array later.
There's a nice Guy Watson's code at that Returns
the last key pressed.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -- Michael Klishin wrote:
 I wonder what is the best way to capture a key-is-up event if several
 keys are pressed at once. For example if I press and hold left then
 press spacebar and release it onKeyUp won't fire till I release left key

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] priority for downloading content

2006-01-12 Thread GregoryN
Thanks for your answer, Ramon.

I was thinking of writing such class myself...
But, in fact, I need some different solution rather than superb loading
queue :-).

Maybe I'll try to delete sound object which is downloading the mp3
track, - what do you think ?
Yes, it's the most common case in this project: some music is
downloading and this prevents/slow loading more imp't content.
Ideally, I'd like to cancel loading music in this case.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 --- Ramon Tayag wrote:

 I made this SupreLoader class that loads different files that are
 listed down in an xml.  It's relies on the fact that the user's
 computer will cache it, so when the user actually requests that file,
 it needn't be downloaded anymore.
 It can be told to halt() when the downloading should be stopped (like
 you need to download something more imp't).  However, telling it to
 stop for everything you want to prioritize, then telling it to
 continue when ur done downloading is rather tedious.  Furthermore, you
 cannot stop a download that has already started (save for closing the
 flash movie) - so the SupreLoader will only not continue downloading
 the next item in the queue.
 I tried to make it automatic, but unfortunately, there is no way to
 find out if you wish to remain within Flash.  Outside of Flash, I
 wouldn't know.
 Ramon Miguel M. Tayag

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] component rotation in LivePreview

2006-01-05 Thread GregoryN
Hello Flashcoders,

I have a custom component in which I want to process changes in _rotation
Everything is ok if you rotate it with code...

But some weird  problems arise in  LivePreview.
For example, if I use Free Transform tool or Ctrl+T and rotate it,
rotation seems to be taken and appears in published SWF, BUT I can't
catch it in  LivePreview mode!

Where the rotation value is stored while in LivePreview?
onSizeMulti() function passes only height and width to my setSize.
Also, I can't find any prop. with _rotation != 0  at _root or
_root.contents etc.

What am I missing?

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] TextFormat constructor

2006-01-04 Thread GregoryN

 === Quote from MM docs:
new TextFormat([font:String, [size:Number, [color:Number, [bold:Boolean,
[italic:Boolean, [underline:Boolean, [url:String, [target:String,
[align:String, [leftMargin:Number, [rightMargin:Number, [indent:Number,
[leading:Number]) : TextFormat

You should either use parameters passed (in order exactly as above) to
   var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat(Arial, 24);
OR use no params with constructor and set properties later:
   var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
   tf.underline = true;
   tf.color = 0xFF;

The 2nd way usually is better :-)

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:
 Hi list...
 I thought you could instantiate a TextFormat object like this:
 var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat(underline:true, color:0xFF);
 But that doesn't work as there's a compile error.  Why?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Undefine a Component

2005-12-30 Thread GregoryN

 If your component is based on AS2 class - just associate another mc
 with it.

 If not (as I suspect :) , I'd suggest to make a little/single SWF with only
 this component and then decompile it with Flare or another tool.
 You'll get an abstract code, but will be able to restore everything.

 Hope this can help you.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 -  Charles Parcell wrote:
 I was working on creating a little component based on a MC I have in my
 current project. After playing a little I decided that I would wait till the
 project was done before packaging the component for my team to use.
 Somewhere in the process something got mucked up.  When I run my project the
 MC does not behave as it should. As a matter of fact it seems to be holding
 onto variables and values from when I was setting it up as a component (via
 the Component Definition wizard).
 My question is, how to you properly reinstate the MC once you have started
 adding component defining properties??
 Charles P.

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] center of rotation for new clip

2005-12-29 Thread GregoryN
Hello Flashcoders,

  Is there a way to change a center of rotation for a clip, created
  with createEmptyMovieClip() ?
  What about the same for createTextField()?

  I'm creating several textfields at runtime and need to rotate them.
  (Yes, fonts embedded :-)
  But I'd like them to rotate around the center of the base instead of
  top-left corner.
  In IDE, we can just move center of rotation with mouse. Can we do it
  with code?

  Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Scrollpain Overlap Issues

2005-12-24 Thread GregoryN

I've been trying to get a bug like yours for about an hour and ...

But the code you posted this time is correct (working, while not
perfect :-). The matter can be investigated from your prev. (dec 15
2005) post:

  I've ran across a V2 scrollpane issue in one of the projects I'm
 working  on.
 -  I am attaching/removing pre-built movieclips from the library.
 -  Each movieclip contains a combination of components
 -  Problem occurs when I remove a movieclip that contains a V2 combo
 box and attach a movieclip that contains a V2 scrollpane. The
 content in  the scrollpane is not masked.

So, have a look:

If you don't attach too many clips, all is working fine.
But, if there's some mistake with attaching mcs, it looks similar to
BTW, with your sample (, if
you click TWICE the One, scrollpane  becomes normal...

If you like, I'll send you the source - just email me offlist. Note:
menu sorting is also working in my swf.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash stock ticker

2005-12-23 Thread GregoryN

Google returns dozens of these comps.
Have you tried them?

1) google search for Flash stock ticker

 A step-by-step guide on how to create a Yahoo Stock Quote Ticker using ASP.Net 
and Flash Remoting.

3)  Macromedia Ticker component to display delayed stocks.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

On 12/22/05, Merrill, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In absence of that, any hints of tips anyone can offer would be of
 help. The way I have done some somewhat similar projects involved
 creating a
 large movie clip from the loaded data, and then calculating the width
 that movie clip to use in its looping animation (using 2 instances to
 it seamless).  The problem I foresee with that is that this has the
 potential of being very long, and thus might not animate smoothly.
 anyone have any general suggestions I should consider as I plan this

 Instead of making a big 'ol movie clip in a library and
 animating/tweening that, I would instead make a single movie clip which
 has a text field, and attach that to the stage, populate the stock data,
 and tween/animate with actionscript,  - you would create and destroy
 instances when they leave and exit the view area, and the data is
 dynamic for each clip.  That to me would be a better/more elegant
 approach, and if you do it right, will perform much better too.

 Jason Merrill   |   E-Learning Solutions   |

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] advanced array functions in as2

2005-12-16 Thread GregoryN
Hello Flashcoders,

  Sometimes I'd like to use advanced array functions like those in,
  say, PHP: in_array (check array for having a value),
  array_unique (delete duplicates) etc.

  For now, I use my own ones. Example:
function my_in_array(needle:String, haystack:Array):Boolean{
if(haystack.toString().indexOf(needle) == -1){
return true;
return false;

  Frankly, I'm not sure if this is the best/fastest way for such
  tasks: needle needs to be a string type.

  Does anyone have info or ideas on this?

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] advanced array functions in as2

2005-12-16 Thread GregoryN
Thank a lot for link to this great site :-).

As for in_array, aren't string-based functions like mine faster than
these loops?
 I especially like this:

=  author: lochie [+], Submitted: 10.17.02 1a =
Array.prototype.find = function(n, lookwithin) {
if (lookwithin) {
var ex = ;
} else {
var ex = ^;
return (^+this.join(^)+^).split(ex+n+ex).length1;

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

On 12/16/05, eric dolecki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Guy Watson:

   for(var z=0;zthis.length;++z){
   if(this[z] == value){
   return true
   return false

 Also found this @

   msg3 { *k-zimir* [+],
 posted: 10.22.02 9a∙-, top [^]} 
 except using a while loop,
 this returns the position if found and -1 if
 not.. might be little handsomer sometimes.

 var l;
 l = this.length;
 if(this[l] == value){
 return l;
 return -1;

 Of course you could rewrite the above to make them AS2. There are tons of
 Array prototypes to be found there. (


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] getURL

2005-12-12 Thread GregoryN
About a month ago I tried to edit SharedObject file (*.so) which was
created after visiting MM online settings_manager. Success!

So, try to set permissions to one of your local drives via MM online
tool, and then: map your network location as new drive = edit so
Hope this can help.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 - Hans Wichman wrote:
 i looked into the settings manager, but couldnt find it.
 Any ideas for the workaround?
 At 02:02 PM 12/12/2005, Mick G wrote:
This is a new security setting in Flash 8 - drives me crazy. I rolled back
to Flash 7 in one of my browsers. If you have Flash 8, there are

The settings manager being an online app is so weird. Makes no sense to me.

On 12/12/05, Hans Wichman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi list,
  it seems when playing content in Flash 8, using getUrl(myFIle.html,
  _blank, GET) does no longer append variables to the given file when
  Can anyone confirm this and does anyone have a workaround?
  Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] CSS styles vs. TextFormat

2005-12-08 Thread GregoryN
Hello Flashcoders,

It is possible to replace CSS with  TextFormat object using
styleSheet.transform() .

I'd like to know, what are advantages (if any) of using  TextFormat
instead of CSS ?

I'm creating multiple text fields and want to apply tweening to them,
so the question above is especially interesting in coordination with
embedded fonts.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] external jpg resize script

2005-12-07 Thread GregoryN
Hello Mike,

You should use another object (Object) as listener.
Just replace your code with the following:

Stage.showMenu = false;
Stage.scaleMode = noScale;
Stage.align = LT;

var tmp:MovieClip;
tmp = this.createEmptyMovieClip(bgExpand_mc, 1);

var tmp1:Object = new Object();
tmp1.onResize = function(){
_root.tmp._width = Stage.width;
   _root.tmp._height = Stage.height;


//  It will work ;-).

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 12:09:34 -0600
 From: Brumm, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Flashcoders] external jpg resize script
 To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
 Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=US-ASCII
 I'm probably missing something very simple here. I would like to load an
 external jpg into a movieclip. When the user resizes the stage, the width
 and height of the jpg match that of the stage. The below script does not
 seem to be working. I can't seem to figure out what's missing. Any ideas?
 Thanks in advance,
 Stage.showMenu = false;
 Stage.scaleMode = noScale;
 Stage.align = LT;
 var tmp:MovieClip;
 tmp = this.createEmptyMovieClip(bgExpand_mc, 1);
 tmp.onResize = function(){
 this._width = Stage.width;
 this._height = Stage.height;

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders]read attributes names in XML

2005-12-07 Thread GregoryN

Well, I found solution myself.
Assuming that n:XMLNode is the node in question:

for(var i in n.attributes){
trace(n.attributes[ +i+ ] = +n.attributes[i]);


Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

   I'd like to save attributes names from XML file as properties of
   some object. For example:
   XML (fragment):
  my_node attr1=val1 attr2=val2 /
   my_object.attr1; // value: val1
   my_object.attr2; // value: val2
   Of course I can assign these props literally:
   my_object.attr1 = ...myNode.attributes[attr1];
   where myNode is variable (XMLNode) for my_node in XML file.
   But I want to use more universal way - some function with a loop.
 Any help appreciated.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Accessibility

2005-12-04 Thread GregoryN
Here's direct link:

Best regards,
Flash components development.
Usability services.

 == Hans Wichman wrote:
 i think u can find more about it here:
 The table of contents lists priorities, but they refer to the other 
 I think it might involve a lot of work if your site is already finished ;).
 At 03:25 PM 12/3/2005, Paul Steven wrote:
Hi there

I have developed a childrens entertainment site in Flash MX 2004 and now the
client has just asked whether the site is priority 12 accessible

Anyone have any idea what this involves and what I need to do to ensure

Many thanks


Flashcoders mailing list