Re: [ietf-dkim] versions, Where is the formal definition of DKIM-Signature?

2018-02-10 Thread Mark Delany
On 09Feb18, John R. Levine allegedly wrote:

> RFC 822 may not have versions but 821/2821/5321 sure do.
> As soon as 2821 added EHLO, SMTP got service extensions and pretty
> much by their nature, those extensions are not backward compatible.
> Well-known examples are 8BITMIME and SMTPUTF8.  If you have a message that 
> needs
> one of those and the server you're trying to send it to doesn't support the
> extension, you lose, the message bounces.

I'm not sure whether this an argument for or against versioning. Or an argument
that sometimes bad engineering choices are made regardless of the upgrade

In any event, 822 is an existence-proof that decades-long upgrades are entirely
possible without the scorched-earth approach of versioning. I hope it would take
a very strong argument to suggest that we shouldn't (or can't) follow the 822

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Re: [ietf-dkim] versions, Where is the formal definition of DKIM-Signature?

2018-02-09 Thread Mark Delany
On 08Feb18, Michael Thomas allegedly wrote:

> I dunno, it's not like there isn't precedent for this. oh say, like ipv4 
> vs. ipv6?

Oh I dunno. The precedent of RFC822 - the very standard we rely on - has
survived numerous upgraded and enhancements over a 36 year period and managed to
do just fine without a version.

I might add that RFC822 seems to have adapted a lot better than the v4 vs v6
crowd. Not sure you picked the best example of success there, Michael :-)

> Besides if you wanted to go from DKIM to EKIM, you'd be opening 
> pandora's box imo.

Indeed. As mentioned previously MIME-Version: 1.0 has set the standard for us to

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Re: [ietf-dkim] versions, Where is the formal definition of DKIM-Signature?

2018-02-08 Thread Mark Delany
> True, but not very interesting.  In my spamassassin example, the outside 
> code knows nothing about DKIM versions, it just sees a dkim-signature 
> header and sends it to the DKIM library.
> The point of a v=2 flag is to ensure that old v=1 code doesn't

As a practical matter haven't you effectively invented a new header?

After all, what are most senders going to do? They will not want their
signatures to be suddenly unrecognized by 99% of the planet so they'll continue
to generate a v=1 header and they will also want to reap the bennies of your
fantastic SpamAssassin feature so they'll additionally generate a v=2 header.

The end result is two DKIM-Signature headers with different versions for decades
to come. This will no doubt tweak some receiver is a negative way.

I think this is the biggest flaw with the whole v= rationale. There is never
going to be a v=2 change that doesn't leave everyone continuing to
generate/validate a v=1 header. Is a new header by stealth better engineering
than formalizing a new header?

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Re: [ietf-dkim] versions, Where is the formal definition of DKIM-Signature?

2018-02-08 Thread Mark Delany
On 08Feb18, John R. Levine allegedly wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Feb 2018, Mark Delany wrote:
> > Heh. I'm still waiting to hear a good reason as to why "v=" exists at all - 
> > apart
> > from exposing brittle parsers which mistakenly expect it to show up as the 
> > first
> > tag.
> I had a draft that invented v=2, for headers with a tag syntax that is not 
> quite backward compatible with the current spec.  I realize that we could 
> change the header to DKIM-Improved-Signature but the change was small and 
> it smelled to me like the same header.

Yes, one can certainly contrive a situation in which they prefer a v=2 solution,
but as you say, the requirement can be just as easily satisfied in a number of
other ways too.

A new header is one as is the presence of a new tag and v= is a third. There are
other ways as well.

Given we're talking about standards, it's de rigueur that we end up with at
least three competing ways of achieving the same outcome without any guidance
whatsoever as to which mechanism to choose when and why.

Underlying all this of course is the assumption that programmers intuit the
possibility of change inherent in these non-essential mechanisms and code and
test accordingly. Now that's a goodun.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Where is the formal definition of DKIM-Signature?

2018-02-08 Thread Mark Delany
> "v=1" doesn't have to come first.  It just usually does.  I think there was
> a version of RFC4871 that did that, but then when challenged we couldn't
> come up with a good reason to keep it that way.

Heh. I'm still waiting to hear a good reason as to why "v=" exists at all - 
from exposing brittle parsers which mistakenly expect it to show up as the first

It's about as likely to change as "MIME-Version: 1.0", which is to say, never.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Fwd: SendGrid, GetResponse and Hubspot being used over DKIM "patent"

2017-12-05 Thread Mark Delany
On 06Dec17, Suresh Ramasubramanian allegedly wrote:
> The pledge idea isn???t terribly novel either 
> Anne Mitchell used a habeas haiku

Gosh. The Haiku. How could I have possibly forgotten that beauty! But,
if you really want to intimidate spammers with poetry I recommend the
very effective Haka instead.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Fwd: SendGrid, GetResponse and Hubspot being used over DKIM "patent"

2017-12-05 Thread Mark Delany
On 05Dec17, Steve Atkins allegedly wrote:
> I thought this might be of interest to DKIM implementers.

> The Asserted Patents share a common specification.

Did the claimants vacuum up the IP of the now defunct Goodmail? Reads
somewhat similar to what they were once trying to sell. Particularly
the "contractual" obligations of the senders.

From what I can glean, the plan is to digitally sign the email along
the lines of S/MIME (PKI and CAs are referred to extensively and
exclusively) and the sender include a "pledge" about the contents such
as "no more than 5 recipients will get this email". Recipients can act
on the pledge in the knowledge that senders apparently won't lie in
their pledge. Or if they do lie something will happen to them -
exactly what or how is not specified.

How the pledge is validated across the whole of Internet email is
undefined as is what to do to the sender if the pledge is known to be
a lie.

There are no references to DNS, no reference to how they determine
identical mail (canonicalization), no reference to S/MIME or DKIM in
any of their filings.

I guess the "pledge" on the part of the sender is vaguely novel but
there is no equivalent in DKIM as far as I recall. Maybe the vendors
you refer to have features that emulates pledges when sending email?

For moral equivalence, the Date: header is a pledge as to when the
email was composed/sent and Content-Type: is a pledge as to how the
MIME part has been encoded so the novelty is not even that there are
pledges in the email, just the nature of the pledge.

To me they seem to have invented a new mail header.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] draft-kucherawy-dmarc-rcpts

2016-11-13 Thread Mark Delany
Hi Murray.

> RFC6376 and even RFC4871, but now it's apparently happening

I'd be interested to hear about the actual scenarios. Are the targeted
users somehow given an indication that the email verifies and it's
from a credible domain and yet it contains a malevolent payload?

This sounds like some sort of quarantine system which only looks at
verification status.

It's too bad formal communication to the MUA was eliminated in
DKIM. The original hope was that after a decade or so, MUAs would have
evolved to participate and make some rendering indication in such
situations. After all, an unknown-to-the-MUA to:/cc: recipient or
domain in a verified email is highly actionable.

Anyway, based on your draft I presume the desire is still to retain
the binary verification status as a strong dispositional attribute
that is handled by anything *but* the MUA?

In the section that discusses the impact on forwarded and list email
you might want to highlight that the proposal could further reduce
email to a point-to-point protocol. In which case an alternative
long-term strategy might be simply to insist on strong SPF checks
rather than signatures. Or do SPF checks not help the scenario you're
addressing here?

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Re: [ietf-dkim] need for clarification

2015-01-27 Thread Mark Delany
On 27Jan15, A. Schulze allegedly wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Murray encourage me to ask here:
> say
>   "Signers MUST use RSA keys of at least 1024 bits for long-lived keys."
> and
>   "Verifiers MUST be able to validate signatures with
>keys ranging from 512 bits to 2048 bits, and they MAY be able to
>validate signatures with larger keys."
> Signer using a key larger then 2048 (like I do for years now) aren't  
> inside the specification
> because there is no MUST on the validation side.
>  From operational perspective I experience no drawback using 4k RSA  
> keys for DKIM.
> I see these options:
>   - the signer could use smaller keys and rotate them more often
>   - the specification support other key types which gather same level  
> of security with smaller keys
> ( elliptic curve crypto )
>   - the specification REQUIRE validators to handle larger keys.
> I would kindly ask for other options or advise.

On the matter of smallish keys, it was originally stressed that
validation should only occur at the time of delivery rather than many
years later, so the notion of smaller keys being vulnerable to future
technology is less of a risk. So from the perspective, shorter keys
are not as terrible. But others will disagree.

On the matter of EC and larger keys, both of those are valid
suggestions in 2015, however not so much in 2004 when many of these
original decisions were made. At that time:

o there was limited support for EDNS0 - even today it's not 100%

o (as I recall) openssl exhibited erratic behavior with 2048 < keys <
  4096. This made me pretty nervous about the true level of support
  for large keys in general.

o EC was nascent in 2004 - I don't recall whether there was much if
  any s/w that supported it.

I don't recall how much re-evaluation of those limits was done in
later incarnations of the specs. EC at least is probably worth as it
reduces DNS payload sizes.

Of course introducing larger keys and/or a new algorithm is within the
protocol but will be quite a challenge due to the installed base.

I also note that we original had the notion of the verifier having to
choose the signature with the "most secure signing algorithm", so in
theory you could create signatures with RSA and EC, but that notion
was lost/dropped in later iterations of the specs. Perhaps it should
be revivified?


Description: PGP signature
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Re: [ietf-dkim] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC6376 (3758)

2013-10-20 Thread Mark Delany
> I admit that I also got confused a few times while working on the DKIM
> documents and keeping it straight as to which section was referring to
> which set of arguments. Having them use different values and different
> tags for items that were conceptually the same was an unfortunate aspect
> aspect of the history behind DKIM.

Indded. And the inverse. That the same tag had different syntax or
semantics depending on location.

Originally there was a unified tag-space to avoid these risks. That
was easy back then as there was only 11 tags that covered policy, keys
and signature thus little risk of tag-space depletion even with single
character tags.

Perhaps ironically, around the time tag-space was dimensionally
expanded with versioning and multi-character tags, the principles
underlying the unified tag-space disappeared.

Anyway, as others have suggested, one solution is to put a tag-space
hierarchy into the spec or...

Alternatively, if you're a believer in versioning you could simply
bump the versions and re-assign tags. This way you get to feed two
birds with one cracker. Prove that versioning is useful and consign
this tag-space fuzziness to history!

Just kidding. Seems like Barry's later diagnosis is accurate thus if
any clarification is needed at all it can be bundled with other

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Doublefrom, ADSP and mailing lists in perspective,

2011-07-28 Thread Mark Delany
> > DKIM should be viewed as a Work-In-Progress still missing a viable 
> > policy layer.  
> +1.  But 5+ years WIP? :) It wasn't rocket science.

Well, 7+ years ago it was suggested that "Domain policy is nascent"
with the stated expectation that MARID would soon develop something
comprehensive to satisfy our needs...

Apropos rocket science, at our current rate of progress we risk
outliving the Space Shuttle program.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Draft on email transition to IPv6 from IPv4 for sevice providers and other communities

2011-07-22 Thread Mark Delany
On 22Jul11, O'Reirdan, Michael allegedly wrote:
> Chaps
> I would like to bring to your attention and solicit comments on the following 
> draft.

Hi Mike. On first glance it doesn't look like much of this document is
relevant to DKIM or vice versa. This is unsurprising since DKIM has
little to do with IP addresses.

On a non-DKIM related front, your document talks about "connection
exhaustion" as a consequence of the increased address space with
IPV6. I would have thought the maximum number of connections is a
function of the number of clients (malicious or otherwise) rather than
the address space they use. Are you anticipating a larger number of
new SMTP clients as a consequence of IPV6?

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Last Call: (DKIM And Mailing Lists) to BCP

2011-05-16 Thread Mark Delany
On 16May11, J.D. Falk allegedly wrote:
> On May 15, 2011, at 9:42 PM, Barry Leiba wrote:
> >>   The author can be a human using an MUA (Mail User Agent) or
> >>   an automated mail robot with an MTA.
> > 
> > I don't see that "automated mail robot with an MTA" is right at all.
> > But I see what you're getting at, and I'd support a change such as
> > this:
> > 
> >   The author can be a human using an MUA (Mail User Agent) or
> >   an automated process that may send mail (for example, the "cron"
> >   Unix system utility).
> +1

I've got a few of these left so I may as well use 'em while I have 'em.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] New canonicalizations

2011-05-16 Thread Mark Delany
>   Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii (Plain text)
>   Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>  are completely equivalent

DKIM has never tried to understand the semantics or syntax of each
header. First off, doing this properly is very hard as there are a
large number of "equivalent" header variations, but second off, it
would make DKIM brittle against future headers that might have the
same characteristics you describe.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] New canonicalizations

2011-05-16 Thread Mark Delany
On 16May11, Alessandro Vesely allegedly wrote:
> On 16/May/11 15:41, John R. Levine wrote:
> >> says
> >>
> >> Header canonicalization use:
> >> canonicalization   count   domains passed
> >> simple   6536886786591938
> >> relaxed  3940377   56621   3640854
> >>
> >> Although they only differ by 2% (90% simple vs 92% relaxed), such
> >> percentages would be superb for tools like Spamassassin.  I'd expect
> >> at least 99% from a cryptographic tool.
> > 
> > This tells me that the benefit from relaxed is at most pretty small.
> OTOH, comparing the "count" fields of those two lines, 86% relaxed vs
> 14% simple, says that such kind of benefit is really really wanted.

But that's a perceived benefit, not an actual one.

Folk think they need "relaxed" to significantly increase survivability
but that's not the case given the stats above. So yo may be right that
folk really really want it, but they don't really really need it.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal: Removal of AUID (i= tag/value)

2011-03-31 Thread Mark Delany
> specification.  For this reason, I am formally proposing that the i= tag 
> and supporting text be removed from 4871bis.

Gosh Jim, you're probably not surprised when I say +1 to that :-)

While the i=/g= were attempting to solve problems, I agree that the
spec has moved on and simplifying to just d= has considerable

As for the other follow-up, I am not aware of Yahoo using i= as a

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Re: [ietf-dkim] If DKIM would ignore [] at the beginning of the subject line

2011-03-30 Thread Mark Delany
On 31Mar11, Franck Martin allegedly wrote:
> Silly question (?): 
> Knowing that many mailing lists add [topic] at the beginning of the Subject 
> line, what if DKIM was set to ignore that part when signing/verifying? 
> Would it help to solve the problem of broken signature thru mailing lists? 

In part. What you are doing is indirectly addressing mailing list
canonicalization. If I may be so bold, I think the Cisco innovation of
l= does much the same for another aspect of list mail.

But maybe this piecemeal/generalized approach to mailing lists is not
the right way? For example, is l= really useful outside of lists? Is
your [] solution useful outside of lists?

Instead, what if we invented a canonicalization specifically for lists
that recognized the content munging of lists as first-class behavior
that encompassed things like l= and [] and other typical list munging?

If your "Silly question" suggests a list canonicalization, then, IMO,
it's a pretty interesting idea.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Security Area Directors

2011-03-19 Thread Mark Delany
> As you see, Sean has kept DKIM.  Stephen will be up there with me on
> the Monday in Prague, for his last meeting as working group chair;

Gosh. And it only seemed like yesterday ... or was it the day before
yesterday ... that Stephen came on board as a chair.

Many thanks to Stephen for doing a sterling job. I'm sure the success
of this WG is largely due to having competent, caring and persistent
chairs who have pulled us back from many a rat-hole and dead-end to
maintain our focus on delivering the end-product.

Much appreciated.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] ECC (was RE: DKIM using old RSA padding?)

2011-02-28 Thread Mark Delany
On 28Feb11, Murray S. Kucherawy allegedly wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Stephen Farrell []
> > Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 10:35 AM
> > To: Murray S. Kucherawy
> > Cc: Michael Thomas; Hanno B?ck;
> > Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] ECC (was RE: DKIM using old RSA padding?)
> > 
> > The time to switch for DKIM is likely to be when you no longer
> > want to sign with an RSA key that fits a DNS response nicely.
> > Not sure off the top of my head what exactly that would be in
> > terms of RSA modulus size.
> Based on the work I did on resolver truncation handling, I believe that's 
> 2048-bit RSA keys, but I don't recall exactly at the moment because it was a 
> while ago.

In theory EDNS0 will give us plenty of extra payload to play with.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Re-thinking the organization of the DKIM spec

2011-01-11 Thread Mark Delany
On 11Jan11, Eliot Lear allegedly wrote:
> Barry, Dave, and others,

> The innovation of DKIM is not any one of these things, but rather the
> combination.  The test question for me here, for instance, is whether we
> can standardize the processing of the signature in DNS as separate from
> how the signature is made.

Extending Eliot's point, does the split make the individual docs
potentially beholden to multiple masters?  The Chairs suggest "no",
but won't the split encourage DOSETA participation (and possibly
others) who necessarily have different perspectives and goals?

I also agree with the comment that DKIM probably had an easier time
getting to this stage because it focuses solely on email. Our
assurances that this was *just* for a particular security application
with fairly modest goals rings a little hollow if we are now saying
that DKIM is to become a general framework. Do folk think we have
enough deployment experience to say that those assurances are

>From a personal perspective, getting closure on DKIM is tantalizingly
close. Those with WG-fatigue probably feel that this proposal risks
moving that achievement further into the future with no appreciable
gain to DKIM. Perhaps that's a selfish POV, but the doc split does
have a whiff of second-system syndrome which worries me when we're
still applying the finishing touches to the first system.

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[ietf-dkim] Are arbitrary From addresses in the physical world following DKIM?

2010-12-08 Thread Mark Delany
Forgive me for a bit of an aside, sortof.

A lot of people have long used the Postal Service analogy of being
able to supply an arbitrary return address as a justification for
doing the same in email (DC I'm looking at you, buddy).

So did anyone catch the news today that are planning to verify
the return address of a package against your drivers license? And that
other "postal" services may soon follow suit?

In other words, the days of providing an unauthenticated "author
address" may be numbered in the physical world.

It's all in the name of security theater of course, but nonetheless,
somewhat amusing in the DKIM context.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] SPF/DKIM complementary failure scenarios?

2010-11-24 Thread Mark Delany
On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 10:57:58AM -0800, Douglas Otis allegedly wrote:
> On 11/24/10 9:01 AM, Dave CROCKER wrote:
> >
> >  On 11/23/2010 3:14 AM, Ian Eiloart wrote:
> > > Actually, they're complementary. In places where DKIM fails
> > > (mailing lists rewriting messages), SPF can succeed. And in places
> > > where SPF fails (message forwarding), DKIM can succeed.
> >
> >  This assertion of facts is almost certainly incorrect.
> >
> >  Please specify the details of the scenarios in which you claim these
> >  assertions are correct.
> +1

-10 Please don't. It's out of scope for this group.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM Japan has been set up

2010-11-20 Thread Mark Delany
On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 11:49:36AM +0900, Tsuneki Ohnishi allegedly wrote:
> Hi to all,
> I am Tsuneki Ohnishi and I would like to let you know
> that DKIM Japan( has just been set up as of
> Nov 15, 2010. 

Welcome, Tsuneki, glad to have you join. It's great news to hear of
such commitment.

Who knows? Maybe .jp will be the first ccTLD to get comprehensive DKIM
coverage. Wouldn't that be something!

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for new text about multiple header issues

2010-10-24 Thread Mark Delany
> The universe of email is replete with software that forgives
> messages which do not conform strictly to the grammar that defines
> what valid email looks like.  This is a long-standing practice known
> informally as the robustness principle, originally coined by Jon
> Postel: "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you
> accept from others."

Well, I'm clearly the outlier here, but I think "be liberal" is
protocol nonsense that has been accepted as "conventional wisdom" for
far too long now.

Put another way, "Accept crud and pass it on" constitutes good
protocol design? Gimme a break.

More particularly, DKIM is a security protocol which means that "being
liberal" is entirely antithetical and highly risky to boot.

In short, I don't think any part of DKIM should be based on "be
liberal" because it always trades off security.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Focusing on 4871bis

2010-10-22 Thread Mark Delany
> > Those are two different changes.  My own sense is that each has some
> > controversy, with the first being pretty substantial and with the first 
> > having
> > some significant counter-proposals.
> My preference is still that verifiers reject messages that are likely to 
> display misleadingly in MUAs, e.g., multiple copies of headers that MUAs 
> render one of.  This is a rathole if you consider all the junk a bad guy 
> can do in HTML body parts, but at if you insist that the entire body is 
> signed, you can at least say that the garbage the user sees is same 
> garbage that was signed.

That matches my position - such messages should not verify. Though I
would generalize the "display and MUA" part to "not verify messages
that could mislead subsequence consumers" (where a program is a
consumer too!)

I agree that there is a distinct difference between goop that is part
of the signed message and goop that is not.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] double header reality check

2010-10-20 Thread Mark Delany
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 09:38:04PM -0700, Murray S. Kucherawy allegedly wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: John R. Levine []
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 5:08 PM
> > To: Murray S. Kucherawy
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] double header reality check
> > 
> > > Here's maybe a better way to frame the question: Should we empower
> > > ourselves to label a DKIM implementation that doesn't do format
> > > enforcement as (a) non-compliant, or (b) low-security/low-quality?
> > 
> > The latter.  Hey, we agree.  I think I always said SHOULD rather than
> > MUST.

> Damn, lost it.  I think we should talk about it, and even in detail,
> but without using those words.

> And I'd be fine converting the MUA advice to which you refer into
> something more general, like hammering home the point about what
> exactly a validated signature is telling you, and leave it to the
> implementers of those modules to figure out what to do with that
> information.

It's stating the obvious by now, but I'm with (a).

While it might be technically elegant to delegate (a) to another
layer or some "magic sauce", or some informative text, it misses the
bigger picture.

That bigger picture is that DKIM has no certainty of success simply by
being a technically neat and layer-compliant protocol.

DKIM will succeed only if it is picked up and used by a vibrant and
wide-spread community of DKIM consumers - MUAs, list servers,
reputation systems, email appliances, whatever.

Given the well-recognized inertia in the email biz, to maximize our
chance of success, we need to make it as easy as possible for this new
community of DKIM consumers to succeed. To my mind that means that
those consumers can write no-brainer code and reap the benefits of

So, every time we relegate or delegate parts of DKIM compliance to
those consumers - perhaps by way of informative text about 2822
compliance - we are simply creating barriers for the very consumers
that we need to make DKIM a success.

Are we so confident about DKIM adoption that we feel we can
effectively "order" this future community to do this sort of work?

I for one am not. I for one think that if we make DKIM as easy as
possible to consume and we market the heck out of it, we may, we just
may succeed in wide-spread adoption, maybe.

So, forget technical elegance. Forget layering violations. What are we
doing that makes DKIM compelling and easy to consume?

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Re: [ietf-dkim] double header reality check

2010-10-20 Thread Mark Delany
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 01:41:03AM -0700, SM allegedly wrote:
> At 17:53 19-10-10, Mark Delany wrote:
> >In a DKIM world a list server could reasonable use DKIM to bypass this
> >"confirm" sequence and make your life a bit simpler. Perhaps it relies
> >on Authentication-Results or somesuch. In any event such a list server
> >is actually *more* vulnerable than it is today if we let thru bogus
> >payload that appear to be valid.
> According to Section 7 of RFC 5672:
>"For DKIM processing, the domain name portion of the AUID has
> only basic domain name semantics; any possible owner-specific
> semantics are outside the scope of DKIM."
> Furthermore, in Section 8:
>"A module that consumes DKIM's mandatory payload, which is the
> responsible Signing Domain Identifier (SDID).  The module is
> dedicated to the assessment of the delivered identifier.  Other
> DKIM (and non-DKIM) values can also be delivered to this module as
> well as to a more general message evaluation filtering engine.
> However, this additional activity is outside the scope of the DKIM
> signature specification."
> Based on the above, I don't think that a list server could use DKIM 
> to bypass the "confirm" sequence.

Well, that's "should". It also assumes that all subsequent users of
DKIM bother to read and obey. It also assumes that future users of
DKIM won't get inventive and use DKIM in ways that we can't even
imagine. I think that undersells DKIM and future users.

Just ask the inventors of DNS whether they thought we'd be using it
the way we are... or whether we're using it the way they intended.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] double header reality check

2010-10-19 Thread Mark Delany
> Any filter or agent that makes any kind of filtering, routing or
> sorting decision based on any header field which in turn presumes
> there's only one such field without actually checking is a potential
> security concern.

I think this is a subtely different problem though.

All of the examples you cite (and all other pre-DKIM examples for that
matter) are foolable with a single forged header today. That they
could be further fooled with multiple headers is not an issue.

In a future world where such tools (and UAs) could act with authority
because DKIM has assured the headers/payload is where we have the

Only once tools and UAs take advantage of DKIM, do these attacks
become relevant. That's why I think this is a DKIM problem. We are
wanting tools and UAs to take advantage of DKIM but by doing so they
are possibly making themselves more vulnerable to attackers.

A simple (but hyperthetical) example. If you unsubscribe from a list
today, most list servers typically confirm the request by emailing you
back with some nonce to ensure the unsubscribe request isn't
forged. You then hit reply or click on the link to confirm you have
access to that mailbox, etc.

In a DKIM world a list server could reasonable use DKIM to bypass this
"confirm" sequence and make your life a bit simpler. Perhaps it relies
on Authentication-Results or somesuch. In any event such a list server
is actually *more* vulnerable than it is today if we let thru bogus
payload that appear to be valid.

IOW. Asking them to rely on DKIM is a backward step.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] How MUAs render mail

2010-10-18 Thread Mark Delany
> result of software layers that render those bits.  DKIM has no
> control over that rendering process.

Really? Do you mean doesn't or shouldn't or can't?

Apropos layering violations: are we saying that having a UA inject
message 'A' via a DKIM layer into the mail stream, and then having
some random/malicious goop cause message 'B' to pop out of the DKIM
rabbit hole at the other end is less of a layer violation than
ensuring that message 'A' comes out that rabbit hole?

That seems odd.

Even if layer-violation is viewed by some as an immutable law, there
is some argument that allow the 'B' rabbit to pop out is failing that

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-18 Thread Mark Delany
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 06:07:15AM -0700, Dave CROCKER allegedly wrote:
> On 10/18/2010 3:31 AM, Ian Eiloart wrote:
> > --On 15 October 2010 11:53:51 -0400 Dave CROCKER  wrote:
> >> On 10/15/2010 11:40 AM, Mark Delany wrote:
> >>> Well, if you want to introduce semantic changes why not just change
> >>> the meaning of h=from:to: to be semantically identical to
> >>> h=from:from:to:to:
> >>
> >> This would mean that it is /never/ ok to add a listed header field after
> >> signing.  Adding would /always/ break the signature.
> >
> > I assumed that the proposal applied only to headers rfc5322 says cannot be
> > duplicated.
> That is a constraint that was not stated.

It is now.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Data integrity claims

2010-10-17 Thread Mark Delany
> Don't think of DKIM as being inviolate offering only a disjointed 
> sacrosanct identifier.  DKIM process must also guard against the 
> exploitation of its results


By DKIM process, I would include anything cognizant of DKIM upto but
not including the MUA. Mike's secret sauce would count here, eg.

I for one would have dumb sauce. Perhap prefixing unsigned headers
with "DKIM-hidden-" such that only DKIM aware MUAs will render
original unsigned content.

As others have said, there is nothing between DKIM and the MUA that
prevent DKIM exploitation so who is going to solve that problem if not

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Data integrity claims

2010-10-15 Thread Mark Delany
On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 12:10:48AM -0400, Dave CROCKER allegedly wrote:
> On 10/15/2010 8:32 PM, Mark Delany wrote:
> > Therefore one could
> > argue that DKIM is "protecting" that relationship between the message
> > and identifier.
> Clever phrasing.  Might be too subtle for general use, but I think it offers 
> a 
> perspective that could be useful.
> I think the issue here is that when people talk about protecting a message, 
> they 
> tend to have in mind all sorts of attacks designed to trick users.  DKIM 
> actually does not have much to say about such things.
> Yes, it ties an identifier to a bag of bits, and yes it specifies what those 
> bits are, but it really does deal only with those bits and not (necessarily) 
> the 
> entire message.

I have a problem with this approach and I don't pretend to know the
right answer.

My problem is that if some valuable domain like paypal sends me a
bunch of bits that I or my MUA or my MTA ties to then the
end goal of DKIM is, IMO, that those bunch of bits I "see" are the
ones that paypal sent. No more, no less.

To murder another idiom: "What you see is what they sent" is I believe
the ultimate goal of DKIM. Or, "what you complain about is what they
sent". Whatever.

So anything that circumvents "what you see is what they sent" I think
is in scope for DKIM to eliminate or mitigate.

Is that requirement solved in the verification protocol of DKIM or is
that solved in advice to MTAs/MUAs?  I don't know. But I am sure that
if we don't end up with that guarantee, then I do wonder what we are

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Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM and patents

2010-10-15 Thread Mark Delany
On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 02:54:13PM +1200, Franck Martin allegedly wrote:
> I found today this patent:
> US PATENT 7487217 
> but then it seems prior art existed in the form of DKIM (which was started 
> around 2004

DKIM largely derives from DomainKeys which largely derives from US
Patent 6,986,049 filed in Sep 2003. In 2004 the IPR was bequeathed to
the IETF by the Assignee (aka my employer at the time).


Given the timing, clearly the 2005 filing of 7,487,217 you mention
cannot encroach on the prior filings of DomainKeys. If anything it's
around the other way as 6,986,049 could invalidate 7,487,217.

But, IANAL and I never want to be one. I am just stating known facts

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Data integrity claims

2010-10-15 Thread Mark Delany
> I thought the "What DKIM does" thing was a long-dead horse, as we'd
> long ago reached consensus that what DKIM does is provide a stable
> identifier on the message, and nothing more.  That makes this
> assertion inapposite.

> I think perhaps now would be a good time to make that explicit,
> since a lot of people (including some in here) are continuing to
> infer that DKIM should be used to "protect" the body.  So I propose
> this be added to 4871bis:

(I don't know what "inapposite" is, but I like it!)

To your point, the identifier and the message must go together to be
meaningful. One without the other is meaningless. Therefore one could
argue that DKIM is "protecting" that relationship between the message
and identifier.

Or put another way, if a DKIM signer is taking responsibility for the
message, then DKIM should also protect the original assertion of the
signer - which again includes the message as well as the identifier.

I don't think you can disconnect the two and retain value. Maybe
that's what folk mean when they say "protect the body"?

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Re: [ietf-dkim] 2 Day Collection Stats

2010-10-15 Thread Mark Delany
> Breaking that down further:  Of the 8,219, 6,614 (80.4%) were author domain 
> signatures, so the rest were presumably list signatures (or something else).
> 57 of them failed even in the presence of an "l=" tag.

More work for Murray. Distribution of the l= values? Particularly l=0

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-15 Thread Mark Delany
> > h=from:from:subject:subject:to:to:cc:cc:mime-version:mime-version:list-id:list-id?
> Yes, it does.  The only question is to devise normative statements 
> correctly, e.g. MUST duplicate "From", SHOULD duplicate the rest.
> This is _not_ a kludge.  It is how DKIM signing works (Section 5.4).
> Are we worried about wasting 100~200 bytes per signature?  (I get ~4Kb 
> headers nowadays, so that is about 3% of it.)  Introducing an 
> abbreviation --e.g. an h2 tag-- is considerably clearer from an 
> algorithm developer's POV.

Well, if you want to introduce semantic changes why not just change
the meaning of h=from:to: to be semantically identical to

Old verifiers still work as well as they do today, new verifiers work
better and virtually all existing signers still work (excepting those
that sign a subset of legitimately repeating headers - which must be

In either cases, the implementation changes are about the same, but
the spec is simpler.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-14 Thread Mark Delany
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 08:01:17PM +0200, Alessandro Vesely allegedly wrote:
> On 13/Oct/10 20:45, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > On Wednesday, October 13, 2010 12:54:23 pm Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> >>  If we can extract DKIM from the equation entirely and the problem remains,
> >>  how is it a DKIM problem?
> >
> > If the DKIM signature doesn't verify after signed headers have been altered,
> > then it's not.
> Correct.  And the way that it fails to verify is h=from:from.

Which strikes me as an ugly hack. Given that most headers should only
occur once and given that a lot of signers sign most headers doesn't this 
suggestion degenerate to

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Re: [ietf-dkim] layer violations, was detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-14 Thread Mark Delany
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 07:38:13AM -0700, Mark Delany allegedly wrote:
> > What is essential is that it perform the task of validating and delivering 
> > a 
> > signing domain that is associated with a collection of bits.  Anything that 
> > defines how to do this is essential.  Anything that can make this break 
> > needs to 
> > be covered, especially if there are ways to protect against the breakage.
> But isn't the problem that the signing domain is being incorrectly
> associated with a different collection of bits?

And just to elaborate on my own point. We went thru a lot of
hand-wringing over canonicalization and the l= tag and so forth
precisely because we were concerned about associating a signing domain
with the wrong bits.

But now it seems that making the wrong association is not treated with
as much concern.

If it is true that the DKIM effort is about associating an identifier
with a collection of bits, it equally must be true that we want to
make a similar effort to ensure that identifier is not associated with
an unrelated collection of bits.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] layer violations, was detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-14 Thread Mark Delany
> What is essential is that it perform the task of validating and delivering a 
> signing domain that is associated with a collection of bits.  Anything that 
> defines how to do this is essential.  Anything that can make this break needs 
> to 
> be covered, especially if there are ways to protect against the breakage.

But isn't the problem that the signing domain is being incorrectly
associated with a different collection of bits?


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Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with other TXT records

2010-10-14 Thread Mark Delany
> to:
>   title="Introduction">
>   DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) permits a person, role, or
>  organization to claim some responsibility for a message by
>  associating a domain name  target="RFC1034" /> with the message. This can be an author's
>  organization, an operational relay or one of their agents.
>  ...

Well, just to create a bit more of a rat-hole, is there any chance
you'd like to add a definitional link for the word "message" as well?

It seems to me that much of our other discussion swims around that
meaning. Is it what is sent, is it what's signed, is it what shows
up in the MUA...

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-13 Thread Mark Delany
> > In that light, taking an additional step wrt duplicate headers (or
> > malformed 2822 in general) is still in the same layer as the verifier.
> My objection isn't so much layering within the software, because I know that 
> gets mushy real quick, but layering among the protocol specifications.  For 
> example, we wouldn't include in an SMTP specification some text about dealing 
> with fuzzy TCP implementations, and what people are talking about here makes 
> just as much sense to me.

The problem is that I don't think we are really just talking about
getting a protocol right from a bits perspective.

If DKIM has any value it's that it ultimately affects the user mail
experience for the better. Consequently, to remain silent on matters
that we know will adversely affect that experience seems
contradictory. Similarly to not offer guidance to implementors on the
sorts of things they can do to maximize the value of DKIM seems
similarly to miss the point.

Furthermore, DKIM specifically came into existence to deal with an
adversarial environment whereas 821/822 and the like have very
specific "just get the bits right" goals.

So guiding verifiers to assume the worst seems consistent with our
intent or at least our genesis.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-13 Thread Mark Delany
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 04:09:34PM -0400, MH Michael Hammer (5304) allegedly 

> Having said that, if an MUA is going to present an indication of
> "DKIM PASS" to the enduser, then a reasonable person would expect
> some relationship between what is "passed" and what is presented to
> the enduser.

That makes sense. And at least one MUA already renders DKIM verified
mail differently. I would think such an MUA could take the additional
step of rendering verified payload differently too.

I know we're not in the MUA business, but if DKIM makes no difference
to what an end-user finally sees, then it serves a very limited
purpose indeed.

> I understand the issues raised by Murray about the slippery
> slope. On the other hand, I would rather see an MUA present nothing
> about DKIM than give a false impression to endusers.

I can understand the engineering nervousness over crossing layers, but
that seems to me to be conflating the SMTP aspects of an MTA with the
DKIM aspects of an MTA/verifier.

It strikes me that a DKIM verifier is already well into the business
of 2822 semantics as it knows about headers, header labels,
continuation syntax, header/body boundaries and so on.

In that light, taking an additional step wrt duplicate headers (or
malformed 2822 in general) is still in the same layer as the verifier.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-07 Thread Mark Delany
> I'm scratching my head to see if there is any advice we can offer to make 
> signing and verification more robust while not changing the behavior of 
> existing code for normal (for some definition of normal messages).
> A) You have to sign either all occurences of a header or none of them, and 
> a message with some but not all occurences signed fails verification. This 
> is probably too strong, although I doubt that there are many places in 
> practice where it would matter.
> B) Same as A, but limited to an enumerated set of headers that are 
> supposed to occur only once.
> c) Same as B, but tell signers to use the h= trick to make verification 
> fail if extra headers show up.

Realistically useful advice probably has to influence rendering of
messages. That might mean MUA participation or it might mean mailstore
participation that removes all (typically) rendered headers that are

That raise a pre-cursor question as to whether DKIM is intended to
offer rendered-to-user value? If not, then this whole discussion is
moot. If so, then that implies greater participation from the
rendering process.

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2010-10-06 Thread Mark Delany
> I don't think that's a fair characterization.  It is simply wrong to try to 
> deal this problem in DKIM.  For example, a bug in the TCP stack that causes 
> malformed data to arrive in an application which in turn causes something 
> visible and unexpected, possibly even something dangerous, to happen in that 
> application is still a bug in the TCP stack and saying so puts the 
> responsibility for resolving the problem where it belongs.

Yeahbut. Isn't that conflating detection with fixing?

Lots of protocols have end-to-end or layer-to-layer verification to
detect intervening bugs. You also well know that treating all external
input with the greatest suspicion *almost* goes without saying in any
programming endeavour, but particularly so in this one.

I agree that a full 2822 parser is over the top and something that is
unlikely to exist near verification code, but we do need to instruct
verifiers to be suspicious and untrusting. What's the middle ground?

Serendipitously, my early implementation refused to verify an email
that had a From: prior to the signature header.

The general problem is that applying authentication results to the
whole payload is wrong. I don't argue this, but one could consider
removing or denaturing all payload outside of the signature...


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2010-10-05 Thread Mark Delany
> > That this is not in 4871 seems to be mostly a WG assumption that
> > should be made explicit.
> I think several of us thought it was in there, but on review it apparently 
> was indeed lost somewhere along the way.  We've certainly, as I understand 
> it, been proceeding from that assumption for a very long time.
> I like the idea of saying so explicitly in 4871bis, and applying it both to 
> signers and to verifiers.

Agreed. Though frankly I couldn't care less about signers. It's always
the verifier that really counts.

> I don't like the idea of being any more specific than that.  That
> is, I don't want to create specific text for specific cases we know
> about because that means anything we don't list could be perceived
> as less critical.  A blanket admonishment to implementers is
> sufficient and appropriate.

Right. We could attempt to enumerate the 1,000 edge-cases we know
today and then re-bis 4871 for the additional 1,000 edge-cases we
learn tomorrow, or we could simply say that invalid 2822 messages
MUST never verify and call it a day.

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2010-10-05 Thread Mark Delany
On Tue, Oct 05, 2010 at 10:31:32PM -0400, Dave CROCKER allegedly wrote:
> > PS: Note that I'm saying nothing about whether or not this
> > issue should be mentioned in 4871bis.
> Adding to a specification, by trying to protect against behavior that is 
> already 
> illegal is wasteful, redundant and  opens the door to an infinite path of 
> similarly unnecessary provisions.  Plainly bad specification methodology.

Right. This seems like it's going down a rat-hole.

There was an assertion in RFC4780 about "conforming emails" that must
only have a single 2822.From header. That got lost in the translation
to 4781 I guess. Unfortunately, 4780 failed to specify what
"conforming" means explicitly.

I also know that this WG has repeatedly stated that messages that are
not within standard MUST fail verification.

That this is not in 4871 seems to be mostly a WG assumption that
should be made explicit.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Comments on draft-ietf-dkim-implementation-report-01

2010-09-30 Thread Mark Delany
On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 06:51:44PM -0700, SM allegedly wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a few comments about 
> draft-ietf-dkim-implementation-report-01.

Me too.

Thanks very much for writing this up, Murray. Very enlightening. And
that Alt-N - a relatively small company - hosted an event for the big
guys at their expense speaks volumes about the commitment of Arvel and
his crew. We are in their debt.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Corner cases and loose ends, was , draft-vesely-dkim-joint-sigs

2010-09-27 Thread Mark Delany
On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 11:39:43AM -0700, Dave CROCKER allegedly wrote:
> On 9/27/2010 11:04 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> >> From: [mailto:ietf-dkim-
> >>] On Behalf Of John R. Levine
> ...
> >> It is not my impression that they all do the full DKIM validation while
> >> the SMTP session is open.  Mine doesn't.
> >
> > The milter-based ones like OpenDKIM and dkim-milter do.
> It's been a significant revelation, for me, to realize how common it is for 
> processing to occur during the SMTP session.
> So SMTP issues reduce to finding ways of preventing the cross-net transfer of 
> data or even of preventing the SMTP session.  Oddly, I think the latter is 
> more 
> feasible than the former.

So is this a premature optimization discussion?

In terms of the big guys, it's a complex question as it depends on
what other processing occurs at SMTP time, such as AV and anti-spam
and *where* that processing occurs (on the SMTP socket machine or
somewhere else). Most big guys will have mail processing distributed
across multiple systems during the SMTP session.

All the big guys have an ideal location (or the only realistic
location in some cases) where they did/or-will install DKIM processing
and that will likely vary from player to player. The smart ones might
even do some processing in different places dynamically depending on
the current load of each piece of infrastructure.

Frankly I think that the decision of where a big player does
processing will be driven by their infrastructure and internal design
far more than any tweaks to a standard or set of recommendations we
might make. Even if we knew what they all did today, there is no
reason to expect that will remain unchanged for any substantial period
of time.

As an aside. Just looking at the simple metric of holding times of an
SMTP session, the biggest cost typically comes from slow clients
rather than the CPU latency of processing a DKIM signature or
anti-spam content analysis. Mail from remote ISPs in countries with
constricted connectivity can often trickle in at 1200bps-type speeds.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Key rotation

2010-09-10 Thread Mark Delany
> Step 2 doesn't help. (yes, you can put * for all selectors, but asking for
> one when it isn't really needed leads to FUD).

A selector can of course be in a sub-domain format, such as

I wonder if they considered letting you enter *.dialup or somesuch?

Obviously, requiring or using a fixed name selector is something no
sensible person should be advocating.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Key rotation

2010-09-04 Thread Mark Delany
On Sat, Sep 04, 2010 at 01:41:41PM -0700, Steve Atkins allegedly wrote:

> Do we have any thoughts on 1. how often keys might sensibly be
> rotated and 2. how long public keys should remain visible after the
> private key has been rotated out?

I believe the general thrust is that DKIM keys are ephemeral so no one
should rely on there long-term presence. Your verifying MTA should
annotate inbound mail appropriately so that subsequent reliance on the
public key is not needed. Authentication-Results header being a good
place to store what is needed here.

(I know you know this, Steve. I'm just setting the stage).

In that light, I would expect that a public key only needs to stay
around as long as an email can remain in-transit plus some
fudge. Maybe seven days or thereabouts?

Turning the question back to you. Is there any motive for removing
public keys rapidly apart from when they've been compromised? I can't
think of any obvious reason why you'd want to do this, so I'm curious
to hear of any use-cases you have in mind that warrant rapid removal.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Mailing lists and s/mime & dkim signatures - mua considerations

2010-08-24 Thread Mark Delany
> >> As a part-time MTA developer I am not confused. The DKIM signature
> >> provides a simple piece of trace information ("I handled this mail")
> >> that is cryptographically bound to some header and body content.
> > 
> > Yes. And that the obverse is possible: "I didn't handle this mail".
> I don't see how DKIM can provide the obverse - the obvious way
> is for a sender to assert that all their mail has a DKIM signature,
> but that fails when the DKIM signature breaks in transit. Is there
> a clever trick I'm missing?

So you're saying it can provide the obverse; you just don't like the
failure modes. Perhaps surprisingly, the failure modes are exactly
what attracts some folk to DKIM.

We also have to be patient. When DK was first discussed, folk said
that it was impossible because MTAs routinely made arbitrary changes
to the payload, but that's no longer true. Folks also said that the
mainstream players would never get on board, but that's no longer

A fork-lift change was never going to occur overnight so we just have
to keep chipping away.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Mailing lists and s/mime & dkim signatures - mua considerations

2010-08-24 Thread Mark Delany
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 09:45:20AM -0400, Wietse Venema allegedly wrote:
> Hector Santos:
> > IMO, it is these statements that continues to raise confusion and
> > raise the barrier of industry wide adoption that includes the general
> > population of MTA developers and operators from tiny to small to even
> > large.
> As a part-time MTA developer I am not confused. The DKIM signature
> provides a simple piece of trace information ("I handled this mail")
> that is cryptographically bound to some header and body content.

Yes. And that the obverse is possible: "I didn't handle this mail".

As Jon Callas is fond of saying, you know a protocol is a success when
it's abused in ways you never thought possible. The bi-laterals that
others have discussed are a small example of this.

Jon got it right: we don't need to know all of what is possible with
so general a component as DKIM.

My personal motivation, going back some seven years now, was about
tools for putting credibility (back) into the email system. Clearly
this is far from the only motivation across the population of DKIM
developers. Varying motives don't necessarily mean varying tools.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] marketing dkim

2010-08-20 Thread Mark Delany
> hmm, I am surprise that I have to be put into an awkward
> position to explain what "binding" means here as digital signature
> term in what I thought was a technical qroup.  Very odd.

Hector. You are too funny.

You miss the subtlety and then you assume the OP is inexcusably

I just love the Schoolmarm lessons that inevitably follow. Priceless.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] marketing dkim

2010-08-20 Thread Mark Delany
On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 11:55:40AM -0700, Murray S. Kucherawy allegedly wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [mailto:ietf-dkim-
> >] On Behalf Of Hector Santos
> > Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 11:42 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] marketing dkim
> > 
> > Dave CROCKER wrote:
> > >
> > > No doubt some do validate the From: field.  Others merely mean "the
> > > message went through my MTA".  Any assertion of From: field assessment
> > > is therefore far outside the scope of the DKIM base specification.
> > 
> > This is hard to grasp and conflicts with the DKIM base specification
> > which makes the 5322.FROM a fundamentally required binding hashed
> > entity in the DKIM signature manufacturing.

> I don't know what you mean by "binding".  DKIM doesn't say From: has
> to contain any particular value, only that it has to be one of the
> signed fields.

I don't know about binding either, but my point, before this
sub-thread is completely lost, is that the suggestion that a "caring
provider" put in some user identifiable token amounts to the same thing
as asking a "caring provider" to ensure that 822.From can be used as a
user identifiable token.

In other words, there is no need to invent anything new here to
achieve the OP's result. After all, an uncaring provider means that
>From is as reliable as any other user identifiable token, which is to
say, not at all.

So, assuming you can determine a caring provider, then ask them to be
careful about 822.From rather than ask them to invent and insert some
other user identifiable token.

Note: I'm not necessarily advocating the OP's suggestion, just saying
no new token needs to be invented to support it - instead, just make
the recommendation to "caring providers". Job done. Move along.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] marketing dkim

2010-08-20 Thread Mark Delany
> > Right, but emphasize that the granularity is a signing domain -- it is
> > not and cannot be a way to attribute mail to individual people.
> >
> Unless you have reason to believe that the signer is taking steps to ensure 
> that the sender information is accurate. I'd say that a DKIM signature from 
> a reputable service provider would quite likely increase the *chance* that 
> the sender information is accurate. Of course, you can't be certain (with 
> any technology), because any account might be compromised by phishing.

Why isn't a signed 822.From sufficiently accurate sender information
from a provider who cares?

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] Mailing list reality check

2010-08-04 Thread Mark Delany
> A) Use the From: address (or something that identifies the contributor)
> as the primary sort criterion
> B) Use the List-ID: (or something that identifies the list) as the
> primiary sort criterion
> C) Something else

C) The 821.RCPTTO address.

Which probably means this straw poll really is surveying the "fringe"
of the email world. (And I mean fringe in the nicest possible way of

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] New Version Notification for draft-levine-dbr-00(fwd)

2010-06-24 Thread Mark Delany
> So my view of the service being discussed here isn't one where some
> guy in upstate NY claims to have full knowledge of which domains
> DKIM-sign all their outbound email. Rather, it's a service where the
> manager of the service uses claims made by the sender about whether
> they sign all of their email and then only lists those domains that
> know what their doing.

Why not have a negative service then?

John's list can refute an ADSP of "at risk" domains by including a
link of an exemplar unsigned email (ironically provable via SPF if

Sortof assume ADSP competence until shown otherwise rather than
assumed incompetent until judged otherwise?

That list would then be quite valuable as a way of letting such
domains know that they are vulnerable *and* where their leak is.

dig txt

atRisk=y; claimsADSPAll=y; counterExample=http://

Conceivably "at risk" domains would first submit themselves to such a
service and ask it to discover and publish (and/or feedback) counter

Since all you need is one counter example, getting 20 or 30 large,
trusted mail providers to participate in identifying such emails and
domains should be able to know pretty quickly when something has gone
awry with their IT audit.

John's list then simply becomes a focal point of discovery rather than
a judgment call.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] Broken signature analysis

2010-02-24 Thread Mark Delany
> The thing that I'm skeptical about is that an automaton can be  
> programmed
> to do this sort of analysis with any sort of accuracy. We're talking  
> about
> a potential flood of reports coming in, I assume, so I doubt we're  
> all going
> to be putting out job reqs for "DKIM Signature Breakage Analysis  
> Engineer".
> There were far too many breakages even with tools and hunches that  
> were very
> difficult to figure out, and even then there were lots of mysteries.
> And of course, there's an open question about what you do with this  
> sort of
> forensic data... it can be gamed, after all. So if there's any  
> advantage for
> bad guys to game it, it probably will be.

I wasn't thinking of wide activation necessarily, it might be  
something that, eg, just MAAWG members and implementors might  
selective enable over an interop testing period.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Broken signature analysis (was: Proposed new charter)

2010-02-24 Thread Mark Delany
On Feb 24, 2010, at 5:51 AM, Michael Thomas wrote:

> I'm sort of dubious about this. Unless you're using z=, your chances  
> of
> figuring out why something broke are slim to none. With z=, your  
> chances
> of figuring it out are merely slim.
> Mike, with far too much experience at that

It got a luke-warm response a few years back, but now that a lot more  
people are having to deal with "why did the verify failed", is it  
worth re-vivifying the DKIM-Trace stuff, or whatever it was called  
back then? We found it very useful for our early days of interop  

The idea is pretty simple: The signer adds a header that characterizes  
the content before and after canonicalization. The verifier performs  
the same characterization and compares the differences. The  
characterizations we used at the time were simple character counts  
represented in a relatively compressed form (27 a's, 60 b's, 40LFs,  
50spaces, etc)

The form we used is kinda ugly as 
  shows, but it was very illuminating as things like mis-match of  
white-space counts, or case-conversions, etc, identified what changed  
and where it changed (canonicalization vs transit).


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM on envelope level

2009-10-29 Thread Mark Delany
> Do you mean the server's side of the connection will have buffer  
> data in it?  That would mean the client sent DATA followed  
> by header/body information, possibly even in the same packet,  
> without waiting for the reply from DATA.  The server could drop the  
> connection

I haven't been watching lately, but at some point a popular bot  
technique was to send the whole transaction without looking at the  
responses. After all, what do they care?

It was popular enough to generate the "greet_pause" feature in  
sendmail - as you must know. I don't know whether "greet_pause"-type  
detection is so wide-spread now that spammers have moved away from  
doing it, but I'll bet a lot still don't care and just blast away.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM on envelope level

2009-10-29 Thread Mark Delany
On Oct 29, 2009, at 9:11 AM, Dave CROCKER wrote:

I'm guessing the incentive for all of this is to reduce bandwidth,  
otherwise why not just issue the 4XX/5XX after the DATA/. sequence  
rather than invent a new mechanism to issue the same response at the  
envelope end of the transaction?

> First blank line after DATA.

If the proposal is an attempt to reduce SMTP bandwidth, which is  
becoming a vanishingly small part of Internet traffic for most sites  
anyway, then stopping after DATA doesn't help as your OS will have  
likely received a socket buffer full of data, even if the application  
doesn't read it. So it might make you feel good, but it doesn't reduce  
the bytes coming down the line consequentially.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM adoption

2009-08-03 Thread Mark Delany
On Aug 3, 2009, at 10:31 AM, Douglas Otis wrote:

> On 8/2/09 1:06 AM, Mark Delany wrote:
>> On Aug 1, 2009, at 9:14 PM, Franck Martin wrote:
>>> But is ICANN supposed to clean all these random valid domains?
>> You half-joke, but one of the arguments we presented to the FTC  
>> back in
>> 2003 or so regarding spam was that we had an opportunity to regulate
>> issuance of domain names. If not regulate, then at least insist on an
>> identifiable legal entity being required to register a domain.
> Rather than viewing control of a domain as indicative of good email  
> behavior, positive reputations based upon histories of DKIM  
> signatures could offer an alternative or enhancement to methods  
> currently used in the disposition of messages.

That's entirely orthogonal and nothing new. My point was something  
stronger and different from "reputation", namely something  
jurisdictional; can I find (and sue) the owner of the domain on the  
DKIM signature?


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM adoption

2009-08-01 Thread Mark Delany

On Aug 1, 2009, at 9:14 PM, Franck Martin wrote:

But is ICANN supposed to clean all these random valid domains?


You half-joke, but one of the arguments we presented to the FTC back  
in 2003 or so regarding spam was that we had an opportunity to  
regulate issuance of domain names. If not regulate, then at least  
insist on an identifiable legal entity being required to register a  

With that "simple" expedient and wide-spread deployment of DKIM you  
have potential legal recourse to inappropriate email.

ICANN of course couldn't care less as they are in it for the money,  
just as registrars are, but as I understand it, ICANN still operates  
under an MoA from the US Department of Commerce so the opportunity is  
not completely lost, yet.

Unfortunately that opportunity may disappear soon as ICANN are pushing  
hard for complete autonomy,  at which point profit will always be the  
primary motive.

My point being, issuance of domain names could be a choke-point and  
combined with DKIM potentially provides recourse that is currently not  
available. This attacks the opposite end of the spectrum that  
"reputation" focusses on.

Having said that, you could then have reputation systems based on  
jurisdictional recourse. What if you receive traffic from a domain and  
you are able to query for the legal owner of that domain and whether  
you could sue that domain for spamming?

A jurisdictional market for domains could move good senders to  
register in tougher jurisdictions whereas the bad guys would stay well  
clear. Just as companies today decide whether to register on the NYSE  
or in the Cayman Islands.

Just another arrow in the quiver, but a useful one methinks.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] RFC4871bis - whether to drop -- h: Acceptable hash algorithms

2009-06-04 Thread Mark Delany
>> If a site wanted to revoke instantly any signature previously
>> generated with rsa-craphash, couldn't it just revoke its old keys
>> and generate new keys, and begin signing with rsa-goodhash?
> Yes, it is a design feature of DKIM that an operational crypto error
> can be instantly "revoked" by merely yanking the keys from DNS (modulo
> cache timeouts etc). The only thing I would correct in your statement
> is the word "revoke." DKIM bypasses the very notion of revocation by
> being key-centric.

Though the spec discusses an empty p= as giving an explicit "revoke"  


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Features that could be reconsidered as part of the bis process

2009-05-09 Thread Mark Delany
>>   DKIM-Signature Header tags
>> x: Signature expiration
>> l: Body length count
> Removal of these would be a show stopper for me. In fact, overall,
> anything that is SECURITY related should be protected from removal
> proposal.

Do you mean anything that is security related or do you mean any thing  
that improves security? You're not being very precise.

As I understand it l: reduces security because it introduces wiggle- 
room and x: seems only to offer theoretical benefits that are far more  
concretely established via key revocation in the DNS.

Furthermore, x: is largely meaningless if you accept that DKIM is a  
temporal authentication mechanism, which it has always intended to be.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] ADSP Informative Note on parent domain signing

2009-04-09 Thread Mark Delany
 Informative Note:  DKIM signatures by parent domains as described
 in section 3.8 of [RFC4871] (in which a signer uses "i=" to assert
 that it is signing for a subdomain) do not satisfy the
 requirements for an Author Domain Signature as defined above.
>> [ . . . ]
>>> Works for me.
>> +1
>> (I'd use commas instead of parentheses, but that's minor.)
> IMHO, this is still wrong.  The i= value should be _ignored_ when
> determining ADSP compliance.  I'll try some examples.

> Any sub-domain included within the i= value (AUID) will not affect
> ADSP compliance.  Only email-address domains that reference the DKIM
> key can comply with ADSP assertions.
> '

Right. The point is that i= is irrelevant at this stage to ADSP, just  
as other tags in the signature may be. The question is whether we want  
to be explicit about this tag not being relevant (and hence all the  
others that aren't relevant need to be stated too).

Maybe the right thing to say is that a future extension to ADSP may  
address how to interpret other signature tags, such as i=, but for now  
they are explicitly *not* part of the ADSP evaluation.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Author Signature vs. Author Domain Signature / Internal vs External threats

2009-04-02 Thread Mark Delany
On Apr 2, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:

>> I think you may have put your finger on the root of much of the
>> interpretation differences. It might in fact be a really good idea
>> to replace the term "Author Signature" with the term "Author Domain
>> Signature" throughout the ADSP spec to help address this. It seems

>>> The specification and semantics of ADSP get simpler, cleaner and  
>>> properly
>>> scoped, when d= is used.  Using i= really does invite a complex of  
>>> issues that
>>> should be outside the scope of DKIM and ADSP.
>>> Use d=.
>> [> ]
>> +1
> I am all for this.
> +1

Agreed. Let's have a simple ADSP that minimizes the wiggle room  
available for confusion or complexity. After some real world  
experience, we can add complexity as needed.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] Consensus point on ADSP

2009-03-27 Thread Mark Delany
>>>   Note:   ADSP is incompatible with valid DKIM usage in which a  
>>> signer
>>>  uses "i=" with values that are not the same as addresses in  
>>> mail
>>>  headers.  In that case, a possible workaround could be to add a
>>>  second DKIM signature a "d=" value that matches the Author
>>>  Address, but no "i=".
> I'll start by proposing text that we could use if we adopted an
> alternate definition of Author Signature based on the d= value only.
> Then I'll describe what I think we'll lose by going to that  
> definition.

Given that i= is an arbitrary value assigned by the signer, the  
question to me is what value does it add beyond what signed RFC2822  
headers can do just as well. Eg, why not set an rfc2822.Sender Field  
and sign that rather than invent i=?

IOW, what is the value-add in inventing yet another identity called  
DKIM.i= when we already have rfc2822.From, rfc2822.sender,  
rfc2822.resent-from, rfc2822.resent-sender and rfc2821.mailfrom?

Are you suggesting that DKIM.i= should have preference over signed  
RFC2822 identifiers?


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Another take on "all email from us is dkim signed"

2009-03-11 Thread Mark Delany
> Outside of DNS query related technical issues,  the first  
> operational repercussion is  the lost of handling legacy mail.   We  
> need to use an "standard anchor" something we know will always be  
> there, which as it is now, is the From: domain lookup.

For those subset of folk who want to do that, nothing stops you  
storing the ADSP query result with the email when you write it to your  
local disk. Your disk, your rules.

Besideswhich, since only signed mail could legitimately contain the "I  
don't sign everything anymore" you'll have to somehow track that  
across to unsigned emails when you store them or maintain a state  
change history per domain so you can correctly analyze unsigned legacy  


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] Another take on "all email from us is dkim signed"

2009-03-11 Thread Mark Delany
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Steve Atkins  

Did we already look at this idea and discard it before we settled on
using a DNS query for every email received?

Discussed, not discarded.  AFAIR,  the general feeling is that  
Lookups are cheap today.

Essentially such an approach is asking every MX target with more than  
one system to invent some way of distributing the knowledge it  
discovers on an inbound, signed message.

You also have to invent mechanisms to deal with corner cases and  
timing windows, such as when one MX target receives a "we don't sign  
all anymore" and another MX target for the same domain almost  
immediately receives an unsigned email from that domain. Or what if  
you use your ISP as a secondary MX and the "state changing emails"  
happened to be queued up there for a while?

I also don't see how it changes anything from a functional POV. If  
ADSP is carried in the signature vs carried in a DNS record, it would  
presumably invoke the same level of WG discussion over semantics and  

Given the highly cacheable nature of ADSP information and the fact  
that we're already querying the DNS for key information, it's unclear  
what the big benefit would be in moving this in-band.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] RFC4871bis

2009-01-28 Thread Mark Delany

On Jan 28, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 2:22 AM, Douglas Otis   
> wrote:
>> There will be work involved when dealing with opaque i= values when
>> assessing reputations.  Any amount of consolidation of this  
>> information will
>> induce a higher degree of collateral blocking.  It seems best to  
>> keep this
>> an opaque value that the sender fully controls.
> Those opaque i= values will be of some use to the sender. I see no
> reason why the receiver can't simply ignore them.

Colo(u)r me dumb/confused/take-your-pick, but is i= effectively the  
moral equivalent of IDENT (RFC1413)?


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Re: [ietf-dkim] domain existence check

2008-05-23 Thread Mark Delany
On May 23, 2008, at 6:05 PM, Arvel Hathcock wrote:

> A compromise proposal has been laid out which is to remove the  
> step from the algorithm but add text defining ADSP as applicable  
> only to
> domains which actually exist in DNS.  This removes the need for  
> ADSP to
> specify how (or by what means) such a check is determined, does not
> introduce normative language, addresses all the objections yet put
> forth, and still provides a basis for believing that a check will  
> be done.

If we are to have or to imply a check, then surely the worst  
situation is for a domain advertising ADSP to have no clue as to what  
verifiers will do, apart from the fact that they will do something  
that is effectively random.

Surely a technical spec that guarantees a random result is not a good  

Rather than create a vague definition of "existence" why not make a  
precise definition but make it optional. A verify MAY do an existence  
test and if they do so, it will be done as follows...


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Re: [ietf-dkim] New Issue: Overview service-type and delegation

2008-03-25 Thread Mark Delany
> It also limits the ability of an external party that has been  
> delegated a key for a particular service to (mis)use that key for  
> other, unauthorized services.

That's probably the best reason for it. In any event, this is surely  
moot at this stage. Most protocols end up with unused or under-used  
parts to them. It's a pity my Mum never warned me that protocol  
design has much to do with prophesying.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] New Issue: Overview service-type and delegation

2008-03-25 Thread Mark Delany
On Mar 25, 2008, at 9:00 AM, Jim Fenton wrote:
> Dave Crocker wrote:
>> Jim Fenton wrote:
>>> Dave Crocker wrote:
 You further seem to indicate that s= is not currently useful but
 would be
 if it listed other services.  (I well might be misunderstanding  
 of your text.)  In any event, either the capability has currently
 or it was a mistake to put it in the spec.  Which are you saying?
>>> The current utility is that, while extensions can be added any time,
>>> constraints need to be added up front.  So if another service  
>>> besides
>>> email
>>> wanted to use DKIM and its key infrastructure, it wouldn't be
>>> possible to
>>> cause new keys created for that service to not also be used for  
>>> email
>>> unless
>>> we define it now so that "legacy DKIM implementations" in the future
>>> will
>>> honor the constraint.
>> Actually, this all touches on the question of trying to recruit
>> signature verifiers into the task of enforcing a signer's internal
>> policies.  That's what restrictions on authorization to signing are.
> The same could be said about restrictions on hash and signing
> algorithms, yet those are essential.

But the failure mode is quite different. If the verifier ignores or  
mis-interprets instructions on hash and signing algorithms, the  
verify process fails-closed. If the verifier ignores s= instructions,  
the verify process fails-open.

As a principle, I would have thought that a fail-closed outcome would  
be something we prefer if the verifier does the wrong thing.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] New Issue: Overview service-type and delegation

2008-03-24 Thread Mark Delany
On Mar 24, 2008, at 10:30 PM, Jim Fenton wrote:

> The current utility is that, while extensions can be added any time,
> constraints need to be added up front.

Okay, I'll bite. Why is this a good idea? By way of contrast, when an  
A RR is added to a DNS zone saying what address to use, no constraint  
is placed on the sorts of connections that can be made to that  
address. When an MX is added to a DNS, nothing is said about using it  
or not using it for purposes other than finding a mail server (they  
are of course used for anti-spam checking amongst other things).

So I sort of struggle over why we would want to try and constrain the  
use of a DKIM RR, particularly when we rely on the good graces of a  
verifier to enforce that constraint and whether they do so or not is  
entirely unknown to the DKIM RR publisher.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] New Issue: Overview service-type and delegation

2008-03-24 Thread Mark Delany
On Mar 24, 2008, at 10:18 PM, Dave Crocker wrote:
> Jim Fenton wrote:
>> Section 4.1 paragraph 3 talks about the service type (s=)  
>> constraint in
>> key records, and goes on to say that it is helpful when delegating
>> signing authority.  s= was included to provide expansion capability
>> should, at some point, some service other than email decide to use
>> DKIM.  If and when some other service does use DKIM, the ability to
>> constrain a key to signing email only would help delegation.  In the
>> meanwhile, there isn't any benefit to delegation as a result of s=.
>> I suggest that the paragraph be deleted.
> You suggest having the DKIM Overview make no comment on the s=  
> parameter?
> The signing specification's explanatory text for s= is:
> "This tag is intended to constrain the use of keys for other  
> purposes".
> If there is something inaccurate in the Overview text, what is it?
> As for "included to provide expansion capability", I don't  
> understand what this
> means.  The signing spec text says it was included for a different  
> purpose, but
> that it *includes* an expansion capability, to list other services.
> You further seem to indicate that s= is not currently useful but  
> would be if it
> listed other services.  (I well might be misunderstanding this part  
> of your
> text.)  In any event, either the capability has currently utility,  
> or it was a
> mistake to put it in the spec.  Which are you saying?

As I understood it, s= is about minimizing a compromise at the  
signing end. If a verifier in another context sees content signed by  
a key that says s=email, then they know that the private key at d=  
has been compromised.

So s= is about a verifier helping to minimize the damaged of an  
internal key compromise at d=. Whether this is a reasonable risk or  
not to encode in the protocol is a question.

Also, I don't understand what "s= helps delegation" means, that Jim  
refers to.


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[ietf-dkim] What's the errata process for RFC4871?

2008-03-17 Thread Mark Delany
A minor typo in one of the examples has been pointed out by one of  
our implementers and I don't really know the process for fixing this.  
Can someone explain this for me? (Chairs maybe).

The typo is the absence of v=1 in the example on page 25. No big deal.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue 1550 - the name of the document (remains open *briefly*); there's still,disagreement on "Author"

2008-03-12 Thread Mark Delany
On Mar 12, 2008, at 8:20 PM, John Levine wrote:

>> Hello? Why? You mean it's out of line for me to point out that
>> people might not have appreciated the full implications of what they
>> were arguing about?
> Based on the discussion I listened to in the DKIM session, I am
> confident that people who proposed changing the name of SSP are fully
> aware that slightly more than zero effort would be required to change
> record names from _ssp to _frodo or whatever, and perhaps even a
> slight additional amount of effort would be needed to publish and
> check both old and new names for a few weeks while people catch up.

Might I also add that we agreed to a totally incompatible change from  
DomainKeys to DKIM in the interest of harmonizing the final standard  
even though the *installed based* was/is quite large.

In that light, I'm interested in understanding why breaking  
DomainKeys for non-technical reasons was ok, yet breaking an _ssp  
draft with a relatively miniscule adoption rate is less than ok.

Put another way, we had a bunch of working code that the IETF threw  
away. Why is our working code less important that the _ssp working code?


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: ISSUE 1521 -- Limit the application of SSP to unsigned messages

2008-01-25 Thread Mark Delany

On Jan 24, 2008, at 6:14 PM, Hector Santos wrote:

Mark Delany wrote:

On Jan 24, 2008, at 8:37 AM, Wietse Venema wrote:

Summary of proposal:

All text that causes SSP to be applied to an already-signed  

needs to be removed.

I would take this further: remove all text that says when to apply
SSP.  Instead, provide text that states the contribution that SSP
can make under different conditions:  mail with valid first-party
signature, mail with valid third-party signature, and mail without
valid signature.

If for no other reason than the obvious fact that SSP is not  
making progress as it stands. We need some sort of reset if we  
hope to proceed.

Its unfortunate that it has nothing to do with technical reasons  
but the  powers that are pushing reputations instead. The fact is,  
Dave's never cared for SSP

It's the IETF, everyone has a say regardless of whether they are  
qualified. You, me, Dave, everyone here.

But to disagree with you, I voted +1 precisely for technical reasons.  
I want a simple solution that non-WG-specialists can grok.  I don't  
think we have that today.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: ISSUE 1521 -- Limit the application of SSP to unsigned messages

2008-01-24 Thread Mark Delany

On Jan 24, 2008, at 8:37 AM, Wietse Venema wrote:

Summary of proposal:

All text that causes SSP to be applied to an already-signed message
needs to be removed.

I would take this further: remove all text that says when to apply
SSP.  Instead, provide text that states the contribution that SSP
can make under different conditions:  mail with valid first-party
signature, mail with valid third-party signature, and mail without
valid signature.


If for no other reason than the obvious fact that SSP is not making  
progress as it stands. We need some sort of reset if we hope to proceed.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Tracing SSP's paradigm change

2007-12-13 Thread Mark Delany
It's purely a strawman, but I sense that sub-setting a core might  
us move forward. I am likely wrong, but it's a question I'd like  
to ask.

My sense from reading the list traffic is that there are a lot of
differing opinions on what the subset might contain, with results
ranging from making SSP vaguely useful to actively hostile to DKIM

So does that mean you are skeptical about the existence of a broadly  
acceptable subset of SSP or merely that there might be contention  
over what that subset is?

Given your participation level, I readily bow to your greater  
knowledge of WG sentiment, but it seems to me that if there is no  
acceptable subset, then you are in effect saying that the current SSP  
is the minimalist possible functional spec. Is that what you are  
saying? That the current SSP is indivisible?

In any event, I see Jon's suggestion as a divide-and-conquer  
approach. If it moves us forward, I'm for it because at this stage I  
suspect that progress is as important as substance.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Tracing SSP's paradigm change

2007-12-13 Thread Mark Delany

On Dec 12, 2007, at 10:36 PM, Jim Fenton wrote:

Mark Delany wrote:

On Dec 12, 2007, at 6:01 PM, J D Falk wrote:

Jon Callas wrote:

I offer as a suggestion that we issue an SSP document that  

only the basic broken-signature-only model of SSP with only the one
policy (sign-all). After that, we look at enhancements to the model
carefully. We seriously discuss whether they are outside the  

because of the effect it has on the global email infrastructure to
turn DKIM from an opt-in protocol to a you-must protocol. We also
seriously have to look at other policies to discuss their
effectiveness along with their environmental effects.


This will let us experiment and learn through real-world operational
experience, rather than continually rehashing the same arguments.

Plus One. I'm inclined to this approach if we can't reconcile the
differences that appear to have stalled SSP progress.

Is there a common subset of SSP that most everyone agrees on?

I thought we had documented it in RFC 5016.

From an IETF procedural perspective that may well be so - my  
question is more about whether the sentiment of the WG matches 5016?

It's purely a strawman, but I sense that sub-setting a core might  
help us move forward. I am likely wrong, but it's a question I'd like  
to ask.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Tracing SSP's paradigm change

2007-12-12 Thread Mark Delany

On Dec 12, 2007, at 6:01 PM, J D Falk wrote:

Jon Callas wrote:

I offer as a suggestion that we issue an SSP document that describes
only the basic broken-signature-only model of SSP with only the one
policy (sign-all). After that, we look at enhancements to the model
carefully. We seriously discuss whether they are outside the charter
because of the effect it has on the global email infrastructure to
turn DKIM from an opt-in protocol to a you-must protocol. We also
seriously have to look at other policies to discuss their
effectiveness along with their environmental effects.


This will let us experiment and learn through real-world operational
experience, rather than continually rehashing the same arguments.

Plus One. I'm inclined to this approach if we can't reconcile the  
differences that appear to have stalled SSP progress.

Is there a common subset of SSP that most everyone agrees on?


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: t=y

2007-11-09 Thread Mark Delany

On Nov 9, 2007, at 7:46 AM, Dave Crocker wrote:

A better question is how many domains will move signing into  

without the testing flag, then fix the inevitable issues.

Given that most protocols do not have a 'testing' flag -- and they  
manage to move into production quite nicely -- a different question  
might be why such a flag is needed...

Ayup. I never had a good rationale for it either. I originally put it  
into DK on the behest of others in spite of personal reservations.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] The (really) latest SSP draft

2007-10-22 Thread Mark Delany

On Oct 22, 2007, at 1:37 PM, Jon Callas wrote:

Hash: SHA1

So if he said, then surely the From/Sender
can be expected to be from that subdomain; and if he said
[EMAIL PROTECTED], then surely recipients can assume that
'someone' had indeed played some part in sending it.

Absolutely not. DKIM is a protocol in which one administrative domain
speaks primarily to other administrative domain. It's not a domain-to-
user protocol nor a user-to-anything protocol. The i= parameter can
be anything the signing domain wants it to be. It is unlikely to be
an outright lie (for example, I mark all mail coming from alice with
bob), but it may be.

I liken i= to IDENT (RFC1413). The values *may* be meaningful to the  
administrative domain, but that's all that can be said about it.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] New issue: Upward query vs. wildcard publication

2007-04-18 Thread Mark Delany

John L wrote:

percentages are "normal" vs. "unusual", but my cursory look a
long time ago suggested that it met the 80-20 rule.

You are certainly correct that most zones are pretty flat, but this
sounds like a DOS attack waiting to happen, send out junk with long
bogus addresses

I'm just raising this as a discussion point; what if we said that the 
SSP record must (at least) exist at the registry cut-point?

It's not particularly pretty, but you (only) need about a 1,000 entry 
database to define all the registry cut-points today. I know the size 
because we've built this sort of database for other reasons. I think 
SpamAssassin has something similar as well.

That "root" SSP record could tell us max-depth within it's balliwick, if 
that's of use.

I'm kindof a fan of the registry cut-point because that segues nicely 
into a responsible and hopefully knowable entity.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: LWSP in base64-encoded public key TXT RR

2007-03-07 Thread Mark Delany

 maybe Eric could still do a s/LWSP/[FWS]/g in AUTH48
 eliminating LWSP everywhere (?)

 Absolutely not. This is a technical change.

It's IMO more in the direction of an erratum.  Nobody
could claim with a straight face that they need lines
consisting only of white space for their folding magic.

Even if true, it is still a technical change. dkim-base is a standard 
*today*, even before the RFC is issued. Implementations of *the 
standard* have already been deployed. You are proposing a change to the 
way an implementation needs to act.

This argument has been brought up at nearly every change made. If 
pre-standard compatibility is so important then DK signatures would 
still be valid. They aren't. So would IIM signatures. They aren't. So 
would early DKIM signatures. They aren't.

Current DKIM deployment is infinitesimal compared to DK, so I find the 
"already deployed" argument bogus in the extreme.

Besides, as I understand it, most implementations will serendipitously 
work anyway as the presence of WS in Selectors is uncommon.

 > If we tried that, the document would have to go through

 IESG review again.

I thought that this depends on the AD or the shepherd (?)

It is up to the RFC Editor.

Of course I don't want a new IESG review or other delays.

Why not? What's the rush? DKIM has been alive for at least a year and DK 
has been alive for at least two years? I don't understand why a small 
delay to get something right is considered so negatively by a technical 
standards group.

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[ietf-dkim] Re: 1368 straw-poll :

2007-02-26 Thread Mark Delany

Michael Thomas wrote:
been deprecated.  To permit a graceful transition, both the deprecated 
algorithm (whatever that might be) and some shiny new algorithm must 
now be included with the message.  Once your verifier adopts the shiny 

[ Two valid signatures in the message ]

Wasn't this always the transition plan? The only crucial point is that 
the Selector associated with the "weaker" signature has to tell the 
verifier to expect the presence of "stronger" signature.

If the verifier doesn't understand the "stronger/newer" signature or 
can't find it, then it has a risk decision to make about the weaker 
verification. Selector-embedded SSP could give guidance to local policy 

At least I can see the potential issue here.

With the solution or the problem?


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: 1368 straw-poll

2007-02-26 Thread Mark Delany

Dave Crocker wrote:

The proposed mechanism incurs an additional lookup for every signed 

Whatever algorithm policy you embed in a separate SSP can just as easily 
be embedded in the Selector of the weakened key.

But maybe that just means I don't get any of the discussion about 
downgrade attacks or weakened keys needing a separate SSP. As others 
have said TTL is irrelevant because they are always going to be many 
orders of magnitude smaller than the response time of human 
administrators. Heck most administrators haven't even heard of DKIM yet 
alone the discovery of any algorithmic weakness.

I was under the impression that a separate SSP can only add value for 
domains *not* verified by the signature.

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Re: [Fwd: Re: [ietf-dkim] canonicalized null body and dkim]

2006-12-20 Thread Mark Delany

Charles Lindsey wrote:

Anyway, here is some wording:

   The "simple" body canonicalization removes empty lines from the end 
of the
   body until either the last line is non-empty, or no lines remain. An 

   line is a line of zero length after removal of any terminating CRLF. If
   the body is not now empty and the last line is not already terminated by
   CRLF, a CRLF is added to it.

  INFORMATIVE NOTE: Following [RFC 2822}, the CRLF which separates the
  header fields from the body is NOT part of the body, and therefore is
  never presented to the signing or verification algorithm.

I think I agree with the effect, but I wish I could offer something 
terser, but that seems hard since this is dealing with the interaction 
of potentially different header canon and body canon.

Does the INFORMATIVE NOTE imply that the following two emails 
canonicalize to the same thing?

Last-Header: blahCRLF
lineOne: blah1CRLF
lineTwo: blah2CRLF

Last-Header: blahCRLF
lineOne: blah1CRLF
lineTwo: blah2CRLF

And yes, I purposely have a body that matches the header syntax.

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Re: [Fwd: Re: [ietf-dkim] canonicalized null body and dkim]

2006-12-18 Thread Mark Delany

(Did you mean to include Last-Header: in the following examples?)

Sure. In which case the answer is that the canonicalized output of 2-5 
should be:


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Re: [Fwd: Re: [ietf-dkim] canonicalized null body and dkim]

2006-12-18 Thread Mark Delany

Charles Lindsey wrote:

Now apply simple canonicalization to all those cases, using:

   "In more formal terms, the "simple" body canonicalization algorithm
converts "0*CRLF" at the end of the body to a single "CRLF"."

Making the entirely reasonable assumption that "body" means exactly what 
RFC 2822 defines it to mean, then here is what gets hashed in all of 
those cases:

(Did you mean to include Last-Header: in the following examples?)

1) ordinary message with  of 1 non-empty line:

2)  consisting of 2 empty lines

3)  consisting of 1 empty line

4)  containing no lines

5) message with absent 

That is undoubtedly what the "formal terms" in dkim-base undoubtedly SAY.

It is NOT what the "informal" words in dkim-base say.
It is NOT what version -01 of DK says.
It is NOT what version -06 of DK says.
It is NOT what Eric's three examples claim.
It is entirely possible that is is NOT what dkim-base was INTENDED to say.

I believe the intent is that 2, 3, 4 and 5 all canonicalize to the same 
content for c=simple, namely to match 5) as:

Last-Header: foobarCRLF



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[Fwd: Re: [ietf-dkim] canonicalized null body and dkim]

2006-12-15 Thread Mark Delany

Tony Hansen wrote:

(Sorry for the truncated message previously. I hit "send" accidentally.)

You're missing this statement:

   "In more formal terms, the "simple" body canonicalization algorithm
converts "0*CRLF" at the end of the body to a single "CRLF"."

This states *how* the blank lines at the end of the message are to be

FWIW, this problem was similarly discovered in DK. The early text read:

   o All trailing empty lines are ignored. An empty line is a line of
  zero length after removal of the local line terminator. The
  empty line that separates the header from the body is a to be
  included in this process.

and the later text read:

o All trailing empty lines are ignored. An empty line is a line of
  zero length after removal of the local line terminator.

  If the body consists entirely of empty lines, then the
  header/body line is similarly ignored.

In short, if the last empty line of the email is the header/body 
separator, then it should not be fed into the canonicalization.

The "simple" in DKIM, as I understand it, is merely re-codifying the
same function.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] RFC2822.Sender

2006-08-09 Thread Mark Delany
On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 10:30:21PM -0400, Tony Hansen allegedly wrote:
> Stephen Farrell wrote:
> > 
> > Michael Thomas wrote:
> >> Tony Hansen wrote:
> >>> add RFC2822.Sender
> >>>  
> >> I'm not the chair, but I've seen considerably less consensus about 
> >> anything other than rfc2822.from. I'm frankly not sure I understand
> >> it very well.
> > 
> > I know I don't understand it!
> > 
> > Maybe a more detailed use-case would help? (Tony?)
> I want to make certain that what we're building with policies doesn't
> prevent eCard senders or News agencies from doing what they currently
> do. They should be able to 1) send a message to someone on my behalf
> while 2) marking themselves as the sender and 3) being able to sign the
> message. According to 2822, this minimally requires support for
> RFC2822.Sender as well as RFC2822.From.

Why does DKIM need to support these directly? They can continue to
send like this just fine and rely on their domain reputation or the
good graces of receivers.

Better yet, eCard senders could put their own From: address in and put
your email in the content:


Howdy. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] allegedly sent this card to
your for your birthday...

It seems bizarre to me that we want to explicitly allow an
unauthenticated 2822.From to be treated as authenticated.

One option: could advertise that can put
in the 2822.From: and have it authenticated via Is that
what you're asking for?

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Re: [ietf-dkim] How to reconcile passive vs active?

2006-08-07 Thread Mark Delany
On Sun, Aug 06, 2006 at 10:53:21PM -0700, Michael Thomas allegedly wrote:
> Hector Santos wrote:
> >
> >Even then,  the main issue are the potential damages that are being 
> >ignored.
> >My wife said it best when asked why even the BIG companies like WALMART,
> >YAHOO, CISCO,  AOL.COM,  BIGBANK should also support strong policies:
> > 
> >
> I can say with little hesitation that Cisco will never publish the "strong"
> policy as envisioned by Mark for our user population. I'd be interested
> to hear from Mark whether Yahoo-inc ever would for their corporate
> users.

The question is whether there is a useful subset of domains that want
a "strong" policy.

All indications on this list are that a good number of us think "yes",
so the "strong" policy position needs comprehensive coverage in your
requirements I-D. Have you got that covered in your draft or would
additional text be of use to you?

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[ietf-dkim] How to reconcile passive vs active?

2006-08-06 Thread Mark Delany
> From: "Dave Crocker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> why is is not sufficient to leave things with the simpler -- albeit
> more passive -- stance that a sender talks about themselves but
> refrains from telling the evaluator what to do with the information?
> Yes, that is at odds with a classic model of protocol specification,
> but we are juggling among constraints, here.

As one of the chairs pointed out, we are probably circling at this
stage and are consequentially not covering much new ground. (I quote
Dave solely because he encapsulates the differences succinctly).

It obvious that there are two relatively strong viewpoints: one the
passive that Dave describes and one the active that, amongst others, I

If we take the high ground and accept that both viewpoints are valid
then our job is no longer to argue our differences, rather it's to
work out how we accommodate those differences.

So how do we do that? Do we try and settle on one perspective?  My
guess is that that seems unlikely.

Do we try and accommodate both? If so, how?

Or, is this mostly a matter of semantics with the end result being
pretty much the same SSP syntax, but a different set of semantics in
the specification? If so, can we work on the syntax and defer on the
semantics as a means of moving forward?

If it's agreeable to others, I'd like to suggest that as a way of
moving forward, we focus on the meta-issue of how we resolve this
difference rather than focusing on the details of the difference.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] "I sign everything" is not a useful policy

2006-08-06 Thread Mark Delany
> If I choose to deliver unsigned mail that purports to be from a domain that 
> says
> it signs everything, but I mark it up with flashing lights that say "spoofed" 
> do
> you want that to be a protocol violation? What about my choosing to send it to
> my sysadmin for special handling for spoofed mail?  What about...

Well sure, but how about treating it the same as an IP checksum

You may divert it to some port for analysis - especially in the early
days - but what sort of stack delivers a known damaged packet to the
end point when the transmitter/protocol says to discard known damaged

DKIM+SSP is defining "damaged".

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Re: [ietf-dkim] "I sign everything" is not a useful policy

2006-08-05 Thread Mark Delany
On Sat, Aug 05, 2006 at 06:06:59PM -0700, Dave Crocker allegedly wrote:
> Seriously.  SSP can be entirely useful when stated in terms of the sender's
> perspective.  It does not need to pretend that is knows enough to give
> directions to an evaluator.

Sorry for being dense, but I have to ask the question again. Who is
the target audience for the "sender's perspective" if not the
evaluator? Put in my blunt language. Why publish an SSP if no one

Dave, I know you are subtle about such things and the purposeful
disconnect that is lost on me, clearly has merit to you. Can you use
simple words and help me out? Of course SSP can only be advisory at
best, but is their more to your perspective than that?

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Re: [ietf-dkim] SSP requirements

2006-08-05 Thread Mark Delany
On Sat, Aug 05, 2006 at 07:05:16PM -0400, Hector Santos allegedly

> Having SSP still in play will not serve your business well.

Hector. Most of us on this list are in the email business - including
you - as I understand it. If we start slinging arrows at anyone who
has a business connection, most of us would have to recuse ourselves,
would we not?

John has a business interest, you have a business interest, I have a
business interest. So what? I expect that we're all smart enough to
recognize technical merit over business interest and respond

Let's face it, this is a list chock full of cynics. John has a zero
(or less) chance of coercing you, me, or the other hundred folk on the
list.  John is not so dumb, he knows the obvious.

I will say that that I think that John's DAC venture is exactly what
we had hoped would be an outcome of this process. May there be many
more DAC competitors emerging as DKIM is deployed.

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Re: [ietf-dkim] "I sign everything" is not a useful policy

2006-08-05 Thread Mark Delany
On Sat, Aug 05, 2006 at 04:57:23PM -0700, Dave Crocker allegedly wrote:
> John L wrote:
> >> Your assertion in the subject is an opinion.  I find the statement below
> >> to be useful.
> > 
> > I think we have a subtle point here.
> > 
> > "I sign everything so please discard unsigned mail apparently from me"
> > could be useful to recipients.
> > 
> > Plain "I sign everything" isn't.
> Having the signer or the ssp publishes tell the evaluator what they should do
> with a message is not a good idea

Why do you say that Dave?

If SSP is not giving guidance/information to receivers/evaluators, who
then is the target audience for SSP? And what do we want them to do
with the information?

An interesting twist to "telling evaluators", as you put it, is that
SSP is a negative indicator. It's telling evaluators *not* to deliver
unless the right conditions are met. Why would an "evaluator" be
suspicious of a domain that encourages non-delivery of its own traffic
when in doubt?

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