Re: [Talk-de] Fwd: New MapRoulette challenge - fix railway crossings

2015-08-04 Thread Andreas Goss

* warum eigentlich gibt es in Amerika so wenig Mapper, die ihr eigenes
Land einzeichnen? Kein Bedarf? Grundsätzlich sollte es in einem
industrialisierten, (weitgehend) zivilisierten Land mit großer
Bevölkerungszahl doch möglich sein, dass die ihr Land selber mappen?

Ich glaube google erfreut sich da einfache sehr großer beliebtheit wo 
hier der eine oder andere doch etwas skeptisch ist. Zeigt sich auch in 
den Kommentaren nachdem Daimler, BMW und Audi HERE ersteigert haben und 
die meisten dort sich gefragt haben Warum nehmen die nicht einfach 
google? Ich glaube die meisten Deutschen hätten das nicht so gerne, 
wenn google jeden Meter den sie fahren mitverfolgt.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] fire_hydrant:position street - lane?!?

2015-06-15 Thread Andreas Goss

Ich finde so riesige changesets ja schon doof weil man da so schlecht
nachvollziehen kann was da gelaufen ist.

fire_hydrant:position=street = fire_hydrant:position=lane

Macht laut dokumentation schon irgendwo Sinn. Frage mich eher woher die 
ganzen street tags überhaupt kommen.


Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk] Wiki: Adblock blocks Wikimedia Commons images

2015-06-14 Thread Andreas Goss
I was pretty annoyed recently, because every now and then a wikimedia 
image I used in a ValueTemplate would not work.

For some reason I decided to check Privacy Badger today and after that 
disable Adblock.  Well, that did the job. Not sure if we can do 
anything, but for people who frequently edit the wiki, maybe just 
whilelist the domain so you don't waste yout time trying to figure out 
why images are not working.

Not really sure why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't so far...

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Creative Commons is making a mobile app

2015-06-12 Thread Andreas Goss
Today we’re pushing the latest beta release of our mobile app, The List 
powered by Creative Commons. It’s a mobile photography app that invites 
users to create a list of images they want, or submit photos to help a 
person or group who created a list. Every image is uploaded to the 
archive with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence, allowing 
anyone to use the images so long as they give proper credit to the author.


Is there any way this could be used for OpenStreetMap?

Looking at the license it doesn't seem to be possible to just use them 
to get information, right? But do you think it will be possible to maybe 
have a list what they call it that would give such a permission?


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] waterway=riverbank

2015-05-29 Thread Andreas Goss

natural=water + water=* erlaubt generell auch das undifferenzierte
Tagging von Wasserflächen, was auch in über 90 Prozent der Fälle so
gemacht wird - siehe

Wenn der top tag schon source=* ist, dann kann man eigentlich fast schon 
davon ausgehen, dass da ein Haufen Importe drin sind wo einfach nur 
natural=water für alles hergenommen wurde.

Zudem vermute ich ist da auch ein haufen tagging für den Renderer drin.

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-at] St. Johann in Tirol... residential area... o_O

2015-05-17 Thread Andreas Goss
Bin grade durch zufall auf dieses Video gestoßen:

Das ist ein sehr kreatives tagging muss ich sagen. Ist das schonmal 
aufgefallen? In Österreich irgendwie üblich? Habe ich in Deutschland 
noch nie gesehen, da gibt es einfach nur eine großes multipolygon um das 


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] contact: tags

2015-05-10 Thread Andreas Goss

On 5/7/15 16:40 , Richard Z. wrote:

indeed my  intention was to use contact:twitter exactly when
a company explicitly recommends it as a way to contact them whereas
twitter=* could be used to mean anything else.

1. That's not how it's been used currently
2. How would we ensure every mapper knows the difference?
3. Even if for some magical reason people understand the difference, how 
many will bother checking that?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] contact: tags

2015-05-06 Thread Andreas Goss

e.g. a general contact telephone number and,
say, an emergency or reservations or god-knows-what other telephone number.

Yeah, but the obvious simple solution for that is a phone:emergency, 
phone:reception or whatever comes up often.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] contact: tags

2015-05-06 Thread Andreas Goss

the verbosity may be unneeded for very simple things like phone
but is that true for everything covered by contact* ?
key:fax? key:twitter? key:vhf?

So what would you do with those tags?

If we don't use contact for phone, it makes no sense at all to use it 
for something like social media etc.

In addition I think if the emphasis on contact was really that you can 
actually contact someone (contact:phone) then contact:twitter is also 
flat out wrong, because many companies will not reply and maybe not even 
read what you tweet them.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Chain Store Cleanup

2015-04-30 Thread Andreas Goss

I think is overkill
however.  And long term chances are
some form of synchronization with McDonald's official store finder will
replace the current manual process.

Agree, something like this with a more organized overview would be better:

And those individual pages also are not like Map Features.

The main problem with all these pages is that if something is updated or 
changed you have to do it everywhere. So I would try to limit it.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Different HOT Domains without redirect...

2015-04-28 Thread Andreas Goss
I already wrote on the HOT mailinglist, but because the focus there is 
obviously somewhere else I thought I'd mention it here, too.

So I just realized that the same website has 3 or maybe even more URLs.


While it looks like someone fixed the issue that some pages were not up 
do date, it's still pretty bad for search engines. I also just realized 
that there are no www. versions, except for, but that 
should also redirect (needs a seperate one I think)

In my opinion it would be best if all URL had a 301 redirect to



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Different HOT Domains without redirect...

2015-04-28 Thread Andreas Goss

Not going to happen. We don't add random www. prefixes to any of our
other sites, other than the main site. Arguably we should drop it there.

Why is that random? Try any other larger website and you will find that 
they all have redirects for all subdomains and all go to the domain with 
or without www.

So you think it's okay that or are just dead links?

I mean I never done it myself, but isn't it like just 1-3 short lines in 
the .htaccess file?

And how many used pages do we actually have? blog, 
forum and help are the only ones I can think of

I believe is the canonical domain anyway, we just provide as an alias for convenience.

I can't find any canonical links and they should be in the source code, 

And while it might be convenient, it's really bad for search engines. I 
mean wouldn't it be kinda nice if people when looking for earthquake 
map nepal or whatever might get a HOT page listed as a top result?


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Hundekottütenspender tagging

2015-04-25 Thread Andreas Goss

Ich würde eher einen neuen tag einführen, der dann wirklich alles umfasst
das man damit taggen will, oder einen oder mehrere weitere tags um das
abzudecken, was zwar irgendwie öffentlich und ohne Personal Dinge oder
Services verteilt, dafür aber keine Bezahlung erfordert.

Hatten wir das nicht auf Tagging damals mit den Post Dingern schon 
diskutiert? Damals gabe es soweit ich mich erinnere keinen Vorschlag bei 
den ich gesagt hätte ja super passt. Ich wäre auch dafür 
vending_machiene durch einen größeren Überbegriff zu ersetzten, dann 
braucht man da nicht jedes mal zu diskutieren. Automat was ich finde am 
ehesten hinkommt gibt es im Englischen so wohl nicht.

Gemeinsamkeiten kann man immer finden, entscheidend ist doch, dass die von
uns geforderten Kriterien für den tag hier nicht eingehalten werden (aus
dem Wiki: A vending machine is a machine which dispenses items such as
snacks, beverages, alcohol, cigarettes, lottery tickets, cologne, consumer
products and even gold and gems to customers automatically, after the
customer inserts currency or credit into the machine.).

Naja dann muss man wohl eher das diskutieren, weil das ist Wikipeda CP. 
Vorher war da der Text aus dem proposal:

Vending machines do appear more and more in very different kinds. As 
they are increasingly a part of everybody’s life, there is also a need 
to bring them on maps or in to routing devices. In most cases there 
should also be given a hint to the type of goods the machine offers. 


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Umfrageplattform freigegeben

2015-04-11 Thread Andreas Goss
Bekomme nach dem Login immer den Fehler Could not load language file 

Und dann kann ich sonst irgendwie nix machen.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Taginfo challenge

2015-03-16 Thread Andreas Goss

I've found a dozen really incompetent imports by following up on
oddities in Taginfo.  Simply fixing the tags would do nothing
but mask the bad data.

It would allow me to actually find the stuff that really wrong. As it 
stands now I'm not going to waste my time fixing 200 capital language 
spellings like de-DEjust to find a few bad ones.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Taginfo challenge

2015-03-15 Thread Andreas Goss
But we were never talking about such changes. We were talking about 
changing Highway=footway into highway=footway.

On 3/14/15 23:32 , SomeoneElse wrote:

On 14/03/2015 21:48, Andreas Goss wrote:

Just because people some people make bad decisions when mapping, doesn't
mean that the whole project has to lower its standards.

And some people in this case are what? 99%? I seriously there are many
people who would spend a second though when changing Toilets=

As an aside I'd guess, based on the tag-changing changesets that I see
in the history list locally, that between 30-50% of them are
problematical in some way:

o Sometimes what was tagged originally was nonsensical, and the correct
response should be clearly that makes no sense; I need to resurvey it
rather than let me just change the tags to something that looks valid

o Sometimes some non-standard tag is removed because the person
editing remotely simply does not understand the concept that the
original mapper was trying to get across.  It might very well be that
there _isn't_ an appropriate tag in wide use in OSM right now; but
removing the original mappers tag is not the right thing to do.

o Sometimes the person changing the tags is acting in good faith based
on external QA such as the JOSM validator*, or the OSM wiki. An example
would be the assumption that the wiki that coniferous was synonymous
with not deciduous.

So to answer the original question, I think that most mappers _would_
give a second thought to an obvious tag change.  It doesn't mean that
they wouldn't change hihgway=footway to highway=footway, but it does
mean that they'd have a look at see if it really did look like a footway



* and it's worth mentioning here that every time I've raised a validator
false positive with the JOSM developers they've resolved the issue
almost immediately.


talk mailing list


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Taginfo challenge

2015-03-14 Thread Andreas Goss

Just because people some people make bad decisions when mapping, doesn't
mean that the whole project has to lower its standards.

And some people in this case are what? 99%? I seriously there are many 
people who would spend a second though when changing Toilets=


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Taginfo-Challenge

2015-03-14 Thread Andreas Goss
Da ich letztes mal noch keine Antwort bekommen hatte, wie sieht es mit 
case sensitive key aus?

Spielt das für die Datenbank eine Rolle, also sollten alle key klein 
sein? Oder ist es egal, dann wäre es gut wenn Taginfo das da einfach 

On 3/13/15 07:52 , Jochen Topf wrote:


Eine Woche nach meiner Taginfo-Challange haben wir einen sichtbaren Knick
in der Statistik, wie man hier sehen kann:

Aber es sieht so aus, als ob das Interesse schon nachläßt. Oder vielleicht
ist es auch, weil alle diese Woche auf der FOSSGIS sind. Es gibt noch viel
zu tun. Weiter so!

Wer nicht weiß, wovon ich rede, kann das hier nachlesen:



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Taginfo challenge

2015-03-14 Thread Andreas Goss
And how many mappers would actually bother to check something if they 
spot it? I think a huge majority would just change ToiletS to toilets, 
so I doubt a bot would be much worse.

At least it would encourage me to work on that key overview, because 
after 10min last week I gave up, because it was so annoying to see and 
fix all those capital letters.

A case fix is perfectly safe, except when it's not.

A crummy import may have brought ToiletS=yes.
But it might not mean the same thing as toilets=yes.

On occasion there will be a Tag=foo and tag=fum the same object.

talk mailing list


talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Is a saddlery limited to horses? (BE English)

2015-03-08 Thread Andreas Goss

Just having a discussion here:

In German you also often find something like a Autosattlerei which 
means car-saddlery (usually doing car seats). Does the word not have the 
same meaning in English? In German there always seems to be a bit of a 
overlapp with upholsterer and saddler, it seems like this isn't the case 
in English so saddler should really be limited to horses, is that correct?


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Neue taginfo-Features und eine Herausforderug

2015-03-07 Thread Andreas Goss
Mir ist bei den ganzen name:xx= ist grade aufgefallen, dass das Tool 
case sensitive ist. Spielt das generell eine Rolle bei OSM? Dann wäre 
ein automatischer Edit vielleicht gut. Ansonsten vielleicht ignorieren?

On 3/5/15 17:26 , Jochen Topf wrote:


Taginfo hat gerade ein neues Feature bekommen, es kann jetzt ähnliche Keys
finden. Nützlich ist das um verwandte Keys zu finden, aber auch um jede
Menge Vertipper zu finden und zu korrigieren. Und ich hoffe die Community
wird letzteres kräftig tun...

Mehr dazu unter



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Neue taginfo-Features und eine Herausforderug

2015-03-07 Thread Andreas Goss
Das nutze ich doch gleich mal um auf das häufige/mögliche Tagging Fehler 
Projekt im Wiki aufmerksam zu machen:

Wenn jemand etwas findet darf er es dort gerne mit dem Template 
einbringen und alle dürfen natürlich beim abarbeiten helfen (ihr findet 
auf den verlinkten Seiten unten immer einen Absatz dazu).

Auch hier sei noch einmal darauf hingewiesen keine mechanischen Edits 


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Warning: OSM password phishing

2015-02-22 Thread Andreas Goss
Please everybody report it here:

Maybe leave a comment to the real OSM Forum.

And as already pointed out do not post the URL anywhere. If you do make 
it anywhere post it so it's not obvious as a URL in the first place. Or 
use an image.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] amenity=bicycle_repair_station :::: only 18 so far

2015-01-27 Thread Andreas Goss

With only 50 some nodes, it is hard to argue for rendering.

I don't think rendering is important here. What would be much better is 
a very simple smartphone app just to find the nearest one and then also 
just integrate it in all the existing bicycle maps.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [Tagging] Deprecation of associatedStreet-relations

2015-01-25 Thread Andreas Goss

Bref une nouvelle relation encore peu utilisée veut remplacer une
relation ancienne; sans réel changement fonctionnel.

If google translate got this right... no we don't want to replace it 
with another relation, we just want to use addr:street.

Maybe you in France have access to government data, but we in Germany 
mostly don't and many countries neither, in some places maybe not even 
the government has it.

And then those relations just make everything more complicated, lack 
members or mappers break them by accident. I just started cleaning up 
them and that already got rid of most of them, because they were 
utterly incomplete. Why should I support and keep a tagging schema when 
all over Bavaria maybe 5 areas have a dozen complete (associated)Street 


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] TagFinder - eine Volltext-Suchmaschine für OSM Tags (Prototyp)

2015-01-19 Thread Andreas Goss

Related Terms:

Also soweit ich das sehe werden die aus irgendeinem Wörterbuch gezogen, 

z.B. wenn ich gym suche...
...bekomme ich leisure=sports_centre und dort ist gym nicht angegeben. 
Das finde ich etwas unglücklich, da man bei OpenStreetMap oft sehr wert 
legt auf genaues Tagging und soetwas dann sehr irreführend sein könnte.

Fände es besser, wenn man auf die Wiki related terms zugreift und 
anzeigt und vielleicht him Hintergrund noch andere Datenbanken mit 

PS @ all: Die richtige Wiki Syntax ist übrigens
{{RelatedTermList| {{RelatedTerm|Begriff1}} {{RelatedTerm|Begriff2}} 
{{RelatedTerm|Begriff3}} }}

und nicht nur die related term Klammern einzeln.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Change: How mature is OpenStreetMap?

2015-01-06 Thread Andreas Goss

* People are making discussions that come to no conclusion, this is so

I guess one of the main reasons is that you often don't have to come to 
a conclusion. There is no pressue. If there is no agreement everybody 
just keeps tagging like before. I have this with fitness centre/gym now 
again. A few replies and then nobody cares.
(compared to Wikipedia, where in the end you actually want to write 
something on the page, so you have to agree on something and can't just 
mash everything on a page)

(compare with Wikipedia)

I think the main difference is that most of the Wikipedia stuff is 
discussed on Wikipedia. Meanwhile the OSM database is seperated from the 
Wiki. In addition mailinglists and Forums are used by a lot more people 
than talk: pages.

I keep preaching it over and over again, but unfortunately very few 
people are willing to invest time into the Wiki. It's just so sad when 
you look on TagInfo and see how many tags lack a documentation.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New building colour

2015-01-05 Thread Andreas Goss

IMHO it is much better - on low zoom levels maps is now less cluttered
and on high zoom levels POIs are now more visible.


Honestly I love this simple grey for buildings. I think they are visible 
enough, but don't stick out too much. Which in my opinion is exactly how 
it is supposed to be as buildings of course should be visible, but 
aren't as important as other POIs or landmarks.

Now I look at my village and the village square and various POIs really 
pop out and nothing gets lost. Even streets and other landuses seem to 
stand out more.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM-Tagging in Wikidata

2014-12-29 Thread Andreas Goss
I think I got the value template working... no idea how. Maybe someone 
else did something at the same time -_- Might depend on the position of 
the |wikidata= line in the template. Maybe you could have a look.

Also {{!}}- class{{=}}'d_wikidata content' was missing the content 
part. Someone else just noticed, too and fixed that, not sure if that 
could have been the error.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] 663 Bäume mit identischer Internetaddresse..

2014-12-21 Thread Andreas Goss

die website gehört zu einem Friedhof.


Im Mittelpunkt eines RuheBiotopes steht immer ein Baum. Um diese Bäume 
herum können biologisch abbaubare Urnen beigesetzt werden


Bäume sind da also eher wie Gräber zu sehen und die Namen unterscheiden 
sich auch, eben wie Grabnummern (sollte eher ref=* sein)

Also man kann jetzt diskutieren ob das Sinn macht oder nicht, aber da 
hat sich schon jemand was bei gedacht. Ich würde jetzt eher eine 
relation für sinnvoll halten und auch die URL kürzer machen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki - contact: Tag Map Features

2014-12-19 Thread Andreas Goss

There are also strange suggestions like contact:webcam (how would you
contact someone via his public webcam?) and some documented keys are not
even used 5 times (one has no occurence at all). These are at best
proposals but shouldn't be in a Key:-Definition page.

And with contact:facebook, contact:twitter etc. you have a similar 
issue, because not every company uses it that way. Some might just have 
a page and post stuff, but never reply or read anything.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki - contact: Tag Map Features

2014-12-19 Thread Andreas Goss

In one go, there's this:

I still don't see when that is that usefull. I mean yeah it's nice to 
see which tags people use, but that could just be documented in the 
Wiki. When editing POIs then when a POI has contact information that 
usually makes up the majority of the tags anyway so contact: sorting 
helps little here (just look at the average store or restaurant). I 
actually find it easier to just look at the first letter of a tag to 
find it than to look at the letter after contact: Not to mention that 
it's much nicer for autocomplete.

I kida doubt someone will make an app and then just filter for 
contact:* Would you really want to list fax these days? Or 10x social 
media websites and not filter for the 2-3 common ones? Don't you want to 
format the address nicely? At that point it seems to be like you already 
have to look at each individual key anyway.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Wiki - contact: Tag Map Features

2014-12-18 Thread Andreas Goss

Thought I'd post this here too, because it's a bit more than just tagging.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Honestly the people supporting this contact: tag are annoying me more 
and more.

They try to push that tag everywhere even when the tag without the
prefix is used 10x more. The try to make the Wiki page sound like they
are still present more often in the database. Put it on the MapFeatures
Page. On shop/craft Wiki pages they try to push it as supplementary
tags. Another guy does a mass edit for all social media tags and puts
the contact: prefix in front of it (still not sure all facebook tags
have been reverted).

Is there any solution to this? It's really no fun when I come back to
edit a Wiki again and see that it happened again. Especially this
replacing and not even trying to give the user a choice.

═══ Talk:Map_Features ═══

  Not only that. Why do you want to remove tags that are in widespread use in 
OSM? Xxzme (talk) 15:27, 4 December 2014 (UTC)

  Because this page should list only major OSM features in widespread use.

  It is not written anywhere. This is only your subjective opinion about how big 
Map Features should be.
  You are trying to enforce your opinion about how wiki should look like. 
Instead of single view enforced by single user, users should compare multiple approaches 
and pick one for them. Do not remove valid information. Xxzme (talk) 10:39, 5 December 
2014 (UTC)

Picked out this Quote, there is a lot more to read. I completely agree
with the view that MapFeatures really is just for major features or at
least for tags where there is no disagreement. Something that's not
clear should not be there. And especially a tag or whole template that's 
used far less than a equivalent tag should not be there.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki - contact: Tag Map Features

2014-12-18 Thread Andreas Goss

This is the ad populum fallacy. Any attempt to improve a tagging scheme
will always start out being numerically weaker regardless of the merit
of the proposal. To further confuse things there are people like myself
who will sometimes tag *both* schemes because although we see the need
for change we understand that there is a lot invested in the existing

But then they should make a proposal, discuss it and have a vote. 
Especially if a tag is that important for them. But somehow just trying 
to push it will get you nowhere.

I mean it maybe works with tags that aren't used that often or when a 
new key was introduced like emergency=* which might fit better than amenity.

I'm not saying that established convention is not important, just that
raw numbers shouldn't be the be-all and end-all when it comes to

But raw numbers are still a main factor. We just need some rules when it 
comes to the wiki. We can't have anybody putting his tagging ideas there.

What about creating a single wiki page that describes both schemes and
provides a brief description of the pros and cons of each one? Once
this is done other wiki pages can link to it and mappers can decide for
themselves which is the most appropriate.

Well, it's kinda what contact does.

Problem is also that the tags are often put on other pages as 
usefull/suggested combination and you don't want to have everything 2x 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki - contact: Tag Map Features

2014-12-18 Thread Andreas Goss

Of course they can, otherwise the wiki ceases to be a description of the
tags used in the database and starts becoming the aspirations of a
clique of wiki-fiddlers.

So if i think Tag:amenity=place_of_worship should be leisure=* then I 
should just it like that and put leisure=place_of_worship on MapFeatures 
and the leisure template?

Ofc you can document stuff somewhere (especially you own page) so it can 
be found and what your idea behind it is, but not like that.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Gemeinsamer Account

2014-11-30 Thread Andreas Goss

 jedes Mediawiki kann nativ Commons-Dateien als interne Links anzeigen.

Um es noch einmal etwas deutlicher zu sagen, da viele es nicht wissen. 
Ihr könnte Bilder von Wikimedia Commons einfach im OSM Wiki einbinden 
indem ihr den Dateinamen angebt.

Siehe auch hier letzer Punkt:

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Request for feedback: new building colours in openstreetmap-carto

2014-11-29 Thread Andreas Goss

Does it always have to be red/brown-ish?

I would much more prefer some simple different shades of grey.

This would also look better with most overlays in my opinion.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Rettungsplatz

2014-09-22 Thread Andreas Goss
Wir hatten die Diskussion auch schon im Forum und Rettungplätze scheinen 
doch schon etwas spezieller zu sein als einfache Sammelpunkte/plätze

Mir würde jetzt zuerst emergency=rescue_area in den Sinn kommen, habe 
aber auch evacuation_site gefunden. Ich glaube man sollte da am besten 
auf der Tagging liste mal fragen, teilweise könnten die Begriffe auch 
einfach Synonyme mit assembly_point sein.

von der Beschreibung her sollen dort wohl die geflüchteten Personen aus
dem brennenden Tunnel  sich versammeln und betreut/gerettet werden.
Das entspricht imho der Funktion eines Sammelplatzes.

Ich würde
highway=service vorschlagen


Am 21.09.2014 um 23:54 schrieb Helmut Kauer:

Griaß eich,
ich habe hier in Traunstein sogenannte Rettungsplätze. Dies sind Plätze an den
Ausgängen der Fluchtwege eines Straßentunnels. Sie sind angelegt wie
Parkplätze, jedoch mit dem Schild Absolutes Halteverbot und dem Zusatzschild
Rettungsplatz versehen. Wie sollte man diese Flächen mappen? Als Parkplatz
und PKW, ...nein ausweisen?

Gruß Helmut

Talk-de mailing list


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] regexp search over wiki pages?

2014-09-14 Thread Andreas Goss

I am trying to search something like \w+:description in wikipages,
is there some method or search engine to do that?

Have you tried with google and site: ?

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wochenaufgabe - war: Wochennotiz Nr. 216 2.9.–8.9.2014 (emergency=access_point)

2014-09-11 Thread Andreas Goss
Ich habe es auch grade im Forum angesprochen und wollte es hier auch 
noch mal erwähnen, ich bin ja immernoch dafür das ganze mit 
emergency=access_point anstatt mit highway=emergency_access_point zu 
taggen auch wenn letzters schon häufig benutzt wird.

Es wurde mit highway=emergency_phone = emergency=phone auch schon 
gemacht. Ein großer Vorteil in diesem Fall wäre auch hier, dass man 
vorrübergehen beide Tags in der Datenbank lassen könnte. Finde es 
einfach komisch, wenn da emergency in der highway value stehe und wenn 
wir einen emergency= key haben. Es ist auch fraglich ob jeder access 
point etwas mit dem highway= key zu tun hat: Luft/Wasser Rettung. Auch 
wenn man sich Emergency Cleanup 
( anschaut 
geht der Trend klar Richtung emergency=. Tags wie amenity=police oder 
amenity=fire station sind inzwischen schon eher die Außnahme, es gibt 
sonst glaube ich auch keinen highway= tag der etwas mit 
Rettung(sdiensten) zu tun hat.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] tag with value lists Was: Proposed mechanical edit to convert alt_name tags

2014-09-09 Thread Andreas Goss

Isnt the semicolon the list seperator typically used in OSM? My
intuitive answer would have been alt_name=a;b;c;d

Isn't this sometimes going to cause issues when it comes to the number 
of characters?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] This has to stop: User Diaries Spam

2014-09-05 Thread Andreas Goss

Would it be possible that I volunteer for deleting incoming spam on user
diaries ? I could also put up a webpage listing the bans acted, allowing
full transparency if neccessary.

I think the problem -if I understood it correctly- is that it can only 
be done by some top admins. Someone whould have to program it so they 
could give someone moderator rights so they could let more people help 
without destroying anything else.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Own wikipage for every single speed limit??

2014-08-28 Thread Andreas Goss

The problem behind this is that there is no way to mark the reason why there is
a redirect.

Well, there is a little trick ;)

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Anfänger: Hausnummern als eigener Node oder ans Gebäude?

2014-08-28 Thread Andreas Goss

Wo trage ich z.B. die contact:*

Dürfte ich mal fragen wie du auf contact: gekommen bist? Ist nämlich 
nicht grade die gängigste Tagging Variante.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] shop=pharmacy Tag enfernen, wenn amenity=pharmacy vorhanden

2014-08-04 Thread Andreas Goss
Ich hatte mir nach dem Kommentar im Diary das Ganze mal etwas genauer 
angeschaut und es scheint vorallem in Deutschland vorzukommen.

Bei genauerem hinsehen wurde dann auch klar warum: wheelmap_visitor

Von daher jetzt meine Frage, wäre es in Ordnung, wenn ich in Deutschland 
mit einem mass edit überall den shop=pharmacy Tag entferne, WENN 
amenity=pharmacy vorhanden ist? Siehe:

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] shop=pharmacy Tag enfernen, wenn amenity=pharmacy vorhanden

2014-08-04 Thread Andreas Goss

Einfach mal zufällig reingeklickt:

Nicht die einzig Quelle dieses Tags, aber vermutlich der Grund warum 
Deutschland hier besonders hervorsticht.

der Wheelmap-Visitor sollte meines Wissens nur für
wheelchair=yes|no|limited eingesetzt werden. Natürlich taucht der
trotzdem als letzter Bearbeiter auf, wenn die wheelmap amenity=pharmacy
auch nur als solches erkennt und bearbeiten lässt, aber ich bezweifle,
dass sie der Ursprung der Tags ist.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] shop=pharmacy Tag enfernen, wenn amenity=pharmacy vorhanden

2014-08-04 Thread Andreas Goss

ggf. sollte man das wohl auch dem Wheelmap Editor Maintainer mitteilen, so
dass das Problem an der Quelle behoben wird, sofern das nicht bereits
geschehen ist.

Habe der iPhone App mal einen Test POI erstellt, da wurde inzwischen 


Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk] Fixing common possible Tagging Mistakes

2014-08-03 Thread Andreas Goss
I have been trying to document all the common tags for keys like 
amenity, shop, craft etc. in the Wiki using TagInfo. In the process I 
found several low usage tags that might have other matching well 
established tags. I put a small section with a Taginfo box and Overpass 
API link on those pages allowing mappers to find these tags in their 
area to fix them with local knowledge as some Tags might indeed be 
valid. Now I also added a category to them to make it easier to find all 
such tags in one's area!

Would be great if everybody could take a look in his/her region and 
maybe clean up some outdated tags!

Also feel free to add the code to other pages or remove/discuss it if 
you think it doesn't fit somewhere.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using Notes in France

2014-07-30 Thread Andreas Goss

create a note for missing addresses, shops, pharmacies, etc. Such
notes do not help contributors because it is so obvious and does not
bring any information or error report helping the others.

Missing POIs are not obvious at all. I can't look at 
and see Oh there is a shop or pharmacy missing here.

In Germany those notes are very common and mappers usually gladly 
impelent them. Usually it is also easy to confirm them with a qick 
google search and some people even post a URL. (The last carto update 
also made those mappers really happy, because we get a lot of notes for 
stuff that is in the DB, but not shown on the map)

For addresses it depends. A lot of addresses missing in the area? I 
agree no point in creating notes. A single address missing when 
everything around is covered? Certaily valid to point that out.

It just a bit arrongant or coming from people thinking that contributions have
to be prioritized like street names before buildings, etc.

Considering I mainly use street names for navigation and to find stuff 
on the map I don't see how it is arrogant. Dozen of houses missing in an 
area usually does not make a big difference, a few street names missing 
on the other hand are much more likely to result in a bad user experiance.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using Notes in France

2014-07-30 Thread Andreas Goss
I have used and would have been glad if it was the 
other way round: People pointing out the few places where streets are 
missing opposed to knowing, well somewhere in the city there is supposed 
to be a street named xyz,  but you have no idea where it is. Obviously 
here it's the same as I pointed out for addresses it should only be done 
if almost all of the streetnames in the area are mapped.

Am 7/30/14 10:32 , schrieb JB:

Hey, I think you are loosing the point. It is different to say « Here is
a pharmacy missing » (carry an information) than to say « here is the
street name missing » (IMO carry no information). While I like the first
one (and even prefer it wher the name is added), I don't like the
second, that looks too much as remote note opening, and adds no
information (IMO) to the contributor.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Liste gestört?

2014-07-28 Thread Andreas Goss

Also bei mir funktioniert noch alles:

(Die Mails geht aber nicht an meine Emailadresse sondern kommen von dem, vielleicht liegt es daran?)

auf meiner Seite wurde nichts geändert, aber seit dem 18.7. kam keine
Listenmail mehr herein.
Ist gerade Sommerpause?


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Upcoming openstreetmap-carto changes

2014-07-25 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 7/25/14 14:21 , schrieb Andy Street:

It's a public footpath i.e. private property over which the public has
been granted a right of access (on foot). Since everything but
pedestrian access is not permitted it therefore tagged as
access=private, foot=yes.

Not an expert here, but this sounds more like:

access=permissive - Open to general traffic until such time as the owner 
revokes the permission which they are legally allowed to do at any time 
in the future.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki translate extension

2014-07-24 Thread Andreas Goss

As for improving translation tasks on OSM wiki, how would you feel about
the Mediawiki Translate extension ?

I'm against any kind of automatic translation tool, which will just 
cause more errors. When I look up a word I'm usually at least presented 
with more than one translation.

Also this seems geared towards 1:1 translations, which in the 
OpenStreetMap Wiki often isn't the reality, because some things are 
different from country to country. Or for example usefull combinations 
or see also might be different. Some pages might even be very country 
specific and a short summary for other languages might be enough as long 
as there is a English documentation. Also warnings like Do not confuse 
with xyz might only make sense in one language.

What we really need is people actually editing the Wiki in the first 
place and in my opinion the best way to get people to do so would be a 
better editor:


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki translate extension

2014-07-24 Thread Andreas Goss

extension moved from requiring mediawiki 1.23 to requiring mediawiki 1.24
which is still in development.

Can't you just use the old version that worked with 1.23?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki translate extension

2014-07-24 Thread Andreas Goss

 Using the same Wiki with language namespacing implements the concept of
 very close translations - the structure is the same for everyone, and
 the translator is just expected to fill in the blanks. I don't believe
 that this will lead to high-quality documentation; I believe this will
 be at best a little better than automatic translation.

But that concept is not really reality. There a dozen for German pages 
which are completely different from the English one, but both cover that 
topic in a way that is usefull for people who get to that page.

The main advantage I see with keeping everything in one Wiki is that it 
is a lot easier to find tagging or translation mistakes.

Often when I am going to translate an article, I try to improve it, but
because the english article is considered the main one, I end up
having to improve the english article as well. This can be a big
productivity killer.

Completely agree with you. As pointed out in the other mail the issue is 
not just translation, but documentation in the first place. I just tried 
to translate all the craft= pages, but bascially I have to fix the 
template on the English page first every time. For vending= which I did 
before I bacially had to create every single page.

I have to say that it wasn't intuitive to understand that, linking to
other wiki page from a page in portuguese will link to an english page
unless I stick a Pt: prefix before it.

On the one hand that's bad on the other hand it's also an advantage, 
because I bet most of the time the portuguese page does not exist, so 
forcing a create page would be worse.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki translate extension

2014-07-24 Thread Andreas Goss

If there is country specific information about a tag then I would like
to be aware of it, as it could be useful for other countries/languages too.

And if I open a DE:feature I would like to be presentet with the 
information relevant to my country in the first place.

If I open DE:bicycle_something then I don't want to be presented with 
various signs that are used in the US, South Africa, Japan or Mexico. I 
want to see the sign that I saw on the ground in Germany and then how to 
tag it.

So I want to see these signs:

And not these:

If you want country relevant information on every translation then you 
do have to look though a dozen different signs 99.99% of the people 
reading that page are never goingto use. And those are sign that are 
easy to spot. Now make that text...

That could be as simple as copying it to the English language page (marking it 
as requiring translation) or if it's longer providing a link on the English 
language page.

You are still going to present me with a lot of information that is not 
usefull for my country. And it will get worse once you try to translate 
non-English pages back. From German to Englisch you are then going to 
get funny stuff like [PLEASE DON'T CONFUSE evangelical with evangelical!!!]


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Grillfleisch-Automat

2014-07-20 Thread Andreas Goss


Ich grabe das hier noch einmal aus.

Was haltet ihr davon bei Essen  Trinken erst eine grobe Gliederung zu 
machen z.B. nach diese Liste wie hier

Dann wäre es vending=meat + food:bbq=yes.

Dadurch würde man die vending= tags in Grenzen halten, aber könnte schon 
einmal grob sehen, ob es an einem Automaten Gemüse oder Snacks gibt.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] vending_machine=yes in France

2014-07-20 Thread Andreas Goss

and milk

The food and drink tags are the one I didn't really touch yet or let's 
say later realized it was pretty complicated.

The problem is that if you look in taginfo you see a lot of different 
vending machines for some kind of food/drink products. This would result 
in a lot of different vending= tags. So the question is do we really 
want this or do we use vending=drinks + drink:milk=yes, obviously this 
means that you also need dink:soft_drink=yes instead of just assuming it 
like now.

I honestly not a huge fan of that, but on the other hand I also don't 
want half of the vending= tags to be for different kind of foods from
asparagus, tomatoes over potatos to cheese and eggs. Maybe meet somwhere 
in the middle and use vending=vegetables + food:...


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Place-nodes von Großgemeinden wurden gelöscht

2014-07-19 Thread Andreas Goss

ich denke, dass Großgemeinden keinen place-node bekommen sollten.
place=* beschreibt eine Ansiedlung bestimmter Größe. Eine Großgemeinde
ist ein administrativer Zusammenschluss mehrerer solcher Ansiedlungen.
Das ist dann eine Sache für boundary-Relationen.

Mit der Logik müsste man dann auch Bayern usw. rausnehmen

Ich habe ja schon im Ursprungsposting gesagt, dass ich mich dieser
Argumentation nicht entziehe. Wie aber bekommen wir dann die
Diskrepanz aus der Karte, dass der Name von Kleinstgemeinden
gerendert wird aber diejenige von Großgemeinden nicht und somit die
Orientierung erschwert bis verunmöglicht?

Es gibt role=label 
was im Moment aber nicht wirklich unterstützt bzw. wohl nur zusammen mit 
place nodes? Man bräuchte dann wohl etwas wie place=label oder label=yes

Von dem rauslöschen halte ich nichts. Derjenige sollte sich vorher erst 
einmal um einer alternative Lösung kümmern, zumal es eben das gängige 
tagging ist.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-GB] Solarium vs. Sunbed Salon vs. Tanning Salon

2014-07-16 Thread Andreas Goss

What is usually used in British English? Or did I maybe even miss something?

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Solarium vs. Sunbed Salon vs. Tanning Salon

2014-07-16 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 7/16/14 20:09 , schrieb SK53:

I think all are acceptable. FWIW I've always followed Harry Wood's
dictum and lumped these in as shop=beauty (aka Beauty Salon) possibly
with a sub-tag beauty=tanning. But given the paucity of usage on, I suspect I haven't been consistent.

I saw that in the German Forum. My main issue with this is that it is a 
shop in the first place.

So if at all I would think of somthing like amenity=beauty_salon, but...

 As many solaria/tanning salons offer other
'beauty' treatments I think this is another reason why sub-tagging is
the way to go.

While that is certainly true, there are also many which don't (e.g. )
If i tag that with beauty then the tag on its own becomes basically 
worthless and you will always need a beauty= or beauty:tanning=yes.

Tattooists are surpisingly frequent and usually
sufficiently distinct that there is no need to stretch the beauty tag
further than necessary.

Although again I don't think it is a shop, but should be craft=

Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] vending_machine=yes in France

2014-07-13 Thread Andreas Goss
I'm cleaning up vending and saw that vending_machine=yes was used in 
some places in France:

1. amenity=bicycle_rental
I don't see the point. The tag itself already indicates the difference 
to shop=bicycle+service:bicycle:rental=yes

2. public_transport
Probably indicates vending=public_transport_tickets, but would it be 
wrong to set the tags if the is a drinkfood vending machine? At least 
you would need vending=* . I can see the idea, but I don't think we 
should tag everything on the platform with ...=yes (I could for example 
see that causes problems with the operator= tag as I for example have 
seen railway vending machines as bus stops close to the train station). 
In some places there was also a great public_transport schema in place, 
then I would just put the node for the amenity=vending_machine + 
vending=public_transport_tickets into the stop_area relation.

What do you think?

Greetings from Germany,

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] vending_machine=yes in France

2014-07-13 Thread Andreas Goss

1. amenity=bicycle_rental

The good tag is vending=yes, rent process not available at all station.
It's more clear in french translation

I don't speak French so this is what google gives me: yes for stations 
that have a possibility of payment and ticket printer (registration 
shortest possible time in these stations).

First of all I don't understand why this tag covers payment, when we 
have payment= which can be used in many ways.

Then I assume you always need some kind of ticket for the bike?

So then it depends if you just want to set payment:ticket (or something 
like that) on the station or do you include the vending machine, because 
then you might as well just set payment:cash=yes (I mean if I got to a 
cinema I also don't tagg it with vending=yes, because i can get the 
ticket right there and pay with cash). The stations where you can't do 
this are then different, because payment:cash=no. Maybe we should then 
consider a new value for payment like only and then you set 
payment:vcub_ticket=only. At least I think that is the direction this 
should be going.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] wie tagge ich Zeltplätze?

2014-07-06 Thread Andreas Goss

das wichtigste vorweg: Was Mapnik oder wer auch immer wie rendert hat
mit einer Taggingdiskussion erstmal nichts zutun.

In der Theorie vielleicht, aber in der Relität mappen viele dann doch 
für den Renderer bzw. fühlen sich zumindest durch diesen bestätigt. Wenn 
ich denke Wohnwagen = caravan und danach werde ich durch das Bild 
bestätigt, dann schau ich wohl eher nicht noch ins Wiki.

Ob das entsprechende Tag nun motor_home, caravan oder xyz123 heißt ist
erstmal egal. Wesentlich ist die Beschreibung auf der Wiki-Seite. Wenn
du der Meinung bist, dass es klarer werden muss, kannst du dich da gerne
austoben, solange du an der Kernaussage nichts änderst.

Das Problem ist, dass du nicht immer davon ausgehen kannst, dass jeder 
ins Wiki schaut bzw. alles genau ließt. Wenn ich als Deutscher 
Wohnwagen=ja taggen würde, dann würde ich auch nicht ins Wiki schauen, 
weil es einfach logisch ist. Und ein nicht unbedeutender Teil der 
Community Spricht Englisch als Muttersprache und nicht jede Sprache hat 
dieses Zweideutigkeit Problem.

Daher ist Meiner Meinung nach eine Definition mit dem korrekten 
Englischen (BE) Wort mit einer der wichtigsten Schritte beim Tagging und 
sollte immer einer der ersten Schritte sein.
Je weniger Einträge ich in der Datenbank habe und von je weniger 
Applikationen sie benutzt werden, desto einfacher ist sie umdzudefinieren.

Abgesehen davon sind das auch tags, die in viele Zusammenhängen benutzt 
werden können z.B. bei den Elektro Ladestationen wurde neulich auch 
gefragt. D.h. du hast mehrere Seiten auf denen der Begriff verwendet 
wird und damit immer das Risko, dass er unterschiedlich definiert wird. 
Und dann auch noch Englisches Wiki vs. Deutsches Wiki vs. ... 
(fireplace=yes ist da z.B. ein sehr schönes Beispiel)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wie exakt Landnutzungsflächen eintragen?

2014-07-05 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 7/4/14 21:02 , schrieb Sascha Pomplun:

endet die Fläche der Schule
auch exakt an der Grundstücksgrenze. Nicht in der Mitte einer Straße

Welche Straße? Eine Straße ist eine Fläche.
Im Editor bzw. Datenbank ist eine Straße eine unendlich dünne Verbindung 
zwischen zwei Punkten (Objekt ohne jede Ausdehnung).

Ich persönlich kann verstehen, warum viele Leute so mappen wie du und 
fasse das in der Regel auch nicht an und mappe auch selber oft so, aber 
dieses auf der Straße Argument im Editor macht einfach keinen Sinn.

Nach der Logik dürftest du auch keinen Zaun mit einer Grasfläche 
verbinden, weil dann liegt nämlich Gras mitten auf deinem Zaun oder dein 
Zaunpfahl schwebt über dem Gras.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] amenity=charging_station - Plugs?! (Wochenaufgabe)

2014-07-03 Thread Andreas Goss
Mir ist das grade bei den Tesla Ladestationen aufgefallen: Sollte man 
die Stationen wo schon ein Kabel dran ist nicht eher mit plug: taggen? 
Bzw./Oder eventuell auch angeben, dass ein Kabel vorhanden ist?

Habe das hier als Beispiel in Deutschland gefunden:

Oder z.B. eine Herstellerseite:


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Fahrradrouting - Wie verbessern?

2014-07-01 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 7/1/14 11:04 , schrieb Volker Schmidt:

- surface
- evtl tracktype

Hier könnte man auf jeden Fall im Wiki Anfangen und mehr Beispiele 
reinpacken. Insbesondere bei tracktype sollte man für die grades eigene 
Seiten anlegen mit ein paar Bildergallerien. Vorallem da bisher viele 
Bilder nicht Größer als 150x150px sind.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Grillfleisch-Automat

2014-06-30 Thread Andreas Goss

Nur bbq reicht nicht als Wert.

Man könnte auch über food gehen:


Ist halt die Frage wie man vending=food definiert. Wenn das automatisch 
immer ein Snackautomat ist, dann macht das natürlich wenig Sinn. 
Andererseits hat es eben den Vorteil, dass ich nicht für jedes 
Nahrungsmittel einen neuen vending=tag brauche, dann müsste ich halt nur 
jedes mal vending=food; food:snacks=yes setzten, wenn ich diesen 
typischen Automaten am Bahnhof meine.

Denke es wird sowieso irgendwann einen tag food: wie bei drink: geben

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Grillfleisch-Automat

2014-06-30 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 6/30/14 23:32 , schrieb Alexander Lehner:

5.) [koennte man sich vorstellen, dass ein Automat auch beides verkauft]:

Gängig ist es das mit vending=drinks;food zu taggen (+Rest). Ist nicht 
wirklich schön, aber irgendwo ist die Unterscheidung zwischen drinks und 
food doch sinnvoll denke ich. Mir fällt nur leider auch keine bessere 
Lösung ein.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] vending=photos - Fotoautomaten?!

2014-06-27 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 6/26/14 23:44 , schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Ich finde das Schema mit vending_machine besser als photo_booth

für welche Art Maschine? Es ist ja evtl. noch gar nicht komplett klar, was 
vending=photos bedeuten soll, könnten z.B. auch die Automaten sein, wo man in 
Selbstbedienung Abzüge von Digitalfotos machen kann.

Also ich bin in Deutschland mal durchgegangen und es waren fast alle 
irgendwie als Fotoautomaten identifizierbar. Viele hatten einen namen, 
operator, note, description tag oder changenote mit Fotofix oder 
ähnlichem wie Photoautomat (Blerli) oder Passbildautomat. Die 
Standortkarte der Hersteller hat es auch fast immer bestätigt bzw. der 
Standort an sich war schon recht offensichtlich (U-Bahn station etc.) 
Wobei es in Berlin auch einen in der Uni-Bib gab glaube ich, da vermute 
ich doch eher einen Drucker.

Im Moment versuche ich die Japanische Community zu erreichen (die haben 
noch die meisten, weil ich mir da 
wirklich vorstellen könnte, dass die irgendwelche anderen abgespaceten 
Automaten haben, leider hatte ich da noch kein Glück. Hab an die Mailing 
liste geschrieben, aber bin mir nicht sicher ob das ankam.

Ansonsten denke ich kann man auf jeden Fall ein Argument für vending 
machen, dann würde ich es aber mit amenity=vending_machine + 
vending=photo_booth taggen, dann ist klar was gemeint ist. Dann könnte 
man auch alle amenity=photo_booth so umtaggen und die restlichen 
vending=photos mit der Zeit abarbeiten.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] vending=photos - Fotoautomaten?!

2014-06-27 Thread Andreas Goss

amenity=vending_machine + vending=photo_booth taggen, dann ist klar was 
gemeint ist.

ja, ein Automat der Fotoautomaten verkauft;-)

operator=alibaba ;D

Dann könnte man auch alle amenity=photo_booth so umtaggen und die restlichen 
vending=photos mit der Zeit abarbeiten.

für mich ist der amenity tag besser geeignet als vending machine für die 
Automaten, wo man gegen Bezahlung ein Foto machen und nach kurzer Wartezeit 
mitnehmen kann. Was verkauft wird ist m.E. in erster Linie ein Service (dass 
ein Foto aufgenommen wird), ich würde das eher nicht als Verkaufsautomat 

Ja bei denen bin ich 50:50. Sehe beides irgendwo. Englisches wiki steht 
z.B. erster Satz: A photo booth is a vending machine...

Anders als bei den Packstationen. Das ist eigentlich wirklich kein vending.

Im Deutschen Wikipedia heißt das ganze auch Selbstbedienungsautomat = 
Vending machine wäre wohl der bessere Begriff (self-service) gewesen, 
aber das scheint es im englischen so nicht wirklich zu geben. Vielleicht 
muss man es dann einfach so interpretieren und nicht direkt als 
Weil da passt dann alles rein: Ein Selbstbedienungsautomat ist ein 
Apparat, der Waren gegen Bezahlung ausgibt (Verkaufsautomat) oder den 
Zugang zu abgesperrten Räumen oder Dienstleistungen ermöglicht.


Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-ja] Undefined vending=photos tags in Japan

2014-06-26 Thread Andreas Goss


I'm from Germany and cleaning up the amenity=vending_machine / vending=* 

vending=photos has been used in some counties among then a lot in Japan 
( In Germany it turned out most of the 
time what people meant was a photo booth 
( If 
that's the case then please replace the tags in Japan, at least the ones 
you know that they are photo booths.

If the tag amenity=vending_machine + vending=photos was used for 
something else then please document it in the Wiki or look if there 
already exists a correct tag that for those POIs, because so far that 
combination is not defined.


Talk-ja mailing list

[Talk-de] vending=photos - Fotoautomaten?!

2014-06-25 Thread Andreas Goss
Ich räume grade etwas bei amenity=vending_machine/vending=* auf bzw. 
versuche ein Template mit den gängigen Tags zu erstellen.

Dabei bin ich über vending=photos gestolpert, was soweit ich das sehe 
überhaupt nicht dokumentiert ist und am häufigsten in Deutschland 
vorkommt (

Übersehe ich da etwas oder sind das fast alles diese Pass-Fotoautomaten, 
die eigentlich mit amenity=photo_booth getaggt werden sollten?


Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] attribution=Permission NOT granted for reuse

2014-06-23 Thread Andreas Goss

Just found this:

legal-talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Life Ring - British English

2014-06-16 Thread Andreas Goss
I'm trying to clean up the emergency tags in the Wiki and found 
emergency=life_ring as well as some less used other tag combinations 
with amenity and buoy.

Is life ring how it is commonly referred to in British English. Just 
wanted to make sure it's not literal translation from German and isn't 
used in the UK at all. Wikipedia lists a lot of different names. I guess 
lifebuoy is more American? And is it written life ring or lifering? Both 

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Worldwide non-surveyed tag edits

2014-06-12 Thread Andreas Goss

Now I could seeing that just fix it to
name = Bandar Road
highway = unclassified (I could at aerial imagery and guess the correct

Not really sure how you meant it, but just to be sure:
Unclassified is used for minor public roads typically at the lowest 
level of the interconnecting grid network.
Road with an unknown classification.
This tag should be used temporarily until the road has been properly 
surveyed. Once it is surveyed the highway tag should be changed to 
record the appropriate classification.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Tagging für Geocaches

2014-05-31 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 5/31/14 14:43 , schrieb 715371:

Dann habe ich im Wiki und per Google nach Tagging-Vorschläge für
Geocaches gesucht, aber keine gefunden. Gibt es Vorschläge für das
Erfassen von Geocaches?

Wenn es dahingehend bisher nichts gibt, wäre die erste Frage denke ich 
nicht **wie** sie erfasst werden sollen, sondern **ob** sie überhaupt in 
der OpenStreetMap Datenbank erfasst werden sollen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] taggen von Schwimmbaedern?

2014-05-26 Thread Andreas Goss

vermutlich solltest Du ein Ticket dafür erstellen, sofern es nicht schon eins 
gibt. Ich würde nicht das Mapping anpassen sondern das Rendering


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] ARD Ratgeber: Internet - Alternativen zu Google-Maps Open Source

2014-05-25 Thread Andreas Goss

Naja ein wenig. Wenn man ein OSM-Routerfrontend mit einem Datenstand
von 10/2012 nutzt, braucht man sich auch nicht über das Ergebnis
wundern. Warum haben sie nur ein wenig falsch gemacht? Der Router wird
halt recht prominent erwähnt. Bspw. auf der Seite
oder auch im osm-wiki. Google-Ranking tut dann sein übriges.

Wenn man OSM routing sucht ist bei mir gleich 2x 
das top Ergebinis. Und das OSM-Data for Routing: 29.10.12 im Ecke habe 
ich erst jetzt gesehen.
Sehe das auch eher so, dass es in der Verantwortung der Community liegt 
die Seiten mit den Links aktuell zu halten und Seitenbetreiber 
vielleicht zu bitten solche Daten Informationen prominenter darzustellen.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] ARD Ratgeber: Internet - Alternativen zu Google-Maps Open Source

2014-05-24 Thread Andreas Goss



Alternativen zu Google-Maps:

Deeplink: Open Source:

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] This has to stop: User Diaries Spam

2014-05-21 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 5/19/14 18:23 , schrieb Arlindo Pereira:

Would it be too hard to implement a simple captcha on this page?

Arlindo Nighto

I don't think it is done by bots, at least most of the posts. So that 
would not do much.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] This has to stop: User Diaries Spam

2014-05-14 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 5/14/14 15:59 , schrieb Theodin:

I think it would be better to remove the twitter integration of all user 
diaries and only use
certain official ones like the weekly summmary.

If you only want weekly summaries you can already just only follow 
@openstreetmap or for the German one @OSMBlogde. Not sure if there are 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] This has to stop: User Diaries Spam

2014-05-14 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 5/14/14 14:46 , schrieb Pieren:

On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Andreas Goss wrote:

BUT something has to be done against the Spam on the User Diaries page.

Soon or later, we will have more spam than real diary entries if it's
not already the case. Since the devs have no will or resources to
struggle against spam, I would suggest to remove the diary feature


I just think the diaries are too important for that, right now. They are 
pretty pretty much the only place where you can share something with the 
community outside of mailing lists. In addition those blog entries can 
actually be formatted and shared online compared to mailing lists. 

OpenStreetMap does not really have a news page, which gets regular 
updates and submitting the larger announcements to the official blog to 
be published will be even more work.

Also they are on the domain which means is really 
great from a SEO perspective (compared to private blogs), which 
unfortunately also is the main reason for all the Spam.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] This has to stop: User Diaries Spam

2014-05-13 Thread Andreas Goss
First of all let me say I'm a huge fan of the diaries, I think it is 
great that OpenStreetMap gives every user the chance to present his own 
blog to a larger audiance.

BUT something has to be done against the Spam on the User Diaries page. 
This could be done by moderating faster, but then there is still the 
problem with Twitter and other feed based systems.

Just today I got this:

You know what the first thing is I would do if I wasn't really committed 
to OpenStreetMap? I would UNFOLLOW that account. I actually had this set 
up for Facebook, but got rid of it, because it was so annoying.

OpenStreetMap already isn't doing that much regarding social media and 
Marketin/PR, so can we at least do it right with the few channels that 

The best solution in my opinion -if possible- would be to limit the 
access to diaries to accounts that have existed for a certain time and 
have some edits (just like 1 week and 5-10 Edits) or maybe easier 
require moderator approval for every account that isn't 1 week or month 
old. A general approval for the diaries by moderator approval for the 
first posts only might also be a solution.

I also wrote 2 diary entries about this some time ago:


PS: Then there is also the issue with profile backlink spam and while 
there is a page on the wiki to report it, but usually very little 
happens if you do:


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] 3D-Mapping

2014-05-07 Thread Andreas Goss

Kann man gelöschte Dinge eigentlich irgendwie suchen und wieder finden?
Beispielsweise mit einer Boundingbox?

Im Moment kannst du auch einfach noch den Mapstyle ändern. Viele updaten 
da langsamer.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Hi

2014-05-02 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 5/2/14 13:29 , schrieb Hans De Kryger:

Has anyone ever thought of developing a program to compare street names
from tiger to street names in osm? I know I've come across plenty of
errors in which the street name is misspelled or completely wrong.

In Germany we have a tool that compares street names in OSM to a simple 
List of names in a wiki page.

For Example Munich:


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] added hundrets of stores with payment:bitcoin=yes, which don't accept Bitcoin

2014-04-30 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 4/30/14 12:06 , schrieb Pavol Rusnak:

On 04/30/2014 10:55 AM, Yves wrote:

That was what I meant, or whatever tag they see fit.

Coinmap author here. I think payment:bitcoin=menufy makes more sense.

Sounds great at frist glance, but when you look closer at the payment= 
Key then it becomes a 
issue as you can't use =interval anymore. While this isn't really a 
problem with menufy, I could see services like this where you want to 
use it, so it might not be a good idea to establish this kind of tagging 
and rather have something like payment:bitcoin_menufy=yes or simply have 
a completely different tag that just states that they use menufy, like 
menufy=yes (probably is some better version I can't think of).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] added hundrets of stores with payment:bitcoin=yes, which don't accept Bitcoin

2014-04-30 Thread Andreas Goss


/u/dansfloyd (Reddit) who works at Menufy finally replied:

I believe it is just random bitcoin supporters... we have had some issues with 
people not understanding that the bitcoin purchases have to be made online, and not in 
the restaurant.

So sorry for the subject of the mail :(


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] added hundrets of stores with payment:bitcoin=yes, which don't accept Bitcoin

2014-04-29 Thread Andreas Goss
I just stumbled over

So far it looks like or someone else has been adding hundrets 
of restaurants with payment:bitcoin=yes to OpenStreetMap, even though 
most of those restaurants do NOT accept Bitcoin at their physical location.

This is the user account:

It sometimes refer to this 
which even states: The proprietors might not even be aware that they 
are accepting bitcoin payments.

It would be great if someone with more experiance could look into this, 
especially as a revert is probably needed at least for the 
Bitcoin-payment tag.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] added hundrets of stores with payment:bitcoin=yes, which don't accept Bitcoin

2014-04-29 Thread Andreas Goss

Am 4/30/14 01:18 , schrieb Simon Poole:

I would be less concerned about the bitcoin aspect of it

I think that is a pretty important aspect considering that CoinMap seems 
to be pretty popular in the Bitcoin community. But if users end up going 
to restaurants where they can't pay with Bitcoin and the owner does not 
even know what Bitcoins are they are going to be get frustrated and use 
alternative services. Which then also means that there is less 
initiative for business owners accepting Bitcoin to make sure they are 
(correctly) listed on OpenStreetMap.

Considering CoinMap has 4000+ listing (according to some recent 
articles) then 700 wrong listings are a significant amount of bad data 
(assuming most of the stores do indeed not accept Bitcoin at they 
physical location).


PS: I honestly didn't even consider the overall legal aspect of this.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Upload of copyrighted map images from OSM to Facebook

2014-04-24 Thread Andreas Goss

4/15/14 20:05 , schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

I think we can keep the logo as it is protected as a registered brand,
but even if you remove the map image from our page they will continue to
have the rights on it they reserve in their terms (maybe we could file a
copyright complaint and then they will have to remove it).

...This IP License ends when you delete your IP content...


legal-talk mailing list