[sympy] Identifying repeated subexpressions in systems of equations

2008-06-13 Thread Luke

I'm working on some code that symbolically generates equations of
motion for mechanical systems.  I would like the equations to be
computationally efficient in that they don't repeatedly calculate
quantities that have previously been calculated -- i.e. if
cos(theta)*sin(alpha)*L is a subexpression that occurs in multiple
places in an equation, it would be identified and computed once and
stored in an intermediate variable that then replaces the
subexpression everywhere it occurs in the equation.  Does anybody know
a good algorithm for searching equations and building up a list of
subexpressions?  There could be many levels of subexpressions -- in
the example above, cos(theta) and sin(theta) themselves would like be
used in other subexpressions, so they could be considered
subexpressions themselves.

I have used a symbolic manipulator that has this feature but it is a
small closed source project and I don't know how they did it.  It is
very valuable though -- the difference in the file size for the right
hand sides of the differential equations for the system we are
studying is several orders of magnitude -- this makes integration
times *much* faster when this common subexpression replacement method
is used.

Any ideas or references on this subject?


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[sympy] Re: Identifying repeated subexpressions in systems of equations

2008-06-16 Thread Luke
, but basically
'P_NO_RO' denotes the position vector (hence the 'P'), from the point
NO, to the point RO.  Autolev recognizes 'NO' as the origin of a
Newtonian reference frame that I declared earlier (not shown), and
'RO' as the center of mass location of the rigid body 'R' (also
declared earlier).  Anything with a '' at the end of it denotes that
it is a vector, and most of the vectors here are the body fixed
vectors of each rigid body (they are created automatically upon
declaration of a rigid body).  Once the orientations of all of the
bodies has been declared, you can work with whichever coordinate
system is most convenient when describing the location of a center of
mass or a point.

Lines 163-202:  This best illustrates the behavior I am trying to
achieve.  Upon entering the definition of 'P_FO_NF' (the position
vector from the center of the front wheel to the front wheel - ground
contact point), the Autolev interpreter generates 28 intermediate 'Z'
variables before finally forming the final expression.  All of these
intermediate variables somehow involve the generalized coordinates of
the problem at hand (most happen to be angles) and hence they would
vary throughout the course of a numerical integration.  For
comparison, if P_FO_NF is expressed in the Newtonian frame and no
substitution is used, it looks like:

- (224) P_FO_NF = rf*(SIN(q4)*COS(q7)+SIN(q7)*COS(q4)*SIN(lambda
)/(1-(SIN(q4)*COS(q7)+SIN(q7)*COS(q4)*SIN(lambda+q6))^2)^0.5*N1 +
(q4)*SIN(lambda+q6))^2)^0.5*N2 + (rft+rf*(1-

It is easy to see that there are many repeated quantities in the above
expression and it makes sense that they only be computed once.  When
forming expressions for the velocities and accelerations, one can
imagine how long the expressions get after the application of the
chain rule many pages long.  I don't know if the method Autolev is
identifying and creating intermediate variables is the best way to do
it because I have seen cases that don't seem to actually simplify the
equations much, but for the most part, it seems to work well.  And, as
was mentioned by somebody else, there must be a trade off between
memory usage and flop usage.  I the problems I have worked on, using
extra memory used has been worth the savings in flops by a large
factor.  For example, the equations of motion for the Whipple bicycle
generated by Autolev are about 77kb, while those same equations
generated by another author's method are about 3.5mb, almost 2 orders
of magnitude larger.  Needless to say, numerical integration times are
much faster with the smaller more compact representation of the
equations of motion.

Essentially what I need to do is parse every equation and identify
subexressions (and then parse those subexpression and identify
subsubexpressions), and introduce variables for any that are used
more than once.  If a subexpression is found, but doesn't occur more
than once in any of the preceding equations, but then later shows up
in another equation, it would then be introduced as an intermediate
variable.  If they aren't used more than once, then it doesn't make
sense to introduce an intermediate variable for them, unless the goal
is simply just readability.

Any ideas on how to start parsing each equation and accumulating a
list of subexpressions?

I haven't had time to start coding this up in python yet, hopefully
I'll get started on this over the summer.


On Jun 15, 11:28 pm, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 17:46, Ondrej Certik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anyway, I created an issue for this:


 I've attached some nominally working code to the issue. Playing with
 it, I see some suboptimal results. First, it's quadratic, but I'm not
 clever enough to think of a way around that. Second, sympy's default
 representation of expressions isn't well-suited for this algorithm (or
 the other way around). For example:

 In [1]: from cse import cse

 In [2]: cse((x-y)*(z-y) + sqrt((x-y)*(z-y)))
 ⎛     ⎞
 ⎝[(x₀, -y), (x₁, x + x₀), (x₂, x₀ + z)], x₁*x₂ + ╲╱ x₁ *╲╱ x₂ ⎠

 We see that -y gets picked up as term that should be pulled out
 although it only shows up in the context of (x-y). For the typical use
 case, subtraction is an atomic operation, and the representation of
 (x-y) as Add(Mul(NegativeOne(-1), Symbol('y')), Symbol('x')) gets in
 the way.

 Although the input expression has both x1 and x2 under the same
 sqrt(), it gets broken out before the cse() function gets to look at
 it. It would be nice to stuff everything in that term

[sympy] Re: Identifying repeated subexpressions in systems of equations

2008-06-16 Thread Luke

  The Mathematica link you provided is exactly what I'm trying to do.
I haven't tried your python code yet but after reading it I think it
should work great.  I really appreciate your comments and your help!


On Jun 16, 12:14 pm, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 12:13, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Essentially what I need to do is parse every equation and identify
  subexressions (and then parse those subexpression and identify
  subsubexpressions), and introduce variables for any that are used
  more than once.  If a subexpression is found, but doesn't occur more
  than once in any of the preceding equations, but then later shows up
  in another equation, it would then be introduced as an intermediate
  variable.  If they aren't used more than once, then it doesn't make
  sense to introduce an intermediate variable for them, unless the goal
  is simply just readability.

  Any ideas on how to start parsing each equation and accumulating a
  list of subexpressions?

 Look at the code I provided attached to the issue.


 Robert Kern

 I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless
 enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as
 though it had an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco
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[sympy] Symbolic dot and cross products with implicit rotation matrices

2009-01-16 Thread Luke

I'm trying to figure out how I could implement in Sympy a way to take
dot and cross products of unit vectors in different reference frames.
For example, suppose I have a reference frame 'A', along with 3
dextral orthonormal vectors: a1, a2, a3.  I think I can figure out how
to code up something so that dot and cross products in the same
reference frame would give the following results:
In[1]:  dot(a1,a2)
Out[1]:  0
In[2]: dot(a1,a1)
Out[2]: 1
In[3]: cross(a1,a2)
Out[3]: a3

I haven't done this yet, but I think it should be pretty
straightforward.  What I would like to extend this to is to be able to
dot and cross multiply unit vectors from different reference frames.
For example, suppose I introduce a second reference frame 'B', along
with 3 dextral orthonormal vectors: b1, b2, b3, and I orient B by
aligning B with A then performing a simple rotation of B about the
a3=b3 axis by an angle q1.  Then:
b1 = cos(q1)*a1 + sin(q1)*a2
b2 = -sin(q1)*a1 + cos(q1)*a2
b3 = a3

I would like to then be able to do:
In[4]:  dot(a1,b1)
Out[4]: cos(q1)


I guess what I'm not sure about is how to structure all the objects so
that if a rotation matrix hasn't been defined between two reference
frames, an exception is raised and you can't take the dot or cross
product.  It would be ideal to be able to handle long chains of simple
rotations so that every possible rotation matrix wouldn't need to be
defined explicitly, i.e., if I specify the orientation of B relative
to A (as above), and then the orientation of another reference frame C
relative to B, and then try to take a dot product between a1 and c1,
the two rotation matrices (C to B, B to A) get multplied and then used
to compute the dot product.

I'm familiar with classes and python fairly well, and I know the
kinematics well, but I'm by no means an experience object oriented
programmer, so I'm not sure about how the best way to structure things
would be.

Any suggestions on how I might start on something like this?


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[sympy] Re: Symbolic dot and cross products with implicit rotation matrices

2009-01-17 Thread Luke

I would like everything to be symbolic.  If you have two reference
frames, say A and B, you can only take the dot product of a vector
expressed using the A coordinates with a vector expressed in the B
coordinates if you know the rotation matrix that relates the two
reference frames.  For example:
Take A and B to be two reference frames that have a set of 3 dextral
orthonormal vectors ( i.e, dot(a1,a2)=dot(a2,a3)=dot(a1,a3)=0, cross
(a1,a2)=a3, cross(a2,a3)=a1, and cross(a3,a1)=a2).  Define the
orientation of B relative to A by initially aligning a1 with b1, a2
with b2, a3 with b3, then performing a right handed rotation of B
relative to A by an angle q1 about an axis parallel to a3 (and b3).
b1 = cos(q1)*a1 + sin(q1)*a2
b2 = -sin(q1)*a1 + cos(q1)*a2
b3 = a3

Normally I would write a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3 in bold or with a carat above
them, the way you might see them in a physics class or a dynamics
class, but I think you get the idea.

Now, in order to take a dot product of two vectors that are expressed
in the same reference frame coordinates, we use the following rules:
dot(a1,a2) = 0
dot(a1,a3) = 0
dot(a2, a3) = 0

So any vector expression that only involves terms with a1,a2,a3, we
can easily a dot() function to implement the above rules for the dot
product.  But what if we need to dot multiply a1 and b1?  Then we need
to either 1) express a1 in terms of B coordinate basis vectors, or 2)
express b1 in terms of A coordinate basis vectors.  Here is where we
need to rotation matrix defined above, and here is how I'm not sure of
how to best implement things.  I'm looking for a good way to store the
rotation matrices with the reference frame objects  If one defines
successive rotations, say, starting with A, then orienting B relative
to A, then C relative to B, then D relative to C, we want to have the
dot() function be able to resolve the dot product of say d1 and a1,
even though the rotation matrix between D and A wasn't explicitly
defined (instead is it is implicitly defined through a series of
matrix multiplications).  One could imagine a long chain of rotations,
with various branches (as is common in the case of multi-body
systems).  How to best store the and resolve the various rotations is
what I'm after.

The reason I would like to do this is to be ably to use the following
syntax to define the position of one point q relative to another p:
p_q_p = q2*a1 + q3*b2

and the be able to do:
and get:
q2 - sin(q1)*q3

(recall, b2 = -sin(q1)*a1+cos(q1)*a2)

Hopefully this clarifies what I'm trying to do.


On Jan 17, 5:12 am, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:
 Luke wrote:
  I'm trying to figure out how I could implement in Sympy a way to take
  dot and cross products of unit vectors in different reference frames.
  For example, suppose I have a reference frame 'A', along with 3
  dextral orthonormal vectors: a1, a2, a3.  I think I can figure out how
  to code up something so that dot and cross products in the same
  reference frame would give the following results:
  In[1]:  dot(a1,a2)
  Out[1]:  0
  In[2]: dot(a1,a1)
  Out[2]: 1
  In[3]: cross(a1,a2)
  Out[3]: a3

  I haven't done this yet, but I think it should be pretty
  straightforward.  What I would like to extend this to is to be able to
  dot and cross multiply unit vectors from different reference frames.
  For example, suppose I introduce a second reference frame 'B', along
  with 3 dextral orthonormal vectors: b1, b2, b3, and I orient B by
  aligning B with A then performing a simple rotation of B about the
  a3=b3 axis by an angle q1.  Then:
  b1 = cos(q1)*a1 + sin(q1)*a2
  b2 = -sin(q1)*a1 + cos(q1)*a2
  b3 = a3

  I would like to then be able to do:
  In[4]:  dot(a1,b1)
  Out[4]: cos(q1)


  I guess what I'm not sure about is how to structure all the objects so
  that if a rotation matrix hasn't been defined between two reference
  frames, an exception is raised and you can't take the dot or cross
  product.  It would be ideal to be able to handle long chains of simple
  rotations so that every possible rotation matrix wouldn't need to be
  defined explicitly, i.e., if I specify the orientation of B relative
  to A (as above), and then the orientation of another reference frame C
  relative to B, and then try to take a dot product between a1 and c1,
  the two rotation matrices (C to B, B to A) get multplied and then used
  to compute the dot product.

  I'm familiar with classes and python fairly well, and I know the
  kinematics well, but I'm by no means an experience object oriented
  programmer, so I'm not sure about how the best way to structure things
  would be.

  Any suggestions on how I might start on something like this?


 Do you want to do this purely symbolically or are you going to put in
 specific values?  That is do you want sympy only to generate symbolic
 formulas that you will later use in a program or do you want

[sympy] Identifying additive terms in an expression

2009-01-17 Thread Luke

If I have a symbolic expression like:
expr = a*sin(x) + b*cos(y) - c*tan(z)

I can get each individual additive term, sort of like:
In[1]:  terms(expr)
Out[1]:  [a*sin(x), b*cos(y), -c*tan(z)]


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[sympy] Fwd: Confused about something

2009-04-16 Thread Luke

I'm working on equality comparisons for a class I call 'Vector'.
Really this class is to represent Vectors in R^3, but in a way that
allows for both symbolic and numeric evaluation, and to allow for
Vectors to be defined as linear combinations of UnitVectors (another
class) that a fixed in ReferenceFrames (another class, oriented
through rotations).  Anyway,  Ondrej and I have had some discussion of
how to check for equality between a Vector/UnitVector and another
Vector/UnitVector.  Below is the discussion Ondrej and I were having.

Here is my question:  How should the ._args attribute be implemented
in the Vector class?  Ondrej mentioned making it a list of all the
aruguments, but I'm a little confused about this.  The way I have
implemented the Vector class is to have an attribute .dict which is a
dictionary that contains as the keys all the UnitVectors and for the
corresponding values, the coefficient of the UnitVector which is the
key of that value.  For example:
A = ReferenceFrame('A')
v1 = Vector(5*A[1] + 6*A[2])
v1.dict == {A[1]: 5, A[2]: 6}

Perhaps this isn't the best way to do things, but in my mind this made
sense so this is how I implemented it.
Should the ._args list for the above example then be:
v1._args == [5*A[1], 6*A[2]]


-- Forwarded message --
From: Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz
Date: Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: Confused about something
To: Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 8:00 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
  My responses below.

 On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 6:57 PM, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm a little confused about this:

    assert cross(A[1], A[3]) == Vector(-A[2])
   begin captured stdout  -
 cross(A[1], A[3]):  -a2 class 'pydy.Vector' {a2: -1}
 Vector(-A[2]):  -a2 class 'pydy.Vector' {a2: -1}

 ^^^ well, those two results above are the same, aren't they?

 So it should return True.

 I agree.  But it doesn't, even though they are the same.  I am not
 sure why.  If I implement a __eq__() method, I can do quick comparison
 of the dictionaries and return the result, but I was under the
 impression I shouldn't define my own __eq__() method, but rather a
 separate equal() method.

I think I know why -- you need to store all the arguments of the Vector in


list. Then the standard sympy comparisons will automatically compare
this list and it should start working. I think it has to be hashable
though, so just store the dict in some variable as it is now and
create a list out of the dict and store that in the ._args. All should
work because the dict is never modified once the Vector instance is

 -A[2] -a2 class 'sympy.core.mul.Mul'

 This is the case when the Vector class has no __eq__() method.  My
 guess is that since Vector is subclassed from Basic, it tries to
 compare them that way and somehow fails.  I'm not sure if I should
 bother trying to get this to be True, since I already have:
 (cross(A[1], A[3])).equal(-A[2]) == True

 This is fine, it just means I need to rewrite a lot of tests if this
 is the case.  What do you think?

 I think that the == (or __eq__) should return quickly True/False and
 it should just compare the expressions (no matter their mathematical
 equivalence). And then you can have .equal() or simplify() or
 whatever, that will try to convert the vectors to the same frame and
 simplify them and compare them.

 So I should write my own __eq__() for both the UnitVector class and
 the Vector class?  For comparisons between two Vectors or between two

See above, just implement ._args.

 UnitVectors, this fast comparison would be fairly trivial, and the
 .equal() one isn't much worse.  In fact, I have already implemented
 the code for this, but I just am unclear where I should put it.


 cross(A[1], A[3])) == -A[2]

 No.  cross(A[1], A[3]) returns a UnitVector object.  -A[2] is a sympy
 expression, a Mul object.  I could however, implement in the __eq__()

Then it it ok that it returns False. Imho.

 of the UnitVector and Vector classes the ability to check if the RHS
 of the == is a sympy expression, and if so, make it a Vector, which
 then can be compared by comparing the dictionaries.


 and what about

 -A[2] == Vector(-A[2])

 Nope.  Same reasons as above.  Here, __eq__() is being called for a

Then it it ok that it returns False, same reasons.

 Mul Object, so unless we put code in there that knows about the Vector
 class, I don't think we can make the above statement work.  Or am I
 wrong on this?

sympy expression and a Vector should always compare as False, because
it's a different thing.

For mathematical comparison, let's implement the .equal().

Btw, let's discuss this on the sympy list from now on. So that other
people can join in and we can build a community.


[sympy] Printing of functions

2009-04-17 Thread Luke

I am working with some sympy Functions that are dependent upon a sympy
Symbol 't'.  For example:
t = Symbol('t')
q1 = Function('q1')(t)

When q1 is printed I get:
Similarly, when q1.diff(t) is printed I get:
D(q1(t), t)

I would instead like the following behavior:
In: print q1
Out: q1
In:  print q1.diff(t)
Out:  q1'

Basically, the Functions that I am working with are generalized
coordinates, and their time dependence is implied so having the (t)
just makes all the expressions really long and hard to look at.
Similarly for q1.diff(t).

How would I go about tackling this?


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[sympy] Re: Trigsimp error

2009-04-28 Thread Luke
Incidentally, trying trigsimp with recursive=True, deep=True, or both True
didn't give the desired result.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm writing some tests for some code that expresses a Vector expression in
 the coordinates of a different frame.  I am using Sympy's trigsimp to
 simplify expressions, but the following Sympy expression isn't
 cos(q4)**2 + sin(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2 + cos(q3)**2*cos(q4)**2*tan(q4)**2

 It should simplify to 1, instead it trigsimplifies to:
 cos(q4)**2 + sin(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2 + cos(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2

 So, I tried trigsimplifying, then factoring, but I got the following error:

 In [10]: factor(trigsimp(cos(q4)**2 + sin(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2 +
 ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing
 The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
 The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (33, 0))

 PolynomialError   Traceback (most recent call last)

 /home/luke/Documents/PythonDynamics/ipython console in module()

 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/sympy/polys/factortools.pyc in factor(f,
 *symbols, **flags)
  78 return f
 --- 80 coeff, factors = poly_factors(f, *symbols, **flags)
  82 result = 1 # XXX: don't include coeff in the leading factor

 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/sympy/polys/factortools.pyc in poly_factors(f,
 *symbols, **flags)
  19 if not isinstance(f, Poly):
 --- 20 f = Poly(f, *symbols)
  21 elif symbols:
  22 raise SymbolsError(Redundant symbols were given)

 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/sympy/polys/polynomial.pyc in __new__(cls,
 poly, *symbols, **flags)
 400 terms = Poly._permute(poly, *symbols)
 401 else:
 -- 402 terms = Poly._decompose(poly, *symbols)
 404 if terms:

 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/sympy/polys/polynomial.pyc in _decompose(poly,
 543 continue
 -- 545 raise PolynomialError(Can't decompose %s
 % factor)
 546 else:
 547 coeff *= factor

 PolynomialError: Can't decompose cos(q4)**2

 I'm dealing with stuff that is going to make heavy use of trigsimp, so I'm
 willing to dig into it a bit.

 Should this be filed as a bug, or is there something obvious that I am


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[sympy] Injecting symbols/variables into the workspace

2009-04-28 Thread Luke
I would like to write something that works similarly to var(), but injects
implicit functions of a symbol (in my case 't'), i.e.:
 gc('q1 q2 q3')
(q1, q2, q3)

gc stands for Generalized Coordinate in mechanics these are typically
always functions of time.

Even better would be something that allows for syntax such as:
 gc('q', 3)

But has the same behavior as above.

Is there a way to do this but *not* inject it into the *global* namespace,
only the local one?


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[sympy] Re: Trigsimp error

2009-04-28 Thread Luke

It isn't too pressing for PyDy, I just ran into it when creating some
tests that would ensure PyDy gave the same output as Autolev.  In
Autolev, if you express a UnitVector from one reference in the
coordinates of another reference frame that is 3 or more simple
rotations away, when you convert the expression back to the original
frame, you won't just get a UnitVector.  This isn't a huge deal and I
don't see immediately a situation where you would go back and forth
between frames just for fun, but it would be nice to know that you
could if you wanted to :)

I'll file the bug report, and I'll try to look at the paper Akshay
mentioned.  Akshay, if you need more examples that should simplify, I
can provide you with a handful more :)


On Apr 28, 8:28 am, Akshay Srinivasan akshaysriniva...@gmail.com
 I think trigsimp is too hack-ish. I'll try implementing the algorithm
 given athttp://vv.cn/d/d.aspx?Id=21987_1.0.42119- I guess this is
 the one Ondrej was talking about - in the coming weeks. I'm still not
 sure how good it is, does anyone know of anything better ?


 On Apr 28, 6:52 pm, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:

  Ondrej Certik wrote:
   On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm writing some tests for some code that expresses a Vector expression 
   the coordinates of a different frame.  I am using Sympy's trigsimp to
   simplify expressions, but the following Sympy expression isn't
   cos(q4)**2 + sin(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2 + cos(q3)**2*cos(q4)**2*tan(q4)**2

   It should simplify to 1, instead it trigsimplifies to:
   cos(q4)**2 + sin(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2 + cos(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2

   It's a bug. Could you please file an issue for it?

   There is a nice article how to implement robust trigsimp somewhere in
   our issues, but noone found time for it yet.

   Is it very pressing for pydy? If not, let's keep this in mind and
   continue --- I think at the end of the summer it will be clear what
   sympy bugs should be fixed first and which later, so that pydy works
   reasonably well.



  from sympy import *
  q3,q4 = symbols('q3,q4')
  f = cos(q4)**2 + sin(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2 + cos(q3)**2*cos(q4)**2*tan(q4)**2
  print f
  f = trigsimp(f,deep=True,recursive=True)
  f = trigsimp(f,deep=True,recursive=True)
  print f


  cos(q4)**2 + sin(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2 + cos(q3)**2*cos(q4)**2*tan(q4)**2

  Note on strange behavior.  When I ran this program from SPE I did not
  need the second
  f = trigsimp(f,deep=True,recursive=True) to simplify to 1, but when I
  ran it from a shell
  I did.  Shell results without second f =
  trigsimp(f,deep=True,recursive=True) :

  cos(q4)**2 + sin(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2 + cos(q3)**2*cos(q4)**2*tan(q4)**2
  cos(q4)**2 + cos(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2 + sin(q3)**2*sin(q4)**2

  Perhaps what trigsimp needs to do is convert all expressions to sin and
  cos and do algebraic simplification
  and then do trigsimp!

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[sympy] Re: Trigsimp error

2009-04-28 Thread Luke

I just finished reading this paper.  It seems pretty reasonable, and
not to difficult to implement.  Does anybody know of any other papers
on this subject that might offer alternative methods that would be
worth looking at?  If there was some sort of gold standard paper on
the subject, that might be what we want to implement.  I don't have
much time to start coding on it for a few weeks, but I could probably
look at a few papers and let it soak in

On Apr 28, 12:35 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:
  On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Akshay Srinivasan
  akshaysriniva...@gmail.com wrote:

  Freddie Witherden wrote:
  Hi all,

  I think trigsimp is too hack-ish. I'll try implementing the algorithm
  given athttp://vv.cn/d/d.aspx?Id=21987_1.0.42119- I guess this is
  the one Ondrej was talking about - in the coming weeks. I'm still not
  sure how good it is, does anyone know of anything better ?

  Look at my proposal to switch to Maxima like simplification functions.
  Might be worth implementing them for trig functions (using the same
  algorithms as Maxima). The functions and algorithms are both well
  tested as a result.

  Regards, Freddie.
  I couldn't find the algorithm on the webpage, do you know where it is ?

  I can't remember now. The issue with the links is here:


 Ok, the paper is:

 Automated and readable simplification of trigonometric expressions
 Hongguang Fu a,1 , Xiuqin Zhong a,* , Zhenbing Zeng b
 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 44 (2006) 1169-1177

 and I just sent you a copy offlist.

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[sympy] solve() and diff() with Symbol versus Function

2009-05-11 Thread Luke

Would there be any reason that the following should not be implemented:
t = Symbol('t')
q1 = Function('q1')(t)
solve(q1 - 1, q1)

Currently, the solve function gives:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/luke/Documents/PythonDynamics/ipython console in module()

/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/solvers/solvers.pyc in
solve(f, *symbols, **flags)
 74 if any(not s.is_Symbol for s in symbols):
--- 75 raise TypeError('not a Symbol')
 77 if not isinstance(f, (tuple, list, set)):

TypeError: not a Symbol

In classical mechanics, the generalised coordinates are often treated
as symbols implicitly dependent upon time.  Not being able to solve
for their time derivatives using solve requires tedious .subs() calls
to replace them with symbols, solve, then replace them back with

Similarly, is there a reason we can't differentiate with respect to a
Function?  For example, when using Lagrange's method for formulating
equations of motion, we need to differentiate the Lagrangian with
respect to the coordinates and with respect to the time derivatives of
the coordinates, and then take the time derivative  Not being able
to differentiate with respect to q1.diff(t) means that one has to
create a dummy symbol for q1.diff(t), replace all occurances of it in
the Lagrangian, then take the derivative with respect to that symbol,
then back substitute to replace the symbol with the function, then
differentiate with respect to time a very burdensome approach

This is what happens currently:

In [12]: diff(q3-1, q3)
ValueErrorTraceback (most recent call last)

/home/luke/Documents/PythonDynamics/ipython console in module()

/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/core/multidimensional.pyc in
wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
125 result = apply_on_element(wrapper, args, kwargs, n)
126 return result
-- 127 return f(*args, **kwargs)
128 wrapper.__doc__ = f.__doc__
129 wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__

/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/core/function.pyc in diff(f,
x, times, evaluate)
-- 695 return Derivative(f,x,times, **{'evaluate':evaluate})
697 @vectorize(0)

/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/core/function.pyc in
__new__(cls, expr, *symbols, **assumptions)
476 s = sympify(s)
477 if not isinstance(s, Symbol):
-- 478 raise ValueError('Invalid literal: %s is not a
valid variable' % s)
479 if not expr.has(s):
480 return S.Zero

ValueError: Invalid literal: q3(t) is not a valid variable

Or is there another way this can be done easily that I'm not aware of?


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[sympy] Re: solve() and diff() with Symbol versus Function

2009-05-13 Thread Luke

I'll work on it in the next week or so, I think should be able to get
something that does the job.

On May 11, 11:06 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:
 On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  Would there be any reason that the following should not be implemented:
  t = Symbol('t')
  q1 = Function('q1')(t)
  solve(q1 - 1, q1)

  Currently, the solve function gives:
  TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

  /home/luke/Documents/PythonDynamics/ipython console in module()

  /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/solvers/solvers.pyc in
  solve(f, *symbols, **flags)
      74     if any(not s.is_Symbol for s in symbols):
  --- 75         raise TypeError('not a Symbol')
      77     if not isinstance(f, (tuple, list, set)):

  TypeError: not a Symbol

  In classical mechanics, the generalised coordinates are often treated
  as symbols implicitly dependent upon time.  Not being able to solve
  for their time derivatives using solve requires tedious .subs() calls
  to replace them with symbols, solve, then replace them back with

 Yes, I think this should be fixed. Could you please try to create a
 preliminary patch that fixes this in solve()? We'll cook it in
 sympy-patches for a while and get this in.

  Similarly, is there a reason we can't differentiate with respect to a
  Function?  For example, when using Lagrange's method for formulating
  equations of motion, we need to differentiate the Lagrangian with
  respect to the coordinates and with respect to the time derivatives of
  the coordinates, and then take the time derivative  Not being able
  to differentiate with respect to q1.diff(t) means that one has to
  create a dummy symbol for q1.diff(t), replace all occurances of it in
  the Lagrangian, then take the derivative with respect to that symbol,
  then back substitute to replace the symbol with the function, then
  differentiate with respect to time a very burdensome approach

 Yep, I think this was requested in the past too. Let's fix it.

  This is what happens currently:

  In [12]: diff(q3-1, q3)
  ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

  /home/luke/Documents/PythonDynamics/ipython console in module()

  /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/core/multidimensional.pyc in
  wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
     125                     result = apply_on_element(wrapper, args, kwargs, 
     126                     return result
  -- 127             return f(*args, **kwargs)
     128         wrapper.__doc__ = f.__doc__
     129         wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__

  /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/core/function.pyc in diff(f,
  x, times, evaluate)
  -- 695     return Derivative(f,x,times, **{'evaluate':evaluate})
     697 @vectorize(0)

  /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/core/function.pyc in
  __new__(cls, expr, *symbols, **assumptions)
     476             s = sympify(s)
     477             if not isinstance(s, Symbol):
  -- 478                 raise ValueError('Invalid literal: %s is not a
  valid variable' % s)
     479             if not expr.has(s):
     480                 return S.Zero

  ValueError: Invalid literal: q3(t) is not a valid variable

  Or is there another way this can be done easily that I'm not aware of?

 Currently you have to do it by hand. Try to implement this in the
 Derivative class, so that it works. It may not be obvious how to do it
 so that it looks good, but try to implement it somehow so that it
 works and we'll then refine the patch, so that it can be pushed in.

 E.g. my first try would be to just do all the substitutions
 automatically inside Derivative, e.g. something like

 if isinstance(s, Function):
     substitute, differentiate, substitute, return the result

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[sympy] trigsimp

2009-05-20 Thread Luke

Last  night I was deriving the moment of inertia for a solid torus
using Sympy.  It mostly worked, except for the step where the
determinant of the Jacobian for the change of variables mapping was to
be computed, the result was unable to be simplified by trigsimp.  I
gave it a shot anyway, and it resulted in integrate() stalling on the
triple integral that is necessary.  Using other means to compute the
Jacobian of the determinant, then using that result in integrate()
resulted in the correct solution for the moment of inertia, which is
comforting, but at the same time, really makes me want to get trigsimp
to work better.

I know of the paper by Fu, Zhong, and Zeng, but I was wondering if
anybody had any other recommendations for approaches to trigonometric
simplification.  It would be really nice if this part of sympy worked
better.  If there is somebody else out there who would like to tackle
this together, let me know and we could figure out a reasonable


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[sympy] Poll on usage of solve()

2009-05-21 Thread Luke

Does anybody use solve() by passing the function and/or the symbol
arguments as a set, rather than a list or a tuple?

I can't see a reason why using it with a set would be beneficial, and
without support for sets, there are some aspects of solve that would
become easier with regard to being able to solve equation(s) for both
Symbol objects and Function objects.

It makes the most sense to me that it should only support lists and tuples.


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[sympy] Enhancing functionality of diff()

2009-05-22 Thread Luke

I would like to add code that would allow for diff() to differentiate
with respect to not just Symbol instances, but also with respect to
Function and Derivative instances.  An example of why this would be
useful would be when forming Lagrange's equations, on needs to
differentiate the Lagrangian with respect to the generalized
coordinates, the time derivative of the generalized coordinates, and
also with respect to time, and the generalized coordinates themselves
are implicit functions of time.

My question is:
Where should I add the code that allows for this?  I can see two
1) in diff() of sympy/core/basic.py
2) in Derivative of sympy/core/function.py

It seems to me option 1 is the right choice but I'd like to hear input
on this.  Maybe it doesn't matter or maybe it could another place?


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[sympy] Re: sympy vs matlab integrate, get 'final' result?

2009-05-22 Thread Luke

I get a slightly different result when integrating in Matlab (2008a):
 syms X Y L H K;
 int(int(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, Y, -sqrt(1-X*X), sqrt(1-X*X)), X, L, 1)

ans =



ans =


In sympy, it seems like if you do the first integral, there are two
additive terms:
 integrate(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, (Y, -(1-X**2)**Rational(1,2), 
 (1-X**2)**Rational(1,2)) )
-2*(1 - X**2)**(1/2)*(1 - 2*X**2) + 4*(1 - X**2)**(3/2)/3
 t1 = integrate(4*(1 - X**2)**(3/2)/3, (X,L,1))
8/9 - 4*L/3 + 4*L**3/9
 t2 = integrate(-2*(1 - X**2)**(1/2)*(1 - 2*X**2), (X,L,1))
-2/3 + 2*L - 4*L**3/3
2/9 + 2*L/3 - 8*L**3/9

So if you perform the second integration on each term, one at a time,
it is fine, but when you try to do the whole thing, it doesn't like
it, as you pointed out.  I'm not sure why this would happen, it seems
like integrate should parse each additive term and try to integrate
it, if this were the case, the above example should work like

Additionally, it doesn't seem that the results are the same, so there
must be some sort of bug in integrate.


On May 22, 2:27 am, Oyster lepto.pyt...@gmail.com wrote:
 please note the dual-integrate result
 how can I get an advanced value in sympy? thanx

 [smypy] from sympy import *
  X,Y=symbols('XY', real=True)
  integrate(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, (Y, -(1-X**2)**Rational(1,2), 
  (1-X**2)**Rational(1,2)) )

 -2*(1 - X**2)**(1/2)*(1 - 2*X**2) + 4*(1 - X**2)**(3/2)/3 
 integrate(integrate(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, (Y, -(1-X**2)**Rational(1,2), 
 (1-X**2)**Rational(1,2)) ), (X,L,1))

 Integral(-2*(1 - X**2)**(1/2)*(1 - 2*X**2) + 4*(1 - X**2)**(3/2)/3,
 (X, L, 1)) simplify(integrate(integrate(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, (Y, 
 -(1-X**2)**Rational(1,2), (1-X**2)**Rational(1,2)) ), (X,L,1)))

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File interactive input, line 1, in ?
   File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\simplify\simplify.py, line
 1079, in simplify
   File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\polys\polynomial.py, line 607,
 in cancel
   File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\core\basic.py, line 1437, in
   File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\core\basic.py, line 1372, in
   File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\core\basic.py, line 374, in
   File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\integrals\integrals.py, line
 48, in __new__
 ValueError: Invalid integration variable or limits: (((X, (L, 1)),),)


  syms X Y L H K;
  int(int(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, Y, -sqrt(1-X*X), sqrt(1-X*X)), X, L, 1)

 ans =


  int(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, Y, -sqrt(1-X*X), sqrt(1-X*X))

 ans =


  int(int(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, Y, -sqrt(1-X*X), sqrt(1-X*X)), X, L, 1)

 ans =

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[sympy] Re: Motion equation generation script sharing

2009-05-23 Thread Luke

This is cool, it is good to see other people who are familiar with
Kane's method, there aren't many of us :)

Are you familiar with Autolev?  With PyDy, I am working to achieve
some of the same behavior as Autolev, but make it even better, and
have a lot more features.  I'd love to hear your input on design
choices for PyDy if you have the time.  Right now I'm working on
extending it to allow for the 12 different Euler angles, and the 12
different space fixed angles, Euler parameters, Rodrigues parameters,
and axis/angle rotations.  The major work to take care of kinematics
automatically is in place, but there is definitely more to do in
regards to how to deal with constraints, definitions of generalized
speeds, etc...

What sort of systems do you use Kane's method to study?  My own area
of research is two wheeled vehicle (bicycle/motorcycle) dynamics and


On May 23, 6:06 am, 2006.uchida 2006.uch...@gmail.com wrote:
 I made a small script in MuPAD few years ago but I had to say goodbye
 to MuPAD last November, so I found Sympy and have translated it into
 Sympy now. I want to share it and I'm happy if I get some comments.

 What I made is the small script that generates motion equations for
 multibody dynamics by using Kane's method. It handles multibody
 dynamics, the dynamic behavior created with several rigid bodies that
 are interconnected, for instance, double pendulum, robot arms, crank
 mechanism, etc. The script allows you to get the equation easily by
 setting some information of masses, positions, forces, etc.

 available for download from 

 Here is a sample code and results. More details, please see the file
 smple.py which you can download above.

 import sympy
 import motionequation

 def main():

     # Sample for Newton's second law

     mat = sympy.Matrix
     t, x, m, f = sympy.symbols(
         t, x, m, f)

     pos_vec = mat([x(t),0,0])
     force_vec = mat([f(t),0,0])
     I_mat = sympy.zeros(3)
     ome_vec = sympy.zeros([3,1])
     torque_vec = sympy.zeros([3,1])

     result = motionequation.get_withKane(
         t, [x(t).diff(t)], [m],
         [pos_vec], [force_vec],
         [ome_vec], [torque_vec])

     print Newton's second law: 


 Newton's second law:
 [m*-(x(t)) = f(t)]
    dt dt

 You can use the feature by calling the function get_withKane in the
 module motionequation. I tried and confirmed that it will return
 several kinds of the motion equations, for example, Newton's second
 law, Euler's equations of rigid body, etc.

 ondrej.certik provided me with useful information on the project for
 such a feature which is found at:http://code.google.com/p/pydy/

 I'm going to write more about how to specify the arguments of the
 function to use for your own project.
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[sympy] Re: sympy vs matlab integrate, get 'final' result?

2009-05-23 Thread Luke

It seems there is a bug:
 integrand = 2*X*X + 2*Y*Y - 1
integrand =
 res = int(integrand, Y, -sqrt(1-X*X), sqrt(1-X*X))
res =
 subs(res, X, 1)
ans =
 subs(res, X, 2)
ans =
   0. +17.3205i


In [1]: from sympy import *
In [2]: X,Y,L = symbols('XYL')
In [3]: integrand = 2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1
In [4]: res = integrate(integrand, (Y, -sqrt(1-X**2), sqrt(1-X**2)))
In [5]: res
Out[5]: -2*(1 - X**2)**(1/2)*(1 - 2*X**2) + 4*(1 - X**2)**(3/2)/3
In [6]: res.subs({X: 1})
Out[6]: 0
In [7]: res.subs({X: 2})
Out[7]: 4*3**(1/2) + 14*I*3**(1/2)
In [8]: 14.0*3.0**(1./2.)
Out[8]: 24.248711305964282

Note the real part of result is nonzero, and that the imaginary part
is different from the result that Matlab gives (really Maple under the
hood, at least in 2008a).

I'll file it under the issues.

In [9]: res.subs({X: 2.})
Out[9]: 4*3**(1/2) + 14*I*3**(1/2)

On May 23, 7:31 am, Oyster lepto.pyt...@gmail.com wrote:
 that is a bad news :(
 I have thought to use py+sympy in my research work, but think I'd
 better turn to matlab now.

 On May 23, 2:57 am, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I get a slightly different result when integrating in Matlab (2008a):

   syms X Y L H K;
   int(int(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, Y, -sqrt(1-X*X), sqrt(1-X*X)), X, L, 1)

  ans =



  ans =


  In sympy, it seems like if you do the first integral, there are two
  additive terms: integrate(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, (Y, -(1-X**2)**Rational(1,2), 
  (1-X**2)**Rational(1,2)) )

  -2*(1 - X**2)**(1/2)*(1 - 2*X**2) + 4*(1 - X**2)**(3/2)/3 t1 = 
  integrate(4*(1 - X**2)**(3/2)/3, (X,L,1))

  8/9 - 4*L/3 + 4*L**3/9 t2 = integrate(-2*(1 - X**2)**(1/2)*(1 - 2*X**2), 

  -2/3 + 2*L - 4*L**3/3 t1+t2

  2/9 + 2*L/3 - 8*L**3/9

  So if you perform the second integration on each term, one at a time,
  it is fine, but when you try to do the whole thing, it doesn't like
  it, as you pointed out.  I'm not sure why this would happen, it seems
  like integrate should parse each additive term and try to integrate
  it, if this were the case, the above example should work like

  Additionally, it doesn't seem that the results are the same, so there
  must be some sort of bug in integrate.


  On May 22, 2:27 am, Oyster lepto.pyt...@gmail.com wrote:

   please note the dual-integrate result
   how can I get an advanced value in sympy? thanx

   [smypy] from sympy import *
X,Y=symbols('XY', real=True)
integrate(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, (Y, -(1-X**2)**Rational(1,2), 
(1-X**2)**Rational(1,2)) )

   -2*(1 - X**2)**(1/2)*(1 - 2*X**2) + 4*(1 - X**2)**(3/2)/3 
   integrate(integrate(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, (Y, -(1-X**2)**Rational(1,2), 
   (1-X**2)**Rational(1,2)) ), (X,L,1))

   Integral(-2*(1 - X**2)**(1/2)*(1 - 2*X**2) + 4*(1 - X**2)**(3/2)/3,
   (X, L, 1)) simplify(integrate(integrate(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, (Y, 
   -(1-X**2)**Rational(1,2), (1-X**2)**Rational(1,2)) ), (X,L,1)))

   Traceback (most recent call last):
     File interactive input, line 1, in ?
     File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\simplify\simplify.py, line
   1079, in simplify
     File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\polys\polynomial.py, line 607,
   in cancel
     File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\core\basic.py, line 1437, in
     File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\core\basic.py, line 1372, in
     File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\core\basic.py, line 374, in
     File h:\pure_pylib\math\sympy\sympy\integrals\integrals.py, line
   48, in __new__
   ValueError: Invalid integration variable or limits: (((X, (L, 1)),),)


syms X Y L H K;
int(int(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, Y, -sqrt(1-X*X), sqrt(1-X*X)), X, L, 1)

   ans =


int(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, Y, -sqrt(1-X*X), sqrt(1-X*X))

   ans =


int(int(2*X*X+2*Y*Y-1, Y, -sqrt(1-X*X), sqrt(1-X*X)), X, L, 1)

   ans =

   [/matlab]- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

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[sympy] Re: trigsimp

2009-05-25 Thread Luke

Here is the link for the Maxima trigsimp() code.  It was written in
1981, according to the comments!!!

I emailed the authors of the Fu et al. paper to see if they would be
willing to share their implementation of the algorithm -- maybe we can
save ourselves some work this way.

I want to start coding for this, because much of the stuff I am doing
in PyDy is heavy on kinematics and the expressions become excessively
long unless intelligent trigsimplification is possible.  Many of my
unittests simply will not work because some results I know to be true
cannot be achieved with the current state of trigsimp, so this has
become a significant limitation for me.

What should be the general framework for implementing the 'rules' that
are laid out in the Fu paper?  There are certainly other rules we
could find, either on Wikipedia, Mathworld, or in a engineering/
mathematics reference manual.

I have read over how trigsimp() and trigsimp_nonrecursive() are
currently implemented, and I think I get the gyst of what the approach
is.  Can somebody explain what this is doing exactly:
for pattern, simp in matchers:
res = result.match(pattern)

I'm not 100% clear on the use of the .match() method, does somebody
have a quick example of use?

It seems like the flow of trigsimp (in the case of recursive==False
and deep==False):
1)  call trigsimp_nonrecursive(expr, deep==False), store the result in
2)  do some final pattern matching on 'result', currently this will
only simplify a*sin(b)**c/cos(b)**c -- a*tan(b)**c

So, should all the rules in Fu et al. be implemented as a tuple of
length 2 tuples, similar to the existing matchers tuple?

I'm kind of thinking out loud right now and trying to figure out the
next step to take


On May 21, 7:42 am, Akshay Srinivasan akshaysriniva...@gmail.com
 Luke wrote:
  I tried both of those options and had no luck :(

  Have you looked at the paper by Fu, Zhong, and Zeng:

  I read it, and think it seemed reasonable, but I'm no expert and want
  to see what else was out there... maybe there are other approaches
  worth considering.  Before investing in a lot of coding time, it would
  nice to be sure that a good algorithm is being used, although I must
  say their comparisons with the other popular packages out there seem


  On May 20, 7:50 am, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:

  Luke wrote:

  Last  night I was deriving the moment of inertia for a solid torus
  using Sympy.  It mostly worked, except for the step where the
  determinant of the Jacobian for the change of variables mapping was to
  be computed, the result was unable to be simplified bytrigsimp.  I
  gave it a shot anyway, and it resulted in integrate() stalling on the
  triple integral that is necessary.  Using other means to compute the
  Jacobian of the determinant, then using that result in integrate()
  resulted in the correct solution for the moment of inertia, which is
  comforting, but at the same time, really makes me want to gettrigsimp
  to work better.

  I know of the paper by Fu, Zhong, and Zeng, but I was wondering if
  anybody had any other recommendations for approaches to trigonometric
  simplification.  It would be really nice if this part of sympy worked
  better.  If there is somebody else out there who would like to tackle
  this together, let me know and we could figure out a reasonable


  Did you try the deep and recursive switches on the most recent version
  oftrigsimp.  I also would liketrigsimpto do better for the same
  reasons you gave and would also like it to apply to hyperbolic trig
  functions. One thing I would do fortrigsimpis to convert all trig
  functions in the expression to sin's and cos's before simplifying.

 I have started implementing the algorithm, although I haven't really got
 much done. I couldn't find any other algorithm to do the simplification.
 I wonder what Maxima does to simplify trigonometric expressions.
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[sympy] Behavior of trig functions

2009-05-25 Thread Luke

I noticed the following behavior:
In [9]: sin(x)
Out[9]: sin(x)
In [10]: sin(-x)
Out[10]: -sin(x)
In [11]: cos(x)
Out[11]: cos(x)
In [12]: cos(-x)
Out[12]: cos(x)
In [13]: tan(-x)
Out[13]: -tan(x)
In [14]: cot(-x)
Out[14]: -cot(x)
In [15]: sin(pi-x)
Out[15]: sin(x)
In [18]: sin(2*pi + x)
Out[18]: sin(x + 2⋅π)

This last command *could* just result in:

similarly for cos(2*pi+/-x), tan(2*pi +/- x) etc.

So it seems that some simplification is being done within the trig
definitions themselves, but only for some of the cases.

More generally, should the trig functions be smart enough to recognize
arguments of the following form:
x+/- n*pi
and then return the correct result based upon some rule based lookup?

Or would it better to require the user to call trigsimp(sin(n*pi +/-
x)) to return the simplified result?



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[sympy] .is_Number .is_number and .is_NumberSymbol attributes

2009-05-25 Thread Luke

I'm curious about this:
In [29]: e = S(2)

In [30]: e.is_number
Out[30]: True

In [31]: e.is_Number
Out[31]: True

In [32]: e.is_NumberSymbol
Out[32]: False

In [33]: pi.is_number
Out[33]: True

In [34]: pi.is_Number
Out[34]: False

In [35]: pi.is_NumberSymbol
Out[35]: True

In [36]: e_over_pi = e/pi

In [37]: e_over_pi.is_number
Out[37]: True

In [38]: e_over_pi.is_Number
Out[38]: False

In [39]: e_over_pi.is_NumberSymbol
Out[39]: False

1)  Why are there both 'is_Number' and a 'is_number' methods, and why
do they return different results?
2) It seems to me that if something is NumberSymbol, it should also be
a Number (or number), but this isn't how pi currently is.

I'm guessing this part is a work in progress with the assumptions
system, but I'm not sure.

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[sympy] Re: .is_Number .is_number and .is_NumberSymbol attributes

2009-05-25 Thread Luke

Ok, that makes more sense now.  Thanks for the clarification.

On May 25, 1:05 pm, Abderrahim Kitouni a.kito...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, 25 May 2009 12:48:09 -0700 (PDT)Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  1)  Why are there both 'is_Number' and a 'is_number' methods, and why
  do they return different results?

 is_number == True means that this is a number (in the mathematical sense).
 is_Number == True means that this is a Number (or subclass) instance.
 same here, (i.e. an instance of NumberSymbol), generally is_SomeThing means an
 instance of SomeThing, ans is_something means 'something' in the mathematical
 sense. 2) It seems to me that if something is NumberSymbol, it should also be
  a Number (or number), but this isn't how pi currently is.

 pi.is_number returns True.

  I'm guessing this part is a work in progress with the assumptions
  system, but I'm not sure.

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[sympy] Re: trigsimp

2009-05-25 Thread Luke

  Thanks for the clarification.  I think I get the idea, but I'm
having trouble matching expressions of the following form:
a = Wild('a')
b = Wild('b')
x = Symbol('x')
e1 = pi + x
e2 = pi - x
e3 = -pi + x
e4 = -pi - x

I would think that for e{1,2,3,4} that I could get the following
 e1.match(a*pi + b)
{a: 1, b: x}
 e2.match(a*pi + b)
{a: 1, b: -x}
 e3.match(a*pi + b)
{a: -1, b: x}
e4.match(a*pi + b)
{a: -1, b: -x}

But instead, I get:
In [61]: e1.match(a*pi + b)
⎧   x  ⎫
⎨a: ─, b: π⎬
⎩   π  ⎭

In [65]: e2.match(a*pi+b)
Out[65]: {a: 1, b: -x}

In [66]: e3.match(a*pi+b)
⎧   x   ⎫
⎨a: ─, b: -π⎬
⎩   π   ⎭

In [67]: e4.match(a*pi+b)
Out[67]: {a: -1, b: -x}

The results for e2 and e4 makes sense to me, but I don't understand
the behavior for e1 and e3.  Is there another simpler approach, or am
I missing something fundamental here?


On May 25, 4:07 pm, Aaron S. Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 On May 25, 2009, at 11:56 AM, Luke wrote:

  Here is the link for the Maxima trigsimp() code.  It was written in
  1981, according to the comments!!!

  I emailed the authors of the Fu et al. paper to see if they would be
  willing to share their implementation of the algorithm -- maybe we can
  save ourselves some work this way.

  I want to start coding for this, because much of the stuff I am doing
  in PyDy is heavy on kinematics and the expressions become excessively
  long unless intelligent trigsimplification is possible.  Many of my
  unittests simply will not work because some results I know to be true
  cannot be achieved with the current state of trigsimp, so this has
  become a significant limitation for me.

  What should be the general framework for implementing the 'rules' that
  are laid out in the Fu paper?  There are certainly other rules we
  could find, either on Wikipedia, Mathworld, or in a engineering/
  mathematics reference manual.

  I have read over how trigsimp() and trigsimp_nonrecursive() are
  currently implemented, and I think I get the gyst of what the approach
  is.  Can somebody explain what this is doing exactly:
  for pattern, simp in matchers:
         res = result.match(pattern)

  I'm not 100% clear on the use of the .match() method, does somebody
  have a quick example of use?

 This should be res = ret.match(pattern).

 match() takes a wildcard expression and matches it into a dictionary.  
 In the code above, pattern is each of the items in the list  
 ((a*sin(b)**2, a - a*cos(b)**2),(a*tan(b)**2, a*(1/cos(b))**2 - a),
 (a*cot(b)**2, a*(1/sin(b))**2 - a)) (it runs a for loop).  a, b and c  
 are wild cards, to it will try to take the expression result and find  
 what a, b, and c are equal to.

 For example, consider the first one: a*sin(b)**2.  If your ret ==  
 4*x*sin(x**2)**2, then running res = ret.match(a*sin(b)**2) will  
 return the dictionary {a: 4*x, b: x**2}.  You can then access a and b  
 from res[a] and res[b].

 You should also probably be aware of the exclude option on Wild.  If  
 you do a = Wild('a', exclude=[sin(x)]), then a will not match anything  
 with sin(x) in it.  Do help(x.matches) for another example.

  It seems like the flow of trigsimp (in the case of recursive==False
  and deep==False):
  1)  call trigsimp_nonrecursive(expr, deep==False), store the result in
  2)  do some final pattern matching on 'result', currently this will
  only simplify a*sin(b)**c/cos(b)**c -- a*tan(b)**c

  So, should all the rules in Fu et al. be implemented as a tuple of
  length 2 tuples, similar to the existing matchers tuple?

  I'm kind of thinking out loud right now and trying to figure out the
  next step to take


  On May 21, 7:42 am, Akshay Srinivasan akshaysriniva...@gmail.com

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[sympy] Re: trigsimp

2009-05-26 Thread Luke


On May 25, 9:02 pm, Aaron S. Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 You need to use the exclude option I was telling you about.  Do,
   a = Wild('a', exclude=[pi])
   b = Wild('a', exclude=[pi]).
 and you get
   e1.match(a*pi + b)
 {a_: 1, b_: x}
   b = Wild('b', exclude=[pi])
   e2.match(a*pi + b)
 {b_: -x, a_: 1}
   e3.match(a*pi + b)
 {b_: x, a_: -1}
   e4.match(a*pi + b)
 {b_: -x, a_: -1}

 just as you expected.

 Aaron Meurer
 On May 25, 2009, at 7:46 PM, Luke wrote:

  Thanks for the clarification.  I think I get the idea, but I'm
  having trouble matching expressions of the following form:
  a = Wild('a')
  b = Wild('b')
  x = Symbol('x')
  e1 = pi + x
  e2 = pi - x
  e3 = -pi + x
  e4 = -pi - x

  I would think that for e{1,2,3,4} that I could get the following
  e1.match(a*pi + b)
  {a: 1, b: x}
  e2.match(a*pi + b)
  {a: 1, b: -x}
  e3.match(a*pi + b)
  {a: -1, b: x}
  e4.match(a*pi + b)
  {a: -1, b: -x}

  But instead, I get:
  In [61]: e1.match(a*pi + b)
  ⎧   x      ⎫
  ⎨a: ─, b: π⎬
  ⎩   π      ⎭

  In [65]: e2.match(a*pi+b)
  Out[65]: {a: 1, b: -x}

  In [66]: e3.match(a*pi+b)
  ⎧   x       ⎫
  ⎨a: ─, b: -π⎬
  ⎩   π       ⎭

  In [67]: e4.match(a*pi+b)
  Out[67]: {a: -1, b: -x}

  The results for e2 and e4 makes sense to me, but I don't understand
  the behavior for e1 and e3.  Is there another simpler approach, or am
  I missing something fundamental here?


  On May 25, 4:07 pm, Aaron S. Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
  On May 25, 2009, at 11:56 AM, Luke wrote:

  Here is the link for the Maxima trigsimp() code.  It was written in
  1981, according to the comments!!!

  I emailed the authors of the Fu et al. paper to see if they would be
  willing to share their implementation of the algorithm -- maybe we  
  save ourselves some work this way.

  I want to start coding for this, because much of the stuff I am  
  in PyDy is heavy on kinematics and the expressions become  
  long unless intelligent trigsimplification is possible.  Many of my
  unittests simply will not work because some results I know to be  
  cannot be achieved with the current state of trigsimp, so this has
  become a significant limitation for me.

  What should be the general framework for implementing the 'rules'  
  are laid out in the Fu paper?  There are certainly other rules we
  could find, either on Wikipedia, Mathworld, or in a engineering/
  mathematics reference manual.

  I have read over how trigsimp() and trigsimp_nonrecursive() are
  currently implemented, and I think I get the gyst of what the  
  is.  Can somebody explain what this is doing exactly:
  for pattern, simp in matchers:
        res = result.match(pattern)

  I'm not 100% clear on the use of the .match() method, does somebody
  have a quick example of use?

  This should be res = ret.match(pattern).

  match() takes a wildcard expression and matches it into a dictionary.
  In the code above, pattern is each of the items in the list
  ((a*sin(b)**2, a - a*cos(b)**2),(a*tan(b)**2, a*(1/cos(b))**2 - a),
  (a*cot(b)**2, a*(1/sin(b))**2 - a)) (it runs a for loop).  a, b and c
  are wild cards, to it will try to take the expression result and find
  what a, b, and c are equal to.

  For example, consider the first one: a*sin(b)**2.  If your ret ==
  4*x*sin(x**2)**2, then running res = ret.match(a*sin(b)**2) will
  return the dictionary {a: 4*x, b: x**2}.  You can then access a and b
  from res[a] and res[b].

  You should also probably be aware of the exclude option on Wild.  If
  you do a = Wild('a', exclude=[sin(x)]), then a will not match  
  with sin(x) in it.  Do help(x.matches) for another example.

  It seems like the flow of trigsimp (in the case of recursive==False
  and deep==False):
  1)  call trigsimp_nonrecursive(expr, deep==False), store the  
  result in
  2)  do some final pattern matching on 'result', currently this will
  only simplify a*sin(b)**c/cos(b)**c -- a*tan(b)**c

  So, should all the rules in Fu et al. be implemented as a tuple of
  length 2 tuples, similar to the existing matchers tuple?

  I'm kind of thinking out loud right now and trying to figure out the
  next step to take


  On May 21, 7:42 am, Akshay Srinivasan akshaysriniva...@gmail.com

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[sympy] Re: Strange simplification

2009-05-26 Thread Luke

I get the same behavior on my machine.  It seems like a bug to me.
Not sure if the bug is in integrate or in simplify, but could you file
this in the issues?


On May 26, 12:16 pm, Neal Becker ndbeck...@gmail.com wrote:
 Out[80]: (-2*s**2*w**2 + w**4)/(s**4 + w**4)

 In [81]: _.subs(s,2*pi*I*f)
 Out[81]: (8*pi**2*f**2*w**2 + w**4)/(w**4 + 16*pi**4*f**4)

 In [82]: simplify(_)
 Out[82]: (8*pi**2*f**2*w**2 + w**4)/(w**4 + 16*pi**4*f**4)

 Notice that this integrand should be strictly positive.  It also should give a
 simple closed form, if I'm not mistaken.

 In [83]: integrate(_,(f,0,oo))
 Out[83]: -(w**(-12))**(1/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(1/2)*log(11*(w**(-12))**(1/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(1/2)/(120*pi) + (w**(-12))**(3/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(3/2)/(960*pi*w**2))/(32*pi) -
 (w**(-12))**(1/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) - 64*w**14)**(1/2)*log(oo -
 11*(w**(-12))**(1/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) - 64*w**14)**(1/2)/(120*pi) -
 (w**(-12))**(3/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(3/2)/(960*pi*w**2))/(32*pi) -
 (w**(-12))**(1/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(1/2)*log(11*(w**(-12))**(1/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(1/2)/(120*pi) + (w**(-12))**(3/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(3/2)/(960*pi*w**2))/(32*pi) -
 (w**(-12))**(1/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) - 64*w**14)**(1/2)*log(oo -
 11*(w**(-12))**(1/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) - 64*w**14)**(1/2)/(120*pi) -
 (w**(-12))**(3/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(3/2)/(960*pi*w**2))/(32*pi) +
 (w**(-12))**(1/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(1/2)*log(-11*(w**(-12))**(1/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(1/2)/(120*pi) - (w**(-12))**(3/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(3/2)/(960*pi*w**2))/(32*pi) +
 (w**(-12))**(1/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) - 64*w**14)**(1/2)*log(oo +
 11*(w**(-12))**(1/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) - 64*w**14)**(1/2)/(120*pi) +
 (w**(-12))**(3/2)*(-48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(3/2)/(960*pi*w**2))/(32*pi) +
 (w**(-12))**(1/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(1/2)*log(-11*(w**(-12))**(1/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(1/2)/(120*pi) - (w**(-12))**(3/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -
 64*w**14)**(3/2)/(960*pi*w**2))/(32*pi) +
 (w**(-12))**(1/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) - 64*w**14)**(1/2)*log(oo +
 11*(w**(-12))**(1/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) - 64*w**14)**(1/2)/(120*pi) +
 (w**(-12))**(3/2)*(48*I*(w**28)**(1/2) -

 In [84]: simplify(_)
 Out[84]: 0

 If the integrand was strickly positive, I don't think it should simplify to 0.
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[sympy] Re: trigsimp

2009-05-26 Thread Luke

  It seems like this only works for Symbol instances, not
FunctionClass instances, i.e:
 from sympy import *
 x = Function('x')
 a = Wild('a', exclude=[pi])
 b = Wild('b')
 e = pi/S(2) + x
 e.match(a*pi + b)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File sympy/core/basic.py, line 1317, in match
return pattern.matches(self, {})
  File sympy/core/operations.py, line 111, in _matches_commutative
if (not p in repl_dict) and (not p in expr):
  File sympy/core/basic.py, line 1046, in __contains__
if what in x:
TypeError: argument of type 'FunctionClass' is not iterable
 a = WildFunction('a', exclude=[pi])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File sympy/core/function.py, line 399, in __new__
obj = Function.__new__(cls, name, **assumptions)
  File sympy/core/multidimensional.py, line 127, in wrapper
return f(*args, **kwargs)
  File sympy/core/cache.py, line 82, in wrapper
return func_cache_it_cache[k]
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
 a = WildFunction('a', exclude=pi)
 b = WildFunction('b')
 e.match(a*pi + b)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File sympy/core/basic.py, line 1317, in match
return pattern.matches(self, {})
  File sympy/core/operations.py, line 111, in _matches_commutative
if (not p in repl_dict) and (not p in expr):
  File sympy/core/basic.py, line 1046, in __contains__
if what in x:
TypeError: argument of type 'FunctionClass' is not iterable
 a = Wild('a', exclude=[pi])
 e.match(a*pi + b)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File sympy/core/basic.py, line 1317, in match
return pattern.matches(self, {})
  File sympy/core/operations.py, line 111, in _matches_commutative
if (not p in repl_dict) and (not p in expr):
  File sympy/core/basic.py, line 1046, in __contains__
if what in x:
TypeError: argument of type 'FunctionClass' is not iterable

The reason I see this being a problem is that people might not always
be using Symbol instances, they may instead want to use a Function
that is implicitly dependent upon one or more other variables (case in
point, generalized coordinates in classical mechanics).

Ondrej, I'm told you are the only one who understands .match(), can
you shed any light on this? Maybe we just need to extend .match() to
work with other things besides Symbol?


On May 26, 9:33 am, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

 On May 25, 9:02 pm, Aaron S. Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:

  You need to use the exclude option I was telling you about.  Do,
    a = Wild('a', exclude=[pi])
    b = Wild('a', exclude=[pi]).
  and you get
    e1.match(a*pi + b)
  {a_: 1, b_: x}
    b = Wild('b', exclude=[pi])
    e2.match(a*pi + b)
  {b_: -x, a_: 1}
    e3.match(a*pi + b)
  {b_: x, a_: -1}
    e4.match(a*pi + b)
  {b_: -x, a_: -1}

  just as you expected.

  Aaron Meurer
  On May 25, 2009, at 7:46 PM, Luke wrote:

   Thanks for the clarification.  I think I get the idea, but I'm
   having trouble matching expressions of the following form:
   a = Wild('a')
   b = Wild('b')
   x = Symbol('x')
   e1 = pi + x
   e2 = pi - x
   e3 = -pi + x
   e4 = -pi - x

   I would think that for e{1,2,3,4} that I could get the following
   e1.match(a*pi + b)
   {a: 1, b: x}
   e2.match(a*pi + b)
   {a: 1, b: -x}
   e3.match(a*pi + b)
   {a: -1, b: x}
   e4.match(a*pi + b)
   {a: -1, b: -x}

   But instead, I get:
   In [61]: e1.match(a*pi + b)
   ⎧   x      ⎫
   ⎨a: ─, b: π⎬
   ⎩   π      ⎭

   In [65]: e2.match(a*pi+b)
   Out[65]: {a: 1, b: -x}

   In [66]: e3.match(a*pi+b)
   ⎧   x       ⎫
   ⎨a: ─, b: -π⎬
   ⎩   π       ⎭

   In [67]: e4.match(a*pi+b)
   Out[67]: {a: -1, b: -x}

   The results for e2 and e4 makes sense to me, but I don't understand
   the behavior for e1 and e3.  Is there another simpler approach, or am
   I missing something fundamental here?


   On May 25, 4:07 pm, Aaron S. Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
   On May 25, 2009, at 11:56 AM, Luke wrote:

   Here is the link for the Maxima trigsimp() code.  It was written in
   1981, according to the comments!!!

   I emailed the authors of the Fu et al. paper to see if they would be
   willing to share their implementation of the algorithm -- maybe we  
   save ourselves some work this way.

   I want to start coding for this, because much of the stuff I am  
   in PyDy is heavy on kinematics and the expressions become  
   long unless intelligent trigsimplification is possible.  Many of my
   unittests simply will not work because some results I know to be  
   cannot be achieved with the current state of trigsimp, so this has
   become a significant limitation for me.

   What should be the general framework for implementing the 'rules'  
   are laid out

[sympy] Re: Strange simplification

2009-05-26 Thread Luke

I'm using the latest pull from git://git.sympy.org/sympy.git, and this
is the response I get:
In [1]: from sympy import *

In [2]: f, w = symbols('fw')

In [3]: s = 2*pi*I*f

In [4]: ia = (-2*s**2*w**2 + w**4)/(s**4 + w**4)

In [5]: simplify(integrate(ia, (f, 0, infty)))
NameError Traceback (most recent call

/home/luke/lib/python/sympy/ipython console in module()

NameError: name 'infty' is not defined

In [6]: simplify(integrate(ia, (f, 0, oo)))
Out[6]: 0

In [10]: oo.__class__
Out[10]: class 'sympy.core.numbers.Infinity'

I'm guessing 'infty' is something you've defined on your own machine
for convenience.

What exactly does it mean to be using the 'trunk'?


On May 26, 4:04 pm, Neal Becker ndbeck...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tuesday 26 May 2009, Robert Kern wrote:

  On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 17:04, Neal Becker ndbeck...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Tuesday 26 May 2009, Robert Kern wrote:
   On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 15:08, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
I get the same behavior on my machine.

   Hmm, I don't.

   I'm using 0.6.4, are you using something newer perhaps?

  Yes, the trunk.

 Here's what maxima says:

 (%o33) (w^4+8*%pi^2*f^2*w^2)/(w^4+16*%pi^4*f^4)

 (%i35) integrate(%o33,f,0,inf);
 Is  w   positive or negative? positive;
 (%o35) (3*w)/(4*sqrt(2))
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[sympy] Re: Strange simplification

2009-05-26 Thread Luke

Ok, so there is some sort of bug.

Here is what Matlab (maple) 2008a gives:
 int((8*pi^2*f^2*w^2+w^4)/(16*pi^4*f^4+w^4), f, 0, inf)

ans =

PIECEWISE([NaN, And(0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi+pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^
(1/2),(w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)  0,(w^4)^
(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi+pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)  0,0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^
(1/2)*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2))],[NaN, And(0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^
(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)  0,0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^
(1/2))],[NaN, And((w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2) 
0,(w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi+pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)  0,0  (w^4)^
(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2))],[NaN, And((w^4)^(1/4)*2^
(1/2)*pi+pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)  0,0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi-pi*
(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2))],[NaN, And(0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi+pi*
(1/2)  0,(w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi+pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)  0)],
[NaN, And(0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi+pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2),(w^4)^
(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi+pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)  0)],[NaN, And((w^4)^
(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)  0,(w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi
+pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)  0)],[NaN, (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi+pi*
(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)  0],[NaN, And(0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi+pi*
(1/2)  0,0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2))],
[NaN, And(0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi+pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2),0 
(w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2))],[NaN, And((w^4)^
(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)  0,0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^
(1/2)*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2))],[NaN, 0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)
*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)],[NaN, And(0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi
*w^2)^(1/2)  0)],[NaN, 0  (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi+pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)
*w^2)^(1/2)],[NaN, (w^4)^(1/4)*2^(1/2)*pi-pi*(-2*csgn(w^2)*w^2)^(1/2)
 0],[1/8*2^(1/2)*w^2*(2+csgn(w^2))/(w^4)^(1/4), otherwise])

And here is what Mathematica's web integral gives (with 'x' in place
of 'f'):
 Integrate[(8*Pi^2*x^2*w^2 + w^4)/(16*Pi^4*x^4 + w^4), x] ==
(w*(-6*ArcTan[1 - (2*Sqrt[2]*Pi*x)/w] + 6*ArcTan[1 + (2*Sqrt[2]*Pi*x)/
w] + Log[-w^2 + 2*Sqrt[2]*Pi*w*x - 4*Pi^2*x^2] - Log[w^2 + 2*Sqrt[2]
*Pi*w*x + 4*Pi^2*x^2]))/ (8*Sqrt[2]*Pi)

They don't let you do definite integrals there.  And the computation
timed out on Wolfram Alpha.

Anybody actually *know* what this integral should be?


On May 26, 5:25 pm, Robert Kern robert.k...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 19:22, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm using the latest pull from git://git.sympy.org/sympy.git, and this
  is the response I get:
  In [1]: from sympy import *

  In [2]: f, w = symbols('fw')

  In [3]: s = 2*pi*I*f

  In [4]: ia = (-2*s**2*w**2 + w**4)/(s**4 + w**4)

  In [5]: simplify(integrate(ia, (f, 0, infty)))
  NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call

  /home/luke/lib/python/sympy/ipython console in module()

  NameError: name 'infty' is not defined

  In [6]: simplify(integrate(ia, (f, 0, oo)))
  Out[6]: 0

  In [10]: oo.__class__
  Out[10]: class 'sympy.core.numbers.Infinity'

  I'm guessing 'infty' is something you've defined on your own machine
  for convenience.

 No, I'm just dumb. That's from numpy.

 In [3]: from sympy import *

 In [4]: %sym -r f w
 Adding real variables:

 In [5]: s = 2*pi*I*f

 In [6]: ia = (-2*s**2*w**2 + w**4)/(s**4 + w**4)

 In [7]: simplify(powsimp(integrate(ia, (f, 0, oo
 Out[7]: 0

  What exactly does it mean to be using the 'trunk'?

 the latest pull from git://git.sympy.org/sympy.git

 Robert Kern

 I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless
 enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as
 though it had an underlying truth.
   -- Umberto Eco
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[sympy] Function vs. Symbol

2009-05-26 Thread Luke

I'm trying to better understand how Sympy is structured with regard to
Function and Symbol.

In most problems I have encountered with ODE's (and PDE's, but I'll
limit my discussion to ODE's) of the form:
dx/dt = f(x, t) x \in R^n, f: R^n x R --- R^n
there simply is no closed form solution for x(t).  So if you somehow
know f(x) and can hard code it, Symbol works fine as the data type for
each x_i (i = 1,n).  This allows you to take partial derivatives
of f, linearize the system, study stability, etc...

The problem I am faced with is in the analytic derivation of f(x, t),
as it arises from Newtonian dynamics.  For simple problems, f(x, t)
can be done by determined by 'hand'.  For more complicated systems,
this becomes cumbersome and intractable.

Typically, the problem starts out with defining the orientations and
positions of all masses and rigid bodies.  Next, velocities with
respect some inertial frame need to be formed, so time derivatives of
very complicated expressions are necessary.  In these expressions are
long trig expressions involving the x_i's which generally represent a
position or an angle (generalized coordinates).  And this is where my
problem lies:  if the x_i's are implemented as Symbol, then diff(x, t)
== 0, and the expressions involving x won't have the correct
derivative.  Obviously, I can hand code the chain rule and just take
partial derivatives with respect to each x_i, then multiply by another
Symbol that represents dx_i / dt, but this seems clumsy and cumbersome
to me.

If, instead, each x_i is implemented as Function, implicitly dependent
upon time (again, remember, no closed form solution exists) like:
t = Symbol('t')
x_1 = Function('x_1')(t)
then we get nice things like:
diff(x_1, t)
but then other issues come up, e.g, solve can't solve for anything but
symbol (although there is a patch submitted that fixes this), .match()
can't match Function types, differentiation with respect to Functions
are not currently supported (so no Jacobian of f(x, t) could be done
without substitution), and who knows what else.  Substitution schemes
where Functions are replaced by Symbols and then back again are
possible, but it seems fragile and a bit of a hack.

The main point I'm driving at is that it seems that many things seem
to be designed to work exclusively with the Symbol type.

Does anybody here have experience with this sort of situation, and how
it can be dealt with, or how other packages (Maple, Mathematica,
Maxima) might deal with it?

One idea (not necessarily a good one, let me know what you think) is
the following.  Suppose you have a problem where you need
differentiation with respect to a parameter (i.e. time), but for
everything else, the behavior of Function is not needed ( i.e., series
() is not needed because no closed form solution exists).  Could a
special type of Symbol be created that carried along with it its
independent variable, something like:
t = Symbol('t')
x = Symbol('x', implicitly_dependent_upon=t)
and then differentiation with respect to that parameter would return
another Symbol:
Or some other notation instead of the x' could be used, maybe xp (p
for prime), and so on:

It seems like this notation could also be useful and applicable to
things with spatial dependence, like stress, strain, temperature,
things that arise in solid and fluid mechanics.  i.e.:
v = Symbol('v' implicitly_dependent_upon = [t, x, y, z])
as might be used in the Navier-Stokes equations...

I guess the real need for this is dictated by the case when you need
to derive, symbollically, the differential equations you want to work
with, be they ODE's or PDE's.  That happens to be what I'm working on,
and maybe other people might find this functionality useful, or maybe

I guess it might just be as simple as subclassing Symbol and adding
the functionality I just described, but hopefully this would still
allow it to retain the ability to work with all the builtin Sympy
functions that work best with Symbol objects.



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[sympy] Re: Function vs. Symbol

2009-05-27 Thread Luke

  I think the example you gave is good, but I think it would be better
if you could imply that x == x(t) upon instantiation, rather than
anytime you need to take the derivative, so that you would have
something like:
In [1]: t = Symbol('t')
In [2]: x = Symbol('x', args=[t])
In [3]: x.diff(t)

I think making the user type 'x(t).diff(t)' instead of 'x.diff(t)'
would be more error prone (you could easily forget to do it once and
screw everything all up).  To me it seems better to just declare that
it is dependent upon some parameter when you create it, and
forevermore you don't have to be explicit about it.

The next question is with regards to the return value of x.diff(t) in
the above case.  Currently, it returns Derivative.  For the stuff I am
doing, I need 'x.diff(t)' to have the functionality of Symbol, i.e., I
need to be able to take the derivative of an expression with respect
to x.diff(t), and I don't want to have to perform cumbersome
substitutions back and forth, also, being able to match terms, find
coefficients, solve, etc., all work with Symbol but not necessarily
with other things like Function or Derivative.

What do you think about the idea of an assumption for Symbol saying
that it is implicitly dependent upon some other Symbols?  If this
assumption were set to be True, and the list of other Symbols
specified, there could be some small amount of code in the diff()
method of Symbol that would notice this and return a Symbol instead of
a Derivative.  This would still allow for the chain rule to be applied
correctly, so that you could get this kind of behavior:

In [4]: diff(sin(x), t)
D(x(t), t)*cos(x(t))

but still have the first term, the D(x(t), t), be a Symbol, so that
you could do:
In [4]: dexpr = diff(sin(x), t)
In [5]: solve(dexpr - 1, x.diff(t))
Out[5]: {D(x(t), t): 1/cos(x(t))}

The reason it might be nice to subclass it is so that printing could
be more tightly controlled things get long and unreadable if you
are always using x(t) instead of x, D(x(t), t) instead of x' (or
something similar).  But maybe it could still be done without

The other approach would be to make everything in Sympy work equally
well with Function, Derivative, and Symbol.  I don't know if this is a
good idea or not, but it also seems like it would be a ton of work.

What do you think?



On May 27, 1:44 am, Fabian Pedregosa fab...@fseoane.net wrote:
 Luke wrote:
  I'm trying to better understand how Sympy is structured with regard to
  Function and Symbol.

  In most problems I have encountered with ODE's (and PDE's, but I'll
  limit my discussion to ODE's) of the form:
  dx/dt = f(x, t)         x \in R^n, f: R^n x R --- R^n
  there simply is no closed form solution for x(t).  So if you somehow
  know f(x) and can hard code it, Symbol works fine as the data type for
  each x_i (i = 1,n).  This allows you to take partial derivatives
  of f, linearize the system, study stability, etc...

  The problem I am faced with is in the analytic derivation of f(x, t),
  as it arises from Newtonian dynamics.  For simple problems, f(x, t)
  can be done by determined by 'hand'.  For more complicated systems,
  this becomes cumbersome and intractable.

  Typically, the problem starts out with defining the orientations and
  positions of all masses and rigid bodies.  Next, velocities with
  respect some inertial frame need to be formed, so time derivatives of
  very complicated expressions are necessary.  In these expressions are
  long trig expressions involving the x_i's which generally represent a
  position or an angle (generalized coordinates).  And this is where my
  problem lies:  if the x_i's are implemented as Symbol, then diff(x, t)
  == 0, and the expressions involving x won't have the correct
  derivative.  Obviously, I can hand code the chain rule and just take
  partial derivatives with respect to each x_i, then multiply by another
  Symbol that represents dx_i / dt, but this seems clumsy and cumbersome
  to me.

  If, instead, each x_i is implemented as Function, implicitly dependent
  upon time (again, remember, no closed form solution exists) like:
  t = Symbol('t')
  x_1 = Function('x_1')(t)
  then we get nice things like:
  diff(x_1, t)
  but then other issues come up, e.g, solve can't solve for anything but
  symbol (although there is a patch submitted that fixes this), .match()
  can't match Function types, differentiation with respect to Functions
  are not currently supported (so no Jacobian of f(x, t) could be done
  without substitution), and who knows what else.  Substitution schemes
  where Functions are replaced by Symbols and then back again are
  possible, but it seems fragile and a bit of a hack.

  The main point I'm driving at is that it seems that many things seem
  to be designed to work exclusively with the Symbol type.

  Does anybody here have experience with this sort of situation, and how
  it can be dealt

[sympy] Re: Function vs. Symbol

2009-05-27 Thread Luke

Here is a concrete example of the behavior that I think would be very
   (1) variables x{3}'
   (2) e = sin(x1 - x2)
- (3) e = SIN(x1-x2)

   (4) f = x3*e*tan(x2)*sin(e)
- (5) f = x3*TAN(x2)*e*SIN(e)

   (6) test = dt(f)
- (7) test = TAN(x2)*e*SIN(e)*x3' + x3*e*SIN(e)*x2'/COS(x2)^2 + x3*TAN
(x2)*COS(x1-x2)*SIN(e)*(x1'-x2') + x3*TAN(x2)*COS(x1-x2)*e*COS(e)*(x1'-

   (6) variables

 The following variables have been declared:

x1  x2  x3
x1'  x2'  x3'

This is the output of a program called Autolev.  Ignore the annoying
things like its capitalization sin, cos, tan, and the way the
variables command works by injecting things into the workspace.  The
main functionality I'm trying to emulate is in its ability to assume
time dependence of the variables x1 x2 and x3 upon time, and just use
compact notation like x1' to represent D(x(t), t).  Things like solve
and coeff work just fine in Autolev for these variables:

   (8) coef(test, x1')
 Result = x3*TAN(x2)*COS(x1-x2)*(SIN(e)+e*COS(e))
   (8) solve(test, x1')
- (9) x1' = -(TAN(x2)*e*SIN(e)*x3'+x3*e*SIN(e)*x2'/COS(x2)^2-x3*TAN

Again, some of the behavior here is sloppy, but hopefully this
illustrates some of the behavior that would be useful.

I would like to emulate the behavior that allows one to:
1) explicitly declare a Symbol to be a function of some parameters (in
my case, just Symbol('t') would be adequate)
2) never have to explicitly use notation like x(t), because x is
Assumed to be a function of time.
3) have the chain rule work, so that when a symbolic expression has
things like sin(x), and you differentiate it, you get, cos(x)*x',
rather than 0 (the way sympy works now unless you use Function or
Symbol with explicit 'x(t)' notation).
4) have diff(x, t) return another Symbol, some linked to the parent
symbol ( i.e. x' is a descendant of x, or something like this)  so
that it can be used in all the functions that work well with Symbol.

This sort of behavior would make many things extremely easy and for
the stuff I'm doing, would let one focus on the problem, not on the



On May 27, 11:53 am, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
   I think the example you gave is good, but I think it would be better
 if you could imply that x == x(t) upon instantiation, rather than
 anytime you need to take the derivative, so that you would have
 something like:
 In [1]: t = Symbol('t')
 In [2]: x = Symbol('x', args=[t])
 In [3]: x.diff(t)

 I think making the user type 'x(t).diff(t)' instead of 'x.diff(t)'
 would be more error prone (you could easily forget to do it once and
 screw everything all up).  To me it seems better to just declare that
 it is dependent upon some parameter when you create it, and
 forevermore you don't have to be explicit about it.

 The next question is with regards to the return value of x.diff(t) in
 the above case.  Currently, it returns Derivative.  For the stuff I am
 doing, I need 'x.diff(t)' to have the functionality of Symbol, i.e., I
 need to be able to take the derivative of an expression with respect
 to x.diff(t), and I don't want to have to perform cumbersome
 substitutions back and forth, also, being able to match terms, find
 coefficients, solve, etc., all work with Symbol but not necessarily
 with other things like Function or Derivative.

 What do you think about the idea of an assumption for Symbol saying
 that it is implicitly dependent upon some other Symbols?  If this
 assumption were set to be True, and the list of other Symbols
 specified, there could be some small amount of code in the diff()
 method of Symbol that would notice this and return a Symbol instead of
 a Derivative.  This would still allow for the chain rule to be applied
 correctly, so that you could get this kind of behavior:

 In [4]: diff(sin(x), t)
 D(x(t), t)*cos(x(t))

 but still have the first term, the D(x(t), t), be a Symbol, so that
 you could do:
 In [4]: dexpr = diff(sin(x), t)
 In [5]: solve(dexpr - 1, x.diff(t))
 Out[5]: {D(x(t), t): 1/cos(x(t))}

 The reason it might be nice to subclass it is so that printing could
 be more tightly controlled things get long and unreadable if you
 are always using x(t) instead of x, D(x(t), t) instead of x' (or
 something similar).  But maybe it could still be done without

 The other approach would be to make everything in Sympy work equally
 well with Function, Derivative, and Symbol.  I don't know if this is a
 good idea or not, but it also seems like it would be a ton of work.

 What do you think?



 On May 27, 1:44 am, Fabian Pedregosa fab...@fseoane.net wrote:

  Luke wrote:
   I'm trying to better understand how Sympy is structured with regard to
   Function and Symbol.

   In most problems I have encountered with ODE's (and PDE's, but I'll
   limit my discussion to ODE's

[sympy] Re: Function vs. Symbol

2009-05-27 Thread Luke

I like the first way for the fact that it just has 'x' instead of 'x
(t)', but I like the second way because it is simpler and easier to

Is there a way to redefined how x = Symbol('x')(t) would print?  I
guess subclassing would be one option, take care of it there, and then
use the second approach for the auto substitution stuff.


On May 27, 4:49 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:
 We discuss this on IRC with Luke and Fabian. Now I understand -- Luke
 wants the result of differentiating not to be instances of
 Derivative() class, but rather some other symbols, e.g it should
 substitute them for symbols at the end.

 One way to do it is to subclass the Symbol() class that does the right
 thing, proof of concept is attached. I had to comment out some lines
 in the Function class that were returning 0 immediately if the
 expression didn't depend on t (the symbol we are differentiating
 with respect to).

 After applying the patch, you get:

 $ python t.py

 Another approach may be to create some decorator around Basic.diff()
 or even create a new function diff, along these lines:

 from sympy import *

 t = Symbol(t)
 x = Function(x)(t)
 print current way:, diff(sin(x), t)

 x_diff = Symbol(x')
 derivs_dict = {x.diff(t): x_diff}
 def diff(a, b):
     return a.diff(b).subs(derivs_dict)

 print new way:, diff(sin(x), t)

 This prints:

 current way: D(x(t), t)*cos(x(t))
 new way: x'*cos(x(t))

 Luke, isn't the second approach cleaner? No need to create new classes, etc.


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[sympy] Re: Function vs. Symbol

2009-05-28 Thread Luke

I'm a little unclear about a few things with regards to how to
properly subclass StrPrinter.

On May 27, 5:08 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:
 On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I like the first way for the fact that it just has 'x' instead of 'x
  (t)', but I like the second way because it is simpler and easier to

 The first way needs patching sympy, exactly because it things that x
 is just x and thus if the expression doesn't depend on t, it
 return 0 immediately.

  Is there a way to redefined how x = Symbol('x')(t) would print?  I
  guess subclassing would be one option, take care of it there, and then
  use the second approach for the auto substitution stuff.

 In fact, just subclassStrPrinterand override _print_Symbol() or
 _print_Function(). You have your own printer in pydy anyway, so just
 add there one more method.

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[sympy] Re: Function vs. Symbol

2009-05-28 Thread Luke

Sorry, I accidentally clicked send before I had finished.  A few

So here is part of my PyDyPrinter class:
class PyDyPrinter(StrPrinter):
printmethod = _pydystr_
def _print_sin(self, e):
name = str(e.args[0])
if name[0] == q:
index = name[1]
return s%s % index
return str(e)

And here is a convenience function.

def print_pydy(e):
pp = PyDyPrinter()
return pp.doprint(e)

Question 1)  What does printmethod do / control?  Does this control
what the name of my print methods in each of my classes needs to be?
Question 2)  Do I need to have _sympystr_ defined in the classes I
wish to customize the printing for?  Or should it be: _pydystr_, since
that is what is printmethod is defined to be.
Question 3)  Do I put the printing code for my class into
myclassname._sympystr_ (or ._pydystr_), or does it go inside my
subclass of StrPrinter, PyDyPrinter?
Question 4)  If the printing code goes in my subclass of StrPrinter
(in my case PyDyPrinter), then do I just put in the _sympystr_ method
of my class something like: return print_pydy(self)?

I've read the printing documentation, and the wiki, and the mailing
list, and I'm still not clear how the Printing system works.  In some
examples I have seen there is no printingmethod variable set, and I'm
not clear what it does exactly.  Maybe somebody could post a complete
example, that would show their subclassing of StrPrinter, as well as
the code inside their cusstom class, and any other relevant code as a
complete example of how to properly customize the printing?


On May 28, 3:23 pm, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm a little unclear about a few things with regards to how to
 properly subclassStrPrinter.

 On May 27, 5:08 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:

  On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

   I like the first way for the fact that it just has 'x' instead of 'x
   (t)', but I like the second way because it is simpler and easier to

  The first way needs patching sympy, exactly because it things that x
  is just x and thus if the expression doesn't depend on t, it
  return 0 immediately.

   Is there a way to redefined how x = Symbol('x')(t) would print?  I
   guess subclassing would be one option, take care of it there, and then
   use the second approach for the auto substitution stuff.

  In fact, just subclassStrPrinterand override _print_Symbol() or
  _print_Function(). You have your own printer in pydy anyway, so just
  add there one more method.


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[sympy] Re: Function vs. Symbol

2009-05-28 Thread Luke

One thing I forgot to ask:  I'm getting weird error messages when I
try to use the xsym(*) character.  I had put it in my _sympystr_
method of one of my classes, and I keep getting the following error:
  File t.py, line 53, in module
print 'print A[1]', Vector(sin(q1)*A[1] + cos(q1)*A[1])
  File /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/core/basic.py, line
689, in __str__
return StrPrinter.doprint(self)
  File /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/printing/printer.py,
line 118, in doprint
return self._str(self._print(expr))
  File /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/printing/printer.py,
line 132, in _print
res = getattr(expr, self.printmethod)()
  File /home/luke/lib/python/pydy/pydy.py, line 266, in _sympystr_
xsym('*') + k._sympystr_()
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position
11: ordinal not in range(128)

when I go to ipython and do:
print xsym('*')
it works just fine, even if I concatenate it with some other non
unicode things.  What do I do to fix the above error?


On May 28, 3:33 pm, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry, I accidentally clicked send before I had finished.  A few

 So here is part of my PyDyPrinter class:
 class PyDyPrinter(StrPrinter):
     printmethod = _pydystr_
     def _print_sin(self, e):
         name = str(e.args[0])
         if name[0] == q:
             index = name[1]
             return s%s % index
             return str(e)

 And here is a convenience function.

 def print_pydy(e):
     pp = PyDyPrinter()
     return pp.doprint(e)

 Question 1)  What does printmethod do / control?  Does this control
 what the name of my print methods in each of my classes needs to be?
 Question 2)  Do I need to have _sympystr_ defined in the classes I
 wish to customize the printing for?  Or should it be: _pydystr_, since
 that is what is printmethod is defined to be.
 Question 3)  Do I put the printing code for my class into
 myclassname._sympystr_ (or ._pydystr_), or does it go inside my
 subclass ofStrPrinter, PyDyPrinter?
 Question 4)  If the printing code goes in my subclass ofStrPrinter
 (in my case PyDyPrinter), then do I just put in the _sympystr_ method
 of my class something like: return print_pydy(self)?

 I've read the printing documentation, and the wiki, and the mailing
 list, and I'm still not clear how the Printing system works.  In some
 examples I have seen there is no printingmethod variable set, and I'm
 not clear what it does exactly.  Maybe somebody could post a complete
 example, that would show their subclassing ofStrPrinter, as well as
 the code inside their cusstom class, and any other relevant code as a
 complete example of how to properly customize the printing?


 On May 28, 3:23 pm, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm a little unclear about a few things with regards to how to
  properly subclassStrPrinter.

  On May 27, 5:08 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:

   On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

I like the first way for the fact that it just has 'x' instead of 'x
(t)', but I like the second way because it is simpler and easier to

   The first way needs patching sympy, exactly because it things that x
   is just x and thus if the expression doesn't depend on t, it
   return 0 immediately.

Is there a way to redefined how x = Symbol('x')(t) would print?  I
guess subclassing would be one option, take care of it there, and then
use the second approach for the auto substitution stuff.

   In fact, just subclassStrPrinterand override _print_Symbol() or
   _print_Function(). You have your own printer in pydy anyway, so just
   add there one more method.


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[sympy] Re: Function vs. Symbol

2009-05-28 Thread Luke

  Thanks for the reply.  I have read printer.py, str.py, and repr.py,
and am still confused as to how to properly customize Sympy's printing

Suppose I want to put the _print_myclass(self, e) code into my
subclass of StrPrinter.  What methods should I keep in the classes
themselves?  Anything?  _sympystr_, _repr_, or _str_, or none of them?

Finally, suppose I do put all the printing code for each of my classes
into my sublcass of StrPrinter.  Will
inst = MyClass()
print inst

automatically look into my subclass of StrPrinter for a method called
_print_MyClass()?  Or do I need to define something like:

def print_pydy(e):
pp = PyDyPrinter()

And then call:

I don't feel the use of the printing system is clearly conveyed in the
documentation.  More explicit examples would be helpful.  I'm happy to
do this once I get to the point of understand how it works, but I'm
not there yet.


On May 28, 4:00 pm, Sebastian basti...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Luke,

 I think all your questions are answered in the docstring of
 printing/printer.py. There it tells you in which order it is tried to
 print an object.

 1) Let the object print itself if it has the method defined as printmethod.
 2) Use the method defined in the Printer if available.
 3) Use some fallback printer.

 Luke wrote:
  Sorry, I accidentally clicked send before I had finished.  A few

  So here is part of my PyDyPrinter class:
  class PyDyPrinter(StrPrinter):
      printmethod = _pydystr_
      def _print_sin(self, e):
          name = str(e.args[0])
          if name[0] == q:
              index = name[1]
              return s%s % index
              return str(e)

  And here is a convenience function.

  def print_pydy(e):
      pp = PyDyPrinter()
      return pp.doprint(e)

  Question 1)  What does printmethod do / control?  Does this control
  what the name of my print methods in each of my classes needs to be?
 Is explained above.
  Question 2)  Do I need to have _sympystr_ defined in the classes I
  wish to customize the printing for?  Or should it be: _pydystr_, since
  that is what is printmethod is defined to be.

 If all your classes are handled in your own printer you don't need any
 additional methods. Question 3)  Do I put the printing code for my class into
  myclassname._sympystr_ (or ._pydystr_), or does it go inside my
  subclass of StrPrinter, PyDyPrinter?

 That's your choice, use what you like more. Question 4)  If the printing 
 code goes in my subclass of StrPrinter
  (in my case PyDyPrinter), then do I just put in the _sympystr_ method
  of my class something like: return print_pydy(self)?

 Okay this influences question3. If you have one (or only a few) common
 base class, you can just overwrite the __str__ and __repr__ methods
 there. For an example look into core/basic.py into the Base class.
 Otherwise it may be better to just write the printing code into
 _sympystr_ methods in every class.

  I've read the printing documentation, and the wiki, and the mailing
  list, and I'm still not clear how the Printing system works.  In some
  examples I have seen there is no printingmethod variable set, and I'm
  not clear what it does exactly.  Maybe somebody could post a complete
  example, that would show their subclassing of StrPrinter, as well as
  the code inside their cusstom class, and any other relevant code as a
  complete example of how to properly customize the printing?

 Just go through the printers implemented in the printing directory.
 Especially printer.py is useful and for some full implementation
 examples you can go through str.py and repr.py.

 I hope this helps,
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[sympy] Re: Function vs. Symbol

2009-05-28 Thread Luke

Also, how can I get the xsym(*) character to display correctly?
When I do
print xsym(*)
it works fine, i.e., I get the small dot that looks nice. But in my
printing methods where I build the string for the outputs, and I do
something like:
s += print_pydy(e.dict[k]) + xsym('*') + k.__str__()

It gives me an error because of the xsym('*') part:
s += print_pydy(e.dict[k]) + xsym('*') + k.__str__()
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position
11: ordinal not in range(128)

Any suggestions on how to fix this?


On May 28, 4:35 pm, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
   Thanks for the reply.  I have read printer.py, str.py, and repr.py,
 and am still confused as to how to properly customize Sympy's printing

 Suppose I want to put the _print_myclass(self, e) code into my
 subclass of StrPrinter.  What methods should I keep in the classes
 themselves?  Anything?  _sympystr_, _repr_, or _str_, or none of them?

 Finally, suppose I do put all the printing code for each of my classes
 into my sublcass of StrPrinter.  Will
 inst = MyClass()
 print inst

 automatically look into my subclass of StrPrinter for a method called
 _print_MyClass()?  Or do I need to define something like:

 def print_pydy(e):
     pp = PyDyPrinter()

 And then call:

 I don't feel the use of the printing system is clearly conveyed in the
 documentation.  More explicit examples would be helpful.  I'm happy to
 do this once I get to the point of understand how it works, but I'm
 not there yet.


 On May 28, 4:00 pm, Sebastian basti...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Luke,

  I think all your questions are answered in the docstring of
  printing/printer.py. There it tells you in which order it is tried to
  print an object.

  1) Let the object print itself if it has the method defined as printmethod.
  2) Use the method defined in the Printer if available.
  3) Use some fallback printer.

  Luke wrote:
   Sorry, I accidentally clicked send before I had finished.  A few

   So here is part of my PyDyPrinter class:
   class PyDyPrinter(StrPrinter):
       printmethod = _pydystr_
       def _print_sin(self, e):
           name = str(e.args[0])
           if name[0] == q:
               index = name[1]
               return s%s % index
               return str(e)

   And here is a convenience function.

   def print_pydy(e):
       pp = PyDyPrinter()
       return pp.doprint(e)

   Question 1)  What does printmethod do / control?  Does this control
   what the name of my print methods in each of my classes needs to be?
  Is explained above.
   Question 2)  Do I need to have _sympystr_ defined in the classes I
   wish to customize the printing for?  Or should it be: _pydystr_, since
   that is what is printmethod is defined to be.

  If all your classes are handled in your own printer you don't need any
  additional methods. Question 3)  Do I put the printing code for my class 
   myclassname._sympystr_ (or ._pydystr_), or does it go inside my
   subclass of StrPrinter, PyDyPrinter?

  That's your choice, use what you like more. Question 4)  If the printing 
  code goes in my subclass of StrPrinter
   (in my case PyDyPrinter), then do I just put in the _sympystr_ method
   of my class something like: return print_pydy(self)?

  Okay this influences question3. If you have one (or only a few) common
  base class, you can just overwrite the __str__ and __repr__ methods
  there. For an example look into core/basic.py into the Base class.
  Otherwise it may be better to just write the printing code into
  _sympystr_ methods in every class.

   I've read the printing documentation, and the wiki, and the mailing
   list, and I'm still not clear how the Printing system works.  In some
   examples I have seen there is no printingmethod variable set, and I'm
   not clear what it does exactly.  Maybe somebody could post a complete
   example, that would show their subclassing of StrPrinter, as well as
   the code inside their cusstom class, and any other relevant code as a
   complete example of how to properly customize the printing?

  Just go through the printers implemented in the printing directory.
  Especially printer.py is useful and for some full implementation
  examples you can go through str.py and repr.py.

  I hope this helps,

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[sympy] Re: Function vs. Symbol

2009-05-28 Thread Luke

print xsym(*)
works, i.e. it prings a nice small *, i.e., when you do x*y in isympy,
this is the default behavior.
but when I put
into a string that is used in the _print_Vector(self, e) function in
my subclass of StrPrinter, it doesn't print, instead it generates the

I know my terminal is unicode enabled, the error is something else, I
just don't know how to fix it.


On May 28, 6:34 pm, Sebastian basti...@gmail.com wrote:
 Luke wrote:
  Ok, thanks.

  Any ideas regarding the xsym(*) error?

 Not really, I don't even know where this xsym comes from and what it
 does, but maybe you are printing unicode to a non-unicode terminal?

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[sympy] UnicodeDecodeError when using xsym(*)

2009-05-28 Thread Luke

I subclassed StrPrinter to define my own printing of some of my
classes, and I can't seem to make xsym(*) work.  I keep getting a
UnicodeDecodeError.  Here is a code snippet of what I'm doing:

if i == 0:
if isinstance(e.dict[k], Add):
s += '(' + print_pydy(e.dict[k])+\
')' + xsym('*') + k.__str__()
s += print_pydy(e.dict[k]) + '*' +
i += 1

And here is the error I'm getting:

  File t.py, line 56, in module
print 'print A[1]', Vector((1+sin(q1))*A[1])
  File /home/luke/lib/python/pydy/pydy.py, line 254, in __str__
return print_pydy(self)
  File /home/luke/lib/python/pydy/pydy.py, line 1157, in print_pydy
return pp.doprint(e)
  File /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/printing/printer.py,
line 118, in doprint
return self._str(self._print(expr))
  File /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sympy/printing/printer.py,
line 143, in _print
res = getattr(self, printmethod)(expr, *args)
  File /home/luke/lib/python/pydy/pydy.py, line 1102, in
unicode(')') + xsym('*') + unicode(k.__str__())
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position
11: ordinal not in range(128)

Removing the xsym('*') gets ride of the error, but then I don't get
the small dot.  I tried calling unicode() on each of the other terms
in the concatenation, but that didn't fix it.

I have search a lot online and have found many pages acknowledging
this error but none discussing how to fix it.  Does anybody know what
I need to do in order to take care of this?


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[sympy] cos(x - y) == cos(y - x)

2009-05-29 Thread Luke

It is late, but it seems to me that [2] should evaluate true, for any
x and y, not just real x and y.  Should also work for functions.

In [1]: cos(x - 1) == cos(1 - x)
Out[1]: True

In [2]: cos(x - y) == cos(y - x)
Out[2]: False

In [3]: x = Symbol('x', real=True)

In [4]: y = Symbol('y', real=True)

In [5]: cos(x - y) == cos(y - x)
Out[5]: True

In [10]: x = Function('x')(z)

In [11]: y = Function('y')(z)

In [12]: cos(x - y) == cos(y - x)
Out[12]: False

In [13]:

Fabian, are your assumptions going to have an is_even_function and
is_odd_function attributes for Function?

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[sympy] Re: cos(x - y) == cos(y - x)

2009-05-29 Thread Luke

Aaron was correct, it was late at night (or early in the morning).

Ondrej, can you elaborate on what you mean by canonical form?  Do you
mean something should be done in cos.canonize?  Currently canonize
just call cls.eval(arg).

I'm unclear why it works for 1 and x, i.e. cos(1-x)==cos(x-1), but not
with x and y?  It seems like there must be some logic that has been
coded in a way that only works with specific types, when it really
should work for any reasonable type.

Is this something that would be fixed in cos.eval?  Or should the fix
go elsewhere?  In cos.eval there is some code that is supposed to take
care of normalizing cos(-x-y) to cos(x+y), but obviously the logic in
there isn't catching this.


On May 29, 9:06 am, Aaron S. Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 On May 29, 2009, at 9:25 AM, Ondrej Certik wrote:

  On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 2:24 AM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  It is late, but it seems to me that [2] should evaluate true, for any

  Why is it late?

 I think because he sent it at 2:30 in the morning.

 Aaron Meurer
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[sympy] Re: Motion equation generation script sharing

2009-06-01 Thread Luke

  I've browsed this text a little, but to be honest, I was unable to
see the direct advantage of such an approach, at least for the type of
work I'm involved with.  I'm willing to trust that the mathematics are
cleaner and more complete, but I'm curious what the advantage is in
the end.  Do you know specific types of systems that really benefit
from this approach?  I am currently studying the rolling torus and the
Whipple bicycle model, and I would be curious to see how the GA
approach would compare to a more classical approach.  Have you seen
the GA approach applied to classical examples like the rolling disc or
torus, or any other nonholonomic systetms?

Also, I have another text in electronic format called Geometric
Algebra with Applications in Engineering, by Christian Perwass.  Are
you familiar with it?  If so, do you recommend it as an alternative to
the book by Doran and Lasenby?  Or is Doran and Lasenby available


On Jun 1, 2:25 pm, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:
 Luke wrote:
  If you are familiar with Autolev, then you are probably familiar with
  some of the behavior that makes it very convenient and easy to derive
  equations of motion in.  You might also be familiar with some of its
  limitations.  One of the main goals of PyDy is to replicate (in a more
  Pythonic way) the features of Autolev, and improve upon its
  deficiencies.  One of the main things I have implemented so far that
  is very useful is the 12 Euler and 12 Space fixed rotation
  conventions, into a convenient framework for working with vector
  expressions without having to deal with the rotation matrices /
  transformations explicitly.  This makes many things much simpler when
  defining your problem.

  I would love to hear your input on feature requests or overall design
  approaches for PyDy.  Here is all the group information:
  * p...@googlegroups.com

  I have classes for ReferenceFrame and am working on the Point class,
  my idea is to implement methods for each of these classes that can
  assign inertia and/or torque (ReferenceFrame) and mass and/or force
  (Point), which, combined with the kinematics of the problem, will
  allow for Kane's method to be utilized and the equations of motion
  generated in a very algorithmic and systematic fashion.

  There are already a few example problems up there, but if you think
  any others, I'd be happy to put them up -- the more the better.


  On May 29, 9:56 pm, 2006.uchida 2006.uch...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thank you for your response. I first knew Autolev.
  I took a look at one of the sample test codes of Pydy named
  simplependulum.py and didn't look into the details but it appears
  that it allows us to obtain motion equations and simulations by only
  connecting the class instances that represent rigid bodies, sorry if I
  It is a cool idea! We no longer need to transform the coordinates nor
  to calculate the absolute positions of the rigid objects one by one,
  which is a hard part for me in using Kane's method. Moreover, it also
  provides the dynamics simulations as well as the equations. We can do
  a simulation without thinking about programming for the integration of
  the simulation.
  I think it would be good to design the interface using a class that
  represent a kind of rigid bodies, links, forces, or any other
  extentions with understandable, short names and to make the setup for
  the usage easy like all that we have to do to use the feature is only
  to make up the relations of the class instances.
  Anyway, it would already make our life easier.

  On 5月24日, 午前6:06, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  This is cool, it is good to see other people who are familiar with
  Kane's method, there aren't many of us :)

  Are you familiar with Autolev?  With PyDy, I am working to achieve
  some of the same behavior as Autolev, but make it even better, and
  have a lot more features.  I'd love to hear your input on design
  choices for PyDy if you have the time.  Right now I'm working on
  extending it to allow for the 12 different Euler angles, and the 12
  different space fixed angles, Euler parameters, Rodrigues parameters,
  and axis/angle rotations.  The major work to take care of kinematics
  automatically is in place, but there is definitely more to do in
  regards to how to deal with constraints, definitions of generalized
  speeds, etc...

  What sort of systems do you use Kane's method to study?  My own area
  of research is two wheeled vehicle (bicycle/motorcycle) dynamics and


  On May 23, 6:06 am, 2006.uchida 2006.uch...@gmail.com wrote:

  I made a small script in MuPAD few years ago but I had to say goodbye
  to MuPAD last November, so I found Sympy and have translated it into
  Sympy now. I want to share it and I'm happy if I get some comments.

  What I made is the small

[sympy] Re: .is_Number .is_number and .is_NumberSymbol attributes

2009-06-18 Thread Luke

  I'm working on the eval methods of the trig functions.  There is
some inconsistent behavior here with regard to checking if the
argument of the function 1) .is_Number and 2) .is_number.  For
example, sin only has:
if arg.is_Number:

but for example, asin has:
if arg.is_Number:
if arg.is_number

You mentioned that the lower case version would be gotten rid of.  I
would like to write the trig stuff in a way that will work with your
assumptions with minimal effort, so should I rewrite all this so that
it only uses the arg.is_Number if statement?  If so, things like tan
(pi/2), won't get screened because currently (pi/2).is_Number==False,
but (pi/2).is_number==True.  Or should I keep both sets of if

I want to make all the trig functions have consistent behavior, so I
just need some input on how this should be designed.


On May 25, 9:15 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:
 On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Fabian Pedregosa fab...@fseoane.net wrote:

  Luke wrote:
  Ok, that makes more sense now.  Thanks for the clarification.

  On May 25, 1:05 pm, Abderrahim Kitouni a.kito...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Mon, 25 May 2009 12:48:09 -0700 (PDT)Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  1)  Why are there both 'is_Number' and a 'is_number' methods, and why
  do they return different results?
 is_number== True means that this is a number (in the mathematical sense).
 is_Number== True means that this is a Number (or subclass) instance.
  same here, (i.e. an instance of NumberSymbol), generally is_SomeThing 
  means an
  instance of SomeThing, ans is_something means 'something' in the 
  sense. 2) It seems to me that if something is NumberSymbol, it should 
  also be
  a Number (or number), but this isn't how pi currently is.
  pi.is_numberreturns True.

  Hopefully the .is_* with lowercase will be removed when the new
  assumption system is merged.

 That'd be really awesome.

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[sympy] Complex Infinity

2009-06-22 Thread Luke

Ondrej and I have had some discussion about what the trigonometric
functions tan, cot, sec, csc should return at singular points.  It
seems there are a couple of options:
1)  Return S.ComplexInfinity for things like tan(pi/2), tan(-pi/2),
tanh(pi/2*I), tanh(-pi/2*I), etc.
2)  Raise an exception of some sort.

Mathematica returns ComplexInfinity for all the examples mentioned in
1) above.  What do people think about this?  I'd like to see what
people think would be the right choice.  An interesting subtlety of
this is that in sympy, currently things like S(1)/S(0) return oo
(Infinity).  By this rationale, tan(pi/2) = sin(pi/2)/cos(pi/2) = 1/0
= oo (Infinity), but this doesn't seem the right approach.

If an exception should be raised, what kind?  ZeroDivisionError?
PoleError (not sure what this really is, but Ondrej suggested it)?

Whatever the consensus, I just want to make the trig functions all consistent.


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[sympy] Re: Complex Infinity

2009-06-24 Thread Luke

Is there a reason it returns complex infinity versus just infinity?
Does it have to do with the assumptions about the variables?

Does anybody know an example where Mathematica returns just regular


On Jun 23, 10:23 am, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:
 2009/6/23 Roberto Nobrega rwnobr...@gmail.com:

  In [2]: S(1)/0
  Out[2]: ∞

  Btw, so does wolframalpha:


  In fact it returns ComplexInfinity for 1/0, and not Infinity as SymPy
  currently does.

 Yes, I forgot to mention that.

 So to get some conclusion, I suggest we go the 3) way  return
 ComplexInfinity for everything and emit warnings, that are off by

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[sympy] Re: Complex Infinity

2009-06-24 Thread Luke

Here is the link to the Wolfram Documentation for ComplexInfinity:

Their one line documentation is:
represents a quantity with infinite magnitude, but undetermined
complex phase.

Everything I've tried in Wolfram returns ComplexInfinity, but I'm
still not understanding why this behavior is more desirable than
regular infinity.  I'm fine with implementing it this way, but it
would be nice to understand why this way is more correct or general,
if indeed it is.


On Jun 24, 8:27 am, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a reason it returns complex infinity versus just infinity?
 Does it have to do with the assumptions about the variables?

 Does anybody know an example where Mathematica returns just regular


 On Jun 23, 10:23 am, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:

  2009/6/23 Roberto Nobrega rwnobr...@gmail.com:

   In [2]: S(1)/0
   Out[2]: ∞

   Btw, so does wolframalpha:


   In fact it returns ComplexInfinity for 1/0, and not Infinity as SymPy
   currently does.

  Yes, I forgot to mention that.

  So to get some conclusion, I suggest we go the 3) way  return
  ComplexInfinity for everything and emit warnings, that are off by


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[sympy] How to properly subclass the pretty printer

2009-06-25 Thread Luke

I'm trying to subclass the StrPrinter and PrettyPrinter so that I can
customize the display of some classes I have created for PyDy.  I have
had success with getting StrPrinter, but I found it to have some weird
unicode issues, so I am using plain old strings for my sublcass of
StrPrinter, and would like to reserve all unicode stuff for the

The way I am subclassing StrPrinter is as follows:
1) My PyDy classes are subclassed from Basic. I override the __str__()
method of each of my PyDy classes to look like:
def __str__(self):
return pydy_str(self)

where pydy_str(self) looks like:
def pydy_str(e):
p = PyDyStrPrinter()
return p.doprint(e)

2)  I subclass StrPrinter, and add methods entitled
_print_MyPyDyClass, as follows:
def _print_UnitVector(self, e):

These _print_*** methods return a string of how I want each class to
be displayed.

Nowhere in any of my classes, or in my subclassing of StrPrinter, do I
have printmethod defined.  Everything above works just fine.

The problem is when I try the same approach with subclassing
PrettyPrinter.  I created class methods entitled _sympypretty_() for
each of my classes, then define a pydy_pretty() function, and then
subclass PrettyPrinter, analogously to my approach above.  It doesn't
work.  Specifically, I get infinite recursion runtime errors.  I tried
adding the printmethod class attribute to my PyDyPrettyPrinter, but it
didn't make any difference, I still get infinite recursion errors.

I have spent many hours on this and I am sure it is probably a very
simple fix and that I am just not using things correctly.  Does
anybody have any recommendations on how this should be done properly?
Ideally, some example code would be the best that way there would be
no confusion as to how this should be done.

It seems to me that the approach that should be taken to subclassing
either StrPrinter or PrettyPrinter should be conceptually the same,
but perhaps this isn't the case?

Also, is the approach I am using above for customizing the StrPrinter
the recommended way to do it?


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[sympy] Re: How to properly subclass the pretty printer

2009-06-25 Thread Luke

This code will replicate the problem when run using the latest sympy

from sympy import Basic
from sympy.printing.str import StrPrinter
from sympy.printing.pretty.pretty import PrettyPrinter, xsym, pprint

class GreenEggsAndHam(Basic):
def __init__(self, string):
self.s = string

def _pretty_(self):
return print_GreenEggsAndHam(self)

class HamPrinter(PrettyPrinter):
printmethod = '_pretty_'
def _print_GreenEggsAndHam(self, e):
return e.s.lower() + xsym('*') + \xC2\xB7

def print_GreenEggsAndHam(e):
pp = HamPrinter()
return pp.doprint(e)

MyBreakfast = GreenEggsAndHam('I LOVE SYMPY')


On Jun 25, 11:58 am, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Lukehazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm trying to subclass the StrPrinter and PrettyPrinter so that I can
  customize the display of some classes I have created for PyDy.  I have
  had success with getting StrPrinter, but I found it to have some weird
  unicode issues, so I am using plain old strings for my sublcass of
  StrPrinter, and would like to reserve all unicode stuff for the

  The way I am subclassing StrPrinter is as follows:
  1) My PyDy classes are subclassed from Basic. I override the __str__()
  method of each of my PyDy classes to look like:
     def __str__(self):
         return pydy_str(self)

  where pydy_str(self) looks like:
  def pydy_str(e):
     p = PyDyStrPrinter()
     return p.doprint(e)

  2)  I subclass StrPrinter, and add methods entitled
  _print_MyPyDyClass, as follows:
     def _print_UnitVector(self, e):

  These _print_*** methods return a string of how I want each class to
  be displayed.

  Nowhere in any of my classes, or in my subclassing of StrPrinter, do I
  have printmethod defined.  Everything above works just fine.

  The problem is when I try the same approach with subclassing
  PrettyPrinter.  I created class methods entitled _sympypretty_() for
  each of my classes, then define a pydy_pretty() function, and then
  subclass PrettyPrinter, analogously to my approach above.  It doesn't
  work.  Specifically, I get infinite recursion runtime errors.  I tried
  adding the printmethod class attribute to my PyDyPrettyPrinter, but it
  didn't make any difference, I still get infinite recursion errors.

  I have spent many hours on this and I am sure it is probably a very
  simple fix and that I am just not using things correctly.  Does
  anybody have any recommendations on how this should be done properly?
  Ideally, some example code would be the best that way there would be
  no confusion as to how this should be done.

  It seems to me that the approach that should be taken to subclassing
  either StrPrinter or PrettyPrinter should be conceptually the same,
  but perhaps this isn't the case?

  Also, is the approach I am using above for customizing the StrPrinter
  the recommended way to do it?

 Please create a new branch in your repository with the above problem
 and show here how to reproduce it, so that people can have a look.

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[sympy] Re: Solving equation sets in Mathematica

2009-06-26 Thread Luke

I would recommend looking at scipy.optimize.fsolve(), as Alan
suggested.  If you have a decent initial guess, it should work.

On Jun 26, 9:43 am, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:
 nandan jha wrote:

  I am trying to solve a set of non-linear equations in Mathematica 7.0
  and every time it shows a error message :
  FindRoot::jsing: Encountered a singular Jacobian at the point
  {B1,B2,B3,Ea1,Ea2,Ea3} =
  {31.501,0.9004,38.5013,-1000.1,-1000.01,-2000.1}. Try perturbing the
  initial point(s).  .

  Sometimes it also shows this error message: FindRoot::lstol: The line
  search decreased the step size to within tolerance specified by
  AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal but was unable to find a sufficient
  decrease in the merit function. You may need more than
  MachinePrecision digits of working precision to meet these tolerances.


  The equations that I am trying to solve are:
  FindRoot[{Exp[B1 + Ea1*0.000374526] + Exp[B2 + Ea2*0.000374526] +
      Exp[B3 + Ea3*0.000374526] == 0.0183,
    Exp[B1 + Ea1*0.00037925] + Exp[B2 + Ea2*0.00037925] +
      Exp[B3 + Ea3*0.00037925] == 0.00995,
    Exp[B1 + Ea1*0.00038287] + Exp[B2 + Ea2*0.00038287] +
      Exp[B3 + Ea3*0.00038287] == 0.0075,
    Exp[2*B1 + 2*Ea1*0.000374526] + Exp[2*B2 + 2*Ea2*0.000374526] +
      Exp[2*B3 + 2*Ea3*0.000374526] +
      2*Exp[B1 + B2 + (Ea1 + Ea2)*0.000374526] +
      2*Exp[B2 + B3 + (Ea3 + Ea2)*0.000374526] -
      2*Exp[B1 + B3 + (Ea1 + Ea3)*0.000374526] == 0.01784*0.01784,
    Exp[2*B1 + 2*Ea1*0.00037925] + Exp[2*B2 + 2*Ea2*0.00037925] +
      Exp[2*B3 + 2*Ea3*0.00037925] +
      2*Exp[B1 + B2 + (Ea1 + Ea2)*0.00037925] +
      2*Exp[B2 + B3 + (Ea3 + Ea2)*0.00037925] -
      2*Exp[B1 + B3 + (Ea1 + Ea3)*0.00037925] == 0.00983*0.00983,
    Exp[2*B1 + 2*Ea1*0.00038287] + Exp[2*B2 + 2*Ea2*0.00038287] +
      Exp[2*B3 + 2*Ea3*0.00038287] +
      2*Exp[B1 + B2 + (Ea1 + Ea2)*0.00038287] +
      2*Exp[B2 + B3 + (Ea3 + Ea2)*0.00038287] -
      2*Exp[B1 + B3 + (Ea1 + Ea3)*0.00038287] == 0.00742*0.00742}, {B1,
    40.001}, {B2, 110.9004}, {B3,
    47.001309}, {Ea1, -1000.1}, {Ea2, -1000.01}, {Ea3, -2000.1},
   MaxIterations - Infinity, AccuracyGoal - Infinity]

  Can someone tell me if this can be solved in sympy and shouldn't the
  Mathematica itself change the initial value and do a computation to
  get the answer.

  Thanks for any help in advance.

 You might want to look at the root finders in scipy.
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[sympy] Re: who still uses python2.4

2009-06-26 Thread Luke

I use 2.6 and have never used 2.4 since I started using python 2 years
ago.  Breaking sympy compatibility with python 2.4 is ok by me.  It
seems like the users of sympy are probably the type who can update
more frequently than once every 3 years, so it doesn't seem like too
much of an issue.

On Jun 26, 6:47 pm, Aaron S. Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am +1 for removing support for Python 2.4, if no one uses it.  
 Python 2.5 added quite a few language changes aside from just any()  
 and all() that could be useful [0], like the ternary operator and  
 better try syntax.

 By the way, the latest version of Mac OS X (10.5, Leopard) comes with  
 at least Python 2.5, so you are good there [1].  I believe that the  
 previous version (10.4, Tiger) came with Python 2.4 or less, but 10.5  
 was released long enough ago that I think it is ok to break  
 compatibility there (10.6 is scheduled to ship in September!).

 At any rate, Python 2.5 was released in 2006 [2], almost three years  
 ago, so any OS that doesn't support it yet should expect to break  
 compatibility with python applications and packages by now.

 [0] -http://docs.python.org/whatsnew/2.5.html
 [1] -http://www.apple.com/opensource/
 [2] -http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0356/

 Aaron Meurer
 On Jun 26, 2009, at 7:29 PM, Ondrej Certik wrote:


  I just wanted to make a quick survey how many sympy users still use  

  Now even the stable version of Debian uses python2.5. Is there still a
  major linux distribution that uses python2.4?

  The real problem with python2.4 is that it doesn't support relative
  imports and as such it's a realy pain to include libraries like
  mpmath. Fredrik mentioned here


  that he would like to reintroduce hierarchy of modules in mpmath,
  which is really tedious to make it work inside sympy with python2.4.

  With sympy itself, it's not a big problem to support python2.4, one
  just needs to take care of things like any(), SKIP in doctest
  etc., so my plan is to support python2.4 at least one more year if

  What do you think?


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[sympy] Re: Difierentiating With Respect to a Function

2009-06-28 Thread Luke

  I brought this issue up a while back and submitted a patch that
fixed the same issue in solve.  I haven't gotten around to writing the
same piece of code for diff, but this is on my to do list for the same
reasons as yours.  I think the fundamental issue is that Symbols are
treated as constants when it comes to differentiation, so we have to
use Function if we want things like the chain rule to work.  The
issue, however, is that this use of Function is distinct from the more
typical use of function:  creating user defined symbolic functions
(e.g., the sin and cos functions), by subclassing Function, where all
the behavior is known with certainty.  This is very distinct from the
case of generalized coordinates, which are functions of time (or some
other scalar parameter), but typically don't have an analytic
representation, since they often arise from ODE's without analytic

I have been playing around with how to subclass Function or Symbol in
a way that would give the behavior that would be desired for a
generalized coordinate.  The argument for subclassing from Symbol
would be to ensure all the things you can do with Symbols could be
done with generalized coordinates, which I could see being a lot of
things.  There are many things that one would like to to be able to do
with generalized coordinates that can't (currently) be done on sympy
Function objects (diff is one example) A few things on my list would
1)  Customized printing so that the '(t)' isn't displayed after each
2)  Differentiation w.r.t the independent variable (often Symbol('t'))
would return another type:  perhaps a Generalized Speed, rather than a
Derivative object.  This generalized speed would also be subclassed
from Symbol, so that all the same manipulations could be performed on

Here is one issue that I don't really know how to handle:
In [24]: t = Symbol('t')

In [25]: x = Function('x')(t)

In [26]: x
Out[26]: x(t)

In [27]: type(x)
Out[27]: x

In [28]: y = Function('y')(t)

In [29]: y
Out[29]: y(t)

In [30]: type(y)
Out[30]: y

Note that they type of x and y are both different.  What I'm
envisioning is something with the following behavior:
In [1]: x = GeneralizedCoordinate('x')

In [2]: type(x)
Out[2]: GeneralizedCoordinate

In [3]: xp = x.dt()

In [4]: print xp
Out[4]: x'

In [5]: type(xp)
Out[5]: GeneralizedSpeed

We could also take this one step further and create a
GeneralizedAcceleration.  The main goal is to avoid having to do the
annoying substitutions back and forth as you mentioned.

What other behavior do you think this class should have, and do you
think we can do it by subclassing from Symbol, rather than Function?
That to me seems the most logical, we just need to ensure we can make
the chain rule work, so this behavior is preserved:
In[1]: sin(x).diff(t)
Out[2]: x'*cos(x)


On Jun 28, 8:53 am, Aaron S. Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 The routines in solve() for solving for a function or a derivative  
 could probably be adapted to diff (and others?) pretty easily.  See  
 commit 5e5a333da78a3af743e5dc5f0130448aaea7c85a.

 Aaron Meurer
 On Jun 28, 2009, at 7:11 AM, Alan Bromborsky wrote:

  I tried this:

  from sympy import *

  x = Symbol('x')
  print x
  f = Function('f')(x)
  print f
  y = cos(x)
  dydx = diff(y,x)
  print dydx
  y = cos(f)
  dfdx = diff(y,f)
  print dfdx

  and got:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/brombo/diff.py, line 11, in module
     dfdx = diff(y,f)
  line 127, in wrapper
     return f(*args, **kwargs)
  line 708, in diff
     return Derivative(f,x,times, **{'evaluate':evaluate})
  line 486, in __new__
     raise ValueError('Invalid literal: %s is not a valid variable' % s)
  ValueError: Invalid literal: f(x) is not a valid variable

  There was a discussion about this topic a while back.  Is anything  
  done about it?  Is the only current workaround to substitue a dummy
  variable for 'f', differentiate, and substitute 'f' for the dummy
  variable?  I too wish to work with Lagragians and generalized  

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[sympy] Unicode combining diacritical characters

2009-07-02 Thread Luke

I'm trying to get the Unicode 'COMBINING DOT ABOVE'  character to
work.  This is used for the Newtonian shorthand notation for a time

As far as I can tell, you would follow any unicode character with the
above character, and it should put the dot above it:
should print q with a dot above it.  Other diacriticals seems to work,
for example, the 'COMBINING FERMATA':
prints the q with a weird little fermata above it.

I tried python3 and it does the same thing, so it seems that perhaps
my terminal, or the font I'm using in my terminal, doesn't support
that particular character.  I am using Konsole in Kubuntu 9.04, with
the character encoding set to:  Unicode-- UTF-8.

Can anybody else get the 'COMBINING DOT ABOVE' character to work in
their terminals?


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[sympy] Re: Working with sets

2009-07-03 Thread Luke

Python has a builtin set data type.  For example:
 x= [1,2,3,5,2,1]
set(1, 2, 3, 5)

Sympy has an Interval class, but it seems at the moment it doesn't
have things like the intersection / union operators, nor whether the
interval is open or closed.

I'm not sure if this Interval class was intended for the application
you mentioned, but if so, we should add some functionality, it
wouldn't be very hard.  The file is:

Useful methods to add that I can think of:
-- union / intersection / difference
-- open / closed
-- force start to be = end ???  so that you couldn't make an interval
like:  [2, 1]?


On Jul 3, 10:44 am, Christophe projet...@gmail.com wrote:
 I would like to know if it is possible to work with sets.

 A second question. Is the a way to do something like   intersection([1 ;
 2];[1.5 ; 5])   and   union([1 ; 2];[1.5 ; 5])   where [a ; b]:={x |

 Best regards.
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[sympy] Re: sphinx documentation for the rc1 release

2009-07-13 Thread Luke

I don't know if this will change when you push to the docs.sympy.org
server, but the links for the books by Hestenes and Lasenby at the
bottom of the GA Module currently don't work.  Just thought I'd let
you know.

On Jul 13, 7:59 pm, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:
 Ondrej Certik wrote:
  On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Ondrej Certikond...@certik.cz wrote:

  On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Alan Bromborskyabro...@verizon.net 

  At least for the geometric algebra documentation math mode is not working!

  That's right, thanks for checking it! I'll look into this later today
  and fix it.

  It was because dvipng was missing on my system. I have reuploaded to:


  Alan, could you please check that everything is ok now? (be sure to
  refresh your browser)

  If so, we are ready to release.


 Looks OK to me now.
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[sympy] Automatic distribution of numbers versus symbols

2009-07-28 Thread Luke

I'm exploring Sympy's behavior with regard to automatic distribution
of expressions.  Purely from experimenting, I noticed a few things:
In [1]: exp1 = x*(x-y)
In [2]: exp2 = x*x-x*y
In [3]: exp3 = 4*(x-y)
In [4]: exp4 = 4*x-4*y
In [5]: exp1
Out[5]: x⋅(x - y)
In [6]: exp2
-x⋅y + x
In [7]: exp3
Out[7]: -4⋅y + 4⋅x
In [8]: exp4
Out[8]: -4⋅y + 4⋅x
In [9]: factor(exp1)
Out[9]: x⋅(x - y)
In [10]: factor(exp2)
Out[10]: x⋅(x - y)
In [11]: factor(exp3)
Out[11]: -4⋅y + 4⋅x
In [12]: factor(exp4)
Out[12]: -4⋅y + 4⋅x

I compared these four expressions in Sympy, Mathematica 7, Matlab
2008a (Maple under the hood), Matlab 2008b (Mupad under the hood).
The results are as follows:
Mathematica 7
In[5]:= x*(x-y)
Out[5]= x (x-y)
In[6]:= x*x-x*y
Out[6]= x^2-x y
In[7]:= 4*(x-y)
Out[7]= 4 (x-y)
In[8]:= 4*x-4*y
Out[8]= 4 x-4 y
In[9]:= Factor[In[5]]
Out[9]= x (x-y)
In[10]:= Factor[In[6]]
Out[10]= x (x-y)
In[11]:= Factor[In[7]]
Out[11]= 4 (x-y)
In[12]:= Factor[In[8]]
Out[12]= 4 (x-y)

Matlab 2008a (Maple)
 exp1 = x*(x-y)
exp1 =
 exp2 = x*x-x*y
exp2 =
 exp3 = 4*(x-y)
exp3 =
exp4 =
ans =
ans =
ans =

Matlab 2008b (MuPad):
 exp1 = x*(x-y)
exp1 =
x*(x - y)
exp2 =
x^2 - x*y
exp3 =
4*x - 4*y
exp4 =
4*x - 4*y
ans =
x*(x - y)
ans =
x*(x - y)
ans =
4*(x - y)
ans =
4*(x - y)

So three out of 4 automatically distribute things like 4*(x-y), but
not things like x*(x-y).  In the case of Sympy and Matlab 2008a, this
automatic distribution is not easily reversible by a simple call to
factor.  It seems to me that:
1) there should be a way to control whether or not distribution occurs
automatically, and
2) that if distribution does occur automatically, it should be easily
reversible, i.e. through something like factor

Is there a way to keep 4*(x-y) as 4*(x-y) instead of -4*y+4*x?



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[sympy] Add combine question

2009-08-14 Thread Luke

I am trying to get the following two expressions to combine under addition:
e1 = rf*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5)**2)**(-0.5)
e2 = rf*(-c5*s2 - c2*s4*s5)*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5)**2)**(-0.5)

Is there a way to make the add combine these to obtain the result:
rf*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5))*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5))**(-0.5)

which would automatically simpify even further to:
rf*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5))**(0.5)

It seems like this could be made automatic if Add could look at the
hash of each of the arguments of its arguments, and if any of them
were equal, they could be made to combine 'automatically'.

It is interesting that Mul can auto combine things like: rf*(1 -
(c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5))*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5))**(-0.5), but Add does

Would this be hard to implement in Add?


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[sympy] Re: Add combine question

2009-08-15 Thread Luke

Here is a simpler example of the behavior I would like:
   (2) variables x,y,z
   (3) e1 = x*(y+z)^.5
- (4) e1 = x*(y+z)^0.5

   (5) e2 = x*y*(y+z)^0.5
- (6) e2 = x*y*(y+z)^0.5

   (7) e1+e2
 Result = x*(1+y)*(y+z)^0.5

In the simplest case of an Add with two terms, it seems like if:
1) Both Add terms (a1 and a2, say) are Mul instances and
(set(a1.args)  set(a2.args)) != set([])
2) One Mul (a1) and one Symbol (a2) and
(set(a1.args)  set(a2)) != set([])
then they have common factors and could be combined.

Any thoughts?


On Aug 14, 9:49 pm, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to get the following two expressions to combine under addition:
 e1 = rf*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5)**2)**(-0.5)
 e2 = rf*(-c5*s2 - c2*s4*s5)*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5)**2)**(-0.5)

 Is there a way to make the add combine these to obtain the result:
 rf*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5))*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5))**(-0.5)

 which would automatically simpify even further to:
 rf*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5))**(0.5)

 It seems like this could be made automatic if Add could look at the
 hash of each of the arguments of its arguments, and if any of them
 were equal, they could be made to combine 'automatically'.

 It is interesting that Mul can auto combine things like: rf*(1 -
 (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5))*(1 - (c5*s2 + c2*s4*s5))**(-0.5), but Add does

 Would this be hard to implement in Add?

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[sympy] Issue 1616

2009-08-25 Thread Luke

I don't know what changed, but this issue is now causing a lot of my
code in pydy to not be able to use .subs() on a bunch of expressions.


I did a git blame and it looks like it was done by Bill Flynn on
2009-08-22. I think this was during the sprint on Saturday at the
Scipy conference.  Can Bill or Ondrej look into this when you get a
chance?  It looks like sympy/core/mul.py:811 is the culprit, it looks
like your logic in the for loop might not be checking things correctly
before trying to removing elements from the list.

This is a show stopper for PyDy.  I'll be on IRC all day tomorrow and
can help debug the problem so we can resolve it ASAP.

Here is a test case that causes the error:

In [1]: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l = symbols('a b c d e f g h i j k l')

In [2]: test = a*b*c**2 + d*b*e**2*f**2 + c*h*i*e**2

In [3]: test.subs({e**2:1-g**2, c**2:1-g**2})
ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (22, 0))

ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (96, 0))

ValueErrorTraceback (most recent call last)

/home/luke/lib/python/pydy/examples/ipython console in module()

/home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/basic.pyc in subs(self, *args)
   1021 sequence = args[0]
   1022 if isinstance(sequence, dict):
- 1023 return self._subs_dict(sequence)
   1024 elif isinstance(sequence, (list, tuple)):
   1025 return self._subs_list(sequence)

/home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/basic.pyc in _subs_dict(self, sequence)
   1112 subst.reverse()
- 1113 return self._subs_list(subst)
   1115 def _seq_subs(self, old, new):

/home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/basic.pyc in _subs_list(self, sequence)
   1064 for old, new in sequence:
   1065 if hasattr(result, 'subs'):
- 1066 result = result.subs(old, new)
   1067 return result

/home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/basic.pyc in subs(self, *args)
   1028 elif len(args) == 2:
   1029 old, new = args
- 1030 return self._subs_old_new(old, new)
   1031 else:
   1032 raise TypeError(subs accepts either 1 or 2 arguments)

/home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/cache.pyc in wrapper(*args, **kw_args)
 83 except KeyError:
 84 pass
--- 85 func_cache_it_cache[k] = r = func(*args, **kw_args)
 86 return r

/home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/basic.pyc in
_subs_old_new(self, old, new)
   1037 old = sympify(old)
   1038 new = sympify(new)
- 1039 return self._eval_subs(old, new)
   1041 def _eval_subs(self, old, new):

/home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/add.pyc in _eval_subs(self, old, new)
310 ret_set = self_set - old_set
311 return Add(new, coeff_self, -coeff_old,
*[s._eval_subs(old, new) for s in ret_set])
-- 312 return self.__class__(*[s._eval_subs(old, new) for s
in self.args])
314 @cacheit

/home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/mul.pyc in _eval_subs(self, old, new)
809 # collect commutative terms

810 else:
-- 811 comms_final.remove(ele)
813 # continue only if all commutative terms in
old are present

ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

In [4]:

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[sympy] Re: Issue 1616

2009-08-25 Thread Luke

Bill has posted a patch to the Issue page on Google code.  It fixes
this problem for everything I could throw at it.

On Aug 25, 12:47 am, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I don't know what changed, but this issue is now causing a lot of my
 code in pydy to not be able to use .subs() on a bunch of expressions.


 I did a git blame and it looks like it was done by Bill Flynn on
 2009-08-22. I think this was during the sprint on Saturday at the
 Scipy conference.  Can Bill or Ondrej look into this when you get a
 chance?  It looks like sympy/core/mul.py:811 is the culprit, it looks
 like your logic in the for loop might not be checking things correctly
 before trying to removing elements from the list.

 This is a show stopper for PyDy.  I'll be on IRC all day tomorrow and
 can help debug the problem so we can resolve it ASAP.

 Here is a test case that causes the error:

 In [1]: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l = symbols('a b c d e f g h i j k 

 In [2]: test = a*b*c**2 + d*b*e**2*f**2 + c*h*i*e**2

 In [3]: test.subs({e**2:1-g**2, c**2:1-g**2})
 ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
 The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
 The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (22, 0))

 ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
 The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
 The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (96, 0))

 ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

 /home/luke/lib/python/pydy/examples/ipython console in module()

 /home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/basic.pyc in subs(self, *args)
    1021             sequence = args[0]
    1022             if isinstance(sequence, dict):
 - 1023                 return self._subs_dict(sequence)
    1024             elif isinstance(sequence, (list, tuple)):
    1025                 return self._subs_list(sequence)

 /home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/basic.pyc in _subs_dict(self, sequence)
    1112         subst.reverse()
 - 1113         return self._subs_list(subst)
    1115     def _seq_subs(self, old, new):

 /home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/basic.pyc in _subs_list(self, sequence)
    1064         for old, new in sequence:
    1065             if hasattr(result, 'subs'):
 - 1066                 result = result.subs(old, new)
    1067         return result

 /home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/basic.pyc in subs(self, *args)
    1028         elif len(args) == 2:
    1029             old, new = args
 - 1030             return self._subs_old_new(old, new)
    1031         else:
    1032             raise TypeError(subs accepts either 1 or 2 arguments)

 /home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/cache.pyc in wrapper(*args, **kw_args)
      83         except KeyError:
      84             pass
 --- 85         func_cache_it_cache[k] = r = func(*args, **kw_args)
      86         return r

 /home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/basic.pyc in
 _subs_old_new(self, old, new)
    1037         old = sympify(old)
    1038         new = sympify(new)
 - 1039         return self._eval_subs(old, new)
    1041     def _eval_subs(self, old, new):

 /home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/add.pyc in _eval_subs(self, old, new)
     310                     ret_set = self_set - old_set
     311                     return Add(new, coeff_self, -coeff_old,
 *[s._eval_subs(old, new) for s in ret_set])
 -- 312         return self.__class__(*[s._eval_subs(old, new) for s
 in self.args])
     314     @cacheit

 /home/luke/lib/python/sympy/sympy/core/mul.pyc in _eval_subs(self, old, new)
     809                     # collect commutative terms

     810                     else:
 -- 811                         comms_final.remove(ele)
     813                 # continue only if all commutative terms in
 old are present

 ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

 In [4]:
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[sympy] New code in bicycle branch

2009-09-24 Thread Luke
Code generation has been coming up in the last few days and I have been
dealing with it myself as well.  For this purpose, I created a function for
PyDy called 'generate_function'.  You can see it if you go to my github, in
the bicycle_work branch:


And go to pydy.py:2936 to see the function.

It is a little bit custom to PyDy because I rely on my customized
StrPrinter, but maybe some of the ideas in it could be useful to others.  It
is also geared towards lists of equations which have trigonometric terms
(sin,cos, tan) in them, so I do some parsing to identify all the trig terms
and compute them only once.  The basic idea is to specify:
1)  a string name --- this will become the name of the Python function
2)  a python list of Sympy Relational (lhs==rhs) objects
3)  the function arguments  (quantities needed to evaluate the rhs of the
4)  optional function parameters
5)  optional docstring
6)  optional nested terms -- repeated things that show up in numerous places
throughout the equations
7)  optional time boolean argument to create a function signature of f(x, t,
8)  optional triples boolean argument to return a list of length 3 lists
rather than one big list, useful for 3d vector stuff

It returns a string which is valid python code and defines a function which
can be either used with exec() or written to file and then used later as a
library.  The function returns a list of the left hand sides of the items in
the list of Relational objects.

I have been using it to create functions that work well with scipy's odeint
and fsolve and it has worked very well.

To see it in action, run the rollingdisc.py script in the examples
directory.  It will print out the generated string expression.


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[sympy] Symbolic matrix inversion

2009-09-29 Thread Luke
I'm using Sympy from within PyDy to generate the equations of motion for
mechanical systems.  At the end of the day,  the equations can be most
generally written as:
M(x) * x'' = F(x, x', t)

M(x) is what is known as the mass matrix, and will in general depend on the
configuration of the system (positions and angles).  This matrix needs to be
inverted in order to solve for x'', which then will allow for numerical
integration or stability analysis.

I am generating M(x) symbolically, and in some case is it sparse, but in
many cases, it isn't.  Each entry of the matrix is a Sympy expression, but
instead of trying to invert a matrix of Sympy expressions, I introduce a
dummy symbol for each non-zero entries and then invert the matrix of dummy
symbols.  Humble systems might have 5 degrees of freedom (so a 5x5 needs to
be inverted), so this inversion isn't so bad, but beyond this, the matrix
inversions take a really long time, especially when the matrices are full
(no zero entries).

I was thinking that it might be nice to have pre-computed matrix inverses
for n x n matrices.  Matrix inversion is O(n^3), so it would be nice to have
all this precomputed symbolically, and this would greatly speed up Sympy's
matrix capabilities.  Inverses up to say 100x100 could be computed (or maybe
something smaller), and then when you need an inverse, everything would be
fast.  This could also be used behind the scenes (by introduction of
symbolic substitution dictionaries) for inverting a matrix full of sympy

Does anybody know if this has been done by somebody somewhere, or have any
other ideas on how it could be done better than the way I suggested?


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[sympy] Re: Symbolic matrix inversion

2009-09-29 Thread Luke

On Sep 29, 1:09 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm using Sympy from within PyDy to generate the equations of motion for
  mechanical systems.  At the end of the day,  the equations can be most
  generally written as:
  M(x) * x'' = F(x, x', t)
  M(x) is what is known as the mass matrix, and will in general depend on the
  configuration of the system (positions and angles).  This matrix needs to be
  inverted in order to solve for x'', which then will allow for numerical
  integration or stability analysis.
  I am generating M(x) symbolically, and in some case is it sparse, but in
  many cases, it isn't.  Each entry of the matrix is a Sympy expression, but
  instead of trying to invert a matrix of Sympy expressions, I introduce a
  dummy symbol for each non-zero entries and then invert the matrix of dummy
  symbols.  Humble systems might have 5 degrees of freedom (so a 5x5 needs to
  be inverted), so this inversion isn't so bad, but beyond this, the matrix
  inversions take a really long time, especially when the matrices are full
  (no zero entries).
  I was thinking that it might be nice to have pre-computed matrix inverses
  for n x n matrices.  Matrix inversion is O(n^3), so it would be nice to have
  all this precomputed symbolically, and this would greatly speed up Sympy's
  matrix capabilities.  Inverses up to say 100x100 could be computed (or maybe
  something smaller), and then when you need an inverse, everything would be
  fast.  This could also be used behind the scenes (by introduction of
  symbolic substitution dictionaries) for inverting a matrix full of sympy

 The inversion of a 100x100 dense matrix would be quite a big mess, wouldn't 

Yes, it would be disaster.

 But I see what you mean, and I think it makes sense to cache it, if it
 speeds things up. But see below.

  Does anybody know if this has been done by somebody somewhere, or have any
  other ideas on how it could be done better than the way I suggested?

 I would first try to profile the inversion code to see why it is slow.
 Because for example the adjoint method is just a ratio of two
 determinants, so it may be the determinants calculation that is slow
 (and should be cached). However, there are 100^2 different
 determinants (right?), but I guess caching 1 expressions should
 still be doable. But if this is the case, we should just speed up the
 determinant calculation, imho. Looking at the code, we have 2
 algorithms implemented, bareis and berkowitz.

I did some timings of the three matrix inversion (GE, ADJ, LU) using
the timeit module.  I also timed the two determinant methods as well
to see they the two perform side by side.  It seems that bareis (the
default one) is drastically slower than berkowitz, even when you
call .expand() on the berkowitz determinant to make it end up with
identical symbolic expressions.  Maybe this should be the default
method for .det()?  I went up to 5x5 matrices, it started to get
really slow after that.  Gaussian elimination seems to be the slowest
one, at least for dense matrices like the ones I used.  Here is the
code I used to do the timings:

import timeit
from numpy import zeros, max
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Dimension of matrix to invert
n = range(2, 6)
# Number of times to invert
number = 20
# Store the results
t = zeros((len(n), 5))

for i in n:
setup_code = from sympy import Matrix, Symbol\nM = Matrix(%d,\
%d%(i,i)+,lambda i,j: Symbol('m%d%d'%(i,j)))
t[i-2, 0] = timeit.Timer('M.inverse_GE()', setup_code).timeit
t[i-2, 1] = timeit.Timer('M.inverse_ADJ()', setup_code).timeit
t[i-2, 2] = timeit.Timer('M.inverse_LU()', setup_code).timeit
t[i-2, 3] = timeit.Timer('M.det(method=bareis)',
t[i-2, 4] = timeit.Timer('M.det(method=berkowitz).expand()',

plt.plot(n, t[:,0]/number, label='GE')
plt.plot(n, t[:,1]/number, label='ADJ')
plt.plot(n, t[:,2]/number, label='LU')
plt.plot(n, t[:,3]/number, label='bareis_det')
plt.plot(n, t[:,4]/number, label='berkowitz_det.expand()')
plt.title('Average time to complete 1 matrix inversion/determinant')
plt.xlabel('matrix dimension')
plt.ylabel('Time [seconds]')
plt.axis([2, n[-1], 0, max(t/number)])

I'd be curious to know if others get similar results as I do.  I
posted the results of the above script here:

It looks like Gaussian elimination is suffering from the bottleneck in
the Bareis determinant since it has an assertion that calls .det() to
make sure the determinant is non-zero.

 Also how about the creation of so many expressions, it could be slow too.

Yeah, this is true.  It seems to me though that if you had all the
inverses computed for fully populated matrices, then if some of the
entries were zero these things

[sympy] Re: Symbolic matrix inversion

2009-09-29 Thread Luke

Yes, this is something I should look into.  I am pretty sure that the
Netlib codes have this functionality, but it hasn't been wrapped into
the Python scientific packages that I know of, at least not yet.
scipy.integrate has odeint and ode, but both need everything in first
order form, no mass matrix is allowed.

I figured that if I was going to work symbolically, I may as well go
as far as I can go, so if I can invert the matrices symbolically, I'd
prefer that.  This would also be nice because then the equations could
be integrated with any numerical integrator out there, as the ode
formulation would be as generic as possible.


On Sep 29, 4:15 pm, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:
 Luke wrote:

  On Sep 29, 1:09 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:

  On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm using Sympy from within PyDy to generate the equations of motion for
  mechanical systems.  At the end of the day,  the equations can be most
  generally written as:
  M(x) * x'' = F(x, x', t)
  M(x) is what is known as the mass matrix, and will in general depend on 
  configuration of the system (positions and angles).  This matrix needs to 
  inverted in order to solve for x'', which then will allow for numerical
  integration or stability analysis.
  I am generating M(x) symbolically, and in some case is it sparse, but in
  many cases, it isn't.  Each entry of the matrix is a Sympy expression, but
  instead of trying to invert a matrix of Sympy expressions, I introduce a
  dummy symbol for each non-zero entries and then invert the matrix of dummy
  symbols.  Humble systems might have 5 degrees of freedom (so a 5x5 needs 
  be inverted), so this inversion isn't so bad, but beyond this, the matrix
  inversions take a really long time, especially when the matrices are full
  (no zero entries).
  I was thinking that it might be nice to have pre-computed matrix inverses
  for n x n matrices.  Matrix inversion is O(n^3), so it would be nice to 
  all this precomputed symbolically, and this would greatly speed up Sympy's
  matrix capabilities.  Inverses up to say 100x100 could be computed (or 
  something smaller), and then when you need an inverse, everything would be
  fast.  This could also be used behind the scenes (by introduction of
  symbolic substitution dictionaries) for inverting a matrix full of sympy

  The inversion of a 100x100 dense matrix would be quite a big mess, 
  wouldn't it?

  Yes, it would be disaster.

  But I see what you mean, and I think it makes sense to cache it, if it
  speeds things up. But see below.

  Does anybody know if this has been done by somebody somewhere, or have any
  other ideas on how it could be done better than the way I suggested?

  I would first try to profile the inversion code to see why it is slow.
  Because for example the adjoint method is just a ratio of two
  determinants, so it may be the determinants calculation that is slow
  (and should be cached). However, there are 100^2 different
  determinants (right?), but I guess caching 1 expressions should
  still be doable. But if this is the case, we should just speed up the
  determinant calculation, imho. Looking at the code, we have 2
  algorithms implemented, bareis and berkowitz.

  I did some timings of the three matrix inversion (GE, ADJ, LU) using
  the timeit module.  I also timed the two determinant methods as well
  to see they the two perform side by side.  It seems that bareis (the
  default one) is drastically slower than berkowitz, even when you
  call .expand() on the berkowitz determinant to make it end up with
  identical symbolic expressions.  Maybe this should be the default
  method for .det()?  I went up to 5x5 matrices, it started to get
  really slow after that.  Gaussian elimination seems to be the slowest
  one, at least for dense matrices like the ones I used.  Here is the
  code I used to do the timings:

  import timeit
  from numpy import zeros, max
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

  # Dimension of matrix to invert
  n = range(2, 6)
  # Number of times to invert
  number = 20
  # Store the results
  t = zeros((len(n), 5))

  for i in n:
      setup_code = from sympy import Matrix, Symbol\nM = Matrix(%d,\
          %d%(i,i)+,lambda i,j: Symbol('m%d%d'%(i,j)))
      t[i-2, 0] = timeit.Timer('M.inverse_GE()', setup_code).timeit
      t[i-2, 1] = timeit.Timer('M.inverse_ADJ()', setup_code).timeit
      t[i-2, 2] = timeit.Timer('M.inverse_LU()', setup_code).timeit
      t[i-2, 3] = timeit.Timer('M.det(method=bareis)',
      t[i-2, 4] = timeit.Timer('M.det(method=berkowitz).expand()',

  plt.plot(n, t[:,0]/number, label='GE')
  plt.plot(n, t[:,1]/number, label='ADJ')
  plt.plot(n, t[:,2]/number, label='LU')
  plt.plot(n, t[:,3]/number, label='bareis_det')
  plt.plot(n, t[:,4

[sympy] Re: Symbolic matrix inversion

2009-09-29 Thread Luke

In the formulation I use for PyDy, the equations of motion are
generated in first order form.  For holonomic systems with n degrees
of freedom, there will be 2n first order equations and the first n of
these I refer to as the kinematic differential equations.  In the
simplest case, the form of the first n equations would be like:
q_i' = u_i   (i = 1,...,n)

The remaining n ODE's (dynamic differential equations) would be the
ones with the mass matrix in the form like:

M(q)*u' = F(q, u, t)

Where q, u are n x 1 vectors, M is nxn, and F: n x n x 1 -- n

Usually this choice of 'generalized speeds' (a.k.a quasi-coordinates)
which result in kinematic differential equations like: q_i' = u_i is
not the best choice out there.  But even with other choices, they can
be written as:

q' = T(q) * u + R(t)

Where in most cases R(t) is zero, except when you have some prescribed
motion in your system. The dynamic differential equations would still
have the same form as before.

So they are linear in the generalized speeds, but the T(q) matrix
would in general be comprised of trigonometric entries which depend on
the configuration and/or parameters.  Such choices of generalized
speeds can often lead to reduced complexity of the dynamic equations,
with some (usually worthwhile) trade-off in the complexity of the
kinematic equations.

For nonholonomic systems, depending on how you formulate things you
may end up having to integrate fewer dynamic equations.  For example,
in the rolling disc, there are 5 coordinates that configure the disc,
but only 3 degrees of freedom.  If you are interested in all of the
motion, you would integrate 5 kinematic D.E.'s and 3 dynamic D.E.'s.
If you only are interested in the dynamic equations, you would end up
only integrating 1 kinematic D.E. (the one associated with the lean of
the disc), and 3 dynamic D.E.'s.  So in these types of systems, it
depends on what your needs are.


On Sep 29, 4:22 pm, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:
 Alan Bromborsky wrote:
  Luke wrote:

  On Sep 29, 1:09 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:

  On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm using Sympy from within PyDy to generate the equations of motion for
  mechanical systems.  At the end of the day,  the equations can be most
  generally written as:
  M(x) * x'' = F(x, x', t)
  M(x) is what is known as the mass matrix, and will in general depend on 
  configuration of the system (positions and angles).  This matrix needs 
  to be
  inverted in order to solve for x'', which then will allow for numerical
  integration or stability analysis.
  I am generating M(x) symbolically, and in some case is it sparse, but in
  many cases, it isn't.  Each entry of the matrix is a Sympy expression, 
  instead of trying to invert a matrix of Sympy expressions, I introduce a
  dummy symbol for each non-zero entries and then invert the matrix of 
  symbols.  Humble systems might have 5 degrees of freedom (so a 5x5 needs 
  be inverted), so this inversion isn't so bad, but beyond this, the matrix
  inversions take a really long time, especially when the matrices are full
  (no zero entries).
  I was thinking that it might be nice to have pre-computed matrix inverses
  for n x n matrices.  Matrix inversion is O(n^3), so it would be nice to 
  all this precomputed symbolically, and this would greatly speed up 
  matrix capabilities.  Inverses up to say 100x100 could be computed (or 
  something smaller), and then when you need an inverse, everything would 
  fast.  This could also be used behind the scenes (by introduction of
  symbolic substitution dictionaries) for inverting a matrix full of sympy

  The inversion of a 100x100 dense matrix would be quite a big mess, 
  wouldn't it?

  Yes, it would be disaster.

  But I see what you mean, and I think it makes sense to cache it, if it
  speeds things up. But see below.

  Does anybody know if this has been done by somebody somewhere, or have 
  other ideas on how it could be done better than the way I suggested?

  I would first try to profile the inversion code to see why it is slow.
  Because for example the adjoint method is just a ratio of two
  determinants, so it may be the determinants calculation that is slow
  (and should be cached). However, there are 100^2 different
  determinants (right?), but I guess caching 1 expressions should
  still be doable. But if this is the case, we should just speed up the
  determinant calculation, imho. Looking at the code, we have 2
  algorithms implemented, bareis and berkowitz.

  I did some timings of the three matrix inversion (GE, ADJ, LU) using
  the timeit module.  I also timed the two determinant methods as well
  to see they the two perform side by side.  It seems that bareis (the
  default one) is drastically slower than berkowitz, even when you
  call .expand() on the berkowitz determinant

[sympy] Re: Symbolic matrix inversion

2009-09-29 Thread Luke

I also check the GSL (GNU Scientific Library).  They have a nice
numerical integrator, but it doesn't allow for a mass matrix.
On Sep 29, 4:44 pm, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes, this is something I should look into.  I am pretty sure that the
 Netlib codes have this functionality, but it hasn't been wrapped into
 the Python scientific packages that I know of, at least not yet.
 scipy.integrate has odeint and ode, but both need everything in first
 order form, no mass matrix is allowed.

 I figured that if I was going to work symbolically, I may as well go
 as far as I can go, so if I can invert the matrices symbolically, I'd
 prefer that.  This would also be nice because then the equations could
 be integrated with any numerical integrator out there, as the ode
 formulation would be as generic as possible.


 On Sep 29, 4:15 pm, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:

  Luke wrote:

   On Sep 29, 1:09 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:

   On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm using Sympy from within PyDy to generate the equations of motion for
   mechanical systems.  At the end of the day,  the equations can be most
   generally written as:
   M(x) * x'' = F(x, x', t)
   M(x) is what is known as the mass matrix, and will in general depend on 
   configuration of the system (positions and angles).  This matrix needs 
   to be
   inverted in order to solve for x'', which then will allow for numerical
   integration or stability analysis.
   I am generating M(x) symbolically, and in some case is it sparse, but in
   many cases, it isn't.  Each entry of the matrix is a Sympy expression, 
   instead of trying to invert a matrix of Sympy expressions, I introduce a
   dummy symbol for each non-zero entries and then invert the matrix of 
   symbols.  Humble systems might have 5 degrees of freedom (so a 5x5 
   needs to
   be inverted), so this inversion isn't so bad, but beyond this, the 
   inversions take a really long time, especially when the matrices are 
   (no zero entries).
   I was thinking that it might be nice to have pre-computed matrix 
   for n x n matrices.  Matrix inversion is O(n^3), so it would be nice to 
   all this precomputed symbolically, and this would greatly speed up 
   matrix capabilities.  Inverses up to say 100x100 could be computed (or 
   something smaller), and then when you need an inverse, everything would 
   fast.  This could also be used behind the scenes (by introduction of
   symbolic substitution dictionaries) for inverting a matrix full of sympy

   The inversion of a 100x100 dense matrix would be quite a big mess, 
   wouldn't it?

   Yes, it would be disaster.

   But I see what you mean, and I think it makes sense to cache it, if it
   speeds things up. But see below.

   Does anybody know if this has been done by somebody somewhere, or have 
   other ideas on how it could be done better than the way I suggested?

   I would first try to profile the inversion code to see why it is slow.
   Because for example the adjoint method is just a ratio of two
   determinants, so it may be the determinants calculation that is slow
   (and should be cached). However, there are 100^2 different
   determinants (right?), but I guess caching 1 expressions should
   still be doable. But if this is the case, we should just speed up the
   determinant calculation, imho. Looking at the code, we have 2
   algorithms implemented, bareis and berkowitz.

   I did some timings of the three matrix inversion (GE, ADJ, LU) using
   the timeit module.  I also timed the two determinant methods as well
   to see they the two perform side by side.  It seems that bareis (the
   default one) is drastically slower than berkowitz, even when you
   call .expand() on the berkowitz determinant to make it end up with
   identical symbolic expressions.  Maybe this should be the default
   method for .det()?  I went up to 5x5 matrices, it started to get
   really slow after that.  Gaussian elimination seems to be the slowest
   one, at least for dense matrices like the ones I used.  Here is the
   code I used to do the timings:

   import timeit
   from numpy import zeros, max
   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

   # Dimension of matrix to invert
   n = range(2, 6)
   # Number of times to invert
   number = 20
   # Store the results
   t = zeros((len(n), 5))

   for i in n:
       setup_code = from sympy import Matrix, Symbol\nM = Matrix(%d,\
           %d%(i,i)+,lambda i,j: Symbol('m%d%d'%(i,j)))
       t[i-2, 0] = timeit.Timer('M.inverse_GE()', setup_code).timeit
       t[i-2, 1] = timeit.Timer('M.inverse_ADJ()', setup_code).timeit
       t[i-2, 2] = timeit.Timer('M.inverse_LU()', setup_code).timeit
       t[i-2, 3] = timeit.Timer('M.det(method=bareis)',

[sympy] Re: Symbolic matrix inversion

2009-09-30 Thread Luke

The methods you suggest essentially takes care of the mass matrix
problem by solving a linear system numerically during numerical
integration.  I am familiar with tools out there that do this, but
this isn't what I'm looking to do.  I haven't seen one that is written
directly usable in Python -- do you know of one?  The netlib packages
have this capability, but I'm no Fortran programmer.

What I am interested in doing is solving the linear system
symbolically so that first order equations can be generated
symbolically and the most generic of ODE solvers will work.  This also
eliminates the iteration that is being done by the ODE solver during
time integration.


On Sep 29, 8:07 pm, Tim Lahey tim.la...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sep 29, 2009, at 7:15 PM, Alan Bromborsky wrote:

  Are there differential equation solvers where you don't have to invert
  the matrix?

 A Newmark-Beta scheme will directly solve a second-order system of ODEs.
 The standard form uses iteration to solve the system so no inversion is
 necessary. For linear second-order problems you can rewrite things to
 use matrix algebra.

 For more information, I recommend Bathe and Wilson,

 Klaus-Jürgen Bathe and Edward L. Wilson. Numerical Methods in Finite  
 Element         Analysis. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,  

 There are other second order solvers out there too.



 Tim Lahey
 PhD Candidate, Systems Design Engineering
 University of Waterloohttp://www.linkedin.com/in/timlahey
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[sympy] Re: Symbolic matrix inversion

2009-09-30 Thread Luke

  For the systems I have studied at the moment, the most complicated
inverses I have need to compute are 3x3 dense matrices (for the
nonlinear equations of motion of a benchmark bicycle model [0]) and
6x6 sparse inverses (for solving the kinematic equations of motion for
the derivatives of the configuration variables in terms of the
generalized speeds).  For an example, you can look at my github in the
bicycle_work branch and look at examples/rollingdisc/
rollingdisc_lib.py.  All the functions in that file were generated
using Sympy/PyDy and include the equations of motion in first order
form.  In that particular example, the mass matrix is diagonal, so
inversion is trivial.  In general though this is not the case and for
larger dimensional systems, this symbolic inversion could literally
take days to complete and this is what I want to avoid.

Again, the reason I want to do this symbolically is so that the
generated equations of motion are in first order form and no special
ODE solver is needed.  As far as I know the Scipy numerical
integration routines and the GSL routines require equations in this
form, so I would like to keep my equations in a form that can be
immediately useful to those audiences with minimal hassle.


[0] -- J. P. Meijaard, Jim M. Papadopoulos, Andy Ruina, A. L. Schwab,
2007 ``Linearized dynamics equations for the balance and steer of a
bicycle: a benchmark and review,'' Proceedings of the Royal Society A

On Sep 29, 7:34 pm, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:
 Luke wrote:
  I also check the GSL (GNU Scientific Library).  They have a nice
  numerical integrator, but it doesn't allow for a mass matrix.
  On Sep 29, 4:44 pm, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yes, this is something I should look into.  I am pretty sure that the
  Netlib codes have this functionality, but it hasn't been wrapped into
  the Python scientific packages that I know of, at least not yet.
  scipy.integrate has odeint and ode, but both need everything in first
  order form, no mass matrix is allowed.

  I figured that if I was going to work symbolically, I may as well go
  as far as I can go, so if I can invert the matrices symbolically, I'd
  prefer that.  This would also be nice because then the equations could
  be integrated with any numerical integrator out there, as the ode
  formulation would be as generic as possible.


  On Sep 29, 4:15 pm, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:

  Luke wrote:

  On Sep 29, 1:09 pm, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:

  On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm using Sympy from within PyDy to generate the equations of motion 
  mechanical systems.  At the end of the day,  the equations can be most
  generally written as:
  M(x) * x'' = F(x, x', t)
  M(x) is what is known as the mass matrix, and will in general depend 
  on the
  configuration of the system (positions and angles).  This matrix needs 
  to be
  inverted in order to solve for x'', which then will allow for numerical
  integration or stability analysis.
  I am generating M(x) symbolically, and in some case is it sparse, but 
  many cases, it isn't.  Each entry of the matrix is a Sympy expression, 
  instead of trying to invert a matrix of Sympy expressions, I introduce 
  dummy symbol for each non-zero entries and then invert the matrix of 
  symbols.  Humble systems might have 5 degrees of freedom (so a 5x5 
  needs to
  be inverted), so this inversion isn't so bad, but beyond this, the 
  inversions take a really long time, especially when the matrices are 
  (no zero entries).
  I was thinking that it might be nice to have pre-computed matrix 
  for n x n matrices.  Matrix inversion is O(n^3), so it would be nice 
  to have
  all this precomputed symbolically, and this would greatly speed up 
  matrix capabilities.  Inverses up to say 100x100 could be computed (or 
  something smaller), and then when you need an inverse, everything 
  would be
  fast.  This could also be used behind the scenes (by introduction of
  symbolic substitution dictionaries) for inverting a matrix full of 

  The inversion of a 100x100 dense matrix would be quite a big mess, 
  wouldn't it?

  Yes, it would be disaster.

  But I see what you mean, and I think it makes sense to cache it, if it
  speeds things up. But see below.

  Does anybody know if this has been done by somebody somewhere, or have 
  other ideas on how it could be done better than the way I suggested?

  I would first try to profile the inversion code to see why it is slow.
  Because for example the adjoint method is just a ratio of two
  determinants, so it may be the determinants calculation that is slow
  (and should be cached). However, there are 100^2 different
  determinants (right?), but I guess caching 1 expressions should
  still be doable

[sympy] Re: Symbolic matrix inversion

2009-09-30 Thread Luke

On Sep 30, 8:39 am, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 The methods you suggest essentially takes care of the mass matrix
 problem by solving a linear system numerically during numerical
 integration.  I am familiar with tools out there that do this, but
 this isn't what I'm looking to do.  I haven't seen one that is written
 directly usable in Python -- do you know of one?  The netlib packages
 have this capability, but I'm no Fortran programmer.

 What I am interested in doing is solving the linear system
 symbolically so that first order equations can be generated
 symbolically and the most generic of ODE solvers will work.  This also
 eliminates the iteration that is being done by the ODE solver during
 time integration.

By eliminating iteration here I mean eliminating the iterations of the
root finding / linear system solving algorithm, not adaptive time
stepping type iteration.


 On Sep 29, 8:07 pm, Tim Lahey tim.la...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Sep 29, 2009, at 7:15 PM, Alan Bromborsky wrote:

   Are there differential equation solvers where you don't have to invert
   the matrix?

  A Newmark-Beta scheme will directly solve a second-order system of ODEs.
  The standard form uses iteration to solve the system so no inversion is
  necessary. For linear second-order problems you can rewrite things to
  use matrix algebra.

  For more information, I recommend Bathe and Wilson,

  Klaus-Jürgen Bathe and Edward L. Wilson. Numerical Methods in Finite  
  Element         Analysis. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,  

  There are other second order solvers out there too.



  Tim Lahey
  PhD Candidate, Systems Design Engineering
  University of Waterloohttp://www.linkedin.com/in/timlahey

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[sympy] Preventing expansion

2009-10-11 Thread Luke

I feel like I've seen code for this on the mailing list or IRC but
after some searching wasn't able to find it.

Is it possible to prevent something like (x*y)**2 from being expanded
to x**2*y**2?

I tried an expand=False option to Mul and Pow, as in:
Mul(x*y, x*y, expand=False)
Pow(x*y, 2, expand=False)

but this didn't do it.

Is there a way?

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[sympy] GSoC project mentoring

2011-04-05 Thread Luke
  I did a Sympy GSoC project in 2009 on a package called PyDy [0].
PyDy depends intimately on SymPy, but currently the two projects are
maintained separately.  The basic functionality of PyDy is to provide
a set of classes which ease kinematic and dynamic analysis of
mechanical systems that obey the laws of Newtonian Mechanics.  PyDy
relies on the core symbolic functionality of SymPy in a way similar to
the Geometric Algebra module (sympy/GA.py).  By the end of my GSoC
summer, PyDy was very functional and I had created 12 examples of use
for deriving equations of motion for both trivial (pendulum) and non-
trivial (rolling coin, rolling torus, bicycle--almost) mechanical
systems.  Sadly, the project has seen very little activity since my
GSoC project.

There are two students in my lab who are interested in helping develop
and improve PyDy.  One of the ideas we have been discussing is how the
core functionality of PyDy really depends on Sympy and we think it
would make more sense to have PyDy as a module of Sympy, probably in
sympy/physics or maybe in sympy/pydy (or some other place?).  This
way, it would be more like a library that can be imported along with
Sympy if you want to formulate study symbolic equations of motion.  A
few advantages of this approach are:
-- Code updates to sympy wouldn't break pydy functionality since the
core testing would be done together
-- PyDy would be available to anybody who installs sympy.  This could
be really helpful for both projects because there are many physics,
math, and engineering students (both grad and undergrad) who need to
do some basic 3D vector symbolic vector analysis, and keeping pydy
within sympy would make this much easier than it currently is.
-- We could maintain a separate source tree for detailed examples of
use, which depend on many other tools besides Sympy, and don't make
sense to have distributed with sympy.
-- Developers of PyDy would be more connected to Sympy and vice-versa,
which would be a win for both groups.

What do people think of this idea?  A fair bit of work needs to be
done to make the pydy code compliant with they sympy project --
doctests and docstrings need to be improved, but most of the testing
of PyDy's functionality is already implemented.

Back to the topic of GSoC, there are many other aspects of PyDy that
need work besides the possibility of integrating it into sympy.  Here
are a few items:
-- Class hierarchy needs to be re-evaluated/re-designed to include
some notion of the system (all bodies, particles, applied forces/
torques, generalized coordinates, degrees of freedom, etc.).
Currently all of this is embedded in the Point and ReferenceFrame
classes and is a bit hackish.
-- Handling of closed kinematic loops (four-bar linkage) needs to be
-- Templates for outputting boilerplate animation code to enable
immediate visualization after symbolic derivation.
-- Improvement of LaTeX printing for vector expressions.

We are working on a document outlining these things in more detail, we
have made it public here:

I would like to ensure that work on Pydy is beneficial for the Sympy
project.  Pydy is fairly heavy on the trigonometry and in the past I
ran into snags in various aspects of trigsimp.  Part of this was
probably avoidable for reasons I won't go into here, but part of it
was due to aspects of sympy that needed improvement.  I see this as
place of technical overlap where work on PyDy will help improve
Sympy.  Another place where PyDy can help SymPy is by bringing more
uses to Sympy -- every physics and engineering student has to take a
dynamics class in which aspects of PyDy could be very beneficial to
their studies and this in turn would expose more people to Sympy.  By
tying something this ubiquitous to Sympy, I think the user base would
both grow and be diversified.

The two students in my lab that are interested should be posting
introduction emails shortly, and they are working on familiarizing
themselves with the Sympy source tree and identifying an issue that
they can fix and submit a patch for.  They will be adding their
proposals to the wiki and notifying the mailing list as well.

Seeing as both of these students are in my lab, I would be willing to
mentor them for the GSoC projects, should they be accepted.  We use
git and python extensively in our lab so some of the hurdles in the
development process should be lowered by the resources and experience
of the people in my lab.  This will help both students to hit the
ground running a lot more quickly.


[0] -- pydy.org

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[sympy] Re: GSoC project mentoring

2011-04-05 Thread Luke
  Thanks for the suggestion about PSF.  However, to me it seems
natural though to apply to Sympy rather than PSF because PyDy is
completely and wholly dependent on Sympy -- it can't work without it.
All development of it requires interfacing with and using Sympy's
functionality, not just Python.   This is in contrast to something
like mpmath, which can operate standalone, but also can operate with
sympy, which in that case it makes sense to keep the two project

I am in favor of including PyDy (or some part of it) as a module of
Sympy for two reasons.  First, it helps with the testing of PyDy by
ensuring changes to Sympy don't break PyDy functionality.  Second,
when working on things such as the trig branch, where most of the
simplification cases came directly from my work within PyDy, it makes
it easier to write tests for sympy that ensure the functionality of
PyDy.  The separation between the two projects simply made concurrent
development of both harder, IMHO.

An example of this would be GA package benefiting from being part of
Sympy and the testing framework that is in place.  It would be great
for PyDy to have this same type of benefit, and I think it would
really help the development of both.  As Ondrej said, PyDy is pretty
small, so it wouldn't be a huge addition to sympy as far as the number
of lines of code or number of files.

With regard to the trig branch -- I think it would be great to finish
up as well.  In retrospect however, I think I was a bit naive as to
how difficult this would be.  Many aspects of it are non-trivial.  I'm
not sure this is something that can be easily done as a side project
but rather needs the full attention of a couple of people, which
explains why it is in the state it is in.  I'll give it a look, but it
hasn't been touched since June 26, 2009, so there may be quite a lot
that breaks once I rebase from the current master.


On Apr 5, 3:02 pm, Aaron Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I agree with Ondrej.

 Since PyDy is (still at least) separate form SymPy, another idea
 regarding GSoC would be to apply to work under the umbrella of Python.
  Seehttp://wiki.python.org/moin/SummerOfCode/2011.  You have to fill
 out an application to work under them this year.  I would also look at
 PSU (and whatever others).  I say this because the competition for
 SymPy might be high this year (depending on how many slots Google
 gives us).

 But again, remember that you don't have much time, as the deadline for
 student applications is Friday.  And remember that if the students
 apply to SymPy they need to submit at patch that gets merged in (like
 everyone else).

 On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 2:37 PM, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:
  Hi Luke,

  On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 1:08 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
   I did a Sympy GSoC project in 2009 on a package called PyDy [0].
  PyDy depends intimately on SymPy, but currently the two projects are
  maintained separately.  The basic functionality of PyDy is to provide
  a set of classes which ease kinematic and dynamic analysis of
  mechanical systems that obey the laws of Newtonian Mechanics.  PyDy
  relies on the core symbolic functionality of SymPy in a way similar to
  the Geometric Algebra module (sympy/GA.py).  By the end of my GSoC
  summer, PyDy was very functional and I had created 12 examples of use
  for deriving equations of motion for both trivial (pendulum) and non-
  trivial (rolling coin, rolling torus, bicycle--almost) mechanical
  systems.  Sadly, the project has seen very little activity since my
  GSoC project.

  There are two students in my lab who are interested in helping develop
  and improve PyDy.  One of the ideas we have been discussing is how the
  core functionality of PyDy really depends on Sympy and we think it
  would make more sense to have PyDy as a module of Sympy, probably in
  sympy/physics or maybe in sympy/pydy (or some other place?).  This
  way, it would be more like a library that can be imported along with
  Sympy if you want to formulate study symbolic equations of motion.  A
  few advantages of this approach are:
  -- Code updates to sympy wouldn't break pydy functionality since the
  core testing would be done together
  -- PyDy would be available to anybody who installs sympy.  This could
  be really helpful for both projects because there are many physics,
  math, and engineering students (both grad and undergrad) who need to
  do some basic 3D vector symbolic vector analysis, and keeping pydy
  within sympy would make this much easier than it currently is.
  -- We could maintain a separate source tree for detailed examples of
  use, which depend on many other tools besides Sympy, and don't make
  sense to have distributed with sympy.
  -- Developers of PyDy would be more connected to Sympy and vice-versa,
  which would be a win for both groups.

  What do people think of this idea?  A fair bit of work needs to be
  done to make the pydy code

[sympy] class design / modelling

2011-04-12 Thread Luke
Does anybody here use any class modelling tools to help design class
hierarchies before they begin implementing them?  For most things I've
done, I've just jumped in and started coding, but in I think I might
like to explore tools that encourage more upfront thought on the
design before the coding starts.  I've checked out this wikipedia
and it seems like many of these tools are implemented as Eclipse
plugins and pretty much all are based on UML, does anybody here have
any experience with any of them, or have any thoughts on this approach
to class design?


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Re: [sympy] Question regarding vectors

2011-05-09 Thread Luke
Here is a more explicit example of what Gilbert is talking about:
In [1]: from sympy import *
In [2]: from pydy import *
In [3]: x = symbols('x')
In [4]: N = ReferenceFrame('N')
In [5]: type(N[1])
Out[5]: pydy.pydy.UnitVector
In [9]: test = x*N[1] + x*x*N[2]
In [10]: type(test)
Out[10]: sympy.core.add.Add
In [11]: test2 = Vector(test)
In [12]: test2
Out[12]: x*n1 + x**2*n2
In [13]: type(test2)
Out[13]: pydy.pydy.Vector
In [14]: test3 = x*test2
In [15]: test3
Out[15]: x*x*n1 + x**2*n2
In [16]: type(test3)
Out[16]: sympy.core.mul.Mul

As you can see, in Out[15], the multiplication of x and test2 is being
printed in a way that doesn't make sense, and in Out[16] we can see
that this multiplication isn't resulting in another Vector object,
instead it is of type Mul.

Currently, to create a Vector object, you need to explicitly call
Vector on a sympy expression that is composed from terms that have
UnitVectors in them, or pass a dictionary with UnitVectors as the keys
and sympy expressions as the values.

Once you have that Vector object, you might want to multiply it by a
scalar (sympy expression) and have it return another Vector object.
This could be done using a somewhat user unfriendly approach:

In [22]: Vector(dict([(k, x*v) for k, v in test2.dict.items()]))
Out[22]: x**2*n1 + x**3*n2

This gets the job done, but it isn't very convenient.

So basically, the question is whether
1)  Is it easy enough in Sympy to make something like x*aVectorObject
evaluate to another Vector object?  Where the x is a scalar part
(probably a sympy Expression) and aVectorObject is of type Vector
(which currently subclasses from Basic)?
2)  Or is it ok to have to be more explicit about creating Vector
objects by using the notation Vector(x**2*N[1] + x**3*N[2]) or
Vector({N[1]: x**2, N[2]:x**3})?

Additionally, there are other types of products that make sense for
Vector and UnitVector objects, namely dot, cross, and outer products.
So the stuff above would only be for multiplying a Vector by a scalar.
 I think all the other types of products have to make use of explicit
method calls since there would be no way to know which type of product
would be implied.


On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Gilbert Gede gilbertg...@gmail.com wrote:
 In PyDy (which we plan to merge into SymPy.physics.classical this summer)
 Vector is one of the classes already implemented (along with UnitVector).
  Vectors extend Basic, and UnitVector extend Expr.
 The way it works now, you can't use Vector as part of a SymPy expression:
 In [57]: test
 Out[57]: x*n1 + x*a1
 In [58]: x*test*x
 Out[58]: x**2*x*n1 + x*a1
 Do people want to be able to use Vector (which comes with dot, cross, outer
 products, and derivative (between reference frames) functions implemented)
 in SymPy expressions?  Or is it the type of thing no one really wants?
 I'm looking forward to getting to work on PyDy  SymPy this summer.

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Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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Re: [sympy] Question regarding vectors

2011-05-09 Thread Luke
Can the vectors and multivectors in the GA module work with arbitrary
sympy expressions?  i.e, if v is a GA vector, and s is a sympy
expression, does it make sense to do: s*v?  Is the result of type Mul
or of something else?


On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:
 On 05/09/2011 08:30 PM, Luke wrote:

 Here is a more explicit example of what Gilbert is talking about:
 In [1]: from sympy import *
 In [2]: from pydy import *
 In [3]: x = symbols('x')
 In [4]: N = ReferenceFrame('N')
 In [5]: type(N[1])
 Out[5]: pydy.pydy.UnitVector
 In [9]: test = x*N[1] + x*x*N[2]
 In [10]: type(test)
 Out[10]: sympy.core.add.Add
 In [11]: test2 = Vector(test)
 In [12]: test2
 Out[12]: x*n1  + x**2*n2
 In [13]: type(test2)
 Out[13]: pydy.pydy.Vector
 In [14]: test3 = x*test2
 In [15]: test3
 Out[15]: x*x*n1  + x**2*n2
 In [16]: type(test3)
 Out[16]: sympy.core.mul.Mul

 As you can see, in Out[15], the multiplication of x and test2 is being
 printed in a way that doesn't make sense, and in Out[16] we can see
 that this multiplication isn't resulting in another Vector object,
 instead it is of type Mul.

 Currently, to create a Vector object, you need to explicitly call
 Vector on a sympy expression that is composed from terms that have
 UnitVectors in them, or pass a dictionary with UnitVectors as the keys
 and sympy expressions as the values.

 Once you have that Vector object, you might want to multiply it by a
 scalar (sympy expression) and have it return another Vector object.
 This could be done using a somewhat user unfriendly approach:

 In [22]: Vector(dict([(k, x*v) for k, v in test2.dict.items()]))
 Out[22]: x**2*n1  + x**3*n2

 This gets the job done, but it isn't very convenient.

 So basically, the question is whether
 1)  Is it easy enough in Sympy to make something like x*aVectorObject
 evaluate to another Vector object?  Where the x is a scalar part
 (probably a sympy Expression) and aVectorObject is of type Vector
 (which currently subclasses from Basic)?
 2)  Or is it ok to have to be more explicit about creating Vector
 objects by using the notation Vector(x**2*N[1] + x**3*N[2]) or
 Vector({N[1]: x**2, N[2]:x**3})?

 Additionally, there are other types of products that make sense for
 Vector and UnitVector objects, namely dot, cross, and outer products.
 So the stuff above would only be for multiplying a Vector by a scalar.
  I think all the other types of products have to make use of explicit
 method calls since there would be no way to know which type of product
 would be implied.


 On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Gilbert Gedegilbertg...@gmail.com

 In PyDy (which we plan to merge into SymPy.physics.classical this summer)
 Vector is one of the classes already implemented (along with UnitVector).
  Vectors extend Basic, and UnitVector extend Expr.
 The way it works now, you can't use Vector as part of a SymPy expression:
 In [57]: test
 Out[57]: x*n1  + x*a1
 In [58]: x*test*x
 Out[58]: x**2*x*n1  + x*a1
 Do people want to be able to use Vector (which comes with dot, cross,
 products, and derivative (between reference frames) functions
 in SymPy expressions?  Or is it the type of thing no one really wants?
 I'm looking forward to getting to work on PyDy  SymPy this summer.

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 GA module has vectors and multivectors.  See documentation

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Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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Re: [sympy] Question regarding vectors

2011-05-10 Thread Luke
  From what I can see in GA.py, you have one class MV, which doesn't
derive from anything, and then you use the setup method to somehow
inject MV objects into the global namespace.  So, then, if x is a
sympy expression, and e is a MV object:
type(x*e) == type(e*x) == class 'sympy.galgebra.GA.MV'

This is the sort of behavior I would like to have as far as scalar
multiplication of a UnitVector or Vector by a sympy expression goes.

It looks like you achieved this by defining the __mul__ and __rmul__
methods in the MV class, which then call your geometric_product
method.  In geometric_product, if only one of the operands is a MV
object, you assume the other is a scalar and call the scalar_mul
method, which then does the distribution of the scalar across all the
elements in self.mv.  A bit surpisingly, you seem to depend self.mv
being a numpy.ndarray for this to work properly, but I am sure you
have some reasons for this.

The question then seems to be what are the benefits or drawbacks of
subclassing from Expr?  Perhaps if few or none of the methods in Expr
would make sense to call on UnitVector or Vector objects, they
shouldn't subclass from Expr and instead should just be standalone
classes that implement only the methods that make sense for them,
including the __mul__ and __rmul__ methods, as Alan did in his MV


On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 5:44 AM, Alan Bromborsky abro...@verizon.net wrote:
 The assumption is that the expression multiplying the vector (multivector)
 is a scalar and the
 result is a vector.  The geometric algebra is instantiated by defining a set
 of abstract vectors
 say e1, e2, e3, e4 and the dot product of all pairs of the vectors.  These
 dot products can be
 symbols or numbers.  The default option is that the dot product of ei and ej
 is the symbol eidotej
 and printed as ei.ej.  The operator for the dot product is |  so that
 print e1|e2 returns (e1.e2).
 Thus if you define vectors - (a1,a2,b1,and b2 are sympy symbols)
    a = a1*e1+a2*e2
    b = b1*e1+b2*e2
 Then there are three products
 print a|b  -   a1*b1*(e1sq)+a2*b2*(e2sq)+(a1*b2+a2*b1)*(e1.e2)
 where in the dot product e1.e2 = e2.e1
 print a*b -   a1*b1*(e1sq)+a2*b2*(e2sqr)+a1*b2*(e1e2)+a2*b1*(e2e1)
 where in the geometric product  e1*e1=e1sq and e2*e2=e2sq
 print a^b -  (a1*b2-a2*b1)*(e1^e2)
 where in the wedge product  e1^e1=e2^e2=0 and e1^e2=-e2^e1
 The geometric product of two vectors can be reduced via
 a*b = a|b+a^b
 using e1*e1 = e1sq,  e2*e2 = e2sq,  e1*e2 = (e1.e2)+e1^e2, and e2*e1 =
 (e1.e2)+e2^e1 = (e1.e2)-e1^e2.
 a|b = (a*b+b*a)/2 and a^b = (a*b-b*a)/2

 On 05/09/2011 08:51 PM, Luke wrote:

 Can the vectors and multivectors in the GA module work with arbitrary
 sympy expressions?  i.e, if v is a GA vector, and s is a sympy
 expression, does it make sense to do: s*v?  Is the result of type Mul
 or of something else?


 On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Alan Bromborskyabro...@verizon.net

 On 05/09/2011 08:30 PM, Luke wrote:

 Here is a more explicit example of what Gilbert is talking about:
 In [1]: from sympy import *
 In [2]: from pydy import *
 In [3]: x = symbols('x')
 In [4]: N = ReferenceFrame('N')
 In [5]: type(N[1])
 Out[5]: pydy.pydy.UnitVector
 In [9]: test = x*N[1] + x*x*N[2]
 In [10]: type(test)
 Out[10]: sympy.core.add.Add
 In [11]: test2 = Vector(test)
 In [12]: test2
 Out[12]: x*n1    + x**2*n2
 In [13]: type(test2)
 Out[13]: pydy.pydy.Vector
 In [14]: test3 = x*test2
 In [15]: test3
 Out[15]: x*x*n1    + x**2*n2
 In [16]: type(test3)
 Out[16]: sympy.core.mul.Mul

 As you can see, in Out[15], the multiplication of x and test2 is being
 printed in a way that doesn't make sense, and in Out[16] we can see
 that this multiplication isn't resulting in another Vector object,
 instead it is of type Mul.

 Currently, to create a Vector object, you need to explicitly call
 Vector on a sympy expression that is composed from terms that have
 UnitVectors in them, or pass a dictionary with UnitVectors as the keys
 and sympy expressions as the values.

 Once you have that Vector object, you might want to multiply it by a
 scalar (sympy expression) and have it return another Vector object.
 This could be done using a somewhat user unfriendly approach:

 In [22]: Vector(dict([(k, x*v) for k, v in test2.dict.items()]))
 Out[22]: x**2*n1    + x**3*n2

 This gets the job done, but it isn't very convenient.

 So basically, the question is whether
 1)  Is it easy enough in Sympy to make something like x*aVectorObject
 evaluate to another Vector object?  Where the x is a scalar part
 (probably a sympy Expression) and aVectorObject is of type Vector
 (which currently subclasses from Basic)?
 2)  Or is it ok to have to be more explicit about creating Vector
 objects by using the notation Vector(x**2*N[1] + x**3*N[2]) or
 Vector({N[1]: x**2, N[2]:x**3})?

 Additionally, there are other types of products that make sense for
 Vector and UnitVector objects, namely dot, cross, and outer

Re: [sympy] Re: Question regarding vectors

2011-05-10 Thread Luke
The dot and cross products are implemented at the lowest level in
UnitVector, and the Vector class simply calls these methods on all of
the UnitVector objects that comprise it when these methods are called
on a Vector class.

dot and cross functions are provided as convenience wrapper functions
around the class methods, so the user can choose to use whichever
approach is more natural to them.


On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Vinzent Steinberg
vinzent.steinb...@googlemail.com wrote:
 On 10 Mai, 03:30, Ronan Lamy ronan.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Please, try to make the interface dot(v1, v2), and not v1.dot(v2).

 While I agree that it looks cleaner for the simple case, I would



    dot(dot(v1, v2), v3)

 For the dot product it does of course not make sense to multiply three
 vectors in a row, but I think we should keep this in mind in general
 for user defined operations.


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Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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Re: [sympy] Re: Who uses SymPy?

2011-05-12 Thread Luke
This was pretty much my experience as well.  I was introduced to
Python in a graduate course and made the migration from Matlab over to
Python over the course of a couple of years.  In engineering there are
few people using open source tools, I think mostly because people get
used to doing things a certain way and don't want to change, and the
vast majority of the software taught in engineering curriculum is
proprietary.  This makes it really hard to use open source tools and
collaborate with other people in engineering because they often simply
aren't willing to invest the time in learning new tools.  In some
cases, there isn't a viable open source tool to do the job, but often
this isn't the case.  Companies like Mathworks have gotten into bed
with engineering departments and designed the course curriculum to be
centered around tools like Matlab, so the level of entrenchment is
quite deep.  At the UC system though, with the financial trouble we
are in, software licenses take a big chunk out of the budget, and
people are starting to realize you can achieve many of the same things
using FOSS.  So maybe initially the motivation will be financial in
nature, but I think all the other benefits of FOSS will become clear
to these people once they take the time to try it.  But there is a
whole generation of entrenchment that will eventually retire and make
room for open source, so I see things getting better as time goes on.


On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Sherjil Ozair sherjiloz...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 9:07 PM, Cory Dominguez corydoming...@gmail.com

 As a very small response to this question. My name is Cory Dominguez and I
 am a physics major at University of California at Santa Cruz. I am new to
 this group but I am interested in contributing. This quarter I am taking a
 class is Computational Physics where we have mainly looked at numerical
 analysis with c++ and for the second half of the quarter we get a crash
 course in Mathematica and do some symbolic analysis. I had heard of Sage
 through my various stumbles around the internet and I am a great fan of
 python. At least at my university, none of the professors I have talked to
 even know of the open source tools available today. They rely instead on
 software like Mathematica and Maple. I really wish that I had been aware of
 software like matplotlib, numpy, and sympy during my lower division courses.
 I think it could of increased my understanding tremendously. In my opinion
 if you make undergraduates aware of these tools and they are allowed to get
 used to them as they take their fundamental courses, then you lay a good
 foundation for this group in the future.  I remember how stoked I was to get
 a TI-89 calculator, learning about sympy was like christmas.

 Exactly my feelings too, when I got to know about Sympy. :)
 SymPy sure needs more advertising. But maybe, we'll focus on that when we
 hit 1.0, I think.
 Thanks for the reply, Cory.


 On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 9:51 AM, SherjilOzair sherjiloz...@gmail.com

 A very smart and to-the-point question, Matthew. I've been wanting the
 answer to this question myself when working on my project. The answer
 to this question is critical for code writing.

 Another issue I would like to raise, that I believe is related to this
 topic, is a phrase in the Sympy Mission,

 … while keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be
 comprehensible and easily extensible.

 How do we, as coders, follow this maxim ? Do we sacrifice performance
 for readability ? Or is this line just their to emphasize our choice
 of choosing python as our language. A notable example which doesnt
 follow this guideline is the Polys internals. Comments ?

 As to the original question, is there any data of where/how Sympy is
 used ?
 If not, can we start collecting such data ?

 Thanks Matthew, once again, to raise such an important question.

 -Sherjil Ozair

 On May 12, 8:14 pm, Matthew Rocklin mrock...@gmail.com wrote:
  Do we have a clear understanding of who our userbase is?
  Is SymPy being used for education? for research in academia? in
  industry? I
  imagine the answer is that yes, it's being used in all of those
  Does anyone know the extent to which it's used in these contexts? While
  designing I'd like to know what audience I should target.

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Re: [sympy] Re: Question regarding vectors

2011-05-14 Thread Luke
  I prefer this notation:

 B = ReferenceFrame('B')

and then to access the basic vectors of that frame, to use one of the
following approaches:

B.x, B.y, B.z or, B.i, B.j, B.k

You could view the ReferenceFrame class as a container object for the
basis vectors and implement the __iter__() method to iterate over the
basis vectors in the following way:

v = a*B.i + b*B.j + B.k
for basisvector in B:
dot(v, basisvector)

Since we are restricting ourself to basis vectors in R^3, we probably
don't need all the other methods typical of a container object, I
think __iter__() would be enough.

My vote is to go with the ijk or xyz syntax and not use the
__getitem__() method that allows for B[1].  This will mean some work
to change things from how they are currently implemented in PyDy, but
I think the syntax is cleaner and more concise.  What do other people
think about this?

Another thing to think about though is how you will print the basis
vectors, both to the screen and to LaTeX.  Currently, PyDy prints
UnitVectors as b1, b2, b3, and it uses unicode to make the color
bright so you can distinguish UnitVectors from the scalar multiplier.
For LaTeX printing, this I think should be \boldsymbol{b}_{1},
\boldsymbol{b}_x or \boldsymbol_{i}.  If you go with the ijk syntax,
bi, bj, bk might work but in most physics/math books I have seen
they typically only use \hat{\boldsymbol{i}}, etc, and typically this
is in settings where you don't have many different reference frames to
distinguish between, so the syntax isn't ambiguous.  On the other
hand, I have seen \boldsymbol{b}_x, etc, so perhaps this might be more
common and familiar to some users?  It is a pretty minor difference,
so I say you pick one you think is most likely to appeal to the widest
audience and stick with it.  This might also be something that could
have a default value, but could be customized -- I have seen
subscripts of ijk, xyz, 012, or 123 in various classical mechanics

The problem with the numbered subscripts is that while B.y or B.j
would work, B.2 wouldn't work since 2 isn't a valid variable name.
I'm not sure what the best solution would be for this if we were to
try to allow for customizing the subscripts.  I guess this is why the
syntax of:
b1, b2, b3, B = ReferenceFrame('B')
might be desirable, I just feel like it might be more typing than is
desirable in most cases.

Do any of the physics people out there have thoughts on what syntax
would be nicest for physics students?  We definitely want to keep the
syntax familiar to that potential user base, but we also need to make
sure we can accommodate many different reference frames which is
common in multibody dynamics.


On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 6:29 PM, Gilbert gede gilbertg...@gmail.com wrote:
 So I think we've decided to make a new Vector class, to replace the
 previous UnitVector and Vector classes, and it will not extend any
 other sympy classes.  It will use sympy's matrix class.  The current
 plan is for each vector to have a list of lists; the inner list will
 be the coefficients of each basis vector and the frame they belong to,
 and the outer list will store the inner list for each frame.  It will
 be something like:

 As for operations, we're currently leaning towards writing operators
 for Vector, and then wrapping them with Dot, Cross, etc.
 So if A  B are Vectors, and t a scalar:
 A*t would call Vector.__mul__
 Dot(A,B) would call Vector.__and__ , maybe?  We're still deciding on
 which operators to use for dot and cross products.
 Does this seem like an good solution?  Allowing one user interface
 that is unambiguous but longer and a shorter, rougher option?

 I think this will all work out nicely, as once you have the basis
 vectors instantiated, you'll control what is returned by every
 operation.  This leads to the final thing we're trying to decide; how
 to use the three basis vectors.
 It's between calling something like:
 b1,b2,b3,B = ReferenceFrame('B'), where b1 is a Vector with contents
 [[(1,0,0),B]], etc
 B = ReferenceFrame('B')
 and then access the basis vectors as B[1], B[2], B[3] or B.x,B.y,B.z
 or B.i, B.j, B.k
 What are people's opinions here?  Should the basis vectors be linked
 with the frame they are created with?  Or should they be independent
 in the namespace?


 On May 11, 1:18 pm, Ronan Lamy ronan.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Le mardi 10 mai 2011 à 11:37 -0700, Luke a écrit :

  The dot and cross products are implemented at the lowest level in
  UnitVector, and the Vector class simply calls these methods on all of
  the UnitVector objects that comprise it when these methods are called
  on a Vector class.

  dot and cross functions are provided as convenience wrapper functions
  around the class methods, so the user can choose to use whichever
  approach is more natural to them.

 Not making a choice between the two options might seem easiest in the
 short term but it's actually

[sympy] Problem with user-defined functions

2011-06-02 Thread luke
Hi eveyone,
I'm developing an web application which has to interact with user-
defined formulas of some financial kpis.
I decided to use sympy to have a more solid math engine.
Basically the input I reiceve is very simple, it might be in the worst
case something like:

kpi - (log(sum('production'))*count('sales')/min('spread') (this
formula is totally made-up)

I defined some functions to interact with the database according to
the official docs and they seem to be working:

For example defining

from sympy.core.function import Function

class SUM(Function):
nargs = 2
def eval(cls, arg):
map = Code(function () {
   } % {'field':arg})
reduce = Code(
function(key, values) {
  var sum = 0;
  values.forEach(function(doc) {
if (doc.%(field)s != undefined){
sum += doc.%(field)s;
  return {%(field)s:sum};
}; % {'field':arg})
result = db.people.map_reduce(map, reduce, myresults)
return result.find_one()['value'][unicode(arg)]


Then from the command line I can type:

 print SUM(field)

But when I try to use sympify my function doesn't evaluate..

 print sympify(SUM('field')).evalf()

Am I doing anything wrong?
Thanks in advance!

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sympy group.
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[sympy] Re: Problem with user-defined functions

2011-06-02 Thread luke
Oh, thanks a lot. Now it's working fine.
Now the only problem is that the code is evaluated when calling
sympify, and not when calling evalf.
Could I ask you what is the way to keep the function lazy? I explain
myself better. Since the function SUM has to operate on a database if
I have something like that:

 SUM('field') + SUM('field') + SUM('field') #not lazy, computes immediately 
 three queries

I'm doing the same operation three times and this is not very good in
terms of performances, what I expected would have been:

 a = SUM('field') + SUM('field') + SUM('field') - 3SUM('field') # one 
 single query
 print a
 print N(a)

just like other functions work. e.g.


On Jun 2, 9:38 am, Mateusz Paprocki matt...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 2 June 2011 09:07, luke luca.giaco...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi eveyone,
  I'm developing an web application which has to interact with user-
  defined formulas of some financial kpis.
  I decided to use sympy to have a more solid math engine.
  Basically the input I reiceve is very simple, it might be in the worst
  case something like:

  kpi - (log(sum('production'))*count('sales')/min('spread') (this
  formula is totally made-up)

  I defined some functions to interact with the database according to
  the official docs and they seem to be working:

  For example defining

  from sympy.core.function import Function

  class SUM(Function):
     nargs = 2
     def eval(cls, arg):
         map = Code(function () {
                    } % {'field':arg})
         reduce = Code(
                     function(key, values) {
                       var sum = 0;
                       values.forEach(function(doc) {
                         if (doc.%(field)s != undefined){
                             sum += doc.%(field)s;
                       return {%(field)s:sum};
                     }; % {'field':arg})
         result = db.people.map_reduce(map, reduce, myresults)
         return result.find_one()['value'][unicode(arg)]


  Then from the command line I can type:

   print SUM(field)

 Very interesting application. I'm not sure if you are familiar with this,
 but staying on the safe side note here that SUM(field) doesn't do exactly
 what you expect, but the outcome is fine. Usually, SymPy's functions don't
 accept raw string arguments, but sympify() them:

 In [1]: class fun(Function):
    ...:     nargs = 1
    ...:     @classmethod
    ...:     def eval(cls, arg):
    ...:         print type(arg)

 In [2]: fun('abc')
 class 'sympy.core.symbol.Symbol'
 Out[2]: fun(abc)

 So in eval() you got a symbol not string 'abc', but as str() of a Symbol is
 simply the name of the symbol, then this (and your code) works as expected:

 In [3]: print ---%s--- % Symbol('abc')

  But when I try to use sympify my function doesn't evaluate..

   print sympify(SUM('field')).evalf()

 The problem here is that SymPy, precisely speaking sympify(), doesn't know
 what SUM() is, because SUM() resides in the global namespace of the
 interpreter, which is unknown to sympify(), e.g.:

 In [4]: sympify(whatever(10))
 Out[4]: whatever(10)

 whatever() is unknown to sympify(), so a new Function object is constructed
 for it. The same for fun() which I defined above:

 In [6]: sympify(fun(10))
 Out[6]: fun(10)

 To overcome this, pass globals() to sympify(), e.g.:

 In [7]: sympify(fun(10), globals())
 class 'sympy.core.numbers.Integer'
 Out[7]: fun(10)

 (in your case this will be sympify(SUM('field'), globals())).

  Am I doing anything wrong?
  Thanks in advance!

  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
  sympy group.
  To post to this group, send email to sympy@googlegroups.com.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit this group at


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
sympy group.
To post to this group, send email to sympy@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[sympy] Re: Problem with user-defined functions

2011-06-02 Thread luke
Actually you're wrong. Every instance of a class in python has its own
attributes and editing the attributes of one instance of a class wont
modify the attributes of the other classes.

class MyClass:
def __init__(self,var):

then execute:

 a = MyClass(10)
 print a.var
 b = MyClass(20)
 print b.var
 print a.var, b.var
 10 20

This said, my code might effectively not be the best one but my issue
is that in _eval_evalf(cls,arg) the value of arg is not a symbol but
is a float (57 in my case, probably is an index of some internal
variable.. I can't find any documentation about that). So it's pretty
unusable, that's why I set cls.arg. However the code is working so
thanks everybody.

On Jun 2, 7:01 pm, Ronan Lamy ronan.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Le jeudi 02 juin 2011 à 09:35 -0700, luke a écrit :

  Yes, that worked. But I had to restructure the code

  class SUM(Function):
      nargs = 2
      def eval(cls, arg):
      def _eval_evalf(cls, arg):
          map = Code(function () {
                     } % {'field':cls.arg})
          reduce = Code(
                      function(key, values) {
                        var sum = 0;
                        values.forEach(function(doc) {
                          if (doc.%(field)s != undefined){
                              sum += doc.%(field)s;
                        return {%(field)s:sum};
                      }; % {'field':cls.arg})
          result = db.people.map_reduce(map, reduce, myresults)
          return result.find_one()['value'][unicode(cls.arg)]
  Because arg in _eval_evalf was strangely enough a float (more
  precisely 57, have no clue why :) ).
  Thank you all guys!

 Your implementation won't work correctly: _eval_evalf needs to be an
 ordinary method of the instance in order to access to the argument of
 the function. Note that SUM is a class and that SUM('some_field') is an
 instance of it, so each time you set SUM.arg, all SUM calls will see it
 and since it's reset every time you call SUM(...), you'll get this:

  a = SUM('some_field'); SUM('other_field')

 - result for SUM('other_field')

 So you do need to follow my advice exactly - and remove eval().

  On Jun 2, 6:07 pm, Ronan Lamy ronan.l...@gmail.com wrote:
   Le jeudi 02 juin 2011 à 08:03 -0700, luke a écrit :

Oh, thanks a lot. Now it's working fine.
Now the only problem is that the code is evaluated when calling
sympify, and not when calling evalf.
Could I ask you what is the way to keep the function lazy? I explain
myself better. Since the function SUM has to operate on a database if
I have something like that:

 SUM('field') + SUM('field') + SUM('field') #not lazy, computes 
 immediately three queries

I'm doing the same operation three times and this is not very good in
terms of performances, what I expected would have been:

 a = SUM('field') + SUM('field') + SUM('field') - 3SUM('field') # 
 one single query
 print a
 print N(a)

just like other functions work. e.g.


   Note that your use case isn't handled very well by sympy (for now).
   Subclasses of Function are supposed to be symbolic representations of
   numeric functions that return numeric results for numeric arguments.

   But there are ways to hack around these implicit assumptions. To get
   lazy evaluation, the easiest is probably to use SUM('field',
   evaluate=False), which tells the function to store its argument without
   executing eval(). Then you can evaluate the expression using .doit().
   You should get something like:

a = SUM('field', evaluate=False) + SUM('field', evaluate=False) + 
SUM('field', evaluate=False)
print a
print a.doit()


   Otherwise, you could implement your class so that the DB lookup and
   calculations are only done when you call evalf() - that should give you
   exactly the behaviour you expected above. For that, you'd have to
   replace your eval() classmethod with an _eval_evalf() method, e.g.

   def _eval_evalf(self, prec):
       arg = self.args[0]
        body of your eval() 

On Jun 2, 9:38 am, Mateusz Paprocki matt...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 2 June 2011 09:07, luke luca.giaco...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi eveyone,
  I'm developing an web application which has to interact with user-
  defined formulas of some financial kpis.
  I decided to use sympy to have a more solid math engine.
  Basically the input I reiceve is very simple, it might be in the 
  case something like:

  kpi - (log(sum('production'))*count('sales')/min('spread') (this
  formula is totally made-up)

  I defined some functions

[sympy] Re: Problem with user-defined functions

2011-06-02 Thread luke
WAIT, I didn't see that you use
self.arg[0]!! that's why my code was giving me 57, I just need to call
cls.arg[0], great now I can remove the eval ;)! thanks again

On Jun 2, 9:30 pm, luke luca.giaco...@gmail.com wrote:
 Actually you're wrong. Every instance of a class in python has its own
 attributes and editing the attributes of one instance of a class wont
 modify the attributes of the other classes.

 class MyClass:
     def __init__(self,var):

 then execute:

  a = MyClass(10)
  print a.var
  b = MyClass(20)
  print b.var
  print a.var, b.var
  10 20

 This said, my code might effectively not be the best one but my issue
 is that in _eval_evalf(cls,arg) the value of arg is not a symbol but
 is a float (57 in my case, probably is an index of some internal
 variable.. I can't find any documentation about that). So it's pretty
 unusable, that's why I set cls.arg. However the code is working so
 thanks everybody.

 On Jun 2, 7:01 pm, Ronan Lamy ronan.l...@gmail.com wrote:

  Le jeudi 02 juin 2011 à 09:35 -0700, luke a écrit :

   Yes, that worked. But I had to restructure the code

   class SUM(Function):
       nargs = 2
       def eval(cls, arg):
       def _eval_evalf(cls, arg):
           map = Code(function () {
                      } % {'field':cls.arg})
           reduce = Code(
                       function(key, values) {
                         var sum = 0;
                         values.forEach(function(doc) {
                           if (doc.%(field)s != undefined){
                               sum += doc.%(field)s;
                         return {%(field)s:sum};
                       }; % {'field':cls.arg})
           result = db.people.map_reduce(map, reduce, myresults)
           return result.find_one()['value'][unicode(cls.arg)]
   Because arg in _eval_evalf was strangely enough a float (more
   precisely 57, have no clue why :) ).
   Thank you all guys!

  Your implementation won't work correctly: _eval_evalf needs to be an
  ordinary method of the instance in order to access to the argument of
  the function. Note that SUM is a class and that SUM('some_field') is an
  instance of it, so each time you set SUM.arg, all SUM calls will see it
  and since it's reset every time you call SUM(...), you'll get this:

   a = SUM('some_field'); SUM('other_field')

  - result for SUM('other_field')

  So you do need to follow my advice exactly - and remove eval().

   On Jun 2, 6:07 pm, Ronan Lamy ronan.l...@gmail.com wrote:
Le jeudi 02 juin 2011 à 08:03 -0700, luke a écrit :

 Oh, thanks a lot. Now it's working fine.
 Now the only problem is that the code is evaluated when calling
 sympify, and not when calling evalf.
 Could I ask you what is the way to keep the function lazy? I explain
 myself better. Since the function SUM has to operate on a database if
 I have something like that:

  SUM('field') + SUM('field') + SUM('field') #not lazy, computes 
  immediately three queries

 I'm doing the same operation three times and this is not very good in
 terms of performances, what I expected would have been:

  a = SUM('field') + SUM('field') + SUM('field') - 3SUM('field') # 
  one single query
  print a
  print N(a)

 just like other functions work. e.g.


Note that your use case isn't handled very well by sympy (for now).
Subclasses of Function are supposed to be symbolic representations of
numeric functions that return numeric results for numeric arguments.

But there are ways to hack around these implicit assumptions. To get
lazy evaluation, the easiest is probably to use SUM('field',
evaluate=False), which tells the function to store its argument without
executing eval(). Then you can evaluate the expression using .doit().
You should get something like:

 a = SUM('field', evaluate=False) + SUM('field', evaluate=False) + 
 SUM('field', evaluate=False)
 print a
 print a.doit()


Otherwise, you could implement your class so that the DB lookup and
calculations are only done when you call evalf() - that should give you
exactly the behaviour you expected above. For that, you'd have to
replace your eval() classmethod with an _eval_evalf() method, e.g.

def _eval_evalf(self, prec):
    arg = self.args[0]
     body of your eval() 

 On Jun 2, 9:38 am, Mateusz Paprocki matt...@gmail.com wrote:

  On 2 June 2011 09:07, luke luca.giaco...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi eveyone,
   I'm developing an web application which has to interact with 
   defined formulas of some

[sympy] Re: Problem with user-defined functions

2011-06-02 Thread luke
Nope in spite of my enthusiasm cls.args wont work properly as it will
give me a property and not a symbol :) I'll put back my eval since
it worked. Hope that was of any help!

On Jun 2, 9:32 pm, luke luca.giaco...@gmail.com wrote:
 WAIT, I didn't see that you use
 self.arg[0]!! that's why my code was giving me 57, I just need to call
 cls.arg[0], great now I can remove the eval ;)! thanks again

 On Jun 2, 9:30 pm, luke luca.giaco...@gmail.com wrote:

  Actually you're wrong. Every instance of a class in python has its own
  attributes and editing the attributes of one instance of a class wont
  modify the attributes of the other classes.

  class MyClass:
      def __init__(self,var):

  then execute:

   a = MyClass(10)
   print a.var
   b = MyClass(20)
   print b.var
   print a.var, b.var
   10 20

  This said, my code might effectively not be the best one but my issue
  is that in _eval_evalf(cls,arg) the value of arg is not a symbol but
  is a float (57 in my case, probably is an index of some internal
  variable.. I can't find any documentation about that). So it's pretty
  unusable, that's why I set cls.arg. However the code is working so
  thanks everybody.

  On Jun 2, 7:01 pm, Ronan Lamy ronan.l...@gmail.com wrote:

   Le jeudi 02 juin 2011 à 09:35 -0700, luke a écrit :

Yes, that worked. But I had to restructure the code

class SUM(Function):
    nargs = 2
    def eval(cls, arg):
    def _eval_evalf(cls, arg):
        map = Code(function () {
                   } % {'field':cls.arg})
        reduce = Code(
                    function(key, values) {
                      var sum = 0;
                      values.forEach(function(doc) {
                        if (doc.%(field)s != undefined){
                            sum += doc.%(field)s;
                      return {%(field)s:sum};
                    }; % {'field':cls.arg})
        result = db.people.map_reduce(map, reduce, myresults)
        return result.find_one()['value'][unicode(cls.arg)]
Because arg in _eval_evalf was strangely enough a float (more
precisely 57, have no clue why :) ).
Thank you all guys!

   Your implementation won't work correctly: _eval_evalf needs to be an
   ordinary method of the instance in order to access to the argument of
   the function. Note that SUM is a class and that SUM('some_field') is an
   instance of it, so each time you set SUM.arg, all SUM calls will see it
   and since it's reset every time you call SUM(...), you'll get this:

a = SUM('some_field'); SUM('other_field')

   - result for SUM('other_field')

   So you do need to follow my advice exactly - and remove eval().

On Jun 2, 6:07 pm, Ronan Lamy ronan.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Le jeudi 02 juin 2011 à 08:03 -0700, luke a écrit :

  Oh, thanks a lot. Now it's working fine.
  Now the only problem is that the code is evaluated when calling
  sympify, and not when calling evalf.
  Could I ask you what is the way to keep the function lazy? I explain
  myself better. Since the function SUM has to operate on a database 
  I have something like that:

   SUM('field') + SUM('field') + SUM('field') #not lazy, computes 
   immediately three queries

  I'm doing the same operation three times and this is not very good 
  terms of performances, what I expected would have been:

   a = SUM('field') + SUM('field') + SUM('field') - 3SUM('field') 
   # one single query
   print a
   print N(a)

  just like other functions work. e.g.


 Note that your use case isn't handled very well by sympy (for now).
 Subclasses of Function are supposed to be symbolic representations of
 numeric functions that return numeric results for numeric arguments.

 But there are ways to hack around these implicit assumptions. To get
 lazy evaluation, the easiest is probably to use SUM('field',
 evaluate=False), which tells the function to store its argument 
 executing eval(). Then you can evaluate the expression using .doit().
 You should get something like:

  a = SUM('field', evaluate=False) + SUM('field', evaluate=False) + 
  SUM('field', evaluate=False)
  print a
  print a.doit()


 Otherwise, you could implement your class so that the DB lookup and
 calculations are only done when you call evalf() - that should give 
 exactly the behaviour you expected above. For that, you'd have to
 replace your eval() classmethod with an _eval_evalf() method, e.g

[sympy] Re: Problem with user-defined functions

2011-06-02 Thread luke
My bad, sorry for my inexperience with sympy, final code: (this is
really working!)

class SUM(Function):
nargs = 1
def _eval_evalf(cls, prec):
print cls.args
map = Code(function () {
   } % {'field':cls.args[0]})
reduce = Code(
function(key, values) {
  var sum = 0;
  values.forEach(function(doc) {
if (doc.%(field)s != undefined){
sum += doc.%(field)s;
  return {%(field)s:sum};
}; % {'field':cls.args[0]})
result = db.people.map_reduce(map, reduce, myresults)
return result.find_one()['value'][unicode(cls.args[0])]

On Jun 2, 9:36 pm, luke luca.giaco...@gmail.com wrote:
 Nope in spite of my enthusiasm cls.args wont work properly as it will
 give me a property and not a symbol :) I'll put back my eval since
 it worked. Hope that was of any help!

 On Jun 2, 9:32 pm, luke luca.giaco...@gmail.com wrote:

  WAIT, I didn't see that you use
  self.arg[0]!! that's why my code was giving me 57, I just need to call
  cls.arg[0], great now I can remove the eval ;)! thanks again

  On Jun 2, 9:30 pm, luke luca.giaco...@gmail.com wrote:

   Actually you're wrong. Every instance of a class in python has its own
   attributes and editing the attributes of one instance of a class wont
   modify the attributes of the other classes.

   class MyClass:
       def __init__(self,var):

   then execute:

a = MyClass(10)
print a.var
b = MyClass(20)
print b.var
print a.var, b.var
10 20

   This said, my code might effectively not be the best one but my issue
   is that in _eval_evalf(cls,arg) the value of arg is not a symbol but
   is a float (57 in my case, probably is an index of some internal
   variable.. I can't find any documentation about that). So it's pretty
   unusable, that's why I set cls.arg. However the code is working so
   thanks everybody.

   On Jun 2, 7:01 pm, Ronan Lamy ronan.l...@gmail.com wrote:

Le jeudi 02 juin 2011 à 09:35 -0700, luke a écrit :

 Yes, that worked. But I had to restructure the code

 class SUM(Function):
     nargs = 2
     def eval(cls, arg):
     def _eval_evalf(cls, arg):
         map = Code(function () {
                    } % {'field':cls.arg})
         reduce = Code(
                     function(key, values) {
                       var sum = 0;
                       values.forEach(function(doc) {
                         if (doc.%(field)s != undefined){
                             sum += doc.%(field)s;
                       return {%(field)s:sum};
                     }; % {'field':cls.arg})
         result = db.people.map_reduce(map, reduce, myresults)
         return result.find_one()['value'][unicode(cls.arg)]
 Because arg in _eval_evalf was strangely enough a float (more
 precisely 57, have no clue why :) ).
 Thank you all guys!

Your implementation won't work correctly: _eval_evalf needs to be an
ordinary method of the instance in order to access to the argument of
the function. Note that SUM is a class and that SUM('some_field') is an
instance of it, so each time you set SUM.arg, all SUM calls will see it
and since it's reset every time you call SUM(...), you'll get this:

 a = SUM('some_field'); SUM('other_field')

- result for SUM('other_field')

So you do need to follow my advice exactly - and remove eval().

 On Jun 2, 6:07 pm, Ronan Lamy ronan.l...@gmail.com wrote:
  Le jeudi 02 juin 2011 à 08:03 -0700, luke a écrit :

   Oh, thanks a lot. Now it's working fine.
   Now the only problem is that the code is evaluated when calling
   sympify, and not when calling evalf.
   Could I ask you what is the way to keep the function lazy? I 
   myself better. Since the function SUM has to operate on a 
   database if
   I have something like that:

SUM('field') + SUM('field') + SUM('field') #not lazy, 
computes immediately three queries

   I'm doing the same operation three times and this is not very 
   good in
   terms of performances, what I expected would have been:

a = SUM('field') + SUM('field') + SUM('field') - 
3SUM('field') # one single query
print a
print N(a)

   just like other functions work. e.g.


  Note that your use case

[sympy] Adding sympy.physics to documentation

2011-06-07 Thread Luke
I'd like to get sympy.physics added to docs.sympy.org.  From what I
can tell, this should be as simple as creating

Before doing this, I wanted to see what people thought about the
organization of this module, because this will influence how the docs
are organized.  Currently, there are several files in sympy/physics,
and then there is physics/quantum, and there is physics/classical [0].
 A few questions:

1)  Should any of the code in sympy.physics be bundled into it's own
submodule (similar to quantum and/or classical)?
2)  Are there reasons this part of sympy has not been added to
docs.sympy.org in the past (other than lack of time)?

The easiest approach would probably to leave the structure as is, and
just add the necessary .txt files to doc/src/modules/physics.  If
people are happy with the current structure of this part of sympy, I
can add some skeleton files that will get the basic sphinx framework
started, and then the submodules can be more completely fleshed out
and polished by the people who are most familiar with the various bits
of code that sympy/physics includes.



[0] -- https://github.com/gilbertgede/sympy/tree/pydy/sympy/physics/classical

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Re: [sympy] Re: Adding sympy.physics to documentation

2011-06-07 Thread Luke
 1)  Should any of the code in sympy.physics be bundled into it's own
 submodule (similar to quantum and/or classical)?

 You could have either a 'physics' submodule and a 'classical'
 subsubmodule, or a 'classical physics' and a 'quantum physics'
 submodule. I don't really care either way, and this should be easy to
 change later. The first one corresponds more to the (intended)
 structure of the physics-related code.

I think having a physics submodule with 'classical' and 'quantum'
subsubmodules make sense.  I'll leave the other physics subsubmodules
(units, matrices, hydrogen, etc.) where they are for now and if it
makes sense to rearrange things, we can do that down the road.

 2)  Are there reasons this part of sympy has not been added to
 docs.sympy.org in the past (other than lack of time)?

 No, it should be there, it is just that noone yet made sure it's
 generated correctly when building the docs.

I'll get started on this.


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Re: [sympy] Re: Adding sympy.physics to documentation

2011-06-07 Thread Luke
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 1:26 PM, krastanov.ste...@gmail.com
krastanov.ste...@gmail.com wrote:
 What would the classical module contain? Won't newtonian, galilean  or
 just mechanics be more suitable in this case?

physics.classical will contain what Gilbert is working on for his GSoC
project.  His project is focused is on rigid body mechanics,
especially multi-body systems.  It provides tools for performing
convenient 3d vector kinematics, as well as algorithms for deriving
equations of motion automatically.  I guess classical mechanics or
newtonian mechanics would more precisely describe what his project
is about, and we decided that it would make sense to put this sort of
thing into sympy.physics.classical

 For example Hamiltonian mechanics applies to boot classical and quantum
 physics. Also optics/thermodynamics/stat. phys./etc don't play well with
 such separation.

Perhaps it would make more sense to put his project into
sympy.physics.classicalmechanics, or even just

 Anyway, this can be changed later.

 If you prepare the skeleton files I would be happy to go over the code and
 document the parts that I use.

Cool, thanks!  I'll mail the list when I get this up and running on a
github branch.



 On 7 June 2011 20:34, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  1)  Should any of the code in sympy.physics be bundled into it's own
  submodule (similar to quantum and/or classical)?
  You could have either a 'physics' submodule and a 'classical'
  subsubmodule, or a 'classical physics' and a 'quantum physics'
  submodule. I don't really care either way, and this should be easy to
  change later. The first one corresponds more to the (intended)
  structure of the physics-related code.

 I think having a physics submodule with 'classical' and 'quantum'
 subsubmodules make sense.  I'll leave the other physics subsubmodules
 (units, matrices, hydrogen, etc.) where they are for now and if it
 makes sense to rearrange things, we can do that down the road.

  2)  Are there reasons this part of sympy has not been added to
  docs.sympy.org in the past (other than lack of time)?
  No, it should be there, it is just that noone yet made sure it's
  generated correctly when building the docs.

 I'll get started on this.


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temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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[sympy] bugs in units

2011-06-08 Thread Luke
I was writing some documentation for physics/units.py and discovered
some infinite recursion RuntimeError:

 from sympy.physics.units import joule

  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/expr.py, line 140, in __lt__
return C.StrictInequality(self, other)
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/relational.py, line 128, in __new__
return rop_cls._eval_relation(lhs.evalf(), rhs.evalf())
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/relational.py, line 185, in
return lhs  rhs
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/decorators.py, line 75, in
return func(a, sympify(b, strict=True))
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/expr.py, line 137, in __lt__
dif = self - other
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/decorators.py, line 75, in
return func(a, sympify(b, strict=True))
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/decorators.py, line 115, in
return func(self, other)
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/expr.py, line 86, in __sub__
return Add(self, -other)
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/expr.py, line 70, in __neg__
return Mul(S.NegativeOne, self)
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/cache.py, line 100, in wrapper
return func_cache_it_cache[k]
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/numbers.py, line 1100, in __hash__
return super(Integer, self).__hash__()
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/numbers.py, line 797, in __hash__
return super(Rational, self).__hash__()
  File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/core/numbers.py, line 193, in __hash__
return super(Number, self).__hash__()
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

Bug report filed here:


Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
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Re: [sympy] Re: Adding sympy.physics to documentation

2011-06-12 Thread Luke
+1 for sympy.physics.mechanics


On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Brian Granger elliso...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:28 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 1:26 PM, krastanov.ste...@gmail.com
 krastanov.ste...@gmail.com wrote:
 What would the classical module contain? Won't newtonian, galilean  or
 just mechanics be more suitable in this case?

 physics.classical will contain what Gilbert is working on for his GSoC
 project.  His project is focused is on rigid body mechanics,
 especially multi-body systems.  It provides tools for performing
 convenient 3d vector kinematics, as well as algorithms for deriving
 equations of motion automatically.  I guess classical mechanics or
 newtonian mechanics would more precisely describe what his project
 is about, and we decided that it would make sense to put this sort of
 thing into sympy.physics.classical

 For example Hamiltonian mechanics applies to boot classical and quantum
 physics. Also optics/thermodynamics/stat. phys./etc don't play well with
 such separation.

 Perhaps it would make more sense to put his project into
 sympy.physics.classicalmechanics, or even just

 I think that classical or mechanics make the most sense.  Because
 classical physics also includes other areas (EM, thermo, etc), maybe
 mechanicsa makes the most sense.


 Anyway, this can be changed later.

 If you prepare the skeleton files I would be happy to go over the code and
 document the parts that I use.

 Cool, thanks!  I'll mail the list when I get this up and running on a
 github branch.



 On 7 June 2011 20:34, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  1)  Should any of the code in sympy.physics be bundled into it's own
  submodule (similar to quantum and/or classical)?
  You could have either a 'physics' submodule and a 'classical'
  subsubmodule, or a 'classical physics' and a 'quantum physics'
  submodule. I don't really care either way, and this should be easy to
  change later. The first one corresponds more to the (intended)
  structure of the physics-related code.

 I think having a physics submodule with 'classical' and 'quantum'
 subsubmodules make sense.  I'll leave the other physics subsubmodules
 (units, matrices, hydrogen, etc.) where they are for now and if it
 makes sense to rearrange things, we can do that down the road.

  2)  Are there reasons this part of sympy has not been added to
  docs.sympy.org in the past (other than lack of time)?
  No, it should be there, it is just that noone yet made sure it's
  generated correctly when building the docs.

 I'll get started on this.


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 Brian E. Granger
 Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
 bgran...@calpoly.edu and elliso...@gmail.com

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[sympy] sympy/physics sphinx documentation

2011-06-27 Thread Luke
I've started working on Sphinx documentation for the physics submodule:


There are three main items to work on:

1)  physics -- top level sympy/physics files
2)  quantum -- sympy/physics/quantum files
3)  mechanics -- sympy/physics/mechanics files

The documentation for all these lives in
sympy/doc/src/modules/physics.  In that directory, I've added stubs
for each of these items.  Gilbert and I are going to work on mechanics
documentation and I have something started for units.py, but it would
be great for those who know more about the other top level physics
files and the quantum stuff to give feedback or maybe even links to
example scripts that could be turned into Sphinx documentation without
too much effort.  There is a lot of stuff in quantum, it would be
really great to get some documentation for it into the Sphinx site.

I'm not sure what the best way to coordinate all of this is, does
pushing the skeleton of the documentation for this submodule into the
master branch make sense so that the basic framework is there and then
people can build on it, or should it all be done separately and once
it is polished then push it in as a whole?


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Re: [sympy] Question on Interfaces

2011-08-11 Thread Luke
I ran this same question by my girlfriend who teaches undergraduate
physics classes.  She isn't an experienced programmer, so concepts of
operator overloading and object oriented vs functional programming
styles are not on here mind, but she has taught a lot of the core
required physics classes to both majors and non-majors at UC Davis, so
she has a lot of experience interacting with undergraduates on this
kind of thing.  Surprisingly, she thought the operator interface
seemed the clearest because once you learn the meanings of the , ^,
|, it is about as close to what you would write on a black board or on
paper as you could hope for.

That said, there are issues with , ^, and |, namely it is unlikely to
know what they mean unless you read the docstrings of Vector or read
the Sphinx documentation that Gilbert has written.  Additionally, as
Matthew brings up using '^' for the cross product may visually
conflict with the wedge operator.  Then again, it doesn't seem to hurt
to have overlapping syntax's, as long as they are both well

I vote for keeping the operators and the functions, and if any are
removed, to remove the methods.

If people have thoughts on any negative implications of implementing
multiple ways to perform the same thing, especially related to long
term maintenance of the code, it would be great to hear them.


On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Gilbert Gede gilbertg...@gmail.com wrote:
 My Summer of Code project is writing a submodule of SymPy for creation of
 symbolic equations of motion for multibody systems. As part of this, I've
 implemented classes to represent vectors and dyadics. I have currently
 implemented three ways to do mathematical operations on vectors: an
 operator, a function, and a method interface.
 I think three interfaces for these operations is too many, and am looking
 for some input on which ones people prefer. The implemented interfaces look
 Cross product:
 (vec1 ^ vec2)
 cross(vec1, vec2)
 Dot product:
 (vec1  vec2)
 dot(vec1, vec2)
 Outer product:
 (vec1 | vec2)
 outer(vec1, vec2)
 Here is one example where vector and dyadic quantities are used in the code.
 I is a dyadic, and omega and alpha are vectors.
 -(I  alpha) - (omega ^ (I  omega))
 -dot(I, alpha) - cross(omega, dot(I, omega))
 -I.dot(alpha) - omega.cross(I.dot(omega))

 I'd appreciate people's opinions on:
 1) Which is clearest?
 2) Which would be easiest to teach?
 3) Which is least error prone?
 I personally prefer the operator interface (, ^, |), as I think once you
 learn what the three operators represent, it is clearer to read and write.
 I would especially value the input of anyone who would be interested in
 using this as part of teaching students.
 I've also made a poll here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CK8HDMD

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Re: [Sports Biomechanics] Re: [sympy] Question on Interfaces

2011-08-11 Thread Luke
One comment below.

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Jason Moore moorepa...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm for the functional names as it is how all the programming languages that
 I know of implement dot products and cross products. It is clear what they
 mean and the symbols we use in math for the dot product and cross product (a
 dot and a cross) do not exist explicitly on the key board. Secondly, those
 symbols you use are already resevered for python operations, what happens
 when I have a script that requires both the dot product of a vector and the
 bitwise and comparison?

He is only overloading these operators for his classes, so it would
have no effect on the same operators used with other classes.  So, if
you wanted to do bitwise manipulations on ints (or any other classes
which support /^/|) and vector products using the /^/| operators in
the same script, you could, and the code would work properly, although
a reader would have to be more aware of the context in which the  is
being used.  Doing a /^/| between incompatible types (i.e., int and
Vector) would raise a TypeError exception.

However, one could argue that it is safer to use operators because
they are tied to the classes, whereas with the functions, if you
import them into the global namespace you could unintentionally
overwrite any other dot/cross/outer functions that may have existed.
Obviously this is avoidable with the import syntax Python offers, but
if you were careless, it could happen.

The binary operators he is overloading are really no different from
any other class method, except for the rules of precedence defined by
the Python language.

Obviously there are pros/cons of both ways, I think the real question
is whether to support both interfaces, or to be more restrictive and
only support one.  This question of whether it is better to only
support one way of doing things versus a couple ways of doing things
has also come up in regards to how basis vectors of a Reference Frame
are accessed, and it seems like having two ways to do things might not
be too much of a hassle to support, with the added benefit that with
the extra functionality, the Python code can look very similar to how
it is printed/prettyprinted/latex'd, which I think is a very desirable

 I think operator assignment belongs in language design. You all have chosen
 python as your language of choice for the software, so your are stuck with
 syntax and style from the python language. Everyone that uses your software
 has to learn python to some degree before they can use it anyways. Autolev
 for example is it's own mini langague so they have the power to assign
 whatever keyboard keys to various opeartions, like the '' for vectors and
 other operations. Python has standards and overloading symbols is funky.
 Another example I know of is the ggplot library in R. They overload the '+'
 symbol is a very non-R way. When you read R code with ggplot stuff embedded
 in it you have to think in a totally different way than the rest of the code
 to understand what is going on.
 Keep in mind that people's scripts can have many modules imported from tons
 of python librarys, including your library (sympy.physics.mechanics). If you
 rewrite the language definition, then it doesn't necessarily fit with the
 rest of the code.

 On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

 I ran this same question by my girlfriend who teaches undergraduate
 physics classes.  She isn't an experienced programmer, so concepts of
 operator overloading and object oriented vs functional programming
 styles are not on here mind, but she has taught a lot of the core
 required physics classes to both majors and non-majors at UC Davis, so
 she has a lot of experience interacting with undergraduates on this
 kind of thing.  Surprisingly, she thought the operator interface
 seemed the clearest because once you learn the meanings of the , ^,
 |, it is about as close to what you would write on a black board or on
 paper as you could hope for.

 That said, there are issues with , ^, and |, namely it is unlikely to
 know what they mean unless you read the docstrings of Vector or read
 the Sphinx documentation that Gilbert has written.  Additionally, as
 Matthew brings up using '^' for the cross product may visually
 conflict with the wedge operator.  Then again, it doesn't seem to hurt
 to have overlapping syntax's, as long as they are both well

 I vote for keeping the operators and the functions, and if any are
 removed, to remove the methods.

 If people have thoughts on any negative implications of implementing
 multiple ways to perform the same thing, especially related to long
 term maintenance of the code, it would be great to hear them.


 On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Gilbert Gede gilbertg...@gmail.com
  My Summer of Code project is writing a submodule of SymPy for creation
  symbolic equations of motion for multibody systems

[sympy] MathJax script tag

2011-08-16 Thread Luke
I pulled the latest master and built the sphinx documentation.  Things
seem to build fine, but this is what is generated for the MathJax
script tag:

script type=text/javascript

Obviously, src doesn't make sense with the result that all the LaTeX
code appears undrendered.

I am using Sphinx 1.0.1, and Python 2.7.1, and I simply entered make
html from the sympy/doc directory.  Is this a bug, or am I doing
something incorrectly?


Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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Re: [sympy] MathJax script tag

2011-08-16 Thread Luke
Ok, I just upgraded to Sphinx 1.0.7 and it fixed the problem.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Aaron Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 It works for me.  The only thing that I can think of is that your
 version of Sphinx has a bug in it.  I am using 1.0.7, which generates
   script type=text/javascript

 Aaron Meurer

 On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I pulled the latest master and built the sphinx documentation.  Things
 seem to build fine, but this is what is generated for the MathJax
 script tag:

 script type=text/javascript

 Obviously, src doesn't make sense with the result that all the LaTeX
 code appears undrendered.

 I am using Sphinx 1.0.1, and Python 2.7.1, and I simply entered make
 html from the sympy/doc directory.  Is this a bug, or am I doing
 something incorrectly?


 Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
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Re: [sympy] doctest testmod() globs keyword argument

2011-08-21 Thread Luke
On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Aaron Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Aaron Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I don't know of any doctests in SymPy that do this.  Why can't you put
 imports in each doctest?  I'd highly recommend it.

 The reason for not wanting to do the imports is as follows.  We have a
 class (Kane) that implements an algorithm, and there are many steps to
 that algorithm.  Setting up the proper execution context for each
 doctest requires that each docstring replicate a lot of import
 statements and code that are done in previous docstrings.  Looking at
 the docstrings for this gets cumbersome pretty quickly because of all
 the setup code that is required to be in each and every docstring.

 Maybe create a helper function that does it all for you and import that.

 To see if this can be done, you'll probably have to do what I would
 end up doing, which is to read the source.  Look at
 sympy/utilities/runtests.py and also the source for Python's
 doctest.py (import doctest; doctest?? in IPython will tell you where
 it is locally).  I can tell you that how our doctest runner works is
 that it subclasses the Python doctest, over writting stuff that is
 broken there in at least one Python version.

 Ok. Something in testmod() must be different from the default doctest
 module, I'll give it a look.

 By the way, when you say running Python on this file, do you mean
 running python -m doctest myfile.py?

 I mean python myfile.py.

 Running a file and running the doctests in the file are different
 things.  What does python -m doctest myfile.py give?

Yes, they are two different things.  It fails in the same way running
sympy's doctest on the file fails.  The reason is that the code at the
end of the file is not run:
if __name__ == __main__:
import doctest
from sympy import Symbol
doctest.testmod(globs={'Symbol' : Symbol})

According to the python man page, the -m flag runs the file as a
script, which I presume means from top to bottom, and __name__ !=
__main__ within the execution context.  What is the main motivation
for executing doctests in this fashion as opposed to the one which
requires the above if statement?

Is it safe to assume that all sympy doctests should be written such
that they will pass when python -m doctest mymodule.py is run?  Or
is there a way to change how the doctests are run for a particular
file, i.e., so that doctests are tested by the if statement above when
python mymodule.py is run?


 Aaron Meurer


 Aaron Meurer

 On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
  I would like to alter the execution context of some doctests so that
 I don't have redundant import statements in every doctest.  Python's
 doctest.testmod() function allows one to do all the common import
 statements in one place (at the bottom of your module), and pass those
 names so that all doctests have those names available when they are

 A simple example of this is:
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 def foo(bar):
     x = Symbol('x')


 if __name__ == __main__:
    import doctest
    from sympy import Symbol
    doctest.testmod(globs={'Symbol' : Symbol})

 Running python on this file works (the tests pass even though Symbol
 isn't explicitly imported within the foo function's doctest).
 However, sympy's doctest fails with these errors:

 ../../bin/doctest doctest_globaldict.py
 test process starts
 executable:   /usr/bin/python  (2.7.1-final-0)
 architecture: 64-bit
 cache:        yes
 ground types: python

 sympy/physics/doctest_globaldict.py[1] F


 File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/physics/doctest_globaldict.py,
 line 4, in sympy.physics.doctest_globaldict.foo
 Failed example:
    x = Symbol('x')
 Exception raised:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File /usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py, line 1254, in __run
        compileflags, 1) in test.globs
      File doctest sympy.physics.doctest_globaldict.foo[0], line
 1, in module
        x = Symbol('x')
    NameError: name 'Symbol' is not defined
 File /home/luke/repos/sympy/sympy/physics/doctest_globaldict.py,
 line 5, in sympy.physics.doctest_globaldict.foo
 Failed example

Re: [sympy] doctest testmod() globs keyword argument

2011-08-22 Thread Luke
The main reason I am doing things this way is because this is how I
learned it when reading docs.python.org:

The second reason I prefer this way is because it makes it very easy
to control the execution context of all the doctests within a module,
through the use of the globs keyword argument to doctest.testmod().
I'm not sure if it is possible to control the execution context in the
same way when python -m doctest file.py is used.

No, what you suggested does not work.  sympy's doctest is a function,
whereas the Python standard library, doctest is a module with a large
number of functions, testmod() being one of them.


On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Aaron Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, I don't know why you are doing things this way, but clearly
 python -m doctest file.py or ./bin/doctest file.py do not run __name__
 == `__main__`.  Does it work if you replace import doctest with
 from sympy import doctest?

 Aaron Meurer

 On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Luke Peterson hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 If the file has the if statement in it (as below), then running python on 
 the file (without -m doctest) *will* run the doctests, and you can easily 
 control the execution context of the doctests by doing any required 
 imports/setup in this if statement and passing handles to testmod via the 
 globs keyword argument.  This is part of the Python standard library, so I 
 would consider it also to be pretty standard, and I have found this 
 functionality quite useful.


 On Aug 21, 2011, at 11:43 AM, Aaron Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Aaron Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Aaron Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I don't know of any doctests in SymPy that do this.  Why can't you put
 imports in each doctest?  I'd highly recommend it.

 The reason for not wanting to do the imports is as follows.  We have a
 class (Kane) that implements an algorithm, and there are many steps to
 that algorithm.  Setting up the proper execution context for each
 doctest requires that each docstring replicate a lot of import
 statements and code that are done in previous docstrings.  Looking at
 the docstrings for this gets cumbersome pretty quickly because of all
 the setup code that is required to be in each and every docstring.

 Maybe create a helper function that does it all for you and import that.

 To see if this can be done, you'll probably have to do what I would
 end up doing, which is to read the source.  Look at
 sympy/utilities/runtests.py and also the source for Python's
 doctest.py (import doctest; doctest?? in IPython will tell you where
 it is locally).  I can tell you that how our doctest runner works is
 that it subclasses the Python doctest, over writting stuff that is
 broken there in at least one Python version.

 Ok. Something in testmod() must be different from the default doctest
 module, I'll give it a look.

 By the way, when you say running Python on this file, do you mean
 running python -m doctest myfile.py?

 I mean python myfile.py.

 Running a file and running the doctests in the file are different
 things.  What does python -m doctest myfile.py give?

 Yes, they are two different things.  It fails in the same way running
 sympy's doctest on the file fails.  The reason is that the code at the
 end of the file is not run:
 if __name__ == __main__:
    import doctest
    from sympy import Symbol
    doctest.testmod(globs={'Symbol' : Symbol})

 According to the python man page, the -m flag runs the file as a
 script, which I presume means from top to bottom, and __name__ !=
 __main__ within the execution context.  What is the main motivation
 for executing doctests in this fashion as opposed to the one which
 requires the above if statement?

 Is it safe to assume that all sympy doctests should be written such
 that they will pass when python -m doctest mymodule.py is run?  Or
 is there a way to change how the doctests are run for a particular
 file, i.e., so that doctests are tested by the if statement above when
 python mymodule.py is run?


 -m runs the doctest.py file as a script, with your file as the command
 line argument.  This is the standard way to run the standard Python
 doctest on a file.  Just running python myfile.py should not run any
 doctests, just the code in the module itself.

 Aaron Meurer

 Aaron Meurer


 Aaron Meurer

 On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Luke hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:
  I would like to alter the execution context of some doctests so that
 I don't have redundant import statements in every doctest.  Python's
 doctest.testmod() function allows one to do all the common import
 statements in one place (at the bottom of your module

Re: [sympy] doctest testmod() globs keyword argument

2011-08-25 Thread Luke
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 7:00 AM, Ronan Lamy ronan.l...@gmail.com wrote:

 Le samedi 20 août 2011 à 18:34 -0700, Luke a écrit :
  On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Aaron Meurer asmeu...@gmail.com wrote:
   I don't know of any doctests in SymPy that do this.  Why can't you put
   imports in each doctest?  I'd highly recommend it.
  The reason for not wanting to do the imports is as follows.  We have a
  class (Kane) that implements an algorithm, and there are many steps to
  that algorithm.  Setting up the proper execution context for each
  doctest requires that each docstring replicate a lot of import
  statements and code that are done in previous docstrings.  Looking at
  the docstrings for this gets cumbersome pretty quickly because of all
  the setup code that is required to be in each and every docstring.

 Hmmm... I think you're doing it wrong. Doctests are meant to be read in
 isolation and to be fairly self-contained. This kind of narrative
 explaining a long ordered chain of related operations would rather
 belong in a doc file. If your doctests looked like standard doctests,
 you wouldn't need a ton of setup and the problem would go away.

 Also, though I haven't read the code, this suggests another question: if
 you have methods that can't make sense in isolation, maybe they should
 actually be private?

One option is to allow for all the algorithm inputs to be keyword
arguments to the __init__ method, and then describe everything in the
init method.  Previously we had an __init__ method that took no
inputs, and we had separate public method calls to perform the
algorithm setup, which meant that each of these methods needed to
have a docstring with a fairly long bit of setup code just to get to
the point where you can actually use the method in a meaningful way.

The downside of this is that some of these methods which are now
effectively called from __init__ (if the user provides that
information) take a fair bit of time to run -- so the creation of the
algorithm instance takes a while, which might seem a bit strange to
users, what do you think?

The upside of putting all this in the __init__ is that we can
guarantee the order of the method calls is consistent -- which does
indicate that these might be better off as private methods.  However,
sometimes you might want to set the algorithm up with one set of
inputs, and then later on change the inputs, so either a new instance
would need to be created, or individual public methods would need to
be available.  And if there are public methods, we need a
docstring. so I'm not sure what the best solution is.


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[sympy] Import errors with an installed version of Sympy

2011-10-16 Thread Luke
If I put the Sympy source repository folder into my PYTHONPATH environment
variable, I can import sympy and all of its components successfully.

If I instead have an empty PYTHONPATH environment variable, then run `sudo
python setup.py install`, which by default installs to `/usr/local', and
then try to import sympy, I get the following import errors:

luke@ThinkPad-W510:~$ echo $PYTHONPATH

luke@ThinkPad-W510:~$ python
Python 2.7.2+ (default, Oct  4 2011, 20:06:09)
[GCC 4.6.1] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 from sympy import *
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/__init__.py, line 30,
in module
from sympy.core import *
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/__init__.py, line
4, in module
from sympify import sympify
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/sympify.py, line
5, in module
from core import all_classes as sympy_classes
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/core.py, line 3,
in module
from assumptions import AssumeMeths, make__get_assumption
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/assumptions.py,
line 3, in module
from sympy.core.core import BasicMeta
ImportError: cannot import name BasicMeta

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?


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