Re: [Mpls] Study: Metro Smoking Bans Haven't Hurt Sales

2005-12-07 Thread Andy Driscoll
I find it fascinating that pro-smoking advocates cannot live with
investigations that prove them wrong. This tirade has no evidentiary basis

The evidence is piled up all over this country that smoking bans have had
only one,, negative effect: a temporary drop in liquor sales. For a select
few. Every other business indicator in every major city and state where
smoking bans remain in effect have seen increases in revenue and a
significant drop in alcohol and tobacco-related diseases.

The loss of liquor profits is no loss at all when put up against the health
issues, which will be the next shoe to drop around here when some data can
be assembled.

Given the incredible social and legal problems arising out of alcohol use.,
a drop in liquor revenues can only be a good thing.

Live with this. It's over. A matter of time.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul

on 12/8/05 12:35 AM, Dan McGrath wrote:

> This study was entirely flawed, and biased, however. It lumps Hennepin and
> Ramsey Counties together, does not distinguish between food and alcohol
> sales, nor does it distinguish between bar and liquor store sales.
> Liquor stores have seen an increase in business since the smoking bans went
> into effect, while Minneapolis bars report losses, and many have closed. St.
> Paul bars which have exemptions have enjoyed *huge increases* in their
> sales, while Minneapolis bars and other St. Paul establishments without
> exemptions are going under. St. Paul has shuffled the money around
> benefiting some bars to the detriment of others, and Minneapolis has
> exported it's revenue to St. Paul. This doesn't matter to the state, which
> gets it's cut of the money whether it's spent in St. Paul, or Minneapolis.
> Were the much championed cause of a state-wide ban to emerge victorious, St.
> Paul would lose it's edge, and liquor stores would likely benefit, as
> smokers would largely stay home. Revenues to the state would then drop (and
> a new tax imposed on bottles purchased at liquor stores would be
> inevitable).
> The reported number of metro liquor-serving establishments which have closed
> since March 31st is a flat lie.
> Dan O'Gara's quote in the article is one of the most significant statements:
> "The blue-collar, working man's bar, which is a big thing in the Twin
> Cities, is probably going to be a thing of the past if this continues."
> The smoking ban is one more front in the assault on the middle class in the
> urban core.
> Dan McGrath
> Longfellow
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Re: [Mpls] Study: Metro Smoking Bans Haven't Hurt Sales

2005-12-07 Thread Dan McGrath
This study was entirely flawed, and biased, however. It lumps Hennepin and
Ramsey Counties together, does not distinguish between food and alcohol
sales, nor does it distinguish between bar and liquor store sales.

Liquor stores have seen an increase in business since the smoking bans went
into effect, while Minneapolis bars report losses, and many have closed. St.
Paul bars which have exemptions have enjoyed *huge increases* in their
sales, while Minneapolis bars and other St. Paul establishments without
exemptions are going under. St. Paul has shuffled the money around
benefiting some bars to the detriment of others, and Minneapolis has
exported it's revenue to St. Paul. This doesn't matter to the state, which
gets it's cut of the money whether it's spent in St. Paul, or Minneapolis.

Were the much championed cause of a state-wide ban to emerge victorious, St.
Paul would lose it's edge, and liquor stores would likely benefit, as
smokers would largely stay home. Revenues to the state would then drop (and
a new tax imposed on bottles purchased at liquor stores would be

The reported number of metro liquor-serving establishments which have closed
since March 31st is a flat lie.

Dan O'Gara's quote in the article is one of the most significant statements:
"The blue-collar, working man's bar, which is a big thing in the Twin
Cities, is probably going to be a thing of the past if this continues."

The smoking ban is one more front in the assault on the middle class in the
urban core.

Dan McGrath

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Re: [Mpls] Hiawatha Flats

2005-12-07 Thread Mark Snyder
On 12/5/05 4:27 PM, "David Brauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While I'm not intimately familiar with Hiawatha's development plan, in
> general, I support greater density in transportation corridors, though
> that's not a blank check since the devil is so often in the details.
> However, my views aren't that important in the current discussion; I think
> the views of the neighbors and elected and appointed officials matter much
> more.
> One thing I know from my time in journalism is that the current Planning
> Commission is strongly pro-density and hardly anti-development. That makes
> it more significant that six of them voted against the Klodt project in
> committee, with only Carol Kummer voting for it.

I agree. And my understanding is that the Planning Commission's decision was
appealed to City Council and that a committee vote should take place next
week. It will be interesting to see how that plays out since there are
several council members who have Klodt contributions on record in their
campaign finance reports.
> Greg Abbott writes, of Wendy Wilde's suggestion for mandatory recusal when
> an official receives a direct or indirect political contribution:
> There are non-trivial First Amendment problems with this proposal, not the
> least of which is defining what an interest group is.  Should someone who
> takes support from, say Progressive Minnesota, be banned from voting on the
> whole range of public issues that PM has taken a position on?
> Me again:
> I think this is a red herring. PM is a broad-based group with broad-based
> interests. To me, that differs significantly from a single developer with a
> single significant interest.
> However, I agree generally with Greg, which is why I proposed voluntary
> recusal rather than mandatory. I'm not sure exactly where to draw the line,
> but I feel Ms. Kummer's vote was clearly on the wrong side of it.

I agree also with the idea of voluntary recusal. Which brings up the
question - if Kummer should have voluntarily recused herself because of the
Klodt contribution to PIP that reportedly was spent on getting her
re-elected, than what does that say for Sandy Colvin Roy, whose campaign
received a significant chunk of it's financing from contractors from another
Klodt Development project in Ward 12 (Hiawatha Oaks)?
> Also, a member of Park Watch informed me offlist that Billy Weisman's
> contribution was $5,000, not $10,000 as I earlier stated. My apologies for
> the error. There was some additional analysis that Weisman's share of the
> reform effort's money was far lower than that of Klodt's for the Board
> majority; I hope the details are shared with the list.

I looked at the two Citizens for Park Board Reform finance reports and
between them, about $20,000 was raised. There were two $5000 contributions,
Weisman's and one from Friends for Lisa Goodman. There was one $3500
contribution from someone named Cyrille DeCasse (sp?) and a bunch of
contributions ranging from $100-$275 to go along with about $4500 in
non-itemized contributions.

Compare that now to PIP - $25,000 total. $10,000 from Klodt, $10,000 from
Vance Opperman, $2000 from Art Petrie, three contributions between $150-$250
and about $800 in non-itemized contributions. Seems pretty clear that
without Klodt and Opperman, PIP would not have been a factor.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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[Mpls] Keith Ellison- a visionary African American leader

2005-12-07 Thread Mohamed Jibrell
Michelle Hill said:
"...we elected Keith Ellison and he hasn't done anything for us either. 
What is the difference?"

Michelle Hill



Keith Ellison is a visionary African American leader who has promoted the 
interest of his constituency and raised the consciousness of African 
communities, including the Somali community in Minnesota. He has influence and 
experience in political institutions, he's worked with the community in various 
roles and he knows how to work with people. 


 Michelle Hill is entitled to his opinion of course, but it behooves him to 
appreciate Keith's leadership in advancing relationship and collaboration 
between African Americans and other diverse communities. Leadership means your 
community, your nation, and, yes, your world.


Mohamed Jibrell

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[Mpls] Opportunities for Mpls Parent involvement

2005-12-07 Thread Young, Susan


Subject: FW: RE: Parent opportunities




There are often threads on this list that express concern for the
curricula in the Minneapolis Schools, express strong views and opinions
on Minneapolis schools staff development, and express concerns regarding
special programs.  Below are opportunities to put your time, and
opinions, where your e-posts are!!!   I hope that several of you will
take advantage of these opportunities.  Your knowledge and opinions are
even more powerful when shared "in" the programs you wish to change!


As a Minneapolis Public School parent, I know that finding time to be on
committees in the school is difficultbut VERY important and
rewarding.  In the interests of disclosure, I am on the Pillsbury Site
Council, the PTO, and I volunteer in the school.   I also participate in
the PEN group as often as possible.   This weekend, I'm looking forward
to the GEMS competitions.and looking for some Minneapolis Public
School kids to shine against some suburban LEGO competition  teams.


Susan Young

Minneapolis Trash Lady by day

Exurban Elected Official by night

Proud Pillsbury Parent!


 Subject: RE: Parent opportunities


The following is a request for parents/guardians of students which
attend Minneapolis Public Schools. 

Please share this with other interested parents/guardians.


Minneapolis Public Schools has several advisory councils that are being
assembled for the 2005-06 school year.  If you are interested in any of
these, please indicate your interest by filing a volunteer form with the
Office of Volunteers.  You can reach them through the district website, 

or call Robyn Cousins at the Volunteer Services office 612-668-3880.  
Because these are School Board Advisory Councils, School Board policy
controls the means of volunteering and selection.
(See Board Policies 1300, 1320 also available on the website).
Current openings:
1.  Curriculum and Instruction:  Proposed Curriculum is assessed by this
group consisting of parent/guardians, teachers, principals and students.

Proposed meeting times:  evenings.

Number of meetings proposed: 3-4.

2. Staff Development:  Review and suggest staff development plans for
district wide staff development days.  Committee includes teachers,
parents and administrators.  

Proposed meeting times, Late afternoon/early evening. 
Number of meetings proposed 3-4.

3. Gifted and Talented Advisory:  Advise on the district's program and
delivery system for gifted and talented youth.  Committee includes
teachers, parents and administrators.

Proposed meeting times: in development.  
Number of meetings proposed: in development.

4. Wellness Policy Advisory:  Coming soon.  The District is required to
have a Wellness Policy established by the end of this school year.  
Details will follow, but applications can be submitted now.
(Wellness Policy is regarding nutrition and physical activity of


 If you have questions about parental involvement in these committees
please contact me.

Nan Miller
Office of Family Involvement


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[Mpls] International Human Rights Day Event at St. Joan of Arc

2005-12-07 Thread David Strand
Members of this list might be interested in this event
this Sat. at St. Joan of Arc in recognition of
International Human Rights Day.

David Strand
Loring Park

December 10, 2005 - International Human Rights Day

Forum / Organizing on Righting Human Wrongs

Where are US tax dollars really  going?

WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 10th
TIME: 5:30 - 8:30
WHERE :  St.  Joan of Arc's
4537 3rd Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN
WHAT: A panel of speakers
followed by workshops on
HOW to organize around Human Rights violations,
locally and internationa. . 
. And where are they needed?


* Audrey Thayer: organizer and member of the White
Earth Reservation, works 
with the Minnesota ACLU as part of the Greater
Minnesota Racial Justice 

* Father Campo Elías: from Colombia, is the former
director of the Social
Ministries office of   the Diocese in Putumayo,
Colombia. He is in the US on
asylum due to threats on his life.
* Keith Ellison: State Representative for District 58B
and a strong voice in
favor of basic  Human Rights, from North
Minneapolis to hurricane
survivors in New Orleans.
* Gerardo Cajamarca: also in exile in the US, a former
worker for
SINALTRAINAL (Coca- Cola union in
Colombia), currently works
on the Steelworker's Global Justice Campaign.

Enjoy pre-panel performance by:   Danza Mexica

Jack Nelson Pallmeyer is an Assistant Professor of
Justice and
Peace Studies at the University of St.Thomas will be
host for the evening,
connecting the dots between local and international
Human Rights, as 
presented by the speakers on the panel.

and the talent of local Spoken-Word Artists!
Patrick: (612)

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

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Re: [Mpls] Outrageous or ignorant blast at Keith Ellison

2005-12-07 Thread Steve Nelson


The difference is that Keith has been incredibly effective  both in
the community and in the Legislature. He almost singlehandedly started
EJAM (Environmental Justice Association of MN),bringing together the
most incredible collection of diverse activists. He has worked on (and
passed through committee) the important issue of getting the right to
vote back for felons as soon as they are out of jail and has been a
consistently good vote on just about every liberal issue before the
House. He is highly respected by his colleagues on both sides of the


This I will agree with. I too attended the environmental meetings held at 
Urban League. He is quite sincere in his efforts to help us breathe 
So for that I will say thanks. However, there are many other areas that he 
silent on that has nothing to environment. Since I am a Democrat and a 
in North Minneapolis, I can and will express my opinion of a democrat. I 

understand why Keith is respected on all sides of the aisle, where his
colleagues are concerned, his views more in line with your and that's OK.

However, his constituency needs his representation in more areas than
environment. As to Randy Staten, people can change. I hope you have Rev. 

Keith has been a leader in far more areas than the environment.  So much so 
that MAPA (Minnesota Alliance for Progressive Action) a group representing a 
broad spectrum of progressive interests throughout the state--most of those 
issues directly impacting our North Minneapolis neighborhoods--awarded him 
their Progressive Legislator of the Year Award in 2003.

I am proud to be represented by Keith Ellison.

And I like Randy Staten.  Having lived in his precinct for 20 years and 
attended caucuses and meetings with him for much of that time I know his 
heart is in the right place.  But for the moment Keith is doing a great job 
and I see no need to offer any one up in his place UNLESS Linda Higgins 
moves to the county position and Keith moves up to Linda's senate seat 
leaving his seat open.

Steve Nelson
Willard Hay 

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RE: [Mpls] Outrageous or ignorant blast at Keith Ellison

2005-12-07 Thread Annie Young
And I am one of those people.  Keith actually was a host of a Fundraiser for
my Park Board campaign and profusely endorsed my candidacy this year
regardless of my being in another political party.  He has also taken time
to attend a couple of Green Party meetings because he was curious about what
we were up to. He is a true Rainbow Coalition person not matter your
political ilk.
And as far as EJAM is concerned he has moved mountains forward in regards to
interest, concerns and direction of the Environmental Justice Movement here
in Minnesota
Another supporter of Keith for whatever future direction he seeks,
Annie Young
East Phillips

-Original Message-
Mark Ritchie
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12:16 PM
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Outrageous or ignorant blast at Keith Ellison


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Outrageous or ignorant blast at Keith Ellison

Keith Ellison has probably been defended enough, but I am jumping on an
opportunity to agree with Phyllis Kahn, Keith Reitman and Ken Bradley.

Here is another thing I like about Rep. Ellison. He is the kind of elected
official that is very supportive of other candidates and the party in
general. He is willing to lend his time and his endorsement to people and
causes he believes in, without excessive concern about whether or not it
will benefit his political career, and I appreciate that.

Nikki Carlson
Linden Hills

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RE: [Mpls] Outrageous or ignorant blast at Keith Ellison

2005-12-07 Thread Mark Ritchie

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Outrageous or ignorant blast at Keith Ellison

Keith Ellison has probably been defended enough, but I am jumping on an
opportunity to agree with Phyllis Kahn, Keith Reitman and Ken Bradley.
Here is another thing I like about Rep. Ellison. He is the kind of elected
official that is very supportive of other candidates and the party in
general. He is willing to lend his time and his endorsement to people and
causes he believes in, without excessive concern about whether or not it
will benefit his political career, and I appreciate that.
Nikki Carlson
Linden Hills
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Re: [Mpls] Outrageous or ignorant blast at Keith Ellison

2005-12-07 Thread nikkicarlson001
Keith Ellison has probably been defended enough, but I am jumping on an 
opportunity to agree with Phyllis Kahn, Keith Reitman and Ken Bradley.
Here is another thing I like about Rep. Ellison. He is the kind of elected 
official that is very supportive of other candidates and the party in general. 
He is willing to lend his time and his endorsement to people and causes he 
believes in, without excessive concern about whether or not it will benefit his 
political career, and I appreciate that.
Nikki Carlson
Linden Hills
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Re: [Mpls] Hiawatha flats and campaign contributions

2005-12-07 Thread David Shove
I suspect most big givers give big because they expect to get back big.
Records show they often succeed. Most of the money for higher offices
comes in big batches from the richest 1% of the population, and records
show they usually get it back at least 100 to 1. Paid for by the official
out of our public resources.

There is in fact little motive for them to give just to the ideology of
their choice - they give to the *individual* of their choice, who is then
indebted to them. Less important than getting him/her elected is having
him/her know just who put them there, and will help or hurt them next time
around. Many big givers give to members of both parties in a race, just so
they will be indebted.

The elite will fight against blind trusts just as much as they would low
limits on campaign giving. Both would end bought officials, the last thing
they want to see.

If we want to own our officials, WE have to buy them, all of us together,
in lots of tiny contributions, and/or public financing out of progressive
taxes. The last is the way to make the rich pay for a system they don't
like but we do, and so I'm for it.

--David Shove

 On Tue, 6 Dec 2005, c lee wrote:

> Has anyone ever pushed for a blind trust idea for campaign contributions
> over a certain amount?
> Elected officials often set up blind trusts in personal investments/estates
> ... sure some very creative people could get around it (conversations at
> cocktail fundraisers, a whisper in the ear of the candidates' treasurer)
> but...
> Just throwing that out there...any other ideas for LOCAL campaign
> reforms...keep it clean and creative.
> Happy Winter Solstice and a Joyous HolidayTannenbaum (does holiday come from
> Holy Day?)
> cheryl Luger
> _
> Don?t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
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Re: [Mpls] Progressive taxes: Income vs Wealth

2005-12-07 Thread Dorothy Titus
Last Sunday, Greg Cavanagh had an opinion piece, "Why punish the rich 
for good choices?" in the Star Tribune.  I was outraged at the way he 
ascribed all good attributes to the wealthy and all negative ones to 
the poor.  I wrote the following piece in response, which was not 
published.  It bears on the discussion of income vs. wealth, so I 
thought I would share it here:

Mr. Cavanagh's Counterpoint "Why punish the rich for good choices?" is 
a simplistic piece of writing that divides society into two categories: 
 (1) wealthy, well-educated, generous, hard-working people, and (2) 
poor, lazy, uneducated people on welfare.  It has some major errors.

Mr. Cavanagh says that wealthy people are less likely to take up the 
time of police officers, prosecutors, public defenders, judges and 
prison guards.  Yet when wealthy people commit crimes or take advantage 
of the system, the magnitude and impact tends to be far greater than 
what the poor can accomplish.  Think, for example, about Enron, 
WorldCom, Haliburton and others who have bilked citizens of billions of 
dollars in savings and retirement investments.  The guy on the corner 
dealing drugs can't compare.

The wealthy can indeed accomplish great things with their wealth, and 
society often benefits.  At the same time, they frequently take from 
the very poorest for their own gain.  As reported in Business Week 
about the 365 largest companies in the U.S.:  The ratio of CEO pay to 
factory worker pay was 44 to 1 in 1965.  In 1997, it was 326 to 1.  The 
magnitude of this is hard to see in percentages, so let's look at real 
numbers:  In 1965, minimum wage was $1.25 per hour and average CEO pay 
at these companies averaged $55 an hour.  In 1997, minimum wage was up 
to $5.15 per hour and CEO pay at these companies averaged $1,679 an 
hour.  In other words, the worker at the low end of the pay scale today 
is making a little more than 4 times what he would have made in 1965 
while the CEO is making more than 30 times the salary he would have 
made in 1965.

We have seen a huge increase in American jobs being sent overseas.  We 
are told that it is because wage costs are lower overseas.  Here's an 
interesting tidbit:  If the pay proportion from 1965 had remained the 
same, today's CEO would be earning $227 an hour and the extra $1,452 
per hour of CEO pay could have funded another 282 jobs at the low end 
of the scale.  Multiply that by the 365 companies in the study, and 
that money would have kept almost 103,000 jobs here in the U.S. Yes, 
103,000 jobs saved by just 365 CEOs getting no more than 44 times the 
increase in pay given to the lowest paid workers in their companies.  
In truth, the job savings would have been far larger because all of the 
jobs in between the lowest paid and the CEO have also gone up faster 
than the minimum wage increases.

When CEO salaries climb so disproportionately to what the average 
worker gets, then yes, I believe taxing the wealthy at a higher level 
is warranted.  After all, their income is going up at a much faster 
rate; why shouldn't their taxes? Today, the wealthy pay a much smaller 
percentage of their income in taxes than those at the lower end of the 
economic scale.  Paying 10% of a $50,000,000 income is far less painful 
than paying 10% of $20,000 for the person trying to hang on to a home 
and keep up with rising property taxes (8-24% rise per year), rising 
fuel costs (30-50% per year) and all the new "fees" that have been 
implemented in the past few years.  But then, only those of us in the 
middle or low end of the scale actually pay 10% of their income in 
taxes.  For the wealthy, it is substantially less.

Dottie Titus, Jordan

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[Mpls] Study: Metro Smoking Bans Haven't Hurt Sales

2005-12-07 Thread Todd Heintz
AP) St. Paul Despite fears that a patchwork of smoking restrictions would 
devastate the metro area's bar and restaurant industry, a newspaper analysis 
shows overall industry sales in the area increased in the second quarter of 

In cities and counties with the smoking bans, the St. Paul Pioneer Press 
analysis of taxable sales reported to the state Revenue Department found no 
significant decline in food and liquor sales. 

Destinations including downtown Minneapolis, Uptown, Dinkytown and parts of St. 
Paul did better after the bans went into effect than they did the year before. 

And despite claims of widespread bar and restaurant closures in Minneapolis, 
there now are more liquor establishments there than there were before the ban 
went into effect March 31. With more than 670 establishments selling liquor in 
Minneapolis, 11 closed and 14 have opened, according to the city's division of 
licenses and consumer services. 

It appears the industry is not losing its customers. 

"It's what we hoped would happen," said St. Paul Council Member Dave Thune, who 
is pushing to toughen St. Paul's restrictions and said he will lobby for a 
statewide law. 

"It's way more expensive to have people in the hospital with emphysema and off 
of work and suffering from lung cancer," he said. 

Ahmed Abdelaal, an adjunct marketing professor at the University of St. Thomas, 
said the numbers mirror what's happened in other cities with smoking bans. "I'm 
not surprised," Abdelaal said. "If we take New York as a model, it did not 
affect sales." 

But some places were affected. Several Hennepin County suburbs saw their bar 
and restaurant sales slow or decline in 2005, especially the Maple Grove area. 
Sales in other Hennepin County areas increased. 

Tom Day, vice president for government affairs for Hospitality Minnesota, said 
the smoking ban, coupled with an increase in the minimum wage, has affected the 
industry beyond the normal ebb and flow of business. 

"The restaurant industry is a volatile industry," Day acknowledged. "The 
problem is, there are some prominent, successful businesses that we see 

Some people claim the Hennepin County ban has forced some restaurant and bar 
workers out of jobs. But in the six months after the ban took effect, 
hospitality industry employees filed fewer unemployment claims than in the same 
period last year, according to the state Department of Employment and Economic 
Development. And in Washington and Anoka counties, where there are no smoking 
restrictions, the number of jobless claims increased over a year ago. 

Jim Farrell, executive director of the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association, 
said bars and nightclubs could be hurting, even if the restaurant industry 

Mike Jennings, owner of Rosen's City Tavern near the Target Center, fears that 
once patrons walk outside to smoke, they may not come back. 

"Now they walk outside, and their barstool and their car door are equal 
distances away. And it could go either way," Jennings said. 

The Minneapolis Hospitality Association said that compared with last year, 
revenue from charitable gambling such as pull tabs declined nearly $3.5 million 
in Minneapolis in the five months after the ban. President Carol Lynn Miller 
said that indicates people aren't going to bars anymore. 

Dan O'Gara, owner of the St. Paul bar and music venue O'Gara's Bar and Grill, 
said he's benefited from the Hennepin County ban because he allows smoking. But 
he worries he will lose customers if St. Paul goes smoke-free. He said 
neighborhood bars would be devastated. 

"The blue-collar, working man's bar, which is a big thing in the Twin Cities, 
is probably going to be a thing of the past if this continues," O'Gara said. 

A St. Paul ban, which has the support of a majority on the City Council and 
mayor-elect Chris Coleman, would likely take effect March 31, 2006. If that 
happens, Thune said he wants to help neighborhood bars. 

"The smaller, older bars fare the worst, I would suspect," Thune said. "The 
little neighborhood bar, we want to make sure that they stay healthy. We want 
to talk about how we can put some kind of package together to help them." 
  Todd Heintz Jordan

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[Mpls] Minneapolis holds Truth in Taxation Hearing

2005-12-07 Thread Todd Heintz
Have a complaint about taxes, then let your voice be heard!!
  Minneapolis residents and property owners have an opportunity to comment on 
the 2006 tax level and City budget at the Truth in Taxation hearing on Dec. 12, 
  The hearing will be held:
5:05 p.m., Monday, Dec. 12, 2005 City Council Chambers (Room 317), 
Minneapolis City Hall, 350 S 5th St. 

  The hearing is being held by the Minneapolis City Council, Board of Estimate 
and Taxation, Library, and Park and Recreation Boards. The City Council is 
schedule vote on the adoption of the budget on Dec. 19, 2005. 
  Todd Heintz, Jordan

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[Mpls] SW Journal seeks submissions for the annual Thank You issue!

2005-12-07 Thread Robyn Repya

Southwest Journal seeks submissions for the annual Thank You issue!

A neighbor who shovels your walk? A butcher who knows your name? A  
neighborhood group that actively represents your interests?

In our annual Thank You issue, coming January 2, your stories will  
help fill in the faces and places that make Southwest Minneapolis and  
its many neighborhoods the special places that they are.
Send your thank yous to the Southwest Journal by December 16. Please  
keep submissions to 250 words or less. Include your contact  
information and send a picture of your thank-ee if you can.

Southwest Journal
1115 Hennepin Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN  55403


Robyn Repya
Assistant Editor
Southwest Journal
Downtown Journal
(612) 436-4368
Fax (612) 825-0929

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[Mpls] Outrageous or ignorant blast at Keith Ellison

2005-12-07 Thread Michellehill64

The difference is that Keith has been incredibly effective  both in
the community and in the Legislature. He almost singlehandedly started
EJAM (Environmental Justice Association of MN),bringing together the
most incredible collection of diverse activists. He has worked on (and
passed through committee) the important issue of getting the right to
vote back for felons as soon as they are out of jail and has been a
consistently good vote on just about every liberal issue before the
House. He is highly respected by his colleagues on both sides of the


This I will agree with. I too attended the environmental meetings held at the 
Urban League. He is quite sincere in his efforts to help us breathe better. 
So for that I will say thanks. However, there are many other areas that he is 
silent on that has nothing to environment. Since I am a Democrat and a citizen 
in North Minneapolis, I can and will express my opinion of a democrat. I can 
understand why Keith is respected on all sides of the aisle, where his 
colleagues are concerned, his views more in line with your and that's OK.

However, his constituency needs his representation in more areas than 
environment. As to Randy Staten, people can change. I hope you have Rev. Staten.

Michelle Hill

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Re: [Mpls] Arts Action Needed Now

2005-12-07 Thread Erik Riese
While I was out delivering a major metropolitan daily to parts of the 
Lynnhurst neighborhood this morning, I heard a story that included a 
discussion of mortgage rates – I think. The reporter used something he 
called the Anderson Report, which was a survey of mortgage rates. I 
often hear reports on gas prices quoting the Lundberg Report that 
surveys gas prices nationwide.

I decided right there, in front of 4936 & 4940 Newton to start the 
Riese Report, a survey of public art across the nation. I'm thinking of 
starting with questioning builders and developers about their 
expenditures on art for their projects. I'm also considering using 
public art resources like Forecast here in the Twin Cities to gather 

What is public art?
I make and circulate porcelain money – coins with values incised on 
each side. A coin may have "work" on one side "play" on the other. ( 
You can view these coins and my functional pottery at: I think of this attempt to 
redirect our value system as public art. Over 28,000 pieces of coin are 
now in circulation. My coins have reached every corner of the earth, 
below the ocean surface and into low earth orbit. I don't solicit 
funding for my project although my customers have paid me for coin. The 
coins have become a new value that stimulate trades, inspire 
conversation and debate & even changed the course of peoples' lives.

Are they public art?
Does public art have to be for everyone. Can a piece in a public place 
become a private monument? What about architecture? Is good design 
public art?

When the City Council's Ways & Means Committee votes to remove $200,000 
from one line "Public Art" and put it into another "Public Works" does 
this reduce the arts in Minneapolis? Does the city have a role to play 
in developing and supporting art or arts organizations?

While I've been a supporter of the Mayor, I haven't been so impressed 
with the his arts work. It seems to me to be a cronies' game. If you 
are "in" you are asked to participate, if you are "out" your 
involvement is not only unwanted, it's actively thwarted.

What does the Mayor's budget do for arts in the city? Why should we 
contact our CouncilMembers on this issue?


On Dec 6, 2005, at 8:21 AM, Connie Beckers wrote:

Talking Points: Support the Mayor’s proposed 2% for public art, as 
this is
consistent with the strategies outlined in the approved cultural plan. 
proposed strategy of moving half of the public art budget into Public 
would be contrary to the Cultural Plan and current public art policy 
would be an inefficient way to develop and maintain public art 

In cooperation,

Erik Riese
Seward US@:
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(612) 724-3217
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[Mpls] and a thankyou to Keith Ellison

2005-12-07 Thread m1r3201
Keith Ellison was instrumental in getting the State Vagrancy Statute Repealed 
and funding for an outreach pilot project to persons experiencing long term 
homelessness ...along with Senator Ranum.

He was passionate about helping on the effort to decriminalize homelessness 
and certainly understands the correlation between racism and 

His complete openeness to our efforts came at a time when our work was just 
starting to gain a bit of traction.

Margaret Hastings
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Re: [Mpls] Outrageous or ignorant blast at Keith Ellison

2005-12-07 Thread ken bradley
Michelle Hill's statement is outline, outrageous, and amazingly inaccurate 
comparison and conclusion of Representative Ellison as a person and his work. 
Representative Ellison is a person of great character, who works extremely hard 
for the public good. We are all lucky to have him serving us at the legislature.
  Representative Kahn and everyone else should be outraged!
  Ken Bradley
  Kenny Neighborhood

Phyllis Kahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I can't believe the statement I just read from Michelle Hill,
"I also question why he has to be compared to Marion Berry. Why not
elect him 
to office, we elected Keith Ellison and he hasn't done anything for us
What is the difference?"

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[Mpls] Re: My Rep. Ellison Post

2005-12-07 Thread PennBroKeith
I may have inadvertently misinformed with my last post. "Poison in the Hood" 
was a phrase I, not Rep. Ellison, created and utilized for the Post 

Thank you,

Keith Reitman   NearNorth

I had said:

Among other efforts, his interest, research, action and activism against
>environmental racism, "Pois(on) in the Hood", will have a positive outcome 
>residents here. I will literally breathe easier during Rep. Ellison's 
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Re: [Mpls] Progressive taxes: Income vs Wealth

2005-12-07 Thread David Shove
Forbes Magazine reports that Carl Pohlad has $2.8 billion. I'm willing to
take that figure.

2.8 billion is 2800 million. I propose the state take 10% of that, or 280
million, every year, until poor Carl is down to 100 million. Then we cut
back to $10 million a year, until he is down to 5 million, which should
be more than enough to keep him in razor blades and breakfast food.

In addition, we revive and strengthen estate taxes. The value of the
estate is known or comes to be known, and clearly can be taxed. Rather
than passing billions down to descendents who never earned a dime of it,
each could have a few million, and the rest go for schools, parks,
libraries, etc.

The main problem with huge piles of money it that the never-satisfied
owner usually invests some of it in buying government out from under the
people, and then getting public resources at bargain basement prices (a
real steal). Enough of this, and democracy is bought out, and we're back
with a few fabulously wealthy parasites, and everyone else better off

The way to stop the rich from buying government is to take away all the
surplus money they might have to buy it. Let them have the money, and some
will buy, and some officials will sell, and soon we're back with the
obscene class structure we have today.

Big money is the root of all big evil.

-David Shove

 On Tue, 6 Dec 2005, Carol Becker wrote:

> Mark Anderson wrote:
> > The tax incidence report only discusses income.  That is one
> > of the problems with the constant focus on income; it doesn't take wealth
> > into account at all.  I think that a major benefit of a progressive tax is
> > it reduces the wealth gap between people.
> Mark Anderson brings up some good points about the tax system.
> We talk about the progressively of taxes based on income because the
> government has a system of measuring income while it doesn't really have a
> system measuring wealth.   If own say a diamond mine, the government doesn't
> have a system for valuing that diamond mine to determine your wealth.  All
> it can really measure is the income that you derive from that asset.  That
> is why progressivity of taxes is usually related to income.
> I would agree with Mark about being able to talk about taxation in
> relationship to wealth as a much better approach.  How progressive a tax is
> should be discussed in terms of wealth if it is at all possible.  The
> problem comes about from getting data.
> Carol Becker
> Longfellow
> Geek
> Future Member, Board of Estimate and Taxation
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Re: [Mpls] Progressive taxes: Income vs Wealth

2005-12-07 Thread Dan McGrath
Carol Becker wrote:
> We talk about the progressively of taxes based on income because the
> government has a system of measuring income while it doesn't really have a
> system measuring wealth.   If own say a diamond mine, the government
> have a system for valuing that diamond mine to determine your wealth.  All
> it can really measure is the income that you derive from that asset.  That
> is why progressivity of taxes is usually related to income.
> I would agree with Mark about being able to talk about taxation in
> relationship to wealth as a much better approach.  How progressive a tax
> should be discussed in terms of wealth if it is at all possible.  The
> problem comes about from getting data.

So, you would advocate taxing *potential* earnings first, then tax the
actual earnings, and then tax the earnings again as wealth when you put it
in the bank, or buy somthing with your earnings (never mind sales and luxury

OK. Let's look at this. I have $12,500,000 (I wish). I spend  $10,000,000 on
a diamond mine. Now, I own a $10,000,000 mine. I also still have 2.5 million
dollars. It's all wealth. I pay a tax on the wealth, on a progressive scale,
of course. Since it's a bunch of wealth, it will be a BIG percentage. Say,
25%. Well, 25% of my 10 million dollar mine is 2.5 million. Lucky I set that
money aside... except, that 2.5 million I set aside is wealth, and taxed
too!!! Oh no! I'm short $625,000 to pay my taxes. OK. Well, maybe I earned
$625,000 that year. Taxed at roughly 50% as income, that leaves me $312,500.
Oops. Not enough to pay my wealth tax. Now that's in the bank, and oh no!
It's wealth! 25% of that goes too! Alright. So, maybe I earned double that.
That makes more sense, right? Millionaires have to make at least a million
dollars a year, don't they? OK. So I earned $1,250,000 that year (becasue
it's just that easy to increase your income when your taxes go up). Let's
see. Half goes to income tax, leaves me $625,000 in the bank. Wealth tax...
CRAP! I'm still short to pay my wealth tax on the other wealth I have. Man.
I probably have a house too. CRAP! If I'm making 1.6 million a year, I
probably bought a nice mansion by lake Calhoun for about $3 million. My
house payment is $212,000 for the year. My tax on the house comes in at
$750,000 (next year it will be more)!

My total wealth is now 16,125,000. 25% wealth tax = $4,031,250 I have
$3,125,000 cash.

Alright. I'm still in the hole $1,118,250. I better start mining some
diamonds quick! A really good investment will double your money in 10 years,
I'm told. So, I hope that diamond mine I bought in Eden Prairie pays off! I
need the dough! Let's see here... Ten million dollars becomes 20 million in
ten years. I should make about $2 million a year from the diamond mine.
Good. Now we're talking. I pay income tax (50%) on my mine income, leaves me
$1 million there. Hmmm. This isn't looking so good after all. I pay my
wealth tax on the cash I banked from the mine. Leaves me $750,000. Dang it!
I'm still in the hole $368,250. Oh well. I'm rich. The bank will extend me a
loan to float that. I've got a diamond mine that's earning 2 million a year
now. Next year should be looking better. My tax on the diamond mine will
only be... uh... 3.75 million??? Um. Does anybody here know how to set
up an off-shore corporation?

Dan McGrath

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