Re: Convert DB2 on z/OS to UDB on z/Linux

2009-09-03 Thread Timothy Sipples
Yes, in many situations there is an increased "wire length." In many
situations it's unavoidable.

But if the goal is to reduce costs, it's very important to take proximity
into account. If you cut your DB2 license fee by 30% but triple your CICS
and z/OS license fees, most rational people wouldn't take that trade. If
you cut your DB2 license fee by 30% but increase your CICS and z/OS license
fee by 10%, then more investigation may be merited.

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan / Asia-Pacific
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Re: Java availability

2009-09-03 Thread Peter Bishop
On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 09:41:09 -0400, Dazzo, Matt  wrote:

>Thanks Dave.
>Does anyone know if there is any kind of sample pgm provided by ibm that
will perform a java call from the mvs environment? Thanks Matt
>The response from the 'java  -version' command is pasted below. Does
>this verify that java is not only installed but available should an
>application make a java call? I am trying to determine if I need to do
>additional configuring. Thanks Matt
>java version "1.6.0"
>Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pmz6460sr3-20081108_01(SR3))
>IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, J2RE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 z/OS s390x-64
>33 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
>J9VM - 20081105_025433_BHdSMr
>JIT  - r9_20081031_1330
>GC   - 20081027_AB)
>JCL  - 20081106_01

You can use JZOS on your level of JDK.  It's very neat.  Here's a sample but
you'll have to use your version of JAVA_HOME.

// JAVACLS='HelloWorld'  
# This is a shell script which configures
# any environment variables for the Java JVM.
# Variables must be exported to be seen by the launcher. 
. /etc/profile   
export JAVA_HOME=/products/Java/V6   
export PATH=/bin:"${JAVA_HOME}"/bin  
export LIBPATH="$LIBPATH":   
# Customize your CLASSPATH here  
# Add Application required jars to end of CLASSPATH  
for i in "${APP_HOME}"/*.jar; do 
# Set JZOS specific options  
# Use this variable to specify encoding for DD STDOUT and STDERR 
# Use this variable to prevent JZOS from handling MVS operator commands  
# Use this variable to supply additional arguments to main   
#export JZOS_MAIN_ARGS=""
# Configure JVM options  
IJO="-Xms16m -Xmx128m"   
# Uncomment the following to aid in debugging "Class Not Found" problems 
#IJO="$IJO -verbose:class"   
# Uncomment the following if you want to run with Ascii file encoding..  
#IJO="$IJO -Dfile.encoding=ISO8859-1"


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Re: "file integrity verified" - do I care?

2009-09-03 Thread Mike Bell
let's take some possibilities.
1. the verify succeeds - there are no hanging end of file or paritial
splits or fatal errors.  wha happened to the blocks that had not been
written to dasd yet - well, they are gone into the bit bucket in the
2. the verify succeeds - and operations is rerunning the exact same
job - some of the updates are going double update - some inserts will
fail as duplicate, totals have wrong values.

status 97 means that a job abended and nothing has been done to
recover the file.  That is usually not a good thing.


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"file integrity verified" - do I care?

2009-09-03 Thread Frank Swarbrick
Warning: This is another one of my "bitchy" messages complaining about things 
that people have been "getting along" with for many years.  You have been 
warned, so please don't complain back to me if you think I'm concerned over 
nothing.  Just don't read the rest of the message if this bothers you.

Some Cobol programmers know about the dreaded "status 97" issue.  Essentially, 
if a KSDS is opened for I-O and the job is cancelled before the file is 
successfully closed then the next time the file is opened VSAM will do an 
implicit VERIFY.  If the VERIFY succeeds then a file status of '97' (rather 
than '00') is returned to the Cobol program.  From what I can tell from 
googling, if the file *is in fact damaged* then it will not return '97' but 
will rather return a different file status, one that indicates the file was not 
succesfully opened.  I've not been able to recreate the latter situation, so 
I'm not sure what file status that would be.

All this being said, the point is that this file status of 97 is the "same" as 
status 00, except that status 97 indicates that not only was the file opened 
successfully but an implicit VERIFY was also completed successfully.

The question I have is, "why do I care?"  Of what benefit is it for me, as a 
Cobol programmer, to know this information.  Should I be doing something with 
it?  Already on the syslog do we see messages such as this:

That's fine.  But is there something I should be doing?  I can't think of 

So my question now is, why should status 97 even exist?  The Cobol standard 
says that any file status with the first of the two characters being the 
character '0' was a successful I/O.  According to the Cobol 2002 standard (I 
don't have the Cobol 85 standard available):
"Certain classes of I-O status values indicate fatal exception conditions. 
These are: any that begin with the digit 3 or 4, and any that begin with the 
digit 9 that the implementor defines as fatal."

So in this case IBM has chosen to make status '97' not only "not fatal", but in 
fact absolutely successful.  I am unable to determine of the standard actually 
allows a '9' error to be considered successful, or if it should only be a 
non-fatal or fatal error.

Anyway, the point(!) to all of this is I would like to make a requirement to 
IBM Enterprise Cobol to have an option to no longer set a file status of 97 
when this occurs, but rather to set the file status to 00.

While it would be nice to say that we simple handle 97 the same as 00, this is 
not the case.  We are a VSE shop migrating to z/OS, and while '97' is 
documented as a possibility, I can't recall a time that we ever actually got 
one.  I have tried doing things to cause it to occur on VSE (such as canceling 
and flushing the job) but it never occurs.  In any case I dare say 90% of our 
programs do not "expect" a file status of 97.

So since 97 doesn't seem to be useful I am trying to make sure it never occurs. 
 Thus the requirement.  In our testing we've already run in to it several times.

Yes, I realize we "should" simply change the programs to conform to the IBM 
compiler.  But my feeling is that it's the status 97 that does not "conform" to 
the Cobol standard, so Enterprise Cobol should, as an option at least, be made 
to conform, and thus eliminate our need to conform to a non-conforming 
implementation.  (And even if status 97 does technically conform, it's still 
annoying.  )

Any thoughts?  It is interesting to note that at the assembler level this 
situation appears to *not* cause the OPEN macro to set R15 to something other 
than 0.  The VSAM feedback code (ACBERFLG?) is set to 118 (X'76'), but that is 
it.  R15 is set to 0.  With Cobol, along with the FILE STATUS code of 97 I also 
VSAM return code   0008
VSAM function code 
VSAM feedback code 0076

This seems to say that VSAM set R15 to 8, but the assembler program I wrote to 
test this shows R15=0.  (I am not an assembler programmer, so I could have 
screwed it up.  I'd be glad to post it if anyone wants to validate it.)  So is 
the Cobol runtime "making up" this VSAM return code of 8?  Hmmm...

What do assembler programs generally do?  Do you assume if the open returned a 
0 that you're good to go?  Do you ever check ACBERFLG if the I/O was successful 
(R15=0)?  I'd be fine with the "VSAM status" codes still being set (if the 
program has specified to receive them) as long as the primary status code is 
00.  (Yes, currently the VSAM status code field is "undefined" if the primary 
status code is set to 00.  I do

Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Peter Bishop
On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 15:11:50 -0500, Chris Craddock  wrote:

>Yeah, yeah I know. I know. There will be spluttering replies about "software
>bills, yada yada" - trust me I've heard it all. My question back is, if
>you're paying for a high availability platform and not leveraging it, what
>was the point?

Hear, Hear!


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2009-09-03 Thread Kirk Talman
Yes the book says 31.

I finally fixed the code with

LARL  R3,LABEL  get address for second BSM
BSM   R3,0  save the mode bit
SAM31 , go to 31 bit mode
LAR1,1608(,R4) begin SWAREQ MF=(E,...),UNAUTH=YES
L R15,16
L R15,296(,R15)
L R15,100(,R15)
L R15,88(,R15)
BALR  R14,R15   end SWAREQ generated code
ORG *-2 prevent silly S0C1?
BASRR14,R15 prevent silly S0C1?
BSM   0,R3  put back original mode

Now I have to fix the fix - the returned pointer (SIOT) is now above the 
line.  Sigh!

All systems zOS 1.10 (except the sandbox(s?) on 1.11 which doesn't run 
this code).

Thanks for helping me think the unthinkable.

IBM Mainframe Discussion List  wrote on 09/03/2009 
04:24:36 PM:

> Chris Craddock wrote:

> > It wouldn't matter anyway. Neither of those changes the amode. That 
> > require BASSM, or BSM or in z architecture, SAM. Is SWAREQ documented 
> > allow 24-bit mode callers? (I really don't know without looking it up)

> AMODE=31 is required.
> Edward E Jaffe

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Re: Convert DB2 on z/OS to UDB on z/Linux

2009-09-03 Thread Dave Salt
Hi Frank,
I'm very much out of my depth in this area so I'm very grateful for the input 
I've received from you and others.

Dave Salt

SimpList(tm) - try it; you'll get it!

> Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 14:57:00 -0600
> From:
> Subject: Re: Convert DB2 on z/OS to UDB on z/Linux
> To:
> In their defense one might note that all other database clients also travel 
> said "long path" from the client to the database. So while z/OS -> DB2 z/OS 
> has it's advantage, it's not like said "longer path" is not being used 
> elsewhere. And if they have the database in an IFL it can use hipersockets. 
> Still not as fast as staying within z/OS, but faster than over a real network.
> Frank
> On 9/3/2009 at 7:22 AM, in message
> , Dave Salt 
> wrote:
>> Hi Timothy,
>> My friend is in North America, but I'll pass your message on to him so he
>> can pass it on to his management.
>> I agree with you about "stretching the wire length", and it would certainly
>> be a concern if it were me making the decision. Not just because of the
>> increase in time, but also the possible points of failure. But, my friends
>> management doesn't seem to have the same concern.
>> Thanks again,
>> Dave Salt
>> SimpList(tm) - try it; you'll get it!
>>> Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 14:59:25 +0900
>>> From:
>>> Subject: Re: Convert DB2 on z/OS to UDB on z/Linux
>>> To:
>>> Dave,
>>> Probably all companies (mine included) have the goal to reduce costs, made
>>> more urgent in the present economic conditions. So that makes sense.
>>> I don't know if your friend's company is located in my part of the world
>>> (Asia), but if so he should feel free to contact me offline. If he's
>>> elsewhere I can probably provide a referral, if that's helpful. It's rare
>>> that I don't find some reasonable cost-reducing options. My only condition
>>> is that I get a shot at looking at the total business picture (or at least
>>> closer to that), because the more I have to work with the more (and more
>>> useful) ideas I can suggest.
>>> Said another way, if someone says to me, "Make my mainframe cheaper," well,
>>> that's easy: unplug it and sell it on eBay. Presumably that isn't going to
>>> be a very successful business strategy, however. As another example, my
>>> company might figure out a way to cut the paper budget to zero, whereupon
>>> none of the salespeople can write or execute contracts. Or cut the
>>> telephone budget to zero, whereupon nobody can talk with any (quickly
>>> former) customers. The business context is important to understand, and I'm
>>> much more useful (and helpful) when the question is, "How can I make my
>>> business run more efficiently?" And if part of the answer to that question
>>> is, "Don't run (x) on (y)," I'll say so.
I think most of their programs are written in COBOL, with perhaps a,
few written in Assembler, all running on z/OS. I know they use some
stored procedures, but I don't know how many or what for. I'd
guesstimate they have about 100 developers if that gives you some
idea of size.
>>> OK, that's a good "feel." I assume it's a reasonably generous mix of OLTP
>>> and batch as well.
>>> Assuming there's a magic wand that could be waved that would (with zero
>>> cost/risk/time) allow these applications to run with another database, one
>>> technical question I would look at carefully would be the forecasted CPU
>>> increase, particularly on the application side. The present connections
>>> between those applications and the database is intra-LPAR I assume, and
>>> presumably that's reasonably well optimized. As you stretch the "wire
>>> length" between those two tiers it'll tend to increase CPU on both sides,
>>> other things being equal. So I'd want to find out how much that proximity
>>> effect is.
>>> - - - - -
>>> Timothy Sipples
>>> IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
>>> Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan / Asia-Pacific
>>> E-Mail:
>>> --
>>> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
>>> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
>>> Search the archives at
>> _
>> New: Messenger sign-in on the MSN homepage
>> --
>> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
>> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
>> Search the archi

VLF papers and SHARE stickers

2009-09-03 Thread Ed Finnell
For your dining and dancing pleasure. It's pretty slow but it works.
You'll get an screen and then it underlines it while the file  
The SHARE papers are from SHARE 72 and are a good foundation. All the other 
 stuff is crap just lying around chaos manor.

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Re: Convert DB2 on z/OS to UDB on z/Linux

2009-09-03 Thread Frank Swarbrick
In their defense one might note that all other database clients also travel 
said "long path" from the client to the database.  So while z/OS -> DB2 z/OS 
has it's advantage, it's not like said "longer path" is not being used 
elsewhere.  And if they have the database in an IFL it can use hipersockets.  
Still not as fast as staying within z/OS, but faster than over a real network.


On 9/3/2009 at 7:22 AM, in message
, Dave Salt 
> Hi Timothy,
> My friend is in North America, but I'll pass your message on to him so he 
> can pass it on to his management.
> I agree with you about "stretching the wire length", and it would certainly 
> be a concern if it were me making the decision. Not just because of the 
> increase in time, but also the possible points of failure. But, my friends 
> management doesn't seem to have the same concern.
> Thanks again,
> Dave Salt
> SimpList(tm) - try it; you'll get it!
>> Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 14:59:25 +0900
>> From: 
>> Subject: Re: Convert DB2 on z/OS to UDB on z/Linux
>> To: 
>> Dave,
>> Probably all companies (mine included) have the goal to reduce costs, made
>> more urgent in the present economic conditions. So that makes sense.
>> I don't know if your friend's company is located in my part of the world
>> (Asia), but if so he should feel free to contact me offline. If he's
>> elsewhere I can probably provide a referral, if that's helpful. It's rare
>> that I don't find some reasonable cost-reducing options. My only condition
>> is that I get a shot at looking at the total business picture (or at least
>> closer to that), because the more I have to work with the more (and more
>> useful) ideas I can suggest.
>> Said another way, if someone says to me, "Make my mainframe cheaper," well,
>> that's easy: unplug it and sell it on eBay. Presumably that isn't going to
>> be a very successful business strategy, however. As another example, my
>> company might figure out a way to cut the paper budget to zero, whereupon
>> none of the salespeople can write or execute contracts. Or cut the
>> telephone budget to zero, whereupon nobody can talk with any (quickly
>> former) customers. The business context is important to understand, and I'm
>> much more useful (and helpful) when the question is, "How can I make my
>> business run more efficiently?" And if part of the answer to that question
>> is, "Don't run (x) on (y)," I'll say so.
>>>I think most of their programs are written in COBOL, with perhaps a,
>>>few written in Assembler, all running on z/OS. I know they use some
>>>stored procedures, but I don't know how many or what for. I'd
>>>guesstimate they have about 100 developers if that gives you some
>>>idea of size.
>> OK, that's a good "feel." I assume it's a reasonably generous mix of OLTP
>> and batch as well.
>> Assuming there's a magic wand that could be waved that would (with zero
>> cost/risk/time) allow these applications to run with another database, one
>> technical question I would look at carefully would be the forecasted CPU
>> increase, particularly on the application side. The present connections
>> between those applications and the database is intra-LPAR I assume, and
>> presumably that's reasonably well optimized. As you stretch the "wire
>> length" between those two tiers it'll tend to increase CPU on both sides,
>> other things being equal. So I'd want to find out how much that proximity
>> effect is.
>> - - - - -
>> Timothy Sipples
>> IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
>> Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan / Asia-Pacific
>> E-Mail: 
>> --
>> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
>> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
>> Search the archives at 
> _
> New: Messenger sign-in on the MSN homepage
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
> Search the archives at 


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2009-09-03 Thread Edward Jaffe

Chris Craddock wrote:

It wouldn't matter anyway. Neither of those changes the amode. That would
require BASSM, or BSM or in z architecture, SAM. Is SWAREQ documented to
allow 24-bit mode callers? (I really don't know without looking it up)

AMODE=31 is required.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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2009-09-03 Thread Chris Craddock
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Kirk Talman  wrote:

> A utility macro that issues SWAREQ UNAUTH=YES has abended w/S0C1 because
> it was used in 24 bit mode.  IFA says at the BALR R14,R15 but I think the
> problem is the BR R14 returning.
> The macro is used in multiple places/programs.  This is the first abend.
> It is hard to believe the utility that abended had not been used before
> this w/zOS 1.10?  Has anyone else seen/heard of this?  Any idea why BALR
> used instead of BASR?

It wouldn't matter anyway. Neither of those changes the amode. That would
require BASSM, or BSM or in z architecture, SAM. Is SWAREQ documented to
allow 24-bit mode callers? (I really don't know without looking it up)

This email might be from the
artist formerly known as CC
(or not) You be the judge.

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Chris Craddock
...well not be be a broken record, but one of the major selling features of
sysplex is not making IPL-ing an image any less necessary (they are what
they are) but in making them invisible (or nearly invisible) to the
business. With proper configuration you can take down an image, apply
maintenance and restart the image while work continues merrily along on the
other images in the plex. ...and of course you can't do that if you are
still operating in 1989-compatibility mode and have applications bound to
specific images in the plex and/or if you don't have enough headroom to
allow the remaining images to pick up the load.
The really really embarrassing part about this is, z/OS on its own is not
even CLOSE to a high availability system. Sorry if that bursts anybody's
bubble but it isn't. So if you are still operating in 1989-compatibility
mode and IPL-ing weekly or bi-weekly, then even without incurring down time
or poor service from application issues the business applications on those
systems are only getting something like 99.5% availability (do the math,
it's easy) which is a far cry from the "five nines" that parallel sysplex is
designed to allow.

Yeah, yeah I know. I know. There will be spluttering replies about "software
bills, yada yada" - trust me I've heard it all. My question back is, if
you're paying for a high availability platform and not leveraging it, what
was the point?

This email might be from the
artist formerly known as CC
(or not) You be the judge.

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2009-09-03 Thread Kirk Talman
A utility macro that issues SWAREQ UNAUTH=YES has abended w/S0C1 because 
it was used in 24 bit mode.  IFA says at the BALR R14,R15 but I think the 
problem is the BR R14 returning.

The macro is used in multiple places/programs.  This is the first abend. 
It is hard to believe the utility that abended had not been used before 
this w/zOS 1.10?  Has anyone else seen/heard of this?  Any idea why BALR 
used instead of BASR?

The information contained in this communication (including any
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Re: What happens in a DS8000 Metro Mirror (PPRC-Sync) config when the relationship between a volume pair is broken?

2009-09-03 Thread Jan Vanbrabant
thanks Bill.

>- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
>Van : Bill Fairchild []
>Verzonden : donderdag , september 3, 2009 04:03 PM
>Aan :
>Onderwerp : Re: What happens in a DS8000 Metro Mirror (PPRC-Sync) config when 
>the relationship between a volume pair is broken?
>My comments were based on my experience with a 9390 model 6 control unit. I 
>don't know what the exact mapping is on a DS8000.
>Bill Fairchild
>Software Developer
>Rocket Software
>275 Grove Street * Newton, MA 02466-2272 * USA
>Tel: +1.617.614.4503 * Mobile: +1.508.341.1715
>-Original Message-
>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
>Jan Vanbrabant
>Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 2:50 PM
>Subject: Re: What happens in a DS8000 Metro Mirror (PPRC-Sync) config when the 
>relationship between a volume pair is broken?
>Hi Bill, thanks!
>Re. <later will require the copying of all 15 tracks on cylinder X. If a fully 
>populated EAV is ever available in beaucoup years from now, it will have 16 to 
>the 7th power cylinders (ca. 268 million), and it will need the same number of 
>bits, which is 33.5 million bytes. Maybe by then each bit will represent 1,000 
>cylinders. >>>
>Is the bitmap on cylinder level, or on track level?
>SG24-6787-04 DS8000 Copy Services for IBM System z (6 Februari 2009)
>pag. 213 paragraph 15.2? Volumes are in the suspended state when the primary 
>and secondary storage subsystems cannot communicate anymore, or when the Metro 
>Mirror pair is suspended manually. In this state, writes to the primary volume 
>are not mirrored onto the secondary volume. The secondary volume becomes 
>out-of-sync. During this time, Metro Mirror keeps a bitmap record of the 
>changed tracks in the primary volume. Later, when the volumes are 
>re-synchronized, only the tracks that were updated will be copied.
>Thruout the redbook at several places, it's always tracks who are mentioned in 
>relationship with the bitmap.
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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>I think a distiction needs to be made between "applying maintenance" and 
>simply changing some things.  Applying SMPE maintenance to a running system 
>can be a very Bad Idea.

I meant more along the lines of SMP/E.
Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: 回覆:Re: 回 覆:Re: paging in rates and r eal m emory

2009-09-03 Thread Ron Hawkins

Yes I know that. That is what I meant when I said "repeatedly paged out with
a bit flick." Stolen with a bit flick would have been a more accurate
description :-)


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Chris Craddock
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 7:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] 回覆:Re: 回 覆:Re: paging in rates and r eal m
> 2009/9/3 Ron Hawkins 
> > Tommy,
> >
> > 
> > Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't unchanged pages selected for
> > Page-out first?
> >
> UN changed pages are simply stolen. There's no point in paging them out
> since by definition they either have never been referenced, or there is a
> valid copy already out on AUX.  I am still less than convinced the OP has
> paging problem sufficiently large enough to stall CICS. But without
> at his system "I know nothing".
> CC
> --
> This email might be from the
> artist formerly known as CC
> (or not) You be the judge.
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>Are there any IMS TM shops out there that only IPL once a month or once a 

I used to work at a Canadian bank that used IMS (FF & FP), and we went as long 
as 6 months without IPL's in production.
This was 2.10 & V3.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: LLA Update

2009-09-03 Thread Ron Hawkins

Myself and many others (refer to posts) have been caching directories of
normal PDS almost to the day that "Library LookAside" replaced "Linklist
LookAside." On heavy TSO systems it was common practice to put just about
everything in the TSO login Proc into LLA to reduce IO rates on the SYSRES.
Other posts on this thread confirm having non-Load Library directories
cached by LLA is still a common function.

I will agree with you that it is LLA that measures Fetch performance and
loads/unloads modules into VLF or SMSPDSE addresses, but that is in addition
to the directory caching function of any PDS or PDSE cached in LLA using the
FREEZE function.

You could say that it manages only load modules, but it also freezes and
caches any directory.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Peter Relson
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 7:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] LLA Update
> >but i'm not necessarily talking about load modules.
> >To improve performance you can put several librarys (PDS/PDSE) to be
> >managed by LLA, as SYSPROC concatenation for example. That can be edited.
> LLA manages only load libraries (whether PDS or PDSE).
> You are perhaps thinking of VLF which is exploited by LLA (and others,
> as TSO/E clists)
> >But LLA does not many modules. It manages directories!
> That's an interesting, but incorrect, statement (even presuming "many" was
> supposed to be "manages").
> LLA manages the directories of load libraries as well as modules within
> those libraries..
> It is conceivable you could get away with directing LLA to manage the
> directories of non-load-libraries, but that is not LLA's documented
> function.
> Peter Relson
> z/OS Core Technology Design
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
> Search the archives at

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>I can remember the day when a weekly IPL was almost mandatory. But that was 
>long ago.

When I started, as an operator, we had a 2-hour window every day -- the trains 
stopped runnin until the IPL was complete.
I didn't see weekly IPL's until we went to XA a few years later -- I was out of 
ops by then.
Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory

2009-09-03 Thread Ron Hawkins

Your 0.1 ms relies heavily on good cache hits. Page-ins are rarely good
cache candidates in an LRU system. Cache miss means at a minimum there will
be rotational latency delay, and transfer time from disk to cache, so
there's an average of 2ms and up to 4ms of disconnect time. There is certain
to be inter-volume seeking which on average is 3ms and up to 7ms.

 When I said an average of 3ms I was not talking about disk response time.
Allowing for the fact that without any queuing, response time for a cache
miss will usually have a disconnect time of 6ms or more on a 15K RPM drive.
Page resolution time can better than 6ms because there can be multiple pages
in a page-in IO.

If the back-end of your storage is suffering any sibling pend contention for
disk drives pr FCAL paths then you can expect Disconnect time to rocket up
to 15ms or more very quickly. There is very little multiplexing goes on in
the back-end of a storage controller. The arm on the disk drive can only
service one IO at a time, and an FCAL path can only transfer data for one
disk at a time.

Alan Sherkow's paper "Does Your Installation Have Half-second I/O Response
Time?" should be required reading for any sysprog that is tasked with doing
IO performance.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Hal Merritt
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 9:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory
> Points well taken.
> I guess I really was talking about a state or long term average. I just
> 50 pps out of the air.
> But one can reasonably expect modern DASD to routinely deliver sub
> response times. Indeed, of the 351 online units in my farm, only 17 were
> reporting higher than 1 ms.  Most were below .5 ms.
> Assuming the rest of your proposed scenario were the case, then we could
> reasonably expect 4.5 seconds, not 45.
> We seem to agree that any paging at all is not good for CICS. But I submit
> that it is not as deadly as it once was.
> But, again, we don't know much about the OP's environment.
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Ron Hawkins
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 2:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory
> Hal,
> The 50/sec is measured over some interval. If it's a reasonable RMF
> of 5 minutes, then that's 15,000 page-ins. However, let's say the page-ins
> all occurred in a fraction of that time: say 60 seconds and then nothing.
> That's a page-in rate of 250/sec for the CICS region.
> Assuming there's a bit of block paging in the mix, so that average time
> page-in is a generous 3ms, that's 45 seconds (3ms*15000) of page-fault
> during which CICS will stall. Not so bad averaged over five minutes, but a
> heck of a long time if it was a burst of page-ins in a single minute.
> Back in the days when I had production systems running at 2000 pages a
> second, my target for VTAN, CICS and MPP was a DPR of less than 5/sec
> 15 minute intervals in order to stop the phone ringing. I am not surprised
> that a DPR of 50/sec may be a real problem for CICS.
> Ron
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
> Behalf Of
> > Hal Merritt
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 11:24 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory
> >
> > A demand page in rate of 50 or less should barely be noticeable. Why do
> you
> > think paging is causing you problems? Granted, most agree that an
> page
> > rate of zero is where you want to be. But many might argue that z/os can
> > deliver satisfactory service levels with paging rates near 100 or even
> higher
> > (assuming modern high performance DASD).
> >
> > To answer your question, system paging rates are determined by real
> storage.
> > You reduce page rates by either increasing real storage or decreasing
> > overall load.
> >
> > What do you mean when you say 'time out'?
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
> Behalf Of
> > Tommy Tsui
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 4:29 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Some of our CICS transaction time out becuase of page in. How can I
> > this problem? add region size or add more real memory? how to control
> > cics use the real or AUX storage?
> >
> > 12:10 pagin 0
> > Service -- Frame Occup.-- - Active Frames - AUX PGIN MemObj
> > PABCCOLD B ONLCISH 77335 77335 0 77335 773 0 80689 0
> >
> > 12:11 pagin 27
> > 0 Service -- Frame Occup.-- - Active Frames - AUX PGIN MemObj
> > 

Re: Google groups and IBM-MAIN

2009-09-03 Thread Mark Zelden
On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 14:12:51 -0400, Jon Brock  wrote:

>As long as I have temporarily left lurk mode, has anyone else begun having
problems with searching IBM-MAIN posts in Google Groups?  I always used it
because: a) It kept some load off the archive servers; and b) It was faster
anyway.  These days, though, it seems as if it has forgotten all of the old

A few months ago (maybe a little longer) I noticed that I wasn't getting hits
like I did in the past.   I get better results by searching for the specific

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Google groups and IBM-MAIN

2009-09-03 Thread Jon Brock
As long as I have temporarily left lurk mode, has anyone else begun having 
problems with searching IBM-MAIN posts in Google Groups?  I always used it 
because: a) It kept some load off the archive servers; and b) It was faster 
anyway.  These days, though, it seems as if it has forgotten all of the old 


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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Jon Brock
(Leaving lurk mode.)

I think a distiction needs to be made between "applying maintenance" and simply 
changing some things.  Applying SMPE maintenance to a running system can be a 
very Bad Idea.  (Not that I haven't ever done it.)  Changing system parameters, 
load libraries, linklists, etc. is no big deal.



-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

>Who says it's bad practice?

A lot of people on this list!

>There are many things that cannot be upgraded or maintained without an IPL, 
>but that doesn't make a bad practice out of those things that do not require 
>an IPL. 

No, but applying to something while it's running IS a bad practice!
Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>Who says it's bad practice?

A lot of people on this list!

>There are many things that cannot be upgraded or maintained without an IPL, 
>but that doesn't make a bad practice out of those things that do not require 
>an IPL. 

No, but applying to something while it's running IS a bad practice!
Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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2009-09-03 Thread Scott Rowe
YES (on both counts).

>>> "Barrett, Dennis"  9/3/2009 11:29 AM >>>
You mentioned the segmentation offload fix (for OSA cards).
I'm VERY curious to know if anyone has actually worked up the courage to
turn this option back on.  Are the results worth the extra Zantac
required just thinking about it?

Dennis Barrett 

-Original Message-
From: Knutson, Sam [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 14:34


The APAR is not flagged CATBREAKER.  If this is really intended to
resolve broken catalog issues it seems like it should be.  If the dire
symptoms you describe are being seen it seems it should be marked HIPER
too.  That was part of my point that this APAR has been open a LONG time
to just close it and turn off the feature rather than fixing it.  Even
segmentation offload was eventually fixed and recommended to be enabled.
The APAR text makes it sound like it was just ineffective at making an
improvement or confusing.

Best Regards, 

Sam Knutson, GEICO 
System z Performance and Availability Management 
(office)  301.986.3574 
(cell) 301.996.1318  

"Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..." 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Pinnacle
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 11:32 AM

- Original Message - 
From: "Knutson, Sam" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 11:13 AM

> I have not seen any big shortcomings with Auto-Tuning here though I am

> sure others have.
> It seems this is throwing the baby out with the bathwater since it
> completely kills auto-tuning rather than providing a chicken switch
> customers who were unhappy.  Anyone seen anything so horrible from
> auto-tuning you are happy IBM fired up the time machine and erased it 
> completely?


OA20748 has been out there for 2.5 years.  IBM recommended disabling 
AUTOTUNING in that APAR, and I've been doing that ever since.  The main 
problems were broken catalogs and runaway CPU in VLF.  We experienced
runaway CPU problem.  I'm glad you haven't had any problems, but
has been BAD from day 1.


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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Mark Zelden
On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 11:08:49 -0500, Steve R Wolf  wrote:

>We are a IMS TM shop.  IMS has many dependant regions (each in it's own
>address spaces).  Each night we bounce the regions for DR purposes and
>some twice for another purpose.  Because the regions use cross memory
>services the ASIDs can not be reused.  We IPL every Sunday in part due to
>the IMS systems (we also have a test IMS in the same system).
>We are z/OS 1.8 so we do not have the health check you mention.  Is there
>a way to display the available ASIDs at the end of the week to determine
>how many ASIDs we would have to add to be able to IPL only once a month?

My IPLINFO, or ASIDLIST or ASIDLRX (REXX version of ASIDLIST which is 
assembler).   Or ShowMVS.  

>Are there any IMS TM shops out there that only IPL once a month or once a

What do you have for RSVNONR specified?  It really doesn't cost much below
the line common storage (SQA) to increase it - even by a fairly large
number (say, 1000).   Can you afford to give up 10-15K below the line of SQA?

Search the archives for "ASVT math".

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory

2009-09-03 Thread Hal Merritt
Points well taken. 

I guess I really was talking about a state or long term average. I just pulled 
50 pps out of the air. 

But one can reasonably expect modern DASD to routinely deliver sub millisecond 
response times. Indeed, of the 351 online units in my farm, only 17 were 
reporting higher than 1 ms.  Most were below .5 ms. 

Assuming the rest of your proposed scenario were the case, then we could 
reasonably expect 4.5 seconds, not 45. 

We seem to agree that any paging at all is not good for CICS. But I submit that 
it is not as deadly as it once was.  

But, again, we don't know much about the OP's environment. 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Ron Hawkins
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 2:43 AM
Subject: Re: 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory


The 50/sec is measured over some interval. If it's a reasonable RMF interval
of 5 minutes, then that's 15,000 page-ins. However, let's say the page-ins
all occurred in a fraction of that time: say 60 seconds and then nothing.
That's a page-in rate of 250/sec for the CICS region.

Assuming there's a bit of block paging in the mix, so that average time per
page-in is a generous 3ms, that's 45 seconds (3ms*15000) of page-fault time
during which CICS will stall. Not so bad averaged over five minutes, but a
heck of a long time if it was a burst of page-ins in a single minute.

Back in the days when I had production systems running at 2000 pages a
second, my target for VTAN, CICS and MPP was a DPR of less than 5/sec using
15 minute intervals in order to stop the phone ringing. I am not surprised
that a DPR of 50/sec may be a real problem for CICS.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Hal Merritt
> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 11:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory
> A demand page in rate of 50 or less should barely be noticeable. Why do
> think paging is causing you problems? Granted, most agree that an average
> rate of zero is where you want to be. But many might argue that z/os can
> deliver satisfactory service levels with paging rates near 100 or even
> (assuming modern high performance DASD).
> To answer your question, system paging rates are determined by real
> You reduce page rates by either increasing real storage or decreasing the
> overall load.
> What do you mean when you say 'time out'?
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Tommy Tsui
> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 4:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory
> Hi all,
> Some of our CICS transaction time out becuase of page in. How can I solved
> this problem? add region size or add more real memory? how to control the
> cics use the real or AUX storage?
> 12:10 pagin 0
> Service -- Frame Occup.-- - Active Frames - AUX PGIN MemObj
> PABCCOLD B ONLCISH 77335 77335 0 77335 773 0 80689 0
> 12:11 pagin 27
> 0 Service -- Frame Occup.-- - Active Frames - AUX PGIN MemObj
> PABCCOLD B ONLCISH 77668 77668 0 77668 773 0 80689 27
> 12:12 pagin 33
> Service -- Frame Occup.-- - Active Frames - AUX PGIN MemObj
> PABCCOLD B ONLCISH 79661 79661 0 79661 774 0 80689 33
> 12:13 pagin back to 6
> Service -- Frame Occup.-- - Active Frames - AUX PGIN MemObj
> PABCCOLD B ONLCISH 81324 81324 0 81324 774 0 80689 6
> --
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> NOTICE: This electronic mail message and any files transmitted with it are
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> exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. The
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> --
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Re: LLA Update

2009-09-03 Thread Edward Jaffe

Thompson, Steve wrote:

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Edward Jaffe
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: LLA Update

Peter Relson wrote:

LLA manages only load libraries (whether PDS or PDSE).

Is that right??? We've used it for eons to cache directories for system 
CLIST/REXX libraries, MACLIBs, ISPF panels, etc.

Are you sure you are not confusing VLF and LLA?

VLF does not cache directories. That's LLA's job. The libraries I'm 
talking about are referenced by CSVLLAxx, not COFVLFxx.

Having said that, we do also define and use the IKJEXEC class in VLF.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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Re: LLA Update

2009-09-03 Thread Rob Scott
VLF is the fella that does all that - he maintains a couple of dataspaces for 
each class "Cxxx" that holds control information (probably including 
representations of the directory entries) and "Dxxx" that contains the 
cached versions of the members:

For example, from one of our systemns :

Dspname  Jobname  ASID TCB  SToken   Scope  Key FProt  CurBlks  
MaxBlks   Real
CCSVLLA  VLF  001F 008FF5E0 80007DC6 Single   0 No  524287   
524287 22
CIGGCAS  VLF  001F 008FF5E0 80004384 Single   0 No  524287   
CIKJEXEC VLF  001F 008FF5E0 8000D2BA Single   0 No  524287   
524287 73
CIRRACEE VLF  001F 008FF5E0 80005797 Single   0 No  524287   
524287 20
CIRRGMAP VLF  001F 008FF5E0 80004B88 Single   0 No  524287   
524287 19
CIRRSMAP VLF  001F 008FF5E0 80004686 Single   0 No  524287   
524287 18
CIRRUMAP VLF  001F 008FF5E0 80004A87 Single   0 No  524287   
524287 54
DCSVLLA  VLF  001F 008FF5E0 800010020011 Single   0 No4096 
4096   4079
DIGGCAS  VLF  001F 008FF5E0 8B02000B Single   0 No1024 
1024   1029
DIKJEXEC VLF  001F 008FF5E0 800018020071 Single   0 No 512  
512 12
DIRRACEE VLF  001F 008FF5E0 8F02000F Single   0 No4096 
4096 67
DIRRGMAP VLF  001F 008FF5E0 8E02000E Single   0 No4096 
4096  5
DIRRSMAP VLF  001F 008FF5E0 8C02000C Single   0 No4096 
4096  5
DIRRUMAP VLF  001F 008FF5E0 8D02000D Single   0 No4096 
4096 19 

Rob Scott
Rocket Software
275 Grove Street * Newton, MA 02466-2272 * USA
Tel: +1.617.614.2305 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Edward Jaffe
Sent: 03 September 2009 17:01
Subject: Re: LLA Update

Peter Relson wrote:
> LLA manages only load libraries (whether PDS or PDSE).

Is that right??? We've used it for eons to cache directories for system 
CLIST/REXX libraries, MACLIBs, ISPF panels, etc.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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Re: LLA Update

2009-09-03 Thread Thompson, Steve
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Edward Jaffe
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: LLA Update

Peter Relson wrote:
> LLA manages only load libraries (whether PDS or PDSE).

Is that right??? We've used it for eons to cache directories for system 
CLIST/REXX libraries, MACLIBs, ISPF panels, etc.

Are you sure you are not confusing VLF and LLA? 

Steve Thompson

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Steve R Wolf
We are a IMS TM shop.  IMS has many dependant regions (each in it's own 
address spaces).  Each night we bounce the regions for DR purposes and 
some twice for another purpose.  Because the regions use cross memory 
services the ASIDs can not be reused.  We IPL every Sunday in part due to 
the IMS systems (we also have a test IMS in the same system). 

We are z/OS 1.8 so we do not have the health check you mention.  Is there 
a way to display the available ASIDs at the end of the week to determine 
how many ASIDs we would have to add to be able to IPL only once a month?

Are there any IMS TM shops out there that only IPL once a month or once a 


Steve Wolf
Rockwell Automation

Mark Zelden  
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
09/03/2009 08:53 AM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List 


Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 08:04:17 -0500, Elardus Engelbrecht

>Mark Zelden wrote:
>>There is an issue with long running address spaces (STCs) and SMF in
>regards to storage creep if you have interval detail records set.  I'm 
not sure
>if there is any CPU impact.   Do you have any doc you can point to?
>Look in Health Checker for IEA_ASIDS from z/OS v1.9 and v1.10.
>Groete / Greetings
>Elardus Engelbrecht

That check is for depletion of ASIDs.  It has nothing to do with CPU creap
for long running address spaces or the system in general.

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Richards, Robert B.
That must have been subsequent to March of 2001. Everyone remember the *APAR OF 
DEATH", OW45398?

After 51 days of running OS/390 2.10 without an IPL, and all of the sudden, 
"What happened???" Of course, a few days later I heard the warning from Jerry 
Ng. But as the song "The Streak" quoted, "It was too late. Ethel (the problem) 
had already gotten a free shot". :-)


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Hal Merritt
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

I can remember the day when a weekly IPL was almost mandatory. But that was 
long ago.

I believe the current technology is to schedule an IPL to implement z/os 
software changes. If there are no changes, then no IPL.

You may run into misbehaving applications that suffer from storage creep, or 
you may need to reclaim ASID's marked unusable.

I think we ran for over a year once with no noticeable issues.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Tommy Tsui
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 8:09 PM
Subject: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

Hi all,

Is there any concern if we didn't IPL a LPAR over three months. Is there
any good practise to follow from IBM. They always replied LPAR never needs
IPL because of 24 x 7.

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Re: LLA Update

2009-09-03 Thread Edward Jaffe

Peter Relson wrote:

LLA manages only load libraries (whether PDS or PDSE).

Is that right??? We've used it for eons to cache directories for system 
CLIST/REXX libraries, MACLIBs, ISPF panels, etc.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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Re: LLA Update

2009-09-03 Thread Mark Zelden
On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 10:57:17 -0400, Peter Relson  wrote:

>It is conceivable you could get away with directing LLA to manage the
>directories of non-load-libraries, but that is not LLA's documented

True.  But you must be aware that many shops use LLA manage the directories
of ISPF libraries in particular.  It's been discussed here and on ISPF-L many
times.The reasons I did it 10 years ago may not be the same as today
with faster dasd, more cache etc., but here is a post of mine from 1997
that described a big benefit in doing so:


Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: HyperPAV without I/O Priority Management

2009-09-03 Thread John Kelly

if we can enable HyperPAV without enabling WLM I/O priority management.

We are running (z9BC, z/OS 1.9, USP V) and HyperPav seems to finally run 
OK without WLM I/O priority management. Of course it took forever to get 
VION to define the 'aliases' in their box but once they got off the dime, 
MVS did it's part with no trouble.
Jack Kelly
202-502-2390 (Office)

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2009-09-03 Thread Barrett, Dennis
You mentioned the segmentation offload fix (for OSA cards).
I'm VERY curious to know if anyone has actually worked up the courage to
turn this option back on.  Are the results worth the extra Zantac
required just thinking about it?

Dennis Barrett

-Original Message-
From: Knutson, Sam [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 14:34


The APAR is not flagged CATBREAKER.  If this is really intended to
resolve broken catalog issues it seems like it should be.  If the dire
symptoms you describe are being seen it seems it should be marked HIPER
too.  That was part of my point that this APAR has been open a LONG time
to just close it and turn off the feature rather than fixing it.  Even
segmentation offload was eventually fixed and recommended to be enabled.
The APAR text makes it sound like it was just ineffective at making an
improvement or confusing.

Best Regards, 

Sam Knutson, GEICO 
System z Performance and Availability Management 
(office)  301.986.3574 
(cell) 301.996.1318  

"Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..." 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Pinnacle
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 11:32 AM

- Original Message - 
From: "Knutson, Sam" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 11:13 AM

> I have not seen any big shortcomings with Auto-Tuning here though I am

> sure others have.
> It seems this is throwing the baby out with the bathwater since it
> completely kills auto-tuning rather than providing a chicken switch
> customers who were unhappy.  Anyone seen anything so horrible from
> auto-tuning you are happy IBM fired up the time machine and erased it 
> completely?


OA20748 has been out there for 2.5 years.  IBM recommended disabling 
AUTOTUNING in that APAR, and I've been doing that ever since.  The main 
problems were broken catalogs and runaway CPU in VLF.  We experienced
runaway CPU problem.  I'm glad you haven't had any problems, but
has been BAD from day 1.


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Re: 回覆:Re: 回 覆:Re: paging in rates and r eal m emory

2009-09-03 Thread Jim McAlpine
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Chris Craddock  wrote:

> 2009/9/3 Ron Hawkins 
> > Tommy,
> >
> > 
> > Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't unchanged pages selected for
> > Page-out first?
> >
> UN changed pages are simply stolen. There's no point in paging them out
> since by definition they either have never been referenced, or there is a
> valid copy already out on AUX.  I am still less than convinced the OP has a
> paging problem sufficiently large enough to stall CICS. But without looking
> at his system "I know nothing".
> The OP still hasn't said what sort of time out he is getting for his CICS
transactions and what makes him think the problem is down to paging.  If it
is a CICS timeout then presumably he is getting CICS transaction dumps.  If
so, what is the CICS abend code.

Jim McAlpine

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Hal Merritt
I can remember the day when a weekly IPL was almost mandatory. But that was 
long ago. 

I believe the current technology is to schedule an IPL to implement z/os 
software changes. If there are no changes, then no IPL. 

You may run into misbehaving applications that suffer from storage creep, or 
you may need to reclaim ASID's marked unusable. 

I think we ran for over a year once with no noticeable issues.   

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Tommy Tsui
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 8:09 PM
Subject: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

Hi all,

Is there any concern if we didn't IPL a LPAR over three months. Is there  
any good practise to follow from IBM. They always replied LPAR never needs  
IPL because of 24 x 7.

Any comment will be appreciated

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Eatherly, John D[EQ]
We IPL our Production boxes once a month, Development twice a month, and our 
Test whenever we want.  This seems to work for us.  Our Production is IPLed 
between 00:00-06:00 on Sunday morning.  


John Eatherly

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Scott Ford
Yeah, same with me when I worked in Manufacturing. A little different in 
Brokerage..Especially, with "big bucks" flowing thru networks...
or Pharm, when NDA are being done and you can't IPL or make changes because of 
the lost of possible revenue.

Scott J Ford
Senior Host Developer

From: Eric Bielefeld 
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 10:55:25 AM
Subject: Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

When I worked at P&H Mining, we IPL'd every Saturday.  That worked very well, 
as at 6:00 PM they shut down all of the onlines and did backups.  To shut down 
and IPL just added about 15 minutes.  One big advantage to IPLing every week is 
that the operators know how to do it.  They deal with it every week.  When you 
IPL once a quarter or less, the operators forget.  We were manufacturing, which 
isn't near as critical to keep the system up 24/7, although occasionally when 
the factory was really busy, we would skip the IPL because they were running 
the factory on the weekend also.

I think IPLing more regularly keeps some things less fragmented, although I 
doubt if that causes any real problems.  Business need, as several have said, 
should dictate how often you IPL.  Certainly, changing releases of z/OS 
requires an IPL, and major maintenance should be done with an IPL.

Eric Bielefeld
Sr. Systems Programmer
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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Re: LLA Update

2009-09-03 Thread Peter Relson
>but i'm not necessarily talking about load modules.

>To improve performance you can put several librarys (PDS/PDSE) to be
>managed by LLA, as SYSPROC concatenation for example. That can be edited.

LLA manages only load libraries (whether PDS or PDSE).

You are perhaps thinking of VLF which is exploited by LLA (and others, such
as TSO/E clists)

>But LLA does not many modules. It manages directories!

That's an interesting, but incorrect, statement (even presuming "many" was
supposed to be "manages").

LLA manages the directories of load libraries as well as modules within
those libraries..

It is conceivable you could get away with directing LLA to manage the
directories of non-load-libraries, but that is not LLA's documented

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Eric Bielefeld
When I worked at P&H Mining, we IPL'd every Saturday.  That worked very 
well, as at 6:00 PM they shut down all of the onlines and did backups.  To 
shut down and IPL just added about 15 minutes.  One big advantage to IPLing 
every week is that the operators know how to do it.  They deal with it every 
week.  When you IPL once a quarter or less, the operators forget.  We were 
manufacturing, which isn't near as critical to keep the system up 24/7, 
although occasionally when the factory was really busy, we would skip the 
IPL because they were running the factory on the weekend also.

I think IPLing more regularly keeps some things less fragmented, although I 
doubt if that causes any real problems.  Business need, as several have 
said, should dictate how often you IPL.  Certainly, changing releases of 
z/OS requires an IPL, and major maintenance should be done with an IPL.

Eric Bielefeld
Sr. Systems Programmer
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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Re: Java availability

2009-09-03 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 09:56:31 -0400, Barkow, Eileen wrote:
>//S EXEC PGM=BPXBATCH,PARM='SH java /u/eileen/jsamp/HelloWorld'
>//STDOUT  DD PATH='/u/eileen/stdout2',
>//STDERR  DD PATH='/u/eileen/stderr',
Lately, BPXBATCH supports allocating STDOUT and STDERR (but not

OTRUNC vs. OAPPEND is a matter of author's preference.

Ain't it a bummer that most sites use lower case in home
directory names, but &SYSUID (and `userid`) return upper,
so you can't do '/u/&SYSUID/stdout2' for portability?

Or that there isn't a system symbol, &HOME, akin to &SYSUID?

Or that allocation doesn't support relative path names, so
you could do PATH('./stdout2)?  (Assuming, of course that
the initiator sets CWD to HOME and allocation is aware of
the caller's CWD?

-- gil

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2009-09-03 Thread Chris Taylor
ALTERPRI helps resolve the immediate situation. To reduce similar situations in 
the future, the ARCRPEXT exit can be used to prioritize requests (such as 
Recalls, recovers, etc). For example, a recall from a production job can be 
given a high priority than from a test user.

Hope this helps,

Chris Taylor

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Re: 回覆:Re: 回 覆:Re: paging in rates and r eal m emory

2009-09-03 Thread Chris Craddock
2009/9/3 Ron Hawkins 

> Tommy,
> Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't unchanged pages selected for
> Page-out first?

UN changed pages are simply stolen. There's no point in paging them out
since by definition they either have never been referenced, or there is a
valid copy already out on AUX.  I am still less than convinced the OP has a
paging problem sufficiently large enough to stall CICS. But without looking
at his system "I know nothing".

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Mark Zelden wrote:

>That check is for depletion of ASIDs.  It has nothing to do with CPU creap
for long running address spaces or the system in general.

We are having problems with some software and operating system which do 
not release storage properly and that health check (and RMF) helps us to 
check for it.

And this is forcing us to schedule regular IPL (to stay within this topic).

You originally said 'storage creep', but I accept what you said about WLM and 
CPU "creep" due to expanding work queue.

If you do get some SHARE info, please be kind to share if you can.

Creepy, isn't it? ;-D

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: What happens in a DS8000 Metro Mirror (PPRC-Sync) config when the relationship between a volume pair is broken?

2009-09-03 Thread Bill Fairchild
My comments were based on my experience with a 9390 model 6 control unit.  I 
don't know what the exact mapping is on a DS8000.

Bill Fairchild

Software Developer 
Rocket Software
275 Grove Street * Newton, MA 02466-2272 * USA
Tel: +1.617.614.4503 * Mobile: +1.508.341.1715

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Jan Vanbrabant
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: What happens in a DS8000 Metro Mirror (PPRC-Sync) config when the 
relationship between a volume pair is broken?

Hi Bill, thanks!
Re. <<>>

Is the bitmap on cylinder level, or on track level?
SG24-6787-04 DS8000 Copy Services for IBM System z (6 Februari 2009)
pag. 213 paragraph 15.2? Volumes are in the suspended state when the primary 
and secondary storage subsystems cannot communicate anymore, or when the Metro 
Mirror pair is suspended manually. In this state, writes to the primary volume 
are not mirrored onto the secondary volume. The secondary volume becomes 
out-of-sync. During this time, Metro Mirror keeps a bitmap record of the 
changed tracks in the primary volume. Later, when the volumes are 
re-synchronized, only the tracks that were updated will be copied.
Thruout the redbook at several places, it's always tracks who are mentioned in 
relationship with the bitmap.

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Re: Java availability

2009-09-03 Thread Barkow, Eileen
Java runs under Unix services but it could be run from a MVS batch job using 
either BPXBATCH or better yet, JZOS.
You should have a copy of HelloWorld somewhere  or I could send you one.
You will not be able to call a java program from a regular Cobol or other 
language program running directly under MVS.

//S EXEC PGM=BPXBATCH,PARM='SH java /u/eileen/jsamp/HelloWorld'
//STDOUT  DD PATH='/u/eileen/stdout2',
//STDERR  DD PATH='/u/eileen/stderr',

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Dazzo, Matt
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Java availability

Thanks Dave.

Does anyone know if there is any kind of sample pgm provided by ibm that will 
perform a java call from the mvs environment? Thanks Matt

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Jousma, David
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Java availability

Yes, Java is available, but to make it "automatically available" without
fully qualified pathnames you need to add the java pathname to your PATH
environment as well. 

Dave Jousma
Assistant Vice President, Mainframe Services
1830 East Paris, Grand Rapids, MI  49546 MD RSCB1G
p 616.653.8429
f 616.653.8497

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Dazzo, Matt
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 3:14 PM
Subject: Java availability

The response from the 'java  -version' command is pasted below. Does
this verify that java is not only installed but available should an
application make a java call? I am trying to determine if I need to do
additional configuring. Thanks Matt

java version "1.6.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pmz6460sr3-20081108_01(SR3))
IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, J2RE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 z/OS s390x-64
33 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM - 20081105_025433_BHdSMr
JIT  - r9_20081031_1330
GC   - 20081027_AB)
JCL  - 20081106_01

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Mark Zelden
On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 08:04:17 -0500, Elardus Engelbrecht

>Mark Zelden wrote:
>>There is an issue with long running address spaces (STCs) and SMF in
>regards to storage creep if you have interval detail records set.  I'm not sure
>if there is any CPU impact.   Do you have any doc you can point to?
>Look in Health Checker for IEA_ASIDS from z/OS v1.9 and v1.10.
>Groete / Greetings
>Elardus Engelbrecht

That check is for depletion of ASIDs.  It has nothing to do with CPU creap
for long running address spaces or the system in general.

BTW, my comment was in relation to the operating system in general, not
a specific subsystem.  Although I do know of one WLM problem related to
WAS and enclaves that will cause a CPU increase in WLM and that increase
will not go away until you IPL.   But it isn't "creep".  It is due to a work
that gets expanded and never contracts.  A design change is coming to 
fix that and I was trying to find out at SHARE if it was part of z/OS 1.11 or
not.  It doesn't appear to be listed in any line items, but I am hoping the
change is in there anyway.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Results of 'D OMVS,WAITERS' command changed with maintenance.

2009-09-03 Thread Mitchell, Cindy K.
We are currently on z/OS 1.10 and are in the process of rolling out some
new system maintenance on our development systems (going from about
PUT0812 to PUT0905).  On the LPARS that are still on the old maintenance
if I issue a 'D OMVS,WAITERS' command it always shows that nothing is
waiting.  If I issue this command on the systems with the new
maintenance there are many pages of tasks that show up under OTHER
WAITING THREADS as 'IS DOING: Osi Wait'.  We are not experiencing any
problems, just wondering if anyone else is seeing the same thing?


Cindy Mitchell
Data Center Infrastructure Services
Ozmun Center 3-56B
Mayo Clinic
200 First Street S.W.
Rochester, MN  55905

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Re: Java availability

2009-09-03 Thread Dazzo, Matt
Thanks Dave.

Does anyone know if there is any kind of sample pgm provided by ibm that will 
perform a java call from the mvs environment? Thanks Matt

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Jousma, David
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Java availability

Yes, Java is available, but to make it "automatically available" without
fully qualified pathnames you need to add the java pathname to your PATH
environment as well. 

Dave Jousma
Assistant Vice President, Mainframe Services
1830 East Paris, Grand Rapids, MI  49546 MD RSCB1G
p 616.653.8429
f 616.653.8497

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Dazzo, Matt
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 3:14 PM
Subject: Java availability

The response from the 'java  -version' command is pasted below. Does
this verify that java is not only installed but available should an
application make a java call? I am trying to determine if I need to do
additional configuring. Thanks Matt

java version "1.6.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pmz6460sr3-20081108_01(SR3))
IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, J2RE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 z/OS s390x-64
33 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM - 20081105_025433_BHdSMr
JIT  - r9_20081031_1330
GC   - 20081027_AB)
JCL  - 20081106_01

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Re: Convert DB2 on z/OS to UDB on z/Linux

2009-09-03 Thread Dave Salt
Hi Timothy,
My friend is in North America, but I'll pass your message on to him so he can 
pass it on to his management.
I agree with you about "stretching the wire length", and it would certainly be 
a concern if it were me making the decision. Not just because of the increase 
in time, but also the possible points of failure. But, my friends management 
doesn't seem to have the same concern.
Thanks again,

Dave Salt

SimpList(tm) - try it; you'll get it!

> Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 14:59:25 +0900
> From:
> Subject: Re: Convert DB2 on z/OS to UDB on z/Linux
> To:
> Dave,
> Probably all companies (mine included) have the goal to reduce costs, made
> more urgent in the present economic conditions. So that makes sense.
> I don't know if your friend's company is located in my part of the world
> (Asia), but if so he should feel free to contact me offline. If he's
> elsewhere I can probably provide a referral, if that's helpful. It's rare
> that I don't find some reasonable cost-reducing options. My only condition
> is that I get a shot at looking at the total business picture (or at least
> closer to that), because the more I have to work with the more (and more
> useful) ideas I can suggest.
> Said another way, if someone says to me, "Make my mainframe cheaper," well,
> that's easy: unplug it and sell it on eBay. Presumably that isn't going to
> be a very successful business strategy, however. As another example, my
> company might figure out a way to cut the paper budget to zero, whereupon
> none of the salespeople can write or execute contracts. Or cut the
> telephone budget to zero, whereupon nobody can talk with any (quickly
> former) customers. The business context is important to understand, and I'm
> much more useful (and helpful) when the question is, "How can I make my
> business run more efficiently?" And if part of the answer to that question
> is, "Don't run (x) on (y)," I'll say so.
>>I think most of their programs are written in COBOL, with perhaps a,
>>few written in Assembler, all running on z/OS. I know they use some
>>stored procedures, but I don't know how many or what for. I'd
>>guesstimate they have about 100 developers if that gives you some
>>idea of size.
> OK, that's a good "feel." I assume it's a reasonably generous mix of OLTP
> and batch as well.
> Assuming there's a magic wand that could be waved that would (with zero
> cost/risk/time) allow these applications to run with another database, one
> technical question I would look at carefully would be the forecasted CPU
> increase, particularly on the application side. The present connections
> between those applications and the database is intra-LPAR I assume, and
> presumably that's reasonably well optimized. As you stretch the "wire
> length" between those two tiers it'll tend to increase CPU on both sides,
> other things being equal. So I'd want to find out how much that proximity
> effect is.
> - - - - -
> Timothy Sipples
> IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
> Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan / Asia-Pacific
> E-Mail:
> --
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Re: paging in rates and real memory

2009-09-03 Thread McKown, John
Shut down other work is the only way that I can think of. Of course, if all you 
are running is this one CICS region, then you have a real problem on your hands!

John McKown 

Systems Engineer IV



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> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [] On Behalf Of Tommy Tsui
> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 7:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: 回覆:Re: 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory
> Hi all,
> We got 5GB in our production LPAR and some of CICS 
> transactions always time  
> out because of paging. Is there any other way to improve the 
> paging rate  
> instead of add more real memory?
> --
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Re: z/OS 1.11 Toleration Maintenance Missing from FIXCAT report

2009-09-03 Thread Andrew Metcalfe
As this topic has some focus, as an addendum to my original query of last
week, I would be interested to know how you all review Hiper apars. I use
SMP/E ORDER processing every night to get the latest PTFs (and HOLDDATA). 

Once per week I run some convoluted SAS process (that I inherited) which
post processes REPORT ERRSYSMODS and produces a report of hipers for the
last week only. 

I would like to replace this process (and remove my reliance on SAS).



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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Mark Zelden wrote:
>There is an issue with long running address spaces (STCs) and SMF in 
regards to storage creep if you have interval detail records set.  I'm not sure 
if there is any CPU impact.   Do you have any doc you can point to?

Look in Health Checker for IEA_ASIDS from z/OS v1.9 and v1.10.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Mark Zelden
On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 00:57:23 -0700, Ron Hawkins

>The only problem I'm aware is that there may be an increase in CPU time for
>most programs and transactions the longer your system is up. I think this
>was first suggested by Cheryl Watson after a study back in the late 90s, and
>I confirmed that it was happening using SMF from an LPAR that had been up
>and running for a few months (six months I think). I do not remember how
>much increase there was.

There is an issue with long running address spaces (STCs) and SMF in regards to
storage creep if you have interval detail records set.  I'm not sure if there is
any CPU impact.   Do you have any doc you can point to?

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: z/OS 1.11 Toleration Maintenance Missing from FIXCAT report

2009-09-03 Thread Mark Zelden
On Wed, 2 Sep 2009 23:17:51 -0400, Robert A. Rosenberg 

>At 17:01 -0500 on 09/02/2009, Mark Zelden wrote about Re: z/OS 1.11
>Toleration Maintenance Missing from FIXCAT re:
>>  >Usually run an apply check also. I
>>>do actual Apply on an irregular basis.
>>For what purpose if you aren't planning on doing the APPLY at that
>>point?  What does it do for you (other than use system resources)?
>If you have run APPLY, doing an ACCEPT CHECK will warn you of any
>SYSMODs that have gone bad since the APPLY so you can check into them
>and possibly APPLY the fixing maintenance if available. I tend to do
>this so I am aware of any ticking timebombs on my system due to
>having applied something that is now on HOLD.

The better and easier way to do that for the last decade (at least) is to use

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: z/OS 1.11 Toleration Maintenance Missing from FIXCAT report

2009-09-03 Thread Kurt Quackenbush
If you have run APPLY, doing an ACCEPT CHECK will warn you of any 
SYSMODs that have gone bad since the APPLY so you can check into them 
and possibly APPLY the fixing maintenance if available. I tend to do 
this so I am aware of any ticking timebombs on my system due to having 
applied something that is now on HOLD.

That's exactly what REPORT ERRSYSMODS is intended for -- tell you of new 
HIPERs and any PTFs that have gone PE since your last APPLY.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, SMP/E Development

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HyperPAV without I/O Priority Management

2009-09-03 Thread Nofar Spalter
We are going to enable HyperPAV in our shop (z10, z/OS 1.9, USP V) and we 
currently do NOT have I/O priority management enabled. 
Having read that HyperPAV uses IORP, we were wondering if we can enable 
HyperPAV without enabling WLM I/O priority management.
Does anyone have any experience with this setting?

Any help on this matter is appreciated,

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Ted Kotlowski is out of the office.

2009-09-03 Thread Ted Kotlowski
I will be out of the office starting  09/03/2009 and will not return until

I will respond to your message when I return.
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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Ron Hawkins

The only problem I'm aware is that there may be an increase in CPU time for
most programs and transactions the longer your system is up. I think this
was first suggested by Cheryl Watson after a study back in the late 90s, and
I confirmed that it was happening using SMF from an LPAR that had been up
and running for a few months (six months I think). I do not remember how
much increase there was.

I did hit an issue recently where I was purposely failing Storage
Controllers and IO Drivers to the controller would just hang and need to be
cancelled or forced off the system. After several week of this testing the
CPU utilization of the LPAR had more than doubled while generating the same
IO rate. We scheduled an IPL and everything was back to normal.

It may worth choosing some sample workloads that run at all times of the day
and track those over time to see if you are encountering any of these
affects to the point that it is pushing your MSU charges up.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Tommy Tsui
> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 6:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: [IBM-MAIN] How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)
> Hi all,
> Is there any concern if we didn't IPL a LPAR over three months. Is there
> any good practise to follow from IBM. They always replied LPAR never needs
> IPL because of 24 x 7.
> Any comment will be appreciated
> --
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> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
> Search the archives at

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回覆:Re: 回覆:Re: 回 覆:Re: paging in ra tes and real m emory

2009-09-03 Thread Tommy Tsui
Thanks all information, I will turn on "critical storage" on WLM and add  
additional 2G real memory to existing LPAR. Let' see any improvement

在 2009/9/3下午3:29,Ron Hawkins 寫道:


It is not just the paging rate, but also the time to satisfy those  

If you have all your page datasets on the same paths and parity groups  

the page-in time will be elongated by any concurrent requests you have.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't unchanged pages selected for

Page-out first? If my memory is correct then any storage shortage is  

to see the pages from your CICS region repeatedly paged out with a bit  

ahead of other ASID because they are still unchanged on AUX. If you can

establish if this is happening then you may be able to resolve the problem

using Ted's suggestion for Memory Critical, and bouncing the CICS region  

get those pages off the Locals.

Failing that, realize that Paging itself is quite cache unfriendly. If you

check the cache hit rates on your Locals you'll usually find a very low  

rate, so you are going down to the disk drives to satisfy the page fault.

You may want to ask your storage vendor for a Flashdrive try and buy, or  

FlashAccess if you have HDS. This would at least speed up resolving the  

Fault enough to prevent the timeouts.


> -Original Message-

> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On

Behalf Of

> Tommy Tsui

> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 5:52 PM

> To:

> Subject: [IBM-MAIN] 回覆:Re: 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory


> Hi all,


> We got 5GB in our production LPAR and some of CICS transactions always


> out because of paging. Is there any other way to improve the paging rate

> instead of add more real memory?


> --

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> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO

> Search the archives at


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Re: 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory

2009-09-03 Thread Ron Hawkins

The 50/sec is measured over some interval. If it's a reasonable RMF interval
of 5 minutes, then that's 15,000 page-ins. However, let's say the page-ins
all occurred in a fraction of that time: say 60 seconds and then nothing.
That's a page-in rate of 250/sec for the CICS region.

Assuming there's a bit of block paging in the mix, so that average time per
page-in is a generous 3ms, that's 45 seconds (3ms*15000) of page-fault time
during which CICS will stall. Not so bad averaged over five minutes, but a
heck of a long time if it was a burst of page-ins in a single minute.

Back in the days when I had production systems running at 2000 pages a
second, my target for VTAN, CICS and MPP was a DPR of less than 5/sec using
15 minute intervals in order to stop the phone ringing. I am not surprised
that a DPR of 50/sec may be a real problem for CICS.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Hal Merritt
> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 11:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory
> A demand page in rate of 50 or less should barely be noticeable. Why do
> think paging is causing you problems? Granted, most agree that an average
> rate of zero is where you want to be. But many might argue that z/os can
> deliver satisfactory service levels with paging rates near 100 or even
> (assuming modern high performance DASD).
> To answer your question, system paging rates are determined by real
> You reduce page rates by either increasing real storage or decreasing the
> overall load.
> What do you mean when you say 'time out'?
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Tommy Tsui
> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 4:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory
> Hi all,
> Some of our CICS transaction time out becuase of page in. How can I solved
> this problem? add region size or add more real memory? how to control the
> cics use the real or AUX storage?
> 12:10 pagin 0
> Service -- Frame Occup.-- - Active Frames - AUX PGIN MemObj
> PABCCOLD B ONLCISH 77335 77335 0 77335 773 0 80689 0
> 12:11 pagin 27
> 0 Service -- Frame Occup.-- - Active Frames - AUX PGIN MemObj
> PABCCOLD B ONLCISH 77668 77668 0 77668 773 0 80689 27
> 12:12 pagin 33
> Service -- Frame Occup.-- - Active Frames - AUX PGIN MemObj
> PABCCOLD B ONLCISH 79661 79661 0 79661 774 0 80689 33
> 12:13 pagin back to 6
> Service -- Frame Occup.-- - Active Frames - AUX PGIN MemObj
> PABCCOLD B ONLCISH 81324 81324 0 81324 774 0 80689 6
> --
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> --
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Re: Dumb Question - Credit Card Number Scanner

2009-09-03 Thread Timothy Sipples
Ron Hawkins writes:
>I'd probably dump all that and use SAS, but I'm a bigot
>for powerful analysis tools.

Me too, but that's probably overkill. (And, in fairness, SPSS probably as
well.) But they could probably get the job done, yes.

I thought of another possible option (and only slightly out of left field):
if the data are in DB2 (or could be dumped there), OmniFind Text Search
Server for DB2 for z/OS is available at no additional charge. That software
can construct a keyword index, and I think it might be controllable enough
to steer toward things that look like credit card numbers. Or at least let
you search for common card issuer numbers (the first few digits).

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan / Asia-Pacific
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Re: 回覆:Re: 回 覆:Re: paging in rates and real m emory

2009-09-03 Thread Ron Hawkins

It is not just the paging rate, but also the time to satisfy those page-ins.
If you have all your page datasets on the same paths and parity groups then
the page-in time will be elongated by any concurrent requests you have.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't unchanged pages selected for
Page-out first? If my memory is correct then any storage shortage is likely
to see the pages from your CICS region repeatedly paged out with a bit flick
ahead of other ASID because they are still unchanged on AUX. If you can
establish if this is happening then you may be able to resolve the problem
using Ted's suggestion for Memory Critical, and bouncing the CICS region to
get those pages off the Locals.

Failing that, realize that Paging itself is quite cache unfriendly. If you
check the cache hit rates on your Locals you'll usually find a very low hit
rate, so you are going down to the disk drives to satisfy the page fault.
You may want to ask your storage vendor for a Flashdrive try and buy, or try
FlashAccess if you have HDS. This would at least speed up resolving the Page
Fault enough to prevent the timeouts.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of
> Tommy Tsui
> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 5:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: [IBM-MAIN] 回覆:Re: 回覆:Re: paging in rates and real memory
> Hi all,
> We got 5GB in our production LPAR and some of CICS transactions always
> out because of paging. Is there any other way to improve the paging rate
> instead of add more real memory?
> --
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> send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread Ron Hawkins
Who says it's bad practice?

There are many things that cannot be upgraded or maintained without an IPL,
but that doesn't make a bad practice out of those things that do not require
an IPL. 

> Not quite true.
> Since it's bad practice to apply maintenance to a running system, you need
> IPL based on your upgrade schedule.
> Or, when you change hardware.

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Re: How often IPL a production LPAR (any good practice)

2009-09-03 Thread R.S.

Tommy Tsui pisze:

Hi all,

Is there any concern if we didn't IPL a LPAR over three months. Is there 
any good practise to follow from IBM. They always replied LPAR never 
needs IPL because of 24 x 7.

Any comment will be appreciated

I IPL prod LPAR every time I change machine (i.e. z9->10) or upgrade 
z/OS version.

Ok, I rarely IPL for PTFs.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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wpacony) wynosi 118.763.528 zotych. W zwizku z realizacj warunkowego 
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