[gentoo-dev] Re: Last rites: user.eclass

2022-10-19 Thread Martin Vaeth
Mike Gilbert  wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 3:08 PM Martin Vaeth  wrote:
>> Mike Gilbert  wrote:
>> > user.eclass [...]
>> It is needed for ebuilds in non-gentoo repositories which cannot
>> reserve a fixed number for users and groups.
> If you set ACCT_USER_ID=-1 or ACCT_GROUP_ID=-1, they
> will pick an available UID/GID upon installation.

I was not aware of that.
Indeed, it was probably added after I looked at the documentation last time:

Sorry for the noise.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Last rites: user.eclass

2022-10-19 Thread Martin Vaeth
Mike Gilbert  wrote:
> user.eclass has been deprecated for two years. In the gentoo repo, it
> is currently only used by acct-group.eclass and acct-user.eclass

It is needed for ebuilds in non-gentoo repositories which cannot
reserve a fixed number for users and groups.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Please port your packages to Python 3.8

2020-09-05 Thread Martin Vaeth
Martin Vaeth  wrote:
>> Even if I believe in a metadata angel and if we pretend that the PMS
>> requires the metadata to be there, then rebuilding whenever metadata
>> changes is still not 100% correct (as you point out), because it often
>> rebuilds pointlessly. But that's getting into a harder problem.

Oh, I think I misunderstood you here.
If the PM would always "prefer" the repository's metadata (if available)
over the installed metadata, it would not be necessary to rebuild packages
only because the metadata has changed (or, alternatively, portage could
just update the installed metadata in such cases).
A "forced" rebuild would then only be necessary in special situations,
e.g. if a subslot dependency resolves differently. That's why prefering
repository metadata over installed metadata requires some "smartness"
of the package manager; there are still several corner cases where it is a
political decision whether to rebuild. Currently, portage has this
smartness only partially (subslot resolving does not work), and portage
has no mechanism to just update installed metadata without recompilation.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Please port your packages to Python 3.8

2020-09-04 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michael Orlitzky  wrote:
> Who generates the metadata when I `git pull`?

For the gentoo repository, it is in general some gentoo server
which then pushes the calculated metadata to the repository which
you pull as a user.
It is *possible* to use the "plain" repository, but you have to
set up quite a bit for that (updating metadata is only one of
several steps which you have to do manually in that case).

A collection of scripts which do the missing steps is
though I do not know whether they still work. Indeed (as
probably most users) I am using since years one of the
repositories with generated metadata already.

> Or in overlays?

There are overlays which provide metadata, and there are overlays
where you have to do it on your own with egencache. Overlays which
use eclasses from the gentoo repository usually do the latter,
since otherwise the metadata is soon out-of-date.

However, for most overlays, egencache takes far less than a minute,
so for overlays, this is not really an issue. For the gentoo repository,
the time of a full metadata generation is considerable. As mentioned,
checksums and timestamps are used to minimize the amount, though this
does not work for eclass changes (see below).

> but if you record that wasted time in a different "metadata generation"
> ledger, then it looks like I've saved a bunch of time because the "bash
> sourcing" ledger reads zero.

No. You need correct metadata after every syncing of the repository.
Either the gentoo server or your machine has to do it.
This is independent of whether the PM "prefers" the installed or
the repositories' metadata. Excluding installed packages from metadata
updating would not be sane and would not safe much time (since the vast
majority of ebuilds are not installed, anyway).

> Even if I believe in a metadata angel and if we pretend that the PMS
> requires the metadata to be there, then rebuilding whenever metadata
> changes is still not 100% correct (as you point out), because it often
> rebuilds pointlessly. But that's getting into a harder problem.

Yes, usually the metadata rebuilds due to eclass changes are pointless
(except in the few cases where the eclass change is related with the

I remember when I used to sync from the "plain" repository and rebuilt
the metadata on my system, that the syncing (i.e. metadata regeneration)
costed 10-30 minutes whenever one of the basic eclasses (which are
sourced by almost every ebuild) had a trivial change. Probably,
meanwhile machines are slightly faster and there are less such "basic"
eclasses needed in newer EAPIs, but it will still need a considerable

> The recompilation isn't always pointless. In the present scenario, the
> rebuild is what installs the python-3.8 copy of the program.

No. If users use the defaults for PYTHON_{,SINGLE}_TARGET, the
rebuild has absolutely no effect except for changing some metadata
in /var/db/pkg (and some file timestamps).

> I'm not arguing that this is the best way to do things, but that it's
> the only way to do them given what's in the PMS today.

Of course. That was the decision made some years ago.

> maybe it should pay a few people to sit around and think about
> this for a week.

There was such a debate some years ago, before the decision mentioned
above was made.
It was a hefty discussion, but there were strong proponents of pointless
recompilation vs. improvement of the dependency handling (for both
sides, there are much more arguments which I will not repeat now).
The discussion might have turned if I would have found the time to
implement the necessary change in portage, but neither then nor now
I have the time to do so. (To be honest: Maybe I had the time, but I
dislike python too much.) Nevertheless, I do not think that it was a
good decision.
I am not posting this to re-roll the above discussion again.
But your posting shows that apparently not everybody knows the reasons
why things are the way they are now.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Please port your packages to Python 3.8

2020-09-04 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michael Orlitzky  wrote:
> What's happening is that the PM is using the metadata from the installed
> version of the package, rather than the ninja-edited metadata in the
> repo (how would it know which ebuilds were edited meaningfully?).

The question is easy to answer:
It is reasonable to assume that the repository metadata is correct
and more up-to-date than the metadata of the installed version.
But the PM would need to be smart enough to interpret subslot-deps
correctly and merge that from the data of installed packages in a
clever way.

> That's completely legal according to the PMS, and also the
> smart thing to do:

s/smart/dumb/, but necessary for a dumb PM.

> sourcing a few thousand lines of bash *just in case* there was an
> important change in some ebuild is a huge waste of users' time.

That's wrong: The metadata has to be (re)generated anyway,
independent of whether this is a revision bump or just a modification.
For most syncing methods the bash sourcing does not happen on the
user's machine, and on those machines where the metadata is actually
calculated, there are checksums and timestamps used to minimize the
effort. From this perspective there is no difference between a
modification or a revision bump.

> Developers have an easy way to signal that there was an important
> change: to bump the "r" number at the end of the ebuild.

That's why it was decided to do it this way instead of requiring
a smarter PM. Instead of putting some smart logic into the PM
(which in case of portage was not fully implemented and in case
of other package managers not at all), the decision was to force
recompilations for every user and every tiny dependency change.

> One developer makes a change, and it saves
> thousands of users each a lot of time.

... costs thousands of users a lot of compilation time, although
the recompilation is completely pointless for each of them, but
done only to keep the PM simpler.

[gentoo-dev] Re: mcrypt status

2018-08-04 Thread Martin Vaeth
Andrew Savchenko  wrote:
> Actually for local symmetric encryption this is the best tool I
> know.

What is the advantage over gpg --symmetric?

[gentoo-dev] Re: rfc: why are we still distributing the portage tree via rsync?

2018-07-05 Thread Martin Vaeth
Matt Turner  wrote:
> The ebuild tree is 600MB with rsync and cannot fit on the partition
> with git.
> I'd be happy to switch if the space requirements were similar.

If one git repacks every few syncs one needs currently about 800 MB.

With additionally squashfs (zstd) (+ overlayfs) the full
archive size is currently <600 MB.

In both cases, the temporary disk space is slightly more, of course.
For a 1GB reserved partition I'd use the partition for the temporary
mounting and store the archive somewhere else, but I think chances are
good that you also come through with only a git repack after
every sync. A difficulty might be the very first git sync.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Current status with openssl-1.1

2018-06-09 Thread Martin Vaeth
Lars Wendler  wrote:
> So, basically openssl is the last big showstopper for openssl-1.1 to
> get out of p.mask.


Another showstopper is net-libs/wvstreams, hence net-dialup/wvdial.
BTW, this is a Debian bug open without any comment since April 2017:
Debians and Archs workarounds can be called slotting of openssl:1.0

While many of the new opaqueness problems are easy to fix,
some functions of wvstreams rely so much on internals which are
inaccessible with openssl-1.1 that they seem impossible to convert.
My guess (I am not an openssl guru) is that the whole wvstreams
implementation would need to change, maybe also the provided API with
some functionality being dropped or attacked completely differently.
The uncommented bugreports and missing PRs suggest that this will
never happen by upstream, and there also seems to be no fork with it.

Maybe for wvstreams a workaround might be to mask/remove USE=ssl:
Perhaps wvdial would then loose some functionality (does anybody
know what would break?) but given how useful wvdial is, this is
better than dropping it completely.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] multiversion ebuilds

2018-05-15 Thread Martin Vaeth
R0b0t1  wrote:
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 11:15 PM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
>> AFAIK symlinks aren't allowed in the gentoo tree [...]
>> Tho perhaps that can be reevaluated. [...]
> Cygwin and MSYS(2) are currently mostly supported by Prefix [...]

For rsync users, the non-symlink policy is not necessary:
They could simply pass the option --copy-links to get a working
tree (of course, correspondingly longer).

For git users (essential for overlays!), I do not know a simple way.
It might be possible to set up appropriate git hooks, but that
might be tricky: The hooks would need to apply before the files
are actually checked out, and it might become even more tricky if
one does not want that subsequent git commands do consider the
transformation as a local modification.

For git perhaps an opposite approach might be easier: One could
provide hooks which every git user is supposed to use which manage
symlinks and/or copies.
More precisely, these hooks should have a symlink and a non-symlink
mode (depending on whether the underlying (file)system can generate
symlinks which can easily and quickly be detected), and the tree
would need to contain a symlinks.dat file with a list of symlinks,
and a .gitignore containing the symlinks.
During checkout, the hooks should simply generate the corresponding
symlinks/files (depending on symlinks.dat) according to the stored
list of symlinks.
During checkin in symlink mode, these hooks automatically update
symlinks.dat and .gitignore so that most developers simply can
use/modify symlinks transparently.
During checkin in non-symlink mode the hook does nothing:
Developers who checkin on filesystems without symlink have to update
these 2 files manually, of course, when they want to
create/remove/rename a symlink. Maybe one could provide
corresponding helper scripts for those developers with
non-symlink-aware filesystems if necessary.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Mailing list moderation and community openness

2018-03-29 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> Certainly.  Closing lists won't stop the private abuse, nor is it intended to.
> What it would stop is this particular thread talking endlessly about it.
>> Closing a mailing list
>> will not close such a debate; it will then just happen elsewhere.
> And that is the goal.

So now we finally get to the point:
The whole story has actually *nothing* to with Fred.

It is about what I said in the very first posting:
It is an attempt to suppress opinions, by taking away people an
important channel to raise their voice.

The whole Fred example was only a rhetorical trick: An attempt to find
at least *one* example where you believe that the developers' opinion is
undoubtfully the right one, an attempt to justify the ivory tower.

This one example - it plays no role whether it is justified or whether
there is another one - is completely suppressing the fact that in
almost all cases on dev-ml (trivial "ACK" things aside)
*are* clearly discussable (concerning technical topics)
and *should* be discussed.
In fact, all these *other* discussions are the actual purpose of dev-ml.

Closing the channel simply excludes non-developers from these
discussions dev-ml is made for.

Concering Gentoo's reputation, you can be sure that this step will be
only contraproductive:

- In Fred's case anyway, because people with the opinion that something
  strange is going on with this case will see their opinion just confirmed;
  outsiders anyway.

- For people not involved or not interested in Fred's case it is
  clearly even worse. From the outsider viewpoint as well.

This closing harms Gentoo a lot:

I am driven away from Gentoo by such an undemocratic step.
Certainly I am not the only one: Others also already formulated
similar opinions on this and the project mailing list, at least
if you are able to read between the lines.

> Could you take this debate to the appropriate place then?

Do not worry, this is presumably my last post on the topic
(soon I would not be able to post, anyway).

I am aware that the undemocratic decision has already been made
(BTW unsurprisingly in a not very democratic way),
so it makes no sense to discuss about it further.

My post was just a final attempt at least to mitigate the damage done
by this decision by speaking for the only thing which can still be
done purely technically: Blacklisting instead of whitelisting.

With whitelisting you will only attract that type of non-developers
who are willing to beg a gang to be a member of them.
Of course, if a secondary aim should be to get only uncritical followers
(or pretenders) and to drive away everybody else, whitelisting
is the correct choice.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Mailing list moderation and community openness

2018-03-27 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> Fred is a community member.  Fred consistently harasses and trolls new
> contributors in private.

Sure, it's a problem. But not a problem which can be solved by
closing the mailing list, in no step of the issue.

First of all, this happens in private, so you cannot prevent it
by closing a mailing list.

> No mention is made of why Fred as booted out, because everything
> happened in private.

That's the mistake which is made in this example. Be open in the
decisions. If you cannot be open in order to protect other people's
privacy, be open at least by saying exactly this.

> Now a bunch of community members get upset about Fred being booted out
> without reason.  Fred claims it is because he disagrees with the
> leadership on something.  People start arguing endlessly about
> openness.

Yes, this might happen due to the non-openness. This might happen even
if you are open. And nothing will prevent it. Closing a mailing list
will not close such a debate; it will then just happen elsewhere.
Anyway, such a debate does not belong to dev-ml. The correct solution
is to continue to point people to have this debate on the appropriate place,
not on the mainly technically oriented dev-ml. Making the posters silent
by blacklisting even more is contra-productive and will give the
impression that they are actually right. As it is a commonplace:
You cannot solve social problems by technical measurements.

> Ultimately the leaders just want Fred gone so that new contributors
> aren't getting driven away.  They can't explain that because then they
> create potential civil liability for the project.

Why not? Is it against a law to exclude somebody who is hurting a
project? If it is (or if there is a danger that it is), then the
problem is not that they cannot explain it but that they must not
do it in the first place.
In any case, this is a different problem and cannot be solved by
closing a mailing list.

> The problem is that
> the debate goes on for over a year despite intervening elections and
> now this becomes the issue that is driving new contributors away.
> What solution would you propose for this problem?

How would closing the mailing list solve the problem? It will give
the impression that you want to close the debate by taking away the
medium where people can argue. And the impression is correct, because
this actually *is* the intention if you are honest.
Of course, it will not close said debate. The debate will just happen
on another channel. (Which in this example might be appropriate, but
pointing to the proper channel is what should have happened and not
closing a mailing list and thus excluding random people from posting
things about clompletely different topics which *are* on-topic on dev-ml).

> Sure, but we can at least force the negative advertising of Gentoo to
> go elsewhere, rather than basically paying to run a negative PR
> campaign against ourselves.

Closing dev-ml will not help here. If people have a strong
disagreement with a decision, this will happen on gentoo channels.
If you want to prevent it technically, you have to close all channels.

> And what about the freedom to endlessly troll and harass you and
> others? [...]

Closing a mailing list will not prevent this.
Somebody who behaves this way (or feels being treated wrong) will not
stop this only because one channel is closed for him.
What is really happening by closing the mailing list is that you stop
innocent contributors.

In any case, that's the discussion blacklisting vs. whitelisting:
To stop one specific single poster, blacklisting is enough,
at least for the beginning. Sure, technically it can be circumvented,
but you will not stop this social problem anyway by technical means.

> Surely Gentoo's mission isn't to run completely unrestricated forums
> for discussion of anything and everything.  Our main purpose here is
> to maintain a Linux distro, not provide a platform for anybody who has
> an opinion on anything.

Sure, pointing to the right channel is appropriate. This is something
completely else than to prevent posting *by default*.

> without being endlessly trolled and harassed.

This is unrelated about closing the mailing list. Especially if this
happened in private, anyway.

BTW, I do not think that contributors are that blue-eyed that they
will stop contributing only because one person does not know how to
behave. Especially if it is made clear somewhere that this happens
in disagreement with gentoo as a whole. *This* might be a way how
one might react to such a problem. Anyway, this discussion now is
getting off-topic: All these problems have nothing to do with
closing a ml and cannot be solved by this.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Mailing list moderation and community openness

2018-03-27 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 3:34 AM, Martin Vaeth  wrote:
>> It is about openness vs. isolation.
> I'm pretty sure most developers, myself included, want to welcome
> contributions.

Closing of the mailing list does not sound like that.

> Much of the concern is that the lists have been turning into endless
> arguing over things like very topic.

Yes. Some people could not be stopped from continuously expressing their
opinion. Some developers do not want to hear them. So the list is being

> If a newcomer comes along and reads your post, they're going to get
> the impression that the developers live in an ivory tower.

IMHO this impression is completely right.

> Why would somebody want to
> contribute to Gentoo in the first place if that is their first
> impression?

Exactly. This is why closing the list is the absolutely wrong signal.
Sticking at least to a blacklist-only mode might mitigate the IMHO
severe damage which has already happened by the decision to close the

> The problem is when it turns into a personal attack or
> hyperbole, which IMO the part I quoted falls into.

Personal animosities are always a problem. This can and will not
be solved by technical measurements. Taking all non-developers as
hostages - including those which were not involved at all in the
debate and even worse even possible future contributors - is
certainly not a solution for that type of problem.
And anyway, you can be sure that the problem will appear again,
no matter how closed the list will be.

> The intent isn't to stifle debate/discussion.

But this is exactly what is happening by closing the list
to non-developers.

> A lot of this comes down to considering that most people in these
> debates probably are well-intended.

Taking away freedom is never justified by good intention.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Mailing list moderation and community openness

2018-03-27 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 7:54 PM, Benda Xu  wrote:
>> It boils down to an attitude of assuming outsiders are good (blacklist
>> to ML) or bad (whitelist to ML) by default.


This is the most crucial point.

It is the general attitude: Does Gentoo welcome contributions
or want to make their developers live in an ivory tower?

It is about openness vs. isolation.

> It is
> basically impossible to blacklist somebody on a mailing list, since
> all they need to do is roll up a new email address.

That may be technically true but it is not a problem the mailing list
is currently facing.  If it should eventually happen to be the case
that the mailing list is filled by tons of spam of anonymous posters
or faked identities causing serious problems, one can still think about
changing the modus operandi.

But without such an absolute need, it is very bad to restrict freedom.

[gentoo-dev] Re: How to deal with git sources?

2018-03-16 Thread Martin Vaeth
Ulrich Mueller  wrote:
> I think the conclusion is that github generates tarballs on the fly,
> and therefore we cannot rely on them being invariant over a long time.

Yes, but with emphasis on _long_ time and theory.
In practice this was happening now exactly _once_ in a decade
(according to all we learnt so far) for the understandable
reason of fixing an annoying incompatibility in an exotic case.
And the existence of zopfli shows that other backward-compatible
improvements _would_ have been possible, but apparently non-changing
of the produced tarball was always rated higher than anything else
(up to this exception).

So I would not worry too much about it: It is not worth the cost of
hosting a huge number of tarballs permanently (or to convince
upstream to let them be hosted by github for every single version,
only because one cannot theoretically exclude that a similar thing
won't ever happen again). Yes, for the transition period (until all
github servers use a new enough version) a solution for the few involved
tarballs has to be found (like temporarily hosting on devspace).
But after this period it is only a question of updating the
checksum once for the involved packages.

[gentoo-dev] Re: How to deal with git sources?

2018-03-16 Thread Martin Vaeth
NP-Hardass  wrote:
> IIRC, it was attributed to
> https://github.com/git/git/commit/22f0dcd9634a818a0c83f23ea1a48f2d620c0546

Thanks. That explains why I was not able to produce a difference:
It involves only the rather exotic case that a path in a git repository
is longer than 100 characters.

[gentoo-dev] Re: How to deal with git sources?

2018-03-15 Thread Martin Vaeth
Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov  wrote:
> GH support answered me (in TL;DR version) "that's because we've upgraded git
> on *some* of our nodes" (means, some other using older git)

That would still require that the "git archive" output would have
changed in some recent git versions. And at least between the most
current 2.16.2 and comparing with all my git tarballs (some as
mentioned rather old), I could not produce any difference.
So I still do not understand what should be going on.

[gentoo-dev] Re: How to deal with git sources?

2018-03-13 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michael Orlitzky  wrote:
> On 03/12/2018 04:29 AM, Martin Vaeth wrote:
>> This was so many many years ago in the beginning of github.
>> This has long been fixed since then.
> Every once in a while they still change. This is from a few weeks ago:
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=151973450514279&w=2

As mentioned, github uses "git archive" to generate the tarballs.
So - theoretically - if a new version of git should have "git archive"
implemented differently (which might happen indirectly by new versions
of tar/zlib), there  might indeed be change.

However, this is purely theoretical: I just upgrade to most current
git-2.16.2 and tar-1.30, and checked: The generated tarballs still match
with that from 2014. So I really do not know which change
"a few months ago" the above message refers to: I could not detect any
change (and I really checked a lot of packages now).

Perhaps they refer to .zip instead of .tar.gz which as mentioned is
a less stable format due to the inclusion of the timezone.

[gentoo-dev] Re: How to deal with git sources?

2018-03-12 Thread Martin Vaeth
Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
> If I'm recalling correctly a warning posted on this list, repeated calls
> to the github tarballing API for the same commit will result in delivery
> of tarballs with differing checksums.

This was so many many years ago in the beginning of github.
This has long been fixed since then.
Actually, github is just using "git archive" which produces
always the same tarball.
Only possible exception is if you use .zip instead of .tar.gz
because the former (due to FAT compatibility in the format)
has to store the timezone. So if the timezone of the github
server ever changes, the .zip "tar"ball might also change.

[gentoo-dev] Re: SAT-based dependency solver: request for test cases

2018-02-13 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michael Lienhardt  wrote:
> the criteria list you gave (maybe it's in the PMS)

I doubt that it is in PMS, and IMHO it also does not belong there:
As long as the result configuration is valid (no collisions
or unresolvable loops) all should be equally fine from the
viewpoint of PMS: It is in the responsibility of the package
manager and its configuration to determine correctly what the
_user_ actually wants.

>   - in criteria a., there could be an ambiguity between what I call a package
> (e.g., 'app-editors/nano-2.9.3') and a package group (e.g.,
> 'app-editors/nano')

This is what already Michał has oberved: In my list, I had completely
forgotten to refer to versions ('app-editors/nano-2.9.3') and had only
packages ('app-editors/nano') in mind.
(I think "version" vs. "package" is the usual terminology in gentoo;
there are also "slots" which in a sense might be considered as
different packages, although perhaps with a different "penalty")

> is the criteria about package group (i.e., are version changes allowed)?

Version upgrades should even be preferred over remaining with the version.
OTOH, version downgrades are perhaps even worse than using a different package
(opinions might differ for the latter).

>   - similarly in criteria b.: is this criteria valid across versions
> (i.e., when changing version, the USE-flag change should be minimal)

Cf. the next point: The USE-flag change compared to user configuration
(package.use etc.) should be minimal.

>   - just to be sure, the "less keyword and mask change" criteria is at the
> top of the list?

Yes. Only "illegal" configurations (colliding packages or unresolvable
dependency loops of uninstalled packages) should weight stronger:
If possible at all, the user's choice should always be preferred,
and changes to the configuration should only be suggested if no other
solution exists (and probably the number of suggested changes should
be minimal in a sense).

[gentoo-dev] Re: SAT-based dependency solver: request for test cases

2018-02-13 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
>> d. In || ( ... ) clauses the left-most packages should be preserved.


> you've missed the most important point: we want to prefer
> the newest version, whenever possible
> ;-).

Yes, you are right: I had thought only about packages, not about versions.
Of course, a version upgrade within the same slot should have a
negative penalty. I am already not sure how upgrades with slot
changes should be treated. And then there are subslots...
The list is probably still not exhaustive and - as already mentioned -
the penalties are certainly a topic of discussion (and even more of
trial and error: which works best in practice).

Anyway, I think that it would be a huge improvement over the current
(portage's) solver if one could formulate such a list explicitly in
some specified format, and then one abstract algorithm takes care to
find the best solution according to the specified penalties:
If I understand it correctly, all these rules are currently hard-coded
into the algorithm by using various hacks in backtracking steps,
finding of a solution is convoluted with determining the order, etc.
One would obtain a solver which not only is "provably" correct,
but also much easier to maintain and to tweak (e.g. if one realizes
that certain penalties were not cleverly chosen).

This would also provide the possibility for much richer user configuration.
An example which immediately come to mind is "weak-masking" of packages
or versions ("use it or upgrade only if no alternative is available").
Theoretically, one could then even endow the entries of package.mask
with a penalty number.

[gentoo-dev] Re: SAT-based dependency solver: request for test cases

2018-02-12 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michael Lienhardt  wrote:
> ad-hoc fixes and tweaks that can hardly be encoded into SAT constraints.

The main difficulty which I see is that one does not want only _some_
solution, but among all solutions one which optimizes certain quantities.
So it seems to me that a discrete optimization under constraints
is required instead of a pure SAT solver (although formally, of course,
such an optimization problem can be reduced to SAT, I do not know whether
you went the road):

a. The number of packages which change their status (from installed to
uninstalled or vice versa) should be minimal.

b. Similarly, the number of USE-flag changes necessary to achieve this
aim should be minimized.
(You didn't tell whether your solver already supports such changes,
but when it is finished, it definitely should.)

Hopefully in near future, there will be a second class of USE-flags
whose change is "cheap" which should be excluded from this minimization
I think the main reason why nobody dared to implement them yet
(although almost everybody wants them) are exactly these implications
on the current solver in portage which nobody dares to change anymore

c. A solution with dependency loops should be avoided if possible
(which is why currently the PDEPEND hacks do exist: To tell the solver
which loops are not a problem.)

d. In || ( ... ) clauses the left-most packages should be preserved.
There are similar (and more difficult) rules for REQUIRED_USE.

e. Last but not least: The preferences are ordered a > b > c > d
(A dependency loop of uninstalled packages should probably have even
higher priority than a).
Additionally the change installed -> uninstalled should be less
"expensive" than the change uninstalled -> installed.
The correct weighting of the quantities should probably be a matter
of discussion (or preferrably even user-customizable), and preferrably
should not depend only on the number of packages but also on other
customizable quantities (e.g. the package size).

Perhaps - if one can rely on some solver - in a future EAPI instead
of the size heuristic, one could give a hint for how "expensive" it
is to recompile a certain package, so that dependency results can
be better optimized for that.

IIRC, this is already built in rudimentarily in portage's current
solver by defining the recompilation costs of virtual packages as 0.

> I don't deal with installation order [...] circular dependency problem

Once the packages are known, the installation order and breaking of
unavoidable circles is a matter of a single graph traversal in the
resulting subgraph which needs neglectable linear time.
However, if there is a solution without a circle this should have
been found instead in the first place (cf. c).

[gentoo-dev] Re: News Item: Portage Dynamic Deps

2018-01-24 Thread Martin Vaeth
Ulrich Mueller  wrote:
> This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 2440 and 3156)
> --pgp+signed++Zg8D+I6sgRUw0D
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>>>>> On Wed, 24 Jan 2018, Martin Vaeth wrote:
>> Rich Freeman  wrote:
>>> It would already be broken on any PMS-compliant package manager
>> No, it is solely the interpretation of the package manager.
>> PMS does not specify what information is stored in /var/db
>> or how that information is used.
> "Runtime dependencies (RDEPEND). These must be installed and usable
> before the results of an ebuild merging are treated as usable."
> https://projects.gentoo.org/pms/6/pms.html#x1-770008.1
> IMHO this implies that the dependencies at merge time are the relevant
> ones

IMHO this specifies what is relevant when an emerge merging happens.
Nothing more, nothing less.
_If_ one would be willing to interpret it to have a meaning also _after_
the emerge, then of course the RDEPEND in PMS can refer to the only value
which is specified in PMS, i.e. that stored in the ebuild (and not in
any database which is explicitly not specified by PMS).
In other words: _If_ one puts any unsaid interpretation into that
sentence, then this can only be dynamic deps.

[gentoo-dev] Re: News Item: Portage Dynamic Deps

2018-01-24 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> It would already be broken on any PMS-compliant package manager

No, it is solely the interpretation of the package manager.
PMS does not specify what information is stored in /var/db
or how that information is used.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [PATCH] linux-mod.eclass: IUSE default support for MODULES_OPTIONAL_USE

2018-01-16 Thread Martin Vaeth
Robin H. Johnson  wrote:
> That is counter-intuitive for somebody that puts
> Or tries to otherwise have it unset.

What I usually do is:

  [nNfF]*|[oO][fF]*|0|-)  # false case
  *) # true case

This covers most of the "intuitive" attempts (0 - Off FALSE no ...)
to switch it off, and everything else (nonempty) means "on".

[gentoo-dev] Re: cmake + ninja vs autotools

2017-11-22 Thread Martin Vaeth
Georg Rudoy <0xd34df...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Doing a full clean build [..]
> the speed of make or ninja is hugely offset by the compilation speed,
> and their overhead is negligible.

It depends on the definition of negligible. For huge projects like
boost or chromium it is several minutes: That's why these projects
switched to ninja. Admittedly, for eix the difference is probably
only a few seconds on most systems.

[gentoo-dev] Re: cmake + ninja vs autotools

2017-11-19 Thread Martin Vaeth
William L. Thomson Jr.  wrote:
> emake)
> DEPEND="sys-devel/make"
> ;;
> ninja)
> DEPEND="dev-util/ninja"
> ;;

This is broken: Static metadata like DEPEND must not depend
on dynamic data like environment variables which are supposed
to change at emerge time.

> Only 2 thus far does not sound like most things would have issues.

In fact, almost nothing has issues. I am using
CMAKE_MAKEFILE_GENERATOR=ninja in my make.conf
since years, and the total list of packages which had
ever failed here (out of currently ~1500 installed)
is this:


This list might appear long, but note that

1. */avidemux* is essentially only 1 package
2. net-vpn/kvpnc is ancient and masked
3. sci-mathematics/reduce is ancient and masked

and moreover, perhaps some other entries of this list are even
obsolete (I do not have installed KDE 5, so I cannot try quickly;
when I had added the packages to the list, KDE 4 was rather new...)

> Ninja is most of the speed of meson less configure time savings

For eix, the main motivation to support meson as an
alternative build system was to be able to use ninja...

[gentoo-dev] Re: An example overlayfs sandbox test

2017-09-27 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
>>  | "simple"   | "fine grained"
>> -++---
>>  Overlay | 1 mount| 1 mount
>> -++---
>> Container| 10? bind mounts| 1000? bind mounts
> Except it is more like:
>  | "simple"   | "fine grained"
> -++---
>  Overlay | 1 mount| 1 mount + 1000? file deletions in the overlay
> -++---
> Container| 1-2 bind mounts| 1000? bind mounts

I was not talking about the time to setup the overlay.
File deletions involve only the latter.

> I left out dev+sys+proc in both cases

No, they were not forgotten:
They are not necessary for the overlay approach!
As I emphasized, you do not even need a single bind for that approach.

> And there is really no difference in performance between 1 mount and
> 10 in practice.

Really? Tested with a few million file creations/deletions/openings etc?
Such a number is not unusual for some projects: Already gentoo-sources
has ~60k files, all of them being accessed several times in various
manner. So even a very small delay multiplies by a huge number.

That's also a reason why I mentioned that a slow machine would be good
for timing. For instance, gentoo-sources needs several minutes to emerge
on a machine with a slow processor and little ram: the harddisk speed
is not the reason for the delay. I would not like to see another
factor due to a sandbox which is perhaps negligible on a fast system.

[gentoo-dev] Re: An example overlayfs sandbox test

2017-09-25 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
>> For containers, at least a dozens of binds are minimally required
>> (/usr /proc /sys /dev ...).
> I wouldn't be surprised if it works with a single bind mount with
> /proc and /dev and so on mounted on top of that.

Either you start with a writable tree and bind-mount some directories
non-writable or the opposite way. Either way, a dozen or so bind-mounts
are minimally necessary.

> You say "not even a bind" as if that is a benefit.

In case the "non-scaling" argument has not become clear,
I try to visualize it by a table:

 | "simple"   | "fine grained"
 Overlay | 1 mount| 1 mount
Container| 10? bind mounts| 1000? bind mounts

> Honestly, you can't really claim that overlayfs is superior to bind

Correct. If the number of bind mounts really has no influence on the
file operations in the corresponding part of the tree - e.g. if there
is really a clever hashing of bind mounts - the above table does not
indicate any scaling problem.

We are at a point where some kernel source code inspection (or at the
very least serious benchmarking, preferrably with a slow and low-memory
machine) is needed before we can continue the discussion in a serious
way. I do not have the time for this currently.

[gentoo-dev] Re: An example overlayfs sandbox test

2017-09-24 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 4:24 AM, Martin Vaeth  wrote:
>> Tim Harder  wrote:
>> It is the big advantage of overlay that it is implemented in
>> kernel and does not involve any time-consuming checks during
>> normal file operations.
> Why would you expect containers to behave any differently?

For overlay, there is only one directory to be checked in
addition for every file access.

For containers, at least a dozens of binds are minimally required
(/usr /proc /sys /dev ...). But as you mentioned in your posting,
if you want to take more care you easily have thousands of bind mounts.
At least implicitly in the kernel, all of these binds must be checked
for every file access. I am not sure whether this happens very quickly
by hashing (so that essentially really only the creation costs time).

As mentioned, I do not have actual timing results. I am just afraid
that it might easily cost more than a context-switch which already
gives a slowdown for fuse-overlay which is so large that I would
not recommend it for a sandbox.

> Now, I am concerned about the time to create the container, if we're
> going to specify individual files, but the same would be true of an
> overlay. [...]
> to populate an overlayfs with just that specific list of files.

No. For overlay you need only one mount (not even a bind)
and only one directory traversal at the end to check for
The nice thing is that this is practically independent of
the number or structure of directories/files you want to protect,
i.e. it scales perfectly well.
For the more fine-grained approach, you just delete the files
you do not want to have in the beginning. Not sure, how quick this
can be done, but once it is done, the slowdown when running the
sandbox is independent of the number of deleted files (because
here certainly only one hash lookup is required).

Of course, as mgorny already observed, overlay alone is not an
absolute protection (e.g. against writing to some /dev/...),
so perhaps it is a good idea to use containers as an additional
protection level.

> If you just replicate the current sandbox
> functionality then setup time is tiny

I am not so much concerned about the setup time but more about the
delay caused for file operations once the sandbox is set up.
Perhaps even a dozen bind directories already give a considerable

[gentoo-dev] Re: An example overlayfs sandbox test

2017-09-24 Thread Martin Vaeth
Tim Harder  wrote:
> On 2017-09-23 19:59, Rich Freeman wrote:
>> A read-only container
> I doubt bind mounts will scale
> As has been mentioned before, a different way would be to write some
> sort of FUSE fs

The problem with both, containers and FUSE, is performance.
(For containers with thousands of binds, I haven't tried,
but for FUSE I know how unionfs-fuse slows down "normal"
operation: only for the reason that the implementation in
userspace requires many additional context switches.)

Both is fine for testing, but I am afraid not for regular
user's emerge operations which usually involve too many file
operations, at least for certain packages (e.g. *-sources,

It is the big advantage of overlay that it is implemented in
kernel and does not involve any time-consuming checks during
normal file operations.

Indeed, the price you pay is that the actual checking can be
done only once only at the very end of the compilation, and
so the only information you get is the name and time of
violation (paths and filestamps). But concerning performance
this "only once" checking is an advantage, of course.

Main disadvantages: It requires the user to have overlay
support in the kernel and extended attribute support for
the file system containing the upper directory.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [PATCH] eapi7-ver.eclass: 'Early adopter' version of EAPI 7 version manip

2017-09-08 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
> +#   1.2b-alpha4 -> 1 . 2 '' b - alpha '' 4

Is this only to explain the syntax or are there plans to
extend the allowed versions for pms?

There is a reason why pms currently does not allow "-" as separators
within versions (with the exception of -r):

With this general syntax, you would have a hard time to split
into name and version for e.g.

(Currently the version starts at the latest /-[0-9]/ match.)

Also the ordering needs a discussion when version strings are
allowed which are not covered by PMS. Note that e.g.
02 > 1 while 1.02 < 1.1
Is it still "correct" to have 1-02 < 1-1?

[gentoo-dev] Re: New SYMLINK_LIB=no migration tool for review

2017-08-03 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
> I have been running such a layout for over a year. [...]

Thanks for clarifying that this already was discussed.
Obviously, I was not aware about this discussion, and perhaps
I was not the only one.

> instead of waking up last-minute to redesign [...]

Pointing me to the discussion would have been sufficient:
If this was already discussed, it makes no sense to open
that bottle again.
As mentioned in my first posting:
In this case I am sorry for the noise.

[gentoo-dev] Re: New SYMLINK_LIB=no migration tool for review

2017-08-03 Thread Martin Vaeth
Mike Gilbert  wrote:
> Debian puts 64-bit libs in /lib/(host)

Yes, this is somewhat weird:
They have /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ and /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
but anyway they use /lib32 instead of e.g. /lib/i686-linux-gnu/
Their reasons for this are mysterious to me.

> Migrating Gentoo to a "multiarch" config is a larger project.

Migrating to the completely split setting /lib{,32,64,x32}
would be _less_ intrusive than to simultaneously omitting /lib32:
With a slight modification of Michał's tool (in the instructions
and keeping lib32 untouched) not even a re-emerge of anything
would be necessary (as is the case now).

This is one of the reasons why a completely split layout appears
safer to me than to combine it with yet another new merge we
have no experience with.

[gentoo-dev] Re: New SYMLINK_LIB=no migration tool for review

2017-08-03 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
> 'No mainstream' as you claim it doesn't mean it's fine to invent yet
> another completely incompatible solution.

As I understand, the compatibility with Debian might be increased
(keeping /lib32), at the cost of slightly decreasing the compatibility
with Red Hat (concerning 32bit emulation).
So depending on the use case, it might as well be more compatible.

>> in _all_ /lib* directories
> This is not true.

You are right, I had made a stupid mistake. (I forgot that I still
have the symlink lib->lib64 so that of course I should not have
wondered why all ld-* existed in both libs...)

> the linker uses /lib path independently of how multilib is done
> on the system.

I am not sure whether I understand what you mean.
Do you mean that practically sys-libs/binutils or sys-libs/glibc
have hardcoded
/lib -> 32bit
/lib64 -> 64bit
(concerning ld-*) unless one patches it out?
In this case you are right that there is an upstream to follow.
In this case I wonder why Debian decided to patch out this
upstream decision to support /lib32.

> The 32-bit proprietary binaries use exactly /lib which is the main
> reason for the switch.

I thought the main reason for the switch is to avoid the
merging of /lib and /lib64 which in bug 506276 led to problems
for debugging.
For this reason I am afraid that now merging /lib and /lib32
might again lead to a similar type of problems.
I am aware that exactly the cited problem is now mitigated,
because this time the merging does not happen over a symlink.
But anyway, it seems unnatural when "curing" from a merge to
decide to merge something else.

[gentoo-dev] Re: New SYMLINK_LIB=no migration tool for review

2017-08-02 Thread Martin Vaeth
Mike Gilbert  wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 1:51 PM, Martin Vaeth  wrote:
>> If this already was discussed then sorry for the noise:
>> What is the rationale for merging lib32 with lib?
>> Wouldn't it be somewhat cleaner to have a completely
>> split structure
>> lib64
>> lib32
>> libx32 (possibly)
>> lib
> Here are a couple of reasons:
> 1. Other distros (notably Red Hat and Fedora) put 32-bit libs in "lib".

According to bug 506276, Debian has instead merged 64-bit to lib.
So it seems to me that there is no "mainstream" to follow.
Perhaps striving for the cleanest solution would be the best?

> 2. The path to the 32-bit runtime linker (/lib/ld-linux.so.2) is
> hard-coded in every x86 binary on your system.

I am afraid that these must stay exceptional in any case:
Also currently, gentoo (and if I understood correctly, also Debian
and Red Hat) has the possible ld-linux{,-x86-64,-x32}.so.2 symlinks
in _all_ /lib* directories; I suppose that this is not intended to
change. (I assume that a change might break some proprietary binaries
which might have hard-coded the "wrong" directory.)

[gentoo-dev] Re: New SYMLINK_LIB=no migration tool for review

2017-08-02 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
> What are your thoughts?

If this already was discussed then sorry for the noise:

What is the rationale for merging lib32 with lib?
Wouldn't it be somewhat cleaner to have a completely
split structure

libx32 (possibly)

[gentoo-dev] Re: lua upgrade plan

2017-07-03 Thread Martin Vaeth
Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
>> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general/18519
> That reply is from 2005 and is apparently specific to (32-bit) x86's

Even more is true! The only argument there concerns pic.
But most distributions (hopefully also gentoo in a not-so-distant future,
hopefully also on x86) will have PIE as a built-in gcc default,
and programs should better all be built with PIE due to security

So the whole argument concerning efficiency is simply invalid, nowadays.

Yes, there might be very exceptional situations where it might be
appropriate to sacrifice security considerations completely
as a tradeoff for slightly more speed (although on amd64 this
is probably already hardly measurable). But it should be exactly this:
very exceptional situations.
Most games should better not be exceptional concerning security,
at least in a "standard" distribution.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] Forced/automatic USE flag constraints (codename: ENFORCED_USE)

2017-06-02 Thread Martin Vaeth
Martin Vaeth  wrote:

Let me be more precise to avoid misunderstandings:

> For the "standard" 2SAT case, one first determines the strongly
> connected components in the implication graph (linear time).
> Then for each such component one either _enables_ or _disables_
> all vertices.
> The only difference to this "standard" 2SAT case is that we do
> not want a random choice here

This choice applies of course only to the _roots_ of the
reduced implication graph (which has strongly connected
components collapsed to vertices). In other words: Only for
those strongly connected components which have no predecessor
in the reduced implication graph, we can apply the subsequent
algorithm. (For the other components, one has to follow the
arrows in the reduced implication graph, of course.)

> Look for that implication arrow in the strongly connected component
> which occurs first in the specified ENFORCE_USE string; if
> the starting vertex of this arrow is enabled, then enable also
> the rest, otherwise disable it.

By "starting vertex" I meant here that vertex which is written
in front of ?. For instance, in a? ( b ) the "starting vertex"
is "a" while in !b? ( !a ) the "starting vertex" is "!b".
(Recall that every USE-flag "a" occurs as 2 vertices in the
implication graph: Once as "a" and once as its negation "!a".)

The 2-clause || ( a b ) has to be interpreted as !b? ( a ), of course.
For ^^ ( a b ) it does probably not matter whether it is interpreted as
a? ( !b ) !b? ( a )
or in the opposite order
!b? ( a ) a? ( !b )

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] Forced/automatic USE flag constraints (codename: ENFORCED_USE)

2017-06-02 Thread Martin Vaeth
Ciaran McCreesh  wrote:
>> For 2SAT, there are linear time algorithms.
> "foo? ( bar )" does not encode as "( !foo \/ bar )"

It does (see below).
More precisely, at first it encodes as an arrow
foo -> bar in the implication graph.

> Good luck figuring out how to encode grounding in SAT

Easy game (in the 2SAT case):
For the "standard" 2SAT case, one first determines the strongly
connected components in the implication graph (linear time).
Then for each such component one either _enables_ or _disables_
all vertices.
The only difference to this "standard" 2SAT case is that we do
not want a random choice here whether we _enable_ or _disable_:
We want a certain algorithm, specified by the order of the

If I understood the suggestion correctly, the algorithm would be:
Look for that implication arrow in the strongly connected component
which occurs first in the specified ENFORCE_USE string; if
the starting vertex of this arrow is enabled, then enable also
the rest, otherwise disable it.

Doing some pre-indexing, when parsing the string,
it is easy to implement this checking in linear running time
(in the size of the component).

Hence, altogether linear running time is needed for the full
algorithm (i.e. to process all components).

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] Forced/automatic USE flag constraints (codename: ENFORCED_USE)

2017-06-02 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
>   b? ( a ) c? ( b ) d? ( c ) e? ( d ) ...

As written in another posting: This is 2SAT.
2SAT is solvable in linear time.
To get a hard example you have to use several 3SAT clauses, i.e.
|| ( ... ) with 3 (or more) entries (and all of these entries must
occur in the other clauses, of course, to get a hard example).

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] Forced/automatic USE flag constraints (codename: ENFORCED_USE)

2017-06-02 Thread Martin Vaeth
Alexis Ballier  wrote:
> I think we should really try to find a sub-exponential solution

Most examples mentioned earlier were actually 2SAT, i.e.,
they are only of the form foo? ( bar ) (possibly with negations)
or can be easily reduced to that. E.g.
^^ ( foo bar )
foo? ( !bar graulty bazola )
can be rewritten as 2 or 3 2SAT-clauses as above, respectively.

For 2SAT, there are linear time algorithms.

If besides the above there occur not many clauses which are
longer than 2 terms of the form
^^ ( foo !bar !graulty bazola )
then each such clause "just" multiplies the time by its size.
(Yes, this is exponential, but I doubt that there will be many such
clauses with more than 2 terms).
The only problem which can really trigger a worst case (if the
algorithm always reduces to solving a 2SAT problem) are longer
|| (  )
clauses. Either one should by definitoin limit the total number of
USE-flags involved in those, or simply try only a limited combination
of those (perhaps even only 1) and report a failure if this
cannot be resolved (although an exponential time algorithm
might be able to solve it).

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: eclass/

2017-05-21 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
>> If this is such a big problem, maybe we should be discussing how to
>> redesign things to improve it?
> Like, by not using eclasses and instead inlining all the stuff?

There are other ways.

One way to mitigate the problem might be to require that
eclasses contain some

# @VERSION: major.minor-revision

line and that the metadata cache of an ebuild contains that version
number (or at least the major component of it) instead of an md5 sum.
Then the commiter of the eclass has full control whether a metadata
regeneration will happen or not:

For trivial changes (see below), the committer simply does not
increase that version number (or increase only minor-revision),
and one could agree that a rebuild of the metadata only happens
if the major version number of an eclass changes.

By "trivial changes" I mean in this connection not only changes
in comments but also minor changes in functionality or even in
the API: The only strict requirement is that the major version
has to increase if the eclass change can induce a change in the
metadata of some ebuild using it (e.g. if a value printed by
some function changes which might involve IUSE, REQUIRED_USE,
DEPEND, ...)

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: eclass/

2017-05-21 Thread Martin Vaeth
Kent Fredric  wrote:
> Fabian Groffen  wrote:
>>  Hardware or more deltas to
>> download by users?  Just wondering.
> Both.
> - End users using git end up having to do massive metadata-updates.
> - Infra needs to have massive hits to metadata regeneration
> - End users using rsync have to fetch large deltas

  - Users using git repositories with pre-generated metadata have to
download/store much more history data

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] News item: GCC 6 defaults to USE="pie ssp"

2017-05-11 Thread Martin Vaeth
Luis Ressel  wrote:
> Martin Vaeth  wrote:
>> For instance, you cannot even compile the kernel without special
>> patches (which disable pie) if you use a gcc which default-enables
>> pie.
> Now I'm curious. Wouldn't that also affect the hardened gcc?

I would guess so, but I did not try:
I didn't use hardened gcc since years, because

(a) I had to switch profiles too often because of forced pie which
used to break compilation for almost every second package (some
years ago).

(b) -fstack-protector-all slowed down my system too much, especially
since the security improvement over -fstack-protector-strong
(or with older gcc versions -fstack-protector) is rather negligible.

> I've never had any issues compiling vanilla-sources

The experience I had reported was with the first non-beta versions of
gcc-6[pie] from the hardened overlay and several (at that time current)
versions of hardened-sources.

I retried now with gcc-7.1.0-r1[pie] and current gentoo-sources, and
it turned out that the issue does no longer exist.

I do not know whether the reason is due to the change
hardened-sources -> gentoo-sources, due to an upstream kernel fix,
or due to a fix in the pie support of gcc (compared to the first
gcc-6 versions).

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] News item: GCC 6 defaults to USE="pie ssp"

2017-05-11 Thread Martin Vaeth
Hanno Böck  wrote:
> I could add my voice that I ran pie by default for a while

I can confirm that the situation apparently has changed drastically
since my last attempt. My previous assertion is no longer valid:

Currently, I recompile world on x86 system with default pie,
so far with only one issue caused implicitly by clisp.
Afterwards, I will recompile world on amd64 and will report back
in case the situation should be very different.

> We have a tracker bug for default-pie-problems in bugzilla:

I reported the clisp issue and will report if I meet further.
At the time when this tracker bug was opened, I had so many issues
with default pie that I decided to switch it off since reporting
so much would have been too time-consuming for me.

I do not know what is the reason for this change. Perhaps the
first gcc versions with default pie had another bug.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] News item: GCC 6 defaults to USE="pie ssp"

2017-05-10 Thread Martin Vaeth
Hanno Böck  wrote:
> I really think it's about time that pie becomes the default in Gentoo.

Although I agree from a security perspective, I must warn that
this is not realistic, currently:

I am using gcc-6 since ages and tried to run a desktop with default pie
for quite a while, but soon was forced to give up:

There are simply too many package which fail to compile;
this cannot even be recommended to early testers yet, not to speak
about the wide public.

The difficulty is not the static libraries
(which except for embedded systems are hardly needed at all),
but simply that too many projects are not prepared for this.

The main problem is that it is not easy (as it was for the hardened gcc)
to switch the compiler profiles if you have a non-working project:
If a project fails to emerge and does not honour CFLAGS throughout -
there simply are quite a lot of projects which do neither -
the user either has to write/get some patch manually or he has to
re-emerge gcc just in order to compile/update that single project.

For instance, you cannot even compile the kernel without special patches
(which disable pie) if you use a gcc which default-enables pie.

Thus, unless practically all upstream projects deal with pie or unless
gentoo manages to get a huge group of persons which patches all new releases
of upstream projects to this purpose very quickly - both is not realistic,
of course - using pie by default is a no-go for "normal" systems:
Perhaps some very hardened servers with only very few packages and
a very active administrator can afford to do this, but not "normal"
users who run a desktop.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Requirements for UID/GID management

2017-02-04 Thread Martin Vaeth
Christopher Head  wrote:
> Are you sure that said utility isn't simply chown --from=?

As usual, I just checked the POSIX standard and not the
GNU extensions before posting  ;)

I did now a quick audit of the coreutils-8.25 source:
It seems to be safely implemented in the way I mentioned.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Requirements for UID/GID management

2017-02-03 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michael Orlitzky  wrote:
> The fact that all permission and ownership information is shared is
> precisely the problem. When you change ownership of the hardlink (which
> you'll never know is a hardlink), you change ownership of /etc/shadow.

Why should this be a problem except for a race between reading
and changing the ownership?
Admittedly, by using "find ... -exec ... +" the time for an exploit
of the race is even increased when a "standard" chown command is used.

However, it is no rocket science to write a race-free chown command
in C: Just open the file and use stat() and fchown() to be sure to
change only files from the "correct" user.

Since this works on the filehandle and not on the filename, I think
that there is no possibility for an exploit when this is used in the
above find loop.

[gentoo-dev] Re: tmpfiles virtual

2016-11-17 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> If systemd-tmpfiles can work when systemd isn't running

According to a brief test (not very exhaustive), this seems to work,
though I did not investigate whether it requires that e.g. dbus is

Without entering the discussion _how_ an init-script should be
installed, I would welcome if that script would autodetect
which variant is installed and if it could be configured which
variant is chosen if both are installed:

For instance, the systemd-tmpfiles implementation has some
features concerning btrfs which are not (yet) supported by
opentmpfiles. Some users might want to use that features.
On the other hand, some users might prefer to be able to boot
properly even if systemd/systemd-tmpfiles blows up for them
for some reason...

[gentoo-dev] Re: tmpfiles virtual

2016-11-17 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Ian Stakenvicius  wrote:
>> Realistically, software should ensure the directories it needs at
>> runtime are created through their own code, but upstreams are lazy [...]
> This isn't really being lazy.  This is just not re-inventing the
> wheel.

Conceptionally, it is also a question of efficiency and clean code
separation: Why should several independent scripts of e.g. eix first
care about directories (and force being run with root permissions...).
More important, the latter is also a security topic:

> or having
> the program run as root, create directories, and then drop privs.

eix had such code originally, but this required running quite a lot
of code with root permissions, while now running everything with
dropped permissions is possible.

One could have written an init-script only to create the
directories, but instead of providing such support for each
init system separately, it is perhaps better to use the more
standard "tmpfiles.d"

>> In those cases, we'd need that rdepend.
> I tend to agree with this thinking.

But the argument of Ian is correct: If the user has both
systemd and openrc installed (and thus virtual/tmpfiles.d
is satisfied) he would not understand why tmpfiles.d is
not processed if he starts the system with openrc.

[gentoo-dev] Re: grub-2 configuration

2016-10-05 Thread Martin Vaeth
Mike Gilbert  wrote:
> I have added an example grub.cfg to the gentoo repository.

I finally made a repository of my grub.cfg "library"
with a correpsonding example.
This is a more sophisticated setup with a menu where
one can choose resolution, init-program, etc.

It can be found here:

Library and exmample can also be installed by portage:
Package sys-boot/grub-cfg-mv in the mv overlay (over layman)

[gentoo-dev] Re: Building a portage repo?

2016-09-14 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
>>and subsequently egencache should give me the same type of portage tree
>>that is currently officially distributed to users?
> Then remanifest, egencache with all options. You will also need to
> include additional repositories for news, glsas and fetch extra files
> for projects.xml.

Not to forget dtd and xml-schema.
There is app-portage/portage-postsyncd-mv in the mv overlay
which does all this (and some more) for you in various
(separately configurable) hooks in /etc/portage/repo.postsync.d/*
Well, all except changing the manifest format and remanifest,
but you can easily add another hook if you really want that.

[gentoo-dev] Re: chromium-54 needs ffmpeg-3.0.1

2016-08-31 Thread Martin Vaeth
Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
> Martin Vaeth posted on Wed, 31 Aug 2016 18:08:17 + as excerpted:
>> Kent Fredric  wrote:
>>> I really wish there was a way to run ancient firefox with security
>>> fixes :(
>> There's palemoon
> For Linux?

Even for gentoo: There's a "palemoon" overlay in layman.
For instance, palemoon still provides the old privacy-keeping
sync method instead of firefox's new data harvester.

The only reason I still want firefox installed is that palemoon
still only supports gstreamer (though they recently updated
optionally to gstreamer:1.0) but not ffmpeg.

[gentoo-dev] Re: chromium-54 needs ffmpeg-3.0.1

2016-08-31 Thread Martin Vaeth
Kent Fredric  wrote:
> I really wish there was a way to run ancient firefox with security
> fixes :(

There's palemoon

[gentoo-dev] Re: chromium-54 needs ffmpeg-3.0.1

2016-08-30 Thread Martin Vaeth
Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
>> Alexis Ballier  wrote:
>> As opposed to "roll out ffmpeg 3 prematurely" which will break *more*
>> than just firefox.
> Umm... you mean chromium, not firefox, correct?

I also think so. I have unmasked ffmpeg-3 since several months,
because I don't use any package from bug 574788, but instead >gcc-5.
Everything for which I (and I suppose most people) need ffmpeg
compiles (and so far runs) without any problems:
libquicktime, xine-lib-1.2.6-r1, mplayer-1.3.0, mpv-0.19.0,
handbrake-0.10.5-r1, firefox-48.0, avidemux-2.6.8

(Well, for the apparently maintainer-needed avidemux I had lately
to do a version bump to 2.6.12 and some patching in the mv overlay;
but this was only for the very latest bump of ffmpeg-1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
plus a simultaneous bump gcc-5.4.0 -> 6.2.0. I didn't check whether
the ffmpeg bump was related here, at all, or whether a similar
patching could have been done for avidemux-2.6.8)

[gentoo-dev] Re: rfc: /etc/hostname on gentoo

2016-08-24 Thread Martin Vaeth
William Hubbs  wrote:
> I am planning to change the logic in /etc/init.d/hostname so that if
> /etc/hostname exists, the first word out of that file will be used as
> the hostname rather than any setting in /etc/conf.d/hostname.

You could also make the content of the default /etc/conf.d/hostname:

hostname=`cat /etc/hostname`


read hostname 

[gentoo-dev] Re: rfc: /etc/init.d/modules loading modules defined in files

2016-08-17 Thread Martin Vaeth
Mike Gilbert  wrote:
>> modules=$(sed -n -e '/^[^;#]/p' /etc/modules-load.d/*.conf \
>> /usr/lib/modules-load.d/*.conf 2>/dev/null || : )
> This simple implementation does not follow the precedence rules
> documented in modules-load.d(5).

I didn't mean it as the recommended implementation for openrc,
but just wanted to illustrate that such pre-implementation are
already in use. (Currently, this implementation is sufficient,
because currently practically nothing installs into
/usr/lib/modules-load.d, so masking is currently unneeded).

_Of course_ I would suggest that a proper implementation in
openrc should follow the standard completely.

[gentoo-dev] Re: rfc: /etc/init.d/modules loading modules defined in files

2016-08-17 Thread Martin Vaeth
William Hubbs  wrote:
> but I'm open to making the behaviour compatible
> with what systemd does

Since openrc already supports tmpfiles.d,
support for modules-load.d would be natural.
In fact, this is already done for quite a while in


The last line supports modules-load.d:

modules=$(sed -n -e '/^[^;#]/p' /etc/modules-load.d/*.conf \
/usr/lib/modules-load.d/*.conf 2>/dev/null || : )

For compatibility with other init systems one should perhaps not
extend the format of modules-load.d: If one also wants to e.g.
support args for modules, this should perhaps be done in
a separate directory. /etc/modprobe.d already exists for this,
but one might still source another directory which contains
only files added to /etc/conf.d/modules

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] Masterplan for solving LINGUAS problems

2016-06-03 Thread Martin Vaeth
Mart Raudsepp  wrote:
> Ühel kenal päeval, K, 01.06.2016 kell 20:24, kirjutas Martin Vaeth:
>> Gentoo has chosen this name so that as a side effect of setting
>> USE=linguas_* you also get a correct LINGUAS variable exported
>> (according to the USE-settings and your settings and according
>> to the ebuild's IUSE.)
>> These are the package with LINGUAS options in their USE flags
>> which you mentioned above.
> People already set LINGUAS for autotools control; using the same for
> USE_EXPAND probably seemed natural to re-use that, but the effects on
> PM variable mangling wasn't thought about at the time.

At least, it looks like it was well-thought:
It avoided errors like "language xxx not supported",
it gave the user control to set it easily on a per-peckage basis,
and most important, it made the package manager aware of the LINGUAS
used and handle binary packages correctly.
>From the user perspective it had only advantages.
If all these positive side effects were not the original intention,
it was a very good accident that it happened.

> There were no problems, and there still are no problem with implicit
> LINGUAS handling (by means of not listing them in IUSE), as long as the
> package manager doesn't modify the variable set in make.conf.

As long as there is only one setting valid for all packages
and all systems on which one will ever install the binary package.
A quite unrealistic setting for quite some use cases.

> The user has set it explicitly somewhere (make.conf most likely) and
> simply gets honored in upstream build system, just like CFLAGS.

That handling of CFLAGS is bad enough - no reason to repeat this mistake:
This is usable only if you have only one architecture but not in a
hybrid setup with e.g. roughly compatible machines where e.g. you change
CFLAGS by /etc/portage/env or /etc/portage/package.env (or locally
in the environment) to compile for another machine or in a ways
compatible for another machine, etc.

Well, for CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, LDFLAGS at least the
variables actually used are stored in
and similarly stored in the metadata of binary packages (not
hidden in some hard-to-parse compressed environment file),
so that the package manager _could_ check their validity
(and even if it does not - which AFAIK is the case currently -
it is not very hard to write a script which does this).

That's why I suggested that - as the very least - if you really want
to kill all the current advantages for no reason, at the very least
handle LNGUAS not even *worse* than CFLAGS and at least store them
in a new /var/db variable so that - if you already let the user do
the job which the package manager is supposed to do - at least the
user can write his own scripts to do portage's job.
(Of course, this scripts can never work as good as the current
solution if you really kill it, because these scripts are lacking
the information which LINGUAS are actually supported by the package.)

> LINGUAS does not imply any order whatsoever. Packages that assumed so
> were seriously buggy and if any still remain, this needs to be fixed

So if you consider this as a non-issue, I see even less reason
why to remove the *transpararent* (to the package manager and user)
IUSE=linguas_* and go back to the intransparant LINGUAS=...
(I am not complaining about a renaming of the IUSE, as long as
this IUSE in the end affects LINUGAS)

> Including them all in IUSE for simple translation catalogs is not
> feasible to maintain.

I disagree. The list of packages is in most cases very easy to get
(e.g. ls po/*.po) and inserting it correctly is a usually a
one-time thing. For bumping, one will have to check for dependency
changes anyway, and that a package adds a new language without listing
it in its ChangeLog is also very rare.

> And yes, there are packages that have 196 different language and
> dialects translations. Even core GNOME packages [...]

Nevertheless these packages are very rare. One could also manage
*one* list of all languages globally and allow to use it for
convenience for such cases (if a few of the listed languages are
actually not provided, nothing critical will happen: The
user's output has perhaps a few more entries than necessary and
perhaps an unnecessary rebuild can happen if the user
selects/deselects an exotic language.)

> It also clutters emerge --verbose --pretend or --ask output hard with
> LINGUAS="long list of 196 language codes"

About the situation which we currently have (e.g. k3b): For some
packages the LINGUAS list is not 1 line but 2-4. So what?
If this really is an issue for somebody (I don't consider it some),
then one can discuss to add an option to suppress the LINGUAS output
for those not interested in it.
But it's certainly not a reason to make it *intransparent* for the

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] Masterplan for solving LINGUAS problems

2016-06-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
Kent Fredric  wrote:
> On 2 June 2016 at 07:33, Martin Vaeth  wrote:
>> I prefer to have at least 5% of the ebuilds working and the other
>> being fixable (if their maintainers want to spend the effort)
>> than to remove a concept which breaks also these 5% and turns
>> all ebuilds non-fixable, in principle.
> Changing the status-quo to "broken by default and needs 95% of the
> tree to change to not be broken" is a bad precedent.

What you describe _is_ the status-quo. The 95% are broken and
remain broken (unless a lot of work is spent), no matter which
of the suggested solutions is chosen.

I am voting to *keep* better this than to change the status-quo
by breaking the 5% working percent, too:

mgorny's suggestion to kill l10n.eclass (or, more abstractly
speaking, to forbid setting LINGUAS based in USE-flags within
an ebuild) just influences the 5% of ebuilds which are
currently using this mechanism and thus are non-broken
(if their IUSE is correctly maintained).
Removing l10n.eclass would throw these 5% back to the broken
state of the other 95%, and even forbid by policy that any
other would be fixed.

I really cannot see an advantage in doing this, except for
some irrational feeling of "consistency" to have everything
equally broken.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] Masterplan for solving LINGUAS problems

2016-06-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
Raymond Jennings  wrote:
> I'd honestly as a minor issue like ot know why we called it linguas in the
> first place.
> [...]
> I think though I should also point out...don't we already have existing
> ebuilds that expose LINGUAS options in their USE flags?

>From this posting, it is obvious that the discussion between mgorny
and me was not well understandable, so I try to summarize the

The variable name LINGUAS was not chosen by gentoo:
autotools based build systems (and some others) support
this variable to control, for which languages some support is
installed. The effect can be that simply some files are (not)
installed, but the effect can also be much more complex:
It really depends on the package.

Gentoo has chosen this name so that as a side effect of setting
USE=linguas_* you also get a correct LINGUAS variable exported
(according to the USE-settings and your settings and according
to the ebuild's IUSE.)
These are the package with LINGUAS options in their USE flags
which you mentioned above.

This had the advantage that no additional code except a correct
IUSE is needed for these ebuilds. (That's why gentoo has chosen
this name).

It had the disadvantage that:
1. Ebuilds without handling IUSE=linguas_* explicitly (or
with wrong values, because maintainers did not care about the
values) had problems.
2. Some packages which needed a different handling of LINGUAS
(like respecting the order) also had problems.

There are at least the following solutions to these disadvantages:

One _could_ solve problem 1 simply by not touching LINGUAS if
IUSE=linguas_* is not in the ebuild. (Main problem with this
solution: It is not PMS compatible; one needs e.g.
an exception for LINGUAS).
In a similar manner, one could solve problem 2 by allowing
ebuilds to modify LINGUAS at build time (which is perhaps
also not PMS compatible).

Or one could, for all packages with LINGUAS in their USE-flag
simply rename IUSE=linguas_* to IUSE=l10n_* and set
export LINGUAS=$L10N
in these ebuilds (this would require practically no manual ebuild
editing if one does it in the l10n.eclass).

I had originally understood mgorny's suggestion such that b)
is meant, and I would complain neither against a) nor b).

But in his reply, mgorny says that, moreover, he wants to
remove the l10n.eclass, more precisely, that he considers
it as broken that packages use IUSE=l10n_* for setting

This suggestion means that setting LINGUAS can be done
*only* in a hackish way by the user, "hidden" from the
package manager, not in the clean way as it is currently
done by those ebuilds with LINGUAS in their use-falgs.

I agree with him that a hidden setting is a bad idea.
Where our opinions strongly differ is whether a way to
cleanly set LINGUAS should be provided (e.g. by allowing
IUSE=l10n_* to modify LINGUAS appropriately, and make this
the "good" way instead calling it a "broken" way which
should be avoided.)

The INSTALL_MASK is an independent thing which for _many_
packages "by accident" can be used with a similar effect as
setting LINGUAS (because many packages use LINGUAS only to
determine the files which they install).
However, it is a different thing, and for some packages
it is not a replacement at all.
For instance, the default language of mplayer will depend on
the first entry of LINGUAS, independent of INSTALL_MASK.
That's why I suggested that  INSTALL_MASK should actually
not be discussed at all in this context.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] Masterplan for solving LINGUAS problems

2016-06-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
> If more than 95% of ebuilds are broken, this proves that a concept is
> broken.
> Well, feel free to live in your fairy land.

I prefer to have at least 5% of the ebuilds working and the other
being fixable (if their maintainers want to spend the effort)
than to remove a concept which breaks also these 5% and turns
all ebuilds non-fixable, in principle.

> I'm not going to continue the discussion if you are so blinded by
> LINGUAS that you are even unable to understand what I'm talking about,
> and consistently mix the LINGUAS concept and INSTALL_MASK concept,

...says the man who mixes this wildly in the first posting by
suggesting to recommend the user to not use LINGUAS and use
INSTALL_MASK *instead*; as a reply to my warning to not mix
these completely unrelated concepts.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] Masterplan for solving LINGUAS problems

2016-06-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
> Do you have any numbers on how many ebuilds were exactly being fixed?
> And how many were broken in the process because someone failed to
> update linguas_*?

Broken ebuilds are a reason to fix the ebuilds, but not a reason
to replace a working concept by a hack which only works sometimes.

> How do you feel about the lot of Chromium users who
> spent a few hours rebuilding it to discover that they did only for
> a linguas_* flag change they didn't even care for?

You mean a user who emits --newuse when he only wants --changed-use
and who sees the output of --ask, showing that the change is in
LINGUAS="..." and nevertheless does not --exclude the package?
In other words: Users who do not really know how to use portage?
Well, I would recommend them to learn about the tools they use...

> We're seriously talking about broken fix to a non-existent problem

No, we are talking about removing a working solution (l10n.eclass)
to return to a broken state which had caught me and probably many
other users who manage systems with various linguas needs -
until it was finally fixed at least for a certain number of packages
by introducing the l10n eclass.

> that actually introduces real problems

like seeing that installation of a binary package conflicts
with the machine's configuration.

> How are you going to fix it? What should land in LINGUAS then?

Leave LINGUAS unchanged for those packages which dont have linguas_*
in their IUSE.
Then still the packages which don't have IUSE=linguas_* are broken
(because they have LINGUAS take effect without knowing of the
user or the package manager), but at least those which currently
use IUSE=linguas_* are working.

> How would you determine the correct value?

For ebuilds which are not updated to use IUSE=languas_*
there is in principle no clean solution. Leave LINGUAS unchanged
for these as a temporary hack until hopefully they are fixed
some day. (Or change to l10n and modify l10n.eclass)

>> > As for LINGUAS, it should be left as a toy for advanced users
>> Selecting the languages which a package supports is an option
>> only for advanced users? You must be kidding!
> No, implicitly stripping installed files via insecure mechanism that
> is outside of package manager control is.

Here we have the same opinion. The point is that LINGUAS is a
variable which is not controlled by portage. This is the whole
point of my argument: There must be a clean way to control this
variable. The IUSE=linguas_* is one such clean way.
Another way might be to make LINGUAS really a /var/db variable.

> Yes, we know that all binary distributions were based on hacks for
> years. Only Gentoo did it right [...]

I do not understand what you mean here.
I was not talking about binary distributions; maybe there is a
Maybe we have the same opinion: That INSTALL_MASK is some sort of hack;
a very convenient one, but actually a hack.
In any case it is not capable to do the "right" thing concerning
linguas for every package; it only does it "right" for certain

>> That the package manager (and the user) is well aware of the
>> options actually used to compile/install the package. Not hiding
>> the user-selected configuration behind the package manager and
>> the user in some random variable.
> It's as random as LINGUAS. Your point?

Any variable which is not under the package manager's control
and which influences the building of the package is a problem.
LINGUAS is one, CFLAGS is another one. For CFLAGS there is at
least a variable in /var/db.

>> Then fix the package not handling LINGUAS in a sane way yet.
> I'm not sure if you are aware of it but most of us is not getting paid
> for working on Gentoo.

Not fixing the rest of the ebuild is not an excuse to remove a
mechanism which made at least those ebuilds work for which the
maintainers took the time to fix them (by using l10n.eclass
or doing an analogous thing manually).

>> For those who have, you can't trust them being up-to-date.
>> That's a non-argument. No ebuild you can trust being
>> up-to-date as well as all ebuilds.
> Of course. Your arguments are important arguments, mine are
> non-arguments.

I was not talking about "your arguments" but about your specific
argument "we must remove a working mechanism because an ebuild
author might do a mistake and e.g. bump without checking the
changes of the package".

> When people don't get needed locales installed, it's a non-problem.

Who said this? This is exactly the issue I am talking about with
binary packages:

> *Every* binary package is valid because it doesn't have anything
> stripped.

This is not true. If you compiled the binary package with
LINGUAS="en_US de_DE" and install it on a laptop with
LINGUAS="en_US de_DE cz_CZ", you will be missing the Czech
translations, because they are not in the binary package.
(They are not "stripped" but simply not there...)
So binary package compiled with LINGUAS="en_US de_DE

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] Masterplan for solving LINGUAS problems

2016-06-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
>>Therefore, I suggest to put this line in l10n.eclass
>>(perhaps with a mechanism to avoid it for some exceptional packages
>>which have to treat LINGUAS differently.)
>>This way, none of these ebuilds inheriting l10n needs to be patched.
> This eclass should be killed with fire as ugly nonsense that
> makes some packages useless for binary packages.

Exactly the opposite is the case:
Letting a variabe like LINGUAS "hiddden from the package manager"
decide about the actual content of the package makes any handling
of binary packages broken.
The introduction of linguas_* (and of the l10n eclass to make this
handable for the ebuild writer) was finally fixing this long-broken
behaviour of ebuilds.
You now want to revert this fix and return to the earlier broken
state without any need.
If the only reason for the "need" is a badly
formulated/thought-through EAPI=5/6 specification to clean
LINGUAS for packages not having it in its IUSE, then please
fix this specification or make at least an exception for LINGUAS,
but don't break the working solution.

> As for LINGUAS, it should be left as a toy for advanced users

Selecting the languages which a package supports is an option
only for advanced users? You must be kidding!

> and not presented as a recommended solution.

The "recommended solution" is to rely on a hack which removs
files behind the back of upstreams installation program (which
likely installs other random language data in random files for
various languages)?
You are kidding again!

>>1) In contrast to packages with L10N, the user cannot see with
>>tools like eix for which linguas a certain package is installed.
>>In fact, the user would have to analyze the compressed environment
>>file find this out (this is also very package manager specific):
> What's the use of this?

That the package manager (and the user) is well aware of the
options actually used to compile/install the package. Not hiding
the user-selected configuration behind the package manager and
the user in some random variable.

> Most of the packages don't have the flags anyway.

Then fix the package not handling LINGUAS in a sane way yet.

> For those who have, you can't trust them being up-to-date.

That's a non-argument. No ebuild you can trust being
up-to-date as well as all ebuilds.

> As for installed package, all files are listed in vdb
> (including those masked), so you can easily figure out the
> differences.

So to find out whether a binary package is valid for the
current configuration (i.e. the current LINGUAS), the package
manager or user "just" has to recompile it and compare
the files and checksums. Great!
And because this reinstallation-solution is possible, it
is ok to rely on a hack instead of a solution visible to
the package manager and user.

>>2) Even worse for binary packages.
> Wrong. All localizations are included in the binary package,

but not in the metadata.

> Of course, as long as maintainer doesn't start playing with LINGUAS.

That's the point: As long as all systems and all packages have
the same LINGUAS settings. Which is not the case for many
users having various systems. E.g. for a laptop, it is very
natural to have different LINGUAS than for a desktop, even
if you likely compile for the laptop on the desktop.

>>3) The package manager cannot see after a change of LINGUAS,
>>which packages need a recompilaten.
> Wrong, as already explained above.

So? How can you see it? By checking hackishly the existence
of random files in */po/* while e.g. the actual effect of
LINGUAS is in some error message provided by the package
in god-knows-what manner?

*If* you want to keep only LINGUAS and not introduce L10N,
*then* at least you should make LINGUAS a metadata variable
to be stored in /var/db so that the user and package manager
can easily access it.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [RFC] Masterplan for solving LINGUAS problems

2016-06-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
> 1. Get approval on INSTALL_MASK GLEP [1] and finish implementing it
> in Portage.

As already mentioned by some, INSTALL_MASK is something else than
LINGUAS, because LINGUAS involves also files which are generated
by the build system. Although I appreciate a more configurable
INSTALL_MASK, this should not be mixed with the LINGUAS problem.

> 2. Introduce a new USE_EXPAND that can be used to control localizations
> whenever this is really required (dependencies, large files, etc.).
> Let's use L10N as a draft name for it.

Just to be sure that there is no misunderstanding:
L10N should take the role which LINGUAS currently has for most
packages from the user perspective.
In other words, all ebuilds for packages whose build systems treat
LINGUAS in a clean way (not relying on order etc.)
and which currently have IUSE=linuguas_* will very likely contain
corresponding ISUE=l10n_* and the line

export LINGUAS=$L10N

Therefore, I suggest to put this line in l10n.eclass
(perhaps with a mechanism to avoid it for some exceptional packages
which have to treat LINGUAS differently.)
This way, none of these ebuilds inheriting l10n needs to be patched.

> 3. Fix all packages using LINGUAS as USE_EXPAND, either by converting
> to L10N or by removing the needless flags.

I would strongly discourage doing the latter (unless IUSE=linguas_*
was there only by mistake):  When users change their L10N (or
USE-flags), users should be able to see which packages need a
recompilation when using emerge -N. Also for binary packages, it
must be easily possible to see changes.
See the more lengthy explanation below.

> Request changing LINGUAS to L10N in make.conf,


> and make LINGUAS considered an 'advanced variable' for
> implicit localization control (i.e. passed through to build systems).

With only some rare exceptions (e.g. where the order matters),
ebuilds should better set this variable according to IUSE=l10n_*.
It would be better if these exceptions would not have to exist
at all, i.e. if e.g. the ebuilds for packages for which the order
of LINGUAS matters also use IUSE=l10n_* and introduce other
USE flags to specify the order somehow (AFAIK only mplayer is
involved, and for this only the first item is important, so that
one can introduce e.g. IUSE=default_l10n_* variables for which exactly
one must be set, or something similar.)
Indeed, these exceptions are very inconvenient for the user
as well as for the package manager:

1) In contrast to packages with L10N, the user cannot see with
tools like eix for which linguas a certain package is installed.
In fact, the user would have to analyze the compressed environment
file find this out (this is also very package manager specific):

2) Even worse for binary packages.

3) The package manager cannot see after a change of LINGUAS,
which packages need a recompilaten.

4) The same for binary packages.

> Recommend clean INSTALL_MASK solution instead.

I would also not mix these unrelated things in the documentation.
One can hint that this takes additional actions for build
systems not honouring L10N correctly, but usually it is
not a substitute for setting L10N (or LINGUAS for the
exceptional packages) but only a supplement.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Bug #565566: Why is it still not fixed?

2016-02-28 Thread Martin Vaeth
Patrick Lauer  wrote:
> Notice the --whole-file part there.

Are there perhaps plans to remove this?

Before the reversed ChangeLogs, this option was useful,
but perhaps now removing it would really lower the traffic?

One would have to make a bunch of tests over 1-2 months, perhaps:

a) two with rsyncing every day
b) two with rsyncing 1/week, and perhaps even
c) two with rsyncing 1/month.

(where "two" means one with and onewithout --whole-file)
and add up the traffic.

I am not sure whether servers can be set up to implicitly assume
--whole-file to save possibly some resources needed to calculate
the checksums. This would give wrong results, of course.
In this case, it would be necessary for the tests to set up a
server with full support, locally. In the latter case, one could
also use historical webrsync data if they are available somewhere
which would mean that the tests could be done rather quickly...

[gentoo-dev] Re: Bug #565566: Why is it still not fixed?

2016-02-27 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> Clearly it doesn't increase by a factor of 1 every year

The yearly increase of the factor is rather precisely 1:
According to current data, it is .95, see below.
With xz compression for squashfs, it is even 1.4!

(Note: increase _of_ the factor, not _by_ the factor, of course;
we are speaking about a linear increase, not an exponential one.)

More precisely: If in both cases you extremeley optimize for space
(details see below) then a change from rsync to git (non-shallow)
costs you

a) now: the factor 2.6 of needed disk space

b) in future for every year this factor is increased
by the summand 1.4. For example, in 2.5 years you will need roughly
2.6 + (1.4 * 2.5) = 6.1 times the disk space than for rsync.
After 2.5 more years, the factor will be more than 10.

For a) I assumed that in both cases the current repository is kept
compressed with squashfs (xz). This first factor will be much
larger, of course, if you omit squashfs when you switch to git.
(You must take measurements to keep the checked-out repository separate:
you cannot use standard emerge --sync to get this optimization.)

For both numbers, I even optimized the .git compression by
executing repeatedly
git prune; git repack -a -d; git gc --agressive
which for the historical repository took several hours;
thus, unless you use a cron-job, this is not realistic.
Without this optimization, both numbers would be even larger.

Here are the plain data I used for the calculation:

1. RSYNC =84,062,208
   (rsync gentoo repository, compressed with squashfs (-comp xz).)

2. GIT   =   136,322,616
   (Current .git data, without checked-out tree;
   compression optimized by the time-costly commands above.)

3. FULL  = 1,923,685,435
   (.git data as in 2, but with history added)

4. YEARS = 15
   (length of the historical data: first checkin was June 2000;
   change to git was IIRC somewhere in middle 2015).

So the number from a) is

 size with git  $GIT + $RSYNC
 --- =  - ~ 2.6
 size with rysnc   $RSYNC

The number from b) is

 size of history increase per year($FULL - $GIT) / $YEARS
 - =  ~ 1.4
 size with rsync  $RSYNC

In the previus postings, I was assuming the much faster squashfs
compression -comp lz4 -Xhc instead of -comp xz. In this case,
the number from 1 changes to

   RSYNC =125784064

which leads to the factor .95 ~ 1 for b) which I mentioned in the

[gentoo-dev] Re: Bug #565566: Why is it still not fixed?

2016-02-26 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
>> And currently the git history is still almost empty...
> If you want pre-migration history you need to fetch that separately.

How? Neither on gitweb.gentoo.org nor on github I found an obvious
repository with this data.

> It is about 1.7G.
> Considering that this represents a LOT more than 2-3 years of history

If the 1.7G are fully compressed history, this would confirm
my estimate rather precisely, if it represents (1700/120 - 1) ~ 13 years.

Gentoo exists since 2002, so it seems my estimate was very good.

> (including periods where the commit rate was higher than it is today)

One of my assumptions for the estimate was that this rate is
constant in the average. Also I am not sure whether you right
that this rate was really higher, previously: Nowadays, even a
rather trivial eclass-update is separated into several commits,
increasing the amount of data needed for storage.

> I think your estimates of where the migrated repo will be in 2-3 years
> is too high.

Note that I compared squashfs with a git user who does not even
care about git-internal recompression. Of course, you can decrease
the factor somewhat if e.g. your checked-out tree is still stored
on squashfs. This does not change the fact that the factor will
increase every year by about 1 (or probably more, because git
uses the uneffective gzip compression, only).

[gentoo-dev] Re: Bug #565566: Why is it still not fixed?

2016-02-26 Thread Martin Vaeth
Gordon Pettey  wrote:
>> Already now this means that you need 2 (or already 3?) times the
>> disk space as for an rysnc mirror; multiply all numbers by 4
>> if you used squashfs to store the tree. [...]
> Or, in 2-3 years, maybe people will stop with the hyperbole

Hyperbole? Really?

Let's first look at the current data.
Instead of guessing I now fetched the git tree
to get the exact number:

git on ext2 (8K blocks): 704 M
squashfs with lz4: 120 M

lz4 is the fastest algorithm, but not the best concerning space.
More seriously: The git data is still missing metadata information
which will add some more.

It seems my estimate of the factor 2*4 = 8
for the current state was rather realistic.

Not to forget that this was a fresh checkout where the .git
data itself is fully compressed in one file (which is by default
not the case when you update frequently - it depends on your
git configuration and perhaps whether you use a cron job for
recompression). So perhaps for some git users the bracket in
my estimate (3*4=12) is already correct.

Whether 1 GB of permanent disk space only for the
overhead of package management is appropriate, everybody
must decide by himself. Compared to other distributions,
this is an awful lot.
Only for getting ChangeLogs it is IMHO way too much.

And currently the git history is still almost empty...

Before I turn to the future, some remarks:

> The tree is a bunch of text files, of which a whole lot of text is
> repeated

That's why squashfs is so effective already compared to plain rsync.
Of course, a lot of the *current* factor comes from this.

>  which is great for compression, which git does.

You seem to pretend that I ignored this, but I did not:

>> (there is possibility of some
>> compression of history, but OTOH, many packages are added and
>> removed, eclasses keep changing, etc.)

Of course, concerning future, one must make some assumptions.
Perhaps it is reasonable to assume that roughly a constant amount of
new data is added every year, i.e., the quotient (git data/squashfs)
increases every year by a constant summand.

Compression will not change this "constantness", but at most influence
the summand itself. Quite the opposite, in the moment when the history
evades a certain size - depending on the memory window size used by
the gzip implementation of git, compression will eventually
become much less effective: You can see the difference essentially
in the gzip vs. xz compresssion size, because the main difference
here is the size of the mentioned memory window.

And as mentioned above, unless you are regularly recompressing
(by a cron job or by git configuration after updating) you hardly
profit from the git compression at all.

How large the yearly summand is, can only be guessed, currently.
I think my assumption that after 1 year the number of new/modified files
is roughly the total amount of files in the tree is realistic, perhaps
even too low. (Not to forget that also every commit adds data by

So in 2-3 years, the factor (compared to squashfs) might be roughly:
8*2.5 = 20 without recompressing .git
8 + 2.5 = 10.5 with fully compresssed .git
(The latter factor is unrealistically low, because git's gzip compression
is less effective than lz4 and *much* less effective than xz).

And even if I should have overestimated the yearly summand by the
factor 2, you only need to double the number of years which you
have to wait...

[gentoo-dev] Re: Bug #565566: Why is it still not fixed?

2016-02-24 Thread Martin Vaeth
Luis Ressel  wrote:
> That would require a local git clone. And that's exactly what those who
> still want Changelogs are trying to avoid.

You need even a deep git clone with full history.

Already now this means that you need 2 (or already 3?) times the
disk space as for an rysnc mirror; multiply all numbers by 4
if you used squashfs to store the tree.

In the course of the years the factor will continue to increase;
I guess at least by 1 for every year (there is possibility of some
compression of history, but OTOH, many packages are added and
removed, eclasses keep changing, etc.)

So in 2-3 years, it can be for some users 20 times the disk storage
than what it needs now.

I think there must be a very good reason to require that amount of
disk space on everybody's machine. ChangeLogs IMHO isn't.

[gentoo-dev] Re: RFC: intel-sdp-r1.eclass

2016-02-15 Thread Martin Vaeth
Justin Lecher (jlec)  wrote:
>>> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV4} ]] && _INTEL_PV+="${_INTEL_PV4}-"
>>> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV1} ]] && _INTEL_PV+="${_INTEL_PV1}"
>>> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV2} ]] && _INTEL_PV+=".${_INTEL_PV2}"
>>> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV3} ]] && _INTEL_PV+=".${_INTEL_PV3}"
>>> [[ -n ${_INTEL_PV4} ]] && _INTEL_PV+="-${_INTEL_PV4}"
>> Now, this is crazy ;-). I don't see immediately how to improve that,
>> but I suggest you thought about that.
> [...] So there is no sanity other then reshuffling.

You could put the logic into the string:


[gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 67 is in, please update your metadata.dtd!

2016-01-25 Thread Martin Vaeth
Mike Gilbert  wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Luis Ressel  wrote:
>> I might be asking this for a second time, but why does repoman download
>> the metadata.dtd at all? If one fetches from
>> git://../gentoo-mirror/gentoo (or via rsync, afaik) it is included
>> in /usr/portage/metadata/dtd/.
> repoman is a developer tool. The git repo used by developers does not
> include metadata.dtd.

repoman is useful for everybody who manages a local
or public repository. I guess only a small number
of these people use the developers' git repo.
(For instance, I am one of these...)

It would be nice if repoman would first check whether
the file is in some ${repo}/metadata/dtd/
and download to DISTDIR only as a fallback.
Or if it can be at least configured (e.g. with an option)
to check for this file (maybe the path can be configured, too)
before downloading metadata.dtd.

In fact, I was so annoyed by the forced downloading
(which as mentioned is a permission/security issue)
that I regularly apply a patch to portage which sets
the download interval to (almost) infinity.
Perhaps I am not the only one who did such a hack.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [PATCH] readme.gentoo-r1.eclass: Do not inherit eutils.

2015-12-19 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
>>  if [[ -n "${DISABLE_AUTOFORMATTING}" ]]; then
>>  echo "${DOC_CONTENTS}" > "${T}"/README.gentoo || die
>>  else
>>  echo -e ${DOC_CONTENTS} | fold -s -w 70 \
>>  | sed 's/[[:space:]]*$//' > "${T}"/README.gentoo

(omitted some lines/space for better context):

> Maybe I'm missing something but is there any reason not to quote
> "${DOC_CONTENTS}" instead of working around the results of not quoting
> it?

With DISABLE_AUTOFORMATTING=true, it is correctly quoted,
and there is no "workaround".
Without DISABLE_AUTOFORMATTING, the autowrapping (and ignoring
of "manual" format information by not quoting) is obviously
Maybe, it would be more natural to have the opposite as the default,
but this is how the eclass works from its very beginning.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [EAPI 7] The future goals for PORTDIR, ECLASSDIR and... LICENSEDIR?

2015-11-22 Thread Martin Vaeth
Ian Stakenvicius  wrote:
> '$(get_eclasspath [name])' or $(get_licensepath [name]) or the like

Since we are at a brainstorm level:

How about filling associative arrays instead?

This would BTW also provide the names of the master repositories
(although one could perhaps do the latter more explicit in an array,
too). I suppose that this cannot be done without a new EAPI.

[gentoo-dev] Re: EAPI 6 portage is out!

2015-11-22 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
> commit EAPI 6 ebuilds to ~arch.

For an overlay maintainer like me, it is not reasonable
to bump eclasses locally.

So please bump the relevant eclasses timely, most notably
(AFAICS these needs just extending the check; perhaps a
*negative* check would be simpler for future EAPI bumps?)


perhaps more work (I didn't check) and less urgent being:


Or should I open a bug for each of it? And what about:


Are these going to be deprecated due to inheriting base

[gentoo-dev] Re: Revise EAPI 6? (was: [RFC] ban use of base-4 casemods in ebuilds due to locale collation instability)

2015-11-11 Thread Martin Vaeth
Jason A. Donenfeld  wrote:
> I'd be in favor of full-on LC_ALL=C.

Setting LC_ALL seems wrong as it is meant as a quick hack
and should not be relied on by a "generic" tool like portage.

Better define to *unset* LC_ALL (remembering the previous value,
see below) and to set (all?) other LC_* to defined values.

When we are at it: Maybe it is even sufficient to define only

In any case, the old values should be kept (and for simplicity
defined to the previous LC_ALL if the latter was set),
so that the ebuild author is able to stick to the user's
choice for certain/all values if he needs to:

In particular, for LC_CTYPE, this might be necessary,
because of correct UTF8-support, as already mentioned
(the ebuild author cannot say LC_CTYPE=*.UTF8).
But also e.g. for LC_MONETARY, this might be necessary for some
strange local banking tools.

It is perhaps not necessary to (re)define LANG at all:
Setting LC_MESSAGES should be sufficient for most build-time
stuff to get readable logs, and LANG=C might be the main reason,
why some people might not like the change and decided e.g.
to patch it out in paludis, as mentioned in this thread.

[gentoo-dev] Re: ChangeLog

2015-11-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> Keep in mind that "resources" is a vague term [...]
> disk io and CPU to sync [...]

For syncing, I think these latter resources are less important,
because they influence only the *time* of a syncing action,
which is normally not so important for the user.

Bandwidth and (effective) harddisk space are more crucial IMHO.
For the latter, we have a _clear_ winner: squashdelta
(which BTW could also be signed).

Concerning bandwidth, comparison is harder - it varies for
the different methods dramatically on how often you sync -
but squashdelta is also not bad here.

At least the mentioned problems with connection loss can
be solved easily for squashdelta, too, because only one
file has to be transferred whose transfer might be resumed.

[gentoo-dev] Re: ChangeLog

2015-11-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
Мисбах-Соловьёв Вадим  wrote:
>> Perhaps there is a better choice of distribution for you if you are.
> Or you can just... use rsync.

Or emerge-webrsync, emerge-delta-webrsync or squashdelta
(I strongly hope that the latter will be available again
in some future - IMHO it is perfect for most users).

Please do not break all these possibilities for users
who do not have to waste the resources for a full git
clone and want to see regularly ChangeLogs nevertheless!

[gentoo-dev] Re: ChangeLog

2015-11-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
Мисбах-Соловьёв Вадим  wrote:
>> Now how can this user display the ChangeLog for
>> a certain package?
> ```
> git log -- pkg-category/pkg-name/

You removed the crucial part of my posting:

>> git clone --depth=1

[gentoo-dev] Re: ChangeLog

2015-11-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
hasufell  wrote:
> git clone --depth=1

The only reasonable option for the gentoo user
(not for the gentoo developer) if he does not have
megabytes to waste on his harddisk (which probably
many users don't), if you want to *force* him
to use git.

Now how can this user display the ChangeLog for
a certain package?

[gentoo-dev] Re: ChangeLog

2015-11-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> What discussion or decision is necessary?
> What is needed is for those who want changelogs
> to fix the bug

The bug can only be fixed by somebody who knows
the details how the rsync mirrors are set up.

As mentioned in the discussion in bug 561454,
*essentially* all it needs to fix the issue is to call

egencache --repo=gentoo --update-changelog

on the main server providing the data for the mirrors,
but details (e.g. when to call it) depend on how
exactly the server is organized.

For instance, it might be necessary to put
into a local .gitignore file or something similar,
and somehow the Manifests due to modified ChangeLogs
might need to be updated, too.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Dynamic dependencies

2015-10-01 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> Proposal 3a might be: Anytime an RDEPEND in an eclass is changed, the
> eclass must be revisioned unless all ebuilds in the gentoo repository
> will continue to work correctly with the old RDEPEND.
> Proposal 4a might be: Anytime an RDEPEND in an eclass is changed, all
> ebuilds that inherit the eclass in the gentoo repository must be
> revisioned if they will not continue to work correctly with the old

Adding an || alternative should be included here:
The installed package would continue to work without that alternative,
but without a revbump the user is not able to see that he might
possibly drop a package.

[gentoo-dev] Re: QA bikeshed: killing USE=dedicated in favor of uniform USE=client+server

2015-08-20 Thread Martin Vaeth
Alexander Berntsen  wrote:
> - -1. The way "dedicated" is used in games ebuilds is a very established
> term that all gamers know and expect to behave in a specific way.
> This will mess with our users.

How do you know what the users know and expect?
When installing a game, I was regularly surprised by the meaning
of this USE-flag and had to read its description several times
to be sure that I understand what is going on.
Remember that not only permanent gamers install games occassionally.

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in eclass: ChangeLog kde5-functions.eclass kde5.eclass

2015-06-28 Thread Martin Vaeth
Dan Douglas  wrote:
> for x in *; do
> [[ -e $x ]] || continue
> ...
> done

You should also test for $x not being a symlink.
Otherwise you can miss the corner case that you have
a dead/unresolvable symlink called "*".

[gentoo-dev] Re: RFC: using Ninja in more CMake-based packages

2015-06-08 Thread Martin Vaeth
Franz Fellner  wrote:
> IMHO a working build system
> always is better than a fast but potentially broken one :)

Meanwhile, it is not so clear which of the two systems
is more likely the "potentially broken" one:
According to some of the mentioned bugs, it appears to me
that some upstreams consider rather ninja as the "working"
(and well-tested) tool, and Makefile as poor man's fallback.

[gentoo-dev] Re: News item review: SquashDelta syncing support

2015-05-18 Thread Martin Vaeth
Brian Dolbec  wrote:
> Martin Vaeth  wrote:
>> However, currently this does not play nicely with squashdelta:
>> You have to "undo" the mounting of squashdelta and have to use
>> different command (e.g. squashmount) afterwards.
> No, that is not correct [...]
> 2) /etc/portage/repo.postsync.d

I know about this hook, but this is not what I meant.

What I meant is the possibility to *replace* the automatic
mounting of portage by a different command (for instance,
a possibility to *avoid* that portage mounts/umounts
automatically but expects this to happens in this hook).

I give reasons for this below.

(This discussion belongs actually to portage-devel mailing
list or to some bug, but now I feel the necessity to clarify
the misunderstanding.)

It is not only inefficient and hackish (with possible problems
in case of unexpected situations like a SIGINT or other signal
at a "bad" time) if two programs/scripts "fight" about mounts
and undo each others' mounts. It also causes severe difficulties
in connection with overlayfs/aufs/...:

With these filesystems, you must create two (in case of
overlayfs even three) auxiliary directories, and in this
situation, it might be natural to choose these as
temporary direcories (e.g. generated in /tmp with unique names);
to understand the following explanation note also that two
of these directories (the squash filesystem and the overlay
filesystem) should "normally" always be mounted/umounted

Now if portage umounts only the "overlay" directory,
the information about the temporary directory names is lost
(leaving possibly quite a bit data in /tmp undeleted
forever), and the second necessary "umount" does not
happen and is hard to do later on: It prevents the
space of the old squash file from actually being freed
(and this mount is hard to find later on: It is a mount
of a deleted file on an unknown temporary directory.
Of course, one could try to find this mount by some heuristic,
but this is extremely hackish, and the heuristic might find
some other squash file which the user has mounted similarly
for some other reason.)

In case of the mentioned "squashmount" tool, the situation
is better, because "squashmount" is rather complex and e.g.
stores/manages the names of temporary directories independently.
However, users might also want to use less sophisticated tools
than "squashmount" (and also "squashmount" has no easy solution
for "random" remounts of the mount points it manages, because
it is almost impossible to write a "generic" such solution.)

In any case, it is rather hackisch to write a lot of additional
code to "undo" an actually undesired umounting+mounting:
The "clean" solution appears to be to not do the "undesired"
(in this situation) umounting+mounting in the first place but
to execute *only* the actually desired (u)mount command(s)

[gentoo-dev] Re: News item review: SquashDelta syncing support

2015-05-17 Thread Martin Vaeth
Rich Freeman  wrote:
> Downsides include:
> 2.  Impossible to tweak ebuilds without setting up an overlay.  This
> might be annoying for devs/etc.

It is still possible to setup a read-writable portage tree
(using overlayfs/aufs/unionfs-fuse/... e.g. using the squashmount
tool from the mv overlay).

However, currently this does not play nicely with squashdelta:
You have to "undo" the mounting of squashdelta and have to use
different command (e.g. squashmount) afterwards.
Although this can probably be done e.g. in eix-sync with hooks,
I hope that in the near future there will be a possibility to
combine these methods more conveniently.

Currently, I made only some remarks in comment #3 of bug 549716,
because it seems that the sync module mechanism is currently
lacking the infrastructure for adding custom data (like hooks) to
a module.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Quick RFC: USE=libav vs FFMPEG_IMPL=libav|ffmpeg

2015-02-04 Thread Martin Vaeth
Zac Medico  wrote:
> Also, portage-2.2.16 will have support for special USE_EXPAND syntax in
> package.use

I knew from reading portage-dev ml

Actually, I am hoping that the introduction of the feature
be taken as an opportunity to document USE_EXPAND better as a whole
on some prominent places where USE-flags are introduced,
explaining that these are internally really just USE-flags with
special names (example) and that the whole syntax with variables
(and the new one in package.use) are just convenience shortcuts
for global/local settings. It would also not hurt to refer to desc/
Probably some native speaker can formulate this much better.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Quick RFC: USE=libav vs FFMPEG_IMPL=libav|ffmpeg

2015-02-03 Thread Martin Vaeth
Markos Chandras  wrote:
> we bloat the make.conf file with new variables every now and then

Although it often makes sense to set USE_EXPAND-variables
in make.conf, it is not *necessary* to do it in this way
and in this file:
It can also happen in USE or in /etc/portage/package.use

In fact, this is something which many users apparently do
not know (just check the forums):
I think the USE_EXPAND mechanism needs to be documented better.

Of course, this is somehow independent of the current discussion.

> As a result, the time spent to maintain make.conf has been
> increased over time leading to more headaches on world updates etc.

Whether you edit a USE_EXPAND variable or a USE variable in
make.conf or something in /etc/portage/package.use does not really
make much of a difference.
And some of these three *must* be edited when the || ( ...:= ) trouble
should be avoided, no matter which approach is chosen.

> imho, in this particular case, the old behavior is fine by me and it's
> what has been around for a long time.

What has been around for a long time was the fragile || ( ...:= )
The meaning of libav as selection of the implementation is something new
which forces about half of the users to edit USE or package.use anyway.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Moving CPU flags into USE_EXPAND

2015-01-15 Thread Martin Vaeth
Alexis Ballier  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> More precisely: When changing the names anyway,
>> >> IMHO it would be a very good idea to follow the convention of the
>> >> "flag" names in /proc/cpuinfo and add all flags supported
>> >> there as possible USE-flags, no matter, whether they are currently
>> >> used in some package or not.
>> >
>> > seriously ?
>> >
>> > $ grep flags /proc/cpuinfo | head -n 1 | wc -w
>> > 94

Well, currently, we have at least 10-20 already:
At a very quick check (probably missing some), I found:

mmx sse sse2 aes-ni ssse3 sse3 sse4 sse4a sse4.1 sse4.2
3des 3dnow 3dnowext

and probably there are more to be added anyway
in future packages.

I am not even sure whether some of these sse4* are dupes
or not since they do not follow /proc/cpuinfo convention.
Some others do not follow this convention at all,
e.g. "sse3" is called "pni" in /proc/cpuinfo
or "aes-ni" is called "aes" in /proc/cpuinfo

This is mainly what I meant: Currently, users have to look
up how sse3 is called in /proc/cpuinfo to understand whether
their processor has support for it. This could be automated.

If not all of the 94 flags are included, it is perhaps not a drama;
my main suggestion is to follow /proc/cpuinfo convention in the
existing ones.

> but rather about writing the proper .desc file

Well, currently the descriptions are:

3dnow: Use the 3DNow! instruction set
mmx: Use the mmx instruction set
sse: Use the SSE2 instruction set
sse4_1: Enable sse4.1 acceleration

So they are practically useless unless you know anyway what the
corresponding processor flags mean.
I suggest to start with a "stub" .desc list, e.g.:

yyy: Use the yyy CPU feature, cf. /proc/cpuinfo

This is enough for the user to check on which of his systems he
might want it.  A more verbose description can be added for some
flags some day as a bonus; such a list can grow over time, and some
experts might want to send some patches to fix/extend the descriptions.
But why require for the start more than we have currently?
If there is no list to start with, then you can also not expect
that somebody will suggest patches (I mean: to a non-listed feature...)

[gentoo-dev] Re: Moving CPU flags into USE_EXPAND

2015-01-15 Thread Martin Vaeth
Christopher Head  wrote:
> All that requires is knowing the names, though; it would be
> fine if no package actually uses the feature yet.


More precisely: When changing the names anyway,
IMHO it would be a very good idea to follow the convention of the
"flag" names in /proc/cpuinfo and add all flags supported
there as possible USE-flags, no matter, whether they are currently
used in some package or not.
The list might still be extended when a new processor with new features
comes out.

If this is done properly, the user could easily write a script to set
these flags appropriate for his current machine. One might even give
portage a "--use-native" switch (or FEATURE=use-native)
which sets the USE defaults corresponding to the current
/proc/cpuinfo output. The latter is what typical desktop users
probably would prefer: A complete analogue of CFLAGS=-march=native;
just generating optimal code for his machine, without requiring
the user to understand all the fancy details of his processor.

To properly support packages which can choose the appropriate code
at runtime, I suggest to add in addition an "all" flag which just
compiles in all possible optimized code-paths.

[gentoo-dev] Re: sys-devel/gcc::mgorny up for testing

2014-12-09 Thread Martin Vaeth
viv...@gmail.com  wrote:
> - The project only has 20 commit, last one 8 months ago
>   https://github.com/m-click/mcpdf.git

The "project" is just a few lines anyway: merely a wrapper to the library.
All the work happens in the itext library which AFAIK is the same project
(in different versions) for pdftk as for mcpdf.
Of course, the new library version might contain new bugs,
as your example seems to suggest (did pdftk work with this example?)

> find /g/portage/ -name '*.ebuild' -exec egrep 'sys-devel/gcc.*gcj' {} +

Searching also through all layman (remote) overlays with

$ eix -#Rry 'sys-devel/gcc[^ ]*gcj'

I found besides the mentioned


one further dependency:

$ eix -Rvle imule
  net-p2p/imule [1]
  [...]  irouter? ( sys-devel/gcc[gcj] ) [...]
  P2P sharing software which connects through I2P and Kad network [...]
[1] "zugaina" layman/zugaina

[gentoo-dev] Re: sys-devel/gcc::mgorny up for testing

2014-12-07 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
> Have you tried mcpdf?

I heard about it now for the first time.

If I understand correctly, it uses the same library
as pdfTK, only a somewhat later version
(e.g. with improved unicode handling).

The main difference seems to be that it does not insist
on gcj but apparently should work with any java: I had
suspected that it is the library which depends on some
gcj internals and not just the front-end which consists
just of a few lines, anyway.

So, indeed, this looks like it should be a drop-in
replacement, though I did not check whether the
license of the updated library changed.

Anyway, it would be nice to have it in the tree. ;)

> but testing with your tricky PDFs

I do not remember anymore. I just remember that
several times, when some deadline approached,
I had to resort to pdftk at my institute's Debian
(in the lack of a gcj at home), even for simple tasks
as merging pdftex output with some scanned PDF pages:
neither pdfjam nor poppler did it satisfactory,
though I do not remember the reasons.

[gentoo-dev] Re: sys-devel/gcc::mgorny up for testing

2014-12-07 Thread Martin Vaeth
Michał Górny  wrote:
> 2. No gcj support. [...] Not sure if anybody
> actually uses it, and if it is actually useful for anything

The most important consumer is app-text/pdftk
Unfortunately, there is still no replacement for the latter
which works as good, especially if you have tricky pdfs to
process. Loosing gcj would therefore be a real loss.

[gentoo-dev] Re: RFC: News item regarding c++98 vs c++11

2014-10-21 Thread Martin Vaeth
Mike Gilbert  wrote:
> FYI, Chromium currently has a ban on using C++ 11 library features.

I do not see how this would help to avoid the problem:
If a function with the same name returns a different type
in c++98 than in c++11, you could only avoid the problem by
not using the function at all (neither in the c++11 code
nor in the c++98 code, since each may refer to the "wrong"

Of course, if all C++ dependencies are bundled,
as is apparently the case for "original" chromium,
the problem does not occur at all,  because in this
case everything just uses the c++11 library.

[gentoo-dev] Re: RFC: News item regarding c++98 vs c++11

2014-10-21 Thread Martin Vaeth
Ian Stakenvicius  wrote:
> On 20/10/14 06:58 AM, Anthony G. Basile wrote:
>> I don't think we'll ever want to support a mixed abi system.
> Can we, even?  Would it be a mixed-abi system or a multi-abi system?

I am afraid, we *have* to, in the moment when at least one program
adds -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 by itself (which AFAIK chromium does;
also eix does, if it can).

If not all C++ dependencies of that program (e.g. chromium)
are compiled with -std=c++11, you "automatically" get ABI-mixture.
(For eix, this is not the case, since eix has no dependencies
on C++ programs).

That's why I am not sure whether it is a good idea to discourage
users from -std=gnu++11: It might in fact even increase stability
of such programs which require the new language standard, and if
all programs do compile with this flag, it is completely "safe".

[gentoo-dev] Re: RFC: News item regarding c++98 vs c++11

2014-10-20 Thread Martin Vaeth
Anthony G. Basile  wrote:
>> Since gcc-4.7 there is a -std=c++11 option, do not use it {+yet+}
>> since it breaks the ABI, resulting in a non-functional system.
> Yes.  Eventually we'll have to clear the road for this.

Isn't Diego just starting a gcc-4.9 tinderbox run?

It might be worth to try with -std=gnu++11 immediately:
Most API incompatibilities which I experienced in my projects
were either name clashes (with symbols not existing yet in c++98)
or other trivial things (like some "char *" returns intead of
"const char *" returns etc.); cleanly written code is likely
to be upward compatible without any issues.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Are users forced to use PAM?

2014-10-05 Thread Martin Vaeth
Nikos Chantziaras  wrote:
> In bug 524074 (https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=524074), Joshua
> Kinard mentioned that Gentoo cannot support systems where PAM isn't
> installed.

All my gentoo boxes run without pam from the very beginning
(since many years).
I hope that it will not be necessary to maintain ebuils in
my overlay, should the USE=-pam option be removed from some

> (The issue at hand is that sudo links against -lshadow

I suppose that this shouldn't be a hard fix, since previous
sudo versions compiled well with USE=-pam, and there is no
libshadow on my system (except for an xorg-module of that
name, but I suppose that this is unrelated).

[gentoo-dev] Re: My masterplan for git migration (+ looking for infra to test it)

2014-09-19 Thread Martin Vaeth
Diamond  wrote:
> There's no git cp command.
> git mv is just git rm + git add.

I think there is a misunderstanding about how git works.

If you are used to e.g. svn (I suppose with CVS it is similar)
then it makes an important difference whether you use
"svn cp A B" or "/bin/cp A B", because svn is file-centric:
The latter loses history and duplicates data in the repository,
while the former de-duplicates.

git, OTOH is "blob"-centric: It cares only about content of the
file, not where this content comes from; the information that
you copy A to B is not stored, and it does not need to be stored:
De-duplication happens automatically.

In other words, there is no way for git to "see" that B originally
was a copy of A, and normally there is also no such need.
If you think that this information is important enough to be
stored in the history, you have to make a commit where B is
completely identical to A before you make further
modifications for B (identical files have the same checksum and
thus are immediately identified).
If you make no such commit, git can guess only by similarities
of the content that B originally was as a copy of A; this,
of course, needs slightly longer than omitting such comparisons.

For this reason, there is absolutely no reason to use git for
file operations like cp or mv (as long as you add/remove the
corresponding files from the index before you commit, of course).

[gentoo-dev] tox (was: maintainer-needed@ packages need you!)

2014-09-08 Thread Martin Vaeth
This discussion has now become rather OT and does not belong
to this list. Anyway, since there appear to be some misunderstandings
concerning my previous remarks, I contribute one more post.

Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
>>> > > > Please don't. Not all communication partners are linux users.
> The (in)?famous network effect.  A network grows in value based on the
> number of users it has...

Not only: You might convince your communication partners to switch.
However, they must be able to switch on *their* systems easily
(and not have to install linux or solve other technical obstacles).

>>> > So it doesn't work [...]
>>> Can't agree with you here. I just tried tox (utox client) from
>>> tox-overlay. Works like charm from the box [...]

Maybe from utox to utox. From utox to antox (the android client) -
which is the only case that I can reasonably test - I was only once
able to send a friends request from antox to utox, but no message,
and nothing in the opposite direction. After an antox upgrade,
I cannot even use my login anymore, probably since the ID has
changed due to upgrade...

Also, you cannot be behind a restrictive NAT. For instance, one of
my NAT routers cannot easily be configured to forward the exotic port,
and then there is also the problem of UDP hole punching - not sure,
whether this is solved in tox at all.

I never tried to examine how skype does it, but opening ports in
NAT routers was never necessary for skype, probably because it
switches ports automatically as required. Moreover, since it uses
a central server, there is no UDP punching problem.

Such "magic" (like automatic port switching) is required if you
really want to suggest it to users who are not computer-affine:
It must really be "configuration free" - also in difficult situations -
and work out of the box. Currently, it apparently works only on some
only-linux clients, and only if the network is configured fine
for them.

>> As long as the vast majority of my contacts use Skype and Yahoo
> That was the point above about not everyone being a Linux user

No, I think these are different points: My point was about whether
people are *technically* able to switch (if all agree). The other
is whether people are *socially* able to switch.
Of course, both must be solved, but the former is the requirement
for the latter, and tox still seems to have a long way to reach
the former.

>>> It should be noted that at least in Linux skype is much harder to
>>> install and use since it requires pulseaudio

But this concerns only Linux users who probably are computer-affine
and can solve such problems (or know somebody who is).

>>> So skype reqires its own LXC container set up

Not really. There is a forum post how to use skype (*only* skype)
with pulseaudio (once bug 519530 gets fixed, you can even do this
without patching any ebuild or configuration.)

To avoid a misunderstanding: I really oppose the non-privacy
policy of skype, and hardly can await until tox is ready.
However, the current state is that skype is without alteratives
for many people.
Moreover, suggesting tox to casual computer users too early -
like now when many technical problems are not yet solved -
would be rather contraproductive and actually kill tox:
People who once had a bad experience will likely refuse to switch
when tox *is* ready.

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