Re: N810 discount code frustration

2008-06-03 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Vivia Nikolaidou wrote:
> Anyway, here is the story:

All this is very unfortunate and it is too late now but you could have 
done some things better to minimize those issues. I'm not sure about 
N810 program but with N800 there was a FAQ page (see "Nokia 
shops don't cover my country, do I still have a chance?") and 
implications were discussed in this list many times. Maybe with future 
developer device programs (if any) this should be stressed again to 
prevent or minimize such frustration. Here are the facts:

- devices are sold only in some countries
- you need to use online store of those countries
- you need to use credit card with shipping and billing address from 
that country

So the best way is to have friend from that country who will buy the 
device for you, use his/her own credit card, gets the device, then 
preferably also tests the device (and handles possible replacement) and 
then ships it to you. Unfortunately you can't ship device directly to 
you and you can't use your own credit card. And most probably you can't 
easily claim warranty in your country if device arrives broken or gets 
broken later. This is the reality you either accept or not. The other 
choice Maemo team had (and I think they really considered it) was to 
limit the program only for developers from those selected countries to 
prevent similar unhappy stories. Fortunately they decided against such 
'unfair' setup and some developers (including me) are very happy with 
this :-)

The first (770) device program was done differently and maemo team 
shipped device directly which was of course better for developer outside 
of those countries but I can perfectly understand this was not easy and 
most possibly such experiment was possible only in the beginning of such 


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: sqlite3 CLI?

2008-06-02 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Marius Gedminas wrote:
> Do you know the reason for that?

No. I also wondered why someone took the time to edit debian files to 
remove it from the build, it does not look like the most productive 
thing to do :-) Maybe it saves some trees?

> Is there a bug filed on for restoring the command-line
> tool?

I did not file any since removing it was intentional and nobody missed 
it (except me).

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: sqlite3 CLI?

2008-06-02 Thread Frantisek Dufka
> Which package do I need to install to have the sqlite3 command-line tool 
> available ?

There is no such package in SDK repository, you should install sqlite3 
but this one is disabled in maemo patch for sqlite3 so you need to 
rebuild it from source and revert part of sqlite3_3.4.1-1osso3.diff.gz 
 patch which disables it.

I had same problem some time ago, my build for chinook is here

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: developing xkb mappings

2008-05-21 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Frantisek Dufka wrote:
> xev is (or was?) in package x-debug-tools in maemo repository (chinook, 
> bora, ...)
> However it is not mentioned here

Correction, it is hidden under 'x-debug-tools' with link to separate 

Package is available in SDK repository

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: developing xkb mappings

2008-05-21 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Tim Tisdall wrote:
>  Neither "showkey" nor "xev" are
> already in Maemo and there doesn't seem to be anything in the package
> handler containing these. 

xev is (or was?) in package x-debug-tools in maemo repository (chinook, 
bora, ...)

However it is not mentioned here
and searching for xev brings xev manpage but also stale link 

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Let's do something together in LinuxTag

2008-05-14 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente wrote:
> Is the irc meeting log available somewhere?

Something is here
but it appears to be cut at midnight. I couldn't attend so actually I'm 
not sure if there was anything interesting past midnight.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: dsme, Re: Would like to know the status of (was RE: Corporate ownership of open source projects [LWN])

2008-05-07 Thread Frantisek Dufka
nick loeve wrote:
> Yep, I have been reading the archives and have compiled a shortlist of
> info based on past discussions (mainly that you have started! ). I
> guess I might start documenting what is known already and try and get
> it all in one place.

Yes, please do if you can. I am guilty of not doing it myself over 
years. I'm sure people on this list can fill some gaps. Apart from 
examining dsme, its modules and dsmetest in initfs (and its runtime 
behaviour using strace), check also powerlaunch It is replacement of mce (also 
closed). mce talks to dsme too and is done in similar modular way so it 
can help with some understanding. Powerlaunch imitates some mce<->dsme 
communication, see dsme.c,h at

As for bme and figuring out how battery charging works, one could strace 
it and see what tahvo/retu register it uses, some bits are mentioned in 
kernel headers (not sure about name now, something like 
tahvo_retu_user.h) and there is also this info


maemo-developers mailing list

dsme, Re: Would like to know the status of (was RE: Corporate ownership of open source projects [LWN])

2008-05-07 Thread Frantisek Dufka
nick loeve wrote:
> 2. Is it possible to at least get some basic documentation of what bme
> and dsme are doing (beyond obvious basics)?

There is a lot of info. Search list archives for dsme (or bme)
If you still have some specific question not answered, ask again, maybe 
someone knows, maybe not. I'm not sure what 'obvious basics' means to you.
maemo-developers mailing list

Gecko version? Re: Diablo, do we need a separate repository?

2008-05-06 Thread Frantisek Dufka
> The only major changes are feature updates to the browser (not actually
> a new browser, it's still based on the same old gecko as 2008)

Sorry for hijacking thread, this is certainly not central to this 
discussion. Does the "it's still based on the same old gecko as 2008" 
really mean "same old and slow gecko as 2008 just with updated browser 
UI" or does it mean "same old gecko but synced to upstream mozilla code 
with multiple speed and memory optimizations done in last year or so"? 
Sorry for being a bit thick, I guess the latter is true and most 
probable but I am no longer sure due to the way you wrote the sentence 
above and you general description of Diablo in other mails ( About 
half of the packages have not changed version numbers at all ...). Thanks.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Corporate ownership of open source projects [LWN]

2008-05-04 Thread Frantisek Dufka
> A possible interim solution is to use one like nVidia has used for years
> for their closed video card drivers.  Provide a binary object that
> implements all the core functionality of the chip, with a public API. 
> Then have an open source kernel module wrapper that calls the funcions in
> the public API of the binary module.  Then the open source part can be
> compiled for any kernel version and simply link in the closed object.

It is almost like this but not exactly. There is cx3110x open source 
glue part cx3110x.ko (see, so far so 
good, but unfortunately the closed part (umac.ko) is full kernel module 
not linkable object file so it too depends on kernel version and sadly 
even specific kernel configuration, see

I don't understand where the line in GPL vs binary only code in kernel 
lies.  I'd say that using struct sk_buff should make it derived work of 
linux kernel and subject to GPL but of course IANAL.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Corporate ownership of open source projects [LWN]

2008-05-04 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Igor Stoppa wrote:

> -serial console:
> that can be obtained with some hacking by attaching a level shifter and
> a serial connector to the serial pads exposed, it would be enough to
> release schematic and layout (although i think there are already
> unofficial howtos)

For 770 those pin are known, there is a schematics with pin 
descriptions. For N800 it is harder, there is also schematics on the net 
but those pins are sadly not documneted there. For N810 we even don't 
have schematics.

Personaly I have tried it with clone of CA-42 cable, there is PL-2302 usb to 
serial converter in the blue connector so in theory one could just cut 
nokia plug, attach rx,tx and gnd to 770 pads and connect it over USB. 
When I tried I had no output in terminal when booting (with r&d and 
serial console flags) so most probably I did something wrong or my plug 
made from pins and rubber had bad contact or the cable was faulty or 
whatever. I guess I'll try some soldering next time.

> There are some bits that are quite trivial. I don't think anybody with
> some programming experience would have problem at stitching together a
> replacement for dsme & mce, given the functional specifications. The
> state machines implemented are not so straightforward, but a simple
> start to get going is probably not too difficult to obtain.

brightness, watchdog kicking, ... all relatively easy, the hardest part 
is IMO /usr/lib/dsme/libcalmodule or /usr/lib/, these modules 
implement access to config partition /dev/mtd1. There is some sort of 
filesystem which stores quite interesting and vital information. It can 
be reverse-engineered but I fear that trying to write there can be fatal 
if done wrong. Hopefully current work on qemu N800 emulation will allow 
us to play with it safely.

> In the end I think what would be realistically possible - and i'm
> already completely sure that many won't be satisfied and will complain -
> is that Nokia provides one person whose sole task is to support the
> community by mantaining the closed code and providing new binaries that
> link against recent libraries.

Yes, that's what I sugested here (end of mail, point 2)

for those who missed it (in maemo-users) whole thread relevant to this 
discussion is here

maemo-developers mailing list

kernel patches, Re: DSP framebuffer access on N8x0

2008-04-30 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Simon Pickering wrote:
> This requires two things, a kernel patch, and adding a FRAMEBUFFER section
> to the /lib/dsp/avs_kernelcfg.cmd file. See
> for the patch.

Nice. I've been thinking about garage project named kernel-hacks or 
something, that would accumulate interesting kernel patches and even 
have some pre-built kernels with those patches applied.

The reason is that there are already quite a few interesting kernel 
patches and it is hard to keep track of them. Of course it would make 
sense only if people doing some kernel hacking would actually join such 
project and submit patches and optionally build kernel images with some 
subset or all the patches.

Opinions? Is it needed? Would you (actively) participate? Any better 
solutions (git tree)? Or we can still keep them scattered across 
bugzilla and internet.

So far I know about following additional patches (feel free to add other 
stuff I missed, as I said it is hard to track all of them):

- framebuffer rotation

- japanese FM bands for N800 tuner

- high speed (48MHZ) SD/MMC

- patches that run N8x0 DSP/CPU at 133/400 when playing audio

- my (mostly 770) stuff - extended brightness control, mmcplus, sdhc, 
tearsync, yuv420 mode

Some of them could be merged to mainline or Nokia kernel but many of 
them are just quick hacks of debatable value and correctness with little 
chance of merging to some official tree.

Maybe some public GIT tree would be better but I'm not familiar with 
GIT. And also I don't have 24/7 online server for this anyway.

I also thought about starting someting similar directly on but I don't want to hijack other people's 
stuff and it is free hosting so it is not safe, it can vanish anytime. 
Also recently I have become a bit slow due to busy real life so having 
more people for maintenance would be nice :-)


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Nokia SDL color format for pixels

2008-04-15 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Michael Stepanov wrote:

> int bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel;

You can check also other fields of SDL_PixelFormat structure to get 
R,G,B color components. Interesting field names are

Uint8  Rloss;
Uint8  Gloss;
Uint8  Bloss;
Uint8  Rshift;
Uint8  Gshift;
Uint8  Bshift;
Uint32 Rmask;
Uint32 Gmask;
Uint32 Bmask;

Or you can use SDL_GetRGB(Uint32 pixel, SDL_PixelFormat *fmt, Uint8 *r, 
Uint8 *g, Uint8 *b) function which will probably do the dirty bit 
shifting and masking work for you.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Nokia SDL color format for pixels

2008-04-15 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Michael Stepanov wrote:
> So, how in that situation I can get correct color?

It is already correct. The color format is RGB565. What 'correct' means 
to you in this context? If you need the value in different format you 
need to convert it.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Nokia SDL color format for pixels

2008-04-15 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Michael Stepanov wrote:
> In case of Nokia that method returns *(Uint16 *)p. But instead of 6 
> hexadecimals it returns only 4. For example, for white color it returns 
>  instead of F. The same, for the rest of colors.
> Any idea why?

Some typo in your mail? Uint16 is 16 bit value, you really can't fit 
more than  there :-)
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: radare 0.9.4 for maemo

2008-03-18 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Andrew Flegg wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 2:49 AM, pancake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have managed to build vala 0.1.8 (svn) in scratchbox and updated
>>  the radare package.
> Are your vala packages in extras(-devel)? I know jott compiled some
> for 0.1.6 at:
> More up-to-date, and centrally available versions for Scratchbox would
> be handy, though.

Even not just for scratchbox but for N810 directly too. We have keyboard 
so using gcc directly on N810 is not as insane as it looks first. One 
can quite easily apt-get gcc and developer packages and compile C stuff 
directly on device (tried X, SDL and glib stuff, not gtk or hildon). 
Vala would be nice addition too.

maemo-developers mailing list

usb networking with N810, Re: Nokia flasher parameters/boot sequence repair

2008-03-13 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Tuomas Kulve wrote:
> "It also allows you to start ssh and telnet server in the device and
> login over usb before even root filesystem is mounted so you can fix
> system which is not booting properly."

By the way, can anyone confirm it is working with current N810 firmware 
for linux (CDC) or XP (RNDIS) connection? Yesterday tried this for the 
first time with N810 with two XP based computers and it doesn't work for 
me. Network connection shows up in Network Connections but it is marked 
as disabled and when trying to enable it, it fails and stays disabled. 
Nothing strange in kernel log on N810 side. With same computer plugging 
770 or OS2007-based N800 works fine with usb networking.

N810 doesn't work for me either with current bootmenu or when precisely 
BTW, doing the insmod twice really works. Magic?

So anyone is using it with success with Linux or Windows? Thanks for any 

I'm not using this feature much as booting from mmc is easier for 
recovery but yesterday I wanted to play with inserting framebuffer 
console modules early on boot and see if I can spawn shell on it. For 
N810 it finally makes sense having real (framebuffer) console with shell 
for recovery :-)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Launch image to increase feeling of responsiveness (a la iPhone)

2008-03-11 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Andrew Flegg wrote:
>  and it opened very quickly in less
> than 2 seconds.

Yes, expectations differ widely :-) For me anything above 1 second is 
slow and needs improvement. Anything above .5 second is bearable but not 
ideal. This is bad habit from PalmOS and old days when computers were 
fast :-)

There is some old paper on the net about KDE performance by Waldo 
Bastian, see also [1]. Here is the relevant part: "Slow is a very 
subjective term, but when it comes to a graphical user interface, things 
are typically perceived as slow when there is a latency of more than 0.3 
secs. between action and reaction. So if I click on a button, it should 
bring up a window on my screen within 0.3 secs. If it takes longer, 
users tend to perceive the system as slow."


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Launch image to increase feeling of responsiveness (a la iPhone)

2008-03-11 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Michael Wiktowy wrote:
> Well, I have news for you ... that <3s standard for showing a basic UI
> has already been met (with the N800 and N810 running OS2008 at least).

Actually OS2007 is faster here with my N800 in this regard. When 
launched repeatedly, both Application Manager and File Mananger show 
something below 0.5 seconds and look complete in <=1 second (except 
scanning cards and directories in FM). Startup of other apps is slower 
though. In OS2008 File manager is below 1 sec too, AM is slow like others.

> So all your smoke and mirrors will likely impact the user perception
> negatively

Well, while the fake UI is non-functional it may still help you to do 
the thing faster. Imagine Calculator application. It takes time before 
one thinks about what to type and finds specific number button, but 
until you see the layout, you can only wait. With correct screenshot 
your mind can start thinking about what buttons to press in which order 
earlier. True that at the time you manage to hit first button with 
stylus, it must already be functional or at least buffer the events or 
you are confused.

So IMO it is not just smoke and mirrors. With banner your mind is 
occupied with watching spinning circle and you don't/can't think about 
what exact actions you are going to do next.

But still, focusing on improving actual startup speed is of course much 
better than doing such dirty tricks :-)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Launch image to increase feeling of responsiveness (a la iPhone)

2008-03-10 Thread Frantisek Dufka
> When I and tired of waiting it is usually when launching gmail.
> the think I do in between is to start a second web-browser. How would that 
> look
> with the "startup"picks?

Well the idea (not sure how real it is) was that doing the snapshot 
would be part of application initialization so the appliation itself 
could figure out pointer to bitmap of its own window and do a snapshow 
no matter if it is currently on the top or not. Also most applications 
do not take any input parameters so they look same on startup. Those 
that take parameters (like browser) either look same before they go to 
URL or maybe the snapshot should be done only if application is launched 
  in some 'normal' way without using special parameters.

As for fancy launcher with thumbnails, maybe this could be part of such 
launcher even now if the bitmap of specific window can be read via X API 


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Launch image to increase feeling of responsiveness (a la iPhone)

2008-03-10 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Mika Yrjölä wrote:

> Then there is also the question of theming; even if the application
> would have separate skeleton startup images for several themes (eating
> the precious storage space), consistency still goes out of the window
> if user installs a new, probably different-looking theme.

One could perhaps do a snapshot on application startup before main loop 
is entered so next startup has updated banner screenshot. This would of 
course slow down startup even more but is one time penalty after each 
theme change.

Still, maybe the effort should be better spent on improving actual 
startup speed ;-) Even current banner is sign of giving up. And it can 
be done. One such example is Application manager. Even on 770 with 
hacker edition it starts below half second, and N800/OS2007 is good too. 
Too bad I need quick startup with Calculator more than with AM :-)

OS2008 is slower (even with higher cpu clock) but let's hope it can be 
improved in next firmware versions, first ones for previous system were 
not exactly fast too.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: devloping/using bitmap fonts on osso_xterm

2008-03-05 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Tomi Ollila wrote:
> Hi
> Does osso_xterm support a bitmap font wrapped in a sfnt (TrueType or
> OpenType wrapper)?
> I tried the following command:
> fonttosfnt -v -o fatFixedBitmap.ttf fat7x16-iso10646-1.bdf 
> fat8x16-iso10646-1.bdf
> ( above files available at )
> then moved fatFixedBitmap.ttf to /home/user/.fonts (on both 770 and N800)
> and rebooted the tablets (somewhat different xterms on OS2006 and OS2008).
> Now both allows me to choose 'fatFixed' font on osso_xterm configuration
> window but all I get is blank characters on xterm window when this font
> is chosen (any point size). 

Maybe you did not hit the correct size. I got this one (google for 
Terminus font, you may need to use cache if page with links is not 

and it shows blank characters except one specific size (use zoom keys to 
find it).

See also 
for screenshots. This made my xterm very pleasant to my eyes (finally).

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: error while configuring kernel

2008-02-25 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Vinod Hegde wrote:
> hi everyone,
> I am getting the following error when i tried apt-get update in 
> MaemoKernel..

Just in case you missed it in the tutorial - "It is not mandatory to set 
up a separate target for kernel compilation, but this example does it in 
case the default armel target has been modified in some special way."

So maybe you don't need to do such excercise.

Also in case you want to change kernel configuration, check this

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: WLAN Horrible Roaming Performance (N800, OS2008), Software or Hardware Problem ?

2008-02-22 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Kalle Valo wrote:
> "ext Siarhei Siamashka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> A while ago I looked for various kernel docs to see what's happening in the
>> wlan driver and what can be done to reduce cpu load. My impression was that
>> tasklet can be only preempted by hardware interrupts, so it is impossible to

Thanks for enlightement to both of you, that was the part I was missing.

>> sleep in it and give cpu resources to userland applications. If that is true,
>> no matter if n800 driver looks nicer, it must end up busylooping too.
> Nope, on N800 cx3110x and omap2_mcspi do not busyloop during the DMA
> transfer. They use workqueues to allow sleeping, and completions for
> signalling.

How is it so when you cannot sleep inside cx3110x_spi_dma_read and 
cx3110x_spi_dma_write? There appears to be same code for N800 too just 
the body of those functions does not use McBSP but SPI API:

spi_message_add_tail(&t[1], &m); 

spi_sync(lp->spi_device, &m); 

Does it mean we can wrap McBSP usage into similar api and leave cx3110x 
otherwise alone without restructuring it?

But still I don't get it, either spi_sync bysyloops or the semantics of 
cx3110x_spi_dma_write changed and it can return when the transfer is not 
yet done (??).


BTW, let's remove and move just to 
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: WLAN Horrible Roaming Performance (N800, OS2008), Software or Hardware Problem ?

2008-02-22 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Kalle Valo wrote:
>> Also CPU usage is very high because of busyloop when waiting till
>> DMA transfer is done. Tasklet, which executes the code can't be
>> easily preempted, as far as I understand kernel documentation. Maybe
>> it is possible to split tasklet into several parts, one of them
>> could be responsible for initiating DMA transfer, the other could be
>> activated on DMA transfer completion? This all is important for
>> video streaming as any excessive CPU resources consumption by WLAN
>> driver negatively impacts video playback performance.
> Sorry, I'm not familiar with OMAP 1710 McBSP, so I can't comment.

I think you don't have to. From the code (sm_drv_spi_io.c) it looks like 
McBSP is setup to use dma transfer with callback when it finishes

omap_request_dma(OMAP_DMA_MCBSP2_TX, "McBSP TX", dma_tx_callback, ...
omap_request_dma(OMAP_DMA_MCBSP2_RX, "McBSP RX", dma_rx_callback, 

and the dma_tx/rx_callback() code just sets variable 
spi_dma.dma__tx/rx_done to 1.

But the code that sends/receives the frame busyloops for it like this



 while(!spi_dma.dma_rx_done) { 



 while(!spi_dma.dma_tx_done) { 



spi_dma.dma_rx_done = 0; 

 spi_dma.dma_tx_done = 0; 

So there is this nice dma architecture with callback used but the code 
still spins up the cpu waiting for the done flag instead of sleeping.

So you need to be familiar with the driver and tell us if it is possible 
to sleep inside cx3110x_spi_dma_read and cx3110x_spi_dma_write. And one 
also needs to be familiar with kernel programming and waiting primitives 
to suggest how to sleep and wait for the callback (if possible in this 
context) and how to wake up the sleeping code from the dma callback.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [Maemo App Dev]How to make my app UI different

2008-02-22 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Ross Burton wrote:
> Why would you want to make your application look and feel different from
> every other application?  An integrated system where all of the
> applications for a coherent whole is far easier to use than one where
> every application has buttons with different colours and fonts.

Exactly. Also think about themes, user can choose from more default 
themes or have even custom theme (like black one) and your buttons or 
whatever will look completely wrong and may be not even readable. Will 
you test your application with every theme available?
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Using the scrollbar on the N810

2008-02-18 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Neil MacLeod wrote:
> Richard Booth wrote:
>> How do others find it?
>> Rich
> Exactly the same as you - when I grab the scrollbar thumbtrack, instead of 
> the events being processed by the scrollbar widget the events appear to be 
> processed by the main page of the application

At least on my device this is due to erratic touchscreen. Try to install 
maemopadplus, turn off toolbar so there is no scrollbar and try to 'drag 
scrollbar'. At least on my device I always have beginning of the line 
moved to the left so it looks like T or 1. This means the first tap is 
interpreted inside main page.

Please report it in bugzilla if you have time.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: WLAN Horrible Roaming Performance (N800, OS2008), Software or Hardware Problem ?

2008-02-18 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Siarhei Siamashka wrote:
> I'm sorry. For some unknown reason, I thought that I notified you
> about this problem long ago, but appears that we only discussed this
> issue privately with Frantisek Dufka :(

I think it was discussed also in the "Memory corruption during WLAN use" 
bug too -

> [50622.038146] We haven't got a READY interrupt from WAKEUP. (firmware
> crashed?)
> [50622.038269] Try again...
> [50622.038330] succeeded!!!
> I'm attaching the same patch here. It is not very clean, but it does
> the job (for Nokia 770).

Not seeing whole code now but I wondered before - isn't it possible just 
to increase timeout  inside 'if (time_after(jiffies, timeout))' instead 
of two passes in loop?

> Also CPU usage is very high because of
> busyloop when waiting till DMA transfer is done. Tasklet, which
> executes the code can't be easily preempted, as far as I understand
> kernel documentation. Maybe it is possible to split tasklet into
> several parts, one of them could be responsible for initiating DMA
> transfer, the other could be activated on DMA transfer completion?
> This all is important for video streaming as any excessive CPU
> resources consumption by WLAN driver negatively impacts video playback
> performance.

I wonder about this too. Sadly I am not so skilled in kernel and don't 
know rules for interrupts, sleeping in kernel, bottom halves etc. so 
splitting the code at least in 770 version (bit banging over McBSP and 
ugly udelay() busylooping for DMA transfer) is too much for my 
abilities. The N800 code looks nicer, where the CPU is burnt there?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: SDL, tearing, X overhead and direct framebuffer gfx

2008-02-18 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Siarhei Siamashka wrote:
> N800 hardware definitely supports tearsync. 

And 770 should too according to the schematics floating on the net. Only 
the code never made to official 770 kernel but is/was part of released 
N800 kernel. Sadly last time I tried and ported this code back to 770 
kernel it just hanged the device and the interrupt on TE pin never 
arrived. I'm suspecting the sossi TE pin needs to be enabled somehow via 
some platform specific (omap1) initialization code that was not part of 
N800 kernel. The failed attempt is here

Got no reply here
but something here

Also on the similar 'banging my head against the wall' kernel topic - 
some weeks ago I downgraded my N800 back to OS2007 (as I have N810 with 
it, the N800 touchscreen is much worse in OS2008 and I like speed of 
Opera and the system i general). Also since I boot from mmc I flashed 
only initfs and kernel (i.e. not bootloader). Then I noticed my external 
mmc slot does not work. Flashed to OS2008 back - it worked again, 
flashed back to OS2007 - no luck even with original Nokia kernel. I 
spent some time digging in kernel source and even backporting changes in 
mmc stack from 2.6.21 to 2.6.18 with no luck. Finally I had an idea to 
flash bootloader too (over USB, kernel and initfs can be done on the fly 
from the device so one could sort of dual boot between OS2007 and 8). 
After doing this my external mmc slot magically works again in OS2007 
(NOLO is downgraded from 1.1.7 to 1.1.6).

This was a bit discouraging and tells me something about chances of 
getting tearsync code working without proper HW initialization and 
bootloader sources :-)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: SDL, tearing, X overhead and direct framebuffer gfx

2008-02-18 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Siarhei Siamashka wrote:
  those interested in the topic, documentation for the Epson LCD
> controller used in N8x0 (S1D13745) is available here:

And for 770 (S1D13742) here
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: SDL, tearing, X overhead and direct framebuffer gfx

2008-02-18 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Tapani Pälli wrote:
> Hello;
> ext Tobias Oberstein wrote:
>> Hello tableteers,
>> I've done some initial experiments hacking my N800/OS2008 and ran into a
>> couple of issues:
>> When using the supplied SDL library for doing timer-based frame
>> rendering, there seems to be
>> - heavy tearing
> Tearing unfortunately happens because there is no vsync available for
> framebuffer driver to use.

with direct fb access there is ioctl flag OMAPFB_FORMAT_FLAG_TEARSYNC 
that should take care of it and schedule the update at right time. But 
still I think there is not enough time to do full screen 800x480x16bit 
update even if it starts at right time.

In the example Tobias posted it is this part

  // wait for fb->lcd video ram transfer complete
  ioctl (fbfd, OMAPFB_SYNC_GFX);
  // "render" whole frame in single color
  memset (fbp, n, ssize);
  // wait for vsync
  ioctl (fbfd, OMAPFB_VSYNC);
  // request transfer of fb-> lcd video ram for whole screen
  ioctl (fbfd, OMAPFB_UPDATE_WINDOW, &update);

and basically it looks correct to me except maybe 'ioctl (fbfd, 
OMAPFB_VSYNC);' may do nothing but won't hurt.

>> Q: Is this expected behaviour? What could I do about the tearing? What
>> about the Xomap overhead?

This was discussed here in the list and there are timing results posted 
by Siarhei Siamashka. I think you can only solve it by updating smaller 
region and/or use 12 bit YUV format.

There was also discussion about 'accelerated' SDL with direct fb access. 
I think it would be a nice hack to use direct fb access when SDL X 
window is on the top or full screen and fall back to using X in other 
cases. But due to hackish nature and HW dependency on features of Epson 
chips in 770 and N8x0 it won't be accepted to nokia version of SDL. I 
think the hint was that that future generation of devices will not use 
similar chip so there is no future for this code. But true that there 
are present and past devices so it may make sense to make hacked 
community version of SDL for current game ports. Also such version could 
  safely take advantage of pixel doubling which is impossible to use 
safely with Xsp extension.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: SDL, tearing, X overhead and direct framebuffer gfx

2008-02-17 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Michael Flaig wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry can't say much about the other things...
>> Q: btw - how can I shutdown Maemo Launcher/Hildon/Matchbox/Xomap?
>> Whenever I do one of
>> /etc/init.d/maemo-launcher stop
>> /etc/init.d/x-server stop
>> the device will automatically reboot.
> There is a watchdog in place. I believe you can disable it with the
> flasher utility... 

Never tried but I think it should be possible to stop (almost) 
everything in reverse order without triggering reboot. In this case 
reboot may mean x-server was stopped before stopping other services that 
depend on it. Try to go over /etc/rc2.d/ and stop stuff in reverse order.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: RE : Re: Fullscreen and flash, new question

2008-02-14 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Hi, you forgot to cc the list

Frédéric Charrier wrote:
>> Instead of workarounds you mentioned it could be done via custom 
>> application that just embeds browser engine and flash plugin like the
>> getting started tutorial present on the device. Or even custom
>> (browser) 
>> engine with enough hooks to just embed the flash plugin without full 
>> html rendering widget would be nice for saving free memory.
> It seems a good idea.
> Where can I find information about how to embed a flash plugin into my
> own app ? (I didn't knew there is a flash plugin available for custom
> apps on Maemo).

Search the mailing list, few days ago someone tried this
but you may find even older attempts an pointers

> And how can I see the "getting started tutorial" on my N810 ?

It is an applet called "Get started" on home screen.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Fullscreen and flash, new question

2008-02-14 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Frédéric Charrier wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> as Carlos Pinto, I want to display my Flash application in fullscreen
> mode. 

Instead of workarounds you mentioned it could be done via custom 
application that just embeds browser engine and flash plugin like the 
getting started tutorial present on the device. Or even custom (browser) 
engine with enough hooks to just embed the flash plugin without full 
html rendering widget would be nice for saving free memory.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N810: shift+fn+N or M generate two keycodes each

2008-02-12 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Santtu Lakkala wrote:
> Shift-fn-n and -m both produce $€, so same b0rkedness can be observed
> here too.

Ok, thanks. Reported as
maemo-developers mailing list

N810: shift+fn+N or M generate two keycodes each

2008-02-12 Thread Frantisek Dufka

I have device with german keys. I've been playing with changing 
/usr/share/11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-44 and adding my custom 
keymappings. Mapped 'Tab' '`' '|' to Fn + 'space' ',' '.' with no 
problem. Also found that there is third and fourth column duplicated and 
one could in fact press left shift + fn quite easily with thumb (shift 
first) to access fourth column. Succesfully mapped 'K','L' which gives 
with fn only '(' ')' to give me '[' ']' with shift+fn. Then tried same 
trick with  'N','M' giving '<' '>' to give me '{' '}'  but each of them 
print "{}" instead of just '{' or '}'.

Switched to unmodified English layout to disable my changes but pressing 
N also print two characters instead of one - dollar and euro sign.

Verified also with xev and when I press shift+fn+N I see two key press 
and release events generated for N.

KeyPress event, serial 20, synthetic NO, window 0x181,
 root 0x3e, subw 0x0, time 237914792, (32,305), root:(112,365),
 state 0x0, keycode 50 (keysym 0xffe1, Shift_L), same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

KeyPress event, serial 23, synthetic NO, window 0x181,
 root 0x3e, subw 0x0, time 237916134, (32,305), root:(112,365),
 state 0x1, keycode 216 (keysym 0xfe03, ISO_Level3_Shift), 
same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

KeyPress event, serial 23, synthetic NO, window 0x181,
 root 0x3e, subw 0x0, time 237918277, (32,305), root:(112,365),
 state 0x81, keycode 57 (keysym 0x7b, braceleft), same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 1 characters:  "{"

KeyPress event, serial 23, synthetic NO, window 0x181,
 root 0x3e, subw 0x0, time 237918277, (32,305), root:(112,365),
 state 0x81, keycode 58 (keysym 0x7d, braceright), same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 1 characters:  "}"

KeyRelease event, serial 23, synthetic NO, window 0x181,
 root 0x3e, subw 0x0, time 237918430, (32,305), root:(112,365),
 state 0x81, keycode 57 (keysym 0x7b, braceleft), same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 1 characters:  "{"

KeyRelease event, serial 23, synthetic NO, window 0x181,
 root 0x3e, subw 0x0, time 237918430, (32,305), root:(112,365),
 state 0x81, keycode 58 (keysym 0x7d, braceright), same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 1 characters:  "}"

KeyRelease event, serial 23, synthetic NO, window 0x181,
 root 0x3e, subw 0x0, time 237918625, (32,305), root:(112,365),
 state 0x81, keycode 216 (keysym 0xfe03, ISO_Level3_Shift), 
same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

I tried all other keys on keyboard and no other keys do it when shift 
and fn are pressed, just 'N' and 'M'. Can anyone with no modifications 
done on your device press left shift+fn+n and see if two keys are 
generated too?

Is this bug in mapping somewhere deeper than xkb or can this phantom key 
be some HW limitation when those 3 keys are pressed?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New release of Python2.5 for Maemo

2008-01-17 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Luciano Miguel Wolf wrote:
> What's planned?
> ---
> Next release is planned to have a beta version of Python-Launcher. It is 
> a daemon that loads heavy modules, like pygtk, and just fork every time 
> python is called. This reduces the startup time of applications using 
> pygtk.

Just curious, any more details on this? I did a quick look at 
pymaemo-developers archive and browsed pymaemo SVN tree but failed to 
find any details or code in progress. I wonder how configurable it will 
be (i.e list of modules preloaded in the launcher, could and should I 
still launch separate python for simple non-gui python stuff?) and how 
it will play with memory - will each (forked) python instance with gtk 
and everything take additional memory (like now) or will be most/all of 
it shared. But I guess we'll see when the beta arrives in next release 
(any ETA?).

Thanks for the release BTW, I hope we'll see quick and lean python 
runtime preinstalled (or in some repository enabled by default) in the 
tablets in future.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Compiling new kernel for N810

2008-01-17 Thread Frantisek Dufka
David Hautbois wrote:
> The kernel-source-rx-34- package
>Is it the N810 kernel source ?

Yes but providing a link or telling us what version you used could help 
with troubleshooting your issue :-) The osso63.1 one is known to have 
this problem at least with N800. Kernel for latest firmware is here

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Frequencies scaling with OS2008

2008-01-09 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Klaus.K Pedersen (Nokia-M/Helsinki) wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 13:30 +0100, ext Frantisek Dufka wrote:
>> Igor Stoppa wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2007-12-31 at 17:37 +0100, ext Frantisek Dufka wrote:
>>>> Igor Stoppa wrote:
>>>>> Having the audio path open, but no dsp tack loaded (arm audio) sets the
>>>>> clock to 400MHz.
>>>> Interesting, so, umm, there is way to play audio from ARM side directly? 
>>> Mixing is still happening on DSP.
>> I see so DSP is running fully but there is no dynamic task loaded so the 
>> multimedia requirements are low and it can run at 400/133, right? 
> So what you are seeing is that the "DSP task policy" is active even
> though there are no dynamic dsp task loaded?

Just an update/explanation. I was not fuly aware of how it works. The 
most important difference here that I missed previously is the term 
'dynamic dsp task'. I was not aware that there are also 'static' dsp 
tasks. They look same from userspace but are linked statically to dsp 
bios (?) and the clock policy ignores them (on purpose).

So the pcm0/pcm1 dsp tasks are static but pcm2 is dynamic. Therefore 
uncompressed audio output via pcm0/1 leaves the clock at 400 but same 
output via pcm2 drops clock to 330. So maybe this is a bug and I should 
report it in bugzilla? Maybe Real audio should use pcm0 or 1 or pcm2 
should not be dynamic task?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Announcement: OS2008 2.2007.50-2 source repository

2008-01-05 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Murray Cumming wrote:
>> Thank you. So Chinook and os2008 is different thing now.
> That makes no sense to me - it's contradictory to everything we've heard
> before. I don't understand why a new repository has been created.

To me it makes sense to have it separated.

os2008 is repository with sources for released firmware (IMO best would 
be to have os2008-2.2007.50-2 and os2008 being symlink to latest and 
keep few older ones too). You don't need repository for this but why 
not, you need to dump those files somewhere anyway (to satisfy GPL). It 
is better than one big tar archive as it was before.

chinook is the SDK - it contains extra stuff for development, some stuff 
missing (provided by scratchbox), some stuff different that breaks the 
tablet but is needed in SDK etc

So for me it makes sense. Also you can (and should) release os2008 
repository at the time of firmware release. With SDK you can wait few 
days or weeks to make all tools ready. That was one 'excuse' we heard 
before (firmware is ready, SDK not, should we delay firmware because of 
this?). Also you can provide system updates via os200x repository. With 
the SDK one it is harder to not to break anything.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Announcement: OS2008 2.2007.50-2 source repository

2008-01-04 Thread Frantisek Dufka
> Hi,
> The source code for open source components of OS2008 version 2.2007.50-2 
> have been uploaded to a new repository. To be able to find the sources, 
> please point your browser to
> _

Thank you. So Chinook and os2008 is different thing now. Chinook is the 
SDK and os2008 has sources to (latest only?) firmware image. That's nice 
and makes sense. Perhaps os2008 repository is there also to provide 
those planned non-monolithic OS updates in future?

So, umm, any plans to make os200x repository updated together with 
firmware release in future?


P.S. I am very happy about the kernel source, thanks
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Frequencies scaling with OS2008

2008-01-03 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Klaus.K Pedersen (Nokia-M/Helsinki) wrote:
> So what you are seeing is that the "DSP task policy" is active even
> though there are no dynamic dsp task loaded?

No, not exactly.

First thing - I did not know there is a way to output audio without 
loading dynamic dsp tasks (named pcm and possibly also pcm2 and 3). I 
guess this is new feature in OS2008 and with the frequency scaling 
complictions it looks like this feature is a solution to many 
performance problems (like videos in flash player) and is generally useful.

Also it makes the pcm dsp tasks (i.e. tasks playing just uncompressed 
audio) obsolete and worse choice because of lowered arm clock when they 

So what I see instead is that gstreamer framework probably uses those 
pcm dsp tasks (instead of the new way) so when you are playing music in 
Real audio format (like the BBC radio preinstalled in the firmware) the 
audio is decompressed on CPU but pcm2 task is started and frequency 
drops to 330. And so in fact when listening to internet radio you are 
penalized twice with real audio - frequency drops and audio is decoded 
on cpu so user experince with microb is degraded. It is slightly better 
with MP3 audio but still it is unexpected penalty which did not happen 
with N800/OS2007 and 770 too. On those systems playing mp3 on background 
came virtually for free.

Also that is why I asked why there are pcm dsp tasks at all in OS2008? 
Or if they are there for better mixing than the logic which reduces 
clock from 400/133 to 330/220 should be more clever and kick in only 
when it is really needed. The switch (and audio click) is there anyway 
if you are first playing music in something SDL based (ScummVM) and then 
start audio via gstreamer (internet radio).

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: correct kernel source for RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2 ?

2008-01-02 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Neil Jerram wrote:
> It also reveals a cultural or management failing at Nokia.  Such steps
> (making correct source available) should be properly planned into the
> development process.  Once you do that, you'll find that they don't
> actually take any significant time.

Yes it may be cultural difference. Can you imagine Red Hat or Novell or 
any other Linux distributor releasing their next big version, giving you 
binary ISOs and informing you with straight face that ISOs with srpm 
packages will be available sometime in future when people get back from 
vacation? How it could be that what is inconceivable with linux 
distributions on PCs is possible with linux distribution on Nokia 
tablets? Looks like since this thread
more that 2 years ago nothing really changed in this matter.

Also one correction, the old thread I mentioned before was not last time 
it was discussed. Here is at least another one

Well, enough from me in this topic. Let's move on.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: correct kernel source for RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2 ?

2008-01-02 Thread Frantisek Dufka
inode0 wrote:
> If the alternative is to not get new firmware released until later
> when source is ready to go at the same time I think getting firmware
> as soon as possible and showing some patience while waiting for the
> source is the preferable arrangement for most users. I suppose not
> everyone sees it that way though.

Yes, not everyone sees it that way :-) Last time it was discussed here

Only this time it is not only too late but we also have two phoney 
kernel sources in repository for last two OS2008 releases :-) Yes it is 
in some way better than nothing, but still far below standards I would 
expect from Nokia. For me it also means I should better pull off custom 
OS2008 kernels I was providing in good faith since it looks like N800 
users will lose functionality of external card slot.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Frequencies scaling with OS2008

2008-01-02 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Igor Stoppa wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-12-31 at 17:37 +0100, ext Frantisek Dufka wrote:
>> Igor Stoppa wrote:
>>> Having the audio path open, but no dsp tack loaded (arm audio) sets the
>>> clock to 400MHz.
>> Interesting, so, umm, there is way to play audio from ARM side directly? 
> Mixing is still happening on DSP.

I see so DSP is running fully but there is no dynamic task loaded so the 
multimedia requirements are low and it can run at 400/133, right? So 
whan playing audio like this (using SDL and esd) and starting internet 
radio later I should hear som pops and clicks when freauecny changes to 

>> Why there are pcm tasks (used when streaming internet radio) if 
>> we could output audio from arm side without limiting ARM clock? Siarhei 
>> apparently used a way to output audio without activating DSP from 
>> mplayer, how?
> flash-based audio is decoded on arm (, ...)

So is (or should be) Real audio but still CPU drops to 330 (OP_DSP_H). 
So it is perhaps more about different frameworks used, gstreamer uses 
pcm dsp tasks (and thus lowers arm core to 330) but things not 
implemented via dynamic dsp tasks (SDL, esd, flash plugin) use the 
OP_CPU_H state.

> The multimedia requirements are very strict and comprise some
> almost-unrealistic cases of multiple streams being decoded and mixed.
> That's where the extra horsepower is needed.

So perhaps we can introduce another state or swith between OP_DSP_H  and 
OP_CPU_H depending of which exact dynamic tasks are started on DSP. And 
only when almost unrealistic thin happens (like decoding mp3 and 
starting decoder and encoder tasks for VOIP/Skype) switch to OP_DSP_H.

This would solve use case of listen to mp3 music while surfing the web 
(and wanting microb to rut at 400Mhz)

>> Also I wonder what happens when I set DSP_CLK_KHZ in OP_0 state to 
>> 266000, can I damage the hardware or will the DSP just crash (leaving 
>> rest of the system relatively OK)?
> HOWEVER (!) corruption in the DSP execution path might lead to
> unpredictable results, including bricking the unit (to that point that
> cold flashing is required). Overclocking the DSP only should not so
> easily cause damage but it's not really a black and white situation.
> Also you might have to play with the synchronizer.

Cold flashing because of unstable DSP? Hmm that's bad. That reminds me 
that there is no guide for cold flashing. It this supposed to work via 
the released linux flasher binary and firmware and perhaps serial pins 
next to battery? Or is it more complex procedure not posible to do with 
  tools available to public.

What is DSP synchronizer? Tried google but found nothing tha made sense 
in this context.

> The comment i got from TI when i asked is that we are not allowed ot do
> copy  & paste of the TRM into the code. Anything else is ok since it is
> our interpretation of what the TRM says.

Sounds good :-)

> What exactly would is missing?
> I see no point in replicating the clock dependencies. Is there something
> else that you think should be added?

Perhaps not if it is somewhere in the clock architecture code. I only 
had a feeling that the kernel code which originated from Nokia has less 
or no comments when compared to other linux code and was thinking about 
reasons why it is so. Examples are/were retu/tahvo drivers and video 
driver for the epson chip. But maybe that's just my feeling caused by my 
general inexperience and lack of other documentation. In such case any 
hints in the code helps. As for OMAP2 it is bad there is no 
documentation at TI site. Having same set of manuals like they have for 
5910 and 5912 boards would be nice.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Frequencies scaling with OS2008

2008-01-01 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Simon Pickering wrote:

> It would be interesting to see whether the mp3 task (for example) can  
> decode in real time when the DSP is run at 133MHz or are your  
> audio/video sync problems because it's running too slowly? This would  
> remove some load from the CPU and allow us to use the DSP for something.

As I mentioned in some previous mail, it is quite easy, just redefine 
O_DSP_H on line 44 of arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800-dvfs.c
Here is testing kernel with this state defined as 400/133.

Tried few mp3 songs and radios and didn't hear any problems, 128kbps is 
absoulutely fine and I didn't notice any problem also with VBR with 
average rate ~160kbps (some frames even 224 or 320 kbps). I don't have 
any music in AAC or very high constant mp3 bitrate.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: correct kernel source for RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2 ?

2008-01-01 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Another update. I checked also kernel from first OS2008 beta

kernel version in firmware is
SW version in image: RX-34_2008SE_1.2007.44-4_PR_MR0
Image 'kernel', size 1529984 bytes

kernel-source-rx-34 ( unstable; urgency=low

   * week200741-2 release
   * Fixes: NB#72086, NB#72075
   * Revert "JFFS2: Reduce time for which erase_free_sem is held during 
   * USB: OTG: Disable autosuspend for whitelisted nokia devices
   * USB: MUSB: Add missing otg_set_error when device draws too much current
   * Reduce dirty ratio granularity to 0.1%.
   * MMC: OMAP: Cleanups and fixes for mmc clock management.

  -- Yauheni Kaliuta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue,  9 Oct 2007 
19:01:56 +0300

kernel-source-rx-34 ( unstable; urgency=low

   * Updated bugfixes. Fixes: NB#71677, NB#72396

  -- Yauheni Kaliuta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Mon,  8 Oct 2007 
18:33:31 +0300

Looks like even osso55 is not exactly same as 200744osso2 from firmware 
image. Changelog in kernel source has week200741-2 release on the top 
(!? 41 vs 44). And what is also interesting - with both older kernels 
(from 1.2007.44-4 firmware and self compiled osso55) external mmc slot 
doesn't work on my N800. It only starts to work once I flash kernel 
extracted from RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2_PR_MR0. I tried 3 different SD 
cards (256MB SD, 1GB SD, 4GB SDHC) with same result. Internal slot works 
fine with these cards.

Another interesting thing is that kernel images from both firmwares are 
shorter (even if they are padded in firmware image) than self compiled 
ones (no patches, nokia_2420_defconfig).

RX-34_2008SE_1.2007.44-4: - file size 1529984, kernel size inside 1529876
self compiled - file and kernel size 1532176

RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2: - file size 1529984, kernel inside 1529864 - file and kernel size 1530288 bytes

In all cases /proc/version reports same compiler - gcc version 3.4.4 
(release) (CodeSourcery ARM 2005q3-2), the one from scratchbox arm 
targets for all recent SDK (snice 2.2?). I have used the one from SDK40.

So either the published kernel sources for both recent OS2008 releases 
are different or Nokia uses different build procedure (patched compiler, 
different compiler flags) or even both. That's unfortunate. How can we 
trust such kernels when the result compiled from published sources 
differs both in size and functionality?

maemo-developers mailing list

correct kernel source for RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2 ?

2008-01-01 Thread Frantisek Dufka

some time ago I noticed there is osso63.1 version of kernel source here
and thought it is source of kernel for latest 2008 firmware. But it is 
not! First I noticed my N800's external mmc slot doesn't work with this 
kernel. Cover switch works but when any card is inserted I see only

mmci-omap mmci-omap.1: command timeout (CMD8)
mmci-omap mmci-omap.1: command timeout (CMD8)

I thought this is because of some of my patches but even build from 
clean source like this

tar zxvf kernel-source-rx-34_2.6.21.0.orig.tar.gz
cd kernel-source-rx-34-
zcat ../kernel-source-rx-34_2.6.21.0-osso63.1.diff.gz | patch -p1
make nokia_2420_defconfig

has same problem. Also when extracting firmware, kernel version is 
reported as

SW version in image: RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2_PR_MR0
Image 'kernel', size 1529984 bytes

and not osso63. Also debian/changelog inside kernel source has no week 
release on the top, here is beginning:

kernel-source-rx-34 ( unstable; urgency=low

   *  Fix cache coherency issue on ARM

  -- Yauheni Kaliuta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri, 16 Nov 2007 
16:00:52 +0200

kernel-source-rx-34 ( unstable; urgency=low

   * week200743-1 release. Fixes: NB#73077
   * mmc mounts messed up and load of other weirdness

  -- Yauheni Kaliuta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue, 23 Oct 2007 
17:47:25 +0300

So, umm, can we have real kernel source for RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2 
please? Thanks.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: python2.5 - unnecessary multiple processes forked

2007-12-31 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Jayesh Salvi wrote:
> I guess there isn't much to do - for an app programmer at least. I found 
> the same behavior with osso_pdfviewer. It also uses hildon's 
> FileChooserDialog. But even before that dialog is invoked, multiple 
> processes are forked. ... and they do not disappear until their parent 
> exits.

I think once they are initialized they don't go away since you may 
actually need them if user clicks some file in the dialog which is 
'provided' by them.

> They keep occupying the same amount of memory as their parent. 
> This is really taxing on my n770.
> If this is the default behavior of gnome-vfs based GTK apps, then I hope 
> it gets improved for embedded devices.

BTW, are you sure the memory situation is really worse because of this? 
If yes then maybe this is specific to python. In C forked process does 
not add much memory overhead because memory pages in childs are shared 
with the parent until they are modified. So I guess when programming in 
C this is not a big issue so nobody cared so far.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: python2.5 - unnecessary multiple processes forked

2007-12-31 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Jayesh Salvi wrote:
>  I can't 
> imagine any valid reason for gtk/hildon to fork more processes just to 
> show a GUI dialog. Does anyone know?

I'm not sure but think it is because of gnome-vfs. Don't know proper 
terminology but maybe each vfs 'provider' in the dialog (like mmc, phone 
etc.) starts new process or something like that.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Frequencies scaling with OS2008

2007-12-31 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Igor Stoppa wrote:
> Having the audio path open, but no dsp tack loaded (arm audio) sets the
> clock to 400MHz.

Interesting, so, umm, there is way to play audio from ARM side directly? 
What I tried is to play BBC radio in home screen applet which activated 
only pcm2 task and arm clock dropped from 400 to 330. That lead me to 
conclusion that there is no way to output audio with arm clock at 
400Mhz. Why there are pcm tasks (used when streaming internet radio) if 
we could output audio from arm side without limiting ARM clock? Siarhei 
apparently used a way to output audio without activating DSP from 
mplayer, how?

Indeed there is something in
that looks like there is a way to (partly?) power up dsp, do not run any 
task and send audio from arm side?

As for the policy I had a look at arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800-dvfs.c 
and there are four states defined OP_0 to OP_3 and two additional ones
OP_DSP_H (H=high?) and OP_CPU_H as aliases to OP_1 (330/220) and OP_0 
(400/133). So one could probably redefine OP_DSP_H to different OP_X to 
try running dsp at different clock and see which dsp tasks are not fast 

Also I wonder what happens when I set DSP_CLK_KHZ in OP_0 state to 
266000, can I damage the hardware or will the DSP just crash (leaving 
rest of the system relatively OK)?

Some comments would be nice there like e.g. which clocks in the table 
are tied together or which combinations (dsp vs mpu vs other) are allowed.

BTW, are you forbidden to put any meaningful comments about the hardware 
there? If yes then how come you are allowed to publish the code itself?


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Frequencies scaling with OS2008

2007-12-30 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Krischan Keitsch wrote:
> I was wondering if the device really needs to run at 300MHz (220MHz dsp) for 
> mp3 playback? Is the max dsp power needed for such a task? Or would 220MHz 
> (177MHz dsp) or 165MHz (85MHz dsp) be sufficient? Would a lower dsp scaling 
> save even more battery?

Well, yes it looks a bit simplistic now. Even if you play audio decoded 
by ARM cpu (ogg, real audio) it seems to lock ARM core to 330 and dsp to 
220Mhz. I suppose it is because you need pcm dsp task running for audio 
output and any active dsp task locks it to 220Mhz (and thus cpu to 330). 
I wonder if it is just simple implementation that can be tuned in next 
firmwares or there is some fundamental problem (like changing dsp clock 
of already running dsp task may break it so it is hardcoded to 220).

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Bluez utilities - where get it

2007-12-27 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Arkady Glazov wrote:
> Hi,
> Can I get same bluez utils from standart repositories? I need in
> hcitool and rfcomm for binding console to my TomTom Go 910. Or, I
> should compile them from source itself? What the version BlueZ i
> should compile then?

If all you need is 'hcitool scan' and rfcomm bind and release 
functionality then you may also check how it is done in kbdd for OS2008 
[1][2]. There is dbus-bluez-rfcomm shell script as a replacement for 
rfcomm binary and dbus-bluez-scan binary made out of Vala bluez example 
[3]. Additional advantage is that you don't need root privileges and 
rfcomm port is allocated automatically so you don't need to hardcode it.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: point ou9t, [please, the way to go ...

2007-12-25 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Well, if Chinook SDK page [1] with installer script (which should 
download correct versions of everything) doesn't work for you for some 
reason, you can try Maemo VMWare appliance [2] with SDK already 

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: How to port SDIO stack to N800/ N810 OSs ?

2007-12-16 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Darius Jack wrote:
> It would be nice to have that solution incorporated into N800s one day.

Well, even if you get SDIO stack working, most or even all SDIO cards 
are longer than memory cards so they are not very practical with N800 
due to location of the slot.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Ogg Vorbis / Theora Language Removed From HTML5 Spec

2007-12-15 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Raphaël Jacquot wrote:

 (But I'd guess that a fair number of maemo-developers are LWN
 subscribers, so hopefully my post is useful for them.)
>> Do NOT spread the word ...
> don't worry, it won't escape the internet ;-)

Well actually this feature is meant exactly for this. It should 
give you a peek so you realize LWN is great (and it really is :-) and 
subscribe. For starving hackers there is even cheap starving hacker level.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: USB Host mode and OS2008

2007-12-11 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Juuso Räsänen wrote:
> I also tried with a recompiled kernel with CONFIG_USB_OTG_WHITELIST disabled. 
> It "removed" some of the above "warnings" but otherwise I didn't notice any 
> difference in the behaviour.  What does this whitelist actually mean??

I'm puzzled by this too. In OS2007 this had some effect and I think USB 
devices did not work but people are reporting success even without this 
option. So far I was too lazy to switch this back on and see what works 
and what not. Maybe this still have some effect but most devices are 
enabled in the whitelist (like hubs, usb storage or HID devices) so with 
most devices there is not difference.

As for meaning - this whitelist should allow manufacturer to provide a 
list of tested and supported devices to kernel and disallow any other 
random device you may otherwise connect.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N810: 2GB internal flash and boot from MMC ?

2007-12-11 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Igor Stoppa wrote:
> It's a GBA chip. 

Oh, so it is similar/same solution like those eMMC chips mentioned at after all. I was afraid of that but still was 
secretly hoping for inaccessible simplified mmc slot with glued real 
card or something, this could still save some space (but not $$). So 
looks we're stuck with 2GB size. I guess it it impossible to remove 
soldered BGA chip. Let's hope it is at least fast and durable one (i.e. 
SLC flash, 8bits mmc bus width or capable of 48MHz) not similar in 
quality to cards Nokia bundles with phones or tablets.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N810: 2GB internal flash and boot from MMC ?

2007-12-10 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Uwe Koch wrote:
> ...and supposed this method (the initfs of that method) will adopted to the
> N810 firmware.

Oh and it is already adopted since the day we had N810 firmware booting 
on N800. Not sure if someone tried with N810 but the initfs flasher 
should work with both N810 and OS2008 based N800 (real beta for N800 or 
firmware intended for N810).

Maybe with N810 you need to backup data (maps?) before re-partitioning 
internal 'card' if you want to boot from it. Or maybe you can reformat 
it and later just download maps you need to fresh FAT partition.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N810: 2GB internal flash and boot from MMC ?

2007-12-10 Thread Frantisek Dufka
N810 internal 2GB storage looks to linux kernel like normal MMC card. 
You just can't remove it :-) It is similar/same like having 2gb card in 
N800 internal slot.

Still I wonder how it looks on the board. I hope it can be replaced somehow.

maemo-developers mailing list

770 mmc hardware question - sdhc bugfix needed for high capacity cards?

2007-12-10 Thread Frantisek Dufka

this is question mainly to kernel people familiar with 770 
and N800 MMC code and/or OMAP1 vs OMAP2 power management (like those 
ones who fixed bug

Is the MMC_POWER_STANDBY feature implemented in OMAP MMC driver for 
latest N800 2.6.18 kernel relevant to 770 hardware? Does omap1710 lower 
MMC slot power in sleep (when all clocks are off) too so this is needed 
for high capacity cards?

Recently I have backported MMC code from N800 2.6.18 kernel to allow 
SDHC cards to be used in 770 but I don't know whether I should let the 
code which waits for the card before turning off MMC clock in or not.

And while we are are at it, here is second question that bugs me for 
long time. Does 770 hardware allow to give MMCmobile cards 1.8 volts? 
 From the schematics floating on the net it looks like OMAP uses 1.8 
volts but there is LP3928TLX voltage converter [1] [2] between omap and 
mmc slot which cannot be bypassed in software, is this correct or did I 
miss something?

And third bonus question, is it stupid idea to search for OMAP pins for 
second MMC interface and connect them directly to dual voltage MMCmobile 
card capable of running at 1.8 volts and have some chance for this to 
actually work?



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Bugfix in cx3110

2007-12-07 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Steven Walter wrote:
> While reading through the wireless card driver (what source is
> available), I noticed what is almost certainly a bug:

Great. There better place for this -
Or maybe even bugzilla?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Static and dynamic linkage

2007-12-04 Thread Frantisek Dufka
> Which would mean having to deal with SQLite as a dependency of this 
> package...

I have similar problem with ScummVM. I really do not want to deal with 
all the dependencies and maintain them in Maemo extras repository so I 
am linking libmad, Tremor, FLAC, libmpeg etc. statically.

I don't know how to easily solve static vs dynamic linking flags too so 
my solution was to compile and install all those libraries inside 
scratchbox only statically (i.e. no .so, just .a) and point scummvm to 
them so linker does not find their dynamic libraries at all. Then you 
don't need to mess with linking flags and package builds fine.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Static and dynamic linkage

2007-11-28 Thread Frantisek Dufka
> Is there a standard way to ask for a specific library to be linked in 
> statically and the rest to be dynamic?
> Specifically, I want to statically link in the SQLite library but leave 
> the rest of the linkage as is.

It may work in your case but in general there may be unexpected issues 
when mixing this especially when using c++

Also in plain C linking some library foo statically while linking other 
library bar dynamically that is already linked dynamically to foo (and 
similar variations of this when using multiple dependent libraries) may 
give you unexpected issues both at link time and also later at run time.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: TI frees its DSP toolchain for open source apps (?) - linuxdevices

2007-11-20 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Nils Faerber wrote:

> I had a quite longish discussion with TI DSP OSS support about a year
> ago. And after some weeks of back an forth the guy said, that they (TI)
> would have no problem with open source code being developed with this
> toolchain and even binary versions of the code being redistributed - as
> long as noone makes money from using the toolchain, I guess.

Good news overall, thanks. Still it would be nice to have the agreement 
text cleaned up. TI's opinion may change without warning and the text as 
it is now is not so friendly. But it is good to know that chances of 
unhappy calls from TI's lawyers are low :-) One more reason to take DSP 
development seriously.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Confused about Application Catalog

2007-11-19 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Graham Cobb wrote:
>   Do I create a new page (even though the "unix name" 
> will be the same)?

Yes. Not sure about unix name but it seems to work.

> This seems a retrograde step as it is useful to just have one page for 
> comments, one page to update if the app moves, etc. 

Exactly. I feel you pain too, see

I my case I even have exactly the same binary for all systems so making 
3 pages for it is just pure annoyance.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: installable deb package, Re: Data corruption on N770

2007-11-19 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> thanks for providing the package for OS2006, that is great news. I installed 
> it and it did not break anything as far as I can tell.

Thanks for the report.

> The only thing I am 
> surprised is that the module is reported as cx3110x  by lsmod:

Yes, it is just renamed on disk to not to conflict with the original one 
in case someone has modules in rootfs in /lib/modules/ 
too. Internal module name set at compile time is still cx3110x.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: TI frees its DSP toolchain for open source apps (?) - linuxdevices

2007-11-19 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Simon Pickering wrote:
> I'm not all together sure how this (the Google SoC project) differs 
> from the dspgateway, except perhaps for the choice of DSP. Why have yet 
> another way of bridging between ARM and DSP?

Either C54x architecture is more limited (no MMU? no space for 
multitasking core like DSP BIOS?) or this is really quick student hack 
for G-SoC without deep research for existing alternatives.

> We do already have a Linux Ti toolchain (
>  which is for the C55x only (i.e. is useful to us). I'm not sure the release 
> of another (similar afaict) toolchain for the C54x will make any odds to us 
> (except perhaps that Ti are embracing open source developers 
> :).

Well the EULA says that it should be used only with TI development board 
   (without exact definition what it is) so I am not sure that open 
source code can be compiled with it and result published for usage with 
770 or N8x0 even if our tablets contain silicon made by TI and it is 
non-profit. Perhaps more friendly licencing terms similar to this C54x 
toolchain would be nice to have for our C55x toolchain too.

maemo-developers mailing list

installable deb package, Re: Data corruption on N770

2007-11-16 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Frantisek Dufka wrote:
> I am also working now on packaging this module as installable deb for 
> OS2006 users.
Hello, I have created installable deb package for OS2006 and older 
hacker editions. If possible please test and report problems here.

There is one more fix for omap_mcbsp_spi_master_recv_word_poll function
writing one word past the end of data buffer.

Alignment issues remain unfixed since it seems they do not cause any 
problems as the buffer seems to be properly aligned.

For details see
Link to deb package -

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: new hacker edition Re: Data corruption on N770

2007-11-15 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Joni Valtanen wrote:
> Propably best to copy wlan driver 
> from and path your initfs 
> yourself.

I'm not sure whether you compiled driver yourself from sources and 
patches attached or just took the preliminary one uploaded by me and 
copied it to HE initfs. If you took the attached binary and pal to do it 
again then please wait I will upload different one today. I'll bump up 
the version string so it can be easily identified in kernel log and also 
add waiting for both dma transfers in cx3110x_spi_dma_write which is 
more correct (even if it may not make any difference in reality since 
both DMA transfers are started and should finish at the same time). We 
definitely do not want DMA to hit stack variable after exiting function.

I am also working now on packaging this module as installable deb for 
OS2006 users.

maemo-developers mailing list

new hacker edition Re: Data corruption on N770

2007-11-15 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Hi Joni,

thanks for fixing this in latest hacker edition. Is there any reason why 
older initfs was used again? There is latest -49 OS2006 firmware with 
changelog telling something about wi-fi certification (so there were 
some further fixes?) but this and previous hacker edition used older -38 
initfs from older 2006 firmware.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: SDL App runs for some seconds and then dies

2007-11-14 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Easiest is to fix your .desktop file.

Which in other words means that you should remove D-BUS service 
declaration in the .desktop file if you don't implement it in your 
application. See also

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: OS2008 download?

2007-11-14 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Ferenc Szekely wrote:
> Yep, Marius is right. Nokia will release an image for N800 soon. The
> image for N810 (or parts of it) is (are) not meant for N800.

Still it seems to work with no major issues and is very useful for 
developers with N800 for testing and polishing chinook stuff right now.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Data corruption on N770 in OS2007 HE

2007-11-10 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Alex DAMIAN wrote:
> Any idea about what I'm doing wrong ?

Hard to guess without any details posted but you might try to make it 
directly on the device if you already got the initfs flashing script 
with mtd-utils.

sudo gainroot
#copy initfs
mkdir -p mnt
mount -t jffs2 -o ro /dev/mtdblock3 mnt
cp -a mnt initfs
umount mnt
rmdir mnt
#make image
cp ../cx3110x-on-stack.ko initfs/lib/modules/current/cx3110x.ko
mkfs.jffs2 -r initfs -o initfs.jffs2 -e 128 -l -n
rm -rf initfs

now copy initfs.jffs2 to PC and flash with Nokia flasher or flash it 
directly from device like this
../initfs_flash initfs.jffs

But maybe the easiest is to modify /etc/init.d/rcS to remove broken 
module and reinsert fixed one like mentioned in previous mail.

As for easy to install (.deb) package I'm still not sure which one to 
make - initfs reflash or rootfs modification, first (initfs 
modification) is a bit more unsafe to install but can be done only once 
when booting multiple systems, second is safe to install and a bit 
easier to make but needs install into each rootfs. Perhaps I should make 
both to make it even more confusing :-)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Data corruption on N770

2007-11-08 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Levi Bard wrote:
> Fantastic.  I've been having to reflash roughly once a week due to
> spontaneously occurring reboot loops.  Has this bug always been there,
> or will reverting to an earlier 2007HE help avoid it?

Well maybe you can't blame this bug for every crash but yes it is there 
for long time, possibly since day one of Nokia 770. It was reproduced 
more than year ago by several people see
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Data corruption on N770

2007-11-07 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Neil MacLeod wrote:

> Until this bug is eliminated any device instability while WiFi is enabled can 
> be attributed to it.

Well it is slightly worse. Also some device instability even when wifi 
is off can be attributed to it if wi-fi was enabled at least once on 
this device. Like this example shows, it most probably corrupted memory 
of application manager before it saved updated status file with package 
info. Any file modified when wi-fi is on can become corrupted. One 
random example - whole gconf system configuration is saved as a set of 
xml files and contain sensitive data that could bring device to reboot 
loop or random reboot when some (system) application reads its settings 
from it and becomes confused due to bad data. This configuration is 
saved when some device setting changes (like changing brightness or 
sound volume level) which happens relatively often. Also installation of 
any package over network can corrupt some random bytes when extracting 
it so future execution can run faulty code or read bad data even when 
wi-fi is not enabled.

Yes, it would be nice to have it fixed in latest downloadable 2006 
firmware or at least in some re-release of current 2007 based hacker 
edition version before it moves to 2008. And it is worth fixing even if 
we lived with this bug in our tablets for 2 years and were mostly happy :-)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Data corruption on N770 in OS2007 HE

2007-11-07 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Alex DAMIAN wrote:
> I hoped for an error in dpkg 
> routines which handle the status file; now you made my day, I need a 
> better tablet :)

Or just replace cx3110x.ko in /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/ with 
quick fix attached to the bug

Or if you don't want to mess with initfs you can put in somewhere in 
rootfs and remove and reinsert it in some boot script (like 
/etc/init.d/rcS), something like

rmmod cx3110x
insmod /path/to/your/cx3110x-on-stack.ko
chroot /mnt/initfs wlan-cal

should fix further data corruption caused by this bug. Doing a dry run 
in xterm would be wise before modifying /etc/init.d/rcS I am writing it 
from my memory (with some data corruption issues too :-).

Please note that the final version of bugfixed cx3110x.ko may be a bit 
different, it may use different solution and further bugfixes. Just 
watch the bug. There are also other issues with the open sourced glue 
cx3110x.ko driver code (data alingment issues, busywaits everywhere).
And thanks must go to Tilman Vogel and Siarhei Siamashka who traced down 
root of the bug and found a fix (after more than year, see also

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Data corruption on N770 in OS2007 HE

2007-11-07 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Alex DAMIAN wrote:
> Does anyone else experience these issues ?

Ahything random can happen with wi-fi connected 770 due to this

It doesn't matter which system (2006 or 200HE) you use.

BTW this problem can be caused by any other bug too, but since ^@ looks 
like interpretation of zero, [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ may be really caused by this 
bug since 
it overwrites random memory with two zeroes. Congratulations, looks like 
you have won a lottery :-)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: About the upcoming maemo user karma

2007-11-05 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Frantisek Dufka wrote:
> Having same e-mail account everywhere is not very nice. Please consider 
> allowing more of them.

Reported now as

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: About the upcoming maemo user karma

2007-11-05 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Henri Bergius wrote:
> There will be recount every night, so once you have linked your
> garage, bugzilla, and mailing list accounts together (mostly
> by using a consistent email address everywhere), your stats will start
> to show up nicely.

Few days ago I changed my email in maemo profile and garage account to 
be the same as the one I use for mailing list and still have 0 in 
discussion column (related to maemo mailing lists?). Bug?

> Comments welcome, as always :-)

Having same e-mail account everywhere is not very nice. Please consider 
allowing more of them. At least mailing list vs rest (maemo profile, 
garage). Mailing list has relatively high volume so people may want to 
handle it differently. Currently I changed it to be the same (mainly to 
test it and see how much points it will give me) but I don't plan to 
keep it that way. Also more addresses would be useful to allow future 
changes. I suppose if one changes e-mail for sending messages to the 
list, his karma for list will start from scratch, right?

Overall this karma thing may be useful to push people to be more active 
so this looks like good thing. It may also result in worse quality vs 
quantity ratio in blogs, mailing list etc. Let's see how much of cheap 
karma hunting we'll get.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: ARM MMU questions

2007-10-29 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Simon Pickering wrote:

> Of course, I'd just not realised that the name of the memory section 
> was used to perform the framebuffer sharing. I had expected to have to 
> make an explicit call to the DSP memory ioctl to do this.

I don't know for sure, it was just a guess that could explain why it 
behaves differently.

>>> Another thing I need to look at is whether I can share some large shared
>>> memory regions on the 770 at higher addresses in the DSP memory map (to
>>> be used by mplayer to avoid memcpy operations on frames).
>> Well that would be nice but most probably you need continuous physical
>> (not virtual) memory for this so the frame can be used as real video
>> memory = transferable via DMA to external video chip.
> This is probably not such a big issue - the idea here is to share some 
> memory buffers between mplayer and the DSP so mplayer can fill them 
> (and then use them to calculate the next frames, etc.) and the DSP can 
> be told to display the data in one of these buffers (after it performs 
> colourspace conversion and scaling). There will be some memcpys on the 
> DSP side (from shared memory to framebuffer), but hopefully this will 
> be fast enough as the DSP does not have to do anything else.

Oh, I see. I was thinking about zero copy mechanism, this makes it one 
copy on DSP side which may be almost free and nicely kills one or more 
birds with one stone. Now I think I understand the idea :-) - mplayer 
produces more frames in advance to some dynamic memory, dsp does 
colourspace conversion and copy to real video ram one frame at a time.
So there is no need to have continuous physical memory and still mplayer 
can decode frames in advantage with zero copy on arm side. Looks like 
win for 770 :-)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: ARM MMU questions

2007-10-29 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Simon Pickering wrote:

> If I try to name my memory section FRAMEBUFFER (same code, just changing
> the name in the command file), I'm back to the original problematic sort
> of output:
> dsp_dld output:
> dsp_dld: event detected.
> dsp_dld: event detected.
> device sharedmem is requesting for TADD.
> starting TADD process for device sharedmem.
> loading /lib/dsp/modules/sharedmem.o.
> exporting framebuffer to 0x30
> FBEXPORT failed
> adding _task_sharedmem(@145120) into system.

Well it makes sense this is really a special case since (at least on 
770) you don't want to map just any random memory, you want to map 
_framebuffer_ memory (i.e. specific memory preallocated in bootloader 
and used by omapfb driver). It doesn't explain why the mapping should be 
done differently on DSP side but it is definitely handled as a special 
case in kernel so it needs special keyword. With different name you get 
some random memory not related to video (thus you need to do additional 
copy to real video memory on ARM side).

> Another thing I need to look at is whether I can share some large shared
> memory regions on the 770 at higher addresses in the DSP memory map (to
> be used by mplayer to avoid memcpy operations on frames).

Well that would be nice but most probably you need continuous physical 
(not virtual) memory for this so the frame can be used as real video 
memory = transferable via DMA to external video chip. Such regions have 
to be preallocated when kernel boots since at later time physical memory 
becomes fragmented.

Not sure how good is 2.6.21 (used future N8XX firmwares) but in older 
kernels such fragmentation is not easy thing to solve. In recent kernels 
there is some ongoing work related to defragmenting or preventing 
physcal memory fragmentation.

Also in N800 (and up?) some video RAM is in SRAM so there is definitely 
not space for more frames there. Even if using main SDRAM would be 
possible (i.e. there is no specific SRAM related setting somewhere in 
various pieces of omap framebuffer driver - disp.c omapfb_main.c 
blizzard.c rfbi.c - each hadling different piece of video hardware 
puzzle) we may suffer some performance hit for such frames.

maemo-developers mailing list

WPA? Re: WLAN connectivity using only wireless-tools

2007-10-29 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Kalle Valo wrote:
>> I don't see any PSM lines for example, while with the ITOS I do.
> Yeah, you have to enable PSM with the power iwconfig parameter.
> Otherwise PSM is disabled.

Interestingly this parameter need values less than 1 for sensible 
timeout, something like "iwconfig wlan0 power timeout 0.0002" gives me 200ms

Yesterday I tried to bring up wireless via wireless-tools too but it 
looks like it doesn't support WPA-PSK at all. It this correct? How the 
system does it anyway?

Then I tried to compile latest (v0.5.8) wpa_supplicant with just


but when run on 770 with simple

psk="very secret passphrase"

it prints two pages of scanning output but then segfaults and causes 
kernel to crash inside wlan driver.
[45362.203674] CX3110x: MAC address 
[45366.735626] Scan complete, scanned 13 channels
[45371.795043] Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 
[45371.795166] pgd = c3ed4000
[45371.795196] [ffbc] *pgd=10002031, *pte=, *ppte=
[45371.795318] Internal error: Oops: 17 [#1]
[45371.795379] Modules linked in: bnep cx3110x umac ext3 jbd mbcache
[45371.795501] CPU: 0
[45371.795562] PC is at wireless_process_ioctl+0x3bc/0x7bc
[45371.795654] LR is at __init_begin+0x3fff8000/0x2c
[45371.795745] pc : []lr : [<>]Tainted: P
[45371.795776] sp : c1107e00  ip : c02afc20  fp : 
[45371.795898] r10: c3f8a800  r9 : c1107ec8  r8 : c0218f80
[45371.795959] r7 :   r6 :   r5 :   r4 : 
[45371.796051] r3 :   r2 : 0001  r1 : c02afc00  r0 : 
[45371.796142] Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode SVC_32  Segment user
[45371.796234] Control: 5317F  Table: 13ED4000  DAC: 0015
[45371.796295] Process wpa_supplicant (pid: 2307, stack limit = 0xc11061a0)
[45371.796386] Stack: (0xc1107e00 to 0xc1108000)

Is there any way how to make WPA running from command line?

I was actually trying to do it early on boot from initfs
as per comment #7,
so I have whole memory free. Looks like I really need to downgrade 
security on my router to attach to it from command line?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Re :Re: Regarding Enabling of USB on restart of NokiaN800

2007-10-29 Thread Frantisek Dufka
priyank kumar chourasia wrote:
> Hi Kimmo,
> Thanks for replying, I tried by modifying  /etc/init.d/ke-recv by adding 
> OSSO_KE_RECV_IGNORE_CABLE=1 but the problem still persist.

Did you really add "export OSSO_KE_RECV_IGNORE_CABLE=1" as suggested by 
Kimmo and not just "OSSO_KE_RECV_IGNORE_CABLE=1" as you wrote above? The 
'export' word is important.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Developing for all IT platforms

2007-10-25 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Frantisek Dufka wrote:
> can I make one single click install file for IT2006, 7 and 8? 
> Will old AMs ignore extra sections for IT2008?

Umm, sorry, there was example provided by Santtu earlier in this thread 
so it seems to be possible. But still, it would be nice to have some 
real examples in the documentation.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Developing for all IT platforms

2007-10-25 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Marius Vollmer wrote:
> "ext Santtu Lakkala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I didn't find documentation for chinook .install files, [...]
> Here:

Thanks for the link. I'm not sure from the syntax in last compatibility 
chapter - can I make one single click install file for IT2006, 7 and 8? 
Will old AMs ignore extra sections for IT2008?

Currently there is no way to provide more .install files in so it would be handy now. However, it will be fixed 
soon [1] so this feature won't be strictly needed in future. But still, 
one install file could be easier for end users.

Also could you provide some example with real Maemo extras repositories 
gregale, bora and chinook? Maybe even section 'Examples' with such real 
examples would be nice in the documentation linked above. it could save 
a bit of time for clueless packagers like me :-)


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: ARM MMU questions

2007-10-24 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Simon Pickering wrote:
> (i.e. see my shared memory example code I sent to the list
> a few weeks ago, which runs on both 770 and N800).

Yes, I've seen it. Please don't stop with such examples :-)

> Yes, that's why it's not mapped, but there shouldn't necessarily be any
> reason why it can't be remapped and used (e.g. for colourspace
> conversion), which is my goal.

I wonder what is real goal? Some test or benchmark? Or some image 
processing without displaying it (as graphics chip can display both RGB 
and YUV directly so there is no need to convert)?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: ARM MMU questions

2007-10-24 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Simon Pickering wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm looking to share the framebuffer between the ARM CPU and DSP and
> therefore would like to ask a few questions about the ARM MMU and in
> particular TLBs.

Most probably it is related to DSP MMU not ARM MMU but I am not sure. 
Until now I thought TLB (translation look-aside buffer) is dynamic thing 
you mostly don't care about just like L2 or L1 CPU cache (Well unless 
you read LWN of course :-) see ).

Since the message "TLB full" did not make sense to me at all I did a 
google check and got this

"When table walking is enabled, TLB entries are automatically written by 
the table walking logic. Alternatively, entries can also be manually 
written by the user. This is done to ensure that the time-critical data 
accesses execute as fast as possible. Such user-defined entries are 
typically locked to prevent them from being overwritten subsequently. "

Page 16 "Programming the DSP MMU

The DSP MMU can be programmed in two ways: by building translation 
tables or by writing all
required entries directly into the TLB. A mix of these two ways is also 
possible. In that case,
translation tables are used but some of the most time-critical 
translations are preloaded into the

So it looks like DSP TLB is set up manually for fast access and indeed 
it may be full.

> So it appears that I'm running out of TLBs in the ARM MMU.

I think TLB on main (ARM) cpu is too precious to be locked in this way 
since it is needed for every access to memory by every process. I guess 
it really may be DSP MMU where it make more sense.

> It's interesting that the 770 has a mapped framebuffer. I wonder how it
> gets away with doing this while the N800 can't (if it's not by using a
> larger page size)?

770 has framebuffer mapped for DSP because there are video codecs 
implemented as DSP tasks. This is no longer true with N800 so mapping 
for DSP makes little sense. With N800 some (or all? video one at least) 
planes are even mapped to SRAM not normal SDRAM like with 770 so maybe 
it is even not accessible by DSP (not sure about this limitation at all).

I hope all this is not completely wrong and can help you but I don't 
know how to solve this. Maybe the set of DSP tasks on N800 are coded to 
use TLB fully since framebuffer acces is not needed. Still the rest free 
TLB entries may be enough if it is possible to use them in dynamic way 
but it will be slower. That's how I understand it.

maemo-developers mailing list

Maemo Downloads, Re: N810 maemo device program open for submissions

2007-10-23 Thread Frantisek Dufka

> That was not the point. Please read my initial problem description. The 
> problem is, that if your application catalog entry states that you have 
> packages for multiple OS version (my current packages support OS2006 and 
> OS2007) and you search for packages for OS 2007, you will not see most of my 
> packages. At least that is the way it is for my packages. 

Then perhaps you may fill it as bug in bugzilla? I didn't know abut the 
garage tracker Quim mentioned but I did file two bugs for Maemo 
Downloads recently
and both got handled and will be fixed in new version. So maybe bugzilla 
is better fo real bugs (not Midgard feature enhancements).

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N810 maemo device program open for submissions

2007-10-18 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Danilo Cesar wrote:
> Or, is there other options to developers who lives outside the countries 
> that maemo program covers?

Yes, I believe the terms are worded in such way that you can apply if 
you have someone in one of those countries who will buy the device for 
you. See point 2 in , the part "or you 
have a valid address in that country where the purchased device can be 
sent" i.e. you have address of your friend or relative.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: chinook

2007-10-18 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Jonathan Greene wrote:
> does anyone have anything built to test?  love to try some apps on the 
> N810 ...

Umm, if you are bored, could you try ScummVM?
or see
for more help.

Since it is not GTK based it may run out of box. When trying in Chinook 
scratchbox target I see
dsp_protocol_open_node(): Could not open pcm device file /dev/dsptask/pcm3
qemu: Unsupported syscall: 298
so it is a bit mystery if it runs on actual device or not.

Also many of us would be interested in hardware details so it would be 
nice to see output of commands like:

dmesg (run ASAP after boot)
cat /proc/mtd
cat /proc/cpuinfo
find /sys
find /mnt/initfs

Question is - is there osso xterm or dropbear or openssh for Chinook to 
run those commands? Could you try to install
and ssh in and run them? Thanks.

Best regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N810 maemo device program open for submissions

2007-10-18 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Hello Quim,

maybe wiki page with questions&answers would be good again.

Q: Is the code really tied to specific country or only to region 
(US/Europe) like before? Can I change the country in future?

The form needs to fill specific country in field "Nokia shop to get the 
device from". Can I select some country now but change it later to some 
other (European) country if something goes wrong with the "you have a 
valid address in that country where the purchased device can be sent" 
condition in future? (see 2. NOKIA ONLINE SHOPS


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Nokia N810 Q

2007-10-18 Thread Frantisek Dufka
David Weinehall wrote:

>> Is the internal 2GB card slot still user accessible next to the battery?
> No.

Is it SD/MMC compatible i.e. similar/same to those eMMC mentioned here ? Or to put it differently - which kernel 
driver is used for this? MMC or mtd or something else? Thanks.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 experimental host mode patches updated

2007-10-17 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Juuso Räsänen wrote:
> What is the role of this latter file? 

kernel modules (i.e. drivers), you need to extract it somewhere and use 
insmod (as root) to add some of them to kernel at runtime (depends on 
device you want to use).

For usb storage you need to insert those in drivers/scsi/ and 
drivers/usb/storage/. For keyboard you need drivers/usb/input/usbhid.ko

> Currently I just flashed the kernel with following command:
> ./flasher-3.0 -f -k zImage-usbhost --enable-usb-host-mode --enable-rd-mode -R

You don't need "--enable-usb-host-mode --enable-rd-mode" for this.

> So, what could be of help there??

Google for 'linux kernel modules' to get familiar with the concept.

BTW there is some issue with mounting cards (related to ke-recv 
service). Once you switch to host mode with ke-recv running, cards get 
unmounted (and swap turned off). You can prevent this by stopping 
ke-recv before switching and starting it after switch.

/etc/init.d/ke-recv stop
/etc/init.d/ke-recv start

Similar for switching back - usb icon will go away after setting mode 
back to 'peripheral' and restarting ke-recv.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 experimental host mode patches updated

2007-10-13 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Tony Lindgren wrote:

> It needs a gadget loaded to be active because it runs in OTG mode.
> For some reason g_file_storage is not loaded automatically, do things
> work if you run /usr/sbin/ after booting?
> If I run that, peripheral and host modes work.

Yes, that was the trick, thank you. The script above takes storage 
devices as a parameter so it should be run like
/usr/sbin/ /dev/mmcblk0 /dev/mmcblk1

Tried, hub, mouse and flash disk and they get detected. Will do more 
tests this evening (it is morning here now).

I have re-uploaded the kernel with CONFIG_USB_OTG_WHITELIST disabled.

BTW, when after host mode I did
echo otg > /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode
N800 was not properly dedected by PC (with Windows XP), it said 'device 
malfunctioned' and prompted for driver install. I had to run
echo  peripheral > /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode
To see my cards mounted on PC.


Oh, and thanks for your work on N800 host mode patches :-)
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 experimental host mode patches updated

2007-10-12 Thread Frantisek Dufka
> I didn't test this particular kernel but I did use host mode a few days
> ago. I had to disable CONFIG_USB_OTG_WHITELIST to make it work.

Thanks, just tried and it didn't help. Still the same. Also found later 
that this kernel with host mode patches kills also normal client mode. 
After boot when attached to PC it does nothing too.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 experimental host mode patches updated

2007-10-12 Thread Frantisek Dufka
OK, my attempt is here

It boots, has 48Mhz MMC mode enabled but without the mmc clock debug 
patch since it is printed very often (at least when one boots from MMC).

I have actually never tried host mode with N800, just 770 and when doing
echo host > /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode
with this kernel nothing happens in log and it still contains "b_idle". 
Tried to connect powered hub, mmc card reader and mouse and it does 
nothing. I dont have proper cable for autoswitching, just regular 
mini-USB with female to female adapter on the end.

kernel contains .config so please check if anything is wrong. Since I 
already had custom config I tried to enable same options by hand.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 experimental host mode patches updated

2007-10-12 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Tony Lindgren wrote:

> Anybody else here willing to provide the compiled kernels? Maybe throw
> in also the MMC patches from :)

Just finished the crypto API enabled kernel
so I guess I'll just add this and rebuild the kernel once again :-) Will 
take few minutes.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: General bugs being assigned to ITOS2007HE in Garage, not Bugzilla

2007-10-01 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Noticed that too for bugs reported by me. Bugs are generic and apply to 
N800 too. Definititely a bit strange, some explanation would be 
appreciated. The original bug remains open in Bugzilla so I hope it is 
not the end.

maemo-developers mailing list

N800 shuts down after 364 seconds in initfs

2007-09-18 Thread Frantisek Dufka

as already mentioned here I have implemented USB networking recovery 
mode in bootmenu. It works fine with 770 but unfortunately N800 doesn't 
like staying in initfs too long. After few tests it looks like the 
device shuts down exactly 6 minutes and 4 seconds after linux kernel is 
booted. Possibly this is exactly 6 minutes after dsme or bme is started. 
Here is  kernel log. I tried it few times and the timing is always the same.

<4>[3.872497] VFS: Mounted root (jffs2 filesystem).
<6>[3.872833] Freeing init memory: 92K
<4>[8.175262] ether gadget: using random self ethernet address
<4>[8.175384] ether gadget: using random host ethernet address
<6>[8.192687] usb0: Ethernet Gadget, version: May Day 2005
<6>[8.192779] usb0: using musb_hdrc, OUT ep1out IN ep1in STATUS ep2in
<6>[8.192840] usb0: MAC c2:5c:98:eb:81:21
<6>[8.192901] usb0: HOST MAC 66:33:7e:ee:63:da
<6>[8.192932] usb0: RNDIS ready
<4>[8.195648] drivers/usb/musb/tusb6010.c musb_platform_enable: dma 
not reactivated
<7>[   16.637207] musb_stage2_irq 628: SUSPEND, devctl 99
<7>[   17.777954] musb_stage0_irq 530: BUS RESET
<7>[   17.782806] musb_stage0_irq 530: BUS RESET
<7>[   18.019683] musb_hdrc periph: enabled ep2in for int IN, dma, 
maxpacket 16
<7>[   18.019744] musb_hdrc periph: enabled ep1in for bulk IN, dma, 
maxpacket 512
<7>[   18.019775] musb_hdrc periph: enabled ep1out for bulk OUT, dma, 
maxpacket 512
<6>[   18.019989] usb0: high speed config #2: 100 mA, Ethernet Gadget, 
using RNDIS
<6>[  364.809326] tahvo: Registering interrupt 7 for device
<6>[  364.809844] retu: Registering interrupt 8 for device
<6>[  364.810760] retu: Registering interrupt 1 for device
<6>[  364.811157] tahvo: Registering interrupt 1 for device
Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.

Anyone can explain what (dsme? bme?) does it and why? Can I suppress 
this somehow? My idea is that it is some safety mechanism detecting that 
device did not boot properly. Please note tahvo and retu interrupts 
right before shutdown. Can I somehow let the device know that everything 
is OK? Thanks.

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