Re: problem with oe french ligature

2004-06-10 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Harold Mouras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: problem with oe french ligature
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 16:34:39 +0200

I tried to use the command\oe for french ligature in the attached LyX file,
but it is not compiled.
Anybody could say what is wrong in this simple file?

The correct syntax  in LaTeX is \oe{}uvre.
Either include the {}, or put a space between \oe and uvre, otherwise
LaTeX looks for command \oeuvre, which doesn't exist.


Re: Clearing headers and page numbers in report

2004-06-16 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 08:44:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Clearing headers and page numbers in report
X-message-flag: Sent virus-free from a linux system.

  My document is defined as style 'report'. The abstract has been renamed to
Executive Summary and is on a separate page from the title page. I use
fancyheader to put text in each page's header. To force the Executive
Summary and first page to be on a right-side page I use
\mbox { }
after the title and after the Executive Summary. These work fine.

  However, both pages that should be blank contain the header and the page
number of '2'. I've not figured out how to remove them from those two pages.
I've tried various LaTeX macros (from my main local reference, Lipkin's
book) and I've looked on the tips and tricks Web page. Nothing's worked for
me. I see macros that are supposed to work for book and article style but
they're not working for my document in report style.

Here is what I use (in the preamble, there are active @s as it is
patched in a variant of the report class):

Should do both things: print the next page as a right page and make
it empty.


Re: table of contents links

2004-06-17 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

X-Authenticated: #1203117
From: Roland Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: table of contents links
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 19:10:33 +0200
Cc: Dominique Buenzli [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stacy Prowell 
  I use tex2pdf, which is a Perl script you can find on Berlios:
  It produces *very* nice PDF output from a LyX input.  You have to run
  it from the prompt, providing the .lyx file as the argument.  It will
  automatically run bibTeX and can run makeindex, if that's needed.
  It's very configurable.

i tried to generate my PDF documents with tex2pdf. As far as good, but if got 
two problems with it
1) at the end of my document there is the bibliograhpy and the index. If i 
gererate a pdf document with tex2pdf the index is missing, if i use dvipdfm 
it's ok.

You need to configure tex2pdf to activate makeindex, run
tex2pdf -c
to specify which index file to use, and any other makeindex option

2) acroread show's all chapters of my document in the bookmarklist expect one 
(the second) chapter. I can't the any difference, between this chapter an the 
other ones.

Check the log, probably something prevents hyperref to compute the bookmark.
You will see e.g. for math that it fails, but it does half the work
(the bookmarks miss the math, simply).

I also posted this to the tex2pdf mailinglist, but till now i got no answer.
It might have run into problems, I don't remember having seen your question.
Have you checked the archive there ?


Re: Clearing headers and page numbers in report

2004-06-17 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 14:28:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Clearing headers and page numbers in report

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:

 Here is what I use (in the preamble, there are active @s as it is
 patched in a variant of the report class):

  When I put the above, verbatim, in the preamble, it makes no difference. I
still have the ERT of \newpage and \mbox{ } because if I take them out I
lose the blank, left page.

  What have I missed?

Did you insert in ERT \clearemptydoublepage{} ?
This command is supposed to *repace* your own commands to provide blank pages.
BTW, mind the ~: without it, it won't work (\clearpage ignores
emply pages). You may as well replace it by a marker if requested, like
{\centering EMPTY PAGE}


Re: References

2004-06-17 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 19:13:39 -0700
From: Kenward Vaughan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: References

On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 11:00:51PM +0200, Roland Schmitz wrote:
 this is one of the features i like in word, every chapter, figure, ... is 
 automaticly in the list of references.

Perhaps someone could add that as a setup choice, but I'd personally
rather have a less bloated file.

Sure, the problem is worse: dis you ever try to edit the resulting list,
or the toc (e.g for multipart docs) ?

Any operation (including print) reexecutes the macro and wipes out your changes,
and it's always when the document is due yesterdeay that you discover this.

With (La)TeX I may edit the toc, lof, lot securely. if really needed.

IMHO, forget applications which think for you.


Re: lyx-remote script?

2004-06-17 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 08:14:16 +0200
Subject: lyx-remote script?

Dear Lyxers,

I would like to see a script, that 
   * opens a file in a LyX session, if there is an open one, or
   * starts LyX with the file, if there is no LyX running.

I thought about checking for ~.lyxpipe, 
  if it exists send an open file command there, 
  if not start LyX with file.

The lyxpipe files may  be there alone if LyX has been killed
unexpectedly, so this test in not enough robust.
You need to check if there is an active LyX with ps, e.g. in Perl

if ((-e $ENV{HOME}/  (grep(/lyx/,`ps -u $ENV{USER}`))) {
# open a buffer through the pipe
else {
`$0 $ARGV[0]`

I'm unfamiliar with file loading in buffers with the LyX server,
the commented line should be repaced by the correct syntax.


Re: table of contents links

2004-06-17 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

X-Authenticated: #1203117
From: Roland Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: table of contents links
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 11:00:01 +0200


Am Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2004 01:53 schrieb Uwe Stöhr:
 This is only possible if the images are highly compressed, but then they 
 often look ugly. (compression depends on the eps-pdf converter)
 Pdflatex has the advantage that you need no converter for png images.
 (Btw. the upcoming pdflatex v1.2 produces always smaller pdf files.)
At the end of your posting you confirm my suggestion, that tex2pdf uses 
pdflatex, so where's the advantage to use pdflatex standalone. Till now, i 
don't think that the images look ugly, but i will analyse this.

 Links in pdf's are automatically created when you use the package 
 'hyperref'. Here an example for the preamble

tex2pdf only automates the procedure needed to run pdflatex on
a file ready to be processed by plain latex, and using the graphicx package:
 - convert eps to pdf, or use existing pngs, jpgs aor pdfs if available
 - adds hyperref commands to make the pdf hypertexted
It works in temp files, so that you keep your original latex files intact
(this is more useful with latex than with lyx).

So if you know hyperref commands and translate your graphics by hand
you will get the same result using latex/ps2pdf, pdflatex
and tex2pdf (but for possible ugly graphics coming
from bitmap eps graphics).

tex2pdf gives a basic hyperref config (link colors, bookmarks, thumbnails...)
but you may add Uwe's commands through the config file or on the command line.

In addition, it runs all needed pdflatex passes to get the final result,
including makeindex runs.

The doc is resident in the config procedure in fact, you are supposed
to understand what it does from the questions it asks :-).
Raeding the plain parts of the Perl code may be useful as well :-))


Re: tmp directory

2004-06-24 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Jim Ragsdale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: tmp directory
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 15:13:31 -0500

Is there a command in lyx that I can use to clear the tmp directory on
windows? If I make small changes sometimes Lyx wont recompile the document.
I have to exit lyx and reload all my files and build again to see the
changes. Does anyone else have these problems?

Close/Open the document is enough in this situation I guess, exiting
LyX is not needed.


Re: Change the font for a document from default to helvetica

2004-06-28 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: Change the font for a document from default to helvetica
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 11:13:09 +0200


I need to change the font in my document from default (times) to helvetica. 
When I change it, the text appears to be helv, but things like Table, the 
page number and figures set by lyx are still the default.
This looks a little bit ugly, is it possible to change that?

You need to set  globally the family:

in the preamble.


Re: \thispagestyle{empty} not working for me

2004-06-29 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Juergen Spitzmueller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: \thispagestyle{empty} not working for me
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 16:23:31 +0200

Rich Shepard wrote:

 I have \thispagestyle{empty} immediately after the word, Preface,
 but the numbering is still there.

Do you have it in the heading's line? Try to set it in the next line
(standard paragraph). I'm not sure this changes anything, though.

 Strange. Perhaps your class does some redefinition. Actually, it should
 work.  What pagestyle are you using generally?
 The document style is Springer-Verlag's 'svmono' built on top of 'book'.
 Page style is 'default'.

If the above doesn't work: Can you type \pagestyle{empty} at the very
beginning of the document, and then \pagestyle{fancy} (or whatever you are
using) after the TOC?

Just a guess: if the pagestyle of the document is fancyplain
(as I would recommend for a report or a book), you might try
rather than \thispagestyle{empty}

Of course, you have to decide what plain means for your document...


Re: Urgent Typesetting Question

1999-03-29 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 16:42:32 +0100 (BST)
 From: "James E. Jarvis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Urgent Typesetting Question
 I have a title page with

 I actually put my degree type, school and year in the date field,
 apparently have to have the "degree type, school and year" at the foot of
 the page. How can I make the date field drop to the foot of the page?
 Should I be using another field and skipping date field  entirely?

If a footnote is not OK, several LaTeX tricks are available.
If you need to customize headers and footers in the remaining
of the document, using fancyhdr.sty will provide the necessary fields,
but it needs a little LaTeX involvment.




1999-04-26 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 23:48:46 +0200
 From: Herbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: 
 Unknown wrote:
  X-Personal_name: charles kaufman
  Subject: UserGuide.lyx error
  I just installed lyx from a debian linux package. When I open
  UserGuide it seems to load and it can be read on the screen.
  But an attempt to view dvi or print it brings up an error box.
  The error precedes the title and says 'file rotating.sty not found.'
 write in the preamble (Layout - Latex preamble)
Never had to do that to view the doc, would check first the LaTeX
installation. If the style is not there, or the hash file not updated,
the problem is not a LyX one.



Re: [Sebastien Loisel] lyx

1999-04-30 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

  I have another showstopper but it's to do with my LaTeX install.
  Somehow, TeTeX thinks that amstex.sty is obsolete so I can't use \Bbb.
 I think amstex.sty is an old style-file. The new style-file from the AMS
 is called amssymb.sty. If you include a \usepackage{amssymb} in the Latex
 preamble, \Bbb should work.

AFAIR, amsfonts.sty works too.


Re: beginning of a chapter

1999-05-04 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 09:26:39 +0200 (MET DST)
 From: Achim Maldener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: beginning of a chapter
  You are right of course. What you have to add for the report class is
  'openright' in the extra option field of Layout-Document.
  Hope this helps at last.
 It did. But. I would prefer the page that is inserted to be
 empty, but it contains the page header.
 Any hint?

I use in LaTeX \clearemptydoublepage pasted before each \chapter:
is defined in the preamble.



Re: Small glitch in View dvi?

1999-05-06 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 10:33:16 -0600
 From: Mario Parra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Kayvan Aghaiepour Sylvan [EMAIL PROTECTED], lyx users 
 Subject: Re: Small glitch in View dvi?
 Somehow the dependency files are not being set properly.
 This is why I think this is so.
 If I set use_tmpdir true then lyx creates a directory under /tmp where it 
 files. Over there, there is a file called nameofdocumet.tex.dep that holds 
 names of the
 latex files used to create the dvi. But that file points to the wrong place! 
 always has the
 path that points to the installation directory.

Here (lyx-1.0.2 on Sun Solaris 2.6), in /tmp/lyx_tmp6076aaa/lyx_bufrtmp6076aaa/
-rw---   1 chretien dera   8 May  6 19:03 newfile.aux
-rw---   1 chretien dera 228 May  6 19:03 newfile.dvi
-rw---   1 chretien dera2353 May  6 19:03 newfile.log
-rw---   1 chretien dera 349 May  6 19:04 newfile.tex
-rw---   1 chretien dera  34 May  6 19:03 newfile.tex.dep

  - the .dep file points to the original directory, 
%more newfile.tex.dep
/ca/dera/chretien/newfile.tex 0 0
  - the .tex file is up to date (19:04) after a change,
  - the other files remained unchanged.
If I past the temporary dir instead in newfile.tex.dep,
%more newfile.tex.dep
/tmp/lyx_tmp6076aaa/lyx_bufrtmp6076aaa/newfile.tex 0 0

further updates work.

Hope that helps...



Re: Odd even pages

1999-06-28 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 08:30:53 +0100
 From: Andreas Jahnen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Odd  even pages
 Sasa Janiska wrote:
  I use book style for producing one book.
  I have parts  chapters in the book, using two side option, but LyX does
  not put empty pages to have beginnings of chapter on odd pages.
 There is a latex command around that may help you. If I can remember it
 is called \clearpage or if two-sided \cleardoublepage. The correct
 syntax and the options to these command is in every latex book. ( No one
 around here... .)

The book style *should* produce chapters on odd pages, AFAIR (as well as parts).
As I prefer a really empty even pages, I use \clearemptydoublepage 
before each chapter:
is defined in the preamble.
If you want it systematic, you may redefine the \clearemptydoublepage command.



Re: Odd even pages

1999-06-29 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 There is a latex command around that may help you. If I can remember it
 is called \clearpage or if two-sided \cleardoublepage. The correct
 syntax and the options to these command is in every latex book. ( No one
 around here... .)
 Yes, I tried that, but without success.

IMHO, you should not leave this problem unsolved:
in TeX mode should produce a page break, (and
in TeX mode for a two-sided document) MUST produce a pagebreak
(resp. go to an odd page).
\clearpage does not only cretae a pagebreak, it purges the
buffer of floats, which may be useful at times ...



Re: Importation from Mathematica, and cube roots.

1999-06-30 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 15:47:09 +0800 (WST)
 From: Rod Pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Importation from Mathematica, and cube roots.
 Hello all,
 Two questions...first has anybody ever imported/iserted/somehow got into
 lyx a complicated formula from mathematica. Whenever I try, it seems to
 produce Latex that there are problems with. Usually I get an error about
 an \Mvariable...

From my nearest CTAN archive:
Have a look at the README
There is a lot of stuff there, including a mathematica.sty
which should be useful...



Re: styles that are not paragraphs

1999-07-12 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 16:58:16 +0200 (MET DST)
 From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: styles that are not paragraphs
  "Greg" == Greg Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Greg But tipa is not a font family, it's a "superfamily", including
 Greg Roman, slanted, bold, bold-extended, and sans families.  Putting
 Greg \usepackage{tipa} has the effect that text inside
 Greg \tipaencoding{...}  will be ipa Roman, ipa sans, etc., depending
 Greg on the context.  So, it works just like color.
 Greg Perhaps the developers might consider institutionalizing my
 Greg hack, so one could customize by substituting superfamilies for
 Greg colors.
 There are talks about defining caracter-level styles in a later
 version. I do not know when, though...

Would a mechanism associating a button or a shortcut to a command be OK ?
Works in math mode, which suggest another hack
 - define math-macro tipa as \mbox{\tipaencoding{#1}}
 - call when needed \tipa in math mode, fill-in the field.
Sole problem: mathed interprets the text as math text (cf a recent private
discussion with Jean-Marc), and M-m m before the #1 above does not seem to work.

What about an implementation of \newcommand as a text macro ?



Re: citation

1999-07-18 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 21:10:45 +0200
 Subject: Re: citation 
 thanks for all the answers - now I will not stay in the rain...(I'm the 
 only one, who is using Latex (or better mention - Lyx) in our lab.
 Now I use the apalike package and the apalike.sty for my 
 references. (Thanks Yann MORERE for the tip).
 But I have another question regarding citations:
 How could I do the following:
 bla bla bal like Turner 1998 says, bla bla bla... (without brackets).
 And I don't want the delemiter between Author and Year - should 
 look like (Turner 1998).
 And sometimes I have to include text in the brackets 
 (s. Turner 1998).
 thanks for any advice!

You really need citation style hacking...
Have a look at the natbib package (from any CTAN archive).



Re: Creating a german index revisited

1999-07-21 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 16:17:19 +0200 (CEST)
 From: "Stephan E. Schlierf" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: LyX-Users Mailing-Liste [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Creating a german index revisited
 Hi there,
 a few weeks ago I asked whether somebody could help me with a problem that
 occured writing a manual.
 The Problem was to create a "german" index (that means an index that sorts
 german umlauts correctly).



What about the @ separator:
in the index entry popup puts the entry äfoo 
at the alphabetical location of afoo.
A bit more lengthy than the hacking, but allows 8 bits
input encoding and deals with any complicated tex construct
(including math...that you must encode in TeX in the popup however).
Useful also if you want to reflect a font style in the index.

Or perhaps I didn't understand the requirement ?



Re: Lyx and Latex2html

1999-08-17 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 09:07:55 +0100
 From: Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Lyx and Latex2html
 On Sat, Aug 07, 1999 at 11:38:44PM -0400, Myriam Abramson wrote:
  I'm confused.  Shouldn't the html/url inserts become links in html 
  when using latex2html (after exporting to latex) on the document?
  Maybe I'm missing something
   I am not sure about this but that behaviour can be configured
 inside latex2html.
  Go Proverb:
  Don't make territory near thickness.

From my experince of latex2HTML, if you want a correct behaviour with
printed URLS in the paper document and hypertext links in the electronic ones, 
you must use the html.sty provided with latex2HTML and use one of
the provided commands \htmladdnormallink or \htmladdnormallinkfoot.
I personnaly prefer the second one, which puts the URL as a footnote.
Is seems that you must insert the reference in TeX mode up to now, after
adding the package in the preamble.

More generally, html.sty allows to control the differences between
paper version and electronic version of a document (insertion of HTML code,
LaTeX part which should not be translated,...).



Re: multi-line text and {\a} in formulas

1999-08-18 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 From: Reinhard Borek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: multi-line text and {\"a} in formulas
 Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 10:03:31 +0200
 how I can write multi-line text and chars like {\"a} in formulas?
 When I try to put 'ä' in text mode in a formula, it does not occur
 anything. When I try to put {\"a} in LaTex-mode in a formula, it does
 not work. 
 greetings, Reinhard
 Reinhard Borek
 Exp. Phys I
 Fachbereich Physik
 Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
 Friedemann-Bach-Platz 6
 06108 Halle/Saale

Trying to type in accented characters in math mode is not correct.
In plain LaTeX, you must get back to text mode with a \mbox{}.

In Lyx, the plain text in math mode should be typed in math text mode (M-m m).
What do you mean by « it does not occur anything » when you do so ?
Here (Sun Solaris) I can type in accented characters with the Compose key,
and the dvi is correct.

For multi-line, I don'see any other LyX solution than using a matrix
and typing text in the cells.



Re: multi-line text and {\a} in formulas

1999-08-18 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 From: Reinhard Borek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: multi-line text and {\"a} in formulas
 Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 10:54:48 +0200
 at Wed, 18 Aug 1999 Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
   From: Reinhard Borek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   how I can write multi-line text and chars like {\"a} in formulas?
   When I try to put 'ä' in text mode in a formula, it does not occur
   anything. When I try to put {\"a} in LaTex-mode in a formula, it does
   not work. 
  Trying to type in accented characters in math mode is not correct.
  In plain LaTeX, you must get back to text mode with a \mbox{}.
  In Lyx, the plain text in math mode should be typed in math text mode (M-m 
  What do you mean by « it does not occur anything » when you do so ?
 In a formula I put 'M-m m' (math text mode), then I put a accented
 char like 'ä'  (in LaTex {\"a}), but this char does not appear in
 the formula in Lyx or in the ps-output.

OK, this is because you have a problem to enter accented characters
in math-mode: here I type in accented characters using programmed keys
by xmodmap when in normal LyX text, but this doesn't work in math mode
(I don't understand why). I'm lucky because the Compose key
(which is specific to Sun keyboards) works both in normal LyX text mode
and math text mode.

 Also I put '\mbox{}' in a formula in Lyx, but when I put '"' and '\'
 to write '{\"a}', these chars do not appear.

That's due to the fact that mathed (the math editor) is not re-entering
LaTeX text mode in a \mbox, as you can see that the typed characters
in the \mbox remain in blue (instead of going black as in math text mode), so
the \' is eaten by mathed.
This is a deep difference IMHO with (La)TeX where the alternation of 
$...$ and \mbox{} allows to indefinitely go in and out from the math mode
(well ... indefinitely means up to the TeX buffer size).
So typing \mbox{é} in LyX (if you can enter the é, which I do here
only with the compose key) simply makes an roman accented e in math mode,
which is no good because the letter is italicized. The same command in LaTeX
works fine.

So you must find a way to enter accented characters, otherwise the
only workaround I can imagine is to hack the LaTeX code, or use
TeX macros: for exmaple, define in the preamble
then in math mode, you may type in \mbox{\aumlaut} without problems.

To be more precise, I wrote a short LyX file with various solutions
that is attached. 
You may check that the \mbox solution with accented characters does not
work (if you try to export to LaTeX and compile, you get an error because
\ddot and \acute can only be used in math mode), and if you want to be
particular about typography, the encoding of the é is not correct
in math text mode as $\acute{\textrm{e}}$ differs from $\mbox{é}$.

Sorry if I drove you too much into LaTeX details which should not be noticed
if you use LyX as is. You really should manage to get diacritics in math mode.



#This file was created by chretien Wed Aug 18 16:25:36 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding default
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard
\added_space_top 0.3cm \added_space_bottom 0.3cm \align center \LyXTable
5 2 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1
1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
8 1 0 "" ""
8 1 1 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""

Umlaut in LyX
Umlaut in math text mode

\begin_inset Formula \( \ddot{\textrm{a}} \)

Umlaut in 
\family typewriter 

\family default 


\begin_inset Formula \( \mbox {\ddot{a}} \)

Umlaut created with 
\family typewriter 

\family default 


\begin_inset Formula \( \mbox {\aumlaut } \)

Umlaut in 
\family typewriter 

\family default 
\latex latex 

\latex default 

\latex latex 
\layout Standard
\added_space_top 0.3

Re: Lyx on Solaris 2.6

1999-08-19 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 12:52:24 -0400
 From: "David F. Nitz" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Lyx on Solaris 2.6
 I'm trying to install/run Lyx on Solaris 2.6.  Sources compile w/o errors,
 and I'm able to start Lyx and get the splash screen, view online help.
 But when I try to export to Latex an empty .tex file is created.
 If I try to view th .dvi or .ps file directly from the Lyx "File" menu,
 Lyx seems to go into an inifinite loop.
 The same behavior happens with version 1.01 and 1.03 of Lyx.  Any
 suggestions as to what is wrong here?
 David F. Nitz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Physics Department, Michigan Tech
 Tel: (906)487-2274  Fax: (906) 487-2933
No problem here, everything's fine
gcc 2.8.1
teTeX 0.4

Any access problem to lyxrc or other config files ? ( e.g. permissions)

Beware that the install DOES NOT necessary forces world rx permissions
on directories on Solaris (depends on the install script used): 
I added a « umask 022 » in the compile/install script to settle the



Re: German umlauts in math equations, again...

1999-08-20 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 09:21:27 +0200
 From: Frank Mahler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: LyX mailinglist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: German umlauts in math equations, again...
 Hi there!
 I just made an upgrade to Suse-6.2 and am finally able to enter german
 umlauts in math-text-mode.
 Unfortunately when I save and then re-load the document again, all
 umlauts are gone!

How are umlauts encoded in math text mode?
Here in the LyX file for ä
\begin_inset Formula \( \ddot{\textrm{a}} \)

In the meantime, I reminded that I explicitly reprogrammed
the bindings to get the umlaut in math mode (initially I needed
the umlaut in math mode as a shortcut for second order derivative w.r.t.
time, which is \ddot{} in LaTeX). 

So I added in the math.bind file:
\bind "M-m S-quotedbl"  "math-insert ddot"

AFAIR, Jean-Marc recommended rather:
\bind "M-m ~S-quotedbl" "accent-umlaut"
which is present in the standard math binding of 1.0.3 and 1.0.4

Both bindings produce the LyX code above, which gives back the umlauts
when you relead the file.



Re: First Line Indentation

1999-08-20 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 21:26:15 -0700
 From: "Michael D. Mann" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: First Line Indentation
 Thanks for your response, but that didn't work. The "indent" radiobutton was
 already selected. No matter which one I select, I get the exact same output.
 Is there something special I need to do to "define" a paragraph?

There is a problem if replacing « indent » by « skip » does not change
anything in the dvi. What document class are you using ?
Does it change the LyX window appearance ?

The package name mentioned must be indentfirst (p.28 of the Companion).



Re: german sharp s in formula

1999-08-20 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 From: Reinhard Borek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: german sharp s in formula
 Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 14:38:40 +0200
 how I can put a german sharp s in text-mode in a formula?

The mbox trick must work in that case, encoding the sharp s with \ss
This does not work in math text mode because the \ keystroke shifts back
in TeX mode.


Re: section-names in headers?

1999-08-24 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 10:19:20 +0100 (BST)
 From: Tony Dancer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: section-names in headers?
 I am using AMS srticle format, and thanks to some help from the group
 already have made some configuration changes to the section/subsection
 etc formats. A look through the mail archive suggests I would be better
 off using amsbook, but this is a paper, not a book, so the formatting
 on other stuff  in amsbook is off for my current purposes.
 I now wish to have the headers display the section name on the left
 hand side, and the sub-section name on the right. I also want the
 \cfoot to have page numbers (I can manage this bit tho!). I have tried
 using \renewcommand and I have tried using fancyhdr, trying to adapt
 what I gleaned from instructions to changing the section/subsection
 previously from Herbert. But I can't get it to work. 
 Can someone enlighten me on the easiest way to achieve what I want,
 using lyx or latex commands. Some help would be much appreciated.

The fancyhdr makes what you want if you redefine the way the running headers
are constructed. From my report style preamble:

\markboth{\thechapter.\ \textsc{#1}}{}} % number . chapheader text in small caps
\markright{\thesection\ \textsc{#1}}}  % number  sectheader text in small caps
% markers style redefinition

%left header : chaptertitle on odd pages ,
%page number on  even pages
\chead{}   % empty center header

%right header : sectiontitle on even pages,
%   page number on  odd pages

%   rule control: no rules on chapter pages

This must be too complicated for your needs if you build a one-sided
document because of the fancyplain stuff (chapter are on fresh
odd pages, and we want only the page number without rule in that case).

It's a bit intricated, but I'm afraid you must
dig in this if you really want a particular page layout.



Re: Cannot import Latex file (LyX v1.0.3)

1999-08-24 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 09:15:09 -0400
 From: Colin Chow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Cannot import Latex file (LyX v1.0.3)
 I have just installed LyX 1.0.3.  The features list says it can import latex
 file, but the "File- import" menu has the LATEX option disabled!  Is it
 something wrong with my latex?
 -- Colin
Have you got Perl available ?
reLyX (the LaTeX2lyx translator) is written in Perl...
That may explain the disabled option if Perl is not found
at install time. You may check your install log as well.



Re: bibtex and publications list in CV

1999-08-31 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Currently I have just typed these all in manually and made them
 "Description". (Which is OK, though it makes the first author's name bold)
 I was wondering if there is a way to use BibTeX (with natbib) to create
 these several reference listings (just the refs, no headings)? It seems
 wasteful and error-prone to be retyping all this manually when the info is
 already in my .bib file. But I don't see how to get the ref list without
 having printed citations in the text.
 Thanks very much for any help.
 Bill Simpson

First hack:
Type in \nocite{*} in red, and create the bibliography using BiBTEX as usual:
after view dvi, you will get all the citations which are in your bib file as an 
usual bibliography.
You can then get the bbl file from the temporary (or do manually latex/bibtex
after exporting as Latex, or perhaps just export as dvi
to get it in your working dir.) and cut and paste
from it. If you want it sorted by type, you may create as many
bib files as type of documents and type them in the bib files popup,
or rearrange your bib file and use an unsorted style.

Second hack:

There exists a style file to do what you want named bibtopics.sty
Never used it however, must be in the next CTAN archive.


Re: .ps from Mac in LyX

1999-09-01 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

 Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 16:41:01 + (GMT)
 From: Bill Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: .ps from Mac in LyX
 I have several .ps files created by a Mac that I want to include in a LyX
 document. I attach one.
 I ftped them over as binary, then converted
 tr "\r" "\n"
 to get rid of the weird mac end-of-lines.
 The files look OK in ghostview. HOWEVER they just create a string of
 errors if I try to include them in a LyX document.  Does anyone have any
 guesses what is wrong and how to fix?
 My guess is that the problem has to do with the line:
 %%BoundingBox: ? ? ? ?
 But I don't know how to fix it.

Ghostview gives you the BB (the crosshairs give the position
of the point in the figure in pixels) you may paste it
(I never remember the order of the 4 coordinates).

A quicker hack would be to filter the file through a ps to
eps converter, which should recalculate the BB.

By the way, a better tool to convert from PC/Mac to Unix
is to use zip: Unix unzip has an option to deal correctly with these
#$^% EOL and EOFs.


Re: quotes in mathmode?

1999-09-22 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 10:21:47 + (GMT)
From: Bill Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: quotes in mathmode?

 AFAIU, mathed (the equation editor) does not re-enter in paragraph or LR mode
 as TeX /LaTeX does, so that the keystrokes after \mbox are still in math
 with the corresponding restrictions.
I don't really understand this.
However using \mbox{text} seems to work--looks like normal text, not
italic. The problem is just the quotes

No, the problem is that you may invoke in LaTeX any legal construct allowed in a mbox,
including re-entering math mode (that is quite useful if you write math \newcommands as
\newcommand{\myadot}{\mbox{$\dot{a}$}} to be able to use \myadot in math mode AND in 
text mode).
With mathed, you don't need this anymore (have a look at the math macro mechanism)
because you can't re-enter in real text mode once you are in math mode.

 Have you tried the math text mode (M-m m) instead of \mbox ?
Same problem.
Can't type `` or ".

The math text mode does not accept punctuation I guess.

So is this a bug in LyX?

That's a feature of mathed :-). There are counterparts: as I mentioned above
the math macro mechanism is very powerful.


Re: double quote

1999-09-23 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Nabil Hathout [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 11:35:01 + (/etc/localtime)
Subject: double quote


I am using LyX for writing in French and in French typography,
guillemets have to be preceded and followed by a small blank.  The
size and the protection of the blank is handled by B. Gaule's French
package.  How ever, I have to insert these blanks each time I insert a 
double quote.  Is there in LyX a parameter that would do that for me ?
(ie insert "« " instead of "«")



I did not find how type in « in LyX (did not search a lot however), so
I use the facility of french GUTenberg style to type in   (with a blank)


Re: Bug? Reading math mode formulas

1999-09-29 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Nabil Hathout [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 17:20:58 +0200 (CEST)
To: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Bug? Reading math mode formulas

I inserted a math display box, then "\mbox" then "{" (LyX inserted the closing
"}"), then "\textrm" then "{" (automatic insertion of "}") then I
typed some characters.  I saved the file and spaces where inserted
between \textrm and the accolade. This extra space makes LyX unable
to read properly the formula.

Use of \mbox in math mode, which is often used in plain LateX, should be
IMHO avoided in LyX because mathed does not
change from math to text mode and back as LaTeX does.
In the given example, the roman text sould be typed in in the so called 
« math text mode »
Using a \newcommand offers a workaround when \mbox is really needed, as
it has been pointed out recently.



Re: Bug? Reading math mode formulas

1999-09-29 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

X-Sun-Data-Type: text
X-Sun-Content-Length: 1093
X-Sun-Charset: X-iso-8859-1

From: Nabil Hathout [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 17:37:40 +0200 (CEST)
To: "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Bug? Reading math mode formulas

You mean I don't need to insert a mbox and that inserting textrm
directly would be suffisant ?


Just do it:
M-m m \frac M-m m abc... gives

\begin_inset Formula \( \frac{\textrm{abc}}{\textrm{eff}} \)
(I've replaced g by f to show that the ligature works).

If you want an accented character, you may have it 

\begin_inset Formula \( \frac{\textrm{abc}}{\acute{\textrm{e}}\textrm{ff}} \)

but as you can see, this is quite different of the result obtained with

\begin_inset Formula \( \frac{\textrm{abc}}{\testac } \)

is defined in the preamble.

If you are a typographic addict, you will make a difference between a math accent
on letter e and a real é letter...


X-Sun-Data-Type: text
X-Sun-Content-Length: 1197
X-Sun-Data-Name: newfile.lyx
X-Sun-Data-Description: newfile.lyx
X-Sun-Charset: X-iso-8859-1

#This file was created by chretien Wed Sep 29 17:49:40 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass report


\options 12pt,twoside,a4paper
\language french
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\float_placement !ht
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 30mm
\topmargin 20mm
\rightmargin 30mm
\bottommargin 24mm
\headheight 10mm
\headsep 9mm
\footskip 10mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \frac{\textrm{abc}}{\acute{\textrm{e}}\textrm{ff}} \)

\begin_inset Formula \( \frac{\textrm{abc}}{\textrm{eff}} \)

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \( \frac{\textrm{abc}}{\testac } \)


Re: How to force LyX to make the all compilation

1999-10-01 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: Re: How to force LyX to make the all compilation
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Gullik Bjønnes)
Date: 01 Oct 1999 16:53:42 +0200

Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| On Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 12:31:03PM +0200, Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
|  I suppose LyX doesn't check the time stamp of the bib files.
|  Seems to me that editing the Biblio refrences popu menu (say, add e letter
|  and remove it) calls the BibTeX run, you may check that.
|  Otherwise quit LyX and restart works, bu is a bit tiresome. 
|   Quit LyX? Why? The most that could be needed is to close the document and
| reopen it again. :)
|   Ok, but this doesn't count as a fix. :)

I am not sure how to to a proper fix. To do it we need to know the
absolute path to the bib file in questions, if we can have that the
problem is solved.  But how to get the absolute path of the bib file?


With a kpathsea search tree  texmf install, kpsewhich can do it, but I suppose
that such a distribution-specific solution is not suitable...


Re: ps too big ???

1999-10-11 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 11:46:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ps too big ???

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, claudio wrote:

 Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I need to
 produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of a Starcalc
 sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
 1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb)
 2) save in tiff (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too large (
 Is possible to reduce the size of the files ps I have with some
 compression tool ?

Hi Claudio,

I have a similar situation, but I don't know if my solution will help you.
I have an electromagnetic simulation program that generates very large ps
files (up to 80MB) for three-dimensional structures. I use the GIMP to
sample the ps file to a desired resolution (this just means that I open
the .ps file inside the GIMP). Then, I convert the file to .gif which
usually results in a file that is less than 250kB. I then use xfig to
create a figure with the .gif file in a picture box, and finally, I export
to eps from xfig. The resulting .eps file can be used in LyX. My 50MB
ps files become 200kB gifs and 500kB to 1MB eps files. Unfortunately, this
may not help to compress your 3MB ps files if they are already efficient.

The memory size of bitmapped/compressed images depends strongly upon the final 
if you need a thumbnail image, say 80x60 pixels, it will have a smaller
size than the original one, say 400x300 (that is a good reason to use 
specific small images in HTML documents rather that resizing of original ones). 
The size of vectorized images is by definition independent of the printed size 
(a global scale order changes the size at viewing or printing time).
 - if the original ps is of the vector kind, nothing can really be done, 
 unless the used software produces very huge dictionaries of macros which are
 not fully used by the figure; in that case I would suggest to try 
 a conversion to eps using ghostscript: it may rewrite a simpler picture;
 - if the original ps is big because bitmapped, convert it to GIF or PNG, then back to
 eps, preferably in the final desired size; ImageMagick allows to do this in
 batch mode (i.e. without opening the images) quite easily, which is useful
 when you have many images. Unless you print in color, you
 will convert to greyscale on the fly (-colorspace GRAY option of ImageMagick convert 
 As a side remark about the original mail, I don't understand why the size of the image
 is a problem, once it is converted in EPS: to produce the dvi, LyX only needs the
 BoundingBox, the image in only read at viewing or printing time: if the printing 
 I would suspect a printer spool problem or a temporary size. Did you check that ?
 A good test is to save as LaTeX, run latex alone and chack that the dvi is correct.
 Then you may try to print the document page by page
 dvips bar -pp1-1 


Re: problems

1999-10-12 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: LyX-Users Mailing-Liste [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: problems
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 11:37:06 -0400

Hi folks

I'm quite a new user of lyx. and latex.  I'm running lyx on a Pentium II 350 within 
a tetex-latex 

So, I've got two problems:

1) I'm trying to install a package with the University of Toronto Thesis Style,
but a don't know the right procedures. Two files are provided:  ut-thesis.tex
and ut-thesis.cls. 

You must put it in a place where LaTeX finds it. Depending upon the installation, it
can be in the texmf tree (teTeX case e.g., you must run texhash after putting
the files there - the best idea is to create a local site_latex directory where you put
all the imported stuff, easier to move around when you upgrade) or in one of the 
in the TEXINPUTS environment variable.

How should I do to finish my instalation?

2) how do I include captions in pictures and tables?

You should create a float before insering the picture or table, look at



Re: inserting real space/lines

1999-10-12 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 21:02:11 +
To: Frederic Leymarie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: inserting real space/lines

Frederic Leymarie wrote:
 How can I turn off in LyX  the feature that erases blank lines
 automatically ??

try Ctrl-Enter at the end of the line.


You add a local linebreak this way... I would rather suggest to set the paragraph 
to include a skip, which you will be able to remove globally once your
document is done. To have it global, just open the Layout-Document, set "Separation"
to "Skip" and "Default skip" to "bigskip" (or to a larger value).


Re: Preface/Bibliography missing from TOC

1999-10-13 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: Re: Preface/Bibliography missing from TOC
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Gullik Bjønnes)
Date: 13 Oct 1999 15:10:43 +0200

Bruce Momjian [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| Can someone suggest why an un-numbered Chapter called "Preface", and my
| Bibliography section do not appear in the table of contents(TOC)?  They
| don't appear in the TOC popup box, nor do they appear in the printed TOC
| pages.  There appear as pages in the printout, just not in the TOC.

This is a LaTeX feature. If you want these headings in the TOC anyway
you have to add them manually, that is done by adding a line of tex
magic right before or right after the hading in question:

[and now to I remember the magic?]

No...I don't remember the magic, and my LaTeX book is several meters

I am sure somebody else will provide the needed magic.

Anyway, this is not a problem and is easy solvable.


Here is one way:
in the preamble, and mark
\tocchap{Whatever title}
after the starred chapter or biblio, lof or lot reference section

If you want the toc entry look like an entry section, define a similar \tocsect 



Re: packages

1999-10-14 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: LyX-Users Mailing-Liste [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: packages
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 23:43:20 -0400

Hi everybody

I'm running Lyx.1.0.1 within a tetex-latex 0.9.2.. 

I'd like to know how to install some latex packages such as  easy talbe, long
table etc and, after this, make them work at lyx. 

Thank you very much


Here is a possible procedure (I suppose that the texmf tree is owned by root, 
you must be root to do it)
 - if you have not done it already, create a site_latex dir in the texmf tree, eg
mkdir /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/site_latex
 (this will ease upgrades)
 - go to site_latex and make it public
cd /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/site_latex;chmod 755 .
 - check that the required package is not here, eg
kpsewhich longtable.sty
 - if not, go to the nearest CTAN archive and ask for the package (e.g. foo)
 - download the files (generally two files: foo.ins  for the install
 and foo.dtx for the doc stuff) in ./foo after a 
mkdir foo; chmod 755 foo; cd foo
 - latex the two files and make the sty, tex and dvi files public
chmod 444 *.cls *.tex *.sty *.dvi
 - run texhash
 - test from a plain user login, either \documentclass{foo}, \usepackage{foo} or 
In fact you may have a similar procedure for the bst files in the bibtex part
of the texmf ree; I think that you have often bst files coming in with packages
and that it is simpler to add site_latex in the BSTINPUTS path of texmf.cnf
and keep every imported latex-related stuff in one place.



Re: referring to LyX in preface

1999-10-18 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Bruce Momjian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: referring to LyX in preface
To: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 06:37:12 -0400 (EDT)

Good.  Has anyone else written a 400-page book using LyX yet?  Any
limitations I should be aware of?  It is working well so far.

The only limitation I ever come across is about the TeX buffer capacity
when too many floats are stored waiting for a place to print them.
A reasonable use of \clearpage in ERT (or equivalent in LyX ?)
solves the problem.


Re: figures

1999-10-18 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 15:14:50 +0200
From: Albrecht Dreß [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: figures

Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes wrote:
 Is there any way to import pictures in other formats than *ps? I mean, I've got
 some *jpg ones which would be necessary to a article of mine.

There are LOTS of programs around which can convert JPEG to other formats,
including eps.  You could try xv, ImageMagick (try "man convert"), and so on.

convert -colorspace GRAY foo.jpg foo.eps
works fine here (ImageMagick 4.2.9, GS v 5.50).


Re: Problem with XFig and LyX 1.04 docs

1999-10-21 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: Re: Problem with XFig and LyX 1.04 docs
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Gullik Bjønnes)
Date: 22 Oct 1999 08:08:10 +0200

Bruce Momjian [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| So I go an include the pstex_t file using Insert/Include file, and I
| click on the Input radio button and put the filename in.

Ok...can you have a look at the latex log file Edit-LaTeX Log

And see if some missing/not found files are mentioned.


foo.pstex_t should be encapsulated as a float (if a caption is needed);
it provides the call to the ps part (foo.pstex) through a \special command:

So nothing has to be done else than something like (in LaTeX)

But this is not the problem here because you could like to have the figure
without caption, and 
should work by itself.

What happens is that the \special order does not seems to produce a search for the 
.pstex file
in the lyx doc directory.
I just built up a simple example a pstes_t/pstex figure existing here and
had the descibed behaviour: the postscript is missing because the pstex file is not 



Re: Extra blank page to achieve odd pagenumber

1999-10-22 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

To: lyx mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Extra blank page to achieve odd pagenumber
From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 22 Oct 1999 14:53:29 +0200

 "Alex" == Alex  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alex Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  "Christian" == Christian Ridderström [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Christian Hi LyX-users 1. How can I make LyX/TeX insert an extra
Christian blank page, so that chapters always begin on an odd
Christian pagenumber?

Christian 2. Using the 'Paragraph properties', should perhaps allow
Christian one to do this feature in future versions of lyX.
  Did you try to set your report to 'two sides' in Layout-Document?

Alex You can try with the /cleardoublepage command in TeX mode.

Why? 'two sides' setting takes care of that very well. Otherwise, it
is a bug.


For a book, twoside is enough.
For a report, you must type « openright » in the extra options field of
the Layout-Document
(the default option of report class is « openany »).
In any circumstances, yous should always prefer global solutions to local ones, so
that \cleardoublepage is not a good workaround unless you want a local blank
even page.



Re: included files

1999-10-24 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: included files
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 13:21:47 -0500
From: Mate Wierdl [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Any included file has to be in the same dir as the lyx doc you are
including it into.  So all files exported from xfig needs to be in the
current dir.  The current dir is always searched for input files
unless you messed up your texinputs path.


I indicated in a previous answer to this thread that it seemed
to me that \input@path does nothing about the 
which is in the foo.pstex_t file
(correctly inputted as is, without renamimg it to foo.pstex_t.tex).

Is this the real problem ?
Somebody suggested to put an absolute path in the \special instruction, like
and it works, but it would be better to keep on with relative path names IMHO.

In the same line, I mentioned that it seemed that the texmf tree is searched
before the \input@path, which is a big difference between work in the temporary
and work in the lyx doc dir after exporting as LaTeX (and breaks the way
I mask general settings by local ones).
Is that correct also ?




Re: Manipulating EPS images in Lyx

1999-10-24 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Gerald Gutierrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:25:10 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Manipulating EPS images in Lyx

Hi all.

I'm thinking of using Lyx to write my master's report. Most here know
why .. it's stable, it's clean, it works well for what it does.

I understand several others have used Lyx to write their theses. What
is an appropriate class to use? Are there classes one can install that
are specialized for this type of document?

Also, I expect to have a moderate about of source code in my
report. Perhaps I'm just ignorant, but even today I cannot figure out
how to incorporate source code properly into a Lyx document. The
Lyx-Code seemed like it might work, but I've found that I can't
control it well. It doesn't "look" right to me. For example, if my
report is double-spaced, is there a way to have the code
single-spaced?  I also can't seem to have tab-indents in
Lyx-Code. Things of that sort. Am I missing something?

I use often Insert-Input data generated by external software which I encapsulate
between \begin{verbatim}\end{verbatim} when producing it.
When you re-run the software, the LyX doc is automativally updated
at the next latex run. To deal with line wrap, you need improved
versions of verbatim to avoid code modification.
For programs editing, the lgrind package produces pretty-printing of various
languages (C, C++, ...). See the next CTAN archive. 


Re: count the number of words ina document

1999-10-25 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 18:24:22 +0200
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hezi Gildor)
Subject: count the number of words ina document

hi all,
is there a way to count the number of words or characters in a
documents ?

thanks, hezi.

Word count is a result of spellcheck.


Re: Lyx 1.04: How do I stop the previous chapter =?ISO-8859-1?Q?heading_from_appearing_on_________=B4Chapter*=B4_pages_??=

1999-10-26 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 06:26:09 +0200
From: Martina Schwarz van Doorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Lyx 1.04: How do I stop the previous chapter heading from appearing on 
´Chapter*´ pages ?

 Hello everybody,
 can anyone help me on how stop the previous chapter heading from
appearing on ´Chapter*´ pages ?

In TeX mode
is a first workaround.
If you want Title in the toc, you will need also

If you need it often, a good way is to define a command in the preamble
so that
does the job.
You may have to modify the arguments to make these headings look like the
others headings, e.g. \uppercase{#1}


Re: Error Reading TEX files with Scientific Workspace

1999-10-29 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:45:41 -0300
From: Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Error Reading TEX files with Scientific Workspace

br wrote:

 Hallo,I wanna use "Scientific Workspace" (this is a TEX Programm) to
 read and edit Lyx- documents.Therefor I export  lyx -file with LYX
 1.04 to LATEX.But when I try to open the tex -file I got a bunch of
 error-messages and all math. expression are gone.S.Workspace should be
 able read LATEX files actually .. Any solution here?Thanksbruno

Scientific Workplace has own include style files. Maybe you could try
open a new document, inspect that and add them by hand.
I have problems to import 'pure' latex documents in SW.

Osvaldo Fornaro
There is an export as standard LaTeX, maybe also an import ?


Re: Release of LyX 1.1.2

1999-01-02 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: Release of LyX 1.1.2
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Gullik Bjønnes)
Date: 03 Nov 1999 20:00:27 +0100

This release is a minor update to 1.1.1 that fixes the bugs found there.

  - crash when using fax
  - cheaders included
  - the '-' vs. '_' should be gone.
  - the export to html should be a little better
  - + some additional bugfixes

A few remarks after compile/install (Solaris 2.6, gcc 2.8.1)

 - no more warnings at compilation time (Solaris 2.6, gcc 2.8.1).

 - here is a problem in configure: as is, program_suffix is not taken into account.
As far as I understand, line 860 reads
and thus the configue log says
LyX files dir:  /usr/local/share/lyx
even when program_suffix=-1.1
If I change line 860
 I get
LyX files dir:  /usr/local/share/lyx-1.1
BUT now configure is called configure-1.1 in /usr/local/share/lyx-1.1

 - when I export to HTML, latex2html is called... (tth is installed as 
 and I reused the lyx-1.0.4 lyxrc as is) . Is it the alternative called when tth is 
missing ?



Arrays in mathed

1999-11-17 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien


Dealing with arrays in mathed leaves me often with empty cells
(marked with a blue rectangle).
I cundestood fron the doc that killing a row is possible, but
not a column.
However, I often get a uncomplete row with missing cells and empty cells,
which is not killed by M-e k.
Is there a workaround (other than editing the LyX file ?).
lyx-1.0.4 on Sun/Solaris-2.6



Re: missing begin{document}

1999-01-15 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 08:44:48 +0100
From: François Patte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: missing begin{document}

Sometimes (many times) I get the message: error when I want to see the
dvi (or ps) file. When I try to see what is this error the answer:
missing \begin{document}.

What is the meaning of this message? What can I do if this kind of error
is due to lyx and not to me? I'm not responsible for the preamble and if
I try to add this latex command I get two error messages instead of one.

Worse: in this case I can't do anything. I can't copy and paste from
this lyx window to another lyx window (which, strangly, has no error
message!), I can't export my text "as it is" to use latex to recover, I
can't copy and paste to emacs. My work is lost!

I run (french) version 1.0.3-1

Thank you.

-- François Patte. UFR de mathématiques et informatique.
45 rue des St Pères. 75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tel: 01 44 55 35 59 -- Fax: 01 44 55 35 35

You probably begin to create output in the dvi before the \begin{document}
(e.g. just have some plain text in the preamble which LaTeX tries
to process).
Looks like a preamble error, but we need to know more.
The best would be to export as LaTeX (this should be possible)
and to run latex on the exported file.
You may have a look at the latex log file, but exporting to latex
provides simpler messages.



1999-01-16 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien


When one uses \boldsymbol in math mode, LyX provides the definition
in the preamble:
\newcommand{\boldsymbol}[1]{\mbox{\boldmath $#1$}}

Thix creates an error if you need the whole AMS stuff, because \boldsymbol
is defined there..
Shouldn't the instruction be rewritten 
\renewcommand{\boldsymbol}[1]{\mbox{\boldmath $#1$}}
and more generally the same for other standard definition of lyx_sty.C ?

lyx-1.0.4 on Sun/Solaris2.6


Re: LyX and LaTeX behaviour differ

1999-01-16 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 14:13:49 +0200 (MET DST)
From: "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: LyX and LaTeX behaviuor differ


Using LaTeX to fill-in parametrized pages, I used
to put a default file in the texmf tree which was
replaced by a modified file in the document directory.

This deos not work any more in LyX, the .dep file is not
aware of the existence of a file of the same name in the local
directory and loads the default.

If I export as LaTeX, all is OK again, kpathsea finds the local
before the global.

How are made exactly the dependencies ? 
I know how to workaround (put the absolute path, e.g.), howvever
as I would like to keep the \input instruction in tyhe global both
for Lyx and LaTeX users, it would be better if it worked the same.
Perhaps the solution comes with 1.1, as I read recently it will deal with updates
of bib files ?



I answer myself to this old post because I found a better workaround than absolute 
instead of giving the same name to the local and global files
and leaving the selection to the kpathsea utility, I put foo_default.tex
in the standard teTeX tree, and put a conditional \input order to select

This allows to remove completely the \input from the template document
and put it in the class or package: local files of standard name can be included
automatically, with a default file if the customized file is not provided.

This is a little bit off the list main topic, sorry.


Re: Postcriptq

1999-11-23 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Postcriptq
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 13:13:00 -0400


I need to include some graphics on my thesis which I generate by using an
ordinary spreadsheet and printing as non-encapsulated postscript files. 

After this, I try to convert them to encapsulated but the follow problems show

- the GIMP software makes my graphics quite blur, almost impossible to read;
- whem I try to use the ps2epsi tool both ghostview and my DVI viewer do not
read the file properly, I get only flashes of it, when I reload teh flie.  
I try to print it, the system reads the follwing message: /rangecheck in 
.installpagedevice Operand stack:
--nostringval --

Does anybody know any program which could make such convertions, edit the
postcript  or generate graphics in the right format?

Perhaps your Ghostscript is outdated, you should upgrade (5.50 here).

Otherwise, you may try ImageMagick



Re: QUestion : How to define math macro

1999-11-23 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 18:41:22 +0100
From: charles bouillot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: QUestion : How to define math macro

I'm quite stupid so I can't manage to make a math macro. I'm completly
newbie with Lyx or TeX I've readed the manual but what is the
"minibuffer" (sect 5.5 of the users manual), is it the preambule ? I've
readed the one of the users manual but I didn't find smething
containing  math-macro macro
Does someone can send me a real example of how to create a math-macro ?
Thanx in advance
Charles Bouillot

Section 5.5 of the UserGuide is the right place for math macros.
The minibuffer is the bottom line of the LyX window, where messages appear
(e.g. shortcuts associated to a menu command).
It can be used to input commands, the keystrokes to come into command
input mode are M-x (bound to command command-execute, see section 3.3.4
of the reference).

To create a macro, say foo:
(you get the cursor in the minibuffer)
math-macro foo
(you get a tag in the LyX window which toggles in mathed)
type in the math macro
call it with \foo in mathed
(the mathed look is substituted in the LyX window, but the code
remains \foo, so that any change in the macro is exported everywhere
in the document).

Similar use when parameters are meeded (see section 5.5).



Re: BibTeX and LyX

1999-11-24 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: Re: BibTeX and LyX
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Gullik Bjønnes)
Date: 24 Nov 1999 20:47:22 +0100

Rainer Dorsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| I think there is a bug in the handling of bibtex references. If I change 
| Style in the BibTeX dialog within a lyx session, nothing changes. If I 
| lyx and enter it again, the change is applied.
| I am using lyx 1.1.2 from the Debian distribution.

If LyX are unable to find the .bib file that you use, that is what you
will see.

Where is your bib file located?

I'm not sure that it's the right explanation.
AFAIR (I posted on this already some time ago),
change in the bib style is not enough in plain LaTeX/BibTeX
to refresh the bbl file, you need to kill the existing one (or
the aux file).
It seems to be the same in LyX, close/open kills the aux and bbl files
by changing the temporary. Could be documented as is, unless
a specific LyX refreshing mechanism is implemented (i.e., kill the bbl
file if the style is modified).



Re: BibTeX and LyX

1999-11-25 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 08:33:02 +0100 (MET)
From: "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: BibTeX and LyX

AFAIR (I posted on this already some time ago),
change in the bib style is not enough in plain LaTeX/BibTeX
to refresh the bbl file, you need to kill the existing one (or
the aux file).
It seems to be the same in LyX, close/open kills the aux and bbl files
by changing the temporary. Could be documented as is, unless
a specific LyX refreshing mechanism is implemented (i.e., kill the bbl
file if the style is modified).

I'm sorry if I was a bit misleading this morning... I checked
with the current teTeX install (1.0) and bibtex deals correctly
with the \bibstyle command copied in the .aux file, so I must
have been confused with the .bib file updates 
(which are dealt with in LyX as I understand from Lars answer).
But I confirm that LyX (1.0.4) doesn't update the bbl file
upon a change of style (i.e. the bibtex run is not called).

Sorry for the misundertanding.


Re: How do i change page sizes in the document ?

1999-11-26 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 10:40:58 -0200 (EDT)
From: Carlos A M dos Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Martina Schwarz van Doorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How do i change page sizes in the document ?

Select Layout-Paper and fill-in the fields. LyX will use the geometry
package to set them.


On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Martina Schwarz van Doorn wrote:

 Dear LyXers,
 can anyone tell me how change page sizes in a document ?

Martina asks about a change INSIDE a document, Layout-Paper
provides general settings.
I can't check right now, but AFAIR, you can't SET the 
paper size parameters after a \begin{document} (i.e. inside
the LyX window).
You may however CHANGE the settings with \addtolength
(relative changes). You may check in any LaTeX docbook
how does the scope of the command work (probably from the current page).
From one of my latex docs:
Never tried the geometry package inside the document, 
but it may work as well.



Re: Odd printing behavior... mauve colons

1999-12-14 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 10:13:10 -0800
Subject: Re: Odd printing behavior... mauve colons
User-Agent: Mutt/1.0pre3i

I mentioned originally that I noticed a "mauve colon" on the left side of
the viewed area in lyx.  I have rexamined my printed output (and dvips shows
the same, FWIW) and note the following, which must be linked to this:

The first line of the document prints on its own page (the first page).

The second page runs off the bottom, below the page number.  This is the
area in which I have made modifications to the original exam material (which
was read in as an ascii file).

The third page shows unmodified text.

The mauve colon actually should have been described as colons before Every
line in the section which I modified, which runs off the page.  There is no
colon in the left margin of the first line.  There is no colon next to the
lines found on the third page.  Nothing but colons in between.

I have a feeling that I somehow marked and formatted the entire section in
some way to force it to act as a single unit, including making it literally
run off the printed page.  

I may be completeky off the problem, but I found once that changing the
style of a text (using the Character or Paragraph menu) and then making it
a section could lead to severe misbehaviors (infinite latex run e.g.)



Introduction of a parameterless command in a layout

1999-12-21 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien


I did not manage to introduce a latex command without
parameters in a layout, to have in the style manu
instead of ERT.
Style  Foo

results in 
in the exported .tex file.
I'd like to have
without the {}

lyx-1.0.4, Sun Solaris 2.6



Re: Introduction of a parameterless command in a layout

1999-12-21 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: Re: Introduction of a parameterless command in a layout
From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 21 Dec 1999 12:06:41 +0100

 "Jean-Pierre" == Jean-Pierre Chretien [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Jean-Pierre Hello, I did not manage to introduce a latex command
Jean-Pierre without parameters in a layout, to have in the style manu
Jean-Pierre instead of ERT. Example: Style Foo LatexName foo ... End

Jean-Pierre results in \foo{} in the exported .tex file. I'd like to
Jean-Pierre have \foo without the {}

This not very easy indeed, but the {} should not matter if \foo does
not take parameters. What do you want to do exactly?


Sorry to have bothered you and the mailing list readers.
I misinterpreted an error message, \foo{} was all right.


Re: LyX: Using GIF Images?

2000-01-05 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

To: Michael Sachau [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: LyX: Using GIF Images?
From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 05 Jan 2000 15:04:51 +0100

 "Michael" == Michael Sachau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael Hi, I want to use a gif Image in my LyX document. I currently
Michael use convert of ImageMagick, but the resulting eps-file is in
Michael poor quality.

Michael Is there another possibility to use GIFs/JPEGs in LyX in Lyx
Michael without loss of quality???


I do not see another way of using GIF than a tool like ImageMagic.
However, it is probably possible to specify a resolution to ImageMagic
to get a good-looking images. There is not reason why the result
should be bad.


It might be bad if a resizing takes place, so take care to resize
the gif to the final size before converting to eps.
Converting to grayscale is a good idea as well if the final document
is bw.



RE: RE: Importing EPS images in Lyx

2000-01-13 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Emanuele Gissi  Alessia Franceschi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Juergen Vigna [EMAIL PROTECTED], Niklas Hulden [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lista LyX 
Subject: RE: RE: Importing EPS images in Lyx
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 18:00:36 +0100

 I tried your example file ASIS and transformed with ps2epsi (which is much
 nicer at it really uses only the small space of your picture and not the
 much larger space of the saved image) and had NO problem at all to view
 the document in gv (View Postscript), both images rendered perfectly.

Well, after using ps2epsi the resulting eps worked.
I think that my problem was due to the bounding box that was very big.
(as big as an A4 page :-)

Thank you very much, my problem is now solved.

What do you think of a little appendix to the user manual to explain what are
EPS and PS files, solving problems with bounding boxes? And a little list of
useful graphical programs to transform a graphic format in another and how to
do it (tips and tricks, perhaps)?

Your answer confirms that the procedure works OK for jpegs, but
as I pointed out before the real problem is with gifs or pngs
of figure containing drawings.

I built a small example where an original vector-like figure
exported from xfig to eps works fine, but where
the same figure exported to gif or png and re-converted to eps
with ImageMagick is not good.

Is my implementation of ImageMagick buggy or what ?
I thought that ImageMagick delegated the ps stuff to ghostscript (here 5.50)
but obviously not because 
convert figtest.eps
gives a bitmapped figure.

Does the change in size while exporting to gif and png fron xfig explain
a part of the problem ?
Do I miss an option in convert ?
Is it better with gimp ?

Any info welcome.


Re: LaTeX main memory size

2000-01-23 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 18:32:05 -0500
From: Neil Bomberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: LaTeX main memory size

I have a LyX file with a lot of figures in it.  When I change the
document from single to double spaced, some of the figures at the end
are no longer shown when the document is viewed as a dvi or ps file.  I
exported the document as a Latex file so that I could compile it and
look at the warning messages, and I found the following in the log file:

Runaway argument?
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=263001].
\pfg@align #1.-\@nameuse {pfg@align@#1}

l.1038 ...idth}{!}{\includegraphics{loganof0.eps}}

This message disappears when I remove the double-spacing, and all
figures are then displayed when viewed in dvi or ps format.  Does anyone
know why double-spacing would consume more Latex memory, or how I can
reduce the amount of memory I use?  Is it possible to increase the Latex
memory size?

Insert a \clearpage (in ERT) in some adequate spot (e.g. at the end
of a chapter): this flushes the TeX buffer in which the floats 
are kept to prepare the automatic placement phase.
Probably double spacing prevents a placement that was OK in single spacing.



Re: Conversion to MS-Word

2000-01-24 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 21:36:13 +
From: Herbert Voss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Conversion to MS-Word

ert wrote:
 Hi Lyxers,
 I wrote a nice text which I want to offer to some friend who live still in 
the world of Microsoft.
 How can I convert/change/transscribe my lyx-file to a windows-file (Word) ??

export the lyx-file to html, than you can read it with winword.

I use this procedure since winword knows about HTML.
Works fine without figures, but
 - when figures are converted to gif or png, the result is bad
 with vector-like figures (and this is stupid anyway to go to bitmap
 in a screen-dedicated format, see the recent thread about snapshot picture
 insertion in LyX);
 - when figures are kept in eps (there is an option in LaTeX2HTML),
 they are not automatically inserted in winword.
Any clue or other procedure to stick with the original good
quality eps drawings ?


Re: bibliography: mix of bibtex and normal citations

2000-01-25 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Torsten Mueller)
Subject: Re: bibliography: mix of bibtex and normal citations
From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 25 Jan 2000 16:56:57 +0100

 "Torsten" == Torsten Mueller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Torsten Hallo Lyxers, I have a bibtex database which contains most of
Torsten the references I want to cite, however not all. Is it
Torsten possible to add some references (simply with the bibliography
Torsten environment without putting them into the database?


As far as I know, this is not possible... But somebody may prove me

If you don't want to modify the original database, what
about writing a short supplementary one ?
You may enumerate databases in the bibliography tag, separated by commas.


Re: fig.From Excel to LyX : It works!!

2000-01-25 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

To: Emanuele Olivetti [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lyx 
User Mailing List)
Subject: Re: fig.From Excel to LyX : It works!!
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 21:20:43 +0100

you can probably configure any simple hp laserjet in windows and print to
a file...

Sure, but inclusion of windows eps export in LyX/LaTeX doesn't work.
There must be some non standard command inside...
Any clue around to fix this ?
Perhaps the eps extract under GStools  in Emanuele's mail ?


On lun, 24 jan 2000, Emanuele Olivetti à écrit
If you need (I hope not) to use Excel figures in LyX document and you're
on troubles... try this (or change spreadsheet, it's better ;-) ).

5) Load the file in Ghostview ON WINDOWS (if you don't have it,
download from , it's the
Aladdin one, maybe it also works with GNU one, I don't know...)
6) Extract as *.eps file (Extract is under File)

Re: export to latex

2000-02-10 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Nabil Hathout [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 11:34:09 +0100 (CET)
Subject: export to latex


Would it be possible to have latex exported files written in the
directory of their original lyx file and not in the main working
directory (i.e. ~/) ?

--Nabil Hathout

# The default path for your documents.
# Default is $HOME
#\document_path ~/Documents/
\document_path .
in the lyxrc file should be OK ?


Re: fullscreen landscape foils

2000-02-11 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: fullscreen landscape foils 
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 00:17:58 +0100


How do I get to show foiltex foils full screen in landscape mode on Linux/unix 
(like the PPT'eers do ;-)

I use Lyx 1.3 to produce foils that uses latex to make ps which
i use ghost-script-6.0 (ps2pdf) to make pdf and the acroread 4.0 to show
the pdf full screen.That's great for portrait mode, but does not work with 

Acroread and gs show landscape on the screen rotated 90+ degrees clockwise
like it would print it on the printer.
Gv though shows the document in landscape with horisontal text as it should
be - but it does not have the nice fullscreen-mode of acroread.

Any suggestions ?

Here is the ps2pdf command :

gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=$outfile 
   -c save pop -f $infile


I've spent a lot of time fiddling with this problem to be able to
use a video projector. I'm also keen on a solution...
The Acroread doc mentions a menu popup  which does not
semm to be present on Unix versions. I didn't check, but
it might be Windows or such specific. Any clue ?


Re: eps images, pdflatex lyx's latex output

2000-02-13 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Gerald Gutierrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Pierre Abbat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: eps images, pdflatex  lyx's latex output
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 10:42:01 -0800

 Have you tried ps2pdf? It won't make pdf internal links, but I've used it on 
 ps file and gotten a readable pdf file.

Hi. Thanks for replying.

Because of the font problem ps2pdf produces PDF files that are extremely
ugly (not to mention slow to render) when viewed on the screen. It's
inappropriate for the term papers and thesis that I'm writing.

Only pdflatex seems to produce proper looking PDF files, but it has the
EPS image problem aforementioned.

Never used it, but from messages earlier in this list I understood that
pdflatex cannot insert eps files as latex does: eps inclusion
in La(TeX) is very easy because the compiler simply passes postscript to
dvips without translation (it only need the BB to compute the layout), but
going to pdf looses this facility.
AFAIR, you simply need to convert each eps file to pdf before compilation.
I suppose the the pdflatex doc explains everything.
You may have a look at the mailing list archive as well.

So this is not a LyX feature, but a PDF(TeX) one.



Re: space w/ french double quote

2000-02-28 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 16:56:43 +0100 (MET)
Subject: space w/ french double quote


I am using lyx_1.0.1, with language "french".
When I hit the " key, I get the correct  or  french quote,
but I cannot easily get the following or preceding non-breakable space.
I.e., if I want to write  test ,
typing a space after test results in test .
So I just type test and then insert the missing space.

Does anybody have the same problem? 
Can it be fixed in some way?



In the french GUTenberg style, these nonbreakable spaces
can be inserted automatically.
I don't know with the babel french implementation.



Re: Inserting text into an index list

2000-02-15 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

To: "Stephan E. Schlierf" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: LyX-Users Mailing-Liste [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Inserting text into an index list
From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 15 Feb 2000 10:48:44 +0100

 "Stephan" == Stephan E Schlierf [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Stephan Hi there, I posted this question a few days ago but I am not
Stephan shure whether it reached the mailing list. So if you already
Stephan got it - please apologize for bothering you :-)

It did reach the list, and I did not answer because I do not know of a
good solution :(

Stephan Please let me just describe what I want to do: I would like
Stephan to insert text between the heading "Index" and the index-list
Stephan itself, something like

Stephan  Index

Stephan  As mentioned above menue items are printed in
Stephan capitals.

Stephan  A Article And so on

AFAIK, there is not easy solution, because this is not supported
directly at LaTeX level. The best would be to ask on a TeX forum (like
comp.text.tex on usenet) and then we'll be able to help on how to do
it with LyX...

Sorry I can't help more.


Unfortunately I lost the original post, but AFAIR, this is possible
at makeindex step: you may specify a .ist file which describes the
index style.
Have a look at the makindex doc, this is probably no LyX problem nor
solution :-).


Re: fullscreen landscape foils

2000-02-17 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Olav wrote:

Yes, search no more ! - all your hints made me find a solution :

in Lyx : 
- Layout-Paper -Orientation = Portrait
  Papersize = "own"
  Width = 29.6* used  with/height = 1.33 =  screen 
  Height= 22.25
- Layout-Document -Extra Options = dvips

- Print as

In shell
- ps2pdf file.pdf

-  acroread file.pdf

- set "full screen mode (shift ctrl-L)" and take on a confident smile ;-)

Thanks !-)

Great! your made me understand that you must forget a4paper/landscape
to view with acrobat when using ps2pdf.

a4+landscape provides a4paper with the viewgraph in landcape:
this OK for printing and ghostviewing, but fails with Acrobat reader.
To get a good result you need to write in a 297x210mm portrait...

So I wrote a script to plug a set of xfig viewgraphs in pdf.

Still looking for a solution with seminar (the example works with slides).

Thanks a lot for the hint.


Re: Formatting source code

2000-03-07 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Gerald Gutierrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Lyx Users Mailinglist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Formatting source code
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 11:29:01 -0800


I'm currently writing my thesis and need to have some code snippets as part of
it. Unfortunately, because I'll be using double spacing, simply putting the
code in and changing it to a typewriter font, or using Lyx-Code causes the 
to be double spaced as well, making it really hard to read (and fairly ugly).

Is there a way to separately control the spacing of Lyx-Code? Alternatively,
what is There are about 40 known languages.a good way to insert code so that 
it'll look proper? Also, is there
such a thing as a "code float" (like a figure float) ?


I use the lgrind latex package, which can be used in LyX using ERT.
Works with preprocessing using a shell command (lgrind) which must
be installed in the bin directory of the LaTeX installation.
Provides pretty printing and line numbering of various languages,
and can be used standalone, e.g.
%lgrind -lC -o foo.tex foo.c 
%latex foo;dvips foo
provides a printed version of C code in foo.c.
There are about 40 recognised languages.
Does not fold long lines however, you have to format yourself.

So with LyX:
 - get the package from the nearest CTAN archive
 - install it in the LaTeX tree
 - make it available (texhash with teTeX)
 - preprocess the code for inline inclusion in a latex doc, e.g.
%lgrind -i -lC -o foo.c.tex foo.c
 - edit the premable in LyX, e.g.:
 - at the right location in the doc, insert in ERT

Should work OK, perhaps a bit sophisticated for simple pieces of code,
in which case a simple Lyx input of the code embedded between
could be sufficient.



Re: Searching documentation

2000-03-06 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: Searching documentation
From: Harry Putnam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 04 Mar 2000 11:30:09 -0800
User-Agent: Gnus/5.0804 (Gnus v5.8.4) Emacs/20.5

Just starting with lyx, and looking for a way to grep the help docs.
Something more precise than a TOC, like grepping for precise RE.

One would expect at least a cumbersome and slow FIND/FIND NEXT on the
menu.  Even that would beat just plowing along.

But better to have some arrangement for precise RE searching.  At
least with the normal tools, but first we must know what files to look
in.  The rpm I have (yx-1.0.4-1), when listing the files I see nothing
that looks like a documentation file other than the man pages and

Seems some unconventional doc type file is used.
The many *.lyx files are not where the manual is either I guess.

Similarly with the source tar.gz, I see no conventional docs directory.

How can a user do RE searches  of the docs.  It wasn't clear to me how
the Manual and User Guide are packaged.  In what format?  Surely there
is a way to do precise searching in the voluminous documentation.

Done here: export to LaTeX, compile, export to html with maximum level
of segmentation, index as html tree, query through WWW gate. 
Does not allow RE seach, but rather AND OR NOT (even soundex) query syntax.

Unperfect in some places (part of the lyx doc is designed to
be viewed with lyx), but quite efficient (IMHO).



Re: xfig figure with formula

2000-03-13 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 14:32:39 +0100 (MET)
From: Torsten Mueller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: xfig figure with formula

Insert a \usepackage{epsfig} in your preamble (doesn't work without it here)
this was the problem, now with this it works, thanks for your help.

The disadvantage is, that I cannot see the figure anymore on the screen.
This is the thing I like most with LyX compared to other LaTeX editors.
Is there any other solution, where I can see the figures on the screen?


Yes, use the other way round: import LyX formulas in xfig.
A bit cumbersome, but efficient:
 - create a LyX document for each math insert in xfig, say foo.lyx
 - export as LateX - foo.tex
 - compile and produce an eps image - foo.eps (option -E of dvips)
 - insert in xfig
Be sure to have a \pagestyle{empty} if you want an eps of the right size.

Here is an example in foo.tex (one step back for foo.lyx):
latex foo;dvips -E -o foo.eps foo

When you use it often, you will be happy to build a bank of formulas.
You might probably use the customize command of LyX to implement it.




Re: xfig figure with formula

2000-03-13 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Andre Poenitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: xfig figure with formula
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 15:56:44 +0100 (MET)

 Yes, use the other way round: import LyX formulas in xfig.
 interesting idea, thanks,

Maybe another way (I have not used it for ages):

There is a package called psfrac(?) (or something similar)
Right, did not use it but seems efficient too, from the examples
(I have browsed the doc).

The formula import is more powerful IMHO (in fact, you may
use it to patch any typesetting in xfig - for use in viewgraphs e.g.)


Re: Presentation with FoilTeX

2000-03-15 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: Presentation with FoilTeX
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lyx User Mailing List)
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 19:25:13 +0100 (MET)
From: Emanuele Olivetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As you probably know I'm at the end of my thesis...8-} . Now I'm trying to
set up the presentation; obviously I want to use LyX.
They say to me to use my notebook instead of that old-fashioned slides...
I'll prepare both of them, because I like slides. No way to use PowerPoint,
as they suggested. I don't want to mix heaven and hell!

Here is the problem:
I'll use ghostview (gv by Johannes Plass) on my notebook with a projector,
to show my LyX-slides; since the display is larger than tall, I'll use 
landscape A4 paper as default. But if I set landscape paper and RotateFoilHead
environnement, things go wrong and I get a portrait slide shown horizontally.
Using only Landscape paper or only RotateFoilHead goes wrong. If I set
"landscape", in the Extra Option of the document layout, I get the right 
thing, but text is truncated on the right (using gv). Is it a problem of LyX
or gv?

Which viewer shall I use to make the presentation? Is gv good for this?

If I can't find a solution I'll use portrait slides :-(

Thanks a lot


It's a problem of a4paper/landscape...
I don't know about Foils, but here it goes with seminar:
 - a4paper+landscape produces 21x29.7 slide ready for printing, but
 not for viewing on a 4/3 screen
 - however ghosview is cute enough to undertand whats going on and
 rotate the paper;
 - Acrobat reader is not cute and insists upon viewing as a4paper like
 the printer (and I didnt find any Rotate button...)
So what you need (to use acrobat with the videoprojector) is a portait
sized as 29.7x21, which is NOT a standard paper format.
Fixing this size with geometry works fine with a plain document,
but I was not able to make it work with a seminar-derived class...

So ghostview should do it if you stick to a4/landscape.

IMHO, there should be a clean solution to this in the future, most
of the viewgraphs will never be printed in a4 or the like: as I mentioned, 4/3
(and perhaps 16/9 :-) should be present as a standard paper format
along with a4, letter, etc. This is clearly a LaTeX issue.



Re: landscape slides in postscript

2000-03-15 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: landscape slides in postscript
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lyx User Mailing List)
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 15:52:53 +0100 (MET)
From: Emanuele Olivetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, I tried to view landscape LyX slides (FoilTeX) with ghostview, but
the right part of the slide doesn't appear: the text is cut.
I haven't this problem with dvips, only with gv (by Johannes Plass).
Shall I use another viewer? Is it a problem with postscript?

I have to do a presentation (of my thesis, as usual) and I want to use
my notebook and a postscript viewer. Wich viewer is better?
Johannes Plass? (default on RedHat)
GNU ghostview?

Aladdin here, with gv 5.50


Re: wild development ideas

2000-03-14 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 09:22:35 +0200
From: Tuukka Toivonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Andre Poenitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: wild development ideas

On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Andre Poenitz wrote:

 The problem is parsing. First you have to convert from
 LyX formula (sort of LaTeX) to Maple syntax which is *not* trivial
 since LaTeX does not preserve the logical structure of the formula

Yes, but from LyX ro Octave/Scilab should be actually very easy. Just take
a LyX matrix and the conversion to Scilab/Octave is very
straightforward. Place the converted data to clipboard. Now just press the
middle button to paste it to Scilab/Octave.

I really don't see the point of being able to write matlab code
from LyX; it seems much more efficient to do the other way round:
create LyX or LaTeX code from matlab and import it with input.
Working this way allows to update freely the input by running
the math numeric interpreter. This technique allows also to import graphics
and tables.

The problem of math import from outside LyX is more intricated 
for three reasons:
 - the typography is complex;
 - the macroprogrammation which comes with TeX math mode: importing pieces
 of code forbids reuse of macrocommands; this is a minor point
 if the code import is efficient beacuse you don't care much
 about code duplication then;
 - as is, the math mode of (La)TeX is really different from the one
 produced by mathed because the latter does mot allow to reenter in text
 mode and then in math mode, even with ERT.
So as things are now, Maple e.g. can export to (La)TeX, but going one step
further towards LyX without any ERT in the result does not work
(just run reLyX to check). 

Using macros helps in that translation, but LyX lacks currently a
user defined math panel which would made tractable a big set of macros.

Of course, as it has been said elsewhere in the thread, XML/LaTeX
is an issue (there must be a workshop or a symposium about it
next May).



RE: Long table (in a float) problem

2000-03-22 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 21:48:02 -0400 (VET)
From: "Diego A. Puertas F." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Juergen Vigna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Long table (in a float) problem

Hi list

Thanks for your tip Juergen, the commands \\ and \caption{} works fine, if
the caption if on the bottom of the table, but the problem is that the
caption must be on top of the table (faculty rules), and if I issue:

\\ \caption{The Caption}

on the of the table, the results are very nasty.

Does anyone have a solution for this, I'll appreciate any help.


There exists a topcaption.sty package to deal with the spacing when
the caption is above, it must be on CTAN if not in the (La)TeX distribution.



Re: batch lyx2latex

2000-03-22 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Ronald Florence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 13:23:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: batch lyx2latex

Tony Dancer writes:

  I use lyxexport, a command-prompt utility that allows you to export
  from lyx into the usual formats: tex, txt, dvi, ps, pdf.

Has anyone succeeded in getting lyxexport to work with
sparc-solaris-2.6?  I've tried a few times, including with various
patches sent to me by the patient author of the program, and have not
gotten it to work.

Didn't succeed either (that was some time ago).
The problem is that the doc about the lyxserver is a bit
hard to understand (the examples are incorrect, and we
miss a complete copy of a dialog with the most frequent queries
and answers to check what is wrong with the debug.

(did not retry with 1.1.4, didn't check improvements of the
doc, so no flame :-)


Re: page numbers

2000-03-22 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 16:53:00 +0200 (CAT)
From: Jacques Germishuizen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: page numbers


Is there an easy way to set the page numbering to 1 of 3, 2 of 3 rather
than just 1, 2, 3.


Jacques Germishuizen

Check with lastpage.sty, which must be in the (La)TeX distrib, here


Re: displaymath vs. equation

2000-03-23 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 10:55:13 -0500
From: Amir Karger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Lyx Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: displaymath vs. equation

While we're at it, Customization has a *very* short description of the bind
files. (It says to look at the bind files to see how they work.) For
example, how do I know what ~S means in a bind file? Or is there another doc
where it's mentioned?


Chapter 4 of the Reference.
In fact, I wanted to build an inverse file (list of function and associated
bindings with french translations but I ended with an html version of 
this 4th chapter (which can be indexed with the rest of the doc).


Re: is it a bug?

2000-03-24 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Rodrigo Esteves de Lima-Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: is it a bug?
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 12:47:27 -0400


I'm writing a research report with lots of pictures and any time I user lyx
cross-reference device I cannot get the proper number under my references. 

For exmple, in the chapter 3 four pictures are present

3.1 blah  blah  blah  Label: fig 1
3.2 blah  blah  blah   Label: fig 2
3.3 blah  blah  blah  Label: fig 3
3.4 blah  blah  blah  Label: fig 4

When I insert a cross -references for such figures in my text all references
are numbered 3.1, it does not matter which label I'm using.

Is it a bug? or we may solve it through latex commands?

many thanks

Is the ref located in the caption?


Re: postion, velocity and aceleration ...

2000-03-28 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 15:14:22 +
From: Herbert Voss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Lyx User Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: postion, velocity and aceleration ...

Osvaldo Fornaro wrote:
 I need to write r , r dot (r with a dot above it) and r dot dot (r with
 a double dot above it) representing a first and a second derivate of a
 vector in math mode.

in texmode

\dot{\vec{r}}  is first derivation of vector r
\ddot{r}   is second derivation of r

Sure, but without ERT:
M-m . r
M-m " r
should do it...


Re: IndentFirst Problem

2000-03-30 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 04:22:44 -0400 (VET)
From: "Diego A. Puertas F." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Osvaldo Fornaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: IndentFirst Problem

El 30/03/00, Osvaldo Fornaro escribió:

 "Diego A. Puertas F." wrote:
  Hello list, at last, my thesis is finished, but I still have a problem
  with the IndentFirst package.
  IndentFirst is indenting allrigth all the first paragraphs, except for
  the ones that are after a enumerate, description or itemize paragraph.
  Anyone, can help? I'll apreciate very much your anwser on this one.
 add \indent In tex mode, and possibly a new paragraph. In this way work
 for me

I need an automatic way to do this, it's not a pleasent idea to put those
\indents all over the 250 pages the thesis has.

What about redifining the list environment in the preamble to end it with
a blank line ?
AFAIR, the enumerate, itemize and description rely on it.


Re: Accent in References

2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 19:12:50 +0300
To: "Alexander Bauer" [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
From: Niklas Hulden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Accent in References

At 04:45 PM 4/11/2000 +0200, Alexander Bauer wrote:
I´ll try again to describe it more precise.

 In LyX 1.0.4 (on SUSE 6.1) I use "bibliograbpy". In the references section
I open the
popup-window "Bibliography Item". It has the two fields "Key" and "Label".
In the field "Label" I need "Horváth".
I found out that the compose key is my right-ctrl key (winkeyboard) and it
works in other applications but I can´t copy the "á" into the LyX text
window and not in the bibliography popup. In the text window it is not a
problem because I can do the "á" (\´
)in tex but this doesn´t work in the popup-window!

Any help is appreciated.



I had the same problem. My name is written "Huldén", and I had to cite
myself. No way in the popup to do the thing. I finally loaded the text
(lyx-file) in an ordinary texteditor and search_and_replaced all "Huldens"
with "Huldéns" and save. After that all went smoothly in Lyx, and the
bibliography popup shows the name correctly.

best wishes

Niklas Huldén

I don't undertand the questions, the citation key never appears
in the typed document, what is wrong with using unaccented keys ?



2000-04-12 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien


Sorry if my question is a bit outside the proper LyX subject, but
some LyXusers might help.

My teTeX is configured to dvips in ljfour (600dpi), to state is shortly.
Could this create problems when I forward the ps file
to a hylafax modem ? Is it needed to cut down the resolution,
using e.g. the -mode dfaxlo option of dvips ?

(I don't use the fax myself from Lyx, but I mail ps files
to a remote modem).

Thanks in advance to any pointer (i hope that the answer
is not in the FAQ).


Re: 2 questions

2000-04-13 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: Re: 2 questions
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Gullik Bjønnes)
Date: 13 Apr 2000 11:40:07 +0200

"Jean-Pierre.Chretien" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| Of course, you must force the LyX compilation if you change only
|  foo.tex.

Are you sure?
LyX should discover that you includes a file and also discover when
this included file has changed and rerun latex.

Can you please check that you really have to force a LaTex run (and
how do you force this?)


Oops, I may be mistaken there if LyX checks the time stamps
of all the inputted class, styles and files since the last
Sorry if I mislead someone.

As to force compiolation, it seems to me that someone suggested
to open/close the file (if the tmpfile is in use).


Re: table of contents

2000-05-02 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Subject: Re: table of contents
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 20:09:41 +0200

On lun, 24 avr 2000, robin à écrit
I write a document in french language, with lyx, and 
I insert a table of contents.
How can I make appear "table des matières" in place

suffice it to quote language "french" in the document properties. may be
the "locale" should have been installed (in .bashrc)

in fact I don't know for shure if "french" and "francais" works in the
same way?

QUI EST CET HOMME ? Aidez-moi à le retrouver
WHO'S THAT GUY ? Help me found it

french selects the french option of the babel package, don't know what
it does besides the hyphenation stuff.
Here I have the GUTenberg french.sty package, which is called instead
the default french names of the table of contents, bibliography, etc. are
selected and can be tuned in the preamble among many other 
french typographic fine tunings.

As for the LyX window, here is attached the file
that I use to francise the appearance of the LyX window (what is not
tuned by the locale).


# Standard textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code
# Author : Matthias Ettrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Transposed by Pascal André [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Heavily modifed and enhanced by several developers.

# file created by J.P.Chrétien [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1999
# to be included in francised layouts: changes the appearance
# of Chapter, etc. labels in the LyX window; 
# the typesetted output is controlled
# by the implementation of the french package; 
# the appearance of LyX hard coded labels (ToC e.g.)
# is controlled by the locale.

# modifie les champs contenant le mot-clé "String"
# dans les styles standard

# ... dans

# Caption style definition
Style Caption
  LabelString   Légende
# ... au lieu de caption

# ... dans

# Part style definition
Style Part
  LabelString   "Partie #"
# ... au lieu de Part #

# Chapter style definition
Style Chapter
  LabelString   "Chapitre "
# ... au lieu de Chapter
  LabelStringAppendix   "Annexe "
# ... au lieu de Appendix

# ... dans

# Abstract style definition
Style Abstract 
  LabelString   Résumé
# ... au lieu de Abstract

# Bibliography style definition
Style Bibliography
  LabelString   Références
# ... au lieu de References

Re: AMS not translated

2000-05-03 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

To: Emanuele Olivetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: LyX User Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: AMS not translated
From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 02 May 2000 18:47:09 +0200

 "Emanuele" == Emanuele Olivetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Emanuele 1) I use AMS book in italian but some words are not
Emanuele translated, i.e.:theorem, proof etc.. How can I do? Can I
Emanuele translate on my own ?

You have to modify the layout files for that...

Emanuele 2) Is there somewhere "AMS report" as document class? Hopw
Emanuele can I get it in Lyx?

Well, since the AMS does not publish reports per se, there is no
corresponding class.


It's quite easy to build up a amsreport.cls class from the standard report
class, add any needed commands in the file, define the corresponding
layout. The amount of ERT needed depends on the work on the layout file,
but if the idea is to avoid the preamble and load files from templates,
(accepting ERT), it may work in a couple of minutes.
The Companion is a good entry to get info about cloning an existing class.


Re: Word fig to lyx

2000-05-03 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 15:46:13 +0200
From: Ramin Yasdi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Word fig to lyx

Hello LyX user,

How can I tarnsfer figures from Word to LyX (eps) ?


Any graphics manipulation package (ImageMagick, Gimp,...)
If you need it often, you may prefer a batch version of the converter,
like ImageMagick's convert command.
If the original figure is of vector kind, you will also
prefer to stick to it, which can be more difficult (IM provides
bitmapped versions of PS, which may rescale badly).
Lastly, most Word implementations HAVE an eps driver (this is 
compulsory if the printer is a PS one), so that checking Print in a file +
Encapsulated PS produces an eps file if there in less than one page.

I should say, *almost* an eps file, because there may remain
forbidden constructs (setpagedevice e.g.) and unnecessary stuff
before and after the PSfile markers. You must filter these out
to be able to use the eps in LyX.



Re: no pagenumbers?

2000-05-04 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Angus Leeming [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Lyx users list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: no pagenumbers?
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 12:19:28 +0100

Setting pagestyle to empty (class article) doesn't work although

\paperpagestyle empty

is present in the .lyx file and


is present in the .tex file

I can see nothing wrong with the files (attached). Any ideas?


The title page of an article is a special page which must be forced
e.g. by an explicit 
after the \maketitle
Equivalent ERT in LyX (don't know a LyX workaround, maybe in the FAQ ?)
If you had written more than one page you would have seen that
other pages were empty :-)


Re: Spanish accents and ispell

2000-05-09 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Mon, 08 May 2000 17:32:04 +0200
Subject: Spanish accents and ispell


When using Spanish texts in LyX I see that ispell thinks every word with
an accent is mistyped. Anyone has a way to fix it?


Miguel Sanchez Lopez|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia | voice:+3496 387 9700
Camino de Vera, 14  | fax:  +3496 387 7579
46071 VALENCIA (Spain)  |

You probably need an iso-latin encoded hashtable for spanish.
Here it is called espan_ol.hash, but I think the original name was
espan~ol.hash, and there is a link from spanish.hash towards espan_ol.hash
to get it with the spanish babel option and « use languuage of document » 
option of the spellchecker.

Don't remember wher it came from, but I can check if you don't find it.


Re: printing: low quality with default fonts

2000-05-11 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

From: Ramon Diaz-Uriarte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Subject: Re: printing: low quality with default fonts
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 08:16:45 +0200

 Sorry I do not have more ideas...

Thank you very much for the help anyway. Any suggestions as to where I can try
to find an answer to this, or what I could try? I have tried copying parts
of the dvips and files used by the Linux machines at the 
(with not changes). Would if be worth to reinstall LaTex, and try specifying
some other printers?

You don't need to reinstall: dvips offers an option to do this on line
dvips -mode xxx
as fas as I remember.
Check the doc to find out how to get the available xxx modes.


Re: Please help with hyphenation - urgent

2000-05-24 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 09:30:01 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Herbert Voss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Please help with hyphenation - urgent


try \sloppy in latex preample for the whole text
or \begin{sloppypar}
... bla bla bla


I mailed the same idea, but I checked here and found that
these commands didn't work (report class, plain bibtex style).
However the direct TeX instructions:
taken fron the Companion work fine.
I supect that the bibliogrphy environment kills the sloppy
commands. Any clue ?


  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >