[PHP] Paths and ImageCreate(), GetImageSize()...

2002-02-21 Thread Monty

I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly how paths should be listed when
pointing to files using the ImageCreate(), ImageCopyResized(), etc.

My images are in a sub-folder called img, and my script is in another
sub-folder called scripts (at the same level as img).

It appears that GetImageSize() only works for me when I put the full URL in
front of the file name like this...


Is that the only way for this to work? The following variations all produce
an error saying it can't file the file photo.jpg:


At least GetImageSize() works with a URL. I can't say the same for any of
the ImageCreate() functions, which when used with all of the above path
variations including the URL, produce an error stating it can't locate the
photo.jpg file. Permissions for the img folder are set to 777, and I can
load the file using IMG SRC=/img/photo.jpg with no problems. Why can't I
get these functions to find the file using the same path?


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[PHP] Trying to post

2002-02-21 Thread Monty

I've been trying to post to this newsgroup, but have had problems. If this
works, I guess the problem has gone away on its own.

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[PHP] Auto-Pagination of Content from DB

2002-02-21 Thread Monty

I'm not sure the best way to auto-paginated long articles that will be
stored in a MySQL database. I tried searching a few sites for sample code
but couldn't really find anything, which is why I'm asking here.

An idea I had was to split the content into an array called page and then
just access each page with echo $page[2]; My only concern is any potential
overhead if the articles are long (maybe about 10-15 pages). Also, would the
best way to split the content into pages be to use one of the string parsing
commands that looks for the next \n\n (a new paragraph)? I'm new to PHP,
so, not sure yet which command would be the best for this.

Any advice or pointers on how to best do this is appreciated!


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[PHP] Parsing Custom Codes Embedded in DB Text

2002-02-27 Thread Monty

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to PHP, and am learning a lot by reading posts here and two PHP

I'm going to be writing some content management scripts, and one thing I
want to do is allow writers to embed some simple codes in their text such

[LINK=http://wwwmysitecom]Click here for info[/LINK]

which, when pulled from the database (MySQL) will be parsed into a valid
HTML a href command as follows:

a href = http://wwwmysitecom;Click here for info/a

First of all, is this a wise thing to do, or will this drastically slow down
the script if it has to parse several pages of text? Second, which of the
various PHP commands would accomplish this the most efficiently? Is
preg_replace() the way to go?

I'm also going to have a database table called IMAGES that stores all image
files (actually, just the URLs to the images on the server), each of which
will be assigned an Article ID number so it can be associated with a
particular article stored in the ARTICLE table The IMAGE table will also
contain a field called Position where I can indicate the order of the images
for a particular article I'd like to enter the following in the text of an


and have PHP parse this code, grab the image URL from the IMAGE table
where the Article ID = the current article being parsed and Position = 1, so
it can replace the above code with an img src HTML command as follows:

img src=myimagejpg

Could this also be accomplished with the preg_replace() command, or is there
a better way to tackle this?

Sorry for the long question Hope it makes sense



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[PHP] preg_replace() ??

2002-02-28 Thread Monty

Is preg_replace() the best PHP command to use for parsing custom codes in
text retrieved from a database (eg, turning [link= ] into a href= )? 

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[PHP] Re: Does anybody have code for this?

2002-02-28 Thread Monty

Maybe try looking into the crypt() or md5() functions on php.net. These will
encrypt a string more than scramble, but maybe one of these serves the

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leif K-Brooks)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 02:30:04 -0500
 Subject: Does anybody have code for this?
 I'm looking for two functions.  One to scramble a string, and one to check
 if one string is a scrambled version of another.  Does anybody have these?

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Re: [PHP] Re: Does anybody have code for this?

2002-02-28 Thread Monty

Explain what you mean by scramble and what you are trying to accomplish?
There isn't a built-in function for this that I've seen, so, you'll have to
write your own function using various PHP commands. This function might be
useful to that end: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.levenshtein.php

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leif K-Brooks)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 02:50:09 -0500
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: Does anybody have code for this?
 on 3/1/02 2:43 AM, Monty at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maybe try looking into the crypt() or md5() functions on php.net. These will
 encrypt a string more than scramble, but maybe one of these serves the
 No, that isn't what I'm looking for.  It's not for encryption.  I just need
 a function that scrambles a string.

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[PHP] Re: create a file

2002-02-28 Thread Monty

Start here...


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Franz)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 08:55:25 +0100
 Subject: create a file
 good morning,
 i want to create a new file and save it in the current dir. I look in the
 manual but only i found how to create a dir.
 Thanks for help.

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[PHP] Best Content Management METHOD...

2002-07-08 Thread Monty

I'm setting up a simple content-management system for a webzine. I'm not
sure which method would be the most efficient:

1)  Put all content in a database and dynamically flow content into a few
different article template files.


2) Build the content as actual pages with dynamic elements for menus, and
store only basic info about each article in CMS database (such as title,
publish date, writer, keywords, etc.).

Option 1 would make it very easy to modify the look of all articles, but,
I'm concerned that using just a few templates for all articles would slow
down the site if lots of people are simultaneously accessing articles. The
site gets about 750,000 page views per month, so, while it's no Yahoo, it
does get a decent amount of traffic.

Option 2, on the other hand, would remove the load from just a few templates
by setting up actual pages for each article, but, it won't be as easy to
make site-wide design changes this way, and I won't be able to do some
things like automatically paginating longer articles over several pages.

Anyone have any input or words of wisdom they can offer on the best method
for setting up a content management system? Thanks!


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[PHP] Breaking Dynamic Content into Pages...

2002-07-10 Thread Monty

I'm trying to determine the best way to break dynamic content into pages
before flowing into a template (with 1|2|3 type paging icons at the bottom
of the page). I considered using a user-defined type code like [pagebreak]
that would allow content contributors to determine the page breaks
themselves when entering the article into the database. A parsing function
would grab the chunk of text/html between the appropriate [pagebreak] codes
for each page.

But this just doesn't seem a very elegant solution. Anyone know of a better
way to do this? 



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[PHP] Loading dynamic pages based on URL

2002-07-11 Thread Monty

Articles for an online magazine will use one template and load content
dynamically from a MySQL database. Assets and images for each article will
be stored in their own folder: e.g., www.mysite.com/topic/article

Even though a physical HTML page will not exist at
www.mysite.com/topic/article, is there a way to load the appropriate
articles in the template without actually specifying a physical page name if
soemone types that URL into their browser? I'd prefer to send people to
www.mysite.com/topic/article instead of

I realize this may be more of an Apache issue than PHP, but, thought I'd see
if anyone here has dealt with something similar.



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[PHP] RegExp Help: [:cntrl:] not working

2002-07-11 Thread Monty

I'm trying to preg_split() text between page. I used the following but
can't get the regular expression to work:

$content = blah blah page blah blah blah;
$paged = preg_split( [[:cntrl:]*]page[[:cntrl:]*], $content );

I also tried the following...

$content = blah blah page blah blah blah;
$paged = preg_split( [:cntrl:]page[:cntrl:], $content );


$content = blah blah page blah blah blah;
$paged = preg_split( [[:cntrl:]]page[[:cntrl:]], $content );

But none of these work. Can someone tell me what's wrong? I just want to
split the text on page and include any line feeds that may have been put
in before or after the page text.


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Re: [PHP] RegExp Help: [:cntrl:] not working

2002-07-11 Thread Monty

 The * needs to be after the character class, ie [[:cntrl:]]*.

Thanks Dan. But, removing the asterisk or putting it after the character
class doesn't work either for some reason. 

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Re: [PHP] RegExp Help: [:cntrl:] not working

2002-07-11 Thread Monty

 Have you tried [[:space:]]* instead?  That'll pull in line breaks, tabs
 and spaces.

I just tried it, but, still can't make this work. Also, I'm getting
different results between explode() and preg_split(), is that normal? Here's
what I'm trying:

  $content = blah blah   page_break blah blah blah blah;
  $contentpage = preg_split([[:space:]]*page_break[[:space:]]*, $content);

But I just get a PHP error: Warning: Unknown modifier '*' in testme.php

If I try this:

  $content = blah blah   page_break blah blah blah blah;
  $contentpage = preg_split([[:space:]]page_break[[:space:]], $content);

I get this PHP error: Warning: Unknown modifier 'p' in testme.php

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with the reg exp, but, it won't even
parse. Both expressions above used with explode() only produce empty array
variables, as though it's stripping out everything.

What am I doing wrong?


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Re: [PHP] RegExp Help: [:cntrl:] not working

2002-07-11 Thread Monty

Yes! That was it! Thank you so much. I actually thought preg and ereg were
interchangeable, so, I'm glad you pointed out the difference for reg
expressions. Can you tell me what the open and closing slashes / are for
inside the quotes? Is it equivalent to [ and ] for ereg?


 DOH!  It's preg!!!  [[:space:]] is for ereg.  Use \s.  I don't know why I
 didn't notice sooner.  Do this:

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[PHP] PHP/MySQL -- Date/Time Confusion

2002-07-12 Thread Monty

Which method is the best way to store date/time in MySQL and then which PHP
command is the best to use to convert that date to something useful? I'm
having a difficult time figuring out how to reconcile the date in MySQL so
it works with PHP's various date commands, like getdate().

Any suggestions? I'll mostly need to compared dates/times of different
records and then extract parts of the date for displaying on the screen.



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Re: [PHP] Newbie Question on Efficiency

2002-07-16 Thread Monty

If you have have a large number of functions, it might be better to separate
them into a few files that you can include as needed. I use one file that
contains functions needed by every page. I have a few other files that
contain functions that aren't needed by every page, so, I include them only
on pages that need them. But most functions go in the main include file used
on every page.

Separating them will also minimize some overhead if you have a lot of
functions. Otherwise, if your include files aren't War  Peace in length,
one include file is fine.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/02 04:59PM 
 Hello everyone, I'm a newbie and have a question on style that I've not
 seen addressed anywhere.  I have a large number of frequently used
 functions that I'm trying to find a good way to organize.  The method
 I'm thinking of using is to simply create a .php file called, for
 example, functions.php.  Then, just include the file at the top of each
 page that needs any of the functions, and just call them as needed.  My
 question is this- if that file gets very large with tons of different
 functions, is that an inefficient method?  I'm not entirely clear on how
 PHP is parsed and passed to the client.  I assume it would be best to
 divide up the functions into multiple files (ex. dbfunctions.php, etc.),
 but is that still the best method?  Basically, I'm just curious on how
 you guys handle things like this.
 Thanks in advance.
 Michael Kennedy

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[PHP] Includes vs. Functions

2002-07-17 Thread Monty

I generally prefer to include various blocks of code in templates using
include_once() rather than load a functions library and make calls to those
functions within the script.

Is there a big difference in efficiency and speed of includes vs. custom
functions? I like includes because it's easier to drop blocks of code in a
page design without disrupting the design of the page very much.



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[PHP] Re: sorting and searching an Array

2002-07-17 Thread Monty

This would be MUCH MUCH easier to do if this data were in a database instead
of a flat file. But, to accomplish this you need to write some code using
the various array functions in PHP, such as asort() and explode(), and
structures such as for() and each() to eliminate the array rows that don't
match your criteria.

PHP and MySQL Web Development by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson is a great
book for learning PHP (it's what I used). There's not a whole chapter on
file functions in PHP, but, there is enough info in there to do all the
basic functions you would need to accomplish this task.


 Reply-To: Richard Kurth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 12:52:00 -0700
 To: php-general [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: sorting and searching an Array
 After I read this file into an array (small sample of file below) I need to
 sorted it by the name at
 the end of each line and then echo out only the ones that the name
 equals the name in a search variable.
 Also could somebody recommend a PHP book that covers a lot of info on
 working with text files. It seams to be very little info in any of the
 boos I have now. It is sort of skipped over a lot
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   mrgouldian
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mrgouldian
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mrgouldian
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mrgouldian
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mrgouldian

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[PHP] Re: Includes vs. Functions

2002-07-17 Thread Monty

Chris, thanks for describing your method. The reason I really dislike
Functions in PHP is because you have to pass every variable needed by a
function, even if that variable is global in the main script, which is a
pain in the ass when a function needs a long string of variables. It makes
it easier to forget a variable in the list and can make the code look messy.

So, that's why I prefer includes, because the code is operating on the same
level as the main script and can easily use variables set locally without
making them global.

I'll use a function if it only needs one or two variables passed to it, but,
I find myself using more Includes than Functions because of the variable
passing necessary. 


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Crane)
 Organization: Inxdesign.com
 Reply-To: Chris Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 17:05:59 -0400
 Subject: Re: Includes vs. Functions
 I am not sure about efficiency, myself and I often ask this without much if
 anything at all for a response. However, I am the opposite of you, in that I
 prefer to create a library file containing all the functions. To make
 developing the page in something like Dreamweaver or Frontpage easier, I
 global all the variables of a given function, like say Function
 StockQuote($sym) { }. They I include the library file in my PHP
 webpage.Something like this...
 ?PHP include(filepath/filename); StockQuote($sym); ?
 various html
 ?PHP print $Stock_LastPrice; ?
 In the library file, I global the variables;
 function StockQuote($sym) {
 global $Stock_LastPrice, $Stock_Position;
 get the data...
 do something with the data...
 $Stock_LastPrice = This minus that blah blah;
 I can use this variable anywhere I would like and it is very WYSIWYG
 I am not sure how efficient it is though as I mentioned above.

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[PHP] Loading a File into Variable - How??

2002-07-18 Thread Monty

I thought this would be fairly easy, but, I can't figure out how to load the
contents of a file into a variable so I can output it later.

The file to be loaded is in my include_path on the server and does contain
some HTML.

file_get_contents() is exactly what I need, but, it only works on a CVS
version of PHP, whatever that is.

I also tried the following function:

function file_get_contents($filename) {
  $fd = fopen ($filename, r, 1);
  $contents = fread($fd, filesize($filename));
  return $contents;

But it returns nothing. If I use readfile() the file contents is displayed,
but, what I really want to do is store it in a string variable, not output
it directly. How can I do this?



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Re: [PHP] Loading a File into Variable - How??

2002-07-18 Thread Monty

 Look 4 implode() in the function list

Implode isn't really what I need, I just want to load an entire file into a
single string variable.

However, I figured out the problem shortly after posting that first message
(of course). Because the file being opened is in the include_path, it seems
filesize() doesn't see those files. So, if I replace the filesize($filename)
command with a hard-coded number, it works.


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Re: [PHP] Loading a File into Variable - How??

2002-07-18 Thread Monty

Andre, here's the function that worked for me...

function file_get_contents($filename) {
$fd = fopen($filename, r, 1);
$contents = fread($fd, 12000);
return $contents;

$page_string = file_get_contents(my_file.php);

The third parameter in fopen() [1] can be removed if you don't want to look
for files in your include_path. The second parameter in fread() [12000] is
where I hardcoded the filesize. Increase that number if you'll be opening
larger files.

Originally I had 12000 replaced with filesize($filename) but if the
$filename was opened from the include_path, this seems to always return
zero, which is why I hardcoded the byte size into fread().


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andre Dubuc)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 17:45:14 -0400
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Loading a File into Variable - How??
 Hi Monty,
 I've been trying to do the same thing with no success. Would you be so kind
 as to show me how you finally did it? I'm not too clear what you meant by:
 So, if I replace the filesize($filename) command with a hard-coded number,
 it works.
 On Thursday 18 July 2002 04:28 pm, you wrote:
 I just want to load an entire file into a
 single string variable.
 However, I figured out the problem shortly after posting that first message
 (of course). Because the file being opened is in the include_path, it seems
 filesize() doesn't see those files. So, if I replace the
 filesize($filename) command with a hard-coded number, it works.

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Re: [PHP] Loading a File into Variable - How??

2002-07-18 Thread Monty

Hi Rasmus,

file_gets_contents() doesn't work in my version of PHP (4.2.1). It says not
a valid function or something like that. Also, I discovered that the
filesize() function won't work on files fopened from the include_path. It
returns a value of zero, so, I had to hardcode the bytes into the fread().

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rasmus Lerdorf)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 15:14:13 -0700 (PDT)
 To: Analysis  Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Loading a File into Variable - How??
 In 4.3 you would use file_get_contents()
 In prior versions I would suggest:
 $fp = fopen('filename','r');
 $string = fread($fp, filesize('filename'));
 The implode(file()) stuff is very memory-inefficient.

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[PHP] Passing variables to page via POST - How?

2002-07-18 Thread Monty

This is probably more of an HTML question... Is there a way to pass
variables to another page via POST instead of via the URL? I need to pass
several variables, one that is an array and another that is a fairly long
string, so, I can't really do this via the URL.

My initial idea was to just create a very simple form that only has hidden
fields with the data I want to pass, along with an image Submit button that
would call the page and pass the hidden field variables.

Is that the only/best way to accomplish this?



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[PHP] Re: modify an element of a HTML tag within a string

2002-07-18 Thread Monty

Okay, this is just very general info to help point you in the right
direction, but, here are some functions you'll probably need to accomplish

  * Regular Expressions
  * pregi() and/or eregi()
  * explode() and implode()
  * str_replace()

Regular expressions will probably be the most important part of doing what
you need to do. If you don't already know how they work, they are hard to
grasp at first, but, very useful once you understand their purpose.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin French)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 13:50:08 +1000
 Subject: modify an element of a HTML tag within a string
 Hi all,
 I've asked simular questions before, but I think I'm finally asking the
 *right* question to get the right answer.
 I'm look for some suggestions on the best method of parsing a HTML document
 (or part thereof), with the view of CAPTURING and MODIFYING a specific
 element of a specific tag.
 something like:
 1. look for a given tag eg DIV
 2. capture the tag (everything from 'DIV' up to the '')
 3. look for a given attribute (eg ID=foo, ID=foo, ID='foo' -- all valid
 4. capture it
 5. be given the opportunity to manipulate the attribute's value, delete it,
 6. place captured tag (complete with modifed elements) back into the string
 in it's original position
 7. return to step 1, looking for the next occurence of a DIV tag
 I really don't know where to start.  I REALLY don't expect someone to write
 this for me, just some guidance would be great -- or maybe some inspiration

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[PHP] Re: Password in script

2002-07-18 Thread Monty

The password code will be parsed out by PHP, so, it won't be viewable in the
HTML source delivered to the browser.

Some advice: set up a user for your database that has the minimal amount of
access necessary to perform queries or writing to the database and use that
in your scripts. Don't ever use your master MySQL username and password.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sailom)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:03:02 +0700
 Subject: Password in script
 I am new to PHP and MySQL and never have experience in this area.  I am
 writing a PHP script that connects to MySQL server.  I have to put a
 password of MySQL into the PHP script.  I think it may not be secured.  What
 do you think?  How can I make it more secure?  Thanks.

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[PHP] Re: Why won't this work?

2002-07-19 Thread Monty

Well, first thing I see is that you need to change this:

if ($mode == entrance)

You need the double equal signs for string comparison.

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Wulff)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 00:25:12 -0700
 Subject: Why won't this work?
 Any ideas on why this won't work?  It will only include(inc/entrance.php)
 It never, no matter what the value of $mode, displays collection.php.
 $mode = entrance;
 if ($mode = entrance) {
 else if ($mode = collection) {

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[PHP] Getting name of referenced variable into string

2002-07-19 Thread Monty

Is there a way to get and store the name of a referenced variable into
another variable? Example...

$varname = blah;

function checkit($name) {

In the function above, I'd like to find out the name of the referenced
variable (pointed to by $name) which should equal varname so I can store
this string in another variable (i.e., $thename = varname).

Is there a way to do this in PHP??


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[PHP] Faster: Includes or DB Queries??

2002-07-21 Thread Monty

Is there much of a difference in speed or efficiency between INCLUDEing
files in a script or loading data from a database? I'm building a dynamic
menu system for a website and not sure if it would be faster to store button
data in a DB or just do it with Included files.

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[PHP] $HTTP_SERVER_VARS not accessible in Functions

2002-07-21 Thread Monty

I'm trying to access some settings in the $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[] array, but,
within a custom function() this array appears empty. In the calling script,
however, the $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[] array is defined.

I thought this was supposed to be superglobal and available on every
level? If not, is there another command I can use? I also tried $_SERVER[]
but this appears to be always empty no matter what level I call it on.



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[PHP] Password Generator Script

2002-07-24 Thread Monty

Can anyone recommend where I could find a decent script that automatically
generates passwords? I don't care if they are readable or just random
letters, numbers. 


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[PHP] Re: timestamp triggered only on update?

2002-07-25 Thread Monty

I believe MySQL will only automatically update one TIMESTAMP field per
record, according to their online docs. It will update if you don't specify
a value when inserting a new record. You can also use the DATETIME field
type which stores data as -MM-DD HH:MM:SS. This is what I use because
it's easier to read by humans. Date and time are inserted into all DATETIME
fields in a record automatically when set to allow NULL. You can then easily
convert this to a Unix timestamp easily using the MySQL UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
function when doing a query. PHP also has similar date/time conversion

I'm not a MySQL expert, so, the above my not be totally accurate, it's based
on my own experience.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ragnar)
 Organization: na
 Reply-To: Ragnar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 00:19:02 +0200
 Subject: timestamp triggered only on update?
 Maybe the wrong forum, but im giving it a try.
 Im used to for instance 2 columns in each table indicating when it was
 created and when it was last updated:
 In mysql it seems it is only possible to define a column as a timestamp, and
 this will trigger both on insert and delete. Is it possible to define
 changed_date to trigger only on update in mysql or do i have do give the
 correct timestamp manually from php?

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[PHP] How to UPDATE two MySQL Tables

2002-07-26 Thread Monty

I have two tables: member_basic and member_detail. When a member edits their
record, they can edit or add data for either table, but, the data stored in
member_detail isn't required, so, they can possibly leave these fields
blank. By the way, both tables would be linked by a member id.

Here's my dilemma: If they do fill in any fields associated with
member_detail, I have to first see whether or not there's an entry in the
member_detail table already for that user (based on member id number). If
not, I then have to check ALL the form fields associated with this table to
see if any data was actually entered so I know whether or not to create a
new record for the member in member_detail. If there is already an entry for
that member in member_detail, then I can just do a standard UPDATE.

Now maybe this is how it has to be done, but, I was hoping there might be an
easier way to do this. It appears it's not possible to UPDATE a JOINed table
during a query, which is what I was hoping. I am trying to keep the DB
efficient by keeping optional data that may be left empty in another table,
but, it's only making my life difficult, so, unless there's an easier way, I
may just combine all the fields into one table and be done with it.

Sorry for the long-winded explanation. Any suggestion are greatly


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[PHP] POSTing Form Vars as Array ??

2002-07-26 Thread Monty

Is it possible to pass variables from a form as an array to another PHP
file? For example, I have this:

input type=text name=db['email'] value=? echo $db['email']; ?

When the form re-loads after being submitted (it calls itself when SUBMIT is
pressed), the var $db['email'] doesn't exist anymore.

Is it only possible to POST variables to a page if they are not in an array?



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[PHP] Re: PHP Meetup, how many of you have signed up?

2002-07-26 Thread Monty

 so with Guinness and bread, who needs to buy a meal? :-)

Ooof. I feel bloated just reading that. :)


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[PHP] Quotes getting screwed up in form fields

2002-07-26 Thread Monty

If someone enters this into a field...

   New York City

and I need to re-display it in the field (if an error occurred, for
example), this is what's in the field...

   New York \

I have another multi-line text field that I used quotes in and this doesn't
happen with that field, even though they are both being treated in the same
manner. What am I missing?

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[PHP] RTRIM() - Won't accept 2nd Param

2002-07-27 Thread Monty

When I issue this command to remove any commas at end of string:

$query = rtrim($query, ,);

PHP give me an error saying Wrong parameter count for rtrim(). How can
this be? The online manual shows rtrim can accept two parameters. Shouldn't
this work? I have PHP 4.0.6 installed on the server.


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[PHP] Encrypting Passwords - Is it really necessary??

2002-07-29 Thread Monty

Is it really necessary to store passwords encrypted in a mySQL DB for a
membership site if you're not storing sensitive info such as credit card
numbers? How much security does that offer, really, and for whom?

The reason I ask is because I'm trying to implement a forgot password
feature on a membership site. But if I store passwords encrypted, I can't
just send the password to their e-mail address, I have to generate a new one
before sending it, which essentially locks that member out of the site until
they get their new password. This has the potential to be abused by a
vindictive person. All they need to know is the member's username or e-mail
address and they can keep re-generating new passwords (locking the member
out of their own account) for a member to annoy them.

If the password wasn't encrypted, I could just e-mail their existing
password. The only annoyance then would be someone sending this password
over and over to another user, but, at least they won't get 20 new passwords
and be locked out of their account as a result.

If anyone else has dealt with this issue, I'd appreciate your insight.



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[PHP] Vars passed via URL disappearing

2002-08-02 Thread Monty

I just upgraded to PHP 4.2.2 and am trying to make my sites work with
register_globals turned OFF. I notice, however, that with register_globals
turned off any variables I pass via the URL don't seem to be recognized by
the script it was passed to.

So, if I pass http://my.site.com/page.php?id=2002;, the variable id is
empty when I try to access it in page.php ...

if (!empty($id)) { do stuff...}
else { echo error; }

With register_globals OFF, the above produces the error message. With
register_globals ON, it works fine.

I thought register_globals only affected session, cookie and get type
variables? Why is PHP ignoring the variables passed via the URL?



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[PHP] Re: PHP and MySQL

2002-08-02 Thread Monty


Putting strings in single quotes instead of double (WHERE id = 'something')

Normalized database design.

- Monty

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Erich Kolb)
 Organization: RB Receivables Management, Inc.
 Reply-To: Erich Kolb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 15:13:24 -0500
 Subject: PHP and MySQL
 Is there any way to speed up MySQL queries?

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Re: [PHP] Vars passed via URL disappearing

2002-08-02 Thread Monty

Thanks, Steve.  So, does this mean I now have to re-declare all vars passed
via the URL or a form POST in every script that uses them? Or is there a
quicker, easier way to make use of these vars with register_globals off in a


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Edberg)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 12:45:41 -0700
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Vars passed via URL disappearing
 'variables passed via the URL' = 'GET variables'

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[PHP] Need Help with register_globals OFF

2002-08-02 Thread Monty

I'm trying to use the more secure register_globals=Off setting for some
simple scripts that do authentication and use sessions. But I'm ready to rip
all my hair out!

Can someone recommend a good article online that clearly discusses what's
different when you have register_globals=Off? I've spent hours looking
through the PHP site but I'm just as confused as I was before I started. I
thought this setting only affected global variables, but, there are all
kinds of things not working properly, like the header() function. It just
won't work at all with register_globals=Off, but works just fine when I
switch it back on! 


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Re: [PHP] Re: Need Help with register_globals OFF

2002-08-03 Thread Monty

Thanks for the tips, Justin. Sounds like a good idea.

Do you, or anyone, know if the $_POST vars stay defined even after moving on
to another page? Do I also need to unset $_POST after passing the vars each

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin French)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2002 15:46:57 +1000
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: Need Help with register_globals OFF
 Anyone want to share any tips on how to deal with form vars passed to a
 script with register_globals turned off? Do you simply refer to them
 directly with $_GET['var'] or do you initialize vars locally that contain
 all the $_GET vars?
 Well I usually choose to POST forms, not GET them, but yeah, I just deal
 with the vars as $_POST['var'].
 If I'm referencing the vars a LOT, I make regular $vars out of each element
 in the POST array:
 $myvar = $_POST['myvar'];
 If there's a lot of them, I do it with a foreach loop... something like:
 foreach($_POST as $key = $value)
 $$key = $value;
 ...will do the trick.  It achieves the same as register_globals, but only
 from one source, the POST array.

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[PHP] Re: User Authentication Problem

2002-08-03 Thread Monty

You might get some help if you post only the code relevant to the problem
with a clear explanation of the exact problem. Otherwise, I doubt anyone
will bother looking through all that code you posted links to.

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tony Harrison)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 20:31:54 +0100
 Subject: User Authentication Problem
 Hi, I need to authenticate users on an included page on my website, but the
 problem is, I cant get it to work.
 view it included at http://members.lycos.co.uk/ajohnh/ (Source at
 the actual file:
 http://members.lycos.co.uk/ajohnh/templates/twoShea/head.php (source at
 the location of the script that sets the cookie (I hard-coded the user and
 password combo for user ramonezrule into it):
 http://members.lycos.co.uk/ajohnh/templates/twoShea/setcookie.php (source
 at: http://members.lycos.co.uk/ajohnh/source/setcookie.txt)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Need Help with register_globals OFF

2002-08-03 Thread Monty

Well, I just upgraded a number of PHP scripts to function with
register_globals turned off, and now better understand what's required to
work with variables more securely.

I wanted to share that the extract() command turned out to be a big help.
Using it meant I didn't have to put $_POST[' '] around every variable passed
by a form. Instead, I put one or both of these lines of code at the
beginning of scripts that use forms or receive vars passed via the URL:


extract() creates local variables using the 'key' and 'value' from the
$_POST or $_GET arrays. I even discovered it works with multidimensional
arrays that may be passed by forms. In that case, if I have an array named
formvar that collects all data from the form (i.e., $formvar['name'],
$formvar['address'], etc.), then I use extract this way:


This will create local variables named $name and $address that contain the
values passed from the form. Here's where you can find more about this
function: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.extract.php

One thing to remember is that if you put extract() in a custom function
(which I did initially), it won't really work because the variables are
created only within the scope of the function, so, as soon as it returns to
the script, the vars it created are released.


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[PHP] register_argc_argv

2002-08-03 Thread Monty

What does this parameter do in PHP.ini, and what would happen if I turned it
off? From reading the PHP site, it appears this is only useful if you use
PHP from the command line, is that right?


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[PHP] Checking Session Vars in Functions

2002-08-09 Thread Monty

I have PHP 4.2.2 with register_globals=off.

It seems like session vars stored in $_SESSION[] aren't visible to
functions. For example, this won't work for me:

$status = user_access();

function user_access() {
  if ( isset($_SESSION['user']) ) { return 1; }
  else { return 0; }

Result is that $status = 0 even though I know those session vars are set.

if ( isset($_SESSION['user']) ) {
echo Logged In;
} else {
echo Not Logged In;

Result for the above is Logged In even though I'm checking the same
session var. My script does include session_start(); as well.

So, is there a way I access session vars stores in $_SESSION[] from a custom
function? Thanks!  


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[PHP] Name of Include File breaking a Function - Strange!

2002-08-09 Thread Monty

I have an include file named functions.inc.php that I include in nearly
every script. For some bizarre reason, the following function inside this
file does not always work:

function user_acess() {
if ( isset($_SESSION['valid_user']) ) {
return 1;
return 0;

Most of the time it returns 0 (zero) even though I know the session variable
is set. However, if I rename the functions.inc.php file to functions.php and
make NO changes at all to the code, it suddenly works!? In fact, it seems
that if I rename the include file to anything but functions.inc.php, the
above function works as expected, returning 1 instead of 0. I tried
functions2.inc.php, funct.inc.php ... they all worked.

What the hell is going on here? How could the name of the include file
affect whether or not a function inside it will work?

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Re: [PHP] Name of Include File breaking a Function - Strange!

2002-08-09 Thread Monty

Dan, you were right and I feel so retarded now!

I found another include file of the same name in the folder with the script
that wasn't working. It was driving me crazy but I didn't even think to
check that. Thank you for replying!


 Perhaps, somewhere in your include path is another file named
 Perhpas another file you're mistakenly including has a function already
 named user_acess()?
 In your test script, use the function_exists() function before you define
 the user_acess() function to see what's going on.
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Re: [PHP] Re: Getting information of a client

2002-08-09 Thread Monty

Try this:  $_POST['var_name']


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Radio X)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 23:38:42 -0700
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: Getting information of a client
 how can i get a variable posted from a form by a user whitout having
 register_globals set On?

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[PHP] How do I upgrade my version of PHP?

2002-09-11 Thread Monty

I've downloaded the patch file for 4.2.2 to 4.2.3 from the PHP website, but,
not sure what to do with this file. I have a Linux 7.x server. Can anyone
tell me how to patch my version of PHP or point me to a source that explains
how this is done?


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[PHP] Re: How do I upgrade my version of PHP?

2002-09-11 Thread Monty

Could you explain what man patch does or is? I haven't updated using a
patch before. Thanks.

 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 23:14:55 +0200
 Subject: Re: How do I upgrade my version of PHP?
 You should use the patch command, feel free to man patch.
 Nicos - CHAILLAN Nicolas
 www.WorldAKT.com - Hébergement de sites Internet
 Monty [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message de news:
 I've downloaded the patch file for 4.2.2 to 4.2.3 from the PHP website,
 not sure what to do with this file. I have a Linux 7.x server. Can anyone
 tell me how to patch my version of PHP or point me to a source that
 how this is done?

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[PHP] All Queries TRUE even when they should be FALSE

2002-09-20 Thread Monty

Even though I have no record in my MySQL DB with that has 005 in the ID
field, the following statement always reverts to Record Found, or True, no
matter what ID I use. What's wrong? I'm using PHP 4.2.2. Has something
changed that makes this work differently? Thanks.

$query = SELECT id FROM member WHERE id = 005;
$connect = mysql_pconnect(localhost, dbname, password);
$result = mysql_query( $query, $connect );  // Query DB.

if ( !empty($result) ) {
} else {

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[PHP] BEST Book for Learning PHP/MySQL

2001-12-03 Thread Monty

I'm a PHP and MySQL beginner. What's the best book I can buy that will get
me started using both these technologies? Thanks!

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[PHP] The BEST Content Management Script?

2001-12-03 Thread Monty

Hi, I'm looking for a really good content management system written in PHP
that's free or very little money. I looked on HotScripts.com, but, there are
SO many of them! Can someone recommend one or two good ones?


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Re: [PHP] BEST Book for Learning PHP/MySQL

2001-12-03 Thread Monty

Sorry, I did a search here and found only one message with book
recommendations. Where's the archive? Is it a separate newsgroup? I looked
on php.net, but, only found a long list of books available, no


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kurt Lieber)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 20:50:29 -0800
 Subject: Re: [PHP] BEST Book for Learning PHP/MySQL
 There's dozens upon dozens of messages in the archive about this topic, which
 comes up at least once per month.  I believe there's also a blurb or two
 about PHP books on the PHP web site, php.net.
 Please check those resources.
 On Monday 03 December 2001 08:35 pm, Monty wrote:
 I'm a PHP and MySQL beginner. What's the best book I can buy that will get
 me started using both these technologies? Thanks!

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[PHP] Text Fields - How Big Can They Be?

2002-12-13 Thread Monty
Hi Guys... This is indirectly related to PHP: Does anyone know the max
amount of text a free-form HTML text field can handle?

I noticed that for some longer articles we're storing in a content
management system written with PHP, we were unable to paste the body of the
article into the text field because there was too much text. When we pared
the text down, it was no problem.

This is bad news for a content management system! We have some longer
articles, around 8-10 HTML pages, and now I have no idea how we are going to
get them into the system using an HTML form. I really don't want to have to
do this manually in MySQL. That would make me break down and start sobbing.

Has anyone else dealt with this and found a solution?

Thanks a lot!


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[PHP] Upgrading GD to 2.1

2002-12-13 Thread Monty
I've got GD 1.6 installed with PHP 4.2.2 on a Linux server. Is upgrading to
GD 2.1 tricky? I'm very new to Linux and have no clue where to start or how
to do it. My server is remote, so, I access it using Webmin.

I've look for instructions on how to do this online, but, nothing specific
enough for a Linux novice like me. Does anyone know of a good place to find
out how to do this? I'm all Goggled out.



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[PHP] Re: Upgrading GD to 2.1

2002-12-13 Thread Monty
Nofa, sorry, forgot to say Redhat Linux. What you mentioned seems pretty
easy, actually. I'll give a try and keep my fingers crossed.



 Reply-To: nofa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 20:13:20 +1300
 Subject: Re: Upgrading GD to 2.1
 what linux are you running? Redhat? Mandrake? ifso it should just be a
 matter of downloading the appropriate packages and doing a 'rpm -U
 gd-version.rpm' as root. ( if redhat/mandrake/some other rpm managed
 dist )
 I've got GD 1.6 installed with PHP 4.2.2 on a Linux server. Is upgrading
 GD 2.1 tricky? I'm very new to Linux and have no clue where to start or
 to do it. My server is remote, so, I access it using Webmin.
 I've look for instructions on how to do this online, but, nothing specific
 enough for a Linux novice like me. Does anyone know of a good place to
 out how to do this? I'm all Goggled out.

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[PHP] Re: Text Fields - How Big Can They Be?

2002-12-13 Thread Monty
HI Nofa,

When you say submit the file, do mean as a TXT file via a file upload field?
If so, not sure what to do with the file once it's been uploaded. Do I read
the file using fopen(), then just put this into a var that can be stored in
the DB? Hmmm... sounds like a good solution.


 Reply-To: nofa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 20:00:45 +1300
 Subject: Re: Text Fields - How Big Can They Be?
 Have you considered allowing them to submit the actual file? rather than all
 the text within. It may not be exactly what you're after, but its one way :]
 - Original Message -
 Hi Guys... This is indirectly related to PHP: Does anyone know the max
 amount of text a free-form HTML text field can handle?
 I noticed that for some longer articles we're storing in a content
 management system written with PHP, we were unable to paste the body of
 article into the text field because there was too much text. When we pared
 the text down, it was no problem.
 This is bad news for a content management system! We have some longer
 articles, around 8-10 HTML pages, and now I have no idea how we are going
 get them into the system using an HTML form. I really don't want to have
 do this manually in MySQL. That would make me break down and start
 Has anyone else dealt with this and found a solution?
 Thanks a lot!

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Re: [PHP] Text Fields - How Big Can They Be?

2002-12-13 Thread Monty
Hi John, I'm using POST for the form. But it's the HTML form field itself
that won't allow me to paste in a large amount of text. If I can get the
field to accept the text, there's no problem sending it via POST to the PHP

Are you behind the new PHP Architect magazine? I saw the site and will
definitely be subscribing! It's a great idea.



 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John W. Holmes)
 Organization: U.S. Army
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 02:06:59 -0500
 Subject: RE: [PHP] Text Fields - How Big Can They Be?
 Are you using GET or POST as the method of your form? GET will limit the
 amount of text you can submit because it appears in the URL. POST really
 doesn't have a limit, as far as I know.
 ---John W. Holmes...
 PHP Architect - A monthly magazine for PHP Professionals. Get your copy
 today. http://www.phparch.com/
 -Original Message-
 From: Monty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 1:48 AM
 Subject: [PHP] Text Fields - How Big Can They Be?
 Hi Guys... This is indirectly related to PHP: Does anyone know the max
 amount of text a free-form HTML text field can handle?
 I noticed that for some longer articles we're storing in a content
 management system written with PHP, we were unable to paste the body
 article into the text field because there was too much text. When we
 the text down, it was no problem.
 This is bad news for a content management system! We have some longer
 articles, around 8-10 HTML pages, and now I have no idea how we are
 get them into the system using an HTML form. I really don't want to
 do this manually in MySQL. That would make me break down and start
 Has anyone else dealt with this and found a solution?
 Thanks a lot!
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[PHP] Using mail() for mailist list app

2003-01-01 Thread Monty
Happy New Year everyone!

Is the PHP mail() command robust enough to use in a little mailing list app?
The app will basically send an HTML or Text e-mail to the member database of
about 6,000 people. I'm using RedHat Linux 7.2 with PHP 4.2.2, by the way.
I'm concerned I'll bog down my server if I issue the mail() command 6,000
times on our server, but, maybe it won't be a problem?

Also, although I'm sending HTML e-mail, I'm not including attachments or
inline graphics (only direct hotlinks to graphics on a web server). Will
mail() still work okay for this, or do I need to use one of the various PHP
e-mail classes available to send HTML e-mail?

Any recommendations for online tutorials about building a mailing list
manager using PHP would be much appreciated!




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[PHP] Dreaded Return-Path and mail()

2003-01-06 Thread Monty
Okay, I've read just about everything on the Internet about how the change
the Return-Path header in an e-mail sent using mail(), but, I STILL can't
get it to work. All e-mail sent via PHP says Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and Received: (from nobody@localhost).

I have a Red Hat Linux 7.2 server running PHP 4.2.2. I've tried the
following and none of them worked:

+ I put the following in my Apache httpd.conf file:
php_admin_value sendmail_path /usr/bin/sendmail -t -i -f [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I also tried this without -t and -i. None of them worked. I did remember to
re-start Apache each time so the settings took effect.

+ I tried adding -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the fifth parameter for the mail()
command, but, that didn't make a difference either. Actually, as I have
other items for the fifth header parameter, I wasn't sure where the above
command should be placed. I tried at the beginning and end of other header
info I was placing, but, nothing seemed to work.

+ I added nobody to Sendmail's trusted users. No difference.

Is there anything else I can try? I want to avoid changing this in the
PHP.ini file because I don't want e-mail from all domains to look like it is
coming from a single domain, if possible.


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[PHP] Re: Regex for Browser Versions

2003-06-06 Thread Monty
Maybe it might be easier to just use the get_browser() function:



 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerard Samuel)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 14:00:23 -0400
 Subject: Regex for Browser Versions
 Im trying to pull the Mozilla version and *possibly* the MSIE x.xx
 string out $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
 If I did this correctly, (MSIE\s\d\.\d{1,2})? should mean that if its
 there pull it out, else move on, since its not there.
 When viewing this script via a windows browser, it doesn't match the
 MSIE section.  If I take out the trailing ?, it will match successfully.
 But when viewing it with a mozilla browser, the regex fails as there is
 not MSIE string in there.
 Any help with this would be appreciated.
 echo 'p';

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[PHP] Re: Where to start?

2003-06-06 Thread Monty
Knowing any kind of programming language will help in learning PHP. If you
understand variables, arrays, if/else structures, etc., it allows you to
skim over some of the basics quickly.

I had very little programming experience, but, learned a lot from the book
PHP and MySQL Web Development by Luke Wellington and Laura Thomson. This
was a about 2 years ago, though, and if they haven't come out with an
update, then it's probably a little too outdated by now.

Also, I learned LOTS from a number of guys on this newsgroup who generously
offer their advice and wisdom. The sites that a few others mentioned are
also helpful. Once you start programming, ALWAYS check out the online PHP
help on php.net. It's really excellent and is chock full of input from users
who offer sample scripts and solutions for all kinds of things. It's the
best resource anywhere.

I also get PHP Architect (phparch.com), a PDF publication that has some good
and helpful stuff in it. As you can see, there are lots of online resources
for PHP and MySQL.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Simon Thurtle)
 Organization: Mainlink
 Reply-To: Simon Thurtle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 13:36:14 +0100
 Subject: Where to start?
 Hi all,
 I am looking into learning PHP, I have a good understanding of HTML, JS and
 I know a little Perl. Firstly I know PHP is all server side and so a damn
 sight different from the above, but will they help me at all?
 Secondly where do I start? Are there any good on-line resources and or books
 that anyone knows? I am plannig to develop an E-comm solution us Oscommerce,
 does anyone know if this is any good or is naff?
 Any hints, tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [PHP] Gracefully dealing with Cookies OFF

2003-06-06 Thread Monty
 both the cookie and URL based session passed over without SSL is insecure.
 i'd love to know who told you otherwise.

I can't remember the exact sites now, but, the issue was about how much
easier it is to spoof Sessions when IDs are passed via the URL as opposed to
being stored in a cookie.

 perhaps now is the time to re-think all this stuff, decide if you are going
 to support everyone (which i would for any paying client with a wide target
 market), or skip over those who don't meet your definition of a web visitor.

After your indepth response, I've re-thought my re-thinking and have gone
back to wanting to support all users whether or not they have cookies turned
on. And, miraculously, I've already got it working, so, thanks for your
detailed reply.

But going back to the first point, if I'm passing Session IDs via the URL,
shouldn't I be doing something more to make the site a little more secure? I
don't store sensitive data in sessions vars, but, if it allows a non-paying
member to hijack a paying member's session, then this is going to be a
problem. But I'm not sure what more I can do to make the session a little
more secure and less likely that someone will hijack it. SSL is a little
overkill for this, as this isn't a bank or financial institution, it's just
a little community website.

The log-in for the site is fairly simple: After verifying the username and
password against what's stored in the DB, it sets up a few session vars with
that member's access level and a few other preferences. This is so I don't
have to continually query the DB for this info on every page.

Is there anything more I can do to make it harder to spoof sessions?

 just to throw another spanner into it all, what happens if I have JS off?
 will I still be able to access the content of the pop-ups?  i bet not :)

Well, I have to draw the line somewhere. Javascript is used throughout this
site for simple things like resizable popups. I'm not willing to dumb it
down that much.



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[PHP] Re: session_start questions.

2003-06-06 Thread Monty
Sessions seem like voodoo at first, but, once you understand what's really
going on, it's actually not that complicated. Here are some links to check





Sessions are tracked by your server in little text files with names like
sess-ac765JB84Ept932KCc9w0L9374. Each user to your site has a custom session
set up for them when you issue a session_start() in PHP. The name of this
session file is either stored in a Cookie (if the user has cookies enabled)
or is passed from page to page on the URL (which makes the URLS long and

Using PHP's built in session functions, you can store data in those server
session files just by setting variables within the $_SESSION[] array, like

$_SESSION['username'] = 'Bob';
$_SESSION['accesslevel'] = 2;

Because the session file follows the user around from page to page, you can
access the above data within your PHP scripts at any time...

echo Hi there .$_SESSION['username']., welcome back!;

That's a very brief overview. The above links provide better explanations.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel J. Rychlik)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 16:19:04 -0500
 Subject: session_start questions.
 Questions, Questions, Questions.
 Where do I start in understanding how this function works.  Ive read the
 document multiple times, and I am having a bit of trouble figuring out how
 this function works.  I know that you can take session data and hold it
 somewhere for a user and use that data throughout php web pages.  I am
 wandering,  where is this data held and how to do you reference it ?  Is their
 a more detailed explanantion of session's ?  If their is not, once I get this,
 I will write one for people like me.  You know,  Sessions for Dummies
 Never the less, how do you set a session name for a specific user and hold
 that data for processing?  Is this magic from somewhere or do you specifically
 name a session for every user ?  What about security implications ?  I will be
 running all my forms through secured protocol so hopefully their wont be any
 hijacking going on...
 Sorry for being a pain.

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[PHP] Re: using a for loop but it is not working how come

2003-06-06 Thread Monty
 I am having a problem with this script It pulls a list of numbers from
 one field in the database (the numbers are in this format
 (275,277,278,276) It needs to pull each number and run it through the
 function dofunction and then move on to the next one in tell there are
 no more to process. What am I doing wrong or is there a better way to
 do this.
 sql=Select Numbers from dom where name = '$name';
 $DBRow = mysql_fetch_array($results);
 $numbers = $DBRow[Numbers];
 $numbers = array($numbers);
   for($i = 0; $i  count($numbers); $i++) {
   $number = $numbers[$i];

You have a few problems in your code. This hasn't been tested, but, is a

sql=Select Numbers from dom where name = '$name';
$DBRow = mysql_fetch_array($results);
$number_array = explode(,, $DBRow[Numbers]);
// above splits number list into array using comma as delimiter

   foreach($number_array as $digit) {

Above foreach() construct loops through the array and assigns the value of
each element to $digit, and continues doing this until it reaches the end of
the array.



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[PHP] Best Approach for defining User Access Levels

2003-05-30 Thread Monty
Hi. I've set up a membership site that has different levels of users. Each
member's DB record has a user_status field that has a number from 1-9, 9
being the highest (Admin) level of access. This has worked okay, but, I'm
finding this system of granting access too limiting, and need finer control
over who has access to what.

Does anyone know of a better system for granting access to groups of users
that isn't too complicated but is flexible enough to add or remove access to
whole groups of users? I'm trying to not reinvent the wheel here if

Thanks for any suggestions!


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[PHP] Re: Opening a Dynamic Pop Up Window

2003-05-30 Thread Monty
This should be fairly easy. It sounds like the script you are using is
opening only the image in a new window, and not a page that loads the image
in a new window.

Just add some Javascript to the links around your thumbnails, like this:

a href=javascript:window.open('show_photo.php?img=image.jpg');

Then you need to create a script called show_photo.php that takes the img
var passed by the Javascript above and loads that image onto the page.

$image = $_GET['img'];

echo img src='$image' border=0;

Hope that helps.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeffrey L. Fitzgerald)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 14:28:11 -0400
 Subject: Opening a Dynamic Pop Up Window
 Help! :-)
 Have a need for a pop up window to show images when the thumbnail is
 clicked. But the script I found only shows the image and no background,
 etc. I want to be able to have the pop up open and then send it a php
 created dynamic page with the proper html and image.
 In perl I know how to do this, by calling a perl script, sending the
 filename variable and returning with a generated page. But I am not as
 familiar with PHP. Here is the script I found:

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[PHP] Using Cookies Securely

2003-05-31 Thread Monty
I see some posts here that say storing a username or encrypted password in a
cookie is not secure. If so, then what's a more secure way to allow users to
be remembered using a cookie so that they don't have to log in every time
they come to the site? What do you store in the cookie to authenticate


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[PHP] Re: 3 entries going into 1 field

2003-06-01 Thread Monty
I'll add to what the others have already said. As was already mentioned, you
need to create three dropdown fields for the birthdate: year, month and day.
I do this by setting up arrays for each field that offers valid date

$year[2000] = 2000;
$year[2001] = 2001;
$year[2002] = 2002;

$month['January']   = 01;
$month['February']  = 02;
$month['March'] = 03;

$day[1] = 01;
$day[2] = 02;
$day[3] = 03;

I use these arrays with a simple function to set up the dropdown form
elements that stores the selected results in another array: $realdate. When
the form is submitted, I simply stitch the date together into a valid MySQL
DateTime format of -MM-DD using the values stored in the $realdate


This would insert the date as: 2003-05-21


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vicky)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 15:05:43 +0100
 Subject: 3 entries going into 1 field
 I have a registration form, but I would like to add a Date of Birth section.
 Now, because of the different formats of writing it I want to have 3 seperate
 drop down boxes, Date, Month and Year.
 However, I then want those 3 dropdowns to go into one field in a mySQL
 database, in DD/MM/ format.
 How can I acheive this, in simple language as I'm a newbie to this stuff ^_~

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[PHP] Cookies and Sessions: What's the Best Recipe?

2003-06-01 Thread Monty
I have a member site that uses sessions. People who have their browser
cookies turned off, however, cannot use our site. I read somewhere that to
avoid this, I'd have to manually append the PHPSESSID var to every URL when
redirecting in a script.

Is this really the best or only way to avoid this problem? Or, is it simply
unavoidable? Right now, I tell users that the site will only work with
browsers that have cookies turned on, but, I'd rather the site was
accessible to all. However, I also don't like passing session IDs via the
URL because of the security risk.

Any suggestions??


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[PHP] Re: regex problem

2003-06-01 Thread Monty
I don't understand what it is you're trying to accomplish, so, it's hard to
offer a solution. If you just want to verify whether or not a variable
contains numeric data, why not just use the is_numeric() function:


preg_match() will return TRUE if it finds the pattern ANYWHERE in the
string, so, that's why asdf789 passes the test because it contains digits,
whereas 'asdf' won't pass the test because the numbers 0-9 can't be found
anywhere in that string.

If you want the entire string to be tested for digits, you need to add the
length of the string to the regex pattern:

$length = strlen($data);
preg_match([0-9]{$length}, $data);


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel J. Rychlik)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 13:46:44 -0500
 Subject: regex problem
 I have a preg_match issue matching numbers.  I am currently using
 !preg_match ('/([0-9\-\.\#:])/', $_POST['nums1']
 throw error[]
 This fails if you use something like ' asdf ' but if you use ' asdf789 ' it
 passes false and does not throw an error.
 This is not the obvious solution  I know its a problem in my regular
 expression.  Should I ONLY be using
 ' /([0-9])/ ' ,  ?
 Thanks in advance.

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Re: [PHP] Cookies and Sessions: What's the Best Recipe?

2003-06-03 Thread Monty
 I have a member site that uses sessions. People who have their browser
 cookies turned off, however, cannot use our site. I read somewhere that to
 avoid this, I'd have to manually append the PHPSESSID var to every URL when
 redirecting in a script.
 One way around this would be to write a simple wrapper function which does
 this for you automatically:
 function redirectWithSession($location)
 $sid = session_id();
 $sname = session_name();
 header(Location: {$location}?{$sname}={$sid});
 Then (after testing the above code thoroughly) you just need to do a batch
 search and replace on your whole site source for 'header(Location: ' with
 'redirectWithSession(', and everything should be cool I think.  Please
 test all thoroughly :)

Justin, I took your suggestion and tried out the above on some test files. I
made some slight mods, but, it works perfectly. The only thing I don't like
about this solution is that the session ID is appended to the end of the URL
for everyone, even if they have cookies enabled. (I have trans-sid enabled).
Is there any reliable way to avoid this, or is this just a small side-effect
of making the site accessible to all?



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[PHP] How to remove empty Session Var from URL

2003-06-03 Thread Monty
I noticed that for users with cookies turned off, once they log out (in
which I unset and destroy all session vars) and are returned to the Log-in
page, all of my links have an empty PHPSESSID= tag at the end like this:

a href=help.php?PHPSESSID=

This prevents someone from logging in again immediately unless they first
leave the site then come back to clear the empty PHPSESSID var from all the
URLS. How can I make this stop?



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Re: [PHP] Cookies and Sessions: What's the Best Recipe?

2003-06-04 Thread Monty
 Guys, that's exactly what the SID predefined constant is for -- it's defined
 only when a session is active, and it has the value
 sessionname=sessionid (e.g. PHPSESSID=1afd764ecb938274) if and only if
 the session id was passed in the URL -- otherwise it contains the empty
 string.  So you can safely do:
 header(Location: {$location}?.SID);

The SID constant var is a good idea! I didn't realize this existed. Taking
what Justin originally suggested, I've now modified the myHeader() function
to only append the SID if it exists (else, it returns the $location var as
it was passed). It also checks to see whether there is a ? in the $location
var. If so, it will append the SID using a , otherwise it will append the
SID with a ?. 

I haven't tested this yet, but, if anyone has any other suggestions or
recommendations, please post them.

function myHeader($location) {

if (SID) {
if (strstr($location, '?')) {
header(Location: {$location}.SID);
} else {
header(Location: {$location}?.SID);
} else {
return $location;


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[PHP] Re: determine action of a form dynamically?

2003-06-04 Thread Monty
 I want action of a form to be PHP_SELF untill user presses continue
 button. If continue button is pressed than next.php should be the action of
 the form. how to do this? Thanks in advance, Mukta

I'm not sure why it's necessary to do this, but, not sure it can be done.
Maybe with Javascript and an onClick= command inside the input button tag
or an onSubmit= inside the form tag.

Do you simply want to hide the name of the file that the form will go to
once a button is clicked? If so, you need an in-between script that the
form uses to determine where to send the user. So instead of sending them to
PHP_SELF or next.php, use something like goto.php, which can determine where
to send the user next, and then redirects the user using the header()


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[PHP] Re: Migration from register_globals=on to register_globals=off

2003-06-04 Thread Monty
If you're getting errors for undefined variables, you can reduce the level
of error reporting in PHP.ini so it only does so for more serious errors. I
had a similar problem and this cleared things up. See the PHP manual...


Also, I don't recommend using the extract($_POST) command as a way around
register_globals being off, it kind of defeats the purpose. Better to grab
only those variables you need like this:

$formvals = $_POST['my_formvals'];

I put all form values into an array so I only have to grab one POST
variable. It makes it a little easier. Also be sure to clean the data with
some kind of function that uses strip_tags() and similar functions.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ØYstein HåLand)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 18:44:30 +0200
 Subject: Re: Migration from register_globals=on to register_globals=off
 I tried changing my code to (since the variable $printout in this case is
 sent with GET)
 ($_GET['printout'] != yeah) { include(header.php); }
 and got the following error:
 Undefined index: printout

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[PHP] Gracefully dealing with Cookies OFF

2003-06-04 Thread Monty
I've decided to require that members for a site need to have cookies enabled
in their browsers to sign-up and use the site. Is there a graceful way to
deal with this when users who have cookies off try to sign-up or log-in to
the site? 



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Re: [PHP] Gracefully dealing with Cookies OFF

2003-06-05 Thread Monty
Hi Justin,

I hear what you're saying about refusing people without cookies turned off,
and I really tried to make it work on my site, but, keep running into lots
of problems. I do have enable-trans-sid turned on, but, get inconsistent
results. For example, when someone logs out I return them to the log-in
page. Even though I've deleted all sessions vars and destroyed the session
before redirecting them, I noticed that the login page is full of PHPSESSID=
tags that are sometimes empty and sometimes filled with a session ID. This
happens whether or not I use session_start() at the beginning of my login
script. As a result, it totally screws up the log-in process. I was seeing
instances where it was appending two different PHPSESSIDs to the URL!

And then there are things like header redirects (which you had a good
solution for) and javascript popups. Those are ignored by enable-trans-sid,
so, it means I have to go through all my scripts (there are many) and tweak
them to pass the SID to every URL.

The reason I decided against doing all this tweaking was because while
researching this online, I read many statements by developers saying that
passing Session IDs via the URL is more of a security risk than allowing
this to be done via cookies. As the site I'm working on will be a pay
membership site, it seems like a good idea to require cookies.

I realize I may be turning people away, which would also be the case for
those using ancient browsers. But, I don't have the level of programming
expertise or resources of companies like Amazon and MSN who probably have
very robust security systems in place even though they are passing sessions
via the URL.

I do appreciate your comments and insight on this, it makes me keep
thinking: should I? could I? I'd be interested in hearing how others have
dealt with requiring users to have cookies turned on for sessions, or not.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin French)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 19:23:11 +1100
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Gracefully dealing with Cookies OFF
 Why on earth would you refuse users without cookies??  Take a look at all
 the major websites (amazon  msn for starters).
 Do they require cookies?  No.
 Do they require JavaScript?  No.
 Do they require anything else special on the site?  No.
 They take advantage of technology where available (DHTML and CSS for
 example), but the basic guts of the site can function without any of it, to
 the best of my knowledge.
 Instead, you choose to defy what every major site is doing, and require
 Cookies are not available to a wide number of users:
 - those in corporations where the IT dept. has disabled them
 - those accessing the 'net from any public computer:
 - libraries
 - airports
 - internet cafe's
 - those who choose to have a more secure, private web experience
 - those who don't understand the technology
 Doesn't make sense to me at all, but as long as you properly inform the
 client of your choice to ignore a large portion of users, then I guess it's
 your (and their) choice.
 PHP actually has a nice degradation of sessions built in.  If you compile
 PHP with enable-trans-sid (compiled by default on PHP = 4.3 I *think*), PHP
 1.  use cookies wherever possible, OR
 2.  rewrite* all relative URLs/links in your pages to include the session
 id, where cookies are not available
 * in practice, it doesn't handle javascript or other client side scripting
 that well from memory.
 Even with enable-trans-sid not compiled, you can manually append the session
 id to all your URLs with the pre defined constant SID.
 This is just my point of view, but I don't believe you have any excuse for
 not allowing non-cookie users to join in the fun, and CERTAINLY not without
 informing the client of your decision.
 To manually test for cookies, know that you're testing, then let the user
 know that you don't want their business/traffic is more work than just
 letting PHP handle it with enable-trans-sid.
 Justin French

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[PHP] Sessions Timing Out Too Often

2003-02-18 Thread Monty
I'm finding that my sessions seem to be timing out fairly quickly. For
example, in a little forum I wrote with PHP, people are telling me that if
they type a long message and click Submit, they are taken to the Login page
because their session obviously timed out, and they loose their posts in the
forum. I do have a remember me feature that uses a cookie, but, not all
visitors are using it, and they are the ones experiencing this problem.

Is there a way to extend session time, and is that the best way to reduce
this problem from happening to most members?



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[PHP] Garbage at beginning of uploaded Text File

2003-03-01 Thread Monty
I have a form that allows someone to upload a text file, the contents of
which will be inserted into the database. When I fread() the file, there is
some garbage at the beginning and end of the text.

Here's what the text looks like:

This is the sentence of text.

Here's what it looks like after uploaded and fread():

*ch?d?m This is the sentence of text.SORT~

The text file being uploaded is a BBedit file, which should be a plain text
file. I'm not sure where this garbage is coming, and if there's an easy way
to remove it before I put this into the Database. I searched the PHP help
files for an hour and searched here, and couldn't find anything related.

I'm using PHP 4.2.3 on a Redhat Linux server.


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Re: [PHP] Garbage at beginning of uploaded Text File

2003-03-01 Thread Monty
 Are you using Apache2? IIRC, there was a bug where data would get added
 to the POST data, or something along those lines...
 What if you just look at the file with a regular text editor? Do you see
 that data there after it's uploaded and written to the server, or does
 it just appear into the data when it's fread()?
 ---John W. Holmes...
John, when I open the file in a text editor I don't see the garbage, just
the text. I have Apache 1.3.22 on my server. I'm not writing the contents to
a file once uploaded to the server because I want to store it in a database
field. The garbage is added to the DB just as it appears when I echo the
variable to the screen after the file has been uploaded.

Also, I'm doing the fread() on the tmp_name after the file is uploaded,
because I don't need the file once I read the contents into a variable.

I was wondering if changing the enctype parameter in the form tag would
make a difference (but I don't know what to change it to). Currently it's
set to multipart/form-data.


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[PHP] All Code Executing Even After header() Redirect

2003-03-03 Thread Monty
At the top of every page in my site I have a snippet of code that
authenticates the user by checking for valid SESSION vars and their
contents. If they don't, they are redirected with a header() statement to a
log-in page like this:


if (!LoggedIn()) {  // If not logged in, take to Login page.
header(Location: /login.php);

LogAccess($_SESSION['user']);  // This function logs user's access.

I noticed that the LogAccess() function I have after the header() redirect
is executing, even if the user is not logged in and is redirected to the
Log-In page. I did confirm that the LoggedIn() custom function is working
properly and returning the right value.

I thought the code below the header() redirect would not actually be
executed unless the user was logged in and allowed to proceed. Is this how
PHP is supposed to work? Is there any way to prevent the script from
executing below a certain point if the user is not logged in?



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[PHP] Re: Run db query with db query?

2003-03-03 Thread Monty
What is the code for the inner query? Hard to advise you based on the small
bit of code you posted.

Are you using the same $result var for both queries? If so, that's why. Just
run two separate queries stored in to different result vars. I do this all
the time with no problems.

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cf High)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 16:45:52 -0800
 Subject: Run db query with db query?
 Hey all.
 Got a problem here:
 1) I have a page that queries our db for info
 2) Based on the # of rows returned I loop through to create a set of
 formfields for each customer
 3) Within this loop I run another query to retrieve option elements for
 a particular category
 The problem is that the inner query is overwriting the result resource for
 the outer query. So:
 while ($q = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
 build form tables for each client and run inner query
 html stuff
 /* Calls db query to populate particular option category */
 What's the conventional method for running queries within queries?
 Any leads most appreciated,

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[PHP] Re: functions and a href

2003-03-03 Thread Monty
You can't call a PHP function directly from an HTML tag. You'll instead need
to do something like this:

a href='/logout.php'

Then create a logout.php file that has your logout code.

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Johansson)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 23:32:16 +0100
 Subject: Re: functions and a href
 Ok to make it simplier, this is what I wanna do!
 echo a href=logout();Logout/A;
 function logout()
 How do I do it!!!
 I want to call a function logout() inside an a href statement:
 a href=\?= logout() ?\logout/a
 function logout()
 but this doesnt work.. how shall I do it

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[PHP] Launching a Browser Win with PHP - Is it possible?

2002-10-14 Thread Monty

For a form that allows people to upload image files to the server, I'd like
to pop open a small browser window with an Uploading... message once
someone clicks on Submit button. Then I'd like the window to automatically
close once the process is done and the main browser window refreshes.

Can this be done with PHP or should I be using Javascript? If there are any
examples of how to do this online, I'd appreciate the URL.


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[PHP] Checking File Size BEFORE Uploading

2002-10-14 Thread Monty

If someone uploads a file via an HTML form, is there a way to check the file
size before it's uploaded to the server?


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[PHP] Re-populating File field in form - won't work??

2002-10-14 Thread Monty

I have a few File input fields in a form so people can upload images. If
there's an error with the form, I want to re-populate the fields with the
values the user filled in. This works for all the fields except the File
fields. When I check the HTML output to the browser, I do see that the value
parameter (value=filename.jpg) is set for the File field, however, when
viewing the form the field appears blank. Also, if you leave it blank and
click Submit, I get an error stating it was empty, so, clearly the File
field is blank and not showing the default value that has been set.

Is this my browser (IE 5.5 on Mac) or does a File field not accept default


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[PHP] Re: Pass vars in URL

2002-10-14 Thread Monty

There are two ways to do this. The easy way is to simply load any vars
passed via the URL or from a form as local vars in each script. So, I have
the following at the beginning of every script:

extract($_GET);  // load vars passed via URL into local vars.
extract($_POST);  // load vars passed via Forms into local vars.

If I pass ...?param=1 via the URL, then the extract($_GET) function will
automatically create a local var of the same name: $param

Or, you can access each variable directly. Say you pass the following via
the url:


In your script you can access the param var this way:


It's a pain to rejig all your scripts to work this new way, but, the
security benefits are worth it. Have a look here for more details...



 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 15:07:21 -0400
 Subject: Pass vars in URL
 My host has upgraded to 4.2 but still uses the old ini setting. I am
 trying to rewrite my scripts so when the day comes for my host to make
 the change I will be ready. Everything has been going well till now. I
 have been passing an id through a url string. Now when I try to pass the
 id it show up in the url but does nothing. If i check if it is
 set, it is not. IT is supposed to pass the id number to mysql on the
 linked page. I there something I am missing some new way or do I need to
 turn on something in the ini?

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Re: [PHP] Checking File Size BEFORE Uploading

2002-10-14 Thread Monty

Hi John, yes, unfortunately setting the MAX_FILE_SIZE field only works once
the files have been uploaded. Thanks for the reply!

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John W. Holmes)
 Organization: U.S. Army
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 16:10:48 -0400
 Subject: RE: [PHP] Checking File Size BEFORE Uploading
 You can set the MAX_FILE_SIZE in the hidden element of your form, but I
 don't think that stops the form from being submitted if the file size is
 too large. Basically, the file has to be uploaded before you can tell
 what size it is.
 ---John Holmes...

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[PHP] Re: Checking File Size BEFORE Uploading

2002-10-14 Thread Monty

Nicos, the problem is that MAX_FILE_SIZE doesn't check the file size before
it's uploaded to the server, it only works afterwards. So, you have to first
wait for the file to upload before you know whether or not it's too large.


 The way is :
 form enctype=multipart/form-data action=_URL_ method=post
 input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=1000
 Send this file: input name=userfile type=file
 input type=submit value=Send File
 See the MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden BEFORE the userfile's type.
 See also: http://www.php.net/manual/sk/features.file-upload.php
 Nicos - CHAILLAN Nicolas

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[PHP] How many is too many?

2002-10-24 Thread Monty
This is a more general server question: I know that having a large number of
files in one folder can slow down a web server, but, how many would it take
for this to be a problem? Wondering if I should store all articles for a
content site in one big 'articles' folder with each article having it's own
folder within (/articles/article_id/), or if I should organize them by year
then article name (/articles/2002/article_id). The site will only produce a
few hundred articles a year. I'd like the keep the file structure shallow
and simple if possible, but, if it could potentially slow the server down by
putting so many folder in one I'll split them up more.


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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-24 Thread Monty
I'm devastated to hear that extract($_POST) or extract($_GET) are security
risks because that's the method I went with for a bunch of scripts I'm
writing now. But I don't understand how this...

$admin = $_POST['admin'];

... is more secure? Isn't the security risk that they can hijack your var
data? If so, I don't see how the above would make it possible to know
whether the data in $_POST isn't coming from your own scripts. Especially
for forms where it's not really efficient to validate every possibility for
a field, such as a Country field.

But maybe I'm missing the point, and if so I'd like to understand so I can
make my scripts more secure when passing data. It seems like I will need to
basically re-define every form field and GET variable at the beginning of
each script literally.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Ford)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 18:41:04 +0100
 To: '1LT John W. Holmes' [EMAIL PROTECTED], Rick Emery
 Subject: RE: [PHP] extract($_POST)
 -Original Message-
 From: 1LT John W. Holmes [mailto:holmes072000;charter.net]
 Sent: 23 October 2002 19:51
 Say you have something like this:
 if($_POST['name'] == John)
 { $admin = TRUE; }
 { show_sensitive_data(); }
 Now, if you're using extract(), I can send $admin through the
 post data and
 you'll extract it into your script. That's where the security
 flaw lies, but
 the flaw is in the programming, not PHP.
 You can have a secure example by doing this:
 $admin = FALSE;
 if($_POST['name'] == John)
 { $admin = TRUE; }
 Or just $admin = $_POST['name']==John;
 Actually, I'd also collapse this into the subsequent if, and write it like
 if ($admin = $_POST['name']==John):
 I love languages where assignments are expressions!
 Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
 Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services,
 JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
 Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
 Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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Re: [PHP] How many is too many?

2002-10-24 Thread Monty
I'm storing the article text and details in a database, but, all the assets
(these articles have lots of photos) need to be organized into folders. So
logically I want to create a folder for each article using the article ID
number. But I want to be sure if I have within the Article folder about 700
other folders that contain all the assets for every article that that won't
slow down the server. This site will not be visited by millions necessarily,
but, I still want to be sure I'm setting up the file system as efficiently
as possible.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leif K-Brooks)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 00:55:48 -0400
 Subject: Re: [PHP] How many is too many?
 Why not store them in a database with one php script selecting them?
 Monty wrote:
 This is a more general server question: I know that having a large number of
 files in one folder can slow down a web server, but, how many would it take
 for this to be a problem? Wondering if I should store all articles for a
 content site in one big 'articles' folder with each article having it's own
 folder within (/articles/article_id/), or if I should organize them by year
 then article name (/articles/2002/article_id). The site will only produce a
 few hundred articles a year. I'd like the keep the file structure shallow
 and simple if possible, but, if it could potentially slow the server down by
 putting so many folder in one I'll split them up more.

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Re: [PHP] mkdir and directory permissions

2002-10-25 Thread Monty
Hi Jason, I have a follow-up question about mkdir. If the files created by
mkdir are owned by 'nobody', does that create a security risk for those
files? If so, how does one get around accepting files via an upload form
that are assigned to a user other than 'nobody'?


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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread Monty
Okay, I really want to understand how to make $_GET and $_POST more secure
because it means changing a fundamental way my scripts are now working.

So, it sounds like what I need to do in order to make form data more secure
is something like this...

$isAdmin = $_POST['isAdmin'];
$myName = $_POST['myName'];
$myPrefs = $_GET['myPrefs'];

Instead of this...


Is this correct?? Now, I can see how this will prevent a cracker from
flooding a script with invalid variables that are all extracted into local
vars, but, I don't see how this will prevent someone from hijacking the vars
and inserting their own data. Validating that kind of attack seems almost
impossible to do especially for things like forms that collect contact info.
I really don't want to have to validate every field for every legal
possibility (especially fields like Country).

I've read here that HTTP_REFERER is unreliable and can be easily spoofed,
but, is there a more reliable way to know where the $_POST and $_GET data is
coming from? Perhaps by IP of my server, or using $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']?

Is there any superglobal variable that would be unique to my web server that
CANNOT be spoofed or easily changed by a cracker that I can use as a check
to be sure the data is being submitted from a form on my site on not from
someone else's site?

Thanks a lot, guys!


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Nicholson)
 Organization: WebPower Design
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 13:06:10 -0400
 To: Johnson, Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED], PHP General
 Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)
 Hash: SHA1
 On Friday 25 October 2002 11:23 am, Johnson, Kirk wrote:
 And what should these precautions be?  If a malicious user can submit
 his own form and you are looking for a POST variable, how can you
 ensure that $admin came from your form and not that user's?
 The problem is when a cracker uses form variables in an attempt to set the
 values of flag variables kept only in the session, for example, $isAdmin.
 As far as the form variables *you* put in your form, it doesn't matter
 whether the user submits your form or a form they made themselves. Those
 form variables are just data you are trying to collect.
 With register_globals on, PHP takes *all* variables (GET, POST, COOKIE)
 received from the client and assigns them to global variables. So if the
 user posts a value for $isAdmin, she can give herself admin privileges.
 The key is to retrieve *only* the form variables *you* put in the form from
 the the $_POST array. So don't write a loop and grab *everything* from that
 Exactly! Not only should you retrieve *only* the vars you need from POST,
 you should also filter them to make sure they contain what you're looking
 for.is_alpha($_POST['name']). And no, php doesn't have an 'is_alpha'
 functionI created that as part of a filtering class.
 - -- 
 ~Paul Nicholson
 Design Specialist @ WebPower Design
 The webthe way you want it!
 It said uses Windows 98 or better, so I loaded Linux!
 Registered Linux User #183202 using Register Linux System # 81891
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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[PHP] Re: mysql_fetch_row options

2002-10-26 Thread Monty
I use the following function to do this...

function countRecords($query, $dbcon=0) {
if ($dbcon==0) { $ dbcon = connDbase(); }
$query = SELECT COUNT(*) .$query;
$res = mysql_query($query, $ dbcon);  // Query DB.
return mysql_result($res, 0, count(*));

Here's how it's used:

$count = countRecords(FROM mydb WHERE id = 1001);

All I have to do is provide the query starting with FROM as the function
creates the SELECT COUNT(*) part. Also, the optional second parameter is to
pass the database connection resource ID to the function if I've already
established one before calling this function. This prevents the function
from having to establish a second DB connection for the count. If the second
param is left empty then a DB connection will be made using another
function: connDbase().

$count will contain the number of records that match the query and only
requires me to type one line of code.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Taylor)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 03:23:23 -0700
 Subject: mysql_fetch_row options
 There's got to be a better way to go about this: I am constantly doing mysql
 queries where I am doing
 a count(), so a sample query would be like this: select count(*) from
 database.  I'm expecting only
 ONE value back exactly, and that's the count results.  However, to get this
 data into a variable, i'm
 having to write code like this:
 $result = mysql_query(select count(*) from database, $db);
 $myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result);
 $staticvar += $myrow[0];
 $staticvar will never be an array, it's just a simple variable storing a
 number.  I *could* do it like this:
 $result = mysql_query(select * from database, $db);
 $staticvar += mysql_num_rows($result);
 However, the mysql query will be much, much slower if I do it like this.
 Basically, what I'm asking, is how to do something like:
 $staticvar += mysql_fetch_row($result);
 I want to eliminate step two, and I don't want to involve any temporary
 arrays when there's always just one
 value.  Any suggestions? Thanks a bunch!

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