[PPIBelgia] tanya2 ttg pasport

2007-11-04 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
temen2 ,...ada yg mu di tanyain nih...mungkin ada yg bs bantu...
dulu saya kesini pakai pasport  biru yg masih valid sampai thn depan
karena belum ada surat izin utk lanjut studi disini dari kantor..
recananya saya akan pulang utk membuat pasport hijau.
yang ingin ditanyakan adalah:
1. Jika punya passport hijau baru, apa perlu membuat visa lagi, krn saya masih 
punya ID card belgia yg msh valid sampai thn depan
2. Apa juga perlu bayar fiskal? Karena dengan ID Belgia, saya masih penduduk 
luar negri.

Thanks ...soalnya kadang tuh imigrasi di ckrg suka iseng kalo kita g tau 


Setia Pramana
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek

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Re: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 ttg pasport

2007-11-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
paspor biru sebenernya juga berlaku 5 th setelah itu ganti pasport, namun 
tertulis 2 thn, setelah itu di perpanjang 2 th dan terakhir perpanjang 1 th. 
setelah itu ganti passport.

Setia Pramana 
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek

- Original Message 
From: Furqon Azis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 8:19:21 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 ttg pasport


wah rame niy diskusinya
btw mas Pram, for your info saya punya 2 pasport (paspor ijo n biru) koq n 
sampai saat ini baek baek ajah
gitu ajah repot (mengutip dari Gus Dur) hehehehhe
dan emang klo paspor biru khan masa berlakunya biasanya cuman Sebentar (2 ato 1 
tahun klo g salah) dan klo

paspor ijo mah bisa lima taun


On 11/5/07, Setio Pramono [EMAIL PROTECTED] com


Thannks infonya 

menanggapi comment dari pak Marsianda:

Nanti kalo pulang, Paspor biru harus 
dikembalikan ke deplu, karena akan buat paspor hijau maksudnya bhw 
paspor itulah adalah tanda bukti penduduk juga spt KTP, jd gak 
boleh lebih dari satu, dan paspor biru adalah milik Deplu yg mengeluarkannya 
dituker dengan paspor hijau yang dibuat oleh imigrasi

yang saya mau tanyakan adalah apa memang kita hanya boleh punya satu pasport?

Jika seandainya saya punya pasport biru, kemudian saya ingin keluar negeri utk 
urusan pribadi, jadi pasport biru di kembalikan ke deplu dan buat pasport hijau.
dan jika bbrp waktu kemudian  saya pergi dengan urusan dinas, berarti paspor 
hijau dikembalikan dan buat pasport biru lagi?

terus jika ingin naik haji dengan pasport coklat, pasport biru atau hijau harus 
kok sepertinya terlalu kompleks dan g efisien?

Saya kira kita bisa punya bbrp pasport (krn temen2 saya begitu) kalo ingin ke 
LN utk urusan pribadi, kita gunakan yang hijau dan kalo memang ada urusan dinas 
baru gunakan yg biru..kalo haji gunakan yg coklat, tanpa harus mengembalikan yg 
telah ada...

untuk perizinan..saya telah ajukan surat
 permohonan.. namun blm ada kabar sampai sekarang..yah namanya juga 
indonesia..negara penuh belukar birokrasi... .

Setia Pramana 
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek

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- Original
From: Marsianda [EMAIL PROTECTED] go.id
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 9:04:03 AM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 ttg pasport

KBRI hanya bisa buat 
paspor hijau kalo ybs habis lembar pasporna ato krn hilang (dg srt polisi 
dll). Bukan krn mengganti paspor biru, krn itu hrs dilakukan di Jakarta, 
data kamu (Indonesia et Belgia) masuk wilayah ini hrs sama dg saat 
keluar, biar tdk jd masalah di imigrasi. Aturan dari setneg tahun 2007, bhw 
pemegang paspor biru (yg sekolah), hrs perpanjang dg surat dr setneg, klo 
mau diganti dg paspor hijau hrs dilakukan di Indonesia, dan klo tdk mau 
repot pulang ke Indonesia bisa pake SPLP yg berlaku sampai 1-2 thn klo tdk 
salah, nah ini KBRI competent utk melakukannya.

Kenapa koq sampe bisa tdk ada ijin dr 

Saya pikir soal fiskal tdk akan ada mslh, isi 
formulir saja dan like u said before, tampil dg muka sangat meyakinkan, klo 
keliatan bingung ato panik ntar dikerjain ama mereka disana he he eh eh 


Marsianda Widiyanto SH
Kasie Iran, Direktorat Asia 
Selatan dan Tengah
Direktorat Jenderal Asia Pasifik dan Afrika

Departemen Luar Negeri
Ÿ 62-21-3813521
Ý 62-81808004068

From: Setio Pramono [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 22:30:48 -0800 (PST)

Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 ttg pasport

thanks infonya...
but.. apa memang bisa membuat pasport hijau baru di 
semoga saja bisa..jadi g repot bikin di indonesia

Setia Pramana

Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek


http://hafidztio. multiply. com/

http://hafidztio. blogs.friendster .com/my_blog/

- Original Message 
From: Anton Rizki 
big_big_ideas@ yahoo.fr

Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 3:46:53 AM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 
ttg pasport

Iya, visa tidak perlu dan tidak perlu bayar fiskal.

Nanti kan 
mengurus paspor hijau di KBRI. Kalau tidak salah bayar 50 euro. Setelah itu 
sudah tidak perlu melakukan apa2 lagi. Segala urusan dengan pemerintah 
belgia sudah tidak berhubungan dengan Visa, karena visa sebenarnya hanya 
izin masuk. Misalnya, untuk perpanjangan ID cukup dengan ID Student lama dan 
surat daftar tahun ajaran kedepan. Biasanya paspor sudah tidak diminta 

[PPIBelgia] 2 PhD students In the Transportation Research Institute of Hasselt University

2007-11-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
In the Transportation Research Institute of Hasselt University, the following 
positions (m/f) are available for the SBO project “A Model-Based Approach for 
Evaluating the Safety and Environmental Effects of Traffic Policy Measures”:

2 PhD students (2x2 years)
(mandates BEDR/2007/023-024)

Job description
Mandate BEDR/2007/023: The main objective of this research is to study the 
impact of policy measures in the field of mobility on traffic safety. For this, 
we will examine the effects of mobility measures with regard to changes in 
travel behaviour. 
Mandate BEDR/2007/024: For this research project, a new model needs to be 
development which assigns traffic to the underlying network, using information 
obtained by the activity based transportation model. 
The candidate is highly interested in quantitative research techniques.

Master of Business Engineering and Computer Science, Master Information 
Sciences, Master in Engineering Sciences, Master in Mathematics or equal. 

Starting date

Further information
Content job responsibilities: 
Prof. dr. Geert Wets, + 32 11 26 91 58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Prof. dr. Tom Brijs, + 32 11 26 91 55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Content terms of employment and selection procedure: 
Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, 
Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03 
or which can be downloaded here pfd-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later 
than Wednesday, December 5th , 2007. 
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[PPIBelgia] Fw: Uitnodiging Boekenfestijn Gent

2007-12-06 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Setia Pramana 
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek

- Forwarded Message 
From: De Centrale Boekhandel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 7, 2007 1:36:30 AM
Subject: Uitnodiging Boekenfestijn Gent

De Boekenfestijn Nieuwsbrief



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van 13 tot en met 16 december 

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Het Boekenfestijn komt weer naar Gent. Van donderdag 13 tot en 
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bij de afdeling ‘Actieboeken’ op het Boekenfestijn in Flanders Expo. Klik hier 
om de  boekenwaardebon te openen en te printen.  

Tip: zet uw printer alvast aan, u krijgt de bon namelijk slechts één keer op uw 




  Maak iemand anders ook blij met een gratis boek! Stuur hem/haar deze 



 Klik op de e-card en stuur deze door!
Studenten opgelet!

Wij zoeken nog enkele beursmedewerkers. Wil je bijverdienen, ben jij 
komende week enkele dagen beschikbaar en woon je in - of in de omgeving van - 
Gent? Kom dan werken op het Boekenfestijn in Flanders Expo van maandag 10  tot 
en met zondag 16 december. Mail de dagen die je kan werken en jouw 
telefoonnummer naar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  U bent van harte welkom op de vóórverkoopdag op donderdag 13 
december 2007 van 10.00 tot 21.00 uur. U mag dan als eerste uw inkopen komen 
doen. De overige openingstijden zijn: 

  Vrijdag 14 december 2007 van 10.00 tot 21.00 uur.

  Zaterdag 15 en zondag 16 december 2007 van 10.00 tot 18.00 

  Een routebeschrijving en meer informatie vindt u op 
www.boekenfestijn.com of bel naar 030 604 74 00 (voor Nederland) of 03 820 72 
58 (voor België).

Wij zien u graag op het Boekenfestijn Gent! 






  Deze uitnodiging ontvangt u omdat u zich hiervoor heeft  

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•  Wilt u een adreswijziging doorgeven? Klik hier  en vermeld 
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 België: 03 820 72 58 of Nederland: 0 30 604 74 00 .





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Re: [PPIBelgia] tv indonesia

2008-01-06 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
yg worlddip musti bayar yah?
Setia Pramana 
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek

- Original Message 
From: dendi ramdani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 6, 2008 9:55:20 AM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] tv indonesia


Ini ada lagi:  https://secure. worldip.tv/ en/

atau ini http://tvuplayer. en.softonic. com. download softwarenya dulu untuk 
diinstall. Liga inggris dan italy juga ada, di chanel sport.


Furqon Azis [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
  wah bener euy bisa ntn tv indonesia hehehehe
tp koq ngasih tau nya pas lg musim ujian euy hehehehhehe
nuhun kang Tyo


On Jan 6, 2008 8:07 AM, Setio Pramono  [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
Kangen nonton TV indonesia?
klik: http://www.imediabi z.tv/

   Be a better friend, newshound, and  know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try 
it now. 


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[PPIBelgia] nonton pelem

2008-01-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
link lain kalo mau nonton film, serial, kartoon , online: 

- Original Message 
From: Herbhayu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2008 2:55:32 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] tv indonesia


makasih atas infonya. saya juga baru tahu nih.

biasanya saya nonton di www.jumptv.com. harus register

dan bayar 5 euro per bulan utk nonton sctv. 


--- dendi ramdani dendiramdani@ yahoo.com wrote:

 maap Tio, saya sendiri baru dapat kabar link

 worlddip dari teman, belum nyoba, belum register.

 mungkin bisa dicoba


 saya seringnya pake TVU, ada ANTV dan liga inggris

 yg sering saya tonton, walaupun bisa habis 1 giga

 untuk 2X45 menit (=2 euro per giga). 



 Setio Pramono [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:  


 yg worlddip musti bayar yah?


 Setia Pramana 

 Bioinformatics Research Group

 Center for Statistics

 Hasselt University

 Agoralaan - building D

 3590 Diepenbeek



 http://hafidztio. multiply. com/

 http://hafidztio. blogs.friendster .com/my_blog/


 - Original Message 

 From: dendi ramdani  dendiramdani@ yahoo.com


 Sent: Sunday, January 6, 2008 9:55:20 AM

 Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] tv indonesia


   Ini ada lagi: 

 https://secure. worldip.tv/ en/


 atau ini http://tvuplayer. en.softonic. com.

 download softwarenya dulu untuk diinstall. Liga

 inggris dan italy juga ada, di chanel sport.




 Furqon Azis [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

   wah bener euy bisa ntn tv

 indonesia hehehehe

 tp koq ngasih tau nya pas lg musim ujian euy


 nuhun kang Tyo






 On Jan 6, 2008 8:07 AM, Setio Pramono 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

 Kangen nonton TV indonesia?

 klik: http://www.imediabi z.tv/







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 Be a better friend, newshound, and  know-it-all with

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2008-01-20 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono


Delft, The Netherlands, 13-15 May 2008 

Sustainable development  in Indonesia : An Interdisciplinary 


Organized by:

The Institute for Science and Technology Studies (ISTECS), the 

Netherlands Chapter and Europe Chapter

Indonesian Students Association in Delft and Wageningen, the 

Netherlands (PPI Delft and PPI Wageningen) 

In co-operation with: Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the 


Public Relation:


Homepage: http://issm2008. eu


Since 1996, the Indonesian Student's Scientific Meeting (hereinafter, 

ISSM) has been organized annually by the Institute for Science and 

Technology Studies (hereinafter, ISTECS) Europe in collaboration with 

student and professional organizations in Germany , France , the 

Netherlands and United Kingdom . Hundreds of participants, coming 

from European countries, Canada , Japan and Indonesia , attended 

these events. Each of the previous meetings has presented outstanding 

keynote speakers, followed by parallel sessions and poster 

presentations from the participants. 

ISSM is held to provide scientists, professionals, decision makers 

and government representatives an opportunity to discuss together 

current work and future directions for research and applications for 

the development of Indonesia . 


Following the success of the previous meetings, the Indonesian 

Student's Scientific Meeting 2008 (ISSM 2008) will be held on 13–15 

May 2008 in Delft , the Netherlands . 


The theme of the ISSM 2008 is Sustainable development  in 

Indonesia : An Interdisciplinary Approach

(Pembangunan berkesinambungan di Indonesia: sebuah pendekatan antar 



Therefore, this event is designed to provide scientists, engineers, 

regulators, and other professionals an opportunity to discuss current 

work and future directions for research and application in order to 

participate in the development of Indonesia . 

Besides speech from many outstanding keynote speakers, paper and 

poster presentation from students, there will be special workshop 

organized to give inputs in order to reform higher education program 

in Indonesia . 

We are more than happy to greet you in Delft !


ISSM 2008 aims to:

•Establish and maintain scientific and technical collaboration 

between Indonesian scientists and their partners from abroad, 

particularly from the European countries. 

•Intensify the scientist role in national industries by focusing 

on Energy, Agribusiness, Biotechnology, Industrial Engineering, 

Information Technology, Environment, Natural Science and Social 



The program includes:

•Plenary session presented by invited Keynotes Speakers,

•Presentations and thematic Parallel Sessions

•A tour to Keukenhof

The program includes:

Plenary sessions presented by invited Keynote Speakers 

Poster presentation and thematic parallel sessions, including the 

following subjects: 

Agriculture and Food Technology 

Architecture, Design and Urban Planning 

Biology and Biotechnology 

Microtechnology and Nanotechnology 

Chemical Engineering 

Civil, Mining and Geology 

IT and Computer Science 


Management of Technology 

Electrical Engineering 


Environmental and Pollution Control 

Marine Science 

Material Science 

Mathematics, Statistics and Computation 

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 

Physics and Chemistry 

Politics and Social Sciences

The Scientific committee will consider other papers on topics not 

mentioned above, which may contribute to the general theme of ISSM 


All presentations will be held in English or Indonesian. All papers 

will be published in the regular ISTECS Proceedings with ISSN 0855 - 




Indonesian students, scientists and professionals interested in 

presenting a paper at ISSM 2008 are invited to submit abstracts 

before December 31, 2007. 

The deadline of the full manuscript submission and other necessary 

information will be informed in the middle of February 2008. All 

participants are invited to join a mailing list special established 

for ISSM 2008. For more information please contact the public 



·Prof. Dr. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, Former President of 

Indonesia *

·Prof. Dr. Emil Salim, Former Indonesian Minister of State for 

Population and Environment *

·Prof. Dr. Johan Sanders, Professor of Valorisation of Plant 

Production Chains, Wageningen University, the Netherlands (confirmed) 

·Prof. ir. G.J. Harmsen, Hoogewerff-chair Sustainable Chemical 

Technology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (confirmed)

·Dr. Saul Lemkowitz, Associate Professor in Risk Management and 

Sustainability, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 



[PPIBelgia] Pertamina may develop gigantic reserve: BPPT

2008-02-12 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
berikut info betapa kayanya indonesia...
semoga menjadi ladang amal dan kesejahteraan, bukan ladang 


Pertamina may develop gigantic reserve: BPPT
(JP): State oil and gas firm Pertamina will follow up on the recent
preliminary finding by a state research agency of a large hydrocarbon
reserve off the western shore of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, an official
Chairman of
the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT),
Said D. Jenie, said Pertamina would take part in the project after the
company gained approval from the ministry of energy and mineral
Such approval is necessary for Pertamina to be able to gauge the size of the 
potential reserve.
stated the agency would follow up on its preliminary findings by
launching another series of surveys using its high-tech research vessel
prove we are really serious about this, we plan to send another
research ship to get three-dimensional data, he said, adding the
agency would need between US$3 million and $5 million for the new
BPPT and
its German counterpart Bundesanstalt furGeowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
recently said they found a massive store of underwater hydrocarbon,
which may contain oil and gas, around Simeulue island in Aceh.
The agencies said the reserve might reach a minimum of 107 billion barrels and 
a maximum of 320 billion barrels of oil or gas.
comparison, the proven reserve of Saudi Arabia is around 264 billion
barrels, the largest in the world, while the Banyu Urip block in Cepu,
Central Java, contains around 450 million barrels. (ika/) 


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Re: [PPIBelgia] Fw: 2x1! You love me? Fly with me

2008-02-13 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
kalo bawa anak boleh g di?
thanks for the info
Setia Pramana
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek
Office: D56
Phone: +32-11-268288
Fax: +32-11-268299


- Original Message 
From: adi nugraha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPI Belgia ppibelgia@yahoogroups.com; IndoBrest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 8:10:33 PM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] Fw: 2x1! You love me? Fly with me


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[PPIBelgia] Alumni Luar Negeri, Aset Siapa?

2008-02-20 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Copy paste artikel dari media:

Rabu, 20 Februari 2008

Alumni Luar Negeri, Aset Siapa?

Oleh :

Erie Sudewo
(Social Entrepreneur)

Karena cuma menghafal nama dan angka tahun, peristiwanya luput
dimaknai. Karena tak tahu peristiwanya, benang merah misteri yang
membalut peristiwa dari masa ke masa juga sulit disidik. Karena tak
bisa disidik, ke mana bergeraknya juga gagal diprediksi. Karena gagal
memprediksi, itu tanda berpikir kritis tak dilatih.

Karena tak kritis, salah satu dampaknya anggap sepele sejarah. Karena
anggap sepele sejarah, seolah hari esok lepas dari kemarin. Karena
tak ada hubungan kemarin dan esok, hari ini kita kebingungan. Karena
bingung, jati diri pun lepas.

Karena tak mahfum jati diri, krisis identitas makin parah. Karena
krisis identitas, bangsa ini jadi santapan empuk asing. Karena jadi
santapan empuk, mudah sekali diakali. Karena mudah diakali, masa
depan bangsa ini tergadai. Entah apakah metode hafalan ini strategi
kolonial menutupi begitu banyak kekejian dan keculasan mereka. Ya dan
tidaknya tergantung sudut pandang. Yang pasti sejarah bukan kumpulan
peristiwa tak bermakna.

Ada tonggak-tonggak yang dipahat founding fathers. Itu biduk yang
memandu arah masa depan. Memang siapa bilang menggapai cita-cita
mudah. Tak ada satu pun bangsa yang berleha-leha lantas sukses.
Celakanya, bangsa yang gemar melahap mi instan ini seolah dalam
meraih masa depan cukup menyeduh beberapa menit.

Sebagian policy maker kita memang mesti belajar merumus kebijakan.
Untuk diri sendiri dan partai, mereka tak usah diajari. Mereka
maestro, hingga negara pun rela dilego. Jika strategi jual negara
laku dijual, mereka pasti jadi guru besar dunia. Negara ini sudah
miskin. Mereka yang menjual negara, kaya-kaya bukan?

Setiap tahun pasti banyak terjadi peristiwa. Kita coba pilah
peristiwa yang membuat bangsa ini tak jelas bergerak ke mana. Yang
menarik, tahunnya kebetulan berada di sekitar angka tujuh. Lantas
sibak di tiap pergantian 10 tahunan. Tapi, camkan, angka 7 dan 10
hanya kebetulan sejarah. Perhatikan saja pada peristiwanya. Lantas
telusuri kausalitas makna di baliknya.

Tahun 1957 diam-diam FEUI memulai hubungan dengan Harvard University.
Bentuk kerja samanya beasiswa studi. Bagi negara Paman Sam, kerja
sama ini amat strategis. Alasannya tentu politik, yang akhirnya
mengarah pada ekonomi.

Jangka pendeknya perang dingin antara Rusia dan Amerika sedang hangat-
hangatnya, di samping poros Jakarta-Peking sudah dihembus-hembus
Soekarno. Jangka menengah mendidik mahasiswa dan pengajar FEUI
sebanyak-banyaknya, bukankah langkah besar.

Jangka panjangnya sadar atau tidak, para alumni ini sedang dikader
Amerika. Jika 10 atau 20 tahun kelak jadi pejabat, bukankah itu aset?
Tapi, aset siapa? Jangan lupa pepatah there is no free lunch bukan
tanpa makna. Tahun 1967 Orla baru saja tumbang. Blok Eropa Timur yang
dimotori Rusia tertohok. Jakarta-Peking pun dikubur.

Orang-orang Cina di Indonesia resah. Jika ingin selamat, mereka harus
beralkulturasi. Sebagian nama Cina pun diubah. KO-nya Blok Timur,
kemenangan Blok Barat. Orba pun ditegakkan.

Lirikkan pada Barat, segera terjawab karena kerja sama beasiswa telah
hasilkan doktor-doktor ekonomi. Segera di Bappenas dibuat tim yang
melibatkan para alumni dan institusi Harvard. Tim ini jadi thingtank
pembangunan 25 tahun Indonesia ke depan. Untuk pertama kali era ini
ditandai dengan munculnya istilah mafia Berkeley.

Untuk itu Amerika serius kerahkan segala sumber daya. Mengapa? Karena
dalam konstelasi politik, Indonesia di masa Soekarno merupakan
kekuatan raksasa. Di Asia Tenggara ditakuti. Di Australia amat
diperhitungkan. Apa yang dikatakan Soekarno sering mengguncang dunia.
Tak heran saat itu sosoknya kerap disejajarkan dengan JF Kennedy dan
B Tito (Polandia). Malah Mahathir yang sukses memajukan Malaysia oleh
sebagian pihak dianggap 'Soekarno Kecil'.

Sayangnya seperti yang Richard Nixon katakan: ''Kelemahan Soekarno
terletak pada keyakinannya bahwa revolusi belum dan tidak akan pernah
selesai''. Artinya, pembangunan tidak hanya dengan pidato retorik,
tetapi juga harus dengan bekerja. Tahun 1977 Andi Hakim Nasoetion
(IPB) menulis artikel menarik. Saran pertamanya fakultas pertanian di
Irian, jangan belajar pertanian sawah. Konsentrasilah pada budidaya
sagu. Kedua, bangun pusat-pusat pertukangan di sekitar belantara
hutan Kalimantan.

Di Indonesia, saran dari bukan teknokrat telanjur dianggap gangguan.
Yang terjadi seluruh fakultas pertanian di Indonesia belajar tentang
sawah. Akibatnya, jika tak makan nasi, seolah-olah jadi warga kelas
dua. Padahal, kondisi Irian tak layak disawahkan. Kini 220 juta orang
Indonesia harus makan nasi. Implikasinya Indonesia jadi negara
pengimpor beras terbesar dunia.

Jika saran Andi Hakim Nasoetion digugu, diversifikasi pangan telah
terjadi. Usul itu juga bukan hanya mewarisi kearifan lokal, malah
bakal menghasilkan produk turunan lainnya. Pusat pertukangan dan
sekolah kejuruan perkayuan di Kalimantan pun tak pernah terbangun.

[PPIBelgia] (unknown)

2008-02-23 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

LOCATION : Faculty of Applied Economics, Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium 

We are looking for a full-time pre-doctoral
researcher to work on the project client-centered vehicle routing.
Typically, research on logistics has an economical focus. The aim of this
project is to develop models and optimization methods to support logistics 
decision making in situations where
the objective is determined by the customer. Examples include school bus
routing, and routing of disabled or elderly people.

Applicants should 
* have a master's degree in a
quantitative field (civil engineer, commercial engineer, mathematics, computer
science, ...), preferably with excellent grades;
* have some programming skills;
* be fluent in English and have
excellent reading and writing skills;
* be able to work independently as
well as in team;
* be highly motivated for doing
research on a quantitative subject.

The duration of the project is two years, with
possible extension. The project is in collaboration with the Universiteit
Antwerpen and the Centre for Industrial Management and the ORSTAT research
group of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

Candidates should send their detailed CV including
transcripts, together with an application letter to:
Prof. dr. Peter Goos
Prinsstraat 13
2000 Antwerp– Belgium
Applications should be sent in
before March 31, 2008.
Setia Pramana
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek
Office: D56
Phone: +32-11-268288
Fax: +32-11-268299



Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 

[PPIBelgia] Fw: [beasiswa] [INFO] Research Assistant / Doctoral Student in Financial Economics - Ghent

2008-03-02 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Setia Pramana
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek
Office: D56
Phone: +32-11-268288
Fax: +32-11-268299


- Forwarded Message 
From: Merlyna Lim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 3, 2008 5:43:12 AM
Subject: [beasiswa] [INFO] Research Assistant / Doctoral Student in Financial 
Economics - Ghent

  Research Assistant / Doctoral Student in Financial Economics

Ghent University - Department of Financial Economics (Belgium)

The department of Financial Economics at Ghent University has one or 
more positions available for research assistants or doctoral students in 
the fields of financial economics, in particular in microeconomics of 
banking or empirical banking.

The research assistants or doctoral students have to provide some 
support for the courses on banking and management of financial 
institutions. The most important task, however, is the preparation of a 
PhD dissertation in financial economics under the supervision of Prof 
dr. Vander Vennet and dr. Olivier De Jonghe.

Candidates should hold a Master degree in economics or are about to 
obtain this degree by the end of the academic year.

Applications should be sent to: Dr. Olivier De Jonghe Ghent University 
Department of Financial Economics W. Wilsonplein 5D B-9000 Gent Belgium


Olivier.dejonghe @ ugent.be

Applications should include a cover letter, CV, details of the master 
courses taken (including grades), two letters of reference and, if 
possible, some examples of research work (assignments) . Applications 
should be received by 31 March 2008. For more information about the 
positions, you can contact Olivier De Jonghe (Olivier.dejonghe @ ugent.be).


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Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] TWO POSTDOC POSITIONS - molecular evolution, genomics bioinformatics

2008-03-03 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
TWO POSTDOC POSITIONS - molecular evolution, genomics  bioinformatics

At the University of Konstanz we expect to have two postdoc positions available 
starting on April 1, 2008 in the lab of Prof. Axel Meyer at the Department of 
Evolutionary Biology and Zoology at the University of Konstanz in Germany.

Due to the funding of the University of Konstanz through the excellence 
initiative of the German government we are in the process of establishing a 
genomics/proteomics center at the university that will include microarray 
facilities and second generation sequencing technologies. Therefore, we are 
particularly interested in postdocs with expertise in molecular evolution, 
molecular phylogenetics and bioinformatics. We expect that a junior 
professorship in bioinformatics will be advertised shortly as well. These 
positions are affiliated with the new graduate school in chemical biology - for 
more information visit_ http://www.chembiol.uni-konstanz.de/_. For this new 
program we invite applications of qualified Masters students as well as Ph.D. 

The postdoc projects we are interested in have to do with fish genomics and in 
particular comparative genomics of cichlid fish. Other projects deal with the 
evolution of gene families the evolution of the genome in early chordates and 
vertebrates. Candidates should have a strong interest in bioinformatics, 
developmental and evolutionary biology and should be experienced in molecular 
techniques and/or computational biology.

Appointments are for up to two years initially with a salary according to 
German TVL salary scale that includes extensive health and retirement benefits. 
The initial contract period would be for two years with the potential for 
additional years of funding.

Informal inquiries should be addressed to Prof. Axel Meyer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). 
Further information on our research can be obtained from our web page: 

Applications should include a CV, statement of research interests and email 
addresses of two references.  Review of applications will commence on March 
15th 2008. Starting dates are flexible. Applications should be sent as one pdf 
file to_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] - or by mail to Prof. Axel Meyer, Department of 
Biology, University of Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany. This search will 
remain open until the positions are filled.


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] summer time

2008-03-26 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear Friends di Belgia dan sekitarnya,
Meski Belgia masih bersalju dan dingin menusuk, jangan lupa untuk ganti ke 
summer time (dimajukan) 02:00Sunday 30 March 2008.



Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] keukenhof

2008-03-26 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Dear Friends,,,

Bagi yang belum pernah atau ingin pergi lagi ke taman bunga Keukenhof, taman 
sudah dibuka minggu lalu hingga 18 mei'08.  Bisa dilihat di site: 

Tips: Pergi kesana bagusnya akhir april atau awal mei, saat bunganya mekar 

Met jalan2..


Looking for last minute shopping deals?  
Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.  

Re: [PPIBelgia] summer time

2008-03-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Spt nya semua windows lsg otomatis berubah...(asal waktunya di set jam 


- Original Message 
From: adi nugraha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:00:44 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] summer time

Buat pengguna windows vista, janganlah kuatir!. 
Perubahan jam ke musim panas akan terset secara otomatis.
so panteng trus tuh laptop..kayak si tukul

- Original Message 
From: Setio Pramono [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:43:53 AM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] summer time

pada pukul 2.00, dimajukan 1 jam ..

- Original Message 
From: Furqon Azis [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 4:14:11 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] summer time

majuinnya 2 jam ato 1 jam ini teh?


2008/3/26 Setio Pramono [EMAIL PROTECTED] com:

Dear Friends di Belgia dan sekitarnya,
Meski Belgia masih bersalju dan dingin menusuk, jangan lupa untuk ganti ke 
summer time (dimajukan) 02:00Sunday 30 March 2008.


  Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try 
it now.

  Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try 
it now.

  Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.


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Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD Studentship (2 x 2 years) Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

2008-03-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

PhD Studentship (2 x 2 years) Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
(mandate SBG/2008/001)

Job description
This PhD research is situated in the frame of a collaboration 
between   the Institute of Materials research and the Interuniversity   
  Microelectronics Centre (IMEC). Within the group of Inorganic and 
  Physical Chemistry and in a highly interdisciplinary context 
(chemistry / materials physics / electronics), research will be 
performed towards  the development and the introduction of new metal 
oxide materials for   micro/nano-electronic devices of future 
technology generations, aiming  to meet the ever increasing demand of 
miniaturisation. The PhD project  will focus on the study and 
optimisation of wet-chemical synthesis  routes for innovative 
high-K dielectric metal oxides and thecharacterisation of their 
ultrathin layers in view of finding suitable  next generation 
dielectrics for logic and DRAM devices. The researchwill be carried 
out in close collaboration with IMEC and with other disciplines 
within the institute for Materials

Profile and diploma
Candidates are able to work independently and to conduct their 
research in an interdisciplinary context. A strong interest in 
inorganic and physical chemistry, materials science and 
thermodynamics as well as in  the synthesis and characterisation of 
materials with applications inelectronics is encouraged. The 
candidates should have an adequate   basic-knowledge of chemistry 
and materials science and should therefore have a diploma of: 
Master in (applied) Chemistry or (applied) Physics,  Bio engineer, 
Master in Industrial Sciences, Civil Engineer or  equivalent diploma.

Further information Content 
job responsibilities:

Prof. dr. M. Van Bael, +32-(0)11-26 83  
Prof. dr. J. Mullens, +32-(0)11-26 83   
Content terms of employment and 
selection   procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
  Applicants must use the official application forms
  which are available at the
  Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - 
  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
  or which can be downloaded here : 
  The completed application forms must reach the above 
mentioned   address no later than Friday, May 2nd 2008.
  Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration   
when sent to the following address: 


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics or Economics - ICS Netherlands

2008-03-30 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Subject: [beasiswa] [info] PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, Mathematics, 
Statistics or Economics - ICS Netherlands

PhS Scholarships
Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics or Economics


The Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) is 
an internationally renowned research and graduate training school, located in 
the Netherlands at the Universities of Groningen, Utrecht and Nijmegen.

The ICS offers fully funded Ph.D scholarships for a variety of projects to 
excellent candidates who recently graduated in one of the social sciences. 
Graduates in Mathematics, Statistics or Economics are also invited to apply.

The Ph.D students will be appointed for a full four-year period in which the 
graduates will work on an individual project, leading to a doctoral 
dissertation. The generous scholarships fully cover tuition, research and 
living expenses. The salary amounts to appr. €2000,- before taxes in the first 
year of the appointment, rising to appr. €2558,- before taxes in the fourth 
year. There are no tuition fees.

The programme (in English) begins September 1st, 2008 and applications should 
arrive at the ICS before May 1, 2008.

Extensive information on the ICS and the available Ph.D positions can be found 
on the ICS-homepage: http://www.ics- graduateschool. nl.

General information and applications: ms. M. Ristivojcevic- Lefering, Postbus 
9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands, tel. 00 31 24 361 30 13, E mail: 


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Re: [PPIBelgia] bulan diskon

2008-04-02 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

yeah kalo bawa keluarga dengan beasiswa limited, musti pinter2 cari2 berita 
diskon utk belanja dan jalan2.



- Original Message 
From: Furqon Azis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 2, 2008 2:25:37 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] bulan diskon

ente tau aja klo ada diskon hehehehehhe


2008/4/2 Setio Pramono [EMAIL PROTECTED] com:

Buat temen2 yang suka belanja2...

ada info bahwa ada bulan diskon di outlet2 di  Roermond, Holland.

info bisa dilihat di:
http://www.designer outletroermond. com/about/ index.php? lang=en

Met belanja,

  You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster 
Total Access, No Cost.


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You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
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[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD in Computational Biology Group

2008-04-03 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
2 PhD positions as a

(Ludwig-Maximilians-University) is seeking 2
PhD candidates who want to join our Computational Biology Group. Our
aim is to develop and apply statistical models that provide insights
into the transcriptional regulation of the cell on a molecular level.

The positions involve statistical and bioinformatic analysis of
genome wide datasets and support in experimental design. The ideal
applicant should have an appropriate university degree in computer
science, mathematics, physics, statistics or bioinformatics. Experience
in bioinformatics, statistical analysis of large datasets as well as
good programming skills (in particular in the programming language R)
are advantageous. Good communication and interpersonal skills are
essential, since we closely collaborate with excellent biological
research groups of the Gene Center.

A contract for up to 3 years (salary TV-L, E13/2) will be offered to the 
successful candidate.

The deadline for applications is April 30.
To increase the number of women involved in science and
technology, female applicants are specifically encouraged. Handicapped
applicants will have higher preference in case of equal qualifications.

 Further information may be obtained from our web page or directly from Dr. 
Achim Tresch . Please send your application in English or German, by e-mail, 
to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] . The application should comprise a CV and a covering 
letter, as well as undergraduate and graduate transcripts.
Gene Center Munich
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany


You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.  

[PPIBelgia] biology and medical books

2008-04-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear All,
 To download the latest biology and medical books visit www.bioXplorer.com



You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.  

[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD position in Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling

2008-04-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The Institute of Mathematics of the University of Zürich invites applications 
for a: 
Three - year PhD position in Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 
in the research group Computational Mathematics of Prof. Dr. S. Sauter. 
Candidates must have a master degree in Mathematics or a closely related 
Applications should be sent by April 30th, 2008, either by eMail to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] or by regular mail to Prof. Sauter. They must include 
a) curriculum vita
b) complete record of academic education including grades and all achievements
c) two letters of recommendation.

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[PPIBelgia] berita bahagia bagi laki2 yg blm nikah dan ngerasa kurang ganteng....

2008-04-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Mengapa Wanita Cantik Memilih Pria 'Standar'
Getty Images
Jumat, 11 April 2008 | 14:15 WIB
Tak perlu heran melihat begitu banyak wanita cantik menggandeng pria bertampang 
'standar'. Menurut penelitian, para wanita cantik yang menikah dengan pria 
berwajah biasa justru merasa lebih bahagia dibanding dengan pasangan yang 

Rupanya para responden dalam penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ahli di 
University of Tennesse tersebut mengatakan dalam perkawinan itu para pria 
mendapatkan manfaat besar karena memiliki istri cantik. Sementara itu para 
istri mengaku memang mencari pasangan yang suportive, meski kurang rupawan.

Dalam penelitian ini para ahli psikologi dari University of Tennesse melibatkan 
82 pasangan suami istri yang baru menikah enam bulan dan sebelumnya berpacaran 
selama tiga tahun. Usia para responden sekitar pertengahan dua puluhan. 

Secara umum disimpulkan pasangan suami istri bersikap positif dan lebih adem 
ayem jika sang istri berwajah cantik. Sebaliknya wanita yang bersuamikan pria 
tampan justru kurang kompak satu sama lain. Mereka umumnya merasa kurang puas 
dengan perkawinannya. Dalam hal ini rupanya pepatah yang mengatakan rumput 
tetangga selalu lebih hijau berlaku. 

Pria memang lebih tertarik pada wanita yang cantik dan menarik, sedangkan 
wanita biasanya memilih pria yang tubuhnya lebih tinggi atau bergaji besar, 
kata Dan Ariely, ahli manajemen dari Media Arts and Sciences and Sloan School 
of Management. 

Lebih lanjut disebutkan pasangan yang sepadan bukanlah semata saat seorang 
wanita cantik berjodoh dengan pria tampan. Namun lebih dari itu, sepadan 
berarti  saat dua orang saling melengkapi

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[PPIBelgia] [info]PhD Positions at the Doctoral Program Computational Mathematics

2008-04-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Open PhD Positions at the Doctoral Program Computational Mathematics - Call 
for Applications
The newly established Doctoral Program (DK) ''Computational Mathematics: 
Numerical Analysis and Symbolic Computation'' at the Johannes Kepler University 
(JKU) in Linz, Austria, is offering PhD positions in nine PhD Thesis Projects 
for the duration of three years. The interdisciplinary PhD research program 
(DK) is financed by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and will begin on October 
1, 2008. 
Overall goal: Intensive PhD training (interdisciplinary courses and seminars) 
in two fundamental areas of computational mathematics and their interactions: 
numerical analysis and symbolic computation. Participating JKU institutes: 
Applied Geometry, Computational Mathematics, Industrial Mathematics, Research 
Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), and the Johann Radon Institute for 
Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) of the Austrian Academy of 
For further information and details concerning the application procedure, see 
www.dk-compmath.jku.at . Deadline for Applications: May 15, 2008. 
DK Contact: 
Johannes Kepler University Linz 
Doktoratskolleg (DK) 
Altenberger Str. 69 
4040 Linz 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD student in Educational Sciences

2008-04-12 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
PhD student in Educational Sciences(Noord-Holland), 38 hours per week 
University of Amsterdam

Job descriptionThe Department of Educational Sciences islooking for a PhD 
student for the research project ‘The relativecontribution of Supportive Home 
Visiting and Parent Management Trainingto the Prevention of Behavioural 
Problems in Young Children: aComparative Study'.

The project of the PhD student is part of a larger research program(Childhood 
education and Family Support) and is embedded in asub-program of studies into 
the effectiveness of family supportprograms.

The research project studies processes that mediate theeffectiveness of two 
types of parenting support intervention models infamilies with young children 
who are at risk for behavioural problems:family support by home-visiting versus 
parent management training. Inthe study the effectiveness of the home visiting 
approach (exemplifiedby Home-Start) will be compared with the effectiveness of 
trainingparenting skills by Parent Management Training programs (exemplified 
byTriple P). Home visiting focuses first and foremost on maternalwell-being and 
self-efficacy and expect changes in parenting practicesto follow. In contrast, 
parent management training focuses on parentingskills and specific parenting 
practices and assumes that improvementsin maternal self-efficacy are the result 
of positive changes inparenting practices. This study will focus on the 
contribution of bothapproaches separately and simultaneously to the prevention 
ofbehavioural problems in young
 children. A group of families withchildren in the age of 1,5 - 3,5 years that 
are judged to needparenting support are assigned to the following three 
conditions:Home-Start (a); Triple P (b); and Home-Start combined with Triple P 
(c)and care as usual (d, no specific intervention). Each group willconsist of 
75 participants.

Master of Science in Pedagogics or PsychologyExperience with empirical research 
in families with young childrenGood writing and presentations skillsFamiliar 
with multivariate data-analysisEarlier scientific publications are a 
recommendationOrganizational and communication skills

University of Amsterdam 

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is a
university with an internationally acclaimed profile, located at the
heart of the Dutch capital. As well as a world center for business and
research, Amsterdam is a hub of cultural and media activities. The
University of Amsterdam is a member of the League of European Research

 The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences(FMG) is the largest educational 
and research institution in the socialsciences in the Netherlands. The Faculty 
serves 7,500 students innumerous Bachelor's and Master's programmes in 
Political Science,Sociology, Anthropology, Communication Science, Psychology, 
SocialGeography, Planning and International Development Studies, andEducational 
Sciences. The academic staff is employed in education aswell as research. There 
are over 1,100 employees at the Facultydepartment, which resides in a number of 
buildings in the centre ofAmsterdam.

Employees of the Department of Educational Sciences participate inthe 
educational institute for bachelor- and master studies and in theresearch 
institute, the SCO-Kohnstamm Institute. Information:www.fmg.uva.nl/pedagogiek, 
www.fmg.uva.nl/onderwijskunde, andwww.sco-kohnstamminstituut.uva.nl.

Conditions of employmentEmployment basis: Temporary for specified period
 Duration of the contract: see below
 Maximum hours per week: 38

Additional conditions of employment:
The PhD appointment will be full time (38 hours a week) for a period offour 
years. The monthly salary will be in accordance with Universityregulations for 
academic personnel, and will range from €2,000 in thefirst year up to a maximum 
of €2,558 in the last year (based on afulltime appointment).

Additional InformationAdditional information about the vacancy can be obtained 

Janneke Aben
 Telephone number: +31 (0)20 525 1559
 E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Prof. Dr Jo Hermanns
 Telephone number: +31 (0)348 402 949
 E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.
About the organizationAbout the departmentAbout the function
function popcorn(){
var popcorned = 
 pop, dependent=yes, directories=no, height=500, hotkeys=no, location=no, 
menubar=no, resizable=no, scrollbars=no, status=no, titlebar=no, toolbar=no, 

ApplicationYou can apply for this job before 15-05-2008 by sending your 
application to:

P.O. Box 94208
1090 GE Amsterdam

E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Applicants should send a letter of motivation,
a detailed CV, study results and publications before May 15, 2008 to:
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Social and 

[PPIBelgia] berita gembira

2008-04-14 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Dear Friends,

Telah lahir dengan selamat putra kedua dari salah satu anggota milis ini, 
Charles (Phd Student UGent) dan Johana (PhD student Uhasselt), pukul 5   dini 
hari tadi (14 april'08) di Rs Virge jesse, Hasselt.


Setia Pramana
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek
Office: D56
Phone: +32-11-268288
Fax: +32-11-268299



Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  


2008-04-14 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono


Starting from September 2008, the Institute of Statistics of the Université 
de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, is offering a series of full time 
teaching and
research assistant positions for preparing a PhD in statistics.
Description of the positions
Starting as of now, and until the application deadline (June 1, 2008), the 
Institute of
Statistics (IS) is filling 4 teaching assistant and 4 research assistant 
As a teaching assistant (up to 6 years’ contract with average monthly salary of 
2600 Euros including social security) the doctoral student, besides working on 
thesis, is teaching tutorials in a variety of service and master courses of the 
As a research assistant (up to 4 years’ tax-free monthly grant of about 1500 
Euros) the
doctoral student’s main activity is working on his/her thesis, but he/she can be
involved on a small scale into some teaching activities of the IS. One of the 
assistant positions is on asymptotic theory for semiparametric statistics, one 
is on time
series econometrics, and two are on general topics in statistics.
Description of the working environment
The Institute of Statistics is a renowned research centre of high international
reputation which offers a very stimulating working environment. It is equipped 
modern computing facilities, a statistics library, a vivid visitors’ programme 
ample funding for scientific travel. At the IS there are about 15-20 doctoral 
working under the supervision of 10 professors, in a variety of fields of
methodological and applied statistics, including biostatistics and actuarial 
They are integrated into the Graduate School in Statistics and Actuarial 
Sciences which
offers them an up-to-date training in their field via regular seminar series, 
courses and workshops, all in English and often given by international short 
and longterm
visitors. A high percentage of the PhD students graduate from the IS and succeed
in starting a promising career, be it in academia or industry.
The IS is part of a large international research network. It has numerous 
contacts, including those to neighbouring fields (medicine, agronomy, social 
economy, finance and engineering) as well as collaborations with industry. It 
is placed
in the heart of a modern, vivid and international university campus, in close 
of Brussels and its international airport, and in short travel distance to 
other European
Required qualifications
- Degree on the master level in statistics, mathematics or physics, 
commercial or civil engineering, quantitative economics, finance or actuarial
sciences. This diploma must be obtained with at least distinction or an
equivalent grade.
- The candidate must be younger than 30 years at the moment the position starts.
- Good active knowledge of French for a teaching assistant position (however,
French is not a requirement for a research grant position).
To apply, please send the following documents to the administrator of the IS,
Christine Denayer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) as of now and at the very
latest before June 1, 2008:
- a letter of motivation (which can - but does not have to - include a statement
of interest in one or several of the diverse fields of research at the IS)
- a curriculum vitae including a list of the relevant courses taken within a
qualifying progamme (including evaluation grades)
- copies of diploma
- two letters of reference to be sent by e-mail directly by the referees
Please understand that only duly completed applications can be taken into 
Simultaneous applications (teaching and research position) are possible by
explicitly stating so in your letter of motivation.
For further information please contact Professor Ingrid Van Keilegom
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and/or Professor Rainer von Sachs
Further information on the Institute of Statistics can be obtained from
http://www.uclouvain.be/en-stat.html .


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

Re: [PPIBelgia] cari partner bisnis online

2008-04-15 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
setuju...jang rahmatbisa minta lsg ke authornya...
tapi pengalaman g semua mo kasih ..ada sebagian yg nyuruh beli jurnalnya...
kalo legal sih boleh..kl ilegal ehm.?

kalo jurnal di bid biologi: http://www.bioxplorer.com/

- Original Message 
From: Rachmat Irwansjah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 1:20:22 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] cari partner bisnis online

Wah...dulu sempat sih terpikir juga bisnis seperti ini. Hanya 
kalau ketahuan ngeri dituntut ama elsevier or any journal publisher... :D

However, sebenarnya sih kalau butuh article bisa juga gratis dgn minta langsung 
ke penulisnya. Mostly they would love to share their articles with us karena 
the more people quote their article the more prestigious they will become. 

Furqon Azis [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
  Siph kang Rofi,
sayah daftar n siap jadi kontributor jurnal na

Ecomama - VUB

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 12:40 PM, rezki amalia amalia_rezki@ yahoo.com wrote:
hehehehe... idenya boleh juga tuh...
  selama ini sih niatnya cuman bantu aja sihh hehehe
  emang kalo di elsevier itu ga ada batasan yahh kita boleh ngedonlot berapa 

roffi grandiosa roffigrandiosa@ yahoo.com wrote:
 Dear friends,
  Saya berencana membuka bisnis online berkaitan dengan jasa pencarian jurnal. 
Adapun ide dasarnya adalah untuk mencari
 jurnal ilmiah internasional di Indonesia sangat sulit karena pengelola jurnal 
misalnya elsevier  menerapkan sistem pay per download.
  Berhubung saya sudah pulang ke Indonesia tentunya, saya sendiri mengalami 
kesulitan untuk mengakses jurnal ilmiah but thx a lot to my friends, kang 
utong, kiki amalia dll. sy masih bisa meminta bantuan untuk mendownload file yg 
sy inginkan.

  Nah, dengan dasar itu saya ingin membuka kerjasama kepada teman² yang 
berminat (preferably student yang mempunyai full-akses journal di University 
  Sebagai gambaran untuk bisnis,
   Tarif untuk download jurnal adalah sekitar Rp. 5000,- hingga 10.000,- per 
jurnal  dan partner pencari jurnal mendapatkan 50% dari jasa tersebut. Uang 
yang akan saya transfer ke rekening bank anda (di Indonesia tentunya) setelah 
tercapai jumlah
 minimal untuk transfer. 

  Mengenai legal bisnisnya sebenarnya  belum terpikirkan karena bisa jadi 
melanggar copywright, tetapi idenya kita juga ingin membantu mencerahkan dunia 
akademik Indonesia karena bisa membantu membuka akses kepada klien kita.
  Kepada yang tertarik ide saya dan ingin menjadi partner saya, mohon merespon 
email ini atau via email pribadi saya di r.grandiosa@ unpad.ac. id  

  terimakasih sebelumnya atas perhatiannya, have a nice day!
  Roffi G.
  Ugent Alumni 2007
  between -00-00 and -99-99  

 between -00-00 and -99-99 



Rachmat Irwansjah (Mr.) 
Technical Officer for Health and Population Unit 
Bureau for Resources Development 
The ASEAN Secretariat 
70A Jl. Sisingamangaraja  
Jakarta 12110 
Tel : (62-21) 7243372, 7262991 Ext. 359 
Fax: (62-21) 7398234, 7243504 
Website: www.aseansec. org   
Weblog: http://www.bossdias .com 

between -00-00 and -99-99 


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[PPIBelgia] ebook /jurnal

2008-04-15 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
kalo ebook di: http://www.ebookee.com/ atau di: http://www.avaxhome.ru
 bidang IT di: http://flazx.com/

met cari 2 jurnalor buku..

- Original Message 
From: roffi grandiosa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 3:50:40 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] cari partner bisnis online

bioxplorer isinya barang bajakan tuh.. tapi boleh juga lah.. 
thanks for the info.. banyak yg bermanfaat sekali disana.. maklum ga mampu beli 

thx tio for the link

Setio Pramono [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
setuju...jang rahmatbisa minta lsg ke authornya...
tapi pengalaman g semua mo kasih ..ada sebagian yg nyuruh beli jurnalnya...
kalo legal sih boleh..kl ilegal ehm.?

kalo jurnal di bid biologi: http://www.bioxplor er.com/

- Original Message 
From: Rachmat Irwansjah [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 1:20:22 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] cari partner bisnis online

  Wah...dulu sempat sih terpikir juga bisnis seperti 
ini. Hanya kalau ketahuan ngeri dituntut ama elsevier or any journal 
publisher... :D

However, sebenarnya sih kalau butuh article bisa juga gratis dgn minta langsung 
ke penulisnya. Mostly they would love to share their articles with us karena 
the more people quote their article the more prestigious they will become. 

 Azis [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
  Siph kang Rofi,
sayah daftar n siap jadi kontributor jurnal na

Ecomama - VUB

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 12:40 PM, rezki amalia amalia_rezki@ yahoo.com wrote:
hehehehe... idenya boleh juga tuh...
  selama ini sih niatnya cuman bantu aja sihh hehehe
  emang kalo di elsevier itu ga ada batasan yahh kita boleh ngedonlot berapa 

roffi grandiosa roffigrandiosa@ yahoo.com wrote:
 Dear friends,
  Saya berencana membuka bisnis online berkaitan dengan jasa pencarian jurnal. 
Adapun ide dasarnya adalah untuk mencari  jurnal ilmiah internasional di 
Indonesia sangat sulit karena pengelola jurnal misalnya elsevier  menerapkan 
sistem pay per download.
  Berhubung saya sudah pulang ke Indonesia tentunya, saya sendiri mengalami 
kesulitan untuk mengakses jurnal ilmiah but thx a lot to my friends, kang 
utong, kiki amalia dll. sy masih bisa meminta bantuan untuk mendownload file yg 
sy inginkan.

  Nah, dengan dasar itu saya ingin membuka kerjasama kepada teman� yang 
berminat (preferably
 student yang mempunyai full-akses journal di University masing�).
  Sebagai gambaran untuk bisnis,
   Tarif untuk download jurnal adalah sekitar Rp. 5000,- hingga 10.000,- per 
jurnal  dan partner pencari jurnal mendapatkan 50% dari jasa tersebut. Uang 
yang akan saya transfer ke rekening bank anda (di Indonesia tentunya)  setelah 
tercapai jumlah  minimal untuk transfer. 

  Mengenai legal bisnisnya sebenarnya  belum terpikirkan karena bisa jadi 
melanggar copywright, tetapi idenya kita juga ingin membantu mencerahkan dunia 
akademik Indonesia karena bisa membantu membuka akses kepada klien kita.
  Kepada yang tertarik ide saya dan ingin menjadi partner saya, mohon merespon 
email ini atau via email pribadi saya di r.grandiosa@ unpad.ac. id  

  terimakasih sebelumnya atas perhatiannya, have a nice day!
  Roffi G.
  Ugent Alumni 2007
  between -00-00 and -99-99  

 between -00-00 and -99-99 



Rachmat Irwansjah (Mr.) 
Technical Officer for Health and Population Unit 
Bureau for Resources Development 
The ASEAN Secretariat 
70A Jl. Sisingamangaraja  
Jakarta 12110 
Tel : (62-21) 7243372, 7262991 Ext. 359 
Fax:  (62-21) 7398234, 7243504 
Website: www.aseansec. org   
Weblog: http://www.bossdias .com between -00-00 and -99-99 


Roffi Grandiosa, MSc.
roffi.akuatika. net

Faculty of Fisheries - Padjadjaran University

Jalan Jatinangor - Sumedang KM 21 
West Java, Indonesia

Palasari V no.212 Kecamatan Cibiru
Phone 0062227801953
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


between -00-00 and -99-99 


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#ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc .ad{
margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0


2008-04-22 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Berikut undangan pengajian KMPI Brusselssemoga bermanfaat,

Assalamulaikum Wr.Wb.

Bersama ini dengan hormat diberitahukan bahwa dalam rangka mempertebal  
keimanan serta mempererat tali silaturahmi diantara kaum muslimin,  
Keluarga Pengajian muslimin Indonesia Belgia akan menyelenggarakan  
acara pengajian yang Insya Allah akan diadakan pada:

 Hari  tgl: Sabtu, 26 April 2008
 Waktu:  Pukul 19.00 - selesai
 Tempat: Aula KBRI Brussel
 Avenue de Tervuren 294
 Acara:  - Pengajian dan Silaturrahim
 - Ekspresi Seni Islami

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut dimohon kehadiran Bapak/lbu/Sdr/Sdri  
dan keluarga dalam acara tersebut dan demi kelancaran acara dimohon  
kehadirannya secara tepat waktu.

Demikian atas perhatian dan kehadiran Bapak/lbu/Sdr/Sdri sekalian  
diucapkan terima kasih.

Wassalammualaikum Wr.Wb

Pengurus KPMI Belgia

Edi Hartuslistiyoso

Catatan: Silahkan mengunjungi website KPMI di http://www.kpmibelgia.com/
  untuk mendapatkan berbagai informasi tentang kegiatan KPMI


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] butuh info ttg legalisir ijazah

2008-04-25 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear Friends,

Mohon infonya tentang legalisir ijazah. Apakah langsung bisa  legalisir ke KBRI 
atau harus di legalisir dahulu di institusi di belgia?

Terima kasih.

Setia Pramana
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek
Office: D56
Phone: +32-11-268288
Fax: +32-11-268299



Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] soal2 Toefl

2008-04-28 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear frieds,

Buat temen2 yang memerlukan soal2 toefl, berikut link untuk donload soal2 toefl 
bbrp tahun lalu yang semoga bisa berguna.




Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] Re: soal2 Toefl

2008-04-29 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Rekan2 semua...
di site utk sharing kita tidak bisa langsung mendownolad file yg diiinginkan 
kecuali kita manjadi member dan membayar ...
nah utk yg free download, kita harus menunggu bbrp saat. ini diberitahukan di 
informasi dibawah gambar sexy tadi (iklan)

Seconds to wait:16
To get rid of download timers and other limits you can buy a premium account.

setelah waktu tunggunya selesai/habis anda akan diberikan  bbrp digit code dan 
ketik kode tersebut di box yg diberikan

Please enter code: 

kemudian klik button: download this file

Jadi deh downloadnya
sory tidak memberikan info ini sebelumnya...
namun dari 200 visitors kebanyakan (150 org) bisa mendownloadnya...

saya juga coba upload di rapidshare ( tapi bbrp temen di indonesia comment 
katanya rapidshare g bisa dibuka di indo?)...ini juga berbeda cara downloadnya..
setelah anda paste link dibawah ini, akan ada 2 pilihan member or free 
download,  klik button free download dan kemudian anda akan diberi waktu tunggu 
dan setelah waktu tunggunya selesai/habis anda akan diberikan  bbrp digit code 
dan ketik kode tersebut di box yg diberikan


Semoga bisa membantu



Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] Fw: [beasiswa] [info] Two PhD Scholarships in Brussels

2008-05-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

- Forwarded Message 
From: Jonatan Lassa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 5, 2008 11:55:48 PM
Subject: [beasiswa] [info] Two PhD Scholarships in Brussels

Two PhD Scholarships in Brussels
Funding for two doctoral research scholarships will be available for one year 
in the first instance, extended to a maximum of three years, based on 
satisfactory progress. Successful candidates will be registered as full-time 
students of the University of Kent; registered initially for the MPhil they 
will be expected to transfer/upgrade to the PhD within 18 months of 
Candidates will receive a maintenance grant of €9000 p.a. and tuition fees 
(€13,690 in 2008/09). Scholarship holders will normally be expected to teach a 
maximum of 6 hours per week in term time, at the direction of the Dean. 
Candidates will be subject to an annual review of progress and performance in 
both research and teaching and will be expected to perform at a satisfactory 
level in both areas to ensure renewal of their award. 
Successful applicants will pursue a thesis topic in an area of research 
strength of the school. We particularly welcome research proposals in European 
Public Policy, International Relations, International Conflict Analysis, 
International Political Economy, and Political Strategy and Communication. 
Applicants should normally have obtained, or be about to obtain a relevant 
Master's degree at merit or distinction level. In addition to making an 
application to study for an MPhil/PhD, applicants are required to submit a 
research proposal, CV and covering letter. Applicants should also ensure that 
two academic references are submitted by the closing date of 16 June 2008.

To submit an application for the PhD scholarships please follow the 
instructions as detailed on the following webpage: http://www.kent. 
ac.uk/brussels/ admissions. html.

Once you have submitted your application to study at UKB, you may apply for a 
scholarship by sending a research proposal, CV, and covering letter outlining 
your interest in the scholarship by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ac.uk. UKB must 
receive your scholarship application no later than 17:00 Brussels time on 16 
June 2008. 
http://www.jobs. ac.uk/jobs/ LT143/PhD_ Scholarships/

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  


2008-05-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
secara teori probability antara 0 dan 1
ada yang pasti terjadi.. (1) dan yg g mungkin terjadi...(0)
nah kalo yg sulis bilang sepertinya peluangnya ada meski mungkin kecil he2

- Original Message 
From: Furqon Azis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 6, 2008 1:30:26 PM

kemungkinan mah selalu ada (berdasarkan ilmu statistika)
betul pan kang tyo?

2008/5/6 Sulistiono Kertawacana [EMAIL PROTECTED] com:

Mungkinkah akan ada Hugo Chavez versi Indonesia di
2009? hehehe

Kind regards,
Sulistiono Kertawacana

Furqon Azis wrote: 
Apakah Pak Harto mengambil kebijakan-kebijakan yang sangat salah
sehingga keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi yang didengung-dengungka n
itu buat saya (dan saya yakin juga buat sangat banyak orang lainnya)
adalah semu atau palsu ! 

Sebagai Presiden dengan sistem presidensiil, tanggung jawab
terakhir memang ada pada pundak Presiden. Tetapi secara substantif Pak
Harto tidak paham tentang ekonomi. Karena itu yang menjadi krusial
adalah memilih orang-orang yang tepat. Tepatkah pilihan Pak Harto yang
jatuh pada para ekonom dari kelompok Berkeley Mafia ? 

Menurut saya bukan hanya salah, inilah malapetaka yang paling
besar. Sri Sultan Hemengkubuwono IX dan Adam Malik yang mengawal mereka
dalam pertemuan pertama dengan kekuatan-kekuatan internasional, yaitu
pertemuan di Jenewa di bulan November tahun 1967 juga tidak bisa
disalahkan sepenuhnya atas dasar keawaman mereka dalam bidang ekonomi. 


Marilah sekarang kita telusuri bagaimana kronologi atau urut-urutan
kejadiannya? Yang saya kemukakan bukan temuan dan pendapat saya, tetapi
temuan dan pendapat orang-orang Inggris dan Amerika. Ceriteranya adalah
sebagai berikut. 

Izinkan saya sekarang mengutip observasi dari seorang wartawan
terkemuka berkewarganegaraan Australia yang bermukim di Inggris, yaitu
John Pilger yang membuat film dokumenter tentang Indonesia dan juga
telah dibukukan dengan judul : The New Rulers of the World. Dua orang
lainnya adalah Prof. Jeffrey Winters, guru besar di North Western
University, Chicago dan Dr. Bradley Simpson yang meraih gelar Ph.D.
dengan Prof. Jeffrey Winters sebagai promotornya. Yang satu berkaitan
dengan yang lainnya, karena beberapa bagian penting dari buku John
Pilger mengutip temuan-temuannya Jeffrey Winters dan Brad Simpson. 

Sebelum mengutip hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan Indonesia, saya
kutip pendapatnya John Pilger tentang Kartel Internasional dalam
penghisapannya terhadap negara-negara miskin. 

Saya kutip : 

dunia ini, yang tidak dilihat oleh bagian terbesar dari kami yang hidup
di belahan utara dunia, cara perampokan yang canggih telah memaksa
lebih dari sembilan puluh negara masuk ke dalam program penyesuaian
struktural sejak tahun delapan puluhan, yang membuat kesenjangan antara
kaya dan miskin semakin menjadi lebar. Ini terkenal dengan istilah
nation building dan good governance oleh empat serangkai yang
mendominasi World Trade Organisation (Amerika Serikat, Eropa, Canada
dan Jepang), dan triumvirat Washington (Bank Dunia, IMF dan Departemen
Keuangan AS) yang mengendalikan setiap aspek detil dari kebijakan
pemerintah di negara-negara berkembang. Kekuasaan mereka diperoleh dari
utang yang belum terbayar, yang memaksa negara-negara termiskin
membayar $ 100 juta per hari kepada para kreditur barat. Akibatnya
adalah sebuah dunia, di mana elit yang lebih sedikit dari satu milyar
orang menguasai 80% dari kekayaan seluruh umat manusia. 
Saya ulangi sekali lagi paragraf yang sangat relevan dan krusial, yaitu
yang berbunyi : 

Their power derives largely from an unrepayable debt that forces
the poorest countres atau Kekuatan negara-negara penghisap didasarkan 
atas utang besar yang
tidak mampu dibayar oleh negara-negara target penghisapan. 

John Pilger mengutip temuan, pernyataan dan wawancara dengan
Jeffrey Winters maupun Brad Simpson. Jeffrey Winters dalam bukunya yang
berjudul Power in Motion dan Brad Simpson dalam disertasinya
mempelajari dokumen-dokumen tentang hubungan Indonesia dan dunia Barat
yang baru saja menjadi tidak rahasia, karena masa kerahasiaannya
menjadi kadaluwarsa. 

Saya kutip halaman 37 yang mengatakan : 

bulan November 1967, menyusul tertangkapnya 'hadiah terbesar', hasil
tangkapannya dibagi. The Time-Life Corporation mensponsori konferensi
istimewa di Jenewa yang dalam waktu tiga hari merancang
pengambil-alihan Indonesia. Para pesertanya meliputi para kapitalis
yang paling berkuasa di dunia, orang-orang seperti David Rockefeller.
Semua raksasa korporasi Barat diwakili : perusahaan-perusaha an
dan bank, General Motors, Imperial Chemical Industries, British
Leyland, British American Tobacco, American Express, Siemens, Goodyear,
The International Paper Corporation, US Steel. Di seberang meja adalah
orang-orangnya Soeharto yang oleh Rockefeller disebut ekonoom-ekonoom
Indonesia yang top. 

[PPIBelgia] PhD student Inorganic Physical Chemistry

2008-05-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Within the Institute for Materials Research (IMO) of 
Hasselt University, the following position (m/f) is available:

student Inorganic  Physical Chemistry (2 x 2 years)

Job description
The PhD student will conduct 
research within the frame of a recently acquired interdisciplinary research 
project ‘A New Initiative of the ‘Bijzonder onderzoeksfonds’). The candidate 
will focus on the investigation of (preferentially environmentally friendly) 
wet-chemical synthesis methods for (new) functional metal oxides (nanoparticles 
 thin films) with a high potential for innovative applications, due to the 
combination of their structural, electrical and/or magnetic properties. An 
important part of the work consists of a study of the relation between the 
chemical composition, the structure/morphology (controlled by the synthesis 
parameters) and the electrical and/or magnetic properties of the material. For 
this purpose, the researcher use an extended range of state-of-the-art 
characterisation techniques and work in a stimulating, multidisciplinary 
research environment. The research of this project will be carried out in 
collaboration within the Institute of Materials Research (materials physics 
 chemistry). The PhD projects should result in the optimisation of 
synthesis and process conditions and new fundamental insights towards the 
realisation of functional materials for innovative 

Profile and diploma
Candidates are able to work 
independently and to conduct their research in a multidisciplinary context. 
also requires, that the candidates have a good knowledge of scientific English 
and are able to speak the English and/or Dutch language fluently. A strong 
interest in inorganic and physical chemistry, materials science as well as in 
the synthesis and characterisation of functional materials is encouraged. The 
candidates should have an adequate basic-knowledge of chemistry and materials 
science and should therefore have a diploma of Master in (applied) Chemistry or 
(applied) Physics, Materials Science, Bio engineer, Master in Industrial 
Sciences, Civil Engineer or equivalent 

Full-time appointment, with a duration of 
2x2 years and an intermediate assessment after 2 years.

* Content job responsibilities:
Inorganic  Physical 
* Prof. dr. M. Van Bael, +32-11-26.83.82, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
* Prof. dr. J. Mullens, +32-11-26.83.08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Materials physics 
* Prof. dr. Patrick Wagner, +32-11-26.89.00, 
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef 
Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official 
application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt 
University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek 
(Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here: 
The completed application forms must reach the above 
mentioned address no later than Friday, June 6th 2008. 
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD student Inorganic Physical Chemistry (Methusalem)

2008-05-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Within the Institute for Materials Research (IMO)  of Hasselt University, the 
following position (m/f) is available:

PhD student Inorganic  Physical Chemistry (2 x 2 years)
(mandate SBG/2008/003)

Job description
The PhD student will conduct research within the frame of a recently  acquired 
interdisciplinary research project (Methusalem ‘Nano’. The  candidate will 
focus on the investigation of (preferentially  environmentally friendly) 
wet-chemical synthesis methods for (new)  functional metal oxides 
(nanoparticles  thin films) with a high  potential for innovative 
applications, due to the combination of their  structural, electrical and/or 
magnetic properties. An important part of  the work consists of a study of the 
relation between the chemical  composition, the structure/morphology 
(controlled by the synthesis  parameters) and the electrical and/or magnetic 
properties of the  material. For this purpose, the researcher use an extended 
range of  state-of-the-art characterisation techniques and work in a 
stimulating,  multidisciplinary research environment. The research of this 
project  will be carried out in collaboration within the Institute of Materials 
 Research (materials physics  chemistry) and with other research centres  
(EMAT, University of Antwerp). The PhD projects should result in the  
optimisation of synthesis and process conditions and new fundamental  insights 
towards the realisation of functional materials for innovative  applications.

Profile and diploma
Candidates are able to work independently and to conduct their research  in a 
multidisciplinary context. This also requires, that the candidates  have a good 
knowledge of scientific English and are able to speak the  English and/or Dutch 
language fluently. A strong interest in inorganic  and physical chemistry, 
materials science as well as in the synthesis  and characterisation of 
functional materials is encouraged. The  candidates should have an adequate 
basic-knowledge of chemistry and  materials science and should therefore have a 
diploma of Master in (applied)  Chemistry or (applied) Physics, Materials 
Science, Bio engineer, Master  in Industrial Sciences, Civil Engineer or 
equivalent diploma.

Full-time appointment, with a duration of 2x2 years and an intermediate  
assessment after 2 years.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
Inorganic  Physical Chemistry
* Prof. dr. M. Van Bael, +32-11-26.83.82, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
* Prof. dr. J. Mullens, +32-11-26.83.08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Materials physics
* Prof. dr. Patrick Wagner,  +32-11-26.89.00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of  Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D,  B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address  no 
later than Friday, June 6th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] Two PhD-researchers on heritage formation in colonial and postcolonial Indonesia and the Netherlands

2008-05-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Two PhD-researchers on heritage formation in colonial and postcolonial 
Indonesia and the Netherlands 
Amsterdam, 1081, (Noord-Holland), VU University Amsterdam

Job description 

Two PhD-researchers
Faculty of Arts, Department of History 
Political history, cultural history and global history are three
main foci of the Department of History’s contemporary research
programme. The section of Political History focuses on issues of
nationbuilding, citizenship and political culture in its relationship
to processes of signification, inclusion and exclusion. Histories of
colonialism and decolonisation are important in this respect. 

Research project 
Within the broader context of the NWO-programme on Cultural
Dynamics two PhD-posts have been formulated for the research programme
Sites, Bodies and Stories. The Dynamics of Heritage Formation in
Colonial and Postcolonial Indonesia and the Netherlands. These are: 

1 –Physical Anthropology, Colonial Practice and Cultural Policies; 
2 –Performing identity, Shaping Heritage – Wayang puppet theatre
and the dynamics of heritage formation in contemporary Indonesia. 

Both PhD researchers are supposed to develop the research questions
formulated in the Sites, Bodies and Stories outline, and push these
further. These are leading questions, which have been drafted for a
collaborative project with many stakeholders involved.
Interdisciplinary collaboration and sharing of research results will be
at stake in each phase of the progamme. Research will take place within
the context of the new VU research institute on Heritage, Urban
Landscapes and Cultural Environments CLUE.


University Graduate
•Research MA or double MA in history and/or other relevant academic 
•solid working knowledge on Indonesian history, culture and contemporary 
•experience with sources and academic practices in Dutch colonialism; 
•conceptual approach to tangible and intangible heritage and
experience with the representation of culture in museums or academic
institutions like laboratories; 
•experience with research outside the Netherlands, preferably in Indonesia. 
Basic knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia is an advantage; 
•experience with collection databases and international communication through 
digital platforms. 

VU University Amsterdam Faculty of Arts 
Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, has
been a renowned cultural, scientific and commercial centre for many
centuries. It was here, in 1880, that the VU University Amsterdam first
opened its doors to students. VU stands for 'Vrije Universiteit', which
means 'Free University'. Here, 'free' refers to freedom of state and
church interference. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam was established in
1880 by orthodox protestants. Nowadays it aims to be inspiring,
innovative and involved. 

Throughout the past century, the university has continued to
expand. It now comprises twelve faculties and has teaching facilities
for 18,000 students. 

Click here for an overview of faculties and institutes: 

The university campus and university hospital are situated in the
south-western part of Amsterdam, one of the most dynamic and
fast-growing business districts in the Netherlands. The international
airport of Schiphol-Amsterdam is 10 kilometres away, just 8 minutes by
train. With more than fifty undergraduate (or bachelor’s) programmes
and almost a hundred postgraduate (or master’s) programmes, the Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam offers a wide choice of study options. The
programmes are of a high quality, the atmosphere is very conducive to
study, and the teaching staff is easily accessible.

The new Department of Language and
Communication brings linguists from various language backgrounds
together in one department and is responsible for a range of BA and MA
degrees in the Faculty of Arts. The English language section is one of
the main groups in the department, with a permanent staff of seven. It
contributes English linguistics and high-level English language skills
courses to BA degrees in English, Communication  Information
Sciences, and Language  Communication Studies, as well as to MA
degrees in English, Linguistics, Communication  Information
Sciences, and ICT  Translation.
Conditions of employment 

Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: temporary

Additional conditions of employment:
The PhD-researchers will spend part of their research time in
Indonesia, and will also collaborate within the Netherlands with
Indonesian researchers and MA students. Throughout the research
programme, improvement of communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia will
be required. 
We want to mention that for both PhD posts qualified candidates
are known to the programme leaders. However, others who 

[PPIBelgia] [info] 3 years PhD fellowship at the ISI Foundation (Turin, Italy)

2008-05-09 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The Complex 
Systems Lagrange Laboratory, Complex Networks Research Unit, 
at the ISI 
Foundation (Turin, Italy) invites applications for a 3 years PhD fellowship 
and for a 1+1 years Post Doctoral 
The successful 
candidates will be part of the research program in computational epidemiology 
EpiFor – Complexity and 
predictability of epidemics: toward a computational infrastructure for 
epidemic forecasts. The project aims at developing a vigorous research 
effort integrating 
mathematical and statistical epidemiology with 
computational sciences and informatics tools to 
conduct scenario analysis in 
public health domain. The candidates will substantially contribute to: 
the formulation of models for the basic theoretical understanding of epidemic 
multi-scale and 
agent based approaches and their predictive power; ii) the 
development of multi-scale computational 
approaches and data integration 
tools that will provide a realistic modeling framework for 
the analysis of 
observed epidemic outbreaks and the forecast of patterns of emerging diseases. 
The positions are 
available starting Summer 2008 and 
will start at a mutually agreed upon date. 
Applications are accepted till 
the positions are filled.
applications are preferred and are to be sent to Dr. Vittoria Colizza, [EMAIL 
find below the details for each  position.
Applicants should 
possess a B.S. or M.S. or equivalent degree (e.g. Italian laurea) in physics, 
applied mathematics, mathematical biology/epidemiology, or related areas, 
and have experience 
in computing programming (e.g. C/C++, etc.) and 
computing environments. High motivation, 
ability to quickly adapt to new 
scientific environment and good personal and communication skills 
and oral English) are assumed for this position.
The fellowship is 
open to students already enrolled in PhD programs or available to enroll in a 
PhD program related to the Host Institution. 
The application 
must include:
§ cover letter highlighting the candidate's suitability for 
this position;
§ curriculum vitae;
§ 1 letter of reference.
Applicants should 
possess a PhD in physics, applied mathematics, mathematical 
or related areas, and have experience in computing 
programming (e.g. C/C++, etc.) and computing 
environments. Proven ability to 
work independently and experience in statistical and numerical simulation 
methods and complex systems are considered to be important assets for this 
position. Experience 
with Geographic Information Systems is considered as 
added value. High motivation, ability to quickly 
adapt to new scientific 
environment and good personal and communication skills (written and oral 
are assumed for this position.
The position is 
for one year and can be extended for a second year, if skills, interest and 
performance allow. 
The application 
must include:
§ cover letter highlighting the candidate's suitability for 
this position;
§ curriculum vitae;
§ up to 3 selected preprints/publications most relevant for 
this position;
§ 2 letters of reference.


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] Fw: phd postdoc positions

2008-05-10 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Collective Decision Making in Combinatorial Domains
This is a preliminary website for the NWO Vidi project Collective Decision 
Making in Combinatorial Domains, 
which is led by Ulle Endriss and will run from January 2008 until December 2012 
at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University 
of Amsterdam. 
The project will bring together ideas from computer science, 
artificial intelligence, multiagent systems, computational logic, and social 
choice theory to develop and analyse mechanisms for collective decision making
when the set of possible agreements has a combinatorial structure. Exemplary
applications include resource allocation problems with indivisible goods 
and the study of voting rules for committee elections. 
Keywords: computational social choice, multiagent resource allocation, 
preference modelling, social software 
Open Positions
We currently have two vacancies in this project: 
* PhD Student (4 year position -- deadline 1 June 2008)
* Postdoctoral Research Fellow (3 year position -- filled)
The latest planning foresees that the postdoc will be working on issues in 
multiagent resource allocation, while the PhD student will be concentrating
on logic-based approaches to modelling collective decision making mechanisms.
However, there is some flexibility in this and the exact programme of work will 
determined together with the successful candidates. Everyone with a serious 
research interest 
in computational 
social choice is encouraged to apply to either position. The successful 
candidates will be regular employees at the University of
Amsterdam. Salary and employment conditions will be in line with the
usual regulations for academic staff at Dutch universities.
Please follow the links above for further details on the open positions
and the application procedure. 
Project Summary
Collective decision making is the process of mapping the individual preference 
profiles of
independent agents into a joint decision. The need for collective decision 
mechanisms is abundant, not just in human society, but also in a number of 
and technological application areas. These range from logistics, over grid 
computing, to
e-democracy. The alternatives to be decided upon often have a combinatorial 
an alternative is characterised by a tuple of variables, each ranging over a 
finite domain.
For instance, if the objective is to divide a number of indivisible goods 
amongst several
agents, then each agent must be able to reason about his or her preferences 
over sets of
goods, of which there are exponentially many. Classical approaches to 
collective decision
making, developed in social choice theory, do not take the computational 
induced by the combinatorial nature of the problem into account. The overall 
aim of this
project is to develop a comprehensive theory of how agreements between 
decision makers are formed when the domain of possible outcomes has a 
structure. Specific topics to be addressed include the compact representation of
preferences in combinatorial domains; the development of distributed approaches 
computing fair and economically efficient allocations of resources for varying
interpretations of the terms fairness and efficiency; and the logic-based 
modelling and
complexity-theoreti c analysis of collective decision making mechanisms. The 
project will
employ the tools and techniques of computer science in a broad sense, including
computational logic, artificial intelligence and multiagent systems, whilst 
also drawing
heavily upon ideas from mathematical economics, in particular social choice 
Related Links
More information on this research area and on related events and activities
is available here: 
* What is Computational Social Choice?
* Survey Article on Computational Social Choice
* Survey Article on Multiagent Resource Allocation
* Logic and Computation Research Programme at the ILLC
* Computational Social Choice Seminar at the ILLC
For further information on the project or the open positions, please feel free 
to contact Ulle Endriss. 

Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. 


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] PhD student Experimental Physics (2 x 2 years)

2008-05-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Within the Institute for Materials Research (IMO)  of Hasselt University, the 
following position (m/f) is available:

PhD student Experimental Physics (2 x 2 years)
(mandate WNI/2008/014)

Job description
The PhD student will conduct research within the BOF-project  “Fabrication of 
nanocrystalline diamond-based acoustic devices for (bio-)sensing  purposes”. 
Two main pathways will be followed, covering both  “piezoelectric-on-diamond” 
as well as “diamond-on-piezoelectric”,  combining thin nanocrystalline CVD 
diamond films with piezoelectric  materials such as AlN, langasite, etc. 
Research will focus on devices  based on surface and bulk acoustic waves, such 
as piezoelectric bimorph  micro-cantilevers, flexural plate wave (FPW) devices, 
and thickness  shear mode resonators. In a first stage, the candidate will have 
to get  acquainted with deposition techniques and material optimisation 
followed  by fabrication and characterisation of several device structures in  
order to obtain superior sensitivity levels than those currently  available

Profile and diploma
Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, chemistry, biomedical  
sciences, engineering or materials science. A background in material  science 
and/or sensor technology is a plus.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: 
* dr. Ken Haenen, (IMO), +32-11- 26 88 75, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger (IMO),  +32–11–26 88 15, [EMAIL 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of  Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D,  B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address  no 
later than Friday, June 6th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD Studentship Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

2008-05-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Within the Research Group ‘Inorganic and  Physical Chemistry’ of Hasselt 
University, the following position (m/f)  available:

PhD Studentship Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (2 x 2 years)
(mandate SBG/2008/001)

Job description
This PhD research is situated in the frame of a collaboration between  the 
Institute of Materials research and the Interuniversity  Microelectronics 
Centre (IMEC). Within the group of Inorganic and  Physical Chemistry and in a 
highly interdisciplinary context (chemistry  / materials physics / 
electronics), research will be performed towards  the development and the 
introduction of new metal oxide materials for  micro/nano-electronic devices of 
future technology generations, aiming  to meet the ever increasing demand of 
miniaturisation. The PhD project  will focus on the study and optimisation of 
wet-chemical synthesis  routes for innovative high-K dielectric metal oxides 
and the  characterisation of their ultrathin layers in view of finding suitable 
 next generation dielectrics for logic and DRAM devices. The research  will be 
carried out in close collaboration with IMEC and with other  disciplines within 
the institute for Materials Research.

Profile and diploma
Candidates are able to work independently and to conduct their research  in an 
interdisciplinary context. A strong interest in inorganic and  physical 
chemistry, materials science and thermodynamics as well as in  the synthesis 
and characterisation of materials with applications in  electronics is 
encouraged. The candidates should have an adequate  basic-knowledge of 
chemistry and materials science and should therefore  have a diploma of: Master 
in (applied) Chemistry or (applied) Physics,  Bio engineer, Master in 
Industrial Sciences, Civil Engineer or  equivalent diploma.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: 
* Prof. dr. M. Van Bael, +32-(0)11-26 83  82, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Prof. dr. J. Mullens, +32-(0)11-26 83  08, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Friday, June 6th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] Brussels' Flowercarpet

2008-05-12 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear friends,

Mo kasih info ttg Brussels' Flowercarpet, tgl 15-17 august 2008. Jangan sampe 
ketinggalan moment terutama yang mau pulang, soalnya cuma 2 th sekali..more 



Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[PPIBelgia] Fw: Thalys Red Day en vente les 15 et 16 mai sur thalys.com

2008-05-15 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

bagi yg ingin ke paris:

- Forwarded Message 
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 1:30:46 PM
Subject: Thalys Red Day en vente les 15 et 16 mai sur thalys.com

Nous avons recueilli vos données lors de votre inscription à la lettre 
d'information ou lors de votre achat sur www.thalys.com.
Vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de modification, de rectification et de 
suppression des données qui vous concernent.
Pour l'exercer, nous vous invitons à utiliser la rubrique « Mes données Thalys 

Pour vous désinscrire de la lettre d'information de thalys.com, cliquez ici.  



2008-05-18 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

 Setia Pramana
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek
Office: D56
Phone: +32-11-268288
Fax: +32-11-268299


- Forwarded Message 
Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2008 11:09:45 AM

Assalamulaikum Wr.Wb.

Bersama ini dengan hormat diberitahukan bahwa dalam rangka mempertebal  
keimanan serta mempererat tali silaturahmi diantara kaum muslimin,  
Keluarga Pengajian muslimin Indonesia Belgia akan menyelenggarakan  
acara pengajian rutin bulanan. Selama musim panas ini atas kesepakan  
anggota, jadwal pangajian akan dimajukan lebih awal menjadi pukul  
17.00 (5 sore).  Pengajian bulan ini Insya Allah akan diadakan pada:

 Hari  tgl: Sabtu, 31 Mei 2008
 Waktu:  Pukul 17.00 - selesai
 Tempat: Aula KBRI Brussel
 Avenue de Tervuren 294
 Acara:  - Pengajian dan Silaturrahim
 - Ekspresi Seni Islami

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut dimohon kehadiran Bapak/lbu/Sdr/Sdri  
dan keluarga dalam acara tersebut dan demi kelancaran acara dimohon  
kehadirannya secara tepat waktu.

Demikian atas perhatian dan kehadiran Bapak/lbu/Sdr/Sdri sekalian  
diucapkan terima kasih.

Wassalammualaikum Wr.Wb

Pengurus KPMI Belgia

Edi Hartuslistiyoso

Catatan: Silahkan mengunjungi website KPMI di http://www.kpmibelgia.com/
  untuk mendapatkan berbagai informasi tentang kegiatan KPMI


[PPIBelgia] Fw: himamasta ) BEASISWA

2008-05-23 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

- Forwarded Message 
From: Krisna Rahmantya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 5:55:32 AM
Subject: himamasta ) BEASISWA


[mailto:sari@ kjbk.co.id] 
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 10:38
To: Krisna Rahmantya
Subject: Fw: [colacolo] BEASISWA
- Original Message - 
From:colacolo list,
buat yang ga penting-penting 
To:colacolo list,
buat yang ga penting-penting 
Sent:Friday, May 23,
2008 9:56 AM
terlampir info beberapa beasiswa luar negeri, lumayan kalo
dapet, bisa cuti 1-2 thn ke luar negeri

 _ _ _ 
Colacolo List for Colacolo Business

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No virus found in this outgoing message.
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[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD student organic and molecular electronics (2x2 years)

2008-06-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Within the Institute for Materials Research (IMO)  of Hasselt University, the 
following position (m/f) is available:

PhD student organic and molecular electronics (2x2 years)
(mandate WNI/2008/021)

Job description
The research will be performed within the research group ‘Organic and  
Nanostructured Electronic Materials’ in the framework of the  IWT-SBO-project 
’Nanostructured POLYmer photovoltaic devices for  efficient solar SPECtrum 
harvesting’ (PolySpec). The subject of the  research is situated in the field 
of organic and molecular electronics  with focus on electro-optical and 
nano-morphological properties of  nanostructured semi-conducting polymers for 
new generation organic solar  cells. The IWT-SBO-project Polyspec is a joint 
project between IMO  (coördinator), IMEC, KULeuven, UGent, UAntwerpen and 
Hasselt University.

Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, chemistry or  engineering. 

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: 
* Prof. dr. Jean Manca, tel. +32-11-26 88  79, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger (IMO),  +32–11–26 88 15, [EMAIL 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of  Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D,  B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address  no 
later than Wednesday, July 2nd 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[PPIBelgia] [info] Ph.D. students in Finance/Financial Economics

2008-06-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Ph.D. students in Finance/Financial Economics
Universiteit Maastricht Ph.D. students in Finance/Financial Economics at the
Maastricht University and LIFE
Maastricht, 6200 MD
(Limburg), 38 hours per week

Job description
Function title: AT2008.130.Ph.D. students in
Finance/Financial Economics
Full-time Ph.D. students
for research projects in the areas of Real Estate; Art
Finance; Forward Premium Puzzle, Political, Economic and
Financial Instability Risks: Role and Implications for
International Financial Markets; Bank Lending; and Banking
System Stability.

education/skills:University Graduate
Ideally an MPhil
or MSc in Economics, Finance, or Econometrics; interest in
empirical research; strong academic record; excellent
knowledge of English. Desire to pursue an academic career
or to continue a career doing research in Financial
Economics in the public/private sector.
Job type:
Research / Advising
- Teaching
 Research(Scientific discipline: Economics)
Research trainees, non-tenured lecturers,
researchers(Scientific discipline: Economics)

Universiteit Maastricht
Maastricht (UM) the youngest university in the Netherlands,
is renowned for its unique, innovative, problem-based
learning system, which is characterized by a small-scale
and student-oriented approach. Research at UM is
characterized by a multidisciplinary and thematic approach,
and is concentrated in research institutes and schools.
Currently UM has around 11500 students and 3,000 employees.
Reflecting the universitys strong international profile, a
fair amount of both students and staff are from abroad. The
university hosts 6 faculties: Faculty of Health, Medicine
and Life Sciences, Faculty of law, Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration, Faculty of Humanities and
Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of

Conditions of employment
maximum salary per month: eur 2500 - 3000

Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2558 
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 2 years of intensive coursework
followed by 3 years of research
Maximum hours per
week: 38
Additional conditions of employment:
Candidates with an MPhil or specialized MSc degree might
qualify for a partial exemption from the coursework.

Additional information about the
vacancy can be obtained from:

S. Kleimeier
Telephone number: 0031-43-3883733
E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Or Finance Department secretariat
number: 0031-43-3883838
E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can apply for this job before 01-07-2008
(dd-mm-) by sending your application to:

Universiteit Maastricht
FEBA, HR-department

P.O.Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht

When applying for this job always mention the
vacancynumber AT2008.130.


[PPIBelgia] [info] Quantitative PhD position (2 x 2 years) Opening at the Department of Educational Sciences of KU Leuven

2008-07-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
1 quantitative PhD position (2 x 2 years) Opening at the Department of 
Educational Sciences of KU Leuven: 
within the framework of a GOA project on Formal Models for the Structure and 
Variability of Emotions.The candidate will contribute to formal modeling of 
sequential processes underlying emotions.
Starting date: October 1, 2008 (or to be negotiated)
Master in the Behavioral Sciences with sound knowledge of statistics
and data analysis, Master of Sciences, or Master of Statistics
Applications (vita + motivation letter) are due no later than August 15 and are 
to be sent to Eva Ceulemans, Department of Educational Sciences, Andreas 
Vesaliusstraat 2 - box 3762, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.
For further information, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 



Re: [PPIBelgia] [Tanya] Invitation Letter

2008-08-15 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Hi Dendi,
Alhamdulillah bulan lalu ortuku dr jkt kesini dan berikut contoh surat 
invitation yg aku gumanakan,
ini surat hasil copy dari temen juga bukan dari site atau gementee,,

Semoga lancar 


- Original Message 
From: dendi ramdani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPI Belgia ppibelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 12:27:38 PM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] [Tanya] Invitation Letter

Halo Teman-teman,

Numpang tanya kalau ada teman atau keluarga yang mau berkunjung ke Belgia, 
menurut website kedutaan Belgia, perlu invitation letter dari kita. 

Dimana dan bagaimana ya mendapatkan surat ini? dan istilah belandanya apa?



invitation letter mom.doc
Description: application/kswps

Re: [PPIBelgia] [Tanya] Invitation Letter

2008-08-15 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
pengalamanku sih ..cuma surat invitation itu aja,,,
tambah fotocopy id dan surat kontrak PhD kita
g perlu surat2 dr gementee..


- Original Message 
From: dendi ramdani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 3:22:20 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] [Tanya] Invitation Letter

Dawina  Tio, 

Trimakasih atas informasinya.

Tio, format surat yg dikasih seolah tulisan kita sendiri kah? bukankah surat 
standar dari Gemente, dan mereka membubuhkan tanda tangan juga?

Oh ya, Dawina. Kalau kita ke Gementee, dokumen apa saja yang perlu kita bawa? 
misalnya paspor kita, verbiljf kita? atau..?


--- On Fri, 8/15/08, Setio Pramono [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

From: Setio Pramono [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] [Tanya] Invitation Letter
Date: Friday, August 15, 2008, 8:13 PM

Hi Dendi,
Alhamdulillah bulan lalu ortuku dr jkt kesini dan berikut contoh surat 
invitation yg aku gumanakan,
ini surat hasil copy dari temen juga bukan dari site atau gementee,,

Semoga lancar 


- Original Message 
From: dendi ramdani dendiramdani@ yahoo.com
To: PPI Belgia [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 12:27:38 PM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] [Tanya] Invitation Letter

Halo Teman-teman,

Numpang tanya kalau ada teman atau keluarga yang mau berkunjung ke Belgia, 
menurut website kedutaan Belgia, perlu invitation letter dari kita. 

Dimana dan bagaimana ya mendapatkan surat ini? dan istilah belandanya apa?




[PPIBelgia] Science Tunnel

2008-08-25 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
taken from http://www.sciencetunnel.be/english/Default.asp

De UHasselt and the Max Planck Society 


Science Tunnel

A fascinating journey through science
The Science Tunnel is a  unique multimedia exhibition of the Max Planck Society.
On a surface of 1000 square metres, you can come in contact with  the latest 
scientific discoveries and the technologies of  tomorrow. Fascinating images, 
video clips and interactive  exhibits take you on a journey from 
microscopically small  particles to far-away star systems.
 You can visit the Science Tunnel from 23 August up to 10 October 2008 in the 
Studio of the  Ethias Arena in Hasselt.

every weekday from 9.00 - 18.00 
weekends from 10.00 - 18.00
On 12 and 26 September and on 3 October the exhibition will be  open till  

FREE entrance!
Schools and other groups (from  ±10 people onwards) should preferable register. 
Guides can be booked through the same channel. A guided tour  costs 50 euro 
(max. 15 people  per guide).

In case you want to use the opportunity to explore the city of Hasselt and  
surroundings before or after your visit to the Science Tunnel,  you can get an 
overview of different possible options at  www.hasselt.be.


[PPIBelgia] [info] 2 PhD students logistics in Belgium.

2008-08-25 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The following vacancy (m/f)  has opened up within the Transportation Research 
Institute (IMOB) of  Hasselt University:

2 PhD students logistics  (2 x 2 years)
(mandate  BEDR/2008/014-015)
The Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) is one  of the 9 research 
institutes of Hasselt University.  The scientific research within IMOB is 
concentrated  on three core fields: traffic safety, transportation and 
logistics. The institute organizes the research in  traffic safety, within the 
Policy Research Centre for Mobility  Public  Works, track Traffic Safety and 
researches transportation behaviour by  using activity-based models. Besides 
expertise within public transport,  IMOB also gathers knowledge in the research 
field of logistics and  organization of freight transport. 
Besides fundamental research, there is an applied  research unit that carries 
out research projects for several clients (EU,  federal and regional 
authorities, local authorities, companies, …).  Themes we work on are traffic 
safety, transportation behaviour, public  transport, bike policy, 
transportation management and freight transport. About 35 researchers are 
working for IMOB. This researcher will work within the logistics  department.

Job description
This Ph. D. research will be  carried out within the research programme 
Logistics of the  Transportation Research Institute, more specifically within 
the domain  of freight flows. Candidates will be involved in developing a 
freight  transport model for Flanders.
 Ph.  D. student 1: Concepts from the sector of freight transport, such as 
just-in-time and  lean production, will have to be integrated in the new model. 
An  extensive data collection is necessary and will precede the actual  
development of the model. Imperative data are for instance data on  individual 
transport, data on the location of terminals, distribution  centers … and data 
on transport and logistics costs.
Ph. D. student 2:  Important decisions,  within the framework of this research, 
that need to be integrated in the  model are the size and the frequency of the 
freight loading, the  transport mode and the structure of the transport chain.
Profile and diploma
Applicants should have a Masters degree in Business Engineering,  Business 
Engineering in Computer Science, Applied Economics, Civil  Engineering, 
Informatics, Mathematics, Physics or an equivalent academic  college degree. A 
strong quantitative interest and a thorough knowledge  of a computer language 
are to ones favour.

Probable start date: 15.10.2008 

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: 
* prof. dr. Geert Wets, +32-11-26 91 58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* An Caris, +32-11-26 91  52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
You can apply using application forms:
* which are available at the Rectoraat of  Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D,  B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address  no 
later than Friday, September 12th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[PPIBelgia] Fw: Pemilu 2009 - Pengumuman Daftar Pemilih Hasil Perbaikan Luar Negeri (A2LN)

2008-09-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Yth. Bapak/Ibu/Sdr/i sekalian,

Dengan hormat disampaikan bahwa dalam rangka mensukseskan Pemilu 2009, maka
Panitia Pemilihan Luar Negeri (PPLN) Belgia telah melakukan pendataan ulang
terhadap WNI yang bermukim di Belgia dan Luksemburg. Pengumuman pertama
pendataan WNI telah dilakukan tanggal 12 Agustus 2008 dan diumumkan pada saat
HUT RI ke-63 di KBRI Brussel, Tervuren 294, B-1150 Brussel, Belgia.

Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Bapak/Ibu/Sdr yang
telah memberikan masukan terhadap pendataan pertama WNI di Belgia dan
Luksemburg. Atas masukan tersebut, kami telah memperbaiki data kami dan
mengumumkannya dengan nama Data Pemilih Sementara Hasil Perbaikan Luar Negeri
(DPSHPLN) di situs KBRI Brussel yang dapat diakses di 


(jika tidak bisa diklik, link diatas dapat di-copy paste di Internet Explorer)

Kami mohon kesediaan Bapak/Ibu/Sdr sekalian untuk melakukan verifikasi terhadap
data masing-masing. Jika data tidak ada atau data tidak lengkap/faktual, 
dipersilahkan untuk mengirim
email ke alamat ini ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Kami sudah
menerima beberapa masukan baru dimana hal ini akan kami masukkan ke pengumuman

Data yang kami perlukan adalah 
No. Paspor:
Nama Lengkap: 
Tempat Tanggal Lahir:
Status Perkawinan:
Jenis Kelamin:
Alamat Lengkap:
Cacat/Tidak Cacat:

Bagi Bapak/Ibu Sekalian yang ingin mengetahui perkembangan Pemilu via SMS
(gratis), kiranya dapat juga menyampaikan nomor ponselnya. 

Kami meminta bantuan Bapak/Ibu sekalian untuk menyebarkan email ini ke seluruh
WNI yang berada di Belgia dan Luksemburg.

Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

PPLN Belgia 


[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD student Neuroimmunology

2008-09-09 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The Biomedical Research Institute of Hasselt  University has a vacancy for a 

PhD student Neuroimmunology (2x2 years)(mandate MBW/2008/025)

Job description
Research at the Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED, Hasselt  University) 
focuses on disease mechanisms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and  the development 
of new therapeutics for this neuro-inflammatory disease.  The group uses 
various modern technologies in immunology, molecular  biology, cell biology and 
imaging to study immune system alterations and  immune mediated damage of 
oligodendrocytes during MS. Recent data show  that immune responses in the CNS 
are not merely detrimental but also  have protective effects e.g. by producing 
neurotrophic factors such as  neurokines. The successful applicant will further 
investigate immune  mediated neuroprotective mechanisms in MS. This project is 
part of a  recently approved Methusalem Program called NEURONET. NEURONET 
brings  together researchers from Hasselt University and Antwerp University 
(VIB)  headed by prof. Christine Van Broeckhoven (UA) and prof. P. Stinissen 
(UHasselt)  specialized in clinical
 neurology, neuropathology, neuroimmunology,  genetics and genomics, cell 
biology, mouse models and therapeutics in  the domain of neurodegenerative 

Profile and diploma
The applicant should hold a master degree in life sciences e.g. medical  
sciences, biomedical sciences, bioengineering, biochemistry, biology,  
biotechnology or equivalent. Laboratory research experience is a  definite plus 
(e.g. during the Master’s dissertation). Applicants should  have excellent 
communication skills and sufficient knowledge of Dutch  and/or English. The 
candidate is highly motivated to work in a  multidisciplinary team.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: 
* prof. dr. Niels Hellings, +32 11 26 92 68 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* prof. dr. Piet Stinissen, +32 11 26 93 03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* website of the Biomedical Research  Institute: www.uhasselt.be/biomed 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Wednesday, October 8th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



[PPIBelgia] PhD-grant (2x2 years) Organic and Polymer Chemistry

2008-09-09 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
In the group Organic and Polymer Chemistry of Hasselt University, the following 
position (m/f) is available:

PhD-grant (2x2 years) Organic and Polymer Chemistry
(mandate SBG/2008/011)

Job description
The research group “Organic and Polymer Chemistry”, a division of IMO 
(Institute  of Material Research), is located on the Hasselt University campus 
in  Belgium and has a strong competence in Polymer Chemistry and Polymer  
Analysis. Via the IMOMEC division, there is a close collaboration with  IMEC, 
the biggest independent research centre in electronics in Europe.  One of the 
core activities of the group relates to the synthesis and  characterisation of 
conjugated or conductive polymers for plastic  electronics, e.g. P-LED’s, 
organic transistors, organic Solar cells,  chemosensors, biosensors, etc… A 
PhD-grant is available from IMEC for a  PhD on the premises of the UHasselt in 
the domain of Conjugated (Semi-conductive)  Polymers for application in solar 

The activity planned aims to perform research in the field of  semi-conductive 
polymers for photovoltaic applications, in particular  synthesis and 
characterisation of new polymeric materials and this with  an emphasis on 
exploring living polymerization as a method toward  functionalized and/or block 
copolymers. The research will take place in  close collaboration with the 
division of material physics of IMO (Prof.  Jean Manca) and the photovoltaic 
group of IMEC (Dr. Jef Poortmans) at  Leuven.

Applicants must possess a master degree in (Bio)Chemistry, Material  Chemistry 
or Chemical Engineering and should be interested in the field  of materials 
science and polymer characterization. Experience in polymer  synthesis or 
organic synthesis is a plus. 

The position is voor two periods of 2 years with an intermediate  evaluation. 
The grant amounts to about 1600 Euro/month free of taxes.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: Prof. dr. Dirk  Vanderzande, +32-11-26 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Wednesday, October 8th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
more positions: http://scholarship-source.blogspot.com/


[PPIBelgia] [info]PhD student nanoscale characterisation

2008-09-09 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
In the framework of the collaboration between  the Interuniversity 
Microelectronics Centre (IMEC) and Hasselt  Univeristy , the Institute for 
Materials Research (IMO-IMOMEC) offers  the following position for a (m/f): 

PhD student nanoscale characterisation (2x2 years)
(mandate WNI/2008/029)

Job description
The research will be performed within the research group ‘Organic and  
Nanostructured Electronic Materials’ in the framework of a colaboration  with 
IMEC-Leuven on ‘Nanoscale electrical characterisation of organic  and hybrid 
semiconductors for novel generation electro-optical  applications’, and in 
particular for organic/hybrid solar cells. The  subject of the research is 
situated in the field of organic and  molecular electronics with focus on 
nanoscale electro-optical and  morphological characterisation. The general aim 
of this research is to  obtain a better understanding of the relation between 
nanomorphology,  electronic structure and electrical transport properties, 
towards  improved electro-optical applications and solar cells

Profile and diploma
Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, chemistry or  engineering. 
Also holders of a Master degree in the field of  ‘Bio-electronics and 
Nanotechnology’ can apply for this position.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: 
* Prof. dr. Jean Manca, +32–11-26 88 79, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger, +32-11-26 88 99, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Wednesday, October 8th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[PPIBelgia] PhD Student (2 x 2 years) Molecular Electronics

2008-09-09 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Within the Institute for Materials Research (IMO)  of Hasselt University, the 
following position (m/f) is available::

PhD Student (2 x 2 years) Molecular Electronics
(mandate WNI/2008/013-HO)

Job description
The PhD student will conduct research within the Methusalem project  “Nano” in 
the field of carbon nanotubes which offer a high potential to  be used as 
building blocks in future “Molecular Electronics”  applications. The successful 
candidate will focus on the preparation of  ordered arrays of size-selected 
metal nanoparticles (elements, alloys)  taking advantage of the 
self-organization of macromolecules into  micellar structures, and their 
application as catalysts for the  controlled growth of carbon nanotubes. The 
candidate will work with  state-of-the-art characterization tools in a 
multidisciplinary  environment including national and international 
collaborations with  other research groups.

Profile and diploma
Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, chemistry, or Advanced  
Materials Science Thorough knowledge of the English language is required.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: 
* Prof. dr. Hans-Gerd Boyen, +32–11-26 88 91, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Prof. dr. Patrick Wagner, +32–11-26 89 00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger, +32-11-26 88 99, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Wednesday, October 8th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD student in biomedical sciences

2008-09-10 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Within the Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED)  of Hasselt University, the 
following position (m/f) is available:

PhD student in biomedical sciences (2x2 years) ‘Autoimmunity’:  Biomarker 
research in Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
(mandate MBW/2008/021-HO)

The Biomedical Research Institute (www.biomed.uhasselt.be) is a  
multidisciplinary research institute of the Hasselt University. 70  researchers 
and technical personnel perform molecular and cellular  biomedical research. 
The research is focused on two main research  domains: neuroinflammation and 
development of biosensors (in cooperation  with the Institute for Material 
Research (IMO)). 

Job description
The successful applicant will be involved in a research project entitled  ‘New 
diagnostic and prognostic antibody biomarkers for multiple  sclerosis (MS) and 
rheumatoid arthritis (RA)’ of the Biomedical Research  Institute (BIOMED) at 
Hasselt University. This project is aimed at  identifying a panel of new 
molecular target antigens combined with  existing target antigens selected on 
MS with diagnostic and prognostic  potency by using technological platforms 
that allow for profiling the  antibody reactivity to tissue antigens in these 
diseases. The first goal  is aimed at identifying new serum markers for MS and 
RA by a systematic  profiling of the humoral immune response using the powerful 
molecular  SAS technology. A second goal is aimed at studying the functional  
relevance of the existing selected MS markers and new MS and RA serum  markers 
in relation to disease by studying their expression in diseased  tissue and by 
studying T cell reactivity to
 these antigens. A third goal  is aimed at developing a high throughput and 
label free screening  platform using phages expressing autoantigens or derived 
peptide  fragments to efficiently validate candidate markers in a large number 
of  patients. The candidate will work on the third goal of the project.

Profile and diploma
The applicant should hold a master degree in biomedical sciences,  
bioengineering, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, medicine,  chemistry, or 
equal). Students in their last master year can also apply.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: 
* prof. dr. Piet Stinissen, +32-11-26 92  04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* prof. dr. Veerle Somers, +32-11-26 92  02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* prof. dr. Luc Michiels, +32-11-26 92 31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* fax +32 11 26 92 09, website: www.biomed.uhasselt.be 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of  Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D,  B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address  no 
later than October 8th, 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[PPIBelgia] Fw: Undangan KPMI Pengajian 20 September 2008

2008-09-19 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono


Bersama ini dengan hormat diberitahukan bahwa dalam rangka 
mempertebal keimanan pada bulan Ramadhan serta mempererat tali silaturahmi 
diantara kaum muslimin, Keluarga Pengajian Muslimin Indonesia Belgia akan 
menyelenggarakan acara pengajian, buka puasa dan tarawih bersama yang Insya 
Allah akan diadakan pada:

tgl: Sabtu, 20 September 2008
Waktu:  Pukul 18.00 s.d selesai
: Aula KBRI 
de Tervuren 
Acara:  Siraman rokhani, buka puasa 
dan tarawih bersama

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut dimohon kehadiran 
Bapak/lbu/Sdr/Sdri dan keluarga dalam acara tersebut.  Acara akan dimulai 
dengan pengajian, buka puasa, Shalat Maghrib dan makan malam bersama. Demi 
kelancaran acara dimohon kehadirannya secara tepat waktu.

Demikian atas 
perhatian dan kehadiran Bapak/lbu/Sdr/Sdri sekalian diucapkan terima 

Wassalammualaikum Wr.Wb

Pengurus KPMI 


[PPIBelgia] kerja part time

2008-09-19 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

 Dear Friend,

Ada info nih terutama buat student yg mo nambah uang jajan, panitia Boek 
festival masih memerlukan beberapa pekerja lagi utk membantu dalam festival 
buku yg akan di laksanakan di brussels yg sedianya dilaksanakan tgl 9-12 okt 
08. So cepetan daftar yah, infonya bisa dilihat d

Semakin banyak student indonesia yg kerja makin rame dan asyik kan..dan juga 
kalo kerja bisa dapet diskon 20% loh...



Re: [PPIBelgia] Perkenalkan..

2008-09-19 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
O iya Rizki, 
coba tanya Bagus ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), dia juga ahli di statistik dan bidangnya 
ekonomi skrg PhDnya di antwerp. Pasti dia tau tuh...



Re: [PPIBelgia] Fw: Idul Fitri 1429H dan Halal Bihalal

2008-09-30 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Thanks bagus, aku dah di brussels skrg, bsk aku tunggu temen2 yg mo ke kbri di 
central station sampe jam 8.30 (semoga bisa bangun pagi he2)...
Buat Dora anyone can come kok..dont worry, wina kamu dateng kan?

- Original Message 
From: bagusco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 7:22:33 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] Fw: Idul Fitri 1429H dan Halal Bihalal

teman-teman, kalau ada yang mau ke kedutaan besok pagi, ada titipan pesan dari 
Tio nih.
Kumpul aja di stasiun centraal brussel jam 8:30, nanti berangkat bareng ke 
kedutaan.  Ini telp-nya Tio: +32 486 93 34 91
Mohon maaf lahir batin
http://bagusco. wordpress. com


[PPIBelgia] Striking Against the Moon

2008-10-06 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
gara2 strike hari ini gw ke kampus naik sepeda, lumayan buat olah 
raga..he2...berikut info ttg strike:

Striking Against the Moon
Brussels is convulsed in a general strike, that has closed down the
metro, buses, trains, some schools and lord alone what else, the stroll
across the grey city this morning was quiet as the Brusselaars took the
opportunity to blame the Unions for not being able to get to work. Why
are they striking?
They are protesting about the increase in the cost of living. They
may as well be striking against the moon. In this moment of financial
madness to strike against the rise in commodity prices is bananas in
the extreme, pointless, expensive and self defeating.
Outside the Bourse in the centre of town, Nescafe had set up a
merchandising stall, that was doing a roaring trade with the various
Trade Union reps. The Socialist, Liberal and Christian Democrat (yes
officially humanist but they are still Christian Democrats) unions all
have different uniforms and make quite a colourful display, if in a
'Habitat' primary-colours fashion.

Strike brings Belgium to a halt
A countrywide strike in Belgium brought the public transport system
to its knees, affecting trains, trams and buses. Unions were protesting
over what they say is the government’s failure to respond to rising
Motorways were clogged with cars during the
rush hours, with tailbacks of 300 kilometres reported. One driver said:
“I think that first we need negotiations to clear up some things and
they should only take action after that. So we are sort of being held
hostage, we just happen to work here and we’ve got no way of getting to
Eurostar services to Britain and France were
suspended. Unions want to see the government tackle inflation, which
hit a 24-year high in July of just under six per cent.
Workers from the finance sector protested in the city centre, worried about 
their jobs. Miranda Ulens is from socialist union FGTB.
She said: “We can see today that some companies are having trouble but
this is only the beginning and the whole sector, all of the Belgian
economy will have problems. So we need to send a strong signal that the
workers are mobilised and have fears and worries.”
Last week the Belgian government was busy salvaging the country’s two main 
banks Fortis and Dexia.


Re: [PPIBelgia] menghadapi krisis

2008-10-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Tio: emang ada krisis apaan?

- Original Message 
From: bagusco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ppibelgia@yahoogroups.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 29 ak_stk 
Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 4:35:39 PM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] menghadapi krisis

Beberapa saran mengatasi masalah, terutama krisis moneter (disarikan dari 
berbagai sumber)
Frank Farley, dari Temple University , punya resep 4C: stay Calm, be Cautious 
and Careful; and have Confidence
Klapow ( University of Alabama ) menyarankan “terjemahkan kekhawatiranmu jadi 
perbuatan”.  Pendukung Sutrisno Bachir nih.
Kenneth Ruge (tau nih dari mana) bilang, “Jangan sering-sering baca koran atau 
nonton teve yang isinya berita-berita, apalagi tentang harga saham.  Sesekali 
boleh lah”
bagusco (taman kenari): sering-sering kumpul keluarga, bersenda gurau, sholat 
dan ngaji bareng, kerja yang rajin tentunya...


Re: [PPIBelgia] minta tolong di downloadkan jurnal pdf version

2008-10-09 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear Friends,
Sepertinya ada beberapa anggota baru, dan akan lebih baik utk saling mengenal,
Dimulai dari saya deh..
Nama:  Setia Pramana alias Tio
Sekarang lagi sekolah di Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics Hasselt University
utk yg ingin pdf jurnal saya akan coba setelah saya di universitas (saya sedang 
di luar kampus skrg)...
Itu saja dulu...Insya Allah kita bisa atur next time copy darat
Wassalam Tio

- Original Message 
From: Furqon Azis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2008 12:13:24 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] minta tolong di downloadkan jurnal pdf version

Dear Saudara Aco Syamsu, mungkin akan lebih baik jika anda memperkenalkan 
terlebih dahulu siapa diri anda (mengingat anda baru bergabung dengan milis 
ini). Kita temen2x PPI Belgia akan dengan senang hati membantu anda (pan ada 
istilah tak kenal maka tak sayang)


PS: sayah dah coba klik link di atas pake jaringan VUB, tp tetep harus bayar 
euy jd sori lom bisa membantu niy

- Original Message 
From: aco_syamsu [EMAIL PROTECTED] co.id
Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2008 11:56:55 AM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] minta tolong di downloadkan jurnal pdf version

assalamualaikum wr.wb
sy pengen minta tolong didownloadkan jurnal,vesi pdf nya karena sy
sangat butuh jurnal ini, sy bisa bukanya cuman abstractnya sj.Semoga
teman teman ada yg bisa akses pdf vesionnya, sy sangat berterima kasih
sebelumnya. Ini alamat URLnya:
http://www.anesthes ia-analgesia. org/cgi/content/ abstract/ 107/3/1041


[PPIBelgia] Master Scholarship in Belgium

2008-10-21 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Every year, with
the support of the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation
(DGDC), VLIR-UOS awards scholarships to students from developing countries to
study one of the 15 International Course Programmes (ICPs) or one of  the
6 International Training Programmes (ITPs). The ICPs
and ITPs target people from the South with a responsible position in civil
society (at a university, school, NGO, ministry, etc).
Each year there
are a maximum of 180 scholarships available for
first-year ICP students and a maximum of 70 scholarships for ITP
ICPs are master programmes, lasting one or two academic years, all of
which lead to a master’s degree. They focus on specific problems of
developing countries. The main target group for the courses are students from
developing countries, although the courses can also be attended by Belgian
students or students from other countries.
The ICPs aim to
provide a training in such a way that the knowledge that the students acquire
is disseminated and applied in the home institution and country of origin.
an official body administrating government funds, VLIR-UOS  uses on this
website the qualifications attributed in the Flemish Register for Higher
Education. This database is governed by the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation
Organisation (NVAO). 
However, the discussion regarding the qualification (Master/Master of
Science/…) of all master programmes – including the ICPs – in Flanders, Belgium,
is an ongoing one. 
  International Courses 2009-2010
* Master of Development Evaluation and Management
Universiteit Antwerpen
This one-year programme focuses on the problems
surrounding economic, social and political development as it is pursued through
the multiple interventions of a wide range of public and non-governmental
players, notably by means of development cooperation.
* Master of Globalisation and Development
Universiteit Antwerpen
This one-year programme focuses on the process
of globalisation and its consequences for developing countries.
* Master of Governance and Development
Universiteit Antwerpen
During this one-year programme students are
provided with multidisciplinary theoretical and practical tools that will
improve their capacity to analyse governance issues at different levels and how
they connect to processes of conflict, conflict management and development.
* Master of Human Settlements
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
This intensive one-year programme of advanced
education addresses rapid urbanisation in the developing world and contemporary
urban transformations within the scope of sustainable development.
  International Courses 2009-2011
* Master of Aquaculture
Universiteit Gent
This two-year programme deals with diverse
aspects of aquaculture for both marine and freshwater organisms.
* Master of Biostatistics
Universiteit Hasselt
This two-year programme provides a sound
training in modern statistical methodology with focus on the design and
analysis of biomedical and epidemiological studies.
* Master of Ecological and Marine Management (ECOMAMA)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
This two-year programme will provide the
students with a strong fundamental and applied background in marine sciences,
marine research and management skills, contributing to the participants’
development in becoming a critically thinking and problem-solving oriented
scientist, assisting in environmental management.
* Master of Environmental Sanitation
Universiteit Gent
two-year programme covers all technological aspects related to prevention and
sanitation of environmental pollution.
* Master of Food Technology
Universiteit Gent
Universiteit Gent
This two-year programme provides a comprehensive
training in the field of food technology, food science and food engineering.
* Master of Human Ecology
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
This two-year programme provides an integrated
look at human-environment interactions and trains students in developing
sustainable solutions for environmental problems in their home countries.
* Master of Molecular Biology (IPMB)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
This two-year programme aims at strengthening
and up-dating the theoretical and practical skills of young scientists from
developing countries, who are already involved in either human or animal health
care or agricultural research.
* Master of Nematology
Universiteit Gent
This two-year programme covers all aspects of
plant and insect-parasitic nematodes, as well as free-living aquatic and soil
* Master of Nutrition and Rural Development,Main Subject: Human 
Universiteit Gent
This two-year programme enhances the
multidisciplinary approach of nutrition problems in the development.
* Master of Physical Land Resources
Universiteit Gent
This two-year programme aims at training
students in the inventory and detailed characterisation of land capacity, and
soils in 

[PPIBelgia] PhD student Neuroimmunology in Hasselt Belgium

2008-10-21 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The Biomedical Research Institute of Hasselt  University has a vacancy for a 

PhD student Neuroimmunology (2x2 years)(mandate MBW/2008/025)

Job description
Research at the Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED, Hasselt  University) 
focuses on disease mechanisms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and  the development 
of new therapeutics for this neuro-inflammatory disease.  The group uses 
various modern technologies in immunology, molecular  biology, cell biology and 
imaging to study immune system alterations and  immune mediated damage of 
oligodendrocytes during MS. Recent data show  that immune responses in the CNS 
are not merely detrimental but also  have protective effects e.g. by producing 
neurotrophic factors such as  neurokines. The successful applicant will further 
investigate immune  mediated neuroprotective mechanisms in MS. This project is 
part of a  recently approved Methusalem Program called NEURONET. NEURONET 
brings  together researchers from Hasselt University and Antwerp University 
(VIB)  headed by prof. Christine Van Broeckhoven (UA) and prof. P. Stinissen 
(UHasselt)  specialized in clinical
 neurology, neuropathology, neuroimmunology,  genetics and genomics, cell 
biology, mouse models and therapeutics in  the domain of neurodegenerative 

Profile and diploma
The applicant should hold a master degree in life sciences e.g. medical  
sciences, biomedical sciences, bioengineering, biochemistry, biology,  
biotechnology or equivalent. Laboratory research experience is a  definite plus 
(e.g. during the Master’s dissertation). Applicants should  have excellent 
communication skills and sufficient knowledge of Dutch  and/or English. The 
candidate is highly motivated to work in a  multidisciplinary team.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: 
* prof. dr. Niels Hellings, +32 11 26 92  68 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* prof. dr. Piet Stinissen, +32 11 26 93  03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* website of the Biomedical Research  Institute: www.uhasselt.be/biomed 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Wednesday, November 5th, 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[PPIBelgia] Postdoctoral researcher (2 years) in frame of the Methusalem Program “An integrated appr oach towards understanding the pathogenesis o f CNS and PNS disorders” (NEURONET)

2008-10-21 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The Biomedical Research Institute of Hasselt  University (Belgium) has a 
vacancy for a (m/f):

Postdoctoral researcher (2 years) in frame of the Methusalem Program  “An 
integrated approach towards understanding the pathogenesis of CNS  and PNS 
disorders” (NEURONET)
(mandate MBW/2008/024)

Job description
Research at the Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED, Hasselt  University) 
focuses on disease mechanisms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and  the development 
of new therapeutics for this neuroinflammatory disease.  The group uses various 
modern technologies in immunology, molecular  biology, cell biology and imaging 
to study the activation and regulation  of the immune system and the immune 
mediated injury of oligodendrocytes.  The successful applicant will be working 
in the recently approved  Methusalem Program NEURONET. NEURONET brings together 
researchers from  Hasselt University and Antwerp University (VIB) headed by 
prof.  Christine Van Broeckhoven (UA) en prof. P. Stinissen (UHasselt)  
specialized in clinical neurology, neuropathology, neuroimmunology,  genetics 
and genomics, cell biology, mouse model organisms and  therapeutics in the 
domain of neurodegenerative diseases. NEURONET will  focus its main research 
activities on neurological diseases with 
 emphasis on neurodegenerative aspects of diseases such as MS and  Alzheimer 
disease. The successful applicant will make use of in vitro  and in vivo models 
to study neurodegenerative and restorative aspects of  MS.

Profile and diploma
Candidates must have an officially recognized PhD degree in biological,  
(bio)medical or life sciences or equivalent with a molecular/cellular  
orientation. The successful candidate has proven expertise in field of  
neurobiology/neurosciences. The candidate has excellent communication  skills 
and is highly motivated to work in a multidisciplinary team.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: 
* prof. dr. Niels Hellings, +32 11 26 92  68 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* prof. dr. Piet Stinissen, +32 11 26 93  03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* website of the Biomedical Research  Institute: www.uhasselt.be/biomed 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Wednesday, November 5th, 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[PPIBelgia] PhD-grant (2x2 years) Organic and Polymer Chemistry

2008-10-21 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
In the group Organic and Polymer Chemistry of  Hasselt University, the 
following position (m/f) is available:

PhD-grant (2x2 years) Organic and Polymer Chemistry
(mandate SBG/2008/011)

Job description
The research group “Organic and Polymer Chemistry”, a division of IMO 
(Institute  of Material Research), is located on the Hasselt University campus 
in  Belgium and has a strong competence in Polymer Chemistry and Polymer  
Analysis. Via the IMOMEC division, there is a close collaboration with  IMEC, 
the biggest independent research centre in electronics in Europe.  One of the 
core activities of the group relates to the synthesis and  characterisation of 
conjugated or conductive polymers for plastic  electronics, e.g. P-LED’s, 
organic transistors, organic Solar cells,  chemosensors, biosensors, etc… A 
PhD-grant is available from IMEC for a  PhD on the premises of the UHasselt in 
the domain of Conjugated (Semi-conductive)  Polymers for application in solar 

The activity planned aims to perform research in the field of  semi-conductive 
polymers for photovoltaic applications, in particular  synthesis and 
characterisation of new polymeric materials and this with  an emphasis on 
exploring living polymerization as a method toward  functionalized and/or block 
copolymers. The research will take place in  close collaboration with the 
division of material physics of IMO (Prof.  Jean Manca) and the photovoltaic 
group of IMEC (Dr. Jef Poortmans) at  Leuven.

Applicants must possess a master degree in (Bio)Chemistry, Material  Chemistry 
or Chemical Engineering and should be interested in the field  of materials 
science and polymer characterization. Experience in polymer  synthesis or 
organic synthesis is a plus. 

The position is voor two periods of 2 years with an intermediate  evaluation. 
The grant amounts to about 1600 Euro/month free of taxes.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: Prof. dr. Dirk  Vanderzande, +32-11-26 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Friday, November 7th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD-grant (2x2 years) Organic and Polymer Chemistry , Belgium

2008-10-23 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
PhD-grant (2x2 years) Organic and Polymer Chemistry
(mandate SBG/2008/011)

Job description
The research group “Organic and Polymer Chemistry”, a division of IMO 
(Institute  of Material Research), is located on the Hasselt University campus 
in  Belgium and has a strong competence in Polymer Chemistry and Polymer  
Analysis. Via the IMOMEC division, there is a close collaboration with  IMEC, 
the biggest independent research centre in electronics in Europe.  One of the 
core activities of the group relates to the synthesis and  characterisation of 
conjugated or conductive polymers for plastic  electronics, e.g. P-LED’s, 
organic transistors, organic Solar cells,  chemosensors, biosensors, etc… A 
PhD-grant is available from IMEC for a  PhD on the premises of the UHasselt in 
the domain of Conjugated (Semi-conductive)  Polymers for application in solar 

The activity planned aims to perform research in the field of  semi-conductive 
polymers for photovoltaic applications, in particular  synthesis and 
characterisation of new polymeric materials and this with  an emphasis on 
exploring living polymerization as a method toward  functionalized and/or block 
copolymers. The research will take place in  close collaboration with the 
division of material physics of IMO (Prof.  Jean Manca) and the photovoltaic 
group of IMEC (Dr. Jef Poortmans) at  Leuven.

Applicants must possess a master degree in (Bio)Chemistry, Material  Chemistry 
or Chemical Engineering and should be interested in the field  of materials 
science and polymer characterization. Experience in polymer  synthesis or 
organic synthesis is a plus. 

The position is voor two periods of 2 years with an intermediate  evaluation. 
The grant amounts to about 1600 Euro/month free of taxes.

Further information 
* Content job responsibilities: Prof. dr. Dirk  Vanderzande, +32-11-26 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Friday, November 7th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[PPIBelgia] saving day light

2008-10-24 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Temen2 semua..
mo ingetin utk rubah jam nya buat saving day light time,
Minggu , 26 oktober 2008, saat jam 03:00:00 , jam nya dimundurkan 1 jam menjadi 
jam 02:00:00.
lumayan kan 1 jam tidur lagi, info lihat di: 
Untuk yang menggunakan jadwal sholat  dari islamic finder , harap di check 
apakah perubahan sudah dilakukan secara otomatis di softwarenya. kalau masih 
belum ditunggu saja biasanya agak terlambat, tapi jadwalnya harus disesuaikan.
Misalkan hari ini kita sholat subuh 6.27, minggu pagi 26 okt jadwal subuhnya 
menjadi kira2 5.27 ( 1jam mundur)



[PPIBelgia] PhD studentship (2x2 years) molecular and cellular aspects of toxicity

2008-10-26 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

 PhD studentship (2x2 years) molecular and cellular aspects of  toxicity 
BOF-project “Cd-induced oxidative stress: damage versus  signalling” (BOF08G01)
(mandate SBG/2008/007-HO)

The Centre for Environmental Sciences is a multidisciplinary research  centre 
that opts for a deliberate combination and symbiosis of  high-level basic and 
applied environmental research. Participating  researchers come from different 
disciplines: biology, chemistry,  physiology, economics and law. The mission of 
the Centre for  Environmental Sciences includes research, education and public 

Job description
In the framework of the BOF-project mentioned above, the successful  applicants 
will conduct research on the relationship between oxidative  stress and its 
effects. The aim is to elucidate the physiological and  molecular processes 
which will lead to cell recovery or irreversible  damage and cell death, 
depending on the Cd concentration during exposure.  These processes will be 
studied using three different types of test  organisms: plants (A. thaliana), 
invertebrates (turbellarians) and  vertebrates (mice). Each of the candidates 
will conduct research on one  of these test organisms.

Profile and diploma
Applicants have a licentiate/master degree in biology, biotechnology,  
biochemistry, biomedical sciences or applied biological sciences or  
equivalent. Experience in molecular biology techniques is an asset.

Further information 
* Content job responsibilities: 
* Prof. dr. Tom Artois,  +32-11-26 83 09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Prof. dr. Ann Cuypers,  +32-11-26 83 26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Prof. dr. Emmy Van Kerkhove,  +32-11-26 85 33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of  Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D,  B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address  no 
later than Friday, November 7th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: [PPIBelgia] Susunan pengurus baru PPI-Brussel

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Selamat kepada pengurus baru,
Mohon infonya juga utk PPI di seluruh belgia, apa sudah terdaftar dan diakui 
oleh di KBRI dan pemerintah setempat?

utk Hasselt karena minim student, kita blm punya PPI he2


From: Furqon Azis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 6:09:26 PM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] Susunan pengurus baru PPI-Brussel

Dear teman-teman PPI Ghent, PPI Leuven dan PPI Antwerp, PPI Hasselt

Dengan ini kami beritahukan kepengurusan baru PPI Brussel periode 2008-2010 
hasil rapat pleno tgl 26 Oktober 2008 bertempat 
di student housing VUB, Pleinlan 2  Bus 373  dengan susunan :

Ketua: Fiddy (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Sekretaris : Cintya (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Anggota : ---List menyusul--

M. Furqon Azis Ismail
Ketua Ad-Interim PPI Brussel 2007-2008


Re: [PPIBelgia] Tanya Tiket Murah Ke Jakarta PP

2008-11-02 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

 coba edreams.com..
kalo mo murah berangkat dr dusseldorf...german...

From: M Roil Bilad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ppibelgia ppibelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2008 8:14:38 PM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] Tanya Tiket Murah Ke Jakarta PP


Mohon informasi bagi yang mengetahui travel agent atau website yang menawarkan 
promosi tiket murah ke jakarta PP. Saya berencana untuk pulang 
Desember-Januari, waktu mungkin bisa fleksibel jika ada tawaran ticket yang 

Jika teman-teman memiliki saran, tips maupun trik untuk mudik irit. Dimohon 
kerelaannya untuk berbagi informasi.

Terima kasih.



[PPIBelgia] mp3 ceramah Ust. Arifin Ilham

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Dear Friends, 

Berikut link mp3 ceramah dari Ustz Arifin Ilham yang saya upload,


Semoga bermanfaat,




2008-11-20 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
- Forwarded Message 

Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 7:03:33 AM

Assalamulaikum Wr.Wb.

Bersama ini dengan hormat diberitahukan bahwa dalam rangka mempertebal keimanan 
serta mempererat tali silaturahmi diantara kaum muslimin, Keluarga Pengajian 
Muslimin Indonesia Belgia akan menyelenggarakan acara pengajian rutin bulanan.

Pengajian bulan ini Insya Allah akan diadakan pada:

Hari  tgl: Sabtu, 22 Nopember 2008
Waktu:  Pukul 17.00 - selesai
Tempat: Aula KBRI Brussel
Avenue de Tervuren 294
Acara:  - Pengajian
- Syukuran keberangkatan haji 5 warga KPMI (walimatus safar)

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut dimohon kehadiran Bapak/lbu/Sdr/Sdri dan 
keluarga dalam acara tersebut dan demi kelancaran acara dimohon kehadirannya 
secara tepat waktu.

Demikian atas perhatian dan kehadiran Bapak/lbu/Sdr/Sdri sekalian diucapkan 
terima kasih.

Wassalammualaikum Wr.Wb

Pengurus KPMI Belgia

Edi Hartuslistiyoso

Catatan: Silahkan mengunjungi website KPMI di http://www.kpmibelgia.com/
 untuk mendapatkan berbagai informasi tentang kegiatan KPMI


[PPIBelgia] vlir dan erasmus

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Rekan2 semua,
Mohon infonya ttg siapa2 saja penerima beasiswa vlir dan erasmus tahun ini dan 
tahun kemarin, yang masih di belgia.  (via japri).
Terima kasih banyak.



[PPIBelgia] ngumpul besok

2008-12-13 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
berikut list temen2 yg akan dtg bsk ke hasselt:

PPI brussels
Utong, herman, dimas, egi 
PPI Antwerpen:
Dendi dan klg, Bagus
PPI Leuven:
Bang Roil.
Kiki, Agung, Reski, Ibu RIna

Ahmad n klg, Joana n klg, Daniel


Kalau ada yg mau ikutan dan blm tersebut, mohon info ke saya lagi via japri.
Kita tunggu yah...


Re: [PPIBelgia] ngumpul sebelum ujian,,,

2008-12-22 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Halo Rezki dan ppi gent,
trims undangannya, tapi maaf kita g bisa hadir krn sudah ada undangan lain 
sebelumnya di roterdam (bagi yg mau ikutan: http://www.kiiaat.nl/)
semoga acaranya sukses yah.

 Setia Pramana
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek
Office: D56
Phone: +32-11-268288
Fax: +32-11-268299


From: rezki amalia amalia_re...@yahoo.com
To: PPI BELGIA ppibelgia@yahoogroups.com; ppi gent 
ppi_g...@yahoogroups.com; diana syafitri dianasyafi...@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 8:29:59 AM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] ngumpul sebelum ujian,,,

Assalamu alaikum wr, wb.,

Hi temans temins PPI Belgia dan Gent yg imut2,,,
melanjutkan acara gathering kita kemaren,,,
PPI Gent ada ide nih, kumpul2 di Gent, Sabtu tgl 27 nanti,,,
lumayan, rereshing sebelum ujian, and mumpung lagi murah tiket kereta nya,,,
sementara PPI Gent masih agak ribet masalah tempat,
tapi insya Allah, akan nemu kok,
yah acaranya makan siang kayak di tempat mas Tio kemaren itu,,,
setelah itu keliling Gent, dan sorenya ada pengajian (bagi yang muslim, lho)
so muslim ngga muslim semua bisa datang, dan ngumpul2 di Gent,,,
asik foto2
demi menyalurkan hasrat narsis,,, hehehe,,,

untuk itu, kita PPI Gent butuh konfirmasi nya nih,,,
sapa aja yg kira2 berkenan datang,,, dan ngga ada rencana kemana2,,, :
di tunggu yahh


PPI Gent,,,

NB: Teman2 Gent dan Belgia bagi yg tidak masuk list millis tolong email nya
di forward-in yah,,, makasih,,,


Re: [PPIBelgia] reminder untuk DP3

2008-12-22 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Wah udah lama g ngisi DP3 nih..
masih dianggap PNS g yah...?


From: Furqon Azis uton...@yahoo.com
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 1:09:33 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] reminder untuk DP3

Emg ada yah PNS gadungan

From: bagusco bagus...@yahoo. com
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 1:00:02 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] reminder untuk DP3

oke mas, insya allah segera lapor deh...
masalah DP3, maksudnya gimana mas? PNS gadungan nih gak ngerti peraturan... hehe

herbh...@kbri- brussel.org wrote:
iya kbri tutup dari tanggal 25 - 29 des 2008. tanggal 30 dan 31 des kbri buka 
(tanggung ya? hehehe) terus tanggal 1 januari libur dan tanggal 2 januari 

--- On Mon, 12/22/08, bagusco bagus...@yahoo. com wrote:

From: bagusco bagus...@yahoo. com
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] reminder untuk DP3
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 12:40 PM

mas bayu...
kbri tutup gak selama liburan?
belum lapor diri nih hehe...

herbh...@kbri- brussel.org wrote:
Sekedar mengingatkan bagi para mahasiswa yang masih PNS untuk dapat menghubungi 
Pensosbud KBRI Brussel untuk urusan DP3 tahun 2008. 
Terima kasih.  


[PPIBelgia] Fw: Tidak Punya NPWP, Bayar Fiskal Rp 2,5 Juta Mulai 1 Januari 2009

2008-12-26 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Punya NPWP, Bayar Fiskal Rp 2,5 Juta Mulai 1 Januari 
jendral Pajak telah menetapkan tarif fiskal bagi yang tak memiliki Nomor Pokok 
Wajib Pajak (NPWP) yaitu : 
-   Rp 2,5 
juta èKe 
luar negeri dengan menggunakan pesawat udara.
  -   Rp. 1 
Juta  èKe 
luar negeri menggunakan angkutan laut.

ini berlaku mulai 1 Januari 2009 untuk WP OP yang berusia 21 tahun. Keputusan 
ini akan berlaku hingga 31 Desember 

Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi yang BEBAS 
FISKAL karena 
memiliki NPWP, 
Menyerahkan fotokopi kartu 
NPWP atau Surat Keterangan Terdaftar (SKT) atau Surat  
Keterangan Terdaftar Sementara (SKTS), fotokopi paspor dan boarding pass ke 
petugas Unit Pelaksana Fiskal Luar Negeri (UPFLN).

Jika kartu NPWP 
atas nama Kepala Keluarga, 
maka anggota keluarga yang akan berangkat ke luar negeri harus melampirkan 
fotokopi kartu 
Petugas UPFLN menerima dan meneliti fotokopi kartu NPWP/SKT/SKTS, 
fotokopi paspor dan boarding pass serta fotokopi kartu keluarga, kemudian 
menginput NPWP pada aplikasiyang tersedia.
Apabila NPWP 
dinyatakan valid, 
maka petugas UPFLN menempelkan stiker bebas fiskal pada   bagian 
belakang boarding pass yang ditujukan untuk penumpang.
Penumpang menyerahkan boarding pass yang telah ditempel stiker Bebas Fiskal 
kepada petugas konter pengecekan FLN untuk diteliti.
Penumpang tujuan luar negeri tetap wajib 
membayar Fiskal Luar Negeri jika:
·  Tidak 
menyerahkan fotokopi kartu NPWP atau SKT atau SKTS 
·  Menyerahkan 
fotokopi NPWP/SKT/SKTS namun check digit 
menyatakan tidak valid 
·  Menyerahkan 
fotokopi kartu NPWP/SKT/SKTS yang dimiliki oleh Kepala Keluarga namun tidak 
melampirkan kartu keluarga atau melampirkan kartu keluarga tetapi nama 
tidak tercantum dalam susunan kartu keluarga 

your new Email address! 
Grab the Email name you've always wanted before 
someone else does!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by 
Version: 7.5.552 / Virus Database: 270.10.0/1862 - Release Date: 
12/23/2008 12:08 PM


Re: Re : [PPIBelgia] terima kasih ...

2008-12-29 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Hallo Semua,
Sepertinya acara gadering-nya sukses sekali di gent, dan yg jelas baksonya 
pasti muantaap...(bisa g dikirim ke Hasselt? Mieke lg ngidam bakso 
tuh)...Maaf kami tdk bisa hadir. Insya Allah kalo ada acara kumpul2 
lg kita hadir
Alhamdulillah kami sekeluarga baru plg dr acara KIIAAT roterdam minggu malam 
(duiingin bgt ),  Hasil studi bandingnya ttg PPI disana blm bisa di ungkapkan 
sekarang, nanti coba saya diskusikan dengan utong dan yg lain lewat japri
Selamat th baru 1 muharram 1430 H, Semoga ditahun kedepan kita semua diberikan 
peningkatan ilmu dan kesuksesan,



[PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

2008-12-31 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
New Belgian government sworn in   
Van Rompuy, left, was sworn in as Belgium's new prime minister by King Albert 
II [AFP]Herman
Van Rompuy, a Flemish Christian Democrat, has been sworn in as
Belgium's prime minister, to head a revived five-party coalition.
King Albert II swore the new government into office at a ceremony at the royal 
palace on Tuesday.
Van Rompuy replaces his fellow party member Yves Leterme, who
resigned on December 19 over allegations of political meddling in the
bailout of the stricken bank Fortis. The five parties that had made up 
Leterme's government renewed their coalition
after a meeting on Tuesday.
The new government faces a parliamentary vote of confidence on Friday.
'Good formula'
Van Rompuy was expected to take over his predecessor's plan for battling a 
looming recession caused by the global financial crisis.
He will also have to handle the strained relations between Flanders,
Belgium's richer, more populous Dutch-speaking region, and its
Francophone area.
Nothing is simple in our country, but what is important is that we
have a government to lead with seriousness, stability and serenity,
said Elio di Rupo, the leader of the Francophone Socialist party.
Van Rompuy will be the third prime minister since general elections
in June 2007 in the linguistically divided country that is host to the
main European Union institutions and to Nato.
Budgetary hardliner
Belgium is expected to have slipped into recession in the fourth
quarter and large banks have received bailouts. Fighting the economic
downturn will be Reynders' main challenge.
Van Rompuy, 61, has the reputation of being both an intellectual and a 
budgetary hardliner.
He was budget minister from 1993 to 1999 and sharply reduced public debt in his 
first year in office.
His other task will be to sort out the Fortis debacle.
The bank's shareholders won an appeal court ruling this month,
freezing the group's break-up by the Dutch, Luxembourg and Belgian
governments and the latter's sale of Fortis assets to BNP Paribas.
Leterme's government had planned a $2.87bn package of measures to
boost growth, including tax cuts, lower energy costs and accelerated
infrastructure projects.
That government collapsed after the supreme court said there were
clear indications of political meddling in a court ruling over the
bailout of Fortis.
Belgium's coalition comprises of the Flemish Christian Democrat
party, the Flemish Liberal party, the Francophone Liberal party, the
Francophone Christian Democrats and the Francophone Socialist party. 


Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

2009-01-01 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Setio Pramono hafidz...@yahoo. com wrote:
New Belgian government sworn in  
Van Rompuy, left, was sworn in as Belgium's new prime minister by King Albert 
II [AFP]  Herman Van Rompuy, a Flemish Christian Democrat, has been sworn in as 
Belgium's prime minister, to head a revived five-party coalition.
King Albert II swore the new government into office at a ceremony at the royal 
palace on Tuesday.
Van Rompuy replaces his fellow party member Yves Leterme, who resigned on 
December 19 over allegations of political meddling in the bailout of the 
stricken bank Fortis.The five parties that had made up Leterme's government 
renewed their coalition
after a meeting on Tuesday.
The new government faces a parliamentary vote of confidence on Friday.
'Good formula'
Van Rompuy was expected to take over his predecessor' s plan for battling a 
looming recession caused by the global financial crisis.
He will also have to handle the strained relations between Flanders, Belgium's 
richer, more populous Dutch-speaking region, and its Francophone area.
Nothing is simple in our country, but what is important is that we have a 
government to lead with seriousness, stability and serenity, said Elio di 
Rupo, the leader of the Francophone Socialist party.
Van Rompuy will be the third prime minister since general elections in June 
2007 in the linguistically divided country that is host to the main European 
Union institutions and to Nato.
Budgetary hardliner
Belgium is expected to have slipped into recession in the fourth quarter and 
large banks have received bailouts. Fighting the economic downturn will be 
Reynders' main challenge.
Van Rompuy, 61, has the reputation of being both an intellectual and a 
budgetary hardliner.
He was budget minister from 1993 to 1999 and sharply reduced public debt in his 
first year in office.
His other task will be to sort out the Fortis debacle.
The bank's shareholders won an appeal court ruling this month, freezing the 
group's break-up by the Dutch, Luxembourg and Belgian governments and the 
latter's sale of Fortis assets to BNP Paribas.
Leterme's government had planned a $2.87bn package of measures to boost growth, 
including tax cuts, lower energy costs and accelerated infrastructure projects.
That government collapsed after the supreme court said there were clear 
indications of political meddling in a court ruling over the bailout of Fortis.
Belgium's coalition comprises of the Flemish Christian Democrat party, the 
Flemish Liberal party, the Francophone Liberal party, the Francophone Christian 
Democrats and the Francophone Socialist party. 


Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

2009-01-01 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Yah itu lah alasan mengapa aku dulu milih VLIR dibandingin STUNED..
dan fyi, tunjangan STUNED baru naik saat ini semenjak dr th 2005 setahu saya.


From: Furqon Azis uton...@yahoo.com
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 1, 2009 9:27:16 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

STUNED naek € 100 oge tetep VLIR lebih gede,
VLIR dapet tiket pulang bolak balik pas summer -- STUNED g dapet
Monthly allowance VLIR 2009 = € 964 plus dapet tunjangan istri/suami/ anak = € 
60 (jd klo anaknya 5 + 1 istri/suami lumayan bisa dapet 6 x € 60 = € 360) 
Monthly allowance STUNED 2009 = € 900 n g dapet tunjangan istri n anak

hidup VLIR

From: rezki amalia amalia_rezki@ yahoo.com
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Thursday, January 1, 2009 9:15:54 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

yuk kita sekolah ke belanda
hidup ratu beatrix (halah)

From: Setio Pramono hafidz...@yahoo. com
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Thursday, January 1, 2009 9:02:24 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

Bicara tentang kenaikan allowance,
Biar bikin iri: Tunjangan STUNED belanda mulai dec kmrn naik 100 e!


From: Furqon Azis uton...@yahoo. com
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Thursday, January 1, 2009 11:16:02 AM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

yg lom nerima yah ditunggu ajah hehehehehe
Alhamdulillah naeknya untuk single € 20an/bulan and tunjangan kluarga/anak € 1

padahal tahun fiskal 2008, APBN Flemish Government surplus € 240 juta,  (ngarep 
dapet lebih mode : ON)
(source : http://www.deredact ie.be/cm/ de.redactie. english/news/ 
081230_Flemishde bt)
kapan yah APBN Indonesia bisa ga defisit jd g usah ngutang ke sono kemari


Tue 30/12/08 19:25 -  Despite the economic crisis the Flemish government is 
closing the year out with a budget surplus of €240 million. 
Flemish government has done a better job keeping its budget under
control than the High Council for Finances had imposed. Flanders was
supposed to be able to close out the year with a budget surplus of €35
million. But the Flemish government has been able to do €205 million
the Flemish government has paid off all its debts. We've made a big
effort over the last ten years, said Flemish Budget Minister Dirk Van
Mechelen (Flemish liberal). 

We had a public debt of €6.6 billion the end of 1998 and in December
2008 the debt has been reduced to zero. In other words: Flanders is
debt-free and will not have to pay nearly as much in interest in the

'Stimulus budget' for 2009

According to Minister Van Mechelen a so-called stimulus budget has been drawn 
up for 2009 including a series of reductions in the tax burden and investments 
in infrastructure.

The minister admits that the budget for next year is stretched to the
limit. At the same time he thinks it is necessary to stimulate the
economy and for the government to invest in this time of crisis.

For 2009 a retaining provision of €500 million is being put aside- a kind of 
buffer for troubled times.

From: rezki amalia amalia_rezki@ yahoo.com
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 6:17:51 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

uhhhuuuii sikkk,
ngemeng2 kontingen gent belum nerima euyy,,, emang selalu telat kalu udah akhir 
tahun mah,,,
payah,,,hhahahaha, ,, naik berapa emang ey???
eh aspirasi yg biayain self funding pan belum
ish ish ishpiss ah,,,

From: achmad efendi efend...@yahoo. com
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 2:03:56 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

temans, ngomong2 masalah allowance bulanan VLIR, khan sudah naik atuh mulai 
bulan januari 09. Ya khan Rezki,..., hayooo Utong juga ngaku So, usulan 
neng Rezki dah di'tampung' tuh. Btw, naiknya emang tiap tahun kali ya ..

Achmad Efendi
NB: semoga Indonesia bisa maju dan makmur, shg bisa ngasih beasiswa pada mhs2 
dari Belgia untuk sekolah di Univ2 di Indonesia, amin 

From: Furqon Azis uton...@yahoo. com
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 12:20:56 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

Hayuq atuh kita demo biar beasiswa VLIR di naekan jadi 2000 euro sebulan bebas 
pajak hehehehee

From: rezki amalia amalia_rezki@ yahoo.com
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 12:16:52 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

hehehe,,, ok deh, makasih pak atas koreksiannya, ,,
btw, sapa pun itu, asal inspirasi tertampung

[PPIBelgia] demonstrasi atas tragedi kemanusiaan di Palestine

2009-01-10 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear temen2...

Sabtu 10 Januari 2006  pukul 10 pagi waktu setempat lebih dari seribu 
masyarakat dari provisi paling utara Limburg,
Belgia, berkumpul di Dussartplein untuk melakukan demonstrasi atas
agresi Israel dan tragedi kemanusiaan di Palestine. Berkumpulnya lebih
dari seribu orang dari povinsi yang hanya didiami 800 rb itu jelas
mengundang perhatian. Pendemonstran terdiri dari berbagai elemen, dari
ummat seluruh masjid2 di limburg hingga persatuan buruh, laki-laki
perempuan, anak2, muslim-nonmuslim, warga belgia keturuan maroko atau turkey, 
masyarakat asli belgia  bersatu meneriakkan yel2 anti israel dan
mengutuk atas tindakan agresi israel. Demonstrasi damai ini didahuli dengan
orasi, kemudian berjalan mengelilingi kota Hasselt, pembakaran bendera A.S dan 
Israel, penggalangan dana dan kemudian diakhiri dengan doa bersama. Tak 
terlihat penjagaan polisi yg berlebihan, hanya sekitar 1 mobil polisi dan 1 
polisi bermotor.
Bagi rekan2 di brussels dan sekitarnya, rencananya
besok minggu 11 januari 2009 akan ada demo besar2an dari seluruh belgia
di Brussels. Diperkirakan akan ada sekitar 10 ribu orang yang akan ikut
berpartisipasi dalam demonstrasi besok itu.

Foto: lihat di: 



Re: [PPIBelgia] dunia mengakui keberhasilan swa sembada indonesia

2009-01-22 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Remember Utong:
BAD news is a GOOD news..

tapi kalo dibilang swasembada...berarti udah g import beras lagi? 


From: Furqon Azis uton...@yahoo.com
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:58:49 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] dunia mengakui keberhasilan swa sembada indonesia

Kenafa atuh media dari Indonesia agak kurang agresif memberitakan 
keberhasilan Indonesia
ber swa-sembada beras taun 2008 ini yah?
yg jd topik utama malah kegagalan-kegagalan pemerintah disegala bidang
btw dua jempol buat bapak Anton menteri pertanian kita

yg lg lieur ujian

From: Dian indriana liyan...@yahoo. com
To: PPI Belgium ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:21:07 PM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] dunia mengakui keberhasilan swa sembada indonesia

Dunia Mengakui Keberhasilan Swa Sembada Beras Indonesia
19 Januari 2009
(sumber: tim media deptan  atani eropa)
untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah, Menteri Pertanian Republik
Indonesia, Dr. Anton Apriyantono,  tampil sebagai pembicara panel
bersama Komisioner Pertanian dan Pengembangan Wilayah, Uni Eropa,
Mariann Fisher Boel, Menteri Pertanian Cina, Chen Xiao Hua, Menteri
Pangan, Pertanian dan Perlindungan Konsumen,  Jerman,  Ilse Aigner, dan
Menteri Pertanian Rusia, Alexej W. Gordejev pada 2nd International
Conference of Agriculture Ministers di Arena Pameran dan Forum
Internasional Gruene Woche (Green Week) di Berlin, tanggal 17 Januari
2009.  Pengakuan terhadap keberhasilan swa sembada beras terungkap,
ketika moderator, Christoph Minhoff melemparkan pertanyaan tentang
strategi yang dijalankan sehingga Indonesia dapat mencapai swa sembada
beras pada tahun 2008.  Mentan menyampaikan bahwa keberhasilan tersebut
ditempuh melalui Penguatan Teknologi, seperti penggunaan benih unggul, 
Penguatan Manajemen serta Pemberdayaan Petani.  
produksi pangan sebetulnya tidak hanya terjadi pada beras, tapi juga
bahan pangan yang ingin seperti jagung, kedelai, singkong, gula dan
kelapa sawit.  Mentan juga menyampaikan pada kesempatan tersebut, bahwa
areal untuk produksi beras tidak hanya tersedia di Jawa, tapi juga di
Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Papua, terutama di daerah pasang
surut.  Untuk itu Indonesia juga membuka peluang investasi dalam sector
ini, mengingat beras sebagai bahan pangan tidak saja dibutuhkan oleh
penduduk Indonesia, tapi juga oleh penduduk dunia yang di beberapa
tempat masih mengalami krisis pangan.  Namun demikian, pengembangan
lahan dimaksud perlu dilakukan secara hati-hati agar tidak merusak
lingkungan. Indonesia juga aktif membantu negara-negara lain seperti 
Tanzania, Madagaskar, Haiti, Timur Leste  dalam rangka peningkatan
produksi pangan khususnya beras, melalui bantuan teknik dan sumber daya
manusia.  Dalam hal ini, Indonesia mengharapkan partisipasi aktif dari
berbagai lembaga finansial  seperti World Bank, mengingat peningkatan
produksi pangan sangat dibutuhkan dunia, terutama untuk membantu
negara-negara yang mengalami krisis pangan.  Mentan Anton Apriyantono
menegaskan, bahwa salah satu hal yang penting untuk mengatasi krisis
pangan yang melanda dunia adalah dengan memberdayakan masyarakat yang
lemah agar mampu mendapatkan akses pangan maupun akses finansial yang
memadai .  Semua pembicara sepakat, bahwa upaya bersama di bidang
pertanian perlu dilakukan untuk mengatasi krisis pangan global.

hari yang sama, Menteri Pertanian Dr. Anton Apriyantono juga menghadiri
the First Berlin Summit of Agricultural Ministers dengan topik
‘Achieving world food security is a global challenge for governments
and industry.  Para Menteri Pertanian menyepakati perlunya lima aksi
yang harus dilakukan: 1) Meningkatkan produksi pertanian dan tetap
memelihara sumber daya alam, 2) Melakukan investasi sesuai kebutuhan,
3) Memperkuat pembangunan wilayah pedesaan , 3) Meningkatkan penelitian
bidang pertanian, dan 5).  Menghimbau negara donor untuk berkontribusi
dalam mengamankan produksi lokal maupun regional baik kuantitas maupun
kualitas yang dapat diakses oleh konsumen, sekaligus mempromosikan
produksi yang berkesinambungan.

hari sebelumnya, tanggal 16 Januari 2009, pada kesempatan yang berbeda
Mentan juga bertemu dengan Menteri Pertanian Finlandia, Wakil Menteri
Pertanian Jerman, kalangan industri Jerman serta  masyarakat Indonesia
untuk menyampaikan informasi yang benar dan seimbang tentang
pengembangan kelapa sawit secara berkesinamungan (sustainable palm
oil), keberhasilan pembangunan pertanian serta perintisan kerjasama di
bidang pertanian, sehingga diperoleh pemahaman yang benar tentang
pembangunan pertanian, khususnya kelapa sawit. 

 New Email addresses available on Yahoo!  
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!


[PPIBelgia] Three people were killed in a stabbing at a daycare

2009-01-23 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Fri 23/01/09 16:27 (UPDATE video) - Three
people were killed in a stabbing at a daycare centre in Sint-Gillis,
part of the municipality of Dendermonde (East Flanders). Two children
and one adult have died and some 10 childen were injured. The assailant
was arrested by the police. According
to eyewitness reports a man went on a rampage causing a bloodbath in
the daycare.  His face was painted black and white.  The attacker went
into the daycare, pulled a knife and started stabbing anyone in his

3 people were killed.  Some 10 injured children were taken to hospitals in the 

The municiple disaster plan was immediatly called into effect, following the 
report of the incident.  

Ambulances were speeding to and from the creche. A police helicopter
was deployed to look  for the perpetrator, who left the scene of the
crime by bicycle.  He was reportedly detained in a nearby supermarket.  

Earlier reports from the creche referred to chaos and panic in the
daycare centre.  Employees who were not hurt in the rampage are in

Federal Home Affairs Minister Guido De Padt (Flemish liberal) arrived at the 
scene of the crime within a couple of hours. 

Flemish Welfare Minister Veerle Heeren was also there.  Both officials
are shocked about what happened and extend condolences to the families
of the victims.   


Re: [PPIBelgia] Wapres ke belgia??

2009-01-29 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Tunggu aja undangannya Agung, biasanya kita di undang kok...
spt waktu kemarin Pak Hidayat (ketua MPR), saya diundang tapi tidak bisa hadir 
krn pemberitahuannya mepet sekali...



From: wahyudiAgung agung...@yahoo.com
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 8:44:43 AM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] Wapres ke belgia??

Kira² student di undang ga nih??

Wapres Penuhi Undangan Kongres AS

Kamis, 29 Januari 2009 | 01:07 WIB

Jakarta, Kompas - Wakil Presiden Muhammad
Jusuf Kalla dijadwalkan berpidato di hadapan anggota Kongres Amerika
Serikat di Washington DC dengan tema ”Perdamaian di Provinsi Nanggroe
Aceh Darussalam”. Judul pidatonya adalah ”Mengukir Perdamaian,
Pengalaman Indonesia”.

Pidato itu akan disampaikan Wapres di
tengah rangkaian acara National Prayer Breakfast ke-57, di sela-sela
kunjungan kerjanya selama 10 hari, yang dimulai 31 Januari hingga 9
Selain akan berkunjung ke AS, Wapres juga direncanakan melakukan kunjungan 
kerja ke Jepang, Belgia, dan Belanda.

saya akan berpidato. Undangan itu sebenarnya sudah lama disampaikan,
tetapi baru awal tahun ini bisa saya penuhi,” kata Kalla saat dihubungi
Kompas, Rabu (28/1) di Istana Wapres, Jakarta.
Menurut Kalla,
sebelum memenuhi undangan Kongres AS di Washington DC, ia akan menerima
anugerah gelar doktor honoris causa di bidang perdamaian dari
Universitas Soka, Tokyo, Jepang. Penghargaan ini diterima karena
upayanya dalam proses perundingan damai antara Pemerintah Republik
Indonesia dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) tahun 2005.

informasi yang diterima Kompas, presiden AS yang baru dilantik, Barack
Hussein Obama, dan sejumlah tokoh AS serta tokoh dunia juga akan hadir.
Kalla disebut-sebut hanya akan berjabatan tangan dengan Presiden Obama.

kesibukan pemimpin baru AS itu, Kalla tidak dijadwalkan secara khusus
untuk melakukan pertemuan. Adapun pertemuan dengan Wapres AS Joe Biden
hingga kini disebutkan masih terus diupayakan dapat dilakukan.

Wapres dijadwalkan bertemu dan melakukan jamuan santap siang dengan
gabungan pengusaha AS dan Indonesia (United States of America-Indonesia

Dari Negeri Paman Sam itu, Wapres yang akan didampingi
Ny Mufidah Kalla akan terbang lagi ke Belgia. Selain melakukan
kunjungan kehormatan kepada Putra Mahkota Kerajaan Belgia Philippe
Leopold Marie, Wapres juga akan menerima tanda jasa yang disebut
Commandeur De L’Ordre De Leopold.
Tanda jasa itu diberikan atas
jasanya dalam upaya meningkatkan hubungan Indonesia dengan Belgia.
Seusai pemberian tanda jasa itu, Kalla akan melakukan kunjungan
kehormatan kepada Perdana Menteri Belgia Herman Van Rompuy.

Sebelum kembali ke Jakarta, Wapres akan berkunjung ke Belanda untuk memenuhi 
undangan Pemerintah Belanda. (har)


Re: [PPIBelgia] PPI dengan JK

2009-02-02 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

 Hallo semua
aku dah confirm kalo aku akan ikut acara tsb. Dari Hasselt hanya aku aja
Untuk temen2 dari kotalain siapa aja yang kira2 ikutan?

From: Yulheri Abas ya...@vub.ac.be
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, February 2, 2009 10:58:04 AM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] PPI dengan JK

Yth. Fiddy,
Coba prioritaskan teman teman yang masih fresh dan punya energy tinggi, kalau 
tidak cukup lima bolehlah saya diselipkan. Jadi saya hanya untuk pelengkap saja 
nggak usah terlalu dipikirkan.

Alamat saya

Rue Schmith No. 5
box.467 Koekelberg 1081 Bruxelles


Yulheri Abas

Yth. Pak Abas,

Terima kasih atas sarannya, dan segera akan saya tanyakan via Pak Iwan untuk 
info lebih lanjut. Namun, boleh saya minta alamat lengkap Bapak agar pihak 
KBRI bisa mengirimkan undangan sesegera mungkin :)

Salam hangat,
Fiddy SP
PPI Brussels

--- On Sun, 2/1/09, Dian indriana liyan...@yahoo. com wrote:
From: Dian indriana liyan...@yahoo. com
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] Fw: advance undangan temu masyarakat dengan JK
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Date: Sunday, February 1, 2009, 2:36 PM


From: Yulheri Abas ya...@vub.ac. be
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Sunday, February 1, 2009 23:18:17
Subject: re:[PPIBelgia] Fw: advance undangan temu masyarakat dengan JK

Pak Ketua PPI Brussell Yth.

Segera ditunjuk yang akan diutus sesuai yang diminta kemudian kirim ke KBRI, 
jangan lupa menayangkan di webnya PPI. Apa dari PPI kota lain tidak diundang?. 
Kalau tidak lebih baik jatah 5 dibagi rata.

Ini hanya untuk sekadar memberi jalan.


Yulheri Abas

Dear teman-teman PPI Belgia,

Berikut info yang saya terima dari Pak Iwan (KBRI Brussels) sehubungan dengan 
kunjungan JK ke Brussel. Acara akan dilangsungkan di wisma tramlaan, jam 
20.00 didahului makan malam jam 18.00-19.45.

Sampai ketemu teman-teman!


PPI Brussels

--- On Sun, 2/1/09, iwan iwan.nur.hidayat@ gmail.com wrote:

From: iwan iwan.nur.hidayat@ gmail.com

Subject: advance undangan temu masyarakat dengan JK

To: vdy_sm...@yahoo. com

Date: Sunday, February 1, 2009, 6:11 AM

dear vidy, 


as we have communicated before, i need about 5-6 names from ppi brussels to 
be listed as invitee in the event of temu masyarakat indonesia di belgia 
dengan wapres jusuf kalla. 


acara akan dilangsungkan di wisma tramlaan, jam 20.00 didahului makan malam 
jam 18.00-19.45.

kalo identifikasi nam2nya dah selesai, pls kirim nama lengkap et alamatnya ke 
saya, entar kita kirimin.


btw karena mepet waktunya, pls agak buruan ya... 


thanks so much.


Iwan Nur Hidayat

Third Secretary

Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Belgium, Luxembourg and Mission to 
the European Union 

Boulevard de la Woluwe, 38

Brussels, 1200

Ph. (+32) 02 775 01 20 ext. 152

Fax. (+32) 02 772 82 01

Avenue de Tervuren, 294

Brussels, 1150

Ph. (+32) 02 771 20 14




New Email names for you! 

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[PPIBelgia] jalan2 murah ke praga

2009-02-03 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

Dear temen2..
Ada info menarik nih
bagi yg mo ke prageu atau warsawa dengan 10 euro aja (including tax) bisa lihat 


Re: [PPIBelgia] Monitor Laptop Gelap [?]

2009-02-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
lampunya monitornya mati (yg dibawah monitor), harus diganti
dulu aku punya problem yg sama dan byr kl g salah minimal 50 euro itu yg bukan 
asli dan g sebagus yg aslinya

From: dendi ramdani dendiramd...@yahoo.com
To: PPI Belgia ppibelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2009 10:28:41 AM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] Monitor Laptop Gelap [?]

Dear Teman-teman, 

Mungkin ada yang punya pengalaman atau ahli komputer tentang bagaimana 
menangani layar monitor laptop yang tiba-tiba gelap. 

Pagi ini monitor laptop saya gelap saat mulai dinyalakan sampai windowsnya 
jalan. Saya bisa melihat samar-samar icon-icon dilayar laptop yang menandakan 
sistem windows dan lain-lainnya jalan. 

Mungkin ada yang tahu kira-kira penyebabnya apa? trus, treatmentnya bagaimana? 




[PPIBelgia] phd in genomics

2009-02-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Vacancy for a PhD student
The research group of Industrial Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO) of 
the Vrije Universiteit Brussel is a dynamic and international research team 
where the majority of research projects aim to study the biodiversity of 
traditional fermented food products to identify and fully characterize 
interesting isolates of lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria. These 
isolates are further investigated towards their potential as innovative, 
functional starter cultures to be used in industrial food fermentations to 
improve texture, shelf-life and aroma of the fermented foods. Also, IMDO is 
involved in health-related research projects on pro- and prebiotics as 
functional foods.
To accomplish its mission, IMDO can rely on a state-of-the-art research 
infrastructure comprising computer-controlled fermentors, molecular 
microbiology equipment and an extensive analysis platform for metabolomics, as 
well as on an in-house developed functional gene microarray.
To strengthen its team, IMDO wants to hire a PhD student that will be involved 
in research on genomics, transcriptomics, and metagenomics of lactic acid 
bacteria and acetic acid bacteria.
The successful candidate should have a Master degree in Bio-engineering 
Sciences, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, or Biology. Knowledge of bioinformatics 
software tools for sequence analysis and Perl scripting skills are a plus, as 
is hands-on experience with Linux and MySQL (or a related RDBMS). Further, the 
candidate should be a team-player and should have excellent communication 
For practical information concerning this vacancy, please contact Dr. Stefan 
Weckx (stefan.we...@vub.ac.be).
To apply for this vacancy, please send your application letter and curriculum 
vitae to:
Prof. Dr. ir. Luc De Vuyst
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Research Group of Industrial Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO)
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel
E-mail: ldvu...@vub.ac.be
Website: http://imdo.vub.ac.be


[PPIBelgia] [info]n Phd – studentship in the department of Sciences UHASSELT

2009-02-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

In the context of the  ‘Associatie Universiteit-Hogescholen Limburg’ of Hasselt 
University, the  following position (m/f) is available:

Phd – studentship in the department of Sciences (2x2 years)

(mandate AUHL/2009/002)

Job description
This project is a collaboration between the Construction engineering  
department of the XIOS Hogeschool Limburg and the department of  architecture 
of the Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg. 
The objective of this research project is to develop a three dimensional  model 
for masonry. This model must be capable of predicting the  behaviour of masonry 
subjected to new loading conditions, both  mechanical as well as thermal. The 
model is time dependent in order to  take the changing of strength and 
stiffness as a function of time into  account. Consequently, the current state 
of the material parameters can  be introduced (e.g. degradation of strength and 
stiffness due to  environmental reasons). Damage accumulation is also taken 
into account.  This enables the possibility to introduce initial damage. Apart 
from  mechanical loading, also thermal effects are taken into account. The  
objective is to model the additional loading due to changing thermal  

Applicants should have or expect to obtain a Licentiate/Master’s degree  in a 
relevant discipline such as the above, or they are expected to have  a degree 
equivalent to Lic./Masters. Research experience would be  advantageous (e.g. by 
M.Sc. dissertation). Applicants should have  sufficient knowledge of Dutch 
and/or English.

Further information
* Content job responsibilities: dr. ir. Kurt  De Proft, tel. 0473-90 28 
49, kurt.depr...@xios.be 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoor...@uhasselt.be 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of  Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D,  B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address  no 
later than Friday, February 20th 2009.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: j...@uhasselt.be.


Re: [PPIBelgia] buku: Kiat Sukses Menaklukan Mahalnya Kehidupan

2009-03-04 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Sorry om, PDF nya coba langsung tanyakan ke penerbitnya...
memang kalo ada pdfnya, mo jadi penyalur apa jadi pembajak di perancis? .

From: adi nugraha nug...@yahoo.com
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2009 5:41:37 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] buku: Kiat Sukses Menaklukan Mahalnya Kehidupan

Om boleh donk versi pdf nyaversi latex nya juga gpp deh..;-)?
kali aja gw bisa jadi penyalur di prancis.


From: Setio Pramono hafidz...@yahoo. com
To: sma 33 mipa sma33ipa_94@ yahoogroups. com; alumn...@googlegrou ps.com; 
surau su...@yahoogroups. com; kamil kamil2...@yahoogrou ps.com; neli 
agustina ne...@yahoo. com; bappenas bappenas_eap2_ 0...@yahoogroups. com; 
Diana.Kusumastuti@ uhasselt. be; ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2009 11:32:22 AM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] buku: Kiat Sukses Menaklukan Mahalnya Kehidupan

 Assalamualaikum rekan2,
berikut ada informasi tentang sebuah buku baru yang baru terbit.
Semoga berguna

Kiat Sukses Menaklukan Mahalnya Kehidupan 
Ditulis oleh :

Jumiarti Agus (Tokyo, Jepang)
Irawati Prillia (Bremerhaven, Jerman)
Cahayahati (Aachen, Jerman)
Mieke Nurmalasari (Belgia)
Hani Iskadarwati (Louisville, Kentucky,USA)
Dwi I. Lestari (Austria)
Yuli Nava (Detroit, USA)
Harwati S. Lindsten (Swedia)
Dessy Nataliani (Belanda)
Desti J. Basuki (Kanada)
Rose F. Nakamura (Jepang)

Kiat Sukses Menaklukkan Mahalnya Kehidupan. Buku
ini berisi penuturan anak bangsa di manca negara tentang pengelolaan
keuangan keluarga dan hidup hemat. Juga meliputi sistem dari suatu
negara yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi keluarga dan sistem bisnis yang
berlaku. Serta meliput toko toko tempat belanja murah yang mungkin
diperlukan bagi Anda yang mau berpergian ke luar negeri, dalam cakupan
daerah penulis.

Latar Belakang

Ide penulisan buku ini
dilatarbelakangi oleh berbagai krisis yang masih menjerat Bangsa
Indonesia sehingga banyak anak bangsa yang ingin hijrah keluar negeri,
apakah untuk studi, mengadu nasib, dan ingin merubah ekonomi. Mereka
beranggapan bahwa hidup di luar negeri itu manis, dan mudah mendapatkan
uang. Banyak yang tergiur pergi ke luar negeri karena melihat orang
yang kembali dari luar negeri mampu membeli “sesuatu” di tanah air.
Padahal mereka tidak tahu bagaimana perjuangan anak bangsa itu selama
di luar negeri.

yang tergiur untuk merubah ekonomi semata-mata, melakukan berbagai
upaya untuk bisa ke luar negeri, malah kebohongan pun terkadang
dilakukan untuk mendapatkan visa ke luar negeri.

Benarkah kehidupan di luar negeri selalu manis? Dan mudah mendapatkan uang?

itu kami bertujuan ingin memberikan informasi yang sebenarnya sesuai
dengan kondisi dan sistem yang kami alami selama tinggal di luar negeri.

di sini juga dimaksudkan untuk menipis pandangan sinis terhadap mereka
yang berkesempatan tinggal di luar negeri. Hidup di luar negeri tidak
mudah, penuh daya juang yang tinggi. Dan sesungguhnya rezeki kita
masing-masing telah diaturNya.

Banyak penulis di buku ini bertutur bahwa pendapatan mereka pas-pasan, tetapi 
bagaimana bisa mereka menabung dan dapat membeli sesuatu di Indonesia? Anda 

Silahkan ikuti penuturan para penulis di buku ini.

Tujuan Penerbitan Buku ini:

persembahan kami ini, semoga masyarakat di tanah air juga bergiat untuk
menyusun strategi untuk hidup hemat. Sudah tidak masanya lagi
mempertahankan gengsi di balik tipisnya isi kantong. Bagi yang berlebih
rezekinya, semoga membudayakan pula prilaku melengserkan barang kepada
sesama, mengingat makin mahalnya biaya hidup di tanah air.

tentang sistem dagang dan bisnis, juga berguna bagi mereka yang
bergerak di sektor bisnis. Serta info tentang sistem dan kebijakan
ekonomi di luar negeri, mungkin pantas ditiru oleh pemerintah
Indonesia. Sehingga kemakmuran secara menyeluruh akan dapat diarasakan
oleh segenap insan Indonesia, dan bukan oleh kaum yang mapan saja.

Keunggulan Buku ini:

Berisi sharing nyata para
penulisnya yang tinggal di manca negara untuk berjuang agar survive
menjalani kehidupanya di negeri rantau. Sungguh merupakan mutiara untuk
dibagi secara luas kepada masyarakat di Indonbesia.

ini mudah dipahami karena masing masing penulis menuangkan
pengalamannya berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri selama tinggal di luar

Kelebihan lain buku ini, disamping wacana, juga ada
foto-foto pendukung. Anda tidak hanya tahu informasi dari tulisan saja,
tetapi juga bisa melihat foto sebagai bukti nyata.

Buku ini
dapat dikonsumsi oleh semua tingkat usia, karena dikemas dengan bahasa
yang mudah dimengerti, oleh seseorang yang ingin tahu bagaimana kondisi
di negeri orang, atau bagi siapa saja yang ingin studi atau bekerja di
luar negeri.

Bila ada saran atau komentar layangkan surat ke primoneanak@ ybb.ne.jp

Harga buku : Rp 30.000 bisa didapatkan di ACI Publishing 
http://acipublishin g2007.multiply. com/photos/ album/7/Kiat_

Re: [PPIBelgia] buku: Kiat Sukses Menaklukan Mahalnya Kehidupan

2009-03-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dulu buku  buku Judul : Kenapa Saya Bertahan di Luar Negeri? 
dimana mieke juga nulis disitu tersedia bbrp di belgia krn jumlah permintaan yg 
Mungkin kalo buku ini banyak yg request Mieke bisa juga jadi agent?

From: M Roil Bilad roilbilad...@gmail.com
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2009 8:42:00 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] buku: Kiat Sukses Menaklukan Mahalnya Kehidupan

Baru aja mo nanya versi Pdf-nya

soale kan bukunya gak di eksport ke Belgi Om Tio, Klo ada dan seharga segitu ya 
dibeli dong, yang orisinil.

Jadi opsi PDF juga masih ditunggu .  Btw Mbak Meike mantab juga udah jadi 



[PPIBelgia] Deptan Jadi Percontohan Wilayah Bebas Korupsi ?

2009-03-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
dari milis negeri jiran...

Deptan Jadi Percontohan Wilayah Bebas Korupsi
05 Mar 2009 19:20:18Jakarta (tvOne)

Wilayah bebas dari korupsi (WBK) yang diterapkan Departemen Pertanian
akan dijadikan percontohan bagi intansi pemerintah ataupun departemen

Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Taufik Efendi di Jakarta,
Kamis (5/3), mengatakan pemerintah bekerja keras agar lembaga
pemerintah di seluruh Indonesia bebas dari praktek Kolusi Korupsi dan
Nepotisme (KKN). 

Salah satu upaya untuk menghilangkan tindak korupsi di lingkungan
instansi pemerintah yakni dengan menaikkan gaji aparatur negara,
katanya pada acara penetapan status WBK di Kantor Pusat Deptan. 

Saat ini, tambahnya, pemerintah telah menaikkan gaji pegawai negeri, TNI dan 
Polri, sebesar 15 persen. 

Menurut dia, secara politik tindak korupsi terjadi karena gaji tidak
cukup sehingga di luar itu ada pegawai korupsi waktu seperti mencari
kerja di luar, sehingga tidak fokus terhadap pekerjaannya, ujarnya. 

Menurut dia, untuk memberantas korupsi niat negatifnya harus
dihilangkan dulu dan diubah menjadi positif serta kesempatan yang lebar
untuk melakukan korupsi dipersempit. 

Sementara itu Menteri Pertanian Anton Apriyantono mengatakan, unit
kerja yang mendapatkan status WBK di Deptan baru 26 persen, di akhir
masa kerja kabinet ini akan diupayakan terus meningkat, sehingga nanti
seluruhnya menjadi bebas korupsi. 

Anton menambahkan, tahun 2008 Itjen Deptan telah berhasil melakukan
pemeriksaan terhadap 80 persen dari total jumlah anggaran, meskipun
dilihat dari sudut pandang cakupan satuan kerja yang diperiksa masih 12
persen dari keseluruhan satuan kerja yang ada. 

Pada tahun yang sama jumlah temuan kerugian negara yang telah berhasil
diidentifikasi oleh Itjen mencapai 0,27 dari total anggaran Deptan bila
dibandingkan dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. 

Jumlah temuan kerugian negara masih berkisar 0,48 persen dari total
anggaran Deptan, tingkat penyetoran kerugian negara ke kas negara oleh
mitra kerja pada 2008 mencapai 70 persen dari total temuan kerugian
negara berdasarkan hasil rekapitulasi laporan hasil pemeriksaan. 

Menurut Mentan hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa pergerakan pola pengawasan
yang diberlakukan Itjen dinilai efektif dalam menekan tingkat

Hal itu, tambahnya, tidak lepas dari meningkatnya kualitas auditor yang
dibekali pendidikan berjenjang, walaupun dukungan dana kelembagaan saat
ini baru 0,60 persen dari total anggaran Deptan.


[PPIBelgia] PhD-students (2x2 years) Biomedical Research Institute of Hasselt University

2009-03-06 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

 Vacature 32/066-2e 
Within the Biomedical Research Institute of  Hasselt University, the following 
positions (m/f) are available for:
PhD-students (2x2 years)

Job description
With a staff of 80 researchers, clinicians and technicians, the  Biomedical 
Research Institute (BIOMED) of Hasselt University focuses on  preclinical (in 
vitro, animal studies) and clinical projects gathered  around three main 
research topics:
* Immunology: auto-immune disease mechanisms and markers. 
(mandates MBW/2009/004, 005 and MBW/2008/021-HO)
* Neurobiology: neuroprotection and repair strategies in  
neurodegenerative, neuro-inflammatory and excitability disorders. 
(mandates MBW/2009/006 and 007)
* Biosensors: genetic engineering of cellular surface receptors and  
downstream signal pathways; molecular design of new affinity molecules  using 
nanobiotechnology tools. (mandates MBW/2009/008 and 009)
* Our skills include: immune and neural cell phenotypic and functional  
analysis, flow-cytometry and cell sorting, ELISA, routine molecular  biology, 
phage display technology, proteomics, immunofluorescence /  electron microscopy 
/ confocal microscopy and related advanced  microfluorimetric techniques, 
cellular and molecular physiology  including patch-clamp on slices, MRI and 
animal models (e.g. EAE).

BIOMED also actively participates in EURON (www.euronschool.eu), a  European 
Graduate School of Neuroscience that offers a coherent,  multidisciplinary 
research training program for master and PhD students  who bridge the gap 
between fundamental and applied neuroscience. BIOMED  is also involved in 
various research networks at national and  international levels (e.g. NEURONET, 
Research at BIOMED also means working in a young, motivated,  multidisciplinary 
and international environment.

To apply for a PhD position, the applicant should hold a master  degree in life 
sciences (e.g. biomedical sciences, medical sciences,  bioengineering, 
veterinary sciences, biochemistry, biology,  biotechnology). Laboratory 
research experience is a definitive plus  (e.g. during the Master’s 
* For positions related to Biosensors also  candidates with a master 
degree in physics, chemistry and  engineering can apply.
* Applicants should have excellent  communication skills and a good 
knowledge of Dutch and/or English.  Students in the final master year can also 
Further information 
* Content job responsibilities: 
* Immunologie
* mandate MBW/2009/004: 
* prof. dr. Niels Hellings, +32 11 26 92 68, niels.helli...@uhasselt.be 
* prof. dr. Piet Stinissen, +32 11 26 92 04, piet.stinis...@uhasselt.be 
* mandate MBW/2009/005: 
* prof. dr. Sven Hendrix, +32 11 26 85 05, sven.hend...@uhasselt.be 
* mandate MBW/2008/021-HO:
* prof. dr. Veerle Somers, +32 11 26 92 02, veerle.som...@uhasselt.be 
* prof. dr. Piet Stinissen, +32 11 26 92 04, piet.stinis...@uhasselt.be 
* Neurobiologie
* mandate MBW/2009/006: prof. dr.  Jean-Michel Rigo, +32 11 26 92 36, 
* mandate MBW/2009/007: prof. dr. Niels  Hellings, +32 11 26 92 68, 
* Biosensoren
* mandate MBW/2009/008: prof. dr. Luc  Michiels, +32 11 26 92 31, 
* mandate MBW/2009/009:
* prof. dr. Luc Michiels, +32 11 26 92 31, luc.michi...@uhasselt.be 
* prof. dr. Patrick Wagner, +32 11 26 88 95, patrick.wag...@uhasselt.be 
* Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoor...@uhasselt.be 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Friday, April 17th 2009.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: j...@uhasselt.be.


Re: Bls: [PPIBelgia] promosi NMBS

2009-03-12 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Elly, Jo sudah tdk perlu naik kereta lagi. tinggal tancap gas udah sampe di 
amsterdam dia.


From: ELLY R e_romdliy...@yahoo.co.id
To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 11:49:55 AM
Subject: Bls: [PPIBelgia] promosi NMBS

Mbak Jo, tertarik tiket yg NL? saya masih ada lho persediannya. ..
Kl memang berminat, kabari saya ya... ntar tiketnya tak antar k rumah deh... 
Ditunggu kabarnya

Dari: Johanna Renny Octavia Sitompul johannarennyoctavia @yahoo.com
Kepada: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Terkirim: Kamis, 12 Maret, 2009 11:33:10
Topik: Re: [PPIBelgia] promosi NMBS

menarik juga ya...
tapi kayanya kalo yg tiket buat di Belgia hanya dari 1 stasiun ke 1 stasiun 
yang lain.
kalo yang Belanda, baru deh unlimited journey all over Netherlands.
jadi mendingan beli yang Belanda kali ya? hehehe...


From: Setio Pramono hafidz...@yahoo. com
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 9:53:39 AM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] promosi NMBS

only for one day dari dan ke mana aja dlm belanda/belgia. ..


From: wahyudiAgung agung...@yahoo. com
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 9:48:55 AM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] promosi NMBS

boleh juga tuh saya perlu tiket utk di belanda bulan juli ini. 
btw, itu peraturan cara pakai nya gimana ya? maksud saya, apa harus dipakai 
dalam 1 hari saja, ?? atau bisa dipakai ke seluruh kota dalam periode yg 


From: ELLY R e_romdliyana@ yahoo.co. id
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 9:42:05 AM
Subject: Bls: [PPIBelgia] promosi NMBS

Assalamu'alaykum. ..

Buat teman-teman smua,
Nambah info, ada promosi juga dari kruidvant untuk tiket kereta PP (one day) 
dari dan ke seluruh kota di Belanda cuma 12, 49Euro (http://www. kruidvat. 
nl/domains/ default/pages/ content.aspx? content=1301 022830_2_ 
101651contentcode= 2009-11-treinentoken=-1).

Dan kalo ada yang berminat, saya ada persediaan :
2 groene-treinkartje yang masa berlakunya 14 Maret - 10 Mei 2009
4 blauwe-treinkartje yang masa berlakunya 16 Mei - 12 Juli 2009
harga masing-masing tiket @ 12,49 Euro.

Kalo ada yang berminat, segera hubungi saya (Insya Allah, tiket akan saya 
berikan pada saat pertemuan PPI di LOUVAIN LA NEUVE, Sabtu besok).

-Genk - 

Dari: Setio Pramono hafidz...@yahoo. com
Kepada: ppibel...@yahoogrou ps.com; kamil kamil2...@yahoogrou ps.com
Terkirim: Kamis, 12 Maret, 2009 00:27:59
Topik: [PPIBelgia] promosi NMBS

Dear All,
Untuk info ada promosi dari kruidvant untuk tiket kereta PP (one day) dari dan 
ke seluruh kota di belgia cuma kurang dari 9e. More info:
http://nl.kruidvat. be/domains/ default/pages/ content/s2/ 2009-11-treinact 

 Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat.
Undang teman dari Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang! 

 Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai!  
Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di @ymail.com dan @rocketmail. com. 


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