Re: [Talk-at] Graz+Innsbruck: »Schiene und Straße wurden getrennt«

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Michael Maier

Na geh, net scho wieder...

Ja bitte Andreas, schreib ihn an.

Und ich bin dafür auf den gemeinsamen Straße/Schienen ways sowie auf den
Relations mit dem Tag note zu dokumentieren, dass das Auftrennen in
eigene Ways nicht erwünscht ist, mit Link zum Mailarchiv.

Könntest du ihn bitte auch gleich zum Grazer August-Stammtisch einladen?
Ich bin zwar nicht da, aber andere ÖPNV-Kundige schon.

lg Michi

On 13/08/15 07:26, Andreas Uller wrote:
 Ich bin ja grundsätzlich dagegen, die Schienen von den Straßen zu
 trennen, wenn die Straßenbahn auf der Straße fährt und keinen eigenen
 Gleiskörper hat.
 Deine verlinkten Beispiele sind ja noch extremer: Das ist ja (fast) ein
 selbständiger Gleiskörper, der schon von der Hauptfahrbahn getrennt
 gezeichnet ist. Da dort aber auch Taxis und Busse fahren dürfen, wurde
 dort zu den Schienen auch ein highway getagged. Nun hat der User
 Weltstaat auch das noch aufgeteilt.
 Da der User sich erst vor 1 Monat angemeldet hat, nehme ich mal an, er
 hat die bisherigen Diskussionen auf dieser Liste diesbezüglich noch
 nicht mitbekommen (Zusammenfassung hier: Ich
 wäre daher dafür, ihm das mitzuteilen und bitten, es rückgängig zu
 machen. Wenn er das nicht selbst rückgängig machen kann/will, sollte es
 jemand anderes machen.
 Da mir der ÖV in Graz besonders am Herzen liegt, würde ich mich auch
 anbieten, das zu machen; auf Wunsch natürlich auch in Innsbruck.

Michael Maier, Student of Telematics @ Graz University of Technology
OpenStreetMap Graz

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Talk-at mailing list

[OSM-talk] History of specific areas

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Maarten Deen
Is there a tool available to search for the history of items in a 
specific area? OSM History Viewer only works if you have the id of an 
object. I don't know if OWL can do it because it is offline.
I don't have the id for the node, I just know something was there and 
has been deleted at some point.


talk mailing list

[Talk-it] Strada provinciale chiusa per frana

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden solitone
Come mappare una strada chiusa al traffico per frana? C'è solo un
passaggio per pedoni e bici, le auto non possono passare. Devo
interrompere la way nel punto della frana e congiungere i due tronconi
con una footway?

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-lt] Dzyvų dzyvai...

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Tomas Straupis
Stebuklai Lietuvoj darosi. Medžiai miškuose masiškai auga iki pat
centrinės kelio linijos, žolė pievose želia iki centrinės kelio
linijos, visos automagistralės pievom apžėlusios, traktoriai žemę aria
iki pat kelių centro linijos ir t.t. Apokalipsė tikriausiai... ;-)


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Re: [Talk-lt] Dzyvų dzyvai...

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Aidas Kasparas
On 2015.08.13 11:17, Tomas Straupis wrote:
 Stebuklai Lietuvoj darosi. Medžiai miškuose masiškai auga iki pat
 centrinės kelio linijos, žolė pievose želia iki centrinės kelio
 linijos, visos automagistralės pievom apžėlusios, traktoriai žemę aria
 iki pat kelių centro linijos ir t.t. Apokalipsė tikriausiai... ;-)


pamiršai paminėti didžiausią dzyvą -- beveik visi keliai vos linijos
(t.y. 0,000m) pločio :-)

Ar tai problema? Aš asmeniškai problemos nematau. Greičiau susitarimo
[nebuvimo] reikalas.

Ir ar tikrai mes turime tiek daug neturinčių ką veikti „resursų“, kurie
vietoje vieno vektoriaus žymėtų tris, o paskui su kiekvienu pasikeitimu
taisytų vėlgi visus tris? Pardon, bet aš į šitokių resursų kategoriją

Aidas Kasparas

Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Dzyvų dzyvai...

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Aurimas Fišeras

2015.08.13 11:54, Aidas Kasparas rašė:

On 2015.08.13 11:17, Tomas Straupis wrote:

Stebuklai Lietuvoj darosi. Medžiai miškuose masiškai auga iki pat
centrinės kelio linijos, žolė pievose želia iki centrinės kelio
linijos, visos automagistralės pievom apžėlusios, traktoriai žemę aria
iki pat kelių centro linijos ir t.t. Apokalipsė tikriausiai... ;-)


pamiršai paminėti didžiausią dzyvą -- beveik visi keliai vos linijos
(t.y. 0,000m) pločio :-)

Ar tai problema? Aš asmeniškai problemos nematau. Greičiau susitarimo
[nebuvimo] reikalas.

Ir ar tikrai mes turime tiek daug neturinčių ką veikti „resursų“, kurie
vietoje vieno vektoriaus žymėtų tris, o paskui su kiekvienu pasikeitimu
taisytų vėlgi visus tris? Pardon, bet aš į šitokių resursų kategoriją

Bet ir dabar 3 vektoriai (kelio vidurio, pievos iš vienos pusės, dirbamo 
lauko iš kitos, etc.) yra – vienas ant kito. Kai reikia tik tokiame 
trigubame vektoriuje pastumti tašką – ne problema, bet jei reikia kažką 
sudėtingesnio padaryti...

Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Consulta sobre etiquetado en OSM

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Guillermo Marqués Rodríguez
No puedo más que dar las gracias
Con todo lo que me has pasado han desaparecido todas mis dudas
Muchas gracias!

El 12 de agosto de 2015, 16:42, Jorge Juan escribió:

 Hola Guillermo. ¡Bienvenido!

 ¿Podrías poner un ejemplo concreto que no puedas solucionar con la
 documentación que ya hay en [1]?

 Quizá lo más oficial que hay al etiquetar una carretera es el código de la
 misma, que en OSM se pone con ref=... como en ref=N-120.

 Por otro lado, si la carretera tiene un nombre oficial, debe estar
 publicado en algun sitio. En [2] tienes algunas referencias donde se
 publican nombres oficiales. Este sería el nombre a poner con la etiqueta

 De forma más general, en [3] tienes como indicar nombres alternativos y
 traducciones a otros idiomas, con etiquetas como name:fr=..., name_1,
 name_2, etc. o alt_name [4].

 También está official_name, pero sospecho que esta etiqueta no está tan
 extendida como name. Yo, por ejemplo, usaría name para poner el nombre
 oficial, siempre que este nombre sea conocido y de uso común, y sólo usaría
 official_name para el nombre oficial y name para el nombre común en
 caso de que el nombre oficial sea totalmente desconocido y el común sea
 extremadamente común.

 Supongo que con estas etiquetas tienes bastantes opciones sin tener que
 inventar ninguna más. A estas alturas del proyecto OSM el problema no suele
 ser que falten etiquetas, sino que hay múltiples formas de hacer
 etiquetados válidos con las etiquetas existentes.

 En cualquier caso, algunas reglas básicas son: usa el sentido común (esta
 es tan bonita como inutil), etiqueta de forma uniforme con el entorno, lee
 mucha documentación.

 Un saludo.


 El 12 de agosto de 2015, 12:16, Guillermo Marqués Rodríguez escribió:

 Lo que estoy viendo es que existen carreteras en las que la denominación
 oficial es diferente a la que te puedas encontrar en los carteles de las
 carreteras-señales de puntos kilométricos,
 y por eso me preguntaba si se podría crear un tag para poner la
 denominación oficial sin que esto supusiera un engorro para el resto de
 Un saludo

 El 12 de agosto de 2015, 12:08, Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso escribió:


 Aprobación aprobación tampoco se necesita expresamente pero si que
 debes comentarlo. En la wiki hay muchas etiquetas que están pendiente de
 aprobación o que se están votando, pero que ya se están usando.
 Si un tag solo la usas tu y no la conoce nadie de poco vale. También
 puede que vayas a crear un tag que ya existe pero se pone de otra manera y
 de nuevo todo tu trabajo sería inútil. Hay que intentar estandarizar porque
 sino es un descontrol que sería imposible de utilizar los datos
 introducidos. Además si pones tag diferentes al que se debe poner luego
 tendrá que ir otro detrás arreglándolo por lo que sería trabajo doble.

 Un saludo
 El El mié, 12 ago 2015 a las 11:41, Guillermo Marqués Rodríguez escribió:

 Buenos días a todos
 Soy nuevo en el mundo OSM y me encuentro con muchas dudas-preguntas,
 más o menos a través de la wiki me voy encontrando en este mundo, pero me
 esta surgiendo una duda con los tags

- Entiendo que existen tags para definir el tipo de elemento que
es: carreteras autovía, carretera primaria, carretera secundaria...
- Y que dentro de cada tag, vuelven a existir tags para definir las
características como es el sentido, el nombre de la carretera.

 Mi pregunta es, si quisiera añadir un nuevo tag dentro del segundo
 grupo, el que define las características de la carretera, necesitaría
 comunicarlo al resto de usuarios para su aprobación o al ser de segundo
 nivel ya no requiere la aprobación de los mismos

 Un saludo
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 Jorge Juan

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Re: [Talk-it] Discordanza tracce GPS e dati

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden dani rijeka
Il 13/Ago/2015 06:58, Marco Bodrato ha scritto:


 On Thu, August 13, 2015 12:45 am, Francesco Pelullo wrote:
  Il 12/ago/2015 19:46, dani rijeka ha

  Se le tracce GPS caricate su OSM discordano da una sorgente dati certa
  georeferenziata come la Carta Tecnica Provinciale disponibile in CC-BY
  (seppur leggermente, soprattutto mancanza di dettagli fini come due
  tornanti di un sentiero trasformati in una linea retta, o una
  presa come traccia del sentiero ufficiale),

 Nelle aree protette spesso è richiesto di seguire i sentieri ufficiali,
 perché tagliare le curve crea tracce che poi guidano lo scorrimento
 d'acqua con conseguente maggiore erosione e danni all'ecosistema, quindi
 andrei cauto prima di suggerire scorciatoie inserendole in una mappa.

Infatti nel caso di specie un sentiero che nella realtà ha parecchi
tornanti a brevissima distanza l'uno dall'altro, in OSM risulta una
serpentina con curve relativamente morbide (credo sia stata fatta una linea
media tra le varie tracce GPS caricate).

Non è un'area protetta quindi il problema naturalistico della scorciatoia
non sussiste, è solo una questione di mappatura.

  È accettabile inserire
  dettagli che risultano dalla Carta ma non dalle tracce GPS?

  Io mapperei quello che c'è nella realtà  e che chiunque altro può

 Il concetto di realtà è totalmente astratto e in quanto tale inadatto a
 decidere cosa inserire in una mappa e cosa no. I toponimi, i confini
 amministrativi... sono reali? Se in mezzo alla strada c'è realmente un
 sasso, devo mapparlo? Se la traccia di una scorciatoia è realmente
 evidente e sempre più profonda perché sta diventando un ruscello, ma i
 gestori naturalistici della zona stanno tentando di arginare il danno e
 far ricrescere la vegetazione, chiedendo la collaborazione a tutti perché
 non la si calpesti, dobbiamo segnarla come sentiero?

 Il problema è che si dovrebbe conoscere quello che si inserisce, solo così
 si può sapere cosa è rilevante e cosa no, se il raddrizzamento di una
 curva dipende da una momentanea defaiance della registrazione GPS o dalla
 necessità di evitare una frana, se la scorciatoia rimasta sulle tracce GPS
 è stata presa per evitare un animale selvatico oppure il sentiero si è
 modificato per la crescita della vegetazione...

 Non potendo andare sul posto e volendo comunque mappare la zona... si è
 costretti a scegliere quale sia la fonte più affidabile.

Infatti il caso di specie è una zona che conosco a memoria :)


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Re: [OSM-talk] History of specific areas

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Paul Johnson
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 1:22 AM, Maarten Deen wrote:

 I don't know if OWL can do it because it is offline.

Is OWL gone forever?  My recollection is I was living in Salem and just
joined the project more recently than OWL's been online.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] History of specific areas

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden

On 13/08/2015 07:22, Maarten Deen wrote:
Is there a tool available to search for the history of items in a 
specific area? OSM History Viewer only works if you have the id of an 

I don't have the id for the node, I just know something was there and 
has been deleted at some point.

If we were talking about ways, then Potlatch 1 would be the way to go, 
but that doesn't work with nodes.  However, you can often get to where 
you need to by guessing something else that would have been added (or 
deleted) at the same time, finding the changeset, and finding the other 
thing that you're looking for there.

Alternatively, someone may have a data extract for the date and area 
that you're interested in - but you'd need to say where and when that 
was, of course.

If none of that works it'll there's the full history planet - see and the 
links from it (but that'll be a lot of work).



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] History of specific areas

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Ruben Maes
On Thursday 13 August 2015 08:22:59 Maarten Deen wrote:
 Is there a tool available to search for the history of items in a 
 specific area? OSM History Viewer only works if you have the id of an 
 object. I don't know if OWL can do it because it is offline.
 I don't have the id for the node, I just know something was there and 
 has been deleted at some point.

I think you may be looking for WhoDidIt:


The field from of an email is about as reliable as the address written on the
back of an envelope.

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Re: [Talk-it] Discordanza tracce GPS e dati

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Francesco Pelullo
Il 13/ago/2015 06:58, Marco Bodrato ha scritto:


 Il concetto di realtà è totalmente astratto e in quanto tale inadatto a
 decidere cosa inserire in una mappa e cosa no.

Rispondo sinteticamente dal cellulare: non è questo il caso.

Se l'utente ha una conoscenza diretta del luogo, ed i tornanti esistono, si
devono riportare in mappa.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Graz+Innsbruck: »Schiene und Straße wurden getrennt«

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Flaimo

ich verstehe das Problem nicht. Solange die beiden Ways nicht
unterschiedliche Layer, haben müssen die sowieso gleich ausgewertet werden,
wie als ob alle Tags auf einem Way wären. Nach der gleichen Logik dürften
ja dann auch an einander grenzende Gebäude nicht mit beiden Ways über
(mind.) 2 Nodes verbunden sein, sondern nur eines der Gebäude die Mauer

Schwierigkeiten bei der Bearbeitung kann ich auch nicht verstehen. In JOSM
markiere ich den betroffenen Bereich halt mit gedrückter Alt-Taste solange
bis der gewünschte Weg selektiert ist. Das verwendet man eh täglich beim
Bearbeiten von verbundenen Landuses. Getrennte Wege finde ich hier sogar
besser, weil ich mir dann schnell spezielle Filter auf zB  alles was
highway und alles way railway ist machen kann und dann je nach Bedarf nur
das eine oder andere einblende.

Dass das Mapping des öffentlichen Verkehrs im Hauptbereich des dort
ansässigen Alpha-Mappers einheitlich sein soll ist schon wichtig, aber
dogmatisch nur den einen Ansatz zu verfolgen halte ich für falsch. Speziell
für höhere Zoomstufen/Detailmapping wird später sowieso das Mappen der
einzelnen Schienenstränge Usus und dann muss man sich sowieso was
überlegen, wie die Zusammengehörigkeit von Straße und Schienen dann
definiert wird.


2015-08-13 7:26 GMT+02:00 Andreas Uller


 Ich bin ja grundsätzlich dagegen, die Schienen von den Straßen zu trennen,
 wenn die Straßenbahn auf der Straße fährt und keinen eigenen Gleiskörper
 Deine verlinkten Beispiele sind ja noch extremer: Das ist ja (fast) ein
 selbständiger Gleiskörper, der schon von der Hauptfahrbahn getrennt
 gezeichnet ist. Da dort aber auch Taxis und Busse fahren dürfen, wurde dort
 zu den Schienen auch ein highway getagged. Nun hat der User Weltstaat
 auch das noch aufgeteilt.

 Da der User sich erst vor 1 Monat angemeldet hat, nehme ich mal an, er hat
 die bisherigen Diskussionen auf dieser Liste diesbezüglich noch nicht
 mitbekommen (Zusammenfassung hier: Ich
 wäre daher dafür, ihm das mitzuteilen und bitten, es rückgängig zu machen.
 Wenn er das nicht selbst rückgängig machen kann/will, sollte es jemand
 anderes machen.

 Da mir der ÖV in Graz besonders am Herzen liegt, würde ich mich auch
 anbieten, das zu machen; auf Wunsch natürlich auch in Innsbruck.


 *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 12. August 2015 um 22:25 Uhr
 *Von:* Simon Legner
 *An:* OpenStreetMap AT
 *Betreff:* [Talk-at] Graz+Innsbruck: »Schiene und Straße wurden getrennt«

 User Weltstaat hat gestern und heute in Graz+Innsbruck einen Teil des
 Straßenbahnnetzes vom Straßennetz separiert.

 Dabei wurden – soweit ich das gesehen habe und entgegen früheren
 vergleichbaren Aktionen in Innsbruck – die ÖPNV-Relationen angepasst.

 Allerdings liegen manche Schienenstränge direkt auf/unter den Straßen
 und nutzen die gleichen Nodes [1]. Dies erschwert einerseits die
 Bearbeitung, weil man nur mehr mühsam den richtigen der beiden Wege
 selektieren kann. Andererseits erscheint es mir konzeptuell falsch:
 wenn man diese Variante verfolgt, dann müssen Straße und Schiene
 völlig unabhängig voneinander gemappt werden und dürfen keine
 gemeinsame Nodes haben.

 Mit einem weinenden Auge blicke ich auf die zu Anfangszeiten schön
 abstrahierten Straßenzüge zurück, aber der Zahn der Zeit lässt sich
 wohl nicht aufhalten – oder doch?

 Grüße aus Tirol!

 [1] z.B. und

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Re: [Talk-it] Strada provinciale chiusa per frana

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Dario Crespi
Credo che vada lasciata la way, indicando che l'accesso è consentito solo a
pedoni e biciclette nel tratto in questione, mettendo access=no agli altri

Il giorno 13 agosto 2015 08:25, solitone ha scritto:

 Come mappare una strada chiusa al traffico per frana? C'è solo un
 passaggio per pedoni e bici, le auto non possono passare. Devo
 interrompere la way nel punto della frana e congiungere i due tronconi
 con una footway?

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for Default Map style - pull requested is opened

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Daniel Koć

W dniu 13.08.2015 11:22, Lester Caine napisał(a):

producing tiles still eludes me :(  Lack of time is the problem, but a
decent set of instructions to work with openstreetmap-carto and manage 

branch off the current style would be helpful!

You may try to contact cquest (, who stands 
behind high profile OSM FR branch.

The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down [A. Cohen]

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Changeset comments

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Dave F.


Should I receive notifications to my OSM website inbox for replies to 
any changeset comments I write? I vaguely remember getting one for the 
first one I wrote, but I've had no satisfactions since.

I thin think any changeset comments should be listed in outbox as a 
convenient record.

Dave F.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

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[Talk-GB] 259-260-261-262 – July

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #259-260-261-262 (July 2015), is
now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things
happening in the openstreetmap world:


## Manfred
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] History of specific areas

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Maarten Deen

On 2015-08-13 11:46, Ruben Maes wrote:

On Thursday 13 August 2015 08:22:59 Maarten Deen wrote:

Is there a tool available to search for the history of items in a
specific area? OSM History Viewer only works if you have the id of an
object. I don't know if OWL can do it because it is offline.
I don't have the id for the node, I just know something was there and
has been deleted at some point.

I think you may be looking for WhoDidIt:

Looks promising, but does not really help. The RSS feed only goes back 
to this year and it is hard searching in changesets for deleted nodes. 
Deleted nodes do not show an icon in front of them like existing nodes 
do so you'd have to click each node's history to investigate.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Dzyvų dzyvai...

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Tomas Straupis
 pamiršai paminėti didžiausią dzyvą -- beveik visi keliai vos linijos
 (t.y. 0,000m) pločio :-)

  Tai du skirtingų tipų duomenys:
  1. Dabartiniai KELIŲ vektoriai sudaro kelių grafą, skirtą maršrutams
skaičiuoti. Iš šių vektorių paišant žemėlapį yra apytiksliai SPĖJAMAS
kelio plotas.
  2. Miškai, pievos ir pan. yra iš karto tiksliai žymimi PLOTAI, kurie
jokiame grafe nedalyvauja.

  Žodžiu vieni pagal standartinį gis yra VEKTORIAI, o kiti PLOTAI -
skirtingų tipų geometrijos.

  Kelio plotas Lietuvoje žymimas labai retai (paprastai tik
privažiavimo keliams, kurie dažnai perauga iš kelio į aikšteles, kurių
geometrijos vektorius tikrai neperduoda). Ir pažymėjus plotą visada
turi būti pridėtas ir vektorius, nes ploto informacija niekaip
nedalyvauja maršrutizavimo grafe (nebent kartais per klaidą
sudalyvauja neteisingai).

  Sutinku, kad mažų kelių plotais žymėti gal ir nebūtina ir
atitinkamai miško, pievos, dirbamos žemės nebūtina pastumti, juk su
smulkiais keliais ir paklaida nedidelė gaunasi - keli metrai. Kitas
reikalas motorway/trunk/primary/secondary/tertiary keliai, kurie yra
tikrai platūs. Va prie jų centro, mano galva, nereikėtų pritempinėti

  Didelio išlošimo „žymėjimo paprastumui“ aš kol kas nematau: kaip
teisingai Aurimas pastebi, vis tiek braižomi tie papildomi vektoriai,
tik jie eina vienas ant kito, kartais kuriami ryšiai prieš tai kelią
dalinant į mažus gabaliukus, kas irgi nėra labai „greitas“ procesas. O
rezultate geometrija gaunasi stipriai neteisinga. Kuriant ryšius kelių
informacija padalinama į stipriai didesnį atskirų vektoriukų skaičių,
dėl to pasidaro stipriai sunkiau redaguoti kelių info.

  Suprantu ir kitą dalyką, kad jei kada nors pilnai įgyvendinsime
topologijos tikrinimą, tai vienas iš klaidų tipų bus
„tušti/neužpildyti“ plotai. Bet tada ir kelius bus galima plotais
žymėti ir tas skyles užkamšyti. (Dabar topologijos prasme tikrinami
tik plotų susikirtimai/persidengimai).

 Ir ar tikrai mes turime tiek daug neturinčių ką veikti „resursų“, kurie
 vietoje vieno vektoriaus žymėtų tris, o paskui su kiekvienu pasikeitimu
 taisytų vėlgi visus tris? Pardon, bet aš į šitokių resursų kategoriją

  Kalba apie tai, kad dabar esantys vieni resursai nepridarytų
papildomo darbo kitiems esamiems resursams :-) Na ir kad būtų vienas
susitarimas, tada bus mažiau pykčių/nesusipratimų.

  Mano pasiūlymas būtų toks:
  Nuo motorway iki tertiary (imtinai) kelius įsivaizduoti kaip
pažymėtus plotais ir atitinkamai žymėti greta esančius miškus, pievas,
dirbamas žemes.
  (Su residential/industrial/commercial ir pan. kita kalba, nes tai
nėra fiziniai objektai, tai atskira irgi plati tema, kurią siūlyčiau
aptarti kitą kartą).

  Kokie būtų konkretūs prieštaravimai mano pasiūlymui arba argumentai
pritraukimui prie centro linijos? (Kol kas buvo tik argumentas dėl
žymėjimo paprastumo, gal yra dar kas nors?)


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Démolition église

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Verdy
je pensais plutot au préfixe destroyed et non demolished.
Le point géodésique ne devrait aussi pas etre enlevé physiquement avant le
passage d'un géomètre qui ira en poser d'autres. et éventuellement même en
améliorer la précision si l'ancien relevé était ancien. parmi les candidats
il y a maintenant les positions des antennes mobiles et peut-être a
proximité des bâtiments hauts observables a distance. il n'estvpsinurile de
regarder autour s'il y a de nouveaux relevés.
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] 259-260-261-262 – July

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #259-260-261-262 (July 2015), is
now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things
happening in the openstreetmap world:


## Manfred
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comments

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Tom Hughes

On 13/08/15 11:17, Dave F. wrote:

Should I receive notifications to my OSM website inbox for replies to
any changeset comments I write? I vaguely remember getting one for the
first one I wrote, but I've had no satisfactions since.

No, you should get an email.


Tom Hughes (

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comments

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Dave F.

On 13/08/2015 11:30, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 13/08/15 11:17, Dave F. wrote:

Should I receive notifications to my OSM website inbox for replies to
any changeset comments I write? I vaguely remember getting one for the
first one I wrote, but I've had no satisfactions since.

No, you should get an email.


Hmm.. strange. I get replies to normal messages I send. I wonder if I'm 
alone in this.

Not sure what a 'satisfaction' is, either.

Dave F.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for Default Map style - pull requested is opened

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 12/08/15 23:18, Andrew Hain wrote:
 We have a great opportunity for a spot of promotion. Publish a post 
 on our blog announcing the new style and explaining the reasoning 
 behind it. Don’t forget to remind people that there’s a wide variety 
 of map styles out there that you can even write your own style.

It is perhaps time to review the front page yet again to provide better
links to some of the alternatives. This is a major WTF change which will
affect a LOT of third party users of the current map. The changes to
date have been bad enough, but I WAS hoping to have an alternative
rendering engine working by now so I can switch my UK location maps to
retain the main selling point for using OSM over Google ... the roads
are the right colours ... but while I've got the planet file replicating
and tilemill is running, getting the current style setup actually
producing tiles still eludes me :(  Lack of time is the problem, but a
decent set of instructions to work with openstreetmap-carto and manage a
branch off the current style would be helpful!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

[Talk-es] Detector de caminos automáticamente en JOSM

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Mario Modesto
Muy buenas a la comunidad,

Hace mucho, mucho tiempo que me llevo preguntando por algún plug-in o
extensión para poder detectar y dibujar caminos automáticamente a partir de
ortofotos y no tener que ir nodo a nodo siguiendo su trazado. Sé que ha
habido intentos por generar una extensión (Bing Road detect API), pero me
dá que su desarrollo se ha paralizado y cuando intento seguir los pasos de
su instalación, la web folk-ntu. no funciona. Por lo tanto, es inviable
su uso.

Sé que el Bing Road Detect aparace instalado de serie en Merkaartor, pero
no he tenido narices de hacerlo funcionar.

¿Cuánto tiempo nos ahorraríamos si pudiéramos mapear automáticamente
caminos a partir de ortofotos? ¿Cómo podría aumentar la precisión del mapa
y acabar de mapear caminos del mundo de un modo más efectivo, simple y con
mayor velocidad?

Hace poco he conseguido hacer funcionar el plug-in Scanaerial. Lo único que
este plug-in solo detecta patrones de colores y te dibuja, principalmente
lagunas. Además, lo intenté con un camino amplio, a ver cómo era su
comportamiento, y lo que hace es generar una vía cerrada siguiendo los
límites del camino. Vamos, que para el propósito que tenía no es válido.

Si algún desarrollador esta leyendo esto, ¿sería viable hacer funcionar
bien el Bing Road Detect? ¿Sería viable modificar el plugin Scanaerial para
que detectara patrones lineales de caminos en vez de patrones de colores

Por favor, las ventajas de tener un detector automático haría que el
proyecto creciera a un ritmo seguro que elevadísimo.

No me creo que sea un proceso extremadamente complicado.

Animo a que valoréis la posibilidad y que comentéis si hay alguna
alternativa, la comentéis.

Un saludo a todos,



*Mario Modesto Mata*

*Grupo de Antropología Dental* (CENIEH
*Primeros Pobladores de Extremadura* (EPPEX

Mis *fotografías*:

[image: logo]
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for Default Map style - pull requested is opened

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 13/08/15 10:37, Daniel Koć wrote:
 W dniu 13.08.2015 11:22, Lester Caine napisał(a):
 producing tiles still eludes me :(  Lack of time is the problem, but a
 decent set of instructions to work with openstreetmap-carto and manage a
 branch off the current style would be helpful!
 You may try to contact cquest (, who stands
 behind high profile OSM FR branch.

Have worked through that crib sheet ...
I'm down as far as 'Dependencies' and have TileMill installed, but while
the project is visible, it will not load, giving errors which I need to
find time to work through. Suspect access to database is the first
problem as the changes of user name did not work ... but what I am
missing is an osm.xml file for the tile generator ... I think :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Dzyvų dzyvai...

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Aidas Kasparas
On 2015.08.13 13:02, Tomas Straupis wrote:

   Suprantu ir kitą dalyką, kad jei kada nors pilnai įgyvendinsime
 topologijos tikrinimą, tai vienas iš klaidų tipų bus
 „tušti/neužpildyti“ plotai. Bet tada ir kelius bus galima plotais
 žymėti ir tas skyles užkamšyti. (Dabar topologijos prasme tikrinami
 tik plotų susikirtimai/persidengimai).

Na, aš siūlyčiau kitokį sprendimo variantą tam -- ne plotais žymėti
kelius, o palikti vektorius, bet pridėti pločio atributą ir geometriją
specifiniams taikymams paskaičiuoti pagal centro liniją ± pusė pločio.

 Ir ar tikrai mes turime tiek daug neturinčių ką veikti „resursų“, kurie
 vietoje vieno vektoriaus žymėtų tris, o paskui su kiekvienu pasikeitimu
 taisytų vėlgi visus tris? Pardon, bet aš į šitokių resursų kategoriją
   Kalba apie tai, kad dabar esantys vieni resursai nepridarytų
 papildomo darbo kitiems esamiems resursams :-) Na ir kad būtų vienas
 susitarimas, tada bus mažiau pykčių/nesusipratimų.

   Mano pasiūlymas būtų toks:
   Nuo motorway iki tertiary (imtinai) kelius įsivaizduoti kaip
 pažymėtus plotais ir atitinkamai žymėti greta esančius miškus, pievas,
 dirbamas žemes.
   (Su residential/industrial/commercial ir pan. kita kalba, nes tai
 nėra fiziniai objektai, tai atskira irgi plati tema, kurią siūlyčiau
 aptarti kitą kartą).

   Kokie būtų konkretūs prieštaravimai mano pasiūlymui arba argumentai
 pritraukimui prie centro linijos? (Kol kas buvo tik argumentas dėl
 žymėjimo paprastumo, gal yra dar kas nors?)

Dėl vienas prieš tris vektorius. Aš kalbėjau ar verta mišką skelti į du
plotus, jei per jį eina netgi tas pats motorway. Jei skaidome, gaunam 3
vektorius, jei ne -- tai lieka tik vienas.

Aidas Kasparas

Talk-lt mailing list

[Talk-at] Graz+Innsbruck: »Schiene und Straße wurden getrennt«

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Jonathan Gallagher

Der Verantwortliche meldet sich zu Wort: Wie ihr ja schon bemerkt habt bin
ich neu in der OSM Community. Deshalb wusste ich auch nichts über euren
Beschluss und die vergangenen Diskussionen darüber (habe ich jetzt

Ich habe mir Mühe gegeben, bei meinen Edits die Relationen nicht zu
zerschießen und auch sonst die Funktionalität der Daten nicht
einzuschränken. Ich hoffe, das ist mir einigermaßen gelungen. Wenn mir
Fehler unterlaufen sind, tut es mir leid und ich werde mich
selbstverständlich darum kümmern.

Was die Grundsatzdiskussion Schienen und Straße trennen betrifft, bin ich
anderer Meinung und würde gern nochmal darüber reden.

Ich werde mich morgen, spätestens am Samstag wieder melden und bitte euch
meine Edits bis dahin nicht rückgängig zu machen. Ich hoffe ich habe nicht
für zuviel Aufregung gesorgt und entschuldige mich, dass ich nicht gleich
recherchiert habe, ob über das Thema schon gesprochen wurde.

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Dzyvų dzyvai...

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Tomas Straupis
 Na, aš siūlyčiau kitokį sprendimo variantą tam -- ne plotais žymėti
 kelius, o palikti vektorius, bet pridėti pločio atributą ir geometriją
 specifiniams taikymams paskaičiuoti pagal centro liniją ± pusė pločio.

  Na galutinis variantas kelių atžvilgiu yra kelių žymėjimas DVIEJŲ
tipų objektais, nes yra du vienas nuo kito nepriklausomi panaudojimai:
  1. Vektoriai - naudojama kelių grafui kurti (naudojama maršrutizavime).
  2. Plotai - naudojami kelių plotui žymėti (naudojama dėliojant
žemėlapio „mozaikas“). Į šitą objektų klasifikaciją patenka ir miškai,
pievos ir pan. Taigi šios klasės tipo objektams galima taikyti
topologijos taisykles: nepersidengti.

  Pavyzdžiui anksčiau pievų, dirbamų žemių beveik nežymėjom, bet dėl
to vieno miško prie kito nepritraukinėjom - palikdavome tuščią plotą,
kuris dabar užpildomas kitais objektais. Mano galva taip pat turėtų
būti ir su keliais. Jei aš esu ant kelio, man žemėlapis neturėtų
sakyti, kad esu miške ar pievoje. Taigi jei kelio ploto nepaišome, tai
nereiškia, kad ant viršaus turime užpaišyti kažką kitą, ko ten nėra.

  Variantas su kelio pločio nurodymu būtų labai įdomus ir teoriškai
įmanomas, bet praktiškai sunkiai panaudojamas dėl kelių priežasčių:
  1. Stipriai sudėtingėtų mapnik, qgis ar kitų įrankių žemėlapio
braižymo taisyklės.
  2. Sankryžose, autobusų stotelėse ir pan. vis tiek tektų nurodyti
realias geometrijas plotais, o ne matematinėmis formulėmis.
  3. Lietuvoje išradinėtume savo sistemą. Abejoju, kad pas mus
atsirastų resursų, kurie kurtų programas kelio plotų išskaičiavimui iš
papildomų atributų.

 Dėl vienas prieš tris vektorius. Aš kalbėjau ar verta mišką skelti į du
 plotus, jei per jį eina netgi tas pats motorway. Jei skaidome, gaunam 3
 vektorius, jei ne -- tai lieka tik vienas.

  Klausimas ar didelio poligono skėlimas gerai, ar blogai :-)

  Gerai: paprastėja geometrija. Kai kurie įrankiai arba nesugeba, arba
bent jau stipriai susimąsto pamatę super sudėtingos geometrijos
objektą (pvz. geofabriko shape extractai apskrtai praleisdavo
sudėtingas geometrijas, todėl trūko daug miškų). Ta proga Lietuvoje
eilė didžiulių miškų buvo specialiai padalinta į gabalus dalinant juos
pagal realiai esančius miško tarpus - geležinkelius, aukštos įtampos
linijas, didžiuosius kelius, valstybių sienas ir pan. Kuriant garmino
žemėlapius kai kurie dideli poligonai yra specialiai dalinami į
mažesnius ir paprastesnius, tik neįlindę į patį žemėlapio failą mes to

  Blogai: daugiau objektų. Bet žiūrint į pirmą punktą daugiau objektų
gal ir nėra blogai... :-)

P.S. Mano pirmos pastabos nereiškia, kad dabar reikia pulti žymėti
kelių plotus. Reikia tik „palikti vietą“ būsimam kelių plotų


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Ian Dees
I appreciate that there are strong feelings about this topic, but we could
certainly use more constructive language and have a civilized conversation.
You're one of the people that needs to shut the hell up is not a great
way to win hearts and minds and especially not a great representation of
our community.

Please reconsider your approach here, Russ.
On Aug 13, 2015 1:01 AM, Russ Nelson wrote:

 Frederik Ramm writes:
   On 08/11/2015 07:09 AM, Russ Nelson wrote:
If you have
ever said delete things you don't see, then you need to shut the
hell up, because you are making the map worse. Just stop!
   Delete things you don't see (with some notable exceptions, abandoned
   railways not being among them).

 Yep. You're one of the people who needs to shut the hell up. I wasn't
 going to name names -- thank you for fingering yourself as one of the
 guilty parties. Thanks for your cooperation in ceasing this practice,
 I really appreciate your help.

 --my blog is at
 Crynwr supports open source software
 521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815
 Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] consiglio mappa da proiettare

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
 La domanda sarebbe questa: avete da consigliarmi un possibile sfondo
 (OSM o anche altro) che potrebbe andare bene per questo scopo? Per
 intenderci, una via di mezzo tra il classico OSM e Stamen Watercolor,
 senza troppi dettagli, ma adatto ad essere proiettato.

In qgis puoi usare tre plugin utili al tuo scopo
- OpenLayers plugin
appena lo usi questo ti riproietta tutto in EPSG:3857 (la google mercator
per intenderci)
Fra i TMS trovi disponibili diversi servizi fra qui quella di
Mapquest,  quella dell'HOT OSM e quelle di Stamen
- QuickMapService plugin
questo invece scarica le tile dal server remoto e le riproietta
secondo la proiezione che hai in uso
Qui trovi OSM, Mapquest ed altre
Inoltre ha una funzione dove scarica altri tms da contributi esterni
- TileLayerPlugin
questo ti permette di caricare diversi TMS (ricordati però di
riproiettare tutto in EPSG:3857)
Le specifiche su come fare ad aggiungere le trovi qui

Se vuoi qualche idea di TMS alternative fa un salto qui
per trovare le url basta che guardi la chiamata ad una delle tile e
poi diventa facile


Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Looking for competent OSM editors to improve the map on Toronto area and Toronto PATH

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Stewart C. Russell
Hi George,

 I have a few employers who are dedicating part of their funding to
 improve the map on Toronto and Toronto PATH, specially. This is a funded

How much of this funding will flow through to the mappers doing the
work? This sharing economy can go *both* ways, too.

 More details, please contact Darren Jones, at …

Darren could always join this list and ask directly. It sounds like he
has specific requests.

The PATH's signage and mapping has always been broken by design.
Retailers didn't want too many people rushing past: lost people spend
more. There have been apps in the past (one good one from a few years
back that was maintained manually for a few months - then the developer
moved away, and it died) but nothing stuck.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

 Am 13.08.2015 um 13:54 schrieb Warin
 Leave the node data in OSM, change the tag building=yes to building=demolished

the key building does follow some semantic rules, the value should be yes, no 
or a building type. Demolished is not a building type but a lifecycle state. 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Ruben Maes
On Thursday 13 August 2015 21:54:39 Warin wrote:
 Leave the node data in OSM, change the tag building=yes to 
 building=demolished (may not be rendered nor official OSM tagging) add a 
 note as to who/why ..

I advocate using demolished:building=yes as described in This is clearer for data 


The field from of an email is about as reliable as the address written on the 
back of an envelope.

Use OpenPGP to verify that this message is sent by me. You can find my public 
key in the public directories, like

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Mateusz Konieczny
On Thu, 13 Aug 2015 21:54:39 +1000
Warin wrote:

 For example a demolished building .. may have a new building built on 
 the same spot .. with the same outline.
 Leave the node data in OSM, change the tag building=yes to 
 building=demolished (may not be rendered nor official OSM tagging)
 add a note as to who/why ..
 and then if rebuilt change the tag back to building=yes... with a
 source tag please.
 If the site has a different shaped building then the nodes will have
 to be changed, or the site gets used for something else .. then
 change it. But untill then leave the old data there.

This is a bad idea. Maybe [note=this building is demolished] to protect
against mapping from outdated aerial images may be OK.

But expecting data consumers displaying buildings to filter out
building=demolished, building=razed, building=proposed etc etc is a
really bad idea.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Warin

Snipped for PC below, meanings remain.

On 13/08/2015 9:30 PM, Ian Dees wrote:

I appreciate that there are strong feelings about this topic, but we 
could certainly use more constructive language and have a civilized 

Passion is what can make a good mapper. But keep it in perspective people.

Please reconsider your approach here, Russ.

On Aug 13, 2015 1:01 AM, Russ Nelson wrote:

Frederik Ramm writes:
  On 08/11/2015 07:09 AM, Russ Nelson wrote:
   If you have
   ever said delete things you don't see, then
you are making the map worse. Just stop!
  Delete things you don't see (with some notable exceptions,
  railways not being among them).

Yep. You're one of the people. I wasn't
going to name names -- thank you for fingering yourself as one of the
guilty parties. Thanks for your cooperation in ceasing this practice,
I really appreciate your help.

I have deleted things I did not see. For years I passed that spot and 
never saw these things
One day I went there to do some mapping not just passing.. those thing I 
deleted .. they were there
So I put them back... but I hope I learnt a lesson.. if there is 
something in OSM;

I really should not deleted it/them.
I can change the tags, and certainly add notes, fixmes ... but not 
remove unless I'm absolutely certain that the information can never be 
used in the future!

For example a demolished building .. may have a new building built on 
the same spot .. with the same outline.
Leave the node data in OSM, change the tag building=yes to 
building=demolished (may not be rendered nor official OSM tagging) add a 
note as to who/why ..
and then if rebuilt change the tag back to building=yes... with a source 
tag please.
If the site has a different shaped building then the nodes will have to 
be changed, or the site gets used for something else .. then change it. 
But untill then leave the old data there.

talk mailing list

[Talk-it-trentino] consiglio mappa da proiettare

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden michele zanolli
Ciao a tutti,

Scrivo qui per chiedevi un piccolo consiglio:

Lunedì prossimo 17 a Caldonazzo si terrà un incontro pubblico sul tema
attuale e caldo (purtroppo) della Valdastico Nord, dove parleranno
alcuni esperti.

Mi piacerebbe preparare da proiettare un paio di slide con, sullo
sfondo, la mappa della zona interessata, con qualche
freccia/bollino/testo inserito sopra con QGIS o un programma di

La domanda sarebbe questa: avete da consigliarmi un possibile sfondo
(OSM o anche altro) che potrebbe andare bene per questo scopo? Per
intenderci, una via di mezzo tra il classico OSM e Stamen Watercolor,
senza troppi dettagli, ma adatto ad essere proiettato.

Magari qualcuno di voi ha già fatto qualcosa di simile...


Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] consiglio mappa da proiettare

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden michele zanolli
Grazie Napo!

 Se vuoi qualche idea di TMS alternative fa un salto qui
 per trovare le url basta che guardi la chiamata ad una delle tile e
 poi diventa facile

E tra questi trovo sicuramente quello che fa per me!

2015-08-13 14:31 GMT+02:00 Maurizio Napolitano
 La domanda sarebbe questa: avete da consigliarmi un possibile sfondo
 (OSM o anche altro) che potrebbe andare bene per questo scopo? Per
 intenderci, una via di mezzo tra il classico OSM e Stamen Watercolor,
 senza troppi dettagli, ma adatto ad essere proiettato.

 In qgis puoi usare tre plugin utili al tuo scopo
 - OpenLayers plugin
 appena lo usi questo ti riproietta tutto in EPSG:3857 (la google mercator
 per intenderci)
 Fra i TMS trovi disponibili diversi servizi fra qui quella di
 Mapquest,  quella dell'HOT OSM e quelle di Stamen
 - QuickMapService plugin
 questo invece scarica le tile dal server remoto e le riproietta
 secondo la proiezione che hai in uso
 Qui trovi OSM, Mapquest ed altre
 Inoltre ha una funzione dove scarica altri tms da contributi esterni
 - TileLayerPlugin
 questo ti permette di caricare diversi TMS (ricordati però di
 riproiettare tutto in EPSG:3857)
 Le specifiche su come fare ad aggiungere le trovi qui

 Se vuoi qualche idea di TMS alternative fa un salto qui
 per trovare le url basta che guardi la chiamata ad una delle tile e
 poi diventa facile


Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Ruben Maes
On Thursday 13 August 2015 15:10:14 Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Aug 2015 21:54:39 +1000
 Warin wrote:
  For example a demolished building .. may have a new building built on 
  the same spot .. with the same outline.
  Leave the node data in OSM, change the tag building=yes to 
  building=demolished (may not be rendered nor official OSM tagging)
  add a note as to who/why ..
  and then if rebuilt change the tag back to building=yes... with a
  source tag please.
  If the site has a different shaped building then the nodes will have
  to be changed, or the site gets used for something else .. then
  change it. But untill then leave the old data there.
 This is a bad idea. Maybe [note=this building is demolished] to protect
 against mapping from outdated aerial images may be OK.
 But expecting data consumers displaying buildings to filter out
 building=demolished, building=razed, building=proposed etc etc is a
 really bad idea.

Or you use demolished:building=yes as I said an hour ago.

This is clearer than a note IMO,
allows to retain all tags of the demolished building for reference and
caters for potential data consumers interested in demolished buildings.


The field from of an email is about as reliable as the address written on the 
back of an envelope.

Use OpenPGP to verify that this message is sent by me. You can find my public 
key in the public directories, like

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] History of specific areas

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Paweł Paprota
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015, at 09:31, Paul Johnson wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 1:22 AM, Maarten Deen wrote:
  I don't know if OWL can do it because it is offline.
 Is OWL gone forever?  My recollection is I was living in Salem and just 
 joined the project more recently than OWL's been online. 

Unfortunately, for now the answer is yes. But this may change in the
future. So I guess it's not gone forever. Maybe...


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strada provinciale chiusa per frana

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

Am 13.08.2015 um 15:42 schrieb solitone

 On 13/08/15 11:53, Dario Crespi wrote:
 Credo che vada lasciata la way, indicando che l'accesso è consentito
 solo a pedoni e biciclette nel tratto in questione, mettendo access=no
 agli altri veicoli.
 E' che la strada lì è proprio franata, non c'è più, ce solo uno stretto
 passaggio per pedoni e bici.

per me la tua proposta di spezzare la strada dov'è franata e cambiare il valore 
highway li in path avrebbe senso. Aggiungerei anche un tag note per spiegare 
cos'è successo

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 13/08/15 14:59, Max wrote:
 so here is a concrete example:
 there is a hole in the abandoned railway, which orgiginally was probably
 going through. How would you map this?

This is a perfect example of something which should be covered by OHM,
but a stop date on the abandoned track bed would flag that information.
The missing bit should have information somewhere that shows when it was
lifted and the new structures added. It would not surprise me if the
service road foundation was the old track bed anyway? What IS there
needs mapping ;)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strada provinciale chiusa per frana

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden solitone
On 13/08/15 11:53, Dario Crespi wrote:
 Credo che vada lasciata la way, indicando che l'accesso è consentito
 solo a pedoni e biciclette nel tratto in questione, mettendo access=no
 agli altri veicoli.

E' che la strada lì è proprio franata, non c'è più, ce solo uno stretto
passaggio per pedoni e bici.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-uy] Definición de localidades

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Ing Angel Lago
Sin ánimo de polemizar, el SGM no es el encargado oficial de determinar
localidades. Todo lo relacionado con localidades realmente oficiales, o sea
creadas por decretos o leyes, se asienta mediante planos de mensura
registrados en Catastro, que es en definitiva el encargado del
mantenimiento de la información.
Por eso plantee en mensaje anterior lo de dejar claro de que hablamos
cuando se dice localidad, o sea distinguir localidad catastral, de zona
censal o de por ejemplo una zona habitada como puede ser Arrocera El Tigre,
que es una empresa donde vive gente y el INE lo censa en forma

De todas maneras, la idea era mejorar el mapa, para que fuera mas
entendible por el usuario común y que bueno se de el intercambio de

El 13 de agosto de 2015, 9:55, Gustavo Miraballes

 Estimados, ni las localidades del Ine y ni las localidades catastrales son
 un reflejo de las localidades reales. Solo las localidades determinadas por
 el SGM son las oficiales. En todos los casos nos estaríamos quedando corto
 si queremos reflejar la realidad.

 Alguien va a participar del evento State of de Map LatAm 2015 a realizarse
 en Santiago de Chile, el mes que viene?


 El 11 de agosto de 2015, 10:23,

 Estimados: dado que tenemos algunos problemitas de definición de
 límites de localidades según las fuentes usadas del INE y de que
 Catastro esta publicando shp de todo el pais de las localidades
 actualizadas, planteo sería correcto usar estas nuevas fuentes como
 definición de localidades.
 Ej: ciudad de Treinta y Tres esta partida en dos segíun el INE, ciudad
 de Treinta y Tres y una localidad ficta llamada Ejido de Treinta y tres,
 (cosa que confunde a los usuarios) esta debe desaparecer y fusionar las
 dos areas, para que se adecue a la realidad.
 Algunas localidades estan en proceso de actualización en catastro y se
 me informó estarían a fin de año, no se si será cierto.
 Poniendo énfasis, en que Catastro es la autoridad en esta información y
 su mantenimiento  y que ahora entró en una etapa de compartir datos,
 les dejo la inquietud y vemos que hacemos.

 Talk-uy mailing list

Talk-uy mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Max
so here is a concrete example:

there is a hole in the abandoned railway, which orgiginally was probably
going through. How would you map this?

talk mailing list

[Talk-in] Map your waste

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Yogesh योगि
Its rainy season now in Bengaluru and we see clogs in sewage manholes in 
most of the roads in the city when it rains heavily. Volunteers of Free 
Software Movement Karnataka(FSMK) are organizing 'Map 
your waste' mapping event using OpenStreetMap and requesting the OSM 
community to join this mapping event. The idea is to survey the area in 
the vicinity/neighborhood for sewage manholes, sewage lines and public 
toilets using Fieldpapers and OSMtracker in GPS-enabled android 
device. And then comeback to add the data to OSM using id editor. For adding the data, 
we'll be using manhole=sewer tag and 
manmade=pipeline with type=sewage tags to 
add sewage lines. Any suggestions on using tags are welcome.

Currently there are no manhole or sewage 
objects mapped in India OSM(different tags used?) and looks like a 
unique mapping effort. :)

More details here -,_FSMK_Bengaluru

Yogesh K S
Sent from an Electronic Device

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Brad Neuhauser
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 8:59 AM, Max wrote:

 so here is a concrete example:

 there is a hole in the abandoned railway, which orgiginally was probably
 going through. How would you map this?

You could keep the way there, and tag it railway=razed. That's kind of a
compromise, as the data is still there, but should pretty much only render
on OpenRailwayMap.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Solicitação LAI (Lei de Acesso à Informação) ao IPP sobre o Geolog

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Helton Nogueira Uchoa
Bom dia,

Existem poucos casos em que a lei de acesso à informação (*LEI Nº 12.527,
não se aplica. No caso de bases cartográficas, não vejo uma forma de
enquadrá-la como sigilosa, pois isso seria um grande absurdo e poderia
ser punido por esta própria lei.

Eu pretendo preparar um modelo de carta comercial para que qualquer
interessado possa ter acesso a qualquer base cartográfica do país.


Helton Nogueira *UCHOA* ::
*Information Technology and Geospatial Specialist - Project Manager*
*OSGeo Charter Member (*
+55 *85* 8886-3909 (OI - *WhatsApp*) :: +55 *85* 9716-7769 (TIM) :: +55 *85*
 3037-8689 (MULTIPLAY)
Twitter: (@helton_uchoa)

Em 13 de agosto de 2015 11:58, Arlindo Pereira escreveu:

 Prezados senhores do Instituto Pereira Passos,

 Quero saber quais são os termos de licença do Cadlog. Em especial:

 1) O Cadlog é domínio público?

 Se o Cadlog não for de domínio público:

 2) Posso utilizá-lo para fins comerciais?

 3) Posso fazer trabalhos derivados em cima do mapa (ou seja, modificá-lo e

 4) Se eu fizer um trabalho derivado, esse trabalho tem que dar atribuição?

 5) Se tiver atribuição, essa atribuição tem que ficar como legenda do mapa
 ou pode ficar em uma página apartada?

 Obrigado pela atenção.

 Arlindo Pereira

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 Sem mais,

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 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset comments

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Jean-Marc Liotier
By the way, is there any way to enumerate all the changesets discussions 
in which a given user has commented ? There is of course but it doesn't cover that 
use case.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Conduta errática de um utilizador

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Rui Oliveira
Olá Francisco

Já sabes um pouco a minha opinião sobre esse mapeador. Penso que o castigo
que teve no DWG adiantou de muito pouco. De facto deixei um feedback nessa
edição que mandaste, e ele corrigiu. No entanto mandei mensagem pessoal
para ele e nenhuma resposta. Além disso, e depois de o prevenir duas vezes
sobre o facto do potlach2 ser bastante susceptivel a deixar vias
desligadas, ele continua a usá-lo e em vez de ter cuidado extra, continua a
deixar vias abertas.

Ontem mesmo avisei-o sobre uma ligação à A5 que ele deixou em aberto, tendo
ele corrigido umas horas depois.

Ontem, também à noite para não estar a massacrá-lo, acabei por corrigir um
ramal de saída da A28 perto de matosinhos que ele tinha deixado aberto há 9

A questão é que o utilizador em questão não tem sensabilidade, para
reconhecer o prejuízo que estas vias abertas deixam (logo em vias
rápidas/autoestradas  de grande afluência) . Principalmente quando existem
soluções de navegação por GPS que usam os dados em tempo real do

Penso que ele só se importa em deixar as vias todas redondas e perfeitas,
mesmo que isso implique deixar algumas abertas e vir completá-las no dia
seguinte (foi essa a ideia que me deu da única mensagem das 5 que lhe
enviei que me respondeu). Ele pratica um couch mapping (mapeamento de
sofá) sem colaboração com a comunidade que pode ser na minha opinião mais
prejudicial do que benéfico.

Não tenho nada contra essa prática de mapear com base em imagens satélites
(eu também o faço). Como a nossa comunidade é pequena em Portugal, é
perfeitamente aceitável, desde que haja coordenação e quando alguém me
aponta algo (como já o fizeram), ao menos me digne a responder à outra
pessoa a agradecer ter encontrado um lapso que eu cometi (afinal errar é

Agora voltando ao assunto do tópico, é prática comum dele   fazer edições
como essa à ponte raínha santa (da minha cidade), que na minha opinião não
traz nada de novo, a não ser talvez tornar os contornos das estradas mais
redondos. Contudo, por mais que fique mais realista ou bonito,  não
justifica andar a apagar vias e reconstruir de novo, e com isso apagar
trabalho que alguns contribuidores no seu pouco tempo livre contribuíram (e
merecem o devido reconhecimento).

Por isso, na minha opinião por esta edição trazer mais prejuízo que
benefícios deveria ser revertida, e ser-lhe enviada  uma mensagem a dar
conta do sucedido.

2015-08-13 12:29 GMT+01:00


 Outra vez, queria a vossa opinião sob este changeset :


 Para mim há muito ways apagados que indica provavelmente que não houve
 respeito e melhoria do trabalho anterior mas retirada completa para colocar
 outro trabalho no mesmo lugar.

 Vi por exemplo que os turn:lanes já não lá estão :


 Outro caso este way (lanes=2) foi apagado :


 E foi colocado 2 highway (de classificação diferente) no mesmo lugar :


 O que pensam (sobretudo o pessoal de Coimbra) deste changeset ?


 Talk-pt mailing list

Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-uy] Fwd: Definición de localidades

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Coscia , Fabián
Soy nuevo en este foro pero comparto la solución propuesta. 

De: Ing Angel Lago 
Para: Talk-uy 
Enviados: Jueves, 13 de Agosto 2015 15:01:15 
Asunto: [Talk-uy] Fwd: Definición de localidades 

-- Mensaje reenviado -- 
De: Ing Angel Lago  
Fecha: 13 de agosto de 2015, 13:07 
Asunto: Re: [Talk-uy] Definición de localidades 
Para: Gustavo Miraballes  

Entendido. Seguimos.en contacto, 
El 13/08/2015 12:58, Gustavo Miraballes  escribió: 

Estoy de acuerdo. 

El 13 de agosto de 2015, 12:35, Ing Angel Lago  


Justamente fue donde empeze este tema. Porque Ejido de Treinta y Tres no 
existe.Nadie conoce ese nombre. Ni siquiera es un barrio,.simplemente esa zona 
es.ciudad de t y Tres. Despues me entere que pasaba en otros lados. 
En concreto entonces, les parece bien si fusiono ciudad de.T.y.Tres con esa 
zona designada Ejido de T y Tres, que en realidad es parte de la ciudad? 
El 13/08/2015 11:49, Gustavo Miraballes  escribió: 


Sin duda que el intercambio de opiniones enriquece. 
Para asegurar que el usuario común pueda ubicar su zona, barrio o localidad por 
la forma en que la conoce, en nuestro grupo de trabajo hemos decidido no 
atarnos al nomenclator de Ine o Castro y contemplar la forma en que la gente le 


El 13 de agosto de 2015, 10:54, Ing Angel Lago  


Sin ánimo de polemizar, el SGM no es el encargado oficial de determinar 
localidades. Todo lo relacionado con localidades realmente oficiales, o sea 
creadas por decretos o leyes, se asienta mediante planos de mensura registrados 
en Catastro, que es en definitiva el encargado del mantenimiento de la 
Por eso plantee en mensaje anterior lo de dejar claro de que hablamos cuando se 
dice localidad, o sea distinguir localidad catastral, de zona censal o de por 
ejemplo una zona habitada como puede ser Arrocera El Tigre, que es una empresa 
donde vive gente y el INE lo censa en forma independiente. 

De todas maneras, la idea era mejorar el mapa, para que fuera mas entendible 
por el usuario común y que bueno se de el intercambio de opiniones. 

El 13 de agosto de 2015, 9:55, Gustavo Miraballes  


Estimados, ni las localidades del Ine y ni las localidades catastrales son un 
reflejo de las localidades reales. Solo las localidades determinadas por el SGM 
son las oficiales. En todos los casos nos estaríamos quedando corto si queremos 
reflejar la realidad. 
Alguien va a participar del evento State of de Map LatAm 2015 a realizarse en 
Santiago de Chile, el mes que viene? 


El 11 de agosto de 2015, 10:23,  

Estimados: dado que tenemos algunos problemitas de definición de 
límites de localidades según las fuentes usadas del INE y de que 
Catastro esta publicando shp de todo el pais de las localidades 
actualizadas, planteo sería correcto usar estas nuevas fuentes como 
definición de localidades. 
Ej: ciudad de Treinta y Tres esta partida en dos segíun el INE, ciudad 
de Treinta y Tres y una localidad ficta llamada Ejido de Treinta y tres, 
(cosa que confunde a los usuarios) esta debe desaparecer y fusionar las 
dos areas, para que se adecue a la realidad. 
Algunas localidades estan en proceso de actualización en catastro y se 
me informó estarían a fin de año, no se si será cierto. 
Poniendo énfasis, en que Catastro es la autoridad en esta información y 
su mantenimiento y que ahora entró en una etapa de compartir datos, 
les dejo la inquietud y vemos que hacemos. 

Talk-uy mailing list 






Talk-uy mailing list 
Talk-uy mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] IGO : premier logiciel libre de l'Administration publique québécoise en géomatique!

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Nicolas Gignac
Bonjour à tous et à toutes,

En ce 13 août, le ministère de la Sécurité publique du Québec (MSP) est
heureux d’annoncer officiellement dans un communiqué (
la mise en ligne d’IGO (Infrastructure géomatique ouverte :, le premier logiciel gratuit en géomatique utilisant
une licence libre en français produite par l'administration publique
québécoise :
L'espace de partage du code source a été déposé dans un des sites
d'hébergement les plus répandus au monde, soit GitHub : notamment pour faciliter les
contributions externes.

N'hésitez pas à communiquer avec l'équipe d'IGO pour plus d'information :
info(a) ou à vous inscrire à la liste courriel publique :

Pour en savoir plus sur IGO ou contribuer à son développement, vous pouvez
consulter son site Web:

Mentionnons finalement qu’IGO respecte les standards ouverts internationaux
en géomatique et s'appuie sur des logiciels libres existants dans

Merci de votre collaboration.

Au plaisir,

Nicolas Gignac
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for Default Map style - pull requested is opened

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Philip Barnes
On Thu, 2015-08-13 at 10:22 +0100, Lester Caine wrote:
 On 12/08/15 23:18, Andrew Hain wrote:
  We have a great opportunity for a spot of promotion. Publish a post 
  on our blog announcing the new style and explaining the reasoning 
  behind it. Don’t forget to remind people that there’s a wide 
  of map styles out there that you can even write your own style.
 It is perhaps time to review the front page yet again to provide 
 links to some of the alternatives. This is a major WTF change which 
 affect a LOT of third party users of the current map. The changes to
 date have been bad enough, but I WAS hoping to have an alternative
 rendering engine working by now so I can switch my UK location maps 
 retain the main selling point for using OSM over Google ... the roads
 are the right colours ... but while I've got the planet file 
 and tilemill is running, getting the current style setup actually
 producing tiles still eludes me :(  Lack of time is the problem, but 
 decent set of instructions to work with openstreetmap-carto and 
 manage a
 branch off the current style would be helpful!

Whilst the new style is better than google in that there is colour in
the roads, google's and mappilarys mass of white roads make aligning
yourself very difficult when browsing the map.

One thing I do wonder is were was the discussion as to why we need a
new style and if so what we would like to see. I do recall any mailing
list discussion about something so fundamentally important to OSM.

Phil (trigpoint)

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-uy] Fwd: Definición de localidades

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden muralito
Sin duda que el animo es mejorar, si hay que cambiar criterios se cambian, lo 
que no me parece adecuado es apresurarse en cambiar el mapa antes de lograr un 
nuevo criterio general y no solo tratar el tema puntual de Treinta y Tres, pero 
si de todas formas lo queres cambiar, hacelo, porque hacia corregir esas 
falencias es donde hay apuntar con un nuevo criterio. 

Al final, ¿que autoridad determina las localidades?, ¿Catastro o SGM? ¿Que ley 
u otra reglamentacion le da dicha autoridad? 


From: amlago 
To: talk-uy 
Sent: Jueves, 13 de Agosto 2015 15:01:15 
Subject: [Talk-uy] Fwd: Definición de localidades 

-- Mensaje reenviado -- 
De: Ing Angel Lago  
Fecha: 13 de agosto de 2015, 13:07 
Asunto: Re: [Talk-uy] Definición de localidades 
Para: Gustavo Miraballes  

Entendido. Seguimos.en contacto, 
El 13/08/2015 12:58, Gustavo Miraballes  escribió: 

Estoy de acuerdo. 

El 13 de agosto de 2015, 12:35, Ing Angel Lago  


Justamente fue donde empeze este tema. Porque Ejido de Treinta y Tres no 
existe.Nadie conoce ese nombre. Ni siquiera es un barrio,.simplemente esa zona 
es.ciudad de t y Tres. Despues me entere que pasaba en otros lados. 
En concreto entonces, les parece bien si fusiono ciudad de.T.y.Tres con esa 
zona designada Ejido de T y Tres, que en realidad es parte de la ciudad? 
El 13/08/2015 11:49, Gustavo Miraballes  escribió: 


Sin duda que el intercambio de opiniones enriquece. 
Para asegurar que el usuario común pueda ubicar su zona, barrio o localidad por 
la forma en que la conoce, en nuestro grupo de trabajo hemos decidido no 
atarnos al nomenclator de Ine o Castro y contemplar la forma en que la gente le 


El 13 de agosto de 2015, 10:54, Ing Angel Lago  


Sin ánimo de polemizar, el SGM no es el encargado oficial de determinar 
localidades. Todo lo relacionado con localidades realmente oficiales, o sea 
creadas por decretos o leyes, se asienta mediante planos de mensura registrados 
en Catastro, que es en definitiva el encargado del mantenimiento de la 
Por eso plantee en mensaje anterior lo de dejar claro de que hablamos cuando se 
dice localidad, o sea distinguir localidad catastral, de zona censal o de por 
ejemplo una zona habitada como puede ser Arrocera El Tigre, que es una empresa 
donde vive gente y el INE lo censa en forma independiente. 

De todas maneras, la idea era mejorar el mapa, para que fuera mas entendible 
por el usuario común y que bueno se de el intercambio de opiniones. 

El 13 de agosto de 2015, 9:55, Gustavo Miraballes  


Estimados, ni las localidades del Ine y ni las localidades catastrales son un 
reflejo de las localidades reales. Solo las localidades determinadas por el SGM 
son las oficiales. En todos los casos nos estaríamos quedando corto si queremos 
reflejar la realidad. 
Alguien va a participar del evento State of de Map LatAm 2015 a realizarse en 
Santiago de Chile, el mes que viene? 


El 11 de agosto de 2015, 10:23,  

Estimados: dado que tenemos algunos problemitas de definición de 
límites de localidades según las fuentes usadas del INE y de que 
Catastro esta publicando shp de todo el pais de las localidades 
actualizadas, planteo sería correcto usar estas nuevas fuentes como 
definición de localidades. 
Ej: ciudad de Treinta y Tres esta partida en dos segíun el INE, ciudad 
de Treinta y Tres y una localidad ficta llamada Ejido de Treinta y tres, 
(cosa que confunde a los usuarios) esta debe desaparecer y fusionar las 
dos areas, para que se adecue a la realidad. 
Algunas localidades estan en proceso de actualización en catastro y se 
me informó estarían a fin de año, no se si será cierto. 
Poniendo énfasis, en que Catastro es la autoridad en esta información y 
su mantenimiento y que ahora entró en una etapa de compartir datos, 
les dejo la inquietud y vemos que hacemos. 

Talk-uy mailing list 






Talk-uy mailing list 
Talk-uy mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Serge Wroclawski

How do I know if there is a razed railway there?

That is, if I'm on the ground and there's a building, how do I know it's a
razed railway?

- Serge
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Warin

On 13/08/2015 11:24 PM, Ruben Maes wrote:

On Thursday 13 August 2015 15:10:14 Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

On Thu, 13 Aug 2015 21:54:39 +1000
Warin wrote:

For example a demolished building .. may have a new building built on
the same spot .. with the same outline.
Leave the node data in OSM, change the tag building=yes to
building=demolished (may not be rendered nor official OSM tagging)
add a note as to who/why ..
and then if rebuilt change the tag back to building=yes... with a
source tag please.
If the site has a different shaped building then the nodes will have
to be changed, or the site gets used for something else .. then
change it. But untill then leave the old data there.

This is a bad idea. Maybe [note=this building is demolished] to protect
against mapping from outdated aerial images may be OK.

But expecting data consumers displaying buildings to filter out
building=demolished, building=razed, building=proposed etc etc is a
really bad idea.

Or you use demolished:building=yes as I said an hour ago.

This is clearer than a note IMO,
allows to retain all tags of the demolished building for reference and
caters for potential data consumers interested in demolished buildings.

I like it Ruben. demolished: it is.

Not just for use on buildings, but bridges, poles .. any structure that could 
be rebuilt to the same dimensions, especially any with foundations that could 
be reused.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Map your waste

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Yogesh योगि
Slight change on the venue. This will be a decentralized mapping event 
happening at colleges in coordination with GNU/Linux User Groups.

Updated the wiki page -

Comments and suggestions welcome.

On Thursday 13 August 2015 08:13 PM, Yogesh योगि wrote:
Its rainy season now in Bengaluru and we see clogs in sewage manholes 
in most of the roads in the city when it rains heavily. Volunteers of 
Free Software Movement Karnataka(FSMK) are 
organizing 'Map your waste' mapping event using OpenStreetMap and 
requesting the OSM community to join this mapping event. The idea is 
to survey the area in the vicinity/neighborhood for sewage manholes, 
sewage lines and public toilets using Fieldpapers and OSMtracker in GPS-enabled android 
device. And then comeback to add the data to OSM using id editor. For adding the 
data, we'll be using manhole=sewer tag and 
manmade=pipeline with type=sewage tags to 
add sewage lines. Any suggestions on using tags are welcome.

Currently there are no manhole or sewage 
objects mapped in India OSM(different tags used?) and looks like a 
unique mapping effort. :)

More details here -,_FSMK_Bengaluru

Yogesh K S
Sent from an Electronic Device

Talk-in mailing list

Yogesh K S
Sent from an Electronic Device

Talk-in mailing list

[Talk-it] Istat e numeri romani

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Fabrizio
A quanto pare istat non li vorrebbe più..leggendo questo articolo di un
noto quotidiano americano
*City **council* *to* *change** database **but* *not** street **signs**.*

Rome’s city council has backtracked after voting to phase out Roman
numerals from the city’s street signs and documents.

The plan, which caused controversy among Rome residents and politicians,
followed a recommendation from national statistics agency Istat which said
that Italy’s numerical system should be updated and standardised.

The change would have meant that streets such as Via XX Settembre, Corso
Vittorio Emanuele II and Via Pio V, for example, would receive new plaques
reading “Via Venti Settembre”, “Corso Vittorio Emanuele Secondo” and “Via
Pio Quinto”.

The city backtracked on its plans, at least partially, after Italy’s
culture minister Dario Franceshini said he hoped Rome would reconsider the
move because: “Roman numerals are a part of our identity.”

The measure will not now be introduced on new street plaques but the city’s
database will adopt the system “for technical reasons.”
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] UK/GB OpenStreetMap survey results

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Dudley Ibbett
This looks to be quite a good list of objectives.  I would suggest adding 
discussions with the
existing local groups.  How might they
fit in should a national group be formed? 
What might a national group be able to provide in the way of support to local 


I would hope that any national body would have some “weight”
compared to individuals and the existing local groups in terms of engaging with
“major organisations” , potential Corporate support and sponsors.  I’m not sure 
I see the point of a national
body if it isn’t able to facilitate this. 
I say “facilitate” because OSM seems to be very much about local
and individual initiatives and I think it is important that this doesn’t change 
significantly if such a group is formed.


When it comes to an “engagement initiative” this could in
theory be the launch of a new UK rendering of OSM data but as suggested it is
probably unrealistic, if an inclusive new rendering is to be developed, in the 
time scale.  Personally
the idea of a vector based system appeals as it seems you could render a
“specialist” map with very little server resources.   If my
understanding is correct you would only need to “serve” the script to render
the vector data which would come from a central server, so I’m hoping a £35/pa
LAMP account might be all that you would need. 


Another possibility for an engagement imitative might be
some sort of “state of the UK map” event.  
I doubt SOTM will be returning to the UK any time soon and it would seem
appropriate for a national body to look at supporting this type of event.


I guess developing some sort
of “policy”/constitution under which it will operate will be a reasonable
priority.  Hopefully this can be based on
another (national) organisation rather than starting from scratch.

Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 11:18:50 +0100
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] UK/GB OpenStreetMap survey results

Seeing as the survey put technical stuff like a new render low on the priority 
list ( it got one of the lowest strongly agree scores) lets refocus on the 
community stuff that the survey indicated should be more of a priority.  A new 
UK render should be a separate task and discussion in my opinion. Here's my 
tuppence worth on 100 days 

100 members

10 Corporate members (if we decide that's what we want)

1 Flagship sponsor

1 Engagement Initiative launched with 1 new instance

Website and social media in place

Online shop with merchandise (e.g hiviz vests)

5 contacts identified in 
major organisations

discussions underway with OSM data user organisations

Committee/Board 2 meetings

1 online policy vote

Sponsor pack in place

Media Pack in Place

1 Press release

1 indepth piece of media coverage

On 1 August 2015 at 12:53, Rob Nickerson wrote:
Hi all,

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the A UK OpenStreetMap group? 
survey. In the 3 weeks since the survey first opened we received a total of 101 
responses. This is a great response rate and indicates that many people are 
interested in the prospect of such a group.

So what do the results show? Please follow the link below for a break down of 
the results and some suggestions as to next steps for this group.

I look forward to hearing your views on this. If possible please send replies 
to so that other members can view your comments 
(emails sent to this address are publicly visible).

Best wishes,


Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Brad Neuhauser
 How do I know if there is a razed railway there?

 That is, if I'm on the ground and there's a building, how do I know it's a
 razed railway?

 - Serge

Personally, I haven't used that tag much, I'm not that into railways. :)
When I have, it's usually when I'm doing some remote mapping in the US,
there's an imported railway from TIGER which I can see aligns with track
remnants in two spots (often already tagged railway=abandoned), but in
between there is new development which has totally removed the tracks and
regraded the land for housing, highway, mall, etc.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] osmose: analyse croisement BANO/OSM à tester...

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden didier2020

je pense qu'il y a une amélioration a faire sur les route avec indice
comme ici :

osm vs route500 
D 129.3 vs D129.3

Le mercredi 05 août 2015 à 14:16 +0200, Christian Quest a écrit :
 Le 05/08/2015 11:33, Yves Pratter a écrit :
   Pour l'instant c'est en test uniquement sur le serveur dev
   d'osmose, il est préférable d'avoir vos retours avant de mettre ça
   sur l'instance de prod, donc c'est ici:
   (voies à tracer)
  Nickel pour les quelques cas que j’ai regardé : lotissement en
  construction ou rues bien visibles sur Bing :)
   (name à ajouter)
  Correct. La puce n’est pas exactement sur le tracé de la route… 
  et surtout il y a des rues aux alentours sans noms et sans retour de
  la part d’Osmose :
 Oui, l'analyse pêche par excès de prudence ;)
 Souvent quand un manque est signalé il y a du grain à moudre sur la
   (name à modifier)
  Semble correct. Idem pour la puce (cas
  Là c’est plus problématique. Il en sort pleins (peut-être celles qui
  manques pour « name à ajouter » ?) 
  Beaucoup ? de faux positifs :
  Ici une rue est correctement nommée, l’autre est à corriger (Rue du
  Tilleul à la place de Rue des Tilleuls ») 
 Bien sûr la limite ce sont les noms récupérées par les scripts BANO
 sur le cadastre... si ils sont incorrects, osmose va proposer une
 correction qui n'a pas lieu d'être.
 L'analyse tient compte des signalements faits sur
 Les voies où l'on a indiqué un problème sont éliminées de l'analyse.

  Rue Branly proposé à la place de Rue Édouard Branly, idem pour
  Eiffel, Mermoz… Propose « Rue Edgard Fauré » avé l’assent ;-) 
 Pareil... à signaler sur
 L'analyse pourrait aussi proposer l'ajout du ref:FR:FANTOIR plutôt que
 de juste proposer de changer le name=*. C'est un moyen d'indiquer que
 c'est la bonne voie (BANO pourra faire son rapprochement) même si le
 libellé ne correspond pas (et donc que c'est une erreur dans FANTOIR).
 Je vais voir pour ajouter ça dans les cas de noms divergents.
 Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Mapping workshop at Kozhikode Collectorate on Aug 14

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Shankar S.C.
Kindly inform me if there is anyone in chennai who can help me to learn the
concept of mapping using the tools provided by OSM  mapbox

s c shankar

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Arun Ganesh

 There is a OSM mapping workshop being organized by Gopinath from Blue
 Yonder with the help of Kozhikode district administration at the
 Collectorate tomorrow morning. The agenda is to train a volunteer mapping
 team of around 20 to be comfortable collecting data using various tools and
 mapping it on OpenStreetMap. I'll be in Kozhikode tomorrow whole day for
 this along with my team mate Pratik from Mapbox.

 For tomorrow we will map out the area around the Collectorate [1] in
 maximum detail using Mapillary and other mobile apps.

 This is part of a larger project to spread community mapping in Kerala. If
 there are any local mappers interested in attending and helping out, do get
 in touch with Gopi offthread asap.


 Arun Ganesh

 Talk-in mailing list

S.C. Shankar
Mob: 9841016723
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Russ Nelson
Ian Dees writes:
  I appreciate that there are strong feelings about this topic, but we could
  certainly use more constructive language and have a civilized conversation.

I would love to have a civilized conversation with civilized people
who don't destroy other people's work. You're asking for constructive
language about destruction, without any apparent irony.

It's really just a small handful of people who think it's okay not
just to delete things, but to counsel other people to delete
things. I didn't see it, so I deleted it is a reason for a ban, not
an excuse against being banned.

Of course, the defining problem here is what are these things? Are
they something that is obvious to everyone? Or are they something that
you can barely see as a shadow on an aerial photo, a bit of vegetation
in the wall between fields, or a small depression in a field, or
cinders where there ought to be sandy loam?  I will cheerfully
acknowledge that I am expert at locating abandoned railbeds, and that
my expert's eye can see things other people don't see. This isn't
Wikipedia. We allow original research and expert testimony.

So, is OSM to contain only the obvious that everyone can see? Or
should it contain everything that can be seen?

I'll leave the issue of railway=dismantled where I agree that there is
nothing to be seen for hundreds of feet for another day. Clearly we
are talking now about railway=abandoned that can be easily discerned
on the ground and from aerial photos.

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Serge Wroclawski
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:09 PM, Russ Nelson wrote:

 It's really just a small handful of people who think it's okay not
 just to delete things, but to counsel other people to delete
 things. I didn't see it, so I deleted it is a reason for a ban, not
 an excuse against being banned.

Russ, I doubt that you mean it this way, but if you set the bar too high,
then you're essentially asking people to disprove a negative.

Of course, the defining problem here is what are these things? Are
 they something that is obvious to everyone? Or are they something that
 you can barely see as a shadow on an aerial photo, a bit of vegetation
 in the wall between fields, or a small depression in a field, or
 cinders where there ought to be sandy loam?  I will cheerfully
 acknowledge that I am expert at locating abandoned railbeds, and that
 my expert's eye can see things other people don't see. This isn't
 Wikipedia. We allow original research and expert testimony.

We allow original research and expert testimony, but we also don't require

So, is OSM to contain only the obvious that everyone can see? Or
 should it contain everything that can be seen?

We have generally not required specialized knowledge or equipment for
observations in the past and I don't think that we should change that going

 I'll leave the issue of railway=dismantled where I agree that there is
 nothing to be seen for hundreds of feet for another day. Clearly we
 are talking now about railway=abandoned that can be easily discerned
 on the ground and from aerial photos.

The issue of areal photos vs on the ground observation is an interesting

Is there a way to observe these tracks on the ground other than in
aggregate via areal imagery?

If so, can you post photos of ground observable features and place those
photos on the wiki page for the tag?

- Serge
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Russ Nelson
Serge Wroclawski writes:
  That is, if I'm on the ground and there's a building, how do I know it's a
  razed railway?

Tracks buried in the asphalt are usually a good indication. You don't
need to get out your tape measure to see if the cracks are 4' 8.5 apart.
I don't have any pictures of the building, but it's in the description.

Don't believe me? Here's the rails on the other side of the building:

If that's not enough, the presence of buildings with loading doors are
boxcar height and spacing ought to suggest that a railroad went past.

Or how about a spur track? Had to connect to something, right?

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Maarten Deen

On 2015-08-14 05:09, Russ Nelson wrote:

Ian Dees writes:
  I appreciate that there are strong feelings about this topic, but we 
  certainly use more constructive language and have a civilized 

I would love to have a civilized conversation with civilized people
who don't destroy other people's work. You're asking for constructive
language about destruction, without any apparent irony.

It's really just a small handful of people who think it's okay not
just to delete things, but to counsel other people to delete
things. I didn't see it, so I deleted it is a reason for a ban, not
an excuse against being banned.

I beg your pardon? I read this as nothing can be deleted, since you 
say that deleting something you don't see (which usually means it's not 
there) is reason for a ban.

I'm sure you don't mean it like that or that I'm reading it wrong. 
Please elaborate.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Russ Nelson
Maarten Deen writes:
  I beg your pardon? I read this as nothing can be deleted, since you 
  say that deleting something you don't see (which usually means it's not 
  there) is reason for a ban.

No, nobody is going to get banned for just one action. But if they
consistently go around deleting things because *they* didn't see the
thing, and are counselled that that is not how we do things, and
persists in doing it (and advising others to do it), yeah, deleting
things that can be seen is reason to ban somebody, just as is any
other kind of damage to the map data.

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Maarten Deen

On 2015-08-14 07:44, Russ Nelson wrote:

Maarten Deen writes:
  I beg your pardon? I read this as nothing can be deleted, since 
  say that deleting something you don't see (which usually means it's 

  there) is reason for a ban.

No, nobody is going to get banned for just one action. But if they
consistently go around deleting things because *they* didn't see the
thing, and are counselled that that is not how we do things, and
persists in doing it (and advising others to do it), yeah, deleting
things that can be seen is reason to ban somebody, just as is any
other kind of damage to the map data.

That last statement is something different than I didn't see it, so I 
deleted it
So I'm still confused. Please confine the answer to the deletion of 
things that are not present.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Mapeo de rutas de bus

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Roberto geb

puedes consultar esta página de rutas de autobús en Madrid
Incluso sería bueno que crearas una similar para llevar cuenta del proyecto
y su avance de manera que otras personas puedan contribuir de forma
En las rutas que yo hago incluyó el recorrido y las paradas. Estas últimas
las creo como platform y, a veces, les añado las etiquetas de bus_stop (por
si algún programa usa las etiquetas antiguas).
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strada provinciale chiusa per frana

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Gian Mario Navillod
per me la tua proposta di spezzare la strada dov'è franata e cambiare il
valore highway li in path avrebbe senso. Aggiungerei anche un tag note per
spiegare cos'è successo


Il giorno 13 agosto 2015 16:04, Martin Koppenhoefer
ha scritto:

 sent from a phone

 Am 13.08.2015 um 15:42 schrieb solitone

  On 13/08/15 11:53, Dario Crespi wrote:
  Credo che vada lasciata la way, indicando che l'accesso è consentito
  solo a pedoni e biciclette nel tratto in questione, mettendo access=no
  agli altri veicoli.
  E' che la strada lì è proprio franata, non c'è più, ce solo uno stretto
  passaggio per pedoni e bici.

 per me la tua proposta di spezzare la strada dov'è franata e cambiare il
 valore highway li in path avrebbe senso. Aggiungerei anche un tag note per
 spiegare cos'è successo

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Subject=Re: SeFaireConnaitre :(

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Support Sefaireconnaitre

Comme convenu avec Christian, nous avons lancé des développements sur
les différents points que vous avez listés, pour améliorer la qualité
de nos publications, et vous éviter les différents problèmes qu'elles
ont pu causer.

Nous allons désormais traiter les géolocalisation en amont, pour ne
pas avoir à publier un POI et le déplacer ensuite.
Dans la mesure du possible, les POI seront synchronisés avec la base BAN.
Les doublons seront traités, en suppression ou en fusion.

Il y a du passif concernant les publications que nous avons faites
jusqu'ici, nous allons traiter ces différents POI pour les corriger.

Vous trouverez ci dessous le message que nous avons transmis à
Christian suite à son alerte, et evidemment nous serons plus attentifs
à la liste de diffusion pour mieux traiter les anomalies.
Nous sommes à l'écoute de vos retours et suggestions.
bonne journée

L'équipe SFC

Bonjour Christian,

je prends connaissance de votre mail, et de la liste de discussion,
avec de nouveaux messages depuis le mois de mai.
Des messages et des échanges qui ne sont pas satisfaisant, ni pour la
communauté, et évidemment pas pour nous, c'est un euphémisme.
Très clairement notre souhait n'est pas de nous appuyer sur la
communauté pour faire notre travail, nous voulons être autonomes et
corriger nos erreurs lorsque nous en faisons, quand à polluer les
bases, n'en parlons même pas c'est à l'opposé de notre volonté.

Je prends note d'un certain nombre de points, qui sont à traiter de
notre côté car ils correspondent à la réalité de nos process :
- nous utilisons une référence GPS et pas une référence adresse, à ce
stade, nous ne faisons pas le rapprochement strict, mais a minima,
nous vérifions manuellement la cohérence des données soit avec OSM,
soit avec le cadastre, et positionnons le POI sur le batiment.
je note la sortie de la base BAN qui devrait permettre le faire ce
rapprochement automatique sur une partie des POI.
- le fait que nous créions un POI, pour le corriger immédiatement est
vrai, c'est actuellement notre process, nous allons donc le revoir, et
nous créer des outils pour traiter cela en amont
- la vérification des doublons est intégrée dans nos process, si des
doublons sont créés ce sont des erreurs, et donc je vais faire en
sorte que nous soyons plus attentifs sur ce point.

Nous avons fait beaucoup de modifications suite à vos précédents
retours sur nos process (novembre), pour prendre en compte les
éléments que vous aviez remontés.
Nous avons fait des repasses sur les points que nous avions créés pour
améliorer la géolocalisation lorsqu'elle était mauvaise, cette repasse
est toujours en cours étant donné le volume, à date nous avons 3000
POI, nous sommes repassés sur 1500, 500 restent à traiter, et nous
avons 1000 POI qui n'ont pas été publiés.
Le process auparavant automatique est désormais passé en
semi-automatique, pour intégrer les vérifications, permettre une
géolocalisation de meilleure qualité, et ne pas créer de doublons.
Nous allons continuer à travailler dans ce sens et prendre en compte
vos retours dans nos process.

Par rapport aux retours de la mailing list je retiens les points suivants :
- Des personnes remontent que la qualité de la géolocalisation est
meilleure qu'auparavant, sans éluder les autres problèmes ou les
anomalies restantes, je prends cela plutôt positivement car nous avons
travaillé sur ce point.
- Il y a un problème de process, que nous allons revoir, pour ne pas
créer un point mal geolocalisé et le relocaliser ensuite, afin de vous
éviter le bruit que cela génère.
- les points ne sont pas croisés avec les bases d'adresses, nous
allons travailler sur ce point, notamment avec BAN, pour les adresses
qui ne seraient pas accessibles ou vérifiables via ces bases nous
continuerons sur la géolocalisation GPS, et si nous ne pouvons pas
localiser précisément alors nous ne publierons pas.
- nous avons taggué les url de certains POI sur demande d'un de notre
client qui voulait intégrer le tracking dans ses outils, nous ne le
ferons plus

Voila à date ce que je peux vous dire en termes d'action de notre côté.
Effectivement nous n'avons pas été attentifs aux messages de la
mailing list, nous allons faire en sorte de la surveiller plus
attentivement pour être plus réactifs en cas de probleme, et en tout
cas plus constructifs.
Je vais faire en sorte de lancer le dev de ces outils de notre côté,
sur BANO et sur les traitements amont de géolocalisation, en l'attente
de ces outils je vais suspendre les nouvelles publications.
Nous continuerons à traiter les 500 points sur lesquels nous ne sommes
pas encore repassés.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strada provinciale chiusa per frana

2015-08-13 Diskussionsfäden Dario Crespi

 E' che la strada lì è proprio franata, non c'è più, ce solo uno stretto
 passaggio per pedoni e bici.

Ah, ok. pensavo fosse solo ostruita. Allora anche per me va bene la tua

Il giorno 13 agosto 2015 16:04, Martin Koppenhoefer
ha scritto:

 sent from a phone

 Am 13.08.2015 um 15:42 schrieb solitone

  On 13/08/15 11:53, Dario Crespi wrote:
  Credo che vada lasciata la way, indicando che l'accesso è consentito
  solo a pedoni e biciclette nel tratto in questione, mettendo access=no
  agli altri veicoli.
  E' che la strada lì è proprio franata, non c'è più, ce solo uno stretto
  passaggio per pedoni e bici.

 per me la tua proposta di spezzare la strada dov'è franata e cambiare il
 valore highway li in path avrebbe senso. Aggiungerei anche un tag note per
 spiegare cos'è successo

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list