Re: [osg-users] osgDotNet : Nodes adding to scene graphoutsidemain()function scope

2007-11-13 Thread Christophe Medard
I'll make the try to see what happen. Here I just wanted to point out that 
the problem origin may be in a function called in a thread when no 
particular setting on the osgviewer instance is done.

If the try succeed, I guess I will have an unrecoverable crash even with the 
Release executable (main thread exception).
Anyway it may be interesting, even to pinpoint the very cause (silmpler in a 
single thread mode).

Good luck with your new job !!   ;)

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Wittman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgDotNet : Nodes adding to scene 
graphoutsidemain()function scope

Hi Christophe,

Unfortunately I don't have any more info on this problem.

This and the member variable support are the highest priority items to
fix for osgDotNet.  But since I've changed jobs recently my osgDotNet
development has been on hold.  I'm in the process of getting a Windows
development environment set up at home, so I hope to get back to it
before too long.

With regard to the threading, if you're on a multi-core machine
you may want to try forcing OSG's single-threaded mode (using
OSG_THREADING=SingleThreaded) and see if that makes a difference.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgDotNet : Nodes adding to scene graphoutsidemain()function scope

2007-11-13 Thread Christophe Medard
Hi Jason,

I have the very same problem : having to implement a new visual application, I 
must now choose between a C# implementation and a C++ unmanaged one.

As you can bet, I'd largely prefer the first option (for instance I've 
prototyped some special effects in both languages/versions of the OSG 
librairies) but that problem is very blocking since it prevents me to build a 
constructed application (object-oriented classes for my effects, in a two-three 
layered/dlls architecture).

What I noticed is that the problem remains unnoticeable if the camera used in 
the osgviewer stay close to the world geometry it looks (at least it is if you 
don't use personal manipulators, which I am to do next because of particular 
'viewing modes'). So I think it's confined within a visitor pass of culling or 
one in touch with camera positioning's outcome, probably one being set in a 
thread of a secondary importance (at least in the default threading mode of 

Here, I'm reaching the limits of my current knowledge of the API 
implementation. I'd like to have time to deepen it, unfortunaly I'm running out 
of time to begin my development... Dilemna, hard dilemna.

Anyway, I'll make some other testings today.
If anyone has some news about this problem, please post abundantly !!!   ;)


Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jason Beverage 
  To: OpenSceneGraph Users 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 4:06 AM
  Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgDotNet : Nodes adding to scene 
graphoutsidemain()function scope

  Hi Christophe,

  I've tried quite a few times to debug the problem, but I've had no luck.  I 
believe it has something to do with the incorrect finalization of a NodeVisitor 
at some point, but I can't pinpoinit *why* it happens.  If I get some time next 
week, I can give it another go.  I would love to see these problems fixed b/c I 
really want to move our applications over to using a more feature complete and 
*official* .NET binding. 



osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OSGExp 0.9.4 and nb of vertices

2007-11-12 Thread Christophe Medard
Hi all,

Until now working under Autodesk 3DSMax 8 and OSGExp version 0.9.3, I've just 
tryed OsgExp 0.9.4 under 3DSMax 9.
Exporting the same object with the same options (see cap below), I notice that 
the number of vertices exported (as well as the number of normal) is multiplied 
by two and a half.

Benchmarking in my application(s) shows naturally that that is not neutral 
considering performance.

Reading OSGExp history, I see for the 8-Nov-2007 (stable) version :
 Nathan Hanish: Fix for normal generation with the 'use indices' flag set. 

I've not taken time to dig into the exporter's code, but is that bug fixing in 
relation with the constated growth of number of Vertices (maybe OSGExp 0.9.3 
fusioned too easily same vertices with different normals - even if it's not 
noticable looking to my exported model in osgviewer - ?)

Thanks for any clearing.

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Transparency problem

2007-10-19 Thread Christophe Medard
At least those kind of problems appearing on a dababase exported using OSGExp 
is solved by a clear segregation of transparent(semi-transparent) faces from 
opaque ones.

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

  - Original Message - 
  From: André Rocha 
  To: OpenSceneGraph Users 
  Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 2:20 PM
  Subject: Re: [osg-users] Transparency problem

  So the solution to the transparency sorting problem is simply to separate the 
objects with transparency and those without? In example, I have a opaque  
building with transparent windows in one single object, so I need to make the 
windows a separate object before exporting? 

  [ ]´s

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Transparency problem

2007-10-18 Thread Christophe Medard
For your information my problem of transparency was dut to a point graphists 
must be careful of in 3DSMax :
the OSGEXp exporter places a drawable or a geode in the TRANSPARENT_BIN as 
soon as at least one face has transparency.
It's a perfeclty reasonable behaviour.

In my case, trees (transparent) and some terrain (opaque) parts were in the 
same object : that give rise to sorting problems between the trees and the 
very parts of terrain. Having the graphist look over and rectify it, the 
order of rendering is perfect now.

Thanks to Robert for pointing out that direction of verification !  ;)

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Osfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Transparency problem

Hi Christophe,

I have seem problems like in your screenshot when items like roads and
grass are placed incorrectly into the transparent bin, or the items
like the trees are placed in the opaque bin.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] RenderingHint vs binNumber(RenderBinDetails)

2007-10-17 Thread Christophe Medard
Hi all,

Generalizing my 3 pass logic on a group of models, it seems I don't get the 
expected result.

Let me ask a question. In the following case :

am I correct if I assume the rendering order will be A1-A2-...-An-B-A1(with B 
context)-A2(with B context)-...-An(with B context)-C-A1(with C context)-A2(with 
C context)-...-An(with C context) , in each {A1-A2-...-An} sequence, precise 
order being unassumable ?

By with B context I mean having stateset attributes inherited from B 
stateset ones. 

If not, what would be a correct way to give rise to this render order ??

Thanks for any teaching about this.

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

- Original Message - 
From: Christophe Medard 
To: OpenSceneGraph Users 
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] RenderingHint vs binNumber(RenderBinDetails)


All right, Tim's right.

So to conclude :
- setRenderingHint is just a shortcut for setRenderBinDetails, it allows not to 
have to specify the name of bin type, and _renderingHint is useless (for those 
making inquiries on the OSG source)
- indeed, the binNumber is the draw order number against other children in the 
parent Group, evaluated in a left-first traversall logic. 

The draw order for this case (3 pass on an geode) is A-B-C. It works well, one 
just have to beware of z-fighting, through the reuse of the depth buffer of the 
1st pass (via setAttributeAndModes(new 
osg::Depth(osg::Depth::EQUAL,0.0,1.0,false) for example).

  osg::Group Root
   |   |   |
   |   |   |
   |osg::Group B   osg::Group C
   |[binNumber = 20]  [binNumber = 30]
   | ||
 osg::Geode A
 [binNumber = 15]

Thanks to all.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] RenderingHint vs binNumber(RenderBinDetails)

2007-10-04 Thread Christophe Medard
Hi all,

There's something I can't get a clear vision of despite my efforts.
To parameterize order of drawing, there are two levers : renderingHint (set on 
a node or drawable through it's stateset osg::StateSet::setRenderingHint()) and 
binnumber (set on a node or drawable through it's stateset 

I still have two interrogations :

- what is the difference (or should i say level of priority) between 
renderingHint and binnumber ? *
- there seems to be no notion of inheritance (like there is on a stateattribute 
typically) for those renderhint or renderbindetail features : if you set a 
rendering order (through one or the other feature) on a group node, does that 
rendering order affect the whole subgraph (understand children and children of 
children) ? What happens if a renderhint or renderdindetail is set again on one 
child ?

Thanks to anyone capable of clearing that because after different attemps for 
different purposes, in some cases I succeded to obtain what I wanted, in some 
cases I didn't, and I'm ending kinda confused on that.


Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

* There must be a difference between the two since they aren't linked together 
: setting TRANSPARENT_BIN isn't equivalent to binDetails = 10 because you can 
do osg::StateSet::setRenderingHint(OPAQUE_BIN) and 
osg::StateSet::setRenderBinDetails(10), it's valid. 
Saying that I point out that the order of those two calls is important for if 
you make  osg::StateSet::setRenderBinDetails(10) and 
osg::StateSet::setRenderingHint(OPAQUE_BIN) your binnumber is 0 !! 
Is that a bug ?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] RenderingHint vs binNumber(RenderBinDetails)

2007-10-04 Thread Christophe Medard
Sorry for the mailer redisposing of things.
Here are the examples I wanted to submit :

  |  |
osg::Group Aosg::Group B
[binNumber = 8] dft, so binNumber = 0
  | ||
 osg::Geode Cosg::Geode Dosg::Geode E
 [binNumber = 5]  [binNumber = 1]  |
  | |
  osg::Drawable E0 osg::Drawable E1
   dft, so binNumber = 0[binNumber=6]

Is it   B/E0 - D - C - A - E1 ?

Another example, closer to my current purpose test, practical to make multi
pass drawings :

  |  |   |
  |  |   |
  |   osg::Group B   osg::Group C
  |   [binNumber = 20]  [binNumber = 30]
osg::Geode A
[binNumber = 15]

Is it A - B - C ?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] RenderingHint vs binNumber(RenderBinDetails)

2007-10-04 Thread Christophe Medard
To react to what says Robert, I'm under the impression that renderingHint in 
fact isn't used internally, is it ?
Why is there two informations in fact redundant (an order of draw), 
renderingHint and binNumber ?

So if I'm correct, things must only be thought of in 'binNumber' terms.
To react to what says Tim, I'm passing through stateset on group nodes 
indeed, but I'm not sure to perfecly understand well what you're saying.
Let's take a over simple example, if I have the following three, what will 
be the order of draw ?


 osg::Group A 
osg::Group B
[binNumber = 8] 
dft, so binNumber = 0
  | | 
osg::Geode C osg::Geode D osg::Geode E
[binNumber = 5]   [binNumber = 1]  |

E0 osg::Drawable E1
 dft, so binNumber = 
0[binNumber = 6]

Is it   B/E0 - D - C - A - E1 ?

Another example, closer to my current purpose test, practical to make multi 
pass drawings :

   | | 
   |  osg::Group B osg::Group C
   |   [binNumber = 20][binNumber = 30]
  osg::Geode A
 [binNumber = 15]

Is it A - B - C ?

I think exploring a concrete example like that clear things. Thanks

- Original Message - 
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] RenderingHint vs binNumber(RenderBinDetails)

 Robert didn't answer your second question; I'll have a go because I think 
 I understand

 First of all, there aren't a fixed number of render bins. You can assign a 
 to any integer, positive or negative. This turns out to be quite useful.

 When you say set a rendering order on a group node, you mean that you've 
 set the
 render bin in a state set in that node. There is an inheritance effect, 
 but it may
 not be what you expect. Render bins can contain other render bins! If the 
 children of
 your group node have state sets that also set the render bin detail, their 
 render bins
 are stored inside the group state set's render bin, and they will be 
 rendered in order
 when that render bin is traversed.

 This can give you unexpected results, when for example you assign a state 
 sets with
 TRANSPARENT_BIN or OPAQUE_BIN to nodes up and down the scene graph :) On 
 the other
 hand you can get very precise control of the ordering of drawables with 
 it. In
 FlightGear I just used this feature to order cloud layers. The layers are 
 too big for
 normal transparency sorting to work well, and you want to draw the cloud 
 layer tops
 from low altitude to high and the bottoms from high to low. I used the 
 of the layers as render bin numbers to get the right order:

  // Force the cloud layers into recursive bins of bin 4.
  osg::StateSet *rootSet = layer_root-getOrCreateStateSet();
  rootSet-setRenderBinDetails(4, RenderBin);

 Child 0 has the bottom layers and child 1 has the tops:


 I hope someone will correct me if I've gotten this all wrong!

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] RenderingHint vs binNumber(RenderBinDetails)

2007-10-04 Thread Christophe Medard
Sorry if the drawing isn't clear (do the images pass the mails submitted in 
the mailing list ? If so, I could quickly make a quick drawing, more clearer 
that this verbatim presentation...) yes E is child of A in my diagram, so 
the answer is B-A-E0-D-C-E1.

I understand that in fact you're saying than the binNumber is the draw order 
number against other children in the parent Group, evaluated in a left-first 
traversall logic. However binNumber inside drawable list of Geode are 
evaluated at once (otherwise the answer would have be B-A-E0-E1-D-C).
If can submit small pictures I may ask a last case where B as children.

I'm sorry I missed something in my second diagram (there is no multipass in 
the one I submitted). In fact I'm wondering about that situation 
(encountered in a personnal shadowMap implementation) :

  osg::Group Root
   |   |   |
   |   |   |
   |osg::Group B   osg::Group C
   |[binNumber = 20]  [binNumber = 30]
   | ||
 osg::Geode A
 [binNumber = 15]

A is child of  Root, B and C simultaneously (therefore A is rendered three 
times, with stateset context successivley of  Root, B, and C).

Is the draw order A-B-C ?

Thanks for those explanations,

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] RenderingHint vs binNumber(RenderBinDetails)

2007-10-04 Thread Christophe Medard
OK, but why introducing a _renderingHint member variable not used and 
therefore confusing (_binNum is the one taken into account, once again if 
I'm correct..) ??

It's not really exclusively an implementation matter : those member 
variables are both clearly saved in the .osg format - readable format highly 
appreciable to infer problem origins when encountered with a complex 
scene -. A newcomer examining his scene graph naturally infer they both have 
a different implication on rendering order...

Anyway thanks for clearing that : binNumber is the important data.

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Osfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] RenderingHint vs binNumber(RenderBinDetails)

 StateSet::setRenderingHint is merly a convenience function for setting
 the bin number and bin name it has no function beyond this.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Use of osgDotNet Wrappers

2007-10-02 Thread Christophe Medard
We are, for a use from C# projects.
The fact is that some accessor functions are lacking of some important classes 
(example Osg.NodeCallback.operator()()).
The solution adopted for instance - which isn't satisfying for will raise 
problem when the osg API evolves - is to patch manually the header and source 
files generated by the osgDotNet Generator from the osgwrapper_*.dll ...

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jason Beverage 
  To: osg users 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 5:27 PM
  Subject: [osg-users] Use of osgDotNet Wrappers

  Hi everyone,

  I'm just curious to see how many people are currently using or are interested 
in using the new osgDotNet wrappers with their applications?  My company is 
currently using our own custom .NET wrappers for OSG but we're interested in 
transitioning to Mike's wrappers and I wanted to get a feel for the number of 
people in the OSG community that would be using the new osgDotNet wrappers. 




  osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] TexMat and Multitexturing

2007-10-02 Thread Christophe Medard
Right, I didn't see the TexMat could be specified texture unit by texture unit, 
through Osg.StateSet.setTextureAttributeAndModes().
Until now, I did :



geode.getOrCreateStateSet().setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, currentTexMatrix, 
geode.getOrCreateStateSet().setTextureAttributeAndModes(1, currentTexMatrix, 

is also valid, and allow to specify things for each texture channel. So please 
forget my question !  


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 09:49:34
Subject: TexMat and Multitexturing

Hi Christophe,

I am not aware of any bugs with setting TexMat on multiple textures.
Are you setting the tex mat on each texture unit separately?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Transparency problem

2007-09-28 Thread Christophe Medard
Hi Paul and Robert,

What you are saying makes sense indeed, I didn't think about that.
I will check that inferring (the database is large and exported from 3DSMax 
using OSGExp) : maybe OSGEXp suffer of some lackings concerning transparency 
issues indeed.
Maybe I have after loading of the .osg (or .ive) to make a quick pass on the 
scenegraph to isolate the TRANSPARENT_BIN affected geometries to associate 
some of them to another (of greater number) bin.

I'll make further inquiries to check that point and see.
I'll keep the mailing list informed of the conclusion cos it may be of 
interest for others.


Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

- Original Message - 
From: Paul Melis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Are you sure that the ground geometry isn't also in the transparent bin?
 I seem to recall this kind of behaviour in the max exporter, where it
 would put everything exported in the transparent bin as soon as there is
 transparency in the scene.


- Original Message - 
From: Robert Osfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Christophe,

 I have seem problems like in your screenshot when items like roads and
 grass are placed incorrectly into the transparent bin, or the items
 like the trees are placed in the opaque bin.


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgDotNet : Nodes adding to scene graph outside main() function scope

2007-09-25 Thread Christophe Medard
Hi everyone,

I don't know if I was very clear in my last post. My problem is to implement in 
C# small sfx in nodes in the scenegraph...

The fact is that as soon as the Osg.Node (in the example the _root 
Osg.PositionAttitudeTransform) that is added to the scene is enterily monitored 
by a C# class (and not statically or locally defined in the main loop 
function), there seems to occur destruction on that Node being nonetheless 
regular in term of OSG reference count (the _root is held by the MySfxInstance, 
added to the sceneGraph, and therefore its ref count is 1).

Of course, in osgDotNet (managed code), ref_ptr and 
osg::Referenced::ref()/unref() aren't ported.
I'm assuming that reference count managing is done according CLR behaviour (as 
long as a reference on your instance is held by someone, the CLR doesn't invoke 
Dispose on that instance). 

Am I missing something obvious ?
Am I the only one using osgDotNet having this problem ?

{ Hereafter follow the same code I sent on friday, focusing on the important 
class and functions and simplified of #regions and unsignicant comments : }

 file MySfx.cs 

public class MySfx
  protected Osg.PositionAttitudeTransform _root;
  protected Osg.Group _psScene;

  public MySfx(float fFar)
_root = null;
_psScene = null;

// Sub scenegraph creation
_root = new Osg.PositionAttitudeTransform();

// Init update callback
_root.setUpdateCallback(new Oktal.OvOsg.MySfxUpdateCallback(this));

  public void setScene(Osg.Group psScene)
if (psScene != null)
_psScene = psScene;

  public void update() 
// Place update code here

internal class MySfxUpdateCallback: Osg.NodeCallback
   protected Oktal.OvOsg.MySfx _mySfx;

   public MySfxUpdateCallback(Oktal.OvOsg.MySfx mysfx) 
 _mySfx = mysfx; 

   public override void op_FunctionCall(Osg.Node node, Osg.NodeVisitor nv)
   if (_mySfx != null)
   traverse(node, nv);

 file Program.cs 

static void Main(string[] args)
// (...)

// load the data
Osg.Node loadedModel = 
OsgViewerExe.OsgDotNetGlobals.osgDBReadNodeFiles(arguments, new 

 // (...)

 // optimize the scene graph, remove redundant nodes and state etc.
 OsgUtil.Optimizer optimizer = new OsgUtil.Optimizer();

 Osg.Group root = new Osg.Group();
 Osg.BoundingSphere info = loadedModel.computeBound();

 Oktal.OvOsg.MySfx sfx = new Oktal.OvOsg.MySfx(info.radius());
 sfx.setScene(root); // equals root.addChild(skyModel);

 // Comment that (default view is away from the scene) shows the bug 
 //viewer.getCameraManipulator().setHomePosition(new Osg.Vec3d(0.0, -10.0, 
50.0), new Osg.Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 50.0), new Osg.Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); 



Thx for any advice !

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

- Original Message - 
From: Christophe Medard 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 5:47 PM
Subject: osgDotNet : Nodes adding to scene graph outside main() function scope

Hi all, 

If I can still think straight (after such a long week), there seems to be a 
major problem for people that want to code special Effects in osgDotNet in C#  
If you want to add to your main scenegraph osg::Nodes that are held by (because 
created, updated and modified by) an SFX class, you quickly have memory 
corruption problems due to the fact that Dispose calls are done on those nodes 
whose reference count is greater than 0.  

This problem doesn't occur in a similar code written in C++ - using native osg 
dlls - in which a destructor is implementable for the SFX class, and 
osg::Referenced::ref() (resp. unref()) methods can be called when osg::Nodes 
are created (resp. inside SFX class' destructor).

I'm attaching a very short C# example illustrating that.
The application crashes rapidly, in Release or Debug. The shallow Debug trace 
is :

I must say to be complete that for instance I'm using version 2.0.0 of OSG and 

If there's is a way to avoid those Dispose calls on regular Nodes I'm 
interested to know !!
(My preceeding attemps of sfx implementation in C# where done roughly entirely 
in the main() function, which doesn't raise problems...)

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29___
osg-users mailing

Re: [osg-users] Trackball and view question

2007-09-18 Thread Christophe Medard
Trackball and view questionHi,

The trackballManipulator recomputes the home position (should be called home 
positions in fact since there are three of them) when the scene is set on the 
osgViewer if you don't call 

The View Matrix you'll get the first time is highly dependent of the 
TrackballManipulator::_homeCenter value (among others).
Since it's a lookAt Matrix that is computed, you can have the impression your 
point of view is the same when looking your window even if you get different 
values in your code (if the direction of sight is the same, unnormalized, for 
Hope it helps,

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

- Original Message - 
From: Poirier, Guillaume 
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 4:19 PM
Subject: [osg-users] Trackball and view question

Hello everyone,

I am using a SimpleViewer. I set up a post draw callback on its main camera. In 
I read the camera eye, center, and up vectors. Initially, this give me (0, 0, 
(0, 0, -1), and (0, 1, 0) respectively. This is what I expect and it gives me a
particular view of my scene.

Now I add a trackball manipulator to the main camera and set up the view similar
to what I had previously. When I read back the data it is quite different. I 
would have
expected the same camera position / orientation than before since what I see is
similar. Unless the trackball affects the model position / orientation and not 
the view ? How can I use a trackball and read back in the post draw callback the
values I want ?



osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Lighting behavior and osgViewer::osgViewer

2007-09-13 Thread Christophe Medard
In fact I was puzzled by the fact that if no directional Light is set in the 
scene graph, the one set transversally onto the draw traversal by the osgViewer 
(through the cull visitor, ie not in the scenegraph) becomes active. I was 
unsure about that indeed, but as you say it's not as soon as at least one light 
is present in the scene graph (GL_LIGHT0 == Viewer's HEADLIGHT if and only if 
no LightSource is present in the scene).

Debugging a light effect where you can have to deactivate diffuse lights appear 
tricky not knowing that. Maybe a default behaviour of the viewer where lighting 
is OFF would have been clearer.

Now I have the whole picture thanks to you and Robert, thanks.

- Effectively, you can merely work into the scenegraph with osgViewer, since 
viewer.getCamera()-getOrCreateStateSet()-setMode(..) only activate things on 
attributes and modes not encountered in the loaded scenegraph ; those who are 
set in the scenegraph aren't reset by osgViewer. So does the osglight example 
- Debugging peacefully an ambient effect can be done : passing through 
viewer.getCamera()-getOrCreateStateSet()-setMode(..) works to disable the 
'transversal' diffuse light established by the viewer.
- viewer.setLightingMode() doesn't seem too work well, in v.2.0.0 nor 2.1.10 
(it's not vital to me).

  - Original Message - 
  From: Paul Martz 
  To: 'OpenSceneGraph Users' 
  Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 4:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [osg-users] Lighting behavior and osgViewer::osgViewer

  Hi Christophe --

  If I'm reading your email right, you have two concerns:

   1. You don't understand how SceneView uses its _light member variable. 
Without digging into the code, I'm not sure either. But I suspect it 
circumvents the typical update/cull traversals and slaps the light state 
directly into the positional state of the draw traversal. As _light just 
controls GL_LIGHT_0, you don't need to access _light or even its StateSet -- 
you just need to specify your own alternate values for GL_LIGHT_0.

   2. You seem to be unsure that you can fully control lighting and 
simultaneously use osgViewer. This is not the case, and again I direct you to 
the osglight example program, which uses osgViewer and overrides lighting 
effects directly in the scene graph.

  Hope that helps,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Osfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: OpenSceneGraph Users
  Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 3:28 PM
  Subject: Re: [osg-users] Lighting behavior and osgViewer::osgViewer

  Hi Christophe,

  I wouldn't recommended messing with SceneView unless you really have to.

  osgViewer now honours the Camera's StateSet, and this acts as the
  global StateSet.  You can simply sets modes and attributes you want on
  the camera i.e.


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Lighting behavior and osgViewer::osgViewer

2007-09-12 Thread Christophe Medard
Hi all,

I'm stuck with an issue that should be extremely simple, but anyway I don't get 

- How is running the default Lighting Mode set in osgViewer ? 
That class contains an osg::Light _light member that is instanciated but I can 
find anywhere its linking to the scene graph !?
- What is the difference between HEADLIGHT and SKY_LIGHT ?
The question is raised because I don't see indeed the _light member use...
- Isn't it strange that osgViewer::setLightingMode(NO_LIGHT) doesn't unref and 
free the _light member ?
The default is HEADLIGHT when the users instanciates his osgViewer : if right 
after he chooses setLightingMode(NO_LIGHT) before calling run(), _light is 
allocated even if it is not in use...
- How can I deactivate the lighting set by default by the osgViewer ?
I've been trying :

osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);
viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::XXXHandler);

osg::ref_ptrosg::Node loadedModel = osgDB::readNodeFiles(arguments);

viewer.setLight(NULL); // 1
viewer.setLightingMode(NO_LIGHT);  // 2
osg::StateAttribute::OFF); // 3

viewer.setSceneData( root.get() );

1, 2 or 3 seems to be of no use , the default lighting coming with 
osgViewer adds itself to the one contained in my scene (loadedModel), which 
harass me to debug my scene content...

Any help or explanation would be great, maybe I missed something obvious...?

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Reference Guide

2007-08-23 Thread Christophe Medard
I did buy it (well, let's say, I had oktal do). 

The Getting Started book is much more interesting than the Reference Guide, 

The thing with the getting started is that it is meant for newbie programmers 
that never used scene graph API's.
There is a need for a guide thought of this way (written with the same spirit), 
but on OSG internal aspects, intended for experienced programmers that are 
interested in developping new Node kits. Not necessarily long, but on vitals 
points (I mentioned the three ones I see in my first mail) 
That's usually called a Programming Guide (see the extremely well written one 
for OpenGL Performer). The Reference Guide as-is is only useful for developpers 
coding on vacation, not necessarily having access to the net.

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

  - Original Message - 
  From: Paul Martz 
  Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 3:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [osg-users] Reference Guide


Has anyone bought the OSG Reference Guide? I wanted to know if you thought 
it was better than the reference guide that you download from the OSG website. 
I thinking about buying it, but I wanna make sure it is complete. By that I 
mean, does it really explain what each function does? 

  The description for the OSG Reference Manual states pretty clearly that it 
covers osg, osgUtil, and osgDB, and is created directly from the source code 
using Doxygen files. So, it is incomplete at this time.

  Additional books in the series will cover other OSG modules, and future 
versions of these books will contain more complete descriptions of functions. 
Buying the current book will provide funding to help ensure that future 
documentation efforts proceed forward.

  I know this probably sounds like I'm saying, the book stinks now, but if you 
don't buy it, it won't get any better :-) In actuality, the current Reference 
Manual has many benefits over what you can obtain with standard Doxygen files, 
including TOC, index, introduction, overview of changes from v1.2 to v2.0, and 
improved formatting for print publication. So, I do think it's worth the 
purchase price.

  Paul Martz
  Skew Matrix Software LLC
  303 859 9466


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[osg-users] osgDotNet : Used from C#

2007-08-17 Thread Christophe Medard
Hi again,

Thanks for all those answers ! 

 Did you rebuild the osgWrappers/osgSim DLL?  If that builds without error the 
 osgDotNet generator
 should see your additions.  Note that the build of the osgWrappers DLLs is 
 not enabled in the 
 default CMake configuration; you need to turn on BUILD_OSG_WRAPPERS.

Well in fact, I didn't pay attention to the osgwrapper_osgxxx.dlls since I 
thought the input for the Generator was the cpp source files of the wrappers 
and not the built dlls. 
You're perfectly right about the CMake built .sln (make sure to call Rebuild 
Wrapper osgSim and not simply Build, since I left OFF the BUILD_OSG_WRAPPERS in 
CMake), anyway that's what I did yesterday, and had that DLL rebuilt indeed. 
I don't understay what goes wrong since I see - using Depends.exe for example - 
my additions' symbols inside the native osgSim.dll. The OPENSCENEGRAPH_X86_DIR 
variable is okay too. I don't get it for now...

 Virtual function invocation among wrappers, user-defined subclasses of 
 wrappers, and native code works

 in all directions by virtue of the design of osgDotNet.  This support also 
 extends to hand-coded virtual 

 function wrappers if their implementations mimic the auto-generated support 
 code for virtual functions.

Ok, that soothe my mind on that !! 

Knowing that, solving the operator wrapping problem becomes the right point to 
work on.. 

 Take a look at the custom code items in the GeneratorConfiguration.cpp file 
 in the osgDotNet generator 

 source.  That mechanism is used to insert arbitrary code into 
 osgDotNet-generated wrapper classes, so 

 hand-coded wrapper functions to support NodeCallback::operator() could be 
 added there.

I see, you're talking about the getCustomCode() thing. 

I may try something there... if I get to something clean enough I may submit it 
to the team.

Thanks very much for giving those clues !

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgDotNet : Used from C#

2007-08-17 Thread Christophe Medard
 You'll need to add code to the adapter and unknown object classes in the same 
 file to complete the 
 support.  Take a look at, for example, the generated wrapper code for 
 osg::Group::replaceChild for 
 a model of what the code should look like.

oops... I missed the ___NodeCallback_adapter and 
___NodeCallback_unknown_object_ classes... The first one seems to deal with 
what puzzled me.
Right on : it works !!

 It sounds like the generator may be picking up an old or wrong 
 osgwrapper_osgSim.dll for some reason.  

 If you set the environment variable OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL to DEBUG before 
 executing the generator it'll 

 cause the OSG DLL loader to tell you exactly which wrapper DLLs are being 

Again you're right : the generator took the osgwrapper_osgSim.dll in the 
location pointed by my Windows Path, not by the OPENSCENEGRAPH_X86_DIR.

Since I have multiple versions of OSG on the computer, you see the mistake...

However that local OSG copy patching is just a a quick-and-ugly solution, as 
you wrote. I'll keep an eye on osgIntrospection roadmap and even try to see if 
I can help (even if I'm much more familiar with .NET System.Reflection and 
System.Attribute classes -- not responding portability issues, even if Mono 
exists -- to deal with interface discovering issues).  

Everything works perfectly well knowing that, thanks a bunch !!

I think I get the whole thing now. 

Thanks a lot again.

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgDotNet : Used from C#

2007-08-16 Thread Christophe Medard
The osgIntrospection+osgWrapper and osgDotNet-generator work very well 
together. (See
Thanks to the osg team for such taht interesting release ! 
After a bunch of tests, the generated Managed C++ DLLs work perfeclty well 
referenced in a C# solution and porting a native osg program to osgDotNet in 
C# is quick since names of classes, methods and stay the same through the 
osgDotNet API.

Yet, two problems remain for the programmer that wants to build an interactive 
application in .NET (C# in my case) :
(A) Debugger use. As is, it seems impossible to examine the unmanaged C++ 
content (native osg) carried by osgDotNet instances, even if the Enable 
unmanaged code debugging option is set active in the Debug properties of the 
(B) Update vs Draw. Some fundamental methods of classes (ie 
Osg.NodeCallback.operator()()) aren't wrapped. Also, some classes interface 
become very static in osgDotNet compared to native osg because their 
fundamental members were set public and accessed directly in the native API 
(limitation of osgIntrospection, as explained among the last points of 
). An example is OsgSim.LightPoint and _on member.

Regarding (A)...
The Generator builds an osgDotNet solution that only links with the release 
versions of the native osg libraries (which stays in phase with the fact that 
using osgDotNet dlls, you have to copy aside your osg.NET dlls - on set in the 
Windows Path - release versions of the native osg Dlls as explained at
Question A1 Is that the main explanation of (A), or is there something else ?
Question A1bis Can we modify the osgDotNet solution produced by the generator 
to link with debug version of the native osf librairies to solve the (A) 
problem ?

Regarding (B)... 
Solving the issue with for example the lightpoint is easy : I only have to make 
a few accessor add in (native) osgSim as well as in osgWrappers/osgSim and 
rebuild OpenSceneGraph. In other words a quickly coded litlle patch on the osg 
native release. 
Question B1 There, just one question : is it useful to submit to the OSG 
community those patches as we introduce them or will the release to com (2.2.0) 
include those or an osgIntrospection improvement that will render this obsolete 
Concerning the more important NodeCallback issue, it may be embarassing : it is 
a callback method called from the native osg internals that have to impact the 
overriden method coded in C#. 
Question B2 Will the mere patching of the osg release (as for the LightPoint) 
work in that case ? The macros used inside osgWrappers/xxx (osgIntrospection 
macros) include virtualstate assesment, but will it work on that case where the 
caller is the osg native core, not a .NET call coming from inside the C# 
application ?

Thanks for comments or answers.

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgDotNet : Used from C#

2007-08-16 Thread Christophe Medard
Hi Mike

 Regarding (A1): you'll need to build the Debug osgDotNet assemblies and use 
 them with the 
 Debug OSG DLLs.  (...)  Unfortunately you can't see the native state when 
 stepping through 
 the managed code. Also, debugging across the managed/unmanaged boundary only 
 for 32 bit code, not 64 bit, due to a CLR/Visual Studio limitation.

(A1) That's what I planned to do : link Debug Configuration os osgDotNet.sln 
with Debug version of the native osg librairies (and run it aside native osg 
Debug dlls) ; link Release Configuration os osgDotNet.sln with Release version 
of the native osg librairies (and run it aside native osg Release dlls).

I'm currently working with 32 bit code ; I'll see to what extent I can see 
what's going on on the unmanaged side...

(B) Well in fact I tried this afternoon the local OSG copy patching idea, but 
it doesn't seem to work. I can't see why... taking the LightPoint issue : 
{a} I've added two accessor methods in include/osgSim/LightPoint and 
src/osgSim/LightPoint.cpp - that 'updates' native osg dll and library
{b} I've added those through I_Method and I_Method macros in 
src/osgWrappers/LightPoint.cpp - that should be taken into account by 
Generator when generating again Generator/output/src/osgSim/LightPoint.cpp and 

{a} worked perfecly but not {b} : the osgDotNet solution generation still works 
but doesn't provide anything new into LightPoint class definition...
For instance I don't understand why.

I totally agree with you the fact that local patches aren't ideal, it can only 
be a temporary solution.
I wish I'd have understood the main fundamentals of osgIntrospection and 
genwrapper (for in fact source files in osgWrappers aren't supposed to be 
editted, gloups !) but just getting in touch with osg it's not the case yet. 

 Currently there is a rudimentary mechanism in the code generator to add 
 custom support code to 
 classes.  In the absence of support for operator functions in 
 osgIntrospection, this could be used 
 to handle the NodeCallback issue, including virtual calls from C++ to C#.

I don't really understand what you mean by that ; can you tell me a little more 

Thanks a lot for your answer !

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29
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