Linux-Networking Digest #709

1999-04-01 Thread Anonymous

Linux-Networking Digest #709, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 22:13:43 EST

  Re: PCI modems in linux? (Robert Lynch)
  Re: Even With a Dynamic IP, Can I... ("Eugene")
  Re: HELP!! Final attempt at Samba installation (Harley McClure)
  Re: Installing 3com 3c509 ethernet card with Redhat 5.2 (Chris Plachta)
  Re: How to start ftpd after ftpshut? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Lat for linux ? (Matt Payton)
  Re: Min. Hardware Requirements - Small Network ("Eugene")
  Re: Can't ping Windows 95 from Redhat Linux 5.2 (Simon Collinge)
  Re: IPChains - What simple thing am I missing? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: PPP !! ERROR ("Antony Platt")
  Re: Machine name themes - what do you use? (Richard J. Sexton)
  User Authentication & WWW Proxy ("Colin Bendell")
  Re: Web-Browser on Sparc-Linux (Craig Morehouse)
  Re: slack 3.6 & 3Com 3c509 install (Arthur Corliss)

Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 17:45:50 -0800
From: Robert Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PCI modems in linux?

Jason Hong wrote:
> I bought two modems during the past month.
> 1.  Supra Express 56K ISA Non-PNP & No-Winmodem ($108)
> It works but I had to return it back to Frys's since it connected to my
> work and school with lower than 40K.  I always get 31K speed with my
> Cardinal 33.6K modem.
> 2.  SmartLink X2 56K ISA Non-PNP & No-Winmodem($50)
> I am getting 50.6K to my office and 48-49k to my shcool.
> I am just so happy with this modem and just returned Supra back to
> Fry's.
> Where do you buy?

I have a USR/3COM 56K v. 90 internal.  I notice that when I do a "3COM
search" on that this modem is frequently marked
(various vendors and prices):

Model 1171 / 1749
- Data/Fax/ Voice
modem -
same day shipping

661787-81 White
Faxmodem Voice
-Original Model
Not aWinmodem

Maybe these vendors are starting to get the picture?

Bob L.
> I bought one computer store in Garden Grove CA.  I am sure you can find this
> kind of products from your local places.
> Jason
Robert Lynch-Berkeley CA [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Eugene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Even With a Dynamic IP, Can I...
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 23:55:56 GMT

> set up a network in my own home?  What I mean is, can I setup a linux box
> to act as a firewall and assign IP addresses using IP masquerading to
> other NT, Windows and Linux boxes in my home?

dynamically assigning IP addresses has nothing to do with IP masquerading.
You need to set up a DHCP server for that. I really don't see why you'd want
to do that on a small home network.

> But more importantly, can I setup an mail server?  This part I don't think
> is possible since the IP is dynamic.  But if you're sending mail from your


> linux box at home under the condition mentioned above, but have the reply
> address set to some other static ip'd e-mail address, that should work,
> eh?

uh-huh. You need SMTP server to send mail which also has to have a static

Theoretically, you can set up a DNS server which will resolve host names to
their IP addresses, but:
DNS server absolutey must have a static IP
There is a delay in updating the DNS entries. e.g. if the IP address of changes from x.x.x.x to y.y.y.y, DNS server will NOT update
the entry instantly. Every DNS entry has a time-to-live (TTL). It gets
updated when it expires.

"Ein Folk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer" - Adolf Hitler
"One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft's slogan


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harley McClure)
Subject: Re: HELP!! Final attempt at Samba installation
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 00:02:27 GMT

First, I'm no guru.  I do have Samba running on my Redhat Linux based
machine, but aren't doing anything serious with it, yet.  I've seen
several replies you've recieved, and would like to reinforce one of

First things first.  Is your TCP/IP networking set up correctly?  If
it's not, Samba can't work.  Can you ping from your Win95/98 machines
to the Linux PC?  How about the other way?  The first time I set up
Samba, I reconfigured the Win98 machine over and over before it would
see the server in any way.

Is samba even running on your server?  From what you've written, my
impression is that Debian requires a higher level of administrator
input and just because you've installed and configured Samba, doen't
mean it was started at boot time.  

On 28 Mar 1999 08:31:56 GMT, John Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Current "configuration" (using the word loosely!):
>Linux system;
>486/66, 16Mb, 4.3Gb, SVGA (Trident9000),3C503
>Debian linux- (works...doesn't do much without apps of course)
>X-Windows-(works...not sure what, if any, useful apps available)
>Samba (doesn't seem t

Linux-Networking Digest #708

1999-04-01 Thread Anonymous

Linux-Networking Digest #708, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 21:13:49 EST

  Re: HELP with TELNET/FTP/POP mail check from client (Doug S)
  COM ports switching? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  IP Tunneling in 2.0.x ("Alex Nobert")
  connected but network unreachable?? ("Franc Vernet")
  Re: assigning IP address to jetdirect EX card? ("Adam Bartels")
  Re: Backup-to home network HD ("Mike Harris")
  newbie nic problem ("George D. Brown")
  Re: IBM EtherJet 10/100 is not running !!! (David Hinds)
  Re: Help me spend $2,000 on a new Linux-based computer (Christopher Michael Jones)
  Installing 3com 3c509 ethernet card with Redhat 5.2 (Chris Plachta)
  Re: How to connect ISP news through Linux server ?? ("The Lone Scribe")
  postupgrade to 2.2.1 kernel ppp problem ("Ovidiu Dressler")
  Re: smbmount used to work (John Seniuk)
  Notebook PCMCIA Etherlink III LINUX support ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Encripted password (Nick Farley)
  Re: PPP connections problem with RedHat 5.2 / debugging problems (Jon-o Addleman)
  Re: Setting Up Email (Oliver Cook)
  Liux proxy (autodialing) server (Walt)
  routing by source address problem (Michael Surette)
  Pinging eth1 (AMAE)
  Re: DMA errors ("TURBO1010")

Subject: Re: HELP with TELNET/FTP/POP mail check from client
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 00:11:19 GMT

You're using your Linux box as a proxy.  You need to run some proxy
software such as SOCKS5.

Squid proxies ftp from web browsers.  I wonder why that's not working.
Check squid.conf to make sure it's configured properly.

Good luck,

On Thu, 1 Apr 1999 14:44:27 -0800, Gaku Shimizu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Hi, I am very new to this linux world and have been learning little bit at
>a time.  
>I have a problem...  I run Redhat 5.2 on my server.  I have my linux box
>connected to an existing network and assigned it the only static IP
>address I have.  Then, I attached my client computers using a hub. (I have
>2 nics in my linux box)  I run IP masquerading using the
>format and assigned dummy IPs to all my client computers attached to my
>Problem.  From the client computer, I cannot TELNET, FTP, or check POP
>mail beyond my linux box.  it almost seems like my linux server is
>restricting my Telnet, FTP and POP requests to leave the server.  All my
>client computers see the web...I am using squid.  Any ideas on how I can
>fix the FTP TELNET and POP problem I have?  Please assume that I know
>nothing about linux when you respond. :-)  Thanks...
>Gaku Shimizu
>Gonzaga University
>Spokane, Washington

The email & reply-to addresses in this post's headers are not real.
If you need to e-mail me, my real address is:

  dee oh you gee ess @ c3net . net (Read aloud and type what you say.)


Subject: COM ports switching?
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 20:06:17 GMT

My system:

homebuilt w/TX PRO II motherboard and Cyrix MII-300 CPU
ATI All-in-Wonder 4MB PCI
CMI8330 on-board audio chipset
Zip Zoom SCSI card (Adaptec 152x)

I'm running Win98 and Linux-Mandrake 5.3 (Red Hat 5.2 + KDE) and have
developed a problem.  My motherboard has two onboard serial ports, only one
of which is enabled via the BIOS.  Up until a few days ago, the serial port
was COM1 and my modem (Motorola MODEMSURFR 56k) was listed as COM2.  Now, for
no apparent reason, my serial port has become COM3 and my modem COM4.  This
presents no problems in Win98, but under Linux I can't access the modem now. 
The KPPP setup program finds the modem as /dev/cua3 (it can't use /dev/cua1
anymore), but the ATI tests return no codes and the dialer locks up at the
"setting modem speaker volume" screen.

So, my question is -- how do I force my serial port to stay as COM1?  There
seem to be no jumpers on the motherboard that would be relevant for it.


= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: "Alex Nobert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP Tunneling in 2.0.x
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 15:24:41 -0500

Does anyone have any experience with IPIP and the tunelling modules in Linux
2.0.x (Specifically -- 2.0.36 in RH5.2).  I can't for the life of me get
this to work outside of my LAN.  Can anyone give me a sample setup for
talking between two machines?

Machine A is in the subnet and Machine B is in
Machine A's IP is, B's is  I want B to have

Throw me a bone, guys =)

Is it possible my provider (Videotron Cable in Canada) is filtering out the
necessary packets?  I believe this is transmitted through UDP.  Is there an
easy way to test it?

Thanks in advance.


From: "Franc Vern

Linux-Networking Digest #707

1999-04-01 Thread Anonymous

Linux-Networking Digest #707, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 19:13:38 EST

  Re: Sendmail help please.. (Dieter Koegel)
  Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment (John Thompson)
  Re: PPP !! ERROR (Matt Long)
  Re: diald and DNS queries ("D. C. Sessions")
  Encripted password (Dereks2nd)
  Re: HELP DNS And Samba Questions.?!?!!? (Brian McCauley)
  Re: Bridging in two stages ("Wayland Reid")
  Re: NT and SAMBA (format of networkname is incorrect) (John McKee)
  Re: problem with compaq internal modem ("Curt")
  LINUX Webserver ("Ryan Riordan")
  Re: Bridging in two stages ("Wayland Reid")
  Re: Sendmail help please.. (Ido Dubrawsky)
  Re: Don't wanna run 'diald', so what else??? (Bob Hauck)
  suseppp/kppp troubles (Franc Vernet)
  Re: ZyXEL ISDN and Liux experiense? ("Adam")
  Re: Web-Browser on Sparc-Linux (Paul Hovnanian)
  Re: Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!! ("Stavros C. Kassinos")
  FAVOR_BSD? (andreas palsson)
  Re: printing through samba (Greg Weeks)
  Re: Direct connect two linux computers: something's wrong ("Leopold Toetsch")

Crossposted-To: comp.mail.sendmail,linux.redhat.misc
From: Dieter Koegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sendmail help please..
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 17:52:03 GMT


Benjamin John wrote:
> iam trying to setup sendmail so that i can use other machines to send
> mail through it.
> but i keep running into this error
> can anyone help
> Mar 30 23:15:29 firstconsulting sendmail[1643]: XAA01643:
> ruleset=check_rcpt, ar
> g1=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=[], reject=550
>  .com>... Relaying denied
> Mar 30 23:15:29 firstconsulting sendmail[1643]: XAA01643:
>>, size=0, class=0, pri=0, nrcpts=0, proto=SMTP,
> relay=[]


# Hosts that will permit relaying ($=R)
FR-o /etc/mail/relay-domains


Fix /etc/mail/relay-domains e.g.:

[oreillys]:/etc/mail# more relay-domains

Hope this helps 

Dieter KoegelEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix System Administrator (ext.) 
Systems and Operations (int.)

SAS InstituteTel:+49 6221 416 117
Europe, Middle East and Africa   Fax:+49 6221 416 195
Neuenheimer Landstrasse 28-30Mobile: +49 172 6249 428
P.O.-BOX 105340
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 07:32:26 -0600

Stuart Fox wrote:

> My argument still stands - a PROPERLY configured NT box will not blue screen

Perhaps so, but it appears that the people capable of
configuring NT "properly" so that it doesn't BSOD are
scarcer than hen's teeth...




From: Matt Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PPP !! ERROR
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 22:00:19 GMT

I've run into this problem twice. The first time it was because I had a
windmodem and didn't know it (I thought it seemed awefully inexpensive).
The second time, however, (this time with a US Robotics internal modem
with jumpers) the problem was with the IRQ and COM (cuan [where n is a
number between 0 and 3] in Linux) settings. Now if your modem is
external, you will have to consult your documentation on how to change
the IRQ and COM settings, but if it is internal, the only way to
configure the IRQ and COM settings manuyally is with jumpers. If you
don't have any jumpers, you either have a PnP (Plug and Play) modem or
you have a windmodem. I will assume that you do have jumpers.

The problem I ran into was that my mouse (serial mouse, not PS/2) was
already using COM1. Keep in mind that COM1 and COM3 use IRQ 4. COM2 and
COM4 use IRQ 3. So, I originally had my modem set to COM1 (IRQ4) so I
just switched the IRQ jumber to IRQ3 and the COM jumper to COM2. I don't
know if this addresses you problem, but this has been my experience.


p.s. You might want to poke around your /proc directory to see what's
going on.

andylow wrote:
> I had checked the interrupts but there is no proccess using my modem's IRQ.
> Andy
> andylow ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : I'm facing this ppp problem, my dial up is working fine last time
> until
> : last night when I try connect to the net, I was put off by this error.
> : Apr  1 10:58:22 spider kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
> : Apr  1 10:58:22 spider kernel: registered device ppp0
> : Apr  1 10:58:22 spider pppd[1118]: pppd 2.3.5 started b

Linux-Networking Digest #706

1999-04-01 Thread Anonymous

Linux-Networking Digest #706, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 17:13:46 EST

  Re: RedHat Lousy Support ("Mark F. Burgo ( Systems Administrator )")
  Printing to a QMS2425 printer (Peter Buelow)
  problem with compaq internal modem (dementen)
  Re: ECommerce on LINUX  {CAW} (Doug DeJulio)
  Re: Bridging in two stages ("Wayland Reid")
  Re: RedHat Lousy Support ("Bob Marley")
  Re: Confused about addresses (Charles Brands)
  problem with epic100 driver versions 1.04+ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: IP-masq and diald urgent question! (Jon-o Addleman)
  Looking for listserv / listproc / majordomo software ("Brian E. Parker")
  Re: Strange problems with PPP and RH 5.2 (Jon-o Addleman)
  recursive catching of www-pages? (Jens Hauser)
  Re: smbmount used to work ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Machine name themes - what do you use? (Jerry Cornelius)
  truncated-ip with tcpdump and ISDN (max)
  newbie and Pingaling Prob?? ("Tony s")
  Re: problem with compaq internal modem ("Lee Sharp")
  Re: smbmount used to work ("Mark F. Burgo ( Systems Administrator )")
  Help Please: Linux 2.2.5 and BT Speedway ISDN (honestly new question) ("Seyed 
  Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!! ("Stavros C. Kassinos")
  Re: Fast help - Boot-up. ("Curt")

From: "Mark F. Burgo ( Systems Administrator )" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat Lousy Support
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 11:24:08 -0500

Start the machine in single user mode and correct your problem.  It
sounds that the network card is not being configured correctly so check
the config of the card.

to start in single user mode at the lilo prompt type linux single 
providing you have named the linux config linux.


Allen wrote:
> I just had my paid support treatment today after 36 hours waiting...
> Question:
> I have just installed a 2nd NIC on my RedHat 5.2. I added an entry in
> /etc/config.modules for this EtherExpress 16 ISA card (same as the 1st NIC)
> and rebooted the PC. It is now hung on bootup.
> How do I stop the hanging? (ie. be able to log in again without reinstalling
> RedHat).
> RedHat Support reply:
> Unfortunately, the sort of configuration you ask about doesn't?t come under
> the installation support we provide.
> Any dummy can provide this kind of support. It's NOT support. It's all BS.
> I think I get better support than RedHat! I should not waste money and time
> with RedHat.
> Allen

Burgo Systems / Consulting
E-Mail: $m

Date: $d
Time: $t

This message was sent by Balsa
On RedHat Linux 5.2  
Burgo Systems / Consulting is happy to preload Linux on your new
BS/C System,  Factory Direct


From: Peter Buelow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printing to a QMS2425 printer
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 13:29:46 -0600

  I am trying to print to a QMS 2425 network printer. Currently the printer
only shows that a job appears, but the job is empty and nothing prints. I know
that at least it is talking to the printer because I can telnet to the printer
and then send a job and the printer queue updates, but the number of pages is
zero and the data size is zero. I am doing this using lpd and sending jobs
using who | lpr. Here is a copy of the relevant portion of my printcap file


You can ignore the filter, it is a simple filter that calls t3qms-remote. I got
that off of a website or something. T3QMS is in my hosts as the printer IP.  I
have tried many ways of setting this up and the HOWTO simply mentions that it
can be done, but doesn't say how. Even the remote printing section is a little
vague unless I am just reading it wrong (maybe, i've missed simpler things).
Anyway, if anyone can respond with a simple remote printing entry for printcap
or a solution, I would be much obliged.

Peter Buelow


From: dementen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: problem with compaq internal modem
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 18:27:38 +0200

My compaq presario modem 56kflex is not recognised by linux, i.e. 
cat /dev/ttyS1   >  input/output error but run very well under win95

What can i do ?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug DeJulio)
Subject: Re: ECommerce on LINUX  {CAW}
Date: 30 Mar 1999 10:12:53 -0500

Since someone asked...

E-commerce can mean a lot of things.  There are lots of sources for
some e-commerce components, such as SSL web servers, shopping carts,
et cetera.

I thought I'd mention that our company sells the e-commerce component
that actually causes money to move from one person to another

Linux-Networking Digest #705

1999-04-01 Thread Anonymous

Linux-Networking Digest #705, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 16:13:42 EST

  How to get dev_base ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: this newbie is confused over networking linux ("Lee Sharp")
  Re: Sendmail help please.. (Claus Assmann)
  Re: Sendmail help please.. (Claus Assmann)
  Re: IP-masq and diald urgent question! (Ronald Hovens)
  Re: Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ^^^  SOS IP Masq & Forward can only access some sites ^^^ ("Leopold Toetsch")
  Re: Direct connect two linux computers: something's wrong (Georg Oehl)
  Re: FTP test site ("Rich Simons")
  Re: IP Masquerading and diald (Ronald Hovens)
  Re: Installing 3com 3c509 ethernet card with Redhat 5.2 ("Antony Platt")
  Re: Machine name themes - what do you use? (Rahul Dhesi)
  Re: LINUX Webserver ("The Lone Scribe")
  HELP: My users have problems logging on... (Jerry)
  tunnel tunl1 on kernel 2.0.36 ("Massimiliano Ciancio")
  Re: PPP permissions ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Network problem!! Please HELP! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ADSL ethernet with Dynamic IP (Steve Zinck)

Subject: How to get dev_base ?
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 14:23:13 GMT

As writting RPLd, I want to send raw packet,
I had studied the kernel source and found it
is possible to call device transmit procedure,
but I cannot found the function to get dev_base.
The address of dev_base can found in,
but I thought the is not a dependable
file, if anyone knows how to get dev_base through
the current running kernel, please tell me, thanks.

Yu Qian

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: "Lee Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: this newbie is confused over networking linux
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 14:01:26 -0600

Charlie Macintyre wrote in message <7e0bla$ak7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...

|I got red hat from pcplus and thought that it would be ideal to try an set
|it up as a server. At present I use wingate as a proxy server for  my win98
|network (4pcs) . So having 1 machine which has little use I installed red
|hat . However on getting into the startx program and control pannel I am
|completely lost by the mass of windows and settings to set to bring this
|machine into my LAN.

|Is there anywhere a person can find this information in plain english?

   Paul Sery wrote a great book, The Linux Network Toolkit, and IDG
published it.  It is a bit old  but still current, and the best
walkthrough I have ever seen.


SCSI is *NOT* magic. There are *fundamental technical reasons* why it is
necessary to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI chain now and then. *
Black holes are where God divided by zero. - I am speaking as an individual,
not as a representative of any company, organization or other entity.  I am
solely responsible for my words.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Claus Assmann)
Crossposted-To: comp.mail.sendmail,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Sendmail help please..
Date: 31 Mar 1999 18:37:01 GMT

Benjamin John  wrote:

> g1=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=[], reject=550
>  .com>... Relaying denied

Look at this:

> # Hosts that will permit relaying ($=R)
> FR-o /etc/mail/relay-domains

your machine? Do you want to "permit relaying" for it?
Add it to the file, restart sendmail, and you're set.
Otherwise see:

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
[Don't send me copies of Usenet posting! It's annoying.]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Claus Assmann)
Crossposted-To: comp.mail.sendmail,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Sendmail help please..
Date: 31 Mar 1999 18:34:34 GMT

Gawain Lynch  wrote:
> I had the same issue, I resolved it by adding the hosts that I want to realy for to 
> /etc/ file and restart sendmail.

class w is for _local_ hosts, not for hosts for which you want to relay!

Please see:
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
[Don't send me copies of Usenet posting! It's annoying.]


From: Ronald Hovens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IP-masq and diald urgent question!
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 16:23:06 +0200


the solution is very simple: mention your DNS server(s) in /etc/resolv.conf
more than once (max 3 repetitions per nameserver) to increase the time out
for DNS queries.

R. Hovens

Janusz wrote:

> I have a small network and Linux RH5.2 (everything installed) connecting
> to my ISP with dynamic IP. I use IP-masq and diald to automatically
> bring up a connection.
> The problem is: when i start Netscape on a c

Linux-Networking Digest #704

1999-04-01 Thread Anonymous

Linux-Networking Digest #704, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 15:13:43 EST

  Re: Win terminal for Linux? ("Mark Janssen")
  Re: Win terminal for Linux? (Bob Nixon)
  Help connecting Win98 > Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Fast help - Boot-up. ("Klas Eliasson")
  mailserver global address book (MegaSurge)
  this newbie is confused over networking linux ("Charlie Macintyre")
  SLOW Telnet ("Tony s")
  FTP behind Firewall (jean-sebastien milliere)
  Re: Bridging in two stages ("Lee Sharp")
  two diffrent DNS?? ("Andreas Grabner")
  NT and SAMBA (format of networkname is incorrect) ("Patrick Scharrenberg")
  Re: SAMBA - Can't Logon to Server ("Mark F. Burgo ( Systems Administrator )")
  Re: Help me spend $2,000 on a new Linux-based computer (David Fox)
  inetd and Redhat 5.0 (Heath Harry)
  Re: RedHat Lousy Support ("Alex Nobert")
  NAMED help ("Matt Porco")
  Compaq Armada Ethernet (G. Stuart Mendenhall)
  Re: setting up ppp ("mad")
  Re: LINUX Webserver (Lew Pitcher)
  what dail up program for X-windows? (whywhys)
  Re: problem connecting to the internet using pppd & External ISDN modem (Clifford 
  Re: Compaq Armada Ethernet ("Lee Sharp")
  Re: Bridging in two stages ("Lee Sharp")
  Re: Help me spend $2,000 on a new Linux-based computer (David Fox)
  Re: smb_dont_catch_keepalive: server->data_ready == NULL (Joachim Holzapfel)

From: "Mark Janssen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Win terminal for Linux?
Date: 1 Apr 1999 12:51:10 GMT

Just to get the names right. The program you're running on your windows
machine is not the X-Client it's the X-Server, because it serves the
x-calls you're linux box is performing. 

Common mistake. And very confusing at first.

> Try using MI/X - a free __X client__ for Windows.  It seems 

Greets Mark Janssen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Nixon)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Win terminal for Linux?
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 17:17:15 GMT

On 30 Mar 1999 21:22:04 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stan Bischof) wrote:

>Jeffrey Altman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>: In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

>On any Windows machine simply execute   telnet 

Hmmm... he didn't say DUMB terminal.

>: Kevin White  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: : Hi, I love using my linux box, but sometimes have to work on the other
>: : boxes (Win95 or WinNT).  I would like to be able to do my linux "work"
>: : (emacs, compiling, working with files that are on my linux box, etc.)
>: : from the Win95 or NT box.  Is this possible?  Is this what a "terminal

Assuming you're on at least a base10 network, try VNC. You can port
you're wintel boxes to X or X on your wintel box's. You also can use
most WM's, including KDE for sure and maybe Gnome too. MIX is
available, simpler and a little faster but doesn't run as much X
software as VNC. It also will only do X on windows and not the other
way around. 
VNC has it's own host software for both platforms but MIX only
requires  on the linux
box, then you telnet in from windows and run Xterm & mimimize X,
that's it.

Here's links for both. VNC has binaries for both win32 and linux.



Subject: Help connecting Win98 > Linux
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 17:02:35 GMT

Help:  I want he output of program user run to display on there screen.  Such
as  Xwindows / netscape / applix  etc.  User will dial-in to my Linux box
using Win95/98

Point in the right direction.   Any help will be appricated.

Thanks in advance.


= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: "Klas Eliasson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fast help - Boot-up.
Date: 1 Apr 99 17:48:10 GMT

My linux (redhat52) hang in the boot sequense,
It when its loading PCMCIA Services...

I dont have PCMCIA so i dont wanna load the service but i cant load linux
to access for example linuxconf to take it away.

Pleeez. is ther anyway to abort/cancel a starting of a service?

//Klas, sweden


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,microsoft.public.mcis.mailserver
From: MegaSurge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mailserver global address book
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 10:10:05 -0800

My question right now is simple...can I create an address book on a linux
mail server (smail config) and be able to access it using the microsoft
outlook mail client?  If yes, then how?  Are they any docs that explain
something like this or perhaps it is very basic and I'm just not
understanding something correctly?  Please help with any information you
may have.  Thank You.

"If there is a *quintessenti

Linux-Networking Digest #703

1999-04-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #703, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 12:13:42 EST

  unable to ping host (Harald)
  unable to ping host (Harald)
  unable to ping host (Harald)
  Re: Bridging in two stages (Johannes Niess)
  Re: Networking puzzle ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: diald and DNS queries ("Leopold Toetsch")
  Re: Leafnode & Pine (Tom Elsesser)
  Re: Machine name themes - what do you use? (Daniel Pasto)
  Re: Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!! (Markus Wandel)
  Re: Help ??? (Jason Romo)
  Solution: was LPD print jobs from AIX -> LINUX failing (Zing Zing Awungshi Shishak)
  Re: Strange problems with PPP and RH 5.2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harald)
Subject: unable to ping host
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 16:29:03 GMT

sitting on the computer and watching the ping

I can ping localhost, but not other computer in the same 
network. my dear doesnt react on the ping. I must do the 
Ctrl+C to abort. Then 

3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

please help me. I have only two weeks linux experience and as 
you now I am german-speaker

PS.: ifconfig detect the HWaddr

Thank you


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harald)
Subject: unable to ping host
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 16:29:07 GMT

sitting on the computer and watching the ping

I can ping localhost, but not other computer in the same 
network. my dear doesnt react on the ping. I must do the 
Ctrl+C to abort. Then 

3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

please help me. I have only two weeks linux experience and as 
you now I am german-speaker

PS.: ifconfig detect the HWaddr

Thank you


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harald)
Subject: unable to ping host
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 16:29:09 GMT

sitting on the computer and watching the ping

I can ping localhost, but not other computer in the same 
network. my dear doesnt react on the ping. I must do the 
Ctrl+C to abort. Then 

3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

please help me. I have only two weeks linux experience and as 
you now I am german-speaker

PS.: ifconfig detect the HWaddr

Thank you


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Johannes Niess)
Subject: Re: Bridging in two stages
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 18:18:48 GMT

"Wayland Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi  could someone help me.  I've got a network design/routing/bridging

>I have a pair of LANs connected by a pair of linux boxes which are
>connected via wireless network cards (Proxim cards).  Here is a diagram to
>explain what I mean :
> .

>Everything works wonderfully.  Right now I have the Linux box on LAN A
>setup to do IP masquerading for everything behind and including the
>wireless LAN (LAN C).  This is ok. I can email, get on the web, but some
>services break, FTP notably.  Since I have a block of real IP addresses
>that I use for LAN A, I'd like to use those on LAN B as well.  I've tried
>to use the bridging code in the linux kernel, to no avail.  Perhaps I was
>doing something wrong, perhaps not.   I can give specifics if that'd be

>What I really want to know, I guess, is could the bridging work at all,
>since neither bridge (one on each linux machine) would see the IP's on the
>other side of the wireless link.  Anyone have some pointers or tips?

I have never done masquerading myself, but something about
masquerading modules comes to my mind. The right way to do it is
splitting the network.

My solution is based on these facts:

The wireless link is slower than the wired network.

The wireless "LAN" C  is only a link between 2 linux boxes.

The number of computers in network A is about the same as in network

You have official IP's for every network card

A big percentage of traffic stays inside network A and B, i. e. one
server in each network.

I'd suggest subnetting. You can split  your network in 2 smaller ones.
Instead of using a full class C (254 hosts) with netmask
you use netmask (=2X 126 hosts). Network A uses IP's
lower than ...127 and network B bigger than ...129.
This is explained in the IP subnetting mini howto.

This way you send the least traffic over the wirless link. Briding
sends every broadcast over the link.

You end up with these routing tables:

network B:
gateway:  wired card on linux box in network  B

linux box in network B (and "C"):
default route: wireless card
ip forwarding enabeled
wireless card:
private IP (

linux box in network A (and "C")
wireless card:
private IP (
ip forwarding enabeled
If you have a internet connection in A: default route: provider's

network A:
gateway: provider's router

With fixed IP's (no DHCP) you have to configure every computer. If
your link is fast enough: try

Linux-Networking Digest #702

1999-04-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #702, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 11:13:33 EST

  Re: RedHat Lousy Support (Donald Wilson)
  Re: tin does not get any data (Wilhelm Wienemann)
  Re: Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!! ("Stavros C. Kassinos")
  Re: IPSEC with kernel 2.2.x??? (David Nedrow)
  Setting up *non-default* routes through ppp0 (Walter Hunt)
  /proc/sys/kernel/nfs-root-* (Ricardo Malta Cenit AG)
  Re: PPP !! ERROR (Clifford Kite)
  PPP Auto-Dialer (Stephane POMATTO)
  Sendmail with dbm on RH 5.1 (David Ison)
  Re: RedHat Lousy Support ("Mark F. Burgo ( Systems Administrator )")
  linux networking with a proxy (Wingate / NT) ("Aurélien DELEUSIERE")
  site for newbies ("Curt")
  Re: urgent help! upgrade kernel (Ricardo Malta Cenit AG)
  Re: RedHat Lousy Support (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Problem: NFSROOT with netboot and 2.2.x (Ricardo Malta Cenit AG)
  Re: linux networking with a proxy (Wingate / NT) (John McKee)
  Re: assigning IP address to jetdirect EX card? (root)
  Re: uugetty-probls... :( (Clifford Kite)
  Re: 3c509B + 2.0.36 + 486/66 = badness (Geoff Allsup)
  Re: Machine name themes - what do you use? ("Vincent S. Kluth")

From: Donald Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat Lousy Support
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 18:00:40 -0500

Allen wrote:

> I just had my paid support treatment today after 36 hours waiting...

did you ever have to use microsoft support for items they said they don't

twice i have questioned R^ about items NOT covered by support and at the same
time emailed the manufacturers of the offending products(one was HP). So far red
hat was the only help. Are you comparing them to ms support?

win95 osr2 A product created by ms.
install it on any machine. is it supported?
why not?
because we want u to buy win 98 for fat32.


From: Wilhelm Wienemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tin does not get any data
Date: 31 Mar 1999 21:35:34 +0200

On Tue, 30 Mar 1999 19:06:12 GMT Michiel Perdeck 
> The newsreader tin does not get any data from the ISP.  It shows about 4
> groups, each of which is empty.  Whatever I do, tin does not try to get
> data from the ISP, no new groups and no messages.

> What can this be?
> I am on-line when I try this.

Check your $HOME/.newsrc file. How many entries are there?
Did you use 'tin -r'?

bye - Wilhelm

\_\_\   /_/_/ | Wilhelm Wienemann, Amselweg 10, D-47546 Kalkar/Germany
 \_\_\ /_/_/  | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_\_\/\\/_/_/   | PGP-key available on request  
   \__/\___/_/|"Wissensdurst ist die fluessige Form von Bildungshunger"


From: "Stavros C. Kassinos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!!
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 15:33:11 -0800

Hi thank you for your response Bob. 

This is a new setup that never worked at the correct speed.

In the meantime I have done some additional testing and here are some
new facts:

When I ftp from client to server I get 5kb/sec. When I ftp from server
to client I get .7Mb/sec.  An assymetric problem as you describe. 

I run ping  "ping -f -s 100",  "ping -f -s 200" etc. between the two
machines and I get inceasing packet loss with increasing packet size.
Loss gets upto 35% -- too high. I also get duplicates. 

On the client box, Ifconfig gives some frame errors:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:CC:27:4D:36
   inet addr:  Bcast: 
   RX packets:2705 errors:179 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:179

The cards on the two machines 
 Server: eth0 to ISP Kingston 110TX using tulip driver
 eth1 to LAN 3com 3c905

 Client:  eth0 to LAN LinkSys EtherFast 110TX (LNE 100) using Tulip

Thank you for you help and any new ideas :)

Bob Hauck wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Stavros C. Kassinos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > PROBLEM: The connection, even the local one just between Box-1 and
> > Box-2, is slow. FTP transfer rates are only 1-5Kb/sec!!
> Did it ever work, or is this a new problem?  If it never worked
> I would look first at routing correct, are you
> seeing errors in /var/log/messages, does ifconfig show the
> correct setup for the card, etc.
> If it used to work and just quit, it's probably hardware.  I had
> something like it happen when one of my ethernet cards decided it
> didn't need to generate interrupts.  The weird thing was that the
> slowness was not symmetric.  1->2 was faster than 2->1.
> It could also be a bad cable, bad hub, or gremlins.
> --
>  15:15:00 up 36 days,  5:38,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00


Linux-Networking Digest #701

1999-04-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #701, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 08:13:32 EST

  problem with nfs (Ali Boudani)
  ^^^  SOS IP Masq & Forward can only access some sites ^^^ ("alvin")
  change file mode by FTP? (GEMINI)
  Re: diald and DNS queries (Mike Jagdis)
  Re: Machine name themes - what do you use? ("Angela")
  Re: NT provider - new to Linux ("Mike Kokinda")
  diald and DNS queries (Ronald Hovens)
  Re: NT provider - new to Linux ("Mike Kokinda")
  Re: Leased Line Firewall (Rob van der Putten)
  no enough ip address ! (Kameneff Ivan)
  Problems setting up ISDN with debian 2.0 ("Chris")
  Re: 3c509b not found in slackware 3.6 kernel 2.2.5 (Geoff Allsup)
  Re: Setting up *non-default* routes through ppp0 (Brian McCauley)

From: Ali Boudani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: problem with nfs
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 11:37:50 +0200


i upgrade to 2.2.3 , and i have this message at boot :

nfs warning : mount version older than kernel .

so i installed the the newer version of nfs-server ( showmount --version
=2.2beta40 ) , but i have always the same message

can anyone helpe me please


From: "alvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ^^^  SOS IP Masq & Forward can only access some sites ^^^
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 18:25:19 +0800


After some months of struggling with diald and IP Masquerading, i've finally
set it upbut with some problems.

I am only able to access some websites. I suspect there might be some
problems with my ipfwadm rules, and included the rules under this message.

here's my setup :-

MY ISP == PPP ===Linux box -- Win98 clients

In case you require, I'm running the following services :-
Redhat 5.2 kernel 2.0.36
resolv.conf having the following :-
search my.domain
nameserver (my linux box ip number which is a DNS server in my
local network)
nameserver (MY ISP DNS server ip number) (am i require to put
my ISP dns ip numbers ???)
nameserver (My ISP secondary ip number)
named.conf without the forwarder and slave statement (do i need the
forwarders and slave statement??)
IP masquerading and ip forwarding turn on

My win98 workstations are configured with the following :-
Gateway = pointing to my linux box which is connected to the internet by ppp
DNS contains my linux box ip number, and both my isp dns number (do i
require to put the isp dns ip number here??)

Oh yes, by the way, I'm intending to run samba, sendmail, apache, and
probably hylafax services in the same linux box as well, will there be a
problem with IP Masquerading and Forwarding ??? Will there be any conflict
with the rest of the service???

Thanks for your help in advance.

# Some definitions for easy maintenance.
# To obtain the dynamic PPP IP address, the output of ifconfig is piped to
# grep which strips out all the lines except the one containing the address
# and pipes it to awk which strips out the 2nd field containing the address.
# The final step has sed eliminate the text string "addr:" leaving just the
# IP address. There is probably a simpler way to do this but it works for
  ISP_IP=`ifconfig ppp0 |grep 'inet addr'| awk '{print $2}'|sed -e
  echo $ISP_IP

# My fixed addresses

# Clear out whatever rules are still set
ipfwadm -I -f
ipfwadm -O -f
ipfwadm -F -f

# Start by completely denying any network access.
ipfwadm -I -p deny
ipfwadm -O -p deny
ipfwadm -F -p deny

# Deny spoofed packets.
ipfwadm -I -a deny -V $ISP_IP \
   -S $FIRE_NET \
   -D $ALLIP
ipfwadm -I -a deny -V $ISP_IP \
   -S $ISP_IP \
   -D $ALLIP

# Allow unlimited traffic within the local network
# (All all traffic on the ethernet interface - attached to the
# Linux file/print server. This does not affect the behavior of
# the PPP/Internet connection.)
ipfwadm -I -a accept -V $ME \
 -S $ALLIP \
ipfwadm -O -a accept -V $ME \
 -S $ALLIP \

# Allow outgoing TCP packets for the specified protocols
# I use duplicate rules for both the specific PPP IP address (obtained
# from the first command line in this script) as well as the firewall
# subnet. The first rule allows you to access the Internet from the firewall
# network since outgoing packets use the PPP connection IP as their source
# address (Note that this is superfluous if you follow the instructions
# in chapter 11 that remove most network applications from the firewall to
# increase security.) The second rule permits computers on the firewall
# and the private network to reach the Internet since they arrive at the
# PPP interface with the source address of the Linux file/print server which
# routes packets fro

Linux-Networking Digest #700

1999-04-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #700, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 06:13:40 EST

  Re: IP_allow help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: NT provider - new to Linux (Kristinn R. Kristinsson)
  IP MASQ Problem HELP!!! (Jason)
  Re: Network Monitoring ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  modem problem (Felix Lam)
  Re: Machine name themes - what do you use? (Tony Wright)
  Re: NT provider - new to Linux (Richard Steiner)
  Re: using DNS server(named) and external dns server. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  [Fwd: Windows 95/98 -> to linux Samba; diald problems] (Ronald Hovens)
  Using Standard Ethernet V2 and IEEE 802.3 simultaneously (Wouter Liefting)

Subject: Re: IP_allow help
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 08:29:55 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Mark Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All
> I'm using RedHat 5.2 as a mail server.  I need the machine to accept (for
> relay) mail from just about anyone.  Any ideas?  is there something I can
> put in the IP_allow file to do this?
> Thanks in advance!
> -Mark

Here's my step-by-step...

Bruce Benson, Senior Engineer,
7926 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 900
McLean, VA  22102-3365
+01 703-448-0210 x211

keywords: email client error 551 relaying relay denied.  we do not relay. 
relay not allowed. sendmail configuration. /etc/mail/relay_allow

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: Kristinn R. Kristinsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NT provider - new to Linux
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 22:55:44 GMT

In article ,
  "Lee Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Kokinda wrote in message <7dqoh8$clc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> |I am an NT webhost just starting to add Linux servers to our network..
> |Looking for opinions on whose version to run.
>Project Independence has a nice install, a
> mature GUI, and nice GUI tools.  It is based on Red Hat 5.2, and will have a
> final release soon after Red Hat releases 6.0.  It is still very nice now,
> however.
> Lee
> --
> SCSI is *NOT* magic. There are *fundamental technical reasons* why it is
> necessary to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI chain now and then. *
> Black holes are where God divided by zero. - I am speaking as an individual,
> not as a representative of any company, organization or other entity.  I am
> solely responsible for my words.

Independence? Never heard of them! And not even being released makes it
something I wouldn't put on a workstation with an itchy reset-finger, let
alone a server. Them being based on RedHat is not my idea of a good
recommendation. GUI tools and mature GUI ,, and a nice install is definately
NOT something one should look at when looking at adding servers to a network.
 Debian does that job well.  Sure, the install maybe a bit more difficult and
may take a little while longer than RedHat, but in return you get a kickass
server. Why Debian over RedHat? - Just compare the RedHat errata to its
counterpart at Debian.  Only a handfull of vulnerable things at Debian as
opposed to such a number of vulnerabilities that it would make Microsoft
ashamed. - Upgrading? Debian beats RedHat hands-down.  Upgrading from Debian
2.0 to Debian 2.1 is just a matter of two commands (short ones -- is there
anything apt can't do?=).  And you don't even have to reboot!  AFAIK this is
not the case for RedHat. - Stable? Debian 3, RedHat 0.  The Debian team
doesn't release anything unless they're 100% sure it works, and works well. 
RedHat releases when it thinks its MARKET is ready.  This makes all packages
more stable than .. uh.. something really, really stable.

So, uhm.. Debian would be my pick.

"We want to take over the world but we don't have to do
it by tomorrow - its OK to do it by next week, or even next month "
--- Linus Torvalds

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


Subject: IP MASQ Problem HELP!!!
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 05:37:44 GMT

I have a cable modem running on Linux Redhat kernel 2.2.2. ipchains

I has worked in the past with this kernel for a few months until I
upgraded to a PII 450.

Everything works fine but MASQ kills my route after a few minutes.

I have had IP Masq running before but I can't figure out what is wrong.
I have a 2 netgear 10/100 cards:

one eth0: private
two eth1:  internet

I have setup everything that needs to be done to the kernel.  I think is
my be
the routing or ipchains?

I can use the linux box without a problem to the web but wh

Linux-Networking Digest #699

1999-04-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #699, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 04:13:47 EST

  Re: PPP connections problem with RedHat 5.2 (Jon-o Addleman)
  Re: PPP connections problem with RedHat 5.2 (Jon-o Addleman)
  Re: Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!! (brian moore)
  Re: Can't get netatalk-1.4b2 compiled on RH5.2 and gcc (Wouter Boussemaere)
  Re: Newbie to Linux (Tomasz Sienicki | tsca)
  SIOCSIFNETMASK: bad value (Tomasz Sienicki | tsca)
  Re: RedHat Lousy Support ("Allen")
  Re: Need to configure routes at boot ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 3c509b not found in slackware 3.6 kernel 2.2.5 ("Todd Goyen")
  Re: VPN via PPP over SSH routing trouble (Tim Wood)
  Installing eth cards (AMAE)
  Re: Newbie FTP Problem (esac)
  Re: Help with company address book - LDAP? (Alfred Gebert)
  PPP !! ERROR ("andylow")
  Re: IP_allow help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  RedHat Lousy Support (Villy Kruse)
  Help ??? (Adrian)
  RedHat 5.2 PPP hell (Frank Corey)
  Re: Machine name themes - what do you use? (Desmond Coughlan)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jon-o Addleman)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PPP connections problem with RedHat 5.2
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 23:41:18 GMT

Once upon a  Tue, 30 Mar 1999 18:20:31 +0200, "Jean-Claude"

>In addition to minicom, I am opening another window and launch pppd like
>this : /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/modem 28800
>But no way !!!

Quick point: you'll probably  want to use a number much higher than
28800 to allow for compression. There's no harm from using the max of
115200. (unless you're using a much slower modem -  my 2400 didn't
like it)

Jon-o Addleman


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jon-o Addleman)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PPP connections problem with RedHat 5.2
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 23:42:38 GMT

Once upon a  Tue, 30 Mar 1999 17:48:37 +0200, "Jean-Claude"

>If you are successful with minicom and a script, I'd like to have your point
>on this : I am trying to do the same and I get connected to some extent...
>What I can read on minicom is :
>   Entering PPP session.
>   IP address is
>   MTU is 1500
>Then nothing... till I get disconneted a few seconds later...

That's curious... It should start spitting a jumble of odd characters
out when it's ready to start PPP. Perhaps it's using some
authentication that I don't know - PAP or CHAP - though I don't
*think* that it would ask for your login in that case. Did it work in
windows without tweaking?

Jon-o Addleman


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!!
Date: 1 Apr 1999 03:27:53 GMT

On Wed, 31 Mar 1999 15:33:11 -0800, 
 Stavros C. Kassinos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On the client box, Ifconfig gives some frame errors:
> eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:CC:27:4D:36
>inet addr:  Bcast: 
> Mask:
>RX packets:2705 errors:179 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:179

That would point at bad cables in my experience.

>From one of my machines:
eth0  Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:97:24:FD:A5
  inet addr:xx.xx.xx.xx  Bcast:xx.xx.xx.xx Mask:
  RX packets:11933768 errors:66 dropped:0 overruns:62
  TX packets:12060794 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  Interrupt:11 Base address:0x300 

A MUCH lower error rate. 

Try replacing the cables.

(And, yes, you can see assymetric failures with bad twisted pair cables,
since one pair is Tx and one is Rx, the system with the icky Rx pair
will have problems receiving, though less problems sending.)

You may also want to see why you're running in promiscuous mode: that
will generate a LOT of extra interrupts (though not too bad on a
two-machine LAN).

Brian Moore   | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
  Usenet Vandal   |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
  Netscum, Bane of Elves. Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


From: Wouter Boussemaere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't get netatalk-1.4b2 compiled on RH5.2 and gcc
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 09:42:35 +0200

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

"Benny K.Y. Li" wrote:
> hi,
> I was trying to build netatalk 1.4b2 on Red Hat 5.2(kernel 2.0.36) with
> gcc 2

Linux-Networking Digest #698

1999-04-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #698, Volume #10  Thu, 1 Apr 99 02:13:40 EST

  Re: 3c509b not found in slackware 3.6 kernel 2.2.5 ("Todd Goyen")
  Re: Web-Browser on Sparc-Linux (Morely Dotes)
  Leafnode & Pine (Tom Elsesser)
  Re: Is Ether Express PRO/10+ (ISA) supported by RH Linux 4.1? (Morely Dotes)
  Re: PPP ERROR  (Clifford Kite)
  Re: NFS help: RH5.2 i386 - RH5.2 Sparc (Louis LeBlanc)
  Re: Win terminal for Linux? (Stan Bischof)
  filenames with spaces (lisa)
  6 Days of Solutions for Network Admins, April 7-8 '99, Santa Clara, CA (Jennifer 
  Re: what dail up program for X-windows? (. =?big5?B?dS0tpHNfX19fX19fX19fLw==?= .)
  3COM 3csoho100-tx driver ? (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Ra=DFid?= In Da Hat)
  Re: Web-Browser on Sparc-Linux ("Richard Van Fossan")
  Re: RH5.2 is driving me nuts! ("Scot E. Wilcoxon")
  Samba 2.0.3 and Win98: netlogon not working ("Robert Haxel")
  Re: Linux behind Proxy (microsoft) (Edward Lee)
  Re: 3c509b not found in slackware 3.6 kernel 2.2.5 ("Todd Goyen")
  Re: VPN with NT and Linux (Richard Pitt)
  Re: Automatic start Two Ethernet Card at boot time  (Sean Fancey)
  Re: Help me spend $2,000 on a new Linux-based computer (Dr Paul Kinsler)
  Re: Even With a Dynamic IP, Can I... (K Lee)
  urgent help! upgrade kernel (nico lai)

From: "Todd Goyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3c509b not found in slackware 3.6 kernel 2.2.5
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 03:48:01 GMT

I have just run
ifconfig eth0
and it knows the irq which is now 3 and the ioport which is now 300
but just typing ifconfig still doesn't see it
any ideas?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Morely Dotes)
Subject: Re: Web-Browser on Sparc-Linux
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 20:57:45 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>Hi everybody,
>I'm looking for a Web-Browser that I can use on an Sparc Station 5 that is
>running on Sparc-Linux (Redhat 5.2).
>Is here anybody, who can give me a hint, what is the best one to use on
>such a system?
>The bad thing is that one can't compile Netscape by himself. :-((

Actually, Ralf, Netscape did go open-source about 9 months or a year ago, 
though I no longer know where to look for the sources.

Barring that, however, Lynx will certainly let you navigate, even if you do 
have to download the graphics manually.

 "Opt-out is a cop-out."  -  Jerry Bookter
 [ No "courtesy copies" via e-mail, please. ] 
 This message was tested on small, cute, furry animals
 who cried piteously while it was being read to them.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Elsesser)
Subject: Leafnode & Pine
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 03:46:57 GMT

 I am trying to get Pine to recognize my local machine running
leafnode as the nntp server. Pine is looking for a .newsrc file, but
leafnode doesn't generate one AFAIK. I can't seem to figure the right
combination for Pine to do this. Can anyone help me with this?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Morely Dotes)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Is Ether Express PRO/10+ (ISA) supported by RH Linux 4.1?
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 21:06:42 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sean Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is the Intel Ether Express PRO/10+ (ISA) supported by RH 
>Linux 4.1 (kernel 2.0.27)? The HOWTO says the Ether Express PRO/10 
>is already included in the early 1.3.x kernels but I couldn't set it 
>up on my system. I am wondering whether I should keep trying or buy 
>a new card or upgrade the kernel. 
>If this help, the card uses Intel S82595FX chip.

Sean, I think you need to walk down the hall and talk to Donald Becker 
[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] who will know if there is such a driver and 
may even have a copy.

 "Opt-out is a cop-out."  -  Jerry Bookter
 [ No "courtesy copies" via e-mail, please. ] 
 This message was tested on small, cute, furry animals
 who cried piteously while it was being read to them.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clifford Kite)
Crossposted-To: aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PPP ERROR 
Date: 31 Mar 1999 20:17:42 -0600

andylow ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: I'm facing this ppp problem, my dial up is working fine last time until
: last night when I try connect to the net, I was put off by this error.

: Apr  1 10:58:22 spider kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
: Apr  1 10:58:22 spider kernel: registered device ppp0
: Apr  1 10:58:22 spider pppd[1118