Re: [ql-users] FastFind

2002-06-09 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sat, 8 Jun 2002 at 14:18:01, P Witte wrote:
(ref: 000601c20f39$f16c14e0$0100a8c0@gamma)

About FastFind, my latest attempt at supporting the ever-deminishing QL
application/utility sofware scene:

Only tested on SMSQ/E, but there is no reason that I know, why it should not
work on any high-end Qdos system with at least 2MB of memory, a hard disk
and the necessary system extensions. See the Readme for full details.

You call the install program 'FFinstall_exe' - but it is (of course)

I LRESPRed ptrmen_cde (easyptr toolkit) and the extensions are listed

EX FFinstall_obj  locks QL up.  Nothing changed on screen - simply dead
QL, although sH is still active (keyclicks and capslock etc) - but that
might be internal to sH.

Minerva 1.97/Aurora/SGC/RomDisq/sH/qubide
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] FastFind

2002-06-10 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 10 Jun 2002 at 23:22:38, P Witte wrote:
(ref: 00bb01c210cd$94475c80$0100a8c0@gamma)

Tony Firshman writes,

  Thanks for all that, Tony. Im sure splashing this sort of

 Sorry Per - I wasn't trying to warn people off - just help you (8-)#

And I apologise for snapping at you. Time of the month, I suppose..

BTW for people who have not met Per, he is not a woman (8-)#

Why is it that the QL attracts a pretty 100% male following?

I must say I didn't take offence at your reply.
It was only the follow-up to that, that alerted me.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Plight of a Software House

2002-06-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 10 Jun 2002 at 18:30:50, Timothy Swenson wrote:

I kind of jumped in the middle of this thread before I really read any
of the messages, so I'm sort of guessing a bit about the on going
conversation.  I'm assuming that part of the discussion is about the
lack of new programs coming out for the QL, esp. commercial ones.

One thing that I find that I like about the QL is that the software
that I've been using for almost 15 years is still useable.  I still
find Quill to be a useful word processor, esp. since the Xchange
version is freeware and the command set is now engrained into my
Indeed yes.  I often use Quill - because it is perfect for writing a
simple text letter, which is often all one needs to do.
Sarah (my wife) uses it exclusively (but on a PC (8-(# )
 Software in the QL community has a much longer life than the Windows
world, where using a program 2 years out-of-date is considered a sin.
OK one gets vast number of features, but what percentage of them does
one actually use regularly?

The problem with upgrading all the time is that the new versions
implement things differently, and have horrendous bugs.

I very much like JH programs - qtpi and qfax.  QFAX in particular simply
works.  I have used it 24hrs for longer than I care to recall, and have
not had one problem due to QFAX itself.

There is a real virtue in simplicity from time to time.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Just another idea

2002-06-14 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 14 Jun 2002 at 23:28:18, Roy Wood wrote:

In message 001301c213a9$8e90a4c0$d299893e@macnamarxmjd3y, Mike
MacNamara [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 OK. Compare the first proposal with the actual licence. Ask
 yourself: did the other side make many/any concessions? Yes,
 so I have saved face and can accept it.
I did not think your livelihood was derived from QLs, or your
capital tied up in it, what I meant was if my back was to the
wall I would be looking to save face here, it is a no win
OK reality check here.
 Peter Graf got 3 times the amount of money per board than Tony or I
I have had no money for my work - hundreds of hours just on
construction.   Roy paid for most of the 100% new  parts I bought.
However I have to buy replacement eproms (for the faulty ones) and other
top up parts, and RAM sockets to replace the dodgy new CPC ones I
bought.  ... and I am £700 cash down on that.
 Tony for doing a whole lot of work and me for putting the
documentation together, sorting and compiling support disks, testing
the code from TT and advertising. In fact Tony and I still have several
non working boards so we made a whopping loss. I sympathise with DD.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] This is the (duscussion about the) LICENCE

2002-06-14 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Thu, 13 Jun 2002 at 22:58:10, Roy Wood wrote:

In message 3D08697D.15521.A14E00@localhost, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
I think the forgoing part of Wolfgang's message was well overdue and
very well put. His patience and tact in dealing with the issues is to
be applauded and I also think that this should put the lid on the
discussion for the time being. It is time to stop arguing about the
petty grievances and do something with the seed we have.
Even if differences are not petty, we should not get into personal
attacks.  It has gone far beyond mere argument.
In Shakespeare's time, argument was simply discussion.  We should have
had more of that.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Just another idea

2002-06-16 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sat, 15 Jun 2002 at 20:35:07, Roy Wood wrote:

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Geoff Wicks
 In the short period in which the Grafs
 have operated they have managed to alienate most of the QL Traders to
 the extent that the only people who wanted to talk to them at the
 Manchester show were a few customers. If it was just me I would
 understand but it was unanimous.

Not entirely true. I know as a trader I have no axe with the Grafs to grind,
but I had a lengthy and interesting conversation at Manchester with Claus.
Oops sorry Geoff. I forgot you were there I should have said that
differently. I should have said the majority of the traders.

I had a difficult and unpleasant Manchester, but this was nothing to do with
the Grafs. I think it is a bit dangerous to make them the scapegoats for the
failure of a show that was difficult for all traders for other reasons.
I did not really think it was a failure. My Hove Show the year before
was worse and Paris..
I had a good Manchester (and Paris)

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] This is the LICENCE

2002-06-20 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Thu, 20 Jun 2002 at 12:38:59, Mike MacNamara wrote:
(ref: 00ab01c2184f$12b9e190$c272893e@macnamarxmjd3y)

- Original Message -
From: Jochen Merz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] This is the LICENCE

  Whets the point in having an EPROM if you have to LRESPR on
  patches and extensions, apart from the waste of memory and
  loading time, altering boots, etc. Who wants old code lying
  when they can have good clean updates instead, not me for

 Loading the OS from (slow access) EPROM to (fast access) RAM
 is of benefit. SMSQ/E is so small, that the speed you gain
 will outweigh the memory loss easily. That was done on other
 systems to gain speed. The old code is erased anyway, so does
 not take up any additional RAM.

Thanks Jochen, if you load 'new' code into ram rather than 'old'
code then lrespr an 'updated' code over it, surely that takes
longer?  One of my biggest problems with QLs, as they used
Superhermes, was Lrespr'ing the Superhermes code in before a
keyboard would work. Any problems with disks or programs(
corrupted/deleted  boots) caused a lock out. What a hassle to
make a boot disk(if I could find a S/Hermes disk) to try and get
back in,
The perfect solution to this is to put the sH code in as a 'romn' file 
on RomDisq - and it is then loaded before the BOOT program.
 that is until SMSQ/E came with the Superhermes code
already installed (thanks Roy), If I 'lost' the OS in the same
way it would be a real drag. Surely better with 'new' code on
eprom, where it is reasonably safe?
 but slower.
I would go for speed any time.  The time and ram involved is small.

Tony Firshman

[ql-users] Eindhoven workshop

2002-06-22 Thread Tony Firshman

Another Eindhoven workshop has come and gone.
It seems a lifetime away though from the launch day for Hermes, where I
had a turnover of getting on for £2000!

I always enjoy these trips in one way or other.

This one was memorable for:

1) Finding that the QL monitor that I kept discovering was 'not working'
   was simply a wrongly wired Scart (Peritel) lead.  So often only one
   sync is wired up - it requires QL Csync to Scart 16 then connected
   via low value resistor to 20. I had no resistors, but yet again the
   QL pcb came to the rescue - the 330 ohm network pulldown was ideal.
   The most memorable cobble from the QL pcb was rescuing a Honeywell
   CH timer with a QL microdrive power transistor years ago!

2) Free coffee on the boat because they had 'closed the till'

3) A ride in Roy's new (to him) car.  It is great - the only the
   problem is the steering. Car looks very nice though - as we seesaw
   up the motorway carriageway (8-)#  Nice uneventful journey though.
   Despite what seems like hundreds of journeys on the same route,
   we still manage a minor wrong turning (roadworks to blame this time).
   Took the scenic route in Eindhoven to the show.  It is a cycle
   lane  No it isn't, why have they got a 30 KpH limit? I reply.

4) Finding that a non-working returned Mplane was probably due to the
   owner drilling holes through the pcb.  This is a mite silly with
   multi-layer boards (8-)#

5) Soldering an SMD 1206 (tiny) capacitor on Bob Spelten's sH
   with what seemed like a spade (I only had my 25w iron).

6) Seeing a pretty functional QDT alpha.  It is going to be a
   very essential addon to the QL. Pity Jim Hunkins is only coding
   for SMSQ.

7) Severely testing a Super Gold Card.  I have from time to time
   connected expansions cobbled for 5v supply to a std QL, but only
   briefly. The last thing I did in the UK before the trip was to test
   Mplane. I powered up the QL, but then went for a cup of coffee (as
   always supplied free, courtesy of Sjef) and got waylaid in a 90
   minute chat in a trader's huddle before anyone else arrived.
   Got back to my table, and sniff - that is a funny smell.
   The SGC was too hot to touch - well the 1810. Jumpered for 5V!
   OK - see if the QL is OK.  It wasn't - but it was only
   the 8301.  Ah well - I still have another SGC.  OK - plug it
   in and swap chips - may only be the 1810.  What a pity it is
   unobtainable.  I couldn't believe my eyes - the SGC was fine,
   and worked crash free for the whole day.  Unbelievable.  I measured
   the '9v' line and it was about 10.5 volts.  All I can think is that
   the 8301 had latched (where signal lines are higher than power rail)
   and it had successfully kept the SGC power rail much lower than
   10.5 volts.    but for 90 minutes?  Amazing.
   What think you Nasta?
   BTW what on earth have you been doing in the US - eating Cow Pie (UK
   Dandy readers will get the reference).  I gather you are all muscle
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] This is the LICENCE

2002-06-22 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sat, 22 Jun 2002 at 11:52:28, Richard Zidlicky wrote:

On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 12:03:03AM +0100, Roy Wood wrote:

 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Richard
 Zidlicky[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 Absolutely not. If you are building hardware you can't simply provide
 the user with an official SMSQ version in EPROM and a patch on a floppy
 disk and expect him to apply the patch to the EPROM.
 No need. All versions of SMSQ/E for the Qxx (which is what we are
 talking about here - possibly the GoldFire later but that will have
 flash ROM) are LRESPR'able over the source code on the ROM. That is what
 I do because I have an early version of the ROM.

it will break when harddisks are accessed in LBA instead of CHS mode.
That is interesting.  I thought Tony Tebby had always intended that the
SMSQ code could be LRESPRed.
I suspect the majority of users are now running with LRESPRed SMSQ.
Besides, what is the point to require the user to go through additional
hoops like this? The speed argument mentioned later in this discussion
is tripple nonsense and the authors of it should know better.
You need to explain the 'triple' nonsense.
the version control which was intended as the main benefit of this
license doesn't benefit from an approach like this where user is
supposed to patch his own software.
It is not a patch - it is the identical code to the ROM version.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Eindhoven workshop

2002-06-23 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 23 Jun 2002 at 09:58:29, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: 004401c21a9a$e157ab20$28075cc3@default)

Tony Firshman wrote:
6) Seeing a pretty functional QDT alpha.  It is going to be a
   very essential addon to the QL. Pity Jim Hunkins is only coding
   for SMSQ.
This is why Launchpad is continuing to be written despite the obvious
(to me) superiority of QDT. Launchpad will provide a GUI for QDOS
systems too. I'm sure there's room for both. I think Jim is a little
bit ahead of me if he has an alpha release going though.
Well it certainly looked like an Alpha.
There seemed to be an awful lot working, and not many 'not implemented
yet' messages.  Even Jim's sprite editor was there, although I guess
that was one of the very early utilities.

It was nice to see it looking more like QPAC2 than Windows - even in
hires mode.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] This is the LICENCE

2002-06-23 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 23 Jun 2002 at 09:21:32, Bill Waugh wrote:
(ref: 003201c21a8f$027d3240$eaf47ad5@famwaugh)

- Original Message -
Now not (8-)#
From: Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] This is the LICENCE

Lets forget the speed thing, the litle extra time to Lrespr the code from hd
is nowt compared to the boot up time of my PC.
I am not talking about boot speed but running speed - that is certainly
worth the extra boot time.

Mind you this is more relevant to earlier systems I think, although
LREPRed O/S is still faster on today's systems - marginally (I believe).
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] [OT] Making business with Roy Wood

2002-07-01 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 30 Jun 2002 at 23:19:06, Roy Wood wrote:

Well that was an interesting tirade. I have no intention of going into
a lengthy discussion of this in deference to those of you who have
become as heartily sick of the whole thing now as I was in trying to
deal with Peter in the first place. I do feel, and I apologise in
advance here that there are a few inaccuracies that should be stated. I
will keep this as brief and blame free as I can.
I too hesitate to join this, but I can't see I can avoid it.

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Peter
I will not explain here all the lengthy details how much effort and
prefinancing it required until I could find any commitment from established
QL traders in the production. I found only vague forms of interest, nothing
I could count on, although I had written software to show that the hardware
works, and several operating systems were under construction. Suddenly after
Tony Tebby had already finished a running SMSQ/E, financed by me,
at my own risk, and Tony Tebby expressed his enthusiasm for my development,
I had the surprise to read in the public, that Qbranch and TF Services
had made a decision towards Q40 production.
I am puzzled by this.  Right up to the point of my production decision,
Peter and I were negotiating by email.  Quite a few times I wanted to
pull out, but Roy kept me on the hook. I don't know if Peter ever knew

QUOTE (23 Aug 98 email from PG to me)
Roy Wood has signaled he is willing to help me organizing the
production, but I fear this could become a heavy burden for him because
of his lack of hardware knowledge. It could also become a bit difficult
for me, if I am involved in explaining hardware production issues,
looking for the right components, testing, doing repairs and so on.

Now here comes my idea:

Why not ask Tony Firshman if he is interested in producing the Q40?
Obviously this would also mean the right to sell it. I have not talked
to Roy about this idea yet, because I want to see if you are interested
at all. If your answer is Yes, I would like to talk to him first before
we go into the details.

The decision between Roy, Peter and I came after long and protracted
discussions between me and Peter following this initial email.
Up to then I knew nothing about the Q40, and had not even seen it or
Peter, other than from a distance at Eindhoven.
There had never been any private arrangements with Roy up to this point.

I expressed directly to Peter at an Eindhoven meeting, long before any
mention of development of SMSQ/E for the Q40, my wish to sell the
machine for him. My offer was, if I recall correctly (and it was a long
time ago) to sell the finished working boards. I would never have
offered to make them because I lack the knowledge and experience to do
so. It was Stuart Honeyball, who had been looking at the boards for
Peter, who suggested that I would build them and finance the whole
deal. I was informed of this at an Indian restaurant prior to a QL show
in Nottingham. Those present included Jochen, Tony Firshman, and DD
who were organising the show. It was Tony who came up to me and said
'Did you know that you were financing and building the Q40 - Stuart
says it should only cost around 10 grand'. I remember this very clearly
because it was a bit of a shock. I talked Tony into coming on board
because I knew I could not build them.
As Roy says it is a long time ago, and I really cannot remember the
details at all - at least this part of it.

My objective was a coordinated effort to cut costs by finding cheap
sources. I estimated, that with quantity discounts for 50 boards, and
someone who has access to larger parts distributors, DM 350 costs could
be reached. I proposed 70% profit for the trader and DM 150 licensing fee
for me, which gives a retail price of DM 745. The license fee was originally
supposed to finance my development costs, but back then I already had
expenses that could not be covered by this licence fee from 50 boards.
I clearly stated that my fee would rise rapidly with higher retail prices
because that means less produced units. As a trader, Roy Wood should
know that my profit is not turnover (my fee), but turnover less expenses.
I am not too sure what this sentence is saying but Tony and I would
have been glad to see 70% profit. As it was we could not find parts at
a price to match Peter's and we argued for a long time about the costs
and end sale price. During the argument Tony said on more than one
occasion that he would quit and I had to talk him into staying on
board. Cheap sources = 'pulls' i.e. second hand parts. I was very
unhappy about using second hand processors and even more unhappy about
only getting 20 of them up front I was therefore willing to buy 50 new
ones from one of my Super Gold Card sources. This would, at the very
least, have guaranteed 50 identical units at the heart of the machine.

My negotiating partners proposed a higher

Re: [ql-users] [OT] Making business with Roy Wood

2002-07-03 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 1 Jul 2002 at 20:23:59, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: 003101c22136$9baaae40$e2065cc3@default)

 Well that was an interesting tirade. I have no intention of going
into a
 lengthy discussion of this in deference to those of you who have
 as heartily sick of the whole thing now as I was in trying to deal
 Peter in the first place. I do feel, and I apologise in advance here
 that there are a few inaccuracies that should be stated. I will keep
 this as brief and blame free as I can.
It's obvious there's some unhappiness on both sides of this.

The Q40 is dead, long live the Q60.

The Q60 is a success, no two ways about that. The entire first batch
is almost sold out from what Dennis and Derek told me, so we are
probably better off getting all of this off our chests then forgetting
about it and see the positives to come out of it, namely that Peter
and D  D Systems have a good product which seems to be selling well.
The loan Q60 I had from DD for a while has now gone back to them and
I shall miss it. Brilliant piece of kit. Although I didn't get time to
use it as much as I'd have liked while it was here, I did use it
enough to know that it never once crashed (apart from my programming
mistakes), was wonderfully fast to use and had some nice software on
it - preinstalled commercial quality software being a bit of a new
idea on QL-compatibles.

I realise I'm changing the topic here a bit, but please believe me,
whatever may have happened between you in Q40 days, the Q60 deserves
to do well (I can't see how it can fail) because as far as I can see
the concept is good, and between them Peter and DD seem to have such
a good product on their hands.

Accordingly, by all means get this off your chests lads, but don't
forget also that the Q60 is such a wonderful system when you actually
get to use it!
The Q40 is OK too.  Systems that worked did work well and did not crash.
... and of course was very fast as well.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] NB: The 2nd Irish QL Show 2002

2002-07-03 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 2 Jul 2002 at 20:41:41, Darren Branagh wrote:
(ref: 003401c22200$84411f80$2801a8c0@pc119)

Ok folks, I've gone and done it.

The 2nd Irish QL show will take place this Summer - over the August Bank
Holiday weekend, 24th to 26th August, 2002.

So, Who's Coming?
Me - subject to clearing with family.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Monitor connections

2002-07-09 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 9 Jul 2002 at 03:30:56, Alan Tyson wrote:
(ref: 001b01c226f0$a81a5620$3a51883e@alantyso)

My 86-yr-old father in S.Wales (I'm near Chester) acquired a
s/h QL about 10yrs ago, which has kept him well amused. He
used a selection from his many ancient TVs as monitors until
recently, when the last old wreck died, despite much
tinkering. His interest has been revitalised by a double
cataract operation, so now he can see what he's doing.

A kindly neighbour has given him an old monitor with a 7-pin
DIN socket on the back. Its manufacturer is St Bernadette,
Made in Singapore. We don't even know if it's monochrome or
Google search found 'St Bernadette' school  who 'monitor staff' (8-)#

ie found nothing on the web.

Any more details like model ID?

My Dad tells me there's a 7-pin DIN socket on the back of
the QL, and the QL web site tells me there's RGB and
composite video output. A former colleague who dealt with
the audiovisuals where we both worked tells me it's quite
likely that either a straight-through or a crossover 7-pin
DIN plug to 7-pin DIN plug lead might miraculously work
(courtesy of St Bernadette). CPC claim to supply such
(straight-through) leads for 1.02 ukpounds, but whether
they'll sell me a single one at a reasonable price I don't

What do list members think? Can anyone provide me with a
pinout diagram for the RGB or composite video QL outputs? Do
we stand a cat in QL's chance of success? My Dad is very
happy sticking bits of wire in the individual socket holes
to try things out if necessary.
I think it very very very very unlikely it is a straight through
connector - there are too many permutations.

Sinclair was the sort of guy who specialised in making apparently std
sockets, non-standard - ie 9D serial connector.

Sticking wires in pins could be dodgy.  Find the GND pin first using
continuity meter (with power off).  I will stop here - I reckon it would
be pretty dodgy trying at random.  Is there no existing lead?  At least
then you can see active connections.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Monitor connections

2002-07-10 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Wed, 10 Jul 2002 at 11:01:02, Alan Tyson wrote:
(ref: 001101c227f9$107a84c0$fb30883e@alantyso)

 This can be dangerous, not only to him, but to the monitor
 QL - he could
 end up frying either or both of them.

Thanks for the warning. He's pretty clued up as an Elec.Eng.
lecturer by trade, and his house has had live TV  radio
chassis lying around more time than not over the years.

[One of my earliest memories is watching the coronation in
1953 on a 6 green screen, which he'd built from an ex-WD
radar set using circuit diagrams from 'Practical Wireless'.
I got into trouble (not hospital, remarkably) for poking
something through one of the holes in the front of the case
and losing it.]

 However, there appears to [possibly] be a mistake in the
manual, as the pin
 functions were given in 'QL world' (May 1987) differently:

Is it possible the QL World version came from p31 of the
Concepts section of the QL User guide? The 15MB QL Service
Manual says in para 1.1 of page A1 under monitor
connections that its version replaces those in the User

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to which is right? Anyway,
pin 5 won't have a signal if QL World is right.
QL Manual 12/84 concepts is the right one - which I assume was the one 
quoted from QLW (snipped).

The circuit diagram (in the downloaded service manual) got it worng (but 
is also not very legible)!

I have corrected circuit diagrams (correcting a few other errors too) if 

  QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
 TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

[ql-users] soql - Aurora machine

2002-08-15 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Thu, 15 Aug 2002 at 16:37:15, AGClarke wrote:
(ref: 000b01c24471$f41f9960$df998cd4@garystosh)

    On my laptop using qpc2v3, I cannot get it to connect to my modem
as it cannot find ser3.
    On my aurora machine it connects to my modem and logs on but the
input to my screen is not readable.
I have split this thread, as looks like (maybe) separate problems.
Aurora machine:

1) What software are you using?
2) Logs on to what?    what do you mean by 'logs on'?
3) 'screen not readable' - does this mean you are seeing something but
cannot read it?  If so what are you seeing?

It would help to have a detailed step by step description of what you

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] soql

2002-08-18 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 18 Aug 2002 at 19:57:40, Jonathan Dent wrote:
(ref: 000701c246e0$ddf2f120$60e7e6c2@oemcomputer)

The soql engine will use other ser ports if you pass it a port option
for example change the boot file line

270 para$ = q t d ram1_tryDNS r  Tcp$  ipReceiver


270 para$ = q t d ram1_tryDNS r  Tcp$  ipReceiver s ser1

to use ser1

It could have many causes including an unsuitable provider. Let me
know the telephone number of your provider and I'll try to check
their suitability. We can look at some of the other causes afterwards

Whoops sorry - the body of the msg did not mention soql, so did not
realise this what was you were on about.
Ignore my previous email (8-)#
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

[ql-users] for Darren

2002-08-18 Thread Tony Firshman

As my emails aren't getting through, Darren, I am having to use this

Have you a 12v (car) battery I could borrow for the two nights I am
staying with you?  It could be an old ex-car one as I will be using
minimal power (mobile charging mainly)
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] S_Edit

2002-08-19 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 19 Aug 2002 at 21:09:14, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: 00a701c247bc$52519fe0$32065cc3@default)

Ralf Rekoendt has kindly allowed me to make the last commercial
release of S_Edit into a freeware release.

 Give it a try, it's
free for download from
That should be

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] HTML emails - what a pain !

2002-08-20 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 20 Aug 2002 at 13:09:52, Norman Dunbar wrote:

The message 'to class' allegedly from Ron, is in HTML format and carries a
payload called win98.pif which is AUTOMATICALLY run if you open or preview
the email (ok, in Outlook - but there may be others)

Norton found that.  It also found  sweetperv-nude[2].scr  from the same 
source (W32.Klez.H@mm).
  QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
 TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] I'm back (hopefully) - superHermes w/ PS/2 ports and Aurora Rom adaptor

2002-08-30 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 30 Aug 2002 at 13:16:58, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

Hello all,
I am back (hopefully) :-)
I was hit rather hard from a nice combination of hard disk crashes and
the Klez (while I was in the process of rebuilding my PC didn't have my
AVG anti-virus on - Thank God I got it on time and disabled my Internet
access ;-) ) virus from the list.
I have a couple of nice things going on, namely re-housing my Aurora in
a BookPC case (It's coming out rather nicely) and since I did all the
work on attaching only PS/2 ports on the superHermes instead of the
serial mouse port (works only with ps/2-serial combo mice) and regular
DIN port for the keyboard, I was wondering if anybody would be
interested in seeing the project illustrated by stages either on QL
today or the web.
Yes please.  It is something I had been meaning to do but never found
the time.  Where do you attach the Ps2 mouse - the 'spare' port?
I had that in mind so a ps2 mouse could be used on sH LITE

Pertaining to that project and regarding the Rom adaptor of the Aurora,
I have a couple of questions to all you hardware gurus out there:

1. What is the maximum effective length of cable one can make to
connect a rom (or romdisq more specifically) to the Aurora?
Nil.  RomDisq is very sensitive indeed to noise, and anything but direct
connection is likely to give date corruption problems, which will take
time to appear (probably).
This is not based on experiment, but on (strong) advice from Stuart
Honeyball (and common sense (8-)#  )
I am planning on putting a port on the back of the case to plug in QL
roms (and my romdisq) and I want to avoid any data corruption
2. Is there a (simple) hardware (by means of a small led activating
circuit) way of adding an activity monitor on the rom port with the
Aurora (or QL)? (Kinda like the light the romdisq has on it, Since I
will be plugging it in the back of the case, I will have no sure way of
knowing if data is being exchanged between the QL/Aurora and the
RomDisq, short of attaching a cable with led on the romdisq and I wanna
keep the thing as clean as possible!)

Mplane has an (optional) externally facing ROM port, just for what you
want to do.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] I'm back (hopefully) - superHermes w/ PS/2 ports and Aurora Rom adaptor

2002-08-31 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 30 Aug 2002 at 20:46:43, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

Yes please.  It is something I had been meaning to do but never found
the time.  Where do you attach the Ps2 mouse - the 'spare' port?
I had that in mind so a ps2 mouse could be used on sH LITE

Two solutions actually. One with the 'spare' port as we had discussed
in the past (which requires an extra clock signal).
As you remember there are three (four including USB) types of mice out
there, one plain serial, one combo PS/2 and serial (fairly standard
with the exception of MS and Logitech mice all other manufacturers use
the same signals/protocls) and one pure PS/2.
For mice types 2 and 3 to work as standard PS/2 as I mentioned above
you have to get an extra clock signal (from pin 1 on the kbd i/f of the
sH). Some other considerations have to be taken into account which are
the driver that has to be written (or adapted) and any electrical
problems that might arise by sharing the clock line. Note: I was able
to read the status of a PS/2 mouse but the sH wasn't connected at a
keyboard at the time (and I won't attempt it either unless you do Tony
I would be interested in details for sH LITE.
Now the other solution for mouse type 2 (serial/ps/2 combo) is a lot
easier to implement and I chose that as a. Is fairly common to find
decent mice that are serial/PS/2 combos (I got a great IBM black mouse
;-) and requires no drivers at all, as in essence you are plugging the
mouse to a serial port of a different shape (If you ask why in earth I
just didn't use the adapter that came with the mouse... well just
because ;-)... Not to mention that it's very easy to rewire the
adapter if I change my mouse to a slightly different one :-)
... but for full sH only I guess.

As for the sH Lite is the spare port connected? I was under the
impression that it only worked on sH
It only needs the connector.

Mplane has an (optional) externally facing ROM port, just for what you
want to do.

True but the Mplane will require cutting on the case and I am not
willing to do that ;-) I will be plugging the RomDisq using the
existing cutout for the parallel port on the ATX backplate. The only
holes on the back are for the screws that retain the mini-din
connectors for the PS/2 keyboard and mouse which are at the regular
place of an ATX backplate. - Unless of course you can assure me that it
will fit there ;-) and I will still have space for SER 1 and 2 and my
kbd adaptors.
In any case I was planning on using ATA-66 grade cable to minimize
interference and make that about 2 cm long (not even... in essence a
little longer than my existing Aurora/Rom port adapter).
I will risk it ;-)

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] SGC and SMSQ/E on ROM for the Aurora

2002-09-01 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 1 Sep 2002 at 12:29:08, Davide Santachiara wrote:
(ref: 004c01c251a2$88332440$0200a8c0@ergonnotebook)

Hello Nasta,

 A long time ago, when the lrespr version of the driver came out, Phil
 Borman also mentioned locations that needed to be patched if Qubide was set
 to an address different than the ROM port. If you have the lrespr version
 somewhere, I would apreciate an email with it attached :-)

I'm pretty sure Phil sent me the lrespred version. It was v1.54 or
similar. The only problem is where to find it. I'll try to give a look
at my old floppy disks ... if nobody will answer in the meanwhile ;-)
I have 1.56 which I have emailed to Nasta
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] SGC and SMSQ/E on ROM for the Aurora

2002-09-01 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 1 Sep 2002 at 00:05:43, ZN wrote:

A long time ago, when the lrespr version of the driver came out, Phil
Borman also mentioned locations that needed to be patched if Qubide was set
to an address different than the ROM port. If you have the lrespr version
somewhere, I would apreciate an email with it attached :-)

Description: qubide.156

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Q40 + QDOS Classic + Qubide

2002-09-07 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 6 Sep 2002 at 23:01:11, Tony Firshman wrote:

On  Fri, 6 Sep 2002 at 11:33:55,  wrote:

Quiet in here innit?  Did everyone OD on Guinness at/after the QL show
and still suffering the mothers of all hangovers??  ;O)
What - all seven of us (8-)#

Can somebody enlighten me as to what a Qubide hard disk is?  Is it a
special hardware unlike a normal IDE disk and only available from one
supplier?  Is it a normal disk but supplied with some unique low level
Neither - just a std IDE with absolutely any data on it.
I have even used qubide to zap a disk that had a corrupted sector zero,
and crashed the PC on power up!
Sorry I misread.  Of course it is the latter - ie normal IDE disk with a
special qubide format.

I tried to partition a harddisk using the partition_exe program from
the  The disk had been partitioned previously but they had
all been deleted using a Linux fdisk.

The partition_exe program detected the disk device but complained when
trying to create a partition that it was not a Qubide disk.  Is some
other preparation procedure needed to turn a normal IDE disk into a
Qubide one?

What motherboard are you using and what expansion?
If std QL and GC/SGC then take out the processor.
Also there is a lot of noise with std motherboard, so try different
configurations.  That can cause the problem you are getting.

With std motherboard, I found the best with mine was SGC on the qubide
through connector and using the first slot (if Qplane).
Backplane is critical too. The only two that are satisfactory I find are
Qplane and Mplane.  It needs a good ground plane, pullups on critical
lines and extra decoupling caps etc.  Some had none of these!

With Mplane I find that absolutely any configuration works OK with
Aurora. Since using that combination I have had no main HD problems at
all - so much so that it once took me months to realise the backup HD
wasn't working, and that was a failed HD.

I have had 24 hour per day experience on my BBS with Qubide since it
first came out.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Trump Card Level 2 Upgrade

2002-09-08 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 8 Sep 2002 at 04:25:46,  wrote:

My customer has manged to fit the level-2 upgrade (why are there no
instuctions in the manual as to how to fit the chip I wonder).  Am I
correct that there is only one chip to swap??

However, the new commands crash the computer - I presume the chip has
become corrupted.
Can anyone re-blow this chip with the correct code I wonder (Tony)??
Looks like Derek Stewart is offering this serve.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Trump Card Level 2 Upgrade

2002-09-08 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 8 Sep 2002 at 20:14:18, Derek Stewart wrote:

On Sunday 08 September 2002 12:57 pm, you wrote:
 On  Sun, 8 Sep 2002 at 04:25:46,  wrote:

 My customer has manged to fit the level-2 upgrade (why are there no
 instuctions in the manual as to how to fit the chip I wonder).  Am I
 correct that there is only one chip to swap??
 However, the new commands crash the computer - I presume the chip has
 become corrupted.
 Can anyone re-blow this chip with the correct code I wonder (Tony)??

 Looks like Derek Stewart is offering this serve.

Not sure if I can, but what is the actual problem.
Sorry - have  I got the wrong person?
I thought you said you were coming to Byfleet with Trump Card level 2
I must be mistaken, sorry.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Q-emuLator new web site address

2002-09-13 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Thu, 12 Sep 2002 at 21:25:55, Daniele Terdina wrote:
(ref: 01c25add$a7eb8ea0$93bcbad0@dterdina9)

A few months after the old web site at geocities was discontinued, I managed
to move it to a new address:

Registered users of the Windows version can download an update from:

Welcome back - and nice to see you are still working on Qemulator.

I must say I was very pleased even with the old 2.0.1!

Is it impossible to find a way around the 720k floppy problem under W98?
Of course I can reboot with a new drive ID, but that is not too
practicable.  If only Tony Tebby had written the floppy drivers for
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] QL World mags

2002-09-17 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 17 Sep 2002 at 09:25:02, Jerome Grimbert wrote:

Tony Firshman makes some magical things to make me read

} Someone wanted Feb/Apr 92 Ql Worlds some time back
} I found them in my boxes, emailed him offering them for postage only,
} but have had no reply and cannot find any trace either of the request or
} my email.

Request was in the newsgroup (, I believe).
Ah, I subscribe to comp.sys.sinclair only - but I expire it after 30 
days (8-(#
I never see the request on this list.

} Whoever it was, can they please contact me.

It's not me.

  QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
 TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Request - Microdrive Pinout

2002-09-17 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 17 Sep 2002 at 19:43:58, Robert Newson wrote:

Tony Firshman wrote:

 On  Mon, 16 Sep 2002 at 20:13:26, Robert Newson wrote:


* as far as I can read the printing on the circuit is
daisy chain connected (via Comms Out/Comms In on MDV2_/MDV1_) back to

 yep.  As I said, looping 1 to 2 on the QL connectors transfers the
 select, so QL1 and QL2 looped makes the external start at mdv1_.

Shurely thou meanst external starts at mdv3_?

No - I was referring to connecting pins 1 and 2 on each internal
connector, with the microdrives removed.
I did this on a cased QL - it was quite easy then to connect an external
microdrive as mdv1_.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Quanta - Articles plea

2002-09-18 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Wed, 18 Sep 2002 at 11:50:30, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

At 01:47 ìì 16/9/2002, you wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Malcolm Cadman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2002 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quanta - Articles plea

  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bruce N
  The next issue of Quanta is very short on articles for publication. If
  you have any articles or news for publication please send them to the
  address below.
  Bruce (Quanta Editor)
 You are welcome to take any articles on the SQLUG Web site

I believe the correct URL is :


BTW: that's the way the URL should be written Tony and not including
the last  in the URL (Turnpike is probably doing that to you tho_
It isn't.
I keep getting told off on usenet for _not_ adding the last ''

Apparently the recognised form is:


in exactly the same way, I am told told:


The reason is very simple.  Without that final '' the URL will get
broken if there are hard EOLs added, as is often the case, especially
with long URLs.

I think the problem must lie with your mailer - Eudora isn't it?

Certainly Turnpike, which slavishly follows internet conventions, and
very successfully I think, accepts these forms, and correctly linked the
quoted URL above.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Quanta - Articles plea

2002-09-18 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Wed, 18 Sep 2002 at 15:27:33, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

Certainly Turnpike, which slavishly follows internet conventions, and
very successfully I think, accepts these forms, and correctly linked the
quoted URL above.

All of my mailers cannot handle the form of the url that you are
sending out... the reason once more is simple...

The code you are sending out is:

URL:a href=;
I am not.  All that html is added erroneously by Eudora.
What I sent out was:
and that is all.

Interestingly, even with the above mashed Eudora version, Turnpike still
correctly linked just the URL (8-)#

instead of the correct:

URL:a href=;

In essence you are including the second  within the url whereas you
should leave it out. Turnpike (and any receiving mailer) correctly
interprets the %3E as part of the url and feeds it to the browser...
No - all Turnpike shows is exactly what I sent.
In fact the section you quoted was exactly what I sent:
 I believe the correct URL is :
Eudora is hiding the real text from you it seems.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Movep

2002-09-20 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 20 Sep 2002 at 11:23:29, Laurence Reeves wrote:

The sort of game that you'll find in the Minerva ROM, where every byte
saved on non-critical code meant another feature could be squeezed in,
One feature per byte is a mite better than even _you_ could manage (8-)#

I well remember your general attitude in saving bytes.
eg  use JMP not JSR when the called routine was the last action.
You use this for instance when you call BP.INIT.

... and your comment that using MT.INF (for system variable base)  was
actually shorter than accessing the literal address - which allows for
easy patching of dodgy code.

I reckon you would win all competitions for compact code, but
readability is a different matter.

eg in superBasic you often had:

10 a% = b%

I spent ages looking for the variable b%, until I realised it was a
function (8-)#
You hate superfluous bytes, and I have seen you in my own basic code
almost unconsciously removing superfluous spaces - even putting 'endif'
knowing it would resolve to 'END IF' automatically.
FOR j=1 TO 3, rather than 'FOR j = 1 TO 3' and so on, but quite

Mind you having seen your asm, I reckon you would win the documentation
prize too (8-)#
There was one whole page I remember where the only code was
something like:
version$ = 2.65;
but was actually a seamless part of the comment.

You would also document long arguments with yourself in deciding the
best course of action.
might have gone something like:
Ah well... I chip in my two cents once in a while. Hi all!
... and nice to see you reading the list.
I know (from our recent very voluminous recent emails) that you are, but
I keep forgetting you still read the list.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Movep

2002-09-20 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 20 Sep 2002 at 15:09:37, Tony Firshman wrote:

On  Fri, 20 Sep 2002 at 11:23:29, Laurence Reeves wrote:

The sort of game that you'll find in the Minerva ROM, where every byte
saved on non-critical code meant another feature could be squeezed in,
One feature per byte is a mite better than even _you_ could manage (8-)#

FOR j=1 TO 3, rather than 'FOR j = 1 TO 3' and so on, but quite
Sorry I now remember your cunning. You actually typed:

FOR j=1to 3

 which impressed me.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Movep

2002-09-21 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sat, 21 Sep 2002 at 17:49:17, Stephen Meech wrote:
(ref: 00d301c2618e$db40c2e0$[EMAIL PROTECTED])

Thank you for that shot of nostalgia - remembering both the development of
Minerva but also taking me further back to the hours I spent recoding magazine
program listings for my ZX81 resulting in substantial savings in loading and
execution time.

Consequently, I don't think I ever wrote decently documented code!
Talking about unfathomable undocumented code, do you remember the QL
World competition - that was the original QL World back in 85 or 86.

It specified a limited basic program to draw a picture.  The winner
produced very clever re-entrant code using turtle graphics. Not only
were they (he had two entries) very good pictures, but one was
entertained for a long time watching them draw.
They were a devil to type in as the printer they used did not print the
correct non-ASCII characters (or even chrs under 27!).
I have just tried it (dragon_bas in QBBS files area #1) and it works on
the Aurora/SGC/Minerva.   It runs a _lot_ faster than I remember it on
the unexpanded QL.
It even runs under qemulator - and a lot faster than even SGC.

Does anyone have the other program?
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

[ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-23 Thread Tony Firshman

Anyone got a URL for UK standard parcel prices.

I see they have disappeared from the 'Guide to services' I got recently,
and I threw away my old list.  I cannot find any info on their web site.

I need to post a repaired QL - but it seems Parcelfarce no longer
recognise standard parcels.

Quite amazing and hostile - no wonder they are a failing company.

I hope I am wrong, and that the cheapest rate for a standard parcel of
any weight up to 8kg is not £11.85 for 'Parcelforce 48'.

If true it will mean a charge of £35 for a QL repair - effectively
killing off the service.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-23 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 23 Sep 2002 at 23:33:05, Bill Waugh wrote:
(ref: 000c01c26351$30261c60$23d27ad5@famwaugh)

- Original Message -
From: Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 10:55 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

Anyone got a URL for UK standard parcel prices.

I see they have disappeared from the 'Guide to services' I got recently,
and I threw away my old list.  I cannot find any info on their web site.

I need to post a repaired QL - but it seems Parcelfarce no longer
recognise standard parcels.

Quite amazing and hostile - no wonder they are a failing company.

I hope I am wrong, and that the cheapest rate for a standard parcel of
any weight up to 8kg is not £11.85 for 'Parcelforce 48'.

If true it will mean a charge of £35 for a QL repair - effectively
killing off the service.;jsessionid=3QHYJJADJ

Try this Tony
That got totally zapped by line breaks.
I had to extract to a text editor and remake it.
There are two ways of getting this through


You have not been following the thread on ql-chat (8-)#

Where exactly on that site did you find standard UK prices?
The cheapest I could find there (as I said above) was Parcelfarce48
for £11.85

I reckon something has gone wrong when Consignia site took over (I have to speel it right there (8-)#  )
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-24 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 24 Sep 2002 at 02:50:26, Mike MacNamara wrote:
(ref: 005701c2636c$c170d410$0100a8c0@macnamarobpzwb)

FSauctions link page to parcel deliveries by all the major
players is

next day is £8.99 + VAT, but I have used cheaper, QXL I think.
 but Parcelfarce is cheaper.
I simply cannot find prices on the Consignia site (that
redirects to)
I guess it is because Consignia are Parcelfarce competitors.
I have used them since day one for QL repairs and only had one problem.

Tony Firshman

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-24 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 23 Sep 2002 at 22:55:40, Tony Firshman wrote:

Anyone got a URL for UK standard parcel prices.

I see they have disappeared from the 'Guide to services' I got recently,
and I threw away my old list.  I cannot find any info on their web site.

I see that std UK parcels are no longer handled by Parcelforce, but
is now a standard 'Royal Mail' service - as far as their web site is
concerned anyway.

(Does _this_ URL come through OK, Phoebus?
I have used a new feature of Turnpike to sent sections 'unformatted'
It removed all the URL: etc bits - which will please Phoebus (8-)# )

 Nothing on the web site top ends to say this but 'ParcelForce
Worldwide' say this on their phone line menu.

 so QL repairs can continue as normal.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-24 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 24 Sep 2002 at 08:31:09, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

At 03:24 ðì 24/9/2002, Tony wrote:
(Does _this_ URL come through OK, Phoebus?
I have used a new feature of Turnpike to sent sections 'unformatted'
It removed all the URL: etc bits - which will please Phoebus (8-)# )

Perfect :-) but as far as I am concerned since you were originally
right Tony, you may continue send your URLs anyway you please :-


No - I will send this way and please everyone.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-24 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 24 Sep 2002 at 20:16:12, Jeremy Taffel wrote:
(ref: 003d01c263fe$d93d2020$[EMAIL PROTECTED])

lookout express mangled all the attempts at this URL

The original was split over 3 lines, with the URL only recognised to the
first line break. The latest continues the URL over the first line break,
but not the second.
damn damn damn

Looks like the mailers of this world are totally incompatible with each
other. Turnpike seems to be the only one that works with all 'standard'
layouts. For QL emailshots it looks like I will have to include:

 and the raw non-formatted one that works for Phoebus.

What a mess the internet is in.

Easily remedied though, click on reply, then edit out the line breaks. It is
then recognised properly.
Well I just knew that Outback would not handle anything like that,
whatever format it is in (8-)#

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-26 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Thu, 26 Sep 2002 at 09:21:03, Norman Dunbar wrote:

did you know that your 'quote' character(s) are not coming through in your
replies - this makes it a bit difficult to find your stuff in amongst my
dross :o)
Ahha - I have had long 'chat' with Bill about this and he says I am the
only one who complains, so it must be Turnpike (8-)#
I have been unable to convince him that he is SENDING the emails wrongly

I agree - it makes his emails very difficult to understand.
He is using Lookout Express - anyone tell him how to get it to send
correctly?  I bet it cannot and the '' has to be done manually with the
consequent autowrap problems (8-(#

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-26 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Thu, 26 Sep 2002 at 21:35:35, Bill Waugh wrote:
(ref: 008301c2659c$6533eac0$862c073e@famwaugh)

- Original Message -
From: Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

when I send them they are correctly formatted, if you recieve them wrongly
formmated then when you send them back they reformat correctly before I
recieve them, or are you suggesting that OE sends them wrong and then when
it recieve replies corrects them before it displays them.
I have no idea.
I see the original with absolutely no '' indents at all, and I am not
the only one it seems.
My quoted text, and your reply are all with no indents.

When I reply they are still wrongly formatted with one '', and when you
reply to me with the second level '' they are _still wrongly
I really cannot see how they can possibly arrive to you correctly
Have a look again - I think you are simply not seeing the bad

 I agree - it makes his emails very difficult to understand.

Norman was speaking of Quote marks he did'nt mention indenting
What are quote marks then - that is a new one on me.
You have snipped Norman's comment.
I have always thought quote marks in email ocntext were the '' at the
beginning of line.

We need to ascertain what we both mean by 'Indented and  'formatted' I am
assuming you mean the placing of an  against text, one  for every level of
Yes indeed.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-27 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 27 Sep 2002 at 09:23:47, Norman Dunbar wrote:

Sorry guys, I may have led you up the garden path.

When I mentioned 'quotes' I was referring to 'quoting of previous text to
which I am now replying' - basically, what has been said before. I was not
referring to quote marks ( or ') in Bill's text - as far as I know, these
are fine.

When Bill replies to an email, the whole reply has no '' indents/quotes
before the lines in the original message to which Bill is replying.

The example below, shows my original text indented/quoted by '' at the
start of the line. In this case, Bill's reply has come through correctly -
no misunderstanding of who said what. However, in a number of his previous
replies, there were no indent/quotes - whcih made it difficult to follw what
was original text and what was Bill's reply.
Yep - that is what I find exactly.

Bill is still pretty unsure as to what is happening.
I am pretty sure he must be sending it without indents () but I don't
think he is convinced.

I cannot see how _any_ mailer can strip off '' - it just doesn't seem

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] e-mail plain protocols [was Parcelfarce]

2002-09-28 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 27 Sep 2002 at 22:46:34, John G Hitchcock wrote:
(ref: 007001c2666f$7c0fabc0$dc169fd4@johns)

In I/E v 6.00

send tab
select: include message in reply
Note: In I/E 6: There does not *seem* to be the offer of the -

'' etc as a prefix but a standardisation on ':'
Interesting - I have _never_ seen ':' until now.

See example below

reply to original

- Original Message -
From:  A N other ..
To: AN A N Other
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 10:25 PM
Subject: Test for ' include message in reply' - original

: Test for ' include message in reply' - original


 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] e-mail plain protocols [was Parcelfarce]

2002-09-30 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 29 Sep 2002 at 01:48:01, P Witte wrote:
(ref: 002b01c2685c$4b5692c0$0100a8c0@gamma)

View my reply in plaintext (if you can find it)! Per
I did (two clicks) and, as I thought I said, it looks the same.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

[ql-users] Ron Humphries

2002-10-02 Thread Tony Firshman

My apologies for putting this here, but I can think of no other way.

I sent an email to
(ie replied to your emails) and it bounced with:

'This domain is blacklisted'!!!
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Ron Humphries

2002-10-03 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Wed, 2 Oct 2002 at 15:44:19, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

At 04:49 ðì 2/10/2002, you wrote:

'This domain is blacklisted'!!!

Seems like demon was blacklisted by that particular ISP
Good god - they might as well blacklist the world.
If onetel are doing things like that to one of the largest ISPs in the
UK, then they might as well go away and bury their heads in the Sahara.

I assumed that Demon was refusing to send.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Caution- BugBear Virus

2002-10-07 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 6 Oct 2002 at 20:08:07, Roy Wood wrote:

In message NH6Z2ZFCMK523W09TS4XYVDACBFC4YVP.3da051e5@quantumcentral,

Hi All,
Please be cautioned that Giorgio's been infected with the BugBear Worm.
Do not Open the attachment (unless LookOut Distress did that already
for you...)

AVG does remove it.
Norton detects and quarantines it. I have had one or two so far.
Indeed it does.  I have had about 20 (8-(#

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Caution- BugBear Virus

2002-10-07 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 7 Oct 2002 at 13:50:01, Michael Berger wrote:
(ref: 000101c26df8$46f0d320$ac0e01d9@1und11010841)

Tony Firshman wrote:

 Interestingly whatever mailer you use does not identify itself in the
 header, so I guess it cannot be 'that which shall not be named' (8-)#

Now that is funny ... in fact it is. Looks like the program behaves the same
as we do.

Sorry - must have missed it.
It is there now:
Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.

It would be great if you could explain how you quoted 'normally' this
time, or did you do it manually?

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Keyboard membranes

2002-10-13 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 13 Oct 2002 at 20:25:34, Voyager wrote:
(ref: 011601c272dd$90b8e350$0100a8c0@voyager4)

Just a quick comment, although (I think) self-evident:
it's impossible to make profit on making 1K~5K membranes and storing
them for the next 10 years repairing QLs :-). It's too expensive to
build less than several 100s membranes per batch. It's just helping
romantics (like me) to have fully working systems for our personal
The original manufacturer (NFI) would not make less than 5000, but last
time we combined with a Spectrum order.

 and also would not change the spec for the nasty plastic in the
majority.  The only type worth doing would be the original (first 100 or
so units) clear plastic type.
Anyone know who did these?
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Keyboard membranes

2002-10-14 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 13 Oct 2002 at 21:28:35, Zane Lewis wrote:

Do you mean West Coast of the US?

If so, that would bring the West Coast tally up to 4.

California.. I have 3 QL's sitting in a shed waiting for either me to hit
the lottery, or someone to make a membrane cheap enough to ship here. Hermes
boards are $160 a piece.. IF they can be gotten at all.
superHermes of course.
That is the full sH price - the sH LITE is about half that.
I make them fresh to order so they can be had any time (8-)#

There are other interfaces no longer though - Falkenburg for a start.
It works OK but the build quality was awful.
He had the pcbs made by a friend in Uni (he said).
One board I had to 'repair' had the traces each side of the double sided
board so much out of alignment that the pins of components had to be
bent sideways to get to the tracks on one side of the board.
 but it worked OK.
There must be someone in the US with s/h interfaces.
I also think someone (an ex QL dealer) has a few. It wasn't Frank Davis.
Anyone remember who?  Don Walterman?
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Keyboard membranes

2002-10-14 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 14 Oct 2002 at 09:52:04, Tony Firshman wrote:

I also think someone (an ex QL dealer) has a few. It wasn't Frank Davis.
Anyone remember who?  Don Walterman?
On second thoughts, I think it was Paul Holmgren

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Keyboard membranes

2002-10-14 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 14 Oct 2002 at 12:24:18, QL recursos en castellano wrote:
(ref: 007e01c2736b$db0ccfa0$0201a8c0@badapc)

Somebody knows about a company in England called NFI? 
Yes - as I said, we bought thousands from them using the original
Sinclair spec and equipment.

I have spoken today with Investrónica, who imported the QL to Spain,
and assures that it was its membrane supplier.
Sinclair must have dual sourced.

Maybe they are prepared to do short runs?
I bow out of the negotiations (have no time) but maybe someone could
take this up.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] QL Keyboard Membranes - moving on

2002-10-16 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Wed, 16 Oct 2002 at 06:02:42,  wrote:

I think that ordering more than 200 membranes would be pointless, and
so we need an idea of the minimum order requirements.  Maybe Tony's
idea of adding it to a Spectrum membrane order may help in this
There might be demand - ask Bill.

... but I suspect any manufacturer will be talking thousands, not
hundreds.  The tooling is pricy.  Bill had to move heaven and earth to
go down from 1 to 5000.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Membrane update (and progress)

2002-10-18 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Thu, 17 Oct 2002 at 18:15:52, =?windows-1253?Q?=D6=EF=DF=E2=EF=F2=20
=D1.=20=CD=F4=FC=EA=EF=F2?= wrote:
(ref: BVQWKH721VPKLIKZXOMUTKE4XWGD.3daf3698quantumcentral)

ANY membrane will fail give it
sufficient time and enough tinkering with the QLs inside but not the Qeyboard
... not the original clear plastic membrane, in the first 1000 or so
That is very very durable, and I use for testing QLs.
Of course it could fail, but only, I think, if attacked.

That sort of plastic should be used in any replacement.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

[ql-users] Calling DD

2002-10-19 Thread Tony Firshman

Dennis or Derek - I have been unable to contact you by email about the
forthcoming show emailshot.
Could you please contact me privately.
I think my emails must be going astray/
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Trying to contact Tony Firshman

2002-10-13 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sat, 12 Oct 2002 at 16:41:25, Callum Davidson wrote:
(ref: 001101c27238$1d01d6b0$d6443444vaio)


Sorry that my first message here is a public plea!

I've been trying to contact Tony Firshman, but my emails keep being
returned. Tony - could you email me please?

Demon had problems at the end of last week.
I seem to be getting mail OK this weekend.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] a small but perfectly formed update to QDOS INTERNALS website

2002-10-25 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 25 Oct 2002 at 13:54:45, François Van Emelen wrote:

Speaking of Sbasic... Wouldn't it be nice to avoid 'word clashes' by
following some kind of convention?
An example to illustrate this?
I've just discovered W. Lenerz' ARRAY_BIN. Nice extension, but
unuseable. Why? It contains 'sort' and 'search' and these words are
already present in other extensions that I use every day.( reset,
search,sort,count,lower$,upper$,... are used in at least 3
toolkits/extensions ... and they aren't compatible).
Why not adopt the approach used in 'ProWeSs' and 'ProForma', where all
the functions and procedures have meaingful names and all start with
'PW_' or 'PF_' ?
How about someone being appointed as a name server.
Anyone adding to QDOS/SMSQ for general release should register the name
with one person.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

2002-10-28 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 28 Oct 2002 at 21:54:36, Malcolm Cadman wrote:


On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Norman Dunbar wrote:

 I suspect you'll find that scholls nowadays are all 'mainstream' in that
 they have a pile of PCs running Windows. They are, after all, training the
 'yoof of today' to be able to work in the offices of today, or the next

Maybe I wasn't clear... :o)

Old PC XTs used to be able to share some of the functionality of the beeb,
but now we have these superfast, PCI-only (no ISA) PCs, they just CAN'T do
a lot of the things they used to, without very very expensive cards. We're
not talking about computer departments, we're talking about
technology/engineering departments, where robotics, data
acquisition/control practical work is done...

 I'd love to see the QL 'bounce back' but I'm afraid I'm very sceptical when
 ideas are put forward to get it going as a 'mainstream' computer. I'm sad to
 say that the QL - and its derivatives - are more than likely destined to
 remain a hobby.

I agree with you on this! The QL will not be making any kind of
resurgence. However, elements of the QL can go forward in other things,
and in such a way that the community benefits. If we had a really compact
embedded board with serial/IR keyboard/programming in BASIC (a bit like a
super BASIC STAMP module, but more powerful ;) it could sell by the

It's all a case of what can we convince people to buy, and still benefit
the community from.

Yes, there is a market in this kind of specialism ... provided it can be
programmed from any 'mainstream' computer host.

The Lego Mindstorms 'brick' is a popular one right now.
Yes - the 'RCX'
It is desperately unsophisticated of course, only 3 I/O lines, very
inaccurate clock, and not dirt cheap.
There is C like (NQC - 'Not Quite C') language support for them - which
Ben (my 12 yr old son) uses.

IBOX - the thought in the mind of me and Stuart, went a fair way down
this route.  I even started building a prototype.
It was planned have Minerva/68xxx/pic.

It was primarily for I/O but could easily have had keyboard and some
sort of display.

and it would have fitted inside a 36 way D housing.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

2002-10-29 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 28 Oct 2002 at 20:15:35, =?windows-1253?Q?=D6=EF=DF=E2=EF=F2=20
=D1.=20=CD=F4=FC=EA=EF=F2?= wrote:
(ref: HCZW3VC95Y3V7WV61HBZX8A04ZOMQK.3dbde137@quantumcentral)

??? 28/10/2002 6:29:33 ??, ?/? Tony Firshman

BTW Tony, loved the plumbing at Bill's house ;-) Mighty nifty as my
wife says :-)
For those who don't know, this was a gravity fed spring water system
that Bill and I installed 18 months ago.
He gets fresh cold spring water from a tap in his kitchen!
Most of you will know Bill lives in a Vermont forest in a house he built
himself, and lives off wind and solar power (mainly).
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Sbasic extensions toolkits

2002-10-29 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 29 Oct 2002 at 18:11:58, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: 004901c27f7a$21a515c0$a1075cc3blackpc)

 you must have so much stuff on your web site, that you have
forgotton what
 you have :o)

 The source is available for download from your own web site.
Just my job driving me towards a nervous time to do
anything at all, even less enthusiasm for anything at all at the
moment. Am absolutely DESPERATE to change jobs at the moment.
Dilwyn - I have never know you _not_ desperate to change jobs (8-)#

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

2002-10-30 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Wed, 30 Oct 2002 at 01:15:46, P Witte wrote:
(ref: 002e01c27fb2$5f7080f0$0100a8c0gamma)

Stephen Meech writes:

Any problem with QPC2? It is a quantum leap ahead of the competition in that
it runs SMSQ/E. It is currently supported by probably the only ace
programmer active on the QL scene (sorry Marcel ;)
We shouldn't forget people like Jim Hunkins, Rich Mellor and Jonathan
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] 10BaseT Ethernet on the Q40/And of course a stupid question :-)

2002-11-03 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 4 Nov 2002 at 01:26:23, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

ZN wrote:
Also, does anybody have info on how the QXL talks to the ISA
bus? It would be interesting (to say the least) to put the QXL
there and use it together with the Q40 ;-
 Thierry Godefroy knows, I'm sure

Has anybody heard of him lately?
Jean-Louis Dianoux says he is the 'Flying Dutchman' (8-)#
He has not had sight or sound of him for months.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] a small but perfectly formed update to QDOS INTERNALS website

2002-11-04 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 4 Nov 2002 at 08:57:21,  wrote:
(ref: 3DC63671.8337.69C9FBlocalhost)

On 25 Oct 2002, at 23:58, Tony Firshman wrote:

 How about someone being appointed as a name server.
 Anyone adding to QDOS/SMSQ for general release should register the name
 with one person.

Well, François van Emelem is IT!!!
What is his email?
I don't seem to have him on the Ql emailshot list - at least no 'emelem'

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

2002-11-06 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Wed, 6 Nov 2002 at 21:06:28, Dave P wrote:

On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Jochen Merz wrote:

 maybe I can add a bit of clarification here.

Thanks for the clarification.

As a member of the public, Wolfgang's approach aside, I can now see how he
arrived there (just wish he gave us a chance to get up to speed too
instead of throwing us in at the deep end! ;P)

So, DD are theiving scum.

If you bought one, contact Wolfgang directly
and offer to pay the license fee. Seems fair.
The money is not the issue really.
The main point of the license is to ensure there is only one approved
version in the field.
DD, according to their adverts, are selling a patched version.

This is precisely what Wolfgang is striving to avoid.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

[ql-users] What the QL is really all about

2002-11-06 Thread Tony Firshman

After the recent unfortunate, sometimes uninformed, and sometimes
downright silly emails in ql-users about the SMSQ/E license, I was
absolutely delighted to get a letter from an 'octogenarian' customer
(one of the very few customers of any age this year) this morning to
remind me what I like about the QL scene, and why I am still around.

I repaired her QL (for the second time after a ten year gap), but forgot
to tell her in advance that replacement mdv hardware was extra.  I
simply scribbled a note on the invoice saying something like that, and
that it was her lucky day as she got it free.

Incidentally the new membrane I fitted in 1990 was still in working
order, though brittle.  It supported my theory that the main reason
membranes fail inside closed QLs is that the tails were bent very hard
back on themselves by Thorn-EMI just as they emerge from under the metal
plate.  Give the tails a gentle curve and the membrane will last - even
after it becomes brittle.

Here is her reply:

Dear Sir,

Forgive the formality. I don't know your name.

I think you really should know just how much your
cryptic message on my invoice (No. S07585) encouraged me.
It came at a time when other things were not going well and
my spirits were low. It was not just the sparing of my bank
account, very welcome with Christmas galloping up, but the
integrity and generosity translated into action and the
humerous [sic] explanation. As an octogenarian I deeply
appreciate that. Thank you very much.

It is great to have my QL back in service.

Yours sincerely,

I cannot but think it good that she is not on the internet (she could
have guessed 'tony' from my email) - but maybe she will read all about
it in Quanta (8-(#
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

2002-11-06 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 5 Nov 2002 at 08:46:11, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

I was under the impression that Peter had acquired (ie paid) the rights
to resell/modify SMSQ/E... Since DD systems act as his agents under
British (and American) Common law (which not only gives them liability
but also benefits), they are entitled to distribute SMSQ/E legally.
They do not have the right to sell if for any other system but only for
the Qx0 of course. All this of course is true provided that Peter DOES
carry the right to modify/resell/develop SMSQ/E (which I believe is
Even it isn't so, I do not believe that DD would want to hijack the
software only that there's an honest misunderstanding somewhere

I hope :-)
Woldgang will have to reply to this.   I am pretty sure that, although
Peter offered, no money changed hands.

(And not taking sides In any case I am ABSOLUTELY certain that I am
not violating ANY law as my Q40 is a used one bought originally from Q-
Branch... :-)
Those were sold prior to the license, and TT was paid royalties via JMS
- you are OK (8-)#

It is a great pity that Wolfgang felt he had to make this public.
I saw what was going on in private, and believe me, we all tried very
hard to get a sensible dialogue going.
 I hope we still can.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Development

2002-11-06 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Wed, 6 Nov 2002 at 15:28:28, Norman Dunbar wrote:

Hi Phoebus,

listen, I'm a Scotsman living and working in England, married to an English
woman and working in a software hose full of English people - and you think
your the first to taunt :o)
ha ha - how many Englishmen then can you fit in a 'hose'.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

2002-11-07 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Thu, 7 Nov 2002 at 02:01:09, Jeremy Taffel wrote:
(ref: 007e01c28601$8a88b6e0$afba0050taff3)

One thing that puzzles me; Dennis states that Wolfgang used the wrong
address so he never received it. However the wrong address seems to be the
one that Derek uses to contact this list.
I keep making the same mistake too - because of the two Ds (8-)#
It was Dennis who said this.
 I've never come across a send
only email address before.
Reading between the lines, I think Dennis must have problems getting at
this received mail.
However the bottom line is that _Derek_ got all the mail (packaged into
one) by Wolfgang.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] What the QL is really all about

2002-11-07 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Thu, 7 Nov 2002 at 11:55:07, Norman Dunbar wrote:


Our email system is Exchange, and when I got the email in from the list,
there was no attachemnet and the format is 'plain text' (I hate HTML and RTF
emails - just so someone can have their signiture embedded etc !). The
headers are as follows (from the message I got send) :

SNIP of some header stuff

From: Norman Dunbar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [ql-users] What the QL is really all about
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 10:44:53 -
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
Content-Type: text/plain;
Precedence: bulk
Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;

It says above 'plain text' - which is how I have my email configured anyway.

I'm puzzled now.
Don't worry.
I think your 'attachment' is basically plain text.
It must though contain some control characters as Turnpike treats is as
an 'attachment' with header and footer and action bars.
I suspect it some chrs 26 which shouldn't worry even a text mailer.
Sorry for worrying you (8-)#

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

2002-11-07 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Thu, 7 Nov 2002 at 22:31:35, Bill Waugh wrote:
(ref: 00c601c286ad$6ee41220$b06401d5@famwaugh)

- Original Message -
From: Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

 On  Thu, 7 Nov 2002 at 01:28:45, P Witte wrote:
 (ref: 012601c285fd$2d6ddcf0$0100a8c0@gamma)

 The simple and stark message,  that incidentally also applies to a
 other beleaguered minority interest group in the painful process of
 ripping itself apart, must be: Unite or Die ;)

 I object to being linked to the UK Tory party (8-)#

 I would have thought a property magnate ( sheds ) with access to the
ear of Radio 4 would have been a natural (;-)

... and I now have seven sheds.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

2002-11-07 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Thu, 7 Nov 2002 at 20:52:36, Malcolm Cadman wrote:

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tarquin Mills

In 2000 I went to the London workshop, I saw the Q40 and liked it.
In 2001 I went to the Byfleet workshop, tried to purchase a Q40 but QBranch
and the Grafs had split, so could not.
In 2002 I will go to the London workshop, I was going to buy a Q60 but now I
find out that they seem to be illegal. Do not say,use QDOS Classic, my
message is simple and stark, sort it out! Why do non Wintel platforms
keep shooting themselves in the foot?

P.S. I am bringing 4 new keyboard membranes for sale.

DD have not notified there presence with the Q60.
... but after I sent the emailshot out they provided some in put for it,
so they may well come.
I hope so - the air needs clearing and text here is not the way.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

2002-11-08 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 8 Nov 2002 at 05:58:42, Phoebus Dokos wrote:
(ref: UTICWR05TN091TWSHCLK2U06RMC7DBQO.3dcb98e2@quantumcentral)

??? 8/11/2002 3:38:30 ??, ?/? Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED] ??:
Monster Raving Loony Party - Screaming Lord Such?
He often got more votes than 'legitimate' parties.
He is dead now, but Roy, as an ex pop star, should take over his role

Yes that's the one :-)
You did me a great service Tony... I just woke up from a 2 hour sleep
because I was trying to remember the name of it and couldn't :-) (Ever
had that
bugging feeling in your mind?)
All the time.  The best course is to stop thinking, and it pops up.

Now I an go back to sleep...

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

2002-11-08 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 8 Nov 2002 at 18:28:49, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
(ref: 3DCC0261.6167.2100FElocalhost)

On 8 Nov 2002, at 11:47, Tony Firshman wrote:

(...) The best course is to stop thinking,

How do you do that?

Does it happen often to you?...
Not often enough (8-)#

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

[ql-users] Re: Graphic Tablet and QL TV-Toy (Arnould where are you?)

2002-11-08 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 8 Nov 2002 at 17:12:21, Phoebus Dokos wrote:
(ref: ZY93KED8S73WTTRZUHGUR2WB7KI4Z05.3dcc36c5quantumcentral)

I got two Crayola Tablets (they are serial) one for my daughter's
killer QL system to
draw on TV (and avoid the mess) and one for my Q40... It works just
fine with my
regular QL as an IPC mouse (trouble is no DOing allowed but that's no
problem for
That is via superHermes?
I remember buying a tablet mouse in Boston just before a QL show, and
actually trying it out for the first time during a talk I was giving at
the show.  It worked fine.
I reckon anything that works through a standard PC serial port (without
PC drivers for basic functions) will work on sH mouse port.
I went to some trouble to get it to accept std RS232, despite the fact
that most mice will work on TTL.

Preliminary specs for the toy:

SGC / Aurora / RomDisQ or QubIDE/CF card for software updates
Minerva MK II for I2C (see Lego) connectivity
I can see no basic problem with letting you use the pcb design on the
motherboard.  It needs a GAL of course.
It would be up to Lau though, who is the sole representative of the
original design team.
Since I haven't had an Aurora with a Minerva Rom so far I still don't
know if the
extra modes can be invoked like with SMSQ/E (with direct hardware
access) but I
am getting there :-)
They can't, but Lau said it was not too difficult to do.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Re: Graphic Tablet and QL TV-Toy (Arnould where are you?)

2002-11-09 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 8 Nov 2002 at 18:48:37, Phoebus Dokos wrote:
(ref: 4133Y2VI76XVRQNJKXRC854HB32VU.3dcc4d55quantumcentral)

(IIRC when SMSQ/E is loaded atop of Minerva, the I2C port continues to I wrong?)
Yes - there is an SMSQ module that enables the I2C - god I am suffering
from directory loss again - can't think of his name.  Lives in East
London, and has a beard used be with spuddy...  urmm, no it is
gone. ah yes, David Gilham. That is what one has to go through to
find the memory location (8-)#

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] QL Service Manual in HTML Format

2002-11-09 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sat, 9 Nov 2002 at 07:29:19, QL recursos en castellano wrote:
(ref: 001801c287b9$56071740$0201a8c0badapc)

The document QL Service Manual has been turned to HTML by one of the
collaborators of the page Sinclair QL Spanish Resources

One is to your disposition in the URL:

I hope that it is to you of interest and utility.
That is very good indeed. 'interesting and useful' is what you probably
meant to say (8-)#

Not surprisingly at 100k, the pcb diagrams GIFs are illegible.
You could maybe offer a hi-res zipped download - maybe you already have.
The original diagrams though have quite few mistakes.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] QL Calendar for 2003

2002-11-09 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sat, 9 Nov 2002 at 14:35:25, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

Hi Norman.
 You'll notice I said 'naked QLs' and not 'naked QLers'.

Good. Because I certainly don't want so see something like that in the
he he - who is that?
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

2002-11-09 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sat, 9 Nov 2002 at 13:53:10, dndsystems1 wrote:
(ref: 00a401c287fe$d067c620$4f6887d9@asusone)

- Original Message -
From: Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

 On  Wed, 6 Nov 2002 at 21:06:28, Dave P wrote:

 On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Jochen Merz wrote:
  maybe I can add a bit of clarification here.
 Thanks for the clarification.
 As a member of the public, Wolfgang's approach aside, I can now see
how he
 arrived there (just wish he gave us a chance to get up to speed too
 instead of throwing us in at the deep end! ;P)
 So, DD are theiving scum.

 If you bought one, contact Wolfgang directly
 and offer to pay the license fee. Seems fair.
 The money is not the issue really.
 The main point of the license is to ensure there is only one
 version in the field.
 DD, according to their adverts, are selling a patched version.

 This is precisely what Wolfgang is striving to avoid.

You're not still on about that are you, I can't belive it. Look at it
like this there are 2 versions of 2.98, the first was flawed, the
second was fixed. The second version makes the Q60 behave like other
platforms _adding_ to uniformity across platforms. The first version
makes the Q60 behave like nothing else because it is wrong.

What I should have said was _unlicensed_ patched versions, sorry.

that would have avoided the loads I have snipped.

As Wolfgang has said, there will obviously be changes on individual
releases.  What the license is trying to do, as far as I see, to make
sure that patches do not break program code.

As Roy pointed out, even Tony Tebby's patches used to do that.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Forthcoming Shows

2002-11-09 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sat, 9 Nov 2002 at 14:19:22, Phoebus Dokos wrote:
(ref: IG0463JG631XANHTQ5Z1ZEAOMWRIFG.3dcd5fba@quantumcentral)

??? 9/11/2002 1:53:40 ??, ?/? Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Davide - if you are 'listening', don't be put off by last time.
If you organise another one say next June, I would certainly come if I
can.  I need another 'Red Lion' pizza (8-)#  (That town halfway between
Reggio and Parma, that Sturat and I found by accident by bicycle.

hmm June you said? Now that's interesting as you know I am always in
Greece at that time and heck it's only 6 hours by boat (My wife would
kill to go
back to her country of origin even for a QL show :-)... I may even bring my
old Beetle (now at my cousin's posession) complete with in-dash QL ;-) (That's
where my very first QL ended up... doesn't do anything fancy, just a database
of places and keeps gas mileage etc)
That sounds like a _very_ good reason for having it.  They have all been
at Reggio Emilia (bar one).
How about we work on Davide.  I know he would like to have one, but, as
I say, he was very put off by the attendance last time, and very
apologetic to us.  It is easy and pretty cheap to fly to Milan for us
 but truly giant and well  covered pizzas later.

H Calzone :-) hehehehehe
No not them.  Standard open ones, but with a vast amount on top, and
very very large.
I have been to the 'Red Lion' (what a bad name - sounds like a British
pub) twice with Stuart on bicycles, and once with Roy by car.

On one of the cycle rides we asked a a local Italian for directions, and
he turned out to have been chauffeur to Lord Carrington for years in
England (8-)#
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] QL Calendar for 2003

2002-11-09 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sat, 9 Nov 2002 at 23:42:49, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

Tony Firshman wrote:
 he he - who is that?

He's a German hacker known within the scene as Endergone Zwiebeltüte
which translates into endergonic onion bag. No, the German version
doesn't make much sense either ;-)
I know the translation - 'Wally absorbing energy' (8-)#
I gather he's an expert when it comes to smart cards and related
things (cryptography, electronic money). No real QL activity is known
Phew - that is a relief (8-)#

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] QL Service Manual in HTML Format

2002-11-10 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 10 Nov 2002 at 12:48:10, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: 002601c288b9$d15dade0$73065cc3blackpc)

 You can compare with the original one.

 Javier Guerra
 Sinclair QL Spanish Resources
The QL manual is also there as a PDF file, but I have NEVER been able
to download any files from this site. IE just locks up each time I
try. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

I would love to download the QL manual PDFs!
Ah - I have the same problem, but blamed my end.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] QL Service Manual in HTML Format

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 10 Nov 2002 at 09:47:26,  wrote:

In a message dated 10/11/02 14:43:36 GMT Standard Time,

  Hi Dilwyn
  The link you are using has ual.pdf on another line on this
  machine and is not part of the url.
  If IE, depending on what version - 6? - is not configured from
  the Tools, Advanced menu to use the facilities you require, it
  may just stop. Could be ie. that script errors are disabled, so
  you will not see error screen, is access by web sites activated,
  etc, etc ??



I have managed to download the file, using a downloader (FlashGet) -
however, the file is some 15Mb in size, therefore may cause IE  to
appear to crash!!
I sent this to Dilwyn some time ago on CD.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] QL Service Manual in HTML Format

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 10 Nov 2002 at 12:48:10, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: 002601c288b9$d15dade0$73065cc3blackpc)

 You can compare with the original one.
That file is 15mb long - be warned.

When sending URLs it is a good idea to 'fix' it in some way - Turnpike
use 'unformatted'
OK the original wasn't as bad as that - it was missing only the final

 Javier Guerra
 Sinclair QL Spanish Resources

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] list

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 10 Nov 2002 at 03:43:42, Ian Pizer wrote:

list ql-users
Send to:
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Fw: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 11 Nov 2002 at 00:20:50, Mike MacNamara wrote:
(ref: 008801c28918$3159bbe0$0100a8c0@macnamarf6d1fc)

Just received this response to an email reply to yours off list.
Are you playing with your settings

- Original Message -
From: Mail Delivery System [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 11:55 PM
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

 This message was created automatically by mail delivery
software (Exim).

 A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more
of its
 recipients. This is a permanent error. The following
address(es) failed:

 SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT
 host []: 550 Unknown local
part abuseql in [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is this the rejecter?
Looks like it never even got to Demon.
Do you think Demon are blacklisted? It _has_ been known.
I am no expert in interpreting headers - maybe others can help.
I am using forwarding - can that be the problem?  11 are the source of
the domain name.

I did have a problem a while back.  I switched to SMTP as Demon POP3 was
not working.  I did not realise sendmail was loading SMTP, and then
rejecting it as I hadn't configured sendmail.
That is OK now.  I did not reconfigure, but simply renamed 'sendmail'
I have though now switched back to POP3.

You may have noticed I have recently changed my email address - this is
a forwarding address of course (11). Underneath it is still Demon.
However I am getting ADSL set up on my Linux box on Wednesday via
another provider.  Once that is working and tested I will leave Demon.
As I will have fixed IP addresses, it will allow me to set up a local
web server.  I am looking forward to have effectively unlimited storage
and scripting, for less than it currently costs for my Demon ISDN link.

I have got a local net router, so all my local systems will connect via
Linux using IP masquerading.  No more negotiating with Ben (8-)#

 -- This is a copy of the message, including all the
headers. --

 Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Received: from ([]
 by with smtp (Exim 3.35 #1)
 id 18B1vZ-0006U8-00
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 10 Nov 2002 23:55:41 +
 Message-ID: 005301c28914$b55457b0$0100a8c0@macnamarf6d1fc
 From: Mike MacNamara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 References: 001801c287b9$56071740$0201a8c0@badapc
 Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL Service Manual in HTML Format
 Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 23:55:54 -
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 X-Priority: 3
 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2720.3000
 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.
message snipped
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Fw: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 10 Nov 2002 at 19:53:37, Phoebus Dokos wrote:
(ref: MGUT85JIKILHMJID775IDPN0606A096.3dceff91@quantumcentral)

??? 10/11/2002 7:20:50 ??, ?/? Mike MacNamara [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just received this response to an email reply to yours off list.
Are you playing with your settings




No he's not... reply to his regular address... this is to throw off spammers...
(He got me a couple of times so far ;-) --Great Spammer
I thought oneandone forwarded everything to

Ta for these error reports - I now realise I have to explicitly set all
name@ as well.  Have done this now - I do want this 'spam' but in a
separate folder.  As you know some spam is genuine.

That is good news though, as it will reject this form of address (got
from any mailing list or usenet archive:
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] QL Service Manual in HTML Format

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 11 Nov 2002 at 19:48:38, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: 000601c289c1$aac62140$e5075cc3blackpc)

I have managed to download the file, using a downloader (FlashGet) -
however, the file is some 15Mb in size, therefore may cause IE to
appear to crash!!
I sent this to Dilwyn some time ago on CD.
Yes, but I have thrown that CD away (after your generous assistance)
and lost the copy on my hard disk in a recent post-virus reformat.
However, what I forgot until after I re-downloaded it was that it was
added to the QL Documentation CD before I reformatted the hard drive
and I had in fact burned a copy which included it (thought it was
still a job waiting to be done which for once I had done and forgotten
I'd done the job!). Sometimes, some days, my brain just goes AWOL.
he he - I could have told you _you_ made a copy, as you sent me one.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Fw: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 11 Nov 2002 at 18:22:09, Phoebus Dokos wrote:
(ref: SP94TRWTUP9471GC8SOKFHEGDRNHA.3dd03ba1@quantumcentral)

??? 11/11/2002 3:51:42 ??, ?/? Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED] ??:

You may have noticed I have recently changed my email address - this is
a forwarding address of course (11). Underneath it is still Demon.
However I am getting ADSL set up on my Linux box on Wednesday via
another provider.  Once that is working and tested I will leave Demon.
As I will have fixed IP addresses, it will allow me to set up a local
web server.  I am looking forward to have effectively unlimited storage
and scripting, for less than it currently costs for my Demon ISDN link.

I have got a local net router, so all my local systems will connect via
Linux using IP masquerading.  No more negotiating with Ben (8-)#

I would suggest you try xitami for linux as it is EXTREMELY small and
portable and a
dream to setup. (Not to mention that you can use ANYTHING you want for CGI
If you really can't be bothered with Apache
Someone is setting up Apache (and Debian) for me - I wouldn't dare to
, it is extremely compact... you'll like
it... it is also so easy to port that it isn't unlikely that it is
portable to SMSQ/E
(Even on Minerva why not?)

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Fw: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 11 Nov 2002 at 01:22:22, Mike MacNamara wrote:
(ref: 00b901c28920$c9deb610$0100a8c0macnamarf6d1fc)

Hi Phoebus
More like a Spanner than a Spammer

or as Spike Milligan said, 'A Spaniard in the Works'

The spanner is still there - I have made the change to include all my
spam addresses (and ben) but it looks like changes at oneandone take a
few hours.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Fw: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 12 Nov 2002 at 00:28:20, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

Tony Firshman wrote:
 Ta for these error reports - I now realise I have to explicitly set all
 name@ as well.

No, you can set a wildcard *.
Doh - why don't they say that on the web page.
Still I like setting it explicitly, so that msg ID type addresses get
automagically bounced.

Interesting that 11 is also active in UK. It's actually a German
company (my site's there, too).

... and they are very cheap - just over £2 a year per domain name.

BTW I discovered later that my boss (Worldnews) hijacked
just for the hell of it.

Try (8-)#
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] QL Service Manual in HTML Format

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 11 Nov 2002 at 23:38:02, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: 003301c289db$8f32a7e0$fd075cc3blackpc)

Tony Firshman wrote:

 he he - I could have told you _you_ made a copy, as you sent me one.
Thanks Tony, I feel a lot better now :-((

At this point I am officially sending in my brain for a refund or
replacement as it is clearly unsuited for the purpose for which it was
Sorry it is unique and irreplaceable - you will have to make do with
what you have got (8-)#
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] activity

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 11 Nov 2002 at 19:35:33, Phoebus Dokos wrote:
(ref: IH1TPJKHPO1XHFIHUTHDYSW293C70.3dd04cd5@quantumcentral)

??? 11/11/2002 5:11:01 ??, ?/? Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED] ??:

On  Mon, 11 Nov 2002 at 23:33:54, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: 001a01c289da$d71d6960$fd075cc3@blackpc)

Wow, since my recent reformat of my hard drive, I've now got 705
messages in my email system, most of them from ql-users I think and I
know I've deleted quite a few as well. Of late, this list has got very
busy and very interesting!
Looks like us sheep have been woken up (8-)#
Yes - 64 in 20 minutes looks like some sort of record.
I was intending to start _real_ work 45 minutes ago.

Yes and I was supposed to start real work YESTERDAY ;-)

Don't feel bad :-)
... but there have been another 30.
I am still reading and writing 45 minutes later (8-)#

b b
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Q-Emulator 2

2002-11-12 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 12 Nov 2002 at 13:59:07, ZN wrote:

[Jonathon Oakley]

I believe he is one of the people who seems to have dropped off the face of
the earth? IIRC he was at the Bielefeld meeting all those years ago...
Last communications from JonathAn  were:
1999 jonathanDOToakleyATteam-consultingDOTcom
2000 jonathanATwoolliscroftsDOTfreeserveDOTcoDOTuk

I looked up Jonathan Oakley on Google, and there are so many people
called that.  Looks like he doesn't have a web site.
Then +Jonathan Oakley +minerva came up with some very old Fido
Whatever happened to Marco Holmer, Erik Slagter,  Tony Price, and all
the rest.
... but oddest of all was the American called Oakley whose children were
called Minerva and Jonathan

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Mouse movement / buttons

2002-11-12 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 12 Nov 2002 at 18:06:37, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

TonyTebby wrote:
 Isn't there a developer's forum where we could stuff all these things?

There used to be ql-developers, but it was turned into a list for Q40
(Linux) specific discussions.
I never heard of this one.
Maybe it turned into that by default as people did not talk of anything
else (8-)#

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Q-Emulator 2

2002-11-12 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 12 Nov 2002 at 22:10:14, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: 011701c28a98$c72ef280$70065cc3blackpc)

 [Jonathon Oakley]

 I believe he is one of the people who seems to have dropped off the
face of
 the earth? IIRC he was at the Bielefeld meeting all those years

For my sins working for Patientline for the last 11 months...I was
told by Tony Firshman or Laurence that Jonathan Oakley was one of the
original design team working on the originals of these little
Patientline hospital cable TV systems featured on BBC news yesterday,
of all things using either a derivative of QDOS or something
resembling QDOS a few years ago. It's now a mix of Windows CE and
other Windoze flavours from 98 to NT and 2000 (no Jonathan any more
AFAIK). No wonder I moan about the firm all the time is it ;-))
Lau - and he got heavily involved too of course.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Mouse movement / buttons

2002-11-12 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Tue, 12 Nov 2002 at 23:56:00, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

Tony Firshman wrote:
There used to be ql-developers, but it was turned into a list for Q40
(Linux) specific discussions.
 I never heard of this one.

Well, at least on the Quanta page is written:

This list is for any discussion related to QL Hardware and Q40-Linux
be it news, developments, help or queries.
... so what about QL hardware (8-)#

Mind you I had always taken it as a software discussion area too.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Mouse on the Q40

2002-11-13 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Wed, 13 Nov 2002 at 02:52:57, Phoebus Dokos wrote:
(ref: 86B7VTLJHE1W86RNNH2XNNLONVQ31JI.3dd204d9@quantumcentral)

??? 13/11/2002 1:51:39 ??, ?/? Wolfgang Lenerz [EMAIL PROTECTED] ??:

On 12 Nov 2002, at 19:37, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

 I have a problem with the mouse. I am using a MS
 compatible 3 button serial/PS/2 mouse (worked great with superHermes
 and the regular QL using Sermouse) but isn't recognized by SMSQ/E...
 is there anythin I need to run? (I tried sermouse but it doesn't work
 with that either...)

I've always used a normal serial mouse. That has worked w/o any
problems - what kind of Serial/PS2 converter does it have?


It's using its own... as I've seen with most ps/2 - serial mice most of
them have to
use their own adapters as they differ from version to version...
However I really am afraid that the I/O just gave away, as the mouse
works as a
serial one everywhere (QL included). For fun I tested it with SerMouse
on the QXL
(without DOS mouse driver) and it worked

I just hope it's not the I/O card as it is a slim one and nothing else
will fit in my
BookPC case :-(

Why not make up a loop back cable from ser1 to ser2 to test the I/O

Alternatively, you could link to another computer and open terminal
programs each end, and type.

The loopback is the best as it tests handshake as well.
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

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