Re: Commercial Licensing

2013-08-09 Thread mikel king
Greetings Someth,

With FreeBSD you are free use as you see fit. Think of the BSD license in terms 
of 'Free' beer and not the freedom to look under the hood like some other mock 
free licenses. If this were not the case then Apple would not have been able to 
derive Mac OS X from FreeBSD and close the source of their product. 

The nature of the various FreeBSD licenses allow for you to do this with the 
exception of some newer versions of the license the include an anti relicensing 
clause which essentially prohibits you from taking a BSD licensed code based 
and relicensing it under one of the GPL versions. At this point those sorts of 
addendum's are rare but definitely becoming more popular. 

Ultimately there is not requirement that you give back to the BSD community in 
the form of your code additions however you are strongly encourage to do so, 
the choice is yours.

Finally I would recommend consulting an IP attorney for a review of the current 
license just to ensure that everything is still as it was explained to me a 
long time ago by mine.


On Aug 9, 2013, at 9:41 PM, "Someth San"  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm interested in installing FreeBSD into a small form factor PC for
> commercial use and was wondering whether there is a EULA in place for that
> purpose. I would like to avoid the open source requirement of disclosing my
> codes to a public community.
> If you can provide some information/direction in this regard, I would
> greatly appreciate it.
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Someth San
> Indesyne Inc.
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Re: php problems

2013-08-06 Thread mikel king

On Aug 5, 2013, at 11:33 PM, Mark Moellering  wrote:

> A few years ago (2011) I set up an email system for a small internet based 
> company.  I used postfix with a mysql backend for virtual accounts.  I also 
> set up apache to test a php based webmail front-end.
> I set up several php scripts that would run from cron that would query a 
> database and look for new email account requests and then do a variety of 
> tasks to get everything set up properly.
> After I left, someone else made modifications to the system and things 
> stopped working properly.  A few months ago I was asked to try and get things 
> working again.
> I discovered that all php scripts now generate a seg fault.
> I tried a simple "hello world" type program
> the actual code is :
>  echo "test"
> ?>
> and the output was;
> testsegmentation fault
> The system is FreeBSD 8.2 and php 5.3
> If anyone has any idea of what changes might have been made that could cause 
> this, please let me know.  My other thought was to try reinstalling / 
> upgrading php.
> Thanks in advance
> Mark Moellering
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Hey Mark,

Do you have a backup/alternative system you can test the code on? In lieu of 
that I would seriously consider rebuilding php. After you get it working it 
would be worth also considering upgrading to 55.

Also make a complete revision backup of the code and config files once you get 
it working, this will save a lot of hair if the company in question hires 
someone else to tweak things in the future… 

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Re: Archiving a log file

2013-08-03 Thread mikel king
On Aug 3, 2013, at 7:11 PM, Frank Leonhardt  wrote:

> The answer isn't (AFAIK) newsy slog

I did some more digging on the whole log piping thing and apache includes a 
nifty little application called rotatelogs which lives in 
/usr/local/sbin/rotatelogs on my system that I built form the ports. From the 
man page:

 rotatelogs - Piped logging program to rotate Apache logs 
rotatelogs [ -l ] [ -f ] logfile rotationtime|filesizeM [ offset ] 
rotatelogs is a simple program for use in conjunction with Apache's 
piped logfile feature. It supports rotation based on a time interval or maximum 
size of the log.

It looks pretty simple to use just create your log format directive like:

LogFormat "%t \"%r\" %>s \"%{Referer}i\" %b" SpecialFormat

CustomLog "| /usr/local/sbin/rotatelogs /var/log/httpd-access.log 
86400" SpecialFormat

I hope that helps. I know I shall be experimenting with this one tomorrow. 

Mikel King
BSD News Network
skype: mikel.king

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Re: Archiving a log file

2013-08-03 Thread mikel king
Do you have logger installed? You coupled pipe your CustomLog into logger which 
will facilitate Apache writing to syslog, in lieu of directly writing the file. 
After some tweaking this should let you use the systems standard log rotation 

Something like:

CustomLog "| logger -t httpd -p"


On Aug 3, 2013, at 19:11, Frank Leonhardt  wrote:

> The answer isn't (AFAIK) newsyslog
> As a one-off, I need to archive an old log file - say httpd-access.log - 
> while its still open. I don't want this to happen automatically and I don't 
> want to set up newsyslog or anything like that. And I really don't want to 
> mess about with signals to whatever is writing to the file, even assuming the 
> writer could respond to them. I can't just rename the file as it's open for 
> writing, and there would also be a good chance that something will be added 
> to the file while it's being compressed.
> What I actually do is:
> cp httpd-access.log httpd-access.log-03-Aug-13 && :> httpd-access.log && 
> bzip2 httpd-access.log-03-Aug-13
> Data might be lost here as something may be added between the cp being 
> completed and the file being truncated. It's not the end of the world if this 
> happens, but is there a better way? I could always shut down Apache for the 
> duration, but I don't want to do that either, so in this case I'm happy to 
> take the risk (it's not like I'm likely to miss anything that important).
> I don't know if this can be relied on as a POSIX thing, but the cp command 
> simply(!) issues read() and write() calls until read() fails to get any more 
> bytes, so if data is being appended to the file after cp is started it'll 
> still be copied. Therefore the window where stuff could be written after the 
> copy but before the truncation is shortened, but extant.
> So what's the magic utility I don't know about?
> Thanks, Frank.
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Re: sshd - time out idle connections

2013-05-03 Thread Mikel King
Firing people for violating the 5 minute rule seems a tad extreme. If there is 
indeed a company policy regarding the 5 minute idle window you and you intend 
to roll forward with a connection kill script then also make screen or tmux 
available. In my experience people tend to be more accepting of connection 
outages if they can reconnect to where the were when they were last on. 

Mikel King
BSD News 


From: Fleuriot Damien []
To: FreeBSD questions []
Sent: Fri, 03 May 2013 10:28:31 -0400
Subject: sshd - time out idle connections

Hello list,
  I'm facing this unusual demand at work where we need to time out idle SSH 
connections for security purposes.
  I've checked the following options from sshd_config but none seems to fit my 
needs :
  Basically, I'm trying to defeat the use of the following client-side option:
  ServerAliveInterval 5
  I'm afraid all I've hit now is dead ends.
  Has anyone ever had the same requirements before and, perhaps, found a 
solution to this ?
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Re: http://localhost/phpmyadmin

2013-02-21 Thread Mikel King

Are you able to access anything on your web server? Try substituting 
the local IP address in place of localhost.

Mikel King
BSD News
@mikelking | +mikelking | in::mk | &mikelking

On Feb 20, 2013, at 5:09 PM, Armando Palax  

> sorry as I can access my localhost from my phpmyadmin, what happens is that I 
> need to create a database and I can not enter because the strip 
> http://localhost/phpmyadmin error.
> would help me thanks
> ___
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Re: static ip address and ifconfig

2012-12-29 Thread Mikel King

On Dec 29, 2012, at 5:52 PM, Fbsd8  wrote:

>>> ifconfig_xl0="alias,,,"

ifconfig_xl0="inet netmask 0xfff8"
ifconfig_xl0_alias0="inet netmask 0xfff8"
ifconfig_xl0_alias1="inet netmask 0xfff8"
ifconfig_xl0_alias2="inet netmask 0xfff8"
ifconfig_xl0_alias24="inet netmask 0xfff8"

You can change the netmask of the aliases to 0xffff if you are experiencing 
too much broadcast chatter.

Mikel King
Senior Editor, BSD News
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Re: static ip address and ifconfig

2012-12-29 Thread Mikel King
Well generally DHCP and static are mutually exclusive on the same interface. 
Also bear in mind that DHCP is more comprehensive than a simple address 
assignment system. In addition a static reservation is not the same thing as a 
static IP address assignment on an interface. They are similar but different.

A DHCP assignment will bind one address to a MAC as well as configure address 
resolution, routing et cettera… Whereas a static IP assignment must be 
configured manually by you the human and not the ISP. Your ISP can route a 
block of addresses to you via a CPE like a DSL modem or router but you have to 
configure your equipment to consume the traffic passed on by that device. 

For instance my cable provider's modem boots DHCP, as does the router that they 
configure via DHCP net boot so that it may receive the block of static IP 
addresses assigned to my account. The router itself consumes the first usable 
address as delivered by the ISP. I am free to assign the remain 5 addresses to 
any device be-it a firewall or server at my discretion and connect it to the 
LAN side of this router. The following is sort of what these static assignment 
will look like on this server.

xl1: flags=8863 mtu 1500
ether 00:17:02:d3:84:6f 
inet netmask 0xfff8 broadcast
inet netmask 0xfff8 broadcast
inet netmask 0xfff8 broadcast
media: autoselect (100baseTX )
status: active

Mikel King
Senior Editor, BSD News

On Dec 29, 2012, at 4:16 PM, Fbsd8  wrote:

> snip previous
>> It still all depends on your configuration, it won't look any different than 
>> a static private IP address shows when doing an ifconfig except it will be 
>> the public IP.  Generally if you have a static IP you will have to set it 
>> manually, and it won't get it via DHCP.  But I have worked with some DSL 
>> connections though that assigned the static IP through a DHCP reservation 
>> based on your modem/routers MAC address.  However that would only work for a 
>> single IP.  If you get 25, you can assign those with aliases to make a 
>> single server answer on the others as well, common for servers hosting 
>> multiple https web sites.
>> Here's an example with Aliases, its from a LAN with private range, but would 
>> look no different except IPs if it was public range addresses.  This is from 
>> my web/email server (the very one this message comes from), the secondary IP 
>> is for running jails, when testing upgrades.
>> LAN: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 9000
>> options=209b
>>ether 00:07:e9:09:be:4f
>>inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
>>inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
>>nd6 options=29
>>media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT )
>>status: active
>> Here's an example from a public range, pulled this from my pfSense box, 
>> which is on a Cable Connection with a block of 5 static IP Addresses.
>> vr1: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
>>ether 00:0d:b9:1c:78:2d
>>inet netmask 0xfff8 broadcast
>>inet6 fe80::20d:b9ff:fe1c:782d%vr1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
>>nd6 options=43
>>media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )
>>status: active
>> There's just a single IP set, though it does relay connections on other IPs, 
>> using proxy arp to do this so there is no need for an alias to be defined.
> So your saying the ISP forwards any internet traffic for those static ip 
> address to the on site "modem/router" MAC address which my service was 
> previsioned to?
> The ISP is sending DNS port 53 and DHCP port 67 traffic on each static ip 
> address as well?
> I can configure the on site modem/router to assign selected static ip address 
> to a router's hardware port which is cabled to different PC's?
> The PC's would only be seeing traffic for that selected static ip address?
> The rc.config statement ifconfig_xl0="DHCP" on that PC would function as 
> exspected?
> Now if I only had a on site "modem" with a single output port, then
> all the static ip address would hit the NIC card it was cabled to?
> So on the single FreeBSD system with NIC xl0 being cabled to the single port 
> coming from the on site modem I would need ifconfig statements in rc.conf to 
> select what static ip address I want to use for DHCP to automatically get the 
> ISP's DSN ip address?  Please correct my syntax if wrong

Re: static ip address and ifconfig

2012-12-29 Thread Mikel King
It will show you each IP address you have successfully bound to the interface. 
Using static IP addresses; the choice is yours on which get bound to the 
interface and which do not where as with DHCP the one chosen by the provider is 

If you bind only one then that is what it will show you. 

Mikel King
Senior Editor, BSD News

On Dec 29, 2012, at 1:16 PM, Polytropon  wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 13:05:30 -0500, Fbsd8 wrote:
>> Mike Jeays wrote:
>>> On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 12:13:32 -0500
>>> Fbsd8  wrote:
>>>> I don't have static ip address so I can not find out for myself.
>>>> Lets say I am a company that my ISP has assigned us
>>>> 25 static ip address.
>>>> When I issue the ifconfig command what will it show me?
>>>> Just the single primary static ip address or all 25 of them in a list?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> ___
>>> It will just show the one currently assigned.
>>> Try it - just bring up an xterm and type 'ifconfig' You don't have to 
>>> be root, and you can't do any harm.
>>> em0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
>>> options=9b
>>> ether 08:00:27:40:ca:a9
>>> inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast  # HERE IT IS
>>> media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT )
>>> status: active
>> Nope is a private lan IP address, its not public routable.
>> question has to be answered by some body who has multiple static public 
>> routable ip address assigned by their ISP.
> The presented example simply shows a typical ifconfig output.
> On the "inet" line, you can see the assigned IP addresses.
> As per definition, one interface can be assigned more than
> one IP address, and maybe those will show in the ifconfig
> output - however, this depends on your actual setup, for
> example when you have specific network gear that "translates"
> one or more static IP addresses into local addresses that
> are _then_ assigned to individual network interfaces.
> However, at my old location I had assigned one static IP
> address directly delivered to the NIC, and ifconfig did
> show exactly that address.
> Simply try "ifconfig" and show what it prints for YOU.
> -- 
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: Patent hit - MS goes after Linux - FreeBSD ?

2012-08-03 Thread Mikel King

On Aug 3, 2012, at 12:42 PM, wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 03, 2012 at 04:09:06PM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
>>> Unless Congress
>>> pulls a Mickey Mouse Protection Act-lookalike on patents by extending
>>> them just as they did with Copyright.
>> then it will still hit USA users only. FreeBSD master site can simply be 
>> moved.
> If we're talking about patent infringement then moving FreeBSD outside of
> the country does zero to protect users of FreeBSD. Every single one of
> them that uses a part of FreeBSD that a patent holder claims infringes on
> a patent is vulnerable to a lawsuit.
> Also, if you pay attention to the news then you see in the DMCA, ACTA, the
> TPP, and other examples that the US is trying to get the rest of the world
> to adopt its views. The weird thinking that people in government have is
> that the solution to a bad law that affects only the US is to get other
> countries to adopt the same bad law so as to hurt everyone everywhere.
> But, at the end of the day I think FreeBSD should worry about patent
> infringement the way people worry about dying in a car wreck: Use a
> reasonable amount of care to avoid it, and then don't worry about it.
> -- 
> Kevin P. Neal

Out of curiosity has anyone ever heard of trolls patenting open source 
technologies after the fact?
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Re: How to mirror the FreeBSD OS on two disks

2012-07-11 Thread Mikel King
There's an old article on BsdNews About using gmirrior perhaps that's the sort 
of thing you are looking for? ->

Mikel King

On Jul 11, 2012, at 5:18 AM, miles kuo  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have two SAS disks for the FreeBSD install. I want to install the freeBSD
> on one disk and mirror to another disk. Just like the AIX Mirror.
> Any changes will sync between the two disks. And if  one disk crashed or
> disconnected, the OS could continue running on another disk.
> Does the FreeBSD support the disk mirror? How to implement it?
> ___
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Re: Token Ring (really)

2012-04-06 Thread mikel king

On Apr 6, 2012, at 1:30 PM, Jay West wrote:

> Well over 20 years experience with FreeBSD, and I was not aware of "Project
> Evil" ;)
> I don't know if my olicom card has NDIS versions of their driver for token
> ring, but if so, that just might work! Still, getting the deprecated oltr
> driver on FreeBSD9 would be awesome
> Jay West
> PO Box 460474
> Saint Louis, MO 63146
> Voice: (314) 262-4143 ext 1000
> Toll Free: (866) 343-2589
> Fax: (314) 558-9284


What is the last version of FreeBSD that your card was supported on? 
Perhaps it would be worth firing up that older version. I know it's a long shot 
but at least you would have access to the driver code that may actually still 
work in the current version. 

It would certainly make an interesting story if you sort it all out.

Mikel King
BSD News Network
skype: mikel.king

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Re: Suggestion

2012-03-09 Thread mikel king

On Mar 8, 2012, at 11:56 PM, Bruno Comerci wrote:

> Hi guys.
> Instead of wasting your time and man power, why wont you join to the ReactOS 
> project?
> It would be more beneficial to the internet community and to the users around 
> the world who wants a free OS with similar looking and functions than 
> Windows, if you just throw away your FreeBSD and join forces with the ReactOS 
> team to accelerate their process.
> Actually there isnt any single free OS that can be fully trusted, but ReactOS 
> seems to be that one that we all are wating for.
> Sincerely,
> Common world's citizen who dont have money to pay Windows and dont trust 
> Linux and any other Unix-based OS.

That was funny. Best laugh I've had all day, but then it's early so there room 
for improvement.
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Re: Network interface aliasing?

2012-03-07 Thread mikel king

On Mar 7, 2012, at 10:59 AM, Bas Smeelen wrote:

> On 03/07/2012 04:24 PM, Mikel King wrote:
>> On 3/7/12 9:39 AM, Brent Clark wrote:
>>> Hiya
>>> I would like to ask.
>>> Is it possible to, do network interface aliasing. Im not talking about ip
>>> aliasing.
>>> I basically want to bind one process to network interface vr0:0 and
>>> another process to vr0:1.
>>> Thanks
>>> Brent
>> Brent,
>> You can rename an interface to just about anything you wish. If the
>> process allows for interface binding then you can use that new name.
> This gives the interface a different name.
> It does not create an alias name for the interface as far as I understand.
> Kind regards,
> Bas

True but the alias option in BSD only allows for assigning another IP address 
to an existing interface. Taking a second look at this request it appears to be 
more of a subinterface phenomenon and not an alias at all. 

As far as I recall FreeBSD does not support this sort of subinterface naming. 
But I wonder if there's a way to create pseudo interfaces to pull something 
similar off, however wonder what's the point.


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Re: Network interface aliasing?

2012-03-07 Thread Mikel King

On 3/7/12 9:39 AM, Brent Clark wrote:


I would like to ask.

Is it possible to, do network interface aliasing. Im not talking about 
ip aliasing.

I basically want to bind one process to network interface vr0:0 and 
another process to vr0:1.



You can rename an interface to just about anything you wish. If the 
process allows for interface binding then you can use that new name.


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Re: fbsd safety of the ports

2012-02-07 Thread mikel king

On Feb 7, 2012, at 9:30 PM, Daniel Staal wrote:

> --As of February 7, 2012 5:59:27 PM -0500, mikel king is alleged to have said:
>> On Feb 7, 2012, at 5:15 PM, David Brodbeck wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:37 AM, dick  wrote:
>>>> I'm a bit confused. I always believed FreeBSD is a very safe system.
>>>> That may be true for the core files, but what about ports.
>>>> On the net I read _never_ to let the webserver be the owner of its
>>>> files and yet, ports like Drupal or WordPress make the files rwx for
>>>> the owner (www) as well as the group (www). How does this fit into
>>>> fbsd's safety policy?
>>> Content management systems are a bit of a sticky wicket for security.
>>> The reason for not allowing the web server user to own files is so
>>> that someone who hacks a web app can't modify the site contents.  But
>>> the whole reason for running a CMS system is to allow modifying the
>>> site contents via a web app.
>>> One compromise, used by TWiki and some other systems, is to make the
>>> content writable by web processes but the actual code read-only.
>>> That's more secure but it requires a lot of manual intervention for
>>> updates and configuration changes.  You *can* run WordPress this way,
>>> and it will be more secure, but you'll lose the automated update
>>> functionality as well as most of the web GUI configuration capability.
>>> Not necessarily a problem if you have good command line fu, but it
>>> can get tedious.
>> Sounds like a good area for a maintenance tool script. Run the script
>> prior to updates/config changes to temporarily open the permissions.
>> After the update has been completed rerun the script to re-secure the
>> permissions. Probably included a little db back in the preparation.
>> Thoughts?
> --As for the rest, it is mine.
> So, who's running the script?  If it's running from the web, you haven't 
> actually increased your security.  And if it's running from the command line, 
> you haven't typically saved yourself much work.  (Changing the permissions 
> for the folders needed for an update would typically be a one-liner, and 
> updating manually isn't going to be much longer; a well-designed CMS can let 
> you do that with a single untar command.)  Of course, you could put it in 
> cron someplace...

CLI only. Absolutely no way I'd allow something like that to have web access. 
One click web crap seems nice but let's face it's not secure. One liners are 
nice too, but not so much fun for repeat business. I know everyone seems to be 
in love with one liners but my preference is the long term maintainability of a 
well documented script. 

A well written script that backs up your db, and updates the system then 
ensuring that the correct permissions are set as you dictate seems to be smart. 
But that's just the way I'd attack it.

Unfortunately, WP isn't exactly a well designed CMS form the untaring 

> Of course a better solution would be to have some sort of back-end process 
> that the web frontend talks to, but that's a whole new layer of complexity. 
> (And may or may not increase security, depending on how well it's written.) 
> Some CMS's basically do this: They'll store all the actual pages in a 
> database (typically MySQL), and would only need write permissions if they are 
> supposed to be able to update themselves.
> Balance the security, the ease of setup, the resource load, and the ease of 
> adminning.  Sometimes the latter are worth the loss of some of the former, if 
> it's done well.  You can always jail the webserver as well.

Jailing is a good thought.

> User's choice at that point.  ;)
> Daniel T. Staal
> ---
> This email copyright the author.  Unless otherwise noted, you
> are expressly allowed to retransmit, quote, or otherwise use
> the contents for non-commercial purposes.  This copyright will
> expire 5 years after the author's death, or in 30 years,
> whichever is longer, unless such a period is in excess of
> local copyright law.
> ---
> ___
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Re: fbsd safety of the ports

2012-02-07 Thread mikel king

On Feb 7, 2012, at 5:15 PM, David Brodbeck wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:37 AM, dick  wrote:
>> I'm a bit confused. I always believed FreeBSD is a very safe system. That
>> may be true for the core files, but what about ports.
>> On the net I read _never_ to let the webserver be the owner of its files and
>> yet, ports like Drupal or WordPress make the files rwx for the owner (www)
>> as well as the group (www). How does this fit into fbsd's safety policy?
> Content management systems are a bit of a sticky wicket for security.
> The reason for not allowing the web server user to own files is so
> that someone who hacks a web app can't modify the site contents.  But
> the whole reason for running a CMS system is to allow modifying the
> site contents via a web app.
> One compromise, used by TWiki and some other systems, is to make the
> content writable by web processes but the actual code read-only.
> That's more secure but it requires a lot of manual intervention for
> updates and configuration changes.  You *can* run WordPress this way,
> and it will be more secure, but you'll lose the automated update
> functionality as well as most of the web GUI configuration capability.
> Not necessarily a problem if you have good command line fu, but it
> can get tedious.

Sounds like a good area for a maintenance tool script. Run the script prior to 
updates/config changes to temporarily open the permissions. After the update 
has been completed rerun the script to re-secure the permissions. Probably 
included a little db back in the preparation.

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Re: Possible move back to FreeBSD

2012-02-02 Thread mikel king

On Feb 3, 2012, at 12:34 AM, Chris wrote:

> Hi
> I have been using Debian for a few years now (previous BSD user) and I'm 
> considering moving back.
> Admittedly, I have gotten used to the simplicity of using apt-get to update 
> the system.
> What will pull me back is if there is an equivalent to use. I do not intend 
> on custom kernels, and I don't intend on using ports (it was the many hours 
> spent keeping the ports tree current along with installed ports).
> If someone would suggest the material to read and perhaps a synopsis of the 
> process, I would be happy to do the leg work.
> Chris

Hey Chris,

Good to see you again after all this time. I always found the port fetch 
process dead easy for keeping things up to date. I honestly doubt much has 
changed since you last used FreeBSD. However I've been playing around with 
PC-BSD and their PBI system to be pretty good.

Mikel King
BSD News Network
skype: mikel.king

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Re: Portability of shell scripts from other *nixes

2012-01-25 Thread mikel king

On Jan 25, 2012, at 5:08 PM, Doug Poland wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying port some shell scripts to FreeBSD that were originally
> written on Darwin (OS X).
> The issue I'm having is the shebang line of the scripts in OS X is
> #!/bin/sh, and it turns out that is really an instance of bash, and
> the code contains some bashisms.  On FreeBSD I have bash in
> /usr/local/bin/bash.
> Is there an "easy/best" way to have a single shebang that works on
> both OS's?  I'd rather not change FreeBSD's bourne shell to bash with
> any symlinking of /usr/local/bin/bash to /bin/sh.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Doug

Mac OS X defaults to /bin/bash but things get weird because sh on mac is also 
bash. Funnily enough a complete separate binary and not a symlink. Anyway, this 
means things written for the Mac may not work directly on FreeBSD. What I mean 
is that bash3 syntax is not going to be backwardly compatible with sh. If you 
wish to retain the bashiness of the scripts then the easiest option would be to 
install the bash (3.x) port and use env to invoke the appropriate shell on each 

Mikel King
BSD News Network
skype: mikel.king

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Re: Clang - what is the story?

2012-01-22 Thread mikel king

On Jan 22, 2012, at 2:12 PM, Eric Masson wrote:

> writes:
> Hi,
>> Lattice C - targeted MS-DOS, AmigaOS, probably others. Had a 32-bit int
>> on the Amiga, where Manx had a 16-bit int. When Commodore ported BSD sockets
>> to the Amiga they had to change all the ints to longs because of this. Was
>> renamed "SAS/C" towards the end of the Amiga product.
> And those who did C development on Atari ST probably remember of DRI
> Alcyon C (a quick port of CPM/68K C Compiler) & Pure C (a Turbo C like
> IDE & compiler).
> Éric Masson

Sadly I do. In fact I still have a Mega St in my basement... ;-S

Mikel King
BSD News Network
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Re: freebsd server limits question

2012-01-02 Thread mikel king

On Jan 2, 2012, at 4:21 PM, Robert Boyer wrote:

> To deal with this kind of traffic you will most likely need to set up a mongo 
> db cluster of more than a few instances… much better. There should be A LOT 
> of info on how to scale mongo to the level you are looking for but most 
> likely you will find that on ruby forums NOT on *NIX boards….

Suggest hitting up 10gen as well they usually have some knowledgeable 
individuals available to talk mongo...

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Re: OT: Root access policy

2011-12-29 Thread mikel king

On Dec 29, 2011, at 4:01 AM, Irk Ed wrote:

> For the first time, a customer is asking me for root access to said
> customer's servers.
> Obviously, I must comply. At the same time, I cannot continue be
> accountable for those servers.
> Is this that simple and clear cut?
> Assuming that I'll be asked to continue administering said servers, I guess
> I should at least enable accounting...
> I'd appreciate comments/experience/advice from the wise...

Call me paranoid but is your contract near term end?

In my experience this is usually a precursor to a end of year cost cutting 
service provider change. Specifically someone in sales's second cousin's nephew 
who saw a linux server once and thinks he's an expert.

I recommend that you complete a backup of everything prior to granting them 
sudo access. Possibly even run am md5sum against all important config files and 
save that in your back up as well.

Then give them well written explanation of why sudo is superior or at least 
safer to direct root access.

Mikel King
BSD News Network
skype: mikel.king

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Re: [OT] but concerns all of us

2011-11-17 Thread mikel king

On Nov 17, 2011, at 12:17 PM, Chad Perrin wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 07:55:02AM -0500, Jerry wrote:
>> Laws to protect copyrighted or patented goods certainly exist.
>> Unfortunately, they are poorly enforced. There is no universal
>> "standard" for copyright infringement, etcetera. The best way to
>> protect copyrighted material is stopping its pilferage at the source;
>> ie, making every entity in the chain of its illegal usage responsible.
> If there are problems with enforcement, creating new laws will not
> magically fix that.
> What SOPA and PIPA do is essentially let people with intrinsic commercial
> conflicts of interest to bypass the checks and balances of the legal
> system to have competitors and innocent bystanders shut down without due
> process or actual proof of wrongdoing.  These aren't just poorly worded
> bills; they're poorly conceived bills.  MasterCard opposes the bill
> because its executives and legal staff believe it will legally force them
> to cut off millions or billions in revenue generated by perfectly legal
> operations every year.  Google opposes the bill because its executives,
> engineers, and legal staff believe it will require them to *spend*
> millions or billions every year in dealing with enforcement of spurious
> claims by parties with no actionable cause to make their claims.
>> Theft is theft no matter how a socialist/fascist tries to color it.
> Copyright infringement is copyright infringement -- and not theft -- no
> matter how hyperbolic your choice of phrasing.  Castigate people for the
> unlawful act of copyright infringement if you want to, but please do not
> conflate two separate bodies of law by equating one illegal act with
> another.  This abuse of terms is largely the fault of media conglomerates
> and their lobbying organizations (e.g. the RIAA and MPAA).  The more you
> repeat these abuses of terminology, the more they are emboldened; I think
> it was the RIAA representative at the SOPA hearing yesterday who
> literally equated copyright infringement with *murder*.
> Don't be like that jackass.
> -- 
> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

Thanks for sharing your perspective. I could not agree more.

Mikel King
BSD News Network
skype: mikel.king

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Re: [OT] but concerns all of us

2011-11-17 Thread mikel king

On Nov 17, 2011, at 8:00 AM, Rod Person wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Nov 2011 07:55:02 -0500
> Jerry  wrote:
>> On Thu, 17 Nov 2011 09:28:57 -0300
>> Mario Lobo articulated:
>>> Aren't there enough laws already to protect copyright?
>> Laws to protect copyrighted or patented goods certainly exist.
>> Unfortunately, they are poorly enforced. There is no universal
>> "standard" for copyright infringement, etcetera. The best way to
>> protect copyrighted material is stopping its pilferage at the source;
>> ie, making every entity in the chain of its illegal usage responsible.
>> Theft is theft no matter how a socialist/fascist tries to color it.
> So what you are saying then is that there should be roadblocks on ever
> street to make sure that all cars and drivers have proper documentation
> to make sure car theft does not occur?
> -- 
> Rod

An interesting perspective of SOPA.
Worth watching to the end.  

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Re: Where to post articles on FBSD

2011-10-18 Thread mikel king

On Oct 18, 2011, at 10:59 AM, Mike Tancsa wrote:

> What about  ?
>   ---Mike
> On 10/18/2011 10:55 AM, Alejandro Imass wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been using FBSD with EzJail and a lot of Perl stuff like
>> developing and maintaining Catalyst jails and flavours, and hos to
>> create a jail based on a previous Catalyst jail and such, (taking
>> advantage of bsdpan) etc. etc.
>> I'd like to publish some articles on this because I think that many
>> administrators simply ignore the power of FBSD and the jails system
>> especially with things like EzJail where I found that the info was
>> scattered, incomplete or outdated.
>> Where would be the place to publish these articles? FBSD Diary?
>> Thanks,

BSD News is always on the lookout for new content.

Mikel King
BSD News Network
skype: mikel.king

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Re: Dennis Ritchie has died. A suggestion

2011-10-14 Thread mikel king

On Oct 14, 2011, at 9:41 AM, Chad Perrin wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 07:20:54AM -0500, Robert Bonomi wrote:
>> I think it's fair to say it would be 'Ritchie-deserved'. 
> I'm conflicted about whether that's a good pun or a bad pun.  
>> Consider this another opinion in favor of the proposal.  
> Y'know, I'm not sure whether it's appropriate to post obituaries on   
> official FreeBSD related Websites, but if it is, I can think of no better 
> time than now -- in honor of Dennis Ritchie, one of the most important
> figures in all of Unix development, influential beyond what anyone is 
> likely to fully realized even outside of the Unix lineage itself. 
> Yeah, I've just convinced myself.  Even if it is generally not considered 
> appropriate, I think making an exception in this very exceptional case is 
> difficult to resist.  I'll offer my voice in the chorus of support as 
> well.     

Has anyone from the the project weighed in on this yet?

Mikel King
BSD News Network
skype: mikel.king

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Re: A quality operating system Trolling For A Quality Operating System

2011-08-20 Thread mikel king

On Aug 20, 2011, at 12:47 AM, Evan Busch wrote:

> Hi,
> I make decisions about hardware and software for those who work with me.
> Talking with my second in command this morning, we reached a quandary.
> Ron is completely pro-Linux and pro-Windows, and against FreeBSD.
> What is odd about this is that he's the biggest UNIX fanatic I know,
> not only all types of UNIX (dating back quite some time) but also all
> Unix-like OSen.
> I told him I was considering FreeBSD because of greater stability and 
> security.
> He asked me a question that stopped me dead:
> "What is a quality operating system?"
> In his view, and now mine, a quality operating system is reliable,
> streamlined and clearly organized.
> Over the past few years, FreeBSD has drifted off-course in this
> department, in his view.
> Let me share the points he made that I consider valid (I have deleted
> two as trivial, and added one of my own):


> Fondly,
> Evan

I do not think it is worth wasting important list bandwidth on your flame 
fodder. Therefore I dropped this off in a post to give it the careful 
consideration is truly deserves - 

Trolling For A Quality Operating System 

Mikel King
BSD News Network
skype: mikel.king

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Re: Place to install library of shell functions

2011-04-05 Thread mikel king

On Apr 5, 2011, at 11:23 AM, Michael Grünewald wrote:

> Dear FreeBSD users,
> today I come to you with what seems to be somehow pedantic question:  where 
> is the best place to install libraries of shell functions.
> I read hier(4) carefully and it seems the correct place for this would be 
> somewhere under `/usr/local/share':
>share/architecture-independent files
> On the base systems, many macros (make templates and groff macros) are 
> actually installed under /usr/share.  However, the only library of shell 
> functions I am aware of is `/etc/rc.subr', that landed on this funny 
> location, probably to be pretty sure that this library is on the same 
> filesystem as the scripts under /etc/rc.d.
> Several of the ports install shell scripts under `/usr/local/lib' that 
> hier(4) devotes to  ``shared and archive ar(1)-type libraries''.  These shell 
> scripts are:
> > find /usr/local/lib -name '*.sh'
> /usr/local/lib/tk8.5/
> /usr/local/lib/seamonkey/
> /usr/local/lib/libxul/
> /usr/local/lib/rpm/
> /usr/local/lib/rpm/
> /usr/local/lib/rpm/
> /usr/local/lib/rpm/
> /usr/local/lib/rpm/
> /usr/local/lib/rpm/
> /usr/local/lib/firefox/
> /usr/local/lib/tcl8.5/
> /usr/local/lib/thunderbird/
> /usr/local/lib/llvm-gcc-2.8/gcc/x86_64-portbld-freebsd8.2/4.2.1/install-tools/
> Two files (the `/usr/local/lib/tcl8.5/' one and the `s/tcl/tk/g' 
> one) are actually shell script libraries (defining a bunch of variables), and 
> all the others are ancillary scripts, that would maybe better fit in 
> `/usr/local/libexec'.
> So, practical experience does not really second my a priori that these files 
> sould go under the `share' hierarchy and I would like to have your opinion on 
> this question.
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> Michael

For the bash library ( we choose /usr/local/lib. This 
just seems to be the most logical place for this sort of thing.

Mikel King
BSD News Network
skype: mikel.king

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Re: Apple & FreeBSD relationship

2011-03-09 Thread mikel king

On Mar 10, 2011, at 6:00 AM, Nerius Landys wrote:

> This is not a technical question.
> Basically I have some cash sitting around.  I'm thinking of investing
> part of it with a company that I believe in.  Apple came to mind.  You
> could say that I'd like to judge Apple's moral character before
> investing money with them.  Does anyone know how Apple reciprocates to
> FreeBSD?  After all a lot of MacOSX is borrowed from FreeBSD.  I am
> not seeing Apple's name on this page:
> .  Are there
> other ways in which Apple might be reciprocating?
> - Nerius

Apple has had a mixed relationship giving back to the BSD community. They did 
hire several developers over time and do have several projects that they have 
open sourced. Launchd & iCal server are two of the bigger ones. I personally 
feel that they could do better and certainly could have done things differently 
in a way that would have helped the community and built an even stronger 
product base but let's face it they sure aren't listening to me.

In recent years their marketing as gone to some lengths to scrub the references 
to BSD & UNIX from the brochures. It's like they are ashamed of their roots, 
again personally I think they hired some new anti-geeks that just don't get it.

I would suggest you look at spreading your investment around to several BSD 
supportive companies.  Obviously Apple and Juniper pop up to the top of the 
list. I would have offered Isilon but they have been assimilated into the beast 
know as EMC so that may not be an option.

At the end of the day they are a company, and companies must make money in 
order to survive. Therefore, do not get too attached to their BSD rhetoric 
because the winds of business can change direction at any moment.

On a side note: I would love to find a comprehensive list of both public and 
private companies that are BSD supportive.

Mikel King
BSD News Network
skype: mikel.king

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Re: ssh key authentication problem...

2010-10-28 Thread Mikel King

Have you verified permissions of 700 on .ssh and 640 on authorized_keys and 
authorized_keys2? If you do not have an authorized_keys2 simply copy the former 
to that name and give it a go.

Mikel King


From: Peter Harrison []
Sent: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 15:39:53 -0400
Subject: ssh key authentication problem...

Can anyone help me debug an ssh key-based authentication problem?
  I have an 8.1-R server running sshd, with one user account. On the server, 
I've used ssh-keygen to generate id_rsa  and
  On my laptop I then pulled the file over and:
  % cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys
  Now I try to login from the laptop (also 8.1-R) to the server. It pauses for 
a second and presents me with a 'Password:' prompt, so obviously the key 
authentication isn't working.
  He's a debugging chunk from sshd run with '-ddd' flags:
  debug1: PAM: initializing for "peter"
  debug1: userauth-request for user peter service ssh-connection method 
  debug1: attempt 1 failures 0
  debug2: input_userauth_request: try method publickey
  debug1: test whether pkalg/pkblob are acceptable
  debug3: mm_key_allowed entering
  debug3: mm_request_send entering: type 20
  debug3: mm_key_allowed: waiting for MONITOR_ANS_KEYALLOWED
  debug3: mm_request_receive_expect entering: type 21
  debug3: mm_request_receive entering
  debug1: PAM: setting PAM_RHOST to ""
  debug2: monitor_read: 45 used once, disabling now
  debug3: mm_request_receive entering
  debug3: monitor_read: checking request 3
  debug3: mm_answer_authserv: service=ssh-connection, style=
  debug2: monitor_read: 3 used once, disabling now
  debug3: mm_request_receive entering
  debug3: monitor_read: checking request 20
  debug3: mm_answer_keyallowed entering
  debug3: mm_answer_keyallowed: key_from_blob: 0x286067c0
  debug1: trying public key file /home/peter/.ssh/authorized_keys
  debug1: fd 4 clearing O_NONBLOCK
  debug3: secure_filename: checking '/usr/home/peter/.ssh'
  debug3: secure_filename: checking '/usr/home/peter'
  debug3: secure_filename: terminating check at '/usr/home/peter'
  debug2: key not found
  debug1: trying public key file /home/peter/.ssh/authorized_keys2
  Failed publickey for peter from port 43046 ssh2
  debug3: mm_answer_keyallowed: key 0x286067c0 is not allowed
  debug3: mm_request_send entering: type 21
  debug2: userauth_pubkey: authenticated 0 pkalg ssh-rsa
  debug3: mm_request_receive entering
  debug1: userauth-request for user peter service ssh-connection method 
  debug1: attempt 2 failures 1
  debug2: input_userauth_request: try method keyboard-interactive
  debug1: keyboard-interactive devs 
  Anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong?
  Peter Harrison.
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Re: Twitter on FreeBSD

2010-09-19 Thread mikel king

On Sep 19, 2010, at 6:23 AM, Michael R. Rusch wrote:

In an effort to try any to use twitter on PC-BSD I tried to install  

Echofon firefox add on located here:

I tripped over an error and it wants OAuth installed. I am aware that
@twitter just switched to OAuth recently and I am unaware of what  
port in

FreeBSD enables OAuth.

Located here is my screen shot of the error message:

I am running PC-BSD 8.1 amd64 and I am using FireFox 3.6.8  
(Installed from



Michael Rusch
twitter - @weeddude


OAuth is a protocol built on top of standard http traffic. It's likely  
that your version of firefox lacks the code necessary to negotiate the  
various consumer, signer transactions. The operating system has  
nothing to do with OAuth itself as it occurs completely within the  
application. Unfortunately I've only worked with it within custom php  
apps so I can not point you further inside of firefox and the echofon  
add-on. You could try a few other add-ons like twitbin for instance.  
According to this site ( twitfox should work.

Mikel King
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055

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Re: question on access to res utility

2010-09-10 Thread mikel king

I'm glad that I am not the only one who felt that was a bit extreme.

This is a BSD, not Linux, list after all.

Mikel King
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055

On Sep 10, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Adam Vande More wrote:

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Ross Cameron  

It's not the first time that almost word for word the same question  

asked by someone from that domain.

True but juniper has given a great of IP to BSD.  Gracefully  
handling some

runoff seems appropriate.

Adam Vande More
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Re: question on access to res utility

2010-09-10 Thread mikel king


	I did a quick which and search of the ports that yielded nothing  
concrete regarding this command. I believe that this a proprietary  
Juniper utility. I found similar reference to this at this url:,124019,124019

	As much as I hate passing the buck, I'd have to punt this back to  
someone familiar with the changes to FreeBSD made in JunOS.

Mikel King
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055

On Sep 10, 2010, at 12:42 PM, Joanne McClintock wrote:

I'm helping a new writer use tech pubs lab routers. In trying to use  
the res utility, he gets the following:

-bash-2.05b$ res show tp5
-bash: res: command not found

In giving the uname -a command he gets:

-bash-2.05b$ uname -a
FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE-p2  
#0: Mon Oct 25 16:23:23 PDT 2004 
src/sys/compile/bigpink  i386

We are wondering if perhaps this is an access problem. Any ideas?  
Need any other information? Thanks.

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Re: can't ping localhost

2010-08-19 Thread mikel king
Your lo0 only has inet6 addresses, perhaps try binding a v4 address?


On Aug 19, 2010, at 11:12, Tim Kellers  wrote:

> On 08/19/10 11:02, Matthew Seaman wrote:
>> On 19/08/2010 15:21, Tim Kellers wrote:
>>> I'm eagerly open to suggestions.
>> What does 'ifconfig lo0' say?
>> What does 'sockstat | grep :25' say?
>> What does 'ls -la /usr/libexec/sendmail/' say?
>> What does 'mount | grep /usr' say?
>> It sounds as if either:
>>* Your loopback interface has lost address
>> or:
>>* Some process other than a live sendmail instance has bound to port
>>  25 on the loopback.
>> or:
>>* sendmail has somehow lost its setgid-ness
> # ifconfig lo0
> lo0: flags=8049 metric 0 mtu 16384
>inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3
>inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
> (lo0 looks unconfigured to me)
> # sockstat | grep :25
> root sendmail   7371  3  tcp4   *:25  *:*
> root sendmail   7371  5  tcp6   *:25  *:*
> (that looks fine to me)
> # ls -la /usr/libexec/sendmail/
> total 676
> drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel 512 Mar 30 21:03 .
> drwxr-xr-x  5 root  wheel1536 Mar 30 21:03 ..
> -r-xr-sr-x  1 root  smmsp  669788 Mar 30 21:03 sendmail
> (looks OK to me, too)
> # mount | grep /usr
> /dev/aacd0s1f on /usr (ufs, local, soft-updates)
> (Looks normal to me, too)
> Thanks
> Tim Kellers
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Re: Open Mail Relay

2010-08-14 Thread mikel king

On Aug 14, 2010, at 9:29 AM, wrote:

I have a machine running FreeBSD, sendmail and majordomo.  I have  
someone who is on one of those majordomo lists complaining that they  
are receiving spam from me.  The complainer says I have an open mail  
relay that I need to fix.

I went to <> 
 to test the machine using its IP address. gives a clean  
bill of health, saying relaying was denied in 17 separate tests.

I've reviewed my mail logs for the past couple of days and I can't  
find any entries for any mail addressed to the complainer's domain  
name except mail that should have been sent.

Is's test adequate to rule out an open mail relay problem?


	I usually attempt to send from a remote site myself directly before I  
sign off on closing that whole. In addition I always request that the  
complaint include a complete copy of all offending messages so that I  
can properly examine the headers. It is entirely conceivable that the  
complaint about an open relay is valid, but not from your server but  
an impostor. In that case you could try setting a SPF record in your  
DNS to help reduce such impersonations, although that is not a  

If you have any questions ping me off list.

Mikel King
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
CEO, Olivent Technologies
~because IT matters~
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055

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Re: USB1.1 WIFI adapted recommendation

2010-05-18 Thread mikel king

On May 14, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Chris Whitehouse wrote:

mikel king wrote:
I am refurbishing a laptop that only has USB1.1 and now built-in  
WIFI. Anyone with experience in these devices able to make a  
recommendation for a reliable device?

I have an old Belkin F5D7050 USB wifi adapter - you can still buy  

May 14 20:45:17 muji2 kernel: ugen4.4:  at usbus4
May 14 20:45:17 muji2 kernel: ural0: Adapter, class 0/0, rev 2.00/0.01, addr 4> on usbus4
May 14 20:45:17 muji2 kernel: ural0: MAC/BBP RT2570 (rev 0x03), RF  

Seems to work ok in a USB 1.1 port, never done benchmarks but it  
seems reliable enough for internet.


Thanks I'll give it a go!

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USB1.1 WIFI adapted recommendation

2010-05-13 Thread mikel king
I am refurbishing a laptop that only has USB1.1 and now built-in WIFI.  
Anyone with experience in these devices able to make a recommendation  
for a reliable device?


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Re: Addition to BSDstats

2010-05-05 Thread mikel king

On May 5, 2010, at 10:55 PM, Randi Harper wrote:

Marc G. Fournier wrote:

On Wed, 5 May 2010, Chris Whitehouse wrote:

I seem to have probs with mine too. I was under the impression  
that bsdstats was installed by default (in the base system?)

There has been talk about adding it as an option to sysinstall,  
but, unfortunately, I don't have enough knowledge of sysinstall to  
add it, and nobody else has step'd forward that does ... the idea  
wasn't to auto-install/enable, but to make it more visible while  
you are installing ...

Anyone out there able to do this ... ?

I have not heard any talk about this up until this email. I wouldn't  
want to add an option to sysinstall for this unless bsdstats was  
part of base. If it were, this would be trivial, but I don't really  
want to pop up any optional package menus other than what already  

-- randi

This idea was mentioned a few years as a way to improve advocacy  
statistics. Something short and sweet, with a one or two line  
explanation encouraging people to install the BSDStats system. If it  
were a yes/no option similar to the "Would you like to install Linux  
Compatibility" then it would be a no brainer.  Honestly this seems  
relatively unobtrusive and quite logical.

Mikel King
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763

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Re: 'at' command syntax

2010-04-30 Thread mikel king

On Apr 30, 2010, at 2:19 PM, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

On 4/30/2010 10:11 AM, Allie Daneman wrote:

Read the man page...that should shed light on the issue.

Sent from my electronic slavery device.


I've read the man page over and over.

Thanks for your reply.

I started there but guess I am dense.  However Thomas' post told me  
that I have to use 'echo' or 'cat' and the pipe to feed 'at' from  
the command line.  I wasn't grasping that I had to do it in this  



BSD users are normally more civil and will at least point you to the  
section of the manual or even a good how to if we don't have the time  
to write one for you. RTFM responses are normally left to the Linux  
crowd and their lists.

I hope that Thomas' note earlier shed some light on the subject.

Mikel King
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763

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Re: OT: Goodbye and hosting wanted

2010-04-21 Thread Mikel King


On Apr 21, 2010, at 20:15, Rod Person  wrote:

On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 19:50:50 -0400
DAve  wrote:

I will need to move my hosted domain, email, and DNS this week. I am
sure I could continue to host it with my employer but I would rather
not. I don't need much, less than a dozen email accounts, simple  
PHP or

perl, and DNS. My wife would like to start a LiveJournal or something
like it for her work here if a host can be found that supports that, (Feel free to offer to purchase
something ;^). Now that I am unemployed, inexpensive would be nice.  
I am

open to suggestions for hosting services. not sure about the flickr stuff but it 100  
a year PHP and all that and it hosted on FreeBSD.

Good luck.

Rod Person

"Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret
cabal working against the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of
conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated
global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If  

the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it"
-David Rockefeller (Memoirs, p.405)
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Re: Nethogs or similar for FreeBSD?

2010-04-10 Thread mikel king

On Apr 10, 2010, at 3:14 PM, Dan Naumov wrote:

Is there something like Nethogs for FreeBSD that would show bandwidth
use broken down by PID, user and such in a convinient easy to view and
understand fashion?

- Sincerely,
Dan Naumov

Looks interesting, and pretty light weight only requiring ncurses and  
libpcap. I wonder how hard it'd be to compile it and get it running.

What version of FreeBSD are you running?

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine

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Re: USB Powered Speakers

2010-04-09 Thread mikel king

On Apr 9, 2010, at 7:41 PM, Programmer In Training wrote:

On 04/09/10 18:31, Chris Whitehouse wrote:

Unless you insist on an operating system solution what you are really
after is a 5 volt supply. What about buying a mains USB charger of  

right capacity, or if you are handy with bits of wire have a look

I wouldn't know where to look for one.

through all those old power supplies for a 5 volt one? Or even use  
the 5

volt supply from inside your computer (if it is a desktop not laptop)


It is a desktop. There is a 5V supply in there?!

Yours In Christ,

Out of curiosity, have you tried an active USB 2.0 HUB to buffer the  
speakers from the computer's USB ports? Or even a AC to USB adapter?

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine

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Re: Does NAT require DNS (named)?

2010-04-08 Thread mikel king

On Apr 8, 2010, at 8:32 PM, Gary Dunn wrote:

On Thu, 8 Apr 2010 17:05:12 -0400 mikel king  

On Apr 8, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Gary Dunn wrote:

Continuing the saga of building a wireless access point, what is the
best way to provide DNS service to the dowstream network? Seems like
all I need is a simple pass-through. For that named seems like
overkill. Anyone have an /etc/named/named.conf that does that?

Depends on how your internal LAN is configured. Generally if there  

no internal servers then you can forgo deploying a DNS server. Simply
setup your firewall IPFW or pf or whatever you are using to allow
clients to go out to the net and look names up. You will likely  
need a
dhcp server though so that your wireless clients can auto-discover  
appropriate network settings, but you can elect to do that manually  

well if it's your

I failed to mention that the same FreeBSD box will provide file and  
printer services via Samba, all clients will be Windows Vista, and  
there will bo no other servers on the downstream network. I cannot  
rely on clients editing their LMHOSTS files ... I need plug and  
play. Do I need a DNS server on the downstream network for Windows  
clients to connect to Samba?

Gary Dunn, Honolulu
Sent from a Newton 2100 via Mail V


	Thanks for the clarification. In this case if it were my network then  
I would roll out both DNS and DHCP on this server. Honestly it will  
make your life a hell of a lot easier in the long run, especially if  
you intend on using WINS resolution for the Windows client via samba.  
However only allow the DNS and DHCP services to run on the internal  
LAN, bind them to an internal IP address.

You should be fine.

Mikel King

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Re: Does NAT require DNS (named)?

2010-04-08 Thread mikel king

On Apr 8, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Gary Dunn wrote:

Continuing the saga of building a wireless access point, what is the  
best way to provide DNS service to the dowstream network? Seems like  
all I need is a simple pass-through. For that named seems like  
overkill. Anyone have an /etc/named/named.conf that does that?

Gary Dunn, Honolulu
Sent from a Newton 2100 via Mail V

Depends on how your internal LAN is configured. Generally if there are  
no internal servers then you can forgo deploying a DNS server. Simply  
setup your firewall IPFW or pf or whatever you are using to allow  
clients to go out to the net and look names up. You will likely need a  
dhcp server though so that your wireless clients can auto-discover the  
appropriate network settings, but you can elect to do that manually as  
well if it's your desire.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine

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Re: popd to send Mail to a Mac; I Really Appreciate this list.

2010-03-26 Thread mikel king

On Mar 26, 2010, at 11:11 AM, Martin McCormick wrote:

It looks like imap is more suitable for what I am trying
to do than pop. There may be a slight issue in the fact that I
use .forward to trigger procmail which has the effect of
instantly snatching up every piece of incoming mail and putting
it in to a nmh folder that resides in /home/%user/Mail/%folder
which means /var/mail is always empty. I just created another
user which won't have any .forward or procmail attention.
Forwarding messages to this user will make them hang in
/var/mail/%user and those should be available to imap.

On the Mac, I will be reading that user's mail via imap
to retrieve the messages.

Martin McCormick

You should be able to subscribe to the folder in question directly  
under IMAP for the specific account. I used to do this all the time.  
It really depend on how you roll out your IMAP service, and which one  
you go with. Either way procmail can filter can sort the message into  
IMAP folders so that you can just pick them up via an IMAP client.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055 c: 631.796.1499

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Re: popd to send Mail to a Mac

2010-03-25 Thread mikel king

On Mar 25, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Martin McCormick wrote:

I like to receive mail on a FreeBSD system and want to
continue to do so but occasionally, I have a message that needs
to be forwarded to a Macintosh in my office. It turns out that
Mac's do not do normal smtp mail like sendmail but one of the
options is pop.

I installed popd on the FreeBSD server and want to be
able to feed messages meant for the Mac to popd at which point,
I should be able to retrieve them on that mac.

The normal scenario is:

Mail comes in and I read it. One message has a 20-mile-long url
to a javascrypt-infested web site that lynx can't handle. I
should forward this message to the Mac and there, I can use
safari  to handle that message.

Those are the only messages that will need to go through
popd so I need a simple way to feed them in so the Mac can get
them out.


Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Telecommunications Services  

Why not just roll out IMAP and then it won't matter? Actually if you  
wanted to use fancy postfix server side filtering I'd recommend you go  
IMAP anyway. Filter the 'bad' messages into their own folder. Honestly  
that seems more trouble than it's worth.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055 c: 631.796.1499

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Re: HTML5 under FreeBSD Desktop

2010-03-10 Thread mikel king

On Mar 8, 2010, at 7:53 AM, ltsampros wrote:

Alexander Best  writes:

recent chromium builds on and support html5. don't  
know if the

firefox and opera ports support html5 yet.

If you use the latest version of firefox , check this link:

It played flawless on my system and I don't remember me having
configured some option/port knob to enable the functionality.

However, there is an ongoing battle regarding which codecs would be
supported. Google/Apple support h264 while Mozilla/Opera prefer/ 

the Ogg theora one. I think this is a pretty thin picture of the
situation but I guess you can google it around.

So, don't expect all html5/video sites to work.


The main issue is licensing fees. The company that owns h2.64 charges  
$5M for a license. Ogg Theora on the other hand is slightly more  
affordable as a semi-open codec. I certainly would not bet the farm on  
this fight ending nicely.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055 c: 631.796.1499

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Re: HTML5 under FreeBSD Desktop

2010-03-10 Thread mikel king

On Mar 7, 2010, at 10:35 AM, Alexander Best wrote:

recent chromium builds on and support html5. don't  
know if the

firefox and opera ports support html5 yet.


Opera seems to have the best support for HTML5 at this point.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055 c: 631.796.1499

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Re: Thousands of ssh probes

2010-03-05 Thread mikel king

On Mar 5, 2010, at 10:44 AM, John wrote:

On Fri, Mar 05, 2010 at 10:19:09AM -0500, mikel king wrote:

On Mar 5, 2010, at 8:26 AM, John wrote:

Way back about 10 years ago, I was playing around with IPFW a lot. I
wrote a script to update IPFW from changes made to a MySql db. It was
a just for fun project, that turned out to be rather useful I have
some developers that I managed who like you were road warriors. They
logged in to the https web page w/ their username and password which
grabbed their IP address and stored it in a table on with their login

The script called fud (for firewall update daemon) connected to the  

and ran a query to check for any rule changes. If there were it would
apply them to the rule set and clear the change flag. Using this
combination I was able to allow ssh access only to the necessary ip

I kind of scrapped it when VPNs became easier to deploy and I have no
idea where this set of scripts are now, but it would be rather  

to build a new version.

If anyone thinks it's worth revisiting hit me off list.

Maybe I'll have to learn how to do a VPN from FreeBSD

One thought that occurs to me is that pf tables would provide a
direct API without having to hit a database.

I think I really like this.  I may have to implement it for pf.
It should be really easy with CGI and calls to pfctl.

There's probably a dozen ways to slice it now. I went with php, mysql  
and ipfw, just because that was the theme back then. I also found it  
handy to be able to login into the system and manually enter the ip  
addressing if necessary. I would definitely add some better logging  
than I did back then. Hmmm giving me an idea for another article on ;-)


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Re: Thousands of ssh probes

2010-03-05 Thread mikel king

On Mar 5, 2010, at 8:26 AM, John wrote:

On Fri, Mar 05, 2010 at 07:03:53AM -0600, Programmer In Training  

On 03/05/10 06:54, John wrote:

My nightly security logs have thousands upon thousands of ssh probes
in them.  One day, over 6500.  This is enough that I can actually
"feel" it in my network performance.  Other than changing ssh to
a non-standard port - is there a way to deal with these?  Every
day, they originate from several different IP addresses, so I can't
just put in a static firewall rule.  Is there a way to get ssh
to quit responding to a port or a way to generate a dynamic pf
rule in cases like this?

Can you not deny all ssh attempts and then allow only from certain,
trusted IPs?

Ah, I should have added that I travel a fair amount, and often
have to get to my systems via hotel WiFi or Aircard, so it's
impossible to predict my originating IP address in advance.  If
that were not the case, this would be an excellent suggestion.

Way back about 10 years ago, I was playing around with IPFW a lot. I  
wrote a script to update IPFW from changes made to a MySql db. It was  
a just for fun project, that turned out to be rather useful I have  
some developers that I managed who like you were road warriors. They  
logged in to the https web page w/ their username and password which  
grabbed their IP address and stored it in a table on with their login  

The script called fud (for firewall update daemon) connected to the db  
and ran a query to check for any rule changes. If there were it would  
apply them to the rule set and clear the change flag. Using this  
combination I was able to allow ssh access only to the necessary ip  

I kind of scrapped it when VPNs became easier to deploy and I have no  
idea where this set of scripts are now, but it would be rather trivial  
to build a new version.

If anyone thinks it's worth revisiting hit me off list.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055 c: 631.796.1499

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Re: Changing Default Shell

2010-02-25 Thread mikel king

On Feb 25, 2010, at 9:57 PM, Roger Campbell wrote:

Lowell Gilbert, I would like to thank you for your posting about  
changing the default shell. I was running in circles until I found  
your post suggestion vipw.



You can also use pw.

pw usermod rcampbell -s /bin/tcsh

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055 c: 631.796.1499

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BSD perspective at SCALE?

2010-02-21 Thread mikel king
Is the anyone who attend SCALE this weekend that would be interested  
in writing a couple of paragraphs about the event on BSD News?

Please contact me off list.


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Shared object "" not found ...(or library munging after make-delete-old)

2010-01-29 Thread mikel king
As expected several port needed to be rebuilt however I have hit a  
roadblock with the built in perl with.

===>Verifying install for /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ 
Date/ in /usr/ports/devel/p5-TimeDate
===>   p5-TimeDate-1.20,1 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/perl5.8.8 -  

===>  Configuring for p5-TimeDate-1.20,1
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found,  
required by "perl5.8.8"

I would have thought that perl was rebuilt when I make the world and  
upgraded from 7.x to 8.0.

Anyone have a quick and easy fix out of this mess?

Thanks in advance.


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make delete-old && make delete-old-libs

2010-01-22 Thread mikel king
I had a system that was royally borked after upgrading and completing  
these steps a few years ago. Ever since I have always skipped these  
steps. Has anyone else experienced any issues with these two steps?


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Re: Where is portsnap ?

2010-01-22 Thread mikel king

On Jan 22, 2010, at 8:39 AM, Bernard de Joly wrote:


I use freebsd for several years and I appreciate portsnap but it  
doesn't seem to be on the current port tree anymore …

Can you tell me what is happening with him?

Anyway thank you for your so useful work.

Best regards,

Bernard de Joly
Lasserre d'Amour
32250 Montréal du Gers
Téléphone 09 53 79 84 21


It is part of the base. As of 6.3, I think.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055 c: 631.796.1499

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Re: Running PHP File under Crontab...

2010-01-17 Thread mikel king
There are a couple of ways. My prefrence is to control the output  
directly from the app in PHP. However you should be able to pipe the  
output to a file without issue.


On Jan 17, 2010, at 15:48, Diego Montalvo  wrote:

One other question,  is there a way to copy the ouput of the crontab
"php" file to another file?

Simply the "hello world" output and not the  code... ??

2010/1/17 mikel king :

On Jan 17, 2010, at 3:01 PM, Diego Montalvo wrote:

I am using "

2010/1/17 mikel king :

On Jan 17, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Diego Montalvo wrote:

CLI meaning, if I can run and excute   
command line,  a php file can run in crontab?  doing the  
following in

shell: "# php helloworld.php" - "hello world" is produced...


ok then do you have #!/usr/local/bin/php as your first line of the
Or are you using the bash exec command to run the code in your  


Also you can try placing the path to the php CLI executable in the

If your php executable is in /usr/local/bin then replace /bin/sh  
with that

in your script file.


Remember to chmod +x the script file.


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Re: Running PHP File under Crontab...

2010-01-17 Thread mikel king

On Jan 17, 2010, at 3:01 PM, Diego Montalvo wrote:

I am using "

2010/1/17 mikel king :

On Jan 17, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Diego Montalvo wrote:

CLI meaning, if I can run and excute  in
command line,  a php file can run in crontab?  doing the following  

shell: "# php helloworld.php" - "hello world" is produced...


ok then do you have #!/usr/local/bin/php as your first line of the  
Or are you using the bash exec command to run the code in your  
shell script?

Also you can try placing the path to the php CLI executable in the  

If your php executable is in /usr/local/bin then replace /bin/sh with  
that in your script file.


Remember to chmod +x the script file.


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Re: Running PHP File under Crontab...

2010-01-17 Thread mikel king

On Jan 17, 2010, at 1:28 PM, Diego Montalvo wrote:

I am wanting to execute a PHP file 5 times a day via crontab. Is it
possible?  If so what is the proper crontab command for this?



	Certainly, but you must ensure that you have the CLI version of PHP  

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055 c: 631.796.1499

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Re: rTorrent and XML-RPC

2009-11-24 Thread mikel king

On Nov 24, 2009, at 7:07 PM, Micah R Ledbetter wrote:


I am ultimately trying to install rtgui 0.2.7, which is a frontend  
for the rtorrent bit torrent client. I'm running FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE- 
p2, and I've installed apache22, mod_scgi, xmlrpc-c-devel, and  
rtorrent-devel from ports. rtorrent works great on the CLI as-is;  
I've been using it for downloading torrents for months with no  

However, to make rtgui work, I have to get XML-RPC working within  
rtorrent first, and that's the entirety of my problem - this post  
isn't actually about rtgui at all. Instead, it's about a problem I'm  
having with XML-RPC, either in rtorrent itself, or in Apache or  
mod_scgi... I can't actually tell which.

I don't know if this will help you, but I found it invaluable in  
learning how to work with and riddle out XML-RPC drama. It was  
particularly useful in sussing out my php server code.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055 c: 631.796.1499

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2009-10-16 Thread Mikel King

On Oct 15, 2009, at 10:38 PM, Paul Schmehl wrote:

I manage a couple of FreeBSD servers for a friend.  He's gotten all  
excited about content management and thinks that's the way to go.   
The system he's familiar with is Windows only.  I've done a little  
research, but I'm wondering if anyone reading the list has  
experience with a CMS on FreeBSD - one that's in ports preferably.

Pros?  Cons?  Any known security issues?

Paul Schmehl, If it isn't already
obvious, my opinions are my own
and not those of my employer.
WARNING: Check the headers before replying


	I've used both Wordpress and Drupal. Both are good and both are bad.  
Because both are PHP based, they are not dependent on the port  
maintainer, if you are comfortable with keeping things up to date  
yourself. Both have made huge strides in the last few months to  
improve their systems to require less work on the command line in  
regards to updating.

	I recommend that you test drive both systems and determine what you  
are comfortable with. Most canned themes are available in both systems.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055

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Re: best FBSD version for commercial use.

2009-10-09 Thread Mikel King

On Oct 9, 2009, at 3:40 PM, Polytropon wrote:

On Fri, 9 Oct 2009 15:04:42 -0400, Mikel King  

Recommend sticking with 7.x branch until 8.0 has been through one or
two solid releases. Then  you should be able to perform a csup and
rebuild the world to the current version of 8.x at the time.

So you would not recommend 8 (as RC1 at the state of the moment)
for commercial use. Regarding your explaination, I do understand
this. It's often mentioned that x.0 releases aren't "that good".

But allow me a follow-up question: Is 8.0-RC1 already recommendable
for a home desktop, or would 7.2 be the version of choice? I'm
asking this because of the many improvements especially the USB
subsystem has gotten in 8 which would be important for the "plug
and play experience" for USB devices...

Well the general rule of thumb has always been that unless you NEED a  
feature of the newest version it is best to continue running the  
existing stable release on your mission critical production boxes.  
Once the current release is passed the initial .0 stage most feel it  
is safe to adopt it in a production environment. Sometimes this may  
take a little longer than expected, but I would wait until 8.1 before  
I put it on my mission critical production boxes.


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Re: best FBSD version for commercial use.

2009-10-09 Thread Mikel King

On Oct 9, 2009, at 2:28 PM, Marwan Sultan wrote:

Hello Gurus,

  Im planing to move out of my FreeBSD 4.8-R! which served me like a  
charm for many years.

  But not sure if I should go for 6.3 or 7.2

  This server will be a DNS server, apache, shell accounts..php,  

  anything i should be aware of?


  Thank you.


Recommend sticking with 7.x branch until 8.0 has been through one or  
two solid releases. Then  you should be able to perform a csup and  
rebuild the world to the current version of 8.x at the time.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055

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BSD Professional Job Task Analysis Survey

2009-10-07 Thread Mikel King
The BSD News Network reports that volunteer as desperately needed to  
complete the BSDP JTA Survey by the deadline of October 16th. The BSD  
Certification Group has been diligently working toward this goal for  
quite some time now.

I am curious how many people on this list were aware of the survey?

Has anyone else actually completed the survey?

Has anyone seen an announcement about this on the FreeBSD lists in the  


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Re: network freebsd computers

2009-09-22 Thread Mikel King

On Sep 22, 2009, at 3:27 PM, Carmel NY wrote:

On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 14:53:17 -0400
Jerry McAllister  wrote:


Am I missing something or would ssh, scp and directing your Xwindows
display from the headless machine to a desktop X server cover
everything you are asking for?

I was just playing around with ssh. Would it be possible to store
multiple keys in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file?



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Re: network freebsd computers

2009-09-22 Thread Mikel King

On Sep 22, 2009, at 1:39 PM, Carmel NY wrote:

Most of my networking experience is based on a Windows. Networking two
or more PCs together in a Window's environment is easy. Unfortunately,
I am not getting anywhere accomplishing the same with multiple FreeBSD
machines. I can get them networked with Window's machines; however,  

with each other.

Where can I find a go How-To on how to accomplish this?


	Could you perhaps describe what it is you want to accomplish? I might  
be able to direct you to a nice how-to or even walk you through it...

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055

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Re: reporter on deadline seeks comment about reported security bug in FreeBSD

2009-09-14 Thread Mikel King

On Sep 14, 2009, at 3:12 PM, Dan Goodin wrote:


Dan Goodin, a reporter at technology news website The Register.  
researcher Przemyslaw Frasunek says versions 6.x through 6.4 of  
has a security bug. He says he notified the FreeBSD Foundation on  

29 and never got a response. We'll be writing a brief article about
this. Please let me know ASAP if someone cares to comment.

Kind regards,

Dan Goodin

Hasn't 6.x been End Of Lifed? I mean considering that 8.0 is expected  
to be released either later this month or early next, and 6.x will be  
officially retired at that time, is it possible that this was  
overlooked? Personally I don't think it's ever good to overlook  
security, especially in the case of a root exploit.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763


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Invitation to help test the BSD News Network...

2009-09-08 Thread Mikel King
Although I have received a very good response, I am still looking for  
a handful of beta testers as well as some volunteers to help tweak the  

If you are interested in helping build the BSD News Network then  
contact me directly off list.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055

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beta-testers needed

2009-09-07 Thread Mikel King
Looking for a few volunteers to help test drive the BSD News Networks'  
new site.

If you are interested in becoming a beta-tester and helping out please  
email me directly off list.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763


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Re: Enquiry

2009-08-31 Thread Mikel King

Try setting boot from USB and removable media in the bios.


On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:38, Kin Tat Yau  wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam

My server is running with FreeBSD i386 4.11 release. Now i want to  
install FreeBSD i386 6.1 release. But it can not install from CD  
Rom. I have set the BIOS to run from CD-ROM first .It seems not  
running the CD at all. The CD-Rom is Sony CD-Rom CDU5211 USB Device.  
I don't need to keep the old configuration and just want to use  
FreeBSD i386 6.1 release. Please advise.



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Re: How to doc available?

2009-07-27 Thread Mikel King

On Jul 27, 2009, at 7:05 PM, Chris Rees wrote:

2009/7/27 Mikel King :
Anyone know of a good tutorial for making a system on a USB key in  
space? I have a project that requires enough of running system with  
and php5 to do some network magick. I would like to keep the thing  
512MB but if that is not feasible then I'll shoot for whatever the  

I can get away with.

Thanks, in advance.


I'm going to try to answer your question rather than tell you you're
wrong. It's possible, and not difficult.

Option 1) I'm pretty sure a default install of FreeBSD covers a little
less than 640 MB; have you just tried that?

[ch...@amnesiac]/usr% df -h /
Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
[ch...@amnesiac]/usr% du -hc /boot/xboxkern.0/
[ch...@amnesiac]/usr% du -hc bin include lib sbin share games libdata



So, excluding /usr/share/doc, and /boot/xboxkern.0 (a leftover from
when amnesiac was an xbox), my install with no ports etc is
~203-112=91MB for /, 428-292=136MB for /usr, plus /var and /tmp (both
minimal if properly managed and trimmed) makes <~250 MB; way less than
the 500 MB specified. You could probably even install Apache on that!

If I've missed anything glaringly obvious, please correct me  

Option 2) Try 



Thank you for your detailed answer. Most appreciated as is the URL to  
nanobsd so that I can RTFM...


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Re: How to doc available?

2009-07-27 Thread Mikel King

On Jul 27, 2009, at 4:00 PM, Sergio de Almeida Lenzi wrote:

excuse-me, but what is the problem
with size???

I have a PQI stick that is 29mm X 11mm X 2.5mm and
have 4gbytes... and works very good... sells for US$12 here...

take a look:

you have inside 4Bg of storage..   usb2.0

The problem is that my client has mandated that it be below 640MB so I  
can not, as much as I would prefer, use a 4GB stick.

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How to doc available?

2009-07-27 Thread Mikel King
Anyone know of a good tutorial for making a system on a USB key in  
limited space? I have a project that requires enough of running system  
with lighttpd and php5 to do some network magick. I would like to keep  
the thing below 512MB but if that is not feasible then I'll shoot for  
whatever the smallest I can get away with.

Thanks, in advance.


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Re: Install from a USB Pen (semi OT)

2009-07-22 Thread Mikel King

On Jul 20, 2009, at 2:48 PM, Ken Smith wrote:

On Sat, 2009-07-18 at 11:41 +0800, Fbsd1 wrote:

Took 3 times longer to download the 8.0-BETA1-i386-memstick.img  
that to
download the 8.0-BETA1-i386-disc1.iso. I suggest you look into  
method of creating the memstick.img so it downloads faster. dd does  

compression of the data.

You're comparing apples to oranges here to some extent.  disc1 isn't
compressed either.  The reason the memstick is larger is that it
contains more stuff than disc1.  That extra stuff is usually  
referred to

as "livefs" and having that allows the memstick to be used in "Fixit"
mode - you can boot off the memstick and enter into sysinstall's  

menu item which in turn you can use to get to a usable shell that has
all the normal FreeBSD base system utilities available.  That
functionality can be useful for recovering a machine from mistakes.

The CDROM media has a separate livefs.  We needed to separate them out
because of size issues on the CDROM media - the contents of disc1 plus
the contents needed from the livefs disc to make it work in Fixit mode
are too big for our target CDROM media size (700Mb).  The DVD media
contains both so DVDs can be used for this 'Fixit' mode as well.

If you're going to use download time as any sort of evaluation of the
memstick's merit you need to compare the speed of downloading it  

the speed of downloading both disc1 and livefs.  Though I'm not quite
sure why that's any measure of the memstick's merit.

I think I've settled on the memstick images containing what was  

with BETA2, which will be the installation bits from disc1, the livefs
bits, and just the packages that make up the documentation.  Put a
slightly different way it's the contents of the DVD minus all packages
except for the documentation packages.  That's my best guess on the
trade-off of size versus functionality that would benefit the most

Using a 8gb memstick as the target to install 8.0 on took 2 times  

than disc1 cd installing to same 8gb memstick.

This shouldn't come as too big a surprise, for *typical* machines  

slow down a bit if you're using the same I/O subsystem for both reads
and writes.  I'm guessing your CD isn't USB.  Even if it is, you're
again comparing apples to oranges to a large degree here.  If a speed
comparison is important to you here then compare the speed of  
from the memstick we provide versus one you create with your script  

disc1.  I'd be surprised if installing from the one you created using
your script was faster than the memstick we provide.

Here is a script i have used in the past to convert the disc1.iso to
bootable memstick. Maybe its better to add this script to the place
where 8.0-BETA1-i386-disc1.iso is located in place of the  

That way the 3 times larger memstick.img is not needed any more.

Per above the 3 times larger memstick.img we're providing has more
functionality than what you would get by running your script.  For  
people your script also causes something of a chicken-and-egg  
issue.  It

may not be particularly convenient to run your script if you don't
already have FreeBSD installed on a machine.  I don't see the harm  
in us

providing one pre-built memstick image for peoples' convenience.

Just curious, but is there an easy way to get all of this onto the pen  
in the first place? I missed the origin of the thread.


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Re: 5000' ethernet?

2009-07-15 Thread mikel . king
From: Mikel 
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 17:38:21 -0400
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit


You can run upto 1.5 miles on a lx fiber based solution but will likely 
require a skilled installer to setup that much cable for you.

Depending on your locale I am may be able to put connect you to a supplier.

Have you considered a wireless direct beam solution?  Especially 
considering the 'temporary' nature of this install.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies


.. Original Message ...
On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 16:07:52 -0500 "David Kelly"  wrote:
>On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:27:35PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Hello David,
>> Am 2009-07-15 14:47:18, schrieb David Kelly:
>> > Not directly FreeBSD related, but how much of a chance is there that 
>> > machines could communicate directly over 5,000 feet of cat5 with no
>> > special hardware?
>> I do not know hoe much a feet is in meters but AFAIK arround 0,3 which
>> mean, you are talking about 1.5km or 1 mile ?
>Yes, roughly a mile which is 5280 feet. Maybe less, but no more than a
>mile. Won't really know until I get there and start running cable.
>> There are inexpensive FiberOptic Transponder (I am using a bunch  of
>> it from Transmode for my CWDM 1GE and DWDM 10GE network)
>> The 100 Mbit Transponder cost  arround  600 Euro  (each)  and  for
>> your 5000 feets you need only  an  inexpensive  FiberOptic  cable.
>> EVEN  the cheapes one would transfer 1 Gbit at this distance.
>What I'm not (yet) seeing is a fiber optic transceiver listed with
>matching fiber optic cable. The transceivers seem inexpensive vs the cost
>of the cable.
>> > Are there any particular range extenders you have used and would
>> > recommend for making this task a sure thing on the first try?
>> > Perhaps I should put an inexpensive ethernet switch at each junction
>> > to serve as a regenerative repeater?
>> You have to use at least 3 Repeaters which NEED electricity. Do you
>> know this?
>Yes, of course.
>> 5000 feet CAT5, 3 Repeater plus electric installation  cost  more,
>> then the FiberOptic Cable with two Transponder.  And of course,  no
>> one  can sniff traffic on FiberOptic and you have no worry about
>> magnetic  fields disturbing your 5000 feet...
>No one is going to sniff *this* one.
>Am not finding sources of fiber optic cable as easily as I can find
>fiber optic transceivers.
>100baseT ethernet switches are about $25 each if one will serve as a
>regenerative repeater.
>Did I mention this is a temporary installation?
>David Kelly N4HHE,
>Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.
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Re: Should DNS be on same server as webserver?

2009-07-13 Thread Mikel King

On Jul 13, 2009, at 12:36 PM, John Almberg wrote:

The other day, a FreeBSD 'expert' told me that it is important to  
have the DNS server for a domain on the same server as the domain's  
web server. Supposedly, this saves doing tons of DNS look ups over  
the network. Instead, they are done locally.

This makes sense to me, but I wonder if the performance difference  
is really that significant?

-- John

If you head down this road you might want to only make it a caching  
DNS server, not your primary or secondary for sure. Unless you are  
limited on available hardware.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055

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Re: Disk usage analysis

2009-04-22 Thread Mikel King

On Apr 22, 2009, at 3:13 PM, andrew clarke wrote:

On Thu 2009-04-23 05:05:25 UTC+1000, andrew clarke  
( wrote:

durep seems to have no concept of security :-)  So how did you go  

restricting unwanted people from viewing its output?

I'm referring to the CGI version of durep here, of course.

We didn't run the CGI version. Only used it as a scheduled task, to  
generate the report once or twice per day. 

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Re: Disk usage analysis

2009-04-22 Thread Mikel King

On Apr 22, 2009, at 3:05 PM, andrew clarke wrote:

On Wed 2009-04-22 10:46:14 UTC-0400, Mikel King ( 
) wrote:

I used to run durep on my shared servers.

durep seems to have no concept of security :-)  So how did you go  

restricting unwanted people from viewing its output?


When we ran it initially we used .htaccess, then rolled it into a php  


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Re: Disk usage analysis

2009-04-22 Thread Mikel King

On Apr 21, 2009, at 11:24 PM, Robert Huff wrote:

Christopher Chambers writes:

Is there an easy way to analyze disk usage to determine which
files and folders are taking up the most space?

If this isn't a FAQ, then search the mailing list archives.
This question, or something leading to it like "out of disk space",
comes up regularly.

Robert Huff

I used to run durep on my shared servers. The package seems a bit out  
of date and I have often considered adopting it as a pet project to  
rewrite/update, but time, time and time always seem to be an issue.  
You can read more about the application. It generates a comprehensive  
report that can be automatically emailed, or viewed via the web.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court
Medford, NY 11763
skype: mikel.king
Follow me if you dare...

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Re: lightweight webserver that can run php

2009-04-18 Thread Mikel King
Most light weight webservers like nginx and lighttpd only run PHP as a  
cgi mod.


On Apr 18, 2009, at 2:19, Andrew  wrote:

Hi All,

Does anyone have any suggestions for a lightweight webserver that  
will run php?
Apache is too bulky for what I need and thttpd won't allow me to run  

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Re: FreeBSD as a Business Server

2009-04-03 Thread Mikel King

On Apr 3, 2009, at 1:42 PM, Seur Bors wrote:


I am recommending a FreeBSD solution to replace an old business "file
server".  The old server is running Windows 2000 Professional, and the
company has grown from the 5 employee setting to now two floors and
approximately 15 - 20 people.  They were starting to get connection  

to the Win2K machine, as I believe, without the Server version of the
software, file sharing and maps are severely limited.

Anyways, my question is thus:  In setting up a FreeBSD machine and  
Samba to support "standard" file sharing, is there any caveats or  

that anyone perceives?  I've done multiple FreeBSD installations, and
utilize the Samba package to provide file sharing support in other  

businesses, but have not had to consider 20 connections at once.  The
network connection is just a simple router to switch, all gigabit,  
and the
system I'm recommending to use as a server also has dual gigabit  


As well, if anyone has any web-links to recommended reading, I would  

appreciate them.


Seur Bors
Legate Commander
Knights Of The Old Code

The latest samba port if very robust. You should find this trivial to  
complete. I encourage you to go with new hardware if possible.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court
Medford, NY 11763
skype: mikel.king
t: 631.627.3055
m: 646.554.3660
Experimenting w/ Twitter follow me
if you dare...

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Re: web based file sharing

2009-03-27 Thread Mikel King

On Mar 27, 2009, at 5:13 AM, Terry wrote:

Just looking for a way to give easy access over the internet to some  
files for multiple users. Web based would be ideal as they all know  
how to open a browser.

Internally files are shared using samba.
Has any one come across any thing ?


Depending on the client OSes you could go with a WebDAV based  
solution. Apache has several modules for dealing with dav. Mac OS X,  
KDE, and even most versions of Windows have built-in clients.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court
Medford, NY 11763
skype: mikel.king
t: 631.627.3055
m: 646.554.3660
How do you spell cooperation? Pessimists use
each other, but optimists help each other.
Collaboration feeds your spirit, while
competition only stokes your ego. You'll
find the best way to get along.

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Re: [OT] Server hosting with FreeBSD

2009-03-06 Thread Mikel King

On Mar 5, 2009, at 9:56 PM, Jack L. wrote:

I provide that hosting and sharktech does as well.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Nerius Landys   
  We´re looking for good hosting services that offer  
instalations of

FreeBSD in dedicated servers.
  Any one could point some?
  Most of the companies offer Linux and Windows, but only few  

  The one thar we use today, only install a fixed image. Just  
a simple

custom partition modification, cannot be done.

There is (believe it or not) a webpage on the website  

lists some commercial businesses that offer colocation and/or
dedicated servers:

My server is colocated with (halfway down on that page)
in San Diego.  I'm very happy with them.  I'm running 5 video game
servers for the free game Urban Terror on my server.

I missed the original post and since it's been snip I am not sure who  
started the thread.

In any event if a VPS or JAIL will meet your needs I know of some  
options here in NY. Physical servers are also available but not likely  
at a super low price point.

Feel free to contact me off list and I'll see if I can point you in  
those directions....

Mikel King

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Re: Time skew

2009-01-14 Thread Mikel King


Try adding either,


to /boot/loader.conf

Reboot the machine and check your time.

The first line is the patch originally noted in the VMWare KB the  
latter is from the FreeBSD handbook on the subject.


On Jan 14, 2009, at 9:09 AM, wrote:

Hi All,

I'm facing some strange behavior with an skew in the system clock.
	The hardware is a Dell PowerEdge 2950III, running two instances of  
FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p5 - amd64 over an ESXi hipervisor.
	To both were allocated 4 processors and 4 GB of RAM, and dmesg for  
both are identical.
	I'm using clockspeed to synchronize the clock, but just one of them  
is delaying the clock a lot.

The hardware clock is ok as far as the other virtual machine.
Where should I start to investigate?

- Marcelo

Dmesg is following:

Copyright (c) 1992-2008 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993,  
   The Regents of the University of California. All rights  

FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-p5 #0: Mon Nov  3 13:19:30 BRST 2008
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E5410  @ 2.33GHz (2357.36-MHz K8- 
class CPU)

 Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x10678  Stepping = 8

 AMD Features=0x20100800
 AMD Features2=0x1
usable memory = 4013707264 (3827 MB)
avail memory  = 3883839488 (3703 MB)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 4 CPUs
cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  0
cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  1
cpu2 (AP): APIC ID:  2
cpu3 (AP): APIC ID:  3
MADT: Forcing active-low polarity and level trigger for SCI
ioapic0  irqs 0-23 on motherboard
kbd1 at kbdmux0
ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413,  

hptrr: HPT RocketRAID controller driver v1.1 (Nov  3 2008 13:19:19)
acpi0:  on motherboard
acpi0: [ITHREAD]
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
Timecounter "ACPI-safe" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 850
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x1008-0x100b on acpi0
cpu0:  on acpi0
acpi_throttle0:  on cpu0
cpu1:  on acpi0
acpi_throttle1:  on cpu1
acpi_throttle1: failed to attach P_CNT
device_attach: acpi_throttle1 attach returned 6
cpu2:  on acpi0
acpi_throttle2:  on cpu2
acpi_throttle2: failed to attach P_CNT
device_attach: acpi_throttle2 attach returned 6
cpu3:  on acpi0
acpi_throttle3:  on cpu3
acpi_throttle3: failed to attach P_CNT
device_attach: acpi_throttle3 attach returned 6

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Re: looking for a secondary.

2008-12-16 Thread Mikel King

On Dec 16, 2008, at 6:42 PM, Gary Kline wrote:

	i was recently informed that the firm that bought is  
going to
	begin charging $100/mo.  i nearly choked on that, but whatever...   
	looking for an *.org who does DNS secondaries free oe nearly so.  i  

there is at least one place, but it's been years.

	i thought i'd check here first because i'm not how to pose this as  
a good


thanks, guys,



	Check out not only do they offer a free service  
they run on FreeBSD. They also have a pay service available for more  
advanced configurations.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court
Medford, NY 11763
skype: mikel.king

Yes it is true I am running for US
Senate (NY).

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Re: To swap or not to swap

2008-12-02 Thread Mikel King

On Dec 2, 2008, at 11:56 AM, Anthony M. Rasat wrote:

Fellas, I need opinions. Asus Eee PC, SSD storage, 512MB RAM, with  
GNOME and other desktop thingy (testing out of curiousity).

Question is, swap or no swap? Remember, this is SSD, it is  
reasonable to have no swap. However, what if I wanted OpenOffice?  
This beast is memory hog AFAIK. Thanks for opinions.



	SSD or no, I feel that you should treat it as you would any other  
hard disk. Plan for a swap space, albeit a smaller one than you would  
normally allocate perhaps.


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Re: almost OT os x

2008-10-28 Thread Mikel King

On Oct 27, 2008, at 11:06 PM, kalin m wrote:

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:19:56PM -0400, kalin m wrote:

this is a bit OT but since bsd and os x have enough in common in  
the  core some people here might have dealt with an os x server  

ok. here is the problem. i have this os x server put on my lap to   
administer and there are some really weired things happening.

the machine has 2 inet interfaces - 2 cards. one of them - en0  
(network  A) - is wired to 192.168.x.x and the other - en1  
(network B) - has an  external ip which is not on the same subnet  
(network)  the 192.168.x.x  belongs to. so far so good.

theoretically the en1 (network B) card should be accessible  
through the  external ip no matter where you a coming from

what happens is that if somebody on network A (of en0)  tries to  
access  the machine via 192.168.x.x - it works. but if that  
somebody wants  access that machine via the external ip on network  
B (en1), like they  would access any other external IP -  they can  
not. this is weired  because they can access any other machine on  
B . now me being on the  network B i can access the machine via  
the external IP which is also on  B, but, and this is the  
weirdest, i can not access it from outside  either A or B with  
that same IP (?!?).  but i can access any other  machine on B from  
outside either subnet

What you're describing sounds like a network loopback problem (at  

this is what the Linux folks refer to it as).

I would recommend you re-post this question to freebsd-net, as  
there can explain to you what's happening in detail, why it  
happens, and

how to solve it effectively.

ok. will try there. thanks

Also, keep in mind that the "FreeBSD and OS X have enough in common"
concept is a horrible one -- they do have some pieces in common, but
OS X really *is* quite a different beast in numerous respects.   
sincerely and honestly, has tinkered with all sorts of pieces.   

keep that in mind.  :-)

ok too.  i kinda used that as an excuse to post here cause nobody  
over there - on some os x lists and forums - was trying to help. and  
having found a lot of solutions on this list as a long time freebsd  
user i though i'd give it a shot



	Did you add a specific route for the alternative network? I know this  
may sound crazy but for whatever reason Macs don't override the  
default route automatically. You would think that any attached  
ethernet device would be considered a best route to that LAN however I  
have had experience otherwise.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court
Medford, NY 11763
skype: mikel.king
How do you spell cooperation? Pessimists use
each other, but optimists help each other.
Collaboration feeds your spirit, while
competition only stokes your ego. You'll
find the best way to get along.

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Re: uptime 2 years!

2008-10-09 Thread Mikel King

On Oct 8, 2008, at 9:00 PM, Chad Marshall wrote:

No Problem, I figured that there are other systems out there with a  
longer uptime. I have this server as a postfix/courier-imap/ 
squirrelmail  (60+ accounts and 30-40 forwards) mailserver with  
apache/php/mysql.  Also use it as a slave authoritative nameserver  
for over 100 zones (one zone with a 60sec TTL on a high volume  
production website) as well. Plus use it as a primary nameserver for  
our entire office (300+ workstations). I was lazy with it (Upgrading  
or Replacing) and when it hit a year, I decided to hold off doing  
anything with it as I wanted to see how long I could let it go.   
It's a celeron 2.4ghz server with 512m Ram and has been a champ  
server in it's performance and stability. I use CentOS for most of  
my other systems and find that as easy as it is for administration  
and upgrading, it lacks FreeBSD's performance. With the memory leaks  
that CentOS has, I usually have to end up restarting the  
machine(s).  With FreeBSD I can just restart the services, and got  
my memory back and reduce the amount of swap being used.

Regardless of the first email I got back (Which was a little rude),  
I will continue to run this server as long as I can and monitor the  
security risks using DenyHosts and other security measures.


On Oct 8, 2008, at 3:39 PM, Frank Shute wrote:

On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 08:54:47AM -0700, Chad Marshall wrote:


Would like to share a success story which I'm sure you've had in the
past but one of my servers running FreeBSD will have an uptime of 2
years tomorrow. I plan on putting on my blog but as it doesn't have
much reach but wanted to share with you since your community has  

this possible. Please indicate where I could post this to have a bit
more reach or if you'd like to put a link to my blog, I'd be more  

happy to provide that.

Best Regards,

Sorry to rain on your parade:




I think this is good news, and thanks for posting it. While it may not  
be a record holder, from an advocacy point of view it's nice to see.  
It means there one more rock solid server out there.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court
Medford, NY 11763
skype: mikel.king
t: 631.627.3055
Do You know where your towel is?

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Re: Wireshark

2008-09-12 Thread Mikel King

On Sep 12, 2008, at 5:39 AM, gpeel wrote:

On Thu, 11 Sep 2008 19:38:50 -0400, matt donovan wrote

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 7:32 PM, Christopher Cowart <

Grant Peel wrote:

Just attempting to install the port. Something I noticed when the

crapped out was that it wanted me to use the "Force Package  


the OpenSSL_Overwrite_Base port.

That port was already installed, what would be the correct method  


with this?

I usually only see this error with ports we've written in-house.  
it happens because the dependency check on a specific file is bad.  
check fails, which causes the port to believe it needs to install  
dependency, but the package registry gets upset because the  
package is

already installed and it doesn't think it needs to be reinstalled.

If these are real ports, you might want to report the brokenness.  

probably find that you can FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=1 and leave it at that
(though I typically treat it as a last resort and instead opt for  

the port).

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network & Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

I wrote this but gmail default reply is not reply-all

go to the openssl port and run make replace and it should replace
base but I actually don't really suggest it.

since I don't really see a need to even from wireshark which I have
installed without overwriting openssl_base
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Matt, Chris,

First off, thanks for taking the time to reply :-)

I am afraid however, that you have completely lost me.

This is not the first time I have installed a port, and the  
to use 'FORCE_PACKAGE_REGISTER" has been seen. Unfortunately, I have  
no idea

what port you guys are suggesting is really broken, is it the
OpenSSL_Overwrite_Base or the one I am trying to install?

If it is the OpenSSL one, can you explain in simple terms how I  
should deal

with it?

	If you use FORCE_PACKAGE_REGISTER=yes and it still fails take a look  
to see what is actually installed.

pkg_info -ia | grep Open_SSL

	The suggest installing portupgrade. Once that's complete you can   
portupgrade the port related to Open_SSL to see if that steps around  
the issue.


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Re: changing network interface names

2008-09-08 Thread Mikel King

On Sep 8, 2008, at 11:24 AM, benjamin thielsen wrote:


i have a computer with 2 ethernet interfaces (a dell poweredge 2900)  
on which the interface names are transposed logically versus  
physically (e.g. the interface labelled "ethernet 1" is named "bce1"  
and the interface labelled "ethernet 2" is labelled "bce0").

how can i change this, aside from using the ifconfig name argument?



The manpage for rc.conf includes the following example:

It is also possible to rename interface by doing:

ifconfig_net0="inet netmask 0x"

	Obviously you can also do this manually w/ ifconfig, but I suspect  
hat you'd like this change to occurr everytime you restart.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court
Medford, NY 11763
skype: mikel.king
t: 631.627.3055
m: 646.554.3660
Do You know where your towel is?

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Re: Mac RDP (Was: apple mac laptop)

2008-08-18 Thread Mikel King

On Aug 13, 2008, at 5:06 AM, Andrea Venturoli wrote:

John Almberg ha scritto:

I don't think it's far OT, either, since IMHO, Mac desktops and  
FreeBSD servers are the perfect, practical combination for many  
organizations, including my own.

Since there seem to be a lot of expert here...
Does anybody know of a FreeBSD client that can connect to a Mac OS X
(not server) remote desktop?

Last time I tried rdesktop it did not work.

bye & Thanks


	Buona sera! So long as you have enable VNC support in the RDP setup  
on the server. Basically you need to set the VNC password and check  
the appropriate box. You should be able to access it from there. Also  
ensure that you have all of the standard ARD ports open on the  
firewall or you will not be able to connect. Once you do then any VNC  
client should be able to connect.

ARD requires:
5900 tcp + udp
3283 tcp + udp
5988 tcp

For VNC you should probably add 5800 tcp + udp as well.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court
Medford, NY 11763
skype: mikel.king
t: 631.627.3055
m: 646.554.3660
Do You know where your towel is?

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Re: [OT] Re: apple mac laptop.

2008-08-09 Thread Mikel King

On Aug 8, 2008, at 3:44 PM, Gary Kline wrote:

This might better be asked offlist, but there may be others like
me who are clueless, and since you are familiar, I'll ask you.
How "interact-able" are FBSD and (say) MacBook?  E.g., is there a
"BSD-way" of my creating an account of the Apple and using is?
It's got @G of RAM, and a 160G drive [!].  Apple says in plain
text that is is UNIX.  (or maybe Berkeley Unix).

So besides the mac firewall [whatever], the laptop will be
behind my pfSense box.  So... --and to be completely honest, the
main reason for this >> $1000 laptop is *security*.  When she was
younger I wasn't that concerned is some kiddie cracker learned
that her favorite pet was a kitty.  Different now.

Another question: can I install X11 without it bothering whatever
kind of mac front-end windowing comes with?  Be great if I could
admin this BSD-based computer from my office.

thankee much!


Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Public  
Service Unix


	I also strongly encourage you to install, when you  
install x11 and xcode from the install media. There are methods of  
adding users via CLI however since the Apple setup is rather  
sophisticated I would recommend that you stick with the system  
preferences panel to start with.


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Re: Daemon Daily News

2008-03-24 Thread Mikel King


	Yes. There are hardware issues, and it is being addressed. I do  
apologize for any inconvenience, we will have things back online as  
soon as possible.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, Daemon News
6 Alpine Court
Medford, NY 11763
skype: mikel.king
How do you spell cooperation? Pessimists use
each other, but optimists help each other.
Collaboration feeds your spirit, while
competition only stokes your ego. You'll
find the best way to get along.

On Mar 24, 2008, at 1:23 PM, Scott T. Hildreth wrote:

whoops, I meant and not .org

On Mon, 2008-03-24 at 12:19 -0500, Scott T. Hildreth wrote:

Anyone know what happened to  The site has been down
for several days now.


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Re: Backup Large FileServer

2007-09-28 Thread Mikel King


	I would suggest investing in a detachable storage media. My personal  
favorite is this one from Maxtor Solutions...

	You have the option of direct attach via USB or NetAttach via  
10/100/1000BT, the latter would be good because you can serve the  
files from the device while you are transitioning the server. In any  
event it would make your transition fairly headache free.

Mikel King
CITO, Tech Alliance, INC
Senior Editor, Daemon News
39 West Fourteenth Street
Second Floor
New York, NY 10011
t: 212.727.2100x132
How do you spell cooperation? Pessimists use
each other, but optimists help each other.
Collaboration feeds your spirit, while
competition only stokes your ego. You'll
find the best way to get along.

On Sep 28, 2007, at 9:52 AM, Alexandre Biancalana wrote:

Hi list,

  I've to backup a large window$ 2003 FileServer (~800GB) from my new
FreeBSD BackupServer (before I can change this fileserver to FreeBSD).

  I'm trying cygwin+rsync on FileServer side and rsync+hardlinks on
BackupServer side.

  Using rsync the two great advantages are:
 1. Only copy the changes
 2. on the BackupServer side I use hardlinks from the older  

with this only space consumed is from file that where changed.

  on the bad side:
 1. Problems with long pathnames
 2. Problems with unicode filenames
 3. Very slow copy ~ 2MB/s (I've doubt if this can be improved  
using any

other copy method)

  I want hear some ideas from the list about the options available to
accomplish this job.

 Best Regards,
Alexandre Biancalana
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Re: reboot on problem

2007-09-21 Thread Mikel King

On Sep 21, 2007, at 10:56 AM, Aleksander Rozman - Andy wrote:

Hi !

I am running FreeBSD as server. Thing is working great, there is  
only one problem. Sometimes machine looses connection to  
internet... Which is quite a problem, since this computer is on  
remote location, which I only access once a week or less. I would  
need application (or something), which would check if computer can  
connect to gateway, in case that it can it would do nothing, but in  
case it can't it would make soft reboot...

Is there anything that I could achive this with? Any idea is  
welcome... Please cc: message to my private address (reply all  
should do this)

Thanks in advance

You could write a shell script to check the connection at a set  
interval and take corrective action should it encounter a problem.

Mikel King
CITO, Tech Alliance, INC
Senior Editor, Daemon News
39 West Fourteenth Street
Second Floor
New York, NY 10011
t: 212.727.2100x132
How do you spell cooperation? Pessimists use
each other, but optimists help each other.
Collaboration feeds your spirit, while
competition only stokes your ego. You'll
find the best way to get along.

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Re: temporary su login

2007-09-05 Thread Mikel King

On Sep 5, 2007, at 11:37 AM, Robin Becker wrote:

My collocation supplier is about to move our FreeBSD box and wants  
some way to shut it down cleanly. Is there a simple way to allow a  
non-root user to have shutdown rights without just giving them the  
world. At present I don't even allow login via ssh on that box ie  
it's purely key based.

Robin Becker

look @ sudo in the ports

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Re: doubts about the freebsd devil

2007-09-05 Thread Mikel King

On Sep 5, 2007, at 12:10 AM, Erich Dollansky wrote:


Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

Them's fighting words - don't you realize an entire subgroup of the
FreeBSD developers spent untold amounts of time and effort setting up
a rigged contest to attempt to convince the userbase that there was
such a difference, in order to replace the logo with a round red sex

oh no.

I always thought this glow in the eyes of women when mentioning  
FreeBSD came from the operating system's performance.


Believe you me, performance has everything to do with it... and  
FreeBSD just performs better... :D

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Re: How to produce FreeBSD app under Windows?

2007-07-06 Thread Mikel King

On Jul 6, 2007, at 8:12 AM, Serge Slepov wrote:


I need to compile a C++ source into a binary that will run under  
but I only have Windows installed.  What's the easiest way for me  
to do

this?  Do I have to install FreeBSD?

Thanks in advance.

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	These are just some random thoughts of how you could accomplish your  

	You could look for a system w/ ssh access so that you could obtain a  
shell account through which to build your app.  Another option would  
be to look into VMWare Player for Windows where you could launch a  
prebuilt FreeBSD instance. Additionally you could look into either  
VMWare Workstation or Parallels to create your own virtual server for  
this development work.

	However, I would wonder why you were building an app for FreeBSD but  
not actually already running it?

Mikel King
CITO, Tech Alliance, INC
Senior Editor, Daemon News
39 West Fourteenth Street
Second Floor
New York, NY 10011
t: 212.727.2100x132
How do you spell cooperation? Pessimists use
each other, but optimists help each other.
Collaboration feeds your spirit, while
competition only stokes your ego. You'll
find the best way to get along.

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Re: [OT] Curious: what's up with

2007-06-21 Thread Mikel King

On Jun 21, 2007, at 2:54 AM, FreeBSD-Questions wrote:

Hello list,

Just curious: for me from the Netherlands has not been
accessible for a few days already. Does anybody know what is wrong? It
seems that the domainname is still there and an A record as well.


Lars et al.

	The DN/BSDNews server is temporarily offline, as a result of a  
system failure. We hope to have everything back online as quickly as  

	On behalf of the entire DN/BSDNews staff I would like to thank  
everyone for your patience and understanding in this matter.

Mikel King
CITO, Tech Alliance, INC
Senior Editor, Daemon News
39 West Fourteenth Street
Second Floor
New York, NY 10011
t: 212.727.2100x132
How do you spell cooperation? Pessimists use
each other, but optimists help each other.
Collaboration feeds your spirit, while
competition only stokes your ego. You'll
find the best way to get along.

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Re: Moving Freebsd to a new Server

2007-06-07 Thread Mikel King


	There's an article on geomirror on that I use as  
a guide on working with dump. I do exactly the same sort of thing  
moving my FreeBSD machines between instance and physical on VMWare.  
I've done it in both directions many times using a USB drive as the  

	I have a move coming up soon, so I shall try to document it for the  
future. Let me know how this works for you.

Mikel King
CIO, Tech Alliance, INC
Senior Editor, Daemon News
39 West Fourteenth Street
Second Floor
New York, NY 10011
t: 212.727.2100x132
How do you spell cooperation? Pessimists use
each other, but optimists help each other.
Collaboration feeds your spirit, while
competition only stokes your ego. You'll
find the best way to get along.

On Jun 7, 2007, at 3:38 AM, Ian Lord wrote:


We were in a rush to install a freebsd server without proper  
hardware on

hand, so we used Microsoft Virtual Server and install Freebsd on it.

I would like to move the freebsd installation to a real server and was
wondering how to do so.

I searched around and the solution seems to be to dump the hard drive
content and restore it on the new server.

Does anyone knows a good walkthrough of the entire process, I  
didn't find
anything in the handbook beside moving freebsd to a new harddrive  
which I

cannot do from the same machine.

Basically, I need a way to dump the hd to file, transfer the file over
whatever media (dvd, network, etc) and restore on the new machine.

I'm not even sure if I need to install freebsd on the new machine  
or not
since I guess I cannot overwrite the partition on which freebsd is  


Any help/reference would be appreciated

Thanks in advance

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Re: I like Ubuntu

2007-04-13 Thread Mikel King

Hash: SHA1

On Apr 13, 2007, at 5:23 PM, Jeff wrote:

On Apr 13, 2007, at 4:48 PM, David J Brooks wrote:

On Friday 13 April 2007 12:21:43 pm Claude Menski wrote:

Why is freebsd better then ubuntu?

It's easier to spell.

Not to mention pronounce.

I was thinking the same exact thing.

On a second thought as much of flame bait as this question could have  
been, I must say I am quite proud of our community's response. Good  

Mikel King
CITO, Tech Alliance, INC
Senior Editor, Daemon News
39 West Fourteenth Street
Second Floor
New York, NY 10011
t: 212.727.2100x132
How do you spell cooperation? Pessimists use
each other, but optimists help each other.
Collaboration feeds your spirit, while
competition only stokes your ego. You'll
find the best way to get along.
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