Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism? (to Brian)

2001-04-23 Thread Nenad Glisic

Dear comrade!
Partija rada have a literature on serbo-croatian (bulletins, a youth paper, and other 
issues). Also there is Bulletin interbational on German. If you want something of 
that, just write it to Milan. Everything is free.
--- "Partija rada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>From: James Brian
>Date: 21 April, 2001 10:44 AM
>>--- Partija rada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I don't know what is "International Zionism". My
>>> party leader can't be
>>> cheated by cheap monkey like Zyganov. He was just
>>> talking that Imperialists
>>> used Jewish Mafia (probably they would use Serbian
>>> Mafia that it was strong
>>> enough) to destroy SSSR, and destabilize Russia.
>>> There was no talk about
>>> some "International Zionism".
>>> For Communism,
>>> Milan
>>The mafia certainly played a role. I cannot comment on
>>what your leader said without a clearer statement. I
>>was just pointing you to what has already been said,
>>and countered, about zionism and the fall of Russia.
>>BTW, who is your party? I've never seen any reference
>>to it. Do you have a website, or party literature?
>Our Party is one small, and relatively new one. It is founded on 1992. by
>Vladimir Dapcevic (84), who was in CPY before WW2, during WW2 combating with
>fascism, after Tito's treachery of International Communism on 1948. he (as a
>Stalinist), flee to USSR. During his life he was all in all 24 years in
>prison, once sentenced to death, survived Tito's Nazi camp Goli otok (for
>Stalinists only), and shoot 4 times. With him Party founded and builded his
>old Comrades, and younger Communists. I wrote at the beginning that's our
>Party small one. And she is still small since we respect a words from
>"Communist Manifesto" regarding membership of the Party. Quality, not a
>quantity. Having a great experience of organizing, as well with faults done
>in history, our Party is ready to start with the works for rebuilding of the
>famous CPY (before 1948). Here's our Maximum Program. If you wish more, feel
>free to ask.
>We do have our web site ( but it is on Serbo-Croat (yet).
>Also, all our Party literature is on Serbo-Croat language (yet). Sorry for
>delay. I had too many of job.
>For Communism,
>Maximum Program
>1. The main strategic aim of the Partija Rada is to overthrow the capitalist
>social system and to replace it with the socialist social system, to
>establish the democratic power of the people and social justice.
>2. The building of socialism should be adapted to Yugoslav conditions on the
>basis of the scientific principles of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian
>internationalism. It should also take into consideration the concrete
>conditions of the relationship between class and political forces in the
>country and worldwide. Ways and methods should be chosen that best suit our
>conditions, without imitating of any other experience. Things which are
>historically exceeded [do you mean outmoded?], and which life and practice
>did not confirm, should not be applied in the building of socialism in
>3. All forms of property: public, cooperative and private should be
>respected. The main fulcrum should be public property, especially in the
>vital, strategic sectors that are of primary importance for the country and
>4. Democratic, equal rights for all should be granted.
>5. Full equal rights for all peoples - national, religious and cultural
>rights, should be provided, as well as the right of each people to
>self-determination up to secession and the creation of their own state.
>6. Free education, health care and public welfare should be provided for
>7. The right to work, to a place to live and full cultural development
>should be provided.
>8. The principle of distribution according to work - equal pay for equal
>work - should be implemented.
>9. All conditions necessary for the gradual transition to a classless,
>communist society should be created.
>From the "Program and Statute of the Partija Rada," 1997, PP. 70-71.
>Marxist-Leninist-List mailing list
>To change your options or unsubscribe go to:

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Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism? (to Brian)

2001-04-23 Thread Partija rada

From: James Brian
Date: 21 April, 2001 10:44 AM

>--- Partija rada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I don't know what is "International Zionism". My
>> party leader can't be
>> cheated by cheap monkey like Zyganov. He was just
>> talking that Imperialists
>> used Jewish Mafia (probably they would use Serbian
>> Mafia that it was strong
>> enough) to destroy SSSR, and destabilize Russia.
>> There was no talk about
>> some "International Zionism".
>> For Communism,
>> Milan
>The mafia certainly played a role. I cannot comment on
>what your leader said without a clearer statement. I
>was just pointing you to what has already been said,
>and countered, about zionism and the fall of Russia.
>BTW, who is your party? I've never seen any reference
>to it. Do you have a website, or party literature?
Our Party is one small, and relatively new one. It is founded on 1992. by
Vladimir Dapcevic (84), who was in CPY before WW2, during WW2 combating with
fascism, after Tito's treachery of International Communism on 1948. he (as a
Stalinist), flee to USSR. During his life he was all in all 24 years in
prison, once sentenced to death, survived Tito's Nazi camp Goli otok (for
Stalinists only), and shoot 4 times. With him Party founded and builded his
old Comrades, and younger Communists. I wrote at the beginning that's our
Party small one. And she is still small since we respect a words from
"Communist Manifesto" regarding membership of the Party. Quality, not a
quantity. Having a great experience of organizing, as well with faults done
in history, our Party is ready to start with the works for rebuilding of the
famous CPY (before 1948). Here's our Maximum Program. If you wish more, feel
free to ask.

We do have our web site ( but it is on Serbo-Croat (yet).
Also, all our Party literature is on Serbo-Croat language (yet). Sorry for
delay. I had too many of job.

For Communism,

Maximum Program

1. The main strategic aim of the Partija Rada is to overthrow the capitalist
social system and to replace it with the socialist social system, to
establish the democratic power of the people and social justice.

2. The building of socialism should be adapted to Yugoslav conditions on the
basis of the scientific principles of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian
internationalism. It should also take into consideration the concrete
conditions of the relationship between class and political forces in the
country and worldwide. Ways and methods should be chosen that best suit our
conditions, without imitating of any other experience. Things which are
historically exceeded [do you mean outmoded?], and which life and practice
did not confirm, should not be applied in the building of socialism in

3. All forms of property: public, cooperative and private should be
respected. The main fulcrum should be public property, especially in the
vital, strategic sectors that are of primary importance for the country and

4. Democratic, equal rights for all should be granted.

5. Full equal rights for all peoples - national, religious and cultural
rights, should be provided, as well as the right of each people to
self-determination up to secession and the creation of their own state.

6. Free education, health care and public welfare should be provided for

7. The right to work, to a place to live and full cultural development
should be provided.

8. The principle of distribution according to work - equal pay for equal
work - should be implemented.

9. All conditions necessary for the gradual transition to a classless,
communist society should be created.

>From the "Program and Statute of the Partija Rada," 1997, PP. 70-71.

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RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-23 Thread Javad Eskandarpour


Before proceeding with our "live" topic of discussion, Zionisn is Fascism, I
would like to mention one or two things as to the contents of some ideas
expressed by some participants, since I have not subscribed to "the proper
perscpetive" on the international Zionism (which is announced and silently
accepted by some people), .
Considering the e-mails (so far), it seems that the following positions are
taken by the discussants on "Zionism":

(1)First position: They think that anti-Zionism is anti-Semiticism, which is
put foreward by neo-Nazi organizations and some other reactionary circles.
And if a Marxist-Leninist asserts that Zionism is Fascism, even with her/his
qualitatively different understaning of "Zionism" then she/he is still
considered a duped Marxist-Leninist who participates with neo-Nazis in
serving "the old wine in new bottles". This view is irrational, to say the

(2)Second position: They think that "Zionism" might be a "legitimate"
problem, which Marxist-Leninist might consider, but it is mainly of a local
interest. In view of this particular understanding of "Zionism", they want
to avoid discussing the "international" dimension of the existence of
"Zionism" under the pretext that "the international Zionism" is analogous to
"the Jewish concpiracy" of neo-Nazi organizations; thus, Marxist-Leninists
must not entertain themselves, at least, with the "international" existence
of "Zionism" in various well-known and less well-known Zionist organizations
in different countries.
In connection to this particular understanding of "Zionism", if they are
right that "Zionism" is mainly of a local interest, apart from a supposedly
isolated activity of the so-called "Zionist Mafia" in the USSR, then one
wonders how these Zionist organizations can be "the agents of the American
imperialists in their machinations directed against the U.S.S.R. and the
People's Democracies and the revolutionary movement in capitalist and
colonial countries" without a well connected "international" existence of

(3)Third position: They think that "Zionism" is a racist ideology which has
committed tremendous crimes against the Palestinians, which must be taken
seriously by Marxist-Leninists. But when it come to the role of "Zionism" (
in the political organizations of Alexander Yakovlevs, the clown commentator
Vladimir Pozner who thinks that Zionism is not racism, and all the Zionist
"tycoons" in the Russian Federation, who give (have given) finanicial and
political support to the Zionist state of Israel covertly and overtly) as a
contributing factor among less and important ones in the collapse of the
USSR and the CPSU, they state that the specific nature of "Zionism" can be
explained by its reduction to the specific nature of the world Imperialism,
headed by the American Imperialism. In other words, they dissolve the
specific nature of the international Zionism in the specific nature of the
world Imperialism. Of course, they think that through this dissolving
process, one is dealing with the source of the problem which is the main
concern of Marxist-Leninists. But regardless of the determining role of the
source of the problem, one still must understand the specificty of the
problem itself in the context of the source of the problem; otherwise one
will end up reducing any specific problem to its determining processes of
its subsequent existence , which is in violation of the dialectical identity
of universal and particualr.
What is the political and theoretical result of this view of "Zionism"?
Theoretically, it replaces the dialectical logical understanding of a
process by a reductionist empirical one. Politically, it replaces a specific
critical understanding of any specific historical movement by its
superficial brief outline (which has no important practical use), which is
accepted by some people as "the proper perspective". No wonder that
Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations, which practice this kind of
superficial explanation of any issue of importance and interest to the
workers and members of other social strata, do not appeal to the workers in
relatively recent years. Marxism-Leninism abhors "catechism" of any kind,
religious or secular.


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Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism? (to Brian)

2001-04-21 Thread James Brian

--- Partija rada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't know what is "International Zionism". My
> party leader can't be
> cheated by cheap monkey like Zyganov. He was just
> talking that Imperialists
> used Jewish Mafia (probably they would use Serbian
> Mafia that it was strong
> enough) to destroy SSSR, and destabilize Russia.
> There was no talk about
> some "International Zionism".
> For Communism,
> Milan

The mafia certainly played a role. I cannot comment on
what your leader said without a clearer statement. I
was just pointing you to what has already been said,
and countered, about zionism and the fall of Russia.

BTW, who is your party? I've never seen any reference
to it. Do you have a website, or party literature?


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Re: [MLL]zionism

2001-04-19 Thread Partija rada

-Original Message-
From: Per Rasmussen
Date: 18 April, 2001 7:33 PM

>J. V. Stalin
>>From J. V. Stalin, Works,
>Foreign Languages Publishing House,
>Moscow, 1954,
>[131] Zionism -- a reactionary nationalist trend of the Jewish bourgeoisie,
>which had followers among the intellectuals and the more backward sections
>of the Jewish workers. The Zionists endeavoured to isolate the Jewish
>working-class masses from the general struggle of the proletariat. Today
>Zionist organisations are the agents of the American imperialists in their
>machinations directed against the U.S.S.R. and the People's Democracies and
>the revolutionary movement in capitalist and colonial countries.[p.301]
Milan wrote: And what I was talking about? That Imperialists use Jewish
Mafia. And where I made a mistake Comrade Per?

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RE: [MLL]Zionism is fascism

2001-04-19 Thread Alan Dover

George comrade,

thank you  for putting this issue (US imperialism and Israel) so clearly in
its proper perspective.

fraternally, Alan.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> George G
> Sent: Wednesday, 18 April 2001 23:55
> Subject: [MLL]Zionism is fascism
> Dear comrades and friends,
> I tried to send this a few days ago and it didn't get through.
> Since this is
> still a live topic I am sending it again. (I haven't read most of
> the posts
> since, though.)
> George
> Dear comrades and friends,
> I am not sure what comade Javad is replying to here (maybe I missed the
> original message), but I would like to add a couple of comments.
> First, it is certainly true that there are people on the left, including
> those who call themselves communists, who start raising "anti-semitism" as
> son as someone criticizes zionism or Israel, It is certainly true that
> zionism is racism, as one can see from the heroic struggle of the
> Palestinian people in their second intifada, demanding an
> independent state
> in Palestine and the right of the Palestinians to return to their
> homeland,
> while racist Israel has a fundamental "law of return" allowing any Jew to
> come to Israel and automatically gain citizenship.
> However, there is another side to the coin, which is that some people,
> influenced by a variety of nationalist outlooks, misunderstand the role of
> Israel and zionism, in the Middle East and elsewhere, and see Israel as
> controling US policy in the Middle East instead of seeing Israel as a tool
> of US imperialism. The US imperialists have been supplying Israel with
> billions of dollars in military aid each year, to suppress that national
> liberation struggles of the Palestinian and other Arab peoples of the
> region, and thus to help the US secure its domination of this
> strategic and
> oil-rich region. They do this because Israel is serving their
> interests, not
> because of some sort of alleged zionist control of the US media
> or anything
> like that. it is the dog (US imperialism) that wags the tail (Israel), not
> the tail that wags the dog.
> In this context, I am not sure what comrade Javad means by taliking of
> Yakovlev and other capitalist tycoons in Russia as being zionist
> stooges. It
> seems to me that they represent the predominant pro-US imperialist wing of
> the ruling Russian bourgeoisie, and to call them zionist stooges
> seems to me
> to be raising a secondary issue here to being primary.
> Fraternally,
> George

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Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism? (to Brian)

2001-04-19 Thread Partija rada

>--- Partija rada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Dear Comrade Brian!
>> Sorry, but then I missed the point which did you
>> raised. I was thinking on
>> powers which destroyed SSSR, and economically
>> destroyed Russia.
>> You have a right. What is the International Zionism
>> in fact?
>> Milan
>That is precisely the question: What is "international
>Sounds like your party leader got his information on
>zionists destroying Russia from the Russian Communist
>Party, CPRF, a few years ago. Here's an article from a
>communist publication that exposes the antisemitism
>posing behind anti-zionism in this particular case.

I don't know what is "International Zionism". My party leader can't be
cheated by cheap monkey like Zyganov. He was just talking that Imperialists
used Jewish Mafia (probably they would use Serbian Mafia that it was strong
enough) to destroy SSSR, and destabilize Russia. There was no talk about
some "International Zionism".
For Communism,

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RE: [MLL]Zionism is fascism

2001-04-18 Thread Javad Eskandarpour

Comrade George,

In discussing the issue of the international Zionism, of course the place of
parasiticism and rapaciousness is given to the world Imerialism, headed by
the American imperialism (your metaphor, " the dog" and my metaphor, "the
parasitic creature" with its "tentacles"), but the specific function of an
"organ" of an organism cannot be explained merely through the reduction of
the specific structure and function of an "organ" to an oranism as such even
though its existence depends on an organism as a whole. In other words, for
example, the structure and function of "the tail"(your metaphor for
"Zionism") of "the dog" cannot be explained merely through its reduction to
the other organs of "the dog, or "the dog" as such even though the existence
of the "tail" depends on the existence of "the dog". The point is that
regardless of the "secondary" status of the "tail", one must consider the
structure and function of this "tail" in action specifically in the
framework of the structure and function of the world Imperialism; otherwise
the explanation of everything would be reduced to some general expressions
devoid of anything specific and historical. In this connection, of course,
one likes to know what "the tail" by "the will" of "the dog" has done
specifically , for example, in the USSR and in the CPSU in the persons of
Alexander Yakovlevs, of the joker, the commentator Valdimir Posner who
thinks Zionism is not racism, and many "tycoons" in the Russain Federation,
who subscribe to the Zionist ideology and support the Zionist state of
Israel politically and financially covertly and overtly. It goes without
saying that there are many of these "tails" (my preference to the metaphor
"tentacles" is due to having an abnormal dog with many tails!) of "the dog",
which must be exposed specifically and historically.

--Original Message--
From: "George G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 18, 2001 11:55:02 AM GMT
Subject: [MLL]Zionism is fascism

Dear comrades and friends,

I tried to send this a few days ago and it didn't get through. Since this is
still a live topic I am sending it again. (I haven't read most of the posts
since, though.)


Dear comrades and friends,

I am not sure what comade Javad is replying to here (maybe I missed the
original message), but I would like to add a couple of comments.

First, it is certainly true that there are people on the left, including
those who call themselves communists, who start raising "anti-semitism" as
son as someone criticizes zionism or Israel, It is certainly true that
zionism is racism, as one can see from the heroic struggle of the
Palestinian people in their second intifada, demanding an independent state
in Palestine and the right of the Palestinians to return to their homeland,
while racist Israel has a fundamental "law of return" allowing any Jew to
come to Israel and automatically gain citizenship.

However, there is another side to the coin, which is that some people,
influenced by a variety of nationalist outlooks, misunderstand the role of
Israel and zionism, in the Middle East and elsewhere, and see Israel as
controling US policy in the Middle East instead of seeing Israel as a tool
of US imperialism. The US imperialists have been supplying Israel with
billions of dollars in military aid each year, to suppress that national
liberation struggles of the Palestinian and other Arab peoples of the
region, and thus to help the US secure its domination of this strategic and
oil-rich region. They do this because Israel is serving their interests, not
because of some sort of alleged zionist control of the US media or anything
like that. it is the dog (US imperialism) that wags the tail (Israel), not
the tail that wags the dog.

In this context, I am not sure what comrade Javad means by taliking of
Yakovlev and other capitalist tycoons in Russia as being zionist stooges. It
seems to me that they represent the predominant pro-US imperialist wing of
the ruling Russian bourgeoisie, and to call them zionist stooges seems to me
to be raising a secondary issue here to being primary.


- Original Message -
From: Javad Eskandarpour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 1:05 AM
Subject: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

> Comrades,
> It is amusing that some "communists" do not "bother" themselves with
> which is fascism, but become "hysterical" when one talks about zionist
> stooges and name them individually in different countries, like Alexander
> Yakovlev and all those capitalist "tycoons" in Russia. In addition, when
> specifically talks about some "leading" capitalists in some countries, who
> happened to be Zionists, these "communists" brand one with "anti-semitism"
> irrarionally as if this branding process were a great argument in itself
> their part. I hope that we will not follow the hypocritical rule of
> to evade this problem in

Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-17 Thread Javad Eskandarpour

Comrade Moreira,

As you have mentioned correctly, Zionism is a form of Fascism. And the
phrase "the international Zionism" might be used by neo-Nazis and others in
relation to their own interests, but the phrase by itself with its specific
conceptual content stands for the specific nature of this vicious creature.
In other words, if one says that the communist movement is an international
movement, one cannot simply ignore this "international" aspect of the
communist movements for some illogical reasons. And if Zionism has its
"international" dimension, then one cannot ignore the word "international"
in defining Zionism; otherwise, one has to resort to some incorrect
terminology or fallacious one, for example Zionism is a "Jewish" nationalism
of a local interest. If one does not like the explanation of the
international Zionism given by the neo-Nazis and others, one must expose the
fallacious content of their explanation instead of declaring some words as
"Fascist and racist". By the way, I do not think the use of the word
"nigger" is "analogous" to the phrase "the international Zionism" for the
simple reason that the word "nigger" is used and is being used in "the
spirit of hate" by some racist white Americans and others, which was not
introduced to define a real human being but to define  their own deformed
psychological attitude, which is the reflection of the existent exploitative
social relations, towards the black Americans to demoralize the black
Amreicans in their struggle against the slavery and capitalism. But As it is
well-known, "Zionism" is a term to denote a certain social movement, which
is a designation by the leaders of "Zionism", and the phrase "the
international" denotes the existence of its "international" existence from
its inception till right now; thus, we have "the international Zionism"
denoting a specific historical movement independent of "the spirit of hate"
by the Neo-Nazis and others. And if the neo-Nazis and others use the phrase
"the international Zionism" in "the spirit" of their own specfic hate and
for their own interests, still this does not mean that "the international
Zionism" is not "Zionism" and is not "international" in the real world. Your
analogy would work if the criterion of your judgment is the following: any
two different words are analogous to each other in relation to their
associated concepts and corresponding objective reality if they are used by
the same type of people in the spirit of something. I think you would not
prefer to have this kind of criterion for some obvious reasons.

--Original Message--
From: "Charles F. Moreira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 18, 2001 1:52:14 AM GMT
Subject: Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!


I've read an Arab pamphlet equating Zionism to a form of fascism and to
imperialism, which is true, especially in relation to Israel's expansionist
aims in the Middle-East.

On the other hand, I've found the term "International Zionism" used by
neo-nazis and assorted anti-semites, including by anti-semetic Muslims  and
bourgeois nationalists who want to use it to further their political ends.

Thus I would say that the term "International Zionism" is a fascist and
racist term (as the points mentioned by Brian James below confirm) and it
should not be used by communists and progressives, just as we would not use
the word "nigger."




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RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-17 Thread Javad Eskandarpour

Comrade Brian,

As it is clear now, not only you are paranoid but also a rude person with
your "abusive" language--"Give us the goods, or shut up about it." In
connection to "the goods", we could not proceed further because you find
everthing to your dislike or not according to your "dah"-logic as
"ambiguous", "fuzzy", etc. So, if this is the case, it is "reasonable" that
you provide us with something not-"fuzzy" and unambiguous in relation to
those stumbling blocks to proceed further; instead you like to make some
not-"fuzzy" complaints about some certain words that I use in the course of
my discussion. I have mentioned this before, but you have not paid attention
to it: If you can find anything "fuzzy", "ambiguous" or "not sufficiently
done", then this implies that you have found it so in reference to your own
not-"fuzzy", unambiguous, and sufficiently done ideas; otherwise it would
imply that your complaints are "mere" complaints for the sake of another
time-wasting discussion because recognizing the ambiguity of some words
without your (relatively more)unambigous understaning of them would be
miraculous. But I hope, if you use our "own tradition of concepts and
terminology for describing the world", that you would not prefer the
tradition of "mere" complaints, but proceed actively in the discussion
instead of asking for "the goods" that you might call "fuzzy" and "loaded"
and "troublesome" without your own critical ideas.

--Original Message--
From: James Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 18, 2001 12:53:13 AM GMT
Subject: RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

If anyone is being paranoid it is you, comrade. I ask
for some material on this "international zionism" you
casually refer to, and all you can do is accuse me of
accusing you of antisemitism, which I tried to make
clear from the start I was not doing. Now you're
taking my request for information on the imperialist
structure of zionism as a challenge of proof, thus
assuming that I'm assuming there is no such thing. I
believe there is such a thing, but that defining it
could be a problem. So far you have offered nothing in
the way of documentation or an outline of your
position in clear terms, so I have to do my own
research on the net, finding the stuff you don't want
to be associated with. Give us the goods, or shut up
about it.



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RE: [MLL]zionism

2001-04-17 Thread Javad Eskandarpour

Comrade Rasmussen,

This passage by Stalin is a good one in connection to the false ideas of the
"liberals" and their social-democratic allies as to "Zionism".

--Original Message--
From: "Per Rasmussen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Marxist-Leninist-List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 17, 2001 10:57:39 PM GMT
Subject: [MLL]zionism

J. V. Stalin
>From J. V. Stalin, Works,
Foreign Languages Publishing House,
Moscow, 1954,


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Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-17 Thread Charles F. Moreira


I've read an Arab pamphlet equating Zionism to a form of fascism and to
imperialism, which is true, especially in relation to Israel's expansionist
aims in the Middle-East.

On the other hand, I've found the term "International Zionism" used by
neo-nazis and assorted anti-semites, including by anti-semetic Muslims  and
bourgeois nationalists who want to use it to further their political ends.

Thus I would say that the term "International Zionism" is a fascist and
racist term (as the points mentioned by Brian James below confirm) and it
should not be used by communists and progressives, just as we would not use
the word "nigger."



- Original Message -
From: "James Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 6:43 AM
Subject: Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism! (to Brian)

> --- Partija rada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear Comrade Brian!
> >
> > Sorry, but then I missed the point which did you
> > raised. I was thinking on
> > powers which destroyed SSSR, and economically
> > destroyed Russia.
> >
> > You have a right. What is the International Zionism
> > in fact?
> >
> > Milan
> That is precisely the question: What is "international
> zionism?"
> Sounds like your party leader got his information on
> zionists destroying Russia from the Russian Communist
> Party, CPRF, a few years ago. Here's an article from a
> communist publication that exposes the antisemitism
> posing behind anti-zionism in this particular case.
> [snip]
> Lest anyone think that Zyuganov spoke this way out of
> haste, two months later he was continuing this
> chauvinist litany. After going through the obligatory
> rhetoric against "ill-considered statements about
> Jews," Zyuganov announced the fantastic discovery that
> "the Zionization of Russian state power has been one
> of the reasons behind the current catastrophic state
> of the
> country, its mass impoverishment, and the extinction
> of its population." (Zyuganov's statement of December
> 24, 1998 entitled "On the National Pride of
> Patriots.") He argued that its people "rightly ask how
> it can be that key positions in a number of economic
> sectors were seized predominantly by representatives
> of one ethnic
> group in the course of privatization."
> For Zyuganov, the problem is the wrong ethnic group
> allegedly rules, not that capitalist exploitation is
> being carried out by a handful of exploiters from
> different backgrounds. So much for his claims to
> distinguish between Zionism and people of Jewish
> ancestry. Only a lackey of capital could single out
> "zionism" as the main feature of the Russian ruling
> class and the explanation for the suffering in Russia.
> Full article at:
> Brian
> __
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RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-17 Thread James Brian

If anyone is being paranoid it is you, comrade. I ask
for some material on this "international zionism" you
casually refer to, and all you can do is accuse me of
accusing you of antisemitism, which I tried to make
clear from the start I was not doing. Now you're
taking my request for information on the imperialist
structure of zionism as a challenge of proof, thus
assuming that I'm assuming there is no such thing. I
believe there is such a thing, but that defining it
could be a problem. So far you have offered nothing in
the way of documentation or an outline of your
position in clear terms, so I have to do my own
research on the net, finding the stuff you don't want
to be associated with. Give us the goods, or shut up
about it.


--- Javad Eskandarpour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comrade Brian,
> You do not have to be paranoid by the neo-Nazi's use
> of some words because,
> as you mentioned, we have our "own tradition of
> concepts and terminology for
> describing the world". So, when you are busy using
> search engines, do not
> rely on your "dah" logic and abandon the "abused"
> words and concepts to
> their neo-Nazi fate, but instead use our "own
> tradition of concepts and
> terminology for describing the world" to liberate
> these "abused" ones.
> In addition, you seem to be very insistent on
> assuming the supposed
> "non"-"imperialist structure of zionism" when you
> ask the following
> question:"Do you have any information on the
> imperialist structure of
> zionism?" So, could you use your "dah" logic and
> provide us with your
> "non"-"imperialist structure of zionism", and also
> "sharpen" our
> understanding of "the internationl Zionism (which is
> nebulous to you)
> through your not-"fuzzy" and unambiguous
> expressions!
> Javad
> --Original Message--
> From: James Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: April 17, 2001 9:39:15 PM GMT
> Subject: RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!
> --- Javad Eskandarpour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Comrade Brian,
> >
> > It is always "reasonable" to clarify what one
> means
> > by her/his words, and
> > concepts if this "reason" and "reasonableness" are
> > not based on one's
> > previous seeming uncritical "reasons".
> Dah?
> > So, it is
> > reasonable to sharpen the
> > image of the international Zionism through
> metaphors
> > and other aesthetic
> > devices which are crucial in the ideological
> > struggle against the world
> > Imperialism, for example through "strong
> tentacle",
> > "the tip of the
> > iceberg", and etc.
> Using fuzzy, ambiguous expressions such as "strong
> tentacles" and "tip of the iceberg" are the opposite
> of sharpening. "International zionism" is also
> pretty
> nebulous, which was my initial complaint.
> > In addition, "the abuse" of some
> > terms by some neo-Nazis
> > and others cannot be a limiting principle in my
> > choice of exact words and
> > concepts in conceptualizing and understanding
> > certain historical events.
> Marxism has its own tradition of concepts and
> terminology for describing the world, we don't need
> to
> pick up the language that is most commonly
> associated
> with fascists. Put "international zionism" into a
> search engine and see what you come up with. I got
> David Duke's homepage, Ernst Zundel, The
> Intenational
> Third Positionists, and National Bolshevik. Not one
> Marxist website! Are the Marxists organisations of
> the
> world falling behind the game? Or have the
> liberal-zionist tentacles entwined them too?
> > So, I do not subscribe to the "panic" principle of
> > avoiding some "abused"
> > words in the name of the infamous sensitivity of
> > "liberals" and their
> > social-democratic "communist" allies becuase this
> > infamous sensitivity of
> > "liberals" has almost always been used to cover
> the
> > ugliness of our world.
> > Javad
> You're accusing me of being a liberal, politically
> correct, etc. A convenient ruse for not having to
> deal
> with the issue, just as liberals accuse
> anti-zionists
> of anti-semitism so as not to deal with the issue.
> Do you have any information on the imperialist
> structure of zionism? I am 

Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism! (to Brian)

2001-04-17 Thread James Brian

--- Partija rada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Comrade Brian!
> Sorry, but then I missed the point which did you
> raised. I was thinking on
> powers which destroyed SSSR, and economically
> destroyed Russia.
> You have a right. What is the International Zionism
> in fact?
> Milan

That is precisely the question: What is "international

Sounds like your party leader got his information on
zionists destroying Russia from the Russian Communist
Party, CPRF, a few years ago. Here's an article from a
communist publication that exposes the antisemitism
posing behind anti-zionism in this particular case.


Lest anyone think that Zyuganov spoke this way out of
haste, two months later he was continuing this
chauvinist litany. After going through the obligatory
rhetoric against "ill-considered statements about
Jews," Zyuganov announced the fantastic discovery that

"the Zionization of Russian state power has been one
of the reasons behind the current catastrophic state
of the
country, its mass impoverishment, and the extinction
of its population." (Zyuganov's statement of December 
24, 1998 entitled "On the National Pride of
Patriots.") He argued that its people "rightly ask how
it can be that key positions in a number of economic
sectors were seized predominantly by representatives
of one ethnic
group in the course of privatization." 

For Zyuganov, the problem is the wrong ethnic group
allegedly rules, not that capitalist exploitation is
being carried out by a handful of exploiters from
different backgrounds. So much for his claims to
distinguish between Zionism and people of Jewish
ancestry. Only a lackey of capital could single out
"zionism" as the main feature of the Russian ruling
class and the explanation for the suffering in Russia.

Full article at:


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RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-17 Thread Javad Eskandarpour

Comrade Brian,

You do not have to be paranoid by the neo-Nazi's use of some words because,
as you mentioned, we have our "own tradition of concepts and terminology for
describing the world". So, when you are busy using search engines, do not
rely on your "dah" logic and abandon the "abused" words and concepts to
their neo-Nazi fate, but instead use our "own tradition of concepts and
terminology for describing the world" to liberate these "abused" ones.
In addition, you seem to be very insistent on assuming the supposed
"non"-"imperialist structure of zionism" when you ask the following
question:"Do you have any information on the imperialist structure of
zionism?" So, could you use your "dah" logic and provide us with your
"non"-"imperialist structure of zionism", and also "sharpen" our
understanding of "the internationl Zionism (which is nebulous to you)
through your not-"fuzzy" and unambiguous expressions!

------Original Message--
From: James Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 17, 2001 9:39:15 PM GMT
Subject: RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

--- Javad Eskandarpour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comrade Brian,
> It is always "reasonable" to clarify what one means
> by her/his words, and
> concepts if this "reason" and "reasonableness" are
> not based on one's
> previous seeming uncritical "reasons".


> So, it is
> reasonable to sharpen the
> image of the international Zionism through metaphors
> and other aesthetic
> devices which are crucial in the ideological
> struggle against the world
> Imperialism, for example through "strong tentacle",
> "the tip of the
> iceberg", and etc.

Using fuzzy, ambiguous expressions such as "strong
tentacles" and "tip of the iceberg" are the opposite
of sharpening. "International zionism" is also pretty
nebulous, which was my initial complaint.

> In addition, "the abuse" of some
> terms by some neo-Nazis
> and others cannot be a limiting principle in my
> choice of exact words and
> concepts in conceptualizing and understanding
> certain historical events.

Marxism has its own tradition of concepts and
terminology for describing the world, we don't need to
pick up the language that is most commonly associated
with fascists. Put "international zionism" into a
search engine and see what you come up with. I got
David Duke's homepage, Ernst Zundel, The Intenational
Third Positionists, and National Bolshevik. Not one
Marxist website! Are the Marxists organisations of the
world falling behind the game? Or have the
liberal-zionist tentacles entwined them too?

> So, I do not subscribe to the "panic" principle of
> avoiding some "abused"
> words in the name of the infamous sensitivity of
> "liberals" and their
> social-democratic "communist" allies becuase this
> infamous sensitivity of
> "liberals" has almost always been used to cover the
> ugliness of our world.
> Javad

You're accusing me of being a liberal, politically
correct, etc. A convenient ruse for not having to deal
with the issue, just as liberals accuse anti-zionists
of anti-semitism so as not to deal with the issue.

Do you have any information on the imperialist
structure of zionism? I am genuinely interested in the


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RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-17 Thread James Brian

--- Javad Eskandarpour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comrade Brian,
> It is always "reasonable" to clarify what one means
> by her/his words, and
> concepts if this "reason" and "reasonableness" are
> not based on one's
> previous seeming uncritical "reasons". 


> So, it is
> reasonable to sharpen the
> image of the international Zionism through metaphors
> and other aesthetic
> devices which are crucial in the ideological
> struggle against the world
> Imperialism, for example through "strong tentacle",
> "the tip of the
> iceberg", and etc. 

Using fuzzy, ambiguous expressions such as "strong
tentacles" and "tip of the iceberg" are the opposite
of sharpening. "International zionism" is also pretty
nebulous, which was my initial complaint.

> In addition, "the abuse" of some
> terms by some neo-Nazis
> and others cannot be a limiting principle in my
> choice of exact words and
> concepts in conceptualizing and understanding 
> certain historical events.

Marxism has its own tradition of concepts and
terminology for describing the world, we don't need to
pick up the language that is most commonly associated
with fascists. Put "international zionism" into a
search engine and see what you come up with. I got
David Duke's homepage, Ernst Zundel, The Intenational
Third Positionists, and National Bolshevik. Not one
Marxist website! Are the Marxists organisations of the
world falling behind the game? Or have the
liberal-zionist tentacles entwined them too?

> So, I do not subscribe to the "panic" principle of
> avoiding some "abused"
> words in the name of the infamous sensitivity of
> "liberals" and their
> social-democratic "communist" allies becuase this
> infamous sensitivity of
> "liberals" has almost always been used to cover the
> ugliness of our world.
> Javad

You're accusing me of being a liberal, politically
correct, etc. A convenient ruse for not having to deal
with the issue, just as liberals accuse anti-zionists
of anti-semitism so as not to deal with the issue.

Do you have any information on the imperialist
structure of zionism? I am genuinely interested in the


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Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-17 Thread Partija rada

-Original Message-
From: KloMcKinsey
Date: 17 April, 2001 3:34 AM

>Partija rada wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: KloMcKinsey
>> Date: 16 April, 2001 1:50 PM
>> >My reply,
>> >Leaving aside his occasionally convoluted terminology Javad's
>> arguments
>> >are considerably more accurate in this matter than those of his critics.
>> In
>> >simple terms: Anti-Zionism, which Marxists support, does not equal
>> >anti-Semitism, which Marxists oppose.  All Zionists are not Jews and all
>> Jews
>> >are not Zionists by any means.  The attempt to squelch opposition to
>> Zionism by
>> >labeling its opponents as anti-Semitic is a capitalist ruse that has
>> >practiced for years and is no more valid now than the first time its
>> horrific
>> >head emerged from the muck.  Palestinians who are opposed to the Zionist
>> >movement but not Judaism have been repeatedly and erroneously branded
>> >anti-Semitic for propaganda purposes.  Not without good reason did the
>> United
>> >Nations pass a resolution branding Zionism as racism.
>> >
>> >For the cause,
>> >
>> >Klo
>> >
>> Short, sharp, shock! Congratulations Klo. You hit the target better than
>> do.
>> Milan
>Thank you Milan.  Your kind comments are most appreciated.
>Incidentally, I think the moderators need to straighten out this posting
>problem with MLL ASAP.  It can not help but diminish the number of
>participants and postings.  Getting a rejected message saying SUSPICIOUS
>HEADER makes me feel like someone thinks I am a spy or enemy agent.
>to say, I don't like it.  The lackluster activity here has caused me to
>to another list which is not as good but is quite active called

Dear Klo! I'm already on downwithcapitalism. Not so bad, not so good... It
is interesting that everywhere I must explain again and again why we have
such and such position on Milosevic and his Party. Eh...
For Communism,

>By the way, for those who are interested, two months ago the Communist
>USA started its own pre-convention discussion list at
>Looks like Yahoo is really popular these days.  I joined both and am now
>buried in emails.
>For the cause,
>PS.  I just got word that the CPUSA is limiting the topics that can be

Marxist-Leninist-List mailing list
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RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-17 Thread Javad Eskandarpour

Comrade Brian,

It is always "reasonable" to clarify what one means by her/his words, and
concepts if this "reason" and "reasonableness" are not based on one's
previous seeming uncritical "reasons". So, it is reasonable to sharpen the
image of the international Zionism through metaphors and other aesthetic
devices which are crucial in the ideological struggle against the world
Imperialism, for example through "strong tentacle", "the tip of the
iceberg", and etc. In addition, "the abuse" of some terms by some neo-Nazis
and others cannot be a limiting principle in my choice of exact words and
concepts in conceptualizing and understanding  certain historical events.
So, I do not subscribe to the "panic" principle of avoiding some "abused"
words in the name of the infamous sensitivity of "liberals" and their
social-democratic "communist" allies becuase this infamous sensitivity of
"liberals" has almost always been used to cover the ugliness of our world.

--Original Message--
From: James Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 16, 2001 10:00:43 PM GMT
Subject: RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

Comrade Javad,

I simply asked you to clarify what you meant by
"international zionism." This is not an unreasonable
request given the abuse this term gets put to. Even
communists need to clarify their meaning.

Broad generalisations depicting international zionism
as "another strong tentacle of the parasitic
Imperialism to maintain the rule of Capital," and the
assertion that "this characterization is a tip of the
iceberg of "the
international Zionism," need to be clarified, no
matter who says them.

"Strong tentacles" with deep international roots (the
9/10 beneath the tip of the ice berg, whatever) - this
is the kind of language conspiracy theorists use. If I
am reading things into your intended meaning, it is
because you make it far too easy to do so.



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Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism! (to Brian)

2001-04-17 Thread Partija rada

-Original Message-
From: James Brian
Date: 16 April, 2001 7:57 PM

>--- Partija rada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I must point out that this statement of Vladimir
>> Dapcevic wasn't fully in
>> the sense of category #2 (as you call it) nor in the
>> sense of category #1.
>> Dapcevic stressed that question not as a question of
>> Jews taking on national
>> states financially, but that they wished, with the
>> help of imperialists, to
>> destroy Russia. It is needles to say that Russia
>> wasn't completely destroyed
>> along with SSSR, and all that actions of Jews we
>> must look as actions of
>> capitalism himself. You must admit that there exist
>> category #3 which
>> represents Jewish capital, and that capital is very
>> powerful. Never mind if
>> it is Jewish, American, or Serbian.
>> Milan
>So all this means is that capitalist interests in
>Russia, who happen to be Jewish, or Jewish mafia
>groups, or whatever, have contributed to the economic
>destruction of Russia. If this is true, I see no
>problem in saying so.
>However, the point I raised previously is: what does
>this have to do with "international zionism?" What
>*is* "international zionism?" This is a very loaded
>and troublesome phrase.

Dear Comrade Brian!

Sorry, but then I missed the point which did you raised. I was thinking on
powers which destroyed SSSR, and economically destroyed Russia.

You have a right. What is the International Zionism in fact?


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Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-16 Thread KloMcKinsey

Partija rada wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From: KloMcKinsey
> Date: 16 April, 2001 1:50 PM
> >My reply,
> >Leaving aside his occasionally convoluted terminology Javad's
> arguments
> >are considerably more accurate in this matter than those of his critics.
> In
> >simple terms: Anti-Zionism, which Marxists support, does not equal
> >anti-Semitism, which Marxists oppose.  All Zionists are not Jews and all
> Jews
> >are not Zionists by any means.  The attempt to squelch opposition to
> Zionism by
> >labeling its opponents as anti-Semitic is a capitalist ruse that has been
> >practiced for years and is no more valid now than the first time its
> horrific
> >head emerged from the muck.  Palestinians who are opposed to the Zionist
> >movement but not Judaism have been repeatedly and erroneously branded
> >anti-Semitic for propaganda purposes.  Not without good reason did the
> United
> >Nations pass a resolution branding Zionism as racism.
> >
> >For the cause,
> >
> >Klo
> >
> Short, sharp, shock! Congratulations Klo. You hit the target better than we
> do.
> Milan

Thank you Milan.  Your kind comments are most appreciated.

Incidentally, I think the moderators need to straighten out this posting
problem with MLL ASAP.  It can not help but diminish the number of
participants and postings.  Getting a rejected message saying SUSPICIOUS
HEADER makes me feel like someone thinks I am a spy or enemy agent.  Needless
to say, I don't like it.  The lackluster activity here has caused me to drift
to another list which is not as good but is quite active called

By the way, for those who are interested, two months ago the Communist Party
USA started its own pre-convention discussion list at

Looks like Yahoo is really popular these days.  I joined both and am now
buried in emails.

For the cause,


PS.  I just got word that the CPUSA is limiting the topics that can be

Marxist-Leninist-List mailing list
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RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-16 Thread James Brian

Comrade Javad,

I simply asked you to clarify what you meant by
"international zionism." This is not an unreasonable
request given the abuse this term gets put to. Even
communists need to clarify their meaning.

Broad generalisations depicting international zionism
as "another strong tentacle of the parasitic
Imperialism to maintain the rule of Capital," and the
assertion that "this characterization is a tip of the
iceberg of "the
international Zionism," need to be clarified, no
matter who says them.

"Strong tentacles" with deep international roots (the
9/10 beneath the tip of the ice berg, whatever) - this
is the kind of language conspiracy theorists use. If I
am reading things into your intended meaning, it is
because you make it far too easy to do so.


--- Javad Eskandarpour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comrade Brian,
> I would like to make some brief remarks on your
> comments in order to
> unburden your mind of my "loaded" and "troublesome"
> word "the international
> Zionism"!
> (1)In relation to my ideas of Jews and Zionism, you
> did not have to "read"
> my mind and to give me "credit" with the "benefit"
> of your doubt, but to
> read my e-mail carefully!
> (2)You have distorted my characterization of broad
> aspects of the
> international Zionism in your summary in the
> following way: "So we're
> talking about a "zionist"-capitalist conspiracy.
> Sounds like this has the
> potential to be "old wine in new bottles" to me.
> Better be careful".  As an
> attentive reader can notice easily, I have not
> talked about "a
> `zionist'-capitalist conspiracy", but this phrase is
> yours with your
> favorite word "conspiracy"; instead I have mentioned
> the presence of
> "Zionist billionaires and millionares". I think that
> you are either fond of
> or unconsciously preoccupied by the word
> "conspiracy" with its "mysterious"
> aura because whenever one mentiones Zionism or the
> international Zionism
> without the word "conspiracy", you furnish one on
> your own to make sure that
> you can serve your "old wine in new bottles", like
> "Jewish conspiracy" or
> "`zionist'-capitalist conspiracy".
> (3)You have found my clarification of the meaning of
> the international
> Zionism not "done so sufficiently". If this is the
> case, then you must know
> exactly how one can do it "sufficiently". So, could
> you provide us with your
> sufficient clarification of it, of course, without
> recourse to the
> oft-repeated ideas of the leaders of Zionism, like
> Zionism is the
> nationalism of the Jewish people analogous to French
> nationalism.
> (4)The remaining of your comments deal with some
> ideas and phrases that you
> have projeted on my idea as usual, probably
> "reading" my mind again, and
> have posed some meaningless questions based on them,
> for example, "Jewish
> capitalists", "Jewish capitalism" "zionist
> conspiracy" (as you can see all
> these phrases are your innovations, not mine!), "Is
> Jewish capitalism
> inherently "zionist?", "Does the apparent fact that
> some Jewish capitalists
> contribute financially to the state of Israel make
> them agents of a zionist
> conspiracy?"! If one mentions something like a
> "Zionist" capitalist, one
> means a capitalist with the "Zionist" ideology. And
> if one mentions that
> Israel is a "Zionist" capitalist state, one means
> the capitalist state of
> Israel with its "Zionist" ideology. If this is the
> case, then if some
> Zionist capitalists, not your "Jewish capitalists",
> "contribute financially
> to the state of Israel", then their acts make them
> the willing agents of the
> "Zionist" cause, not your "conspiracy". In addition,
> if your "Jewish
> capitalists" have the "Zionist" ideology, then they
> are "Zionist"
> capitalists. And if if your "Jewish capitalists" are
> the common capitalists
> with their religious Jewish affiliation and with no
> "Zionist" ideology, then
> they are not the direct agents of the "Zionist"
> cause, but like other common
> capitalists have the potential to support the
> "Zionist" cause as the Zionist
> capitalists are active in maintaining the world
> Imperialism. As it is clear,
> since we are talking about "Zionism" as an ideology,

RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-16 Thread Javad Eskandarpour

Comrade Brian,

I would like to make some brief remarks on your comments in order to
unburden your mind of my "loaded" and "troublesome" word "the international

(1)In relation to my ideas of Jews and Zionism, you did not have to "read"
my mind and to give me "credit" with the "benefit" of your doubt, but to
read my e-mail carefully!

(2)You have distorted my characterization of broad aspects of the
international Zionism in your summary in the following way: "So we're
talking about a "zionist"-capitalist conspiracy. Sounds like this has the
potential to be "old wine in new bottles" to me. Better be careful".  As an
attentive reader can notice easily, I have not talked about "a
`zionist'-capitalist conspiracy", but this phrase is yours with your
favorite word "conspiracy"; instead I have mentioned the presence of
"Zionist billionaires and millionares". I think that you are either fond of
or unconsciously preoccupied by the word "conspiracy" with its "mysterious"
aura because whenever one mentiones Zionism or the international Zionism
without the word "conspiracy", you furnish one on your own to make sure that
you can serve your "old wine in new bottles", like "Jewish conspiracy" or
"`zionist'-capitalist conspiracy".

(3)You have found my clarification of the meaning of the international
Zionism not "done so sufficiently". If this is the case, then you must know
exactly how one can do it "sufficiently". So, could you provide us with your
sufficient clarification of it, of course, without recourse to the
oft-repeated ideas of the leaders of Zionism, like Zionism is the
nationalism of the Jewish people analogous to French nationalism.

(4)The remaining of your comments deal with some ideas and phrases that you
have projeted on my idea as usual, probably "reading" my mind again, and
have posed some meaningless questions based on them, for example, "Jewish
capitalists", "Jewish capitalism" "zionist conspiracy" (as you can see all
these phrases are your innovations, not mine!), "Is Jewish capitalism
inherently "zionist?", "Does the apparent fact that some Jewish capitalists
contribute financially to the state of Israel make them agents of a zionist
conspiracy?"! If one mentions something like a "Zionist" capitalist, one
means a capitalist with the "Zionist" ideology. And if one mentions that
Israel is a "Zionist" capitalist state, one means the capitalist state of
Israel with its "Zionist" ideology. If this is the case, then if some
Zionist capitalists, not your "Jewish capitalists", "contribute financially
to the state of Israel", then their acts make them the willing agents of the
"Zionist" cause, not your "conspiracy". In addition, if your "Jewish
capitalists" have the "Zionist" ideology, then they are "Zionist"
capitalists. And if if your "Jewish capitalists" are the common capitalists
with their religious Jewish affiliation and with no "Zionist" ideology, then
they are not the direct agents of the "Zionist" cause, but like other common
capitalists have the potential to support the "Zionist" cause as the Zionist
capitalists are active in maintaining the world Imperialism. As it is clear,
since we are talking about "Zionism" as an ideology, then your question, "Is
Jewish capitalism inherently `zionist'?", become meaningless!

(5)I hope that your mind is unburdend of my "loaded" and "troublesome" word
if you do not burden yourself with your own "innovations" and their
projection on my idea of the international Zionism.

--Original Message--
From: James Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 15, 2001 10:48:09 PM GMT
Subject: RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

--- Javad Eskandarpour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comrade Brian,
> In relation to your comments, I would like to make
> the following remarks
> concerning those issues with a possible "ambiguous"
> language on my part.
> (1)In my previous commentary on Zionism, I have not
> considered "a broader
> Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world".

Sorry, I can't read your mind but have to go by what
you write. Also, I credited you with the benefit of
the doubt by saying I assume you meant #1 not #2.

> So, if this is the case, then I do not see any
> "ambiguous" language
> regarding the text of my comments unless one
> unconsciously projects the
> "Jewish conspiracy" of the neo-Nazis on my comments.

I was asking you to clarify your meanin

Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-16 Thread Partija rada

-Original Message-
From: KloMcKinsey
Date: 16 April, 2001 1:50 PM

>My reply,
>Leaving aside his occasionally convoluted terminology Javad's
>are considerably more accurate in this matter than those of his critics.
>simple terms: Anti-Zionism, which Marxists support, does not equal
>anti-Semitism, which Marxists oppose.  All Zionists are not Jews and all
>are not Zionists by any means.  The attempt to squelch opposition to
Zionism by
>labeling its opponents as anti-Semitic is a capitalist ruse that has been
>practiced for years and is no more valid now than the first time its
>head emerged from the muck.  Palestinians who are opposed to the Zionist
>movement but not Judaism have been repeatedly and erroneously branded
>anti-Semitic for propaganda purposes.  Not without good reason did the
>Nations pass a resolution branding Zionism as racism.
>For the cause,
Short, sharp, shock! Congratulations Klo. You hit the target better than we

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Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-16 Thread Partija rada

-Original Message
From: Javad Eskandarpour
Date: 15 April, 2001 3:32 PM

>Comrade Brian,
>In relation to your comments, I would like to make the following remarks
>concerning those issues with a possible "ambiguous" language on my part.
>(1)In my previous commentary on Zionism, I have not considered "a broader
>Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world".
>So, if this is the case, then I do not see any "ambiguous" language
>regarding the text of my comments unless one unconsciously projects the
>"Jewish conspiracy" of the neo-Nazis on my comments. Also, the "Jewish
>conspiracy" theory is a non-class idea which is propagated by racist
>capitalists of other religious affiliation, like racist "Christian"
>capitalists. So, Marxist-Leninists do not succump to that quagmire of
>theoretical confusion to entertain themselves with this "Jewish conspiracy"
>theory. The rejection of the "Jewish conspiracy" theory does not mean that
>Marxist-Leninists do not see the international Zionism as another strong
>tentacle of the parasitic Imperialism to maintain the rule of Capital.
>(2)Another point that you see as a problem in my previous comments on
>Zionism is "the international Zionism". As I mentioned before, I do not
>entertain the "Jewish conspiracy" theory. So, if this is the case, then by
>"the international Zionism" I refer to the ruling fascist state of Israel
>and its "pagan" international supporters, the World Zionist Oranisation
>its front oranizations which make the existence of the fascist state of
>Israel possible through their political lobbying in different countries to
>secure a tremendous finacial "loans", mostly as "gifts", and through their
>efforts to make a large financial contribution of "Diaspora" possible,
>mostly Zionist billionaires and millionaires. Of course, this
>characterization is a tip of the iceberg of "the international Zionism" but
>sufficient at this moment of our discussion.
>(3)Regarding Milan's comment on "Zionist Mafia connected with Yeltsin", I
>not know what he means exactly by "their intention
>was to destroy completely Russia." But my understanding of his comment is
>that the "Zionist Mafia" was to destroy the Russian Fderation completely in
>regard to its remaining socialist structure because I assume that Milan
>would comment on this matter as a communist.

Milan: Yes! I was talking from communist point of view. It is obviously that
such Mafia exist. It is obviously that's Russia steel a threat to USA. It is
obviously that USA would use any, I say ANY, Mafia.

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RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-15 Thread James Brian

--- Javad Eskandarpour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comrade Brian,
> In relation to your comments, I would like to make
> the following remarks
> concerning those issues with a possible "ambiguous"
> language on my part.
> (1)In my previous commentary on Zionism, I have not
> considered "a broader
> Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world".

Sorry, I can't read your mind but have to go by what
you write. Also, I credited you with the benefit of
the doubt by saying I assume you meant #1 not #2. 

> So, if this is the case, then I do not see any
> "ambiguous" language
> regarding the text of my comments unless one
> unconsciously projects the
> "Jewish conspiracy" of the neo-Nazis on my comments.

I was asking you to clarify your meaning, and did not
accuse you of anything.

> Also, the "Jewish
> conspiracy" theory is a non-class idea which is
> propagated by racist
> capitalists of other religious affiliation, like
> racist "Christian"
> capitalists.

Well, yes.

 So, Marxist-Leninists do not succump to
> that quagmire of
> theoretical confusion to entertain themselves with
> this "Jewish conspiracy"
> theory. The rejection of the "Jewish conspiracy"
> theory does not mean that
> Marxist-Leninists do not see the international
> Zionism

There's that troublesome word again.

 as another strong
> tentacle of the parasitic Imperialism to maintain
> the rule of Capital.
> (2)Another point that you see as a problem in my
> previous comments on
> Zionism is "the international Zionism". As I
> mentioned before, I do not
> entertain the "Jewish conspiracy" theory. So, if
> this is the case, then by
> "the international Zionism" I refer to the ruling
> fascist state of Israel
> and its "pagan" international supporters, the World
> Zionist Oranisation with
> its front oranizations which make the existence of
> the fascist state of
> Israel possible through their political lobbying in
> different countries to
> secure a tremendous finacial "loans", mostly as
> "gifts", and through their
> efforts to make a large financial contribution of
> "Diaspora" possible,
> mostly Zionist billionaires and millionaires. Of
> course, this
> characterization is a tip of the iceberg of "the
> international Zionism" but
> sufficient at this moment of our discussion.

So we're talking about a "zionist"-capitalist
conspiracy. Sounds like this has the potential to be
"old wine in new bottles" to me. Better be careful.

> (3)Regarding Milan's comment on "Zionist Mafia
> connected with Yeltsin", I do
> not know what he means exactly by "their intention
> was to destroy completely Russia." But my
> understanding of his comment is
> that the "Zionist Mafia" was to destroy the Russian
> Fderation completely in
> regard to its remaining socialist structure because
> I assume that Milan
> would comment on this matter as a communist. In this
> connection, I would
> like to mention that there was a sufficient deadly
> presence of the
> international Zionism, as a strong tentacle of the
> world Imperialism,in the
> Soviet Union and the CPSU in the persons of
> Alexander Yakovlevs and other
> known and unknown "tycoons" who own major resources
> of production in the
> Russian Federation today. 

As I've asked Milan, why do you apply the loaded term
"international zionism" to a bunch of Jewish
capitalists who took an interest - as all capitalists
do - in bringing down socialism? What is zionist about

Of course, it goes without
> saying that in the
> collapse of the USSR and the rule of Capital around
> the world, the world
> imperilaism acted and acts as a whole parasitic
> organism with its different
> cooperating and vicious competing tentacles at the
> same time, which includes
> the international Zionism as one of its strong
> tentacle among other more or
> less ones. Thus, the exposition and struggle against
> the international
> Zionism is not to "forget" (as some "communists" and
> "open-minded" liberals
> use this cheap but deceiving propogada that if one
> begins analysing the role
> of the international Zionism first, then one
> "forgets" the role of other
> elements in the collapse of the USSR at the expense
> of the international
> Zionism; thus, one must be an anti-Semite!) the
> other more or less strong
> tentacles of the vicious parasitic world Imperialism
> but to discuss any
> subject and issue specifically and historically.
> Javad

I am not accusing you of antisemitism. If you think
that I am resorting to such a cheap trick then you
have misunderstood the tone of my questioning and/or
are resorting to your own cheap tricks to avoid
substantiating your claims. I've asked you to clarify
what you mean by international zionism and you have
not done so sufficiently. I see a pattern of confusion
of Israeli zionism and its supporters with Jewish
capitalists intent on destroying former socialist
countries like Russia. Is Jewish capitalism inherently
"zionist?" Does the apparent fact that some Jewish
capitalists contribute finan

Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism! (to Brian)

2001-04-15 Thread James Brian

--- Partija rada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I must point out that this statement of Vladimir
> Dapcevic wasn't fully in
> the sense of category #2 (as you call it) nor in the
> sense of category #1.
> Dapcevic stressed that question not as a question of
> Jews taking on national
> states financially, but that they wished, with the
> help of imperialists, to
> destroy Russia. It is needles to say that Russia
> wasn't completely destroyed
> along with SSSR, and all that actions of Jews we
> must look as actions of
> capitalism himself. You must admit that there exist
> category #3 which
> represents Jewish capital, and that capital is very
> powerful. Never mind if
> it is Jewish, American, or Serbian.
> Milan

So all this means is that capitalist interests in
Russia, who happen to be Jewish, or Jewish mafia
groups, or whatever, have contributed to the economic
destruction of Russia. If this is true, I see no
problem in saying so.

However, the point I raised previously is: what does
this have to do with "international zionism?" What
*is* "international zionism?" This is a very loaded
and troublesome phrase.


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Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-15 Thread KloMcKinsey
he Western World as a
> progressive human rights cause since WWII and the
> Holocaust. 2) The fascist and neo-fascist paranoiac
> conspiracy fantasy that there is, and has been for
> centuries, an international Jewish conspiracy to take
> over the world through politics and finance - an
> underground cabal working in tandem with the UN,
> Washington and the Kremlin to bring about the New
> World Order, or some such variation of nonsense.
> The problem that you complain about, and I agree with
> you, is that if you criticise #1, you get accused of
> being sympathetic to #2. This is partly so because the
> fascist types deliberately mix 1 and 2 together in
> order to make 2 appear more real. Therefore I think it
> is important for anti-fascists to keep in mind a clear
> distinction between the two, in order to prevent this
> confusion from ocurring.
> That said, there is something in Milan's statement you
> didn't pick up on but which I find problematic. Quote:
> "Just a week a go, President of our Party (Vladimir
> Dapcevic, 84) told us on CC a lot of things about
> Zionist Mafia connected with Yeltsin. Their intention
> was to destroy completely Russia."
> What we are being told here is that the disastrous
> situation in Russia today was intentionally brought
> about by a Jewish conspiracy linked to Yeltsin. This
> puts us clearly in the category of #2 above - the
> conspiracy of the international Jew to destroy nation
> states through secret political alliances, and take
> them over financially. I don't need to remind you that
> in the 1920s the national reactionaries in Germany
> placed much of the blame for the troubles of Weimar on
> a similar Jewish conspiracy. And I hear antisemitism
> has been on the rise in Russia since the Soviet break
> up. So what are we to make of this claim about
> zionists destroying Russia?
> Again, can you clarify what you mean by "international
> zionism?"
> Brian James
> --
> Original message:
> Javad Eskandarpour:
> First point: Marxist-Leninists are not against any
> Jewish person who is not
> a member or sympathizer of the fascist international
> Zionism, but are
> against Zionists whether or not they are Jewish.
> Second point: Marxist-Leninists do not take side with
> the Zionist front
> organizations in different countries, for example ADL
> in the U.S., because
> two different forms of fascism, the international
> Zionism and various
> neo-Nazi oranizations are competing with each other to
> maintain the
> imperialist tyranny. But taking no side with the
> Zionist front oranizations
> against the neo-Nazi oranizations does not mean that
> Marxist-Leninists
> unintentionally take side with the neo-Nazi
> oranizations because
> Marxist-Leninists oranizations and parties follow
> their own independent
> political policies towards both of these different
> forms of fascism. In
> other words, Marxist-Leninists reject this false
> political dilemma of either
> support the Zionist front oranizations or
> unintentionally end up supporting
> the neo-Nazi oranizations.
> Third point: Some "communists" naively bite the
> following political bait of
> the international Zionism when it comes to the
> Hitlerite atrocities against
> the Jewish people: anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.
> Fourth point: Some "communists" intentionally push the
> idea of the
> international Zionism that anti-Zionism is
> anti-Semitism in the political
> writings of Marxist-Leninist oranizations and parties.
> These "communists"
> are Zionist agents. If this is the case, then
> Marxist-Leninists must act in
> a revolutionary manner and expose these agents of the
> internatonal Zionism
> instead of ignoring and keeping silence on the deadly
> presence of this
> international parasite.
> Javad
> --Original Message--
> From: "Partija rada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: April 13, 2001 2:16:05 PM GMT
> Subject: Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!
> Dear Javad!
> You have a right. Just a week a go, President of our
> Party (Vladimir
> Dapcevic, 84) told us on CC a lot of things about
> Zionist Mafia connected
> with Yeltsin. Their intention was to destroy
> completely Russia. On the other
> hand, we have example of Israel which use fascistic
> policy against
> Palestinians. I do not wish to explain that I (nor our
> Party) do not have
> anything against Jews, but practice is what is
> important for
> Marxist-Leninists.
> Milan

My reply,
Leaving aside his occasionally convoluted terminology Javad

Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism! (to Brian)

2001-04-15 Thread Partija rada

-Original Message-
From: James Brian
Date: 14 April, 2001 6:47 PM

>I agree that Isreali zionism is a form of fascism, but
>I'm a little troubled by your references to
>"international zionism." By that do you mean the
>international community of supporters of Israeli
>zionism, or a broader Jewish conspiracy to dominate
>the world kind of zionism as is promoted by
>neo-fascists? I assume you mean the former, but your
>language is ambiguous.
>As I see it, there are two major concepts of zionism,
>or alleged zionism. 1) the type we are seeing in
>Isreal, based on the heretical sect of Judaism which
>decided to claim a father land in defiance of Talmudic
>laws forbidding it - the form of zionism that has been
>politicised and sanctified in the Western World as a
>progressive human rights cause since WWII and the
>Holocaust. 2) The fascist and neo-fascist paranoiac
>conspiracy fantasy that there is, and has been for
>centuries, an international Jewish conspiracy to take
>over the world through politics and finance - an
>underground cabal working in tandem with the UN,
>Washington and the Kremlin to bring about the New
>World Order, or some such variation of nonsense.
>The problem that you complain about, and I agree with
>you, is that if you criticise #1, you get accused of
>being sympathetic to #2. This is partly so because the
>fascist types deliberately mix 1 and 2 together in
>order to make 2 appear more real. Therefore I think it
>is important for anti-fascists to keep in mind a clear
>distinction between the two, in order to prevent this
>confusion from ocurring.
>That said, there is something in Milan's statement you
>didn't pick up on but which I find problematic. Quote:
>"Just a week a go, President of our Party (Vladimir
>Dapcevic, 84) told us on CC a lot of things about
>Zionist Mafia connected with Yeltsin. Their intention
>was to destroy completely Russia."
>What we are being told here is that the disastrous
>situation in Russia today was intentionally brought
>about by a Jewish conspiracy linked to Yeltsin. This
>puts us clearly in the category of #2 above - the
>conspiracy of the international Jew to destroy nation
>states through secret political alliances, and take
>them over financially. I don't need to remind you that
>in the 1920s the national reactionaries in Germany
>placed much of the blame for the troubles of Weimar on
>a similar Jewish conspiracy. And I hear antisemitism
>has been on the rise in Russia since the Soviet break
>up. So what are we to make of this claim about
>zionists destroying Russia?

I must point out that this statement of Vladimir Dapcevic wasn't fully in
the sense of category #2 (as you call it) nor in the sense of category #1.
Dapcevic stressed that question not as a question of Jews taking on national
states financially, but that they wished, with the help of imperialists, to
destroy Russia. It is needles to say that Russia wasn't completely destroyed
along with SSSR, and all that actions of Jews we must look as actions of
capitalism himself. You must admit that there exist category #3 which
represents Jewish capital, and that capital is very powerful. Never mind if
it is Jewish, American, or Serbian.

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RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-15 Thread Javad Eskandarpour
e such variation of nonsense.

The problem that you complain about, and I agree with
you, is that if you criticise #1, you get accused of
being sympathetic to #2. This is partly so because the
fascist types deliberately mix 1 and 2 together in
order to make 2 appear more real. Therefore I think it
is important for anti-fascists to keep in mind a clear
distinction between the two, in order to prevent this
confusion from ocurring.

That said, there is something in Milan's statement you
didn't pick up on but which I find problematic. Quote:

"Just a week a go, President of our Party (Vladimir
Dapcevic, 84) told us on CC a lot of things about
Zionist Mafia connected with Yeltsin. Their intention
was to destroy completely Russia."

What we are being told here is that the disastrous
situation in Russia today was intentionally brought
about by a Jewish conspiracy linked to Yeltsin. This
puts us clearly in the category of #2 above - the
conspiracy of the international Jew to destroy nation
states through secret political alliances, and take
them over financially. I don't need to remind you that
in the 1920s the national reactionaries in Germany
placed much of the blame for the troubles of Weimar on
a similar Jewish conspiracy. And I hear antisemitism
has been on the rise in Russia since the Soviet break
up. So what are we to make of this claim about
zionists destroying Russia?

Again, can you clarify what you mean by "international

Brian James

Original message:

Javad Eskandarpour:
First point: Marxist-Leninists are not against any
Jewish person who is not
a member or sympathizer of the fascist international
Zionism, but are
against Zionists whether or not they are Jewish.

Second point: Marxist-Leninists do not take side with
the Zionist front
organizations in different countries, for example ADL
in the U.S., because
two different forms of fascism, the international
Zionism and various
neo-Nazi oranizations are competing with each other to
maintain the
imperialist tyranny. But taking no side with the
Zionist front oranizations
against the neo-Nazi oranizations does not mean that
unintentionally take side with the neo-Nazi
oranizations because
Marxist-Leninists oranizations and parties follow
their own independent
political policies towards both of these different
forms of fascism. In
other words, Marxist-Leninists reject this false
political dilemma of either
support the Zionist front oranizations or
unintentionally end up supporting
the neo-Nazi oranizations.

Third point: Some "communists" naively bite the
following political bait of
the international Zionism when it comes to the
Hitlerite atrocities against
the Jewish people: anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.

Fourth point: Some "communists" intentionally push the
idea of the
international Zionism that anti-Zionism is
anti-Semitism in the political
writings of Marxist-Leninist oranizations and parties.
These "communists"
are Zionist agents. If this is the case, then
Marxist-Leninists must act in
a revolutionary manner and expose these agents of the
internatonal Zionism
instead of ignoring and keeping silence on the deadly
presence of this
international parasite.

--Original Message--
From: "Partija rada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 13, 2001 2:16:05 PM GMT
Subject: Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

Dear Javad!
You have a right. Just a week a go, President of our
Party (Vladimir
Dapcevic, 84) told us on CC a lot of things about
Zionist Mafia connected
with Yeltsin. Their intention was to destroy
completely Russia. On the other
hand, we have example of Israel which use fascistic
policy against
Palestinians. I do not wish to explain that I (nor our
Party) do not have
anything against Jews, but practice is what is
important for

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Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-13 Thread Javad Eskandarpour

Comrade Milan,

First point: Marxist-Leninists are not against any Jewish person who is not
a member or sympathizer of the fascist international Zionism, but are
against Zionists whether or not they are Jewish.

Second point: Marxist-Leninists do not take side with the Zionist front
organizations in different countries, for example ADL in the U.S., because
two different forms of fascism, the international Zionism and various
neo-Nazi oranizations are competing with each other to maintain the
imperialist tyranny. But taking no side with the Zionist front oranizations
against the neo-Nazi oranizations does not mean that Marxist-Leninists
unintentionally take side with the neo-Nazi oranizations because
Marxist-Leninists oranizations and parties follow their own independent
political policies towards both of these different forms of fascism. In
other words, Marxist-Leninists reject this false political dilemma of either
support the Zionist front oranizations or unintentionally end up supporting
the neo-Nazi oranizations.

Third point: Some "communists" naively bite the following political bait of
the international Zionism when it comes to the Hitlerite atrocities against
the Jewish people: anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.

Fourth point: Some "communists" intentionally push the idea of the
international Zionism that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism in the political
writings of Marxist-Leninist oranizations and parties. These "communists"
are Zionist agents. If this is the case, then Marxist-Leninists must act in
a revolutionary manner and expose these agents of the internatonal Zionism
instead of ignoring and keeping silence on the deadly presence of this
international parasite.

--Original Message--
From: "Partija rada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 13, 2001 2:16:05 PM GMT
Subject: Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

Dear Javad!
You have a right. Just a week a go, President of our Party (Vladimir
Dapcevic, 84) told us on CC a lot of things about Zionist Mafia connected
with Yeltsin. Their intention was to destroy completely Russia. On the other
hand, we have example of Israel which use fascistic policy against
Palestinians. I do not wish to explain that I (nor our Party) do not have
anything against Jews, but practice is what is important for


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Re: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

2001-04-13 Thread Partija rada

Dear Javad!
You have a right. Just a week a go, President of our Party (Vladimir
Dapcevic, 84) told us on CC a lot of things about Zionist Mafia connected
with Yeltsin. Their intention was to destroy completely Russia. On the other
hand, we have example of Israel which use fascistic policy against
Palestinians. I do not wish to explain that I (nor our Party) do not have
anything against Jews, but practice is what is important for

-Original Message-
From: Javad Eskandarpour
Date: 12 April, 2001 7:06 AM

>It is amusing that some "communists" do not "bother" themselves with
>which is fascism, but become "hysterical" when one talks about zionist
>stooges and name them individually in different countries, like Alexander
>Yakovlev and all those capitalist "tycoons" in Russia. In addition, when
>specifically talks about some "leading" capitalists in some countries, who
>happened to be Zionists, these "communists" brand one with "anti-semitism"
>irrarionally as if this branding process were a great argument in itself on
>their part. I hope that we will not follow the hypocritical rule of silence
>to evade this problem in the revolutionary communist movement around the

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