Re: F-string syntax with Equals Sign

2024-05-29 Thread Jacob Peck
Wow, thanks for this.  Can't believe I've missed that.

This will save me hours over the course of a year.


On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 10:44 AM Thomas Passin  wrote:

> This has been in Python since version 3.8 but I just learned about it
> today. It's probably most useful for debugging.  If you end the expression
> in curly braces with an equals sign, the result will display
> = -
> >>>some_list = ['a','b','c']
> >>>print(f'{some_list=}')
> some_list=['a', 'b', 'c']
> --
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Re: Aha: the Nav pane discourages people from using clones

2024-05-26 Thread Jacob Peck
As a daily user of Leo for well over a decade, I do not (often) use clones.  I do understand that clones are a fundamental feature of Leo, but they are rarely useful for me outside of boilerplate code or documentation.  Honestly, in most cases where clones would perhaps serve the purposes I have, I usually just write a quick script instead.On the other hand, I am a heavy user (abuser?) of the Nav pane.  Leo would be severely less useful for me without it.  I do not find any confusion about clones in the Nav pane when I am using them, but I admit I may not be representative of the cloneless Leonistas out there.I suspect this thread will reveal two things:1) Your (Edward) way of heavily using clones to organize your thoughts and code is perhaps less universal than you’d otherwise think, and,2) A not-insignificant amount of people are somewhere in the middle, using clones ‘occasionally’.The beauty and power of Leo is in that it offers many ways of customizing itself to its user’s whims.  Clones and the Nav pane are both great examples of this, and should be allowed to coexist.  It’s not invalid to use Leo without clones any more than it’s invalid to use Leo for PIM and not programming.  From my 2013 blogpost, “Leo is Love”.—>JakeOn May 26, 2024, at 5:47 PM, Edward K. Ream  wrote:The Nav pane shows all clones of a node. Showing all the clones could be called a feature, but imo it's confusing.I suspect that this confusion creates a divide between those who love clones and those that don't.I'm not sure what could or should be done. All of your comments are welcome.Edward

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Re: Another YouTube video worth watching twice

2024-05-02 Thread Jacob Peck
Semi-related, James P. Carse's book "Finite and Infinite Games" is a good,
if occasionally overtly-spiritual (and easily enough ignored if that kind
of thing isn't for you), look at life through the lens of games.

Weirdly, I find all of this to be tied together with Mark Chu-Carroll's
"Good Math", which is "just" a meandering path through interesting
mathematical concepts, but has opened surprising doors for me when viewed
through the lens of game theoretical analysis.

YMMV wildly, of course :)


On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 12:00 PM Edward K. Ream  wrote:

> This video  is about game
> theory and its implications for us and the world.
> None of us specializes in this area of mathematics so we will all learn a
> lot. It changed my view of the world. It will likely change yours.
> I've just watched this video a second time. Please watch it and pass it on
> :-)
> Edward
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Re: ENB: Seconds thoughts about Trilium Notes

2024-04-26 Thread Jacob Peck
Why would a floating window solve any problems here?  How are you
envisioning that a floating VR3 window, *which can already be done* *today
without any additional coding*, would help the situation?

As a counterpoint, I only have a single display available to me.  I
generally do my work (in Leo) on a single desktop monitor, or a tiny laptop
screen.  In *both cases* I would much prefer a switchable pane, rather than
a floating window.  The current solution of VR eating up a third of the
screen by default, or of faffing about with a floating window (even more
irksome on a laptop with a touchpad), is such a poor UX that I avoid it.
Enough so that I've effectively stopped using Leo for anything that needs
to be rendered.

Adding a first-class 'floating window' feature to VR/3 wouldn't fix any
issues.  It would strictly exacerbate the issue.  But a context-aware
switchable tab, which is eminently doable, would solve *every single one*
of my personal problems.  And I know it's a workable solution *because I've
done it*.

Leo is, to me, an editor, an IDE, and a platform.  But it is increasingly
*not* an authoring tool for me, because of the current implementation of
VR.  And that's frustrating, because authoring any sort of complex
documentation *should be* where Leo shines, given the first-class outlining
and clones.

Just my $0.02.  I wish we wouldn't just discard things out of hand because
of perceived 'dubiousness'.  Experimentation is fruitful, and painless,
given git branching.


On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 1:31 PM Edward K. Ream  wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 11:49 AM Thomas Passin 
> wrote:
> >> Trilium undervalues the power of text:
> > I think that Edward does not appreciate how often users want to use Leo
> as a Notebook...
> I agree. Leonistas *should *be able to use lots of graphics :-) That's
> why improving the VR plugins and (maybe) the rst3 plugin seems like a good
> idea.
> > Trillium...shows you a rendered view of its nodes and makes it harder to
> edit and work with the content.
> > Leo makes it easy to edit and work with text, but harder to insert and
> look at rendered graphics, etc.
> That's a reasonable summary. A floating VR pane would be a step forward.
> > VR3 can display [jupyter] files using an @jupyter node type. Any text
> display would only show the raw html...
> Yes, sometimes the rendered view is preferable. But that's no reason to
> complicate Leo's interface.
> *Summary*
> The Easter Egg is the only way to expand the VR pane. An optional floating
> VR window would solve that problem.
> Edward
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Re: A Leo relative in the wild: Trilium Notes

2024-04-25 Thread Jacob Peck
I actually implemented something similar in a private 'leoapp' (app that
lives in a .leo file) I wrote for myself a few years back.  Pretty simple
to get done, IIRC.

My general pattern was to have a controller class that contained two 'view'
widgets (a QTextBrowser for rendered HTML, and a QTextEdit for editing).
The controller class had a wrapper widget that also had an 'edit' toggle
button.  When 'edit' is clicked, a callback is fired off to remove the
active view widget and replace it with the new one (and set some state in
the controller so it doesn't lose track of things).  Content is updated
between the two widgets whenever this swap happens.  Internally they are
two completely different objects, but to the user, the swap is fairly

I did write this app relying on PyQt5, unfortunately, so I have a fair bit
of updating to do if I want it to work on modern Leo.  Ah well.


On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 8:10 AM Edward K. Ream  wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 6:57 AM Thomas Passin  wrote:
>> Except that standard Leo nodes don't render graphics and other non-text
>> items.  That's a big difference. We get around it to a degree with VR/VR3.
>> Hmm, instead of rendering those nodes in a separate frame as VR/VR3 does,
>> we could overlay the rendering frame over the editing frame. We could
>> switch in and out of rendering mode to allow editing.  I bet that wouldn't
>> be too hard. One way would be to use a 2-frame tabbed widget.  Leo would
>> then have no disadvantage compared with Trillium and its ilk, and would
>> keep all of its advantages.
>> Yowee!
> I'm interested. Let's see what you can do.
> Edward
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Re: Small puzzle: where is this focus-to-body action coming from?

2024-03-21 Thread Jacob Peck
Oh wow, I completely missed the @ignore.

Curious, my machine does focus-to-body (or something similar, at least) on
Ctrl+Right too, but I can't find any reason for that keybinding to be in
place, nor does it show up in my 'show-commands' output either.  Only
appears to work from the tree or log panes -- once in the body,
forward-word happens instead (as intended).

I somehow doubt Ctrl+RightArrow equals the same keycode as Tab, because
Ctrl+RightArrow acts differently from Tab in the body editor.

I wonder if this is some default tab-indexing thing in PyQT that we're not
un-setting.  Maybe QT has Ctrl+(arrow keys) as default keybindings to
navigate between widgets?

Ctrl+LeftArrow in either tree or log panes also seems to set focus to the
body pane too.  When I 'float' the body pane (have it in a separate
window), the behavior stops -- neither Ctrl+Right nor Ctrl+Left do anything
in the tree pane any longer.



On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 3:20 PM jkn  wrote:

> Yes, but that is for Alt-d, not the keystrokes I was mentioning.
> I see the one that Jake mentions, above, but that seems to be for vi
> emulation, which AFAIK I do not have enabled. Anyway, that setting is
> within an @ignore node. At any rate, I do not have an entry for "
> enter-tree-expand-and-go-right-mode" from 'show-commands'
> and I now want to know what keystrokes generate Ctrl-next and Ctrl-prior...
> On Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 6:21:02 PM UTC wrote:
>> On Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 2:02:50 PM UTC-4 jkn wrote:
>> Nevertheless - other @shortcuts I have in myLeoSettings.leo are shown in
>> the log output to 'show-commands' - why not this one?
>> It's in there. My listings for Settings/Show Settings /Show Commands has
>> it:
>> Alt+d   focus-to-body
>> It's hard to find things in these listings so I copied it and pasted it
>> into a text editor.  A search for the command name located its line. Note
>> that either a + or - symbol can be used for bindings, as best I know.
> --
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Re: Small puzzle: where is this focus-to-body action coming from?

2024-03-21 Thread Jacob Peck
Seems to be defined in this node in the leoSettings.leo file shipped with

unl:gnx://leoSettings.leo#ekr.20140721165014.19188 (line 88 of that node)

enter-tree-expand-and-go-right-mode ! tree = Ctrl-RtArrow


On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 2:02 PM jkn  wrote:

>  sorry, I should correct myself. I *do* know about shortcuts - I have
> forgotten that that was the name for the 'bind command to key' settings. I
> was thinking that was '@binding' or something.
> Nevertheless - other @shortcuts I have in myLeoSettings.leo are shown in
> the log output to 'show-commands' - why not this one?
> Or is it because this (Ctrl-right-arrow) is "Ctrl-Next"? This is shown in
> LeoSettings.leo and in the log pane:
> tab-cycle-previous  = Ctrl-Prior
> tab-cycle-next  = Ctrl-Next
> tab-cycle-next  = Ctrl-Tab
> ? (I had never though of 'Ctrl-Next', and 'Ctrl-Prior', as referring to
> these key presses)
> Great, in that case ... except that for me you can't *cycle* between the
> panes using this, only from tree to body. At least for me ... more
> investigation...
> J^n
> On Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 5:51:57 PM UTC jkn wrote:
>> I am not sure I even know what @shortcuts are! They are hardly mentioned
>> in the docs.
>> Right, off to investigate, thanks...
>> On Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 5:28:09 PM UTC wrote:
>>> It's in LeoSettings.leo, in the node @shortcuts Gui operations.
>>> On Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 10:33:33 AM UTC-4 jkn wrote:
 I keep meaning to look at 'improving' (for my needs) navigation between
 Tree and body panes. Whilst taking a look at this again I found a puzzle.

 I have what is (I think) the standard bindings for this:

 # show-commands
 Alt+d   focus-to-body
tree:Tab focus-to-body
 Alt+t   focus-to-tree

 However - CTRL+right (ie. main arrow keys on my 107-key KB) seems to do
 focus-to-body as well as TAB.

 Any idea where this binding might be occurring? Is CTRL-right getting
 turned into TAB somewhere? How can I find out, if show-commands gives the
 output above?

 Thanks, jon N

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Re: Discuss: Leo 6.7.8 will install only PyQt6

2024-03-17 Thread Jacob Peck
My go-to ‘what package do I need’ tool is  They’re showing that the package for Fedora 38 is called xcb-until-cursor.  Linux library management leaves much to be desired, in general. this helps!JakeOn Mar 17, 2024, at 3:45 PM, Viktor Ransmayr  wrote:Hello Thomas,Am So., 17. März 2024 um 15:41 Uhr schrieb Thomas Passin :Try the other suggested library in the error message: 

xcb-cursor0 . I went through the same thing about a week ago on a different distro, and using the alternate suggestion solved it.  If that doesn't work either, run an internet search for "fedora qt.qpa.plugin: From 6.5.0, xcb-cursor0 or libxcb-cursor0 is needed to load the Qt xcb platform plugin." This may surface another library name that your distro has.I tried both libraries ! - See my log ... On Sunday, March 17, 2024 at 3:20:17 PM UTC-4 wrote:Hello Edward, hello Thomas, schrieb am Freitag, 1. März 2024 um 07:32:23 UTC-5:On Friday, March 1, 2024 at 5:33:34 AM UTC-5 Edward K. Ream wrote:My question wasn't clear. I meant to ask whether potential errors concerning the missing 
xcb-cursor0 or libxcb-cursor0 libraries are a show stopper.Imo, most linux users will know to run sudo apt install, so the missing library isn't a significant barrier to requiring PyQt6. A new FAQ entry might be all that is needed. Do you agree?A year ago I might have said it was a show-stopper.  But now the error message from Ubuntu was clear enough that running its suggested command fixed the issue.  In years past I had to go to the internet and wade through a lot of useless posts to find the right command (I've saved it in my workbook to make it easier to find).  I do know that some non-technical people will read the error message and yet not know what to do, so I agree with a FAQ entry.BTW, Ubuntu/XUbuntu is the only distro where I've encountered this issue so far.I have encountered this problem as well, when I tried to install Leo from the devel-branch into a newly created Fedora 38 VM.When I try to install the mentioned libraries I receive the following error msg:###    [user@Test-VM1 ~]$     [user@Test-VM1 ~]$ ./leo &    [1] 1513    [user@Test-VM1 ~]$ setting leoID from os.getenv('USER'): 'user'    qt.qpa.plugin: From 6.5.0, xcb-cursor0 or libxcb-cursor0 is needed to load the Qt xcb platform plugin.    qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.    This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.    Available platform plugins are: linuxfb, vnc, minimal, wayland-egl, eglfs, vkkhrdisplay, offscreen, wayland, xcb, minimalegl.    ./leo: line 2:  1517 Aborted                 (core dumped) python ~/leo-editor/ $1    [1]+  Exit 134                ./leo    [user@Test-VM1 ~]$     [user@fedora-38-minimal-vr ~]$ sudo dnf install libxcb-cursor0    Last metadata expiration check: 2:19:22 ago on Sun Mar 17 12:29:58 2024.    No match for argument: libxcb-cursor0    Error: Unable to find a match: libxcb-cursor0    [user@fedora-38-minimal-vr ~]$     [user@fedora-38-minimal-vr ~]$ sudo dnf install xcb-cursor0    Last metadata expiration check: 2:19:56 ago on Sun Mar 17 12:29:58 2024.    No match for argument: xcb-cursor0    Error: Unable to find a match: xcb-cursor0    [user@fedora-38-minimal-vr ~]$ ###What am I missing ?With kind regards,Viktor 

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Re: recommend an approach or path to learning more about Leo

2023-12-09 Thread Jacob Peck
"Too deep" is definitely a bit subjective, and will vary by person.

But what I found helpful is to build a few plugins.  Find some pocket of
your workflow that you think could be just a little bit better 'if '
and write a plugin that does .

Plugins are a good way, imo, to limit your exposure -- you'll likely only
be interacting with the parts of Leo's code you really need for your
intended functionality.  Unfortunately there's no real way to avoid reading
Leo's source code, but you definitely don't have to drink from the firehose
to get a better understanding of it.


On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 9:02 AM HaveF HaveF  wrote:

> Hello,
> I have mastered the basics of Leo and am using it daily this year. I can
> use Leo to manage contents, write commands, create buttons, and even
> develop a small interface on the Log/Find/Tags/Nav panel. However, I'm not
> satisfied and wish to delve deeper into Leo.
> I have an idea to create an importer for a specific file format, but I
> stopped by my understanding of Leo.
> Create an importer is not important and not a high priority for me, It's
> just one of many ideas that I can't implement because I don't know Leo well
> enough.
> I'm eager to expand my knowledge of Leo. While reading code is a viable
> learning method, I find the scope of Leo overwhelming. Could you recommend
> an approach or path to learning more about Leo that is *manageable and
> not too steep*?
> Thanks!
> --
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Re: Moving beyond Leo

2023-10-01 Thread Jacob Peck
I used lilypond with LaTeX for my honors thesis in undergrad about 11 years ago.  I sincerely hope the LaTeX integration has improved since then :)JakeOn Oct 1, 2023, at 9:44 AM, Thomas Passin  wrote:Agreed, Lilypond is very good.  It takes a lot of learning, though.On Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 8:57:25 AM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 7:44 AM Thomas Passin  wrote:On Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 8:07:05 AM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:

Last week, I started playing with LaTeX for what is known as music engraving.Music engraving ... if you want a challenge, well, all right then! :-) It should be easier than it sounds. There are tools like lilypond and macros like MusiXTEX. As I said, the challenge is finding the easiest pipeline. I hope to help create my music teacher's next book.Edward

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Re: How to revert in git?

2023-09-26 Thread Jacob Peck
Hi Rob,Try ‘git checkout ’.Also, a possible fix for that devel issue for now is to install PyEnchant from pypi.  I think it’s accidentally a requirement at the moment.JakeOn Sep 26, 2023, at 4:43 PM, Rob  wrote:I need to revert to an earlier version as the current one in the devel branch won't launch (see the issue here). Usually I use `git pull` in the command line of the Leo directory to get the most recent changes. However, I don't know enough about how git works to pull in an earlier version.Rob...

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Re: When scripting with Leo, how to call a command by name?

2023-09-03 Thread Jacob Peck
I tend to use c.executeMinibufferCommand('name-of-command') -- doesn't need
any extra parameters, and Just Works TM.


On Sun, Sep 3, 2023 at 8:41 PM Félix  wrote:

> Making script in Leo is great, with the globally defined vars g, c and p
> anything is possible.
> But what is the recommended way of doing a simple command by name in a
> script?
> The *c.doCommandByName* method exists, but it insists on having an event
> as a second parameter.
> I discovered that I can make it work by passing a fake event such as :
> {"c": c}, or even a better one:,  but this is
> quite unintuitive. Could it not default to a valid default event if the
> event is not passed?
> Félix
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Re: "Unbreakable UNLs" Can Break Under A Common Scenario

2023-07-06 Thread Jacob Peck
I move nodes like this all the time.  Additionally, I rarely ever use
clones, despite being one of Leo's 'headline features'.

Your recent prescriptivism has been a bit frustrating as someone who has
been using Leo for over a decade.  The joy of Leo is that the user can do
things in so many ways.  I sincerely think that imposing these 'hidden'*
restrictions on user activity is an objectively bad move.

To be clear, I love Leo, and I genuinely appreciate all the design and work
that has gone into it.  I just think perhaps we're moving fast and breaking
things just to do so, lately.  It's frustrating and difficult to keep up
with.  And I say this as someone who has developed a handful of plugins in
the repo, was involved in the bzr->git migration, and contributed a fair
amount of bugfixes over the years.

(*I say 'hidden' because how is a user unfamiliar with Leo's internals
supposed to grok that cut-paste to move a node, an *extremely common*
method of moving data in other applications, will have unintended, internal
consequences?  This is just *bad* UX, full stop.  The user shouldn't have
to think about the internal data structure of the thing they're working on.)

Just my $0.02.  Please take this as constructive -- I believe we all want
Leo to be the best it can be.


On Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 8:45 AM Edward K. Ream  wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 5, 2023 at 11:21 PM Thomas Passin  wrote:
> Trouble is, when you cut a node and paste it, its gnx changes.  To prevent
>> that you would have to remember to paste the node as a clone rather than do
>> a simple paste.  This is asking for trouble. (And it's a weakness of my
>> zettel-kasten system, which is gnx-based).
> Then don't move nodes by cut and paste!
> I *never* move nodes this way. Surely you can find an alternative that
> works for you.
> Edward
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Re: Heads up: The SessionManager class will go away

2023-06-29 Thread Jacob Peck
I would argue that Edward’s solution of ‘just list the files you want to open in a script’ to totally not capture the essence of the session.  The whole point of sessions to me is to keep the flow of what I was doing last.  It’s more than a set of static leo files.  It’s the set of leo files I was working on *last* that’s important, not whatever ones I hardcode into a script.  I use Leo for dozens of reasons, which fluctuate all the time.  I’m going to seriously lose a lot of joy if I have to constantly hunt down which files I was working on last.  Yes, the recent files list helps, but it’s still a lot of unnecessary end-user friction to have to manually open them all up on each start up.Just my $0.02.JakeOn Jun 29, 2023, at 8:22 PM, Mike Hodson  wrote:Out of curiosity why is the function of a session considered obsolete? This is what I have needed forever, a proper reloading session that automatically saves and does not lose data, regardless if I might have three drafts open that have yet to be saved to disk.The instant I create a new document, there should be a state file saved on the disk, that keeps the state of the open draft and relates it to an open session.If my power fails two seconds later I expect to be able to load Leo up and get the exact point where I left off.I haven't used Leo seriously for the last 5 years because of this lack of functionality.MikeOn Thu, Jun 29, 2023, 16:06 Edward K. Ream  wrote:

Leo no longer supports --session-restore and --session-save. LM.scanOptions lists them as obsolete.But the SessionManager class still exists. SM.load_session is the culprit behind #3404. It would be straightforward to fix this method, but I shall retire the entire class instead.The SessionManager supports six session-* commands. The commands allow you to specify a set of files to open at startup. But listing the desired files (in a shell script or .cmd file) is simple and good.SummaryThe session-* commands are absurd solutions to a non-existent problem. This class significantly complicates Leo's startup logic. The entire SessionManager class must go. Félix take note :-)As a side effect, Leo will no longer write ~/.leo/leo.session. Your comments are welcome. Good luck arguing for this class :-)Edward

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Re: Heads Up - My Workbook Is Getting Destroyed

2023-06-28 Thread Jacob Peck
I'd like to propose that *any* data corruption issue at all in Leo should
be reported, regardless of whether the steps to replicate are known.  The
last thing an editor should ever do is destroy data.


On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 1:49 PM Thomas Passin  wrote:

> On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 11:42:37 AM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 10:27 AM Thomas Passin  wrote:
> I've done more testing, and the pattern is definitely repeatable.  If I
> check out the  ekr-3181-mypy-links branch, the first time I launch Leo
> the workbook may not be affected but every time after that it is destroyed
> and replaced by the default CheatSheet.  When I change back to the devel
> branch, the first launch after that also replaces the workbook, but after
> that the workbook is opened without replacement.  Remember, in these trials
> after each time the workbook gets replaced, I restore it from backup for
> the next launch.
> The replacement does not happen if I specify the workbook on the command
> line.  Clearing the recent files list had no effect on the behavior.
> Nether did deleting the .leo\db directory.
> Thanks for this report.  Please file an issue, if you haven't done so.
> This issue will have high priority.
> Done: #3404 
> --
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Re: GitHub seems to be buggy or down

2023-06-18 Thread Jacob Peck
Interesting.  Nothing on their status page: Jun 18, 2023, at 8:19 AM, Edward K. Ream  wrote:I noticed last night that the diffs in 
PR #3393 were wrong.There was a glitch creating the PR and I assumed at the time that the glitch might have been the cause of the bad diffs.This morning I see that no diffs are available anywhere. Not for PRs, not for individual revs.I am getting this message: 
"Sorry, this diff is temporarily unavailable due to heavy server load".  Something is seriously not right.Edward

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Re: Improved recursive import in devel. Please update scripts

2023-06-14 Thread Jacob Peck
I absolutely depend on @path nodes.  Please do not break existing @path-in-headline behavior.JakeOn Jun 14, 2023, at 11:14 AM, Thomas Passin  wrote:On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 11:06:01 AM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:On Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 8:06 AM Edward K. Ream  wrote:On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 8:00:08 AM UTC-5 Edward K. Ream wrote:PR #3363 improves the outlines created by scripts that call c.recursiveImport.One more thing: leo-editor-contrib contains an improved mypy.leo that illustrates the new import scheme. And one more thing. Imo it would be best to replace the @path statements in headlines with @path statements in body text: @path statements are context sensitive. That is, they "accumulate". But this means that cloning and moving an @ node will change its effective path.Yes, pluses and minuses.  With an @path node in the headline, it's instantly clear where all the external child files are located.  If the @path directive were in the body, this wouldn't be so.   But the point about clones is an issue too.  Another matter is how much code is out there that looks for @path in the headline.  I don't know, but we should probably assume there there is some user code that's not part of the Leo source tree.

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Is there an easy way to capture stdout/stderr for a shell command and pipe it to the log pane?

2023-05-03 Thread Jacob Peck
Hi all,

I have an outline with some @button nodes that fire off external shell
commands using g.execute_shell_commands.  I tend to run Leo *without* a
console window open, so anything those @button-triggered shell commands
print to the console is lost to me.  Is there an easy way/straightforward
way to redirect to the stdout/stderr for those commands only to the log
pane?  I'm struggling to figure it out by manipulating sys.stdout and
sys.stderr, though I admit this is far from my area of specialty.

An example of a button:

@language python
@tabwidth -2

''' Executes the currently selected sketch with the 'vsk run' command.

import os.path

fn = c.getNodeFileName(p)
if len(fn) == 0:
  # non-external file selected'Not a valid sketch node.', color='red')

  sketch_path = os.path.dirname(fn)
  g.execute_shell_commands(f' run {sketch_path}')

That command is long-running (i.e. it stays open in another pane, thus the
'&' to unblock the Leo GUI).  Sometimes it indicates errors on the console
output, which just plain doesn't exist when I'm running Leo without a
console window open.

Ideally any solution would be cross-platform, since I do this on both
Windows and Linux... but really I'd be happy with platform-specific
solutions too.  I'd really rather not have to have a console window open to
see these errors if at all possible.

Thanks in advance for any ideas and suggestions,

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Re: @language modes

2023-05-02 Thread Jacob Peck
Anecdotally, I had '@language python' act the same way for me once a few
weeks back, but it sorted itself out somehow and I couldn't replicate it.

On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 8:12 AM Rob  wrote:

> That's what I see as well. It's colored green until I enter a new line,
> then reverts to black. Other valid @language directives seem to work as
> expected (tex, rest, html, etc.)
> On Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 7:58:04 AM UTC-4 wrote:
> It's trick.  I just found that when I type *@language md* into a new
> node, the line colors when I complete the "md".  But when I press ENTER the
> highlight goes away.  After that, adding the directive line again, or to
> any other new node, the line does not highlight although VR3 still
> understands that the node is a Markdown node.  This behavior is on a
> per-outline basis.
> This is the second odd behavior that shows up the first time used on a
> per-outline basis.  The other one was reported in Issue 3305
> .
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Re: Eye surgery tommorrow

2023-04-12 Thread Jacob Peck
Hoping it goes smoothly and you're back better than ever soon.


On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 10:13 AM jkn  wrote:

> Best Wishes from me also
> Jon N
> On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 11:50:24 AM UTC+1 lewis wrote:
>> Best wishes, hope it goes well.
>> --
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Re: Images In Leo Nodes?

2023-03-28 Thread Jacob Peck
Not what you’re really looking for, but Leo already supports @svg nodes.  Of course, those are just the image in a node, viewable in VR — no text around them in the same node, to my knowledge.I’ve done kinda-sorta similar things with one of my personal use ‘leo apps’.  In that use case, I had a new pane that was effectively a rendered-to-html view of a running markdown document that would be appended to as various actions happened — including embedding images.  It included a button to swap out the webview widget for a textedit widget that contained the markdown source.  So kind of like a livecoding-styled viewrendered panel.  It was overkill but it had data that needed to live ‘outside’ the outline it was in.Anyway, there are many approaches to this.  It would be interesting to see, but I’m not sure it’s really something that core Leo needs to support.  A plug-in would be pretty neat though.JakeOn Mar 28, 2023, at 6:04 PM, Thomas Passin  wrote:It would be very useful if an image could be embedded into a Leo body.  Probably no one would want to do this in a program or script, but for documentation it could be very helpful.  You can put an image into a ReST, MD, or Asciidoc node and view it with VR3 or by creating Sphinx output.  But even better would be to have an image in an ordinary text page.In theory it should be possible to put an image into a Leo node.  Qt has a way to do it, and I have written a little test Qt program that can put one into a QTextBrowser or a QTextEdit widget at the cursor location.The way Qt does it is to insert a special Unicode character:"Inline images are represented by a Unicode value U+FFFC (OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER) which has an associated QTextImageFormat."I *think* that Qt converts an image file to a data: url and stores it in that character.  Aside from the issue of how to implement commands to let a user work with an image (have text reflow around it, delete it, etc), there is the question of how to save and restore the image  data along with the rest of the outline.One possibility is that saving the file will simply include the data: url's data (which would be encoded as base64, so it should not be a problem to save), and the file load will simply restore it with no extra effort.  This is probably too much to hope for.If that turns out not to happen, maybe it would not be too hard to save the data as a UA, and restore it from the UA.  The problem, I think, is to get the data into that special character in the right place.  Another possibility would be to write Leo code to restore the image from the original image file.  That sounds harder to me, but I'm not sure.  It would be better not to have to depend on an external image file if possible.I'm very interested in this, and I hope we can have a good discussion about it!

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Re: Leo now shows an svg splash screen

2023-01-23 Thread Jacob Peck
FWIW, the current devel commit does *not* display the splash screen on my
Arch Linux install using the Cinnamon desktop environment (at one point a
derivative of Gnome 2, now well and truly its own thing).  Anecdotally, I
do remember the splash screen displaying on this Linux installation
historically.  Just another couple of data points that I hope might help.

The splash screen does appear (and looks quite lovely now, in vector form
and without the watermark!) on my Windows 10 install.


On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 7:41 PM Thomas Passin  wrote:

> Now I'm bummed.  The splash screen displays properly on Manjaro, a Linux
> distro using XFCE.  But on two Gnome systems, Mint and Debian, it acts the
> same as before I added the repaint() call.  This will take some more
> digging.
> On Monday, January 23, 2023 at 6:25:17 PM UTC-5 Edward K. Ream wrote:
>> On Monday, January 23, 2023 at 5:04:34 PM UTC-6 wrote:
>> It looks like the splash screen may never have been visible on Linux(!).
>> My recent PR removed the call to repaint, so the splash screen has only
>> recently been broken on Linux.
>> Edward
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Re: I'm changing Leo's mascot on Leo's web pages

2023-01-19 Thread Jacob Peck
Seconding Inkscape, it's my go-to for this kind of task.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 11:15 AM jkn  wrote:

> Inkscape ( is good for editing .svg files, BTW.
> On Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 3:31:18 PM UTC Edward K. Ream wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 8:01 AM Jacob Peck  wrote:
>> Most browsers support .svg files, which is another vector format.
>> Thanks! I'll try converting the .tif file to .svg.
>> A snap with convertio <>. I'll get rid of the red
>> eyes eventually :-) BTW, #3070
>> <> will say that the
>> Lion logo is used by permission.
>> Edward
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Re: I'm changing Leo's mascot on Leo's web pages

2023-01-19 Thread Jacob Peck
Most browsers support .svg files, which is another vector format.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 8:58 AM Edward K. Ream  wrote:

> Apparently only Safari supports .tif files, so my plan to put a vectorized
> Lion on Leo's home page is on hold.  Boo hoo.
> The Lion will likely reappear in an hour or three. It's picky work,
> surprisingly.
> Edward
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Re: Please help me edit Leo's wikipedia page

2023-01-15 Thread Jacob Peck
Searching this group for 'Dreamstime' brings up conversations in 2013 and
2014 about this logo.  "Royalty free" doesn't indicate free use -- it
indicates that the image is able to be used without royalties, once a
proper license has been purchased.  I imagine that would entail a
Dreamstime subscription, or a one-time purchase.


On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 7:24 PM Jacob Peck  wrote:

> It appears the original is from Dreamstime:
> They've changed their watermark in the interim -- the new watermark has
> the spiral still, but smaller.  It also appears the original had red eyes,
> which were probably edited out in the current Leo splash screen.
> IIRC this image used to cost money -- I don't know what the 'Free
> Download' entitles one to legally, but this image is clearly under some
> sort of license that it's probably wise to look into in some way :)
> Jake
> On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 7:12 PM Edward K. Ream 
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 5:08 PM jkn  wrote:
>> FWIW, it has always seemed slightly shady to me that the Leo
>>> '" graphic,
>>> both on Leo's startup itself and now on the Wikipedia page, has some
>>> sort of watermark on it.
>> I never noticed this before, but I do see it.
>>> I always thought it was a light grey '(c)' mark, but having looked harder
>>> I now think it is a coarse spiral.
>> I agree. It doesn't seem to be any kind of copyright symbol.
>> It seems to me that this mark was intended
>>> to prevent use elsewhere; I think the copyright of that image, and the
>>> license to copy
>>> and distribute it, should be checked.
>> I don't remember where I got this image. I don't think it was
>> copyrighted, and I don't think it's worth worrying about.
>> Let me know if you discover if it definitely *is* copyrighted :-)
>> Edward
>> --
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Re: Please help me edit Leo's wikipedia page

2023-01-15 Thread Jacob Peck
It appears the original is from Dreamstime:

They've changed their watermark in the interim -- the new watermark has the
spiral still, but smaller.  It also appears the original had red eyes,
which were probably edited out in the current Leo splash screen.

IIRC this image used to cost money -- I don't know what the 'Free Download'
entitles one to legally, but this image is clearly under some sort of
license that it's probably wise to look into in some way :)


On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 7:12 PM Edward K. Ream  wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 5:08 PM jkn  wrote:
> FWIW, it has always seemed slightly shady to me that the Leo
>> '" graphic,
>> both on Leo's startup itself and now on the Wikipedia page, has some sort
>> of watermark on it.
> I never noticed this before, but I do see it.
>> I always thought it was a light grey '(c)' mark, but having looked harder
>> I now think it is a coarse spiral.
> I agree. It doesn't seem to be any kind of copyright symbol.
> It seems to me that this mark was intended
>> to prevent use elsewhere; I think the copyright of that image, and the
>> license to copy
>> and distribute it, should be checked.
> I don't remember where I got this image. I don't think it was copyrighted,
> and I don't think it's worth worrying about.
> Let me know if you discover if it definitely *is* copyrighted :-)
> Edward
> --
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Re: Please help me edit Leo's wikipedia page

2023-01-15 Thread Jacob Peck
The watermark has been discussed a few times over the last 11ish years that
I've been kicking around here -- there was resistance to purchasing a
license to actually use the image, and then the discussions seem to have
died.  It's bugged me for the better part of a decade.


On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 6:08 PM jkn  wrote:

> FWIW, it has always seemed slightly shady to me that the Leo
> '" graphic,
> both on Leo's startup itself and now on the Wikipedia page, has some sort
> of watermark on it.
> I always thought it was a light grey '(c)' mark, but having looked harder
> I now think it is a coarse spiral.
> Does no-one else see this? I remember the discussion about a logo some
> years ago,
> but I can't remember where Edward found this. It seems to me that this
> mark was intended
> to prevent use elsewhere; I think the copyright of that image, and the
> license to copy
> and distribute it, should be checked.
> J^n
> On Sunday, January 15, 2023 at 7:50:34 PM UTC Félix wrote:
>> Thanks to Jake for the LeoJS addition to the Leo Editor wikipedia entry,
>> and whomever also added link to LeoInteg!
>> Much appreciated!
>> Félix
>> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 11:17:10 AM UTC-5 Edward K. Ream wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 9:56 AM Jacob Peck  wrote:
>>> I cannot remove the version tag, it's a requirement of the software
>>>> infoblock.
>>> I seem to have done it. Please take a look.
>>> Edward
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Re: Please help me edit Leo's wikipedia page

2023-01-11 Thread Jacob Peck
I've added the LeoJS link, but because it's not mentioned in the article, I
don't foresee it staying long.

I cannot remove the version tag, it's a requirement of the software
infoblock.  Unfortunately WikiMedia are unlikely to budge on this.

I don't have any real interest in being a Wikipedia editor, so I would
prefer if someone else would pick up this mantle moving forward.  I don't
mind making quick edits, but the content of the article is not something I
wish to maintan long term.


On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 10:30 AM Edward K. Ream  wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 9:26 AM Thomas Passin  wrote:
>> " Well, this is a bizarre new policy."  I don't think it's that new.
>> Wikipedia has been trying hard to prevent misrepresentation by interested
>> parties who want to make themselves look good, or others to look bad. So
>> you often can't fix errors about yourself even if you know for sure they
>> are wrong.  We'll be lucky if they accept the changes without a published
>> authority somewhere.
> Jacob managed to update the link to Leo's website. Let's hope he can make
> a few other tweaks.
> Edward
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Re: Cannot Start Leo When Enchant Speller Is Missing Libraries

2023-01-11 Thread Jacob Peck
Agreed, but this might be an issue in the PyEnchant library.  I suppose it
can be coded around, though.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 9:35 AM Thomas Passin  wrote:

> Thanks for the tip.  I'll see if it works out.  Still, I think Leo should
> not fail to load if the spell checker is not functional, and it looks like
> there's now a PR about that.
> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 8:55:14 AM UTC-5
> wrote:
>> Some packagers of PyEnchant do not include any dictionary files.  The
>> PyEnchant documentation explains how to find one and install them:
>> Try installing the package 'hunspell-en_US' (or the language of your
>> choice).  That *should* do the trick to get this working on Manjaro, as it
>> did on my Arch installs.
>> Jake
>> On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 8:47 AM Thomas Passin  wrote:
>>> No, unfortunately it didn't.  There is something else wrong in the
>>> pyenchant package or the enchant support libraries (both of which which are
>>> installed by the distro's package manager).
>>> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-5 lewis wrote:
 In leosettings.leo under Spell checking there is a node:
 @string enchant-language = en-US

 Does that help?

 On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 4:18:20 PM UTC+11

> Of course, one solution is to uninstall pyenchant.  I did that and now
> Leo can run.
> On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 10:53:40 PM UTC-5 Thomas Passin wrote:
>> I created a new virtual machine for a Linux distro new to me -
>> Manjaro.  Although pyenchant is installed, and the system's package 
>> manager
>> claims that the Enchant libraries are installed, they aren't playing
>> together.
>> I installed Leo but it won't start because pyenchant isn't working.
>> I don't think the error messages will be helpful, but here are the last 
>> few
>> lines:
>> File
>> "/home/tom/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/enchant/", line
>> 287, in _request_dict_data
>> self._raise_error(e_str % (tag,), DictNotFoundError)
>>   File
>> "/home/tom/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/enchant/", line
>> 233, in _raise_error
>> raise eclass(default)
>> enchant.errors.DictNotFoundError: Dictionary for language 'en_US'
>> could not be found
>> Please check for details
>> I don't think that the problem is really that the en_US dictionary
>> can't be found, because of other errors when I import pyenchant into a
>> Python REPL session.  It imports but then can't actually run various
>> functions.
>> I looked in the pyenchant web site, and found that it can be tricky
>> to get the right version of the pyenchant working with the versions of 
>> the
>> enchant binaries that  might have been compiled for your machine
>> (especially on Windows, and yes, I know this case is Linux).
>> I can't find a setting to allow Leo to skip loading the
>> spellchecker.  I have looked in LeoSettings.leo and myLeoSettings, and
>> searched through pyLeoRef without hitting on one.  It seems to me that I
>> remember such a setting, but I haven't been able to find it.
>> If there is not such a setting, I think there should be one.  It
>> doesn't make sense for Leo to be unable to run because of a problem with
>> the pyenchant system.
>> Does anyone have some insight here?
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Re: Cannot Start Leo When Enchant Speller Is Missing Libraries

2023-01-11 Thread Jacob Peck
Some packagers of PyEnchant do not include any dictionary files.  The
PyEnchant documentation explains how to find one and install them:

Try installing the package 'hunspell-en_US' (or the language of your
choice).  That *should* do the trick to get this working on Manjaro, as it
did on my Arch installs.


On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 8:47 AM Thomas Passin  wrote:

> No, unfortunately it didn't.  There is something else wrong in the
> pyenchant package or the enchant support libraries (both of which which are
> installed by the distro's package manager).
> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 4:49:25 AM UTC-5 lewis wrote:
>> In leosettings.leo under Spell checking there is a node:
>> @string enchant-language = en-US
>> Does that help?
>> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 4:18:20 PM UTC+11
>> wrote:
>>> Of course, one solution is to uninstall pyenchant.  I did that and now
>>> Leo can run.
>>> On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 10:53:40 PM UTC-5 Thomas Passin wrote:
 I created a new virtual machine for a Linux distro new to me -
 Manjaro.  Although pyenchant is installed, and the system's package manager
 claims that the Enchant libraries are installed, they aren't playing

 I installed Leo but it won't start because pyenchant isn't working.  I
 don't think the error messages will be helpful, but here are the last few

 "/home/tom/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/enchant/", line
 287, in _request_dict_data
 self._raise_error(e_str % (tag,), DictNotFoundError)

 "/home/tom/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/enchant/", line
 233, in _raise_error
 raise eclass(default)

 enchant.errors.DictNotFoundError: Dictionary for language 'en_US' could
 not be found
 Please check for details

 I don't think that the problem is really that the en_US dictionary
 can't be found, because of other errors when I import pyenchant into a
 Python REPL session.  It imports but then can't actually run various

 I looked in the pyenchant web site, and found that it can be tricky to
 get the right version of the pyenchant working with the versions of the
 enchant binaries that  might have been compiled for your machine
 (especially on Windows, and yes, I know this case is Linux).

 I can't find a setting to allow Leo to skip loading the spellchecker.
 I have looked in LeoSettings.leo and myLeoSettings, and searched through
 pyLeoRef without hitting on one.  It seems to me that I remember such a
 setting, but I haven't been able to find it.

 If there is not such a setting, I think there should be one.  It
 doesn't make sense for Leo to be unable to run because of a problem with
 the pyenchant system.

 Does anyone have some insight here?

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Re: Please help me edit Leo's wikipedia page

2023-01-11 Thread Jacob Peck
Changed.  Good luck negotiating with the WikiMedia folks, they have a
fairly hardline stance on things.


On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 4:33 AM Edward K. Ream  wrote:

> Can someone please update the link to Leo's official web site on Leo's
> Wikipedia page ?
> I have been blocked from doing *anything*. I would like to change
> to
> I've just sent the following to
> Ahem. I've been blocked from editing this page:
> Worse, I'm blocked from editing the talk page that supposedly would allow
> me to attempt to remove the block.
> I have recently started using Proton VPN. I don't know why that should be
> a problem.
> In short, I'm completely blocked from editing any page in Wikipedia. Imo,
> there is something wrong at your end.
> Edward
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Re: Tabbed Apps In Leo

2022-10-31 Thread Jacob Peck
I generally make a node with a unique headline somewhere, like '@common
code-xyz' that has the function definition:

@common code-xyz
def hello():'hello')

Then in my @button:

@button run-hello
# load the common code 'library'
pos = g.findNodeAnywhere(c, '@common code-xyz')
exec(g.getScript(c, pos))

# call the code

Hope this helps!

On Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 11:12 AM jkn  wrote:

> Thanks, this looks very interesting...
> I have one question - something I have wondered about before. If I have
> your example code as a button command, say ... then where/how can I put the
> def toggle_app_tab(log, tabname, top_widget):
> # ...
> code, in order for it to accessible by multiple such buttons/commands?
> I've never been sure about this.
> Thanks, J^n
> On Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 3:09:26 PM UTC wrote:
>> I have made several apps (really, "applets") to run in tabs in Leo's Log
>> frame.  I find this convenient because they don't need to take up a whole
>> panel, as Viewrendered/Viewrendered3 do, and they don't even need to be
>> plugins so they can be simpler.  They are mostly intended to be used in a
>> specific outline; their code can reside in the outline.
>> I wanted to share how I open these apps in  the Log frame.  Since they
>> are not plugins, they don't load automatically when Leo starts.  I don't
>> find that to be a problem, since it's easy to provide a Leo command,
>> button, or menu item to open them when you want to use them.
>> I open a tabbed app with the following command:
>> def toggle_app_tab(log, tabname, top_widget):
>> """Create or remove our app's tab.
>> log -- the log panel object for this outline.
>> tabname -- a string to use as the display name of our tab.
>> top_widget -- an instance of top level widget of our app.
>> """
>> # If our tab is visible, remove it
>> if log.contentsDict.get(f'{tabname}-visible', False):
>> log.deleteTab(tabname)
>> log.contentsDict[f'{tabname}-visible'] = False
>> else:
>> # Show our tab, reusing our widget if already loaded
>> if log.contentsDict.get(f'{tabname}-loaded', False):
>> log.createTab(tabname,
>> widget = log.contentsDict[f'{tabname}-widget'],
>> createText = False)
>> log.contentsDict[f'{tabname}-visible'] = True
>> log.selectTab(tabname)
>> else:
>> # Create our tab for the first time
>> log.createTab(tabname, widget = w,
>>   createText = False)
>> log.selectTab(tabname)
>> log.contentsDict[f'{tabname}-loaded'] = True
>> log.contentsDict[f'{tabname}-visible'] = True
>> log.contentsDict[f'{tabname}-widget'] = w
>> By "widget", I mean a PyQt widget.  It will usually contain other GUI
>> widgets and code.  Here's how this function would typically be called.  The
>> widget does not need to have the signature shown here, but it's an obvious
>> way to get Leo's key objects into the app.
>> log = c.frame.log
>> TABNAME = 'The App'
>> import theApp
>> w = theApp.MainWidget(g, c)
>> toggle_app_tab(log, TABNAME, w)
>> Notice that when we "remove" the app - meaning the app's tab is removed
>> from the Log frame - we keep a reference to the main widget.  This way,
>> when we make the tab visible again, the app will have retained all its
>> state and you can pick up where you left off.
>> I have attached a screen shot of one of my tabbed apps in session.
>> --
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Re: Excessive Typing Lags

2022-07-15 Thread Jacob Peck
I have noticed similar behavior on Windows 10, but only under extremely 
specific circumstances that I have been able to figure out.

I have a ‘storage spaces’ disk pool on my system — essentially a RAID 1 pool in 
everything but name.  This is backed by 2x 6TB 7200 RPM a mechanical hard 
drives.  Windows has a habit of spinning those drives down when the pool is not 
in use.  When I’m working on a Leo outline that lives on that pool, or 
referenced a file somewhere on that pool, and the pool has spun down, Leo (and 
anything else trying to access those disks) can freeze for a solid 20 seconds 
while Windows spins up the drives.

So… in my case, it’s definitely a Windows thing — specifically it not playing 
well with mechanical drives in 2022 — so I’m not sure if this will help you at 
all.  But I do find anecdotally that running the ‘OptimizeDrive’ PowerShell 
command on the pool does seem to make spin-ups a bit zippier for a week or so.  
But that could definitely be placebo/confirmation bias, too.


> On Jul 15, 2022, at 7:19 PM,  wrote:
> Has anyone noticed annoying lags when typing into a Leo body?  This is on 
> Windows.  I can't reliably reproduce the behavior, but suddenly I type and 
> nothing will happen for 1/4, 1/2, even 1 second.  Then it will catch up.  It 
> seems to be most likely to happen when the focus changes, such as selecting a 
> different node or switching to another window then back to Leo.  But not 
> always.
> This behavior has been getting more frequent, it seems to me.  I suspect it 
> has something to do with later Windows 10 updates, though I can't be sure.  I 
> also have experienced Windows apparently eating the first keystroke after I 
> change focus - nothing to do with Leo, it even happens sometimes with the 
> command.exe console.
> I've tried briefly with a Linux VM and not gotten these lags, but it may be 
> like a watched pot that never boils.
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Re: Outline-local Menus?

2022-05-13 Thread Jacob Peck
@button nodes can have @rclick child nodes, which add a context menu to the
button they create.  Just in case you didn't know :)

I don't know of a way to make outline-local menus, however.

On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 11:20 PM 

> Is there a way to have a custom menu that appears only on one outline?  I
> know how to set up a custom menu in myLeoSettings.leo.  But if I try the
> same method in an outline, either the menu appears on all
> subsequently-opened outlines, or it does not appear at all, depending on
> whether it was defined in an @settings tree or not.
> So far I've been making do with @button nodes, which are fine, but
> sometimes there get to be too many buttons and I'd like to get all the
> commands into a menu instead.  Some of these commands only make sense in
> the context of a specific outline or two.
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Re: F5 Key Opens New Leo Session?

2022-05-01 Thread Jacob Peck
I cannot replicate this on Win 10, latest devel commit.  F5 happily does
nothing on my machine.

On Sun, May 1, 2022 at 4:01 AM jkn  wrote:

> doesn't happen for me on Linux FWIW (although the action is something I
> have wondered about, whether it would be useful...)
> On Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 11:15:09 PM UTC+1 wrote:
>> I just discovered that hitting the F5 key while in leo opens a new leo
>> window with only the workbook open.  but why?  it's not in the list of
>> bindings or commands. i don't define it in any @shortcuts node.In fact, the
>> string "f5" does not occur at all in myLeoSettings.leo.  This action does
>> not happen when the leo window is not focused.
>> The os is Windows 10.
>> I'd like to bind the key to some other command, but i'd like to
>> understand what is going on here first.  Anyone know?
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Re: What's next after Leo?

2022-04-22 Thread Jacob Peck
ConTeXt is my TeX flavor of choice.  Somewhere I have a makefile & Leo based 
ConTeXt workflow — once upon a time I was writing a couple books.

> On Apr 22, 2022, at 3:11 PM, jkn  wrote:
> Hi Edward
> FYI, there is also ConTeXt, to learn of/about:
>> On Friday, April 22, 2022 at 1:04:09 PM UTC+1 Edward K. Ream wrote:
>>> On Friday, April 22, 2022 at 6:06:34 AM UTC-5 Edward K. Ream wrote:
>>> Several different teams have already solved the first problem that came to 
>>> mind. The problem was, how to move TeX beyond pascal? We discussed this 
>>> topic briefly last year. 
>> Wow. Googling "What language is TeX written in" yields this page, containing:
>> QQQ
>> Originally, [TeX's] WEB source was translated into [a subset of] 
>> Pascal...via tangle to produce executable and translated into TeX via weave 
>> to produce documentation of the code. Both programs have themselves been 
>> written in WEB. 
>> Today, TeXLive uses web2c to translate directly WEB source into C... via the 
>> Pascal source produced by tangle (web2c is not a Pascal to C translator).
>> QQQ
>>  How embarrassing: my initial project was a wild goose chase! Modern distros 
>> of TeX are based on C, not Pascal. This includes extensions such as luaTeX.
>> On the bright side, I can sleep a bit better now knowing that TeX does not 
>> depend on ancient Pascal compilers! At last I can put this silliness behind 
>> me!
>> Edward
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Re: How did I came across Leo?

2022-03-23 Thread Jacob Peck
On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 3:29 PM jkn  wrote:

> Bl**dy hell, I remember now, there used to be forward and back arrows on
> the toolbar, didn't there? Why do I no longer see them??
I think they're part of the (or similarly named) plugin.  Might
not have it in @enabled-plugins :)

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Re: How did I came across Leo?

2022-03-23 Thread Jacob Peck
On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 11:04 AM 

> On the subject of CTRL-clicking, Leo has a feature that is fantastic when
> you are cruising around in its source code trying to learn how something
> works.  If you CTRL-click on a method invocation, you will get transported
> to its definition.  It misses once in a while, but usually  works.

Been using and hacking on Leo since 2013 and I had *no idea* about this.
This changes everything.  Thanks for this.

FWIW, I stumbled on Leo while looking for something that would organize my
notes for a tabletop RPG campaign in a sensible manner.  Being a
programmer, the whole 'everything is scriptable, data is accessible
anywhere' bit really made me excited.  It's my primary IDE these days, and
I've written quite a few 'LApps' (leo-apps) that live inside their own
outlines for various tasks -- effectively custom tools.  Leo is pretty
central to how I interact with data and organize information.  It's a grand

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Re: Could Leo Have Canvas-type Nodes?

2022-03-22 Thread Jacob Peck
I wrote the plugin, and a few others that use new log-pane tabs
(nodewatch, the terribly broken interactive python terminal plugin, etc.) :)

Tabs are great.  I've long wished that the body pane was tabbed -- would've
made one of my personal "Leo Apps" much easier to implement.

On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 7:51 AM 

> Let's start with the Log pane.  Whoever came up with it had a brilliant
> idea. Most users are probably familiar with the Find and Nav tabs, and
> possibly the Completion and Spell tabs.  You click on a tab and get a
> completely different view.  What you may not realize is that a tab is just
> the display device for an entire mini-application, in the form of scripts
> and a set of one or more "widgets".  To hook it into the log pane with its
> own tab is remarkably simple, programming-wise - this is the brilliant
> part.  You just give the top-level widget and a tab name to the log pane
> and the pane sets up all the tab and switching machinery for you.  So a tab
> could contain almost anything - a web browser, a dictionary, you name it.
> If it has a single top-level display widget and code behind that, it can
> get its own tab in the log pane.  The scripts for the tab have access to
> all of Leo's code and data, so they can do just about whatever they like.
> Tabs can be installed by plugins, bit also by non-plugin scripts.

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Re: Could Leo Have Canvas-type Nodes?

2022-03-21 Thread Jacob Peck
While I anticipate pushback on this idea, I am wholeheartedly for it.  I
have long wanted such a feature, but couldn't figure out just how to word

On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 10:42 AM 

> Leo's nodes are basically text-only nodes.  The text is available from the
> node's body, typically p.b, or the headline, p.h.  I wonder if there could
> be another part of a node, a drawing canvas.  Perhaps p.cnvs?  If we could
> figure out how to converse with the canvas of a node, then we could
> visualize anything we like.
> Alternatively, perhaps there could be a new node type, one that has only a
> canvas, with no text body - that would be more like the Jupyter approach.
> Having a canvas as a built-in part of a node could fill a conspicuous
> lack, the inability to display graphical information.  There are
> workarounds.  The @pyplot node type is one, and writing graphics as SVG to
> a node and showing that node with VR3 is another.  Writing RsT or Markdown
> referencing an image to a node and displaying it in VR3 is a third. This
> gives you mixed text and graphics.  But these methods are all limited and
> clumsy.
> A graphics node should include the ability to have links that point back
> into Leo outlines, or at least its own outline.  This capability would make
> Leo stand out in comparison to say Jupyter, which otherwise has so many
> good features.
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Re: To Plugin or Not?

2022-02-24 Thread Jacob Peck
I have similar 'apps' that live inside Leo outlines, as scripts but not
plugins.  At least one of them is well over 3000 lines of code :)

I think the main question to ask is whether the 'app' makes any sense
outside the context of the outline it lives in.  In my case, the ones I've
built really only make sense inside the one outline they live and work in.
A plugin for those seems like overkill, especially if it would pollute the
rest of my Leo session.  But that's a tradeoff you'll have to think about
for yourself.


On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 1:22 PM 

> I am developing an Leo application that displays in a tab in the Log
> frame.  Eventually it will probably use two tabs.  The code lives in a new
> subdirectory in Leo's plugins directory.
> Currently this code is not a real Leo plugin, because it does not use the
> plugin machinery.  Instead, it installs its code and creates its tab using
> a Leo command script, which can be put into a button.  This design reduces
> the complexity of the code compared to making it a "real" plugin.
> I'd like to know what people think about the question of whether to turn
> this app into a plugin.  The code so far has nearly 400 lines of code, and
> will grow as I add planned functionality, if this makes any difference.  At
> the moment it all lives in a single Python file, in addition to the install
> script.  There are also several auxiliary scripts that are helpful to get
> the most value out of the app, so users will need to install and use some
> scripts even if the thing becomes a plugin.  I suppose I could come up with
> a way for the app to install those other scripts on startup.
> So - would it be more Leonine, or more natural, to have this thing be a
> plugin or not?  All suggestions gratefully received!
> --
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Re: Leo Read-the-docs API module Seems Way Out Of Date

2021-09-27 Thread Jacob Peck
Agreed — IMO they should be removed.

I set this up way back when, and then entirely forgot about them in the 
intervening years.  The script I used to update it must have been lost about 3 
server migrations ago.  I apologize for any confusion these may have caused.

As always, the definitive Leo API documentation should be LeoPyRef.Leo.


> On Sep 27, 2021, at 6:38 PM,  wrote:
> It's linked to from the page, which is linked to by the top 
> page writeup on GutHub.  The latest copyright notice on the API Sphinx doc 
> that I saw is 2013.
> Either these should be brought up to date or they should be de-linked.
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Re: #1880 merged into devel

2021-04-22 Thread Jacob Peck
Thanks a ton!

> On Apr 22, 2021, at 7:01 AM, Edward K. Ream  wrote:
> #1880 reports a problem loading plugins and suggests a fix. Here I'll 
> summarize what I did and how to load plugins
> What I did
> I made the fix suggested in the initial bug report. In some sense this is all 
> that was needed. However, the old code in plugins.regularizeName was 
> extremely confusing. I simplified that code and added comments.
> How to load plugins
> Most users will enable plugins using @enabled-plugins. This should work 
> exactly as before. The body text of @enabled-plugins can be either:
> - A file name, ending in .py, specifying a file in the leo/plugins directory.
> - A module name (not ending in .py) specifying a fully qualified module name, 
> such that python can import the module (the name is on the python path).
> It is also possible to load plugins using an @plugin node, which must be a 
> child of @settings. The format of can be either:
> @plugin
> @plugin x.y.z
> Again, if a .py extension is given, the file must appear in the 
> leo/plugins directory. If no .py extension is given, then the module x.y.z 
> must be a fully qualified module name on python's path.
> Summary
> Very little has actually changed. However, importing modules outside of 
> leo/plugins now works.
> Edward
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Is there any (easy) way for an @rclick script to know its own headline?

2021-04-14 Thread Jacob Peck
Hi all,

I've been toying around with a few things lately, and I've hit a situation
where I want several @rclick nodes to do something very similar --
something that can be keyed off of their headlines.  That way I could just
copy and paste the nodes and change the headlines and everything would
hopefully just work.

basically, the code in each @rclick would be something like:

@rclick foo
value = myHeadline[8:]

Which would end up calling do_the_thing('foo').  But I'm stuck on how to
get myHeadline -- 'p' is of course the position of the currently selected
node, not the @rclick itself.  Is there some API to grab the position (or
vnode?) of the executing script?

It's no big deal if this isn't possible, but it would be really convenient
if it were.  I've poked around the source and haven't found what I'm
looking for, but maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

Thanks for any pointers!

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Re: ekr-qt branch Leo Won't Start When pyqt6 installed

2021-04-12 Thread Jacob Peck
Sounds like a situation that virtualenv would solve.

> On Apr 12, 2021, at 6:00 PM,  wrote:
> Here is how I configured my installation to let me either use or not use 
> pyqt6. Obviously it's a Windows computer:
> 1. Create new directory.  I used %USERPROFILE%\.python\site-packages
> 2. Cut all the installed pyqt6 directories from the standard 
> Lib\site-packages directory.
> 3. Paste the pyqy6 directories into the new .python\site-packages directory.
> To run without pyqt6, I just launch Leo as usual.  To run using pyqt6, I set 
> the PYTHONPATH environmental variable:
> set PYTHONPATH=%USERPROFILE%\.python\site-packages
> Now Leo will launch using pyqt6.
> If you have copied all the pyqt6 install directories also, then pip will find 
> them and be able to properly list pyqt6 as well as the pyqt5  that is in the 
> standard location.
>> On Monday, April 12, 2021 at 5:24:50 PM UTC-4 wrote:
>> Typo:
>> NoFrame = QtWidgets.QFrame.Shape.NoFrame if isQt6 else self.noFrame
>> should be
>> NoFrame = QtWidgets.QFrame.Shape.NoFrame if isQt6 else self.NoFrame 
>> With this correction, it runs when only qt5 is available.
>>> On Monday, April 12, 2021 at 2:59:44 PM UTC-4 wrote:
>>> I got qt_text to work - at least on the surface - with these changes:
>>> Sunken = QtWidgets.QFrame.Shadow.Sunken if isQt6 else 
>>> self.Sunken
>>> Raised = QtWidgets.QFrame.Shadow.Raised if isQt6 else 
>>> self.StyledPanel
>>> NoFrame = QtWidgets.QFrame.Shape.NoFrame if isQt6 else self.noFrame
>>> self.setFrameStyle(Raised | Sunken)
>>> self.edit = e  # A QTextEdit
>>> e.setFrameStyle(NoFrame)
>>> Then I also needed to change in update():
>>>#width =, 
>>> self.highest_line))) + self.w_adjust
>>> if isQt6:
>>> width =, 
>>> self.highest_line))).width()
>>> else:
>>> width =, self.highest_line))) + 
>>> self.w_adjust
>>> if self.width() != width:
>>> self.setFixedWidth(width)
>>> With these changes. Leo opens outlines without crashing.  I notice that the 
>>> gutter numbers have too much padding-left, so they are cut off on the 
>>> right.  I don't know where that is set, so I didn't do anything about it.
>>> If you want, I can push these changes to my branch and do a PR.  It's 
>>> probably easier for you to jsut copy them into yours.  Just let me know if 
>>> you want the PR.
>>> Next up: VR3 won't load because
>>> requires QtWebKitWidgets.QWebView
>>> pip install PyQtWebEngine
>>> But how to get this without stepping on the one for qt5?  Hmmm.
 On Monday, April 12, 2021 at 1:57:39 PM UTC-4 wrote:
 It failed because 
 LeoLineTextWidget' object has no attribute 'StyledPanel
 as expected ...
> On Monday, April 12, 2021 at 1:03:57 PM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:
>> On Monday, April 12, 2021 at 11:55:03 AM UTC-5 wrote:
>> Without testing it I don't think that will work.
> From "The frame style is 
> specified by a frame shape and a shadow style that is used to visually 
> separate the frame from surrounding widgets. These properties can be set 
> together using the setFrameStyle() function..."
> The only way to know for sure is to test it. The qt6 documentation has 
> proved unreliable in the past.
> Edward
> -- 
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Re: Permanent sabbatical?

2021-04-06 Thread Jacob Peck
Some folks call it 'self care' -- it's very important.  Keep doing the
awesome work, but most importantly, keep doing what nourishes you
intellectually, emotionally, and personally.  That's the key to
productivity -- enjoying all the things /around/ the work.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 11:13 AM Edward K. Ream  wrote:

> My sabbatical has been a great success. It has freed me from the endless
> grind of feature requests and bugs. I can explore what I want for as long
> as I like. Why not continue the "sabbatical attitude" indefinitely?
> My mantra for Leo now is, "There's no rush. It will wait." Yes, Leo can be
> improved, but there is no great urgency. For the first time, I see that Leo
> is fundamentally complete as it is. Right now.
> *Priorities and schedule*
> At present, my priorities for projects are, from highest to lowest:
> - Fixes for recently-introduced bugs.
> - Fixes for bugs discussed in recent conversations.
> - Supporting leoInteg (Leo for vs-code)
> - Improving the newbie experience.
> - (Maybe) Supporting Leo in Jupyter.
> - Cleaning Leo's code base for future devs.
> - General exploration and background learning.
> Balance: I'll devote a few days every week to bugs and easy feature
> requests. The rest of the week will be for exploration.
> I have started to allocate larger blocks of time to music and exercise.
> Those breaks help me to improve Leo, so the new balance is pure gain.
> *Summary*
> The sabbatical has created a new appreciation for balance in my life. The
> result has been new priorities and a substantial *increase* in my
> productivity. I'll likely retain those new priorities for the rest of my
> life.
> The result could be called a permanent sabbatical. All comments welcome.
> Edward
> --
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Re: Can't find the path!

2021-04-06 Thread Jacob Peck
I believe '.' is interpreted in the context of the OS -- which on both
Linux and Windows evaluates to the same as the current working directory.

I am unsure how or why the 'run(cmd)' portion is executed in the context of
the current node's path, but if it is, '.' should expand at the OS level to
the full current path.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 10:14 AM Edward K. Ream  wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 7:15 AM 
> wrote:
> Here's what I have been doing to create files in directory trees.  It
>> seems much simpler.
> Thanks for this tip.  I don't create many directories myself, and so I
> just create the directories first in the file manager.
> BTW, I have put a button into MyLeoSettings.leo that will open a file
>> manager window (File Explorer on Windows) at the current directory of the
>> selected node, whatever it is.  This has been awfully handy.
> Great idea.  However, I don't understand how '.' gets bound to the
> directory of the selected node. Here is tested code for Windows that works
> as I expect.
> import os
> from subprocess import run
> path = g.fullPath(c, p) or os.path.abspath('.')
> cmd = ['explorer.exe', '.']
> run(cmd)
> What am I missing?
> Edward
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Re: Clones - How To Return To "Original" Node?

2020-12-21 Thread Jacob Peck
“clone-find-parents” will show you all the parent nodes of that clone, which 
might be enough context?

“find-next-clone” seems to move to the next clone in the outline, but not 
necessarily the same clone you’re looking at.

“goto-next-clone” will cycle through all the clones of the selected node — 
seems closest to what you’re looking for.

Hope this helps!

> On Dec 21, 2020, at 10:30 PM,  wrote:
> If I issue a command from the cff family, I will get a subtree of clones of 
> targets that have the search phrase.  After I look at several of them, I 
> sometimes want to go back to its matching clone, the one this new clone was 
> duplicated from.  I haven't found a convenient way to do this.  The 
> semi-convenient way I've found is to copy the clone's headline and then paste 
> it into the Nav pane to list its instances.
> I suppose the action I'm thinking of would be clone-find-instances, although 
> perhaps the other instances of the clone could be marked so that I could go 
> to the next mark to get to where I want.
> Is there some command or action that I'm overlooking here?
> -- 
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Re: Multiple myLeoSettings.leo files?

2020-12-19 Thread Jacob Peck
The search order is documented here:

It states that the ones later in the list override settings in the earlier 
files.  So I imagine it’ll do that!

(This page was useful when I was trying to figure out how to make themes work 
the way I wanted them to.)

> On Dec 19, 2020, at 11:27 PM,  wrote:
> The Help entry for settings says in part:
> " Put myLeoSettigns.leo in your home ~ directory or in the ~/.leo directory."
> It's a little obsolete because Leo will create this file for you (so the 
> wording should be updated).  But it got me wondering what would happen if 
> somehow there were a myLeoSettings.leo file at *both* of these two locations.
> Does anyone know?
> Also, the wording should be updated to include the standard locations for 
> Windows.  "~" and "~/.leo" don't mean anything to most Windows users.  Even 
> saying "your home directory" doesn't really convey much to most Windows 
> users.  The equivalent location for "~" would presumably be %USERPROFILE%, 
> and even that will seem mysterious to most Windows users.
> We should do something about the wording to make it easier for Windows users! 
>  I'm sure there are plenty of other places that have the same problem, but 
> this is the one I noticed recently.
> -- 
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Re: Fix for #1749 has been merged into devel

2020-11-22 Thread Jacob Peck
Thanks for the quick fix!

The test case I reported appears to be fixed.  I will report back if I find
it in any other situations.


On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 6:23 PM Edward K. Ream  wrote:

> #1749  can easily
> result in data loss. #1750
>  is the corresponding
> PR.
> As an emergency measure, I have merged the ekr_bug_1749 branch into devel.
> I can see no way that the new code could be as dangerous as the old. We may
> as well test the new code in devel.
> Please report any related problems immediately.
> Edward
> --
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Re: Completion madness

2019-06-21 Thread Jacob Peck

That's genius.  Thanks for sharing this tool!

On 6/21/2019 2:54 PM, Terry Brown wrote:
On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 12:34 PM Edward K. Ream > wrote:

Still it's /crucial/ to make haste slowly by creating issues for
/everything/ that needs attention.  Some mornings I spend hours
making notes in Leo, then making issues or posts from those notes.
Today was one of those days.

 So naturally what you need is to spend time fiddling with a new tool...

A command line tool that can be used for creating issues on GitHub

hub issue create -a tbnorth -l "blocker,infrastructure" -m "Don't 
forget to do blah blah"

 would create an issue on GitHub for the repo. the command line's 
cd'ed to.

So you could automate issue creation from leo nodes.

Cheers -Terry
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Re: Rev b937f02 in devel cures python_terminal segfaults

2019-06-19 Thread Jacob Peck

Hi all,

I've been out of Leo development for a while now.  But I'm sorry this 
little plugin toy of mine is causing such huge issues.  I'm surprised to 
hear of segfaults in python, though.

FWIW, I never intended the plugin to be enabled by default -- it was 
just a quick proof of concept on my part.  But that doesn't excuse the 
poor code I pushed back in those days.

A thousand apologies!


On 6/19/2019 1:02 PM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 11:02 AM Chris George > wrote:

I was starting Leo.

Whoa.  That's totally unexpected. That's an important clue.

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Re: LeoWapp Getting Started

2018-12-08 Thread Jacob Peck

> On Dec 8, 2018, at 9:03 AM, Edward K. Ream  wrote:
> What's a POC?

It generally means Proof Of Concept.

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Re: Why does my clone of the Leo-Editor repository NOT contain the .leo file for all the PyQt specific code?

2017-05-16 Thread Jacob Peck
IIRC, none of those are referenced by the plugin outlines.  I think 
they're referenced by LeoPy.leo itself -- the GUI might be a 'plugin' 
but it's code is kept organized in LeoPy.leo.

I could be off, I haven't hacked on Leo in a good long while...

On 5/16/2017 3:27 PM, SegundoBob wrote:
I have many files in the plugins folder matching qt*.py, but neither 
of the .leo files in the plugins folder references them. Is this 

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Re: using @first and not getting expected results

2017-02-07 Thread Jacob Peck
I'm not sure if it's documented anywhere, but when I need to use @first, 
I always need to put it as the very first line in the body node of the 
@file/clean/yadayada, so:

@first #! /usr/bin/python3
@language python

Hope this helps,

On 2/7/2017 9:13 AM, Eric S. Johansson wrote:

in my @file section I have the following:

@language python
@tabwidth -4
@first #! /usr/bin/python3
@first # a first line
<< docstring >>

if __name__ == '__main__':
# a comment

what I find saved in the output file is:

#@+node:alsoeric.20170202001826.1: * @file
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4
#@+<< docstring >>
#@+node:alsoeric.20170202004627.1: ** << docstring >>
''' program to calculate time '''
#@-<< docstring >>


If I change the @file to @clean, I still don't get the first lines in 
the file. What am I missing?

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Re: OT: What's a raspberry pi good for?

2017-01-20 Thread Jacob Peck
I have several laying about my apartment, they're quite capable little 
devices :)

- My personal webserver is a first generation RasPi 1 Model B (with the 
256MB chip, before they changed).  It's been working just fine for 2-3 
years now, no issues at all!
- I have one hooked up to my TV running RetroPie with all sorts of old 
video games loaded on to it (and I built a few for friends as gifts this 
- I have one I'm working on to read MIDI files off of a floppy disk and 
play them through my home stereo system (because I can, it seemed like a 
neat project).
- I was going to have one as a home music server hooked up to my stereo, 
but I lucked into a beefier ultra-tiny PC instead.  But plenty of people 
use them for this purpose.
- I've been thinking of throwing a couple into my music gear kit -- for 
use as a MIDI bridge, or a software defined synthesizer, etc. -- They're 
not too much more expensive than an Arduino, and they have on-board 
audio and USB, and a much faster processor -- and I could code them in 
Python instead of C.  But this is theory for me so far.

The Raspberry Pi foundation was pushing Python as their language of 
choice back when they first came about, between my original Model B and 
Leo, that's why I got into Python in the first place.


On 1/20/2017 10:02 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
I was given a raspberry pi 3 for Christmas.  It's still unopened.  
Anyone know a real use for it?

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Re: Notes on Leo learning

2016-12-19 Thread Jacob Peck
It's also worth noting that there's an incredibly dormant mini blog 
thing maintained by a handful of us devs on github:

I forget if this is mentioned anywhere officially, but there are a few 
neat things up there.


On 12/19/2016 11:22 AM, Jacob Peck wrote:

Hi Edward, Satish,

Satish, Glad you find the (limited) articles useful! Leo is a really 
fun tool to explore when you first stumble upon it.  I'm still finding 
new things all these years later.  I suspect I always will be.

Edward, you must have known about my blog at one point, because you 
commented on it 4(!) years ago :) (


On 12/16/2016 4:03 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 2:29 AM, Satish Goda < 
<>> wrote:

Hello folks.

I have started taking notes for myself as I dig deeper into
integrating Leo into my daily workflows. The GitHub link to my
repo is below.

My intention is to create a set of tutorials that will elucidate
the core aspects of Leo (I am writing an introductory one on
Python & Leo today!!).

Just wanted to share it with you all and I am open to ideas and

​Excellent.  I see​
​that your sandbox contains some @button scripts for creating your 

It took me awhile to realize that several of your references are to 
Jake Peck's a -> ab <> site.​ I 
didn't know that any of that existed.  Jake, did you announce your 
blog?  I sure missed it.

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Re: Notes on Leo learning

2016-12-19 Thread Jacob Peck

Hi Edward, Satish,

Satish, Glad you find the (limited) articles useful! Leo is a really fun 
tool to explore when you first stumble upon it.  I'm still finding new 
things all these years later.  I suspect I always will be.

Edward, you must have known about my blog at one point, because you 
commented on it 4(!) years ago :) (


On 12/16/2016 4:03 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 2:29 AM, Satish Goda > wrote:

Hello folks.

I have started taking notes for myself as I dig deeper into
integrating Leo into my daily workflows. The GitHub link to my
repo is below.

My intention is to create a set of tutorials that will elucidate
the core aspects of Leo (I am writing an introductory one on
Python & Leo today!!).

Just wanted to share it with you all and I am open to ideas and

​Excellent.  I see​
​that your sandbox contains some @button scripts for creating your 

It took me awhile to realize that several of your references are to 
Jake Peck's a -> ab  site.​ I 
didn't know that any of that existed.  Jake, did you announce your 
blog?  I sure missed it.

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Re: I Love Leo :)

2016-12-14 Thread Jacob Peck

Welcome to the fold!



On 12/14/2016 4:12 AM, Satish Goda wrote:

Hello Folks.

I came across Leo recently and I am hooked to it. Thank you to Edward 
and the community for creating/maintaining/improving such a wonderful 
piece of software tool.

I have been promoting Leo on Twitter via the hashtag #leoeditor.

Thank you.

Satish Goda.
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Re: Devs: please delete your git hooks

2016-10-18 Thread Jacob Peck

On 10/18/2016 11:57 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
The hook can add to sys.path as needed--it's running from a known 
place, namely leo-editor/.git.
Not if it can't run in the first place, because python.exe isn't already 
in the path!

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Re: Fw: Proposal: remove commit_timestamp.json

2016-10-17 Thread Jacob Peck
I'm with Terry on this -- the commit_timestamp.json file has been 
immensely helpful in debugging user issues in the past.  Relegating the 
commit hash to some funky filename is not an acceptable option.

Git hooks are painless.  Why is this suddenly an issue?


On 10/17/2016 12:50 PM, 'Terry Brown' via leo-editor wrote:

[meant to post to the list, not just Edward]

*From:* Edward K. Ream 
*To:* leo-editor 
*Sent:* Monday, October 17, 2016 11:23 AM
*Subject:* Re: Proposal: remove commit_timestamp.json

On Monday, October 17, 2016 at 9:04:52 AM UTC-5, Terry Brown

I'm not really sure this has any utility :-/

I am about to release Leo 5.4b1. Imo, the new scheme works
very well.

Leo /always/ reports first 8 characters of the git hash and
git date, even when there is no git around, which is almost
all the time for most users.

This works because official releases now /do/ include

The script that creates daily builds should be modified to
create commit_timestamp.json /in the new format./ Once that is
done, everything will "just work".

As noted earlier in this thread, there is no script that creates
the daily builds, there hasn't been since
April 6, 2014:

When you use a link like:{5 days

GitHub sends you  That's what we have
now on the Leo downloads page.

So with the new scheme all we have for user interaction / bug
resolution is asking the user the funky name of the folder they're
running from, if we re-link "Latest" to ...{0 days ago}.zip

*Even if there was a script*, it wouldn't help that much, even
running at 15 minute intervals could create significant confusion
re latest versions.

Cheers -Terry

To recap, the new scheme is /much /better than the old because:

- No git hooks are ever needed.
- There will be no git merge conflicts on
commit_timestamp.json once people remove their git hooks.
- Leo /always/ reports the hash and the date of the build that
is being run, or will, once the daily build script is updated.)
- The code in is really simple.


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Re: Aha: Use tags to create clones

2016-09-21 Thread Jacob Peck

Glad to see this plugin is helping people! :)

Thanks for your recent work, Edward.  I definitely should have added 
proper names to the nodetags widgets...


On 9/21/2016 7:44 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 6:28 PM, Chris George > wrote:


Out of simplicity comes great power. That is *USEFUL*!

​Thanks.  ​
​I think so too. For the first time I'm actually using the nodetags 

Rev 1254f5f adds the "nodetags-" prefix to all the names of all 
nodetags widgets so that they can be styled in a Qt Stylesheet.​

For example, I added the following to @data qt-gui-user-style-sheet in 

QPushButton#nodetags-pushButton {
font-size: 14pt;

This increases the text size in all nodetags widgets so my old eyes 
can see the text.

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Re: running viewrendered hard crashes leo

2016-07-19 Thread Jacob Peck

From your git repo directory, you can do:

git checkout 9d28e6c

That will revert your files to the state at commit 9d28e6c.  To switch 
back to master (current), do:

git checkout master


On 7/19/2016 10:35 AM, lewis wrote:
Downloaded the zip file of 9d28e6c zip file, unzipped and copied it to 
my usual leo folder. But when I run Leo the log says

/Leo Log Window
Leo 5.4-devel, build 20160412153848, Tue Apr 12 15:38:48 CDT 2016
Not running from a git repo/

I expected it to be 9d28e6c so I don't think that is helpful to you.

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Re: A hands-on intro to quantum computing with a real(!) computum computer

2016-06-07 Thread Jacob Peck
This is so cool!  There goes my (classical) productivity for the 
afternoon... or perhaps the next several.

"Quantum Laws in Black, White, and Blackandwhite"

I appreciate IBM's sense of humor sometimes.  When I was working with 
them on the LIME (Liquid Metal) project, it leaked through in their API 
docs a bit.  I imagine that's all been cleaned up by now though.

Thanks for sharing!

On 6/7/2016 11:07 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
Take a look at this 
IBM/New Scientist.  Follow the first link (it may be personalized, so 
I won't give it here) and away you go.  The third tutorial page is a 
succinct summary of the "elementary" quantum operations.  Don't freak 
out: the second tutorial page says, "mathematically, quantum concepts 
are only a bit more complex than high school [vector] algebra." I'm 
going to be studying this intensely. From my readings of Nature and 
Science magazines, I would guess that quantum computers are going to 
become significant sooner than most of us realize.

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Re: I'm back: 2 days of moving to a new machine

2016-05-10 Thread Jacob Peck

On 5/10/2016 9:31 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
1. Windows 10 has an excellent "reset" function, that will restore the 
machine to its original condition, with or without user data.  That, 
plus a post run of cipher /W:c should ensure that not even the NSA 
could recover any previous data.

Neat.  However, my personal paranoia would prefer an open source tool, 
like GNU shred, or more preferrably DBAN (though DBAN doesn't work 100% 
securely with SSDs, which I think you mentioned that you're on now).

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Re: Help: I'm not pushing to github

2016-04-13 Thread Jacob Peck

What's the output of 'git remote -v'?

On 4/13/2016 11:59 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
I recently did a git clone of leo-editor, and now I can't seem to push 
to the remote.

gitk shows my MASTER several commits ahead of remotes/origin/master.  
In particular, the scrolling fix isn't on github.

I've tried pushing directly to, but that says

   Everything up to date.

Help!  What should I do?

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Re: can leo editor prompt file changed

2016-04-08 Thread Jacob Peck

On 4/8/2016 10:13 AM, 'Terry Brown' via leo-editor wrote:

Why can't I find the setting?  I tried


Maybe it's just too early in the morning.

Cheers -Terry

Try this:

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Re: Proposal: remove/improve all chapter commands

2016-04-05 Thread Jacob Peck
As a newbie a few years back, this was one of my big stumbling blocks.  
I feel like the mouse interface doesn't receive much love given that 
Edward is rodent-averse (with good reason -- but there are plenty of us 
who still use the mouse).  IIRC though, so much of Leo's internals rely 
on there being only a single selected node that every time someone tries 
to add these features they get bogged down and give up.

It is a very jarring experience, but perhaps it's a necessary evil at 
the moment?


On 4/5/2016 8:41 AM, Chris George wrote:
In short, if I select two nodes in the tree pane with the mouse, I 
can't do anything with them together via the gui. I must act on them 
one at a time, and there are never any options, the node just gets 
moved. I understand that with large, complicated outlines the 
ctrl-click/drag and drop isn't likely to be used often, but as a 
newbie it was a jarring lesson to learn. I look forward to an easier 
way than "one at a time", but it would be nice to have this capability 
available via the mouse as well as using commands.

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Re: Proposal: remove/improve all chapter commands

2016-04-04 Thread Jacob Peck

On 4/4/2016 3:03 PM, john lunzer wrote:

  * Cut "cloned nodes"
  * Past cloned nodes where I want it to be.
  * Clones are no longer clones.

Why aren't my clones clones anymore?
Not a bug -- paste creates copies by default.  You want 


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Re: Proposal: remove/improve all chapter commands

2016-04-03 Thread Jacob Peck
I have not been at a computer the past few days (thankfully) but I'll 
definitely be pulling it tonight/tomorrow.


> On Apr 3, 2016, at 9:44 AM, Edward K. Ream <> wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 6:45 AM, Jacob Peck <> wrote:
>> As a daily user of chapters, these changes are long overdue.  Fire away!
>> FWIW, the various chapter-* commands have always been an absolute pain, and 
>> as you mentioned, brain dead.  I always found myself needing a reload of my 
>> outline after serious restructuring.  Dynamic is the way to go.
> ​Thanks for these comments!  Are you using the latest code?
> Edward
> -- 
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Re: Proposal: remove/improve all chapter commands

2016-04-03 Thread Jacob Peck
As a daily user of chapters, these changes are long overdue.  Fire away!

FWIW, the various chapter-* commands have always been an absolute pain, and as 
you mentioned, brain dead.  I always found myself needing a reload of my 
outline after serious restructuring.  Dynamic is the way to go.


> On Apr 3, 2016, at 4:59 AM, Edward K. Ream  wrote:
> If you use Leo's chapters, please read the following carefully.  Unless I 
> hear howls of protest, I'll make the following changes. Don't panic, there 
> will be ample time for comments.
> At present, Leo's supports the following chapter-related commands:
> chapter-clone-node-to
> chapter-convert-node-to
> chapter-copy-node-to
> chapter-create
> chapter-create-from-node
> chapter-move-node-to
> chapter-remove
> chapter-rename
> chapter-select
> Imo, only the chapter-select command is needed. It should be improved, as 
> explained in point 3 below. All other commands should be removed:
> 1. The new chapters code dynamically updates the list of chapter names 
> whenever the list is needed. As a result, the user can do the following 
> commands more easily by creating, renaming, moving, copying or deleting 
> @chapter nodes:
> chapter-convert-node-to
> chapter-create
> chapter-create-from-node
> chapter-rename
> chapter-remove commands
> The old (brain dead) code needed these commands to update internal data 
> structures. The new code updates the structures as needed.
> 2. Now that @chapter nodes need no longer be children of an @chapters nodes, 
> it is easier for the user to move or clone nodes between chapters using Leo 
> existing clone, copy-node, paste-node and especially the cffm commands.  As a 
> result, these ridiculously clumsy commands should be retired:
> chapter-clone-node-to
> chapter-copy-node-to
> chapter-move-node-to
> I wonder whether anyone actually has ever used these commands. Do you?
> 3. At present, the chapter-select uses a non-standard, clumsy, way of 
> prompting for a chapter name. Instead, the Alt-x code should have a hook that 
> allows the chapters code to add/remove chapter-select commands. So after 
> chap, the user would see:
> chapter-select-(chapter-name-1)
> chapter-select-(chapter-name-2)
> that is, the list of chapter names, in alphabetical order. As always, tab 
> completion would allow the user to select the desired chapter quickly.
> Furthermore, users should be able to bind keystrokes to these commands, even 
> though they are created dynamically.  This may be a bit tricky to do, but it 
> is the correct thing to do. It maintains the desired illusion of simplicity.
> Summary
> Imo, only the chapter-select command should remain, and it should be improved 
> as just discussed.
> Chapters are almost like hoists, with the following differences:
> A. The Chapters box in the icon area.  This is useful to have even with the 
> new chapters-select-* logic in place.
> B. Selecting a chapter is not quite the same as same as hoisting an @chapters 
> node: only the children of the @chapters node are shown. This seems dubious, 
> but it was a requested feature.  It's not going to go away, although it could 
> become an option.
> Your comments, please, Amigos.
> Edward
> -- 
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Re: MD or RST?

2016-03-25 Thread Jacob Peck

Hi Rob,

I use markdown (and also coded up the initial markdown support in Leo!) 
because I'm used to it.  It's a much simpler (IMO) language to work with 
than RST for my needs.  Plus, it's basically muscle memory for me.

As for the comments thing -- markdown doesn't actually have comment 
syntax!  The entirety of a markdown file is supposed to be human 
readable /content/.  The workaround is using HTML comments, because the 
markdown spec states that a markdown parser shouldn't manipulate any 
elements that it can't identify, instead passing them verbatim to the 
finished document.

Here's the markdown spec if you're curious:


On 3/25/2016 2:07 PM, Largo84 wrote:
Edward's recent post about simplifying Leo prompted a question that 
I've had for some time. How are markdown and reStructured Text 
different, and more importantly, why (or when) choose one over the 
other? My guess is that they are different 'dialects' of a similar 
language, but with somewhat different rules. I also notice that the 
output files (@clean or @file) differ in the handling of comment 
sections depending on which @language is selected; @language md 
creates comments as if the file were an xml or html file, whereas 
@language rest creates pure rst comments (..) Maybe it's just a 
personal preference, but others' insights on reasons for their choices 
would be most welcome.


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Re: Leo 5.2-b1 released

2016-03-15 Thread Jacob Peck

On 3/15/2016 10:41 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

March 15, 2016

Beware the Ides of Leo :)

Congratulations!  Great news.


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Re: Leo reimagined: a tree/dag/view for every attribute!!!

2016-02-12 Thread Jacob Peck

Hi Edward,

Fascinating stuff.  I'm unclear on one thing though -- what you mean by 
'attribute'.  Is this just some arbitrary, user-definable key that would 
act as a name for a particular view/colored-thread?

UI would be of paramount importance in this scheme -- there's lots of 
places visually and conceptually such a powerful idea could go terribly 
wrong.  If you hide all the information that isn't immediately relevant 
(i.e., show only the black-thread DAG with no visual indication that 
there are other threads available) then you can lose a coherent view of 
the whole document.  If instead you show all the info at all times, you 
/will/ overload the user, and as a result turn even more people off of 
Leo at first blush.  A happy medium would be one active attribute, with 
small visual hints that others exist, with some set of convenient 
key-bindings to switch between them, list them, etc.  I imagine a 
combobox much like the Chapter control would help with this immensely.

One thing that comes to mind as being potentially tricky -- how does 
saving external files work?  Would the save command create all valid 
files for all valid attributes/views, or would it save only the current 
view?  What if there are collisions -- i.e. multiple views creating the 
same file with different contents -- which attribute would take priority?

I thought of a potential use case, if scripts were allowed to be created 
in one view but called from another: the 'exec(g.findTestScript())' 
trick wouldn't be required to include shared code nodes any more -- 
simply create a new view for each script pulling in the nodes you need.  
In fact, this paradigm could extend to full projects, if flexible 
enough!  The ultimate in write-once coding.

I'm genuinely intrigued by this new development.  Exciting times indeed.


On 2/12/2016 6:49 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
​​On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 6:20 PM, 'Terry Brown' via leo-editor 
> wrote:

Might be worth a look at the backlinks plug-in, which provides a
mechanism and gui for superimposing a general graph on the tree.
Graphcanvas plug-in is just another gui for the same mechanism.

​As I said in the original posting, the new scheme won't be used as a 
general graph.​

> Not ​
entirely sure I follow the 'attribute' part vs nodes,

​At the implementation level, v.parents and v.children ​get swapped in 
and out depending on which attribute is in effect for the /display/ of 
the outline. The drawing code stays the same! It doesn't know about 
the switcheroo.

​> ​
Also long ago I did demo navigation of a cyclic graph using a tree, 
not sure if that's relevant.

​I think that's something different, because the new idea gives, in 
effect, a set of layers (one per attribute). Each layer contains Leo's 
existing tree structure.

> ​
Also recalling the sea of nodes idea that's surfaced periodically.

​Thanks for reminding me of this!​ Iirc, this was B. H.'s (LeoUser's) 
suggestion. At the time he made it, I had no idea what it meant. But 
the Aha makes it perfectly clear.  Yes, the "black" threading could be 
called a preferred view, but it's just as valid to think of each node 
as being /completely independent/ of all other nodes. Each node is an 
island in the sea. Each node can participate in arbitrarily many 
threadings/ trees.

​> ​
Interesting direction, for sure.

​To repeat what I said to Kent, the question I am presently asking 
myself is what my work flow would be in the new scheme.  In some 
sense, I need a prototype, but I think pencil and paper will suffice.  
In fact, I am considering what keystrokes/commands I would use as an 
alternative to Ctrl-` (clone), etc.  No conclusions yet. I won't do 
anything until I am /sure/ that the new scheme actually simplifies Leo 
for all users, including me.

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Re: Leo reimagined: a tree/dag/view for every attribute!!!

2016-02-12 Thread Jacob Peck

Probably overstepping here, but my input is mixed in below:

On 2/12/2016 1:38 PM, john lunzer wrote:

Well, I'm certainly happy to have been part of the conversation.

On Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 6:12:20 PM UTC-5, Edward K. Ream wrote:

I see these three statements as fundamental to the data structure:

*Important*: some nodes may not have any thread running them for
some colored threads (attributes).  That's just fine. 

The only requirement is that the links defined by the red threads
must /also/ be a tree/dag. 

2. Every view (attribute) can define/create its own set of
parent/child relationships, independently of all other views.
Afaik, no other data structure is this flexible while still
remaining intuitive. 

I'm trying to really understand this.

The way it works now is there is an "underlying" directed acyclic 
graph structure /viewed as a tree/. That part is important. We could 
say that right now we only have access to a single view I'll call the 
"classic" view, with no way to modify the view. Classic referring to 
the "old" Leo where every node could have only one attribute. An 
unacknowledged unnamed attribute, but there nonetheless. Clones don't 
create views or use attributes at all, a clone is merely a node with 
more than one parent. Because we're using a tree to view the graph the 
only way to view a node with more than one parent is to show that node 
twice on the tree. This creates a sort of "pseudo-view" because clones 
result in showing redundant information in the same tree. It is the 
same tree because there is always an invisible root node which all 
other nodes descend from.

Now I'm struggling to understand this new data structure based on your 
statements. To start, any viewing of the data structure must be done 
through "views". Let's simplify things and say that the fundamental 
element in this structure is a node and a single node could have a 
headline, a body, and a list of attributes. Lets say a node cannot 
have children. To keep things simple things lets start with a 
situation where you have five nodes without a defined 
body/headline/attributes. If these nodes have no attributes there is 
no way to view and in effect it appears to the user that they do no 
exist because he/she can not access them. So I believe your first 
statement is wrong, every node needs at least one attribute.

I might be stepping on Edward's toes here, but I don't think nodes with 
*no* attributes would be viable in his vision.  I think every node would 
at least need to be connected to the 'master' view.  At least, that's 
the only sane thing I can come up with.  And if the user only ever uses 
the 'master' view for storage, and never interacts with it outside of 
that, then we'd never have completely invisible nodes.
Keeping with this simplest case the next step is to add an attribute 
to each. We could add a different attribute to each which would 
provide five views. Or we could add the same single attribute to each 
which would create one view. In this latter case of a single attribute 
what the user would see is a flat list of five nodes. Because our 
fundamental element is a node and we haven't defined a way to 
associate nodes with each other other than with an attribute a flat 
list is the best we can get. Not very interesting yet.
I think the interesting part is how we get from a flat list of nodes to 
something resembling structure.  Perhaps once we add an attribute to 
these five nodes, and we switch to that view, any restructuring we do 
inside that view is restricted to that view only.  Then it just becomes 
a matter of using the usual organizational commands/keyboard 
shortcuts/API calls.  Easy peasy :)

To make this a little more interesting let us expand the fundamental 
element to have a simple tree structure (for now let's leave clones 
out of this, every node in the tree can have only one parent). Without 
attributes again there is no view. In the simplest case the root of 
each tree could be given an attribute and children would inherit that 
attribute. If all trees had the same attribute we're starting to get 
close to what Leo is right now.

Where do threads fit into this? Attributes by themselves do not imply 
membership to a thread. Attributes do not imply any parent-child 
relationship. Attributes only collect trees into a list to be viewed. 
And in fact at this point this is almost exactly what I described in 
the previous forum thread as "hoisting a collection of nodes". In that 
case nodes as trees. For simplicity a possible restriction there could 
be the same as above, marking a node with an attribute would pull in 
the whole sub-tree and subsequent nodes couldn't be marked with the 
same attribute, this would prevent a sort of "pseudo-clone" being 
viewed in a hoisted list of trees.

In fact from this build up it appears that attributes have nothing to 
do with threads. Threads have to include parent-child 

Re: how to share @command functionality between nodes?

2016-02-05 Thread Jacob Peck

At the top of your @command node, you can do something like:

eval(g.findTestScript(c,'@common code'))

Where '@common code' is the name of a node somewhere in your outline.

(Thanks to Edward for that one, 3 years ago now!  Wow, hard to believe 
I've been using Leo that long...)


On 2/5/2016 4:20 PM, jkn wrote:
I'm getting around to writing some useful @command scripts today, and 
I wondered about what is probably a faq:

does the whole body of an @command script have to live within a single 
node? I have several commands which have common functionality,

and I want to be able to do the equivalent of 'import '.

The Scripting tutorial page tantalises with: "*you can create complex 
scripts from a node and its descendants*", but I think this

is referring to scripts written to external files.

Apologies if there is (as I suspect) a simple explanation of this 

Jon N
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Re: Looking to engage a Leo expert in a paid project

2016-01-22 Thread Jacob Peck
I know it's not quite exactly the same, but for a while I was using a 
home-brewed system I called LTD (Leo Things Done), that leveraged the 
power of Leo and a few custom plugins (now part of the codebase) to 
organize my life.  I fell out of the habit, but it was quite effective 
for me for a while.

Here's a writeup, in case someone finds it handy:


On 1/22/2016 6:35 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 8:52 PM, Richard Andersen > wrote:

Also, I do agree that a GTD use-cased based model is a great way
to focus and validate the Leo mods we're aiming for.

​Yes.  This would be an interesting project.

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Re: Configuration Screipt Pattern

2015-12-21 Thread Jacob Peck
The convention tends to be using @settings trees and the appropriate 
c.config.getX() methods, but obviously that only works for scripts run 
within Leo.  If you're writing a script for use both within and outside 
of Leo, you might want to go the other way.

My personal Leo scripts tend to hold their own configuration data in a 
<< declarations >> node, as a part of the script tree itself -- I rarely 
use the same script across multiple workbooks.

But really, it's completely up to you -- Leo is flexible enough to 
accommodate nearly everyone's individual coding patterns and workflows.  
There's generally no shortage of ways to do things in Leo :)


On 12/21/2015 12:32 PM, Rafi Bin-Nun wrote:

Thanks Terry, Let me re-phrase the question in those terms...

When running Python scripts from Leo, should Leo build a configparser 
config file and have the python script read it in with, or should the Python script pull the 
configuration information directly from Leo nodes?

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Re: Push/pop hoist?

2015-12-02 Thread Jacob Peck


Chapters provide a similar function.  I use them all the time for this 

Hope this helps!

On 12/2/2015 9:44 AM, Phil wrote:

Not 100% clear on your goal - basically cut / yank / push a subtree,
which you're identifying by hoisting, to a stack, rather than the
single content clipboard, and the copy / pop it somewhere else later?
I guess I'm confused by the mix of moving subtrees and hoisting.

The quickmove plugin provides a number of ways (including buttons) to
move subtrees to targets.  You could create a node somewhere called
"stack-of-nodes" and set it as a target for "move to first child"
operations using quickmove.  Then you'd have a button to move the
current node / subtree to the first child position of that node, so
your stack would be the children of a node in the tree, which seems

It wouldn't be hard to script a button to move those children back to
the current position - could show some code, but not sure I'm
the question?

Cheers -Terry

Terry, thanks for your response. I guess I didn't pose the question 
clearly enough; let me try again:

What I'm looking for might be called push/pop of "views" (and not 
cut/paste operations), with a "view" being what I see when I have a 
particular node hoisted. Ideally, this would also preserve the state 
of the expanded and collapsed subtrees in that view, but that would 
not be necessary. So, I don't want to change the tree structure, I 
just want to change the way I'm looking at it.

Does this help?

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Re: Push/pop hoist?

2015-12-02 Thread Jacob Peck
The 'problem' with chapters, if you can call it that, is that they 
'feel' more permanent -- you're making a change to the tree structure 
(with @chapter nodes) to accommodate it -- of course, they're disposable 
if you wish, just not transparently so.


On 12/2/2015 10:36 AM, Phil wrote:

Chapters provide a similar function.  I use them all the time for
this functionality.

Thanks for the tip, that is helpful. I had looked at chapters in the 
past but didn't really get how they work. Playing with it again, now I 
get it.

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Re: My last lecture. Part 1: Why Leo is noteworthy

2015-10-27 Thread Jacob Peck

On 10/27/2015 11:34 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
Imo, nobody could grok these advantages by reading documentation or 
reviews.  I just had to immerse myself in the new language.  Probably 
the same is true about Leo programming.
I just have to say that this is perhaps the single most salient line in 
this entire thread as far as new users are concerned.  I am very 
skeptical if there /is/ a way to make the documentation show what Leo 
can do and why people should use it.

I think that there should be a line somewhere in the docs that state 
this.  It should be clear that Leo requires an /investment/ of your time 
to understand, but that it has the potential for immense /payoff/ in the 
form of a deeper understanding of data and relations.  I think that the 
docs should be blunt when it comes to this -- there's nothing wrong with 
coddling a new user at first, but unless the docs make it clear that 
there's a time to remove training wheels and dive in, I don't know how 
many people will ever stick with Leo enough to make it useful to them.

Just my $0.02 :)


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Re: Monthly updates as advertising

2015-10-14 Thread Jacob Peck
Worked wonders for Firefox and Chrome, but both of those already had a 
significant userbase.  On the other hand, the approach they take 
obsoletes minor versions -- nearly every release is a new major version, 
often without any super-important or super-visible new features.  It 
feels like inflating the numbers simply for the purpose of saying "look, 
our software is on version 45, we're super good at coding and stuff, use 
our product!", which, honestly, doesn't say *anything* about the product 
to a seasoned computer user.

I guess what I'm saying is that there are tradeoffs -- if you obsolete 
the minor numbers, then suddenly your major version number becomes 
inflated and neigh useless.  If you stick to the common versioning 
scheme, then users have more of an idea of the state of the program... 
but you don't have the shiny big numbers that non-power-users would see 
and draw them in.

I think at least a minor version pushed out every couple of months could 
do *something*, but I'm not sure it would generate much if any attention 
at all, to be honest.  We're in a 'hub' situation at the moment -- we 
have a core group of heavy users, many of whom evangelize the product.  
The problem isn't outreach in my opinion, it's bridging the gap between 
power-users and casual-users.  A piece of software has to appeal to the 
masses if it wants mass adoption. Leo offers something for everyone, in 
my opinion, the difficult bit is *showing* that to the world.  The 
website does as admirable a job as it can of this, because Leo does *so 
much*, it's impossible to point out all it can do... it's a Turing 
complete editor!  But saying that isn't going to convince anyone to use 
it either.

Personally, I came to Leo through wikipedia, while I was looking for a 
way to organize disparate data in a way that made sense to how my brain 
worked.  Mindmaps (freemind, etc) didn't quite work for what I wanted.  
And to be honest, Leo's website didn't really sell me on the fact that 
it could meet my needs either.  I'm a tinkerer, though, so I gave it a 
shot, and found it a perfect fit.  It's a many-sized glove for 
many-sized hands, but I really can't think of a way to make that known.

...I guess I rambled a bit, but I guess what I'm saying is I don't know 
if more frequent releases would equal the kind of bump you want... but I 
also don't know what else would.  :/


On 10/14/2015 12:10 PM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
One reason Leo isn't more widely known is that it isn't widely 
advertised.  Especially now that official versions appear only every 6 
to 12 months.

The easiest advertising, and perhaps the most effective, are release 
announcements.  If I released a new version of Leo every month that 
would substantially increase Leo's online presence.

Your comments, please.

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Re: Hip will be replaced on Sept 29

2015-09-28 Thread Jacob Peck

Don't worry about email!  Focus on rest and healing.

Who knows, perhaps the time away from the code will give you the big 
Aha! you're looking for right now :)

Wishing you a speedy recovery,

On 9/27/2015 4:19 PM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
I've been focusing on the upcoming surgery lately. It will probably be 
about two weeks before I'll be able to answer email.

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Re: Seeking juicy new problems: Leo as serious PIM for GTD?

2015-09-08 Thread Jacob Peck

Hi Don,

I don't know if it helps any, but I was using Leo in a GTD-style way for 
a while.  I used a suite of scripts, along with a few plugins I wrote, 
to automate most tasks.

It worked for me for over a year, and I might just have to get back into 
it soon.  I lapsed because, ironically, too many large projects happened 
at once, and I didn't really have the time to track them all!  And then, 
you know, bad habits form quickly...

Here's a blog post on how I made it work for me:

Might not help you at all, but I thought I'd share.


On 9/7/2015 10:17 PM, Don Dwiggins wrote:


Thanks for the pointers and the Aha!

Here's another problem, although it may not be juicy enough for you 
(or just outside your realm of interest):

As I've mentioned, I've been using Ecco as a PIM for many years, with 
generally good results.  Now, however, I'm involved in several new 
projects in my personal iife, and finding myself getting swamped 
trying to manage my time.  This has led me to pick up David Allen's 
"Getting Things Done".

I'm working though ways to use Ecco in service of GTD, Dwig-style, but 
it's different enough from what I've been doing that it occurred to me 
that I might just as well use Leo for the purpose.  SO, looking at Leo 
from the PIM perspective, what might be the challenges in making it 
"sing" with GTD or some variation thereof?

Any related thoughts welcome ...


On 8/27/15 7:27 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 1:07 PM, Don Dwiggins 
> wrote:

On 8/19/15 5:38 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

I'd suggest that the focus in this "problem" should be the
mindset of Test-Driven Development, rather than the unit tests

​Leo already supports TDD in several ways.  There is @test, of 
course.  Command history (Alt-UpArrow & Alt-DownArrow) is 
surprisingly useful because it can be used to re-execute @test nodes 
(or @button nodes) easily.

Furthermore, the cheekily-named "Stupendous Aha"
should allow /any/ form of TDD to be supported in Leo comfortable.

I've just made a note to myself to document his Aha/work-flow.

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Re: Official Plugins

2015-08-04 Thread Jacob Peck

On 8/4/2015 2:59 PM, john lunzer wrote:
I think it would be nice if there was a process in place to 
differentiate essential plugins in a community sanctioned, official, 
and at least partially objective way. They could be called official 
plugins and it would provide a much smaller subset of the most 
important plugins for new users to explore.

Official plugins would ideally meet some higher quality standard and 
unmaintained plugins whose functionally degrades as Leo changes could 
lose official status.

I believe that this step is important in creating a friendly default 
user experience for new users. I have expressed this before in a less 
official manner but now that the idea of marketing Leo has come up I'd 
like to get people's opinion in this context.

Interesting idea.  I think the set of plugins enabled by default in 
leoSettings.leo covers a good set of features:

In that list, I'd swap viewrendered with viewrendered2, and also add:

Those last two are my plugins, so I'm a bit biased... but I think they 
offer valuable features.

In general, none of the above plugins do anything that would be 
deprecated as Leo grows, unless it switches GUI libraries again! They're 
also all pretty well maintained, or else feature stable.


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Re: Simple Scripting Question

2015-07-31 Thread Jacob Peck

Try this:

p = c.p.clone()
dest = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,'ActionItems')

moveToLastChildOf is expecting a position, not a name. :)

Hope this helps,

On 7/31/2015 12:01 PM, Tim Fuller wrote:
Thank you very much for the quick reply.  I'm feeling quite dumb right 
now as I'm still unable to get this to work.  I have the following 


p =c.p.clone()




But it only pastes the clone directly underneath the current.  I get 
an error in the log stating.

exception executing script
NameError: name 'ActionItems' is not defined

Can I not call a Node directly by it's name?  Or have I done something 
else incorrectly?

Thank you

On Friday, July 31, 2015 at 10:19:41 AM UTC-4, Edward K. Ream wrote:

On Friday, July 31, 2015 at 9:04:36 AM UTC-5, Tim Fuller wrote:

I am trying to get into the scripting but I'm having trouble
doing a simple operation.  Could someone please help me out or
point me to the documentation that would lead to the answer?


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Re: @clean cr/lf problem

2015-07-15 Thread Jacob Peck
That is most certainly a python 3 bug.  Once that's fixed, @lineendings 
crlf should work for you.



On 7/15/2015 2:15 PM, _spt_ wrote:

ok, here we go again!

two screen shots, spt_leo_ss1  shows one node a forth word, 
spt_leo_ss2 shows the @lang,@lineending crlf and @others.
 you can see the leo log with the error. the resulting forth_test.txt 
is not written.  Yet if i do @@lineending crlf the file will write but

with no CR's.

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Re: @clean cr/lf problem

2015-07-15 Thread Jacob Peck

Replied in IRC, but I'll post it here for clarity and 'the recordbooks':

'@lineending crlf' is a directive, not a @setting -- directives go into 
node bodies.

In your clean-strings.leo example, you had @lineending crlf in an 
@settings tree within your @clean file.  That is not going to work.

In your rst-strings example, you had it as a directive in the top-level 
@rst node -- this is how it needs to be.  No wonder your rst example was 
working, but your clean example wasn't!

So, basically, to get the behavior you're looking for out of @clean, you 
need the following in your @clean node:

@language forth
@lineendings crlf

And... nothing else.  :)

Hope this clarifies some things.

On 7/15/2015 12:13 PM, _spt_ wrote:

ok must be me (; or my code/settings.

In the IRC channel there's a link to my file if anyone would to look 
at them.

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Re: @clean cr/lf problem

2015-07-15 Thread Jacob Peck
According to the screenshot, he's running a7e2e86.  In IRC, he reported 
his python version as 3.4.3.


On 7/15/2015 3:35 PM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 1:19 PM, Jacob Peck wrote:

That is most certainly a python 3 bug.  Once that's fixed,
@lineendings crlf should work for you.

​That was fixed today at rev a7e2e86.

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Re: @clean cr/lf problem

2015-07-14 Thread Jacob Peck

Hi _spt_,

The proper setting is:

@lineending crlf


@lineending cr / lf

I just tested this with @clean and have a file that has CRLF line endings:

$ file forth-test.txt
forth-test.txt: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators

Hope this helps,

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Re: 5a78f7c: Leo shows line number in gutter by default

2015-07-01 Thread Jacob Peck

Nice work!  Looks snazzy.

The font-related settings don't work on my machine, for a few reasons in 

- gutter_font_slant is not gutter_font_style
- gutter_font_size is completely ignored by 
LeoQtGui.getFontFromParams, because strings with 'px' or 'pt' don't cast 
to an int, meaning it defaults to c.config.defaultBodyFontSize
- c.config.getFontFromParams doesn't do dereferencing, so @string 
gutter-font-family = @font-family will try to create a font of the 
family @font-family, rather than the value of @font-family, etc.

By using absolute values instead of dereferenced values, I was able to 
get everything but the size working -- that still defaults to 


On 7/1/2015 9:45 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
This completes #186 Left Gutter 
Line numbers

To disable, set @bool use_gutter = False

Here are the new settings in leoSettings.leo, with defaults as shown::

@booluse_gutter =True
@colorgutter-bg =@LightSteelBlue1
@colorgutter-fg =black
@intgutter-w-adjust =12
@intgutter-y-adjust =10
@stringgutter-font-family =@font-family
@stringgutter-font-size =@small-font-size
@stringgutter-font-style =@font-style
@stringgutter-font-weight =@font-weight

The w/y adjust settings are kludges that depend on the font size.
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Re: plugin expfolder failing to install

2015-06-30 Thread Jacob Peck
The file leo/plugins/expfolder.ini no longer appears to be in the repo, 
so the plugin is bailing when trying to read it's init file. This is a 
good sign that the plugin hasn't been workable for ages.

I don't see any author info in the plugin's docstring.  I suppose 
someone could patch this up to use @settings nodes instead of an .ini file.


On 6/30/2015 1:30 PM, Israel Hands wrote:

Leo just gets better, not sure the same can be said for me!
I can't seem to get some plugins to install - the one I would most 
like to work is expfolder - any thoughts?



Leo Log Window
Leo 5.1-final, build 20150628182415, Sun Jun 28 18:24:15 CDT 2015
Not running from a git repo
Python 3.4.3, PyQt version 4.8.6
Windows 7 AMD64 (build 6.1.7601) SP1
leoID=AGM (in C:\emacs-24.3\.leo)
load dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\leo_510\leo\core
global config dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\leo_510\leo\config
home dir: C:\emacs-24.3
reading settings in C:\Program Files 

reading settings in C:\emacs-24.3\.leo\myLeoSettings.leo
loadOnePlugin: exception loading plugin: leo.plugins.expfolder
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python34\lib\, line 1116, in _unify_values
sectiondict = self._sections[section]
KeyError: 'Main'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Program Files (x86)\leo_510\leo\core\, line 
512, in loadOnePlugin

init_result = result.init()
  File C:\Program Files (x86)\leo_510\leo\plugins\, line 
55, in init

textexts.extend(config.get(Main, TextExtensions).split())
  File C:\Python34\lib\, line 754, in get
d = self._unify_values(section, vars)
  File C:\Python34\lib\, line 1119, in _unify_values
raise NoSectionError(section)
configparser.NoSectionError: No section: 'Main'
loadOnePlugin: exception loading plugin: leo.plugins.expfolder

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OT: Org-mode + IPython interoperability

2015-06-09 Thread Jacob Peck

Perhaps someone will be interested in this?

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Re: To do: enabling/disabling plugins separately from loading plugins

2015-05-05 Thread Jacob Peck

On 5/5/2015 9:17 AM, 'Terry Brown' via leo-editor wrote:

Seems to me replacing the whole plugins list loses the current
capability of saying in this outline I want my regular list of plugins
plus this one - after the change you'd have to copy your regular list
of plugins, which would then not change when the list in myLeoSettings
This use case is covered by's @plugin nodes.  So, you 
could add an '@plugin nodetags' node to load when the 
outline loads, for example.

Currently, all loaded plugins affect all outlines, though, as far as I 
can tell...


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Re: New plugin:, adds an interactive python session to your log pane

2015-05-01 Thread Jacob Peck

On 5/1/2015 9:29 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 2:06:56 PM UTC-5, Jacob Peck wrote:

 Rev d30c0993f8 includes a new plugin,, that adds 
an interactive python session to your log pane.

This is very cool.  A few comments:

1. The code is based on Python's code module in the standard library.  
The code there is about the same magnitude as the code in the plugin, 
so the entire project is smallish.

And indeed, largely ripped off from the stackexchange thread mentioned 
in the plugin's source ;-)

2. It's off putting not to have a blinking cursor when the pane has 
focus.  It's possible that Leo's focus-handling is to blame.  Jake, 
have you looked into this?  I would rate this the most important 

This is my highest priority when I get back to picking at it.  It's on 
my list.  I do think it has something to do with Leo's focus-handling, 
or perhaps the Qt stylesheet.  *shrug*
3.  The console swallows stdout and stderr while focused, but 
properly resets it to the default values when unfocused.

Misleading. Both stdout and stderr are redirected to the interactive 
pane, as can easily be verified. Moreover, sys.__stdout__ and 
sys.__stderr__ are available should scripts need them.

Truth.  I misused 'console' there.  In that sentence, I meant 'the new 
interactive console pane' rather than 'the normal command-line 
console'.  This should be fixed -- I'll push an update soon.

Also, thanks for the hint on __stdout__ and __stderr__... Currently the 
plugin reassigns sys.stdout and sys.stderr to the values stored in 
g.user_dict['old_stdout'] and g.user_dict['old_stderr'] respectively, 
whenever it loses focus.  99% of the time, these will likely be the same 
values as sys.__stdout__ and sys.__stderr__, unless the user has some 
specific configuration in place that sets stdout and stderr to something 
else before the python_terminal plugin loads.

It should be noted in the docstring that sys.__stdout__ and 
sys.__stderr__ can be used inside the interactive pane to print to the 
proper CLI-console.  I'll add this as well.
4. The history stuff is quite useful.  It would be easy to update 
Leo's minibuffer history.  c.nodeHistory is an instance of the 
NodeHistory class defined in

Hmm, but the minibuffer lacks the ability to execute python code 
directly, no?  This !hist stores executable lines of python, not Leo 
minibuffer commands.  I'm failing to see the connection here :-/

5. The open-python-window command is much less useful than this plugin.

...I didn't even know that command existed!

Thanks, Jake, for this work.  It is intriguing.

It's strange how I hacked that together in an afternoon.  I'd been 
toying with the idea for about a year, but every time I hit a 
roadblock... then I found the Stackexchange code and it all just fit easily!


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Off-topic: jiphy

2015-05-01 Thread Jacob Peck

A neat looking project:


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Re: adding node with headline string

2015-04-28 Thread Jacob Peck

In a script or @button:

# p is the position you'd like to insert after
pos = p.insertAfter()
pos.h = 'my string'

Hope this helps!

On 4/28/2015 6:14 AM, jkn wrote:

Hi All
how can I programatically insert a node and set its headline to a 
given string please? I'm sure the answer is easy but my search-fu has 
failed me...

Jon N

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New plugin:, adds an interactive python session to your log pane

2015-04-28 Thread Jacob Peck

Hi all,

Rev d30c0993f8 includes a new plugin,, that adds an 
interactive python session to your log pane.  Here's the docstring:


Provides an interactive python terminal in the log pane.

By Jacob M. Peck


Enabling this plugin will add a new tab to the Log pane, labeled “Python 
Console”. This is a fully interactive python command shell, with access 
tog,c, andpincluded!


 * Includes support for g, c, and p
 * Each outline tab has a separate python console, with a separate
   namespace (aside from g, of course)
 * Extremely primitive tab-completion
 * Command history (use !hist to list, and !hist(n) to recall the
   n’th entry)
 * !clear to clear the console


 * The console swallows stdout and stderr while focused, but
   properly resets it to the default values when unfocused
 * Just as with scripts, if you do something dangerous, you’re on
   your own

This code is largely lifted 
with some modifications made for Leo embedding.

I hope it comes in handy for those who wish to work with Leo in a 'live' 
capacity (as an alternative to, or those who simply like to 
see a REPL while they're thinking about things :) Or those who want a 
simple calculator... or something.

Anyways, enjoy :)


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Re: Traceback leo.plugins.printing

2015-04-24 Thread Jacob Peck

Hi Lewis,

The plugin was recently removed from the repo because it was 
integrated into core.  Apparently, it was still in leoSettings.leo... 
I've fixed that as of rev 59a5eb225a8f.  Pull latest and this should be 

Additionally, you should remove it from your @enabled-plugins node in 
myLeoSettings.leo, if it's in there.

Sorry about this!  Thanks for the report.

On 4/24/2015 7:50 AM, lewis wrote:

Starting Leo latest build I see this traceback:

Leo Log Window
Leo 5.1-final, build 20150424051630, Fri Apr 24 05:16:30 CDT 2015
Git repo info: branch = master, commit = 4fa7dd5f2f3a
Python 3.4.3, PyQt version 4.8.6
Windows 7 AMD64 (build 6.1.7601) SP1
leoID=lewis (in C:\Users\lewis\.leo)
load dir: N:\Git\leo-editor\leo\core
global config dir: N:\Git\leo-editor\leo\config
home dir: C:\Users\lewis
reading settings in N:\Git\leo-editor\leo\config\leoSettings.leo
reading settings in C:\Users\lewis\.leo\workbook.leo
loadOnePlugin: error importing plugin: leo.plugins.printing
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File N:\Git\leo-editor\leo\core\, line 538, in 

ImportError: No module named 'leo.plugins.printing'
loadOnePlugin: can not load enabled plugin: leo.plugins.printing
reading: C:\Users\lewis\.leo\workbook.leo

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Re: Help: Conflicts in commit_timestamp.json after doing a clean git clone

2015-04-14 Thread Jacob Peck

On 4/14/2015 9:29 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
​ Hmm.  What I want is for commits to always update the .json file, 
but for pulls to overwrite it silently.  Surely this should be possible.

Somehow I doubt that's possible -- git has a strong policy of no 
unannounced data loss (whether or not it's always true is another 
question).  I imagine an overwritten file by a pull could not be 
silenced.  It could probably be forced, though.

I could be very wrong about this, though.

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