Re: [PHP] mutliple select form not passing multiple values

2004-02-11 Thread Ben Ramsey
Ah-ha!  I missed that, and I always do.  Let's hope I don't anymore. 
While we're on the subject, why is PHP set up this way?  Why can't it 
just add the elements to the array automatically, since adding the 
square brackets to one's HTML form name is not a standard practice?

Richard Davey wrote:
Hello Ben,

Wednesday, February 11, 2004, 9:22:33 PM, you wrote:

BR Am I doing something wrong?

Yup :)

It needs to be:

select name=modules[] ...

Note the change in name from modules to modules[]

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[PHP] PHP License question

2004-02-12 Thread Ben Ramsey
I currently developing a project that I wish to release under a, 
preferably, open-source and copy-left license.  So, I'm taking a close 
look at the GNU GPL for this, and it seems to serve this purpose, well. 
 However, I am aware that the PHP license conflicts with the GNU GPL, 
and, thus, anything released under the PHP license cannot also be 
released in software under the GPL.  At least, this is my assumption.

Now, to my question: if a PEAR package is released under the PHP 
license, and my product is under the GPL, can I include the PEAR package 
in my product?  Under the above assumption, the answer would be no.  So, 
what license should I release my product under to maintain it's 
copy-left status and yet still allow the PEAR packages to be included?

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[PHP] Re: sql query question

2004-02-12 Thread Ben Ramsey
This is a SQL question, rather than a PHP question, so I would suggest 
doing a google search on SQL tutorials, but I think what you are trying 
to do would work like this:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE descript LIKE '%new%' OR descript LIKE '%car%'

Tony wrote:


if i have  new  car and i want to search
each word in description
can i do
descript = new OR descript =car??
any help is appreciated
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[PHP] Re: PHP License question

2004-02-13 Thread Ben Ramsey
I spoke with the good folks over at the FSF, and figured out how to do 
this.  The PHP License itself does not restrict the use code under it. 
The problem was with the GPL, which restricted the use of code under the 
GPL being paired with code under certain types of licenses (specifically 
licenses that are non-copyleft).  The PHP license is non-copyleft, and, 
so, it is not GPL compatible.  Thus, an exception must be made by the 
copyright owner of the GPL'd code.  The wording for the exception is 
found at .

Specifically, in this case, I chose to use the following wording, and 
the folks at FSF told me this was fine:

In addition, as a special exception, Ben Ramsey gives permission to link 
the code of this program with those files in the PEAR library that are 
licensed under the PHP License (or with modified versions of those files 
that use the same license as those files), and distribute linked 
combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public 
License in all respects for all of the code used other than those files 
in the PEAR library that are licensed under the PHP License. If you 
modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the 
file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, 
delete this exception statement from your version.

Since certain PEAR packages are licensed under the modified BSD and LGPL 
licenses, then this exception does not need to be made for those 
packages; these licenses are already GPL compatible.

Thus, I can release my application under the GPL and satisfy its 
requirements to include the PEAR packages licensed under the PHP license.

I hope this helps someone else out there, as well. ;-)

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP License question

2004-02-13 Thread Ben Ramsey
Yup.  I believe that's what you have to do in order to satisfy the 
restrictions in the GPL.

Gerard Samuel wrote:
So to clarify.
If I have a piece of code that utilises PEAR's Tar class (which uses a PHP 
License). In order for me to distribute my piece of code (under the GPL) 
along with the Tar class, I have to include this exception along with the 
normal GPL'ed notice in my code?
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[PHP] Re: regular expressions

2004-02-17 Thread Ben Ramsey
I've always found the PHP manual to be very helpful:
Pete M wrote:
Getting completely confused how this stuff works !!!

Anyone recommend a book for a regex newbie ?

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[PHP] Re: regular expressions

2004-02-17 Thread Ben Ramsey
I also forgot to mention this book, which I've never used, but I picked 
it up once and it seemed very helpful:

Regular Expression Pocket Reference
published by O'Reilly
Ben Ramsey wrote:

I've always found the PHP manual to be very helpful:
Pete M wrote:

Getting completely confused how this stuff works !!!

Anyone recommend a book for a regex newbie ?

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[PHP] Re: destroy session

2004-02-17 Thread Ben Ramsey
Take a look at the manual.  There is a session_destroy() function:
Natalia Sensini wrote:

I want to destroy a session when you click in a sing out link,
something like this
a href= link
Is ti possible? how?

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[PHP] Re: Ideas on modifying array keys

2004-02-18 Thread Ben Ramsey
You might be able to create some function that uses a combination of 
array_keys(), array_values(), and array_combine() to do what you want. 
Check the manual at for more information on 
these functions.

Gerard Samuel wrote:
Im looking for the fastest way to modify array keys.
For example, changing -
$foo['hello_world'] = 'HELLO WORLD';
$foo['hello'] = 'HELLO WORLD';
The only way I can think of is to loop through the array, 
copying array values to new keys, and unsetting the old key.

Thanks for any insight you may provide...
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Re: [PHP] Re: Ideas on modifying array keys

2004-02-18 Thread Ben Ramsey
I know that it may be somewhat irrelevant to solving the problem at hand 
(and, in fact, I think your current method is probably the best method), 
but I was just wondering why you needed to change the names of your keys 
at all.  Why is it not programmed so that the keys already have the 
names you want them to have?

Gerard Samuel wrote:

On Wednesday 18 February 2004 12:03 pm, Ben Ramsey wrote:

You might be able to create some function that uses a combination of
array_keys(), array_values(), and array_combine() to do what you want.
Check the manual at for more information on
these functions.

True, but I was looking to see if I could avoid running a loop, of which I 
would still have to loop over the result of array_keys() to modify its 
So for now, Im running -
function modify_key($array)
$array = (array)$array;

foreach($array as $key = $value)
if (FALSE === ($pos = $strpos($key, '.')))
$new_key = substr($key, $pos + 1);
$array[ $new_key ] = $value;
unset( $array[ $key ] );
return $array;
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[PHP] Re: sign not posted to next page

2004-02-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
Use the urlencode() function.

Piet From South Africa wrote:
i have the following problem.

when i href like this

 a href=nextpage.php?name=$name

and the name contains a  sign, it does not post it to the next page.

if the name is bedbreakfast it stops at bed.

Can anyone tell me how to do this.
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[PHP] Re: sign not posted to next page

2004-02-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
Use the urlencode() function.

Piet From South Africa wrote:
i have the following problem.

when i href like this

 a href=nextpage.php?name=$name

and the name contains a  sign, it does not post it to the next page.

if the name is bedbreakfast it stops at bed.

Can anyone tell me how to do this.
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[PHP] Re: sign not posted to next page

2004-02-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
Use the urlencode() function.

Piet From South Africa wrote:
i have the following problem.

when i href like this

 a href=nextpage.php?name=$name

and the name contains a  sign, it does not post it to the next page.

if the name is bedbreakfast it stops at bed.

Can anyone tell me how to do this.
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[PHP] Re: Delayed mail()... ?

2004-02-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
Probably the best way to do this is the use cron to schedule a script to 
run at a specified time.

The way I'd do it is to create a PHP script that compares the current 
date with the date they registered (you'd save that date to the 
database, of course).  If the current date is greater than 3 days and 
less than 4 days older than the date they registered, then you'd use 
mail() to send them another message.

Use cron to schedule the script to run the script once every day.

For the PHP script that cron will be running, you'll need to put this 
line in above the first ?php tag:

#!/usr/bin/php -q

That way, it'll execute on the system.  And you may have the chmod the 
file 755, though I can't remember if that's necessary.

Finally, your system must be Linux (or other unix-type system) for this 
to work correctly.  If it's Windows, you can use the task scheduler, but 
I don't think it'll execute the PHP script.

Tristan Pretty wrote:
I've been asked to add a small amount of functionality to a site I've 
(It's a techer at home web site)

Basically, prospective teachers/students, can sign up for more info etc.
Currently, that info is captured, and the site admin people are 
all good so far..

What they've asked for, is that when they reply to the enquiry, they are 
reminded to chase up the enqiry a few days later...
Now I could give them a message on screen, if they happen to be in the 
admin area, but what i'd like to do , is simply mail the admin users, 
after say, 3 days.
regardless if they even visit the admin area at all...

is this possible at all?

I use 12All E-mail software at work, and that has a delayed sending 
option, but [EMAIL PROTECTED] NO idea how it works...

Any suggetions?

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Re: [PHP] Re: Delayed mail()... ?

2004-02-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
You'll be hard pressed to learn about cron at  Still, there may 
be something on it there.  Instead, since cron isn't a PHP function, do 
a google search on cron or cron tutorial to find out how to use it.

Tristan Pretty wrote:

I'm off to, to learn all about cron jobs...
i've never heard ofit ;-)
(I'll come out from under my rock now)
Cheers everyone

20/02/2004 13:36

[EMAIL PROTECTED], Tristan Pretty 

[PHP] Re: Delayed mail()... ?

Probably the best way to do this is the use cron to schedule a script to 
run at a specified time.

The way I'd do it is to create a PHP script that compares the current 
date with the date they registered (you'd save that date to the 
database, of course).  If the current date is greater than 3 days and 
less than 4 days older than the date they registered, then you'd use 
mail() to send them another message.

Use cron to schedule the script to run the script once every day.

For the PHP script that cron will be running, you'll need to put this 
line in above the first ?php tag:

#!/usr/bin/php -q

That way, it'll execute on the system.  And you may have the chmod the 
file 755, though I can't remember if that's necessary.

Finally, your system must be Linux (or other unix-type system) for this 
to work correctly.  If it's Windows, you can use the task scheduler, but 
I don't think it'll execute the PHP script.

Tristan Pretty wrote:

I've been asked to add a small amount of functionality to a site I've 
(It's a techer at home web site)

Basically, prospective teachers/students, can sign up for more info etc.
Currently, that info is captured, and the site admin people are 
all good so far..

What they've asked for, is that when they reply to the enquiry, they are 

reminded to chase up the enqiry a few days later...
Now I could give them a message on screen, if they happen to be in the 
admin area, but what i'd like to do , is simply mail the admin users, 
after say, 3 days.
regardless if they even visit the admin area at all...

is this possible at all?

I use 12All E-mail software at work, and that has a delayed sending 
option, but [EMAIL PROTECTED] NO idea how it works...

Any suggetions?

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the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. 
If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent
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[PHP] Re: hello

2004-02-23 Thread Ben Ramsey
I would advise against sending attachments to the list with the message 
read it immediately.  Chances are, it won't be opened or looked at. 
Please include a description of the problem you are facing, as well as 
the code you are using in your message body--not in an attachment.

read it immediately!
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Re: [PHP] Working with MS-SQL

2004-02-24 Thread Ben Ramsey
As Jay said, check through the manual.  The answers you're looking for 
may be found right here:

Jay Blanchard wrote:
How can we connect to MS-SQL Server ?
What tools ( where can we download ) must be installed ?
Thank a lots.

PS : the php programs under Linux / Unix...
I usually connect to my servers using cables, but YMMV. Might I suggest
that you read some manuals and books? The questions that you are asking
are way too general in nature and are sure to get you flamed (I am
resisting it very much myself). Please visit the php web site, the mysql
web site the m$ sql server web site and your local bookstore on online
 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: PEAR file??

2004-02-25 Thread Ben Ramsey
I'd check with your friend to see if he remembers what PHP software he 
installed.  It's an init.php file in the gallery subfolder?  If he 
doesn't recognize the file as being one he created in the past, then 
perhaps he installed the gallery software from at 
one time?  It's just a guess, and maybe I'm way off, but it's worth a try.

As others mentioned before, it doesn't sound like a PEAR file.

Edward Peloke wrote:
Hello, I have a friend who has moved his website to a new host and I am
helping him clean up some of the code.  In one of his pages, he gets this
error.  He of course, doesn't have the gallery/init.php file in his
directory and it is not on the server.  Does anyone recognize this as a pear
file that I can simply download?
Fatal error: Failed opening required '../gallery/init.php'
(include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in
/home/buildingbymatt/public_html/clients/security.php on line 4
 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: PEAR file??

2004-02-25 Thread Ben Ramsey
It's not a PEAR file.  PEAR files are never included using ..
This is not true.  I can download a PEAR package and use it as a 
standalone in my application without specifying a PEAR folder in the 
include_path in php.ini.  I can also use it without using ini_set() to 
change the include_path.  If I use it in this way, there would be files 
in my application that would need to include it using ..


 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: PHP5: Directory DirectoryIterator

2004-02-25 Thread Ben Ramsey
using PHP5 Beta 4 I saw some new classes like DirectoryIterator with nice
methods like:
Where did you see these classes?  Is it a PEAR package?  I haven't seen 
these in the PHP manual.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: PHP5: Directory DirectoryIterator

2004-02-25 Thread Ben Ramsey
That's some pretty helpful information there.  I didn't know about that. 


Vivian Steller wrote:

Ben Ramsey wrote:

using PHP5 Beta 4 I saw some new classes like DirectoryIterator with nice
methods like:
Where did you see these classes?  Is it a PEAR package?  I haven't seen
these in the PHP manual.

You can find them using the following function:

function printDeclaredClasses() {
$classes = get_declared_classes();
foreach($classes as $class) {
print(\nb . $class . /b\n);
$methods = get_class_methods($class);
foreach($methods as $method) {
print(\t . $method . \n);
make a printDeclaredClasses(), search for DirectoryIterator and you can
see available methods for that class..
 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: PHP5: Directory DirectoryIterator

2004-02-25 Thread Ben Ramsey
When I was looking for information regarding get_declared_classes(), I 
came across these links in the manual.  I hope they help.
Still, I don't think the manual has any documentation yet on 
directoryIterator, and I didn't see it when I used your function on beta 
3 (which is what I'm running at present).  So, it must be brand new.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: values from string query

2004-02-26 Thread Ben Ramsey
You may want to try putting single quotation marks around your values 
and place your array values within curly braces...

VALUES ('{$a_row['p_name']}', '{$a_row['p_company']}',

... and so forth.

Also, try echoing $c_query to see if the values are being stored in the 
variable properly, if you haven't already done so.  If the values aren't 
showing up in the variable, then you definitely need to include the 
curly braces.  If they are showing up, then perhaps MySQL needs the 
single quotation marks.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: Obtaing the URL of current page

2004-02-26 Thread Ben Ramsey
Take a look here, you may find this documentation useful:
Shaun wrote:


How can i obtain the URL of the current page including any $_GET variables?

Thanks for your help
 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: values from string query

2004-02-26 Thread Ben Ramsey
thanx yes i was echoing them and it worked!!
Please remember to include the list on messages.  Does this mean that 
your code now works?  Or it still doesn't work but the values are being 
properly echoed?

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: strstr

2004-02-27 Thread Ben Ramsey
Jakes wrote:
I got this out the manual:

$email = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
$domain = strstr($email, '@');
print $domain; // prints
how do I get the user ranther than @example.comThanks
I would do something like this:

if (preg_match(/^(.*)\@(.*)$/, $email, $matches)) {
// $matches[0] contains the original $email
$user = $matches[1];
$domain = $matches[2];
echo $user . br / . $domain;
Check out the manual for more info on preg_match():
 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: numeric characters

2004-03-02 Thread Ben Ramsey
If you wanted to force them to put in valid numeric characters, you 
would have to use JavaScript (client-side).  However, if you wanted to 
verify the information from the server side, you could use is_numeric() 
to check whether the value is a number.

Dominique Anokre wrote:

Is there a way with php to force the user to put only numeric character in a text field ?


 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: Testing Pear install

2004-03-03 Thread Ben Ramsey
David Jackson wrote:
How can I test to see if and what portions of Pear are installed on a 
vhosted website?

I'm not sure how to tell what portions are installed, exactly, but you 
can test to see whether PEAR itself is installed simply by using

require 'PEAR.php';

If it complains, then it can't find it and it's probably not installed. 
 You can download the PEAR packages yourself, though, drop them into a 
directory in your site (or outside the root of your site), and use 
ini_set() to set your include_path to the directory where your PEAR 
classes reside.  Then you can use PEAR without having to install it.

 Ben Ramsey
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Re: [PHP] HELP! printing Arrays

2004-03-03 Thread Ben Ramsey
I know that others have already helped you learn out to print out an 
array, but you can also use print_r($array); to print out the array. 
It's not useful for the end-user of your application, but it can help 
you out as you're programming.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: server side redirects

2004-03-03 Thread Ben Ramsey
guess this is because I have already output html before this php command
Exactly right.  Why don't you use the header() function at the top of 
the page before sending any other headers?  It will definitely work that 
way.  And if the problem is because you're doing some evaluation down in 
your page, take that evaluation out and bring it up above the headers, 
as well.  I usually do all my page processing and evaluation at the top 
of my pages before I write any HTML.

As for the meta redirect, I'm not sure of any problems there (others 
will likely know better than I), but I think it's best to have your 
application do the redirect from the server-side rather than the 
client-side.  If your evaluation is high enough in the page to know to 
print the meta redirect tag, then you can probably afford to move it 
just a few lines higher than the html tag and use header() instead. 
Doing things on the server-side is always best and more secure; 
end-users are less likely to be able to screw things up.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] php/mssql character limit?

2004-03-05 Thread Ben Ramsey
Anyone know of any kind of character limit in php or mssql (yes, 
Microsoft SQL Server) for entering long text into a text column (of 
around 4,055 characters in length--that's where it's cutting off)?

 Ben Ramsey
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Re: [PHP] UK Bank Holidays 2

2004-03-05 Thread Ben Ramsey
WTF? isnt this the second time today this has appeared on the list?

Dude, other than the people in the UK nobody cares about
UK bank google for this query and maybe someone from
there has written something for it..or read the manual a couple of times and
you'll see that the bottom question is a real dumb one.
Ryan:  Well, that's not a very nice way to treat someone on the list, 
even if it was the second time you'd seen the question in the same day 
or even if it was a question that is obviously in the manual.  Some 
people are just at different proficiencies in their learning process and 
don't yet know to go to the manual for certain questions.  If we treated 
every newbie like this, then we wouldn't have people coding in PHP!

Shaun: Consequently, the question was a valid one that the manual could 
not answer, and the short answer is, no.  PHP does not have an 
intrensic way of telling on what dates UK banking holidays fall (mainly 
because not everyone coding PHP lives in the UK).  You will need to 
write your own function for this.  The easiest way would be to just look 
at a calendar for several years in advance and just plug all the dates 
into an array and test the array to see if today's day is in there.  If 
it is, then today is a banking holiday.

Hope that helps.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: extra breaks in sent out emails

2004-03-06 Thread Ben Ramsey
Could you post the code you're using to write your $_POST variable to 
the e-mail message?  I seem to remember coming across a problem like 
this in the past, and I'd like to see your code to see if it jogs my memory.


BTW, it shouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you're entering 
the data into a form from a Windows computer and processing it with a 
script on a UNIX machine.

Scott Taylor wrote:

I am entering some text into a webpage, then using $_POST on the next 
page to recieve it.  It then should email the $_POST to an email 
address.  The problem that I am encountering is that I am getting an 
extra line break on every line.

If I enter

into the textarea (which is the variable through POST) and do a 
character count it only shows 3 - the a, the \n, the b.  Yet in the 
email address it comes out as:



Why is this?

BTW: I am on a windows computer but the server is a unix server.

Best Regards,

 Ben Ramsey
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Re: [PHP] UK Bank Holidays 2

2004-03-06 Thread Ben Ramsey
Ryan A wrote:
Wowee..Now isnt this a nice response with people taking sides and
everything. :-)
Ryan, I want to officially apologize since it appears that I started 
this mess.  To me, it just appeared that you were flaming someone, and 
while perhaps for good cause (since he posted two threads to the list 
about the same topic only a matter of a few hours apart), I just felt it 
was uncalled for on the list.  However, I didn't mean to start a war or 
to act as a sort of police.  So, I'm sorry.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: extra breaks in sent out emails

2004-03-07 Thread Ben Ramsey
Scott Taylor wrote:
What I really don't understand is why there are any line breaks at all, 
because the trim is supposed to take out all \r  \n 's.  Is there 
another type of line break?
trim() actually only strips whitespace (including \r and \n) from the 
beginning and ending of strings.  See for more 

If you want to completely remove line breaks from your string, use 
str_replace() to do something like: str_replace(\n, , $string); and 
str_replace(\r, , $string);  See

Finally, have you tried echoing $body just before the message is sent so 
that you can see exactly what is being sent to the mail() function?

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: extra breaks in sent out emails

2004-03-07 Thread Ben Ramsey
I cannot believe that the server converts \r's to \n's.  \n does not 
count as two breaks, either.  \r stands for carriage return and \n 
stands for newline.  Even if they are placed side-by-side (e.g. \r\n), 
they should only count as one line.  Unless I knew more about your code 
or your application, I could not determine what was causing the double 
line break.

Scott Taylor wrote:

Thank you Ben.  Using either str_replace(\n, , $string); or 
str_replace(\r, , $string); solves the problem.  My guess is that 
when I submit the data there is both the \r and the \n in there (for 
there showed 2 white space characters in between the broken text 
lines).  My guess is that the server converts all \r's into \n's, and 
for this reason when a piece of mail goes out it has two breaks instead 
of one.

Best Regards, and thank you for the help,

Scott Taylor

Ben Ramsey wrote:

Scott Taylor wrote:

What I really don't understand is why there are any line breaks at 
all, because the trim is supposed to take out all \r  \n 's.  Is 
there another type of line break?

trim() actually only strips whitespace (including \r and \n) from the 
beginning and ending of strings.  See for more 

If you want to completely remove line breaks from your string, use 
str_replace() to do something like: str_replace(\n, , $string); 
and str_replace(\r, , $string);  See

Finally, have you tried echoing $body just before the message is sent 
so that you can see exactly what is being sent to the mail() function?

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: RFC: Job listings

2004-03-07 Thread Ben Ramsey

I think this really depends on how we get the word out to employers 
about this service.  I, for one, hope to use the new Atlanta PHP 
( group as a resource not only to educate and 
network PHP developers, but as a way to bring knowledge of PHP to the 
business world in the southeastern US.  I think that local user groups 
worldwide will need to take part in promoting such a thing to the local 
business owners.


Anders Hellström wrote:


I'm one of the volunteers working on

There's been some talk about having a Job Listings section on the site, something along the lines of, and We're wondering how much interest there is in such a service. I'm sure all the unemployed PHP developers on the list would like it, if companies actually used it. So the biggest question is probably if companies looking to hire PHP developers would use it.

I would really appreciate it if you could reply to this message, off-list, if you're interested in this or have anything to say on the topic. Please mention in what way you're interested, if you're in a position to hire people, looking for work, etc. Anything you feel is relevant.

All comments are welcome, both positive and negative.

I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looking forward to reading your comments!

Thanks in advance,

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: php/mssql character limit?

2004-03-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
I posted this message the other day, and no one has responded.  I'm 
replying to it to refresh it in the list.  I guess if no one responds or 
helps me out this time, then I'll just forget about it and let my client 
go unhappy.  ;-)  Seriously, if anyone can help me out, I would be much 

Ben Ramsey wrote:
Anyone know of any kind of character limit in php or mssql (yes, 
Microsoft SQL Server) for entering long text into a text column (of 
around 4,055 characters in length--that's where it's cutting off)?

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: php/mssql character limit?

2004-03-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
I am using a text column type.  I had always though that the max size 
for varchars was 255.

Vincent DUPONT wrote:
are you using a 'Text' or a 'varchar' column type?
I guess the max size for varchars is 4000; text should be larger

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: varchar size mssql

2004-03-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
The problem is that I want to stick with standard SQL.  I would assume 
that convert() is a MS SQL Server function, and, thus, not standard 
(will not work in other database formats).

Did what you read mention why the data was being truncated?  Perhaps if 
I knew why, then I could fix it.

Jason Davidson wrote:

I read that the varchar size for ms sql is 8000 limit.
i also read that someone having a problem with it getting truncated
fixed his problem by using convert(text, $value) in the sql statement..
 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: varchar size mssql

2004-03-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
That's fine.  What I was specifically looking for was whether there was 
some sort of setting I was missing in php.ini, since I know that the 
database is accepting large text just fine.

Thanks for the help, though.  I guess I'll scrounge around elsewhere.

Jay Blanchard wrote:

The problem is that I want to stick with standard SQL.  I would assume 
that convert() is a MS SQL Server function, and, thus, not standard 
(will not work in other database formats).

Did what you read mention why the data was being truncated?  Perhaps if 
I knew why, then I could fix it.

Since this is not a PHP issue may I refer you to ? You will find a truckload of information
there as well as tons by searching Google for 'Microsoft SQL Server
column types'
 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: php/mssql character limit?

2004-03-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
That's precisely what I was looking for, Alex!  I must have overlooked 
it when skimming through php.ini.


Alex Hogan wrote:

Hi Ben,

The setting in the php.ini is;

mssql.textlimit = 4096

Reset that value to what you want.  I have mine set to 400.
Valid range 0 - 2147483647
alex hogan

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Why is this happening

2004-03-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
This happens because register_globals is turned off in php.ini.  In 
fact, it's best to leave it this way.  Read the manual to find out why:

Bryan Bateman wrote:

This does not work:
require('languages/' . $language . '/' . basename($PHP_SELF));
This does:
require('languages/' . $language . '/' . basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: date() before 1 Jan 1970...

2004-03-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
Check out the manual:
Theoretically, this should work:
$old_date = strtotime(January 1, 1903 18:11 pm);
echo date(Y-m-d H:i:s, $old_date);
But all that echoes is:
1969-12-31 18:59:59
On that manual page, you'll see the following note:

Note:  The valid range of a timestamp is typically from Fri, 13 Dec 1901 
20:45:54 GMT to Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT. (These are the dates that 
correspond to the minimum and maximum values for a 32-bit signed 
integer.) Additionally, not all platforms support negative timestamps, 
therefore your date range may be limited to no earlier than the Unix 
epoch. This means that e.g. dates prior to Jan 1, 1970 will not work on 
Windows, some Linux distributions, and a few other operating systems.

I'm not sure whether there is a good work-around for converting that 
string to a timestamp; however, this does work and will produce the 
desired results:

$old_date = mktime(0, 11, 18, 1, 1, 1903);
echo date(Y-m-d H:i:s, $old_date);
Adwinwijaya wrote:

Hello php-general,

  how to display date like Monday, 1 January 1903 18:11 pm in php ?
  (since the date() function only able to display date before 1970)
  (and why it only support date after 1 Jan 1970) ?
 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: date() before 1 Jan 1970...

2004-03-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
Ben Ramsey wrote:
$old_date = mktime(0, 11, 18, 1, 1, 1903);
echo date(Y-m-d H:i:s, $old_date);
Argh!  I had the numbers reversed.  It should be:
$old_date = mktime(18, 11, 0, 1, 1, 1903);
But you get the idea...

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] use of @ operator to suppress errors

2004-03-15 Thread Ben Joyce

i'm using error_reporting(0) and set_error_handler(MyErrorHandler) to
manage my errors but I'm getting situations where a NOTICE error is thrown.

For example if I refer to $_GET['this'] when there is no 'this' querystring
key then i get the error.

I've tried using @$_GET['this'] but it makes no difference.

Is this normal?

Thanks in advance.


p.s. PHP 4.3.4 on Windows 2003

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Re: [PHP] use of @ operator to suppress errors

2004-03-15 Thread Ben Joyce
Richard, Tom, and Stuart... thanks for your responses much appreciated.

I shall now go and fiddle.



- Original Message - 
From: Tom Meinlschmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] use of @ operator to suppress errors

 Yes, it's normal.

 You've to check if is that variable set if (isset($_GET['this'])) and than
you didn't get any
 NOTICE about that undefined variable.

 condition if ($_GET['this']) is not sufficient to check whether is
variable set or not.


 On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 11:43:24 -
 Ben Joyce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  i'm using error_reporting(0) and set_error_handler(MyErrorHandler) to
  manage my errors but I'm getting situations where a NOTICE error is
  For example if I refer to $_GET['this'] when there is no 'this'
  key then i get the error.
  I've tried using @$_GET['this'] but it makes no difference.
  Is this normal?
  Thanks in advance.
  p.s. PHP 4.3.4 on Windows 2003
  PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] use of @ operator to suppress errors

2004-03-15 Thread Ben Joyce
Hmm.  I'm confused.

This page...

...says that you can prepend the @ operator to a variable.  So with
@$_GET['this'] it should suppress the NOTICE error if 'this' doesn't exist.

I've done some testing:

Test #1

echo $_GET['test'];

This generates an on-screen error.

Test #2

echo @$_GET['test'];

The error is suppressed.

If I elect to use a custom error handler then i always get an error
generated.  It makes no difference what the error level is or whether I use
the @ operator.

echo @$_GET['test'];

echo @$_GET['test'];

echo $_GET['test'];

echo $_GET['test'];

They all have the same result.

I suppose I could handle this in my error handling function, ignoring any
NOTICE errors, but ideally I'd like to leave it as-is and suppress them when

I'm not sure if I'm making much sense.  Any help appreciated!



- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] use of @ operator to suppress errors

 Ben Joyce wrote:
  i'm using error_reporting(0) and set_error_handler(MyErrorHandler) to
  manage my errors but I'm getting situations where a NOTICE error is
  For example if I refer to $_GET['this'] when there is no 'this'
  key then i get the error.
  I've tried using @$_GET['this'] but it makes no difference.
  Is this normal?

 Yes it is. When you use set_error_handler all errors, warnings and
 notices cause your handler to be called. To detect the use of the @
 prefix check the value of error_reporting in your handler - it will be 0
 if @ has been used.

 Richard Davey wrote:
   Yes because @ suppresses the errors on function calls, not variables
   (which is all $_GET['this'] is).

 On the contrary, the @ prefix suppresses all errors for the block of
 code it precedes where a block is a function or variable. Essentially it
 sets error_reporting to 0 while it evaluates that block.


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Re: [PHP] use of @ operator to suppress errors

2004-03-15 Thread Ben Joyce
Many Thanks Nikolay.

It seems then that if I'm to avoid the NOTICE errors then isset() should be
used as suggested earlier.  Not the greatest solution but a working one.

Thanks to all.


- Original Message - 
From: Nikolay Bachiyski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] use of @ operator to suppress errors

 - Original Message -
 From: Ben Joyce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 2:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] use of @ operator to suppress errors

  Hmm.  I'm confused.
  This page...
  ...says that you can prepend the @ operator to a variable.  So with
  @$_GET['this'] it should suppress the NOTICE error if 'this' doesn't
  I've done some testing:
  Test #1
  echo $_GET['test'];
  This generates an on-screen error.
  Test #2
  echo @$_GET['test'];
  The error is suppressed.
  If I elect to use a custom error handler then i always get an error
  generated.  It makes no difference what the error level is or whether I
  the @ operator.
  echo @$_GET['test'];
  echo @$_GET['test'];
  echo $_GET['test'];
  echo $_GET['test'];
  They all have the same result.
  I suppose I could handle this in my error handling function, ignoring
  NOTICE errors, but ideally I'd like to leave it as-is and suppress them

  I'm not sure if I'm making much sense.  Any help appreciated!
  - Original Message -
  From: Stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 12:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [PHP] use of @ operator to suppress errors
   Ben Joyce wrote:
i'm using error_reporting(0) and set_error_handler(MyErrorHandler)
manage my errors but I'm getting situations where a NOTICE error is
For example if I refer to $_GET['this'] when there is no 'this'
key then i get the error.
I've tried using @$_GET['this'] but it makes no difference.
Is this normal?
   Yes it is. When you use set_error_handler all errors, warnings and
   notices cause your handler to be called. To detect the use of the @
   prefix check the value of error_reporting in your handler - it will be
   if @ has been used.
   Richard Davey wrote:
 Yes because @ suppresses the errors on function calls, not
 (which is all $_GET['this'] is).
   On the contrary, the @ prefix suppresses all errors for the block of
   code it precedes where a block is a function or variable. Essentially
   sets error_reporting to 0 while it evaluates that block.
   PHP General Mailing List (
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  PHP General Mailing List (
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 When you are using set_error_handler, the standart PHP error handler is
 completely bypassed. Both the error_reporting value (saved in php.ini and
 set by the error_reporting() function) and the @ operator will have no
 effect onto your handler. Actually the @ error-control operator just sets
 error_reporting to 0 while the expression to which it is prepeneded is

 Of course you still could fit your handler to use the error_reporting
 and take the appropriate action.


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Re: [PHP] Switching First Last Names in List

2004-03-16 Thread Ben Ramsey
This works rather nicely, too:

$list = Firstname1 LastName1
Firstname2 Lastname2;
$name_array = array();
$temp_array = explode(\n, $list);
foreach ($temp_array as $name) {
$name_array[] = explode( , $name);
$name_array is now a multi-dimensional array with the first and last 
names separated.  print_r should show you the values.

Richard Davey wrote:
Hello Jeff,

Tuesday, March 16, 2004, 3:24:57 PM, you wrote:

JO If I have a list like this:
JO Firstname1 LastName1
JO Firstname2 Lastname2
JO etc.
JO I can split the names by \n to put them into
JO an array which will then be output into an option
JO list for a form. But how do I reverse the names
JO so that the last name is first? Also, how do I
JO handle people with three names? Thanks.
function swap ($name)
$tmp_name = trim($name);
$pos = strrpos($tmp_name,  );
$first_name = substr($tmp_name, 0, $pos);
$surname = substr($tmp_name, $pos);
$name = $surname, $first_name;
$raw_names = richard davey
susannah davey
jeff oien
willy three names
jack van-der-meet;
$names = explode(\n, $raw_names);

echo pre;
array_walk($names, 'swap');

echo /pre;
The echo and print_r lines are to show you what it has done.
The $raw_names should be your list of names.
 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Switching First Last Names in List

2004-03-16 Thread Ben Ramsey
 JO so that the last name is first? Also, how do I
 JO handle people with three names? Thanks.
I missed this part, so here's my take with the solution I provided (I'm 
including the print-out of the option tags):

foreach ($name_array as $person) {
$lastname_element = count($person) - 1; //index of last element
echo option . $person[$lastname_element] . , ;
echo $person[0] . /option\n; //zero (0) is the first name
Ben Ramsey wrote:

This works rather nicely, too:

$list = Firstname1 LastName1
Firstname2 Lastname2;
$name_array = array();
$temp_array = explode(\n, $list);
foreach ($temp_array as $name) {
$name_array[] = explode( , $name);
$name_array is now a multi-dimensional array with the first and last 
names separated.  print_r should show you the values.

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: js date picker

2004-03-17 Thread Ben Ramsey
This is a wee bit off topic, seeing as how this is a PHP mailing list. 
We'll be happy to help with PHP-related questions.  As for JavaScript 
stuff, use Google to find a good resource.  :-)

Luis Mirabal wrote:

anyone knows a good javascript date picker, i need it to be compatible with
all major browsers
 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Replace space from form field using preg_replace

2004-03-17 Thread Ben Ramsey
If you're doing this to pass it through a URL, then use urlencode()
Vernon wrote:

I want to be able to replace a space that comes from a form field (such as
in 123 My Street) with a + sign.
Can anyone help me with this?

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Stupid question

2004-03-17 Thread Ben Ramsey
If you were going to call that function you would use $this-testfunc(); 
You're on the right track.  If you're going to call that function (or 
method) from within the class, then you use the $this.  Also, you can 
use $this to access member variables from within the class.  Outside of 
the class, you would need to access those methods or variables using the 
name of the object.

Don't be afraid to contribute!  It will even help you grow as a 
programmer to try to help others solve their coding problems.

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: js date picker

2004-03-17 Thread Ben Ramsey
If your question was about using dates in PHP, then by all means, ask it 
here.  But I understood your question to be about dates with Javascript. 
 Be specific with your question so people don't pass it off as being 
off topic.

Luis Mirabal wrote:
i am using it from a php program... maybe i was not clear enough... but
thanx, i found some at
 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Stupid question

2004-03-17 Thread Ben Ramsey
With PHP 5 looming on the horizon (and even many already using it), it'd 
be a good idea to go ahead and learn OOP now.  ;-)

Jeff McKeon wrote:

Ewe... OOP

Ok, I guess I'll have to learn OOP.  

Thanks for the info!


 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] The convension

2004-03-17 Thread Ben Ramsey
And if you want the actual text $variable to be displayed, just use 
the backslash before the dollar symbol (e.g. \$variable).

Chris W. Parker wrote:

Chris W. Parker 
on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:38 PM said:

it's choking on the $variable you've got in your heredoc text. you've
probably got error reporting turned up so that it coughs on those
kinds of errors. notice it didn't cause your program to fail.

i should also say.. if you put something like '$variable = text;'
above your heredoc, it'll probably work fine. of course it interpolates
variables so it will replace $variable with text when it's displayed.
 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] PHP encounters Access Violation

2004-03-19 Thread Ben Ramsey
What does this error mean?

PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 0177A8B4

I get it intermittently from pages in phpOpenTracker that call the 
jpgraph functions.  It's just a blank white page with that error, and 
that doesn't help me out at all.  I'm running Windows Server 2003/IIS 6 
with PHP 5RC1.

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: PHP encounters Access Violation

2004-03-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
Ben Ramsey wrote:
What does this error mean?

PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 0177A8B4

I get it intermittently from pages in phpOpenTracker that call the 
jpgraph functions.  It's just a blank white page with that error, and 
that doesn't help me out at all.  I'm running Windows Server 2003/IIS 6 
with PHP 5RC1.

I just wanted to freshen this post once more since no one's responded. 
Perhaps it just means that no one knows?  I've tried Googling on this, 
but not much has turned up in the way of help.

Also, I forgot to mention, but I'm running PHP 5RC1 as an ISAPI module 
and not CGI.  Not sure if that helps.

Again, this problem is intermittent and does not occur all the time 
(even when calling the same pages--sometimes I the graph generates 
correctly, sometimes I get this error).  I have narrowed down the error 
to occurring only with the graph script.

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Scheduling PHP on Windows

2004-03-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
I know how to run a PHP script as a cron job on a *nix machine.  So, 
does anyone know how to use the Task Scheduler on Windows to do the 
same?  Or is it even possible?

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Function to check a valid date

2004-03-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
Your likely to find many ways to do this and many functions with many 
lines of code that do many variations of what you want.  Can I use the 
word many many more times?

Such is the way with programming.

Here's my take on it.  Pull all your values into one long string:

$date_string = {$_POST[week_day]}, {$_POST[month]} {$_POST[day]}, 

Now, you have a string in the format Saturday, March 20, 2004.

Now, use strtotime() to figure out whether it's a valid date:

if (($timestamp = strtotime($date_string)) === -1) {
// Not a valid date; do some error reporting here
} else {
// It is a valid date, $timestamp is now a valid Unix
// timestamp of $date_string; use it like below:
echo date(m/d/Y, $timestamp);
See also

Chris Bruce wrote:

Hello all,

I was going to build a function to check whether a selected date exists, 
but thought that I would see if anyone has done this type of thing 
already which would indeed save me some time.

I have a form where the users select the day of the week, month, date 
and year from 4 pulldowns. (Saturday, March 20, 2004). I need to have a 
function that will check to see if that is indeed a real date.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Thanks a bunch :)


Chris Bruce
E-Business Architects
3282 Wilmar Cres.
Mississauga, ON

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 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: CMS Templating with Standards Based HTML Delima...

2004-03-20 Thread Ben Ramsey

The question you ask is an important one.  Is there a CMS out there that 
meets your client's needs that you don't have to write from scratch?  In 
short, the answer is no.  I've sifted through mounds and mounds of 
CMSes, and I haven't found one that I really like.  It's really up to 
your own tastes and the requirements of the project.  I've always had to 
write one from scratch due to project requirements.  Though, I hope to 
eliminate that need in the future with the CMS I am currently developing.

So, how can I help you?  I can't tell you the name of an end-all-be-all 
CMS solution.  But I can point you to a place to look for open-source 
solutions.  That place is  Go there and search 
Software/Group for Content Management.  You'll get tons of results. 
Sift through those results and try the ones that sound like they fit 
your needs.  There're are a couple of notable ones that may fit your 
requirements (e.g. phpWebSite boasts compliant XHTML 1.0 output--though 
I've never tried it).


Adam Reiswig wrote:

I have just been to looking under their php area for good 
cms software.  The sheer number of choices is staggering to say the 
least.  I found Smarty and it seems like it might make a good choice for 
my needs.   I am really looking to fill two needs.

One, a robust cms in which I can create standards based web templates 
(ie, table less layouts using xhtml strict and css)

and Two, an easy method in which my clients can still edit their own 
content with out having to learn anything new, or at least as little as 
possible.  Some sort of wysiwyg would be great if that's possible with 
out conflicting with existing css styles and as long as it didn't insert 
font tags and tables all over.

Is there a good open source php based cms system out there that can do 
the above?  I'd sure like to know about it.  Thanks for any pointers!

-Adam R.
 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: Comparing values / Regex ?

2004-03-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
Please reply to the list so that everyone may benefit from your questions.

 --- Ben Ramsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here's my take on it.  Pull all your values into one
long string:


if (($timestamp = strtotime($date_string)) === -1) {
 // Not a valid date; do some error reporting
} else {
 // It is a valid date, $timestamp is now a
valid Unix
 // timestamp of $date_string; use it like
 echo date(m/d/Y, $timestamp);

Is that an error - Or propper PHP code ? 

Ive seen $a == 34 etc - with TWO equals signs. - But
havnt seen it with 3 before.
Yes, it's proper code.  See the manual for more details.
- Has PHP got 'regex' capability -  comparing text
case IN-sensitivly ?? IE Cat equals CaT equals
cat equals CAT..
Also Cat in the hat is TRUE - if I 'regex'  want to
see if 'Cat' is in the string (case in-sensitive)...
Indeed.  PHP does have regex capability.  You should take a good look at 
the manual.  It will answer all of your questions.

Perl-compatible regular expressions:
POSIX Extended regular expressions:
I would suggest using PCRE.  There is a increased speed performance 
difference, I believe.  You can perform case insensitive and case 
sensitive searches with PCRE.  Just read the manual, and ask here if you 
have any questions with code after that.

Also, note that (cat == cat) but (Cat != CaT).  However, I 
wouldn't do a string comparison like that, though PHP is definately 
capable of it.  I would use strcmp() or strcasecmp(), the latter of 
which is case insensitive.  Check the manual for their usage, and note 
that they return zero (0) on true.

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: php and CSS level 2

2004-03-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
Why not just make your CSS script end with the .php extension instead of 
.css?  Then, the server will automatically parse it (most likely it 
will--depending on your server setup, of course).  You can link to it 
from your HTML page like you would your CSS:

style type=text/css
@import url(/path/to/css.php);

link href=/path/to/css.php rel=stylesheet type=text/css /

Aidan Lister wrote:

Your question indicates you have very little understanding of what PHP
actually is.
PHP will be parsed anywhere in any script, as long as your webserver is set
to parse that type of file (ie, .php by default).
1. In your webserver config you need to make .css files parsed by php
2. Like you've done in your code snip?
I suggest you a) read the manual b) experiment before asking further

Andy B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
was just wondering if php will work inside a CSS level 2 style sheet?? for
?php ?
style type=text/css
if(!empty($name)){ ?
input#name {
display: none }
?php } else { ?
input#name {
font-family: Arial, serif;
font-size: 12pt;
color: blue;
background-color: transparent;
. }
?php } ?
/*rest of style sheet */
if this will work i was wondering 2 things:

1. how would i have to set it up to work right with the style sheet with php
in it to work as a seperate file from the html file
2. how would i set the style sheet up to work inside the original html/php
file that contained the original html code...

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Upload file field not working as a form element

2004-03-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
Could you post both your HTML form code and the PHP code you're using to 
handle the file upload.  Also, just to make sure I understand what 
you're trying to do, you want to insert the uploaded file into a MySQL 

Vernon wrote:
As much as I try I cannot get a file field in a form inserted into a MySQL
record. I've even tried to get it to echo to the page when the page is
submitted to itself and it's not reading the field.
What am I missing here?
 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: php and CSS level 2

2004-03-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
RD I do wonder if either of the above methods would force the
RD browser to never cache the CSS file locally
You know, I didn't think about that, as I've never personally used this 
method.  I've never had a need.  Thinking about it now, I would also 
think that you may need to send a content-type header of text/css to 
the browser, as well, though I'm not positive on this.

OT -- Consequently, I've had a lot of trouble with IE caching any CSS 
file for a site I'm working on.  Works perfectly in Mozilla, but IE has 
all sorts of bugs.  It's loading the page before the CSS every time, so 
you get this flash of unformatted data.  The client and most of their 
site users use IE, so I have to make it work.  My boss found an odd 
work-around, though.  If you put script type=text/javascript 
/script at the very top, just inside the head tag, then it will 
work just fine and load in the CSS first every time.  I don't know the 
logic behind it, but, if it's IE, does there have to be any logic?  ;-)

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Decoding a URL without decoding values

2004-03-21 Thread Ben Ramsey
I've got a querystring that looks like this:
As you can gather, I'm trying to pass a URL to another script for some 
processing.  Before I urlencode() the URL and pass it to the query 
string, it looks like this:

As you can see, there are already encoded entities in the URL, which are 
further encoded when passed through urlencode().  The problem I'm having 
 is that when I urldecode() the string from $_GET[url], I get the 
following string:  

It's similar, but the category variable is now Recreation  Parks when 
it needs to be Recreation+%26+Parks.  When I try to use 
file_get_contents() on this string, I get nothing because of the 
ampersand and spaces in the URL.

Is there a way to urldecode() $_GET[url] and still retain its original 
encoded entities so that I can use it again as a valid URL?

 Ben Ramsey
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Re: [PHP] 9 Months Ago

2004-03-21 Thread Ben Ramsey
Marek Kilimajer wrote:
Jeff Oien wrote:

When I do this:
$lastmonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date(m)-9, date(d),  date(Y));

this will not work most of the year, if current month is August or less, 
the month value will be negative.

Use strtotime('-9 months') instead.
This code works just fine for me:

$nine_months_ago = mktime(0, 0, 0, date(m)-9, date(d),  date(Y));
echo date(m/d/Y, $nine_months_ago);
If today is March 21, 2004, then this outputs 06/21/2003.  That's 
exactly nine months ago.


 Ben Ramsey
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Re: [PHP] Decoding a URL without decoding values

2004-03-21 Thread Ben Ramsey
JW You can base64_encode() it.

Hadn't thought of that.  Works perfect!  Thanks!

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] RE: Randomly expired session cookies

2004-03-22 Thread Ben Ford
I have noticed behavior like yours with our server setup.  It is not a locally 
run (or owned) server so I cannot poke around to much.  

The session is timing out Randomly, causing our users to have to login again.
It doesn't happen all the time either.  In a rare case, less than a minute 
after login, I'll be forced to login again.

Just to be sure I've set the following HUGE timeouts:
session_set_cookie_params( 21600 ); 
session_cache_expire( 21600 );

This is ridicules I know, but I left it just for kicks.

I don't know the load averages of the server and I'm very curious to find out 
if this is part of the issue.

The server has PHP Version 4.2.3 installed on Linux w/ Apache.
I'm not sure what version of Apache is installed.

One last tidbit. I run the same site ( a mirror) locally while developing, and 
It never times out.

Disclaimer: I'm not an expert (yet) so my problem could be caused by some 
completely unrelated setting.  If someone knows of this mystery setting, 
please let me know.

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Re: [PHP] how can I get the id of the last record I inserted into a table with an insert query?

2004-03-29 Thread Ben Joyce

mysql_insert_id() should do what you need.

lovely function, that one.



Diana Castillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 how can I get the id of the last record I inserted into a table with an
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[PHP] Problem accessing an array inside if/switch

2004-03-29 Thread Ben Ramsey
One of my co-workers posted this to PHPBuilder, and I'm posting it here. 
 It's a problem that's baffling the snot out of us.  It's an array that 
you can print_r() from outside an if or switch/case statement, but from 
inside, it seems unaccessible.  His post follows:

Ok Background:
Database: MS SQL
$block_data is pulled from the database and stored earlier on. The 
datatype of ranges is int.

$events is a multi-dimensional array also pulled from the database.


Whenever I try to print the varible $events inside an ( if ) statement 
or a ( case ) statement it appers to be blank, or inaccessible.

$myBlock = $block_data[0][ranges];
//$myBlock= 6;// Un-comment this and the print_r($events) inside the 
if statement prints out correctly.
//$myArray = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);//Change the print_r($events) 
inside to $myArray and uncomment this and it works fine.

print_r($events);// This prints out fine.
if ($myBlock == 6)
echo $block_data[0][ranges].br;// This has a value of 6
print_r($events);// This prints out Array()
print_r($events);// This prints out fine.
As you see it appears that the problem lies some how with two varibles 
that are pulled from the database. However, it should not make a 
difference as they are both correctly set before AND after the if statement.

Any ideas on this i'm lost.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: Simple one I think

2004-03-29 Thread Ben Ramsey
DC I get and output of [0][0][0][1][1][1][2][2][2] why ?

Try putting curly braces around your variables.  Like this:


 Ben Ramsey
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Re: [PHP] find string position using reg exp

2004-03-29 Thread Ben Ramsey
RD Why use a regular expression?
RD strpos() will do this just fine.
strpos() will do it just fine, but if you need to use a regular 
expression to match a specific pattern and return the location in the 
string, preg_match() will also do this when you use the flag 

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: why won't mssql work?

2004-03-29 Thread Ben Ramsey
EP I know I am missing a stupid step but I have php_mssql.dll in my
EP php extensions folder and have uncommented the line in the ini
EP file yet it still doesn't recognize the functions.  Do I need to
EP do something else?
First of all, the obvious: make sure extension_dir in php.ini is set to 
the correct extensions directory.  Also, did you restart IIS after you 
made the changes to php.ini?  Evertime you change php.ini, you need to 
restart IIS.

Secondly, for MS SQL extensions to work, you need to place ntwdblib.dll 
in the WINDOWS/System32 folder (the location could differ depending on 
your platform) on the machine that is running PHP.

Then, restart IIS.

 Ben Ramsey
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Re: [PHP] Re: why won't mssql work?

2004-03-29 Thread Ben Ramsey
EP And as far as IIS, I am running apache.

Heh.  Well, then I guess I can't help you there, as I've never run 
Apache on a Windows machine.  :-)

Sorry.  I hope someone else can help.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: STOP to send me mails !!!! Re: [PHP] Re: list to array help

2004-03-29 Thread Ben Ramsey
W I do not want to receive  all these email 
W  Please STOP 
WDo not use the global list for your discussion
What else is the global list for, then?  Perhaps you need to sign up for 
the digested version or browse the mailing list as a newsgroup instead 
of selecting to receive every message.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: Problem accessing an array inside if/switch

2004-03-29 Thread Ben Ramsey
Haven't heard any response on this yet, but we have been playing around 
with it.  Here's our latest development:

$myBlock = $block_data[0][ranges];
if ($myBlock == 6)
echo 6 passes;
if ($myBlock != 6)
echo not 6 passes;
Guest what?  Both statements pass.  It should be one or the other, but 
both pass.

What the heck is going on.  I've looked in the database, and the value 
for that column is of type int and the value is exactly 6.  See below 
for the earlier details of the problem.

Is this a bug in PHP 5?

Ben Ramsey wrote:
One of my co-workers posted this to PHPBuilder, and I'm posting it here. 
 It's a problem that's baffling the snot out of us.  It's an array that 
you can print_r() from outside an if or switch/case statement, but from 
inside, it seems unaccessible.  His post follows:

Ok Background:
Database: MS SQL
$block_data is pulled from the database and stored earlier on. The 
datatype of ranges is int.

$events is a multi-dimensional array also pulled from the database.


Whenever I try to print the varible $events inside an ( if ) statement 
or a ( case ) statement it appers to be blank, or inaccessible.

$myBlock = $block_data[0][ranges];
//$myBlock= 6;// Un-comment this and the print_r($events) inside the 
if statement prints out correctly.
//$myArray = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);//Change the print_r($events) 
inside to $myArray and uncomment this and it works fine.

print_r($events);// This prints out fine.
if ($myBlock == 6)
echo $block_data[0][ranges].br;// This has a value of 6
print_r($events);// This prints out Array()
print_r($events);// This prints out fine.
As you see it appears that the problem lies some how with two varibles 
that are pulled from the database. However, it should not make a 
difference as they are both correctly set before AND after the if 

Any ideas on this i'm lost.

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: Simple one I think

2004-03-30 Thread Ben Ramsey
DC Thanks for the help but adding curly dose not seem to work.
DC Any ideas why ?
DC I get and output of [0][0][0][1][1][1][2][2][2] why ?
BR Try putting curly braces around your variables.  Like this:
BR {$val[name][$i]}
Please reply to the list so that others can help you out, as well--and 
so others can learn from your questions, if they happen to have the same 

All right, I've taken a closer look at the code, and here's what's going 

When you do foreach($vocals as $val), it only sees 3 rows in $vocals, 
one for name, one for skill, and one for fee.  You can see this when you 
do print_r($vocals).  Thus, it can't find $val[name][$i] or any of the 
other variables because they don't exist in $val.  You could change it 
to $val[$i], but then you're table would print out like this:

Jonny FlashJonny FlashJonny Flash
77 77 77
39000  39000  39000
So, now you see a little bit of where the problem is.  You need to 
rework your foreach to get things right.  There are several ways you can 
do this.  One is to store your array differently, like this:

$vocals = array(
  array('name' = 'Jonny Flash', 'skill' = 87, 'fee' = 22000),
  array('name' = 'Bill Banger', 'skill' = 77, 'fee' = 18500),
  array('name' = 'Sarah Jane', 'skill' = 93, 'fee' = 39000)
Then, you would print it out like this:

$rows = table;
foreach($vocals as $val){
 $rows .= 
$rows .= /table;
echo $rows;
Another way, using the same array you had, would be to print it out like 

$rows = table;
for ($i = 0; $i  count($vocals['name']); $i++) {
 $rows .= 
$rows .= /table;
echo $rows;
However, I feel that it is more logical and easier to use to store the 
array in the way I suggested above.

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] running php in sequence

2004-03-30 Thread Ben Joyce
I'd recommend that you build a set of functions (or a class) to do your bits
and pieces, rather than include blocks of code.  That way you can ZIP
depending on the outcome of your CHECKOUT code.

function checkoutStuff()
//if checkout code executes ok
return true;


By all means stick those functions in a file and include them at the
beginnign of your script.

Make any sense?



- Original Message - 
From: Edward Peloke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:11 PM
Subject: [PHP] running php in sequence

 I am using php in combination with ant to create a small automated build
 process.  Will php run sequentially?  What I mean is I have a series of
 modules or tasks:

 //check out files

 //zip up the files
 include (modules/zip.php)


 Will php wait to execute the zip.php until the checkout.php has completed
 because in my priliminary tests, it doesn't appear to do this.  If not,
 what's the best way to execute it?


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Re: [PHP] web statistics

2004-03-31 Thread Ben Joyce
I use AWStats for my web stats stuff.  Pretty easy once the minimal
configuration is done.

- Original Message - 
From: Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Elliot J. Balanza [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:00 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] web statistics

Does any one knows of a good gnu php web statistics software?

[smart-ass alert]
Yes and no depending on your definition of good.
[/smart-ass alert]

What kind of features are you looking for?

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Re: [PHP] hello

2004-04-01 Thread Ben Joyce

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 3:14 PM
Subject: [PHP] hello

 Try this, or nothing!

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[PHP] PHP Access Violation using PEAR::Mail_smtp

2004-04-05 Thread Ben Ramsey
I'm getting the following error when using the Mail_smtp package from PEAR:

PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 0177A8B4

It does not occur everytime I use it, but even when send() returns true, 
e-mail messages are not being sent.  However, it all worked fine a week 
ago when I was testing it, and I don't think anything has changed to my 
installation of PHP.

I'm using PHP 5RC1 on a Windows Server 2003.  The localhost has no 
built-in mail functionality, so I cannot use mail().  I must use 
Mail_smtp to log in to the mail server.  I also have Net_SMTP and 
Net_Socket installed, and, like I said, when I first dropped in my code, 
all was working fine.

My code is, as follows:

require_once 'Mail/smtp.php';
$smtp_settings = array(
'host' = 'localhost',
'port' = '25',
'auth' = 'LOGIN',
'username' = 'username',
'password' = 'password'
$msg = Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3;
$headers = array(
'Subject'  = My Subject,
'Date' = date('r'),
'Content-Type' = 'text/plain',
'X-Mailer' = PHP/ . phpversion()
$mail = new Mail_smtp($smtp_settings);

if ($mail-send($to, $headers, $msg)) {
echo h2Sent successfully/h2;
} else {
echo h2Not sent/h2;
If I don't get the access violation error, I get the message Sent 
successfully.  Yet, I don't receive any messages.

In the code for Mail_smtp (in Mail/smtp.php), I have added the following 
line just under the function declaration line for the send() method:

echo test;

When the access violation occurs, I get this line:

PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 0177A8B4test

From this, it appears to me that the access violation is not occurring 
when the class tries to send mail, but sometime earlier than that. 
However, I do not know much more about these Access Violoations, other 
than PHP is trying to access memory that it doesn't have permission to 
access.  I couldn't find anything at or through Google that 
helped much with this problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I am on a tight deadline, so any 
help ASAP would be even more greatly appreciated.  ;-)

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: Weird variable issue encountered... help needed!

2004-04-05 Thread Ben Ramsey
Just don't use register globals and use if ($_POST) instead of 
if($action=='post') so you don't have to include that ?action=post in 
the query string of your action.

Dvdmandt wrote:
Accutually, I intented ?action=post, and if($action=='post'), just forgot to
add method=post.. :p
 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: PHP Access Violation using PEAR::Mail_smtp

2004-04-06 Thread Ben Ramsey
I've asked about PHP Access Violation errors before (this very same 
error, as a matter of fact), and every time I ask, I get no response. 
It's been 24 hours, and no one on php-general, pear-general, or #php and 
#pear in Freenode IRC has responded to this particular post.

Do I smell bad?

Please forgive me for refreshing my own post to the list, but this is an 
important question, and it is time-sensitive.  Any help or pointers 
would be greatly appreciated, as I cannot get around this issue at all.

Ben Ramsey wrote:

I'm getting the following error when using the Mail_smtp package from PEAR:

PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 0177A8B4

It does not occur everytime I use it, but even when send() returns true, 
e-mail messages are not being sent.  However, it all worked fine a week 
ago when I was testing it, and I don't think anything has changed to my 
installation of PHP.

I'm using PHP 5RC1 on a Windows Server 2003.  The localhost has no 
built-in mail functionality, so I cannot use mail().  I must use 
Mail_smtp to log in to the mail server.  I also have Net_SMTP and 
Net_Socket installed, and, like I said, when I first dropped in my code, 
all was working fine.

My code is, as follows:

require_once 'Mail/smtp.php';
$smtp_settings = array(
'host' = 'localhost',
'port' = '25',
'auth' = 'LOGIN',
'username' = 'username',
'password' = 'password'
$msg = Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3;
$headers = array(
'Subject'  = My Subject,
'Date' = date('r'),
'Content-Type' = 'text/plain',
'X-Mailer' = PHP/ . phpversion()
$mail = new Mail_smtp($smtp_settings);

if ($mail-send($to, $headers, $msg)) {
echo h2Sent successfully/h2;
} else {
echo h2Not sent/h2;
If I don't get the access violation error, I get the message Sent 
successfully.  Yet, I don't receive any messages.

In the code for Mail_smtp (in Mail/smtp.php), I have added the following 
line just under the function declaration line for the send() method:

echo test;

When the access violation occurs, I get this line:

PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 0177A8B4test

 From this, it appears to me that the access violation is not occurring 
when the class tries to send mail, but sometime earlier than that. 
However, I do not know much more about these Access Violoations, other 
than PHP is trying to access memory that it doesn't have permission to 
access.  I couldn't find anything at or through Google that 
helped much with this problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I am on a tight deadline, so any 
help ASAP would be even more greatly appreciated.  ;-)

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Re: PHP Access Violation using PEAR::Mail_smtp

2004-04-06 Thread Ben Ramsey
Let me point something out here: I was a goof and had an authentication 
setting wrong.  When I changed it back to LOGIN, it sends e-mail just 
fine.  So, all is well... sort of.  Every 3rd or 4th run of the script 
still generates the Access Violation message.  However, since it happens 
intermittently, it makes it a pain in the rear to track down.

DVD Also, you don't need a mailserver on localhost to use mail()

I'm on Windows Server 2003...
Here's the error I get when I use mail() and no SMTP authentication:
mail([EMAIL PROTECTED],This is a test,This is the message);
Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at 
localhost port 25, verify your SMTP and smtp_port setting in 
php.ini or use ini_set() in E:\path\to\test.php on line 5

When I explicitly set the correct mail server with ini_set(), I get:

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 550 Relaying is 
prohibited in E:\path\to\test.php on line 6

This is why I've gone with using the PEAR class Mail_smtp.  It seems the 
easiest thing to use without having to write a whole lot of socket 
connection code.

 Ben Ramsey
PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] PHP security in a hosting environment

2004-04-07 Thread Ben Joyce

one of my clients whom we host a website for has expressed interest in
writing their own php/mySQL applications for their site.

i've been looking in to the security implications of offering this service.
My concerns are that the client *could* use a php script to access parts of
the file system, registry (this is a Win32 environment), or other such

I found a good article at - it
details some of the settings in the php config that can be used to prevent
malicious scripting.

Does anyone here have experience of securing a php server, and might have
any advice on what else to watch out for?

Any help appreciated.



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Re: [PHP] Re: Hiding email address from Robots ??

2004-04-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
CZ It all depends on the persons dedication on finding them.

I usually just convert them to HTML entities with a function like this:

function spamProtect ($address) {
$address = str_replace(@, #64;, $address);
$address = str_replace(., #46;, $address);
$address = str_replace(:, #58;, $address);
return $address;
You can call it with:
spamProtect([EMAIL PROTECTED])
spamProtect(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
But, like Curt said, those dedicated to harvesting e-mail addresses can 
add further complexity to their e-mail harvesting programs and catch 
these rather easily.

Ultimately, the best way to keep people from grabbing e-mail addresses 
is not to display them on your Web site at all.  This hurts you if you 
need a point of contact; however, you could use a form that sends a 
message to a processing script that then e-mails the message to the 
intended recipient.  The e-mail address would never need to be visible 
to the browser, and so, the harvesters would never get your address.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Re: PHP Access Violation using PEAR::Mail_smtp

2004-04-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
So, I found a solution to my problem.  I still do not know what was 
causing the PHP Access Violation errors, but I have an idea, which I 
will relate in this message.

As many suggested, I have pared down my mail sending class by rewriting 
it down to about 250 lines of code.  Previously, the PEAR::Mail::smtp 
class had much fewer lines of code, but if you count all of the other 
files it had to include, then it was a whopping amount of code.  The 
difference here is that I am only using one class now to send mail, 
whereas the PEAR::Mail::smtp class was using about 5 different classes. 
 Let me walk you through them.

Mail::smtp included and extended the Mail class.  The Mail class 
included and extended the PEAR class.  The send() method of Mail::smtp 
included the Net::SMTP class and created an object of that class.  The 
Net::SMTP class included the PEAR and Net::Socket classes (and 
optionally checked for and included the Auth::SASL class).  The 
Net_SMTP() contstructor created a Net::Socket object.  The Net::Socket 
class included and extended the PEAR class.

So, in all, that's about 5 classes that Mail::stmp needed.  Once I got 
it down to one class, the Access Violations disappeared.  So, here's 
what I think was happening with the classes based on some of the 
information I have been told.

I've been told that the Access Violation errors are probably caused when 
PHP tries to access a space of memory that it doesn't have permission to 
access.  From this, I'm gathering that the sheer number of classes 
needed and objects and variables created confused PHP so that it wasn't 
sure what pointers pointed to the correct space in memory.  (Again, I'm 
out on a limb with this guess.)  Because the pointer lost its space in 
memory (I'm guessing that's what happened), PHP tried to access a space 
that it either no longer had permission to access or it never had 
permission to access.

Make sense?  I'm sharing this here because several people expressed an 
interest in knowing how it got resolved.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] What does MAX_FILE_SIZE do?

2004-04-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
I was reading about this here:

It says:

But you should add MAX_FILE_SIZE anyway as it saves users the trouble to 
wait for a big file being transferred only to find out that it was too 
big afterwards.

So, I decided to add
input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=3 /
to my form.
It didn't seem to do anything.  Is the browser supposed to use this to 
throw a browser-genrated error to me, or something?

 Ben Ramsey
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Re: [PHP] What does MAX_FILE_SIZE do?

2004-04-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
JWH I think the intent is that the browser would catch files that are
JWH too large before they actually have to be uploaded. I don't know
JWH that any browsers actually support this, though.
Well, is there actually a way to do this or a way to check the filesize 
and send a nice message to the user that the file is over the 
limit--other than just some error being thrown?

I can't find anything in the manual or in the user notes... or maybe I'm 
just not looking hard enough.

 Ben Ramsey
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Re: [PHP] What does MAX_FILE_SIZE do?

2004-04-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
RD Just let them upload the file, check the size when it's arrived and
RD say sorry, you just wasted X minutes of your life uploading that,
RD try again.
That's what I was asking about, actually.  How do I capture the filesize 
without PHP throwing an error about the file being too big?

 Ben Ramsey
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Re: [PHP] What does MAX_FILE_SIZE do?

2004-04-08 Thread Ben Ramsey
JWH That's what $_FILES['whatever']['size'] is for. Although if the
JWH file is too large, like over the php.ini max file size setting,
JWH I don't think you get to control what happens. That's what I
JWH thought was being discussed.
That's exactly what I was asking about.  So, there's no way to throw a 
nice error to the user if the file goes over the max file size setting 
in php.ini?

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] Passing Parameters to PHP Script

2004-04-20 Thread Ben Ramsey
I'm executing a PHP script from the Windows command prompt:

c:/path/to/php.exe c:/path/to/script.php

I want to pass some parameters to script.php, but I can't use a query 
string because then I get a file not found type of error.  So, how 
should I pass parameters to the script?

 Ben Ramsey
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Re: [PHP] dynamically building insert/update forms from db

2004-05-14 Thread Ben Ramsey
CB I believe there is a PEAR library package that does this.  You might
CB want to do some research to see if it fits your needs.
Yes, there is.  Check out PEAR::DB or PEAR::MDB which both have good 
classes for preparing INSERT and UPDATE statements, as well as for 
finding out information about what columns and datatypes a table has 
(which is what I think you are most interested in).  These are really 
easy-to-use classes, too.

Then, I would also suggest checking out the PEAR::HTML_QuickForm class, 
as it has functions you can use to generate HTML forms.

 Ben Ramsey
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[PHP] How to use pcntl_fork()?

2004-05-18 Thread Ben Ramsey
I'm working with PHP-GTK to create a GUI application.  This GUI 
application opens a socket to a gaming server to send/receive data to 
display to the user.  So far, this is working well, but the problem is 
that it can only receive data after I make a function call to send data.

Here's my program logic so far:
I have the following functions:
When the user enters text into the text input field, they click their 
Enter key.  This calls the enter_key() function.  When this function 
is called, it gets the text from the input field and passes it along to 
send(), which sends it to the socket.  Then enter_key() calls receive(), 
which receives data from the socket.  The receive() function calls the 
output() function, which displays the received data to the user in a GTK 

So far, the program can only receive data from the socket when a call 
has been made to receive(), and I am explicitly calling receive() after 
the user clicks the Enter key.  This means that data the game is 
transmitting is not being received until the user enters something.

This is not preferable.  What I would like to do is to have a sort of 
listener that listens on the socket and contantly receives data.  It 
has been suggested that I use pcntl_fork() to do this, but I have looked 
at the manual and user-contributed notes for this, and I can't quite 
grasp how it's supposed to look in my code.

So far, I've done something along these lines at the very end of my script:
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1)
die(could not fork);
elseif ($pid)
while (1)
I'm not sure this is working, though.  It does not seem to be receiving 
from the socket unless I send.  Ultimately, I want to remove all calls 
to receive() from my main program and let the listener take control of 
that, but I can't even tell if the above code is working, or if I'm even 
grasping how to make it work.

Any help or pointers is greatly appreciated.
 Ben Ramsey
Open Source, Open Community
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[PHP] Re: How to use pcntl_fork()?

2004-05-19 Thread Ben Ramsey
Does no one know how to use pcntl_fork(), then?
Ben Ramsey wrote:
I'm working with PHP-GTK to create a GUI application.  This GUI 
application opens a socket to a gaming server to send/receive data to 
display to the user.  So far, this is working well, but the problem is 
that it can only receive data after I make a function call to send data.

Here's my program logic so far:
I have the following functions:
When the user enters text into the text input field, they click their 
Enter key.  This calls the enter_key() function.  When this function 
is called, it gets the text from the input field and passes it along to 
send(), which sends it to the socket.  Then enter_key() calls receive(), 
which receives data from the socket.  The receive() function calls the 
output() function, which displays the received data to the user in a GTK 

So far, the program can only receive data from the socket when a call 
has been made to receive(), and I am explicitly calling receive() after 
the user clicks the Enter key.  This means that data the game is 
transmitting is not being received until the user enters something.

This is not preferable.  What I would like to do is to have a sort of 
listener that listens on the socket and contantly receives data.  It 
has been suggested that I use pcntl_fork() to do this, but I have looked 
at the manual and user-contributed notes for this, and I can't quite 
grasp how it's supposed to look in my code.

So far, I've done something along these lines at the very end of my script:
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1)
die(could not fork);
elseif ($pid)
while (1)
I'm not sure this is working, though.  It does not seem to be receiving 
from the socket unless I send.  Ultimately, I want to remove all calls 
to receive() from my main program and let the listener take control of 
that, but I can't even tell if the above code is working, or if I'm even 
grasping how to make it work.

Any help or pointers is greatly appreciated.
 Ben Ramsey
Open Source, Open Community
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[PHP] RE:php and java applets

2004-05-25 Thread Ben Ford
This is straight from the  web page:
 When you use a Java technology-enabled browser to view a page that contains 
an applet, the applet's code is transferred to your system and executed by 
the browser's Java Virtual Machine (JVM). 

Java Applets cannot connect to the same host they were loaded from.  They run 
on the client machine as a local program.  I know this because I attempted to 
run an applet and have it connect to a mysql server the resided on the web 

The applet could not connect using localhost as the domain name of the 
server. ( Which due to security settings was the only URL I could connect 

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[PHP] Re: mail() problem

2004-06-03 Thread Ben Ramsey
I would also suggest adding the following headers to the message, as 
they are supposed to help keep the spam filters from recognizing a 
message as spam:

X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
Of course, you can read up on the various priority levels and change 
them if you want, but these settings are for normal priority mail and 
will help to pass it through the spam filters, from what I understand. 
They've worked for us so far.

Stephen Lake wrote:
Another suggestion is if its an HTML format mail, make sure you use
properie making sure all tags are closed that kind of stuffsome
software will block if the HTML is not well formed
Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Hi All,
   Does anyone know a good format for sending email using the mail()
function that doesnt get stopped by antispam software?
I need to send and email from my sever when a new member creates an
this ive done but my email gets binned straight away? must be the headers?
 Ben Ramsey
Open Source, Open Community
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Re: [PHP] php installation verification

2004-06-03 Thread Ben Ramsey
Did you fix this problem yet?  The lines below are fine for your apache 
httpd.conf file.  The only thing that appears out of the ordinary is the 
location of

In my setup (I'm also using Red Hat and Apache 2.0), when I compile PHP, 
it places in the modules directory (/etc/httpd/modules), 
which is where I would think it should be on your system, so try 
changing that line to:

LoadModule php4_module modules/
Of course, check to make sure the file is in that location first, as I 
could be way off.  Then, restart apache and try to access your test.php 

Long P Nguyen wrote:
OK - I tried that and what came up on the browser was the content of the test.php file.
I checked in my httpd.conf file I do have the following:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-http-php-source .phps
LoadModule php4_module libexec/
Any thoughts?
thank you.
 Ben Ramsey
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