[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-04 Thread Bernard Morand


Just one word about a small part of your response (I am now lacking time 
for a much detailed response). You wrote:

I had said that "your scenario implies that a mind gets 
object-acquaintance from a sign (the previous interpretant) to that 
same mind about the object." So you contradicted Peirce in order to 
get those two triangles.
"A mind gets acquaintance with the object from a sign" : Yes and No. The 
apparent contradiction seems to me to be solved precisely by the duality 
between the continuous  agreggate of experience of some object and the 
instantaneous effect of the same object through its actual sign.
1)On the side of continuity the interpreter's mind holds an history, a 
digest of an object through the aggregation of a multiplicity of 
instantaneous signs of it. Such an aggregation we call experience. In 
this sense we can say that object acquaintance comes -indirectly- with a 
series of signs. This lets open several questions: a) the identity of 
the object to which such an experience refers and b) the kind of the 
processes that proceed to the aggregation (the question of memory, be it 
individual or collective, c)how short could be the series in order to be 
effective for acquaintance, etc. I remember an old discussion on the 
list with Cathy Legg in order to know what happens with the first sign 
of some object (for example the first occurrence of a new word).
2)On the other side there is the  instantaneous effect of a sign of the 
same object for the interpreter's mind. This effect does not bear 
anymore the identity of the object. In this sense the sign does not 
offers acquaintance with its object. It can only tell something about it.
3) Putting into relation 1) and 2) does the whole job. But analytically 
speaking, collateral experience is not genuinely distinct from the basic 
S-O-I relation. It is only a particular manifestation of such a relation 
qua entering into a continuous series of actualized signs.

To my understanding of this, if somebody wanted to do a basic revision 
of Peirce's semiotic it should consist not to add a fourth element but 
to argue that without psychology (the aggregation process in some human 
head) there could hardly be any semiosis at all. The other "angle 
d'attaque" would be to argue that the recourse to time (the series of 
signs) requires to change the theory of signs. None of them was accepted 
by Peirce of course.



Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Benjamin Udell
Bernard, list,

>[Bernard] A few precisions which my initial text had overlooked, all along 
>your comments.

[Joe]  The only thing that presently interests me about Ben's thesis about 
verification concerns it as a claim made about taking it into account in 
the basic category theory.   When you broaden it to being about experimenal 
procedure instead that broadens it quite beyond my concern.
>>>[Bernard] OK. I will try to answer Ben on the categorial aspect of the 
>>>matter further. However my point was precisely that in order to don't throw 
>>>too roughly verification into a category of its own, it is necessary to put 
>>>it into its proper context. This context is I think the scientific method 
>>>and in the same way as nobody would make of -say- the effects of a 
>>>conception a category of its own, the same goes for verification. But there 
>>>is something in Ben's argumentation that deserves interest,  namely the role 
>>>of recognition and experience in the flow of living signs as well as their 
>>>involvement in the basic theory of signs. In short, I think that if the 
>>>solution of the collateral experience does not consist in the invention of a 
>>>new category, yet the problem remains.
>>>[Bernard] In a sense your response below (see after my message) shows that 
>>>either you consider the problem as being concerned by the communication 
>>>theory properties of scientific exchanges or you consider it as not being a 
>>>problem at all.
>>>[Bernard] I strongly agree with you on the fundamental role of trust in 
>>>recognition (and I read trust as Firstness: something which is as it is 
>>>without needing anything else). The reason is that since "all evolution of 
>>>thought is dialogical" a precondition for the dialogue can take place is 
>>>trust. I often muse over the following passage from Peirce, which I think 
>>>says just the same concerning the dialogue of our reason with the universe:
>>>[Bernard quoting Peirce] " Our Reason is akin to the Reason that governs the 
>>>universe, we must assume that or despair of finding out anything. Now 
>>>despair is always illogical, and we are warranted in thinking so, since 
>>>otherwise all reasoning will be in vain" (NEM, Vol 3). In other words we can 
>>>trust a familiarity, affinity of our reason with the world, and this trust 
>>>is logical Peirce adds. The same goes for argumentation.
>>>[Bernard] Now the fact that the dialogue is supported by trust, the fact 
>>>that as you are saying there is a normal presumption of credibility in human 
>>>communication, does not give an account of the ways in which the dialogue 
>>>itself develops: it is just a prerequisite for the dialogue to take place. 
>>>Collateral experience is a dialogue between two signs: a sign of an object 
>>>for an interpretant on the one side and another sign (which is nothing but 
>>>the previous interpretant) of the SAME object on the other side. I say 
>>>"another sign" because experience, as thought, is in signs
>>[Ben] Your scenario implies that a mind gets object-acquaintance from a sign 
>>(the previous interpretant) to that same mind about the object. It's okay for 
>>you to disagree with Peirce on that issue, but you should come out and say 
>>so. (Do you, in fact, agree or disagree with Peirce about it?). However, as 
>>far as I can tell, you're simply trying to use hidden semiotic reference 
>>frame shifts as a legitimate basis for reasoning. You're saying, that 
>>experience is mediated by signs, ergo a mind X's experience of an object is 
>>mind X's sign of the object. But it's only for another mind Y, or for the 
>>same mind X qua other mind Y, that the experience of the object may be merely 
>>a sign of the object. Mind X's experience of the object is mind Y's sign of 
>>the object. That happens often enough. It doesn't mean, willy-nilly and in a 
>>blur of illation symbols, that mind X's experience of the object is mind X's 
>>sign of the object.

>[Bernard] I don't know if Peirce saw the matter as I see it myself but I have 
>not found in the sources something that contradicts my own idea of that. 
>Nevertheless, I try to be more precise because it seems that you did not 
>understand my point. The keypoint is that we are  working here with a 
>particular level of semiotics, the level of the evolution of signs in actu or 
>semiosis. Thus the "dynamic" aspect of the relationship between successive 
>actualized signs of the same object is essential. And I see the question of 
>collateral experience of the object as another way of saying that you can't 
>determine the identity of a moving body (the actual sign of some object) at 
>the instant t without knowing its previous trajectory. To put it by means of a 
>mathematical image, collateral experience can be figured by the partial 
>integral of a curve to which the actual sign comes to complete with a "delta" 
>(hence the phrasing  "perhaps a much more developped sign" for the 
>interpretant). It i

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Bill Bailey

Thank you for your response.  I suppose at the crack of doom humans will
still be wrestling with definitions.  These exchanges are useful for
egocentrics like me who assume their terms mean the same as someone else's.
When I think of "immediate," I think of something very like Peirce's
"immediate state of consciousness."  In the prior post I used the example of
an infant's experience of a hunger pang or hurt.  That also seems to me to
be compatible with Peirce's A is immediate to B formulation.  But when we
clip the prefix from "immediate" I think I leave the definitional camp.
When I speak of mediation, I'm talking about the use of a medium, some
constrained/limited system which we use informationally, such as the sensory
system or language. From the standpoint of information, the medium is not an
obstructive intermediary, but the necessary if often unconsciously used
means of information processing.  So I may be at odds with you and Peirce as
regards the concept of "mediation."

- Original Message - 
From: "Benjamin Udell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" 
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 1:15 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Bill, list,

Peirce does disgtinguish between "direct" and "immediate." See Joe's post
from Feb. 15, 2006, which I reproduce below. It's not very clear to me at
the mmoment what Peirce means by "without the aid of any subsidiary
instruments or operation." -- which is part of how he means "direct." I know
at least that when I say "direct" I mean such as can be mediated, and I've
thought that Peirce meant "direct" in that sense too. So by "direct" I guess
I mean something like -- if mediated, then such as not to create
impediments, buffers, etc., and such as instead to transmit "brute" or
unencoded, untranslated determination of the relevant kind by the shortest
distance. (I.e., insofar as the mediation means an "encoding," it's not the
relevant kind of determination anyway).

Best, Ben

- Original Message - 
From: "Joseph Ransdell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:36 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: immediate/mediate, direct/indirect - CORRECTION

I did a check against an aging photocopy of the MS of the quote from Peirce
in my recent message,  and found some errors of transcription, and also a
typo of punctuation that needed correction as well.  I also include in this
correction an indication of the words which are underlined in the original
(using flanking underscores). I show one illegible word as a set of six
question marks enclosed in brackets because the illegible word appears to
have six letters, maybe seven.

Here is the passage again,  corrected (though not infallibly):

A _primal_ is that which is _something_ that is _in itself_ regardless of
anything else.

A _Potential_ is anything which is in some respect determined but whose
being is not definite.

A _Feeling_ is a state of determination of consciousness which apparently
might in its own nature (neglecting our experience of [??] etc.)
continue for some time unchanged and that has no reference of [NOTE: should
be "to"] anything else.

I call a state of consciousness _immediate_ which does not refer to
anything not present in that very state.

I use the terms _immediate_ and _direct_, not according to their etymologies
but so that to say that A is _immediate_ to B means that it is present in B.
_Direct_, as I use it means without the aid of any subsidiary instruments or

--  MS 339.493; c. 1904-05   Logic Notebook

Joe Ransdell

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" 
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 2:40 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Jim, List:
I cannot accept the notions "direct acquaintance" or "direct experience" if
those terms mean "unmediated," or generally assume a human sensory system
that is isomorphic with the universe as it exists independently of any

Electro-chemical events in the system must follow their own system rules.
That is not to say human sensory experience is not veridical.  It obviously
is, or we would have perished.  But isomorphism is no more necessary to
veridicality than it is to the analogical relationships between mathematical
formulae and the physical world.

The most direct experience we have, and it seems to me Peirce supports this
contention, is a strong affective state.  For the baby, it's a hunger pang,
a physical hurt, or more happily, being fed or swaddled.  What is felt is
all there is; stimulus and response are essentially

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Benjamin Udell
Dear Jim, list,

> Dear Ben, Folks--

>[Jim] Thanks for the reassuring clarification,  Ben.  Here's my thought on the 
>matter for today.

>[Jim] The distinction between the knowledge we gain from direct acquaintance 
>with an object verses the knowledge we gain of the same object through a 
>symbolic sign of that object is that direct aquaintance is mediated by an 
>actually indexed icon of the object whereas indirect symbolic aquaintance is 
>mediated by an imputed icon of the object. 

You've shifted the semiotic reference frame. For another mind my acquaintance 
may be merely a sign -- an index with an icon. If they were my index & icon, 
then, as per Peirce, I couldn't get acquaintance or experience from them. So we 
note that most observers will not have direct access to the oberving mind in 
question, and that therefore for most observers the experience belonging to the 
observing mind in question will be a sign rather than an experience. And this 
we call 'mediation.' It's not really mediation, though; it's only similar to 
mediation. The genuine mediation by semiosis is in the fact that the observing 
mind in question is in and subject to some underlying semiosis whereof the 
observing mind in question is unconscious, and this involves unconsciousness 
not only about objects, signs, and interpretants, but also even about 
recognitions, (dis-)verifications, learnings. If it doesn't involve learning 
and (dis-verification), then it's not semiosis, but merely preprogrammed 
information processing which, apart from the perspective of the recipient, 
learning, and evolution, is triadic -- source, encoding, decoding -- which is 
stuff which probably does mediate at some deep unintelligent level. It is only 
at the individual vegetable level that such a structure can be considered, in 
some qualified sense, to comprehensively characterize a system.

The other observing minds need to avoid the move toward solipsism and, in any 
case the move into vegetabilism, which is involved in failing to see that the 
mind in question has experiences and observations which are not _that_ mind's 
interpretations, even though those experiences and observations are not 
themselves experiences and observations belonging to the other observing minds. 
Those more tangible and visible and glossable indices and icons and symbols -- 
break it down into those? It really is not so unlike saying that we're just 
atoms and molecules, but it's even less justified.

It is difficult enough to grasp the interpretiveness of those signs which 
clarify in terms of values and interests and standards of practical bearing and 
non-banality rather different than our own, the values and interests of other 
species, other communities, other _kinds_. The interpretant selects 
ramifications, specializing "down" from the universe represented by the sign. 
It will be that much more difficult to grasp the recognitiveness of objects -- 
or I should say experiential subjections -- which are those of individual minds 
other than our own, caught up in different places and times in the tapestry of 
history and geography..

The analysis of experience which breaks experience down into mediative elements 
of object, sign, and interpretant but not also of unconscious recognitions, 
unconscious "experiences" of them in respect of each other, is simply leaving 
something out.

And it involves an unnecessary complication of the language of description. I 
see and handle the thing -- it is my focus of interest, and it has a certain 
forcefulness and resistance, and a certain appearance. Calling those indices 
and icons when I'm just interested in them for themselves complicates the issue 
unnecessarily, and will lead to one's calling an icon's appearance also an 
icon, and that second icon's appearance, in turn, also an icon. Meanwhile, the 
unconscious mediation (which I agree is there) via indices and icons will also 
have unconscious interpretants and verifications. At least, at the atomic 
level, there is no appearance of little interpretant and verification 
structures which go simply ignored. Thus the analysis of experience into 
entirely non-experiential semiotic elements is less justified than the analysis 
of mind/brain down to mere atoms.

By your reasoning and your use of the hidden semiotic-reference-frame shift, 
one could likewise analyze the triad down to dyads and those down to monads (a 
reductive analysis about which I went into some detail some months ago). All 
defenses of the triad which work by the reduction of experience to 
object-sign-interpretant that I've seen have involved the same abandonment of 
triadist defenses against dyadism and monadism in order break tetradism's 

>[Jim]  The meaning of symbols depends in part upon the reliability of 
>linguistic conventions, customs and habits.  The meaning of icons depends 
>primarily upon the reliability of direct observation.

>[Jim] Ideally the meanings we assign to our symbols

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Jim Piat


I don't understand why a person can't represent two signs as either alike or 
unlike without resorting to some sort of representation that is outside of 
representation as represented by Peirce.  I encounter a sign of an object in 
some context where the object is not present.  I interpret that sign.  Later 
I go find  the actual collateral object that the I originally interpreted 
the sign to stand for.  I observe that collateral object -- which is to say 
I conceive the collateral object through the process of representing  as 
having some meaning or consequences.   Later I compare  my original 
interpretation of the object's meaning that I derived from the sign  with my 
interpretation of the collateral object's meaning that I based upon 
observing the object itslef.  I do this by representing the a new object 
which I call the difference or similarity between the object of the original 
sign and the object which I observed.

I'm trying to address two issues here.  The first issue is what I take to be 
the fact that even observation involves representation.  The second issue is 
that comparison is also a matter of representation.

Enjoying and hopefully learning from your challenging arguments!  Not sure 
you'd agree that I'm learning anything, but I do see a subtle evolution in 
your argument in response to the comments of others  -- and this I find to 
your credit!

Jim Piat

- Original Message - 
From: "Benjamin Udell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 3:15 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Bill, list,

Peirce does disgtinguish between "direct" and "immediate." See Joe's post 
from Feb. 15, 2006, which I reproduce below. It's not very clear to me at 
the mmoment what Peirce means by "without the aid of any subsidiary 
instruments or operation." -- which is part of how he means "direct." I know 
at least that when I say "direct" I mean such as can be mediated, and I've 
thought that Peirce meant "direct" in that sense too. So by "direct" I guess 
I mean something like -- if mediated, then such as not to create 
impediments, buffers, etc., and such as instead to transmit "brute" or 
unencoded, untranslated determination of the relevant kind by the shortest 
distance. (I.e., insofar as the mediation means an "encoding," it's not the 
relevant kind of determination anyway).

Best, Ben

- Original Message - 
From: "Joseph Ransdell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:36 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: immediate/mediate, direct/indirect - CORRECTION

I did a check against an aging photocopy of the MS of the quote from Peirce 
in my recent message,  and found some errors of transcription, and also a 
typo of punctuation that needed correction as well.  I also include in this 
correction an indication of the words which are underlined in the original 
(using flanking underscores). I show one illegible word as a set of six 
question marks enclosed in brackets because the illegible word appears to 
have six letters, maybe seven.

Here is the passage again,  corrected (though not infallibly):

A _primal_ is that which is _something_ that is _in itself_ regardless of 
anything else.

A _Potential_ is anything which is in some respect determined but whose 
being is not definite.

A _Feeling_ is a state of determination of consciousness which apparently 
might in its own nature (neglecting our experience of [??] etc.) 
continue for some time unchanged and that has no reference of [NOTE: should 
be "to"] anything else.

I call a state of consciousness _immediate_ which does not refer to 
anything not present in that very state.

I use the terms _immediate_ and _direct_, not according to their etymologies 
but so that to say that A is _immediate_ to B means that it is present in B. 
_Direct_, as I use it means without the aid of any subsidiary instruments or 

--  MS 339.493; c. 1904-05   Logic Notebook

Joe Ransdell

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" 
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 2:40 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Jim, List:
I cannot accept the notions "direct acquaintance" or "direct experience" if 
those terms mean "unmediated," or generally assume a human sensory system 
that is isomorphic with the universe as it exists independently of any 

Electro-chemical events in the system must follow their own system rules. 
That is not to say human sensory experience is not veridical.  It obviously 
is, or we would have pe

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Jim Piat

Dear Bill,

I did not mean to suggest that direct aquaintance with an object was 
unmediated by signs . I was trying to make just the opposite point  -- that 
all meaningful conceptions are mediated by signs whether we are in direct 
contact with the object or indirectly as when the object is represented by a 
symbol.  My further point was that direct contact permitted actual 
iconization of the object based upon direct observation whereas the symbol 
only provided an imputed icon which depended in part upon community 

So I think I am more in agreement with your position that I made clear in my 
earlier posts.  I even agree with the thrust of your argument that meaning 
guides perception rather than vice versa.  We do not perceive truly unknown 
objects that are meaningless to us.  An unfamiliar object that is a member 
of a familiar class is of course not instance of a meaningless object 
becuase we have a framework in which to perceive its broad outlines. But a 
truly unknown object would escape our notice because it has no meaningful 

As to firstness  -- I seem to be in a mininority around here as to what 
constitutes a feeling, a quality or a firstness.  I say we have no 
conception of firsts (other than as firsts of thirds) because without the 
sign we have no conception of anything.  In the beginning is the word.

Sorry I have not responded more directly to your comments.  I find them 
interesting as always but just now I'm in a big rush.  Still I could not 
resist a comment or two of my own.

Best wishes,
Jim Piat
- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 2:40 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Jim, List:
I cannot accept the notions "direct acquaintance" or "direct experience" 

those terms mean "unmediated," or generally assume a human sensory system
that is isomorphic with the universe as it exists independently of any

Electro-chemical events in the system must follow their own system rules.
That is not to say human sensory experience is not veridical.  It 

is, or we would have perished.  But isomorphism is no more necessary to
veridicality than it is to the analogical relationships between 

formulae and the physical world.

The most direct experience we have, and it seems to me Peirce supports 
contention, is a strong affective state.  For the baby, it's a hunger 

a physical hurt, or more happily, being fed or swaddled.  What is felt is
all there is; stimulus and response are essentially unitive.  It takes
awhile for a child to learn to mediate between that systemic relevance and
the identity that is commonly called "objective."  Developmental
psychologists have commented upon the beginnings of perception in 

For example:  an urban infant commonly sleeps through all sorts of traffic
noises--sirens, crashes, horns, etc., but wakes up when mother enters the
room.  And relevance continues to direct us in our adult, everyday lives
where things and events have the identies and meanings of their personal
relevances--what we use them to do and how we feel about them.  The
wonderfully bright and sensitive colleague who stopped by our office to 

yesterday is inconsiderate and intrinsically irritating today with his
endless yammering while we are trying to meet a paper deadline.

There is some physiological evidence that meaning precedes 

that the relevance of a sensory response is responded to in the brain's
cortex before differentiation of the stimulus identity. Contrary to
experience, we've been brought up and educated to believe we perceive and
identify the object and then have responses--which, if it were so, would
have promptly ended evolution for any species so afflicted.  You couldn't
dodge the predator's charge until after you'd named the predator, the 

and what to do.

For most of our lives, the subject-object relationship analysis only 

when things go wrong, when the ride breaks down and we have to get off to
fix it.  The rest of the time the perceptual information/data that we 

as "objective" is submerged in our comparatively "mindless" states of
feeling and doing. We write or type instead of moving our fingers and 
to produce selected results.  We drive three quarters of the way to work 

"wake up" to realize we've no memory of the prior two miles.  Or we come
home angered by someone at work and yell at spouses and kids.

That's the everyday world we live in, and in that world the organic unity 

the sensory system means responses to environmental impingments
(exteroception) are inherently conditioned by what we are feeling and
doing--by interoc

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Bernard Morand
. I think that it is 
an unnecessary luxury


For my part, the cenopythagorean categories are quite relevant and belong in 
one-to-one correspondence with the basic semiotic elements just as they are 
with various kinds of signs (icon, index, symbol). But it's that much harder, 
for instance, to argue about the final interpretant, the final recognizant, and 
their particular importance (and I do hold with those ideas), if people remain 
undeclared on their views about the relevance of the cenopythagorean categories 
to the basic semiotic elements.

Best, Ben


[Joe] I should say, though, that I think that verification in science is motivated in the same say 
as in ordinary life, namely, by the occurrence of a real question being at least pertinent or 
justifiable if not actually raised about a given claim made.  In practice, scientists tend to 
accept research claims made by those they regard as peers as unquestioningly as one does in 
ordinary life in regards to claims made by ordinary life peers. Huaan relationships depend 
importantly on this:  someone who thinks that everything anyone else says is questionable prima 
facie is living in hell (which, unfortunately, does indeed occur all too frequently in human life, 
as the daily news testifies).  Peirce's brief discussion of "credenciveness" in the New 
Elements paper (in Essential Writings 2) is very suggestive in this respect, and I note that Peirce 
is responsible for the definition of "credencive" in the Century Dictionary, though I 
can't check up on that right at the moment while in process of composing this message.  But, to put 
the point in brief, I think Peirce reognizes the fundamental importance of there being a normal 
presumption of credibility in human communication: the recognition of the speech acts of assertion, 
statement making, etc., is a theoretical understanding of that pre-theoretical practice in daily 
life and in science as well.  It is a recognition of the fundamental role of trust.


- Original Message 
From: Bernard Morand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2006 5:48:29 AM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Ben, Gary, Joe, Charles and list

I followed the discussion about verification with interest and while I don't 
think that the question of verification calls for a fourth category, some 
arguments from Ben deserve to be  studied carefully.  As an example I will take 
 a passage out of the last reply from Joe, a short extract in order to limit 
the subject to one point that I think to be important.

Joe writes :

"Scientific verification is really just a sophistication about ways of checking up on something about 
which one has some doubts, driven by an unusually strong concern for establishing something as 
"definitively" as possible, which is of course nothing more than an ideal of checking up on 
something so thoroughly that no real question about it will ever be raised again.But it is no different 
in principle from what we do in ordinary life when we try to "make sure" of something that we think 
might be so but about which we are not certain enough to satisfy us."

It seems to me that the Peirce's quote given by Ben makes clear that scientific 
"verification" is NOT the same as checking something in ordinary life as Joe 
puts it. I reproduce a fragment of the quote :

Mr. George Henry Lewes in his work on Aristotle(1) seems to me to have come 
pretty near to stating the true cause of the success of modern science when he 
has said that it was *_verification_*. I should express it in this way: modern 
students of science have been successful because they have spent their lives 
not in their libraries and museums but in their laboratories and in the field; 
and while in their laboratories and in the field they have been not gazing on 
nature with a vacant eye, that is, in passive perception unassisted by thought, 
but have been *_observing_* -- that is, perceiving by the aid of analysis -- 
and testing suggestions of theories. The cause of their success has been that 
the motive which has carried them to the laboratory and the field has been a 
craving to know how things really were, and an interest in finding out whether 
or not general propositions actually held good -- which has overbalanced all 
prejudice, all vanity, and all passion. (CP 1.34)

The main differences are:
- the originator of the verification: according to Joe, an individual being 
doubting of something ; according to Peirce a group of students motivated by a 
desire to know. Doubt isn't an essential part of the verification motive in 
- the goal of the verification: the fact that no real question will be raised again on the subject according to Joe ; wether or not a GENERAL proposition ACTUALLY holds good

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Benjamin Udell
Bill, list,

Peirce does disgtinguish between "direct" and "immediate." See Joe's post from 
Feb. 15, 2006, which I reproduce below. It's not very clear to me at the 
mmoment what Peirce means by "without the aid of any subsidiary instruments or 
operation." -- which is part of how he means "direct." I know at least that 
when I say "direct" I mean such as can be mediated, and I've thought that 
Peirce meant "direct" in that sense too. So by "direct" I guess I mean 
something like -- if mediated, then such as not to create impediments, buffers, 
etc., and such as instead to transmit "brute" or unencoded, untranslated 
determination of the relevant kind by the shortest distance. (I.e., insofar as 
the mediation means an "encoding," it's not the relevant kind of determination 

Best, Ben

- Original Message - 
From: "Joseph Ransdell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:36 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: immediate/mediate, direct/indirect - CORRECTION

I did a check against an aging photocopy of the MS of the quote from Peirce in 
my recent message,  and found some errors of transcription, and also a typo of 
punctuation that needed correction as well.  I also include in this correction 
an indication of the words which are underlined in the original (using flanking 
underscores). I show one illegible word as a set of six question marks enclosed 
in brackets because the illegible word appears to have six letters, maybe seven.

Here is the passage again,  corrected (though not infallibly):

A _primal_ is that which is _something_ that is _in itself_ regardless of 
anything else.

A _Potential_ is anything which is in some respect determined but whose being 
is not definite.

A _Feeling_ is a state of determination of consciousness which apparently might 
in its own nature (neglecting our experience of [??] etc.) continue for 
some time unchanged and that has no reference of [NOTE: should be "to"] 
anything else.

 I call a state of consciousness _immediate_ which does not refer to anything 
not present in that very state.

I use the terms _immediate_ and _direct_, not according to their etymologies 
but so that to say that A is _immediate_ to B means that it is present in B. 
_Direct_, as I use it means without the aid of any subsidiary instruments or 

--  MS 339.493; c. 1904-05   Logic Notebook

Joe Ransdell

- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" 
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 2:40 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Jim, List:
I cannot accept the notions "direct acquaintance" or "direct experience" if 
those terms mean "unmediated," or generally assume a human sensory system that 
is isomorphic with the universe as it exists independently of any observer.

Electro-chemical events in the system must follow their own system rules. That 
is not to say human sensory experience is not veridical.  It obviously is, or 
we would have perished.  But isomorphism is no more necessary to veridicality 
than it is to the analogical relationships between mathematical formulae and 
the physical world.

The most direct experience we have, and it seems to me Peirce supports this 
contention, is a strong affective state.  For the baby, it's a hunger pang, a 
physical hurt, or more happily, being fed or swaddled.  What is felt is all 
there is; stimulus and response are essentially unitive.  It takes awhile for a 
child to learn to mediate between that systemic relevance and the identity that 
is commonly called "objective."  Developmental psychologists have commented 
upon the beginnings of perception in relevance. For example:  an urban infant 
commonly sleeps through all sorts of traffic noises--sirens, crashes, horns, 
etc., but wakes up when mother enters the room.  And relevance continues to 
direct us in our adult, everyday lives where things and events have the 
identies and meanings of their personal relevances--what we use them to do and 
how we feel about them.  The wonderfully bright and sensitive colleague who 
stopped by our office to chat yesterday is inconsiderate and intrinsically 
irritating today with his endless yammering while we are trying to meet a paper 

There is some physiological evidence that meaning precedes perception--i.e., 
that the relevance of a sensory response is responded to in the brain's cortex 
before differentiation of the stimulus identity. Contrary to experience, we've 
been brought up and educated to believe we perceive and identify the object and 
then have responses--which, if it were so, would have promptly ended evolution 
for any species so afflicted.  You couldn

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Bill Bailey

I reply to myself to note that I left off a paragraph:  Through habituation,
as with the rest of our information processing, we deal also with the
acquired objective social reality in the primary mode of processing until we
get into trouble.  Because we have supporting groups for that "reality,"
it's sometimes difficult to get off and fix a social reality with the wheels
coming off.  I think of "intersubjectivity" as primary level social
information processing.  Scientific investigation, or Peirce's community of
investigators is what I consider the acme of secondary level social
information processing.

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" 
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 12:40 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Jim, List:
I cannot accept the notions "direct acquaintance" or "direct experience"
those terms mean "unmediated," or generally assume a human sensory system
that is isomorphic with the universe as it exists independently of any

Electro-chemical events in the system must follow their own system rules.
That is not to say human sensory experience is not veridical.  It
is, or we would have perished.  But isomorphism is no more necessary to
veridicality than it is to the analogical relationships between
formulae and the physical world.

The most direct experience we have, and it seems to me Peirce supports
contention, is a strong affective state.  For the baby, it's a hunger
a physical hurt, or more happily, being fed or swaddled.  What is felt is
all there is; stimulus and response are essentially unitive.  It takes
awhile for a child to learn to mediate between that systemic relevance and
the identity that is commonly called "objective."  Developmental
psychologists have commented upon the beginnings of perception in
For example:  an urban infant commonly sleeps through all sorts of traffic
noises--sirens, crashes, horns, etc., but wakes up when mother enters the
room.  And relevance continues to direct us in our adult, everyday lives
where things and events have the identies and meanings of their personal
relevances--what we use them to do and how we feel about them.  The
wonderfully bright and sensitive colleague who stopped by our office to
yesterday is inconsiderate and intrinsically irritating today with his
endless yammering while we are trying to meet a paper deadline.

There is some physiological evidence that meaning precedes
that the relevance of a sensory response is responded to in the brain's
cortex before differentiation of the stimulus identity. Contrary to
experience, we've been brought up and educated to believe we perceive and
identify the object and then have responses--which, if it were so, would
have promptly ended evolution for any species so afflicted.  You couldn't
dodge the predator's charge until after you'd named the predator, the
and what to do.

For most of our lives, the subject-object relationship analysis only
when things go wrong, when the ride breaks down and we have to get off to
fix it.  The rest of the time the perceptual information/data that we
as "objective" is submerged in our comparatively "mindless" states of
feeling and doing. We write or type instead of moving our fingers and
to produce selected results.  We drive three quarters of the way to work
"wake up" to realize we've no memory of the prior two miles.  Or we come
home angered by someone at work and yell at spouses and kids.

That's the everyday world we live in, and in that world the organic unity
the sensory system means responses to environmental impingments
(exteroception) are inherently conditioned by what we are feeling and
doing--by interoception and proprioception.

I understand this primary level of information processing to be
what Peirce means by "firstness."  I don't think we can get to secondness
until there can be some degree of separation in the so-called subjective
objective elements of experience can be separated.  We may discover,
contrary to our desires, alas, we cannot eat rocks without the pain.  But
is only in thirdness that we can represent experience to ourselves and
ultimately through communication work out an objective social reality.  It
is in thirdness, a secondary level of information processing, that we
mediate between objective reality and how we feel about it.  It is this
secondary level of information processing that we (sometimes) fix the
when the wheels come off.  Other times we may just kick and brutalize the
damnably perverse inanimate object.

I'd be delighted to have any errors pointed out in my application of

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Bill Bailey

Jim, List:
I cannot accept the notions "direct acquaintance" or "direct experience" if
those terms mean "unmediated," or generally assume a human sensory system
that is isomorphic with the universe as it exists independently of any

Electro-chemical events in the system must follow their own system rules.
That is not to say human sensory experience is not veridical.  It obviously
is, or we would have perished.  But isomorphism is no more necessary to
veridicality than it is to the analogical relationships between mathematical
formulae and the physical world.

The most direct experience we have, and it seems to me Peirce supports this
contention, is a strong affective state.  For the baby, it's a hunger pang,
a physical hurt, or more happily, being fed or swaddled.  What is felt is
all there is; stimulus and response are essentially unitive.  It takes
awhile for a child to learn to mediate between that systemic relevance and
the identity that is commonly called "objective."  Developmental
psychologists have commented upon the beginnings of perception in relevance.
For example:  an urban infant commonly sleeps through all sorts of traffic
noises--sirens, crashes, horns, etc., but wakes up when mother enters the
room.  And relevance continues to direct us in our adult, everyday lives
where things and events have the identies and meanings of their personal
relevances--what we use them to do and how we feel about them.  The
wonderfully bright and sensitive colleague who stopped by our office to chat
yesterday is inconsiderate and intrinsically irritating today with his
endless yammering while we are trying to meet a paper deadline.

There is some physiological evidence that meaning precedes perception--i.e.,
that the relevance of a sensory response is responded to in the brain's
cortex before differentiation of the stimulus identity. Contrary to
experience, we've been brought up and educated to believe we perceive and
identify the object and then have responses--which, if it were so, would
have promptly ended evolution for any species so afflicted.  You couldn't
dodge the predator's charge until after you'd named the predator, the attack
and what to do.

For most of our lives, the subject-object relationship analysis only enters
when things go wrong, when the ride breaks down and we have to get off to
fix it.  The rest of the time the perceptual information/data that we treat
as "objective" is submerged in our comparatively "mindless" states of
feeling and doing. We write or type instead of moving our fingers and hands
to produce selected results.  We drive three quarters of the way to work and
"wake up" to realize we've no memory of the prior two miles.  Or we come
home angered by someone at work and yell at spouses and kids.

That's the everyday world we live in, and in that world the organic unity of
the sensory system means responses to environmental impingments
(exteroception) are inherently conditioned by what we are feeling and
doing--by interoception and proprioception.

I understand this primary level of information processing to be essentially
what Peirce means by "firstness."  I don't think we can get to secondness
until there can be some degree of separation in the so-called subjective and
objective elements of experience can be separated.  We may discover,
contrary to our desires, alas, we cannot eat rocks without the pain.  But it
is only in thirdness that we can represent experience to ourselves and
ultimately through communication work out an objective social reality.  It
is in thirdness, a secondary level of information processing, that we
mediate between objective reality and how we feel about it.  It is this
secondary level of information processing that we (sometimes) fix the wagon
when the wheels come off.  Other times we may just kick and brutalize the
damnably perverse inanimate object.

I'd be delighted to have any errors pointed out in my application of Peirce.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Piat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" 
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 10:50 AM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Dear Ben, Folks--

Thanks for the reassuring clarification,  Ben.  Here's my thought on the
matter for today.

The distinction between the knowledge we gain from direct acquaintance
with an object verses the knowledge we gain of the same object through a
symbolic sign of that object is that direct aquaintance is mediated by an
actually indexed icon of the object whereas indirect symbolic aquaintance
is mediated by an imputed icon of the object.  The meaning of symbols
depends in part upon the reliability of linguistic conventions, customs
and habits.  The meaning of icons depends primarily upon the reliability
of direct observat

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Benjamin Udell
ry, I argue for the 
retention of the object-sign-interpretant structure and for the _recognition_ 
that -- via the characterization of the interpretant and via the Pragmatic 
Maxim and via the characterizations of sign and semiotic object dependently on 
the characterization of the interpretant --the object-sign-interpretant 
structure already is based, thoughout itself, on the appeal to a fourth 
element, practically relevant experience which would tend to support or 
overturn interpretant and sign with respect to the obect.

It still remains unclear to me what you and Joe mean by "category theory." 
Normally I would take that to mean theory about, first of all, the 
cenopythagorean categories 1stness, 2ndness, 3rdness. But both of you seem to 
be talking only about the object-sign-interpretant triad. This matters because 
it is not clear whether you, and whether Joe, currently hold that there is a 
one-to-one correlation between the cenopythagorean categories and the basic 
semiotic elements, and whether either of you currently has a definite view on 
the question at all. For my part, the cenopythagorean categories are quite 
relevant and belong in one-to-one correspondence with the basic semiotic 
elements just as they are with various kinds of signs (icon, index, symbol). 
But it's that much harder, for instance, to argue about the final interpretant, 
the final recognizant, and their particular importance (and I do hold with 
those ideas), if people remain undeclared on their views about the relevance of 
the cenopythagorean categories to the basic semiotic elements.

Best, Ben

>>[Joe] I should say, though, that I think that verification in science is 
>>motivated in the same say as in ordinary life, namely, by the occurrence of a 
>>real question being at least pertinent or justifiable if not actually raised 
>>about a given claim made.  In practice, scientists tend to accept research 
>>claims made by those they regard as peers as unquestioningly as one does in 
>>ordinary life in regards to claims made by ordinary life peers. Huaan 
>>relationships depend importantly on this:  someone who thinks that everything 
>>anyone else says is questionable prima facie is living in hell (which, 
>>unfortunately, does indeed occur all too frequently in human life, as the 
>>daily news testifies).  Peirce's brief discussion of "credenciveness" in the 
>>New Elements paper (in Essential Writings 2) is very suggestive in this 
>>respect, and I note that Peirce is responsible for the definition of 
>>"credencive" in the Century Dictionary, though I can't check up on that right 
>>at the moment while in process of composing this message.  But, to put the 
>>point in brief, I think Peirce reognizes the fundamental importance of there 
>>being a normal presumption of credibility in human communication: the 
>>recognition of the speech acts of assertion, statement making, etc., is a 
>>theoretical understanding of that pre-theoretical practice in daily life and 
>>in science as well.  It is a recognition of the fundamental role of trust.

> - Original Message 
> From: Bernard Morand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
> Sent: Friday, September 1, 2006 5:48:29 AM
> Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor
> Ben, Gary, Joe, Charles and list
> I followed the discussion about verification with interest and while I don't 
> think that the question of verification calls for a fourth category, some 
> arguments from Ben deserve to be  studied carefully.  As an example I will 
> take  a passage out of the last reply from Joe, a short extract in order to 
> limit the subject to one point that I think to be important.
> Joe writes :
>"Scientific verification is really just a sophistication about ways of 
>checking up on something about which one has some doubts, driven by an 
>unusually strong concern for establishing something as "definitively" as 
>possible, which is of course nothing more than an ideal of checking up on 
>something so thoroughly that no real question about it will ever be raised 
>again.But it is no different in principle from what we do in ordinary life 
>when we try to "make sure" of something that we think might be so but about 
>which we are not certain enough to satisfy us."
>It seems to me that the Peirce's quote given by Ben makes clear that 
>scientific "verification" is NOT the same as checking something in ordinary 
>life as Joe puts it. I reproduce a fragment of the quote :
>Mr. George Henry Lewes in his work on Aristotle(1) seems to me to have come 
>pretty near to stating the true cause of the

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Jim Piat

Dear Ben, Folks--

Thanks for the reassuring clarification,  Ben.  Here's my thought on the 
matter for today.

The distinction between the knowledge we gain from direct acquaintance with 
an object verses the knowledge we gain of the same object through a symbolic 
sign of that object is that direct aquaintance is mediated by an actually 
indexed icon of the object whereas indirect symbolic aquaintance is mediated 
by an imputed icon of the object.  The meaning of symbols depends in part 
upon the reliability of linguistic conventions, customs and habits.  The 
meaning of icons depends primarily upon the reliability of direct 

Ideally the meanings we assign to our symbols are rooted in aquaintance with 
the actual objects to which they refer,  but customs take on a life of their 
own and are notoriously susceptible to the distorting influence of such 
factors as wishful thinking, blind allegiance to authority, tradition and 
the like.  Science and common sense teach us that it is useful to 
periodically compare our actual icons with our theories and symbolic 
imputations of them.

Symbols provide indirect aquaintance with objects.   Actual observation of 
objects provides direct aquaintance.  However in both cases the aquaintance 
(in so far as it provides us with a conception of the object) is mediated by 
signs.  In the case of direct aquaintance the sign is an icon.  In the case 
of indirect aquaintance the sign is a symbol with an imputed icon.

Whenever we make comparisons we do so with signs.  Mere otherness is 
basically dyadic.  Comparison is fundamentally triadic.  "A is not B" is not 
a comparison but merely an indication of otherness from which we gain no 
real sense of how A compares to B.  On the other hand the analogy that "A is 
to B as B is to C"  is a comparison which actually tells us something about 
the relative characters of the elements involved.

Comparing a collateral object with a symbol for a collateral object is 
really a matter of comparing the meaning of an actual icon with the meaning 
of an imputed icon.  We are never in a position to compare an actual object 
with a sign of that object because we have no conception of objects outside 
of signs.

Sometime I think, Ben,  that you are just blowing off the notion that all 
our conceptions of objects are mediated by signs.  You say you agree with 
this formulation but when it comes to the collateral object you seem to 
resort to the position that direct aquaintance with the collateral object is 
not "really" mediated by signs but outside of semiosis.  But what Peirce 
means (as I understand him) is that the collateral object is not actually 
iconized in the symbol that stands for it but is merely imputed to be 
iconized.  To experience the actual icon we must experience the collateral 
object itself.  That is the sense in which the collateral object is outside 
the symbol but not outside semiosis.

One of the recurring problems I personally have in understanding Peirce is 
that I am often unsure in a particular instance whether he is using the term 
sign to refer to a symbol, an icon or an index.  Morevover when it comes to 
icons and indexes I am often unclear as to whether he means them as signs or 
as degenerate signs.  Maybe this is where I am going astray in my present 
analysis of the role of the collateral object in the verification of the 

In anycase I continue to find this discussion helpful.  Best wishes to all-- 
Jim Piat 

Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-03 Thread Bernard Morand
 life peers. Huaan relationships depend 
importantly on this:  someone who thinks that everything anyone else 
says is questionable prima facie is living in hell (which, 
unfortunately, does indeed occur all too frequently in human life, as 
the daily news testifies).  Peirce's brief discussion of 
"credenciveness" in the New Elements paper (in Essential Writings 2) 
is very suggestive in this respect, and I note that Peirce is 
responsible for the definition of "credencive" in the Century 
Dictionary, though I can't check up on that right at the moment while 
in process of composing this message.  But, to put the point in brief, 
I think Peirce reognizes the fundamental importance of there being a 
normal presumption of credibility in human communication: the 
recognition of the speech acts of assertion, statement making, etc., 
is a theoretical understanding of that pre-theoretical practice in 
daily life and in science as well.  It is a recognition of the 
fundamental role of trust.

Joe Ransdell
- Original Message 

From: Bernard Morand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2006 5:48:29 AM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Ben, Gary, Joe, Charles and list

I followed the discussion about verification with interest and while
I don't think that the question of verification calls for a fourth 

some arguments from Ben deserve to be  studied carefully.  As an
example I will take  a passage out of the last reply from Joe, a short
extract in order to limit the subject to one point that I think to be 

Joe writes :

"Scientific verification is really just a
sophistication about ways of checking up on something
about which one has some doubts, driven by an
unusually strong concern for establishing something as
"definitively" as possible, which is of course nothing
more than an ideal of checking up on something so
thoroughly that no real question about it will ever be
raised again.But it is no different in principle
from what we do in ordinary life when we try to "make
sure" of something that we think might be so but about
which we are not certain enough to satisfy us."

It seems to me that the Peirce's quote given by Ben 
makes clear that scientific "verification" is NOT the 
same as checking something in ordinary life as Joe puts 
it. I reproduce a fragment of the quote :

Mr. George Henry Lewes in his work on Aristotle(1)
seems to me to have come pretty near to stating the
true cause of the success of modern science
when he
has said that it was *_verification_*. I should
express it in this way: modern students of science
have been successful because they have spent their
lives not in their libraries and museums but in their
laboratories and in the field; and while in their
laboratories and in the field they have been not
gazing on nature with a vacant eye, that is, in
passive perception unassisted by thought, but have
been *_observing_* -- that is, perceiving by the aid
of analysis -- and testing suggestions of theories.
The cause of their success has been that the motive
which has carried them to the laboratory and the field
has been a craving to know how things really were, and
an interest in finding out whether or not general
propositions actually held good -- which has
overbalanced all prejudice, all vanity, and all
passion. (CP 1.34)

The main differences are:
- the originator of the verification: according to Joe,

an individual being doubting of something ; according 
to Peirce a group of students motivated by a desire to 
know. Doubt isn't an essential part of the verification 
motive in science.
- the goal of the verification: the fact that no real 
question will be raised again on the subject according 
to Joe ; wether or not a GENERAL proposition ACTUALLY 
holds good with regards to a PARTICULAR fact according 
to Peirce
- the means of the verification: our own satisfaction 
(I suppose) according to Joe ; observation ("perception 
by the aid of analysis") for Peirce. 

In scientific "verification" we take advantage of 
theories to be tested. Is there the same, or some 
equivalent in ordinary life conduct? I don't know but 
perhaps psychologists could answer. However I don't see 
why it would be required that the same goes for ordinary 
life conduct and scientific activity.

In fact "verification" is the word borrowed by
from G.H. Lewes here but I think that we would better say 
today "experimental method" of which the strict 
verification is but one little stage. As already said it 
requires what Peirce calls a general proposition and what 
we would call today a "model" or a theory and what is 
ascertained with the help of the method is an actuality. 
Hence the verification step needs reiterations on several 

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-02 Thread Jim Piat

Dear Ben, Joe, Folks --
Ben, are you 
saying that Peirce's categories (including representation) are inadequate to 
account for comparisons between knowledge gained from 
aqauintance with a collateral object and knowledge gained from a 
sign of a collateral object?   That when we make these sorts 
of comparisons we engage in some category of experience (such as 
checking,  recognition. verification or the like) that is not accounted for 
in the Peircean categories?   Is that basically what you are saying or 
am I missing your point? 
I want to make sure I'm stating the issue to your 
satisfaction before I launch into further reasons why I disagree with that 
view.  I fear we we may be talking past one another if we don't 
share a common understanding of what is at issue.  So I want to make 
sure I'm correctly understanding what you take to be at issue.  
When and if you have the energy and interest, 
 Ben.  I admire your stamina and good cheer.  And yours, too, 
 Joe.  I think that dispite its frustrating moments this has been 
a worthwhile discussion.  For me the notion of what we can know and 
how we know it is at the core of Peirce's philosophy.  Each 
time the list revisits this issue in one form or another I gain a 
better understanding of what is a stake -- and also of 
some erroneous assumptions or conclusions that I have 
been making.   Thanks to all 
Jim Piat
 Original Message - 

  Benjamin Udell 
  To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
  Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 3:15 
  Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite 
  photograph" metaphor
  Joe, list,
  >[Joe] I was just now rereading your response to Charles, attending 
  particularly to your citation of Peirce's concern with verification, and I 
  really don't see in what you quote from him on this anything more than the 
  claim that it is the special concern for making sure that something that 
  someone -- perhaps oneself -- has claimed to be a fact or has concluded to be 
  so (which could be a conviction more or less tentatively held) really is a 
  fact by putting the claim or acceptation of that conclusion to the test, in 
  one way or another. This verificational activity could involve many different 
  sorts of procedures, ranging from, say, reconsidering the premises supporting 
  the claim as regards their cogency relative to the conclusion drawn to 
  actively experimenting or observing further for the same purpose, including 
  perhaps, as a rather special case, the case where one actually attempts to 
  replicate the procedure cited as backing up the claim made. Scientific 
  verification is really just a sophistication about ways of checking up on 
  something about which one has some doubts, driven by an unusually strong 
  concern for establishing something as "definitively" as possible, which is of 
  course nothing more than an ideal of checking up on something so thoroughly 
  that no real question about it will ever be raised again. But it is no 
  different in principle from what we do in ordinary life when we try to "make 
  sure" of something that we think might be so but about which we are not 
  certain enough to satisfy us. 
  The purpose (http://www.mail-archive.com/peirce-l@lyris.ttu.edu/msg01288.html also 
  at  http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/1344) 
  of my quoting Peirce on verification was to counter Charles' claim that 
  verification amounts to nothing more than one's acting as if a claim were 
  true, and Charles' making it sound like there's something superfluous 
  about verification, that it's somehow meaningless to think of really verifying 
  or disverifying a claimed rule like "where there's smoke, there's fire," 
  meaningless insofar as it supposedly involves indulging in Cartesian doubt and 
  insofar one has already done whatever verification one can do, by acting 
  as if the claimed rule were true -- as if the way to understand verification 
  were to understand it as a piece of symbolism about a rule only hyperbolically 
  doubtable, understand verification as an act which stands as symbol (or, for 
  that matter, as index or whatever) to another mind, rather than as an 
  observing of sign as truly corresponding to object, and of interpretant as 
  truly corresponding to sign and object. Verification does not need to be 
  actually public and shared among very distinct minds, though it should be, at 
  least in principle, sharable, potentially public in those ways. (Of course, 
  _scientific_ verification has higher standards than that.) I quoted Peirce on 
  verification to show that, in the Peircean view, the doubting of a 
  claimed rule is not automatically a universal, hyperbolic, Cartesian doubt of 
  the kind which Peirce rejects, especially rejects as a basis on which (a la 

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-02 Thread Joseph Ransdell
Ben says:
BU:  I quoted Peirce on verification to 
show that, in the Peircean view, the doubting of a claimed rule is not 
automatically a universal, hyperbolic, Cartesian doubt of the kind which Peirce 
rejects, especially rejects as a basis on which (a la Descartes) only 
deductive reasoning will be allowed to build -- a Cartesian needle's eye of 
doubt through which all philosophical ideas are mistakenly forced to pass or be 
discarded. I was defending myself against Charles' claim that my view of 
verification implied some systematic incorporation of Cartesian doubt into 
research practices and against Charles' suggestion that therefore 
maybe I was a nominalist.  . . . 
Evidently you still think that I'm talking only of conscious deliberate 
verification involving the taking of physically active steps. That is not at all 
the only kind of verification which I've been discussing. 

<>The things which you describe are only part of that which I mean by 
"verification," which I'm using as a forest term for the various trees. In 
experience and life, the greater part of experience whereby the mind supports 
and verifies (to whatever extent) is experience which the mind already has, and 
the main active steps are usually at most a bit of digging through memory. The 
whole "feeling" of experience, acquaintance, knowledge, recognition, etc., as 
involving a _pastward_ orientation is no mere accident of linguistic history; 
likewise the "feeling" of settlement, establishment, etc., as involving becoming 
part of the past (not in the sense of the departed but instead in the sense of 
that which has been, that which is the foundation on which we 
stand). Oftenest, when a mind forms an interpretant supported by that 
mind's experience, that's it right there -- recognition takes place at near 
lightspeed -- "verification accomplished," as far as that mind is concerned, and 
accomplished more or less fallibly as is often if not always also recognized by 
the given mind. That is a big part of what I mean by "verification," and I hold 
that it happens just as largely and minutely and consciously and unconsciously 
at every semiosic stage and level, just as largely and minutely and consciously 
and unconsciously as objectification, representation, and 
interpretation happen. 
 Science is distinguished by (among other things) a very active attitude of 
taking verificational steps in a context where an everyday mind 
(and also a scientific mind busy with other things) is often content to 
stand/sit/rest on the established.    <>[JR: Omitting more to the same effect.] 

<>BU: If, after all this, you wish that I would just use some other word than 
"verification," I'm open to suggestions. I've also used "recognition" but the 
problem with that word is that it also names a psychological act in some sense 
that "interpretation" and "representation" do not, and there are other and 
related problems with it as well. Though I didn't see it clearly from the start, 
"recognition" in the sense in which I've used it really should not be _equated_ 
with "acknowledgement" any more than "representation" should be _equated_ with 
"assertion." "Establishment" seems to come closest to the desired sense, but it 
is also used in the sense of "founding" or "setting up" as in "establishing an 
organization" etc., and even in the verificational sense it's kind of 
strong in its "up-or-down" feeling; one is particularly unaccustomed to a phrase 
like "degrees of establishment." Also it's hard to form a word like 
"interpretant" or "recognizant" from "establish" -- going back to Latin, it 
should be "stabilient" but that word does not evoke the word "establish." Maybe 
I could go half-Spanish and coin "establecent." Or "establizant"? "Establicant"? 

JR:  I don't think you will find another word that will work,
Ben.  Anyway, I looked up "verify" (and its conjugate terms) in
the on-line Century Dictionary.  (It is not listed as one of the
the entries written by Peirce himself, by the way, but I've come to
think of the Century as being the best dictionary to consult for any
word in use during his lifetime, in any case.)  For every of the
several closely related senses the implication is always there that
there is some prior claim requiring the verification and I don't see
how that would make sense if it is supposed that what is being verified
has already involved that very component.  

 BU: Lately I've noticed that people talk about "the categories" and seem to 
mean the basic semiotic elements (object, sign, interpretant). When I see 
"categories" or "categorial" I usually take it initially in the cenopythagorean 
sense (quality, reaction, representation). Anyway, I'm unsure how you mean 
"categorial" here, but it may ultimately make not that much difference. Anyway, 
I'll respond to the rest of your post later.
JR:  I was just referring to the context as being one in which the
problematics of category theory are relevnat, 

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-01 Thread Charles F Rudder

This is to say that I am gratified and somewhat relieved to learn that you 
found something worthwhile in my "as if" post, and that I am not 
ignoring your responses to my recent posts.  On the contrary, you have 
prompted me to reexamine my "Three Worlds" speculation together 
with some of the Peirce material that I included (especially CP 5.119 in 
connection with CP 4. 157) with the result that I am now thinking in terms both 
of some revision and expansion.  It may take a while as I am now under some 
time constraints from which I had some reprieve over the last three weeks.  
In any case, if and when I think I have something cogent in hand I will post 
PS  The answer to your question off list about who and where I am 
is yes.
On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 12:41:44 -0400 Gary Richmond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Charles, list,  One of the Peirce quotations in your "as if" 
  post strongly supports your notion, reiterated here, that it is possible and, 
  indeed, desirable to make a double trichotomic distinction of Sign - External 
  Object - Interpreter and Sign - Immediate Object - Interpretant, and that 
  especially the relation between these Inner and Outer semeiotic trichotomies 
  might prove fertile grounds for further inquiry. I've myself (and bouncing off 
  your "as if" post) have begun work reflecting upon and diagramming some of 
  your questions, ideas, also my own abductions as to the relationship holding 
  between the two triads, etc. However, it's much too early for me to offer a 
  report on any of this except to say that you are asking some very stimulating 
  questions, Charles, which have certainly gotten me thinking in refreshing new 
  directions. In any case, here is the quotation in your "as if" post which I'm 
  pointing to:
  “Were I to undertake to establish the correctness of 
my statement that the cardinal numerals are without meaning, I should 
unavoidably be led into a disquisition upon the nature of language quite 
astray from my present purpose. I will only hint at what my defence of the 
statement would be by saying that, according to my view, there are three 
categories of being; ideas of feelings, acts of reaction, and habits. Habits 
are either habits about ideas of feelings or habits about acts of reaction. 
The ensemble of all habits about ideas of feeling constitutes one great 
habit which is a World; and the ensemble of all habits about acts of 
reaction constitutes a second great habit, which is another World. The 
former is the Inner World, the world of Plato's forms. The other is the 
Outer World, or universe of existence. The mind of man is adapted to the 
reality of being. Accordingly, there are two modes of association of ideas: 
inner association, based on the habits of the inner world, and outer 
association, based on the habits of the universe.”  (CP 
4.157)Commenting on this passage you wrote:
  CR: I am also thinking that Consciousness as such is 
First for the Inner World, that the Present as such is First in the Outer 
World, and that Action—“responsiveness – “reactiveness”—that mediates 
relations between the Inner and Outer Worlds creates a Third World and Third 
Worlds within worlds among which is the Human World, which, as I see it, 
would be to say that, as Peirce puts it, “MAN” is a Sign—a 
Representamen.Your present extension of this idea seems to me 
  generally sound, while I am thinking at this point that one might extend the 
  notion of Interpreter quite a bit further than you seem to be doing. For 
  example, in biological evolution higher and more complex systems and 
  structures tend to entrain less complex systems (making them sub-systems in 
  respect to the evolutionary advances made) suggesting to me that there is 
  something which receives & contributes "as if" it were Interpreter, and so 
  this sentient 'something' need not necessarily be human in contributing to 
  "acts of representation". In other words, while it would appear to be true 
  that from the standpoint of the further evolution of consciousness it is 
  necessary that we humans direct ourselves to the reflective self-control of 
  our own form of evolution (and all that this implies for re-presentation); yet 
  without any help from us the cosmos apparently "represented" to itself exactly 
  the patterns necessary for the evolution of that creature -- homo sapiens -- 
  which could eventually undertake that very human self-reflective task 
  (and where else would our power of representation come from if not from 
  Firstness and Thirdness active in the Universe itself?--however, you may see 
  my use of "represented" here as too vague and loose as to be useful).  
  I might add that while we humans have seemingly not yet fulfilled our 
  own evolutionary vocation--this being epitomized in my thinking of the past 
  few year by especially the Engelbartian a

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-01 Thread Benjamin Udell
really understand what you are saying most of the time, whereas I usually find 
you very good at understanding and commenting upon what Peirce is saying, but I 
do not find myself inclined to trust your judgment on this particular topic 
because I find you saying so many things that seem to me to be off in some way, 
even though I usually can't say exactly why. I can't simply refute your claim, 
Ben, but I am suspicious enough of so much of what you are saying in that 
connection that I am content with the hunch that you are mistaken, and I do 
think that the reasons I have adduced in respect to the claim about verification 
as being or essentially involving a fourth categorial factor are pretty good 
ones for rejecting that particular claim of yours.
>[Joe] Well, maybe that really is the last word on that for me! 
Best regards, 

- Original Message - 
also at  http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/1344 
From: Benjamin Udell 
To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 2:46 PM 
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor
Sorry, I forgot to compensate for an MS Outlook Express problem which 
involves URLs not getting copied properly. Now taken care of.
Charles, list,
Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-09-01 Thread Benjamin Udell
rstand what you are saying most of the time, whereas I usually find 
you very good at understanding and commenting upon what Peirce is saying, but I 
do not find myself inclined to trust your judgment on this particular topic 
because I find you saying so many things that seem to me to be off in some way, 
even though I usually can't say exactly why. I can't simply refute your claim, 
Ben, but I am suspicious enough of so much of what you are saying in that 
connection that I am content with the hunch that you are mistaken, and I do 
think that the reasons I have adduced in respect to the claim about verification 
as being or essentially involving a fourth categorial factor are pretty good 
ones for rejecting that particular claim of yours.
>[Joe] Well, maybe that really is the last word on that for me! 
Best regards, 

- Original Message - 
From: Benjamin Udell 
To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 2:46 PM 
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor
Sorry, I forgot to compensate for an MS Outlook Express problem which 
involves URLs not getting copied properly. Now taken care of.
Charles, list,
Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-31 Thread Joseph Ransdell
ll never get to anything
very interesting or worthwhile.  And it is easy to be
seriouisly mistaken in both ways, which raises
important questions about research methodology in
philosophy that are too often avoided. 
 But as regards the matter in question here, I can
only say that I have a strongly felt hunch that your
argumentation is being distorted by the misguided
attempted to try to fit the problematics of
verification into the context of the problematics of
category theory, where it simply doesn't fit.  You are
mistaken in thinking that I am so totally persuaded
that there is no fourth category to be added to
Peirce's three that I am simply prejudiced against
what you are saying for that reason.  In fact, I am
not persuaded of that at all and would not be inclined
to want to put the time in on trying to demonstrate
it.  I just don't know of any reason that persuades me
that there is such a thing.  As regards your work, It
is just that when I read what you say on the topic I
don't really understand what you are saying most of
the time, whereas I usually find you very good at
understanding and commenting upon what Peirce is
saying, but I do not find myself inclined to trust
your judgment on this particular topic because I find
you saying so many things that seem to me to be off in
some way, even though I usually can't say exactly why.
  I can't simply refute your claim, Ben, but I am
suspicious enough of so much of what you are saying in
that connection that I am content with the hunch that
you are mistaken, and I do think that the reasons I
have adduced in respect to the claim about
verification as being or essentially involving a
fourth categorial factor are pretty good ones for
rejecting that particular claim of yours.
Well, maybe that really is the last word on that for
Best regards, 

- Original Message - 
From: Benjamin Udell 
To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 2:46 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph"

Sorry, I forgot to compensate for an MS Outlook
Express problem which involves URLs not getting copied
properly. Now taken care of.
Charles, list,
>[Charles] With this post which exhausts all I am
incluned to say in this context, I too will probably
"go quiet."
>[Charles] On Sat, 26 Aug 2006 18:58:50 -0400
"Benjamin Udell" writes:
>>[Ben] Charles, list,
>> I guess it's hard for me to let any remarks about
my ideas go by without response, but I still am
inclined, as I've put it, to "go quiet."
>> Charles wrote, 
>>>[Charles]  [I would say that Ben’s
“Recognition” is included in (not outside) the
Interpretant as an element of the Interpreter’s
contribution to its determination.] 
>>[Ben] The recognition or recognizant, in the core
narrow sense, is _defined_ as object-experience (of
the acquaintance kind) formed collaterally to sign and
interpretant in respect of the object; the recognizant
is defined as something which, Peirce (usually) says,
is not gotten from the sign and is outside the
interpretant. So you're simply contradicting the
>[Charles] I have said nothing that I see as contrary
to what Peirce says about the role of collateral
experience in sign processes.  In the situation where
you saw smoke and went looking for a fire, seeing
smoke functioned as a sign that you took as
representing something other than smoke at at least
two levels, a general and a singular.  Before you
found and actually saw the fire, you interpreted
seeing smoke (the sign itself, a sinsign,
distinguishable from its objects and interpretants)
according to a general rule (a legisign), something
like, “Wherever there is smoke there is fire.” and
according to a “singularization” of the rule something
like, “With the smoke I presently see there is
presently a fire.”  As Peirce points out, smoke would
be uninterpretable as a sign of fire apart from your
prior acquaintance with fire (and smoke also for that
matter), but seeing smoke prompting you to look for
fire and a particular fire was “mediated” by rules
with which you were also already acquainted and apart
from which you would not have “known” to look for
fire.  I agree that a singular instance of seeing
smoke and interpreting seeing smoke as a sign of fire
occurs by means of collateral experience that would
include “recognizing” smoke as smoke and not a cloud
of steam or dust, fire as fire, etc. in which the
interpretant of seeing smoke in its capacity as a
singular sign played no part—outside, as you say, the
interpretant.  But the collateral experience would
also include having learned to act and acting as if a
rule is true apart from which smoke, insofar as it is
suited to function as a sign, could not be interpreted
as a sign.  What I have been trying to say is that
acts of inter

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-30 Thread Benjamin Udell

Sorry, I forgot to compensate for an MS Outlook Express problem which 
involves URLs not getting copied properly. Now taken care of.
Charles, list,
>[Charles] With this post which exhausts all I am incluned to say in 
this context, I too will probably "go quiet."
>[Charles] On Sat, 26 Aug 2006 18:58:50 -0400 "Benjamin 
Udell" writes:
>>[Ben] Charles, list,
>> I guess it's hard for me to let any remarks about my ideas go by 
without response, but I still am inclined, as I've put it, to "go quiet."
>> Charles wrote, 
>>>[Charles]  [I would say that Ben’s “Recognition” is 
included in (not outside) the Interpretant as an element of the Interpreter’s 
contribution to its determination.] 
>>[Ben] The recognition or recognizant, in the core narrow 
sense, is _defined_ as object-experience (of the acquaintance kind) 
formed collaterally to sign and interpretant in respect of the object; the 
recognizant is defined as something which, Peirce (usually) says, is not gotten 
from the sign and is outside the interpretant. So you're simply 
contradicting the definition.
>[Charles] I have said nothing that I see as contrary to what Peirce 
says about the role of collateral experience in sign processes.  In the 
situation where you saw smoke and went looking for a fire, seeing smoke 
functioned as a sign that you took as representing something other than smoke at 
at least two levels, a general and a singular.  Before you found and 
actually saw the fire, you interpreted seeing smoke (the sign itself, a sinsign, 
distinguishable from its objects and interpretants) according to a general rule 
(a legisign), something like, “Wherever there is smoke there is fire.” and 
according to a “singularization” of the rule something like, “With the smoke I 
presently see there is presently a fire.”  As Peirce points out, smoke 
would be uninterpretable as a sign of fire apart from your prior acquaintance 
with fire (and smoke also for that matter), but seeing smoke prompting you to 
look for fire and a particular fire was “mediated” by rules with which you were 
also already acquainted and apart from which you would not have “known” to look 
for fire.  I agree that a singular instance of seeing smoke and 
interpreting seeing smoke as a sign of fire occurs by means of collateral 
experience that would include “recognizing” smoke as smoke and not a cloud of 
steam or dust, fire as fire, etc. in which the interpretant of seeing smoke in 
its capacity as a singular sign played no part—outside, as you say, the 
interpretant.  But the collateral experience would also include having 
learned to act and acting as if a rule is true apart from which smoke, insofar 
as it is suited to function as a sign, could not be interpreted as a sign.  
What I have been trying to say is that acts of interpretation which include 
recognition are semiosical, and that recognizing is an interpretant or included 
in interpretants of a sign or signs that are collateral to the 
interpretant of any particular sign.
(Assuming that you intend no practical difference made by differences 
between "recognizing" and "recognition" etc.) -- Insofar as "recognizing" in the 
current discussion is defined as "forming an experience as collateral to sign 
and interpretant in respect of the object," you're saying that an experience 
formed as collateral to sign and interpretant in respect of the object 
is an interpretant of that object. That's just a contradiction, both 
internally and to Peirce.
It is not an interpretant in Peirce's view, which is that 
acquaintance with the object is not part of the interpretant about that 
From C.S. Peirce, Transcribed from Letter to Lady Welby Dec 23, 1908 (in 
_Semiotics and Significs: Correspondence Between Charles S. Peirce and 
Victoria Lady Welby_, ed. Charles Hardwick, Indiana U. Press, 1977, p.83) http://www.helsinki.fi/science/commens/terms/interpretant.html 
also at http://peircematters.blogspot.com/2005_02_01_peircematters_archive.html 
. Quote:
Its Interpretant is all that the Sign conveys: 
acquaintance with its Object must be gained by collateral 
End quote.
Note that Peirce does _not_ say that _collateral_ 
acquaintance with its Object must be gained by collateral experience. Peirce is 
not stating such a truism. Instead he says that acquaintance, any acquaintance 
at all, must be gained by collateral experience.
There is good reason for Peirce to hold that view, since experience of the 
sign of an object is not experience of that object, which in turn is because the 
sign is (usually) not the object, and part of the whole point of signs is to 
lead the mind to places where, in the relevant regard, experience and 
observation have not gone yet but could conceivably go.
This is as true as ever even when the experienced object is a sign 
experienced in its signhood or an interpretant sign experienced in its 
interpretancy. It is not clear to me whether you are tacitly d

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-30 Thread Benjamin Udell

Charles, list,
>[Charles] With this post which exhausts all I am incluned to say in 
this context, I too will probably "go quiet."
>[Charles] On Sat, 26 Aug 2006 18:58:50 -0400 "Benjamin Udell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>[Ben] Charles, list,
>> I guess it's hard for me to let any remarks about my ideas go by 
without response, but I still am inclined, as I've put it, to "go quiet."
>> Charles wrote, 
>>>[Charles]  [I would say that Ben’s “Recognition” is 
included in (not outside) the Interpretant as an element of the Interpreter’s 
contribution to its determination.] 
>>[Ben] The recognition or recognizant, in the core narrow 
sense, is _defined_ as object-experience (of the acquaintance kind) 
formed collaterally to sign and interpretant in respect of the object; the 
recognizant is defined as something which, Peirce (usually) says, is not gotten 
from the sign and is outside the interpretant. So you're simply 
contradicting the definition.
>[Charles] I have said nothing that I see as contrary to what Peirce 
says about the role of collateral experience in sign processes.  In the 
situation where you saw smoke and went looking for a fire, seeing smoke 
functioned as a sign that you took as representing something other than smoke at 
at least two levels, a general and a singular.  Before you found and 
actually saw the fire, you interpreted seeing smoke (the sign itself, a sinsign, 
distinguishable from its objects and interpretants) according to a general rule 
(a legisign), something like, “Wherever there is smoke there is fire.” and 
according to a “singularization” of the rule something like, “With the smoke I 
presently see there is presently a fire.”  As Peirce points out, smoke 
would be uninterpretable as a sign of fire apart from your prior acquaintance 
with fire (and smoke also for that matter), but seeing smoke prompting you to 
look for fire and a particular fire was “mediated” by rules with which you were 
also already acquainted and apart from which you would not have “known” to look 
for fire.  I agree that a singular instance of seeing smoke and 
interpreting seeing smoke as a sign of fire occurs by means of collateral 
experience that would include “recognizing” smoke as smoke and not a cloud of 
steam or dust, fire as fire, etc. in which the interpretant of seeing smoke in 
its capacity as a singular sign played no part—outside, as you say, the 
interpretant.  But the collateral experience would also include having 
learned to act and acting as if a rule is true apart from which smoke, insofar 
as it is suited to function as a sign, could not be interpreted as a sign.  
What I have been trying to say is that acts of interpretation which include 
recognition are semiosical, and that recognizing is an interpretant or included 
in interpretants of a sign or signs that are collateral to the 
interpretant of any particular sign.
(Assuming that you intend no practical difference made by differences 
between "recognizing" and "recognition" etc.) -- Insofar as "recognizing" in the 
current discussion is defined as "forming an experience as collateral to sign 
and interpretant in respect of the object," you're saying that an experience 
formed as collateral to sign and interpretant in respect of the object 
is an interpretant of that object. That's just a contradiction, both 
internally and to Peirce.
It is not an interpretant in Peirce's view, which is that 
acquaintance with the object is not part of the interpretant about that 
From C.S. Peirce, Transcribed from Letter to Lady Welby Dec 23, 1908 (in 
_Semiotics and Significs: Correspondence Between Charles S. Peirce and 
Victoria Lady Welby_, ed. Charles Hardwick, Indiana U. Press, 1977, p.83) http://www.helsinki.fi/science/commens/terms/interpretant.html also 
at http://peircematters.blogspot.com/2005_02_01_peircematters_archive.html 
. Quote:
Its Interpretant is all that the Sign conveys: 
acquaintance with its Object must be gained by collateral 
End quote.
Note that Peirce does _not_ say that _collateral_ 
acquaintance with its Object must be gained by collateral experience. Peirce is 
not stating such a truism. Instead he says that acquaintance, any acquaintance 
at all, must be gained by collateral experience.
There is good reason for Peirce to hold that view, since experience of the 
sign of an object is not experience of that object, which in turn is because the 
sign is (usually) not the object, and part of the whole point of signs is to 
lead the mind to places where, in the relevant regard, experience and 
observation have not gone yet but could conceivably go.
This is as true as ever even when the experienced object is a sign 
experienced in its signhood or an interpretant sign experienced in its 
interpretancy. It is not clear to me whether you are tacitly disputing 
Peirce or believe that you are agreeing with him or are unsure of his view but 
are inclined to dispute hi

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-30 Thread Charles F Rudder

Ben, list,
With this post which exhausts all I am incluned to say in this context, I 
too will probably "go quiet."

On Sat, 26 Aug 2006 18:58:50 -0400 "Benjamin Udell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Charles, list,
  I guess it's hard for me to let any remarks about my ideas go by without 
  response, but I still am inclined, as I've put it, to "go quiet."
  Charles wrote, 
  >  [I would say that Ben’s “Recognition” is included in (not 
  outside) the Interpretant as an element of the Interpreter’s contribution to 
  its determination.] 
  The recognition or recognizant, in the core narrow sense, is 
  _defined_ as object-experience (of the acquaintance kind) formed 
  collaterally to sign and interpretant in respect of the object; the 
  recognizant is defined as something which, Peirce (usually) says, is not 
  gotten from the sign and is outside the interpretant. So you're simply 
  contradicting the definition. 

I have said 
nothing that I see as contrary to what Peirce says about the role of collateral 
experience in sign processes.  In 
the situation where you saw smoke and went looking for a fire, seeing smoke 
functioned as a sign that you took as representing something other than smoke at 
at least two levels, a general and a singular.  Before you found and actually saw the 
fire, you interpreted seeing smoke (the sign itself, a sinsign, distinguishable 
from its objects and interpretants) according to a general rule (a legisign), 
something like, “Wherever there is smoke there is fire.” and according to a 
“singularization” of the rule something like, “With the smoke I presently see 
there is presently a fire.”  As 
Peirce points out, smoke would be uninterpretable as a sign of fire apart from 
your prior acquaintance with fire (and smoke also for that matter), but seeing 
smoke prompting you to look for fire and a particular fire was “mediated” by 
rules with which you were also already acquainted and apart from which you would 
not have “known” to look for fire.  
I agree that a singular instance of seeing smoke and interpreting seeing 
smoke as a sign of fire occurs by means of collateral experience that would 
include “recognizing” smoke as smoke and not a cloud of steam or dust, fire as 
fire, etc. in which the interpretant of seeing smoke in its capacity as a 
singular sign played no part—outside, as you say, the interpretant.  But the collateral experience would also 
include having learned to act and acting as if a rule is true apart from which 
smoke, insofar as it is suited to function as a sign, could not be interpreted 
as a sign.  What I have been trying 
to say is that acts of interpretation which include recognition are semiosical, 
and that recognizing is an interpretant or included in interpretants of a sign or signs that are collateral to the 
interpretant of any particular sign.
Beyond the 
primitive perceptual event “seeing” a virtually meaningless “something,” any 
meaning that accrues to seeing something by means of which it is recognizably (a 
classification) and recognizable as (a singularization of a clsssification) 
smoke rather than steam (which for a young child it might not) is 
semiosical.  Apart from acting as if 
rules that are linguistic and/or embedded in habits are in some sense true or 
valid, neither you nor I nor anyone else seeing smoke would look for fire, and 
no particular instance of seeing smoke, following it to its source, and, sure 
enough, seeing fire, can “verify” that a rule of thumb like, “Wherever there is 
smoke there is fire.” is true.  What 
if you had been unable to find a fire before the smoke disappeared?  Would you have then concluded that your 
seeing smoke was an illusion of some sort?  
Would you have concluded that the rule of thumb, “Wherever there is smoke 
there is fire.” is false?
I believe 
that you may be conflating Peirce’s distinction between signs and replicas of 
signs by criticizing his theory of signs in terms of experience and conduct 
mediated by signs together with sign replicas about which Peirce has relatively 
little to say.  I also believe that 
you are ignoring Peirce’s critique and rejection of the possibility of universal 
doubt—as if doubting were as easy as lying—in his discussions of the relation 
between doubt and belief.  In short, 
it appears to me that you are interpreting Peirce “nominalistically.”

Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-28 Thread Gary Richmond

Charles, list,

One of the Peirce quotations in your "as if" post strongly supports
your notion, reiterated here, that it is possible and, indeed,
desirable to make a double trichotomic distinction of Sign - External
- Interpreter and Sign - Immediate Object - Interpretant, and that
especially the relation between these Inner and Outer semeiotic
trichotomies might prove fertile grounds for further inquiry. I've
myself (and bouncing off your "as if" post) have begun work reflecting
upon and diagramming some of your questions, ideas, also my own
abductions as
to the relationship holding between the two triads, etc. However, it's
much too early for me to offer a report on any of this except to say
that you are asking some very stimulating questions, Charles, which
have certainly gotten me thinking in refreshing new directions. In any
case, here is the quotation in your "as if" post which I'm pointing to:
“Were I to undertake to establish the
correctness of my statement that the cardinal numerals are without
meaning, I should unavoidably be led into a disquisition upon the
nature of language quite astray from my present purpose. I will only
hint at what my defence of the statement would be by saying that,
according to my view, there are three categories of being; ideas of
feelings, acts of reaction, and habits. Habits are either habits about
ideas of feelings or habits about acts of reaction. The ensemble of all
habits about ideas of feeling constitutes one great habit which is a
World; and the ensemble of all habits about acts of reaction
constitutes a second great habit, which is another World. The former is
the Inner World, the world of Plato's forms. The other is the Outer
World, or universe of existence. The mind of man is adapted to the
reality of being. Accordingly, there are two modes of association of
ideas: inner association, based on the habits of the inner world, and
outer association, based on the habits of the universe.” 
  (CP 4.157)
Commenting on this passage you wrote:
CR: I am also thinking that Consciousness as
such is First for the Inner World, that the Present as such is First in
the Outer World, and that Action—“responsiveness – “reactiveness”—that
mediates relations between the Inner and Outer Worlds creates a Third
World and Third Worlds within worlds among which is the Human World,
which, as I see it, would be to say that, as Peirce puts it, “MAN” is a Sign—a Representamen.
Your present extension of this idea seems to me generally sound, while
I am thinking at this point that one might extend the notion of
Interpreter quite a bit further than you
seem to be doing. For example, in biological evolution higher and
more complex systems and structures tend to entrain less complex
systems (making them sub-systems in respect to the evolutionary
advances made) suggesting to me that there is something which receives
& contributes "as if" it were Interpreter, and so this sentient
'something' need not necessarily be human in contributing to "acts of
representation". In other
words, while it would appear to be true that from the standpoint of the
further evolution of
consciousness it is necessary that we
humans direct ourselves to the reflective self-control of our own form
of evolution (and all that this implies for re-presentation); yet
without any help from us the cosmos apparently "represented" to itself
exactly the patterns necessary for the evolution of that
creature -- homo sapiens -- which could eventually undertake
that very human self-reflective task (and where else would our power of
representation come from if not from Firstness and Thirdness active in
the Universe itself?--however, you may see my use of "represented" here
as too vague and loose as to be useful).  

I might add that while we
humans have seemingly not yet fulfilled our own evolutionary
vocation--this being epitomized in my thinking of the past few year by
especially the Engelbartian abduction of the co-evolution of man and
machine--does not mean that we never will. The Peircean doctrine offers
hope that we may yet rise to our fully human
vocation, that is, to express the truly reasonable (and loving) in
itself. It is perhaps precisely the interpenetration of hierachies of
the ordering of the inner and outer semiotic worlds which might lead to
this fulfillment since, as your concluding quotation in the "as if"
post has it, the distinction between the two "is after all only

main distinction between the Inner and the Outer Worlds is that inner
objects promptly take any modifications we wish, while outer objects
are hard facts that no man can make to be other than they are. Yet
tremendous as this distinction is, it is after all only relative. Inner
objects do offer a certain degree of resistance and outer objects are
susceptible of being modified in some measure by sufficient exertion
intelligently directed.”  (CP 5.45)

So, again, further inquiry into the relationship between the two

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-26 Thread Benjamin Udell
From post from Mats Bergman to Peirce Discussion Forum, Tue, 1 Jun 2004, 
[peirce-l] Re: Mats Bergman's paper 
Quote: The passage you quote is curious, for 
there Peirce does indeed state that collateral observation = index. However, it 
seems to me that the passage is somewhat anomalous, for instance by making icons 
and indices to be thought-signs (very 1860s...). One question that arises is 
whether we should not distinguish collateral observation from collateral 
experience. Peirce does not seem to put forth such a distinction. Instead, 
Peirce distinguishes three kinds of indicatively effective signs, and mostly 
holds all of these separate from the relation s that form collateral 
experience. End quote.
Quote: I would formulate the relationship 
between a reagent and collateral experience as follows: a reagent is a bit of 
collateral experience (environment, for instance) employed semiotically as an 
index, but typically based on previous experiences. This is not elegantly put, 
but I hope it is possible to catch my idea. End quote.
Quote: This I do not quite see. What _semiotic_ 
relation have I treated as dyadic? The index? Where precisely?
I indeed hold that collateral experience is primarily of the character of 
secondness, a position that seems to clash with the passage you quoted but not 
necessarily with the one I quoted above ("a reagent can indicate nothing unless 
the mind is already acquainted with its connection with the phenomenon it 
indicates"). I do agree that it may be wise not to overemphasise the gap between 
the index and collateral experience; I may have been careless with in this 
respect. I would say that the index is precisely a sign that is capable of 
bringing collateral experience within the semiotic sphere. But - and this is my 
concern - this does _not_ mean that the brute secondness of the experience would 
thereby be subsumed into the world of thirdness. I think this is precisely 
Peirces' criticism of the Hegelians and their tendency to "aufhoben" less 
complex forms of experience, but a trap into which he himself seems to have 
fallen by asserting that "all is representative" or by the unqualified 
statements to the effect that the object is always also a sign. End 
From post from Benjamin Udell to Peirce Discussion Forum, sent: Sunday, 
August 06, 2006 3:22 PM, [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" 

http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/1276 also 
at http://www.mail-archive.com/peirce-l@lyris.ttu.edu/msg01228.html
Quote: Peirce's purpose in the conception of 
collateral experience was to account for how the mind knows, indeed as a 
precondition, to what the signs refer; but even his own example of the word 
"soleil" is one of somebody's gaining collateral experience regarding an object 
(the word "soleil") about which the person has already had signs (the teacher's 
definition of the word "soleil"). This is not a light example, and it is a 
dramatization of that which teachers and large dictionaries do systematically; 
it is a normal order of learning. These learning experiences about signs & 
objects already acquired are not limited to cases where the teacher is a human 
professional teacher of French. Experience itself is the great teacher. These 
learning experiences, testing, as they do, the sign & interpretant systems 
themselves, are decision points in the _evolution_ of the given semiosis 
and of the given mind. Moreover, the conception of such learning experience is 
how one accounts for semiosis' capacity to correct itself and learn the 
difference between sense & nonsense, both in hopeful-monster interpretants 
and in typical interpretants under changing conditions. One learns from 
experience. Otherwise the picture of semiosis depends on a radical coherentist 
faith, probably not observed or espoused anywhere, that the process, along with 
its assumptions and premisses, is already perfected, i.e., infallible. 
End quote.
From post from Benjamin Udell to Peirce Discussion Forum, sent: Saturday, 
August 19, 2006 3:21 AM (ET), [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" 
metaphor http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/1313 also 
at http://www.mail-archive.com/peirce-l@lyris.ttu.edu/msg01261.html
Quote:  In the examples, across his various 
discussions, [Peirce] usually talks about collateral observations and 
experiences of the object, not collateral signs and interpretants of the object. 
It doesn't sound like he means that the core way to check on a book is to read 
some other book or books (except when the first book is _about_ the 
other book(s)). His theory of inquiry involves getting into lab and field.  
When Peirce discusses experience of the object, he means something qualitativ

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-26 Thread Charles F Rudder

Gary, Ben, Jim, list,
Thanks, Gary, for calling attention to the possible connection between 
yours and my Inner and Outer distinction that, until you mentioned it, had 
not occurred to me, and for reminding me of the location of my "as if" 
post.  Not sure that I follow you close enough to compare our notions, in 
lieu of a comparison, I am elaborating on some thigs I have said in light 
of possibly taking a run later at a comparison later on.

I use the 
word “semiosis” in reference to sign processes or the activity of human and 
possibly other sentient beings mediated by signs, and the word “semiotic” or 
theory of signs in reference to analyses of sign processes.  That is, I take semiosis as the subject 
of semiotic.  My saying that there 
are two semiosical triads is to say that as I understand Peirce, his analysis 
(semiotic) reveals that sign processes (semiosis) embody two interrelated but 
distinguishable triads, the triad (Interpreter – Sign – Object) that accounts 
for the existence of signs and the 
triad (Interpretant – Sign – Object) that accounts for how signs acquire and 
determine their significant effects.  I understand Peirce to say that anything 
suited to be a sign becomes a sign when and only when 
it is interpreted as a sign.  The 
world is not littered with signs waiting to be interpreted, but with things 
suited to becoming and being signs if and when they are interpreted as 
signs.  In short, involuntary and 
deliberate acts of interpretation or representation bring signs qua signs into existence.  Apart from Interpreters or Representers 
involved in acts of interpretation or representation there would be no signs, 
and, hence, no Interpretants.  
I understand 
Peirce to say in “New Elements” that, interpreted or uninterpreted, anything 
suited to be an Index when interpreted as an Index will be interpreted as being 
just the Index that it is suited to be.  
I take this to mean both that anything suited to be an Index is not, but 
would become, an Index when it is interpreted as an Index and just the Index 
that it is suited to be (its connection to an object makes its Dynamical Object 
nonnegotiable).  Uninterpreted as an 
Index, what is absent from anything suited to be an Index that is required for 
it to be and function as a sign is an Interpretant which determines and embodies 
the Semiosical Object of the sign that must be furnished either, like Ben’s 
response to seeing smoke that an artist might have represented Iconically, more 
or less directly by an Interpreter’s interpreting it as an Index, or indirectly 
by its being represented as an Index in and by a Symbol that differs from Icons 
and Indices by its determining its Interpretant.  Peirce goes on to say in “New Elements” 
that being interpreted is part of what must be included in anything’s being 
suited to be a Symbol.  
Uninterpreted, anything suited to be some kind of sign may be suited to 
be an Icon or Index, but it is not suited to be a Symbol.  Acts of Interpretation or Representation 
(re-presentation) do not, as with Icons and Indices, interpret or represent 
things always already suited to be Symbols, but actually participate in suiting 
things to be Symbols.
As I 
presently see it, the contribution of acts of representation to suiting things 
to be Symbols is to the Interpretant.  
Together with the sign’s contribution to determining its Interpretant, 
acts of representation participate in determining the Interpretants of Symbols 
and, hence, to some degree, “complete” them.  The Symbol’s determining its 
interpretant for an Interpreter 
occurs together with the Interpreter’s contribution.  [I am thinking here of signs and not 
replicas of signs such as instruction manuals.]  Symbols manifest a “vagueness” that 
varies according to the ratio, so to speak, of the Interpreter’s to the Sign’s 
contribution to determining its Interpretant.  The symbolic interpretations of the 
performance of a play among various members of the audience will vary 
considerably as a consequence of their Interpretants being to a considerable 
degree idiosyncratically determined by the Interpreters.  The symbolic interpretations of 
mathematicians reviewing an original proof of a theorem, the Interpretants of 
which are to a greater degree determined by the form of the argument, will vary 
considerably less.  [I would say 
that Ben’s “Recognition” is included in (not outside) the Interpretant as an 
element of the Interpreter’s contribution to its determination.]
What I have 
outlined above is at least obliquely related to my speculation on the Inner and 
Outer Worlds at the end of my “as if” post.  The Outer World furnished with objects 
in themselves interacts with the Inner World furnished with conscious, actively 
responsive and responding beings (mind or quasi-mind—a FIRST) whose response 
(collectively) and responses (particularly and singularly) to the interaction (a 
SECOND) bring a Third Semiosical World into

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-22 Thread Joseph Ransdell

Yeah, I think enough's enough on this, Ben, for 
the time being anyway.

  - Original Message - 
  Benjamin Udell 
  To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:17 
  Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite 
  photograph" metaphor
  Let's just say that I misunderstood what you were saying and read too 
  much into it about inquiry priorities. It certainly was not a "blatant 
  diversionary tactic." It was what I thought at the time.
  If neurons have a lot of triadicity, that's fine with me. At some level, 
  we're biological information processes and I wouldn't expect to see a 
  recipient/recognizant role distinctly embodied all the way down.
  It's clear to me at this point that you have some recondite conception of 
  verification. I really don't know what you're thinking of in regard to it. 
  I have specified that I'm using "verification" as a "forest" term for the 
  various "trees" of confirmation, corroboration, proof, etc. 
  Maybe you think that I'm talking only of a conscious deliberate act, or 
  some sort of counterpart thereto at a neuronal level. I have already specified 
  Any time you enter a situation with some conjectures, expectations, 
  understandings, memories, etc., you are testing them, whether that's your 
  purpose or not. And you're always entering a situation with such orientations. 
  And you see what happens, and are surprised, unsurprised, etc. As an 
  intelligent system, you learn from the result and accordingly revise, even if 
  only slightly in particular cases, the system which you are. That is 
  evolution (as opposed, say, to pre-programmed development).
  The "universal category" of _accidens_ involved is that of 
  consistency, truth, validity, soundness, legitimacy, etc.
  Now, looking at the four (the first three are similar to Peircean 
  1. reaction, force, connection ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. meaning, importance, 
  import, good/ill
  2. aptness, tendency, etc. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. truth, legitimacy, etc.
  You can see that I'm actually relating categories and semiosis back to 
  more traditional philosoophical structures. Or maybe you can't see it, haven't 
  thought about the four causes and related conceptions that much, don't "get" a 
  strong-apt-good-true 4-chotomy, just aren't familiar enough with those byways 
  to see the structure there, and so on.
  But actually I've argued these subject matters all in much more detail 
  elsewhere. I'm growing tired of this.
  Ben, let's focus on the following interchange:
  [JR] The universal categories are analytical elements involved in all 
  cases alike and any individual case must already be fully constituted as being 
  of the nature of a cognition of some sort before the question of its 
  verificational status can even arise. The verificational factor therefore 
  cannot be on par with the sort of universal element we are concerned with when 
  we are concerned with the categories. 
  [BU] In other words, never mind pointing out a contradiction in semiotics 
  and arguing for a given solution as most common-sensical and accordant with 
  general experience, though it would undermine the category theory, instead, do 
  a whole new category theory before critically looking at semiotics. 
  REPLY:  No, those are not other words for the same thing, but merely 
  a blatant bit of diversionary rhetorical ploy.  
  [BU continuing]  Even for those for whom Peirce's category theory is 
  _that well established_, that argument should not be valid, at least as it is 
  formulated, since the truth is that a problem arising in a special area can 
  _lead_ to revisions in a more general area; it really depends on the case, and 
  no theory is allowed such sheer monolithicism as to immunize it from revision. 
  REPLY:  The specific point I made is simply ignored in favor of 
  inveighing against a supposed commitment of mine to some general thesis about 
  special cases and general areas which is supposedly designed to immunize 
  Peirce's view from all criticism.  Come on, Ben.
  [BU continuing:]  But Peirce's category theory is not even well 
  established among philosophers generally, so this sort of requirement has that 
  much less credibility.
  REPLY:  What sort of requirement?  You say nothing about what I 
  actually said.  Skipping over a paragraph about a past message in which 
  you outlined "an alternate category theory", you then go on to say: 
  [BU]: But where Joe really goes wrong is in saying _that a cognition must 
  be fully constituted before the question of its verificational status can even 

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-22 Thread Benjamin Udell

Let's just say that I misunderstood what you were saying and read too much 
into it about inquiry priorities. It certainly was not a "blatant diversionary 
tactic." It was what I thought at the time.
If neurons have a lot of triadicity, that's fine with me. At some level, 
we're biological information processes and I wouldn't expect to see a 
recipient/recognizant role distinctly embodied all the way down.
It's clear to me at this point that you have some recondite conception of 
verification. I really don't know what you're thinking of in regard to it. 

I have specified that I'm using "verification" as a "forest" term for the 
various "trees" of confirmation, corroboration, proof, etc. 
Maybe you think that I'm talking only of a conscious deliberate act, or 
some sort of counterpart thereto at a neuronal level. I have already specified 
Any time you enter a situation with some conjectures, expectations, 
understandings, memories, etc., you are testing them, whether that's your 
purpose or not. And you're always entering a situation with such orientations. 
And you see what happens, and are surprised, unsurprised, etc. As an intelligent 
system, you learn from the result and accordingly revise, even if only slightly 
in particular cases, the system which you are. That is evolution (as 
opposed, say, to pre-programmed development).
The "universal category" of _accidens_ involved is that of 
consistency, truth, validity, soundness, legitimacy, etc.
Now, looking at the four (the first three are similar to Peircean 
1. reaction, force, connection ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. meaning, importance, import, 
2. aptness, tendency, etc. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. truth, legitimacy, etc.
You can see that I'm actually relating categories and semiosis back to more 
traditional philosoophical structures. Or maybe you can't see it, haven't 
thought about the four causes and related conceptions that much, don't "get" a 
strong-apt-good-true 4-chotomy, just aren't familiar enough with those byways to 
see the structure there, and so on.
But actually I've argued these subject matters all in much more detail 
elsewhere. I'm growing tired of this.

Ben, let's focus on the following interchange:
[JR] The universal categories are analytical elements involved in all cases 
alike and any individual case must already be fully constituted as being of the 
nature of a cognition of some sort before the question of its verificational 
status can even arise. The verificational factor therefore cannot be on par with 
the sort of universal element we are concerned with when we are concerned with 
the categories. 
[BU] In other words, never mind pointing out a contradiction in semiotics 
and arguing for a given solution as most common-sensical and accordant with 
general experience, though it would undermine the category theory, instead, do a 
whole new category theory before critically looking at semiotics. 
REPLY:  No, those are not other words for the same thing, but merely a 
blatant bit of diversionary rhetorical ploy.  
[BU continuing]  Even for those for whom Peirce's category theory is 
_that well established_, that argument should not be valid, at least as it is 
formulated, since the truth is that a problem arising in a special area can 
_lead_ to revisions in a more general area; it really depends on the case, and 
no theory is allowed such sheer monolithicism as to immunize it from revision. 

REPLY:  The specific point I made is simply ignored in favor of 
inveighing against a supposed commitment of mine to some general thesis about 
special cases and general areas which is supposedly designed to immunize 
Peirce's view from all criticism.  Come on, Ben.
[BU continuing:]  But Peirce's category theory is not even well 
established among philosophers generally, so this sort of requirement has that 
much less credibility.
REPLY:  What sort of requirement?  You say nothing about what I 
actually said.  Skipping over a paragraph about a past message in which you 
outlined "an alternate category theory", you then go on to say: 
[BU]: But where Joe really goes wrong is in saying _that a cognition must 
be fully constituted before the question of its verificational status can even 
arise_. At this point I have no idea what Joe means by "verification," surely he 
doesn't think that it's something that only professional scientists do. It's 
something, instead, that children do every day, and shout about, often enough. 
"Prove it!" "Yeah, I don't need to prove it!" "Oh yes you do!" And so on. On 
some subjects their standards of verification will leave something to be 
desired, but standards indeed they do have. Even a dog can learn to check 
whether a stick has actually departed from the throwing hand. Anybody who thinks 
that a cognition can be fully constituted without a verificational aspect which 
helped form it, is saying that cognition is nothi

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-22 Thread Joseph Ransdell

It is true that I am not especially interested at 
this time in the analysis of verification, though not true that I have paid no 
attention to what you have had to say about that.  The reason is that 
verification is obviously a special kind of cognition and therefore not a 
generic element in any cognition whatsoever. whereas in being concerned 
with Peirce's category analysis I am concerned with the essential conceptual 
elements of anything cognitional. By a "cognition" I mean any instance of 
thinking that something is so, any understanding of any sort that can be 
regarded as assessable in terms of its truth value, whether true or 
false.   This would seem to cover what Peirce had in 
mind in his category analysis in the New List, which he characterizes 
as being concerned with the nature of assertion.  This would include such 
things as perfectly ordinary perceptions,  conscious or unconscious, such 
as are occurring constantly, very few of which are normally regarded as 
requiring any verification and far fewer of which can possibly be 
construed as themselves verifications.  This does not imply any 
lack of interest in verification, as a philosophically relevant topic, but only 
a lack of present concern with the topic owing to being primarily concerned with 
the category theory. 
When you say something like: 
 "Yes, generally I 
point out that sign and interpretant don't give experience of 
the object and that verification involves experience of the object.  
There's a cogent general argument right there."
The very phrase "sign and 
interpretant don't give experience of the object" suggests, 
by being so ill-formed -- which would be equally so if you said "do" rather 
than "don't" --  suggests, I say, some misunderstanding as regards what 
the category theory is actually about.   In any case, at the end of your message, after complaining 
that I have not responded to your challenge about diagramming something to do 
with verification, you say:
"Recently you verbally partly outlined how such a diagram would work, and I 
responded quite specifically on how it seemed that it would work and posed you a 
question about it, and haven't heard about it from you since then."
The question you originally posed had to do with 
diagramming collateral acquaintance, and I explained how that is done because 
that does have bearing on the category question.  If I didn't respond to 
some further question about it, it must have had something to do with 
diagramming verification or some other topic with which I am not 
concerned at this time because my present focus of interest is on the 
category theory, as I have already explained.  
I don't feel under any intellectual obligation at 
this time to produce a reduction argument for there being only three basic 
categories, as you seem to think I should.   Maybe there aren't only 
three.  I have no deep conviction as regards that question myself, though I 
find the idea that three are enough to be appealing and have found thus far no 
reason to think that there is indeed any need for a further one.   But 
that is not the question at issue between us, as far as I am concerned, which is 
rather your claim that a fourth one is required, and moreover one which you are 
suggesting.  I see no reason thus far to think so.  That is where the 
issue stands with me at present.
- Original Message - 

  Benjamin Udell 
  To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
  Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 12:02 
  Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite 
  photograph" metaphor
  Joe, list,
  Joe, I don't know why it seems to you like I'm suddenly releasing a 
  "tirade of verbal dazzle." The prose there looks pretty mundane to me and I 
  certainly didn't mean it intimidate you. Generally when I write such prose I'm 
  just trying to present links in arguments, keep from being confusing, and keep 
  the internal cross-references clear. I try (not always successfully) to avoid 
  trying to write "dazzling" prose because often enough when I've looked at it 
  months later it seems a bit stilted and labored. My editing consists most of 
  all in replacing pronouns with nouns and phrases, even though it leads to 
  repetition, because it worked very well for Fritjof Capra in his _The Tao 
  of Physics_, and he pushed that sort of writing about as far as it can 
  reasonably go, to excellent effect.
  As for showing that there's no subtle weird complex way that one could 
  reduce verification to the triad, I don't know why you were expecting such in 
  my response to Jim.  I've said earlier that I was working on 
  something, and that it would take maybe a week.  Then you soon 
  posted to me on other stuff in regard to verification, and that led to the 
  current dis

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-21 Thread Gary Richmond

Benjamin Udell wrote:
In any case, you've made
an assertion, not an argument, and I've made arguments, including many
on this thread. Rather than improvising a rehash of them to a very
general assertion, I refer you to them.
Your arguments which seem apodictic to you have not ever made much
to me (perhaps I, like Joe, may just be obtuse), for example, your
recent analysis of a fire in a
post addressed to Joe (of which more later). My analysis (in
diagrammatic form)
of a line from
a Shakespeare play was a preliminary attempt at using the two
semiosical triads of Charles Rudder to relate the three Peircean
semeiotic elements to real world
objects while not introducing a fourth element (I don't recall your
commenting on that attempt; but then you had earlier suggested to
Charles that one of his semiosical triads wasn't valid, or at least had
no basis in Peirce's analysis, a conclusion with which I would strongly
disagree). Having
unsuccessfully  for years to grasp your reasons for a putative need for
a fourth category, all I've been able to do recently is to point to the
kinds of
arguments (for example, in the "composite photograph" piece in
Transactions) which are congruent with my own understanding of
categories/semeiotic elements as being necessary and

But I'm going to try one last time to make the Peircean case from the
standpoint of collateral knowledge. I know I've said "one last time" 
before. But truly, as I see it, I really now have spent enough
studying and trying
understand your position, trying to respond to it as best I can;
while certainly nothing
that I have said in support of Peirce's three categories and elements
has been anything but ignored or rejected by you. Meanwhile a long,
deep, intense
study of
Peirce's arguments for an essentially triadic Science has been so
compelling to me that sometimes I've thought that just quoting him
would be
sufficient to make the triadic case (and who could argue it
better than Peirce?)  Although you've
rejected all my previous efforts, I will however try once again.

But first I'd want to say that I fully concur with Joe in his saying:
JR: The universal
categories are analytical elements involved in all cases alike and any
individual case must already be fully constituted as being of the
nature of a cognition of some sort before the question of its
verificational status can even arise.  The verificational factor
therefore cannot be on par with the sort of universal element we are
concerned with when we are concerned with the categories. 
JR: There is
nothing. . . that requires some new type of entity functioning as
nodes other than something of the nature of a sign, something of the
nature of an interpretant of a sign, and something of the nature of an
object of a sign. Basically, It is still just a diagram about
referring to objects, some of which are being referred to as signs and
some of which are not.

JR . . .the point to
the basic category analysis is to
make it possible to represent cognitions of any and every sort in a
helpfully analytic way, and once you have the elements required
for the analysis of any given cognition, you ipso facto have what is
required for such special cases as, say, that of verifying cognitions
For those of us who see it this way, your insisting on a fourth element
because of your "special experience of the object itself" just doesn't
water; indeed your response to Joe's argumentation (which I found
strong--the excerpts above are really more just conclusions and do not
represent the subtlety of his argumentation)
seemed strangely dismissive.

Now, I think we all agree that there is are dynamical objects and that
there is collateral
knowledge of them; yet as I see it there are but three worlds of
experience, three
universal categories, three existential categories, three essential
logical modalities, etc. and my "merely asserting" that at this point
assumes that you have read enough of Peirce's own arguments to know
that line of thought (Lord knows, I've quoted him often enough in the
matter!)  And, again, while your arguments for the four make almost no
sense to me, Peirce's arguments for the three make great
good sense and have almost always gained in clarity upon
For "we Peirceans" it is of the nature of cognition (and, as Joe
pointed out, of re-cognition) that it--cognition--takes precisely a
form, and so also in consideration of such matters as the extraordinary
complexity of semeiotic
events (and their relations) involved in verification and the like. So
it's always, as you've even insisted, been a matter of trying to
grapple with your reasons why Peirce's analysis is insufficient and
wrong (and it would then follow that his whole philosophy. steeped in
triads and trichotomies, would have to be abandoned) while yours is
sufficient and correct. Enough of this triadic confusion!

Now for the collateral case. Again I'll leave most 

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-21 Thread Joseph Ransdell

I misunderstood what you were attempting to do in 
the messages in question, Ben.  I can't respond fully to what you say below 
right at the moment, but will do that later, as soon as I get some time, 
maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow morning.

  - Original Message - 
  Benjamin Udell 
  To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
  Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 12:02 
  Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite 
  photograph" metaphor
  Joe, list,
  Joe, I don't know why it seems to you like I'm suddenly releasing a 
  "tirade of verbal dazzle." The prose there looks pretty mundane to me and I 
  certainly didn't mean it intimidate you. Generally when I write such prose I'm 
  just trying to present links in arguments, keep from being confusing, and keep 
  the internal cross-references clear. I try (not always successfully) to avoid 
  trying to write "dazzling" prose because often enough when I've looked at it 
  months later it seems a bit stilted and labored. My editing consists most of 
  all in replacing pronouns with nouns and phrases, even though it leads to 
  repetition, because it worked very well for Fritjof Capra in his _The Tao 
  of Physics_, and he pushed that sort of writing about as far as it can 
  reasonably go, to excellent effect.
  As for showing that there's no subtle weird complex way that one could 
  reduce verification to the triad, I don't know why you were expecting such in 
  my response to Jim.  I've said earlier that I was working on 
  something, and that it would take maybe a week.  Then you soon 
  posted to me on other stuff in regard to verification, and that led to the 
  current discussion, so I don't know where you think that I'd have found the 
  time to work on the no-reduction argument. And when I said that I've 
  practical matters also to attend to, I wasn't just making it up.  Now, I 
  didn't see any reason to rush the kind of argument which you asked me to make, 
  since it would be the first time that I'd made such an argument on 
  peirce-l.  And I see it as dealing with more challenges than you see it 
  as dealing with, for I don't seem able, even after all this time, to get you 
  to _focus_ on analyzing the verificatory act, for instance, of checking 
  on what a person says is happening at some house. You refer to such an act but 
  you don't look at it. 
  Somebody tells me there's a fire at a house, I form an interpretation 
  that there's a fire at that house, I run over and look at it, and looka there, 
  it's on fire! Feel the heat! Look at the fire trucks! Cross to the other 
  side of the street in order to get past it. Verification, involving experience 
  of the object(s). Now, if that experience merely represented the house to me, 
  the smoke, its source, etc., then it wouldn't be acquainting me with the house 
  as the house has become.  Doubts about this lead to the interesting 
  question of _what are signs for, anyway_? Meanwhile, if the house 
  really is on fire, then subsequent events and behaviors will corroborate the 
  verification. Once, from around 16 blocks away, I saw billowing smoke rising 
  from the vicinity of my building. I rushed up to the elevated train station 
  but couldn't get a clearer view. Finally I ran most of the way to my building, 
  where I observed that the smoke was coming from a block diagonally away -- the 
  Woolworth's store was aflame and my building was quite safe and sound. 
  I hadn't sat around interpreting a.k.a. construing, instead I had 
  actively arranged to have a special experience of the objects 
  themselves, an experience logically determined in its references and 
  significances both prior and going forward, by the interpretation that my 
  building was afire; and the experience determined semiosis going forward as 
  well, and was corroborated in my interactions with fellow witnesses and by 
  subsequent events, including the gutting and rebuilding the store. 
  - Was the experience the object in question? 
  - No. 
  - Was it the sign? 
  - No. 
  - Was it the interpretant? 
  - No. 
  - Was it determined logically by them? 
  - Yes. 
  - Was it, then, another interpretant of the prior interpretants and 
  their object? 
  - No, because it was not an interpretant of the object, instead it 
  further acquainted me with the object. 
  Now, if you don't see a problem for triadicism there, then I'd say that 
  you've set the bar exceedingly high for seeing a problem. And if you reply 
  that you don't find that sequence of questions and answers convincing of 
  anything, even of the plausible appearance of a problem, without pointing to 
  just where the logic breaks down, then I'll conclude that you've merely 
  skimmed it, and haven't reasoned your way through it at all.

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-21 Thread Benjamin Udell
ne next to one 
interpreter, a thought of the need to pay a bill at just that moment) and what 
each takes it to mean, possibly accompanying thoughts, etc.
1/2/3 |>  3. The  interpretant also will be very different for 
each (much could be said about the various interpretants, but not in this 
2. The  immediate object varies considerably for each (you'll have to 
imagine what this might entail, but there is enough difference to suggest what I 
have in mind)
>[Gary] Although this is perhaps different from how Charles sees the two 
relating, I connected them in the following way in a recent post [this kind of 
analysis "back and forth" between two communicators within the context of a real 
world of experience is also Peirce's approach in the "Stormy Day" letter to 
William James which, btw, has  pertinence to the present discussion]
>[Gary] ---
outer semiosical triad:  .   .   inner 
semiosical triad:
.   .   .   .   .   
.   .   .   .   .   
.   .  sign
sign:   .    .   .   
.   .   .   .   .   .  |> 
|> interpreter .   .   .   .   
.   .     immediate object
dynamical object

Generally, I don't see that there is anything in this that contradicts what 
I said about (the conception of) an interpreter not introducing something 
unaccounted for, in terms of basic semiotic elements, in the 
object-sign-interpretant trichotomy.  If, however, this is in some sort of 
relation to an conception of recognition as "really" being an interpreter, a 
grand interpretant, I've addressed it a lot more explicitly and with 
arguments in past posts.
>[Gary] Well, whether or not this particular analysis will hold, the 
point is to connect the sign with the inferences of living, breathing, 
thinking, feeling, human intelligences (Man as symbol) and as this occurs in 
the world of experience where object and sign are not just roles. As 
for the individual as he is involved in these complex patterns of semioses: 

>[Gary] CP 7.583  We have already seen that every state of 
consciousness [is] an inference; so that life is but a sequence of inferences or 
a train of thought. At any instant then man is a thought, and as thought is a 
species of symbol, the general answer to the question what is man? is that he is 
a symbol.  . .
I hope I've already clarified that I don't regard logical roles as roles in 
a mereness sense. However, I don't see where you've addressed the question of 
how an experience receives logical determination from semiosis such as to be a 
recognition of the consistency, truth, validity, soundness, etc., of object, 
sign, interpretant in respect to one another, and how the experience would do 
this without being an interpretant that, contradictorily to Peircean semiotics, 
acquaints or further acquaints the mind with the object.
>[Gary] Ben gives the inference process as a fourth element.
>>[Ben] -
1. multi-objective optimization process ~ ~ 3. cybernetic process
2. stochastic process ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. inference process
>[Gary] But there is no need for a fourth semeiotic element to explain 
such inference in the way of looking at matters as suggested by 7.583.
Well, I hope you haven't gotten the idea that I think that the four 
semiotic elements are to be equated rather than merely correlated to those 
processes mentioned in my table. The point was inter-table correlations across 
to various other tables in my post [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" 
metaphor, August 20, 2006 (August 21st at gmane, http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/1325 ). 
In any case, you've made an assertion, not an argument, and I've made arguments, 
including many on this thread. Rather than improvising a rehash of them to a 
very general assertion, I refer you to them.

Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-21 Thread Benjamin Udell

Joe, list,
Joe, I don't know why it seems to you like I'm suddenly releasing a "tirade 
of verbal dazzle." The prose there looks pretty mundane to me and I certainly 
didn't mean it intimidate you. Generally when I write such prose I'm just trying 
to present links in arguments, keep from being confusing, and keep the internal 
cross-references clear. I try (not always successfully) to avoid trying to write 
"dazzling" prose because often enough when I've looked at it months later it 
seems a bit stilted and labored. My editing consists most of all in replacing 
pronouns with nouns and phrases, even though it leads to repetition, because it 
worked very well for Fritjof Capra in his _The Tao of Physics_, and he 
pushed that sort of writing about as far as it can reasonably go, to excellent 
As for showing that there's no subtle weird complex way that one could 
reduce verification to the triad, I don't know why you were expecting such in my 
response to Jim.  I've said earlier that I was working on 
something, and that it would take maybe a week.  Then you soon posted 
to me on other stuff in regard to verification, and that led to the current 
discussion, so I don't know where you think that I'd have found the time 
to work on the no-reduction argument. And when I said that I've 
practical matters also to attend to, I wasn't just making it up.  Now, I 
didn't see any reason to rush the kind of argument which you asked me to make, 
since it would be the first time that I'd made such an argument on 
peirce-l.  And I see it as dealing with more challenges than you see it as 
dealing with, for I don't seem able, even after all this time, to get you to 
_focus_ on analyzing the verificatory act, for instance, of checking on 
what a person says is happening at some house. You refer to such an act but you 
don't look at it. 
Somebody tells me there's a fire at a house, I form an interpretation that 
there's a fire at that house, I run over and look at it, and looka there, it's 
on fire! Feel the heat! Look at the fire trucks! Cross to the other side of 
the street in order to get past it. Verification, involving experience of the 
object(s). Now, if that experience merely represented the house to me, the 
smoke, its source, etc., then it wouldn't be acquainting me with the house as 
the house has become.  Doubts about this lead to the interesting question 
of _what are signs for, anyway_? Meanwhile, if the house really is on 
fire, then subsequent events and behaviors will corroborate the verification. 
Once, from around 16 blocks away, I saw billowing smoke rising from the vicinity 
of my building. I rushed up to the elevated train station but couldn't get a 
clearer view. Finally I ran most of the way to my building, where I observed 
that the smoke was coming from a block diagonally away -- the Woolworth's store 
was aflame and my building was quite safe and sound. I hadn't sat around 
interpreting a.k.a. construing, instead I had actively arranged to have 
a special experience of the objects themselves, an experience logically 
determined in its references and significances both prior and going forward, by 
the interpretation that my building was afire; and the experience determined 
semiosis going forward as well, and was corroborated in my interactions with 
fellow witnesses and by subsequent events, including the gutting and rebuilding 
the store. 
- Was the experience the object in question? 
- No. 
- Was it the sign? 
- No. 
- Was it the interpretant? 
- No. 
- Was it determined logically by them? 
- Yes. 
- Was it, then, another interpretant of the prior interpretants and 
their object? 
- No, because it was not an interpretant of the object, instead it further 
acquainted me with the object. 
Now, if you don't see a problem for triadicism there, then I'd say that 
you've set the bar exceedingly high for seeing a problem. And if you reply that 
you don't find that sequence of questions and answers convincing of anything, 
even of the plausible appearance of a problem, without pointing to just where 
the logic breaks down, then I'll conclude that you've merely skimmed it, and 
haven't reasoned your way through it at all.
Yes, generally I point out that sign and interpretant don't give 
experience of the object and that verification involves experience of 
the object.  There's a cogent general argument right there.  But if 
you see no problem for semiotics in the question of signs and experience, no 
problem that can't be "taken care of" later, some time, when somebody gets 
around to it, meanwhile let somebody prove beyond this doubt, then that doubt, 
then another doubt, that there's some sort of problem there that needs to be 
addressed, well, then, you'll never feel a burden of need to deal with 
it.  Generally I''m okay with this, because it leads to my exploring 
interesting questions.
In response to my points about collateral experience, some asked, among 
other things -- "but

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-21 Thread Gary Richmond

Benjamin Udell wrote:

  Object and
signs are roles. They are logical roles, and their distinction is a
logical distinction

As I see it,  it's not that simple because of the dynamical object, the
fact of inter-communication as well as internal inference, etc.

Charles may mean something somewhat different from what
I'm taking his two semiosical
triads to be referring to (I hope he'll comment further on them at some
point), but I'll show how I see the two through an example
diagramming them in relationship to each other. [Btw, I would 
recommend an analysis
Charles posted 12/1/05--his "as if" post--in which he considers certain
Peircean passages which brought
him to his inner/outer notion] This is admittedly only a very
and I may see things differently as I consider the two triads further
(I may be conflating some of the inner and outer aspects, or not
connecting them properly--it appears, not surprisingly, to be a very
complex relationship

outer semiosical triad: 

The sign in this case is a particular line spoken in a particular
production of
Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing by a particular actor at one
performance in a New York City park.

|>  The audience members hearing it spoken are these (selected)
interpreters: (a) a young acting
student who is studying the given role, (b) an 8 y.o. child attending
first live play, (c) a Spanish speaking man without much
English language skills dragged to it by his girlfriend.
(d) the director of the play

The dynamical object is whatever meaning/emotion Shakespeare, the
actor, the
director mean to convey/express in that line, through its delivery, etc.

However this sign as reflected in semiotic processes of the various
members are naturally very different semioses ( a, b, c and d) at the
moment of
their each hearing and "following the meaning" of the line:

inner semiosical triad [read 1/2/3]:

1. The sign is pretty much whatever the line spoken is heard as
educational backgrounds, language skills, the coughing of someone next
to one interpreter, a thought of the need to pay a bill at just that
moment) and what each
takes it to mean, possibly accompanying thoughts,

 1/2/3 |>  3. The  interpretant also will be very
different for each (much could be
said about the various interpretants, but not in this diagram!)

2. The  immediate object varies considerably for each (you'll have to
imagine what this might entail, but there is enough difference
to suggest what I have in mind)

Although this is perhaps different from how Charles sees the two
relating, I connected them in the following way in a recent post [this
kind of
analysis "back and forth" between two communicators within the context
of a real world of experience is also Peirce's approach in the "Stormy
Day" letter to William James which, btw, has  pertinence to the
present discussion]

outer semiosical triad:  .   .   inner semiosical triad:
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  sign
sign:   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  |>
|> interpreter .   .   .   .   .   .     immediate object
dynamical object

Well, whether or not this particular analysis will hold, the point is
to connect
the sign with the inferences of living, breathing,
thinking, feeling, human
intelligences (Man as symbol) and as this occurs in the world
of experience where object and sign are not just roles. As
for the individual as he is involved in these complex patterns
of semioses:
CP 7.583  We have already seen that every state
of consciousness [is] an inference; so that life is but a sequence of
inferences or a train of thought. At any instant then man is a thought,
and as thought is a species of symbol, the general answer to the
question what is man? is that he is a symbol.  . .

Ben gives the inference process as a fourth element.

multi-objective optimization process ~ ~ 3. cybernetic process
  2. stochastic
process ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. inference process

But there is no need for a fourth
semeiotic element to explain such inference in the way of
looking at matters as suggested by 7.583. 


Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-21 Thread Joseph Ransdell
 bravery, (b) duely confident behavior, (c) 
  prudence, (d) "realism" --
  & an out-of-season -- (a) rashness, (b) complacency, (c) cowardice, 
  (d) defeatism.)
  In a sense the distinction (interpretant vs. verification) which I'm 
  discussing is an aspect of the ancient one traceable between 
  meaning, value, good, end (telos), actualization, affectivity
  factuality, validity, soundness, true, entelechy, reality,  
  establishment, cognition.
  To make it four-way:
  1. object ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. interpretant
  2. sign ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. recognition, verification
  1. strength, dynamism ~ ~ ~ 3. vibrancy, value, good
  2. suitability, richness ~ ~ ~ 4. firmness, soundness, truth 
  1. will & character ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. affectivity & sensibility
  2. ability & competence ~ ~ 4. cognition & intelligence
  1. agency ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. act, actualization
  2. bearer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. borne, supported
   1. beginning, leading, arche ~ ~ 3. end, telos, 
  2. middle, means ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. check, entelechy
  1. multi-objective optimization process ~ ~ 3. cybernetic process
  2. stochastic process ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. inference process
  1. forces ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. life
  2. matter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. intelligent life
  Best, Ben
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jim Piat 
  To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
  Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2006 1:54 PM
  Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor
  Charles Rudder wrote:
  >> That is, there is an immediate--non-mediated and, hence, 
  cognitively autonomous relation between cognizing subjects and objects 
  consisting of phenomena and/or things in themselves who are in some sense able 
  to "see" or "recognize" objects and relations between and among objects as 
  they are independent of how they are represented by signs and their 
  interpretants.  On this account of cognition, signs and systems of signs 
  are "instrumental" auxiliaries to cognition and their semiosical 
  instrumentality is subject to being and is consciously or unconsciously 
  continuously being extrasemiosically evaluated, validated, or "verified" by 
  cognizing subjects; a process which Peirce, who makes cognition and cognitive 
  growth an exclusively semiosical process, ignores.>>
  Dear Charles, Folks
  Here's my take --
  That one has some sort of non-representational "knowledge" of objects 
  against which one can compare or verify one's representational or semiotic 
  knowledge does seem to be a popular view of the issue of how reality is 
  accessed or known.   But I think this is a view Peirce rejected in 
  the New List.  
  However this is not to say that there is no practical distinction between 
  what is meant by an object and what is meant by a representation of an 
  object.  An object is that which is interpreted as standing for (or 
  representing) itself.  A sign is something that is interpreted as 
  standing for something other than itself.  Thus one can compare one's 
  interpretation of a sign of a collateral object with one's interpretation of 
  the referenced collateral object itself even though both the object of the 
  sign and the collateral object are known only through representation.  
  The collateral object and the object of some discussion of it are in theory 
  the same object.  The distinction is between one's direct representation 
  of the object vs it's indirect representation to one by others.  In both 
  cases the object is represented.  
  There are no inherent distinctions between those objects we interpret as 
  objects and those we interpret as signs  -- the distinction is in how we 
  use them.  The object referred to by a sign is always collateral to the 
  sign itself unless the sign is referring to itself in some sort of convoluted 
  self referential fashion.  The distinction between direct (albeit 
  mediated) knowledge of an object and the sort of second hand knowledge one 
  gains from the accounts of others poses no special problems.  There is 
  nothing magic about direct personal knowledge that gives it some sort of 
  special objective validity over the accounts of others.  What makes such 
  personal aquaintance valuable is not their imagined "objectivity"  but 
  their trustworthiness (in terms of serving one's own interests as opposed to 
  the interests of others).  OTOH multiple observation gathered from 
  different "trustworthy" POVs do provide a more complete and thus more reliable 
  and useful (or "true"as some say) account of reality.  
  And finally,  verification (conceiving a manifold of senuous 
  impressions as having some particular meaning) IS repres

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-20 Thread Benjamin Udell

Jim, Charles, Gary, Joe, 
Jacob, list,
(Let me note parenthetically that, in my previous post, I used the word 
"mind" in a number of places where I probably should have used the word 
"intelligence," given the far-reaching sense which the word "mind" can take on 
in a Peircean context.)
Jim below says things pretty near to that which I'm saying in terms of the 
distinction between object and sign, and it seems that the "bad regression" 
stuff that I've said about his previous stuff no longer applies. 
Object and signs are roles. They are logical roles, and their distinction 
is a logical distinction, not a metaphysical or physical or material or 
biological or psychological distinction, though it takes on complex 
psychological relevance insofar as a psyche will be an inference process and 
will not only develop structures which manifest the distinction, but 
will also tend consciously to employ the distinction and even thematize it and 
make a topic (a semiotic object) out of it (like right now). 
However, my argument has been that, when one pays sufficient attention to 
the relationships involved, one sees that a verification is _not_ a 
representation, in those relationships in which it is a verification, -- just as 
an object is not a sign in those relationships in which it is an object. Even 
when a thing-in-its-signhood is the object, the subject matter, then it is 
_in that respect_ the object and not a sign, though it wouldn't be the 
object if it were not a sign (and indeed every object is a sign in some set of 
relationships). These logical distinctions don't wash away so easily.
Meaning is formed into the interpretant. Validity, soundness, etc., are 
formed into the recognition. 
Meaning is conveyed and developed through "chains" and structures of 
interpretants. Validity, soundness, legitimacy, is conveyed and developed 
through "chains" and structures of recognitions.  
One even has some slack in "making" the distinction between interpretant 
and verification -- it's a slack which one needs in order to learn about the 
distinction so as to incorporate those learnings into oneself as a semiosic 
sytem and so as to employ the distinction in a non-reckless but also 
non-complacent manner. 
(For everything -- (a) boldness, (b) confident behavior, (c) caution, (d) 
resignation --
there is a season -- (a) bravery, (b) duely confident behavior, (c) 
prudence, (d) "realism" --
& an out-of-season -- (a) rashness, (b) complacency, (c) cowardice, (d) 
In a sense the distinction (interpretant vs. verification) which I'm 
discussing is an aspect of the ancient one traceable between 
meaning, value, good, end (telos), actualization, affectivity
factuality, validity, soundness, true, entelechy, reality,  
establishment, cognition.
To make it four-way:
1. object ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. interpretant
2. sign ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. recognition, verification
1. strength, dynamism ~ ~ ~ 3. vibrancy, value, good
2. suitability, richness ~ ~ ~ 4. firmness, soundness, truth 
1. will & character ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. affectivity & sensibility
2. ability & competence ~ ~ 4. cognition & intelligence

1. agency ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. act, actualization
2. bearer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. borne, supported
 1. beginning, leading, arche ~ ~ 3. end, telos, 
2. middle, means ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. check, entelechy
1. multi-objective optimization process ~ ~ 3. cybernetic process
2. stochastic process ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. inference process
1. forces ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. life
2. matter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. intelligent life
Best, Ben

----- Original Message - 
From: Jim Piat 
To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2006 1:54 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor
Charles Rudder wrote:
>> That is, there is an immediate--non-mediated and, hence, 
cognitively autonomous relation between cognizing subjects and objects 
consisting of phenomena and/or things in themselves who are in some sense able 
to "see" or "recognize" objects and relations between and among objects as they 
are independent of how they are represented by signs and their 
interpretants.  On this account of cognition, signs and systems of signs 
are "instrumental" auxiliaries to cognition and their semiosical instrumentality 
is subject to being and is consciously or unconsciously continuously being 
extrasemiosically evaluated, validated, or "verified" by cognizing subjects; a 
process which Peirce, who makes cognition and cognitive growth an exclusively 
semiosical process, ignores.>>
Dear Charles, Folks
Here's my take --
That one has some sort of non-representational "knowledge" of objects 
against which on

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-20 Thread Benjamin Udell
 that that was a good explanation for Peirce's neologism). Apart from 
those considerations, an interpretant is just an interpretation.  After 
all, the interpretant does not give experience of the object. Experience of the 
interpretant does not give experience of the object. Etc. However, by the time 
one encounters Peirce's discussions of collateral experience and sees that 
experience of the object is "outside the interpretant," one may already have 
formed a rather hardened sense about the interpretant as something which could 
be verificatory about the object.  But, as I've said, this is probably too 
speculative, and moreover it would require still more of a stretch to adapt such 
an explanation to Peirce himself personally.
>[Charles] Your references to extrasemiosical collateral experience 
appear to me to focus on the triad (Interpreter - Sign - Object) and to isolate 
the (Interpreter - Object) relation (extrasemiosical collateral experience) from 
an Interpreter's relation to signs, interpretants of signs, and objects of 
signs--the semiosical (Interpretant - Sign - Object) relation.  That is, 
there is an immediate--non-mediated and, hence, cognitively autonomous relation 
between cognizing subjects and objects consisting of phenomena and/or things in 
themselves who are in some sense able to "see" or "recognize" objects and 
relations between and among objects as they _are_ independent of how they 
are represented by signs and their interpretants.  On this account of 
cognition, signs and systems of signs are "instrumental" auxiliaries to 
cognition and their semiosical instrumentality is subject to being and is 
consciously or unconsciously continuously being 
extrasemiosically evaluated, validated, or "verified" by cognizing 
subjects; a process which Peirce, who makes cognition and cognitive growth an 
exclusively semiosical process, ignores. 
Partly we get into a question of what one means by "semiosis" -- in 
the Peircean sense I'm talking about something "outside" semiosis -- but, as 
I've said in various posts, I am not discussing an unmediated 
I said, in August 19, 2006 [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" 
metaphor http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/1317 :
"To say that establishment or verification are a fourth element is to say 
that, in being mediated by signs and interpretants, experience is also mediated 
-- or is, at any rate, structured and restructured -- by establishments and 
verifications, in the small and in the large. " Here I meant that some might 
argue that this is not "mediation" in the strictest sense, that sense in which 
for instance one says that the sign mediates between object and interpretant, 
but the interpretant does not mediate between object and sign.
I said, August 12/13, 2006 [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" 
metaphor http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/1292 
There is this experience, of them collaterally to one another, which seems, 
for its part, the experience, to rely on mediation by some unconscious substrate 
such that one's experience of object, sign, and interpretant is direct but 
mediated. But if this unconscious substrate does not itself involve unconscious 
recognition and unconscious experience, then it is a mistake to suppose it to be 
an inferential, semiotic process at all -- it is instead at best an information 
process basically vegetable-organismic in kind, further analyzable into material 
and mechanical processes, though, at every stage of the reduction, we know that 
something is lost.  However, as I said, there seems good reason to think 
that there _are_ unconscious inference processes. My guess is that they 
"work their way down" pretty deep, and get rather strange, but are still 
inference processes.
I said, in July 29, 2006 [peirce-l] Re: MS 399.663f On the sign as 
surrogate http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/1270 :
I hope it's clear now that I agree that it's all mediated. That doesn't 
mean that it's not sometimes direct. Peirce distinguishes between "immediate" 
and "direct." A lens, for instance, mediates, but one sees directly through the 
lens and indeed could not see clearly at all but for certain lenses."
I both agree and disagree with Jim's statement that "That one has 
some sort of non-representational "knowledge" of objects against which one can 
compare or verify one's representational or semiotic knowledge . . ." seems to 
be a commonplace notion that Peirce rejects." 
I agree insofar as I agree that Peirce rejects some sort of 
unmediated, non-semiosic or extra-semiosic knowledge which would arise without 
the involvement of r

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-20 Thread Gary Richmond

Here's my take (reflecting Charles' 2  semiosical triads diagrammed in
relation to each other)--

outer semiosical triad:  .   .  inner semiosical triad:
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . sign
sign:   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  |>
|> interpreter .   .   .   .   .   .    immediate object
dynamical object


Jim Piat wrote:

  Charles Rudder wrote:   
  >> That is, there is an immediate--non-mediated and,
hence, cognitively autonomous relation between cognizing subjects and
objects consisting of phenomena and/or things in themselves who are in
some sense able to "see" or "recognize" objects and relations between
and among objects as they are independent of how they are
represented by signs and their interpretants.  On this account of
cognition, signs and systems of signs are "instrumental" auxiliaries to
cognition and their semiosical instrumentality is subject to being and
is consciously or unconsciously continuously being
extrasemiosically evaluated, validated, or "verified" by cognizing
subjects; a process which Peirce, who makes cognition and cognitive
growth an exclusively semiosical process, ignores.>>
  Dear Charles, Folks
  Here's my take --
  That one has some sort of
non-representational "knowledge" of objects against which one can
compare or verify one's representational or semiotic knowledge does
seem to be a popular view of the issue of how reality is accessed or
known.   But I think this is a view Peirce rejected in the New List.  
  However this is not to say that
there is no practical distinction between what is meant by an object
and what is meant by a representation of an object.  An object is that
which is interpreted as standing for (or representing) itself.  A sign
is something that is interpreted as standing for something other than
itself.  Thus one can compare one's interpretation of a sign of a
collateral object with one's interpretation of the referenced
collateral object itself even though both the object of the sign and
the collateral object are known only through representation.  The
collateral object and the object of some discussion of it are in theory
the same object.  The distinction is between one's direct
representation of the object vs it's indirect representation to one by
others.  In both cases the object is represented.  
  There are no inherent distinctions
between those objects we interpret as objects and those we interpret as
signs  -- the distinction is in how we use them.  The object referred
to by a sign is always collateral to the sign itself unless the sign is
referring to itself in some sort of convoluted self referential
fashion.  The distinction between direct (albeit mediated) knowledge of
an object and the sort of second hand knowledge one gains from the
accounts of others poses no special problems.  There is nothing magic
about direct personal knowledge that gives it some sort of
special objective validity over the accounts of others.  What makes
such personal aquaintance valuable is not their imagined "objectivity"
 but their trustworthiness (in terms of serving one's own interests as
opposed to the interests of others).  OTOH multiple observation
gathered from different "trustworthy" POVs do provide a more complete
and thus more reliable and useful (or "true"as some say) account of
  And finally,  verification
(conceiving a manifold of senuous impressions as having some particular
meaning) IS representation -- at least for Peirce (as I understand
  Just some thoughts as I'm following
this discussion.  
Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-20 Thread Jim Piat

Charles Rudder 
>> That is, there is an immediate--non-mediated and, hence, 
cognitively autonomous relation between cognizing subjects and objects 
consisting of phenomena and/or things in themselves who are in some sense able 
to "see" or "recognize" objects and relations between and among objects as 
they are independent of how they are represented by signs and their 
interpretants.  On this account of cognition, signs and systems of signs 
are "instrumental" auxiliaries to cognition and their semiosical instrumentality 
is subject to being and is consciously or unconsciously continuously being 
extrasemiosically evaluated, validated, or "verified" by cognizing 
subjects; a process which Peirce, who makes cognition and cognitive growth an 
exclusively semiosical process, ignores.>>
Dear Charles, Folks
Here's my take --
That one has some sort of non-representational 
"knowledge" of objects against which one can compare or verify one's 
representational or semiotic knowledge does seem to be a popular view 
of the issue of how reality is accessed or known.   But I think 
this is a view Peirce rejected in the New List.  
However this is not to say that there is no 
practical distinction between what is meant by an object and what is meant 
by a representation of an object.  An object is that which is interpreted 
as standing for (or representing) itself.  A sign is something that is 
interpreted as standing for something other than itself.  Thus one can 
compare one's interpretation of a sign of a collateral object with one's 
interpretation of the referenced collateral object itself even though both 
the object of the sign and the collateral object are known only through 
representation.  The collateral object and the object of some discussion of 
it are in theory the same object.  The distinction is between one's 
direct representation of the object vs it's indirect representation to one 
by others.  In both cases the object is represented.  
There are no inherent distinctions between those 
objects we interpret as objects and those we interpret as signs  -- the 
distinction is in how we use them.  The object referred to by a sign is 
always collateral to the sign itself unless the sign is referring to itself in 
some sort of convoluted self referential fashion.  The distinction between 
direct (albeit mediated) knowledge of an object and the sort of second hand 
knowledge one gains from the accounts of others poses no special problems.  
There is nothing magic about direct personal knowledge that gives it some sort 
of special objective validity over the accounts 
of others.  What makes such personal aquaintance valuable is 
not their imagined "objectivity"  but their trustworthiness (in 
terms of serving one's own interests as opposed to the interests of 
others).  OTOH multiple observation gathered from different "trustworthy" 
POVs do provide a more complete and thus more reliable and useful 
(or "true"as some say) account of reality.  
And finally,  verification (conceiving a 
manifold of senuous impressions as having some particular meaning) IS 
representation -- at least for Peirce (as I understand him).  
Just some thoughts as I'm following this 
Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-20 Thread Charles F Rudder

A minor correction Ben.  In my last post where I said, "assuming that 
what I have referred to as assessing the 'fidelity' of a sign's representation 
of its object is or includes what you are calling  'verification' . . ." I 
intended to say "is or is included in what you call verification."

Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-20 Thread Charles F Rudder

I didn't meant to intimate that you are inarticulate or that I had no 
inkling of how your position differs from Peirce's.  I have asked for 
additional clarification because I have been trying to formulate for myself 
a reasonably succinct statement of your position relative to Pierce's that 
might serve as a benchmark for further conversation.   I have 
suspected that in addition to your penchant for "quadricity" you might disagree 
with Peirce on some ontological, epistemological, and phenomenological issues 
which, in responding to my posts, your might address, and which, it seems to me 
that, somewhat obliquely, in your last two posts you have.  Assuming that 
what I have referred to as assessing the "fidelity" of a sign's representation 
of it object is or includes what you are calling "verification," 
and, without going into further detail, here is how I presently see 
I understand Peirce to say that there are two interrelated but 
distinguishable semiosical triads, namely, the triad (Interpreter - Sign - 
Object) and the triad (Interpretant - Sign - Object).  Your references to 
extrasemiosical collateral experience appear to me to focus on the triad 
(Interpreter - Sign - Object) and to isolate the (Interpreter - Object) relation 
(extrasemiosical collateral experience) from an Interpreter's relation to signs, 
interpretants of signs, and objects of signs--the semiosical (Interpretant - 
Sign - Object) relation.  That is, there is an immediate--non-mediated and, 
hence, cognitively autonomous relation between cognizing subjects and objects 
consisting of phenomena and/or things in themselves who are in some sense able 
to "see" or "recognize" objects and relations between and among objects as 
they are independent of how they are represented by signs and their 
interpretants.  On this account of cognition, signs and systems of signs 
are "instrumental" auxiliaries to cognition and their semiosical instrumentality 
is subject to being and is consciously or unconsciously continuously being 
extrasemiosically evaluated, validated, or "verified" by cognizing 
subjects; a process which Peirce, who makes cognition and cognitive growth an 
exclusively semiosical process, ignores.
On Sat, 19 Aug 2006 18:02:48 -0400 "Benjamin Udell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Charles, Joe, Gary, Jim, Jacob, list,
  The occasion here is that Charles wrote, "I am still trying to find out 
  if I have any grasp at all of what you think the (Interpretant -- Sign -- 
  Object) relation omits." The idea that one can't even grasp what I'm saying 
  leads me to make one last try.
Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-19 Thread Joseph Ransdell

Nor do I know what else to say to you on this 
topic, Ben, except that I just don't get the sense that we are even talking 
about the same topic.  It baffles me, but I will just have to leave it at 
 - Original Message - 

  Benjamin Udell 
  To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
  Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 5:02 
  Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite 
  photograph" metaphor
  Charles, Joe, Gary, Jim, Jacob, list,
  The occasion here is that Charles wrote, "I am still trying to find out 
  if I have any grasp at all of what you think the (Interpretant -- Sign -- 
  Object) relation omits." The idea that one can't even grasp what I'm saying 
  leads me to make one last try.
  What do I think the relation omits?  I think that the 
  (Interpretant -- Sign -- Object) relation omits recognition, verification, 
  establishment.  I mean "recognition," "verification," "estabishment," and 
  the like, in a pretty commonsense way.  I'm trying to think of how to get 
  the tetradic idea across.
  First, I'd point out that the difference between interpretation and 
  verification can be taken in a common-sense way with which we are all 
  familiar. That common-sense way is at the basis of how I mean it.  But 
  I've pointed that out in the past.  I've even brought the plot of 
  _Hamlet_ (because peirce-l is classy :-)) into the discussion.  
  Now, there's a weak sense of the word "understanding" where one says "well, 
  it's my _understanding_ that Jack is going to come" -- one is saying 
  that one doesn't _know_ whether Jack is actually going to come -- one 
  hasn't _verified_ it, even to oneself -- one means that, instead, it's 
  _merely one's interpretation_.  I think that we're all familiar 
  with these ways of talking and thinking.  I talk and think that way, and 
  my impression is that most people talk and think that way.  Those ways of 
  talking and thinking are quite in keeping with object-experience's being 
  outside the interpretant.  An interpretation is a construal.  
  An unestablished, unsubstantiated interpretation is a _mere_ construal 
  in the strongest sense of the word "mere." (In a similar way, one should think 
  of a sign which is unsubstantiated in whatever respect as a _mere_ 
  sign, a _mere_ representation, in that respect.)  One should not 
  let the _word_ "interpretant" evoke anything stronger in such a 
  case, but, instead, one should stick with the common notion of 
  interpretation.  Even a biological mutation, considered as an 
  interpretant, should be considered as a construal and as a random experiment 
  which "experience" or actual reality will test.  Research and thought had 
  thousands of years to show that one can make much progress by merely making 
  representations and construals about other researchers' representations and 
  contruals and by, at best, verifying representations and construals 
  _about_ representations and construals -- doing so via books about 
  other books and by researchers' going back and checking the originals and 
  considering the ideas presented there.  This sort of thing in the end 
  makes little progress when the subject matter is not thought itself but 
  instead, say, physics or biology.  One needs to verify by experiences of 
  the subject matter.  The logical process must revisit the object, 
  somehow, some way.
  Second, I'd point to the analogy between decoding and interpretation, an 
  analogy which has been referred to and alluded to often enough, e.g., in David 
  Lodge's "Tout décodage est un nouvel encodage."  I'd point to the 
  extended analogy, and ask, why does triadic semiotics have no analogue for the 
  source ~~~ object
  encoding ~~ sign
  decoding ~~ interpretant
  recipient ~~ ?
  Is it merely that in early scenarios the decoding was usually mechanical 
  and the recipient a human?  Why does a recipient notice redundancies and 
  inconsistencies which a decoder does not notice?  What is the difference 
  in function between a decoding and a "recipience"?  Why, at the fourth 
  stage, does the analogy suddenly break down between information theory and 
  triadic semiotics?  Does one of them have the wrong scenario?  Which 
  one?  Is it normal or is it a warning alarm, when a tenable analogy just 
  suddenly goes bad?  If the interpretant is analogous both to decoding and 
  to recipient, what functions analogous to theirs does it combine?  Should 
  a semiotic philosopher be concerned about such questions?  Especially a 
  Peircean one accustomed to tracing extensive analogies and correlations, a 
  philosopher who believes in doing that sort of thing? But I've pointed this 
  all out in the past.

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-19 Thread Benjamin Udell

Charles, Joe, Gary, Jim, Jacob, list,
The occasion here is that Charles wrote, "I am still trying to find out if 
I have any grasp at all of what you think the (Interpretant -- Sign -- Object) 
relation omits." The idea that one can't even grasp what I'm saying leads me to 
make one last try.
What do I think the relation omits?  I think that the 
(Interpretant -- Sign -- Object) relation omits recognition, verification, 
establishment.  I mean "recognition," "verification," "estabishment," and 
the like, in a pretty commonsense way.  I'm trying to think of how to get 
the tetradic idea across.
First, I'd point out that the difference between interpretation and 
verification can be taken in a common-sense way with which we are all familiar. 
That common-sense way is at the basis of how I mean it.  But I've pointed 
that out in the past.  I've even brought the plot of _Hamlet_ 
(because peirce-l is classy :-)) into the discussion.  Now, there's a weak 
sense of the word "understanding" where one says "well, it's my 
_understanding_ that Jack is going to come" -- one is saying that one 
doesn't _know_ whether Jack is actually going to come -- one hasn't 
_verified_ it, even to oneself -- one means that, instead, it's 
_merely one's interpretation_.  I think that we're all familiar with 
these ways of talking and thinking.  I talk and think that way, and my 
impression is that most people talk and think that way.  Those ways of 
talking and thinking are quite in keeping with object-experience's being 
outside the interpretant.  An interpretation is a construal.  An 
unestablished, unsubstantiated interpretation is a _mere_ construal in 
the strongest sense of the word "mere." (In a similar way, one should think of a 
sign which is unsubstantiated in whatever respect as a _mere_ sign, a 
_mere_ representation, in that respect.)  One should not let the 
_word_ "interpretant" evoke anything stronger in such a case, but, 
instead, one should stick with the common notion of interpretation.  Even a 
biological mutation, considered as an interpretant, should be considered as a 
construal and as a random experiment which "experience" or actual reality will 
test.  Research and thought had thousands of years to show that one can 
make much progress by merely making representations and construals about other 
researchers' representations and contruals and by, at best, verifying 
representations and construals _about_ representations and construals -- 
doing so via books about other books and by researchers' going back and checking 
the originals and considering the ideas presented there.  This sort of 
thing in the end makes little progress when the subject matter is not thought 
itself but instead, say, physics or biology.  One needs to verify by 
experiences of the subject matter.  The logical process must revisit the 
object, somehow, some way.
Second, I'd point to the analogy between decoding and interpretation, an 
analogy which has been referred to and alluded to often enough, e.g., in David 
Lodge's "Tout décodage est un nouvel encodage."  I'd point to the extended 
analogy, and ask, why does triadic semiotics have no analogue for the 
source ~~~ object
encoding ~~ sign
decoding ~~ interpretant
recipient ~~ ?
Is it merely that in early scenarios the decoding was usually mechanical 
and the recipient a human?  Why does a recipient notice redundancies and 
inconsistencies which a decoder does not notice?  What is the difference in 
function between a decoding and a "recipience"?  Why, at the fourth stage, 
does the analogy suddenly break down between information theory and triadic 
semiotics?  Does one of them have the wrong scenario?  Which 
one?  Is it normal or is it a warning alarm, when a tenable analogy just 
suddenly goes bad?  If the interpretant is analogous both to decoding and 
to recipient, what functions analogous to theirs does it combine?  Should a 
semiotic philosopher be concerned about such questions?  Especially a 
Peircean one accustomed to tracing extensive analogies and correlations, a 
philosopher who believes in doing that sort of thing? But I've pointed this all 
out in the past.
Third, I'd point out the following logical stream of thought:
Peirce says that to represent an object is not to provide experience or 
acquaintance with the object.  There are good reasons to agree with Peirce 
about this, which I've discussed in the past.  It is rooted in the fact 
that, except in the limit case of their identity, the sign is not the object but 
only, merely, almost the object.  However, in being almost the object, it 
does convey information about the object; however, acquaintance with the object 
can't be gained from the sign.
Now, when one forms an acquaintance or experience with an object, what does 
that give to one, that a sign, indeed, acquaintance with a sign, does not give 
to one?  Why is object acquaintance or object experience involved with 
confirming s

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-19 Thread Benjamin Udell

Charles, Joe, Gary, Jim, Jacob, list,
>[Charles] Following up on Joe's saying:
>>[Joe] "If I am understanding you correctly you are saying that all 
semeiosis is at least incipiently self-reflexive or self-reflective or in other 
words self-controlled AND that the adequate philosophical description of it will 
REQUIRE appeal to a fourth factor (which is somehow of the essence of 
verification) in addition to the appeal to the presence of a sign, of an object, 
and of an interpretant, allowing of course for the possibility of there being 
more than one of any or all of these, as is no doubt essential for anything of 
the nature of a process.  The appeal to the additional kind of factor would 
presumably have to be an appeal to something of the nature of a quadratic 
relational character.  To be sure, any given semeiosis might involve the 
fourth factor only in a triply degenerate form, just as the third factor might 
be degenerate in a double degree in some cases, which is to say that the fourth 
factor might go unnoticed in a single semeiosis, just as thirdness might go 
unnoticed in a single semeiosis."
Note for anybody reading at http://www.mail-archive.com/peirce-l@lyris.ttu.edu/maillist.html 
: I find that a few recent posts from me and Joe didn't get posted at 
mail-archive.com. They can be found here:
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/1311 (post 
from me August 19, 2006)
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/1312 (post 
from Joe Ransdell August 19, 2006)
>[Charles] and your saying:
>>[Ben] "Generally, I'd respond that that which Peirce overlooks in 
connection with verification is 
>>[Ben] -- that verification is an experiential recognition of an 
interpretant and its sign as truly corresponding to their object, and that 
verification (in the core sense) involves direct observation of the object in 
the light (being tested) of the interpretant and the sign. "In the light (being 
tested)" means that the verification is a recognition formed _as_ collateral to 
sign and interpretant in respect of the object. Experience, familiarity, 
acquaintance with the object are, by Peirce's own account, outside the 
interpretant, the sign, the system of signs. 
>>[Ben] -- and that, therefore, the recognition is not sign, 
interpretant, or their object in those relationships in which it is the 
recognition of them; yet, in being formed as collateral to sign and interpretant 
in respect of the object, it is logically determined by them and by the object 
as represented by them; it is further determined by the object separately by 
observation of the object itself; and by the logical relationships in which 
object, sign, and interpretant are observed to stand. Dependently on the 
recognitional outcome, semiosis will go very differently; it logically 
determines semiosis going forward.  So, how will you diagram it? You can't 
mark it as object itself, nor as sign of the object, nor as interpretant of the 
sign or of the object. What label, what semiotic role, will you put at the 
common terminus of the lines of relationship leading to it, all of them 
logically determinational, from the sign, the object, and the 
>[Charles] I am still trying to find out if I have any grasp at all of 
what you think the (Interpretant -- Sign -- Object) relation omits.
>[Charles] Suppose I am given a photograph to use as a means of finding 
a person whom I have never seen.  As far as I can see there would 
be nothing "tested" in my looking for the person unless I fail to find the 
person, in which case, assuming that the person was present, I might wonder if 
the photograph is recent, if the person has gained or lost weight, grown or 
shaved a beard, etc.  That is, I might question what I sometimes fall the 
"fidelity" of a sign or how precisely the Immediate or Semiosical Object of 
the sign represents its Dynamical Object--in this illustration how closely 
the features of the photographic image resemble the features of the person 
photographed.  Having failed in an attempt to _use_ a sign, I might 
and actually have questioned its _usefulness_ as a sign.  

Inference may be deliberate, conscious, controlled (and that's reasoning or 
ratiocination) or nondeliberate, unconscious, uncontrolled. The question of 
whether inference or testing or such things take place, is not the question of 
whether one is conscious of inferring or testing or such things and of learning 
thereby, but rather of whether intentionally or unintentionally, indeed 
consciously or unconsciously, one so infers or tests such that, intentionally or 
unintentionally, and consciously or unconsciously, one learns.
It is quite natural to look back on experiences and realize that they 
involved trials whereof one was unaware or only confusedly aware at the time. 
The point is whether one incorporates and practices one's learnings from them, 
whether or not one is aware of having done so. Not 

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-19 Thread Charles F Rudder

Ben, Joe, list:
Following up on Joe's saying:
JR: "If I am understanding you correctly you are saying that all semeiosis 
is at least incipiently self-reflexive or self-reflective or in other words 
self-controlled AND that the adequate philosophical description of it will 
REQUIRE appeal to a fourth factor (which is somehow of the essence of 
verification) in addition to the appeal to the presence of a sign, of an 
object, and of an interpretant, allowing of course for the possibility of 
there being more than one of any or all of these, as is no doubt essential 
for anything of the nature of a process.  The appeal to the additional 
kind of factor would presumably have to be an appeal to something of the 
nature of a quadratic relational character.  To be sure, any given 
semeiosis might involve the fourth factor only in a triply degenerate form, 
just as the third factor might be degenerate in a double degree in some 
cases, which is to say that the fourth factor might go unnoticed in a single 
semeiosis, just as thirdness might go unnoticed in a single 
and your saying:
BU: "Generally, I'd respond that that which Peirce overlooks in connection 
with verification is -- that verification is an experiential recognition of an 
interpretant and its sign as truly corresponding to their object, and that 
verification (in the core sense) involves direct observation of the object in 
the light (being tested) of the interpretant and the sign. "In the light (being 
tested)" means that the verification is a recognition formed _as_ collateral to 
sign and interpretant in respect of the object. Experience, familiarity, 
acquaintance with the object are, by Peirce's own account, outside the 
interpretant, the sign, the system of signs. 
-- and that, therefore, the recognition is not sign, interpretant, or their 
object in those relationships in which it is the recognition of them; yet, in 
being formed as collateral to sign and interpretant in respect of the object, it 
is logically determined by them and by the object as represented by them; it is 
further determined by the object separately by observation of the object itself; 
and by the logical relationships in which object, sign, and interpretant are 
observed to stand. Dependently on the recognitional outcome, semiosis 
will go very differently; it logically determines semiosis going forward.  
So, how will you diagram it? You can't mark it as object itself, nor as sign of 
the object, nor as interpretant of the sign or of the object. What label, what 
semiotic role, will you put at the common terminus of the lines of 
relationship leading to it, all of them logically determinational, from the 
sign, the object, and the interpretant?"
CR: I am still trying to find out if I have any grasp at all of what you 
think the (Interpretant -- Sign -- Object) relation omits.
Suppose I am given a photograph to use as a means of finding a person 
whom I have never seen.  As far as I can see there would be nothing 
"tested" in my looking for the person unless I fail to find the person, in 
which case, assuming that the person was present, I might wonder if the 
photograph is recent, if the person has gained or lost weight, grown or shaved a 
beard, etc.  That is, I might question what I sometimes fall the "fidelity" 
of a sign or how precisely the Immediate or Semiosical Object of the sign 
represents its Dynamical Object--in this illustration how closely the features 
of the photographic image resemble the features of the person 
photographed.  Having failed in an attempt to use a sign, I might 
and actually have questioned its usefulness as a sign.  
When, for instance, I introduce an _expression_ like "fidelity of a sign" 
I think about how other people might interpret it in an effort to evaluate 
and predict its usefulness as a means of representing what I have in mind.  
When, as I have here, I use the _expression_, I am both trying to represent what I 
have in mind and, if light of any response I may get, trying to evaluate its 
usefulness--the "fidelity"of its "correspondence" to an Object--as a means of 
representing what I am thinking.
Does what I have set out above come anywhere close, Ben, to characterizing 
and illustrating the kind of circumstances in which you think something 
more than Peirce's (Interpretant - Sign - Object) is involved?
In any case, it appears to me that there is a reflexivity in what I 
have described in so far as in my using the _expression_ "fidelity of a sign" 
in an attempt to engage in conversation with you and others on the list, I 
am also in conversation with myself about using the _expression_.  It also 
seems to me that I am using the _expression_ as a sign with its interpretant 
to represent an object other than the sign while at the same time I am making 
the _expression_ an object of a different sign and interpretant; which is to say 
that the reflexivity is semiosical or part of a semiosical p

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-19 Thread Joseph Ransdell

W will just have to leave it as a stand off, 
Ben.  I have no more to say on this than I have already said.

  - Original Message - 
  Benjamin Udell 
  To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
  Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 2:21 
  Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite 
  photograph" metaphor
  Joe, Gary, Jim, Charles, Jacob, list,
  It's obvious that in _some_ sense or other I disagree with Peirce 
  about how semiosis is related to experience. However, I think I find 
  sufficient material in Peirce to make the argument in Peirce's own terms, 
  especially in Peirce's discussions of collateral experience, where he plainly 
  says that one needs experience collateral to sign and interpretant of the 
  object in order to identify the object. And I don't get the idea of finding 
  the equation or dis-equation of an experience and a sign/interpretant so 
  confusing that "it literally makes no sense," so confusing that one can't make 
  sufficient sense of it in order to argue against it in terms of what 
  experience is, what interpretation is, etc.
  If it were true that it is, -- in your words, "a confusion in virtue of 
  talking about the interpretant as being an 'experience or observation.' In 
  talking about the sign-object-interpretant relationships we are doing so in 
  the process of analyzing such things as experience or observation (or 
  verification) and it literally makes no sense to me put in that way," -- then 
  Peirce's discussions of collateral experience would make no sense.  He's 
  far too specific in delineating relationships of semiosis to experience for 
  those delineations to be compatible with that which you say.
  Why would Peirce say things like "All that part of the understanding 
  of the Sign which the Interpreting Mind has needed collateral observation for 
  is outside the Interpretant.  It is...the prerequisite for getting any 
  idea signified by the sign." 
  Why would Peirce say, "Its Interpretant is all that the Sign conveys: 
  acquaintance with its Object must be gained by collateral experience"? 
  Note that he does not say that _collateral_ acquaintance with its 
  Object must be gained by collateral experience. He is not stating such a 
  truism.  Instead, he says that acquaintance, any acquaintance at all, 
  must be gained by collateral experience. 
  Peirce is saying that the _representing_ of the object is never 
  an _acquainting_ with the object (except, as usual, in the limit 
  case where the representing sign and its object are the selfsame thing). But 
  that is just the sort of statement which you say _makes no sense_ to 
  you. How do you account for that? Do you deny that that's what he is saying? 
  If so, how do you justify such a denial?
  I don't know why it makes no sense to you to speak of denying or 
  affirming that one's experience of an object is or isn't one's sign of an 
  object, least of all can I understand why this would be a consequence of 
  talking about object-sign-interpretant relationships in the process of 
  analyzing such things as experience or observation. You talk as though 
  experience were something like the moon or the color green or the letter "C," 
  which one would certainly not expect to see treated as basic semiotic elements 
  on a par with object, sign, and interpretant. 
  But we have Peirce right above characterizing _all_ signs in terms 
  of experience and, in particular, distinguishing them -- _all_ of them 
  -- from acquaintance, observation, experience of the object. How could this 
  make sense if it doesn't make sense to speak of an object experience as being 
  a sign of the object or not being a sign of the object? I have only one Peirce 
  collateral-experience discussion which presents me with any problems for my 
  views or, more specifically, for my use of his views -- you have all the rest 
  of his collateral-experience discussions contradicting you.  You say, 
  "The semeiotical terminology is properly used in explication of such notions 
  as that of experience, observation, verification, etc. and therefore signs and 
  interpretants cannot except confusedly be equated with such things as 
  observations or experiences or verifications." I would say that conceptions of 
  objects, signs, interpretants, and verifications are all of them analytic 
  tools for analyzing processes of objects, signs, interpretants, and 
  verifications (and more generally, experiences), and none of this stops us 
  from clearly dis-equating experiences/verifications from interpretations, 
  Or maybe you mean that sometimes one's experience of the object is one's 
  sign of the object, and sometimes not? I.e., that one only confusedly equates 
  or confusedly dis-equates th

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-19 Thread Benjamin Udell

Joe, Gary, Jim, Charles, Jacob, list,
It's obvious that in _some_ sense or other I disagree with Peirce 
about how semiosis is related to experience. However, I think I find sufficient 
material in Peirce to make the argument in Peirce's own terms, especially in 
Peirce's discussions of collateral experience, where he plainly says that one 
needs experience collateral to sign and interpretant of the object in order to 
identify the object. And I don't get the idea of finding the equation or 
dis-equation of an experience and a sign/interpretant so confusing that "it 
literally makes no sense," so confusing that one can't make sufficient sense of 
it in order to argue against it in terms of what experience is, what 
interpretation is, etc.
If it were true that it is, -- in your words, "a confusion in virtue of 
talking about the interpretant as being an 'experience or observation.' In 
talking about the sign-object-interpretant relationships we are doing so in the 
process of analyzing such things as experience or observation (or verification) 
and it literally makes no sense to me put in that way," -- then Peirce's 
discussions of collateral experience would make no sense.  He's far too 
specific in delineating relationships of semiosis to experience for those 
delineations to be compatible with that which you say.
Why would Peirce say things like "All that part of the understanding of 
the Sign which the Interpreting Mind has needed collateral observation for is 
outside the Interpretant.  It is...the prerequisite for getting any idea 
signified by the sign." 
Why would Peirce say, "Its Interpretant is all that the Sign conveys: 
acquaintance with its Object must be gained by collateral experience"? 

Note that he does not say that _collateral_ acquaintance with its 
Object must be gained by collateral experience. He is not stating such a 
truism.  Instead, he says that acquaintance, any acquaintance at all, must 
be gained by collateral experience. 
Peirce is saying that the _representing_ of the object is never 
an _acquainting_ with the object (except, as usual, in the limit case 
where the representing sign and its object are the selfsame thing). But that is 
just the sort of statement which you say _makes no sense_ to you. How do 
you account for that? Do you deny that that's what he is saying? If so, how do 
you justify such a denial?
I don't know why it makes no sense to you to speak of denying or affirming 
that one's experience of an object is or isn't one's sign of an object, least of 
all can I understand why this would be a consequence of talking about 
object-sign-interpretant relationships in the process of analyzing such things 
as experience or observation. You talk as though experience were something like 
the moon or the color green or the letter "C," which one would certainly not 
expect to see treated as basic semiotic elements on a par with object, sign, and 
But we have Peirce right above characterizing _all_ signs in terms 
of experience and, in particular, distinguishing them -- _all_ of them -- 
from acquaintance, observation, experience of the object. How could this make 
sense if it doesn't make sense to speak of an object experience as being a sign 
of the object or not being a sign of the object? I have only one Peirce 
collateral-experience discussion which presents me with any problems for my 
views or, more specifically, for my use of his views -- you have all the rest of 
his collateral-experience discussions contradicting you.  You say, "The 
semeiotical terminology is properly used in explication of such notions as that 
of experience, observation, verification, etc. and therefore signs and 
interpretants cannot except confusedly be equated with such things as 
observations or experiences or verifications." I would say that conceptions of 
objects, signs, interpretants, and verifications are all of them analytic tools 
for analyzing processes of objects, signs, interpretants, and verifications (and 
more generally, experiences), and none of this stops us from clearly 
dis-equating experiences/verifications from interpretations, etc.
Or maybe you mean that sometimes one's experience of the object is one's 
sign of the object, and sometimes not? I.e., that one only confusedly equates or 
confusedly dis-equates them because there's no such general rule? But I don't 
understand why anybody would think, that, even if only sometimes, something 
serving as _another_ sign of the object in a given context and situation 
would be a collateral experience of the object, when experience of the object 
will be outside that sign qua sign-in-that-situation-and-context. It's just a 
logical contradiction.  In a given situation for a given mind, experience 
of the object is outside the sign, interpretant, and sign system. Therefore, in 
that situation for that mind, that mind's experience of the object will not be 
serving as that mind's sign or int

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-18 Thread Joseph Ransdell
ry to make my point to you was that I thought you would see 
that the representation of verification is merely one of the things which the 
distinction between sign, object, and interpretant might make possible, among 
the many different things of logical interest that his basic analysis provides 
the basic elements for.  Why? Because the point to the basic category 
analysis is to make it possible to represent cognitions of any and every 
sort in a helpfully analytic way, and once you have the elements required 
for the analysis of any given cognition, you ipso facto have what is 
required for such special cases as, say, that of verifying cognitions, and 
not all cognitions have that function, as for example in the case of the 
cognitions being verified.  And there are surely a vast 
number of cognitions that go unverified.    
One more sort of example to make my point.  
Verification is relevant to any thing regarded as purportedly being the truth 
about something where some occasion has arisen that makes that 
questionable.  It need not be verification of a scientific theory, for 
example, but can be concerning some matter of fact about something at a 
particular time or place.  Anything reported in a newspaper is something 
that normally ought be, if not verified, at least verifiable.  Now suppose 
that it is said that a certain event occurred at a certain time and place.  
Someone has a belief or at least claims to have a belief that it occurred and 
one is a reporter needing verification that it occurred at all.  One way of 
doing that would be to try to find out if there are other reports by other 
persons that are in agreement with that report.  Now, each of these other 
reports may be, considered by itself, no more or less reliable than the report 
in question, but it clearly makes a difference whether such other reports do or 
do not agree and/or what proportion of them do.  If the degree of agreement 
is very high it might seem reasonable to conclude that the original report 
has been verified, taking due account of the various reasons why this or that 
report might or might not be such as to be counted as a verification or a 
disverification.   But there is nothing about the original or first 
report, the cognition requiring verification, that makes it something to be 
verified or disverified in contradistinction from being something that verifies 
or disverifies it.  Perhaps the verification is simply the sum total of 
reports considered in respect to their agreement on the matter in 
question.   How could it possibly be supposed, then, that being a 
verification of something is an analytic element on par logically with the 
analytical elements that are involved in all of the cases, regardless of whether 
they are verifiers or that which is verified?  The universal categories are 
analytical elements involved in all cases alike and any individual case must 
already be fully constituted as being of the nature of a cognition of some sort 
before the question of its verificational status can even arise.  The 
verificational factor therefore cannot be on par with the sort of universal 
element we are concerned with when we are concerned with the categories.  

I just don't see that anything you say takes 
account of this, Ben.

  - Original Message - 
  Benjamin Udell 
  To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:01 
  Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite 
  photograph" metaphor
  Charles, Joe, Gary, Jim, list,
  Currently, I'm focused on answering Joe's recentest post to me, 
  particularly in regard to the question of how to argue that some very 
  complicated complexus of objects, signs, and interpretants will not amount to 
  a verification. My focus there has as much to do with trying to restrain my 
  prolixity as anything else!
  Still, I'd like to attempt at least a brief response here. 
  A point which I'll be making in my response to Joe, and which may be 
  pertinent here, is that the "reflexivity" involved in semiosis is not 
  just that of feedback's adjusting of behavior but instead that of learning's 
  effect on the semiotic system's very design -- solidifying it or undermining 
  it or renovating it or augmenting it or redesigning it or etc.
  Generally, I'd respond that that which Peirce overlooks in connection 
  with verification is 
  -- that verification is an experiential recognition of an interpretant 
  and its sign as truly corresponding to their object, and that verification (in 
  the core sense) involves direct observation of the object in the light (being 
  tested) of the interpretant and the sign. "In the light (being tested)" means 
  that the verification is a recognition formed _as_ collateral to sign and 
  interpretant in respect of the object. Experience, familiarity, acquaintance 
  with the object ar

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-16 Thread Benjamin Udell
tain slack and experimentability which the mind has in understanding and 
practicing the difference between an interpretant and a 
recognition/verification, not a distinction such that the mind "makes" the 
distinction and employs it as an option tied neither to penalty nor to reward, 
but, instead, a distinction such that the mind _learns_ how to practice 
Another way to put it is that, given the rule is that experience with the 
object is outside the interpretant, then an interpretant takes form as 
a _conception as reached by inference_, not as a judgment as 
reached by inference, even if it takes the form of a proposition 
(or even of an argument). 
It is a conception as inferred-to consciously or unconsciously. In the 
case of a conception unconsciously inferred-to, the interpretant conception (or 
its embodiment as a commonly perceptible sign) may be a sign formed 
"from life," like a painting of an actual person, and intended more as 
an occasion for interpretation and less as an outcome of interpretation.  
(Most of us, and most artists, will rightly not regard such a painting as 
actually an "uninterpretive" sign; W.C. Williams' novel _White Mule_ is 
not mere "slice of life" writing; but even when one is aware 
of its interpretive aspects, there are very likely even more 
aspects that could be fairly called interpretive than those of which one is 
aware).  The interpretant is the idea, the clarification, the 
elucidation, that one comes up with from the sign; the recognition is the 
establishment, in greater or lesser firmness, of said idea, and takes form 
as a judgment as reached by inference, a concluding judgment.
The inferred-to conception may be vibrant to the mind and important to 
it, etc. I agree with the view to which Peirce came, that even a name can 
reasonably have something like assertoric force, influencing the mind. 
I've called the conscious inference to a conception "conceptiocination," 
though that is not a general enough term.  Given that in commonsense 
perception one can form a perceptual judgment, I would tend to regard that as 
involving percepts rather than perceptual "conceptions."
It is perfectly possible to act upon an unverified -- or an inadequately 
verified -- interpretant, and this is experimentation. It also may be bold and 
may be rash or brave. It does, when deliberate, involve at least the conscious 
recognition of the interpretant _as_ an interpretant, and this is a kind of 
recognition which we experience, observe, and practice every day. Somebody says, 
"well that's just your interpretation," and the addressee says, "well, yes, but 
I believe that I'll be able to prove it this afternoon." Coming up with an idea 
is one thing, establishing it is another.  That's common sense, and the 
burden is on critical common sense if it wishes to reject the common 
sense.  A recurrent problem , as Peirce pointed out in regard to pre-modern 
science, is mistakenness about verification itself, not some lack of 
verificatory spirit; and, as Peirce wrote elsewhere, everybody thinks himself or 
herself already sufficiently good at logic.  There is an order of being, 
whereby we explain things by inferred objects, laws, etc., and an order of 
knowledge, whereby we verify; in that sense, the explanatory "ultimates" means 
what is farthest from the mind, while verificational "ultimates" means what is 
nearest to the mind and most familiar.  So it's natural to believe oneself 
to have little of worth yet to learn about logic unless one truly believes 
oneself to be low in intelligence by some standard which one actually holds. 

The question in the current discussion seems now to be revolving over the 
issue of whether establishment and verification are a formal logical element on 
a par with object, sign, and interpretant, though Joe's recentest post raises 
the idea once again (if it was ever really left aside) of whether a verification 
might be merely some complexus of objects, signs, and interpretants in 
considerable multiplicity. 
Best, Ben Udell
- Original Message - 
From: Charles F Rudder 
To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 12:08 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor
Ben, list:
I am struggling to understand exactly what it is you are saying Peirce 
overlooks in connection with verification.  In an effort to get some 
further clarification of your position, I am including a statement of my 
understanding of some of what Peirce says on the subject followed by some 
I. Peirce on Verification
 TRANSUASION (CP 2.98):  A Transuasive Argument, or Induction, is 
an Argument which sets out from a hypothesis, resulting from a previous 
Abduction, and from virtual predictions, drawn by Deduction, of the results of 
possible experiments, a

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-16 Thread Charles F Rudder

Ben, list:
I am struggling to understand exactly what it is you are saying Peirce 
overlooks in connection with verification.  In an effort to get some 
further clarification of your position, I am including a statement of my 
understanding of some of what Peirce says on the subject followed by some 
I. Peirce on Verification
 TRANSUASION (CP 2.98):  A Transuasive Argument, or Induction, is 
an Argument which sets out from a hypothesis, resulting from a previous 
Abduction, and from virtual predictions, drawn by Deduction, of the results of 
possible experiments, and having performed the experiments, concludes that the 
hypothesis is true in the measure in which those predictions are verified, this 
conclusion, however, being held subject to probable modification to suit future 
experiments. Since the significance of the facts stated in the premisses depends 
upon their predictive character, which they could not have had if the conclusion 
had not been hypothetically entertained, they satisfy the definition of a Symbol 
of the fact stated in the conclusion. This argument is Transuasive, also, in 
respect to its alone affording us a reasonable assurance of an ampliation of our 
positive knowledge. By the term "virtual prediction," I mean an experiential 
consequence deduced from the hypothesis, and selected from among possible 
consequences independently of whether it is known, or believed, to be true, or 
not; so that at the time it is selected as a test of the hypothesis, we are 
either ignorant of whether it will support or refute the hypothesis, or, at 
least, do not select a test which we should not have selected if we had been so 
ignorant. (END QUOTE)
I take the word "verification" as a synonym for the consequences of 
Peirce's transuasive arguments (distinguishable from abductive and deductive 
arguments) that set out the conditions under which individuals will be most 
likely to agree to act as if statements referring to perceptual events 
and relations between and among perceptual events are true.  I say "act as 
if" because I understand Peirce to say that "belief" necessarily entails both 
cognitive and behavioral action.  Granting that there are semiosical 
antecedents to one's being able to name and otherwise classify perceptual events 
like seeing a burning building, any physically and psychologically normal person 
who sees a burning building will most likely voluntarily or quasi voluntarily 
agree to report seeing or having seen a burning building as a consequence of 
their experience's compelling them to act as if they are or were in the actual 
presence of a burning building.  The cognitive assent in agreeing to say 
there is or was a building burning in which Thirdness is predominant is 
inseparably connected to a nonvoluntary inability dominated by 
Secondness to act as if seeing a burning building is or was an 
hallucination, optical illusion, etc.  To refuse to report or to quibble 
over reporting that a building is or was burning would be an instance of "paper 
doubt."  Say what you will, the consequences of acting as if there is or 
was no building burning are identical to what we conventionally mean (the import 
of Peirce's pragmatic maxim) by saying that a building is burning is true.  
Peirce's transuasive argument does not set out conditions under which all 
rational individuals ought to agree, but conditions under which, over 
time, most people will in actual fact agree as a consequence of an 
inability to act as if what is predicted will not occur.  Belief has the 
character of a wager.  Whatever a person's state of mind, relative to 
present states of information the odds favor acting as if the conclusions 
of  transuasive arguments are true.
II.  Questions
1.  Do you generally agree with my summary of Peirce's transuasive 
argument?  If not, where in your opinion have I gone astray?
2.  If you do generally agree with my account of transuasion, what 
does Peirce's transuasive argument fail to address in connection with 

Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-14 Thread Joseph Ransdell

If I am understanding you correctly you are saying that all semeiosis is at 
least incipiently self-reflexive or self-reflective or in other words 
self-controlled AND that the adequate philosophical description of it will 
REQUIRE appeal to a fourth factor (which is somehow of the essence of 
verification) in addition to the appeal to the presence of a sign, of an 
object, and of an interpretant, allowing of course for the possibility of 
there being more than one of any or all of these, as is no doubt essential 
for anything of the nature of a process.  The appeal to the additional kind 
of factor would presumably have to be an appeal to something of the nature 
of a quadratic relational character.  To be sure, any given semeiosis might 
involve the fourth factor only in a triply degenerate form, just as the 
third factor might be degenerate in a double degree in some cases, which is 
to say that the fourth factor might go unnoticed in a single semeiosis, just 
as thirdness might go unnoticed in a single semeiosis.

That seems possible.  Is that your view?  I pose it in this abstract way to 
make sure we are talking about something on par with the sign, the object, 
and the interpretant.  If so how do you know that semeiosis cannot be 
adequately described without recourse to that factor, i.e. cannot be 
described on the basis of an appeal to some complexity possible through 
recursion and referential reflexivity involving only three kinds of elements 
or factors -- as Peirce would have to claim?


Joseph Ransdell

- Original Message - 
From: "Benjamin Udell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Peirce Discussion Forum" 
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:40 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Jacob, Joe, Gary, Jim, list,

>[Jacob] Theres been a lot of debate on this issue of verification, and it 
>almost sounds like patience is being tried. If I could just give my input 
>about one remark from the last posting; I hope it helps some.

>[Jacob] Ben wrote: I dont know how Peirce and others have missed the 
>distinct and irreducible logical role of verification. I keep an eye open 
>regarding that question, thats about all. I dont have some hidden opinion 
>on the question.

>[Jacob] Prof. Ransdall (or do you prefer Joe?) replied: I dont think Peirce 
>overlooked anything like that, Ben.  It is just that verification is not a 
>distinctive formal element in inquiry in the way you think it is, and 
>Peirces approach to logic as theory of inquiry doesnt mislead him into 
>thinking that one has to give a formal account of such a thing.

>[Jacob] I want to agree with Joe; its hard for me to see Peirce overlooking 
>that bit, for several reasons. But the question of why verification isnt a 
>formal element in inquiry needs some unpacking.

>[Jacob] The discussion sounds like everyones talking about isolated 
>instances. All the examples given to illustrate testing here are 
>particular, individual cases where one person observes something, draws a 
>conclusion, and checks to see if hes right. Thats not the only way to view 
>the development of thought.

>[Jacob] Take Joes common-sense example: You tell me that you observed 
>something on the way over to my house to see me, e.g. a large fire at a 
>certain location, and I think you must have made a mistake since the 
>edifice in question is reputed to be fire-proof.   So I mosey over there 
>myself to check it out and, sure enough, the fire is still going on at the 
>place you said.  Claim verified.  Of course, some third person hearing 
>about this might think we are both mistaken or in collusion to lie about 
>it, and having some financial interest in the matter, might not count my 
>report as a verification of your claim.  So he or she might mosey over and 
>find that we were both confused about the location and there was no fire at 
>the place claimed.  Claim disverified.  But then some fourth person . . . 
>Well, you get the idea.   So what is the big deal about verification? 
>(This is pretty much what Jim Piat was saying, too, perhaps.)

>[Jacob] I dont think anyone finds this sort of thing unusual; the 
>difficulty with this illustration is in *how* it bolsters the case Joe is 

>[Jacob] It also seems to me theres some confusion about what were arguing 
>about. The role of verification  in *inquiry* or *thought*? At the level of 
>individuals or in general? Let me try to illustrate what I mean.

>[Jacob] When checking your work, you might discover that youd made an error 
>(often the case with me), or even that you initially had the right answer 
>but somehow messed up (not often the case with me). This occurs at the 
>individual level. But animals reason too, though they dont verify. And 
>thats telling. (This was Bens point

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-13 Thread Benjamin Udell
Jacob, Joe, Gary, Jim, list,

>[Jacob] Theres been a lot of debate on this issue of verification, and it 
>almost sounds like patience is being tried. If I could just give my input 
>about one remark from the last posting; I hope it helps some.

>[Jacob] Ben wrote: I dont know how Peirce and others have missed the distinct 
>and irreducible logical role of verification. I keep an eye open regarding 
>that question, thats about all. I dont have some hidden opinion on the 

>[Jacob] Prof. Ransdall (or do you prefer Joe?) replied: I dont think Peirce 
>overlooked anything like that, Ben.  It is just that verification is not a 
>distinctive formal element in inquiry in the way you think it is, and Peirces 
>approach to logic as theory of inquiry doesnt mislead him into thinking that 
>one has to give a formal account of such a thing.

>[Jacob] I want to agree with Joe; its hard for me to see Peirce overlooking 
>that bit, for several reasons. But the question of why verification isnt a 
>formal element in inquiry needs some unpacking.

>[Jacob] The discussion sounds like everyones talking about isolated instances. 
>All the examples given to illustrate testing here are particular, individual 
>cases where one person observes something, draws a conclusion, and checks to 
>see if hes right. Thats not the only way to view the development of thought.

>[Jacob] Take Joes common-sense example: You tell me that you observed 
>something on the way over to my house to see me, e.g. a large fire at a 
>certain location, and I think you must have made a mistake since the edifice 
>in question is reputed to be fire-proof.   So I mosey over there myself to 
>check it out and, sure enough, the fire is still going on at the place you 
>said.  Claim verified.  Of course, some third person hearing about this might 
>think we are both mistaken or in collusion to lie about it, and having some 
>financial interest in the matter, might not count my report as a verification 
>of your claim.  So he or she might mosey over and find that we were both 
>confused about the location and there was no fire at the place claimed.  Claim 
>disverified.  But then some fourth person . . .Well, you get the idea.   
>So what is the big deal about verification?  (This is pretty much what Jim 
>Piat was saying, too, perhaps.)

>[Jacob] I dont think anyone finds this sort of thing unusual; the difficulty 
>with this illustration is in *how* it bolsters the case Joe is making.

>[Jacob] It also seems to me theres some confusion about what were arguing 
>about. The role of verification  in *inquiry* or *thought*? At the level of 
>individuals or in general? Let me try to illustrate what I mean.

>[Jacob] When checking your work, you might discover that youd made an error 
>(often the case with me), or even that you initially had the right answer but 
>somehow messed up (not often the case with me). This occurs at the individual 
>level. But animals reason too, though they dont verify. And thats telling. 
>(This was Bens point when quoting Lewes on Aristotle: science is science 
>because of proof, testing, verification.)

Animals don't deliberately verify. Even most human verification is not carried 
out with a specifically verificative purpose. To the extent that animals learn 
and are capable of unlearning, they do test, verify, disverify, etc. I throw a 
stick for a dog to fetch, we go through it a couple of times. Then I make the 
motion but don't release the stick. The dog runs, can't find the stick, walks 
half-way back, and I show the stick to the dog. Soon enough the dog realizes 
that just because I make that rapid throwing motion doesn't mean I throw the 
stick. The dog waits till it sees the stick flying through the air, at least 
until it thinks that I've stopped pretending about throwing the stick.

>[Jacob] At the general level it doesnt seem to be the case. I cannot think of 
>any time in the history of physical sciences when the scientific community at 
>large said anything like, Copernicus goofed  Ptolemy was right after all! and 
>*reverted* to the original way of doing things. It just doesnt happen. When a 
>development occurs in knowledge, its pretty much forward-moving. The same goes 
>for other fields of inquiry.

Actually Copernicus brought about a reversion to the heliocentric view of 
Aristarchus, who arrived at it in apparently a reasonably scientific manner. 
(The view also appears in some of the ancient Vedas.)

Yet there is a forward motion. A new theory is supposed to explain that which 
the old theory explained, and then some. The decrease of massive overturnings 
of previous scientific views pertains to research's becoming really good at 
verification, in those fields where research has done so. Freud held sway for 
quite a time, but many now say it's all junk; others say that his concepts of 
transference, denial, projection, etc., are solid additions to psychological 
theory, even if one rejects other asp

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-13 Thread Jacob Longshore
way back before I joined (a week or so ago). Just trying to help clarify the 

Best wishes,

Datum: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 13:36:47 -0500
Von: ���Joseph Ransdell��� <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: ���Peirce Discussion Forum��� 
Betreff: [peirce-l] Re: The ���composite photograph��� metaphor

> Ben:
> I forgot to say something about the supposed problem of distinguishing
> sense from nonsense.  That���s what the pragmatic maxim is all about, isn���t 
> it? 
> Tom��� Short���s take on this has to do with Peirce���s supposed failure to
> realize that his view of infinite interpretability entailed an infinite
> deferral of sense being given to the initially senseless symbol.  In my view 
> Tom
> doesn���t understand what Peirce���s view in the work of the late 1860���s
> actually is.  I think I can establish pretty persuasively that Peirce was, to 
> put
> it mildly, a bit more sophisticated than Tom credits him with being.  It is
> really just a matter of understanding what he meant by an ���imputed
> quality��� in defining the symbol in the New List, which Tom finds too 
> distastefully
> Lockean to be taken seriously; but it has to be laid out and tediously
> tracked through text after text in order to put an end to the sort of
> misreading of Peirce that Tom gives, which is what I am currently completing. 
>  I
> don���t see that it has anything to do with verification, though.  It is just 
> a
> question of what his theory of meaning is.  
> Joe Ransdell
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: Joseph Ransdell 
>   To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
>   Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 1:01 PM
>   Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The ���composite photograph��� metaphor
>   Ben Says:
>   I don���t know how Peirce and others have missed the distinct and
> irreducible logical role of verification. I keep an eye open regarding that
> question, that���s about all. I don���t have some hidden opinion on the 
> question. Tom
> Short argued that there is a problem with answering how it is that semiosis
> learns to distinguish sense from nonsense, and Tom argued that Peirce saw
> this problem. I wasn���t convinced that Peirce saw the problem, and I think
> that it���s the verification problem; I can���t help thinking that if Peirce 
> had
> seen it, he would have addressed it more aggressively.
>   REPLY:
>   I don���t think Peirce overlooked anything like that, Ben.  It is just
> that verification is not a distinctive formal element in inquiry in the way
> you think it is, and Peirce���s approach to logic as theory of inquiry 
> doesn���t
> mislead him into thinking that one has to give a formal account of such a
> thing.  Oh, well, one can of course explain about how publication works, and
> how people are expected to respond to the making of research claims to do
> what one can describe as ���verifying��� them.  That would involve discussing
> such things as attempts to replicate experimental results, which can no
> doubt get complicated in detail owing to the fact that it would only rarely
> involve exact duplication of experimental procedures and observations of
> results, the far more usual case being the setting up of related but
> distinguishable lines of experimentation whose results would have rather 
> obvious
> implications for the results claimed in the research report being verified or
> disverified, depending on how it turns out.  I don���t think there would be
> anything very interesting in getting into that sort of detail, though.  
>   Take a common sense case of that.  You tell me that you observed
> something on the way over to my house to see me, e.g. a large fire at a 
> certain
> location, and I think you must have made a mistake since the edifice in
> question is reputed to be fire-proof.   So I mosey over there myself to check 
> it
> out and, sure enough, the fire is still going on at the place you said. 
> Claim verified.  Of course, some third person hearing about this might think
> we are both mistaken or in collusion to lie about it, and having some
> financial interest in the matter, might not count my report as a verification
> of your claim.  So he or she might mosey over and find that we were both
> confused about the location and there was no fire at the place claimed.  Claim
> disverified.  But then some fourth person . . .Well, you get the idea.
>   So what is the big deal about verification?  (This is pretty much what
> Jim Piat was saying, too, perhaps.)   
>   The question is, why have philosophers of science so often gotten all
> agitated about the problem of verification as if something really important
> hinged on giving an exact account of what does or

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-12 Thread Benjamin Udell
whom any task of verification falls, along with the task of determining 
redundancy of the message's information with respect to information from outside 
the message or set of messages. How does the recipient do this? Presumably with 
some resort to info from alternate information channels, indeed, _an 
indefinite totality of alternate info channels_, not depicted in the 
standard diagram. That doesn't mean that it makes sense to drop the recipient 
out of the picture and replace the recipient with a "grand decoder." The 
decoder, in any usual sense, doesn't test the system itself or redesign it, 
rearchitect it, guide its evolution on the basis of learnings. That "totality of 
alternate channels" and sources, encoding, decodings, the same recipient 
behaving variously across those channels but also other recipients as 
sources, etc., -- is the world with its existential consequences; the recipient 
is the one who takes on the challenge of dealing in terms of those consequences 
and seeks to shape them and learn from them and evolve, intelligently let 
himself be shaped by them, allowing and even actively arranging for truth 
itself to decide many things. In all those alternate info channels, the 
recipient is there too. They get omitted from the standard diagram because 
they're not in question at the time. Some of them seem so transparent to the 
recipient that they hardly seem worth calling "channels." Some of them are so 
clear and also so sure and sound that they are anchorage. That sureness and 
soundness is on the basis of existential consequences arising from the 
recipient's total world and is something for the recipient to learn, not the 
decoder (though of course one could imagine a decoder being evolved, however 
long it might take, into a nontrivial recipient). The accumulation of anchorage, 
a totality of sure 'channels,' sources, encodings, decodings, and 
recipience, combined into that "earth" to which we refer in the phrase 
"down to earth," is the job of the recipient; and the recipient is an element in 
each of those channels too.
I hope that there is some clarification in my example above. I also think 
that the example points a way to building bridges between semiotics and 
information theory.  Not that I'm interested in a "reduction" of semiotics 
to information theory. Information theory is not really _about_ the 
recipient's design activity, so far as I can tell, though plenty of information 
theory and cybernetics are about how to design and improve systems.  To 
turn around and study those designers, that is another thing. As subject matter, 
self-reference, the ongoing redesign of systems, intelligent evolution, a 
consequential self-testing of the system at every moment  -- such things 
lead into the business of semiotics and philosophy.
You also seem to see a problem in the notion that I conceive the act of 
verification as singular. Just because you or I "verify" something, just 
because you or I do some reasonable corroboration (I'm using "verify" as the 
forest term for all the trees of "confirm," "corroborate," "prove," 
etc.), doesn't mean that it is _really_ true.  You seem to be 
looking in my talk of verification for a conception which would do the job of a 
final interpretant. But I wouldn't look for _that_ kind of verification 
as being actually available to you or me or any finite community of 
investigators. I have already used other ways to distinguish verification from 
interpretation, and have no need or desire for a _final_ attainment of 
truth to be part of it. I remain as steadfast as ever against the 
"consensus" truth theory mis-ascribed to Peirce.  Instead I conceive of a 
final recognition along with Peirce's final interpretant, as a limiting 
idea at least, the final recognition of the final interpretant, etc., which 
research _would_ be destined to reach sooner or later if pushed 
indefinitely far.
Best, Ben http://tetrast.blogspot.com/ 
- Original Message - 

From: Joseph Ransdell 

To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:31 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" 

JR:  I must say that I think you are missing my point because of 
some mistaken assumption that I can't identify.  The reason I gave the 
simple example of a common sense verification was to make as clear as I could 
that there is no deep logical point involved.  Consider again my simple 
example:  You see something and tell me about it and I take a verifying 
look.  I see what I expect to see given what you told me to expect and 
that's enough for me. That is a verification.  It doesn't follow that 
either of us grasped the truth of the matter, but if you did indeed grasp it by 
taking a look as you passed by the obj

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-12 Thread Gary Richmond

Ben, Joe, Jim, list,

Ben, not having gotten your argument for a putative necessary fourth
semeiotic element earlier--and I've certainly tried--your most recent
comments have also not helped me get any closer to what you apparently
find near-obvious, or at least "simple." You write:

  [BU] It really should be setting off one's philosophical alarm
bells if one finds oneself denying that experience, recognition,
verification, have a logically determinational role.  

I wouldn't disagree that experience, recognition and verification  have
their logical roles which appear to me to occur as semeiotic events in
the Peircean, that is, triadic sense (allowing for an extra-semiotic
dynamical object, and that one can build up collateral experience which
"points" to such a reality which simply is what it is, etc.) You write:

  BU: I don't understand how anybody could argue that a claim does
not logically determine the character of its verification (in the sense
that, e.g., a claim that a horse is on the hill determines a
verification consisting in looking for a horse on the hill) or that the
claim's verification does not logically determine further inference
involving the claim (e.g., a horse was confirmed to be on the hill, and
it's good news that a horse is nearby, and it's also good news that the
semiosis leading up to the verification was faring quite well, and Joey
the horse-spotter was right again, and so forth, and all those items
factor determinatively into semiosis going forward, a semiosis which
would go _very differently_ if it had been dis-confirmed that a
horse was on the hill). I don't understand how anybody could argue
such, but I'm willing to examine such an argument if one is offered.

Again, it's a matter of one's  understanding of the semiotic role of
"verification." No one--and least of all Peirce--has argued against
verification, experience, collateral knowledge as important. But I see
verification as a stage in a given semiosis, just as the writing (or
reading) of Hamlet would have stages (of recognition, for example, as 
Hamlet begin to see the intimate relationship of Gertrude to the
villainous king). I don't think I would say with you that it logically determines
the character of its verification as meaning for it appears to me part
of an existential-semeiotic thread which intertwines with the rest of
the threads of the evolving cable/symbol. In short it is a stage,
albeit a significant stage, in some semeiotic event. I thought that
this was a part of Joe's point too (in both his earlier response and
his more recent and expanded one)  Joe quoted you then commented:

  [BU] I don't know how Peirce and
others have missed the distinct and irreducible logical role of
verification. I keep an eye open regarding that question, that's about
all. I don't have some hidden opinion on the question. Tom Short argued
that there is a problem with answering how it is that semiosis learns
to distinguish sense from nonsense, and Tom argued that Peirce saw this
problem. I wasn't convinced that Peirce saw the problem, and I think
that it's the verification problem; I can't help thinking that if
Peirce had seen it, he would have addressed it more aggressively.
  [JR] I don't think Peirce overlooked
anything like that, Ben.  It is just that verification is not a
distinctive formal element in inquiry in the way you think it is, and
Peirce's approach to logic as theory of inquiry doesn't mislead him
into thinking that one has to give a formal account of such a thing. 
I agree with Joe that "verification is not a
distinctive formal element in inquiry." You say it is up to us
argue against something which for me at least isn't even there as
"a distinctive formal element in inquiry"--as I've remarked, I cannot
find it to argue against it. You say it is there; I (we?) say it is
not.  So while this is very simple (and obvious) to you, to me it
remains a mystery. You wrote:
  <>Now, the following seems simple to me:  __The object does not,
of itself, convey experience or even information.  The sign &
interpretant convey information but not experience of their object. 
Those considerations settle in the negative the question of the
adequacy of a triad of interpretant, sign, and object, for verificative
purposes. Verification, qua verification, has a determinational role in
logic.__ I don't know why any of this doesn't seem simple to others.
Well, I've simply come to another conclusion: the immediate object is
involved in the semeiosis, and "verification, qua verification" points
exactly to its involvement in the growing symbol, the richer, truer
meaning--say, perhaps, of my life as a sign-user and whatever role I
might play in my society as a result of my seeing that object
more clearly. Perhaps I don't think verification is "determinative" in
the way you say it does. "The object determines the sign for the
interpreter" and there is both a dynamical and an immediate object
determining. Verif

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-12 Thread Joseph Ransdell

JR:  I must say that I think you are missing 
my point because of some mistaken assumption that I can't identify.  
The reason I gave the simple example of a common sense verification was to make 
as clear as I could that there is no deep logical point involved.  Consider 
again my simple example:  You see something and tell me about it and I take 
a verifying look.  I see what I expect to see given what you told me to 
expect and that's enough for me. That is a verification.  It doesn't follow 
that either of us grasped the truth of the matter, but if you did indeed grasp 
it by taking a look as you passed by the object and I did indeed grasp it 
by taking another look then we are both correct.   But where in 
all of that is this all important difference you keep talking about between mere 
interpretation and experience"  There was no more or less experience in my 
look than in yours, and no more or less interpretation, as far as that goes, 
other than the memory that the reason I took a look myself was because I wanted 
to see if what you saw is what you thought it to be, which I am willing to 
credit if, after taking a look myself, the description matches up.   
There is no denial of verification involved in any of this.  It is an 
imaginary account of a very simple case of verification.  
JR:  Now you can complicate it as much as 
you want, turn the look at a macroscopic object requiring no special instruments 
of vision (a burning fire) into, say, the look at the object which is 
involved in the case of scrutinizing a bunch of measurement data gathered from 
cranking up a particle accelerator at CERN with the help of a thousand other 
people, and the basic idea of verification or disverification is unchanged 
except for being required to be vastly more sophisticated, given the enormously 
different conditions of perceptual access to the object, and of course given the 
equally enormously greater amount of inference involved in the one case than in 
the other when we move from understanding the perceived object to be a 
burning building to the compared case of understanding the perceived object 
to be, say, a quark doing its thing under this and those conditions.   
Exactly the same sort of gross macro description of it applies 
as semiotically construed:  an object is perceived as manifesting this 
or that, which, semiotically, is talked about in the same terms regardless of 
the difference between being an object with manifest qualities functioning 
as representations interpreted as being a burning fire or quark doing 
whatever quarks do. 
JR:  So I just don't get it, 
Ben.   Of course there is much of philosophical interest, at a 
specialized level, if one wants to deal with highly complex experiences 
instead of simple ones.  I am not denying that.  I assumed that you 
would understand that.   You say:
BU:  One might make similar remarks on abductive inference, which is 
belief-laden and context-sensitive and would require getting into lots of 
details and variation case by case. Note that the kind of hypotheses which 
inferential statistics characteristically produces are "statistical hypotheses" 
rather than explanatory ones, and it is not as if statisticians never had an 
interest in the subject; a few years ago one statistician wrote here at peirce-l 
about being interested in general approaches to the production of the content of 
hypotheses which go beyond the usual statistical kind. Statistics deals with 
phenomena in general and, though often applied in idioscopy, is not itself about 
any special class of phenomena. Yet one does, in at least some 
philosophy, attempt and pursue general 
characterizations _of_ abductive inference and this is 
because abductive inference is a logical process of a general kind and 
is therefore part of philosophy's subject matter.
JR: Yes, of course, but why would I deny any of 
that?  You then say:

BU:  Verification is also a logical process of a general kind. The 
question is, is it some kind of interpretation, representation, or 
objectification, or combination thereof? Or is it something 
JR:  Now that baffles me.  Of course it 
is some kind of "interpretation, representation, or objectification, or 
combination thereof."  Why would you even say such a thing?  Is it 
something else?  Well, it is supposed to be all of that considered as 
occurring subsequent to some prior instance of "interpretation, representation, 
or objectification, or combination thereof", relating to that prior instance as 
sufficient like it (or in some other way relevant to it) to count as  
something that might verify or disverify a claim made that cited the prior 
instance as evidential relative to that claim.  Yes, it is one thing to be 
a verification and quite another to be that which is verified.  But what is 
all of this talk about the one being a mere sign and interpretant whereas the 
latter is an experience?  Both are equally describable in sem

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-12 Thread Benjamin Udell

Joe, Gary, Jim, list,
I forgot that I had wanted to make a remark on the Pragmatic Maxim in the 
present connection.
>[Joe] I forgot to say something about the supposed problem of 
distinguishing sense from nonsense.  That's what the pragmatic maxim is all 
about, isn't it? 
The Pragmatic Maxim is all about distinguishing sense from nonsense, given 
a healthy inquirial setting. By itself, it is about the clarification of 
conceptions. It is not about actually checking them, which also is important in 
order _soundly_ to distinguish sense from nonsense.  I think that, 
as a practical matter, the result of semiotics' more or less stopping at the 
stage of clarification, is that degenerate forms of pragmatism, feeling the 
importance of practical, actual verification and consequences, have 
emphasized actual outcomes ("cash value") at the expense of the conception of 
the interpretant, an expense exacted through persistent misreadings of the 
Pragmatic Maxim as meaning that the meaning of an idea is in its 
actual observed consequences "period, full stop." 
Yet the Pragmatic Maxim provides a basis for saying that _the 
interpretant is addressed to the recognizant_.  The interpretant, the 
clarification, is in terms of conceivable experience having conceivable 
practical bearing. It is a narrowing down of the universe represented by the 
sign -- it picks out some ramifications of value or interest under the standards 
of the interpreter.  As an appeal to possible relevant experience, _it 
is an appeal to possible recognizants_.  As experiences, the 
recognizants are not merely "specialized" down from the sign's represented 
universe; instead they are downright singularized, insofar as experience is 
singular.  For instance, a prediction based on a hypothesis is a 
potential recognizant, or a step in the formation of an actual recognizant. It 
tends to be a prediction which is, itself, crucial-testable, and whose 
confirmation  lends support to the hypothesis, while its disconfirmation 
disconfirms the hypothesis. The less crucial-testable a prediction is, the more 
it is like a hypothesis itself if it is testable at all.
Best, Ben Udell http://tetrast.blogspot.com/ 

Message from peirce-l forum to subscriber archive@mail-archive.com

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-12 Thread Benjamin Udell

Gary, Joe, Jim, list,
(continued, 3rd part)
>[Gary] Again, you maintain that the "logically determinational role" of 
"such recognition" cannot be denied and yet I can't even find it! For me it is 
less a matter of its being denied than my not even missing it (clearly you've 
fixed your own ideas in this matter quite differently). Your arguments around 
the interpretant seem absolutely convincing to you, but I have not been able to 
fully comprehend your argument regarding the logical necessity of this fourth 
"intuition" of the object as a proxy for the it. Perhaps this originates in my 
not being able to find it unmediated in my experience (as 
phenomenologist, as semeiotician, as ordinary "muser" etc.) But you say you 
cannot see how it is possible to argue logically for anything except a 
categorial schema which includes this putatively necessary fourth element that 
is so obvious to you, but a mystery to me.
You're mixing the proxy up with the recognition and misattributing to me 
the view that experience is unmediated. You seem to have forgotten the 
difference between "direct" and "unmediated." 
The logically determinational role is that of (dis-)confirmatory 
experience. I look and see that person X is wearing a hat as I expected. 
I see X wearing the hat as I expected. Now, it's confirmatory in regard to 
my interpretive expectation based on signs, confirmatory in logical virtue of 
what the contents of the sign, interpretant, and object-as-represented were and 
in logical virtue of what the object now shows itself to be and indeed what 
the object, sign, and interpretant now all show themselves to be. It is indeed 
confirmatory of a massive amount of prior semiosis without which I couldn't make 
enough sense of what I was seeing in order to think or say "looka there, he's 
wearing a hat!" In that sense, the experience is indeed logically mediated and 
logically determined. There was even a logically determined need for such a 
confirmation. My further stream of interpretation and verification will be 
decisively determined logically by the fact that I have confirmed that X is 
indeed wearing a hat just as I expected on the basis of earlier signs and 
interpretants. The confirmation touches not only on the question of whether X is 
wearing a hat and the ramifications regarding X, but also on the validity and 
soundness of the whole semiosis leading up to the confirmation, ultimately on 
the whole mind as an inference process. In sum:  If the experience is 
formed *_as_* collateral to sign & interpretant in respect of 
the obect, then object, sign, and interpretant logically determine it in its 
collaterality. And it in turn logically determines semiosis going forward. 

It really should be setting off one's philosophical alarm bells if one 
finds oneself denying that experience, recognition, verification, have a 
logically determinational role.  I don't understand how anybody could argue 
that a claim does not logically determine the character of its verification (in 
the sense that, e.g., a claim that a horse is on the hill determines a 
verification consisting in looking for a horse on the hill) or that the 
claim's verification does not logically determine further inference involving 
the claim (e.g., a horse was confirmed to be on the hill, and it's good news 
that a horse is nearby, and it's also good news that the semiosis leading up to 
the verification was faring quite well, and Joey the horse-spotter was right 
again, and so forth, and all those items factor determinatively into semiosis 
going forward, a semiosis which would go _very differently_ if it had 
been dis-confirmed that a horse was on the hill). I don't understand how anybody 
could argue such, but I'm willing to examine such an argument if one is 
So, the semiosis can't be diagrammed in its logical determination without 
lines representing relationships of experience to object. You could draw little 
dots in the line to show that the experiential relationship is, from another 
viewpoint, interpretively mediated. But that doesn't stop the line from being an 
experience line, any more than breaking a representation line into atoms and 
their motions turns the representation line into a mere mechanics or matter 
line. If you insist on showing the experience line as a mere interpretation 
line, then you have no way to display experience of the object such that the 
experience is "outside" the interpretant and sign of the object. That's part of 
why nobody has sat down and drawn a diagram showing how recognition or 
verification is merely interpretation. Another seemingly open door gets 
closed when an intended signhood turns out to be the mind's experience's serving 
as a sign of some other object than the object of which it is the mind's 
experience. Of course one experiences things as being signs of still more 
Now, the following seems simple to me:  __The object does not, of 
itself, convey ex

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-12 Thread Benjamin Udell

Joe, Gary, Jim, list,
>[Joe] Ben Says:
>>[Ben] I don't know how Peirce and others have missed the distinct 
and irreducible logical role of verification. I keep an eye open regarding that 
question, that's about all. I don't have some hidden opinion on the question. 
Tom Short argued that there is a problem with answering how it is that semiosis 
learns to distinguish sense from nonsense, and Tom argued that Peirce saw this 
problem. I wasn't convinced that Peirce saw the problem, and I think that it's 
the verification problem; I can't help thinking that if Peirce had seen it, he 
would have addressed it more aggressively.
>[Joe] REPLY:
>[Joe] I don't think Peirce overlooked anything like that, Ben.  It 
is just that verification is not a distinctive formal element in inquiry in the 
way you think it is, and Peirce's approach to logic as theory of inquiry doesn't 
mislead him into thinking that one has to give a formal account of such a 
thing.  Oh, well, one can of course explain about how publication works, 
and how people are expected to respond to the making of research claims to do 
what one can describe as "verifying" them.  That would involve discussing 
such things as attempts to replicate experimental results, which can no doubt 
get complicated in detail owing to the fact that it would only rarely involve 
exact duplication of experimental procedures and observations of results, the 
far more usual case being the setting up of related but distinguishable lines of 
experimentation whose results would have rather obvious implications for the 
results claimed in the research report being verified or disverified, depending 
on how it turns out.  I don't think there would be anything very 
interesting in getting into that sort of detail, though.  
One might make similar remarks on abductive inference, which is 
belief-laden and context-sensitive and would require getting into lots of 
details and variation case by case. Note that the kind of hypotheses which 
inferential statistics characteristically produces are "statistical hypotheses" 
rather than explanatory ones, and it is not as if statisticians never had an 
interest in the subject; a few years ago one statistician wrote here at peirce-l 
about being interested in general approaches to the production of the content of 
hypotheses which go beyond the usual statistical kind. Statistics deals with 
phenomena in general and, though often applied in idioscopy, is not itself about 
any special class of phenomena. Yet one does, in at least some 
philosophy, attempt and pursue general 
characterizations _of_ abductive inference and this is 
because abductive inference is a logical process of a general kind and 
is therefore part of philosophy's subject matter. Verification is also a 
logical process of a general kind. The question is, is it some kind of 
interpretation, representation, or objectification, or combination thereof? Or 
is it something else?
Now there are two more questions here: Did Peirce think that verification 
was important and determinational in inquiry? (Yes). Did Peirce think that 
verification is a distinctive formal element in semiosis? (No.) Your discussion 
of an emphasis on verification as reflecting a pathology of skepticism, a search 
for infallible truth, etc., goes too far in de-valorizing verification, 
certainly to the extent that you may be ascribing such a view to Peirce.
From the Collected Papers of C.S. Peirce Vol. I, I. General Historical 
Orientation, 1. Lessons from the History of Philosophy, Section 3. The Spirit of 
Scholasticism, Paragraph 34, http://www.textlog.de/4220.html 
34. Mr. George Henry Lewes in his work on Aristotle(1) seems to 
me to have come pretty near to stating the true cause of the success of modern 
science when he has said that it was *_verification_*. 
I should express it in this way: modern students of science have been successful 
because they have spent their lives not in their libraries and museums but in 
their laboratories and in the field; and while in their laboratories and in the 
field they have been not gazing on nature with a vacant eye, that is, in passive 
perception unassisted by thought, but have been *_observing_* -- 
that is, perceiving by the aid of analysis -- and testing suggestions of 
theories. The cause of their success has been that the motive which has carried 
them to the laboratory and the field has been a craving to know how things 
really were, and an interest in finding out whether or not general propositions 
actually held good -- which has overbalanced all prejudice, all vanity, and 
all passion. Now it is plainly not an essential part of this method in general 
that the tests were made by the observation of natural objects. For the immense 
progress which modern mathematics has made is also to be explained by the same 
intense interest in testing general propositions by particular cases -- only the 
tests were applied by means of par

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-12 Thread Joseph Ransdell

I forgot to say something about the supposed 
problem of distinguishing sense from nonsense.  That's what the pragmatic 
maxim is all about, isn't it?  Tom' Short's take on this has to do 
with Peirce's supposed failure to realize that his view of infinite 
interpretability entailed an infinite deferral of sense being given to the 
initially senseless symbol.  In my view Tom doesn't understand what 
Peirce's view in the work of the late 1860's actually is.  I think I can 
establish pretty persuasively that Peirce was, to put it mildly, a bit 
more sophisticated than Tom credits him with being.  It is really just 
a matter of understanding what he meant by an "imputed quality" in defining 
the symbol in the New List, which Tom finds too distastefully Lockean to be 
taken seriously; but it has to be laid out and tediously tracked through 
text after text in order to put an end to the sort of misreading of Peirce that 
Tom gives, which is what I am currently completing.  I don't see that it 
has anything to do with verification, though.  It is just a question of 
what his theory of meaning is.  
Joe Ransdell

  - Original Message - 
  Joseph Ransdell 
  To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
  Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 1:01 
  Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite 
  photograph" metaphor
  Ben Says:
  I don't know how Peirce and others have missed 
  the distinct and irreducible logical role of verification. I keep an eye open 
  regarding that question, that's about all. I don't have some hidden opinion on 
  the question. Tom Short argued that there is a problem with answering how it 
  is that semiosis learns to distinguish sense from nonsense, and Tom argued 
  that Peirce saw this problem. I wasn't convinced that Peirce saw the problem, 
  and I think that it's the verification problem; I can't help thinking that if 
  Peirce had seen it, he would have addressed it more aggressively.
  I don't think Peirce overlooked anything like 
  that, Ben.  It is just that verification is not a distinctive formal 
  element in inquiry in the way you think it is, and Peirce's approach to logic 
  as theory of inquiry doesn't mislead him into thinking that one has to give a 
  formal account of such a thing.  Oh, well, one can of course explain 
  about how publication works, and how people are expected to respond to the 
  making of research claims to do what one can describe as "verifying" 
  them.  That would involve discussing such things as attempts to replicate 
  experimental results, which can no doubt get complicated in detail owing to 
  the fact that it would only rarely involve exact duplication of experimental 
  procedures and observations of results, the far more usual case being the 
  setting up of related but distinguishable lines of experimentation whose 
  results would have rather obvious implications for the results claimed in the 
  research report being verified or disverified, depending on how it turns 
  out.  I don't think there would be anything very interesting in getting 
  into that sort of detail, though.  
  Take a common sense case of that.  You 
  tell me that you observed something on the way over to my house to see me, 
  e.g. a large fire at a certain location, and I think you must have made a 
  mistake since the edifice in question is reputed to be fire-proof.   
  So I mosey over there myself to check it out and, sure enough, the fire is 
  still going on at the place you said.  Claim verified.  Of course, 
  some third person hearing about this might think we are both mistaken or in 
  collusion to lie about it, and having some financial interest in the matter, 
  might not count my report as a verification of your claim.  So he or she 
  might mosey over and find that we were both confused about the location and 
  there was no fire at the place claimed.  Claim disverified.  But 
  then some fourth person . . .    Well, you get the 
  idea.   So what is the big deal about verification?  (This 
  is pretty much what Jim Piat was saying, too, perhaps.)   
  The question is, why have philosophers of 
  science so often gotten all agitated about the problem of verification as if 
  something really important hinged on giving an exact account of what does or 
  ought to count as such?  
  You tell me, but my guess is that it is just 
  the age old and seemingly insatiable but really just misguided quest 
  for absolute and authoritative certainty.  Why this shows up in the 
  form of a major philosophical industry devoted to the production of 
  theories of verification is another matter, and I suppose that must be 
  explained in terms of some natural confusion of thought like those which 
  make it seem so implausible at first that we can get better control over our 
  car when it

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-12 Thread Joseph Ransdell

Ben Says:
I don't know how Peirce and others have missed 
the distinct and irreducible logical role of verification. I keep an eye open 
regarding that question, that's about all. I don't have some hidden opinion on 
the question. Tom Short argued that there is a problem with answering how it is 
that semiosis learns to distinguish sense from nonsense, and Tom argued that 
Peirce saw this problem. I wasn't convinced that Peirce saw the problem, and I 
think that it's the verification problem; I can't help thinking that if Peirce 
had seen it, he would have addressed it more aggressively.
I don't think Peirce overlooked anything like 
that, Ben.  It is just that verification is not a distinctive formal 
element in inquiry in the way you think it is, and Peirce's approach to logic as 
theory of inquiry doesn't mislead him into thinking that one has to give a 
formal account of such a thing.  Oh, well, one can of course explain about 
how publication works, and how people are expected to respond to the making of 
research claims to do what one can describe as "verifying" them.  That 
would involve discussing such things as attempts to replicate experimental 
results, which can no doubt get complicated in detail owing to the fact that it 
would only rarely involve exact duplication of experimental procedures and 
observations of results, the far more usual case being the setting up of related 
but distinguishable lines of experimentation whose results would have rather 
obvious implications for the results claimed in the research report being 
verified or disverified, depending on how it turns out.  I don't think 
there would be anything very interesting in getting into that sort of detail, 
Take a common sense case of that.  You tell 
me that you observed something on the way over to my house to see me, e.g. a 
large fire at a certain location, and I think you must have made a mistake since 
the edifice in question is reputed to be fire-proof.   So I mosey over 
there myself to check it out and, sure enough, the fire is still going on at the 
place you said.  Claim verified.  Of course, some third person hearing 
about this might think we are both mistaken or in collusion to lie about it, and 
having some financial interest in the matter, might not count my report as a 
verification of your claim.  So he or she might mosey over and find that we 
were both confused about the location and there was no fire at the place 
claimed.  Claim disverified.  But then some fourth person . . 
.    Well, you get the idea.   So what is the big 
deal about verification?  (This is pretty much what Jim Piat was saying, 
too, perhaps.)   
The question is, why have philosophers of science 
so often gotten all agitated about the problem of verification as if something 
really important hinged on giving an exact account of what does or ought to 
count as such?  
You tell me, but my guess is that it is just the 
age old and seemingly insatiable but really just misguided quest 
for absolute and authoritative certainty.  Why this shows up in the 
form of a major philosophical industry devoted to the production of 
theories of verification is another matter, and I suppose that must be explained 
in terms of some natural confusion of thought like those which make it seem 
so implausible at first that we can get better control over our car when it goes 
into a skid if we turn the car in the direction of the skid instead of by 
responding in the instinctively reasonable way of trying to turn it in 
opposition to going in that unwanted direction.   Okay, not a 
very good example, but you know what I mean:  something can seem at first 
completely obvious in its reasonableness that is actually quite unreasonable 
when all relevant considerations are taken duly into account. some of which are 
simply too subtle to be detected as relevant at first.  Thus people 
argue interminably over no real problem.  It happens a lot, I should 
 In any case, a will-of-the-wisp is all 
that there is in the supposed need for some general theory of 
verification.  There is none to be given nor is there any need for 
one.  People make claims.  Other people doubt them or accept them but 
want to be sure and so they do something that satisfies them, and others, noting 
this, are satisfied that the matter is settled and they just move on. Of 
maybe nobody is ever satisfied.  That's life.   Of course it can 
turn out at times that it is not easy to get the sort of satisfacion that counts 
for us as what we call a verification because it settles the matter in one way, 
or a dissatisfaction because it settles it in a contrary way.  But that is 
all there is to it.  Maybe there are fields or types of problems or issues 
in which the course of experience of inquiry about them has resulted in the 
development and elaboration of procedures that are regarded as having 
verification or disverification as their normal result, but 

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-12 Thread Jim Piat

Ben Udell wrote:
>>Anyway, my semiotic four are, instead, object, sign, interpretant, 
I don't know how Peirce and others have missed the distinct and irreducible 
logical role of verification. I keep an eye open regarding that question, that's 
about all. I don't have some hidden opinion on the question. Tom Short argued 
that there is a problem with answering how it is that semiosis learns to 
distinguish sense from nonsense, and Tom argued that Peirce saw this problem. I 
wasn't convinced that Peirce saw the problem, and I think that it's the 
verification problem; I can't help thinking that if Peirce had seen it, he would 
have addressed it more aggressively.>>
Dear Ben, Folks--
Thanks, Ben,  for your earlier helpful 
clarifications of my previous questions.  Sorry I've taken so long to 
get back.  I see that I did misunderstand some of your ideas.  No 
doubt I've done so again in some of my remarks below.  Though hopefully not 
in the same ways as before.  
Seems to me that 
your "semioic four" are all included in Peirce's third category of 
representation.  In particular I think verification is a matter of 
comparing one sign with another in order to develop a coherent, 
predictable account of the world we experience.  Those signs 
that predict and cohere we count as moving toward truth.  Those 
that do not we tend to discard as 
misinterpretations.   Much as we 
might wish I don't think we have access to a non representational standard 
against which we can verify our representations of 
reality.    Kicking a table 
or being poked in the ribs may convince one that there is a world 
beyond his own will, but that is not the same as proving we have non 
representational verification or awareness of these 
What, after all, does verification mean other 
than some correspondence between expectation and perceived outcome  -- 
both instances of representation.  Verification is one of many 
useful things that can be done with signs.  Signs can also be used for 
planning, communicating and so on.  These are all important and 
useful functions of signs but this does not, in my opinion,  make them 
fundamental or distinct modes of being which is, IMHO,  the level of 
analysis Peirce was trying to address with his categories.  I think 
Peirce was trying to answer the question -- what are the minimally 
adequate set of basic modes of being  that are required to account for 
all experience.  I believe he would say that verification is one use 
or example of representation.  IOWs verification is made possible by 
and is an instance of representation but is not itself a fundamental mode 
of being or pole of representation (as are quality, reaction and representation 
itself).  OTOH one might argue that the Peircean category of 
secondness (or otherness)  might be construed as a kind of 
objective verification of the interpretive pole of representation.  
Ben, can you give me an example of  
verification that does not involve signs or requires some action or experience 
that can not be achieved by signs alone?  Maybe that would help me to 
better understand what you mean by verification as a fundamental category of 
being that goes beyond Peirce's three.  
I'm not trying to say verification is not 
important.  In fact I think that verification is the crux of the scientific 
method that Peirce so extolled.  But I also believe 
that Peirce excluded verification (in the categorical sense that 
you seem to be recommending) as a fundamental 
building block of experience.  In part I think he did so in his criticism 
of positivism.  And I certaintly don't agree that Peirce failed to 
recognized or address the problem of sense vs nonsense.  What is the 
goal of logic and science if not to address this issue?   Rather 
I'd say that he offered an alternative triadic analysis of this traditional 
duality.  Seems to me many folks are are attracted to the definitive (and 
self serving) appeal of dualistic categories such as sense vs nonsense, good vs 
evil, us vs them and the like  -- but for Peirce experience was 
fundamentally triadic, continuous and a matter of interpretation.  To say 
that Peirce missed the importance of distinguishing between sense and nonsense 
(or any other duality) is in my view to miss a major point Peirce was 
trying to make.   The answer is not either/or but both.  
Verification can not be divorced from purpose or POV and non of us has as yet 
achieved God's point of view.  We are all captives of our individual point 
of view and the only path to freedom is community.  Maybe. 
Ah, another thought  -- there is perhaps a 
sense in which representation (or continuity) may be synonymous with 
verification.  Continuity in the Peircean sense implies a circularity in 
which begining and end are inextricably joined or mediated in what one might 
call an expanding, evolving verification of nature's inherent 
In any case I've enjoyed your comments, 

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-11 Thread Benjamin Udell

Gary, Joe, Jim, list,
(continued, 2rd part)
>[Gary] It does seem most likely and natural that there are a number of 
corrections and additions to be made in regard to Peirce's theories. For 
example, Ben points to the need for contemporary research fields to find their 
places within Peirce's classification of the sciences. But first folk 
have got to see the power of such an approach to classification, a matter which 
Kelly Parker admirably discusses at length in relation to continuity/triadicity 
in one of the early chapters of his book (the revisions that Ben has suggested 
to Peirce's classification seem to me idiosyncratic; and certainly any such 
revision of the classification ought not be one person's "take" on the matter 
That last remark sets up a strawman. To the contrary of course I'm not 
suggesting that people ought to embrace my revision even when they disagree with 
it and when I'm the only one in favor of it. Any revision of the classification 
ought not to be decided by a poll of whether one person supports it or dozens of 
people support it, etc. If, nevertheless, numbers are worth mentioning when I'm 
in the minority of one, let's remember that -- in numbers of supporters among 
philosophers -- Peirceanism itself comes in far behind linguistic analysis & 
phenomenological/existential philosophy.  Now, if we want to rephrase 
"minority of one" into "thinks he's right and whole rest of the world is wrong," 
that's merely self-inflammatory rhetoric, especially when the whole 
philosophical world is far from agreement among its constituents about the 
subject in question.
Now, I don't see why _more_ folks have to first see the power 
of an approach to classification. What is needed is for the people most 
interested in the subject to actually attempt it -- just _do_ it, 
engage the issues, and get productive inquiry rolling. The commencing to appear 
of some sort of interesting questions and first fruitful results along the way 
will be the strongest persuader that the approach could be more 
generally fruitful and that the subject is even worth pursuing at all. 
Birger Hjørland http://www.db.dk/bh/home_uk.htm has 
written http://www.db.dk/bh/Core%20Concepts%20in%20LIS/articles%20a-z/classification_of_the_sciences.htm "There 
is not today (2005), to my knowledge, any organized research program about the 
classification of the sciences in any discipline or in any country. As Miksa 
(1998) writes, the interest for this question largely died in the beginning of 
the 20th century." And the would-be classifier is up against a lot more than 
that. It seems that not a few researchers believe that classification of 
research is an unredeemable bane.
Of course, I do think that the reason that Peirceans haven't attempted 
incorporations of contemporary fields into the Peircean classification, is that 
it's rather difficult. For instance, statistics seems to belong in cenoscopy, 
but it doesn't seem to belong within philosophy in any traditional sense. And 
what of information theory and its various areas? The problems involved are 
philosophical problems -- I think that they're to be solved philosophically. I 
doubt that stirring interest in people from various fields will do much to help 
various research fields "find their places" in the Peircean classification when 
those most familiar with the classification can't figure out how to place such 
well established and much written-about fields as probability theory, 
statistical theory, information theory, etc. within it. Of course I'm not 
against trying to stir other people's interest. But I think that it's just 
delaying the grappling with the philosophical problems.
Regarding idiosyncrasy. You think my classification is idiosyncratic. I 
think that a side-by-side comparison of my classification with Peirce's would 
show that mine is not idiosyncratic and is actually more regular and systematic. 
With each of four major families of research, I associate a category -- Peirce 
doesn't do that at all -- a referential scope or 'quantity' -- Peirce 
doesn't do that -- and a typical inferential mode of conclusion -- Peirce does 
that only for mathematics.  Crossing the families are inter-family bands of 
'friendly cousins' based ultimately on such general and systematizable 
conceptions as those of relationships of 'one-to-one,' 'many-to-one,' 
'one-to-many,' and 'many-to-many'.  What those abtract and colorless 
characterizations amount to or correlate with, I try to sketch along the 
first column at the relevant rows. Meanwhile the attempt to trace 
out implicit Peircean inter-family and inter-subfamily bands or patterns 
leads to that which Joe Ransdell has called the appearance of "derangement" in 
Peircean classification. 
Now, one can certainly believe that my classification is wrong, 
and some years ago I put it through enough changes that the possibility of 
revising it again is quite real to me, and, one way or another, 

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-08 Thread Gary Richmond

Ben, Joe, Jim, List

Benjamin Udell wrote:

I don't see how the logically
determinational role of such recognition [as represented by a fourth
proxy element] can be arguably denied

and so I will stop trying to so argue. But I don't see it. Let me at
least give an attempt at a definitive
parting _expression_ of my position in this matter. 

I'll begin by saying that it seems peculiar to me that  in his
voluminous work on logic as semeiotic that Peirce would have
missed exactly the *logical* element (see 4. proxy -- logic,
substantiation, etc. in Ben's schema below) and notably exactly at the
place Ben finds it, in
relation to collateral knowledge (not forgetting that Peirce makes
quite a bit of the distinction of collateral knowledge from the system
of signs itself as Ben correctly noted).

My modus operandi in consideration of a personal "economy of research"
has been centered around my sense that as an increasing number of folk
beginning to see the power of Peirce's
triadic and trichotomic philosophy and wish to further it (for example,
as opposed to the dyadic semiotic which has until recently
dominated even computer semiotics) it
would be best to emphasize its strengths and powers
first before entertaining more complex hypotheses (such as Ben's). 
Yet, and not denying the need for a critical stance in all
these matters, Ben seems to have suggested recently that in the light
of his understanding, which cannot be "arguably
denied", that this kind of
triadic and trichotomic thinking represents some sort of
blindness or, perhaps, group-think. 

It does seem most likely and natural that there are a number of
corrections and
additions to be made in regard to Peirce's theories. For example, Ben
points to the need for contemporary research fields to find their
places within Peirce's classification of the sciences. But first
folk have got to see the power of such an approach to
classification, a matter which Kelly Parker admirably discusses at
length in relation to
continuity/triadicity in one of the early chapters of his
book (the revisions that Ben has suggested to Peirce's classification
seem to me idiosyncratic; and certainly any such revision of the
classification ought not be one person's "take" on the matter anyhow).

A powerful idea is (paraphrasing Peirce) like a child--it
needs care and nurturing. With friends suggesting the child is a kind
of partially formed monster, who needs enemies?  Certainly were I ever
to become convinced that there were indeed other than three universes
of experience, three categories, three semeiotic elements I would
immediately be forced on pragmatic principles to modify my view
radically. But that has not happened, and the 3 universes, categories,
and semeiotic elements continue to be confirmed in my own experience
and thinking. As regards Ben's thinking in this matter, I have not yet
been convinced by his arguments that, say, collateral experience on the
one hand, or coding/decoding on the other, necessitate adding a fourth
semeiotic element or analog. Until that happens I personally will 
concentrate on promoting the healthy growth of a *child* who seems to
me most remarkable, most promising,  who continuously inspires my own
creative work, etc. 

But moving along, as  you've written before, Ben, your 1st is
a kind of 2nd,
and your fourth is in a sense another form of the object. Here you give
semeiotic four in outline form.

  1. index -- extremality, force, shortest distance, etc. ~ ~ ~ 3.
symbol -- information, coding, importance, etc.
  2. icon -- probability, likelihood, etc. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.
proxy -- logic, substantiation, legitimacy, etc.

Besides the probably insignificant point that commencing with a kind of
secondness, and having
two object-like elements seems to me to weight your four-fold structure
with too much secondness, as well as my sense (from
studying your Tetrast diagrams) that index, icon, and symbol in your
system  represent some aspects of Peirce's categories, but
also much else which seems alien to Peirce's understanding of these
three (so that they are really not the same animals), I again just ask:
how could Peirce--and
many brilliant interpreters--have
missed the 4th, the proxy, your "logic itself" (as in your schema
above--there the symbol seems reduced to mere coding of information and
to have no
inferential or generative power of its own vs Peirce where "symbols

Again, you maintain that the "logically determinational role" of "such
recognition" cannot be denied and yet I can't even find it! For me it
is less a
matter of its being denied than my not even missing it
(clearly you've fixed your own ideas in this matter quite differently).
Your arguments
around the interpretant seem absolutely convincing to you, but I have
not been able to fully comprehend your argument regarding the logical
necessity of this fourth
"intuition" of
the object as a proxy for the it. Perhaps this originates in my not

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-07 Thread Benjamin Udell

Gary, Joe, Jim, list,
Gary's written me off-list to say that, while he agrees with some things 
that I say, a lot of the other stuff doesn't make sense to him and that we seem 
to be talking past each other. Joe, too, said (a few months ago) that he didn't 
understand what I was getting at. Maybe that's why my writing is developing 
a "hammering" sound.  "There is no basis..." over and over again! 
as if I were trying to challenge all serious Peirceans within hearing distance 
(which of course is just what I've been trying to do); I mean, occasionally Gary 
and I sit down to lunch or dinner, you think I hammer away like I did in the 
post below?  No way! (I couldn't even if I wanted to, I can't talk like I 
write.) And, to me, the philosophical issues seem clearer than they used to 
seem, no doubt because I've been increasingly repeating myself. My "hammering" 
sound, plus the fact that the list has been otherwise somewhat quiet lately, 
make me feel that I'm dominating the list (even though I don't post thrice daily 
or anything like that), and that feeling, plus the fact that I have to think 
more seriously about getting regular work, makes me think that it might be best 
if I go quiet for a while, though Gary says that he's started on a response 
which he hopes to send in the next few days. Take it slow, if you prefer, Gary! 
I speak of going quiet, however I won't "resist" responding to his 
Gary sent me a book _Global Semiotics_ by Sebeok. Probably I 
should read that and some others by contemporary Peirce philosophers & 
scholars. (I've gone easy on reading during the past few years because of an eye 
condition, which is a good partial excuse, and the rest is of course that 
the dog ate my homework.) Then I can return, issuing broadsides and challenges 
more specifically framed in contemporary Peircean terms, and demanding to know 
_where_ is a Peircean-style classification of contemporary research 
fields, where are the tables and charts, where do probability & statistics 
& info theory & cybernetics fit in, were there _any_ ideas 
about such things at Nubiola's conference?; and challenging the validity of all 
interpretant/decoding analogies in the absence of a semiotic analog (the 
"recognizant," the verifier) to the info-theoretic recipient; and so on with old 
and new arguments, unless of course I change my mind in general. Anyway, soon, 
I'm a-going quiet for a while.
Best, Ben  http://tetrast.blogspot.com/ 
----- Original Message - 
From: Benjamin Udell 

To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 3:22 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" 

Gary, Joe, Jim, List,
I'm back!
>[Gary] I've begun to reread and in some cases read for the first 
time Christopher Hookway's papers as he is to be an invited speaker at ICCS07 at 
Sheffield University where he is a member of the faculty. There's an interesting 
and valuable paper of his in the Winter/Spring 2002 Transactions titled " '. . . 
a sort of composite photograph': Pragmatism, Ideas, and Schematism." Hookway 
argues that the metaphor of an idea being a kind of  "composite photograph" 
(which has a general character since composed of many particulars) is an 
important one which Peirce seems to value. He uses it many times and in various 
ways ways over lengthy period beginning in the 90's and extending into the 20th 
century. I won't attempt to summarize his complex argument and will only now 
comment that the metaphor suggests the way in which an idea is something like a 
photographic iteration of the many subjective experiences of the object of any 
idea (perhaps the ground?). Hookway argues that fully comprehended the 
metaphor is both integral to Peirce's architectonic science (as, for example, 
outlined in his classification of the sciences) as well as possibly proving key 
to a coherentist defense of his pragmatism.>[Gary] The composite 
image is a kind of "stereotype" (Hookway's _expression_) of all the particular 
images so that it somehow captures their common feature. This seems to me a 
notion which also relates to the formation of "collateral knowledge," but 
not  as a semeiotic or logical element (in effect, a fourth category), but 
as a psychological event which impacts the logical only in a given moment of 
semiosis. This is also why, I believe, that Peirce can say that collateral 
observation is not a part of any given sign, but that this composite 
representation of the object (held in memory I would hold--again pointing to its 
psychological structuring across time) is a precondition to recognizing a given 
sign at all. This occurs out of the depth of an interlocutor's collateral 
associations concerning an _e

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-08-06 Thread Benjamin Udell

Gary, Joe, Jim, List,
I'm back!
>[Gary] I've begun to reread and in some cases read for the first 
time Christopher Hookway's papers as he is to be an invited speaker at ICCS07 at 
Sheffield University where he is a member of the faculty. There's an interesting 
and valuable paper of his in the Winter/Spring 2002 Transactions titled " '. . . 
a sort of composite photograph': Pragmatism, Ideas, and Schematism." Hookway 
argues that the metaphor of an idea being a kind of  "composite photograph" 
(which has a general character since composed of many particulars) is an 
important one which Peirce seems to value. He uses it many times and in various 
ways ways over lengthy period beginning in the 90's and extending into the 20th 
century. I won't attempt to summarize his complex argument and will only now 
comment that the metaphor suggests the way in which an idea is something like a 
photographic iteration of the many subjective experiences of the object of any 
idea (perhaps the ground?). Hookway argues that fully comprehended the 
metaphor is both integral to Peirce's architectonic science (as, for example, 
outlined in his classification of the sciences) as well as possibly proving key 
to a coherentist defense of his pragmatism.>[Gary] The composite 
image is a kind of "stereotype" (Hookway's _expression_) of all the particular 
images so that it somehow captures their common feature. This seems to me a 
notion which also relates to the formation of "collateral knowledge," but 
not  as a semeiotic or logical element (in effect, a fourth category), but 
as a psychological event which impacts the logical only in a given moment of 
semiosis. This is also why, I believe, that Peirce can say that collateral 
observation is not a part of any given sign, but that this composite 
representation of the object (held in memory I would hold--again pointing to its 
psychological structuring across time) is a precondition to recognizing a given 
sign at all. This occurs out of the depth of an interlocutor's collateral 
associations concerning an _expression_, say since I've just returned from  
Denmark, "viking", stimulating a composite notion which is the idea of "viking" 
for him, so that a conversation, for example,  may proceed as both parties 
enter into a commens, or commind concerning the "viking" concept. There is no 
mystery here, and no need for a fourth category or fourth semiotic element as I 
see it.
If nobody wanted to do more than study people's common conceptions and 
stereotypes about the Viking, then the relevance of collateral experience 
and observation would be less prominent, though the question of verifying claims 
_about_ people's conceptions _qua_ conceptions would remain, unless the inquiry 
were to lapse even at that level into the kind of seminarianism which Peirce 
opposed in his pragmaticism. But sometimes some people want to learn about the 
Vikings themselves, and this involves forming interpretations, deducing 
consequences, and seeking and examining evidence against which the 
interpretations themselves will be tested. (The predictions are the potential 
recognitions, the potential (dis-)confirmations.) I haven't read Hookway, but 
the reference to the composite of many signs as a "stereotype" is 
quite telling. A kind of coherentism is in fact the pitfall of Peircean 
semiotics and is a shoe too small for Peircean pragmaticism, which has only a 
coherentist aspect (the importance of the validity/cogency of inference) and 
which certainly emphasizes the importance of combining, distinguishing, 
abstracting, generalizing, etc., but which is ultimately experimentalist 
rather than coherentist in the usual sense.
There is no basis for saying that the formation of such a kinetic composite 
sign relates to -- in the sense of underlying -- the formation of collateral 
knowledge, in such a way as to suggest that that's all that the formation of 
collateral knowledge really is. Peirce repeatedly gives examples of 
actual experience with the object of the signs & interpretants in question. 
Furthermore Peirce said not that collateral observation is "not part of _any 
given sign_" but instead that it is not part of the sign and is collateral 
to the sign and _to the given system of signs_, which means also to a 
kinetic composite sign . There is also no basis for a case that collateral 
observation is collateral to "signs in general" as opposed to being collateral 
to particular signs, and Peirce's own examples point this out quite clearly. 
This also is the ordinary meaning of the word "collateral" in regard to 
information and confirmation; one speaks of collateral information about a 
specific object, collateral confirmation of specific claims about a specific 
object, etc. Furthermore, such a case would reduce the Pragmatic Maxim to 
nonsense. Any conceivable experience with conceivable practical bearing would be 
just as good for the clarification of a given conception as any other 

[peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

2006-07-31 Thread Benjamin Udell

Gary, Joe, Jim,
This looks interesting. For my part, I have to put off responding for some 
days, as I'm taking an opportunity to flee into Manhattan for 
the approaching heat wave for the next few days and won't have my own 
Best, Ben
- Original Message - 
From: Gary Richmond 

To: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 5:03 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] The "composite photograph" metaphor
Joe, Ben, Jim, List,I've begun to reread and in some 
cases read for the first time Christopher Hookway's papers as he is to be an 
invited speaker at ICCS07 at Sheffield University where he is a member of the 
faculty. There's an interesting and valuable paper of his in the Winter/Spring 
2002 Transactions titled " '. . . a sort of composite photograph': Pragmatism, 
Ideas, and Schematism." Hookway argues that the metaphor of an idea being a kind 
of  "composite photograph" (which has a general character since composed of 
many particulars) is an important one which Peirce seems to value. He uses it 
many times and in various ways ways over lengthy period beginning in the 90's 
and extending into the 20th century. I won't attempt to summarize his complex 
argument and will only now comment that the metaphor suggests the way in which 
an idea is something like a photographic iteration of the many subjective 
experiences of the object of any idea (perhaps the ground?). Hookway 
argues that fully comprehended the metaphor is both integral to Peirce's 
architectonic science (as, for example, outlined in his classification of the 
sciences) as well as possibly proving key to a coherentist defense of his 
pragmatism.The composite image is a kind of "stereotype" (Hookway's 
_expression_) of all the particular images so that it somehow captures their 
common feature. This seems to me a notion which also relates to the formation of 
"collateral knowledge," but not  as a semeiotic or logical element (in 
effect, a fourth category), but as a psychological event which impacts the 
logical only in a given moment of semiosis. This is also why, I believe, that 
Peirce can say that collateral observation is not a part of any given 
sign, but that this composite representation of the object (held in memory I 
would hold--again pointing to its psychological structuring across time) is a 
precondition to recognizing a given sign at all. This occurs out of the depth of 
an interlocutor's collateral associations concerning an _expression_, say since 
I've just returned from  Denmark, "viking", stimulating a composite notion 
which is the idea of "viking" for him, so that a conversation, for 
example,  may proceed as both parties enter into a commens, or commind 
concerning the "viking" concept. There is no mystery here, and no need for a 
fourth category or fourth semiotic element as I see it.Of course this is 
yet very complex as every proposition (let alone a book or a court case!) 
involves not one index but a whole set of them. 
2.439 In order properly to exhibit the relation 
  between premisses and conclusion of mathematical reasonings, it is necessary 
  to recognize that in most cases the subject-index is compound, and consists of 
  a set of indices. Thus, in the proposition, "A sells B to C for the price D," 
  A, B, C, D form a set of four indices. The symbol "--sells--to--for the 
  price--" refers to a mental icon, or idea of the act of sale, and declares 
  that this image represents the set A, B, C, D, considered as attached to that 
  icon, A as seller, C as buyer, B as object sold, and D as price. If we call A, 
  B, C, D four subjects of the proposition and "--sells--to--for the price--" a 
  predicate, we represent the logical relation well enough, but we abandon the 
  Aryan syntax.Hookway argues (although I will only present the 
conclusions here) that there are "some features of ideas that are to be 
explained by the metaphor" and although he does not explicitly do so, I would 
further associate these three "features" a, b, c with the categories, with 
firstness, secondness, and thirdness respectively.a) Ideas are iconic 
signs (their content can by "judged")|> c) Ideas are general 
(so they can be applied to new, unfamiliar cases)b) Ideas are composed 
from cases experienced (or through testimony)(cf p. 35 op 
cit)Peirce applies this notion not just to sensory experience, but also 
to disciplines as varied as mathematics on the one hand and ethics on the 
other.Finally, there are two directions, two "vectors" possible here. 
Moving one way (towards the formation of collateral knowledge), a number of 
particular experiential representations (each one formed semiotically) are 
"fused" into a single representation. Moving the other way (that is, in 
consideration of the need to confirm, etc.), the single representation calls up 
what Hookway calls "a sequence of shades, a sequence of particular images." 
This proves crucial to the final portion of his argument, connecting the 