Paypal and Safari 3.1.2

2008-08-29 Thread Steve R

In the event this might help someone else -- I've been struggling 
with trying to get paypal to accept a payment since 2 am last night, 
with a few hours off for sleep. Everything went normally until the 
final page when there would be a message that my payment was being 
processed. Within minutes I'd get an email (a nice collection of 9 so 
far) telling me that my payment needed to be resent. Between phone 
calls to my credit card companies, trying to leave feedback on the 
support site, searching google for similar problems and smoking most 
of a pack of cigarettes, I wasted most of today.

At 4:20, my relaxed brain cells said, gee I wonder if it could be a 
Safari problem. Firefox worked first time, my payment has been 
accepted, I have my email verification.

Steve R
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Re: Paypal and Safari 3.1.2

2008-08-29 Thread Steve R

At 6:51 PM -0400 8/29/08, Dan posted:
>  At 4:32 PM -0400 8/29/2008, Steve R wrote:
>>been struggling with trying to get paypal to accept a payment [...]
>>Everything went normally until the final page when there would be a
>>message that my payment was being processed. Within minutes I'd get
>>an email (a nice collection of 9 so far) telling me that my payment
>>needed to be resent.
>  If you don't mind, would you please forward one of those emails to me?

Other than listing the item, this is the sum total (minus all the 
footers) of the message, all 9 times:

"Sorry, your recent PayPal payment did not go through. As a result, the
item(s) below have not received payment.Please return to eBay to resubmit
your payment again."

>  Paypal sends such when there is a back-end SERVER related error.  It
>  doesn't sound like this has anything to do with using Safari.

There are websites where I get those error messages. There were no 
such error messages, everything went as usual on the website. There 
was no indication that the payment was not accepted. In fact, each 
time I received a message indicating payment had been successful.
>>Between phone calls to my credit card companies, trying to leave
>>feedback on the support site, searching google for similar problems
>>and smoking most of a pack of cigarettes, I wasted most of today.
>  You didn't call Paypal?

Yes, and sat on hold for more than 45 minutes at which point I hung 
up. Time is money.

>>At 4:20, my relaxed brain cells said, gee I wonder if it could be a
>>Safari problem. Firefox worked first time, my payment has been
>>accepted, I have my email verification.
>  Was this within your Paypal account or were you just using the outer
>  interface to send someone a payment with your credit card?

It was within the paypal interface after being directed there thru ebay.
>  The rest of the config involved?  Any 3rd party plug-ins or inputmanagers?

>  I've done about a dozen transactions on Paypal over the past four
>  days - all with Safari 3.1.2 on Tiger.  Paypal got slow a few times
>  (back end server acknowledgement time) but other than that, no
>  problemos.

Well, at 4:19pm I tried Safari, again, and again was told my payment 
had been accepted. In less than a minute, I received the 9th email 
telling me my payment did not go through. That's when I opened 
Firefox and the transaction went *exactly* as it had in Safari. 
Within a minute I received the confirmation email telling me my 
payment had been accepted.

When I posted my findings to another group, I was told an educational 
institution (to remain unnamed) has had the same problem getting 
payments accepted in the last week. Later when I posted my successful 
transaction, someone else said they have no problems with Safari on 
eBay but often have problems with Firefox. My post was an fyi to 
anyone who may experience similar problems to try other browsers.

Steve R

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Re: Paypal and Safari 3.1.2

2008-08-29 Thread Steve R

At 7:12 PM -0700 8/29/08, Tom posted:
>  I don't know about PayPal, but from my experience there are some
>  websites that Safari just won't do. I order hardware from a certain
>  online supplier, and Safari simply won't send the order.

There are three online stores I used that stopped working in Safari 
at some point in time but it didn't bother me that much since I was 
using them for comparison shopping most of the time. Also some 
newspaper sites that were regular haunts so I found other sources. 
All of them gave indications they weren't working while I was on the 
sites. Had paypal given some clue while I was on the site, it would 
have been no big deal -- I would have switched right away. As it was, 
I spent too much time ensuring I wasn't going to be dinged numerous 
times for one purchase, and then spend who knows how long trying to 
clear up the mess if I was.

>  My 2¢.

Is that your maximum bid or your best offer ;-) Thanks for weighing in.

Steve R

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Anyone using surfnova as domain registrar?

2008-09-01 Thread Steve R

A friend bought a domain name over the weekend and is having some 
problems. Is there anyone who has registered their domain name 
through, preferably forwarded to, and could 
offer some help? There are no forums on the site, at all.

Steve R
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Re: Considering a G5

2008-09-02 Thread Steve R

At 4:21 AM -0700 9/2/08, dc posted:
>>  > I have read reports that some run ungodly hot and loud. Is this
>>  > particular to a certain year/run? Or do they all do that in general?
>  I bought a damaged G5 DP 1.8 GHz a couple of years ago and repaired
>  it. I liked the fact that it is not water-cooled (so many reports of
>  coolant leaks). Even with an upgraded video card and 3 extra hard
>  drives stuffed into the bottom of the case it runs in the low 40's
>  (Celsius) an the fans rarely kick into high speed. I have the PCI
>  version which maxes out at 4 GB RAM. I kind of wish I had found the
>  PCI-e version, only because it holds up to 8 GB RAM.

I have the PCI-e version and it runs hot, +55 Celcius. The outer 
plastics on the fans (not the blades themselves) have warped and/or 
broken the snaps holding them in place.

Steve R
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Re: Hard drive recommendations

2008-09-02 Thread Steve R

At 7:16 PM +0100 9/2/08, Simon Royal posted:
>  Hi
>  I would stay away from Fujitsu, while they work great they are very noisy.

I bought a 20GB Fujitsu back when 20GB was considered big 
(2000/2001?). It failed within a month, very suddenly without 
warning. They sent me another one that failed within 2 months, then 
another that last less than a month. The stickers indicated different 
manufactured dates. I started watching my regular shopping sites and 
within a month of the third drive dying, no one was even listing the 

Steve R
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Re: Software Update after Leopard upgrade

2008-09-02 Thread Steve R

At 1:16 PM -0700 9/2/08, Dana Collins posted:
>  Greetings all,
>  I thought I would simply throw this out at the group to see if it
>  stirs someone's memory - I seem to recall that this was a common (or
>  popular) issue after a Leopard install.
>  I'm on sabbatical, and a student assistant is running some software
>  upgrades in my absence, including Leopard upgrades on our music prod.
>  computers (G5/1.8DP w/ 3 Gig RAM per). What I do know is that the
>  Leopard installs are off of retail versions of OS 10.5.1 - an upgrade
>  to 10.5.4 then needs to be executed for the sake of software
>  compatibility.
>  All units responded well, except two stations which, I am told, state
>  the error message that Software Update cannot be run because of
>  "insufficient hard drive space" (odd because all the stations have
>  identical hard drive sizes AND content - all student files have been
>  backed up and then purged from the units).

As it happens I upgraded to Leopard yesterday doing an archive and 
install. The Old System folder, after the install, weighed in at 3.2 
GB yet my previously 38.2GB of free space has dropped to 21.8 GB of 
free space. I find it hard to believe Leopard takes 15 GB of hard 
drive space to install? Tiger was around 4GB.  I did a search for any 
files larger than 10GB and there's nothing. Still searching.

Steve R
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Re: Software Update after Leopard upgrade

2008-09-02 Thread Steve R

At 5:22 PM -0400 9/2/08, Dan posted:
>  At 4:37 PM -0400 9/2/2008, Steve R wrote:
>>As it happens I upgraded to Leopard yesterday doing an archive and
>>install. The Old System folder, after the install, weighed in at 3.2
>>GB yet my previously 38.2GB of free space has dropped to 21.8 GB of
>>free space. I find it hard to believe Leopard takes 15 GB of hard
>>drive space to install? Tiger was around 4GB.  I did a search for any
>>files larger than 10GB and there's nothing. Still searching.
>  There have been some very large printer driver packages released
>  lately, 1+ GB each.  Could they account for this diff, in part?

Time will tell as I'm spending the day opening every folder :-(  With 
my luck, it's an invisible file so I guess it's time to try FileBuddy.

Steve R
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G5 internal DVD burner not able to read DVD-DL/DVD9

2008-09-03 Thread Steve R

I bought this G5 used, have checked the specs on various websites to 
see if the SONY DVD RW DW-U10A is the Apple shipped DVD "4x 
Superdrive" and there are enough google hits to suggest that it is. 
Recent threads have maintained that all recent/modern DVD readers can 
read dual layer disks, yet I know I have to use my external Pioneer 
drive to read dual layer. Here's the specs copied from Toast 9 of the 
internal Apple shipped DVD drive -- I'm not seeing where the drive is 
capable of reading DL discs?

When I check for the specs on the Sony drive at the Sony site, there 
is no mention that it is capable of reading DL discs. Various Mac 
forums are also mentioning the inability to read dual layer DVDs for 
their shipped "4x Superdrive" of which this SONY DVD RW DW-U10A is 
one of Apple's two shipped drives. No wonder some people can't 
install Leopard from a dual layer DVD?

Below the Sony Specs are the Pioneer specs which specifically mention 
DL capabilities, read and write.

[...] means the specs were exactly the same so they were snipped to save space
[missing] always on the Sony, indicates the Pioneer specs include this feature

Model:  SONY DVD RW DW-U10A 
Where:  ATA
Firmware:   A43h / 
Cache Size: 8 MB

*CD/DVD Drive Capabilities and Status Page  
C2 Pointers 
supported   Yes
R-W Supported   Yes
Lock State 
Buffer Size Supported   8 MB

Current Profile DVD-R Sequential Recording

**Profile List
DVD-RW Sequential Recording 
DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite 

DVD-R Sequential Recording  Current

Incremental Streaming Write Current
DVD-R/RW Write  Current


Where:  FireWire
Firmware:   1.17 
/ MMC-3
Cache Size: 2 MB

*CD/DVD Drive Capabilities and Status Page  
C2 Pointers 
supported   No
R-W Supported   No
Lock State 
Buffer Size Supported   2 MB

Current Profile Unknown (H)

**Profile List  
DVD-R Dual Layer 
Jump Recording  
DVD-R Dual Layer Sequential Recording   
Sequential Recording
DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite 
Sequential Recording

Incremental Streaming Write 
Enhanced Defect Reporting 
DVD-R/RW Write  Supported
Layer Jump 
Recording   Supported
DVD+R Dual LayerSupported
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Re: G5 internal DVD burner not able to read DVD-DL/DVD9

2008-09-03 Thread Steve R

At 9:30 AM -0700 9/3/08, Bruce Johnson posted:
>  On Sep 3, 2008, at 9:27 AM, Steve R wrote:
>>  Recent threads have maintained that all recent/modern DVD readers can
>>  read dual layer disks, yet I know I have to use my external Pioneer
>>  drive to read dual layer.
>  Any DVD drive capable of reading a commercial (data or movie) DVD are
>  capable of reading DL DVD-R's, since those are DL.

The internal Sony drive can only read some commercial DVDs and each 
time I check the DVD for size, it's DVD5. Not all commercial movie 
DVDs are dual layer.

The specs on the Sony drive (from the Sony site) installed by Apple 
do not indicate the drive is capable of reading dual layer DVDs.

Steve R
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Re: HD-enclosure recommendations ?

2008-09-03 Thread Steve R

At 11:06 PM -0700 9/2/08, J Winter posted:
please make suggestions.  (Specs and plans are in signature.

removing original 10 Gig drive to install larger drive.

What enclosure to get?

Only one that is easy/convenient to get is MacAlly.

I like that it has firewire 400/800/USB.

I like that it is portable, though, even smaller size/weight would be nice.

Are there others that are sufficiently better/smaller, etc (or less 
expensive) tht I should get something different? or, just get the 
MacAlly that repair shop has?

If it's a fantastic price, I'd go for it. I have four different 
external HD enclosures (five if you count the firewire-only enclosure 
that didn't have the right chipset for Mac so it's on permanent loan 
to a PC friend.) Having multiple choices for connections is 
imperative if you ever plan on upgrading or using it on a different 
computer that may not have a spare slot for a particular enclosure. 
If I had my purchases to do over, I'd try to get enclosures that 
could stack on one another, safely, to save desk space. Also keep in 
mind it is sometimes less expensive to buy an enclosure with a drive 
than it is to buy a bare drive.

Steve R
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RE: Which OS X on eMac 700

2008-09-06 Thread Steve R

At 3:37 PM +0100 9/6/08, Simon Royal posted:
>  Or you could stick with 10.4 which will rocket along with at least 
>512MB of RAM.


Steve R

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Re: burning a DVD-R-W

2008-09-07 Thread Steve R

At 7:55 AM -0700 9/7/08, Amanda Ward posted:
>  Jane...
>  On Sep 6, 2008, at 7:49 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>  2. Can you amend files and text on the DVD?
>  Once you close the burning session, the disc can't be written to
>  unless you erase it again. If you were to burn a single 2 KB text file
>  to the disc, it would read as having no free space.

Try BurnAgain FS, 5 stars at versiontracker. It allows you to add 
files to a disc after burning without the need to reburn everything. 
I used earlier versions without any problems. However, I'm not sure 
about DVD-RW. Check out the trial available at 

>>  3. Should I put a variety of programs on a DVD (such as games,
>>  utilities, downloaded/bought software) or stick to one kind?
>  Not sure if it would matter what the mix of files would be. I have
>  many discs and some are all video or all text files. Then again, I
>  have some that are  a hodge podge of stuff. I imagine that some sort
>  of organization/system would work out better, but then what would I do
>  on weekends if didn't have to look through dozens of CD's or DVD's for
>  a certain file??? ;->

DiskTracker <> might help you out on 
cataloguing. I've been using it for years without any major problems. 
Lately, in Tiger, I noticed a 100% Finder leak after it was open for 
a few days that might result in a Force-Quit. As long as you Save 
each time you catalogue a disk, the database/s remains intact. The 
Finder leak has apparently gone with Leopard. FWIW I used to label by 
date burned, lately I've gone to a YY (080001-08) system so I 
can know if a disk is physically missing.

Steve R
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Re: 'Cheapest Software Anywhere' web site reliable?

2008-09-19 Thread Steve R

At 10:40 AM -0700 9/19/08, Bruce Johnson posted:
>  This is pirated appropriate topic for
>  today, matey! A!

Aye, would you be saying your real name is Brokep and 'tis your 
birthday today ;-)

Steve R
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Re: G3-5 posting delay issues

2008-09-25 Thread Steve R

At 11:38 AM -0400 9/25/08, Len Gerstel posted:
>  As far as delays, the original poster is not on moderated status,
>  therefore, the "fault" is most likely in gmail's or the original
>  poster's servers ( Remember, gmail is still considered
>  "beta" by Google, even though Google's definition of Beta is their
>  own and not what most people consider the meaning to be.

Folks need to expand the headers of incoming messages to see where 
the delay was. In Eudora, and perhaps other email apps as well, once 
the headers are expanded (Eudora's Blah Blah button in the upper left 
of a message opened in its own window), start reading the routing 
information from the _bottom_ upwards. With gmail delays, I have 
found 99.999% of the delays are within the google system itself 
and not out on the net relays or at the receiving ISP.

Steve R
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Re: G3-5 posting delay issues

2008-09-26 Thread Steve R

At 4:08 AM -0700 9/26/08, Bucky posted:
>  Interesting thing is that I don't use any of the mailing lists. I read
>  and answer the lists directly from google groups.

If you are reading the list via the web interface and seeing a delay 
in the messages being posted to the web interface, then surely that 
delay is within google itself, yes?

Steve R
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Re: Problem since Security Update 2008-0006PPC

2008-09-27 Thread Steve R

At 1:59 PM -0400 9/27/08, Charles Davis posted:
>>>>   Yesterday, I did a clean install of 10.4.? onto a spare partition,
>>>>   upgraded to 10.4.11, used Migration Assistant to move user files &
>>>>   accounts to the 'NEW' system, ran updates to get current.  Problem
>>>>   still there.

I know you said you are on dial-up; however I ran into the same 
problem the other day on my B&W after I added it to a new router and 
ran the Security Update. With the old router hooked in, I set the 
Network Configuration to DHCP with Manual IP on the B&W. The new 
router accepted the same setup allowing me to connect to the 
internet. However, after running the Security Update, every time I 
did a restart, I'd get the same message as you were getting. And like 
you, clicking on OK did nothing except bring the alert up again. I 
finally managed to close the Preference window by using one hand to 
hit return and the other on the mouse to hit close on the Preference 
Window.  I eventually solved the problem, correctly or incorrectly I 
don't really give a sh*t because it works now, by resetting the 
Network Configuration on the B&W to DHCP and setting the router LAN 
to always give the same IP to the B&W based on the MAC address. This 
is the exact reverse of what was working on the old router. And yes, 
this was immediately after running the Security Update. The B&W and 
new router with the old settings had worked for several hours before 
running the Update, ie I connected to the net to download the Update 
without any problems with the old settings, and ran into the 'Network 
Settings have been changed by another Application' cycle immediately 
after running the Security Update on restart.

My experience may give you a clue as to what's happening for you. Or not.

Steve R
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Re: Problem since Security Update 2008-0006PPC

2008-09-29 Thread Steve R

At 9:33 PM +0200 9/29/08, Peter Mc Court posted:
Greetings all,
I am experiencing exactly the same thing as Chuck on my G4 1.5 GHz 
laptop i.e. the  'Network Settings have been changed by 
another Application' on the network box, and the same problem when 
trying to close it. I see nothing strange in the start up items. 
Could this be a bug from the security update? BTW I believed I 
followed the correct sequence of security updates.

If you are connected on a LAN and have previously set your Network 
preferences to "DHCP with manual IP" to pull the same IP address from 
the router,  try changing to "DHCP" then changing your router setting 
to allow the MAC address of the laptop to always be a specific IP. 
That fixed the exact same problem that I was having. The security 
update changed settings, without asking.

Steve R
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Rotten smell raises Apple toxin fears

2008-10-01 Thread Steve R


Toxic ... Apple's Mac Pro.

Asher Moses
October 2, 2008

Apple is investigating damning claims, published in a leading French 
newspaper, that its computers emit a toxic odor containing chemicals 
including the cancer-causing benzene.

Liberation cited an anonymous researcher from the French National 
Centre for Scientific Research, who had his Mac Pro desktop tested 
for the toxins after he detected a strong odour emanating from the 

Apple has not denied the accusations. Its spokesman, Bill Evans, told 
Macworld the company had not found any evidence to support the claim 
but Apple would continue to investigate.

Posts on Apple's own discussion boards suggest the Mac maker knew 
about potentially toxic odors being linked to its computers as early 
as December last year.

While benzene was not mentioned in the posts, many users complained 
of experiencing headaches, nausea and dizziness. The smell has been 
variously described as "new car smell", "musty", "rotting carpet" and 
even cannabis.  "My entire room smells bad and I have had to resort 
to a few air fresheners just to be able to work on it," one report 

Another user on Apple's discussion board linked the toxic odor to the 
death of their bird: "I recently have had a bird die 'mysteriously' 
which was caged near my MacPro which has had the terrible smell for 
months. The vet said it was likely he inhaled something toxic!!!"

In Liberation's article, written in French, the researcher said his 
eyes, nose and throat became irritated after 10 days of using the 

"The computer emitted fumes which, after a week of use, caused a 
pronounced irritation of the cornea and respiratory passages," he 

Apple changed the researcher's power supply before replacing the 
entire computer but the strange smell remained.

He then contacted Greenpeace, which sent the computer to the 
Analytica lab for analysis. Seven "volatile organic contaminants" 
were identified, including styrene, benzene and its derivatives.

Benzene, a known carcinogen, damages bone marrow and can cause a 
decrease in red blood cells, leading to leukemia and other blood 

It can be found in tobacco smoke, plastics, styrene and products such 
as glues, paints and detergents. But the chemical's presence in 
consumer products such as computers has dropped sharply as its severe 
health consequences have come to light.

Although officially Apple says it has found no evidence of the 
toxins, its customer support staff have allegedly told some callers 
that the company was aware of the problem, which concerned Mac Pro 
computers built before this year.

Liberation, which has a daily circulation of about 130,000 copies, 
reported Apple France as saying its engineers were working on the 

Apple's public relations team is notorious for refusing to 
acknowledge reported faults in its products.

But some users on the company's discussion boards have come up with 
their own solution. Some reports say the smell - apparently caused by 
a protective resin coating on some of the circuit boards - disappears 
after an initial "burn-in" period.

Others have fixed the problem by removing small plastic strips from 
the side door of the computer case.
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Re: Rotten smell raises Apple toxin fears

2008-10-02 Thread Steve R

My G5/1.8mHz stinks. I bought it used. The first thing I noticed when 
I turned it on was the smell. I blamed it on that electronic smell. 
If I leave it running overnight, my neighbour who comes over for 
coffee every morning will ask me what smells. When I leave it turned 
off overnight, he asks me if I found what the stink was.  The other 
night my neighbour who is primarily a Windows guy turned on his iMac 
he bought new, and hasn't really had on for more than an hour or so 
at a time in the year he bought it. This time he had it on for +24 
hours and called me to come up to help him find the weird smell 
coming from his Mac desk set up. Did I think it was the iMac, the 
external drive... he didn't know and wanted a fresh nose.  
Finding the article two days later, and posting it here might have 
other Mac users being conscious of any weird smells they haven't been 
able to track down, and running their own un-scientific testing. Or 
not. Gawdferbid we should accept anecdotal findings as being anything 
that makes Apple less god-like ;-)

Steve R
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Re: Need Help - Don't know where to get it!

2008-10-06 Thread Steve R

If you have Little Snitch running or NetBarrier, for example, either 
of those two apps could be blocking your access to the site. Check 
your preferences in Little Snitch and your Stop List in NetBarrier.

Steve R

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Re: Disk Warrior-How?

2008-10-07 Thread Steve R

At 7:39 PM -0400 10/7/08, Wilton Shaw posted:

I recently bought a used Disk Warrior bootable CD version 4.0 
for my eMac which is using OS 10.5.5. I found out that version 4.0 
won't work on 10.5.5. It needs version 4.1. Since I didn't get a 
license number with the CD, I have to rely on Booting to make use of 
the CD. I have an external disk that has OS 10.4.4 so it should work 
fine. I opened in this external disk and tried to open from the CD by 
holding down the "C" key. This didn't work but I was able to bring up 
a folder on my screen called " Disk Warrior 4.0 bootable CD for Mac". 
When I clicked on it, I got a note Saying " The folder "Disk Warrior 
4.0 bootable CD for Mac" could not be opened because you do not have 
sufficient access privileges..
>Can anyone help me to male this CD work on my computer?

Be sure to go to the Alsoft site before using this version in 
Leopard. There were numerous cautions last time I checked.

Steve R

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Re: External drive won't mount on 10.2.8 after mounting on 10.5 system

2008-10-08 Thread Steve R

At 10:13 AM -0400 10/8/08, Bob Johnson posted:
>  I just got an external firewire/usb drive to use with my eMac running
>  10.2.8. I connected it up right away and it was working fine.
>  Then I hooked it to a macbook running 10.5 to copy some files to work
>  on with the eMac.
>  When I connected back to the eMac, now the drive won't mount.  I can
>  see it in disk utility, but I can't get it to mount.
>  Obviously, the 10.5 system did something that the 10.2 system can't
>  recognize, but what?

My neighbour had something similar happen to him. He has an external 
USB/NAS drive formatted FAT-32 that had worked without any problems 
for fourteen months between Vista and 10.4/10.5, with NAS 
wired/wireless and USB on both computers. (Vista -> NAS wired/USB, 
iMac 10.4.11/10.5 ->NAS wireless/USB) He's even used it to bring 
files to my G5/10.4.11.

After he ran the latest Security Update on Leopard, and then used the 
drive via USB to the iMac, Vista can't see the hard drive either NAS 
or USB.  Prior to the Security Update, the drive could be seen by 
both OSes using multiple interfaces. We checked to see if permissions 
were changed on the drive and there was nothing glaringly obvious. 
So, yeah, I'd have to agree with you that 10.5 is doing something to 
external drives that wasn't being done in earlier OSes.

Steve R
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Re: Mini-CDR in my slot-load disk drive?

2008-10-08 Thread Steve R

At 8:57 PM -0700 10/8/08, Jeffrey Engle posted:
>  Can I put Mini-disks in my slot-load disk drive


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Re: External drive won't mount on 10.2.8 after mounting on 10.5 system

2008-10-09 Thread Steve R

At 3:14 AM -0500 10/9/08, Kris Tilford posted:
>  On Oct 9, 2008, at 2:07 AM, Ted Treen wrote:
>>  For what it's worth, the error that verify on 10.2 shows is "Invalid
>>  Leaf record count (it should be 1 instead of 0)"
>  Why are you using "verify" rather than "repair"?
>  You should repair the file system, and then it should mount normally.

So are we to not use an external hard drive with any other OS than 
Leopard once it's been used with Leopard since using an external with 
Leopard is messing with the drive been used with other OSes? All 
either dredbob or my neighbour did was copy files, and both 
dismounted their hard drives correctly. Something's rotten in 
Cupertino if that's the case.

Steve R
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Re: External drive won't mount on 10.2.8 after mounting on 10.5 system

2008-10-09 Thread Steve R

At 6:28 AM -0500 10/9/08, Kris Tilford posted:

>  Did you repair the file system or not?

As I posted, it wasn't my external drive. It was my neighbour's drive 
that had worked without a problem via NAS and USB on Vista and 
10.4.11. The Vista machine is wired to the router, the iMac is 
wireless. The drive is formatted FAT-32. Prior to upgrading to 
Leopard, he would occasionally bring the drive physically to the iMac 
for a USB connection. He had even brought the drive here to transfer 
files with my G5/10.4.11.

After upgrading to Leopard he had a lot of files to transfer back 
(having nuked and paved) so he physically brought the drive to the 
iMac and moved the files via USB. When he took the drive back to the 
router/NAS setup, he had no problem with either Vista or the iMac 
being able to access the drive.

Then he ran the most recent *Leopard Security Update* on the iMac. As 
it happened, he had a lot of files to transfer from the external 
drive so he physically brought the drive to the iMac for USB transfer 
from the drive to the iMac. When he took the drive back to the 
router/NAS setup, the drive would not mount on Vista. He called, 
upset. I was at his place when he went USB to Vista, numerous 
restarts, still no mounting. We took the drive back to Leopard, it 
mounted via USB. We verified the drive via DiskUtility, couldn't 
verify permissions because it's FAT-32 (or at least that's what 
DiskUtility was telling us.) Back to the router/NAS = no mount. 
Vista/USB = no mount. He said f*ckit and transferred the files he 
needed for Vista wirelessly from the iMac overnight. By the time I 
talked with him the following evening, he'd reformatted the 
externally drive for Mac and is using it solely via USB on the iMac. 
He's bought a second drive for Vista. When I called him last night to 
verify the sequence of events, he added that his FAT-32 formatted 
thumb drive is also refusing to mount on Vista *after* he uses it on 
Leopard. The thumb drive had no problem being seen by Vista prior to 
the most recent Leopard Security Update.

Steve R

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iTunes library / database suggestion?

2008-10-12 Thread Steve R

I went looking for a cataloguing app for my audio files that would 
create a simple database that would list Artist - Album - Track - 
Song (possibly Year - Bitrate - Notes) and various interviews and 
radio shows with information to be determined, without the need to 
play the files within the database. I ended up back at iTunes, 
somewhat reluctantly. I don't want one big Library that includes 
every sound file so I'm creating multiple Libraries. However, some of 
my existing Libraries currently has Podcasts in them and I would like 
to move all the Podcasts to the same Library without needing to 
download the files again for that new Library to see the actual 
files. When I physically move the various folders into the new 
"Podcast" Library, the new Library can't see the files, and 
resubscribing to the feeds still isn't seeing the existing podcasts. 
iTunes still wants me to download the files again. Is there a way 
around this?

Is there a database app that would take the files as named 
(Artist-Year-Album-Track-Song) and allow me to choose how to look at 
what's in the database, ie if I wanted to know how many times "I left 
my heart in San Antonio" appears in the database, and from there 
which Artists and on which Albums? I don't need the ability to play a 
file from within the database itself.

I currently use DiskTracker to catalogue some disks but it doesn't 
allow for re-ordering of individual items within a disc.

Steve R
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Re: Keyboards

2008-10-12 Thread Steve R

At 2:28 AM -0700 10/12/08, Rick King posted:
>  Why is it that Mac stopped making decent keyboards and now sell utter
>  crap?  I just got done taking a hammer to yet another one of these
>  worthless usb abortions Mac switched to.  In the last year I have
>  gone through at least 6.  They just quit working.  I worked with that
>  one for some time.  It started typing two's all by itself so I
>  flipped it upside down and beat on it to make that stop.  Then it
>  starts in on 0's.  Then the caps lock key quits and half the letters
>  go.  I unplug it, plug it back in.  Reboot the whole machine.

Rick, I feel your pain and your frustration. I quit using Apple 
keyboards when they went USB. The feel wasn't right for typing, not 
like the basic ADB keyboard on my P475. I bought a Macally USB to 
replace the Apple one that came with the iMac 350. When I got the 
iMac 500 and was using both computers, I got used to 
unplugging/plugging because even their updated KB felt like crap. 
When I bought the G5 used, it came with a white keyboard that just 
doesn't work for me -- the key action is crap compared to the 
Macally. So whenever I need to work on any of the three, the Macally 
comes with me. I take the board apart several times a year to wash it 
down with a toothbrush. Keeps on tickin' Take a lickin' -- until this 
latest 10.5 Security Update when the keys started repeating and not 
stopping. I end up crawling under the desk to unplug it. I thought it 
might be age, dirt, contacts -- cleaned and checked. Still it 
sporadically repeats the number keys. It's probably time for a new 
keyboard, because I won't be using any of the 3 USBs I have sitting 
on shelves in case I sell or give away the older computers.

Out of curiosity, did you start out typing on a typewriter? I started 
with manuals, advanced to electric and believe the reason I like the 
ADBs and the Macally is because their key action feels more natural 
to me.

Steve R
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Re: Current HD costs (was Re: Confusion about the different update files)

2008-10-18 Thread Steve R

At 12:04 PM -0400 10/18/08, Len Gerstel posted:
>  The sweet spot right now is at the 750GB to 1TB size in the 12-14
>  cents per gig.

Canadians can buy a Comstar external USB 1TB drive through FutureShop 
for $149. Chances are it's really a Ximeta which tends to have 
negative reviews by those who are constantly reading/writing to their 
drives, yet tends to have positive reviews by those who use their 
drives mainly for storage. (I've had great luck with their 320GB 
NAS/USB drive I purchased eighteen months ago.) For those who prefer 
LaCie externals, has both their 500GB and 750GB 
external USB drives for the same $129. All part of their two week 
Thanksgiving Day sale.

Steve R
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Re: Quick References for Cleaning G4 Acrylic Cases

2008-10-18 Thread Steve R

At 10:05 PM -0500 10/18/08, Richard Ramsowr posted:
>  Try Goof Off 2, it's water based, multi-purpose remover and is Safe on
>  Plastics!

Olive oil, canola oil, most any cooking oil will remove sticky. 
Breaks down the goo.  (also good for removing excessive ear wax.)

Steve R
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USB card versus USB hub

2008-10-19 Thread Steve R

Are there any advantages speedwise to having an internal multi-port 
USB card versus having an external multi-port USB hub (hopefully able 
to draw its power from the internal USB port)?  My G5/1.8 has 
3-480Mbps USB ports which may or may not already be sharing the bus?

Steve R
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Re: USB card versus USB hub

2008-10-19 Thread Steve R

Thanks for the responses. I'll start looking for USB powered hubs.

Steve R
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USB hub form factor

2008-10-21 Thread Steve R

Has anyone used a USB cable hub similar to the one pictured here: 
<> Good experience? 
Bad experience? It would be nice to not have to give up desk space 
with cabling, etc, but I'm wondering if there might be too much 
weight pulling on the USB receptacle if 4 cables were to be plugged 
in, and looping downwards.

Steve R
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Re: USB hub form factor

2008-10-21 Thread Steve R

At 3:05 PM -0700 10/21/08, Ken posted:
>  To me it looks like something more suitable for a laptop where the
>  ports would be close to the desk. It also seems to lack a power
>  supply so I would suggest being very careful what type of things
>  you plug into the thing. With 4 ports it would be rather easy to
>  suck more power than the "native" port might supply.

Other than keyboard plus one other device, I've never had a third 
device powered even on internal cards. Right now I have a stack of 
hard drives, all individually powered and plugged into what can best 
be described as an 18"x18"x3" 5-outlet power 'strip.'  I've searched 
for a web image but no such luck. The unit raises my monitor by 3", 
has 5 3-prong receptacles at the back with corresponding power 
switches + Master at the front. It's a glorified power strip/monitor 
stand that lets me power the individual receptacles via the front 
switches. Because of the lack of USB ports on the G5 to match the 
number of USB devices, and because I use just one (non-keyboard) 
device at a time, whenever I want to use a device, I move the USB 
cable to the device I'm wanting to use. If a device isn't being used, 
it is turned off.

If I'm using a multi-port USB hub for "cord management" and not for 
dual use of a USB port, is there really any need of a powered USB hub?

Steve R
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Re: USB hub form factor

2008-10-22 Thread Steve R

At 8:48 AM -0700 10/22/08, Bruce Johnson posted:
>  On Oct 21, 2008, at 5:33 PM, Steve R wrote:
>>  I've searched
>>  for a web image but no such luck. The unit raises my monitor by 3",
>>  has 5 3-prong receptacles at the back with corresponding power
>>  switches + Master at the front.
>  Wow. I haven't seen one of those in YEARS. Beige, with orange neon
>  glowy power switches?

Yes! And I've been looking for a second or third since finding this 
one. Why the [EMAIL PROTECTED] can't manufacturers made power strips that allow 
for individual receptacles to be turned off/on versus the entire 
strip? I think whoever designed this thing ("Woods" brand) is a 

Steve R
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Re: USB hub form factor

2008-10-22 Thread Steve R

At 11:44 AM -0500 10/22/08, hackmiester / Hunter Fuller posted:
>  I'm using one of those right now! It's got my monitors, printer, and
>  USB hub (my Windows box won't boot with it connected, for some reason,
>  so I just turn off that switch during startup...)

It's very similar -- I notice the description says it's made out of 
plastic? The Woods model I have is metal, has a fifth device 
receptacle and even with the exchange rate I paid half. Plus it has 
the orange neon glowy power switches ;-)

>  2008/10/22 Bruce Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>  On Oct 21, 2008, at 5:33 PM, Steve R wrote:
>>>  I've searched
>>>  for a web image but no such luck. The unit raises my monitor by 3",
>>>  has 5 3-prong receptacles at the back with corresponding power
>>>  switches + Master at the front.
>>  Wow. I haven't seen one of those in YEARS. Beige, with orange neon
>>  glowy power switches?

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hard drive orientation (horizontal v. vertical)

2008-10-23 Thread Steve R

I recall we had a discussion on optical devices being horizontal v. 
vertical but can't recall whether hard drives were included in the 
discussion. Having just added a new external hard drive (LaCie 
Porsche finish, very shiny and beautiful) to my setup, I'm wanting to 
move my NAS/USB external to another location closer to the router. 
The perfect location puts the drive vertical. While there are 
external drives that the manufacturers have marketed as being 
horizontal/vertical based on including feet for vertical, this 
manufacturer has never even released a jpg showing a vertical drive. 
Are there some drives that should not be vertical or can I safely 
ass-u-me that drives less than 5 years old can be mounted either 
vertical or horizontal?

Steve R
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Re: hard drive orientation (horizontal v. vertical)

2008-10-23 Thread Steve R

At 10:09 AM -0700 10/23/08, Bruce Johnson posted:
>  On Oct 23, 2008, at 8:49 AM, Steve R wrote:
>>  this
>>  manufacturer has never even released a jpg showing a vertical drive.
>>  Are there some drives that should not be vertical or can I safely
>>  ass-u-me that drives less than 5 years old can be mounted either
>>  vertical or horizontal?
>  Drive orientations hasn't really mattered since the early 90's. The
>  only thing to be aware of is if there's a cooling fan be sure not to
>  block it, and make sure it's stable in your chosen orientation.

Thanks. The last two are givens -- I've already tested the string :-)

Steve R
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Re: USB hub form factor

2008-10-23 Thread Steve R

At 1:54 PM -0500 10/23/08, hackmiester / Hunter Fuller posted:
>  2008/10/22 glen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>  I have another variation:
>>  purchased from DAK industries many years (20?) years ago which I 
>>think are no longer in business.
>>  Very handy. Don't know what I do without it. --glen
>  Here is mine, I just took a photo.

Since I started the thread, and actually use it as a monitor stand! 

Steve R
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Re: USB hub form factor

2008-10-23 Thread Steve R

At 4:12 PM -0700 10/23/08, glen posted:

>  For $40 USD it is pricey. I probably paid a lot less than half that 
>price 20 years ago. You would think you could go to Fry's, Walmat, 
>Staples,Tiger Direct or Cyberguys and find  one for much less ...but 
>apparently not so.

I'd be happy if manufacturers made power strips with separate on/off 
switches instead of having to have all powered or all unpowered. But 
I digress ;-)  My query on this thread, and the reason I mentioned 
the monitor stand, was/is can I use an unpowered multi-port USB hub 
when my only use for the hub is cable management?  I use only *one* 
USB device at a time (plus the keyboard on a separate port) with each 
device sharing the one USB cord on its separate port that I currently 
move manually to whichever device I am going to use. So the hub will 
be drawing USB power for only the *one* device. In essence, it would 
be used as a kind of USB cable extender, of sorts. Used in this 
manner, is there any need to have a powered USB hub?

Steve R
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Re: USB hub form factor

2008-10-23 Thread Steve R

At 7:50 PM -0400 10/23/08, Charles Davis posted:
>  On Oct 23, 2008, at 7:38 PM, Steve R wrote:
>>  In essence, it would
>>  be used as a kind of USB cable extender, of sorts. Used in this
>>  manner, is there any need to have a powered USB hub?
>>  Steve R
>>  --
>  Only to cover the case where
>  "The 'Socket (USB)' is there, - plug the thing (whatever
>  device you happen to have picked up to "Test") in.
>  Chuck D.

Okay, I'm dense tonight because I've read your comment several times 
and I'm not really sure I'm understanding it correctly. I don't 
physically have a USB hub. I am wanting to purchase a USB hub. Prices 
here vary from under $10 for a 4-port un-powered "laptop" hub to the 
lowest $42 4-port powered hub. There will never be a situation where 
I use the 4-port hub to power more than one device. (If I needed to 
do that at some point in the future, one of my external hard drives 
has a built-in firewire/USB hub I could use, if I could stand having 
it powered up with its incredibly loud fan. Unless the power is on to 
this device, the built-in hub doesn't work.)  I'm wanting to have 
permanent USB cables attached to all the devices so I can stop 
swapping the one cable I'm using. I would also prefer not to have a 
powered hub *if I don't need it* because the one I had years ago (USB 
1.1) was always powered on unless I physically unplugged it.

I've googled galore and not found an answer. Maybe the simplest way 
to ask is, if I am using a USB hub for only one device, does the USB 
hub act as a pass-through cable extender so that it need not be 
powered? Is there enough power coming from the internal USB port to 
continue through the hub to the USB device, or is there a drop in 
power through the hub that needs to be boosted by external power to 
the hub?

Hope this helps

Steve R
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Re: USB hub form factor

2008-10-24 Thread Steve R

At 11:50 PM -0400 10/23/08, Charles Davis posted:
>  On Oct 23, 2008, at 8:23 PM, Steve R wrote:
>>  I've googled galore and not found an answer. Maybe the simplest way
>>  to ask is, if I am using a USB hub for only one device, does the USB
>>  hub act as a pass-through cable extender so that it need not be
>>  powered? Is there enough power coming from the internal USB port to
>>  continue through the hub to the USB device,
>  possibly, but what is supposed to tell anything else plugged into the
>  hub that it's NOT the one wanted, and to not draw any power?

Is a USB hub with unpowered devices like lamps plugged into a power 
strip (USB hub) that is plugged into a wall receptacle (USB port)? 
The cords (cables) are always powered regardless of whether the lamp 
(device) is turned on?

Steve R
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Re: hard drive orientation (horizontal v. vertical)

2008-10-24 Thread Steve R

At 9:23 PM -0400 10/23/08, Al Poulin posted:

>  So, it seems safe for Steve, the original poster, to move his external
>  drive from horizontal to vertical, right?

That's how I'm interpreting the thread. I'll let you know if the data 
falls off the platter onto the floor ;-)

Steve R
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Re: USB hub form factor

2008-10-24 Thread Steve R

At 9:58 AM -0400 10/24/08, Len Gerstel posted:
>  So a USB device that is on, whether it is a printer with the power
>  switch turned on or a mouse waiting to be moved, will draw power. A
>  USB device that is not turned on like a printer or scanner with the
>  power switch turned off or power brick unplugged will not draw any
>  usb power.

Immensely. Thanks.

Steve R
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Re: System Crash - Spotlight???

2008-10-29 Thread Steve R

At 10:13 AM -0700 10/29/08, RediG3-5 posted:
>  Mini G4 10.4.11
>  I've had several Crashes recently
>  where I get that nasty black dialog telling me that I have to shut
>  down by pressing the power button for several seconds.

NetBarrier X4 likes giving those in 10.4.x and 10.5.x. If it's the 
same message, it's a Kernel Panic.

>  When I reboot, it seems that Spotlight begins indexing.

I have Spotlight turned off so haven't noticed the indexing. I wiped 
the partition and reinstalled Leopard and third-party software from 
new -- haven't had any problem since then, knock wood.

Steve R
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Re: Boot a G3 from USB pen drive?

2008-11-02 Thread Steve R

At 10:45 PM -0600 11/2/08, Kris Tilford posted:
>  On Nov 2, 2008, at 10:38 PM, joplinfan wrote:
>>  Any tips on how I can get the iMac G3 to recognize it as a bootable
>>  drive?

Can an iMac G3 boot from USB?

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Re: Hot iMac

2008-11-10 Thread Steve R

At 5:02 PM -0500 11/10/08, Al Poulin posted:
>  On Nov 10, 2008, at 3:53 AM, g3-5-list group wrote:
>>  == 1 of 4 ==
>>  Date: Sun, Nov 9 2008 6:52 pm
>>  From: Anne Keller-Smith
>>  Is the new iMac supposed to run so hot? And where do they put the fans
>>  in there anyway? They're sure quite though.

>  If you feel your machine is running too hot, you should compare notes
>  with folks on the imaclist.  For any Mac, there are ways to measure
>  operating temperatures, but I've never paid attention.

My neighbour's iMac is very quiet and barely warm, running the same 
applications with a similar load that makes my G5 run load and very 
hot. We don't live in a particularly dirty or hairy apartments, but I 
live on a second floor downtown apartment where dust really gathers 
from traffic and he lives on a higher floor that doesn't get as much 
traffic dirt. I find that I can literally roll dust off the front of 
the G5 grill every few weeks, ie the fans are working. The insides 
are always dust coated so get blown out monthly. Is there any chance 
the hot iMac either came from a dusty environment or is inhaling dust 
at your location, and perhaps that's what is causing the heat 
problem? No idea if you can blow out an iMac from the bottom

Steve R
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Prior to cloning drive...

2008-11-14 Thread Steve R

I've decided to downgrade my G5 from Leopard to Tiger, and will be 
cloning the OS partition to a firewire drive with SuperDuper prior to 
downgrading. Is there anything I should be aware of prior to making 
the clone? I plan on running Onyx or Cocktail prior to the clone.

Steve R

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Re: Prior to cloning drive...

2008-11-14 Thread Steve R

At 11:08 AM -0500 11/14/08, Dan posted:
>  At 8:11 AM -0500 11/14/2008, Steve R wrote:
>>I've decided to downgrade my G5 from Leopard to Tiger, and will be
>>cloning the OS partition to a firewire drive with SuperDuper prior to
>>downgrading. Is there anything I should be aware of prior to making
>>the clone? I plan on running Onyx or Cocktail prior to the clone.
>  I guess use OnyX to clean things up a bit.  Delete the user caches,
>  run the maintenance tasks.  That will save you a little space / time
>  on the the clone.  Not overly necessary tho.
>  As for the downgrade... how come?

I'm not overly ecstatic with Leopard. I don't use Time Machine and 
everything else is eye candy. All my apps run well in Tiger, seem a 
bit slower in Leopard. I had thought it was because I did an archive 
and update but I nuked and paved a fresh Leopard with no changes 
other than now getting kernel panics on a daily basis. This G5 has 
run hot from the day I got it used and with Leopard it's been running 
even hotter which probably accounts for the kernel panics. After the 
last software update I started getting kernel panics within the apps 
themselves, particularly Safari which will panic on the first link 
clicked. A web search showed other G5/1.8mHz have experienced an 
increase in kernel panics as well, although some have been running 
with far less than my 3GB of RAM. I'm not interested in 
troubleshooting the kernel panics when I didn't have them in Tiger 
although I have been sending the reports on to Apple. Some people 
have attributed early hard drive failure to repeated kernel panics 
and I'm not interested in replacing a six month old drive because of 
early failure.

If that doesn't solve the problem, I'll probably get an eMac. Simon 
made them seem appealing once they have enough RAM.

Steve R

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Re: PowerMac G5 1.6 Single Processor wonky issues

2008-12-03 Thread Steve R

At 6:56 PM -0800 12/2/08, BillBoggs posted:
>  Hi All,
>  I'm new to this list but not to the Mac world. My previously trusty
>  first generation PowerMac G5 1.6 ghz single processor machine running
>  10.5.5 just up and started misbehaving yesterday. Random freeze ups,
>  great difficulty in rebooting, hanging up at the gray-blue screen
>  after the Apple logo, that sort of thing. I "repaired permissions" and
>  ran TechTools, which rated "passed" on all tests. Anyone have a
>  diagnosis? Your input would be most appreciated.

I have had the same problem since upgrading to 10.5.5 on a PowerMac 
G5 1.8 GHz. I ran numerous disk utilities to test the hardware and 
I've physically checked the hardware to make sure connections are 
secure. At one point I thought I'd isolated the problem to the 
AcidSearch plugin for Safari but that did not solve the kernel panics 
and crashes. After reinstalling the OS on a clean, ie brand new and 
correctly formatted drive, the problems continued. The only software 
I had installed was from the installation DVD which I verified each 
time I used it. After hours of searching and trying most anything, I 
ran across a mention of "Quick Look Server" + "kernel panic" and 
based on what I could understand, I moved everything off the desktop 
(other than the mounted drives) into a generic folder or deeper into 
other directories so that there wouldn't be any jpgs or txt documents 
that ended up having fancy new icons, ie the non-generic icons. My 
customised icons for the hard drives were replaced with plain old 
generic icons. The system played nice 24/7 for three days so I 
started adding my essential software, one per day. After almost a 
week, no crashes or kernel panics, except for one when I tried to 
quit Safari (plain with no plugins) via the Dock. Instant kernel 
panic. After restarting, I noticed I'd forgot about one jpg that I'd 
dragged to the desktop. I moved it. Quitting Safari via the Finder 
menu does not cause a kernel panic. I added the customised icons back 
to the hard drives yesterday but continue to leave everything else 
off the desktop. System and computer remain stable.

By the way, you and I aren't the only ones having problems. I found 
plenty of posts on forums reporting the kernel panics and crashes, 
but unfortunately solutions are confined to guessing by folks who 
haven't experienced the same problems. I've gone back to using my 
G3/10.4.11 for most of my work, using the G5 for very little other 
than email or browsing.

Steve R

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Re: 8 gig SanDisk Micro Cruzer does not work

2008-12-08 Thread Steve R

>>  CMC (Central Management and Control) server software adds a higher
>>  level of control to Cruzer Enterprise. It centrally manages the
>>  drive's complete lifecycle, from initial user-deployment, through
>>  password administration and data backup, and finally to drive
>>  termination if lost or stolen.

Interesting article on how to secure information on a Mac USB drive, 
including free software options:

Steve R
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Invisible (application) files on storage drives

2008-12-11 Thread Steve R

I make it a habit of downloading to a non-OS drive or partition, and 
from there will mount or unzip a downloaded application, moving or 
installing to the OS drive Applications folder. File Buddy is showing 
a lot of invisible files, the sort I would expect to find on an OS 
drive, such as /user/bin... etc. I'm also noticing an with 
related files. I never run an application from this download drive 
(or mounted image). Can I safely delete these files which have grown 
into GBs of space in the past two years?

Steve R

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Re: Invisible (application) files on storage drives

2008-12-11 Thread Steve R

At 8:38 AM -0700 12/11/08, Bruce Johnson posted:
>  On Dec 11, 2008, at 8:13 AM, Steve R wrote:
>>  I make it a habit of downloading to a non-OS drive or partition, and
>>  from there will mount or unzip a downloaded application, moving or
>>  installing to the OS drive Applications folder. File Buddy is showing
>>  a lot of invisible files, the sort I would expect to find on an OS
>>  drive, such as /user/bin... etc.
>  Make sure file buddy is looking at that thing properly. Unless the
>  'non-OS' volume had OSX installed on it at one point, you should not
>  have those files there at all, leading me to believe that Filebuddy is
>  following a soft link or alias back to your boot drive, snd deleting
>  those things would be rather catastrophic (not the, but
>  definitely the stuff in /usr/bin!)

I had thought File Buddy might be following aliases, however when I 
use the make visible command, the files are definitely on the non-OS 
partition/drive, which has never had an OS loaded on it. That 
partition and the other internal drive are both used for files only. 
I've never installed X11 although I vaguely remember at some point in 
time having downloaded it from Apple as either a zip or dmg, and 
having mounted it.

Question/s: When an application or folder is expanded from a non-.dmg 
container, as a rule of thumb, would it be safe to say that any 
invisible files associated with that application or folder end up on 
the drive or partition where the application or folder is expanded 
(vs. on the drive where the application being used to expand the 
files is located)?

If an app or folder is mounted via a .dmg image, and the 
app/associated files are not opened in any way, would there be any 
invisible files left behind when the image is closed?

What is the best way to get rid of these unused invisible files?

Steve R

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Re: Anybody use Dragonburn?

2008-12-11 Thread Steve R

At 10:59 AM -0700 12/11/08, Bruce Johnson posted:
>  On Dec 11, 2008, at 10:52 AM, Anne Keller-Smith wrote:
>>  Hi all ~
>>  This comes bundled with the Samsung optical drive here -
>>  Just wondering if I need this software?
>>  Burns CDs okay with Apple Tiger OS 10.4.11.
>>  Anybody use it, what do you think?
>>  What else would one use?

If I remember, DragonBurn will burn a certain type of image that none 
of the others can or were able to burn... images created by Nero 

Steve R

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Re: Wonky PowerMac G5 Single Processor Freeze-Ups Resolution

2008-12-12 Thread Steve R

At 8:01 AM -0800 12/11/08, BillBoggs posted:
>  I then tried
>  one last suggestion, that Leopard was basically incompatible with my
>  PowerMac G5 1.6 single processor hardware for some reason. I went back
>  to Tiger and now after nearly a week working hard to make it freeze
>  up, nary a hiccup (or hiccough if you prefer). I think we've solved
>  the problem.

I downgraded last weekend to 10.5.4 with no upgrades to iTunes and 
other non-essentials. I slowly added my usual apps back and so far no 
kernel panics on a PPC G5 1.8 going into the sixth day of 24/7. 
Within that same time frame with 10.5.5 I would have had upwards of 
20 with 10.5.5.

Steve R
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Re: Invisible (application) files on storage drives

2008-12-12 Thread Steve R

At 9:12 PM -0600 12/11/08, Bill Christensen posted:
>  Either way, if you're just using the drive/partition as a backup they
>  should be safe to delete as the originals exist elsewhere.

Thanks. This sounds faster than what I'd been doing, which was trying 
to clear the drive so I could reformat it ;-)

Steve R
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Re: Eject DVD or CD from Mini

2008-12-14 Thread Steve R

At 11:49 AM -0600 12/14/08, George Hozendorf posted:
On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 10:45 AM, Bruce Johnson 

On Dec 14, 2008, at 9:01 AM, George Hozendorf wrote:

>  How do you eject a disc from a Mini?

Same way you do on any Mac: press the eject key on the Keyboard, or
hold down the F12 key if it doesn't have an eject key. Alternatively,
hold down the mouse button during reboot to eject.

If it's stuck in there and neither technique works, surgery is required.

Bruce Johnson

"No matter where you go, there you are", B. Banzai

I should have stated I tried both these methods prior to writing. 
Surgery it is.

If you are using a multi-button mouse, try using a simple button 
mouse when holding down the button during startup. I keep a plain old 
mouse around for one computer that will only eject discs with a 
single button Apple branded mouse.

Steve R
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Re: Alert sounds from where?

2008-12-15 Thread Steve R

At 10:57 AM -0800 12/15/08, Jeffrey Engle posted:
>  On Dec 15, 2008, at 10:50 AM, MIKO .. wrote:
>>  On Dec 15, 2008, at 9:53 AM, Jeffrey Engle wrote:
>>>  Considering that Mail is the only app up at the moment... and I know
>>>  what sound(s) it makes... this is interesting. (and yes, I've checked
>>>  the widgets) J
>>  Did you check you "New Mail Sound" preference under the General
>>  section of mail preferences?  There IS a Submarine there as an option!
>  Yes, that's the first place I checked. J

I've been in the same situation trying to find sound -- even called a 
neighbour to help track down a sound one night that may or may not 
have been coming from the computer (surround sound speakers really 
work!) Swiss cheese memory doesn't remember what it was that was 
doing the alerts but it was a doh! moment when figured out. Try 
opening Activity Monitor (found in the Applications/Utilities folder) 
and leaving it open to see which processes are being used. I always 
take a screenshot of the window to compare to the real time window 
just in case. This may help.

Are you using Growl for any notices?

Steve R
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Re: Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition

2008-12-15 Thread Steve R

At 9:05 AM -0800 12/15/08, MnDel posted:
>  Hello,
>  Since I keep getting 'startup disc is out of room' messages when I do
>  a  few pics in Photoshop, I totalled up everyting in my 15 GB 10.3.9
>  partition:   (4 folders - Apps, Users, Library, System) and it came to
>  only 8.2GB.
>  However when I click 'get info' on this partition is shows less than
>  1GB free space with no apps running.
>  I sure need to free up some HD space, where else should I look?
>  Thanks!, Del

Are you subscribed to dot-mac, and have you changed your settings 
from iDisk Sync: On to iDisk Sync: Off? Whenever I've changed that 
setting, Apple thinks I want to keep the iDisk.img on my computer -- 

Steve R
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Re: After a Nuke & Pave (10.5.5) ... QS made its way back to Blue Screen ...

2008-12-15 Thread Steve R

At 10:08 PM -0500 12/15/08, insightinmind posted:
Suggestions from PPC users RE: 10.5?

10.5.4 is remaining stable on my PPC G5 1.8GHz/3GB RAM. My plan for 
10.5.6 is to clone this stable partition before attempting to leap 
from 10.5.4 to 10.5.6 after thoroughly investigating why I would need 
to upgrade (possible security issues but I'm not seeing anything on 
the KB, so far, that stands out for why I need to upgrade.)

Steve R
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Re: Wow! (Missing 6 GB of space in OSX partition)

2008-12-15 Thread Steve R

At 9:58 PM -0600 12/15/08, Hunter Fuller posted:
>  You can't rename a folder to . - it is definitely the root of the drive.

Yes. You can rename a folder with the leading (.)  There is even an 
app that makes it easy to (.) and un(.) for those who want to add 
invisibility to files and folders they prefer nosy folk not casually 

Steve R
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Re: After a Nuke & Pave (10.5.5) ... QS made its way back to Blue Screen ...

2008-12-16 Thread Steve R

At 8:43 AM -0700 12/16/08, Bruce Johnson posted:
>  I've had no issues on either of my PPC systems with 10.5, but I'm not
>  running the same hardware/software you are.

Bruce reminded me of a problem I had upgrading my B&W. As it turned 
out, removing all the cards/externals/etc plus replacing the upgraded 
video card to the stock video card fixed the problem. I was able to 
restart the computer several times with the stock card, and then 
replace it with the upgraded card (plus resetting the PRAM). From 
that point onwards, it ran smoothly even as I added back the internal 

Steve R
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Re: After a Nuke & Pave (10.5.5) ... QS made its way back to Blue Screen ...

2008-12-16 Thread Steve R

At 12:45 PM -0500 12/16/08, Dan posted:
>  We *know* that 10.5.5 is stable.

Err.. no, we don't know that. Some of us are having problems after 
updating to 10.5.5. For example, I have gone from upwards of ten 
kernel panics requiring restarts per day with 10.5.5 to zero, nada, 
none after downgrading to 10.5.4. I'm still using the same apps, 
still using the same hardware -- and my system is no longer crashing. 
I was ready to pitch this useless piece of shit off the balcony until 
I downgraded to a stable version. There's something about 10.5.5 that 
is not stable with some older Macs that still meet the hardware 
requirements set out by Apple. That's why I've suggested to Bill that 
he start over and not upgrade past 10.5.4. He won't be able to use 
Software Update to do that. It may solve his ongoing problems, it may 
not. We won't know unless he can find the time (and the desire) to 
give it a try.

Steve R
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Re: After a Nuke & Pave (10.5.5) ... QS made its way back to Blue Screen ...

2008-12-16 Thread Steve R

At 12:24 PM -0500 12/16/08, insightinmind posted:
>  On Dec 16, 2008, at 11:27 AM, Steve R wrote:
>>  At 8:43 AM -0700 12/16/08, Bruce Johnson posted:
>>>   I've had no issues on either of my PPC systems with 10.5, but I'm
>>>  not
>>>   running the same hardware/software you are.
>>  Bruce reminded me of a problem I had upgrading my B&W. As it turned
>>  out, removing all the cards/externals/etc plus replacing the upgraded
>>  video card to the stock video card fixed the problem. I was able to
>>  restart the computer several times with the stock card, and then
>>  replace it with the upgraded card (plus resetting the PRAM). From
>>  that point onwards, it ran smoothly even as I added back the internal
>>  cards.
>>  Steve R
>  Thanks.
>  You have 10.5 running on a B&W?
>  When I did my QS's Nuke & Pave to 10.5.5, I removed all my PCI cards
>  (M-Audio 2496, Sonnet Tango USB/FW) except I needed to keep the
>  Rosewill 10/100/1000 NIC (on board ethernet fried last year), and
>  also kept the ATI Radeon 9800 Pro Mac Edition.
>  Perhaps I should have replaced the video with the old, still
>  functional, nvidia Geforce 4MX?

Sorry for any confusion re B&W -- the install/upgrade problems occur 
with prior systems, but I learned to always go back to the basics 
after that week long frustration that included discovering I needed 
to use the ADB mouse and not the USB mouse.

What I would try here, were I in your situation, is yet another 
nuke/pave of Leopard but (1) using the combo updater from Apple, (2) 
only going as far as 10.5.4, (3) removing the NIC card once you've 
downloaded the updater, and (4) going back to the older video card.

Assuming your installer DVD is 10.5.0, and assuming you have Toast, 
I'd make a copy of the installer DVD and have Toast use Disk Recovery 
to check the original disk for any errors. You won't have to burn the 
disk because you can Save As Disc Image. Assuming the disc is okay, 
after removing all cards including the NIC and upgraded video card, 
I'd have the installer disc zero out the drive or partition you 
intend on using. One pass should be enough. Then I'd install that 
very basic system, no extra languages, no printer files, no X11. See 
if you can restart without the ongoing problems you've been 
experiencing. Open a few of the Apple apps, create and save a few 
files, log out a few times, customise some preferences, do a few more 
restarts. If you can do all this, leave it running for 30 minutes, 
come back and see if you can still open.close apps, create files, log 
out, restart.

Then reinstall the NIC card and go online for a bit. If you are 
behind a router, bypass it and let Network Preferences log you in 
Automatically if that's at all possible. Log out/restart. Use 
Software Update to update only those *apps* you really need updated 
-- Quicktime, whatever. If you don't need all the features that are 
being updated, don't update.

Reinstall the video card. Play around for a bit. Log out/restart.

Add back the PCI cards. Play around. Log out/restart.

Use the downloaded combo updater to take you only as far as 10.5.4.

If your problem returns (assuming you've had no problem so far), 
remove all the PCI cards including the NIC and go back to the 
original video card. Now try the update to 10.5.4. If that is 
successful (you can play, log out/restart), go back and start adding 
the extra hardware back to the system. A standard troubleshooting 
technique used by telco is to half the problem, ie if you've kept 
note of what you added back and in what order, add back only half the 
list. If the problem persists, split that half in half until you can 
isolate which piece of hardware doesn't play nice.

I'd also suggest keeping a written log of every piece of software you 
add and use.

Time consuming, yes. Frustrating, oh yes. Walk away if need be ;-) 
Have a smoke on the deck, pet your dog (touch the case to ground the 
static), make love to your significant other. Do whatever you need to 
do to stay mellow. Your Mac can tell when you're upset :-)

Steve R
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Re: Why can't I update?

2008-12-16 Thread Steve R

At 3:01 PM -0600 12/16/08, Kris Tilford posted:
>  On Dec 16, 2008, at 2:50 PM, Wilton Shaw wrote:
>>  One of the reasons given is it will not mount because of "invalid
>>  checksum", whatever that is?
>  This means the downloaded disk image file is corrupted. The checksum
>  is a sum calculated in a specific way such that if any single bit has
>  been changed the sum will be different. When this is "invalid" it
>  means the sum is not identical to the sum of the original file.
>  You'll need to download the entire file again. If you get this twice,
>  your HD may be going bad.

Or the phone line is experiencing static because of weather or vermin problems?

Steve R
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Re: Can I add content after burn?

2008-12-20 Thread Steve R

At 11:48 AM -0800 12/20/08, Jeffrey Engle posted:
>  Is there a way to add files to a disk that's already burned? I thought
>  I saw somewhere how you could do that, but not sure. Google came up
>  with a blank. Jeff

The app you might be thinking of used to be called Burn It Again Sam 
or something similar.  I used it for burning .srt files to CD after 
the original burn. A while back the name was changed, vaguely 
remember it being about half similar in naming.  A starting point to 
track it down: 

Steve R
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Re: Can I add content after burn?

2008-12-20 Thread Steve R

At 11:48 AM -0800 12/20/08, Jeffrey Engle posted:
>  Is there a way to add files to a disk that's already burned? I thought
>  I saw somewhere how you could do that, but not sure. Google came up
>  with a blank. Jeff

Try BurnAgain DVD page holder:

and BurnAgain FS:

Steve R
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Re: Trouble reading certain DVD's in SR-8585F DVD-ROM drive

2008-12-21 Thread Steve R

At 8:13 AM -0800 12/21/08, PeterH posted:
>  On Dec 20, 2008, at 10:14 PM, Paul wrote:
>>  The Matsushita SR-8585F is labeled "Apple" and came with some G4's and
>>  possibly other Macs. I've tried a few rewritable DVD's without luck
>>  reading them, even though they're known to be good, since other DVD
>>  readers on other machines can read them.
>  Lasers go bad.

Lasers also get dusty. I've successfully 'revitalised' an ancient DVD 
burner by using a cleaner DVD disc.

Steve R
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Wanted: Generic icons in Leopard

2008-12-30 Thread Steve R

How do I get Finder to give me back the generic icons, ie a Quicktime 
icon on a video file instead of the current 'mini preview' of the 
first frame of the file, etc?

Steve R

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Re: Wanted: Generic icons in Leopard

2008-12-30 Thread Steve R

At 1:00 PM -0500 12/30/08, Tony Gamble posted:
>  On 30-Dec-08, at 12:33 PM, Steve R wrote:
>>  How do I get Finder to give me back the generic icons, ie a Quicktime
>>  icon on a video file instead of the current 'mini preview' of the
>>  first frame of the file, etc?
>>  Steve R
>  Open the affected folder, select View -> Show View Options, uncheck
>  "Show Icon Preview"
>  (this is the method for OS 10.5, but steps may be similar for earlier
>  versions)
>- Tony

Thank you!!! Do you know if there is a way to make this the overall 
default for all Finder windows without needing to go into every 
window to make the change? Finder preferences doesn't have that 
option, only the individual windows (that I've been able to see.)

Steve R

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Facebook & G3/10.4.11

2008-12-30 Thread Steve R

I sold an iMac/500mHz with a fresh 10.4.11 to a PC user who swore 
he'd used the Mac OS before and now he's certain I've sold him a 
doorstop because he can't get into the 'new' facebook site. The guy 
is an IM junkie with at minimum five different services. Before he 
took the computer a month ago, I loaded all the individual apps he 
requested (with him present as we accessed them all individually and 
en masse) plus Adium to handle them all in one app if he chose. Now, 
a month later, he can't access the 'new' Facebook which apparently 
has its own IM service and does 'something' with photos. Their 
website doesn't appear to have any sort of FAQ for requirements -- 
and I've just spent the last hour frustrated on the phone with the 
guy. He can't live without his facebook messaging -- all the other 
services are working, the 'new' facebook was even working a week ago 
but now he can't access. I had him download and install Firefox on 
the off-chance Safari was the problem, and he still can't access the 
'new' site.

I'm not a facebook user so could use some help from someone who is. 
Is there a requirement with the 'new' facebook that would stop a G3 
with the updated Safari/Firefox for 10.4.11, on a DSL line, from 
connecting to their service? I really don't want to have to leave my 
warm little abode to trek "30 miles all uphill through 10 feet of ice 
and snow, in the middle of a blizzard, wearing only threadbare socks" 
if a simple phone call would suffice.

He's behind an ISP firewall so I can't remotely connect to his 
computer and can't remember the website that might make that 
possible... connect2me or somesuch.

Steve R

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Re: Wanted: Generic icons in Leopard

2008-12-30 Thread Steve R

At 2:48 PM -0500 12/30/08, Dan posted:
>  At 1:51 PM -0500 12/30/2008, Steve R wrote:
>>Do you know if there is a way to make this the overall default for
>>all Finder windows without needing to go into every window to make
>>the change? Finder preferences doesn't have that option, only the
>>individual windows (that I've been able to see.)
>  The setting is one of the ones stashed in the .DS_Store file within
>  that directory.  The only way to globally change things would be to
>  delete all the .DS_Store files, then set things up in the top level
>  of the volume, etc.


Steve R

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Re: Facebook & G3/10.4.11

2008-12-30 Thread Steve R

At 4:53 PM -0500 12/30/08, Tony Gamble posted:
>  Sorry I cannot help you with your friend's Facebook issue, but I do
>  have a solution for remote access to his Mac:  TeamViewer.  Works
>  great for me when I cannot connect via VNC or Remote Desktop.

Thanks. The site I was thinking of is LogMeIn so I'll compare both to 
see which is more likely to work for my situation.

Steve R

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Re: Facebook & G3/10.4.11

2008-12-30 Thread Steve R

At 2:56 PM -0800 12/30/08, Mike Baker posted:
>  He should be able to access Facebook since I have a similar setup 
>and I can. I use Mac OS X 10.3.9. I'm thinking his firewall setup 
>has to be the problem.

Are you able to use the 'new' Facebook that has the IM built in via 
the web browser? (Apologies if I'm using the wrong terminology for 
Facebook .. I don't use it myself.)

Steve R

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Re: Wanted: Generic icons in Leopard = solution

2008-12-30 Thread Steve R

At 5:21 PM -0500 12/30/08, Steve R posted:
>  At 2:48 PM -0500 12/30/08, Dan posted:
>>  At 1:51 PM -0500 12/30/2008, Steve R wrote:
>>>Do you know if there is a way to make this the overall default for
>>>all Finder windows without needing to go into every window to make
>>>the change? Finder preferences doesn't have that option, only the
>>>individual windows (that I've been able to see.)
>>  The setting is one of the ones stashed in the .DS_Store file within
>>  that directory.  The only way to globally change things would be to
>>  delete all the .DS_Store files, then set things up in the top level
>>  of the volume, etc.
>  Thanks.

Duh!  Actually there is a way to make the Show Icon 
Preview OFF the default for all Finder windows. After doing a Show 
View Options, and unclicking Show Icon Preview, there's a button at 
the bottom of the window to Make Default for all Finder Windows.

Steve R

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Re: Wanted: Generic icons in Leopard

2008-12-30 Thread Steve R

At 9:24 PM -0500 12/30/08, Dana Collins posted:
>  On 12/30/08 1:51 PM, Steve R of sent
>>  Thank you!!! Do you know if there is a way to make this the overall
>>  default for all Finder windows without needing to go into every
>>  window to make the change? Finder preferences doesn't have that
>>  option, only the individual windows (that I've been able to see.)
>>  Steve R
>  Hi Steve,
>  I've chosen a specific folder, say the HD folder, chosen View Options, and
>  at the bottom of the pane is the "Make Default" button - worked for me (the
>  Desktop is always a different matter, and this button is not present).

Thanks. And you're right about Make Default not being there on the 
Desktop -- very confusing to older folk who may have wondered if we 
were losing our sight :-(

Steve R

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Re: Wanted: Generic icons in Leopard

2008-12-31 Thread Steve R

At 1:08 PM -0500 12/31/08, Dana Collins posted:
>  On 12/30/08 11:03 PM, Steve R of sent

>  Good to hear, Steve - that is, glad that your issue was resolved, not that
>  (like mine) your eyesight is challenged :-) ! My sight gets challenged with
>  all the music applications I use, where the developers are convinced that
>  the ever-increasing complexity of their control panels/views are best served
>  with tiny intricate design concepts - I too squint a lot!
>  Happy New year,
>  Dana

Well, my optometrist says my current prescription is fine but I'm 
sure if I upgraded to one of those 24" iMacs my sight would be a heck 
of a lot better ;-)   I've been so.o.o.o tempted this past week -- 
even went part way through the Cart sign-out when the recession 
reality took over. Since tonight is amateur drinking night, and 
"they" refuse to shut down the internet until we all sober up, I've 
frozen my plastic into an ice bucket.. just in case.

Have a happy :-)

Steve R

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Re: Facebook & G3/10.4.11

2008-12-31 Thread Steve R

At 1:16 PM -0500 12/31/08, Dan posted:
>  At 2:15 PM -0500 12/30/2008, Steve R wrote:
>>iMac/500mHz with a fresh 10.4.11
>>can't get into the 'new' facebook site.
>  Please provide specific URLs etc.  I'm having no problem with
>  Facebook or its IM, on my 300-MHz Smurf.  Some pages can be quite
>  nasty, because they're loaded with too much active content.  But they
>  still work.
>  What version Flash is installed?  QuickTime?  Perian?  Browsers?
>  details please.

Difficult to do without doing the 30-miles uphill trek through a 
raging blizzard :-(   I suspect it's operator error but will know for 
sure if I can get him to install LogMeIn so I can remote control his 
computer. Until then, I wait impatiently for a return phone call.

Steve R

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Intel question

2009-01-02 Thread Steve R

With Apple going the Intel chip route, I'm wondering if the chip on a 
purely Mac OS (and not being used for Windows) is faster/better for 
Mac apps?

Steve R
still lusting after that 24" iMac...

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Re: Facebook & G3/10.4.11

2009-01-02 Thread Steve R

Update: The new owner of my G3 iMac is now saying everything is 
working fine. He mumbled something about having let his girl friend's 
2 year old daughter play at the keyboard? I suggested getting a cat. 
Cats never cause computer problems ;-)

Steve R

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Re: Intel question

2009-01-02 Thread Steve R

At 9:01 AM -0700 1/2/09, Bruce Johnson posted:
>  On Jan 2, 2009, at 8:25 AM, Steve R wrote:
>>  With Apple going the Intel chip route, I'm wondering if the chip on a
>>  purely Mac OS (and not being used for Windows) is faster/better for
>>  Mac apps?
>  Huh?? I'm not at all sure what it is you're asking...
>  Programs run on the CPU they're compiled for; execution speed depends
>  on the CPU and the rest of the system. and the Intel Macs are faster
>  than PPC Macs they have faster memory and CPU, but it doesn't have
>  anything per se to do with the particular architecture X86 versus PPC.

It is a vague question I admit because I don't know Intel. I have no 
intention of running Windows applications and the thought came to 
mind that if I wasn't going to be running Windows, does the Intel 
chip run Mac apps faster than the PPC (all things being equal with 
CPU speed, applications optimised for the CPU, and the rest of the 
system)? It appears from your answer that a 2.4 GHz PPC would be 
slower than a 2.4 GHZ Intel, with the same "universal" application ?

Steve R

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iChat and mobileme (old account vs new account)

2009-01-02 Thread Steve R

This is obviously my day for stupid questions. I had a 
account that I allowed to expire last summer. Then I decided to 
subscribe again several months later, with a different username, 
brand new fresh subscription even using a different credit card (but 
obviously same name on the card.) Since then, I have wiped and 
reinstalled OS software at least twice, never importing old 
information, yet everything having to do with is 
automatically filled in using the old username (but with the new 
email address and password.) I have no idea where it's getting that 
old username information. So far I've been able to find the 
preference within an application (such as Adium) to change the 
username but this morning I opened iChat for the first time and the 
old username is there. I can't find anywhere in the preferences or 
settings to change to my new username. The email and password being 
used are from the new account. I can't even log into the old expired 


Steve R

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Re: iChat and mobileme (old account vs new account)

2009-01-02 Thread Steve R

At 12:56 PM -0500 1/2/09, Dan posted:
>  At 11:38 AM -0500 1/2/2009, Steve R wrote:
>>I had a account that I allowed to expire last summer. Then I
>>decided to subscribe again several months later, with a different
>>username, brand new fresh subscription even using a different credit
>>card (but
>>obviously same name on the card.) Since then, I have wiped and
>>reinstalled OS software at least twice, never importing old
>>information, yet everything having to do with is
>>automatically filled in using the old username (but with the new
>>email address and password.) I have no idea where it's getting that
>>old username information.
>  I think some is stashed in Address Book, the rest in your keychain.

G Address Book was the answer. Old username was at the bottom 
of the list which I never scrolled to because Eudora just filled in 
automatically. Thank you!

Steve R

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Re: iChat and mobileme (old account vs new account)

2009-01-02 Thread Steve R

At 1:28 PM -0500 1/2/09, Dan posted:
>  At 1:20 PM -0500 1/2/2009, Steve R wrote:
>>G Address Book was the answer. Old username was at the bottom
>>of the list which I never scrolled to because Eudora just filled in
>>automatically. Thank you!
>  hah!  Glad it was that simple.  I was kindof scratching my head over
>  that one.  I don't use Address Book - tried it long ago and it ate my
>  data!  Haven't tried it since.
>  I donno.  I'm trusting iTunes now.  Maybe I should give Address Book
>  another look.

I don't use Address Book either. Eudora does ;-) So I pretty much 
forget about it :-(

Steve R

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Is 24" too big?

2009-01-02 Thread Steve R

The block of ice protecting my credit card has melted, and I still 
want an iMac. So, hopefully last dumb question for the day. Has 
anyone bought a 24" (iMac/monitor) and wished they'd gone with a 
small screen? I'm currently using a 19" widescreen monitor on the G5, 
having upgraded from a square'ish 15" iMac, and thought the 
difference was wonderful. Now find I'm constantly trying to get to 
the correct window. But I've taken a tape measure to estimate the 
size of the 24" iMac and it's huge! I found an image on the web that 
makes the 24" look even bigger than I'd estimated. So anyone with 
real world experience, do you wish you'd gone smaller than 24"?

Steve R

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Re: Is 24" too big?

2009-01-02 Thread Steve R

At 3:24 PM -0500 1/2/09, Isaac Smith posted:
>>  The block of ice protecting my credit card has melted, and I still
>>  want an iMac. So, hopefully last dumb question for the day. Has
>>  anyone bought a 24" (iMac/monitor) and wished they'd gone with a
>>  small screen? I'm currently using a 19" widescreen monitor on the G5,
>>  having upgraded from a square'ish 15" iMac, and thought the
>>  difference was wonderful. Now find I'm constantly trying to get to
>>  the correct window. But I've taken a tape measure to estimate the
>>  size of the 24" iMac and it's huge! I found an image on the web that
>>  makes the 24" look even bigger than I'd estimated. So anyone with
>>  real world experience, do you wish you'd gone smaller than 24"?
>>  Steve R
>  Steve,
>  I've actually had just the opposite happen. I have a 20" iMac, and I
>  really wish I would have shelled out the extra cash for a 24". There
>  is an issue with the viewing angle on the 20" iMacs that the 24" iMacs
>  do not have. The vertical viewing angle is absolutely horrendous. When
>  positioned directly in front of my computer, there is a noticeable
>  difference in a solid color from the top of the screen to the bottom.
>  What should be one solid color becomes a gradient.
>  Yes, 24" is quite a large screen, but I would go for it because its
>  image quality is better.
>  I hope that helps you with making the decision.

Yes I just  finished the checkout. Thanks I needed the shove.

Steve R

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Re: [update: Your network settings have been changed by another application.]

2009-01-02 Thread Steve R

At 10:25 PM -0500 1/2/09, Charles Davis posted:
>  Hi Charles;
>  I had the problem.
>  Asked the list for help
>  solution offered
>  worked
>  And now I can't locate my copies of the exchanges on the G3-5 list.
>  Maybe in the archives.
>  Chuck D.
>  On Jan 2, 2009, at 9:34 PM, Charles Lenington wrote:
>>  Forgot the network info.
>>  I get the following in a box when I attempt to enter network
>>  Your network settings have been changed by another application.
>>  Clicking OK just causes the box to refresh. There was a brief
>>  mention on
>>  another list but it went away by itself. Any clues?
>>  To close s/p window I have to force quit.
>>  So far it's on 2 computers.
>>  mini 1.42
>>  MDD dual 867
>>  both w/ latest updates for OS 10.4.11
>>  Will check other boxes while waiting reply.
>>  Thanks
>>  Charles
>>  Windstream dsl
>>  Speedstream 4200 modem
>>  linksys befsr41 vs 3 router
>>  all airports disabled/turned off

I had this problem when I switched routers even though the backup 
router had the exact same settings via the web interface. Vaguely I 
recall being able to 'fix' the constant windows by choosing Automatic 
in the Network Settings, probably after disconnecting the router and 
the computer/s from the network. Once I had the settings in Network 
preferences, I plugged in the CAT-5 cable to the computer and things 

Now the router assigns IP based on MAC addresses whereas before, it 
was the computer pulling a self-assigned IP address.

It's been a while and I can't find the email either for the specifics.

Steve R

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Re: New 500G Firewire HD - folders or partitions?

2009-01-04 Thread Steve R

At 9:51 AM -0600 1/4/09, D Stubbs posted:
I just got in a new 500G Firewire 400 HD from OWC, (their WD 
Neptune), I haven't had a large HD before so I first tried searching 
this forum's archives - but didn't quite find an answer to my 
I see 3 possible ways to go before I put this to use.
My first unededucated thought is to make five folders,  one for 
backup, one music, one pics etc.
However, because of its size, is there any good reason to make say 5 
partitions of 100G each?
Or perhaps one 30G with Apps and System clones CCC'd as a boot 
backup, and one 470 for everything else?

Were I you, and planned on using the drive only for backup - 
including emergency booting - I would make two partitions, one for a 
cloned OS and the other for your files. (After formatting, you won't 
have 500GB by the way.) There's mostly likely no need to make 
separate partitions for each type of file. Having 5 partitions 
mounted on your desktop will get old.

If you plan on having it mounted most times for access to your music 
files, you may want to have the larger partition be the first 
partition??? Faster seek times??? More knowledgeable folk will have 
to answer that.

Steve R

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Re: Un-Mounting Drive

2009-01-05 Thread Steve R

At 10:34 PM -0500 1/4/09, Dan posted:
>  At 1:27 PM -0800 1/4/2009, Amanda Ward wrote:
>>Maxtor OneTouch 4P 250 GB external drive
>>Sawtooth running X 10.5.6.
>>Disk Utility says it can't "unmount" the drive and I can't eject it
>>because "The drive is in use.

When this happens to me, it's usually TextEdit or Preview that's 
somehow hanging on to a file that is already closed. Try Quitting 
both of these apps.  When Quitting all apps doesn't work, I restart 
the computer.

Steve R
Reopen NAFTA. Reclaim our sovereignty.

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iPod migration, new computer

2009-01-06 Thread Steve R

Expecting the new iMac soon, I've searched the kb and not found the 
answer. Should I be expecting to have to reset/erase the iPod to the 
new iTunes or does migration assistant allow the iPod to be used on 
the new computer without reset/erase?

Steve R

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Re: iPod migration, new computer

2009-01-06 Thread Steve R

At 8:45 AM -0500 1/6/09, Bob Whiton posted:
>>Expecting the new iMac soon, I've searched the kb and not found the
>>answer. Should I be expecting to have to reset/erase the iPod to the
>>new iTunes or does migration assistant allow the iPod to be used on
>>the new computer without reset/erase?
>  No need to erase your iPod.  I'm on my fourth Mac with my 2G iPod,
>  with no resets.  Migration Assistant should move your iTunes library
>  with no problem, or you can copy from your iPod.


Steve R

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Yes, there is such a thing as "too big"

2009-01-06 Thread Steve R

The 24" iMac arrived just a few minutes ago, it's sitting on desk 
with the styrofoam protecting the screen as I wait for everything to 
warm up to room temperature. It's -20 C today, the FedEx trucks 
aren't heated according to the bearer of big box, and by all 
accounts, the box has been in below zero temperatures for 24-36 
hours. And yes, there is such a thing as "too big."

So anyone have any ideas on how long I should wait before I plug the 
iMac to power? Should I leave the styrofoam cover on/off? Turn the 
electric baseboard heater on high? I had thought MacTracker had 
maximum/minimum temps but I'm not finding anything.

Steve R

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Re: Yes, there is such a thing as "too big"

2009-01-06 Thread Steve R

At 2:50 PM -0500 1/6/09, Sam Macomber posted:
>  I'd have let it sit in the box personally. They're sealed in well
>  enough to not allow much moisture in (as I recall from the two we got
>  at work there's a silica gel packet thiggy to help with moisture in
>  the box as well)
>  Warm moist in side air condensing on the cold internal parts I'd worry
>  about.
>  from apple:
>  Operating temperature: 50° to 95° F (10° to 35° C)
>  Storage temperature: -40° to 185° F (-40° to 85° C)
>  Relative humidity: 5% to 95% noncondensing

Thanks, Sam. I'd think Apple would list the temperatures somewhere in 
the Everything Mac booklet, or maybe even on the packing slip when 
they ship mid-winter to Canada. Otherwise they're assuming I already 
have a computer and access to their website.  To be fair, the 
temperature ranges could be listed on a retail box -- this is 
refurbished in a plain brown box or two.

Steve R

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Re: Any reason to keep OS 9.2.2 if not used 6 mos?

2009-01-07 Thread Steve R

At 8:23 AM -0700 1/7/09, Bruce Johnson posted:
>  On Jan 6, 2009, at 10:58 PM, Jonas Lopez wrote:
>>  There is the question of the required OS9 drivers for X to load.
>  WTF?? OS X doesn't require OS 9 in any way, shape or form. Perhaps you
>  mean the required drivers for OS 9 to load?

To be fair, I took the response to be in line with any necessary 
firmware updates that must be run in OS 9 such as the firmware update 
needed when installing CPU upgrades during hardware updates. I was 
kicking myself for having reformatted and reinstalled only OS X on 
the G3 B&W waiting for the arrival of a G4 CPU.

Steve R

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Re: Where do I learn about long lasting cdr's or dvdr's ????

2009-01-07 Thread Steve R

At 1:19 PM -0500 1/7/09, Dan posted:
>  I doubt us mere mortals could afford an "airtight container" that is
>  truly airtight - that maintains the *perfect* inert (nitrogen)
>  atmosphere.  And as someone else commented, a vacuum would dry out /
>  destroy the plastics.
>  Really, about the best you can do is what the "industry"
>  recommends... Store the discs upright in plastic jewel cases in a
>  cool (not cold) low-humidity low/no light environment (aka, a drawer
>  or cabinet).

Or check out the river rafting supply companies for new ammo boxes. 
The tight seals on the new boxes create enough of a 'vacuum' that you 
can hear the air being sucked into the box when it's first opened, 
regardless of the ambient temperatures. From personal experience I 
know the boxes are sealed tight enough to keep air and water out 
while the boxes take their own little side trip through Lava Falls.

Steve R

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Re: Where do I learn about long lasting cdr's or dvdr's ????

2009-01-07 Thread Steve R

At 1:16 PM -0700 1/7/09, Bruce Johnson posted:
>  I could have SWORN I posted a link to Otterbox yesterday, for $30
>  you'll get a solid box able to handle a big pile of 

You probably did... I was too busy watching my new 24" iMac defrost ;-)

Steve R

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External enclosure for sATA drive

2009-01-08 Thread Steve R

I'm looking for recommendations of external enclosures, either/or 
Firewire/USB to fit 3.5" sATA drives.

Steve R

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Re: F 12 key

2009-01-08 Thread Steve R

At 9:35 AM -0500 1/8/09, Norm Rowe posted:
>  The F 12 key is supposed to open and close the dvd tray. I was doing
>  this until this morning. Now it opens dashboard no matter how long you
>  keep it pressed. Last time this happened I did a reinstall of OS 10.5.5
>  I now have 10.5.6. Is there a plist or something that can be replaced?

System Preferences/Keyboard & Mouse/Keyboard Shortcuts -- uncheck F12 Dashboard

Steve R (been there, done that)

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Re: External enclosure for sATA drive

2009-01-09 Thread Steve R

Thanks for the various links, etc. I've decided to go with a dual bay 
NAS/USB enclosure since I've got two bare SATA drives I'm taking out 
of the G5, and two enclosures would cost close to the same. Being 
able to have the drives off the desk and far enough away if the 
drives or the fans make noise is a bonus. (I'm enjoying the blessed 
silence of the iMac after sitting beside the G5 jet engine.)


Steve R

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RAM prices going up??

2009-01-11 Thread Steve R

I was on some sites searching out RAM for my neighbour's iMac less 
than two weeks ago and we were both pleased with the Canadian prices 
we were able to find. Tonight I went looking for RAM for my iMac 
(different specs from his) and the prices have gone through the roof 
-- well over $300 for the same 4GB of RAM that was less than $60. I 
hit several more sites, including US sites, and everyone's RAM prices 
are totally out of line with the prices being quoted on OWC. ($44 for 
4GB vs that high $300)

So what gives? Is there an embargo somewhere? A fire at a 
manufacturing plant? Or is it simple price gouging with seasonal gift 
recipients upgrading new computers?

Steve R

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