Re: 6x7 checkup

2002-04-28 Thread Bruce Dayton


Sorry to hear about your parts camera.  Doesn't sound like it will win
any beauty contests.

 I just shot a wedding today entirely with my 67II. I have to agree
about fitting your hand.  The 67II grips are even better than the 67.
You can really hold on to the camera well. Then when I picked up my
MZ-S, I noticed how it didn't fit my hand quite as well as the 67II.
Gotta love that format.

Bruce Dayton

Saturday, April 27, 2002, 4:48:37 PM, you wrote:

WK Hey gang,

WK Just got my $78 6x7 in the mail.  It looks really beat up, and may
WK not have been worth the price, but at least I have a parts camera.  I'm
WK trying to figure out how to test out the shutter, and everything else.

WKCan anyone tell me how to tell if this is a MLU 6x7 or not?  What am
WK I looking for?

WKMirror is stuck in the half-way-up position.  No battery (I'm gonna
WK go out to get one in a bit).  Of course, no lens and no film and no
WK prism.

WKMy first thoughts?  WOW, THIS is an SLR that's PERFECTLY sized to my
WK hand.  If this camera doesn't work, I'm defininitly going to wind up
WK with a 6x7, or possibly 67II that does work.

WK Illinois Bill
WK -
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zeiss lens for pentax k mount

2002-04-28 Thread wayne willis \(aka pinkys right hand man\)

i haVE a zeiss 28mm f2.8 lens for pentax and the image quality is awesome is
thjere other zeiss lenses available for pentax
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Re: MZ-3 and MZ-5n

2002-04-28 Thread Chris Brogden

On Sun, 28 Apr 2002, wendy beard wrote:

 Can anyone tell me of any obvious differences between the MZ-3 and the
 MZ-5n apart from the top shutter speed being higher on the 3? (and the
 price, of course)

There's the same number of shutter speed marks on the dial, so the
addition of 1/4000 on the 3 means that instead of going down to 2s like
the 5n does, the 3 only goes down to 1s.  That's from memory, but I think
it's accurate.  The 3 also syncs at 1/125 instead of 1/100.  There might
be some minor differences in addition to these, but these are the main

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Re: OT (Was: For Dave and Buddy ... )

2002-04-28 Thread Shel Belinkoff

If you don't want to seem insensitive, don't post insensitive comments
... you come across as a real jerk (I didn't want to appear insensitive,
but I had to tell it like it is).

Mishka wrote:
 don't want to seem insensitive (i was sorry to hear about Buddy), but just
 couldn't help myself
  Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...
 ...and the poor creature finally follows its owner to hell.

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: K, A, M macro lenses...

2002-04-28 Thread Paul Jones

K lenses are generally less common than M and A series lenses.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: K, A, M macro lenses...

 K and M has a *lot* better build in my view. A has better coating.
 If the design is the same (check the Boz's site -- I think they are),
 I can't see why K should be more expensive.

  well ok, lets say there are 3 100/4 lenses. One k, a, m each. I can
  understand A being priced at more because of the A feature. But is there
  a optical quality reason to price the K more than the M ? I can
  understand rarity factor but that plays only for collectors...
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LX Screen in MeSuper?

2002-04-28 Thread Paul Jones


Just wondering if an LX screen will fit in an MeSuper? i assume the meter
would definately be out.

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Barely sorta on-topic-ish if you squint at it just right: my day

2002-04-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm a few hundred messages behind at the moment.  

*Part* of the reason for that is that one band's busy season has
begun, and another band got involved in a play.

Anyhow, I was on stage (well actually _beside_ the stage, since
it was too small to fit all nine of us, and was only a platform a 
couple inches tall anyhow) at the Southern Maryland Celtic Festival, 
noticing the occasional flash of a ps and catching glimpses of
small digital cameras here and there, when all of a sudden I found
myself staring into a HUGE EYE about four feet in front of me.

It turned out to be the business end of a Nikon 28-70/2.8, with 
a funky hood on it, an F100 behind it (with a flip-flash bracket),
and a fairly cute photographer behind that.  She let me look at
her camera afterwards.

Now y'all may recall that I like the KX, K2, and H3, and say that
the Super Program would be a little small for my hands if it weren't
for the grip-thingie on the front of it, but I gotta say that my
first impression picking up the F100 was, Hey, isn't this thing 
a little large?

No, I didn't hold it up to my KX to compare, but it did occur to
me that I was mentally comparing it to Tom's MZ-S that I'd seen
three weeks earlier.

I've got to admit that it seems to be a nice camera.  We spent a
little while talking cameras.  She said she'd switched from Nikon 
to Canon a while back to chase some feature (I *think* it was
autofocus speed??) and had recently moved back to Nikon because
she wanted digital (her digital camera was in the shop, so she
didn't have it with her).  She mentioned what a Truly Great
Camera the K1000 was, so I showed her the KX.  She agreed that
Pentax forward and backward lens compatibility between generations
was a Very Good Thing, and said trap focus sounded really cool.  
We bitched about Kodachrome 25 going away.  

The band had a good set, we sold a bunch of copies of our CD, I hugged
friends I don't see often enough, I had a little homebrew (a Scottish
heavy ale brewed by the folks of Clan MacAthair; a little on the
sweet side (positive attribute in my book) with a distinctly
fruity flavour -- I liked it a lot), I got really sweaty and tired,
and I got to listen to a bunch of other really good Celtic musicians.
And I got to see lots of pretty women in styles of clothing I happen
to really, really like.  (Hmm.  I could edit that line out, but hey,
I have eyes and I have certain tastes, and I do rather enjoy seeing
folks wandering around in 16th, 17th, and 18th Century Scottish
attire.)  I burned some film, but my attention was pulled in a lot
of other directions most of the time.  It'd be a great event to 
seriously photograph if I didn't have other things I have to pay
attention to.

That stage was under a tent with the back wall down and the other
three walls open.  White, so it was a metering issue.  When I had
some Tri-X loaded, I started thinking that a couple of musicians
in another band would make cool silhouettes.  Gonna have to see
whether any of the frames I shot wind up being good for that.

Then there was the ceilidh afterwards, fourteen miles away, which
my band was hosting.  So this has been a _long_ day for me, and I
went and did tiring stuff after I got myself good and tired.  But
it was a good ceilidh -- people got into it, people danced, other
musicians performed, and we ended with a big jam session.  Halfway
through I even remembered I had an FL-D filter in my bag.  (Yeah,
I was really awake, uh huh.)  A certain flutist decided to run over
and start tickling me while I was playing my guitar behind my head.
Sheesh!  Every try to keep on the beat while being tickled and trying
to run away?  A challenge.  

But I've got a gripe about fluorescent lighting other than the
colour:  I *really* wanted to shoot faster than 1/60.  I was tired,
and I wanted to use something longer than 50mm (I used the 85/2
there for the most part, but longer would have been better for 
several shots), so bumping the speed up a couple steps to help out 
with the camera shake issue would've been nice.  *sigh*

Of course, the really cool thing to photograph at the ceilidh would
have been the Scottish dancing, but I had a guitar in my hands 
instead of a camera at that point.

So that was my day:  good music, good company, good audiences,
good beer, good weather, photography geeking, some cute shots
that I hope I held the camera steady enough for (three and a 
half rolls), a lot of potential photos I saw but didn't get, 
a big dose of sweaty exhaustion, and about three and a half
hours of driving.

And ten hours from now I'll be playing for a matinee performance
of that play I mentioned.  (The Taming of the Shrew, if anyone's
curious.  In the first wedding scene -- Act I scene III??? -- 
Catherine whacks me with her bouquet and knocks me over in the
middle of a tune.)  So for me 'tis off to bed; to sleep, perchance
to ... oh, wait, that's the wrong play, isn't it?  ;-)  Good night!



2002-04-28 Thread Frankie Lee

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Another bargain!

2002-04-28 Thread John Coyle

Picked an ESII in not bad condition today, for A$55 including an SMC 
50/1,4  and a Vivitar 2x converter, a couple of irrelevant flash guns 
and a close up lens #4, all in an aluminium case.  Unfortunately, the 
lens had obviously been run over by a truck, as the barrel was oval 
rather than round.  Somebody had tried to make it seem Ok by filling 
the barrel with oil, losing a couple of retaining screws in the process 
of disassembling it!  I'll only keep it to practice taking it apart!
It's all cleaned up now and the question I have is: does anyone know 
the equivalent current battery to replace the A76's I found in it?

John Coyle
Brisbane, Australia
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Re: Another bargain!

2002-04-28 Thread Nitin Garg

S76, LR44,.. the list of compatible battery is long :)
Just take the one you took to store and ask for an equivalent one.

On Sun, Apr 28, 2002 at 06:53:17PM +1000, John Coyle wrote:
 Picked an ESII in not bad condition today, for A$55 including an SMC 
 50/1,4  and a Vivitar 2x converter, a couple of irrelevant flash guns 
 and a close up lens #4, all in an aluminium case.  Unfortunately, the 
 lens had obviously been run over by a truck, as the barrel was oval 
 rather than round.  Somebody had tried to make it seem Ok by filling 
 the barrel with oil, losing a couple of retaining screws in the process 
 of disassembling it!  I'll only keep it to practice taking it apart!
 It's all cleaned up now and the question I have is: does anyone know 
 the equivalent current battery to replace the A76's I found in it?
 John Coyle
 Brisbane, Australia
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marker bid of a different kind.... (smc 50mm f1.2)

2002-04-28 Thread Nitin Garg

I remember someone here looking for 50/1.2 and that the last one went
for much more than this. I dont need or particularly want this one.
Whoever wants it can take it :) (err... not free ofcourse).

Is there any place where pdml-ers have noted the lenses they are looking
for and the price expected ? That would allow others to help out when
they can.
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[no subject]

2002-04-28 Thread Alexander Krohe

someone wrote: 
K and M has a *lot* better build in my view. A has
better coating. If the design is the same (check the
Boz's site -- I think they are), I can't see why K
should be more expensive.

Depending on the price range, the built quality of the
A-lenses differ. Cheaper lenses (e.g. the A28/2) have
plastic barrels while the more expensive ones have
metal all-barrels. IMO there is not much difference in
the built quality between the all-metal A-lenses and
the M-lenses. 
Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness
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Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

2002-04-28 Thread Pål Audun Jensen

Jonathan wrote:

#1)I was inspired to save up and hold out (look
harder?) for a Pentax K18/3.5 until I learned its true
focal length of 19mm.

Where did you learn that? Mine seem awfully wide

Can it take the Cokin P system without vignetting?

The 18/3.5 can take it if you're careful with the alignment of the filter 
holder. If you cut the two outermost filter slots it should be no problem.

#4)Speaking of f22, does anyone know how the A20/2.8
does at this aperture? Stan's lens comment site
indicates the K18/3.5 is poor in this respect.

The 18/3.5 isn't really that poor (you should have seen the results with my 
FA645 45/2.8 - that's poor). It suffers from soft corners at F:22. I have 
not used the 20mm lenses but I doubt that you will find any super wide 
angle that's not so-so at F:22 due to diffraction.

Anyway, I recommend the 18/3.5. It is not that good wide open but it is 
excellent at mid apertures. A drawback for some will be the very warm color 

As you can probably tell, I'm leaning toward aquiring
a 15mm ~and~ a 20mm to cover the ultra-wide range. I
don't really want to do this, but it seems I have
little choice. There dosen't seem to be a decent
quality in between lens that can take the place of

Well, I think the 18/3.5 qualifies...

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Re: Barely sorta on-topic-ish if you squint at it just right: my day

2002-04-28 Thread Cotty

Hi Glenn,

Great tale! More of it I say - and totally on-topic as far as I'm 
concerned. Sounds like you had a great time, and when the chips are down, 
that's just the sorta thing i like to read - inspires me to get off my 
lazy arse and grab the gear :-)

Thanks a lot,


PS Did you get the cute nikon girl's number?? ;-)

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Scanner/format comparison website

2002-04-28 Thread Cotty

Hi folks,

This may be interesting to those of you looking at scanners vs format vs 
quality. It's a Japanese site, but there's enough English to be able to 
follow it - just:

My sister's bloke pointed it out to me. He's a website designer and 
photographer (35mm, 645 and 5X4). Here's what he had to say after I 
quizzed him about scanners for 120 film (WRT the Japanese site):

Lots of comparisons at Its a Japanese site 
where geek has taken same photo on 35mm, 6x4.5 and 5x4, scanned at 
different resolutions and put onto web site. 
For 35mm he uses Nikon SuperCoolscan 4000ED, med  large format Canon 
D2400UF and Microtek ScanMaker 8700. All images are jpeg (highest 
quality) from original scans. The 5x4 scanned on Canon opens in photoshop 
to be a 227MB file !!!. 6x4.5 opens as 57MB and Nikon on 35mm at 4000 
dpi 59MB - hence the Nikon and Canon on 6x4.5 are quite a good comparison 
- and Canon is shite in comaprison.

Another comaprison is between Nikon at 2400 (35mm film) and Canon with 
both med format at 2400 dpi and 5x4 at 2400 dpi

Canon 5x4 is sharpest, then nikon 35mm, then last, by a long way, the med 
format 6x4.5 on canon or microtek.
However, the Dmax of Canon is less than the Nikon and there was, 
consequently, considereably more noise in the shadows of Canon scans.

I am buying this scanner so I can scan my 5x4's but have to accept it is 
not up to scanning my 6x4.5's.

Hence I still have no idea how to scan 6x4.5 and this is a huge problem 
as I am trying to get my on line photo library up and running. I may have 
to invest in a med format tranny scanner but I do not know which is any 
good - still researching.

When I need a 6x4.5 scanned i still go to my local printers who have a 
drum scanner, I've had some awesum  200MB files off him which have been 
printed well onto large format display inkjet.

There are flatbeds that scan trannies OK but they are top of the range 
microtek, Sintex, Linsoscan etc and all cost mor ethan a Nikon 8000. so 
why buy one of those - no one needs to scan paper at 2400 dpi - its 
texture is far too rough !

The ArtixScan 4500t from Microtek wil give adequate quality up to A3+ 
from 6x4.5 and, for me, would be better than Nikon 8000 as it does 5x4 - 
but it too is silly price.
Nikon 8000ED sounds very good - has a Dmax of 4.2 and scannes at 4000 dpi.
Havn't looked into Poloroid or Minolta yet but latter is not well 
respected and Pol are made by microtek (or visa versa.)



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Re: Re: Re: Sorry OT:No more Buddy

2002-04-28 Thread David Brooks

Actually he did Jeff,sorry i forgot to add that.

 Begin Original Message 


Yea, that could be just as painful.
Aaron didn't feel sorry about your cat? Bummer.


Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada

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Re: For Dave and Buddy ...

2002-04-28 Thread David Brooks

Thanks for sending that Shel.Very nice.


Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada

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Re: Kodak Royal Gold 1000

2002-04-28 Thread David Brooks

I was hoping to try some this spring but its 
not available at the 2 stores i buy film from 
anymore.Only the RG 100-200 and 400


Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada

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Re: Scanner question

2002-04-28 Thread kleickly

I've been using the HP ScanJet 5470 for a number of months now, and I really 
like the scans.  It does a good job on slides and negatives 2400 x 2400, and 
for a relatively inexpensive scanner (less than $300), I think it does an 
awesome job.  
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Re: OT (Was: For Dave and Buddy ... )

2002-04-28 Thread Ken Archer

Yeah and she didn't take long on the list to make my kill file as well.

On Saturday 27 April 2002 10:33 pm, Shel Belinkoff wrote:
 If you don't want to seem insensitive, don't post insensitive
 comments ... you come across as a real jerk (I didn't want to appear
 insensitive, but I had to tell it like it is).

 Mishka wrote:
  don't want to seem insensitive (i was sorry to hear about Buddy),
  but just couldn't help myself
   Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...
  ...and the poor creature finally follows its owner to hell.

Kenneth Archer, San Antonio, Texas
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Re: Another bargain!

2002-04-28 Thread Ken Archer

Take your pick:
357, Type J, 228, 10L14, Rw22, RW42, G-13, G-13F, WL14, SR44W, 7, 541, 
8008, D76, EPX76, F76, 576, GP76, MS76H. RS76, K576.

On Sunday 28 April 2002 03:53 am, John Coyle wrote:
 Picked an ESII in not bad condition today, for A$55 including an SMC
 50/1,4  and a Vivitar 2x converter, a couple of irrelevant flash guns
 and a close up lens #4, all in an aluminium case.  Unfortunately, the
 lens had obviously been run over by a truck, as the barrel was oval
 rather than round.  Somebody had tried to make it seem Ok by filling
 the barrel with oil, losing a couple of retaining screws in the
 process of disassembling it!  I'll only keep it to practice taking it
 apart! It's all cleaned up now and the question I have is: does
 anyone know the equivalent current battery to replace the A76's I
 found in it?

 John Coyle
 Brisbane, Australia
Kenneth Archer, San Antonio, Texas
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Re: For Dave and Buddy ...

2002-04-28 Thread kleickly

This is so beautiful it made me cry.  Thank you for posting these comforting 
words.  It's so sad to lose a beloved pet.  

My condolences to Dave and his family on their loss of Buddy.  I lost my cat, 
Gus, a couple of years ago at age 2 due to a congenital kidney problem.  But 
then, along came Francis, an orange tabby just like Gus, who really needed a 
permanent home and found one with us.  While he is not Gus, he really filled 
a void for us.

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Re: Re: Barely sorta on-topic-ish if you squint at it just right: my day

2002-04-28 Thread David Brooks

Cotty,i think he said it was 28702.8VBG
 Begin Original Message 

PS Did you get the cute nikon girl's number?? ;-

Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada

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Re: Re: Another bargain!

2002-04-28 Thread David Brooks

Duracell #303/357 should do it.Also replaces 
the LR44.The are not expensive,usually under 
$3.00 Can at Home Depot


 Begin Original Message 

From: Nitin Garg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
S76, LR44,.. the list of compatible battery is 
long :)
Just take the one you took to store and ask for 
an equivalent one.

Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada

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Re: I WON!!! at Ebay

2002-04-28 Thread Dan Kirsch

Subject: Re: I WON!!! at Ebay

- - Original Message -
From: Cotty
Subject: Re: I WON!!! at Ebay

 Does anyone ever snipe when there's no bids on an item?? g

As much as I hate to have to admit it, I've taken to sniping in almost every
situation.  I'd lost a couple of things that I really wanted by someone who bumped
it up by $1 at the last second, and that's when I decided to start sniping.  And
since you can get snipes for free, well it doesn't cost me anything (since you get
free ones when someone signs up to get their free ones!).

I've found that even when I only snipe on things, you can pretty much count on
snipe bids at the end for anything really good.  And I also learned early on that
bidding on something attracts attention to it.  So yes, I'd rather wait until the
end and snipe...even if there are no bids on it.

Dan Kirsch
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Re: Re: MZ-3 and MZ-5n

2002-04-28 Thread David Brooks

Brendan.Did you put a grip on yours,or do they 
come with one.Thats why i backed off on the 
5n,felt to small.


Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada

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Re: OT (Was: For Dave and Buddy ... )

2002-04-28 Thread Paul Stenquist

Mishka's comment about the rainbow bridge did make me smile. I think it
was only offered in jest. Let's be honest, the rainbow bridge is a wee
bit over the top. A bit of levity in response was not totally
inappropriate or insensitive.

Ken Archer wrote:
 Yeah and she didn't take long on the list to make my kill file as well.
 On Saturday 27 April 2002 10:33 pm, Shel Belinkoff wrote:
  If you don't want to seem insensitive, don't post insensitive
  comments ... you come across as a real jerk (I didn't want to appear
  insensitive, but I had to tell it like it is).
  Mishka wrote:
   don't want to seem insensitive (i was sorry to hear about Buddy),
   but just couldn't help myself
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...
   ...and the poor creature finally follows its owner to hell.
 Kenneth Archer, San Antonio, Texas
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 go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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sniping (was: Re: I WON!!! at Ebay)

2002-04-28 Thread Paul F. Stregevsky

William Robb wrote:
  Does anyone ever snipe when there's no bids on an item?? g

Absolutely! Someone on the list recently published a URL to a study 
confirming that once a first bid has been placed, an item will draw more 
bidders. I've found this to be true, and for this reason often lurk until 
the final moments.

As a seller, I haven't been very savvy, setting a wide difference between 
my starting price and my BIN price. The wide disparity has only encouraged 
buyers to avoid the BIN.

Last week I was shopping for an MH-RA67 metal hood, the hood used on the 
85/1.4 PKA and the 135/4 Macro in the Pentax 67 (or is it 645)? It sells 
for $54 at BH. There were three on EBay; two had BINs at $40. Bidding on 
all three began at $15 or $20. One auction would end on the 26th, the 
second on the 27th, the third on the 29th. A history search showed that the 
hood tends to linger unsold at $30 and $25. I thought about bidding $40 
without BINning, hoping to get it for 40 or less. But one BIN had 
disappeared, and bidding on another was up to $26.50. I didn't want to 
spend the workday ahead worried whether I'd get one for less than the $40 I 
might have had. So the day before it closed, I nabbed it for $40.

There was also a convenience factor: Among the three, it alone let me pay 
online for free. (I could pay online via BidPay for one of the others, but 
there's a $5 charge.) And shipping was just $4, versus $6 for the other two.

Paul Franklin Stregevsky
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2002-04-28 Thread Rob Studdert

On 28 Apr 2002 at 3:46, Alexander Krohe wrote:

 Depending on the price range, the built quality of the
 A-lenses differ. Cheaper lenses (e.g. the A28/2) have
 plastic barrels while the more expensive ones have
 metal all-barrels. IMO there is not much difference in
 the built quality between the all-metal A-lenses and
 the M-lenses.

Both the the A28/2 that I sold and the one that I have currently have all metal 
engraved barrels, focus ring and aperture rings and are not inexpensive.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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Re: OT (Was: For Dave and Buddy ... )

2002-04-28 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Let's be honest, Paul - *you* think Rainbow Bridge is over the top. 
Many people find it warm and touching.  To poke fun of someone's
sadness, or how they deal with grief or that sadness, is, as Mishka
said, insensitive, and in so saying he/she/it knew it might offend or
upset some people.

Rainbow Bridge has been around for many, many years.  It's helped
unknown numbers of people get through the loss of their pets.  IMO, it's
no more over the top than some religious rites and rituals, and far less
over the top than many.

Paul Stenquist wrote:
 Mishka's comment about the rainbow bridge did make me smile. I think it
 was only offered in jest. Let's be honest, the rainbow bridge is a wee
 bit over the top. A bit of levity in response was not totally
 inappropriate or insensitive.

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

2002-04-28 Thread Rob Studdert

On 27 Apr 2002 at 21:22, Jonathan Donald wrote:

 #1)I was inspired to save up and hold out (look
 harder?) for a Pentax K18/3.5 until I learned its true
 focal length of 19mm. That seems so close to 20mm,
 that I might as well just get the A20/2.8 which is
 [somewhat] cheaper, easier to find, and faster (but
 not as wide as I wanted). Does anybody know if the
 A20/2.8 is ~truly~ 20mm,... or is it 21mm or 22mmish?
 Can it take the Cokin P system without vignetting?

Well the measured FL of the FA20f2.8 at the photodo site is 20mm if this is of 
any help?

 #2)How does one bodge a gelatin filter to the rear
 of a K or A 15mm/3.5? Has anyone ever tried to have
 the built in filters changed out at a repair shop?

Thought about changing the filter sets in my 15f3.5, 16f2.8 and 28f3.5shift but 
decided that the money would be better spent one the new digital SLR :-)

 #4)Speaking of f22, does anyone know how the A20/2.8
 does at this aperture? Stan's lens comment site
 indicates the K18/3.5 is poor in this respect.
 Elsewhere I remember reading that the K/A 15mm/3.5 is
 a bit soft wide open but sharp as hell down to minimum
 aperture. Does this reflect the experiences of the
 lucky PDMLers who own these lenses?

Never use the A20f2.8 at f22 as the DOF is pretty broad unless you're at the 
minimum focus distance. The A15f3.5 is pretty sharp at f5.6.

 As you can probably tell, I'm leaning toward aquiring
 a 15mm ~and~ a 20mm to cover the ultra-wide range. I
 don't really want to do this, but it seems I have
 little choice. There dosen't seem to be a decent
 quality in between lens that can take the place of

The combo of the A20f2.8 (at around US$375) and A15f3.5 (At around US$750) 
would be quite costly compared to the 18f3.5 (at around US$450). I haven't used 
the 18mm, from all that I have read it seems to please most of it's owners 
performance wise but it won't allow you to do what the two lens combo will at 
any rate. The AOV difference between 15 and 18mm is quite large. The 20mm is 
nice light compact lens whereas the 18mm is getting bulky. All depends on how 
much you are wishing to spend I guess, you could acquire all three?


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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Re: OT (Was: For Dave and Buddy ... )

2002-04-28 Thread frank theriault

I have to agree with Shel here.  Some people deal with death with a sort of
black humour.  I do sometimes as well, but I make sure that my audience
knows where I'm coming from, and that they share or at least understand my
perspective.  That's pretty hard to do on a list like this, so I don't think
it's appropriate.

For many people, pets are indeed family, and the loss of one is no laughing
matter, and not to be taken lightly.

Dave, I haven't said it yet here, but I'm sorry for your loss.  I'm a lifetime
cat owner, and have lost many over the years, most recently about 18 months
ago.  It was a difficult time for both me, the surviving cat Patches, and
especially for my kids.  They only visit me alternating weekends, but they
cried and cried when I told them about Sasha.

The cat that my ex and I owned (it was really my cat) was left at her house
for the sake of the kids.  Phantom is a beautiful Devon Rex.  He's now about
13 years old, and has recently been diagnosed with a bad heart and arthritis.
It won't be more than a few months, and I know that we'll all be devastated.

I went on more than I had intended, but for those of you who don't own pets,
or don't feel the same as some on this list, some sensitivity is helpful in
these matters.


Shel Belinkoff wrote:

 Let's be honest, Paul - *you* think Rainbow Bridge is over the top.
 Many people find it warm and touching.  To poke fun of someone's
 sadness, or how they deal with grief or that sadness, is, as Mishka
 said, insensitive, and in so saying he/she/it knew it might offend or
 upset some people.

 Rainbow Bridge has been around for many, many years.  It's helped
 unknown numbers of people get through the loss of their pets.  IMO, it's
 no more over the top than some religious rites and rituals, and far less
 over the top than many.

The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
fears it is true. -J. Robert
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Re: Kodak Royal Gold 1000

2002-04-28 Thread Bill D. Casselberry

I used to use this several years ago. I found it OK for
a high-speed color film, basicly due to its Kodak color
palatte rather than any grain-fineness issues. It is a
rather grainy film. I tended to shoot it at 800asa (+1/3rd)
to assure good saturation. However, I think that the Fuji
800asa films are more expedient in this asa-range, not to
mention the perpetual bargains on 4-packs available w/ it.
I still use +1/3rd stop and rate it at 640asa w/ good results.
Its grain is definitely finer than the RG1000 and the extra 
exposure helps keep the negs well saturated.


Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast
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Re: Ulra Wide Options

2002-04-28 Thread Ryan Charron

Hi Jonathan,

Have you considered the Pentax FA 20mm 2.8, I have one
and it's an awesome lens? 

I hate to ask you this question, but here goes, Why
get a great, expensive , sharp Ultra Wide, then put a
plastic filter in front of it?


Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 21:22:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jonathan Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more


Thanks to everyone who responded to my questions about
a good, sub-20mm ultra-wide for Pentax. I only have
the luxury of surfing on weekends, hence the belated
reply. This week's discussions on favorite WA's and
true focal length were quite informative

#1)I was inspired to save up and hold out (look
harder?) for a Pentax K18/3.5 until I learned its true
focal length of 19mm. That seems so close to 20mm,
that I might as well just get the A20/2.8 which is
[somewhat] cheaper, easier to find, and faster (but
not as wide as I wanted). Does anybody know if the
A20/2.8 is ~truly~ 20mm,... or is it 21mm or 22mmish?
Can it take the Cokin P system without vignetting?
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Re: Re: MZ-3 and MZ-5n

2002-04-28 Thread Brendan

Mine has the fg grip. I liked the MZ-M at first cause
i was so small
but once I got longer lenses I soon found I wanted a
bit more weight
nas size to the camera.

--- David Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Brendan.Did you put a grip on yours,or do they 
 come with one.Thats why i backed off on the 
 5n,felt to small.
 Pentax User
 Stouffville Ontario Canada
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RE: Sorry OT:No more Buddy

2002-04-28 Thread Amita Guha

So sorry to hear about your cat, Dave. My thoughts are with you.


 Sorry to bother everyone,just a little down 
 today.My favorite Cat,my best portrait subject 
 and Little Buddy lost a battle with a car 
 last night.
 He'll be sorely missed in this house hold.
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PZ-1 or PZ-1P as backup body?

2002-04-28 Thread Alberto

I own a PZ-1p
Now I need a backup body and the shop here in my town has a used PZ-1 for
Should I buy it, or should I look for another PZ-1p ?
I don't know exactly the differences between the two bodies, but mainly I'm
interested in the viewfinder. I read somewhere that screens of PZ-1 are
different (darker).
Is it true ?
Is it disturbing ?
What could be a reasonable difference in price between the two bodies ?
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Re: K, A, M macro lenses...

2002-04-28 Thread Paul F. Stregevsky

  William Robb wrote: In general, the K lenses are mechanically smoother 
than A
  lenses, and optically better than M lenses.

Yep. Someone--Shel?--reported last year that many M lenses replaced the K's 
brass with aluminum, affecting smoothness of focus, especially in cold 

Paul Franklin Stregevsky
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Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

2002-04-28 Thread Fred

 Now, something that you haven't mentioned that I find as a more
 usable combination is the F 17-35 fisheye and one of the 20's.
 The fisheye zoom is unique in that it zooms from almost 180
 degrees to almost the same focal length of the 20mm rectilinear.

 At the 35mm end, it is about the same focal length as a 20mm
 keeping it ultrawide and you still have the fisheye on the 17 end.

I am assuming that you really meant almost the same angle of view
and about the same angle of view.

 I have also found that the drama of a minor fisheye can be
 stronger than a really wide rectilinear.  Remember that both
 distort in some fashion.  The rectilinear distorts by making
 object near the edge of the frame fatter.  The lines stay straight
 but it still alters the look of objects.  It makes objects looked
 smashed (shorter and wider).  The fisheye does the opposite -
 objects retain relative proportions, but lines curve.

That's a very good description of the comparative pluses and minuses
of a rectilinear w/a versus a fisheye.

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Re: PZ-1 or PZ-1P as backup body?

2002-04-28 Thread Rfsindg


Viewfinders in the PZ-1 and PZ-1p look identical.  I cannot notice the 1/2 
stop difference in screen brightness.  In addition, I've used the brighter 
screen PZ-1p in the PZ-1 and had difficulties seeing any different results 
with slides.  

Some say that the PZ-1 exposes best for slides while the PZ-1p is best with 
print film.  I think I see that after some use of the PZ-1p... or I was 
prejudiced to see it.

I would guess you should pay 66% to 75% the price of the PZ-1p for the PZ-1.  
Most all of the features are there, but you will miss the faster 3 fps 
winding.  A discount of 50% would be extraordinary.

Regards,  Bob S.


 I own a PZ-1p
 Now I need a backup body and
 the shop here in my town has a used PZ-1 for sale.
 Should I buy it, or should I look for another PZ-1p ?
 I don't know exactly the differences between the two bodies, but mainly I'm
 interested in the viewfinder. I read somewhere that screens of PZ-1 are
 different (darker).
 Is it true ?
 Is it disturbing ?
 What could be a reasonable difference in price between the two bodies ?
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Re: I'v got the start now

2002-04-28 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Saturday, April 27, 2002, at 04:12  PM, David Chang-Sang wrote:

 I may trip out that way tomorrow afternoon (if I get time) because I'm
 hunting for the same equipment :)

Summer hours: closed on Sunday.  Sorry, man, I'm catching up on my 
sleep.  I did make a rare Saturday appearance today, tho'.

 Was it a deep amount of coin for the film developing equipment ?

$20 tank and less than $30 in chemistry.

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Re: OT Re: Fw: Nondeliverable mail

2002-04-28 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Friday, April 26, 2002, at 06:20  PM, Steve Larson wrote:

 Does that person start with M?

s, don't say his name.  It's like the Scottish play thing.

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Re: Sorry OT:No more Buddy

2002-04-28 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Saturday, April 27, 2002, at 03:53  PM, Jeff wrote:

 Yea, that could be just as painful.
 Aaron didn't feel sorry about your cat? Bummer.

Hey now!  It was tough for me, cuz Dave had downright adorable pictures 
of him.

Poor kitty, looked like my mom  dad's cats.

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Re: I'v got the start now

2002-04-28 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Saturday, April 27, 2002, at 03:58  PM, frank theriault wrote:

 Better check with Aaron.  He told me earlier in the week that he's 
 summer hours this weekend, meaning closed most Sundays.  I guess 
 now that
 the Sheridan students are gone for the summer, there's only us pdml'ers 
 to bug
 him on weekends... g

Yeah, in the summer there are a lot fewer people panicking over prints 
that must be handed in Monday morning at 8 am...

We're also not open as late on Mondays and Tuesdays, and open at 9:30 
instead of 9:00.

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Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

2002-04-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Mishka
Subject: Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide
Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

 now that i think about it, i remeber i needed that a few
 once was last year when i was trying to shoot a waterfall and
wanted to get
 a bridesweil effect -- i needed a long exposure and even
1/22 aperture was
 too large for that.

Get a 4 stop ND filter.

William Robb
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Re: zeiss lens for pentax k mount

2002-04-28 Thread Frantisek Vlcek

Sunday, April 28, 2002, 8:28:03 AM, wayne wrote:
wwaprhm i haVE a zeiss 28mm f2.8 lens for pentax and the image quality is awesome is
wwaprhm thjere other zeiss lenses available for pentax

None. And none at all.

Sorry to disappoint you (but you shouldn't be since the *image
quality* is awesome, which is after all all that's needed, unless you
mean image as in image conscious, person's image :-) ), but your lens
is probably a Sigma(*1)... Although it's said that Zeiss (west) cooperated with
Pentax on the design of K mnt and other things as well, they never
produced a lens in K mnt. Unless it's a post conversion by a
machinist, though. What exactly does the front ring say?

*1: Carl Zeiss Jena, the part of Zeiss which was left in the Eastern
Germany after the WWII, producer of some excellent lenses too, in the
80s or so licensed the name CZJ to several makers of lenses, just like
Carl Zeiss (the ex-western one) does now to Sony (and the Sony lenses
aren't made by Zeiss anyway...). So Sigma, and also some importers in
UK who held the name license, could stick a CZJ label on many lenses
from whatever they chose... Just like now, when you can find a Carl
Zeiss lens on sony digicam, Leitz lens on Leica  Panasonic digicam,
Canon lens on Canon G12, ..., but the lens IS THE SAME ONE... go
figure :)

Good light,
   Frantisek Vlcek
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Re: Oldest lens on newest body?

2002-04-28 Thread Frantisek Vlcek

Saturday, April 27, 2002, 7:00:35 PM, Mark wrote:
ME Here's a question for you Old lens--new body.  Who's put together pieces
ME with the largest age difference?

I am sure it can be beaten, but I have an early post-war Zeiss Jena
(Olympia) Sonnar, converted to K-mount, on my LX (3rd gen).  How's that
for bragging about equipment ;-)) ?

Now, the ultimate one would be MZ-S (or later, MZ-D...) with a Petzval
Portrait lens... more than hundred fifty years!!! Anyone owns a
Petzval? Should need only a simple adapter or gluing... ;)

Best regards,
   Frantisek Vlcek
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Re: Ebay posts

2002-04-28 Thread Ann Sanfedele

T Rittenhouse wrote:
 I think that it is only common courtesy not to step in someone else's
 puddle. If you are not interested leave it alone. (small snip)

 The two exceptions are:
 1. If you are the seller, and a regular member of this list. (If you don't
 contribute here, but just sign up to tout your Ebay auctions, I personally,
 consider you to be a spammer).
 2. If the item is in the category of outrageous, or wierd and not likely to
 be bid on by anybody in their right mind, but good for a laugh. ($25,000 BIN
 for instance).

I strongly ditto :) 
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Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

2002-04-28 Thread Mishka

I have this filter now. Didn't have then. But I agree that this is a much
better option than stopping down that much.
And as for the slower film -- it was a cloudy day and the only roll I had
was the one (400) in my camera.

  now that i think about it, i remeber i needed that a few times.
  once was last year when i was trying to shoot a waterfall and wanted to
  a bridesweil effect -- i needed a long exposure and even 1/22 aperture
  too large for that.

 Get a 4 stop ND filter.

 William Robb
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f:22, K18/3.5 warmth, 20mm bee's nest...

2002-04-28 Thread Jonathan Donald

Can't say for A,…
Why would you want to use 1/22 in the first place? I
am just curious.

I know that f22 sounds like an overkill, (especially
with wide angle lenses), but I frequently use every
inch of the DOF available to me. I am a botanist, and
I like to make environmental portraits of very small
plants. I often photograph my subjects at close
distances, and try to maintain sharpness in the
background at the same time. Here in northern Arizona,
there is almost always something picturesque I wish to
include behind what ever botanical jewel I happen to
be photographing.

Where did you learn that? [K18/3.5 actually being
19mm] Mine seems awfully wide

It was right here on PDML last week (sorry, I haven’t
gotten to know the posters on a first name basis so I
can’t give credit here).

The 18/3.5 can take it… [the Cokin P system] 

Thanks, this is good to know, and pushes me in favor
of this lens considerably. It would seem to be the
most “filter friendly” of the bunch, in spite of the
fact that it can’t take 58’s directly in the front

The 18/3.5 isn't really that poor… Anyway, I
recommend the 18/3.5. A drawback for some will be the
very warm color rendition.

Is it possible that this is a sample variation? Have
other owners noticed this? One poster on Stan’s lens
comment site said it was identical to his K20/4 in
respect to color rendition with the skylight filter
selected (or maybe the K20/4 is warm too?). At any
rate, I don’t think the warm cast would bother me

Well the measured FL of the FA20f2.8 at the photodo
site is 20mm if this is of any help?
Have you considered the Pentax FA 20mm 2.8, I have
and it's an awesome lens? 

I simply named the A20/2.8 because I prefer MF enough
to foot the extra cost, and as far as I know, they are
optically identical. If it is a true 20mm, it makes it
pretty comparable to the K18/3.5 or 19mm or whatever
it is.

I hate to ask you this question, but here goes, Why
get a great, expensive , sharp Ultra Wide, then put a
plastic filter in front of it?

Good point and well taken. I don’t like Cokin filters
either (I tried these when I first got into
photography), but I use the system to hold singh-ray’s
ND grads and their ilk. I don’t have many “P” filters
(only two now actually), but when I do pop for
singh-ray or lee filters, it would be nice if my
choice of an ultra-wide lens could use them.

Thanks again for the suggestions/comments
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Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers!(Now a few more questions...)

2002-04-28 Thread Mishka

I might get the name wrong. What i meant is the effect you get when you set
a really long exposure (1s+) and get the water washed out (kinda like a
veil) rather than stopped in action. I rarely have film slower than 100 and
often even that is too fast if I want to have a reasonable (1/8) aperture
on a wide lens.
Of course, ND filters are much better (if you have them in your bag -- I
didn't at that time)

 What's that?  Could you not use a slower film?

  Mishka wrote:
  a bridesweil effect --
  i needed a long exposure and even 1/22 aperture was
  too large for that.
  Shel Belinkoff
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Re: Barely sorta on-topic ish if you squint at it just right: my day

2002-04-28 Thread Pat White

I agree with everything Cotty said:  an excellent day, and thanks for sharing it with 
us.  You didn't let the Nikon girl get away, did you?

Pat White
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OT (Was For Dave and Buddy...)

2002-04-28 Thread Butch Black

Forgive me if I wax philosophical.

One of the (IMHO) problems with society today is a lack of civilization. We
are not becoming a kinder gentler world, even though we have the means and
communications to do so. Rather, we are becoming less sensitive to the needs
and comfort of those around us. In a free society you have the right to
say what you want. The cost of that is (IMHO) that we need to act with a
goodly level of self restraint and self discipline in what we say and to

Death is a very personal thing. The comments made were cruel in my opinion.
They served nothing but perhaps a chuckle from the writer upon writing.
There is enough cruelty in the world, why add to it unnecessarily? Would you
have been upset or angry if similar things had been said at a family
member's funeral? Those who own pets often consider them as integral parts
of the family.

I'll end this post with two quotes. One was a motto from a company I worked
at for a short time. The other, which is slightly vulgar,I do not know the
source of.

The ultimate form of human maturity is a willingness to take complete
responsibility for oneself (United consumers club)

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they are most appreciated
when to themselves under cover (unknown)

 I realize the irony of expressing opinions in this post.


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself
Hermann Hesse (Demian)
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Re: (2): Vivitar Series I, 19-35.

2002-04-28 Thread David Brooks

No,sorry Jeff,Henrys downtown.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Vivitar Series I, 19-35.

 You mean Downtown camera?
 I'll give them a try
 - Original Message - 
 From: David Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 3:44 PM
 Subject: Re: RE: Vivitar Series I, 19-35.
  I have received some nice 'discounts' from 
  downtown for the D1.
  Tamron 35-105 f2.8-list $700.00 my cost-$600.00
  Nikon 35-70 f2.8-list $800.00 my cost-$650.00
  Nikon 80-200 f2.8-list $1095 trade Tamron for 
  it-my cost $575.00
  I thought those were fair discounts.
  Dave(who seems to buy used Pentax from list 
  members than stores)Brooks
   Begin Original Message 
  From: David Chang-Sang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 15:33:49 -0400
  Subject: RE: Vivitar Series I, 19-35.
  I've actually gone LOOKING for this one (as it 
  does appear on Henry's
  website) in the downtown store but I've been 
  told that it doesn't exist (yet
  it's on their website)...
  As for their used items; you guys all know my 
  story of the deep discount
  compared to their list prices... 90mm Sigma 
  f2.8 Macro for K-A mount - was
  listed at $329.99 - got it for $180.99 - even 
  better since the lens produces
  nice macro images.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf 
  Of Brendan
  Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 3:04 PM
  Subject: Re: Vivitar Series I, 19-35.
  Henrys always tends to inflate the prices on 
  used items.
  --- Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I believe Henrys has one for $300 CDN.
   That seems steep.
   I'll check around.
   - Original Message -
   From: David Chang-Sang david@chang-
   Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 1:51 PM
   Subject: RE: Vivitar Series I, 19-35.
Based on what I've seen online - Ebay - it 
   goes for around $135.00
USD - but I'm not sure how much you could 
  get it
   for if you hunted some
stores in the area (Toronto)
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Re: Kodak Royal Gold 1000

2002-04-28 Thread David Brooks

Actually when i could not find RG1000 for the indoor show last weekend,i
bought a roll of Fuji 1600.All iin all,i was impressed.They were of obvious
quality thet low light would bring but i showed them to Aaron and he thought
the grain was not to harsh.
These are just for the kids to see their good/bad points to help for futures
I though for sure 1600 would be very grainy but pleaently suprized(so i
bought 2 more rolls)

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: Kodak Royal Gold 1000

 In a message dated 4/27/2002 9:55:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Has anyone tried this?

   I found it VERY grainy. Tried to take existing light shots at a
   show with it 2 yrs ago and found that in addition to large grain
   that the colors were very wishy-washy. The vibrant reds of some cast
   members became maroons and flesh tones were pale and unactractive.
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Re: Epson 1650

2002-04-28 Thread David Brooks

Thanks for that info.I have ordered one and hope to have it soon.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 12:45 PM
Subject: Epson 1650

 for those who are interested in buying a flatbed scanner for slide
 scanning, I put a short comment of my experience with the 
 Epson Perfection 1650 on my site.
 Have a nice day
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Re: OT (Was For Dave and Buddy...)

2002-04-28 Thread Paul Stenquist

Butch Black wrote:

 The ultimate form of human maturity is a willingness to take complete
 responsibility for oneself (United consumers club)

I don't know about the rest of you, but the writings of the United
Consumers Club have long served as a source of inspiration for me vbg
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Re: 28mm Super Takumar f3.5 M42 / Screw Mount

2002-04-28 Thread David Brooks

David.I sent you a mail,did you get it.Id be interested.
- Original Message -
From: David Chang-Sang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 8:27 PM
Subject: FS: 28mm Super Takumar f3.5 M42 / Screw Mount


 Before I drop this puppy up on Ebay I'll offer it here.

 Asking $30.00 US plus shipping

 Pics of the lens found here:

 Lens is in KEH LN- condition.  No haze, fungus, scratches etc. Aperture
 blades are clean and dry and snapp-happ-happy! :)Comes with original caps
 (no case though).

 Email me off list if you're interested.  No replies by Sunday April 28 and
 this baby goes the way of Ebay :)

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New toy

2002-04-28 Thread ukasz Kacperczyk

Brand new Winder MX in box for the equivalent of $70. I love it already - it
came in handy during photographing children feeding an elaphant in a circus.
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I think I went a bit to far Printing

2002-04-28 Thread Brendan

33 attempts and 25 usable prints later I just stripped
the locking
screw on the Omega B-22. The screw was already on it's
way out and
I've been told it was a common weak part but it broke
just as I was
ready to print one of the best pics I took during
Stan's TPDML
visit. Just plain bad timing on it's part. Now I have
to call up
calssic enlargers and get another for $35, at least I
have an excuse
to get another lens board and maybe a nice 50mm F2.8
Nikkor to.

Post your ad for FREE!
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Re: f:22, K18/3.5 warmth, 20mm bee's nest...

2002-04-28 Thread Alexander Krohe

Jonathan Donald wrote: 
The 18/3.5 isn't really that poor… Anyway, I
recommend the 18/3.5. A drawback for some will be the
very warm color rendition.

Is it possible that this is a sample variation? Have
other owners noticed this? One poster on Stan’s lens
comment site said it was identical to his K20/4 in
respect to color rendition with the skylight filter
selected (or maybe the K20/4 is warm too?). At any
rate, I don’t think the warm cast would bother me

Many wide angle pentaxes seem to give a quite warmish
color impression on slide film. I have the 18mm lens;
and yes, it produces quite warmish colors, but I do
not find it's colors much warmisher than those of the
FA*24/2 or the A35/2 (guess you would not notice a
difference in a slide show). The images produced by
the 18-er are very contrasty. The weak point is: wide
open, particularly at shorter distances there is a
distinct lack of sharpness at the edges of the image.
I would recommend the the 18-er.
Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness
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Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

2002-04-28 Thread Frantisek Vlcek

Sunday, April 28, 2002, 6:19:33 PM, Mishka wrote:
M Thanks Paul,
M That didn't occur to me. Seriously.
M I thought more along the DOF line, and 20mm should have everything in focus
M way before f/22.

With the F/Calc, I computed, using a circle of confusion for APS film
size (because the COC formulation is for 20x30cm prints, and I do
bigger than that, so I need smaller COC), that I get DOF from 1m to
infinity if I focus my 20mm at 2m and set f/8. I generally shoot this
in good light forgetting about focus altogether (which is good as the
lens is M42 used via adapter, and at f/8 I can't focus anyway due to
dark view). But if I shoot something critical, and have time, I focus
even with such DOF, as it will show.

Good light,
   Frantisek Vlcek
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Re: PZ-1 or PZ-1P as backup body?

2002-04-28 Thread Frantisek Vlcek

I am sure you have read up on this, but if you shoot lots with
flash and ambient combined, the PZ-1 cannot do the easy flash
compensation of PZ-1p.

Just a note.

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Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

2002-04-28 Thread Frantisek Vlcek

Sunday, April 28, 2002, 8:21:23 PM, William wrote:
WR - Original Message -
WR From: Mishka
WR Subject: Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide
WR Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

 now that i think about it, i remeber i needed that a few
WR times.
 once was last year when i was trying to shoot a waterfall and
WR wanted to get
 a bridesweil effect -- i needed a long exposure and even
WR 1/22 aperture was
 too large for that.

WR Get a 4 stop ND filter.

Or get a camera that can do perfect-registration multi-exposure.
Generally, shooting flowing water, I got much nicer results using
several shorter exposures than one long exposure, because the water
still looked like water, unlike the long exposure's water. It's about
diff. tastes :)

Good light,
   Frantisek Vlcek
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New toys

2002-04-28 Thread Camdir


Get a nice new toy in - and it bloody disappears before I have a chance to 

Gone - Arsat 300mm F2.8. Gone - Helios 85mm F1.5. Gone - Cokin Creative flash.

I hate my job.:)

Just in today, another 35mm F2M, even nicer, 

and a 100mm F4 Bellows Lens boxed with case (minty).

Kind regards

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The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread Bruce Dayton

I just got off the phone talking to my wife who is out to Utah
attending a couple of weddings.  She told me that the one she went to
last night was shot by a husband/wife team.  They have gone fully
digital and are selling off their film gear.  They told her that they
have blown up to 30 X 40 and get better quality than MF.  They asked
her if I had any interest in buying their 35mm gear.  My hunch is that
they haven't really seen the quality of MF for comparison.  Be that as
it may, the dogs seem to be eating it.  That is, their clients are
satisfied with what is coming off the digital equipment.

Me, I'll stick with 6X7 for awhile.  I am amazed out how detailed
things are - nothing like my coolpix 990 images.  Texture and tonality
are amazing.  The digital just looks clean and non-jaggy but no subtle
tones and detail is missing.  If you never saw the detail, you don't
realize it.

Anyway, it sounds like the revolution is going on in the wedding
arena, which will make for some inexpensive MF equipment being offered
up soon.

 Bruce Dayton
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Re: Enlarging Lens for 6x7

2002-04-28 Thread gfen

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Aaron Reynolds wrote:
 Nope, you saw one with a metering prism on it.  You have to turn it on,
 I think.  Dunno, I don't have one.  Another giveaway is that it sticks
 out on the left, over the shutter speed dial.  The non-metering prism
 does not, and makes the camera appear more symmetrical.

Then it was the metering prism. Oh well, next time I go down, I'll have to
give it another shot..

 Good plan.  You can always upgrade your body when you have a pile of 67

That's about it, plus part of the reason I'm doing this is to go with 6x7
and not 6x6. While I have no problem with square images, most of what i'll
do will probably be cropped into a rectangle anyhow, so why bother mucking
about with 6x6?

 Woohoo!  Did an engagement fall through or something?  If so, hopefully
 the camera will not end up being a reminder of that.

About two years ago, I think. I try not to think abou;it, but yeah it did.
The camera will end up being a reminder of how much better off I am with
someone who isn't evil. :)

 Unless it's a good kind of reminder.

See above, but all I know is all teh bills I've got piled up all over,
this money must be spent ono me, and on something frivilous and not
bills or expenses or anything. My money, I suffered for it. :)

 The destructive character is cheerful.  - Walter Benjamin
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Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

2002-04-28 Thread Paul F. Stregevsky

There are other 17 and 18mm choices out there:

1. Ricoh made an XR Rikenon 18/2.8. A couple months ago one was on German 
EBay. It sold March 10 to a European PDMLer for just 156 Euros (about 
$120). It resembles the Pentax 18/3.5 but uses a 67mm filter (vs. 58). I 
have a photo of it; it looks like a serious lens. But almost impossible to 
find; the German one was one of two I've seen. 0.25m close focus, 348 g, 
76mm wide, 71mm long; 11 elements in 9 groups, multicoated.

2. Since 18mm is something of a specialty lens, you may decide you don't 
need the K mount. If so, you might consider the Pentax SMC 17/4, or the 
highly regarded Sigma XQ 18/3.5 in screwmount with a YS adapter. It was 
also sold by Ritz as the Quantary  Tech-10. 72mm filter size. I have a 
photo or two of the Sigma, if you're interested. It sells for $175 to $275 
when you find it online. I'm reasonably sure this was different from the 
Sigma that was rebadged as the Spiratone, Vivitar, and Tokina.

3. Before introducing the ATX 17/3.5 PRO in AF, Tokina sold the ATX 17-AF, 
the same optics but not as well built. Unlike the PRO, it was offered in K 
mount! And even if the focal length was fudged 1mm, you're still in the 
18mm ballpark.

Collected comments:
Average Overall Rating: 4.33 out of 5 stars with 3 review(s) Submitted by 
Arnon Hubara , Date Reviewed: 1/14/01 12:10:37 AM Professional photographer 
from Helsinki Finland. With 11-20 years experience in Outdoor photography. 
Price Paid: $350 Purchased At: helsinki Strengths: The lens I own produces 
excellent images. Sharpness and contrast is very high thanks to the 
aspherical element. Weaknesses: The lens I own is AT-X non pro, it's 
mechanism is very weak and causes a lot of problems. Other Products Used:
Pentax-A 15mm 3.5 Nikon 20mm 2.8 Customer Service: It was repaired once by 
Tokina's representative, good service. Twice by an independent, excellent 
service! Review Summary:
Boasts excellent optical quality specialty comparing to it's very low 
price. Produces far better images than the much more expensive Pentax that 
I had before. However due to mechanical problems I intend to exchange it 
with the Pro model which is optically identical. The rating I submit is 
only for the non pro lens. 4 stars value, 4 stars overall.
Submitted by Alberto Baffa , Date Reviewed: 4/29/00 4:56:16 PM Intermediate 
photographer from Lecce, Italy . With 6-10 years experience in Outdoor 
photography. Strengths:
Very good construction quality and - surprise! - good (never said) 
resistance to ghost and flares! Weaknesses: on the plastic mount of a 
Minolta HTsi it sometimes fail in monitoring shutter opening (just a stupid 
problem); you have to be used with a bit of distortion (but it's a 17...) 
Other Products Used: no one so wide Review Summary: I falled in love with 
super wide angles shoot, and decided to got this Tokina for the 17 vs 
price; I took my first three rolls from the lab two days ago (superia100, 
ultra100 and Ekta100vs): no vignetting with polarizer and, believe me, I am 
very very happy. TIP!: choose this or another prime super wide, and not a 
zoom like 17-35 or similar: very close focus is ESSENTIAL (imho) to got 
smart pictures with this focal length. 5 stars value, 4 stars overall.

As reviewed by Ken Welsh , Date Reviewed: 4/21/00 1:36:48 PM Professional 
photographer from Dublin, County Dublin Eire. With 21+ years experience in 
photography. (Note: This review is apparently for the PRO version) Strengths:
Exceptionally well built. My sample offers extremely sharp optics. Have 
duped some shots up to 6x9cm Weaknesses: I'm happy. Other Products Used: 
20mm Nikon f4 and 20mm Nikon AF f2.8 Customer Service: No problems, so far 
(3 years) Review Summary: My sample is a bargain alternative to much more 
expensive marquee optics. I have two other ATX Tokina lenses which are also 
excellent: the 28-70mm f2.6-F2.8 and the 100-300mm f4. The only bad luck I 
have had with Tokina ATX lenses is with the f2.8 20-35mm. My tests - on a 
tripod - showed the edges to be soft. I sold it. 5 stars value, 5 stars 

Paul Franklin Stregevsky
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Re: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread Mark Erickson

I think the wedding photographer comments below say a lot about their
previous MF workflow.  I've seen showcase Lightjet prints that originated
as 35mm chromes, medium format chromes, large format chromes, and
Nikon D1x direct digital captures.  If they're done right, images sourced
from medium format and large format chromes will completely blow away
sources in smooth tonality, detail, and lack of artifacts.

That said, I bet that it's a lot easier for a wedding photo business
to put together a good digital workflow than an equally-good chemical

I'll look forward to picking up some good, cheap 67 or 645 gear when
I have the spare bucks


-Bruce Wrote-

I just got off the phone talking to my wife who is out to Utah
attending a couple of weddings.  She told me that the one she went to
last night was shot by a husband/wife team.  They have gone fully
digital and are selling off their film gear.  They told her that they
have blown up to 30 X 40 and get better quality than MF.  They asked
her if I had any interest in buying their 35mm gear.  My hunch is that
they haven't really seen the quality of MF for comparison.  Be that as
it may, the dogs seem to be eating it.  That is, their clients are
satisfied with what is coming off the digital equipment.

Me, I'll stick with 6X7 for awhile.  I am amazed out how detailed
things are - nothing like my coolpix 990 images.  Texture and tonality
are amazing.  The digital just looks clean and non-jaggy but no subtle
tones and detail is missing.  If you never saw the detail, you don't
realize it.

Anyway, it sounds like the revolution is going on in the wedding
arena, which will make for some inexpensive MF equipment being offered
up soon.

 Bruce Dayton
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Re: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Mark Erickson
Subject: Re: The old digital/film debate

 I think the wedding photographer comments below say a lot
about their
 previous MF workflow.  I've seen showcase Lightjet prints that
 as 35mm chromes, medium format chromes, large format chromes,
 Nikon D1x direct digital captures.  If they're done right,
images sourced
 from medium format and large format chromes will completely
blow away
 sources in smooth tonality, detail, and lack of artifacts.

 That said, I bet that it's a lot easier for a wedding photo
 to put together a good digital workflow than an equally-good

 I'll look forward to picking up some good, cheap 67 or 645
gear when
 I have the spare bucks

Key words though are wedding photographer. Fine detail is the
enemy of the wedding photographer. I know when I was in the
game, I didn't take a picture without a Softar on the lens,
ever. If digital capture allows them to get better results (such
as built in softening via lack of captured fine detail), more
power to em.

One issue that comes to mind for me is copyright. If the
photographer cannot produce an original negative to prove
ownership, can he enforce copyright on the image?

William Robb


 -Bruce Wrote-

 I just got off the phone talking to my wife who is out to Utah
 attending a couple of weddings.  She told me that the one she
went to
 last night was shot by a husband/wife team.  They have gone
 digital and are selling off their film gear.  They told her
that they
 have blown up to 30 X 40 and get better quality than MF.  They
 her if I had any interest in buying their 35mm gear.  My hunch
is that
 they haven't really seen the quality of MF for comparison.  Be
that as
 it may, the dogs seem to be eating it.  That is, their
clients are
 satisfied with what is coming off the digital equipment.

 Me, I'll stick with 6X7 for awhile.  I am amazed out how
 things are - nothing like my coolpix 990 images.  Texture and
 are amazing.  The digital just looks clean and non-jaggy but
no subtle
 tones and detail is missing.  If you never saw the detail, you
 realize it.

 Anyway, it sounds like the revolution is going on in the
 arena, which will make for some inexpensive MF equipment being
 up soon.

  Bruce Dayton
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Latest Darkroom Acquisition Good Photos

2002-04-28 Thread Shel Belinkoff

While out photographing this afternoon my trusty electronic helper
sniped the high bid on a LN 35mm Negatrans for the Beselers ... neat! 
This'll speed up the making of proof prints, and will be a fine
compliment to the medium format Negatrans that came along with the
dichro enlarger.  Next up, a couple of Speed Easels.  (Just thought I'd
join the My New Toys party).

BTW, this morning was great light for photographing ... slightly
overcast sky, subtle shadows - Sunny 16/f5.6 light.  Mid day got way too
bright and contrasty, so I ducked into a movie theater and caught a
matinee.  When the show was over the sun had moved on and left the
entire west side of the street in open shade, so I burned another roll
on my way to the subway.  All told, it was essentially three subjects
and three rolls on the streets of Berkeley.  

Hope you all had a good day with good light and were able to make some
good photos.

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: Latest Acquisition

2002-04-28 Thread William Robb

William Robb
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Re: Latest Acquisition

2002-04-28 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Hey, that's Super! And you got it from Grimes, too.  He's the man!

Good catch, Mr. Wheatfield.

William Robb wrote:

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread Rob Studdert

On 28 Apr 2002 at 17:20, William Robb wrote:

 One issue that comes to mind for me is copyright. If the
 photographer cannot produce an original negative to prove
 ownership, can he enforce copyright on the image?

Hi Bill,

Interesting question. I figure that firstly information including the time and 
date that the shot was taken is embedded in the digital file. It can be edited 
with some share ware tools however there are plenty of ways that you can be 
dishonest with film too. I suppose that if you provided a set of sequential 
thumb-nail images from the remainder of the shoot that would clinch it in a 
legal battle?

One interesting exclusion in the current crop of digital cameras is that even 
though they write all manner of information into the file at the time of 
capture none provide an option for the camera owner/authors name to be embedded 
in the file. I wonder when this will become an option?


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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RE: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread David Chang-Sang

Bruce, you're right, the dogs are eating it -
I'd really like to see what sort of 30 x 40 this couple is getting (mainly
because I wouldn't want a 30 x 40 hanging anywhere in my place... but I'm
sure this may be the preferrence for some folk) because, unless they're
using Genuine Fractals and 6mp sensors - 30 x 40 from some digitals would
look only so so compared to a 6x7 or 6x9 neg that was blown up to the same

This being said, there have been many folks recently dumping their MF cams
for D-SLRs.  As recently as a month and a half ago I was in a local camera
store that asked me if I would ever shoot a wedding digitally - while I
don't have much experience with wedding photography (only done 2 of them) -
I told them flat out no.

The way I look at it is this way - With the cost of a new D-SLR body and
lenses (because we all know Pentax doesn't have a D-SLR right now) and extra
battery pack - I could buy a decent NEW 645 system and maybe even a new 67
system - or - I could buy any number of used systems and lenses and still
have a chunk of change leftover for film etc.

If the couple still wants digital images - I'd grab the negs, run out to
Aaron's lab and have him scan, burn and print.  The options are available.

Don't get me wrong - digital is great - I've used digital cameras since
1997 - but seeing as how the options and costs would allow a photographer to
go about digital so many ways - I would hold off on the D-SLR purchasing
until the dust settles a bit.

Just my 2 cents (FWIW - in the U.S. about 1.35 cents)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bruce Dayton
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 5:46 PM
Subject: The old digital/film debate

I just got off the phone talking to my wife who is out to Utah
attending a couple of weddings.  She told me that the one she went to
last night was shot by a husband/wife team.  They have gone fully
digital and are selling off their film gear.  They told her that they
have blown up to 30 X 40 and get better quality than MF.  They asked
her if I had any interest in buying their 35mm gear.  My hunch is that
they haven't really seen the quality of MF for comparison.  Be that as
it may, the dogs seem to be eating it.  That is, their clients are
satisfied with what is coming off the digital equipment.

Me, I'll stick with 6X7 for awhile.  I am amazed out how detailed
things are - nothing like my coolpix 990 images.  Texture and tonality
are amazing.  The digital just looks clean and non-jaggy but no subtle
tones and detail is missing.  If you never saw the detail, you don't
realize it.

Anyway, it sounds like the revolution is going on in the wedding
arena, which will make for some inexpensive MF equipment being offered
up soon.

 Bruce Dayton
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Re: Latest Acquisition

2002-04-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Shel Belinkoff
Subject: Re: Latest Acquisition

 Hey, that's Super! And you got it from Grimes, too.  He's the

 Good catch, Mr. Wheatfield.

Thanks Shel. When I saw it was Grimes selling it, I couldn't
help myself.
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Re: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Rob Studdert
Subject: Re: The old digital/film debate

 On 28 Apr 2002 at 17:20, William Robb wrote:

  One issue that comes to mind for me is copyright. If the
  photographer cannot produce an original negative to prove
  ownership, can he enforce copyright on the image?

 Hi Bill,

 Interesting question. I figure that firstly information
including the time and
 date that the shot was taken is embedded in the digital file.
It can be edited
 with some share ware tools however there are plenty of ways
that you can be
 dishonest with film too. I suppose that if you provided a set
of sequential
 thumb-nail images from the remainder of the shoot that would
clinch it in a
 legal battle?

Hmm, Is time and date enough? Do any of them imbed something
like the cameras's serial number, or some other identifier that
is unique to the camera?
This could make for an interesting legal debate.
Fortunately, I am not a lawyer.

William Robb

 One interesting exclusion in the current crop of digital
cameras is that even
 though they write all manner of information into the file at
the time of
 capture none provide an option for the camera owner/authors
name to be embedded
 in the file. I wonder when this will become an option?


 Rob Studdert
 Tel +61-2-9554-4110
 UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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Re: Flash for PZ-1p

2002-04-28 Thread Nick Wright

The AF500FTZ is by far the best flash for the money. If you spend the little
extra for it, you will not be dissapointed. I remember seeing someone on the
list selling their's for about $210 if I'm not mistaken in the last few
days. But to be fair, the first flash that I had for my pz1p was the older
af280t. It worked okay for most of what I needed. The 500 has more than
double the power of the 280 though and sometimes I cannot see how I got
along without it. Also, after my 280t bit the dust (parts are apparently
hard to come by, something to keep in mind), I bought an af330ftz out of
necessity. I could not afford that 500 at that time, I knew that I did not
want another 280t since I could not get them repaired, and I had shoots
rapidly approaching. The 330 is also a good flash. While it is close to the
same power rating as the 280t, that zoom head really makes a difference. I
now still have my 330 as backup and for use when I need a second light.

Here's a short list of reasons of why I personally like the 500ftz:

1... more power. It eats batteries (I've switched to NiMH, works great), but
the extra power is ~definetly~ worth it.
2... bounce and swivel head. I avoid direct on-camera flash whenever
possible. This is one of the shortcomings of the 330.

3... more manual settings, and display of distance data in manual mode. The
330 only has two manual settings (1/1, and 1/32, i think), the 500 has half
power increments from 1/1 down to 1/32. Also, an incredibly useful feature
that I only recently managed to discover is that the flash will display the
correct exposure distance based on your power setting, zoom position, and
given aperature (obviously only works with A lenses or newer). I'm often
shooting wrecks and fires at night and the reflective tape on the firemen's
uniforms would always throw the TTL exposure off. I tried everything; plus
one stop flash exposure compensation, setting the iso lower than the given
film speed... it always underexposed. So I decided that the only option was
to memorize some guide numbers and work the math out in my head, although
with my math skills and being under pressure on scene I was not too
hopeful. So I respond to a fire about two weeks ago at about 3am... I hop
out, mounting my Tokina 80-200/2.8 my 500ftz flash. As I'm walking to the
scene I switch the flash to manual mode and to my surprise a distance figure
pops up on the display of the flash. I play with the power, zoom, and
aperature settings and watch the distance read-out change. Needless to say
all the photos from that fire came out well exposed. :)
4... Slave flash. I honestly never thought I'd use thie feature much.
Anyway, I got really tired of taking simple, boring mug shots of people for
feature stories (ie- soccer all-area team and mvps, etc). So I started
caring a small lightstand with one of those adapters on top to fit a shoe
mount flash and umbrella. I use the flash on my pz1p turning the flash comp
all the way down (-3 stops?) to trigger the 500. I've done two assignments
for the paper in this manner and the photos have been very well received
(specially by parents). I can post a couple of examples later if anyone's

There you have it. If you need the features, the 500 can't be beat.

Nick Wright

From: Michelle Schrag, Tim Goering [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Flash for PZ-1p
Date: Sun, Apr 28, 2002, 6:58 PM

 Looking for recommendations for a general purpose flash for PZ-1p.

 I guess AF500FTZ would be best but I wouldn't mind spending less.
 Is there something wrong with the 400FTZ ? I see several for sale at KEH.
 3rd party units? Sunpak, Sigma?

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Re: LX motor drive - question

2002-04-28 Thread andre

The biggest issue with the NiCd packs is not overcharging (a full 
charge is 16 hours)

Other post says 6 to 10 hours.  16 would be a max ?

but with having to wait until they are dead to recharge them, or 
rigging a device to discharge them before you charge them.

Because of memory building ?

My best advice would be to buy the NiCd pack, use it w/o worrying 
about the NiCd battery life, and they when they die, replace the 
NiCd cells with NiMH cells.

NiMH ???

Almost any battery shop can build or order the cell packs...I can 
give you specs if you need them.

James, I have 2 dead power packs and I want to have them repacked. 
Could you give me the specs ?   It could be usefull to the guy (have 
only seen guys in there...) who will do the job.



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Re: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread Nitin Garg

On Mon, Apr 29, 2002 at 10:28:28AM +1000, Rob Studdert wrote:
 One interesting exclusion in the current crop of digital cameras is that even 
 though they write all manner of information into the file at the time of 
 capture none provide an option for the camera owner/authors name to be embedded 
 in the file. I wonder when this will become an option?

I guess this is easier done in post-processing instead of by the camera.
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Re: Latest Acquisition

2002-04-28 Thread Paul Stenquist

Nice buy. It should make a great landscape lens on the 4x5. I'm jealous.

William Robb wrote:
 William Robb
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Re: Update on 'dead' 6x7

2002-04-28 Thread Paul Stenquist

Put a roll of film in the camera. The 6x7 shutter won't fire unless
there is film in the camera. There's a workaround, but you ought to just
try running a roll through it, and see how the transport mechanism and
shutter perform.

William Kane wrote:
Here's the 'update' on my cheap 6x7:
I finally (after 1 day) got the required 6v battery.  Upon placing
 the battery in the compartment, I found that the shutter button no
 longer fires the shutter.  The mirror is in the ready position.
When I originally got the camera the film advance was kind of sticky,
 now it's extremely smooth.  My guess is that something uncoupled inside
 the camera body.  I may try to go in myself and see what I can find.
I have a digital copy of the 6x7 repair manual, but if anyone has any
 clues, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
If I can't find the problem I may send it to KEH for an estimate.
 Anyone have any ideas on a good place to send it other than KEH?  [It is
 the 6x7 without MLU]
 Illinois Bill
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Re: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread Nitin Garg

On Sun, Apr 28, 2002 at 10:11:59PM -0400, Mishka wrote:
 Whatever you hide into your image, unless it is showing on the print, it
 can be removed simply by re-JPEG-ing it.

Digital watermarking is more involved then that. Simple re-JPEG-ing
(like the sound of it :)) wont work without degrading image quality. But
still, its relatively easy to remove it.
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Re: ME Super LEDs

2002-04-28 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Yep ... don't do that g.

I don't think there's anything that can be done about it. I don't think
I ever encountered the problem, but, in all honesty, I rarely, if ever,
photograph the sky. I tend to keep my cameras focused on more
earth-bound subjects.  What's up there that's so interesting, anyway?

Welcome to the list, though.  Maybe some has a solution or a suggestion,
but I doubt it.

tedshaw wrote:
 Greetings -
 I've just joined the list and am 
 delighted to see the useful info. 
 I have an ME Super and an MG. Both 
 cameras have coloured LEDs for 
 displaying the shutter speed in the 
 viewfinder. The problem is that I'm 
 having a very difficult time seeing 
 the lights when viewing a bright scene 
 like the sky.
 Can anyone tell me if there is a fix for this?

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread Rob Studdert

On 28 Apr 2002 at 22:11, Mishka wrote:

 Whatever you hide into your image, unless it is showing on the print, it
 can be removed simply by re-JPEG-ing it. And if it does show on a print, it is
 not hidden. As far as the image tags are concerned, *anyone* can overwrite them.
 If your customers are honest, a simple agreement (or an inobtrusive watermark)
 will do. If they are not, there's not much that can be done. Take a look at
 music and software copyright protection -- it exists only in people's minds.

Everyone knows that there is no absolutely effective anti-piracy solution 
however once a copyright abuser is caught the proof that any form of 
identification applied by the copyright holder has been tampered with or 
removed gives more clout to the copyright owner in the case of pursuance of 


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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Re: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread Mishka

See, you are assuming that there's an a priori knowledge of who is the owner
an who infringes. Although it is often true in case of software, books and
music, I think it is more vague in case of photographs. There're no
negatives, just two (almost) identical image files. If I am an abuser, I may
argue just as well that *you* have tampered with *my* identification g
Oh well, I am not a lawyer. Lucky for me.

- Original Message -
From: Rob Studdert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 10:30 PM
Subject: Re: The old digital/film debate

 On 28 Apr 2002 at 22:11, Mishka wrote:

  Whatever you hide into your image, unless it is showing on the print,
  can be removed simply by re-JPEG-ing it. And if it does show on a print,
it is
  not hidden. As far as the image tags are concerned, *anyone* can
overwrite them.
  If your customers are honest, a simple agreement (or an inobtrusive
  will do. If they are not, there's not much that can be done. Take a look
  music and software copyright protection -- it exists only in people's

 Everyone knows that there is no absolutely effective anti-piracy solution
 however once a copyright abuser is caught the proof that any form of
 identification applied by the copyright holder has been tampered with or
 removed gives more clout to the copyright owner in the case of pursuance


 Rob Studdert
 Tel +61-2-9554-4110
 UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

2002-04-28 Thread Pentxuser

If you can shoot at f22, either increase your shutter speed or decrease your 
film speed. I don't believe I have ever had to shoot at f22...

In a message dated 4/28/02 10:38:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

With f/22, you can use the lens in brighter light even though your camera 
is loaded with fast film.

  Mishka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Why would you want to use 1/22 in the first place? I am just curious.
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Re: Kodak Royal Gold 1000

2002-04-28 Thread Pentxuser

In a message dated 4/28/02 10:57:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

That goes without saying. Anyone serious about photography should not bother 
with this fast film. A good 400 speed film is as fast as you need to go, even 
with that you're giving up colour and sharpness.
 Has anyone tried this? 

  I found it VERY grainy. Tried to take existing light shots at a Stars-On-Ice
  show with it 2 yrs ago and found that in addition to large grain structure
  that the colors were very wishy-washy. The vibrant reds of some cast
  members became maroons and flesh tones were pale and unactractive.
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Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more que

2002-04-28 Thread Pentxuser

I doubt you really even got F22 at 2000 of a second. Chances are the 
reflection from the snow was throwing your meter off and you really needed to 
open up 2 or 3 stops to hold the whites in the snow. I'll bet you got blue 
snow or difficult to print negs. It's extemely rare in nature that there is 
that much light in the sky

In a message dated 4/28/02 11:29:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I have hit F22 and 1/2000 a few times with the MZ-M,
once trying to
take pics through a planes window over northern
Ontario to get snow
fields and many times trying lake pics on very bright
sunny days, it
does happen in nature. I hit F22 and 1/4000 just last
week once trying
to get the CN tower's refelction in another building,
the film was 200
kodak gold.
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Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more questions...)

2002-04-28 Thread Pentxuser

Guys: what speed of film are you using. It really should not be an issue if 
you're using a slow speed, high saturation film. 100asa or less...

In a message dated 4/28/02 11:49:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

now that i think about it, i remeber i needed that a few times.

once was last year when i was trying to shoot a waterfall and wanted to get

a bridesweil effect -- i needed a long exposure and even 1/22 aperture was

too large for that.
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Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more que

2002-04-28 Thread Paul Jones

Was the exposure actualy correct though?

 I hit F22 and 1/4000 just last
 week once trying
 to get the CN tower's refelction in another building,
 the film was 200
 kodak gold.
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Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more que

2002-04-28 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Brendan said:

 I hit F22 and 1/4000 just last
 week once trying to get the CN 
 tower's refelction in another building,
 the film was 200 kodak gold.

This makes no sense at all.  Using the Sunny 16 rule, the vase
exposure would have been 1/250 @ f16.0.  Figuring some added brightness,
add a stop.  But then you've added FOUR more stops of brightness to the

I'm guessing that some spectral highlights affected your metering.  Was
the result properly exposed?

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread Pat White

I thought that with wedding photos, the customer has the copyright, unless he signs an 
agreement granting the right to the photographer.  

As for copying, wedding and sports photographers here in Victoria stress that they 
don't give out proofs anymore.  They either print up a digital 'contact sheet' with 20 
or so images on it, or project the images on a large TV with a Fotovix when the 
customer comes.

Pat White
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M49 Filters for Pentax

2002-04-28 Thread James Adams

I just saw this on Ebay, and opted to BIN for $24

8 Russian M49 Filters..
yellow-1.4x; yellow-2x, yellow-green-1.4x; yellow-green-2x; Orange-2.8x;
blue-1.4x; br red-8x, dark-4x.
Having just priced the filters locally after deciding to start BW, these
are worth a try (8 for the price of 1).
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Re: Re[2]: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Bruce Dayton
Subject: Re[2]: The old digital/film debate

 I'm starting to feel like the days of charging by the print
 changing.  It used to be that the labor cost was buried inside
of the
 cost of the resulting prints.  Because of the ease of
 (scanning) and the acceptance of crap by the customer, once
they get
 their prints, you will rarely see any more orders.  So it
might be
 better to charge an hourly rate or at least charge for your
 separate from the print prices.

 What do you guys think?

I think the government of Canada is on the right track. The link
pertains to the music industry, but could as easily apply to
another lobby group, such as the PPAC.
FWIW, for those in Canada, this tariff is set to go into effect
fairly soon. Objectors must submit their case by May 8, 2002,
and abide by the provisions set out on the first 6 or so pages
of the document.
Objection is futile, however.
William Robb
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Re: M49 Filters for Pentax

2002-04-28 Thread andre

I just saw this on Ebay, and opted to BIN for $24

8 Russian M49 Filters..
yellow-1.4x; yellow-2x, yellow-green-1.4x; yellow-green-2x; Orange-2.8x;
blue-1.4x; br red-8x, dark-4x.

They have 2 types of yellow-green (1.4X and 2X) but no green.  I'd 
like to see the curves...  Yellow-green is my favorite black and 
white filter.  They used to call it the universal filter.


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Re: M49 Filters for Pentax

2002-04-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: James Adams
Subject: M49 Filters for Pentax

 I just saw this on Ebay, and opted to BIN for $24

 8 Russian M49 Filters..
 yellow-1.4x; yellow-2x, yellow-green-1.4x; yellow-green-2x;
 blue-1.4x; br red-8x, dark-4x.
 Having just priced the filters locally after deciding to start
BW, these
 are worth a try (8 for the price of 1).

Unfortunately, the Russian M49x0.75 thread size is not
compatable with the industry standard M49x1.0 that is used by
the camera manufacturers.
Ah well, you can always get your lenses rethreaded.

William Robb
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Re: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread Rob Studdert

On 28 Apr 2002 at 23:01, Mishka wrote:

 See, you are assuming that there's an a priori knowledge of who is the owner an
 who infringes. Although it is often true in case of software, books and music, I
 think it is more vague in case of photographs. There're no negatives, just two
 (almost) identical image files. If I am an abuser, I may argue just as well that
 *you* have tampered with *my* identification g Oh well, I am not a lawyer.
 Lucky for me.

As you may have seen in my initial response to Bill, if there were any argument 
I would simply present the series of images into which the pilfered image fits, 
I rarely shoot a single image of any one scene fortunately. Otherwise I agree 
it's difficult to prove who the owner is but there is always a way :-)


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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Re: The old digital/film debate

2002-04-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Pat White
Subject: Re: The old digital/film debate

 I thought that with wedding photos, the customer has the
copyright, unless he signs an agreement granting the right to
the photographer.

That seems to depend on what country you are in.

William Robb
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Re: Why some need f/22 (was: Re: Thanks Ultra-Wide Anglers! (Now a few more qu

2002-04-28 Thread Brendan

I didn't take the pic, there was glare on the building
that caused the
cameras meter to jump to that reading and I'm not
experienced enough
to know how I should have compensated, I just don't
shoot if I see
sun glare. I did snap another one on the old Molsen
building in BW
reflected off the Alliance Atlantice building that was
right since
there was no glare involved.

--- Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Brendan said:
  I hit F22 and 1/4000 just last
  week once trying to get the CN 
  tower's refelction in another building,
  the film was 200 kodak gold.
 This makes no sense at all.  Using the Sunny 16
 rule, the vase
 exposure would have been 1/250 @ f16.0.  Figuring
 some added brightness,
 add a stop.  But then you've added FOUR more stops
 of brightness to the
 I'm guessing that some spectral highlights affected
 your metering.  Was
 the result properly exposed?
 Shel Belinkoff
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