Re: [sword-devel] PorAr text source

2024-05-29 Thread Peter von Kaehne


I think if you look into the archives of sword devel mailing lists you will see that we had removed this text already once. For this very reason. Peter
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 From: sword-devel  on behalf of Fr Cyrille Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 10:57 PMTo: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum ; Bíblia Livre Cc: MODULES-ISSUES ; sword-support Subject: Re: [sword-devel] PorAr text source 



Le 28/05/2024 à 17:54, Bíblia Livre a
  écrit :

  Em ter., 28 de mai. de 2024 às 11:08, Fr Cyrille

Dear all,

A user has reported some errors in the PorAR module. As a result, the module needs to be updated. I've done some research and the source text is only accessible from However, information about it is meager. There are versions of this Bible from 1848 and 1850. Our text seems to be a more recent update (80s), but I can't find any other information about it.
I've started to put all this on wikisource, knowing that there is a wikipedia page about this bible but which gives no info about the obviously anonymous authors of this translation update.
In short, if anyone has any info or memories of this, I'd be interested before going any further.
The same bible, dated 1911, is also in the repositories, but there I haven't found any facsimile.

Br Cyrille

  The Almeida Recebida translation is non-authorized update of a
copyrighted translation, the Almeida Revisada
sometimes mistakenly named as "Almeida Atualizada". The changes made
in the Almeida Recebida from the Almeida Revisada were essentially to
conform the New Testament text from the Critical Text to the Textus
Receptus and to include Seventh-day Adventist interpretations (e.g. "I
say to you today, you will be in Paradise" instead of "I say to you,
today you will be in Paradise). The story of updating a 1850
public-domain translation is a blatant lie. The Almeida Recebida is a
blend with  ~98% Almeida Revisada and 2% Almeida 1850 words here and
there, mostly in Genesis.

If what you say is true it is important to remove this Bible from
our repositories, is that what you are suggesting?

  More information about that, in Portuguese:

  Vous aimez la Bible ? Vous êtes étudiant en théologie ? Utilisez
  l'application libre Xiphos ou Andbible et accédez aux
  textes sources, à des commentaires, des dictionnaires et beaucoup
  d'autres fonctionnalités... Me contacter pour des traductions en

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Re: [sword-devel] RTF in conf files

2024-04-25 Thread Peter von Kaehne


The wiki is and has always been work in progress, and everybody is invited to improve upon it. David and I did the bulk of it at one point and used for such and similar aspects the code as we understood it and the mailing list together with the old documentation site as base . We have been quite explicit about it. Including the fact that neither of us are programmers. In that sense it is a bit upsetting and annoying to read you here , Jaak. You could have easily then pointed this out so that we either improved upon it or at the least commented upon our lack of clarity and any confusion or shortcomings  in the code.That all said, much of the coverage of all the filters has always been a moving target - if anyone asked with a good use case for improved or clarified coverage of whatever this has often been added. I certainly did a lot of that in the sword filters - making them comply better with OSIS, xhtml , rtf and whatever. Ok, my moan is over. I suggest you make out of the list of your moans a list of bugs and then they might end up getting squashed one by one. Sent from Outlook for iOS

 From: sword-devel  on behalf of Jaak Ristioja Sent: Friday, April 26, 2024 2:12 AMTo: Subject: Re: [sword-devel] RTF in conf files When I tried to write a similar parser some years ago (or rewrite the 
libsword parser(s) in Sword++), I discovered to my dismay that the wiki 
page is quite insufficient. The lack of a formal specification for the 
configuration format leads to various serious ambiguities or questions 
when wanting to write a parser. Some examples:

   * How should different parsing errors be handled?
   * What are the phases for parsing? Should the output of each phase be 
a single string, or a list of strings parsed separately by next phases 
(e.g. lines in case of continuations)?
   * Should continuations be handled in a phase before or after parsing 
RTF? How should "\n\n" be parsed?
   * How to include a literal backslash? If escaped, in which phase of 
   * Should official Microsoft RTF syntax rules be used for RTF control 
word tokenization and semantics? Which version(s) of RTF exactly? The 
rules on the Crosswire wiki page might differ from RTF specs.
   * The wiki page states that "using the actual UTF-8 character is 
preferred" to RTF "\u" escapes, but the RTF syntax only allows 7-bit 
ASCII characters. Does this mean that all UTF-8 characters should be 
converted to "\u"-style RTF escapes before handing off to the RTF 
parser? Since the "\u" escapes can only handle code points U+ to 
U+, how should other UTF-8 code points beyond U+ be handled?

The original libsword implementation also seemed to suffer from various 
issues and was not of much help to me, thus I eventually ended up 
abandoning this effort.


On 16.04.24 10:20, domcox wrote:
> Only a very small, restricted subset of RTF markup is supported, see:
> "David \"Judah's Shadow\" Blue"  writes:
>> I'm working on an info command to display some basic info about 
>> modules, and I
>> ran into the fact that, at least in the About entry, the conf file can 
>> contain
>> RTF formatting. As it stands I strip out \pard, replace \par with \n, and
>> strip out the tag portion of any anchor/link tags found. My question 
>> is, are
>> there any other tags that are likely to appear in conf entries that I 
>> should
>> be either handling or stripping (since my front end does no formatting 
>> of text
>> whatsoever)?

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Re: [sword-devel] Catholic versification / inter-versification mappings

2024-02-20 Thread Peter von Kaehne


There are two aspects here:Historical developments which have been by and large well explored by Chris and are mirrored well in our various av11n system - with specific and now largely known gaps - we have less clue on the Roman catholic development of versification systems and probably even less on a variety of autochthone churches with their own historical development of translations an versification. But these are well defined tasks and e.g. the work of Dominique to bring in the French systems documents well how we should handle that side. The complications coming in due to modern translation are actually very limited:FWIW, most modern translations which play about with versifications still actually follow an underlying well known and documented plan. NRSV(A) eg seems to be all what UBS and Wycliffe use - even when allowing for verse bridges, reordering and more. Which makes me think we should think more about a presentation overlay which we have at the moment very rudimentary only. OSIS certainly allows for more than we incorporate right now. This could take eg in the engine the form of a resorting filter where text is reordered and marked up for user facing presentation based on additional presentation info in modules. This would to my mind be a much better solution than ever increasing further system of av11n or indeed a complete rewrite. Peter
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 From: sword-devel  on behalf of Troy A. Griffitts Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 12:24 amTo: Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Catholic versification / inter-versification mappings 


Dear all,
These comments are a mix of background, history, and thoughts:
Variation between reference systems sucks.  Until you get into
  the weeds of the details, it is normal to assume the problems are
  not complex.  SWORD tries to implement a simple 90% solution.

SWORD and JSword support defined abstract versification schemes
  with 3 simple dimensions: [bookid : chapterMax][chapterNumber :
  verseMax][verseNumber : verseEntry]

Conceptually we also operate on these assumptions (I've skimmed
  the proposal by Arnaud which differs here, but I haven't given it
  the thought it deserves to comment yet): that book order is
  defined in the v11n system; that chapter and verse numbers are
  numeric and begin at 1 and increase to verseMax.  We also allocate
  a special slot '0' for: Module Introduction; Testament
  Introduction; Book Introduction; and Chapter Introduction (e.g.,
  Matt.0.0 can hold an introduction to Matthew).

Those who have been exposed to many Bibles will immediately think
  of places these assumption fall short.  But for >90% of our
  Bibles, these assumption hold true, and these assumption make many
  aspects of our work much simpler (abstract parsing of verse lists
  and ranges, bookmark ordering, etc.).
Historically, SWORD previously supported dynamic, per module,
  versification, with a 3 phase lookup:
index file .bks[book number] = book offset in next index;
index file .cps[book offset + chapter number] = chapter offset in
next index;
index file .vss[chapter offset + verse number] = verse offset and
entry size in data file.
20 years or so, we made the decision to begin the hard work to
  understand versification systems within Bibles so we could begin
  to map them appropriately.  This let us remove the .bks, and .cps
  index files and store that data in versification system
  definitions, leaving only the final .vss index file which gave the
  offsets and entry sizes into the data file.
Caring about versifications was a decision we made.  Our previous
  design let any Bible decide how many books, how many chapters, and
  how many verses each chapter contained.  This had its merits
  because any new versification could be defined in each module
  without anyone caring what it was.  But the drawback was the same:
  any Bible could decide how many books, how many chapters, and how
  many verses without anyone knowing why or what they were.
Some have pushed for dynamic definitions of v11n systems again,
  and I understand why.  I am in favor of moving forward with a
  hybrid approach: a set of defined versification systems, which a
  module will still need to choose from, to which it most closely
  adheres, + the ability for that module to specify its variation.

Toward 98%: We have tried to work around the cons of this simple
  design and approach 100% support by accounting for the most common
  types of problems, e.g.

  The engine allows common verse suffixes (e.g. Matt.2.7b);
  The engine skips verses in a Bible which are not present--
this allows us to create v11n schemes which are a superset of n

Re: [sword-devel] Making better use of the CrossWire GitHub project ?

2024-02-17 Thread Peter von Kaehne


Hi Arnaud,It makes sense to understand some things better when seen in history:There are three core projects to CrossWire - libsword,  jsword and the text modules - all others are independent but related users. The SVN site for libsword is the current, not old. It is just that very little changes over long stretches. Libsword is 30 + year old and does its job. Errors and bugs get corrected , big proposals happen once in a long while and then come into the code. Development happens in spurts, once every few years currently - but as users (other projects) are on disparate platforms consensus is needed. Jsword is similarly old, largely feature complete and little changes Two big projects use it and contribute back to it. Substantial internal changes would require consensus across these projects at the very least. Most current development happens in programmes using it and in module development. The GitLab site was created by some of us who create modules for texts which are in the public domain but have little other exposure OSIS - crosswire is the principal user, but as it stands it is an international standard, and not under our control. We do maintain some internal amendments as the standard has not been updated otherwise since creation. Peter
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 From: sword-devel  on behalf of Arnaud Vié Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2024 11:02 pmTo: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Making better use of the CrossWire GitHub project ? Thanks Matej for all the information !(and your git mirrror, that will be quite helpful :-) )Is the gitlab project referenced anywhere on the crosswire website ? Because I've been looking all over and only found the svn link ^^'That's exactly the kind of problems I'm talking about when I say the project's visibility could be improved, to make it more possible for new people to get interested and join !I don't have anything against GitLab, but GitHub is by far more popular. People can randomly search for projects on GitHub - but virtually no one searches for projects on GitLab if they don't already know that the project is hosted there. So if we use GitLab for all development, we should at least put some links in the GitHub project description and on the crosswire website to tell people where to go.Regarding the GitLab project, just like pinoaffe I can't see any repository related to the OSIS specification, only bible modules and a "script" repo.And by the way, given the number of module (ie "data") repositories present, another suggestion I can make is to keep the repositories related to core functionality (spec, librairies, etc.) in a separate project, as their contributors will likely be very different. As a developer, finding a code repository in the middle of 6 pages of data repos is not very convenient.In that regards, it could even make sense to keep gitlab for data, and use github for code - or just create a separate gitlab project for code repositories, whatever people prefer.Finally, for jsword, to be honest I'm not really worried about its "organizational" status : after 5 years without breathing it's unambiguously dead.My request is to mostly to try to reach whoever has admin rights on the "crosswire" GitHub project, and see if they would be willing to let me take over jsword to refresh it :-)Le sam. 17 févr 2024 à 21:12, Matěj Cepl  a écrit :On Sat Feb 17, 2024 at 4:46 PM CET, Arnaud Vié wrote:
> I think a lot of that could be improved by making better use of the
> crosswire github project , which is nowadays
> the first contact most young developers will have with these crosswire
> projects. is mostly dead. There
is more life (especially for modules) at and then there is
another GitLab at (for contributors

>    - *Revive the jsword github repository*.

jsword is organizationally in many aspects a separate project from libsword

>       - *Create a new Git repository for the OSIS specification*.

See on gitlab.

>       - Ideally, I'd also suggest *moving the C++ sword code to github*.
>    Having it only on an old SVN repo
>    , not browsable or searchable
>    online, really harms its visibility. I used a little bit of SVN while in
>    engineering school 12 years ago, but I doubt that most young devs nowadays
>    even know about it.

I don’t even comment on this one any more (just mirror it to, because where there is no
advice, there is no help.



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Why should I travel, when I’m already there?
    -- Bostonian lady, when being asked why she never visited
        other places than Boston


Re: [sword-devel] What markup format is SWORD's internal markup, and/or where is it documented?

2023-12-16 Thread Peter von Kaehne
I have written a set of markdown filters which I never committed as it was 
incomplete and I never finished it. 

I can look and see if I can find them. 

One aspect is that our “plain” output actually contains a bit of markdown and 
is not _really_ plain. It would be good to fix that in the same go. 

Also I think I found while leaning on the xhtml filters for inspiration was 
good, there were better, simpler starting points. The latex filters I think I 
built mainly on top of the rtf output. 

I am not a programmer, i just copy and play with until things do as I want. 


Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”

> On 16 Dec 2023, at 06:43, Timothy Allen  wrote:
> The SWORD project's command-line tool, diatheke, mentions the following in 
> its command-line help:
> > Valid output_format values are: CGI, GBF, HTML, HTMLHREF, LaTeX, OSIS, RTF,
> >   ThML, WEBIF, XHTML, plain, and internal (def)
> > The option LaTeX will produce a compilable document, but may well require
> >   tweaking to be usable.
> "HTML" produces a reasonable HTML document, and if you ask for footnotes to 
> be included you'll get the footnote *markers* without the footnote *content*.
> "CGI" produces something similar, but only the closing BODY and HTML tags, so 
> you can have a CGI script that prints out a pretty header and lets the SWORD 
> output close it off.
> "HTMLHREF" produces the same document, but if you ask for footnotes, they are 
> turned into links whose URLs match CrossWire's online Bible study tool, 
> "XHTML" is like HTMLHREF but includes some static CSS and XML-style 
> self-closing tags.
> For conversion to Markdown, I'd recommend getting the HTML version, as it's 
> the simplest and the closest to the document module Markdown uses.
> Timothy.
>> On 16/12/23 15:12, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
>> I think I'm beginning to understand - there is no one internal markup
>> format, but rather there's the binary format, and then the SWORD
>> engine converts that (sorta) into something very similar to the
>> original markup language. Is that about right? I think the markup
>> format I'm seeing then is a subset of OSIS, and probably other modules
>> will have a different syntax. Which would explain why the best way to
>> do this is via filters since I'll need to handle three or so different
>> markup formats depending on what each module uses.
>> In that instance, I guess my question becomes, what markup formats
>> does SWORD support emitting a subset of? OSIS is clearly one, and it
>> sounds like ThML is another. Is there a list of these so I can write
>> the needed Markdown filter for each one?
>> I may attempt to get the Markdown filter collection (if I manage to
>> write it) contributed back to SWORD if that's something the devs are
>> interested in. I'm not used to normal C++, but I can work my way
>> through Qt C++ with little difficulty, so I should hopefully be able
>> to adapt to Qt-less C++ without too many issues.
>> Thanks for your help!
>>> On Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 9:45 PM Troy A. Griffitts  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Aaron,
>>> The SWORD engine tries to preserve the best it can the markup from an 
>>> imported text for few supported markup formats. The markup used by a SWORD 
>>> module is specified in its .conf file. Most new SWORD modules from our 
>>> Modules Team are in OSIS markup. If you want to add markdown as a new 
>>> output format for SWORD, that would be great. To do this, you would want to 
>>> follow the pattern you see for one of out existing output formats. I would 
>>> suggest XHTML. E.g., copy the 3 or so *XHTML filters you see here and 
>>> modify the output from XHTML to markdown.
>>> Hope this gets you started. Let me know if you have questions,
>>> Troy
>>> On December 15, 2023 20:26:22 MST, Aaron Rainbolt  
>>> wrote:
 I didn't mean the actual compiled files - I meant the kind of markup you 
 end up with if you use swModule->getRawEntry(). It's the same kind of 
 markup you see if you use mod2imp on a module. So far the modules I've 
 used this on seem to have some sort of pattern to them (there's  tags 
 with "lemma" and "morph" attributes for Strong's numbers and morphology, 
  tags for... something, looks like it's part of how red-letter Bibles 
 work because of the "who" attribute, and things like that). I assume it's 
 this markup that is parsed by the existing filters, and that I would need 
 to parse were I to write my own filter.
 My text renderer does indeed support HTML, but it's ability to output 
 Markdown is sorely lacking (I *can* tell it to give me whatever's in my 
 text editor widget in Markdown format, but it loses information that 
 Markdown is perfectly capable of containing). I need to be able to convert 

Re: [sword-devel] SpaRV1909 - some verses seem to have moved between chapters on accident?

2023-11-10 Thread Peter von Kaehne
I have not had a look at this text specifically, but what you describe is 
usually the result of a text forced into a versification which is 
inappropriate. For many years this software only used KJV like versification 
until we saw increasingly the impact and constructed a new more flexible 

This requires then that the text is updated and chances are that you 
encountered one which is not yet updated. 


Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”

> On 10 Nov 2023, at 23:51, Aaron Rainbolt  wrote:
> See Numbers 12 and 13 - in the AKJV, Numbers 12 is 16 verses long, whereas 
> in SpaRV1909, it's only 15 verses long. Numbers 12:16, mentioning Hazeroth, 
> seems to have accidentally become Numbers 13:1 in SpaRV1909. Then Numbers 
> 13:33 in SpaRV1909 contains the contents of verses 32 and 33 in the AKJV. 
> These kinds of errors don't always occur in exactly this way, but they all 
> seem to involve verses "migrating" into other verses and/or chapters. They're 
> rather widespread throughout the SpaRV1909 module (Numbers 29-30, 1 Samuel 
> 23-24, 2 Samuel 20-21, 2 Chronicles 33-34, Job 35-36, Job 38-40 (this one is 
> particularly weird since both chapters 38 and 40 ended up short and 39 has a 
> LOT of bloat), Hosea 11-12, Jonah 1-2, Acts 19-20, 2 Corinthians 13 (maybe 
> effecting Galatians 1 too?)). This isn't guaranteed to be an exhaustive list, 
> it's just all the spots that made my attempt at converting the module to 
> LaTeX go wonky.
> Any clue what happened here? I'm happy to try and help debug this further if 
> that would be helpful.
> ___
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Re: [sword-devel] Compiling problems

2023-11-06 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
Thank you Pierre - while this did not fix my problem your list of dependencies 
must have contained one I had not installed. Suddenly things moved.

> Gesendet: Montag, 06. November 2023 um 20:10 Uhr
> Von: "pierre amadio" 
> An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
> Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] Compiling problems
> Hello.
> I am not sure it is related, but last time i compiled sword on debian,
> I had to do some manual copy of clucene header file for them to be
> found:
> mkdir -p /usr/local/sword/include/CLucene
> #dedbian
> cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/CLucene/clucene-config.h
> /usr/local/sword/include/CLucene
> No idea why.
> May be it is the same issue.
> On Mon, 6 Nov 2023 at 20:52, Peter Von Kaehne  wrote:
> >
> > Am trying after far too many years to get myself up to speed with CrossWire 
> > and hopefully back to contributing. Of course lots is rusty
> >
> > And lots does not work for me...
> >
> > I am on Debian (Unstable). I have downloaded sword via SVN and wanted to 
> > compile it.
> >
> > ./ makes numerous complaints about a missing subdir option, 
> > fails subsequently with a message around CLUCENE2
> >
> > Checking online this appears to have to do with gettext - but I have it 
> > installed.
> >
> > ./configure: line 17649: syntax error near unexpected token `CLUCENE2,'
> > ./configure: line 17649: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CLUCENE2, libclucene-core >= 
> > 2.3,,true)'
> >
> > I have of course clucene including its development files.
> >
> > I would be grateful for some handholding here.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Peter
> > ___
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> >
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> ___
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Re: [sword-devel] Compiling problems

2023-11-06 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
> Von: "Peter Von Kaehne" 
> I have of course clucene including its development files.

I also tried excluding building clucene in The error remains.

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[sword-devel] Compiling problems

2023-11-06 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
Am trying after far too many years to get myself up to speed with CrossWire and 
hopefully back to contributing. Of course lots is rusty

And lots does not work for me...

I am on Debian (Unstable). I have downloaded sword via SVN and wanted to 
compile it.

./ makes numerous complaints about a missing subdir option, fails subsequently with a message around CLUCENE2

Checking online this appears to have to do with gettext - but I have it 

./configure: line 17649: syntax error near unexpected token `CLUCENE2,'
./configure: line 17649: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CLUCENE2, libclucene-core >= 

I have of course clucene including its development files.

I would be grateful for some handholding here.


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Re: [sword-devel] Bishop to-do list

2023-10-28 Thread Peter von Kaehne
As you are at it… I never reported it but Bishop crashes reliably during all word searches on iPhones. At least on mine. Both Bishop and the Capuchinhos version. PeterSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 28 Oct 2023, at 01:49, Troy A. Griffitts  wrote:


  Hi Michael. I've not had any reports of that nor seen it. Could you give me more info. I can pull up an emulator to match your setup and try to reproduce.On October 27, 2023 17:18:43 MST, Michael Johnson  wrote:

The biggest thing I would like is more stability.
Last time I used Bishop on my Android phone, it crashed every
  time I tried to tap the pull-down list to add a second in the
  parallel list.

On 10/27/23 09:09, Troy A. Griffitts

  Hey guys,
  I just wanted to post here this random list of things I intend
to update for the next version of Bishop.  If anyone is
interested in helping or giving ideas, I would love

  Bishop todo

  Space between verse number and first character of text for better copy and paste
  Help users know when they should add modules: in commentary view [Install More Commentaries], strong lex, daily devotional, gen book view, etc.
  Option to migrate data files to different locations.
  Option to add augment folders from other apps.
  See if there is a way to select down a column for selection of multiple verses when in parallel view.
  Option to backup and restore notes, modules, and bookmarks, Google drive?
  Bookmark tree, maybe from BibleCS
  ECM preload test and enable menu on Verse Study selection
  Manuscripts main menu option and integrate the mobile NTVMR functionality.
  Option to turn on other VMR sites, like CoptOT, Vetus Latina, etc.
  Some visualization for RB

  At a glance with a gradient color percentage, over max witnesses cell (John 18?)
  Toggle to pannable grid view with locked 1st row/column. Find a nice grid control.
  Ship INTF current data for RB, show date of data
  Tab to show INTF work progress bar chart along with button to update RB data.

  Google Maps integration for manuscripts.
  Simple indexing tool.
  VMR Login credentials.
  Update to best Hebrew and Greek lexicons.
  Add "show NT usage" to lexicon entry.
  See if there is a Perseus option to facilitate a "show extra Biblical usage."
  See if we can delay load image thumbnails on demand/scroll.
  Language assist, 3 panel. Add bottom panel with current verse of 2nd selected Bible and sync word highlighting with dictionary scroll and primary Bible.

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-- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: [sword-devel] Where is the source code for individual SWORD modules?

2023-10-21 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Use diatheke, it produces a complete LaTEX document. 

You will need to define a bunch of macros , something I have never come round 
to. If you could produce something reasonable universal to shove back onto our 
server that would be ideal. 


Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”

> On 21 Oct 2023, at 08:28, Aaron Rainbolt  wrote:
> On 10/21/23 02:20, Timothy Allen wrote:
>>> On 21/10/23 16:48, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
>>> mod2imp claims to be able to generate LaTeX (something like `mod2imp -r 
>>> LATEX AKJV`) but at least the Ubuntu build of libsword-utils mod2imp is 
>>> broken in this regard - any time I try to use any of the filters, it tells 
>>> me "mod2imp: Unknown argument: LATEX" or something similar for every single 
>>> possible output format (OSIS, XHTML, RTF, etc.).
>> That's because it doesn't use a flexible argument parser like getopt or 
>> similar. When the help text says:
>>usage: mod2imp  [options]
>> really means it, the options have to go *after* the module name, not 
>> before:
>>mod2imp -r LATEX AKJV # fails with "Unknown argument"
>>mod2imp AKJV -r LATEX # succeeds
> Oh. That explains a lot :P My brain is so used to tools expecting the last 
> argument to be the source file that I read the "" and 
> "[options]" part backwards and thought it expected the module name at the 
> end. So... lesson learned, thank you for catching my silly mistake.
>> ...although in this case, the IMP markup and the LaTeX markup get a bit 
>> mixed and it's not the easiest to work with. You may have better luck with 
>> the example command-line SWORD tool, diatheke:
>>diatheke -b AKJV -f LATEX -k Genesis
> I ended up writing a small tool in C# that parsed the IMP markup and spit out 
> incomplete LaTeX code. I used Mono to run the tool under Linux, then took the 
> output and pasted it into a "skeleton" document I had written earlier. (The 
> IMP markup for the AKJV module was really simple thanks to the simplicity of 
> the module itself so it ended up being pretty easy.) If anyone's interested 
> in the end result I got, I'm happy to share it. I think it came out pretty 
> good.
> Aaron
>> Timothy
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Re: [sword-devel] Resuming the development of Xiphos - introducing xiphos-ng (Was: Licensing audit of SWORD for Fedora - sharing results with upstream)

2023-10-01 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Sun, 2023-10-01 at 17:12 -0500, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
> On 10/1/23 17:02, Peter von Kaehne wrote:
> > Have you spoken with Karl, have you signed up to Xiphos’ mailing
> > lists?
> I don't know how to contact Karl, I figured he'd see stuff here since
> Fr 
> mentioned him earlier.

I have written to you and Karl off list directly to create an

Sorry, I am mostly out of it for several years so this was a chance
thing I could do, you might not see much of me else


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Re: [sword-devel] Resuming the development of Xiphos - introducing xiphos-ng (Was: Licensing audit of SWORD for Fedora - sharing results with upstream)

2023-10-01 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Have you spoken with Karl, have you signed up to Xiphos’ mailing lists? Xiphos 
has had development pauses of years and suddenly spurts , and Karl is as far as 
I know still very much around. 

I think he would welcome any new input for sure and if (I have not the 
foggiest) he wants to pass it on - he handled 15 years ago the transition in 
maintainership/lead developership  from Terry to himself in the most gracious 
possible form. He will handle a new one from him to someone else equally 


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> On 1 Oct 2023, at 21:50, Aaron Rainbolt  wrote:
> The Xiphos fork has been created! 
> I'm about to push a build failure fix to it in a few moments. Feel free to 
> make new pull requests, bug reports, suggestions, etc. here. Lord willing 
> I'll be monitoring things and getting additions made.
> Currently the fork is named xiphos-ng (ng for Next Generation, since that's a 
> rather popular naming convention for when you pick up an old project), 
> however I intend for the program name to remain Xiphos. This is because I 
> don't expect there to ever be a release of xiphos-ng, but rather hope that it 
> will just be absorbed into the Xiphos project and then development will 
> resume there. In the event Xiphos is truly and permanently dead, however, we 
> can come up with a better name for xiphos-ng and then mass-rename and rebrand 
> everything.
> Also, the SWORD fixes in Fedora seem to be coming along (I'm working on 
> getting the package through initial review currently), so we should be OK on 
> that front if all goes well.
> Aaron
>> On 10/1/23 03:34, Fr Cyrille wrote:
>>> Le 01/10/2023 à 08:59, Aaron Rainbolt a écrit :
>>> On 9/28/23 13:35, Fr Cyrille wrote:
 Le 28/09/2023 à 18:13, Aaron Rainbolt a écrit :
> Hey, thanks for your help!
> I was able to just repack and remove most everything offending. I figured 
> I should share the info upstream so that if there was anything you wanted 
> to do on your end, you could, but obviously if you're comfortable keeping 
> things as they are, I don't have a problem with that :)
> I'll submit a patch for the Python bindings, the fix was fairly simple.
> As for ftpparse, I could potentially try writing a replacement myself and 
> license it as GPLv2. We already probably have a good starting point since 
> the FileZilla project is under GPL-2.0-or-later, and appears to have its 
> own independently developed directory litsing parser written in C++ (see 
>  We could port the logic from that into something SWORD-compatible 
> perhaps?
> One more question about the CMake files, you mention that FindXZ.cmake is 
> your original contribution and would be GPLv2, but it appears to be 
> ported from the BSD-3-Clause FindBZIP2.cmake. Just to be clear, since it 
> contains your modifications, it should be "upgraded" to GPLv2 as it now 
> contains your GPLv2 contributions? If so, are there any other files in 
> the CMake folder that should be similarly "upgraded"? Potentially all of 
> them if they've all had to be modified for SWORD?
> Thanks so much for your help! Also, did you also previously maintain 
> Xiphos and Bibletime? If so, I would love to take maintainership of those 
> too so I can keep everything SWORD-related from dropping out of Fedora.
 Dear Aaron,
 What a magnificent proposal this is!! I have been lamenting to the Lord 
 for months, seeing Xiphos stagnate... and risking disappearing. Personally 
 I am under Ubuntu.
 At the beginning of the year I asked the Lord in my prayer to give us 
 developers for Xiphos, you could be the answer to this prayer. If Karl 
 could react to your proposal that would be great.
 I will follow this proposal with great interest.
>>> I actually know C and C++, so I might be able to help there. If I have some 
>>> spare time and am itching to code, I'll fiddle with it and see if I can 
>>> implement requested features and fix bugs.
>>> Also I used to be an Ubuntu Developer, and intend on returning to Ubuntu 
>>> development once work starts on 24.04 LTS. So I may end up being able to 
>>> help accelerate the acceptance of updated SWORD-related software into 
>>> Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora if, Lord willing, all goes well.
>>> Thanks for the encouragement!
>> You made my day! God be praised... I will help to with testing, ideas 
>> (many), compiling... May God send still 2 or 3 dev for it.
>>> Aaron
> God bless, and thanks again.
> Aaron
> On 9/28/23 07:05, Greg Hellings wrote:
>> Aaron,
>> As the previous 

Re: [sword-devel] Front-end feature

2023-06-29 Thread Peter von Kaehne
A lot of this kind of info is accessible to CSS in the output, at least on the xhtml output. Long time ago I decided to feed most XML tags and attributes which are not processed in a specific way through to the resulting xhtml.There is a rudimentary style sheet embedded in the engine and others can get loaded via the engine. I suggest that the simplest way forward is to include a relevant augmented CSS sheet with the KJV and - if the coding catches on and is used elsewhere to incorporate it into the engine. Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 27 Jun 2023, at 21:09, David Haslam  wrote:Thanks Troy,SWORD Web = The Bible Tool (right?)Now here's a radical suggestion to consider...How about an option to rearrange the w elements containing the displayed text, so that they are shown in the numerical order of the src attribute values?Such an option would be switched on/off by a suitable UI control in each front-end.IMHO, this novel idea could be a huge help to students learning the Biblical languages, and who are already familiar with the KJV or another 'heavily marked up' Bible module in their own language. Being able to switch quickly between the normal and re-arranged order would be a fascinating linguistic experience.NB. For the OT, this might even be combined automatically with a switch to RtoL direction?That might seem a bit weird at first, but I reckon users would soon get used to it.Of course, that would already be the case for Arabic, Urdu, Farsi Bible translations...This leaves the unanswered question:What to do with all the text that is not wrapped within the w elements?		That's mostly a smattering of odd words/phrases here & there and a lot of the punctuation.btw. It's still the case for the KJV module that only for the NT books have all the w elements got the src attribute. This reminds us that there's still a lot more we could do to further enhance the module for the benefit of users.

Best regards,David

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--- Original Message ---
On Tuesday, June 27th, 2023 at 8:30 PM, Troy A. Griffitts  wrote:

Yes, SWORDWeb uses these to highlight parallel words. You'll see this when you click q word in either the TR or KJV here: June 27, 2023 9:42:24 AM GMT+02:00, David Haslam  wrote:
Are there any SWORD front-end apps that can display the src numbers that ae part of the KJV markup in the NT to record the original word position in the TR ?  e.g.For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.Best regards,DavidSent with Proton Mail secure email.sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel@crosswire.org to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page-- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: [sword-devel] When osis2mod reports NESTING errors?

2023-06-14 Thread Peter von Kaehne
It is the placing of the endID here inside the list item which is the concern. of old solved that, if I remember correctly, by doing some elaborate switching of tags towards the end of the process. Peter Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 13 Jun 2023, at 18:11, David Haslam  wrote:Thanks Greg,The issue in question is this (which lists an example with the USFM & the OSIS) gave up trying to make provide a consistent solution.He wrote, "I'm also open to the resolution that u2o is already producing the most reasonable OSIS representation of the USFM sources, and it's osis2mod that's being picky. It's not clear to me how serious these warnings are."And then, "It's unlikely that I will ever be able to produce output that completely eliminates nesting warnings reported by the osis2mod tool. I will reexamine the code, but I'm not confident that I will be able to fix this particular issue."

Best regards,David

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--- Original Message ---
On Tuesday, June 13th, 2023 at 5:52 PM, Greg Hellings  wrote:

It might help to see the bit of OSIS it is referencing, rather than poking in the dark at possible answers to the implied question of what is wrong with the OSIS file.On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 11:13 AM Peter von Kaehne <> wrote:I think irrespective of the different context the error lies in the USFM. Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 13 Jun 2023, at 12:26, David Haslam <> wrote:   All very well, but my question arose from nesting errors arising in the context of the XML list element.It wasn’t a case like Peter just described, that touches on the underlying chapter and verse structure.David Sent from Proton Mail for iOS On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 12:06, Peter von Kaehne <> wrote:  Nesting errors I have seen look like (pseudo code)Where the endID of the last verse of last chapter comes after the start is of the new chapter. It is a USFM error. It is too long that I did this but fixing the USFM makes this go away. I am not sure that u2o should fix it though recognising it would be nice of course.PeterSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”> On 11 Jun 2023, at 07:07, David Haslam <> wrote:>> > If osis2mod produces modules in which chapter and verse elements use the milestone forms, how is it possible that it can report NESTING errors when (eg) a verse eID milestone and the next verse sID milestone are generated somewhere within an XML list element?>> How can a milestone even do such a thing?>> Question prompted by recent issues in the GitHub repo for Adyeths script that converts USFM to OSIS.> cf. It’s not something that he can comprehensively fix.>> Best regards,>> David>> Sent from Proton Mail for iOS> ___> sword-devel mailing list:>> Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page___sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel@crosswire.org to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page___sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel@crosswire.org to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page___
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Re: [sword-devel] When osis2mod reports NESTING errors?

2023-06-13 Thread Peter von Kaehne
I think irrespective of the different context the error lies in the USFM. Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 13 Jun 2023, at 12:26, David Haslam  wrote:   All very well, but my question arose from nesting errors arising in the context of the XML list element.It wasn’t a case like Peter just described, that touches on the underlying chapter and verse structure.David Sent from Proton Mail for iOS On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 12:06, Peter von Kaehne <> wrote:  Nesting errors I have seen look like (pseudo code)Where the endID of the last verse of last chapter comes after the start is of the new chapter. It is a USFM error. It is too long that I did this but fixing the USFM makes this go away. I am not sure that u2o should fix it though recognising it would be nice of course.PeterSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”> On 11 Jun 2023, at 07:07, David Haslam  wrote:>> > If osis2mod produces modules in which chapter and verse elements use the milestone forms, how is it possible that it can report NESTING errors when (eg) a verse eID milestone and the next verse sID milestone are generated somewhere within an XML list element?>> How can a milestone even do such a thing?>> Question prompted by recent issues in the GitHub repo for Adyeths script that converts USFM to OSIS.> cf. It’s not something that he can comprehensively fix.>> Best regards,>> David>> Sent from Proton Mail for iOS> ___> sword-devel mailing list:>> Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page___sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel@crosswire.org to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page___sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel@crosswire.org to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page___
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Re: [sword-devel] When osis2mod reports NESTING errors?

2023-06-13 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Nesting errors I have seen look like (pseudo code)

Where the endID of the last verse of last chapter comes after the start is of 
the new chapter. It is a USFM error. It is too long that I did this but fixing 
the USFM makes this go away. I am not sure that u2o should fix it though 
recognising it would be nice of course. 


Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”

> On 11 Jun 2023, at 07:07, David Haslam  wrote:
> If osis2mod produces modules in which chapter and verse elements use the 
> milestone forms, how is it possible that it can report NESTING errors when 
> (eg) a verse eID milestone and the next verse sID milestone are generated 
> somewhere within an XML list element?
> How can a milestone even do such a thing?
> Question prompted by recent issues in the GitHub repo for Adyeths script 
> that converts USFM to OSIS.
> cf. It’s not something that he can comprehensively fix.
> Best regards,
> David
> Sent from Proton Mail for iOS
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Re: [sword-devel] OSIS and xi:include ?

2023-06-04 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Can I as now near outsider suggest that this is an excellent idea. 

One not mentioned aspect is that it allows much more effective use of xml 
editing tools, many of which seem to choke on too large files. 

We do use the osis2mod -a switch of course and that remains an option but it 
feels more fragile for a variety of reasons. 


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> On 4 Jun 2023, at 15:26, Troy A. Griffitts  wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thank you for your proposal.  I don't think adding support for xi:include to 
> osis2mod would be very difficult.  It should be a fairly straightforward 
> addition.  I would be happy for support to be added.
> The trade-off I see is that someone will need to maintain the top level OSIS 
> file which includes all the subfiles.  This might be fine.  I am not sure how 
> many OSIS source files we actually receive from publishers, and of those, how 
> many can be imported with osis2mod without any pre-processing by us.  Though 
> I do see the advantage to Dom if we ever leave him multiple OSIS component 
> files to process for one module.
> Thanks for the recommendation.  Anyone want to add the support?
> Troy
>> On 6/2/23 17:16, David Haslam wrote:
>> This is something for SWORD developers to carefully consider...
>> I wonder if our use of OSIS could be "tweaked" such that the XML could make 
>> use of the xi:include element that I've seen used in one TEI project. Here's 
>> an example to whet your appetite:
>> That's taken from the French Vulgate Glaire project (main branch).
>> NB. The GitHub repo is owned by Marjorie Burghart.
>> The top level XML file includes this line before the teiHeader element.
>> xmlns:xi=";>
>> We could then have a top level OSIS XML file for building the KJVA module 
>> that "includes" the OSIS XML files for KJV and KJVDC, albeit slightly 
>> trimmed for compatibility as "included" XML files.
>> NB. The suggested concept may require that most of the header would need to 
>> be removed from the two big XML files for the KJV and KJVDC, but that could 
>> be be accommodated by using the same "include" construction for both KJV and 
>> KJVDC - each having the main content wrapped in a div element with 
>> type="bookGroup", (or two such elements if we desire a separate bookGroup 
>> for the OT and NT).
>> cf. The French Vulgate Glaire project, the "included" TEI XML files each 
>> start with a line that's like this, (this example is for Obadiah)
>>; type="book" xml:id="VULGFR_Abd">
>> The equivalent in OSIS should not be too difficult to get right.
>> This would obviate having to run a script to combine two OSIS XML files into 
>> one, which is what Fr Cyrille would do otherwise.
>> Then, assuming we could have a valid top level OSIS XML file along the lines 
>> of my thinking, the question for SWORD developers is whether osis2mod would 
>> need to be changed to cope with such a construction?
>> The advantage of my proposal is that Dom would not need to change his script 
>> for module build.
>> Looking ahead, and assuming this concept can be made to work with our module 
>> tools, longer term, we could make large projects easier to manage for 
>> changes by having a separate XML file for each book div, should we so desire.
>> Aside: We might even ask Adyeths to consider having an option in for 
>> keeping each book as a separate OSIS file, and generating a top level OSIS 
>> XML file that "includes" all the books. Each USFM file would correspond to a 
>> single OSIS file with a single div element with type="book".
>> Best regards,
>> David
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Re: [sword-devel] Languages without a space between words

2023-04-17 Thread Peter Von Kaehne

i would think that for search to work there needs to be a way of knowing where words end.

Options are


1) If there is another way of knowing where words end (end forms encoded into text) then we could adapt the search

2) If there is not then translators should consider adding ZWNJ spaces between words for this purpose. We could then per language using that as a word separator.



Gesendet: Montag, 17. April 2023 um 16:47 Uhr
Von: "David Haslam" 
Betreff: [sword-devel] Languages without a space between words

How (if at all) does the SWORD API generate a search index for a module that is for a language without a space between words?

Please consider how best to generate a useful search index for modules that are
for Bible translations in languages that have no spaces between words.

Example: CrossWire module ThaiKJV


Has this ever been considered before.
Best regards,




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Re: [sword-devel] Languages without a space between words

2023-04-17 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
Does Thai Burmese etc etc use end forms for letters? if so, are these encoded as such?




Gesendet: Montag, 17. April 2023 um 16:47 Uhr
Von: "David Haslam" 
Betreff: [sword-devel] Languages without a space between words

How (if at all) does the SWORD API generate a search index for a module that is for a language without a space between words?

Please consider how best to generate a useful search index for modules that are
for Bible translations in languages that have no spaces between words.

Example: CrossWire module ThaiKJV


Has this ever been considered before.
Best regards,




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Re: [sword-devel] PHP SWIG Bindings and Extension Development

2023-04-12 Thread Peter von Kaehne
I am not on my computer and speak from old memory but there is a two-step for 
Perl so I guess that may be for php too . 

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> On 12 Apr 2023, at 06:46, Patrick Stephan  wrote:
> Hello!
> First off, I want to thank everyone for their work in this project. It's an 
> incredible work to make God's word more readily available.
> As the subject of the email suggests, I am trying to interface with the sword 
> library with PHP. I am attempting to use the SWIG bindings provided, but 
> there are no current PHP bindings provided. There does appear to be some 
> older PHP 4 (PHP 8 is the current major version available) references in the 
> Makefiles and configure file in `bindings/swig/package/` and a php4.m4 file. 
> Attempting to run `make phpswig` (when you might run `make perlswig` 
> according to the readme file in the swig directory) returns a "No rule to 
> make target 'phpswig'.  Stop." error. I have made some attempts to replace 
> `php4` with `php8`, but that changes nothing. Anyway, I am attempting to 
> create (or revive) PHP bindings for the sword library and would love some 
> direction on where/how to get started. I have practically no experience with 
> c/c++ or make files or swig, but if someone could give me a shove in the 
> right direction, I think I can figure it out.
> Thank you everyone!
> - Patrick
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Re: [sword-devel] Bible in a year audio

2023-03-23 Thread Peter von Kaehne
We have a bunch of daily devotionals which are in essence Bible reading plans. 

And several of our front ends have voice 

AndBible is the best on Android on that particular front. I would think bishop 
on Android could easily do the same (feeding text into Android voice engine) 

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> On 23 Mar 2023, at 10:30, Troy A. Griffitts  wrote:
> Hey guys. Do any of you have a strategy for reading the Bible in a year.
> And also for listening to the daily reading?
> I have a friend asking for an app which allows him to listen to the Bible in 
> a year.
> He said that he previously had an app which each day gave an OT passage, a 
> Psalm, and an NT passage. But this year he says it's different and he doesn't 
> like it.
> Curious if we have any solutions for him.
> Troy
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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Re: [sword-devel] CrossWire and git

2023-03-19 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
There was a period shortly after GiHub became MS that private repos were abolished - that in turn made us among other things as a module team move to GitLab. I am glad to hear they got reintroduced. 




Gesendet: Samstag, 18. März 2023 um 21:31 Uhr
Von: "Timmy" 
An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] CrossWire and git

Private repos on GitHub free have very limited access controls (I don't know about Gitlab).

I have no objection to using GitHub. 


On Sat, Mar 18, 2023, 15:25 Karl Kleinpaste <> wrote:

On 3/18/23 07:40, Peter von Kaehne wrote:

GitLab allows private repos

I don't know where the idea comes from, that GitHub doesn't have private repos. It certainly does, as I use one, for a network project/toy most of you have never heard of (and probably never will).
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Re: [sword-devel] CrossWire and git

2023-03-18 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
No objection - as long as it is accepted that the modules stay in GitLab. 


Gesendet: Samstag, 18. März 2023 um 14:57 Uhr
Von: "Troy A. Griffitts" 
An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" , "Greg Hellings" 
Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] CrossWire and git

Guys who prefer GitLab, I am sorry. No university research project, no commercial job has ever asked me to use GitLab. They have all asked me use GitHub. From a purely popular choice and to prevent all of us from having to create yet another account (I am sure most everyone already has a GitHub account) and learn yet another tool, can't we just settle on GitHub. Would it make anyone extremely unhappy? GitLab is not my preferred choice.
On March 18, 2023 6:40:57 AM MST, Greg Hellings  wrote:


On Sat, Mar 18, 2023, 06:41 Peter von Kaehne <> wrote:

GitLab vs GitLab


		GitLab vs GitHub: Top 10 Differences between GitHub and GitLab


There is plenty more but this gives a decent summary. GitLab allows private repos which I think are a really useful thing. I think it should also be easier to integrate our own GitLab stuff or move it if we want to 


This comparison is quite dated (for instance, GitHub definitely has CI/CD integrated nowadays, and GitLab is by no means buggy and slow), but I also would support GitLab over GitHub as our definitive location simply on the principle of it being FOSS instead of closed source hosting.


It does have an identical Code owners feature to GitHub with the same syntax and location. I'm not sure if it's available in the self hosted/free versions or if it is one of their premium features. I'm getting conflicting information on that.


It does support automatic mirroring, so it would be easy for us to self host the official repository but still allow automated mirrors on GitHub and the public GitLab for ease of contribution by others.





We aren’t a democracy but as far as it goes - I welcome the move to Git so, so gladly and I vote for moving towards GitLab as there is more active development of us already




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On 18 Mar 2023, at 11:20, Matěj Cepl <> wrote:

On 2023-03-18, 09:55 GMT, Fr Cyrille wrote:

I am very happy with this progress in your thinking about git. I just 

reiterate my preference for gitlab, where as Peter has already pointed 

out we now have all our modules. It would be consistent to add the sword 

sources there as well.

@David I don't particularly use github for my personal projects which 

are all under gitlab.


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Re: [sword-devel] CrossWire and git

2023-03-18 Thread Peter von Kaehne
GitLab vs GitLabGitLab vs GitHub: Top 10 Differences between GitHub and GitLabintellipaat.comThere is plenty more but this gives a decent summary. GitLab allows private repos which I think are a really useful thing. I think it should also be easier to integrate our own GitLab stuff or move it if we want to We aren’t a democracy but as far as it goes - I welcome the move to Git so, so gladly and I vote for moving towards GitLab as there is more active development of us alreadyPeterSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 18 Mar 2023, at 11:20, Matěj Cepl  wrote:On 2023-03-18, 09:55 GMT, Fr Cyrille wrote:I am very happy with this progress in your thinking about git. I just reiterate my preference for gitlab, where as Peter has already pointed out we now have all our modules. It would be consistent to add the sword sources there as well.@David I don't particularly use github for my personal projects which are all under gitlab.+1Matěj--, @mcepl@floss.socialGPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5  BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain,but we can avoid joy.    -- Tim Hansel___sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel@crosswire.org to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page___
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Re: [sword-devel] CrossWire and git

2023-03-17 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Just one suggestion - a huge amount of our module work happens already on GitLab rather than GitHub. I think the reasons were to do with unfriendly policy changes of GitHub - but I am not entirely sure anymore. Cyrille, Dominique or David might know. We already run a GitLab instance on our CrossWire server, so we do know it in terms of admin etc.  I do not think GitHub is per se the more relevant place over GitLab in terms of exposure or ease of use. Might GitLab be the better choice to open up shop in? PeterSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 17 Mar 2023, at 20:11, Greg Hellings  wrote:Current owners are myself, DM, Karl, and Doug Campos. I sent Troy an invite to it.--GregOn Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 3:09 PM Peter von Kaehne <> wrote:I think I own the CrossWire organization though not sure anymore. I will look into it this weekend and approve you to the highest level if I can do soSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 17 Mar 2023, at 19:28, Greg Hellings <> wrote:Troy,I know we've discussed the merge issue in the past. In order to help point in the right direction, a couple of questions:Do you still envision self hosting the repository as you have SVN and using GitHub to mirror, or do you anticipate self hosting a repository that is just an insurance policy against GitHub becoming unfriendly in the future? Most popular self hosting Git supports both push and pull to GitHub repositories, but the one you anticipate being the source will determine the recommendations and conversion path.In the Git world, the feature you're looking at seems to be known as Code Owners. It's a relatively newer feature. Here is GitHub documentation about their implementation. Https:// you anticipate doing most of the work on a self hosted solution and pushing GitHub as the mirror, I can look for their technique.I'll look into the Crosswire organization on GitHub to see if I have admin rights there to address #1.--GregOn Fri, Mar 17, 2023, 14:09 Troy A. Griffitts <> wrote:

I don't want this to turn into a debate.
  I agree, we need to move source control to git.
I even mostly agree we should do most of our dev work on github
  for the visibility to draw other developers.
To move forward with this:
1) I would actually need access to the github 'crosswire'
  organization, which I currently don't have.
2) I am happy to migrate our 27 repos there (yes, I was also
  surprised we have 27, but even these old ones would be nice to
  have on github for posterity).
  3) After #2, I would love for Github experts to help me find a
  solution that effectively grant elevated access to individuals for
  merging PRs into our master repository without my approval FOR
  CERTAIN PARTS OF THE REPO they own or are trusted to approve.
This #3 item had been the primary element holding us back from
  moving from SVN to git.  If you are unaware, SVN has a very easy
  way to elevate permissions for accounts for parts of the
  repository.  I don't want to have to approve all changes!  I trust
  our pumpkin holders to care for their parts of the repository.
We've discussed, in the past, submodules for handle this, but
  they do not handle this well.  e.g., I want to grant Greg Hellings
  full write access to merge any PR which updates any of our cmake
  scripts in all folders everywhere.  I don't know anything about
  cmake and Greg is an expert.  I want him to be able to manage that
  build system without my oversight.  I trust him.  I do not want to
  grant Greg merge access for code that has anything to do with our
  C++ engine.  He might be a great C++ programmer, but he hasn't
  expressed he wants that access or ever submitted C++ code for me
  to review and merge myself, so I want to protect Greg from
  accidentally merging in someone's PR which includes C++ engine
In SVN this is easy.  Attached is our SVN access file.  Help me
  translate this workflow to Github.  There must be some way to
  restrict merges based on the merging user and files modified in
  the PR.  Or at least require a review by certain users bases on
  the files modified in the PR.
Help me :)

On 3/17/23 11:24, Greg Hellings wrote:

  Indeed. It's not a principled stand that I'm
refusing to get Subversion going. It's simply that it's too much
work that I haven't bothered and don't foresee doing so anytime

And, with no setup to automatically test the
  scripts in all the environments they must support, it's not

Re: [sword-devel] CrossWire and git

2023-03-17 Thread Peter von Kaehne
I think I own the CrossWire organization though not sure anymore. I will look into it this weekend and approve you to the highest level if I can do soSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 17 Mar 2023, at 19:28, Greg Hellings  wrote:Troy,I know we've discussed the merge issue in the past. In order to help point in the right direction, a couple of questions:Do you still envision self hosting the repository as you have SVN and using GitHub to mirror, or do you anticipate self hosting a repository that is just an insurance policy against GitHub becoming unfriendly in the future? Most popular self hosting Git supports both push and pull to GitHub repositories, but the one you anticipate being the source will determine the recommendations and conversion path.In the Git world, the feature you're looking at seems to be known as Code Owners. It's a relatively newer feature. Here is GitHub documentation about their implementation. Https:// you anticipate doing most of the work on a self hosted solution and pushing GitHub as the mirror, I can look for their technique.I'll look into the Crosswire organization on GitHub to see if I have admin rights there to address #1.--GregOn Fri, Mar 17, 2023, 14:09 Troy A. Griffitts <> wrote:

I don't want this to turn into a debate.
  I agree, we need to move source control to git.
I even mostly agree we should do most of our dev work on github
  for the visibility to draw other developers.
To move forward with this:
1) I would actually need access to the github 'crosswire'
  organization, which I currently don't have.
2) I am happy to migrate our 27 repos there (yes, I was also
  surprised we have 27, but even these old ones would be nice to
  have on github for posterity).
  3) After #2, I would love for Github experts to help me find a
  solution that effectively grant elevated access to individuals for
  merging PRs into our master repository without my approval FOR
  CERTAIN PARTS OF THE REPO they own or are trusted to approve.
This #3 item had been the primary element holding us back from
  moving from SVN to git.  If you are unaware, SVN has a very easy
  way to elevate permissions for accounts for parts of the
  repository.  I don't want to have to approve all changes!  I trust
  our pumpkin holders to care for their parts of the repository.
We've discussed, in the past, submodules for handle this, but
  they do not handle this well.  e.g., I want to grant Greg Hellings
  full write access to merge any PR which updates any of our cmake
  scripts in all folders everywhere.  I don't know anything about
  cmake and Greg is an expert.  I want him to be able to manage that
  build system without my oversight.  I trust him.  I do not want to
  grant Greg merge access for code that has anything to do with our
  C++ engine.  He might be a great C++ programmer, but he hasn't
  expressed he wants that access or ever submitted C++ code for me
  to review and merge myself, so I want to protect Greg from
  accidentally merging in someone's PR which includes C++ engine
In SVN this is easy.  Attached is our SVN access file.  Help me
  translate this workflow to Github.  There must be some way to
  restrict merges based on the merging user and files modified in
  the PR.  Or at least require a review by certain users bases on
  the files modified in the PR.
Help me :)

On 3/17/23 11:24, Greg Hellings wrote:

  Indeed. It's not a principled stand that I'm
refusing to get Subversion going. It's simply that it's too much
work that I haven't bothered and don't foresee doing so anytime

And, with no setup to automatically test the
  scripts in all the environments they must support, it's not
  likely others are willing to commit this on my behalf.

On Sun, Mar 12, 2023, 09:42
  Peter von Kaehne <>

  I think you misunderstood Greg. 

There is a long campaign and strong feeling to have the
  project on Git but there is no agreement or movement to
  that. And it seems Greg is pausing his contributions until
  that matter is resolved. 

  Sent from my phone. Please forgive
misspellings and weird “corrections”
On 12 Mar 2023, at 15:51, ZdPo
  Ster <zdp

Re: [sword-devel] Fwd: cmake patches

2023-03-12 Thread Peter von Kaehne
I think you misunderstood Greg. There is a long campaign and strong feeling to have the project on Git but there is no agreement or movement to that. And it seems Greg is pausing his contributions until that matter is resolved. PeterSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 12 Mar 2023, at 15:51, ZdPo Ster  wrote:I am sorry, but I did not get the point of your reply.I do not use subversion - I use git-svn as proposed several months ago on this forum. But current cmake configuration expects everybody to use subversion, which is wrong.These patches improve cmake build: that will work also with 
git-svn MSVC buildfix depreciatedAFAIK it should cause no harm for other combinations, just improve current state.ZdenkoOn Thu, 9 Mar 2023 at 23:18, Greg Hellings <> wrote:I've never bothered to get Subversion setup on my local machine. Remembering the setup, plus my credentials, and how to use it is more labor than I've been willing to spend on this effort. If, in the future, I overcome that inertia then I'll happily test and apply this patch.--GregOn Sat, Feb 25, 2023 at 5:34 AM ZdPo Ster <> wrote:Any update on this (after 3.5 months)?ZdenkoOn Sat, 26 Nov 2022 at 21:53, Greg Hellings <> wrote:Thanks. I am not privy to the patches email inbox, so this mailing list is the way to reach me for CMake things. I'll review these when I have the opportunity.--GregOn Sat, Nov 26, 2022, 13:46 Peter von Kaehne <> wrote:How to suggest improvements to the sword project?You did it the right way. It just is a bit on/off as a project. GHellings is the cmake pumpkin holder as far as I know. I bcc him on a different email address. PeterBR,Zdenko-- Forwarded message -From: ZdPo Ster <>Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2022 at 22:22Subject: cmake patchesTo:  <>Hello,please find 3 few patches related to cmake build (tested on windows with MSVC 2019):cmake_fix_deprecation.patch - cmake version 3.23.2 produce depreciation warning for old minimum version, co IMO it is time to increase expected cmake versioncmake_fix_msvc.patch - there is no "/O3" options in current MSVC[1]cmake_git_svn.patch - I use git svn for accessing code, but cmake produce error because of missing svn executable. He is patch that fixed it + code for detecting svn revision (MYSVN_WC_REVISION) from git[1]

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Re: [sword-devel] Malagasy Tandroy language

2023-02-13 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Dear Arthur, Happy to helpPeterSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 12 Feb 2023, at 15:45, David Haslam  wrote:Just to record that I have re-established contact with Steve My previous contact with him was briefly during 2011.

Best regards,David

Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

--- Original Message ---
On Sunday, February 12th, 2023 at 2:21 PM, David Haslam  wrote:

   I’ve just sent a Facebook message to my friend Arthur Bolstad in response to this email enquiry. David Sent from Proton Mail for iOS On Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 20:44, Arthur Bolstad  wrote:

The translator for the Tandroy people in South Madagascar would like to restart with those he was contacting a few years ago.  He realizes that android phone are being ubiquitous in South Madagascar.  The dialect is enough different from the national dialect that his translation is greatly preferred by the Tandroy people.He is able to help, as I might be, but we need a Xiphos or other collaborator to enable useful transition.  I can put any one interested in renewing this effort in contact with Steve Lellelid, the translator.I appreciate my use of Bibles on my computer.  thank you to all.Pr Arthur Bolstadin Missourit for Steve Lellelid in Madagascar..  

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Re: [sword-devel] Scriptura v1.1 release

2022-12-03 Thread Peter von Kaehne

>> On first run, scriptura will generate a config file with some default 
>> values.  The default module it will look for is KJVA; 

Can I suggest that instead you fire up the module manager and offer download of 
a module? This then if declined could lead to a graceful fail, instead of a 

Love the idea of a terminal based programme and will now try it out. I am sure 
there are way more than the single handful users you anticipated as per your 
Reader.  Brilliant! 

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Re: [sword-devel] Fwd: cmake patches

2022-11-26 Thread Peter von Kaehne
How to suggest improvements to the sword project?You did it the right way. It just is a bit on/off as a project. GHellings is the cmake pumpkin holder as far as I know. I bcc him on a different email address. PeterBR,Zdenko-- Forwarded message -From: ZdPo Ster Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2022 at 22:22Subject: cmake patchesTo:  Hello,please find 3 few patches related to cmake build (tested on windows with MSVC 2019):cmake_fix_deprecation.patch - cmake version 3.23.2 produce depreciation warning for old minimum version, co IMO it is time to increase expected cmake versioncmake_fix_msvc.patch - there is no "/O3" options in current MSVC[1]cmake_git_svn.patch - I use git svn for accessing code, but cmake produce error because of missing svn executable. He is patch that fixed it + code for detecting svn revision (MYSVN_WC_REVISION) from git[1]

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
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Re: [sword-devel] wiki: osisCore.2.1.1.xsd

2022-10-29 Thread Peter von Kaehne
You are right. Dear ZdenkoIf you liaise with DM (cc’ed) you could join the wiki editors, most if us only edit it when using it and finding flaw as you just now.  Though David Haslam and I have done some major updating of it a couple of years ago. As such it is as comprehensive as we thought we need to be, though both of us are experienced module makers so it is well possible that we work on a baseline of common assumptions and things are not clear when read from the point of view of someone new to it.WRT the location of the sheet - bibletechnologies was the caretaker which for a recognised standard (OSIS is a properly recognised standard, not a home brew)  is a fairly crucial thing, so when their website went down we kept the link - in the hope it gets fixed. In fact we are now the de facto caretaker and I guess we really should link to our copy - which does incorporate various bug fixes. Yours PeterSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 29 Oct 2022, at 09:59, ZdPo Ster  wrote:Hello,as mentioned in

is not available anymore but there are still examples with it on wiki/web e.g.: this should be fixed to BR,Zdenko
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Re: [sword-devel] How to test (tei) module

2022-10-27 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Hi, Have you checked our wiki?CrossWire Bible Societywiki.crosswire.orgLots of info on module making - including TEIYoursPeterSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 27 Oct 2022, at 19:28, ZdPo Ster  wrote:Hello,As I got a strong suggestion to use the TEI as the format for the dictionary I face the problem of how to test the created module.For example: wiki ( suggest to use for Internal references this: 
See: key text

When I have a look at I see usage like this:


I tried to avoid 'hardcoding' a module name in the dictionary, so I used427but it does not work (in Xiphos) - maybe I got it wrong. In The TEI Guidelines ( I found this example:target="#locution">s.v. locution

so I tried:427And - it does not work... After try and test I found variants that works ('strongsgreek_sk.tei' is name of my test module):427:427427427I am not sure if this is a problem with the frontend or the library or my module, so I am looking for a way to test tei formatting without needing to test various sword frontends...Also I am not sure if somebody is interested in these findings/experiences (where to report it?).BR,Zdenko

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Re: [sword-devel] Translator tool for making translation from KJV to Esperanto

2022-09-27 Thread Peter von Kaehne
BibleditSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 27 Sep 2022, at 12:50, Marjan Šavli  wrote:Hello all,maybe somebody can suggest translator tool to translate from kjvlite.xml to esperanto.Friend wants to translate KJV to Esperanto. He knows speedly typing, but I doubt he knows anything except Word. But he could do this with help of some tool.Marjan
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Re: [sword-devel] Sources for Greek strong dictionary

2022-09-25 Thread Peter von Kaehne
HiI would strongly encourage you to use TEI as the format of the dictionary. It is semantic, we have inport facilities and we get high quality  output from it. And it is actually meant for this .PeterSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 25 Sep 2022, at 17:40, ZdPo Ster  wrote:Thank Cyrille. Anyway I started my project[1]

  based on are 2 things that could be useful also for others:1. As thml.html.xsl does not work for me (as stylesheet) I made 
strongsgreek.css  file[2] (e.g. including  at beginning of strongsgreek.xml will cased that strongsgreek.xml will be displayed as styled in modern browsers)2. Instead of using Karl's BuildModule script I made a python script

 that converts xml to imp (+ create & install The Sword module...) Configuration is hardcoded to the file to my (windows) setup, but it is IMO easy to modify.[1][2][3] Thu, 15 Sept 2022 at 16:02, Fr Cyrille  wrote:

You can try:

Le 15/09/2022 à 11:42, ZdPo Ster a
  écrit :

I see the is a lot of "tails" - text outside of tags e.g:


 of uncertain
derivation; to
ask (in genitive
case):--ask, beg, call
 for, crave, desire, require. Compare

it seems it should be:

   of uncertain
  to ask (in genitive case)
  beg, call for, crave, desire, require. Compare


   probably for the dative case of
  an enclitic particle of
   asseveration by way of contrast; in
  sooth:--(used only with
   particles in the compound, as , , , , etc.)


Is there any source/website that could be used if these
  tags are correctly placed?

On Mon, 12 Sept 2022 at 01:37,
  Karl Kleinpaste 

On 9/11/22 2:35 PM, ZdPo Ster wrote:

Any suggestions for a good text/data

StrongsRealGreek is produced from the
  XML at
  in a ThML-generating script. The module content you get
  when installing (from Xiphos repo) includes the
  BuildModule script that produces it.
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Re: [sword-devel] SWORDWeb

2022-09-24 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Considering that many phones have more than FHD resolution but still are tiny screened is this really the most useful distinction?Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 24 Sep 2022, at 13:47, Tobias Klein  wrote:

Hi Troy,

Many web apps optimize for different screen sizes and have
  several configurations in the CSS. Something you would consider
  "responsive web design".

Based on filters like this in the CSS (example from Ezra Bible

@media screen and (max-width: 450px), (max-height: 450px) {

  Tablet / Large phone

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {

  And then aside from this the standard CSS remains the one for
  desktop / large screen.

Best regards,

On 9/24/22 9:43 AM, Troy A. Griffitts

  Hi Don,
  This morning I sent Psalm 139 to remind a friend that God who
  created a 1000 galaxies formed her and wrote each of her days...
  and then I realized that she will likely click on the link from
  her phone and then I thought of you.  Any more thoughts on a
  more mobile-friendly UI?
  A few years ago, to the main website, I
  added per recommendation:
  and it really helped quite a bit. Maybe I'll try that with
  SWORDWeb this afternoon and see if it makes things better or
  I use SWORDWeb from my phone regularly, and what I like is that if
  I double-tap the center Bible text column, chrome zooms in exactly
  on that column so it's pretty usable with that trick.
  Anyway, by the time you read this, I may have done some
  experimenting with the header tag, above. Let me know if you have
  ideas for an interface which adapts better to screen size.
  Thanks again for all your work,
  On August 17, 2021 3:40:56 AM GMT+02:00,
Don Elbourne  wrote:

  ok Great. Thanks.
  I have not messed with Docker yet. I guess I need to get
with the times. lol This will give me a good excuse. No
promises, but I will check it out. 
by grace alone,

Pastor Don A. Elbourne Jr.
Lakeshore Baptist Church
  On 8/14/2021 5:31 AM, Troy A.
Griffitts wrote:

Hi Don! I don't know if anyone is running the site other
than CrossWire. We've helped a few people setup the software
over the years but not sure if they continue to run it.

We've made an OCI container of the software to make it
scalable and to more easily spin up an image:

Not sure who might be pulling that as a base or a spinning
up an instance.

It's great to hear from you! I've often reused your html and
style in other html UI apps which present SWORD
functionality. If you install Bishop, it should look a bit
familiar. 



We'd love to have you contribute to an improved user
experience in our new world of diverse screen sizes, if you
can find the time between pastoring.

Hope you've been well!


On August 14, 2021 5:36:47 AM
  GMT+02:00, Don Elbourne 
Is anyone running SWORDWeb in the wild, other than

Just wondering. Its been a long time since we designed that. I have been 
thinking about jumping back into the project and helping update it to be 
mobile friendly, if there is any interest.

by grace alone,

Pastor Don A. Elbourne Jr.
Lakeshore Baptist Church
http://rebuildlakeshore.comsword-devel mailing list:
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: [sword-devel] SWORDWeb

2022-09-24 Thread Peter von Kaehne
I was one of these. I have created a number of instances. Most/all(?) fell by the wayside eventually. I always felt it was very hard work to make run for someone who is a hobbyist in essence. I am not sure how to fix that. My main difficulties were always around Tomcat and the CORBA connection.  Making them work and securing them so much that I felt comfortable to leave it be open to the malignant net - this was always a challenge. Maybe I was paranoid and clumsy. PeterSent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”On 24 Sep 2022, at 10:41, Troy A. Griffitts  wrote:

Nope, that didn't work :)  Whereas moved
  the sidebar divs under the main body, swordweb tried to keep them
  and basically had a 1 word column for the Bible text. :)  We need
  you, Don!  HTML/CSS are not my strong points :)

On 9/24/22 09:43, Troy A. Griffitts

  Hi Don,
  This morning I sent Psalm 139 to remind a friend that God who
  created a 1000 galaxies formed her and wrote each of her days...
  and then I realized that she will likely click on the link from
  her phone and then I thought of you.  Any more thoughts on a
  more mobile-friendly UI?
  A few years ago, to the main
  website, I added per recommendation:
  and it really helped quite a bit. Maybe I'll try that with
  SWORDWeb this afternoon and see if it makes things better or
  I use SWORDWeb from my phone regularly, and what I like is that if
  I double-tap the center Bible text column, chrome zooms in exactly
  on that column so it's pretty usable with that trick.
  Anyway, by the time you read this, I may have done some
  experimenting with the header tag, above. Let me know if you have
  ideas for an interface which adapts better to screen size.
  Thanks again for all your work,
  On August 17, 2021 3:40:56 AM GMT+02:00,
Don Elbourne  wrote:

  ok Great. Thanks.
  I have not messed with Docker yet. I guess I need to get
with the times. lol This will give me a good excuse. No
promises, but I will check it out. 
by grace alone,

Pastor Don A. Elbourne Jr.
Lakeshore Baptist Church
  On 8/14/2021 5:31 AM, Troy A.
Griffitts wrote:

Hi Don! I don't know if anyone is running the site other
than CrossWire. We've helped a few people setup the software
over the years but not sure if they continue to run it.

We've made an OCI container of the software to make it
scalable and to more easily spin up an image:

Not sure who might be pulling that as a base or a spinning
up an instance.

It's great to hear from you! I've often reused your html and
style in other html UI apps which present SWORD
functionality. If you install Bishop, it should look a bit
familiar. 



We'd love to have you contribute to an improved user
experience in our new world of diverse screen sizes, if you
can find the time between pastoring.

Hope you've been well!


On August 14, 2021 5:36:47 AM
  GMT+02:00, Don Elbourne 
Is anyone running SWORDWeb in the wild, other than

Just wondering. Its been a long time since we designed that. I have been 
thinking about jumping back into the project and helping update it to be 
mobile friendly, if there is any interest.

by grace alone,

Pastor Don A. Elbourne Jr.
Lakeshore Baptist Church
http://rebuildlakeshore.comsword-devel mailing list:
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: [sword-devel] Qetiv/Kere in output ?

2022-05-06 Thread Peter von Kaehne

To the best of my knowledge this has not been implemented in the engine but 
should be easy to get done. 

If you describe to me how this should ideally look would be very helpful. I do 
remember staring at this pack of implementation a few times and then moving on 
as I had other things to do and did not know what to do in the first place. 

To give you some background: the engine translates the OSIS xml into html/xhtml 
and in latter years we have tried to make this as flexible as possible by using 
largely a CSS directed graphical representation instead of hard coding anything 
into the resultant html. 

So, the questions I need answering are 

1) should this always be visible in both versions ? Or should it get toggled as 
a text option like so many other options?

2) inline or stacked ? Stacked means like strongs etc . 

I guess the closest equivalent to it in existing code is the Ruby annotation we 
have in Japanese. That gives a reading in Japanese syllabary writing to 
otherwise possibly difficult to pronounce Chinese script signs. Look at our 
Japanese Bibles to see what I mean. 


Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”

> On 6 May 2022, at 07:24, pierre amadio  wrote:
> Hi there !
> I have a problem dealing with Qere and ketiv
> ( with xml/html output.
> In the Hebrew bible, there are some words that are pronounced,
> according to the tradition, in a different way than what is actually
> written.
> There is the ketiv what is written, and the qere, what is read out lout.
> There is such a thing in Ruth 1.8
> Ketiv: יעשה
> Qere: (יַעַשׂ)
> The Osis file shows this:
>  type="x-ketiv">יעשה type="variant">יעשה lemma="strong:H06213" morph="oshm:HVqj3ms">יַ֣עַשׂ
> The plain output of diatheke show both entry in bracket as a footnote:
> diatheke -b OSHB -o cvfa -f plain -k Ruth 1.8
> Ruth 1:8: וַתֹּ֤אמֶר נָעֳמִי֙ לִשְׁתֵּ֣י כַלֹּתֶ֔יהָ לֵ֣כְנָה
> שֹּׁ֔בְנָה אִשָּׁ֖ה לְבֵ֣ית אִמָּ֑הּ יעשה [יעשהיַ֣עַשׂ]  יְהוָ֤ה
> עִמָּכֶם֙ חֶ֔סֶד כַּאֲשֶׁ֧ר עֲשִׂיתֶ֛ם עִם־הַמֵּתִ֖ים וְעִמָּדִֽי׃
> (OSHB)
> I do not see the same information in the html or xhtml or osis output:
> $ diatheke -b OSHB -o cvfa -f FMT_HTML -k Ruth 1.8
> יעשה swordFootnote="1" type="variant">
> Is there a way to get a xml/html output that let me get access to both
> qere and ketiv form ?
> If not, is that a Sword bug that should be open, or could it be dealt
> with in the way the Osis file is formatted in the first place ?
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Re: [sword-devel] Tamil translation of Bible book names

2022-03-11 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Hi Tobias,

The locales.d folder in the source contains all current translation. It is 
true, no one has ever written this up for the wiki. Main reason is likely it is 
fairly self explanatory when looking at the working examples. But you are right 
that should be remedied.



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> On 12 Mar 2022, at 08:51, Tobias Klein  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am in touch with a volunteer who would like to provide a Tamil translation 
> of the Bible book names.
> What can I give to him as a starting point? I did not find a Wiki page 
> explaining the process.
> Best regards,
> Tobias
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[sword-devel] Sanctions and CrossWire

2022-03-10 Thread Peter von Kaehne
A fair number of our contributors are Russian and might have now difficulties 
accessing usual resources including possibly email and else or might get into 
that place soon enough. 

Can I propose that all regular CW programmer and those of sub projects from 
within Russia are offered CrossWire email addresses? I do not think this 
undermines the sanction regime , which I fully support, but keeps those who are 
brothers and sisters together and involved in something which had the greatest 
power to create peace. 



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Re: [sword-devel] Efficiently extracting section + chapter headers

2022-01-06 Thread Peter von Kaehne
This is coming late to it, but would it be feasible to create an additional 
option _in the engine_ which _drops_ the Biblical text?

The practical result would be what you are looking for, but the mechanics would 
not be a search but in essence a complete print-out of the required section, 
simply without the text. And I think that might be faster for this purpose. 

We have made basically every single feature of the text toggable, but for the 
actual text and this would add that option. 

The immediate downside I can see to my thought that this would add a test and 
decision to every actual Print-out and make the engine in its normal work a 
fraction slower. Which might be acceptable or not….

Troy, is this a daft thought?


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> On 6 Jan 2022, at 16:41, Tobias Klein  wrote:
> Hi Troy,
> I have started looking again into extracting book headings, so that I can 
> generate a book outline in Ezra Bible App even when looking at individual 
> chapters only. I had stopped looking at it when I was not successfully 
> generating a Windows build any longer last year - but I could fix that, so 
> now the work continues.
> I based my code on your example findHeadings.cpp.
> It seems like the list of extracted headings is not complete, though.
> When running this with the module GerNeUe and the book Acts I find that the 
> headers returned are only section headers, but not chapter headers. Could you 
> have another look based on the example and GerNeUe/Acts and advise?
> I have attached a list of headers that I get from the Bible text of 
> GerNeUe/Acts - just for reference.
> Best regards,
> Tobias
>> On 4/12/21 9:07 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>> Sure Tobias,
>> module->getEntryAttributes() will allow you to pull the headings from a
>> verse, and
>> an Entry Attributes search for '/Heading' will give you only the verses
>> with Heading entries attributes.
>> I've thrown together a quick example here, which you can use with
>> something like:
>> ./showHeadings NASB Matt-John
>> which will give you the headings from the Gospels.
>> Creating this example, I found I needed to fix a bug in the engine.  The
>> engine Entry Attributes search lets you search for values in the entry
>> attributes (e.g., a Strong's number 1234).  In your use case, when
>> searching, you don't care about the value; you only care about
>> presence.  This wasn't working, but simple presence can now be searched
>> for with my latest commit.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Troy
>>> On 4/12/21 9:31 AM, Tobias Klein wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been getting a request from a user to render section headings 
>>> independently of the currently opened bible translation module.
>>> So for example when opening the KJV still using the section/chapter headers 
>>> of the NASB.
>>> This would be useful in those cases when the respective bible translation 
>>> module does not come with section/chapter headers, but another one does.
>>> A requirement would be to efficiently extract section/chapter headers from 
>>> a module using the SWORD API. As of now I only see that you can iterate 
>>> over the verses of a book and individually scan each verse for the headers. 
>>> Is there a more efficient way of doing that?
>>> Another use case could be to render a book outline. This is what I am 
>>> already doing now in Ezra, but in a way that is not so clean (I am 
>>> traversing the DOM looking for all section header elements of the current 
>>> book).
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tobias
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Ersatz für Judas
Das Eintreffen des versprochenen Geistes
Die Pfingstpredigt des Petrus
Die Entstehung der ersten Gemeinde
Die ersten glücklichen Tage
Die Folgen einer Heilung
Stegreifrede auf dem Tempelplatz
Aufforderung zur Umkehr
Vor Gericht
Die Urteilsverkündigung
Gebet der Gemeinde
Harmonie in der Gemeinde
Selbstsucht und Heuchelei
Das Ansehen der Gemeinde wächst
Verhaftungsgrund: Neid
Spannung in der Gemeinde
Anklage gegen die Wahrheit
Verteidigung als Bekenntnis
Die Rache der Rasenden
Die erste Christenverfolgung
Verfolgung als Missionsstrategie
Der erste Nichtjude wird Christ
Der Verfolger wird Christ
Saulus wird nach Hause geschickt
Zwischenbilanz in Israel
Mission in Judäa

Re: [sword-devel] ETS / IBR / SBL

2021-11-19 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Before Covid I had offered to host one Europe side. I am still up for that. 


Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”

> On 19 Nov 2021, at 20:32, Troy A. Griffitts  wrote:
> Had a great time meeting up with Greg and his daughter after ETS in Fort 
> Worth yesterday. We talked about life and tech and ways to improve SWORD 
> module installation. It was thoroughly enjoyable! We really should find a way 
> to restart annual SWORD-Meets.
> Troy
>> On October 29, 2021 6:26:11 AM CDT, "Troy A. Griffitts" 
>>  wrote:
>> :) Great, Greg! Let me know if you would like to come the venue to meet up, 
>> even if you don't attend any of the conferences. Would love to spend some 
>> time together talking in person!
>>> On October 29, 2021 4:15:19 AM MST, Greg Hellings  
>>> wrote:
>>> I plan to still live in Texas next month, just south of DFW! Don't know 
>>> that these are viable for me to attend this year, but I'm only about 45 
>>> minutes from downtown Fort Worth.
>>> --Greg
 On Fri, Oct 29, 2021, 06:03 Troy A. Griffitts  wrote:
 Anyone planning to visit Texas this year? I hope to be at each event. 
 Would love to meet if anyone else plans to attend or is in the area.
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>> -- 
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> ___
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Re: [sword-devel] Greek/Hebrew Reader screenshots

2021-06-08 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
Gesendet: Dienstag, 08. Juni 2021 um 12:42 Uhr
Von: "Bob Eaton" 

> P.S. my version of CSSword has a fix for the problem of the 1.9.0 sources not 
> displaying non-roman scripts well in the data returned by the install 
> manager. I think the fix is two-part, one in libsword.dll and one in 
> CSSword.dll. How do I communicate the fixes to the folks responsible for the 
> source code?
Wrt libsword - open a bug report (unless it already exists) in JIRA and attach 
any patches you have to it. One of us will pick it up and if it makes sense 
apply it. If it is in a filter, likely me, if it is more profound, likely Troy 
will need to look at it. Send an email onto the list with reference to the 
issue opened just for completeness sake


From: sword-devel  On Behalf Of Jeff Becker
Sent: Saturday, June 5, 2021 4:24 AM
To: 'SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum' 
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Greek/Hebrew Reader screenshots
Thanks for the reply.  I’m still getting the lay-of-the-land in what has been 
done in the SWORD Project so pardon me if I sound like a bit of a newb.
As for what I’m trying to do, the long and the short of it is this:
I’m looking for from SWORD is content, including:

Bible translations,Greek and Hebrew Texts,Strong’s numbers and content,Bible 
dictionaries,section headers,parallel references,etc.
which can be delivered (preferably) via IIS / .Net / COM / C#, etc. to a 
reader. The current version is HTML 5, JavaScript and CSS tested primarily in 
Firefox and delivered via IIS from a C# application. The content is ‘borrowed’ 
from BibleHub’s Interlinear pages and even though I’m the only user I feel like 
I’m not respecting their licensing.
So, the easiest way for me to move my work forward is to find a way to access 
SWORD content in C#. 
How do I do that?
I was assuming that the Win32 interface could be used in a C# application to 
access Bible translations and other materials which could then be delivered to 
Web browsers via IIS on the Windows Server platform. That usually requires 
implementing either a COM or .Net compatible interface in a DLL.  I hope I’m 
not over-explaining but I know that most in this group uses Linux based systems 
and I’ve also seen mention of Borland development tools on Windows.
What technology are you considering for the frontend side?
I’ve spent most of my programming time for the last few decades in Visual 
Studio and do most of my work in C#.  It’s a well-rounded language and 
simplifies a lot of the usual peculiarities of C programming.  My professional 
focus is on business database applications with Web delivery, either in 
Internet, Intranet or Extranet environments.
Any specific JS or CSS libraries/frameworks?
The simple answer to your question is: vanilla Javascript and pure CSS in 
HTML5.  Honestly, I’ve been programming for decades and after watching and 
participating in the comings and goings of many frameworks and libraries I’ve 
become something of a purist.  I even try to avoid JQuery unless a customer is 
already committed to it.  My apps are generally clean and fast because of it.
Are you planning to use or develop reusable web components?
I can. My hope would be a set of DLLs with .Net interface access.  I’m open to 
other environments and have worked (less extensively) in LAMP and Linux Shell 
Scripting (as well as a bunch of outdated and/or obscure languages and 
platforms). But my preference is still Visual Studio and ASP.Net.
I’ve looked at other databases and content storage formats but I’m very 
impressed with the SWORD Project. I’ve been on the Crosswire mailing list since 
Regardless of the environment everything that I do will be released as 
open-source under whatever licensing structure that you all prefer.  I’d like 
to see this translated to as many (human) languages as possible.  And along 
with that I intend to respect all licensing restrictions of content. While that 
may be limiting or complicating for development it is the only way.  Even if 
that  means modifying content delivery on a per-user basis that tracks content 
licenses the same way.
As for my ability to code, my first production code was on a Burroughs B6700 in 
FORTRAN 4.  It was then converted to run on a PDP/8e in IEBASIC.  It was in 
High School and we also had a cute little TRS-80 that the computer club 
purchased with money we made by selling candy in the lunchroom. The first Bible 
software that I wrote was a KJV reader and concordance written in Revelation 
software (a PICK licensee).  It was 1987 and I was in Bible college at the 
time. I downloaded the KJV book-by-book in plain text format from a local BBS.  
I guess I was frustrated with spending long hours in the Bible College library 
and with the limitations of paper (and the shortcomings of  Strong’s work).  My 
concordance was actually more exhaustive than Strong’s, 

Re: [sword-devel] SWORD Meet 2021

2021-03-28 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Post Covid frency to meet up :-)

1) I will be part of it if at all possible
2) I am very happily offering our house as a place to meet in Europe. 1
hr from Edinburgh. close to Glasgow airport, in the Scottish Highlands.
Beautiful, but not as summer like as Sienna. Admittedly. But I would
fly to Siena too.


On Sun, 2021-03-28 at 15:25 -0500, Greg Hellings wrote:
> I've been wanting to be part of one of these for years! I joined the
> community shortly after the last one in 2005. I would be eager to
> attend if possible.
> On Sun, Mar 28, 2021, 14:30 Troy A. Griffitts 
> wrote:
> > Dear fellow CrossWire volunteers,
> >
> > It's been a really, really long time since we've had a SWORD Meet. 
> > They
> > have always blessed me greatly, getting to meet many of you and
> > having
> > the chance to spend a couple days fellowshipping, brainstorming,
> > coding,
> > and praying together.  We've had a few unofficial get-togethers,
> > usually
> > centered around other events we were already attending together
> > like
> > BibleTech, ETS, SBL, Fringe, etc...
> >
> >
> >
> > But it has been over 15 years since we have had regular and
> > intentionally planned official SWORD Meets...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ... when I was much thinner.  I miss the personal community
> > closeness we
> > had back then.
> >
> > I would really like to again offer 2 annual occasions for us to get
> > together in person-- once during May/June in Europe and once in
> > November
> > in the U.S. 
> >
> > U.S. - November
> >
> > Many of us already attend the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS)
> > annual meetings in November, which are conveniently aligned in
> > location
> > and time with with the technology sessions of GERT at the Society
> > of
> > Biblical Literature (SBL).  Those meetings rotate U.S. cities each
> > year,
> > but are always just before Thanksgiving.  I have met informally
> > with
> > some of you during these conferences, as well, but I would like to
> > start
> > scheduling a U.S. SWORD Meet around this occasion.  I propose
> > either a
> > couple days before ETS or the Friday / Saturday between ETS and
> > SBL,
> > when ETS is winding down and SBL is still spinning up, and IBR has
> > their
> > free annual lecture-- which would be fun for those coming who
> > officially
> > are not attending either conference but coming just for the SWORD
> > Meet.
> > ETS: SBL:
> > IBR:
> > IBR:
> >
> I feel lucky, here. I'm located physically in between ETS (Fort
> Worth, about 40 minutes north) and SBL (San Antonio, 4 hours south).
> I'm not free to carte blanche offer to host as I'll hopefully be
> married by then. But I would love to engage with folks, even if it's
> just getting lunch as you drive past my house between the two.
> I don't know how much time my upcoming nuptials will permit me away
> from work, but count me in for at least some part of a US meet during
> that time frame.
> --Greg
> >
> >
> > Europe - Spring/Summer
> >
> > Our previous meetings were generously held at Daniel Glassey's
> > apartment
> > in Cambridge, UK.  I always enjoyed Cambridge, with the opportunity
> > to
> > meet and be encourage by the kind staff and researcher fellows at
> > Tyndale House research library.  Daniel has been off serving with
> > other
> > ministries for the past decade so we probably need to find a new
> > location for our European meetings (unless Daniel reads this and
> > still
> > would like to graciously offer his flat).
> >
> > It won't have the same opportunities to meet with world class Bible
> > scholars that Cambridge / Tyndale House gave us, but we have talked
> > about meeting during the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh during
> > August, and
> > I have informally met with some of you during this occasion over
> > the
> > past years.  That's still an option and provides some fun around
> > our
> > meeting.  Hostels often have a common room were we can setup and
> > meet in
> > the afternoons.
> >
> > Another option is that I can invite you to my small apartment in
> > Siena,
> > Italy.  An advantage to this is, like Daniel's apartment in
> > Cambridge,
> > we can all sleep on couches and bunk beds and rollout mattresses on
> > the
> > floor and not have any accommodation expenses.  I also have fiber
> > internet there and can be sure to have desk space and whiteboards
> > handy
> > and can take us to amazing pizza and gelato.
> >
> > __
> >
> > What would be the interest for 

Re: [sword-devel] A question about Generic book modules

2020-06-03 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
As such the Wiki does not describe any of our file formats and that is 
intentionally so. So please do not start an article there.


> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 03. Juni 2020 um 11:18 Uhr
> Von: "David Haslam" 
> An: "sword-devel mailing list" 
> Betreff: [sword-devel] A question about Generic book modules
> I have just used xml2gbs to create a Generic book module for the first time.
> It created a module file with extension .bdt in the right location.
> All Generic book modules I've installed from CrossWire also have two more 
> files in the module folder.
> One with extension .dat and one with .idx
> I have not found anything on our wiki that describes what software tool is 
> used to create these two files, nor an explanation of what they are for.
> Please would someone enlighten me.
> Best regards,
> David
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
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Re: [sword-devel] Not user-friendly behavior in commentaries (should be continuous)

2020-06-01 Thread Peter Von Kaehne

I think modules should faithfully reflect the text and not contain any hacks. Bugs in presentation are then firmly owned by the engine or any frontends which may or may not be deficient.


Insofar as most frontends look at Bible texts by chapter (with or without additional easy scrolling) it seems bizarre that commentaries do not show the same - in particular as commentaries will much more likely play around with versification - explain verse 1 and 10 before 2-9 etc - summarise and split stuff etc etc.


So, this is a frontend bug and I as module maintainer would not accept any modules which duplicate content - and I would delete any which have made it past me accidentally.




Gesendet: Montag, 01. Juni 2020 um 10:16 Uhr
Von: "yvand" 
Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] Not user-friendly behavior in commentaries (should be continuous)

Thanks for the answers.

Some advise to duplicate the commentary for every verse (Ps.23.1, Ps.23.2, Ps.23.3, etc.) and some said it is a frontend issue. I am still a bit lose and disappointed for the end users.

I don't understand why for commentaries, the OSIS reference "Ps.23-1.5" is not the same as "Ps.23.1 Ps.23.2 Ps.23.3 Ps.23.4 Ps.23.5" for instance. In my opinion it should be considered exactly the same. Or else, why not? Moreover, if I declare that this commentary covers "Ps.23.1-5", the engine should show the commentary if I asked for commentary for verse 3 for instance. Why only for the first vese? Or maybe I misunderstood the concept of Crosswire commentary…

If I change all the OSIS references to match every verses, I hope the module size will not grow 20 times. And if I do so, for frontends like Xiphos which have a "commentary by chapter" view, the frontend will duplicate the commentary or use a hack to avoid duplication of the same text…

Currently I do not know what is the best, I see all these proposals like rather hacks (in the OSIS source or in frontends).


Le 30/05/2020 à 18:18, Karl Kleinpaste a écrit :

On 5/30/20 11:45 AM, yvand wrote:

I think Karl already talked about this feature in the past. But maybe I am wrong, I did not find the conversation.

Xiphos has a feature, "commentary by chapter," so that whole commentary chapters are displayed along with whole Bible chapters, and then the verse is tracked visually in the commentary pane, but in a different manner from the Bible pane (i.e. current verse always aligned to top, plus a preceding horizontal rule).  It's a UI issue IMO, not an engine issue.  If you explicitly list the verse range covered in your markup, then I imagine you might get the effect you want in other UIs.

Up to this time, Xiphos' commentary by chapter has not been default, and I wonder if I should make it so in the future.

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Re: [sword-devel] How to get translated book abbreviations with LocaleMgr?

2020-05-15 Thread Peter Von Kaehne

I think the lack of response is as there is no sensible way of responding.

The whole construct of abbreviations (irrespective of languages) is uniderectional (Abbr->Book name). The same applies to English. What you mix up here is that a particular subset of English abbreviations is also the set of OSIS identifiers.



Gesendet: Freitag, 15. Mai 2020 um 18:03 Uhr
Von: "Tobias Klein" 
An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] How to get translated book abbreviations with LocaleMgr?


Any feedback regarding this question?

I would appreciate it!


Best regards,


Am 10.05.2020 um 12:45 schrieb Tobias Klein :


how can I use the LocaleMgr to get a translated book abbreviation?

For some reason this code did not work for me:

sword::SWLocale* locale = this->_localeMgr->getLocale(localeCode);

std::string translatedAbbreviation = std::string(locale->translate(bookTerm));

I was using "de" as a locale and "Gen" as the term to be translated, but I did not get the german variant of "Gen", but rather the exact same term "Gen" as a result.

Best regards,

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Re: [sword-devel] Sword for the Blind

2020-02-25 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
CSS does have some addenda for audio rendering etc which could move the use of 
Bible software beyond simply offering the text but towards allowing access to 
many of the features of the text.

I have no clue as to how much these are actually implemented or implementable 
easily. But as it stands we could easily add a CSS sheet for audio purposes or 
amend the standard CSS sheet provided with XHTMl by the engine with audio 


> Gesendet: Montag, 24. Februar 2020 um 21:08 Uhr
> Von: "Don Elbourne" 
> An:
> Betreff: [sword-devel] Sword for the Blind
> Have any of the Sword front-ends been tested to see how well they do
> with screen readers, used by the blind and visually impaired?
> --
> by grace alone,
> Pastor Don A. Elbourne Jr.
> Lakeshore Baptist Church
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Re: [sword-devel] TEI support for list and item

2020-02-03 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Mon, 2020-02-03 at 10:20 +0200, wrote
> I just realised that I did not do a compile check on the last
> commits, but will do and fix anything flawed later today.

Well, I should have done. I fixed it now. Sincere apologies to anyone
who updated too early.


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Re: [sword-devel] KJV with strong numbers

2019-11-15 Thread Peter Von Kaehne

 No. Ebible is not a good source for further modules.  They are already part of us, sort of :-)!!! We have all their modules online - just check your repo list.


Here is the source


Gesendet: Freitag, 15. November 2019 um 13:57 Uhr
Von: "Cyrille" 
An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] KJV with strong numbers

Thank you Peter,
I look in the conf file:, is ok
And is working, but how to do if we want to work on it? At the same time I discover that ebible is an excellent resource that stores bibles in usfm and osis formats.
David, is your file different from ebible?
Maybe a link to the (I could only download the usfm file) on wiki would be useful.

Le 15/11/2019 à 05:27, David Haslam a écrit :

Strictly speaking, it’s maintained by DM Smith - though I did some significant work on the source text in 2016 in collaboration with DM. 


I still keep such KJV files on my PC too. 


The wiki includes a roadmap for further potential enhancements. 




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On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 10:17, Peter Von Kaehne <> wrote:

Hi Cyrille,


I am not on my computer, but I think the link to the source text is both in the conf file and accessible via the WIki.




Gesendet: Freitag, 15. November 2019 um 03:26 Uhr
Von: "Cyrille" 
An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
Betreff: [sword-devel] KJV with strong numbers

I red that the KJV with strong's numbers is a crosswire project, I'm just looking for where can I found the osis source text of this module?
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Re: [sword-devel] KJV with strong numbers

2019-11-15 Thread Peter Von Kaehne

Hi Cyrille,


I am not on my computer, but I think the link to the source text is both in the conf file and accessible via the WIki.




Gesendet: Freitag, 15. November 2019 um 03:26 Uhr
Von: "Cyrille" 
An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
Betreff: [sword-devel] KJV with strong numbers

I red that the KJV with strong's numbers is a crosswire project, I'm just looking for where can I found the osis source text of this module?
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Re: [sword-devel] Examples for how to fetch Strongs data based on Strongs number with SWORD API

2019-10-20 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
The source of libsword has numerous examples and small utlilities like the 

> On 20 Oct 2019, at 18:18, Tobias Klein  wrote:
> Thank you, Pierre! :)
>> On 20.10.19 14:08, pierre amadio wrote:
>> Hi there !
>> What about the following ?
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Re: [sword-devel] How to deal with invalid markup?

2019-07-17 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
1) The best way is to recognise it and either fall back to something sane or refuse to deal with the module without crashing. You could presumably if an xml chunk is delivered by the engine to you and is not internally valid ask the engine to re-render it plainly and spit out some message to that effect on the terminal. Then a use may be in the position to see this and send a bug report to whoever is responsible for the dodgy module.

2) CrossWire modules are for teh last 10 years or so always tested and validated before they are published but other repositories are subject to their own rules. The module you reference is from eBible and not CrossWire. But - admittedly - we have in CrossWire still a lot of old modules which may well have bugs which only show up slowly.






Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2019 um 07:13 Uhr
Von: "Tobias Klein" 
An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
Betreff: [sword-devel] How to deal with invalid markup?

Hi everyone,

Is there a recommended way on how to deal with invalid markup (in a frontend) when using the text from a Sword module?

To me invalid markup is basically invalid XML.
You find an example below (Exodus 3:22 / engNET2016eb).

Are Sword modules validated with standard XML validation tools before being published?

Best regards,

Module: engNET2016eb

Mark-up text of Exodus 3:22 (module->getRawEntry()):

Every woman will ask her neighbor and the one who happens to be  staying in her house for items of silver and gold and for clothing. You will put these articles on your sons and daughters – thus you

INVALID section starts here:

will plunder Egypt!” ‘span class=”footnote” id=”footnote-65”’‘span class=”key”’65‘
a href="" class=”backref”’3:19‘/a’‘span class=”text”’ tn: Heb “

and not with a mighty hand.”
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Re: [sword-devel] RawGenBook KeyType=VerseKey status

2019-07-16 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
All modules of that type reside in CrossWire Experimental or CrossWire Beta

> Gesendet: Montag, 15. Juli 2019 um 18:56 Uhr
> Von: "Karl Kleinpaste" 
> An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
> Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] RawGenBook KeyType=VerseKey status
> On 7/15/19 12:57 PM, Jaak Ristioja wrote:
> > Are there any RawGenBook modules with KeyType=VerseKey around?
> $ pwd
> /home/karl/.sword/InstallMgr
> $ grep -l ModDrv=RawGenBook */mods.d/* | xargs grep -l KeyType=Verse |
> xargs fgrep [
> 20100728041232/mods.d/drcgb.conf:[DRCgb]
> 20100728041232/mods.d/gerlut1545lhgb.conf:[GerLut1545lhgb]
> 20100728041232/mods.d/kjvgb.conf:[KJVgb]
> 20100728041232/mods.d/lxxm.conf:[LXXM]
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Re: [sword-devel] Genbooks

2019-06-20 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Thu, 2019-06-20 at 12:02 -0700, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Anyway, sounds reasonable.  Do we have one BibleWorks module in this
> format we could post someplace we can play with and see what we can
> get
> working?

Here is a whole host of them:

They are basically zipped files, containg a conf file which is way more
primitive that ours and a chm file.

Some are text. but some are also huge image bundles from scanned books,
organised with the help of CHM.

Basically it seems to me that Bibleworks was not enforcing a very high
encoding standard and made it easy to create modules with the result
that there was an awful lot out there for it.


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Re: [sword-devel] Copyright question about sharing anki deck created from Sword modules

2019-06-20 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
Dear Pierre,

Many thanks for asking.

> Von: "pierre amadio" 

> I am not sure what can and what cannot be done as far as licensing is 
> concerned.
> * Licences of the involved Sword modules I am interested in:
> byz.conf:DistributionLicense=Creative Commons: by-nc-sa

Check the Creative Commons website for the exact terms of this license.
It does seem to me you can do what you want to do here as long as you stick to 
the full set of terms. But please check yourself and do not take my opinion for 

> morphgnt.conf:DistributionLicense=Copyrighted; Permission to
> distribute granted to CrossWire

You can not use this text from us but will need to go back to the publisher and 
copyright owner and ask for yourself. Ask for the text and for the permissions. 
Please do not ask for use of the CrossWire module but for their text and their 

> oshb.conf:DistributionLicense=Public Domain

Seems fine to me

> strongsrealgreek.conf:DistributionLicense=Public Domain

Seems fine to me

> strongsrealhebrew.conf:DistributionLicense=Public Domain

Seems fine to me

> I am not a lawyer, and do not really understand if "derivative works"
> (is that the correct term for an Anki deck based on a Sword module ?)
> redistribution should follow the same rules as the full module, but in
> doubt, i am assuming it is (if you know i am wrong, please let me
> know).

Anything which takes something and makes it something else is derivative. It 
seems that this is what you are doing.


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Re: [sword-devel] Chinese locale. Protestant vs. Catholic

2019-06-18 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Tue, 2019-06-18 at 10:28 -0700, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Does anyone have thought about this?  This touches a bit on what
> David asked about a few weeks back-- different traditions having
> different names, even though they may share the same language.

I think to consider it only a RC/Prot  problem is a wrong, too
restricted view. In essence several books (Ecclesiastes/Qohelet and
Revelation/Apocalypse of John) have even in English alternative names
and we probably would do well to allow for alternative naming schemes.


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[sword-devel] Sound files - proposal

2019-05-24 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
Many modern Non-Western Bible translations go along projects of recording the 
texts. Right now I have been offered sound files for one set of translations we 
have for a majority non-Christian country.

Quality sound files take about 300-1000x the memory space and subsequently also 
bandwidth than text only, so I do not think we should propose distributing 
such. Sound files are usually per chapter.

But I would like to propose following

1) Introduction of a conf property which is by default negative with regard to 
installed sound files.
2) A standard place in the conf files which refers to a download link for sound 
2) Based on that - sound file links are kept invisible in the text
3) A mechanism to install sound files from other hosts (the translation 
organisation e.g) and automatic change to the conf entry - at change of which 
sound file links become visible.

This requires as per my thinking

a) a small change in the filters - I think can do that - on test of a conf 
property sound file linkes are not passed out of the filters
b) a small change in relevant uploaded modules - I can do that - each chapter 
will carry a link to a per chapter sound file.
c) a change in frontends which allows the use of the link in the conf files to 
download relevant sound files and change the filtering conf property once the 
download is successful.



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Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: FreJND

2019-05-21 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Combining the suggestions of Yvand and DomCox - For those who want the
FreJND on AndBible  I have the newest version (1.23)  uploaded on my
user directory on CrossWire.

This is an amended version - instead of versification DarbyFr it has
DarbyFR, which means that JSword will see it and is able to use it.

As per Yvand's suggestion, you load it up as Install from Zip

Once JSword's bug is fixed and And Bible updated accordingly this
particular version will cease to work.


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[sword-devel] Sidebars

2019-05-21 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Dear All, 

A study bible I am currently working on, written in USFM has a feature
not currently covered by our software: "sidebars". 

These are small mini documents, in-depth explanations of a feature
covered by the text. They have titles, they have paragraphs, they have
inline crossreferences, they might contain images, they could in theory
have footnotes etc. 

Right now they are simply as a div type=x-sidebar chucked into the

Any suggestion as to how we could represent them graphically? 

Options coming to my mind are 

- extended footnotes (and then work on frontends to support graphically
more challenging footnotes). This will require work in engine and

- inline. This should probably happen just now without any extra work

- floating text popups via CSS +/- some javascript which come up on
mouse hover. This will require some work in engine and possibly
frontends too and will only be available in XHTML based frontends.

I am happy to have a go at the work within the engine and think options
(2) and (3) at least should largely be within my ability to fix. 

Any alternative suggestions or thoughts? Any strong views wrt
preference of these? 


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Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: Swe1917

2019-05-11 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Sat, 2019-05-11 at 21:40 +, David Haslam wrote:
> Installed v 1.5.1 OK into PocketSword (including search index)
> Is that the released version ?

No. See reupload. The first one went onto old server accidentally.


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Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: CPDV

2019-05-06 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Mon, 2019-05-06 at 14:57 +, David Haslam wrote:
> It does not appear in the Latin branch of the Biblical Texts category
> when viewed from PocketSword.
> Where did you find the CPDV with such a configuration key?
> Or is it the case that there is more than one Lang= ?

The "Latin" was the fault of the source file - please check in GitLab
and correct it there. My conf making script relies on the language
setting in the OSIS file. If that is incorrect of course it will be
incorrect in the module too. I have for now corrected it by hand, but
it would be good to have right in our public module source too.


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Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: ItNomiBibbia

2019-05-06 Thread Peter von Kaehne
This was an upload of a module which had gone lost somewhere in the
server move.

No update, no change


On Mon, 2019-05-06 at 08:53 -0400, wrote:
> Dear All,
> This is to announce that we have just now uploaded ItNomiBibbia.
> This is is an updated version of ItNomiBibbia.
> Many thanks to Cyrille for the hard work.
> yours
> The Module Team
> P.S.: This email is sent automatically on upload of a new/updated
> module
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Re: [sword-devel] Behavior of SWModule::getConfigEntry in case of multiple entries with same key

2019-05-05 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Sun, 2019-05-05 at 08:49 +0200, Tobias Klein wrote:
> Hi,
> how is SWModule::getConfigEntry(const char *key) supposed to behave
> when there are multiple entries with the same key?

There is a set of separate methods for those.

Check out ./examples/cmdline/listoptions.cpp

> {
> SWMgr library;
> StringList options = library.getGlobalOptions();
> for (StringList::const_iterator it = options.begin(); it !=
> options.end(); ++it) {
> cout << *it << " (" <<
> library.getGlobalOptionTip(*it) << ")\n";
> StringList optionValues =
> library.getGlobalOptionValues(*it);
> for (StringList::const_iterator it2 =
> optionValues.begin(); it2 != optionValues.end(); ++it2) {
> cout << "\t" << *it2 << "\n";
> }
> }

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Re: [sword-devel] TurNTB module

2019-05-02 Thread Peter Von Kaehne

Done. I also checked all other modules - none have that particular problem.




Gesendet: Donnerstag, 02. Mai 2019 um 10:47 Uhr
Von: "David Haslam" 
An: "sword-devel mailing list" 
Betreff: [sword-devel] TurNTB module

The .conf file has \p where it should be RTF tag \par in at least one location. 


Easy enough to fix and increment the version to 2.1.1


Best regards,




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Re: [sword-devel] IBT repository - module contents structure

2019-04-29 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
For the avoidance of doubt - the criteria for publishing a Bible translation 
are simple and, emphatically, not personal preference

(1) a credible scholarly background
(2) a trinitarian translation organisation backing a text, unless the 
translation is purely an academic work - but then (1) becomes even more 

Exceptions are sparse - we publish historical texts of significance, we publish 
the occasional crank and heretic if their heresies are significant enough to 
publish for apologetic purposes (but highlight the texts then accordingly as 
doubtful and we do publish Jewish texts.

If we have doubts re (1) or (2), or, worse re both, we ask the organisation for 


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Re: [sword-devel] IBT repository - module contents structure

2019-04-29 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
> Just because you do not like the translation [..]
No. Your "translation" does not qualify in our eyes as a credible attempt and 
is not acceptable for CrossWire. Not a matter of any personal preferences. Well 
discussed and not my decision alone. Well explained to you at the time. 

Basically you and your outfit are not the people we want to assist. And as 
these are CrossWire's mailing lists it would be appropriate if you showed the 
(fairly basic) respect to accept this and move on. 


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Re: [sword-devel] IBT repository - module contents structure

2019-04-29 Thread Peter Von Kaehne

Before you all waste too much effort to help Johan, it would make sense to note  that his module is not in CrossWire because it was removed. His problem has nothing to do with the general malaise we are fighting at the moment and his use of this thread is simply opportunistic.


As such it makes currently little or no sense to complain about absent modules, indeces or else until the server is again how it should be - working properly. 




Gesendet: Montag, 29. April 2019 um 10:09 Uhr
Von: "David Haslam" 
An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] IBT repository - module contents structure



And I guess the same would be true if one used the command line utility mkfastmod.


Unless perhaps that uses a different library than Xiphos. 


It may still be worth trying. 




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On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 08:32, Johan  wrote:

Thank you to all.
I created my own modules and want to add indexing for PocketSword, the index created in Xiphos does not work in PocketSword.

-Original Message-
From: Manfred Bergmann 
Sent: Monday, 29 April 2019 07:48
To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum 
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] IBT repository - module contents structure

FYI: I had added this feature, to create a default CLucene index, to Eloquent to make the index accessible to PocketSword via Module Maintainer mode.
But I do not know to which extend the index works or not works.


> Am 28.04.2019 um 15:00 schrieb David Haslam :
> It’s possible, but for unknown causes, the Xiphos produced search index only works in PS for a few modules.
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 13:12, Johan  wrote:
>> David,
>> Is it possible to create an index (e.g. in Xiphos) and transfer that (as part of the other bible and dictionary modules in zipped format) via Module Maintainer Mode in PocketSword?
>> Best regards,
>> Johan Marais
>> From: David Haslam 
>> Sent: Sunday, 28 April 2019 10:20
>> To: sword-devel mailing list 
>> Subject: [sword-devel] IBT repository - module contents structure
>> If you install a Bible module from the IBT repository, the module is structured such that it also already contains the Lucene search index.
>> Try installing the Chechen module CHE.
>> Thus for PocketSword there is no further need to go to the CrossWire server to look for a separately maintained unofficially supported installable search index for each module released.
>> After CHE was installed, the search index existed, even though PS did not indicate that it had looked for and found a search index from CrossWire.
>> At least that’s what appears to be the case for some IBT modules. But I may be mistaken.
>> Some other IBT Bible modules are without a built-in search index and the index is not found at CrossWire either.
>> Might this approach be a useful method to imitate for CrossWire modules?
>> Either way, the possibility to harmonise the support for PocketSword search clearly has more than one potential interim workaround.
>> Best regards,
>> David
>> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
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[sword-devel] Happy Easter - Bible download statistics

2019-04-21 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Happy Easter to all!

I attach some download statistics which I run yesterday on the old
server instance. We have shipped from that server alone 1.4 million
modules last year. These stats do not cover the new server, nor Xiphos
nor eBible, nor IBT. It would be great if we could do some collective
accounting at one point.

There are some interesting things hiding in there.

Some small Pacific islands must have the whole population downloading
the text. 2000+ for the Kapingamarangi language.

Inside Europe apart from English Czech is I think the most downloaded

Afghans have downloaded 2.5k Bibles.


The top 1000 downloads of the 365 days after Sat 21-Apr-2018

StrongsGreek:   18633
StrongsHebrew:  18469
KJVA:   13643
AKJV:   12934
HinERV: 10602
CzeCEP: 10369
AB: 9504
CzeB21: 8995
SpaRV1865:  8808
KJVPCE: 8443
CzeCSP: 7912
SpaRV:  7756
UKJV:   7702
MKJV:   7447
SpaRV1909:  7330
Geneva1599: 7081
GodsWord:   7020
EMTV:   6845
Personal:   6736
CzeBKR: 6689
Wesley: 6618
LITV:   6599
Darby:  6550
SpaRVG: 6533
Clarke: 6478
ISBE:   6077
CPDV:   5998
RNKJV:  5962
GerSch: 5902
MHCC:   5716
SpaTDP: 5640
Scofield:   5636
Barnes: 5615
Easton: 5524
SpaVNT: 5456
Common: 5445
MLStrong:   5404
Rotherham:  5392
Smith:  5330
NHEB:   5296
RecVer: 5295
Etheridge:  5177
TDavid: 5155
Nave:   5146
GerElb1905: 5133
RWebster:   5065
FinRK:  5060
Luther: 5060
RKJNT:  5050
GerLut1545: 5017
WEBME:  4928
Weymouth:   4922
PorCap: 4883
WHNU:   4804
NHEBME: 4782
LO: 4781
FreJND: 4760
Twenty: 4725
RusSynodal: 4707
Josephus:   4705
Leeser: 4680
Godbey: 4621
Abbott: 4616
Noyes:  4613
NHEBJE: 4562
Montgomery: 4542
OEBcth: 4512
HunUj:  4462
KD: 4457
PorAlmeida1911: 4443
FinPR:  4392
PorAR:  4337
FreCrampon: 4302
FreBBB: 4290
Wycliffe:   4281
Lightfoot:  4218
Robinson:   4184
Torrey: 4168
GerElb1871: 4164
Geneva: 4145
OSHB:   4086
AraSVD: 4069
HunKar: 3991
TR: 3964
KorRV:  3962
Hitchcock:  3940
FreGeneve1669:  3922
HebModern:  3868
AraNAV: 3852
Aleppo: 3788
AbbottSmithStrongs: 3783
Family: 3769
FrePGR: 3723
ABPGRK: 3686
Nestle1904: 3681
RusSynodalLIO:  3630
SBLGNT: 3623
FreLXX: 3593
WEBBE:  3593
FreStapfer1889: 3582
RusVZh: 3568
FreOltramare1874:   3544
GerGruenewald:  3531
2BabDict:   3521
MorphGNT:   3466
HebDelitzsch:   3463
PorBLivre:  3453
ChiUns: 3431
GerLeoNA28: 3403
PorCapNT:   3372
SPDSS:  3344
Dodson: 3332
GreVamvas:  3331
SPMT:   3307
LtKBB:  3281
Practice:   3280
FinBiblia:  3242
RusMakarij: 3242
RusCARSA:   3230
ChiUn:  3228
TurNTB: 3223
GerTafel:   3207
RomCor: 3200
MapM:   3179
GerTextbibel:   3158
NETnotesfree:   3150
GerReinhardt:   3140
SP: 3109
FreSegond1910:  3098
TagAngBiblia:   3085
Catena: 3071
Diaglott:   3065
Viet:   3049
FarOPV: 3047
SPVar:  2999
OxfordTR:   2961
Tisch:  2944
Antoniades: 2928
DutSVV: 2924
SAOA:   2919
Ukrainian:  2914
Institutes: 2902
Robinsons:  2892
PolGdanska: 2883
GerHfa2002: 2880
ItaDio: 2876
WebstersDict:   2864
Spurious:   2853
BaptistConfession1689:  2832
Imitation:  2831
JESermons:  2819
VulgClementine: 2781
Heretics:   2732
Finney: 2711
NorthernAzeri:  2710
EMBReality: 2692
VietLCCMN:  2687
FarTPV: 2657
LvGluck8:   2639
Vulgate_HebPs:  2632
JOCommGod:  2608
VulgConte:  2596
Shona:  2585
FarHezareNoh:   2584
Norsk:  2576
BulVeren:   2574
FreSegond:  2562
Orthodoxy:  2560
VulgHetzenauer: 2555
JapKougo:   2545
NlCanisius1939: 2540
ArmEastern: 2539
Mg1865: 2511
JOMortSin:  2510
Peshitta:   2501
JapBungo:   2501

Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: CPDV

2019-04-18 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
The module is visible in The module is not visible in

The module is uploaded into, which is where I am told I should upload things until all is again amalgamated.

TBH I am fed up. The proliferation of urls leading to different instantations of our server, old and new is a bit of a problem.


Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. April 2019 um 13:05 Uhr
Von: "Karl Kleinpaste" 
An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: CPDV

On 4/18/19 6:53 AM, Peter Von Kaehne wrote:

uses the same module manager as Xiphos

Crosswire's mods.d.tar.gz was not regenerated after the update. That's why Xiphos doesn't see it after refresh.

$ pwd
$ ls -l cpdv.conf 
-rw-r--r-- 1 karl karl 2257 Jan 16  2014 cpdv.conf
$ ls -lc cpdv.conf 
-rw-r--r-- 1 karl karl 2257 Apr 18 07:59 cpdv.conf
$ grep ^Version cpdv.conf 

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Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: CPDV

2019-04-18 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
I downloaded it in  Bishop (which uses the same module manager as Xiphos and 
saw it on the site ready for jsword frontends as zip.


> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. April 2019 um 09:47 Uhr
> Von: "Cyrille" 
> An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" , 
> Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: CPDV
> I download manually because xiphos doens't see it. Maybe you need to add
> this entry in the conf:
> Versification=Vulg
> Il 18/04/2019 10:11, ha scritto:
> > Dear All,
> > This is to announce that we have just now uploaded CPDV.
> > This is is an updated version of CPDV.
> > Many thanks to update for the hard work.
> >
> > yours
> >
> > The Module Team
> >
> > P.S.: This email is sent automatically on upload of a new/updated module
> >
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Re: [sword-devel] How to add/create new repository

2019-04-17 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
Cyrille you will get mail off list re contacts

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. April 2019 um 12:00 Uhr
Von: "Cyrille" 
An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] How to add/create new repository

Il 17/04/2019 11:58, Troy A. Griffitts ha scritto:

Dear Fr. Cyrille,

I you do decide to make a new remote SWORD install repository, please let us know.  We have a registry of known repositories our engine uses to discover where look for offering modules to users for install.  We would love to support your work and make it visible to our users.

Thanks Troy I appreciate! But I'm just testing/learning possibilities. I'm invited to the Catholic Biblical Federation Congress the next week, and I hope to present diverse tools for the bible use, reading, publication, etc (for that I worked also to perform the Italian translation). And about Free software/ Free copyright. I don't know if they will be open to it, I will see but the friend who invited me think that... It will be a workshop on new technologies and Bible.
I had only the idea to present the possibility to have an own repository.

But for my new modules and new corrections of modules, I think it's better if all can be distributed by the crosswire repository. The true problem is time... If someone can help Peter to check all my propositions it can be very help full. I propose at least 6 modules not yet published (see gitlab to see what I did). I stopped to work on old issues for this reason. When the currents patch will be published i'll continue to work on other modules. And I have also a complet LXX and Vulgate text, I found 5 others sources text linked to some issues in the bug tracker.

I have a really opportunity this year to work on it. After that it will not be possible as now...

Good walk to Eastern!



On 4/16/19 5:58 AM, Cyrille wrote:

I found, it really me who don't look well... Thank and to David → Good idea.
Il 16/04/2019 14:53, David Haslam ha scritto:

It would be grand if the SWORD module manager could use further protocols such as WebDAV. 


Then anyone with a cloud storage account on (e.g.) Box or Dropbox could easily host a repository. 




Sent from ProtonMail Mobile


On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 13:47, Cyrille  wrote:

I would like to know where found info for the creation of a new
repository. Is it possible to use an htpps repositiry? As example a
gitlab one?

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Re: [sword-devel] How to add/create new repository

2019-04-17 Thread Peter Von Kaehne

Thanks Troy,


I think Cyrille's repo would be an experimental one - we have a steady flow of his modules into our repos and in the process continue to eliminate problems as David and I find them.





Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. April 2019 um 10:58 Uhr
Von: "Troy A. Griffitts" 
Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] How to add/create new repository

Dear Fr. Cyrille,

I you do decide to make a new remote SWORD install repository, please let us know.  We have a registry of known repositories our engine uses to discover where look for offering modules to users for install.  We would love to support your work and make it visible to our users.



On 4/16/19 5:58 AM, Cyrille wrote:

I found, it really me who don't look well... Thank and to David → Good idea.
Il 16/04/2019 14:53, David Haslam ha scritto:

It would be grand if the SWORD module manager could use further protocols such as WebDAV. 


Then anyone with a cloud storage account on (e.g.) Box or Dropbox could easily host a repository. 




Sent from ProtonMail Mobile


On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 13:47, Cyrille  wrote:

I would like to know where found info for the creation of a new
repository. Is it possible to use an htpps repositiry? As example a
gitlab one?

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Re: [sword-devel] How to add/create new repository

2019-04-16 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
The wiki has an article on that.

> Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. April 2019 um 13:47 Uhr
> Von: "Cyrille" 
> An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
> Betreff: [sword-devel] How to add/create new repository
> Hello,
> I would like to know where found info for the creation of a new
> repository. Is it possible to use an htpps repositiry? As example a
> gitlab one?
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[sword-devel] Public domain texts in CrossWire

2019-04-11 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Dear all,

First of all thanks for the reaction to my request for the texts of the
two dictionary modules. I have received them from several sources and
have put them up for public use, contributions etc.

Which brings me to a second related matter. The module team  have a
growing presence on GitLab where we store some of our public domain and
otherwise freely licensed texts and work on new texts together.

Anyone who wants to get involved - please do so!



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[sword-devel] TEI schema flawed?

2019-04-10 Thread Peter von Kaehne
I am trying to validate a couple of new TEI modules and am getting
error messages which seem to refer to our schema and not to the module
I am trying to test. But frankly, this is way above my head.

peter@peterdell:~/Biblestuff/clean/frebailly$ xmllint --noout --schema frebailly.tei.xml element complexType:
Schemas parser error : local complex type: The content model is not
determinist. element
complexType: Schemas parser error : local complex type: The content
model is not determinist. element
complexType: Schemas parser error : local complex type: The content
model is not determinist.
WXS schema failed to

Any suggestions?

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Re: [sword-devel] Question about GerHfa2002 and locked modules in general

2019-03-29 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
There is not other than by testing against existence of a key in the conf file


> Gesendet: Freitag, 29. März 2019 um 14:59 Uhr
> Von: "Tobias Klein" 
> An: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
> Betreff: [sword-devel] Question about GerHfa2002 and locked modules in general
> Hi,
> I stumbled across GerHfa2002 and found that it's a locked module. 
> Is it possible through the API of InstallMgr or SWModule to detect 
> whether a module is locked or not?
> It would be nice if the user could see that piece of information before 
> installing a module that requires an unlock key.
> I didn't find any way to get that information automatically.
> Best regards,
> Tobias
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Re: [sword-devel] Where is current cipherraw.exe for Windows?

2019-03-27 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
Von: "David Haslam" 

> Greg also maintains a copy of Sword utilities compiled for Windows at
> Are these also without cipherraw.exe ?

I checked the newest incarnation. Cipherraw is not part of it. 
> If so, what’s the story that caused the omission ?

I think it is set as not to be built and installed in the source's makefiles. 
You would need to compile it by hand. 


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Re: [sword-devel] Platform for the distribution of non-free Sword Modules

2019-03-15 Thread Peter Von Kaehne
Other parser do go remote. I change for that reason the reference in my source files to a local file.

Gesendet: Freitag, 15. März 2019 um 14:47 Uhr
Von: "DM Smith" 
An: "David Haslam" , "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum" 
Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] Platform for the distribution of non-free Sword Modules

For the parser built into Java, the schema (BTW, a nitpick, it’s not a DTD) needs to be local. It will not go across the network to retrieve it.

DM Smith

On Mar 15, 2019, at 10:36 AM, David Haslam  wrote:

Ah - but you do have to somewhere have an accessible copy of the DTD file. 


You can change its path to something else online (CrossWire or eBible) or (faster still) somewhere local and validation will work. 


But you have to first know that this is required, especially if you use a conversion script that uses the original path for the schema. 


As Tom explains, the other instances of the URL are not used for remote access. 




Sent from ProtonMail Mobile


On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 14:26, Tom Sullivan  wrote:


If this question involves the use of that address
with respect to XML and validation of an XML file, please note that it
has been a point of general confusion for XML users, but the address is
only a unique identifier. There is no need for any parser or validator
to actually access that URL. This is a rather obscure point.

If the question is otherwise, sorry for another email.

Tom Sullivan
FAX: 815-301-2835

On 3/15/19 10:11 AM, David Haslam wrote:
> As regards the BibleTech conference.
> Much though I’d love to come to something I’ve never been to, there are
> personal circumstances preventing it this year.
> If Troy does attend, please can something be done about the permanent
> timeout that occurs for the domain specified in the OSIS header!
> This still needs fixing, even if the OSIS committee no longer convenes.
> Who is able to unravel this ?
> Best regards,
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 00:44, Troy A. Griffitts 
> > wrote:
>> To piggy-back on what Peter is saying...  from the last few emails, I
>> am not sure everyone is on the same page...
>> Michael Paul Johnson already converts the free DBL texts to SWORD
>> modules automatically and makes them available for all of our software
>> (the remote installation source).  As Peter says, I don't
>> believe an automated conversion of USX to OSIS is ideal, but it works
>> well enough to mostly read the text.  I think Michael has done the
>> best job he can do with an automated conversion of USX to OSIS to
>> SWORD module.
>> My previous encouragement to proceed to pursue one Bible of interest
>> with a publisher was not an encouragement to do this with the intent
>> to start a 3rd party company to sell content for CrossWire software
>> for that publisher.  My encouragement was to follow our policy and
>> negotiate as a volunteer of CrossWire and explain CrossWire's policy
>> to the publisher and offer to do the work and let the publisher sell
>> their unlock key.  To be clear, I would discourage anyone from
>> pursuing an effort to start another organization to become a middleman
>> selling publisher data for CrossWire software.  There are very good
>> reasons we are a non-income organization and it has served us well.
>> It removes jealousy from any individual making money from the
>> collaboration of so many.  I would make very clear to any publisher we
>> speak with that we discourage and do not endorse any organization who
>> wishes to sell that publishers content for CrossWire software, other
>> than the publisher themselves.  To repeat, I am not against modern
>> content being sold for CrossWire software.  We have spent much effort
>> into facilitating this for publishers and have a plan for them which
>> they have been happy to follow.  Summarily, in my experience over the
>> past 5 years, any publisher I have pursued has been willing to take
>> advantage of our current policy, as I have explained.  They are happy
>> to sell their own content.  They are surprised we don't want a cut.
>> They appreciate our ministry. Please do not try to solve a problem
>> which you have not yet run up against.  The issue is motivated
>> volunteers.  We have had people take this up in the past.  Here is our
>> last effort:
>> It has been so long ago, I can't remember who was leading that
>> effort.  It has long been defunct, but the goals were all aligned with
>> our community.  Reach out to publishers, explain what we offer them,
>> keep track of contacts and history of communication, encourage other
>> volunteers to understand our policies and get involved to push a pet
>> text forward.
>> Please feel free to do the hard work of 

Re: [sword-devel] Platform for the distribution of non-free Sword Modules

2019-03-14 Thread Peter Von Kaehne

Menge should be be free - the problem is how to get a good source text. The German Bible Society does not encouarge access to it so you need to "harvest" the text last time I looked.

Schlachter 2000 - The Geneve bible Society has years ago promised to see the text as a module for us - I did their work for them, they have it. I was in the end disinterested in it as I barely use German and did not follow it through.

Luther 1984 - They are perfectly willing to sell themselves, but want to know how much they would sell.


Elberfelder said yes, no, yes, then no again when I asked the last time.


Neue Genfer I never asked.



Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. März 2019 um 07:32 Uhr
Von: "Tobias Klein" 
Betreff: Re: [sword-devel] Platform for the distribution of non-free Sword Modules


this would be my personal wish list:

New International Version
New American Standard Bible
New King James Version

Revidierte Elberfelder
Schlachter 2000
Luther 1984
Neue Genfer Übersetzung

I realize that all of these are available in a free mobile app or also online on websites. So I do have access to the text.
When doing bible study, though, I want to work with these translations right in my own bible software on my desktop computer. I want to work with the text, link my own material to it, take notes, create outlines, maintain topical verse lists, create markup. And it's odd to do this with older translations than I'm used to from my printed bibles. Some websites have some of these study features. But I don't want to store my personal bible study material on some online server.

I know a lot of other people with similar needs, both in Germany and the US.

Best regards,

On 13.03.19 21:02, Michael H wrote:

What's your target audience geographically?  Is this mostly non-English speaking concern? or is the gap of material mostly English?

On a desktop (in English,) the gap that "free" can't currently fill is not Bible Text, but in 20 and 21st century scholarship about Bible issues.  It is very easy to see the text of practically any version of the Bible on a desktop computer with an internet connection.  I nor any serious Bible Scholar doesn't need those.  

The Gap (in English) that "free" can't fill are the copyrighted libraries of Logos and Accordance beyond the Bible text.

If you study that list, and make a list of "Can I access this online for free?"  The Bibles all get check marks, but then the rest of those $5000-3 Library items are all unchecked.  Some of these items I've run into in discussions where my lack of access does leave me relying on mentions in email and chat groups, not the primary source. 

The priority that exists for open source libraries is the large library of current and modern scholarship on the Bible that is locked behind near perpetual copyrights. Lack of modern scholarship is one of many sources but nearly a majority source of sectarian ideas like "KJVO" and the "mama trinity."  These wacky topics have been debunked over and over in modern scholarship.  And with true open libraries, KJVO and "mama trinity" wouldn't even exist. (and I'm not suggesting here anything directly about KJVO or a feminine member of the Trinity, those are just lead ins to hitting that paywall I keep running into. You can freely insert your gaps of knowledge that you study on but never find good materials for.) 




On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 1:54 PM Tobias Klein  wrote:

On 13.03.19 13:14, Dominique Corbex wrote:
> In France, people use modern (non-free) translation too, but *printed*
> Bibles.
> Some people I know have installed Bible apps on their phones but are not willing to pay for a non-free version.
> And for good reason, popular modern translation have their own free apps on Play Store:

Apps are often times available with non-free translations for free, but
that's not the case for decent desktop bible study software.
Even if the market is reduced to desktop bible study programs, that's
still a rather large market where Sword-based software could increase
its share.
Desktop bible study software is often times used by people in ministries
(teaching/preaching/bible study preparation). And these kind of users
are usually also ready to pay.

Best regards,

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Re: [sword-devel] Platform for the distribution of non-free Sword Modules

2019-03-12 Thread Peter von Kaehne
I would actively oppose this proposal. 

Leaving aside a few popular but otherwise irrelevant texts (NIV etc)
there is nothing gained in this proposal. I do not want us to sell
texts and by and large we get the texts we really want or need for

DBL is a matter of concern - agreed. But not the rest. 


On Tue, 2019-03-12 at 22:19 +, David Haslam wrote:
> I first had to learn what the jargon meant - which just about
> demonstrated that there are some aspects of this proposal for which
> I’m not ideally suited. 
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 22:11, Tobias Klein 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm following up on the last thread that I started. Who would be
> > interested in actively supporting the following idea:
> > 
> > - Develop/set up an online platform that sells non-free Bible
> > translations as locked Sword modules
> > - Establish a non-profit that becomes a Library Card Holder @ The
> > Digital Bible Library (DBL)
> > - Negotiate with Bible Societies to actually get licenses for
> > distributing specific non-free Bible translations
> > - Develop a software that uses the DBL's REST API for automatically
> > creating locked Sword modules
> > 
> > Anyone interested? We would need:
> > - People who handle communication/negotiation
> > - People who know how to set up an online platform (ideally with
> > web programming skills)
> > - People who create the software that creates sword modules from
> > the DBL REST API.
> > - People with admin/accounting skills
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > Tobias
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Re: [sword-devel] New/modern (copyrighted) bible translations

2019-03-10 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Sun, 2019-03-10 at 10:50 -1000, Michael Johnson wrote:
> Hello, Tobias & all.
> I would like to clear up a misconception about the Every Tribe Every
> Nation (ETEN) Digital Bible Library (DBL). Getting admitted as a
> library card holder does not give you access to any Bible
> translations you cannot access without such access. Read that again.
> Getting admitted as a library card holder does not give you access to
> any Bible translations you cannot access without such access. All it
> does is give you a channel to negotiate individually with all of the
> Intellectual Property Contributors (IPCs)
> in the DBL, more or less like you would without the DBL.

That may be so in theory, but in practice lack of membership has shut
down a growing number of negotiations I was involved in. There is no
good reason why we are not a member and every reason to be a member. 


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Re: [sword-devel] CrossWire repos?

2019-03-08 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Fri, 2019-03-08 at 07:08 +, David Haslam wrote:

> [Nic is] the pumpkin holder for PS. 

I think this is a generous description - as a pumpkin it is barely
held. Nic has not done much or any work on PS for now years and has
been very clear that he is looking for someone else to take it on from
him. There was a short period of hope when someone stepped up to make
it 64bit compatible, but that activity has ceased too. 

> Finally, PS needs serious work to successfully recompile against iOS
> 12.1.x 
> It’s a long time since the last PS release!
And I do think this is not likely to come. Which is a real problem.
Just like And Bible PocketSword is a run away success. Both of these
programmes make as far as I can tell the vast vast bulk of our module
uploads and have catapulted CrossWire into a much bigger league.

I would like to see Bishop or something else replacing PocketSword -
but I think this is unlikely simply dt the name recognition effect and
the huge usership. 

Further - compared to Android phones, iphones/ipads etc have a much
longer use period and 4, 5 year old phones are well in use in plenty
places and even older phones are still sold for decent money - but may
well be unable to update much beyond what is on there. 

I think if at all possible we need to maintain backwards compatibility
for old PocketSword installs for a long time - but we also need to find
some solution to its forward development. 

Is it possible to put a PocketSword like UI front onto Bishop and then
create a clear upgrade path - renaming Bishop into PocketSword X.0
(whatever the last version of it was +1)?  


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Re: [sword-devel] Bible Translation Plautdietsch

2019-02-05 Thread Peter Von Kaehne

Dear Timmy,


To the best of myt knowledge we have never tried getting this or any other Plattdeutsch/Plautdietsch translations. The reference you found is something else - it gives our programmes a language list skeleton to sort Bibles under - so if we had one, it would turn up under the right heading.


The best approach re copyrights is always a direct question, preferentially personally directed phonecall/email/letter and only after figuring out who exactly you need to speak to. You want to cut out all those many who might bin it instead of passing on. So some phone calls/internet searches and then once you got a name and a direct email address - a  targetted approach. At some point one of us (Troy or me) would need to come into it to discuss the legal detail, but if you go and ask - as a user of the translation - you will nearly always find you get a better hearing then if we come from the outside.

The main questions we would have is


a) we want permission to distribute as CrossWire module

b) we need the text preferentially from source, which is as this is a UBS text, likely in USFM format







Gesendet: Dienstag, 05. Februar 2019 um 12:07 Uhr
Von: "Timmy" 
Betreff: [sword-devel] Bible Translation Plautdietsch

Good day friends,

I am new in this group and I have a question about getting another translation available as a SWORD module.

My native language is Plautdietsch, we call it "Low German" when speaking in English, and there is a Bible version in this language already, joint published by Kindred Productions ( and United Bible Societies ( The Bible can be seen online here:


Is there someone here who has already gotten permissions from one of these publishers or knows what is the best way to do it?

Secondly, I am willing to go ahead and try to do it myself, but can someone here give me information on what the specifics of the permission need to be? I am not familiar with what license it needs to be, or whom they are giving permission to, in order to do this.


Any help and pointers would be greatly appreciated!

I saw a long list of languages in this mail list thread from 2009, where Plautdietsch is in the list. I am not sure if it's just a list of languages or what, because I have not found any materials in this language in the modules.

God bless.
Timmy Braun
Belize, Central America


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[sword-devel] Signatures - was Aw: Re: Audio projects? (Video projects?)

2019-01-22 Thread Peter Von Kaehne

> Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Januar 2019 um 13:29 Uhr
> Von: "Tom Sullivan" 

> Tom Sullivan
> FAX: 815-301-2835
> -
> Great News!
> God created you, owns you and gave you commands to obey.
> You have disobeyed God - as your conscience very well attests to you.
> God's holiness and justice compel Him to punish you in Hell.
> Jesus Christ became Man, was crucified, buried and rose from the dead
> as a substitute for all who trust in Him, redeeming them from Hell.
> If you repent (turn from your sin) and believe (trust) in Jesus Christ,
> you will go to Heaven. Otherwise you will go to Hell.
> Warning! Good works are a result, not cause, of saving trust.
> More info is at
> Do you believe this? Copy this signature into your email program
> and use the Internet to spread the Great News every time you email.

On a side note - longwinded "signatures", corporate disclaimers, not-so-funny 
quotes or as here lengthy directions to find salvation are not really 
acceptable on mailing lists, including a Christian one as this one here. We do 
not enforce much netiquette - but I do think yours has grown to a length which 
makes reading a thread really quite difficult. 

Can I ask you please to ensure that your signature is somewhat shortened to 
maybe 2, 3 lines max? or, better, switched off for responses to this list? 



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Re: [sword-devel] Second versions, Scottish Metric Psalter

2019-01-13 Thread Peter von Kaehne
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >  Original Message 
> > > > Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Second versions, Scottish Metric
> > > > Psalter
> > > > From: David Haslam 
> > > > To: DM Smith 
> > > > CC: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > > NB. Peter's initial message contained a broken link to
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > The repo is now at
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > i.e. In our public facing location for PD text development.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Best regards,
> > > > > 
> > > > > David
> > > > > 
> > > > > Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> > > > > 
> > > > > ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> > > > > On Saturday, 12 January 2019 13:25, DM Smith <
> > > > >> wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > > If you make one module do it as variations verse by verse.
> > > > > >  JSword works on this basis. Each needs to be well-formed
> > > > > > XML. Otherwise it will toss the markup.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Do the canonical headings vary too? That might pose a
> > > > > > single module problem.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > David and I have discussed supporting multiple KJV modules
> > > > > > from a single xml doc using a filter (e.g. XSLT) to produce
> > > > > > subsets. Examples, with Apocrypha, without such, long s
> > > > > > variant, .
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I already have a couple of XSLT filters that others
> > > > > > requested: no notes or Strong’s numbers; Plaintext.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > In Him,
> > > > > >DM Smith
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > On Jan 12, 2019, at 7:38 AM, David Haslam <
> > > > > >> wrote:
> > > > > > > Sparsely populated
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > On Sat, Jan 12, 2019 at 12:37, <
> > > > > > >> wrote:
> > > > > > > > Never looked at it. Why?
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos
> > > > > > > > and weird autocorrects.
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > >  Original Message 
> > > > > > > > Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Second versions, Scottish
> > > > > > > > Metric Psalter
> > > > > > > > From: David Haslam 
> > > > > > > > To:
> > > > > > > > CC: 
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > You mean the Samaritan Pentateuch Dead Sea Scrolls
> > > > > > > > > variant module SPDSS isn't rather more of an overkill
> > > > > > > > > ?
> > > > > > > > > Have you ever looked at the contents?
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > I was about to suggest the same as Tom Sullivan did.
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > A second module with just the alternative versions of
> > > > > > > > > these 11 or 12 Psalms,
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > But is there a third metrical version of any Psalm?
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > David
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > On Sat, Jan 12, 2019 at 10:30, Peter von Kaehne <
> > > > > > > > >> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > On Sat, 2019-01-12 at 05:15 -0500, Tom Sullivan
> > > > > > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > > Peter:
> > > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > > Suggestion: Make 2 modules, one for each
> > > > > > > > > > translation. Most front
> > > > > > > > > > > ends
> > > > > > > > > > > will do parallel display.
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > For 11 or 12 (I need to count them) psalms that
> > > > > > > > > > seems overkill.
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > Peter
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > ___
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> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at
> > > > > > > > > > above page
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > >  
> > > > > > > ___
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> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above
> > > > > > > page
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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> >
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Re: [sword-devel] Second versions, Scottish Metric Psalter

2019-01-12 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Sat, 2019-01-12 at 05:15 -0500, Tom Sullivan wrote:
> Peter:
> Suggestion: Make 2 modules, one for each translation. Most front
> ends 
> will do parallel display.

For 11 or 12 (I need to count them) psalms that seems overkill. 


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[sword-devel] Second versions, Scottish Metric Psalter

2019-01-12 Thread Peter von Kaehne
The Scottish Metric Psalter is a curious translation - on the one side
famously literal, on the other side deliberately in a poem form. It has
now been used for hundreds of years in public worship, in some churches
as an additional source of hymns, in others exclusively so as the only
permitted source of worship songs (again, another Scottish curiosity).

I have reformatted the 1650 version into USFM. This version is
underlying much of more modern editions and is really quite
understandable already, despite its age.

But before I make a module from it I need to solve one conundrum - 11
or 12 psalms have two translations. I could cut the second versions out
- but that feels wrong. I could banish them into a footnote each - but
the footnote would be enormously long and it would loose its poetic
formatting. I have thought of the variant reading mark up - but this is
currently quite underdeveloped in the engine and certainly does not
seem to be up to whole chapters of variant readings.

I finally have thought of reversifying the second version and make
those psalms essentially double length - but our handling of such
overlong chapters is not grand either.

Any other options I have not thought of? 


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[sword-devel] CrossWire Society on GitLab, our own GitLab server

2019-01-11 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Over and above the GitLab server which we now have installed and active
on the CrossWire server we have also a group on GitLab(the company). We
also have a pre-existing CrossWire group on GitHub (the company)

The rough division of labour between the two GitLab instances is 

On CrossWire's server we will host canonical shared software (not so
much individual members's private repos of the same) and internal text
projects which should not be exposed to the world at large. 

Latter will be short living projects on not-public domain texts which
will invariably get deleted again and are solely to offer us a work
space to collaborate until we have something ready to make a module
from and/or something to submit again upstream. 

The GitLab (the company) group has a wider remit - it offers
collaboration space to all who participate in the widest sense, as
there is no premium to be paid for server space or backup facilities we
are quite free to keep things there in eternity. That said - also in
relation to public domain texts , it is by far better in general if we
try and identify those that hold some maintenance function for such
public domain texts and submit our corrections and improvements there
instead of keeping them under CrossWire's name. By agreement from long
time ago CrossWire does not want to become a text repository - though
often enough members of us have been on the forefront of maintaining
important Public Domain texts.  

We will not keep any canonical software repositories on the GitLab
(company) site as we want to maintain ultimate control over these. 

So, with this explanation out of the way, can I invite interested
members of these mailing lists to join both our CrossWire group on
GitLab(the company) - particularly if you are interested or involved in
(public domain) text development and our own GitLab instance on
CrossWire server - particularly if you already collaborate with others
of us on restricted license texts or our software.

Yours in Him 


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Re: [sword-devel] Text and module development on CrossWire

2019-01-09 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Wed, 2019-01-09 at 14:53 +, David Haslam wrote:

> Not sure if this was the wisest structure for what we are doing
> here. 

No, possibly not. You start with one thing and then change it about
until it fits. I have also created several other repos to which others
only have access. 

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Re: [sword-devel] Text and module development on CrossWire

2019-01-09 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Wed, 2019-01-09 at 12:20 +0100, Matěj Cepl wrote:
> If I am granted access, I will immediately move all my 
> repositories from there.

You got access. Please do not move Bible texts which are in the public
domain and would benefit from wider collaboration (i.e. beyond
CrossWire folk). Gitlab/Github exposure will do us only good. Also we
want to keep our own backup needs to the minimum. 

But texts for which you want to have easy access to CrossWire wide help
while needing to keep them otherwise under wraps and restricted access
- our Gitlab is the right place for that. 

And of course it is the right place for all kinds of module related
scripts etc. 



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[sword-devel] Text and module development on CrossWire

2019-01-08 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Dear All, 

we have now a fairly sophisticated GitLab instance installed on
CrossWire and I have started installing all kinds of projects there
which had been lying fallow in parts. I also have invited several of
you as contributors and developers there and will invite more as it
becomes obvious and necessary.



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Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: TurNTB

2019-01-07 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Cyrille - please send me your SSH key. I will make you part of the
module team completely so that we can share texts etc. 


On Mon, 2019-01-07 at 20:46 +0100, Cyrille wrote:
> The cross-references are not usable. David proposed to use
> to
> adjust it. I can help if necessary.
> Il 07/01/2019 20:34, ha scritto:
> > Dear All,
> > This is to announce that we have just now uploaded TurNTB.
> > This is is an updated version of TurNTB.
> > Many thanks to David for the hard work.
> > 
> > yours
> > 
> > The Module Team
> > 
> > P.S.: This email is sent automatically on upload of a new/updated
> > module
> > 
> > ___
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> >
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> ___
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Re: [sword-devel] Short/Long Bible & Commentary Modules

2019-01-07 Thread Peter von Kaehne

> ArmEastern
> Chamorro
> Cro
> CzeB21
> Est
> GerAlbrecht
> GerGruenewald
> GerTafel
> GerTextbibel
> Leeser
> ManxGaelic
> SweKarlXII
> Tyndale
> Vulgate_HebPs
> Wulfila
> Wycliffe
> The following CrossWire commentaries also have a non-problematic
> short OT index:
> Spurious

Apart from the Wycliffe I do not hold anything on these. The Wycliff is
now updated. 

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Re: [sword-devel] Short/Long Bible & Commentary Modules

2019-01-07 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Tue, 2019-01-01 at 13:22 -0500, DM Smith wrote:
> The CrossWire Bible modules that have a visible NT problem having 2
> extra verses: (All are KJV, but maybe should be NRSV av11n)
> HebDelitzsch
> PorAlmeida1911
> PolUGdanska
> Shona

I have just now reissued the above modules. Please tell me if the
problme is gone. I can not say I have yet fully understood it - but I
think if it was a problem on the tool chain side gthis should now be


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Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: SpaRV1865

2019-01-07 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Mon, 2019-01-07 at 13:29 +, David Haslam wrote:
> Wow! That was quick!

That was the whole point of getting things automatised - whatever the
various flaws on the way are or were - I am now at a place where I need
a few minutes of time and peace and can do it very fast. 


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[sword-devel] Test messages Re: Module upload: PolUGdanska

2019-01-05 Thread Peter von Kaehne
Sorry, this is mainly a test message and will probably come a few more


On Sat, 2019-01-05 at 12:51 -0500, wrote:
> Dear All,
> This is to announce that we have just now uploaded PolUGdanska.
> This is is an updated version of PolUGdanska.
> Many thanks to David for the hard work.
> yours
> The Module Team
> P.S.: This email is sent automatically on upload of a new/updated
> module
> ___
> sword-devel mailing list:
> Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page

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Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: JapDenmo

2019-01-05 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Sat, 2019-01-05 at 10:38 -0500, DM Smith wrote:
> Thanks for the info. That’s very helpful.
> I’ve a script ~dmsmith/bin/ which will examine a
> repository for lots of issues and attempt to fix them.

Please let me have that. I can make it part of my routine too. 

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Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: JapDenmo

2019-01-05 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Sat, 2019-01-05 at 09:07 -0500, DM Smith wrote:
> There are several parts to this:
> The email is published the moment that the module is put in mods.d
> and module.

No. It is published on conclusion of a bunch of things - see below

> Daily mods.d.tar.gz is rebuilt with the listing of mods.d.

I trigger that myself immediately after uploading a new module 

> The module is zipped when a user requests the download via the
> website’s listing of modules.

I drop a zip into the right place, bypassing that need. 

> The indexes for PocketSword and AndBible are built on a daily basis.

I push the zip into the right place too. 

> The module sizes are updated into the conf daily.

That is done by the cron scripts still, yes

> The host and guest repositories are synchronized daily.

That seems to happen occasionally, not daily for the modules and has
not happened for the indices for a long time - several months. 

> Front end users only know of the module when they refresh their
> module listing.

Unless they listen into our mailing lists. Also, I tend to put out a
news item on Facebook and Server News page if I upload a significant
update or a totally new module - but this has become a bit hit and miss
with the delays 


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Re: [sword-devel] Short/Long Bible & Commentary Modules

2019-01-05 Thread Peter von Kaehne
On Wed, 2019-01-02 at 14:45 -0500, DM Smith wrote:
> osis2mod still defaults to KJV. From the SVN logs, that hasn’t
> changed. BTW, osis2mod doesn’t care about a conf.
> If Peter built it, perhaps Peter’s scripted calls to osis2mod default
> to -v NRSV and didn’t catch that your conf was explicit. 

I do not know what could have gone wrong, but what I did I downloaded
the module and compared the size of its files with a new built one:

peter@peterdell:~/CrossWire/clean/polugdanska$ ls -l
total 2432
-rw--- 1 peter peter 336 Jan  5 11:23 nt.bzs
-rw--- 1 peter peter   82460 Jan  5 11:23 nt.bzv
-rw--- 1 peter peter  648643 Jan  5 11:23 nt.bzz
-rw--- 1 peter peter 480 Jan  5 11:23 ot.bzs
-rw--- 1 peter peter  241150 Jan  5 11:23 ot.bzv
-rw--- 1 peter peter 1501669 Jan  5 11:23 ot.bzz
peter@peterdell:~/CrossWire/clean/polugdanska$ ls -l
total 2432
-rw-r--r-- 1 peter peter 336 Jan  5 11:22 nt.bzs
-rw-r--r-- 1 peter peter   82480 Jan  5 11:22 nt.bzv
-rw-r--r-- 1 peter peter  648650 Jan  5 11:22 nt.bzz
-rw-r--r-- 1 peter peter 480 Jan  5 11:22 ot.bzs
-rw-r--r-- 1 peter peter  241150 Jan  5 11:22 ot.bzv
-rw-r--r-- 1 peter peter 1501676 Jan  5 11:22 ot.bzz

The latter is the old module - there are clearly some differences here.
Despite same text etc. 

What I will do I will re-issue the affected modules insofar as I have
them and we can see if the problem is gone. 


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