Re: CSBladder infections.

2014-05-26 Thread Grace1way
I asked Robert Rowen, newsletter writer and board certified physician in  
integrated medicine.  He said that colloidal silver would irritate the  
lining of the bladder, but he offered to teach me to inject ozonated water in  
the bladder.  There is probably still a pocket sized ozone generator sold  on (  which costs about $69  dollars 
that would make the ozonated water.  
Also, you might try D-Mannose, a sugar that kills many of the most common  
bacteria that cause UTIs.  You can buy this at the health food store, but  
it is too expensive,and, from my experience, sold in capsules with not enough 
in  one of them to do any good.  Look online for just the white powder.  I  
got mine from _www.sweetcures.com_ ( , but  they 
are in England, and it takes awhile to get your supply.  I'm sure  there are 
other places online you can find where you just get the pure  powder.  The 
package says to take 1 heaping teaspoon or more of Waterfall  D-Mannose in 
water, tea, or fruit juice (not cranberry or orange) at onset of  symptoms.  
Take another an hour later.  Reduce to a level teaspoonful  every three 
hours between meals for 2 days after symptoms abate. Reduce to 3  times a day 
for the next 2-3 days.  If no relief is found within 24 hours,  consult a 
doctor.  If relief is just partial, try taking more.   Maintenance dose:  level 
teaspoon, once per day, or as required.  Take  one hour before sex, and 
immediately after.  
You can take this forever, and it does no harm.  The bacteria do not  
develop a resistance to it.  What I would do is take it every three hours  
the clock--just set my alarm clock and have the water and D-Mannose by my  
Hope this helps!
In a message dated 5/25/2014 11:19:54 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Hi, I'm  brand new to the list. Not totally ignorant on CS but lots to 
85 yo  male in good health but since I must self catheterize I am plagued 
by bladder  infections (lab test confirmed).
When my temp. gets to 101 or so and I feel  lousy I have resorted to 
Obviously one day they will not be  effective not to mention the harm they 
do elsewhere.

I have started  drinking 8 oz of CS (made with a SilverGen) during the 
night and even  administered rectally every other day for the  past 5 days.
It has  kept my temp. down but the cloudy urine says that the infection is 
still  there. Of course 5 days is a short time and maybe 8 oz is not  

Would anyone have knowledge or opinion  about actually injecting a pint or 
so of CS directly into the  bladder?

Now that I write it it seems like - yes it is a no brain-er  



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Re: CSNebulizing with CS

2013-09-22 Thread Grace1way
I had a cough for 4 months, tried antibiotics, over the counter meds (which 
 took away my sense of smell--three years now!).  What helped a lot was  
breathing air during the night with ozone in it.  
In a message dated 9/22/2013 9:11:15 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Another  suggestion --- the wet sock treatment - ever heard of it? 
Instructions  in  this website:

It helps bring heat  to your feet, drawing the congestion away from your 



The Silver List is a moderated forum for  discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic  discussions:
List Owner:  Mike Devour

Re: Cooking was // Re: CSRemoving Silver Tarnish

2012-05-11 Thread Grace1way
The fluorescent light globes were said to give off something (sorry, don't  
remember what) that causes cancer.  In the US, after June or July, we  
will not be able to buy the old incandescent bulbs any longer (to save power, 
we  are told).
I have had a smart meter, with no ill effects, except when it was first  
installed and I was afraid of it (at that time developed strong  headaches 
right after until I released my fears--then the headaches  went away and have 
not returned.  Without the fears of it I've had no  further symptoms).  
Back to what I was suggesting for experimentation--consider the effects of  
an explanation that causes fear.  What would be the results of believing  
the explanation and acting on the fear?  Who would benefit, and what are  the 
results from personal, or mass, acceptance?  If one does this  experiment 
consistently, some very amazing, life changing observable patterns  will 
emerge.  This method is so much simpler (anyone can do it) than  trying to 
figure out scientific evidence which is often not checkable without  
experience, and technical education.  
Also, consider that fear itself can cause negative manifestations; the  
plants in the watering experiment can probably pick up our fear.   
Consciousness may be the primal power, and whoever/whatever we allow to  
control our 
consciousness ascends to the position of power over us.  This  is very 
successfully done through the crafty release of disinformation.  To  this 
point, the 
wars of disinformation are conducted so successfully because  people are 
not aware of what is going on, focusing on the information, rather  than the 
intent and result.  Even actual physical wars could not be  enacted were it 
not for the disinformation accompanying them. 
In a message dated 5/10/2012 10:26:51 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Jane  MacRoss wrote:

I hear what  you're saying  Jill - so what does my Gauss meter tell me - 
that the  micowave even when off emits something that registers, as do the 
new light  globes, unlike the olde ones?  I will never like Smart Meters  


A microwave oven uses a magnetron to  convert the energy into microwaves.
There is a brief explanation in  Wikipedia:

The  magnetron requires very strong magnets to force the electrons to flow
in  circles past the cavities. You can barely see the magnets in the  photo
below. The bottom magnet is the black ring below the bottom cooling  fin.
The top magnet is almost completely hidden near the top of the  housing.;

I  take old magnetrons apart and retrieve the magnets. They are very  useful
for picking up steel objects you may have dropped on the floor and  can't

They throw a strong field quite a distance outside the  microwave oven. If
you have a sensitive gauss meter, you will easily detect  the field. It is
usually on the right side of the oven about the middle.  There will be very
little field on the same location on the left side of  the oven because it
is further away from the magnetron. You can make the  same measurements with
an ordinary compass.

The magnetic field is  harmless. It is static, like the Earth's field. It
may actually be weaker  outside the oven than the fridge magnets you use to
save notes on the  fridge door.

The field from the magnetron is permanent. It does not  shut off when you
unplug the oven.

I don't know what you are  referring to when you talk about light globes. I
can't think of what might  be in them to register on your Gauss meter, but
if you gave a link to one,  I might be able to find out.

A Gauss meter measures DC static fields.  These cannot harm you. You are
immersed in a constant field from the Earth.  The mesurements you get from
the Gauss meter are not giving you any useful  information about any
dangerous conditions.


Mike  Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing  Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic  discussions:
List Owner:  Mike Devour

Re: Mike / Re: Cooking was // Re: CSRemoving Silver Tarnish

2012-05-11 Thread Grace1way
I think Dr. Emoto was the one who showed the influence of love (versus  
negative emotions) on water.  Why not just bless the food with love after  
microwaving,as that should make the water healthier than even before  
In a message dated 5/10/2012 9:25:26 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Yes I'm acquainted with those areas  and agree with you Lena - I never cook 
with my microwave - it just  doesn't feel right - I don't use a cell phone 
either.  I still like  different view points.  Regardless or what I read I 
still make  choices which suit me. 

- Original Message - 
From:  _Guyot Léna_ (  

Hi Jane,  
For a long time, convenience  had made me turn a blind eye to much of what 
I've read about negative  effects of microwave on food.
Then I read The Hidden  Messages in Water' by Masaru Emoto, a scientist 
who became fascinated by the  structures of ice crystals after varying factors 
were used on water (types  of music, words taped to container, micro-wave, 
etc.). He did a small,  scientific paper about his observations and it that 
went viral, then was  republished for the general public. Just seeing the 
deformed structure of  micro-waved water has made me finally use it rarely. I 
simply didn't want  that sort of ugly chaos in the water of my body. 

It also made me rethink the  studies done years ago of plants leaning 
toward or cringing from different  types of music, language, etc. It might not 
have been the plants responding  at all, but rather, the water within the 
plants. Check it out!

Re: Cooking was // Re: CSRemoving Silver Tarnish

2012-05-10 Thread Grace1way
I think we may be missing what's really going on here!  Fearful but  
authoritative sounding disinformation is planted by those who feed off of fear  
and control the masses thereby.  I think the microwave goes in that  category, 
as do the new mandated fluorescent bulbs, and the smart meters.   There is 
always somebody saying they were harmed by these, or proving their  case 
scientifically, but they are probably paid to do that.  I once read  about 
someone who turned blue from ingesting colloidal silver admitting on their  
death bed that they had lied because they were paid to do so, and were afraid  
they would go to hell for it!  
Another way to tell what is true is to see what reaction the information  
causes.  Whatever ideas engender fear are not true in some sense.   It's 
not so easy to dissect information from supposed authorities with technical  
educations, but quite easy to gauge the reaction to the information!  On  the 
other hand, whatever brings about trust in life experience, belief in  
ourselves and the goodness of all that is, is true.  An experiment would  be 
to examine all one's reactions and beliefs in that light, and choose to  
believe what is true for one week, while disregarding what is false.   Don't 
take anybody's word for anything!  Try it and see what you find  out!
In a message dated 5/10/2012 4:53:56 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Give me  a break..I will never believe that microwaveing food is not 
bad...fear has  nothing to do with it.

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost  Mobile

Mike Monett wrote:

Jane  MacRoss wrote:

Oh  dear I read absolutely nothing good about microwaves.

I  even burn my heat pack in mine  it's all I use it for!

I  am an old electronics engineer. I have worked on high power microwave  
communications equipment all my life. I used to stick my hand full  of neon
bulbs into the radiator feed to check the power output and look  for birds
nests in the waveguide. My hands are still attached and have  not turned

There is nothing truthful in the  claims that microwaves can cause harmful
changes to food. This is  purely fear-mongering. It has no basis in fact.

The only thing  the microwaves can do is cause the water molecules to 
and rub  against each other. It is the same as rubbing your hands to warm
them  in the winter.

Of course the heat will cause changes in the  DNA. So does cooking on a
stove. This does not matter. The things you  do to food to digest it are 
more severe than heating the water  content in a microwave. The 
acid and pepsin in your  stomach will start the breakdown process that
removes the proteins and  breaks them down so they can be digested and
utilized in the  body.

Cooking in the microwave is much safer than pan frying or  grilling over an
open flame. There are no heterocyclic amines or  polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons that form.  See for  more

Of course, you knew that already,  didn't you.


Mike  Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum  for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic  discussions:
List  Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CScollodial silver for parkinsons. Please help. I need your advice/ sug...

2011-12-28 Thread Grace1way
What often works for serious or supposedly incurable diseases is Quantum  
Techniques, a technique that releases blocks on the energy meridians and  
chakras.  Contact _www.quantumtechniques.com_ 
(  and sign  up to have your father work with 
Steve or Beth Daniels, the 
founders.  As  you see an improvement, you may want to order the training 
manuals to be able to  take over more and more of your father's care, and save 
costs as well.  
If you have any questions, please email me privately at _grace1way@aol.com_ 
( .
In a message dated 12/27/2011 8:45:10 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Dear Silver-list members. Please help me if you can.  Hello my name is 
Savita Agrawal. I have just become a member of the  Silver-list family.  I 
knew  a service(alternative medicine forum) like this existed on the net.  
I was reffered here by a friend who’s  mother was battling a health issue. 
She ,said the suggestions she got from  this forum helped her mother 
tremendously. She told me that she has seen  emails and correspondence from 
of this forum to other members  speaking about the disorder my father  is 
suffering from. She advised me to become a member of the silver-list forum  
and post messages to you( the members of this  forum). 
Please  members of silverlist, I beg you in the name of the person you love 
the most,  please,please help me if you can. My father has parkinsions 
disease, and he is  just beginning to lose his cognitive ablilities. I truly 
belive that the drugs  he has been taking for 2 years has done nothing for him, 
but made him  worst. I am sure there is no cure for parkinsons disease. All 
I am hoping  for, and praying everyday for is to slow the progression of 
this disease down.  I have done research, and I have found that 2 supplements 
glutathione, and  coenzyme Q10 are effective in treating parkinsons  
disease. I will soon purchase them. I beg of you, please if you know of any  
product, any supplement, any herb that you feel can effect a  positive 
effect on a Parkinsons patient, please for goodness sake, please  share it with 
me. If you have personal experience of a supplement/herb/ or  anything that 
has gotten positive results that you have experience  personally or  have 
heard of that when given to a parkinsons patient  effected that patient in a 
postive way please, please share your story  with me. I am despartely trying 
to find something to help my father(in  terms of his ability to communicate, 
and his memory etc).   
I would give anything to be able to slow this disease  down. I can never  
imagine not  being able to have a conversation with my father. I know this is 
life, and  most likely some chronic degenerative disease will claim 
unfortunaltely most  of us, I am just trying to delay it as long as I can for 
father.  Again, I beg  you, if you have anything that you  feel can help a 
parkinsons patient please, please share it with me. I will be  eternally 
grateful for your insight, or any information that can lead me to a  solution 
may be able to help my father. Thank you. Savita  Agrawal

Re: CSOT - MMS/hydrogen peroxide

2011-10-20 Thread Grace1way
Yes, we got food grade 35% H2O2, and followed the instruction book to the  
letter, but still had vomiting.  Just wondered if anyone else out there has  
information about why this happens, and what to do about it.  
In a message dated 10/20/2011 5:36:46 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Note if you do use  Hydrogen Peroxide be sure its food grade. Due it 
breaking down the store  bought regular versions have toxic chemicals added to 
stabilize  it!


 From: []  
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: CSOT - MMS/hydrogen  peroxide

I wonder if we could include hydrogen peroxide in this line of  discussion. 
 I bought a book about it, and the H2O2.  I  shared these with three 
people, all of whom had trouble with vomiting and  discontinued it.  That made 
feel really bad for them.  Because  of the concern about vomiting/nausea, I 
never tried either of these  myself.  Does anyone have any comments about 
hydrogen peroxide--on a  similar vein to what has been discussed with MMS?  I 
doubt that it is  poisonous, because I understand that the body makes it for 
defense against  pathogens.  What do others think?
In a message dated 10/19/2011 1:40:23 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I would stay away from it too.  I do not know what  all your health issues 
are, but if 1 drop does that, then it's  pretty poisonous for you.
My Dad had leukemia and was also diabetic and he could  take one drop, 
though 2 made him FEEL nauseous.  He  didn't throw up or have diarrhea, but he 
didn't like the  feeling of being nauseous, naturally.  He was a big guy  
too--240 plus pounds, 6 foot 2 inches.  
I know Humble says that it's the die off, but if  it affects you that bad 
either you are extremely ill,  or it's simply not for you.  I would think it 
wasn't for  you and would not push it.  There are other ways of using a  
more dilute MMS, at only 5%, that can be very helpful around the  house as a 
cleaner and such, though, so that your bottle isn't  wasted.
And--it makes a great descaler.   We have very hard  water here and get 
terrible lime build up on everything.   I mix up a big squirt of MMS and a big 
squirt of white  vinegar, let it sit about 10 minutes, and put that into my  
dishwasher.  I run a cycle and boy, does that dishwasher come  out 
sparkling clean!  Lol  my  friend uses her MMS to  descale her coffee pots.


---Original Message---
I  was on one drop a day with the projectile vomiting, along with  
wonderful diarrhea.  


It  was too much for me and I won't take it again.  I tried 3 times  and 
each time was so ill.  It just isn't for  me.

inline: happy.gif


2011-10-19 Thread Grace1way
Yes, for food poisoning, I and others just drink a pint of colloidal silver 
 and eat a piece of burned toast (for activated carbon to soak up toxins).  
 The acute cases with which I have experience have disappeared in 20  
In a message dated 10/19/2011 10:10:37 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Food  poisoning can pass by itself in that length of time. 

MMS is  indiscriminate. It will damage organs as readily as a pathogen.   It
like being in a room of kids and thugs and closing your eyes and  shooting.
No idea at all what you will hit. 

Why take the risk? CS  is far safer.

Scott Adams
You can lead a  person to a fact, but you can't make them think! - Scott

 -Original Message-
 From: Bob Banever  [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 9:53  PM
 Subject: Re: CSOT -  MMS
 David and All,
   MMS can be a life saver... it is certainly far safer 
 than any  antibiotic and much more effective for a wider range 
 of  pathogens.  Sure accidents can happen... and if someone is 
  getting sick on one or two drops of MMS then this is a HERX 
  reaction... something is wrong with the patient, not the 
  medicine.  I have used this for over three years for colds 
 and a  case of food poisoning... in EVERY instance it has 
 shortened the  duration of the illness to 3 days maximum, 
 usually 2, and my food  poisoning was gone in less than 18 
 hours, truly amazing.
 - Original Message -
 From: David  AuBuchon
 Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 2:41  PM
 Subject: Re: CSOT - MMS
  Three  injuries I have heard personally, without even 
 looking for  them:
  -A patient went blind in one eye after getting  MMS in his eye
  -2 patients had collapsed veins after an IV MMS  treatment using
  unactivated MMS (sodium chlorite)
   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing 
 Colloidal  Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:
  Off-Topic discussions:
  List Owner: Mike  Devour


2011-10-19 Thread Grace1way
I don't know if the correct term is activated charcoal, or activated  
carbon.  I know that very burned toast (black) and activated  charcoal/carbon 
capsules will serve the same purpose.  I seem to remember  you can get the 
charcoal/carbon capsules at a health food store.  
Sorry, I'm not a scientist, or a chemist.  I just wanted to share an  
amazingly effective and simple way to get rid of food poisoning.  Whatever  the 
black stuff is called one uses in addition to the CS, I do remember that the  
purpose is to absorb the toxins the bacteria put out that make us sick.
Hope this helps.
In a message dated 10/19/2011 1:13:49 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

How do  you make activated charcoal out of ash, as is stated in the
referenced  article?...
Doesn't seem possible.


On Wed, Oct 19, 2011  at 2:15 PM, Scott Adams wrote:
 BTW I have  learned that burnt toast is NOT activated charcoal! Its 
 in a  totally different way.

 Scott  Adams
 You can lead a person to a fact,  but you can't make them think! - Scott

 From:  []
 Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 1:03  PM
 Subject: Re: CSOT -  MMS

 Yes, for food poisoning, I and others just drink a pint of  colloidal 
 and eat a piece of burned toast (for activated carbon  to soak up toxins).
 The acute cases with which I have experience have  disappeared in 20 


 In a message  dated 10/19/2011 10:10:37 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Food poisoning can pass by itself  in that length of time.

 MMS is indiscriminate. It will damage  organs as readily as a pathogen.  
 like being in a room of kids  and thugs and closing your eyes and 
 No idea at all what you  will hit.

 Why take the risk? CS is far safer.

  Scott Adams
 You can lead a person to a  fact, but you can't make them think! - Scott

 -Original Message-
 From:  Bob Banever []
 Sent: Tuesday, October  18, 2011 9:53 PM
 Subject:  Re: CSOT - MMS

 David and  All,

MMS can be a life  saver... it is certainly far safer
 than any antibiotic and much  more effective for a wider range
 of pathogens.  Sure  accidents can happen... and if someone is
 getting sick on one or  two drops of MMS then this is a HERX
 reaction... something is  wrong with the patient, not the
 medicine.  I have used this  for over three years for colds
 and a case of food poisoning... in  EVERY instance it has
 shortened the duration of the illness to 3  days maximum,
 usually 2, and my food poisoning was gone in less  than 18
 hours, truly amazing.

 - Original Message -
 From: David  AuBuchon
 Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011  2:41 PM
 Subject: Re: CSOT -  MMS

  Three injuries I have heard  personally, without even
 looking for them:
  -A patient went blind in one eye after getting MMS in  his eye
  -2 patients had collapsed veins after an IV MMS  treatment using
  unactivated MMS (sodium chlorite)
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for  discussing
 Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and  Instructions:
  Off-Topic discussions:
  List Owner:  Mike Devour

Re: CSOT - MMS/hydrogen peroxide

2011-10-19 Thread Grace1way
I wonder if we could include hydrogen peroxide in this line of  discussion. 
 I bought a book about it, and the H2O2.  I shared  these with three 
people, all of whom had trouble with vomiting and discontinued  it.  That made 
feel really bad for them.  Because of the concern  about vomiting/nausea, I 
never tried either of these myself.  Does anyone  have any comments about 
hydrogen peroxide--on a similar vein to what has been  discussed with MMS?  I 
doubt that it is poisonous, because I understand  that the body makes it for 
defense against pathogens.  What do others  think?
In a message dated 10/19/2011 1:40:23 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I would stay away from it too.  I do not know what all  your health issues 
are, but if 1 drop does that, then it's pretty  poisonous for you.
My Dad had leukemia and was also diabetic and he could take  one drop, 
though 2 made him FEEL nauseous.  He didn't throw up  or have diarrhea, but he 
didn't like the feeling of being nauseous,  naturally.  He was a big guy 
too--240 plus pounds, 6 foot 2  inches.  
I know Humble says that it's the die off, but if it affects  you that bad 
either you are extremely ill, or it's simply not for  you.  I would think it 
wasn't for you and would not push it.   There are other ways of using a more 
dilute MMS, at only 5%, that can be  very helpful around the house as a 
cleaner and such, though, so that  your bottle isn't wasted.
And--it makes a great descaler.   We have very  hard water here and get 
terrible lime build up on everything.   I mix up a big squirt of MMS and a big 
squirt of white  vinegar, let it sit about 10 minutes, and put that into my  
dishwasher.  I run a cycle and boy, does that dishwasher come out  
sparkling clean!  Lol  my  friend uses her MMS to descale  her coffee pots.


---Original Message---
I  was on one drop a day with the projectile vomiting, along with wonderful 


It  was too much for me and I won't take it again.  I tried 3 times and  
each time was so ill.  It just isn't for  me.

inline: happy.gif

Re: CSsmart meter

2011-10-17 Thread Grace1way
I'm interested also!
In a message dated 10/17/2011 8:21:27 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Ditto?!  Léna

On Oct 17, 2011, at 7:38 PM, jaxi wrote:

Me too maybe just send to the list.  :-)  


On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 6:25 PM, jess _jessie70@optonline.net_ 
(   wrote:

Please forward. Thanks, Jess

From: _paul catania_ (  
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 3:56 PM
To: _silver-list@eskimo.com_ (  

Subject: Re: CSsmart meter



Hi Elizabeth,
I'm interested.
Thanks in advance,

- Original Message - 
From: _Elizabeth Williams_ (  
To: _silver-list@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 1:28  PM
Subject: RE: CSsmart meter
There is a person on another list I am on that sells these  doughnut shaped 
things that go around the meter that protect you from the  radiation they 
emit, If anyone is interested I can provide a link to his  online store, I am 
not affiliated with this person just sharing  knowledge.

Elizabeth  Williams
_belzieth@hotmail.com_ ( 

 Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 15:24:43 -0500
 Subject: Re:  CSsmart meter
 From: _bhangchai69@gmail.com_ ( 
 To: _silver-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
 You should be  able to do something like install a grounded metal
 shield between  the meter and your house which would reduce the
 strength of any  emission into the house. That should take care of it.
 On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 1:28 PM, jess _jessie70@optonline.net_ 
(  wrote:
  The man  from the utility co just told me that the pulses from the meter
   travel 5 miles. he did not install it and I put a note on mine saying  
  do not change my meter .  I got through to Edison  So Cal and the rep 
said at
  this time there is no opt out.  They will let me know if the California
  Public Utilities  commission decides to allow an opt out list.  Right 
now I
   am on their delay list.
  I am seeing lots of  anti health reasons on the internet and some 
saying it
   affects privacy issues. Jess
  From: Elizabeth  Williams
  Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 11:18 AM
   To: _silver-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
  Subject: RE:  CSsmart meter
  I knew that these meters were  coming to my town because they announced 
it in
  the local city  electric newsletter. I had been reading about these 
   for a long time now. So what I did was call my lawyer and see what I  
  legally do to keep them from installing it at my house.  I put a note 
  the meter that read, Do not install a smart  meter on this home and I
  padlocked the meter with my own  lock. The lawyer told me that 
basically I
  have a right to not  accept this in my town. So my lawyer has sent the 
city a
   letter stating that I dont want this smart meter.
   Elizabeth Williams
  _belzieth@hotmail.com_ ( 
  From: _jessie70@optonline.net_ ( 
  To: _silver-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
  Date: Mon, 17 Oct  2011 10:51:35 -0700
  Subject: CSsmart meter
  _silver-list@eskimo.commailto_ (mailto:silver-list@eskimo.commailto) 
(mailto:silver-list@eskimo.comsilver-list) @_eskimo.com_ ( ;
  is this the list  that has discussed the smart meter effects?  This 
morning a
   utility man knocked on the door to inform me that he was installing a  
  meter on my house and the entire neighborhood. I   live in southern
  I just  googled and saw it can cause heart irregularity, headaches and  
  problems.  The phone # he gave me to call the  company is not working. 
I read
  that a homeowner refused and  was charged $4k to keep an analog meter. 
  anyone know  about this subject?
  thanks, Jess
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for  discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: _http://www.silverlist.org_ 
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Re: CSSoap

2011-05-25 Thread Grace1way
I don't think I could ever make myself brush my teeth with bar soap!   What 
about brushing with baking soda and colloidal silver?  
In a message dated 5/24/2011 8:40:24 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I don't think the soap manufacturers will list glycerin as an  ingredient 
if they did not add it while making the soap.  The  glycerin is naturally 
created when fat is mixed with the  lye/water.
So if you buy  a soap without glycerin in the list of  ingredients, it can 
still have it.  Comments please.

Re: CSSoap

2011-05-25 Thread Grace1way
What about brushing with baking soda and colloidal silver?  Would that  
work as well as bar soap to prevent tooth decay and encourage new enamel?
I too have allergies, and must muscle test in the toothpaste section at our 
 huge health store to find one I can use (about one out of 20).
In a message dated 5/25/2011 8:40:58 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes: wrote:
 I don't think I could ever make myself  brush my teeth with bar soap!  
 What about brushing with baking  soda and colloidal silver? 
It isn't bad, as long as I don't  brush my tongue with it. I actually use 
a laundry bar soap from  Mexico.
One bar is going to last me the rest of my life, LOL.
I can't  find a toothpaste I can tolerate or that doesn't have something 
I'm  allergic to. Even the ones I find that seem to be ok, I break out 
with  acne around my lips/chin after using them for a couple of days. 
Don't know  what the allergen is

I have heard of people brushing their  teeth with coconut oil...

The Silver List  is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and  Instructions:


Off-Topic  discussions:
List Owner:  Mike Devour

Re: CSDistilled Water....MORE Toxic than Municipal Tap Water?!

2010-12-20 Thread Grace1way
My experience with Mercola has been pretty positive.  On his website I  can 
find around 70,000 articles on virtually any subject of alternative  
health.  This is a huge service he provides without charge.  With  respect to 
hyping his own products to raid our wallets, his products are  generally at 
the low end of the cost continuum, AND, he often recommends the  products of 
other companies at the same time he offers those he sells.  I have found 
his products to be of very good quality, and better than  products I have 
bought instead (but googled to find the lowest price--for  instance the 
countertop convection oven).  Often I have read an article on  his free email 
newsletter program and decided to try the product recommended,  only to find 
his company does not sell it!  Another service that has  been valuable is 
the unconditional refund.  I bought a gallon of coconut  oil maybe 5 years 
ago, but did not use it because I was allergic to it.  I  talked to someone 
with the phone number provided on the email newsletter, and  they said I could 
mail it back for a full refund (and just received $76.56  back).  Mercola is 
very knowledgeable, and consults with others who also  have much knowledge 
and good contacts.  I don't have the time, nor  inclination, to do all that 
That said, one should be very wary of living one's life according to  
authority.  The reason most people are authority conscious is that it takes  a 
tremendous amount of time, effort, and responsibility to do otherwise.   It 
also takes a certain development to be able to catch oneself in the authority  
thought stream, since most everything in our brain library is of this 
authority  ilk.  Those of us, like Einstein, who have managed to observe this 
process  from a distance have gone very far with this discriminative ability, 
and have  made tremendous contributions to the rest of us by building thought 
systems (and  resultant actions) on a ground of actual experience.  
On  a more practical vein, humans have many health issues in common  (i.e. 
the structure and physiology of the human body), but we also are unique in  
many ways.  This last fact argues against One Size Fits All medicine, be  
it conventional or alternative.  We can read sources such as Mercola (and  
many others), do our own research, but ultimately, for me at least, it comes  
down to what my body tells me it wants and muscle testing (or pendulum 
dowsing)  for collaboration.  To see our body as solely physical, a separate  
entity--separate from emotions, beliefs, energy systems, and separate from our 
 surroundings, is to have a false picture of the body, and of its needs.   
Lately, although I know and have available what I should be eating--pure  
water, unprocessed foods, vegetables and fruit without pesticides, I seem to 
 require a quart of soda once a week, choose a hamburger and french fries 
on  weekends, and seem to crave a lot of sugar and carbohydrates.  If one 
cell  within a body were sick, we wouldn't treat it in isolation, because it is 
too  affected by the other cells to survive on its own.  Possibly the human 
body  is similar to this single cell, and is enclosed within, and dependent 
upon, a  much larger system for its well being...  I also find I eat less 
than half  the amount of food than I did last year, and need eat only once a 
In a message dated 12/18/2010 6:15:05 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

My thoughts are to not read anything written by mercola.  He is a  big time 
hypster and everything he does is about scaring people into buying  only 
his products.  Every week is a new big revelation of junk you  absolutely must 
have in order to have a shot at good health.

Better is to read articles written by people who aren't trying to grab  the 
contents of your wallet.

On Dec 18, 2010, at 9:02 AM, j petras  _jpetras...@yahoo.com_ 
(   wrote:

I'm forwarding this provocative article for feedback.

I found the article of particular interest for those of us who  make our 
own CS from distilled water...from any source.

A total dissolved PM reading, on a  PPM scale may not  indicate any VOCs or 
DBPs as the article states (which are dangerous  at PPB levels). But, then, 
we're not typically swigging glassfulls of  CS a day either.

Any thoughts? thanks, and have a happy!! 



Re: CSDistilled Water....MORE Toxic than Municipal Tap Water?!

2010-12-20 Thread Grace1way
For many years I was treated for allergies through NAET (_www.naet.com_ 
( ).  In addition to being treated  for thousands of 
allergies, as I was allergic to most everything I  breathed, touched, or ate 
people have no idea of the importance of  allergies, the illness that 
results from them, and varieties and numbers of  allergies they may have 
impacting their health), I was treated for many months  alone for my allergies 
various water chemicals.  Many others attending  this same clinic had similar 
problems and tried to drink distilled water to  avoid the allergens in water 
chemicals.  According to the founders of NAET,  these people generally get 
sicker, do not heal from the problems they already  have, and are resistant 
to treatment.  This is the first-hand experience I  have on this issue.
In a message dated 12/19/2010 8:20:19 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I appreciate the feedback about Mercola.

With regard to my original question though, does anyone have any  
input/science regarding any danger with distilled water as Mercola  outlines 
it?...any veracity, do you think, to his article? Possibly in  large 
quantities, for 
someone using DW to hydrate and nothing much  else...but for our purposes, 
I kind of doubt it.

Have a happy, 

--- On Sat, 12/18/10, j petras wrote:

From:  j petras
Subject: Distilled  WaterMORE Toxic than Municipal Tap Water?!
Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 9:02  AM

I'm forwarding this provocative article for feedback.

I found the article of particular interest for those of us  who make our 
own CS from distilled water...from any  source.

A total dissolved PM reading, on a  PPM scale may not  indicate any VOCs or 
DBPs as the article states (which are  dangerous at PPB levels). But, then, 
we're not typically  swigging glassfulls of CS a day either.

Any thoughts? thanks, and have a happy!!

Re: CSdiatomaceous earth

2010-11-17 Thread Grace1way
I bought the food-grade diatomaceous earth from Major  Surplus  Survival, 
in Gardena, California (1 (800) 441-8855.  It is  $15 for a 30 gallon 
barrel.  It came with an assay of minerals, and a note  that said that the 
who did the assay was taking it by mouth for mineral  supplementation.  I'm 
sure one can get it elsewhere also, but the source  may be a good place to 
I've never taken it, so know nothing about die-off.
In a message dated 11/15/2010 1:16:27 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Thanks for jumping in I love info, do you get any die-off with it?
Debbie :)


Sent:  Mon, November 15, 2010 3:50:23 PM
Subject: Re: CSdiatomaceous  earth

In a message dated 11/15/2010 2:00:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Jill where would you purchase this from?
Thanks Deb

Hi Deb, sorry to jump in here but wanted you to know  I take a tsp of DE 
about 2-3 times a week...Some folks take a TB sp... I take  it in juice.. This 
site is a wealth of information on DE  many  other cures---Lois
   { It says google search but will take  you to the earth clinic site..}
 _diatomaceous earth - Google Search_ 

Re: CSre: making your own vitamins

2010-11-15 Thread Grace1way
Great recipe!
I guess you are using a pint sized mason jar?  Where does the  
lactobacillus bacteria come from?  All you are adding is cabbage and  
pineapple/pineapple juice.
If you make a larger batch (one gallon) and freeze it in smaller batches,  
does the bacteria stay alive through the freezing and defrosting process?   
Do you keep yours in the refrigerator after it is done?  
Do you have a source for other recipes or information about making  
sauerkraut/Kefir/Kefir cheese?
In a message dated 11/15/2010 9:31:39 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I could  not agree more, Elan. I make pineapple sauerkraut and my own kefir 
and kefir  cheese which in my opinion is delicious.

Here is the recipe for  pineapple sauerkraut...I use a bit more pineapple 
than this recipe calls  for.


One Step Pineapple Sauerkraut

It makes one  pint (1/2 liter) of cabbage kraut.

6 cups finely shredded cabbage, 1/4  cup pineapple juice or finely chopped
pineapple(or apple juice). Add 1/4t  unrefined sea salt (or to taste)and 
enough juice so that when you press down  on cabbage, juice seeps up through 
your fingers.

Press mixture down  into Mason jar, making sure you get all air pockets 
out. Fill to just under  rim of jar, then add water to brim and screw lid on. 
Place jar in a bowl in  case of seepage. Leave for 6 days (less in hot su

I love this  recipe because I never get mold or scum. There's nothing to 
scrape off the  top. You simply unscrew the lid to delicious kraut. Flavor is  

More labor-intensive is to add any other veggies you like such  as beets,

To receive the benefits of the live lactobacillus  bacteria, consume the
sauerkraut as soon as possible. After a short period  of time the bacteria 
will die out. That's why I make mine fresh  weekly

From: elan  spire

Sent: Sunday, November 14,  2010
5:32 PM


Subject: CSre:  making your own

One thing we could do that  would be very powerful is to make our own 

vitamins. It ' s time  for those who
know how to make these things to

share  their knowledge and their recipes. Many on this list make thier

own silver water. Why not the rest of the stuff. So, share your recipes  and
techniques for everything. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing  Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic  discussions:
List Owner:  Mike Devour

Re: CSsprouting for vitamins/nutrients

2010-11-15 Thread Grace1way
How about making your own sprouts--such as wheat grass, broccoli,  etc.  I 
read that the broccoli sprouts have around 500 times the nutritive  value of 
fresh broccoli.  
I have experimented with various equipment, but my problem is that I am not 
 here during the day to irrigate the sprouts (at least two times, but more  
recommended for various sprouting devices), and they rot because the waste  
products are not flushed out.  If someone can do the irrigating properly,  
then the setup is extremely cheap, a glass jar with the lid cut out and a 
screen  inserted (mason jar would work fine).  Turn it on its side.  
Here are the directions from my NOW brand sprouting Jar:
1.  Place two tablespoons of sprouting seeds or 1/2 cup of  legumes/grains 
in a sprouting jar with three times as much water as seeds.   Soak 
overnight.  For many small seeds, five hours of soaking is  sufficient.
2.  Drain the water from the jar.  Rinse seeds in fresh, lukewarm  water 
and drain again.  For well drained seeds/sprouts, lay jar at an angle  in a 
warm (70F) dark place.
Rinse and drain seeds twice a day.  In hot and dry weather, you may  need 
to rinse the seeds three times a day.  in very humid weather, the  seeds 
should be kept in a dry place.  Turn jar over gently.   Overturning the jar 
rapidly will cause shifting in the sprouting seeds.   This can break the tender 
shoots and kill the sprout.  The breakage causes  the sprout to spoil.  
Sprouts should be ready to eat in 3-5 days, spending  on the seed used.  Put in 
sunlight during the last day to add  chlorophyll. 
The above is from NOW FOODS _www.nowfoods.com_ ( .  
They are giving  quantities of seeds to use for their quart jar, number of 
daily rinses, growing  time, and recommended sprout length.  The seed types 
they discuss are  alfalfa, broccoli, foenugreek, mung beans, radish, red 
clover, sunflower, and  wheat.
An easier but more expensive way to go is to get the Freshlife Automatic  
sprouter from Tribestlife (_www.tribestlife.com_ ( 
)  This costs  $100.  You plug in the unit, and it waters the sprouts at 
timed intervals  throughout the day by itself.  
Hope this helps,
In a message dated 11/15/2010 7:12:45 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Hi  Elan, 
I ask you this as it  appears that you know a bit about fermented foods: 
but awhile ago (couple  weeks now) I took some cabbage and “blenderized” with 
the thought that I’d  drink it over a few days to increase my gut flora. I 
did use some, but one of  the bottles wound up in the back of my fridge and 
I am hesitant in drinking it  at this point. The bottle must’ve been the 
last part of it as it’s mostly just  cabbage juice, which I’m sure is quite 
fermented. Could it have gone bad? Is  it ok to drink at this point? 

From: elan  spire [] 
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 5:32  PM
Subject: CSre: making your own  vitamins
A healthy population of friendly flora in our  guts will actually 
manufacture some vitamins inside our very own  bodies.

Healthy intestinal flora also helps us to digest our  food, properly 
assimilate the nourishment it contains, and strengthen  our immune systems.

Many cultured (naturally fermented) foods  such as kimchee and sauerkraut 
are rich sources of B vitamins as well as  live enzymes and beneficial 
bacteria, and are super beneficial to  consume on a regular basis to help 
good digestive health and a  strong, natural immunity to disease.

Making your own ferments is  inexpensive, easy and fun, and consuming them 
is one of the best ways to  help improve one's health on  several different 


One thing  we could do that would be very powerful is to make our own 
vitamins.  It's time for those who know  how to make these things to
share their knowledge and their recipes.  Many on this list make thier
own silver water. Why not the rest of  the stuff. So, share your recipes 
and techniques for  everything. 

Re: CSNebulizer

2010-11-15 Thread Grace1way
I wonder if anyone else has had the same problem with DMSO my husband and I 
 have.  We put a little deodorized cream we got from a prominent 
integrative  medical doctor on clean skin, along with the suggested pain cream. 
both  got the worst case of depression we have ever had, and never used it  
again.  The cream by itself didn't have any depressive effect.
Any ideas?
ALSO:  I have had excellent luck with two other techniques.   (1) Spraying 
10% CS into the nose and mouth with a very fine spray from a  little spray 
bottle (purchased at health food store with originally  echinacea spray in 
it).  (2) In addition, when I have stubborn cough or  sinus problem, I sleep 
in a closed room with the ozone machine on (gives off  just the right 
amount), and always notice a very positive difference!
In a message dated 11/15/2010 9:30:39 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

We use  10ppm CS in our nebulizer along with several drops of DMSO.  Our  
nebulizer puts out a very fine smoky mist and we breath it into the mouth but 
 also take turns thru the nostrils if congested.  It has worked well for  
us but when sick we also use the netti pot (same formula).  The DMSO will  
help carry the CS thru mucus.

Subject: Re:  CSNebulizer
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 08:51:43 -0800

Thanks very  much.

- Original Message - 
From:  _Marshall Dudley_ (  
To: _silver-l...@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 8:42  AM
Subject: Re: CSNebulizer

Put the CS in the nebulizer.  Then spray it into the  mouth while breathing 
in via the mouth.


On 11/15/2010  11:08 AM, Gene and Joann Porter wrote:  
Does anyone know how to use CS with a nebulizer?
Thanks for any information you may have.


Re: CSCODEX The first shot has been fired

2010-11-15 Thread Grace1way
Food grade diatomaceous earth (about a teaspoon consumed daily) would  
supply minerals.  It also keeps bugs out of grain supplies and off your  
not to mention out of your attic.  You can get it very cheaply in  very 
large quantities.
In a message dated 11/12/2010 10:39:14 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I don't  know if you are familiar with Joel Wallach who did the Dead 
Doctors Don't  Lie tapes to get people into MLM colloidal minerals back 
in the mid  '90's, but he maintained that given good food vitamins were 
not that  critical since we can synthesize many in our tissues or gut 
with aid of  bacteria (but not Vitamin C), but minerals are the basic 
building blocks  that we must consume.   I don't know how to replace 
colloidal  minerals, perhaps by eating kelp if available, or using 
glacial rock dust  to grow our vegetables. 


Thora Rasmusen (Home)  wrote:
 One thing we could do that would be very powerful is to make  our own 
 vitamins.  It's time for those who know how to make  these things to 
 share their knowledge and their  recipes.
 Many on this list make thier own silver  water.  Why not the rest of 
 the stuff.
  So, share your recipes and techniques for everything.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing  Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic  discussions:
List Owner:  Mike Devour

Re: CSCODEX The first shot has been fired... diatomaceous earth

2010-11-15 Thread Grace1way
I believe in Major Surplus and Supply, probably in Torrance,  California.  
I got this maybe 12 years ago, and there was a note that came  with it that 
said that the mineral content had been assayed, and there was a  long list 
of contents.  It also said the guy was taking (don't remember if  it was 1/2 
teaspoon, or 1 teaspoon daily) it by mouth as a supplement.   Probably the 
1/2 tsp. is correct.  
In a message dated 11/15/2010 10:36:43 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Jill where would you purchase this from?
Thanks Deb


Sent:  Mon, November 15, 2010 1:32:23 PM
Subject: Re: CSCODEX The first shot  has been fired

Food grade diatomaceous earth (about a teaspoon consumed daily) would  
supply minerals.  It also keeps bugs out of grain supplies and off your  
not to mention out of your attic.  You can get it very cheaply in  very 
large quantities.
In a message dated 11/12/2010 10:39:14 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I  don't know if you are familiar with Joel Wallach who did the Dead  
Doctors Don't Lie tapes to get people into MLM colloidal minerals back  
in the mid '90's, but he maintained that given good food vitamins were  
not that critical since we can synthesize many in our tissues or gut  
with aid of bacteria (but not Vitamin C), but minerals are the basic  
building blocks that we must consume.   I don't know how to  replace 
colloidal minerals, perhaps by eating kelp if available, or  using 
glacial rock dust to grow our vegetables.  

Re: CSFW: CSAG Deodorant - Tap water - 31 Aug

2006-09-01 Thread Grace1way
I wouldn't use CS made with tap water as a deoderant.  Once I tried  applying 
tap water CS to my face to help with acne, and a few hours later I  caught a 
glance of myself in the mirror, and my face had turned shades of dark  gray.  
Fortunately it washed off.

Re: CS Hydrogen peroxide recipes for sore knee

2006-08-31 Thread Grace1way
Wow!  Thank you!!

Re: CS Hydrogen peroxide recipes for sore knee

2006-08-31 Thread Grace1way
Where can I get a copy of a book or booklet that educates me about the  
properties and home use of hydrogen peroxide?  The one I tried to chase  down 
almost a year was out of print, with no used copies available.
Wendy, does the book also give up-to-date information on where to purchase  
these products?
I would like to use a hydrogen peroxide gel intravaginally.  I am  assuming I 
should use a gel base without additives, and food grade H202, making  either 
a 3% or 2% gel.  Any thoughts?
Also, does anybody know if H202 kills bacteria (some, all?), viruses (some,  
all?), molds and fungi (some, all?), and do these infectious organisms develop 
 immunity to it after awhile?  Does anybody know if H202 kills  mycoplasma? 
Does anybody know if CS kills mycoplasma on contact?  I  have heard from a 
trusted source that the cause of interstitial  cystitis is mycoplasma.  I would 
like to try an infusion of H202 in the  bladder, probably with some DMSO in it. 
Does anybody have access to  knowledgeable guidance about using H202 in this 
way?  I have used CS in the  bladder, but hesitate to do so again because my 
integrated medicine physician  said he thought it would irritate the bladder 
mucosa.  Something did  irritate it, or reinstate an infection, but I don't 
if the cause was the  CS, or the reintroduction of bacteria with the catheter.
Thanking you in advance
Can anyone advise me how to make an intravaginal gel containing CS as the  

Re: CSCayenne

2006-08-31 Thread Grace1way
Hi group:
Dr. Schultze (spelling?), student of Dr. Christopher (called the  father of 
American herbal medicine), master herbalists, suggested using the  entire 
bottle of cayenne tincture if one is having a heart attack.  You  will pass 
for sure, because the cayenne is so strong, but then recover  without need for 
the ER, according to them.  I always keep a bottle of  cayenne tincture in the 
house, and another in the car, and my purse, for this  reason. 
Obviously, do not take a whole bottle of cayenne tincture while  driving. 
They also suggested a cayenne treatment for eye problems that they said  
worked wonders, but was rather strong, in that blindness results after use for  
around five minutes, but then vision returns and is better than  before.  I 
haven't had the nerve to try that one, but if I was having a  heart attack I 
figure I would have nothing to loose by downing a bottle of  tincture, anyway.  
the way, cayenne will give the sensation of burning  your stomach if you have 
nothing in it, so take it with food, if possible, but  this is not supposed to 
be harmful, just unpleasant.  My daughter was told  to take cayenne for a 
bleeding ulcer.  She did, and went from vomiting  blood to normal as usual 
following day, eating and drinking things she was  told not to, without any 
symptoms or stomach pain.  She has had no further  problems (ten years later). 
Cayenne is supposed to be the herb of choice  for circulatory system problems.  
I have read that it is suggested for  heavy menstrual bleeding (hemorrhage) 
that is resistant to other treatment (mix  cayenne with warm water while lying 
in the bathtub and douche with a turkey  baster).  A person I heard of was 
suffering personality changes from  an intracranial bleed following a head 
injury; he was told to take 9 capsules of  cayenne a day for this problem.  I 
know if he did take it, or, if so,  what the results were.  The advice came 
from a medical intuitive who is no  longer available to me, but his advice has 
proved valuable in the past, so I  stored this information in my brain.  I 
always muscle test to find the  appropriate amount for my situation, but, of 
course, in an emergency I would  just go for it.
Does anybody know if the Cool Cayenne one can purchase in the health  food 
store is as affective as regular cayenne?  Does cool mean the  heat units are 
reduced, which, according to Dr. Schultze, would make it less  effective, or 
if the heat effects are just buffered or masked in some  way?  I could probably 
ask the company, but I don't know that I could trust  the answer I got 
anyway.  If there is a profit motive, I generally like a  second (or third) 

Re: CSPaula-essiac tea recipe was CSLeukemia

2006-08-09 Thread Grace1way
Just want to add a link to what looks to be a fantastic cancer  remedy!
( .
Also, if you are interested, email me privately, and I will send you at  
attachment with a few more similar remedies.
Best wishes,

Re: CSglioblastoma - brain cancer

2006-08-09 Thread Grace1way
Here is a link to a very promising cancer  
It doesn't work as well along with chemotherapy because it strengthens the  
cells, while the chemotherapy kills them, but maybe it will help the patient to 
 survive chemotherapy.
If you are interested in some other cancer remedies, please email me  
privately and I will send you an attachment.
Best wishes,

Re: CSlithium and bi polar

2006-08-08 Thread Grace1way
As for taking natural lithium, I took some for about a year (not sure if it  
helped but was told by an acupuncturist it would be good for me).  I don't  
remember the brand of the product, or to what extent it was natural.
The reason I quit taking it is that I was told that lithium by prescription  
requires blood monitoring, and I wasn't sure if the natural product would  
also.  I didn't know how to check that one out.  Maybe you will find a  way.

Re: CSSystemic Lupus

2006-08-03 Thread Grace1way
I had a client with systemic lupus. She took a quart of colloidal  silver 
daily (made with three nine-volt batteries, 2 alligator clips and two  silver 
wires, placed in tap water in a glass measuring cup.  She also took  the herb 
p'eau d'arco.  The herb was muscle tested at intervals to  determine the 
appropriate dose.  
After three months she went for her regular medical checkup.  The  doctor did 
lab tests and then told her that since her labs were negative for  lupus, she 
must never have had it, and the original diagnosis must have been a  mistake.
Oh, yes, I forgot to add that she also put fresh aloe vera on the  rash.
Ten years later she is still closely watched medically, and has had no  
recurrence of lupus.
This person acted on the advice of a medical intuitive.  I will attach  the 
information of a couple of psychics you may wish to contact to customize the  
above treatment, if indeed they would say anything different to do.
Hope this helps,

Psychic Information.rtf
Description: RTF file

Re: CSCS Interstitial Cystitis

2006-07-29 Thread Grace1way
Sorry about the misspelling of the website:
I'll try again:
You may also want to check _www.TheUTISolution.com_ 
(  by the same  author.

Re: CSCS Interstitial Cystitis

2006-07-28 Thread Grace1way
I hate to hear about people suffering from this terrible affliction.   What I 
have found:
Go to _www.TheInterstitialCystitiisSolution.com_ 
( ,  and download the ebook on 
that subject.  This lady 
(Angela Kilmartin) has  been through it all, and has dedicated her life to 
helping others be free of  this affliction.  According to her and her clients, 
are now free of  this disease, the cause is  Mycoplasma or Ureaplasma.  She 
explains  this, and exactly how to verify if you have this/these organisms 
a lab set  up to test within an hour of taking the sample), and how to treat 
it (maximum  venereal diseaase dose of six 100mg. capsules of Doxycycline/day 
for ten  days).  It takes that much to knock out these critters!  
Download the book, and check this out for yourself.

Re: CSBugs from Brown rice

2006-07-23 Thread Grace1way
You could try mixing in a little food grade diatomaceous earth with your  
grains.  It kills all bugs, and is good for human consumption as a mineral  
supplement.  No side effects, non-toxic, 100% effective.  Good for  humans; bad 

Re: CSpancreatic cancer

2006-07-20 Thread Grace1way
To add to what the list members have said:
Check out _ 
( .   This is a transcription of a 
tape made by Clifford 
Beckwith, who recovered from  Stage IV prostate cancer using Flax seed oil and 
cottage cheese (Johanna  Budwig's regimen).  He is not looking to make any 
but just to inform  people that any cancer can be beaten with this simple, 
low-cost food  supplement.  He personally sent me a copy of the CD; it 
many,  many examples of those healed from stage IV cancer through this 
method.   The regimen is to take in divided doses each day the following:
1/2 cup cottage cheese, mixed well with 4 to 6 tablespoons of a good  quality 
flax seed oil such as Barleans (which is purchased refrigerated, and  kept 
refrigerated).  See the transcript for more details.  
Secondly, try the food supplement with all eight essential  carbohydrates.  
You can order this online and read about it at _www.techmedica/com_ 
(http://www.techmedica/com) ; the product is  Nutratose.  I first learned about 
this from 
my friend John, who gave me a  CD, which includes incredible accounts of 
recovery from stage IV cancer using  this supplement.  Call John at (562) 
for more information; I'm  sure he will send you a copy of this CD.  If you 
order from him, it turns  out to be cheaper than from techmedica, even though 
Salmana is distributed  through multilevel marketing.
Check out graviola.  I'm not sure of a good source, but you might  check out 
Health Sciences Institute.  They do good research, but overcharge  for their 
products.  Once you find out the product they recommend, perhaps  you can 
google the same product to find a better price elsewhere.
I have had incredible results using the visualization/invocation of the  
violet flame.  If you are interested, I will send you transcripts  containing 
background and usage information.  Email me privately at _grace1...@aol.com_ 
( .
Check out the dramatic improvement in chemotherapy known as insulin  
potentiation therapy.  In this method, the cancer cells which are  almost 
dependent on glucose are targetted using a combination of  insulin and an 
anti-cancer drug.  This results in a success rate of upwards  of 90%, with no 
effects.  I got this information from Second Opinion  Publishing, Inc. in 
Georga, 800-728-228.  The author, Jay Rowen,  is an M.D. who has a practice 
in northern California.  He does personal  consultations over the phone.  The 
article I have in my file gives names of  doctors who do this treatment.  
I also highly recommend the book, Ask and It Is Given, by Esther and  Jerry 
Hicks.  You can get it in any large bookstore such as Barnes   Nobles which 
has a New Age section.  Also available through 
( .  Amazing results seen from  practicing this 
information as well.
I have a technique similar in its effectiveness to EFT, EMDR and the Sedona  
Method, but I have upgraded it to target the specific emotional components of  
disease.  I would be glad to work with you over the phone free of  charge.
Best regards,

Re: CSWarts and moles

2006-06-06 Thread Grace1way
Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) which infects the top  
layer of the skin.  Warts can be passed from person to person by close  
The following procedure is suggested to remove both warts and moles:
Clean with soap and water, leaving damp.  Scratch the entire surface  with a 
sterile needle concentrating on the center.  Use an emery board to  scratch 
and rough up the entire surface.  Scratch hard enough that when the  mixture is 
applied, it can be felt penetrating the surface.  Mix a teaspoon  of castor 
oil with enough baking soda to make a thin paste for each  application.  Rub 
paste into the wart or mole until it is partially  absorbed (1 to 2 minutes). 
 Apply more of the mixture over the top and  cover with a band-aid.  Repeat 
three times a day (scratching and roughing  up are done only once).  Keep on 
until the mole or wart falls off  completely (a few days to a few weeks).  This 
will leave a pink area, which  will eventually return to the natural color.  
There will be no scar.  

Re: CSFood poisoning

2006-06-05 Thread Grace1way
Yes, have her drink one to two quarts a day of CS.  I have seen  several 
cases of food poisoning (at least the symptoms) disappear within 20  minutes 
drinking a quart of CS.  If she can, she should eat some  burned toast (or 
take commercial activated charcoal pills from the health food  store) as these 
absorb the toxins that create nausea.  Toast is also  relatively easy to digest 
with a compromised system, as opposed to milk  products, for instance.  For 
the nausea, take 1/8 teaspoon ginger powder  (from grocery store spice section) 
mixed in a cup of warm water (sip  slowly).  
This subject was discussed on this group at length a few months ago, and  the 
consensus was that CS is extremely effective for food poisoning.  

Re: CSPoison Ivy

2006-04-30 Thread Grace1way
I would try EFT on Poison Ivy (_www.emofree.com_ ( ), 
and also the version of EFT  for allergies (_www.AllergyAntidotes.com_ 
( ).  With  the second technique, I would 
(wearing gloves, of course), some of the  poison ivy and place it in a clean 
empty baby food jar with the lid on.   Then I would treat for this as the 
sample.  What this would  accomplish is to clear the acupuncture meridians 
(energy systems) of the body in  the presence of the allergen, so that the 
natural healing mechanisms  could deal with it more quickly.

Re: CSRe: Bulk CS

2006-04-28 Thread Grace1way
Thank you!  What is an Algaebar?

Re: CSRe: Bulk CS

2006-04-28 Thread Grace1way
Thanks for the links.  What would one use to keep filtered water in a  200 
gallon storage tank free of bacteria or algae.  How about a 5,000  gallon metal 
storage tank?  Neither of these get any light on the inside,  so solar is out. 
 Would the algaebar put out too colloidal copper and  silver into this water 
(drinking water).  Would it be suitable for the  5,000 gallon storage tank?

Re: CSRe: Bulk CS

2006-04-27 Thread Grace1way
Hi group:
After reading what can be done using an acquarium to make bulk CS, I wonder  
if one of you scientists could design a floating pool device to put CS into 
the  pool water so that one can leave out the chlorine.  Has this unit already  
been designed and is it for sale somewhere?  If it is not possible to make  
one for a pool, how about an outdoor spa?  My husband puts an incredible  
of bromine in his.  Seems like CS would be safer.  He probably  wouldn't 
monitor the strength, but I could teach him how to do it if we get to  that 
Since he isn't going to drink it, would it matter if it were too  strong to 
drink?  If the answer to this is no, then the only thing to  watch would be 
if it were strong enough...

Re: CSCS Multiple Myeloma

2006-04-09 Thread Grace1way
Hi Debbie:
Sorry to hear about your mother.  
Here is what I know, from the more understandable alternative stuff, to the  
really far-out stuff (that really works):
Your mother could benefit from an herb combination C-1 (treatment and  
prevention of cancer).  An older person who is very sick probably should  take 
more than 1/2 capsule per day on an empty stomach.  Call New Body  Products at 
(310) 537-4793.  They will send it the next day if you call in  the morning.  
This helped my friend recover from lung cancer, and be  free of it even ten 
years later.
Raw food diet with plenty of vegetable juices.  Check online on how to  do 
this.  Nothing processed.
There is a very effective form of chemotherapy with a high success rate,  and 
very low incidence of side effects.  It is called insulin  potentiation.  The 
chemotherapeutic agent is combined with insulin, which  is required by the 
cancer cells more than others.  The cancer then gets the  chemotheapy, and not 
the normal cells.  You would need to google this, as I  don't have specific 
information any more about it.
At least two quarts/day of good quality colloidal silver (using Silver  Puppy 
or Silvergen home CS makers).  Add two parts Pedialyte infant  electrolyte 
formula to 1 part CS.  Sip often, holding in your mouth  for two minutes each 
sip for maximum absorption.  Build up  amount slowly to avoid Herzheimer 
Read Hulda Clark's book on curing cancer.  She says there is a single  
parasite responsible for it, which can be zapped away in seven minutes, and the 
blood cancer marker goes to zero with hours.  Then you need to rid  the 
environment of the specific solvent which is enabling this parasite.   An 
zapper is the Ultimate zapper at _ 
Starting zapping slowly to avoid strong reactions.
You might want to check out _ 
( is a free downloadable 
manual showing how to tap on acupuncture  points.  The section on cancer is on 
pages 18 and 19.  There is also a  CD which can be placed 24/7 which is 
to have the same effect as the  tapping (form of EFT), but which can be played 
continuously for life-threatening  disease.
Getting weirder now...  email me privately for contact  information for a 
psychic who is accurate and reliable, also a  visualization technique called 
Please make the subject of your email  request very clear so I don't accident 
delete it.
Hope this helps,

Re: CSNebulizer

2006-04-06 Thread Grace1way
Thanks, Bob,
I just ordered it.  I have been on that site before, but must have  tried to 
order a different unit which does require a doctor's  prescription.  
Problem solved!

Re: CSHow To Use Colloidal Silver

2006-04-05 Thread Grace1way
Where can one purchase a nebulizer without a doctor's prescription?


2006-04-04 Thread Grace1way
Please send the this file to me.  I would greatly appreciate it.

Re: CSMuscular Dystropy

2006-04-04 Thread Grace1way
My therapist who practices a form of emotional release technique  
(interchangeable with EFT at _www.emofree.com_ ( ) told 
me she 
worked with a  case of muscular dystropy (sp?) and the patient recovered from 
releasing  negative emotions alone.  I did not witness this, but have seen many 
similar incidents in my own practice.
What I can say is--won't hurt to try EFT.  You might want to work with  an 
EFT master by phone.  They are listed on the site.
Also, see what Hulda Clark has to say about this condition in her book, A  
Cure for all Diseases.  Is it a diseae--not sure.
Sometimes I find a professional psychic to be extremely helpful.  If  you 
would like the contact information of the one I trust, email me privately,  and 
please make the subject clear so I don't delete your message.

Re: CSRoot Canals

2006-04-04 Thread Grace1way
I agree with you in that we don't need to have our root canal teeth  removed. 
 Hulda Clark says we should do just that, and not replace them  with anything 
since bridges have metal in them.  
One way I think would work to achieve health and keep the root canals at  the 
same time is to desensitize the person to the root canals or the offending  
substances in them and emanating from them (treating these as allergens).   For 
instance, one person who was having problems stemming from mercury fillings  
opted to desensitize to mercury amalgam fillings (the problems ceased), 
without  the thousands of dollars it would have cost to remove all the metal 
fillings and  replace them with plastic composite.  This can be done with NAET, 
I would love to know of alternatives to extreme measures suggested by Hulda  
Clark in her book, A Cure for all Diseases.  She says to take all  the metal 
fillings out of the mouth, have the root canal teeth pulled, give away  your 
pets, live in a home without foam cushioning, or new carpets, don't wear  
clothes with chemically treated fabrics, or eat anything that has been  
keep the refrigerator outside the home, don't use pesticides, laundry  
detergents, makeup, etc.  Her suggestions may go unheeded because they are  so 
Other ideas?

Re: CSHow to make up a CS/MSM/Xylitol solution?

2006-04-03 Thread Grace1way
Sorry I can't answer your questions.  They are very good ones.
My only interest was in being able to use the xylitol without getting high  
blood pressure.
What you can do is contact the company yourself and get your answers.   
_www.xlear.com_ ( , (877) 599-5327.
Hope this helps,

Re: CSRe:Coccodiosis

2006-04-03 Thread Grace1way
I put a gallon of colloidal silver in my water tank every day to deal with  a 
bacterial problem.  I don't use the good colloidal silver, made with the  
Silvergen unit.  I fill an empty gallon plastic drinking water jug with tap  
water, put in two .999 pure silver rods each connected to alligator clips with  
the other ends clipped to three 9-volt batteries snapped in a series.   When 
water looks slightly gray-around 5 minutes--it is done.   Cost--maybe 2 cents!
Hope this helps,

Re: CSXylitol and sinus fungal infections

2006-04-03 Thread Grace1way
Try _ ( .  You can  buy 
a 1.5 pound container for around $13.

Re: CS99.9% Fine Silver SheetChicken Flu paper

2006-04-03 Thread Grace1way
Could you send me a copy too?
_grace1...@aol.com_ ( 
Thanks a bunch!

Re: CSHow to make up a CS/MSM/Xylitol solution?

2006-04-01 Thread Grace1way
I used to buy the Xlear xylitol nasal spray, until I realized it was giving  
me high blood pressure.  I contacted the president of the company, and he  
said that a small percentage of 1% of people using their product have this  
reaction due to the preservative in the product and told me to just add 1/2  
tsp.xylitol to 2 oz. of water, placed in a plastic nasal spray bottle  (you CAN 
the top off if you use some strength).  I added the  xylitol to colloidal 
silver. I think this may have produced a saturated  solution of xylitol, as 
of the crystals would not dissolve.  I never  had any fungal problems with 
this, and the Xlear company said nothing  about fungus, but I assume they put 
preservative in the solution for a  reason. 
What was the cause of the fungus--lack of preservative?  In that case  I 
wonder if the CS would do the job.

Re: CSAllergy testing

2006-03-21 Thread Grace1way
In a message dated 3/21/2006 7:49:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I  believe there is an emotional concept to every illness we are disposed to. 
Uncovering what that is, however, is definitly NOT the easiest thing to  do. 
How well I know!

Here's a good technique for discovering the emotional component of any  
illness or physical problem:
Breathe with your mouth open long enough to answer the question put to  
yourself, what negative emotion am I storing in this __.  It  may 
several minutes.  Notice the first thought that comes to your  mind.  I have 
personally witnessed many physical problems and illnesses  disappear when the 
emotional component was released--severe asthma, reproductive  difficulties, 
back pain, numerous headaches, and so forth.  Even if there  is more to the 
problem than repressed emotion, it is always helpful to clear the  emotion.

Re: CSNatural Diuretic

2006-03-20 Thread Grace1way
Grind up watermelon seeds and put them in the dog's  food.

Re: CSAllergy shots?

2006-03-15 Thread Grace1way
In a message dated 3/15/2006 1:26:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Please, may I have your opinions/comments on the virtues and/or  safety 
of allergy shots? Family is using them and I'm...  concerned.

What do you mean by allergy shots?

Re: CSCrohn's Disease

2006-03-09 Thread Grace1way
I'm sure your neighbor could get rid of the Crohn's disease by discovering  
and eliminating the allergens causing it/ or eliminating her sensitivity to  
these allergens.  When I say allergens, I mean whatever is blocking her  
meridians causing the problem--the large intestine meridian being the main  
There are two ways to do this--find a really good NAET (Nambudripad Allergy  
Elimination Technique) practitioner, which is not easy unless one relocates to 
 Buena Park, CA, where the originator of the this technique's sister (30 
years  experience) practices.  This entails much expense, many treatments,  
depending on how allergic the person is, how many treatments are needed for the 
specific problem, and personal commitment.  _www.naet.com_ 
( .
However, one could visit the Buena Park office periodically to check on  
progress, and be treated by another NAET practitioner in one's own area.   This 
now much more practical.
There is another alternative still.  Sandra Radomski has developed a  formula 
for self treating allergies with EFT which is based on her training with  
NAET.  I have not personally tried this, although the principles are sound,  
I can personally attest to the effectiveness for NAET.  Contact Sandra  at 
_www.AllergyAntidotes.com_ ( .
I have been treated with NAET for almost four years now, and I am trained  as 
a practitioner.  I have seen how miraculously it works for myself and  
others.  My asthma, heart problems, parasites, insomnia, psychological  
hair loss, pneumonia/bronchitis, fatigue, arthritis, salmonella,  dizziness, 
etc., etc. are no more, and I have gone from being able to  eat fewer than ten 
foods to being able to eat well in any  circumstance.  I am still working on my 
treatments, though.  Your  neighbor's problem may not be as severe as mine 
was, as I was allergic to  virtually every food I had ever eaten, and many 
environmental allergens as  well. 
If your neighbor is interested in pursuing this method of treatment, email  
me privately.

Re: CSThreelac

2006-02-20 Thread Grace1way
I have the Threelac, but have not done any experiments with it.  I did  use 
the Oxygen Elements l(iquid oxygen) which I got from the same company as the  
Threelac, and it did not work; there was so much supportive information and  
patient testimony, that I was very confident it would work.  It would not  
surprise me if the Threelac would not work either--possibly just a lot of hype  
support the multilevel marketing company.

Re: CS5 year old child bad chesty

2006-02-09 Thread Grace1way
How about putting your home-made CS in a cool-mist humidifier by the kid's  
bed at night?

Re: CScolloidal sivler and well water-help?

2006-02-09 Thread Grace1way
You might check out the Ultra-Sun (I think the name has changed to  Sun-Pure) 
under-the-sink water filter, for around $300.  This is said to 
remove all  bacteria through the use of ultraviolet light.  It also has a large 
filter,  which probably would remove parasites (be sure to inquire about 
this).  I  bought this type of filter for my husband's house, my house, and my 
daughter's  house, and we have had excellent results with these.  My daughter 
husband live in Los Angeles, and you can imagine how bad the water is out  
there!  I remember the company advertised that you could take sewer water,  
process it through this unit, and it would be drinkable.  There are a few  
chemicals which will pass through the filter; you need to inquire about its  
limitations (I believe nitrates will pass through).  The last number I had  for 
Ultra-Sun Technologies was 909 (may be 951 now) 808-1992, and I purchased  the 
from Nature's Distributors, Inc., (800) 624-7114.
I presently have a ranch in a rural setting (77 acres).  The nursery  next 
door must use pesticides and nonorganic fertilizers, not to mention rodent  
poison, and so forth.  We have a well.  I have a Sun-Pure filter at my  kitchen 
sink, but in addition I have installed a nanofilter because of the  
excessively hard water from the well which makes using the steam bath,  
dishwasher and 
water distiller impossible.  This nanofilter takes the parts  per million of 
the water from 16,000 to 22,000 down to 16 parts per  million.  In essence, it 
is very near distilled.  I had the Best  Technology Company which sold me the 
unit install a valve to let a little more  of the dissolved solids into the 
water, as I don't think it is healthy to drink  distilled water on a long-term 
basis.  This system will run around $12,000,  however, and underground outdoor 
plumbing could be required, in addition,  depending on your setup.  If you are 
interested in this second option  (which would remove virtually everything 
from the water), you can contact David  at Best Technology Company at (909) 
841-8083.  He can give you his web  site.
If I were in your shoes I would contact an excellent psychic to find out  
before spending a lot of money where your problems are coming from, and which  
remedies would be effective.  I have found an excellent psychic I use for  many 
situations, and have never been disappointed.  He is very affordable  and 
motived to serve rather than line his pockets.  You can contact Johnnie  
Advisor at _www.Keen.com_ ( .  His  extension is 0183247.
I have three wells, and as part of the permitting process, was required to  
pass county tests for bacteria.  We treated all three with the Chlorox  method 
another list member described.  However, I don't know how long it  would be 
before bacteria could return.  With the Ultra-Sun and the  nanofilter, though, 
don't need to worry about it.
Hope this helps,

Re: CSREF: CS/EIS gargling plus---

2006-01-30 Thread Grace1way
An herb combination which will probably help is Comfrey/Fenugreek.  I  have 
used it with great success for tissue injury. 
I order mine from New Body (310) 537-4793.  (USA).  Call in the  morning, and 
they can have it to you UPS the next morning if you are in the  US.  
Muscle test for the appropriate dose.  I don't think there is much  danger of 
overdose, even for very young children.  When my daughter had a  skiing 
accident, she was unable to walk.  Instead of spending the night in  the 
room, we elected to take her the next morning.  Meanwhile she  took 18 
capsules of comfrey and fenugreek combination.  The next morning,  she was 
and went shopping with her friends!

Re: CSPyro-Energen for virus control

2006-01-30 Thread Grace1way
Dear list members:
I have been following your posts on unresponsive illness and wonder if  any 
of you have tried the Pyro-Energen (_www.pyroenergen.com_ 
( ).  This  electrical device is said to deactivate 
viruses by static 
electricity.   Most degenerative diseases are caused by viruses.  In case the 
unresponsive  illness is a virus, it would be interesting to see what effect 
use of this  device would have.  
I just purchased this machine, and have tried it just once.  I used it  for 
25 minutes (minimum recommended = 20 minutes).  I felt overstimulated,  but 
that effect wore off in a couple of hours, leaving a pleasant healthy  
For prevention it is recommended one use it once a day.  I  personally 
wouldn't use it again at bedtime, though.  I do have some kind  of virus 
and hope to ramp up safely to the four times daily  recommended for ongoing 
If anone else has experience with this device, I would appreciate your  
sharing it.

Re: CSUnresponsive sickness

2006-01-30 Thread Grace1way
I have heard of high fevers damaging the brain.  Does anyone have  reliable 
information on this subject?

Re: CSUnresponsive sickness

2006-01-30 Thread Grace1way
In a message dated 1/30/2006 11:29:49 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

am  recently trying to overcome Pneumonia

Dear Pete:
Thanks for your info about high fevers causing brain damage.
For your various physical ailments have you included some potent form of  
emotional release procedure in addition to your other remedies?  I know  it is 
very easy (and free) to start using EFT on oneself.  There are  several other 
similar techniques which are also extremely effective, but EFT  seems to be the 
easiest for the beginner to learn and apply.  Go to _www.emofree.com_ 
( .  You can download the  70-page instruction manual 
free, and 
the same site offers incredible  support/archives/newsletters, all free.
For many years I have used various techniques for release of negative  
emotion.  The results are nothing short of fantastic--for physical  problems, 
well as emotional.  The lady who taught me one of these said  she had used it 
successfully to reverse many diseases, including cerebral  palsy.  I was 
this type of treatment might help whatever is going  on with you presently.  
One thing is for sure--it won't hurt!  It  doesn't matter that you believe in 
it wholeheartedly just to give it a  try.  The results do defy logic and are 
inconsistent with previous  experience and belief systems. Just be persistent, 
and you will surely see  results.
Best wishes,

Re: CSAlmond milk/cancer diet

2006-01-11 Thread Grace1way
Dear Nancy:
Thank you so much for the information.  I have had problems digesting  nuts, 
but thought this was due to allergies.  From what you are saying,  allergies 
create one problem, but nuts contain other factors which can cause  digestive 
problems as well  Now that I have been desensitized to nuts, I  can have them 
as long as I soak them.  This is good to know because when  one is trying to 
eat as many raw foods as possible, the choices are already  limited, and I 
wouldn't want to be without nuts!

Re: CSAlmond milk/cancer diet

2006-01-09 Thread Grace1way
Making this almond milk is an easy and cheap way to make non-dairy milk  
for use on cereal.  There are no additives, or anything harmful  whatsoever.
Also, for those with cancer and wanting to stay on a raw food diet, this  
almond milk can be used on cereal. The cereal in this raw food diet could  
consist of such items as Quaker Old Fashioned Oats uncooked, just out of the 
(no processing, just flattened oats, whole grain), raw almonds, raw black 
 seeds ground in a coffee grinder, raw pumpkin seeds, dates, raisins, raw  
sunflower seeds.  With the sunflower seeds, you get more protein, and  better 
quality protein, per unit of weight, than with beef!  

Re: CSCS and allergies

2006-01-09 Thread Grace1way
Hi there:
I suffered from bad asthma, and bronchitis and pneumonia along with that,  
but discovered that almost all of my symptoms were due to two food  
allergies--milk and wheat.  I have been asthma free since I was  desensitized 
for these 
allergens.  If you don't want to go the  desensitization route, you might try 
least simplifying your diet, and  eliminating one food at a time to see if 
you get relief.  Muscle testing  might also point out the offending allergen. 
The EFT website (_www.emofree.com_ ( ) also will guide 
you to  another website for (if I remember correctly) with 
Sandy  Radomski, who has redesigned NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination 
Technique) so  that one can self treat using a hybrid of EFT and NAET to 
Also, I worked with a psychotherapy client clearing emotions from childhood  
abuse and rejection.  The client came to my office with asthmatic symptoms,  
and was getting a case of the flu on top of everything else.  This client  has 
had very severe asthma since childhood, entailing medication, and  
hospitalizations approximately once per month.  After 45 minutes of  clearing 
emotions associated with the abuse, her breathing cleared, and she  has not had 
asthma a single day since then (five years ago!).  (The purpose  of her coming 
to work on abuse issues only; the clearing up of her  asthma was a side 
effect, and a total surprise!).  For emotional clearing,  you could use EFT 
(_www.emofree.com_ ( ), or the  Release Technique (get 
the book 
The Sedona Method, by Hale  Dwoskin).  If you want assistance, you can also 
have a master EFT  technician help you by phone (see EFT website for EFT master 
practitioners who  will work over the phone), or look up a therapist trained 
in EMDR (Eye Movement  Desensitization and Reprocessing).
After being asthma free for around 2 1/2 years now, my  asthma started to 
come back.  I noticed that the symptoms would start  up after blowing my nose 
with either Kleenex or toilet tissue.  As soon as  I quit blowing my nose (just 
let it drip!), I haven't had ANY further  attacks.  The next thing will be to 
get desensitized to whatever is in  the nose wipes!
Hope this helps,

Re: CSFrank's Dad, cancer

2006-01-07 Thread Grace1way
In a message dated 1/6/2006 7:19:14 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Hello.  My father has cancer and it is taking my mom
 and I both to take care  of him as he cannot get out of
 bed.  I am looking for an  immediate cure. I just
 joined and I'm in Dallas. I know health stores  carry
 this but I have not looked into the cost yet. Any  recommendations?

In addition to M. D's input, and taking at least 2 quarts good quality CS  in 
divided doses(building up as tolerated), I would add a raw food diet, and an  
herb preparation called C-1.  The raw food diet and the C-1 got rid of lung  
cancer in a friend of mine in three months.  Ten years later he is  
certifiably free from cancer.  Had we known about CS back then, he would  have 
that as well.  You can order the herb preparation from New Body  Products, 
537-4793 (USA).  The dose of the herb is important.   You don't want to 
release toxins faster than the body can handle.  Either  use 1/2 capsule daily, 
have a qualified person muscle test for an  individualized dosage (with 
retesting regularly).  To obtain the C-1  quickly call the number above in the 
morning, give them a credit card number,  and tell them it is urgent.  You will 
have it by the next day.   The cost of the herb will be less than $20 for 100 
Sending prayers your way,

Re: CSliving or not

2006-01-07 Thread Grace1way
Would you care to consider some alternative perspectives?
1.  It may be better on the other side, but your stay will only be  temporary 
there, and then you will come back having to take on the same  unfinished 
tasks for which you chose to come this time, having designed your  present 
circumstances to assist you in meeting your goals.
2.  Ultimately, life is not fulfilling when the goal is to find  happiness in 
external conditions--finances, relationships, approval, doing  things, etc., 
etc., etc.  This is true for everyone, but due to some  partial state of 
fulfillment, intense distraction, and not wanting to admit  failure they have 
realized this yet!  You could just be fortunate to  have realized this ahead 
of the pack!
3.  What if life is designed as a school, with the purpose being to  grow and 
evolve, rather than to acquire from, and manipulate, outer conditions  in 
order to be happy?
4.  What if happiness can be had from within? (No kidding!)
5.  What if there are well-written manuals which introduce you to your  inner 
school teacher?
6.  What if your present circumstances are perfect as they are, just  
requiring an about face in the way you see things?
Interested?  E-mail me privately, making the subject line clear so I  don't 
erase your message.

Re: CSlupus to grace

2006-01-05 Thread Grace1way
An interesting observation.  I don't know if she had candida as well  as 
lupus.  The woman certainly did have lupus before taking the CS and peau  
but not afterwards, as verified by standard laboratory tests.   There is no 
way to know if she had candida because she only frequents  conventional 
being on disability and not being able to  afford alternative medical 
treatment, supplements, etc., out of  pocket.  
There were other posts on this list reporting two other cases of lupus  which 
had responded to CS alone, in ten months, rather than the three in the  case 
I reported, so perhaps your thesis is correct, and the peau d'arco made the  

Re: CSDiatomaceous earth

2006-01-05 Thread Grace1way
I would very much appreciate having your file on further information about  
diatomaceous earth.  
I had not known about the antiparasitic value of DE before these recent  
I have been using the food grade DE to store grains.  I believe I  mixed 1/2 
cup with a 5-gallon plastic pail of wheat kernels. Within a short  time, I 
could see various worms crawling out of the container, and any bugs  inside the 
mixture croaked!  In addition to the DE, keeping the wheat away  from light, 
heat (around 65 degrees F. is good), moisture, and sealed in an  airtight 
container should store it indefinitely.  Once a year I open the  can, pour the 
contents into a similar can, thus getting rid of the carbon  dioxide and 
fresh oxygen (or is it the other way around with  plants?).  The wheat treated 
this way still sprouts after 7 years.  I  am told that wheat found stored in 
the pyramids of Egypt still sprouts after  3,000 years. 
The brand of food-grade DE I bought (Perma-Guard) was subjected  to testing 
to discover the mineral content (sorry, I don't have this information  any 
more, but you could probably get it by calling Major Surplus  Supply in  
Beach, or Hawthorne, California, where I got it, and they may have that  
information, or Google it)  The company owner suggested one take 1/2  or 1 
a day (don't remember)--as a mineral supplement!  If  this is a good mineral 
supplement, it sure beats the price of those from the  health food store.
Another great use for the DE is as an insecticide. I spread it around the  
storage garage, where black widows 2 in diameter routinely hang out.  I  
don't want anything poisonous around the house, if I can help it, so this fits  
the bill.  I did an experiment with putting one of these house pets in a  
glass jar with some DE.  The jar was closed, but there were air holes  punched 
the lid.  Blackie was found to have expired the next  morning!  I have mixed 
it into the wood pile, and now never bring in  unwanted house guests!  The 
white powder does make a mess on the carpet,  however, but is easily vacuumed 
up.  I have a tube blower contraption I  used to blow the DE throughout the 
I think I'll try blowing it on my garden next spring.  The bugs eat  almost 
everything except the tomatoes and peppers.  Why feed them, instead  of me?
P.S. It's wonderful to have all these great uses for something so cheap and  

Re: CSDiatomaceous earth

2006-01-05 Thread Grace1way
I got a blower device (long tube to load with DE, and blow on the other  
end) from Major Surplus  Supply in Redondo Beach, or Hawthorne,  California.  
The purpose is to spread a thin power on whatever you want to  protect.  I 
wouldn't know how to use it on my garden  otherwise.

Re: CSDiatomaceous earth

2006-01-05 Thread Grace1way
Good luck with your houseplants.  I haven't tried it on plants yet  myself.

Re: CSDiatomaceous earth

2006-01-05 Thread Grace1way
The Perma-Guard was sold to me to be used to mix with wheat for  storage.  
The information that came with it said that the owner of the  company had it 
tested for minerals, and gave the the mineral content; it also  said he takes 
every day as a mineral supplement.
Are you saying that Perma-Guard is not safe for for internal  consumption?

Re: CStap water CS

2006-01-03 Thread Grace1way
The reason I mentioned that lupus disappeared after three months of  drinking 
1 quart CS made with tap water and three 9-volt batteries, in  conjunction 
with a muscle-tested variable daily dose of the herb peau d'arco,  was not to 
stir up controversy about the dangers or inadvisability of  making CS with tap 
water, but to show that EVEN WITH AN INFERIOR GRADE OF  CS, it was possible to 
permanently get rid of lupus within three  months, as verified by conventional 
laboratory tests.
Perhaps not every case will have exactly the same results.   However, the 
client is a middle aged woman who had a relatively poor diet,  little exercise, 
and took no other measures besides those mentioned  above. From this, and other 
similar cases reported on this list, it does  appear that lupus can be 
eradicated by using CS.
Respectfully submitted,

Re: CSWhere to bye a machine I can trust?

2006-01-03 Thread Grace1way
From one idiot to another,
I recently searched the internet and other sources to find a really good  
home CS generator.  Although I'm no expert on CS (never will be), from  
sources (having no economic interest in recommending any particular  model) I 
gleaned that the SG6-auto home CS generator is excellent.  It  makes clear, 
small particle, light stable CS (easily stored and has a long  shelf life), at 
the strength that you set on the dial, and turns itself off when  reaching the 
desired parts per million. You need only a quart jar, and  distilled water. 
Turn it on, and in around 2 hours it turns itself off and  indicates that it 
finished brewing.
For more information, check out _www.silvergen.com_ 
( .  Call and talk  with Trem; he is extremely 
knowledgeable, and very helpful 
as well.
I have two of these for myself, and purchased two others for family and  
friends.  I couldn't be more satisfied!
Best of luck 

CSRe: CS--Say Goodbye to Autism

2006-01-03 Thread Grace1way
Greetings Listers;
Since there have been recent inquiries about autism on this list, I wanted  
to inform you all of the preliminary results from the 2004 Autism Pilot Study  
conducted by the Nambudripad Allergy Research Foundation.  Using NAET  
(Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique), the following study was done,  and 
results obtained:
Starting with a group of 60 children within the Autism Spectrum, 30  children 
in the treatment group were administered twice weekly NAET treatments  for 50 
allergens (foods, chemicals, environmental allergens, DPT and MMR  
vaccinations, and antibiotics and other drugs previously taken).  All 60 of  
children before NAET had no eye contact, no verbal communication, no  nonverbal 
communication, and were following a special educational program.  
In the treatment group, all 30 subjects established good eye contact by the  
time they completed 5 to 10 NAET treatments. All of them established verbal  
communication as well as nonverbal communication in varying degrees by the time 
 they completed 5-20 treatments.  The four children who dropped out due to  
unavoidable circumstances (parents having to relocate due to job situations) 
had  established eye contact, and some amount of verbal and nonverbal 
communication  before discontinuing the program.. According to independent 
evaluation and the reports from the children's school psychological 
departments,  19 out of the 26 children completing the study have been removed 
from the  
autistic category.  Four children were evaluated as being mildly autistic;  
they are able to talk and communicate nonverbally. The other three  children 
require more treatments; evaluations indicate they are  still moderately to 
severely autistic.  However, the children in this  last group have improved 
The parents are very thankful for this opportunity for their children to  
lead normal lives. Larger studies are upcoming, with children from the  Control 
Group in this present study being included in the Treatment  Group of the next 
For more information, see _www.naet.com_ ( ,  and read 
the book by Devi S.Nambudripad, Say Goodbye  to Allergy-Related Autism.
Respectfully submitted,

Re: CStap water CS

2006-01-03 Thread Grace1way
Hello Bob,
I used 2 cups of water in a Pyrex measuring cup.  The silver wires  were six 
inches long.  The spacing was variable, since my only concern  was trying to 
keep the 2 silver wires from touching each other in the  water.  I had the 
alligator clips holding the silver wires perched on top  of the measuring cup.  
The time to make CS was variable also, from 20  seconds, to maybe three 
depending on the water used. The closer to  distilled the water was, the 
longer the process took. To determine when the  CS was done, I just stirred and 
took out the silver when the water was EVER  SO SLIGHTLY gray.  
I hope this answers your questions.  I have no clue what the PPM was,  and 
I'm sure that it varied considerably.  

Re: CSlupus?

2006-01-02 Thread Grace1way
I had a client who had lupus.  She drank a quart a day of CS made with  three 
nine volt batteries in drinking water.  She also took an herb called  peau 
d'arco, an amount she muscle tested for appropriateness daily.  After  three 
months when she returned to her doctor, laboratory tests showed she did  not 
lupus, and she has not had it since (ten years later).  
The doctor apologized for the misdiagnosis thinking that since lupus is a  
fatal disease, she must have never had it; she must have simply been  

Re: CSlupus?

2006-01-02 Thread Grace1way
No, she didn't get argyria.

Re: CScholesterol and triglycerides, was Re: CSNiacin

2005-12-30 Thread Grace1way
Sometimes people get the wrong idea about the Atkins diet, that it consists  
of only meat, cheese, fat, and so forth.  That would definitely not be  
healthy, although I know some people who do well on that, and some who  don't.  
Atkins himself said that after the initial breaking in period with  his diet, 
he recommends fruits and vegetables (complex carbohydrates), and  that people 
have gotten the wrong idea about his diet.  That would leave  out only sugar 
and refined carbohydrates, and there is much evidence to suggest  that these 
are the culprits in weight gain, as well as many degenerative  diseases.  The 
complex carbohydrates are healthy, and the more raw, organic  food we eat, the 
better. One may choose to focus on those complex  carbohydrates which have a 
lower glycemic index, however. 
Some people are unaware that the Atkins diet was not originally designed  for 
the purpose of loosing weight. Atkins was experimenting with a diet that  
would treat serious illness, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc., 
was recalcitrant to other treatments.  His famous diet worked outstandingly  
for these patients to return them to health.  The weight loss effect  was 
noted later, as a side effect!   Nowadays, people often think  that is its 
only purpose, and that benefits of loosing weight must be weighed  against 
for the pun) the disadvantage of following this unhealthy  diet.

Re: CSCoffee cravings

2005-12-29 Thread Grace1way
I have been successful in lowering uric acid by eating a lot of  grapes.  I 
heard black cherry juice (sugarless concentrate from the health  food store) 
would work also.

Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- Pete

2005-12-27 Thread Grace1way
Sorry I have no experience dealing with scarring.  Did you try the  obvious 
remedies--vitamin E oil, and scar salves/remedies available over the  counter?
Thanks for your reports and documentation; it really helps the rest of us  
who build upon your experiences.

Re: CSRe: CS I believe I've been misdiagnosed........with Moblock type 2 when

2005-12-23 Thread Grace1way
Faith suggested in his message to you that you hold three points using  
pressure.  You can find the heart and solar plexus points on the blank map  of 
hands (see choices on the left side of the screen).  You will need  to go to 
the explanation of the map of the hands to determine which number  corresponds 
to the solar plexus point; it is in the middle of the palms of the  hands 
(both hands).  The heart area is on the palms of both hands, but  larger on the 
left hand, on the thumb side.  This is marked  by a  heart instead of a number 
in the section that explains the map.  The spleen  point apparently is on the 
bottom of the foot.  
Hopefully this will suffice.  If not, go to the other treatments and  see if 
there is one for heart ailments, and/or general treatments, because all  parts 
of the body are interconnected.  For me, just the heart and solar  plexus 
points were helpful; its hard for me to reach the sole of my foot.

Re: CSRe: CS I believe I've been misdiagnosed........with Moblock type 2 when

2005-12-22 Thread Grace1way
In a message dated 12/21/2005 11:43:42 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

flutterings in my chest for the past week

It sounds like you have the same thing I have from time to time.  I  don't go 
to medical doctors, because I've tried that, and they want to give me a  
scary diagnosis (which is just a latin name for the symptoms, which I already  
know).  They also offered to prescribe medication for the rest of my  life.  
However, I discovered, and you may also, that the problem is intermittent  
and associated with certain allergens which affect the heart meridian.  In  my 
case (not necessarily yours), I found that there were three different items  
which caused the same symptoms as you describe.  Muscle testing identified  
them, and after the allergens were removed, or treated, the problem ceased  
immediately.  The allergens were formaldehyde in new unwashed curtains by  the 
(symptoms only when in bed), various kinds of wood, including pressed  wood 
with formaldehyde, and estrogen imbalance.  My present bout is  probably due to 
apple allergy.  Think back to when the present episode  started.  Did you start 
to breathe, eat, touch, wear or drink anything  different than before.  
Stress may play a part as well, just putting you  over the edge with respect 
By the way, I tried Faith's remedy suggested for you, and it works.   Don't 
know what I would do without it.
Take care,

Re: CSFood Poisoning ( Rotten Hamburger )

2005-12-22 Thread Grace1way
My experience with food poisoning is to down a quart of CS, along with a  
couple pieces of burned toast (or commercially prepared activated charcoal) to  
absorb toxins.  Repeatedly works in 20 minutes.

Re: CSRe: CS I believe I've been misdiagnosed........with Moblock type 2 when

2005-12-22 Thread Grace1way
I did the same thing.  Note that Faith's website is healinhands, not  

Re: CSCS misting

2005-12-22 Thread Grace1way
In a message dated 12/22/2005 3:50:18 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I may be  totally off base but don't you want to expose yourself to some 
germs to keep  your immune system strong and up to par

This brings up an issue I have wondered about for a long time.  Some  experts 
advise taking a large amount of CS on a daily basis.  Does that  compromise 
the body's own immune system?  Is it best to only take CS when  sick?  How 
about only taking it when REALLY SICK, so as to strengthen the  immune system.  
What do the experts on the Silver List think?

Re: CSH2O2 and EIS

2005-12-22 Thread Grace1way
In a message dated 12/22/2005 8:13:34 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

To my  suspicion all the nasal mist 
spray bottles are sealed so that pressure  can be maintained in the bottle.
This is what was told to me by the  pharmacist. With this being said. How 
would one go about dumping the  saline solution and replacing it with CS

It is hard to pry the very top plastic cap off, and takes a lot of effort,  
but you can do it if you try.

Re: CSDercum's Disease?

2005-12-21 Thread Grace1way
My son in law also has painful fatty tumors all over his body.  He has  had 
no formal diagnosis, except muscle testing revealed the cause (in his case)  to 
be allergy to motor oil (he is a mechanic).

Re: CSBottles

2005-12-14 Thread Grace1way
To buy a large bottle of brown glass in which to store CS, go to the health  
food store and buy the cheapest item in a gallon brown glass 
container--probably  aloe vera juice (about $6).  You can use the juice, or 
pour it  out.  If 
you were to find a supplier of the brown glass bottles, you would  probably pay 
$30 or so for that size bottle.  I found a supplier of the  pint brown glass 
bottles; they wanted $20 apiece.  That is why I just buy  the bottle with 
something in it, and throw out the contents. 

Re: CSClean bottles

2005-12-14 Thread Grace1way
If I'm going to store colloidal silver made with distilled water, I store  it 
in a bottle last rinsed with distilled water.

Re: CSCANSEMA Salve --- VCNO --- progress with eschar

2005-12-14 Thread Grace1way
They had experience, and there did not seem to be any profit motive, or any  
other self-serving motive.  I don't know why the discrepancy. The bottom  line 
is that the Centreforce Cancema works, and that is very good to hear.   You 
are doing all of us a service by reporting your experience!

Re: CSMachine

2005-12-13 Thread Grace1way
I have never had a problem getting the three 9-volt batteries to snap  
together.  Are you using identical batteries from the same manufacturing  
Maybe you need to press a little harder.  As with clothing  snaps, they may be 
hard to snap together.  There is only one way they can  go together; two of the 
batteries are side by side, and the third faces these  and connects all three 
together with the snaps.  That leaves two snaps free  to attach alligator 

Re: CSMachine

2005-12-13 Thread Grace1way
Hi Raine:
When you brew a batch, how many batteries are you using?  How much  water do 
you use?  How long does it take?  How do you know when it is  done?  Can you 
see changes in the water to let you know it is finished when  you use distilled 
instead of tap water?  Did you ever measure the parts per  million?  If so, 
are you able to consistently produce the same parts per  million in repeated 
In a message dated 12/13/2005 1:43:41 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I have  this same set-up, and I always use distilled water with it. I've 
never had a  batch not brew, and I don't use any additives such as  salt.

Re: CSRE; Jill's protocol

2005-12-13 Thread Grace1way
Thanks, Ole Bob,
Very interesting!
I have a couple other similar stories:
I read, but don't remember the source, that right before WW II  the Germans 
were putting harmful microbes into the water in certain areas to  reduce the 
Jewish population.  They were confused when their attempt at  population 
control had little or no effect.  It seems the Jews were  making silver water 
secretly in their garages using very simple setups such  as you described!
I had the privilege of hearing Bob Beck give  a talk at a mind/body 
conference in Los Angeles on how to get rid  of HIV in 21 days.  He was such an 
entertaining character!  He  said he would always carry his CS making device in 
pocket.   Particularly when he was travelling where he did not trust the water 
supply  (South America), when served a glass of water in a restaurant he would 
take out  his pocket device, brew CS in his drinking water, wait six minutes, 
and by the  time the meal came he was ready to drink it.  No problems 
drinking the  water this way!

Re: CShomemade Generator

2005-12-13 Thread Grace1way
In a message dated 12/13/2005 9:16:59 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

-the  batch is done when a laser can be seen from the side of the  container.

I have nothing more to add; seems like you are off to a roaring  start!  I 
just wondered if you could explain to me how to use a laser to  tell when the 
batch is done.

Re: CSFwd: Distilled Water question

2005-12-12 Thread Grace1way
I have another question about distilled water.  
The alternative medical practitioners I know tell me that according to  
muscle testing, and also negative results with patients who used distilled  
distilled water drinking over the long haul is harmful because it leaches  
nutrients from the body.  I know that my nanofilter water filter produces  pure 
water at 16 parts per million dissolved solids.  I have had to modify  it to 
produce a quality of water similar to drinking water, around 100 parts per  
million.  The trouble is that the water is so pure without modification of  the 
filter that it leaches copper out of my pipes and deposits it in the shower,  
bathtubs and toilets, turning them turquoise blue.  Some patients who have  
distilled water for long periods have come down with serious health  problems 
the alternative practitioners say are due to the lack of nutrients  removed 
by the distilled water.  
I know that there are very competent and well-meaning alternative  
practitioners who think that distilled water is the best way to go.  I have  a 
Water-Wise unit myself.  I know this is sold by (if I remember correctly,  
Williams, M.D., who is very big on alternative health, and very  competent).  I 
attempted to contact David Williams to ask him about  the dangers of nutrient 
depletion with distilled water, but those answering the  phone don't know 
much, and the question was never forwarded, or never answered  by Dr. Williams. 
Because of my experience in muscle testing, and those practitioners who do  
it reliably and tell me that distilled water is harmful over the long haul, I  
would not use it much, except to make CS, or as a back-up in case our well got 
Ultimately, I think that there is only one correct answer to whether or not  
distilled water is harmful over the long haul.


2005-12-12 Thread Grace1way
Try a veterinary supply house.  Purchase the MSM for horses.  My  
understanding is that is the same grade product, and made by the same company  
makes MSM for humans.

Re: CSRe: Type I diabetes...

2005-12-12 Thread Grace1way
If you want to get rid of diabetes, please consider doing NAET (Nambudripad  
Allergy Elimination Technique) with a competent practitioner.  Allergies  
block the energy flow in the acupuncture meridians which is the root cause of  
dysfunction in the human body (according to Chinese medicine).  What I  know 
is this--NAET works.
There may some way to get rid of diabetes which is less costly, and less  
time-consuming.  If you are interested in NAET, check out _www.naet.com_ 
( , and read the Book, Say Goodbye to  Illness.  If you 
still want 
to pursue this topic, e-mail me  privately.

Re: CSCS/h2o2/Gatorade mixture

2005-12-12 Thread Grace1way
Why not use Pedialyte instead of Gatorade to mix with CS.  Is there  some 
ingredient in Gatorade that is important that is not in Pedialyte?  My  
understanding was that it is the electrolyte content of Gatorade  that is the 
reason it 
is mixed with CS.  Pedialyte is an electrolyte  solution, but it doesn't have 
the sugar (at least not as much), or the  artificial flavoring (or any 
flavoring, for that matter).  

Re: CSCANSEMA Salve --- VCNO --- progress with eschar

2005-12-12 Thread Grace1way
Thank you for the information.  
I had heard that Cansema salve from Centerforce (via Bevan Potter) would  not 
work, but from description that is not the case.  
Good work!

Re: CSCS/h2o2/Gatorade mixture

2005-12-12 Thread Grace1way
I have thought of adding sea salt also, but the last time I used sea salt I  
got parasites from it.  It was still slightly wet and in large  cystals.
My confusion about adding salt of any kind, and electrolytes, for that  
matter, to CS is that I would think the ionic silver would combine with the  
electrolytes in the salt or Gatorade, or whatever, and then be  neutralized.  
Someone who understands chemistry please set me  straight.

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