Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-11 Thread Michael Atherton

W. Brandon Lacy Campos wrote:

 Further, I absolutely believe that there should not be any police officers
 who serve on the CIVILIAN Review council. I believe that the conflict of
 interest, or the code that many police seem to follow, would not allow for
 a police officer on the committee to offer an objective viewpoint. I highly
 doubt a prosecuting attorney would allow a police officer to sit on a jury
 where the defendant is a police officer, why then should the general public
 allow the same to happen in this process.

I'd like to suggest that what we need is a citizens' advisory board, not a
civilian review board.  I think it's much better to be proactive, than
reactive.  A citizens' advisory board help keep the MPD in touch with
what the community expects and is willing to accept as law enforcement.
They could also review incidents as they occur.  I also believe that
it is important to include someone who is street wise and knowledgeable about
police procedures, which is why I recommend that the board include a retired
police officer.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-10 Thread John Goodman

Hi, all --

On 4/9/02 6:40 PM, Andy Driscoll wrote:

 ...The woman, who
 was walking calmly along and, obviously,  suggested that these cops were out
 of line...

I've seen similar postings on the list saying that the woman was acting in a
non-threatening manner.


Not to excuse the actions of the officers involved, but...

From the report _I_ saw on the news, the woman STARTED walking calmly along;
but when she saw what was happening, she started to RUN TOWARD the officers,
yelling, Hey! Waitaminute! (or some such); followed by what appeared to be
a brief face-to-face discussion with an officer; ending with a 2-handed
billy club shove, up-and-away, which left her on her back.

-- John Goodman
Central Neighborhood

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RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-10 Thread W. Brandon Lacy Campos

I absolutely agree with Robin. Watch out...the gay, progressive, man of
color is about to rant again...I'm sure some of our more thoughtful
list-serve members will have something to say...

Further, I absolutely believe that there should not be any police officers
who serve on the CIVILIAN Review council. I believe that the conflict of
interest, or the code that many police seem to follow, would not allow for
a police officer on the committee to offer an objective viewpoint. I highly
doubt a prosecuting attorney would allow a police officer to sit on a jury
where the defendant is a police officer, why then should the general public
allow the same to happen in this process.

Civilian Review Boards are designed to keep the police accountable to the
communities that they are sworn to serve and protect. When there is not a
civilian review board with subpoena powers and other legal enforcement
options, the police can (and have) felt free to keep doing business as
usual. Look at the statistics surrounding the number of times police in this
community (or any community) have been actually convicted of excessive
force, brutality, etc.

I know quite a few wonderful police officers. Officers that believe that
their job is to serve and protect the community. But I have seen to many
police officers that believe their job is to suppress the community, beat it
down and force it to comply with the law as they see it. How many images do
we have to see of police attacking non-violent protesters? How many more
people need to be shot 10, 20, 30 or 40 times for picking up their wallet?

Historically, police forces have been oppressive forces in Italy, Germany,
the US, Mexico, Russia, etc. I believe the police can serve a vital function
in our communities, but until the police are accountable to the communities
that they are supposed to serve, I want to know who is going to protect the
people from the police.

-Brandon Lacy
-Powderhorn Park

-Original Message-
Garwood, Robin
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 9:12 AM
To: 'Mpls List'
Subject: RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

Walt Cygan wrote:

It seems to me that if we are asking for a new Chief, and we want the
MPD to change, we need to be able to articulate what we want them to
change *to*.

The answer to this question is, in my opinion, fairly simple.  We must have
a police department that views the use of violence as their last resort in
any situation.  Currently, the MPD approaches many situations seeing
violence as either a foregone outcome or the ideal response.

Walt then wrote:

Some people have expressed a need for a civilian review authority with
subpoena power and no police participation. Why would police have any
respect for that process, if they felt it was simply a way to get back at
them for perceived wrongs?

If the new CRA has the power to examine police policies and change them, and
the power to discipline officers, the MPD and all its employees will have to
respect the process.  Even if it's grudging, grumbling respect.  I suppose
this assumes that the officers in question would like to keep their jobs.
Though I don't think the populace would be badly served if certain MPD
officers were to find us impolite and decide they want to find employment

A related but--in my opinion--more important question is this: how can the
people of Minneapolis have any respect for the policing process when our
police invariably approach us in a state of either fear or aggression, with
one hand on the nightstick or the gun?

I've asked this before in different ways, and I'll answer it myself.  We
can't.  So we need to change the system.

Call your Council Member.

Robin Garwood
Elected Member, Minneapolis/5th District Green Party Steering Committee
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Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-10 Thread Dave Polaschek

Michael Atherton wrote:

Which precipitated the violence: the student celebration or the police
response to it?

Walt Cygan responded:
But some students quoted in the Strib, PiPress and Daily clearly thought 
the crowd was out of hand.

After talking to a number of people who were there, both celebrating 
(without violence) and not, about the best story I've been able to piece 
together is the following. It consists of some amount of guesswork on my 
part, since I've heard contradictory stories, but some things have been 
consistent, and that's what I'm stressing.

When the Gophers won, a friend who works in Dinkytown's first reaction 
was to find someone to cover for him, and drive his car out of the area 
and get back to work ASAP. This was before any violence, but there were 
some in the crowd who were already saying let's start a riot.

When things first got going, MPD initially sent very few officers to deal 
with the people who were blocking traffic. It sounds like there were too 
few officers to control or defuse the situation immediately.

These officers (and the next ones to respond) blocked 4th St SE with 
their patrol vehicles. The crowd was growing, but things were not violent 
yet. Traffic had been blocked by the crowd before the MPD, but the crowd 
were far less efficient at shutting down traffic.

Also remember that Dinkytown is a choke-point for traffic. University Ave 
and 4th St SE are main throughfares, and there aren't a lot of ways go 
around Dinkytown, especially if the intersection at 15th and 4th is 

A bit later, someone in the crowd threw a beer bottle either at an 
officer or at a squad car. This began the pepper-spray and baton wielding 
as the MPD attempted to disperse the crowd.

At some point (before about 11pm), the crowd heard that some of the 
hockey players were coming to the Library Bar  Grill, and the place 
filled up rapidly. As the MPD tried to clear the intersection at 13th Ave 
 4th St. SE, many in the crowd took refuge within the Library, including 
some who'd been hit with pepper spray (or possibly tear gas). There was 
also some gas coming in through the patio doors on the 4th St side of the 
bar, and very soon it became bad enough in the bar that people wanted to 
get back outside, but both the MPD and the crowd were still there.

At various points in the evening, the crowd would disperse from Dinkytown 
into the neighborhood. Trash cans were being overturned and a couple 
windows were broken (Magus Books, EastBank and the Gopher Motel are the 
three businesses that I've heard had windows broken). After a while the 
crowd would reform in Dinkytown, confronting the cops again.

Bar closing (1am) produced a bigger crowd, as everyone who was in the 
bars got added to the mix. Some were trying to cross 4th St  University 
to get to campus, and were prevented from doing so by the MPD. So they 
milled about. Others wanted to see what was happening. A few wanted to 
stir things up.

Basically this back and forth between the crowd and police kept going 
until between 3 and 5AM, depending on the location. Each time the crowd 
would reform, someone would get sprayed, thumped, arrested, or all three.

So what went wrong? I think the MPD had too few officers ready to deal 
with the situation initially. For whatever reason, they were caught 
unprepared. There were elements in the crowd who wanted to turn things 
into a riot, but they were a minority. When folks were trapped in 
Dinkytown, things got worse.

When the crowd would be dispersed, it would re-form. There's a pretty 
clear anti-MPD feeling present. It was also a relatively nice night and 
there were the normal groups of people drinking in Dinkytown. Many were 
curious and it created a gawker-slowdown of sorts.

When the bars let out, that's more people dumped out into the situation, 
many of whom were not using their best judgement at that point.

The short summary that most people seem to agree with is The crowd 
started it, and the police made it worse. The only disagreement I've 
gotten is a few who aren't sure who started the violence, and one who's 
not sure what else the police could have done, given the desire for 
violence on the part of some of the crowd.

Dave Polaschek
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Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-10 Thread David Brauer

Nothing to add to this thread, except for positive reinforcement to Dave
Polaschek for his reporting. It's great to see the list used by
citizen-correspondents to try to ferret out facts, irrespective of a point
of view. 

Points of view are great, too, of course - our stock in trade - but I find
reports like Dave's help me understand better what might have happened, and
that's a cool thing.

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael Atherton wrote:
 Which precipitated the violence: the student celebration or the police
 response to it?
 Walt Cygan responded:
 But some students quoted in the Strib, PiPress and Daily clearly thought
 the crowd was out of hand.
 After talking to a number of people who were there, both celebrating
 (without violence) and not, about the best story I've been able to piece
 together is the following. It consists of some amount of guesswork on my
 part, since I've heard contradictory stories, but some things have been
 consistent, and that's what I'm stressing.

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Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-10 Thread Andy Driscoll

I agree. Information begets rationality. I'm second to none as most people
can discern here, in my criticism of the police culture, but that doesn't
excuse the idiocy of turning any celebration into an excuse for vandalism
and terror.

But therein lies a lesson:  1. Drunken children are going to behave like the
idiots drugs and alcohol make them; 2. Troublemaking minorities of large
crowds can make the entire crowd seem out of control; 3. The reputation of
the Minneapolis Police Department precedes its intervention in celebratory
gatherings that react to such cops well before the first spray of pepper;
and, finally, 4. The Minneapolis Police Department, still wallowing in its
paranoiac culture, behave at least as much like the children they're dealing
with as the children they're dealing with and, instead of behaving more like
the parents they should be in cases like this, they engage in behavior that
is the reverse of that which we would consider exemplary of adults.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all grow up?

I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied
corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of
strength, and bid defiance to the laws of the country.
--- Thomas Jefferson,1816

 From: David Brauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 12:21:42 -0500
 Subject: Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage
 Nothing to add to this thread, except for positive reinforcement to Dave
 Polaschek for his reporting. It's great to see the list used by
 citizen-correspondents to try to ferret out facts, irrespective of a point
 of view. 
 Points of view are great, too, of course - our stock in trade - but I find
 reports like Dave's help me understand better what might have happened, and
 that's a cool thing.
 David Brauer
 King Field - Ward 10
 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Atherton wrote:
 Which precipitated the violence: the student celebration or the police
 response to it?
 Walt Cygan responded:
 But some students quoted in the Strib, PiPress and Daily clearly thought
 the crowd was out of hand.
 After talking to a number of people who were there, both celebrating
 (without violence) and not, about the best story I've been able to piece
 together is the following. It consists of some amount of guesswork on my
 part, since I've heard contradictory stories, but some things have been
 consistent, and that's what I'm stressing.
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RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-09 Thread MJ Mueller

Michael Hohmann wrote:
I just watched film footage of Dinkytown
'riots' on Ch 11 10 p.m. news-- two officers on top of one unarmed man
beating him with sticks and fists as he was under them on the ground-- 
Idon't know what he did.  A seemingly well-dressed women in a full length 
coat walks up on the sidewalk to calmly address the officers... no voices 
audible-- maybe a what are you doing? I think he's subdued!... and she was 
aggressively knocked backward, off her feet, in the air, and to the ground. 
It was disgusting aggravated assault against that woman-- by the police! I'm 
not condoning the illegal actions of rioting students, but I'm condemning 
the wonted, persistently excessive violence doled out by those we pay to 
'protect and serve.'  This type of violence only begets more violence-- an 
escalation which we do not need.  It doesn't take long for people to realize 
you don't face the MPD with bare hands and machetes.  I
think it's time we end this forceful-assault mentality; it's time for a
change at the top!  Replace Robert Olson!
I saw the same footage (and more) and I have to agree with Michael. In my 
opinion, the police force in Minneapolis is totally out of hand. Replace 
Robert Olson NOW!

MJ Mueller

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Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-09 Thread DUKE POWELL

1. I watched a lot of TV coverage of the riot on the U of M campus. I never
saw an officer strike any one with their riot batons. This charge has been
made several times on this list and, if true, it would seem to me that this
footage would have gotten a lot of air play.

2. I am a Paramedic at HCMC. We did not transport any injured victims of
the brutality allegedly meted out by the police. I have not heard of, or
seen, any injuries that were any more than minor contusions and abrasions.

3. I have worked around police for over 30 years. I have helped subdue and
restrain countless members of the public who are a danger to themselves
and/or others. It is not a pretty process; but then it isn't supposed to be.
It is, however, effective and done in a manner that minimizes the risk to
the officer, the public, the patient, and the drunk knuckle head.

4. The response by those on this list to the actions of public safety
officials have shown me that many of you will go to any length to berate and
degrade those who are sworn to protect you, your family and your property
from those who wish you ill. The scary thing to me is that you all seem to
have the ear of the mayor and a significant number of city council members.

There has been talk among Mpls DFLers that they may have to approach and
work with suburban Republicans in order to protect their political turf.  Be
forewarned - Postings that appear regularly on this list will curl the toe
nails of the suburban home owner.

And that is where the new political power lies.

Duke Powell

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 3:28 PM
Subject: RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

 Michael Hohmann wrote:
 I just watched film footage of Dinkytown
 'riots' on Ch 11 10 p.m. news-- two officers on top of one unarmed man
 beating him with sticks and fists as he was under them on the ground--
 Idon't know what he did.  A seemingly well-dressed women in a full length
 coat walks up on the sidewalk to calmly address the officers... no voices
 audible-- maybe a what are you doing? I think he's subdued!... and she
 aggressively knocked backward, off her feet, in the air, and to the
 It was disgusting aggravated assault against that woman-- by the police!
 not condoning the illegal actions of rioting students, but I'm condemning
 the wonted, persistently excessive violence doled out by those we pay to
 'protect and serve.'  This type of violence only begets more violence-- an
 escalation which we do not need.  It doesn't take long for people to
 you don't face the MPD with bare hands and machetes.  I
 think it's time we end this forceful-assault mentality; it's time for a
 change at the top!  Replace Robert Olson!
 I saw the same footage (and more) and I have to agree with Michael. In my
 opinion, the police force in Minneapolis is totally out of hand. Replace
 Robert Olson NOW!

 MJ Mueller

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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 3:28 PM
Subject: RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

 Michael Hohmann wrote:
 I just watched film footage of Dinkytown
 'riots' on Ch 11 10 p.m. news-- two officers on top of one unarmed man
 beating him with sticks and fists as he was under them on the ground--
 Idon't know what he did.  A seemingly well-dressed women in a full length
 coat walks up on the sidewalk to calmly address the officers... no voices
 audible-- maybe a what are you doing? I think he's subdued!... and she
 aggressively knocked backward, off her feet, in the air, and to the
 It was disgusting aggravated assault against that woman-- by the police!
 not condoning the illegal actions of rioting students, but I'm condemning
 the wonted, persistently excessive violence doled out by those we pay to
 'protect and serve.'  This type of violence only begets more violence-- an
 escalation which we do not need.  It doesn't take long for people to
 you don't face the MPD with bare hands and machetes.  I
 think it's time we end this forceful-assault mentality; it's time for a
 change at the top!  Replace Robert Olson!
 I saw the same footage (and more) and I have to agree

Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-09 Thread John Goodman

Hi, all -- 

On 4/9/02 4:25 PM, Duke Powell wrote:

 1. I watched a lot of TV coverage of the riot on the U of M campus. I never
 saw an officer strike any one with their riot batons. This charge has been
 made several times on this list and, if true, it would seem to me that this
 footage would have gotten a lot of air play.

Hm. You must not have seen the same footage I've seen, then.

 2. I am a Paramedic at HCMC. We did not transport any injured victims of
 the brutality allegedly meted out by the police. I have not heard of, or
 seen, any injuries that were any more than minor contusions and abrasions.

Is HCMC the only place rioters (and alleged rioters) were treated?
(Just because _you_ didn't see substantial injuries doesn't mean they didn't

 3. I have worked around police for over 30 years. I have helped subdue and
 restrain countless members of the public who are a danger to themselves
 and/or others. It is not a pretty process; but then it isn't supposed to be.
 It is, however, effective and done in a manner that minimizes the risk to
 the officer, the public, the patient, and the drunk knuckle head.

You sound very rational; Good to know you're out there, fighting the good

 4. The response by those on this list to the actions of public safety
 officials have shown me that many of you will go to any length to berate and
 degrade those who are sworn to protect you, your family and your property
 from those who wish you ill. The scary thing to me is that you all seem to
 have the ear of the mayor and a significant number of city council members.

The squeaky wheel... theory in action; bear in mind, if one doesn't like
the way their government is run, one has the ability/right to use this -- or
any other -- forum to make their views known in order to effect change.

Questioning authority is not a crime; in fact, it's a responsibility; Not
sure why you're frightened by the concept of concerned citizens making their
viewpoints known to the people in charge.

 There has been talk among Mpls DFLers that they may have to approach and
 work with suburban Republicans in order to protect their political turf.  Be
 forewarned - Postings that appear regularly on this list will curl the toe
 nails of the suburban home owner.

Are you saying that this list has a predominant slant to it? I suspect a
careful tally of postings would suggest otherwise. (Have any tallies of the
membership's political leanings ever been taken, Mr. Brauer...?)

-- John Goodman
Central Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-09 Thread Pamela Taylor

Mr. Powell,

I don't mean to offend your delicate sensibilities,
but I am not Minnesota Nice.  Please listen closely so
I don't have to say this again.

1. Just because you did not personally see it does not
mean it did not happen.  My son happened to be in the
area, and stayed a respectful distance away and
observed the fray.  My son, a 20 year old
African-American young man, neither smokes, does drugs
or drinks.  He is very respectful, does not LIE and is
the kind of son that makes a mother proud.  His
eyewitness account is consistent with the violence
stated consistently on this list.  I don't even have
to choose whom to believe.  My son, without question. 

2. Just because one is sworn to protect our life and
proerty does not mean they do that.  It is not like
police officers are doing VOLUNTEER work, they are
PAID!  If they cannot do the job in a manner that
does not cause unneccessary pain and/or DEATH to those
that they have sworn to serve and protect, they should
be FIRED  I do not believe that the people on this
list are all just making this up to make the MPD look
bad.  This type of behavior exhibited by the police
is, unfortunately, a Minneapolis reality.

3. Even if you only saw minor cuts, abrasions and
contusions, my question is this: Was it really
necessary to see ANY?  Did the violence have to take
place at all?

4. IMHO what the good people of Minneapolis want to
see happen is that the LEADER of a MPF GANG (and, yes,
I am calling Chief Olson just that, and that is being
respectful) be dealt with just like any other
so-called menace to society.  There needs to be some
serious reform.

And note, I said A GANG.  I don't believe that the
entire MPF is corrupt, but their is a portion that is.
 They roam the streets, congregate in public places
and harass and harm innocent people.  And they don't
just carry a gun, they carry a gun and a BADGE!  Try
to tell me that that isn't scary to neighborhood

Pamela Taylor
(A Minneapolis Mom in Tampa)

 1. I watched a lot of TV coverage of the riot on the
 U of M campus. I never
 saw an officer strike any one with their riot
 batons. This charge has been
 made several times on this list and, if true, it
 would seem to me that this
 footage would have gotten a lot of air play.
 2. I am a Paramedic at HCMC. We did not transport
 any injured victims of
 the brutality allegedly meted out by the police. I
 have not heard of, or
 seen, any injuries that were any more than minor
 contusions and abrasions.
 3. I have worked around police for over 30 years. I
 have helped subdue and
 restrain countless members of the public who are a
 danger to themselves
 and/or others. It is not a pretty process; but then
 it isn't supposed to be.
 It is, however, effective and done in a manner that
 minimizes the risk to
 the officer, the public, the patient, and the drunk
 knuckle head.
 4. The response by those on this list to the actions
 of public safety
 officials have shown me that many of you will go to
 any length to berate and
 degrade those who are sworn to protect you, your
 family and your property
 from those who wish you ill. The scary thing to me
 is that you all seem to
 have the ear of the mayor and a significant number
 of city council members.
 There has been talk among Mpls DFLers that they may
 have to approach and
 work with suburban Republicans in order to protect
 their political turf.  Be
 forewarned - Postings that appear regularly on this
 list will curl the toe
 nails of the suburban home owner.
 And that is where the new political power lies.
 Duke Powell
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 3:28 PM
 Subject: RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage
  Michael Hohmann wrote:
  I just watched film footage of Dinkytown
  'riots' on Ch 11 10 p.m. news-- two officers on
 top of one unarmed man
  beating him with sticks and fists as he was under
 them on the ground--
  Idon't know what he did.  A seemingly well-dressed
 women in a full length
  coat walks up on the sidewalk to calmly address
 the officers... no voices
  audible-- maybe a what are you doing? I think
 he's subdued!... and she
  aggressively knocked backward, off her feet, in
 the air, and to the
  It was disgusting aggravated assault against that
 woman-- by the police!
  not condoning the illegal actions of rioting
 students, but I'm condemning
  the wonted, persistently excessive violence doled
 out by those we pay to
  'protect and serve.'  This type of violence only
 begets more violence-- an
  escalation which we do not need.  It doesn't take
 long for people to
  you don't face the MPD with bare hands and
 machetes.  I
  think it's time we end this forceful-assault
 mentality; it's time for a
  change at the top!  Replace Robert Olson

RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-09 Thread List Manager

John Goodman asks:

 Are you saying that this list has a predominant slant to it? I suspect
 careful tally of postings would suggest otherwise. (Have any tallies
of the
 membership's political leanings ever been taken, Mr. Brauer...?)

The only tally available is from list posts...we don't collect that info
from members.

As with the Barb-Johnson-versus-the-List in the DQ debate, neither
side knows public opinion so it's all a lot of shouting. I think it's
quite fair to say that the vast majority of posts (which can be much
different than the sentiments of members, were they to be known) are
pretty upset with the cops.

Do members of the public feel the same way? I suspect - no proof - that
city residents would be less universal in their condemnation. But maybe

To me, the fun of a discussion is not keeping score, it's the strength
of facts in an argument, something a little more in our control.

By the way, I noticed in the PiPress this morning that five Minneapolis
police officers were injured in the U goings-on. Does anyone know how
serious the injuries were, and the specific cause?

David Brauer
List manager

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Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-09 Thread michael libby

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 09 April 2002 09:25 pm, DUKE POWELL wrote:
 1. I watched a lot of TV coverage of the riot on the U of M campus. I

I don't watch television much, so I can only rely on past experience and 
the reports of citizens. From what I understand the most significant 
complaints were not of the type for which one is hospitalized. However, 
spraying the eyes of already subdued persons is something I have seen 
first-hand the police do. I have also seen them spray chemicals in the 
eyes of persons who were not acting in a threatening manner. I have no 
reason to doubt that this sort of physical abuse was common during the 
hockey riot.

 themselves and/or others. It is not a pretty process; but then it isn't
 supposed to be. It is, however, effective and done in a manner that
 minimizes the risk to the officer, the public, the patient, and the
 drunk knuckle head.

Is shooting someone point blank 15 times a reduction in the risk to the 
knuckle head? Is a group of bikers such a danger to society that they 
must be tackled and brutalized? Are members of the press, attempting to 
monitor an out-of-control situation a threat to order, such that they 
should be put in pain and have the tools of their trade damaged or stolen?

If the police would stick to beating up on drunk hockey fans, you'd hear 
not one peep out of me.

 property from those who wish you ill. The scary thing to me is that you
 all seem to have the ear of the mayor and a significant number of city
 council members.

Yes, the reason for that is that we, the citizens of Minneapolis, voted for 
those people to hold those jobs. They work for us. The Minneapolis police 
work for us. They are therefore accountable to us.

- -michael libby (Cleveland/North Mpls)

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Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-09 Thread Andy Driscoll
 Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 16:25:35 -0500
 Subject: Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage
 1. I watched a lot of TV coverage of the riot on the U of M campus. I never
 saw an officer strike any one with their riot batons. This charge has been
 made several times on this list and, if true, it would seem to me that this
 footage would have gotten a lot of air play.
 2. I am a Paramedic at HCMC. We did not transport any injured victims of
 the brutality allegedly meted out by the police. I have not heard of, or
 seen, any injuries that were any more than minor contusions and abrasions.
 3. I have worked around police for over 30 years. I have helped subdue and
 restrain countless members of the public who are a danger to themselves
 and/or others. It is not a pretty process; but then it isn't supposed to be.
 It is, however, effective and done in a manner that minimizes the risk to
 the officer, the public, the patient, and the drunk knuckle head.
 4. The response by those on this list to the actions of public safety
 officials have shown me that many of you will go to any length to berate and
 degrade those who are sworn to protect you, your family and your property
 from those who wish you ill. The scary thing to me is that you all seem to
 have the ear of the mayor and a significant number of city council members.
 There has been talk among Mpls DFLers that they may have to approach and
 work with suburban Republicans in order to protect their political turf.  Be
 forewarned - Postings that appear regularly on this list will curl the toe
 nails of the suburban home owner.
 And that is where the new political power lies.
 Duke Powell
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 3:28 PM
 Subject: RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage
 Michael Hohmann wrote:
 I just watched film footage of Dinkytown
 'riots' on Ch 11 10 p.m. news-- two officers on top of one unarmed man
 beating him with sticks and fists as he was under them on the ground--
 Idon't know what he did.  A seemingly well-dressed women in a full length
 coat walks up on the sidewalk to calmly address the officers... no voices
 audible-- maybe a what are you doing? I think he's subdued!... and she
 aggressively knocked backward, off her feet, in the air, and to the
 It was disgusting aggravated assault against that woman-- by the police!
 not condoning the illegal actions of rioting students, but I'm condemning
 the wonted, persistently excessive violence doled out by those we pay to
 'protect and serve.'  This type of violence only begets more violence-- an
 escalation which we do not need.  It doesn't take long for people to
 you don't face the MPD with bare hands and machetes.  I
 think it's time we end this forceful-assault mentality; it's time for a
 change at the top!  Replace Robert Olson!
 I saw the same footage (and more) and I have to agree with Michael. In my
 opinion, the police force in Minneapolis is totally out of hand. Replace
 Robert Olson NOW!
 MJ Mueller
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 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 3:28 PM
 Subject: RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage
 Michael Hohmann wrote:
 I just watched film footage of Dinkytown
 'riots' on Ch 11 10 p.m. news-- two officers on top of one unarmed man
 beating him with sticks and fists as he was under them on the ground--
 Idon't know what he did.  A seemingly well-dressed women in a full length
 coat walks up on the sidewalk to calmly address the officers... no voices
 audible-- maybe a what are you doing? I think he's subdued!... and she
 aggressively knocked backward, off her feet, in the air, and to the
 It was disgusting aggravated assault against that woman-- by the police!
 not condoning the illegal actions of rioting students, but I'm condemning
 the wonted, persistently excessive violence doled out by those we pay to
 'protect and serve.'  This type of violence only begets more violence-- an
 escalation which we do not need.  It doesn't take long for people to
 you don't face the MPD with bare hands and machetes

Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-09 Thread Michael Atherton


 4. The response by those on this list to the actions of public safety
 officials have shown me that many of you will go to any length to berate and
 degrade those who are sworn to protect you, your family and your property
 from those who wish you ill. The scary thing to me is that you all seem to
 have the ear of the mayor and a significant number of city council members.

Will go to any length to berate and degrade those who are sworn to protect...
Hmmm... well that's not me, but I will tell you this:  These latest actions by
the MPS do not represent the cutting edge of creative community orientated
law enforcement; it's more of a through back to the confrontational policing of
the 60s and 70s.

Here is my question:
Which precipitated the violence: the student celebration or the police
response to it?  In L.A. I've seen many minor incidents blow up because law
enforcement was not willing to take minor infarctions in stride. I can think of a 
number of
ways in which both the Critical Mass and the championship cerebration could have
been handled more effectively.  This is, I think, a management problem; and for the
mayor a PR problem.  So, how many more incidents will it take for the MPD to
become a political liability in the next election?

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-09 Thread Walt Cygan

Michael Atherton wrote:
 Which precipitated the violence: the student celebration or
 the police response to it?  

Based on the conclusion-jumping that this list has embraced, you would
imagine that the police were completely responsible. But most of the
print media articles that I have read were much less certain. One
clearly pointed to bottle throwing by the party-ers. I read other
accounts that credited over-reaction by the cops to harmless fun. But
some students quoted in the Strib, PiPress and Daily clearly thought the
crowd was out of hand. There was also some pretty good TV video of
damage being done at the U by the revelers, in addition to the police
brutality footage that has been the focus of the discussion here.

To put my cards on the table:
 I think Chief Olson is a liability right now, and needs to go.
 I think in the recent incidents involving the cops, they is plenty of
blame to be laid at the feet of the police actions. But others involved
have not exactly been blameless, particularly in the hockey crowd.

That said, maybe I'd enjoy this discussion more and have a better
feeling about it if it were of a more constructive nature. For example,
concerning the hockey get-together, what would be the ideal for how such
a scenario should be handled? No police in sight? Police present but not
in riot gear? Riot gear present, but in trunks for that eventuality?
Once reports of vandalism were received and once bottles were thrown,
what would the appropriate response be? 

It seems to me that if we are asking for a new Chief, and we want the
MPD to change, we need to be able to articulate what we want them to
change *to*. And not just to always be thoughtful and kind and
considerate. What are the expectations for their responses when things
get ugly, as they sometimes do?

Some people have expressed a need for a civilian review authority with
subpoena power and no police participation. Why would police have any
respect for that process, if they felt it was simply a way to get back
at them for perceived wrongs? Someone may not care how the police feel,
but it seems to me that a respectful MPD will only come about with a
reasonably respectful populace. Showing respect doesn't imply giving up
rights or knuckling under to police authority. To police, it shouldn't
mean looking the other way at street crime. It does mean that the
interaction between all people should be based on civil dialogue and a
degree of empathy, which neither police, nor police critics are showing
these days.

Walt Cygan

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Re: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-09 Thread Jim McGuire

I talked to an old friend today that was hanging out on 15th and 4th not too
long (an hour or two) after the game was over.  His take on it was that
there was a crowd there and they were rowdy, but not out of hand and not
blocking traffic.

He says that at that time, without warning, the police started sparying
pepper spray at the crowd.

He doesn't know what was happening nearby that may have precipitated such
action and is willing to admit that there may have been things happening
that he didn't say.

However, according to what Robert Olson is saying, the police didn't make
any moves on the crowd until 3 AM (many hours later).

The question remains.  Did the crowd provoke the police or did the police
provoke the crowd?

Jim McGuire
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[Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-08 Thread List Manager

Chief Olson made the call to disperse crowds after 3 a.m. when
monstrous bonfire started getting bigger. But Minnesota Daily editor
claims staffers were maced for taking pictures and notes...just doing
their job.

David Brauer
List manager

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RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

2002-04-08 Thread Michael Hohmann

A friend recently suggested in jest (I think), Some of us just never learn,
do we?  Maybe she's right!  I just watched film footage of Dinkytown
'riots' on Ch 11 10 p.m. news-- two officers on top of one unarmed man
beating him with sticks and fists as he was under them on the ground-- I
don't know what he did.  A seemingly well-dressed women in a full length
coat walks up on the sidewalk to calmly address the officers... no voices
audible-- maybe a what are you doing? I think he's subdued!... and she was
aggressively knocked backward, off her feet, in the air, and to the ground.
It was disgusting aggravated assault against that woman-- by the police!
I'm not condoning the illegal actions of rioting students, but I'm
condemning the wonted, persistently excessive violence doled out by those we
pay to 'protect and serve.'  This type of violence only begets more
violence-- an escalation which we do not need.  It doesn't take long for
people to realize you don't face the MPD with bare hands and machetes.  I
think it's time we end this forceful-assault mentality; it's time for a
change at the top!  Replace Robert Olson!

Michael Hohmann
Linden Hills

 -Original Message-
 List Manager
 Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 10:24 PM
 To: Mpls list
 Subject: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

 Chief Olson made the call to disperse crowds after 3 a.m. when
 monstrous bonfire started getting bigger. But Minnesota Daily editor
 claims staffers were maced for taking pictures and notes...just doing
 their job.

 David Brauer
 List manager

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