corrupt package info.

2004-09-15 Thread clayton rollins
Hi all,
During a recent portupgrade, I got a hard crash of some sort...
(I was out of the room, and the machine was sounding an alarm
when I came back.)
At any rate, portupgrade was probably altering the package
database at the time of the crash, as I now get this error:
pkg_info: the package info for package 'nvidia-driver-1.0.6113_1' is corrupt
Needless to say, many of the other pkg tools won't work either.
As for the nvidia pkg directory:
ls /var/db/pkg/nvidia-driver-1.0.6113_1/
cat /var/db/pkg/nvidia-driver-1.0.6113_1/+REQUIRED_BY
Any suggestions? (If you want more info., just tell me what would
be useful.)
Best Regards,
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Retrieving audio from memory

2004-09-05 Thread clayton rollins
OK, funny one.
I accidentally deleted a media file... However, I did have the file
opened in kaboodle.
The file appears to be intact in memory; I can listen to it from
start to finish. Kaboodle, unfortunately, doesn't have any save
feature, so that's out.
I'm wondering if there is some way I could hack in and read
the file out of memory. (I have root access, and am comfortable
with reading directly from memory.)
Lacking that, is there any tool that could capture the audio
as it plays out the card?
Though I worry about loss of audio quality, looping the
sound card output back to an input might be a possibility.
Anyone have ideas on that?
PS. please CC...
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[from newbies]: SSH port forwarding and Webmin

2004-07-12 Thread clayton rollins
On July 12, 2004, Eddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have webmin installed on a brand new installation of FreeBSD 5.2.1. I 
tunnel port 1 to my localhost and connect to wemin like this:
I always connect to webmin this way, with all *nix machines I admin. This 
does not seem to work with FreeBSD 5.2.1. It does work out of the box for 
other versions (4.7 and 4.8 at least) of FreeBSD though. Is there some rule 
somewhere preventing port forwarding in 5.2? Here's my netstat output:

bsd3c# netstat -nat
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address  Foreign Address(state)
tcp4   0  0
tcp4   0  0   *.*LISTEN
tcp4   0  0  *.22   *.*LISTEN
tcp6   0  0  *.22   *.*LISTEN
tcp4   0  0  *.1*.*LISTEN
udp4   0  0  *.1*.*   udp4  
 0  0  *.514  *.*   udp6   0  
0  *.514  *.*

webmin is running and listening on port 1 as it's supposed to, and I 
can connect to webmin on the localhost with links. The sshd config file 
gives no indication that tunneling is disabled, and it has not been 
modified in any way.

I would be glad to hear what anyone's thoughts are on this.
Hi Eddie,
freebsd-newbies is not meant for technical questions nor replies.
I'm forwarding this along to freebsd-questions. (You should be
CC'ed on any replies...)
My first thought is that maybe 5.2.1 uses a more restrictive
ruleset for firewalling or that you specified a more restrictive
ruleset in rc.conf (firewall_type, which is used by rc.firewall).
You can view current rules with 'ipfw show'.
Of course, this all assumes you've kept ipfw as the firewall.
Also, I could be missing the obvious. (That's one of the reasons
to not ask on -newbies...)
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[from newbies] RE: Command path

2004-06-29 Thread clayton rollins
On June 29, 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there any reason why I can't directly run sysinstall when I am already
currently in the /stand directory?  The only way I can execute it is to
enter /stand/sysinstall
Is there a path configuration I can edit to get FreeBSD to search the
current directory as well as common places like /bin?
I can't reply on newbies@; all technical advice should at least
be subjected to wide peer review. (It's in the list charter...)
I'm replying on questions@, which is more proper for this
I don't know the rhyme or reason to which shells include or
don't include the current directory in the default PATH or why...
That discussion aside, the PATH is an environment variable.
The way you set (and maybe view) it is shell-dependent. I'll
give descriptions for sh and (t)csh, which are most common;
if you use another, you might write back and be more specific.
In both shells, you can view environment variables with the
command 'env'.
In sh, you could do:
in (t)csh, you could do:
'setenv PATH .:$PATH'
Adding such a statement to your ~/.shrc and/or ~/.cshrc
startup script would save you from typing it each time...
Hope that helps,
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[from newbies] RE: IPFW2 + 4.10

2004-06-27 Thread clayton rollins
On June 28, 2004, Matt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello freebsd-newbies,
  I am still fairly new at the BSD level, migrated from linux. The
  question that I have is, is Version 4.10 kernel compiled with IPFW2,
  I know the doc's say that CURRENT version has and that it was
  implemented in 2002, yet the doc's say that STABLE does not have
  it compiled into the kernel.
  Can some one please clarify
Best regards,
 Matt  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Matt,
(Can't reply on -newbies, it's a list charter thing :).)
4.x versions come from the STABLE branch  and, so, do not
have ipfw2 compiled in the kernel by default. (Instead, they
use the older, and more tested, ipfw.)
If you want ipfw2, refer to 'man 8 ipfw', the section using
ipfw2 on freebsd-stable, for very good instructions.
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[from newbies] portupgrade -a

2004-06-07 Thread clayton rollins
On June 6, 2004, Joshua Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
After running portsdb -Uu I ran a portupgrade -a.
Other than taking two days to finish is there a reason why upgrading ALL
ports at one time is a bad idea?
one other thing. I got  hundreds of _POSIX_C_SOURCE: not defined errors.
I am assuming this is some kind of system variable that defines where my C
Source files are located. If I am correct would someone tell me what this
setting should be and where to find the file that I set it in?
As always the newbies mailing list is a great help. Thanks in advance.
Thank you,
Joshua Lewis
Hi Joshua,
freebsd-questions is a better (well, the only) forum for asking
questions. I'm forwarding it there for you.
You shouldn't need to subscribe to the list; you should be CC'ed
on any replies.
The only real advice I might give is that you should definitely
read UPDATING before running portupgrade -a. Sorry I can't help
more, but I'm a newbie :).
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[from newbies]: XP + FreeBSD

2004-06-07 Thread clayton rollins
On June 6, 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This has probably been answered before, but I was unable to find
explicit confirmation.
The installation guide (2.5.3) states that You now have the option to 
install a boot manager. In general, you
should choose to install the FreeBSD boot manager if:

   *You have more than one drive, and have installed FreeBSD onto a
drive other than the first one.
   *You have installed FreeBSD alongside another operating system on
the same disk, and you want to choose whether to start FreeBSD or the
other operating system when you start the compute
Will installing FreeBSD's boot manager render my exisiting XP
installation inoperable?  I have been down this route with Linux in the
past with the result that my NT partition was unusable after Linux
Many thanks,
Hi Dave,
Freebsd-questions is the proper forum for questions; I'm sending my
answer there as replying on newbies is against the charter. (Also, if I
make a mistake, it'll get corrected here :).)
You don't need to subscribe to the list; you should be CC'ed on any
As I understand it, the boot manager allows for one other OS to be
bootable or for an OS to be booted which is not on the same drive as
the MBR.
It should not conflict with XP, afaik, and I've used XP and FreeBSD
together in the past.
As a cautionary note, though, I've seen others hang themselves with
this. (I never figured out what they could have done wrong.) You should
back up any data from the XP installation you wish to keep, to be safe.
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Re: FreeBSD-newbies group is a compromise community.

2004-03-25 Thread clayton rollins
Hi Randy,

On March 24, 2004, Randy Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 25 Mar 2004 09:36:11 + Clayton Rollins wrote:
  Hi List,
Hi Clayton,

Please don't take my comments as any personal affrontation since
I have quite different views.
No worries. :)

 Sorry, the thread has become so fragmented at this
 point, I can't really find a good last message to send
 a reply to. Nor can I really find a good way to
 integrate the past comments. This message is
 intended as a general reply to all the previously
 mentioned points in this thread.

 To state my main point firstly, the problem, as I see
 it, is not a matter of people asking technical
 questions, but a matter of people answering
 questions here. This is a problem (again, IMHO)
 because more authoritative and knowlegable voices
 are not generally present here.
Asking technical questions in -newbies does not follow
the FAK:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the place to send all
 questions about installing, configuring, running and using
 FreeBSD. All help requests are handled by FreeBSD-Questions,
 including newbies questions.
While I've read the FAK, not all people do. My comments were
directed more for the situation where a question does end
up here. My intention is not to encourage asking questions
here, but to find a consensus method of dealing with such
 I would then propose that, in cases of technical replies,
 that a minimal rule of CC'ing the -questions list be
 imposed. (With the more knowledgeable members of
 this list forwarding to questions when another
 newbie forgets.)
I don't think this will help since it would only encourage
asking of technical questions here.  Invariably, people will
start answering.
I've also noticed that people who have been doing this cause
the person on -questions to CC the -newbies list, thereby
perpetuating the asking/answering questions here myth.  The
convention is to use Reply All when answering a question is
why this happens.
The best approach would be to mail the -questions list directly
and not CC the -newbies list.  If the purpose is to expose
new users to more information, then the -questions mailing list
can be read online (highly suggested) without subscribing:

Cross-posting should also be avoided since it only increases the
noise level.  Only some circumstances warrant cross-posting such
as when you need to reach a wide range of people on a topic that
affects them.
Here, I agree with you. My main concern was to allow users
a path to follow when answering questions, not with where
they do it.
A minor secondary concern was the consistency of threads
but, if the person moving the thread to -questions were to
post the fact that the thread has moved, this concern
could be minimized.
I see the danger of perpetuating the myth as a minimal
danger because, as mentioned above, people do ask
questions here. The new subscriber, having only read the
list a short time, will generally see some questions
posted, regardless of what policy may be.
Bottom line: forwarding the thread to -questions and/or
answering it there would be an acceptable course of
action, in my opinion.
 While this uses far more bandwidth, it reduces the
 constraints presently on this list and allows for
 more colorful replies than send this to -questions.

 I have, personally, tried to follow such a path when
 I do actually attempt to answer a question. For me,
 a good guideline for a -newbies question has been:

 if the question is clear and I feel I can contribute
 Reply and CC to -questions
Your intention is good but contrary to the charter for this
group.  If your going to answer a question, please trim the
CC for the -newbies group and only CC the -questions list.
I'll avoid doing so in the future. (see comments above.)

 If it's a FAQ or covered in the documentation:
 Give a link to the doc.s and let the sender know
 the proper list is -questions.

 If the question is unclear:
 Notify the user of the proper list and point out
 any problems with the question.
This is covered in the weekly posting to -questions
on How To Ask Questions:

The same link is also given in the weekly FAK posting here.

Again, not everyone reads it. (And, not everyone
subscribes for a week before asking a question.)
Although, I was being a bit unclear. My intention
was that one should point the asker to that
document and maybe point out what they would find
useful, if they were trying to answer the question.
 While I know that many list members already
 follow personal rules, I would like to have
 solid guidelines and have them reflected in
 the charter.
There are solid guidlines already.  See the FAK link above.

No matter what solid guidlines you make (unless its none)
then there will always be a problem in getting people to read
them and then getting people to follow them.
Even on the -questions list, people

Re: FreeBSD-newbies group is a compromise community.

2004-03-25 Thread clayton rollins
Sorry, sorry, sorry. Wrong list.

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porting julian time lib.; fortran errors

2004-03-15 Thread clayton rollins
Hi List,

I'm having some trouble getting some third-party software
to compile on freebsd, and was hoping some fortran buff
out there had time to enlighten me. (I know no fortran.)
The specific software is the PDS Rings Node's Julian
Library, version 1.3.2.
(Note that ordering requires no personal information
or money, and goes through pretty fast.)
The errors I get when compiling initially are only in
one file, and are as follows:
fjulian.for: In function `fjul_parsedt':
  FJul_ParseDT = GJUL_PARSEDT(array1, array2, dutc, secs)
  1  2
Type disagreement between expressions at (1) and (2)
(happens 3x)
I'm not entirely code illiterate, and looking at the code
it would seem this is caused by the following lines:
integer*4 function FJul_ParseDT(string, pref, dutc, secs)
logical*4   GJul_ParseDT
Changing the two declarations to similar types caused
the first error to go away, however many undefined
reference errors are given during linking.
/tmp/cctHLBe5.o(.text+0x2d7): undefined reference to `fjul_taiofdutc__'
All of these errors seem to occur where the C code is to
link in to the fortran code, making me believe the
symbols generated by the two are incompatible
somehow. Seeing as how f77 and gcc are part of the
same general package, though, this seems unlikely.
Anyone have any ideas?

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ar, nm not reading library files (libz, etc.)

2004-02-27 Thread clayton rollins
Hi List,

I've been having problems with ar and nm not being able
to use the library files installed on my system, though
executables created with them seem to work fine.
libz is not the only library this happens with, just using
it as an example.
The output:
ar -t /usr/lib/
/usr/libexec/elf/ar: /usr/lib/ File format not recognized
nm /usr/lib/
/usr/libexec/elf/nm: /usr/lib/ no symbols

The problem was first noticed after a massive round
of portupgrading (due to the threading change).
Rebuilding the system with RELENG_4_9 as of today
did not fix the issue.
Any ideas?

Clayton Rollins
PS. please be sure to CC me, as I only receive the
list in digest form.
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Re: ar, nm not reading library files (libz, etc.)

2004-02-27 Thread clayton rollins

On Feb. 27, 2004 Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sat, Feb 28, 2004 at 03:29:34AM +, clayton rollins wrote:
 Hi List,

 I've been having problems with ar and nm not being able
 to use the library files installed on my system, though
 executables created with them seem to work fine.
 libz is not the only library this happens with, just using
 it as an example.

 The output:
 ar -t /usr/lib/
 /usr/libexec/elf/ar: /usr/lib/ File format not recognized
 nm /usr/lib/
 /usr/libexec/elf/nm: /usr/lib/ no symbols

 The problem was first noticed after a massive round
 of portupgrading (due to the threading change).
 Rebuilding the system with RELENG_4_9 as of today
 did not fix the issue.

 Any ideas?
ar and nm work with static libraries, not shared.  Perhaps you're
looking for objdump.
Thanks Kris; I thought ignorance was partially to blame.

I think the problem is actually a naughty makefile, an
old version uses nm fine (for whatever it uses it for).
Thanks for your time,
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Re: asking for help

2004-01-31 Thread clayton rollins
Hi Bogdan,

On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 07:46:47 -0800 (PST)
   faina bogdan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello, my name is Bogdan Faina and I wote you a couple oof times regarding 
to the HDF5 instalation. I read the notes abot this matter and I tried to 
install first only the precompiled binaries for freebsd_4.9 but I've fount 
out that in the ports packages exists the HD5 latest version available so I 
have updated the freebsd packages and then from ports I did make 
install clean. So that way the computer installed itself the Hdf5. Until 
here it,s all allright but I don't understand a thing: Why it is not 
included the fortran90 compiler  h5fc.
Please answer me this questions: How can I add the Fortran90 compiler to my 
actual Hdf5?
What solution exists to this matter?
How can I get some help regarding to the understanding how Hdf5 works?
Can I get a mail adress from someone who uses Hdf5 and is available to 
explain to me how it works or if it is a forum for Hdf5 users?
I'm a student at Physics and I need Hdf5 to complete my Bachelor Degree and 
to use it storing data from a program that simulates Crystals Growth.
Thank you for your time and I can hardly wait to hear news from you.
As far as I know, there is no native equivalent of the F90
compilers requested by hdf5's configure program. This
is probably why it is disabled by default. (You can quickly
hack graphics/hdf5/Makefile to include the cofigure option
'--enable-fortran' to check this.)
I know no fortran, so I can't really verify what's f77 versus
f90, but I've read comments stating that 'f77 -ff90' should
compile f90 programs. (No verification and hacking it
directly into the configure program didn't work.)
So far, I was unable to find a free source code distribution
for a f90 compiler, though I imagine it exists somewhere.
There are a number of linux native f90 compilers, but I'm
not sure on run-ability or quality of such a thing.
(One I found: )

Maybe some of the others here can suggest an
appropriate program... (Have homework to do,
otherwise, I'd try some more; maybe later...)
About your general questions, and all, try the site listed
in the pkg-descr:
Hope you get it working,
PS. Please try to break lines at around 80 char.s in the
future (standard for this list).
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Re: gtk-gnutella-0.93.2 crashing frequently..

2004-01-11 Thread clayton rollins
Quoting Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
anyone else seeing this app dumping core very frequently?
a core file can be seen at
the previous version I portupgraded from 0.91 I believe was working fine 
and dandy before I portupgraded it.

Hi Jason,

I can't access your core file (probably permissions). It
probably wouldn't help much, as I would need to reproduce
the executable it came from, and code. The crash output
would be more useful, for me.
At any rate, the problem you're experiencing is likely due to
a bug reported recently, which causes a segfault when
running the gtk1 version on freebsd. (Without getting too far
into it, a widget with 7 items is hard-coded with 5 items. The
problem wasn't noticed in advance as the dev.s mostly use
linux. I use the gtk2 version, so I was unaware of the bug.)
For fixing, there are three or four options for you.

1. Get and compile the newest cvs. (which is currently in
freeze for a bugfix release.)
This will also fix a minor memory leak that was discovered
Get a snapshot here:
./Configure -d -e -Dyacc='bison -y' -Dofficial='true'
  -Dprefix=${PREFIX} -Dbindir=${PREFIX}/bin
  -Dccflags='${CFLAGS} -I${LOCALBASE}/include/'
(note 1: the above are defaults for the port.)

(note 2: if ICU is installed, you will need to run
interactively (remove -d) and remove the linking
to -licuuc, or edit it out in the Configure script.)
then make  make install, as usual.

2. find a package from the previous release in ports
This was a  very recent update, and it is likely there
are good package builds out there.
3. Wait a few days.

As I mentioned, a serious bug was found in the gtk1
version, and a bugfix release is imminent. The port will
be updated as soon as the source is available.
4. compile a gtk2 version.

Using gtk2 takes quite a bit of cpu (I'd say, don't bother
if you have less than 600 MHz), but should allow you to
run... (Use WITH_GTK2 to do.)
On behalf of the gtk-g project, I would like to formally
apologize. Many new people have joined the dev. team,
and some issues with memory leaks, etc., have been
occuring with some frequency. While work is being
achieved at a much faster rate than ever before, this
also means that undiscovered bugs enter the code
more than ever before.
In response, a new policy of doing a 'code freeze'
before release has been instituted now, and newer
version should, hopefully, show less and less of this.
(Keep in mind the software only purports to be beta
One criticism for you, though. Your statement that
0.91 I believe was working fine is a *very* bad point
of view. Gnutella is an evolving protocol, and frequent
updates of the client software are a neccesity. In fact,
version 0.91 is considered fully deprecated, and other
gtk-gnutella nodes will not even connect to you. (Their
existence is considered harmful to the network.)
I don't want to scold you or anything, but that is a
common thought that, really, *must* end.
Clayton Rollins
PS. sorry for taking some time to respond. I only get
this list in digest form, so didn't see your post
immediately. On the same note, be sure to cc any
replies directly to me.
PPS. If you need personal assistance, help is available
on #gtk-gnutella on
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Fwd: newbee help on freebsd email server setup

2003-11-19 Thread clayton rollins
This belongs on -questions; forwarding there.

(To Dennis: you don't need to worry about registering to -questions, as
you should be CC'ed any replies. You might want to read the style
guide here: and the general guide
here: .)
Original Message
Nov. 19, 2003 Dennis M. Yocum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
still a newbee too
i would like to ask a few questions in setting up my mailserver

environment is based solely running freebsd 4.7
right now wnd sendmail 8.12.6 and qpopper 4.0.4
all are running without error.i think

the host command is replying correctly
my remote dns service a and mx records are fine
ping to the name resolves correctly
host-names file modified with names
inetd running modules without error messages
mailserver sees internet ok

here is the problem i cant track down.when i send mail to an
account set up on mailserver (thru adduser) and using an remote
source email server.when i use a pc through windows 2000
running outlook express i cannot retrieve the comes back
with error message 550 host unknown
can anyone steer me in the right direction.checked freebsd
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problems with libc_r, icu, and gtk-gnutella

2003-10-16 Thread clayton rollins
First off, I'm somewhat of a newbie; sorry if this is daft...

I have been trying to get gtk-gnutella cvs to compile
with some new (internationalization) functions, using
ICU. Neither of the versions currently in ports
(devel/icu  devel/icu2) work; version 2.6.1 passes
configure tests for gtk-g, but produces a non-working
The best indicator I can seem to find of the error is
messages I get from the compiler (or linker) when
icu is compiled. These are as follows:
/usr/lib/ WARNING!  setkey(3) not present in the system!
/usr/lib/ warning: this program uses gets(), which is unsafe.
/usr/lib/ warning: mktemp() possibly used unsafely; consider using 
/usr/lib/ WARNING!  des_setkey(3) not present in the system!
/usr/lib/ WARNING!  encrypt(3) not present in the system!
/usr/lib/ warning: tmpnam() possibly used unsafely; consider using 
/usr/lib/ warning: this program uses f_prealloc(), which is not 
/usr/lib/ WARNING!  des_cipher(3) not present in the system!
/usr/lib/ warning: tempnam() possibly used unsafely; consider using 

I would like to just assume that icu is broken for this
platform, but it passes it's check suite perfectly.
Also, I've had a ton of programs give such errors and
work fine. (I also assume it works for others.)
The exact problem might be better pointed out by
messages I get while compiling gtk-g. These are
as follows:
/usr/lib/ WARNING!  setkey(3) not present in the system!
/usr/lib/ warning: this program uses gets(), which is unsafe.
/usr/lib/ warning: mktemp() possibly used unsafely; consider 
using mkstemp()
/usr/lib/ WARNING!  des_setkey(3) not present in the system!
/usr/lib/ WARNING!  encrypt(3) not present in the system!
/usr/lib/ warning: tmpnam() possibly used unsafely; consider 
using mkstemp()
/usr/lib/ warning: this program uses f_prealloc(), which is not 
/usr/lib/ WARNING!  des_cipher(3) not present in the system!
/usr/lib/ warning: tempnam() possibly used unsafely; consider 
using mkstemp()

I'm working on this because I intend to update the
gtk-gnutella port and would like to see this work for
other people. I'd also be willing to update the icu2
port, if I can figure out what the issue is.
I was thinking to mention some specifics about my
platform, but can't think of much that would be of use,
except that it is STABLE running SMP, as I think
this is probably thread related. If you want to know
more, just ask.
Any help is appreciated,
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Re: Best way to add serial ports to STABLE machine?

2003-07-30 Thread clayton rollins
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 stan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've got a bunch of what I call 2nd generation HP Vectras that I'm 
redeploying for an application that gets input for Serial RS-232 devices. 
At the moment the most input devices any 1 computer has to deal with is 2, 
and I thought I would be in good shape using the on motherboard ports (as I 
have done on the first generation Vectras).

However, I just discovered that these machines have a 8250 serial chip 
instead of a (useful) 16550A chip. Even ruining minicom against this port 
locks the machine up :-(

Someone should smack that engineer around a bit. :)

Now, I can easily disable this port in the BIOS.

So, whats the best (most FreeBSD compatible way) of adding an extra good 
serial port or 2?

I've had success in the past with ISA card serial port cards to add 3rd and 
4th ports. But I'm wondering if I can even still buy something this old?


It sounds like you've got the right idea, and being able to disable the
onboard crap really helps.
I want to say this, though. I'm a FreeBSD newbie, and may be overlooking
bsd specific issues. (I do see a variety of serial controllers listed in the
hardware guide for 4.8, so I'd assume that this is fully possible. Try it on 
single machine before you order all your serial cards...)

About availabiliy, I was able to find a variety of cards on . So, they're out there.
Good luck reviving those machines,
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Re: I hate meeses to pieces

2003-07-18 Thread clayton rollins
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 00:34:12 -0600 Daryl Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am an extreme newbie at FreeBSD.  I have it installed but when I go into
the Xserver in either of the two GUIs I get a weird mouse that seems to 
be able to stay on the very top of the screen and has no vertical movement.

I have it setup on Auto and PS/2 Busmouse settings.  It works when the
config is run from the command line but it blows up like I described upon
entering the GUI (i.e. KDE)
Beyond the obvious stuff, you might want to verify your video card setup. I 
had similar weirdness from an inaccurate chipset definition once. (mouse 
worked flawlessly from the command line...)

Good Luck,
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Re: Kernel compile error (from newbies)

2003-07-05 Thread clayton rollins
On Sat,  5 Jul 2003 Mihail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

While building a custom kernel make failed with this error:

cc -c -O -pipe -mcpu=pentiumpro -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs 
-Wstrict-prototypes  -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline 
-Wcast-qual  -fformat-extensions -std=c99  -nostdinc -I-  -I. -I../../.. 
-I../../../dev -I../../../contrib/dev/acpica -I../../../contrib/ipfilter 
-D_KERNEL -include opt_global.h -fno-common -falign-functions=4 
-march=pentium4 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -mno-align-long-strings 
-mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -ffreestanding -Werror  ../../../dev/fb/vga.c
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:3833: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `movd'
{standard input}:4053: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `movd'
*** Error code 1

I did make from /usr/src/sys/i386/compile/MYKERNEL just as described on
BTW, how to change the _default_ CFLAGS? I would want to remove 
-mcpu=pentiumpro  that is being appended (in case -mcpu=pentiumpro 
conflicts with my -march=pentium4 flag?)

I really can't figure why the kernel won't compile. (Other than the obvious 
If you're using gcc 3.2, the -msse2 flag is known to cause this problem. 
Other than
that, what you propose sounds like the next thing to check.

I'll cc -questions, which is the proper list for tech. advice. Maybe someone 
will have a better answer for you.

You can alter /etc/make.conf to change the flags; I'm not sure how it picks 
up the
'automatic settings.' (Again, maybe someone at -questions will have a better 

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Re: wine/freebsd/kazaa.. (fwd)

2003-06-12 Thread clayton rollins
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 18:51:40 -0400 (EDT) Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
nobody knows? I asked the wine-users list twice and nobody there answered
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 20:18:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: wine/freebsd/kazaa.. (fwd)
freebsd fans.. running freebsd 4.8-stable and have
installed wine from
the ports. Wine-20030508.tar.gz
It installed fine and I can run notepad with no problems..
Im running the kazaalite install binary for windows and it gets so far..
then it bombs out with
err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin
msacm.imaadpcm: Cannot open /usr/local/lib/wine/
err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin
msacm.msadpcm: Cannot open /usr/local/lib/wine/
(I cannot find those files on my system anywhere. btw. where should they
come from?)
I cant find anything useful on google/usenet about this. any ideas?

Hi Jason,

I have no idea about how/where to get those lib's. But, unless you're a big 
fan of kazaa and sharman networks, you might give gtk-gnutella a try. You'll 
be on a different network (gnutella instead of sharman's propreitary net), 
but I'd most definitely recommend giving it a try. Supposedly, most of the 
same things are available from either net', so they should be comparable as 
far as user experience is concerned. (e-mule and bit torrent are two other 
softwares that come to mind, though I haven't run either yet.)

Aside from that, gtk-gnutella offers a quick, clean interface, and will 
allow P2P with a minimum of hassle.

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Re: mplayer

2003-06-10 Thread clayton rollins

On 10 Jun 2003 14:10:40 Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 13:39, Dick Hoogendijk wrote:
 I thought I'd install the mplayer port plus the mplayer-skins and have
 fun playing my DivX or Quicktime movies. ** wrong **

 Running a GENERICS kernel mplayer complains about having to recompile
 the kernel w/ some extra options. I can't seem to find these
 instructions in the dox though, so I'll reluctantly ask you:

 What do I need to succesfully run mplayer. I mean: which port(s) and
 which kernel options need be set?

 An info page on FreeBSD and mplayer is also welcome ;-)
For starters, you'll need to compile in support for your soundcard. The
handbook goes over this in great detail:
Beyond that, as long as your video driver is working OK, you should be
able to use mplayer just fine.
Please note the differences between 4.x and 5.x in setting up sound
devices. Be sure you are reading the correct instructions for setting it
up in 4.x (more steps).
In addition you'll probably need to add:
options USER_LDT
to your kernel. (unless you're running current, or have done it already.)
Before compiling mplayer you should read the makefile to check out the 
various options. (You won't get a gui by default...) You should also go over 
the documentation at 
(The links are currently down, though... You probably won't need them to 
install, just make sure you change the ~/.mplayer/config file to reflect the 
gui, 'skin,' you want to use.)

Best of luck,
PS. you'll need to get the codecs too, if you haven't already. I have gotten 
them from the mplayer site before, though I see they exist in ports too. (I 
think the links on the mplayer site are screwy enough that I can't find the 
download page right now...)

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Re: Changing to a PS/2 keyboard after install

2003-06-09 Thread clayton rollins

On Sun, 8 Jun 2003 12:26:39 Gary Schenk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I installed FreeBSD on this machine which came with a USB keyboard and
mouse. The keyboard has problems, and for various reasons, I'd like to
replace it with a PS/2 keyboard. Only problem is I can't figure out how
to do it.
Getting a PS/2 mouse running was easy through sysinstall.

Just plugging in the new keyboard did not work. After searching the web
and mailing lists, I  thought that recompiling the kernel with  the
following lines would work:
# atkbdc0 controls both the keyboard and the PS/2 mouse
device  atkbdc0 at isa? port IO_KBD
device  atkbd0  at atkbdc? irq 1  # flags 0x1
device  psm0at atkbdc? irq 12
I commented out the flag 0x1 and recompiled and rebooted. That did not
work either.
As of now the only way I can see to get the PS/2 keyboard working is to
reinstall. That seems like overkill. Does anyone have any ideas?
Gary Schenk
I'm not sure if this is your problem, but there is a line in generic:
device		ukbd		# Keyboard
toward the end, under #USB Support. Have you already tried commenting that 

As a side note, the above PS/2 keyboard config. (yours) matches what I have 
in my kernel. (with the flag.)

Good luck,
PS. re-installing is overkill here; the answer must be simpler. Though it 
may be quicker in the long run.

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Re: FreeBSD and Windows XP

2003-06-01 Thread clayton rollins

On Sat, 31 May 2003 23:48:55 +0930 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

I feel bad about not finding this answer myself as I know how to do
it with Win XP.  My searching skills seem to be rusty.

How do I get my new Win XP box to talk to me FreeBSD Server?

When I try to map a drive I get :
  The account is not authorized to log in from this station.
What I think the answer is:

I think it's the Plain Text Password issue.  I've dealt with it before
on Win 98 but can't figure out how to configure Win XP to allow a
Plain Text Password.
I've been searching for a few hours as I know it must be a common
issue and the answer is there somewhere.  If you can point me in
the right direction it would be a great help.

Nigel Holloway

I just went through this with win 2k...

control panel - administrative tools - local security policy and set send 
non-encrypted passwords to third party samba... to enabled.

Hope that works,
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Re: !!X and Securelevel!!

2003-05-31 Thread clayton rollins

On Thu, 29 May 2003 20:02:05 Alejandro N??ez 
Sandoval[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote


I am tring to run my kdm in securelevel=2, put it is not working,
when i try with /etc/ttys the x not open, when i try with rc.local, the X
open but the console is block.
I read about aperture in netbsd, is there a port to freebsd?

Hi Alejandro,

There is an aperture patch, though I don't know how/where to apply it. (Or, 
which one. There's two patches...)

At any rate, a README is at:

Patches are at:

Hope that gets you started,
PS. try 
in the future. It's a great resource. (It's where I found this 

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Fw: Installing on a IBM PC320 Server (from -newbies)

2003-05-29 Thread clayton rollins

On Wed, 28 May 2003 David Nicholas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have an old IBM PC320 Server with the following hardware (use to have
Microsoft SBS 4.5 installed before I tried to install FreeBSD):
2 (4.5GB) Quantum Viking WSE SCSI hard drives, one is SCSI ID#0 and the
other SCSI ID#1
SCSI ID#7 Adaptec AHA-2940 SCSI controller
SCSI ID#2 HP 35470A Tape Drive
Trident TGVA (1MB) video card
2 (100Mhz) Pentium Processors
Installed FreeBSD 4.8 (and also tried FreeBSD 4.2) with no hiccups using 
outlined installation in the FreeBSD handbook with no other operating
systems.  When I go to reboot, the Boot Manager comes up with two options:
F1 FreeBSD and F5 Drive 1 (or F5 Drive 0, depending if I select F5).
Neither work.  It will not boot past this point.  What am I doing wrong?  I
know it probably has something to do with my SCSI ID's but I don't have a
clue what arrangement or BIOS settings that need to be adjusted.  Has 
installed on this type of server and if so, what settings are needed on the
physical server.  Or is there a way to get around it in the installation
process.  Thanks for all your help!  I'd really like to get FreeBSD going 
this particular box.

David Nicholas
Hi David,

It does sound like your hard drive is misconfigured somehow, but I don't 
know how much the -newbies list can help you. (Hence, I'm forwarding it to 
-questions; please continue that thread...)

I can only think of a few things that you might try. One, verify that the 
disk geometry is set right during the install. Two, disable LBA and any 
other non-unix friendly settings in the bios. (As I don't know a whole lot 
about SCSI, I can't say much about the latter course of action.)

Hope you get it worked out,
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Re: ati rage 128 and X

2003-03-29 Thread clayton rollins

On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 14:08:09 -0600
kitsune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: Re:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
On Fri, 28 Mar 2003 17:46:14 -0800 (PST)
adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a problem when installing freeBSD 5.0. I can
 not find my vedio card. my card is: ATI rage 128. but
 I can not find it when config my Xserver.

 thanks so much for you reply.
More info would be nice, but try XFree86 -configure

I had a similar problem on a recent install.
If the rest of your setup went fine, just edit XF86Config to reflect the 
Something like this 'should' work:

Section Device
   Identifier  ATI Rage 128
   Driver  r128
   # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate
If you still have problems, check the content of /var/log/XFree86.0.log for 
more details...

try to find other examples...

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Re: running X from windows pc

2003-03-28 Thread clayton rollins

On Fri, 28 Mar 2003 16:38:32 -0600 Chad Albert [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: [notspam] Re: Running X from a windows PC
To: freebsd-questions [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=iso-8859-1
I believe there is an X server available in Cygwin
Otherwise, here is a link to some instructions and a free version of

 On 28-Mar-2003 Pierrick Brossin wrote:
  Marcel Stangenberger wrote:
  You will need something like Hummingbird Exceed or
  X-win32 to access the Xclient (which is running on your freebsd 
  Do you know any free software to do display exporting on Windows ?

 A few years back a company called 'Microimage' used to offer a free
 MS-Windows X-Client.

Just wanted to say that I have used the cygwin setup to do this; it's pretty 

Just establish a ssh X session (ssh -X), then launch an xterm. (though, 
you'll need to setup some things for ssh first. There's a variety of 
suggested methods for this. A good overview is available at )


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Fwd: distfiles and ftp

2002-11-03 Thread clayton rollins

In the course of running BSD, I have accumulated a number of 

I also have a public ftp which I have made these available on, and I was 
wondering if there was any system for reporting a possible source for other 
users who need these files.

Also, I was wondering what everyone thinks about working a gnutella 
interface in to the distfile search. (nothing special, just a simple 
?automatic? interface to look for the file by name and sha1 hash) I would 
think that such an improvement could make the distfile search %100 

All comments/flames welcome.
Peace, Love, and Anarchy
cl-8-10 (clayton)

Forwarding from the newbies list. I really think this would be something 
		worthwile to look into; I've often found the tar.gz files I need on 
gnutella, sometimes with better bandwidth than some of the ftps. Please CC 
me with any replies. (this account can't handle the amount of traffic on 
-questions. I'll check the archive too.)

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