Re: [OSM-talk] A student interested in OSM and GSoC2016

2016-03-13 Thread Jo

The JOSM Plugin to assist with adding public transport routes seems like a
very popular project. I've already talked to 7 people about it. We can have
a hangout, so I can explain to you what it's all about, but you'll have a
lot of competition.

The project in itself isn't very hard for somebody how knows Java and I
even already have a prototype ready in Python. This can, of course, be
improved upon. Probably a lot. It's merely an attempt to script the actions
I got tired of repeating over and over while adding routes and the plugin
would need to be interacting with the user a lot more. The user experience
is the most important part. When somebody wants to rearrange an
intersection or convert a road to dual carriage-way, the plugin should
assist in converting the route relations for the bus and tram lines.

One of the factors that will also come into play when deciding on a
candidate is (prior) involvement with OpenStreetMap and whether you plan to
become part of the project afterwards, i.e. how likely is it, that you will
continue fixing bugs and maybe add more features once Google stops paying
you the stipend?

The other big thing is Test Driven Development (TDD). Do you plan to write
tests first and then implement code to make the tests pass? So you can add
features without having to worry about introducing bugs? Google values that
and so do I.

As far as I can tell, the hardest part is getting your environment set up,
oh and maybe writing a compelling proposal :-)

For this JOSM plugin it's probably better to continue the discussion on the
josm-dev mailing list. For the web editor, I'm not sure, probably osm-dev.

We also have a mailing list dedicated to public transport: talk-transit,
but there isn't much traffic there.


2016-03-13 18:27 GMT+01:00 Mengying Wang :

> Hi all,
> I’m a junior student majoring in Software Engineering from Shanghai
> Institute of Technology in China.
> I learned the OSM through the organizations list of GSoC2016, and I was
> attracted by the concept of open street map, create a free editable map of
> the world. So, I hope to have the opportunity to join you by participating
> in GSoC2016.
> I am interested in the ideas of the Public Transport, JOSM Plugin to
> assist with adding public transport routes and Web editor for public
> transport routes. On the one hand, I’m a college girl who love to go out to
> play by public transport, it’s  closely connected to my life so I am
> terribly concerned about it. And on the other hand, I think I can deal with
> these ideas by my endeavor.
> I’ll be very excited and grateful if someone can help me.
> Thank you,
> Wang Mengying
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Beginning with survey new "Fietsknooppunten West-Vlaanderen"

2016-03-11 Thread Jo
It's been a long while since I worked on those cycle and walking networks.
I'm rather busy with a GSoC project for a better plugin to help with
mapping of Public Transport and all these Missing Maps Mapathons and
mapping/validating for HOT lately.

Are you using the script I created a few years ago?


2016-03-11 11:55 GMT+01:00 Ben Laenen <>:

> On Friday 11 March 2016 10:59:56 Jakka wrote:
> > [...]
> > The new node 85 over the bridge to north is also divided to avoid
> > crossing roads.
> >
> > These examples are with two mean node of same number. I thing there will
> > be others with more node of the same mean node...
> >
> > Thinking the new network has a lot of security measures with multi fork
> > nodes with same number.And those will not close together.
> >
> > How do we deal with this.
> This has been long solved: tag those multiple nodes with their normal
> number
> (e.g. "07"), and from each node, create relations to the nodes they
> connect to
> using forward/backward roles on the ways.
> There's an example at
> Greetings,
> Ben
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] (m)apps 4 ghent, zaterdag 19 maart

2016-03-10 Thread Jo
Als je dat wilt doen, denk ik dat het belangrijk is om er echt een tijdslot
voor te voorzien. Tijdens de mapathons is het altijd nogal hectisch en ben
je je aandacht al over alle deelnemers aan het verdelen.


Op 10 maart 2016 10:42 schreef joost schouppe <>:

> Oliver, absoluut een goed idee. Op de laatste Mapathon is dat er helaas
> niet van gekomen, ondanks dat Johan er was. Ik pleit schuldig.
> Op 9 maart 2016 20:19 schreef Oliver May <>:
>> Dag Joost,
>> Er zal ook een delegatie van OSGgeo België aanwezig zijn. Misschien ook
>> een goede gelegenheid om eens de koppen bij elkaar te steken om onze
>> samenwerking wat te versterken!
>> Wij kijken er alvast naar uit!
>> mvg,
>> Oliver
>> Op 9 maart 2016 17:49 schreef joost schouppe <>:
>>> Zaterdag 19 maart is het grote feest van de Gentse Open Data mensen. Dit
>>> jaar staat het in het teken van kaarten en geografie. Daarom hebben ze OSM
>>> uitgenodigd om een voormiddag te vullen. Het is nog altijd niet geheel
>>> duidelijk wat we nu eigenlijk gaan doen, maar er is een soort workshop
>>> georganiseerd met de bedoeling dat mensen aan het mappen gaan. Mijn idee
>>> was om hen dingen in het Gentse te laten mappen aan de hand van Mapillary.
>>> Op die manier kan iedereen iets van zijn eigen interesse doen, en kan je
>>> goed sterkte (en zwakte) van OSM laten zien. Zelf was ik al even begonnen,
>>> en zo direct de classificatie van een voetwegje kunnen verbeteren (er
>>> ontbrak een hele trap en het pad eindigde ook met trappen), en een kleine
>>> uitdaging: hoe een paal met een reddingsboei taggen.
>>> Het zou ook een mooi moment zijn om de stand van zaken van de GRB import
>>> te doen. Glenn, jij tijd en zin? In het beste geval kunnen we een demo
>>> geven aan de hand van een live import in het Gentse.
>>> Maar als het thema "alles" is, heb je natuurlijk specialisten in "alles"
>>> nodig. Dus hoe meer ervaren mappers hoe meer vreugd.
>>> Op dit moment weet ik enkel van Ben dat hij zeker komt.
>>> Meer info:
>>> Laat weten dat je komt:
>>> --
>>> Joost @
>>> Openstreetmap <> |
>>> Twitter <> | LinkedIn
>>> <> | Meetup
>>> <> | Reddit
>>> <> | Wordpress
>>> <>
>>> ___
>>> Talk-be mailing list
>> --
>> Oliver May
>> *DFC Software Engineering *
>> Brugsesteenweg 587
>> 9030 Gent
>> T: +32 (0)484 97 77 70
>> F: +32 (0)9 236 54 12
>> W: http:// <http://goog_1066188553>
>> Skype: skype://dfc.olivermay
>> Twitter: olivermay_be
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> --
> Joost @
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> Twitter <> | LinkedIn
> <> | Meetup
> <> | Reddit
> <> | Wordpress
> <>
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] (m)apps 4 ghent, zaterdag 19 maart

2016-03-09 Thread Jo
Ik probeer natuurlijk ook van de partij te zijn. (Al wordt het wel wat druk
de laatste tijd...)

Nu ben ik weer op een projectje in Tanzania gesprongen:

De laatste dagen bezig geweest aan het uitwerken van een formule die vanaf
een spreadsheet OSM-objecten genereert (in JOSM natuurlijk). Nu heb ik het
zo ver gekregen dat die formule 10 vierkante amenity=school areas tegelijk
aanmaakt op basis van 10 rijen in die spreadsheet...

Een hoofdstukje toegevoegd aan dat document over hoe mappen in JOSM en
onderaan nog wat statistieken die gegenereerd werden met Pandas (iets dat
lijk op R, maar dan on steroids en natuurlijk in Python)



Op 9 maart 2016 20:19 schreef Oliver May :

> Dag Joost,
> Er zal ook een delegatie van OSGgeo België aanwezig zijn. Misschien ook
> een goede gelegenheid om eens de koppen bij elkaar te steken om onze
> samenwerking wat te versterken!
> Wij kijken er alvast naar uit!
> mvg,
> Oliver
> Op 9 maart 2016 17:49 schreef joost schouppe :
>> Zaterdag 19 maart is het grote feest van de Gentse Open Data mensen. Dit
>> jaar staat het in het teken van kaarten en geografie. Daarom hebben ze OSM
>> uitgenodigd om een voormiddag te vullen. Het is nog altijd niet geheel
>> duidelijk wat we nu eigenlijk gaan doen, maar er is een soort workshop
>> georganiseerd met de bedoeling dat mensen aan het mappen gaan. Mijn idee
>> was om hen dingen in het Gentse te laten mappen aan de hand van Mapillary.
>> Op die manier kan iedereen iets van zijn eigen interesse doen, en kan je
>> goed sterkte (en zwakte) van OSM laten zien. Zelf was ik al even begonnen,
>> en zo direct de classificatie van een voetwegje kunnen verbeteren (er
>> ontbrak een hele trap en het pad eindigde ook met trappen), en een kleine
>> uitdaging: hoe een paal met een reddingsboei taggen.
>> Het zou ook een mooi moment zijn om de stand van zaken van de GRB import
>> te doen. Glenn, jij tijd en zin? In het beste geval kunnen we een demo
>> geven aan de hand van een live import in het Gentse.
>> Maar als het thema "alles" is, heb je natuurlijk specialisten in "alles"
>> nodig. Dus hoe meer ervaren mappers hoe meer vreugd.
>> Op dit moment weet ik enkel van Ben dat hij zeker komt.
>> Meer info:
>> Laat weten dat je komt:
>> --
>> Joost @
>> Openstreetmap  |
>> Twitter  | LinkedIn
>>  | Meetup
>>  | Reddit
>>  | Wordpress
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> --
> Oliver May
> *DFC Software Engineering *
> Brugsesteenweg 587
> 9030 Gent
> T: +32 (0)484 97 77 70
> F: +32 (0)9 236 54 12
> W: http://
> Skype: skype://dfc.olivermay
> Twitter: olivermay_be
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Need help for a mapathon campus géo - 16th April 2016

2016-03-01 Thread Jo
I'm wondering if it would make sense to set up a video link between all
these locations. At KU Leuven we use Lync (Skype for Business) for this,
it's easy to set up a conference call with that. I'm not entirely sure
about the usefulness though. Except if speakers who want to address
everyone can obviously only be at one of the locations.


2016-03-01 21:11 GMT+01:00 joost schouppe <>:

> Hi,
> We have a nice conversation with them going now *. This is going to be
> pretty big: six universities in the three regions, all working on
> OpenStreetMap. We might have some press attention, and it's a great
> opportunity to grow our community in five different cities.
> We're going to need a lot of volunteers: there are six events, all at the
> same time, and there should be at least one mapper at every event.
> If you want to help out, please register here:
> ULB:
> VUB:
> KUL:
> UGent:
> UNamur:
> ULG:
> In the ideal case, that mapper is willing to give an introduction about
> OpenStreetMap, the Missing Maps and get people started mapping in iD. You
> do not have to be an expert, but of course it would be easy if you have a
> bit of African mapping experience. You can make your own presentation if
> you want to, but we're co-creating all the material you need.
> If you don't like to do presentations, maybe you can just help new
> mappers, stuck when choosing between tertiary road and track.
> Or you could help in the preparation of the documentation and
> presentations. Here's an overview of the tasks, includes some translation
> work.
> Feel free to edit as you please.
> Joost
> * give me a shout if you want in on the whole conversation; as we replied
> and replied some CC's got lostà.
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Using SPW PICC layer in josm

2016-02-28 Thread Jo

So, unless someone claims i'm wrong, we should not use this at all, if
you do... and a claim is made, that data will be removed from OSM by
analysing the user names involved and their changesets.

Il ne faut surtout pas l'utiliser. Tu risques d'avoir toutes tes
contributions relatées expulsées de la base de données OSM.


2016-02-28 10:53 GMT+01:00 lionel bulpa :

> Bonjour,
> J'ai lu vos réponses mais je n'ai pas réussi à en tirer une conclusion
> claire (je dois traduire le texte :P ) Pouvons-nous utiliser les données
> Merci
> Lionel
> --
> Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2016 14:47:57 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Using SPW PICC layer in josm
> Hi,
> Thanks all for your answers.
> See you in Brussels for the State Of The Map 2016 !  :-)
> Cheers
> Thibaut
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Thib  wrote:
> Hi,
> SPW PICC tiles layer is available in JOSM for mapping Belgian Southern
> area but I can't find enough information about the license terms.
> Is it allowed to :
> - copy (doing"calc") buildings and other objects boundaries (as we do with
> bing tiles)
> - get address house numbers
> I've found some old threads talking about that interesting source but no
> real answer...
> If someone has any information about it, It would be very useful.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Thib
> ___ Talk-be mailing list
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Mapping Party: infrastructure for the homeless

2016-02-28 Thread Jo
I think the mapping party yesterday was quite a success. Still it could
have been better, if we had been able to preview and preprocess the data. I
added links to the Google Spreadsheet that open JOSM in the right spot now,
but it's a bit "after the fact"

I had to use some 'magic' regular expressions incantations to separate
French from Dutch descriptions and to attempt to split the addresses. They
don't all follow the same structure, so this didn't work very well. If we
do this again, it would be better to have separate columns for each
potential tag we may want to use.

Unfortunately I was not able to answer most of the questions I got. It's a
difficult theme to start with and I feel our tagging is lacking a bit once
you want to go into specifics or when facilities fall in several categories
at once.

On the one hand I think the participants did a great job, but now it's
important to have QC on their work, as we had to improvise quite often.

In the Google Docs spreadsheet, I added the tags I believe we should have
used, but if you use the links I created, you'll find those are not always
the ones that were used.

I think, now it's quite convenient to jump into the map, using those "Open
in JOSM" links. Are there contributors who want to have a look at them?



2016-02-24 9:03 GMT+01:00 Julien Fastré :

> Hash: SHA256
> Hi,
> Le 24/02/16 03:47, joost schouppe a écrit :
> > One hour is definitely enough IMHO, if you can focus on a limited number
> of tasks. For the Missing
> Maps, we have less than half an hour + a paper starters guide. I can
> send you the English version.
> I am really interested in your presentation !
> Julien
> Version: GnuPG v2
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> e78bblVjjsFuBtQ3aRo6exxO7aGuzjsyqDmOwGYRRxfn1koXt7cYIWHsoDpkDeqP
> oLydnSU429tDHczYe+zhcyir+EZsfeijgghTlQK701jyA+s1IbLChoFfg1dVYeoO
> 8JvJixjKproakka89pBIzX1XrX7eziZQ18vHQTVA+WidmcJOJt14FP6K6kjlCW1H
> pwXJpx2LfnNC9erIMvxqVszguy8zRh/93K5vlLcokfqI9FJf+xF8GV4cpT1ttuYg
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> dHoNIn6+Ej3wwnGkk5lfdeG8gIDSE7cK6F4g9+IlqsP/tLdsuB1m4oyyAHJxfD9U
> lPUVN/IZCL0YTw3XgGAW+OzkDndve8Idbhe+NiZrNniY7s+lan42j6psX6OquzI9
> enWWvexIXGQkfFpbfnuwsCHGghQ3weT+dxUGgE/RTlKHzvdsG1n1UJMV1lR9Lu4G
> =Op43
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Winkelketens / Chain stores

2016-02-27 Thread Jo

I can't answer the actual question, but I do want to add that we should add
brand:wikidata and operator:wikidata as well.


Op 27 februari 2016 20:31 schreef Marc Gemis <>:

> -- English below --
> Hallo,
> In het buitenland bestaan er al een aantal pagina's die aangeven hoe
> je winkeltekens moet taggen. Ik dacht nu hetzelfde te doen voor
> België. [1]
> Sander was zo vriendelijk om een template te maken om zodat het
> eenvoudiger is om nieuwe winkelketens toe te voegen. Quick [2] volgt
> dit al.
> Nu is mijn vraag: hoe gaan we om met name/brand/operator ? bv. bij KBC:
> name = KBC Reet
> brand = KBC
> operator = KBC Groep NV
> Dus vermelden we bij de naam de gemeente / wijk of niet ? We doen dit
> bv. ook al voor bushaltes. JBC doet dit ook op zijn website.
> Het zal wel afhangen van de keten, in sommige gevallen is de operator
> een prive persoon. Hoe map je bijvoorbeeld een kantoor van Record bank
> ?
> BTW, iedereen mag zijn/haar favoriete winkelketen toevoegen.
> mvg
> -- English --
> In some neighboring countries, they have set up wiki pages on how to
> map chain stores. I want to do the same for Belgium [1]. Sander was so
> kind to help out and set up a template to easily add new chains.
> Currently, only Quick [2] follows this template.
> However, I have a question regarding name/brand/operator. What goes
> where ? Eg. for KBC
> name=KBC Reet
> brand=KBC
> operator=KBC Groep NV
> Do we want to add the place/neighborhood to the name or not ? JBC does
> this on their website. I also wonder how I can properly tag offices of
> Record bank. They explicitly mention some name (or operator).
> Feel free to add your favorite chain to the wikipages.
> regards
> m
> [1]
> [2]
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk] who do we trust for photos?

2016-02-14 Thread Jo
The main problem with Commons (at least for the pictures I took while
mapping) is that there is no guarantee your pictures will be kept. For the
good ones, there is no problem. For the 1000th picture of a bus stop and
its surroundings, they will be nominated and removed.

Personally I would go with Mapillary, they even have a tool to contribute
the better ones to Wikipedia. It's practical, but then they get a small
Mapillary icon. At least they will get a free license attached. If you post
them on Fickr, they're already lost for the community.


2016-02-14 2:10 GMT+01:00 Eugene Alvin Villar :

> On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 5:24 AM, Russ Nelson  wrote:
>> The trouble with any non-profit service is that if they cease to get
>> donations, they will be shut down.
> This observation also applies to the OSM database as hosted by the OSMF.
> But we all still contribute to OSM anyway because we trust that OSMF or
> another entity will be able to continue hosting the database. This is
> possible because of the license.
> I would suggest to upload your photos to Wikimedia Commons (of course with
> an open/free license—Wikimedia Commons won't host it otherwise). You can
> also provide a back-up on Flickr which also allows tagging photos under a
> CC license.
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk] who do we trust for photos?

2016-02-13 Thread Jo
Commons on Wikipedia/Wikimedia? Mapillary? Upload them to 4 different
services, to be sure? Spread the risk.


2016-02-13 22:41 GMT+01:00 Michael Reichert :

> Hi Russ,
> Am 13.02.2016 um 22:24 schrieb Russ Nelson:
> > Here's a possibly silly, possibly serious question: who do we trust to
> > keep photos of features? Once I finish gathering my set of photos of
> > NY railroad bridges, where should I upload them so that I can
> > automagically add links to the photos to each OSM bridge=yes way?
> >
> > Flickr? Google Photos? Instagram?
> Do you speak of adding a image=$URL tag to these bridges? (Btw, I would
> add a man_made=bridge polygon if you have good aerial imagery and add
> the image=* tag to this polygon)
> image=* should – from my point of view – only used for images which have
> been published under a free and open license and whose platform can
> easily queried for the image's license by data users.
> Best regards
> Michael
> --
> Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
> ausgenommen)
> I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk] Need some help

2016-02-11 Thread Jo Walsh
> And isn't this the project that caused a lot of problems because the
> users started adding all kind of services/shops/companies without a
> physical presence to the OSM data ? [2]
> [1] (April 14,
> 2013)
> [2]

This would seem to be the case:

Automated contributions via this account stopped 8 months ago:
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] SOTM 2016

2016-02-07 Thread Jo
Hi Folks,

FOSDEM 2016 has come and gone, so now I'm looking beyond that in my
calendar. SOTM 2016 is on the horizon now and it worries me that there is
hardly any communication happening. No Requests for talks or anything,
radio silence basically... All we know is the when and where. We're in the
dark about the how, the what. Does anybody know why?


2015-12-02 8:10 GMT+01:00 joost schouppe :

> Yeah, it's all confirmed and actually already online at
> - location will be the VUB
> However, the team decided to wait with massive communication until a
> blogpost is online too. That should be later today.
> Maybe we could translate that blogpost and put it on too?
> 2015-12-02 7:15 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis :
>> Great :-)  I have to read a Russian blog post to learn that SOTM will
>> be held on September 23-25, 2016.
>> regards
>> m
>> [1] (with google
>> translate on of course)
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> --
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] GR Vlaanderen

2016-02-03 Thread Jo
Bedankt Joost om dit op te pakken! Het is bij mijn uitgestelde todos
terecht gekomen en het zat te knagen, om eraan te beginnen. Ik heb zo nog
een paar losse eindjes van de HOT FOSDEM-stand. Een cyclotoerist, bv. De
mensen op de fiets zie ik niet beginnen met Mapillary of iets dergelijks.
Maar die die het parcours gaan verkennen, die hebben wat meer tijd en het
kan zelfs voor henzelf nuttig zijn om terug te kunnen gaan kijken.


Op 3 februari 2016 18:10 schreef joost schouppe <>:

> Hoi,
> Jo had een open uitnodiging gestuurd om mee te gaan naar een ontmoeting
> met wat mensen van de GR organisatie. Het was een aangename babbel, en
> iedereen vond het fijn om zien hoe Jo en hun kaarten-layouter aan het
> uitwisselen sloegen. Het was voor iedereen duidelijk dat er gemakkelijke
> win-win te halen is door samen te werken.
> Maar ze hebben toch nog wat koudwatervrees in verband met het vrijgeven
> van hun GPS tracks om in OSM te gebruiken (of om andere systemen op te
> zetten om wijzigingen aan OSM door te geven).
> Daarom graag uw hulp voor een documentje om hen te overtuigen. Ik ben hier
> begonnen :
> (eerst wat context, dan enkele losse ideeën)
> Wie nog ideeën heeft, graag uitschrijft tot een coherent geheel, of weet
> heeft van korte teksten met min of meer hetzelfde doel: graag uw input!
> Joost
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Bicycle highways

2016-01-24 Thread Jo
Between Leuven and Brussels they are marked in a way that is verifiable on
the ground.

We need a separate 'network' tag for them though, and it would be nice to
see they get rendered on the specialised bicycle maps.


2016-01-24 15:31 GMT+01:00 Sander Deryckere <>:

> Bicycle highways are more like bicycle routes than different highway types.
> They are a route specifically made for commuting, connecting residential
> area with some work center in a rather straight line.
> As such, I think those could get tagged as a cycle route with some
> specific sub tags (like a special network).
> The question is though: are they verifiable on the ground. Or is it just
> that European list naming them. It should only be tagged when you see
> something on the ground that you can relate to bicycle highways.
> Regards,
> Sander
> 2016-01-24 15:00 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas <>:
>> Nothing really special about them,  highway=cycleway should be
>> appropriate.
>> Glenn
>> On 24-01-16 13:12, Matthieu Gaillet wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Below you will find some information about the developing bicycle
>> > highways (or fast cycling routes) a bit everywhere in the world.
>> >
>> > I was wondering if anything was foreseen to tag such highways ? If not,
>> > what's the best place to discuss this, since I guess this should be
>> > uniform at world level ?
>> >
>> > Thanks for your answer,
>> >
>> > Matthieu (sur iMobile)
>> >
>> > Début du message transféré :
>> >>
>> >> Une recherche, évidemment loin d’être exhaustive, m’a fourni une
>> >> première liste de ce que l’ECF (European Cyclists’ Federation) dénomme
>> >> les  */Fast Cycling Routes/** :*
>> >> •  CH: Velobahn (Schaffhouse), TransAgglo (Fribourg), .
>> >> •  DE: Radschnellwege  (Ruhr, Berlin, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, München,
>> …)
>> >> •  DK: Supercykelstier (Kobenhavn)
>> >> •  FR: REV, Réseau Express Vélo, Autoroute à vélos (Toulouse),
>> >> Vélostras (Strasbourg), Grenoble, Paris,
>> >> •  NL: SnelleFietsroutes, Snelbinder
>> >> Image en ligne
>> >> •  SV: Supercykelväg (Malmoe)
>> >> •  UK: Cycle Superhighways (London)
>> >> •  US: California Cycleway(1896)
>> >> •  VL: Fietsostrades (réalisations ; projets dans les 5 provinces)
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Talk-be mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ___
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[OSM-talk-be] Grote Routepaden (GR)

2016-01-24 Thread Jo

On Thursday I'm meeting people from Toerisme Vlaanderen at 10h15 near to
Antwerpen-Centraal for an informal discussion. If somebody wants to join
us, or if there is something I should definitely mention to them, let me

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] BE Quarterly Project (Schools) - Go !

2016-01-21 Thread Jo

You mean the tool for the BAG import? Well they must have rewritten it by
now, as they are in 'maintenance' mode, nowadays. I haven't looked into it
very deeply, it's simply something that occurred to me on their
'nieuwjaarsborrel'. They already have a tool that works and it could work
for us as well if we can feed it our data.


2016-01-21 9:25 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis <>:

> You know that they usually threw away any data that was already there
> ? I don't know whether the tool allowed you to do it better.
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 6:38 AM, Jo <> wrote:
> > About that CRAB import. In The Netherlands they already created a tool to
> > assist with that for their BAG import. I think we should look into
> reusing
> > that, adapted to the data we have available.
> >
> > Polyglot
> >
> > 2016-01-21 5:35 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis <>:
> >>
> >>
> >> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Jasper Michels <
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> It was mentioned that there exist free datasets for the flemish part.
> >>> (and cant we import the building outlines of Agiv?)
> >>
> >>
> >> At this moment someone is working on converting the GRB data into
> >> something that can be "easily" imported.
> >>
> >> I've put "easily" between quotes, because it will still be a lot of work
> >> in areas where there are already buildings. The reason is that we
> should try
> >> to keep the history and data of the existing buildings. With data I
> mean POI
> >> info, heritage information, house name, 3D, building type, etc. Even
> when
> >> there is no information, it is polite to keep the names of the previous
> >> mappers in the history of the OSM way. I do not like an approach where
> all
> >> existing data is deleted.
> >>
> >> I have been replacing old AND data and buildings that I had traced from
> >> Bing imagery with data based on AGIV aerial images and recently with GRB
> >> data. It is labor intensive.
> >>
> >> The scenario  that I follow is
> >>
> >> * move the old house out of the way
> >> * redraw based on GRB
> >> * replace geometry of old building with new (from utilsplugin2). this
> >> keeps the history
> >> * drop source=AND
> >> * add building type based on aerial images and add address (address from
> >> AGIV) using housenumbertool
> >>
> >> Sometimes (with a lot of connected houses), I just try to reshape the
> old
> >> building way, because moving all houses out of the way is more
> difficult.
> >>
> >> With an import you do not have to do the drawing, but you still need to
> do
> >> the replace geometry. The other steps that you have to perform depends
> on
> >> the import data: is the building type correct ? is the address data
> already
> >> merged ?
> >>
> >> Since this is so much work to correct, it's a pitty to see that some
> power
> >> mappers are rushing through the current address data and only add rough
> >> approximations of the buildings. L-shaped buildings become rectangles,
> in
> >> terraces half of the buildings are ignored. Correcting this afterwards,
> >> might take more time than trying to do it correctly the first time
> around.
> >>
> >> In conclusion, you can already draw the buildings based on GRB now. No
> >> need to wait until the import is ready. For most buildings this is not
> too
> >> difficult. Churches and similar buildings with a lot of extrusions
> might be
> >> left until the import data is ready.
> >>
> >> just my .5 cents
> >>
> >> regards
> >>
> >> m
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-be mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] BE Quarterly Project (Schools) - Go !

2016-01-21 Thread Jo
Wow, that's great. I didn't realise you were that far along already.

Regarding the Replace Geometry tool. I think it makes sense to remap it to

Then you can use Shift to select 2 buildings, move finger to 't' and poof,


2016-01-21 9:52 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas <>:

> Since I've now written a tool to do this (and tested it), guess I have
> to react now :)
> On 21-01-16 05:38, Jo wrote:
> > About that CRAB import. In The Netherlands they already created a tool
> > to assist with that for their BAG import. I think we should look into
> > reusing that, adapted to the data we have available.
> We can't use that tool.  If you take a look at the BAG import data, it's
> not really well done, in Holland most of the addressing is done on
> nodes, it's not merged into the building, which is what we do here, and
> it has many advantages to do it on the way.  Also, using that tool will
> actually cause problems at the border, since houses (in Stekene) are
> aparantly in both BAG and GRB when they are visible from Belgium.  I
> made sure to be able to safeguard both BAG and GRB data for those.
> I've written a tool to import GRB shapefiles and merge address data that
> comes with it.  I still need to write a blog post on all that research,
> I'm lacking some time.
> Basically, we need to import the shape file in JOSM, save it as an osm
> (xml). and then run it through the (CLI) script to adapt the keys/tag's
> to osm and to merge basic address information to the node.  There are
> .DBF (yes, that will be dbase ) files included when getting a full
> export, but that isn't perfect, there are still issues with both GRB
> addresses and CRAB, but it's a great way to not having to do it manually.
> We have introduced a set of tags, after some discussion with Sander, I
> believe is enough to start with.   See
> Stekene has been the testing grounds for the import, since it was quite
> the empty place.
> >
> > At this moment someone is working on converting the GRB data into
> > something that can be "easily" imported.
> >
> > I've put "easily" between quotes, because it will still be a lot of
> > work in areas where there are already buildings. The reason is that
> > we should try to keep the history and data of the existing
> > buildings. With data I mean POI info, heritage information, house
> > name, 3D, building type, etc. Even when there is no information, it
> > is polite to keep the names of the previous mappers in the history
> > of the OSM way. I do not like an approach where all existing data is
> > deleted.
> This is to be done with JOSM plugins, "Replace geometry" . that plugin
> is the whole center of the solution.  This way you get to keep the
> history too.
> >
> > I have been replacing old AND data and buildings that I had traced
> > from Bing imagery with data based on AGIV aerial images and recently
> > with GRB data. It is labor intensive.
> Yes, but this source part is automated well.
> >
> > The scenario  that I follow is
> >
> > * move the old house out of the way
> > * redraw based on GRB
> > * replace geometry of old building with new (from utilsplugin2).
> > this keeps the history
> > * drop source=AND
> > * add building type based on aerial images and add address (address
> > from AGIV) using housenumbertool
> The way to do it is :
> -preparse the shape file and save as xml (osm) in JOSM
> -  to adapt keys add addressing, run the tool, it will create the
> correct tags.
> -use 2 layers, copy/paste from 1 layer to the existing layers (just
> overlay)
> -run the validator, fix the warnings first, select crossing buildings,
> and press CTRL-Shift-G (Replace geometry).  Done!
> - Fix other warnings (there are plenty, but fixable)
> Building type is automated.
> >
> > Sometimes (with a lot of connected houses), I just try to reshape
> > the old building way, because moving all houses out of the way is
> > more difficult.
> >
> > With an import you do not have to do the drawing, but you still need
> > to do the replace geometry. The other steps that you have to perform
> > depends on the import data: is the building type correct ? is the
> > address data already merged ?
> >
> > Since this is so much work to correct, it's a pitty to see that some
> > power mappers are rushing through the current address data and o

Re: [OSM-talk] Fixing Starbucks Wikipedia Tags (Was Nominatim Weakness)

2016-01-21 Thread Jo
Why is that a problem? We do tend to tag them, so why not try to get it
right and do it properly? I have to admit I didn't go as far as adding
opening hours, AFAIC that's what the deeplinks are there for. I also didn't
add any new ones for my area of interest, just fixed the already mapped


2016-01-21 18:27 GMT+01:00 JB <>:

> Just saying that I'm impressed how much people can write about that
> specific private company. Are there some lobbyists hidden somewhere out
> there? Will next month be the same with McDonald's or Burger King?
> Le 21/01/2016 17:25, Andy Mabbett a écrit :
>> On 21 January 2016 at 07:14, Bryce Nesbitt <> wrote:
>> For chain stores I tend to add a link to the corporate website only
>> I thought we weren't supposed to do that?
> ___
> talk mailing list
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] BE Quarterly Project (Schools) - Go !

2016-01-20 Thread Jo
About that CRAB import. In The Netherlands they already created a tool to
assist with that for their BAG import. I think we should look into reusing
that, adapted to the data we have available.


2016-01-21 5:35 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis :

> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Jasper Michels 
> wrote:
>> It was mentioned that there exist free datasets for the flemish part.
>> (and cant we import the building outlines of Agiv?)
> At this moment someone is working on converting the GRB data into
> something that can be "easily" imported.
> I've put "easily" between quotes, because it will still be a lot of work
> in areas where there are already buildings. The reason is that we should
> try to keep the history and data of the existing buildings. With data I
> mean POI info, heritage information, house name, 3D, building type, etc.
> Even when there is no information, it is polite to keep the names of the
> previous mappers in the history of the OSM way. I do not like an approach
> where all existing data is deleted.
> I have been replacing old AND data and buildings that I had traced from
> Bing imagery with data based on AGIV aerial images and recently with GRB
> data. It is labor intensive.
> The scenario  that I follow is
> * move the old house out of the way
> * redraw based on GRB
> * replace geometry of old building with new (from utilsplugin2). this
> keeps the history
> * drop source=AND
> * add building type based on aerial images and add address (address from
> AGIV) using housenumbertool
> Sometimes (with a lot of connected houses), I just try to reshape the old
> building way, because moving all houses out of the way is more difficult.
> With an import you do not have to do the drawing, but you still need to do
> the replace geometry. The other steps that you have to perform depends on
> the import data: is the building type correct ? is the address data already
> merged ?
> Since this is so much work to correct, it's a pitty to see that some power
> mappers are rushing through the current address data and only add rough
> approximations of the buildings. L-shaped buildings become rectangles, in
> terraces half of the buildings are ignored. Correcting this afterwards,
> might take more time than trying to do it correctly the first time around.
> In conclusion, you can already draw the buildings based on GRB now. No
> need to wait until the import is ready. For most buildings this is not too
> difficult. Churches and similar buildings with a lot of extrusions might be
> left until the import data is ready.
> just my .5 cents
> regards
> m
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Fixing Starbucks Wikipedia Tags (Was Nominatim Weakness)

2016-01-20 Thread Jo
I totally agree, so this morning I worked on the Starbucks the Starbucks
that existed previously in Belgium.

I also added direct links to the Starbucks home page for that particular
one + created a Wikidata item for the operator and pointed to that one as


2016-01-20 16:50 GMT+01:00 Janko Mihelić :

> It would be great if you guys added brand:wikidata=Q37158 to all of them,
> that way you can search for all Starbucks with one easy query.
> sri, 20. sij 2016. u 00:46 Alejandro S.  napisao
> je:
>> Just removed last wrong point in Spain.
>> Only 11 point to go.
>> Atentamente,
>>   Alejandro Suárez
>> On 18 January 2016 at 07:26, Clifford Snow 
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for getting this fixed. Looks much better already. Only a few
>>> countries to go.
>>> On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 7:41 PM, Satoshi IIDA 
>>> wrote:

 I had reported this issue on talk-ja ML, and got no against.
 So I had removed the tags on Starbucks in Japan area.


 2015-12-16 8:32 GMT+09:00 Andy Mabbett :

> On 15 December 2015 at 21:37, Clifford Snow 
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 10:05 AM, Eugene Alvin Villar <
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> I disagree with this tagging. You only tag wikipedia=* if the
> Wikipedia
> >> article and the OSM object refers to the same thing. The Wikipedia
> article
> >> is about the company/brand and not about the original store even
> though the
> >> article would certainly mention the store (as part of the company's
> >> history).
> > I agree, the wikipedia article is "Original Starbucks."  I updated
> the tag
> > to reflect the correct article, not the generic corp. article.
> That's:
> Please also tag the OSM object with:
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> ___
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 Satoshi IIDA
 twitter: @nyampire

 talk mailing list

>>> --
>>> @osm_seattle
>>> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] [Imports] Review plan for adding 1, 164 wikidata tags in the West Midlands

2016-01-18 Thread Jo
In the case of a museum which is tagged as a node, inside a building
closedway, I would be inclined to give both the node and the building the
same Wikidata tag.

I created Lua code which can be included on a Wikipedia page, which uses
Overpass API to show where that  'museum' is mapped on Openstreetmap.

At the moment I'm adding wikidata tags to railway stations in Belgium
(Thanks to Simon04, who made doing so a bit more practical: THANKS), so I
add the same wikidata identifier to both the building=train_station and the
node railway=station, and sometimes to the nearby bus stops as well, if
they have station in their names.

That way, somebody who uses the script, will get to see all the OSM objects
that are related to the railway station.

At some point it may happen that the separate bus stops will have wikidata
items of their own, at that time, they can be updated in OSM and their
relation to the station can then probably be found in Wikidata.

It's time consuming, but I tend to do this one by one. There are often
things that can be mapped in better ways around those stations.

What we do need, is a way to fetch wikidata items based on their
coordinates in the Wikipedia plugin, now only Wikpedia articles of the
language set in the preferences are retrieved.


2016-01-17 16:51 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :

> 2016-01-17 12:08 GMT+01:00 Edward Betts :
>> Any questions or comments?
> I have started some time ago to add wikidata tags manually myself and have
> found that there are a few problems to be careful about. Will you be
> checking the matches you have found to see if there would be contradictions
> between single wikidata statements and current OSM tags, that will require
> reorganization of either the OSM object or the wikidata object? "Partial"
> matches are not so uncommon, e.g. you could have a wikidata object
> referring to a museum and an OSM object referring to the building housing
> the museum (or the other way round).
> Another field of similar but not identical objects can happen with places
> (and sub-places like quarters), where one of the DBs is referring to the
> administrative entity and the other to the geographical entity (or only one
> of the DBs is referring to both while the other has it split over 2
> objects).
> Cheers,
> Martin
> ___
> Imports mailing list
Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] BE Quarterly Projects - Défis du trimestre BE - BE Driemaandelijks projecten

2016-01-11 Thread Jo
Flemish schools are available as Open Data:

I don't seem to be intelligent enough to figure out how to download the
dataset though.


2016-01-11 8:37 GMT+01:00 joost schouppe :

> Excellent idea!
> For Flanders, we could probably use some AGIV datasets on the Geopunt
> website as a reference.
> It's also a nice opportunity to work on the wiki pages for the subject of
> the quarter. And of course a good opportunity to break outside of one's
> mapping comfort zone.
> Might also be a good opportunity to have some kind of meeting once every
> quarter to work on the subject of the quarter.
> I have been thinking as well about the usefulness of setting up a tasking
> manager for Belgium (like to make this kind of work
> easier. You could set up a task for schools in the whole of Belgium, and
> people then mark which parts of the country they already finished.
> 2016-01-10 21:21 GMT+01:00 Bruno Veyckemans :
>> [FR] Bonjour à tous,
>> Je viens de découvrir les UK Quarterly Projects
>> qui commence
>> 2016 avec le défi de mettre à jour les données "écoles" du Royaume-Uni et
>> je trouve géniale cette idée de se concentrer ensemble sur un thème à
>> l'échelle du pays.
>> Question: pourquoi ne pas s'y mettre pour la Belgique ?
>> C'est ce que j'ai tenté de faire à l'échelle de Bruxelles il y a deux
>> mois, avec un beau succès pour les musées:
>> grâce à certains mappeurs qui m'ont
>> suivi sur Twitter, notamment eMerzh (voir stats en-dessous). Comme vous
>> pouvez le voir sur le graphique du dessus, le travail a porté ses fruits :)
>> Pourquoi ne pas commencer nous aussi 2016 avec le projet de mettre à jour
>> les écoles de Belgique ? Voici déjà de quoi vous donner une idée du
>> chantier, toujours pour Bruxelles: Si
>> l'enthousiasme est là, je peux tenter de faire une interface similaire pour
>> toute la Belgique...
>> Est-ce que vous pensez qu'on peut être suffisamment nombreux sur le coup
>> pour que ça fonctionne ? Est-ce que ça a déjà été fait pour la Belgique ?
>> Pensez-vous qu'il faille écrire une page de directives sur le wiki pour
>> harmoniser le travail, créer un hashtag et des stats d'avancement ? Est-ce
>> qu'il vaut mieux commencer avec un thème plus "basique" ? Est-ce que vous
>> participerez ?
>> Merci pour vos commentaires et belle semaine !
>> Bruno
>> -
>> [EN] Do you think it could be a good idea to launch "BE Quarterly
>> Projects" on the model used by UK mappers ?
>> Could we begin by mapping belgian schools during the first quarter of
>> 2016 ? Would you be part of the project ?
>> Thanks !
>> Bruno
>> -
>> [NL] Vinden jullie een goed idee "Driemaandelijks projecten" te lanceren
>> voor België, op het model dat wordt gebruikt door de Britse mappers met hun
>> "UK Quarterly Projects"
>> ? Zouden
>> jullie deelnemen ?
>> Bedankt !
>> Bruno
>>  Cet
>> e-mail a été envoyé depuis un ordinateur protégé par Avast.
>> <#1475720082_-909405287_DDB4FAA8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Nieuwjaarsborrel & OSM

2016-01-09 Thread Jo
Hoi Philippe,

Om hoe laat vertrekken we morgen?


Op 1 januari 2016 20:15 schreef Philippe Casteleyn <>:

> zondag 10 januari in Hilversum.
> Ik heb nog drie plaatsen in de auto, "gratis",  in ruil voor inlichtingen.
> Ph Casteleyn
> Dahliastraat 16
> 2800 Mechelen
> animals.slippers.loaders
> gsm 0486 516261
> Ctrl+v
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] FOSDEM, booth for HOT, Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team

2016-01-07 Thread Jo
Hi Johan,

Having both booths next to each other would be great indeed. I hope we get
a spot in the K-building (it's warmer there). The devroom will probably be
in that older AW-building, which is relatively far away from it, so it
wouldn't be totally convenient for people who want to attend lectures and
visit/staff the booths...

I get the impression the booths in AW-building are mostly hacker/hardware

A few years ago we were near the entrance of AW while it was freezing and
it was drafty there, so I hope wel don't end up there.

I will pass on the message to the people from HOT that there is still  room
for a talk.


2016-01-07 9:18 GMT+01:00 Johan Van de Wauw <>:

> Ok,
> Turns out OSGeo actually has a booth for itself. I'll check with the
> organisation so they can make sure the booths are next to eachother.
> Most of us know at least something about HOT so we can jump in if
> there are a lot of interested people.
> Kind Regards,
> Johan
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 9:15 AM, Johan Van de Wauw
> <> wrote:
> > Hello Jo,
> >
> > Where would the booth be? In which building?
> >
> > OSGeo could definitely help staffing a booth if we can put some of our
> > info there. 2 years ago we had a booth next to the one of
> > openstreetmap.
> >
> > Something different: there is still room for one (or several shorter)
> > presentations at the geospatial devroom. If people from HOT would like
> > to give another presentation (apart from the keynote): please get in
> > touch.
> >
> >
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> > Johan
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 9:03 PM, Jo <> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> FOSDEM is coming along again at the end of the month. HOT has reserved a
> >> table. At the moment there are three of us to man it.
> >>
> >> Would anybody else be interested to come and help us for a few hours on
> >> Saturday or Sunday?
> >>
> >> If you don't know all that much about HOT, but you do know a bit about
> >> Openstreetmap, you're also very welcome.
> >>
> >> Polyglot
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-be mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] FOSDEM, booth for HOT, Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team

2016-01-05 Thread Jo

FOSDEM is coming along again at the end of the month. HOT has reserved a
table. At the moment there are three of us to man it.

Would anybody else be interested to come and help us for a few hours on
Saturday or Sunday?

If you don't know all that much about HOT, but you do know a bit about
Openstreetmap, you're also very welcome.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Belgium/Netherlands Boundary Change

2016-01-05 Thread Jo
We'll take care of it, when it's ratified. It still needs to be discussed
by both governments before it becomes official.


2016-01-05 12:54 GMT+01:00 Steve Doerr :

> Just read this article about a territory-swap between The Netherlands and
> Belgium:
> I wonder if this has taken effect yet? It's not reflected in OSM
> currently. I think I'll leave it for the local communities to action.
> --
> Steve
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ___
> talk mailing list
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Re: [Talk-pe] Tarea en Sullana en el Tasking Manager de HOT

2016-01-03 Thread Jo
Olvidado de agregar los videos:


2016-01-03 23:12 GMT+01:00 Jo <>:

> Hola amigos,
> Si tienen ganas de mapear, hay una nueva tarea para la ciudad de Sullana
> en el TM de HOT:
> He hecho algunos videos de las primeras dos tareas que hizo:
> Puede ser instructivo para aprender como mapear con JOSM y hay 'tricks'
> también.
> Polyglot
Talk-pe mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Erreur dans la base de donnée

2016-01-03 Thread Jo
Salut Lionel,

Ce n'est pas 'personnalisé' sur ton style de mapper, mais j'ai commencé par
faire des vidéos screencast pour montrer comment on peut utiliser JOSM pour
le mapping de HOT (Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team):

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] J'ai cassé une relation

2016-01-02 Thread Jo
Il y a 2 bus qui passent par ce rond-point. Un régulier et un bus scolaire.
J'ai l'impression que le bus régulier y passe 2 fois pour faire une boucle.


2016-01-02 9:33 GMT+01:00 Christian Quest <>:

> Si tu nous disais au moins de quelle relation il s'agit ?
> Le 2 janvier 2016 à 00:37, Jo <> a écrit :
>> Salut Emmanuel,
>> J'ai essayé, mais malheureusement j'ai abandonné après un quart d'heure.
>> Les relations ne sont pas de version 2 et il est quasi impossible de les
>> convertir sans plus d'informations.
>> Réparer la relation tel qu'elle est à présent n'a pas beaucoup de sens
>> pour moi.
>> Après l'itinéraire sera toujours ambigu. Si c'est juste pour dessiner une
>> jolie carte ça n'a pas d'importance où l'on ajoute les chemins qui manquent
>> pour le moment.
>> Polyglot
>> 2016-01-01 23:12 GMT+01:00 Emmanuel Aubert <>:
>>> Hello le groupe, et meilleurs vœux.
>>> En transformant un croisement, j'ai pété une relation (ou 2) et je n'ai
>>> vraiment aucune idée pour remettre ça d'aplomb...
>>> Ça ce passe ici :
>>> Moi et les relations, ça fait 42 !
>>> Mais si celui qui corrige fait une vidéo, je suis prêt à le suivre...
>>> Merci d'avance pour la correction et encore Bonne Année !
>>> ___
>>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> --
> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] J'ai cassé une relation

2016-01-02 Thread Jo
Salut Emmanuel,

Pour convertir les relations vers la version 2 des routes de transports en
commun, j'ai besoin de relations où tous les arrêts sont dans l'ordre dans
laquelle ils sont désservis pour toutes le variations. A partir de telles
relations je peux compléter ces relations avec les voiries utilisées dans
la bonne ordre.

Ce que nous faisions au débout pour le transport en commun, pouvait servir
pour faire des cartes qui indiquent où passent les bus d'une certaine
ligne, mais il n'était pas possible de déterminer exactement comment ils
vont du début au terminus.

Pour les lignes 'simples', il y a 2 variations, pour la ligne que j'avais
entâmé de changer, je soupçonne qu'il y en a bien plus.


2016-01-02 23:04 GMT+01:00 Emmanuel Aubert <>:

> Le 02/01/2016 00:37, Jo a écrit :
> Salut Emmanuel,
> J'ai essayé, mais malheureusement j'ai abandonné après un quart d'heure.
> Les relations ne sont pas de version 2 et il est quasi impossible de les
> convertir sans plus d'informations.
> Merci pour la vidéo en tous cas.
> Quelles sont les informations dont tu as besoin ?
> J’ai vu que tu avais suivi le trajet du bus.
> Réparer la relation tel qu'elle est à présent n'a pas beaucoup de sens
> pour moi.
> Après l'itinéraire sera toujours ambigu. Si c'est juste pour dessiner une
> jolie carte ça n'a pas d'importance où l'on ajoute les chemins qui manquent
> pour le moment.
> Bon il semble que lesdites relations ont été réparées.
> Je ne sais pas si c'est par Kalaallit Nunaat
> <> ou un autre, (ces
> 2 relations sont modifiées régulièrement).
> Et pour Christian, il s'agissait des relations #4647313 et #5576820.
> Bon maintenant, j'ai une autre question... (Forcément ;-) )
> Jo, tu parles de V2 ? Les relations ont changées ?
> Dans la vidéo, tu regroupes les arrêts, et après j'ai perdu le fil...
> Comme c'est Bulzor14 qui à créé les lignes sur Amiens il faudrait peut
> être lui demander ?
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Best way to amalgamate two relations?

2016-01-01 Thread Jo
Hi Dave,

You're right, you have to tag that one as deleted. Or search for it with
JOSM and delete it there. You don't have to do it in one session. While
editing with a text editor, it's probably best not to have the layer
present in JOSM.


2016-01-01 19:56 GMT+01:00 Dave F. <>:

> Thanks to all who commented.
> In hindsight I probably wasn't worth doing, but I've learnt something new
> for the future (especially that it can be done in P2)
> Jo, I haven't tested it but does JOSM know it's meant to delete the latter
> relation? Does the download/editing/upload have to be performed in one
> session?
> Cheers
> Dave F.
> On 23/12/2015 15:37, Jo wrote:
> In XML (the raw .osm format) you can also solve this.
> Use JOSM to download both relations, save them as an .OSM file.
> Open the file with a text editor and do some copy/pasting so only 1
> relations is left with the original id.
> Open the file in JOSM and upload. Use the comment to indicate what you did.
> Polyglot
> 2015-12-23 15:10 GMT+01:00 Richard Fairhurst <>:
>> Dave F. wrote:
>> > Is there an easy way to transfer the newer data into the
>> > original relation?
>> In P2:
>> - Select a way belonging to both relations, adding them if needs be
>> - In the \/ menu next to the new relation (Advanced panel), choose 'Select
>> all members'
>> - In the \/ menu next to the original relation, choose 'Add selection to
>> this relation'
>> - In the \/ menu next to the new relation, choose 'Delete relation'
>> cheers
>> Richard
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at
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> --
> [image: Avast logo] <>
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> <>
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] J'ai cassé une relation

2016-01-01 Thread Jo
Salut Emmanuel,

J'ai essayé, mais malheureusement j'ai abandonné après un quart d'heure.

Les relations ne sont pas de version 2 et il est quasi impossible de les
convertir sans plus d'informations.

Réparer la relation tel qu'elle est à présent n'a pas beaucoup de sens pour

Après l'itinéraire sera toujours ambigu. Si c'est juste pour dessiner une
jolie carte ça n'a pas d'importance où l'on ajoute les chemins qui manquent
pour le moment.


2016-01-01 23:12 GMT+01:00 Emmanuel Aubert :

> Hello le groupe, et meilleurs vœux.
> En transformant un croisement, j'ai pété une relation (ou 2) et je n'ai
> vraiment aucune idée pour remettre ça d'aplomb...
> Ça ce passe ici :
> Moi et les relations, ça fait 42 !
> Mais si celui qui corrige fait une vidéo, je suis prêt à le suivre...
> Merci d'avance pour la correction et encore Bonne Année !
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Nieuwjaarsborrel & OSM

2016-01-01 Thread Jo
Hallo Philippe,

Ik had nog geen andere plannen, dus zie ik dat wel zitten. Aan welk soort
inlichtingen had je gedacht? :-)


Op 1 januari 2016 20:15 schreef Philippe Casteleyn <>:

> zondag 10 januari in Hilversum.
> Ik heb nog drie plaatsen in de auto, "gratis",  in ruil voor inlichtingen.
> Ph Casteleyn
> Dahliastraat 16
> 2800 Mechelen
> animals.slippers.loaders
> gsm 0486 516261
> Ctrl+v
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] JOSM modifier icône souris

2015-12-30 Thread Jo
L'icône du souris change en fonction du mode de travail.

Flêche pour sélectionner, lasso, si on fait 's' denouveau
Rectangle en mode 'bâti'.

Si tu vois une croix, tu es en mode 'ajouter' ou improve way accuracy.


2015-12-30 15:22 GMT+01:00 lenny.libre <>:

> Bonjour
> L'icône de ma souris a une forme de flèche.
> Il ne change pas lorsque je sélectionne un objet.
> Par contre, si je déplace un point sélectionné, il se transforme en croix
> qui me cache ce qui se trouve dessus.
> Parfois, si je veux le placer sur un point existant, je n'arrive pas à le
> placer précisément et quand je fusionne les points, celui sur lequel je
> voulais me placer se déplace vers celui que je viens de rapprocher
> (légèrement, mais ...).
> Si je savais comment modifier cet icône, j'apprécierais ; j'ai fait une
> recherche mais je n'ai pas su trouver.
> cordialement et bonnes fêtes
> Lenny
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Requête overpass api & python

2015-12-29 Thread Jo
d'abord pour les données résultant de la requête, puis >; veut dire que tu
veux tous les objets dépendants (les noeuds pour les ways, p.e.), puis tu
veux les données meta pour ceux-là aussi.


2015-12-29 10:25 GMT+01:00 Tony Emery :

> Etienne Trimaille wrote
> > Exactement comme pour le format, c'est dans la requête overpass qu'il
> faut
> > spécifier cela et non pas dans le script python ;-)
> > Il faut mettre un out meta; au lieu de out body;
> Petite question supplémentaire, pourquoi doit-on écrire 2 fois "out meta" :
> );
> out meta;
> >;
> out meta;
> A priori, le premier concerne les objets qui sont retournés mais je ne vois
> pas à quoi sert celui qui se trouve après >;
> -
> Tony EMERY
> Administrateur
> Mandataire Grand Sud-Est
> Géomaticien & chef de projets
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the France mailing list archive at
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Best way to amalgamate two relations?

2015-12-23 Thread Jo
In XML (the raw .osm format) you can also solve this.

Use JOSM to download both relations, save them as an .OSM file.

Open the file with a text editor and do some copy/pasting so only 1
relations is left with the original id.

Open the file in JOSM and upload. Use the comment to indicate what you did.


2015-12-23 15:10 GMT+01:00 Richard Fairhurst :

> Dave F. wrote:
> > Is there an easy way to transfer the newer data into the
> > original relation?
> In P2:
> - Select a way belonging to both relations, adding them if needs be
> - In the \/ menu next to the new relation (Advanced panel), choose 'Select
> all members'
> - In the \/ menu next to the original relation, choose 'Add selection to
> this relation'
> - In the \/ menu next to the new relation, choose 'Delete relation'
> cheers
> Richard
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at
> ___
> talk mailing list
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fietsknooppunten West-Vlaanderen Cyclisme Flandre occidentale

2015-12-15 Thread Jo
Totnogtoe was de party line bij Toerisme Vlaanderen en de provincies: onze
data mag hergebruikt worden, met een piepklein beperkingske: het mag niet
afgedrukt (kunnen) worden.

Voor ons betekent dat zoveel als 'onbruikbaar', afblijven.

Als tussenoplossing dacht ik, laat ik de data eens manueel nalopen en hier
en daar OSM Notes aanmaken, waar er duidelijk verschillen zijn, zodat
iemand ter plaatse dat gericht kan nakijken. Die Notes geraakten eigenlijk
niet resolved en na een tijdje stonden ze gewoon in de weg.

Als ze dus niet van gedachten veranderen, dan zit er voor ons niet anders
op dan op de fiets te springen en het hele netwerk nog eens af te fietsen.
Ideaal zou zijn als we fervente fietsers ertoe kunnen aanzetten om een GPS
tracker mee te zeulen en ons de resultaten door te sturen. Bonuspunten als
zze hier en daar een fotootje willen maken. Topscore als ze de hele weg op
Mapillary zouden zetten :-)


Op 15 december 2015 16:25 schreef Sander Deryckere <>:

> Op 15 december 2015 16:15 schreef Jakka <>:
>> Fietsknooppunten West-Vlaanderen wordt volledig herzien en op veel
>> plaatsen bijgewerkt, verlegt, nieuwe verbindingen toegevoegd.
>> ...275 kilometer langer en er komen 392 knooppunten bij.
>> Hoe weten de gebruikers OSM, en afgeleide app dat de huidige bestaande
>> relaties nog niet aangepast, herzien werden.
>> Kan iemand al deze relaties globaal in één keer voorzien van een merk tag
>> welk? Een datum van de start herziening met een verklarende tekst?
>> Wie de vernieuwde route nagezien heeft, welke tag voorzien ? Gewoon
>> schrappen vorige tag geen goed idee???
>> Is er kans dat Toerisme West-Vlaanderen toelaat van hun data te delen om
>> sneller een update te hebben?
> Het aantal knooppunten dat verwijderd wordt is tamelijk klein. Er worden
> vooral veel routes en knooppunten bijgemaakt (voor zover ik kon zien, heb
> al even vluchtig de kaart kunnen bekijken). Dat maakt natuurlijk de routes
> ongeldig, maar op knooppuntniveau valt het werk dan nog wel mee. Dus denk
> ik niet dat het zin heeft om alle knooppunten automatisch te gaan taggen.
> Zelf heb ik een nieuw knooppunt ontdekt  in mijn straat.
> Ik weet niet hoe de contacten met westtoer nu zijn, maar tot op heden komt
> alle knooppunt data van surveys.
> Mvg,
> Sander
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fietsknooppunten West-Vlaanderen Cyclisme Flandre occidentale

2015-12-15 Thread Jo
Ik ben er ook vrij zeker van dat die beperking de eerste paar jaar nog niet
zal worden opgeheven. Het is dus zeker geen verloren moeite om fiets- en
wandelverenigingen aan te spreken met dat soort vraag. Daar komt nog bij
dat we zo wellicht nog wat 'zieltjes', ik bedoel mappers, bij winnen voor
de goede zaak. :-)


Op 15 december 2015 18:34 schreef Guy Vanvuchelen <

> Ik vrees dat we geen toestemming zullen krijgen. Er worden immers kaarten
> verkocht en die zullen waarschijnlijk wel wat opbrengen. Indien we de
> toestemming wel zouden krijgen dat hoop ik dat we ook de wandelknooppunten
> mogen gebruiken want ik stel vast dat daar nog heel wat hiaten zijn en dat
> het heel wat werk en tijd vraagt om die allemaal te verkennen.
> GuyVV
> Jawadde Jo..
>  >dan zit er voor ons niet anders op dan op de fiets te springen en het
> >hele netwerk nog eens af te fietsen.
> Om die reden zouden we zo snel mogelijk uitsluitsel moeten krijgen, zodat
> we niemand (wielertoeristen, Okra, individueel ... onnodig bijstand vragen
> die dan te horen te krijgen dat alles nadien toch met een import ingevoerd
> werd
> Jo schreef op 15/12/2015 om 18:06:
> > Totnogtoe was de party line bij Toerisme Vlaanderen en de provincies:
> > onze data mag hergebruikt worden, met een piepklein beperkingske: het
> > mag niet afgedrukt (kunnen) worden.
> >
> > Voor ons betekent dat zoveel als 'onbruikbaar', afblijven.
> >
> > Als tussenoplossing dacht ik, laat ik de data eens manueel nalopen en
> > hier en daar OSM Notes aanmaken, waar er duidelijk verschillen zijn,
> > zodat iemand ter plaatse dat gericht kan nakijken. Die Notes geraakten
> > eigenlijk niet resolved en na een tijdje stonden ze gewoon in de weg.
> >
> > Als ze dus niet van gedachten veranderen, dan zit er voor ons niet
> > anders op dan op de fiets te springen en het hele netwerk nog eens af
> > te fietsen. Ideaal zou zijn als we fervente fietsers ertoe kunnen
> > aanzetten om een GPS tracker mee te zeulen en ons de resultaten door te
> sturen.
> > Bonuspunten als zze hier en daar een fotootje willen maken. Topscore
> > als ze de hele weg op Mapillary zouden zetten :-)
> >
> >   Jo
> >
> > Op 15 december 2015 16:25 schreef Sander Deryckere
> > <
> > <>>:
> >
> >
> >
> > Op 15 december 2015 16:15 schreef Jakka <
> > <>>:
> >
> > Fietsknooppunten West-Vlaanderen wordt volledig herzien en op
> > veel plaatsen bijgewerkt, verlegt, nieuwe verbindingen
> toegevoegd.
> > ...275 kilometer langer en er komen 392 knooppunten bij.
> > Hoe weten de gebruikers OSM, en afgeleide app dat de huidige
> > bestaande relaties nog niet aangepast, herzien werden.
> > Kan iemand al deze relaties globaal in één keer voorzien van een
> > merk tag welk? Een datum van de start herziening met een
> > verklarende tekst?
> > Wie de vernieuwde route nagezien heeft, welke tag voorzien ?
> > Gewoon schrappen vorige tag geen goed idee???
> > Is er kans dat Toerisme West-Vlaanderen toelaat van hun data te
> > delen om sneller een update te hebben?
> >
> >
> >
> > rk
> >
> >
> > Het aantal knooppunten dat verwijderd wordt is tamelijk klein. Er
> > worden vooral veel routes en knooppunten bijgemaakt (voor zover ik
> > kon zien, heb al even vluchtig de kaart kunnen bekijken). Dat maakt
> > natuurlijk de routes ongeldig, maar op knooppuntniveau valt het werk
> > dan nog wel mee. Dus denk ik niet dat het zin heeft om alle
> > knooppunten automatisch te gaan taggen.
> >
> > Zelf heb ik een nieuw knooppunt ontdekt  in mijn straat.
> >
> > Ik weet niet hoe de contacten met westtoer nu zijn, maar tot op
> > heden komt alle knooppunt data van surveys.
> >
> > Mvg,
> > Sander
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> >
> > <>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Voorstel import GRB gebouwen

2015-12-14 Thread Jo
Hallo Frank,

Als wij hier een 'import' opzetten, dan komt dat eigenlijk neer op het
klaarzetten van data die omgezet is in OSM-formaat. Het eigenlijke
toevoegen van de gebouwen en hun adressen, is iets dat we dan met z'n allen
aanpakken. In geval van 'conflicten' met bestaande gebouwen, is het dan de
bedoeling dat degene die zich daarmee bezig houdt, nakijkt wat er (al)
beter is en eventueel het beste van beide werelden overneemt.

Voor 3D-gebouwen zou het dus kunnen dat het grondplan wat wijzigt en dat er
moet worden nagekeken of dat invloed heeft op het resultaat. In de meeste
gevallen, denk ik, dat die gebouwen gewoon worden overgeslagen, als we ze
al in voldoende detail voor 3D hebben.

In Brussel was het de bedoeling om veel 'overbodige' punten te verwijderen,
dat is niet altijd gebeurd. Ik heb er nog niet naar gekeken, maar als deze
gebouwcontouren ook zulke punten hebben, zijn die misschien wel interessant
voor iemand die er verder mee wil, richting 3D. Ik zou ze dan dus gewoon


Op 14 december 2015 13:49 schreef Jakka <>:

> Wat gebeurt er met de 3D taggen die op de manueel ingetekende buildings
> verder uitgewerkt werden ?
> Sander Deryckere schreef op 13/12/2015 om 19:07:
>> Hallo,
>> Na het bekijken van een hoop GRB data zou ik graag voorstellen om de
>> gebouwen te importeren.
>> Ik heb het hier over het "Gebouwen aan de Grond" (Gbg) bestand, en de
>> tabel van de gebouwen met adressen (TblGbgAdr).
>> De kwaliteit van de GRB gebouwen is goed genoeg. De voorgevels zijn veel
>> precieser dan wat wij momenteel kunnen opmeten, en de achtergevels
>> hebben ongeveer dezelfde kwaliteit als onze kwaliteit.
>> In het GRB zitten dus ook adressen, maar een gebouw kan geen, één of
>> meerdere adressen hebben, en een adres uit het GRB kan toegekend zijn
>> aan één of meerdere gebouwen (daarnaast bevat het GRB ook niet alle
>> adressen).
>> Ik zou dus graag de GRB import koppelen aan de CRAB import, en de web
>> app uitbreiden.
>> De gebouwen van het GRB kunnen opgesplitst worden per postcode, en de
>> gebouwen die 1-op-1 overeenkomen met een adres kunnen onderverdeeld
>> worden per straat. De gebouwen die niet toebehoren aan een straat kunnen
>> in een apart bestand per postcode gezet worden.
>> Door een kolom toe te voegen aan de crab-import web app kunnen dus eerst
>> de gebouwen per straat worden geïmporteerd, en daarna de aparte
>> adrespunten voor welke we zelf nog moeten uitzoeken tot welk gebouw ze
>> behoren.
>> In theorie is dit allemaal niet zo moeilijk, maar de GRB database is
>> vele malen groter dan de CRAB database, dus zullen we dit niet meer
>> kunnen hosten op Github, en zullen we een aparte server moeten nemen. Ik
>> vrees ook dat ik niet genoeg computerkracht heb om een dergelijke
>> database in te lezen en te splitsen in verschillende OSM bestanden. Dus
>> zullen we dit verder moeten automatiseren op een zwaardere server.
>> Wat denken jullie hier over?
>> Mvg,
>> Sander
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Rise of the voetwegen

2015-12-07 Thread Jo
The question is rather: how many messages are not getting written in
French, because people feel obliged to translate themselves?

2015-12-08 2:56 GMT+01:00 André Pirard <>:

> On 2015-12-04 08:13, joost schouppe wrote :
> I don't think it's realistic to ask everyone to translate into the three
> languages. It is too much work, but also: I'm not sure anyone would
> understand my French :)
> There is no perfect solution as some of us are monolingual. But I think
> we're actually doing pretty good. People do tend to write in English when
> their message is relevant to all Belgians.
> Some things we might do to improve:
> - try to write auto-translate friendly. So try to avoid typical
> expressions, mixing languages, etcetera.
> - try to be mindful of a conversation  turning from local interest to
> Belgian interest. Consider switching to English in those cases.
> - when you're interested in a conversation but can't follow because of the
> language, just ask for a summary of the conversation in English or the
> other  main national language.
> Good thoughts.
> Sorry I hadn't seen Lionel's message and Jo's and Joost's answers before
> sending my last message.
> (I'm a threaded messages display newbie ;-) )
> First, I repeat, and maybe update, my previous advice for translation for
> Thunderbird and Firefox:
> S3.Google Translator (extension): no need to copy and paste to read
> messages, just select.
> This (the following) is done with it.  Even a "language learning" function.
> Tout d'abord, je le répète, et peut-être mettre à jour, mon conseil
> précédent pour la traduction pour Thunderbird et Firefox:
> S3.Google Translator: pas besoin de copier et coller à lire les messages,
> sélectionnez simplement.
> Cela se fait avec elle. Même une fonction "d'apprentissage de la langue".
> Ten eerste, ik herhaal, en misschien werken, mijn vorige advies voor
> vertaling voor Thunderbird en Firefox:
> S3.Google Translator: geen behoefte om te kopiëren en te plakken om
> berichten te lezen, gewoon selecteren.
> Dit wordt gedaan met het. Zelfs een functie "leren van talen".
> Second, as an experiment, I used Google Translation from nl.wikipedia.
> Google has a terrible problem with word order (1), for example, the verb
> at the end of the phrase.
> I understood most of the translation to English directly, but I rather
> often had to read the phrase a second time to understand.  So, why was it
> so difficult with talk-be?
> "try to write auto-translate friendly" says Joost.
> Perfectly true. When I write text on my Web site which uses translation
> buttons, I often check the translation. But Google are a real pest, they
> made a translation cache, they don't check the file date and you don't see
> any change. So the trick is to write in Thunderbird and to check the
> translation with S3.Google Translator.
> But this feedback process is tedious and without it it's only guesses.
> The only advice I can think of is to make simple and unambiguous phrases.
> I don't know Dutch enough to give advices for it.
> But maybe Jo, who knows the three languages so well, could repeat my
> experiment, see if he finds a translation quality difference and why and
> conclude with advices to write his mother language more simply.
> Hoping this can help,
> André.
> (1) I once put in the Wikipedia "Google Translation" page a Russian ->
> English translation that said exactly the opposite because of word order
> (but, as usual, they removed it and they asked me 2€ instead).
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] kaartje om ontbrekende wegen te vinden op basis van GRB

2015-12-07 Thread Jo
Mooi werk, Joost! Zeer handig om te vergelijken en om ons een gevoel van
voldoening te geven: ik zie meer blauw dan rood.


Op 7 december 2015 19:23 schreef joost schouppe <>:

> Hoi,
> Ik heb wat zitten knoeien om snel iets te maken waarmee je kan zien of er
> nog wegen gekend zijn bij het GRB die wij niet kennen.
> Hier is het resultaat:
> In het blauw: alle Openstreetmap wegen, steeds actueel
> In het rood: een upload van WVG, die moet manueel geupdate worden
> Waar de twee beschikbaar zijn, kleurt het paars
> Waar "wij" en weg hebben en Agiv niet, kleurt het blauw.
> Waar wij geen weg hebben, maar Agiv wel, kleurt het rood: dus nader te
> bekijken.
> Waar blauw en rood naast elkaar lopen, heb je een verschil in geometrie.
> De namen volgens Agiv verschijnen in het rood als je wat inzoomt.
> Als je niet ver ingezoomed bent, ga ja nog vrij veel rood zien, maar dat
> komt omdat ik het nog niet aan de praat heb gekregen dat Mapbox ook kleine
> wegjes laat zien als je ver uitgezoomed bent.
> Het is nogal "rough and ready", maar volgens mij wel goed genoeg om een
> beetje een idee te krijgen van de stand van zaken in je eigen mapping
> omgeving.
> Als iemand zijn weg kent in Mapbox studio: hulp om dat blauw op alle
> zoomlevels te krijgen zeker welkom.
> --
> Joost @
> Openstreetmap <> |
> Twitter <> | LinkedIn
> <> | Meetup
> <> | Reddit
> <> | Wordpress
> <>
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] WMTS and JOSM

2015-12-06 Thread Jo
Thank you André. I hadn't been able to get WMTS configured yet, probably
because of that reason.



2015-12-06 23:17 GMT+01:00 André Pirard <>:

> Hi,
> I see that members are using WMTS.
> A WMTS layer is slow to start on JOSM, to the point that JOSM may seem to
> be looping (>3 min start).
> I have filed a ticket and the next JOSM version will have a drastically
> sped up Capabilities parser.
> André.
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Robot pour CP manquants à Bruxelles - A bot for missing postal codes [FR-EN]

2015-12-04 Thread Jo
Quand j'ai préparé l'import d'UrbIS, j'ai prévu des relations
associatedStreet dans lesquels les codes postaux sont présents. Ils sont
donc bien présents dans les données, à condition que la personne qui a fait
l'import les a reprises. (et si elles n'ont pas été effacées entretemps)

When I prepared the UrbIS import, I made sure all addresses were part of
associatedStreet relations. The postal codes are in there, but only if
those relations were imported as well (and when they haven't been deleted
in the mean time)


2015-12-04 12:15 GMT+01:00 Bruno Veyckemans <>:

> [FR] Bonjour à tous,
> Poursuivant ma quête de faire d'OSM une base de données à jour d'infos sur
> Bruxelles, je me suis rendu compte que très souvent les codes postaux ne
> sont pas renseignés alors que c'est une information fastidieuse à vérifier
> "manuellement", mais facile à obtenir de façon automatisée.
> Exemple avec cette liste des librairies de Bruxelles:
> Les codes postaux apparaissent en
> noir s'ils sont encodés dans OSM, en gris s'ils sont trouvés grâce à un
> script que j'ai créé en utilisant les webservices d'Urbis. Sur mon site, ça
> fonctionne très bien: si l'adresse est encodée sans CP, le script vérifie
> auprès d'Urbis si celle-ci correspond bien à un et un seul code postal à
> Bruxelles, et si c'est le cas il l'affiche.
> J'ai lu la doc d'OSM au sujet des robots, et j'en retiens essentiellement
> qu'il faut faire attention à ne pas rater son coup (forcément) ni froisser
> les autres utilisateurs d'OSM. D'où ma question: trouvez-vous qu'un script
> qui complète les codes postaux manquants sur base d'Urbis serait perçu
> positivement ?
> Concrètement, l'ajout serait de ce type: addr:postcode => 1060 | addr:city
> => Saint-Gilles - Sint-Gillis
> Par ailleurs, l'un d'entre vous a-t-il déjà développé un tel script pour
> les données "belges" ? Je code en PHP, si quelqu'un a une expérience à
> partager avant que je me lance, je prends...
> PS: Merci pour vos réponses à ma demande précédente, j'ai reçu beaucoup
> d'infos très intéressantes et noué de chouettes échanges... En plus, grâce
> à l'aide de quelques mappers, les musées de Bruxelles sont désormais quasi
> à jour sur OSM:
> PS 2: Si vous avez l'occasion de voter pour le projet "OpenStreetMap" de
> Smartcity Bruxelles (actuellement #14), ça se passe ici et je pense que
> c'est l'occasion de faire passer un message important !
> [EN] Hello,
> Following my wish to use OSM as a database for Brussels, I saw that postal
> codes are often missing however it is easy to know it using a script. I
> created a script that works perfectly to guess the postal code using Urbis
> webservices (example here for the bookshops - postal codes missing in OSM
> appear in grey: ) and wanted to know
> if you think it would be a good idea to automatically add this information
> with a "bot".
> I read the doc about the bots and keep in mind that I must behave
> carefully (obviously) but also that this has to be "acceptable" for the
> community. So do you think this would be a fair use of OSM to create such a
> script ?
> Thanks,
> Bruno
> PS: Vote for the proposal about OpenStreetMap on Brussels Smartcity's
> website ! (for now #14)
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] missing maps in Gent

2015-12-04 Thread Jo
Daarvoor wil ik me ook wel verplaatsen naar Gent. (Eerst 's kijken hoe het
gaat in Antwerpen volgende week).

Is er trouwens iemand die 20-30 USB sticks zou kunnen sponsoren? Ik ben een
stick aan het klaarmaken waar JOSM al volledig geconfigureerd op staat. Net
nog een goeie tip gezien over one click presets, waarvan knoppen kunnen
gemaakt worden voor de taakbalk. Dan wordt het wel heel gemakkelijk en zie
ik persoonlijk geen reden meer om te proberen behelpen met iD.

That seems like a good reason for me to go and visit Gent, but maybe I
should first wait and see how well it goes in Antwerpen, next week.

By the way, is there somebody who would like to sponsor 20-30 USB sticks
for the Mapathon in Antwerpen? I'm preparing sticks with JOSM and Java
preinstalled, fully configured. Today I saw a great tip on the HOT mailing
list, proposing to create one click presets, for which buttons can be
created on the toolbar. Really convenient. At that point I don't see a
reason anymore to make do with iD, even for the beginners.


Op 4 december 2015 18:43 schreef joost schouppe <>:

> Hoi,
> De stad Gent toont zich genereus, en wil ons een locatie geven om een
> missing maps mapathon te organiseren! (zoals binnenkort in Antwerpen [1])
> Wellicht komt het dan ook in "het boekske" van Gent en nemen ze het op in
> de promotie voor Apps for Ghent - dit jaar Mapps for Ghent.
> Met andere woorden: er zou wel eens vrij veel volk op af kunnen komen. Dus
> Gentenaars (en mensen die er gemakkelijk geraken): laat u horen. We gaan
> enkele mensen nodig hebben die kunnen iD-coachen, en/of mensen in JOSM op
> weg kunnen zetten en/of een boeiend verhaal kunnen vertellen over
> humanitair mappen. En we gaan wellicht genoeg tijd hebben, dus tussendoor
> doen we dan nog een presentatie over mappen in je eigen buurt.
> De mensen van GIS en open data van Gent leken bereid om zelf ook een
> steentje bij te dragen.
> Het staat nog niet helemaal vast, maar we mikken op *zaterdag 23 januari*.
> Locatie zal ergens heel centraal zijn, of mogelijk op de Zuiderpoort.
> [1]
> --
> Joost @
> Openstreetmap <> |
> Twitter <> | LinkedIn
> <> | Meetup
> <> | Reddit
> <> | Wordpress
> <>
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Rise of the voetwegen

2015-12-03 Thread Jo
Ta reponse n'a pas été envoyé à la liste. Moi je suis capable d'envoyer des
messages en 3 langues, mais je ne le fais que quand je considère
nécessaire. Ce qui dans ce cas, n'etait pas le cas.

Au début on avait décidé de n'utiliser que l'anglais, mais cela signifie
que l'on excluerais les gens qui ne connaissent que le néerlandais ou le
français et cela pose également un problème.

Tu as  raison, bien sûr, c'est un problème, mais pas un problème qui est
facile à resoudre. Mettre la responsabilité d'envoyer des messages en 3
langues chez les émetteurs ne resoud rien du tout, qu'est-ce qu'ils doivent
faire dans ce cas s'il ne connaissent pas les autres langes? Ne pas
communiquer? C'est pire que la solution où ils envoient le message dans une
langue et que certains ne peuvent pas comprendre le message.

allez, hop en nu vertalen... (voor Engels is het al te laat, sorry)

Je antwoord werd niet aan de lijst bezorgd, misschien best nog eens opnieuw
verzenden. Persoonlijk ben ik in staat om boodschappen te versturen en te
lezen in 3 talen, maar dat betekent daarom nog niet dat ik daar altijd zin
en/of tijd voor heb. Dus doe ik dat enkel als ik het nodig acht, wat voor
dit onderwerp niet het geval was.

Toen deze lijst pas werd gestart, was de voertaal Nederlands. Het probleem
is dat dat ook mensen uitsluit die enkel Frans of Nederlands spreken en dat
kan ook niet de bedoeling zijn.

't Is waar dat het een probleem is, maar om nu de verantwoordelijkheid te
verschuiven naar de verzender van de boodschap om in 3 talen op te stellen,
dat werkt ook niet. Wat moeten ze dan doen, als ze dat niet kunnen? Niet

(Aandachtige lezers zullen merken dat dit geen getrouwe vertaling is...)

Les lecteurs attentifs verront que la 'traduction' n'est pas 'parfaite'...
je suis désolé (et ça démontre un autre problème)

2015-12-04 0:26 GMT+01:00 lionel bulpa <>:

> Bonsoir à tous,
> Je ne peux que confirmer que la langue est une barrière, je suis
> francophone uniquement (et oui, c'est de ma faute O:) ) et j'ai beaucoup de
> mal à suivre les conversations car je dois chaque fois les copier/coller
> dans google traduction. Il faudrait trouver une solution à ce problème.
> Pourquoi ne pas commencer par chaque fois mettre notre message en anglais,
> en français et en néerlandais?
> C'est une piste qui mérite d'être exploré, si quelqu'un à d'autres idées ;)
> Bien à vous
> Lionel
> Good evening everyone,
> I can only confirm that the language is a barrier, I am speaking only
> (yes, it's my fault O :)) and I have great difficulty following
> conversations because I have every copy / paste in google translation. We
> must find a solution to this problem. Why not start with each time put our
> message in English, French and Dutch?
> It is a track that deserves to be explored if anyone other ideas;)
> Many greetings
> Lionel
> Goedenavond iedereen,
> Ik kan alleen maar bevestigen dat de taal een barrière, ik spreek alleen
> (ja, het is mijn schuld O :)) en ik heb grote moeite volgende gesprekken,
> want ik heb er alle copy / paste in vertaling google. We moeten een
> oplossing voor dit probleem. Waarom niet beginnen met elke keer zetten onze
> boodschap in het Engels, Frans en Nederlands?
> Het is een track die verdient te worden onderzocht of iemand andere
> ideeën;)
> De jouwe
> Lionel
> --
> Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2015 21:35:15 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Rise of the voetwegen
> It seems like a way to prove that Google Translate is not quite up to
> spec...
> The list is multilingual. The topic concerns "slow" paths in Flanders. If
> we'd try to have the conversation in English we'd exclude people who need
> to participate and that can't be the intention.
> Op deze lijst kan in meerdere talen gepost worden. Het gaat over Trage
> Wegen in Vlaanderen. Als we de conversatie in het Engels zouden trachten te
> voeren, dan sluiten we mensen uit die betrokken zijn en dat kan de
> bedoeling niet zijn. <>
> Jo
> ___ Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Rise of the voetwegen

2015-12-02 Thread Jo
It seems like a way to prove that Google Translate is not quite up to

The list is multilingual. The topic concerns "slow" paths in Flanders. If
we'd try to have the conversation in English we'd exclude people who need
to participate and that can't be the intention.

Op deze lijst kan in meerdere talen gepost worden. Het gaat over Trage
Wegen in Vlaanderen. Als we de conversatie in het Engels zouden trachten te
voeren, dan sluiten we mensen uit die betrokken zijn en dat kan de
bedoeling niet zijn. <>

> Jo
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Taalfaciliteiten + taalgrens + straatnamen

2015-12-01 Thread Jo
That is indeed a hard nut to crack. It's also an edge case (fortunately not
too many of them)

To make the name tag more complete we could add the translation between
parentheses. I realise it's not the standard way of working that we use for
the 'easier' cases.


2015-12-01 12:21 GMT+01:00 Sander Deryckere <>:

> How should this way be tagged?
> The right side is in Heuvelland (Flanders), and has only a Flemish name:
> Komenweg
> The left side is in Comines-Warneton (Wallonia), which is a
> French-speaking municipality with Dutch language facilities, so has a name
> in both languages: Chemin des Quatre Rois - Vierkoningenweg.
> Now, for names that differ by language, we usually write them as name:nl
> and name:fr. For streetnames that differ by side of the street, we usually
> write them as name:left and name:right. But how should this be combined
> (note that two municipalities with language facilities might also border
> each other).
> What do you think about the following tags?
> name=Komenweg - Chemin des Quatre Rois
> name:right=Komenweg
> name:left=Chemin des Quatre Rois
> name:left:fr=Chemin des Quatre Rois
> name:left:nl=Vierkoningenweg
> Also note that the street continues towards the boundary between
> Heuvelland and Mesen (which is a Flemish municipality with French language
> facilities). There if could be tagged
>> name=Komenweg - Vierkoningenstraat
> name:right=Komenweg
> name:left=Vierkoningenstraat
> name:left:fr=Rue des Quatre Rois
> name:left:nl=Vierkoningenstraat
> You might wonder why I use name:left:fr instead of name:fr:left. Well, I
> figured I couldn't make a name:fr tag as there's no translation of
> Komenweg. So name:left:fr looks as a conceptual subtag of the existing
> name:left.
> What do you think of it? Someone has other opinions?
> Regards,
> Sander
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] New UrbIS presets for Bruno and everybody

2015-11-26 Thread Jo
In fact they do clutter the list. Until yesterday I didn't even know those
older versions existed and how to go about adding them though.

There might be a solution:

It is also possible to add these configurations through JOSM Remote
Control. So for the people who want the older UrbIS and SPW imagery for
comparison, we could create urls on a wiki page and/or a post on,
invoking RC.

What do you think?


2015-11-26 10:07 GMT+01:00 Sander Deryckere <>:

> Do we really need these old URBIS urls? What use are they for regular
> mappers (in contrast to people interested in recent history of a region)?
> IMO they would clutter the list.
> Meanwhile, I also opened an issue to add the TMS layer to iD:
> Regards,
> Sander
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] New UrbIS presets for Bruno and everybody

2015-11-25 Thread Jo
Hi Bruno,

André did a great job to provide you with the rendered version of what
UrbIS has in their GIS. Thank you for that André.

>From your originial post I understand you wanted aerial photography though.
So I added that as:

URBIS Orthorectified aerial imagery covering Brussels Region (2014)

To the website of JOSM, which means you can 'install' it in your local copy
of JOSM by updating the WMS sources, and then selecting it for use.

I'm still trying to figure out how to the same for the new AGIV imagery
that covers Flanders.

Also try JOSM's Mapillary plugin for streetview images. PhilippeC has
already made a lot of pictures in and around Brussels. It's nice for double
checking from a different perspective.



2015-11-25 23:48 GMT+01:00 André Pirard :

> On 2015-11-24 12:37, Bruno Veyckemans wrote :
> Hi all,
> I became an enthusiastic OSM mapper following Julien Fastré's presentation
> at Foss4G BE last month, and now have big projects to map all I can in
> Brussels.
> I focus on using Overpass / PHP to create listings and see what's missing
> in the capital (museums, parks, churches, artwork, hospitals...), such as:
> (website in french, but I take care to
> add tags in FR/NL/EN... By the way, I would be glad if some users helped to
> fill the blanks).
> My question is about OSM's Bing imagery. I know Brussels has beautiful and
> precise 2015 aerial pictures thanks to UrbIS (see here:
> , ArcGIS server), but I don't know how to use
> it in OSM to map Brussels (their 2015 WMS isn't yet available). Do you
> think it's possible ?
> Hi Bruno,
> Welcome to OSM !!!  I have made new JOSM presets for Urbis as described
> below.
> When I am mapping, I meet many elements that were previously mapped with a
> 2-5-10m+ precision and I remap them with a 20 cm precision using the SPW
> servers.  The best advices I can give to map precisely are:
>- use JOSM, even if it seems harder to start with, it's much rewarding
>in the long term; suboptimal mapping is usually done with other editors
>- use digitalized maps: aerial photographs are shot from an angle:
>they are rectified horizontally but not vertically: the walls or other
>vertical features are slanted and the roofs are offset relatively to the
>ground; digitalized maps are the result of calculations that a human cannot
>do to put all that right.
> On 2015-11-24 22:11, Julien Fastré wrote :
> Hi Bruno,
> Hi the list
> You can add easily the WMS server of Urbis in JOSM.
> ...
> Forget about that URL and what I have said before about using it.
> I have made new presets that are prettier, faster, more simple, more
> precise by supporting 3857 and without the pesky message.
> Configure
> Imagery>Imagery preferences>refresh (whirling arrows)>select *BE URBISfr*
> >Activate>OK
> Imagery>Imagery preferences>refresh (whirling arrows)>select *BE URBISnl*
> >Activate>OK
> Activate
> Imagery>URBISfr or URBISnl and there should come your layer
> Let me know if everything is right for you.
> Happy mapping.
> André.
> ---
> Bonjour à tous,
> Je suis devenu un "mapper" enthousiaste d'OSM à la suite de la
> présentation de Julien Fastré au Foss4G BE le mois dernier, et j'ai
> maintenant des projets assez ambitieux pour compléter tout ce que je peux
> en Région bruxelloise.
> J'utilise Overpass et PHP pour générer des listes des infrastructures de
> la capitale (musées, parcs, églises, oeuvres d'art, hôpitaux...) comme
> celle-ci: (et je serais heureux si
> certains se joignaient à moi pour compléter les tags manquants).
> Ma question porte sur les images satellites d'OSM, fournies par Bing. Je
> sais que Bruxelles possède des images aériennes de 2015 beaucoup plus
> belles et précises grâce à UrbIS (par exemple ici:
> ), mais je ne sais pas comment les utiliser
> dans les outils d'édition d'OSM. Pensez-vous que ce soit possible ? J'ai
> notamment envie de redessiner les chemins du Cimetière de Bruxelles,
> parfaitement visibles sur BrugIS 2015 mais pas sur Bing, et d'y ajouter ses
> tombes célèbres...
> Merci/Thanks/Dank u et belle journée malgré le #BrusselsLockdown
> Bruno - ici.Brussels
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] New UrbIS presets for Bruno and everybody

2015-11-25 Thread Jo
Hi André,

I waited until I thought you were done. But I didn't see the aerial imagery
appear, so I tried to see if I could add it, which to my surprise, after
frustrating attempts with the AGIV counterpart yesterday, was easy. No idea
why I didn't find the 2015 version though...

Anyway, I figured out how to do it with AGIV as well now. Always a lot of
trial and error involved for me.


2015-11-26 1:04 GMT+01:00 André Pirard <>:

> On 2015-11-26 00:42, Jo wrote :
> Hi Bruno,
> André did a great job to provide you with the rendered version of what
> UrbIS has in their GIS. Thank you for that André.
> From your originial post I understand you wanted aerial photography
> though. So I added that as:
> URBIS Orthorectified aerial imagery covering Brussels Region (2014)
> <>
> Oops, I was understanding that I was  taking care of Urbis and as there
> was no answers to my messages I added
> Configure
> Imagery>Imagery preferences>refresh (whirling arrows)>select *BE URBIS
> 20xx*>Activate>OK
> Activate
> Imagery>URBIS 20xx and there should come your layer
> with xx = 09, 12, 14, 15 and the same advantages over the WMS versions as
> explained below.
> It was just a few characters to change and right when I saved the file:
> clash.
> That's OSM, that's life ;-)
> Thanks for AGIV, Jo.
> Cheers
> André.
> To the website of JOSM, which means you can 'install' it in your local
> copy of JOSM by updating the WMS sources, and then selecting it for use.
> I'm still trying to figure out how to the same for the new AGIV imagery
> that covers Flanders.
> Also try JOSM's Mapillary plugin for streetview images. PhilippeC has
> already made a lot of pictures in and around Brussels. It's nice for double
> checking from a different perspective.
> Cheers,
> Polyglot
> 2015-11-25 23:48 GMT+01:00 André Pirard <>:
>> On 2015-11-24 12:37, Bruno Veyckemans wrote :
>> Hi all,
>> I became an enthusiastic OSM mapper following Julien Fastré's
>> presentation at Foss4G BE last month, and now have big projects to map all
>> I can in Brussels.
>> I focus on using Overpass / PHP to create listings and see what's missing
>> in the capital (museums, parks, churches, artwork, hospitals...), such as:
>> (website in french, but I take care to
>> add tags in FR/NL/EN... By the way, I would be glad if some users helped to
>> fill the blanks).
>> My question is about OSM's Bing imagery. I know Brussels has beautiful
>> and precise 2015 aerial pictures thanks to UrbIS (see here:
>> , ArcGIS server), but I don't know how to use
>> it in OSM to map Brussels (their 2015 WMS isn't yet available). Do you
>> think it's possible ?
>> Hi Bruno,
>> Welcome to OSM !!!  I have made new JOSM presets for Urbis as described
>> below.
>> When I am mapping, I meet many elements that were previously mapped with
>> a 2-5-10m+ precision and I remap them with a 20 cm precision using the SPW
>> servers.  The best advices I can give to map precisely are:
>>- use JOSM, even if it seems harder to start with, it's much
>>rewarding in the long term; suboptimal mapping is usually done with other
>>- use digitalized maps: aerial photographs are shot from an angle:
>>they are rectified horizontally but not vertically: the walls or other
>>vertical features are slanted and the roofs are offset relatively to the
>>ground; digitalized maps are the result of calculations that a human 
>> cannot
>>do to put all that right.
>> On 2015-11-24 22:11, Julien Fastré wrote :
>> Hi Bruno,
>> Hi the list
>> You can add easily the WMS server of Urbis in JOSM.
>> ...
>> Forget about that URL and what I have said before about using it.
>> I have made new presets that are prettier, faster, more simple, more
>> precise by supporting 3857 and without the pesky message.
>> Configure
>> Imagery>Imagery preferences>refresh (whirling arrows)>select *BE URBISfr*
>> >Activate>OK
>> Imagery>Imagery preferences>refresh (whirling arrows)>sel

Re: [OSM-talk-be] strange looping tracks

2015-11-18 Thread Jo
Hi Joost,

They are definitely horse meadows. On AGIV imagery it's even possible to
make out their silhouettes/shadows. On Bing the irregular way the grass is
eaten is a giveaway.

Maybe this one:

So a farmer who specialized in horse breeding? The tracks seem like a way
to access the meadows to me and of course they can serve to ride as well.


2015-11-18 8:46 GMT+01:00 joost schouppe <>:

> Hi,
> While mapping one of the last holes of landuse in Flanders, I found
> several looping tracks like this:
> Anyone recognize what they are? There are also a lot of small but long
> meadows on the same terrains. My idea was maybe a race horse breeding
> center? But googling the combination of horses and the adresses turned up
> nothing.
> --
> Joost @
> Openstreetmap <> |
> Twitter <> | LinkedIn
> <> | Meetup
> <> | Reddit
> <> | Wordpress
> <>
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: GIS Day in Lomé and Haiti in the middle of two OSM and GIS capacity building missions

2015-11-18 Thread Jo Walsh
Remember that GIS Day is an ESRI trademark.

Some of us prefer to celebrate PostGIS Day, which falls the following day. 



On November 18, 2015 11:56:54 PM GMT, nicolas chavent 
>Hi all,
>Apologies for cross-postings, I am resending from crisis mappers and
>this note for those still active mapping this GIS Day 2015.
>Sharing a short wrap up of how the GIS Day looked like for two
>of mappers active in Lomé and Port Au Prince which might be of
>"GIS Day" 08 PM (UTC), it's mid day in Port Au Prince (Haiti) and night
>time in Lomé (Togo) after long and happy working hours around OSM, GIS
>In Togo at Université de Lomé UL (Lomé University UL):
>- 50 people working all day long on QGIS with OpenStreetMap data
>through the first 4 days of the maptrek mivamapper (Come map Togo local
>language) in Anfamé (Lomé) but also with data from the OCHA Core
>Operational Datasets (COD) and Fundamental Operational Dataset (FOD)
>accessed via the Humanitarian Responses and the HDX platforms.
>- 20 people working half a day exploring, visualizing and retrieving
>geodata of all sorts (openstreetmap, opendata, gray-licensed data) with
>IFL (Infrastructure de Données Spatiales Francophone Libre/ "Free
>Francophone SDI"-FFS) hosted in France at AgroCampus Ouest and
>with the support of the GeOrchestra community.
>- The same 20 spent their afternoon reinforcing their grasp on the
>webmapping tool uMap with the same kind of data
>- Asides of this, the same people kept mapping Anfamé and Biu cities as
>first targets set for the mivamapper maptrek experience started last
>Saturday 14-November (our 8 days-long mapathon)
>- Now that night fell over Lomé, the preparatory work for our second
>Of The Map Africa, the SOTMTG 2015, is intensifying.
>In Haiti at the Port Au Prince base of Haiti Communitere,
>- a couple of Haitian experienced mappers are being taught OSM on a
>the trainer program
>- The same with the ProjetEOF collective are also organizing for both
>remote attendance of the SOTMTG 2015 and the last day of mivamapper
>- They are also laying the ground for a mapathon that will take place
>21-Nov at HC's base and will focus on Areas Of Interest for local
>communities in Haiti
>- Like the days before, they'll finish their days joining in Western
>African mappers in the mivamapper maptrek.
>A rich GIS day like most of our days in Haiti ([1], [2]) and in Togo
>[4], [5]) over the past 2 weeks and likely of the coming 10 days
>those two OSM and Free GIS capacity building missions designed, funded
>co-implemented with the Digital Directorate of the Organisation
>Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) and with our haitian partner
>Anyone interested on these initiatives and willing to join can follow
>blogs, wiki, mailing lists from ProjetEOF and local OSM groups from
>Niger, Mali, Burkina, Togo, Bénin and Sénégal as well as the FB and
>accounts of those groups as well as the following hashtags #ProjetEOF
>#map4tg #mivamapper.
>Nicolas Chavent
>Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
>Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
>Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
>Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
>Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99
>Skype: c_nicolas
>Twitter: nicolas_chavent
>talk mailing list

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Why newbies' comment/message response rate is so low?

2015-11-16 Thread Jo
Indeed, without a feedback loop it's rather moot, an exercise in futility
to edit in the sandbox.


2015-11-17 0:20 GMT+01:00 Nicolás Alvarez <>:

> 2015-11-15 2:06 GMT-03:00 Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl>:
> >
> > W dniu 14.11.2015 19:44, tony wroblewski napisał(a):
> >
> >> I think people need a playpen where they can try out ideas and map
> >> before contributing to the main map (Maybe there already is, I don't
> >> know). I think it should also be a requirement that people add a
> >
> >
> > I think this is the place for playing with editing OSM (sandbox):
> >
> >
> Sure, you can play with editing there. But you can't see the rendered
> result, you can't test routing, you can't test searching/geocoding...
> Doesn't seem too useful as a sandbox.
> --
> Nicolás
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Odd edits by rowers2 in Cameroon

2015-11-12 Thread Jo
That's also the impression I got when looking at his edits in a superficial

Maybe I should ask him what I did wrong here:

My first attempt at 3D


2015-11-12 12:27 GMT+01:00 marekskleciak <>:

> Rowers2 is doing a good job, he is a kind of "turbomapper".
> See this:
> 3D model of Wroclaw in Poland, done by rowers2.
> He makes also many of bug fixes in Poland.
> Cheers,
> Marek
> Dnia 12 listopada 2015 0:29 Jo napisał(a):
> He has indeed done some good work as well. I removed the 10-15% that
> wasn't.
> Jo
> 2015-11-12 0:19 GMT+01:00 john whelan <>:
>> Looking more closely he's dropped in some 24,000 objects in this bit of
>> Cameroon most are useful and legit.
>> I've dropped him a message and hopefully he'll clean up the the data.
>> Thanks John
>> On 11 November 2015 at 18:08, Michał Brzozowski <>
>> wrote:
>>> I meant they are purely fictional. He created these rows of buildings
>>> to test something, like different 3d attributes or whatever. They
>>> shouldn't exist in OSM.
>>> The legit ones I refered to are eg.
>>> which are just at one
>>> corner of your bbox.
>>> Michał
>>> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:55 PM, Jo <> wrote:
>>> > The buildings are not in Cameroon though.
>>> >
>>> > I wrote him a changeset comment:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Polyglot
>>> >
>>> > 2015-11-11 23:49 GMT+01:00 Michał Brzozowski <>:
>>> >>
>>> >> I seem to know why he's doing this and at users:Poland forum he was
>>> >> instructed not to do this. He's testing rendering of OSM-3D in some
>>> >> web maps (f4map?).
>>> >>
>>> >> Feel free to delete it. For the future, use changeset comments first,
>>> >> if you didn't. It his activity persists, go DWG on him.
>>> >>
>>> >> The takeaway is that whoever is he testing against, should offer some
>>> >> testing with our dev database or .osm files.
>>> >>
>>> >> As per point on the second column, these are legit buildings, visible
>>> on
>>> >> Bing.
>>> >>
>>> >> Michał
>>> >>
>>> >> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:27 PM, john whelan <>
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >> > Visible at
>>> >> >
>>> >> > 7.4396667 7.4711556
>>> >> >
>>> >> > 15.5891705 15.6047916
>>> >> >
>>> >> > There is nothing visible in Bing or Mapbox but that doesn't mean
>>> much
>>> >> > but
>>> >> > the shape and detail of the edits are suspicious to me and they
>>> seem to
>>> >> > have
>>> >> > made a very large number of edits recently in their history.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Could someone be nice and take a peek?
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Thanks John
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > ___
>>> >> > talk mailing list
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >>
>>> >> ___
>>> >> talk mailing list
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ___
>>> talk mailing list
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___ talk mailing list
> <http:///?>
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Odd edits by rowers2 in Cameroon

2015-11-11 Thread Jo
He has indeed done some good work as well. I removed the 10-15% that wasn't.


2015-11-12 0:19 GMT+01:00 john whelan <>:

> Looking more closely he's dropped in some 24,000 objects in this bit of
> Cameroon most are useful and legit.
> I've dropped him a message and hopefully he'll clean up the the data.
> Thanks John
> On 11 November 2015 at 18:08, Michał Brzozowski <>
> wrote:
>> I meant they are purely fictional. He created these rows of buildings
>> to test something, like different 3d attributes or whatever. They
>> shouldn't exist in OSM.
>> The legit ones I refered to are eg.
>> which are just at one
>> corner of your bbox.
>> Michał
>> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:55 PM, Jo <> wrote:
>> > The buildings are not in Cameroon though.
>> >
>> > I wrote him a changeset comment:
>> >
>> >
>> > Polyglot
>> >
>> > 2015-11-11 23:49 GMT+01:00 Michał Brzozowski <>:
>> >>
>> >> I seem to know why he's doing this and at users:Poland forum he was
>> >> instructed not to do this. He's testing rendering of OSM-3D in some
>> >> web maps (f4map?).
>> >>
>> >> Feel free to delete it. For the future, use changeset comments first,
>> >> if you didn't. It his activity persists, go DWG on him.
>> >>
>> >> The takeaway is that whoever is he testing against, should offer some
>> >> testing with our dev database or .osm files.
>> >>
>> >> As per point on the second column, these are legit buildings, visible
>> on
>> >> Bing.
>> >>
>> >> Michał
>> >>
>> >> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:27 PM, john whelan <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > Visible at
>> >> >
>> >> > 7.4396667 7.4711556
>> >> >
>> >> > 15.5891705 15.6047916
>> >> >
>> >> > There is nothing visible in Bing or Mapbox but that doesn't mean much
>> >> > but
>> >> > the shape and detail of the edits are suspicious to me and they seem
>> to
>> >> > have
>> >> > made a very large number of edits recently in their history.
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Could someone be nice and take a peek?
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Thanks John
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > ___
>> >> > talk mailing list
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> talk mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Export einer Strassen-Datenbank

2015-11-11 Thread Jo
Overpass API ist was du suchst. Wenn du auch sagst für welche Stadt und in
welches Format du die Daten wünscht, können wir vielleicht auch nog helfen
mit dem Query.


2015-11-11 23:07 GMT+01:00 Mega Daemon :

> Hy,
> ich würde gerne für ein kleines non-commerce Projekt von mir eine
> (offline) Datenbank mit hauptsächlich PLZ, Strassennamen und evtl.
> Hausnummern haben.
> Etwas, was genau meinen Wünschen entspricht, habe ich bei Datepuls
> gefunden:
> Allerdings wollen die Haufen Geld dafür haben, dass in keiner Relation zu
> meinem Projekt steht.
> Daher meine Frage, gibt es eine Möglichkeit Daten wie [PLZ],
> [Strassenname], [Verfügbare Hausnummern in der Strasse] o. Ä. bei euch zu
> exportieren?
> Es muss weder zu 100% vollständig noch korrekt sein, mit einer
> Trefferquotte von > 70% wäre ich schon ziemlich zufrieden.
> Wäre euch wirklich dankbar wenn Ihr mir weiterhelfen könntet.
> Mfg,
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Export einer Strassen-Datenbank

2015-11-11 Thread Jo
Hmm, Deutschland ist ein großes Land. Das wird Overpass warscheinlich nicht
schaffen können. (Die müssen auch noch andere Fragen lösen). Vielleicht ist
es besser die Frage and GeoFabrik zu stellen.

Kostenlos wird es nicht sein, aber dann hast du genau was du brauchst oder
Frederik kann dir sagen ob es schon möglich ist mit OSM-Daten das
ausreichend komplett zu machen.


2015-11-11 23:57 GMT+01:00 <>:

> Das wäre echt super lieb von euch. Es sind meine ersten Schritte in Sachen
> 'programmieren' und daher hab ich noch relativ wenig Ahnung im Umgang mit
> API's.
> Wenn wir das ganze sehr nah an dem Vorbild von Datapuls machen würden,
> würde es zu sehr an Produktpiraterie grenzen? Ich finde die haben alle
> wesentlichen Informationen folgt zusammengefasst:
> Gemeindeschlüssel, Gemeinde, Bundesland, Landkreis, Ort, Ortszusatz,
> Straße, Postleitzahl, Hausnummer, Regierungsbezirk, Region.
> Hier eine Beispielsdatei von denen:
> In dem Format wäre es perfekt.
> Was die Stadt angeht... Wäre es ein sehr grosser Aufwand das ganze direkt
> Deutschlandweit zu machen? Falls ja, hier meine Prioritätenfolge:
> > Deutschland
> > Baden-Württemberg
> > Stuttgart Bezirk
> > Landkreis Göppingen
> Umso weiter man da oben ansetzen könnte, umso erfreulicher wäre es für
> mich.
> Vielen Dank nochmal vorab für eure Unterstützung.
> > Am 11.11.2015 um 23:17 schrieb Jo <>:
> >
> > Overpass API ist was du suchst. Wenn du auch sagst für welche Stadt und
> in
> > welches Format du die Daten wünscht, können wir vielleicht auch nog
> helfen
> > mit dem Query.
> >
> > Polyglot
> >
> > 2015-11-11 23:07 GMT+01:00 Mega Daemon <>:
> >
> >> Hy,
> >>
> >> ich würde gerne für ein kleines non-commerce Projekt von mir eine
> >> (offline) Datenbank mit hauptsächlich PLZ, Strassennamen und evtl.
> >> Hausnummern haben.
> >>
> >> Etwas, was genau meinen Wünschen entspricht, habe ich bei Datepuls
> >> gefunden:
> >>
> >>
> >> Allerdings wollen die Haufen Geld dafür haben, dass in keiner Relation
> zu
> >> meinem Projekt steht.
> >>
> >> Daher meine Frage, gibt es eine Möglichkeit Daten wie [PLZ],
> >> [Strassenname], [Verfügbare Hausnummern in der Strasse] o. Ä. bei euch
> zu
> >> exportieren?
> >> Es muss weder zu 100% vollständig noch korrekt sein, mit einer
> >> Trefferquotte von > 70% wäre ich schon ziemlich zufrieden.
> >>
> >> Wäre euch wirklich dankbar wenn Ihr mir weiterhelfen könntet.
> >>
> >> Mfg,
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-de mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > ___
> > Talk-de mailing list
> >
> >
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Odd edits by rowers2 in Cameroon

2015-11-11 Thread Jo
The buildings are not in Cameroon though.

I wrote him a changeset comment:


2015-11-11 23:49 GMT+01:00 Michał Brzozowski :

> I seem to know why he's doing this and at users:Poland forum he was
> instructed not to do this. He's testing rendering of OSM-3D in some
> web maps (f4map?).
> Feel free to delete it. For the future, use changeset comments first,
> if you didn't. It his activity persists, go DWG on him.
> The takeaway is that whoever is he testing against, should offer some
> testing with our dev database or .osm files.
> As per point on the second column, these are legit buildings, visible on
> Bing.
> Michał
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:27 PM, john whelan 
> wrote:
> > Visible at
> >
> > 7.4396667 7.4711556
> >
> > 15.5891705 15.6047916
> >
> > There is nothing visible in Bing or Mapbox but that doesn't mean much but
> > the shape and detail of the edits are suspicious to me and they seem to
> have
> > made a very large number of edits recently in their history.
> >
> >
> > Could someone be nice and take a peek?
> >
> >
> > Thanks John
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > talk mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Unrepentant Vandal

2015-11-07 Thread Jo
Hi Andrew,

I used Potlatch 1 to retrieve your work. (edit with Potlatch, then remove
the 2 from the url) Then advanced/undelete select the way and unlock. Don't
forget to save.

It would indeed be better to map the road as a dual carriageway as well.


2015-11-07 11:36 GMT+01:00 Andrew Errington :

> Hi all,
> Here is a link to a random point on a light rail system:
> Soon after it opened I travelled on it from end to end, collecting gps
> data and photos of all the station signs.  There are two railway
> lines, one in each direction, and I mapped them both carefully.
> Recently I discovered that someone had helpfully deleted one of the
> lines and tagged the other with tracks=2.  I really don't think this
> is acceptable.
> I found the changeset and asked the user who did it why they destroyed
> my work.  They replied:
> "The OSM wiki implies that a single way with tracks=2 is the preferred
> way of showing rail lines with two tracks. This was the method used
> most in S. Korea, I was attempting to create consistency."
> This is not actually true (and I double-checked the wiki, just in
> case).  I pointed this out but the user did not acknowledge this was a
> mistake, or offer an apology.
> So, my question is, am I being unreasonable, or am I right to think
> this is unacceptable?  How can I guard against this?  I have no
> problem with people improving the map by improving the data, but I am
> starting to see a lot of deletions, incorrect tagging, and generally
> shoddy work appearing, especially in Korea where I have done a lot of
> original work.  Do I have to set up some kind of watch on all of my
> contributions and check them if someone edits them?
> Andrew
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Une rue qui n'est pas une rue et un mur se construit en son milieu

2015-11-06 Thread Jo
Je ne pouvais pas resister de l'ajouter sur OSM...


2015-11-06 19:19 GMT+01:00 David Crochet :

> Bonjour
> Cordialement
> --
> David Crochet
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] & SOTM

2015-11-05 Thread Jo
If we want to find those volunteers, we should indeed be a bit more vocal
about it. If you refer to the RMLL website, it probably makes sense to
include a url that people can click on.


2015-11-06 8:33 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Pettiaux <>:

> Yes. we are looking for many volunteers to help eg. with all the details
> of logistics and organizations, during the conference, befire ad after.
> A lst could be found on the RMLL web site.
> Thanks,
> Nicolas
> Le ven 6 nov 2015 à 7:29, Marc Gemis <> a écrit :
> Should we start placing info/teasers on about SOTM 2016 ?
> regards
> m
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly project : Stats

2015-11-05 Thread Jo Walsh
What happened incidentally with the "smart traffic" project for which you were 
mapping out tags with Birmingham city council? It sounded so promising

Jo aka zool

On November 5, 2015 9:10:40 PM GMT, Rob Nickerson <> 
>Hi all,
>During another eventful Mappa Mercia meeting in which we continued to
>world domination, one idea that came up was "would a kind OSMer who has
>server running be willing pull back some stats for us on a daily
>In essence we're looking for a volunteer to query the TagInfo UK API
>per day and dump the output to a simple file (or a graph if you're
>particularly creative).
>Our current project is nature reserves so a good API call would be:
>It may not be the world domination your were expecting but is anyone up
>the challenge?
>Best wishes,
>Talk-GB mailing list

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fast Map Application for personal notes instead of using osm note as personal agenda.

2015-11-04 Thread Jo
Maybe we should make it clearer that the notes are in order to improve the

Maybe renaming them to "Corrections? Remarks?" would be clearer for people
who use the map on the front page.

I realise this is not the correct mailing list to propose such a change.


Op 4 november 2015 15:12 schreef Jakka :

> Hi,
> Some anonymous and newbies are using osm notes for fast and easy use as
> personal agenda, reminder. Witch applications can we advice them they use
> in mind of working with openstreetmap layer, derivative
> Meermaals heb ik al notes gesloten waar anonieme en nieuw geregistreerden
> de osm note gebruiken als persoonlijke agenda of aanduiding voor
> samenkomsten. Het gebruik van openstreetmap is positief maar gebruik van
> notes ervan is niet de bedoeling. Welk variant, programma die met de osm
> laag werkt kunnen wij deze personen aanraden?
> recent voorbeeld van een afspraak vind je hier (is reeds gesloten zal
> verdwijnen na verloop van tijd)
> Jakka
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] kilometer palen

2015-11-03 Thread Jo
Het Brussels Gewest heeft al z'n geodata al vrijgegeven, zie UrbIS/CIRB.

MIVB nog steeds niet, spijtig genoeg. Voor Wallonië hebben we toch al de
data van TEC/SRWT ter beschikking.


Op 3 november 2015 09:20 schreef Ben Abelshausen <>

> OK, die dataset van AWV ziet er ook wel nuttig uit... ik zal het eens
> navragen of ik die ergens kan vastkrijgen.
> Ik dacht trouwens al dat we zouden moeten wachten op het GRB.
> En zoals gewoonlijk: wat met Wallonië/Brussel?
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Best regards,
> Ben Abelshausen
> 2015-11-02 17:38 GMT+00:00 Sander Deryckere <>:
>> Er is deze:
>> Maar helaas niet downloadbaar.
>> Op 2 november 2015 18:24 schreef Ben Abelshausen <
>>> Weet er toevallig iemand hier waar ik een dataset kan vinden met de
>>> locaties van de kilometer palen?
>>> Is er een dataset van AGIV ergens die ik nog niet gezien heb?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ben
>>> ___
>>> Talk-be mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Videomapping

2015-10-29 Thread Jo
Nicht völlig was du suchst, aber auf Mapillary kann man seit einige Monaten
auch Videos hochladen. Die werden dann aber umgewandelt in time-lapse still
fotos für die darstellung.


2015-10-29 22:12 GMT+01:00 Jacques Nietsch :

> Hallo,
> ich habe bei meiner letzten Reise Videos mit einer Gopro gemacht, und
> gleichzeitig den Track aufgezeichnet.
> Was ich suche ist eine Software die:
> - den Track auf einer Karte darstellt
> - das Video abspielt
> - auf der Karte zeigt, wo gerade das Video gerade steht.
> Ach ja, die Software soll unter Linux laufen.
> Es soll zwar ein Plugin für JOSM geben, aber leider nicht für Linux.
> Über Suchmaschinen habe ich leider nichts gefunden, kann mir jemand
> Weiterhelfen?
> Gruß
> Jacques
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM - Probleme mit continuos Download Plugin

2015-10-26 Thread Jo
Mirrorred download würde integriert. Continuous download bin ich nicht


2015-10-26 8:59 GMT+01:00 Joachim <>:

> Ich habe irgendwo gelesen dass die Funktionialität integriert wurde und das
> Plug-in deaktiviert, wahrscheinlich aber noch nicht in stable.
> Am 25.10.2015 11:41 schrieb "Clemens Schüller" <
> > Hallo!
> >
> > Wenn ich JOSM starte, kann das Plugin seit ein paar Tagen nicht geladen
> > werden. Beim Start von JOSM in der Konsole bekomme ich folgende
> > Fehlermeldung:
> >
> >
> > --8<---cut here---start->8---
> > INFO: Plugin 'continuosDownload' wird geladen (Version 1413902943)
> > Fehler: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginException: Ein Fehler ist in
> > dem Plugin continuosDownload aufgetreten.. Ursache:
> > java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException. Ursache:
> > java.lang.VerifyError: class
> > org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.continuosDownload.DownloadOsmTask2
> > overrides final method rememberErrorMessage.(Ljava/lang/String;)V
> > org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginException: Ein Fehler ist in dem
> > Plugin continuosDownload aufgetreten.
> > at
> >
> org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginInformation.load(
> > at
> >
> org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginHandler.loadPlugin(
> > at
> >
> org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginHandler.loadPlugins(
> > at
> >
> org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginHandler.loadLatePlugins(
> > at
> > org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication.main(
> > Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
> > at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
> > Method)
> > at
> >
> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> > at
> >
> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> > at
> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
> > at
> >
> org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginInformation.load(
> > ... 4 more
> > Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: class
> > org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.continuosDownload.DownloadOsmTask2
> overrides
> > final method
> > rememberErrorMessage.(Ljava/lang/String;)V
> > at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
> > at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
> > at
> >
> > at
> > at$100(
> > at$
> > at$
> > at Method)
> > at
> > at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
> > at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
> > at
> >
> org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.continuosDownload.DownloadPlugin.(
> > ... 9 more
> > --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> >
> > Kurioserweise existiert das Problem nur beim latest Zweig (Version 8944)
> > auf, _nicht_ aber beim stable Zweig (Version 8800).
> >
> > Ach ja, als JVM verwende ich die von Oracle.
> >
> >
> > Existiert das Problem bei Euch auch, oder ist das nur bei mir so?
> >
> >
> > --
> > Beste Grüße & Danke, Clemens Schüller
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-de mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Fwd: [OSM-dev] Python Book

2015-10-15 Thread Jo
A free e-book about the use of Python for geospatial processing.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Graham Jones <>
Date: 2015-10-15 9:27 GMT+02:00
Subject: [OSM-dev] Python Book
To: OSM-Dev Openstreetmap <>

Hi All,
I just noticed that Packt Publishing is giving away an eBook on geospatial
programming in python today.
I haven't read it, bit I am sure the concepts will be relevant for people
processing osm data, even if it is a bit out of date.

Note it is only available today (UK time) as they change the offer every


from my Phone (hence dodgy spelling!)

dev mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Public Transport - Haltestelle ohne Linie / Austragen oder belassen

2015-10-12 Thread Jo
Das ist ein schwieriger Fall. Ich habe in Belgien tausende HS eingetragen,
und vor einige Monaten auch ein paar hunderd wieder weg geholt. Gerade weil
die nicht mehr angefahren werden. Die sind für on_demand Buslinien die
'abolished' geworden sind. Die poles sind für die Meisten tatsächlich immer
noch da. Die werden warscheinlich wohl weggenommen, aber keiner weiss wenn
das geschehen wird.

Das eintragen von die HS war auf der Basis das die HS angefahren würden. In
der Datensatz die ich importiert habe, war das es Kriterium um sie ein zu
tragen. Dieses Kriterium ist jetzt weg.

Vielleicht brauchen wir noch einen Tag um an zu geben dass ein Pole
vorhanden ist.


2015-10-12 20:40 GMT+02:00 Florian Lohoff :

> Hi,
> mir ist hier ein Changeset aufgefallen in dem eine
> Haltestelle/stop_position entfernt wurde die defakto existiert.
> Also da steht ein Bushaltestellenschild.
> Der User der die entfernt hat sagt das diese Haltestelle nicht mehr
> angefahren wird. Jetzt bin ich eigentlich geneigt die trotzdem
> in den Daten zu lassen - Defakto existiert dort ja eine Haltestelle.
> Die ist dann halt in keiner relation.
> Oder bin ich da auf dem Holzweg?
> Am Ende kann man ja gar nicht verhindern das der nächste die wieder
> einträgt.
> Hier ein relativ Aktuelles Bild der Haltestelle:
> Flo
> --
> Florian Lohoff
>   We need to self-defend - GnuPG/PGP enable your email today!
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> iQIVAwUBVhv+q5DdQSDLCfIvAQo4Kw/6A8cOu7mTKn1mfvlQKPHzQ/IM5ZketNsY
> uTzXHOhRZ/tzcOl2+k+kochXjkNQU2cxzxrdqj62f9TPjIxp2LwVfSYI0q40PYLd
> L+S+12zViH/1tpDioU+0cGy5Ic8OdZVSrJDt4WAyK7QliGGv3PERCNTAza9j3jrH
> 1FAHIfDdi7y27lHjW2+jEToy+unBvKGIh3TAMUod/nnDQb+bR+qIazUYmzJozrGa
> uBBPjX23CSa8ZzUJ1t3wIJ9v2F3HN+wCV4AVgaz6ORe0WPOoo+CSHlLcmaFnUNIl
> yQrY1fbqPrMg2o2f+DF0Gr3aWbcFfpuvrcxomUFPAEroyArgM8Z1zuXa8ST+aT08
> +ORJl2qtOJ4R6Ojo6rW9ikVF7cGA8SxfUG/+O3DCBmdKlNP2bJsCymJrMdfIhhCB
> DNWogCwki/oYpsCdMAzOkUGlQOYzvPtEstTutfCvk/uhJqT54vIGyowlzdZA1QEA
> jqUVmAOfujjqzytd4TCbQJwgnP0bwQ8ZZpg6tcatQJjhxvNLD2pn9JUwu6Jg158N
> FoKq5wr1LdswObYZzFCCGgQ7ZSjkVvJqsyTr9KmOcfgSmvNu69GfNzJOzR7GHUNa
> LTuVPQWeaJ/eUJCKb5l4WpOCw1S1zHAYLouqi1VUIzrez/oRTL4wPLS6uMsNT/vr
> i9HXoG4zOx0=
> =KDNn
> ___
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Re: [Talk-de] Liste aller Kirchen in Deutschland

2015-10-08 Thread Jo
Was denkt ihr davon um auch auf wikidata zu verlinken, mittels


Ich habe einige Kirchen in Deutschland angepasst. Jetzt habe ich der
Overpass-suche (aus meinen vorherrigen Mail) mal in Belgien laufen lassen
und bin ich näher zuhause beschäftigt.

Wenn eine Kirche nur als Node eingetragen war, wandele ich den Node um in:


um die Historik zu behalten. Alle andere Tags setze ich aber auf
Gebäudenumriß. Manchmal gibt es einen Node mit Adresdaten. Die lasse ich in


2015-10-06 21:04 GMT+02:00 Jo <>:

> Ich habe diesen Overpass API query erstellt:
> [timeout:450];
> area[name="Mönchengladbach"]->.country;
> (
>   node ( ["name"~"[Kk]irche"];
>   way ( ["name"~"[Kk]irche"];
>   relation ( ["name"~"[Kk]irche"];
>   node ( ["building"="church"];
>   way ( ["building"="church"];
>   relation ( ["building"="church"];
> );
> out meta;
> >;
> out meta;
> Damit soll es möglich sein alle Kirche zu finden, auch die die noch nicht
> völlig korrekt in OSM eingetragen sind, weil auch straßen und
> bushaltestellen mit Kirche in den Namen gefunden werden.
> Ich werde vorschlagen um gleich auch wikidata tags ein zu tragen. Die
> meiste Kirchen haben auch Artikel auf Wikipedia, und wenn nicht ist es
> ziemlich einfach ein Wikidata item zu erfassen, mittels:
> LASTLde"Sankt Laurentiuskirche"
> LASTDde"Kirche in Odenkirchen"
> LASTLen"Saint Laurentius church"
> LASTDen"church in Odenkirchen, Germany"
> LASTP31Q16970# church
> LASTP17Q183  # Germany
> LASTP825Q17590# Lawrentius of Rome
> (Zwischen LAST P... und Q... sind TAB Karakter, keine Leerzeichen)
> Ziemlich mehr Arbeit, aber so wird es möglich sein um alle zurückzufinden
> die nach demselber Heiligen genennt sind.
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bus Routes

2015-10-08 Thread Jo
2015-10-08 9:39 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :

> 2015-10-08 4:12 GMT+02:00 Clifford Snow :
>> If the bus travels over the same way going two different directions, is
>> the way added twice to the relationship, which means ignoring the JOSM
>> warning message? Or is the way only entered once with just no
>> forward/backward direction?
> After adding lots of bus routes (literally hundreds) and trying the
> different options, a mapper colleague in my area told me that the best way
> would be to use distinct relations for both directions and eventually
> combine them in a third relation. He used combined relations before but now
> has converted all of them to the new scheme.
> Here's an example:
> Masterrelation to tie them together:
> If you use backward and forward roles the situation becomes rather opaque
> and much more difficult to spot errors.

True, I think we're all moving away from trying to use 1 relation to
describe all the possible variations of the routes.

The only issue I see with your route relations is that they don't have a
public_transport:version=2 (JOSM's validator will complain about that) and
that the platform nodes got the role=stop.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bus Routes

2015-10-08 Thread Jo
> Where is this master-master documented? I think some may shoot it
>> down, calling it a category. I use the operator and network tags to
>> group 'concessions', although here in Belgium they correspond to the
>> provinces.
> It is not documented.
> In the Netherlands we have at present 35 concessions for buses [1]. These
> concessions will change operators regularly (they range in duration from 10
> to 20 years, so on average every year 2 concessions will end) and a new
> operator has new ideas, new lines, etc. Also sometimes concessions get
> split or combined.
> Making a relation for each concession greatly improves maintainability.
> You only have to load one relation in JOSM to get all lines and work from
> there.
> I would be really cross if someone decides to delete those relations :P

No worries I wasn't proposing to delete them.

> I believe officially you should only add nodes with
>>> "public_transport=stop_position", but in absence of those I also add
>>> "highway=bus_stop" (or even tag those with
>>> "public_transport=stop_position" which is not entirely correct).
>> Don't  you mean public_transport=platform in that first sentence? I
>> think the official 'party line' is to add both platforms and
>> stop_positions.
> That's not how I do it. But again: I'm not saying I'm doing it 100%
> correctly.

Me neither. I only add the platform nodes (nodes beside the way) to the
route relations. Maintenance on these route relations is hard enough,
without complicating matters unnecessarily.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bus Routes

2015-10-08 Thread Jo
2015-10-08 17:37 GMT+02:00 Clifford Snow :

> Looks like I need to find a different route, something easier. What I
> picked looked easy, only 4 stops, but over 100km long.
> My plan is to do as suggested, a relationship for each direction. When
> done, I'll look at a master relation for all.
> So two questions:
> 1) When looking at the bus routes in Rome, I noticed bus_stops are group
> together in the relation, not interspersed between ways. I would have
> thought that the stops would be in spatial order with the ways.

All the stops are together, either as the first members or the last. In the
order they are served.

> 2) Is it necessary to use forward/backward if the ways are in order?

There is no need for roles on the ways. If you put all of them in order,
you'll notice JOSM draws a continuous line on the right side of the
relation editor. This is quite nice to check whether the route is still
continuous. The route relations are fragile...
If you intersperse the stops among the ways, the continuity becomes harder
to check.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Liste aller Kirchen in Deutschland

2015-10-08 Thread Jo
Auf Deutsch habt ihr angeblich noch mehr Termen dafür (als auf

Dom würde zuviele 'false positives' geben, aber die andere können
vielleicht so gefunden werden:

  node ( ["name"~"(([Kk]irche|
  way ( ["name"~"(([Kk]irche|
  relation ( ["name"~"(([Kk]irche|
  node ( ["building"~"(church|cathedral|basilica)"];
  way ( ["building"~"(church|cathedral|basilica)"];
  relation ( ["building"~"(church|cathedral|basilica)"];
out meta;
out meta;

2015-10-08 22:24 GMT+02:00 Frederik Ramm :

> Hi,
> On 10/08/2015 10:15 PM, Peter Wendorff wrote:
> > bei deiner Abfrage fallen mir spontan die Varianten ein, die ich auch zu
> > Kirchen zählen würde, die aber die Kirche nicht im Namen tragen:
> Königreichsaal ;)
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bus Routes

2015-10-07 Thread Jo

I wrote something about it here:

It's written as a reaction to how the stops are mapped in Germany. The way
I see it, the nodes next to the ways are the more important ones, so they
are the ones that get added to the route relations and they are the ones
with all the details.

It's my impression that in Germany the stop posiiton nodes (which are part
of the highways) get all the details. Or sometimes both the platforms and
the stop_positions, which I tried to avoid for simplicity (of maintenance).

Anyway, I created a MapCSS style for visualising it more clearly and
several scripts, but they are most useful if the data of the operators is

I also requested an improvement to JOSM. In expert mode, it's now possible
to sort the ways from 'this point forward'. (so leaving alone all the
members above).

There is one thing I do differently now compared to the period I recorded
those videos. All the platform nodes now go first, then the ways in the
order the bus or tram travels along them. If the bus passes the same
stretch of road twice, it will be in the route relation twice, showing up
red. This doesn't happen very often for trams, but it's a lot more frequent
for buses than one would expect.


2015-10-08 5:28 GMT+02:00 Eduardo :

> El 07/10/2015 8:12 pm, Clifford Snow escribió:
>> I'm trying to add my first bus route. I'm struggling to understand how
>> to properly add the relation. The route, like most bus routes, loops
>> back over the same ways. So my questions:
>> If the bus travels over the same way going two different directions,
>> is the way added twice to the relationship, which means ignoring the
>> JOSM warning message? Or is the way only entered once with just no
>> forward/backward direction?
> Adding the way to the relation twice, in the proper order, is what makes
> more
> sense to me. Of course, only if the bus travels over it twice in the same
> direction of travel (either outwards or returning).
> Are there any good tutorials to add bus routes?
> I cannot point to one. I had to learn it the hard way.
> Eduardo
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Liste aller Kirchen in Deutschland

2015-10-06 Thread Jo
Ich werde auch mal versuchen mich zu vergallopieren...

Ich habe diesen Overpass API query erstellt:

  node ( ["name"~"[Kk]irche"];
  way ( ["name"~"[Kk]irche"];
  relation ( ["name"~"[Kk]irche"];
  node ( ["building"="church"];
  way ( ["building"="church"];
  relation ( ["building"="church"];
out meta;
out meta;

Damit soll es möglich sein alle Kirche zu finden, auch die die noch nicht
völlig korrekt in OSM eingetragen sind, weil auch straßen und
bushaltestellen mit Kirche in den Namen gefunden werden.

Ich werde vorschlagen um gleich auch wikidata tags ein zu tragen. Die
meiste Kirchen haben auch Artikel auf Wikipedia, und wenn nicht ist es
ziemlich einfach ein Wikidata item zu erfassen, mittels:


LASTLde"Sankt Laurentiuskirche"
LASTDde"Kirche in Odenkirchen"
LASTLen"Saint Laurentius church"
LASTDen"church in Odenkirchen, Germany"
LASTP31Q16970# church
LASTP17Q183  # Germany
LASTP825Q17590# Lawrentius of Rome

(Zwischen LAST P... und Q... sind TAB Karakter, keine Leerzeichen)

Ziemlich mehr Arbeit, aber so wird es möglich sein um alle zurückzufinden
die nach demselber Heiligen genennt sind.

Polyglot (Mein Deutsch ist leider nicht so gut)

2015-10-06 19:21 GMT+02:00 Florian Lohoff :

> On Tue, Oct 06, 2015 at 02:12:23PM +0200, dktue wrote:
> > Hallo zusammen,
> >
> > ich möchte gerne alle Kirchen in Deutschland mit Hilfe der OSM-Daten
> > identifizieren. Leider ist das nicht ganz trivial, denn
> >
> > amenity=place_of_worship
> >
> > ist auch für viele Gemeindehäuser und andere Entitäten getaggt.
> >
> > Das offensichtliche
> >
> > building=church
> >
> > hingegen ist leider nur wenig verbreitet.
> >
> > Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich automatisiert möglichst viele Kirchen
> > sicher identifizieren kann?
> Ich nehme auf diese Mail bezug weil sich ja eine Wochenaufgabe
> herauskristallisiert die ich noch nicht so ganz sehe.
> Der Punkt ist das ein building=church sich auf die Gebäudeform bezieht.
> Das muss nicht zwangsmäßig ja noch ein amenity=place_of_worship haben.
> Dazu kann auch der amenity als POI auf einem Node innerhalb des Gebäudes
> liegen und das Gebäude trägt eben das building=church (Ich bin ein
> großer Freund davon POI informationen auf extra nodes abzulegen).
> D.h. ich finde hier werden tag klassen vermischt.
> Es geht um Kirchen - in ihrer Funktion oder als Gebäude?
> Ich habe in der Nachbarschaft mind. 2 Kirchen die mittlerweile
> "entweiht" und verkauft sind. Von aussen eindeutig als Kirche zu
> identifizieren jedoch einmal ein Restaurant und das andere ist ein
> Wohngebäude. Beide haben sogar noch einen Glockenturm etc ...
> Ich hätte auf den beiden auch ein building=church gesetzt ...
> D.h. wenn man das vernuenftig macht und POI und Gebäude trennt müsste
> das ein
> building=church
> amenity=place_of_worship
> place_of_worship=church
> sein ... Damit kann man das auch "self-contained" trennen. D.h.
> ein Gebäude mit building=church und innerhalb einen node
> der eben den amenity trägt.
> Oder vergallopier ich mich da gerade?
> Flo
> --
> Florian Lohoff
>  We need to self-defense - GnuPG/PGP enable your email today!
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
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> CaNq89/qYS1GlRqQFrAc+NMZSj2NRxVhJ25j/ADunhp04+Y++Xiim/ibqvyx8QsY
> UW9SPzQQKrtFQu7XhN1ZDN7CnNuPQgbubhHiHx9MPTx0166kdmX4C+1kg2/B0XKR
> z764w/4p9PcsVEJ5+gXlfT+zeVHgsQw451GTEx5nKeHZgSZ+MBuzYbU7Rc2MvPbI
> ew1TiosvGbJPL1Yk6YsLiq/0emoHakGqjNZ4Z/MHVpMbrBbMDEci9ss2/Dbhuynt
> UpE8wVAxBCP8OXMlQXhprPkxb6dUvTJz4eCLSpXP1ZgblVsEB8K6OaY93w65Ookj
> OfzQJWvGPlLH82MOaTrNNrZRPEq0n9j0ZVnsTzPwG8MpZa4XxPa8i0wyJ29o4HyR
> WNilcu1jNp93NOlHfo9b+UGZUSDmha3Pl3pkvwgG4jaPYzeNfULaRzNZF0GN1+jZ
> z+lPJ5LQQ6dFnu67NyPE3Nrzl3mCT5wh+3c4TFW+dsmZGVl3aEIeYzMaA9YXlaqA
> eAFLdlV70s11Sp6RovRsGCfH/BB9OHyosKsqaQLe0qGhmxgedU2TcC3E9BfdJtLs
> 4MBJ1B+/tY0=
> =Q6iT
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
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Re: [Talk-de] Liste aller Kirchen in Deutschland

2015-10-06 Thread Jo
O, ich bin fest im Bauform-kamp. Wie wird unser Freund, der OP, sonst alle
Kirchgebäude finden können, wenn wir einmal fertig sind mit der

Polyglot, der etwas unterschätzt hatte wieviele Kirche es gibt...

2015-10-06 23:38 GMT+02:00 Michael Reichert <>:

> Hallo,
> Am 2015-10-06 um 23:07 schrieb Jo:
> > Was denkt euch von diesem Kirchegebäude?
> >
> >
> >
> > Ich habe building:use residential benutzt.
> Das ist immer die ewige Frage/Diskussion, ob building=* die Nutzung oder
> die Bauform wiederspiegelt. Entweihte Kirchen oder zum Wohnhaus
> umgebaute Scheunen sind da so ein Beispiel.
> Ich persönlich würde disused:amenity=place_of_worship taggen.
> Viele Grüße
> Michael
> --
> Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
> ausgenommen)
> I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Liste aller Kirchen in Deutschland

2015-10-06 Thread Jo
Was denkt euch von diesem Kirchegebäude?

Ich habe building:use residential benutzt.


2015-10-06 21:26 GMT+02:00 Florian Lohoff :

> On Tue, Oct 06, 2015 at 08:37:22PM +0200, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
> > Florian Lohoff wrote on 2015-10-06 19:21:
> >
> > >sein ... Damit kann man das auch "self-contained" trennen. D.h.
> > >ein Gebäude mit building=church und innerhalb einen node
> > >der eben den amenity trägt.
> > >
> > >Oder vergallopier ich mich da gerade?
> >
> > Ich glaube ja. Es gibt doch einen weitgehenden Konsens,
> > wenn ein Gebäudeeine einheitliche Funktion hat, diese auch auf
> > dem Umring zu taggen, sei das ein Hotel, ein Supermarkt oder
> > die Kirche.
> Den kenne ich so nicht.
> Auf der Ostwestfalen liste haben wir das Thema mal Diskutiert und die
> power-mapper waren alle der Meinung das von der Pflege VIEL einfacher
> ist wenn es für POIs auch wirklich separate Nodes gibt. Wenn
> ein Laden/Restaurant etc zu macht - Node löschen und gut ist. Das
> Gebäude bleibt und auch die Adresse. Ansonsten bleibt wieder
> irgendein Schrott zurück. Irgendwelche Öffnungszeiten oder random tags.
> Wenn das self-contained ist in einem Node ist der dann komplett weg
> und damit auch alle Tags die zu diesem POI gehören.
> > Wenn es sich um eine untergeordnete Funktion in dem Gebäude
> > handelt, also das Restaurant im Hotel, der Backstand im
> > Supermarkt, oder der Gebetsraum im Flughafen, plädiere ich
> > für Node.
> >
> > Unsere Kartenmaler sehen das auch so, und geben einem Gebäude
> > mit place_of_worship ein hervorgehobenes Rendering.
> Mappen für den Renderer? Ist das die Argumentation?
> Flo
> --
> Florian Lohoff
>  We need to self-defense - GnuPG/PGP enable your email today!
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> iQIVAwUBVhQgZ5DdQSDLCfIvAQosWQ//fg0bLs+Yxs0aOT+0mXLv+qXxNAPrJ65G
> ObYxM6fDnmSvhtolc78L466nWHogM3Jz8Oc0OPIADAHGkJOQt3a4fEyBged16mkp
> Y7eQSKE5fhEbIXdgVR0HjIRZWpApbZseRBLfJeqmSoYIn4uUSh++qwNa62uquyMv
> cRQA43pomj8W4H6JP/glMspcR3To3R+2cRpnqROJSuKQmN2Fn0oiETVUM9ci5ohk
> 7rWP0F1GN6vhpGDUxxvCVLdRr09c3bRL0sZXb/ksCpw2hVMdvdqpBnlx8CTb9Y2x
> LaEtzCsAI0tOQZvQZalNiJrkI2x6UDdZbOPiRT67rpPGq3QSABFtnG3I0/8UpOFY
> ohi4gLWlkZs4wuWcBzcejd07BcdN/8MEdZMcNAtX8D1uQC1UydN2UYnpa5tLjq0f
> AyV6VqGvrxoWkvvyJFxFLETK0P3UsjDmZ6BmcGeFrX9NsWjXc1D9FN6QCxHgHhal
> OoZe+A7ChC/t/QBz9VkO2zLb5E68F3uNfpvd61XbTNA7hwN+LjfzPdGrBnTrM0WJ
> M0V5iiDrhvoippfk062WGjjSl0X5EgfnJQHzXp9z/8FONGVXdamXDWNm1JcRitU+
> MlElbDD/yOinfOoefxqxJ7Da2u1iY0/+nF0yO4EbC878TwgoMv9mhzuPCeMOr8Na
> rJ3HJoNWoO8=
> =65ai
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] User dataone: "splitting into 2 way to tag restriction "

2015-10-06 Thread Jo Walsh
I'm not on irc much at the moment, sorry. In general you can ping with requests for mapper blocks, supplying context. 

This sounds like a call for a zero-hour block, which obliges the mapper to log 
in and read messages before editing.

I will have a look when i get off the phone if it's not been done

On October 5, 2015 12:36:20 PM GMT+01:00, Philip Barnes  
>Message either SomeoneElse or zool in #talk-gb.
>Phil (trigpoint)
>On Mon Oct 5 12:31:09 2015 GMT+0100, Dave F. wrote:
>> Dataone is at it again. He's not replied to my post.
>> As each edit is an individual changeset & therefore laborious to
>> I think a temporary stop should be placed on him (both?) just until 
>> their attentions are grabbed. Is there anyone on this forum able to
>> or should I post in the talk forum?
>> Dave F.
>> On 05/10/2015 11:21, Tom Hukins wrote:
>> > On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 10:19:47AM +0100, David Fisher wrote:
>> >> Just had the same thing happen near me (Croydon) but by a
>> >> user (Zain Ahmad Hashmi, e.g.
>> >>
>> > I've left a comment on this changeset.  Hopefully this will help us
>> > understand what's going on.
>> >
>> > Tom
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Talk-GB mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ---
>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>> ___
>> Talk-GB mailing list
>Sent from my Jolla
>Talk-GB mailing list

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] User dataone: "splitting into 2 way to tag restriction "

2015-10-06 Thread Jo Walsh
Ah, I'm some way behind the times ;)

On October 6, 2015 12:40:48 PM GMT+01:00, Frederik Ramm  
>On 10/05/2015 05:21 PM, Andy Townsend wrote:
>> I'm away for a few days dodging raindrops in Wales so won't be able
>to deal with it directly
>Blocked both
>with a polite request for explanation.
>Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09"
>Talk-GB mailing list

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] trage wegen in Gent

2015-09-24 Thread Jo
Toen ze dat hier een paar jaar terug in Bierbeek kwamen doen, ben ik ook
naar die bijeenkomsten geweest om Openstreetmap bekendheid te geven.
Initieel leken ze wel geïnteresseerd, maar in huis gebruiken ze al een GIS,
dat ze waarschijnlijk aan hun noden hebben aangepast.

Ze wilden o.a. informatie toevoegen die (toen alleszins) niet paste in het
kader van Openstreetmap. Verder is het waarschijnlijk ook een probleem dat
ze niet de volledige controle hebben.

Dat gezegd zijnde, lijkt het me toch interessant dat iemand zou gaan kijken
hoe het vandaag de dag in zijn werk gaat. Misschien zijn er toch
opportuniteiten om samen te werken.


Op 24 september 2015 12:10 schreef Bart Vanherck <>:

> Niet enkel in Gent is men hiermee begonnen, ook in Geel. Ik ga ook mijn
> oor eens te luisteren leggen hoe men dat gaat doen. Het is ook zo een
> opportuniteit voor openstreetmap omdat niet alle trage wegen al gemapped
> zijn.
> Bij ons zoeken ze vrijwilligers ( zie
> ) Dus waarschijnlijk gaat een
> samenwerking zeker wel kunnen. Maar hoe zien jullie dat? Maw wat kan ik de
> mensen vertellen / vragen?
> mvg,
> Bart
> Op 24 september 2015 09:13 schreef Oliver May <>:
> Ik smijt het even op twitter naar de gentse data man :)
>> Op 24 september 2015 08:24 schreef joost schouppe <
>>> Gentenaars,
>>> De stad Gent is van plan met hulp van het publiek alle trage wegen in
>>> het Gentse in kaart te brengen. Ik zou dat persoonlijk gewoon met een
>>> Overpass Turbo query doen :)
>>> Maar even serieus:  heeft iemand aal contact opgenomen met hen om te
>>> vragen hoe ze dat gaan doen; en of het misschien gene optie zou zijn om dat
>>> in samenwerking met ons te doen?
>>> --
>>> Joost @
>>> Openstreetmap <> |
>>> Twitter <> | LinkedIn
>>> <> | Meetup
>>> <> | Reddit
>>> <> | Wordpress
>>> <>
>>> ___
>>> Talk-be mailing list
>> --
>> Oliver May
>> *DFC Software Engineering *
>> Brugsesteenweg 587
>> 9030 Gent
>> T: +32 (0)484 97 77 70
>> F: +32 (0)9 236 54 12
>> W: http:// <http://goog_1066188553>
>> Skype: skype://dfc.olivermay
>> Twitter: olivermay_be
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Mapping R/C model airfields

2015-09-17 Thread Jo
Dank jullie,

Nu heb ik eindelijk die van 'The Flying Moths' in Lubbeek kunnen toevoegen.
Die was blijkbaar de vorige keer van de kar gevallen.

Qua rendering zou 'k niet te hoog gespannen verwachtingen koesteren. Deze
is waarschijnlijk enkel zichtbaar omdat ik 'm 'n extra landuse=grass tag
heb meegegeven.


2015-09-17 19:07 GMT+02:00 Karel Adams <>:

> Dat is al heel wat bruikbaarder, dankjewel.
> Ik heb de gewraakte locatie aangepast; nu maar afwachten of dat zo
> aanvaard wordt - en toch ook een beetje benieuwd wat de renderer(s) er gaan
> van maken...
> Karel
> On 17-09-15 16:47, Jakka wrote:
>> Mischien dit:
>> Zoveel maal gebruikt
>> Karel Adams schreef op 17/09/2015 om 18:37:
>>> Hm, dankjewel, Jo en Marc, maar daar kan ik niet zoveel mee hoor...
>>> Kan het iets concreter?
>>> KA
>>> On 17-09-15 16:01, Jo wrote:
>>>> I think it should go somewhere under leisure...
>>>> 2015-09-17 17:26 GMT+02:00 Marc Gemis
>>>> <
>>>> <>>:
>>>> I remember that Jo (Polyglot) asked the same question on the
>>>> tagging mailing list awhile. Unfortunately I cannot find it back.
>>>> regards
>>>> m
>>>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 8:27 AM, Karel Adams
>>>> <<>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Cfr. way 299082555 at coordinates 49,72266 N / 6,17150 E
>>>> This is apparently a terrain for radio controlled airplanes,
>>>> yet is tagged as "aeroway=aerodrome".
>>>> I am finding this confusing, to say the least. Is there a
>>>> canonical way to map such places? There are quite a few of
>>>> them, I should think at least a hundred in Belgium and of
>>>> course many more abroad.
>>>> Karel
>> ___
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> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk] THIS is the kind of enthusiasm some would reject

2015-09-12 Thread Jo
> (I've been trying not to comment too much, but I'm in the camp that
> deletionism is harmful to the community - it upsets people far more than
> it helps, even when correct, and especially when not correct.)
> I also tried not to comment, but I'm in that same camp. There is really no
harm in having abandoned and even raised railways, unless buildings are
constructed over them.

It's unlikely I would draw them myself, but I don't think it's all right to
delete Russ's hard work. It's obvious he and some others have a use for it.
The tags for marking them have been established for a long time now.
Relegating them to OHM sounds like a bad joke. Totally impractical.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] For Jo

2015-09-12 Thread Jo
Oh no! Now I feel compelled to follow in his footsteps, but I don't have a
motorcycle. It's going to take me 30 years to visit them all...

I could buy the book, of course, but then it would be impossible to
contribute them to OSM.

спасибо. Андре

2015-09-12 18:39 GMT+02:00 André Pirard <>:

> For Jo
> <>
> .
> André.
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Voordracht Mapillary

2015-09-04 Thread Jo
Hallo Philippe,

Ik wil wel 'morele ondersteuning' komen geven :-)

23:07 vertrekt de laatste trein naar Leuven in Mechelen. Haal 'k die nog?


Op 4 september 2015 10:38 schreef Philippe Casteleyn <>:

> Maandagavond 7 september 20:00 uur  geef ik een voordracht voor de
> computerclub te Tisselt.
> Dat betekent dat ik mijn montagesystemen toon en voor de rest het publiek
> volg.
> Autolozen kunnen met mij mee vanaf Mechelen station.
> Mensen die mij kunnen aanvullen zijn ook welkom.
> Ph Casteleyn
> Dahliastraat 16
> 2800 Mechelen
> animals.slippers.loaders
> gsm 0486 516261
> Ctrl+v
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk] Innovative uses of OSM data in cities?

2015-08-29 Thread Jo Walsh
dear all,

Next week I'm giving a talk about OSM and the work of the DWG to a group
of mostly academics who are interested in Smart Cities and being fairly
critical about Urban Big Data.

I wanted to show a few examples of innovative uses of the data, or
things that can only have come about because so much of the base map is
there. and the related 3D work would be one example. Another
is some of Alasdair Rae's work visualising urban footprints:
And for something different, the OSM based clothing from

But I am interested in other examples of novel uses of OSM data, any
suggestions from the list would be welcome.

  Jo Walsh

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Relaties aanpassen

2015-08-26 Thread Jo
Hallo Tom,

Ofwel doen we eens een hangout. (Ik heb nog iemand in Friesland die ook
interesse heeft, al gaat het bij hem om een lange lus en ik vermoed bij jou
om de fietsknooppunten). Ofwel wil ik wel eens afspreken in Leuven voor een
mini OSM meeting.

Het principe is grotendeels hetzelfde wat betreft roles als de route
splitst en dus verschilt voor heen/terug.

Aan hem moet ik ook nog uitleggen hoe wegen gesplitst moeten worden... We
zijn tijdens onze eerste hangout niet ver geraakt, omdat JOSM de voorkeur
gaf aan IP v6, maar die was slecht geconfigureerd en dat liep dus in het


Op 26 augustus 2015 22:02 schreef Tom Lauwereins


 Ik zou enkele relaties moeten aanpassen (wijzigingen in
 fietsknoopuntennetwerk en fietsroutes)
 Kan iemand me zeggen wat de makelijkste manier is om dit te doen. Waar
 vind ik ergens een handleiding. Ik heb een beetje schrik dat ik de hele
 relatie kapot ga maken.

 Ik werk nu met Potlatsh2, maar misschien gaat dit makkelijker met een
 andere editor.


 Tom Lauwereins (aka Tom Pouce)

 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-25 Thread Jo
For what it's worth, I'm in favour of tagging dismantled railways as


Even if it does pass through newly built buildings.


2015-08-25 9:52 GMT+02:00 Paul Johnson

 On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 6:09 PM, moltonel 3x Combo

 On 22/08/2015, John Eldredge wrote:
  So, if you are looking for a route without steep grades, a former
  railway is a natural choice.

 Do people actually do this ?

 Yes, I do.

 It sounds like a strawman argument to me.
 I do a fair bit of walking and cycling, and when planing a trip I look
 at the global topographic data but it never occured to me to look for
 railroads. Why use the local railroad hint when you've got the global
 DEM data ?

 DEM is great for showing large differences in elevation, but it tends to
 suffer a bit when it comes to subtle cues.  Compare , , , and to the roughly parallel highway
 OK 11.  These segments are likely (but not yet formally proposed) to be an
 extension of the Osage Prairie Trail, closing the gap from metro Tulsa to
 the capitol of the Osage Nation and a yet to be determined distance farther
 north along the former railroad.  That grade, just from standard railroad
 engineering practices, is unlikely to be steeper than 2% for any
 significant distance and extremely unlikely to be steeper than 4%.  OK 11,
 however, is a rollercoaster of a highway with many steep grades, some of
 which are easily past 8%.  The DEM really glosses over this thanks to Tulsa
 and Pawhuska only being about 100 feet difference in elevation.  The
 intervening terrain is pocked with rolling hills and cliffs formed from
 erosion, with the highest point on the highway being about 1000 feet.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] SOTM 2016 and meetings

2015-08-23 Thread Jo
Hi Nicolas and Christian,

It's an endeavour that shouldn't be underestimated, but it will be an
interesting one!

I will certainly try to be present. Preferably on a Saturday. Evenings
could work too, but not for people coming from further away.

I guess one of the things we'll need is a dedicated mailing list, but I
guess that has already been thought of.

There might be people from The Netherlands and Germany who would like to
lend a hand with the organisation. So we should let them know on their
mailing lists as well. (Not so much about this initial meeting, but



2015-08-23 23:02 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Pettiaux

 Dear OSM-be community,

 We have engaged in the organization of organization of the 2016 edition of
 SOTM. So far, a smaller group of people around Ben, have lead the way to
 transform into reality a possible crazy but interesting idea that I have
 shared with you.

 SOTM 2016 will be organized in the second half of 2016 in Brussels, and
 even it it is about one year ahead of us, this year will pass by very

 SOTM 2016 could, following Christian Quest of OSM-Fr (in cc), whom I have
 met recently, gather 1000 people. THis is not a small number of people. THe
 resulting event would not be a small one.
 OSM-Fr people have decided NOT to propose to organize SOTM 2016, but work
 with us (the Belgians) to propose a beautiful and very interesting SOTM

 I think it could interesting to open the discussion to more members of the
 community as well as to
 these French friends, and organize regular events to 1/ see and get to
 know each other
 in real life to be better prepared to share the workload, 2/ setup a large
 enough team to support the workload. We could consider monthly meetings
 supporting online effective collaboration.

 I therefore propose herewith, if not yet proposed otherwise and compatible
 with Bens views and the SOTM expectations, to organize at ESI in September
 the first of such event to organize SOTM 2016 in Brussels.

 What do you think ?

 ESI is well located centrally, close to Central station, if has the
 infrastructure (as it is a computing school), and I can most probably
 obtain the room for free.

 Hope to read you on this proposal.

 Best regards,


 Nicolas Pettiaux, phd  -
 Open@work - Une Société libre utilise des outils libres

 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The Proposed Great Colour Shift

2015-08-20 Thread Jo
I must admit I never really liked the scheme where motorways get the colour
of water... I also grew up with orange/yellow motorways on the map.

But I (try to) complain as little as possible. So I'm glad people are
trying to come up with a 'more international' way of rendering the map. If
that's even possible.

On the other hand, I don't like that the difference between tertiary and
unclassified/residential disappears almost completely.

I don't have the time and energy to set up a rendering chain, so maybe I
better shut up...


2015-08-20 11:59 GMT+02:00 Paweł Paprota

 What you are proposing is basically design by committee
 ( which is rampant
 everywhere in OSM and kills innovation. Everyone wants to pile on their
 own cause - be it privacy (see the latest pull request on Github
 regarding Gravatar for another viable contender for the Waste of Time
 prize) or some weird anarchy/freedom/whatever world views.

 At the same time there's a guy (Mateusz) who took on the task of making
 the default style not suck - so what do people here do? Of course, let's
 discuss this to death until everyone agrees. But then you may find that
 no one wants to work with you on this anymore.

 In Poland we have this often-used saying with regards to the political
 or social situation (yeah, we Poles like to complain a lot!) - it sucks
 but at least it's stable!


 On Thu, Aug 20, 2015, at 11:39, Colin Smale wrote:

  That discussion is only a waste of time because people hope that a
 consensus will magically appear. The subject of the discussion is
 absolutely something which deserves air-time. I am not talking about the
 specific case of abandoned railways, but about who has the right to decide
 what data has no place in OSM and order its deletion.

  What was that famous line in Animal Farm again?


  On 2015-08-20 10:53, Paweł Paprota wrote:

  I'm taking bets on whether this thread will have more replies than the
   abandoned railroads (100+ and still going strong!) and win the prize
   for the Biggest Waste of Time in OSM for 2015.
   On Thu, Aug 20, 2015, at 03:16, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:
  For those that did not check on Mateusz Konieczny diary entries[1[]],
   postings to this mailing list and github discussions then the Proposed
   Great Colour Shift might come as a surprise if it is implemented.
   According to the github discussion there is an overwhelming
   [2] on moving from current rainbow colour scheme for roads to a
   red-yellow only scheme. I am unsure of where this overwhelming
   formed because I never saw it on this mailing list nor on talk-dev nor
   on announcements, I admit to be an infrequent IRC user but I didn't
   this overwhelming consensus there and so far no one has been able to
   tell me where it formed or where I can find it.
   The design goal seems straight forward, to discontinue green and blue
   for roads and move to red and reddish. For this to happen the decision
   was made to shift current primary, secondary and tertiary colours
   upwards so primary is now the colour of secondary and secondary the
   colour of tertiary. Leaving tertiary white.
   Tertiary instead gets to be wider than residential and unclassified
   roads, but to be able to spot that you need to have it next to them to
   see which is the wider one.
   This one simple change of bleaching tertiary however is something I
   to be a great hindrance to mapping efforts, particularly in rural
   where the roads are isolated and panning over the map, wether in iD or
   using default tiles. Currently it is easy to spot tertiary roads
   through valleys and over vast desert plains, they are yellow and the
   tertiary roads are white. Tertiary is significant there as it denotes
   the roads between the villages and towns that are often unpaved but
   still the most important, even the only, road. Lesser white colours
   imply the roads not being between larger settlements although they
   lead to hamlets. The guidelines for mapping in Africa state thus.
   Removing the colour from tertiary makes all mapping that much harder
   verify and quality check. Currently it is easy to see if a tertiary
   is broken with a white unclassified bridge, not so in the proposed
   Colour Shift.
   Mateusz has been forthcoming with all changes and done sterling work
   displaying different areas and how they will look. But he acknowledges
   that this change is not beneficial everywhere on the map and now has a
   Among potential problems are that it is now harder to recognise road
   type of given road, especially in situation where there is no
   possibility to compare it with other road types.
   Such significant 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Localisation photo, et corrélation gpx

2015-08-18 Thread Jo
Le plugin de Mapillary est capable d'aider à améliorer les positions et les
directions boussole. Malheureusement c'est à la main et ça devient
fastidieux si c'est pour des milliers de photos. Il est également capable
d'envoyer les photos vers le serveur directement, dès à présent.

(je teste la version développement, je ne suis pas complètement sûr quelles
sont les possibilités de la version qui vient automatiquement avec JOSM)


2015-08-18 12:21 GMT+02:00 Stéphane Péneau

 Le 18/08/2015 11:18, Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit :

 Le mardi 18 août 2015 10:31:00 Stéphane Péneau a écrit :

 Hello tout le monde,

 Pendant les vacances, j'ai commencé à tester une petite action cam type
 Gopro, la Xiaomi Yi, qui se vend dans les 70€.
 Je l'ai surtout utilisée en mode time lapse pour prendre des photos en

 Ok, et ça donne quoi comme qualité ?

 C'est pas mal du tout, l'optique est de qualité, mais le software pêche un
 peu pour le moment.
 Le firmware évolue régulièrement, et une communauté commence à la
 bidouiller dans tous les sens.
 Je reviendrai plus en détail sur ces points forts/faibles un peu plus tard.

 Je l'ai fixée via un système Ram-mount que j'avais déjà, j'ai juste ajouté
 l'adaptateur qui va bien (filetage type appareil photo).
 Là je pars l'essayer à vélo, montée sur un système d'amortisseur à câble
 prévu à l'origine pour mon smartphone, pour diminuer les vibrations.

 Ça me paraît franchement hasardeux :-/
 Tu penses considérer que tu avais une vitesse constante entre le départ et
 l'arrivée et utilisée la route empruntée comme support ?
 Remarque, ça se tente :-)
 Tu peux peut-être faire un gpx avec l'itinéraire emprunté et ensuite
 avec un script l'horodatage par incrément dans le gpx …

 Non, bien sûr que ce n'est pas une vitesse stable, ce serait trop facile
 Disons que si je pouvais déjà les fixer sur un trajet, puis les faire
 glisser dessus, je pense que je pourrais m'en sortir, mais je ne sais pas
 du tout si ce genre d'outil existe.


 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-latam] Script mensajes automáticos

2015-08-09 Thread Jo
Hola Luis,

He mandado el link github a M!dgard. Puedes agregar tu nombre abajo de esa


2015-08-09 8:49 GMT+02:00 Lomejordejr R

 Bueno comparto el script en python que realice espero sea de utilidad, más

 Por otra parte me gustaría colaborar en su proyecto.


 El 5 de agosto de 2015, 23:50, joost schouppe

 Unos héroes de la comunidad Belga están haciendo una herramienta más
 completo en base de este concepto.

 Y les he sugerido también estudiar el trabajo de naoliv a propósito :

 Estamos dudando todavía hacer un proyecto que se copia si otros países
 están interesados, o hacerlo como proyecto global,  dentro del cual
 usuarios podrían eligir una zona (o pais) a seguir. Si tienen opinión o si
 quieren aportar,  estarían recontra bienvenidos.

 Op 6-aug.-2015 05:37 schreef Marco Antonio

 2015-08-05 23:15 GMT-04:00 Lomejordejr R
  El uso de herramientas que permitan
  automatizar el envío de mensajes usando como medio openstreetmap (web es ilegal o va en contra de las normas de la web de

 No. Mientras no se abuse con peticiones al servidor todo está permitido.

 Si sirve de algo, Joost creó una receta IFTTT que registra en un
 documento grilla google al contribuidor nuevo de un área.


 Marco Antonio

 talk-latam mailing list

 talk-latam mailing list

 talk-latam mailing list

talk-latam mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] No veo el pluggin Mapillary instalado en JOSM

2015-08-09 Thread Jo
Hola Jose Luis,

Puedes hacer fotos de la estatua y sus detalles también? Los GPS no son
perfectamente correctos, caminando siempre veras que 'salta' así. Los
servidores de Mapillary intentarán de posicionar mejor tus fotos basado en
el contenido (y el 'overlap'). Sobre todo entre edificios (altos), por
causa de reflexiones del señal radio viniendo de los satélites.

Las fotos están disponibles en los servidores de Mapillary, no solo en
JOSM. La intención es de crear una vista 'virtual' del mundo. Con
suficiente fotos pienso que vendrán con una vista 3D a un momento dado.


2015-08-08 13:54 GMT+02:00

 Gracias por la tu explicación tan clara, he seguido tus indicaciones y
 todo ha funcionado perfectamente.
 Veo las fotos en una ventana a la derecha, y el logotipo de Mapillary en
 color azul y rojo (la foto que se muestra corresponde a este último)
 Mi pregunta es si esto es solo para ayudar a aclararse a alguien que esta
 haciendo modificaciones por la zona con JOSM o si también se pueden subir
 estas fotos a openstreetmap para que cualquier usuario las pueda ver (sin
 que tenga que tener JOSM instalado en su PC)
 Jose Luis

 Emilio Gómez Fernández escribió:

 Una vez tengas instalado el plugin en JOSM desde el menú Editar -
 Preferencias - Complementos:

- Descargas una zona del mapa donde sepas que hay imágenes
de Mapillary.
- Menú Ventana - Mapillary picture, para que aparezca el panel lateral
donde se mostrarán las fotografías.
- Menú Imágenes - Mapillary, para descargar los dados de la zona.
- Aparecerán unas flechas verdes en el mapa. Pulsando sobre ellas se

muestran las imágenes.


 Emilio Gómez

 El 8 de agosto de 2015, 13:00, escribió:

 Pues no lo entiendo, a mi no me sale nada de lo que dices. Le doy a
 Ctrl- y ni se entera.
 He descargado el plugin normal, he mirado en la ruta que indicabas y si
 que aparece mapillary.jar
 Por otro lado, he hecho una prueba debajo de mi casa, sacando una
 secuencia por un callejón. He subido las fotos a mapillary y ya se ve la
 ruta en azul, aunque las fotos todavía no se ven (imagino que tardará un
 Si se te ocurre algo que pueda hacer para que se actualizen los cambios
 JOSM, por favor dimelo.

 Jo escribió:

 Hola Jose,

 Lo has instalado como plugin 'normal' o has descargado la versión de
 desarollo? En el primer caso, tendrías que ver varios cambios. Hay 3
 suplementarios al lado izquierda, 5 entradas en el menu file, 1 en more
 tools y la más importante bajo imagery, accesible con Ctrl-;

 Si has bajado la versión de desarollo, tienes que ponerlo donde están
 demás plugin. En mi caso:


 En Linux:

 /home/.../JOSM/plugins/Mapillary.jar o algo así

 Para facilitar hacer tests con la última versión he creado el script

 cd C:\Users\jo\AppData\Roaming\JOSM\Plugins
 del Mapillary.jar
 C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe --no-check-certificate;

 cd C:\Data\OSM\

 C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe -N;

 C:\data\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe -Xmx1250M -classpath



 necesita wget.exe de los GnuWin Tools. Si usas Linux, no tendría que ser
 muy dificil de adaptar el script.



 2015-08-08 11:12 GMT+02:00

 Hola Jorge,

 Siguiendo tus recomendaciones he instalado el plugging de Mapillary en
 JOSM, aparentemente todo ha ido bien, pero yo no veo ningún cambio ni
 nuevo que haga referencia a Mapillary.

 También me he descargado la app de Mapillary para el móvil, y tengo
 intención de hacer una prueba sacando fotos en bici, por un camino
 y subirlas a Mapillary y luego ver si me aclaro para que se puedan ver
 desde Openstreetmap.

 Es normal que no vea cambios en JOSM después de actualizar el pluggin?
 ha faltado algo por hacer?

 Si me das alguna pista sobre como empezar a trabajar con este pluggin
 lo agradeceria.

 Jose Luis

 Talk-es mailing list

 Talk-es mailing list

 Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing

Re: [Talk-es] No veo el pluggin Mapillary instalado en JOSM

2015-08-09 Thread Jo
Es posible mostrar las fotos más grandes también. No tienen que quedarse al
lado derecho abajo. Puedes convertir a un modo de ventana independente con
el botón que parece 'push pin'.

perdona mi pobre castellano...


2015-08-09 8:22 GMT+02:00 Jo

 Hola Jose Luis,

 Puedes hacer fotos de la estatua y sus detalles también? Los GPS no son
 perfectamente correctos, caminando siempre veras que 'salta' así. Los
 servidores de Mapillary intentarán de posicionar mejor tus fotos basado en
 el contenido (y el 'overlap'). Sobre todo entre edificios (altos), por
 causa de reflexiones del señal radio viniendo de los satélites.

 Las fotos están disponibles en los servidores de Mapillary, no solo en
 JOSM. La intención es de crear una vista 'virtual' del mundo. Con
 suficiente fotos pienso que vendrán con una vista 3D a un momento dado.


 2015-08-08 13:54 GMT+02:00

 Gracias por la tu explicación tan clara, he seguido tus indicaciones y
 todo ha funcionado perfectamente.
 Veo las fotos en una ventana a la derecha, y el logotipo de Mapillary en
 color azul y rojo (la foto que se muestra corresponde a este último)
 Mi pregunta es si esto es solo para ayudar a aclararse a alguien que esta
 haciendo modificaciones por la zona con JOSM o si también se pueden subir
 estas fotos a openstreetmap para que cualquier usuario las pueda ver (sin
 que tenga que tener JOSM instalado en su PC)
 Jose Luis

 Emilio Gómez Fernández escribió:

 Una vez tengas instalado el plugin en JOSM desde el menú Editar -
 Preferencias - Complementos:

- Descargas una zona del mapa donde sepas que hay imágenes
de Mapillary.
- Menú Ventana - Mapillary picture, para que aparezca el panel
donde se mostrarán las fotografías.
- Menú Imágenes - Mapillary, para descargar los dados de la zona.
- Aparecerán unas flechas verdes en el mapa. Pulsando sobre ellas se

muestran las imágenes.


 Emilio Gómez

 El 8 de agosto de 2015, 13:00, escribió:

 Pues no lo entiendo, a mi no me sale nada de lo que dices. Le doy a
 Ctrl- y ni se entera.
 He descargado el plugin normal, he mirado en la ruta que indicabas y si
 que aparece mapillary.jar
 Por otro lado, he hecho una prueba debajo de mi casa, sacando una
 secuencia por un callejón. He subido las fotos a mapillary y ya se ve la
 ruta en azul, aunque las fotos todavía no se ven (imagino que tardará un
 Si se te ocurre algo que pueda hacer para que se actualizen los cambios
 JOSM, por favor dimelo.

 Jo escribió:

 Hola Jose,

 Lo has instalado como plugin 'normal' o has descargado la versión de
 desarollo? En el primer caso, tendrías que ver varios cambios. Hay 3
 suplementarios al lado izquierda, 5 entradas en el menu file, 1 en more
 tools y la más importante bajo imagery, accesible con Ctrl-;

 Si has bajado la versión de desarollo, tienes que ponerlo donde están
 demás plugin. En mi caso:


 En Linux:

 /home/.../JOSM/plugins/Mapillary.jar o algo así

 Para facilitar hacer tests con la última versión he creado el script

 cd C:\Users\jo\AppData\Roaming\JOSM\Plugins
 del Mapillary.jar
 C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe --no-check-certificate

 cd C:\Data\OSM\

 C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe -N;

 C:\data\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe -Xmx1250M -classpath



 necesita wget.exe de los GnuWin Tools. Si usas Linux, no tendría que
 muy dificil de adaptar el script.



 2015-08-08 11:12 GMT+02:00

 Hola Jorge,

 Siguiendo tus recomendaciones he instalado el plugging de Mapillary
 en mi
 JOSM, aparentemente todo ha ido bien, pero yo no veo ningún cambio ni
 nuevo que haga referencia a Mapillary.

 También me he descargado la app de Mapillary para el móvil, y tengo
 intención de hacer una prueba sacando fotos en bici, por un camino
 y subirlas a Mapillary y luego ver si me aclaro para que se puedan ver
 desde Openstreetmap.

 Es normal que no vea cambios en JOSM después de actualizar el
 pluggin? Me
 ha faltado algo por hacer?

 Si me das alguna pista sobre como empezar a trabajar con este pluggin
 lo agradeceria.

 Jose Luis

 Talk-es mailing list

 Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] No veo el pluggin Mapillary instalado en JOSM

2015-08-08 Thread Jo
Hola Jose,

Lo has instalado como plugin 'normal' o has descargado la versión de
desarollo? En el primer caso, tendrías que ver varios cambios. Hay 3 íconos
suplementarios al lado izquierda, 5 entradas en el menu file, 1 en more
tools y la más importante bajo imagery, accesible con Ctrl-;

Si has bajado la versión de desarollo, tienes que ponerlo donde están los
demás plugin. En mi caso:


En Linux:

/home/.../JOSM/plugins/Mapillary.jar o algo así

Para facilitar hacer tests con la última versión he creado el script

cd C:\Users\jo\AppData\Roaming\JOSM\Plugins
del Mapillary.jar
C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe --no-check-certificate;

cd C:\Data\OSM\

C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe -N;

C:\data\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe -Xmx1250M -classpath


necesita wget.exe de los GnuWin Tools. Si usas Linux, no tendría que ser
muy dificil de adaptar el script.



2015-08-08 11:12 GMT+02:00

 Hola Jorge,

 Siguiendo tus recomendaciones he instalado el plugging de Mapillary en mi
 JOSM, aparentemente todo ha ido bien, pero yo no veo ningún cambio ni nada
 nuevo que haga referencia a Mapillary.

 También me he descargado la app de Mapillary para el móvil, y tengo
 intención de hacer una prueba sacando fotos en bici, por un camino peatonal
 y subirlas a Mapillary y luego ver si me aclaro para que se puedan ver
 desde Openstreetmap.

 Es normal que no vea cambios en JOSM después de actualizar el pluggin? Me
 ha faltado algo por hacer?

 Si me das alguna pista sobre como empezar a trabajar con este pluggin te
 lo agradeceria.

 Jose Luis

 Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Importar datos en openstreet map desde un archivo csv

2015-08-06 Thread Jo
Mapillary es una empresa. Empresas necesitan ganar dinero. Hay todo tipo de
empresa y Mapillary ha elegido de colaborar con la comunidad. Todas las
fotos públicas están disponibles para mejorar Openstreetmap.

Al mismo tiempo ellos pagan para tener servidores, capacidad internet, y
puedes creerme, procesar las fotos, subir/bajar el gasto tiene que ser
enorme. Sobre eso, tienen que procesar manualmente todas las fotos que
marcamos necesitando borrar o (un)'blur'.

Están desarollando algoritmos para hacer detección de los señales. Lo que
encuentra el algoritmo está de libre acceso también y otra vez podemos
mejorar OSM con ello.

Ahora están trabajando en reconocer objetos fisicos. La base que producen
sera abierto también y podremos referir a ello desde Openstreetmap. Por
ejemplo un señal que ocurre en varias fotos. Harán un tipo de triangulación
para determinar su posición geografica. Por nuestro lado podremos hacer lo
mismo y poner un tag puntando a su base. Desde ahí sera posible de ubicar
las nuevas fotos de manera más precisa. Todas esas calculaciónes sobre
miliones de fotos significa un gasto significante.

Bueno, si les das tús fotos, no serán perdidas. Anteriormente he tomado
muchas fotos de mapear que están en mi disco duro. No sirven a nadia ya.
Entonces cuando me he enterado (de un Peruano) de que es Mapillary y lo que
hacen estaba muy contento de poder subir mis fotos, ayudar a ellos, pero
sobre todo ayudar al proyecto Openstreetmap.

Estoy muy ocupado con el transporte público en Belgica. Tenemos los datos
de donde están ubicados los paraderos. Pero de vez en cuando no tiene
sentido. En ese caso dejo un note, pidiendo fotos. Ya hay 2-3 occurencias
donde eso me ha permitido de posicionar los paraderos de mejor manera.
Entonces si puede funcionar, pero puede ser que solo en 10-15% de los casos.


2015-08-06 21:10 GMT+02:00 Rafael Avila Coya


 Como ya dijo Jo, no se puede usar Google Maps ni Google Street View para
 recabar ningún tipo de datos para OSM.

 Por otro lado, lo que sí es lícito es que, tomando esos datos no
 compatibles de esas webs puedas comprobar que los sitios de caravanas
 están bien geolocalizados. Pero eso sí, tienes que estar seguro, por
 ejemplo, viendo claramente en la foto aérea de Bing ó PNOA que hay
 caravanas en el sitio. En este caso no estarías importando, sino
 simplemente mapeando. Lo que sí no puedes añadir son datos que recabas
 de esas bases de datos, como pueda ser nombre del sitio, capacidad
 (número de caravanas que pueden entrar), etc.

 Como ves, todo se reduce a no usar ninguna fuente de datos (incluídas
 fotos, aéreas ó no) de las que no tengamos permiso para usarlas, sea de
 forma explícita o através de una licencia compatible con la ODbL de
 OpenStreetMap. Ya sé que es chungo todo esto, pero es lo que hay. Lo
 mismo pasa con la wikipedia, por ejemplo.

 Un saludo,


 On 06/08/15 10:25, Jose Luis wrote:
  Gracias por la respuesta.
  No recuerdo exactamente de que web me descargué el fichero, pero como
  hay tantos circulando te mando el enlace de una web muy modesta, por lo
  que me imagino que no tendran inconveniente en dar permiso para usarlo,
  lo que no se es si el archivo lo han creado ellos o simplemente lo han
  colocado en su web para descargarlo. (Todo esto me parece muy dificil de
  Lo que si te puedo decir es que he comprobado personalmente cinco areas
  de caravanas de mi localidad y las coordenadas coinciden perfectamente
  con las areas que indican, lo que de entrada me da bastante confianza en
  el archivo. Eso si lo dividiria en trozos mas pequeños y lo cargaria en
  JOSM superponiendo la imagen de Bing para comprobar que las areas que no
  tengo posibilidad de ver personalmente estan bien posicionadas. Otra
  cosa que tambien suelo hacer es comprobar con google map y el street
  view, si se ven autocaravanas no hay duda de que el punto es correcto.
  Espero vuestros comentarios.
  Jose Luis
  Tanto este mensaje como todos los posibles documentos adjuntos al mismo
  confidenciales y están  dirigidos exclusivamente a los
  destinatarios de los mismos. Por favor, si Ud no es uno de dichos
  destinatarios, notifíquenos este hecho y elimine el mensaje de su
  Queda prohibida la copia, difusión o revelación de su contenido a
  sin el previo consentimiento por escrito de Crisfer Musical, S.L.
  En caso contrario, vulnerará la legislación vigente.
  - Original Message - From: Rafael Avila Coya
  Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 11:54 PM
  Subject: Re: [Talk-es] Importar datos en openstreet map desde un archivo
  Hola, José Luis:
  Dar una respuesta sobre el Copyright necesitaría páginas. Pero

Re: [Talk-es] Importar datos en openstreet map desde un archivo csv

2015-08-06 Thread Jo
más malas noticias: usar Google Maps, Streetview o su vista aeria no está
permitido tampoco. Puedes dejar Notes para pedir a otros contributores de
hacer fotos y subirlas a Mapillary.


2015-08-06 11:21 GMT+02:00 Jose Luis

 Pues nada, seguiremos buscando...
 Gracias por la respuesta.
 Jose Luis

 Tanto este mensaje como todos los posibles documentos adjuntos al mismo
 confidenciales y están  dirigidos exclusivamente a los
 destinatarios de los mismos. Por favor, si Ud no es uno de dichos
 destinatarios, notifíquenos este hecho y elimine el mensaje de su sistema.
 Queda prohibida la copia, difusión o revelación de su contenido a terceros
 sin el previo consentimiento por escrito de Crisfer Musical, S.L.
 En caso contrario, vulnerará la legislación vigente.

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Jorge Juan
 *To:* OpenStreetMap
 *Sent:* Thursday, August 06, 2015 11:00 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [Talk-es] Importar datos en openstreet map desde un
 archivo csv


 Las condiciones de tido-poi son incompatibles con OSM. En particular
 porque las condiciones no están claras ni son detalladas y porque se
 prohíbe expresamente el uso comercial de los datos.
 El 6/8/2015 9:43, Jose Luis escribió:

 Gracias por la respuesta.

 No recuerdo exactamente de que web me descargué el fichero, pero como hay
 tantos circulando te mando el enlace de una web muy modesta, por lo que me
 imagino que no tendran inconveniente en dar permiso para usarlo, lo que no
 se es si el archivo lo han creado ellos o simplemente lo han colocado en su
 web para descargarlo. (Todo esto me parece muy dificil de controlar)

 Lo que si te puedo decir es que he comprobado personalmente cinco areas
 de caravanas de mi localidad y las coordenadas coinciden perfectamente con
 las areas que indican, lo que de entrada me da bastante confianza en el
 archivo. Eso si lo dividiria en trozos mas pequeños y lo cargaria en JOSM
 superponiendo la imagen de Bing para comprobar que las areas que no tengo
 posibilidad de ver personalmente estan bien posicionadas. Otra cosa que
 tambien suelo hacer es comprobar con google map y el street view, si se ven
 autocaravanas no hay duda de que el punto es correcto.

 Espero vuestros comentarios.

 Jose Luis

 Tanto este mensaje como todos los posibles documentos adjuntos al mismo
 confidenciales y están  dirigidos exclusivamente a los
 destinatarios de los mismos. Por favor, si Ud no es uno de dichos
 destinatarios, notifíquenos este hecho y elimine el mensaje de su sistema.
 Queda prohibida la copia, difusión o revelación de su contenido a terceros
 sin el previo consentimiento por escrito de Crisfer Musical, S.L.
 En caso contrario, vulnerará la legislación vigente.
 - Original Message - From: Rafael Avila Coya
 Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 11:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [Talk-es] Importar datos en openstreet map desde un archivo

 Hola, José Luis:

 Dar una respuesta sobre el Copyright necesitaría páginas. Pero
 básicamente, el hecho de que la gente ponga los datos para uso libre
 no significa nada. Puede ser que se puedan usar con licencias Creative
 Commons, y las hay de todo tipo, o cualquier otra licencia. Incluso
 puede pasar, y esto es bastante común, que estén donando los datos a los
 propietarios de la web, sin siquiera saberlo - ya sabes, ese acuerdo de
 licencia que aceptamos sin siquiera leerlo cuando nos damos de alta en
 un servicio web -.

 ¿Puedes indicar dónde has obtenido esos datos (enlace)? Así quizás te
 podríamos ayudar.

 On 05/08/15 22:24, wrote:

 Gracias por vuestras respuestas.
 Mi intención es hacerlo lo mejor posible y por supuesto lo primero que
 voy a hacer es leer la guía para la importación y tomarme todo el tiempo
 necesario antes de dar ningún paso que no me deje satisfecho.
 Lo de las licencias de las que habláis es algo que me viene grande. El
 archivo que he descargado esta al alcance de cualquier persona en muchas
 webs de autocaravaning, creo que es un archivo en el que los aficionados
 al caravaning van incorporando áreas de autocaravanas donde han dormido
 o parado para vaciar los depósitos de aguas negras y cargado agua
 Por tanto no tengo ni idea de si ese archivo cumple con las licencias de
 las que habláis, pero me da la impresión de que no tiene un propietario
 en particular y el fin con el que esta creado es para uso libre. No
 obstante si tenéis algún consejo al respecto os lo agradecería.
 Jose Luis

 Rafael Avila Coya 

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wiki pagina aanmaken?

2015-08-02 Thread Jo
Ik ben ermee bezig.

't Is enkel niet zo duidelijk of zone wel de goeie tag was om mee te
starten. (Dus ook in Nederland). Maar wat dan wel? public_transport_zone
werd voorgesteld in deze thread:

Maar om daar nu


van te gaan maken. Dat wordt wel erg lang.

In Stuttgart gebruiken ze blijkbaar:


Als het moet worden aangepast, zou 'k voor



Ondertussen is het wel zo dat, wat De Lijn betreft, dat hele zoneverhaal
geen belang meer heeft...Sinds februari 2015 mag je 1 uur reizen met je
ticket. Het is me niet helemaal duidelijk hoe het zit bij TEC in het zuiden
van het land. Wat me ook niet duidelijk is, is wat je moet doen op lijnen
die langer dan een uur over hun traject doen, ik denk daarbij aan lijn 305
tussen Leuven en Turnhout, maar dat is niet belangrijk voor deze discussie.


Op 2 augustus 2015 20:44 schreef Marc Zoutendijk

 Momenteel ben ik bezig met een uitgebreid onderzoek van de taginfo
 database en een dagboekbericht daarover is hier te lezen [1].

 Voortvloeiend uit dat onderzoek kwam ik een overzicht tegen van keys die
 meer dan 10.000 keer gebruikt worden, maar die geen wiki pagina hebben die
 de genoemde key beschrijft.
 Dat is voor een veelgebruikte key eigenlijk onwenselijk, omdat nieuwe
 mappers dan niet kunnen weten hoe een key gebruikt moet worden of waar die
 key voor dient.

 Op pagina 11 van de taginfo informatie daarover:

 staat de key:


 Is er iemand in de Belgische gemeenschap die deze ontbrekende wiki pagina
 zou kunnen aanmaken?

 Met openpoimap is het gebruik van deze key (in bv. Antwerpen) goed
 zichtbaar te maken:

 Marc Z.


 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Welcoming platform (was: publieke telefooncellen / public telephones)

2015-07-31 Thread Jo
Great initiative!

I might be interested to help, if we could consider implementing it in

I'm brooding on plans to report about public transport and cycle/walking
routes as well.

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk] name:etymology:wikidata

2015-07-31 Thread Jo

I like to create bridges between projects, so now I was looking into the
name:etymology:wikidata tag.

And I have a question about it.

Say, you have a
Rue de la Chapelle
Rue de la Station

I'd be inclined to make it point to the specific instance of chapel or
station. The other possibility would be to point to the word/concept of
chapel/railway station.

As far as I'm concerned, both have merit. There could be somebody who wants
to get all the roads named after station/chapel across languages. Or there
could be somebody who wants to be more specific and who wants to know which
streets are named after a specific 'object'.

There are also streets named Parkstraat (5km) apart. Named after Park
Abbey. So I think it makes sense to refer to Park Abbey and not the concept
(city) park in general.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] name:etymology:wikidata

2015-07-31 Thread Jo
That's what is proposed here though:

And it keeps that particular wikidata tag nicely together with the name
when sorted alphabetically.


2015-07-31 17:01 GMT+02:00 Jochen Topf

 On Fr, Jul 31, 2015 at 04:27:05 +0200, Jo wrote:
  I like to create bridges between projects, so now I was looking into the
  name:etymology:wikidata tag.

 Whatever you do, do not use an abomination like name:etymology:wikidata,
 because to a computer it looks like it is a name-Tag with the language
 etymology:wikidata like most of the name:something tags. It is hard
 already to make sense of OSM tags...

 Jochen Topf

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