kde frontend: LyXFunc or LyXView

2000-06-16 Thread Marko Vendelin

current CVS does not compile with KDE frontend due to the difference in
Dialogs class definition for KDE and Xforms frontends. Namely, Dialogs
class constructor expects LyXView* as its argument in Xforms frontend
(src/frontends/Dialogs.h src/frontends/xforms/Dialogs.C) and LyXFunc* as
an argument in KDE frontend (src/frontends/kde/Dialogs.C).

Error message:

# ./configure --with-frontend=kde
# make 
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../src -I../../../src/
-I../../../src/frontends/ -I../../.. -I../../.. -I/usr/lib/qt-1.44/include
-I/usr/include/kde -I/usr/X11R6/include -g -O -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions
-ansi -W -Wall -Wno-return-type -Wp,-MD,.deps/Dialogs.pp -c Dialogs.C -o
Dialogs.C:13: prototype for `Dialogs::Dialogs(class LyXFunc *)' does not
match any in class `Dialogs'
../../../src/frontends/Dialogs.h:119: candidates are:
   Dialogs::Dialogs(class Dialogs )
../../../src/frontends/Dialogs.h:117:  Dialogs::Dialogs()
../../../src/frontends/Dialogs.h:55:   Dialogs::Dialogs(class LyXView *)



Re: kde frontend: LyXFunc or LyXView

2000-06-16 Thread Marko Vendelin

 all development has been done with the xforms code. The code in the kde
 directory was written as proof of concept a long, long time ago. As such, it
 has lagged behind...
 You are correct to report that the code in kde/Dialogs.C is inconsistent with
 that in xforms/Dialogs.C. It is wrong and should be
 Dialogs::Dialogs(LyXView * lv)
   dialogs_.push_back(new FormCopyright(lv, this));
   dialogs_.push_back(new FormPrint(lv, this));
   dialogs_.push_back(new FormPreferences(lv, this));
   // reduce the number of connections needed in
   // dialogs by a simple connection here.
 Note, however, that this code won't compile either as no Print and
 Preferences dialogs for kde. Commenting them out will allow the code to compile
 (and maybe even link??) but the resulting executable will not have these
 dialogs. Seems a bit pointless, no?
 If, of course, you wish to write the missing dialogs...

The attached small patch allows to compile kde frontend. The resulting
executable misses FormPrint and FormPreferences dialogs but shows
FormCopyright using kde libs.



GTK/Gnome frontend and string class

2000-07-11 Thread Marko Vendelin

I've tried to add some elementary support of GTK/Gnome frontend to LyX.
The composed code and collection of configure .m4 scripts brings the GTK
frontend to the same level as KDE one --- showing the copyright dialog
box. In the code I used GTK-- and GNOME-- libraries (C++ wrappers of GTK
and Gnome libraries). 

GTK-- and GNOME-- rely on STL string class which is not good enough for
LyX on my platform (i386, redhat linux 6.0, egcs-1.1.2 or gcc-2.95.2).
This is a problem since in LyX string class is typedefed to lyxstring and
the resulting code does not link properly with GTK-- and GNOME--
libraries.  The following solutions to this conflict between GNOME/Gtk and
LyX popped into my mind:

1. Use GTK/Gnome libraries directly (in C) without C++ wrappers

2. Make LyX compatible with the string class included in libstdc++ by
   fixing files src/support/lstrings.C (lines 184 and 201, 
   string::compare) and src/lyx_cb.C (line 1109, algorithm copy and string

3. Include GTK-- and Gnome-- into LyX (as sig++) and compile this
   libraries with lyxstring.

4. Find better implementation of STL for Linux and use its string
   class with LyX and GTK--/Gnome-- (current CVS version of gcc/libstdc++
   is not good enough to compile LyX).

Which of these (or any alternative) solutions should be used for LyX
GTK/Gnome frontend?



Re: GTK/Gnome frontend and string class

2000-07-12 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 | 2. Make LyX compatible with the string class included in libstdc++ by
 | fixing files src/support/lstrings.C (lines 184 and 201, 
 | string::compare) and src/lyx_cb.C (line 1109, algorithm copy and string 
 | interaction).

 You mean unfixing I hope.
 The lyxstring tries to be close to API compatible with std::string.

Well, it should be possible to find API and libstdc++ compatible
implementation. For example, instead of comparing string and char*
directly (src/support/lstrings.C, lines 184 and 201), one can make
temporary string object from char* and compare it with other string. It is
not as effective implementation as the current one, but it will work just
fine with libstdc++. It is hard for me to say how to re-implement the code
in src/lyx_cb.C (line 1109) to make it compatible with libstdc++ since STL
is very new to me. 

 | 3. Include GTK-- and Gnome-- into LyX (as sig++) and compile this
 |libraries with lyxstring.

 Isn't Gtk-- and Gnome--- a bit large for that?

Yes, it is. However, we can include scripts that build Gtk--/Gnome--
automatically with lyxstring instead of std::string. At least, the
resulting frontend code should work fine and we can drop it later (after
release of libstdc++-v3).

 Can we have an interim solution where we use char* to communicate
 between lyx-core and the gtk frontend? When Gcc 2.96 is released it
 will hopefully be with the new libstdc++-v3 library, and then there
 will be no problems.

This will require isolation of Gtk/Gnome frontend code from the rest of 
the LyX code. For example, it will be not possible to include even
src/frontend/Dialogs.h directly from the frontend implementation since it
contains "#include "LString.h"". I think such solution will lead to
unnecessary code in LyX.


GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-14 Thread Marko Vendelin


the attached patch together with additional files included into the
.tar.gz archive adds elementary support for GTK/Gnome frontend: configure
scripts, Gtk/Gnome initialization, Gnome event loop processing, and
Copyright dialog box implementation.

It should be easy to use this code on the platform with good STL string
implementation. In such case you need standard gtk, gnome, libsigc++ ,
gtk-- and gnome-- libraries.

On my platform (redhat linux 6.1, egcs 1.1.2) LyX uses LyX string class
instead of STL string. To use gtk-- and gnome-- with LyX I recompiled
these libraries after replacing "#include string" by "#include
"LString.h"" in the source files of the libraries. To make our life easier
I've written two small scripts that patch gtk-- and gnome-- libraries and
compile them. Please note that running these scripts is DANGEROUS since it
may change your source files. The following are instructions for getting
Gtk/Gnome frontend running in the platforms that lack good STL string
implementation (it worked on my platform):

* install Gtk, Gnome, and libsigc++

* download gtkmm-1.2.1.tar.gz and gnomemm-1.1.10.tar.gz from
  http://gtkmm.sourceforge.net/download.html (click "sourceforge download
  area" on this page)

* create a new directory and copy gtkmm-1.2.1.tar.gz,
  gnomemm-1.1.10.tar.gz, lyxgtk.sh, and str2lyxstr.sh
  to this directory (lyxgtk.sh and str2lyxstr.sh are attached to this

* cd to this directory

* read and edit script lyxgtk.sh (set source and install directories)

* run script lyxgtk.sh

* include directory with installed new gtk and gnome libs to PATH and
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH as first directories (subdirs bin and lib,

* cd to lyx source directory

* run autogen.sh

* run configure with the following options:
--with-frontend=gtk --without-included-libsigc --disable-sigctest 

* run make

Please note, that compiled Gtk--/Gnome-- libraries are usable only with

Finally, to make configure script working I had to disable
AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS in configure.in (line 66). Otherwise gnome configuration
scripts were not working properly. It will be very nice if someone with
good knowledge of configure.in magic would take a look on this problem.




# This script is DANGEROUS! It replaces 
# "#include string" with "#include "LString.h"" in the files in 
# current directory (recursively!). This can change YOUR source files. 
# Use it at your own risk.

FILELISTCC=`rgrep -r -l "#include string" . | grep "\.cc"` 
FILELISTH=`rgrep -r -l "#include string" . | grep "\.h"` 
FILELISTGEN=`rgrep -r -l "#include string" . | grep "\.gen_"` 

cat $i | sed -e 's/#include string/#include "LString.h"/g'  .tmpfile
mv .tmpfile $i


# This script is DANGEROUS! It uses script srt2lyxstr.sh to replace 
# "#include string" with "#include "LString.h"". This can change YOUR source files.
# Use it at your own risk.

# extracting GNOME-- and GTK--
tar zxvf gnomemm-1.1.10.tar.gz
tar zxvf gtkmm-1.2.1.tar.gz

# Please specify the directories with GTK--, GNOME--, LyX source, and the directory 
# to which new GTK--/GNOME-- libraries should be installed.

# Please note that script creates temporary directory $GTKMMDIR/../.tmpdir . 
# Change the script if this is not acceptable for you.


export MAKE="make"



# gtkmm

./configure --prefix=$LIBINSTALLDIR 
echo -e "all: \ninstall: \n"  gdk--/tests/Makefile
mv src/gtkmmproc ../.tmpdir
mv ../.tmpdir src/gtkmmproc

make install


# gnomemm


./configure --prefix=$LIBINSTALLDIR --disable-gtkmmtest 


make install
cp src/gnomemmConf.sh $LIBINSTALLDIR/lib



Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin


 It seems that we miss an .m4 file which defines AM_PATH_GTK (and
 probably others). It is now impossible for me to compile for xforms,
 since the configure file produced by autoconf is plain wrong...

I've obtained a fresh copy of lyx-devel this morning (cvs checkout) and at
least xforms frontend works fine here. Current cvs should contain new


Please check, whether you have these directories in your local copy and
whether autogen.sh script contains a huge line with 

"for fil in config/lyxinclude.m4 config/libtool.m4 config/gettext.m4
config/lcmessage.m4 config/progtest.m4 config/sigc++.m4 config/kde.m4
confi g/gnome/aclocal-include.m4 config/gnome/gnome-print-check.m4 ..."


Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin

 I do have all this files, but I think you have some gtkxxx.m4 files in
 your /usr/share/aclocal (or whereever) directory, that got installed
 when installing gtk. A simple check: grep AM_PATH_GTK
 config/gnome/*.m4 reveals that this macro is used there, but never

I see! The attached tar.gz and small patch to autogen.sh adds 1 .m4 script
(config/gnome/gtk.m4). I've tried to generate configure script with
minimal amount of files in /usr/share/aclocal and it worked now in my
system. Sorry for the mess.



Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin

 We certinly need the AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS, since otherwise checks for the
 C++ compilers features are done with the C compiler :) I put it back
 in, and added an AC_LANG_CPLUS_PLUS later. 
 In general, configuring with AC_LANG_CPLUS_PLUS would be better, since
 we will compile with the C++ compiler. If the gnome scripts are broken
 with C++, they should be fixed. What are the errors? I cannot test,
 since I do not have gnome installed here.

Well, it seems that script gtk.m4 fails to compile a small gtk program
with AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS. When I inserted AC_LANG_C before AC_TRY_RUN
(gnome/gtk.m4, line 65) and AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS at the end of this script,
the program was compiled. However, the configure script produced slightly
different Makefile (one CPPFLAGS option was missing). Thus, to resolve
this problem one needs to run AC_TRY_RUN with AC_LANG_C and somehow keep
the configuration of AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS. I don't know how to do it.

 PS: Marko, are you on the lyx-devel list?

yes, almost for an hour already :).


Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin

 Could you show us this small program? It might be that it uses a
 valid C syntax that is not valid C++. These things are easy to fix in

I mean the program used inside the script (gtk.m4) for checking GTK
libraries installation. 


Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 25 Jul 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 Yes, I understand. But which one is it? And what is the error message
 in config.log?

I've checked out the latest version from cvs and everything worked fine!
GTK, gnome, gtkmm, gnomemm were configured without any errors. Thus, it is
hard for me to reproduce the problem.


Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 25 Jul 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 Yes, you should comment out the AC_LANG_C at line 89 of configure.in.

AC_TRY_RUN compiles gtk program with C++ compiler instead of C compiler.  
That's why environment variable CFLAGS doesn't have any effect (see line   
58, file config/gnome/gtk.m4). If we add line


after line 58 then this test is passed.  


Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 Well I guess that gtk is a ONLY C library and so does not compile with
 a c++ compiler (only a guess but I already had such problems on linking!)
 Why don't you test only for gtk-- as you need that one?

That's a good point. We can use gtk--/gnome-- only as it is now, but I am
not sure whether gnome-- covers libgnome functionality completely. Since
all the scripts seems to be working now we may either leave as it is or
remove unnecessary scripts. However, if we will need anything directly
from gnome libraries we should add these scripts later.

Both solutions should work. To check it, I've removed GNOME_INIT,
GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS, GNOME_X_CHECKS from configure.in file, leaved only
config/gnome/gtk--.m4 and config/gnome/gnome--.m4 in autogen.sh script and
everything configured/compiled just fine.


Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-26 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 On 26-Jul-2000 Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  I think we should try the pure C++ route and remove the rest for now.
  Therefore, we'll have to think twice before using the C functions
  directly (or force the foo-- people to improve their support).
  Could you send a patch?

The patch is attached. Before committing it I propose to move files
gnome--.m4 and gtk--.m4 from config/gnome to config and remove directory

 BTW.: We were discussing about your naming of the src/frontends/gtk
   directory. Are you planing to do GNOME port or a GTK port?

It seems to me that GNOME port will be easier to accomplish since GNOME
libraries have several useful additions comparing with plain GTK. For
example, to implement About dialog with GTK I had to write small class
with actual implementation. The GNOME has this kind of dialog box already
and it is consistent with the similar boxes of other GNOME applications
(Gnumeric et al.). I think that this consistency with other GNOME
applications is very important and it should make learning and using LyX  
much easier for new users.

I am going on vacation this Friday and, unfortunately, I didn't have any
chance to work on LyX recently. To keep the porting to Gnome rolling it
might be wise to ask for help from Gnome programmers. However, before
announcement in Gnome news site we should be absolutely sure that
gnome/gtk frontend builds cleanly and LyX menu/toolbar system is ready for
porting. I think that there will be a great interest to this port but it
may vanish quickly if LyX is not ready yet. 

To build LyX as it is now with gtk/gnome frontend enabled one has to 

1. add symbolic links that point to ../xforms/Menubar_pimpl.C,
   ../xforms/Menubar_pimpl.h, ../xforms/Toolbar_pimpl.C, 
   ../xforms/Toolbar_pimpl.h from src/frontend/gtk

2. add these files to Makefile.am file listing (libgtk_la_SOURCES)

3. run configure with the following options:
   --with-frontend=gtk --without-included-libsigc --disable-sigctest

4. make



Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-26 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 I thought too that you don't need to add the --without-included-string but if
 you don't the compilation aborts on lyx_gui.C with some strange error-message
 from LString.h that someone is included in the wrong order (I lost the whole
 message on the xterm so I cannot copy it to this mail), but after rerunning
 configure with --without-included-string compilation went good, ...

On my system (redhat-6.1, gcc 2.95.2) I don't have this problem.
"--with-frontend=gtk --without-included-libsigc --disable-sigctest " works
fine here.


Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-27 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 26 Jul 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  "Juergen" == Juergen Vigna [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Juergen BTW.: This now is in cvs and working it seems, now Marko has
 Juergen just to provide the Menubar and Toolbar pimpl files
 Juergen (otherwise they have to be linked in from the xforms
 Juergen directory)!
 It would be a good idea to grab what Alejandro did last year. He made
 these abstract tool/menubar from the old devel branch for gnome.

I would like to look on the code, but for some unknown reason I can't
reach Mexican mirror of LyX site : http://www.mx.lyx.org/glyx/ . Maybe I
need a visa? Anyway, can someone send me the code developed for gLyX?


Gnome frontend: Menubar implementation, patch included

2000-08-09 Thread Marko Vendelin


this patch adds Gnome/Gtk menu to LyX. Since menu is a part of Gnome
application main window, a small main window class (GLyxAppWin) is added
too. Eventually, when LyXView will be ported to Gnome or LyX main window
will be GUI independent, GLyxAppWin will be replaced. Thus, when compiled
with gnome frontend support, LyX has two windows: LyXView (without
menubar) and new GLyxAppWin (with menubar).

The following two problems occured:

Manubar::update : Since Gnome menu may be easily used as toolbar by
"tearing off" the menu, I had to update constantly state of the widgets as
it is done for Toolbar. This means that after each keypress by user LyX
has to check state of all the actions presented in the menu. Is there any
way to register a callback function which is called when the
corresponding action state has changed? Will it be more effective than
walking through vector with actions and asking the state of each action?

Shortcuts: Gnome applications have common shortcuts, such as F3 for Open
File, for example. Which shortcuts should be default for LyX --- as it is
now or common Gnome ones?



RE: Gnome frontend: Menubar implementation, patch included

2000-08-09 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 Applied will commit soon (just let me test it ;)

You need to set up two symbolic links to compilelink it:



RE: Gnome frontend: Menubar implementation, patch included (fwd)

2000-08-09 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 Well my first impression is it works ;), it is VERY slow on update, but
 probably you will solve this. IMO as first work it looks good #:O), let's
 see how the toolbar works then ;)

I think it is slow due to XForms event handler. To make it fast one needs
just to add a loop

for (int i=0; i5; ++i) Gnome::Main::instance()-iteration(FALSE);

instead of running Gnome::Main::instance()-iteration(FALSE) only once per
loop in LyXGUI::runTime(). So, I think that this problem will disappear as
soon as all LyX events are handled by Gnome.


Re: Some words to frontends!

2000-08-09 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 1. For Marko (and mybe other people who want to support another frontend):
The Menu_pimpl you did is nice but as you surely have seen there are
some bases which do not work and so the whole menu-stuff is really not
good working. IMO you should for now concentrate on the dialogs (as they
can be fully implemented and it's really enough work for now)

I think you are right. However, can you be a little bit more specific
about "some bases which do not work". May be I can fix it before moving on
with other parts? 


Re: Some words to frontends!

2000-08-10 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

Then you could help us with hints for what you need f.ex. in LyXView so
that you really can use the GNOME-menus or/and toolbars when you make that
one work.

I've took a first look into toolbar implementation and I am wondering why
this implementation is so different from Menu? It seems to me that menus  
and toolbars are quite similar: (a) they both provide link between user's 
mouse (keyboard) and LyX command, (b) they both have to be updated 

The main difference between tool- and menubar which I see is the fact that
Menus are hierarchical. However, we can decode the menu levels for use in
the toolbars as follows:

main-toolbars  collection of the toolbars in "normal mode"
|-- general-toolbar  --- present toolbar
|  |-- layout   --- selection box in the toolbar (Standard et al)
|  |-- fontsize --- new selection box (for example)
|-- math-toolbar
Thus, it is possible to use very similar interfaces for menu- and 
toolbars. Wouldn't that make writing-/configuring LyX easier? Or I don't  
see some important difference between toolbar and all these menus? :)


PS: I'll start to work on the dialogs meanwhile...

Gnome frontend: print inserturl dialogs

2000-08-14 Thread Marko Vendelin


the following patch together with additional files in tar.gz archive add
Print and InsertUrl dialogs to Gnome frontend.

The dialogs were implemented using Glade and its C output. I've tried to
use glade-- to produce C++ output , but the result was far from complete
since glade-- doesn't cover Gnome very well and produces the code for
older version of Gtk--. So, I decided to use clear and fully functional C
interface instead of incomplete C++ one.

The patch includes changes in configure script to check for Gnome
installation (the check is before AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS); some small cleanup
in config/lyxinclude.m4 (frontend help message); and enhancement of the
performance of Gnome menus.

To compile this patch you need to copy all unimplemented dialogs in Gnome
frontend from Xforms frontend (or set up corresponding symbolic links).



Re: Gnome frontend: Menubar implementation, patch include

2000-08-14 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 On 13-Aug-2000 Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
  Sorry to interfere... but I'd love to have GTK LyX without required to
  install Gnome. Would it be too much trouble supporting GTK without Gnome

You need to install Gnome libraries only, not complete Gnome. By using
Gnome libraries it is easier for me to write the code since there are
several useful classes (widgets) which you will find in Gnome
libraries only. In addition, using the Gnome libraries allows me to add
some nice small features to dialogs which are not there in Xforms
frontend. For example, history in the dialog entry box (it remembers your
last 10 inputs). 

 You're allowed to support this and send a patch for a clean gtk frontend ;)
 I guess we core developers don't work on the frontend side (only the xforms
 one as we have to build a base for the porters) all others are made by
 people who would like to see their prefered toolkit supported.
 So if you want a clean GTK frontend "do it yourself" or find some one
 (maybe on the gtk-lists) to do it for you #:O)

I think it will be better to join the forces and complete one frontend
first. It should be relatively easy then to port Gnome frontend to Gtk (or
vice versa).


Re: Gnome frontend: print inserturl dialogs

2000-08-14 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Allan Rae wrote:

 On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Marko Vendelin wrote:
  The dialogs were implemented using Glade and its C output. I've tried to
  use glade-- to produce C++ output , but the result was far from complete
  since glade-- doesn't cover Gnome very well and produces the code for
  older version of Gtk--. So, I decided to use clear and fully functional C
  interface instead of incomplete C++ one.
 So are you using anything from gtk-- and gnome-- now or will it all be
 done using gnome and gtk directly?

No, I use the mix. The menus are implemented in gnome--/gtk-- with small
exception: update function uses gtk calls directly. I can use gtk-- there
too, but there is no reason to do so.

For dialogs the situation is a little bit more complicated. I generate C
source code to create dialog and process some elementary callbacks (such
as disabling entries according to the state of radiobuttons or adjusting
minimal value of "To" field when "From" field is changed /* To=From */).
Then, in dialog ::show method I use gtk-- wrapper to get pointers for all
dialog elements that are required by update/apply methods (there is no
need to check value of the label, for example). These pointers are used
for communication between FormXXX and dialog using signal/slot mechanism
common in gtk--/gnome--. Actually, the implementation is easier than it
sounds --- take a look into FormUrl.C ::show, update, and apply methods
(or FormPrint for lengthier example).

  To compile this patch you need to copy all unimplemented dialogs in Gnome
  frontend from Xforms frontend (or set up corresponding symbolic links).
 Maybe you should try some automake magic to create the symlinks at compile
 time.  Try filling in the BUILT_SOURCES variable and then provide targets
 that create the symlinks if needed.

Well, I'll better try to catch up :)


Gnome: FormToc FormIndex

2000-08-17 Thread Marko Vendelin


this patch ports two more dialogs to Gnome frontend. I've also included
all glade project files that were used for all ported dialogs. It would be
nice to have these files in CVS too.

The patch fixes some small bugs in Gnome GUIRunTime_pimpl.C (we still have
to include FORMS_H_LOCATION to compile LyX).



RE: Gnome: FormToc FormIndex

2000-08-17 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 I had a look at the patch and the files and have some more comments ;)
 - I've seen that the *callbacks.c files are just empty containers and IMO
   they should be removed as they are not needed.

not all are empty (diaprint_callbacks.c). Well, the rest are empty, that's
true. In general, more complex dialogs will require some callbacks. I
think that if we will remove these (empty) files then we will have to
postprocess Glade-generated _interface files which include _callbacks.

 - would it be possible to postprocess the .[ch] files so that we can get
   .[Ch] files as we do with fdesign generated files? (I would help to
   implement this if you like it!)

In all computers that I've seen, gcc compiles files faster than g++. Do we
need to have compilation times longer? :)

 - I don't see project files do you mean the .glade files? I did add the
   directory and files the last time too!

yes, these are "project" files for each dialog.

 - what is this support.[ch] is it always generated by glade?

yes. at least one function is used by me directly: lookup_widget.

 - I had a look at Menubar_pimpl.C and have seen the composeUI function in
   which you search for some commands to probably use some standard, GNOME
   menu items for them, but why to you use the command-string and not directly
   the action-int inside a switch like:
   kb_action action;
   string argument;
   if (lyxaction.isPseudoAction
   action = lyxaction.retrieveActionArg(ac, argument);
   action = static_castkb_action(ac);
   switch(action) {
   gitem = Open(cback);
   case LFUN_QUIT:
   gitem = Exit(cback);

This is much better implementation. Should I change it or you will make

 - I will also have a look why some menu-items are never enabled and/or
   displayed wrong.

Is it Gnome-specific or the same trouble is with XForms implementation?


RE: Gnome: FormToc FormIndex

2000-08-18 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 I guess the callbacks should go into the FormXxx files and so we can
 remove this additional files and yes we have to postprocess the .[ch]
 files I've seen that already, so if you move the callbacks you use into
 the FormXxx implementation I see then to get rid of the #includes in
 the interface files and we should make a Makefile in the dialogs-directory
 which can produce the right files and postprocess them automatically
 (if I'm not mistaken glade has some sort of export option at least I've
 seen this in the archimedes project)

I'll move the callbacks to FormXxx (actually, FormPrint is the only one
that needs it). 

  In all computers that I've seen, gcc compiles files faster than g++. Do we
  need to have compilation times longer? :)
 Well I let Allan or others explain why they would like .C files instead of
 .c files I'm not the expert here #:O)

I'm eager to hear it. Or is it FAQ-type question and I should look into

  - what is this support.[ch] is it always generated by glade?
  yes. at least one function is used by me directly: lookup_widget.
 Yes but is this generated for each .glade file you process or do you have
 to call glade with some special option to process it? And does glade use
 this then or you have to use the functions for your implementation?

Generally, glade produces this file for every project. However, as far as
I have seen it is almost identical each time. You can desire not to
produce this file, but Glade assumes that you have one in the code it
produces. And there is at least one function which is really required by
my implementation: lookup_widget.

  This is much better implementation. Should I change it or you will make
 Well it's your baby :)

I'll patch it.

 This is Gnome-specific, I had a look and there is some problem with the
 update of the menus. While in the xforms part the menu is rebuild when
 I press on a menu-button this does not happen in gnome. I will have a better
 look but you should try too as you know better than me how gnome-menus
 work ;)

I think that the problem is in the way LyX calls "update" function. For
example, when I press "Undo" in the menu, the "Redo" command is still
disabled. I have to move and click mouse in LyX working area to get it
enabled. I would predict, that the toolbar should have the similar


RE: Gnome: FormToc FormIndex

2000-08-18 Thread Marko Vendelin

 I think that the problem is in the way LyX calls "update" function. For
 example, when I press "Undo" in the menu, the "Redo" command is still
 disabled. I have to move and click mouse in LyX working area to get it
 enabled. I would predict, that the toolbar should have the similar

Undo/Redo problem disappeared when I called update() after executing LyX
action in "void Menubar::Pimpl::callback(int action)". However, I don't
think that this is the right place to do so.


RE: Gnome: FormToc FormIndex

2000-08-18 Thread Marko Vendelin

 If it's always identical we could just modify it and leave it there as a
 class helper function.


 Well I tracked this down till LyXView::showState which updates the right
 things and the toolbar than is updated. If showState is not called there
 is no update at all! IMO there has some logic to be changed, but I've no
 clue where to start looking at this, maybe we should just wait for Jean-Marcs
 return and hear what wise things he has to tell us :)

I suppose that we need to call update after each action is executed
regardless of the source of the action (menu, toolbar, pipe).

 Then now I get some gtk errors when I'm inside a tabular like this:
 Gtk-WARNING **: invalid cast from `GtkMenuItem' to `GtkCheckMenuItem'
 Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkcheckmenuitem.c: line 144 (gtk_check_menu_item_set_active):
 assertion `GTK_IS_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (check_menu_item)' failed.
 Gtk-WARNING **: invalid cast from `GtkMenuItem' to `GtkCheckMenuItem'
 Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkcheckmenuitem.c: line 144 (gtk_check_menu_item_set_active):
 assertion `GTK_IS_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (check_menu_item)' failed.
 Could you have a look at them?

Well, I can't reproduce it (or I don't undestand how I can get into this
"tabular" thing :) ). However, if you know any LyX action which changes
its state after you enter tabular from "plain action" to action which can
be toggled (LyXFunc::ToggleOn or LyXFunc::ToggleOff ) then you should know
the cause. Namely, when the menu is composed I use either regular or if
the action is toggled on/off --- GtkCheckMenuItem. Do you know any means
how can I know on beforehand whether the action is toggleable?


RE: Gnome: FormToc FormIndex

2000-08-18 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

  Well, I can't reproduce it (or I don't undestand how I can get into this
  "tabular" thing :) ). However, if you know any LyX action which changes
  its state after you enter tabular from "plain action" to action which can
  be toggled (LyXFunc::ToggleOn or LyXFunc::ToggleOff ) then you should know
  the cause. Namely, when the menu is composed I use either regular or if
  the action is toggled on/off --- GtkCheckMenuItem. Do you know any means
  how can I know on beforehand whether the action is toggleable?
 That's the problem and IMO therefore the xforms implementation remakes the
 menu on the fly when it is opened. The problem is that we have only 4 states
 Disabled, Enabled, On and Off. To know this before we would need 6 of them
 Disabled, Enabled, On, Off, OnDisabled and OffDisabled!

Hmm. Can't we have  LyXFunc::Disabled | LyXFunc::ToggleOn and 
LyXFunc::Disabled | LyXFunc::ToggleOff ?  This means that it is the
responsibility of the programmer that implements some new action to define
its state this way (we can use LyXFunc::ToggleOff as the default for
this kind of actions).


some qustions: FormCitation, FormTabular

2000-08-21 Thread Marko Vendelin


before porting these dialogs to gnome frontend I would like to ask the
following questions:

FormCitation: I think that there is an important functionality missing in
this dialog. Namely, I really miss "Search" and bibtex parser. In my work,
I use bibtex database which has more than 1000 entries, each key is very
lengthy containing author names, journal name, pages, year, ... So, when
the current implementation of FormCitation is fired up, I see huge amount
of keys (unsorted!) with almost no hope to find the right one :(. Thus, it
will be nice to have at least a possibility to search the references. To
make looking up of the references a little bit more fun, I would like to
have a columned list with author names, title, year in the separated
columns. This means that I have to parse the contents of the
blist[i].second field. How should I implement it? Do we have bibtex parser
within LyX? What should I expect to find in this field?

FormTabular: It looks like the functionality of this dialog box is
duplicated (partly) by Edit/Table menu. What is an expected evaluation of
this dialog? Will it be just used for borders or we will have two way
to add/remove columns ... ? Or maybe we will have a special toolbar for

Finally, how can I fire up FormGraphics? Menu?


Gnome: Menu patch

2000-08-22 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 - I had a look at Menubar_pimpl.C and have seen the composeUI function in
   which you search for some commands to probably use some standard, GNOME
   menu items for them, but why to you use the command-string and not directly
   the action-int inside a switch like:
   kb_action action;
   string argument;
   if (lyxaction.isPseudoAction
   action = lyxaction.retrieveActionArg(ac, argument);
   action = static_castkb_action(ac);
   switch(action) {
   gitem = Open(cback);
   case LFUN_QUIT:
   gitem = Exit(cback);

here comes the patch that implements it.



anoncvs.lyx.org www.lyx.org down?

2000-08-31 Thread Marko Vendelin

ping does nothing, 

traceroute to aussie.lyx.org (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
11  Norge2.NO.eu.net (  34.076 ms  33.891 ms  36.877 ms
12  storeslem.troll.no (  42.640 ms  46.310 ms  36.874 ms
13  * * *


Gnome: FormCitation

2000-09-01 Thread Marko Vendelin


this patch adds FormCitation implementation for Gnome frontend. I've
extended the standard features of this dialog by (1) adding a small BibTeX
parser for presenting authors, title, journal name and year in the
bibliography list; (2) adding the possibility for search the records that
contain user-specified word(s). The dialog remembers its size, sizes of the
paned views, and sizes of the columns in the list. 

I had to implement the BibTeX parser since I am not familiar with YACC
which is used by other BibTeX-parsing programs. At least, it parsed
all my BibTeX files.

There is one performance issue which I would like to outline. It seems to
me that LyX loads BibTeX files every time when FormCitation is called. It
might be OK if the files are small, but for databases with more than 1000
records the loading takes several seconds. Can't we cache the BibTeX files
as it is done by Emacs with reftex package, for example?

Finally, is there anybody working on natbib support?



Re: InsetRef suggestion: comments please

2000-09-08 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 8 Sep 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 Let's face it: if you want to a tearable menu to change when the
 cursor moves you will have to do _something_. What I would try to do
 if I were to write the gnome frontend is first to build the menus at
 update() time and see whether it causes performance problems. If it is
 the case (and it might be), I would create the menus in set(), cache
 the status of each lyxfunc used and, at update() time, change the
 state of the entries of the existing menu (like for the toolbar) on a
 case by case basis. For OptItems, one would have to insert/delete
 entries in the existing menu (which should be possible). And with a
 bit of double buffering, this should work well enough.

The problem is whether menus and toolbars should have their own means to
track the state of LyX actions or there should be some general way to
inform about the change of the status to all interested parties. At
present, we have to check the status of each lyxfunc used in the menus and
toolbars during update. I think that this leads to duplicated code and to
unnecessary CPU load.

The other solution is to implement some kind of state machine which will
completely describe the current state of LyX (which documents are open,
cursor positions, TOC, LOF, LOT, LOA, bold on/off, emphasize on/off, ...).
Every time when some state is changed this machine will notify all GUI
elements (menu, toolbar, status bar, programs connected through lyxserver)
by distributing a signal to all interested parties with exact description
of the change (for example, title of section 3.1 is changed). I think this
solution should lead to faster and cleaner code, but maybe I am wrong...  
The second advantage is that we can store the state of this machine during
GNOME (KDE) logout and load it during login. Maybe something like this is
implemented in LyX already and I just don't know anything about it or it
has been discussed and rejected already. If true then sorry for spam.


Re: GUIRuntime init ?

2000-09-09 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, John Levon wrote:

 My question is what would break if this was moved into the ctor
 for LyXGUI, making GUIRuntime a non-static, with LyXGUI storing a pointer
 to it ?
 Would the Gnome stuff break ? Marko ?

no problem. it should be very similar to kde.


Re: GUIRuntime init ?

2000-09-11 Thread Marko Vendelin

Juergen, Gnome implementation has a tiny bug: the strings app_id and
app_version should be static too due to a "feature" of Gnome--.


Re: InsetRef suggestion: comments please

2000-09-12 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 11 Sep 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  "Marko" == Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Marko The problem is whether menus and toolbars should have their own
 Marko means to track the state of LyX actions or there should be some
 Marko general way to inform about the change of the status to all
 Marko interested parties. At present, we have to check the status of
 Marko each lyxfunc used in the menus and toolbars during update. I
 Marko think that this leads to duplicated code and to unnecessary CPU
 Marko load.
 Do you have evidence that the calls to LyXFunc::getStatus() have a
 high cost? I think that having checks all over LyX code (Oh, we just
 changed the font! let's tell the menu about that) would have a high
 readability cost on the kernel code. Of course, if a profiler shows
 that getStatus is very expensive...

You are right, LyXFunc::getStatus() is not expencive. I've tried to move
cursor through the document and took almost the same amount of time to
reach the end of the document regardless to whether I updated the menus
or not. However, it is interesting to note that CVS version of LyX is
consederably slower than LyX 1.1.5 (compiler options are different?).

 Also, what kind of duplicated code are you thinking about? 

Since toolbars and menus are almost the same, I have to implement status
tracking for both of them. For example, toolbar may contain TOC too.

 My first idea when designing this code was to have an abstract
 interface for the different frontends (with add() calls and things
 like that), but Asger somehow convinced me that with some GUI toolkits
 it is not possible to add an entries to a menu one by one (now I
 believe he was just drunk, but the code is written).


 Marko Every time when some state is
 Marko changed this machine will notify all GUI elements (menu,
 Marko toolbar, status bar, programs connected through lyxserver) 
 Anyway, you will have to scan the menu to see what element is
 interested in bold setting, won't you?

No. I can connect using 
.connect( bindint(slot(this,Menu...::update),item_index))

In this case, no scan is needed.

 Marko distributing a signal to all interested parties with exact
 Marko description of the change (for example, title of section 3.1 is
 Marko changed). 
 I guess you are interested in this one for the TOC menu. I admit that
 having the TOC menu in a tearable menu (and unfortunately many people
 will want to do that) will be a big problems (exactly for the same
 reason why the TOC popup does not refresh automatically). What I'd do
 for now is have an "update" entry on top of TOC menu entries, like for
 the TOC popup. It is a bit ugly, but it should work...

I think we can come up with a better solution. I'll try to build up the
service which will notify interested elements on the change of the state
of Lists (TOC, LOA, List of the documents, etc.). The update() method of
this service should be called only during an "idle" state of LyX when LyX
is entering this state (where can I insert such kind of idle processing in
LyX?). Such service will help us to remove Refresh button in TOC popup


[patch] tracking lists changes, (was InsetRef suggestion ...)

2000-09-13 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Allan Rae wrote:

 There shouldn't need to be much if any bending.  As Marko pointed we could
 end up with a TOC in a menu, a toolbar and a dialog.  They all still need
 updating.  I'd prefer that they were triggered by the same update()
 signal.  A TOC menu that isn't visible, and a dialog that is closed won't
 be connected to that update signal so we won't be wasting time updating
 something that the user can't see.  

Well. If we don't want to mess with each gui toolkit internals and change
the menus only if they are visible then we have to update the status of
each menuitem regardless to its visibility. Its the way it is done in
gnome frontend and the good news is that it is quite fast (at least I
haven't seen any slowdown of LyX due to this constant update). I would
expect the same in KDE frontend code. However, we don't have any lists in
the menus yet in gnome.

 The toolbar TOC is likely to be just a
 copy of the menu TOC (Marko?) so it would only need to be updated when the
 user opened it (it's not a tearoff as well is it?). A torn-off menu and a
 dialog would both be connected to the signal and need the same update
 info.  Probably shouldn't pass "section3.1: The new title" that is likely
 to difficult to do anyway (maybe get away with passing a Paragraph
 const), just say "update yourself" instead.
 So we can at least share the same update signal between the different
 Where do you activate that signal from?  We should hopefully only need one
 or two places in the kernel for any given signal.  The cursor movements
 should only need one place for example.  The paragraph update signal could
 probably be in the same place but with a test to see that we have crossed
 a paragraph boundary.  Triggering an updateTOC signal should be possible
 from some common area of code -- everything that causes a change to the
 contents of a paragraph will ask for a redraw of the paragraph won't it?  
 Then put the update signal there with a test to make sure the paragraph
 would appear in the TOC to avoid unnecessary calls.

The patch included with this mail adds a new class to src/frontends. This
class (ListsTracker, any better name???) keeps the copies of TOC, LOF,
LOT, and LOA. If any of this lists changes, the corresponding update
signal is emitted. The update signal says just "Update using XXX list"
without any specific detail of the change. I've used this class to update
FormToc in Gnome frontend and it seems to me that we can remove "Refresh"
button in this dialog :).

The only problem which I see in current implementation is the place in LyX
kernel which should call the ListsTracker update method. I think that this
method should be called only if LyX has nothing better to do and only once
during this "idle" state. I am not aware know such a nice place in lyx
code = it will be nice if someone with better knowledge of lyx internals
will find such a place. At present, it is called in LyXView updateToolbar 
and showState methods (makes lyx reallly slow).

Actually, I think we can extend the same technique to track the changes in
all LyX actions. However, taking into account that current implementation
works quite fast it might be not feesable now.

 I'm not sure I like the way this thread is heading -- we could end up with
 a big ugly mess if we don't try to share more stuff between similar things
 like menus, toolbars and dialogs.

to better code?



Gnome Menubar update

2000-09-14 Thread Marko Vendelin


this patch adds TOC and *Formats menu items to the Gnome menubar
implementation. TOC menu updates itself automatically using the
ListsTracker class. The current implementation doesn't support large TOCs
and you can't manage your references via Gnome menu yet. However, the
current implementation is easily extendable to show LOT, LOF, and LOA as
soon as LyX Menu will support these lists.



Re: [Jules Bean jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk] Various (math-mode) HMIimprovements

2000-09-15 Thread Marko Vendelin

 a) If something's easy  quick in LaTeX then it should be easy  quick 
in LyX (unless it really isn't very common).
 b) Actions which are used frequently should be a single key-press,
even if that's not very easy to remember.  You learn it.
 c) Actions which are used rarely should be mnemonic -- easy to
remember -- even if they are multiple keypresses.  Things you do
rarely you care less about the time it takes to perform.

I would like to bring up one more example where emacs clearly outshines
LyX. Namely, if you try to insert citation in emacs (reftex mode) you are
asked for regular expression, presented with the list of matching items
and your new citation is in the text. If you want to remove citation ...
just use Backspace key. If you want to add new citation to the list of
citations ... regular expression, list, select. Finally, and I think it is
very important, all these operations do not require any dialog boxen and
you may even sell your mouse if the emacs is the only program you use :).
On contrary, when you try to add new citation to the citation list in LyX,
(1) you have to trigger somehow the citation box (I know only how to do it
with mouse), (2) find a new dialog box in your screen and move there with
your mouse, (3) dig into the huge list of the items (you're lucky if you
use Gnome frontend since you can search for items :) ), (4) press a button
in the dialog to add citation. If you want to remove the citation from the
list, then again you have to go through the dialog box. The same (almost)
holds for insertion of references, url, index ...

Wouldn't that be nice, if I press M-i i and LyX main window will split to
two areas with focus on the action area, I would enter search string,
select the item from small list and enjoy writing a Discussion section
with fresh citation inserted! 

^K^K Hopefully we can develop LyX with problem-oriented approach in mind,
not as a big mess of dialog boxen and C-S-z X for simple tasks.


PS: Isn't $ for math mode and % for comment a part of the great LaTeX

Re: patch

2000-09-15 Thread Marko Vendelin

 Incidentally, I haven't actually configured my setup to use kde, just hacked 
 the Makefile in src/frontends/kde a little. I'm running kde2.0Beta4 on this 
 box. It was compiled my someone in Austria, I expect with g++. I run cxx 
 here. Am I right in saying that I won't be able to link in the libraries 
 because the two compilers are incompatible? Anybody got any opinions 
 on/experiences of this?

Compaq cxx on Alpha? Then you cannot link with g++ libs. It is written
somewhere on Compaq cxx alpha-linux pages (release notes?).


Re: [Jules Bean jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk] Various (math-mode) HMI improvements

2000-09-15 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 15 Sep 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  "Marko" == Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Marko On contrary, when you try to add
 Marko new citation to the citation list in LyX, (1) you have to
 Marko trigger somehow the citation box (I know only how to do it with
 Marko mouse), 
 The corresponding shortcut is then shown in the minibuffer.

Well. If I want to add new citation to already existing citation list, it
shows only "Opened inset" to me :(.

 Marko (2) find a new dialog box in your screen and move there
 Marko with your mouse, 
 As far as I know, all popups appear under the mouse cursor.

Is it a feature of XForms or LyX-XForms? Or I am missing something in


Re: [Jules Bean jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk] Various (math-mode) HMI improvements

2000-09-15 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 15 Sep 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Lars You don't need to master regeps to use them "lars" is also a
 Lars regexp.
 But then you have to understand why . * and many others behave
 All I meant to say is that regexp support is not a top priority for
 many users, IMO. However, it may happen soon since it is a priority
 for many of the coders :)

Any good library (C/C++) which is able to check whether a string matches
given regexp. Return value TRUE/FALSE/invalid regexp is expected :)


[patch included] Re: [Jules Bean jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk] Various(math-mode) HMI improvements

2000-09-15 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 15 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 | Any good library (C/C++) which is able to check whether a string matches
 | given regexp. Return value TRUE/FALSE/invalid regexp is expected :)
 We already have that included under src/support so it is easy to use.

The following patch adds support for regexp search in FormCitation (Gnome


PS: BTW, what about my patches submitted earlier (tracking TOC changes and
adding TOC to Gnome Menubar) ?


Re: [patch included] Re: [Jules Bean jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk]Various (math-mode) HMI improvements

2000-09-15 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 15 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 One not however: do not use defines, ever!
 #define CONF_COLUMN "column"
 should be 
 static string const CONF_COLUMN("column");

I will submit a patch with all these defines removed. But can you tell me
why should we avoid the defines (I presume only with strings) ?


Re: [patch included]

2000-09-17 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Dekel Tsur wrote:

 On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 07:32:28PM +0300, Marko Vendelin wrote:
  The following patch adds support for regexp search in FormCitation (Gnome
 Why not filter the entries in the citation list (i.e. show only the ones
 containing the regexp) instead of search?

Actually, it is a filter.


Re: patch

2000-09-18 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 BTW.: I got a bit out of sync with KDE/GNOME patches as I had to wait
   for Lars to have a look at one of them, could you please tell me
   (John  Marko) which ones haven't been aplied?

Gnome patches are


They both depend on TOC lists tracking implemented in the first patch.
These patches were results of the discussion on the GUI update policy of
LyX. Note, that in the present form the first patch may slow down LyX
considerably as indicated in the e-mail.

All other patches (Gnome frontend) were applied.


math-mode feature or bug?

2000-09-18 Thread Marko Vendelin


I would like to report the following bug in the mathmode:

1. create a new document (File/New)
2. open math-mode by clicking on the toolbar or by selecting Math/Math
   Mode in menu
3. type "\alpha " and enjoy LyX dumping a core.


PS: I hope it is not only in my build (Gnome frontend)

Re: patch

2000-09-18 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 18 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:
 |  BTW.: I got a bit out of sync with KDE/GNOME patches as I had to wait
 |for Lars to have a look at one of them, could you please tell me
 |(John  Marko) which ones haven't been aplied?
 | Gnome patches are
 | http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel%40lists.lyx.org/msg14188.html
 The idea is good, but the current way to update the lists is not good
 at all. I tink we will let this be suboptimal for the time beeing and
 leave everything as it is.

What do you mean by "suboptimal"? Is it the basic idea of updating the
list(s) by using buffer()-getTocList() (that means parsing LyX document
for headings etc.) or that it is done after every action and not
during "idle" time?

 Later we (or atleast I want to) have separate insets for headings,
 then it will be easy to emit the signals directly from the buffer when
 headings etc. change.

That would be nice. It should be the same for figures, tables, algorithms
and references too.


Re: Dialogs only resizeable in one direction?

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Allan Rae wrote:

 Actually,  I've been trying to figure out how to fit everything into the
 tabbed area without requiring a dialog that is 2048pixels wide.  I'm very,
 very slowly getting there.  At present it looks like I'll switch to a
 nested tabbed dialog scheme and hopefully have plenty of room for each set
 of tabs.

Maybe you should implement this dialog in Gnome frontend? It allows you to
have scrollable tabs. So, 2048pixels should not be a problem :).


[gnome] UI improvements menu patch

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin


the first part of this patch adds TOC, ViewFormats, UpdateFormats, and
ExportFormats to Gnome menu. TOC is updated by "Refresh" button, as
suggested by Jürgen earlier. 

The second part of this patch resulted from the discussion on LyX user
interface. I've added a possibility to ask user for information using a
special area in the main window. For example, if you want to insert a new
URL or Index then after selecting the command from menu or by keyboard
shortcut the main window will split into two parts (LyX buffer and action
area) with dialog appearing in action area. This area is closed if you
(a) type URL, tab, name and hit Enter or OK button; (b) press Escape
or "Cancel" button; (c) some other "action" (insert Index) will be
selected. I would like to use this approach for dialogs that may appear
quite often during a typing process (FormIndex, FormUrl, FormRef,
FormCitation and others). It seems to me that this approach leads to
faster typing since it allows you to do all your work by keyboard only and
it doesn't cover your main text with the dialog.

I've rewritten completely FormUrl and FormIndex. FormCitation works only
in one mode: insert new citation. This dialog asks for keyword(s) or
regular expression and then displays all the citations witch match your
search string. It would be nice to get some feedback from people 
interested in Gnome frontend...

Finally, is there any way to select Inset by keyboard only. I can move
into math-mode or tabular or figure float by just moving around with arrow
keys. However, if I move around Inset then all I can achieve is to have a
cursor before or after inset. Wouldn't that be nice to have "selected"
mode for insets where I can hit Enter to edit it?



Re: [gnome] UI improvements menu patch

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Allan Rae wrote:

 Can't you just make it that this menu can't be torn off?

I think its not nice. I would even suggest that it will one of the most
popular menus to tear off :(. However, even if I disable this feature then
I will have to compose menus on the fly as it is done in XForms
frontend and its not very easy to do it in Gnome. Anyway, new update
mechanism is expected for the lists later which will allow to refresh the
menus without a dedicated button.

  FormCitation and others). It seems to me that this approach leads to
  faster typing since it allows you to do all your work by keyboard only and
  it doesn't cover your main text with the dialog.
 Cool idea.  I guess I should add some gnome libraries etc. and try this
 out or is there a framework that can be used by all ports?

It is not implemented in other ports. Basically it uses the Dialog
framework (create/update/hide).

 Also you should be aware that the long term plan was/is to allow multiple
 BufferViews per LyXView.  Will your scheme still work in such a case?  How
 hard to make it work?  (Sorry I haven't time to look at your work till
 next week at the earliest so I'll just ask questions blindly instead)

I don't think that this is a problem. Since the action area is used by
small dialogs and it is expected to have immediate input from the user, we
can either remove (hide) the dialog on switch of the buffer or make these
dialogs modal.

  Finally, is there any way to select Inset by keyboard only. I can move
  into math-mode or tabular or figure float by just moving around with arrow
  keys. However, if I move around Inset then all I can achieve is to have a
  cursor before or after inset. Wouldn't that be nice to have "selected"
  mode for insets where I can hit Enter to edit it?
 C-o  always used to open insets.  Perhaps the bindings are broken for this

C-o opens a new document now :( /* LyX 1.1.5 too */. Where I am supposed
to position a cursor (before inset or after inset) to issue C-o ?


Re: [gnome] UI improvements menu patch

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Allan Rae wrote:

   Can't you just make it that this menu can't be torn off?
  I think its not nice. I would even suggest that it will one of the most
 Only an interim measure to stop the complaints about it not being updated
 unless it's closed/reattached or whatever you do to a torn off menu.

User can press "Refresh" button on the menu (right before every TOC).

  C-o opens a new document now :( /* LyX 1.1.5 too */. Where I am supposed
  to position a cursor (before inset or after inset) to issue C-o ?
 Maybe you use CUA bindings while I use xemacs bindings 'cos it works for
 me.  (cursor in front of the inset)  I couldn't find an entry in the menu
 bar in my quick search.

Cool, it works! Thank you.


Re: even faster way to produce core dump

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 19 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | Workarea event: ENTER
 | Workarea event: KEYBOARD
 | XLookupBoth
 | WorkArea: Key is `' [27]
 | WorkArea: Keysym is `Escape' [65307]
 | Workarea Diff: 2985369638
 | KeySym is Escape[65307]
 | Key [158][]
 | Again, it seems that there is some problem with string: debugger shows
 | line 301 in src/lyxfunc.C
 Can you remove the c_str() in that line and try again?

The same result. I can dump code by writing "cancel" in minibuffer after I
created a new file too. Is it only my build wich has this problem or not?
I am using g++ 2.95.2 strings.


Re: even faster way to produce core dump

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 19 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | On 19 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
 |  Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 |  | Workarea event: ENTER
 |  | Workarea event: KEYBOARD
 |  | XLookupBoth
 |  | WorkArea: Key is `' [27]
 |  | WorkArea: Keysym is `Escape' [65307]
 |  | Workarea Diff: 2985369638
 |  | KeySym is Escape[65307]
 |  | Key [158][]
 |  | 
 |  | Again, it seems that there is some problem with string: debugger shows
 |  | line 301 in src/lyxfunc.C
 |  Can you remove the c_str() in that line and try again?
 | The same result. I can dump code by writing "cancel" in minibuffer after I
 | created a new file too. Is it only my build wich has this problem or not?
 | I am using g++ 2.95.2 strings.
 And after this you get the core dump in the same spot?

No, lyxfunc.C: line 656


Re: even faster way to produce core dump

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Marko Vendelin wrote:

  And after this you get the core dump in the same spot?
 No, lyxfunc.C: line 656

called by minibuffer.C, line 73


Re: even faster way to produce core dump

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 19 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Marko Vendelin wrote:
 |   And after this you get the core dump in the same spot?
 |  No, lyxfunc.C: line 656
 So can you remove the c_str() in this line too?

it doesn't help either. still dumps core. does it dump on your machine


RE: [gnome] UI improvements menu patch

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

 I get an error in Menubar_pimpl.C:327 code when compiling your patch:
   case MenuItem::Toc: {
 toc_[toc_.size()-1].path = path;

Jürgen, can you put the following code instead:

  case MenuItem::Toc: {
ListsHolder t;
t.path = path;
or should I submit it with later patches?


Re: [gnome] UI improvements menu patch

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 19 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 If I guess correctly this should be written as:
 case MenuItem::Toc:
 TocItem tit;
 tit.path = path;

No. toc_ is a special vector of ListsHolder { string, Gnome::UI::Array }
used in Gnome menu code.

 On another note, we dont use toc_[toc_size() -1 ] we use toc_.back()

I guess, STL is still a magic for me :). Thank's for the hint.


RE: [gnome] UI improvements menu patch

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

 Some comments:
 - the TOC menu is far to long, you have to find a better solution!
   (try to load the UserGuide and look at it my goes down the screen!)

True. I have to use .depth information and construct submenus as it is
done in xforms frontend.

 - I like the open of the dialogs in the other window by splitting it :)

Actually, you use it every time when you code in Emacs to open files,
search and do all these nice things emacs can do (I hope I haven't
insulted you if you use vi to do your fine work).

 - you should catch the close-window of the other frame as it should not
   happen that you can close that one and not LyX.

Well, as soon as LyXView will be ported the current other window will
merge with LyXView anyway.


Re: [gnome] UI improvements menu patch

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 19 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | Hi!
 I don't like this code:
 +  // setting sizes of the widgets
 +  string path;
 +  string w, h;
 +  w = path + "/" + CONF_PANE_INFO + CONF_PANE_INFO_DEFAULT;  
 it should be writen as:
 // setting sizes of the widgets
 string w = pat + "/" + CONF_PANE_INFO + CONF_PANE_INFO_DEFAULT;
 Where is h used?

fixed. h was used in former FormCitation implementation.

 +  int i, sz;
 +  for (i = 0, sz = clist_bib_-columns().size(); i  sz; ++i)
 +   {
 + w = path + "/" + CONF_COLUMN + "_" + tostr(i) + CONF_COLUMN_DEFAULT;
 + clist_bib_-column(i).set_width( gnome_config_get_int(w.c_str()) );
 +   }
 int const sz = clist_bib_-columns().size();
 for (int i = 0; i  sz; ++i) {
 Would also suit me a lot better.
 +  for ( i = 0, sz = blist.size(); i  sz; ++i )
 +   {
 + bibkeys.push_back(blist[i].first);
 + bibkeysInfo.push_back(blist[i].second);
 +   }
 sz = blist.size(); // remove const from the prev sz
 for (int i = 0; i  sz; ++i) {
 The same "bugs" are done in other blaces as well.

I'll look for them in my code.

 The comments can be looked at as nit-picking, but is more (IMO) a case
 of good style and clearity.
 And remember: const const const! (and that goes for all of you)
 Found a strange one:
 +  contents += clist_bib_-selection().operator[](i).operator[](1).get_text();
 Why can't that be written as "clist_bib-selection[i][1].get_text();" ?
 +  lv_-getLyXFunc()-Dispatch( LFUN_CITATION_INSERT,
 +  params.getAsString().c_str() );   
 Get rid of the c_str() to Dispatch.
 +  string tmp, stext( search_string_ );   
 Please one variable one line!
 string tmp;
 string stext(searc_string_);
lv_-getLyXFunc()-Dispatch( LFUN_INDEX_INSERT,
params.getAsString().c_str() );
 beware of c_str to Dispatch.
 +  // update lists
 +  if (toc_.size()  0)
 // update lists
 if (!toc_.empty()) {
 +void Menubar::Pimpl::updateList(vectorBuffer::TocItem * toclist, 
vectorListsHolder * pgui)
 Pass by reference instead. If const is possible use const.

This will go as bind argument later. As far as I know we cannot use
references as slot or bind arguments yet.

 +  vectorpairstring,string  names =
 +? Exporter::GetViewableFormats(owner_-buffer())
 +: Exporter::GetExportableFormats(owner_-buffer());
 +  for (vectorpairstring,string ::const_iterator cit = names.begin();
 +   cit != names.end() 
 some typedef for vectorpairstring, string  would be handy.

Lars, thank you very much for looking into the code! I'll scan the rest of
my code for these "bugs"


[patch] Re: even faster way to produce core dump

2000-09-20 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 19 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | On 19 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
 |  Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 |  | On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Marko Vendelin wrote:
 |  | 
 |  |   And after this you get the core dump in the same spot?
 |  |  
 |  |  No, lyxfunc.C: line 656
 |  | 
 |  So can you remove the c_str() in this line too?
 | it doesn't help either. still dumps core. does it dump on your machine
 | too?
 I have not tried, I just fixed the class to dispatch.
 I'll leave the testing to you.

pressing Esc didn't produce any core, but writing "cancel" in minibuffer
did. The following patch fixes it. This patch contains some cleanup of the
gnome frontend code too.



Re: inset questions

2000-09-23 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Angus Leeming wrote:

 5. We need some method of toggling between the three LaTeX output states. As 
 the left mouse button opens the inset, this leaves the right mouse button. 
 Jürgen seems very against using this to toggle between states, so RMB will 
 launch a (very small) dialog containing only a "choice of output" menu. No 
 "Ok" or "Cancel" buttons are needed, I think. (Now I think of it, haven't I 
 just defined a context-sensitive menu form?)

It seems to me that "Cancel" is needed always. In this case, it will be
the same for user as to close context-sensitive menu without selecting
anything by pressing mouse button outside the menu area.


Re: Lost math bindings

2000-09-23 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Garst R. Reese wrote:

 I'll expand my earlier suggestion.
 Let menu shortcuts be M-Uppercase letter
 bindings M-lowercase letter
 The menus all start with an uppercase letter anyway.
 When in math mode in particular I prefer not to have to resort to the
 menu and want things as simple as possible.
 Going to a menu my expectation is to use the mouse and I am there much
 less often than in the middle of a doc, so the extra key to press is no
 I would not like to see the math menu nuked.

And LyX will be the only program I know to do that :). Actually, I know a
lot of people who open menu and select menu item by keyboard only using
M-f o, for example.


Re: Lost math bindings

2000-09-24 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, Garst R. Reese wrote:

 Did you see my proposal to use M-capital-letters for menu shortcuts,
 which would leave M-m available for math key bindings.
 Would you find that acceptable?
 Marko observed:
 And LyX will be the only program I know to do that :). Actually, I know
 lot of people who open menu and select menu item by keyboard only using
 M-f o, for example.
 But LyX does not have rulers, tabs, doublespaces after periods either.
 And how many other programs have hollywood and broadway :)

True. But in all programs with the menus I know (Gnome  KDE ...), user
can select the menu by M-character underlined in menu. We can just
change _Math to M_ath or Mat_h and be consistent with the mentioned GUI.


gnome: FormCitation

2000-09-24 Thread Marko Vendelin


this patch completes the rewrite of FormCitation in Gnome frontend to use
the action area within the main window. This implementation of the dialog
has two main modes. First, it allows to insert a new citation by asking
for a keyword (regexp) and showing list of citation matching a filter.
Second, it allows to change the order of citations or remove them
one-by-one. The mode is selected by user or automatically if now citations
were found in the inset.

This patch contains a small addition to gnome menu. Now it supports large



Re: inset questions

2000-09-24 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Allan Rae wrote:

 I just jumped from first to last emails in this thread so I may have
 missed a little bit ;-)
 On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, Marko Vendelin wrote:
  On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Angus Leeming wrote:
   5. We need some method of toggling between the three LaTeX output states. As 
   the left mouse button opens the inset, this leaves the right mouse button. 
   Jürgen seems very against using this to toggle between states, so RMB will 
   launch a (very small) dialog containing only a "choice of output" menu. No 
   "Ok" or "Cancel" buttons are needed, I think. (Now I think of it, haven't I 
   just defined a context-sensitive menu form?)
  It seems to me that "Cancel" is needed always. In this case, it will be
  the same for user as to close context-sensitive menu without selecting
  anything by pressing mouse button outside the menu area.
 A CSM should only be visible while the mouse button is held down.  Once
 the mouse is released the menu closes.  If the mouse was over a menu entry
 that menu entry's action takes place.  If the mouse cursor was outside the
 menu borders nothing happens.  You don't need a cancel button and CSM's
 shouldn't be opened with one click and operated with another.

We don't need "Cancel" in CSM, but we need it if we want to emulate CSM
with a dialog.


Re: Gnome Toolbar: which interface to use?

2000-09-27 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 27 Sep 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 Concerning for example sans-serif, the question is to know when you
 need it, and what you want to express with it. It this "idea" that
 should be in the toolbar, not the pysical representation.
 Finally, two points:
 - the character popup is not modal (at least in xforms) and can be
   kept open.
 - toolbar is not a good tool when you need something often, but
   keybindings are better. We have keybindings for

Toolbars are good for displaying states (layout  mode for example) and
for rarely used functions. However, since it is possible to build up
toolbars similar to menus by using multiple toolbars and drop-down lists,
it will be not wise to limit users with one toolbar. Wouldn't that be
logical to use the same syntax in lib/ui/default.ui file for menus and

BTW, is it possible to have Layouts (xforms toolbar) in menu?


Re: current cvs compile fails

2000-09-28 Thread Marko Vendelin

And if you comment this out then it fails later in src/tabular.C

g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I. -I/usr/lib/sigc++/include  -I./gnome
-I/usr/local/lib/gtkmm/include -I/usr/local/lib/gnomemm/include
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -DNEED_GNOMESUPPORT_H
-I/usr/lib/gnome-libs/include -I/usr/lib/glib/include -I/usr/X11R6/include
-I/usr/lib/sigc++/include -I/usr/lib/gtkmm/include -I/usr/include
-I/usr/lib/glib/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/lib/sigc++/include
-I/usr/lib/glib/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -isystem /usr/X11R6/include
-g -O -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -W -Wall -Wconversion -Winline -c
tabular.C:97: warning: #warning Jürgen, can you make it the other way
round. So that copy assignment depends on the copy constructor and not the
other way. (Lgb)
tabular.C:476: warning: #warning Jürgen, should the types change? (Lgb)
tabular.C:624: warning: #warning Please fix align type. (Lgb)
tabular.C:635: warning: #warning Please fix align type. (Lgb)
tabular.C:645: warning: #warning Please fix align type. (Lgb)
tabular.C:686: warning: #warning Fix the "what" type. (Lgb)
tabular.C:749: warning: #warning Fix return type. (Lgb)
tabular.C:759: warning: #warning Fix return type. (Lgb)
tabular.C:1630: warning: #warning Should what be bool? (Lgb)
tabular.C:1746: warning: #warning should the return type change? (Lgb)
tabular.C:1897: warning: #warning should this return a bool? (Lgb)
tabular.C:1929: warning: #warning should this return a bool? (Lgb)
In file included from
 from language.h:19,
 from lyxfont.h:22,
 from insets/lyxinset.h:23,
 from insets/insettext.h:22,
 from tabular.h:24,
 from tabular.C:22:
In function `int __black_count(_Rb_tree_node_base *, _Rb_tree_node_base
warning: can't inline call to `int __black_count(_Rb_tree_node_base *,
_Rb_tree_node_base *)'
warning: called from here
tabular.C: At top level:
tabular.C:623: prototype for `bool LyXTabular::SetAlignment(int,
LyXAlignment, bool)' does not match any in class `LyXTabular'
tabular.h:221: candidate is: bool LyXTabular::SetAlignment(int, char, bool
= false)

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Angus Leeming wrote:

 No fancy warnings this time; just errors!
 cxx -std strict_ansi -nocleanup -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src -I./../ 
 -I../.. -I../.. -I../../src/cheaders -I/usr/local/include -ptr 
 /usr/users/aleem/OTHERS_CODE/lyx/devel/lyx_cxx_repository -O2 -MD -c 
 insettabular.C -o insettabular.ocxx: Warning: insettabular.h, line 148: "void
   InsetTabular::GetCursorPos(BufferView *, unsigned long , unsigned
   long ) const" does not match "UpdatableInset::GetCursorPos" --
   virtual function override intended?
 void GetCursorPos(BufferView *, unsigned long  x,
 cxx: Warning: insettabular.C, line 826: unrecognized preprocessing directive
 #warning Jürgen, have a look. Is this correct? (Lgb)
 cxx: Error: insettabular.C, line 1252: a value of type
   "LyXTabular::VAlignment" cannot be assigned to an entity of type
 cxx: Error: insettabular.C, line 1256: a value of type
   "LyXTabular::VAlignment" cannot be assigned to an entity of type
 cxx: Error: insettabular.C, line 1260: a value of type
   "LyXTabular::VAlignment" cannot be assigned to an entity of type
 cxx: Info: 3 errors detected in the compilation of "insettabular.C".
 make: *** [insettabular.lo] Error 1   

gnome: FormRef and FormError

2000-10-11 Thread Marko Vendelin


this patch adds FormRef and FormError to fine family of the dialogs ported
to Gnome frontend. These dialogs are implemented using an "action" area
to make the work with references as fast and convenient as possible and
scanning error messages less disturbing.



Re: gnome: FormRef and FormError

2000-10-11 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 11 Oct 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  "Marko" == Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Marko this patch adds FormRef and FormError to fine family of the
 Marko dialogs ported to Gnome frontend. These dialogs are implemented
 Marko using an "action" area to make the work with references as fast
 Marko and convenient as possible and scanning error messages less
 Marko disturbing.
 are you sure you posted the right patches? You sent
 formcitation.gnome.patch.gz, which is an old already applied patch,
 and formref.gnome.newfiles.tar.gz. 

Sorry! I hope this time I am sending the right one.



Re: gnome: FormRef and FormError

2000-10-11 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 11 Oct 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 Get www-devel from the cvs server. This is the developpers web site
 (and www-user is www.lyx.org).

Here is the update of guii.php3. 



gnome cleanup patch

2000-10-13 Thread Marko Vendelin


this patch makes the Gnome frontend dialogs which use the "action" area to
hide on update signal. Thus, when user switches the document the dialog
will disappear. I've also replaced gettext N_() with _() where
appropriate. Finally, I changed the Menu code to use new Menu::expand



Re: New Menu::expand method in menu backend

2000-10-13 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Dekel Tsur wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 04:23:39PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  To put it another way, I thought I could just add a Menu* member in
  menuitem and that Menu::expand would just populate that for items of
  type Submenu for Toc and Ref. I have a few questions, though:
 I think that my suggestion is a little bit cleaner.
  - for the refs menu, it seems to me that the special entry should just
provide a list of references (as submenus), not the whole refs menu
with four times the same information. 
 It has been claimed that the Refs menu is redundant, and I think that I agree.
 The whole purpose of this menu was a fast way for adding references, but
 using the new reference dialog (with the keyboard) is as fast as using the
 Refs menu.

True, you can add/edit the reference quite fast with the dialog.

  - why not modify the refs menu to something similar to
(o) Insert Reference
( ) Insert page reference
( ) Insert pretty ref
( ) Goto ref
It seems to me that this would be less confusing than having five
submenus with the same contents (and you have one less click when
using often the same function). With this view of things, only the
part under the separator would be a special entry. The rest could be
handled via normal stuff.

Does it mean that if you want to insert "page reference" after plain
reference you will have to navigate through the menus, select "Insert
page reference" and since the menu will close, you will have to navigate
once more and then select the reference. The same holds for just "Goto
ref". It seems to me that it is not expected that you have to go to the
menu twice for an action. For me it is much more confusing than to
navigate through menus by selecting what I want to do with the reference
and then selecting particular reference (as it is now) :).


Re: new xforms patch

2000-10-13 Thread Marko Vendelin

 Overall the xforms stuff is looking very nice.  I took at peek at the
 gnome and kde stuff as a result of the change to update and
 updateBufferDependent.  There seems to be an aweful lot of code just to
 get things running with gnome.  

True! There are two reasons for it. First, I decided to code some dialogs
and then compose the base classes looking into the implementation of
several dialogs. This approach helped me to learn LyX and its requirements
to compose base classes better. Second, all the dialogs which use "action"
area have to be constructed on "fly" and change/update on the basis of
user input. This makes using the dialogs easier, faster and much more
fun, but coding ... well, you mentioned a size of the code :). 

 There's also a few connections being made to update that aren't used
 (since update is empty) is this a temporary thing? (ie. do you plan on
 filling in some more code?)

Most (even it seems to me that all) of these empty update functions are in
"action" area dialogs. My latest patch connects updateBufferDependent to
hide function. The reasons for it are as follows.

If I understand correctly "update" is called when user opens a new
document or changes the document. If this is true then for "action" area
dialogs the update signal has to close the dialog since user is not
interested in this action anymore :). At least it is easier to implement
than keeping action area state for each document... 

 There also appears to be a few places where a new update_something()
 function exists that could be used as update() and an update connection
 would then make sense.

the quick grep for update in gnome sources showed only updateButtons in
FormCitation that might look as a candidate for an update connection and
which doesn't use it. However, updateButtons is used to track user input
in FormCitation dialog and has nothing to do with change of the document.

 Marko is there any particular reason for using NULL instead of 0 in a lot
 of your code? Is this a gnome convention? Where is it defined?

I am just used to call NULL a pointer that might lead to a core dump. I
haven't looked into gnome conventions recently, but if you will give me a
good reason to use integer 0 insted of NULL then I can change
everywhere NULL to this particular integer value.

 BTW, I've said it before but I'll say it again anyway since it's friday:
 You don't have to call your files by the same name as the xforms code.
 I would have expected KDE for example to use DialogX myself -- or
 whatever naming convention exists for apps using a particular toolkit.

Unfortunately, the gnome frontend is still lagging behind xforms. That's
why it is easier to use the same names for the dialogs since it gives a
good overview of the state of the port. Finally, it is nice to remember
roots of LyX when everyone will switch to Gnomified version :).


 There that's probably pissed nearly all the GUII devvies off.

No way! It is very nice to have someone who is looking into the code. It
is a first step to make this effort in porting LyX to gnome or kde from
one-man project to dynamic project full of
discussions/suggestions/implementations as the rest of LyX is. Actually,  
this is a reason why I would not like to have cvs-write access anytime
soon. This guarantees that the code was working at least in two occasions
and someone has at least just scanned the patch.

 Have a nice Friday 13th,

Enjoy it too.


Re: gnome cleanup patch

2000-10-13 Thread Marko Vendelin

please don't apply this patch. Its in terrible conflict with the recent
changes of updateBufferXXX. I'll repost a new version as soon as the
conflict is resolved.


Re: New Menu::expand method in menu backend

2000-10-13 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 13 Oct 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 Marko True, you can add/edit the reference quite fast with the
 Marko dialog.
 So should it be removed? It adds quite a bit of complexity to the menu

I would be happy with it: we can then declare Menubar in guii.php3 as
"Completed". However, maybe it is better to ask lyx-users@... first?  I
don't know what are the procedures of removing the features in LyX...


Re: gnome cleanup patch

2000-10-13 Thread Marko Vendelin

this version should work/compile just fine with new updateBufferXXX.



Re: new xforms patch

2000-10-14 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, Allan Rae wrote:

 On 13 Oct 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
   "Marko" == Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Marko is there any particular reason for using NULL instead of 0 in
   a lot of your code? Is this a gnome convention? Where is it
  Marko I am just used to call NULL a pointer that might lead to a core
  Marko dump. I haven't looked into gnome conventions recently, but if
  Marko you will give me a good reason to use integer 0 insted of NULL
  Marko then I can change everywhere NULL to this particular integer
  Marko value.
  I could not find a reference to it anywhere, but I am sure Lars will
  be able to remind us why NULL is evil :)
 I'll supply one:  NULL is a C'ism while 0 is C++.
 That's why I asked where NULL is defined.  I suspect you are getting NULL
 from a C header file where it is probably defined as (void*)0 or something
 similar -- if you write 0 the C++ compiler will consider it to be
 static_castWhateverType *(0) and the 0 will therefore have an
 _appropriate_ type.
 If you were being tricky and setting all your dynamic memory to 0x0a or
 some other marker to help detect uninitialised memory I could understand
 you using something other than 0 to initialise a pointer (provided the
 rest of your code was full of Assert()'s checking the pointers against
 that value).  In C++ if you mean zero you write 0.  IIRC, this is
 mentioned in both the C++ FAQ and Effective C++.

I see. I'll submit a patch as soon as I'll be back in my office (in a week
or so).


Re: Problem compiling lyx with gnome on a linux box (fwd)

2000-10-29 Thread Marko Vendelin

 Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 10:39:04 +0100
 Subject: Problem compiling lyx with gnome on a linux box
 Hello lyx developpers...
 I've got problems compiling lyx with gnome on linux box
 here is the error whene configureing with
 ./configure --with-frontend=gnome
 checking for gtk-config... (cached) /usr/bin/gtk-config
 checking for GTK - version = 1.2.0... yes
 gtk is well detected ...
 checking for IceConnectionNumber in -lICE... yes
 checking for XOpenIM... yes
 checking for  /usr/bin/gtkmm-config
 checking for GTK-- - version = 1.2.1... no
 *** Could not run GTK-- test program, checking why...
 *** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log
 for the
 *** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK-- was incorrectly
 *** or that you have moved GTK-- since it was installed. In the latter
 case, you
 *** may want to edit the gtkmm-config script: /usr/bin/gtkmm-config
 configure: error: Cannot find GTK--: Please install Version 1.2.1+
 [yann@venusia lyx-1.1.6pre1]$ rpm -qa | grep gtk
 [yann@venusia lyx-1.1.6pre1]$ 
 i've got no gtkmm-config program in my linux box.
 where is the problem.
 did i forgot something on more time ;-)

Hi Yann!

indeed, you've forgotten to install some required libraries. LyX gnome
port requires three additional libraries: gtk--, gnome--, and libsigc++.
You can obtain these fine libraries from

gtk--  : http://gtkmm.sourceforge.net/ (take the latest one)
gnome--: http://gtkmm.sourceforge.net/ (take the latest one,1.1.12(beta))
libsigc++: http://libsigc.sourceforge.net/

Then run configure with the following options: --with-frontend=gnome
--without-included-libsigc --disable-sigctest . Enjoy the partly gnomefied


gnome: cleanup and update() to updateSlot()

2000-10-29 Thread Marko Vendelin


the attached patch replaces NULL with 0 in the gnome frontend code and
makes the frontend to compile again by replacing/adding update() with
updateSlot() where appropriate. It seems that DialogBase is changing its
methods quite often which is one more good reason to establish class
hierarchy among gnome frontend classes.



Re: gnome: cleanup and update() to updateSlot()

2000-10-30 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 30 Oct 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  "Marko" == Marko Vendelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Marko the attached patch replaces NULL with 0 in the gnome frontend
 Marko code and makes the frontend to compile again by
 Marko replacing/adding update() with updateSlot() where appropriate.
 Marko It seems that DialogBase is changing its methods quite often
 Marko which is one more good reason to establish class hierarchy
 Marko among gnome frontend classes.
 Is there a particular reason why you use:
   if (search_text_ != 0) search_text_-save_history();
 instead of
   if (search_text_) search_text_-save_history();
 The second form is used commonly in LyX code.

That what hapens if you replace NULL with 0. I'll replace "if
(search_text_ != 0) " with "if (search_text_)" in the code later.


gnome: update patch

2000-11-20 Thread Marko Vendelin


this small patch allows to compile and link gnome frontend version. I've
added some new xforms object files to the appropriate list in
gnome/Makefile.am and a new signal is added in Dialogs.C as it is in the
xforms version.



Re: Fwd: Re: Mandrake and KDe frontend

2000-11-29 Thread Marko Vendelin

 I'm not sure what we gain with that. The problems which exist in some
 architectures (e.g. how do you update a dynamic menu when it is teared off)
 will continue to exist anyway. If you find a good solution for a
 frontend, I am sure it will work with the current scheme.

The only problem of dynamic menus/toolbars is the way they are supposed to
handle the changes in LyXFunc values. I think that the same problem will
show up much worser in server-client architecture (or client will have to
ask for the complete status update after any change of the document which
may hang your machine/network ...). This problem has been discussed
earlier and it has been demonstrated that it is relatively easy to resolve
this problem using signals that are emitted if some function state/value
changes. I guess that this mechanism has to be implemented anyway to allow
LyX to display dynamic content in any GUI.


 Concerning toolbars, I have the following scheme in mind:

 1/ give name to toolbars and have several of them (like menus): "main"
 "math" "table". In fact it may be possible to use the same backend for
 toolbar and menus, although I am not sure what the advantage will be.

 2/ In the code, add some showToolbar("math")/hideToolbar("math")

 3/ Let the front end do what it wants with it :)

Actually, the current implementation of menus may be utilized to implement
toolbars. We had a discussion on this topic before and I've even submitted
a screenshot of lyx gnome frontend with the toolbar corresponding to main
menu :).


even faster way to produce core dump

2000-09-19 Thread Marko Vendelin

Try to 

1. create new document
2. press Escape, core dumped

lyx -dbg any:

Workarea event: ENTER
Workarea event: KEYBOARD
WorkArea: Key is `' [27]
WorkArea: Keysym is `Escape' [65307]
Workarea Diff: 2985369638
KeySym is Escape[65307]
Key [158][]

Again, it seems that there is some problem with string: debugger shows
line 301 in src/lyxfunc.C


Re: Can we remove the code for references in menus?

2001-02-07 Thread Marko Vendelin


On 7 Feb 2001, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  "John" == John Levon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 John So I must update every dynamic menu/toolbar item on every
 John update(). OK, I suppose that's not too bad. But what is it
 John you're actually informing the frontend of ? It seems that the
 John current examples are just about buffer switches/opens/closes.
 John Why not call them bufferOpened(), etc. ? Why the vague
 John "update()" ?
 It might be: "the cursor moved, maybe you should update the checkboxes
 for font settings" or anything. In fact it is called when LyX waits
 for input, so maybe nothing intresting happened, but I believe the
 computational cost is small. Now, I do not think that we should add
 checks and signals all over the kernel code to cover all possibilities.

This is the way it is implemented in Gnome frontend. As far as I can
see the overhead is indeed minimal. However, I haven't profiled it...

 John How would your method cope with a number of different toolbars
 John for different things ? Do you call update() on each one ? Why
 John not just let the frontend decide what needs updating - why not
 John just tell it what changed ?
 What I envision is enhancing the toolbar code to have several named
 toolbars, like current menus. Then add methods show/hide for named
 toolbars. The toolbars would have generic names like "math",
 "tabular", etc. A dumb implementation like xforms could chose to
 ignore these calls. Better ones would do the right thing.

Another possibility is to use exactly the same interface for toolbar and
menubar. Then the set of toolbars will be presented by first level
submenus, buttons in the toolbars --- by commands in submenus, and
comboboxen by sub-submenus. Easy and as configurable as menubars
are. Kernel will just call toolbar-update() and menubar-update() and
there will be only one toolbar object to call by the kernel.

 John I don't see how you could do this in a nice way, without
 John essentially implementing my suggested scheme :
 John Signal0void enteredTableArea;

do you really want to see flashing toolbars depending on where you are in
the document? I think that usually people fix the toolbars and these
toolbars don't change much. I might be wrong --- there are no toolbars in
my gnu emacs at all.

  _except_ for the TOC case, which deserves a special treatment with
  some signals. This is another reason why I want to remove the refs
  stuff, which is the other special case.

Maybe TOC, LOF, LOT, ... need a new signal (updateLists)?


 Actually, there are things that I do not really know how to handle in
 - combox: currently, there is only one possible combox, the layout
   combox. Will we need more of them, and which ones?

You might want to have any command in the combox (emphasize, \Large, TOC,
style). This is easy to implement using menu structure.

 Also, in menus, there is the problem of updating intelligently the
 TOC (because it could cost time to do it too often). However this
 problem would also arise if you had complete control on the menus. A
 solution has to be devised, maybe with signals.

Signal would be nice.


Re: Can we remove the code for references in menus?

2001-02-07 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Allan Rae wrote:

 On Wed, 7 Feb 2001, Marko Vendelin wrote:
   John How would your method cope with a number of different toolbars
   John for different things ? Do you call update() on each one ? Why
   John not just let the frontend decide what needs updating - why not
   John just tell it what changed ?
   What I envision is enhancing the toolbar code to have several named
   toolbars, like current menus. Then add methods show/hide for named
   toolbars. The toolbars would have generic names like "math",
   "tabular", etc. A dumb implementation like xforms could chose to
   ignore these calls. Better ones would do the right thing.
  Another possibility is to use exactly the same interface for toolbar and
 Or toolbar and dialogs as I keep saying...

We can also use dialogs interface for menubar too. The only difference
which I see in current implementation of dialogs VS menubar is that
menubar is user-configurable and dialogs are hard-coded. I guess, we would
like to keep the user settings for toolbars too. If we treat toolbars
and menubars as dialogs then the only parameter which is required to build
these objects is menubar or toolbar name defined in .lyxrc files. This
name can be passed by InsetCommand, if I am not missing something.


  do you really want to see flashing toolbars depending on where you are in
  the document? I think that usually people fix the toolbars and these
  toolbars don't change much. I might be wrong --- there are no toolbars in
  my gnu emacs at all.
 You all seem to have missed the fact that tables already have an update
 signal for the dialog and that triggers changes in the dialog when the
 cursor moves around the cells.  A table toolbar is just a different form
 of this dialog and so there is no point in adding a toolbar specific
 signal when the table dialog one already exists.  That's part of the
 reason why I keep trying to get you blokes to see that toolbars are just
 the same as dialogs.  They are built differently [initialisation] but they
 look the same to the kernel and can share the same signals.
_except_ for the TOC case, which deserves a special treatment with
some signals. This is another reason why I want to remove the refs
stuff, which is the other special case.
  Maybe TOC, LOF, LOT, ... need a new signal (updateLists)?
 Why all lists?  If a figure inset is changed then an LOF-signal could be
 sent and so on.

Even better.

   Also, in menus, there is the problem of updating intelligently the
   TOC (because it could cost time to do it too often). However this
   problem would also arise if you had complete control on the menus. A
   solution has to be devised, maybe with signals.
  Signal would be nice.
 I still think this should be triggered by the frontend -- sure I know the
 tear-off menu arguement and there is probably a need for a specific signal
 for that but you should only need to update the TOC when it's accessed.
 A torn-off menu however would want to be updated by a signal (since it
 would look like the existing TOC dialog).

There is another silly example when this signal is needed --- one might
have TOC in the toolbar with chapters showing up as a buttons. I am not
sure who would like to have this feature, but the point is that kernel
has no idea how the lists are presented to the user (dialog, menu,
toolbar, or just written to the serial port). In the case of TOC written
to the serial port we even don't have any "Refresh" button to press or the
frontend will have to take care for processing input from serial console


Re: The LyX licence

2005-02-22 Thread Marko Vendelin
I am not sure whether any of my code is still used in LyX, so it is far 
from clear whether I have any rights at all. But, if you need, please feel 
free to add to the list of people which grant permission to licence their 
contributions to LyX under the Gnu General Public Licence, version 2 or 

best wishes,
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Angus Leeming wrote:
Dear all,
please excuse the personal email, but I'm trying to do something about the
messy state of the LyX licence and need your help.
LyX is currently licenced under the GPL with a huge hole blowing it wide apart
so that it could be linked against the closed source XForms library. See
http://www.lyx.org/about/license.php3. Legal opinion has it that this
exception does not apply only to the XForms library. Instead, anything and
everything is allowed to link against the LyX source code, defeating the
whole point and purpose of the GPL. Moreover, the exception is no longer
needed as XForms (and indeed Qt) are available under the GPL.
To make a messy situation even messier, it's not even certain whether the
current license is valid at all, as the necessary permissions may not have
been obtained before the change was made to the original GPL.
In light of all this, I'm asking whether I can have your permission to add
your names to http://www.lyx.org/blanket-permission.txt:
The following people hereby grant permission to licence their contributions
to LyX under the Gnu General Public Licence, version 2 or later.
so that we can have a permanent record of those people who have contributed
code to LyX and who are happy for this code to be licenced under the GPL.
Kind regards,
ps, if you reply to lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org, we'll have a permanent record of
your response.
pps. in case you're wondering where I got your email address from: it's listed
in the LyX hall of fame:
Equivalent URL: http://tinyurl.com/5nqhs

Re: The LyX licence

2005-02-22 Thread Marko Vendelin
I am not sure whether any of my code is still used in LyX, so it is far 
from clear whether I have any rights at all. But, if you need, please feel 
free to add to the list of people which "grant permission to licence their 
contributions to LyX under the Gnu General Public Licence, version 2 or 

best wishes,
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Angus Leeming wrote:
Dear all,
please excuse the personal email, but I'm trying to do something about the
messy state of the LyX licence and need your help.
LyX is currently licenced under the GPL with a huge hole blowing it wide apart
so that it could be linked against the closed source XForms library. See
http://www.lyx.org/about/license.php3. Legal opinion has it that this
exception does not apply only to the XForms library. Instead, anything and
everything is allowed to link against the LyX source code, defeating the
whole point and purpose of the GPL. Moreover, the exception is no longer
needed as XForms (and indeed Qt) are available under the GPL.
To make a messy situation even messier, it's not even certain whether the
current license is valid at all, as the necessary permissions may not have
been obtained before the change was made to the original GPL.
In light of all this, I'm asking whether I can have your permission to add
your names to http://www.lyx.org/blanket-permission.txt:
"The following people hereby grant permission to licence their contributions
to LyX under the Gnu General Public Licence, version 2 or later."
so that we can have a permanent record of those people who have contributed
code to LyX and who are happy for this code to be licenced under the GPL.
Kind regards,
ps, if you reply to lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org, we'll have a permanent record of
your response.
pps. in case you're wondering where I got your email address from: it's listed
in the LyX hall of fame:
Equivalent URL: http://tinyurl.com/5nqhs

kde frontend: LyXFunc or LyXView

2000-06-16 Thread Marko Vendelin

current CVS does not compile with KDE frontend due to the difference in
Dialogs class definition for KDE and Xforms frontends. Namely, Dialogs
class constructor expects LyXView* as its argument in Xforms frontend
(src/frontends/Dialogs.h src/frontends/xforms/Dialogs.C) and LyXFunc* as
an argument in KDE frontend (src/frontends/kde/Dialogs.C).

Error message:

# ./configure --with-frontend=kde
# make 
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../src -I../../../src/
-I../../../src/frontends/ -I../../.. -I../../.. -I/usr/lib/qt-1.44/include
-I/usr/include/kde -I/usr/X11R6/include -g -O -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions
-ansi -W -Wall -Wno-return-type -Wp,-MD,.deps/Dialogs.pp -c Dialogs.C -o
Dialogs.C:13: prototype for `Dialogs::Dialogs(class LyXFunc *)' does not
match any in class `Dialogs'
../../../src/frontends/Dialogs.h:119: candidates are:
   Dialogs::Dialogs(class Dialogs &)
../../../src/frontends/Dialogs.h:117:  Dialogs::Dialogs()
../../../src/frontends/Dialogs.h:55:   Dialogs::Dialogs(class LyXView *)



Re: kde frontend: LyXFunc or LyXView

2000-06-16 Thread Marko Vendelin

> all development has been done with the xforms code. The code in the kde
> directory was written as proof of concept a long, long time ago. As such, it
> has lagged behind...
> You are correct to report that the code in kde/Dialogs.C is inconsistent with
> that in xforms/Dialogs.C. It is wrong and should be
> Dialogs::Dialogs(LyXView * lv)
> {
>   dialogs_.push_back(new FormCopyright(lv, this));
>   dialogs_.push_back(new FormPrint(lv, this));
>   dialogs_.push_back(new FormPreferences(lv, this));
>   // reduce the number of connections needed in
>   // dialogs by a simple connection here.
>   hideAll.connect(hideBufferDependent.slot());
> }
> Note, however, that this code won't compile either as no Print and
> Preferences dialogs for kde. Commenting them out will allow the code to compile
> (and maybe even link??) but the resulting executable will not have these
> dialogs. Seems a bit pointless, no?
> If, of course, you wish to write the missing dialogs...
> Angus

The attached small patch allows to compile kde frontend. The resulting
executable misses FormPrint and FormPreferences dialogs but shows
FormCopyright using kde libs.



GTK/Gnome frontend and string class

2000-07-11 Thread Marko Vendelin

I've tried to add some elementary support of GTK/Gnome frontend to LyX.
The composed code and collection of configure .m4 scripts brings the GTK
frontend to the same level as KDE one --- showing the copyright dialog
box. In the code I used GTK-- and GNOME-- libraries (C++ wrappers of GTK
and Gnome libraries). 

GTK-- and GNOME-- rely on STL string class which is not good enough for
LyX on my platform (i386, redhat linux 6.0, egcs-1.1.2 or gcc-2.95.2).
This is a problem since in LyX string class is typedefed to lyxstring and
the resulting code does not link properly with GTK-- and GNOME--
libraries.  The following solutions to this conflict between GNOME/Gtk and
LyX popped into my mind:

1. Use GTK/Gnome libraries directly (in C) without C++ wrappers

2. Make LyX compatible with the string class included in libstdc++ by
   fixing files src/support/lstrings.C (lines 184 and 201, 
   string::compare) and src/lyx_cb.C (line 1109, algorithm copy and string

3. Include GTK-- and Gnome-- into LyX (as sig++) and compile this
   libraries with lyxstring.

4. Find better implementation of STL for Linux and use its string
   class with LyX and GTK--/Gnome-- (current CVS version of gcc/libstdc++
   is not good enough to compile LyX).

Which of these (or any alternative) solutions should be used for LyX
GTK/Gnome frontend?



Re: GTK/Gnome frontend and string class

2000-07-12 Thread Marko Vendelin

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> | 2. Make LyX compatible with the string class included in libstdc++ by
> | fixing files src/support/lstrings.C (lines 184 and 201, 
> | string::compare) and src/lyx_cb.C (line 1109, algorithm copy and string 
> | interaction).
> You mean unfixing I hope.
> The lyxstring tries to be close to API compatible with std::string.

Well, it should be possible to find API and libstdc++ compatible
implementation. For example, instead of comparing string and char*
directly (src/support/lstrings.C, lines 184 and 201), one can make
temporary string object from char* and compare it with other string. It is
not as effective implementation as the current one, but it will work just
fine with libstdc++. It is hard for me to say how to re-implement the code
in src/lyx_cb.C (line 1109) to make it compatible with libstdc++ since STL
is very new to me. 

> | 3. Include GTK-- and Gnome-- into LyX (as sig++) and compile this
> |libraries with lyxstring.
> Isn't Gtk-- and Gnome--- a bit large for that?

Yes, it is. However, we can include scripts that build Gtk--/Gnome--
automatically with lyxstring instead of std::string. At least, the
resulting frontend code should work fine and we can drop it later (after
release of libstdc++-v3).

> Can we have an interim solution where we use char* to communicate
> between lyx-core and the gtk frontend? When Gcc 2.96 is released it
> will hopefully be with the new libstdc++-v3 library, and then there
> will be no problems.

This will require isolation of Gtk/Gnome frontend code from the rest of 
the LyX code. For example, it will be not possible to include even
src/frontend/Dialogs.h directly from the frontend implementation since it
contains "#include "LString.h"". I think such solution will lead to
unnecessary code in LyX.


GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-14 Thread Marko Vendelin


the attached patch together with additional files included into the
.tar.gz archive adds elementary support for GTK/Gnome frontend: configure
scripts, Gtk/Gnome initialization, Gnome event loop processing, and
Copyright dialog box implementation.

It should be easy to use this code on the platform with good STL string
implementation. In such case you need standard gtk, gnome, libsigc++ ,
gtk-- and gnome-- libraries.

On my platform (redhat linux 6.1, egcs 1.1.2) LyX uses LyX string class
instead of STL string. To use gtk-- and gnome-- with LyX I recompiled
these libraries after replacing "#include " by "#include
"LString.h"" in the source files of the libraries. To make our life easier
I've written two small scripts that patch gtk-- and gnome-- libraries and
compile them. Please note that running these scripts is DANGEROUS since it
may change your source files. The following are instructions for getting
Gtk/Gnome frontend running in the platforms that lack good STL string
implementation (it worked on my platform):

* install Gtk, Gnome, and libsigc++

* download gtkmm-1.2.1.tar.gz and gnomemm-1.1.10.tar.gz from
  http://gtkmm.sourceforge.net/download.html (click "sourceforge download
  area" on this page)

* create a new directory and copy gtkmm-1.2.1.tar.gz,
  gnomemm-1.1.10.tar.gz, lyxgtk.sh, and str2lyxstr.sh
  to this directory (lyxgtk.sh and str2lyxstr.sh are attached to this

* cd to this directory

* read and edit script lyxgtk.sh (set source and install directories)

* run script lyxgtk.sh

* include directory with installed new gtk and gnome libs to PATH and
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH as first directories (subdirs bin and lib,

* cd to lyx source directory

* run autogen.sh

* run configure with the following options:
--with-frontend=gtk --without-included-libsigc --disable-sigctest 

* run make

Please note, that compiled Gtk--/Gnome-- libraries are usable only with

Finally, to make configure script working I had to disable
AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS in configure.in (line 66). Otherwise gnome configuration
scripts were not working properly. It will be very nice if someone with
good knowledge of configure.in magic would take a look on this problem.




# This script is DANGEROUS! It replaces 
# "#include " with "#include "LString.h"" in the files in 
# current directory (recursively!). This can change YOUR source files. 
# Use it at your own risk.

FILELISTCC=`rgrep -r -l "#include " . | grep "\.cc"` 
FILELISTH=`rgrep -r -l "#include " . | grep "\.h"` 
FILELISTGEN=`rgrep -r -l "#include " . | grep "\.gen_"` 

cat $i | sed -e 's/#include /#include "LString.h"/g' > .tmpfile
mv .tmpfile $i


# This script is DANGEROUS! It uses script srt2lyxstr.sh to replace 
# "#include " with "#include "LString.h"". This can change YOUR source files.
# Use it at your own risk.

# extracting GNOME-- and GTK--
tar zxvf gnomemm-1.1.10.tar.gz
tar zxvf gtkmm-1.2.1.tar.gz

# Please specify the directories with GTK--, GNOME--, LyX source, and the directory 
# to which new GTK--/GNOME-- libraries should be installed.

# Please note that script creates temporary directory $GTKMMDIR/../.tmpdir . 
# Change the script if this is not acceptable for you.


export MAKE="make"



# gtkmm

./configure --prefix=$LIBINSTALLDIR 
echo -e "all: \ninstall: \n" > gdk--/tests/Makefile
mv src/gtkmmproc ../.tmpdir
mv ../.tmpdir src/gtkmmproc

make install


# gnomemm


./configure --prefix=$LIBINSTALLDIR --disable-gtkmmtest 


make install
cp src/gnomemmConf.sh $LIBINSTALLDIR/lib



Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin


> It seems that we miss an .m4 file which defines AM_PATH_GTK (and
> probably others). It is now impossible for me to compile for xforms,
> since the configure file produced by autoconf is plain wrong...

I've obtained a fresh copy of lyx-devel this morning (cvs checkout) and at
least xforms frontend works fine here. Current cvs should contain new


Please check, whether you have these directories in your local copy and
whether autogen.sh script contains a huge line with 

"for fil in config/lyxinclude.m4 config/libtool.m4 config/gettext.m4
config/lcmessage.m4 config/progtest.m4 config/sigc++.m4 config/kde.m4
confi g/gnome/aclocal-include.m4 config/gnome/gnome-print-check.m4 ..."


Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin

> I do have all this files, but I think you have some gtkxxx.m4 files in
> your /usr/share/aclocal (or whereever) directory, that got installed
> when installing gtk. A simple check: grep AM_PATH_GTK
> config/gnome/*.m4 reveals that this macro is used there, but never
> defined.

I see! The attached tar.gz and small patch to autogen.sh adds 1 .m4 script
(config/gnome/gtk.m4). I've tried to generate configure script with
minimal amount of files in /usr/share/aclocal and it worked now in my
system. Sorry for the mess.



Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin

> We certinly need the AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS, since otherwise checks for the
> C++ compilers features are done with the C compiler :) I put it back
> in, and added an AC_LANG_CPLUS_PLUS later. 
> In general, configuring with AC_LANG_CPLUS_PLUS would be better, since
> we will compile with the C++ compiler. If the gnome scripts are broken
> with C++, they should be fixed. What are the errors? I cannot test,
> since I do not have gnome installed here.

Well, it seems that script gtk.m4 fails to compile a small gtk program
with AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS. When I inserted AC_LANG_C before AC_TRY_RUN
(gnome/gtk.m4, line 65) and AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS at the end of this script,
the program was compiled. However, the configure script produced slightly
different Makefile (one CPPFLAGS option was missing). Thus, to resolve
this problem one needs to run AC_TRY_RUN with AC_LANG_C and somehow keep
the configuration of AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS. I don't know how to do it.

> PS: Marko, are you on the lyx-devel list?

yes, almost for an hour already :).


Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin

> Could you show us this small program? It might be that it uses a
> valid C syntax that is not valid C++. These things are easy to fix in
> general. 

I mean the program used inside the script (gtk.m4) for checking GTK
libraries installation. 


Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 25 Jul 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> Yes, I understand. But which one is it? And what is the error message
> in config.log?

I've checked out the latest version from cvs and everything worked fine!
GTK, gnome, gtkmm, gnomemm were configured without any errors. Thus, it is
hard for me to reproduce the problem.


Re: GTK/Gnome frontend elementary support

2000-07-25 Thread Marko Vendelin

On 25 Jul 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> Yes, you should comment out the AC_LANG_C at line 89 of configure.in.

AC_TRY_RUN compiles gtk program with C++ compiler instead of C compiler.  
That's why environment variable CFLAGS doesn't have any effect (see line   
58, file config/gnome/gtk.m4). If we add line


after line 58 then this test is passed.  


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