[pinhole-discussion] new home needed for Pinhole Discussion List

2004-01-15 Thread Gregg Kemp

Dear friends,

Over the next few weeks I will be scaling back the Pinhole Visions web 
site.  As part of the change, I have decided to find a new home for 
this discussion list.  James Kellar started the original pinhole 
discussion list about 7 years ago.  The list moved to Pinhole Visions a 
year or so after that.  It has been a pleasure and a privilege to have 
provided the space for the list since then, and to have helped James on 
the technical side of maintaining the list.  Thanks also to Guy 
Glorieux for helping as a moderator the past couple of years.

I am looking for someone to take over responsibility for moving the 
list to a new server and serving as the new list owner.  James and Guy 
and I have all three decided that it is time for some "new blood" to 
manage the list.  So, none of us will continue on as moderators.  
Ideally, I would like to see the list move to another non-commercial 
list server.  This might be a "listserv" on a university server, or 
someone else with web service that includes an ad-free list server.  
This list runs under "Mailman" software.  If anyone has knowledge of 
Mailman and is interested in hosting the list, that would probably be 
the easiest transition.

I will leave it to the list members to decide where to move to, and 
will work with the new list owner to make the transition.  I will keep 
a copy of the archive, and will work with someone to move that also, if 

best wishes to everyone, and "keep on pinholin'"

Gregg Kemp

[pinhole-discussion] Pinhole Visions/Pinhole Day Web Sites In PDN Journal

2004-01-13 Thread Gregg Kemp

I just added this story to the Pinhole Visions web site:

[Jan 13, 2004] The January 2004 issue of the PDN (Photo District News) 
includes a small write-up by Nancy Scott about the Pinhole Visions web 
site and the Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day. Featured in the article 
are pinhole artist Ed Levinson, web site founder Gregg Kemp, and 
pinhole discussion list founder James Kellar. The article is on page 
60, and mis-titled "The Mirrored City".

The discussion list gets into the PDN!

- Gregg

[pinhole-discussion] Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

2003-12-25 Thread Gregg Kemp
I wish a happy and joyful Christmas and new year to everyone on the 

best regards,

- Gregg

[pinhole-discussion] Fwd: Pinhole News, December 18, 2003

2003-12-18 Thread Gregg Kemp
There was a recent discussion on anamorphic images a few days ago and I 
wanted to share this anamorph movie made by Alex Gilham that I just 
copied up to the Pinhole Visions site earlier this week.

Sorry for the double posting to those of you who are also on the 
"Pinhole News" mailing list.

- Gregg

Begin forwarded message:

Resent-From: news-list@p at ???
From: Pinhole Visions 
Date: Thu Dec 18, 2003  10:15:51  AM US/Eastern
To: Pinhole News 
Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
Subject: Pinhole News, December 18, 2003

from the Pinhole Diary...

New Sighting: Alex Gilham - Anamorph (pinhole movie)

[2003-12-15] A movie created from the images of a anamorphic pinhole 
camera made from a toilet paper tube. The film was created by Alex 
Gilham, featuring a soundtrack performed on the guitar by Benjamin 
Bunch, and edited by Gregg Kemp

Read full story at


(reported by: Peter Bengsten)

New Resource Listing: Mona Lisa Pinhole/Zone Plate Camera
[2003-12-16] The Pinhole Resource has introduced a new camera, 
designed by Zephyr Renner and manufactured at Pinhole Resource.

This camera features:

   * folding 4x5 made of oak, basswood and Finnish birch plywood.
   * 4 pinholes
   * 3 zone plates
   * automatic catch/stop at the above mentioned focal lengths
   * all pinholes and zone plates on a sliding bar
   * cable release operated shutter
   * bellows
   * standard tripod mount

Find out more at:


(reported by: Eric Renner)

*  *  *  *  *  *

For more news items on pinhole photography, visit the Pinhole Diary at:


If you have a pinhole story of interest, please add it to the Pinhole 
Diary at:


Your pin pal,
Gregg Kemp

 Pinhole News subscribers:  593 (12-Dec-2003)
 Pinhole Diary archive: http://www.p at ???/diary/
 To unsubscribe, send an email to news-list-request@p at ??? with 
the subject "unsubscribe".


[pinhole-discussion] testing - please ignore

2003-10-09 Thread Gregg Kemp
Users are unable to log into their account pages.  Just testing the 
list server.

[pinhole-discussion] change of email address

2003-09-27 Thread Gregg Kemp

Hi everyone,

I apologize in advance for posting this non-pinhole information to the 
list, but many of you contact me through the Pinhole Visions site at 
various times.  I will soon be changing how my email is processed at 
p at ??? in order to reduce the amount of spam I now receive 
(hundreds of emails per day!).

Please note that the only email address that will get through to me 
personally is:

gregg@p at ???

This change doesn't affect email sent to "news" or "directory" and 
similar addresses at p at ???, ???, or 
pinholeday.org.  And of course this list will continue to work the same 
way it does now.  This only affects email sent to gregg.kemp or gkemp 
or webmaster or any other alias I may have used in my past at 
p at ??? or ???.

Hope everyone is doing well and having a great weekend!

- Gregg

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
The Art of Pinhole Photography

Re: [pinhole-discussion] smaller needle diameter

2003-06-21 Thread Gregg Kemp

On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 10:12  AM, John Fisher wrote:

here can you buy these neddles? thank you

I got several from a Chiropractor who does acupuncture.  He found it 
interesting that I wanted them to make photos and just gave me a few in 
several sizes.  The smaller sizes can be hard to work with - I got a 
hole started using a sewing needle - just a tiny puncture with the tip. 
 Then I formed the rest of the hole with the acupuncture needle.  I was 
using them on a 126 film cartridge camera, using matte board bodies 
with very short focal lengths - around 5 - 10 mm.  They produced 
vignetted images on the film because of the short focal length.  I've 
never printed any of them - very tiny images.

- Gregg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] WPPD 2003

2003-06-02 Thread Gregg Kemp
Thank you, Guillermo, for the knowledge and wisdom you contributed to
pinhole day, and to what you contribute to the list throughout the year.
Long live El Salvador and long live Toronto!

- Gregg

On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, G.Penate wrote:

> Well, Taco, It is like Dirk Nowitzski, the German basketball player, star of 
> the
> Dallas Mavericks, he may play and live in the USofA for the greater part of 
> the
> year, but when it comes to International Events, I am pretty sure he plays for
> Germany.  I am no star, just your run of the mill occasional pinholer, but in
> this International event, I choose to "play" as a Salvadorean.
> > Actually, it also seems that there are no 43 countries but less: I never
> > heard of a country called "Europa Island" and the e-mail address of
> > Mercedes is definitively in Spain, same for Guillermo, known as living
> > in Canada but giving as location El Salvador. (and then with the
> > subtitle "Partial view of Toronto's skyline...")
> > taco
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

Re: [pinhole-discussion] RE: WWPD III

2003-04-08 Thread Gregg Kemp

On Tuesday, April 8, 2003, at 08:18  AM, photod...@cs.com wrote:

Would zone plate images be acceptable for WWPD III?  Thanks!  Michele

Michele, the answer is "yes".  The answer comes from the participation 
rules at


"The photograph...

(3) has to be made with a lensless photographic device: pinhole, 
multiple pinholes, zone plate, slit, etc, in either a home made or 
commercial camera."

...so zone plates are definitely OK.

- Gregg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] More articles on line

2003-03-24 Thread Gregg Kemp
Thanks for making these available, Nick.  A great contribution of 
history and information!

- Gregg

On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 03:24  PM, Nick Dvoracek wrote:

My interlibrary loan wizards have been busy and I've come up with more 
articles referred to by D'Arcy Powers in "Advanced pinhole 
photography" which I've put on-line at 

The collection now includes

Pinhole (Lensless) Photography by Reverend J.B.Thomson (1901).
An issue of the The Photo-Miniature, a general photography magazine 
published from 1899 to 1936. "Straightforward and plainly told" 
explanation of pinhole photography, including how-to instructions and 
even a section on stereo photography. 50 pages, 5.5. x 8.5 inches (PDF 
- 2.6MB)

Advanced Pinhole Photography by H. D'Arcy Power (1905)
Another issue of The Photo-Miniature. He approaches pinhole 
photography not as "an optical problem or scientific hobby", but from 
a "practical standpoint" to "produce pictures with a serious purpose". 
45 pages, 5.5. x 8 inches (PDF - 2.9MB)

Stenopaic or Pin-hole Photography by Frederick Wm.Mills and Archibald 
C. Ponton (1895)
In addition to the advancement of the Greek term stenope for pin-hole, 
according to D'Arcy Power it is "chiefly notable for its profusion of 
algebraic calculations." Reviews lots of other work on optimum pinhole 
size, angle of view and exposure. 28 pages, 5.5. x 8 inches (PDF - > 1MB)

Photographie sans objectif. (1889)
This file was sent to me by Jean-Louis Thiry of Montauban, France. It 
is a column from an 1889 French magazine called “La Nature” which 
dealt with any kind of scientific matters. My French is "tres mal" 
almost to the point of non-existence, but I can recognize that they're 
talking about some familiar issues. I think it reviews the work of 
Captain R.Colson who is refered to by all three of the above authors. 
The example photograph is a stereo pair. 4 pages (PDF - 890K)

This is a little off topic, but I've been playing with Quicktime VR 
and had fun doing a self portrait that can be seen at 
http://idea.uwosh.edu/nick/Nicks_office.mov (MOV - 664K).  I fess up 
to using lenses.

Nick Dvoracek   
Director of Media Services  Voice: 920-424-7363
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Fax:   920-424-7324

Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
unsubscribe or change your account at

Re: [pinhole-discussion] WWPD image 'hit counts'?

2003-03-16 Thread Gregg Kemp

On Sunday, March 16, 2003, at 01:04  AM, Tom Miller wrote:

Hi Andrew,
I'm not a web programmer, but I think generally the counters are 
attached to
what, for lack of a better term, I'll call statically defined pages.  
pretty sure (and our webmaster, Gregg Kemp, will correct me if I'm 
that the WPPD gallery pages are all dynamically generated.  The 
pages are generated based on the query criteria entered, like country, 

artist name, group, etc.  I believe the individual image pages are also
dymanically generated.  This might make it difficult to attach a 
counter to

an individual image.

Actually, it would be easy enough to add a counter, althought it would 
require an additional lookup in a database or a file.  This tends to 
slow down the time to display the page a slight bit more (a few more 
tenths of a second).  But, I think more important than if it can be 
done, is do we really want to do that.  Personally, I agree with Tom 
that it is not in the egalitarian spirit of pinhole day.

Probably more important is the egalitarian nature of the WPPD exhibit. 
is a place where all are equal.  I'd be concerned that any counters 
to an image might give an impression that the number of winners on the 

is less than the total number of participants.

I'm getting excited about April 27, too.  My daughter (age 6) and I 
identical tin cameras.  We used refrigerator magnet stock for 
shutters.  We
decorated the shutters with colored markers so we could tell our 
apart.  Somehow she was able to fit the entire Wizard of Oz movie onto 
a 1.5

by 2 inch magnet!

One of the handicaps of being an adult - we thought you can do that!

Tom Miller

-Original Message-
From: pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???
[mailto:pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???]On Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2003 9:44 AM
To: Pinhole Forum
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] WWPD image 'hit counts'?

For the organizers of the next WWPD #3 gallery I have a suggestion;
(if not already made) to include a 'hit count' for each pinhole image

Is this easily done and possible? It would be fun and great for the
ego to see how many visiters each image in getting.

I've started to get excited for April 27th, 2003!

Sincerely, Andrew Amundsen
Mpls./St.Paul, MN.

[pinhole-discussion] Anyone here from Panama?

2003-02-25 Thread Gregg Kemp
Is anyone on the list from Panama?  If so, please contact me off-list.  
I received an email from someone doing research on Panamanian pinhole 
photographers who would like to contact you.

- Gregg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Pinhole Visions website

2003-02-25 Thread Gregg Kemp

On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 07:18  AM, Brian Reynolds wrote:

elrod...@cs.com wrote:

Frankly, I don't know why folks want to use this e-mail list as much
as they do when there is an excellent forum at Pinhole Visions.

I prefer email lists to web forums because I can read my email
anywhere (with or without a live Internet connection once the mail has
been delivered), with just about anything (allowing me to pick the
user interface I like) and I can search and archive the messages more

To read a web forum I have to have a live connection to the Internet,
a web browser (often with all sorts of ugliness turned on), I'm stuck
with the user interface of the specific web forum software, and
searching and archiving are more difficult.

I think a web based archive of the mailing list (e.g., MHonArc
http://www.oac.uci.edu/indiv/ehood/mhonarc.html>, with examples
at http://www.mhonarc.org/archive/html/>) is better than a web
forum.  It allows those who want to receive the list as email to do
so, and those who want to use a web browser to do that too.

As I like to say about a lot of things - "its not a contest".  Both the 
mailing list and the forum have their advantages and special features.  
I read from and enjoy both formats most every day.  Each of us can 
prefer or use one over the other, or to enjoy both - that's each 
person's choice.  My own reason for promoting the new forum recently is 
because it is new and people may not be aware of what its features are. 
  It is also the home of this list's "upload" gallery which is 
web-based the same as the previous one and allows people to post and 
discuss pinhole images (something that is not allowed in the discussion 
list).  I like the discussion list and have no intention of ending it.  
The forum is simply another way for us to discuss and share pinhole 
photography.  The important thing is that we continue to ask and answer 
questions, share ideas, and enjoy getting to know one another - whether 
in the discussion list or the forum.

BTW: Another example of a web-based MHonArc archive is the pinhole 
discussion list from 1998 - 2000:

http://www.???/discussion/archive.php  ;-)

- Gregg

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day
Held the last Sunday of April each year

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Pinhole Visions website

2003-02-24 Thread Gregg Kemp
Thanks for the plug on the new forum, Rosanne.  I do think of the forum 
as an extension of the discussion list that allows new ways of 
communicating among ourselves.   Currently there are 118 forum members. 
 And more people than that browse the postings there each day without 
actually joining.

A couple of aspects of the forum that I find especially useful are the 
ability to post images that relate to a posting, and having threads 
organized by their subject.  So, if you're interested in discussing 
aspects of building cameras, you can post and read the "Making Cameras 
and Pinholes" forum.  And an excellent example of using images with a 
posting is the "Ansco Pix Panorama Conversion" post by "elrodcod".  
This is a step by step instruction for converting this camera to 
pinhole.  ( see http://www.???/forum/viewtopic.php?t=297 

For most forums, joining is optional for viewing, but required in order 
to post.  This keeps spam out of the forums.  Joining requires you to 
enter your email address which is then emailed to you to confirm the 
address.   Forum member's email addresses are protected (and always 
will) - even from other members.  You can email any forum member by 
using a form, but the forum never displays their email address.  I've 
tried out several different forum software applications over the last 
couple of years and this one is the best.

If anyone is interested in "moderating" one of the existing forums, or 
would like to start a new forum, please let me know and I'll set you up.

Forums that currently need a moderator are:
   General discussion
   Getting started
   Making cameras and pinholes

- Gregg

On Sunday, February 23, 2003, at 09:14  PM, ethereal art wrote:

In case you haven't visited the Pinhole Visions website recently, and
seen the new category "Buy/Sell/Trade,

Actually, if you haven't visited www.??? lately, you've
missed new and improved navigating and GREAT conversations. Gregg Kemp 
is a

master at our website.
At http://www.???/forum/index.php you have:

General Pinhole Discussion

General topics

Upload Gallery
A place to post your pinhole photographs for feedback or other 

Getting Started
For beginners wanting to learn about getting started in pinhole 

and those who can help them.

Making Cameras and Pinholes
Tips, experiences, and questions about making pinhole cameras. A 

is needed for this forum

A place to list pinhole photography items you are looking for, or to 
sell or

swap with someone.

If you don't have a website, the UPLOAD GALLERY is the perfect place 
to show

new images and receive comments and helpful criticism.
And wait until you see what the Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day Team 
cooking up for the gallery this year! It's so much fun, it's 

there's this pop-up screen that
Well, suffice it to say, as of my sending this message, there are only 

days, 21 hours and 45 minutes to go...Get ready.

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day
Held the last Sunday of April each year

Re: [pinhole-discussion] In Lieu of a Website

2003-02-24 Thread Gregg Kemp

On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 03:39  AM, Bill Erickson wrote:

Looks great. Aslo unique in being slit work. Is there some place you 

reference it?

The PV directory (???/directory) is a good starting 
place to list it.  Anyone searching the directory for "slit" would find 
it.  New listings are also featured on the front page of the PV site 
for a month.  And the directory is already listed in the major search 
engines.  (I hope this is what you mean by "reference it" - if not, 
just disregard.)  :-)

- Gregg

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Miller" 
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 11:08 PM
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] In Lieu of a Website

Dear Gang,

I've been working on a personal website about 2 hours a month for the
last year or two...probably won't be done any time soon.  To plug the
gap, here is a link to a few images that I've created over the last
couple of years.
Comments and reactions are appreciated.


Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day
Held the last Sunday of April each year

Re: [pinhole-discussion] In Lieu of a Website

2003-02-24 Thread Gregg Kemp
Very interesting images, Tom.  I've never tried using slits before, but 
I imagine its a very different mindset to get a handle on.   Your 
photos make me want to try it.

And the mnartists.org web site is nicely done also.  Thanks for sharing.

- Gregg

On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 12:08  AM, Tom Miller wrote:

Dear Gang,

I've been working on a personal website about 2 hours a month for the
last year or two...probably won't be done any time soon.  To plug the
gap, here is a link to a few images that I've created over the last
couple of years.
Comments and reactions are appreciated.


Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day
Held the last Sunday of April each year

Re: [pinhole-discussion] #80 drill bit question

2003-01-04 Thread Gregg Kemp

On Saturday, January 4, 2003, at 04:34  PM, Traci Bunkers wrote:

Okay, so I ran out and got a #80 drill bit to try. Are you all putting
these in your drill? I'm worried I'll break it when I tighten the 

Plus, I can't seem to get it in straight, which would make a bigger
pinhole. Or are you sticking this in an eraser like the "old fashion

Traci Bunkers

A "pin vise" works well for this.  They aren't too expensive and will 
handle the small size.  You have to drill by hand, but that's very 
pinhole.  You twist the shaft while holding the top steady - it swivels.

- Gregg

[pinhole-discussion] pinhole wedding photographer?

2003-01-01 Thread Gregg Kemp
I'm posting this for someone else.  If anyone on the list lives near 
Northeastern Connecticut and is interested in photographing a wedding, 
using pinhole cameras, in June, please contact me OFF LIST at 
gregg@p at ??? .

The individual is interested in "alternative photography (pinhole, 
vintage cameras, etc.)"



Re: [pinhole-discussion] Season's greetings to all!

2002-12-23 Thread Gregg Kemp

On Monday, December 23, 2002, at 10:52  AM, Guy Glorieux wrote:

Dear pinholin' friends,

It's winter for some and summer for others!  But we are all preparing
for the festivities of this time of the year, with varying levels of
frenzy depending on the amount of preparations we still have to do.

In the midst of this, I just want to wish you all a very happy time of
celebration when the bells start ringing Christmas.

May 2003 be full of happy moments for you and your close ones, despite
the dark clouds looming ahead.  May this be a year of generosity 

those in need.

And, for us, the community of pinholers, may this be a year of great 

and great creativity with our strange photographic contraptions.

And, finally, a very special thank to Gregg Kemp for continuing to be
year-after-year so generous with his time and energy in ensuring that
this list and the Pinhole Visions web site/ressource allows us to get
together and share our common passion.

Well, I feel a little embarrassed, but thanks Guy.  And I'll join with 
you in wishing everyone a happy holiday and a happy 2003, and as our 
friend Tom Lindsay says "keep on pinholin'"!

- Gregg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Web forums

2002-12-20 Thread Gregg Kemp

On Friday, December 20, 2002, at 02:26  PM, Jeff Dilcher wrote:

If anyone would like to start a new forum, just write to me at
gregg@??? and I'll
set it up.  If you'd like to also moderate a forum, even better!

Great work, Greg!  I like the idea of additional ways to post pictures.

I fear, however, that a web based group of pinhole sub-topics will 

our "catch all" email forum.  An email group, like ours, is very
"passive", in that, I am a part of the flow of discussion without 

to remember to visit web sites, register, etc.  I just have to check my
email now and then, which I do anyway during my day.  Others won't be 
me, and will branch away from this group to discuss things on the 

web forum, thereby fracturing our group.  Some of us will miss
contributions which, I guess, would have been directed here.

I host a mailing list (unrelated topic) of 700 people,
http://www.hiddenworld.net/tag-net .  I thought about doing the same 

based sub groups, but didn't, only because I feared diluting the email
group, which I had fostered for about 10 years.  Maybe this Pinhole 

has reached the volume level where some branching out is necessary,
however, I don't feel I get two much mail, as it stands.

Anyway, just my two cents, as a fellow moderator.  I appreciate the 
however it changes, and enjoy reading and contributing to the group, 

I can.  I appreciate the positive tone of most of the discussions here,
and the willingness of folks to help others out.

Happy Holidays all-  Take advantage of some time off from work to get 


-Jeff Dilcher
Atlanta, GA USA

Thanks for the feedback Jeff.  I appreciate your concerns about the 
danger of the forum fracturing the list.  But, I also realize that 
there are people not on the mailing list who might participate in the 
forum and not join the list.  My main objective is to explore and 
provide various means of communication for us.  The forum and the list 
will survive or not survive based on their own merits and depending on 
how much either is used.   One reason I publish the "Pinhole News" 
separate from the discussion list is that not everyone is interested in 
exhibits, events, and other stories that come into the Pinhole Visions 
web site.  Some people subscribe to one and not the other and some 
people subscribe to both.  I'm mostly trying to provide options so 
people have access or can participate in sharing information the way 
that works for them.  But, I think your concerns are valid and it is 
worth keeping an eye on how the forum might affect the list.  I 
certainly don't won't to weaken the list.  I'm constantly impressed at 
how helpful and open everyone is, and what a friendly community we have 
been for such a long time.   We pinholers seem to play well with others!

- Gregg

[pinhole-discussion] new upload gallery for 2003

2002-12-20 Thread Gregg Kemp
Hi All,

I've been looking at different options for providing a better gallery space for 
this list - where anyone can not only upload an image, but can also write a 
description of it or pose a question about a problem, etc.  I've finally set up 
what I hope will be accomplish that and more.  It is a discussion "forum" that 
allows the uploading of images.  My intention was to provide not only a better 
place to upload images, but also to provide space for other discussion.  

The forum is located at: http://www.???/forum/

and the upload gallery at:

If anyone would like to start a new forum, just write to me at gregg@??? 
and I'll set it up.  If you'd like to also moderate a forum, even better!

This forum is for the use of everyone on the list, so please let me know 
anything you don't like about it.  I may or may not be able to change things, 
but I'll look into it.

To use the forum, you will need to register.  If you registered for the forum 
from last year, your registration should still work.  If you have forgotten 
your password, it will mail one to you.  To check to see if you're on the list, 
select the "memberlist" option.

There's a lot of information on registering and using the forum in the FAQ at 

I hope you like the gallery.


Re: [pinhole-discussion] Yet another lensless technique !!

2002-12-17 Thread Gregg Kemp
That's really remarkable, Guillermo.  I whole new area of exploration 
just opened up.  Nice going!


On Tuesday, December 17, 2002, at 12:49  AM, Guillermo wrote:

I just finished writing and web-publishing a small article about the 
lensless technique.  Similar to zone plate, it used diffraction in 
order to

focus light, but instead of rings, it uses a large amount of pinholes
appropriately distributed, this technique is called PHOTON SIEVE 
imaging, I

invite you to take a look at:



Re: [pinhole-discussion] Silver prints from digital files?

2002-11-09 Thread Gregg Kemp

On Friday, November 8, 2002, at 02:48  PM, bendur...@aol.com wrote:

Could anyone tell me about internet sources that tell you how to make 
digital negative for contact printing.


Dan Burkholder's site has some info and his book on this:


Re: [pinhole-discussion] Does Pinhole-Discussion have an archive?

2002-11-05 Thread Gregg Kemp
Thanks for the reply, Guillermo.  And I agree about the earlier archive 
being easier to search than the more recent postings.  I hope to 
combine the two sometime next year into a single archive similar to the 
earlier one.

- Gregg

On Tuesday, November 5, 2002, at 04:12  PM, Guillermo wrote:

- Original Message -
From: "Andrew Amundsen" 

...how do we access the archives? Could someone post a link?


You will see a link to the DISCUSSION page, at the foot of each 
posting, go

there and 3/4 down the page there is a link to archives. There are 2
categories of archived messages: those posted previous to 08/22/2000 

those posted after.  The former are easier to search than the latter,


Re: [pinhole-discussion] authentic space

2002-10-27 Thread Gregg Kemp

On Sunday, October 27, 2002, at 06:43  PM, Steve Bell wrote:

Hmm, well let's see.

i originally began with the idea of places where people go to reclaim 

past. for example, diners. i go to diners all the time, and a friend of
mine started talking to me about the idea of authentic space. like, in 
50's diners were kind of this ideal for the future. all stream lined 
chrome and neon. now diners are this ideal of the past. this space 
people feel like they are part of something authentic. we also talked 

how yuppie artist types get apartments in more urban areas, and nouveau
bourgoise people buy industrial type buildings and turn them into 
spaces so they can feel more conntected to the working class that 
left behind. this is all architectural theory that she had been 

it got me very interested. so i've been shooting authentic space. i 
off just doing diners and thrift stores, but i've now started relying 
on my instincts, shooting whatever feels like authentic space, rather 

defining it by these specific criteria.

I find this very interesting Steve - the idea of how the perspective of 
a place changes over time.  What places, or types of places have your 
instincts taken you to (if you don't mind my asking)?

And thank you Rosanne, for asking about the meaning of "authentic" 
places.  I just assumed I had simply missed out on something else.

- Gregg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] 4x5 film

2002-10-17 Thread Gregg Kemp

here's a copy:


- Gregg

On Thursday, October 17, 2002, at 01:12  PM, Gordon J. Holtslander 


It looks like the site is down.  The is a fabulous collection of 

and salted paper information on this site including reilly's book.

I search for albumen at http://www.stanford.edu gives manner of links 


but I tried to "ping" albumen.stanford.edu and recieved no response.  

trying - there is a great deal of wonderful information there.

I've asked someone at www.standford.edu to clarify what is going on.


On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, George L Smyth wrote:

--- "Gordon J. Holtslander"  wrote:

One of the best books on salt printing (and albumen printing) is

The Albumen and Salted Paper Book by James Reilly - its out of print 

is available online as a web page at:


Gordon -

Not "one of" but "the" best book on the subject.   I've got a 
copy, but was
suprised to hear that it was online (I wanted to do that long ago, 
but couldn't
get permission).  The above link I see as dead.  Could you check it 
and let me

know if the book is indeed online?

Thanks -


[pinhole-discussion] 4x5 camera plans

2002-10-13 Thread Gregg Kemp
Also does anyone know of any designs for making a 4x5 pinhole camera, 
or have any advice I don't want to buyone, but I want one that 
produces good quality images and is reliable.

There's some information here about a source of plans for building a 
wooden camera that will work for pinhole as well as lens:


- Gregg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] GREGG...I think someones spoofing your address.... Careful about opening Subject: Re: WPPD in Sweden - FYIO

2002-10-06 Thread Gregg Kemp
Thanks Andy and George for the virus information.  I just returned from  
a week's vacation and had several email messages from friends referring  
to similar email I never sent.  So, I especially thank George for his  
summary of the Bugbear virus.  This is a really good example of the  
spoofing, as my computer hasn't even been on for 5 days!


- Gregg
On Saturday, October 5, 2002, at 05:03  PM, George L Smyth wrote:

The Bugbear virus uses email spoofing, so this has nothing to do with  
his email
personally.  When it infects a computer, it grabs a random email  
address from

the person's address book and places it into the From area (note
In this way, it appears that the virus is coming from someone who had  

to do with the infection in the first place.

Unfortunately, some virus programs send a notice to the person in the  
area, telling them that they sent the virus.  This only leads to  

since the person never sent the email in the first place.

Don't open attachments without knowledge that someone sent one (send  
them an
email asking if they did send one before opening it).  Ensure that you  
have an
antivirus program running when you do open an attachment, just in case  
you were
inadvertently sent an infected file.  It's just a cost of doing  
business on the


Cheers -


--- Andy Schmitt  wrote:
I don't have your direct email address so I couldn't send it just to  

I'm really happy my ISP does this...

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Pinhole Photographs exhibit on Zone Zero site

2002-08-01 Thread Gregg Kemp

Hi Jean,

Thanks for noticing this site.  Carlos Jurado was in the exhibition last 
year, but the real organizer was Adolfina Paredes who teaches at a 
university in Veracruz.   ZoneZero is a great site for photography and life 
run by Pedro Meyer.  A recent editorial of his documents how his digital 
camera and laptop computer gave him vital assistance in his medical 
treatment after a serious accident in 
Ecuador.  http://zonezero.com/editorial/editorial.html

- Gregg

At 11:28 PM 7/31/2002 +0200, you wrote:

The Zone Zero News bulletin of August indicates that there is an exhibit of
pinhole photography on the Zone Zero site. You can find these pictures at :

The exhibit is in direct relation with the "First National Encounter of
Pinhole Photography," held in the city of Veracruz, Mexico, during the month
of July 2001 and shows several photographers, among them the founders of
this event , Carlos Jurado . There are a lot of very interesting pictures
shown there.
I also enjoyed to find in this exhibit some lovely pictures by a pinholist
that we all know and appreciate not only for his pinhole work but also for
his great work as administrator of this list and Pinhole vision site : Gregg

Bravo Gregg !

Happy pinholing to everybody!
from France

Re: SV: [pinhole-discussion] pinhole size

2002-07-22 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 08:48 AM 7/22/2002 +0200, you wrote:

Haven't tried it myself, but I guess it would work:

in your darkroom , you place a transparent ruler somehow in your enlarger
and mark the mm-steps on a paper.
Then placing the pinhole-plate in the enlarger, you see if its round and get
an approximation of the size.

Perhaps you might get an exact measuring doing some maths on the enlargers
height etc - but thats' beyond my skills for sure.


I've used a transparent ruler this way also, but have found that the ruler 
is a bit "fuzzy" when projected.  As an improvement to this, I made a scale 
of 2mm, divided into 1/10th markings (in Photoshop).  I printed this onto 
transparency film.  Then I cut it to fit into the enlarger.  Once in the 
enlarger, move the enlarger up or down to project the 1mm onto 1cm of the 
ruler on the stand.  The enlarger is then calibrated.  If you cut your 
brass shim (or whatever strata you are using for the pinhole) to fit the 
enlarger film holder, you can now insert it and measure its size on the 
ruler on the stand.  I hope this explanation makes sense.  I've used this 
in a couple of workshops I've done (as a more advanced thing you can do), 
and it produced very accurate pinholes for everyone.  I think a magnifier 
like a Lupe is perfect for checking how well made the hole is, but the 
enlarger gives a pretty good measure of its size.

Here's a pdf version of it if anyone would like to use it: 
ftp://ftp.p at ???/pinholeSizeProjection.pdf

- Gregg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] lack of pinhole images on photosig

2002-07-12 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 09:05 AM 7/11/2002 -0700, you wrote:

--- pinholeren...@netscape.net wrote:
> I have been looking at the photo site PHOTOSIG for pinhole images & can 
> only a few.I would love to see more pinhole & zoneplate images 
represented on
> the site.I would like to know if any of the people on the list post 
images on

> the site.lets get some more exposure for a great camera & process.
> chip renner

I don't know anything about this site (I don't even know the URL), but 
since it

is free and easy to create your own website, I would expect that pinholers
simply create their own site and display their work.



I agree with you George.  I was curious and took a look at 
www.photosig.com.  Its a very impressive site, perfect for a photo 
community.  I try to keep up with the direction things take on the web and 
I think the photosig site may well be a milestone in this type of 
community.  It combines discussion and image viewing very nicely.  I have 
written to Willis Boyce, the developer of the site to see if he would 
consider sharing his code.  He uses the same programming language I use on 
the Pinhole Visions site, so it would be easy to implement a similar site 
for the discussion list if he is agreeable.  If not, then I am considering 
doing something somewhat similar myself.  This will take a while, but it 
fits in with the direction I have wanted to take things for some time - 
combining a "forum" with an on-line "gallery".  The "forum" by itself did 
not go over well this past year, but I think it might be used more if 
combined directly with the gallery.  What I would set up would require 
members to "register" (the same as the discussion list) before posting 
images or in the forum (in order to keep down the spammers, etc.), but 
anyone could view images and postings.  I would be interested in other's 
thoughts about this.

- Gregg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] 126 pinhole camera

2002-06-17 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 05:58 PM 6/17/2002 +0100, you wrote:

I am still using this camera ( camera box made from black card and attached
to a cartridge of 126 film - increasingly difficult to get hold of! The
pinhole is made from aluminium pastry foil) despite manual wind-on problems
etc. Could Guillermo or one of the experts please tell me who first
described it. Do you have the reference to a paper or did it first appear on
the internet? I'm hoping to write a paper and would like to give credit to
the person.
Thanks, and happy pinholing everyone

There's quite a bit of documentation on 126 pinhole cameras on the 
web.  Kodak use to have a page on it before the 126 film format was 
discontinued.  I have a copy of the original Kodak how-to page stored here 
(with Kodak's permission):


Here's another, similar how-to page:


A search at google.com for "126 pinhole camera" will display many more links.

And here's a photo I uploaded last year of some of the camera bodies I've 
used out of paper towel and toilet paper tubes:


- hope this is helpful,


Re: [pinhole-discussion] Funny Pinhole Site

2002-06-03 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 11:43 PM 6/2/2002 -0500, you wrote:
I suspect that the site is more of an attempt to show off clever web site 
design skills than an attempt to showcase pinhole photography.

Mike Vande Bunt

You're right, and a rather successful attempt at that.  I noted the site in 
the Pinhole Diary in November of last year:


"The Pinhole Spy Camera site, developed by Mod7 Communications in 
Vancouver, Canada, was chosen as a finalist in the Baddeck International 
New Media Awards 2001, a venue created to 'celebrate new media and to look 
into the industry's future'."

- Gregg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] tube development and scratches

2002-06-02 Thread Gregg Kemp
I put the screen in first and press it against the tube, then load the 
film, emulsion side facing away from the screen and tube.

- Gregg

At 10:56 AM 6/2/2002 -0700, you wrote:

Gregg wrote:

> I use a piece of plastic screening inside a tube to avoid the scratching
> and also allow the chemicals to cover both sides.  I think I got this idea
> from someone's posting on the list a couple of years ago.  It has worked
> pretty well.  You can buy the screening at a hardware store and just cut it
> to fit inside the tube.

This sounds like a good idea.  Do you put the screen in before you put the
film in, or sort of wrap it around the film before inserting it?

I'll try it tomorrow, and also try sanding and steel wool as per John's



Re: [pinhole-discussion] tube development

2002-06-02 Thread Gregg Kemp
I use a piece of plastic screening inside a tube to avoid the scratching 
and also allow the chemicals to cover both sides.  I think I got this idea 
from someone's posting on the list a couple of years ago.  It has worked 
pretty well.  You can buy the screening at a hardware store and just cut it 
to fit inside the tube.

- Gregg

At 04:55 AM 6/2/2002 -0700, you wrote:

The inside edges of the tube have to be very polished.  I have had many a
tube that have felt smooth, but have scratched my film.  The best way to get
around it is to keep sanding the edges with finer and finer sand paper, and
finally finish it off with steel wool.  You could also try puttin your
finger between the film and the tube in the center of the film where it is
being scrached.


- Original Message -
From: "Shannon Stoney" 
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 10:57 PM
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] tube development

> I just made a tube for developing 8x10 film in, out of ABS black plastic
> pipe.  I did it according to the directions in the Beyond the Zone System
> book.  It worked pretty well, held liquid well, etc, but when I withdrew
> film from the tube it scratched the non-emulsion side pretty badly with
> long scratches.  I felt around inside the tube but couldn't feel any big
> sharp places or anything.  I had sanded some inside.  Any clue as to what
> caused these scratches?  maybe residual sand from the sandpaper?
> --shannon
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[pinhole-discussion] WPPD2 on-line exhibition

2002-05-31 Thread Gregg Kemp

Dear fellow pinholers,

The submission form for WPPD2 officially closed at midnight (GMT) with 902 
people from 35 countries participating in this year's pinhole day on-line 
exhibition.  I would guess that even people than that took a pinhole photo 
that day but did not participate in the on-line exhibition.  Even so, the 
exhibition is a true testimonial and document of our joining together 
around the world to support each other in exploring our lives on this planet.

Best wishes to everyone from the WPPD2 coordinating team!


- Gregg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] WPPD winding down!

2002-05-30 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 12:30 PM 5/30/2002 -0400, you wrote:

How do we access these Emil addresses? I can't seem to find them. Is this a
browser thing? Or am I looking in the wrong place.

If anyone is unable to see the email address at the bottom of the "photo" 
page, please send me an email stating what browser and operating system you 
are using.  I may need to change some things for this to work with all 

Please do not post a reply to the list, but send your information to 



RE: [pinhole-discussion] Very large format...

2002-05-24 Thread Gregg Kemp
I wonder why his prints are so small?  he must use a reducer instead of an 


- Gregg

-Original Message-
From: Andy Schmitt [mailto:aschm...@warwick.net]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 9:51 AM
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
Subject: RE: [pinhole-discussion] Very large format...

Gee an answer to the homeless photographer problem... 8o)

-Original Message-
From: pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???
[mailto:pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???]On Behalf Of Guy Glorieux
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 5:38 AM
To: pinhole List
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Very large format...

Hi all,

I picked this up from Clive Russell on the Large Format list.

What an incredible piece of equipment!
Of course, I'll need to wash my mouse with soap for referencing lens
equipment on this list, but I thought that with a bit of imagination we
could imagine replacing the lens with a 1.778mm pinhole at f/1012 and do
some interesting work...

Keep on pinholin' as Tom would say,


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Re: [pinhole-discussion] Headlands Center WPPD photos

2002-05-16 Thread Gregg Kemp
I believe I have it fixed this time around - at least for IE 5.5 and 
Mozilla 1.0 browsers.  Thanks for reporting the problem and please let me 
know any others your run across.

- Gregg

At 12:34 PM 5/15/2002 -0400, you wrote:


Still get the "Internal Server Error" :(


Gregg Kemp wrote:
> There was an error in the script which I've corrected.  The posted url 
should work now.

> http://www.pinholeday.org/gallery/2002/index.php?id=633
> Gregg
> -Original Message-
> From: Andy Schmitt [mailto:aschm...@warwick.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 9:41 AM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: RE: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Pinhole-Discussion digest, Vol 1
> #702 - 4 msgs
> Hey there..
> I received the following message when I tried to go there:
> Internal Server Error
> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable
> to complete your request.
> Please contact the server administrator, pinh...@pair.com and inform 
them of

> the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have
> caused the error.
> More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
> Maybe I tried tooo quickly..
> andy
> -Original Message-
> From: pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???
> [mailto:pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???]On Behalf Of aaron
> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 1:18 AM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Pinhole-Discussion digest, Vol 1 #702
> - 4 msgs
> hi all.
> some pictures are going up from a WWPD2 event at the Headlands Center in
> Sausalito, CA.
> they start at number 633.
> http://www.pinholeday.org/gallery/2002/index.php?id=633
> the pictures were taken with cameras made from 35mm film cannisters.
> they were given out to visitors at one of the galleries there.
> /aaron
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

  Bogdan Karasek
  Montréal, Québece-mail: bkara...@videotron.ca

"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen"
"What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence"
  Ludwig Wittgenstein

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RE: [pinhole-discussion] Headlands Center WPPD photos

2002-05-15 Thread Gregg Kemp
humm, you're right, Bogdan.  Thanks for checking.  I'll give it another try...


-Original Message-
From: Bogdan Karasek [mailto:bkara...@videotron.ca]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 12:34 PM
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] Headlands Center WPPD photos


Still get the "Internal Server Error" :(


Gregg Kemp wrote:
> There was an error in the script which I've corrected.  The posted url should 
> work now.
> http://www.pinholeday.org/gallery/2002/index.php?id=633
> Gregg
> -Original Message-
> From: Andy Schmitt [mailto:aschm...@warwick.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 9:41 AM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: RE: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Pinhole-Discussion digest, Vol 1
> #702 - 4 msgs
> Hey there..
> I received the following message when I tried to go there:
> Internal Server Error
> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable
> to complete your request.
> Please contact the server administrator, pinh...@pair.com and inform them of
> the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have
> caused the error.
> More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
> Maybe I tried tooo quickly..
> andy
> -Original Message-
> From: pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???
> [mailto:pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???]On Behalf Of aaron
> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 1:18 AM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Pinhole-Discussion digest, Vol 1 #702
> - 4 msgs
> hi all.
> some pictures are going up from a WWPD2 event at the Headlands Center in
> Sausalito, CA.
> they start at number 633.
> http://www.pinholeday.org/gallery/2002/index.php?id=633
> the pictures were taken with cameras made from 35mm film cannisters.
> they were given out to visitors at one of the galleries there.
> /aaron
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

  Bogdan Karasek
  Montréal, Québece-mail: bkara...@videotron.ca

"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen" 
"What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence"
  Ludwig Wittgenstein 

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Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
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[pinhole-discussion] Headlands Center WPPD photos

2002-05-15 Thread Gregg Kemp
There was an error in the script which I've corrected.  The posted url should 
work now.  



-Original Message-
From: Andy Schmitt [mailto:aschm...@warwick.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 9:41 AM
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
Subject: RE: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Pinhole-Discussion digest, Vol 1
#702 - 4 msgs

Hey there..
I received the following message when I tried to go there:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable
to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, pinh...@pair.com and inform them of
the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Maybe I tried tooo quickly..

-Original Message-
From: pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???
[mailto:pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???]On Behalf Of aaron
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 1:18 AM
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Pinhole-Discussion digest, Vol 1 #702
- 4 msgs

hi all.
some pictures are going up from a WWPD2 event at the Headlands Center in
Sausalito, CA.
they start at number 633.


the pictures were taken with cameras made from 35mm film cannisters.
they were given out to visitors at one of the galleries there.

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Re: [pinhole-discussion] Daylux

2002-05-07 Thread Gregg Kemp


Here's some information Ed Levinson sent me about the Polaroid pinhole 
camera, now available in the US as well as Japan:


- Gregg

At 08:18 AM 5/7/02 -0400, you wrote:

This has probably already been discussed, but does anyone here have the 
Daylux pinhole camera which takes Polaroid film?  If so, how do you like it?
I have been wondering about doing pinhole with Polaroids.  Anyone take the 
lens off an SX-70 or One Step?  I got one for 25 cents at a church rummage 
sale and was thinking I might convert it.


MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: 

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Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] RE: WPPD Financing/Contributions

2002-05-02 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 06:57 PM 5/1/02 -0700, you wrote:
So, we're not talking about a lot of money. But, what we receive will be 
used only for WPPD expenses.  And so far, those expenses are very small - 
domain name registration, and some web server expenses.


I am so pleased with the WPPD event -- and can only imagine the work 
involved -- that I would like to contribute to the cause.  I plan to buy a 
t-shirt, but I'd like to make more than a $1 contribution.

Could WPPD use money for past or future expenses?

If so, can we send checks to you?  And you address?

Thanks to all the organizers for the hard work.


Hi Tom,

Thanks for your generous thoughts on supporting WPPD.  My initial response 
is to say "no need for that".  But it isn't for me only to say, and I think 
it would be good to let you and others know about the money side of this.

To put things into context, the only expenses for planning and promoting 
WPPD (beyond the countless hours donated by members of the coordinating 
team and translators) are for the web site and the registration of the 
pinholeday.org domain name.  The domain registration is around $18 a 
year.  And the WPPD web site is actually a part of the Pinhole Visions web 
site - it just has it's own domain name and URL.

Why is it set up this way?  Well, I'm a computer programmer and a visual 
artist.  The Pinhole Visions web site is one of my hobbies.  I rent for the 
web space for Pinhole Visions from one of the best web service providers in 
the world, pair Networks.  I pay what many would consider a high price for 
this space in order to have access to the tools and databases I need to 
write intelligent, "data-driven" applications (like the WPPD2 
exhibition).   Also, I hate web sites with obnoxious pop-up window ads and 
banner ads on each page trying to sell stuff I have no interest in.  By 
paying for my space from a reputable service provider, I have complete 
control of the content for both Pinhole Visions and for WPPD (no ISP pop-up 
or banner ads).

My goal with the PV web site has always been to provide a place where 
pinholers can participate in a variety of ways.  This discussion list 
started by James Kellar and moderated by James and Guy Glorieux is one 
example.  Robert Oehl edits the "directory" of over 200 pinhole web sites 
listed on the PV site.  And, close to 30 members of the WPPD team have 
personal accounts to log in and edit the content of the pinholeday.org web 
site.  It's very gratifying to me that so many of us are contributing to 
that web site.  WPPD isn't just "my" web site.  It is "our" web site.

I have paid the bills for all of this for about 5 years now.  I have 
introduced a few ways to reduce my costs such as selling books through 
Amazon.com, and I recently began selling Pinhole Visions "wares" similar to 
the WPPD "wares".  I only advertise pinhole-related items.  Book sales from 
Amazon pay for 1 or 2 months operation per year.  The "wares" may 
eventually pay for another month.  The biggest support I have received in 
operating the PV site is from Zernike Au and the Zero Image 
Company.  Zernike is my only paying advertiser on the site and I am proud 
to advertise his fine products.

I think for the future of the Pinhole Visions site and the future of the 
WPPD, it would be good to consider moving WPPD to its own "account".  And 
that will mean new funding for that.  There have been discussions among 
some of the members of the coordinating team to set up WPPD as a non-profit 
organization.  If that happens, funding will be an important issue.

So, to get back to your question, please do not send me any money.  Let's 
wait until the WPPD3 coordinating team is formed, and see what their plans 

- Gregg
Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

RE: [pinhole-discussion] Thanks to all the WPPD Contributors.

2002-05-01 Thread Gregg Kemp
Thank you James.  All of us involved appreciate your kind words and the many 
thanks we have received in email, the exhibition guest book, and here on the 
discussion list.  

We on the coordinating team also appreciate the (unsolicited) reference to the 
t-shirts and other "wares" available.  However, we decided several weeks ago 
not to promote these items ourselves because we did not want to turn pinhole 
day into a "commercial" event.  At the same time, we wanted to make some items 
available to those who want them, to commemorate WPPD2.  No one should feel 
that you need to buy any of these items to support pinhole day - that is not an 
issue. If you would like one of these items for your enjoyment, they are 
available and of good quality (based on the ones I have bought and others 

I would like for everyone to know the finances of this.  It cost us nothing to 
set up this service with cafepress.com.  Guy Glorieux designed the white 
t-shirt and I designed the other items.  We set the web site with the items and 
CafePress.com prints items as they are ordered.  They seem to do a very good 
job, but have been a little slow to ship things in the past couple of weeks.  
For each item sold, we get one dollar, regardless of the item, and they get the 
rest.  The check is sent to me and I'm keeping records of what we receive.  So, 
we're not talking about a lot of money. But, what we receive will be used only 
for WPPD expenses.  And so far, those expenses are very small - domain name 
registration, and some web server expenses.  It is very unlikely we will 
collect more than our annual expense for the web site. 

We are feeling very proud of this year's event, and very excited about what we 
believe was a very large turnout on April 28.  The photos that are coming in  
We can all celebrate the success of this year's pinhole day (no t-shirts 

Thanks again to everyone who helped make this a fun day for a lot of people, 
and to everyone who got out there and had some fun!


> -Original Message-
> From: James Kellar [mailto:pinh...@jameskellar.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 8:19 AM
> To: Pinhole Disscussion Group
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Thanks to all the WPPD Contributors.
> Hi all,
> I hope everyone had a great WPPD. By the looks of the gallery it is 
> going to be a great success. Last time Iooked there were over 
> 200 great 
> images.  Remember to thank all the wonderful people who put 
> there time, 
> effort and money to make this work. Below you will see a list 
> of all the 
> folks who made this all possible.  If by chance you haven't 
> noticed you 
> can buy WPPD T-Shirts, mugs and other great looking items that help 
> promote and celebrate the WPPD. Also when you make a purchase 
>  you help 
> defray some of the costs it takes to put on this advent. So if you 
> haven't placed  your order yet go to, 
> http://www.cafepress.com/cp/store/store.aspx?storeid=wppd, and do so 
> today.
>  James
> Coordinating Team Guy Glorieux (Canada, team leader)
> Gregg Kemp (USA, team leader)
> Zernike Au (Hong Kong)
> Jean Daubas (France)
> Edward Levinson (Japan)
> Tom Miller (USA)
> Guillermo Peñate (El Salvador)
> Ana Maria Schultze (Brazil)
> Rosanne Stutts (USA)
> Publicity Rosanne Stutts (coordinator)
> Paolo Aldi (Italy)
> Dennis Johanson (Sweden)
> Marco Dreher (graphics)
> (Coordinating Team)
> Resources (Coordinating Team)
> Dieter Bublitz (Germany)
> Tom Miller (web page)
> George L Smyth (web page)
> Related EventsTom Miller (coordinator)
> Web Site: Gregg Kemp
> Language Translations:Gregg Kemp (coordinator)
> Chinese:  Zernike Au
> Fei Zheng
> Deutsch:  Dieter Bublitz
> Martin Adler
> Dutch:Wolfgang Thoma
> Wally Thoma-Schuermans
> Frans van Dijk
> Español:  Guillermo Peñate
> Français: Jean-Luc Coulon
> Guy Glorieux
> Jean Daubas
> Italiano: Patrizia di Siro
> Japanese: Edward Levinson
> Polski:   Anna Oldak
> Kasia Oldak
> Português:Guilherme Galarraga
> Ana Maria Schultze
> Members of Lata Magica
> Srpski:   Vladimir Mikovic
> Slovensko:Vojko Flis
> Svenska:  Jan Hinderson
> Dennis Johanson
> Peter Wiklund
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML 
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

Re: [pinhole-discussion] longggggg exposure upon a child

2002-04-22 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 07:09 AM 4/22/02 -0400, you wrote:

I went to the link, but there were no images linked from the page. i would
really like to see these, anyone know what's wrong with the site? or my


Hi Steve,

You'll need to select "Exhibition" at the top of the page to go to the 
first image in the exhibition.

Or these links will take you directly to the pages:


- Gregg

> [Original Message]
> From: 
> To: 
 > Date: 4/21/2002 8:05:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] longg exposure upon a child
> In a message dated 4/21/02 7:25:19 PM Central Daylight Time,
> ethereal...@mindspring.com writes:
> > Hi Dennis
> >  I think you are referring to http://www.pinholeday.org/gallery/ and go
> >  Image 63 by Annalee Bloomfield. She did the all night photo of her
> invisible
> >  self.
> >  And Image 76 by Gregg Kemp, the Electric Picnic is the picnic.
> >  Rosanne
> >
> Ah yes, thats the ones, much thanks Roseanne, I knew someone here would
> recall the photographer(s)  better than I would, but the images were
> filled ones for me, nonetheless...
> Dennis

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Martha Casanave

2002-04-13 Thread Gregg Kemp

John and Leonard,

You might also enjoy browsing through the nearly 200 web sites listed in 
the "international directory of pinhole photographers" edited by Robert 
Oehl at


Additions and updates to the directory (like Craig Barber's new site) are 
also published on the PV home page at http://www.??? .

enjoy!  :)


At 06:42 PM 4/12/02 -0700, you wrote:

WOW - Thanks - I have to admit I had never seen this site before,
   - John Edwards, Vancouver, WA


> I am new to pinhole and spend a lot of time looking at the web for
> portfolios of different artists, this one really knocked me out.
> http://www.marthacasanave.com/cp.html

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Thomas Kellner's web site

2002-04-11 Thread Gregg Kemp
Thomas Kellner's web site is http://www.tkellner.de/  ( from the directory 
at http://www.???/directory/ )

- Gregg

At 03:44 PM 4/7/02 +0200, you wrote:

Hey everybody,
my webpage is online for a while with an extra section pinhole. (PCusers )
Best regards from Germany

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

[pinhole-discussion] FW: Pinhole News, April 11, 2002

2002-04-11 Thread Gregg Kemp
some very cool news regarding WPPD...

Congratulations to Zernike Au for his role in this project to turn a watchtower 
of the Great Wall of China into a camera obscura on pinhole day!

- Gregg

-Original Message-
From: Pinhole Visions [mailto:news@p at ???]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 9:09 AM
To: Pinhole News
Subject: Pinhole News, April 11, 2002

from the Pinhole Diary...

The Great Wall of China Pinhole Camera
[2002-04-11] Chinese artist Shi Gou Rui is converting one of the watchtowers of 
the Great Wall of China into a large pinhole camera to take a large pinhole 
photo during the 2nd annual Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day on April 28th. 
Mr. Shi is being assisted in this project by friends James Chen, Vicky Xu, He 
Chongyue, Lin Ran, Chen Zhanbo and his wife Vicky Xu. WPPD team coordinator 
Zernike Au of Hong Kong is also assisting the project as the event's technical 
consultant and will join Shi at the Great Wall on April 28, 2002

Read full story at


(reported by: Gregg Kemp)

*  *  *  *  *  *

For more news items on pinhole photography, visit the Pinhole Diary at:


If you have a pinhole story of interest, please add it to the Pinhole Diary at:


 Pinhole News subscribers:  445 (05-Apr-2002)
 Pinhole Diary archive: http://www.p at ???/diary/
 To unsubscribe, send an email to news-list-request@p at ??? with the 
subject "unsubscribe".

[pinhole-discussion] do you live near Glasgow, Scotland?

2002-04-10 Thread Gregg Kemp

Does anyone on the list live near Glasgow, Scotland?

I've been contacted by a feature writer for a newspaper there, wanting to do a 
feature on Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day, using a local family.  She is 
looking for someone to instruct the family in making pinhole cameras. 

If you live in the area and are interested in helping (and being in the paper), 
please contact me at gregg.kemp@???.



Re: [pinhole-discussion] new List member: brief introduction

2002-04-08 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 11:08 PM 4/8/02 +0200, you wrote:

I made my first few trials with a cappuccino tin camera,

Welcome to the list Christian.  It sounds like you have excellent taste!   :)

- Gregg

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

RE: [pinhole-discussion] canada.com Story

2002-04-08 Thread Gregg Kemp
Nice going, Guy - a really fine article.  Great promotion for pinhole 
photography and pinhole day.  19 days and counting...

- Gregg  

> -Original Message-
> From: Guy Glorieux [mailto:guy.glori...@sympatico.ca]
> Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 3:18 PM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] canada.com Story
> Thanks Michel,
> The newspaper article had a nice picture of me with my workspace with
> pinhole cameras and prints in the background.  They replaced it on the
> web with a publicity for Cadillac.  Too bad...  Not my doin'...!
> Cheers all and happy pinholin'!
> Guy
> - Original Message -
> From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 10:27 PM
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] canada.com Story
> > Dear pinhole-discussion@p at ???,
> >
> > Your friend michelbay...@webtv.net thought you might be 
> interested in
> this canada.com story:
> >
> > "Light, camera, pinhole"
> >
> >
> http://www.canada.com/montreal/montrealgazette/columnists/stor
> felicitation...congratulation Guy Glorieux on your interview in the
montreal gazette, sunday april 17 - 2002 column section page a4...bravo,
great for all pinholers.  regards mickey
> ___
> This is a free service courtesy of
> canada.com (http://www.canada.com)

Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML 
Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
unsubscribe or change your account at

[pinhole-discussion] test message

2002-04-04 Thread Gregg Kemp

I have had a couple of emails today from members concerned that the list may 
not be working.

This is partly a test, and partly an assurance that the list is fine, but there 
just hasn't been much traffic the last couple of days.  

hoping everyone is fine,


RE: RE: RE: RE: [pinhole-discussion] Finney 4x5 for sale

2002-04-03 Thread Gregg Kemp
I have temporarily suspended postings to David.  But, there may be a few more 
coming through before he stops getting email from the list, and we stop getting 
his auto replies.


> -Original Message-
> From: Jeff Dilcher [mailto:dilc...@hiddenworld.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 4:03 PM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: [pinhole-discussion] Finney 4x5 for sale
> Dreaded circular email loop in progress.  You might want to 
> temporarily
> disconnect David!
> On 3 Apr 2002, David Weinberg wrote:
> > I am on the west Coast this week with limited access to email.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
> > Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> > Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> > unsubscribe or change your account at
> > http://www.???/discussion/
> >
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML 
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

[pinhole-discussion] WPPD2 update

2002-04-01 Thread Gregg Kemp
The second annual Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day (to be held on April 
28) is now less than a month away.  Since this "pinhole day" event 
originated on this discussion list, I wanted to bring everyone up to date 
on where things are at this time. Nearly 30 people from around the world 
have contributed in various ways to this year's preparations.  In addition 
to the nine members of the coordinating team, 17 people have contributed 
their time in translating publicity material and also the web site into 12 
languages (in addition to English).  Many of these same people have also 
helped in promoting WPPD2 in their countries.  These people have done a 
really great job of making the event and the web site truly 
international.  A complete list of all the people who have contributed this 
year is on the web site at:


There is still time for list members to help publicize WPPD2.  There are 
files on the web site that can be downloaded and printed for use as 
"flyers" or "handbills" (English, French, and Spanish versions).  Please 
take these to your local photo stores, art centers, university bulletin 
boards, or anywhere else you can think of where there may be 
interest.  Anyone with a web site is encouraged to add a banner to your 
page with a link to the pinholeday.org web site.  Several graphics are 
available for this, or create your own.  The flyers and banners can be 
downloaded from:


If you have any questions regarding publicity, please contact Rosanne 
Stutts at ethereal...@mindspring.com.

Something that was added to our planning this year that has been very 
successful is the coordination of workshops and other events for pinhole 
day.  Tom Miller has coordinated this effort in several ways: helping 
people get their information listed on the web site, tracking down 
workshops, and also preparing a detailed guide for developing pinhole 
photography workshops (available in English and French).  As of today, 
there are 23 workshops listed in 6 countries.  It would be great to see 
workshops available in more countries, but this year was a great start in 
that area. If anyone is doing a workshop between now and pinhole day, that 
is NOT listed on the pinholeday.org web site, please contact Tom to list 
it.  Tom is also working with groups who are planning to get together on 
pinhole day to make photos.  These groups can also choose to have a special 
listing in the web exhibition.

Events are listed at:


Tom's guide and other resources for workshop planners is located at:


Please contact Tom if you have planned any public event that is not already 
listed, or have questions regarding getting an event listed.

Another new addition to this year's pinhole day will be a "gift shop" where 
you can purchase souvenirs of WPPD2, including t-shirts, caps, and coffee 
mugs.  Thanks go to list moderator James Keller for finding a company on 
the web to print items for us.  Everything will be available 
on-line.  Several WPPD2 team members have already ordered and received 
merchandise to be sure it is good quality, and we have been very 
pleased.  As soon as the gift shop is ready, we'll let everyone know the 

The exhibition this year includes several suggestions posted to the 
discussion list last year, like browsing by pages of small (thumbnail) 
images, and better language support for the navigation.  The exhibition can 
be viewed by country, region, city, or by a workshop or other 
group.  You'll be able to search for a name or words in a title.  And 
you'll be able to go directly to an image or to a page of small 
images.  Each visitor to the exhibition will also be able to return to the 
last image or page they viewed each time they return to the site (without 
doing anything special).  Thanks for all your suggestions last year!

Right about now is a good time to visit the pinhole day web site and start 
thinking about your WPPD2 photo:


best regards,

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] RESOLUTION AND PINHOLE

2002-03-18 Thread Gregg Kemp

Hi Philippe,

There's a excellent article by a physicist named Matt Young that might be 
helpful to you:


- Gregg

At 02:18 PM 3/18/02 +0100, you wrote:

Hello Guillermo and others,

I have built a pinhole camera (half cylindrical) with a focal lenght of
100 mm.
The pinhole diameter is exactly 170 µm, laser-cut in a very thin
metallic surface.
I thought this is still too big to diffract visible light and the
smaller the better.
I made only one test 90 sec exposure on 400 ISO film (a band piece of 35
mm HP5 from ILFORD)+ Stouffer step tablet.
Exposure time is OK but image is blurred. Either my film moved during
exposure or my pinhole is too small.
According to the formula present in one of Guillermo last mails copied
hereunder for reference, I should use a pinhole of 0.36 mm, indeed quite
far from the 0.17 mm present diameter.
The problem with Guillermo's formula is that I don't understand where
this following line comes from:
Image point radius =  0.61 * light_wavelength * focal_length /
Indeed, according to that equation, the bigger the pinhole, the smaller
the Image point radius and the sharpest the image.
If one takes a gigantic pinhole that would give no image at all, the
formula tells you that the Image point radius will be very small ??
Where does this formula come from ?
I really would like to understand this once for all. Would you have some
recommended readings about the fundamental science of pinhole
photography from the physics point of vue ?
Is there really an optimal pinhole diameter for a given film-hole
distance ? And if yes, why excatly ?
Feel free to send deep explanations ! or just answers to these many


Photographic Chemist

> The formula is pinhole(in) = square root FL x 0.0073 or pinhole(mm)= square
> root FL x 0.03679.
> My question is; does this formula really give the sharpest image?
> The constant (.oo73 or .03679) is what determines the
> answer.  So, now the question is; How is the constant determined?
> Does it give the "sharpest" image or is it just a trade off
> between exposure time and pinhole size?

The formula is a trade off between geometrical sharpness (the smaller
the hole
the "sharper" the image) and diffraction (the bigger the hole the less
the image
"sharpness is affected by diffraction).

Science tells us the radius an image point imaged by a small aperture is
by the formula:

Image point radius =  0.61 * light_wavelength * focal_length /

A purely geometrical analysis will show us that the image point radius
would be
the same size as the pinhole radius:

Image point radius = pinhole radius

So when the 2 formulas above are equal, we have a balanced "trade off"
you talk

pinhole radius = 0.61 * light_wavelength * focal_length / pinhole_radius


pinhole_radius^2 = 0.61 * light_wavelength * focal_length


pinhole_radius = SQRT (0.61 * light_wavelength * focal_length)


Pinhole_diameter = 2 * SQRT (0.61 * light_wavelength * focal_length)

If we select light with wavelength of 0.000555 mm, we would have:

Pinhole_diameter = 2 * SQRT (0.61 * 0.000555 * focal_length)


Pinhole_diameter = 0.03679 * SQRT ( focal_length)   millimeters

The equivalent in inches is:

Pinhole_diameter = 0.00073 * SQRT (0.61 * light_wavelength *


Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
unsubscribe or change your account at

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

[pinhole-discussion] the forum experiment...

2002-03-10 Thread Gregg Kemp

Hi everyone,

I've closed down the "Pinhole Day 2002/Pinhole Photography" public forums 
at http://www.???/forum/ after trying it out for the past 
few months.  I don't recall exactly when it was opened up, but I think it 
was in the late fall of last year.  It hasn't been used very much and 
discussion subjects there seemed to mostly overlap with our existing 
channels of communication, such as this discussion list.

If, at any time, anyone has a need for a "special forum" to discuss things 
outside of this list, such as the forum for the last "Christmas card swap", 
or something similar, please get in touch with me and I'll be glad to set 
it up for you.  Any forum I set up will require someone to serve as 
"moderator" and be responsible for the forum.


- Gregg
Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] upload gallery

2002-03-01 Thread Gregg Kemp

Jeff, there's a description of it here:


At 10:35 AM 2/28/02 -0500, you wrote:


What was the vulnerability?  I allow people to upload and download via
PHP scripts on my web site, and probably should tighten up my security...


On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Gregg Kemp wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have temporarily disabled the ability to upload a file to the list's 
"upload" gallery.  You can still view everything ok, but you just want be 
able to upload any new images for a while.

> I learned today of a bug in the scripting language I use for the 
uploads that makes the Pinhole Visions web site vulnerable to hackers 
through file uploads.  There is a fix for this bug, but the fix will 
require some time to implement.  I hope to have this fixed this weekend, 
if possible.

> Thanks,
> Gregg
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML
Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
unsubscribe or change your account at

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

RE: [pinhole-discussion] upload gallery

2002-03-01 Thread Gregg Kemp
The upload page has been restored to the upload gallery.


For those interested in the details, a major security hole was discovered in 
the PHP scripting language that is used throughout the Pinhole Visions web 
site.  The bug was in the file upload functions of PHP.  An update to this 
serious bug was provided by the PHP development community within hours of the 
discovery, and Pair Networks, the web service provider that I use installed the 
update, also within hours.  I've been with Pair for nearly 5 years and can't 
say enough good things about them.

On the flip side, since the upgrade was a major jump from the previous version 
that was running, there may be side effects of the change that could break 
other things on the site.  So, if anyone notices any problems on the PV site, I 
would be grateful if you would send me an email at gregg.kemp@??? (rather 
than posting to the list).



> -Original Message-
> From: Gregg Kemp [mailto:gregg.k...@sas.com]
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 10:19 AM
> To: 'pinhole-discussion@p at ???'
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] upload gallery
> Hi all,
> I have temporarily disabled the ability to upload a file to 
> the list's "upload" gallery.  You can still view everything 
> ok, but you just want be able to upload any new images for a while.  
> I learned today of a bug in the scripting language I use for 
> the uploads that makes the Pinhole Visions web site 
> vulnerable to hackers through file uploads.  There is a fix 
> for this bug, but the fix will require some time to 
> implement.  I hope to have this fixed this weekend, if possible.
> Thanks,
> Gregg 

[pinhole-discussion] upload gallery

2002-02-28 Thread Gregg Kemp
Hi all,

I have temporarily disabled the ability to upload a file to the list's "upload" 
gallery.  You can still view everything ok, but you just want be able to upload 
any new images for a while.  

I learned today of a bug in the scripting language I use for the uploads that 
makes the Pinhole Visions web site vulnerable to hackers through file uploads.  
There is a fix for this bug, but the fix will require some time to implement.  
I hope to have this fixed this weekend, if possible.



[pinhole-discussion] software for the Mac

2002-02-25 Thread Gregg Kemp
A programmer named Christopher Holland sent me some information on a free 
software program he wrote for pinhole calculations.  The information is 
posted on the Pinhole Visions site at


Its for the Mac OS only.  If anyone with a Mac tries it out, I would be 
interested in hearing about it.

- Gregg
Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] list is fine (?)

2002-02-09 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 11:00 PM 2/9/02 -0200, you wrote:


As you see I got your message, but nobody else's. Isn't that strange ? God,
where's "the others" ? On 08/02/02 I got no messages. Never saw this
happens. Did you receive any ? If the whole list took a nap you shouldn't
have received any either; if you had, so the problem maybe was in my
provider or a momentary comunication gap between only us, since I received
messages from other folks. The feeling now is that the whole cyberspace is
only ours !

Hummm, that's a really nice idea, Ricardo - that we have all of cyberspace 
to ourselves for a brief moment.  I have not had any posts from the list 
either, so I think they're all hiding, waiting to surprise us.  Or, maybe 
everyone else is at the Olympics?

So, as the night is beautiful here, think I go outside a take some very long
exposure shots in old colonial narrow stone paved streets.


That also sounds nice.  Is it warm where you are?   Its a little too chilly 
here (for me).  Take your time, and I'll give you a shout if anyone else 
posts to the list.

- Gregg

- Original Message -
From: Gregg Kemp 
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 7:38 PM
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] list is fine (?)

> Hi Ricardo,
> The list is fine, as far as I know.  Sometimes everyone takes a nap around
> here.  :)
> Maybe you can wake things up?
> - Gregg
> At 07:14 PM 2/9/02 -0200, you wrote:
> >Gregg,
> >
> >I don't receive new messages for two days, what's very unusual. Could you
> >please tell me if there's something wrong going on and why ? Indeed I
> >live without the list news anymore ! Thanks for your help,
> >
> >Ricardo.

[pinhole-discussion] list is fine (?)

2002-02-09 Thread Gregg Kemp

Hi Ricardo,

The list is fine, as far as I know.  Sometimes everyone takes a nap around 
here.  :)

Maybe you can wake things up?

- Gregg

At 07:14 PM 2/9/02 -0200, you wrote:


I don't receive new messages for two days, what's very unusual. Could you
please tell me if there's something wrong going on and why ? Indeed I can't
live without the list news anymore ! Thanks for your help,


Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

[pinhole-discussion] Fwd: Pinhole News, February 7, 2002

2002-02-07 Thread Gregg Kemp
I apologize to subscribers to the "pinhole news" list for cross-posting 
this, but wanted to be sure no one missed seeing it.

- Gregg

from the Pinhole Diary...

New Exhibition at Pinhole Visions
[Feb 07, 2002] I am grateful to Anita Chernewski for organizing an 
exhibition at the Pinhole Visions web site of the artist Marcia Sheer, who 
died in 1989.

"In the late 70's Ms. Sheer shifted her creative efforts to photography. 
Experimenting at first with various media from black and white to altered 
SX-70 Polaroid¹s, she finally decided to avoid modern equipment and 
mechanized printing processes, instead Ms. Sheer employed simple 
hand-constructed pinhole cameras and nineteenth century printing 
techniques to achieve images with a haunting, magical quality." - Anita 

"I fantasize that I control the stream of light entering the camera 
through its tiny opening. This light stream gently travels around the 
camera's interior and I use it to paint the image onto the film with 
little brush-like strokes. Eventually, I control this magical light 
stream, will it to inscribe all the poetry and essence of what was to 
become a completely formed image in my camera." - Marcia C. Sheer

  Web Site: http://www.???/exhibits/Sheer/

  (reported by: Gregg Kemp)

*  *  *  *  *  *

For more news items on pinhole photography, visit the Pinhole Diary at:


If you have a pinhole story of interest, please add it to the Pinhole 
Diary at:


Your pin pal,
Gregg Kemp

 Pinhole News subscribers:  450 (01-Feb-2002)
 Pinhole Diary archive: http://www.p at ???/diary/
 To subscribe, send an email to news-list-request@p at ??? with the 
subject "subscribe".


Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

RE: [pinhole-discussion] Agradecimentos - Antes tarde do que nunc a :) (Cleber)

2002-01-30 Thread Gregg Kemp
Hi Murray,

Below is an approximate translation of Cleber's posting (courtesy of 
http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr )


- Gregg

SUBJECT: Gratefulness - Better late than never

Personal Hello! 

I was very satisfied in having received as many postcards and of diverse places 
from around the world. Beautiful pictures. The idea was very good. I look 
foward to other occasions. How about we have a self-portrait swap? It would be 
a way well appropriate to show our faces. Vocês does not find? I want to also 
thank all the ones that had sent me postcards of new year and to forgive me 
that they had not received mine. I wait in a next chance not to disappoint 
them. Debtor to all. 

Peace, love and many pinholes:) 

Cleber Falieri 

> -Original Message-
> From: Uptown Gallery [mailto:mur...@uptowngallery.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 10:45 PM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Agradecimentos - Antes tarde do 
> que nunca
> :) (Cleber)
> I can't read Portugese, so I didn't know if this was intended for the
> pinhole list, but I did find the word 'pinhole' at the end of Cleber's
> posting...and I think Cleber is the person who has a pinhole 
> photo of a
> T-Rex storming an urban landscape.
> I liked that one enough to save it on my desktop.
> Murray
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML 
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

Re: [pinhole-discussion] public shooting

2002-01-29 Thread Gregg Kemp


Sorry for the long URL on the gallery postings.  I'll work out a shorter 
one when I get a chance.  Meanwhile, lets see if my mail program does any 


Another way to post the link is just to post the gallery URL with the name 
of the thumbnail like:


click on Gallery 2002, then custompaints_jimk.jpg

- Gregg

At 08:59 PM 1/28/02 -0500, you wrote:

in the last message the url was truncated somehow, so here's another try:

to see Little Merlin with the Custom Paints label

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

[pinhole-discussion] Monthly Reminder - an update

2002-01-28 Thread Gregg Kemp
Hi all,

Most of you are familiar with the modest list rules and policies sent out by 
James in the monthly reminder.  This posting is an update and includes a slight 
revision to clarify and emphasize the importance of posting "plain text" to the 
list and NOT posting messages as "HTML".

The revision is in the body of the reminder at the end of this message, and I'm 
repeating it here to be sure everyone has a chance to read it.


"Some email programs by default send email messages as HTML. The MS Outlook 
Express and Netscape's Communicator are often set up to send all email messages 
as either HTML or as two attachments, one in plain text (ASCII) and one in 
'rich' text (html format). If you use these programs or any mail program that 
sends email as HTML, please change your setting so that your messages will be 
sent as plain text ONLY."

I beleive most of post our messages in plain text.  But, it is important that 
everyone ensure that you are not posting messages to the list as HTML, because 
these messages can become unreadable in the digest form and to anyone whose 
mail program does not handle HTML.  HTML is for web sites, plain text is for 
email.  If your email text has colors, bold text, italics, a font other than 
the one you are reading right now, then you are using HTML (also called "rich 
text").  Somewhere in your mail program, you should find a "preference" or 
"option" setting for how your messages are sent - how they are formatted.  Be 
sure it is set to plain text.  

Remember that everyone can read your plain text messages, but NOT everyone can 
read your HTML messages.  Taking a little time to check your settings will make 
a big difference to a number of people.  

Thanks to everyone for your cooperation!



Document dated: January 28, 2002

The purpose of the pinhole discussion mailing list is the discussion of any and 
all aspects of pinhole photography. All messages sent to this list should be 
related to pinhole photography.

There are no specific rules for participating on this list. But everyone is 
reminded that list membership is a privilege, and list members are expected to 
treat each other with proper respect. Personal attacks or "flames" will not be 
tolerated and can get one banned from the list.

If you encounter any problems of any kind in using the list, please notify
James Kellar at ja...@kellar.com, Guy Glorieux at guy.glori...@sympatico.ca, or 
Gregg Kemp at gregg.kemp@p at ???. Please do not send problems you may 
encounter to the list. The only ones who can help you solve these problems are 
James, Gregg or Guy. At this time please contact Guy first, then Gregg, then 

Messages sent to you via the discussion list are set up to "behave" differently 
from messages sent to you by an individual.  When you "reply" (using your email 
program's reply feature) to messages you receive from the list, your reply will 
automatically be directed back to the mailing list and NOT to the person who 
sent the message. The list program creates a Replyto: discussion-list@p at 
??? line in the mail message header. This tells your email program to send 
the message back to the list rather than the person who originally sent the 

In order to send a private message back to someone who sent a message through 
the list by replying, you must change the To: address from pinhole-discussion@p 
at ??? to the individual's e-mail address.

Note that if someone puts the list in the Cc: field rather than the To: field, 
the reply may go to the sender rather than the list.  For this reason, it is 
ALWAYS a good idea to check who you are sending an e-mail to before sending it.

Attachments are files that are attached to an email message. The email system 
is designed to send messages using standard ASCII character set. Attachments 
are a way of sending a content that uses characters outside of the ASCII 

Attachments are not welcome on this list. They are large. They usually can only 
be accessed with a specific program. They can unintentionally carry viruses.  A 
significant portion of the list is unable to use attachments. Please do not 
send attachments to the list. All email to the list should be send as plain 
text. This is the one and only standard used by all computers
and all email programs.

Some email programs by default send email messages 

Re: [pinhole-discussion] WWPD translators or is it WWPPD?

2002-01-26 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 10:41 AM 1/26/02 -0500, you wrote:

I have the name and email addresses of father and son translators in Dutch
for WWPD. They are photographers and are willing to take a crack at it. Who
should I send the information to?

please contact me directly at gregg.kemp@???

(PS: the initials are WPPD - Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day)



Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

RE: [pinhole-discussion] Silver Gem

2002-01-25 Thread Gregg Kemp
> JK,
> Z requested us not to mention SG name and its URL in this list anymore.  Z 
> even requested messages quoting SG be removed from the archives.  If GK 
> hasn't done that, you may still find SG's URL there.
> GP

GP & JK,
I haven't found a way to delete an item from the archive, so it should still be 
:) GK 

[pinhole-discussion] Help needed for next WPPD

2002-01-25 Thread Gregg Kemp

Fellow pinholers,

The work on the next pinhole day (WPPD2) is going well.  Things are slowly 
coming together.

I believe most everyone knows that the pinhole day web site 
(www.pinholeday.org) is multi-lingual, with most of the text on the site 
translated into 12 languages.  Jean Daubas successfully worked with 
volunteers last year to do most of the translations that are on the site 
now.  For this year, we are adding some new pages of information to the 
site, and will also need new translations of these materials.

Many of the translators from last year have already provided translations 
for this year's changes.  There work is very much appreciated.  But we 
could use some additional help in some languages for the remaining words, 
phrases, and web pages.  The translations we need are for:


You can see exactly what needs to be translated by going to this url and 
selecting the language at the top of the page:


We want this event to be as international as possible.  We want pinholers 
from ALL AROUND the world to participate.  Providing the web site in as 
many languages as possible is one way of ensuring that anyone wanting to 
participate in pinhole day will know they are welcome, that we want 
everyone's participation, and that everyone will find and understand how 
they can be a part of it.

You can see for yourself how many people from so many countries have 
visited the web site by looking at:


We really need your help.  If you speak any of these languages and would 
like to help, please contact me directly at 
gregg.kemp@???.  All WPPD volunteers are listed on the 
pinhole day web site at:




Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

RE: [pinhole-discussion] photo warehouse?

2002-01-23 Thread Gregg Kemp
I think you're right, Richard.  After poking around a little, it is mostly just 
a "links" page (but some useful links).

My apologies for that one.


> -Original Message-
> From: Richard M. Koolish [mailto:kool...@bbn.com]
> Sent: None
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] photo warehouse?
> > http://www.photo-warehouse.com/
> > 
> > > does anyone have contact info or a URL for photo warehouse?
> I'm not sure that's the right Photo Warehouse.
> Here's an ad for the one I'm thinking about:
> http://www.printmart.com/ads/805-485-9654.htm
> I don't think they have a web page directly.
> Their contact info (from 
> http://www.printchange.com/trade/aa008988.html) is:
> Photo Warehouse
> P.O. Box 1427
> Oxnard California
> USA 93030
> Toll Free: 800 922-LITH
> Tel: 805 485-9654
> Fax: 805 988-0213
> ___
> Post to the list as PLAIN TEXT only - no HTML 
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

RE: [pinhole-discussion] photo warehouse?

2002-01-23 Thread Gregg Kemp

> does anyone have contact info or a URL for photo warehouse?

RE: [pinhole-discussion] sheet film

2002-01-23 Thread Gregg Kemp
I used trays for developing 4x5 film (Tri-X, Plus-x, and now TMAX) for years 
(without any scratching that I recall).  But, I got to where I really hated 
standing in total darkness while developing (it became sort of like a 
deprivation chamber, without the freedom to let your mind roam).  So, I got a 
good deal on a used Besler 10" tube and a used motor base - both for around 
$15.  I can load up to 4 sheets in the tube at a time.  At first I had trouble 
with the film sliding around.  Someone on the list suggested using screening, 
so I cut a piece and put that in and it helped.  I'm always careful to load the 
film with the emulsion side out, just to be safe.  This has worked out much 
better for me than trays.  


Re: [pinhole-discussion] polaroid pinhole kits

2002-01-12 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 11:49 AM 1/12/02 -0800, you wrote:

(forwarded from the polaroid_enthusiasts list, snipped for size)
in Japan they released Polaroid pinhole camera kitsmid lastyear.
The sepia kitis about 8000 and colour is 9000. Each include a double 
pack of film. They were planned to be released

in the US last October for $100, but I have never seen them there.
J.E. Patterson
www.lightjunkie.org | www.luxumbradei.com

Ed Levinson has tried these out.  He added a story about this in the 
Pinhole Diary last September:


But, I've heard nothing from Polaroid since announcing a late October 
release of these.

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] wwpd exhibition

2002-01-10 Thread Gregg Kemp

Hi all,

A lot of great ideas are coming in about pinhole day, and I just wanted to 
let you know that the WPPD coordinating team is reading them all and 
enjoying all the input.  We are giving each comment and suggestion serious 
consideration and view an important part of what we do as reflecting the 
wishes and aspirations of the members of this list.

One thing that will help us keep track of your suggestions and proposals is 
to also post them in the forum at the pinhole visions web site.  I don't 
intend to discourage any discussion on the list, but for those of you with 
strong ideas that will help us do as good a job as possible, please also 
post them in the forum so that we can more easily study them and refer to 
them over time.  The forum address is:


and the place to post suggestions about pinhole day is in the "Pinhole Day 
Q&A" forum.



At 07:48 PM 1/10/02 -0500, you wrote:

How about using the web like this:

program the website so that a gallery, school, or just anyone could go
online and view the images one at a time on a tv or computer screen, just
like watching a slide show with the projector set on automatic... the user
could select a length of time for viewing each slide and hit the start
button... they could also enter a sequence of specific photographs... the
images can loop so the show can be left on as long as needed
jim k

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Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
unsubscribe or change your account at

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

[pinhole-discussion] the upload gallery

2002-01-02 Thread Gregg Kemp
I'm sorry that some of you are having trouble getting to images in the 
upload gallery.  The correct address for the gallery is:


The gallery is arranged by year, starting in 2000, then 2001, and now 
2002.  The most reliable way to find an image in the gallery is to go to 
the address above, then click on the gallery year you want, such as Gallery 
2002, then click on the image you want to see.

Likewise, the best way (for now) to advertise your image in the gallery is 
to use:


then, just separately specify the gallery year and image name, such as:

gallery 2002, "bathtub_copy (Jan 01)"

As I find time, I will work on simplifying the link to a specific image in 
the gallery, but for now I would recommend just posting the information as 

When in doubt, there is a link to the gallery, as to all areas of the 
discussion list, from the main page for the discussion list:



At 09:36 AM 1/2/02 -0800, you wrote:

--- "G.Penate"  wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "George L Smyth" 
> >
> > When I go to that link, I am redirected to
> http://www.p at ???/discussion/.
> Here is the direct link to B.E excellent image:
http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/gallery2001.php?cmd=max&start=&pic=

> bathtub_copy.jpg

I get the following error message:
Warning: Unable to open images_2001/bathtub_copy.jpg in
/usr/www/users/pinhole/discussion/upload/nailcut.php on line 155

Cheers -


Handmade Photographic Images

Do You Yahoo!?
Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

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Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] 12 day exposure

2002-01-02 Thread Gregg Kemp
RIght you are.  I just set up a 2002 upload gallery, and moved Bill 
Erickson's photo into it as the first one of the year.

(select Gallery 2002, then the image)


At 08:29 PM 1/1/02 -0800, you wrote:

Time to start a 2002 page.
Happy New Year.
Richard Heather

Bill Erickson wrote:

> http://www.???/discussion/upload/bathtub_copy.jpg This
> is the result of a twelve day exposure of a bathroom in a nineteenth
> century state psychiatric hospital building. Newly admitted patients
> were stripped and scrubbed here before they were allowed onto the
> ward. I like to think that the glow of light over the tub represents
> the ghosts of all those unhappy people.

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

[pinhole-discussion] Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

2001-12-23 Thread Gregg Kemp
Best wishes to everyone as we wind down another year on planet Earth.  Its 
a pleasure being a part of our pinhole "family", and thanks to everyone for 
sharing your ideas, knowledge, feelings, humor, or just your presence on 
the list.

Here's to a happy new year to everyone...


Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] request for off-list discussion of pinhole view camera with homebrew lens optionlens

2001-12-21 Thread Gregg Kemp

Murray, you might also try the camera makers list for info -



At 02:04 AM 12/21/01 -0500, you wrote:


Excuse the partial diversion from pinhole - I am thinking about what to do
with an 18" x 24" bellows I picked up - definitely pinhole first, but I
would like to have the option of experiementing with a lens - and the only
affordable way would be a homebrew lens.

Is there anyone here who has any experience with simple 2-element lenses
with insertable Waterhouse stops willing email off list about some of the
basics of such a camera?



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unsubscribe or change your account at

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Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Re: encoding

2001-12-20 Thread Gregg Kemp
Thanks for the feedback, Diana.  I'm sorry the digest does not convert 
everything to plain text better.  And yes, you are right that the real 
problem is preventing people from sending rich text to begin with.  With 
the old list, I was able to block that, but with the current list server, I 

This comes up periodically, and I'll remind people now to please send all 
messages to the list as "plain text", not as "html" or "rich text".  Most 
email programs have an option setting for "plain text" and that is how you 
should post to the list.  It is inconsiderate to many list members to send 
messages they cannot read very easily because they are (unintentionally) 
sent encoded as HTML.  If you are using italics, bold, and colors, anything 
other than plain text in your email, your mail program will send this out 
as HTML, not plain text.  To many people it will look fine, to many others 
it will look like gibberish.  Please be a good list citizen and ensure you 
are posting and replying to the list using "plain text".  If you are not 
sure how to find out, ask someone you know who understands computers and 
email and can look at your mail program and show you how to know the 
difference.  It will make a lot of people a little happier.



At 09:21 AM 12/20/01 -0500, you wrote:


Hi Gregg,

You can change that  setting to "plain text," which is what I have, but it 
doesn't always help.  I get  this markup constantly, so changing the 
setting won't get rid of all of it.  (Someone who lives in this house told 
me that a message
that  was created as "multipart/alternative" gets included in the digest 
as a single large chunk of text.) Whew!  Hope that helps.


> Chris, you're in luck.  To receive the digest as "plain" text,
> Go to your member configuration page at:
>  http://www.???/discussion/members.php
> Enter your email address to log in.
> At the bottom of the page, you'll see "Your Pinhole-Discussion Subscription
> Options", and the option "Get MIME or Plain Text Digests?".
> Set the option to "Plain Text", enter your password at the bottom of the
> page, and submit the form.
> That should take care of the problem.
> Gregg
> At 10:05 PM 12/18/01 -0600, you wrote:
> >Is there any way to remove the encoding I get in the digest messages?  I'm
> >using Outlook 98 with Windows 98.  I get a lot of   
> >etc. in many of the messages.  Can I change settings?  Thanks
> >
> >Chris

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RE: [pinhole-discussion] Film Holders, Paper Negs and No Worries

2001-12-19 Thread Gregg Kemp
> -Original Message-
> From: ethereal art [mailto:ethereal...@mindspring.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 8:54 AM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Film Holders, Paper Negs and No Worries

> >Gregg Kemp wrote:
> >
> >> I've loaded paper in 4x5 film holders, and found it tends 
> to wrinkle up,
> because of its thickness.  It can be done, but you may loose 
> some paper
> trying to do it.
> >>
> >> Gregg
> I think you are "holding your mouth wrong" when you load your paper
> negatives. I use single-weight paper in my film holder 
> constantly and I have
> never had a problem with crunching paper. Sweaty 
> palms?..sticky fingers? I
> use 4x5 paper...cut to 4x5...and it fits fine in the 4x5 film holders.
> Of course, now that I have said this.sigh. I will have to 
> go try this
> again and be prepared for problems. B-)
> Rosanne

Maybe it was the sticky bubble gum wrapper that kept wrinkling up(?)  :)

I believe I was using Ilford multi-contrast RC paper (a bit thicker than your 
well-chosen single weight), hand cut to size.  And I suspect I do hold my mouth 
wrong a lot of the time. So any of these may have led to my frequent paper 


Re: [pinhole-discussion] Encoding

2001-12-19 Thread Gregg Kemp

Chris, you're in luck.  To receive the digest as "plain" text,

Go to your member configuration page at:


Enter your email address to log in.

At the bottom of the page, you'll see "Your Pinhole-Discussion Subscription 
Options", and the option "Get MIME or Plain Text Digests?".

Set the option to "Plain Text", enter your password at the bottom of the 
page, and submit the form.

That should take care of the problem.


At 10:05 PM 12/18/01 -0600, you wrote:

Is there any way to remove the encoding I get in the digest messages?  I'm
using Outlook 98 with Windows 98.  I get a lot of   
etc. in many of the messages.  Can I change settings?  Thanks


Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
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unsubscribe or change your account at

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Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

RE: [pinhole-discussion] Will paper work in 4x5 film holder?

2001-12-18 Thread Gregg Kemp
I've loaded paper in 4x5 film holders, and found it tends to wrinkle up, 
because of its thickness.  It can be done, but you may loose some paper trying 
to do it.  


> -Original Message-
> From: Jeff Dilcher [mailto:r...@hiddenworld.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 10:39 AM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: RE: [pinhole-discussion] Will paper work in 4x5 film holder?
> I wonder if 4x5 enlarging paper will fit exactly in
> the sheet film holders?
> They should, but I haven't tried...
> -Jeff
> On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Andy Schmitt wrote:
> > Why not? As long as you cut it the right side & put the 
> emulsion facing out
> > ( 80) )
> > it should be a very good method for holding it.
> > andy
> ___
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

[pinhole-discussion] The list is fine

2001-12-18 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 01:50 PM 12/18/01 +0100, you wrote:

  The list seems to work, I keep getting test messages ... could somebody
explain what the problem is?

The list was down for a few hours yesterday, but is now fine.  I posted a 
test message to the list last night to ensure it was working again.  Sorry 
about the replies to my posting - but, that's out of my control.

Happy holidays to everyone! :)

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

[pinhole-discussion] test message, please ignore

2001-12-17 Thread Gregg Kemp
Just testing the list server.  

RE: [pinhole-discussion] attachment sizes

2001-12-07 Thread Gregg Kemp
Try setting your dpi at 72 and your jpeg compression at around 60%.


> -Original Message-
> From: ragowaring [mailto:ragowar...@btinternet.com]
> Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 4:03 PM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] attachment sizes
> Dear Guy
> I would like to start posting pictures on the upload gallery. 
>  It says to
> make the files no larger than 50K.  When I prepare a jpeg 
> this size it comes
> out very small on the screen.  What can I do?  A 9 x 9cm 
> image comes out at
> around  190K.
> Alexis
> on 15/11/01 1:05 am, Guy Glorieux at guy.glori...@sympatico.ca wrote:
> > Thanks James,
> > 
> > Very nice picture, indeed.
> > 
> > I'd like to see more, but just a quick reminder not to post 
> attachments on the
> > list.  You're best seen if you use the "upload" gallery of 
> the Pinhole Visions
> > site.  Check the Discussion area at
> > http://www.???/discussion/
> > then click on the "upload" gallery and it will take you there!
> > 
> > Best wishes for more pictures with the Zero 4x5 and your 
> 6x12 rollfilm holder.
> > 
> > ...-:))
> > 
> > Guy
> > 
> > jamesromeo wrote:
> > 
> >> on 11/14/01 5:05 PM, jamesromeo at jamesro...@mac.com wrote:
> >> 
> >>> 
> >>> taken with the new 4x5 zero 25mm pinhole with horseman 
> 6x12 roll film
> >>> holderI got about 2 weeks ago only 10 dayes from order 
> nice little camera
> >>> James
> >>> 
> >> 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> > Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> > unsubscribe or change your account at
> > http://www.???/discussion/
> ___
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Anyone seen any interesting work lately?

2001-12-01 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 09:53 PM 11/30/01 -0500, you wrote:

oh sure !  " at home in france " aliance francaise in n.y.see
pinhole news non.25-01

What did you think of that show, Mickey?  I'd like to hear about it.

- Gregg
Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] A final thought about reciprocity failure with paper negs.

2001-11-30 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 06:34 AM 11/30/01 -0600, you wrote:
The more I thought about this the more I realized that, with very long 
exposures, the risk of overexposure is lessened by  reciprocity failure, 
and the longer the exposure, the less the overexposure risk. In essence, 
it is far easier to fatally underexpose than fatally overexpose, and far 
more efficient to overexpose and then work backward from that than vice 

In the context of low light, long exposures, that pretty much reflects my 
attitude.  In the case of natural light, the light can become a moving 
target.  An exposure started late in the day is getting less light as you 
move into the evening.  Even if I take a light meter reading that tells me 
I need an hour exposure, I know that there will be much less light in an 
hour, so I just let it go until I finish dinner, or remember close the 
shutter - maybe 4 hours, maybe all night.  If I don't think I got enough 
light from the time I began until dark, maybe I'll let it go into the 
morning light for a "while".  I don't think much about reciprocity 
effect.  But then, a lot of my exposures don't come out.  And that's ok, 
too.  I learn new things or get new ideas from the failures as well as 
successes.  Precise calculations can be useful, but exploration can be more 

:) Gregg

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

RE: [pinhole-discussion] reciprocity failure of paper negs.

2001-11-29 Thread Gregg Kemp
> -Original Message-
> From: Bill Erickson [mailto:erick...@hickorytech.net]
> I get the message. More is better, but don't forget to go to bed.  

Actually, going to bed is ok - just remember to wake up.  

Here's a wonderful example:




- Original Message - 
From: Guy Glorieux 
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ??? 
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] reciprocity failure of paper negs.
Bill Erickson wrote: 
I'm planning an image of a dark corner in an old building. The exposure 
calculates out to about five days with a paper negative. At what exposure time 
does one begin to run into reciprocity failure with paper, and what are the 
I wrote a little piec last year entitled "Reciprocity Nightmare" which may be 
relevant here and which went as follows (hope it is of help): 
"I had a dream... 
It was a dark, lonely night and I was out with my 8x10 PH camera.  The 
New Moon was further darkened by an incredibly rare simultaneous eclipse 
of the sun and the moon.  I could barely see my hands and feet as I 
walked to the scene I was about to shoot for that winning picture for 
the First International Nocturne Pinhole Exhibition.  Ten times before 
leaving I had checked that my film holders were fully loaded with film. 
A single word kept swirling in my mind:r e c i p r o c i t y 
I must not fail, I must not fail, I kept repeting to myself in the 
darkness of the darkest forest. 
Formulas kept poping up in my mind: 10% compound; one-over-the 
square-root of the inverse of the sunny-16 times three times the speed 
of my film; add twice the diameter of my pinhole divided by the focal 
length of my camera to the exposure time estimated for the 3rd f-stop on 
my right and multiply the cosinus by the coefficient of uncertainty... 
I knew I could do it.  How could I fail with all this simple mathematics 
so well spelled out on The list. 
Something tryied to grab me in the dark.  I gave it a sharp blow and the 
thing went blonk.  Nothing could stop me from winning the top prize of 
the Nocturne Pinhole Exhibition at Pinhole Vision. 
Finally I reached the scene.  It was a wonderful landscape I had spotted 
two days ago after hours of walk in the country side.  I set the camera 
on the tripod.  The temperature was a chilling 25 below freezing but I 
was well covered for a long wait. With my flashlight, I carefully read 
the spotmeter's reading and worked out the reciprocity factor on my 
PDA.  258 hours, 64 minutes and 12 seconds... Hmmm...  Add a couple 
hours, just to make sure... It was just that simple! 
I knew I could do it.  But, rats, I suddenly realized that the final 
deadline for submitting the print was tomorrow with an exposure time of 
well over 10 days.  I forgot to factor that into my equation...  -:(( 
Guy Glorieux 

RE: [pinhole-discussion] Upper Midwest Pinhole Get-together - Wow

2001-11-05 Thread Gregg Kemp
Tom - sounds like you guys had an exciting time - an impressive gathering and 
program.  Thanks for letting us know how things turned out. 


> -Original Message-
> From: Tom Miller [mailto:twmil...@mr.net]
> Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 10:47 AM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Upper Midwest Pinhole Get-together - Wow
> Dear All,
> Bill Erickson and I would like to thank all who participated in
> yesterday's "Pinhole: Informal Forum," also known as the "Upper
> Midwest Pinhole Get-together," at the pARTs Photographic Arts Gallery
> in Minneapolis.   The event was a success and an inspiration for both
> presenters and attendees.  Also thanks to Gregg Kemp for providing
> internet space on his site and in the "Pinhole Visions" for the for
> forum announcement.
> Chris Faust presented work from a series he created about ten years
> ago that placed pinhole cameras in the perspective of a child and
> viewed the world from this playful vantage point.  His work included
> an 360-degree, 18 foot long print taken from the inside of a playpen
> by a Cirkut camera fitted with a zone plate.  This image is also in
> Pinhole Journal, vol 12 #3.  List member Eric Nelson discussed how he
> incorporates pinhole photography into his junior high art classes.  He
> also showed several of his own and his students' images.  Derrick
> Burbul, from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, showed his
> multi-pinhole camera that takes five 4x5 exposures at once, as well as
> images made with the camera.  John Campbell
> (http://www.pinholeday.org/2001/photo_79.html) showed his work done
> mostly with pinholes mounted on Leicas and also on a Nikon digital
> camera.  Andrew Kamin (www.pinholeplanet.com) demonstrated his
> prototype dual focal length 4x5 camera and showed several
> transparancies made with this camera.  Bill Erickson presented several
> platinum prints and a cyanotype from recent travel to Ireland.
> Attendees who stayed for the question/answer/network session saw some
> of my dual-slit color photos from the Iconclast series.
> The pARTs Gallery staff was excited by the enthusiastic turnout.  I'll
> be working with them on the possibility of having pARTs be a local /
> regional center for next year's Pinhole Day.
> Tom Miller
> ___
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

Re: [pinhole-discussion] digital pinhole cameras

2001-11-04 Thread Gregg Kemp
I played around with a Barbie digital camera a couple of years ago as an 
inexpensive way to experiment.  I found my posting and a number of others 
relating to digital pinhole in the archives:

http://www.p at ???/discussion/1999/msg02415.html


At 06:00 AM 11/4/01 -0600, you wrote:

There was a string of comments and a picture quite a while ago, either here
or in the cameramakers discussion group, about usng a digital camera
intended for Barbie dolls as a pinhole. I don't see any reason not to try
it. If you have access to a back, it shouldn't act any different than a lens
setup in biright light, at least. Who knows how it would act with very long
exposures. not well, i suspect.
- Original Message -
From: "Jack Duganne" 
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 9:55 PM
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] digital pinhole cameras

> Greetings!
> Has anyone seen tutorials or articles relating to making digital pinhole
> cameras or at least using a digital camera/digital back to create pinhole
> pictures?
> Thank you,
> Jack Duganne
> ___
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
unsubscribe or change your account at

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Cool News

2001-11-04 Thread Gregg Kemp

That's great, Rosanne.  Pinhole sweeps the fair!  Really nice going.


At 08:31 PM 11/3/01 -0500, you wrote:

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the List. I have to tell you some FUN news.
The annual Fair here in Augusta, Georgia, USA has opened. Along with the
rides, exhibits and smells of food, they have an art and photography
My students entered a total of 47 photos, some were pinhole, and they won
all the categories up to Best in Show with my 12th grader. I won several
awards as well, including Best in Show with a pinhole photograph.

Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
unsubscribe or change your account at

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

RE: [pinhole-discussion] Philip Arny

2001-10-30 Thread Gregg Kemp
I'm guessing first contact... either an alien life form or the first cries from 
an artificial intelligence.  Hold on, Philip - we are trying to reach you! 

Actually, I think he has an autoresponder set to reply to any message he 
receives.  I had to unsubscribe him.  Hopefully, he'll come home from work, 
find out what has happened, and be in touch.


> He's also sending blank msgs to the cameramakers list, also
> and lots of them!
> Guillermo

[pinhole-discussion] cat on the keyboard?

2001-10-30 Thread Gregg Kemp
I've written him for more information, but in the meantime I've blocked him 
from posting to the list.  Pretty strange...


> -Original Message-
> From: TSHACK [mailto:tsh...@silver-bayou.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 1:33 PM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] f stops
> His messages to me directly are blank also.
> - Original Message -
> From: Gregg Kemp 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 10:02 AM
> Subject: RE: [pinhole-discussion] f stops
> > I wrote to Philip asking if he was having a problem with 
> his mail and if I
> could help.  I haven't gotten a reply, but noticed he 
> continues to send
> empty messages.
> >
> > Maybe it's Philip's cat playing with the keyboard(?)

RE: [pinhole-discussion] f stops

2001-10-30 Thread Gregg Kemp
I wrote to Philip asking if he was having a problem with his mail and if I 
could help.  I haven't gotten a reply, but noticed he continues to send empty 

Maybe it's Philip's cat playing with the keyboard(?)


> -Original Message-
> From: TSHACK [mailto:tsh...@silver-bayou.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 12:54 PM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] f stops
> All of Phil's messages are blank.  Just testing to see if 
> mine will be.
> - Original Message - 
> From: Philip Arny 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 7:11 AM
> Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] f stops
> > 
> > ___
> > Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> > Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> > unsubscribe or change your account at
> > http://www.???/discussion/
> > 
> ___
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
> unsubscribe or change your account at
> http://www.???/discussion/

[pinhole-discussion] 2nd annual pinhole day planning is underway

2001-10-29 Thread Gregg Kemp
Hi all,

As we approach the end of 2001, plans are already underway for next year's 
"pinhole day". The 2nd annual "Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day" will be held 
on April 28, 2002.  

The "coordinating team" for WPPD2 consists of Guy Glorieux, Jean Daubas, Edward 
Levinson, Zernike Au, Rosanne Stutts, and myself.  Diana Bloomfield will also 
continue as the WPPD "support" person.  

We only just formed as a team the past few days and are now in the process of 
identifying what is to be done.  But, we would like your input in helping us 
evaluate the first "pinhole day" held this past spring, and also hear your 
suggestions for the upcoming WPPD2. To help us in this, please use the "Pinhole 
Day Feedback" forum, set up just for this purpose at:


In the forum, you can add your comments or respond to others' comments.  We 
really need your input to help make WPPD2 as big a success as the last one.

The web site for "pinhole day" is http://www.pinholeday.org/

We will be updating the web site with new information as things evolve.  
Meanwhile, you can continue to enjoy the 1st WPPD by clicking on the "Gallery" 
link from the top menu. 

For those of you who have joined the list since the first pinhole day, held on 
April 29th of this year, WPPD is an event that originated on the pinhole 
discussion list and was carried out with the help of many volunteers from the 

We look forward to hearing from everyone - see you in the forum!


Re: [pinhole-discussion] Micro or macro photo with pinhole photo

2001-10-28 Thread Gregg Kemp
Guillermo, thanks!  I've never been satisfied with a photo taken with the 
subject less than distance of the focal length.  I had just assumed it 
couldn't be done.  I'll have to revisit this some time.


At 10:35 AM 10/28/01 -0500, you wrote:

- Original Message -----
From: "Gregg Kemp" 

> Guillermo, I don't remember ever seeing your correction formula before.
> that theoretical, or have you tested it?

Theoretical, Gregg, as I haven't done any close up work myself.

For those (few) people interested in were that correction factor comes from,
here it is:

Pinhole is in most ways, not different than glass lens photography.

The lens conjugate equation is:

1 / F = 1 / I + 1 / O

where I = distance pinhole to Image plane;  F = Focal length  and   O =
distance pinhole to Object being photographed.

We can simplify that to:   F = I x O / I + O

When the Object being photographed is at infinity ( O = infinity ):

I + O = O

therefore the formula  F = I x O / I + O  becomes:

F = I x O / O  and that becomes

F = I

In other words, when the Object is far away (more than 10 times the distance
pinhole to film, in practical terms), the Focal length of the camera is
equal to the distance pinhole to film plane.

Now, when the Object being photographed is close to the pinhole lens (less
than 10 times the distance pinhole to film, in practical terms), the Focal
length of the camera is given by (as I stated above):

F = I x O / I + O

For close up work, then, "F" has to be substituted (in any of the formulas
for optimum pinhole size) by:

I x O / I + O

For instance, the formula I use is:

D = 0.0073 x SQRT( F )

where D = pinhole diameter in inches; F=pinhole camera focal length and SQRT
stands for square root of

For close up work that formula becomes:

D = 0.0073 x  SQRT( I x O / I + O )

As I said before, F = I  for infinity, therefore I can write the infinity
formula as

D = 0.0073 x SQRT( I )

Base on that, I can also rewrite the close-up formula as:

D = 0.0073 x  SQRT( I ) x  SQRT ( O / I + O )

There you have the correction factor:

SQRT ( O / I + O )

BTW, there are many formulas for optimum pinhole size but all have within
them "SQRT(F)", therefore, the above correction factor should apply fine to
all of them.

Let's see an example:

Our pinhole camera has a distance pinhole to film  I = 8"  and the Object
being photographed is  O = 12" away from the pinhole, what size of pinhole
is the optimum to use:

The optimum pinhole size for infinity is:

D = 0.0073 x SQRT ( 8 )
D = 0.020" (aprox)

Correction factor is: SQRT ( 12 / 8 + 12 )
Correction factor is: 0.774

Pinhole size for close up work (object 12" from pinhole lens)

D = 0.020" * 0.774
D = 0.0155"

BTW, all the above is nothing but a sort of "bellows" correction.

For people with mathfobia but that have read this msg up to this point, here
are some corrections factor based on how many times the camera
"pinhole-film" distance the object is away from the pinhole lens:

less than 10 times => correction factor =   0.95
less than  9 times => correction factor =   0.94
less than  8 times => correction factor =   0.94
less than  7 times => correction factor =   0.93
less than  6 times => correction factor =   0.92
less than  5 times => correction factor =   0.91
less than  4 times => correction factor =   0.89
less than  3 times => correction factor =   0.86
less than  2 times => correction factor =   0.81
less than  1 times => correction factor =   0.70
less than 0.5 times => correction factor = 0.57

Another couple of formulas than may help the original's question poster are:

Magnification   M = I / O

Therefore the Correction factor can also be written as:

Correction factor = SQRT [ 1 / (M+1) ]

So for instance, if she wanted to photograph an object 2" tall  with a
camera having 8" between pinhole and film and get a magnification of  2X,
she will need to position the object at a distance:

O = I / M = 8 / 2 = 4"
O = 4 inches

and the pinhole size (diameter) should be:

D = 0.0073 SQRT(8) *  SQRT[ 1 / (2+1)]
D = 0.012"

The image size will be 4" and therefore the minimum format size needed is
4x5 (portrait) or perhaps -better- 5x7" to allow for some cropping.


Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
unsubscribe or change your account at

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Micro or macro photo with pinhole photo

2001-10-27 Thread Gregg Kemp

At 05:26 PM 10/27/01 -0400, you wrote:

For close up work just multiply your optimum pinhole size, obtained with any
of the formulas available out there, by the "correction factor":

Correction factor = SQRT ( O / I + O )

where O = distance pinhole lens to object being photographed
and I = distance pinhole lens to film
SQRT stands for square root of


Guillermo, I don't remember ever seeing your correction formula before.  Is 
that theoretical, or have you tested it?

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

RE: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Blind photographer

2001-10-23 Thread Gregg Kemp

> -Original Message-
> From: Joao Ribeiro [mailto:jribe...@greco.com.br]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:27 PM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Blind photographer
> Hi Guy,
> > ... not just in the field of
> > commercial/advertising where the photographer's role has 
> essentially been
> > reduced to shooting "exactly" the mental image of the art director.
> >
> > Think of the word "Pre-visualization" that pervades all the 
>  Photo-101 or Zone
> > System textbooks.  Pre-visualization implies that you have 
> a mental image of
> > what it is that you'd like to see on your negative/positive.
> You see, pre-visualization is something a professional 
> photographer has to use in
> order to get what is wanted from the picture he is selling. 
> In my professional work,
> I am selling something that does not exist yet, someone is 
> trusting in my ability in
> produce it.
> When I shoot for fun, either pinhole, zone plate or whatever 
> I am doing (I'm getting
> pretty found of old cameras w.o. a light meter), I am trying 
> more and more to be
> like a random shooter. I really want the images I get to 
> surprise me. I have a
> primary intention when pointing the camera to something, but 
> leave a very broad
> possibilities for what might come from that.
> Maybe I'm just tired of the commercial work :)
> Cheers
> Joao

I like this latter approach also, Joao.  Placing a camera in places otherwise 
inaccessible to the photographer or attached to things in motion, is a way to 
create an image without much of a preconceived idea of what the resulting image 
will be - seeing the negative and print can be a pleasant surprise.

- Gregg

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Subject Line on the Received Messages

2001-10-07 Thread Gregg Kemp
Like many others, I also use the [pinhole-discussion] as a way of filtering 
my email messages and routing list messages directly into my 
pinhole-discussion mail box.  I appreciate that it would present a problem 
to many people if it were removed.   Likewise, changing it would also be 
disruptive to people who use it to filter their mail and who would have to 
change their filters to the new [list name].

By way of explanation, "pinhole-discussion" is the name the list server 
(computer) knows us by.  We send our email to 
pinhole-discussion@p at ???.  The pinhole-discussion list is one of two 
pinhole lists sent from this server (the other is the pinhole "news" at 
http://???/diary/mailRequest.html) and also one of many 
lists of all kinds sent at this server.  In a list of all lists from the 
server, our list shows up as "pinhole-discussion".  I like to keep things 
simple and honest and that's why I used the actual name of the list as the 
[list name] in the subject when setting up the list.

Technically, it is very easy to change.  But it would impact a number of 
members.  Unless there is a compelling need to change it and general 
agreement among members, I don't think we should change it.


At 07:07 PM 10/6/01 -0300, you wrote:

Dear Gregg,

What do you think of the idea of removing   "[pinhole-discussion]"  from 
the subject line we receive identifying the message, so that we could have 
more useful space for using with the subject ? We don't need this reminder 
to know we are on the pinhole discussion list: we know we are at it; on 
the other hand, this little line is a precious space we have to write and 
read the subject at almost full length. Also it wouldn't anymore tire the 
eyes seeing "[pinhole-discussion]" repeated from up to the bottom of the 
monitor screen. Another way would be using only the word "[pinhole]" or, 
better yet just "[p-d]", if any kind of identication is needed, freeing 
the space for the subject itself. What do you think ? Well, it's only an 
idea. I'm very happy to be on the list and it's being very helpful to me. 
Thank you very much for all the wonderful job you're doing.


P.S.: It would be interesting to know what the other list members think 
about it.

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

RE: [pinhole-discussion] Chritmas card swap: Let's all go to the PV's Discussion Forum

2001-10-03 Thread Gregg Kemp
> To go to the Discussion Forum, just got to
> http://www.???/forum/index.php
> and click on the heading "Christmas Card Swap".  I have 
> posted a message
> which I hope will help focus the discussion.
> You may have to register to enter the Discussion Forum area but the
> procedure should be straightforward.

I set it up so that anyone can read the postings without registering.  You'll 
only need to register if you post a message to the forum.  Let me know if you 
want that changed to allow anyone to post.


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