Re: [lace] IOLI Montreal (transportation)

2006-07-16 Thread Patsy A. Goodman

Dear Gail and Diane,

Thank you very much for your information.

From the information in the IOLI bulletin I got the impression that there 
was no shuttle to the hotel, that I had to take the taxi.  Didn't think to 
call the hotel.  Well I called them today and found out that there is a 
shuttle from the airport to the hotel.  It costs $13.00 CND for one way and 
$22.75  CND if you buy a round trip ticket.  Much better price than the 

Now why didn't the gals running the convention check into this. When I 
contacted one of them the only answer I got was that it was up to me to find 
my own transportation.

Thanks again gals.
Patsy A.  Goodman

- Original Message - 
From: "Gail Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: [lace] IOLI Montreal (transportation)

Hello Patsy
There should also be a shuttle from the airport that will take you to the 
Hyatt.  The

price is usually less than half the taxi fare.
Gail Young
Ottawa, Canada

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[lace] IOLI/Montreal -- approaching

2006-07-16 Thread Janice Blair
Reading Tamara's email on her new pillow, by now she probably has it and I hope 
she is delighted with it.
  My workshop with Ulrike Voelker suggested using a block pillow, especially as 
she wanted us to do the first inch or so of point ground using 60+ pairs of 
bobbins which I would hate to pack in my suitcase.  I lost one case already 
this year when I went to Carolina and my suitcase went to New Orleans for 3 
days.  Anyway, my large square 24" home made block pillow was too big for my 
suitcase.  I did think about cutting up my new "one and only" but decided 
instead to cut up a 24" builders foam pillow I had in my stash.  I got out my 
suitcase, laid the round pillow on top and sliced off the overhanging piece 
with my bread knife.  Using 2 ethafoam blocks from my other pillow, I laid them 
in the center and level with the squared off side, drew around them and cut out 
the oblong .  Thbread knife had not worked too well, so I went down to the 
basement and used DH large wood saw (don't tell him).  It worked great and gave 
a nice even edge.  Before cutting out the center, I looked
 around the basement and found the huge cardboard box from our newly installed 
shower doors, (we never throw anything away!).  I cut two pieces of cardboard 
and glued them together with white glue (all I had).  This I covered with some 
pieces of suede type fabric so the bottom is nicely finished.  I covered the 
horeshoe shape foam with fabric but not before I put a layer of wool felt on 
the top.  All this was held in place with pins.  I then used the glue and stuck 
the top to the bottom and placed piles of books on top to weight it down and 
left it overnight.  The next day I glued a decorative tape around the base and 
top to hide the gap, the tape extends across the gap on the top edge and can be 
pinned in place to hold the blocks in when I am using the pillow.  I have 
nearly finished my point ground so I am almost ready to start the flower part 
next week.  The hardest part will be deciding on my color scheme.  I wonder 
what the security guys at the airport will think when
 they xray a block of foam with pins in the center and hope if my carryon gets 
searched they will be gentle with the block and its 120+ bobbins and fine 
thread. Now to look for a suitable carryon for the block that will hold it 
securely.  I am thinking of using my hand held cooler and it can then double up 
in the hotel for my food.
  No-one contacted me about an Arachne meeting so maybe we should plan on 
eating lunch on Monday together in the hotel.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] IOLI/Montreal -- approaching

2006-07-14 Thread Tamara P Duvall

Gentle Spiders,

Today has been a great day...

First, I got a phone call from Debra Jenny -- The Editor of the IOLI 
Bulletin -- to tell me that she's agreed to serve as its Editor for 
another two years. Since I think Debra's Editorship is one of the best 
things that could have happened to IOLI, that was very good news 

Second, my silk threads (Au Ver a Soie) for the Montreal class arrived. 
I had followed Barbara Joyce's advice and got them from the 
Threadneedle Street.
Since I couldn't, quite, determine what my colour options were, and 
since I cared less than usual (I don't plan to use the class piece for 
anything; just for practice), I gave a her a rather vague guidance: 
"some shade of green for the Alger, and 5 shades of pink/rose, etc 
Ovale, to go with it". And she came up trumps; the colours look 
luscious together! It's not easy to shop by mail, so when something 
works out beyond one's expecttions, it's like a gift :)

Many thanks, Barbara, for the recommendation. I can now recommend the 
place too (have already written Denise to thank her).

Third. Energised by those two events, I gathered my courage and 
finished the earrings (more wire, folks ) for the next Bulletin. 
They'd been sitting on my dining-room table for a couple of days, 
waiting to have their "hanging loops" made. I came up with yet nother 
way of doing that and, although I had tested the method once, I wasn't 
sure it was going to work again, never mind twice. But it did...

So... I decided to go for the fourth "piece of candy" :)

I need a _flat_ pillow for the Montreal class. But my only flat pillow, 
the beloved wool block one from Germany, is a 24" square which won't 
fit into any suitcase. No problem when I'm driving to a workshop -- it 
has its own bag to keep it safe -- but definitely a problem when 
flying. It needed a new -- smaller -- frame, into which the same 
blocks, but in a smaller number, would fit.

I haven't done any woodwork in years, and I was never all that good at 
it in the first place, so I have been putting it off and putting it 
off. But, with the Montreal trip coming up faster and faster (only a 
week before I fly! Yikes!), like some demented Red Queen... The chore 
had to be faced. So I took myself off to a combination lumber/hardware 
store hoping to get all the necessary ingredients: wood, wood glue 
(mine has dried out, through years of disuse ) and brads for 
re-inforcement. I knew that store had ply-wood remnants, and hoped to 
find one of suitable size for the base. Whether they'd have suitable 
wood for the sides, I didn't know. But hope springs eternal :)

So, I get in there, and explain what it is I have in mind. The owner 
(it's a family-owned place, not a managed franchise) says: "who makes 
it? I make it, or you do?" My jaw dropped down to my bust with 
surprise, and I stomp on my budding excitement (be still, my heart 
), *hard*. "Um"... I say. "It would depend..." I say. "When could 
you have it ready?" I ask. "And (now almost rushing the words) how much 
would it cost, if you did it?"

He asks some more questions to clarify a few points, measures the 
blocks which will go into the frame and says: "Tomorrow morning? 20 
bucks? Will it do ya?" Will it do me??? I could have kissed him, if I 
hadn't been conscious of propriety :) It'd have been worth at least 50 
bucks of aggro to me, _plus_ supplies, to make it myself. And it would 
have taken me much longer, too, eating into the time I need for other 
things. This is beyond priceless.

So we shake on the deal and he says: "call you tomorrow, nine-ish". I 
decide to push my luck... "Not up yet at nine" I say. "When, then?" he 
asks. "Ten? Ten-thirty?" I say (they close at noon on Saturdays). He 
gives me a wink and says that's when he'll call.

So, OK... so, maybe, I shouldn't get my hopes up too high, just yet... 
But he struck me as a professional, so, maybe, maybe, tomorrow I can 
tick off _that_ item off my "to do" list too...

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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[lace] IOLI Montreal (transportation)

2006-07-14 Thread Patsy A. Goodman


I'm looking to share transportation from the airport to the hotel.

I understand that the cost of a taxi is about $35.00 CND.  I'll be arriving 
at Trudeau Intl on Saturday July 22nd at 9:19 am Air Canada.  I was 
wondering if maybe someone else might be arriving at about that same time 
and would be willing to share the cost of the taxi to the hotel?

Or maybe, is there any club members picking up people at the airport at this 

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Patsy A.  Goodman
Chula Vista, CA, USA 

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[lace] IOLI Montreal

2006-07-04 Thread Margot Walker
On Sat. afternoon, July 22, I'm planning on visiting the exhibition at 
the Chateau Dufresne.  If anyone would care to join me, please email me 
privately and we can arrange a time and meeting place.

P.S.  The Chateau alone is worth seeing.  It's like a small, European 
stately home.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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[lace] IOLI Montreal

2006-06-25 Thread Margot Walker
Anyone who will be visiting the Ursuline museums/collections in Ottawa 
or Quebec, might be interested in this video about their work.  It's in 
French and shows mostly embroidery (some lace) but the work shown is 
wonderful and the video costs only C$20.  You can read about it here: order it here:  The website is only in French and you don't 
seem to be able to order it from the English website, so let me know if 
you need anything translated.

Also, in Montreal, and not lace-related but I bet we could use a lot of 
the threads, is an embroidery economuseum.  I haven't visited it before, 
but it's on my list of things to do.  It's called 'Economusee les 
brodeuses' and is "a business, interpretive centre, distribution centre, 
creative studio and school. It is also a meeting place for those with a 
keen interest in embroidery. Visitors may consult the many resources in 
the documentation centre, which has 1,500 books, magazines and 
documents."  Their website is:  On the metro, it's only 5 
stops (with a change of line at Berri) from the hotel.  Here's the 
website for the bus and metro system in Montreal:

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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Re: [lace] IOLI /Montreal/Au ver a soie/Kreink

2006-06-22 Thread Cindy Rusak

Dear Arachnes,

Sorry for taking so long to respond to this - I wasn't fully reading all of 
the postings recently.  I was very busy at the end of the school year and 
then we went on a vacation to the west coast of Canada.

Kreink is selling off their supply of Au Ver A Soie through their Yardsale 
on their website as they are now producing their own brands.  The Au Ver A 
Soie is called Soie Platte but is the same as Soie Ovale.  You have to buy 
a large number but if several people went in together it might be worth 
it.  I've included the link:

I bought some of the 50m a while ago and the colours were wonderful.  The 
10m selection is quite reasonably priced especially if several people go in 

They are also selling the Soie Alger but I haven't bought any of it:

Hope this doesn't come to late.
Cindy - in cloudy Wisconsin

But that begs a question... Where do I get "Alger Silk (1 strand/7)" 
(whatever that means... 7 waht? Cm? Inches?  I'm supposed to have 2 skeins 
of 8 meters of that, to wind on 36 bobbins)? Also, what's a good source of 
"Ovale Silk 5 different colours (one bobbin for each colour)"? Neither of 
them resides in my stash; for my previous experiments in coloured French 
laces I used Pipers silk (as required)

Brenda's book ("Thread for Lace" -- without which, not) does have both 
threads listed and, I suppose, following her measurements, I could find 
substitutes. But -- vide above -- I prefer to stick to what the teacher 
tells me, the first time out.

Advice on sources (preferably in US or Canada) for those threads will be 
gratefully received.

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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Re: [lace] IOLI/Montreal Book Translation

2006-06-12 Thread Delores Miller

Beth wrote:
I don't have time to translate the whole book, but I have a coy of the > 
Fouriscot & Salvador book, a working knowledge of French and the > 
International Lace Dictionary to help me with the specialist lace 
so if Dolores (or anyone else) wants a specific passage (or passages) > 
translating I'll have a go.

Thanks Beth.  Would you have time to do pages 9 -14?  Delores 

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Re: [lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-12 Thread Jean Leader
Much impressed by Au Ver à Soie in Paris - there was an email waiting 
for me with details of UK suppliers when I got up at 8am this 
morning! Now I just have to decide which of the many colours I want 
to use...


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Re: [lace] IOLI/Montreal Large Picot pins

2006-06-11 Thread Lorri Ferguson
Hi All
Julie Hendrick of Catchpin carries the large pins for picots.  She can be
reached @  206-523-5198  or [EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
Not all that expensive as I recall.

Lorri (no connection, yada, yada)

  - Original Message -
  From: Sue Babbs<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: Clay Blackwell<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; Janice
Blair<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ;
lace-digest<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 1:26 PM
  Subject: Re: [lace] IOLI/Montreal

  For point ground laces, Ulrike uses whopping great pins for the picots -
  much bigger than in the rest of your lace. These produce beautiful round


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Re: [lace] IOLI/Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Janice Blair
I have some of those large pins, just have to remember where I put them.  I 
bought them for doing large picots in Russian but as they make such large holes 
I have to watch which pillow I use them on.

Sue Babbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Note to self - engage brain before replying to messages! (And do not try to 
book a vacation on the internet and answer lace emails simultaneously)!

Last message should have said that Ulrike recommends whopping great pins 
for honeycomb! These larger pins produce beautiful large honeycomb holes.

Sorry for any confusion caused!

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Re: [lace] IOLI/Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Sue Babbs
Note to self - engage brain before replying to messages! (And do not try to 
book a vacation on the internet and answer lace emails simultaneously)!

Last message  should have said that Ulrike recommends whopping great pins 
for honeycomb! These larger pins produce  beautiful large honeycomb holes.

Sorry for any confusion caused!

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Re: [lace] IOLI/Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Nicole Gauthier

Hello Janice,

I will be in the same class as you and be happy to keep you company.  
Your Bucks Point pins will certainly be ok and the picot size pins  
are used in  the honeycomb like Ulrike has done in the butterfly. I  
have very large pins bought many, many  years ago in Bruges. Gail  
Young from Trillium had brought what it looked like small nails last  
year when we did the butterfly and may be she can bring some at the  

Aurum is not the same as #2.


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Re: [lace] IOLI/Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Sue Babbs
For point ground laces, Ulrike uses whopping great pins for the picots - 
much bigger than in the rest of your lace. These produce beautiful round 


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[lace] IOLI/Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Margot Walker

On Sunday, June 11, 2006, at 04:25  PM, Janice Blair wrote:

 It says not to care about the footside as this will be covered by the 
passe par tout later.  I know the term but have forgotten what passe 
par tout means.

It's a mat, as in the mat you put around a painting when framing it.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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Re: [lace] IOLI/Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Clay Blackwell
I'm not sure about the larger pins, but your brass pins are waaay too big if 
she wants "0" insect pins.  These pins are very very fine.  And they are 
literally made to pin insect specimen to displays.  So go to your usual 
vendors to see if they have them, and if not, then order from a scientific 
supply source.  I JUST this week tossed the invoice from an order I got last 
year... so I can't tell you where I got them off the top of my head.


Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, VA  USA
- Original Message - 
From: "Janice Blair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "lace-digest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 12:25 PM
Subject: [lace] IOLI/Montreal

I came home from England and my letter from Montreal was there waiting for 
me.  I got into my first choice which was the colored flowers in point 
ground with Ulrike Voelker.  I have a few questions. There are 3 prickings 
enclosed marked level 1, level 2 and level 3, depending on your expertise. 
None are named on the sheets but in the written instructions is says if you 
work Fuschia or Arum you need picot pins size 0,85mm-1mm. I looked on the 
vanSciver website and did not see this size listed, any idea where I might 
find them?  The other pins are Insect pins and fine pins 0,5mm-0,55mm.  Do 
you think my brass buckspoint pins will be okay?

 I think level 3 is Fuschia but I do not see any obvious places for 
picots.  If anyone has the new Stil Bluten book could you see if these 
designs are in there and, if so, are there any picots.  I also wonder 
whether the other pricking, level 2, is Arum, it looks like a paisley 
shape with petals.  The level 1 pricking is an edging with a four petal 
flower which does have picots.

 There are 2 copies of each pricking, one green and one white and as she 
suggested covering with blue film, I imagine we use the white copy for 
that.  We are also expected to get started with the ground before we 
arrive so that we can spend more time on the actual design.It says not 
to care about the footside as this will be covered by the passe par tout 
later.  I know the term but have forgotten what passe par tout means.  Are 
there any other Arachne in this workshop to keep me company?


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] IOLI/Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Janice Blair
I came home from England and my letter from Montreal was there waiting for me.  
I got into my first choice which was the colored flowers in point ground with 
Ulrike Voelker.  I have a few questions. There are 3 prickings enclosed marked 
level 1, level 2 and level 3, depending on your expertise.  None are named on 
the sheets but in the written instructions is says if you work Fuschia or Arum 
you need picot pins size 0,85mm-1mm. I looked on the vanSciver website and did 
not see this size listed, any idea where I might find them?  The other pins are 
Insect pins and fine pins 0,5mm-0,55mm.  Do you think my brass buckspoint pins 
will be okay?
  I think level 3 is Fuschia but I do not see any obvious places for picots.  
If anyone has the new Stil Bluten book could you see if these designs are in 
there and, if so, are there any picots.  I also wonder whether the other 
pricking, level 2, is Arum, it looks like a paisley shape with petals.  The 
level 1 pricking is an edging with a four petal flower which does have picots.
  There are 2 copies of each pricking, one green and one white and as she 
suggested covering with blue film, I imagine we use the white copy for that.  
We are also expected to get started with the ground before we arrive so that we 
can spend more time on the actual design.It says not to care about the 
footside as this will be covered by the passe par tout later.  I know the term 
but have forgotten what passe par tout means.  Are there any other Arachne in 
this workshop to keep me company?

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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RE: [lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread lucieduf
>  Second thought, my french lessons will be put to the test.

Don't worry, most classes will have someone there to translate. I'll be in
the lace ID class to make sure the francophones understand their
anglophone teacher (it goes both ways , you know, the need to understand
...). The organisers have done a great job in assuring the presence of
bilingual volunteers in all possible situations.

Lucie DuFresne
Ottawa Guild of Lacemakers
(where our meetings are held in both French and English all the time)

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Re: [lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Sue Babbs
I've bought threads from Threadneedle Street over the internet and found 
them to be highly efficient and helpful - and speedy . So I second Barbara's 

- Original Message - 
From: "Barbara Joyce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tamara and others,

For both of the silk threads you need for your class (Au Ver a Soie and
Ovale), I highly recommend Threadneedle Street in Issaquah, WA. When I 

The web site is . Click on "threads" at the 

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Re: [lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Malvary J Cole
I hope Chef Lo-Ré isn't going to be too upset when I choose the "turf" but 
say that it has to come with no sauces, no dressings, just plain and simple.

Malvary in Ottawa (the Nation's capital), Canada

- Original Message - 
From: "Margot Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:03 AM
Subject: [lace] IOLI /Montreal

On Saturday, June 10, 2006, at 10:54  PM, Tamara P Duvall wrote:

The "surf" is scallops, the "turf" is "deer surlonge", which I take to be 
Yup - it's a venison steak.  I haven't been back to Montreal for 2 years, 
so I'll be there for 3 weeks.  I've been making a list of things to do and 
see.  The 'see' is a list of friends to visit.  The 'do' is a list of 
many, many restaurants (and the heck with the diet).  Montreal has 
thousands (no exaggeration) of restaurants and they have to be really good 
to stay in business.  So I'm saving my money and I'm going to indulge.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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Re: [lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Jean Leader
Cluny de Brioude was my first choice for Montreal too and that's what 
I got (-: I've also been  wondering where to get the silk so if 
anyone finds a good source please let me know. The website 
 has addresses for 
distributors in the USA (Texas), Australia, Finland and Germany but 
nothing for the UK - just Other Countries with an address in Paris 
plus email address. Now I'm hoping they'll answer my email and be 
able to tell me where I can get it here (have to say it's not 
something I ever remember seeing around).

Jean in Glasgow where we've been having real summer weather

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[lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Margot Walker

On Saturday, June 10, 2006, at 10:54  PM, Tamara P Duvall wrote:

The "surf" is scallops, the "turf" is "deer surlonge", which I take to 
be venison.
Yup - it's a venison steak.  I haven't been back to Montreal for 2 
years, so I'll be there for 3 weeks.  I've been making a list of things 
to do and see.  The 'see' is a list of friends to visit.  The 'do' is a 
list of many, many restaurants (and the heck with the diet).  Montreal 
has thousands (no exaggeration) of restaurants and they have to be 
really good to stay in business.  So I'm saving my money and I'm going 
to indulge.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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[lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Margot Walker

On Saturday, June 10, 2006, at 10:54  PM, Tamara P Duvall wrote:

Where do I get "Alger Silk (1 strand/7)" (whatever that means... 7 waht?

Soie d'Alger has 7 strands/plies.  (I never remember what the right term 
is.)  So I interpreted this to mean that you wind with 1 ply.  I must 
say that I think the pendant is very ugly, but I knew that when I chose 
the class.  I'd been fooling around the Ecole de Brioude website and 
found the proposal for the convention.  I decided that it didn't matter 
that I didn't like the design - I just wanted to learn the techniques.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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Re: [lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-11 Thread Brenda Paternoster

On 11 Jun 2006, at 02:54, Tamara P Duvall wrote:

But that begs a question... Where do I get "Alger Silk (1 strand/7)" 
(whatever that means... 7 waht? Cm? Inches?  I'm supposed to have 2 
skeins of 8 meters of that, to wind on 36 bobbins)? Also, what's a 
good source of "Ovale Silk 5 different colours (one bobbin for each 
colour)"? Neither of them resides in my stash; for my previous 
experiments in coloured French laces I used Pipers silk (as required)

Sounds as though it's Au ver a Soie D'Alger which is a stranded thread
(I've got it listed as 2S/8S but should be 2S/7S) :-(

Two 8m skeins to wind onto 36 bobbins, is *either* less than 1m for 
each pair of bobbins, *or* you use a single strand and have plenty of 
length for each bobbin.

Sorry, can't help with USA / Canada suppliers but others have.


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Re: [lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-10 Thread Barbara Joyce
Tamara and others,

For both of the silk threads you need for your class (Au Ver a Soie and
Ovale), I highly recommend Threadneedle Street in Issaquah, WA. When I lived
in Maryland, I ordered from her, and now I live 20 minutes from the shop.
Lucky me!

The owner is Denise Davis, and the shop is filled with every fiber
imaginable (almost) and every color of every fiber. It is a needlewoman's
delight (my other passion). This shop conducts a huge mail-order business.

The web site is . Click on "threads" at the top
of the page, then click on Silk threads along the left side, and you'll be
able to find both of the silks you're looking for. She has a toll-free
number (1-800-998-5945) FOR ORDERS for US residents and takes Visa and
MasterCard, as well as checks and money orders.

Truly, I cannot recommend this shop highly enough.

Barbara Joyce

Snoqualmie, WA

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RE: [lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-10 Thread Beth Mccasland
Looks like we'll be in class together!  I've managed to figure out that
Alger's silk is a french brand of silk embroidery floss.  As to
availability in this country, I have feelers out for it.  Will let you
know.  As to your other questions, I had the same ones, but since I'm
pretty much a self-taught lacer, I was too embarrassed to ask.  Thank you
for putting them out there.  I figured once I had the skeins of floss in
hand, split the thread out to singles, I'd take a stab as to how much to
wind on the bobbins.
I know nothing of the teacher, but am wondering if she doesn't realize that
materials that are easy for her to get in France, doesn't mean the same for
us.  Second thought, my french lessons will be put to the test.

Beth McCasland
Metairie, Louisiana
where it's muggy and hot and muggy

> [Original Message]
> From: Tamara P Duvall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: lace Arachne 
> Date: 6/10/2006 8:59:06 PM
> Subject: [lace] IOLI /Montreal
> Gentle Spiders,
> Since I filled my Montreal application with only one workshop (no 
> second or third choices), I was waiting for the notification with not a 
> little trepidation; putting all one's eggs into a single (however lacy) 
> basket carries certain risks with it... :)
> But the fully stuffed envelope arrived today and I got what I asked 
> for: 24 hrs of Cluny de Brioude with Nathalie Bailly. A happy hoppity 
> (still mostly on one foot) was duly enacted, making my DH think I lost 
> the remaining two marbles :) The notification was accompanied by the 
> class pattern -- a cute pendant, using 42 bobbins and many colours. I 
> can already see the potential of turning the pendnt into wire lace but 
> I'll wait till I've learnt all I can from the workshop about the 
> techniques themselves _as intended_ by the teacher, before I start  
> fiddling with it. I find it easier to be "on the same page" with the 
> teacher in class, and use what she has to impart as the springboard 
> later, at home.
> But that begs a question... Where do I get "Alger Silk (1 strand/7)" 
> (whatever that means... 7 waht? Cm? Inches?  I'm supposed to have 2 
> skeins of 8 meters of that, to wind on 36 bobbins)? Also, what's a good 
> source of "Ovale Silk 5 different colours (one bobbin for each 
> colour)"? Neither of them resides in my stash; for my previous 
> experiments in coloured French laces I used Pipers silk (as required)
> Brenda's book ("Thread for Lace" -- without which, not) does have both 
> threads listed and, I suppose, following her measurements, I could find 
> substitutes. But -- vide above -- I prefer to stick to what the teacher 
> tells me, the first time out.
> Advice on sources (preferably in US or Canada) for those threads will 
> be gratefully received.
> PS I don't know whether there'll be no vegetarians at the Convention or 
> whether their food at the banquet is pre-determined (wonder what 
> they're getting?) but the dedicated carnivorae like myself have two 
> _superb_ choices; none of your traditionally institutional chicken 
> and/or beef for the international lacemakers...  The "surf" is 
> scallops, the "turf" is "deer surlonge", which I take to be venison. 
> Wow!!! Reminds me of the time I flew Air France and, for once, actually 
> enjoyed the flight because of good food (and even better wines ), 
> even though the occasion for the flight was not at all happy.
> -- 
> Tamara P Duvall
> Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
> -
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Re: [lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-10 Thread Sue Babbs

congrats on getting the course you wanted.

The manufacturers of the threads are "Au ver a soie" .

for d'algers, which is 7 stranded


for Ovale

So you will need to google for au ver a soie suppliers in the USA. Holly 
doesn't seem to carry d'algers or ovale

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[lace] IOLI /Montreal

2006-06-10 Thread Tamara P Duvall

Gentle Spiders,

Since I filled my Montreal application with only one workshop (no 
second or third choices), I was waiting for the notification with not a 
little trepidation; putting all one's eggs into a single (however lacy) 
basket carries certain risks with it... :)

But the fully stuffed envelope arrived today and I got what I asked 
for: 24 hrs of Cluny de Brioude with Nathalie Bailly. A happy hoppity 
(still mostly on one foot) was duly enacted, making my DH think I lost 
the remaining two marbles :) The notification was accompanied by the 
class pattern -- a cute pendant, using 42 bobbins and many colours. I 
can already see the potential of turning the pendnt into wire lace but 
I'll wait till I've learnt all I can from the workshop about the 
techniques themselves _as intended_ by the teacher, before I start  
fiddling with it. I find it easier to be "on the same page" with the 
teacher in class, and use what she has to impart as the springboard 
later, at home.

But that begs a question... Where do I get "Alger Silk (1 strand/7)" 
(whatever that means... 7 waht? Cm? Inches?  I'm supposed to have 2 
skeins of 8 meters of that, to wind on 36 bobbins)? Also, what's a good 
source of "Ovale Silk 5 different colours (one bobbin for each 
colour)"? Neither of them resides in my stash; for my previous 
experiments in coloured French laces I used Pipers silk (as required)

Brenda's book ("Thread for Lace" -- without which, not) does have both 
threads listed and, I suppose, following her measurements, I could find 
substitutes. But -- vide above -- I prefer to stick to what the teacher 
tells me, the first time out.

Advice on sources (preferably in US or Canada) for those threads will 
be gratefully received.

PS I don't know whether there'll be no vegetarians at the Convention or 
whether their food at the banquet is pre-determined (wonder what 
they're getting?) but the dedicated carnivorae like myself have two 
_superb_ choices; none of your traditionally institutional chicken 
and/or beef for the international lacemakers...  The "surf" is 
scallops, the "turf" is "deer surlonge", which I take to be venison. 
Wow!!! Reminds me of the time I flew Air France and, for once, actually 
enjoyed the flight because of good food (and even better wines ), 
even though the occasion for the flight was not at all happy.

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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Re: [lace] IOLI Montreal

2006-06-08 Thread Patsy A. Goodman


Well for sometime, I was very "Unhappy".  My first two, and half of my third 
choice was cancelled.  I don't remember what was wrong with the forth 
choice.  I think it was a bobbin lace that I decided I didn't want because I 
didn't want to carry a pillow plus a stand all the way from southern 
California across the USA and across a border.

Now I'm very happy. ( I recently received a copy of the Book of Fans for my 
birthday.)  I had requested Carrickmacross for my classes.  Today, I 
received the IOLI confirmation that I'm in the class.  And in the book is a 
beautiful fan done in Carrickmacross that I now want to make.

So now I'm doing the happy dance.

Patsy A. Goodman
Chula Vista, CA, USA
TatPat1, NATA #333
AKA - Queen Tat Pat of the Red Hat Lacers

- Original Message - 
From: "Margot Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just got my confirmation for the IOLI Convention in Montreal and I'm
really happy.  I got my first choice course (Cluny de Brioude) and tour
(Quebec City).  Has anyone else heard yet?

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada

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Re: [lace] IOLI Montreal

2006-06-08 Thread Malvary J Cole
I just got home and was going to send a happy dance e-mail.  I got my first 
choice Chantilly/Blonde.

Malvary in Ottawa
- Original Message - 
From: "Margot Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 1:31 PM
Subject: [lace] IOLI Montreal

I just got my confirmation for the IOLI Convention in Montreal and I'm 
really happy.  I got my first choice course (Cluny de Brioude) and tour 
(Quebec City).  Has anyone else heard yet?

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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[lace] IOLI Montreal

2006-06-08 Thread Margot Walker
I just got my confirmation for the IOLI Convention in Montreal and I'm 
really happy.  I got my first choice course (Cluny de Brioude) and tour 
(Quebec City).  Has anyone else heard yet?

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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[lace] IOLI Montreal Roommate

2006-01-20 Thread Diane Z

Hello All,

I am in need of a roommate for IOLI convention in Montreal.  Unfortunately, 
my intended roommate's plans have changed so I would like to share with 
someone else.

If you are also looking to share a room, please email me off list.

Thank you,

Diane Zierold
Lubec, Maine 

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[lace] IOLI Montreal hotel rate for "seniors"

2006-01-17 Thread Earl & Ruth Johnson
BlankMargot, thanks for the info.  How old is old enough for the hotel to
consider you a "senior" and offer a special rate?  I don't know if I'm there
yet but I'm getting closer every day.

in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of Blank 

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Re: [lace] IOLI Montreal Convention

2006-01-16 Thread Margot Walker

On Monday, January 16, 2006, at 08:57  PM, Janice Blair wrote:

Margot wrote:
A hint to save a bit of money:  I just checked with the Hyatt Regency
reservations centre.  If you are of 'a certain age' (as the French say),
the Seniors' rate is about C$6 a night cheaper than the convention
rate, and you get a better room.

What is that "certain age" in Canada.  I have just qualified for the 
Kohl's senior rate with my birthday last week (62) and finally got my 
British pension sorted out.  I will be receiving the princely sum of 
15gbp a week, but better in my pocket than theirs. :-)

Officially it's 65 (for pensions and the like) but businesses, museums, 
theatres, etc. set their own standards.  So it can vary from 55 to 60 to 
65.  I don't know what the Hyatt's criteria is - young desk clerks take 
a look at my white hair and don't ask any questions!!!

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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[lace] IOLI Montreal Convention

2006-01-16 Thread Janice Blair
Margot wrote:
A hint to save a bit of money:  I just checked with the Hyatt Regency 
reservations centre.  If you are of 'a certain age' (as the French say), 
the Seniors' rate is about C$6 a night cheaper than the convention 
rate, and you get a better room.

What is that "certain age" in Canada.  I have just qualified for the Kohl's 
senior rate with my birthday last week (62) and finally got my British pension 
sorted out.  I will be receiving the princely sum of 15gbp a week, but better 
in my pocket than theirs. :-)
  Plus it will be backdated for two years because I dragged my old feet.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] IOLI Montreal Convention

2006-01-16 Thread Margot Walker
A hint to save a bit of money:  I just checked with the Hyatt Regency 
reservations centre.  If you are of 'a certain age' (as the French say), 
the Seniors' rate is about C$6 a night cheaper than the convention rate, 
and you get a better room.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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Re: [lace] IOLI Montreal

2005-08-26 Thread lucieduf
> I know that for those of you who were able to go to Denver it will still
> be
> fresh in your minds, but the post from Janice yesterday about the 2008
> convention has made me stop and think that everything is very quiet about
> Montreal.
> I'm sure that they were being diplomatic and waiting for this year's event
> to
> be all done and dusted, but now..  Do we have a spider in the camp for
> Montreal?  Will there be any tantalising titbits coming our way?  Will
> there be
> an arachne event?
> In anticipation, Jacquie in England

I'm not on the organisation committee but the Ottawa Guild of Lacemakers
(of which I am president) is helping out. Specifically, we are busy making
special surprises for the banquet, organising a day trip to Ottawa
(several museums and lots of lace), making sure that there is sufficient
english spoken and written so that no-one feels lost, and several other
tasks that I will speak of as soon as I can.

Ottawa is a short trip away from Montreal (1.5hrs) and quite do-able in a
day. Last year, I and a friend would go to Montreal every 6 weeks for an
all day Binche lace class intensive. Quite do-able.

Montreal is a cosmopolitan city and most francophones speak english.
Certainly, every attempt is being made to assure efficient communication
in both of Canada's official languages (french / english).

The Canadian dollar is strong at the moment but it is still a fraction of
the American dollar, so should be a blessing.

Simon Touston lives in Montreal, so do several bobbin makers. The styles
made are mainly continental, especially french (bayeaux / normand) but
other styles are made as well. Quebec bobbin makers use beautiful woods
and often laminate them. There is also a wonderful carver of traditional
french chip carving who makes boxes, bobbin stands and lace measures (the
rectangular gauges that permit the measurement of lace lengths).

Trillium Bobbins is from Ottawa and will be in Montreal for the IOLI. So
probably will be the Atelier de Penelope, a fine embroidery supply store
from Quebec city.

So for those of you looking for unusual and local things, you will not be

So, as I learn that certain activities are confirmed, I will let
arachneans know.

Lucie DuFresne
president, Ottawa Guild of Lacemakers
Ottawa, Canada

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[lace] IOLI Montreal

2005-08-13 Thread Laceandbits
I know that for those of you who were able to go to Denver it will still be 
fresh in your minds, but the post from Janice yesterday about the 2008 
convention has made me stop and think that everything is very quiet about 

I'm sure that they were being diplomatic and waiting for this year's event to 
be all done and dusted, but now..  Do we have a spider in the camp for 
Montreal?  Will there be any tantalising titbits coming our way?  Will there be 
an arachne event?

In anticipation, Jacquie in England

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