[squid-users] Best load balancing switch for transparent Squid

2011-08-04 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hi all,

Hope all of you are doing fine.

I am not sure if this is the right list to post the following question.

I just wanted to know which is the best load balancing switch for
transparent caching in Squid?

Basically, I would like to have some information on a L4 switch with
at least 8 gigabit copper ports.

Refurbished or some end of life switch will do.

Best regards,
Tek Bahadur Limbu

Re: [squid-users] Squid startup scripts.

2008-02-06 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Dave,

Dave Coventry wrote:


Still battling to get Squid up and running...

I have installed Squid3.0 from source into /usr/local/squid.

However, there is no startup script to place into /etc/init.d/

Surely it's not simply a case of placing the following into a file
called squid, making it executable, update-rc, etc?

start () {


vi /etc/init.d/squid


echo -n ' Squid '

case "$1" in

/usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -D
/usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -k shutdown
/usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -k reconfigure
echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|stop|restart}"

Hope that helps.

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid SNMP Err: [Timeout: No Response from host], Squid 2.6-STABLE6

2008-01-31 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Serg,

Serg A. Androsov wrote:

Hello there,

Squid 2.6-STABLE6
CentOS 5 (2.6.18-8.el5xen #1 SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)

Trying to solve some trouble.
I get "" error.

Here it is snmp config in squid.conf
acl snmpbsu snmp_community xx
acl admins 
snmp_port 3401
snmp_access allow snmpbsu localhost
snmp_access allow snmpbsu admins
snmp_access deny all

Try running it locally first:

acl snmpbsu snmp_community snmpsecret
acl admins src
snmp_port 3401
snmp_access allow snmpbsu localhost
snmp_access allow snmpbsu admins
snmp_access deny all

#/usr/bin/snmpwalk -m /etc/squid/mib.txt -c snmpsecret  -v1 
localhost:3401 .

Hope that helps.

Thanking you...

snmp_incoming_address #here it is internal proxy interface.

How it's trying (from localhost):
#/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 1 -m /etc/squid/mib.txt -c xx
Timeout: No Response from
Also try to use version 2c protocol.

SNMP is listening the port.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] squid]# netstat -an | grep 3401
udp0  0*

[EMAIL PROTECTED] squid]# /sbin/iptables -n -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
RH-Firewall-1-INPUT  all  --

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
RH-Firewall-1-INPUT  all  --

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain RH-Firewall-1-INPUT (2 references)
ACCEPT udp  --   udp dpt:3401

also trying to stop iptables service

Where am I wrong?


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Cache for mp3 and ogg in memory...

2008-01-31 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Adrian,

Adrian Chadd wrote:


I'd first give ZFS a shot - either through opensolaris or FreeBSD.
It has slightly saner memory caching logic (which eats RAM for breakfast
mind you) that may suit this workload a little better.

Since you mentioned ZFS, I have been thinking for some time now about 
deploying a Squid box with a ZFS cache either on a single drive or a 
separate drive.

Thats probably a smarter move than trying to squeeze a HTTP proxy
inline just yet. :)

Do you think that this ZFS file system scales better than current file 
systems if used for caching such as Squid?

Do you have any statistics?

Thanking you...


On Sat, Jan 19, 2008, Michelle Konzack wrote:


I have killed a hardisk (160 GByte) again because to heavy traffic of
"gnump3d".  The problem is, that the "natural" caching of linux does
not work, even if I have only arround 700 MByte of songs I hear all the
time and the installed memory is 2 GByte.  The access of gnump3d on the
harddisk is very heavy, specialy if more then 4 clients use it the same
time...  --  and the Media-Server is working 24/7 and use already a
Hardware Raid-1 with HotFix!

What I like to do is to cache those files in a Ramdisk of 1 GByte and
like to use squid-cache to do the "administration" of it, exactly, I
want to CACHE and HOLD files with following rules:

1.  most heared songs with highest priority
(e.g. songs which are heared more then 20 times
a week should never removed from cache)
2.  if ram-disk-space is availlable all other songs

and of course, the cached files should never expire...
(the Media-Server is connected to a "bigger" 3000VA APC-Smart-UPS)

Note 1:  Since 1 GByte memories (DDR400) are availlable under 40 Euro
 I can add a third module...

Can this be done with squid?

Note 2:  My Idea was already to put the "always heared" songs on a
 Infineon CF-Card of 8 GByte (arround 88 Euro) which is
 definitivly cheaper as replacing all 12 month a harddisk.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] squid 3.0 stable

2008-01-30 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Peng,

J. Peng wrote:

We have the plan to upgrade all our squid from 2.6 to 3.0
Is squid 3.0 stable really now? I don't wish it get coredump or
something like that in later days.

The best bet is to install 3.0 in one of your servers and monitor it.



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] storeDiskdSend OPEN: (35) Resource temporarily unavailable

2008-01-20 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Monah,

Monah Baki wrote:

Hi all,

I'm running squid 2.6-stable17 on Freebsd 6.3. Machine is a 500MHz with 
512MB RAM.

Don't you think that your system is a little low on resources even for a 
low number of users?

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/squid 
--enable-storeio=ufs,coss,diskd,null --enable-underscores 
--with-large-files --enable-large-cache-files --enable-delay-pools 
--disable-ident-lookups --enable-snmp --enable-cache-digests 
--enable-underscores --enable-kill-parent-hack  
--enable-removal-policies --enable-async-io --enable-kqueue 

I think it's better to use "--enable-storeio=ufs,aufs,coss,diskd,null" 
and remove "--enable-async-io".

I just have squid displaying the following error message:

2008/01/20 18:24:15| storeDiskdSend OPEN: (35) Resource temporarily 
2008/01/20 18:24:15| storeDiskdSend: msgsnd: (35) Resource temporarily 
2008/01/20 18:24:15| assertion failed: diskd/store_io_diskd.c:541: 
"++send_errors < 100"

I have seen these error logs due to DISKD in the past. It went away 
after I switched to UFS.

jubilee# ipcs -a
Message Queues:
q   524288   942080 --rwa--   nobody   nobody   nobody   
nobody 1280   40 2048  
920  927 18:05:08 18:05:08  7:34:35
q   524289   942081 --rwa--   nobody   nobody   nobody   
nobody00 2048  
927  920 18:05:08 18:05:08  7:34:35

Shared Memory:
m   524288   942082 --rw---   nobody   nobody   nobody   
nobody1   339968  920  927  7:34:35 
18:05:28  7:34:35


There's only 4 users on this server, and it's been running for quite 
sometime now.

I read that I need to increase the message queue limits, Im presuming 
it's the "kern.ipc.msgmnb=16384". How can I monitor system before 
anything happens. I can run squidclient mgr:info, but what do I need to 
look for.

Configured thee system with following parameters:

kern.ipc.nmbclusters: 65536

options SHMSEG=16
options SHMMNI=41
options MSGSSZ=64
options MSGTQL=512
options MSGSEZ=2048
options SHMMNI=40
options SHMMAX=2097152
options SHMALL=4096
options MAXFILES=8192
options NMBCLUSTERS=32768
options MSGMNB=16384
options VFS_AIO

Did you compiled your kernel or are you loading these tunables dynamically?

I really am not an expert on this kernel compilation with FreeBSD.

But I use the following values:

options SHMSEG=128
options SHMMNI=256
options SHMMAX=50331648 # max shared memory segment size (bytes)
options SHMALL=16384 # max amount of shared memory (pages)
options MSGMNB=16384 # max # of bytes in a queue
options MSGMNI=48 # number of message queue identifiers
options MSGSEG=768 # number of message segments
options MSGSSZ=64 # size of a message segment
options MSGTQL=4096 # max messages in system

But I guess they are not relevant with 6.x because they are tunables 
which you can load dynamically.

In the end if DISKD does not work for you, then I guess you should use 

Since you only have 4 users, all of them will work fine for you...

Thanking you...

In my squid.conf:
cache_dir diskd /usr/local/squid/var/cache 28000 32 512 Q1=72 Q2=64


BSD Networking, Microsoft Notworking


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] squid-2.7 pre-release testing

2008-01-17 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Adrian,

Adrian Chadd wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've had a couple of people report that Squid-2.7 snapshots are working
for them. We had a couple of memory leak hiccups which were sorted out
reasonably quickly.

I'd like to get Squid-2.7 released as soon as possible so I can continue
with the code restructuring and performance improvements. To this effect,
I would appreciate it if a few Squid-2.6 users would be willing to
upgrade to the latest Squid-2.7 snapshot and provide feedback on
performance and stability.

I am using squid 2.7.DEVEL0-20080112 on one of my proxy servers since 4 
days now.

Seems quite stable and running well :D

Attached are some of the current graphs of this squid proxy server.

Thanking you...

Chances are you won't see much in the way of performance improvements
with this release but, time and funding permitting, I hope to push through
plenty of improvements in Squid-2.8, including HTTP/1.1 support
(which Henrik has been steadily working on, his time and funding permitting)
IPv6 support with a focus on improving performance.

You can fetch the daily snapshots from:



(On holiday!)


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Page not Displayed through Squid proxy 2.6 Stable 9.0

2008-01-14 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi PRShahu,

I think there's some firewall or routing issue between your Squid boxes 
and and the remote web servers.

Try running tcpdump and make sure that you see a 2-way traffic between 
your Squid box and the remote web server.

Squid is hardly to be blamed for this type of issues. The usual suspect 
is routing or firewall in most cases.

Thanking you...


Hi Al
I am facing strange problem with squid proxy version 2.6 STABLE 9 running
on Red HAT Linux AS 4.0 Update 5.0. Some of site are not getting displayed
(e.g. www.sciencedirect.com) even after long time of wait and no error
message is displayed on the browser. We have checked on FIREWALL and
cache.log nothing is found ther
We have two proxy both are running Squid 2.6 STABLE 9. one is runing RED
HAT LINUX AS 4.0 update 5 while other is running RED HAT LINUX AS 3.0
update 3 (both are using same squid.conf file). We are able see pages when
we are using proxy hosted on RHEL 3.0 update 3 but we do not get any
response when we are using proxy hosted on RHEL 4.0 U 5 for the same web
site .. Log in access.log shows proxy had received the request from the
client ..
Your help in regard is highly apperciative .
Thanks and Regards

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With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] squid 2.7 vs 3.x

2008-01-13 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Adrian,

So does that mean that there will be no Squid-2.6.19?
Will Squid-2.6.STABLE19 be Squid-2.7.STABLE1 ?

Thanking you...

Adrian Chadd wrote:

On Sat, Jan 12, 2008, Marcus Kool wrote:

I tried the FAQ and Squid website for some more info but I found none.
The RoadMap2 and RoadMap3 are a bit vague to draw any conclusions.

Thats because we're developers, not documentation authors. :)

Can you be more elaborate ?  What are the major differences between
3.x and 2.7 ?

3.x: has some internal code restructuring, is a C/C++ hybrid, includes
 integrated ICAP support; Amos has ipv6 support included in 3.HEAD.

2.x: functional cyclic filesystem (COSS), some of my recent work
 (store URL rewriting to allow CDN type content to be cached with
 appropriate administrator intervention; my logging helper framework
 to make logging lightweight again and allow other logging destinations
 to be easily written, like UDP, MySQL, etc), performance improvements,
 HTTP/1.1 compliance improvements.

I've promised the squid-3 developers that I wouldn't make my Squid-3
complaints public anymore. Suffice to say, I don't really agree with the
direction or the implementation of Squid-3 and I got sick of waiting.

I'm going to focus my attentions to modifying the Squid-2 codebase to be
what I think it should've looked like before we tried the "great C++
experiment". That includes how features are tested and developed, how
often minor releases are, well, released, and concentrating on code
restructuring and improvements.

If this becomes too confusing for users, and this may be the case, then
I might have to spin it off as a new project. I'd rather not do this,
but I'm not sure how to get it across that Squid-2 is and will be
actively developed.

If you follow the blog then you'll find articles from Amos and I talking
about what we've been working on in Squid-2 and Squid-3. I'd like it if
the other project participants chimed in too, but not everyone feels up
to writing articles on what they're doing. :)



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Memory usage of squid parent proces the same as child

2008-01-10 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Tomasz,

Tomek K. wrote:

Thanks for Your reply,

As you sugested now I have squid 2.6 STABLE 17 and the memory usage is the
same as it was before:

top - 21:59:22 up 4 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.01, 0.06, 0.02
Tasks: 112 total,   1 running, 111 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.2%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.8%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si, 

Mem:   3502208k total,  3059428k used,   442780k free, 3828k buffers
Swap:  2650684k total,0k used,  2650684k free,32544k cached

42.9  2339 proxy 15   0 1469m 1.4g 1512 S0   0:11.99 squid
42.5  2322 root  25   0 1456m 1.4g  396 S0   0:00.11 squid

Amos Jeffries-2 wrote:

Tomek K. wrote:


I have squid server running on Linux Debian Etch. Squid Version
First step is upgrade to the latest 2.6 STABLE17 from unstable. There 
have been a lot of improvements made since stable5.


is using LDAP group authentication based on Win2003 domain controller.
The hardware configuration is:
IBM xSeries 336 with one XEON 3.4GHz, 4GB RAM, 2xHDD SCSI 146GB 15K with

The problem is that the squid restarts after memory leak. I tried to find
the reason, and I found that the reason is to big memory consumption by
squid parent proces which is almost the same as child memory usage which
the main cache proces.

Below is the top informations about memory usage:
top - 22:41:04 up 1 day,  3:55,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Tasks: 112 total,   1 running, 111 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.8%id,  0.2%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si, 

Mem:   3502208k total,  3360836k used,   141372k free,   118448k buffers
Swap:  2650684k total,0k used,  2650684k free,   165420k cached

42.9  4181 proxy 15   0 1469m 1.4g 1512 S0   0:11.81 squid
42.5  4175 root  25   0 1456m 1.4g  404 S0   0:00.10 squid

This are the main squid.conf entries:
http_port 8080
icp_port 0
auth_param basic children 50
auth_param basic credentialsttl 1 minute

no_cache deny QUERY

cache_mem 48 MB
maximum_object_size 90 KB

Try reducing:

maximum_object_size 9 KB

minimum_object_size 0 KB

request_body_max_size 90 KB

cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 8192 128 256

cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 8192 16 256

cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
cache_store_log none
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log

forwarded_for off

delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 1
delay_access 1 allow all
delay_parameters 1 74000/74000

Is this memory usage by parent proces right ?
How can I change it ?

Tomasz Krawczyk

Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17 or 3.0STABLE1.
There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid restarted Signal 25

2008-01-10 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu



Today we noticed that our squid process restarted on its own today with
a signal 25.

Squid Parent: child process 12554 exited due to signal 25
Squid Parent: child process 1512 started

How often do you get this error? Have you noticed any kind of patterns?

This seems to have been covered many times before and I understand that
this is usually caused by a large log file, but the
logs (access, store and cache) are all small.  The access log gets
rotated daily and was rotated about 3 hours before this occurred.  I can
not find any evidence that a large log file caused this.  Also, the file
system does not seem to have any errors (fsck).  Is there anything else
that may cause this?  Anything suggestions? This particular box is
running squid-2.5.STABLE1-3.9 on RedHat.

I am not sure if this will help but have you compiled Squid with the 
parameter "--with-large-files" or "--enable-large-cache-files"

This is the year 2008 where squid-3.0.STABLE1 is available! Upgrade your 
Squid to the latest stable version of Squid-2.6 which is currently:


I am sure that your problem will be much less troublesome and the 
mailing list will be more helpful in diagnosing your current problem.

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] inode ratio and block-size

2008-01-10 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Man,

Linux Man wrote:

Thanks for you help

Well, I'll use it for cache web traffic, thus save bandwidth.
The cache dir will have 50 GB, and the linux box 2 GB RAM.
I think that while coss is under development, diskd is a good
alternative, so that is will I use.

Which Squid version and Operating system is your Squid cache running on?

From my experience with COSS, I don't think that COSS is unstable, at 
least for my Squid caches. Below is the status of one of my Squid cache 
using COSS.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# squidclient mgr:info

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: squid
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 15:17:39 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Expires: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 15:17:39 GMT
Last-Modified: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 15:17:39 GMT
X-Cache: MISS from cache8.myhost.com
X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from cache8.myhost.com:3128
Via: 1.0 cache8.myhost.com:3128 (squid)
Proxy-Connection: close

Squid Object Cache: Version 2.6.STABLE16
Start Time: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 11:31:49 GMT
Current Time:   Thu, 10 Jan 2008 15:17:39 GMT
Connection information for squid:
Number of clients accessing cache:  5458
Number of HTTP requests received:   646905419
Number of ICP messages received:3418793728
Number of ICP messages sent:3443241002
Number of queued ICP replies:   1725
Request failure ratio:   0.00
Average HTTP requests per minute since start:   3647.7
Average ICP messages per minute since start:-9743.1
Select loop called: 1343923409 times, 7.918 ms avg
Cache information for squid:
Request Hit Ratios: 5min: 30.4%, 60min: 35.5%
Byte Hit Ratios:5min: 13.2%, 60min: 17.8%
Request Memory Hit Ratios:  5min: 0.5%, 60min: 0.5%
Request Disk Hit Ratios:5min: 64.0%, 60min: 62.2%
Storage Swap size:  7539358 KB
Storage Mem size:   62772 KB
Mean Object Size:   8.74 KB
Requests given to unlinkd:  0
Median Service Times (seconds)  5 min60 min:
HTTP Requests (All):   1.24267  1.24267
Cache Misses:  1.54242  1.46131
Cache Hits:0.01164  0.01035
Near Hits: 1.24267  1.31166
Not-Modified Replies:  0.00179  0.00091
DNS Lookups:   0.00190  0.00190
ICP Queries:   0.00108  0.00108
Resource usage for squid:
UP Time:10640749.431 seconds
CPU Time:   776356.607 seconds
CPU Usage:  7.30%
CPU Usage, 5 minute avg:0.00%
CPU Usage, 60 minute avg:   0.00%
Process Data Segment Size via sbrk(): 1267032 KB
Maximum Resident Size: 558596 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 7602194
Memory accounted for:
Total accounted:   635652 KB
memPoolAlloc calls: 1433656781
memPoolFree calls: 1427221210
File descriptor usage for squid:
Maximum number of file descriptors:   8192
Largest file desc currently in use:   1659
Number of file desc currently in use: 1444
Files queued for open:   0
Available number of file descriptors: 6748
Reserved number of file descriptors:   100
Store Disk files open:   0
IO loop method: kqueue
Internal Data Structures:
863282 StoreEntries
  1952 StoreEntries with MemObjects
  1215 Hot Object Cache Items
862395 on-disk objects

As you can see from the above stats, this cache utilizing the COSS 
storage scheme has been running up without downtime since 09-Sep-2007!

With an average of 13KB is a good choice a block size of 4KB?

I suggest using 2 cache directories schemes for your Squid box. The 1st 
for COSS and the 2nd for AUFS or DISKD.

But I think that AUFS is more suitable for Linux though.

Thanking you...

Thanks a lot
Best regards

2008/1/8, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 08.01.08 00:42, Linux Man wrote:

In your experience, when you make a new fs (I will use ext3) for cache
dir, what block-size and inode ratio do you use?

depends on usage, but the average file size is usually around 13KB which may
tell enough...

using COSS for small files should change this a lot, however COSS is still
not stable enough iirc

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] coss vs aufs vs diskd

2008-01-06 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Monah,

Monah Baki wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to deploy a cache server in a environment for kids (approx 
2000). Currently my cache (squid-2.6-stable17) is configured to use 
diskd, but since it's in a test environment I did not reach the limit 
where I read under high load it will crash. Coss since it's 
experimental, yet some users have given it good remarks as far as 
performance and stability.

So should I stick with diskd or switch to coss?

What is your hardware setup? I am guessing it will be a P4 machine with 
1 or 2 GB of memory with a couple of hard drives.

From my experience, if your server is running FreeBSD and the average 
requests are under 50 req/sec, then DISKD is the best choice. However if 
your req/sec should go above 50-60, then I would suggest AUFS.

If your squid proxy will be running on a Linux box, then I would suggest 

COSS is working great for me on my FreeBSD squid boxes. It seems 
specially good for caching small objects. The only drawback of COSS is 
it's long rebuilding process.

The best option would be to use two (2) storage schemes.

(1.) DISKD + COSS for FreeBSD
(2.) AUFS + COSS  for Linux

Note: This are just my suggestions!

Hope that helps.

Thanking you...


BSD Networking, Microsoft Notworking


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] squid banner zapping and antivirus filtering

2008-01-05 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Dave,

Dave wrote:

   I'm setting up a box for a friend, a FreeBSD machine that does 
firewall and nat for his local lan. I've added squid as a transparent 
proxy so i can also add in adzapping and antivirus and later if the 
situation calls for it content filtering with dansguardian.
   I'm using squid 2.6.17 i believe the version is and this time it's 
not working.

Squid-2.6.17 will work. It's your configuration which seems to be not 

 I'm wondering if one of my squid parameters is wrong,
should a redirector be called with redirect_program or 

Can you post your relevant parts of your squid.conf?

I'm using adzap's zapchain as the squid redirector
and running suqidguard, bannerfilter chained off of it, i tried to run 
squidclam for av but that program kept core dumping. For such a setup 
would raising the number of redirector processes from 5 to 10 be 
advisable? I don't want to go out of memory with this setup. If anyone 
is doing this with other programs i'd like to hear experiences as well.


What's your hardware setup?

Probably the best setup will be:

Client --> Dansguardian --> Squid

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] How to Clear Cache in SQUID

2008-01-04 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu


TRM wrote:

Hi List,
   My HardDisk is getting full, i want to clear the cache. how can 
do that?

If your cache resides in /var/squid/cache/

rm  -fr /var/squid/cache/

then recreate the directory and rebuild it!!


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] small req for gru,s

2008-01-03 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi learner,

squid learner wrote:

Thanks dear
please help if U can
just i am in problem of speed 

many times i check direct proxy of isp work faster
then via squid cache 

There could be many things affecting the speed of your proxy in relation 
to your ISP parent cache. What is your bandwidth medium and pipe?

Where is your proxy located in your network?

Which Squid version and OS are you running on your machine? How many 
users is your proxy server serving? How did you install Squid in the 1st 
place? What's the output of "squid -v"?

Try the following squid.conf to see if it works better:

###Start of squid.conf###

cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid

http_port 3128

cache_peer proxy-dsl.nesma.net.sa parent 8080 0
cache_peer  parent 8080 0

acl all src all
never_direct allow all

emulate_httpd_log on

cache_mem 128 MB
cache_dir  aufs /usr/local/squid/var/cache 1 16 256

cache_store_log none
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
access_log /var/log/squid/cache.log

acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src

hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY

logfile_rotate 10

#here your  network
acl lan src

acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80 21 443 563 70 210 1025-65535
acl Safe_ports port 280
acl Safe_ports port 488
acl Safe_ports port 591
acl Safe_ports port 777
acl GET method GET
acl POST method POST

refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern . 0 40% 4320

#Time-to-Live (TTL) for failed request
negative_dns_ttl 2 minutes

#Time-to-Live (TTL) for positive caching of successful DNS lookups.
positive_dns_ttl 1 hours

#Time-to-Live (TTL) for negative caching of failed DNS lookups
negative_dns_ttl 2 minutes

#Time awaited before Squid respond with the error msg. "Connection timed 

connect_timeout 90 seconds

#Time awaited by Squid after establishment with a HTTP connection.
request_timeout 20 seconds

#Close half-closed TCP connections
half_closed_clients off

pconn_timeout 30 seconds

ie_refresh on
client_persistent_connections off

http_access allow localhost
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow lan
http_access deny all
icp_access allow all
miss_access allow all

visible_hostname fastcache
unique_hostname fastcache

###End of squid.conf

After running your cache for some time, can you post the output of:

squidclient mgr:info

Last but not the least, check if there are errors in your network 

Hope that helps.

Thanking you...

here my squid.conf 
#your proxy from isp

cache_peer proxy-dsl.nesma.net.sa parent 8080 3130
weight=2 no-query round-robin
cache_peer  parent 8080 0 weight=1
no-query round-robin 
acl all src

never_direct allow all
#prefer_direct allow 

cache_mem 32 MB
cache_dir  diskd   /usr/local/squid/var/cache 3 16
256 Q1=72 Q2=64
cache_store_log none
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
#===adition for ip statics
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY
#forwarded_for of
logfile_rotate 10
#=== up to here
#here your  network
acl lan src
acl mylan src
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80 21 443 563 70 210 1025-65535
acl Safe_ports port 280
acl Safe_ports port 488
acl Safe_ports port 591
acl Safe_ports port 777
acl GET method GET
acl POST method POST
# If nothing else matches, use this rule

refresh_pattern . 480   50%   

negative_ttl 0 minutes
positive_dns_ttl 24 hours
negative_dns_ttl 1 minutes
range_offset_limit 0 KB
connect_timeout 120 minutes
peer_connect_timeout 30 seconds
read_timeout 15 minutes
request_timeout 60 seconds
client_lifetime 1 day
pconn_timeout 120 seconds

shutdown_lifetime 30 seconds

http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow lan
http_access allow mylan
http_access deny all
icp_access allow all
miss_access allow all
visible_hostname fastcache
unique_hostname fastcache
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid
#httpd_accel_host vertual
#httpd_accel_port 80
#httpd_accel_with_proxy on
#httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
http_port 8080
http_port 8586
http_port 3128

--- Tek Bahadur Limbu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi learner,

squid learner wrote:
i am using squid in my lan
with onle one lan card 
the squid server ip is

so all clients proxy setting is
did chang

Re: [squid-users] small req for gru,s

2008-01-01 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi learner,

squid learner wrote:
i am using squid in my lan
with onle one lan card 
the squid server ip is

so all clients proxy setting is
did changing the  cachi box with two lan cards make
deffrence i mean  speed difference 

I am not sure if I understand your question!

I don't think that you will see any speed difference just by adding an 
extra LAN card.

There is no relation between the number of network cards and Squid.

Of course, by adding the extra network card, you can do many useful 
things like making this Squid cache box the gateway for your network.

What this means is that you can now locally intercept your clients web 
requests. No manual proxy configuration in your client's browsers or 
router redirection needed.

Then you can also make this Squid box to act as a firewall for your 
internal network.

Finally, but not the last, you can make this Squid box a bandwidth 
shaper too.

Thanking you...

thank you


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With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] cache_peer maximum limit quesion

2007-12-31 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Dear All,

Happy New Year 2008 to everyone on the Squid mailing list.

May the new year 2008 bring more happiness, success and prosperity to 
your lives.

Mr Crack wrote:

On Dec 31, 2007 7:33 AM, Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On sön, 2007-12-30 at 23:41 +0700, Mr Crack wrote:

So, I put all proxy server list in squid.conf with cache_peer
But squid only find 3 parents and leave other parent without query.
I wanna know, how to fix this. I want squid to detect all proxy in list

How did you add them? I.e. what do your cache_peer line look like?

is ICP used, or only HTTP? (actually answered by the above..)

I dont know whether I use ICP or not but my configuration is show bewlo

cache_peer x.x.x.1 8080 3130 no-query
cache_peer x.x.x.2 8080 3130 no-query
cache_peer x.x.x.3 8080 3130 no-query
cache_peer x.x.x.4 8080 3130 no-query
cache_peer x.x.x.5 8080 3130 no-query
cache_peer x.x.x.6 8080 3130 no-query
cache_peer x.x.x.7 8080 3130 no-query
cache_peer x.x.x.8 8080 3130 no-query

And how to view my ISP proxy use ICP or nor...

I am sure that your ISP uses ICP and cache-digests too.

Check with tcpdump on port 3130 for 2 way traffic between your proxy and 
your ISP proxies. But I doubt that they will allow clients to query 
their proxy caches with ICP queries. But I am not sure.

Thanking you...

How do you want Squid to use them? Randomly send requests around to the
different peers, or more smartly prefer to use the same peers for
session affinity?



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: Fwd: [squid-users] Squid, SNMP and MRTG

2007-12-21 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
stem: mail.douglas.lk in Unknown
   Maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ifType: ethernetCsmacd (6)
   Max Speed:  12.5 MBytes/s
   Ip: (mail.douglas.lk)

### Interface 4 >> Descr: 'sit0' | Name: '' | Ip: '' | Eth:
'00-00-00-00-41-d9' ###
### The following interface is commented out because:
### * it is administratively DOWN
### * it is operationally DOWN
### * has a speed of 0 which makes no sense
# Target[localhost_4]: 4:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
# SetEnv[localhost_4]: MRTG_INT_IP="" MRTG_INT_DESCR="sit0"
# MaxBytes[localhost_4]: 0
# Title[localhost_4]: Traffic Analysis for 4 -- mail.douglas.lk
# PageTop[localhost_4]: Traffic Analysis for 4 -- mail.douglas.lk
#System: mail.douglas.lk in Unknown
#Maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#ifType: Encapsulation Interface (131)
#Max Speed:  0.0 Bytes/s

and here is my /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mrtgnew]# cat /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
com2sec local localhost public
com2sec mynetwork public
com2sec mynetwork public

group MyRWGroup v1 local
group MyROGroup v1 mynetwork
group MyRWGroup v1 otherv3user

view all included .1 80

access MyROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none
access MyRWGroup "" any noauth exact all all all

syscontact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

then , I ran below command. it worked too.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mrtgnew]# indexmaker
--output=/var/www/mrtgnew/indexnew.html /etc/mrtg/mrtgnew.cfg

then, I ran below commands 3 times.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mrtgnew]#  indexmaker
--output=/var/www/mrtgnew/indexnew.html /etc/mrtg/mrtgnew.cfg

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mrtgnew]# env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtgnew.cfg
Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup could not read the primary log file
for localhost_3
Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup The backup log file for localhost_3
was invalid as well
Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup Can't remove localhost_3.old updating log file
Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup Can't rename localhost_3.log to
localhost_3.old updating log [EMAIL PROTECTED] mrtgnew]# env LANG=C
/usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtgnew.cfg
Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup Can't remove localhost_3.old updating log file
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mrtgnew]# env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtgnew.cfg

But, I get traditional mrtg page. Nothing related to squid.

No LoadMIBs: /etc/squid/mib.txt file hase been loaed to that index.html page?



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Pending Squid-2.7 release - testers wanted!

2007-12-20 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Adrian,

Adrian Chadd wrote:

Hi everyone,

The Squid-2.7 release should be tagged any day now, so we'd appreciate it
if people currently using Squid-2.6 in high-traffic environments could
give Squid-2.HEAD a whirl.

It should just drop in with no configuration changes needed.

More fun stuff will start appearing in Squid-2 after Squid-2.7 is release
so stay tuned.

Is the StoreUrlRewrite helper which you wrote some time ago for caching 
Google Earth/Map/YouTube available in this Squid-2.7 release?



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid-3.0.STABLE1 dies repeatedly

2007-12-20 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
current capabilities
2007/12/19 09:31:27| Accepting SNMP messages on port 166, FD 18.
2007/12/19 09:31:27| Configuring Parent
2007/12/19 09:31:27| Invalid capability version 0 (expected 429392688)
2007/12/19 09:31:27| Ready to serve requests.
2007/12/19 09:31:27| Store rebuilding is 44.59% complete
2007/12/19 09:31:27| Done reading /data1/squid_cache/coss01 swaplog (9186
2007/12/19 09:31:28| Done reading /data1/squid_cache swaplog (38478


2007/12/19 09:31:28| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2007/12/19 09:31:28| 47664 Entries scanned
2007/12/19 09:31:28| 0 Invalid entries.
2007/12/19 09:31:28| 0 With invalid flags.
2007/12/19 09:31:28| 47664 Objects loaded.

< it goes on and on and on dying repeatedly . . .>


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Transparent proxy plus outsite proxy

2007-12-19 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Jose Noto,

Jose Noto wrote:

Good morning,

I am seting up a Transparent proxy using squid where we already have a 
proxy server provided by our ISP and I am having some troubles. If I 
congure in the browser connections my ISP proxy, internet is working 
fine but I am not using the transparent proxy (the proxy server doesn't 
log anything) and if I don't configure it I cannot see any website 
because I am not using the external proxy, but my squid server is 
working trying to resolve all the requests. How can I integrate my ISP 
proxy on the squid proxy server? Is there something to do with my 
iptables rules that should redirect to my ISP proxy server?

I am a little confused!

When you say your internal proxy server doesn't log anything and then 
you say that it is trying to resolve all the requests, what is that 
suppose to mean?

IMHO, you can accomplish the integrating of your internal transparent 
proxy with your ISP proxy in 2 steps:

client --> Internal transproxy (Gw) --> External ISP Proxy (Parent)


You need to make your internal transproxy the gateway of your clients. 
Or redirect web requests from your router to your internal transparent 
proxy. I guess your internal Squid box has 2 network interfaces (eth0, 

If this squid box also does NAT, then you will need the following script:


#Define your network interfaces and network where
# eth0=Public Internet Interface
# eth1=Private Internal Interface
# Enable simple IP Forwarding


echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

###Enable Network Address Translation

/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $OUT_IF -s $INT_IF_NET -j SNAT 
--to-source $OUT_IF_IP

###Redirect web requests on port 80 to Squid port 3128. Intercepting.

/sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s $INT_IF_NET --dport 80 -j 
REDIRECT --to-port 3128

#End Of Script###


Configure your transparent/intercepting Squid to use your ISP proxy as 
it's parent. In your squid.conf, you need to add an entry something like 
the following:

cache_peer IP.Of.ISP.Proxyparent   3128  0 default

Of course, you can use the hostname of your ISP's proxy instead of it's 
IP address.

Hope that will help you out.

Thanking you...

Many thanks.



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid transparent mode slow down clients

2007-12-11 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Ferraroni ,

Ferraroni Matteo wrote:

Hi folks,
I have a little bandwidth problem. My customer's network is simple like 
this: internet ---> squid 2.6 StabLe 5 (trasparent mode) > lan

Now, the problem is that when I redirect the 80 port to 8080 (squid) all 
the clients' connection slow down (from 250 Kbyte/s to 20/30 kbyte/s), 
and when I disable the iptables rule all returns fast.

How did you measure the slowdown is speed? And what is your actual 
bandwidth pipe?

How can I solve this?


http_port 8080 transparent
icp_port 0
htcp_port 0
cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log
emulate_httpd_log on
mime_table /etc/squid/mime.conf
pid_filename /var/run/squid.pid
acl all src
http_access allow all

iptables rules

$IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j 
REDIRECT --to-port 8080
$IPTABLES -t nat -A POSTROUTING  -s -j SNAT --to-source

How many network interfaces does your Squid box have? So this box 
performs NAT and Proxy service simultaneously?

Maybe you have large ACLs filtering on your squid.conf? What is the 
output of "squidclient mgr:info"?

Thanking you...

Thank you in advance


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Can't assign requested address

2007-12-07 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi nix_kot,

nix_kot wrote:

Hello, squid-users.

In my cache.log very many such messages >

2007/12/06 08:44:37| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 7703 to *:0:
(49) Can't assign requested address
2007/12/06 08:44:37| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 7703 to *:0:
(49) Can't assign requested address
2007/12/06 08:44:38| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 7697 to *:0:
(49) Can't assign requested address
2007/12/06 08:44:38| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 7697 to *:0:
(49) Can't assign requested address
2007/12/06 08:49:10| comm_accept: FD 80: (53) Software caused connection abort
2007/12/06 08:49:10| httpAccept: FD 80: accept failure: (53) Software caused 
connection abort
2007/12/06 08:50:03| parseHttpRequest: Unsupported method '..CONNECT'
2007/12/06 08:50:03| clientReadRequest: FD 103 Invalid Request
2007/12/06 08:52:31| sslReadServer: FD 91: read failure: (54) Connection reset 
by peer

I don't know, that is it.
Squid restarted after per minutes.
Users message in browser on the opening page: Can't assign requested address

You seem to be running out of file descriptors or mbufs.

And in this time squid load all Processor (80-90%).

Use the latest version of Squid which is Squid-2.6.17. It's very CPU 


squid 2.5 stable12
freebsd 4.11

Please help me

Try increasing your file descriptors and mbufs.


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Best configuration parameters for effective caching

2007-12-04 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Arun,

Arun S wrote:

Sorry for the worng subject in the previous mail

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 5 Dec 2007 10:13
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Squid-2.6.STABLE17 available
To: squid-users@squid-cache.org

Hi list,

Can someone please suggest the best configuration parameters like
cache size, cache algorithm, FQDN memory size, etc. for Squid to cache

There is no magic configuration for an effective Squid cache. It depends 
upon many factors like number of users, bandwidth pipe, hardware limits, 
Squid version, Operating systems,etc.

But you can try the parameters below:

cache size = 10 GB
cache_replacement_policy = GDSF
memory_replacement_policy = GDSF
ipcache_size = 8192
fqdncache_size = 8192
Storage Scheme = AUFS
cache mem = 128 MB

Thanking you...

Arun S.


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] looking for testers: google maps/earth/youtube caching

2007-12-02 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Adrian,

Adrian Chadd wrote:

On Thu, Nov 29, 2007, Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:

2007/11/29 15:58:43| WARNING: store_rewriter #5 (FD 11) exited
2007/11/29 15:58:43| WARNING: store_rewriter #4 (FD 10) exited
2007/11/29 15:58:43| WARNING: store_rewriter #3 (FD 9) exited
2007/11/29 15:58:43| Too few store_rewriter processes are running
FATAL: The store_rewriter helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!

Run the helper manually and see what it says!

Oops sorry. Small typo mistake. The helper is running now. In the Debian 
4.1 box, everything seems to be working fine.

 symbol in file
MD5Init store_key_md5.o  (symbol belongs to 
implicit dependency /usr/lib/libmd5.so.1)
MD5Finalstore_key_md5.o  (symbol belongs to 
implicit dependency /usr/lib/libmd5.so.1)
MD5Update   store_key_md5.o  (symbol belongs to 
implicit dependency /usr/lib/libmd5.so.1)

ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to squid
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake[3]: *** [squid] Error 1

Can Squid-2.HEAD be used for a Solaris 10 box?

Compile with --enable-openssl. We're trying to figure out whats going on.

In both FreeBSD and Solaris, compiling with the parameter "--enable-ssl" 
completed successfully.

However, I have not really tested it extensively. I will further test 
and monitor it extensively in the coming heads ahead.

Anyway, thanks alot for the caching stuff for Google Earth/Maps/YouTube.

I am sure that the caching will improve further in the coming days.

Will this feature be merged into Squid-2.6 sometime in the future?

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] looking for testers: google maps/earth/youtube caching

2007-11-29 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Adrian,

Adrian Chadd wrote:

On Mon, Nov 26, 2007, Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:

I'm saying right now that I'm willing to spend the time and effort to work
with people for free to get this stuff tested and debugged. It doesn't 

me - I'm not getting paid -at all- to do this.
I am interested. Let me study it in more detail. For the time being, if 
I need help, you will be there, won't you?

Sure. Just trial Squid-2.HEAD on your caches first and let me know if
that breaks anything. Once Squid-2.HEAD is stable for you then we'll
be able to do the extra magic to get some maps and youtube caching

Compiled Squid-2.HEAD successfully in a Debian 4.0 (2.6.18) box.

Added the following in squid.conf:

acl store_rewrite_list dstdomain .youtube.com

storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list
storeurl_access deny all

storeurl_rewrite_program /usr/local/squid/run/store_url_rewrite

However, starting squid reported the following:

2007/11/29 15:58:43| WARNING: store_rewriter #5 (FD 11) exited
2007/11/29 15:58:43| WARNING: store_rewriter #4 (FD 10) exited
2007/11/29 15:58:43| WARNING: store_rewriter #3 (FD 9) exited
2007/11/29 15:58:43| Too few store_rewriter processes are running
FATAL: The store_rewriter helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!


Am I must be missing something fundamental here?

By the way, I also tried to install Squid-2.HEAD on a Solaris 10 box:

I get the following errors while compiling:

.a fs/libcoss.a fs/libdiskd.a fs/libaufs.a fs/libnull.a auth/libbasic.a 
-lcrypt ../snmplib/libsnmp.a -L../lib -ldlmalloc -lmiscutil -lrt 
-lpthread -lm -lsocket -lnsl -lresolv

Undefined   first referenced
 symbol in file
MD5Init store_key_md5.o  (symbol belongs to 
implicit dependency /usr/lib/libmd5.so.1)
MD5Finalstore_key_md5.o  (symbol belongs to 
implicit dependency /usr/lib/libmd5.so.1)
MD5Update   store_key_md5.o  (symbol belongs to 
implicit dependency /usr/lib/libmd5.so.1)

ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to squid
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake[3]: *** [squid] Error 1

Can Squid-2.HEAD be used for a Solaris 10 box?

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Concurrent question

2007-11-28 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Monah,

Monah Baki wrote:

Hi all,

I'm running squid 2.6 stable 16 on a Pentium III 500Mhz with 512MB RAM, 
IDE HDD, installed FreeBSD 6.3 with the following:

--enable-storeio=ufs,diskd,null --enable-underscores --with-large-files 
--enable-large-cache-files --enable-delay-pools --disable-ident-lookups 
--enable-snmp --enable-removal-policies --enable-async-io --enable-kqueue

I would add the following compilation parameters to --enable-storeio:


Just in case, you may want to try the aufs or coss storage schemes.

As far as I know, if you include aufs in --enable-storeio, then you 
don't need the "--enable-async-io" parameter.

Added into the /boot/loader.conf:

kern.ipc.nmbclusters: 32768
net.inet.ip.portrange.last: 65535

I suggest increasing the kern.ipc.nmbclusters to at least 65536. I have 
too often faced the shortage of mbufs in FreeBSD!

Compiled kernel with these options:
options SHMSEG=16
options SHMMNI=32
options SHMMAX=2097152
options SHMALL=4096
options MAXFILES=8192

I'm also running Dans Guardian on it too.

My question is approximately how many users can I proxy for?

From my experience, if you don't have too many or complicated filtering 
rules in both Dans Guardian and Squid, then it should be scalable to 
about 200 - 500 users.

A lot will also depend upon your internet connection link and your users 
browsing habits. The size of bandwidth pipe and it's medium will also 
determine how many users your proxy can handle.

And of course as Adrian mentioned, active monitoring and collecting 
statistics from Squid and your FreeBSD machine via SNMP and MRTG/RRD 
will help you out.

Thanking you...


BSD Networking, Microsoft Notworking

Cool phrase!!!


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] High CPU usage when cache full

2007-11-26 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi John,

John Moylan wrote:


I have three memory only caches set up 7GB of memory each (the
machines have 12GB of physical memory each). Throughput is fairly high
and this setup works well in reducing the number of requests for
smaller files from my backend storage with lower latency that a disk
and mem. solution. 

Do you have statistics regarding fetching from memory and disk? How much 
is the performance increment when using memory cache only?

However, the cache's on  of the machines fill up

every 2-3 days and Squid's CPU usage subsequently goes up to 100%
(These are all dual SMP machines and system load average remains
around 0.7). FD's, the number of connections and swap are all fine
when the CPU goes up so the culprit is more than likely to be cache

I am using heap GDSF as the policy. The maximum size in memory is set
to 96 KB.

Have you tried the LFUDA or the default LRU memory replacement policies?

 I am using squid-2.6.STABLE6-4.el5 on Linux 2.6.

Try upgrading to the latest version of squid.


It probably contains some improvements over version 2.6.6.

Is there anything I can do to improve expensive cache replacement
apart from stopping and starting Squid every day?

By the way, which Linux distro are you using?

Can you post the output of "squidclient mgr:info" or the relevant parts 
of your squid.conf?

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] looking for testers: google maps/earth/youtube caching

2007-11-26 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Adrian,

Adrian Chadd wrote:

I don't know if people understood my last email about the StoreUrlRewrite
changes I've made to squid-2.HEAD, so I'll just be really clear this time


I read it and I think I understand your email. At least I understand 
it's mission which is to make non-cachable stuff get cached!

I've implemented some changes to Squid-2.HEAD which will allow certain stuff
to be cached which couldn't be in the past. The first two things I'm going
to try and concrete the support for is google maps/earth (web only) and Youtube.

So, I'm looking for testers who are willing to run squid-2.HEAD snapshots
and work with me to evaluate and fine-tune my squid extensions to support

Who is interested? Come on, after the amount of "How do you cache youtube?"
questions from the mailing lists and search results hitting the squidproxy
blog over the last few months -some- of you have to be interested.

I'm saying right now that I'm willing to spend the time and effort to work
with people for free to get this stuff tested and debugged. It doesn't benefit
me - I'm not getting paid -at all- to do this.

I am interested. Let me study it in more detail. For the time being, if 
I need help, you will be there, won't you?

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] load balancing traffic through squid on systems with 2 Internet connections

2007-11-21 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi George,

Siju George wrote:

On Nov 21, 2007 12:21 PM, Tek Bahadur Limbu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi George,

Siju George wrote:


I have a System with two Internet connections.
Is it possible to configure squid to load balance out going internet
traffic through those two Internet Connections?

To keep things simple, you can just use the "tcp_outgoing_address"
parameter in squid.conf.

It didn't work :-(
I am running OpenSBD and using the route-to option in pf.conf

I am not familiar with OpenBSD systems.
How many network interface cards does this OpenBSD system have?
And how is your network setup layout?

to load balance Internet connections.
It is not multipath routing with two default routes.

Why don't you create 2 alias in your network interface pointing to the 2 
routers having internet connectivity and then use the 
"tcp_outgoing_address" parameter?

Thanking you...

Thank you so much for the response :-)

Kind Regards



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Problems connecting to some websites

2007-11-21 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Haytham,

Haytham KHOUJA (devnull) wrote:

Hello All,
I have some problems connecting to some websites such as: google.com,
yahoo.com, facebook.com and some local websites, this is not constant.

i have the following configured:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_nonlocal_bind
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_low_latency
echo 1024 65535 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_moderate_rcvbuf
echo 10240  > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog
echo 100 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max

Note that i have a busy (500 concurrent requests) proxy connected to a
L4 Foundry Switch.

So this is a transparent (intercepting) proxy?

There are always some issues with it even though there is much less than 

As always, tcpdump and investigation is your best way out.

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] load balancing traffic through squid on systems with 2 Internet connections

2007-11-20 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi George,

Siju George wrote:


I have a System with two Internet connections.
Is it possible to configure squid to load balance out going internet
traffic through those two Internet Connections?

To keep things simple, you can just use the "tcp_outgoing_address" 
parameter in squid.conf.

Thanking you...

Thank you so much

Kind Regards



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] DNS Question

2007-11-15 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Joseph,

Joseph Jenkins wrote:
May be I am missing this, but I have not been able to find it.  How do I 
have the squid cache do the dns lookup and use that rather than trusting 
the address that the client looks up? 

Install a DNS server in the Squid box itself and point Squid's DNS to 


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid Performance (with Polygraph)

2007-11-14 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Dave,

Dave Raven wrote:

I have seen the error messages before, but not during these tests. diskd 
definitely seems to delay the time-till-crash by a lot - as I understand it the 
problems in diskd are crashes under high load, not that it slows it down right?

From my experience, YES, DISKD crashes under high load but does not 
actually slows Squid down. It slows Squid initially while rebuilding 
it's cache after the crash but recovers quite fast not to hamper 
Only under certain circumstances, will it cause the cache to go beyond 
repair and the only way out is to wipe out the cache and rebuild it from 

The time for the DISKD crashes also seems to vary alot from crashing 
multiple times a day to a single crash a week or two.

From your earlier posts, since all your testings lasted from 10 minutes 
to 18 hours, maybe the DISKD crash did not appear during that time.

Also your FreeBSD version 4.x might have also made the difference!

Can you post your FreeBSD 4.x KERNEL parameters that you compiled for 
your testing purposes?

Thanking you...

Thanks for the help

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Moylan
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 12:39 PM
To: Dave Raven
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Squid Performance (with Polygraph)

Doesn't diskd have a bug whereby it has issues under heavy load.
http://www.squid-cache.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=761 . If so, I am
surprised that it is behaving best under heavy load.



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] how to pass all internet traffic through squid

2007-11-13 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid

Looks fine to me.


You probably want to setup a transparent proxy...
oh, and btw PLEASE DON'T SHOUT we hear you just fine in lowercase.


Sorry to post it again i haven't get the answer from the post 
give me some suggestions to make it out

To sum it up, make this Squid box the gateway or redirect web requests 
from your router to this Squid box.

Then redirect web requests on port 80 to Squid's port 8080 using the 
IPTABLES firewall if your Squid box's operating system is Linux.

Hope that helps.

Thanking you.....


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid not responding

2007-11-10 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Stephane,

stephane lepain wrote:

On Saturday 10 November 2007 01:46:59 Amos Jeffries wrote:

stephane lepain wrote:

On Friday 09 November 2007 15:20:04 Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:

Hi Stephane,

stephane lepain wrote:

Hi Guys,

Squid did not respond when I restarted my PC. I don't have any error
message in /etc/squid/squid.out. It seems that squid is not even
registering. Since I don't have an error message, I can't sort this
out. I also tried a restart, stop and start but nothing would do.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ and then ./squid restart.
Anyone has any thought on this?

Which OS and Squid version are you running? What do you have for the
following directive in your squid.conf:


If you had tried to restart Squid from /etc/rc.d/init.d and if Squid
failed to load, then Squid will report errors in cache.log unless you
have configured Squid not to generate a cache.log file!

By the way, just in case, check your hard drive disk space usage.

If nothing helps, check where the Squid binary is located from your
startup script in /etc/rc.d/init.d/squid.

Go to the directory where the Squid binary is residing and run:

./squid -NCd1

You will see the errors why your Squid is not starting or not responding
in the 1st place.

Thanking you ...

Cheers to all of you

Hi all,

I now have got an error message saying "could not determine fully
qualified host name. set visible host name" . I cant seem to get around
this. I would appreciate a hand.

Cheers to all

Publicly visible host needs a FQDN assigned and rDNS configured. All the
networking software on your host will be having problems with this.

Assuming you are on a unice;
  /etc/hostname should contains a FQDN

  OR in the rare event that you CANT do that;

  it must contain a valid host name (ie 'proxy') and /etc/resolv.conf
must contain a domain entry that combines to form a FQDN .
with rDNS that resolves to an IP asigned to that machine.

As a hack-around just for squid there is the visible_hostname directive,
although this will go nowhere to fixing the DNS/rDNS problems at the
cause of the message.


Though that is kind of weird because I didn't have that problem before. I have 
switched all my server from Mandriva to Ubuntu Server version. I think that 
could be the problem!! I am now using SQUID 2.6 stable 14 as well. Should I 
run the latest version?

I think it's the Squid version which was causing the problem rather than 
the Linux distribution.

Running the latest current version always helps in terms of security 
patches, minor improvements and debugging.

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Maximum users a squid-server can handle

2007-11-09 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Goj,

Goj, Dirk wrote:

Hi there :)

Is it possible to give any forecast about the maximum clients a specified 
machine can server in future ? I know it depends hardly on the behave of the 

It will also depend on the hardware of your Squid machine. More memory 
and fast hard drives will help you alot.

More detailed... a the moment we're using one squid to serve only about 150 
inhouse users. In future the proxy should serve 400-600 outsourced office 
connectet via vpn, but surfing via the proxy-server.

From my experience, a single proxy server can handle anywhere from 100 
to 2000 users. That will approximately be 10 to 300 requests per second.

I suppose all your future clients will be on fiber optical connections 
which will definitely be much more friendly to Squid compared to 
satellite connections.

I am attaching some monthly graphs of one of my Squid proxy server. They 
include req/sec, traffic/sec and average number of clients.

The graph in red represents the number of TCP connections per second.

In case your clients user base grows above 1000, then you can always add 
another Squid proxy server which will not only serve your increased HTTP 
traffic but will also act as a fail-over method for redundancy.

Hope that helps.

Thanking you ...

Best thanks


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With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid not responding

2007-11-09 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Stephane,

stephane lepain wrote:
Hi Guys, 

Squid did not respond when I restarted my PC. I don't have any error message 
in /etc/squid/squid.out. It seems that squid is not even registering. Since I 
don't have an error message, I can't sort this out. I also tried a restart, 
stop and start but nothing would do. /etc/rc.d/init.d/ and then ./squid 
Anyone has any thought on this? 

Which OS and Squid version are you running? What do you have for the 
following directive in your squid.conf:


If you had tried to restart Squid from /etc/rc.d/init.d and if Squid 
failed to load, then Squid will report errors in cache.log unless you 
have configured Squid not to generate a cache.log file!

By the way, just in case, check your hard drive disk space usage.

If nothing helps, check where the Squid binary is located from your 
startup script in /etc/rc.d/init.d/squid.

Go to the directory where the Squid binary is residing and run:

./squid -NCd1

You will see the errors why your Squid is not starting or not responding 
in the 1st place.

Thanking you ...

Cheers to all of you


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] WCCPv2 and HTTPS problems

2007-11-07 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Dalibor,

Dalibor Dukic wrote:

On Wed, 2007-11-07 at 17:15 +0545, Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:

Hi Adrian,

Adrian Chadd wrote:

On Wed, Nov 07, 2007, Hemant Raj Chhetri wrote:

Hi Adrian,
  I am also facing the same problem with https 
sites. Yahoo works fine with me but I am having problem 
with hotmail. Please advice me on how do I handle this or 
is there any guide which I can refer to.

I don't know of an easy way to handle this, I'm sorry. I know how I'd handle
it in Squid-2.6 but it'd require a couple weeks of work and another few weeks
of testing.
I have 2 FreeBSD-6.2 transparent Squid proxies using WCCP2 with a Cisco 
3620 router. Up till now, I am not facing any HTTPS problem. At least, 
nobody is complaining about Hotmail and Yahoo web mail services.

Are clients on private address space? If You NATed clients and squid on
same address web server see just one address. 

My clients are all using public IP addresses.

(Considering how much of a problem this has caused people in the past I'm
surprised a solution hasn't been contributed back to the project..)
Maybe, the solution lies on the setup of the Operating System, Squid and 
Router itself.

I don't think so. HTTPS request are not forwarded to squid box in
web-cache service group only port HTTP.

Yes I know that Squid does not handle HTTPS requests which leads to 
another question. If HTTPS does not go through Squid, then does WCCP see 
them or how does WCCP handle them if at all?

We all know since the beginning when we started learning and using Squid 
that intercepting or transparent proxy servers will cause some problems 
down the way. In fact, all softwares will cause some problems. Maybe 
this is one of the problems.

In fact, I had been facing this Hotmail and Yahoo HTTPS problem with 
Squid-2.5 in the past. I can't remember exactly how I got it solved. On 
one occasion, routing solved the problem and in another case, a firewall 
modification solved the problem.

Maybe the problem still exists now but somehow it has not caught my 
attention for which I am happy :)

But sooner or later, I'm sure this problem will again pop up on my 
proxies too and users will be banging my phone! I guess somebody or one 
of us on this list has to do some really complete analysis and study 
using whatever tools is required to solve this problem once and for all.

Thanking you...

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] WCCPv2 and HTTPS problems

2007-11-07 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Adrian,

Adrian Chadd wrote:

On Wed, Nov 07, 2007, Hemant Raj Chhetri wrote:

Hi Adrian,
  I am also facing the same problem with https 
sites. Yahoo works fine with me but I am having problem 
with hotmail. Please advice me on how do I handle this or 
is there any guide which I can refer to.

I don't know of an easy way to handle this, I'm sorry. I know how I'd handle
it in Squid-2.6 but it'd require a couple weeks of work and another few weeks
of testing.

I have 2 FreeBSD-6.2 transparent Squid proxies using WCCP2 with a Cisco 
3620 router. Up till now, I am not facing any HTTPS problem. At least, 
nobody is complaining about Hotmail and Yahoo web mail services.

(Considering how much of a problem this has caused people in the past I'm
surprised a solution hasn't been contributed back to the project..)

Maybe, the solution lies on the setup of the Operating System, Squid and 
Router itself.

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Optimal maximum cache size

2007-11-06 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Amos,

Amos Jeffries wrote:

Is there such a thing as too much disk cache? Presumably squid has to
have some way of checking this cache, and at some point it takes longer
to look for a cached page than to serve it direct. At what point do you
hit that sort of problem, or is it so large no human mind should worry?

IT Systems Admin

Disk cache is limited by access time and ironically RAM.

Squid holds an in-memory index of 10MB-ram per GB-disk. With large disk
caches this can fill RAM pretty fast, particularly if the cache is full of
small objects. Large objects use less index space more disk.

Some with smaller systems hit the limit at 20-100GB, others in cache farms
reach TB.

As for the speed of lookup vs DIRECT. If anyone has stats, please let us

I can't understand under what circumstances the cache Lookup will be 
slower than DIRECT lookup unless one has a net connection faster than 
the disks!

For a 20 GB cache with 1175539 on-disk objects:

Median Service Times (seconds)  5 min60 min:
HTTP Requests (All):   1.24267  1.38447
Cache Misses:  1.54242  1.71839
Cache Hits:0.00919  0.00865
Near Hits: 1.38447  1.62803
Not-Modified Replies:  0.00179  0.00091
DNS Lookups:   0.04237  0.04433
ICP Queries:   0.00102  0.00096

The cache Lookup is 170 times faster than DIRECT lookups!

MAYBE, if I use a bigger cache say, 100-300 GB, the results could be 
different. But I believe that running multiple Squid boxes with smaller 
caches (10-30 GB) is always better than running 1 single Squid box with 
a (100-300 GB) cache.

The benefits of running multiple smaller caches far outweigh running a 
single large cache.

But this is only my opinion.

From my guess and experience, to run a 300 GB cache, one needs about 6 
GB of memory! But I can't imagine how to manage a 300 GB cache if it 
gets corrupted!

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] FreeBSD, enable or not memory_pools

2007-11-05 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Alexandre,

Alexandre Correa wrote:

Hello !!

Wich is best for FreeBSD, enable or disable memory_pools ?

freebsd 6.2 amd64

The default value seems to work fine for me.
But you are free to experiment with it and report back your results!

regards !!


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] squid proccess freeze

2007-11-02 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
'--bindir=3D/usr/bin' '--sbindir=3D/usr/sbin' '--sysconfdir=3D/etc'
'--includedir=3D/usr/include' '--libdir=3D/usr/lib' '--libexecdir=3D/usr/li=
'--sharedstatedir=3D/usr/com' '--mandir=3D/usr/share/man'
'--infodir=3D/usr/share/info' '--exec_prefix=3D/usr' '--bindir=3D/usr/sbin'
'--libexecdir=3D/usr/lib/squid' '--localstatedir=3D/var'
'--sysconfdir=3D/etc/squid' '--disable-useragent-log' '--disable-referer-lo=
'--enable-kqueue' '--enable-snmp' '--enable-removal-policies=3Dheap,lru'
'--enable-storeio=3Daufs,coss,diskd,ufs' '--enable-ssl'
'--enable-ipf-transparent' '--enable-linux-netfilter' '--with-pthreads'
'--disable-dependency-tracking' '--enable-cachemgr-hostname=3Dlocalhost'
'--disable-ident-lookups' '--enable-underscores' '--datadir=3D/usr/share'
'--with-maxfd=3D4096' '--enable-async-io' '--disable-dlmalloc' '--with-aio'

somebody knowns wat=B4s happens ?!

Is that the output of "squid -v"? By the way, what is the 3D reference
in your compilation parameters for?

Did you install Squid from FreeBSD ports or did you compile it yourself?




With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal




With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] squid proccess freeze

2007-11-02 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Alexandre Correa wrote:

Hello !!

I testing squid on freebsd 6.2 amd64+SMP, server is 2 procs dual-core
opteron 4gb ram ...

after some time running .. squid proccess refusing connections, if i try to
"kill" them, proccess don=B4t stop.. no errors is show.. without core dumps=

How many users is your Squid box serving? It's strange that there is no 
errors. Where have you defined the cache_log directive in your squid.conf?

When you say "after some time running .. squid proccess refusing 
connections", is it a few minutes or hours or even days?

Can you post the output of "squidclient mgr:info"?

Posting your squid.conf may help too.

# ps auwx | grep squid

squid   807  0.0 16.1 679548 671268  ??  T10:52PM  10:50.02 (squid)
-D -s (squid)
squid   864  0.0  0.0  2472   752  ??  Is   10:52PM   0:00.00 (unlinkd)
root  36341  0.0  0.0  5852  1212  p0  R+   10:59AM   0:00.00 grep squi=

using AUFS !!

squid 2.6.STABLE16
configure options:

 '--program-prefix=3D' '--prefix=3D/usr' '--exec-prefix=3D/usr'
'--bindir=3D/usr/bin' '--sbindir=3D/usr/sbin' '--sysconfdir=3D/etc'
'--includedir=3D/usr/include' '--libdir=3D/usr/lib' '--libexecdir=3D/usr/li=
'--sharedstatedir=3D/usr/com' '--mandir=3D/usr/share/man'
'--infodir=3D/usr/share/info' '--exec_prefix=3D/usr' '--bindir=3D/usr/sbin'
'--libexecdir=3D/usr/lib/squid' '--localstatedir=3D/var'
'--sysconfdir=3D/etc/squid' '--disable-useragent-log' '--disable-referer-lo=
'--enable-kqueue' '--enable-snmp' '--enable-removal-policies=3Dheap,lru'
'--enable-storeio=3Daufs,coss,diskd,ufs' '--enable-ssl'
'--enable-ipf-transparent' '--enable-linux-netfilter' '--with-pthreads'
'--disable-dependency-tracking' '--enable-cachemgr-hostname=3Dlocalhost'
'--disable-ident-lookups' '--enable-underscores' '--datadir=3D/usr/share'
'--with-maxfd=3D4096' '--enable-async-io' '--disable-dlmalloc' '--with-aio'

somebody knowns wat=B4s happens ?!

Is that the output of "squid -v"? By the way, what is the 3D reference 
in your compilation parameters for?

Did you install Squid from FreeBSD ports or did you compile it yourself?




With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid to Log DNS Querys

2007-11-01 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Robin,

Robin-Vossen wrote:

I wonder is there a way to log all DNS requests that go out of our network
with Squid.
Since I noticed that we had a Trojan Horse on our Company Network.
And well it didnt send it self the data out.
It did send DNS Querys to there DNS Server..
And a Firewall doesnt detect that.
Is there a way to Log the DNS Querys with Squid so I can Monitor that

Are you runing Squid transparently? As Thomas pointed out, Squid does 
not see DNS queries on your network. That's the job of your DNS servers 
and your gateway firewall.

You can only log the DNS queries that your Squid box actually makes to 
your DNS servers.

You can use the following option in your squid.conf:

dns_nameservers IP.OF.YOUR.DNSSERVER

One way is to run a local DNS caching name server on the Squid box 
itself and point your clients machines to this caching name server which 
then forwards the DNS requests to your actual DNS servers.

Probably the better way is to block the unwanted DNS queries on your DNS 
servers or gateway firewall.

Just curious, which Trojan Horse did you detect in your network? When 
you say that your firewall does not detect them, do you mean a firewall 
running on your clients' machines or on your Gateway firewall itself?

Thanking you...

Thanks alot.


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid Cache on a Solaris ZFS file system

2007-11-01 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Michael,

Michael Pye wrote:

On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 01:38:31PM +0545, Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:
I wanted to know if somebody here is running a Squid cache on a Solaris 
box (i386)?

Basically, I want to know if somebody here on this list is using a ZFS
file system for a proxy cache and what will be it's performance? Will it
improve or degrade Squid's performance? Or better still, is there any
kind of benchmark tools for graphing Squid performance on a ZFS file system?

Well I can't offer you much info, but I am running squid on a solaris 10 sparc
box (v100) using zfs for the cache and logging areas of squid. It's not a
high performing system but my impression is that performance has improved, but
I haven't done any benchmarking, the v100 is pretty low spec cpu and only 1
IDE hd. However, I can recommend using zfs for your caching filesystem.

Also on solaris 10 make sure you compile squid with --enable-devpoll to get
good performance.

I appreciate your tips and suggestions. Let me compile with the 
"--enable-devpoll" parameter and put Squid's Cache objects on a ZFS file 

Will update you regarding the performance in the coming days ahead.

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid Stopped Working

2007-11-01 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
:38| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Referer logging is disabled.
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 11
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Swap maxSize 9216 KB, estimated 7089230 objects
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Target number of buckets: 354461
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Using 524288 Store buckets
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Max Mem  size: 8192 KB
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Max Swap size: 9216 KB
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 
3600/3600 sec
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Rebuilding storage in /var/spool/squid (DIRTY)
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Using Least Load store dir selection
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Set Current Directory to /var/cache/squid
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Loaded Icons.
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 8000, FD 
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2007/11/01 12:47:38| HTCP Disabled.
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 15.
2007/11/01 12:47:38| WCCP Disabled.
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Pinger socket opened on FD 16
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Ready to serve requests.
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Store rebuilding is  3.1% complete
2007/11/01 12:47:38| icmpSend: send: (111) Connection refused
2007/11/01 12:47:38| Closing Pinger socket on FD 16
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE16 for 
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Process ID 12094
2007/11/01 12:47:41| With 4096 file descriptors available
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Using epoll for the IO loop
2007/11/01 12:47:41| DNS Socket created at, port 1025, FD 6
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Adding nameserver xx..x.xx from /etc/resolv.conf
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Adding nameserver xxx.x.xx.xxx from /etc/resolv.conf
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Adding domain x.au from /etc/resolv.conf
2007/11/01 12:47:41| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Referer logging is disabled.
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 11
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Swap maxSize 9216 KB, estimated 7089230 objects
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Target number of buckets: 354461
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Using 524288 Store buckets
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Max Mem  size: 8192 KB
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Max Swap size: 9216 KB
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 
3600/3600 sec
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Rebuilding storage in /var/spool/squid (DIRTY)
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Using Least Load store dir selection
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Set Current Directory to /var/cache/squid
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Loaded Icons.
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 8000, FD 
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2007/11/01 12:47:41| HTCP Disabled.
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 15.
2007/11/01 12:47:41| WCCP Disabled.
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Pinger socket opened on FD 16
2007/11/01 12:47:41| Ready to serve requests.
2007/11/01 12:47:42| Store rebuilding is  3.1% complete
2007/11/01 12:47:42| icmpSend: send: (111) Connection refused
2007/11/01 12:47:42| Closing Pinger socket on FD 16
2007/11/01 12:47:45| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE16 for 
2007/11/01 12:47:45| Process ID 12098

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With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] possible memory leak

2007-10-31 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Rihad,

rihad wrote:

Squid using almost twice as much memory as was accounted for (according
to top(1)):
 4243 squid 29  200  1325M  1317M kserel  42:39  0.00% squid

Since last time, after you reduced your cache_mem from 1000 MB to 300 
MB, your Squid memory usage has gone down by half!!

Is this expected?

FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p8
Squid 2.6.16 using kqueue, aufs.

Some squid.conf lines:
cache_mem 300 MB
cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
cache_dir aufs /cache 5 128 256
cache_dir aufs /cache2 5 128 256

I guess /cache and /cache2 reside on the same hard drive?

Try reducing your 1st level directories in the range of 16-64.

Other options have been kept default more or less.

Some relevant cachemgr lines:
Storage Mem size:307212 KB
Total accounted:   763252 KB
Number of clients accessing cache:794

I suggest cleaning your directories and rebuilding it once again. Squid 
might be reporting the wrong values since the last time you restart it!

Can you post the full output of "squidclient mgr:info"?

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] How to setup squid as http proxy server

2007-10-30 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Ying,

ying lcs wrote:

On 10/31/07, Tek Bahadur Limbu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Ying,

ying lcs wrote:


I am able to compile and get squid running on my ubuntu machine.

However, when I see my proxy setting in my firefox:
Manual proxy configuration:
HTTP Proxy:   Port: 3128

And when when I load 'www.google.com' in my firefox , I get this error page:
The proxy server is refusing connections
Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections.

*   Check the proxy settings to make sure that they are correct.

*   Contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is

Are you sure that you are running Squid on port 3128?

Yes, I am sure it is running on 3128. I check the squid access log, I
see the following:

1193801812.865  0 TCP_DENIED/403 1404 GET
xt - NONE/- text/html
1193801816.006  0 TCP_DENIED/403 1404 GET
xt - NONE/- text/html
1193805983.331  0 TCP_DENIED/400 1503 GET www.google.com - NONE/-
1193806012.286  0 TCP_DENIED/403 1394 GET http://www.google.com -
NONE/- text/html

Or you need to add the following ACL

acl localhost src
http_access allow localhost

Note: Remember to add it before the "http_access deny all" ACL

I have these as my ACL (I am just using the defaults in squid 2.6 16):
Can you please tell me why do I need to add '' acl localhost src"?
And I tried 'http://www.google.com' (not just and
it does not work either.

#Recommended minimum configuration:
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80  # http
acl Safe_ports port 21  # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70  # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http

#  TAG: http_access
#   Allowing or Denying access based on defined access lists
#   Access to the HTTP port:
#   http_access allow|deny [!]aclname ...
#   NOTE on default values:
#   If there are no "access" lines present, the default is to deny
#   the request.
#   If none of the "access" lines cause a match, the default is the
#   opposite of the last line in the list.  If the last line was
#   deny, the default is allow.  Conversely, if the last line
#   is allow, the default will be deny.  For these reasons, it is a
#   good idea to have an "deny all" or "allow all" entry at the end
#   of your access lists to avoid potential confusion.
# http_access deny all
#Recommended minimum configuration:
# Only allow cachemgr access from localhost
http_access allow manager localhost

http_access allow manager localhost


http_access allow localhost

Just add "http_access allow localhost" below your "http_access allow 
manager localhost".

It should work after that!

An alternative way is to use the actual IP of your Squid proxy server. 
Supposing that your IP of your Squid Proxy is:, just use:

Proxy:  Port: 3128

in your web browser.

This should work as well.

http_access deny manager
# Deny requests to unknown ports
http_access deny !Safe_ports
# Deny CONNECT to other than SSL ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
# We strongly recommend the following be uncommented to protect innocent
# web applications running on the proxy server who think the only
# one who can access services on "localhost" is a local user
#http_access deny to_localhost

# Example rule allowing access from your local networks. Adapt
# to list your (internal) IP networks from where browsing should
# be allowed
#acl our_networks src
#http_access allow our_networks

# And finally deny all other access to this proxy
http_access deny all

And when I load '' in my firefox, I get  this error message:
The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

* Access Denied.

  Access control configuration prevents your request from being
allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel
this is incorrect.

Your cache administrator is webmaster.

Squid is a proxy cache server and not an Apache web server. There is a
big difference

Re: [squid-users] How to setup squid as http proxy server

2007-10-30 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Ying,

ying lcs wrote:


I am able to compile and get squid running on my ubuntu machine.

However, when I see my proxy setting in my firefox:
Manual proxy configuration:
HTTP Proxy:   Port: 3128

And when when I load 'www.google.com' in my firefox , I get this error page:
The proxy server is refusing connections
Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections.

*   Check the proxy settings to make sure that they are correct.

*   Contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is

Are you sure that you are running Squid on port 3128?

Or you need to add the following ACL

acl localhost src
http_access allow localhost

Note: Remember to add it before the "http_access deny all" ACL

And when I load '' in my firefox, I get  this error message:
The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

* Access Denied.

  Access control configuration prevents your request from being
allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel
this is incorrect.

Your cache administrator is webmaster.

Squid is a proxy cache server and not an Apache web server. There is a 
big difference between them! Apache serves the web pages and Squid 
fetches those web pages.

Can you please tell me what am I missing in setting up my squid as the
http server?

Check out the following sites for more information.

(1.)  http://wiki.squid-cache.org/FrontPage
(2.)  http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq
(3.)  http://www.deckle.co.za/squid-users-guide/Main_Page

Thank you.

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



[squid-users] Squid Cache on a Solaris ZFS file system

2007-10-29 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi all,

I wanted to know if somebody here is running a Squid cache on a Solaris 
box (i386)?

I am planning to deploy a Squid proxy cache on a Solaris box.

Now since a proxy cache will probably be storing a couple of million
objects on disk (most of them small objects), I wanted to know what 
ZFS's impact will be on Squid?

Basically, I want to know if somebody here on this list is using a ZFS
file system for a proxy cache and what will be it's performance? Will it
improve or degrade Squid's performance? Or better still, is there any
kind of benchmark tools for graphing Squid performance on a ZFS file system?

I know that it question is not related to Squid directly. But no harm in 
asking, right?

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] yahoo web cam service behind squid

2007-10-27 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Mohan,

Mohan Jayaweera wrote:

Greetings to everybody!
my yahoo web cam says that I am behind to a firewall and can't not
connect to the yahoo web cam service when I try thru squid proxy. but
there is no firewall or SELinux policies applied at the squid proxy. (
i use squid-2.6.STABLE16 on Fedora 7)
any idea?

Where is your Squid proxy server located in your network?
Are you running it in transparent mode?

Are you sure that no default firewall is running on your Fedora box?

What does "/sbin/iptables -vnL" say?

How do you get your bandwidth pipe?

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid can't connect some web sites

2007-10-26 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Bruce,

Cheng Bruce wrote:

Hi Tek,

Thank you so much.
Do you live in Nepal ?

Yes I am currently living in the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal! And you are 
from Singapore?

So pfSense is based on OpenBSD's PF firewall. Which OS is your hardware running 

pfSense's OS is FreeBSD 6.2, it is based on OpenBSD's PF firewall.
If you are interested in pfSense, we can chat in private, pfSense is
opensource, I think it very nice.

pfSense sounds interesting. If I decide to implement it, I will get help 
from you then!

Although, the first time, I admit that it took a long time to access it. 
However, once the pages start loading, the browsing of this site is fine.

I think that is maybe the problem is due to this site.

What is the exact error message that Squid reports before timing out?

I see a lot of TCP_MISS.

It could be the web server's problem.

How did you install Squid? Are you sure that your ACLs are not affecting this 

pfSense ( www.pfsense.com) is the open source, it bases on m0n0wall
(another firewall, OS is FreeBSD).
pfSense has this package, I just click squid package link in webGUI,
it will finish installing all relative packages.

So pfSense is something similar to Webmin? So you just click the Squid 
package and it gets installed? What other packages besides Squid are 
there in pfSense?

I am sure that the RULEs are not affecting this site, and I set the
rules in firewall to pass it to make sure it will go through my

Well since I can access this site, it could also mean the problem is arising 
due to pfSense. But I am not sure about it.

At the beginning, I access this site without squid, and I can access
this site but I need to wait for a long time to see whole pages.
Therefore I think the problem may  be due to pfSense.
But I asked my friends (in Malaysia, in China, in Taiwan, in USA)
access this site via Squid, they don't use pfSense, They have the same
problems like me.

Since so many different people located in different regions are facing 
the same problem too, then it is highly likely to be a problem at the 
web server.

By the way, how are you managing access to this site (www.hsa.gov.sg) 
currently? Are you bypassing this from your squid proxy server right now 
to access it?

Therefore I think there is something wrong between this site and
Squid. I am trying to figure out what happen, but ...

12:21:25 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet www.hsa.gov.sg 80

I traced it before, but I am not quite sure where the main problem is.

Maybe other people on this list may have further suggestions. Let's wait 
for a few more days.

By the way, do you also have a parent proxy server besides your pfSense 
Squid box?

Please advise me.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Low HIT ratio with Coss

2007-10-25 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Usman,

usman wrote:

Hi EveryOne,

I am getting very low Request Hit  ratio on squid cache since i 
implemented coss. The caching directories containing coss stripes file 
are filling up very very slow.

/dev/amrd1s1d 16G136M 15G 1%/cache1
/dev/amrd2s1d 16G141M 15G 1%/cache2
/dev/amrd3s1d 33G5.9G 24G20%/cache3

From what I understand, COSS by default stores smaller objects in 
comparison to UFS, AUFS or DISKD.

This may explain why the COSS directories are filling up slowly.

you can see the comparison between diskd and coss directories.

The cache_dir settings are
cache_dir coss /cache1 12000 max-size=1048576 max-stripe-waste=524288 
cache_dir coss /cache2 12000 max-size=1048576 max-stripe-waste=524288 

cache_dir diskd /cache3 28000 16 256 Q1=72 Q2=64

My COSS cache_dir are as follows:

cache_dir coss /cache1/squid/coss 8192 max-size=131072 
max-stripe-waste=16384 block-size=1024 membufs=500

On other caches with same refresh pattern (total Diskd or Aufs) I get 
around 45 - 55 % Request HIT ratio. Currently its 12 % with coss. The 
caching directories are not fully loaded yet but still I feel its very 
low request hit ratio.

In one of my FreeBSD Squid box utilizing COSS with the following uptime:

Squid Object Cache: Version 2.6.STABLE16
Start Time: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 11:31:49 GMT
Current Time:   Thu, 25 Oct 2007 16:33:23 GMT

I get the following results:

Request Hit Ratios: 5min: 47.3%, 60min: 46.1%
Byte Hit Ratios:5min: 17.9%, 60min: 17.5%
Request Memory Hit Ratios:  5min: 0.2%, 60min: 0.3%
Request Disk Hit Ratios:5min: 55.2%, 60min: 54.5%
Cache Hits:0.00767  0.00767
Near Hits: 1.38447  1.31166

Where is something wrong in my Config ?

I am sure that the low HIT ratio is not a Configuration problem.

Also please suggest the size of "block-size" in coss settings, I am 
using FreeBSD 6.2 with UFS2 file system (with default block size of file 
system 16384 bytes).

RAM is 4 GB, SMP System.

How long has your FreeBSD squid box been running? My advise is to be a 
little more patience with COSS. Let the COSS directories get filled up.

I am sure that your request HIT ratios will gradually increase.


Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid can't connect some web sites

2007-10-25 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi Bruce,

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007 09:58:39 +0800
"Cheng Bruce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Recently I meet the strange problem, Squid can't access some web
> sites. For example, http://www.hsa.gov.sg/
> I'm using pfSense 1.2-RC2(built on Fri Aug 17 17:46:06 EDT 2007), and
> I have Squid ( 2.6.5_1-p15) installed as a transparent proxy on my
> LAN.  All seemed to be working fine until my users told me there's the
> website that can't see.

Most of the times, it's not Squid's problem if it can't access some sites. It's 
either some misconfigured web server or firewall which is causing the problem 
in the 1st place.
Squid just reports the errors.

So pfSense is based on OpenBSD's PF firewall. Which OS is your hardware running 

> I check the access.log, I saw a lot of TCP_MISS, and I use ethereal to
> trace from my local computer to that web site, It seems to lost some
> packets.

I can browse this site using either my transparent proxy or manually putting 
the proxy serer in my web browser.
Although, the first time, I admit that it took a long time to access it. 
However, once the pages start loading, the browsing of this site is fine.

> The browser of the windows clients only can see the title and the
> browser just keeps trying to connect the HTML page until it times-out,
> its source html page is not full retrieved.
> I looked up the source of this website, it has not finished with this
> tag 

What is the exact error message that Squid reports before timing out?
Since your clients can see the Title of the web page, then the problem must be 
somewhere between your pfSense box and the remote web server.

How did you install Squid? Are you sure that your ACLs are not affecting this 

> I tried to modify the squid.conf to directly connect out without
> caching, I google it and found this page
> http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/ConfiguringSquid#head-d82a8d4c42f3600c857cef92d77d76914af54592
> (Can I make Squid go direct for some sites?) and modified the setting
> then restarted. It still can't work it out.

This only works if you have a parent proxy. You probably have to edit your 
firewall to bypass this site from your transproxy.

> I found another article
> http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/SystemWeirdnesses#head-699d810035c099c8b4bff21e12bb365438a21027
>  ( Can't connect to some sites through Squid )
> But don't know how to test it in pfSense.

Is your pfSense a commercial customized box or did you just installed this 
pfSense on a local Linux/BSD machine?

> I asked my friends access this web site via their own squid proxy,
> they have the same problems, therefore I don't think it is due to
> pfSnese.

Well since I can access this site, it could also mean the problem is arising 
due to pfSense. But I am not sure about it.

> Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Maybe, the following results could provide something if any:

12:21:25 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet www.hsa.gov.sg 80

Connected to www.hsa.gov.sg.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET / HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Sun-ONE-Web-Server/6.1
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 07:16:39 GMT
Content-length: 0
Content-type: text/html
Location: http://www.hsa.gov.sg/publish/hsaportal/en/home.html
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: BIGipServerHSA_Portia_Inter=403298058.20480.; path=/

Connection closed by foreign host.

13:03:43 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet www.hsa.gov.sg 80
Connected to www.hsa.gov.sg.
Escape character is '^]'.

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Sun-ONE-Web-Server/6.1
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 07:17:02 GMT
Content-length: 0
Content-type: text/html
Location: http://www.hsa.gov.sg/publish/hsaportal/en/home.html
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: BIGipServerHSA_Portia_Inter=403298058.20480.0000; path=/

Connection closed by foreign host.

Thanking you...

> Please advise me.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Bruce

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] how to Configure squid cache with 1 NIC, 1 public IP ?

2007-10-22 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Yogesh,

Yogesh Patil wrote:

Thanks for the help, i am using Dell PowerEdge 840 Server with
Fedora Core 7, and Squid 2.6, my sceanario is as follows.

1) Router connected to the fiber leased line (it is the gateway for
all system now)
2) Squid Cache Server (1 NIC, Public IP)
3) DNS Server (1 NIC Public IP)
4) Bandwidth Management Server with 2 NIC (1 Goes to Public IP /
Another Goes to Customer with Private IP)

Now i want to use Squid for Cache and natting will be done at
my bandwidth management server, currently there is not natting enabled
on my router, so if you can help me in configuring the router for
forwarding the web requests to the Squid, i will be very thankful to
also one on which port i have to implement port forwarding for
forwarding web requests to the Squid, and as i will be configuring
squid with transparency.

I think you can put your Bandwidth management shaper in front of your 
router and add a static route in it to forward all packets to the 
router. This way, the shaper becomes the router and you will have total 
control of your traffic management rules.

(1.)   Shaper (Gw) --> Router (wccp) --> Squid

Then, you can use WCCP on your router for forwarding web requests to 
Squid's port transparently.

Or you can forward your all NAT web traffic from your bandwidth shaper 
to your Squid box. You need a static route-map in your router to run 
Squid transparently.

(2.)   Router(Gw/route-map) --> Shaper ---> Squid

However, these are just my thoughts. I maybe be wrong and somebody else 
should have a better idea and way to deal with your case.

One thing I want to advise is: Why run NAT on an ISP level? You are 
bound to face problems sooner or later!

Or simply, it's not worth it! If possible, get a minimum /22 network.

Thanks & Regards,
Yogesh Patil

Thanking you...

On 10/22/07, Tek Bahadur Limbu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Yogesh,

Yogesh Patil wrote:

Hi, there
  I would like to configure squid cache for ISP setup only with 1
NIC and 1 Public IP (live IP), so now the question is, how should i
configure the squid cache server, with this, as i am having no
previous experience with the squid, anybody please tell me procedure,
else let me know the website where i can get tutorial for the same.

Of course you can configure Squid with just 1 NIC card and I public IP.
You need either a load balancer sitting in front of Squid or you need
your router to forward web request to your Squid box. I am guessing that
you want your Squid to run transparently too.

  If configuring squid with 1 NIC & 1 public ip is not possible,
  please tell me the procedure for configuring squid cache with 2
NIC & 2 PUBLIC IP (not a single private IP),

 * I am connecting to the internet through dedicated leased line.

Do you have a router connected to your leased line? If so, then setup
your router to forward web requests to your single NIC Squid box.

Since you mentioned using this Squid box for an ISP, will your customers
also be having Public IP addresses or will they be having private
address running under NAT?

Which OS will you be using on what hardware?

Thanks in advance

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal




With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] how to Configure squid cache with 1 NIC, 1 public IP ?

2007-10-21 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Yogesh,

Yogesh Patil wrote:

Hi, there
  I would like to configure squid cache for ISP setup only with 1
NIC and 1 Public IP (live IP), so now the question is, how should i
configure the squid cache server, with this, as i am having no
previous experience with the squid, anybody please tell me procedure,
else let me know the website where i can get tutorial for the same.

Of course you can configure Squid with just 1 NIC card and I public IP. 
You need either a load balancer sitting in front of Squid or you need 
your router to forward web request to your Squid box. I am guessing that 
you want your Squid to run transparently too.

  If configuring squid with 1 NIC & 1 public ip is not possible,
  please tell me the procedure for configuring squid cache with 2
NIC & 2 PUBLIC IP (not a single private IP),

 * I am connecting to the internet through dedicated leased line.

Do you have a router connected to your leased line? If so, then setup 
your router to forward web requests to your single NIC Squid box.

Since you mentioned using this Squid box for an ISP, will your customers 
also be having Public IP addresses or will they be having private 
address running under NAT?

Which OS will you be using on what hardware?

Thanks in advance

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid eating too much memory

2007-10-21 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Rihad,

rihad wrote:

Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:

Hi Rihad,

rihad wrote:

CacheMgr output:
Memory accounted for:
Total accounted:   1323944 KB

Memory usage using top(1):

29601 squid 29  200  2533M  2465M kserel  92:12  0.00% squid

Almost twice as much memory! Any hints?

What is your settings for the following parameters?


cache_mem 1000 MB
maximum_object_size 100 MB
# maximum_object_size_in_memory 8 KB
cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
memory_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
# ipcache_size 1024
# fqdncache_size 1024

I also suggest you to reduce the size of your cache_mem.

Which storage scheme are you using?


Should work nicely on a 6.2

Number of clients accessing cache:517
Normally load is within 500-1500 clients.

How long is your Squid process been running?

3 to 4 days, but it doesn't matter: I've had weeks or months of uptime, 
too. Eventually the process hits its memory size limit (kern.maxdsiz) 
set at 2.5 gigs at the moment and croaks (and restarts) unless I 
decrease cache_mem. There's little point in using less RAM as the box 
has ~3.3 gigs of it, and is dedicated to Squid (and its dedicated 

You can also try increasing your kern.maxdsiz then.

Your server's memory usage seems unusually high even for 1500 clients.
My proxy server which serves 2000-3000 clients is currently using 650 
MB of memory despite running for more than 55 days.

How big is your cache store?

I have a COSS store with a size of 10 GB. Used to have bigger cache 
sizes, but COSS rebuilding time is it's weakest point in my opinion.

Squid 2.6.16
FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p8

What is your machines specs?

# grep -e ^CPU: -e memory -e ^ad /var/run/dmesg.boot
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz (2813.85-MHz 686-class CPU)
real memory  = 3489595392 (3327 MB)
avail memory = 3414970368 (3256 MB)
ad4: 238475MB  at ata2-master SATA150
ad6: 238475MB  at ata3-master SATA150

Pretty decent hardware.

Two cache_dir's lie on both disks (25 gigs each at the moment, but I'm 
planning for more).

The bigger the cache sizes, the more rebuilding time it takes!

Port compiled with all options unchecked and both AUFS & KQUEUE checked
(as per "make config" and  /var/db/ports/squid/options)

Can you post the full output of "squidclient  mgr:info"?

Squid Object Cache: Version 2.6.STABLE16
Start Time: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:10:09 GMT
Current Time:   Sun, 21 Oct 2007 09:39:51 GMT
Connection information for squid:
Number of clients accessing cache:  517
Number of HTTP requests received:   9410288
Number of ICP messages received:0
Number of ICP messages sent:0
Number of queued ICP replies:   0
Request failure ratio:   0.00
Average HTTP requests per minute since start:   2431.8
Average ICP messages per minute since start:0.0
Select loop called: 74113837 times, 3.133 ms avg
Cache information for squid:
Request Hit Ratios: 5min: 35.6%, 60min: 37.1%
Byte Hit Ratios:5min: 21.4%, 60min: 18.1%
Request Memory Hit Ratios:  5min: 12.0%, 60min: 15.0%
Request Disk Hit Ratios:5min: 22.9%, 60min: 26.2%
Storage Swap size:  22427274 KB
Storage Mem size:   1023900 KB
Mean Object Size:   13.62 KB
Requests given to unlinkd:  0
Median Service Times (seconds)  5 min60 min:
HTTP Requests (All):   0.08265  0.08265
Cache Misses:  0.17711  0.18699
Cache Hits:0.00463  0.00562
Near Hits: 0.12106  0.14252
Not-Modified Replies:  0.00286  0.00379
DNS Lookups:   0.11405  0.10906
ICP Queries:   0.0  0.0

You seem to have a fast connection? Probably fiber optic? How big is 
your bandwidth pipe?

Still, your DNS lookups seems a little slow compared to your Median 
response time.

You also mentioned that you are running a DNS caching name server on 
this squid box?

So you are just using a single squid box?

Resource usage for squid:
UP Time:232181.468 seconds
CPU Time:   5971.253 seconds
CPU Usage:  2.57%
CPU Usage, 5 minute avg:3.98%
CPU Usage, 60 minute avg:   3.55%
Process Data Segment Size via sbrk(): -1583756 KB
Maximum Resident Size: 2549632 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 3799

Very little CPU utilization. That's one of the best feature of Squid-2.6 
I guess. Are you having service outages? Your page faults seems a little 
high for a cache which is only 3-4 days old.

Memory accounted for:
Total ac

Re: [squid-users] Squid eating too much memory

2007-10-21 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Rihad,

rihad wrote:

CacheMgr output:
Memory accounted for:
Total accounted:   1323944 KB

Memory usage using top(1):
29601 squid 29  200  2533M  2465M kserel  92:12  0.00% squid

Almost twice as much memory! Any hints?

What is your settings for the following parameters?


Which storage scheme are you using?

Can you post your relevant configs of your squid.conf?

Number of clients accessing cache:517
Normally load is within 500-1500 clients.

How long is your Squid process been running?

Your server's memory usage seems unusually high even for 1500 clients.
My proxy server which serves 2000-3000 clients is currently using 650 MB 
of memory despite running for more than 55 days.

Squid 2.6.16
FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p8

What is your machines specs?

Port compiled with all options unchecked and both AUFS & KQUEUE checked
(as per "make config" and  /var/db/ports/squid/options)

Can you post the full output of "squidclient  mgr:info"?

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] common squid hostnames & RFC 2219

2007-10-20 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Craig,

Craig Skinner wrote:

What are the most common host names that users on this list use for
their squid boxes?

I'm asking in light of RFC 2219 while cobbling up a fairly generic
WPAD proxy.pac file.


3. Special cases

   Special Cases:
Alias Service
archiearchie [ARCHIE]
fingerFinger [RFC-1288]
ftp   File Transfer Protocol [RFC-959]
gopherInternet Gopher Protocol [RFC-1436]
ldap  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [RFC-1777]
mail  SMTP mail [RFC-821]
news  Usenet News via NNTP [RFC-977]
ntp   Network Time Protocol [RFC-1305]
phCCSO nameserver [PH]
pop   Post Office Protocol [RFC-1939]
rwhoisReferral WHOIS [RFC-1714]
wais  Wide Area Information Server [RFC-1625]
www   World-Wide Web HTTP [RFC-1945]

So do folk commonly use these host names for squid, or something else?:


I will go with "proxy.exam.." option.

What is the "prefered" host name for the service?

I will prefer "proxy.exam.." from my side.

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] monthly log rotation

2007-10-18 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Arun,

Arun Shrimali wrote:

Dear All,

I have configured Squid 2.5 stable 6.
My all settings related to log are default, thus log automatic rotate
on sunday night. I want this to be rotate on monthly basis i.e. on
30th / 31st night.
where should i make the changes

How are you rotating your logs every Sunday night currently? Does your 
log rotation include just Squid logs or everything (kernel messages,etc)?

Is Redhat your OS? Basically, you normally use the utility called 
logrotate to rotate your machine's various log files.

You can check the site below for more information on using logrotate to 
rotate Squid and Apache logs:


Or simply,

Add the following entry to rotate your squid logs on the 28th of every 
month at 1 AM in your /etc/crontab

00 01 28 * * root  squid -k rotate  > /dev/null 2>&1

Note: you may need to specify the full path of your squid binary.

By the way, I personally feel that your Squid 2.5stable6 is way too old!
I feel that your time has come to upgrade.

Check out the latest stable release below:


Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid on DualxQuad Core 8GB Rams - Optimization - Performance - Large Scale - IP Spoofing

2007-10-17 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi All,

I would also like to share my thoughts regarding the hardware specs for a Squid 
proxy server which I am posting below.

On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 08:03:22 +0100
Tony Dodd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Adrian Chadd wrote:
> > Out of curiousity, how many Squid servers do you have deployed out there?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Adrian
> > 
> We've got 8 in total, currently.  I'll preempt you asking for specs:
> 4 are:
> Supermicro 1u with Dual Core Xeon 5148 2.33Ghz, 4gb DDR2, 4 x 400gb 
> 7200rpm disks in hardware raid 1+0.
> These guys proved to be too slow; they start hitting I/O overloads at 
> around 100-150 requests/sec, so I got:
> Poweredge 1950s with one Quad Core Xeon L5310 1.6Ghz, 8gb FB-DIMM, 4 x 
> 73gb 15krpm SAS drives in hardware raid 1+0.
> I haven't actually been able to hit the performance limits of these 
> machines yet; I capped out at a kernel limit around 400 requests/sec. 
> Interestingly, these guys only cost $200 more than the poor spec SM 
> machines.

Well I think that it's not only hardware specs that we have to consider. We 
also have to take into account the operating systems, optimizations, Squid 
versions, Squid's conf files, gateway routers, etc...

One of my hardware is a refurbished Dell OptiPlex GX-270 purchased at around 
$200. Technically this is not a server but rather a desktop!

It has the following specs:

OS: FreeBSD-6.2 (i386)

38146MB 7200 RPM IDE hard drive
38146MB  at ata0-master UDMA100
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz (2793.01-MHz 686-class CPU)
real memory  = 1072103424 (1022 MB)

/dev/ad0s1d  10154158 6294544 304728267%/cache1

With this hardware, my proxy server can easily serve 60-80 req/sec (3600 - 4800 
req/min). If I push it, it can serve upto 150 req/sec (9000 req/min). 

The median response service time hardly cross 1.3 seconds considering that we 
have a satellite link.

The CPU utilization which is always less than 15% suggests that it can serve 
more requests than what it is currently serving.

Attached are the current Request/Service/CPU RRD graphs for this proxy server.

But I don't mean that we should disregard good and expensive hardware but not 
everybody can afford them due to some restrictions and constraints.

I would love to have a IBM System P series server someday!!

> The squid cluster is set up to only talk to origin servers, and they 
> don't have a sibling relationship; I found that the 1-2 second overhead 
> for query/fetch from siblings was impeeding performance... and screwing 
> up my graphs with leaps to 2000msec from the usual 10msec response time. 
>   In front of the squids, we have lvs + perlbal, depending on the domain 
> being accessed.  I should also mention that they're in use as a reverse 
> caching proxy.

Are your siblings on different subnets?

Thanking you...

> -- 
> Tony Dodd, Systems Administrator
> Last.fm | http://www.last.fm
> Karen House 1-11 Baches Street
> London N1 6DL
> check out my music taste at:
> http://www.last.fm/user/hawkeviper

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] Squid on DualxQuad Core 8GB Rams - Optimization - Performance - Large Scale - IP Spoofing

2007-10-15 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
t as a matter of fact, I chose COSS over DISKD because DISKD kept 
crashing under high load (100 - 250 req/sec).

What is your likely customer base? How much requests per second does 
your Proxies handle currently? If your squid boxes are handling more 
than 500 requests per second, then I am not sure if COSS will be able to 
handle them. That's because I have not experimented with requests above 
300 req/sec.

I am currently running COSS with Squid serving 200 req/sec and I can 
confirm that it is quite stable and fast. Squid has been running over 50 
days without a problem since switching from DISKD to COSS. And I hope 
that it will continue to run without a problem for a further 365 days!!

cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
cache_store_log none
:: No need to log cache_store, so minimizing the Disk I/O

fqdncache_size 51200
ipcache_size 51200
:: Caching IPs/Domain Name and whatnot

pipeline_prefetch on
:: Performance enhancement

shutdown_lifetime 1 second
:: Tired to wait whenever i restart my Squids (Only on testing)

read_ahead_gap 60 KB
maximum_object_size 2 GB
minimum_object_size 0 KB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 128 KB
cache_swap_high 80%
cache_swap_low 70%
half_closed_clients off
memory_pools on
positive_dns_ttl 24 hours
negative_dns_ttl 30 seconds
request_timeout 60 seconds
connect_timeout 30 seconds
pconn_timeout 30 seconds
ie_refresh on
dns_nameservers DNS1 DNS2
emulate_httpd_log off
log_ip_on_direct on
debug_options ALL, 9
pid_filename /var/run/squid.pid

My IPtables/sysctl and startup file:
iptables -t tproxy -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j 
TPROXY --on-port 80
:: I run Squids on port 80 so that i can forward all incoming requests 
on port 80 to the Squids on the Cisco router level

Are you using WCCP or route-map for this?

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_nonlocal_bind
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter
echo 1024 65535 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
echo 102400  > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog
echo 100 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max
echo 100 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
echo 60 > /proc/sys/kernel/msgmni
echo 32768 > /proc/sys/kernel/msgmax
echo 65536 > /proc/sys/kernel/msgmnb
:: Maximizing Kernel configuration

ulimit -HSn 100

1 million file descriptors? Will your squid boxes be serving 1 million 
customers? If that's so, wow, that's great! The maximum file descriptors 
 I am using is 32768.

/etc/init.d/squid stop
/etc/init.d/squid start
:: Re-enforcing ulimit parameters for the Squid process.

Thank you

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] re direct mail

2007-10-10 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Nandika,

nandika rupasinghe wrote:

This is not regurding Squide matter.
I want to redirect my squide mail to another mail address. how can i do it

You just need to setup mail forwarding on your mail server to forward to 
another email address.

But it will be better to create a single mail account to be used just 
for squid-users mailing lists. Then setup mail forwarding of this 
squid-users mailing list account to another email account.

Thanking you...

Nandika Rupasinghe


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] transparent proxying

2007-10-10 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Hemant,

I have compiled a small How-To for running Squid + FreeBSD + WCCP on a 
Cisco 3620 and 7206 router.

I am currently using this WCCP2 configuration on 2 of my production 
FreeBSD-6.x Squid boxes with a Cisco 3620 router with IOS 12.2.

I think it should also work for your Cisco 1841 router with IOS 12.4.

Since I am using IPFW, I recommend you to use IPFW. But this is only my 
opinion. I am sure that PF and IPF will also do the job fine.

You can find the How-To on the following URL:


Hope it helps.

Thanking you...

Hemant Raj Chhetri wrote:

Hi Masters,
I am trying to implement squid as
transparent proxy. I have installed squid on freebsd 6.1.
The router which I am using is cisco 1841 series router. I
am using wccpv2. Could you please help me out with how
could I make it a transparent proxy.

Thanking you,


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With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] upgrade to squid3:

2007-10-09 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Brian,

Brian J. Murrell wrote:

I've upgraded from squid 2.6 to 3.0.PRE5-5 and now I am getting various
errors in my log.  For example:

20:32:58 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
20:32:59 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
20:33:02 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
20:33:27 squid squidaio_queue_request: WARNING - Queue congestion
20:33:27 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
20:33:40 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
20:34:03 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
20:36:02 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!
20:36:02 squid storeSwapMetaUnpack: bad type (9)!

Which storage scheme are you using for your cache?

There have been other messages but I don't have any others on hand right
now.  Perhaps all of my messages are related to the same issue and if I
can cure the above messages, the others will just go away.

Have you tried stopping Squid and manually restarting it?

You can try cleaning your cache_dirs and starting with a new cache.
Then check once again for any messages in your cache.log.

So, any idea what those messages above are trying to tell me?  Or what I
can do do gather further information?

I am not really sure what those messages mean but I have seen them at 
some point in time on my caches. I guess it's somehow related to storage 

But my question is, are those messages which are appearing on your 
cache.log giving you problems like slowness in web browsing, errors 
while accessing web pages, etc?

Since Ubuntu still does not seem to have the latest Squid-3.0.RC1 binary 
packages, why don't you try downloading the squid-3.0.RC1 source package 
and compiling it?


You will have more control over Squid this way. Squid has one of the 
best FAQs, installation, wiki guides, etc, covering almost everything 
from installation to fine-tuning your cache.

Thanking you...




With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] transparent proxying

2007-10-09 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Hemant,

Hemant Raj Chhetri wrote:

Hi Masters,
I am trying to implement squid as
transparent proxy. I have installed squid on freebsd 6.1.
The router which I am using is cisco 1841 series router. I
am using wccpv2. Could you please help me out with how
could I make it a transparent proxy.

First of all, which version of Squid have you installed? From sources or 

I recommend using 2.6.STABLE16 for WCCP2 and compiling it from sources.

Secondly, you need to decide which FreeBSD firewall (IPFW, PF, IPF) you 
want to use to redirect web traffic to Squid's port 3128 via the GRE 
tunnel. You MAY need to compile the FreeBSD kernel for this.

Thirdly, you need to setup up the GRE tunnel in your FreeBSD box. 
Luckily, you don't need to compile the FreeBSD kernel for this. 6.x has 
built-in support for GRE.

Which IOS version is running on your 1841 router?

Lastly, but not the least you need to configure WCCP on your router and 
setup the corresponding WCCP configurations on your squid.conf.

To connect all the related pieces of information, you can use the 
following keywords in google and search:

Squid + FreeBSD + Cisco + WCCP

Good Luck!

Thanking you,


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With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Caching Expired Objects - One Small Step Forward

2007-10-07 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Solomon,

Solomon Asare wrote:


--- Manoj_Rajkarnikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Great job solomon. Many of us have been trying to
achieve similar with 
youtube and google vids. this will help a great
deal. how big of a 
cachedir do you keep for youtube vids. should be
quite a big to be able to 
cache the vids in large enough quantity to get a
decent hit. I'm gonna try 
to achieve what you've describe here for my next


Thanks for the job well done.


Currently, my cache size is 70 GB. I have just filled
almost 25 GB. I will upgrade to either 200 or 500 GB
when I deploy.

I really appreciate your initiative and great work regarding caching 
youtube objects. Everybody will benefit from your work.

Are you intending to run a single cache of 500 GB in size or a couple of 
proxy caches amounting to 500 GB in size?

It's because running a 500 GB cache in a single machine is going to 
cause you problems along the way. Such a large cache will also be a 
little more difficult to maintain compared to a 10 or 20 GB cache.

Despite the low cost of hard drives these days, I would prefer to spread 
the disk storage over a couple of squid caches instead of a single 
cache. They can also be configured for load-balancing later.

If for some reasons, your cache gets corrupted, it might take a very 
long time to fix it and I am sure that Squid's median response might 
will get higher.

Anyway, it's just my suggestion.

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] Squid + Outlook

2007-10-06 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Arun,

Arun Shrimali wrote:

Dear All,

I am new to Linux and squid, but recently I have been able to setup
fedora 6 + squid 2.5 with NCSA authentication (with due help of this

I know that my new peoblem is not directly related to squid, but I
have seen on google that lot of other users are also facing the same
problem, and there is no easy guide from squid or linux users /
administrator on the issue.

When we (me and users) were having direct access to Internet our
Outlook were also working perfectly, but as soon as I have installed
fedora + squid + NCSA authentication, my users ( windows clients) are
facing problem in downloading / sending mails though they can surf

Every body is saying that this is not related to squid (as they work
on different ports), but definatly it is a byproduct (at least
sympotmatic) of Squid. Thus there is a need to have a simple howto for
squid + outlook.

I am still looking for help / document on it.

Where in your network is this Fedora/Squid box located? Do you have an 
IPTABLES firewall running on this box?

Is this problem just with MS Outlook or with other email clients such as 
Thunderbird, Eudora, etc?

When your clients are having problems downloading/sending emails, can 
your clients telnet to your Email server on port 25, 110 or 143?

While running telnet tests from your client's Windows machines, run 
tcpdump on your Fedora/Squid box and see if you can actually see traffic 
on the Outlook related ports such as 25 or 110.

Do access.log and cache.log say anything relating to your Outlook problem?

Thanking you...




With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



Re: [squid-users] COSS still under developement?

2007-10-03 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Stripe: 11, lockcount: 1, numobjects 190, flags: 
Stripe: 8, lockcount: 1, numobjects 189, flags: 
Stripe: 4, lockcount: 1, numobjects 175, flags: 
Stripe: 6, lockcount: 1, numobjects 175, flags: 
Stripe: 1161, lockcount: 1, numobjects 121, flags: 
Stripe: 2, lockcount: 1, numobjects 145, flags: 
Stripe: 5, lockcount: 1, numobjects 182, flags: 
Stripe: 0, lockcount: 1, numobjects 135, flags: 
Pending Relocations:
Accepted object sizes: 0 - 131072 bytes

Store Directory #1 (coss): /cache2/squid/coss
FS Block Size 1024 Bytes

Maximum Size: 6291456 KB
Current Size: 5536796 KB
Percent Used: 88.01%
Current load metric: 0 / 1000
Number of object collisions: 3
Pending Relocations: 1
Stripe: 13, lockcount: 5, numobjects 142, flags: 
Stripe: 12, lockcount: 2, numobjects 132, flags: 
Stripe: 6, lockcount: 1, numobjects 134, flags: 
Stripe: 4, lockcount: 3, numobjects 122, flags: 
Stripe: 4261, lockcount: 0, numobjects 117, flags: 
Stripe: 11, lockcount: 1, numobjects 149, flags: 
Stripe: 10, lockcount: 1, numobjects 154, flags: 
Stripe: 7, lockcount: 1, numobjects 156, flags: 
Stripe: 5, lockcount: 1, numobjects 138, flags: 
Stripe: 0, lockcount: 2, numobjects 116, flags: 
Stripe: 2, lockcount: 1, numobjects 113, flags: 
Stripe: 8, lockcount: 1, numobjects 120, flags: 
Stripe: 1, lockcount: 1, numobjects 159, flags: 
Stripe: 9, lockcount: 1, numobjects 129, flags: 
Pending Relocations:
  Stripe: 3968   Number: 1
Accepted object sizes: 0 - 131072 bytes

- ---

squidclient mgr:5min | grep client

client_http.requests = 142.789173/sec
client_http.hits = 72.886244/sec
client_http.errors = 0.00/sec
client_http.kbytes_in = 104.722727/sec
client_http.kbytes_out = 1241.499474/sec
client_http.all_median_svc_time = 0.036222 seconds
client_http.miss_median_svc_time = 1.542425 seconds
client_http.nm_median_svc_time = 0.000911 seconds
client_http.nh_median_svc_time = 1.177316 seconds
client_http.hit_median_svc_time = 0.000911 seconds

- ---

I need further suggestions to refine and fine-tune COSS for my systems.
I appreciate suggestions from anybody regarding my stats above.

I definitely hope that COSS will become better in the future.

Thanking you...

> mike

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] Deployment Considerations

2007-10-03 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Joseph,

Joseph Jenkins wrote:

I had a question about how most people were deploying their squid
caches, are you deploying them behind firewalls and is so what type
of rule set are you using?  Is there any case where someone is
running the firewall and squid cache on the same box?  I am running 
Squid on a Solaris 10.

I am not an expert in Fire walling and security.

I am currently deploying Squid both in Linux IPTABLES boxes and FreeBSD 
IPFW boxes.

Both the firewall and Squid are on the same machines.

The 1st part of the rules in those firewalls are for redirecting web 
traffic to squid's port for transproxy.

Then there are rules to filter who gets access to Squid's port before 
hitting Squid in the 1st place.

Then comes the small set of stateful rules with the firewall.

Then there are the firewall rules to limit who gets access to sensitive 
Blocking netbios and broadcast traffic from Windows machines on ports 
135-139 are also common in my firewall setup.

Filtering ICMP traffic is also a good thing to do with a firewall.

Lastly but not the least, you make the firewall log intrusion or 
unwanted activity in a limited way.

Some of my Linux Squid boxes are also acting as gateways, so there are 
some FORWARD and OUTPUT rules besides the INPUT rules to control which 
network traffic gets in and out of the box.

Actually, you should deploy at least 2 hardware/software firewalls 
before any traffic reaches your Squid proxy. They might include routers, 
load-balancers or even a Linux/Unix hardened box itself.

The reason why I run firewalls inside my Squid boxes is for it to act as 
the last line of defense in case unwanted traffic somehow penetrates the 
hardware firewalls.

I don't have any experience in Solaris. Which firewall are you using in 
your Solaris box. I have heard that IPFILTER can run under Solaris.

Also the firewall depends upon where the Squid Solaris box resides on 
your network?

Thanking you...


Joseph Jenkins


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] delays in squid.

2007-10-01 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
ent mgr:5min  | grep client

client_http.requests = 0.00/sec
client_http.hits = 0.00/sec
client_http.errors = 0.00/sec
client_http.kbytes_in = 0.00/sec
client_http.kbytes_out = 0.01/sec
client_http.all_median_svc_time = 0.00 seconds
client_http.miss_median_svc_time = 0.00 seconds
client_http.nm_median_svc_time = 0.00 seconds
client_http.nh_median_svc_time = 0.00 seconds
client_http.hit_median_svc_time = 0.00 seconds

Still can't see any users using your proxy server. Can you actually post 
the results while your Squid box is running in your peak hour?

Also posting your squid.conf might help.

Thanking you...

On 9/27/07, Tek Bahadur Limbu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Azfar Hashmi,

Azfar Hashmi wrote:

I am running squid on a 3ghz p4 processor with 1gb ddr ram. My max
simaltanous users are 250 and average 100. I have a 3.5mb circuit on
it. I have a 160GB SATAII harddrive on it.
My problem is i am getting huge delay with squid (5-10sec in each
request and some times more) on peak hours but if i bypass the squid
every thing is perfect and page complete in just 1 sec normaly.

For a bandwidth pipe of 3.5 mbps, your Squid box should be able to
support 250 users. By which means do you get you bandwidth?

Do you have large ACLs used for filtering in your Squid box? If yes,
then the problem of the huge delay could be attributed to your ACLs.

Posting your squid.conf might help? Which OS, firewall and version of
Squid are you using?

DNS could also be the culprit. Are you running a local caching nameserver?

I have defined 20GB in cache_dir.

I want to know with that hardware how many users squid can handle and
how much bandwidth it can handle?

Can you post us the output of the following 2 commands:

squidclient mgr:info


squidclient mgr:5min  | grep client

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] Squid FreeBSD 6.2 and PF

2007-09-30 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi Mostafa Faridi,

On Sat, 29 Sep 2007 12:05:03 +0330
mostafa faridi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:
> > Hi Mostafa Faridi,
> >
> >
> > mostafa faridi wrote:
> >> I am new user in squid I want use squid , my firewall is PF and my OS 
> >> is FreeBSD I want make my system for NAT.
> >>
> >> I would be grateful if someone help my I do this .
> >
> > You can check out the following URL to use Squid with PF.
> >
> > http://www.benzedrine.cx/transquid.html
> >
> > Which version of FreeBSD are you using? What kind of proxy server do 
> > you want to use squid for? Transparent or just a normal forward proxy?
> >
> > Since you will be using PF, remember to include the following 
> > parameter while compiling Squid either from source or from ports:
> >
> > "--enable-pf-transparent"
> >
> > Go for the latest stable release of Squid which is Squid-2.6.STABLE16 
> > currently.
> >
> > You can find the source package from the URL below:
> >
> > http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v2/2.6/squid-2.6.STABLE16.tar.gz
> >
> >
> > To achieve NATing using PF, the following tutorial will help:
> >
> > http://www.section6.net/wiki/index.php/Setting_up_a_Firewall_NAT_using_PF
> >
> >
> > Personally for me, I am using IPFW over PF because I was introduced to 
> > IPFW first.
> >
> > However, both should do the job fine.
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> >
> >
> > Thanking you...
> >
> >
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> I go to http://www.benzedrine.cx/transquid.html and do everything but 
> when I type in termianl
> squid -k reconfigure I see this result
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/mostafa]# squid -k reconfigure
> 2007/09/29 09:43:39| parseConfigFile: line 4515 unrecognized: 
> 'httpd_accel_host virtual'
> 2007/09/29 09:43:39| parseConfigFile: line 4516 unrecognized: 
> 'httpd_accel_port 80'
> 2007/09/29 09:43:39| parseConfigFile: line 4517 unrecognized: 
> 'httpd_accel_with_proxy on'
> 2007/09/29 09:43:39| parseConfigFile: line 4518 unrecognized: 
> 'httpd_accel_uses_host_header on'

The transparent config has changed in Squid-2.6 in comparsion to Squid-2.5.

In fact it has been made easy!

Instead of using:

httpd_accel_host virtual
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_with_proxy on
httpd_accel_uses_host_header on

Simply use:

http_port 3128 transparent

After changing the above lines, do "squid -k reconfigure". It should work out 

Hope that helps.

Thanking you...

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] delays in squid.

2007-09-27 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Azfar Hashmi,

Azfar Hashmi wrote:

I am running squid on a 3ghz p4 processor with 1gb ddr ram. My max
simaltanous users are 250 and average 100. I have a 3.5mb circuit on
it. I have a 160GB SATAII harddrive on it.
My problem is i am getting huge delay with squid (5-10sec in each
request and some times more) on peak hours but if i bypass the squid
every thing is perfect and page complete in just 1 sec normaly.

For a bandwidth pipe of 3.5 mbps, your Squid box should be able to 
support 250 users. By which means do you get you bandwidth?

Do you have large ACLs used for filtering in your Squid box? If yes, 
then the problem of the huge delay could be attributed to your ACLs.

Posting your squid.conf might help? Which OS, firewall and version of 
Squid are you using?

DNS could also be the culprit. Are you running a local caching nameserver?

I have defined 20GB in cache_dir.

I want to know with that hardware how many users squid can handle and
how much bandwidth it can handle?

Can you post us the output of the following 2 commands:

squidclient mgr:info


squidclient mgr:5min  | grep client

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] Squid FreeBSD 6.2 and PF

2007-09-27 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Mostafa Faridi,

mostafa faridi wrote:
I am new user in squid I want use squid , my firewall is PF and my OS is 
FreeBSD I want make my system for NAT.

I would be grateful if someone help my I do this .

You can check out the following URL to use Squid with PF.


Which version of FreeBSD are you using? What kind of proxy server do you 
want to use squid for? Transparent or just a normal forward proxy?

Since you will be using PF, remember to include the following parameter 
while compiling Squid either from source or from ports:


Go for the latest stable release of Squid which is Squid-2.6.STABLE16 

You can find the source package from the URL below:


To achieve NATing using PF, the following tutorial will help:


Personally for me, I am using IPFW over PF because I was introduced to 
IPFW first.

However, both should do the job fine.

Hope that helps.

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] TCP_MEM_HIT 98%, and flooding access.log

2007-09-27 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1


On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 17:07:29 +0700
"dwi amk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> A client seems flooding my access.log with TCP_REFRESH_HIT. When I see
> cachemgr: client_list it says:
>   TCP_MEM_HIT   280283  98%
> and 'tail -f access.log' runs so fast filled with its activities.
> What is just happening?

I think one of your clients is launching some kind of attack on your Squid 
proxy server.
Post some of the logs from access.log and cache.log.

Thanking you...

> -- 
> ::DAMK::

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] Acl for blocking sites not working - what can i DO?

2007-09-24 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Razzaq,

Abd-Ur-Razzaq Al-Haddad wrote:

Hi all I've got 2.6 stable running on OpenSuse 10.2
I can't seem to get the squid to use the internal acls to block sites/domains.. 
how can this be achived?


#Recommended minimum configuration:
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80  # http
acl Safe_ports port 21  # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70  # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
acl lcl src
acl NTLMUsers proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl blocksites urlpath_regex “/etc/squid/blocks.sites.acl”

You can use:

acl blocksites dstdomain "/etc/squid/blocks.sites.acl"
http_access deny blocksites
deny_info TCP_RESET blocksites

And in your "/etc/squid/blocks.sites.acl" file, you can have something 
like the following:


Note: Using dstdomain over url_regex is recommended. Your deny rules 
should also come before your allow rules too!

Keeping that it mind, it should work.

Hope that helps.

Thanking you...

#Recommended minimum configuration:
# Only allow cachemgr access from localhost
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
# Deny requests to unknown ports
http_access deny !Safe_ports
# Deny CONNECT to other than SSL ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
# We strongly recommend the following be uncommented to protect innocent
# web applications running on the proxy server who think the only
# one who can access services on "localhost" is a local user
#http_access deny to_localhost

# Example rule allowing access from your local networks. Adapt
# to list your (internal) IP networks from where browsing should
# be allowed
#acl our_networks src
#http_access allow our_networks
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny blocksites
http_access allow lcl NTLMUsers

# And finally deny all other access to this proxy
http_access deny all

deny_info ERR_BLOCKED_SITES blocksites

	Abd-Ur-Razzaq Al-Haddad 
IT Analyst 
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With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] Squid setup questions

2007-09-19 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Antonio,

Antonio Pereira wrote:

Hi Tek,

Can you setup the same IP address range on the same linux box with squid?


Nic1 this will connect to firewall
Nic2 this will connect to backbone switch

Yes you can use the same IP address network range on the Linux Squid box.

But since you will be operating Squid in bridging mode, you don't need 
to configure the network interfaces of Eth0 and Eth1.

You just need the "bridge-utils" package which contains the tools to 
perform bridging.

Thanks to Ariel Molina Rueda for his tutorial at 

I just used the following shell script to setup the bridge:

###Start of bridging script###

ifconfig eth0 promisc up
ifconfig eth1 promisc up

brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth0
brctl addif br0 eth1

#Set IP to br0 for SSH access to the squid box
# should match the IP of your Gateway (Firewall)

ifconfig br0 netmask up
route add default gw dev br0

#Redirect packets on port 80 to Squid's 3128 port on transparent bridge

ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -p IPv4 --ip-protocol 6  \
--ip-destination-port 80 -j redirect --redirect-target ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br0 -p tcp --dport 80  \
-j REDIRECT --to-port 3128

###End of Bridging script###

Run this script and add it to your boot/startup run directory.

Plug 1 cable from your backbone switch to the Squid box and another 
cable to your Firewall.

If everything goes well, then you have your transparent squid bridge!!

And of course, Squid needs to be configured in transparent mode too.

Happy Proxying

Thanking you...

Antonio Pereira
National IT Coordinator
Coordinateur National de Technologies de l'Information
Tél./Tel. : (514) 341-8181, ext./poste 267
Téléc./Fax. : (514) 341-1253
Cell: (514) 514-444-6086
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Courriel / E-mail. : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Duocom Canada Inc.

1, Cavendish Blvd.
Ville St. Laurent (Québec) H4M 2V1

-Original Message-
From: Tek Bahadur Limbu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 2:21 AM

To: Antonio Pereira
Cc: squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Squid setup questions

Hash: SHA1

Hi Antonio,

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 17:00:25 -0400
"Antonio Pereira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok Great.

I have a hardware based firewall.

What setup in the way of the squid box is best physically take the cable
from the firewall and put 2 nics on the squid box and plug 1 nic to the
firewall and the other to the backbone switch. Or just use 1 nic on the
squid box and put a rule in the firewall to allow only outbound http
traffic from the squid box.
Right now everyone defaults to the firewall and all http traffic goes
out to the internet. We also have VPN and web and ssl traffic coming is
from inbound http.

I think the best layout would be to put 2 NIC cards on the Squid box. Like you 
said, plug the 1st cable to the firewall and the 2nd cable to your backbone 
switch where the 4 other sites connect.

The following diagram may represent the simple layout.


 		  Transparent Squid Bridge Box 

Backbone Switch
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
  Site1   Site2   Site3Site4

I would like the Squid box to run in transparent bridging mode. This way, you 
don't have to change anything on your network. Furthermore if your Squid box 
should go down, which is unlikely, you just reconnect the cable from your 
backbone switch to your firewall and everything becomes normal again!

Since we won't be running any firewall except for intercepting web requests to 
Squid's port, your VPN and SSL traffic should not get hampered.

In fact, I am using this setup on a Debian shaper box and so far it is working 

Hope it helps.

Thanking you...

Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: Tek Bahadur Limbu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 4:13 PM

To: Antonio Pereira
Cc: squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Squid setup questions

Hi Antonio,

Antonio Pereira wrote:


I have pretty much redundant question but I would like some opinions
before I venture into this possible solution.

I have 4 sites on an MPLS network that access the internet via 1
location, at this 1 location there is already a firewall. What I would

Re: Re[2]: [squid-users] Squid submit problem

2007-09-19 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi Fedor,

On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 11:25:25 +0400
Fedor Trusov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Fedor Trusov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 17:19:25 +0200
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] Squid submit problem
> > On tis, 2007-09-18 at 18:09 +0400, Fedor Trusov wrote:
> > > My Squid version is 2.6.STABLE11. I have problem when i browse some pages 
> > > with submit button (mail.ru, icq.com). When i press such button i recieve 
> > > error message.
> > 
> > Are you inside a parent proxy firewall? If so see the FAQ...
> > 
> > Regards
> > Henrik
> I solve this problem by using 
>   acl all src
>   never_direct allow all
> in squid.conf. But one problem remaining. I can not see flash video from 
> http://osaka2007.iaaf.org/tvradio/index.html through my proxy...

I can see the flash video. 

I think it's your browser that is causing the failure of not seeing the flash 
video. Try accessing the site with different browsers with the flash plugin 

Thanking you...


- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] Cache don't work ?

2007-09-19 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1


On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 09:00:56 +0200
"Netmail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> If download the same file from the same link after one hour I have see that
> redownload completely and don't download from cache ..
> Can you help me ?

What is the size of the file?
Make sure that your "maximum_object_size" parameter in squid.conf matches.

Also check if the file is cache-able at all from the URL below:


Thanking you...

> Thanks 

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] Squid setup questions

2007-09-18 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi Antonio,

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 17:00:25 -0400
"Antonio Pereira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok Great.
> I have a hardware based firewall.
> What setup in the way of the squid box is best physically take the cable
> from the firewall and put 2 nics on the squid box and plug 1 nic to the
> firewall and the other to the backbone switch. Or just use 1 nic on the
> squid box and put a rule in the firewall to allow only outbound http
> traffic from the squid box.
> Right now everyone defaults to the firewall and all http traffic goes
> out to the internet. We also have VPN and web and ssl traffic coming is
> from inbound http.

I think the best layout would be to put 2 NIC cards on the Squid box. Like you 
said, plug the 1st cable to the firewall and the 2nd cable to your backbone 
switch where the 4 other sites connect.

The following diagram may represent the simple layout.

  Transparent Squid Bridge Box 
Backbone Switch
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
  Site1   Site2   Site3Site4

I would like the Squid box to run in transparent bridging mode. This way, you 
don't have to change anything on your network. Furthermore if your Squid box 
should go down, which is unlikely, you just reconnect the cable from your 
backbone switch to your firewall and everything becomes normal again!

Since we won't be running any firewall except for intercepting web requests to 
Squid's port, your VPN and SSL traffic should not get hampered.

In fact, I am using this setup on a Debian shaper box and so far it is working 

Hope it helps.

Thanking you...

> Thanks again
> -Original Message-
> From: Tek Bahadur Limbu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 4:13 PM
> To: Antonio Pereira
> Cc: squid-users@squid-cache.org
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] Squid setup questions
> Hi Antonio,
> Antonio Pereira wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I have pretty much redundant question but I would like some opinions
> > before I venture into this possible solution.
> > 
> > I have 4 sites on an MPLS network that access the internet via 1
> > location, at this 1 location there is already a firewall. What I would
> > like to do is start blocking web sites and start block web traffic. 
> > 
> > What is the best setup with squid for this type of setup? What
> documents
> > should I read for this type of setup?
> Not sure about MPLS networking. However, in your case, it should be 
> simple. Just run Squid transparently on the gateway (firewall) from 
> where all 4 sites gets access to the internet.
> Adding SquidGuard or DansGuardian or even custom ACLs will provide you 
> with all the web blocking functionalities.
> Thanking you...
> > 
> > Thanks in advance
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> With best regards and good wishes,
> Yours sincerely,
> Tek Bahadur Limbu
> System Administrator
> (TAG/TDG Group)
> Jwl Systems Department
> Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.
> Jawalakhel, Nepal
> http://www.wlink.com.np

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] Squid setup questions

2007-09-18 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Antonio,

Antonio Pereira wrote:


I have pretty much redundant question but I would like some opinions
before I venture into this possible solution.

I have 4 sites on an MPLS network that access the internet via 1
location, at this 1 location there is already a firewall. What I would
like to do is start blocking web sites and start block web traffic. 

What is the best setup with squid for this type of setup? What documents
should I read for this type of setup?

Not sure about MPLS networking. However, in your case, it should be 
simple. Just run Squid transparently on the gateway (firewall) from 
where all 4 sites gets access to the internet.

Adding SquidGuard or DansGuardian or even custom ACLs will provide you 
with all the web blocking functionalities.

Thanking you...

Thanks in advance


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] Multi-ISP / Squid 2.6 Problem going DIRECT

2007-09-18 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi Philipp,

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 14:50:54 +0200
Philipp Rusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry to bother you, but I don't get it.
> We have a SuSE 10.1 system and have our www-traffic going through squid.
> Since upgrade from 2.5 to version 2.6 STABLE5-30 (SuSE versions) we notice
> that Squid is behaving strange. After running normally a while Squid seems
> to go "DIRECT" only and the browsers on the clients seem to hang and or
> surfing is ultra slow. This is happening every three or four websites we 
> try
> to access, it seems to work normal for one or two, then the next four or 
> five
> GETs are very slow again and the circle begins again.
> In /var/logs/Squid/access.log I see that most of the connections are going
> DIRECT, sometimes we get connection timeouts (110) and sometimes we
> see that "somehow" an :443 is added to the URL-lines. STRANGE.
> Any hints appreciated.

Since you upgraded from version 2.5 to 2.6, your squid.conf must have changed 
too. Do you have a local caching DNS server running in your Squid box? 

Posting your squid.conf and output of "squidclient mgr:info" and "squid -v" 
might help.

If you have large ACLs, then squid might be busy processing them rather than 
serving web requests!

Are you running Squid transparently and do you also have parent caches?

What does cache.log say?

Maybe upgrading to the latest stable version of Squid might help?

Check out the URL below:


Thanking you...

> Regards from Germany,
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Philipp Rusch

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] Using Squid as a cache for Apache -- and that's it

2007-09-17 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Phoenix,

Phoenix Kiula wrote:


I have googled like crazy for some simple instructions to setup Squid
as a cache for Apache. I do NOT want any filtering or authentication.
Just a transparent cache.

I am on CentOS 5. For firewall, I use the usual APF and BFD with
iptables, and I do not want to use Squid for any filtering.

I have installed squid with the usual "yum install squid". Now how do
I configure it so that Apache (on port 80) will internally check if a
file is cached on Squid (on whatever port) and if the file is found,
then serve that instead of an Apache connection.

Am I understanding Squid right? Also, will it cache dynamic content as
well -- I mean, for instance, the generated output of a PHP program,
at least the ones without url parameters? We have a number of pages on
the site that have no file extension at all (e.g., *.php) because the
default handler is set up as php, so we could have
http://ourdomain.com/index  -- and Apache serves this up as a php page
as it is meant to. Will Squid recognize this?

Thanks for any tips or pointers. I went to the wiki but sadly it talks
in very jargon-ish language, and does not answer the simple question
"How to install Squid as a cache for Apache".

From what you are saying above, you need a Squid reverse proxy instead 
of a normal forward proxy.

Check out the URL below:




With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] Only TCP_MISS/200

2007-09-17 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Janczuk,

f.janczuk wrote:

Hello all,

I have a problem with squid configuration.
I has installed squid 2.6 in transparent mode on a  OpenBSD server but
when i look squid's log i read only TCP_MISS/200 in my access.log
Any ideas?

Maybe you compiled Squid with the 
"--enable-storeio=null,ufs,coss,diskd,aufs" option and configured it as 
a proxy only without caching anything?

How did you test your transparent Squid proxy? With just a few requests 
or for an entire network?

Try browsing multiple sites and check your access.log and see if you get 
HIT logs besides the TCP_MISS logs. Doesn't your cache.log report anything?

Can you post your output of " squidclient mgr:info "?

Posting your squid.conf might also help.

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] Squid stop responding

2007-09-17 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Stefano,

Stefano Fraccaro wrote:

  from 1 week I have a strange behaviour with my squid 2.6.STABLE5... 
sometime the service stop responding to one-two users (for all other the 
service work fine)... but the problem disappear if I reload the squid 
configuration with "/etc/init.d/squid reload". I don't have modified 
anything in squid configuration and the NTLM authentication seems to 
work fine.

Any ideas??

At the time when Squid stops responding to your 1-2 users, can the 
clients telnet to the Squid box on port 3128 or whichever port your 
Squid is running on? Can they even ping the Squid box itself?

Usually, you can find the cause of your Squid box's strange behavior by 
running tcpdump.

What is your firewall and network layout?

What does cache.log and access.log say?

It would help if you post your squid.conf.

Maybe it's also time to upgrade to Squid-2.6.STABLE16??





With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] noob squid helpþ

2007-09-13 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu



I installed squid under yum, and I need help on managing it.
Its great if one of you can talk to me one on one basis and teach/help me

I need to:

1)Learn how to run squid

Is your OS Fedora? Which version of Squid did you install with Yum?


whereis  squid
locate  squid

Then to find the version:

squid  -v

Find out where your squid.conf resides. It's usually in /etc/squid/  or 
/usr/local/etc/squid/ or /usr/local/squid/etc/

2)Set it to only a certain IP address could use it as a proxy

Rename the default copy of your squid.conf.

Create a new squid.conf and add the following:

### Start of squid.conf ##

http_port 3128

cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid

cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 200 16 256

cache_access_log /var/spool/squid/access.log
cache_log /var/spool/squid/cache.log
cache_store_log none

emulate_httpd_log on

cache_mem 16 MB

hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY

hosts_file /etc/hosts

refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern . 0 40% 4320

acl all src
acl mynetwork src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl purge method PURGE

acl Safe_ports port 80  # http
acl Safe_ports port 21  # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl SSL_ports port 443 563

http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access allow purge localhost
http_access deny purge
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports

http_access allow localhost
http_access allow mynetwork
http_access deny all
http_reply_access allow all
icp_access allow all

visible_hostname myproxy.hostname.com

coredump_dir /var/spool/squid

 End of squid.conf ##

Then initialize your cache directories by running:

squid   -z

Then run Squid in debug mode and make sure there are no errors using the 
following command:

squid  -NCd1

If all goes well, try putting this proxy server in your web browser 
proxy settings and check if it works.

Remember to check and read the output of the following 2 commands:

squid  --help
man  squid

3)Know any other useful things I can set it so that it'll be safe.

There are tons of useful things which Squid can do. It's not possible to 
mention them all in just 1 email! Just to mention a few, you can use 
Squid to filter websites, viruses, malwares, improve browsing 
performance, bandwidth savings, parental control, etc, etc, etc.

Configuring a Squid proxy server is a continuous and enduring process. 
You need to monitor, tune and upgrade it on a frequent basis. But then, 
that's where the fun begins:)

The best advice that I can give you is to sort out your priorities for 
which you want to use Squid for. Then search over the Internet regarding 
Squid's capabilities.

For a beginners guide, you can start by reading the following topics:

(1.)  http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/

(2.)  http://www.deckle.co.za/squid-users-guide/Main_Page

(3.)  http://www.linux.com/articles/114084

(4.)  http://linux.cudeso.be/linuxdoc/squid.php#Introduction

(5.)  http://www.unixcities.com/squid/index.html

I know this is asking for a lot, and another bad point is that I'm noob at
unix/linux also.
But if you just happen to have a spare time and would like to teach
someone, Please get back to me.

No problem. Nobody was born with inbuilt Unix/Linux knowledge. Just read 
all the stuffs you can find about Unix/Linux/Squid on the Internet. As 
always, google is your friend.:)

Your help is VERY appriciated.

Hope that helps.

Thanking you...


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] squid blocked 2 url, don't know way?

2007-09-13 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi Michael,

On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 11:30:59 +0200
Michael Harly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Every thing working fin on our Debian firewall box
> we can access any utl with firefox, but we have block most url for using 
> IE and only allow very few utl ie: microfost update

What do you mean when you say that "we have block most url for using IE and 
only allow very few utl ie: microfost update"? 

Does that mean that you are filtering based on browsers?

> but now we have to url we can't access
> Our firewall box is:
> Debian = 3.1
> firewall = firehol v.5
> proxy = squid v2.5

Not very sure how the mechanisms of firehol v.5 work but I assume that they use 
IPTABLES in the front-end. 

> when we connect our new office whey want to access to url that they need 
> to access  but was block by our firewall box but i can't fine any 
> entry's about this url.
> I have put them in the allow list but nothing helps

Can you show us your squid.conf?

> We can connect the url from the outside on our firewall
> In the syslog i get this
> Sep 13 09:23:48 worf kernel: OUT-unknown:IN= OUT=eth2 SRC= 
> DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=6700 DF PROTO=TCP 
> SPT=59858 DPT=80 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0

I think that your IPTABLES (firehol v.5) is filtering the site at: 
http://www.comendo.dk hosted at IP:

At least that's what the above IPTABLES log shows.

Does the IP come from your network inside your firewall?

> In squid log I get:
> 2352524545.344 3495897 ip-adr TCP_miss/504 1422 get 
> http://www.comendo.dk - none/ - text/html
> HTTP Error 504 - Gateway timeout

Can you show us the output of: " /sbin/iptables -vnL "

How is your network setup and it's layout?

> please help!
> best regard
> /harly
> The error page I get in Firefox after a log time:
> The requested URL could not be retrieved
> While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.comendo.dk/
> The following error was encountered:
>  * Connection Failed
> The system returned:
>  (110) Connection timed out
> The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

- From my experience,

This error usually occurs if there is some kind of firewall in between your 
squid box and the web host.

Running tcpdump on your firewall should reveal more details regarding why the 
connection is timing out.

Hope that helps.

Thanking you.

> Your cache administrator is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Generated Thu, 13 Sep 2007 07:23:48 GMT by worf.mydomain.dk 
> (squid/2.5.STABLE9)
> *

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] Squid exited due to signal 11

2007-09-11 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Tahmeed,

Tahmeed wrote:

Dear All,
I am using RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 with 
Squid 2.5STABLE12.
Every now and then a log is generated in the 
/var/log/messages file stating that
Squid Parent: Child process exited due to signal 11
Now that signal 11 means memory problem I am a bit 
confused about what to do. I did find a similar post 
but it was not clear to me. So here i am posting 
After the process is killed it is autometically 
restarted sometime afterwards. 

Any suggestions are most welcomed. 

What's your hardware configuration? What is the output of "squid -v"?

Can you post the relevant parts of your squid.conf?

You might want to check out the following post by Henrik even though 
it's way back in 2002!


Reading the post above, your problem could also be related to hardware.
You should probably run some kind of memory tests!

I think that the best suggestion would be to upgrade to the latest 
stable version of Squid which is currently squid-2.6.STABLE16.

You will definitely see significant improvements and benefits.

Check out the URL below to get the latest version of Squid-2.6.


Hope it helps.

Thanking you...

Thanks in Advance



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With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] Cache files of size .....

2007-09-10 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Umesh,


Hello all,

I tried to cache files which is more than 100MB and less than 200MB, there
is no any error message with squid but I am not getting cached this type
of file. Can anyone help me out.

What's the value of maximum_object_size in your squid.conf? Also what's 
your cache_replacement_policy?

Thanking you...



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] why some sites not open

2007-09-10 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1


On Sun, 9 Sep 2007 21:59:31 -0700 (PDT)
squid learner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here saudi telliphone site 
> with squid in browser
> stc.com.sa
>  bicomes 
> http://stc.com.sa/cgi-bin/cws/portal/ep/inithome.do
> page will not open  give error 
> with error HTTP 404

> then if i try it without proxy direct from isp 
> stc.com.sa
> becomes
> http://stc.com.sa/cwsPortal/cws.portal
> and page open 

> why squid didnt open this url 
> And what changes i have to do in squid 

stc.com.sa becomes http://stc.com.sa/cwsPortal/cws.portal with or without my 
proxy server.

It would help if you post your squid.conf.

Thanking you...

> thank you
> Got a little couch potato? 
> Check out fun summer activities for kids.
> http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=oni_on_mail&p=summer+activities+for+kids&cs=bz

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] assertion failed: client_side.c:4175

2007-09-06 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi Henrik,

On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 10:21:34 +0200
Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On tor, 2007-09-06 at 13:55 +0545, Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:
> > > 2.6.STABLE16 is out.
> > > 
> > > Also there has been a patch available for this problem the whole week..
> > > http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v2/2.6/changesets/11635.patch
> > 
> > Thanks for the patch. I will apply the patch later today.
> The patch is included in 2.6.STABLE16.

Sorry for the confusion:) I have already downloaded 2.6.STABLE16 and I am 
installing it right now!!

Thanking you..

> Regards
> Henrik

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] assertion failed: client_side.c:4175

2007-09-06 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi Henrik,

On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 01:42:12 +0200
Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On tis, 2007-09-04 at 18:49 +0545, Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:
> > Adrian Chadd wrote:
> > > On Tue, Sep 04, 2007, Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:
> > >> Hash: SHA1
> > >>
> > >> Hi All,
> > >>
> > >> I recently upgraded from Squid-2.6.STABLE12 to Squid-2.6.STABLE15 on a 
> > >> FreeBSD-6.1 amd64 machine. I am using the Diskd storage system.
> > > 
> > > The title says it all:
> > > 
> > > http://squidproxy.wordpress.com/2007/09/03/dont-upgrade-to-squid-26stable15-skip-straight-to-squid-26stable16/
> > > 
> > > :)
> > > 
> > 
> > Hi Adrian,
> > 
> > Thanks for the correction. I guess I should downgrade to squid-2.6.STABLE14.
> 2.6.STABLE16 is out.
> Also there has been a patch available for this problem the whole week..
> http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v2/2.6/changesets/11635.patch

Thanks for the patch. I will apply the patch later today.

Thanking you...

> Regards
> Henrik

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] To block perticuler IP for interner access

2007-09-06 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi Nandika,

On Thu, 6 Sep 2007 09:48:16 +0700
"nandika rupasinghe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear all
> I want to block perticular IP for internet browsing on squide proxy. can u 
> help me for necessary steps.

You can try the following ACL:

acl badip src
http_access deny badip

You can find all the comprehensive ACL information on the wiki page of Squid.

Please read the contents from the following link:


Thanking you...

> warm regurds
> Nandika 

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] webmails are not accessible - SQUID 2.5.STABLE12

2007-09-05 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Simsam,

Hi Peter, 

No, this is only the https rule, I wrote it done to illustrate that the 
https ports are open.

All http traffic are opened.

Could you please give me the commands needed to install SQUID 2.6 
according to tek's advise.
I got the file from the site, I have some worries as the upgrade might 
affect the current setup!

Did you install Squid-2.5 with SUSE's package management tool or did you 
install it from source?

Which ever method you had used, you can just keep the Old Squid binary 
and it's configuration files just in case something goes wrong with the 
Squid-2.6 installation!

The following installation steps might help:

(1.)  tar zxvf squid-2.6.STABLE14.tar.gz

(2.)  cd squid-2.6.STABLE14/

(3.)  ./configure  --bindir=/usr/local/sbin \

--sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc/squid \
--datadir=/usr/local/etc/squid \
--libexecdir=/usr/local/libexec/squid \
--localstatedir=/usr/local/squid \
--enable-removal-policies=heap,lru \
--enable-storeio=diskd,aufs,coss,ufs,null \
--enable-snmp \
--enable-epoll \
--with-large-files \
--prefix=/usr/local \
--disable-ident-lookups  \
--enable-underscores \
--with-large-files \
--disable-http-violations \
--enable-delay-pools \

(4.)  make all

(5.)  make install

(6.)  vi /usr/local/etc/squid/squid.conf

(7.)  /usr/local/sbin/squid -z

(8.)  /usr/local/sbin/squid -f /usr/local/etc/squid/squid.conf

Note: Your compilation parameters may differ. Please adjust accordingly 
to your demands and needs.

If your SUSE Linux box has installed and updated all the required 
development tools, then the installation should be a breeze!

Remember to read the default squid.conf which comes with the new 

Also check this out:


Happy Squid proxying with Squid-2.6STABLE14 !!!

Thanking you...

Thank you,

Peter Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
09/05/2007 05:58 PM


Re: [squid-users] webmails are not accessible - SQUID 2.5.STABLE12

Hi Simsam,

I am still beginner in this field but I could tell you that the proxy 
itself is acting as a firewall, no specific protocol filtration  and 

is the acl for the SSL port:

acl SSL_ports port 443 563
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports

acl Safe_ports port 443 563 # https, snews
http_access deny !Safe_ports

Is this your only http_access rule? That would mean you only allow https 
connections and no http connections.

The machine hosting the squid is directly connected to the router, as I 
mentioned before it is the firewall also and no ACL are there!

No it is not running in the transparent mode!

Before deploying the SQUID, this webmail was normally opening.

When trying to access a specific webmail like 
http://mailhost.ccc.com.om/mail it is giving the following:

If you only allow https as mentioned above, that will always be denied. Do 

http connections to other servers work?

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Most likely causes:
You are not connected to the Internet. 
The website is encountering problems. 
There might be a typing error in the address. 

This does not look like a Squid message denying access ... Please send all 

your ACL and http_access rules from squid.conf so that we can have a look.




With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] webmails are not accessible - SQUID 2.5.STABLE12

2007-09-05 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi Simsam,

On Wed, 5 Sep 2007 15:12:58 +0400

> Hello all,
> I have SQUID 2.5 server implemented on SUSE linux enterprise 10.
> No access lists are there, the http traffic has no problems.
> I could not access any webmail! I have edited the squid.conf file to build 
> time based ACL and it worked, but even before I did that, webmails were 
> not accessible!

Which webmails are you indicating? Hotmail, Yahoo, etc? Most of them use HTTPS. 
What's your ACL for SSL_ports?

Are you running Squid in transparent mode? Also are you filtering traffic with 
some kind of firewall? Do you have an parent cache or a firewall in front of 
your squid box?

What error message does your Squid cache give you when you try to access 
webmails? What does cache.log and access.log say?

Try accessing webmails such as myway.com with and without secure mode and check 
if you can access it's webmail with HTTP and HTTPS.

> Is it a common issue? Please advise.

It's not a common issue. I can't imagine what thousands of clients will say if 
they can't access the webmail service of Hotmail and Yahoo! And there are 
thousands of other webmail sites.

I would also recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of Squid which is 
2.6.STABLE14 currently.

You can find the source package from the link below:


Hope it helps.

Thanking you...

> regards,
> Simsam.

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator 

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


Re: [squid-users] squid -k rotate does nothing

2007-09-04 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Hi Mogwai,

Wet Mogwai wrote:

My squid machine stopped rotating logs recently. The last time rotate worked
was the day before I copied the access.log to my laptop for the first time.
The only changes made to the configuration that day were the good.hosts ,
bad.hosts, good.ip, and bad.ip files. After making the new files for the
ACLs, I ran squid -k reload.

I tried setting the logfile_rotate option in squid.conf in case it was
ignoring the default. I have checked ownership and permissions. Everything
seems right. It is still writing to the log, so it is getting to be quite
large. I could write my own rotate script, but I'd rather get the existing
function working.

This has been working properly for at least a year and a half. What could
have caused squid to quit rotating?

I am running Squid Cache: Version 2.5.STABLE14 on FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE-p8
(SQUID_KERNEL). Logrotate is in the ports tree, but it is not installed.

Are you sure that the absolute location of your squid's binary is 
correct while you issue the command "squid -k rotate"?

Since you are using FreeBSD-6.1, you have at least 2 options to manage 
your squid logs.

The simple way is by using /etc/newsyslog.conf  file.

Putting the following entry in newsyslog.conf will rotate your logs at 
10 PM.

/var/log/squid/access.logsquid:squid 644  7   * @T22   J 
  /usr/local/squid/logs/squid.pid  30

You can also use the logrotate program to do the job but is a little 
difficult to setup but worth it.

Please see the following thread for more details:


Like another user had said, you should really upgrade to the latest 
stable version of Squid which is 2.6.STABLE14 currently. It has lots of 
extra features and is extremely CPU friendly. You will really appreciate it.

You can find it latest source from the URL below:


Hope it helps.

Thanking you


With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


Re: [squid-users] assertion failed: client_side.c:4175

2007-09-04 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu

Adrian Chadd wrote:

On Tue, Sep 04, 2007, Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi All,

I recently upgraded from Squid-2.6.STABLE12 to Squid-2.6.STABLE15 on a 
FreeBSD-6.1 amd64 machine. I am using the Diskd storage system.

The title says it all:



Hi Adrian,

Thanks for the correction. I guess I should downgrade to squid-2.6.STABLE14.

Thanking you...


I seem be to getting the following error causing Squid to crash and restart 

2007/09/04 15:24:28| assertion failed: client_side.c:4175: "buf != NULL || 
2007/09/04 15:24:31| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE15 for 
2007/09/04 15:24:31| Process ID 50809
2007/09/04 15:24:31| With 8192 file descriptors available
2007/09/04 15:24:31| Using kqueue for the IO loop
2007/09/04 15:24:31| DNS Socket created at, port 51857, FD 5
2007/09/04 15:24:31| Adding nameserver from squid.conf

Is this problem related to Diskd? 

Thanking you...

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)



With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

System Administrator

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal


[squid-users] assertion failed: client_side.c:4175

2007-09-04 Thread Tek Bahadur Limbu
Hash: SHA1

Hi All,

I recently upgraded from Squid-2.6.STABLE12 to Squid-2.6.STABLE15 on a 
FreeBSD-6.1 amd64 machine. I am using the Diskd storage system.

I seem be to getting the following error causing Squid to crash and restart 

2007/09/04 15:24:28| assertion failed: client_side.c:4175: "buf != NULL || 
2007/09/04 15:24:31| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE15 for 
2007/09/04 15:24:31| Process ID 50809
2007/09/04 15:24:31| With 8192 file descriptors available
2007/09/04 15:24:31| Using kqueue for the IO loop
2007/09/04 15:24:31| DNS Socket created at, port 51857, FD 5
2007/09/04 15:24:31| Adding nameserver from squid.conf

Is this problem related to Diskd? 

Thanking you...

- -- 

With best regards and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Tek Bahadur Limbu

(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department

Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Jawalakhel, Nepal

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


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