Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-05 Thread Pablo Benito
I agree with both David Karr and Eric Lewis:
The future is the MVC paradigm (have you seen struts+tiles working??), but I
think it's almost impossible to remove absolutly all the java code from the

About WYSIWYG editors, I took a look about a year ago on how to make
your own tags on Dreamweaver, and it wasn't much complex, and
(although most of us are java programmers) have you take a look on what
dreamweaver does with php or coldfusion (real-time quering the BD, while
although the generated code is muuch dirtier than the one generated with

I think the future will be a mixture between MVC, JSTL(more fmt,c tags,
than sql
or xml ones, because the last ones will be carried out within the BL (Struts
Actions that
call EJBs?)), and tools like Dreamweaver, with ad-hoc tags.

Pablo (a.k.a. Locale.SPANISH)
-a Original Message -
From: Renick, Garrel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tag Libraries Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 11:41 PM
Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs


If I were managing the group, my decision would be based
on the abilities of Philippe (page designer) and Mike
(the server-side engineer). If the page designer was part
of the team and had an interest in the technology,
I would try to get him to embrace JSTL and go for it. Have
him spend some time with the engineer and prototype the site;
perhaps determine where they need each other's help. I don't
think it would be much of a stretch if the page designer
has some experience with basic programming principles and is
willing to read and experiment (and stuggle at times).
In the end, the whole team will be better off since Phillipe
might be able to complete some of those easy requests while
Mike is away designing back-end systems and business logic.

If Mike the engineer has an attitude and doesn't want to
help Phillipe when he gets stuck, or Phillipe prefers Photoshop
to working with a webapp, forget it and let Mike integrate
the dynamic work into Phillipe's static designs.

Garrel Renick

-Original Message-
From: Pierre Delisle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

Renick, Garrel wrote:

 This is an interesting topic, and people obviously have
 strong opinions about successes and failures at using
 this technology within their work environments.

 My viewpoint is that JSTL provides a nice set of
 features that most page designers with some programming
 experience will be able to use, especially
 if they spend the time to learn about the web
 application environment (request/response, scope, etc.)
 and get a good reference like Manning's JSTL in Action.
 Many work environments need web applications for simple
 tasks of presenting dynamic data, and JSTL is
 perfect for that. As the designers become more familiar
 with the technology, they can move on to more sophisticated
 projects that use frameworks such as Struts.

 I think part of the problem with this discussion is the notion
 that team members fit nicely in roles such as developer,
 page designer, and graphics artist. Jeez, the original poster
 even differentiated himself (the 'developer') from programmers and
 that distinction baffles me. I would guess that few shops have staff
 that fit so nicely into these roles, but instead there is a blending
 of disciplines and each staff member has one or more specialties.

 I have programming experience in other languages and web design
 but I don't have the entire Java API under my belt (yet). For people
 like me that constantly deal with the view aspect of a project but
 also have some programming experience, JSTL offers a nice standards-based
 middle-ground where I can contribute. Conversely, if I was a pure graphics
 artist without programming experience, then I would have no interest in
 learning JSTL, even if it does look like HTML, and you'd be a fool to
 think that voila!, I could instantly understand the techniques for
 using JSTL to accomplish some tasks.

However, what would be, in your opinion, the best approach in a situation
a company requires a Philippe (graphics-artist/page-designer) to design
a dynamic web site that is appealing and easy to use? Something, Mike,
the server-side engineer is definitely not qualified to do even though he
can crank html very quickly (we're talking usability here ;-)

How much of a stretch is it to get Philippe (assuming typical knowledge of
JavaScript a designer would have) to use JSTL so he can have full control
over the pages of the website?

Or is it simply easier to just forget about training Philippe, and
have Mike integrate the dynamic portions with the static designs
of Philippe, and go back and forth between the two.

Is it a tool issue?

Just curious... Trying to get as many data points as possible...

-- Pierre

RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-05 Thread Eric . Lewis
Well, I can give you my 2¢ worth :-) (It might get long, though...)
Our environment is a self-written Content Management System called XOBIX
(you can see it in action at It used to be
Server-Side JavaScript (no MVC for miles ahead...), then we switched to
Java. While the original developer started creating his own templating
tools, I strongly voted for Custom Tags and when I found out about JSTL, I
thought: Why re-invent the wheel? It does everything we need!. Frankly,
JSTL has more than enough functionality to create your standard dynamic web
page. Ok, forms are another matter (we're interested in Struts right now),
but then I don't think that web designers should mess around with forms a
I set out to convince my co-workers, and I think I succeeded :-)  The
beautiful thing about JSTL is that it provides you with all a normal web
designer needs, a lot of people (I hope!) are using it, you can read
articles and books and stuff - it's a community.
So how are things done here? Usually, the graphic artist creates a mockup of
a page. Then everybody hates him, because it's impossible to do ;-) No,
seriously, if everyone is ok with that, the web designers translate that
into HTML. This is validated with CSE HTML Validator. Afterwards, HTML parts
that can be isolated and included are identified (e.g. the navigation). The
same goes for blocks that are dynamic. Frankly, if a web designer doesn't
understand that, he won't understand Server-Side Includes, he won't
understand forms or JavaScript either, and developers will have a hard time
with him ;-)
With that done, styles are identified, and a corresponding (hopefully
well-documented) CSS is written by the web designers. It's our policy to use
MVC in HTML as well - instead of using b (which is a View), we use
strong (which is a Model, or rather a content-specific tag), so the View
part is handled by the CSS. Then the web designers start creating a JSP for
every dynamic block, relying on the objects that the developers give them.
These objects (actually, they're wrappers) are documented with Javadoc - the
nice thing is that we rely a lot on objects containing other objects. Let's
take a story object... this contains image objects, which in turn contain
file objects, which in turn contain image objects that show the icon for
that file. But the interface to the image in the story and the image as file
icon is of course the same. So it's a case of learn once, use everywhere.
Naturally, we developers must be very careful not to break the interface.
We're not yet in MVC heaven, because the web designers need our help from
time to time. But it's much, much better than having to mess around with
JSPs ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I design web sites myself and I use JSTL
as well, but as a developer, it's not my primary task. If the documentation
is good, the web designers can work for themselves, they don't have to rely
as much on developers (and I think that programmers can be a pain
sometimes...), and everybody's happy.
Also, sometimes two web designers create the same kind of JSP (e.g. an image
gallery). If I notice, I suggest (and mostly write) a common JSP file that
can be used with c:import, with parameters (e.g. c:param var=imageStyle
value=greenBorder/) to influence how it's shown. Thus, the web site gets
much more modular and manageable.

Anyway, I sent around your mail, and hopefully we'll get a couple of ideas
together for

Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: Pierre Delisle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003 21:27
 To: Tag Libraries Users List
 Subject: Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
 This is an interesting discussion. As the spec lead for JSTL,
 I'm always interested in hearing about the practical experiences 
 people have with the technology.
 Lyndon mentioned the following:
  Nonetheless I dont see the average web designer 
  using jstl. Maybe jstl 2.0 will offer easier integration.
 Actually, much of what is discussed on this alias and developed
 on jakarta-taglibs influences the direction taken by JSTL.
 Never underestimate the power of your comments!
 will pretty much be the reflection of the needs expressed by 
 the community.
 The JSR-052 (JSTL) expert group will be wrapping a maintenance
 release shortly (JSTL 1.1 -- some fixes + synchonize with JSP 2.0).
 This will eventually be followed by the formation of a new
 JSR to tackle
 I was going to ask for community input in a month or so,
 but since we're already pretty much in the heart of it
 with this discussion, I'd encourage anyone to voice their 
 opinion on what the priorities should be for
 Also, I'd be very interested in hearing about the type of
 environment you work in for the development of dynamic
 web applications. That should help us understand as a community
 the usage profiles and their bias :-)
 -- Pierre

Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-05 Thread Glenn Nielsen
Pierre Delisle wrote:

Also, I'd be very interested in hearing about the type of
environment you work in for the development of dynamic
web applications. That should help us understand as a community
the usage profiles and their bias :-)


-- Pierre

All of the discussion so far on this topic has made the assumption
that those using this technology are part of a development team.
A team that may include graphic designers, web designers, programmers,
dba's, and architects where design concepts like MVC can be implemented.
This assumption holds up for the most part for businesses which use
this technology for web enabling the enterprise.

For our own inhouse development we follow this model also, although
our team is very small (3-4 people), and most of the team can fulfill
multiple roles.

My organization provides email and web site hosting for non profit organizations
and schools. The types of organizations which can't afford to hire a development
team or hire expensive consultants to design complex applications.  But these
customers often have a need to add some sort of simple dynamic content to their
web sites.  Generally those who maintain these web sites are not programmers.
A better term to describe them would be page authors.  Technologies such as
JSP pages with custom tags, especially the Standard Taglib, can lower the
technology barrier to a point where some adventurous page authors can invest
the time to learn enough about these technologies to create simple applications
which adds dynamic content to their web site.



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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-05 Thread Peter Lin

From past experience there are alot of people who like
the cold fusion style of page authoring. If you've
ever looked at cold fusion tags and page syntax, JSTL
is very similar.

Even though tag like syntax has been around for a
while, many people are still unconfortable with them.
There's several reasons for this from personal
experience. Page authors who use WYSIWYG editors and
don't understand the difference between p and div
abhore looking at tags. You don't want these people
working on pages anyway.

On the otherhand, experience HTML coders who write
html by hand find it a nice environment that allows
them to do some simple markup logic w/o learning java.
I had to train junior developer in the past that
primarily used WYSIWYG editors. Once they got used to
hand coding html, using tag was preferable to writing

Power comes a cost of learning, so if people find
their page authors are unwilling to put forth the
effort, then there's not much you can do.  I won't
mention companies, but there are other BIG players
that are moving towards tag syntax in their product
line for webservices.


--- Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pierre Delisle wrote:
  Also, I'd be very interested in hearing about the
 type of
  environment you work in for the development of
  web applications. That should help us understand
 as a community
  the usage profiles and their bias :-)
  -- Pierre
 All of the discussion so far on this topic has made
 the assumption
 that those using this technology are part of a
 development team.
 A team that may include graphic designers, web
 designers, programmers,
 dba's, and architects where design concepts like MVC
 can be implemented.
 This assumption holds up for the most part for
 businesses which use
 this technology for web enabling the enterprise.
 For our own inhouse development we follow this model
 also, although
 our team is very small (3-4 people), and most of the
 team can fulfill
 multiple roles.
 My organization provides email and web site hosting
 for non profit organizations
 and schools. The types of organizations which can't
 afford to hire a development
 team or hire expensive consultants to design complex
 applications.  But these
 customers often have a need to add some sort of
 simple dynamic content to their
 web sites.  Generally those who maintain these web
 sites are not programmers.
 A better term to describe them would be page
 authors.  Technologies such as
 JSP pages with custom tags, especially the Standard
 Taglib, can lower the
 technology barrier to a point where some adventurous
 page authors can invest
 the time to learn enough about these technologies to
 create simple applications
 which adds dynamic content to their web site.

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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-05 Thread Vinay
This is a very interesting discussion , at this point I would like to join
this discussion and express my concerns and opinions.
I am basically a Java  programmer, using struts for our software
development. Even though I am right now doing both design work using JSTL-EL
and development I can't really make the web pages beautiful. I don't use any
IDE or any tools though for any of the stuff.

So we may have a designer soon and the concern is that most designers I
think will not have knowledge of JSTL .I don't know how difficult it is to
make the designer knowledgeable about JSTL tags ,Java Objects or Java beans
and  even if we may allow the designer to do the web page design using some
tool like dreamweaver , still there be lot of  burden upon  the programmer
to embed the JSTL-EL tags into the JSP pages. It also requires the developer
to use a tool such as Dreamweaver to edit the web designer's code,which may
cause some discrepancies in the design(this might not be true,just my
guess). But I still think that JSTL-EL is the way to go as it really helps
define a view logic (user interface)without any scriplets.


- Original Message -
To: Tag Libraries Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

 From past experience there are alot of people who like
 the cold fusion style of page authoring. If you've
 ever looked at cold fusion tags and page syntax, JSTL
 is very similar.

 Even though tag like syntax has been around for a
 while, many people are still unconfortable with them.
 There's several reasons for this from personal
 experience. Page authors who use WYSIWYG editors and
 don't understand the difference between p and div
 abhore looking at tags. You don't want these people
 working on pages anyway.

 On the otherhand, experience HTML coders who write
 html by hand find it a nice environment that allows
 them to do some simple markup logic w/o learning java.
 I had to train junior developer in the past that
 primarily used WYSIWYG editors. Once they got used to
 hand coding html, using tag was preferable to writing

 Power comes a cost of learning, so if people find
 their page authors are unwilling to put forth the
 effort, then there's not much you can do.  I won't
 mention companies, but there are other BIG players
 that are moving towards tag syntax in their product
 line for webservices.


 --- Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Pierre Delisle wrote:
   Also, I'd be very interested in hearing about the
  type of
   environment you work in for the development of
   web applications. That should help us understand
  as a community
   the usage profiles and their bias :-)
   -- Pierre
  All of the discussion so far on this topic has made
  the assumption
  that those using this technology are part of a
  development team.
  A team that may include graphic designers, web
  designers, programmers,
  dba's, and architects where design concepts like MVC
  can be implemented.
  This assumption holds up for the most part for
  businesses which use
  this technology for web enabling the enterprise.
  For our own inhouse development we follow this model
  also, although
  our team is very small (3-4 people), and most of the
  team can fulfill
  multiple roles.
  My organization provides email and web site hosting
  for non profit organizations
  and schools. The types of organizations which can't
  afford to hire a development
  team or hire expensive consultants to design complex
  applications.  But these
  customers often have a need to add some sort of
  simple dynamic content to their
  web sites.  Generally those who maintain these web
  sites are not programmers.
  A better term to describe them would be page
  authors.  Technologies such as
  JSP pages with custom tags, especially the Standard
  Taglib, can lower the
  technology barrier to a point where some adventurous
  page authors can invest
  the time to learn enough about these technologies to
  create simple applications
  which adds dynamic content to their web site.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-05 Thread Felipe Schnack
  I know designers that don't like to LOOK at html code... imagine lern
JSTL, Struts tags, etc...
  If I was a designer and knew about all this I would probably be a good
and expensive one :-)

On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 14:57, Vinay wrote:
 This is a very interesting discussion , at this point I would like to join
 this discussion and express my concerns and opinions.
 I am basically a Java  programmer, using struts for our software
 development. Even though I am right now doing both design work using JSTL-EL
 and development I can't really make the web pages beautiful. I don't use any
 IDE or any tools though for any of the stuff.
 So we may have a designer soon and the concern is that most designers I
 think will not have knowledge of JSTL .I don't know how difficult it is to
 make the designer knowledgeable about JSTL tags ,Java Objects or Java beans
 and  even if we may allow the designer to do the web page design using some
 tool like dreamweaver , still there be lot of  burden upon  the programmer
 to embed the JSTL-EL tags into the JSP pages. It also requires the developer
 to use a tool such as Dreamweaver to edit the web designer's code,which may
 cause some discrepancies in the design(this might not be true,just my
 guess). But I still think that JSTL-EL is the way to go as it really helps
 define a view logic (user interface)without any scriplets.
 - Original Message -
 From: Peter Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tag Libraries Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 9:03 AM
 Subject: Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
  From past experience there are alot of people who like
  the cold fusion style of page authoring. If you've
  ever looked at cold fusion tags and page syntax, JSTL
  is very similar.
  Even though tag like syntax has been around for a
  while, many people are still unconfortable with them.
  There's several reasons for this from personal
  experience. Page authors who use WYSIWYG editors and
  don't understand the difference between p and div
  abhore looking at tags. You don't want these people
  working on pages anyway.
  On the otherhand, experience HTML coders who write
  html by hand find it a nice environment that allows
  them to do some simple markup logic w/o learning java.
  I had to train junior developer in the past that
  primarily used WYSIWYG editors. Once they got used to
  hand coding html, using tag was preferable to writing
  Power comes a cost of learning, so if people find
  their page authors are unwilling to put forth the
  effort, then there's not much you can do.  I won't
  mention companies, but there are other BIG players
  that are moving towards tag syntax in their product
  line for webservices.
  --- Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Pierre Delisle wrote:
Also, I'd be very interested in hearing about the
   type of
environment you work in for the development of
web applications. That should help us understand
   as a community
the usage profiles and their bias :-)
-- Pierre
   All of the discussion so far on this topic has made
   the assumption
   that those using this technology are part of a
   development team.
   A team that may include graphic designers, web
   designers, programmers,
   dba's, and architects where design concepts like MVC
   can be implemented.
   This assumption holds up for the most part for
   businesses which use
   this technology for web enabling the enterprise.
   For our own inhouse development we follow this model
   also, although
   our team is very small (3-4 people), and most of the
   team can fulfill
   multiple roles.
   My organization provides email and web site hosting
   for non profit organizations
   and schools. The types of organizations which can't
   afford to hire a development
   team or hire expensive consultants to design complex
   applications.  But these
   customers often have a need to add some sort of
   simple dynamic content to their
   web sites.  Generally those who maintain these web
   sites are not programmers.
   A better term to describe them would be page
   authors.  Technologies such as
   JSP pages with custom tags, especially the Standard
   Taglib, can lower the
   technology barrier to a point where some adventurous
   page authors can invest
   the time to learn enough about these technologies to
   create simple applications
   which adds dynamic content to their web site.
   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
   For additional commands, e-mail:
  Do you Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-05 Thread Peter Lin

Here is an example off the top of my head. It will be
grossly over generalized, but it is still useful. 
Asssuming you have three individuals with specialized

1. page designer - ie the graphics guy who makes
things look great

2. html coder - knows every nook and cranny of
browsers, what renders, what breaks and how to get
around it. doesn't care to know Java or other OOP

3. developer

In past jobs, good designers will know some HTML. The
best page designers know HTML pretty well. Pure
graphic designer tend to do a terrible job and their
designs don't translate well. The likelihood of
finding an awesome designer that doesn't know a lick
of html, but can create great webpages is unlikely.

The html coders I've worked with like tag syntax and
are fine with javascript, so jstl is fine for them.
Some of the best HTML coders are decent graphic

Unfortunately not all companies can afford to have
these specialized individuals, so if you're in that
situation, buy the person a book and spend a couple
hours a week during lunch to cross train. JSTL and
tags in general are designed to solve a human problem,
but it's half the picture.

You still have to work hard to make development work
smoothly. Shawn Bayern's book JSTL in action is a good
book, so new designers should consider getting the
book. When ever I have to work with people who don't
know HTML or javascripting, I create a blank template
with just the title and a marker for where logic goes.
Like !-- list results here, don't touch-- and walk
through it with the designer. That allows the page
designer to work around that, which allows you to keep
working and plugin your piece later on. Some markup
logic can be encapsulated in a very specific tag,
which a page designer can use without worrying about
correct usage.

if all else fails, dreamweaver does provide support
for jsp tags


--- Vinay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a very interesting discussion , at this
 point I would like to join
 this discussion and express my concerns and
 I am basically a Java  programmer, using struts for
 our software
 development. Even though I am right now doing both
 design work using JSTL-EL
 and development I can't really make the web pages
 beautiful. I don't use any
 IDE or any tools though for any of the stuff.
 So we may have a designer soon and the concern is
 that most designers I
 think will not have knowledge of JSTL .I don't know
 how difficult it is to
 make the designer knowledgeable about JSTL tags
 ,Java Objects or Java beans
 and  even if we may allow the designer to do the web
 page design using some
 tool like dreamweaver , still there be lot of 
 burden upon  the programmer
 to embed the JSTL-EL tags into the JSP pages. It
 also requires the developer
 to use a tool such as Dreamweaver to edit the web
 designer's code,which may
 cause some discrepancies in the design(this might
 not be true,just my
 guess). But I still think that JSTL-EL is the way to
 go as it really helps
 define a view logic (user interface)without any

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RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Karr, David
Ideally, applications will be designed using the Web MVC paradigm, so
view pages will contain only view logic.  However, in a complex
application, using even the most popular frameworks (Struts, for
instance), it's still difficult to completely avoid using scriptlets or
scriptlet expressions.  If you use the JSTL, however, along with perhaps
the Struts-EL library, then it's much easier to write complete pages
that don't use a single scriptlet.  You can even use the tag library
validator that comes with the JSTL that enforces the goal of not having
scriptlets on your page.

In short, what's important to realize is that the syntax of scriptlets
and scriptlet expressions is harder for non-programmers to understand,
as compared to understanding conditional JSTL tags using the EL.

-Original Message-
From: Lyndon Durham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 12:55 PM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

As a software developer I would like to delegate some of

the more mundane and simpler development tasks to non developers, 
programmers etc.  The JSTL specification document claims that the jstl 
was created to facilitate or ease development for web designers and non 
java programmers. It is my experience that jstl and other taglibs like 
jakarta standard taglibs are still rather convulted for the likes of 
wyswig web designers and other non java programmers.  What is the point 
of developing applications that make succint use of jstl if as the 
developer I still have to spend myraid hours explaining how to use tags 
to the less initated or persons who are not programmers or developers. 
All comments are appreciated or anyone whose had a better experience 
delgating developing using taglibs.

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RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Eric . Lewis
I disagree... By using a scriptfree TLD (as described in JSTL In Action),
you can very well restrict your web designers to use only JSTL (or whatever
tags you want them to use). Our web designers aren't allow to publish any
JSP pages unless the first line reads
%@ taglib prefix=scriptfree uri=/WEB-INF/scriptfree.tld %

Also, we haven't used anything but JSTL up to now (ok, except for the String
Tag Library, which is handy...). Frankly, I don't see the point in creating
custom tags yourself at all.

I don't know Enhydra, but from what you write, I as a programmer don't want
to have anything to do with the View part of MVC. I give the web designers
the objects, and the rest is their work :-)  But of course they need a good
documentation (Javadoc in our case) of the objects which they can use.

Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: Jerome Jacobsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003 17:47
 To: Tag Libraries Users List
 Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
 JSTL or not, I'd say that non-Java programmers can write JSPs 
 only if the
 project has some very strict guidelines and very good 
 documentation on those
 guidelines and your custom tags.  You would have to design 
 the guidelines to
 be very restrictive of what tags you allow in the JSP.  These 
 should be designed so that the JSP writer does not need to 
 have a complete
 understanding of how JSPs work.  Setting up all of this I 
 think would be a
 lot of work.
 Instead I'd recommend something like Enhydra/XMLC 
In this framework the page writers write HTML.  Java programmers write code
to insert the dynamic content into a DOM version of the HTML.

 -Original Message-
 From: Lyndon Durham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:55 PM
 To: Tag Libraries Users List
 Subject: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

 As a software developer I would like to delegate some of
 the more mundane and simpler development tasks to non developers,
 programmers etc.  The JSTL specification document claims that the jstl
 was created to facilitate or ease development for web designers and non
 java programmers. It is my experience that jstl and other taglibs like
 jakarta standard taglibs are still rather convulted for the likes of
 wyswig web designers and other non java programmers.  What is the point
 of developing applications that make succint use of jstl if as the
 developer I still have to spend myraid hours explaining how to use tags
 to the less initated or persons who are not programmers or developers.
 All comments are appreciated or anyone whose had a better experience
 delgating developing using taglibs.

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RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Felipe Schnack
  I don't know... but to me it seems you get really good web designers
  Here I ask the designers to do page layout first, then programmers
insert the taglib calls... so the first group can use their dreamweaver
freely, we can hire cheap designers and programmers can make their tests
as soon as they finish the data objects.
  (Obviously after that we have a specific testing phase, but that's
another story)

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 15:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I disagree... By using a scriptfree TLD (as described in JSTL In Action),
 you can very well restrict your web designers to use only JSTL (or whatever
 tags you want them to use). Our web designers aren't allow to publish any
 JSP pages unless the first line reads
 %@ taglib prefix=scriptfree uri=/WEB-INF/scriptfree.tld %
 Also, we haven't used anything but JSTL up to now (ok, except for the String
 Tag Library, which is handy...). Frankly, I don't see the point in creating
 custom tags yourself at all.
 I don't know Enhydra, but from what you write, I as a programmer don't want
 to have anything to do with the View part of MVC. I give the web designers
 the objects, and the rest is their work :-)  But of course they need a good
 documentation (Javadoc in our case) of the objects which they can use.
 Best regards,
  -Original Message-
  From: Jerome Jacobsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003 17:47
  To: Tag Libraries Users List
  Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
  JSTL or not, I'd say that non-Java programmers can write JSPs 
  only if the
  project has some very strict guidelines and very good 
  documentation on those
  guidelines and your custom tags.  You would have to design 
  the guidelines to
  be very restrictive of what tags you allow in the JSP.  These 
  should be designed so that the JSP writer does not need to 
  have a complete
  understanding of how JSPs work.  Setting up all of this I 
  think would be a
  lot of work.
  Instead I'd recommend something like Enhydra/XMLC 
 In this framework the page writers write HTML.  Java programmers write code
 to insert the dynamic content into a DOM version of the HTML.
  -Original Message-
  From: Lyndon Durham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:55 PM
  To: Tag Libraries Users List
  Subject: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
  As a software developer I would like to delegate some of
  the more mundane and simpler development tasks to non developers,
  programmers etc.  The JSTL specification document claims that the jstl
  was created to facilitate or ease development for web designers and non
  java programmers. It is my experience that jstl and other taglibs like
  jakarta standard taglibs are still rather convulted for the likes of
  wyswig web designers and other non java programmers.  What is the point
  of developing applications that make succint use of jstl if as the
  developer I still have to spend myraid hours explaining how to use tags
  to the less initated or persons who are not programmers or developers.
  All comments are appreciated or anyone whose had a better experience
  delgating developing using taglibs.
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Felipe Schnack
Analista de Sistemas
Cel.: (51)91287530
Linux Counter #281893

Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis
Fone/Fax.: (51)32303341

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RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Jerome Jacobsen
What does Javadoc document?  Java.  I think it is too much to ask most page
designers to understand JavaBeans which means understanding Java types
(primitive, wrappers, Collections, Maps).  And then they'd need to
understand this Expression Language and its type conversion/coercion rules.
Not to mention understanding JSP/servlet scopes and visibility.  I agree
that making the page script free is a good step, however programming with
XML syntax tags as opposed to scripts is still programming.  To a degree
they still need to understand the run-time context that they are programming
in and things like whether c:set var='beanA' value='${beanB}'/ does a deep
copy of beanB or just creates a reference.

With XMLC you separate the skill sets better.  The programmer doesn't need
to know the view.  The programmer takes the DOM and looks for XHTML IDs and
replaces/adds dynamic content to these nodes depending on the ID.  I really
don't know much more about it than that as I've never used it.  However if I
were to start a project where there was a requirement that non-programmer
page designers design the pages I would definitely look into something like
XMLC over JSP.

That's just my opinion though.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:01 PM
 Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

 I disagree... By using a scriptfree TLD (as described in JSTL In
 you can very well restrict your web designers to use only JSTL
 (or whatever
 tags you want them to use). Our web designers aren't allow to publish any
 JSP pages unless the first line reads
 %@ taglib prefix=scriptfree uri=/WEB-INF/scriptfree.tld %

 Also, we haven't used anything but JSTL up to now (ok, except for
 the String
 Tag Library, which is handy...). Frankly, I don't see the point
 in creating
 custom tags yourself at all.

 I don't know Enhydra, but from what you write, I as a programmer
 don't want
 to have anything to do with the View part of MVC. I give the web designers
 the objects, and the rest is their work :-)  But of course they
 need a good
 documentation (Javadoc in our case) of the objects which they can use.

 Best regards,

  -Original Message-
  From: Jerome Jacobsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003 17:47
  To: Tag Libraries Users List
  Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
  JSTL or not, I'd say that non-Java programmers can write JSPs
  only if the
  project has some very strict guidelines and very good
  documentation on those
  guidelines and your custom tags.  You would have to design
  the guidelines to
  be very restrictive of what tags you allow in the JSP.  These
  should be designed so that the JSP writer does not need to
  have a complete
  understanding of how JSPs work.  Setting up all of this I
  think would be a
  lot of work.
  Instead I'd recommend something like Enhydra/XMLC
 In this framework the page writers write HTML.  Java programmers
 write code
 to insert the dynamic content into a DOM version of the HTML.

  -Original Message-
  From: Lyndon Durham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:55 PM
  To: Tag Libraries Users List
  Subject: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
  As a software developer I would like to delegate some of
  the more mundane and simpler development tasks to non developers,
  programmers etc.  The JSTL specification document claims that the jstl
  was created to facilitate or ease development for web designers and non
  java programmers. It is my experience that jstl and other taglibs like
  jakarta standard taglibs are still rather convulted for the likes of
  wyswig web designers and other non java programmers.  What is the point
  of developing applications that make succint use of jstl if as the
  developer I still have to spend myraid hours explaining how to use tags
  to the less initated or persons who are not programmers or developers.
  All comments are appreciated or anyone whose had a better experience
  delgating developing using taglibs.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Felipe Schnack
  XMLC seems nice, but what about performance? XML transformation
probably is costly, compared to taglib use, isn't it?
  Anyway, I see no problems about designers do their design with no
dynamic content, and then send the HTML files to developers add tag

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 16:24, Jerome Jacobsen wrote:
 What does Javadoc document?  Java.  I think it is too much to ask most page
 designers to understand JavaBeans which means understanding Java types
 (primitive, wrappers, Collections, Maps).  And then they'd need to
 understand this Expression Language and its type conversion/coercion rules.
 Not to mention understanding JSP/servlet scopes and visibility.  I agree
 that making the page script free is a good step, however programming with
 XML syntax tags as opposed to scripts is still programming.  To a degree
 they still need to understand the run-time context that they are programming
 in and things like whether c:set var='beanA' value='${beanB}'/ does a deep
 copy of beanB or just creates a reference.
 With XMLC you separate the skill sets better.  The programmer doesn't need
 to know the view.  The programmer takes the DOM and looks for XHTML IDs and
 replaces/adds dynamic content to these nodes depending on the ID.  I really
 don't know much more about it than that as I've never used it.  However if I
 were to start a project where there was a requirement that non-programmer
 page designers design the pages I would definitely look into something like
 XMLC over JSP.
 That's just my opinion though.
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:01 PM
  Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
  I disagree... By using a scriptfree TLD (as described in JSTL In
  you can very well restrict your web designers to use only JSTL
  (or whatever
  tags you want them to use). Our web designers aren't allow to publish any
  JSP pages unless the first line reads
  %@ taglib prefix=scriptfree uri=/WEB-INF/scriptfree.tld %
  Also, we haven't used anything but JSTL up to now (ok, except for
  the String
  Tag Library, which is handy...). Frankly, I don't see the point
  in creating
  custom tags yourself at all.
  I don't know Enhydra, but from what you write, I as a programmer
  don't want
  to have anything to do with the View part of MVC. I give the web designers
  the objects, and the rest is their work :-)  But of course they
  need a good
  documentation (Javadoc in our case) of the objects which they can use.
  Best regards,
   -Original Message-
   From: Jerome Jacobsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003 17:47
   To: Tag Libraries Users List
   Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
   JSTL or not, I'd say that non-Java programmers can write JSPs
   only if the
   project has some very strict guidelines and very good
   documentation on those
   guidelines and your custom tags.  You would have to design
   the guidelines to
   be very restrictive of what tags you allow in the JSP.  These
   should be designed so that the JSP writer does not need to
   have a complete
   understanding of how JSPs work.  Setting up all of this I
   think would be a
   lot of work.
   Instead I'd recommend something like Enhydra/XMLC
  In this framework the page writers write HTML.  Java programmers
  write code
  to insert the dynamic content into a DOM version of the HTML.
   -Original Message-
   From: Lyndon Durham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:55 PM
   To: Tag Libraries Users List
   Subject: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
   As a software developer I would like to delegate some of
   the more mundane and simpler development tasks to non developers,
   programmers etc.  The JSTL specification document claims that the jstl
   was created to facilitate or ease development for web designers and non
   java programmers. It is my experience that jstl and other taglibs like
   jakarta standard taglibs are still rather convulted for the likes of
   wyswig web designers and other non java programmers.  What is the point
   of developing applications that make succint use of jstl if as the
   developer I still have to spend myraid hours explaining how to use tags
   to the less initated or persons who are not programmers or developers.
   All comments are appreciated or anyone whose had a better experience
   delgating developing using taglibs.
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL

RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Henri Yandell

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Jerome Jacobsen wrote:

 What does Javadoc document?  Java.  I think it is too much to ask most page
 designers to understand JavaBeans which means understanding Java types
 (primitive, wrappers, Collections, Maps).  And then they'd need to
 understand this Expression Language and its type conversion/coercion rules.

I like this statement. What it shows is that there is no standard way in
which the Java developers can document the parts of a system that are
availble for the JSP designer.

There ought to be some way in which I can tell the JSP designer that on
these pages, they have this variable, which has these sub-variables. ie)

All pages except for login.jsp have a user variable which has, user.role [for use with the contains tag] and
user.birthday, which is a Date.

I'd define a sub-type of Java's types:

Text, Number, Date, Variable.

Variable's have Sub-variables. These are of the type of one of the above.
I'd also need to define MultiVariable.

Certain JSTL tags [and custom tags, and Jakarta tags] may be used with
certain JSP-types.

So the problem is not so much JSTL, as that people are teaching JSTL and
JSP as some form of Java and not as a completely new language/concept.
With a standard way in which to Java and JSP people can communicate, and a
new set of concepts with which JSP designers can understand JSP without
being aware of the Java underneath, things would be a lot easier I think.


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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Lyndon Durham
Your approach of designers design html and send files to developers 
seems to imply that it work well where designers and developers share 
intimate knowledge. What happens when there is less intimacy in terms of 
knowledge and designers and programmers are working remotely? For 
example the Athens 2004 Olympic project, could you see all or some of 
the web designers designing hundreds or thousands of html and devlopers 
having to add code via access to some central repository(like source 
safe) etc.
   As a developer I can tell you I dislike having to open up designers 
html especialy those who use WYSWIG tools. On the other insert jsp,jstl 
etc into html and send it back to designers leads to problems with 
keyboard happy designers who love to tweak their designs etc.

Felipe Schnack wrote:

 XMLC seems nice, but what about performance? XML transformation
probably is costly, compared to taglib use, isn't it?
 Anyway, I see no problems about designers do their design with no
dynamic content, and then send the HTML files to developers add tag

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 16:24, Jerome Jacobsen wrote:

What does Javadoc document?  Java.  I think it is too much to ask most page
designers to understand JavaBeans which means understanding Java types
(primitive, wrappers, Collections, Maps).  And then they'd need to
understand this Expression Language and its type conversion/coercion rules.
Not to mention understanding JSP/servlet scopes and visibility.  I agree
that making the page script free is a good step, however programming with
XML syntax tags as opposed to scripts is still programming.  To a degree
they still need to understand the run-time context that they are programming
in and things like whether c:set var='beanA' value='${beanB}'/ does a deep
copy of beanB or just creates a reference.

With XMLC you separate the skill sets better.  The programmer doesn't need
to know the view.  The programmer takes the DOM and looks for XHTML IDs and
replaces/adds dynamic content to these nodes depending on the ID.  I really
don't know much more about it than that as I've never used it.  However if I
were to start a project where there was a requirement that non-programmer
page designers design the pages I would definitely look into something like
XMLC over JSP.

That's just my opinion though.


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:01 PM
Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

I disagree... By using a scriptfree TLD (as described in JSTL In
you can very well restrict your web designers to use only JSTL
(or whatever
tags you want them to use). Our web designers aren't allow to publish any
JSP pages unless the first line reads
%@ taglib prefix=scriptfree uri=/WEB-INF/scriptfree.tld %

Also, we haven't used anything but JSTL up to now (ok, except for
the String
Tag Library, which is handy...). Frankly, I don't see the point
in creating
custom tags yourself at all.

I don't know Enhydra, but from what you write, I as a programmer
don't want
to have anything to do with the View part of MVC. I give the web designers
the objects, and the rest is their work :-)  But of course they
need a good
documentation (Javadoc in our case) of the objects which they can use.

Best regards,


-Original Message-
From: Jerome Jacobsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003 17:47
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

JSTL or not, I'd say that non-Java programmers can write JSPs
only if the
project has some very strict guidelines and very good
documentation on those
guidelines and your custom tags.  You would have to design
the guidelines to
be very restrictive of what tags you allow in the JSP.  These
should be designed so that the JSP writer does not need to
have a complete
understanding of how JSPs work.  Setting up all of this I
think would be a
lot of work.

Instead I'd recommend something like Enhydra/XMLC

In this framework the page writers write HTML.  Java programmers
write code
to insert the dynamic content into a DOM version of the HTML.


-Original Message-
From: Lyndon Durham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:55 PM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

   As a software developer I would like to delegate some of
the more mundane and simpler development tasks to non developers,
programmers etc.  The JSTL specification document claims that the jstl
was created to facilitate or ease development for web designers and non
java programmers. It is my experience that jstl and other taglibs like
jakarta standard taglibs are still rather convulted for the likes of
wyswig web designers and other non java programmers.  What

Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Evan Schnell
Jerome Jacobsen wrote:

What does Javadoc document?  Java.  I think it is too much to ask most page
designers to understand JavaBeans which means understanding Java types
(primitive, wrappers, Collections, Maps).  And then they'd need to
understand this Expression Language and its type conversion/coercion rules.
Not to mention understanding JSP/servlet scopes and visibility.  I agree
that making the page script free is a good step, however programming with
XML syntax tags as opposed to scripts is still programming.  To a degree
they still need to understand the run-time context that they are programming
in and things like whether c:set var='beanA' value='${beanB}'/ does a deep
copy of beanB or just creates a reference.


I think the suggestion that Web developers are solely responsible for 
all JSPs in overly dogmatic.  I have been  quite successful in 
situations where Web Developers are completely responsible for all pages 
that don't contain forms.  For the ones that do, typically about 20% of 
the site, a more collaborative approach is required.  The form rendering 
etc. is still handled by the web developers but the first cut, including 
anything in the header to actually handle the request is written by a 
Java programmer.  

I do not know of a case where a web developer has used a c:set or 
c:catch tag.  Likewise, we have never seen them run into any problems 
with Java types.  There is a thing called a that has something called 
b has been adequate up to now.  If they need to do a complicated 
conditional we would either have a programmer write it or make a custom 

IMHO: The whole reason for the JSTL was to create a standard.  Using XML 
tools to hide it seems counterproductive.

Regards, Evan

Evan Schnell, Technical Lead
nVISIA, Twin Cities  Digital Architecture and Construction
7701 France Ave. S, Edina, MN 55435
Voice: 952.837.2577 -- Fax: 952.837.2578 -- Mobile: 612.232.5972

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Felipe Schnack
 As a developer I can tell you I dislike having to open up designers 
 html especialy those who use WYSWIG tools. 
  Maybe you should use a WYSIWYG tool too :-)

On the other insert jsp,jstl 
 etc into html and send it back to designers leads to problems with 
 keyboard happy designers who love to tweak their designs etc.
  This is a matter of training...

 Felipe Schnack wrote:
   XMLC seems nice, but what about performance? XML transformation
 probably is costly, compared to taglib use, isn't it?
   Anyway, I see no problems about designers do their design with no
 dynamic content, and then send the HTML files to developers add tag
 On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 16:24, Jerome Jacobsen wrote:
 What does Javadoc document?  Java.  I think it is too much to ask most page
 designers to understand JavaBeans which means understanding Java types
 (primitive, wrappers, Collections, Maps).  And then they'd need to
 understand this Expression Language and its type conversion/coercion rules.
 Not to mention understanding JSP/servlet scopes and visibility.  I agree
 that making the page script free is a good step, however programming with
 XML syntax tags as opposed to scripts is still programming.  To a degree
 they still need to understand the run-time context that they are programming
 in and things like whether c:set var='beanA' value='${beanB}'/ does a deep
 copy of beanB or just creates a reference.
 With XMLC you separate the skill sets better.  The programmer doesn't need
 to know the view.  The programmer takes the DOM and looks for XHTML IDs and
 replaces/adds dynamic content to these nodes depending on the ID.  I really
 don't know much more about it than that as I've never used it.  However if I
 were to start a project where there was a requirement that non-programmer
 page designers design the pages I would definitely look into something like
 XMLC over JSP.
 That's just my opinion though.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:01 PM
 Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
 I disagree... By using a scriptfree TLD (as described in JSTL In
 you can very well restrict your web designers to use only JSTL
 (or whatever
 tags you want them to use). Our web designers aren't allow to publish any
 JSP pages unless the first line reads
 %@ taglib prefix=scriptfree uri=/WEB-INF/scriptfree.tld %
 Also, we haven't used anything but JSTL up to now (ok, except for
 the String
 Tag Library, which is handy...). Frankly, I don't see the point
 in creating
 custom tags yourself at all.
 I don't know Enhydra, but from what you write, I as a programmer
 don't want
 to have anything to do with the View part of MVC. I give the web designers
 the objects, and the rest is their work :-)  But of course they
 need a good
 documentation (Javadoc in our case) of the objects which they can use.
 Best regards,
 -Original Message-
 From: Jerome Jacobsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003 17:47
 To: Tag Libraries Users List
 Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
 JSTL or not, I'd say that non-Java programmers can write JSPs
 only if the
 project has some very strict guidelines and very good
 documentation on those
 guidelines and your custom tags.  You would have to design
 the guidelines to
 be very restrictive of what tags you allow in the JSP.  These
 should be designed so that the JSP writer does not need to
 have a complete
 understanding of how JSPs work.  Setting up all of this I
 think would be a
 lot of work.
 Instead I'd recommend something like Enhydra/XMLC
 In this framework the page writers write HTML.  Java programmers
 write code
 to insert the dynamic content into a DOM version of the HTML.
 -Original Message-
 From: Lyndon Durham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:55 PM
 To: Tag Libraries Users List
 Subject: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs
 As a software developer I would like to delegate some of
 the more mundane and simpler development tasks to non developers,
 programmers etc.  The JSTL specification document claims that the jstl
 was created to facilitate or ease development for web designers and non
 java programmers. It is my experience that jstl and other taglibs like
 jakarta standard taglibs are still rather convulted for the likes of
 wyswig web designers and other non java programmers.  What is the point
 of developing applications that make succint use of jstl if as the
 developer I still have to spend myraid hours explaining how to use tags
 to the less initated or persons who are not programmers or developers.
 All comments are appreciated or anyone whose had a better experience

RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread ceska

Forgive my comments as they are not technical.  Just observations I have made on a few 
projects over the past couple months.

Since there are very few java programmers who are designers, and vice versa - there 
must be a comfortable zone where designers/developers can integrate their works 
without battles.  I have found that there is little place for a WYSIWYG design team 
outside of prototyping, this becomes even more evident as applications evolve.  In a 
recent project we migrated JSP 1.1 code and old ratty HTML code to jsp1.2/struts, with 
XHTML and CSS-P on the client side.  I have found that having good designers that 
write good XHTML code and use CSS have the foundation to understand the MVC approach - 
After all they are doing the same thing with the style and layout that java developers 
try to do with the model, view and controller.

All the java developers I work with understand the view layer, and all the designers 
understand how the model and controller fits into their design.  I think XHTML helps 
out a lot. And I have seen it.  I sit on both sides of the fence; I do some view 
design but mostly backend.  Some days I am in Jdeveloper some days I am in dreamweaver 
validating XHTML pages.  I have a lot of people like me on my team and it just works.  

If you are stuck with crummy designers that don't get the backend at all, giving them 
a set of tags to use won't help the situation.  Educating them will.  If they don't 
want to learn, send them back to the marketing department to work on the new web 
designers business cards.  Just because their designers doesn't mean they shouldn't 
understand the backend, and vice versa.  

Sorry for the long message.


-Original Message-
From: Lyndon Durham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:55 PM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

As a software developer I would like to delegate some of 
the more mundane and simpler development tasks to non developers, 
programmers etc.  The JSTL specification document claims that the jstl 
was created to facilitate or ease development for web designers and non 
java programmers. It is my experience that jstl and other taglibs like 
jakarta standard taglibs are still rather convulted for the likes of 
wyswig web designers and other non java programmers.  What is the point 
of developing applications that make succint use of jstl if as the 
developer I still have to spend myraid hours explaining how to use tags 
to the less initated or persons who are not programmers or developers. 
All comments are appreciated or anyone whose had a better experience 
delgating developing using taglibs.

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RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Renick, Garrel
This is an interesting topic, and people obviously have 
strong opinions about successes and failures at using 
this technology within their work environments. 

My viewpoint is that JSTL provides a nice set of 
features that most page designers with some programming 
experience will be able to use, especially 
if they spend the time to learn about the web 
application environment (request/response, scope, etc.)
and get a good reference like Manning's JSTL in Action.
Many work environments need web applications for simple 
tasks of presenting dynamic data, and JSTL is 
perfect for that. As the designers become more familiar 
with the technology, they can move on to more sophisticated 
projects that use frameworks such as Struts.

I think part of the problem with this discussion is the notion 
that team members fit nicely in roles such as developer, 
page designer, and graphics artist. Jeez, the original poster 
even differentiated himself (the 'developer') from programmers and 
that distinction baffles me. I would guess that few shops have staff 
that fit so nicely into these roles, but instead there is a blending 
of disciplines and each staff member has one or more specialties. 
I have programming experience in other languages and web design experience, 
but I don't have the entire Java API under my belt (yet). For people 
like me that constantly deal with the view aspect of a project but 
also have some programming experience, JSTL offers a nice standards-based 
middle-ground where I can contribute. Conversely, if I was a pure graphics 
artist without programming experience, then I would have no interest in 
learning JSTL, even if it does look like HTML, and you'd be a fool to 
think that voila!, I could instantly understand the techniques for 
using JSTL to accomplish some tasks.

In the end, I would try to use the right tool to solve a problem, and
my choice would affected by the environment and experience of staff.
I'm sure there are many cases where JSTL is a perfect choice 
and many others where attempting to use JSTL is unacceptable.

Garrel Renick

-Original Message-
From: Felipe Schnack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 2:12 PM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

  But your designers can handle EL when they need to?
  And I never say any problems with WYSIWYG tools like Dreamweaver...
and design teams I worked with used it... maybe we do simpler things,
but it worked...

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 17:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Pierre Delisle

 Forgive my comments as they are not technical.  Just observations I have made on a 
few projects over the past couple months.
 Since there are very few java programmers who are designers, and vice versa - there 
must be a comfortable zone where designers/developers can integrate their works 
without battles.  I have found that there is little place for a WYSIWYG design team 
outside of prototyping, this becomes even more evident as applications evolve.  In a 
recent project we migrated JSP 1.1 code and old ratty HTML code to jsp1.2/struts, 
with XHTML and CSS-P on the client side.  I have found that having good designers 
that write good XHTML code and use CSS have the foundation to understand the MVC 
approach - After all they are doing the same thing with the style and layout that 
java developers try to do with the model, view and controller.
 All the java developers I work with understand the view layer, and all the designers 
understand how the model and controller fits into their design.  I think XHTML helps 
out a lot. And I have seen it.  I sit on both sides of the fence; I do some view 
design but mostly backend.  Some days I am in Jdeveloper some days I am in 
dreamweaver validating XHTML pages.  I have a lot of people like me on my team and it 
just works.
 If you are stuck with crummy designers that don't get the backend at all, giving 
them a set of tags to use won't help the situation.  Educating them will.  If they 
don't want to learn, send them back to the marketing department to work on the new 
web designers business cards.  Just because their designers doesn't mean they 
shouldn't understand the backend, and vice versa.
 Sorry for the long message.


Actually, it is not long enough, I'd like to hear more :-)

Could you give some specifics on how XHTML did help. What are
the typical interactions between the designers and the developers?
How much back and forth happens between the two groups? Anyone
has ownership of the page at the end of the day?


-- Pierre

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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Pierre Delisle

Renick, Garrel wrote:
 This is an interesting topic, and people obviously have
 strong opinions about successes and failures at using
 this technology within their work environments.
 My viewpoint is that JSTL provides a nice set of
 features that most page designers with some programming
 experience will be able to use, especially
 if they spend the time to learn about the web
 application environment (request/response, scope, etc.)
 and get a good reference like Manning's JSTL in Action.
 Many work environments need web applications for simple
 tasks of presenting dynamic data, and JSTL is
 perfect for that. As the designers become more familiar
 with the technology, they can move on to more sophisticated
 projects that use frameworks such as Struts.
 I think part of the problem with this discussion is the notion
 that team members fit nicely in roles such as developer,
 page designer, and graphics artist. Jeez, the original poster
 even differentiated himself (the 'developer') from programmers and
 that distinction baffles me. I would guess that few shops have staff
 that fit so nicely into these roles, but instead there is a blending
 of disciplines and each staff member has one or more specialties.

 I have programming experience in other languages and web design experience,
 but I don't have the entire Java API under my belt (yet). For people
 like me that constantly deal with the view aspect of a project but
 also have some programming experience, JSTL offers a nice standards-based
 middle-ground where I can contribute. Conversely, if I was a pure graphics
 artist without programming experience, then I would have no interest in
 learning JSTL, even if it does look like HTML, and you'd be a fool to
 think that voila!, I could instantly understand the techniques for
 using JSTL to accomplish some tasks.

However, what would be, in your opinion, the best approach in a situation where 
a company requires a Philippe (graphics-artist/page-designer) to design 
a dynamic web site that is appealing and easy to use? Something, Mike, 
the server-side engineer is definitely not qualified to do even though he
can crank html very quickly (we're talking usability here ;-)

How much of a stretch is it to get Philippe (assuming typical knowledge of 
JavaScript a designer would have) to use JSTL so he can have full control
over the pages of the website?

Or is it simply easier to just forget about training Philippe, and
have Mike integrate the dynamic portions with the static designs
of Philippe, and go back and forth between the two.

Is it a tool issue?

Just curious... Trying to get as many data points as possible...

-- Pierre

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Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Dave Newton
On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 16:51, Pierre Delisle wrote:
 How much of a stretch is it to get Philippe (assuming typical knowledge of 
 JavaScript a designer would have) to use JSTL so he can have full control
 over the pages of the website?
 Or is it simply easier to just forget about training Philippe, and
 have Mike integrate the dynamic portions with the static designs
 of Philippe, and go back and forth between the two.
 Is it a tool issue?

I've found it's far more of a stretch than I would have thought. JSTL
might be more tool-friendly than a scriptlet, but it still requires a
basic understanding of what's going on in java-land (although we don't
have to CALL it java-land).

We've been using scriptlets until recently and I'm pushing to get JSTL
more for formatting reasons than anything else... The page designer that
I work with has a very tenuous grasp on scriptlets/beans/etc. and I'm
not seeing any great improvement with JSTL--it seems like syntactic
sugar, really.

Now, if a page design tool could understand the objects behind a JSTL
tag and throw up a list of potentially interesting things (what booleans
are available from this object (i.e., what presentation decisions can I
make)? what textual or numerical information is available?) and build up
the JSTL stuff automagically that could be interesting.

For myself, it's tough to convince me I shouldn't just type 

% if (beanVar.isLocalUser()) { %
  blah blah
% } %

even though I know I'm evil and wrong for doing so (bearing in mind that
I'm a programmer first, designer second). If I could wrap it in a
decision block, get a list of objects and values available, or
whatever, I might be more likely to use JSTL.

I think your thought that this may end up being a tool rather than
technology issue may be on target, at least from my point of view. It
has been easier (for us, anyway) for me to integrate dynamic stuff into
a pre-designed page rather than get the design monkeys to learn enough
about java _OR_ JSTL that they don't have to pester me to display a
user's name or make a presentation decision based on their geographical
location etc.


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RE: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

2003-02-04 Thread Renick, Garrel

If I were managing the group, my decision would be based 
on the abilities of Philippe (page designer) and Mike 
(the server-side engineer). If the page designer was part 
of the team and had an interest in the technology, 
I would try to get him to embrace JSTL and go for it. Have 
him spend some time with the engineer and prototype the site;
perhaps determine where they need each other's help. I don't 
think it would be much of a stretch if the page designer 
has some experience with basic programming principles and is 
willing to read and experiment (and stuggle at times). 
In the end, the whole team will be better off since Phillipe 
might be able to complete some of those easy requests while 
Mike is away designing back-end systems and business logic.

If Mike the engineer has an attitude and doesn't want to 
help Phillipe when he gets stuck, or Phillipe prefers Photoshop 
to working with a webapp, forget it and let Mike integrate 
the dynamic work into Phillipe's static designs.

Garrel Renick

-Original Message-
From: Pierre Delisle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Non Java Developers, programmers using JSTL and taglibs

Renick, Garrel wrote:
 This is an interesting topic, and people obviously have
 strong opinions about successes and failures at using
 this technology within their work environments.
 My viewpoint is that JSTL provides a nice set of
 features that most page designers with some programming
 experience will be able to use, especially
 if they spend the time to learn about the web
 application environment (request/response, scope, etc.)
 and get a good reference like Manning's JSTL in Action.
 Many work environments need web applications for simple
 tasks of presenting dynamic data, and JSTL is
 perfect for that. As the designers become more familiar
 with the technology, they can move on to more sophisticated
 projects that use frameworks such as Struts.
 I think part of the problem with this discussion is the notion
 that team members fit nicely in roles such as developer,
 page designer, and graphics artist. Jeez, the original poster
 even differentiated himself (the 'developer') from programmers and
 that distinction baffles me. I would guess that few shops have staff
 that fit so nicely into these roles, but instead there is a blending
 of disciplines and each staff member has one or more specialties.

 I have programming experience in other languages and web design experience,
 but I don't have the entire Java API under my belt (yet). For people
 like me that constantly deal with the view aspect of a project but
 also have some programming experience, JSTL offers a nice standards-based
 middle-ground where I can contribute. Conversely, if I was a pure graphics
 artist without programming experience, then I would have no interest in
 learning JSTL, even if it does look like HTML, and you'd be a fool to
 think that voila!, I could instantly understand the techniques for
 using JSTL to accomplish some tasks.

However, what would be, in your opinion, the best approach in a situation where 
a company requires a Philippe (graphics-artist/page-designer) to design 
a dynamic web site that is appealing and easy to use? Something, Mike, 
the server-side engineer is definitely not qualified to do even though he
can crank html very quickly (we're talking usability here ;-)

How much of a stretch is it to get Philippe (assuming typical knowledge of 
JavaScript a designer would have) to use JSTL so he can have full control
over the pages of the website?

Or is it simply easier to just forget about training Philippe, and
have Mike integrate the dynamic portions with the static designs
of Philippe, and go back and forth between the two.

Is it a tool issue?

Just curious... Trying to get as many data points as possible...

-- Pierre

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