[ppiindia] Harga yang Stabil di Arab Saudi vs Paradigma Harga Harus Naik

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik A Nizami
Ini sekedar sharing guna merubah paradigma atau pola pikir para pejabat / 
masyarakat yang menganggap tiap tahun harga barang harus naik.

Di Arab Saudi ketika saya pergi ke sana di tahun 1983, harga 1 kaleng minuman 
entah itu Pepsi Cola atau Burtuqol (Jus Jeruk dengan bulirnya) hanya 1 real. 
Kalau tidak salah saat itu kursnya 1 real = Rp 700.

Ternyata sekarang pun menurut ipar saya yang baru2 ini pergi umrah tetap 1 real 
harganya (sekarang 1 real = Rp 2.446). Artinya lebih murah daripada harga di 
Indonesia. Padahal penghasilan warga Arab rata2 sekitar 7x lipat di atas kita.

Hebatnya lagi, harga minuman itu entah di emperan jalan, di pasar, di mal, atau 
di airport tetap sama harganya. 1 real!

Dengan harga yang stabil, tidak ada alasan bagi para pengusaha untuk menaikan 
harga barang dengan alasan harga bahan baku naik atau biaya operasional naik. 
Tidak ada alasan pula untuk minta naik gaji dengan posisi jabatan yang sama 
karena daya beli mereka tidak turun akibat tidak adanya kenaikan harga 

Sebaliknya di Indonesia. Karena harga barang (misalnya listrik, BBM, tol, dsb 
dinaikkan), maka para pengusaha menaikan harga2 barangnya karena biaya 
operasional naik. Para buruh juga harus minta naik gaji sebab jika tidak mereka 
jadi lebih miskin akibat daya beli gajinya menurun. Namun sayangnya, besar 
kenaikan gaji biasanya jauh di bawah besar kenaikan harga barang. Bahkan ada 
yang tidak naik gaji sama sekali.

Akibatnya kemiskinan semakin merajalela di Indonesia.

Belajar Islam sesuai Al Qur'an dan Hadits
Milis Ekonomi Nasional: ekonomi-nasional-subscr...@yahoogroups.com

  Berselancar lebih cepat. Internet Explorer 8 yang dioptimalkan untuk 
Yahoo! otomatis membuka 2 halaman favorit Anda setiap kali Anda membuka 
browser. Dapatkan IE8 di sini! 

[ppiindia] Kick Back: Satu Bentuk Suap

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik A Nizami
Sering saya dengar bos-bos mengucapkan Kickback. Setelah saya coba google 
maknanya, ternyata artinya tidak lebih dari suap/bribery.

Contohnya sebuah perusahaan ingin menjual produk senilai Rp 10 milyar ke satu 
institusi. Agar terjadi penjualan, perusahaan tsb memberi uang rp 1 milyar 
kepada pihak yang berwenang di institusi tsb.

Atau ada Tender dari anggaran pemerintah. Ternyata peserta yang dipilih 
bukanlah yang kualitasnya terbaik dengan harga yang kompetitif. Tapi dari yang 
kualitasnya kurang/sama, namun dengan harga jauh lebih mahal sehingga merugikan 
negara. Sebagai imbalan atas pengkhianatannya kepada rakyat, pejabat tsb dapat 
KICKBACK/SUAP dari perusahaan pemenang tender.


* a commercial bribe paid by a seller to a purchasing agent in order to 
induce the agent to enter into the transaction 
* Kickbacks - Political corruption is the use of legislated powers by 
government officials for illegitimate private gain. ...


Kickback usually refers to:
* Political corruption#Kickbacks
* Briberyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_corruption#Kickbacks

A kickback is an official's share of misappropriated funds allocated
from his or her organization to an organization involved in corrupt bidding. 
For example, suppose that a politician is in charge of choosing how to spend 
some public funds. He can give a contract to a company that is not the best 
bidder, or allocate more than they deserve. In
this case, the company benefits, and in exchange for betraying the
public, the official receives a kickback payment, which is a portion of
the sum the company received. This sum itself may be all or a portion
of the difference between the actual (inflated) payment to the company
and the (lower) market-based price that would have been paid had the
bidding been competitive. Kickbacks are not limited to government
officials; any situation in which people are entrusted to spend funds
that do not belong to them are susceptible to this kind of corruption.
Kickbacks are also common in the Pharmaceutical Industry, as many
doctors and physicians receive pay in return for added promotion and
prescription of the drug these Pharmaceutical Companies are marketing. (See: 
Anti-competitive practices, Bid rigging.)

Belajar Islam sesuai Al Qur'an dan Hadits
Milis Ekonomi Nasional: ekonomi-nasional-subscr...@yahoogroups.com

  Lebih aman saat online. Upgrade ke Internet Explorer 8 baru dan lebih 
cepat yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! agar Anda merasa lebih aman. Gratis. 
Dapatkan IE8 di sini! 


2010-03-08 Terurut Topik Irene Ant

http://ezlaptop. com/?r=93618


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Desakan agar Boediono mundur tak masuk akal

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Desakan agar Boediono mundur tak masuk akal

  Tanggal:  08 Mar 2010 
  Sumber:  Harian Terbit 

KETUA DPR RI Marzuki Ali merasa aneh dengan pernyataan elit-elit partai politik 
yang meminta Wakil Presiden Boediono dan Menteri Keuangan Sri Muyani  mundur 
terkait  keputusan  rapat paripurna DPR tentang Bank Century. Permintaan itu 
dianggap tidak masuk akal dan menggambarkan elit politik tersebut tidak paham 
Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.

"Memang ini de-mokrasi,  semua orang bebas bicara,namun sebaiknya mereka yang 
mendesak wapres untuk mundur juga paham apa yang dibicarakannya. Hasil 
Paripurna mengenai Century adalah mengeluarkan rekomendasi yang dalam kamus 
bahasa Indonesia artinya usulan. Nah kalau usulan kan bisa diterima atau 
ditolak,"ujar Marzuki di Jakarta,Sabtu (6/3).

Partai politik yang mendesak Boediono mundur, menurut Marzuki, juga tidak boleh 
marah jika permintaan mereka ditolak karena biar bagaimanapun hasil rekomendasi 
itu adalah keputusan mereka juga."Jangan karena sikap mereka yang tidak berani 
tegas dengan hanya mengeluarkan rekomendasi tanpa berani mengeluarkan putusan 
yang bersikap perintah, terus menuding-nuding pihak lain.

Seperti pernyataan Priyo Budi Santoso(Wakil Ketua DPR-red) yang mengatakan 
rekomendasi harus dijalankan. Kenapa sebelumnya tidak keluarkan putusan 
perintah? "Makanya kalau buat keputusan jangan abu-abu,"jelas Marzuki.

Ia menilai keputusan Boediono yang tidak menanggapi desakan mundur pada dirinya 
sebagai keputusan dan hak pribadi Boediono.Jika Boediono tidak mau mundur itu  
hak dia.  Boediono mungkin sadar bahwa keputusan DPR hanyalah vonis politik 
yang dibaliknya juga banyak kepentingan dan sama sekali tidak berdasarkan fakta 
hukum. "Kalau saya melihat yang maling beneran aja susah disuruh mundur, 
apalagi Pak Boediono yang selama ini dikenal jujur,bersih dan tidak 

Pengamat Politik dari Charta Politika,Yunarto Wijaya mengatakan bahwa wacana 
desakan mundur terhadap Boediono bisa dilihat dari beberapa  sisi.  Desakan 
mundur berdasarkan etika. Ini hal yang lazim digunakan dalam sistem 
pemerintahan parlementer. Dalam sistem ini, memang sikap parlemen selalu punya 
implikasi kuat di pemerintahan, seperrti di Jepang dan Italia.

"Walau desakan ini sah-sah saja diusulkan ,namun Boediono juga punya hak 
menolaknya dalam sistem dan kondisi politik di Indonesia yang tidak 
menentu,"kata dia. Wapres tentu sadar dan berkaca bahwa kondisi saat ini 
utamanya kasus Century cenderung tidak linear dengan fakta hukum.

Semuanya politis dan subjektif dan dinilai hanya dalam hitung-hitungan voting 
tanpa bisa terlihat jelas apa sebenarnya yang ada di balik kasus itu. "Boediono 
mungkin berfikir untuk apa saya mundur jika kebenaran hanya ditentukan oleh 
konstelasi politik semata tanpa terlihat adanya kebenaran yang 
sesungguhnya,"jelasnya. (andoes)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Itulah Kebijakan Neolib! Bls: [ppiindia] Tarif Listrik Naik 15 Persen

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik A Nizami
Itulah kebijakan Neolib.
Subsidi pada para bankir dan orang2 kaya dipertahankan dengan alasan dampak 

Sebaliknya subsidi bagi orang miskin dicabut sehingga harga2 barang terus 
Mudah2an Allah menolong rakyat Indonesia dari kezaliman kaum Neolib.

Belajar Islam sesuai Al Qur'an dan Hadits
Milis Ekonomi Nasional: ekonomi-nasional-subscr...@yahoogroups.com

>Dari: Irwan Kurniawan 
>Kepada: ppiindia@yahoogroups.com
>Terkirim: Sel, 9 Maret, 2010 10:30:30
>Judul: Re: [ppiindia] Tarif Listrik Naik 15 Persen
> >
>  >
>Masalahnya mereka tidak mau mengakui kalau kenaikan harga bagi rakyat pasti
>>berdampak sistemik.. Giliran buat konglomerat subsidi dipertahankan. . cuih..
>>"Better team works could lead us to better results"
>http://irwank. blogspot. com
>>Pada 9 Maret 2010 10:28, sunny  menulis:
>>> Refleksi: Syukuralhamdullilah ! Kekayaan petinggi negara meningkat dan tarif
>>> listrik juga turut naik. Harga BBM juga akan naik, hanya kapan diumumkan
>>> belum diberitahukan oleh jurubicara istana mereka.
>>> -
>>> Harian Komentar
>>> 09 Maret 2010
>>> Warga terima, asal jangan sering pemadaman lampu
>>> Tarif Listrik Naik 15 Persen
>>> Jakarta, KOMENTAR
>>> Tarif dasar listrik (TDL) akhirnya dinaikkan pemerintah sebesar 15 persen.
>>> Pemberlakuan tarif baru listrik bakal dilakukan Juli 2010 mendatang. Hal ini
>>> disampaikan Menteri Keuangan, Sri Mulyani. "TDL naik sebesar 15 persen per
>>> Juli 2010," ujar menteri dalam konferensi pers tentang RAPBN-P 2010 di
>>> Ge-dung Kementerian Keua-ngan, Jalan Wahidin, Jakarta, Senin (08/03).
>>> Menurut Sri Mulyani, pemerintah tidak menaikkan TDL pada semester pertama
>>> kare-na masih melihat proses pemulihan ekonomi yang sedang berlangsung. Oleh
>>> kare-na itu, tugas pemerintah adalah untuk menjaga kemampuan daya beli
>>> masyarakat. "Intinya adalah bagaimana kita mam-pu menjaga momentum
>>> pertum-buhan yang ada," ujarnya.
>>> Pada kesempatan yang sama, Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal Kementerian
>>> Keuangan Anggito Abimanyu menyatakan, kenaikan TDL itu merupakan rata-rata
>>> secara kese-luruhan dari semua golongan. Meski demikian, bukan berarti
>>> otomatis golongan yang rendah juga akan naik. "Kita akan mencoba lindungi
>>> mereka yang tidak mampu," ujarnya.
>>> Ada pun soal pemulihan masalah listrik, lanjut Anggito, hal tersebut hingga
>>> kini terus dilakukan. Itulah alasan pemerintah menaikkan mar-gin PLN dari 5
>>> persen menjadi 8 persen. "Masalah listrik trafo sekarang sudah tidak ada
>>> gangguan. Margin di-naikkan dari 5 persen ke 8 persen, supaya bisa
>>> mela-kukan refinancing peminjam-an, " jelasnya. Ketika ditanya apakah
>>> kemampuan penambahan subsidi listrik sebesar Rp 16,5 triliun hanya mampu
>>> untuk enam bulan, Anggito belum mau menegaskan soal itu. "Bukan demikian,
>>> jangan seperti itu," sanggah Anggito.
>>> Sementara sejumlah warga masyarakat di Sulut ketika ditanyai soal rencana
>>> ke-naikan TDL menyatakan, tidak masalah. Asalkan, kata mereka, pelayanan
>>> listrik di masyarakat ditingkatkan. "Naik boleh saja kalau memang perlu,
>>> asalkan diiringi juga peningkatan pelayanan. Jangan sering mati-mati
>>> lam-pu,'' ungkap Arnold, warga Manado. Dia juga menambahkan, jika memang
>>> terpaksa harus dilakukan pemadaman, harus benar-benar terjadwal. ''Supaya
>>> masyarakat bisa mengantisipasi akan terjadi pema-daman,' ' akunya.(dtc/ zal)
>>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

  Buat sendiri desain eksklusif Messenger Pingbox Anda sekarang! Membuat 
tempat chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah mudah. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [ppiindia] Tarif Listrik Naik 15 Persen

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik Irwan Kurniawan
Masalahnya mereka tidak mau mengakui kalau kenaikan harga bagi rakyat pasti
berdampak sistemik.. Giliran buat konglomerat subsidi dipertahankan.. cuih..


"Better team works could lead us to better results"

Pada 9 Maret 2010 10:28, sunny  menulis:

> Refleksi: Syukuralhamdullilah! Kekayaan petinggi negara meningkat dan tarif
> listrik juga turut naik. Harga BBM juga akan naik, hanya kapan diumumkan
> belum diberitahukan oleh jurubicara istana mereka.
> -
> Harian Komentar
> 09 Maret 2010
> Warga terima, asal jangan sering pemadaman lampu
> Tarif Listrik Naik 15 Persen
> Jakarta, KOMENTAR
> Tarif dasar listrik (TDL) akhirnya dinaikkan pemerintah sebesar 15 persen.
> Pemberlakuan tarif baru listrik bakal dilakukan Juli 2010 mendatang. Hal ini
> disampaikan Menteri Keuangan, Sri Mulyani. "TDL naik sebesar 15 persen per
> Juli 2010," ujar menteri dalam konferensi pers tentang RAPBN-P 2010 di
> Ge-dung Kementerian Keua-ngan, Jalan Wahidin, Jakarta, Senin (08/03).
> Menurut Sri Mulyani, pemerintah tidak menaikkan TDL pada semester pertama
> kare-na masih melihat proses pemulihan ekonomi yang sedang berlangsung. Oleh
> kare-na itu, tugas pemerintah adalah untuk menjaga kemampuan daya beli
> masyarakat. "Intinya adalah bagaimana kita mam-pu menjaga momentum
> pertum-buhan yang ada," ujarnya.
> Pada kesempatan yang sama, Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal Kementerian
> Keuangan Anggito Abimanyu menyatakan, kenaikan TDL itu merupakan rata-rata
> secara kese-luruhan dari semua golongan. Meski demikian, bukan berarti
> otomatis golongan yang rendah juga akan naik. "Kita akan mencoba lindungi
> mereka yang tidak mampu," ujarnya.
> Ada pun soal pemulihan masalah listrik, lanjut Anggito, hal tersebut hingga
> kini terus dilakukan. Itulah alasan pemerintah menaikkan mar-gin PLN dari 5
> persen menjadi 8 persen. "Masalah listrik trafo sekarang sudah tidak ada
> gangguan. Margin di-naikkan dari 5 persen ke 8 persen, supaya bisa
> mela-kukan refinancing peminjam-an," jelasnya. Ketika ditanya apakah
> kemampuan penambahan subsidi listrik sebesar Rp 16,5 triliun hanya mampu
> untuk enam bulan, Anggito belum mau menegaskan soal itu. "Bukan demikian,
> jangan seperti itu," sanggah Anggito.
> Sementara sejumlah warga masyarakat di Sulut ketika ditanyai soal rencana
> ke-naikan TDL menyatakan, tidak masalah. Asalkan, kata mereka, pelayanan
> listrik di masyarakat ditingkatkan. "Naik boleh saja kalau memang perlu,
> asalkan diiringi juga peningkatan pelayanan. Jangan sering mati-mati
> lam-pu,'' ungkap Arnold, warga Manado. Dia juga menambahkan, jika memang
> terpaksa harus dilakukan pemadaman, harus benar-benar terjadwal. ''Supaya
> masyarakat bisa mengantisipasi akan terjadi pema-daman,'' akunya.(dtc/zal)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Tarif Listrik Naik 15 Persen

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi: Syukuralhamdullilah! Kekayaan petinggi negara meningkat dan tarif 
listrik juga turut naik. Harga BBM juga akan naik, hanya kapan diumumkan belum 
diberitahukan oleh jurubicara istana mereka. 

Harian Komentar
09 Maret 2010

  Warga terima, asal jangan sering pemadaman lampu
  Tarif Listrik Naik 15 Persen


Tarif dasar listrik (TDL) akhirnya dinaikkan pemerintah sebesar 15 persen. 
Pemberlakuan tarif baru listrik bakal dilakukan Juli 2010 mendatang. Hal ini 
disampaikan Menteri Keuangan, Sri Mulyani. "TDL naik sebesar 15 persen per Juli 
2010," ujar menteri dalam konferensi pers tentang RAPBN-P 2010 di Ge-dung 
Kementerian Keua-ngan, Jalan Wahidin, Jakarta, Senin (08/03).

Menurut Sri Mulyani, pemerintah tidak menaikkan TDL pada semester pertama 
kare-na masih melihat proses pemulihan ekonomi yang sedang berlangsung. Oleh 
kare-na itu, tugas pemerintah adalah untuk menjaga kemampuan daya beli 
masyarakat. "Intinya adalah bagaimana kita mam-pu menjaga momentum pertum-buhan 
yang ada," ujarnya.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal Kementerian Keuangan 
Anggito Abimanyu menyatakan, kenaikan TDL itu merupakan rata-rata secara 
kese-luruhan dari semua golongan. Meski demikian, bukan berarti otomatis 
golongan yang rendah juga akan naik. "Kita akan mencoba lindungi mereka yang 
tidak mampu," ujarnya.

Ada pun soal pemulihan masalah listrik, lanjut Anggito, hal tersebut hingga 
kini terus dilakukan. Itulah alasan pemerintah menaikkan mar-gin PLN dari 5 
persen menjadi 8 persen. "Masalah listrik trafo sekarang sudah tidak ada 
gangguan. Margin di-naikkan dari 5 persen ke 8 persen, supaya bisa mela-kukan 
refinancing peminjam-an," jelasnya. Ketika ditanya apakah kemampuan penambahan 
subsidi listrik sebesar Rp 16,5 triliun hanya mampu untuk enam bulan, Anggito 
belum mau menegaskan soal itu. "Bukan demikian, jangan seperti itu," sanggah 

Sementara sejumlah warga masyarakat di Sulut ketika ditanyai soal rencana 
ke-naikan TDL menyatakan, tidak masalah. Asalkan, kata mereka, pelayanan 
listrik di masyarakat ditingkatkan. "Naik boleh saja kalau memang perlu, 
asalkan diiringi juga peningkatan pelayanan. Jangan sering mati-mati lam-pu,'' 
ungkap Arnold, warga Manado. Dia juga menambahkan, jika memang terpaksa harus 
dilakukan pemadaman, harus benar-benar terjadwal. ''Supaya masyarakat bisa 
mengantisipasi akan terjadi pema-daman,'' akunya.(dtc/zal) 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Ejected from God's House

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

4 - 10 March 2010
Issue No. 988
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Ejected from God's House
At the mosque on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, DC , Margot Badran* 
encountered a frustrating experience 

It was a bright winter Saturday in Washington with a strong sun bouncing light 
off the high piles of snow lining the streets after the recent blizzards. I was 
in high spirits as I made my way to the mosque on Massachusetts Avenue, 
sometimes called the "national mosque", sitting proudly on Embassy Row. I 
entered by the front door and as I was early I sat down to wait on a chair at 
the back of the main hall. A few men arrived -- one passing within inches of me 
as he deposited offerings in the box next to me -- and went about saying their 
prayers in scattered parts of the hall appearing intent only upon their 

Soon several women came through the door. I assumed that they were part of the 
group that was going to pray together in the mosque's main hall rather than 
behind the physical partition standing out like a scar against the beauty of 
the Iznik faience lining the pillars and walls. All that the women wanted to do 
was to pray in the main hall behind the men where they could see and hear the 

As the women sat down on the carpet toward the back of the hall, a man 
approached me. He pointed to the barricades said: "Tell the women to go there." 
I asked if he spoke Arabic and he replied yes. I looked him straight in the eye 
and said: "I cannot tell people where to go." With no further word he turned 
and left me alone. 

When the prayers began the women went to the front of the mosque forming a row 
behind the two rows of men. All in all there were very few people who had come 
to the mosque to pray. From my vantage point on a chair in the back I noticed a 
woman who had tried unsuccessfully to get the women to retreat behind the 
barrier, now after the communal prayers had begun, dashing about busy on her 
cell phone. The next thing I observed was two Washington police officers 
standing around her and noticed frenetic comings and goings. 

When the midday prayer ended the women returned to the rear of the mosque and 
once again sat down on the carpet. The cops honed in and hovered over them. A 
man who had been bustling about with disdain written on his face identified 
himself as the mosque administrator and the woman obsessed with her white cell 
phone as his assistant. The administrator levelled a barrage of questions at 
the seated women. He asked them if they had come to pray or to protest. 
Suddenly he turned to me, looked at me square in the face, and asked: "Did you 
pray?" I retorted: "This is not a question for you to ask. It is a question for 
God to ask." He turned his head.

The women were told on no uncertain terms they could not remain in the mosque 
and the DC cops ordered us to leave or be ushered out. As the police were 
beginning to show muscle and tension was building an Egyptian male sympathizer 
with us suggested we leave to avoid arrest. As the cops continued to step up 
the pressure, doing the bidding of the mosque administrator and his assistant, 
it became clear we had no choice but to exit. I thought here we are in a mosque 
in the United States, and in the nation's capital no less, and the mosque 
authorities, as self-identified, call in municipal security forces to eject a 
bunch of women just because they wanted to pray in the main congregational 
space. Absurd. Is this where our tax dollars should go? To defend gender 
segregation? I had thought the days of segregation were long gone in this 
country. And here it is on display in the nation's showcase mosque which boasts 
tens of thousand visitors each year. Do they include the story of gender 
segregation in their script for the visitors?

As the scenario with the women and cops and mosque authorities was playing out 
suddenly from out of the blue I caught sight of a large number of men, women, 
and children enter the mosque. I heard later that they had arrived by bus. 
Bussed in did the cops and mosque segregation vigilantes think? It turned out 
to be a group of mainly South Asians, it seemed, from Maryland. There were also 
other visitors who appeared. No sooner did the visitors enter the mosque, after 
the prayers had ended, than the whole lot, men, women, and children, were 
unceremoniously tossed out along with the unwanted women. 

As we were dispatched beyond the wrought iron gates, our numbers having now 
swollen, a male visitor in evident pain shouted back through the wrought iron 
fence to the officious mosque administrator and his gloating female assistant 
standing inside the mosque courtyard: "What a terrible way to treat women. What 
are you teaching our children? 

Out in the street I turned to one of the cops, who like the other policem

[ppiindia] Diplomasi Ranjang berbuah Koalisi Besar

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik rifky pradana
Saat ini
partai Demokrat benar-benar berang dan geram terhadap Golkar dan PKS serta PPP.
partai Demokrat untuk menghengkangkan ketiga partai tersebut dari koalisi
tampaknya bukan lagi sekedar gertak sambal yang bertujuan untuk menakut-nakuti
mitra koalisinya. Namun benar-benar sedang digulirkan dan digodok serta 
secara matang untuk benar-benar dijalankan.
“Kami ingin melakukan evaluasi terkait
kinerja koalisi secara jernih, bukan karena emosi. Ya pokoknya saat
ini kami sedang melakukan evaluasi dengan pikiran yang jernih”, kata Andi
Alifian Mallarangeng yang menjabat sebagai Ketua Departemen SDM di DPP partai
Demokrat sekaligus menjabat juga sebagai Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga di kabinet
Rencana untuk
kocok ulang koalisi itu tampaknya benar-benar serius, mengingat Presiden SBY
juga tampak amat kecewa dan sangat marah atas sikap politik yang diambil oleh
Golkar dan PKS serta PPP dalam menyikapi soal Skandal Bank Century.
Menurut kabar
dari beberapa kalangan, Presiden SBY dalm waktu dekat ini akan mengumumkan
sebuah keputusan besar menyangkut masa depan koalisi saat nanti sepulang dari
lawatannya keluar negeri.
“Untuk membuat keputusan besar harus diambil
dengan cara berpikir yang tenang dan jernih dan tidak terburu-buru”, kata
Amir Syamsuddin yang menjabat sebagai Sekjen di DPP partai Demokrat.
Ahmad Mubarok,
Wakil ketua umum partai Demokrat menegaskan bahwa keputusan besar yang akan
diambil oleh Presiden SBY itu terkait langkah yang akan diambil berkait dengan
kelangsungan dan masa depan koalisi.
“Koalisi itu kanseperti keluarga. Ibarat perkawinan, kalau
ada masalah, kan kita simpan, baru nanti kalau sudah jadi
keputusan, kita akan ngundang. Masuk pengadilan, atau pisah
ranjang, atau bahkan cerai”, kata Ahmad Mubarok.
Berkait dengan
rencana kocok ulang atau penataan ulang koalisi itu, tampaknya Presiden SBY
sangat menyadari bahwa tak mungkin partai Demokrat bercerai dengan Golkar dan
PKS serta PPP, jika tidak didapatkan penggantinya yang juga mempunyai kekuatan
suara seimbang dengan mereka.
tampaknya, yang akan benar-benar ditendang keluar agar hengkang dari koalisi
adalah Golkar dan PKS. Sedangkan PPP, tampaknya masih akan dipertahankan
didalam koalisi.
Oleh sebab
itu, saat ini pihak partai Demokrat terus mengintensifkan komunikasi dengan
PDIP, sebagai salah satu calon pengganti Golkar.
terbetik kabar pula, jika Demokrat juga melakukan pendekatan serupa kepada
Gerindra dan Hanura. Kedua partai ini dilirik sebagai calon penggantinya PKS.
partai Demokrat itu tampaknya tidak bertepuk sebelah tangan. Gayung pun 
beberapa kalangan di internal PDIP terlihat begitu antusias menyambut tawaran
masuk kedalam koalisi pimpinan Demokrat itu.
“Dengan oposisi kita kalah. Mungkin
dengan tidak oposisi, kita akan bertambah”, kata Taufiq Kiemas yang
menjabat sebagai Ketua Dewan Pembina di DPP PDIP sekaligus menjabat juga
sebagai Ketua MPR.
“PDI Perjuangan tidak akan oposisi, tapi
kritis kepada pemerintah”, tambah Taufiq Kiemas yang juga merupakan suami
dari Megawati.
antusias, namun Taufik Kiemas tampaknya harus bersabar. Keinginannya itu
tampaknya baru akan bisa dijalankannya setelah usai pelaksanaan Kongres
PDIP yang akan dilangsungkan pada bulan April tahun 2010 ini.
diketahui, salah satu agenda dalam konggres itu adalah pemilihan Ketua
Dan, jika PDIP
benar-benar menghendaki menyambut tawaran partai Demokrat untuk bergabung
didalam koalisi, maka Megawati Soekarnoputri harus dilengserkan dulu dari
posisi Ketua Umum.
Karena itu
maka menjadi rencana PDIP yang dimotori oleh Taufiq Kiemas itu harus menunggu
dulu sampai selesainya konggres PDIP.
Paling tidak
ada dua alasan yang mendasari urgensi pelengseran Megawati dari posisi Ketua
Umum PDIP, sebagai prasyarat rencana koalisi PDIP dengan partai Demokrat itu
dapat dijalankan.
Megawati secara pribadi sampai dengan saat ini masih sangat enggan untuk
bergandengan tangan dengan Presiden SBY.
Sudah menjadi
pengetahuan umum, bahwa yang menjadi penghalang dan penghambat serta kendala
terjadinya jalinan koalisi antara partai Demokrat dengan PDIP itu adalah
Bukan rahasia
lagi, Megawati mempunyai karakter yang sangat sulit dibujuk untuk berubah agar
bersedia berdamai dan menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak partai Demokrat.
Kedua, sudah
banyak diketahui, jika beberapa kalangan di internal PDIP sudah merasa lelah
dan capek menjalankan peran sebagai oposisi yang berada diluar lingkaran
Oleh sebab
itu, kalangan ini dengan berlandaskan pertimbangan rasional dan realistis ingin
agar PDIP bergabung di dalam koalisi pemerintahan.
keinginan mereka itu selama ini terhambat dan terkendala sebab tidak berdaya
melepaskan PDIP yang terbelenggu dan tersandera oleh sikapnya Megawati itu.
Maka jika usai
konggres PDIP jadi berkoalisi dengan partai Demokrat itu dikarenakan Taufiq 
sudah berhasil meyakin

[ppiindia] 6 Milyar dalam 6 Bulan. Pengamat Nilai Meroketnya Kekayaan Boediono Tidak Wajar

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik A Nizami
Setelah gonjang-ganjing uang Bail Out Rp 6,7 trilyun ke Bank Century oleh 
Boediono dan Sri Mulyani, seorang Pengamat Nilai Meroketnya Kekayaan Boediono 
Tidak Wajar  sebesar Rp 6 milyar dalam 6 bulan terakhir sebagai tidak wajar.

Andai saja Boediono mampu mensejahterakan rakyat Indonesia dalam 6 bulan 
sebagaimana dirinya sendiri, baru dia layak dijuluki "Ekonom Hebat"

Pengamat Nilai Meroketnya Kekayaan Boediono Tidak Wajar   
Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010 | 16:47 WIB
Besar Kecil Normal 
Boni Hargens. TEMPO/Arnold Simanjuntak
TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta -Meningkatnya kekayaan Wakil Presiden Boedino sebesar 
Rp 6 miliar dalam
enam bulan terakhir, dianggap pengamat politik Universitas Indonesia
Boni Hargens sebagai hal yang tidak wajar. Kenaikan jumlah kekayaan itu
dinilainya terlalu signifikan. 

Sebelumnya staf khusus Wakil
Presiden Yopie Hidayat menyatakan uang itu berasal dari tunjangan akhir
Boediono sebagai Gubernur Bank Indonesia. Namun menurut Boni,
pernyataan itu tidak menjelaskan apa-apa. “Tidak ada penjelasan sumber
kekayaan itu dari mana saja, hanya dijelaskan kekayaan bergerak dan
tidak bergerak,” kata Boni saat dihubungi, Minggu (6/3).

Boni tidak percaya akan angka sebesar Rp 28 miliar dan US$ 16 ribu yang
diklaim Boediono sebagai kekayaannya pada September tahun lalu.
Menurutnya, kekayaan Boediono jauh lebih besar dari pada angka itu.
“Pemerintah kita kan mengakunya saja bersih, padahal kotor.”

juga meminta Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi untuk mengusut kekayaan
Boediono itu. Angka kenaikan kekayaan Boediono, kata dia, bisa menjadi
dasar KPK untuk melakukan pengusutan terbalik dari kekayaan Boediono.
“Apalagi ada kasus Bank Century, itu bisa jadi indikasi penyelidikan
oleh KPK,” ujarnya.

Boediono mengumumkan kekayaannya bersama
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dalam laporan harta kekayaan ke KPK
pada Jumat lalu. Pada April 2009, kekayaan Boedino tercatat sebesar Rp
22,067 miliar dan US$ 15 ribu. Kekayaan itu naik sekitar Rp 6 miliar
pada September 2009 menjadi Rp 28 miliar dan US$ 16 ribu.

Belajar Islam sesuai Al Qur'an dan Hadits
Milis Ekonomi Nasional: ekonomi-nasional-subscr...@yahoogroups.com

  Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya sekarang! 

[ppiindia] Re: Saksikan Indonesia Talks : Faisal Basri Curhat Masalah Bank Century

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik A Nizami
Butuh puluhan tahun untuk menyamai Singapura atau Malaysia?
Para pejabat kita dalam waktu 5 bulan saja sudah mampu menambah kekayaan mereka 
hingga 6 milyar. Total kekayaan Boediono di atas Rp 28 milyar.

Indonesia sudah 64 tahun merdeka. Artinya sebagian rakyat yang lahir pada hari 
kemerdekaan itu sebagian besar sudah banyak yang mati. Masih butuh puluhan 
tahun lagi yang belum tentu jadi kenyataan? Malaysia yang 52 tahun merdeka saja 
sudah mampu mensejahterakan rakyatnya. Begitu pula Singapura. Kedua negara tsb 
lowongan kerja berlimpah dengan upah yang layak.

Sementara di Indonesia sudah pekerjaan sulit, upahnya tidak layak pula. Tapi 
para pejabatnya justru hidup mewah di atas kemiskinan rakyatnya.

Saya sudah bayar pajak paling tidak rp 8 juta/tahun. Total pajak yang diterima 
pemerintah dari rakyat lebih dari rp 500 trilyun/tahun. Para pejabat digaji 
besar dan diberi fasilitas mewah. Jadi seharusnyalah mereka berjuang 
mensejahterakan rakyatnya. Bukan cuma pribadi dan kroninya.

Yang terjadi justru pemerintah menaikan berbagai harga seperti tol, listrik, 
bbm, sembako, dsb.

Tak Punya Kebun, Kekayaan Boediono di Atas Rp 28 Miliar
Jumat, 05 Maret 2010, 12:08:30 WIB
Laporan: Dede Heryawan

  Jakarta, RMOL. Bersama dengan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan beberapa 
Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu (KIB) II, Wakil Presiden Boediono melaporkan
harta kekayaanya kepada KPK di Istana Negara Jakrata siang ini (Jumat,

“Izinkan saya untuk membacakan ringkasan harta kekayaan saya sebagai
berikut. Total harta kekayaan posisi per 30 September 2009 adalah Rp
28.082.373.823 dan USD 16 ribu. Pada pelaporan sebelumnya, 30 April
2009, Rp 22.067.815.019 dan USD 15 ribu,” kata Boediono.

Dia membeberkan, harta kekayaan per 30 September 2009 tersebut terdiri
dari harta tidak bergerak senilai Rp 6.415.320.000 dan harta bergerak
berupa alat transportasi senilai Rp 940.200,.000. Sedangkan untuk harta
dalam bentuk peternakan, terangnya, pertanian, dan perkebunan tidak

“Harta bergerak lainnya Rp 180.073.429. Surat berharga 3.700.000.000
giro dan setara kas Rp 16.843.780.394. dan USD 16 ribu. Piutang nihil,
hutang nihil. Semua kewajiban pajak terkait perubahan kekayaan telah
dibayar dengan penuh,” tutupnya. [zul]

Belajar Islam sesuai Al Qur'an dan Hadits
Milis Ekonomi Nasional: ekonomi-nasional-subscr...@yahoogroups.com

>Dari: Angkasa Perdana (Angki) 
>Kepada: ekonomi-nasio...@yahoogroups.com; ppiindia@yahoogroups.com; lisi 
>Terkirim: Sen, 8 Maret, 2010 20:17:43
>Judul: Re: [ekonomi-nasional] Re: Saksikan Indonesia Talks : Faisal Basri  
>Curhat Masalah Bank Century
>>Jangan bandingkan dgn us, malay ato sing bos. Butuh puluhan tahun untuk 
>>nyamain mereka. Tp gimana mau maju, ada orang yg menyelamatkan ekonomi 
>>negara, mencegah kemunduran kok malah dituntut, sangat memprihatinkan.
>>Paling asik emang nyalahin orang, nonton keributan. Tp kita lupa faktanya, 
>>sekarang ini tidak trjadi inflasi ribuan persen seperti 98, tak ada phk 
>>massal seperti US dan sing, anda dan saya masih bisa tidur nyenyak, makan 
>>kenyang serta bersenda gurau.
>>Mengenai orang miskin, disemua negara juga ada, setiap orang mesti berjuang 
>>bos, juga banyak berdoa. Ga bisa semua beres dengan saling kirim email di 
>>milis aja, atau secepat membalik telapak tangan. Tapi apa, ya tetap berjuang 
>>donks, jangan complain melulu..
>>Powered by a Lazy yet Creative Mind
>>-Original Message-
>>From: A Nizami 
>>Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 18:00:33 
>>To: ; ; 
>>Subject: [ekonomi-nasional] Re: Saksikan Indonesia Talks : Faisal Basri  
>>Curhat Masalah Bank Century
>>Yang jelas, Rp 6,7 trilyun itu lari ke mana? Kok banyak nasabah kecil yang 
>>protes tidak terima ganti?
>>Kemudian saya lihat rate Rp vs US$ tidak berubah jauh tetap di Rp 9.300-an. 
>>Harusnya kalau AS krisis, nilai dollar jatuh minimal di Rp 8000-an. Ini 
>>menandakan Indonesia sebetulnya juga krisis. Kita saja mungkin yang tidak 
>>Kemarin adik ipar saya yang jadi pelayan toko tanya apakah ada lowongan 
>>pekerjaan. Saat ini gajinya cuma rp 850 ribu. Buat bujangan saja sudah sulit, 
>>apalagi sebentar lagi dia menikah. Sementara teman saya malah jadi penganggur 
>>sama sekali.
>>Jadi krisis/tidak krisis, Indonesia ini sepertinya sudah mentok di dasar 
>>ekonomi. Jadi buat apa berterimakasih pada pejabat yang hanya mampu 
>>memperkaya diri mereka pribadi? Bukan mensejahterakan rakyatnya?
>>Di AS, pengantar Pizza bisa mendapat gaji rp 14 juta/bulan. Di Singapura dan 
>>Malaysia juga mereka lebih makmur. Lowongan pekerjaan berlimpah sehingga 
>>bukan hanya bagi pribumi, tapi bagi jutaan TKI Indonesia juga tersedia.
>>Kalau Indonesia makmur seperti di atas, baru kita layak berterimakasih. Tapi 
>>dengan kondisi di mana tahun 2009 s

[ppiindia] (Tokoh of the Day) KH. Mukhtar Syafa'at, Banyuwangi - Jawa Timur

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik Ananto
KH. Mukhtar Syafa'at, Banyuwangi – Jawa Timur

[image: mukhtar syafaat.bmp]

Salah satu ulama terkemuka di Banyuwangi ini terkenal dengan sikap dan
perilaku yang menjadi panutan umat. Dialah KH Mukhtar Syafa'at, pendiri
sekaligus pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Darussalam, Blokagung, Jajag,

Suatu waktu, Kyai Dimyati (putra KH Ibrahim) mengalami jadzab (“nyleneh”).
Ia mengusir Syafa’at dan kedua sahabatnya yang bernama Mawardi dan Keling.
Ketiganya adalah santri yang dibencinya. Saat Kyai Syafa’at sedang mengajar,
Kyai Dimyati (Syarif) melemparinya dengan maksud agar Syafa’at meninggalkan
pondok. Akhirnya Syafa’at meningalkan Pondok Pesantren Jalen Genteng yang
diikuti oleh salah satu santri yang bernama Muhyidin, santri asal Pacitan ke
kediaman kakak perempuannya Uminatun yang terletak di Blokagung.

Perjuangan beliau dimulai dari musholla milik kakaknya. Mula-mula beliau
mengajarkan Al Qur’an dan beberapa kitab dasar kepada para pemuda masyarakat
sekitar, dan diikuti oleh para santri yang dulu pernah belajar di Pondok
Pesantren Jalen. Beberapa bulan berikutnya musholla tersebut tidak dapat
lagi menampung para santri yang ingin belajar kepadanya.

Melihat kondisi yang demikian, Kyai Syafa’at merasa prihatin sehingga
berkeinginan untuk pindah ke luar daerah Blokagung. Namun oleh Kyai Sholehan
dilarang dan bahkan kemudian dinikahkan dengan seorang gadis bernama Siti
Maryam, putri dari bapak Karto Diwiryo Badul Hadi.

Setelah menikah, beliau pindah ke rumah mertuanya. Di tempat yang baru ini
juga sudah ada mushollanya dengan ukuran 7 x 7 meter. Dalam kurun waktu satu
tahun, jumlah santri yang belajar bertambah banyak sehingga musholla ini
juga tidak cukup untuk menampung santri. Kemudian muncullah ide untuk
mendirikan sebuah masjid yang lebih besar untuk keperluan sholat dan
belajar. Beliau memerintahkan para santri untuk mengumpulkan bahan bangunan
untuk keperluan pendirian masjid. Peristiwa tersebut terjadi pada tanggal 15
Januari 1951. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya tanggal inilah yang dijadikan
sebagai peringatan berdirinya Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Blokagung. Dalam
mendirikan pondok pesantren ini beliau dibantu oleh temanya Kyai Muhyidin
dan Kyai Mualim.

Itulah sekilas latar belakang KH Muktar Syafa'at Abdul Ghafur seorang ulama
dan guru panutan umat. Ia lahir di dusun Sumontoro, Desa Ploso Lor, Kec
Ploso Wetan, Kediri, 6 Maret 1919. Ia adalah putra keempat dari pasangan
suami-isteri KH Abdul Ghafur dan Nyai Sangkep. Kalau dilihat dari silsilah
keturunan, KH Mukhtar Syafa’at merupakan salah seorang keturunan pejuang dan
ulama, dari silsilah ayahnya, KH Mukhtar Syafa’at putra dari Syafa’at bin
Kyai Sobar Iman bin Sultan Diponegoro III (keturunan prajurit Pangeran
Diponegoro) dan garis ibu, yaitu Nyai Sangkep binti Kyai Abdurrohman bin
Kyai Abdullah (keturunan prajurit Untung Suropati).

Sejak usia kanak-kanak (4 tahun), Syafa’at telah menunjukkan sikap dan
perilaku cinta terhadap ilmu pengetahuan dan berkemauan keras mendalami
agama Islam. Setiap sore hari, ia tekun mengaji ke mushola terdekat yang
saat itu diasuh oleh Ustadz H. Ghofur. Dari sinilah ia mulai belajar membaca
Al-Qur’an. Pada tahun 1925 (usia 6 tahun), Syafa’at kemudian mengaji ke Kyai
Hasan Abdi selama 3 tahun di desa Blokagung, Tegalsari, Banyuwangi.

Selepas dikhitan pada tahun 1928, ia kemudian melanjutkan ke Pondok
Pesantren Tebuireng, Jombang yang saat itu diasuh oleh KH. Hasjim Asy’ari.
Di pesantren ini, ia seperti umumnya santri-santri lain mendalami ilmu-ilmu
agama Islam seperti Ilmu Nahwu, Shorof, Fiqih, Tafsir Al-Qur’an dan Akhlaq

Setelah 6 tahun menimba ilmu di Pondok Tebuireng, pada tahun 1936 ia diminta
pulang oleh ayahnya agar saudaranya yang lain secara bergantian dapat
mengenyam pendidikan pesantren. Permintaan tersebut ditampiknya secara
halus, karena ia ingin mendalami dan menguasai ilmu-ilmu pesantren. Atas
saran salah satu kakaknya, yakni Uminatun (Hj. Fatimah) pada tahun 1937 ia
akhirnya meneruskan studi ke Pondok Pesantren Minhajut Thulab, Sumber Beras,
Muncar, Banyuwangi yang diasuh KH. Abdul Manan.

Selama menjadi santri di ponpes Minhajut Thulab, Syafa’at sering jatuh
sakit. Setelah satu tahun, ia akhirnya pindah lagi ke Ponpes Tasmirit
Tholabah yang diasuh oleh KH Ibrahim. Di pondok ini selain belajar, ia juga
dipercaya oleh KH Ibrahim untuk mengajar ke santri lain. Di Pondok ini juga,
Syafa’at mulai mengkaji ilmu-ilmu tasawuf, seperti belajar kitab Ihya
Ulumiddin karya Syeikh Imam Al-Ghozali.

Pemahaman ini tidak sebatas pelajaran teori saja, namun juga ia praktekan
secara langsung seperti saat mandi, shalat fardhu, dan berhubungan dengan
lain jenis. Saat mandi, ia tidak pernah menanggalkan seluruh pakaiannya, dan
tidak pernah melihat auratnya. Selain itu, selama di Ponpes Tasmirit
Tholabah ia senantiasa shalat berjamaah di masjid. Padahal, ia termasuk
kriteria “santri kasab”, yaitu santri yang mondok sambil bekerja kepada
masyarakat sekitar.

Selama masih menuntut ilmu dan mera

[ppiindia] Diskusi "Masa Depan Pemikiran Kiri" di Komunitas Salihara

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik MGR
Dengan ini kami mengundang anda untuk hadir dalam acara Diskusi Masa Depan 
Pemikiran Kiri di Indonesia besok Rabu 10 Maret 2010 pukul 19.00 dengan 
pembicara: Franz Magnis-Suseno dan Hilmar Farid. Moderator: Trisno S Sutanto. 
Acara ini akan digelar di Komunitas Salihara Jalan Salihara No 16, Pasar 
Minggu, Jakarta Selatan.

Diskusi ini beranjak dari sejumlah pertanyaan: bagaimanakah gerangan kehidupan 
pemikiran Kiri sekarang dan prospeknya di masa depan? Apakah “menjadi Kiri” di 
zaman ini adalah semacam anakronisme? Memang, Kiri tetap menawarkan kritik 
tajam selaku pemikiran anti-kemapanan. Namun persaingan antar-sistem politik 
dan ekonomi tampak menunjukkan kemenangan kubu lawan mereka. 

Demokrasi telah diterima oleh mayoritas negara di dunia yang sangat tergantung 
pada “selera” pasar. Dan tak sedikit pula para pendaku Kiri yang telah berlaku 
“borjuis” dalam gaya hidup serta harus beradaptasi dengan sistem-dunia 
kapitalis. Kita pun perlu bertanya lagi: benarkah pengaruh pemikiran Kiri kini 
hanya beredar di kalangan terbatas—akademia, gerakan elit, atau mereka yang 
berusaha menawarkan pemikiran alternatif di tengah dominasi kapitalisme? 

Dari bahan yang telah saya terima dari Hilmar Farid saya akan memberikan 
sedikit "bocorannya". Hilmar Farid akan mengulas pemikiran filsafat terkini 
yang bisa ia sebut kiri seperti Zizek dan Badiou. Dan pemikiran ekonomi kiri 
yang mengkritik keras memanisme pasar seperti David McNally dan Karl Polanyi. 
Bagi Hilmar Farid agenda kiri dalam "Manifesto Komunis" sebagian besar sudah 
dipenuhi, dan tidak ada alasan untuk menganggap kiri gagal. Bahkan di hadapan 
krisis sekarang, kiri adalah bagian penting dari masa depan. Tanpa kiri, kita 
patut bertanya: adakah masa depan? 

Diskusi ini akan menarik, Franz Magnis Suseno juga akan memberikan ide dan 
pemikiran terbarunya tentang tema ini.

Silakan anda hadir, diskusi ini terbuka untuk umum dan gratis.

Guntur Romli


  Berselancar lebih cepat. Internet Explorer 8 yang dioptimalkan untuk 
Yahoo! otomatis membuka 2 halaman favorit Anda setiap kali Anda membuka 
browser. Dapatkan IE8 di sini! 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Communist Shootout in the Philippines

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Communist Shootout in the Philippines

  Written by Edwin Espejo 
  Monday, 08 March 2010  
  The NPA looks for a different kind of electoral influence 

  Hundreds of Filipino troops are searching for communist guerrillas who 
killed 11 soldiers Saturday in an ambush of a platoon of soldiers patrolling in 
a remote village in the island of Mindoro 140 km south of Luzon. Seven soldiers 
were wounded. 

  It was the worst government loss this year, coming just three weeks 
before the communist-led rebel forces celebrate their 41st founding 
anniversary, the world's longest such guerilla campaign. But despite the 
spectacular nature of the action, it doesn't indicate that the New People's 
Army have suddenly got any stronger. It is nearing election time, when 
traditionally the NPA uses the period to extort protection fees from candidates 
to allow them to campaign in "rebel-held territories."

  The Communist insurgency is mainly centered in outlying regions including 
Bicol, Caraga and southern Mindanao although there have been sporadic attacks 
in urban areas. Reports said the government troops were responding to the 
presence of armed men in the village of Panaytayan in Oriental Mindoro when 
they were ambushed by an undetermined number of NPA guerillas. Lt. Col. Romeo 
Brawner Jr. of the Armed Forces Philippines' public information office said 
soldiers led by 2nd Lt. Ronnie Sipsip engaged the rebels in a three-hour 
shootout that left the military almost without ammunition. 

  It appears that the Army stumbled onto the guerrilla camp. Normally, say 
observers in the Philippines, the military is reluctant to take on the 
Communists head-on. They were said to be conducting "clearing operations" in 
preparation for the May 10 elections to neutralize the NPA. There were no 
immediate reports of casualties from the rebel side.

  Certainly, with the national elections now close enough to appear on the 
radar, NPA activities have begun to pick up as the electoral targets of 
opportunity for extortion grow. According to the Manila-based Pacific 
Strategies & Assessments, the Communist organization "requires electoral 
candidates to pay so-called 'permit-to-campaign fees' to guarantee safety while 
campaigning." During 2004 elections, PSA said, extortion fees ranged from 
P10,000 (US$217) for local councilors to P1 million for one of the 26 national 
Senate seats. Failure to pay, PSA said, can lead to kidnapping, harassment and 
occasional assassination.

  The NPA, the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines, claims 
it has grown from a ragtag band to a nationwide "people's army" operating in at 
least 120 guerilla fronts all over the Philippines. Government security 
officials, however, say the number of NPA rebels has probably fallen to fewer 
than 5,000 armed regulars from a high of 25,000 during the peak of rebel 
activities in the mid-80s. As many as 40,000 people have lost their lives, 
although relatively few in recent years.

  The NPA's biggest foray in the recent past was in Southern Mindanao in 
November, when 80 to 100 armed rebels raided a government militia base in the 
town of Sudecor in Southern Mindano, disarming the security personnel and 
taking them hostage. Subsequent fighting killed eight government soldiers and 
five other security personnel of various kinds. Ten other soldiers were wounded 
and 11 rebels were reportedly killed.

  "The vast majority of NPA attacks and after-action ambushes of responding 
soldiers occur on tertiary roads where most businessmen never travel," PSA 
said. Major attacks in urban centers are extremely rare and sporadic, and very 
seldom are they targeted against foreign firms.

  The NPA has little to show for its 41 years of armed struggle. Over 
recent years the Communists have wavered between continuing the armed struggle 
and joining the conventional political process, if the process in the 
Philippines could ever be called conventional. The upcoming elections, PSA 
says, may be provoking a split between the Communist Party and the NPA. The 
founding chairman, Jose Maria Sison, who remains in the Netherlands, and Benito 
Tiamzon, the NPA head, reportedly are at odds, with Sison endorsing leftist 
participation in the elections.

  "The widening rift is reportedly extending down to the supporters of 
Sison, who has more followers in Luzon, and the followers of Tiamzon, who 
wields much influence in the Visayas and Mindanao where he supervises ground 

  The Communist Party and the NPA fell on each other with murderous 
violence in purges in the 1980s that resulted in the torture and murder of as 
many as 3,500 NPA members and sympathizers who were accused of being spies of 
the governent. Another split occurred in the early 1990s when the movement 
fractured into eight separate fact

[ppiindia] Sunnis with Shiites with Secularists

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Sunnis with Shiites with Secularists

By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid

Who would have expected to see the head of a Sunni tribe like Ghazi al-Jarba 
become an ally in a political electoral alliance with the Shiite Islamic 
Supreme Council of Iraq? Or at the same time to see al-Jarba's cousin, Nawaf 
al-Jarba, join a different coalition, this one being led by Jawad al-Bolani? Or 
to see a secularist affiliated to Iran such as Ahmed Chalabi with a Sunni from 
the Al-Anbar Awakening movement like Hamid al-Hayess, [together] in Ammar 
al-Hakim's [National Iraqi] Alliance? Or to see a liberal Shiite like Iyad 
Allawi leading a team of Sunnis such as Tariq al-Hashimi and Osama al-Nujaifi? 
Even the current Prime Minister, whose opponents have branded as being 
sectarian, went to the elections today at the head of a heavyweight list of 
Sunnis and secularist Shiites, and his electoral list includes such figures as 
Sunni Islamist Sheikh Ali al-Hatim of the al-Anbar Awakening movement, Shiite 
Kurd Taher al-Feili, and Shiite secularist Mahdi al-Hafez. 

These examples clearly show the nature of the political development that has 
taken place in the political arena in Iraq, and the picture today is very 
different from that prior to the 2005 elections. During that time, sectarian 
and racial extremism were dominating the scene in a way that led to pessimism 
and fears for the future. The Sunnis were enclosed upon themselves in the Sunni 
Iraqi Accordance Front, while the religious Shiite parties were also joined 
together in one alliance; today such fronts and alliances have disintegrated. 
This development is natural, healthy, and necessary, and [will continue] if 
there is no military intervention, [electoral] disruption or large-scale vote 
tampering. The voters have discovered that religious leadership is not 
necessary for successful administration or political integrity, while in turn 
the candidates have discovered that sectarianism is not a permanent game and 
that both the Sunni and Shiite voters want electricity, clean water, and jobs. 

This is how - in the end - everybody has discovered that it is national 
interest that unites the voters. This is how democracy is useful to a 
multi-ethnic and multi-sect nation like Iraq. Interests, not sects, is what 
unites the citizens, and their needs, local services, improving their lives and 
providing them with security, is something that is more important than any 
historical or religious feuding. We do not want to say, even now, that the 
Iraqi citizens have reached political maturity, until after we see evidence of 
this, especially as these are only the second elections. However we can note 
that the Iraqi citizens' second electoral experience is today taking place with 
distinction with regards to the electoral lists and coalitions and the language 
of the political discourse. This is development that the Iraqis deserve to be 
congratulated on. 

There are no reasons for concern today with regards to who wins or loses the 
elections, for all the different coalitions and parties, with their names and 
programs, deserve to take the leadership position that is being [electorally] 
contested today. If there is any reason to fear, it is from the regional 
conflicts that are being played out in Iraq, particularly after the electoral 
results are revealed. Whether al-Maliki remains Prime Minister for another four 
years or whether Allawi or al-Jaafari or another comes to power, the country's 
foreign relations will remain hostage to a variety of circumstances. I hope 
that the countries in the region accept the fact that Iraq is on its way to 
complete independence and that the Iraqis have politically matured, and that it 
is in everyone's interests to deal with Iraq accordingly, rather than treating 
the country as a banana republic that can be threatened by terrorism or 
blackmailed by religious incitement or financial rewards. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Sunnis with Shiites with Secularists

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Sunnis with Shiites with Secularists

By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid


Who would have expected to see the head of a Sunni tribe like Ghazi al-Jarba 
become an ally in a political electoral alliance with the Shiite Islamic 
Supreme Council of Iraq? Or at the same time to see al-Jarba's cousin, Nawaf 
al-Jarba, join a different coalition, this one being led by Jawad al-Bolani? Or 
to see a secularist affiliated to Iran such as Ahmed Chalabi with a Sunni from 
the Al-Anbar Awakening movement like Hamid al-Hayess, [together] in Ammar 
al-Hakim's [National Iraqi] Alliance? Or to see a liberal Shiite like Iyad 
Allawi leading a team of Sunnis such as Tariq al-Hashimi and Osama al-Nujaifi? 
Even the current Prime Minister, whose opponents have branded as being 
sectarian, went to the elections today at the head of a heavyweight list of 
Sunnis and secularist Shiites, and his electoral list includes such figures as 
Sunni Islamist Sheikh Ali al-Hatim of the al-Anbar Awakening movement, Shiite 
Kurd Taher al-Feili, and Shiite secularist Mahdi al-Hafez. 

These examples clearly show the nature of the political development that has 
taken place in the political arena in Iraq, and the picture today is very 
different from that prior to the 2005 elections. During that time, sectarian 
and racial extremism were dominating the scene in a way that led to pessimism 
and fears for the future. The Sunnis were enclosed upon themselves in the Sunni 
Iraqi Accordance Front, while the religious Shiite parties were also joined 
together in one alliance; today such fronts and alliances have disintegrated. 
This development is natural, healthy, and necessary, and [will continue] if 
there is no military intervention, [electoral] disruption or large-scale vote 
tampering. The voters have discovered that religious leadership is not 
necessary for successful administration or political integrity, while in turn 
the candidates have discovered that sectarianism is not a permanent game and 
that both the Sunni and Shiite voters want electricity, clean water, and jobs. 

This is how - in the end - everybody has discovered that it is national 
interest that unites the voters. This is how democracy is useful to a 
multi-ethnic and multi-sect nation like Iraq. Interests, not sects, is what 
unites the citizens, and their needs, local services, improving their lives and 
providing them with security, is something that is more important than any 
historical or religious feuding. We do not want to say, even now, that the 
Iraqi citizens have reached political maturity, until after we see evidence of 
this, especially as these are only the second elections. However we can note 
that the Iraqi citizens' second electoral experience is today taking place with 
distinction with regards to the electoral lists and coalitions and the language 
of the political discourse. This is development that the Iraqis deserve to be 
congratulated on. 

There are no reasons for concern today with regards to who wins or loses the 
elections, for all the different coalitions and parties, with their names and 
programs, deserve to take the leadership position that is being [electorally] 
contested today. If there is any reason to fear, it is from the regional 
conflicts that are being played out in Iraq, particularly after the electoral 
results are revealed. Whether al-Maliki remains Prime Minister for another four 
years or whether Allawi or al-Jaafari or another comes to power, the country's 
foreign relations will remain hostage to a variety of circumstances. I hope 
that the countries in the region accept the fact that Iraq is on its way to 
complete independence and that the Iraqis have politically matured, and that it 
is in everyone's interests to deal with Iraq accordingly, rather than treating 
the country as a banana republic that can be threatened by terrorism or 
blackmailed by religious incitement or financial rewards. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Weapons for Aceh Militants Allegedly From Source on Java

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

March 08, 2010 
Farouk Arnaz & Nurfika Osman

Weapons for Aceh Militants Allegedly From Source on Java

The new terrorist threat police are dealing with is apparently not limited to 
Aceh, as officers apprehended two suspects in Java over the weekend for 
allegedly supplying weapons to members of the armed militant group being hunted 
down in Aceh Besar, the National Police chief said on Monday. 

"We have detained two men in West Java and Jakarta," Gen. Bambang Hendarso 
Danuri told reporters. 

He said officers, including members of the National Police's Mobile Brigade 
(Brimob), were continuing to track down the group's networks outside Aceh, even 
as the manhunt inside the resource-rich province continued for dozens of 
members of the group in the heavily forested district of Aceh Besar. 

The manhunt at the end of February when police raided a suspected paramilitary 
training camp and found ammunition, rifles, books and jihad paraphernalia, and 
military uniforms. 

Bambang said police had yet to find evidence linking the armed group to the 
former separatist Free Aceh Movement (GAM). The staunchly Muslim province 
suffered nearly three decades of separatist conflict before a peace deal was 
struck in 2005. 

"We have already lost three of our best officers in a gun battle with the group 
[on Thursday]. We deployed 100 officers from Brimob following the exchange of 
gunfire," Bambang said, referring to last week's incident in Aceh Besar when 
officers searching for militants found five bodies, three of them police 

Al Chaidar, a terrorism analyst in North Aceh, reiterated on Monday that he 
believed the armed group was linked to terrorist organization Jemaah Islamiyah, 
most likely from the "Banten faction." Al Chaidar added that members of the 
group were linked to the Darul Islam hard-line movement that sought to turn 
Indonesia into an Islamic state between 1942 and 1962. 

"This group most likely contains a mixture of DI followers and those who remain 
true to the ideology of Jemaah Islamiyah. Their purpose is to establish a 
pan-Islamic state," Al Chaidar told the Jakarta Globe on Monday. 

Established in 1949 by Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo in West Java, Darul 
Islam is a hard-line political movement. 

Sekarmadji's execution by the military in the 1960s officially ended the 
movement, but splinters of Darul Islam continue to exist. The ideology of the 
group is found within the teachings of JI. 

JI, however, wants to establish a pan-Islamic state in the Asean region, 
whereas DI wants to establish Negara Islam Indonesia, or an Indonesian Islamic 

Ansyaad Mbai, head of anti-terror efforts at the Coordinating Ministry for 
Political, Legal and Security Affairs, reiterated on Monday that the militants 
found in Aceh were terrorists. 

"They are terrorist [suspects]. They have the same agenda as other terrorist 
groups, which is to create an Islamic state based on their beliefs. I believe 
they are connected with international terrorist networks," Ansyaad told Metro 
TV in a live interview. 

"Areas that were once conflict-ridden like Aceh are considered areas that would 
give such [militants] the most advantage in terms of paramilitary training. 
They [terrorists] find it easy to recruit new members and indoctrinate local 
citizens with their ideologies," Ansyaad said. 

"These [terrorists] are spreading terrorism via paramilitary training 
activities in Aceh in order to provoke the people in the country," he said. 

"Everyone knows that GAM was a separatist group and now they [terrorists] are 
using Aceh as their base camp so that people will think the terrorists are GAM. 
They [terrorists] want to trigger internal conflict and mislead us, trap us 
into leading people in the country to hate each other. Even though leaders of 
terrorist groups have been eliminated, the ideology remains alive. New leaders 
will be born."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] American Al-Qaeda spokesman arrested

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Headline News
American Al-Qaeda spokesman arrested

Published Date: March 08, 2010 

KARACHI: The American-born spokesman for Al-Qaeda has been arrested by 
Pakistani intelligence officers in the southern city of Karachi, two officers 
and a government official said yesterday, the same day Adam Gadahn appeared in 
a video calling for violence. The arrest of Gadahn is a major victory in the 
US-led battle against Al-Qaeda and will be taken as a sign that Pakistan is 
cooperating more fully with Washington. It follows the recent detentions of 
several Afghan Taleban commanders in Karachi.

Gadahn - who has often appeared in Al-Qaeda videos - was arrested in the 
sprawling southern metropolis in recent days, two officers who took part in the 
operation said. A senior government official also confirmed the arrest. They 
spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the 
information. Gadahn grew up on a goat farm in Riverside County, California, and 
converted to Islam at a mosque in nearby Orange County.

He moved to Pakistan in 1998, according to the FBI, and is said to have 
attended an Al-Qaeda training camp six years later, serving as a translator and 
consultant for the group. He has been wanted by the FBI since 2004, and there 
is a $1 million reward for information leading to his arrest or conviction. The 
31-year-old is known by various aliases including Yahya Majadin Adams and Azzam 
Al-Amriki. He has posted videos and messages calling for the destruction of the 
West and for strikes against targets in the United States.

The most recent was posted yesterday, praising the US Army major charged with 
killing 13 people in Fort Hood, Texas, as a role model for other Muslims. A US 
court charged Gadahn with treason in 2006, making him the first American to 
face such a charge in more than 50 years. He could face the death penalty if 
convicted. He was also charged with two counts of providing material support to 
a designated foreign terrorist organization. Gadahn has appeared in more than 
half a dozen Al-Qaeda videos. The video released yesterday appeared to have 
been made after the end of the year, but it was unclear exactly when.

In the 25-minute video posted on militant websites, Adam Gadahn described Maj 
Nidal Hasan as a pioneer who should serve as a role model for other Muslims, 
especially those serving Western militaries. "Brother Nidal is the ideal 
role-model for every repentant Muslim in the armies of the unbelievers and 
apostate regimes," he said.

Gadahn was dressed in white robes and wearing a white turban as he called for 
attacks on what he described as "high-value targets". "You shouldn't make the 
mistake of thinking that military bases are the only high-value targets in 
America and the West. On the contrary, there are countless other strategic 
places, institutions and installations which, by striking, the Muslim can do 
major damage," he said, an assault rifle leaning up against a wall next to him.

Hasan has been charged in the Nov 5 shooting that killed 13 people at Fort 
Hood. The 39-year-old Army psychiatrist remains paralyzed from the chest down 
after being shot by two civilian members of Fort Hood's police force. "Nidal 
Hasan is a pioneer, a trailblazer and a role-model who has opened a door, lit a 
path and shown the way forward for every Muslim who finds himself among the 
unbelievers," Gadahn said.

In the latest video, Gadahn said those planning attacks did not need to use 
only firearms like Hasan, but could use other weapons. "As the blessed 
operations of September 11th showed, a little imagination and planning and a 
limited budget can turn almost anything into a deadly, effective and convenient 
weapon." Gadahn said fighters should target mass transportation systems in the 
West and also wreak havoc "by killing or capturing people in government, 
industry and the media.

He recommended finding ways to shake "consumer confidence and stifle spending" 
and noted that even unsuccessful attacks, such as the failed attempt to bomb a 
US airliner on Christmas Day, can bring major cities to a halt. "I am calling 
on every honest and vigilant Muslim in the countries of the Zionist-Crusader 
alliance in general and America, Britain and Israel in particular to prepare to 
play his due role in responding to and repelling the aggression of the enemies 
of Islam," Gadahn said.

Dawud Walid, the executive director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on 
American-Islamic Relations in Southfield, Michigan, condemned Gadahn's call for 
violence, calling it a "desperate" attempt by Al-Qaeda's spokesman to provoke 
bloodshed within the US. Walid, a Navy veteran, said Muslims have honorably 
served in the American military will be unimpressed by Al-Qaeda's message aimed 
at their ranks. "We thoroughly repudiate and condemn his statement and what we 
believe are his failed attempts to inc

[ppiindia] Jurucakap al-Qaeda ditangkap

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Jurucakap al-Qaeda ditangkap

KARACHI 8 Mac - Ejen keselamatan Pakistan menangkap seorang jurucakap al-Qaeda 
warga Amerika Syarikat (AS) yang dikehendaki atas tuduhan mengkhianat di AS 
kerana mengancam untuk melancarkan serangan jika tuntutan rangkaian militan 
tersebut tidak dipenuhi.

Penangkapan Adam Gadahn, lelaki kelahiran California yang memeluk Islam, 
diumumkan oleh pegawai keselamatan Pakistan semalam, sehari selepas dia 
menyiarkan rakaman video menyeru umat Islam di AS supaya melancarkan serangan 
bagi merosakkan ekonomi kuasa besar itu.

Gadahn, awal 30-an, adalah anggota terbaru di kalangan beberapa militan yang 
ditangkap di Pakistan, sekutu penting AS dalam kempen memerangi keganasan.

Penangkapannya meningkatkan harapan agar tindakan lebih bersepadu dapat diambil 
terhadap pejuang Taliban dan al-Qaeda di Afghanistan ketika tentera AS dan 
sekutunya memerangi militan di kawasan sempadan negara itu.

Gadahn ditangkap di pinggir selatan Karachi bersama dua rakannya baru-baru ini, 
kata dua ejen keselamatan Pakistan.

Dia terlibat dengan sayap media al-Qaeda yang dikenali sebagai as-Sahab dan 
muncul dalam siaran videonya dengan memakai jubah dan serban untuk memberi 
amaran kepada AS mengenai serangan yang bakal dihadapinya jika tuntutan 
al-Qaeda tidak ditunaikan.

Dalam rakaman video yang disiarkan di laman web militan semalam, Gadahn memuji 
Nidal Hassan iaitu doktor tentera AS yang membunuh 13 orang di pangkalan 
tentera Fort Hood di Texas pada November lalu.

Biro Siasatan Persekutuan (FBI) mahu menyoal siasat Gadahn sejak Mei 2004 dan 
kerajaan AS menawarkan hadiah wang tunai sebanyak AS$1 juta (RM3.4 juta) bagi 
maklumat yang boleh membawa kepada penangkapannya. 

Gadahn yang berasal daripada sebuah keluarga Yahudi-Kristian memeluk Islam 
sewaktu berusia 17 tahun dan berpindah ke Pakistan beberapa tahun kemudian. Dia 
sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Adam Pearlman dan membesar di sebuah ladang 
kambing di luar Los Angeles. - Reuters

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Papua Tribe Files $32b Lawsuit Against Freeport

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

March 08, 2010 
Heru Andriyanto

Freeport McMoRan operates this mine in Papua. (AFP Photo)

Papua Tribe Files $32b Lawsuit Against Freeport

Papua's Amungme tribe on Monday lodged a new class-action lawsuit against US 
mining giant Freeport-McMoRan seeking $32.5 billion in material and 
non-material damages for the alleged illegal acquisition of its ancestral land. 

The action, filed at the South Jakarta District Court, came after an initial 
lawsuit filed last August collapsed and a second attempt to sue the company 
received no response in October. 

"Previously, our lawsuit covered illegal land acquisition, environmental damage 
and human rights violations. This time, we have broken down our lawsuit and 
will first focus on land acquisition," Titus Natkime, a lawyer for the tribe, 
told the Jakarta Globe. "Next month, we may file new cases of environmental 
damage and rights violations." 

Monday's lawsuit was directed at the company's local unit, PT Freeport 
Indonesia, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Papua governor. 

The tribe is demanding Freeport pay $2.5 billion in material damages and $30 
billion in non-material damages for the 2.6 million hectares of land on which 
the mine is located in Timika, Mimika district, said another lawyer, Jhonson 
Panjaitan. The tribe claims the land was illegally acquired. 

"The forcible acquisition [of land] beginning in 1969 was made without the 
approval of the Amungme tribe, which is the traditional owner of the land, and 
the government never asked for the tribe's permission in allowing the 
acquisition," Jhonson said at the court. 

The lawsuit was lodged at the South Jakarta District Court because Freeport's 
representative office is located in the court's jurisdiction. 

"We also reported this case to the National Human Rights Commission," Jhonson 

The lawyers represent about 90 Amungme tribe members who live in the lowlands 
of a mountainous area in Mimika district, where Freeport operates its massive 
copper and gold mine. 

Unlike last year's lawsuit, the latest suit does not name PT Indocopper 
Investama, previously a Bakrie group company that reportedly owns a 9.36 
percent stake in Freeport Indonesia. 

Freeport responded to Monday's court filing the same way it has to earlier 
legal actions against the company. 

"Previous lawsuits against Freeport making similar baseless environmental and 
human rights claims have been dismissed in both Indonesian and United States 
courts due to the inability of the plaintiffs to present facts to support their 
allegations," Budiman Moerdijat, Freeport Indonesia's manager of corporate 
communications, told the Globe in an e-mail. 

Budiman said that Freeport had abided by all the existing laws and government 
regulations on land ownership and had become a pioneer among multinational 
companies related to the issue. 

He added that the company and the Amungme and Kamoro tribes had reached several 
agreements on land issues and that the company had sponsored various 
development programs to improve the prosperity of residents living near its 

The company has said that it established a land rights trust fund in 2001 for 
the Amungme and Kamoro tribes, to which it had contributed $27 million through 
2008, with a plan to make contributions of $1 million annually.

Related articles
Papua, Indonesia Eye Stakes in Freeport
8:54 PM 04/03/2010

Ambush In Papua Sparks Manhunt
12:04 AM 25/01/2010

Soldier Wounded in Attack Near Freeport Mine
10:20 PM 22/10/2009

Papua Attacks Aim to Provoke Rights Abuses, Military Says
11:07 PM 20/08/2009

Freeport Dismisses Papua Tribe Lawsuit as 'Baseless'
9:01 PM 09/08/2009

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Muslim Women in US Protest Segregation in Mosque

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

March 08, 2010 

Muslim Women in US Protest Segregation in Mosque

Washington. A group of Muslim women risked arrest on Sunday as they sought to 
pray in the main area of the Islamic Center of Washington - an area ordinarily 
reserved exclusively for men. 

"Wooden barriers have to be taken down and women have to be allowed to join, to 
pray behind the men in the main praying area. That's our request," said Fatima 
Thompson, an American Muslim who converted to the faith 18 years ago. 

"We are against gender segregation, against the fact that women are put aside 
or in a totally different room at the mosque," added Thompson, who led the 
group of female protestors, all self-identified progressive Muslims. 

The Sunday protest was the second time women have sought to share the main 
prayer area at the mosque in Washington DC, after a group of 20 women first 
tried in February. 

"The general issue we are pushing is gender segregation and the ramifications 
it fosters. It's not healthy, and not reflective of our society here. It's very 
reflective of very restrictive, ultra orthodox societies," Thompson added. 

Their hair covered with head scarves, the group of six women entered the 
mosque's prayer area via the main door usually reserved for men and walked 
through to the room where around 20 men had already arrived. 

Women and children ordinarily enter the Washington mosque, located in the 
city's embassy district, through a small door hidden behind a screen. 

"If you are black in this country they can't tell you to sit in a corner but if 
you are a woman they can," said Asra Nomani, a Muslim feminist who has 
participated in similar protests elsewhere in the United States. 

The imam presiding over the prayer interrupted proceedings to announce by 
microphone: "We are going to wait, because some people came to disturb the 
prayer, until the police come and take care of this issue." 

Within minutes, three police officers arrived and told the women to leave or 
face arrest. 

"In Indonesia where I'm from, it's not the way we pray," said one woman, who 
declined to give her name, of the segregated prayer setup. 

"I want to make them think about it and make some change," she added. 

"We may not get to see that in our lifetime but we do that for our daughters," 
said Jannah Hannah, who converted to Islam 25 years ago and said she would 
continue to fight for shared prayer space. 

The group of women agreed to leave the mosque, but performed their prayers on 
the street outside, facing the metal gates of the building as police looked on. 


Agence France-Presse

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] PDI-P Lawmaker Goes on Trial in Bank Indonesia Vote-Buying Case

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau ahli bin penasehat hukum terima sogokan, apalagi yang bisa 


March 09, 2010 
Nivell Rayda

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) lawmaker Dudhie Makmum Murod at 
the Anti-Corruption Court in Jakarta. Dudhie is being tried for allegedly 
accepting bribes in connection with the election of a Bank Indonesia deputy 
governor. (JG Photo/Afriadi Hikmal)

PDI-P Lawmaker Goes on Trial in Bank Indonesia Vote-Buying Case
Sitting lawmaker Dudhie Makmun Murod went on trial at the Anti-Corruption Court 
in Jakarta on Monday for his alleged role in a Rp 24 billion ($2.6 million) 
bribery case linked to the appointment of a central bank senior deputy governor 
in 2004.

The House of Representatives member from the opposition Indonesian Democratic 
Party of Struggle (PDI-P) is accused of distributing Rp 9.8 billion to 18 
fellow party members serving on House Commission IX, which at that time oversaw 
financial and banking affairs, in return for voting economist Miranda Goeltom 
into the Bank Indonesia post. 

Miranda was also backed by dozens of lawmakers from three other party factions 
- who were also alleged to have taken bribes - and enjoyed a landslide victory 
with 41 votes from the 51-member House commission.

Former lawmakers Hamka Yandhu of the Golkar Party and Udju Djuhaeri from the 
Police and Military faction, as well as sitting United Development Party (PPP) 
lawmaker Endin Soefihara, are now awaiting trial for allegedly distributing the 
bribe money to their respective faction members.

Dudhie, who claims he's a scapegoat and last month vowed to drag down fellow 
PDI-P lawmakers with him, could face up to five years in prison if convicted.

"Shortly after voting for Miranda on June 8, 2004, the defendant was asked by 
fellow party member Panda Nababan to meet a man identified as Ahmad Hakim 
Safari, also known as Arie Malangjudo, at Bebek Bali restaurant in the Senayan 
area of South Jakarta," lead prosecutor Muhammad Rum told the court. 

The prosecution, from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), alleged that 
Dudhie went to the restaurant to receive the bribe in the form of traveler's 
checks issued by Bank International Indonesia that originated from 
businesswoman Nunun Nurbaeti Daradjatun, wife of former National Police deputy 
chief Adang Daradjatun.

Nunun's lawyer, Partahi Sihombing, acknowledged on Monday that Ahmad was an 
aide to the businesswoman, but said he had not acted on his client's behalf. 

Ahmad "is not just any man, he knows many politicians and lawmakers," Sihombing 

"Nunun has pointedly denied that she distributed bribe money," he said. 

The prosecution alleged that Ahmad gave Dudhie a red envelope containing 
traveler's checks meant for PDI-P lawmakers, each of whom allegedly received 
between Rp 350 million and Rp 1.45 billion. The prosecution also said Ahmad had 
yellow, green and white envelopes - PDI-P, Golkar and PPP's party colors are 
red, yellow and green, respectively. 

"The defendant kept Rp 500 million for himself," Rum said.

Among the PDI-P lawmakers said to have accepted bribes were senior party 
members Panda Nababan and Agus Condro Prayitno, who were the first to admit 
involvement to KPK investigators. 

Agus, who was immediately thrown out of the PDI-P after blowing the whistle on 
his fellow party members, welcomed the start of Dudhie's trial. 

"The KPK must resolve the case and bring Panda and Tjahjo to justice," he said, 
referring to PDI-P secretary general Tjahjo Kumolo. 

The prosecution said that Tjahjo played a central role in the bribery by 
instructing every PDI-P lawmaker to vote for Goeltom during a meeting at the 
Dharmawangsa Hotel in South Jakarta on May 29.

Dudhie's lawyer, Amir Karyatin, said the defense would not challenge the 

"We want the case to be over quickly. My client is willing to cooperate," Amir 
said. "Dudhie is just a victim. The trial will reveal who the real mastermind 

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[ppiindia] Indonesia's Image as Corrupt Worsens

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny
  Hidup koruptor NKRI


March 08, 2010 
Bloomberg, JG

Indonesia's Image as Corrupt Worsens

Indonesia has overtaken Cambodia as the most corrupt country in the 
Asia-Pacific region in the eyes of business executives, according to an annual 
survey by Political & Economic Risk Consultancy, a Hong Kong-based risk 
analysis firm. 

"The perception that corruption is especially bad in Indonesia will make it 
more difficult for the country to attract foreign direct investment," the PERC 
report said. 

"The absolute level of corruption in Indonesia might not be any worse than in 
any other Asian country," it said. 

Indonesia was seen as the second-most corrupt country in the survey last year. 

Executives saw Singapore as the least corrupt country this year, according to 
the poll that covered 14 countries as well as Hong Kong and Macau. 

Indonesia's ranking may have fallen because "corruption has been more 
politicized than perhaps in any other country in the region," PERC's report 
said. "Corruption has become a charge being used by corrupt people to protect 
themselves and to stifle reform." 

The House of Representatives vo ted last week for a criminal probe of Vice 
President Boediono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati for their roles 
in the bailout of PT Bank Century. The move may set back the agenda of 
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who won a second five-year term last year 
partly on the strength of his drive to eliminate graft. 

The report surveyed 2,174 "middle and senior business executives" in Asia, the 
United States and Australia. 

Responding to the survey, Sri Mulyani vowed the government would continue to 
push its ongoing reforms. 

"To improve our reputation and the performance of public institutions is not an 
easy job," she said. "But we remain committed to bureaucratic reform and will 
try to fill the news with positive news about Indonesia, about reform, about 
the improvement of public services and about our commitment to integrity in 
carrying out reform." 

However, Djimanto, the secretary general of the Indonesian Employers 
Association (Apindo), claimed the PERC survey was too "subjective" because it 
only surveyed business executives. "Therefore the survey is only a perception 
of certain people," he said. 

After Indonesia and Cambodia, the Philippines, India, Thailand and Vietnam were 
seen as the most corrupt by PERC, and Australia, Hong Kong, the United States 
and Japan were seen as the least corrupt countries following Singapore. 

Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) is targeting an increase in 
foreign direct investment of up to 15 percent this year from about $10.7 
billion last year.

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[ppiindia] Women's reservation bill stumbles on Women's Day

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Women's reservation bill stumbles on Women's Day

Indo-Asian News Service
New Delhi, March 08, 2010

The 13-year rocky passage of a bill to politically empower Indian women got 
blocked yet again when a "handful" of stubborn MPs, terming the legislation 
elitist, exercised both muscle and vocal chords to ensure that it did not get 
passed on International Women's Day. 

The deadlock put the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the 
defensive as the two regional parties - the Samajwadi Party and the Rashtriya 
Janata Dal with their support base in the Hindi heartland - threatened to 
withdraw support from the government accusing it of trampling on the interests 
of "women belonging to minorities, Dalits and backward class". 

The support withdrawal will not result in the fall of the government but will 
make its majority slim in the 543-member Lok Sabha, the house of the people. 

The historic bill, first introduced in 1996 that promises to reserve 33 per 
cent of legislative seats for women in the country was moved in the Rajya 
Sabha, the upper house, amid unruly scenes as a dozen members opposing it tore 
up the document and hurled the pieces at chairman Hamid Ansari before forcing a 
fifth adjournment of the day. 

This happened on a day when both houses assembled to the call to "celebrate and 
honour women" and include them in the decision making process to mark Women's 
Day being observed worldwide. 

The controversial bill - for which the ruling United Progress Alliance (UPA) 
has support of numbers from the opposition Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) and the 
Communists but opposition from the northern regional parties - faced repeated 
opposition in the two houses, though it was taken up for consideration only in 
the Rajya Sabha on Monday. 

The bill is now expected to be taken up for voting on Tuesday amid reports that 
Manmohan Singh has called an all-party meeting to arrive at a possible 

The government seems to have been caught completely unprepared by Monday's turn 
of events as a huge buzz had been created in the media and outside over the 
imminent passage of the bill that was trumpeted as one of the signal acts of 
the government. The bill, if it became a law, promised to politically empower 
women in a way that few countries could boast of and one that would have 
radically transformed the way politics was practised. 

But the anti-bill lobby, headed by the Yadav chieftains, Mulayam Singh Yadav of 
the SP and Lalu Prasad (Yadav) of the RJD, both former chief ministers, had 
come well prepared as they mounted not just vocal but physical opposition to 
the bill while threatening not just withdrawal of support to the government but 
"political war" if the government went ahead with it. 

"We will use our democratic rights fully whatever the consequences. This is a 
political dacoity. It won't be tolerated," Lalu Prasad thundered to reporters. 

The Janata Dal-United (JD-U) is split over the support to the bill with a 
section loyal to Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar signalling its intention to 
back the legislation. 

With the fate of the bill appearing to hang in the balance and questions being 
asked if the government had got cold feet over it, Law Minister M. Veerappa 
Moily assured in the evening: "We have a majority of 200 and we could have 
passed the bill. But a bill of this nature, which will have a historical 
importance and have important implications and seeks constitution ammendment 
cannot be bulldozed. 

"We need a healthy debate. It is listed for consideration tomorrow (Tuesday). 
There was a lot of 'hungama' (ruckus) today which was totally uncalled for," he 
told reporters after the Rajya Sabha was adjourned. 

The Congress slammed a "handful" of opposition members for their "churlish" 
attempts to derail the bill but said the government was determined to pass it. 

"The present reservation bill is a subject where the only question is when and 
not if. It's an idea whose time has come and the inevitable cannot be 
postponed," he added. 

"Despite all the churlish attempts to the contrary, something which would and 
will make India, the Indian womanhood and Indian democracy proud, is being 
turned by a bare handful of persons into the shame of democracy," spokesman 
Abhishek Singhvi said. 

Both the BJP and Communists have promised support but criticised the government 
on floor management and for not anticipating the nature of the opposition. 
Brinda Karat, leader of the Communist Party of India-Marxist, said the 
government should have ensured the house chairman's dignity and said "there 
were enough women MPs who could have circled and protected the chairman if the 
government had only planned in time." 

The bill has otherwise found wide support from India's diverse social and 
intellectual spectrum. The Centre for Social Research (CS

[ppiindia] Women, their rights, and nothing less

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Monday, March 08, 2010

Editorial: Women, their rights, and nothing less

March 8 is celebrated as the International Women's Day worldwide. This day 
holds special significance as it highlights the plight of women all over the 
world. Women may have come a long way from when they initially started the 
women's movement in the early 1900s but even today their plight is far from 
over. Though many developed nations have accorded equal status to women as that 
of men, most of the developing countries lag far behind in this arena. Pakistan 
is a glaring example of how women are still struggling to get accepted as human 
beings and not just mere chattel. "The true republic - men, their rights and 
nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less," was the motto of renowned 
women's rights activist Susan B Anthony's weekly journal, The Revolution, in 
the 19th century. These words still hold true for many societies in the 21st 
century, particularly Pakistani society.

Pakistan got its independence in 1947. Sixty-three years down the line and our 
women are still not free from misogynist chains. It is no secret that ours is a 
patriarchal society. Customs worse than those practiced in the Stone Age are 
still a norm in Pakistan. Karo kari (honour killings), vinni and swara 
(exchange of women, especially young girls, to settle feuds), Quran marriages, 
female foeticide, gang rapes, child marriage, female slavery are but the tip of 
an iceberg of the barbaric traditions prevalent in our country. The laws in 
this 'land of the pure' do not give sufficient protection to women. Such is the 
sorry state of affairs that the police refuse to lodge FIRs in cases of 
domestic violence; a rape victim suffers silently just so that she is not 
outlawed by society; a divorcee is looked down upon and treated as 'fair game' 
by all and sundry of the male species; a widow's remarriage is a taboo subject, 
among other things. Women's rights activists have been advocating and lobbying 
to eliminate social practices that perpetuate violence against women and have 
brought them up as issues of national debate. They have succeeded in getting 
some sections of Ziaul Haq's anti-women laws in the Hudood Ordinances repealed 
but there is a long way to go before Zia's legacy can be reversed. The 
so-called guardians of Islam have been at the forefront of subjugating women's 
rights. They refuse to allow girls to study or work. These mullahs have 
themselves forgotten the true message of Islam, which was to liberate women and 
give them inheritance rights and equality.

Women in Pakistan have long fought for the inclusion of their rights in all 
facets of society. Years of struggle by the Pakistani women have borne some 
fruit in the shape of high representation of women in parliament, Women's 
Protection Act, Protection Against Harassment at Workplace Act and other laws 
protecting the rights of women. But these are just preliminary measures. We 
need to hit at the root of the problem and demolish the structures that give 
rise to gender discrimination. In addition to spreading education and creating 
awareness, the government should introduce practical and effective laws to 
abolish the base on which discrimination thrives. It is heartening to see more 
and more Pakistani women getting education and working. This will go a long way 
in changing the patriarchal mindset. On this day, the appropriate would be: 
"Women of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains!" *

Second Editorial: Balochistan's forgotten children

The images projected on television screens nationwide, communicating the agony 
of diseased children from the Dhadar area of Balochistan, have touched a nerve 
with just about everyone. Disfigured beyond belief, many questions have risen 
as to how this horrifying illness has taken root in the first place and how, 
only now, we have taken notice. Picking up on this story sometime back, the 
media has once again proved to be the only mechanism that makes concerned 
authorities get up and actually do their job. Now that broadcasting networks 
are replaying the story, specific measures have been taken to chalk out a 
contingency plan. Only when the media steps in and the whole country becomes 
aware and, consequently, questions the government's responsibility; is it only 
then that steps will be taken? 

Two teams of doctors have been sent to the district to assess the nature of the 
disease, and they have been - more or less - struck dumbfounded. Considering 
the limited research involved in diagnostic medicine in the country, it is not 
surprising that the doctors have announced a broadly sweeping interpretation. 
Alleged to be a rare type of photosensitivity disorder, initial blood samples 
have been sent to a UK laboratory for further analysis. Our local doctors have 
also speculated that the ailment is spread indiscriminately 

[ppiindia] The struggle of being a woman journalist in Saudi Arabia

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

The struggle of being a woman journalist in Saudi Arabia
UPHILL BATTLE: A Saudi journalist observes a drill at a military base in Riyadh 
in this file photo. (AFP)


Published: Mar 8, 2010 00:36 Updated: Mar 8, 2010 00:54 

JEDDAH: The difficulties women journalists face in reporting an event in Saudi 
Arabia illustrates the wider difficulties experienced by women in the Kingdom. 
It starts with the press release. They arrive in abundance announcing outside 
events, seminars or conferences. 

But the press release does not mention that women should not attend them. Many 
women journalists have been stopped at the entrance or told to leave and get 
what they need by phone or email.

Manal Humaidan, a reporter at Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, said she was once 
assigned to an education event before the organizer told her only men were 

Humaidan said she tried to explain that her newspaper had sent a reporter 
without taking gender into account.

"He was not cooperative so I spoke to my boss who called him and criticized his 
attitude. The organizer called me back apologizing and was willing to 
cooperate. He had to hear a voice of a man to know I was serious and there to 

Humaidan who has experienced similar incidents before, said that the support 
that women reporters receive from their employers is essential in terms of 
their productivity.

Humaidan said these incidents happen because of a general stereotype that women 
journalists do not cover events that are not clearly attached to female 

"We face other problems that are common between reporters of both genders, 
which is a lack of cooperation and transparency. There is still that fear of 
the media."

Humaidan said another potential problem is transport.

"I call up a driver to drop me at events that are prescheduled. But for events 
that pop up at the last minute, I am often too late for them because I am still 
waiting for a driver."

It is not only fieldwork that presents challenges, says fellow journalist 
Omaima Sanad. Sanad could not get a comment from a sheikh for a story she was 
working on.

"When he heard my voice he was not willing to speak. Plus he started preaching 
because I am working as a journalist."

She said a lack of cooperation from women was among the problems she faced.

"Female officials give us a hard time. They are not always available, and if 
they speak they will not tell you anything that is meaningful or useful for the 

Sanad believes that it is actually not women who are restricted if they are 
segregated from men at events. "Men are the ones who are restricted in one 
section. We always insist to go and meet contacts and exchange business cards 
in the men's section. So basically it is men who are prevented from going to 
the women's section," she said.

Women reporters from Arab News experienced considerable difficulties at two 
recent events. One reporter arrived at a press event only to be told by 
security guards that the women's event had moved to another location, which 
required a 45-minute trip across town.

However, on arrival the guards told Arab News that women were not allowed in. 
After an exhausting but frank discussion, the guards finally accepted that the 
reporter was there legitimately and was let in. So far so good. However, 
another security guard refused to let her into the main hall where the event 
was taking place. She was asked to go to the women's entrance where another 
guard refused to let her in.

The reporter pointed out that there were already women participating in the 
event before the guards finally relented.

A couple of days later at another event, two Arab News reporters were allowed 
into the women's section but were not allowed to meet officials or interview 
them on site.

No provision had been made for women, only for men, they were told.  So the 
reporters had to go outside onto the street to facilitate interviews with 

There is of course an easy way out. Women journalists could just stay in the 
office and rewrite press releases.  Perhaps that is what the public relations 
people want.

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[ppiindia] Cash-strapped al-Qaeda bends Koran to find funds

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny

Cash-strapped al-Qaeda bends Koran to find funds 
March 8, 2010 
THE three al-Qaeda agents assured the Colombians that they would have no 
problem moving their shipment of European-bound cocaine through the Islamist 
badlands of the Sahara.

As supporters of the terrorist organisation's North African branch, they would 
guarantee shipment of the drugs through territory they controlled - so long as 
they were paid a fee of $2000 ($2200) per kilo.

The trio, all from the impoverished desert nation of Mali, thought they were 
setting up a deal with representatives of Colombia's Marxist FARC guerrillas to 
smuggle up to a tonne of cocaine.

In fact they were speaking to informants for the US Drug Enforcement 
Administration who secretly taped the meeting in Ghana in a sting operation in 
December. The three men, who were recorded on tape saying that they were 
levying ''taxes'' on the terrorist group's behalf, were arrested and extradited 
to New York, where they are now fighting drug and terrorism charges.

Anti-terrorism officials believe the case may be a landmark in the battle 
against al-Qaeda: it is the first time that anyone linked to the group has 
faced prosecution for its newest moneyspinning activity, narco-terrorism.

The $A2.2 million proceeds would have been a significant cash injection at a 
time when al-Qaeda is trying to develop new methods of raising money.

Across the world, al-Qaeda is turning to drug smuggling and stepping up 
kidnapping and extortion to plug the gap in its finances caused by a crackdown 
on its original sources of cash. The trend raises the prospect of a surge in 
illegal drugs entering the West.

When the terrorist group began its activities more than a decade ago, it did 
not need to resort to criminal activities of a kind which might offend the 
strict Koranic principles proclaimed by its founder, Osama bin Laden. 
Deep-pocketed donors, in countries such as Saudi Arabia, and Islamic charities 
throughout the Middle East, channelled the cash needed to bankroll bin Laden's 
drive to create a caliphate across the region.

Bin Laden's group had previously been able to rely on wheeler-dealers, such as 
Abdul al Hamid al-Mujil, to solicit donations to the cause of holy war.

The 60-year-old Saudi was a regular visitor to Afghanistan during the 1990s and 
on friendly terms with bin Laden.

But in August 2006, Mujil and the Philippine and Indonesian branches of the 
International Islamic Relief Organisation, which he headed, were designated by 
the US Treasury as financiers of terrorism. UN member states froze his assets 
and Saudi Arabia restricted the flow of funds from the charity.

Deprived of his largesse, groups such as al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (the 
Arabic name for North Africa) are turning to international crime to provide 
their cash flow. And for bin Laden, that represents a dilemma.

At first he did not want al-Qaeda to dirty its hands with the drug trade. But 
he apparently was won around by a combination of fiscal necessity and the 
argument, often voiced on jihadist websites, that the drug trade weakens 
Western ''infidels'' by feeding their sinful addictions.

Al-Qaeda is ''in its weakest financial condition in several years, and as a 
result, its influence is waning'', David Cohen, the assistant US treasury 
secretary for terrorist financing and financial crimes, told an audience last 
October. But he warned that it was too soon for ''victory laps''.

Telegraph, London 

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[ppiindia] Chile's looters give back stolen goods

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny
Rfeleksi: Mungkinkah contoh seperti ini ditiru, teristimewa bagi para petinggi 
NKRI baik sipil maupun militer?


Chile's looters give back stolen goods 
March 9, 2010 
Coming clean...MIchelle Bachelet at police headquarters in Concepcion with 
returned white goods. Photo: AFP

CONCEPCION: The officers came with loudspeakers to impoverished neighbourhoods 
near the epicentre of Chile's devastating earthquake, warning looters to return 
what they stole or face police raids.

And so they did, depositing everything from mattresses to refrigerators and 
flat-screen TVs. It took 35 truckloads to recover it all. Together with looted 
merchandise recovered by police, the material is worth nearly $2.22 million, 
officers said.

Touring a police gymnasium full of the recovered goods on Sunday, the 
President, Michelle Bachelet, called the looting one of ''the other aftershocks 
of this tragic earthquake'', and vowed that those responsible would feel the 
full weight of the law: prison terms of two to five years.

''These are items that have nothing to do with survival - they reflect the 
moral damage of the people, some of whom came just to find things they could 
make money from,'' she said, adding that the government would also prosecute 
anyone responsible for price speculation in the disaster area.

Thousands of quake survivors participated in the looting, which began only 
hours after the devastating earthquake and grew to include grandmothers and 
small children. Outnumbered police could only stand and watch, urging people to 
take only the food they needed, until soldiers arrived and restored order.

The looting hampered rescue and recovery efforts by distracting firefighters 
and police and deeply wounded the national pride of Chileans who yearn to be 
considered part of the First World.

''The damage it caused [to Chile's international image] is lamentable. Now 
they'll throw all of us in the same bag,'' said Juan Lagos Rosales, a 
construction worker forced to sleep in a tent with his wife and infant daughter 
outside their damaged house.

Some excuse the looting as a natural result of the yawning wealth gap in Chile, 
where the poor are exposed to expensive consumer goods without any ability to 
buy them.

When the earthquake shattered store windows, the temptation was too great, said 
the Reverend Luis Figueroa Vinet of the Our Lady of the Snows cathedral in 

''The pig isn't guilty for what poverty brings,'' he said, invoking a colourful 
Chilean adage about inequality.

Associated Press 

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[ppiindia] Experts warn species loss is unnatural

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Di NKRI, mungkin dalam waktu tak lama lagi harimau Sumatera, 
bergitupun gajah, orang utang akan punah seperti juga burung Kakatua di pulau 
Ceram [Maluku], belum lagi dihitung jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan yang sangat berguna, 
misalnya untuk kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari pendudk pedesaan dan pengobatan. Hal 
in  bisa terjadi karena diadakan perusakan hutan untuk mengejar keuntungan bagi 
segelintir kaum berkuasa dan konco-konco mereka dalam dan luarnegeri.


Experts warn species loss is unnatural 
March 9, 2010 
FOR the first time since the dinosaurs disappeared, animals and plants are 
being driven to extinction faster than new species can evolve, an expert on 
biodiversity has warned.

Conservation experts have already signalled that the world is in the grip of 
the ''sixth great extinction'' of species, driven by the destruction of natural 
habitats, hunting, the spread of alien predators and disease, and climate 
change. However, until recently it had been hoped that the rate at which new 
species were evolving could keep pace with the loss of diversity.

But that point had almost certainly been crossed, said Simon Stuart, chairman 
of the Species Survival Commission for the International Union for the 
Conservation of Nature - the body that officially declares species threatened 
or extinct.

''Measuring the rate at which new species evolve is difficult, but there's no 
question that the current extinction rates are faster than that; I think it's 
inevitable,'' Dr Stuart said.

He was speaking before the release of two reports this week on the state of 
wildlife in Britain and Europe.

The conservation union created shockwaves with an assessment of the world's 
biodiversity in 2004 that calculated the rate of extinction had reached 100 to 
1000 times that suggested by fossil records before humans. No formal 
calculations have been published since, but conservationists agree the rate of 
loss has increased.

Dr Stuart said it was possible dramatic predictions of experts such as Harvard 
biologist E. O. Wilson that in two decades the rate of loss could reach 10,000 
times the background rate - which is 10 species in every million per year - 
could be right.

''All the evidence is he's right,'' Dr Stuart said. ''Some people claim it 
already is that . things can only have deteriorated because the drivers of the 
losses, such as habitat loss and climate change, are all getting worse. But we 
haven't measured extinction rates again since 2004, and because our current 
estimates contain a tenfold range, there has to be a very big deterioration or 
improvement to pick up a change.''

Extinction is part of the evolution of life, and only 2-4 per cent of the 
species that have ever lived on Earth are thought to be alive today. However, 
fossil records suggest that for most of the planet's 3.5-billion-year history, 
the rate of loss may have been about one in every million species each year.

Only 869 extinctions have been formally recorded since 1500, because scientists 
have described fewer than 2 million of an estimated 5-30 million species around 
the world, and have assessed the conservation status of only 3 per cent of 
those. The global extinction rate is extrapolated from the rate among known 
species. In this way, the conservation union calculated in 2004 that the loss 
had risen to 100-1000 per million species each year, a situation comparable to 
the five previous mass extinctions - the last of which was when the dinosaurs 
were wiped out about 65 million years ago.

Critics, including the author of The Skeptical Environmentalist, Bjorn Lomborg, 
argue that because such figures rely on so many estimates, the margins of error 
make them unreliable.

Dr Stuart said the union's figure was likely to be an underestimate of the 
problem, because scientists are reluctant to declare species extinct even when 
they have sometimes not been seen for decades, and because few of the world's 
plants, fungi and invertebrates have been formally recorded and assessed.

Swedish scientists had already warned that anything over 10 times the 
background rate of extinction was above the limit if the world was to be safe 
for humans, Dr Stuart said. ''No one's claiming it's as small as 10 times. The 
only thing we're certain about is the extent is way beyond what's natural and 
it's getting worse.''

Many more species are discovered every year than are recorded extinct, but 
these ''new'' plants and animals are existing species found by humans for the 
first time.

The union has also listed 208 species as ''possibly extinct''. Nearly 17,300 
species are considered under threat. These include one in 

[ppiindia] Tahajud menjernihkan Hati

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Tahajud menjernihkan Hati

By: agussyafii

Sholat merupakan tiang agama. Sholat sunah yang utama adalah sholat tahajud 
(HR. Muslim).  Agar melaksanakan sholat tahajud dengan konsisten kita selalu 
berhadapan dengan dingin air dan malasnya bangun dari tempat tidur. Itulah 
sebabnya sholat tahajud lebih utama daripada sholat sunah lainnya.

Sholat ditengah malam hari lebih membawa suasana kekhusyukan, kehusyukan dalam 
sholat muncul pada batin yang juga mencerminkan pada hatinya. Hati yang jernih 
maka memancar pada perilaku kehidupan sehari-hari yang penuh cinta dan kasih 
sayang serta memiliki kepekaan terhadap penderitaan pada diri orang lain. Namun 
bila hati sibuk memperturutkan pada hawa nafsunya maka hatinya menjadi hitam 
legam, mudah marah, tidak memiliki rasa cinta dan kasih sayang serta tidak 
peduli kepada penderitaan orang lain.

Keadaan jiwa yang tenang, tunduk dan rendah hati merupakan pengaruh dari 
kehusyukan dalam tahajud maka penglihatan, pendengaran, kepala dan wajah serta 
semua anggota tubuh akan lebih tunduk kepada Ilahi Robbi. Sebagaimana Nabi 
Muhammad pernah berdoa dalam rukuknya,

' Telinga, mata, sumsum dan tulangku semua tunduk kepadaMu.' (HR. Muslim dan 
ABu dawud).

Itulah salahsatu manfaat dari sholat tahajud yaitu menjernihkan hati kita 
sehingga menyegarkan tubuh dan pikiran kita menjadi lebih bersemangat untuk 
beraktifitas dipagi hari.

Sholat tahajud..Yuk!

Tulisan ini dibuat dalam rangka kampanye program Kegiatan 'Muhasabah Amalia 
(MUSA)' Hari Ahad, Tanggal 18 April 2010 Di Rumah Amalia. Kirimkan dukungan dan 
partisipasi anda di http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii, 
http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii atau http://agussyafii.blogspot.com/, 
http://www.twitter.com/agussyafii atau sms di 087 8777 12 431


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2010-03-08 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar

From: Roeslan 
Cc: suara-minori...@googlegroups.com
Date: Sunday, March 7, 2010, 4:02 PM


Dalam kekuasaan yang didominasi oleh Partai Demokrat yang dinakodai oleh 
prsiden SBY, Indonesia  berdiri  pada landasan kehidupan Demokratis, dan 
Liberalisme gaya neoliberal. Artinya prinsip suara mayoritas rakyat berperan 
menentukan, diakui; Tapi praktis hanya berlaku dalam batas-batas tertentu saja 
selama menguntungkan kepentingan penguasa. Rupanya inilah yang dimaksud oleh 
presiden SBY dengan apa yang beliau namakan “Demokrasi yang santun“.
Kesantunan demokrasi ini tercermin dalam sikap presiden SBY yang menolak keras 
suara mayoritas rakyat pada rapat paripurna DPR  3 Maret 2010, melalui 
pemungutan suara mayoritas anggota DPR akhirnya memutuskan: Proses bail out 
Bank Century bermasalah!
Rupanya sikap Presiden SBY yang dengan mudah dapat menentang keras keputusan 
mayoritas DPR yang dipilih secara langsung oleh rakyat, adalah menandai 
(mencirii) bahwa kehidupan Demokratis di Indonesia dibawah pimpinan SBY dan 
dominasi PD, berisi individualisme dan Liberalisme gaya neoliberal, telah 
mendapatkan lahan empuk di NKRI, sehingga dapat membuka jalan Tol masuknya 
investor-investor dari negara-negara neoliberal, untuk secara mudah dapat 
melangkahkan kakinya  di NKRI tanpa halangan apaun, untuk menguasai 
tanah-tanah, suber-sumber kekayaan alam dan hutan-hutan yang masih terbentang 
Memang jika itu yang dikehendaki oleh “Demokrasi Santun“ a la SBY, maka 
diperlukan adanya kekuasaan negara yang lemah dalam tindakan, tapi cukup kuat 
dalam melindungi hakmilik individu (baca: kapital domestik dan asing). Oleh 
karena itulah tidak mengherankan jika presiden SBY pasang badan membela 
mati-matian Boediono dan Sri Mulyani, karena dua orang itulah merupakan 
agen-ageg yang setia, ramah dan santun yang sudah biasa melayani imperialisme 
neoliberal untuk melangkahkan kakinya di bumi Indonesia dan selanjutnya untuk 
menguras semua kekayaan alam bumi Indonesia termasuk membabat hutan-hutannya 
untuk ditanami tanaman-tanaman secara monokultur untuk memenuhi kepentingan 
industri-industri besar di negara-negara maju ( baca: negara-negara kapitalis 
Pansus Century adalah merupakan suatu terobosan politik untuk melawan dominasi  
golongan neoliberal yang secara terang-terangan telah memanfaatkan 
undang-undang negara, untuk menjalankan liberalisi ekonomi, seperti yang 
tercermin dalam kebijakan-kebijakan rezim neoliberal yang dipimpin oleh 
presiden SBY, yang didukung oleh partai Demokrat dan antek-anteknya yaitu PKB 
dan PAN.
Di era reformasi yang telah gagal total ini, rupanya telah memberikan peluang 
besar bagi golongan kapitalis neoliberal di Indonesia yang tergabung khususnya 
dalam Partai Demokrat yang sekarang ini berkuasa, yang mencerminkan adanya 
pengejowantahan kaum kapitalis monopol baik yang domestik maupun asing, dalam 
memanfaatkan undang-undang negara sebagai etikat adanya “kehidupan Demokratis 
santun“, yang menjamin barlakunya sistem multi partai. 
Partai-partai dari berbagai aliran politik oleh pemerintah dibiarkan saja 
eksistensinya, selama kegiatan partai-partai itu tidak membahayakan bagi 
kelangsungan hidup kekuasaan golongan neoliberal. Jika kegiatan partai-partai 
politik dipandang membahayakan kepentingan penguasa , maka presiden dan PD-nya 
segera pasang badan  untuk melakukan tidakan yang represif, seperti misalnya 
terhadap partai koalisi yang menyetujui keputusan sidang Paripurna DPR 03 Maret 
2010, yang secara tegas menyalahkan kebijakkan pemerintah dalam konteks bailout 
Bank Century.
Semantara di negeri-negeri kapitalis  demikian juga di Indonesia era orde baru 
partai-partai itu malah dibei sokongan uang oleh negara dalam jumlah yang 
disesuaikan dengan proporsi suara yang diperoleh dalam pemilihan umum. Selama 
kaum neoliberal, terutama imperialisme neoliberal, masih mempunyai andalan 
karena memiliki uang yang berlimpah-limpah, jalan apa saja olehnya dihalalkan. 
Misalnya sisitem propaganda, merekayasa sistem pemilihan umum supaya 
menguntunkan golongan neoliberal, menyebarkan intrik-intrik dan 
menhambur-hamburkan uang sogokan. Pokoknya dengan berbagai jalan, opini umum 
digiring untuk memenangkan mayoritas suara bagi partai-partai yang tanpa resiko 
terhadap kekuasaan kapitalisme monopol (imperialisme neoliberal), yang pada 
umumnya adalah partai-partai yang beraliran Konservatisme, liberalisme dan 
Sosial demokrasi.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Makna Muhasabah

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Makna Muhasabah

By: agussyafii

Dituturkan oleh Syaddad bin Aus bahwasanya Nabi Muhammad bersabda, 'Orang yang 
cerdas adalah orang yang selalu mengendalikan hawa nafsunya dan berbuat 
kebaikan untuk kehidupan setelah kematian.' (HR at-Tirmidzi).

Pengertian “orang yang mengendalikan hawa nafsunya” (mân dâna nafsahû) dalam 
hadis di atas adalah orang yang mampu menghisab atau mengevaluasi dirinya di 
dunia sebelum dirinya dihisab pada Hari Kiamat. Terkait dengan hadis ini, Umar 
bin al-Khaththab ra. pernah berkata, “Hisablah diri kalian sebelum kalian 
dihisab oleh Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala kelak. Bersiaplah menghadapi Hari 
Perhitungan yang amat dahsyat. Sesungguhnya hisab pada Hari Kiamat akan terasa 
ringan bagi orang yang selalu menghisab diri ketika di dunia.” (Lihat: 
Al-Mubarakfuri, Tuhfah al-Ahwadzi bi Syarh Jamî’ at-Tirmidzi).

Muhâsabah bermakna evaluasi diri sebagai salah satu pesan Nabi, sangatlah 
penting dilakukan oleh setiap Muslim. Dengan sering melakukan muhâsabah, ia 
akan mengetahui berbagai kelemahan, kekurangan dan kesalahan yang ia lakukan. 
Dengan begitu kita senantiasa memperbaiki kualitas hidup kita. Kualitas hidup 
kita semakin lebih baik dan akhlak kita makin terpuji—kita semakin ikhlas, 
semakin rendah hati dan semakin taqarrub kepada Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. 
Itulah makna Muhasabah.

Tulisan ini dibuat dalam rangka kampanye program Kegiatan 'Muhasabah Amalia 
(MUSA)' Hari Ahad, Tanggal 18 April 2010 Di Rumah Amalia. Kirimkan dukungan dan 
partisipasi anda di http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii, 
http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii atau http://agussyafii.blogspot.com/, 
http://agussyafii.blogspot.com, http://www.twitter.com/agussyafiiatau sms di 
087 8777 12 431


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Re: [ppiindia] Tuhan itu hasil ciptaan Otak?

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik fishbed warlord
Kalo begitu menurut pendapat mamang, tolong jelaskan sekalian mengenai mukjizat 
atau bisa ga sains menciptakan makhluk seperti nyamuk..??

--- On Sun, 3/7/10, MANG UCUP  wrote:

Subject: [ppiindia] Tuhan itu hasil ciptaan Otak?
To: "Dragon" , "PPI" 
, "Pro" , "Psiko" 
, "Rumah" 
, "Sastra" 
Date: Sunday, March 7, 2010, 10:28 AM

Pertanyaan: “Apakah Tuhan yang menciptakan Otak ataukah Otak yang
menciptakan Tuhan?”

Filsuf Perancis Rene Descrates (1596 -1650) yang mendapatkan julukan sebagai
Penemu Fisalfat Modern berpendapat: “Aku berpikir, maka aku ada”, dalam
bahasa Latin “Cogito ergo sum” atau dalam bahasa Perncis “Je pense donc je
suis”. Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut saya juga bisa menyatakan: “Tuhan itu
ada, karena aku berpikir, bahwa Tuhan itu ada”.

Memang pikiran itu hanyalah salah satu aktivitas dari fisik otak, tetapi
cobalah renungkan arti dari kalimat ini: “Aku menetapkan PIKIRANKU untuk
membeli sepeda” (I made up my MIND to buy a bike). Orang tidak akan berkata:
“Aku menetapkan OTAKKU untuk membeli sebuah sepeda” (I made up my BRAIN to
buy a bike). Jadi kesimpulannya pikiran inilah yang mengendalikan otak (mind
over matter) atau secara tidak langsung terbuktikan, bahwa Tuhan itu
sebenarnya adalah hasil ciptaan dari pikiran kita.

Bahkan menurut Dean Hamer (Kepala Struktur Gen di U.S. National Cancer
Institute) dalam bukunya “The God Gene” menyatakan, bahwa ia telah berhasil
menemukan Tuhan di dalam gen manusia atau ranah Tuhan atau saklar Tuhan yang
ada di dalam otak manusia. Jadi ini sesuai dengan apa yang ditulis oleh
Maththew Alper dalam bukunya “The God Part of the Brain” jadi kita tidak
perlu mencari Tuhan di surga, karena Tuhan itu sebenarnya hanya bersemayan
dan berada di dalam otak kita saja.

Pendapat Hamer ini juga didukung oleh Robert Thurman profesor studi agama
Buddha yang berpendapat bahwa penemuan itu memperkuat salah satu konsep
Buddha yang populer, bahwa manusia itu mewarisi gen spiritualitas dari
inkarnasi kita yang terdahulu.

Menurut Alper dalam bukunya “The God Part of the Brain”, bahwa manusia itu
secara halus telah disetel atau digiring sedemikian rupa untuk berpaling
pada suatu realitas spiritual dan untuk mempercayai kuasa-kuasa yang
melampaui keterbatasan dari realita fisik kita. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena
instink yang diwariskan secara genetika.

Misalnya karena adanya perasaan takut mati sehingga secara alami menimbulkan
sebuah insting bagi keyakinan religius dalam diri manusia perdana. Untuk
mengatasi rasa gelisah dan takut mati inilah otak besar kita mencari jalan
keluar bagaimana caranya agar mampu mempertahankan kehidupan setelah
kematian. Dari situlah awal timbulnya pikiran manusia untuk menciptakan Sang

Disamping itu, karena adanya rasa takut inilah juga yang telah menimbulkan
kepercayaan dalam seperangkat mekanisme di dalam otak manusia, sehingga kita
yakin dan tanggap akan adanya doa kesembuhan, sehingga akhirnya menimbulkan
plasebo efek bagi sang pasien.

Mungkin sudah tiba saatnya dimana para ahli memperdalam dan mempelajari
mengenai disiplin ilmu anyar – suatu teologi genetika (Genotheology) yang
baru untuk mencari jawaban-jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut diatas.

Majalah Time dalam edisi Jumat Agung (8 April 1966) memuat artikel dengan
judul “Is God Dead?” dimana mereka memprediksikan, bahwa agama akhirnya akan
mati dibunuh oleh Sains.

Bagaimana pendapat Anda?

Mang Ucup
Email: mang.ucupgmail.com
Homepage: www.mangucup.org

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Berdikusi dg Santun & Elegan, dg Semangat Persahabatan. Menuju Indonesia yg 
Lebih Baik, in Commonality & Shared Destiny. 
Mohon Perhatian:

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2010-03-08 Terurut Topik Nor hayati Ariffin
PERCUMA pelajari teknik terkini bagaimana ingin
menarik traffic yang tinggi kelaman web andahttp://websegera.ws


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[ppiindia] Re: Saksikan Indonesia Talks : Faisal Basri Curhat Masalah Bank Century

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik A Nizami
Yang jelas, Rp 6,7 trilyun itu lari ke mana? Kok banyak nasabah kecil yang 
protes tidak terima ganti?
Kemudian saya lihat rate Rp vs US$ tidak berubah jauh tetap di Rp 9.300-an. 
Harusnya kalau AS krisis, nilai dollar jatuh minimal di Rp 8000-an. Ini 
menandakan Indonesia sebetulnya juga krisis. Kita saja mungkin yang tidak 

Kemarin adik ipar saya yang jadi pelayan toko tanya apakah ada lowongan 
pekerjaan. Saat ini gajinya cuma rp 850 ribu. Buat bujangan saja sudah sulit, 
apalagi sebentar lagi dia menikah. Sementara teman saya malah jadi penganggur 
sama sekali.

Jadi krisis/tidak krisis, Indonesia ini sepertinya sudah mentok di dasar 
ekonomi. Jadi buat apa berterimakasih pada pejabat yang hanya mampu memperkaya 
diri mereka pribadi? Bukan mensejahterakan rakyatnya?

Di AS, pengantar Pizza bisa mendapat gaji rp 14 juta/bulan. Di Singapura dan 
Malaysia juga mereka lebih makmur. Lowongan pekerjaan berlimpah sehingga bukan 
hanya bagi pribumi, tapi bagi jutaan TKI Indonesia juga tersedia.

Kalau Indonesia makmur seperti di atas, baru kita layak berterimakasih. Tapi 
dengan kondisi di mana tahun 2009 saja sampai 113 orang mati kelaparan di 
Yahukimo dan ratusan ribu anak2 terlantar di jalanan, tidak layak jika para 
ekonom pejabat dan pendukungnya meminta terimakasih pada rakyat Indonesia


Belajar Islam sesuai Al Qur'an dan Hadits
Milis Ekonomi Nasional: ekonomi-nasional-subscr...@yahoogroups.com

>Dari: OK Taufik 
>Kepada: ekonomi-nasio...@yahoogroups.com
>Terkirim: Sen, 8 Maret, 2010 16:38:53
>Judul: Re: [ekonomi-nasional] Re: Saksikan Indonesia Talks : Faisal Basri  
>Curhat Masalah Bank Century
> >
>  >
>krisis atau tak krisis tergantung dari mulut siapa keluar, sri mulyani
>>sendiri suka menipu soal ini..saat ada krisis 2008 di usa..dia lapor ke JK
>>indonesia tak krisis (tertera di harian kompas), tapi kalau bicara soal
>>century saat ini, dia yg paling ngotot bahwa indonesia krisis..apa manusia
>>begini bisa dipegang ucapannya??
>>2010/3/7 Angkasa Perdana (Angki) 
>>> Neolib atau bukan, miskin ato kaya, pasti akan selalu jadi perdebatan.
>>> Tapi sayang kita lupa satu yg pasti, kita tidak kena krisis. Dan tidak ada
>>> satupun dr kita yg bertanya2 kenapa? Kepada siapa mesti mengucapkan terima
>>> kasih?
>>> Selalu melihat dr sisi yg lain, bangsa ini perlu belajar banyak utk
>>> berterima kasih, menghargai dan bersyukur, no wonder para ahli dan orang
>>> pintar lebih suka diluar negeri.
>>> So sad.
>>> Angki
>>> Powered by a Lazy yet Creative Mind
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: "Nizami" 
>>> Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 04:23:45
>>> To: 
>>> Subject: [ekonomi-nasional] Re: Saksikan Indonesia Talks : Faisal Basri
>>> Curhat Masalah Bank Century
>>> Kalau dilihat Mazhabnya sih Faisal Basri cenderung pada Neoliberalisme.
>>> Paham ini menganggap subsidi pada rakyat kecil harus dicabut karena
>>> merupakan penyakit dan membuat rakyat manja. Sebaliknya "subsidi" untuk para
>>> bankir dan orang2 kaya macam Rp 6,7 trilyun buat Bank Century dianggap satu
>>> hal yang penting dan wajar.
>>> Mayoritas anggota DPR yang menolak Bail Out Century merupakan cerminas dari
>>> mayoritas rakyat Indonesia yang telah memilih mereka.
>>> Harusnya biar imbang ada lawannya dari Ekonomi Kerakyatan seperti Dr
>>> Revrisond Baswir atau Dr Ichsanuddin Noorsy.
>>> Silahkan baca:
>>> http://polhukam. kompasiana. com/2010/ 02/11/sri- mulyani-boediono 
>>> -ekonom-hebat/
>>> http://polhukam. kompasiana. com/2009/ 12/24/bank- century-perampok 
>>> an-sistemik- atau-dampak- sistemik/
>>> http://polhukam. kompasiana. com/2009/ 12/14/pansus- century-harus- 
>>> transparan- dan-adil/
>>> Coba lihat komentar kawan kita:
>>> Re: [ekonomi-nasional] Deal di Balik Layar Century : Alhamdulillah hasil
>>> Century
>>> Ketidakwarasan massal yang dipromosikan kaum neolib dan sebagian bankers
>>> serta
>>> pengamat/pelaku bisnis keuangan ( manusia2 klimis, rambut modis, dasi
>>> impor, jas
>>> mahal) bahwa kejahatan Budiono dan Sri Mulyani adalah demi menyelamatkan
>>> bangsa,
>>> akhirnya terhadang dengan wakil rakyat bangsa ini, yang Allah memberikan
>>> petunjuk pada mereka. Semoga bangsa besar ini dapat menemukan jati dirinya,
>>> menemukan pemimpin2 nasionalis, kesatria dan bekerja utk rakyat jelata.
>>> Tindak lanjut yang harus didesak adalah mendorong kesadaran Budiono dan Sri
>>> Mulyani bahwa "enough is 

[ppiindia] Sejumlah Guru Dikirim Belajar Antikorupsi ke Belanda

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Rupanya  antikorupsi tidak bisa dipahami dengan larangan seperti: 
jangan mencuri, jangan menipu, jangan korupsi, karena Alloh akan murka, tetapi 
suatu  ilmu yang sangat sulit dan oleh karena itu harus dipelajari di Belanda. 
Waktu Dandeals menjabat gubernur  jenderal dia  berusaha keras memberantas 
korupsi  di kalangan kaum bangsawan di Hindia Belanda, tetapi rupanya tidak 
berhasil mengeliminasikan penyakit tsb. karena  kemudian ternyata penyakit itu 
merdeka dan menjalar membebani kehidupan rakyat dan kaum neo-bangsawan seperti 
sediakala. Jongens en meisjes, goed leren, ja!  


08 Maret 2010
Sejumlah Guru Dikirim Belajar Antikorupsi ke Belanda

SEMARANG-Universitas Katolik (Unika) Soegijapranata Semarang akan mengirimkan 
sejumlah guru dari beberapa daerah di Indonesia ke Belanda untuk mengikuti 
training pendidikan antikorupsi, 5-25 April 2010.

Kepala Humas Antonius Juang mengatakan, training tersebut merupakan kelanjutan 
program pendidikan antikorupsi yang dirintis Pusat Studi Urban (PSU) Unika 
Soegijapranata sejak 2002, bekerja sama dengan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi 
(KPK) dan beberapa sekolah di Jawa Tengah.

"Peserta yang diberangkatkan berjumlah 18 orang, terdiri atas 14 guru dari 
Jateng, Bali, Kalimantan, dan Sumatera, serta tiga dosen Unika dan satu staf 
KPK," katanya.

Mereka akan mengikuti pelatihan bertema "Training on Enchancing The Capacity 
and Competence of Teachers in Values Based for Raising Awareness on 
Anti-Corruption Issues". 

Dia menambahkan, PSU Unika Soegijapranata mendapatkan beasiswa StuNed 
Scholarship Programme sebesar 83.605 euro dalam bentuk kursus singkat. 
Pendidikan antikorupsi itu akan dilangsungkan di The International Institute of 
Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam, Den Haag.
Modul Pembelajaran "Pada 2005 lalu, PSU Unika Soegijapranata juga pernah 
memperoleh beasiswa serupa untuk mengikuti 'Training on Enhancing Civil Society 
and Public Awareness in Combating Corruption'," kata Antonius.

Para peserta yang diberangkatkan saat itu, lanjutnya, berjumlah 11 anggota PSU 
Unika Soegijapranata, satu staf KPK, dan dua guru selama tiga minggu di ISS Den 
Haag dan dua minggu di Indonesia. "Hasil dari training tersebut adalah modul 
pembelajaran antikorupsi yang diterapkan di beberapa sekolah di Kota 

Dia mengatakan, PSU Unika Soegijapranata telah menerapkan pendidikan 
antikorupsi bagi generasi muda secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan, dengan 
menyusun modul antikorupsi bagi siswa SD.

"Modul itu disusun bersama-sama dengan guru-guru sekolah yang menjadi mitra PSU 
yang diadopsi oleh KPK dan kemudian diterapkan di seluruh Indonesia," katanya.

Keunikan modul tersebut, kata dia, terletak pada penyisipan nilai-nilai 
antikorupsi, yakni kejujuran, keadilan, daya juang, keberanian, kesederhanaan, 
dan kepedulian dalam mata pelajaran di sekolah.

"Nilai-nilai antikorupsi itu disisipkan dalam pelajaran Matematika, Bahasa 
Indonesia, IPA, IPS, dan sebagainya, sehingga akan meningkatkan efektivitas 
pembelajaran antikorupsi tanpa memberatkan siswa dan guru," kata Antonius. 

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